#alolan moonlight
stoutlandtrainer · 11 months
Behold, box pile >:D
[Insert image of oh so many folded up boxes on the grass]
Finally finished unpacking all of my boxes! Now to find where to put these...
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harukadrawsthings · 1 year
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Yesterday night I was feeling soft, so I pulled this illustration.
At first, in the first weeks upon adoption, Ash was the only one singing a lullaby to Destiny. Goh didn't know any good lyrics and was timid, making it harder to calm her down in those evenings where she was crying and struggling to fall asleep. Hope learnt about this problem in her first visit to Ash and Goh's apartment since they became parents. As such, she improvised the composition of a lullaby with Goh's voice, her Alolan roots and the Ketchum family's connection to Cosmog's evolutionary chain in mind by creating a lyric-less melody that's hummed in a slow tempo and is structured with a piano and ukulele instrumental. When she played and sung this, Destiny fell asleep, and gifted the song to her as "The Chant of the Moone". Hope asked Goh to sing the lullaby himself in the next time because although it worked with her own voice, the song would work better with a deeper one like his. Goh heard the song over and over in the next day to memorise the tune and once the moon showed up high... it was time to try to sing it. "Can this work out?...", he thought. "I can't sing as well as Hope and Ash can.", he added. The first humming notes were shaky and paused as a result of those insecurities. However, a glance to his daughter's attentive purple eyes and to the moonlight bathing the division were enough to stop worrying. So he took a deep breathing and begun to sing more confidently. Without realising, he was now singing with soul. Enchanted by the lullaby, Destiny calmed down and quickly fell asleep, bringing relief to her parent. Alas... the singing was so beautiful that Ash had gotten up from bed and went to the living room to listen to his husband, and tell him "Goh... I could listen to the lullaby for the whole night. You were amazing!". "T-Thank you! But part of the merit goes to Hope's talent.", humbly replied the flattered Goh.
Since this evening on, when it's his turn to help Destiny to fall asleep, Goh proudly sings the Chant of the Moone to his little Cosmog. Whenever night falls, the moon will always be somewhere in the sky reminding him there’s nothing he cannot do.
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
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Goh © Nintendo/TPC
Destiny © HarukaDrawsThings
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Mmm. How about kid fan reader for some of the Galar Gym Leaders? (Milo, Kabu, Allister) Probably from a different region and became a fan from watching their battles. Kid finally gets the chance to meet their idols so they show the gym leaders their ace partner. Sceptile for Milo, Heatmor for Kabu, and Alolan Marowak for Allister. Maybe the fan even asks for a battle?
(Dunno if you do requests for Milo and Allister, I’m kinda new to your tumblr. If not that’s fine. Could you please do Kabu at least?)
awww, cute little kiddo fans!!! the best kind of fans!!!
All your life, you had wanted to meet Milo. After seeing videos of the various Galar gym leaders on the internet, you and your Sceptile, then a Treeko, were both hooked. You liked Milo from the get go, as he specialized in grass types, like your favorite ace at your side. He inspired you both to do your best, despite grass types having so many type disadvantages. You become stronger together, and for your birthday, your parents surprise you with tickets to Galar to witness the Galarian Star Tournament
You fly to Galar with Sceptile and your parents, and attend the tournament together. It's incredible, everything you wanted it to be. You have a blast cheering Milo on, even if he doesn't win the tournament. And as you're winding down from the excitement, your parents surprise you yet again with VIP tickets to actually meet Milo. And you nearly faint.
Milo, honestly, is a tad surprised by how wound up you are by meeting him. Your eyes shine with stars as you shake his hands, shyly introducing yourself and your Sceptile before falling into a rambling mess of telling him how he's your hero. Milo laughs, touched and endeared by your cute adoration, and lifts you up onto his arm for a picture. You look so happy, and you hug his neck so tight, giving Milo a high to ride for the next month. He loves meeting little fans like you
Kabu has always been your favorite gym leader, ever since you understood what a gym leader was. You saw how cool and calm and confident he was, despite being older than most everyone that took on the Galar gym challenge, and you wanted to be just like him as an adult. And now, as you nervously wait for the chance to meet the man himself, you worry about annoying him by being too enthusiastic or annoying. Heatmor is the only one keeping you from folding under the anticipation of meeting your hero
As Kabu approaches the small crowd of people waiting to meet and take pictures, he notices you cower behind your guardian, your Heatmor trying to soothe you. He goes through the other people there first, waiting to see if you'll approach on your own, but you only seem to grow more shy. So, once you become the last to remain, Kabu approaches you himself
He introduces himself, and you quietly do the same, telling Kabu that you and your Heatmor really look up to Kabu and his skills. Kabu kneels before you, and asks if you want to battle him, one v one. The shock on your face is cute, but you sheepishly agree as Heatmor shoots a burst of fire in excitement. The battle is intense, and you nearly explode from the joy and giddiness, racing to hug Kabu in the rush of your emotions. And Kabu cradles the back of your head, smiling down at you, glad he got the chance to meet you
You've admired Allister since he became a gym leader not too long ago. He's your age, and he's a gym leader! You think he's super cool, as does your partner Pokémon, Marowak. You both are desperate to meet Allister, battle him and get ideas on how to become stronger yourselves. So when your parents reveal that your next vacation will be to Galar, you and Marowak have a celebration, planning on how to meet Allister
You meet him unintentionally. Marowak wants to visit the nearby graveyard to dance beneath the moonlight and mourn the fallen comrades he knew before he met and joined you. But as you approach, you see various Gastly and Haunters floating about, snickering. The closer you get, the more evident it gets that they're surrounding a person. Allister.
You're both surprised to see the other, but you take advantage of the happy accident. Allister jolts from your excited introduction, flustered by your endless stream of praise and admiration. He's meek at first, but your Marowak intrigues him. So with the encouragement of his ghost Pokémon, he sits with you and shyly talks with you, so overwhelmed by the fact he has a fan, and one his age! Maybe you both could be. . . friends?
ta da! i hope i did your request justice!!
have a great night!!
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stars-over-water · 6 months
For Vivian's sanity, I am being forced to type this. Hello, I'm Link. I use All pronouns. I am I-Don't-Really-Know-How-Old but am physically an adult. According to Vivian I'm considered a "Faller", but no physical falling occured, I just woke up in the incorrect body of water.
<BZZT GOOD ENOUGH. I'm Vivian, I'm 50% Rotom 50% P0ry-GON so if you see/catch any weird habits, it's because half of my metaphorically digital genome is malware/garbage. I'm not sure/positive/clear on how I work either! Don't ask! I'm one of currently FOUR pokémon lured in/seduced by Link's bafflingly potent feral wiles/Vibes. BZZT>
<BZZT Highlights also include/consist of A Shiny Alolan/Island Vulpix, something that MAY have been a Zoroark if Zoroark were Ghosts/Undead, and a Shiny Wild Bisharp because apparently swordfighting/engaging in melee combat with a fucking/goddamn Bisharp is charming to them I Guess. Proper list Below. BZZT>
Vivian: Rotom/Porygon, N/A (She/her), no levels for cellphones! (level 33)
Sprite: Alolan Vulpix, Female, Shiny, approx. level 23
Zen: Hisuian Zoroark, Male, approx. level 41
Fi: Bisharp, Female, approx. level 56
Sheik: Absol, Male, approx. level 35. Yellow, show breed of Absol.
>< ><
This is a Legend of Zelda faller. Shit is gonna get weird & fucked up. Please engage with understanding lol.
Takes place wherever is convenient or amusing during X/Y, specifically Y.
Mun/Admin is @autocannibalistic-impulse, but interacts from @cannibalistic-impulse! I also run @moonlight-seraph and @flowers-in-orre. I have a discord that I can distribute on request to RP partners if you DM me about it :)
Asks are welcome and encouraged <3!
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Heyo Astra Here Your Resident Demon Pokemon Trainer she/her please. I'm from another dimension, Essentially a Faller, my memory is a bit hazy i don't know quite how I got here. I started off in Alola but I'm in Unova now (teleport, I can teleport).
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(Character design made on baydew's character maker)
My pokemon team:
Patron The Absol (he/him) (I have his mega stone) is my starter fell with me
Aurora the (shiny) Alolan Ninetails (she/her) she found me when I fell, I landed on mount lanakila.
Chronos the umbreon (he/him), found him on my travels when I ended up in Paldea
Simon the lucario (he/him) raised him from a riolo he followed me back to where I was staying and practically begged me to catch him
Misque the Mimikyu (they/them) i found them while I was in paldea they were really nice and cute and followed me home too.
Benni the Beedrill (she/her) she followed me back from my home world, I think, she seemed to be as lost as I was when I met her.
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Uhh here's a picture of me I guess....
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I'm Chaos Glow (he/him) I'm the embodiment of Chaos... I uhh... used to be trapped in a like Shell thing keeping me bound so I didn't like... destroy anything it's been like a hundred years or something and my pokemon and I were put in this like stasis thing. Astra let's me post on here... she's my protector I guess even though I'm probably older than her time wise but physically I'm only like 15...
I'm nocturnal by nature and am usually active when Astra is sleeping. I like to go on moonlight walks to clear the voices in my head and just clear my head in general. When I go on a midnight walk I tend to post on the blog documenting it and posting pictures of my mons. Moonlight walks will be tagged with "A Moonlight Walk"
Uhh my pokemon team:
Lilith the Indeedee (she/her)
Myst the lilligant (she/her)
Master the dusk form Lycanroc (he/him)
Majesty the Absol (she/her)
Galaxy the Clefable (she/her)
Stella the violet core minior (she/her)
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//OOC below the cut
Hello Mod Luna Back at it again with another faller blog this one has no relation to the Aloura stuff it's just for fun, Astra can teleport so she's going to be visiting a lot of regions and she will probably be reaching out to blogs for mini rp interactions. There's also Chaos he's the embodiment of chaos who will mostly just be messing around on this blog
She's 25 and is just living her life to the fullest.
As for Chaos yeah he's technically really old from being locked away but he's also physically and mentally a minor (15) so no NSFW asks for him thank you. I won't be taking NSFW for Astra either actually so just don't.
Feel free to send them asks and magic anons
- Mod Luna
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toxx-apex-727 · 8 months
Ok I think it's time for an intro post.
So uh. Alola. I'm Toxx. (He/him)
I'm just some guy who works as a pokecenter barista in Malie, my hometown. ....I'm also a chosen of Marshdow now. what is my life
My pokemon are:
Asmodeus (Torracat, m)
Squeezekeys (Chargabug, m)
Abyss (Mimikyu, f)
Rhapsody (Noibat, f)
Malu (Marshadow, x ✨)
Toxx's body patch notes (I didn't think I'd need this but here we are):
Black sclera + photosensitivity
Black hair (it used to be brown)
Blends into shadows
Can hide inside of shadows
Hands and feet are pitch black and kinda ghostly going in a gradient up to my elbows/knees
I fucking sparkle.
I am a arcdamn magical girl.
Aaand I'm Skel. Hello. (He/him)
I'm a faller who's stuck with Toxx now that I'm here. Also I'm apparently half demon, so there's that. I.. also have a persona now. I always use purple red text on my posts, just to differentiate between me n' Toxx.
My pokemon are:
Doobie (Alolan Meowth, m)
Arsène (Absol, m)
Moonlight (Eevee, f ✨)
Skel's body patch notes (bc why not keep track):
Straight black horns on my forehead
Long, fluffy black tail with a red stripe down the top and a white tip
Yellow eyes + better eyesight (my eyes used to be brown and I wore glasses)
Black bat wings that are apparently retractable (thankfully.) There's a bit of a raised black line going down my back that they come out of (idk how it works, but tbh I don't really care.)
Better healing I think?
I can use some spells
Hi, Toxx's cringefail alter ego here! Time for the ooc stuff.
You can call me Alter ego for short if you want, or just @sociallyodd260 since that's where i follow and stuff from lol. I don't really care what you wanna call me tbh. My pronouns are he/him.
It's just me modding this lil sideblog in my spare time, and sorry if I dont post here all that frequently TvT
All I ask is please no nsfw asks. both muses and mod is ace and just overall not a fan, so nothing too sus please! But feel free to bug Toxx n' Skel in the inbox all you want! Send them shit with pelliper mail! Also, feel free to dm me or send an ooc ask if you wanna set something up rp-wise, I'm pretty much always down.
[[also, me speaking on the blog or in the tags is gonna look like this]]
[[ooc: or occasionally like this]]
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legendary-cookies · 1 year
What teams would the legends have?
Or what would be their aces
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A few years ago I had made these teams for the Elemental Four
Since then I've changed their teams a bit but it's only those four for now
Here's what I've thought of:
Sea Fairy: Vaporeon, Primarina, Milotic, Clefable, Lapras, Alolan Ninetales
Moonlight: Umbreon, Delphox, Gothitelle, Mightyena, Lunatone, Hatterene
Fire Spirit: Flareon, Charizard, Rapidash, Druddigon, Volcarona, Salamence
Wind Archer: Leafeon, Decidueye, Lilligant, Corviknight, Trevenant, Altaria
Sea Fairy uses Water and Fairy types, Moonlight uses Psychic and Dark types, Fire Spirit uses Fire and Dragon type, and Wind Archer uses Flying and Grass types
I actually wrote these down some time ago so maybe there'd be a few changes I'd make since Scarlet and Violet came out after I made these teams
I think their aces would either be their Eeveelutions or their starters because I'm a sucker for matching lol
I do remember it being really fun to pick out Pokémon based on typing and Pokédex entries though so I'll definitely make teams for the other Legends at some point!
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trainer-lodge · 2 years
@alolan-moonlight: hey lillie!!!! nice to see that you're making new friends and having lot's of fun!!! :) see anything cool lately? i sure have..... the other day i think i saw a tree disappear into thin air here on pasio..... but i mightv'e just been seeing things haha >u<
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{Once again, i can’t be bothered to update the verses page, seeing as this idea is still a wip anyways, but-- For some level of commitment to that pokemon au/verse, imma slap up this post lol-- tho imma toss most of it under a cut, because long post--}
𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼: Ace Trainer
𝓞𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓬𝓬𝓾𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼: Pokemon/Contest Coordinator, Hobbyist Photographer
{𝓣𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻}
𝑴𝒊𝒛𝒖𝒏𝒂 {Serperior} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Overgrow
{Move Set} Energy Ball Gigia Drain Leaf Blade Wrap/Wring Out
𝑲𝒆𝒊 {Liepard} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Limber
{Move Set} Thunder Wave Double Team Night Slash Foul Play
𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 {Ninetales} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Flash Fire
{Move Set} Flamethrower Fire Blast Psyshock Hypnosis
𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒐𝒏 {Umbreon} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Synchronize/Inner Focus
{Move Set} Quick Attack/Assurance Confuse Ray Moonlight Pursuit
𝑨𝒛𝒖𝒌𝒊 {Braixen} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Blaze/Magician
{Move Set} Psychic Fire Spin Heat Wave Magic Coat
𝒀𝒖𝒛𝒖 {Mawile} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Hyper Cutter
{Move Set} Flash Cannon Play Rough Iron Head Crunch
{𝓡𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻}
𝑲𝒐𝒋𝒊 {Alolan Meowth} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Technician
{Move Set} Feint Attack Dark Pulse Torment Bite
𝑨𝒚𝒖𝒎𝒖 {Torracat} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Blaze
{Move Set} Lick/Fire Fang Flamethrower Flame Charge Body Slam
𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒋𝒊𝒏 {Luxray} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Intimidate
{Move Set} Thunder Fang Discharge Thunder Roar/Charge/Swift
𝑰𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒖 {Zangoose} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Immunity
{Move Set} Crush Claw Poison Jab X-Scissor Revenge
𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒂𝒓𝒖 {Lycanroc - Midnight form} | ♂ | 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Keen Eye/Vital Spirit
{Move Set} Stealth Rock Stone Edge Reversal Counter
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vanwolffen · 1 year
I finished Snuff recently, and started Raising Steam...
Haven't finished the second one.
It made me think of how gremlins usually appear on machinery and like to disassemble it. Maybe a gremlin is just a goblin from another part of the world...
And, I just wen full Alolan logic with this.
They tad bit smaller, and a tad bit darker from not hiding in the shadows but rather living and hiding from predator and humans in trees. They have are equally inquisitive and curious.
They have more technology since their tactics and smaller frame allow them to sneak around more easily than regular Goblins.
But when they meet each other, they recognize their own people, and they begin to share technologies and favourite places to hide.
They do disagree in one area tho, food. While goblins love rats, gremlins can't stand them. They prefer to hunt for either birds or insects that they can easily find on the trees. They also like fruits, since they are readily available, that's also a reason that they are less malnourished than Goblins.
Meanwhile goblins hate their taste in cuisine, saying that the only proper food is rat stew.
Gremlins don't have that many words for The Dark. But they have half a dozen words for moonlight and types of rain.
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stoutlandtrainer · 1 year
So I've decided, I'm moving to Alola...
I'll be back in Nimbasa City (With some time in Accumula Town) for a week or two in July to pack up my stuff and prepare for the move. Missy is going to be left with my parents since I don't think I'm allowed to take a foster pokemon with me. I've managed to find a decently cheap place on Melemele Island near the beach and the Pokemon Center nearby is hiring for a barista, and I've already submitted my resume.
To think that only about a year ago I had made the move from Accumula town to Nimbasa City to pursue a career in fashion design, and I thought that was a big move. Now I'm headed off to live in a different region... This is a new chapter in my life and it'll be filled with different adventures than the ones I would've faces staying in Unova.
Can't wait to spend my nights looking up at the Alolan sky full of stars, but I'll miss the bright lights of the big city.
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wyvern-walkthroughs · 7 months
~ Part 2: Route 1
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Three months have passed since the video call with Professor Kukui.
The screen is panned out over one of the Alola region's islands, Melemele Island, showcasing the different landmarks including a bay, Ten Karat Hill and a small city. Depending on the version you're using the time will either be day(UltraSun), with clear blue waters or night(UltraMoon) with the starry night sky reflected in the salty waters.
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The camera pans down to a house settled on the east side of the island. A child will run down the pathway in front of the house chasing after an Alolan Meowth.
The camera pans over to a tan-skinned woman standing on a terrace with a Kantonian Meowth beside her as she is basking in the sunlight/moonlight. She tells the Pokémon to wake up the player.
The Meowth runs off inside and into a room decorated to fit the gender of the player, running to the bed to wake them. After you sit up and leave the room (or explore first and interact with objects) your mother will step inside and talk to you about meeting the Alolan Pokémon. She then tells you to grab your accessories.
After putting on your hat and bag your mother encourages you to go out and explore. You're now free to leave the house.
Stepping outside you have two paths you can take but only one is open. That would be the pathway to the left, an inclined path with several NPCs to interact with. As you walk around you'll see bird Pokémon flying above. Wingulls(UltraSun) or Murkrow(UltraMoon).
Upon reaching the small patch of grass up ahead something rustles from within. A short cutscene shows a wild Pokémon running out and towards you, and it isn't friendly. As it tries to get closer three Pokémon suddenly rush out and get in between you and the wild Pokémon, successfully scaring it off.
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After thanking your little trio of saviors, Kukui shows up from behind you as you run to him. He proclaims he didn't recognize you at first and asks if you're okay before properly greeting you, afterwards telling you about the three Pokémon that saved you. Right after he insists that you take one to become your starter Pokémon.
Once you've selected your partner Pokémon Kukui insists you go and visit the Island Kahuna in Iki Town.
Upon walking forward into the grass you're thrust into your first Pokémon battle with a Lv. 3 wild Alolan Rattata. Its only moves are Tackle and Tail Whip.
Walking further up the path you'll find two paths blocked off. The northern pathway is barricaded and the eastern path is blocked by a pair of Pokémon Trainers having a battle.
Heading west you'll find a Lass next to a signpost and across the patch of grass is a Potion you can collect. Avoid the grass by going behind the signpost.
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Continue west and you'll be greeted with a short cutscene. A boy about your age runs down the steps and over to you, energetically introducing himself as Hau. After complimenting you on your Pokémon choice Professor Kukui appears with the other two starter Pokémon in tow, apologizing to Hau for letting the player choose their starter first. Hau is then allowed to choose his partner Pokémon.
Hau will always choose the starter weakest to the one that you chose. So if you chose Popplio, Hau will choose Litten.
After choosing his starter, Hau will challenge you to a Pokémon Battle.
After you win the battle Hau excitedly congratulates you and your Pokémon. Professor Kukui insists that you continue on into Iki Town. Before you do, continue west through a thick patch of grass to collect a Paralyze Heal. Head back and up the steps ahead into Iki Town.
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~ ◀️ [PART 1: INTRO]
~ [PART 3: IKI TOWN] ▶️
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cookie-cuttles · 1 year
Well shit there's a 3 way tie according to tumblr.
Round 2 of the Squid sisters pokemon for the pmd au! To give everyone some help with the choices, here's their contest preformances!
For the Tail lights their signature show is titled Dual Waves. Both of them starts off by making huge waves of water and electricity with chunks of ice or swift projectiles inside. Then once the waves are ready, both Callie and marie will jump onto surfboards (chunk of ice and Callie's tail) and slams the waves into their opponents.
For the Sauropod Sisters, the shows called Starfall Calamity. The two use their size to dump out as many particles they can control to create a small Galaxy made of ice, rock, swift, and psychic powers. To top it all off, Callie would use psychic to pick up the audience, while Marie uses haze to really sell the space vibes.
For the Sister Scales the show is called Desert Night. They start off by filling the battlefield with sand and rocks. Then they use Sunny day, Moonlight and swift to make a day/night shift. To finish it all off, Both Callie and Marie use fire type attacks to warm up the surrounding area complete that desert vibe.
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I just caught Lunala in my Winona team run of Pokemon Moon, so all that’s left is Mount Lanakila and the Elite Four.
My Dragonair had been seriously lagging behind in power thanks to having no good moves, but in Aether Paradise it learned aqua tail and then toxic via TM, meaning she could finally do some good damage.
I beat the second fight with Faba without taking any damage!  Hau’s Alolan Raichu got one-shot though, so, uh. F in chat, gamers.
My Flying-type team beat Guzma very easily of course :) BUT his Ariados almost beat my Noctowl with two sucker punches and his Masquerain almost beat my Pelipper with just two attacks and Pelipper only held on with affection?? I guess his Pokemon must have good EVs and IVs or something, dang.
When I made it to Poni Island I quickly realized I forgot to buy the bulldoze TM an entire island ago.  That probably would have been helpful.  I also encountered a completely random trainer, not even one of those trainers you can only battle after clearing every other trainer on the route, who had a Toxapex with a Poison-type Z-move???
I did a bit of grinding just before entering the Vast Poni Canyon, and my Dragonair finally learned a good STAB move with dragon rush.
The Hapu battle was pretty easy thanks to my Pelipper one-shotting her Alolan Dugtrio and her Mudsdale.  I was watching a movie with someone during this fight and wasn’t paying close attention, but I remember my Dragonair’s toxic was really useful for taking down her Gastrodon.
The totem Kommo-o battle was over with just a single moonblast from my Noctowl and a single dazzling gleam from my Altaria.  It was a very anticlimactic final trial.
Lusamine’s Clefable was a WALL with cosmic power and moonlight, but my Skarmory somehow handled it.  Then of course her Milotic had recover???  Thanks to some dumb AI choices my Tropius managed to solo her Milotic even though its hydro pump dealt significant damage.  Also her Mismagius and Bewear both used pain split for no reason when they could have knocked out my Pokemon, which was strange but appreciated.
Here’s what my team’s looking like now:
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ashrifts · 2 years
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ran's pokemon team 💖 unnecessarily detailed explanations below !
🌺– ALOLAN MAROWAK, the bone keeper.
pokédex entry: when it beats opponents with its bone, the cursed flames spread to them. no amount of water will stop those flames from burning. nickname: armani.
skull motif, family theme, a stick to bonk enemies with... what else needs to be said?
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🌺– SEVIPER, the fang snake.
pokédex entry: seviper is known for its angry disposition, immobilizing its opponents by wrapping its body around them. nickname: versace.
stereotypical cartoon villain pokemon that always gets defeated by the heroes, perfect for the haitanis 💖 he does genuinely like snakes, though! the haitanis' fighting style is to constrict their opponent and striking them while they're down, which is reflected in their spider/snake tattoos ( plus their colors match. yes, ran did choose seviper specifically because of it ).
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🌺– LURANTIS, the bloom sickle.
pokédex entry: it requires a lot of effort to maintain lurantis's vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this work and treat it as their hobby / as it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it's dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous grass pokémon. nickname: vuitton.
ran's favorite things have his name in them ( in japanese ), so why wouldn't he love the orchid pokemon too? luRANtis speaks for itself. high maintenance, pretty and elegant even in the middle of a fight... ran has never felt more identified with a pokemon in his life. except for maybe slakoth.
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🌺– MAWILE, the deceiver.
pokédex entry: a cunning and terrifying pokémon, its cuteness makes opponents let down their guard—and then it swallows them whole with its huge jaws. nickname: dior.
another pokemon that matches his aesthetic, but the whole "trick your enemies and then rip them apart" is also very ran-core.
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🌺– UMBREON, the moonlight.
pokédex entry: when darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby. nickname: prada.
no real explanation for this one other than it also matches his aesthetic and is a pair with arph's rindou's espeon. unfortunately for ran, umbreons tend to be nocturnal LMAO
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🌺– GARDEVOIR, the embrace.
pokédex entry: it will dedicate itself to defending a master it has come to adore. its pure white dress, reminiscent of those worn by ladies of nobility, is the dress of one who is willing to risk their life. nickname: balenciaga.
definitely too selfless to fit ran's personality, but he is surprisingly loyal when he really likes someone... and most importantly, it's also a very beautiful and elegant, therefore in his opinion fits him perfectly. also a pair with arph's rindou's gallade.
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honorary mentions: misdreavus ( his usual partner in mischief ), plusle ( matching with rindou's minun )
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petnews2day · 2 years
Our Complete List Of Cat Pokemon
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Our Complete List Of Cat Pokemon
Pokémon is a series fueled by innovation and incredible partners with whom you go on a journey and develop close emotional connections. Fans widely adore the games worldwide, some of the Pokémon in the games were purely created through imagination, and real-world animals inspired the others. You can see many examples of Pokémon species inspired by real-world animals or objects. Still, today we will be focusing on one of my favorite types, cat pokemon.
Whether lions, Tigers, Panthers, or domesticated cats, these Pokémon are loved and adored by everyone. Here I will discuss every cat Pokemon introduced in the series. This might change with the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, so we will try our best to keep you updated.
Do note that I will not include mega evolutions and Gigantimax forms in the list. Still, I will talk about a few Pokémon that could have made it on the list, but I chose not to for various reasons.
Now Read: All 9 Generations of Pokemon Starters (2022)
List of All Cat Pokemon
1.       Meowth
·         Number:          52
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Species:           Scratch Cat Pokemon
Meowth has been a staple character of the Pokémon anime for a long time, appearing as the mascot of Team Rocket (Jessie and James) from the anime. He rose to fame by being the only Pokémon who could speak a human language, unlike psychic Pokémon who used their thoughts to communicate. This loveable cat was based on the Japanese good luck charm. This Pokémon was featured in the first generation making it one of the original, memorable creations. Sadly it was never that cool in the games, and the only unique move it knew was Payday.
Meowth Variants
Alolan Meowth
·         Type: Dark
Meowth is a very versatile Pokémon. When in Alola, it spent a lot of time with Royalty, so it became accustomed to luxury. Alolan Meowth is selfish, impulsive, and fickle; many people adore giving it attention which it loves. It can also be seen in junkyards fighting against Murkrow for shiny objects they would both like.
Galarian Meowth
·         Type: Steel
Traveling the seas and living with strong sea-faring adventurers, this Meowth has parts of its body turned into iron. It has become more savage and strong than its other variants; the black coin on its head signifies its strength. The darker coins are stronger, which determines Meowth’s strength and respect among its type.
2.       Persian
·         Number:          53
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Classy Cat Pokemon
Famous for being Giovanni’s pet Pokémon, this elegant cat’s defining feature is the gem on its forehead. I bet everyone who has seen the anime thinks this Pokémon is evil. Still, it is a fairly competent and cool normal-type Pokémon that’s quick on its feet.
Alolan Persian
·         Type: Dark
It has a violent temperament and sharp claws; the round face and smooth coat are softer than most high-class velvet. Even though it has a cute face, it is ferocious. It tortures its prey rather than finishing them off. The bigger and rounder the face, the more beautiful it is considered.
·         Type:   Steel
Based on the tough Vikings, it is large, burly and what appears to be an iron helmet is actually its very hardened hair. Its claws have become daggers, and it lives for the thrill of intense battles.
3.       Espeon
·         Number:          196
·         Type:                 Psychic
·         Specie:             Sun Pokémon
Introduced in generation 2, Espeon became the most popular Eeveelution for a while when the day and night system was introduced. Espeon unleashes psychic power from its forehead. With its arcane power, it can read people’s thoughts and also predict the weather.
4.       Umbreon
·         Number:          197
·         Type:                 Dark
·         Specie:             Moonlight Pokémon
One of the evolutions of Eevee is undisputed to be a cat-type Pokémon. Umbreon secretes poisonous sweat, which it sprays on its opponents; it bathes in the moonlight and tries to capture its prey while lurking in the darkness.
5.       Raikou
·         Number:          243
·         Type:                 Electric
·         Specie:             Thunder Pokémon
It is one part of the legendary beast trio that was with Ho-Oh in the Burned Tower who revived them. There are many arguments among the fans, some calling them the legendary dogs, but between the three, Raikou is surely based on a Saber Tooth. It can shoot thunderbolts from rainclouds that are with him on his back.
6.       Entei
·         Number:          244
·         Type:                 Fire
·         Specie:             Volcano Pokémon
Another part of the legendary trio, this Pokémon, is based on a lion. These Legendary Beasts were initially Eeveelutions that passed in the burned tower incident and were later revived by Ho-Oh. Enter is legendary Pokémon with a strong roar; whenever it does, a volcano erupts somewhere across the globe.
7.       Skitty
·         Number:          300
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Kitten Pokémon
An extremely adorable Pokémon that many would adore keeping as a pet, Skitty is a cat Pokemon to have. This normal type Pokémon is a ball of happiness and likes to chase around moving things and its tail. It keeps chasing its tail until it gets dizzy. It’s always smiling and is more of a luxurious pet than a battler, even though it can do both.
8.       Delcatty
·         Number:          301
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Prim Pokémon
The evolution of Skitty, Delcatty is a more fashionable and elegant version of Skitty. Its stats and skills are nothing to write about, and Delcatty isn’t the best in a fight. Still, this elegantly fashionable Pokémon is extremely popular among trainers, especially its sublime fur.
9.       Zangoose
·         Number:          335
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Cat Ferret Pokémon
Reminding me of a mongoose, initially, I never thought that this Pokémon would be from the cat family, but in its specie, it is listed as such. Another generation 3 normal-type Pokémon that seems like it can rip anything apart. Usually, it stays on all fours but does stand on its hind legs, ready to attack with its claws if angered. It has had a bitter rivalry against Seviper; the rivalry dates back several generations, so much so that its hatred is etched into every cell of Zangoose’s body. 
10.   Shinx
·         Number:          403
·         Type:                 Electric
·         Specie:             Flash Pokémon
This cute little Pokémon is loosely based on a Lynx’s cub; at least, that’s how we assess it. Shinx is one of the more iconic Pokémon in the Sinnoh region (I still prefer Electavire). It generates electricity by contracting its muscles, so be careful if it’s trembling. All of its fur dazzles when it senses danger, and the electricity makes its fur glow; with all that firepower in one cute being, you have to be patient to tame this Pokémon.
11.   Luxio
·         Number:          404
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Prim Pokémon
A more grown version of Shinx that starts resembling a lion, this Pokémon can join its tail with others of its kind to increase its electricity output. Luxio always prepares for battle with its claws that are shocking enough to make its opponents faint. It travels in small packs and communicates with electrical pulses; Luxio is elegant and gracious. They even share the spoils of their hunt with others from their pack.
12.   Luxray
·         Number:          405
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Prim Pokémon
This cool Pokémon is a mixture of lions and lynxes, even though it doesn’t do well in competitive competitions; Luxray is a cool Pokémon to have. They can see through solid objects when their eyes shimmer with gold, and it’s because it uses electricity as energy. It needs to sleep a lot to store electric power.
13.   Glameow
·         Number:          431
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Catty Pokémon
Another normal type Pokémon that is glamorous; it loves being taken care of and resembles Alolan Meowth in many ways. It’s a very fickle Pokémon with a sharp glare; if displeased with anyone, it uses its sharp hidden claws to cut them and purrs when it feels affectionate. It bewitches humans with its mesmerizing gaze and by rotating its helical tail. The joke about this Pokémon is its evolution, and its pre-evolution form is a fancy Pokémon. Still, when this cat evolves, it’s pretty unexpected.
14.   Purugly
·         Number:          431
·         Type:                 Normal
·         Specie:             Tiger Cat Pokemon
The Pokémon turns into a big stocky cat that uses its build to reduce the damage done to it. As many would say, the play or insult put into its name doesn’t do any favors, but I believe it’s still an excellent addition to the roster. It’s brutish and inelegant; Purugly barges its way into other Pokémon’s nests to take over. Though it’s a harsh Pokémon, its soft fur is trendy, pristine, and can be used in many ways.
15.   Purrloin
·         Number:          509
·         Type:                 Dark
·         Specie:             Devious Pokémon
Purrloin resembles the house cat in all ways and sorts. It also seems like a very charming and alluring Pokémon but don’t be fooled by its sweet nature. It is famous for being devious and manipulative. It steals things just to see people get frustrated, draws whoever opposes it closer by its charm, and then scratches them. It laughs and enjoys seeing confusion and frustration in others. Purrloin can walk on its hind legs; its striking colors and tail help it stand out from the rest of the cat Pokemon.
16.   Liepard
·         Number:          510
·         Type:                 Dark
·         Specie:             Cruel Pokémon
Liepard is a vicious dark type Pokémon based on a leopard, an observation we make by looking at its design. It has gorgeous spotty fur and walks elegantly but don’t misjudge this Pokémon; it is very moody and can be feral if agitated. Its elegance also helps its stealth, and this Pokémon moves with stealth to sneak up and capture its prey.
17.   Litleo
·         Number:          667
·         Type:                 Fire and Normal
·         Specie:             Lion Cub Pokémon
Litleo is one of the cutest Pokémon out there, based on a lion cub which is very apparent. It has a cute red mane on the top of its head that surges with heat the stronger the opponent it faces. This cute Pokémon is very prideful and sets off on a journey, leaving their pride to become stronger. Litleo is quick to get into a fight; when more heat surges through its mane, more power flows through its body.
18.   Pyroar
·         Number:          668
·         Type:                 Fire and Normal
·         Specie:             Royal Pokémon
Pyroar is a majestic Pokémon that genuinely resembles a real lion; even the gender differences are pretty similar. The male Pyroar has a large mane that covers its head and neck, whereas the female has a long mane protruding from its head to the back. They travel in packs, and the male with the largest mane of fire leads the pride. It challenges all who threaten its tribe with a flamethrower that burns at 10,000 Fahrenheit. The females are first to protect the cubs whenever there might be a challenger or an intruder.
19.   Espurr
·         Number:          677
·         Type:                 Psychic
·         Specie:             Restraint Pokémon
It is an adorable bipedal cat Pokémon with a strong blank stare which is jarring for many. Behind this blank stare resides a mighty psychic Pokémon. Its expression never changes no matter how hard you try; many speculate it’s because of its need to remain neutral and calm to hold back its psychic prowess. There is enough psychic power in Espurr to send a wrestler flying, but it has trouble controlling it; hence it’s always troubled. You can identify it’s a cat Pokemon from its name and even more so from its evolution.
20.   Meowstic
·         Number:          678
·         Type:                 Psychic
·         Specie:             Constraint Pokémon
An unfriendly yet elegant evolution to a cute stale expression Pokémon. Meowstic is a Pokémon with different forms and even characteristics based on its gender. With even more psychic Pokémon, the male and female vary, with the make being dark blue with white stripes and the female with a white appearance and dark blue prints. The female version is much more aggressive and selfish than the male version. If it doesn’t get what it wants, it will torment everyone to get it. The female Meowstic has enough power to tear a tanker apart; on the contrary, the male is defensive, focusing on protecting themselves or their partners; they do it by revealing a hidden pattern on the insides of their ears. Even the moves they learn in the games vary from aggressive and defensive based on gender.
21.   Litten
·         Number:          725
·         Type:                 Fire
·         Specie:             Fire Cat Pokemon
Litten resembles an average cat, but the fiery demeanor tries to differentiate it from the rest. Its entire outlook resembles that of a tiger. Litten was one of the more popular starters in Sun and Moon; the fur balls it builds, it sets them on fire to cough out fireballs. It’s difficult to tame because it doesn’t easily open up to trainers; if it ever opens up to you, you still have to maintain a distance since this Pokémon prefers solitude even though it cares for you. When it needs to shed its hair, it burns it off by setting it on fire.
22.   Torracat
·         Number:          726
·         Type:                 Fire
·         Specie:             Fire Cat Pokemon
It evolves from Litten to resemble a tiger even more than its predecessor. As it evolves, it gains confidence and strength, so much so that it can bend an iron bar with a punch. The ring it gains on its neck looks like a collar but acts as a catalyst that burns brightly whenever this Pokémon uses fire attacks. Once it’s close to a trainer, it can act very spoiled, so much so that its sharp claws always leave marks on its trainer. To know that Torracat is happy, you will see its mane standing on the ends, and if it’s not, the mane will be flat.
23.   Incineroar
·         Number:          727
·         Type:                 Fire and Dark
·         Specie:             Heel Pokémon
The move to make Incineroar bipedal is still questionable with some fans. Still, nevertheless, this cat-type Pokémon is inspired by pro wrestlers. It is strong, stocky, and muscular; Incineroar is generally violent and selfish. It won’t listen to its trainer if it doesn’t want to but what makes it thrive is a good challenge. Even though it’s rough around the edges, it won’t fight against unworthy opponents, which it finds boring. The light in its eyes truly shines whenever it goes against a more substantial challenge; these intense battles lead the flames around its waist to burn intensely.
24.   Solgaleo
·         Number:          791
·         Type:                 Psychic and Steel
·         Specie:             Sunne Pokémon
The legendary Pokémon from Sun and Moon resembles a lion; this Pokémon of the galaxies is said to live in another world. The light it radiates from its body is so intense that it can make the darkest of nights feel like the day. In ancient texts, many have talked about Solgaleo as the beast that would devour the sun. As its third eye gets activated, it departs to another world.
25.   Dusk Mane Necrozma
·         Number:          800
·         Type:                 Psychic and Steel
·         Specie:             Prism Pokémon
Some might call this addition a stretch, but I believe it counts as a different Pokémon. It is the combination of two legendary Pokémon with their own specific Pokedex entries. When it absorbs the form and power of Solgaleo, it takes on this form. This makes it uncontrollable and ferocious.
26.   Zeraora
·         Number:          807
·         Type:                 Electric
·         Specie:             Thunderclap Pokémon
A unique cat Pokemon with solid and ferocious claws, this Pokémon has a special move called plasma fists that convert Normal-type moves to Electric-type attacks. It can tear its opponents with its electrifying claws, whose sparks are so potent that even touching them would electrocute you. Since this Pokémon embodies electricity, it can move at lightning speed. Zeraora’s color and speed make’s us think that the Cheetah inspired it.
27.   Sprigatito
·         Number:          906
·         Type:                 Grass
·         Specie:             Grass Cat Pokemon
A new fan favorite, this starter Pokémon from Scarlet and Violet has all eyes on it. This cute smiling feline is a sight for sore eyes, it loves the wilderness, and by kneading and rubbing its forepaws, it can release an aroma that mesmerizes those around it. The scent it emits is therapeutic to trainers and Pokémon alike, so much so that its opponents usually lose the will to fight.
Arguably Cat Pokemon
1.       Mew and Mewtwo
While it is true that mews genetics hold the DNA of all Pokémon and Mewtwo was created from Mew, I don’t believe this would give these Pokémon a spot on the list. They lack the feline and cat-like features and behavior that all the other Pokémon have; these Pokémon resemble a mouse, whereas Mewtwo seems like an original creation altogether. I mean, both of these Pokémon don’t even have paws.
2.       Sneasel
Some argue that its features and ears mimic those of a cat, but I stand by the reasoning it is more based on a weasel than a cat. It takes eggs from unguarded Pidgey nests and is very quick and cunning. This Pokémon is based on weasels and ferrets but very loosely on cats, and I feel like it’s a stretch.
3.       Suicune
Many argue that Suicune is a Pokémon that belongs to the specie of leopards, but I don’t see it. Everything about this Pokémon reminds me of dogs and wolves, and it’s very K9 in its nature and demeanor. For me, the wolf-like traits outshine the leopard ones, so I didn’t include them in the list.
4.       Munchlax and Snorlax
The way these Pokémon act does resemble cats, but their demeanor reminds me more of pandas than cats. The search for food, goofy acting, and laziness might be similar to that of a cat, but nothing else is, which is why I didn’t add them to the list.
5.       Eevee and Eevelutions
I didn’t include many of the Eeveelutions because some reminded me of foxes and others reminded me of dogs. They are unique in their build and can be classified as cat Pokémon; I mean, I see the resemblance, which is why I added Espeon and Umbreon to the list. Glaceon is a strong contender for the list, but their shape and demeanor remind me too much of dogs, so I didn’t add them to the list.
So these are all the Cat type Pokémon that we know of right now; Pokémon has taken inspiration from many real-world animals. Some are subtle, and others are very noticeable, like Pyroar and Girrafarig; we still love seeing new and innovative designs that we might get as companions. So do you agree with the Pokémon on here? Do you think Mew and the Eeveelutions deserve a spot on the list? Let us know, and we would love to hear from you.
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