#along with goo
vvmylove · 5 months
Just a little thought (headcannons?) about my man Jichang
He is the type of guy when he first greets you, he bows a little, takes your hand in his, and kisses your knuckles. "What a beautiful woman/handsome man I have presented in front of me," with a small chuckle. It isn't exactly a smirk, but just the corner of his lips goes up a little. He seems classy, but not too classy. It's just in his mannerism, especially the way he sits.
Even though he may be classy, he makes goofy jokes. He isn't one to stay quiet at dinners with the rest of the first generations. He usually makes comments about Jaegyon, just teasing him for fun. He would say some shit like "Jaegyon's car is more damaged than that James lee kid."
He's very protective and very willing to give it his all. No matter what situation he is in. He is very loyal, as you can tell by the way he was loyal to his "old man." He did everything in his power to protect the old man and was disappointed with the outcome of the situation.
Speaking of protectiveness, if he was ever in a relationship with you, he would NEVER leave your side. This man the type to have his hands on you always. He isn't very expressive, but his actions show more than his words. He is generally quiet. His hands are either on your lower back, on your shoulder (if you're shorter), on your wrist, or your thighs. He cannot keep his hands off you. He also has his guard on 24/7.
Did I mention that he is also very attentive? This goes with the fact that he isn't as expressive. He may not say it in words, but he remembers that one day you mentioned that you've always wanted to go to this place. Or for a split second, you mention how this piece of jewelry has caught your eye, and he would save up just to buy you it. Along with a pastry and coffee. This man thinks jewelry, coffee, and sweets go along together (I do too.) He would gift it to you at a cute cafe, or by some sort of flowery scenery.
GOOD AT ADVICE. Idc this man may be quiet, but he can spit facts. But its only every once in a while. Someone will be ranting to him, as hes listening carefully, then all of the sudden hes like "Stop letting the addiction of immediate gratification get in the way of success" (yes I made this up on the spot, hes just like me fr). And then cross his legs, leans back, smokes a cigarette like its nothing.
I have more thoughts about him but i gtg to the doctors now BYEEE
Idk why i dont write these at all they are much better than writing out a whole fanfiction. Let me know if yall wanna hear more and for which guy
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the-storyteller78 · 2 months
Odysseus and Helen's entire relationship can be summed up by Lovely Night from La La Land if both parties were completely and utterly serious about the fact that they feel absolutely nothing for each other.
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motherdanger · 7 months
beyond hell
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Word quantity: high. Word quality: low. You have been warned.
Goo Kim x Reader: School Days with Princess & the Delinquent
Chapter 10 - Please read chapter 1 first!
Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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Graduation day is filled with cheers and tears from the rest of your classmates.
Students and parents mingling and celebrating together. Cliques and groups hugging and bidding goodbye to each other and hello to the next stage of their lives.
Impossibly lonely even in the sea of bodies and your forced cheer making you surlier as the hours crawl by, you leave your parents and friends to their own devices. Reject invites to parties and final hurrahs with a strained smile. 
Up on the rooftop, you sit in solitude as the sun sets.
(It’s a shame that you’ve gotten so close to Goo, because he has left a mark everywhere. All the places you frequent are filled with memories of him. You can’t escape.)
You watch the final group of stragglers leave school. Swaying and singing happily. Drunk on happiness or something stronger you don’t know and don’t care.
Maybe you should be feeling more about never seeing some of these people again, and yes, you’re thankful for your friends rallying around you in the last couple months yet your heart hangs heavy.
You think about what university will bring. New experiences, new friends, new love. It should be exciting but-
Your emotional battery is depleted. 
Continues to deplete every day as you look for a tall frame and blonde hair and a smile that only reaches their eyes when they look at you. 
A voice that cuts through the rest of the humdrum, loud and crass and a touch manic. 
Words you know you should never trust, that worms its way into your heart anyway. 
And a nickname, just for you-
It’s been months though you can hear him as clear as day.
“Princess?” A voice calls out again. Have you missed him so much you start hearing things? Are you so delirious with your sadness, about being ghosted that your mind has conjured up a perfect echo?
The bleached hair, sharp eyes behind glasses and sardonic smile moves into your line of vision.
As if he hasn’t disappeared for months, as if he just said be right back and gone away for 10 minutes. He gives you a little wave. Casual as anything. Waggling his fingers like you’re supposed to find it cute.
“Goo Kim?”
“That’s me!” he says, approaching you with a spring in his step.
You know this could never be a figment of your imagination. You could never imagine this full complexity of Goo Kim; anything your brain dreams of is just a pale imitation of the real thing. You can never fully capture the confident strut, the way his lips lifts and reveals a faint dimple, the long elegant fingers adjusting his glasses, the way the breeze catches his hair. 
You’ve thought about him so much that now seeing him with all his layers, all his charms, completely dazzles and blinds you.
Discomfort overwhelms Goo the closer he gets, finds the front harder to put up.
He’s missed you. 
Had hoped that absence didn’t make the heart grow fonder and much preferring out of sight, out of mind. 
It’s a loss he had allowed to rest and soak into his bones, thinking that that was the way to deal with these frivolous sentiments. Tried to lick his wounds and patch it up with money. Thought he had gotten used to it; could happily live with it as long as he achieved the lifestyle to match his ambition.
Goo didn’t realise exactly how much he missed you, how much his soul aches at not seeing you, hearing you, touching you until you’re standing right there.
He doesn’t know what to do with all this.
Goo stops within arms reach and you both stare. Taking each other in. A classic smirk painted on his face and disbelief on yours. 
How had you become so entangled? You were supposed to be like oil and water.
“Bastard,” is all you manage as tears spring to your eyes and nostrils burn. You avert your gaze, dropping it to the floor, ashamed at your outburst. 
That he is the same as ever, unruffled and nonchalant, and you are vulnerable and weak.
You try to quiet your sniffles by biting your lip, try to not bring your hand to your face to wipe your tears. That would make it obvious.
(Like it isn’t already.)
If you stand there and don’t make a move, don’t make a sound, then you can fade into the background, becoming invisible and Goo wouldn’t know the effect he has had on you.
A firm hand gives you an awkward pat on the head, and then with a gentleness that makes your heart hurt, pulls your body against his and into his arms.
“Who’s making you cry?” Goo makes a strained effort to inject levity and amusement into his tone to hide his own emotions “Tell me and I’ll beat them up.”
Even so, his voice cracks at the last word. 
Like a rupture of a dam, your arms come up around his neck and you let your tears flow.
“Ugh! Do you know how expensive this coat is?!” His actions don't match up to his words, just holding you tighter to him.
An unsuspecting wet laugh bubbles up and out. This is the least of what he deserves. You hope it stains and never washes out.
You wipe your eyes and rub your nose on his clothing with no remorse. 
And you know, being here in his arms, that it feels like you’re letting Goo off easy.
You have so much rage and so much mistrust that you don’t know where to start. You have so many questions and you want to demand so many answers. 
Yet him appearing in the here and now doesn’t feel like a coincidence. You can hear the clock ticking, counting down the borrowed time together.
As you rest your head on his shoulder, smelling the expensive cologne but with the undertone that is distinctly Goo, you wonder what to ask first, to say first.
You rummage through your mind, picking through your grief and heartache, searching how you can put into words the explanations you need right here right now so you don’t have to live with regret and what-ifs forever.
The buzzing in your brain quiets then disappears, and you think you’re ready.
There’s a lot you know about Goo Kim. You don’t need him to recount his feelings for you. His actions and behaviour during your brief time together make it clear.
A bitter question that you need to resolve.
To know if you should treat this as closure and move on. Or if there is any hope.
“Is this goodbye?” 
You’re not sure if Goo can hear you, your voice thick with tears and muffled against his neck, but his body stills and you feel it.
He hums, deliberating over your words. The subtle and intimate vibrations of his throat reverberates through you too.
Goo doesn’t know.
Really. This is messy enough as it is and will only get messier. Probably too messy, too dangerous and resulting only in more heartache. For you, for him, for both.
You’ll be a weakness, a fatal soft spot that he has no use for. A flaw with bright flashing arrow heads for enemies to target.
But the need to see you today, a final farewell on your graduation overrode everything else.
(Gun only gave him a knowing glance when he announced he was taking a personal day in a tone that left no room for argument)
This visit was supposed to close a very bizarre chapter in his life. 
Post-juvie and pre-HNH.
A stop gap, a temporary distraction.
Just a last little bit of novel normalcy before Goo’s life is upturned forever. Onto much better and much bigger things.
Here you are.
Entering in his life when he needed you the least but wanted you the most.
Resembling more and more like lightning in a bottle. A once in a lifetime opportunity. Too good to pass up.  
And here Goo is.
He can’t give you up. Only a fool would do so without seeing how it plays out.
Goo doesn’t know why he’s still thinking about it.
The fact he is here at all is answer enough.
Releasing a breath, he tells you “No.” 
“This isn’t goodbye.”
You let his word, that single syllable sit with you.
Settle into your body. Grow familiar with what it means.
You’re not sure if the no is for right now or for forever. You think this is good enough. You think you can live with any future heartache if you can spend more time with Goo now. 
Live in the present and all that.
“Princess?” At his questioning tone, you turn to look at him.
Goo takes in your pink nose, the tear tracks running down your cheeks, your red eyes; he sees everything he has felt for you reflected in your face.
You study his features, refamiliarising yourself. You always knew Goo Kim was handsome, but now he seems ethereal. Wearing an expression you haven’t seen before, a look in his eyes that seems wilder than ever and a face that is absolutely enamoured. 
Goo brings his hand up to wipe away the last of your tears, running it along your jaw then thumb brushing over your cheek.
“I’ve wondered about this for so long,” he murmurs, leaning close, pressing your body fully along his. Until he didn’t know where his ended and yours began.
Closer and closer he inches, until you're everything he sees, until he can only feel your breath mingling with his, until there is no space left between your lips and his.
He kisses, at first gentle and cautious, before finally pouring in all of himself.
He kisses in a way that is purely Goo Kim, a little feral, a little teasing and a lot fun.
When you both finally break apart, it clicks into place.
This is everything Goo has been searching for.
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schnaf · 9 months
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22 days until gaon's 22nd birthday
day 9 - "cheers to your beautiful eyes!"
bonus: gaon showing off his beautiful eyes right afterward
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staryarn · 1 year
This is so random but do you have the full image of the Ishmael CG from your pfp? The quality is so good and I’ve been searching for it
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(All 4.5 cgs)
(Ishmael icon)
Bonus: all cgs in game so far
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giftboxxworld · 6 months
alright the comic reached 100 notes you know what that means......
my favorite Pizza Tower ship is a rarepair
it's Peppette!!
but like more platonically personally im more hip with that
I just think they're so damn cute together
and you know what sure Noisette's annoying af but I see potential at friendship
like I see the headcannon floating around that she sucks at like actual cooking but is a stellar baker
you also know what I think they could partner up and like cook together
perhaps even like with her hugs and smoochies Noise would probably appreciate that she's got someone else to hug and annoy the frick out of for some time
but eventually since I think Peppino is so devoid of a loving touch and kindness (see: Peppino confession post #1 in Da Box), he grows to appreciate it and hugs her back
AND YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE THEY WOULD ENGAGE IN PLATONIC CUDDLING I JUST SEE IT OK OK OK (of course with consent and Peppino does have like a little hesitation BUT he ends up like loving it and maybe even falling asleep (or Noisette falls asleep first probably THATS MY HEADCANON IDK)
perhaps even... she could end up loving hugging Peppino better because he's not slimy like Vigi or Fake Peppino, or slightly scrawny like The Noise, Peppino's just like just a big fat teddy bear (WHO NEEDS TO BE FED THE TASTIEST OF TREATS)
all of yall can call me cringe
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detectivekirby · 1 year
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Play with each new episode!
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seradae · 1 year
Goo Listener [NB/unknowable? F?] [goo] [breeding??] [monsterfucking] [alcohol mention]
It took months of vetting, interviews, and personal attestations from existing members for you to even step inside. But once you were in, you were shocked by how ... Normal it seemed. It was a well-appointed lounge with lots of comfortable seating, a stocked bar in one corner, and a few dozen people mingling and chatting.
But as you walked to the bar to order a drink and steady your nerves, you began to see what was different. Wings, fur, the fleeting glimpse of fangs. They weren't kidding when they said this was a safe space for the supernatural.
You ordered your usual rum and diet, opened a tab and took a sip. The anxiety crept up, unsure of what to do, so you downed your drink and fiddled with your phone as you ordered the next. I took a seat next to you and ordered myself a Grey Goose and tonic with lemon.
I took a sip and idly stirred it around before speaking up. "First time here, I take it?" You turned toward me, looking over my head and making me giggle. It took you a second to look down to meet my gaze; I was only 4'10, with a side shave and purple hair down to my shoulders. "Sorry, I promise I'm not laughing at you, I just thought it was cute."
You chuckled softly and said, "yeah, I just got in a few days ago. Finally worked up the courage to show up."
I took another sip, smiling. "Want to know a secret?"
"Sure; don't think much would surprise me, honestly," you said as you fiddled with your straw.
"Every human who comes in here is scared, but you scare us so much more."
You cocked your head to the side, a slightly confused look on your face. "Okay, maybe I'm more easily surprised than I thought. Why?"
I took another drink and thought of how to phrase my response. "The worst case for you here is that you violate a rule and get thrown out; absolutely no one here will hurt you in a way you haven't consented to. But for us, the risk of exposure is..." I knew I didn't need to say anything more.
"True. I hope it's not rude to say, but that honestly makes me feel a lot better," you said, your cheeks beginning to flush from the alcohol. "If it's not too personal to ask, what... are you?"
I snickered and said, "I'm Liz! But you probably wanted to know about this." I reached out my arm and extended it, the skin disappeared and a gelatinous tendril took its place. I stretched it across the bar and tapped the bartender on the opposite shoulder before it shot back and turned to its human form.
You goggled at me for a moment, before downing your drink and whispering, "holy shit."
"Sorry if I freaked you out a bit," I mumbled and sipped at mine. "I know it's weird, even for here. It's part of why I usually stick with this form." I gestured to my body.
"Um, I'm really sorry I made you feel self-conscious. I'm pretty sure words just kinda failed me for a second there. That's cool as hell!" I felt myself blush as you ordered another round for us.
"Thank you," I said and grinned at you. "Want to ask me anything? Nothing's off the table."
I held the door to a private room open, letting you inside and letting my hand linger on the small of your neck just a moment longer than needed, finally locking the door behind us. I extended my legs, growing taller than you, and pressed you up against the wall.
I kissed you tenderly at first, but you moaned into my mouth and kissed me deeper, your tongue dancing around mine. My tongue turned gelatinous, sliding further into your mouth and gently into your throat before turning back. I pulled away and looked you up and down. "Just so you know, my pretty little toy, you can breathe while my goo is in you. Well, when I want you to at least," I grinned and started stripping your clothes off, then my own.
I transformed my arms and legs into goo and swept you up, floating us both to the bed like the tide moves ships. I laid you on your back and kissed you deeply as tendrils wrapped around your legs and pulled them apart. Even more tendrils grew from me, narrow as they slid into your holes, making you whimper and moan into my mouth. They expanded, filling you as much as was safe, causing every square inch of your sensitive walls to feel my power.
I started to pulse them inside you, shrinking and expanding rhythmically, then suddenly started to fuck them in and out of you. I knew you were moaning, but my gooey tongue slid down your throat and prevented any sound from escaping.
Feeling you clench around my goo, I drove harder and faster into you, tightening my grip around your legs. As I felt you go over the edge, I stopped your airflow, only intensifying it. For you it must have felt like hours, as I watched and felt your body writhing against me in blissful agony, but a few moments later I gave your air back. I continued to fuck you into a second orgasm, then slowly shrunk the bits of me that were inside you, only to unleash a flood of warm, viscous, creamy slime.
You could feel it filling you from every direction, expanding and pleasing you in ways you knew but could never possibly explain. I held you this way as you rode out your orgasm, then slowly slithered out of you. You were panting, flushed, and thoroughly fucked, with my light blue slime dripping out of your tender pussy.
I let your legs down gently and turned back into my human form, grabbing a bottle of water and offering some to you before cuddling up against you. I stroked your hair and softly asked, "How was that, my lovely little pet?"
"Oh. My. God." You drank some more water and squeezed your thighs together. "I... Words are hard." You took a few more moments, still panting. "I have no idea what just happened, but I loved every single second."
I grinned and traced a finger down your body. "Need another demonstration? Maybe a little slower this time."
You giggled at the touch and gave me a soft kiss. "Ready when you are, miss!"
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wangmiao · 2 years
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#princess ha jung woo confirmed
BROS ON FOOT (2023) | Ep 1.07
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shot-by-cupid · 9 months
He’s so cute when he is. Waking up in the morning (obsessed with him btw)
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Hislittle yawn. I would kill a man if it meant I got to wake up next to him everyday. I mean it. I am going to prison.
His tired like. Half lidded eyes. Dude. Don’t even talk to me I’m going to be sick.
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Incredibly envious of how easily he’s able to get up. What you just fucking shake your head and go? That’s it? I need to know what he’s on and where I can get some.
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He’s so fucking cute. I despise him. I need him so bad. I love him. He’s not just a video game character to me he’s my FUCKING boyfriend.
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gay-artificer · 1 year
Basically everything we see in RW is a direct descendant of heavily modified organisms, with a bit of a split between fully organic genetic modifiers to the introduction of foreign parts. This is undeniable. However I'm begging people to understand that nature routinely produces weird shit on its own and that's so much cooler than just 'anything slightly weird must be the result of modification and meddling in the process'
Please have some whimsy!!! bioluminescence!! Tool use!! Communication via static electricity! Electrical shocks as an attack method!! Beetles that spray caustic acid that can burn skin! Lizards that fire slime out of their tails!! These are all real things that are on this earth just because nature gets weird with it!
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ereborne · 7 months
Song of the Day: February 23
“Inkpot Gods” by The Amazing Devil
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#song of the day#'if I don't make it back from where I've gone / just know I loved you all along'#I'm setting up my queue for a more proper recommendation tomorrow but I've been rereading 'shoulder the sky' by Night_Fury#the whole series draws from various Amazing Devil lines for titles and such#'back then I was dauntless' is my favorite reworking of the Melidaan arc I've ever seen absolutely anywhere#and the title is a line from my favorite Amazing Devil song 'The Calling' but 'Inkpot Gods' is used to stunning effect in-story#and the beautiful refrain from the end of the song is playing in my head now as I keep going into the series#today was a deeply unpleasant day: the inevitable finally happened and Duncan cut himself doing his mudlarking#we'd been trying to schedule a preventative tetanus shot but several times we've gone in for the properly scheduled shot#and found out that they didn't actually have one in stock. unspeakably frustrating#and today we ran out of time for a preventative one. I woke up#(actually I woke up for work as he was going out for his walk but I got a migraine halfway through my morning meeting--no good--#and took the rest of the day off--turns out to have been a very good thing--and went back to sleep. so I woke up the second time)#to Duncan coming back from his walk with a sliced finger and the grody plastic-and-tin swan that had done the slicing#(picture of said swan under the cut because why not. it does look neat. can't see the sharp edge in the pic though it's underneath)#and so then we called the pharmacy and got the same automated 'of course you can have a tetanus shot' as ever so we made an appointment#and we got there and they did actually have a shot in stock this time! except that they weren't able to administer it#because now he's post-exposure that's a different shot and they aren't allowed. so we had to go to the urgent care instead#all told we spent about four hours out of the house on this mission but Duncan did get his shot and some bonus antibiotic goo for the cut#and it was worth it but also bleeeeeeegh it was miserable. which is where my recommendations do come in#when I tell y'all that I spent today reading Night_Fury's fics and also looking at valiants' CoD art and it saved me#whooo I mean it. being simultaneously stressed + bored is the nightmare state for me and instead I had wonderful things in my phone
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liquidstar · 11 months
thinking about it now, i think finn being able to perfectly recall all his past lives would probably make him kind of nonbinary or fluid. since hes content with his body and perception of himself being dynamic.
SO TRUE i agree i think its awesome <3
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tacagen · 1 year
man do i love green goblin and do i HATE how he's usually handled
#reading classic amazing sm and was extremely disappointed that the osborn's death after min(if any) time as goblin trope was canon all along#norman's characterization tho... 100/10 HE IS SO INSANE AND PATHETICCCCC. EASILY MY FAVORITE ONE#also i love how initially his corrupt businessman side wasnt explored anyhow unlike modern interpretations that tend to not explore goblin#the perfect goblin is spectacular one tho. hes got it all. even mysterio-level scams about his identity and death. the actual masterplanner#harry!goblin is.. idk a grown ass man flying around ny as fucking goblin AND HAVING INSANE BEEF WITH HIS SON'S CLASSMATE is so much funnier#whatever harry might do he will never reach This Level#im sorry classic!norman's motivation for being goblin is 'OOOH... NOBODY UNDERSTANDS... I HAD TO DO IT FOR HARRY...' AND THEN TURNS OUT#HARRY IS NOWHERE NEAR HIS ORIGIN EXPLANATION. JUST SOME GREEN GOO EXPLODED INTO HIS FACE AND HE DECIDED TO DRESS UP AS GOBLIN AND DO CRIMES#i have no idea how stan lee did it but the lazy 'chemicals as the reason for villain's mental illness' thing NEVER SLAYED THAT HARD. EVER#he is so silly and hilarious and MISERABLE and he makes ZERO FUCKING SENSE ghrgahtshhgrgr#and the way his amnesia works is THE DUMBEST THING EVER and AT SOME POINT I FUCKING LOVE IT???? WHYYYYY#AND THE WAY BEING GREEN GOBLIN IS APPARENTLY TRANSMITTED NOT ONLY GENETICALLY BUT ALSO THROUGH AIRBORNE DROPLETS ON THERAPY SESSIONS????#green goblin#norman osborn#amazing spider man
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whatudottu · 1 year
Me thinking about electrical compression and aliens again has led me to think about another repeat biology subject of the amperi, and how I can explain wire travel in a (still fictional) logical way- find out next now how that turns out!
You know, after I have posted multiple other stuff between this being completed and this actually being posted-
One thing that I tend to do when considering amperi biology is that they need to be a little moist (apologies for the word) in order to breathe, but to take more inspiration from jellyfish - surprisingly the actual inspiration for amperi (probably because you couldn’t exactly design constantly transparent characters in animated tv) - and say that physically a lot of their main body is made from this moisture. Unlike jellyfish it’s not quite water, rather it’s a conductive fluid that actually contains a lot of electrochemical signals akin to a nervous system. This in particular is a biological reason why emotion reading is part of amperi languages - communication is done through the excretion and dispersal of this nervous system in water - and why the now ‘surrounded by emotion chemicals’ Ra’ad due to his undiscovered psychometry mutation was constantly overwhelmed, overstimulated, and overcome with anxiety.
And it’s this excretion that actually plays a language role too, essentially being practically REQUIRED in communication especially with how in water it spreads out. A reason why in the air amperi are a little damp is because excretion is a constant (but consistent) autonomic function, like conductive sweat that contains so many messages, though in surface environments it does make communication difficult. Partly the reason why Ra’ad finds himself preferring land, even if either way he’d still need to wear some damp robes when a dry season hits; it beats having to wear one everytime in the ocean with the cultural equivalent connotation of constantly wearing a balaclava though-
And all this ‘filled with goo’ stuff doesn’t mean that amperi have a true main body under their skin (that’s for @ohyeahben10 ‘s Ultimate Ampfibian) but it DOES mean that if an amperi were to perhaps compress themselves to a smaller ‘fit through the neck of a bottle’ size, they build up a charge and in fact begin to conduct electricity. It’s an adaptation for both offence and defence, either being used in constricting tentacles to electrocute prey and victims through excretion and consequent conduction of their electrochemical gel or - a way we will explore in depth next - electrifying predators and assailants using complete compression and slipping between teeth, gills, blowholes, and/or grasp, leaving a trail of ‘lightning’ in escape.
That’s right baby I’ve finally figured out how to logic my way around wire walking!
I’ve mentioned a few times that I think amperi have a bone in them, often referring to he more literal bone like structure in cuttlefish rather than the flexible structure inside of a squid called a gladius or pen, the squid of course being the basis of my ‘this exists in real biology’ inspiration. In fact, perhaps this gladius will serve to fit much better with the amperi, as it’s role in Earth squids is to serve as protection of visceral organs and an attachment for very important muscle groups; I say, grinning into the camera as if I were a villain thinking of something dastardly.
With this gladius, not only does it serve as a base for the important muscle groups of compression - a complicated dynamic of contracting muscles to reduce size and expanding pores to excrete the mucus they adapted for - but in amongst the visceral organs (from a list of few includes the very important heart) there is a very valued organ that in fact produces its conductive gel, sitting nice and comfortable against the brain where these electrochemical signals translate into commands ether somatic or autonomic. As the muscles contract using the gladius as it’s base it in fact squeezes the perfectly placed organ that disperses this electrochemical as if along a highly distributed nervous system and in fact carries with it charge, charge that conducts to whatever purpose the amperi compresses with.
It is that same conductivity that amperi naturally are that allows them wire and cable transportation, since it is a high energy mode of travel for a significantly reduced body size. In a great grand ocean of vast expanses it’s less effective than the semi-compression of weaponry and desperate compression of ‘please don’t eat me’, or the less desperate semi-compression of electric inking; too much energy for too little time, it’s like trying to sprint across the country.
But in areas with a denser population with specific infrastructure built as the amperi equivalent for public transportation or perhaps at a more basic level a bike lane, literal cable travel is developed around the idea of being high energy fast travelling short distance trips. In ocean cities or towns in close proximity to them, think like if internet cables along the ocean floor were filled with people going to work or school or just going out for lunch. On the land where a lot of the metalworking is literally landlocked to be in as dry of air as it can in order to smith, there are powerlines that provide local traffic for any surface towns or workplaces, but you also get a few more uh trespassers along the lines because a not insignificant number of people live on the surface as hermits away from the ocean and many lines are mainly for transit companies.
From personal experience of accidentally walking through my local transit worksite (fuck you google maps) finding that I’m on the wrong side of a tollgate, sometimes where you need or want to go, the fastest route just so happens to be through the company lines.
On Earth, because the only reason we have internet cables and powerlines is because we use them as - well - powerlines and internet cables, it’s not as if an amperi runaway who’s lost and afraid far from whatever he might’ve called familiar if not quite the home he wanted it to be has any real societal understanding that Earth is the American transportation system of Tesslos, Ra’ad just takes the lines and is internally horrified that they lead directly into houses on occasion.
And I think that’s it for wire walking lmao- this was meant to be posted after I rambles about petrosapien nervous systems but yeet yeet!
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