#alpaca farms uk
clarymeadowsalpacas · 2 years
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#happyfriday from Meg aka Tina @clarymeadowsalpacas - - - - - - #alpaca #alpacas #itsfriday #alpacafarm #derby #derbyshire #peakdistrict #southderbyshire #farm #farming #uk #alpacaworld #alpacalove #alpacalife #alpacawalking #valantinesday #alpacaselfie #tinaturner #tinaturnermusical #lookalikes #lookalike #canyouseeit #animals #animalslooklikepeople #famous #alpacatrekking #alpacawool #alpacasofinstagram #alpacaofinstagram (at Derbyshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWXCmOMsh3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mytravelpov · 2 years
Huckleberry Woods.
Very wet but a nice little couple of hours out
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Feels Like Home [02]
Summary: When an unexpected three-week break between Monza and Singapore finds Daniel back on his farm in Perth he’s desperate to use this time to clear his mind, figure out his future in Formula One, and find his way back. He didn’t expect a new neighbour, a sassy two-year old, and three alpacas would make him realise that sometimes, what you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader (unnamed OFC)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 4.3k
AN: So... The idea was to post a new chapter every week but fuck it. It’s race week, bb’s and all the Daniel content is making me feels all sorts of things so here we are. Hope you like it ♥
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It’s after his meeting with Blake and Michael, where they decided to decline the offers Alpine and Haas have made and Blake said he'd try to see if they can schedule another meeting with Red Bull in Singapore, that Daniel finds himself wandering around the house a little restless. He’s supposed to look at race data, promised his engineer he would before their online meeting tonight, the time difference between here and the UK meaning the meetings are always either shit early in the morning or late at night, but he doesn’t think he’ll be able to concentrate enough to take notes. Plus, he’s finished outside of the points the last four races so is there really anything else to say except that they need to improve and up their game?
He decides he’ll look at the data later and instead grabs his car keys from the kitchen island, hoping that maybe a visit to Oscar will help clear his mind. There’s something about the way his elderly neighbour always seems to know exactly what to say, always ready with some solid advice or helping him to put things into perspective, that he’s come to appreciate greatly over the years. 
The drive over doesn’t take more than fifteen minutes and when he parks his truck in front of the house he catches himself looking around, looking for her. She doesn’t seem to be outside and so he makes his way to the front porch instead, where Oscar’s dog Homer greets him with an enthusiastic bark. Daniel pets his head carefully, because even though Oscar has told him time and time again Homer is all bark and no bite he’s still cautious around him. When the dog settles down again, Daniel knocks on the door, three short knocks like he always does, before he opens the door and lets himself in, “Oscar?”
“Hi Danny,” Oscar greets him from somewhere inside the house. “I’m in the living room.” 
“Of course you are,” Daniel teases, toeing his sneakers off before he walks to where he can hear an old rerun of ‘The Price is Right’ playing in the background. Oscar’s sitting in his favourite chair, his right wrist sporting a cast and a nasty looking cut above his eyebrow and to hide his shock at the sight of the old man Daniel plasters a smile on his face and greets him with an enthusiastic, “Jeepers! What have you gotten yourself into, mate?”
“Took a bit of a tumble,” Oscar shoots back with a grin, holding up his wrist. “Doctor said it was one of the finer looking breaks he’s seen in his career.”
“I bet he did,” Daniel says as he sits down on the couch, leaning back and crossing his legs at the ankles. “How you holding up?”
“Good, yeah. I mean, the doctor said I have to wait until the cast comes off before I can start physical therapy and even then it can take a few months before I have full use of my hand again. And don't get me started on the hip replacement-”
Daniel chuckles, knowing exactly what it is Oscar is getting at, “Going batshit crazy already, huh?”
“Like you have no idea,” his neighbour agrees with a grin. “I mean, it’s great to have the girls here, you know, to help out and keep the farm going but if I have to watch Larry Emdur-” Oscar nods towards the TV, “-stumble over his words every day for the next six weeks, I might throw myself off a cliff.”
“There must be something else you can watch?”
“It’s this or Neighbours, Danny, and you know how I feel about Karl Kennedy.” Oscar lets out a dramatic sigh, “Nah, I’ll just have to take it, mate. It’s what you get when you’re an old cunt like me.” 
“Oi,” Daniel sits up and throws Oscar a warning look, “you’re not that old.”
“I’m seventy-eight,” Oscar counters with a grin, “and I ain’t getting any younger. I just hope it won’t be too hard for-”
A cry from upstairs interrupts him and Oscar immediately reaches for his phone, smiling at Daniel apologetically. When the person on the other end picks up his message is short, “I think Ellie’s awake, sweetheart.” He stays silent for a second before he nods, “Yep. Ok. Will do.” When he ends the call he shrugs, “Doctor says I can’t walk up the stairs for a while yet, so-”
“No, yeah, sure,” Daniel says, even though he has no idea what’s going on right now. 
You’re in the chicken coop when Granddad calls and so it doesn’t take long to get back to the house, where you kick your boots off at the back door and hurry past the kitchen and living room to the stairs, realising too late that he must have a visitor because you can hear him talking to someone. You’ll see who it is later, you figure, your priorities elsewhere for the moment.
When you walk into what is now your bedroom but used to be your grandmother's painting room you are met with two bright eyes looking up at you from over the edge of the cot you’ve set up in the corner and you can’t help but smile at the way your daughter's hair is sticking up in every direction, “Hey bub.” 
She drops her stuffed Koala and stretches her arms up at you. When you lift her up from her bed she lets out a content sigh, “Momma.”
Carrying her to the changing table on one arm you pat her hair down with your free hand, “Looks like you had a good nap, huh bub?”
Ellie nods and claps her hands together when you lay her down so you can change her nappy, whispering a quiet, “Pop-Pop.”
“Yeah, we’ll go see Pop-Pop in a second, sweetheart,” you tell her as your fingers make quick work of her diaper. “Let’s get you dressed first though.” 
With a clean diaper, her favourite pink sweater and a pair of dungarees that your Granddad gifted Ellie for her second birthday, together with her very own pair of Blundstones, you carry Ellie downstairs and to the living room where- “Daniel. Hi.”
Something passes over his face for just a second or so before he flashes you a big smile, “Hi. It’s good to see you again.”
You want to tell him likewise, really you do, but you think you know the look he so carefully tried to hide because it’s the look every man gives you when they find out you have a daughter, and so you’re cautiously polite, “Nice of you to come visit Granddad.”
"I always keep good on my promises," Daniel says, a sincerity to his voice that makes you relax a little. He nods to Ellie, who's eyeing him suspiciously, no doubt having picked up on your mood, "And who's this lovely lady?"
"This is my great granddaughter, Elisabeth," your granddad offers with a kind smile. "We call her Ellie."
Daniel waits until you've put Ellie in your granddad's lap, whispering a quiet, "Gentle," when you let go of her to remind her Pop-Pop is still injured, before he holds out his hand to your daughter, "Hi Ellie, I'm Daniel."
Ellie studies his face, her little eyebrows knitted together as she tries to decide whether or not she likes him, before she pats his wrist, "Danny."
Daniel lets out a quiet laugh and if you didn't know any better you'd think he sounds relieved to get her approval and maybe, just maybe, you've been too rash in your judgement of him. He scoots forward then and tugs on the pant leg of Ellie's dungarees, "I like your pants, Miss Ellie. Very stylish."
You see Ellie spot the rose tattoo on his hand, her eyes widening in awe as she reaches out and traces her finger over the lines, whispering a quiet, "Flower."
"That's right," Daniel agrees with a nod and a proud grin. "It's a rose." 
"Rose," Ellie repeats back to him, looking extremely pleased with herself and you can't help but smile. 
"I'm going to make Ellie her bottle," you say then, knowing your girl will get grumpy real quick if you don't get on with it. "Granddad, a cup of tea for you?" Your granddad nods and so you look at Daniel, "Daniel? Tea? Coffee?" Then, with a cheeky smile, "A beer?"
He laughs and shakes his head, "Coffee's fine, thank you."
"Coming right up," you tell them as you turn around and head to the kitchen. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the kitchen window as you're filling up the kettle and curse quietly when you see how bewildered you look and is that a leaf stuck in your hair? Great. It takes a few tries but then you finally get it out, letting your fingers run through your hair then in a futile attempt to make yourself look somewhat presentable.
Once the kettle is on and the coffee maker is running, you warm up some milk for Ellie and rummage around the fridge to see if there's any Lamingtons left over from the batch you made earlier this week. You come up empty on your first try and so you open the door of the fridge even wider and stick your head in, sure that the container must be in there somewhere.
A chuckle and a, "Are you trying to get to Narnia, or-" scare the shit out of you and you hit your head on the top shelf as you try to stand up, cursing quietly as you pull out, "Ow. Fuck."
"Oh shit," Daniel holds out his hands to you, eyes wide, "are you ok?"
You pull a face as you rub the top of your head, a little taken aback by how worried and guilty he looks, "I'm fine. I just didn't hear you come in."
"Yeah, shit, sorry," he says and runs a hand through his hair, letting it rest at the base of his neck. "I just wanted to see if you needed any help?"
"Unlike everything else around here, I think I've got this." You're not sure why you said that, don't even realise you did until you see his eyebrows knit together, but it's too late to take it back and so you give him an apologetic smile, "Sorry. That came out- I didn't-" You wave your hand around, hoping he won't push anything, "It's fine."
He doesn't say anything but instead pulls out a kitchen chair and points at it, waiting until you've sat down before he gives you a kind smile, "You just sit there, I got this."
You watch him as he walks around the kitchen with confidence, pulling three mugs from the cabinet and finding everything else he needs with ease and it's then you realise he must have been coming over more than you thought. The microwave beeps then but he seems unsure what to do with the now warm milk and looks at you with his eyebrows raised, and so you point towards the cabinet over the sink, "The bottles are in there. Once you've filled the bottle,you should test-"
"Test it on the inside of my wrist to see if it's not too warm." Daniel laughs at the surprised look you must give him and explains, "My sister has two kids."
"Gotcha," you reply with a smile. "Must be fun to have an uncle who's a world famous racecar driver."
“I hope so,” Daniel says with a sad smile. “I’m gone most of the year so I’ve missed quite a lot already but they seem to enjoy coming to the races every now and then-”
“We do what we can,” you offer with a shrug. “Right?”
He nods but then throws you a look that you’re not sure how to read, “We sure do.” 
After about an hour or so Oscar lets out a loud yawn and Daniel takes it as his cue to leave, knowing his neighbour doesn’t let anything or anyone come between him and his afternoon naps. Daniel says goodbye to Ellie by teaching her how to fistbump and then tells Oscar he’ll come around again tomorrow, just for a chat and to save him from having to watch ‘The Price is Right’ all afternoon. When he turns towards her he finds her smiling at him with a kind smile and so he returns it, “See you tomorrow, neighbour.” 
She nods in reply and then tells Ellie they’re going outside for a bit so Granddad can take his nap and they can finish feeding the chickens and clean out the shed.
He’s not sure why he hasn’t noticed it before, maybe it’s the way the light falls on her face, but she looks absolutely exhausted. He doesn’t want to hoover, doesn’t want to make her feel bad about noticing it and so he doesn’t say anything but by the time he gets into his car he thinks he knows a way he might be able to help.
The first person he calls is Michael, “Hi mate.” 
“Mikey, hey,” Daniel greets his best friend as he drives onto the main road. “Listen, you know my neighbour Oscar, right?” He waits until Michael hums in reply before he continues, “Well, he fell down a couple of days ago, broke his hip and wrist, and so he needs some help. I figured maybe you could hook him up with some prepped meals? Make sure at least he’s eating right, you know?”
“Of course,” Michael agrees easily enough. “Anything he doesn’t like?”
“I don’t think so but- Could you have them make two-person portions?” Daniel isn’t sure why he says what he says next, isn’t sure why he doesn’t just tell Michael about her. Maybe it’s because he wants to keep her to himself a little longer even though she definitely isn't his to keep. Still, he adds, “Oscar’s a big eater.” 
Michael chuckles, “Will do, mate. Do you want me to ask if they can deliver it to-”
“Nah, I can pick it up. Just let me know when it’s ready, ok?”
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Daniel means it when he says, “Thanks, mate.”
“No worries.”
The next call he makes is to Blake, who sounds a little rushed when he answers on the third ring, “Dan, can I call you back in like five minutes? I’m in the checkout at Woolies.”
“Yep, no worries.” 
He gets the call right as he turns onto his driveway and as always, Blake cuts right to the chase, “Alright, what’s going on, mate? What do you need?”
Daniel laughs, “Can’t I just call you to hear how my best mate’s doing?”
Blake doesn’t say anything and Daniel’s sure he can feel Blake’s eye roll from all the way on the other end of the line.
“Ok, fine,” Daniel says with a grin. “Is there any way we can clear my schedule from like six to nine until we leave for Singapore?”
“I don’t think-” Blake starts but then seems to change his mind. “Why?”
“I-” Daniel hesitates, not sure why he just doesn’t tell Blake about her. In the end he tells him what he told Michael, “You know Oscar from next door?”
“Well, he fell down a few days ago, broke his hip and his wrist, so- He needs some help around the house, so I got Michael organising some prepped meals for him and I figured I might as well be there to help out a bit, you know?”
It stays quiet for a second too long and Daniel knows Blake doesn’t quite believe him and is about ready to tell him the entire story but then he hears Blake sigh and can just imagine the way he pushes his glasses up and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Fine. Just for the record, I know you’re not telling me everything here, Dan but- I trust you. So please, don’t fuck it up. I don’t want to have to explain to Zak why you’ve broken a leg dirt biking or something.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Ok. Give me an hour and I’ll send you your new schedule, ok?” Blake clears his throat, “We’re still keeping the morning sessions with Michael, right?”
His morning workouts run from nine until twelve so as far as Daniel’s concerned that’s fine as is, “Yep.”
“Alright, I’ll come up with something to tell the team and I’ll let you know, ok?”
“Thanks, mate.” Then, because it’s true, “I owe you one.” 
Blake chuckles, “Add it to the list, mate.” 
Ever since you got here there’s been a certain monotony to your days, where you do chores around the house in the morning, so you can keep an eye on Ellie at the same time, and then move outside after lunch, once you’ve put Ellie down for her nap. Granddad calls you whenever she wakes up, which usually is right in time for afternoon tea, and you’ve come to take her outside with you so she can play for a bit and you can do some smaller chores. After you’ve made dinner Ellie goes to bed, which frees you up to go check on the Alpacas before you’re back in the house for the dishes and whatever else needs to be done. 
Saturdays are no exception and so here you are, ready to head outside with Ellie.
“Out,” Ellie says, clapping her hands in excitement. “Out, out, out.” 
“Yep, let me just-” you say as you try to wriggle her foot into her rainboot, “-get these on, bub. And then we’re ready to go.” Once both feet are in you hold out your hand for her to take and lead her outside, Homer following you without question. The dog’s been retired from his working duties when your granddad sold the fifty or so cows he still had a few years ago, but he still accompanies whoever’s working on the farm whenever he feels like it. 
A quick glance at the sky tells you there’s rain clouds building in the distance but you hope it will stay dry until after dinner, or at least until you’ve finished your work in the vegetable garden.
You give Ellie her own tiny spade and tell her to have at it while you set out to dig some holes for the potato plants you’ve picked up at the agrishop earlier this week. 
You’re almost finished when you hear a car pulling up to the house and when you look up from where you were hunched over, trying to keep Ellie from eating yet another handful of dirt, stretching your back as you stand up straight, you’re a little surprised to see it’s Daniel. When he told you yesterday he’d come by again today you didn’t actually expect him to do so but-
“Danny!” Ellie exclaims when she spots him, pushing herself up from the ground and wobbling over to the fence.
You see Daniel’s smile grow wider when he sees her and he quickly makes his way over, holding out his fist to her once he reaches the fence, laughing then when she bumps hers against his. “Hello Miss Ellie. How are you today?”
“Tatoes!” Ellie says, pointing at the ground with a proud smile.
“We’ve planted potatoes,” you explain, using the back of your wrist to wipe the hair from your face, your hands still covered in dirt. “Well, I did,” you add and laugh when you nod at Ellie, “this little troublemaker was more interested in eating dirt.”
Daniel chuckles and winks at Ellie, “Ain’t nothing wrong with that.” 
Ellie holds out her arms to him then and Daniel looks at you, only picking her up after you’ve nodded to let him know it’s ok.
“Granddad should be done with his nap,” you tell Daniel as you pick up the spade again. “So if you want to head inside-”
“Oh no, that’s ok,” Daniel says and opens the gate that leads into the garden, Ellie resting on his hip. “We can hang out here for a while, huh? Wait until momma’s finished?” 
Ellie pats his cheek with one of her dirty hands, leaving a trace of mud just above his beard, whispering a quiet, “Danny.” 
“Aw,” Daniel coos, a warm smile spreading across his face. He looks at you then, “So I uh- I wanted to run something by you.”
“Ok,” you draw out, not sure what he’s getting at.
“I’ve known Oscar for a long time, right? And well, he’s always helped me out whenever I needed help over at the farm so I wanted to return the favour.” He waits until you’ve stand up before he continues, “I talked to Michael, he’s my personal trainer and he does all my meal prep and-” he waves his free hand around, “Anyway, he knows someone in Perth who can help out with that and I went there today and picked up some prepped meals for you guys. They’ll last you until next Sunday and I can still pick up the next batch because I don’t leave for Singapore until next Tuesday a week from now anyway, but this way you won’t have to worry about dinner so much. You just pop them in the microwave and you have a healthy, balanced meal for you and old Oscar.” 
Your first instinct is to tell him that it’s fine, that it isn’t really necessary, but honestly, not having to worry about dinner would save you so much time and so you tell him, “Thank you.”
“And-” he puts Ellie down then and runs a hand through his hair, almost as if he’s a bit unsure of himself, “-I’ve cleared my schedule in the evenings so if you want I could help you out for a bit after dinner. I know you have the alpacas to take care of and-”
You’re at a loss for words for a moment, a warm feeling spreading somewhere deep inside of you at the kindness he’s showing. If you’re honest, really honest, it’s all been a bit much and while you didn’t necessarily want to ask anyone for help, not even sure who you could ask, Daniel offering to help out for a few hours every day would make all the difference. 
He must take your silence for something else because he quickly adds, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do, if it’s the dishes, or just sitting with Oscar for a bit, or-”
“Daniel,” you say, putting your hand on his arm to let him know it’s ok. “Thank you. That’s really kind of you.”
He shrugs, “It’s the least I can do.” 
“It’s more than you have to,” you reply with a smile. “I really appreciate it.” 
“Ok, so this is Barbra,” she says as she pets one of the lighter-coloured alpacas, “but we call her ‘Babs’.”
They’re out in Eagle’s Nest, the paddock bordering his dirt bike track, and she’s taken it upon herself to introduce him to the three alpacas that are huddled together near the feeder. She nods, encouraging him to pet the animal but he’s- Hesitant. Babs looks very innocent, all long eyelashes and fluffy hair but he’s sure a well-aimed kick could take him out in seconds and so he prefers to keep his distance.
She laughs and grabs his wrist, “Come on, you drive fast cars for a living, Ricciardo. Don’t tell me you’re scared of an Alpaca.”
“I’m not scared but there ain’t nothing wrong with being cautious,” he shoots back but his voice is a little too high-pitched to make it sound convincing. He flinches when she guides his hand closer to Babs but when she makes him touch her fur and he feels how soft the wool is he relaxes a little. 
She laughs and lets go of his wrist, “See? That isn’t so bad, is it?”
“Hmm,” he agrees half-heartedly, not wanting to spook the animal. “It’s ok.” 
“It’s Betsy you gotta look out for anyway,” she says with a nod towards a dark-brown alpaca, a mischievous smile tugging on her lips. “She tends to bite when you get too close.”
“Good to know,” he says, still keeping his voice low, still stroking Babs’ back. “And who’s that?”
She holds her hand out to a white alpaca, the animal immediately going in for a head scratch, “This is Blanche. She wouldn’t hurt a fly.” She turns to him then and whispers, “She ain’t the brightest of the bunch, most of the time the light’s on but there’s nobody home, if you know what I mean, but we love her just the same.”
He laughs, “Gotcha.” 
“Ok, so,” she opens the gate and allows him to step inside before she closes it again, telling Homer, who has come along in the back of her ute, to stay. “We’ve got their feeder here but I keep a bucket of grains in the back of my ute to keep the mice out and once every two days or so I bring them a fresh bail of hay.” She motions towards the shed a little bit further down, “They can seek shelter there at night and tend to huddle up whenever it rains, so I make sure to clean it out every day so it’s a nice place for them to be.”
He nods, trying to pay attention but he’s too distracted by the way she keeps touching his arm whenever she shows him something and finds himself wishing she wouldn’t let go. When she’s done with her tour of the alpaca paddock she looks at him expectantly and he can’t help but smile back at her. 
She wiggles her eyebrows at him, “You sure you still want to help out?” 
Daniel has never been more certain of anything in his life, “Yes ma’am.”
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michellemisfit · 9 months
⛄️❄️ Weekly Tag Wednesday, on a Thursday ❄️⛄️
Kindly tagged by @mikhailoisbaby @metalheadmickey @mickeysgaymom @lingy910y @sleepyfacetoughguy @crestfallercanyon @creepkinginc @mybrainismelted @energievie @deedala @jrooc
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire 🪵 and celebrate your pocket friends 🤶🏻
❄️ Favourite nickname you’ve ever been given:
Any film or TV set I’ve ever wrangled animals on I’ve been dubbed ‘Rabbit Girl’ or ‘Alpaca Lady’ or whatever other animal I’ve got with me that day, and it makes me laugh. I’m also quite fond of school kids calling me ‘Farmer Michelle’. It’s cute. Otherwise it’s just the usual. Myska. Mys. Myskalump.
Oh! Oh oh oh!!! Ruth’s brother calls me his Swisster, and it’s the CUTEST THING!!!! 🥰🇨🇭
❄️ Where are you located? London, UK
❄️ What season is it where you are now? 🥶
❄️ Favourite tradition this time of year: I love baking and decorating cookies and giving them to people. I also love giving and especially wrapping presents. I’ve made my own wrapping paper for the last few Christmases and birthdays, and it makes wrapping extra fun!!
I just like doing things that make other people happy 😊
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❄️ Favourite holiday food: Leftovers Casserole. It’s literally what it says in the tin, so turkey meat, any left over roast veg and potatoes, caramelised garlic carrots, Brussels, and stuffing all put in the oven to heat through and let the top go crispy, and then you eat it with gravy. Yum yum.
❄️ Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider? Mulled cider all the way!! We basically have a large pot of mulled wine and a large pot of mulled cider on the go for all of December lol
❄️ Turkey, Ham or Nut Roast (Or Tofurkey?)?
I have always wanted to make a nut roast and never have!!! 😭 We do turkey on Christmas Day and Honey Glazed Ham on “House Christmas”. They’re both awesome.
❄️ Would you rather spend the December holidays in: A cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand?
❄️ Are you pro-snow or anti-snow?
Pro. Farming is tough in winter, but it’s still pretty beautiful. Even if my fingers fall off.
❄️ Have you ever built a snowman? Of course! I also built a snow dog with Poppy one year.
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❄️ Skiing or Snowboarding? I used to be a pretty decent skier. I’ve snowboarded twice and could not get on board with the concept. Just like I am great on roller skates and suck on a skate board 🤷🏽‍♂️ Also? All of my best scars and bloodiest injury stories are winter sport related!
❄️ Do you decorate for the holidays? Have you met me??
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No neighbourhood ivy is save this time of year!
❄️ Favourite holiday movie? I’m not too big on movies generally, but we often watch A Knights Tale at Christmas, so probably that?
❄️ Favourite holiday fanfic? One of the things I adore about fandom at Christmas is things like Christmas Gift Exchanges and people writing Christmas spin offs for their popular fics, or amazing people like @sam-loves-seb doing a whole 12 Days of Christmas!!! Which I cannot wait to have time off to binge my way through to get in the Christmas spirit!!! 🥰
❄️ If you were to star in a Hallmark movie, who would be your love interest? Where would it take place?
Bradley James! Once and Future Love of my Life.
I would be hired to supply the animals for his latest movie, which would have some cringeworthy puntastic title like ‘You’ve Goat to Be Kidding Me’ or ‘Only With Ewe’.
Forgive my lateness and likely double tagging. Work has been a lot in the run up to Christmas. If you’ve already done this please tag me so I can read yours, and if not then this is your invitation to be fashionably late, just like me! @suzy-queued @heymacy @heymrspatel @callivich @faejilly @greentealycheejelly @rutherinahobbit @depressedstressedlemonzest @look-i-love-u @crossmydna @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @rereadanon @lupeloto @gardenerian @sam-loves-seb @francesrose3 @bawlbrayker @vintagelacerosette
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weshallc · 10 months
Dear Mr Cleverly
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I wrote a CtM AU a while back called the Crown Jewels.
It relocated the whole CtM crew into the current rural/industrial malaise that is the North East of England.
And I thought I’d let it be.
The new UK Home Secretary who I believe is you, on the day parliament receives the largest media exposure, said that the town I’d chosen to base my fic on was and I quote from parliament, “A sh*t hole”
I’ve been inundated since with a huge mail bag from residents explaining why Poplar-on- Tweaven isn’t a sh*t hole.
A pub landlord, a person of the aristocracy, the religious community, the celebrity owners of an alpaca farm, a brewery owner, a care foundation, the local constabulary, some students, a very vexed red headed Scottish person and Trixie (she needs no introduction) have all written letters addressed to…
Dear Mr Cleverly,
I am in receipt of these letters awaiting further instruction.
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not-poignant · 2 years
Hey Pia! Hope you're well (very new reader here).
I gather that you live in quite a rural area (?) what do you like about living there? What is the flora/fauna like? I'm from the UK and haven't really experienced other climates so I'm interested heh
˶‘ ᵕ ‘˶
Hi hi anon!
I'm in what's classified as 'semi-rural' here in Western Australia, but basically it means that I am smack in the middle of dense suburbia, and then 10 minutes away from farmland and bushland on all sides, lol.
It's weird! Because it means we have a lot of amenities close by (though no hospitals or emergency care, they're all around 30-60 minutes away), but it also means when we travel out of the suburb, we often see kangaroos or alternatively alpacas and sheep (there's a lot of fleece farms up this way).
The weather here is actually quite Mediterranean (literally, Perth is classed as a 'Hot-summer Mediterranean climate' in the Koppen system). We can go months without rain. And we get around 139 clear days per year (no cloud cover), which means we're one of the sunniest capital cities in the world (to my endless dismay).
As to the animals *thinks* it's fairly normal to see kangaroos around here, at large parks and on farmland and clearings in bushland, and sometimes on the side of busy roads (which is not great). They are most common at dawn and at dusk. We also used to see wild emus for a while, but that was a few years ago, and I think this area is now too built up for it!
There are lots of parrots, and they're probably the most common birds we see, outside of like doves, Australian magpies (they are not Corvids), Australian ravens (they are Corvids), and birds of prey. The most common parrots we get up here are Carnaby's cockatoos, rainbow lorikeets, corellas, and pink & grey galahs. We also have a decent population of wood ducks, lol. And a lot of small songbirds. We get a lot of singing honeyeaters and brown honeyeaters in our garden.
Most of our trees aren't deciduous, so they keep their leaves all year round. And Eucalyptus are flowering trees. Right now all the jarrah trees are flowering all at the same time, with puffy huge white and cream blossoms, turning the bushland into the sound of lazy buzzing. Every day this week will be over 36C, so we make sure our birdbath is full, and the birds do actually use it. We have a garden, and I have mostly native plants in there, as well as some pots with curry plant (karapincha) and lemongrass, as well as rosemary, thyme and lavender.
When the weather is hot and there's clouds in the sky, we get the most amazing sunsets. My userpic is of a sunset that happened in my back garden.
These, for example, were all taken in the back garden:
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And this is what most of the surrounding bushland around us looks like in summer:
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And some extras:
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private-bryan · 10 months
Get To Know Me
Thanks for the tag @queer-cosette
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
Niet - I've never really wanted to get one either. If I was forced to at needlepoint it would probaby be the inscription from the One Ring around my bicep
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Royal Blue
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
A bowl of Kellogg's Special K (gotta get that fibre in)
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:06 - I'm meant to be doing a security review, but that can wait for the more important Tumblring
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Libra. And I've got no clue on anything more than that
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Canadian (just in case the missus is listening), but from the UK/Ireland it's any of the Scottish, Welsh, or Irish accents. They're extremely sexy (most of the time) compared to the bland Home Counties accent in my area
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
My dumbest are the ones on my knuckles. It wasn't from a fight, but from slipping down an icy set of concrete steps, and not realising I was bleeding copiously from all the knuckles on my left hand until I was halfway to work (on a Rail Replacement Bus, no less)
I also have one on my palm from where it was cut by flaking paint (on the handrail of the same set of stairs!)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
The Road to El Dorado
"Did you ever imagine it would end like this?"
"The horse is a surprise."
📺 - Favourite show?
Derry Girls. Also Taskmaster
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yes, but the freewheeling elbows that follow usually disuade people from trying again
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
I already am. Unless I divorce I'd rather not commit bigamy
😳 - Do you like your name?
I don't dislike my name. It's just... a name. My surname is quite rare though, so I've got that going for me
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Magnolia (we rent)
🤓 - How did you get your name?
I don't think there's a reason my parents picked it, unfortunately.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
I never went to Uni, but I left college (UK definition) in 2004
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Nope. Again, fairly bland in how I want my body to look. Aside from the beard (which was mainly an excuse not to shave every day) I basically just think of it as a slightly crappy vessel to live in.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Brown. Quite dark, in fact, so that from not too far away they look almost black.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Cut short twice a year (grade 3 all over), then I just let it grow until it gets too curly. I don't do anything with it, not that you could do anything with it anyway.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Not really. I was a/am nerd, and didn't really go past shandy until I was 18
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Just twice - I don't really like how it makes my head feel. Once was after a funeral of a schoolfriend. I can't remember the other one
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Physical fear is either heights or dogs. But my biggest one is that one day I'll be alone and forgotten.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. I'm an overweight man, so I don't like almost literally swimming in sweat. And with cold weather I can just chuck on another jumper or t-shirt (I'm currently sat here in my dressing gown)
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Pissing it down. So long as I'm at home and can listen while reading in bed
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn. Cool, colourful, and has my birthday in it!
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
The Alpaca. I made the missus go to an Alapca farm on the Isle of Wight when we were over there for our 10th wedding anniversary
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
Three cats (Penelope, Irene, Helen). The wife has a dog called Fritz, but I don't interact with him
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Just over two days.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Writing, gaming, bookbinding, sewing, model making, 3D printing, procrastinating
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'd like to tour the UK - Have a hoke around Scotland, revisit Wales and Northern Ireland, go and see some history in York or Nottingham or something.
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Currently, it's foiling techniques for my books - the missus bought a second hand set of the LOTR books, and I've got designs on rebinding them and want to make the edges gold
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Tumblr. Close second for NYT Games (gotta get Wordle and Connections in), and Duolingo
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I'm a suburbs person. Or at least a town person.
I like some people around, and being in close range to a supermarket and stuff, but I don't like being in a really big city (like London or Belfast) for too long - something like Portsmouth or Derry is ideal actually
Tagging: @areseebee @carouselunique @imstressedx if you feel like you'd like to have a go too :)
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 9.30
Agricultural Reform Day (Sao Tome and Principe)
Arizona Monsoon Season ends
Army Incompetence Day
Birth of Morelos (Mexico)
Botswana Day (Botswana)
Boy’s Day (Poland)
Chewing Gum Day
Day of Hungarian Folktales (Hungary)
Do Something Wacky With A Grandparent Day
E-mail Debt Forgiveness Day
Frisbee Day
International Blasphemy Rights Day (a.k.a. Blasphemy Day)
International Podcast Day
International Recovery Day
International Thunderbirds Day
International Translation Day (UN)
Jananeta Irawat Birth Day (Manipur, India)
Kokkeisetsu (Japan)
Liberation Day (Abkhazia)
Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day
Monkey Bars Day
National Black Funding Day
National Chewing Gum Day
National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools
National Kratom Day
National Love People Day
National Microcephaly Awareness Day
National Mud Pack Day
National Nonspeaking / Nonverbal Awareness Day (UK)
National Pet Tricks Day (UK)
National PrepareAthon! Day [also 4.30]
National Puppy Mill Survivor Day
National Sporting Heritage Day (UK)
National Teach Spanish Day
Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Day
Orange Shirt Day (Canada)
Parsnip Day (French Republic Day)
Peon Day (Warcraft)
Pink Out Day
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Recovery Day (Canada)
Rumi Day
Secretary Day (Venezuela)
Thunderbirds Day
Time For Yoga Day
Truth and Reconciliation Day (Canada)
World Pole Dance Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Austrian Beer Day (Austria)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Day
Hot Mulled Cider Day
National Hot Mulled Cider Day
National Soufflé Potato Day
World Stroopwafel Day (Netherlands)
5th & Last Saturday in September
Centzon-Totochtin Drunken Rabbit Day [Last Saturday]
Everybody's Day Festival [Last Saturday]
Family Health and Fitness Day USA (Last Saturday]
International Lace Day [Last Saturday]
National Alpaca Farm Days begin [Last Saturday]
National Ghost Hunting Day [Last Saturday]
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play [Last Saturday]
Save Your Photos Day [Last Saturday]
World Cyanotype Day [Last Saturday]
World Day of Leukodystrophies [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Botswana (from UK, 1966)
Republic of Abkhazia (from Georgia, 1983) [unrecognized]
Tinakula (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Autumnale II (Pagan)
Anthony Green (Artology)
Blue-Feathered Swallowing Swallow (Muppetism)
Feast of Soma (God of Ambrosia & Immortality; India)
Festival of Drunkenness (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Tereteth (Goddess of the Coconut Toddy; Yap Island, Micronesia)
Gregory the Illuminator (Christian; Saint)
Honorius of Canterbury (Christian; Saint)
Jerome (Christian; Saint)
John Waters Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Medetrinalia (Fruits Offered to Goddess of Medicine; Ancient Rome)
Molière (Positivist; Saint)
Plan for the 31st if September Day (Pastafarian)
Ridiculous Excuses Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Green Day fans will never leave you alone.)
Adjustment Team, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1954)
Alias (TV Series; 2001)
The Ascent Of Rum Doodle, by W.E. Bowman (Novel; 1956)
The Big Chill (Film; 1983)
Bird (Film; 1988)
Blueberries for Sal, by Robert McCloskey (Children’s Book; 1948)
The Boy Friend (Broadway Musical; 1954)
Car Talk (Radio Series; 1977)
Cheers (TV Series; 1982)
The Clock Store (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Con Man (Web Series; 2015)
Dad, Can I Borrow the Car? (Disney Short Film; 1970)
Death Valley Days (Radio Series; 1930)
Entergalactic (Animated Film; 2022)
The Family of Pascual Duarte, by Camilo José Cela (Novel; 1942)
Fantasy, by Mariah Carey (Song; 1995)
50/50 (Film; 2011)
The Flintstones (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Go Away Stowaway (WB MM Cartoon; 1967)
Grand Ole Opry (TV Series; 1950)
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman (Novel; 2008)
The Greatest Game Ever Played (Film; 2005)
Into the Blue (Film; 2005)
Little Women (Novel; 1868)
Louis Armstrong Plays King Oliver, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Album; 1957) [1st stereo album]
Love for Sale, by Tony Bennett (Album; 2021)
Luke Cage (TV Series; 2016)
The Magic Flute, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Opera; 1791)
Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors (Animated Film; 2018)
Methuselah's Children, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1958)
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Film; 2016)
Murder, She Wrote (TV Series; 1984)
Nebraska, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1982)
Porgy and Bess, by George Gershwin (Opera; 1935)
The Queen (Film; 2006)
The Rifleman (TV Series; 1958)
The Robe, by Lloyd C. Douglas (Novel; 1942)
The Saint in Europe, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1953) [Saint #30]
Scooby-Doo! And the Monster of Mexico (WB Animated Film; 2003)
A Separate Peace, by John Knowles (Novel; 1959)
Serenity (Film; 2005)
Shine On, by Jet (Album; 2006)
The Steeple-Chase (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Theme From Shaft, by Isaac Hayes (Song; 1971)
To the Manor Born (UK TV Series; 1979)
You, Me and the Apocalypse (UK TV Series; 2015)
Today’s Name Days
Hieronymus, Urs, Victor (Austria)
Felicija, Grgur, Jerko, Jeronim (Croatia)
Jeroným (Czech Republic)
Hieronymus (Denmark)
Kaur, Kauri, Tauri (Estonia)
Sirja, Siru, Sorja (Finland)
Jérôme (France)
Hieronymus , Urs, Viktor (Germany)
Stratonikos (Greece)
Jeromos (Hungary)
Gerolamo (Italy)
Abgara, Elma, Lamekins (Latvia)
Bytautė, Jeronimas, Sofija, Žymantas (Lithuania)
Hege, Helga, Helge (Norway)
Grzegorz, Hieronim, Honoriusz, Imisław, Leopard, Sofia, Wera, Wiera, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Zofia (Poland)
Grigorie (Romania)
Lubov, Nadezhda, Vera (Russia)
Jarolím (Slovakia)
Jerónimo, Sofía, Sonia (Spain)
Helge (Sweden)
Jerome, Jeronima, Gerome, Geromino (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 273 of 2024; 92 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 16 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 15 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 15 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 3 Shù; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 17 September 2023
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Molière]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 7 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 7 of 30)
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organicfarmfamily · 2 months
Sheep and Alpaca wool, fleeces, pelts 🐑 🦙
Good evening happy healthy life seekers 🤗👩🏼‍🌾🏡
This evenings TOFF chatter is all about our fluffy, hairy, amazing, happy, healthy life friends ~ sheep and alpacas in particular their fleeces/pelts🦙🐑
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Many sheep farmers struggle in the UK in disposing of their sheep fleeces due to the huge decline in the UK wool manufacturing industry. Only one organisation in the UK will actually take in raw, unwashed pelts ~ sheep fleeces and the cost of transportation and shearing means the farmer barely breaks even if indeed scrapes a few coppers profit.....it's becoming unviable 🙄
Here at TOFF, we've even heard of farmers trying to burn the pelts and wool 🔥😲 but to no avail as they do not burn well so many result to burying.......farmers often bury things when other options are against them 🤔
However.....there's always a better happier and healthier work around solution 🎉 to all life's organic farming woes 🤗
Here we go with various options for using the unwanted fleeces, wool and pelts......
Weed membrane 🌱
The fleeces of both sheep and alpacas make amazebugs incredible weed membrane 🤗 The alpaca wool is a little soft and due to the manor of trimming our furry friends is often in chunks of hair so there is a tendency for them to blow away however a fine mesh top placed over the wool and pinned down prevents this issue 🎉🌱
The sheep pelts and fleeces are super at the job as they are often heavy, laden in lovely wool and due to the shearing of the sheep are often in one full pelt so they lay down to the ground super well.
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Here at TOFF we take in sheep and alpaca wool twice a year following their shears and trims and they have proven themselves to be super at surprising all weeds! 🤗👩🏼‍🌾🌱🤗
To plant, with the wool in place is also super easy, no cutting of plastic simply pull the wool apart and you're good to grow 🪴
As the fleeces are naturally biodegradable, they break down naturally and nicely adding fertility to the soil along the way 🌱
Many other positives and plus points too ~ they conserve rain for your plants, locking in the moisture, the lanolin content ~ natural oils within the fleece repel slugs and pests so perfect for your vegetable and cut flower gardens ~ we use them around our blackberry and herb plants 🌱
And the list truly does go on......they're super for overwintering your plants outside ~ you're effectively wrapping them up in a pure natural fleece so the plant roots are protected over winter ❄️🌱🤗
As we are strictly organic we have a supplier who doesn't spray the sheep and alpacas with any toxic nasties so all healthy raw wool
It's a win win win 🌱🤗🌱🤗🌱🤗🌱🤗
External matting to create traction / anti slip
If you have an external area which always becomes boggy or slippery....fleece to the rescue.
For such a problem patch we strongly advocate the raw sheep's wool as the fibres are stronger and matted.....the alpaca is a little finer and silkier.
The heavy raw sheep's wool with it's strong fibres matted together ensures a non slip surface, perfect for grassy verges and muddy pathways....it also works incredibly well under your car tyres in winter as it creates traction ~ tried and tested in TOFF motos 🚗 🤗
Insulation 🏡
For many years sheep's wool has been used to insulate, in cavity walls on natural, healthy builds and in loft spaces. It's DB (decibel) rating is great, it's low burn and highly insulative from the cold ❄️🥶
However....caution! You probably shouldn't start loading up your roof space with raw sheep's wool just yet as you may find yourself with a moth and pest infestation as along with us humans they love it too 🙄🐑🦙
The raw wool needs treatment first, along with washing etc it's also passed through strong UV in order to destroy any pests prior to being compressed for insulation. Two companies in Ireland undertake such vigorous procedures 🤗🏡
We have heard wool insulation chatter regarding using it raw in external spaces....animal housing and sheds without the use of UV 🤗
Compost 🌱
Here at TOFF HQ we are early days in our own experiment with raw wool 🦙🐑
In our compost bay....so far so good with learnings along the way! We've used a lawn clipping, raw wool, horse manure, used coffee grinds and used tea bag mix ~ all organic of course . We do not use food waste - green elements due to the local Roland (ratty) 🐀
Our learnings.....go easy on the amount of wool added...it takes quite a while to break down (hence why it's so fabulous as a weed barrier!) we were a little heavy handed when layering the wool element so sifting out is one of our summer jobs ☀️
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Garden twine 🪢
Instead of conventional twine, the raw wool...we'd advocate sheep wool....can be spun, even as simply in your fingers🤌🏼 to create fantastic garden twine, super natural adding to our happy healthy life in the garden 🏡👩🏼‍🌾🤗
Happy evening to you all ~ happy healthy life seekers 🤗
Love TOFF x
P.S~ as always, we would love to hear from you, if you have any questions or chatter please do drop us an email: [email protected]
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 4.4
Antitrust Day
Art Deco Day
Atlanta Day
Auditory Processing Disorder Awareness Day
Ballroom Dance Day
Basque Day (Spain)
Bee Day (French Republic)
Bewitching Day
Bonza Bottler Day
Calypso Asteroid Day
Cat’s Day (Taiwan)
Chicago Flag Day (Illinois)
Children’s Day (China, Taiwan)
Clear and Bright Day (Farmer’s Calendar; China)
404 Day
Flag Day (Chicago, Illinois; Monaco)
HIE Awareness Day
Hug a Newsperson Day
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action (UN)
International Day to Defend Amina
International Rock Beat Day
Jeep 4x4 Day
Liberation Day (Hungary)
Maya Angelou Day (Boston)
Microsoft Day
Mourning Day for Covid-19 Martyrs (China)
National Dillon Day
National Horse Rehabilitation Day
National Lunchbreak Day (UK)
National Pansy Day
National School Librarian Day
1984 Day (1984)
Ose Matsuri (Japan)
Peace Day (Angola)
Red Crown Imperial Day
Refugee Rights Day (Canada)
Sarhul (Jharkhand, India)
Square Root Day
Swedish-American Friendship Day
Tell-A-Lie Day
Victims of Violence Wholly Day
Vitamin "C" Day
Walk Around Things Day
Women in Tech Day
World Drummers Day
World Plagiocephaley Day
World Rat Day
World Stray Animals Day
Yukon Gold Discovery Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Milk Powder Day (a.k.a. Powdered Chocolate Day)
Homogenized Milk Day
International Carrot Day
National Cordon Bleu Day
National Pub Day (UK)
National Ramen Noodle Day
1st Thursday in April
Glarus Festival (Näfelser Fahrtfest; Switzerland) [1st Thursday] 
International Road Maintenance Day [1st Thursday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
National Alcohol Screening Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Burrito Day [1st Thursday]
National GOOS Paper Day (Canada) [1st Thursday]
RAINN Day [1st Thursday]
Tell a Lie Day [1st Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 4 (1st Week)
Hate Week [thru 4.10]
National Dental Hygienist Week [thru 4.10]
Independence & Related Days
Chinese Republic in Tibet (Proclaimed; Tibet; 1912)
Jacktoopia (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Senegal (from France, 1960)
Sorrenia (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning April 4, 2024
Artifact Small Format Film Festival (Calgary, Canada) [thru 4.6]
Art Paris Art Fair (Paris, France) [thru 4.7]
Brussels Book Fair (Brussels, Belgium) [thru 4.7]
Clay County Agricultural Fair (Green Cove Springs, Florida) [thru 4.14]
Diagonale Film Festival (Graz, Austria) [thru 4.9]
Kansas Ag Expo (Hutchinson, Kansas) [thru 4.6]
Mule Day (Columbia, Tennessee) [thru 4.7]
North American Alpaca Show (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) [thru 4.7]
Oklahoma City Farm Show (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) [thru 4.6]
Ozark Mountain Soul Fest (Eureka Springs, Arkansas) [thru 4.8]
Ragnarok Festival (Lichtenfels, Germany) [thru 4.6]
Romics (Rome, Italy) [thru 4.7]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum VI (Pagan)
Agathopus and Theodulus (Christian; Martyrs)
Ambrose (Christian; Saints Commemoration)
Benedict the Moor (Christian; Saint)
Dabucuri pataub, (Initiation Rites of the Young Men; to Jurupari, South American Guarani/Tupi God)
Dan Simmons (Writerism)
Feast of No Saints Day (Pastafarian)
Gaetano Catanoso (Christian; Saint)
Isidore of Seville (Christian; Saint)
The Kangaroo Rat (Muppetism)
Katori Jingu Otaue-sai (Rice Planting Festival; Japan)
Magna Mater begins (aka Megalesia / Great Mother Festival; Ancient Rome)
Martin Luther King Jr. (Episcopal Church (USA))
Maurice de Vlaminck (Artology)
Maya Angelou (Writerism)
Megalesia (Mother of Gods Festival; Phrygian)
Mahavir Jayanti (a.k.a. Janma Kalyanak; Jainism)
Näfelser Fahrtfest (Glarus Canton, Switzerland)
Pierre-Paul Prud´hon (Artology)
Plato (Christian; Saint)
Portfirio Diaz Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Reginald Heber (Anglican Church of Canada)
Theodisius of Bithynia (Positivist; Saint)
Tigernach of Clones (Christian; Saint)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Tomb Sweeping Day (掃墳節) [Begins At the Qingming solar term, solar longitude of 15°, 15th days after Chunfen] (a.k.a. …
Ancestors' Day
Cheng Ming (macau)
Chinese Memorial Day
Ching Ming Festival (清明節; China; Hong Kong)
Chungmyung Day (North Korea)
Clear and Bright Festival
Qingming Jie (清明节; China)
Qingming Festival
Shīmī (Ryukyu Islands)
Tomb Sweeping Day (Taiwan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unluckiest Day of the Year (China)
Alice’s Auto Race (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Aloha From Hawaii, by Elvis Presley (TV Concert Special; 1973)
Anna Karenina (Film; 1997)
The Blow Out (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Brilliant Corners, by Thelonius Monk (Album; 1957)
Bye Bye Birdie (Film; 1963)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Film; 2014)
Cat Carson Rides Again (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1952)
Chasing Amy (Film; 1997)
Combatants Will Be Dispatched (Anime TV Series; 2021)
Cool for Cats, by Squeeze (Album; 1979)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Anime Film; 2003)
The Double (Film; 2013)
Drum Roll, featuring Hector Heathcote (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1961)
Fiesta Time (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1945)
Finnegan’s Flea (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1958)
Flies Ain’t Human (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1941)
Follies, by Stephen Sondheim (Broadway Musical; 1971)
Fowl Weather (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
The Good Life, a.k.a. Good Neighbors (UK TV Series; 1975)
Heap Big Hepcat (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
High Fidelity, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1979)
How Right You Are, Jeeves (a.k.a. Jeeves in the Offing), by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1960) [Jeeves #12]
Jonny’s Golden Quest (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1993)
Leatherheads (Film; 2008)
Man’s Best Friend (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
Microsoft (Computer Company; 1975)
The Mouse That Jack Built (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
Mutts About Racing, featuring Droopy (MGM Cartoon; 1958)
Nim’s Island (Film; 2008)
Oliver’s Story, by Erich Segal (Novel; 1977)
The Party (Film; 1968)
Perils of Pauline (Film Series; 1914)
Pink Quackers (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1979)
Rio Bravo (Film; 1959)
The Saint (Film; 1997)
Ship of the Line, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1938)
Toro Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1979)
Two Little Pups (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Ups ’n Downs (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
What a Girl Wants (Film; 2003)
Today’s Name Days
Isidor, Konrad (Austria)
Benedikt, Izidor, Platon (Croatia)
Ivana (Czech Republic)
Ambrosius (Denmark)
Ambrus, Arbo, Arp, Arpo (Estonia)
Ukko (Finland)
Isidore (France)
Isidor, Konrad, Kurt (Germany)
Izidor (Hungary)
Isabelle, Isadora, Isidoro (Italy)
Herta, Valda (Latvia)
Algaudas, Ambraziejus, Eglė, Izidorius (Lithuania)
Nancy, Nanna, Nina (Norway)
Ambroży, Bazyli, Benedykt, Izydor, Wacław, Wacława, Zdzimir (Poland)
Iosif (Romania)
Izidor (Slovakia)
Benito (Spain)
Ambrosius, Marianne, Marlene (Sweden)
Cedric, Cedrica, Plato, Tiernan, Tierney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 95 of 2024; 271 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 14 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 26 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 25 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 25 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 5 Cyan; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 22 March 2024
Moon: 23%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 Archimedes (4th Month) [Hero]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 17 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 15 of 31)
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cherylmmbookblog · 1 year
#BlogTour Dig Two Graves by Heather Peck
It’s my turn on the BlogTour Dig Two Graves by Heather Peck. About the author Award-winning author Heather Peck has had a varied life. As featured in the ‘Norfolk’ magazine and the Eastern Daily Press, “Norfolk farm disaster expert turns to crime writing” she has been both farmer and agricultural policy adviser.  She bred sheep and alpacas, reared calves, broke ploughs, represented the UK in…
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everydaydaniella · 1 year
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Blacklands Alpacas - UK
On our way to the Airbnb we passed some dairy farms and a "piggery." The smell.... was horrible. When I told Cassidy that we were staying at a farm she was like "OMG, am I gonna smell like farm? My bf is coming and I don't want to stink!" Thankfully, although we only had 2 minutes to go on the drive, we passed through the stink and got to our Airbnb which smelled nothing like grass and outdoors.
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mmr021 · 1 year
Cultivated Meat Statistics and Industry Analysis Detailed in Latest Research Study and Analysis Report 2029
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Cultivated Meat Market Overview:
The Cultivated Meat market report offers a thorough analysis to define its target market, together with data on market size and company profiles of the leading key players. The study includes an in-depth analysis of the Cultivated Meat Market as well as the factors influencing geographical differences in the growth of the market.
Request For The Sample@https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/139257 
Market Scope:
The market study, which involved market size predictions, statistics calculations, market breakdown, market projections, and data triangulation, was complete, and wide-ranging primary research was carried out to gather data, check and authenticate important figures. It is analyzing important trends and predicts potential changes in the market. This is a crucial phase in the process of choosing a target market, creating new products, and discovering new market segments. To provide vital information throughout the study, all data collected during the market process is submitted to extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis.
While most start-ups focus on more common species and breeds, Eat Just's GOOD Meat and the business Orbillion Bio is looking into Wagyu, and Vow is looking into more exotic possibilities like kangaroo and alpaca. To attain the ideal taste and texture, companies may opt to focus on a certain area and mix plant protein and other ingredients into their products. For example, Eat Just's chicken product in Singapore is more than 70% cultured cells with a tiny amount of plant protein added for structure, whereas Future Meat in Israel combines cultivated fat with plant protein.
Consumers must not only enjoy but also trust cultured meat. Producers will be responsible for convincing consumers that produced meat is as safe and nutritious as conventional meat. While this may be a short-term roadblock, health and nutrition may prove to be a long-term advantage if cultivated-meat producers can demonstrate a track record of safety.
Key Players:
Some of the leading players in the Cultivated Meat market are:
• Memphis Meats (US) • MosaMeat (Netherlands) • SuperMeat (Israel) • Just, Inc (US) • Integriculture (Japan) • Aleph Farms Ltd (Israel) • Finless Foods Inc. (US) • Avant Meats Company Limited (China) • Balletic Foods (US) • Future Meat Technologies Ltd (Israel) • Appleton Meats (Canada) • Higher Steaks (UK) • Biofood Systems LTD (Israel) • Fork Goode (US) • Meatable (Netherlands) • Mission Barns (US) • Bluenalu, Inc. (US) • New Age Meats (US) • Shiok Meats (Singapore) • Seafuture Sustainable Biotech (Canada)
Regional Analysis:
The regional market research analysis for Cultivated Meat also covers particular market driving forces and changes in market laws affecting current and future market trends. Companies that conduct business must understand the nature of those particular markets and judge whether they require customized marketing strategies. To assess the potential market as a whole and identify profitable patterns to build a stronger foundation, current and upcoming trends are researched. The current environment and anticipated trends form the foundation of the geographic market's evaluation. Companies that conduct business abroad must comprehend the characteristics of those specific markets and determine whether they need specialized marketing approaches.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Cultivated Meat Market:
The COVID-19 pandemic drastically hits the world economy. The expansion of healthcare services and other related industries was subsequently impacted by this. It also had a favorable effect on the expansion of the Cultivated Meat market. It is mostly caused by a rise in the demand for doctors and other healthcare professionals. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the market for Cultivated Meat manufacturers as well as the profits of companies operating in these industries both experienced a sharp failure in business operations. Urban and rural life both suffered effects from COVID-19. Previously, the disease's epicenter was located in each of the major metropolises in the state capitals. However, a genuine traumatized condition affects both rural and urban populations. Besides, the pandemic caused a spike in interest in online clinics and therapies. Due to lockdowns the import-export restrictions were laid down on the Cultivated Meatmarket.
Key Questions Answered in the Cultivated Meat Market Report are:
Which market segment accounted for the most percentage of Cultivated Meat in 2021?
How competitive is the market environment?
What are the primary factors influencing the Cultivated Meat Market market's growth?
Which region witnessed the Cultivated Meat Market market in terms of market share?
For More information of This Report Contact our Expert:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/cultivated-meat-straight-to-kitchen-from-lab/139257/ 
About Maximize Market Research:
Maximize Market Research is a multifaceted market research and consulting company with professionals from several industries. Some of the industries we cover include medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturers, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, cars and automobiles, chemical products and substances, general merchandise, beverages, personal care, and automated systems. To mention a few, we provide market-verified industry estimations, technical trend analysis, crucial market research, strategic advice, competition analysis, production and demand analysis, and client impact studies.
Contact Maximize Market Research:
3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2
Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe,
Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India
+91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656
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rsfannan5 · 1 year
Day Ten: We Spend the Night In an Ecuadorian Highlands Community.
After a delightful (there’s that word again) breakfast at our hotel, we were picked up by our new guide, Yamandu and our driver, Emile for our trip to the highlands north of the city. On our way, we stopped in the town of Octavio to do a little shopping and walking around the city square.
Outside of Octavio, we made two stops. The first, to a local weaver, who was at work on his loom. He showed us how his alpaca wool was hand dyed using crushed worms that grew in the prickly pear cactus mixed with local mineral to make the different colors. A fascinating process. The second stop was at a local musical instrument maker who showed us many of the flutes and percussion instruments that her family has been making for generations. While we watched, she made a pan flute from several lengths of bamboo in about ten minutes. Simply wondrous.
From there we made our way up to Ibarra, a farming community of 3,000 up in the mountains, 11,000 feet above sea level.
The people who live there are mostly farmers, tending their fields on these rather steep hillsides by hand, sharing resources, and enabling communities to have a degree of autonomy, their own democratic processes and spiritual traditions, protecting native lands from urbanization. Eco-tourism companies like GoGalapagos, which booked our journeys, helps out paying families to rent rooms and provide meals for off the beaten path tourists such as Diane and me. It was at one of these small haciendas, Casa De Los Girasoles, that Celso and his family welcomed us.
After settling in our room, we were served a sumptuous lunch of soup, plantains, potatoes, salad, pork, and fresh fruit, all grown locally. After lunch, Celso took us on a hike up the road for spectacular views of this valley and community. We are avid walkers, but at this altitude, there was quite a lot of huffing and puffing. Back at the hacienda, it was siesta time.
A little bit later, as dinner was being prepared, Diane and I sat near the fireplace, singing and playing our ukuleles. We spied one of Celso’s daughters taking a video of us on her iPhone (technology is, regrettably everywhere). She probably doesn’t see many travelers shlepping their ukes around in the Andes. A very interesting day a wee bit out of our comfort zone. It has been a long time since we have shared a double bed.
More to come……
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annarellix · 2 years
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Dead in Tune by Stephanie Dagg
It’s nearly Christmas, a time for peace and goodwill. Or maybe not. First the house of a young Spanish family is burned down, and then a Dutch clog dancer is battered almost to death with his own footwear. On the night of the carol service, at which the Worldwide Friendship Club’s choir is singing, a Scottish bagpiper is found dead. By Martha, who has come across enough dead bodies already this year to last her a lifetime. Convinced there’s a link to the choir, Martha and best friend Lottie set out on the trail of the murderer. Their unconventional sleuthing methods land one of them in rather a lot of trouble… ‘Dead In Tune’, the sequel to ‘Hate Bale’, is an entertaining, festive cosy mystery set in rural France.  
My Review: This is not the first book in this series but it can be read as a stand alone as there’s always some details that make you understand who the character is and the setting. It’s an intriguing cozy mystery set in France. The characters are expats from different countries they’re fleshed out, relatable and realistic. There’s a strong sense of the places and the descriptions of life in a farm are realistic and never sugar-coated. The author lives in a farm and she knows what she’s talking about. The mystery is solid and full of surprises, it kept me guessing till the end. An entertaining cozy mystery I read in one afternoon. Recommended. Many thanks to Stephanie Dagg and Rachel’s Random Resources for this digital copy, all opinions are mine.
Purchase Links Amazon UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BNC68N6B/ Amazon US - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNC68N6B/
The Author: I’m an English immigrant living in France with my family, after many years in Ireland. We have a seventy-five acre farm with animals ranging from alpacas to zebra finches. I work part-time as a freelance editor. The rest of the time I'm helping to run our carp fishing lake business and inevitably cleaning up after some or other animal. I’ve written both fiction and non-fiction books, and plenty of them - somewhere around the fifty mark now! Originally I was published by two presses in Ireland, but more recently I’ve taken the self-publishing route. I’m a keen book blogger, and I also love knitting, natural dyeing, gardening and cycling.  
Social Media Links: Twitter https://twitter.com/llamamum Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/StephanieDaggBooks www.bloginfrance.com
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londiniumlundene · 4 years
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Mudchute Farm
A stone’s throw (by London standards) from the heights of Canary Wharf lies 31 acres of parkland, born out of what was once a derelict docklands site. Within this park is Mudchute Farm, the largest of all the urban farms in the city.
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Home to the typical sheep, cows, horse, donkeys, pigs and chickens, there are also llamas and alpacas, rabbits and guinea pigs, and a series of impressive aviaries and bird coops with budgies, finches, and both tiny and fancy waterfowl. My personal favourite were long-necked runner ducks, and the Rouen ducks - which look like seriously obese Mallards.
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There’s also a café that does a great coffee and cakes, a small farm shop, and for the military enthusiast, an ack-ack gun leftover from when the area was home to anti-aircraft installations (some of the animals are in fact housed in other old gun sites!).
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