#alpha alec lightwood
katovartanian · 3 months
In many fics that I read, if you bond with an immortal, you become immortal. I've been thinking about that. It means that immortality technically isn't yours but your partner's, and you get connected to it by bite mark. Which means that the moment the bond is broken, you will start to age and eventually die.
1- Malec divorce- misunderstanding/falling out of love/ getting tired of immortality, and wanting to be mortal again.
2.- Magnus dies- bond would be broken, and with Magnus death, Alec's source of immortality, would no longer exist. He would live 60 more years and die of old age.
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liron-ao3 · 7 months
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Mature / 49k words
When Alec's mate dies eight years after their arranged bonding, the omega is sad but not heartbroken. From now on, his life revolves around his pups Rafe and Max, as he tries his best to guide them through their grief and give them a happy childhood. The children are his whole world. Until a quite magical alpha steps into his life.
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sivan325 · 1 year
Title: Nothing Special 16/18 Fandom: Shadowhunters Pairing: Malec Rating/Warnings: Explicit. Violence. Alpha Magnus/Omega Alec, wings fic, prophecy fic Summary: De-runed and rejected from his family pack, living in the streets of New York, knowing that he might not going to find a pack and even an Alpha, he was nothing special, no one will ever look at him or after him.
Chapter 16
Chapter 1
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solarisrasa · 2 years
Lavender Tea and Ice Cream Kisses
Part 2 of Tealeaves for Heart and Home: A Malec (HumanAU) A/B/O series about re-finding lost loves and learning to build a family anew.
Part one
Read Here on Ao3
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  Alec slips out of Magnus’ bed in the blue-grey light of early morning, pressing his scent carefully into Magnus’ pillow. He hopes to be back before Magnus wakes and definitely before Max. Just in case though, he searches until he finds a scrap of paper and writes a short note with his phone number at the bottom.
  I ducked out to grab a change of clothes and hopefully get the three of us breakfast. I promise to be back before you miss me. If you wake before I’m back, give Max a kiss for me.
He sets the note right where Magnus will see it, tucks the blanket a little closer to Max and forces himself to leave. He dials his sister quickly as he hurries toward the subway, hoping she won’t be too angry about being woken early.
  “Alexander Lightwood you’d better be calling because you need a massive favor.”
“I need a massive favor.”
  “You better not have already fucked things up with Magnus.”
He makes an affronted sound and dodges a sleepy kid on a skateboard, “No. I have to rush home to change clothes, I don’t want to spend a whole day with him and Max in a suit and...I need to grab a couple things in case he wants them for...later.”
Izzy makes a delighted sound in his ear, her sleepy grumbles subsiding and he grimaces.
  “For his nest you mean? You move quick big brother. What do you need me for? Jace and I already set you out of office for the week.”
Alec decides not to acknowledge her comments and skips to the favor he needs as he starts down the stairs, “I want to grab us breakfast but I won’t have time to do both. Can you please see if the  Patisserie near yours can put together some things and bring them to my apartment?”
She sighs, “ You’re not even giving me time to look presentable and Simon’s not even here to do it for me, you definitely owe me.”
“Anything, within reason, you want. Thank you, Iz.”
She makes a noise that’s not exactly nice into the phone and hangs up. He rolls his eyes but he’s smiling as he boards his train.
“I’ve decided you can make it up to me by giving me details.” Izzy announces without so much as a knock of his door. Not for the first time, Alec wishes he’d thought harder about giving her a key.
“I promise you details, to a point, but not right now. I need to get back to them.” He presses a quick kiss to her cheek and takes the boxes from her, “You made it just in time.”
He’d pulled on his shoes just a moment before. She laughs and tucks a little slip of paper into the front of the top box.
“You’re lucky I’m such a good sibling. I can wait for info but you’d better text me a picture or two of that  adorable kid. He is...he’s yours, isn’t he?” She gets a little quiet at the end and Alec pauses where he’s half out the door.
He smiles, soft and big. He tries to tell his heart to slow down but he’s so  overwhelmingly happy about the last eighteen hours, “Yeah. Max is mine...he’s amazing, I can definitely send you a picture and...hopefully he can get to know his aunts and uncles soon.”
Izzy’s big eyes sparkle, both with her delight and unshed tears and Alec clears his throat, “Okay, I really have to go.”
She nods and shoos him away.
Alec had slipped out the backdoor that morning, the thumb lock allowing him to ensure the door locked behind him. That’s a problem now, of course.
He laughs at himself, standing outside of  Pandemonium with his boxes of pastries and no way to contact Magnus, since he never got his number. He can’t believe he’s managed to do this.
Before he can really settle into berating himself or resign himself to just sitting on the ground until a reasonable hour to start shouting Magnus’ name, a sound draws his attention. Next to  Pandemonium is a stately looking antiques shop and the door swing open to reveal a man dressed, well, a bit like an antique himself. His salt and pepper hair is in a disarray and his beta scent is old books and black tea. He squints at Alec.
“You are Alexander Lightwood.”
It’s not a question but Alec doesn’t know what to do but nod and the man huffs, “Locked yourself out?”
Alec laughs, embarrassed, “I was...overeager about grabbing breakfast. You know Magnus?”
“I should say so, I got that little shit out of his father’s reach when he  finally realized his life was worth more than being Asmodeus’ bargaining chip. Catarina told me you’d showed up again yesterday.” The man sounds unbearably fond as he insults Magnus and Alec smiles despite himself.
“My siblings were working on a community outreach project and they heard about his shop. My sister ran up eight flights in her heels to drag me here as soon as they realized. I never…” He feels like he has to justify himself to this man, “I never wanted to leave him. I’ve prayed for his happiness everyday. I’m grateful to you for getting him, getting  them, safe.”
The man nods slowly, “I always thought that Magnus had romanticized you in his head...but I can see that maybe he didn’t. I’m Ragnor and if you give me a moment I can get a spare key and let you back-”
Alec’s head jerks up, as does Ragnor’s, and his eyes widen in horror.
Max is leaning  out of the third floor window, his little body leaned far forward and one little hand waving. Before Alec can do more than choke his name and take a frantic step under his son, strong hands are jerking Max back inside.
He blinks, then lets out a shaky breath and turns to Ragnor who just nods and rushes to get his spare key.
Alec hurries up the stairs, hoping Ragnor locks the door behind him, needing to make sure Magnus is okay after Max’s little stunt.
He hears them before he sees them.
“-because I can fly, Ayah! I’ve been watchin’ the birds and I know how.” Max sounds determined and Alec’s heart clenches.
“Human bones are much heavier than birds, Blueberry, we can’t fly like they can.” Magnus tells him, voice soothing. Alec rounds the corner into the living room then, setting the boxes of their breakfast on the side table. Max turns to him with a big smile.
“It’s okay if I didn’t fly, Daddy would’ve catched me!”
Alec blinks away the hot tears those words summon, Max is already so sure of him. He swears to himself, then and there, to do his best to always catch his son. He locks eyes with Magnus and suddenly the distance between them is unacceptable. He strides to where Magnus is sitting on the floor, holding Max’s little hand, and drops to gather them both into a tight hug.
Max giggles and snuggles in close. Magnus tips his chin to look at Alec with a little, relieved smile and the lingering scent of fear fades with his affection.
“You look very James Dean, darling.”
Alec laughs and shrugs, “I just grabbed anything that wasn’t work clothes. I meant to be back before you were up, but, uh, I didn’t think about the locks.”
Magnus’ brows furrow, “How  did you get back in?”
“Ah. Forgot I gave him a key. He was nice?” Magnus demands and Alec nods, pressing a kiss to Max’s curls as he let’s Magnus go.
“Yeah. I have the feeling he was getting ready not to be but, well, I was holding breakfast and telling him thanks for helping you when Max decided to scare us. Not the best moment to grill me.” He pokes Max’s side, “Please don’t hang out of windows, little bat.”
Max nods easily and presses his face into Alec’s neck, “ ‘kay. Did you bring food?”
Magnus rolls his eyes, “Ready to eat everything in the house already. He’s going to be a nightmare as a teenager.”
“Well for now, I brought French pastries.”
Magnus stands up with a little wink, “A man could get used to this Alexander.”
Alec doesn’t have words to answer, finally registering what Magnus is wearing. He’s wrapped in a black silk robe, open over his chest, and with only the faint traces of yesterday's makeup and his hair a mess he’s beautiful.
“Breakfast!” Max crows, wriggling in Alec’s arms and distracting him from Magnus’ gorgeous self, not that his attention has gone unnoticed if the pleased curl of Magnus’ scent can be believed.
Alec let’s him go and pushes to his feet, grabbing the boxes and setting them on the table as Magnus grabs plates. Max climbs into a chair and his eyes are wide as he sees the croissants and danishes that Izzy chose, along with three fruit tarts that Magnus zeroes in on.
“Save me one of those.” He points one perfectly polished finger toward the tarts, “I’m going to make us some tea.”
He hurries back into the kitchen before Alec can protest and he shakes his head, turning to Max.
“What would you like, Max?”
The little boy lifts a hand to his ear, tugging at the lobe as he looks seriously at the food. His little face scrunches as he concentrates and Alec bites his cheek to stop himself from cooing aloud.
“Can I have two, Daddy?”
Alec smiles gently, “I think your Ayah would be okay with that, but let’s start with half of each okay? Which ones?”
Max hesitates, but must find Alec’s answer acceptable because he points to one of the fruit tarts and a  pain au chocolat . He grins at his plate as Alec carefully sets half of each treat in front of him. Max smells like pure joy and sweet delight. Alec smiles in sudden understanding, Max smells a little like blueberries under his happiness.
“Lavender tea.” Magnus announces, setting a tea tray down and looking askance at Alec.
“Yes please. Max?”
“Thank you Ayah!”
Magnus hums and pours them all cups while Alec puts a plate together for each of them and the scent of gentle contentment curls around them. He feels light within, like he’s living inside of a perfect moment. He acknowledges but releases the urge to try and hold onto the moment, he’s happy enough just living it right now.
Magnus thinks his heart might actually be in danger of melting. Alec is crouched next to Max, both of them watching a caterpillar munching away, Alec is whispering and pointing and Max looks amazed. They’ve already been at it for a few minutes but Magnus doesn’t mind.
They're both wearing gray shirts and blue jeans and Alec’s leather jacket is tossed over his shoulder carelessly.
He pulls out his phone and takes a couple pictures, debates sending one to Isabelle (she had stuck her phone number on top of their breakfast with a note for Magnus to text her) and ends up sending one to Cat.
  Magnus 11:05a
  1 attachment
  I think Alexander is going to be the favorite by the end of the day.
  Catarina 11:05a
  Please, Max thinks you hung the stars. Be careful.
Magnus frowns a bit at that, but just sends back a smiley face. He understands that his friends are nervous about this,  he’s nervous about it. Watching as Alec carefully helps Max hold the caterpillar, grinning, he has to admit he’s not worried about Alec and Max. It’s been clear since the moment Alexander realized that he’s more than willing to be a part of their son's life. Magnus is most worried that Alec’s built up some version of him that the real thing won’t measure up to, he’s worried maybe he’s done the same.
He was so full of hope and certainty the night before, pressed close to Alexander on the balcony, his dream come true. The light of day reminded him, no matter how much he hated it, that they don’t know each other well enough to make a commitment to each other, like��� like mating. Max carefully puts the caterpillar back and Alec blows a little raspberry on his arm, making the little boy giggle. Magnus wants this so badly though, it’s an ache he’s ignored for years but with Alexander holding their son’s hand, smiling at him as they come back to the bench he’s been waiting on, he wants.
“There was a bug, Ayah!”
He laughs and takes Max’s other hand, “I saw, did Daddy tell you about it?”
Max nods enthusiastically, “He said it was gonna be a butterfly, he even knew what kind!”
“Did he?” Magnus looks to Alec, teasing. The alpha blushes but laughs helplessly.
“Izzy loves science and I always thought insects were interesting, we were regulars at the butterfly pavilion.”
“Well that is just charming Alexander, but Max, if you want to bring home any bugs, please tell me so I can make Daddy deal with it.” Magnus gave a playful shiver and stuck out his tongue and they both laughed at him.
“I promise.” Max sounds so serious when he says it but a second later he’s tugging both their hands, “Come on! To the park!”
They follow his insistent tugs, sharing fond looks. Technically they’re already in the park, but Max insists that “just plants” isn’t a park so he’s pulling them toward the play area. There are plenty of other kids running around for Max to play with but Magnus knows his routine.
“Swings first?” he asks and Max nods seriously.
“Yes. Push me?”
“Of course.”
Max lets them go to run to the swingset and makes an impatient gesture when he realizes they haven’t both run after him. Magnus rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to Alexander’s cheek, “Duty calls.”
“I’m sure I’m required too.”
Max is now calling out to both of them, looking every inch the demanding five year old and Magnus laughs, “Indeed. Last one to him buys ice cream!”
He hears Alec shout “Hey!” as he takes off running with a wide grin. Max must understand some of what he’s done because he starts laughing and shouting, “Go Ayah!”
Alec beats him by a millisecond but considering he started at a disadvantage it’s impressive and Magnus raises an eyebrow as Max delights in how fast they were running.
“It’s only a little race Alexander.” He says, voice a little lower.
Alec tips his chin, “I may be, just a little bit, competitive.”
Magnus presses his lips together to stop from laughing especially as Max makes an impatient huffing noise between them.
Eventually Max tires of the swings and joins in some elaborate game a group of children have going that seems to center around the slides. Magnus expects they’ll find a bench to keep an eye on him but Alec plops into a swing with a little hum.
They don’t say much to each other as they swing, but it’s lovely all the same. They move away when another family comes to the swingset, making room and grinning at each other. Alexander wraps an arm around him and they stand, watching Max and chatting quietly.
Alec tells him about  Found and how he’s hoping to be able to launch the service by the end of the quarter and Magnus stares at him.
“You’re a good man, Alexander.”
Alec blinks at him and shrugs, “I’m just trying to be better than my parents were. Lightwood & Co is one of the largest holding companies in the country but it has an awful past. There’s a lot for me to make up for. If I can use my position to help people and to make changes to some of the things my parents did it’s my responsibility to do it.”
Magnus kisses his cheek easily, “Exactly. A good man.”
Alec just shakes his head, “What about you? How long have you had the tea shop?”
“Just a tea shop? I’m offended.” Magnus keeps his tone playful enough and Alec just rolls his eyes, nudging him for the answer, “I opened  Pandemonium three years ago. Max and I were settled, I had savings and an idea. At first it was just a little online tea shop where I tried to promote information for anyone living in a bad situation, but then my...my father died.”
Magnus watches Max come down a slide, gathering himself for a moment. Alexander squeezes him closer.
“He never removed me from his will, I didn’t want the company and he didn’t leave it to me but, he left me a good deal of his personal wealth. I used some of it to open the shop and donated a lot of it to local shelters and organizations that I work with now. It’s been brick and mortar for two years now. I sell tea, curios, and a safe place. My home is on the third floor but the second is broken into several small suites that I allow people in immediate crisis to stay in. It’s not the type of place someone would look for them and I connect them with services and people who can get them away and get them legal aid.”
“If I’m a good man, you’re a great one Magnus. That’s an amazing thing to do.” Alec shifted so he could hold Magnus against his front, chin resting on his shoulder, “Hopefully I can help.”
“Help?” Magnus’ nose wrinkled, did Alec think Magnus expected his money or name?
Alec hummed, nosing at his jaw a little and Magnus realized his scent had probably sharpened with his uncertainty, “Only if you want. Izzy and Jace stopped by yesterday to ask you about your interest in being part of a community outreach program they pitched to me. Obviously they didn’t get to that when they saw you.”
Magnus relaxed at that, it wasn’t because of who he was, “That sounds like we need to have a business meeting. Isn’t that a conflict, Mr. Lightwood?”
Alec chuckled, his lips brushing Magnus’ cheek as he pressed their faces together, “It would be, except I’m not heading the project, I just signed off on the idea.”
Magnus promises to consider it but they move on from work easily. Alexander doesn’t let him go and Magnus leans into him happily as they watch Max and share stories of their own childhoods. Alec has far more of them, but his parents don’t factor into any of them and Magnus wonders if their lives were all that different.
“Anyways, Jace watched a bunch of stuff about Annie Oakley and begged for a BB gun, which he got because no one ever could tell him no. That was trouble enough, but he showed Izzy Annie’s trick of shooting cards and she thought it was the coolest thing she’d ever seen. They spent all afternoon practicing while I was studying and then they came to get me to show me, but Izzy’s always been….a force of nature and Jace is reckless. They thought it would be the height of spectacle for Jace to throw the card  in front of me and Izzy would shoot it out of the air.”
Magnus gasps at the story, “They didn’t.”
Alec nods seriously, chin bobbing against Magnus’ shoulder, “They did. I was sort of proud because Izzy  did put a hole straight through the middle, but my eyebrow was on the other side. I knew I was fine but I let them panic a little at all the blood because I thought they might learn their lesson that way.”
“And did they?” Magnus leans to look at Alec’s amused expression.
“Yes and no. Izzy’s an expert marksman, she keeps her carry license up to date and Jace refuses to even touch a paintball gun without a full safety check for everyone involved. He was an EMT for a couple of years too.”
“So they figured the lesson was to get better at it, not stop?”
Alec makes a face, “Yeah. Family trait I’m afraid.”
Magnus thinks about every time he was caught sneaking out and all the loopholes he exploited in his father’s rules and sighs.
“Max is going to be a terror one day, he gets it from both sides.”
Magnus laughs, watching their son help a younger boy down the slide, “You met me in a questionable club in Jakarta. I told you I’d snuck out of my house for the night and you made me show you my ID to prove I wasn’t underage. Between the two of us I think you have more of the good streak.”
Alec makes a mock affronted noise and then he whispers, “I put a baby in you that night Magnus.”
It shouldn’t be hot, but Alec’s voice is warm and deep and Magnus can feel the slow curl of desire in his belly. Alec skims his nose along his throat, breathing in deep and Magnus flushes when he realizes Alec can smell his interest.
“We are at a  park for fuck’s sake.”
Alec kisses his cheek and backs off, “You’re right. I’m sorry, I’m not usually so uh...forward.”
“Just me?”
“Yes.” Alec laughs, “Well and being around you has burned through the suppressant I was due to renew next week. I’ve not been off of them in years and it’s a bit...intense.”
Magnus takes that in, Alexander is probably hyper aware of his scent right now, even more because of Max. Alpha’s are often more sensitive to their partner’s, mate or not, with a new child around and since Max is new for Alec it has to be triggering some things.
“You said there’d been no one else?” Magnus steps away from his grasp, they need to be looking at each other to talk like this, but he tangles their fingers together.
“No, I-” Alexander takes a deep breath, “I couldn’t stomach the thought, no one else smelled right. I tried to move on but I had one rut and it was difficult so I didn’t...I never tried. I didn’t want to, honestly.”
Magnus squeezes his fingers, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. I wasn’t much for romance in the first place, I’d only gone on a handful of dates before you, had one ill-fated relationship, if you could really call it that. I missed you more than I wanted to find someone else.” He looks away, tracking Max and Magnus studies him for a moment.
Alec is content but there’s a fading distress in his scent and Magnus gets the impression the rut he went through was more than just difficult.
“I dated a few people, after I had Max.” He offers and Alec glances at him, carefully neutral, “Some of them were lovely but none of them fit, most of them never even got to meet him. One of them stayed something of a friend for a little while, so he did, but we drifted apart, as friends do. He met one of the others but he didn’t like her and happily tried to kick her out of the house. He was three.”
Alec laughs at that, “Did he tell you why?”
Magnus bites his lip and nods, “He told her she was very pretty but not very nice and that she should leave because she was just making me sad. I might have tried to salvage it but Camille thought I was in the kitchen and told him to keep his “bastard little mouth shut” so I let Max see her out.”
Alec’s jaw clenches hard and Magnus winces, he should’ve probably cut that part out.
“Well, if she ever comes near you again I’ll do the honors this time.” Alec’s voice is steady but there’s a thread of protective, righteous anger in the way he smells and it makes something in Magnus endlessly pleased.
“Ayah!” Max interrupts them, dashing toward them with something in his little hands, “Daddy!”
They both kneel down so he can show them and he opens his hands to reveal a pretty little blue stone, “That girl gave it to me, she said I was really nice and blue was a nice color!” He points to a little girl with brown curls and a red bow who waves at them with a big smile.
“That’s great Max! Did you tell her thank you?” Magnus checks. His son might be destined to be a hellion, but he’ll be a hellion who minds his manners if Magnus can manage it.
“Yes! I told her she could have tea someday too.”
Alec carefully helps Max tuck the stone in his pocket and Magnus nods, “If an adult brings her to the shop I’ll make sure she gets some. Now, how about you, me, and daddy go for some ice cream?”
Max lights up and shouts a happy goodbye to the other kids, some of them wave but most are enthralled with their game.
Max picks all three of their flavors in the end and Alec and Magnus have to discreetly swap cones when he’s distracted. Magnus likes cookie dough much better than the bright blue cotton candy that Alec is happily eating and he makes a face.
“I don’t like the dough chunks.” Alec mumbles, hurrying to catch a drip with his tongue, “They’re too sugary.”
Magnus just looks from him to the vibrant blue treat and Alec shrugs. He’s ridiculous and Magnus should not like it as much as he does, but he does. They’re sitting at a metal table with a big umbrella overhead outside the ice cream shop and the breeze is nice.
Max himself has mint chip and is cheerfully licking away, looking far too cute as his feet kick where they don’t touch the ground. His wavy hair is a mess from all his play and sitting beside Alexander, both of them catching stray melting drops no one could deny they’re relation.
“Oh!” Alec fumbles for his phone, “Magnus could you take a picture of us, I promised I’d send one to Izzy.”
Magnus grins, navigating Alec’s phone with one hand so he can get the camera pulled up, “Smile!”
Max looks up with a big toothy grin but Alec huffs, “Meant like a selfie of all of us, I’m terrible at them and my fingers are sticky.”
Magnus blinks and then he’s grinning and shuffling his chair so he can get all of them and their ice cream cones, aware that Alec can probably smell how fucking happy he is.
He takes a couple and turns to look at Alec, Max focused on his cone again, “That good?”
“One more.” Alec says and then he’s leaning across the table, sticky blue lips meeting Magnus’ and he snaps a photo before shifting to kiss Alec a little better.
Chapter 2
 Max resists the pull of sleep until late. He’s pouting adorably between sleepy little blinks by the time he’s too tired to protest Magnus putting him to bed and Alec can’t stop smiling at the sight. He joins them in Max’s bedroom, the space awash with blue’s and soft things, stars painted across the ceiling. The child-sweet scent of him is heavy here, the bright blueberry curl of his contentment makes Alec relax further.
 His little boy is well loved, not that he expected anything else of Magnus. He sits on the edge of Max’s little bed and tucks the blankets close around him as Magnus gently strokes his cheek, singing a lullaby. Alec doesn’t speak the language, but he hums along. Max falls asleep easily, his little mouth open for his heavy breaths and his hand curled loosely beside Magnus’ wrist.
 They sit companionably, just ensuring that Max is really out, for a while. Eventually they pull themselves away from the boy, quietly shutting the door and heading for the living room.
 Magnus tugs Alec to sit beside him on the couch with a little smile and they stay close.
 “Thank you.”
 Alec’s brows draw together and he smiles, bemused, “What for?”
 Magnus smiles back, a slow, sleepy thing, “Spending today with us. It was lovely.”
 “Magnus...of course. I want to spend plenty more days like this. My schedule has definitely been cleared for this week so if it’s alright I’d like to be here?” He traces the tips of his fingers over the back of Magnus’ hand.
 Easily tangling their fingers together Magnus hums and his warm sleepy sandalwood scent gains a hint of sharpness, “ I’m glad you want to but...not everyday.”
 Alec can’t help the way he tenses but he refuses to jump to conclusions, they’ve wasted enough time, “Okay? If I’m going to be in the way or anything, please, tell me.”
 Magnus shakes his head with a rueful twist to his lips, “No such thing, I’d love having you in my way. I just...I know last night we talked about wanting more, wanting to be mates,” he takes a breath, “and I do want that but I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves. It feels so perfect right now, being with you, but we don’t really know each other as well as we should if we’re going to take that kind of step. We’ve not had to juggle our work, our relationship, and our son. I think we need to give ourselves the space to do this properly, not rush into things together because we missed our first chance. That could ruin us again.”
 Alec blinks but listens. Magnus is right, they need to do this right. They don’t have to be cautious but they do need to give themselves some time to learn about each other, about annoying habits and tender spots. Magnus has never seen him on a three day work and worry streak, he doesn’t know Magnus’ vices or his working habits.
 “I think that sounds like wisdom speaking. So I know another thing now, I know you’re wise.”
 Magnus laughs and the sharpness in his scent fades, the warmth of them together burrowing into Alec’s chest.
 “You are definitely never allowed to have tea with Ragnor, he would do his best to dissuade you of that.” Magnus winks.
 “I agree with you about not rushing into things but...why not spend the week together? Maybe not every night, but the days?” Alec is careful to make it clear he’s only curious.
 “Aside from how likely it is we would overwhelm each other a bit? Max. He’s always wanted a Daddy and you’re so good with him but I worry that if you’re here so much and then not when you go back to work he’ll be hurt by it. I just, I don’t want to do anything to make him think he can’t be exactly himself around you or that you might not be staying in his life.” Magnus’ free hand twists in the air as he talks, nervous.
 Alec sighs and leans a little more firmly against Magnus.
 “I don’t want to make him think anything like that. I want to do right by both of you. What do you think about every other day? Maybe?”
 Magnus relaxes against him, “I think that would be perfect, and I think that I’m going to text you enough on the days you aren’t here you won’t even miss us.”
 Alec presses a kiss to his temple and says, low, “I’d miss you if you were in the next room, I’ve missed you for years.”
 He      doesn’t     miss the way that Magnus’ cheeks are a little pink as he twists to press a kiss to Alec’s mouth. It’s soft and easy, just lips dragging together, but it’s perfect.
 It also reminds Alec of his potential gift.
 They part and he shifts to more comfortably face Magnus, “I wanted to ask-and I won’t mind if you don’t want it right now, or at all-” Magnus looks curious, “If it was okay if I left you with something of mine for your nest?”
 Magnus’s eyes flicker over him and Alec worries he’s overstepped, but then a soft, surprised smile touches Magnus’ mouth.
 “I know I just said we should feel things out but I-” Magnus lifts his chin, unconscious but enough to draw Alec’s attention to his bare throat, “-find that I want your scent around me too much to say no. I would love for you to bring something for my nest.”
 Alec glances down with a little smile, “Well...I thought I could give you my shirt. I’m wearing a second layer, Izzy said that it would be better for me to wear what I wanted to give you, so my scent was stronger. I thought um, I could trade it out when it starts to fade.”
 Magnus touches the backs of his fingers, rings cool, to Alec’s cheek. His lovely eyes have gone the color of melted caramel with affection and Alec has to drag a breath in through his mouth at his scent, all surprised delight.
 “Please.” Magnus nods, “That would be wonderful.”
 Alec tugs his plain t-shirt off, the simple undershirt he’s wearing sticking to it for a moment before he separates them. He holds the shirt out to Magnus and has to repress a laugh when he realizes how dazed he looks.
 “Mmm?” Magnus blinks, looking away from his torso only to stop at his now exposed arms and Alec does start laughing then.
 “See something nice?”
 Magnus takes the shirt and holds it up to his face, pointedly looking at Alec as he inhales slowly, lips curling up. Alec swallows hard at the obvious display.
 “More than nice. You are going to test my self-control, Alexander.”
 The noise that catches in Alec’s throat is half-laugh, half alpha want and he watches Magnus’ pupils dilate. Their scents grow spiced and heavy between them, enough that Alec can almost pick his own pine-sharp arousal from Magnus’.
 Magnus’ tongue darts out to wet his lips and Alec sways momentarily closer, before he catches himself. He leans away and watches Magnus blink, face falling a little.
 “As badly as I want to kiss you, I think we both need a second.”
 Expression clearing, Magnus rolls his eyes, “We are being a bit ridiculous.” He pats the shirt now in his lap, “I’m going to put this where it belongs and then we are going to say goodnight like perfectly reasonable adults.”
 They grin at each other and if Alec lets his gaze linger on Magnus’ butt when he walks away, well…
 Jace calls Alec a workaholic approximately once a day. Normally Alec just scoffs at him but considering how his day off and apart from Magnus goes, he’s worried his brother is right.
 He manages to sleep, though it might have something to do with the way Magnus’ happy scent is stuck to the jacket he drapes over his pillow. He wakes a little later than usual and tries to drag out his morning routine.
 By the time he’s sitting at the table that he only owns for nights when his siblings and their mates come over, he’s listless. He swirls his coffee a little, the syrup he uses already well mixed in. After staring a little longer he decides he’s allowed a treat and goes for the whipped cream.
 He sprays it into his cup and raises it to take a sip, only to stop.
 For six years he’s accompanied his coffee with a quiet wish for Magnus’ joy, with a little push for the universe to be gentle to the omega he’d loved and lost. The thought of not doing so leaves him bereft.
 Alec tugs his phone toward him and snaps a picture of his coffee, the tower of whipped cream leaning a little to the side. He sends it to Magnus with a little sunrise emoji.
     Alec 8:06a  
     Here’s a secret about me, take it to your grave… I love whipped cream.  
 He sets his phone back down and licks at the cream to keep it from making a mess. He stares at the table with a little frown and thinks:      I hope Magnus has a good day, I hope the world is kind to him still. I hope Max smiles.  
 He makes it until almost three before he gives in. Max has been quietly drawing for an hour and the store has lulled after their lunch rush. No one is currently in need of Magnus and the number of texts he’s received from Alec assure him that the other man is      not    busy.
 As he thinks it he gets another picture. This time it’s of a grumpy looking cat sleeping in a patch of sunlight. Based on the last photos, he’s fairly certain it’s Alec’ living room floor.
     Magnus 2:47p  
     You have a cat?  
     Alec 2:47p  
     I might. Church (him) would argue that I am a trespasser in his house. He’s technically a registered therapy animal but he’s so grumpy his last owner gave him up.  
     Magnus 2:48p  
     Does he like other cats?  
     Alec 2:48p  
     I think so? Clary brought a kitten over once when she was volunteering at a shelter, Church seemed to like it. Why, did you have a cat hidden somewhere?  
     Magnus 2:48p  
     There’s a few cats that make their rounds here and I was thinking about getting a kitten for Max’s birthday.  
     Alec 2:49p  
     Magnus 2:49p  
     It may, just a tiny bit, possibly, be because I want a kitten very badly.  
 Bubbles appear to indicate Alec is typing and Magnus decides that he is definitely not too busy for a call. He moves toward the little couch where Max is drawing, hits the button to video call, and waits with a little smile.
 The call connects and Alec’s messy hair and warm smile fill the screen. His eyes are bright and he appears to have leaned his phone against something because he’s sitting so he can rest his chin on his folded arms.
 “Hello, gorgeous.” Magnus is helpless to the way he grins as he greets Alec.
 “      Hey.”    Alec hides his mouth in his arms but the gleam in his eyes tells Magnus how pleased he is. He doesn’t get to say anything more though, because the sound of Alec’s voice draws Max’s notice.
 “Daddy?” The little boy leans into Magnus’ space, hands braced on his leg as he cranes his head to see the screen.
 Magnus laughs as Alec lights up even more, he is just too much looking so delighted, and holds the phone so Max can climb into his lap. The little boy hesitates, grabs the paper he was working on, and then gets situated.
     “Hey little bat, what’s that?”  
 Max smooths the paper out, shy for a moment and then turns it over to examine it. Magnus’ heart clenches when he sees the art his son has been working on. It’s the three of them, clearly, but they all have butterfly wings. Magnus’ are red and gold, Alec’s are blue and black, while Max’s are all four colors. His son is still staring at his drawing.
     “You don’t have to show me, if you don’t want to.”    Alec says it so very gently and Magnus gives Max a little squeeze of encouragement.
 “Here.” Max holds the paper up and Magnus watches the way it affects Alexander. His eyes widen a fraction and his jaw loosens as he takes in the full picture. When he speaks again he has to clear his throat and his eyes are wet.
     “That’s really great Max. Our wings are really cool.”  
 “Mine are like yours and Ayah’s, because I’m made of both of you.”
 Magnus has to press a kiss to Max’s hair, working not to let the arm holding his phone out tremble.
     “That’s right.”    Alec does well at covering for Max, but Magnus can hear how hard he has to work to keep his voice steady.
 “I’ll put it somewhere safe so Daddy can see it when he comes over tomorrow, okay?” Magnus says and Max nods, his shyness fading under his parent’s love.
 He starts chattering easily enough, asking Alec all about what he’s doing and getting very excited when Alec turns the phone so they can see Church, blinking blearily at them. Magnus doesn’t get to say nearly as much as he wants to before the sound of the singing bowl calls him away, but he leaves his phone with Max.
 The sound of his son laughing with Alexander carries him through the rest of his day.
 Alec is laying draped over the couch, head in Magnus’ lap. It’s their last day together before Alec has to go back to work and Max has done his best to wear them out. They’d spent hours playing games and taking turns playing villains to Max’s dramatic, magic, hero. He’d been just as exhausted by early evening and they’d read to him together until he’d drifted off curled into Alec’s side.
 “You know, I almost had a younger brother named Max.”
 Magnus hums, “Almost?”
 Alec shifts, glancing up at him, “He didn’t make it. My mother was different then, a little. She was warmer toward Izzy and Jace at least, but I think losing a baby when she did really took a toll. She learned my father was cheating on her a month or so before and there was a lot going on with the company. I think she sort of blamed everyone around her when it happened, the stress trying to balance personal drama and professional issues caused. She and I... when I was sixteen, just before she found out she was pregnant, I told her I was gay. It didn’t go well, so things were already rocky between us.”
 Magnus just listens, carding a hand slowly through Alexander’s hair.
 “I guess, when you said his name was Max, I thought it was fitting. In a way it was like another person I lost coming back to me.” Alec frowns, “That sounds like I’m saying...I don’t think of him as a replace for anyone, he’s      ours    and he’s amazing but it, it means a lot to me that they share a name.”
 Magnus sighs, he doesn’t know how to put it into words either, but he understands what Alec is trying to say. He rubs his thumb over one of Alexander’s heavy brows.
 “I’m glad too. It’s like I gave him a little of you without knowing.”
 Alec’s expression eases and he smiles softly, “Yeah.”
 They lapse into quiet again, Magnus trailing touches down Alec’s neck slowly, admiring the man as he relaxes. They let go of the weight of heavy thoughts as they just breathe together.
 Quite by accident Magnus fingernails catch on a slow downward drag and Alec sucks in a breath. The scent of serene alpha takes on a spicy edge, the faintest touch of crushed pine.
 Magnus swallows and more deliberately runs the edges of his painted nails behind Alexander’s ear.
 “Magnus-” Alec’s voice is heavy, warning.
 He presses a little harder, mesmerized as he fills his lungs with the growing smell of Alec’s desire. In a moment Alexander has moved.
 He’s sitting up, hands gently wrapping around Magnus’ wrists as he leans in, brushing his nose up the column of Magnus’ throat, his breath warm as his ghosts over his pulse. The heat in the room rises, their scents blooming with want.
 “Magnus.” Alec whispers the word, the quietness of it doing nothing to hide the desire in it.
 Magnus tips his head to the side and gasps at the drag of lips as Alec leaves a line of kisses over his skin until their mouths meet. Alec releases his caught hands and Magnus winds fingers into dark hair, leans into the wide spread of Alec’s fingers as he cradles the omega’s face.
 Alec gives into his hungry mouth as Magnus presses into him, insistent and needing. The scent and taste that fills his senses is overwhelming, it’s everything he’s been missing for      so    long and he refuses to pull away. Alec makes a low sound in his throat, vibrating in his chest for a moment with the edge of alpha that makes ancient biology in Magnus desperate.
 The large, hot hands that cupped his face so tenderly grip his hips firmly. Magnus couldn’t say which of them initiates the move, but they’re both pulled along by the tide of shared lust, and he’s pulled fully into Alec’s lap.
 He makes a noise of his own, something he’s never heard from himself outside of his worst heats, and Alec surges against him with a low moan. Magnus thinks he could burn to ash under Alexander’s touch, thinks it’d be a sweet way to go and then Alec guides him through a roll of his hips and he doesn’t think much at all.
 They don’t part from one another’s mouth except to gasp as they allow friction to build between them. It’s torment to not be bare against one another but stopping long enough to remove anything would be intolerable and definitely not necessary.
 Alec shudders and jerks hard against Magnus, even as the omega let’s out an overwhelmed groan and they finally slow.
 Foreheads pressed together, they both pant until Alec chuckles breathlessly.
 “Something-” Magnus swallows, “-Something funny?”
 Alec just laughs again and Magnus is helpless against it, joining in despite the uncomfortable dampness in his pants.
 “We are so good at taking this slow.” Alec half-laughs out.
 Magnus smacks at his arm, “Maybe if you didn’t smell      amazing    and taste even better we’d have a chance?”
 There’s more than just exertion coloring Alec’s cheeks but he pulls back with his eyebrows raised, “Me? What am I supposed to do with you right in front of me, all-” he trails off, letting go of Magnus’ hip to gesture.
 “You just indicated all of me.”
 Magnus leans forward to smack a kiss to his lips, ignoring the huff of laughter it earns him. He shifts back quickly though, grimacing.
 “Need to borrow some pants?”
 Alec shifts and cringes, “Underwear, at least. God, we really just      did    that.”
 With as regal a shrug as he can manage, Magnus gingerly slides off of Alec, “I don’t have any regrets.”
 He’s trying for an airy sort of tease but he can’t help the little niggle of worry. He knows Alec is still adjusting to the sudden burn-out of his suppressant, mild as the effects can be, and they did agree to do things right this time. Alexander may not have much practice, but he’s already good at knowing when to reassure it seems.
 “I could never regret you.” He smiles, like he hasn’t just made another breath-stealing declaration, “Getting carried away with you has, to date, only resulted in the best things.”
 Magnus doesn’t have a defense for that, nor the way that Alec wears his every feeling on his sleeve when they’re together. He’s gotten the impression, from the few texts he’s exchanged with Isabelle, that Alexander Lightwood is a stoic, unreadable professional and often taciturn, even in private. None of that holds true when they’re together though, any of it melts after minutes together and Magnus secretly hopes Alec never stops letting all his walls down so easily around him.
 “Pants.” Magnus says, instead of voicing any of the swirling joys and worries.
 “Pants.” Alec agrees with a silly little wiggle of his hips and an exaggerated face.
 He means to go grab them, maybe make them something to drink, and start the enjoyable process of telling Alexander goodnight, but he stops after only a few steps.
 “Stay tonight?”
 Alec looks surprised, then pleased and he stands, “If you don’t mind that I’ll need to be up early?”
 “I’ll text Isabelle to bring you clothes and feed Church if you need, but no, I don’t mind. Max will probably be up with the sun after his early night anyway.”
 Alec follows him into his bedroom, politely waiting for Magnus to bring them pants to sleep in. Magnus had told him that he’d made his nest inside the large walk-in closet because it was a safely enclosed space and Alec had been conscientious of it every time he’d been in the bedroom.
 “If you text Izzy, because she definitely won’t ask so many terrible questions if it’s you, I can probably stay long enough to help get Max ready for the day.” Alec tells him, stripping out of his pants even as Magnus chokes a little.
 “That would be wonderful, darling.”
 “I want to be his parent for more than just the fun parts.”
 Magnus wonders how many times his heart can take Alec’s sweetness before it just leaps out of his chest and into the man’s hands.
 “I know. I want that too. Spend the morning with us if you can manage and, well, once you know what work looks like tell me and we can,” He tries to hide the twist in his stomach at the thought of Alec’s real life taking him away, “we can figure it out.”
 Alec looks at him seriously, “Magnus. I am going to make time for you and Max. I have never even taken a sick day, not even for ruts since I’ve been suppressing them, and you can ask anyone, I have a dire need for a social life. The company won’t fall apart if I actually take time to live      my    life. Even if it would, I'd figure it out to give us the time and effort we deserve.”
 “Alexander…” Magnus can feel wetness gathering, “Thank you. I will do my best to put as much effort into this, but we really have to go to bed now.”
 “Tired?” Alec sounds concerned and Magnus laughs.
 “Yes, darling, but mostly I’m afraid if we don’t get to sleep you’ll keep being absolutely exceptional and sweet and I’ll be overcome.”
 Alexander looks delighted by that, “I’m just being honest.”
 Magnus tries to glare, but the way he keeps smiling ruins it, “That is precisely what I mean.”
 Alec raises his hands in mock surrender as Magnus finally gets changed and slides into bed beside him, but he figures if that’s the only problem they have for the moment it’s well worth it.
Part Three
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dreaming-marchling · 3 months
🍈 & 🍒! :)
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Alec Lightwood doesn't know what to do with praise but he blossoms like a flower when Magnus gives him some. I repeatedly mention Alec in baths for whatever reason, Magnus has converted him to the joys of a hot soak. The Chairman likes Alec more than Magnus was expecting and he is absolutely the alpha of their friendship. Alec is okay with this. Alec is mastery level with a five-arrow bow and occasionally when someone has to pull up a Clave records roster Alec's on there with like two other people max. It's a weapon that doesn't come up loads but when it does other Shadowhunters notice. It gets Alec unexpected badass points, especially when he's HOTI and newbies see him fighting less. Alec likes watching Magnus make potions. I could go on, lol
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I really love when one character is protective of another. It doesn't have to be romantic, friend/sibling/parent - all great too. The threat is real, the threat is only in the protector's head, I'll protect you from yourself, emotional, physical - perfection. Love it. I assume you are not surprised ;)
Thank you!
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malec-ao3feed · 5 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xUTH1gk by newtntommy Single parent!Alec forced to bring little Max to class with him. Max usually stays very quiet except for one day, he can’t stop crying. Cue professor Magnus who everyone has a crush on saving the day and taking care of Max who stops crying almost instantly and Alec’s heart just can’t catch a break. Words: 3420, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alec Lightwood, Max Lightwood, Magnus Bane Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Post Mpreg, Alternate Universe - College/University, Professor Magnus Bane, Student Alec Lightwood, Past Relationship(s), Single Parent Alec Lightwood, Omega Verse, Omega Alec Lightwood, Alpha Magnus Bane, Fluff read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xUTH1gk
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la-muerta · 1 year
Tumblr media
Title: blackbird
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Warnings: Rated E. Omegaverse, Implied/referenced sexual assault (not involving Malec)
Relationships: Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane
Words: 3,924/?
Chapters: 1 of 3
Summary: The Circle wins... or at least that's what they think. But the Downworld is more resilient than Valentine ever expected, and in a desperate bid to take down the biggest Downworld stronghold, Valentine decides it's time for a real sacrifice to be made — one virgin, unclaimed omega shadowhunter, sent to be a deadly distraction for the powerful alpha warlock, Magnus Bane.
Written for @knotinmyname’s anti-AI event!
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katovartanian · 3 months
In S1, when the Shadowhunters met Magnus is pregnant. He wasn't interested in finding love at that point. He found a way for warlocks to get pregnant and the other father is Ragnor.
It would create a lot of misunderstanding because Alec would think that Magnus is in a relationship while Ragnor and Magnus are friends who decided to have a child together.
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fandomidiot · 9 months
Expectations or Defiance
Alec knows what’s expected of him. He’s an alpha. He’s meant to find an upstanding, respected omega to be his mate and start a family. The problem is that his taste veers towards the disgraced Herondale.
Jace knows he doesn’t have much in terms of options. He was abandoned by his family and didn’t have much to his name. The problem is that his desires draw him towards the Lightwood that is way out of his league.
Mutual Pining, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha/Omega, Slash, Getting Together, Developing Relationship, Alpha Alec Lightwood, Omega Jace Wayland, Fluff, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Pheromones, First omegaverse fic, is it obvious?, i'm very new to ABO stuff but still liked writing this, Jace Wayland Deserves Nice Things, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things
Written for @takaraphoenix for @jalecsquad Secret Santa 2023! Hope u enjoy and happy holidays <3
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sivan325 · 2 years
Title: You've Got A Scent Completed Pairing: Malec, minor Bat/Luke Rating/Warnings: Explicit. None. Alpha Magnus/Omega Alec. Brief Summary: Based on the prompt: Smell Dating. The first mail odor dating service. Notes: HM500 prompts & September Server Scavenger Hunt 2022 1 - Argue I 2 - Rule I 3 - Scent I 4 - Mishap I 5 - Party I 6 - Pain + Groan I 7 - Panic I 8 - Text + Flower I 9 - Heat + Mark + Night
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solarisrasa · 2 years
Tea and Other Remedies
Part 1 of Tealeaves for Heart and Home: A Human!Malec A/B/O series about re-finding lost loves and learning to build a family anew.
 Warnings for mild sexual content, MPreg(non-graphic) and general T+ rating.
 Read here on Ao3
“How are you even real?”
 Magnus laughs, pushing himself to a sitting position and biting back a moan as the move makes the alpha’s knot shift. Under his splayed fingers Alexander shivers.
 “Do you ask all the omega’s you charm into your bed?” He keeps his tone teasing, pushing back the unease his own question brings.
 Alec’s hazel eyes go so soft Magnus swears they must be made of honey, like the feeling that pours over him as the man answers, “I guess I must, since it’s only been you.”
 Magnus blinks, “I’m the only-?”
 Alexander’s hands stroke up his sides and he can’t help but sigh at the press of warm fingers and the way that the alpha rubs his wrists over Magnus’ collar bones.
 “Yes. I would’ve done this differently,      properly    if I’d been able to but I’m due back in New York the day after tomorrow and Magnus, when I saw you I was already a goner,” he licks his lips and Magnus makes a pleased noise, preening a little, “then I got close enough to smell you and,      fuck,    it was like everything I could ever need was right in front of me. I know I probably seemed like a total idiot and I don’t know why you agreed to come to my room but you have to know, this isn’t-I don’t usually…”
 Magnus presses a finger to Alec’s mouth even as he smiles, “Me too.”
 There’s wonder in Alec’s eyes and Magnus can’t, won’t, let himself regret this even if Alexander leaves and never returns. He’s never felt as at home as he does right now, surrounded by the tangle of their scents and still joined to what might be the kindest alpha he’s ever met.
 God, he doesn’t even know Alec’s last name.
 “Yeah. Yes.”
 Alexander grins and tugs him down into another kiss.
 Magnus stares.
 He wants to feel happy, he always thought he would at least get to be excited about this, even if the alpha wasn’t-
 He swallows, hard. Asmodeus will be here soon, ready to pick his wayward son up and whisk him back to the house that he would prefer Magnus be locked inside. Magnus has always loved sneaking out, spending time admiring the place he comes from, that his mother came from.
 Asmodeus has no love for Jakarta. The city is a stepping stone for him, a place he can leave Magnus while he travels with some certainty his son will still be there when he comes back. He demands only two things from Magnus; complete obedience and      chastity.  
 The first Magnus plays at when his father is around, takes delight in pushing and accepts the pain when he goes too far. Asmodeus is excellent at pain. The second he scoffed at, slept with beta’s and sometimes even another omega. Until Alexander.
 Even now, Ragnor’s sink full of positive tests, he can’t regret his time with the alpha, only that he doesn’t know how to find him again.
 Ragnor’s exasperated tone tells him he’s been ignoring his beta friend for a while.
 “I asked what you were going to do, you know what Asmodeus will choose for you. You cannot be a useful pawn for him if he cannot claim you are untouched.”
 Magnus knows. He      knows.    He’s lived this life, under his father’s thumb, without much complaint, resigned to his fate and ready to let himself be unhappy in life. He looks down at his body that now houses the start of another.
 Maybe if it had been anyone else Magnus could let his father do it, take the tiny beginnings of what will become a child, but...Magnus thinks of Alexander’s soft smile, of how complacent he’s been, of holding a baby that was created with, well, affection at least.
 “You once offered me a way to run.” Magnus speaks slowly and Ragnor sighs.
 “You were too stubborn then.”
 Magnus frowns and Ragnor rolls his eyes, “Of course I still have one. I thought I was a fool for holding out hope but it appears my foolishness paid off. I’m coming with you. Not right away, I’ll need to stay and pretend obliviousness, but I will follow soon enough.”
 Outside, Jakarta waits for him to say a frantic goodbye.
 Alec Lightwood touches a wall display, coffee in hand, as he checks over the events schedule for the day. Lightwood&Co is thriving under his leadership and he can’t help but smile a little as he sees how many of their conference spaces are in use for the day.
 Most of it is routine check ins with various departments but two meetings require his personal attention. The first is for the launch of a service he’s been pushing for since-
 He closes his eyes for a moment. Six years and the grief still sweeps over him when he least expects it, accompanied by the ghost of laughing eyes and the best scent he’s ever had the privilege of pressing his mouth to.
 Still, that was the impetus behind      Found,    a service hosted by Lightwood&Co aimed at helping those who may have been pulled away from family, potential mates, or friends reconnect. Alec has long since accepted he will never see Magnus again, but maybe he can help someone else.
 The second meeting he is looking forward to. It’s Jace and Izzy and their pet project. Alec wants to allocate a segment of the company's funds to support local businesses and community projects and Izzy and Jace are supposed to present their top candidates. It’s been pushed back to late afternoon since they had found a last minute add in.
 Alec takes a drink of his coffee and closes his eyes, sends out the same hope he does every morning, that Magnus is happy and safe, wherever he is. That he is loved like he deserves.
 “This the place?” Jace looks up at the sign, taking in the smell that permeates even the small patio.      Pandemonium: Teas and Other Remedies     proclaims that it has something for everyone and every ailment within; unlike similar stores Jace and Izzy have reason to believe it actually delivers on the promise.
 “Smells like it.” Izzy is smiling and her shoulders are relaxed and Jace can’t blame her.
 The air smells wonderful, like an omega’s calming pheromones are gently suffusing it. Actually, exactly like an omega. It smells like Clary. He frowns a little because he knows his mate isn’t here, her schedule has been crazier than his lately and he usually finds her painting in a frenzy when he gets home.
 “Guess that part was right.” Jace laughs a little and Izzy gives him a wink.
 “I’m betting you don’t smell a      very    happy Simon like I do, so yes.”
 In their search for places in the city doing good      Pandemonium    had almost been missed but Izzy’s friend Meliorn swore by the place after a rough patch with one of his alpha’s. A little poking and Jace had found plenty of people, of all secondary-genders, ready to sing the little shop’s praises.
 From the sounds of it the calming scent was just the first of many unique things it could offer, ranging from a delicious cup of tea to a place to sleep and safe passage if you needed to run from something. It had sounded too perfect.
 Izzy took another deep breath and Jace rolled his eyes, Simon had been out of town with Raphael for      one    day and Izzy was acting like they’d been apart for weeks.
 “What do you think Alec would smell?” Jace muses, wondering about unmated people.
 Izzy makes a soft sound of distress and the calm smell of Clary is disrupted by the sharpening of her alpha scent beside him.
 Jace winces.
 “We’ll have to ask how it might affect him before we bring him here. If it could mimic      that    he’ll need something to block it.”
 Jaces has to swallow his own sound then. They both love Alec and as much as Jace wishes the little shop might have something that offers their brother the comfort others have found within, he knows it won’t.
 They need to go inside so they can start the interview and be on time for their meeting with Alec later. Alec who will never know the soul-deep calm that can be found curled with his mate at the end of a long day, who took only one ill-fated vacation and who Jace can always count on to still be working when he calls at three am to demand a ride home from a date night with Clary that was a little too liquid for them both.
 Jace finds himself hoping they will find something here that might help. At the very least it would be nice to smell      Alec    again and not the strange artificial scent of rut-blockers that overlap his natural scent. Most adults don’t take them, or at least not for years at a time, but Alec had gone through just one rut after Indonesia and picked up a prescription for them without explanation.
 Izzy tugs the door open, raising an eyebrow at him, “Ready?”
 Jace nods, “Duh.”
 They step into a cozy tea shop, shelves filled with different tins of teas and accessories line one wall, plants in a riot of green against another and he can see the shop extends past the visible seating area, no doubt where more eclectic goods are kept.
 The calming scents are very muted in here with the aroma of different teas layered over them. It should be too much, but, somehow it just makes the warm lighting more welcoming. The gold and blue chairs are scattered around red and brown tables and Jace nudges Izzy to claim one in the sunlight while he heads to the small counter tucked off to the side.
 There’s a singing bowl instead of a bell for service and a neat stack of menus offering simple lunch food. A display of brochures about community services and how to reach out for help in abusive or dangerous situations sits well stocked just beside them.
 Jace examines the bowl with a pinch in his eyebrows before reading the little placard beside it.
     If you cannot make the bowl sing, your voice will do just as well.  
 “Uh, Hello?” Jace calls out, shifting nervously.
 “Be right there!” A warm voice replies and a moment later an omega appears, pushing a soft curtain aside and smiling brightly.
 He’s lovely, brown eyes lined in kohl, hair carefully spiked with glitter catching in the light scattered over his cheeks. His clothes are obviously carefully picked, pants that fit him      very    well and a loose shirt the same gold as the chair Izzy jolts out of.
 The chair hits the ground at the same time that Jace gasps.
 “It’s him.      Oh fuck.”  
 “Excuse me?” The omega says, eyebrows raised and scent twisting from welcome to warning.
 “Sorry! Don’t go anywhere,      holy shit,    do not go anywhere.” Jace shouts, stumbling toward Izzy as they both bee line for the door, not noticing the jacket they’ve left at the table in their rush.
 They have to get Alec right      now.  
 “Mr. Lightwood, your siblings just vaulted through my security station. Jace was screaming your name. Thought you’d like to know.”   Andrew’s voice is almost amused under his perpetual exasperation and Alec seriously considers giving the man hazard pay for any day Izzy and Jace work.
 “Thank you Underhill. I will remind them      why    we have security.”
 “I would appreciate it. Have a nice day Mr. Lightwood.”  
 The call disconnects and Alec makes a note on the form he was reviewing, aware his day is about to be disrupted. Something must be up with the last minute place they had gone to review.
 Sure enough Izzy and Jace burst through his door minutes later, both panting hard.
 “Did you sprint up eight flights?” He’s almost impressed. He looks at Izzy’s shoes and whistles, alright, he is impressed.
 “Had to-elevators.” Izzy swallows, “too slow.      Wow.”  
 She presses a hand to her side and sucks in several harsh breaths as Alec leans back and waits. Jace recovers a little better but the pause gives Alec time to pick through their scents. Alpha excitement, anticipation, nervousness, all underlined by something he’d be hard pressed to place if they weren’t his siblings: wild hope.
 “You need to come,” Jace grabs his wrist and yanks him hard enough to pull him to his feet, “with us. Right now.”
 “I need to finish working.” Alec deadpans, pulling his arm free. Jace is physically stronger but if Alec needs to he will always be the stronger alpha, not that he wants to push the issue to that point.
 “Now! Alec, please.” Izzy’s scent goes desperate and determined and Alec’s nostrils flare. The last time she smelled like that she was telling Alec she’d mated Simon and she’d been under the impression that Alec hated her omega. He’d had to tell her how hard it was to be around someone like Simon who smelled so happy and she’d forced him to go to a therapist.
 “I can’t. I-”
 “Alec. Please. You don’t want to let this chance go.” Jace’s two-toned gaze is burning and Alec knows the edge of the scent curling off his brother, remembers it bitter on his tongue when he’d cried in Jace’s arms after his second trip to Jakarta.
 He nods and lets them lead him out of the building. They race down streets, running faster than trying to take a cab apparently and Alec can smell that both of them are tapped into their instincts enough that crowds are clearing for them.
 They come to a stop outside      Pandemonium    and Alec’s knees almost give out because he can smell something under the generic calming scent that the store seems to be pumping into the street. That faint smell brings tears to his eyes and he shudders.
 Jace is holding the door open with wide eyes and Izzy is already striding to the counter. Alec steadies himself and walks past his brother, gaze sweeping over the shop in an attempt to determine why his siblings are freaking out.
 Behind him he can hear Jace turning the thumb-lock on the door. He frowns, tensing to turn and remind Jace that this is      not    his place when the curtain behind the counter where Izzy is playing a singing bowl moves.
 Even across the room the scent that slams into him shatters him. Alec’s knees hit the wooden floor and he can feel tears pouring over his cheeks as he looks into shocked brown eyes.
 “      Magnus.”  
 The omega steps back, a hand pressing tightly to his mouth and his gaze darts between the three alpha’s in his shop.
 Alec’s never seen anything more beautiful as Magnus lowers his hand and slowly walks around the counter, gaze locked on where he kneels crying.
 Magnus looks every bit the dream he was when Alec first saw him under the red lights of a bar half a world away. He’s older, sure, with facial hair and the makeup is new but it looks      so    good. Alec can’t get air, can’t force himself to look for the mating mark he is almost certain Magnus bears by now.
 “Alec? My Alexander?” Magnus’ voice is a blessing though he sounds fragile, like Alec could break him if he speaks too loud. He savors the words anyway, the easy claim in them and he lets himself hope.
 Jace and Izzy have shuffled back, giving them space, and he is so grateful as he nods to Magnus.
 “Yeah.” He smiles, a wobbly, wet thing, “Yes Magnus.”
 The omega crashes into him with a desperate sob and Alec clings to him tightly as he half kneels, half collapses. They cling tight together on the wooden floor and Alec buries his face in Magnus’ neck, the scent of him soothing him to the core of his aching soul.
 Magnus had come out of his back room a bit warily, leaving Max coloring happily. After the strange encounter with the blonde and his striking counterpart Magnus was worried. The blonde had recognized him somehow and though Ragnor had sworn Asmodeus was dead he couldn’t stop the swell of fear when the singing bowl had played.
 The sight of Alexander in a dark suit that really just highlighted how well he’d filled out had shocked him so badly he’d had to cover his mouth not to cry out. Watching Alec fall to his knees, hearing his voice again, Magnus had been helpless not to end up here.
 He knows he needs to pull away, compose himself and start piecing together why Alec is here, why the two alpha’s with him knew who Magnus was. He knows but he can’t make himself let go where he clings to the alpha who’d carried Magnus’ heart away years ago.
 Alec doesn’t smell right, something synthetic coloring his scent, but it’s the closest thing Magnus has so it’s perfect. He squeezes his eyes closed and wills himself to stop crying. For all he knows Alec was just overwhelmed by the sight of him after so long, it’s not a guarantee that Alec hasn’t taken a mate.
 Finally Alec leans back enough that Magnus can peel himself away and they just look at each other.
 Alexander laughs wetly and brushes his thumbs under Magnus’ eyes.
 “Sorry. I’ve ruined your mascara.”
 Magnus nearly starts crying all over again but wrestles control of himself as quickly as he can.
 “I knew today was a waterproof day.” He swipes his palm against his cheek, trying to rub off what are no doubt messy black smears.
 Alec just smiles and touches his face again, eyes wide in awe, like he can’t believe Magnus is in front of him. It’s a little overwhelming and Magnus let’s his gaze drop to Alec’s collar to remind himself why he can’t let himself fall back into the alpha’s arms.
 He makes a surprised keening noise when he realizes there are no claiming marks against Alec’s throat. Alec’s fingers push at his chin and Magnus looks back at him, meeting worried eyes.
 “You’re not mated.” Magnus can’t help how his sadness for Alec washes into his words and his smell. He’s always got such tight control but Alec’s blown it to bits.
 “No. I-Not after you, I couldn’t.”
 Magnus swallows hard, “Me?”
 Alec’s eyes close and the lines of his face deepen as old pain pulls at him, his muted scent growing distressed, “I went back as soon as I could, but I couldn’t find you again. The only Magnus who fit your description was a missing person.”
     He went back?    Magnus sits back in shock. Alec tried to come back to him, had wanted him after only a handful of hours. What must it have been like for him? Flying to Jakarta only to be told that Magnus had vanished? What had he thought, after the things Magnus had let slip about his life then?
 “I had to run from my father.”
 Alec nods, leaning closer again, like he can’t bear to be parted. He catches himself though and Magnus watches him brace himself for something before his hazel eyes drop to Magnus’ neck.
 Magnus tips his head back, both to display his unmarked throat and to show Alec his willingness to submit.
 A low rumble sounds in Alec’s chest and Magnus can suddenly really, properly,      smell    him. The scent that has been home since that one night in the fall wraps around him and Magnus can’t help the way he keens and leans toward Alec.
 Alexander doesn’t hesitate, just pulls him close and tight against him.
 “Magnus, if there’s someone else I need to know. I have to know, I can’t-I need-” Alec is left stumbling over his words but the warmth of his arms is steady and Magnus shakes his head, can’t let Alec labor under the delusion.
 “No. It’s you. I only wanted you. I would’ve waited if I knew but I had to get away from my father before he could find out.”
 Magnus goes stiff as he realizes, Alec doesn’t know.
 “Find out what?” Alexander asks, nuzzling against him and Magnus closes his eyes.
 Alec can’t help the way he presses his nose against Magnus’ scent gland. He’s finally found him and after six years he simply won’t stop himself from taking what Magnus is willing to offer and with his declaration Alec doesn’t expect he’ll mind much.
 Magnus is tense against him and Alec makes a sound meant to reassure, slowly making himself stop nuzzling so he can check on his-
     Not yet.  
 So he can check on Magnus.
 “Magnus?” A woman’s voice calls and Alec’s head snaps up as Magnus shifts in his arms. He can’t help how his throat tightens as he smothers another sound at the sudden panic he feels when Magnus starts to move away from him.
 “I’m alright Catarina.” Magnus’ voice is even but it’s obvious he’s been crying and Alec pushes himself to his feet in time to see a woman step out of the back, a little boy on her hip.
 The child sees a room full of strangers and leans a little closer to the pretty dark skinned woman holding him but continues to look at them all curiously.
 “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” She steps forward, her eyes darting between the alpha’s in the room and her own strong alpha scent going sharp with warning as she takes in the black streaks over Magnus’ cheeks.
 Alec forces himself to take a single step away from Magnus, palms up, non-threatening as he can manage.
 Magnus glances at him quickly and then back to the woman, Catarina, “Nothing’s wrong Cat. I promise. I’m just a little…” Magnus trails off and Catarina looks back at Alec, this time recognition sparks her gaze.
 “You’re a Lightwood.” Her lips curls, “Did you waltz in here with your money and your alpha backup and do something to my friend?”
 Alec shakes his head even as Jace steps forward, “Hey! My brother isn’t like      that.    We brought him here because-”
 “Ayah!” The little boy in Catarina’s arms cries out, interrupting the alpha’s and disrupting the heavy pheromones as the instinct to care for the little one overrides their agressions.
 Magnus looks at Alec again, his eyes are frightened and Alec can’t imagine why until Catarina sets the little boy down and he runs into Magnus’ waiting arms.
 “Ayah why is Aunty Cat upset? Are they bad?”
 The little voice is close enough for Alec to catch his scent and he almost falls again. Dark hair but too thick and waved to be Magnus’, eyes a shade darker than the omegas, skin just a little lighter, the Lightwood eyebrows.
 “Oh my god.” Izzy’s voice breaks the moment as Magnus answers his son, his and Alec’s son. He has to be, the scent can’t lie.
 “No, blueberry, they aren’t bad. Aunty Cat is just worried because she doesn’t know what’s happening but I’m going to tell everyone and I’m going to tell you something very important okay? Then we’re going to have tea.”
 The little boy nods, his expression serious.
 Izzy and Jace come closer to Alec as though worried they’re going to have to hold him up. With how tremulous he feels they might just have too. Catarina hasn’t relaxed.
 Magnus lifts his chin, cradling his son,      their son,    against his hip, “This is him Cat. This is Alec.”
 Catarina’s mouth falls open. Then she’s moving, fire in her eyes, but Magnus stops her quickly, “He didn’t know Cat. He tried to come back but I’d already left.” Catarina’s glare only makes the guilt that Alec has harbored for a long time worse. He had hated himself for leaving Magnus in the first place but this...a child.
 “Catarina, please.”
 She looks Alec over one more time and then nods to Magnus.
 “I’ll make the tea. You’d better sit down.”
 She leaves and Magnus turns to Alec who can’t stop looking at the little boy Magnus is holding.
 Magnus doesn’t know how to read the look in Alec’s eyes as he stares at Max. He doesn’t know how to do this either.
 He had told Max already the story of how he met the boy’s alpha father and why they weren’t together but he didn’t know how the five year old would take meeting him now. That was without even thinking about Catarina’s reveal. Alec was Alexander Lightwood, CEO of Lightwood&Co and the direct successor to two people who Magnus had loathed.
 Maryse and Robert had been associates of his father and they hadn’t made their distaste for his omega status or his brown skin subtle. He had heard, however, that their children were nothing like them and that the one left in charge of the company had worked hard to undo years of prejudice, both racial and gendered.
 “Hi.” Max waves a little hand and Alec’s lower lip trembles but he waves a little back and looks at Magnus with wide eyes. Finally Magnus can see and smell what he was looking for. Alec is amazed, surprised certainly, but the way he looks with warm hazel eyes is pure hope.
 “If, uh, if it’s alright Izzy and I are going to go.”
 Alec nods to his brother without looking and they unlock the door and let themselves out, leaving the sign turned to closed.
 “Re-lock the door Alexander. Then come meet-” Magnus looks at Max, “Max.”
 Alec nods and turns to follow Magnus’ instructions as he sinks into a chair at the nearest table, shifting Max into his lap.
 “Ayah, who is he?” Max asks, his thumb pressing against his lower lip. They’ve mostly broken the habit but when he’s stressed Max still tends to suck his thumb and seeing it now makes Magnus ache. His son smells like worry so he gently takes the boy’s little hand, kisses it, and holds it as he looks at him seriously, aware in his periphery that Alec is coming to the table.
 “Do you remember when I told you your daddy had to go away and then I left and we never found each other again?”
 He hears Alec’s breath hitch as he takes a seat but he doesn’t look away from Max.
 “Yeah. You said daddy was the nicest alpha ever but he didn’t even know about me.” Max frowns and Magnus smiles gently, kissing his forehead.
 “He does now Max. He finally found us. Do you want to meet him for real?”
 Max’s little face scrunches in thought, his dark brows pull together and Magnus waits patiently, glad for Alec’s quiet even though he can smell the nerves on him, the synthetic smell practically burned away under the strength of his recent feelings.
 Finally Max nods and Magnus shifts him so he’s sitting facing Alec. The two adults look at each other, Alec’s eyes are wide and teary and Magnus can feel his own are wet again as he smiles a little. Then Alexander looks at Max.
 Alec can hardly believe he’s looking at his son. His little boy, with a serious little wrinkle on his face as he looks Alec over critically. Magnus is holding him steady as he leans forward and if Alec focuses too hard on being here with Magnus and their son he’s going to start sobbing again.
 “You’re my daddy?” Max asks, blunt.
 Alec smiles at him, “I am. I’m Alec. Your, uh, ayah said your name is Max?”
 His little boy nods, “Yep. I’m Max and you’re my daddy and this is my ayah. Since you found us are we gonna live with you?”
 Alec’s eyes go wide and then Magnus laughs even as Max twists to pout at him.
 “That’s what happened when Madzie found her mom! She lives with her now!”
 Magnus nods, “That’s right, but Madzie didn’t have anyone else and Catarina decided to be her mom. Alec and I-” Magnus looks up at him from under dark lashes, “we have to grown-up talk about it okay?”
 Max’s pout doesn’t lessen and Alec wants to reach for him. Max starts to wiggle in Magnus’ hold as he whines, the sound reaches into Alec’s heart and tugs, he needs to help. He’s reaching out before he’s even aware of it but it works perfectly as Max chooses the same moment to throw himself out of Magnus’ lap. The omega’s scent flares with worry but it calms as Alec’s sure hands catch the child, making him stretch between them with a giggle.
 “Daddy, hold!” Max squirms around until he can push himself into Alec’s lap properly, ignoring the wide-eyed look Alec is sure is pasted on his face. Max is warm and sturdy as he plants himself in Alec’s lap and his little shoulders relax as he tucks his face into Alec’s neck.
 “You have to stay daddy,” Alec swallows, hard, his delight at holding his son strong in the air around them, “Ayah is sad without you.”
 He squeezes Max softly and his heart stutters as the boy nuzzles against him and sighs, his child-scent starting to blend with Alec’s. He looks at Magnus who is staring at them, his expression overwhelmed.
 “Magnus?” He asks, gentle as he can.
 Magnus blinks and then smiles, a small but lovely thing, “You look good Alexander, holding our son.”
 Alec has no words at that moment.
 Catarina saves them both from dissolving into more tears as she returns with more cups of tea than people and huffs.
 “Someone could have hollered that a few of our guests left.”
 Magnus chuckles and wipes at his eyes again, “Sorry, we were a little distracted Cat.”
 She looks at where Max sits, pressed in tight to Alec, takes in the way Alec is rubbing small circles against the boy’s back and the way the three of them are already starting to smell like a      family.    As long as Catarina has known Magnus, from the scared but determined young omega Ragnor sent to her door to the compassionate man he’s become, she had never thought anything was missing but now- His scent is clean of a sadness that was so ingrained she hadn’t even realized it was there.
 “I think you should stay distracted. Go upstairs Magnus, show Alec around. I can handle it down here.”
 Alec looks between them in surprise, “You live here?”
 Magnus nods, “I do. Max looks like he needs a nap, will you bring him?”
 Alec can feel his, because Alec refuses not to claim him for a second longer, little boy breathing slower and deeper as Alec’s gentle touches soothe him.
 “Of course.”
 He follows Magnus, Max held close and carefully, up a narrow staircase and into a beautiful loft that smells more like home than anywhere Alec has ever lived as an adult. He takes a greedy breath and then blushes when he realizes Magnus is watching him.
 “You can lay him on the couch for a nap, we can talk on the balcony?”
 With a nod, Alec moves to lay Max down but he grips the alpha’s shirt and mewls. Alec looks up at Magnus from where he’s bent awkwardly, their son holding him too tightly to set down. Magnus’ gaze is impossibly soft and he stands so he’s pressed hip to hip with Alec and leans over to help delicately uncurl Max’s little hands and coax him to the couch. He whimpers and rubs his small cheek against the fabric and Alec knows what he’s looking for.
 He looks at Magnus for permission and the omega smiles, “Please. It’ll help him and we both know you’re dying to mark him.”
 Alec blushes again, heat rushing to his cheeks, because Magnus is spot on. He doesn’t hesitate now that he has permission though, flexing his wrist and rubbing his scent softly against Max’s chin and one of his small wrists. As soon as he finishes Max pushes his face against the marked wrist and relaxes into deeper sleep, a soft little purr vibrating through him.
 “      Oh.”    Alec chokes on the word and the feeling pushing up his throat, his eyes burn again and the breath he takes is shaky.
 Magnus reaches for him again and he pulls the omega in close, relief burning through him. As Magnus pushes his face against Alec’s throat he realizes, the suppressant he takes has well and truly burned away.
 “I think we should talk?” Magnus murmurs against him and Alec closes his eyes, nodding.
 On the balcony, Alec sits so he can face the open doors and see the little bit of Max that is visible from there. Magnus forces himself to sit facing Alec even though everything in him wants to curl into the alpha’s lap and breath him in.
 Already Alec’s scent, cleaner than it was at first, is curling between them, leaving traces all over Magnus’ home. Selfishly, he wants Alec to scent-mark everything in sight, just to really smell him when he’s gone again.
 “Magnus, I’m sorry.” Alec’s voice is soft but so very earnest as he leans forward, tearing his gaze from the room where their son sleeps and gently reaching for Magnus’ hand, “I would’ve gone to the end of the Earth to find you if I thought-If I knew about Max, if I thought you wanted me like that too.”
 Magnus turns his hand, runs his fingers over Alec’s palm and gently swirls the pads of them against the underside of Alec’s wrist, coaxing his scent from him, leaving Alec in the perfect position to do it in return.
 Alec stares at their hands but slowly his fingers move, pressing softly against Magnus’ skin.
 “It’s alright Alexander. I never,” Magnus shivers, “I never expected you to want me for more than that night. If it weren’t for Max I don’t know what you would’ve found when you came back for me but I am so, so grateful for him. I loved him from the first moment I decided to keep him. I had to leave everything behind but, it was so worth it. I didn’t see, not really, until I was away from my father what I had been through and the thought of ever having a child in that environment…” Magnus closes his eyes, even just thinking about his father ever laying a hand on Max makes him whimper.
 Alec’s arms are around him in an instant as he kneels in front of the chair, “Hey,      hey    Magnus it’s okay. I’ll never let your father touch either of you, not now. Please, let me help you.”
 Magnus rubs their cheeks together, “He’s dead. Ragnor, my friend who got me out, told me a few months ago. Asmodeus is gone.”
 Alec tenses, “Your father was...Asmodeus as in      Edomai?”  
 Magnus nods and sighs but Alec continues, sounding horrified, “      Magnus.    My parent’s turned down...when he tried to make some deal with them he offered his omega son as part of it but my parents refused. I tried to convince them he was a psychopath when I found out that he was trying to sell his son’s virginity for company gain but they didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, they only denied him because his son was Indonesian and they thought I should make a better match.”
 Magnus pulls away, mouth open and scent confused as he tries to process that. His father wanted to marry him off to the highest bidder, he already knew as much, but to know that even that much hadn’t been      good enough    for some was sickening. Alec’s eyes are wide as he strokes a hand over Magnus’ cheek.
 “I never pieced it together. I didn’t know Asmodeus’ sons name and despite my best attempts my parent’s blocked me from ever being able to help him. But that was      you.    Magnus, I-” Alec looks so devastated and Magnus can’t take it anymore so he presses a hand over Alec’s mouth.
 “Alexander, you are not them. I didn’t know you were Alexander Lightwood or it would’ve been easy to find you but I know your reputation, I remember the sweetness I found in you. We shared one night and part of a morning and now, years later, I still only want you. I don’t care about the ways we could’ve come together, I care about right now. Please Alexander, I want-” Magnus steeled himself, “I want to make a family with you, I want Max to know his daddy and I want-I want you to be-” Magnus swallows, “I want you to be my alpha. Alexander, please.”
 Alec’s brown eyes flash and his scent flares with a possessive yet sweet edge and Magnus watches him, waiting for the answer that might finally break him.
 Alec, still on his knees, cups Magnus’ face in one large hand and presses their noses together.
 “Magnus,      my    Magnus. If you’ll have me,” Alec presses an impossibly gentle kiss to Magnus’ lips, “I want to be your alpha. I want to mate you. It’s all I want.”
 Alec’s hand trails down, fingertips brushing over the spot Magnus imagines will bear his mark and Magnus is lost, pulling Alec in close and tilting his head, baring his throat.
 With a low groan, Alexander presses a warm kiss to the line of his neck and then angles him so he can claim a kiss, deeper and hotter. He parts Magnus’ lips with the gentle pressure of his tongue and Magnus let’s himself taste the alpha, head going fuzzy with joy and pleasure.
 He can feel how his scent sings with it, joy blooming brightly between them and Alec answers, slowly sucking on his lower lip.
 They part, foreheads pressing together as they both take a moment to calm themselves.
 “We should probably go on at least one date first.” Magnus notes and Alec laughs, helpless.
 “Can we count today?”
 Magnus bumps their noses together, “No. You didn’t even drink your tea.”
 “Ayah?” Max’s little voice draws them out of their bubble and Alec keeps a hand on Magnus as they part and go to the little boy. His dark curls are mussed and he blinks sleepily at them but their strong happy scents must tell him enough because he reaches toward them both.
 “Come nap daddy, ayah. Nap.”
 Alec laughs again and leans down to lift up his son. He presses a cheek against Max’s curls and Magnus steps closer so he can curl his free arm around him and kiss his cheek.
 “I’d hazard a guess that Jace and Izzy cancelled the rest of my day, if not my whole week. So I’m good for a nap, if you are?”
 Magnus grins and leads Alec to his bedroom, laying down so Max is curled between them and smiling so wide it hurts. Alec brushes his fingers against Max’s cheek and then looks at Magnus, a happy, calm burst of his scent rolling over them.
 “Thank you.”
 Magnus raises an eyebrow and Alec touches the corner of it with his thumb, “For giving me this, for still wanting me. For...for our son.”
 The words make Magnus melt and he presses his face into Alec’s wide palm.
 “Thank you for finding me again.”
Part 2
2 notes · View notes
cinberella · 11 months
My A/B/O Canon Divergent Malec fics
Disowned by his own people, possibly deruned and exiled, just because he wants to be what he was meant to be, wholly and proudly. But the Clave won't allow Alec Lightwood to decide for himself and his daughter. Fortunately, someone unexpected, a powerful and feared Warlock, will offer him help, protection and a safe haven. Magnus Bane is an Alpha who is not afraid to defy the Clave and bring Alec and his daughter to safety.
Rating E - WC 80k
TW implied rape/non con, derogatory language, explicit sexual content, attempted sexual assault
Warlock Therapy
Magnus now expects pretty much anything from the Clave. On the other hand, he has been dealing with Shadowhunters for decades, he knows them. But finding Maryse at his door asking for help to save her son’s life wasn’t something he could have foreseen. The young Alpha who is with her seems to carry on his shoulders a pang of guilt so serious that he would be ready to die, just to atone for his sins. Apparently, the only reason Alec Lightwood wants to fight back and survive is to help his Parabatai. Magnus can’t turn his back on the boy, even if he’s Maryse’s son, when the Clave threatens to kill him just because he’s fallen in love.
Rating E - WC 50k
TW homophobic language, explicit sexual content
11 notes · View notes
khaleesiofalicante · 10 months
As someone who grew up reading a/b/o and omegaverse ‘cause it was the only type of “fantasy” available, what would the lightwood bane’s be?
Okay. So. My knowledge of this whole thing is VERY limited. What I know is entirely from a couple of fics I read (didn't like them) and also Teen Wolf lmao.
But let me give it a try. These are my interpretations of course.
I also think some characters, you can write in different ways, for eg, Alec as an alpha (TLND) or an omega (LMLT) depending on the story - which is so much more fun!
But some broader categorisations if i have to (i also added the whole fam cause why not hehe):
Alec - Alpha
Magnus - I can't figure it out for the life of me. He somehow feels like all three. Like a hybrid or something. Is that an emotion? Idk.
Rafael - Beta
Max - Alpha
David - Omega
Anjali - Alpha
Lance - Omega
Arthur - Omega
Cami - Alpha
Arjun - Beta
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myulalie · 7 months
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Four times Alec keeps his most well guarded secret regarding his secondary gender and one time he opens up to confide in someone new (read on ao3).
Words: 3k
Warnings: None
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Jayce Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood
Tags: Canon Compliant, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Magnus Bane, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Mistaken Identity, Identity Reveal, Secret Identity, Gender Identity, Gender Dysphoria, Self-Acceptance, Supportive Magnus Bane, Insecure Alec Lightwood, 5 Things, Hopeful Ending, Almost Kiss
To clarify the identity and gender related tags: it's all about the secondary gender in omegaverse.
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malec-ao3feed · 6 months
Key Around Your Neck
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ReQIKWz by SinQueen69 2024 Suggestion Anon: Would definitely love some wing kink. Touching a nephilim’s wings is very intimate. But Alec is incredibly sensitive so it’s also unintentionally erotic when his wings much as brush something, let alone when it’s Magnus. + 2024 Suggestion Anon: Shadowhunters Malec a/b/o Omega!Alec Alpha!Magnus Alec is given to Magnus in an arranged mating to make peace with the down world, omegas are kept in chastity until they mate and then is for the alpha mate to take it off or not Words: 2494, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 181 of Requests Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Prompt Fill, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha Magnus Bane, Omega Alec Lightwood, Winged Alec Lightwood, Married Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Wing Kink, Cock Cage, Orgasm Control, Light Dom/sub, Coming Untouched, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Knotting, Creampie, Don't copy to another site read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ReQIKWz
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A wolf in Nephilim's clothing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49747264 by thedarksideoflauren Derek and Alexander Lightwood are twins descending from a long and noble family of Shadowhunters, their destiny sealed since birth: they were meant to be the among the best Nephilims in the history. Their lives change drastically when, one night, the twins are sent on a difficult mission: track and kill a pack of Alphas responsible for multiple mundane deaths. Unfortunately, Derek gets bitten during the fight, his life completely changes after the event, when he meets the cause of the Alphas presence in town: Emissary Stilinski. Words: 5198, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood, Luke Garroway/Maryse Lightwood, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Getting to Know Each Other, Falling In Love, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Emissary in Training Stiles Stilinski, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, I Don't Even Know, No Beta We Die Like The Hale Family, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alec and Derek are twins, Derek Hale is Not a Failwolf read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49747264
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