#alpha gold
amethystdreamer114 · 5 months
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My Weakness Part 1/?
Summary: ABO where Gold is a hot-blooded alpha and struggles with rutting symptoms, while trying his hardest to gain your favor before the worst hits…
TW: rut, swearing, smut, vomiting, random other sickfic stuff I decide on- honestly this is kinda a kitchen sink sickfic so😂
Soft, yellow candlelight illuminated Gold’s jacket as he paced up and down the isles of his store, attempting to distract himself with various items. With every second, the clock ticked closer to midnight. He could already feel his chest and neck heating up as his fever started.
Alpha ruts were… interesting to say the least. They lasted 5-7 days and typically worked in phases.
Phase 1: Fever, heightened sense of smell, temper or outbursts, an insatiable need to find a mate, or if you had one, an insatiable need to be near them.
Gold had a mate… or so he thought.
He’d met you at Granny’s on one of his walks. He could still picture it perfectly. Your pastel yellow sundress, the way your hair flowed in the breeze, the way you smelled like sweet oranges and freshly picked flowers.
He remembered how you had been so kind and gentle to him, especially since he’d just been left alone by Belle.
You two had talked for a few minutes on the bench outside. He’d studied your every word and the way you looked at him as if, for once, he mattered for more than just being The Dark One.
That’s when the blasted pirate showed up.
“(Y/n) love, we mustn’t get too close to the crocodile.” He swept you away, gesturing to his hand. “Learned my bloody lesson the hard way.”
Since then, you’d been on his mind and now, he was even more drawn to you. Especially since every now and again, he’d catch your scent.
Belle had left him at the worst time possible. During a rut, if an alpha *doesn’t* have a mate, symptoms are much worse.
What would normally feel like an off-day or residual flu symptoms very quickly became debilitating.
The clock continued to tick, showing him that his time was passing quickly. With every step, every attempt to distract himself, he could feel the chills and discomfort settling in. His long, brown hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. Soon, he started to feel disoriented and confused.
He fumbled around for his cane and then gave all the effort he had to reach the back of the shop, where he all but collapsed on one of the couches.
The fabric felt like knives as it rubbed against this feverish skin.
He started to curl in on himself, tugging on the edge of a thin throw blanket that was almost out of reach.
That’s when a gust of wind through the window brought in your scent. In his hazy state, he envisioned you at his side, stroking his hair and telling reassuring him that it would be alright and he’d make it through this.
He was scared, honestly. He’d never been through a rut alone.
He needed you and now, he had to find you and beg for the help he so desperately needed.
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yukipri · 8 months
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Spar, Alpha-Ø2, Mand’alor the Resurrector.
My take on this super fascinating if somewhat obscure character from Legends! A clone with Jango Fett’s memories, who escaped Kamino to become leader of a faction of Mandalorians.
I’ve been exploring him a lot in my fic, the Prime Override, and I wanted to give him a shot visually. His appearance here is specific to my fic, where his story diverges considerably from Legends, so there are a couple of details that don’t match that of any of the three official illustrations that exist of him. But the changes are intentional! I still hope he’s recognizable 😅
PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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kabukiaku · 10 months
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the anti-pope and his apostles 🜏 𖤐✨
another attempt with the gold leaf! I can’t scan these drawings because it darkens the gold leaf and takes away that well- shine from the gold. So I try my best to take good photos of it. 😵‍💫
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scott-golden9 · 9 days
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Bow Down to your Golden Alpha Twin Gods @golden-logan10 and me🏆👑💪🏻
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crimson-cassowaries · 10 months
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Some more random ass pokemon drawings, there would be more but unfortunately I have the thing called College and finals are approaching SO I don't have much time to draw
Wee explanation for the last image, I have a hc that Archie would try and get random fire pokemon for Maxie, and of course he got lucky and received a shiny
Also Maxie has grandma glasses 👍
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romangolden68 · 5 days
Big Mistake, Beta (2)
“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind” Hosea 8:7
Hercules awakens from his beautiful sleep with a groan, his muscles popping as his yawns in a loud manner. He stretches his arms and scratches his pits before getting up. He conducts his wake up routine to get the average Tuesday started, which is little more than a quick shower, putting on clothes, making and drinking a protein shake and talking to his bros in a group chat. He does notice, only after looking around for his favorite beta-bro, that his favorite beta bro is missing. He frowns to himself, his ego taking a small hit. Why is his beta bro not with him? Ugh, anyways, you have stuff to do today… I.e do what you do everyday.
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8:00am: This daily schedule first starts with Hercules using his infinite funds and ability to persuade and flirt his way into an expensive restaurant to simply eat breakfast. Damn, high life is good. As he's eating, he feels his bowels move and he chuckles to himself. Is it weird to release a loud alpha fart in public? Nahhhh, but speaking of weird, he can’t help but wonder where his favorite beta is, and he wonders if he's ok. Anyways, time to move on with the day. 
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8:45am: The day continues, and after leaving the fancy restaurant by releasing a thick protein fart, he leaves to go to the on-campus gym. He pumps iron, feels his golden blood rush and scatter across his muscles, and feels his fibers flex and tense. Lifting weights and boosting his strength has always made him feel superior. He chuckles to himself, smirking arrogantly, and yet it falters. Where the heck is his beta-bro? Usually he will be seen by now, or at least have sent a text! Hmm, Hercules might have to punish his beta-bro for ignoring him… hope he's ok.
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11:30am: After finishing his morning workout, not showering, changing into different clothes and heading off to lunch, Hercules' day continues, except he genuinely starts to worry about his beta-bro. His beta bro wasn’t even there to watch him change out of his sweaty outfit and eye bang him! Hercules would usually respond to the denial of attention with hostility, and yet, concern replaces that anger. Concern about the wheel being of his beta-bro. Anyways, Hercules changes into a proper outfit and once again goes to another fancy restaurant just to eat lunch, gotta fill up on that protein! If only his beta-bro was around to be his favorite gas bag, and yet still no messages. Hercules tries to convince himself that its not THAT big of a deal… hopefully. He leaves the lunch restaurant and leaves a “tip” by letting the staff clean up the remains of his golden sweat off of the seat. 
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12:15 Once arriving back to campus, taking a quick shower to just freshen up his hair, and changing outfits, Hercules heads off to the campus gym again. He heads into the locker room, and chugs a protein shake. He looks around at the much smaller and definitely less alpha males around the locker-room and even the open door to the gym floor. Unfortunately, he can’t smile, for the multiple text messages and calls he sent to his roommate were left unanswered. He tries not to show it, but he is worried as fuck! He continues to chug the shake, feeling his bowels itch. He puts down the protein shake, sticks his hands down his pants to itch his heavy balls, and then releases a protein fart, clouding up and gassing up the already smelly locker-room.
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Anyways, Hercules heads out, not even bothering to laugh at his own fart out of concern. Maybe working out will distract him…
Roman awakens with a sigh, his tiredness and exhaustion apparent on his face, and yet he tries to keep his smile upon his face. He does his own morning routine of cleaning up after Hercules, taking care of himself, cleaning himself in the shower, etc. Thankfully, he has finished all of this before 7, so it means he can quickly scurry out of the room before he has to deal with his new Roomie. Sorry Hercules, but today isn’t the day. 
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Roman enters the lunchroom with a sigh and serves himself the same daily campus food. Since he can’t afford to eat at the good places on campus, let alone eat out, he eats at the “poor” person cafe on campus. He sighs, his mood souring as he starts to eat his food, melancholic and tired. By the time he has finished his meal, he is still hungry, but he can’t afford to get more food. 
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7:30am-11:30am. For the next 4 hours, Roman has been attending his classes necessarily for getting his year done at campus. Unfortunately, these nerdy classes still haven't brought him the joy he was expecting, for instead they have only added to his stress. He tries to keep his head high, and yet the stress keeps building up. He sighs at his last class, and decides to do something he never thought he would expect. Maybe he should do what his alpha roommate does and attend the gym, for that may release some stress? He needs to see if he has any workout clothes…
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12:00pm Roman enters the locker room and immediately smells the faint remains of a really stinky and musky fart, jesus, jocks these days… anyways, he heads into the locker room and heads to a private section of it to change into his gym wear, and once he does, he begins to feel a little bit better…. Maybe working out will help him with his stress!
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12:15pm Roman enters the locker room and immediately smells the faint remains of a really stinky and musky fart, jesus, jocks these days… anyways, he heads into the locker room and heads to a private section of it to change into his gym wear, and once he does, he begins to feel a little bit better…. Maybe working out will help him with his stress!
Roman heads out and starts working out, struggling a bit since he hasn't “worked out” in a long time. As he is struggling to start, a quite handsome and attractive male approaches him and starts to give him advice and give him subtle compliments. Roman begins to feel even better, for it is rare that another male even talks to him with positive intentions… Maybe the gym will be a good place? Roman keeps talking to the gym…. Unknowingly striking the match to an inferno.
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Hercules: Hercules is busy working out, his head racing with thoughts of his beta-bro and if hes ok or not. He is honestly considering combining the campus to find what belongs to him and to punish his beta-bro for not answering him. Fuck, hes getting obsessed with his beta-bro, it is as if his very scent haunts him and teases him about how what BELONGS to him is always out of reach and it pisses him the fuck off… wait a minute, he CAN smell Roman! Roman never comes to the gym… unless…  Hercules wings sprout in shock upon seeing Roman
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As if being on autopilot, he beelines straight towards Roman, wanting to wring him out for ignoring him and to also take him the fuck out of the gym, for not only does he NOT belong there, but he doesn’t like the idea of inferior males feasting upon HIS beta-bitch. As he is marching towards Roman, rage and possessiveness swimming in his orbs, he sees something that sends his very soul ablaze… an INFERIOR male is speaking to what BELONGS TO HIM Hercules loses himself to the raging possessiveness, his wings growing to maximum size… All hell is going to break loose. 
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Roman: The air grows heavy and hostile, so thick and tense that he even finds it hard to breathe. He gulps, and the guy talking to him is quick to walk away, as if he senses that the air is off too. What the frick happened? Did he say something? Roman thinks to myself for a couple seconds, standing still, before sighing, defeated. He shook his head and lowered it before turning around, only to have his head forcefully and aggressively gripped by an almost bone shattering grip of someone. Roman yelps and is forced to look up, only to see a hellfire and brimstone raging within the eyes of none other than Hercules…. “Who. the. fuck. was. that?”
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(( @scott-golden9 Dang, possessive much?
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angelesse · 5 months
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✚ ⦂ ( ˊ __ ˋ) gold ( pokespe ) layouts
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for day O1 of @lavendergalactic ' s event : a gen alpha themed edit
no rf/o tags rb to use && cred
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wyvernsrus · 3 months
Alpha ARC 34
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sistertonin · 2 months
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gable 8/27/19
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amethystdreamer114 · 5 months
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My Weakness Part 2/?
Summary: ABO where Gold is a hot-blooded alpha and struggles with rutting symptoms, while trying his hardest to gain your favor before the worst hits…
TW: rut, swearing, smut, vomiting, random other sickfic stuff I decide on- honestly this is kinda a kitchen sink sickfic so😂
As soon as he left his shop, the cold air hit hard, making him shiver so hard he could barely move. The dim streetlights and similar looking cobblestone alleyways didn’t make it easy to navigate as his sense of direction was marred by intense dizziness.
“J-j-just have to m-make it t-to the d-dock…” he reminded himself.
The further he walked, the more his old leg injury flared up, leaving him limping (and occasionally falling) onto the icy sidewalks. Between the chills, his confusion, and the fact that he hadn’t been able to eat all day due to nausea, he nearly passed out at the boarding ramp of the ship.
“Aye! Outta here you bloody crocodile! I’ll not have you on my ship. You try, you’ll lose.” Hook was serious. His sword was already drawn. As an alpha himself, he could smell Gold’s rut coming on quick. You’d already gone to bed and he was about to join you… except for one thing.
“Killian you okay? I smelled…” you gasped when you saw Gold, who was slowly turning into Rumple.
“He’s not our problem lass. He’d have Belle if he hadn’t been an ass.” Killian’s eyes were like knives.
“Please I-I’m-“ he shuddered, falling to his knees.
You couldn’t bear to see someone in such a vulnerable state, alone, and you knew it would only get worse. Not to mention, you and Killian hadn’t exactly been *happy* lately.
You grabbed your coat and started down the ramp.
“(Y/n)! He’s fine! He doesn’t deserve-“
You cut him off.
“I’m not about to let him suffer. If you had half a heart, you’d understand.” You scolded, finally reaching him.
At first, he flinched away from your touch, not wanting to cause more trouble. His head was beginning to hurt and any yelling would have him curled up on the concrete, clutching his temples.
“It’s alright sweetheart, I won’t hurt you. He won’t hurt you either.” You whispered, looking up at Killian who was absolutely fuming.
“I’m gonna get you back to your shop. You just tell me when you think you can move.” You stroked his hair back and then down his neck. He felt so warm as he leaned into your touch with a pitiful whimper.
He curled into your chest, as his animalistic instincts took over.
“You s-smell so-“ your scent calmed him down quite a bit. His chills lessened, and the aches in his muscles had relaxed.
“And I’m gonna be here,” you rubbed his back. “As long as you need me.”
He nodded, now transforming further into his Rumplestiltskin appearance. His now curled hair fluffed up against your breast as he cuddled into you.
Killian just huffed and started throwing random items like his canteen overboard or to the other side of the ship where they’d shatter.
Each sound led to Rumple nearly bursting into tears. Loud noises and bright light sensitivity… both signs of a rut-induced migraine which only happened when an alpha didn’t have a set mate.
“I’m staying with you Rumple,” you soothed him before carefully helping him to his feet to begin the trek back to his shop.
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pokemongymsmashorpass · 2 months
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den-stims · 6 months
Animal Jam Alpha Item Chest Stimboard! ⭐️🌹
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i got my first alpha chest yesterday!!
⭐️ 🌹 🔑
🔑 🌟 🌹
🌹 🔑 ⭐️
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scott-golden9 · 9 days
The New Golden Gods: PART 1
A new dawn begins on Mount Olympus, the greek gods of old have all but disappeared, yet there gold wisps floating in the air around the old broken throne home where they once stood and had their way with the world...
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As the golden whisps fly around the building gets rebuilt to it former glory and is fully restored.
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Inside..the golden whisps fly around and the greek gods throne room where they once sat and fought each other over most things, turned shiny gold with a statue dedicated to Pegasus materialises in the room..something is going on with all this change...as the whole mansion turns pure solid gold on the outside.
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Back outside, someone appears..a young muscled man appears at the mansion steps, looking up towards the mansion..his name...Hercules..descended from Heracles the old greek god and son of Zeus...
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Hercules enters the mansion, and finds the throne room with ease, he looks around the room and counts a fair few thrones, he smirks and he sits down in one of the thrones and then appearing from gold dust, his twin sits right next to him. His twin is Ares another descendant of the old gods. They both flex their enormous biceps together. Showing off their GOLDEN GOD bodies and relishing how hot and immortal they are, revelling in the moment before they have to carry on and bring Mount Olympus back to full glory and bring their fellow God brothers through from their old home.
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Hercules: Yo mah brah Ares who we gonna get over here from our old home? as this place is lit af now..
Ares: Well there is a fair few of us brah...lets get Apollo over as we got enough gold wisps to bring him here and ya know the more come over the stronger our gold grows mah brah!
Hercules: Hellz yeah brah! and ya totes right..lets get to it then braaaaah!
As the twin gold gods stand, and flex with all their muscles, a portal opens on another throne next to them and Apollo appears already flexing his enormous golden biceps...
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To be continued...
Part 2 coming soon
@golden-logan10 is Ares and @kingalpha30 is Apollo, mah GOLDEN GOD KINGBRUHS..more gods coming in the next part.
Hope ya enjoyed da first part so far bruhs! Wanna join da golden team then hmu and we get ya sorted, coz this team is gettin litttt daily!
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soapcan18 · 8 months
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melabea · 5 months
Color Gold Xenoscent Alpha
(pt: Color Gold Xenoscent Alpha /end pt)
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(ids: 2 rectangular flags with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark brown, brown, light brown, tan, light brown, brown, and dark red. in the center of the first flag is a dark brown palette symbol outlined in tan. /end ids)
(ids: 2 rectangular flags with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark brown, brown, dull brown, off-white, dull brown, brown, and dark brown. in the center of the first flag is a dark brown palette symbol outlined in off-white. /end ids)
Color Gold Xenoscent Alpha & Sigma Flags
symbols from here (link) & here (link)!
for techne!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @omegarchive, @misceverchive
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im so scared of these last 4 fucking shows. if thats everything they just pulled out at the fifth to last show what the fuck are they gonna do the rest of the week. my god
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