#sick ouat
amethystdreamer114 · 5 months
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My Weakness Part 2/?
Summary: ABO where Gold is a hot-blooded alpha and struggles with rutting symptoms, while trying his hardest to gain your favor before the worst hits…
TW: rut, swearing, smut, vomiting, random other sickfic stuff I decide on- honestly this is kinda a kitchen sink sickfic so😂
As soon as he left his shop, the cold air hit hard, making him shiver so hard he could barely move. The dim streetlights and similar looking cobblestone alleyways didn’t make it easy to navigate as his sense of direction was marred by intense dizziness.
“J-j-just have to m-make it t-to the d-dock…” he reminded himself.
The further he walked, the more his old leg injury flared up, leaving him limping (and occasionally falling) onto the icy sidewalks. Between the chills, his confusion, and the fact that he hadn’t been able to eat all day due to nausea, he nearly passed out at the boarding ramp of the ship.
“Aye! Outta here you bloody crocodile! I’ll not have you on my ship. You try, you’ll lose.” Hook was serious. His sword was already drawn. As an alpha himself, he could smell Gold’s rut coming on quick. You’d already gone to bed and he was about to join you… except for one thing.
“Killian you okay? I smelled…” you gasped when you saw Gold, who was slowly turning into Rumple.
“He’s not our problem lass. He’d have Belle if he hadn’t been an ass.” Killian’s eyes were like knives.
“Please I-I’m-“ he shuddered, falling to his knees.
You couldn’t bear to see someone in such a vulnerable state, alone, and you knew it would only get worse. Not to mention, you and Killian hadn’t exactly been *happy* lately.
You grabbed your coat and started down the ramp.
“(Y/n)! He’s fine! He doesn’t deserve-“
You cut him off.
“I’m not about to let him suffer. If you had half a heart, you’d understand.” You scolded, finally reaching him.
At first, he flinched away from your touch, not wanting to cause more trouble. His head was beginning to hurt and any yelling would have him curled up on the concrete, clutching his temples.
“It’s alright sweetheart, I won’t hurt you. He won’t hurt you either.” You whispered, looking up at Killian who was absolutely fuming.
“I’m gonna get you back to your shop. You just tell me when you think you can move.” You stroked his hair back and then down his neck. He felt so warm as he leaned into your touch with a pitiful whimper.
He curled into your chest, as his animalistic instincts took over.
“You s-smell so-“ your scent calmed him down quite a bit. His chills lessened, and the aches in his muscles had relaxed.
“And I’m gonna be here,” you rubbed his back. “As long as you need me.”
He nodded, now transforming further into his Rumplestiltskin appearance. His now curled hair fluffed up against your breast as he cuddled into you.
Killian just huffed and started throwing random items like his canteen overboard or to the other side of the ship where they’d shatter.
Each sound led to Rumple nearly bursting into tears. Loud noises and bright light sensitivity… both signs of a rut-induced migraine which only happened when an alpha didn’t have a set mate.
“I’m staying with you Rumple,” you soothed him before carefully helping him to his feet to begin the trek back to his shop.
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piinfeathers · 2 years
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captain swan story time with their little pirate princess 🏴‍☠️❤️🦢🐣🐊
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youarejustintime · 1 year
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Emma’s reaction to H00k saying she’s his happy ending vs Regina’s reaction to Emma saying she’s engaged
and we were supposed to believe they were happy………
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heddagab · 1 month
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ONCE UPON A TIME Cora and Snow in 2x15 "The Queen Is Dead"
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str8up-vanilla · 9 months
(during the missing year)
Smee *knocking on the Captain's door*: Umm sir the crew were wondering if we'd be doing any pillaging today? You've been busy the past week and we're just concerned that-
Killian: If you knock once more to ask me anything you and anyone who questions me will be walking The Jolly's lovely plank!
Smee: R-right of course captain I'll go inform the crew.
Killian *holding a flower*: Right, now where was I...ah, *plucks petal* she loves me *plucks petal* she loves me not
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sufferingink · 1 month
riddle me this, Batman. If THIS man was raised by wolves, nearly exclusively... why in the world is he so polite? hm?
did the wolves teach him to eat with a knife and fork? did the wolves teach him to take off his shoes in the house? did those wolves... teach him to change his clothes regularly? these are all problems that wolves do not have to deal with. do you know who does?
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captain-hen · 3 months
feel like emma swan and eddie diaz could bond over so many things. like parenthood and the Horrors and being unimaginably Cursed and despised by the narrative
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caliburn-the-sword · 9 months
To ouat fans who are now falling in love with luke because of the pjo tv show: how does it feel to be in your Belle French era???
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 26 days
sorry i love how ouat has disabled characters at the forefront of the show. like. rumple is a cane user and i FUCKING LOVE IT. whatever the hell henrys got going on (i like to think hes autistic but for all i know he might not canonically be) also just. hes considered disabled to ME. and hooks literally obviously an amputee LIKE UGGGHHGHH
fuck you disney first of all. second thank you for making disabled characters so consistent in ouat ....
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gentil-minou · 1 year
a hop, skip, and a jump to you
Something about Wei Ying feeling safe in a place Lan Zhan regards as his own makes him flush, and his bunny ears turn pink again. But strangely, when Wei Ying gasps at the sight and reaches one of his hands over to run a gentle finger across the edge of one, Lan Zhan doesn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed by his ears at all. He feels something else entirely, something he doesn’t know what to call. Something equal parts terrifying as it is extraordinary, like the warmth from his mama’s hugs or praise from his brother. But more, somehow, and all thanks to Wei Ying. Just two soft magical bunny boys being soft together
Alternate Universe - Magic
Rabbit Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī
Rabbit Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Childhood Friends
Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Wangxian | Oneshot | 6K | Rated G
Based on this official merch art!
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Preview under the cut
The back hills behind Cloud Recesses are a place for tranquility and rest. When cool mountain air kisses the soft blades of bright green grass and the sound of leaves rustling like wind chimes, one can feel at total and absolute peace. With only woodland animals for company, friendly white rabbits hopping around and squirrels darting from one tree to the next with their hauls, it’s Lan Zhan’s favorite place in the world and his most prized secret. A space away from the pressures of being a Gusu Lan heir. Away from all the near-constant staring and placing of expectations on his still small shoulders.
It’s a place for Lan Zhan to let himself rest and think, to be free to fail in the one thing he shouldn’t be failing in. But at least, here, no one will judge him for those failures.
All witches are born with a hybrid form that they must learn to control by age ten. At that time, they’re given their formal witch's name and may join the coven officially as a fully-fledged witch. It’s the goal of every young witch and the Gusu Lan pride themselves in teaching exemplary witches year after year.
But this year, Lan Zhan is afraid he will become the black spot on the otherwise perfectly pristine record.
Because Lan Zhan is nine and a half, his naming ceremony is only a few short months away, and he still can't control his large white bunny ears in his hybrid form. The rest of his bunny traits had been easy to control. He’d learned to suppress his hopping instincts and figured out how to tuck his fluffy cottontail away on the first try. Even his stubborn whiskers had receded after a few hours of diligent practice.
But for some reason, Lan Zhan hasn’t been able to manage his ears, and they continue to torment him with their perpetual floppy nature.
And if he can’t control his ears, then he will disappoint his family and his entire clan. He’ll never be the witch he’s spent his entire life working towards.
Today, his usually outgoing and curious critter friends give him a wide berth, as if they know Lan Zhan is not in the mood for pets and cuddles. Instead, he kneels in the soft grass with only the gentle wind for company, along with his unkind thoughts and his vexing bunny ears that are the root of all this mess.
They're big and unseeming, and Lan Zhan has always been embarrassed by the way his ears give away his feelings no matter how hard he works to keep his emotions regulated and controlled. It doesn’t help that as the only rabbit hybrid in all of Cloud Recesses, he is constantly the victim of teasing by the elders and older witches. Even Ge enjoys tugging on his ears, cooing at how “fluffy and adorable” they are, and taking obvious delight when their tips turn red.  
It makes Lan Zhan puff up with anger and pout. He’s almost ten years old! He’s not a little baby bunny anymore, why won’t the others see that?
He knows it’s in part because of the rarity of his species. Rabbits aren't common hybrids, and he's the only one in the family since his mother passed away. It also means that he has to learn the complexities of shapeshifting and form control on his own, spending hours studying ancient text after ancient text in the library while his peers attend more practical classes.
Even his brother, an elegant snow-white crane, learned how to control his form at only seven years old! The elders were sure that with Lan Zhan’s talent in all other magicks, he would follow in his older brother’s footsteps as a child prodigy worthy of the title of Second Jade of Lan.
Except, clearly their hopes were misplaced, and Lan Zhan is going to be the first Lan heir in over a century to never learn how to control his hybrid form.
But he cannot let himself fail, so every day after his midday meal, he heads to the back hills to practice in quiet seclusion. He goes through a series of meditations designed to allow one to focus on their internal structures and self-regulation. He follows every step perfectly, exactly as the manual states, including envisioning his long fluffy white ears changing form into something more human-like.
He casts the spell, following the instructions he’s gathered exactly and precisely...but for the fifth time that day, nothing happens. He lifts his head and sees his bunny ears flopping mercilessly in his periphery, the same as they ever were and seem to always be.
Water wells up in his eyes and it takes every ounce of self-control he has left to hold them back from falling. Tears not filled with sadness but with immense frustration and anger towards himself. Lan Zhan is at the top of everything! The best in his class, an accomplished musician, and a talented student. He can perform spells older students still struggle with. He’s even been scouted to teach the younger fledgling students once he becomes a proper witch.
But, how can he, when this one spell keeps holding him back? Why is this one spell so impossible for him?
His ears droop down and Lan Zhan uses them along with the curtain of his long hair to block out the rest of the world, focusing on the ground he's sitting on. He wishes desperately that he wasn’t so alone, that he had anyone else to talk to. He takes his emotions out on the grass, heedless of the Gusu Lan precepts to Be kind to all that is living, and starts ripping up the grass in front of him. He’ll punish himself later, but for now, this is all he can do to keep from letting his tears fall.
But then, another child’s voice calls, "Hey! Don't do that, you're hurting it!"
Read more on Ao3
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amethystdreamer114 · 5 months
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My Weakness Part 1/?
Summary: ABO where Gold is a hot-blooded alpha and struggles with rutting symptoms, while trying his hardest to gain your favor before the worst hits…
TW: rut, swearing, smut, vomiting, random other sickfic stuff I decide on- honestly this is kinda a kitchen sink sickfic so😂
Soft, yellow candlelight illuminated Gold’s jacket as he paced up and down the isles of his store, attempting to distract himself with various items. With every second, the clock ticked closer to midnight. He could already feel his chest and neck heating up as his fever started.
Alpha ruts were… interesting to say the least. They lasted 5-7 days and typically worked in phases.
Phase 1: Fever, heightened sense of smell, temper or outbursts, an insatiable need to find a mate, or if you had one, an insatiable need to be near them.
Gold had a mate… or so he thought.
He’d met you at Granny’s on one of his walks. He could still picture it perfectly. Your pastel yellow sundress, the way your hair flowed in the breeze, the way you smelled like sweet oranges and freshly picked flowers.
He remembered how you had been so kind and gentle to him, especially since he’d just been left alone by Belle.
You two had talked for a few minutes on the bench outside. He’d studied your every word and the way you looked at him as if, for once, he mattered for more than just being The Dark One.
That’s when the blasted pirate showed up.
“(Y/n) love, we mustn’t get too close to the crocodile.” He swept you away, gesturing to his hand. “Learned my bloody lesson the hard way.”
Since then, you’d been on his mind and now, he was even more drawn to you. Especially since every now and again, he’d catch your scent.
Belle had left him at the worst time possible. During a rut, if an alpha *doesn’t* have a mate, symptoms are much worse.
What would normally feel like an off-day or residual flu symptoms very quickly became debilitating.
The clock continued to tick, showing him that his time was passing quickly. With every step, every attempt to distract himself, he could feel the chills and discomfort settling in. His long, brown hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. Soon, he started to feel disoriented and confused.
He fumbled around for his cane and then gave all the effort he had to reach the back of the shop, where he all but collapsed on one of the couches.
The fabric felt like knives as it rubbed against this feverish skin.
He started to curl in on himself, tugging on the edge of a thin throw blanket that was almost out of reach.
That’s when a gust of wind through the window brought in your scent. In his hazy state, he envisioned you at his side, stroking his hair and telling reassuring him that it would be alright and he’d make it through this.
He was scared, honestly. He’d never been through a rut alone.
He needed you and now, he had to find you and beg for the help he so desperately needed.
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kukos-satellite · 4 months
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— Sebastian Stan as Jefferson in Once Upon A Time (2011- 2018)
— He’s so perfect it makes me sick.. I just want to squish him and stuff him into my pocket. I’m so sad that he only has a couple of episodes in the show 😕
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youknowitslove · 1 year
my gay ass when my wlw otp are having a moment and one of their male love interests has to come along and ruin everything
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blairwld · 11 months
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Hook in season 5
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nightmarebunarts · 25 days
I already dislike this evil queen plotline why are Emma and Mary-Margaret encouraging this
There's so much weird energy I get from trying to separate Regina from her past self and I don't like that they're letting her go through with the split as if we didn't just spend half a season going over how good and evil aren't an inherent Thing You Are
And now I'm watching Regina literally kill another version of herself and knowing the ouat writers I just know this is gonna come back somehow and be a Whole Thing which is why it should've been IN ANOTHER SEASON if it had to be written at all I'm gonna yell
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transannabeth · 1 month
if we're being so for real, i was a goner on the winter soldier storyline in the mcu the second they cast sebastian stan as james "bucky" buchanan barnes because i was watching once upon a time season 1 episode 17 hat trick when it aired on march 25, 2012 and became deeply enamored with jefferson's tragic backstory, manic moments, fun little kidnapping habit, and deeply deeply sad eyes
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