#alpha Killian
amethystdreamer114 · 5 months
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My Weakness Part 2/?
Summary: ABO where Gold is a hot-blooded alpha and struggles with rutting symptoms, while trying his hardest to gain your favor before the worst hits…
TW: rut, swearing, smut, vomiting, random other sickfic stuff I decide on- honestly this is kinda a kitchen sink sickfic so😂
As soon as he left his shop, the cold air hit hard, making him shiver so hard he could barely move. The dim streetlights and similar looking cobblestone alleyways didn’t make it easy to navigate as his sense of direction was marred by intense dizziness.
“J-j-just have to m-make it t-to the d-dock…” he reminded himself.
The further he walked, the more his old leg injury flared up, leaving him limping (and occasionally falling) onto the icy sidewalks. Between the chills, his confusion, and the fact that he hadn’t been able to eat all day due to nausea, he nearly passed out at the boarding ramp of the ship.
“Aye! Outta here you bloody crocodile! I’ll not have you on my ship. You try, you’ll lose.” Hook was serious. His sword was already drawn. As an alpha himself, he could smell Gold’s rut coming on quick. You’d already gone to bed and he was about to join you… except for one thing.
“Killian you okay? I smelled…” you gasped when you saw Gold, who was slowly turning into Rumple.
“He’s not our problem lass. He’d have Belle if he hadn’t been an ass.” Killian’s eyes were like knives.
“Please I-I’m-“ he shuddered, falling to his knees.
You couldn’t bear to see someone in such a vulnerable state, alone, and you knew it would only get worse. Not to mention, you and Killian hadn’t exactly been *happy* lately.
You grabbed your coat and started down the ramp.
“(Y/n)! He’s fine! He doesn’t deserve-“
You cut him off.
“I’m not about to let him suffer. If you had half a heart, you’d understand.” You scolded, finally reaching him.
At first, he flinched away from your touch, not wanting to cause more trouble. His head was beginning to hurt and any yelling would have him curled up on the concrete, clutching his temples.
“It’s alright sweetheart, I won’t hurt you. He won’t hurt you either.” You whispered, looking up at Killian who was absolutely fuming.
“I’m gonna get you back to your shop. You just tell me when you think you can move.” You stroked his hair back and then down his neck. He felt so warm as he leaned into your touch with a pitiful whimper.
He curled into your chest, as his animalistic instincts took over.
“You s-smell so-“ your scent calmed him down quite a bit. His chills lessened, and the aches in his muscles had relaxed.
“And I’m gonna be here,” you rubbed his back. “As long as you need me.”
He nodded, now transforming further into his Rumplestiltskin appearance. His now curled hair fluffed up against your breast as he cuddled into you.
Killian just huffed and started throwing random items like his canteen overboard or to the other side of the ship where they’d shatter.
Each sound led to Rumple nearly bursting into tears. Loud noises and bright light sensitivity… both signs of a rut-induced migraine which only happened when an alpha didn’t have a set mate.
“I’m staying with you Rumple,” you soothed him before carefully helping him to his feet to begin the trek back to his shop.
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deckerstarblanche · 1 year
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Welcome to Chapter 1 of my CSSNS23 entry: “An Offer She Can’t Refuse”!
Huge thanks to @undercaffinatednightmare for the gorgeous art, and to @ultraluckycatnd for being the perfect hand-holding beta ❤️.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48705193/chapters/122860717
An Offer She Can’t Refuse
Chapter One
Emma was standing alone in her dorm’s communal kitchen area when it happened. The first sign of trouble was a prickling feeling from head to toe, causing her whole body to break out in goosebumps.
She was shaking a jumbo box of Milk Duds, impatiently waiting for her popcorn to finish popping so she could combine the two into her favorite salty sweet comfort snack.
The microwave dinged, so she ignored the fine sheen of sweat covering her forehead, calmly pouring the chocolate and caramel drops over the hot popcorn and watching it melt together into gooey goodness.
How is it possible to be both hot and cold at the same time? Emma wondered, willing herself to believe that it could just be a cold — just last month, she had missed out on a spring break trip with her girlfriends because of the flu — so she hurried back to her room, eager to get under the covers and chill out.
That evening, her friend Killian had come over for a long-awaited movie night, which they usually did as a foursome with their respective roommates, Mary Margaret and David. Their friends had been a couple all year, completely smitten since they met on the very first first weekend of the fall semester, and stayed glued at the hip ever since.
Luckily for Emma, they tended to have their sleepovers in David’s room; wherever Killian spent the night, she didn’t really want to know.
That particular evening they’d had to cancel, in order to answer nature’s call: David’s rut arrived three days earlier than expected. The college provided free, on campus Safe Houses for exactly this purpose, but their reservation system was fully booked, leaving them no choice but to pack quickly and speed over to his family’s nearby vacation cabin to ride it out. Emma helped her nervous, excited roommate pack that morning, lending her a large tote bag to fill with all of her most treasured comfort items: a baggy navy hoodie that David presented to her on the first blustery day of fall, a hand-sewn quilt passed down from mother to daughter for five generations, and a small fluffy pillow Emma got her as a birthday present. It was a sunny yellow (Mary Margaret’s favorite color), and had “What’s Up Buttercup?” printed on top.
So four became two, and since Killian won first film pick in a coin toss, that night’s selection was The Godfather.
Her sweaty shakiness had ebbed by the time Emma got back to her dorm room, and she sighed with a deep sense of relief. But when she opened the door to the 12x19 foot space that she and Mary Margaret called home, already dark and movie-ready except for the glow from Killian’s iPhone, she was hit by a wave of scent so intense that it made her feel weak in the knees. It was woodsy, grassy and musky, with a virile boost of testosterone. Despite her crappy mood, it calmed her, sweeping all of her stress away.
Calmed and aroused simultaneously, as it turned out. The air around her felt thick with masculinity, and Emma’s stomach swooped in anticipation.
That wasn’t supposed to happen.
One of Storybrooke College’s biggest selling points was their commitment to making the finest education accessible for Alphas, Betas, and Omegas alike, regardless of designation and gender. Part of that promise involved the school's state-of-the-art filtration system, which neutralized the air in all of the co-ed facilities, including the dorms. The level of scent surrounding Emma shouldn’t have been detectable.
One of the reasons she had chosen this tiny liberal arts college, four hours away from her home in Boston, was so she could focus on her work and finish her undergraduate degree in three years. Emma had big goals: she wanted to become a Social Worker, focusing specifically on advocacy for foster kids who had the chance to avoid growing up like she did. If she intended to stay on track and on-budget (tiny schools weren’t cheap), she needed to keep her head on her work, and away from distractions.
That was why the situation she found herself in that night was so strange; after nearly a year spent living in that dorm, Emma had never picked up such a unique, personal scent other than her own, and damn it was good.
“About time you got back, Swan! I was going to start without— hey, are you alright?” Killian asked, sitting up on her bed as the grin on his face shifted to a concerned look. The deep, raspy timbre of his unused voice caused a shiver to race down Emma’s spine, almost making her drop the bowl. She ground her jaw shut, willing the ventilation system’s scent blockers to kick in.
“Yeah, it’s nothing… Please, just hand me my blanket and pillow backrest thingie, and you try my famous caramel chocolate popcorn,” she muttered, shoving the bowl into his lap in exchange for her stuff. He whined a little at the loss of her comfy bedding, but he knew better than to cross her about it.
Emma did not mess around when it came to pillows and blankets: last September, when the girls on her floor had a “best nest” competition, Emma and Mary Margaret won first place in a fierce competition by completely transforming their room into a scene from 1,001 Arabian Nights. They went all out, decorating the room with gauze-covered hanging lanterns, and nearly covering their floor with colorful lounging pillows and soft cushions. They even served Moroccan Mint tea in glass cups, poured from an authentic-looking tea set Mary Margaret borrowed from the theater department.
Climbing onto Mary Margaret’s bed, Emma cocooned herself in the huge fleece blanket and set her backrest against the wall, sighing peacefully as she sank against the support.
She tried not to notice how the blanket seemed to have absorbed that irresistible, masculine scent into its fibers, surrounding her and overwhelming her senses. But Emma knew she could hold steadfast against the urge to give in to her hormones. Back in high school, she spent too much time kissing frogs: worthless boys who thought dating an Omega meant that she’d be a submissive, sex-crazed robot.
If nothing else, those experiences made Emma Swan an expert at hiding her true feelings and stuffing them deep down inside.
The fact that her entire body was literally and figuratively burning with desire had nothing to do with Killian, who was an Alpha himself. From what she could see in the dark room, he was unaware of her meltdown. She just needed to get through the movie. If she could keep up the charade that all was well, she could see to her own needs once he was safely back on his side of the dorm.
Besides, Emma had heard enough chatter about Killian’s adventurous love life to know that she should steer clear. They had built a good friendship over the school year, and she valued it far too much to ruin things; exactly what would happen if she became another notch on his headboard.
While she couldn’t fully control her body’s reactions at the moment, her brain helpfully reminded her about what he’d told her back in September. Killian wasn’t looking to become a one-woman guy anytime soon, and Emma had no interest in being anyone’s plaything ever again. There was no reason that she couldn’t make it through tonight.
“Shall we watch, then? I still cannot believe you’ve only seen The Godfather once! That’s a bloody crime, Swan— you have to see it as many times as possible in order to really appreciate Coppola’s genius,” Killian quipped smugly, and she glared at the outline of him shaking his head and chuckling at her expense.
Good, she thought to herself. He hasn’t even noticed that I’m freaking out over here, and he doesn’t ever have to know. I can resist this...
“Yeah, ok, Roger Ebert. The deal was that if I watched the whole movie, you’d give the Milk Dud-melted popcorn a legitimate try, so eat up!” Emma sassed, trying to deflect attention from her shaky voice as he clicked through the dvd’s menu.
“You’ve certainly gotten the better end of the deal, love. This popcorn concoction of yours looks fucking disgusting. Do I really have to eat it?” he asked with an exaggerated groan, and Emma almost bit through her lower lip to keep herself from reacting to the sound.
The speed at which her symptoms intensified made Emma’s head spin. In a few short minutes, her world had shrunken down to fit on the head of a pin. The deep-seated Omega instincts within her screamed for what only an Alpha - or the perfectly good silicone toy hidden in her underwear drawer - could provide. Worse, it seemed like her hormones didn’t care if the guy in question was her best friend— as long as both partners were attracted and consenting, Killian had what she needed to get the release she craved.
“Oh, pardon me for sharing my grubby American snack food! You come from a place where they eat stewed tomatoes and animal intestines for breakfast, so do me a favor and shut up so I can concentrate on ‘really appreciating’ Coppola’s genius,” Emma drawled in a terrible impression of his accent, rolling her eyes. He just snickered and clicked the play button, scooping a handful of popcorn out of the bowl.
As the familiar opening music played, Emma focused intently on the screen. She wouldn’t think about the Alpha lounging on her bed, and how his presence was causing her heart to beat so fast that it felt ready to burst right through her chest, Aliens style. Nope, she wouldn’t let herself fall victim to the urges rippling through her body; it was too risky. She couldn’t lose him.
The Godfather really was Killian’s favorite movie, but he would’ve suffered through an 24 hour marathon of *The Three Stooges* if it gave him a chance to be alone with Emma Swan.
They had only known each other for a few short months, but from the moment they met — placed in a group together at freshman orientation last August — the two of them just clicked. When their brand new roommates got hot and heavy with each other that first weekend, they both found themselves banished to the common room on Emma’s floor, where they wound up talking for hours. It was one of those friendship-cementing, life-story-sharing bonding sessions that happen so often in college.
As the weeks flashed by, they settled into a reliable, platonic friendship. During their epic talk, Emma confessed that she was on a self-imposed vacation from relationships — a messy breakup with a Beta, some hometown loser called Neal — and to mask his disappointment, Killian embellished his 19 year-old teenager’s fantasy of being a ladies’ man.
He instantly regretted his words when her beautifully expressive face shut down, so he quickly changed the subject and cracked cheesy jokes to get a smile out of her. From then on, Killian made sure they never broached the topic again, and by the fall semester’s end, they had developed a platonic bond that he treasured far more than any hookup.
Of course, that didn’t mean he’d ever stopped wanting her.
Emma never had to know that she starred in his dreams every night, but Killian wasn’t sure she’d even care. At first, it really wounded his inner Alpha’s pride that she never seemed *into* him, but Emma was complicated like that: combative one day, and cuddly the next.
Besides, he could never stay away from her for long, especially when she drank just enough to get tipsy, and she’d snuggle into his side, sliding close enough to scratch her fingers through his hair. Pathetically, he lived for these brief intimate moments, when he could inhale her fruity shampoo and a wisp of her muted scent, imagining that she was his.
One thing was for certain: she wasn’t like other girls at school, nor was she like any other Omega Killian had known in his life. Emma Swan was in a class all her own, and full of contradictions: she possessed uncommon beauty and fierce intelligence, but she could be stubborn as a mule and prickly as a pineapple. By earning her trust, he’d become one of the few allowed to know that beneath her tough exterior beat an incredibly soft and generous heart. The more time he spent in her company, from late night diner study breaks to pre-party drinking sessions with their group of friends, the more enamored he became.
Most of their fellow freshmen were living away from home for the first time in their lives, so they were more than happy to unleash, experiment, and play. Killian, along with his buddies Rob, August, and Phillip, partied almost every weekend of the fall semester, and more often than he cared to admit, he’d wake up the next morning in a random girl’s bed.
That ladies’ man lie he’d told Emma had become his reality, but he didn’t feel good about it, and he was damn lucky he hadn’t called anyone by her name. Yet.
Since there were seemingly no secrets at Storybrooke College, when word spread that Killian Jones knew exactly how to please a lady, a legend was born all on its own.
All of that female attention, along with his self-proclaimed “dashing rapscallion” nature, had earned him admiration from fellow Alphas at SBC, but it was all a ruse. In private, he tried to keep a careful distance from the women he slept with, paying more attention to their satisfaction than his own, and never engaging with an Omega in heat. Part of him felt guilty, like he was leading them on; after all, it wasn’t their fault that was hung up on Emma Swan.
Killian was raised to always strive to be a man of honor, so he never promised anyone more than he could give.
So he waited, caught in a holding pattern between the undeniable pull of Alpha ego-stroking and his lovesick puppy dog feelings for Emma, unsure if she would ever return them. In the meantime, he contented himself with her friendship, hoping that eventually she’d see him in a different light.
For a solid half hour, everything was normal, and the Corleone family wedding unfolded on Emma’s small, battered tv screen like it always did. As the sequence ended with father and daughter waltzing to the movie’s theme music, Emma suddenly seized up with a burning pain deep in her pelvis. Struggling for breath, she tried to hide her discomfort by burrowing further into her blanket.
Immediately, the film paused and her tiny bedside light clicked on, illuminating Killian’s worried expression in the otherwise dark room.
“Swan? Are you alright over there?” he asked, and she tried to say something to reassure him, but another flash of pain made her dig her fingernails into her palms to keep from crying out. She couldn’t speak without sounding desperately needy, so she clamped her mouth shut and breathed through her nose.
Killian was aware that something was off about Emma from the minute she walked into the room that night, but now the problem was glaringly obvious: the ventilation in her room was on the fritz. Her sweet scent, usually muted by the system, beckoned— the sudden seismic jolt of lust that rolled over him meant that Emma was starting an intense heat phase. If he was truly her friend, and a man of honor, he’d get out of her way as soon as possible.
Why couldn’t he tear himself away, then?
Suddenly, Emma sat up with a shocked expression on her face. Her eyes squeezed shut and then she shook her head, as if she was trying to clear the fog from her brain.
“Shit, no wonder I’m feeling all out of whack…I left my pills in the bag I lent to Mary Margaret for the weekend!” Emma yelped with embarrassment, as a flush crept from her chest all the way up to her face. Quickly, the sweaty-shivering feeling was back, and it continued to increase in intensity right alongside a narrowing of her focus to one thing: Alpha.
“I don’t mean to pry, love, but are those pills of yours suppressants?” Killian asked her gently, and even though she was purposefully looking away, she could still feel his gaze burning into her.
“Um, I’m not exactly sure? I’ve been taking them since I was 13, and I was too embarrassed to ask anyone at the group home — even the doctor who gave them to me — about woman-type stuff. I never missed a dose before!” Emma admitted, feeling flustered and ridiculous.
She sucked in a breath when it dawned on her: the medicine she thought she was only taking to regulate her cycle had also dramatically reduced the intensity of her quarterly heats for the past six years. Most of the other Omega girls at school constantly complained about symptoms and urges that drove them mad, but Emma figured she was just lucky.
Apparently not. How could she have been so clueless?
“Six years? That’s an awfully long time, Emma. Maybe you should call the health center, you know, check in with them about side effects and erm…” he trailed off, his face heating up as he searched his brain for the right words.
She shifted uncomfortably on her roommate’s bed, full of nerves in Killian’s presence. Most of their guy friends were Alphas too, but Emma didn’t usually give it much thought. David was around so often that she considered him more of a brother figure, or an extension of Mary Margaret. It was similar to her neutral feelings about Rob, or August, or any of the other guys in their circle; they were only friends, nothing more.
“Ugh Jones, you know I don’t like that place! The doctor over there is always so creepy,” Emma deflected with a pout, pulling her hair up into a messy bun.
With Killian, everything had always been different, in the best way. Emma wanted to be with him: they could spend hours in each other’s company, talking about anything under the sun without getting bored, or just studying together in comfortable silence. Now that she thought about it, she was always happier when he was around, more open and affectionate than she’d been with anyone else in her life.
It wasn’t until tonight that Emma knew she’d have no problem letting him help her through this little hiccup in her cycle.
At the same time, he was probably the closest thing she’d ever had to a best friend, other than Mary Margaret. They just understood each other. How could she ever risk that friendship over something as trivial as sex?
But oh…imagining what it would be like to be together in that way, sharing that physical and emotional connection with him, made her tremble with a heightened sense of anticipation. She needed him to quench the flames rising inside of her.
Unbidden, an image of them in bed, sweaty and sated and intimately tied together, formed in her mind.
It was simple biology: Statistically, Alphas and Omegas had the best chance of conceiving children together. Omegas were born with enhanced fertility, and when combined with a natural lock binding them together (aka: an Alpha’s knot) was Mother Nature’s way of stacking the deck.
Advances in birth control made it possible for couples to decide when they wanted to have children, but no method was guaranteed. Emma didn’t want to leave anything to chance, so dating Beta men exclusively was her way of decreasing biology’s advantage.
With such a jumble of thoughts crowding her brain, Emma almost missed that her sharpened sense of smell picked up another pheromone overload in the room.
Could it be possible that he felt the same way about her?
She licked her lips at the thought of kissing him for real, causing her gut to clench. What would it be like to be with him? Emma played it out in her mind; surely it would be more than satisfying. From the gossip she’d heard, Killian was a sure bet, always knowing what women wanted. What would his hands feel like on her body? His presence loomed large in the tiny room, and it took all of her self control not to jump onto her bed and kiss the hell out of him.
How would he react? She had a feeling she would soon find out.
“Earth to Emma! Will you say something, please?” Killian asked, the alarm in his voice pulling her out of her reverie. At some point during her freakout, he had crossed the twelve feet of space between the beds and pulled out her roommate’s desk chair, sitting close by but not invading her space. Emma was instantly relieved by the gesture, reminding herself that Killian was the guy she’d grown to depend on, not some brute who only saw a sweet-smelling Omega he could use to satisfy his basest urges.
“I’m scared, Killian,” she admitted, feeling so hot and sweaty that she had to force herself to unwrap the blanket from her body. “This has never happened to me before! What if I can’t control myself, or some random Alpha picks up on what’s going on, and he tries to force me to — ugh, I don’t know! Maybe I should call Mary Margaret, and see if I can just pick up my pills from her,” she fretted, twisting a corner of the fleece in her grip nervously.
“I understand,” he soothed, interrupting her anxiety spike. “You’ve got to breathe, though, because you're going to hyperventilate if you keep this up. Can you do that for me first, Swan?”
Emma listened to him, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Soon enough, her heartbeat slowed back to its regular rhythm, and even though the warm hand he’d tentatively placed on her back sent electric sparks down her spine, his reassuring touch made her feel safe and grounded.
Once he was sure that the worst had passed, Killian began to speak again, unsure of how she’d react.
“The trouble is, Emma, that David and Mary Margaret are about an hour’s drive from here. If you still want to go and get your pills, I’m happy to drive you. But if you’d rather stay here and ride it out, I’ll say it right now: I won’t leave you unprotected,” Killian told her bluntly. Emma looked utterly confused until her muffled brain picked up his meaning. She was livid.
“Oh, are you going to stand outside my door and defend my honor? Believe me, I can handle myself just fine, Jones,” she seethed, spitting his name out like poison as she launched herself to her feet. He watched, speechless as she tugged on the doorknob, exposing their private little world to the whitewashed concrete and fluorescent-lit hallway.
“I think you should just leave for a little while.”
He flinched at her cold tone, but Killian had enough sense to risk trying to dominate her. Clearly, Emma needed her space — he knew she’d want to get back in full control of herself as soon as possible — but there wasn’t a chance in hell that he’d stand by and watch her drive alone, especially in her disoriented state.
It didn’t help matters that they’d been in her room for a while, so he was completely surrounded by Emma’s lovely scent, which had always reminded him of the summer sun, mixed with sweet melon and tart strawberries. That night, it had a more sensual, muskier edge than he was used to, so instead of feeling happy and comfortable like he usually did in her presence, he could barely resist the urge to bury his face in her neck.
In general, Killian was pretty confident in his ability to control himself, but he had no idea how much longer he could physically stand being in the same room with Emma that night. His purely Alpha desire to possess and mark her could send them spiraling down a friendship-ending path.
“If that’s what you really want, I’ll go,” he said quietly, lifting himself up off Emma’s bed. He waited for her to say something, but she just gestured toward the door, her green eyes unreadable.
“I’d really appreciate that, at least for a little while,” she admitted, and the shaky breathiness in her voice both raised his protective hackles and sent a jolt of lust surging through his blood.
He needed to leave the room.
“Of course, Swan. I won’t go far, so if you need anything, just text or call and I’ll come right back. And if you decide that you’d like to drive out, just say the word and I’ll pick you up, ok?” he assured her calmly as he walked through the open door, even though his insides were churning with nervous energy. She just nodded, sagging against the wall. Her eyes were glassy, like she’d been drugged.
Killian had been with enough women of Emma’s type to know that when they got that glazed look, their instincts could overrule their rational brains at any time. There had to be at least a hundred other Alphas in their dorm alone, and he knew he wouldn’t hesitate to kill any one of them if they dared to take advantage of her in such a vulnerable state.
He needed to call Elsa, and quickly.
The phone seemed to ring forever, and by the time someone picked up the line, Killian was practically tearing his hair out.
“Little brother, why are you calling so late? Everything alright?” Liam’s voice, usually so welcome to his ears, sounded like nails scraping against chalkboard to someone as keyed up as Killian was at that moment.
“I’m fine, just put me on with your wife. Please,” he begged through gritted teeth, hating the pathetic cracking in his voice.
“You don’t sound fine,” Liam observed casually, as if he was across the room and not 3,000 miles away. “Are you on drugs?”
“LIAM! I called Elsa, not you. If she’s there, put her on the bloody phone,” he growled. Moments later, his sister-in-law’s calming voice came onto the line.
“Killian? Tell me what’s wrong,” she soothed, and the buildup of adrenaline began to drain from his bloodstream as fast as it had rushed in, leaving him feeling depleted and foolish. He sagged down onto a park bench, head in his hands as he cradled the phone between his shoulder and ear.
“Elsa, I need your advice. I have a very close friend who needs my help, you know? Problem is, she’s a skittish lass, and I don’t know if I can give her what she needs without ruining the friendship. On the other hand, the thought of anyone else touching her makes me feel sick. What should I do?”
A soft chuckle floated across the line, and he exhaled with relief, knowing that Elsa needed no further explanation.
“Well, it sounds like you care about this girl quite a lot. We’re talking about your friend Emma, right?” Elsa guessed, the gentle teasing in her voice already helping to calm his anxiety.
“Yes, h-how did you know?” he asked, his voice stuttering in disbelief.
“Besides the fact that Emma is the only woman I’ve ever heard about for the entire time you’ve been at school? If your roles were reversed, and she offered to help you through a rut, would you take the risk?”
Killian didn’t even need to think about his answer. “In a bloody second! It would be amazing, but I already know that I’m mad for her. Emma hasn’t ever wanted anything but friendship from me, and it feels an awful lot like I’d be taking advantage.” he told his sister-in-law, as his heart pounded with uncertainty.
“Killian, I know that time is of the essence here, so I’ll be crystal clear: Calm down, give Emma the space to decide what she wants, then follow her lead! Trust me, her reaction will clear up any questions about where you stand in her mind. It doesn’t sound to me like she’s going to freeze you out,” she assured him, and after thanking Elsa profusely and apologizing again for calling them so late, he hung up.
Almost immediately, his phone buzzed with a new text from Emma:
*I’m really sorry for kicking you out. If you’re still ok with driving up to David’s place, then I’d like to go with you.*
Killian clutched the phone in his hand, almost giddy at the thought of finally being free to kiss and touch and care for Emma the way she deserved. Self doubt still plagued his soul, and he knew that getting this close to her without knowing how she felt about him was a gamble, but it was his choice. The privilege of being there for Emma was its own reward, and it would be worth the risk.
As his truck barreled down the uneven road that marked the final leg of their journey to David’s cabin, Killian winced every time the rocky terrain made Emma gasp or cry out in discomfort. He couldn’t read her expression since she was still curled up in her fleece cocoon, but each agonizing sound tore into his soul.
Killian knew how simple it would be for him to relieve her pain, but he was still worried that she’d interpret that offer as a violation of their friendship, and hate him for even suggesting such a thing.
“I’m so sorry, love. We’ll be there soon, I promise,” he assured her, reaching his right hand out to give her what was meant to be a comforting squeeze. The moment his hand made contact with her blanketed body, with the cool touch of his fingers so close to her heated skin, Emma tore the blanket away, breathing heavily. Her blonde hair floated around her like a gorgeous mess, her skin was flushed crimson, and the look in her eyes nearly made him slam on the brakes in the middle of the road.
“Killian, you’ve got to pull over, right now!” she heard herself tell him, but her voice sounded like it was detached from her being. The strange, searing pain actually freed her from all inhibitions, leaving her in a puddle of feelings and primal urges that blew common sense right out the window.
All she knew for sure was that Killian was right there, and he was all she could think about. The way their scents mingled together in the truck’s cabin caused all of her other senses to light up, like she was a fuse ready to blow at any second.
“What’s wrong, love? Need some fresh air?” Killian asked as he pulled off to the side of the road and turned on the hazard lights. He knew that she probably felt extremely vulnerable, but had no idea what was going on inside that head of hers.
He did not expect to see Emma sizing him up with that lusty Omega stare, her eyes blazing a brilliant shade of green. The sight made him gasp in astonishment, a sound that he tried, unsuccessfully, to cover with a cough.
Emma spoke in a clear, confident voice.
“Killian, listen to me. I’ve been trying to ignore or will these feelings away, but every cell in my body is telling me exactly how to take care of the pain. It’s telling me that I need you…Alpha,” she admitted. Her voice shook as she used his title for the first time.
Her words stoked a fire in his belly that could easily turn into an inferno.
Killian hadn’t expected to hear her say those words…ever. He put the car back in drive, veering further off from the track-marked road, and parked. As the engine idled, Killian squeezed his eyes shut, wracking his brain for a solution that didn’t end with him giving into temptation. *This isn’t some random hookup, it’s Emma. If she was in her right mind, this wouldn’t be happening, mate* he told himself, cracking his eyes open as he took a deep breath to get his wits about him.
It wasn’t his best idea. The sweet scent from her heat had intensified, awakening a primal instinct in his brain and making his head swim with lust. He shifted in his seat, instantly hard as a rock. When she looked at him, he could tell that she knew exactly what he was thinking. Emma just smirked as she licked her lips.
“You can feel it too, can’t you, Alpha? I know you want me…I can practically taste it in the air. I want you too,” Emma told him breathlessly, in what was probably the most seductive whisper he’d ever heard.
“I’m honored that you’d consider me worthy of that kind of trust, Emma, truly,” he said gently, taking one of her hands in his and threading their fingers together.
“But are you certain? Completely sure?” Killian’s voice, while still quiet, sounded raspy and more urgent, like he was ready to do anything she desired of him.
“Yeah,” she breathed, nodding, and before he knew it, Emma had unlocked her seatbelt and closed the gap between them, pressing her lips to his for the first time. Her lips were softer than he could have ever imagined, and their mouths fit together as perfectly as he had always hoped they would. Adorably, she still tasted like popcorn and chocolate.
By the time they pulled apart for air, Emma had somehow straddled the console, getting halfway across and into his lap. They were pressed even closer together by the truck’s oversized steering wheel.
With a growl, Killian wrenched the seat back an extra couple of inches and lifted her the rest of the way, touching his forehead to hers as their breathing slowed.
“I guess we don’t need to bother David and Mary Margaret after all!” Emma giggled, brushing her hair out of her face before setting her hands on his shoulders.
“Trust me, they wouldn’t want to see what I have in store,” Killian replied with a devilish grin, reaching for her yet again. Their kisses grew deeper, and Emma raked her fingers through his hair while Killian’s hands roamed over every square inch of her body that he could reach, squeezing her ass with a satisfied groan. She responded by grinding herself against his lap, looping her arms around his neck as she went faster.
“Please…oh God, I want to come. Touch me, talk to me,” she moaned against him, bucking her hips faster to increase the friction. He nodded, kissing her exposed neck all the way up to a spot behind her ear that he had already chosen as his favorite.
“You’re so fucking beautiful like this, Emma…I can’t wait to see you fall apart,” he whispered harshly against her ear, sliding his palm up her thigh and under her shorts before slipping two fingers into her heat, pumping and curling them in rhythm with her gyrations. She felt so perfectly tight and wet with slick that he had to restrain himself from rutting against her, choosing instead to press his nose against the flesh of her throat, breathing her in while focusing on her body. Emma mewled with pleasure, clawing her fingers across his back.
“Yes…Keep talking, Alpha, please!” she urged, riding his fingers in the narrow space.
“Feeling you against me makes me want to rip all your clothes off... I can see it right now, you naked and writhing against me while I’m deep inside you, filling you up. Is that what you want, Omega? Because I want you, have always wanted you, so badly…” he rasped, and she exploded seconds later, clenching hard against his fingers and coating them in her essence. She was unrestrained, shouting his name and his title as she shivered and shook in his arms.
It took a while for Emma to float back down to reality, so while she rested, he gently withdrew his fingers and licked them clean, unable to resist getting a taste of her sweetness. As she came back to herself, she could feel the soft press of Killian’s lips against her collarbone, near the scent gland all Omegas had right under the skin. It felt like the gland itself pulsed with its own energy, and when Emma pressed her fingers there, the whole patch of skin was raised and surprisingly fiery to the touch.
“Killian, I don’t know what’s going on! Feel here— it’s really hot, so be careful,” she fretted anxiously, cringing when he touched the pad of his index finger gently against her skin.
Instead of freaking out, he just waggled his eyebrows and flashed her a cheeky smile. But when the fear in her eyes didn’t go away, Killian’s expression softened.
“All that it means, Emma, is that your system is functioning exactly as it’s supposed to,” he told her, stroking her cheek. She smiled and nuzzled into his touch, but as she tipped forward to kiss him, the slight shift of her weight in his lap caused a deep groan to rumble up from Killian’s throat.
“Shit! I’m so sorry, Killian, I was caught up in the moment and I didn’t think-” she started to apologize, guilt written across her face.
“It’s not a problem, love. I’m the one helping you, so I’ll likely not go without,” he teased, and the look on his face — a bit of sheepishness disguised by a rogue’s smile — made Emma giggle, sighing with relief.
“That’s very true, although I might have put it a little differently!” Emma chided him with a playful smack on his chest, and they grinned dopily at each other, hair hopelessly mussed, and still reeling from the high of their new bond.
“So, while you’re still sated and lucid, we should talk about where we’re going to spend the next couple of days,” Killian suggested, reaching past her to grab his phone from the console. Feeling a bit self conscious now that the urgency had passed, Emma gave him a peck on the lips and scrambled back over to her seat.
“Killian, are you crazy? You can’t just drop everything for me!” she exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise.
“Of course I can, Swan!” Killian scoffed, but when he looked up from his phone, the welling of tears in her eyes reminded him of how vulnerable she was feeling and how big a step this was for them both. “To be there with you, to aid you, would be my honor.”
She smiled, pressing her lips together as a rosy blush bloomed on her cheeks.
He reached over, taking her hand in his. “Emma, unless you send me away I will always be by your side, whenever you need me. Please, don’t ever doubt that,” he told her, bringing her knuckles to his lips without breaking their eye contact. She held his gaze, nodding as a shy smile played across her lips.
“I won’t, I promise,” she said quietly, almost in a whisper, but an intrusive chiming sound sent her scrambling for her purse. Killian was dying to know who had interrupted them, but not wanting to seem overprotective — even though his skin practically itched with the desire to knock the phone out of her hand, carry her into the back of his truck, and claim her as his own — he turned his attention back to his online search.
“Oh, it’s Mary Margaret! Guess the reception in this area isn’t so bad after all, buddy,” she teased, gently poking him in the ribs with her elbow. He grunted in reply, her light touch reigniting the spark of desire he no longer had to hide from her.
“She said that she’s got my stuff, and that we can come right over. What do you think?” Emma asked, her tone sounding conflicted.
“Honestly, I’d rather keep you right here, and preferably much closer,” he teased, squeezing her thigh with a wicked grin. “But will you need your pills for any, ahem, more amorous pursuits?”
Emma snorted at his euphemism, like she always did when teasing him about using big fancy words.
“Amorous pursuits, huh? No, I have an IUD for that, but I’ve never been off those pills,” she said, furrowing her brow as she thought it over. “But if they’re meant to suppress, wouldn’t they mute the things I’m feeling now too? I don’t think I want to go back, not if it means giving this up,” Emma said saucily, taking a moment to tap out a quick reply to her roommate before grabbing his face and pulling him toward her for the most aggressive kiss she had ever given anyone, tangling her tongue with his, and catching his lower lip with her teeth so she could nip it playfully.
Giving herself over to the desire to possess him, like he was hers, seemed to unlock an entirely new world to explore. Every touch and kiss felt more intense, and knowing that he trusted her enough to let her play, testing his boundaries, was more of a turn-on than either of them expected. “Did you know that this truck has a fully collapsible backseat?” Killian told her, sounding absolutely wrecked when they pulled apart to catch their breath. Emma chuckled, running her fingers through his already messy hair.
“Exactly what kind of girl do you think I am, Jones?” she asked wide-eyed, pulling herself out of his embrace. Killian opened his mouth to reply, but all words flew out of his mind when Emma rose up to kneel on her seat, reaching back to unclasp her bra. He watched, entranced, as the white straps began to slip down her shoulders.
“I think,” he began slowly, choosing his words carefully as he hooked his thumbs through each strap, tugging them the rest of the way down her arms as she gasped. “I think that I’m one lucky bastard to have such a sexy, gorgeous woman in my truck. And you’ve got your Alpha all alone in the woods, willing and ready to do your bidding. That means you should feel free to share every dirty little desire you can imagine, so that I can do whatever it takes to keep you satisfied,” he told her huskily, gratified to see her shiver.
Emma just stared at him hungrily, letting her bra drop down onto the seat. Her white tank top left barely anything to the imagination; it was just a flimsy piece of nearly sheer cotton that barely concealed her taut nipples, straining against the fabric as they were.
“Like my own personal, hmm...boy toy?” she teased, leaning against the console on her elbows to give him an eyeful of her cleavage. His jaw slackened at the sight of her heaving chest, all of that flushed, soft skin pushed up by her forearms.
He wanted to bury his face right there and her smirk confirmed that she knew it, so he raised one cocky eyebrow. “I assure you, love, I am anything but a boy…”
She chuckled, hopping into the back and beckoning for him to join her. Emma barely had time to grab her blanket to spread over the backseat before he opened the door and lunged for her, nearly ripping her top and shorts off in his urgency to feel more of her. She yelped, dragging him forward so he could shut the back door and release whatever mechanism was responsible for flattening the backseat rests. They toppled back with a bang, and Killian clutched her to his chest, an overwhelming instinct to protect her overriding every other thought in his head.
“Killian, it’s starting to hurt again,” she whimpered, looking at him with wide eyes full of desire and fear. He couldn’t help himself, bending his head to kiss her gently, trying to chase away even a fraction of her discomfort.
“Don’t worry, love,” he murmured tenderly, helping her to lie down comfortably before shucking his shirt and jeans off and throwing them into the front seat. “Just let me take care of you first, and then we’ll decide what happens next together, yeah?”
She nodded as he settled next to her, silently placing her trust in his hands as she cupped his face in hers. The look in her eyes caused his heart to swell with pride, but the jumble of anticipation and nerves made him freeze up for a moment, unsure of what to do first. Luckily, Emma acted on instinct, parting her thighs and panting his name, and Killian was drawn in like a magnet, tangling his fingers in her hair as he kissed her. Tongues dueling for control, their kisses grew frantic and he pressed even closer, groaning at the feeling of her breasts pressed against his bare chest.
“You’re so warm, Alpha. I want you inside me so badly…” she crooned, hooking her thigh over his hip, her desire to be joined clear from the slick that soaked through her underwear to run freely between her thighs. Killian clenched his jaw, trying to hang on to a scintilla of control instead of mindlessly plowing into her. That thread snapped when she reached into his boxers and stroked his cock with a firm grip, tugging the cotton down his hips with her free hand.
“This belongs to me now,” she rasped, continuing to pump his length as she swiped her thumb over the sensitive tip, smirking triumphantly when he shook with a groan he was too far gone to suppress.
“Bloody fuck, Omega, you’re impossible to resist a second longer..” he growled possessively, and with one last nod from her, he ripped her underwear from her body and eased his way inside her, filling her up until they were both left cursing and gasping with relief.
“Oh my God, this is perfect. You feel so perfect,” Emma purred contentedly as unexpected tears gathered in her eyes. Eager to get even closer, she locked her ankles against his lower back, using her legs to draw him in just a little deeper.
“You…you’re the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever met, Emma,” he breathed, wiping a few errant tears off her cheeks. He shifted his hips experimentally within the limited range of motion he had available. Every slight movement had her making the most delicious sounds, lubricating his cock in her impossibly warm depths.
Killian wasn’t quite sure if she was holding him in like that for physical or emotional reasons, so he guessed it was probably a mix of the two. Since he had promised to be there for whatever Emma needed, it didn’t matter; he didn’t intend to let her down.
“There’s something I never told you,” she whispered after a few moments had passed, unwinding her ankles and letting her knees fall open. A simple roll of her hips told him that it was ok to start moving, but he kept his thrusts shallow, enjoying the sweetness of her scent and the press of her skin against his.
“You can me anything,; I’m right here, Omega,” he assured her, pressing their foreheads together as their bodies rose and fell in rhythm. The fact that she was letting him care for her this way meant so much more than he could have ever imagined.
Emma began her confession haltingly, trying to find the right words. “It’s just that, well— I’ve never been knotted before. I never wanted it before, but… but with you, it’s like I need it, desperately,” she admitted, squeezing her eyes shut.
“Look at me, Emma, please,” he croaked, going still inside of her. When their eyes locked, he kissed her, gently biting her bottom lip when he pulled away. He began moving again, lengthening his strokes as he gradually increased their pace.
“There is nothing I want more than to give that to you, love, but not in the truck,” he told her, almost apologetically. “I’ve never experienced anything like this before, honestly. Maybe it’s because of you and your insatiable need, hmm….”
She whimpered, grinding her pelvis against his. Her fingers threaded through his hair as she kissed him deeply, eventually dragging him down closer to her chest.
Eagerly, he kissed his way across the valley between her breasts, biting down on a stiff nipple with each pass. His worship of her body nearly drove Emma over the edge again, her pants turning into staccato cries as she thrashed beneath him.
“Fuck, your tits are perfect, just like the rest of you…” he muttered, lowering himself to his forearms so he could squeeze each one, sucking her nipples and gently biting the rounded flesh like he wanted to brand her with his mark.
“Harder, I can take it… I’m so, so close, Alpha!” she cried out, gripping his biceps so hard that her fingernails nearly cut into his skin.
Killian grunted, using the pain to help him concentrate on pounding into her like she wanted, while trying to stave off his knot.
He didn’t want her first experience of that particularly mind-numbing pleasure to happen in the backseat of his truck.
“Are you gonna come for your Alpha? Show me how hard you can squeeze my cock,” he rumbled, feeling his orgasm start to build as a gush of her slick coated his base.
“Ohmigod…Alpha…YES!!” Emma screamed, clamping down tight on his cock as she launched into the stratosphere, her orgasm last longer than she’d ever experienced before.
He followed with a shout moments later, filling her up with his release as her aftershocks fluttered against his sensitive skin.
“Killian, that was amazing,” Emma purred as he rolled to the side, scooping her into his arms. She had a wide, lazy smile on her face as she burrowed tightly against his side, scratching her fingers through his chest hair.
“I think we make quite the team,” he told her fondly, kissing the top of her head. He let his head fall back onto the blanket, looking up at the truck’s ceiling. “I can hardly wait to get you into a nice big bed, and show you all of the other ways I can get you to come.”
The way his voice lowered seductively sent a surge of arousal straight to her core. Emma felt a wave of slick dampen her thighs, surprised that she could want his body again so soon.
“Where should we go? I want to have you again, already — maybe in the shower…” she suggested, grabbing his wrist and brushing his fingers against her brand new wetness.
Killian groaned when he felt the slick between her thighs, almost thrown into a mindless sex haze himself at the thought of how full of their combined releases her channel was.
He allowed himself the indulgence of slipping one finger into her dripping center, dying to find out what they tasted like together.
“We’re so fucking good together, Omega, just like I knew we would be — tastes like nectar from the gods. Take a taste, then we’re getting dressed. There may be an available room back at school by now.” he told her, gently slapping her ass before they sat up.
Emma grabbed his finger and drew the tip into her mouth, sucking experimentally.
She’d given a couple of blowjobs to Neal back in high school, and she remembered swallowing quickly, disliking the bitter aftertaste.
With Killian, she was sure it’d be much better, and she was right; the fluid was sweet and pleasantly salty, like the ocean on a sunny day. She darted her tongue out, and was licking his finger clean when she caught a glimpse of him staring at her, transfixed.
“You’re a real minx, aren’t you, Swan? C’mere,” he beckoned, his lopsided grin making her feel warm inside.
Emma shuffled a few inches over on her knees, and was rewarded with a passionate, mind-numbing kiss. It left her in a daze, accepting the clothes he handed her and dressing herself like her brain was on autopilot.
Thanks and hugs to my CSMM enablers 😏
Tag list (happy to add or delete on request): @kmomof4, @undercaffinatednightmare @ultraluckycatnd @jrob64 @justanother-unluckysoul @jonesfandomfanatic @caught-in-the-filter @hollyethecurious @holdingoutforapiratehero @mie779 @booksteaandtoomuchtv @the-darkdragonfly @sailtoafarawayland @djlbg @eddisfargo
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locustsend · 9 months
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and lately ive been feeling nothing
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Hewwo I saw your ask captaincroc and I wonder if you've got any ideas/headcanons on ABO stuff or au's,,,,, if not or you don't like that trope then maybe for soulmate, like what kind of mark or how they know, who gets it/knows it first or the likes
Also I love thinking about them too hhhhhhhh
Luv ya mate I eat this stuff up :) Gonna stick it under a read more because it turned out to be a long post, like I said I love thinking about these guys. Plus, I know A/B/O universe isn't everyone's thing, so for those who don't partake you can just skip it, it's all chill. As you will see, I answered both parts of this because I am simply rabid for soulmates AUs and I couldn't resist.
I haven't really thought about A/B/O universe stuff for this pairing yet (which is not to say I will not ever in depth, because I like messing around with the dynamics in that kind of universe in my head even tho I've never actually written a fic for it) but like off the top of my head I 100% would steal that thing from The Miller's Daughter and have Hook pledge his firstborn child to Rumple in exchange for a magical favor, as an omega who's never been through a heat before and doesn't believe that he ever will, only for some plant on Neverland or smthn to trigger his first one and since he already made that deal, he realizes the only alpha who's an acceptable mate for him is Rumple, because if they form a bond then maybe, just maybe, Rumple will let him have visitation rights or something. Rumple agrees reluctantly, mostly because he's still working through the issues of letting Bae go, but in the end if he's going to take any resulting child from this heat from Killian, he wants it to be his child and not some random person's. Of course Rumple falls hard for him as he's staying at the castle to recuperate after his heat, but doesn't want to put himself in the vulnerable position of admitting his feelings. Rumple, being magical and because I say so, knows immediately that Hook is indeed carrying his child, and he comes up with the excuse of "well you promised this kid to me so you have to stay here until it's born so I know you're not going to try to abscond with my goods, plus it's going to be mine in the future so I need to make sure you're taking care of it for me now," and Hook buys it because when a guy will take your firstborn child in a bargain, why wouldn't he say that. He falls in love with Rumple over the next nine months, and gradually starts to see through the Dark One veneer as he realizes that Rumple's loved him the whole time, and that's why he's been so fussy (in his own weird way). After the birth (two girls, I think) Rumple stands there watching Hook cradle the babies in his arms, and he says "you know, you've technically already given me a child, after a fashion, by carrying and birthing it, I don't have to actually keep either of them, it would totally mess with my schedule for arranging the Dark Curse anyway," because he hasn't figured out yet that his feelings are reciprocated. Hook argues that a pirate is a man of his word, but suggests they make a small adjustment to the deal: I'll give you my firstborn and my second born and any other children I have because I'm giving myself to you. And they live evilly ever after lol.
As for soulmate AUs, I have already done one of the ones where each person starts to see color only because they meet their soulmate, it is possibly one of my finest works of fanfiction and I'm ridiculously proud of it, but I'm always happy to meditate on other forms of soulmate AU.
I kind of like the idea of a soulmate AU where the mark that appears on each person's skin is something that will only make sense to them once they actually know their soulmate, because that just makes it so much more complicated to actually figure out who your soulmate is. So Rumple would have an image of a sextant right above his heart, and Hook would have...his is a little harder, because Rumple didn't have many material possessions that he was really attached to, but maybe he has...herm, I'm gonna go dramatic on this one and say he has the image of the Dark Curse scroll on his wrist because as far as I can remember (and I could be wrong about this lol) it was not common knowledge that Rumple was behind the curse, I think most people just thought it was Regina, but at the very least nobody really knew why Rumple wanted it cast, so that is something Hook would have to figure out over time.
Ngl I also enjoy the idea of them in an AU where your soulmate's name is on your skin from like the moment you're born, so Rumple would have Killian Jones written on him and Hook would have Rumplestiltskin, they have antagonism of an unspecified nature (idk, maybe it's like the original except Milah only ever refers to Rumple as "the coward" or "my ex-husband" because it ruins the suspense if Hook knows) and as usual it runs all the way into the Curse and when Hook comes to Storybrooke to kill Rumple, because Hook never learned the Dark One's name, and Rumple only heard Hook referred to as "Captain" or "Captain Hook," so neither of them connected the dots. Bonus points if Hook raids Rumple's old village at least a hundred years into his magically extended lifespan, and he finds this old-ass ledger with a record of births in it, and in his infinite wisdoms doesn't realize that this guy who was born a little over a hundred years ago is the same bastard who's also been living a lot longer than he should. I just love the idea of how many narrative hoops they would have to jump through in order to not learn they were each other's soulmate until let's say the moment Hook stabs him; then he catches sight of the name Jones somewhere on Rumple's skin, maybe on his collarbone where people normally wouldn't see it, but he just got stabbed so his shirt has shifted, and of course Hook knows it's himself, but he has to confirm, so he none-too-gently shreds more of Rumple's shirt and yep, there it is, Killian Jones. And then Hook turns right round and decides you know what, I've spent most of my life believing my soulmate lived and died ages before I existed, I'm not going to let him die now even if he is the Dark One, and he fights with the heroes against Cora and he definitely kills her instead of or maybe with Snow.
Thanks for the fun anon, I absolutely loved spending some time on this and I really do hope you see it bc I don't know if you can see when someone answers an anonymous ask you sent in, but tysm for the inspiration!!! Always feel free to send more asks about these guys, I love them so much, and although I don't have much time for writing fics right now, I might be able to use some of this stuff for fics when I do have time, so if there's an idea you want to try planting in my brain bc you want a fic about it, this is totally the way to do it lol.
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llamaloydwp · 1 year
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Cover Me Up - Authors Note and Preview. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1359312776-cover-me-up-authors-note-and-preview?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=LlamaLoyd&wp_originator=f6FvRWudrqVXxnkgLkGNgLCEtVT%2FjPl2sKFX2pp%2B%2FO%2B5rvcm6FUH23Ll5qvtaBBrQ78%2BT2HNZGOTQqh8XwzCLfm4XH2rW3w5pTSBKOFZAIpApsJB1X9TD4VBU%2FDbjSh4 𝒮𝑜 𝒸𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓂𝑒 𝓊𝓅 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝒯𝑜 𝓊 𝓈𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝒹 Killian JonesxOC (Kassidy) Werewolf AU/Bitten Crossover. (Not exactly a cross over, I'm following the bitten storyline with OUAT characters instead.) The only way for a female to become a werewolf, is to be bitten, and no female has ever been strong enough that is until Kassidy Cole was bitten. Kassidy is torn between her normal life with her human boyfriend August, and her family obligations as a werewolf in a small town called StoryBrooke, in Maine. Among her pack, is her ex-fiance Killian Jones, who is responsible for Kassidy becoming a werewolf.
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thatsdemko · 2 years
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updated as of 6/05/2023 back to helpline
to find what players I write for please click here
↳ to look at part 2 masterlists please click: here
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Nico hischier
the fight
william nylander
mitch marner
paper rings
thomas bordeleau
ice and spice
moritz seider
mat barzal
Jack Hughes
mess around and find out
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killian hayes
comfort cuddles
Travis kelce
Super Bowl
live from New York
Patrick mahomes
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christian pulisic
one last time
confusion and confessions
lie detector part two
first timer
the apology
want one?
Mason mount
you belong to me
hate me
little mount
uncle Mason
Neymar jr.
five minutes
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nyck de vries
year one
charles leclerc
a sleepless night in monaco
the other man the right man
falling in love again
uncle Charles
summertime happiness
match point
love affair
brothers best friend
Carlos sainz
papa carlos
I see red
stay, stay
pining - mini series
max verstappen
secrets out
happiness comes in ice cream
the ways in which max shows you he loves you
lando norris
the right man
this love
little streamer
one too many
everybody’s friend
Pierre Gasly
one night with you
falling in love again
jealousy, jealousy
only him
one last ride for the alpha
I’m yours
lewis hamilton
it’s sir to you
drunk on you
ride that like a Mercedes
Daniel ricciardo
the return of the honey badger
dicked down in Dallas
Tim McGraw
home is whenever I’m with you
arthur leclerc
cruel summer
hard work
love affair
yuki tsunoda
sushi date
cherry blossom season
one last ride for the alpha
mick schumacher
you are in love
the ways in which mick schumacher shows you he loves you
toto wolff
ride that like a Mercedes
extra credit
George Russell
I think he knows
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brad marchand
Jeremy swayman
quinn hughes
cale makar
benjamin pavard 2
travis kelce
josh giddey
lando norris
max verstappen
carlos sainz
Daniel ricciardo
valentines day
fake it? - mini series
Taylor swift inspired works
dad + family works
three’s company works
pining - mini series
2K notes · View notes
green-eyedfirework · 5 months
Dick’s entire body went cold when he saw the party being dragged through the doors.
Hushed mutters erupted in throne room, the petitioner who’d been talking about a failed harvest broke off mid-sentence, and Killian straightened in his seat, expression sliding into cold scrutiny at the interruption.
Dick’s heart was lodged into his throat with every bruised face pulled into the throne room and forced down to their knees.  No, echoed something deep in his head as he met Pru’s bloody, defeated, miserable gaze.
I’m sorry, her expression said, anguish and regret visible clear across the room, I’m so sorry.  Hans was forced down next to her, and Sage was shoved down as well, her yelp almost covering the thin, high cry from the bundle in her arms.
Boone, in contrast, swaggered in, a self-righteous expression on his face, his gaze barely flickering towards Dick before landing on Slade.  “What’s the meaning of this?” Slade drawled, casting a disinterested gaze over the bedraggled party.  Dick could see his gaze catch and narrow on Pru, but it jumped back to Boone.  “I don’t appreciate interruptions, and crimes should be reported to the Captain of the Guard.  Is there a reason you saw fit to waste my time?”
Boone puffed up, bowing low and deep, “Damian al Ghul, my lord.”
Dick felt like a statue, rooted to the spot, as fierce whispers immediately erupted, faces craning towards him.  He couldn’t even turn his head to see the expression on Slade’s face.
“Excuse me?” Slade’s voice was bemused.
Boone stepped back, towards Rhiannon, and tried to grab the bundle in her arms.  Rhiannon refused to let go, even on her knees with a guard’s spear at her back, and Boone snarled and raised a gloved fist.
There was a shocked gasp from the onlookers as Rhiannon fell back against Hans, but the punch loosened her grip and Boone yanked the bundle from her grasp, ripping away the blankets to reveal the baby.
“Damian,” he said superciliously, holding the baby out. “Ra’s al Ghul’s son and heir.”
The smart thing to do was to pretend like Dick had no clue what was going on.  To widen his eyes in stunned surprise, same as everyone who was staring at him.  To deny, to disavow, to ignore anything Boone said in the hopes of keeping Slade’s favor and sparing the guards, the nurse, and the baby.
The baby could be anyone, and after—after the last couple of months, after Slade’s solicitousness, the rooftop chats, the spars, there was a hope that Slade would listen to him first.  That Dick could lie and act well enough to fool the alpha.
But Dick was halfway across the room by the time Boone lifted the baby, thoughts washed away in instinctive panic, and it took only a few seconds more to grab Damian.  Boone made a surprised sound at seeing Dick so close, letting go easily, and Dick had his baby in his arms for only the second time in his life.
Dick cradled him close, unable to stop himself from pressing his nose to smell the milky-pup scent, his vision growing blurry as his chest twisted.  His son.  His baby.  Alive and here and in his arms, curling a seeking hand into his collar as he blinked wide green eyes at him.
“Damian,” Dick whispered, stroking a finger through the baby’s dark, soft hair.
Damian didn’t cry, he merely made a soft, questing noise, looking up with big eyes like he was wondering who Dick was, but Dick brushed his wrist across Damian’s neck, and the pup scrunched up his nose, recognizing Dick’s scent, lips twitching up with a happy gurgle.
The sound shot something straight through Dick’s heart, almost a physical spike, and Dick just wanted to stay in the moment, his son smiling in his arms, happy and warm and alive.
The room was dead silent.
Dick dragged his gaze up, dread sinking like a stone, and met Slade’s icy eye.
The alpha’s expression was blank.  Carefully, terrifyingly blank.
A hundred apologies shifted through Dick’s head, a hundred excuses, pleas, bargains, anything to keep Damian safe, but his voice was stuck in his throat as he stared at his mate.  As he beheld the visible destruction of the trust he’d managed to build over the last two months.  Because all of it was based on the foundation of a lie.
Dick was going to die.
“So,” Slade said, voice level, “Damian al Ghul.”
His baby was going to die.
“Please,” Dick whispered hoarsely, but it was too soft, and Slade straightened up out of his throne, expression dark.  The people closest to him flinched out of his way—Slade’s movements were rigidly controlled and still they bled fury.
The last time Dick had seen an alpha so angry, Ra’s had whipped him near to death for tricking him.
But that was different.  Dick had known that Ra’s would be furious, and had known that the ruse wouldn’t last.  This time—this time, Slade was never supposed to find out.
“He looks quite well for a stillborn pup,” Slade said flatly, and Dick flinched.  “It was a clever ruse—more than enough blood to sell your act, especially with you pretending to mope about the castle.”
He wasn’t—he hadn’t been pretending—he had let go of his pup with the expectation of never seeing him again, the grief had been real—
But Slade didn’t care.  Slade only cared that Dick had lied, and his baby was going to pay the price.
“Not expecting him to be found so quickly?” Slade raised an eyebrow, like Dick had wanted Damian found at all, they were supposed to go to Gotham, they were supposed to leave Nanda Parbat.  “Definitely wanted to wait till he was older, fourteen or sixteen or eighteen, the al Ghul heir, a rallying point for a rebellion.”
“No,” Dick breathed out, because he had never—he just wanted Damian to live.  “No, my lord, I didn’t—”
“You didn’t what?  Consider that this was the perfect way to reclaim your country?”
But Nanda Parbat had never been Dick’s country, he didn’t give a flying fuck who sat on the throne.  He’d done what he had to for the child growing inside of him, he’d just needed time to get Damian to safety and now—and now, everything was ruined.
“No,” Dick repeated, tiny fingers brushing against his neck. “No, alpha—he was supposed to go to Gotham, not to stay—”
“Gotham?” Slade halted, halfway to Dick, and raised an eyebrow.
“To my family,” Dick said, quiet, frantic, clutching at any straw he could find.  “He would’ve—my father would’ve adopted him, he wouldn’t have been raised an al Ghul.”
Slade’s expression was a touch less murderous, and Dick had no recourse left but to throw himself at Slade’s mercy.  Dick took a stuttering step forward and folded to his knees, carefully supporting Damian’s head as he shifted position.
“Please, my lord,” Dick looked up at Slade, voice cracking. “Please, I beg you, he’s just a pup, please.”
Slade’s countenance was not encouraging.
“Please,” Dick continued, wavering, “Bruce will raise him as his own, he’ll never come back to Nanda Parbat, alpha, please—”
“Give the heir of Ra’s al Ghul,” Slade said quietly, “to the lord of Gotham.”  The ‘do you think I’m stupid’ couldn’t be any louder if he shouted it.
Dick clutched Damian tighter, closer, trying desperately to keep his scent steady, trying not to frighten his baby.
“Not—not Bruce, then, but you can send him away,” Dick was grasping frantically at straws. “Somewhere far from here.  Or—or give him to someone and don’t tell them—no one has to know—he doesn’t have to be the son of Ra’s al Ghul, please.”
He’s my son, Dick wanted to scream as restless movements brushed against his arms, mine.
“I know whose son he is,” Slade said coldly. “You know whose son he is.  Everyone in this room knows whose son he is.”  The throne room was silent and still.  “It doesn’t matter how far I send him or where I hide him, it won’t stay a secret forever.”
It felt like an ice dagger into his heart.  He was trembling, and the pup was starting to fuss.  “Please,” Dick said hollowly, casting a glance around the room.  Pru looked desperate, bloodied and bruised with a spear to her throat, and some people in the crowd looked sympathetic or upset, but the vast majority were angry or neutral.  None wore resolve.  Even Rose and Joey were staring at him with hard, cold expressions behind their father’s back.
None of them would help him.
Dick swung his gaze back to Slade.  “Please,” he begged.  Slade stared back, impassive.
Damian, sensing his distress, began to cry, a thin, whimpering sound.  It was too loud in the tense silence, and Dick shifted his attention, curling around his pup like he could hide him from everyone in the room, everyone who would see the child dead.
Gently rocking the baby didn’t help, Damian kept crying, and Dick couldn’t suppress his scent, couldn’t hide the misery-hurt-please-no, couldn’t stop the tears dripping down his cheeks and splattering on his son’s face.  He began singing, cracking and hoarse, his mother’s lullaby, the last thing he’d sung to his son before he sent him away, still bleeding on the birthing bed.
“Talaj phruna, ande kuna, o bakrja brej, o čhavo rovel, pe dajake ov phučel~”
Damian was going to die.  If Dick was lucky, he would die with him.  If Dick wasn’t—he already had a year’s worth of experience in how wretched a vindictive alpha could make his life, and Slade was smarter and stronger than Ra’s had been.
Ra’s had never expected honesty from them.  He’d been furious, yes, but not betrayed.  Not the personal edge there was in Slade’s fury.
“Buzni nakel čuči del les, balval phurdel sovljarel les, Devla, Devla o čhavo barvalo~”
Dick kept singing, swallowing down the hiccups, bent over Damian and shuddering through silent sobs.  It didn’t ease Damian’s distress, not fully, not when Dick’s desolation was choking him, but at least he’d stopped crying, waving a tiny little hand at Dick as if he was confused as to why his mother was upset and wanted him to stop.
“Bakrja nakhen čuči den les, bryšind del najarel les~”
Booted footsteps came closer, audible through the hoarse, broken lullaby, and the scent of rage cut through his terror.  Dick held on tighter—not his son, not Damian, please, if the gods had any mercy, Dick would take any torture, any torment, just please not his baby.
“Ah mo čhavo o barvalo—”
Slade crouched, and before Dick could twist away, a heavy hand landed on the back of his neck and squeezed.
The world spun around him, his limbs growing weak, and he could do nothing but feel waves of increasing alarm as his pup was tugged out of his arms.  Dick managed to fall forward and clutch Slade’s leg, but couldn’t raise his hand high enough to catch Slade’s arm before he straightened, Damian in his grasp.
No, Dick wanted to scream.  Wanted to cry.  Wanted to beg and plead and sob until someone, anyone relented, but Slade wasn’t going to stop.
Dick was going to watch his baby die, no matter what he did.
“Talaj phruna, ande kuna, si man čhavo Devlester, o Devel les mange bičaldja~”
He didn’t stop singing, voice growing higher and choked as his throat swelled up, as he kept his blurry gaze on the bundle in Slade’s arms.  Tears spilled down his cheeks as he forced out the lullaby because Damian was going to die, and the last gift Dick could give his pup was knowing in his final breaths that his mother loved him more than anything else in the world.
“Bakre nakhen čuči den les, balval phurdel sovljarel les, Devla, Devla—”
Slade bared his teeth, and Dick’s voice cracked down the middle, hoarse and wet.
Dick’s weak grip on Slade’s leg faltered, and he nearly crumpled to the floor.
“—mo čhavo barvalo.”
He kept singing.  He was—he didn’t know who the words were for, not anymore, not when—his pup—not when there was an empty hole inside his heart, but—but he had to—
“Bryšind del najarel les, ah mo čhavo o barvalo, ah mo čhavo o barvalo~”
Slade crouched down again and Dick didn’t—didn’t understand.  The alpha held out the tiny bundle in his arms, and Dick went cold all over—he wasn’t—he wasn’t going to—he wasn’t going to shove his dead pup back into his arms—
Damian was warm.
Dick blinked down at him.  At the waving fingers.  At the tiny, distressed noises, face scrunched up, head twisting away—there was a patch of redness on his shoulder.  Like a bite.  Like a claiming bite.
Dick didn’t realize how shatteringly silent the room had become until he stopped singing.
Damian’s fussing cries were suddenly echoingly loud as Dick curled around his baby, his miraculously alive baby, pressing him close and shaking through sobs too violent to suppress.
“Get the prisoners to the cells, I’ll deal with them in the morning,” Slade snapped, loud and angry and right above him.  Pru, Rhiannon, Hans, his friends, they had tried so hard to keep Damian safe—
But Dick couldn’t lift his head, couldn’t see who that loud, protesting sound belonged to, didn’t dare meet Slade’s gaze.
“And clear the room,” the alpha growled.
Dick began singing the lullaby again as Damian cried, ignoring the whispers around him, the footsteps, the dying murmurs as the room emptied out.  Slade could still kill him.  Slade could still kill them both.  Claiming Damian wasn’t a shield or a pardon.
But low waves of submission coiled around his limbs, and Damian was in his arms—not safe, but he wasn’t safe anywhere, and at least Dick could hold him and hear him crying and feel tiny fingers curl around his, soft and strong.  Dick could brush that little hand across the side of his neck, could transfer Damian’s scent to him as Dick carefully scented his pup, so that even if Slade came back and ripped Damian away again, Dick could still smell him for a little while longer.
Damian eventually quieted down, still displeased but tired out, and Dick watched him scrunch his face up in sleep.  By the time Dick remembered that he was still kneeling in the middle of the throne room, the whole place was…empty.
Dick twisted in a full circle.  No one.  Not even Slade.  Had they really just…left him here?
Dick carefully braced Damian’s head as he shakily rose to his feet, but before he could step forward, the doors opened, and a maid stuck her head in.
“Your highness?” she almost whispered, her voice soft but carrying. “The cradle has been moved to your rooms.”  Dick stared blankly at her.  “Is there anything else the pup requires?” she asked.
Dick blinked.  “N—no,” he cleared his throat when she looked like she might step inside, confusion turning everything a bit foggy.  Dick hadn’t asked for a cradle in his rooms, but—the entire court had watched Slade claim Damian.
The alpha could still kill Damian, and no one would dare stop him, but many of them would talk.  Pack-slaying was frowned on, enemy heir or not, and—and that meant that Damian was somewhat safe.
Dick didn’t know what the price of this unexpected generosity was, and he had no doubt that Slade was still angry, but for now, his baby was alive and in his arms and nothing else mattered.
The sensible thing would’ve been to stay in his rooms, stay out of Slade’s way, and not tempt his alpha’s rage.  At the very least not take the visible reminder of Dick’s betrayal and thrust it under his nose.
But a sleepless night watching his baby in the cradle had left enough time to go over what had happened in the throne room, again and again and again, and—
“I’ll deal with them in the morning.”
—Dick couldn’t abandon his friends.
They had failed to get Damian out of Nanda Parbat, failed to keep him safe, but they had tried, and they were going to get punished for it, and Dick didn’t know how to implore Slade when there was a blade hovering over his own neck, but he couldn’t let them killed for listening to him.
Everyone in the throne room stared when Dick entered, a quiet and still-sleepy Damian in his arms—he wasn’t letting the pup out of his sight for a moment—but no one moved to stop him as he walked up to the dais, and on top of it, taking his usual place next to the throne.
Slade, standing in front of the dais and watching the doors, ignored him completely.
The prisoners were led in by the guards—Pru, her tense expression relaxing slightly when she saw Dick and Damian, Rhiannon, clearly terrified, Hans, mostly upset and trying to hide it, and…Boone?  Who was scowling and mulish.
They were marched up and forced down to their knees in front of Slade, and Dick swallowed, the soft weight of Damian in his arms an ever-present threat.
“The story, as I’ve heard it,” Slade began, voice quiet, “The four of you were in a cabin near the mountains with Damian al Ghul, for two months, trying to find a way through the mountain passes.  One of you alerted the guards to your royal charge.  That the pup is Ra’s al Ghul’s son is not in question—” several people in the throne room pivoted to stare at Dick.  “But I will allow each of you to tell your side of the story.”
He walked in front of them, and stopped in front of Pru.  “Stand.”  Pru rose steadily to her feet, and met Slade’s gaze with a determined glare.  “Do you have anything to say in your defense, Captain Wood?”
“I’m not sorry,” Pru stated flatly.  Dick winced as murmurs broke out around the room, but Slade was silent.  “What you heard is right.  I kept watch over Damian al Ghul for two months, trying to find a way to Gotham, because I was asked to, and because I wouldn’t stand by and watch you murder a child for who their father was.  And I would’ve continued to protect Damian al Ghul, had someone not turned out to be a double-dealing, money-hungry snake.”
Boone snarled, surging up, but Slade just held up a hand.  “Everyone gets their turn to speak,” he said calmly, and stepped away, towards Rhiannon.
The wet nurse was shivering as she shakily rose to her feet, flinching back from Slade.  Slade stayed silent for the several seconds it took Rhiannon to dredge up the courage to speak.  “I—his highness asked me to—to watch over the pup,” Rhiannon whispered to the floor, “And I—I agreed—the pup n—needed a wet nurse and—and his highness said h—he wouldn’t be s—safe here.”
She clammed up immediately after, head still bowed, and Slade stepped towards the next member of the group.
Hans rose to his feet, steadier than Rhiannon, but still quite clearly scared of Slade.  “I—I beg your forgiveness, my lord,” he said quietly, not looking up, “But I could not—they said the pup would be in danger here, and I could not let that happen.”
Damian woke up and started fussing at Dick’s collar, even though Dick had fed him before they arrived.  Dick distracted Damian with the tassel of his shirt, and turned back to watch Slade step in front of Boone.
“My lord, I must deeply apologize for my part in this,” Boone said obsequiously, “I did not feel it was the right thing to do, but I unfortunately succumbed to persuasion.”  Dick glared at him, slow-burning anger beginning to rise.  “When I realized the enormity of my error, I went to fix it immediately, and called the guards to take them all back to the castle and make sure that you were aware of this perfidy.”
“You mean, when you realized you could get a payday, you self-serving piece of shit,” Pru scoffed, and Dick couldn’t even shoot her a quelling glance.  He wanted to punch Boone in the face.  He’d trusted the man with his child, and the guard had just sold them all out.
“The lie,” Slade clarified. “Because his highness told me that he lost the child, and instead you smuggled the baby out.”  He paused. “Lying to your lord is treason.”
Slade walked back to Pru.  “Do you know what treason is punished by?” he asked levelly.
Pru set her jaw, “Death.”
Dick’s heart skipped a beat, and he stepped forward, speaking up for the first time and very conscious of Damian playing with his shirt collar, “My lord, I—”
Slade held up a hand without turning back, but it was Pru’s quick jerk of the head that made him stop.  Her expression very clearly emoted that she was going to punch him if he continued arguing, and Dick swallowed, his eyes prickling.
“Death,” Slade echoed. “And you’re not concerned?”
Pru narrowed her eyes, “I did it for Dick, and I would do it again if I had the choice.”
Slade inclined his head, and stepped back.  “Remove her chains,” he told the guard behind her, “and return Captain Wood’s sword to her.”  He nodded at her. “You’ll be reinstated as the head of Consort Wilson’s personal guard.”
Pru gaped at him.  Dick stared blankly.  The shocked murmurs sounded like a buzzing bee hive.
“Was some part of that unclear, Captain Wood?”
“You just said treason is punishable by death!” Pru almost shouted, and Dick wanted to shake her and tell her to shut up.  He didn’t know who was impersonating Slade or why, but if there was the slightest chance this wouldn’t end in execution, he would seize it.
“You aren’t loyal to me,” Slade said levelly. “But you are loyal to my mate, and that makes you the perfect choice to head his personal guard.”  Pru still looked half-outraged and half-confused, but Slade was already moving on.
“Remove her chains,” Slade said when he stopped in front of Rhiannon, expression cold. “The pup will need a nurse.”  And then on to Hans—“You will either be demoted or changed position.  A soldier should trust their commander.”
Hans just looked relieved to be alive, and the muttering grew fiercer when Slade stopped in front of Boone.  He stared at the man in silence for a long moment before speaking, voice soft, “Captain Wood was right.  Treason is punishable by death.”
Boone was not an idiot, and he paled as he stepped back from Slade.  “My lord—my lord, I came to confess—they—they’re the traitors!  I beg your forgiveness, my lord, it was only a momentary insanity, I swear I’m loyal—”
“You are not loyal to me,” Slade said quietly, “else you wouldn’t have agreed to smuggle the child out.”  Boone took another step back, and stumbled into the guard behind him.  “You are not loyal to my mate, else you wouldn’t have betrayed him.”  Boone was shaking his head now, trembling all over.  “You’re not even a decent man, else you wouldn’t have delivered a child into the hands of someone you believed wished them dead.”
“Please—please, my lord—”
“A man whose only loyalty is to coin is not a man I can trust,” Slade said, his tone final.  “Take him away.  He can hang tomorrow.”
Slade walked back and took his seat on the throne, still without giving Dick a single glance.
“Your highness?” Pru knocked on the door and poked her head in, her scowl one-part nervousness. “Lord Joseph and Lady Rose are here to see you.”
“Let them in,” Dick rasped, straightening off the bed and hovering protectively over the cradle.  Joey smiled when he entered, signing a greeting, but Rose made a beeline for the cradle without even saying hello.
Dick was torn between instincts that recognized them as pack, and shrieking alarms that registered them as danger, but before he could do anything, Rose started cooing.  “Aww, look at him,” she whispered at the sleeping pup. “His little face is so angry, it’s adorable.”  She reached out—Dick’s heart leapt into his throat—and gently swiped the inside of her wrist against Damian’s cheek.
Dick had to force down fear-terror-get-away-from-him before Damian smelled it and got upset.  Joey neared the cradle at a slower pace, signing, “We wanted to meet our little brother.”
Their little brother.  Because Slade claimed him.  Because Slade accepted Damian as pack, accepted Damian as his son, and Dick staggered back as the implications fully sunk in.
“Dick?” Rose asked, concerned, as Dick sat down on the bed, almost trembling.  Damian woke up with a cry.
Slade claimed the son of Ra’s al Ghul as his own.
“Dick?” Rose’s voice was closer this time, and Dick dragged his gaze up to see her worriedly hovering over him.  “Are you okay?  Do we need to get a healer?”  Behind her, Joey had picked Damian up and was gently rocking him to calm him down.
“No,” Dick exhaled shakily, “No, I’m fine.”  He rubbed at his itchy eyes. “I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”
Rose’s expression twisted at the reminder.  “I’m sorry,” she murmured, sitting next to him and rubbing her wrist against his shoulder.  The quiet, casual scenting calmed him further, and when Joey rounded the cradle and held Damian out to him, Dick took him gratefully.
He rocked Damian in his lap, Rose and Joey pressed close on either side of him, and for a startling moment, Dick almost felt…at peace.
He was surrounded by pack, he had his pup back, his friends were alive, he—he just didn’t know what the cost of this magnanimity would be.
But he knew he had to pay it back.
“We can watch him for you so you can get some sleep tonight!” Rose volunteered, and Joey nodded.
“I helped take care of Rose and she was a fussy baby,” he signed.  Dick made a warning motion before Rose could respond with the screech he could see on her face, and she resorted to angrily signing at her brother that she had been a perfectly well-behaved child, thank you very much.
“Rose,” Joey laughed, “you’re not even a well-behaved adult.”
Damian did wake up sulkily at Rose’s cut-off snarl, but Dick couldn’t help but laugh as the siblings sniped at each other.
Maybe he would take them up on their offer.
He had to repay Slade, and better sooner than later.  Lest he change his mind.
102 notes · View notes
yourbelgianthings · 1 year
aforementioned giant list of mountain goats songs for taz
sadly some characters i couldn’t find a song i thought fit for (i.e. angus) that doesn’t mean i don’t like them!!
Magnus- Against Pollution, Spent Gladiator 2, Training Montage, Billy the Kid’s Dream of Magic Shoes
Merle- Hebrews 11:40, Harlem Roulette, January 31 438, Noche Del Guajalote
Taako- Up the Wolves, Get Lonely, Get Famous
Barry- Blues in Dallas, Love Love Love
Johann- Your Belgian Things, Harlem Roulette
Lucretia- Old College Try, Heel Turn 2, Game Shows Touch Our Lives
Davenport- Idylls of the King, Maybe Sprout Wings
Hurley- Magpie, Love Love Love
Sloane- Dilaudid
Lucas- In Memory of Satan
Lup- Going Invisible 2
Taakitz- The Age of Kings, The Coroner’s Gambit
Blupjeans- Bluejays and Cardinals
Carey and Killian- Animal Mask, 1 Corinthians 13: 8-10
IPRE- High Hawk Season, Corsican Mastiff Stride, When A Powerful Animal Comes
Aubrey- There Will Be No Divorce, Dinu Lipatti’s Bones, Amy aka Spent Gladiator 1, Shadow Song, Song For An Old Friend
Duck- Midland, New Monster Avenue, In the Hidden Places, As Many Candles As Possible
Ned- Cotton, Wild Sage, Estate Sale Sign, Prowl Great Cain, The Mess Inside, Bleed Out, Going to Hungary
The Pine Guard- Fire Editorial
Pigeon- Jeff Davis County Blues
Mama- Midland, Bones Don’t Rust
Barclay- Color in Your Cheeks, If You See Light, Harbor Me
Minerva- The Young Thousands, Luna, Mobile, Clean Slate
Dani- Blueberry Frost
Keith- Alpha Rats Nest
Hollis- Alpha Rats Nest, Amy aka Spent Gladiator 1, Guys on Every Corner
Boyd- The House that Dripped Blood
Indrid- Alabama Nova
Thacker- Elijah, How to Embrace A Swamp Creature
Amber- The Recognition Scene, International Small Arms Traffic Blues, Oceanographer’s Choice, 1 John 4:16, Bones Don’t Rust, The Young Thousands, Family Happiness, Game Shows Touch Our Lives, Genesis 3:23
Devo- Cotton, Up the Wolves, Get Lonely, New Zion, Outer Scorpion Squadron, Hopeful Assassins of Zeno, Never Quite Free, Cry for Judas, Mark on You, Autoclave, Genesis 3:23
Zoox- Song for Lonely Giants, Incandescent Ruins, Autoclave
Oksana/Kodira- The Recognition Scene, Oceanographer’s Choice, Luna, Genesis 3:23
Orlean- Trick Mirror, New Zion, In Memory of Satan
The Curator- Deuteronomy 2:10
The Shoreside Community- Letter from Belgium, Going to Lebanon 2
The Coriolis Crew- Steal Smoked Fish
91 notes · View notes
pink-waves-world · 6 months
Characters and Listeners Incorrect Quotes - Scythe Audios Edition
I was so patiently waiting for an episode of Atrocity series until my day was ruined when I saw the news. I was eager to see L.L and discover her powers, but noooo 😒. I wish for Scythe only the best and take his time.
━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━
Siren, watching Sweet Cheeks: Ah yes. The mysterious and beautiful Sweet Cheeks, so demure…
Siren: …I wonder what sort of melodic sounds this wonderful being makes?
Sweet Cheeks: *screaming*
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Twinkle: Okay, help me, please!
Maverick: Got two words for you.
Twinkle: I bet they won't be helpful.
Maverick: Your problem.
Twinkle: I was right.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
V: You know, I used to play back in my gory days.
Cherky: You mean glory days?
V: Ah, that too.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Livana: I mean. Gray's just standing there now.
Alpha: Waiting for me, I guess.
Alpha: But it's okay, I think they've pretty much settled down.
Livana: Settled down?
Alpha: Well, they only stabbed me once.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Twinkle, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Cheeky: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Cheeky: Here you go.
Succubus: Why am I here?
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Goddess: Everyone thinks you suck.
Twinkle: I think you have the wrong number…
Goddess: Cheeky?
Twinkle: Nope. Twinkle.
Goddess: Well, you probably suck too…
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends.
L: Which one? I have seven.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
L: Which one? I have seven.
V, distantly: HEY!!!
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Twinkle: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?
Maverick: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
��� ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Marcus: Time for plan G.
Kreed: Don’t you mean plan B?
Marcus: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Cal: What about plan D?
Chosen: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Kreed: What about plan E?
Marcus: I’m hoping not to use it. Floofster dies in plan E.
Cal: I like plan E.
Floofster: D:
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Hunter: Just be careful, Demon Girl!
Demon Girl: *heading out the door* I'm always careful, Hunter!
Demon Girl: It's everything around me that's careless.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Killian: I have a plan.
Julian: Good! As long as we aren’t breaking the law again, I’m open to hearing it.
Killian: …
Julian: …
Killian: I no longer have a plan.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Dark Rose: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Vallakay: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Dark Rose: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
*30 seconds later*
Dark Rose, entering the room: I burned myself.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Alpha: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego.
Alpha: My facebook photo is a landscape.
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Twinkle: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Atrocity: Little Love, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong?
Little Love: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before?
Atrocity: I’m never asking you anything ever again.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Jay Jay: Twinkle, I got suspended from school…
Twinkle: WHAT?!?! What did you do?
Jay Jay: My teacher pointed at me with a ruler, and he said “there is an idiot at the end of this ruler”.
Twinkle: And…?
Jay Jay: I asked which end…
Twinkle, unable to contain their laughter: Okay, you just made my day.
━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━
Next: Siren's Son ASMR
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rabid-reads · 2 months
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i...was not expecting to finish this book so quickly, but here we are.
Una, the fmc was attacked as a child and has a messed up leg (not just bc, this circles back and has a lot to do with the story and character development). she is also unmated and constrained by her pack's rules, but this doesn't stop her from taking care of her friends and building a life of her own (i loved her).
Killian is the alpha of the pack and he's just kind of a dick. he ends up rejecting Una's claim he is her fated mate in the worst possible way, and when his first pov popped up my first thought was i don't want to hear from this asshole. but. there was 300ish pages left to redeem him and Cate C. Wells did an amazing job of it.
there were parts that had me so giddy, i would go back and reread them until i'd had my fill and was ready to move on. this book was a lot of fun! 👀 i will be continuing the series.
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g-on-ef · 8 months
Sneak Preview~ The Heart was Build to Break
Hello beautiful people below the line break will be sneak previews of what's to come with the Heart was Build to Break ^^
Do keep in mind these sneak previews are 1000% random they are not in chronological order meaning certain scenes won't show up till either a while the next chapter or future chapters the scenes posted will also be random and all over the place ^^
Okay enough babbling on with the show ^^
Also if you saw this posted before no you didn't ^^;
Bran ran as fast as he could he was close so to reaching the cabin if he could reach it, he would win, he was almost there he could see the cabin
A smile spread across his face, just a few more feet and-
A large body crashed into him, the two tumbled around before he was pinned to the ground his arms were pinned above him as he looked up to see a yellow stitched purge mask looking down on him.
"Got you my Lotus flower,"
Bran smirk before he flipped his alpha on the ground and looked down on him.
"Actually, it's me who's got you,"
Gareth looked at the two
"Are you sure your okay with this Bran? If not I can-"
"No, it's fine I don't mind taking care of my nephews Gareth,"
"Yeah Gar, if anything this could be practice for me and Lotus Flower when we have our own pups,"
Nikolai definitely deserved the punch to his stomach
Bran glared at Ava and Glyn who were smirking.
"Well Bran, answer the question, Nikolai or Jayden?"
Landon glared at them while Jayden and everyone including Eli glared at him. Well just Annika, Creigh, Killian and Ari, Cecily looked concerned for her friend.
Did they...did they really think he was cheating on Jayden?
Instead of answering Bran decided to play Avas game she wanted to be a bitch fine he'll be a dick.
"I'll answer if you answer me,"
Both girls just snickered before gesturing for him to continue.
"Landon or Gareth?"
The table got quiet and Bran knew both Ava and Glyn wanted to kill him
Bran looked at the scene before him, it was beautiful.
"Why, why did you bring me here?"
"You said you needed a break," Niko said as he walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer to his chest.
"Figured the beach would be a good place to go,"
"Jealous lotus flower?"
Bran glared at Niko who was giving him a cold look as he wrapped his arms tighter around Simon's waist.
"No, just disappointed that you turned out to be just like every other knothead I know, including Jayden,"
Landon's back slammed against the wall.
"I'm warning you Landon if anything happens to my sister-"
"And I warned you baby boy to keep your little friend away from my brother but it seems like you didn't listen and now poor little Annika is going to suffer because of you
"Landon..." Jeremy growled at him.
"It's not my fault you couldn't follow simple orders,"
Jeremy raised his fist ready to beat the shit out of him.
"Fuck you!"
A loud slap could be heard and Landon wanted to defend his brother but his fucking father command him to not move from his spot.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that Brandon!"
"Tell me hes lying,"
Eli walked up to Ava who was being held by Nikolai no doubt the true blood wanted to kill her but Brandon's presence was the only thing stopping him from doing it
"Ava, please I'm begging you tell me he's lying,"
But the longer she stayed quiet the more Eli was beginning to think it was true.
Fuck...they were fucked...Jonathan wasn't only going to take back his support but he was also going to disown him and kick him out of the pack.
"Are you sure?"
Niko looked at his Lotus Flower, his beautiful Lotus Flower who was wearing nothing but a silk rob.
Bran stood on his tipy toes and kissed him
"Yes, take me Niko, I'm ready,"
Niko was trying hard not to beat the shit out of Killian as they stared at the King Family.
"What did you just say?" Levi growled as he took a step forward but was stopped by Aiden and Xander.
"I said your daughter and I bonded she's officially my mate,"
Bran didn't even know what to say other than pray that his Grandfather didn't do anything to Gareth's and Mia's family member.
"Jayden please...don't do this,"
"All it takes is one bite, one bite and you'll be all mine Bran,"
"No, please don't-"
Jayden just smirk as he lean down ready to bite Bran's neck.
'Nikolai, please save me!'
Welp that's all folks hope you enjoy these little previews and don't worry nothing major was spoiled so be prepared for a lot of twist and turns ^^
See yall very soon ^*^
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deckerstarblanche · 23 days
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CSSNS 2024 Entry!!!!!
Hello, friends! After a year and some change, I’m finally back with the conclusion to “An Offer She Can’t Refuse.”
I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 3
As soon as he cracked his eyes open the next morning, Killian knew she was gone. With a frustrated groan, he glared up at the stucco ceiling and flipped over onto his stomach, pressing his face into her pillow and feeling like a fool.
Really, he should have expected this from the beginning. Knowing Emma, her heat had probably finished sometime in the early hours that morning, she took a look at where she was, and who she was with, and bolted.
It’s not like she would go to me as a first choice, he thought to himself. And so Killian closed his eyes, allowing him to feel the hurt and the anguish and the pain, until he stuffed them back down into the part of his brain, where he’d stored all of his worst thoughts about himself for so many years.
And it did hurt, a lot. He knew, deep in his gut, that they were supposed to be together. Her shell of self-protection might be too tough to crack, though. For him, Emma Swan – her laugh, the intoxicating sweet scent that he would be able to pick out blindfolded – would always be his ideal. Now that he had had the chance to actually be with her physically, Killian felt like he’d been granted access to heaven for three glorious days. How could any other woman compare?
Pathetically, he hoped that one day they could still be friends.
When he finally set foot back inside the dorms, the clean, familiarly blank scent in the air confirmed that the filtration system was running smoothly. It was almost as if the past three days had been neutralized as well, leaving only a possibly ruined friendship in its wake.
“Jones? Where the hell have you been?” David asked, concerned etched on his face as Killian entered their room, aggressively tossing his backpack onto his bed.
He narrowed his eyes at David’s suspicious tone, hackles raised. The other man clearly knew something, probably from Emma herself.
“Did you not get the update from your girlfriend?” Killian sneered, unable to resist recklessly channeling all of his pain and anger toward his roommate. “After she got what she wanted, Emma chewed me up and spat me out! Well, I don’t want to talk about it, and I’ll know that you're lying if you tell me otherwise��”
David’s surprise quickly morphed into hostility, and he rose from his computer desk. “What exactly are you accusing me of? Are you gonna cry because a woman finally rejected you? That’s why you don’t fuck around with your friends!” he roared back, forcefully pushing Killian in the chest.
“She needed it– she begged for it, Dave. What kind of a self-respecting Alpha would I be if I said no? It doesn’t matter if it’s your best friend or a complete stranger, right? You’ve got some experience with that yourself, don’t you, eh?” he said crudely, shoving David back as soon as he regained his footing.
“What the hell does that mean? If you want me to kick your ass, say one more thing about Mary Margaret…” David replied in a growl, putting his fists up.
Killian laughed, ready to hit something, preferably David’s face. “Listen, I’m done with every Omega at this school, especially Emma Swan. I’m not the simpering asshole she seems to think I am, and she can come apologize to me if she wants to go back to being ‘just friends.’” he sneered, building a wall of his own ego around his fragile heart.
David put his fists down, hands angrily balled at his sides.
“Fuck you, Jones. If you don’t have enough sense to fight for Emma, then you don’t deserve her!” David thundered, hurling the door open and slamming it shut behind him so hard that the wood nearly cracked off the hinges.
About an hour later, after he had cooled down from his argument with David, Killian heard a hesitant knock on the door. Hoping it was Emma, but unsure, he got up to open it. There she was, standing awkwardly in front of him, shoving her hands in and out of her pockets.
“Killian, I came by to apologize. My leaving wasn’t your fault. I was a coward, so I’ll understand if—” Emma began, but he cut her off, shaking his head.
“No, you don’t get to do that— slink off like everything has been said. I was hurt that you’d left without a trace, and I let that morph into anger. A man’s ego is a fragile thing, Swan…but I want to be a better person than that,” he told her, his blue eyes locked on hers with a penetrating gaze.
Taking a deep breath, he continued.
“Emma. The truth is, I care deeply for you. I have since the first day we met, so when you said that friendship was all you desired, I made my peace with that. But after what we shared last week, I knew that watching from the sidelines would never be enough.”
Killian looked away as soon as Emma did, color rushing to his cheeks. He readied himself for rejection: that speech, no matter how inauthentic it would sound about another woman, would definitely have anyone else melting in my arms, he thought to himself, barely suppressing a chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” he heard a small voice say, and he looked back at Emma, whose eyes were glittering with what looked like tears.
“Nothing, love. I’ve said my piece, and now I’ll give you your space. Hold on, why are you crying?” he asked her cautiously, furrowing his brow.
“I’m not crying, you idiot, I’m just emotional over what you said– there’s a difference!” Emma replied with a watery chuckle, raking her fingers through her hair.
Killian decided to throw caution to the wind.
“And what was it that I said? I want to know so that I can say it again,” he told her, summoning up his most rakish grin.
Emma rolled her eyes, but he knew from the way she blushed that things would be ok for them— maybe even better than ok. She hadn’t spurned him, and she hadn’t stormed out.
“Killian, I care about you too. I cared so much after our…um, time together last week that I freaked out. Big emotions are tough for me, you know that,” Emma admitted, stuffing her hands into her coat pockets.
“I do know that, Swan. I think that’s why we’ve worked so well as friends— we’re both godawful at expressing our feelings,” he began, drawing a few steps closer to her. Emma looked at him with wide eyes, like a deer in the headlights, but he wasn’t going to be put off by that anymore.
“Emma, I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never shared with anyone else before,” he murmured, close enough now that he could tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. She was so attuned to him that she gasped at the innocent contact, making him smile.
“Being with you was the most intimate I’ve ever been, with anybody. I don’t want to go back to the way things were before, and I don’t want anyone else in my bed but you.”
Terrifyingly, Emma was silent, her gaze dropping away from his and going to the floor. Killian felt like his heart was pounding loud enough for her to hear, and that humiliation was imminent.
“Emma, I’m—” he began, but she looked back up, a huge smile lighting up her face. She flung herself forward into his arms, pressing her lips to his, kissing him with what felt like years of pent-up emotion. Then, she pulled away, almost reluctantly.
“I don’t wanna talk. I mean, I know we have a lot to say to each other, but not right now. Just kiss me, ok?” she said breathlessly, tearing off her jacket. Killian barely had time to agree before she nearly jumped into his arms, the force of her excitement knocking them over onto his bed. Clothes were shed quickly, and soon enough he was hovering over her, admiring her golden hair as it spilled out over his pillow.
After one more searing kiss, he rose up, sitting back on his heels as he stroked his hands down her thighs. Emma shivered violently under his touch, as a rush of slick coated her inner thighs from the fairly innocent gesture.
“Oh Killian, please do that again,” Emma sighed, opening her knees wider. Surprised, he let his hands glide from the tops of her thighs all the way down to her knees, watching rapturously as she thrashed beneath him. Every attempt she made to raise her pelvis, to seek him out, was caught by Killian’s firm but gentle grip as he grounded her to the mattress.
“Do you think you could come just from this, love?” he asked, breathing harshly, as it was taking every ounce of his self control not to sheath himself inside her pulsing cunt.
“I…I’m not sure,” she admitted, opening her eyes as she reached up, grabbing the hair on the back of his head to smash her lips against his.
Emma’s kiss was electric and confident, and it made him thank whatever higher power existed in the universe that she’d given him another chance. When she finally tore her lips away, he felt dizzy with anticipation.
“Fuck me, Alpha,” she commanded, grabbing the nearest pillow and shoving it under her ass. Killian’s eyes lit up with amusement at her take-charge attitude, but he was soon distracted by a small warm hand shooting out to stroke his rock-hard length.
“As you wish, Emma, always,” he purred, and without another thought, he plunged in, savoring the feeling of being inside of her again.
They matched each other stroke for stroke, and as the room filled with the sounds of their frantic coupling, Killian realized that it was her first time fucking him with a clear head. She was choosing him, and not out of any desperation.
He was determined to make it last as long as possible, so after a few more thrusts, he rolled them so that Emma was on top, her long hair surrounding them like a curtain. She yelped in surprise, but quickly gained control, setting her own rhythm as she clutched at his chest.
“I seem to remember liking this view of you in particular,” he teased, reaching up to gather her hair with one hand while kissing up the long column of her neck.
“Is that so?” Emma asked breathlessly, moaning as he hit a spot deep inside of her, pinpointing it so he could press up into her as many times as he could. “Fuck, yes… keep going right there, please!”
From the way her inner muscles fluttered against him, he could tell that it wouldn’t be too much longer before she came, so he kept his pace brisk, giving her exactly what she needed. Moments later, Emma exploded, shouting his name as she clamped down like a vise, spasming multiple times. He’d felt it during her heat too, but never with anyone else.
“So fucking tight you are, Emma…so gorgeous when you come,” he praised, murmuring in her ear as she came back to herself, dazed and sated.
“You’re the gorgeous one,” she mumbled, “all of the girls on my floor talk about you like a sex god.”
“And what, pray tell, would you tell them after all of this time we’ve spent together?” Killian asked her playfully, nudging his erection against her inner thigh.
“Hmm…well, I’d definitely mention your impressive stamina,” she quipped, pumping her hand up and down his shaft.
“And then I’d tell them that they’d never find out for themselves because you’re MY Alpha,”
The sound of those words coming out of her mouth set Killian’s libido on fire. Quicker than lightning, he flipped her over on the mattress.
“If I’m your Alpha, that makes you my Omega, does it not?” Killian thundered, using a tone that their kind referred to as uniquely Alpha. While it may have been used in the past to force Omegas to submit, contemporary couples used it to spice up bedroom play.
“Yes!” she squeaked with delight, lifting herself up to hands and knees.
“Then present for your Alpha,” he ordered, slapping her on the ass. Immediately, she knelt, pressing her chest down as she sank further back onto her heels.
“Is this what you wanted, Alpha?” she asked sweetly, playing along with the game, which was about mutual consent rather than domination.
“Bloody perfect,” he growled, easing himself into her channel inch by inch, trying to prolong the moment they gave themselves to each other.
They were both so keyed up, emotionally and physically, from the events of the day that Emma cried out almost immediately, unable to stave off a powerful orgasm. Killian held on, pumping into her with determination to satisfy her as much as he could.
“I want your knot, and if you’re really an Alpha, you’ll give it to me,” Emma faux-jeered from below, all a part of the game.
“Are you sure you can handle it?” Killian bit out, watching as drops of his sweat beaded on her back.
“You fucking know it!” she shouted, clenching down on him as encouragement. It was an almost primal moment, the two of them acting on instinct instead of emotions; and moments later, he was coming, locking their bodies together as streams of cum filled her womb.
It took awhile for them both to come back to Earth, floating in a haze of post-orgasmic bliss. Killian felt her sigh contentedly, burrowing a bit closer as he covered them in his downy comforter.
“I’m so glad it’s you, Killian,” Emma told him sleepily, looking back so she could kiss him one last time. He smiled into her neck, gathering her into his arms with a feeling of completeness and affection.
“I couldn’t agree more, love.”
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dreamauri · 1 year
‧˚⊹ 𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 ଓ :: 𝗠𝗩𝟭 ‧₊˚⤾
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you are reading :: part nine !!
╭╯ pairing . . . max verstappen x fem! driver! reader ) ┊ summary . . . a day for improvement and a nice cuddle session ) ┊ genre . . . fluff / angst ) ╰╮ warning . . . X )
☆★ more max and y/n, horay! we're almost thereeee ━━
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R8 - QUALIFYING Sunday, May 25 2024 — Circuit de Monaco, Monaco
"Eh el enti labseh dah?" [What are you wearing] Your grandmother scolded once you helped her out of the car, picking at your hoodie unimpressed. "Sebuhah fehalha." [Let her mind her business] Your grandfather sighed getting out of the drivers seat, pulling you in a gentle hug. "Hi gedo." [grandpa]
You sighed relaxed as your grandparents patted your shoulder and pinched your cheek. "You didn't tell me you were coming." "We don't need an invitation, ya habibit mama." [Mom's sweat heart] Grandma said sarcastically in her absolutely horrible English accent which you had to hold your breath in to not laugh at.
"El nas bet bous leh?" [Why is everyone staring] Your grandfather asked looking around the parking lot to the people absolutely oogiling and taking pictures of car. "3alafekra, enta betsou2 nevra. enta 3aref di ghaliah ade eh?" [You're driving a nevera. You have any idea how expensive that is] "La2. Ana shoftaha we 3oztaha." [no I saw it and said I wanted it] he scoffed making you roll your eyes, hooking your arm with his as you walked towards the entrance paddock.
"Tu es toujours dans cette boîte à merde?" [You still in that shit box] Your grandmother smiled amused, French accent and pronounciation on point for some reason. You opened the door to the Alpha Tauri hospitality. "People here speak French. And your French is good. So they can understand you. Which means you're embaeessing m-"
"Grand maaaaaaaa!" You watched as Meike ran into the building catching your grandparents in a hug. You folded your arms listening to them shower each other in hugs and affection.
"Great of you to join us." You joked as Killian sneaked in as well receiving the same treatment as your twin. "What about me?" You pouted slouching. "Girl we see you everyday." Granma scoffed making you chuckle as you shared a bone crushing hug with your brothers and grandfather.
"Aboki fen ba2a 3alashan adrabo 3ala nafokho." [Now, where's your dad so I can beat the shit out of him] you watched silently as your grandparents and twin argued over beating up or not beating up your dead, a small smile on your face.
Max watched from behind the doors quietly, holding Leila's hand who had an ice-cream in her mouth, looking around the paddock. "What . . . Are! What questions we looking at?" She looked into the motor home confused, her eyes lighting up as she saw her family running in to great them.
"The whole family is almost back together." You joked to Max once he decided to join you. He held up the can of red RedBull for you, which you clapped in excitement before thanking him and popping the can open.
Max's never seen a family interact like yours, most likely because his family was small and he didn't have that much Sibling or cousins and aunts and uncles. "I wanted to ask." He started hesitantly.
You hummed turning your attention to him. "Well- I was wondering-" He fiddled with his hands behind his back, looking away from your eyes. 'You should tell her.' His consciousness reminded him.
"I wanted to tell you- do you and Leila wanna stay over for the week? Like a sleep over?" 'Fucking hell.' Max watched as a smile spread on your lips. You quickly nodded. "Thank you, Max. That- that's really nice of you."
"No- Y/N, don't bring our enemies into our sacred space." Yuki cut in pushing Max from his back, along with your two brothers, put of your motor home. You laughed as you watched them looking back either confused or pouting with Yuki dusting his hands in satisfaction.
"That was mean." "They were going to steal you, Y/N."
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly player.17 and 27M others alphataurif1 P5 and P7 for tomorrows race with leila in the garage today, looking good guys 💪
mclaren leila, come stop by! we have cupcakes! ↳ scuderiaferrari forget mclaren, we have pancakes and pasta, leila ↳ alpinef1team leila, forget ferrari, we have ice cream ↳ astonmartinf1 forget alpine, leila. we have fernando alonso ↳ redbullracing forget all the above, you forgot your right show in max's garage ↳ player.17 excuse me- why do you have her right shoe? ↳ redbullracing tickle fight, i believe leila has both of max's shoes as well
user is it just be or is alpha tauri catching up? ↳ user Y/N's breathing down their neck mate, dont be surprized if she's on the podium tomorrow ↳ user awh hell nah, somebody stop her ↳ user mate 💀 we're done for
user leile looks so happy, she's so cute ↳ user she's looks like she's having a healthy childhood from what we see ↳ user she's not going to be cute dominating f1 in 10 years ↳ user dont even remind me, i cant hear the same antheum over and over, im allergic. someone stop versappen, srsly
user i get why all the teams are fighting for leila, like i would like to fight to give her a hug too ↳ user RIGHT?! SHE JUST LOOKS LIKE AN ANGEL ↳ player.17 she /is/ an angel ↳ maxverstappen1 she's a demon ↳ player.17 MOTHER FOCKER YOU STOLE HER FROM ME ↳ maxverstappen1 leila says its fucker* with a u ↳ player.17 VERSTAPPEN YOUR A DEAD MAN
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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You sat silently, sipping from the juice carton as you you watched max run up and down the paddock after Leila in only his socks, trying to get his shoes back. "You're doing great, Maxine." You cupped your hand over your mouth so your voice could reach him.
Max looked back at you, glaring. "Can you be of good use and help me?!" You couldn't be bothered, slouching back in your chair and closing your eyes. "I'm good."
Max had to drive back to his apartment barefoot, watching Leila run around and explore the apartment while you flopped on the couch. "You're one good host." You yawned, making Max purse his lape and shake his head playfully.
"Pretty sure you invited me to your house without even knowing me that well." He joked, grabbing a nearby blanket and covering you with it, before finding a spot for himself to sit beside you.
"I did know you that well technically. You played football with Mieke and Killian— all the time." You yawned between your words. "And I'm pretty sure you've been on each and every one of my podiums in karting and f1."
". . . Don't sleep yet, who's going to make dinner?" He nudged your shoulder joking. "Well the host, of course." You joked back closing your eyes. Max felt his gaze soften listening to your breath even. He hesitantly reached over and brushed the few strands of hair behind your ear, adjusting the blanket before getting up to find the tween.
Max did end up making dinner, sharing a plate with Leila infront of the TV after he carried you to bed ( his bed, he thought you'd be more comfortable in it than the guest room, wasnt a big deal right ).
The Dutch driver did help Lei get ready for bed, setting her in the bed beside your sleeping body while he went to get ready for his other bed. What he didn't expect was Leila pulling and insisting they all shared the same bed because it was a "sleep over".
He felt jealous watching you and Leila sleep so peacefully while he couldn't sleep a wink. The moonlight peaking from the windows made your features look so perfect and made you look so peaceful. You wouldn't mind if he removed the pillow wall betwen you two right? Just so he could scootch in a little, and hold your hand. Which effectively brought him enough serenity for the night.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Cat." He heard Leila whisper in the middle of the night, getting off to probably have another play session with sassy or jimmy. He was too unbored to get up this early, he wasn't bothered at all either when you turned and snuggled into his chest to replace the warmth Leila took with her.
He gently wrapped an arm around your back keeping you close. He couldn't bring himself to sleep again, being so close to you made him feel complete. Max had instead found refuge in scrolling through his phone, enjoying how his heartbeat and breathing patterns matched with yours.
This was going to be awkward in the morning.
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R8 - RACE DAY Sunday, May 26 2024 — Circuit de Monaco, Monaco
It wasn't that bad. You didn't know how you ended up here, head resting on Max's chest while listening to his steady heartbeat which threatened to lull you back to sleep. You could hear the hushed conversation between Max and Leila, probably concerning to two purring cats behind you.
This felt like a reverie. A fantasy.
You've always dreamt about waking up beside a nice man, who would be an angel to your children and would run his fingers gently through your hair same way max was doing now. It made you think differently about Max . . . very differently. You've never seen him like that before.
But you shouldn't see Max like that. You were competitors, ex-teammates. Yes he was very nice and fun, got along with your family very well, was practically Leila's best friend and knew your favourite Red Bull flavor— fucking hell. You couldn't possibly crush on him. No way.
But you'd rather miss the race than leave his embrace.
You cleared your throat making you and Max simultaneously pull away and sit up in silence. Leila looked between you two narrowing her eyes as she rubbed the cat's head. "Who ever wins will start the conversation." You rolled your eyes at her, kissing her cheek good morning. Her suggestion was only going to end in one way.
And it did end her way.
"Here comes the lights to one of the great tests in all of sport. And formula one is racing on the streets of Monte Carlo."
Lap 1 :: "And Max Verstappen wins the Monaco grand Prix." You narrated to yourself as you overtook Norris on turn one, because you can.
You knew you weren't going to be able to overstake Daniel ahead or your older brother after that. But P4 was good, you weren't satisfied, but good.
That was the most you could do. You've defended position against both the McLarens behind throughout the whole race, giving you no time to attack or overtake Daniel in front.
Lap 53 :: "I'm GLIDING!" You shouted in the radio as you lost control of the car. "INTERS. I SAID INTERS. NOT MEDIUM. WHY AM I ON MEDIUM?!" You shouted angrily. As you did your best to catch up to the McLarens that passed you. "WHY IS IT THAT YOU NEVER LISSTEN TO WHAT I SAY? I'M DRIVING. I KNOW WHAT IM DOING. OR IS IT BECAUSE IM A STUPID ARABIAN GIRL?"
It was raining. That usually wasn't an issue when you weren't DANCING LIKE A FIGUTRE SKATER WITH THE GOD DAMN CAR, because inters and mediums sound so "similar". You were going to put your fist in someone's face after this.
Lap 62 :: "I'm going to fucking. JUMP OFF BRIDGE." Your rage meter was going to pop off at any moment as you overtook Daniel to sit in P2 only to receive an 5 second time penalty. "Take the wheel. I'm going to fucking kill someone." "I'm good thank you, maybe next time." You heard other you chuckle as you drove past her from where she stood with some marshals. "You're fucking useless."
Final Lap :: You could feel you chest heaving as you parked in where P2 would. But there was no board because you had fallen into P4, right where you started. "I hate you!" You repeated slamming your fists down on the steering wheel over and over. To whome that statement was directed to was unknown.
"My life is a shit show." You growled slammed the stupid white and black helmet on the ground. "Nunu, relax." "Don't tell me to relax." You shrugged killain's hand off your shoulder, feeling your chest and palm burn from the anger bubbling.
"Hey, It's going to be fine." Max was next to come and comfort you. "I fucking lost." You argued, feeling angry tears swell in your eyes as you looked up at him. "There's a lot more to racing than winning." You sighed shakily at the statement, running your hand over your face to catch your breath. "I'm— I'm fine."
You could feel Max pat your head gently before his presence disappeared. You had to figure out what you were doing with your life. This isn't how you should be spending it.
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2007 — Stuttgart, Germany
It was yet another disappointing race for Max, he always seemed to disappoint. With helmet in hand, he walked down the circuit's building to the washroom, head down in shame. The boy that he had thought he'd become friends with had forced him out and beaten him in the race. And nothing hurts more than listening to your father compare you to a friend.
Max should have expected such a dirty move, Meike was a Kraus after all and Krauses do whatever they need to get their hands on the first place trophy. But Max never expected them to go this far, especially on their own kin.
While walking back, a rattling door caught his attention. Bangs and clanks were what he could hear from the other side. And although his brain was screaming for him to ignore it, Max found himself rotating the key to the lock. What he didn't expect was the door to go flying open and slam in his face.
He watched as the silhouette of the familiar girl ran past him with a metre long rebar. From the window he watched he saw you came up from behind your celebrating brother. Swinging forth with the metal, Max could only wince as he saw Meike fall on the ground.
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( taglist ↳ @lorarri @benedikwonn @mycenterfold @ironmaiden1313 @iamahallucinationnn @hockeyboysarehot @tsnataly @iloveyou3000morgan @lpab @jetless @inas-thing @folklorelvrr @fdl305 @lifesuckslife @loveofmylife12 @chasing-liberosis @peachiicherries @ferrariloverr @love4lando @stewel92 @screemqueen @lizzieolseniskinda @chelseyyouraverageluigi @michellekstyles @bibissparkles @copper-boom @ferraribabe @ssararuffoni @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @topguncultleader @sheslikeacurse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @nellxsies @ru-kru @stvrlec16 @janeholt3 @boherahpsody @styles-sunflower @luciaexcorvus @hornedravenclaws @lazybot
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star-crossed-juliet · 27 days
Three nights. The longest Juliet had ever been away from the pack house since she'd moved in there. And it was so... foreign, to be removed from the bulk of her family there. But she'd been comforted in some ways by being able to stay with Jason and Dane, even despite it all. And being with Desmond, Bess, and Kyle in moments beyond that. They all helped more than they knew. Not with sleep, but with the calming of the storm. She'd called Killian several times since she'd left too, texted Jessie when she could. But a call would have broken her resolve completely to come running back.
Except she had to go back eventually, and she knew that. So she'd asked Jonathan when Adam would next be out of the house for long enough to allow her to slip in and get her stuff. He hadn't questioned her, which made it clear enough that he knew at least some of what was going on.
Surprisingly she'd managed to avoid running into anyone thus far, but it was midafternoon. Most of the pack would be busy with work or things of that sort. And wearing Bess' clothes likely masked her presence somewhat. But now she froze in the doorway to her room, taking it in: the tattered shirt nowhere to be seen, her phone now on her desk beside her left behind house key, and the bedsheets clearly slept in. And his scent that washed over her almost immediately after. And it made her whimper.
But she didn't hesitate long before setting about packing up more of her clothes and belongings from her dresser and the bathroom. She'd been so caught up in it all that she hadn't paid attention to the likely car engine she might have heard otherwise--to the footsteps or the sound of her door opening. But she could feel him now. Clear as day. Adam was standing behind her in the doorway. Still, Juliet moved about the room, not turning to him and not speaking either.
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Witchy Woman (0.5/10)
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AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Summary: When Emma came into her position as Storybrooke Coven Leader, she ended things with the powerful Vampire Overlord, Killian Jones. She’s spent over a decade working alongside him and ignoring the growing tension between them.
During his best mate’s wedding, Killian decides he is done waiting. He is ready to have his mate back in his arms (and bed) again. Emma is not an easy woman to woo, but Killian has never backed down from a challenge.
When Emma’s jilted ex-boyfriend returns to town and Emma goes missing, Killian will stop at nothing to get her back and ensure that nothing can ever separate them again.
Rating: E
CW: Mention of domestic abuse, blood and blood drinking (vampires), threatening situations, minor violence, death, mention of parental death
Entry for Captain Swan Supernatural Summer 2023 (@cssns)
Tagging: @kmomof4, @undercaffinatednightmare, @jrob64, @zaharadessert, @elfiola, @anmylica, @tiganasummertree, @stahlop, @xarandomdreamx, @teamhook
Author Notes: Some aspects of this are based on the Stay a Spell series by Juliette Cross. If you haven’t read them, the books are very fun paranormal romance novels that you can devour in a week and apparently keep thinking about them for a few years until you do a rewrite and make it your CSSNS fic. (For clarity: The storyline is new, but the relationship arc is loosely Ruben and Jules.) I hope everyone has had an incredible Captain Swan Supernatural Summer. It has been such a treat reading everyone's amazing stories and seeing all the lovely art.
I could not have written this without the cheering and support of @kmomof4 and many other ladies on the CSMM Discord. They continue to be the most encouraging group. I am always excited to share my silly words and little sketches with them.
A massive thank you to @ultraluckycatnd for her time, patience, and feedback. Beta-ing is always hard work. Beta-ing for a self-conscious tinkerer is all the more challenging. Thank you!
A tremendous thank you to @cocohook38 for the beautiful artwork. I have always adored your work and having something drawn by you that was ‘inspired’ by my silly words is a bit of a dream come true. (I squealed with utter delight upon seeing your initial sketches the first time. AMAZING!!) Thank you! <3 <3 <3
As always, a thank you is owed to my spouse for being "volunteered" to be the alpha-reader and writing partner for this fic and for bringing so many cups of hot tea and snack plates at odd hours.
Fifteen Years Ago…
Emma’s breath caught at the beauty of the vampire before her; the waves of his dark hair begged her to run her hands through it, his sharp jaw, framed by auburn stubble, was softened by a crooked smile that was melting her resolve. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the way just the sight of him affected her. It wouldn’t be a problem much longer.
They’d only been together for a few weeks, but Emma felt lost in the depth of the connection that she shared with Killian. He seemed to read her moods and her thoughts as naturally as breathing and she felt him as if he were an extension of her own heart and mind.
As she approached where he worked, she tucked those thoughts away.
When he looked up at her and cocked his head, eyebrow raised, she savoured the adoration and openness that she saw in his eyes. She wasn’t ready for him to stop looking at her as if she were the most incredible thing that had ever happened to him. Just rip off the band-aid, Emma.
His expression changed to one of concern as he took in her erratic heartbeat and the sour scent of stress radiating from her. “Swan?”
The gentleness of his voice and the worry in his tone made her eyes prickle. She held on tightly to the tears; she would not cry. Not yet.
“Killian, I can’t… we can’t…” Her voice was stronger than she expected, but the words tore at the depths of her soul and shattered her heart. She took a breath and stored her heart away - the burning and ripping sensation too much to bear - before she continued. “We’re done.”
“Do I get a say in this?” Killian asked. The words were mild and light as if he were asking after their supper plans, but his eyes were narrowed- gauging the situation and seeking out alternate avenues.
Emma let out a humourless laugh. “It won’t change anything. We can’t be together.”
He stared at her for a long moment, before he replied. When he did speak, his voice was broken with emotion, “One day, Emma, you will have to open your heart for someone. If ever you are done playing the coward, I hope that you will find whatever it is that I couldn’t give you. And, I truly hope that you never feel even a quarter of the pain that I feel now.”
A storm of emotions flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid it away beneath the calm and collected demeanour he had honed over the centuries of his long life. He kissed her gently on the forehead before he vanished into the evening.
Once he was too far for her to sense, her knees buckled and the ground rushed to catch her. His warm embrace was replaced by the damp grass soaking through her jeans. As her tears fell heavily down her face, she balled up against the sobs slamming through her. She was in too many pieces scattered about too effectively to ever be whole again.
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hollyethecurious · 7 months
For the Fic Title Ask Game,
What would you do with:
"Staking Their Claim" and/or
"It Seemed Such a Simple Idea..."
Thank you for these, Darling!
So... you may have just names my Land Run AU with Staking Their Claim, lol. Would it be okay if I added it to the short list of titles for it?
If not a Land Run AU, then this would definitely be an A/B/O fic. I have an EF based one in my ideas folder that this could work for. Killian and Liam are indentured Alphas, but instead of serving on a ship, they are servants in the Dark One's palace. Liam works in the stables and Killian is essentially a male courtesan.
Prince Neal is in need of a wife. In this werewolf/omegaverse, a person can have more than one mate - no soulmate/one true mate. Neal "matches" with Emma, but his father thinks he can do better than an orphan with no dowry or prospects. She remains at the palace as a back-up in case Neal cannot find another match. The close proximity to a potential mate throws her into heat, so Killian is tasked to see to her needs. The problem is... he is also her potential mate.
Needless to say, that complicates matters.
It Seemed Such a Simple Idea
Emma's summer was stacking up to be a nonstop marathon of weddings. It seemed as though every single person she knew was getting married. And every single wedding would be an opportunity for her well-meaning friends to set her up with the perfect guy for her, who would turn out to be anything but.
Killian's refrigerator was practically wallpapered with invites. Fortunately, there was one last open spot for the most recent save the date, personally delivered to him by his brother when he arrived for their building's monthly poker night.
"I see your summer is going to be filled with dry chicken, overly sweet cake, and congo lines, too," Emma remarks when she joins the group for an evening of Hold 'Em.
Killian can't help but think how he'd like to play a different sort of Hold 'Em with her.
After the game breaks up, Emma stays to help Killian clean-up and the two of them hatch a plan. They'll be each other's plus one for the summer, thereby thwarting their friends, family, and acquaintances from setting them up during this hectic wedding season.
It Seemed Such a Simple Idea... until they found themselves sharing a room with only one bed during the destination wedding at the end of July...
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