#alpha lisa
maggie-margret-blog · 7 months
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Friends with Tattoo Benefits
Mingi was one of those guys you just couldn’t replicate. he had a sort of passion for life that was kinda hard to find in people.I had been seeing him as an artist for a little over a year now, slowly but surely filling my arms and mid section with ink. He was talented and enthusiastic about each new project I threw his way, may it be big or small. Mingi himself only had a handful of tattoos littering his milkish skin,but claimed he was in it for the arts, not the personal experience. I had a theory he was just a bitch about pain or needles, nevertheless I never bothered him about it during our sessions. And he couldn’t lie about the money either. It was good fucking money.
Mingi had become somewhat of a best friend, mixed in with all the other things that come with being in close contact for so long.
We had first met that one fateful morning, 2am to be exact, when I had decided that drunk tattoos would be a hilarious idea. In hindsight it was a wonderful memory and honestly I was better for the experience. My young, college ego had been inflated and a stupid decision was just what I needed to keep my head on my shoulders. The night had just begun for me and my friends, bar hopping and partying at each frat house we could bare to see the inside of. All the ones I had seen prior were rat nests, and yet I chose to place myself there. A few of my friends had tagged along one Friday in search of some of my famous shenanigans. Modesty forbid I ever keep my thrills to myself.
“C’mon let’s dip, this place sucks.” Renel quoted as she threw down a pink solo cup onto the frat house floor. We had only been there about 30 minutes and already we were feeling the effects of poor party planning. A dozen or more drunk college girls stood in a tight circle, grinding on any available guy, and in some cases other gals as Salt Shaker boomed from the shitty stereo system. Since the Ying Yang twins weren’t the vibe for the night, I wholeheartedly agreed- “Let’s get the fuck out!”
“I’m barely drunk! Give me a fucking minute!” San hollered over the loud music, grabbing onto Renel’s ponytail and stopping her from moving any further towards the door. “There’s smoke in my eyes, this drink taste like dog shit and my thong is literally splitting my asshole in half, San.” Renel growled as she swatted his hands away. “That’s your fault. Just take it off and sit down.” He laughed, knowing he was only egging her on. “Fine, here-“ Renel said smuggly as she reaches under her sequined skirt, pulling the lacey garment down her legs and stepping out of it. “Woah Ren-“ I began, on my for her to grab the thong and shove it in San’s pocket. “I’ll go sit down.”
“San you asshole.” I laugh lightly, never quiet getting over those two’s battles. “Remind me to give this back to her. If Yunho ever finds out I have his girlfriend’s thong in my pants, he’ll kill me.” He chortles. “I don’t think I will. You deserve a beating.” I joke.
“Tryna get rid of me?”
“He’s twice my size. I’m dead.”
“You’re a good guy, you’re fine.”
“I’m heading out. I’m meeting my friend downtown.” Hongjoon, another one of chipper friends, said as he pushed past us towards the exit. “Who?” I called out as the sixth drink I had been nursing finally began to hit me. Whatever this shit was was weak, and disgusting. Yet, I was still drowning my weekend stresses in it.
“Mingi. You know that tattoo guy I was talking about.” Hongjoon enthused. This guy was always so happy for some reason. “Are you getting a tattoo?” I asked again.
“Yeah why? You wanna come?”
“I’ll go. Anything to get me out of here.” I agree hastily as I set the solo cup I had been drinking from down. “I’m drunk enough I’ll go.” San called, as if he hadn’t been complaining of the opposite just minutes ago. “Go tell Renel.” I bark as I follow Hongjoon out into the yard.
Once San and Renel had caught up to us, we were already halfway downtown, passing bar after bar and collectively agreeing that we should all go to each one. “If we keep this up I’ll literally never make my appointment.” Joon whined as he threw back one last shot. “Fine, okay let’s go.” San gave a unionized answer for us all. “Mingi’s gonna kill me. He’s supposed to be closing and I’m already 20 minutes late.”
“We’re almost there Joon, calm down.” San said with a hint of a slur. With that statement we came up upon the shop. The neon light was already off, but a man sat at the counter with his head down to scroll on his phone.
“Hey Mingi! Sorry I’m so late!” Joon said sorrowfully as he brought his hands together and bowed shallowly. “Hey, no don’t worry about it. I was just chilling out.” The man spoke as he raised from the counter and reached out for Hongjoon’s hand. The whole place reminded me of a mechanic’s shop. Sort of industrial and gray, but art was strewn across the walls and a few neon light had been added to spruce up the place.
The size of this man had me speechless, though my drunken stupor may have exaggerated it. Mingi was maybe 6’0 and broad in the shoulders and chest. I could tell by the way his black compression shirt stretched over his muscles, rippling in their definition. With the buzz already prominent in my head, this man looked like a playground to me. All I wanted to do was climb him. I could feel a flush flooding my cheeks as he and Hongjoon giggled and joked over sketches and last minute ideas. I could just play it off as a liquor blush, but I knew it was because of him. Fuck he was attractive. He was just so big and handsome.
“Shouldn’t take too long. Maybe an hour.” Mingi said softly as he looked over the small design. It seemed to be just a simple spiderweb with a few intricacies.
As soon as Hongjoon laid down on the sterilized bed, he was snoring. Joon had never once been awake during a session. Either this was a result of the alcohol, or the pain was a sickening comfort for him. Either way he was out. I spent m my time, however, inspecting the artist and the way he did every little thing. His gloves were blue like they had at a doctor’s office, tight and defining over his veined hands. The tips of his thick fingers were gripping the gun firmly with a controlled pressure. His focus and precision were evident in both his work and how he carried out his task. Why was everything about him so alluring?
“Joon? Are you good buddy?” Mingi asked after working on the piece for a good hour. It was swollen and puffed, but I could already tell it would heal beautifully. “Yeah, I’m cool.” Joon said groggily.
San and Renel were sleeping across the waiting room chair at this point, San’s jacket draped over Ren’s legs. That’s small detail made me chuckle. Sure they had their differences, but if she was naked from the waist down in public, he’d protect her. “Dude sick, thank you.” Joon said as he looked over his Achilles heel, now inked and decorated. “No problem man. Now pay me and go home.” Mingi laughed lightly as he pushed Joon towards the front.
“How much?” I asked as an interception. “Hm?” Mingi cocked his head to the side as I stood from my seat, still a little wobbly from all the alcohol in my system.“How much for a small tattoo? A really little one.” I asked. I hadn’t known how I would get close to him, but this was the perfect opportunity. This way I really inspect him up close. Stare deep into his concentrated expression and analyze his eyes. Oh fuck, those eyes.
“Uh, all depends I guess. Why, do you want one?” He questioned as he handed Hongjoon a pen to sign his receipt. I nodded vigorously as I popped up from the plastic chair. I had no clue what I was doing, or why I just agreed to get a tattoo on the spot, but here I was. “Cool, give me a minute.” Mingi said with a smile, showing off his row of beautiful teeth. They weren’t straight but who cared? Not me! He was so cute!
“We’re gonna head out. I’ll get her back to Yunho.” Hongjoon said as he shook Renel awake for a minute or so. “Okay,” I said shortly as a twinge of turmoil erupted in my stomach. Sure this was kind of what I wanted, to be alone with this new hunk, but now I was alone alone? My body shivered involuntarily, spine tingling and adjusting at the thought. “Where’re you going San?” My voice was timid, a gleaming ray of hope in eye as i asked. I was praying that he could be talked into staying with me. “I’m going home so I don’t die. You know how Woo is if I’m not in before sunrise.” I only nodded at the statement as the unsettling feeling began to sober me. But I couldn’t pass this up!
“This way m’lady.” Mingi’s voice broke my illusion of loneliness as all my prior thoughts raced back in. He was the reason I stayed anyway. “Thank you.” I punctuated with a head nod as we walked back to where Hongjoon had just been napping. “Now, what’s going on? What’re we doing?” Mingi asked as he sat back against the counter, arms crossed to expose the few tattoos he had. Though not plentiful, they were big and loud. The one he sported on his left forearm was a colorful mural of what seemed to be hyper realistic squid. The body was red and luminescent with a somewhat manly aura somehow. It was an interesting choice for sure, but it was executed beautifully so I had to admire it for that reason. His right arm was detailed in black and white, a few odd and ends tattooed on his skin, probably to represent certain things. I did notice a small KQ prominent on the first knuckle of his index finger. KQ had been a music club hosted on my campus for years.
I laughed internally at the thought of this big, beefy man singing in a choir, or performing The Newsies at the campus theater. He didn’t seem the type. “Anything I guess. Maybe something coquette-ish.” I babbled, unable to tear my eyes away from Mingi’s form in front of me. I stood sheepishly in front of him, a facade of confidence saving me face, but only a little bit since I was still kind of drunk. “Coquette-ish? Like the frilly bows and Victorian shit?” His voice reverberated is low bass over the air. I watched his mouth and nose as he repeated what I had said, then nodded. He nodded along and choked down a chuckle.
Mingi drew up a tiny little design, detailed with a small, pink ribbon tied into a bow with a pearl accent. It was actually very cute and even my sober mind loved it. Something tiny and coquettish. I was so happy with it.
“You know I don’t usually do walk ins.” He said as he etched a stencil. “Oh? Why start tonight?” I asked, looking over his shoulder, feeling the heat rising from his body. “If I’m being honest I thought you were cute. And I’d rather you get a good drunk tattoo instead of one you’ll regret.” He chuckled lightly, but my face turned red at the mention of his attraction. He thought I was cute? “Now where do you want it?” Mingi asked as he turned to look at me, now just inches from my face. I had practically been his shell for the last 15 minutes as I watched him sketch, so the sudden movement surprised me. I stumbled backwards a bit, and was sure to fall of Mingi hadn’t gripped onto my belt, pulling me back to stability. His hand was nestled between our two bodies, now practically sandwiched together. I couldn’t help myself as the moment dragged on, but I looked forward at the chest I was now level with. Traveling upwards, my eyes met his. They pooled with a twinge of worry and one other emotion I couldn’t quite express. “Sorry,” I mumbled briefly as I stepped back, only for his hand to stay firm on my leather belt. “No, no it’s okay. Are you alright?” He questioned, unmoving from his position. “Y-yes I’m fine.”
The air was thick and heavy around us. The room wasn’t too big so that might have had something to do with it, but probably not. It was more likely the tension between us that simmered. His hand stayed on my belt, even going as far as to tighten his grip. “How drub are you?” He asks suddenly.
“I’m, I’m practically sober.” I answered.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“N-no I don’t.”
“Do you know where you are right now?”
“Tattoo shop.”
“Be more specific.” He hummed lowly as his hand pulled me closer, my hip flush against his thigh.
“Flaming Ink, downtown Astoria,” I answered again, quieter than before.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked finally, lowering himself to my level so he could see my expression clearly. My face was burning as it was, so for him to face me directly turned me to mush. And to kiss him? Oh fuck I could’ve vomited with how nervous I was!
I nodded slowly as the larger man braced my jaw in his palm, gently pulling me forward and pressing a hunger pained kiss to my lips. I was taken aback by the way he was already desperate for the contact. To be fair, so was I. The kiss only lasted about 3 seconds before he pulled away, lips parted and eyes droopy. The flecks of his dyed hair fell into his line of sight. The image in front of me was borderline erotic to say the least. I could tell by the look in his eyes that we were nowhere near finished.
Hastily, my arms found perch on his shoulders and I reconnected our lips, lapping at the pillowy petals and melting as he returned the favor. He tugged me closer, hands finally leaving my belt and landing on my waist, pulling my hips to his own. This was all too much yet I couldn’t (wouldn’t) stop myself. I had only wanted him for an hour or so, but that was an hour too long with out him.
Our lip lock progressed into something else entirely, and what that was I didn’t know. Something primal. Something languid and wet. Before I could count his teeth with my tongue, his hands were burrowed down the back of my jeans, fingers gripping at my ass haphazardly. The hum of the overhead lights was enough of a lullaby to keep us in the moment. Soft murmurs from the radio entwined around us and took the lead. “Mingi,” I said hushly, placing a hand on his chest. Oh finally I got to feel it. The muscles tensed under my touch and I watched the nipple harden from under the shirt. “Hm?” He acknowledged my plea and stopped himself. “I’m sorry it was all so fast, I-“ he began to explain himself, hands leaving my behind.
“No, no keep it there. I’m just— kinda you know, worked up.” I heaved as I kept eye contact with him. Those eyes, those honey brown eyes. Somehow the orange and yellow tendrils of hair complimented his eyes perfectly, encasing them in a warm, golden light. He was beautiful.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” His breath fans over neck slightly.
“Yeah, just not used to it.” I admit.
As far as sexual experiences went, I was dim in the subject. Yet, this was fueling a fire I never knew I had.
“Do you wanna stop?” Mingi asks as he’s pulling away.
“No! No I don’t want to!”
With that answer, Mingi was back to exploring what was exposed of my skin. Hands, finger tips, nails. I could feel everything as he lit each of my nerve endings on fire. Each swipe of his tongue left a burning trail in its path. “Fuck-“ I whispered internally, somehow finding my hands curled in his hair, entangling in the locks and pulling at the roots. The feeling of his lips on my neck made my stomach turn and twist with excitement.
How could this happen so fast? How was this really real? Was I dreaming?
No I couldn’t be dreaming. I could feel Mingi’s curious hands pushing up my shirt, folding the fabric upwards and letting it pool onto top of my breasts. Mingi pressed open mouthed kissed on my chest, tugging cheekily at the lining of my bra, teasing the nipple as he let it free. “Pretty.” Mingi’s voice vibrated against my skin, sending shivers down my entire being. Never in a hundred years could I explain myself and my behavior. I hadn’t been this kind of girl. Sure I partied and went a little crazy sometimes, but I had been strict with dating and sex. I never fucked on a first date. Hell, we had just met, never even went out. Renel would never believe me if I told her what was happening.
My brain was fuzzy as we continued in some sort of soft foreplay. His thick fingers had found their way down the front of my jeans, rubbing generously on my stiffening clit and entrance. My breath hitched as one found its way inside of me, petting at the spongy g-spot. I couldn’t keep my knees from buckling under that sort of pressure. I remembered stumbling around in an attempt to find something solid to hold onto, or at least steady myself on as he rid me of my clothes. I could remember removing his skin tight shirt and finally getting an eyeful of his sculptured physique. He was carved artfully as if by a woman with taste and experience. My hands explored his torso, slowly but surely making their way down my boxers. I ran a polished nail down the shaft of his throbbing cock, only to grab the entirety and grace it with a few passing pumps. His belt and jeans found themselves on the floor along with mine.
I had no time to feel the inevitable embarrassment. “Mingi-“ I moaned as he took the initiative to set me on the table, lips now working down my stomach and hips. A strong hand pushed gently on my chest and gestured for me to lay back and I followed with no hesitation. The icy sensation of the vinyl coating made me shiver, but I recovered as soon as his fingers hooked to the hem of my panties. My breathe caught in my throat, Mingi dragging the garment down my legs and letting them fall where they may.
“You’re sure you’re good with this?” He asked once more, looking down at me from his standing position. His eyes were soft and concerned but I could tell he was barely hanging on. His lids sat halfway across his iris, cutting off the light to his eyes. He looked dark and sexy, but alluring. The tattoos that weren’t apparent earlier were now proudly on display.
I only reeled back slightly at the sight of his miniature. Well, you could hardly call it miniature, but you know what I meant. The dick held itself proudly, the tip a dark pink and mushroomed, while the rod was stained a lighter hue, coursing with a few deliciously placed veins.
With as tender of intentions as possible, I reached to caress the decorated man’s chest and feel the heat emitting from the skin. He was as soft as satin, the feeling becoming addictive against my fingertips. His hands traveled to meet mine, bringing the appendage to his lips and leaving a few short kisses on the palm before holding it above my head. Our fingers intertwined as his other hand cradled the soft underside of my knee, pushing it upwards.
“I’m sure.” I said finally, eyes meeting his and he came closer, pressing gentle and reassuring kisses to my cheek and neck.
“Good,” he hummed.
Another blurry moment flashed as he said a few sweet things then continued to move his body. Soon enough I was in a comfortable position with a hand in his and one helping him push inside. My head fell backward as a silent sigh left my lips. Oh shit. “Oh Mingi-“ the words fell fluidly as he breached past my entrance. The stretch alone brought me back to reality, only to be pulled back into whatever sensual scene this was as he began to adjust. His breath was low but not indistinguishable, I could tell he was already feeling good. A second or so passed in silence until the pit in my stomach had grown twice it’s normal size.
“You can move.” I say, slight circling my hips. A pained hiss left Mingi’s plump lips. He takes the bottom in between his teeth and nods as his hips break their isolation
I felt as though my lungs had been palpated, deprived of air and squeezed to the brink. I felt like I was drowning but I couldn’t stop this. This was all too good. Mingi moved with a steady rhythm and intensity. His hands roamed my chest, poking and prodding at my breasts and using them for leverage for his powerful thrusts. I almost felt ridiculous as lewd noises leaked from my throat. My body shook with excitement and my voice was shaky with adrenaline.
“So cute. I can’t fucking stand it.” He growled next to my ear as he punctuated each word with a particularly sharp thrust. I couldn’t believe I had come here to accompany Hongjoon on a drunken tattoo venture, and ended up fucking the artist.
His motions grabbed me as wild, someone with experience in pleasure. Mingi’s body was following a natural progression as the bulbous head of his well endowed cock nestled against my cervix with each violent bash of our hips. A slight shake wracked my muscles and joints as the pressure and endurance of our position grew tiresome. I was exhausted but so ready to reach a peak with him. Coils tightened in my abdomen when Mingi’s voice sounded, moans and small grunts of praise echoed from him.
“Fuck-so good-“ he panted into my neck as his body curled around mine, encasing me in a lustful embrace. Mingi’s toned arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist while his forehead dropped to my collarbone. I could feel the change in angles as he hoisted my torso upwards to meet his, somewhat suspended in air. The erratic pace and movements of his hips reminded me of some crazed animal in heat. I felt the same way though. My body was craving each and every thing Mingi would give to me. His now harsh grips left marks on my skin that I wild find later; they’d bring back me memories of this night and how desperately I would be chasing a feeling like this again.
Creaks and screeches wailed from the legs of the table, yet Mingi couldn’t have cared any less. My arms gripped around his waist, in a way, propelling him forward. “Mingi!” My voice grew weaker in the moment. I was coming close.
“Mmm- fuck…” Mingi groaned against my skin, lips flattening to my chest and hair falling messily over my shoulder. I let my body speak for me as the intensity of his movements and brought me higher and higher. My walls closed around him, clenching in an effort to warn him that I was there. “Mingi! Uh! Gonna cum-“ I moan directly into the man’s ear, hoping to affect him the way I wanted to. “Mm- go ahead baby. You can cum.” His breath was hot as he lifted his head to face me, pressing a kiss to my lips as he quickened his pace. I couldn’t stop the chorus of moans, colored in shock as he pushed me over the edge.
I lay in waves of bliss. One surge after the other. If I was being honest, I had never cum first in any of my previous encounters. This was a once in a lifetime experience for me and I wasn’t going to lie, it was beautiful.
Mingi stalls briefly before sighing in satisfaction as he pulls out of me. My body immediately misses the weight of him inside of me, closing around nothing but air and slick ejaculat. My chest is heaving as I caught my breath, warm fuzzy feelings filling my body. Never had I ever had an orgasm quite like that.
It was soon interrupted at the sound of Mingi’s hand sliding over his still hard erection. I had been so caught up in my own pleasure that I forgot that he hadn’t cum yet. I peak downward at the beautiful man, his face scrunched a bit as he leans over my body. Without much thought I place my smaller hand in his. I can see a smirk forming on his lips as he allows me to help him rub his moistened dick. His eyes open slightly as we make contact, gazes holding intently as waves of pleasure flood his system. I never break eye contact as he reaches his final breath, our hands slow and a loud cry erupts from the man.
“Oh shit- oh fuck-“ Mingi mumbles quietly, forehead nudged to mine as he unloads on my stomach. I was quick to find Mingi’s jaw and yank his sight forward, our eyes meeting once again. “You’re so pretty.” I kiss him before he can answer my statement.
“Me?” He huffs confused. His string brow bone dips in concern of the comment. “Yes, you. You’re very pretty.” I reply, pulling him in for another kiss. “Thank you.” He says genuinely as heaves and tries to catch his breath.
“Soooo…. Do you still want that tattoo?” Mingi jokes as he holds the collar of my shirt open above me, placing it down over my head and resting it on my shoulders.
“I might have to take a rain check on that. I’m kinda tired.” My voice was hoarse and losing volume by the minute. A mix of drinking and calling his name for an hour would do the trick.
“Anytime, really. I do actually do tattoos. I swear. I’m not just a whore.” He laughs, looking down at me as I finish dressing myself and heave a sigh.
“I believe you.”
“Good. Do you think you’ll be back?” He questioned, flicking the light switch and opening the door for me. It was almost 5 am and I had no alibi for when Renel inevitably asks what kept me out so late. My cheeks flushed as I thought over the details. I might just tell her, just to see her reaction. If I knew anything about Renel, it was that she’d flip if I told her I fucked the tattoo guy.
“I’ll be back. For that tattoo and also… you know, if you ever wanna…” I led the the statement, looking down at my hands as he walked along side me towards the dorms. “I’m down. You know for tattoos… and… yeah.” He agreed. It was barely dawn, but I could tell his cheeks were as red as mine.
As soon as we reached my dormitory, I turned to face the man who had just made my night. I craned my neck upwards to face him. Gosh he was beautiful, especially in the light of the rising sun. “Thank you so much for tonight Mingi. And for walking me home.”
“Of course. Anytime, really. Have a good night.” He said gently.
“Or I guess morning. Have a Good morning.” He repeated. I chuckled slightly, placing a hand on his chest gingerly and pushing myself to stand on my tiptoes. I was hoping Mingi would get the idea and thankfully he did. His strong hands embraced me one last time as we shared a kiss. Nothing lustful or suggestive. A light, sweet, tender kiss.
“Have a good morning Mingi.” I said finally as we broke the kiss and I ran off towards the dorm doors.
“Tell me EVERYTHING!” A shrill voice echoed throughout the whole room as Renel surprised me at the door. My heart nearly burst out of my chest.
“Girl, sit down. You’re gonna love this!”
~The End~
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ellieanimations113 · 4 months
We went to the same library today and I was HOPING to finish the Ena Lisa I made but it got deleted so I had to start over 🥲
This one is ALSO unfinished bc I ran outta time
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here’s the other one I drew if you’re wondering
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PS- the one on the top is inspired by some other persons Ena Lisa on here. I forgot their name but I’ll link it in the comments somewhere later.
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rando-daily · 8 months
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day 57. why
hehehehehheeheheh. stolen from an ultrakill meme
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53 notes · View notes
yourfaveisomegaverse · 9 months
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Lisa Cuddy, M.D. from House is an Alpha
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romancemedia · 10 months
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Cartoon Romances + Nose Kiss
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We all saw this everywhere at one time, right?
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Well, let's just say there's a different kind of happy ending in the Amazing Alpha Tau Boyfriend Project.
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You can preorder it on Amazon.
Out September 20.
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dailylisamiller · 9 days
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i was scrolling through tumblr and found PRE-SCOTT PILGRIM LISA?!?!?!? i cant tell yall how hard i GASPED!!!!!!!!!!! is this why she had pink hair in the game??????
MAN, this is so cool....
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d-dalladalla · 2 years
can you do a blackpink version of "seeing ther pup for the first time"? i love it so much <3
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She Would be so nervous, alpha’s weren’t allowed in the delivery room
So she sat outside with your and her family while she tried her best to just relax but it wasn’t happening
Trying the peak through the window in the door only to be met with a nurse opening it and Jisoo stumbling forward in the room
Spotting you in the corner of the room, and practically running over to the two of you, the medicinals professionals getting out of her way
She would coo at her pup in you arms, eyes meeting yours in a silent ask to hold them and you just nodded as she took the pup out of your arms and into her own as she sat down next to you
One hand taking yours and rubbing her thumb of the back of it, you were so tired and she was taking care of the pup so you started to doze off
Jennie was going mad in the corridor, pacing back and forth as she was constantly being told by the both of your family to ‘please calm down’ and ‘shes going to be fine’
Every time someone would approach her she would just growl and bare her teeth, pushing them back and going back to her pacing
She tried to open the locked delivery room door. They usually don’t lock the door, but she kept coming in and trying to fight the doctors
She would press herself again the windows to try and to get a glimpse of you, but she was dragged back by her mom to sit.
When the heard the door’s lock click she bolted to the door and eyes scanned around the room to find you, when she did she pushed the staff out of her way as she got to you
Kissing your forehead and wiping the sweat stuck hair away from your face. Checking you to smell any other alphas who got too close but didn’t find anything, she pulled back to see the pup in your arms.
Eyes full of love as she let the pup grab her finger, wrapping their tiny fingers around her finger. Sitting down on the bed, pressing against you as she continued to let the pup play with her fingers.
She was so nervous, tearing up when she was told she wasn’t allowed in the room with you. Worried about a million things, if you were okay, was the pup okay?
She was drawn out of her worries when the door was opening and the nurse took her land to lead her into the room. She shyly made her way over to you, trying to meet your eyes but landing on the pup.
Eyes widening and tears threatening to fall out, hesitantly reaching her hands out to take the pup and watching you nod in approval as she picks the pup up and stands over you
Gently rocking back and forth as she hushed the crying pup, you smiling at the two of them as you finally get some rest after a whole day of labour
She was in shambles waiting for news about the two do you, you weren’t in the best condition, going into labour a week early and being so unprepared
She was rushing you to the hospital and being dragged away from you, nearly ripping the head off the security guard. Her family restraining her in the waiting room as she grumbled and growled st anyone who tried to comfort her
She was eventually allowed in and pushed and shoved everyone out of the way until she was met with the sight of you, sweating, flushed and holding her pup.
She was on the verge of tears and leant forward to whispers praises in your ear as she held your jaw, kissing your lips so gently.
Standing back up and beaming with pride at her pup and you. She didn’t dare take her pup, letting you hold them and kissing your cheek over and over again as she whispered how proud she was of you
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uhhnothanku · 9 months
Y/N Slander. Pt 2.
Alpha Mafia Jungkook x Y/N 😈☠
Chapter 1~
You wake up just like any other day, another day of not wanting to deal with anyone's shit 😒 Another day of being single, wishing you weren't cursed to be an Omega. (I have no idea how the omegaverse works💀) You go to the mirror, your blue orbs looking back at you as you put your hair in a messy bun. You never cared to put products in it, you weren't like other girls. You didn't even wear makeup. Today was the day of the ceremony. You were to be paired with a mate today... You put on an oversized hoody one of the boys gave you and walk out your house.
~(time skip)~
You arrive to the ceremony, and immediately roll your baby blue eyes... Your gaze lands on Lisa who is giggling with Jisoo. "Look at Y/N!", Lisa giggles. "She's such a pick me omg, she could never be as preppy as us.." Jisoo gossips. "She's such a toy.." Lisa says and smirks. Your eyes glow red making them stop laughing and start pissing on the wall in fear. "IM NOT YOUR TOY!" Y/N exclaims, your fangs growing and horns coming out. You'd show them... Then suddenly you hear.. "Not...your t-o-o-y-y...~" coming from behind you. You turn to see none other than Alpha Jungkook! Your eyes turn pink cuz you're in love. You tuck you messy hair behind your ear and suddenly feel so smol and petite. "J-j-j-j-j-j-j-jung..k--kookie~ I mean! Kook~" you stutter and blush in embarrassment. He gently tilts your chin up, his handsome face being met by your lightskin stare. Lisa and Jisoo go up to and giggle. You roll you eyes and flick them with your tail, sending them to France where they were doomed to becoming the rats from ratatouille. You look back at Jungkook who smirks. But then you remember ...you're just an omega... But he doesn't have to know yet... "I want you to be my wife...y/n..." Jungkook says and looks down at your 2'1 frame. The whole ceremony gasps and looks at you two. "I-i-i-i-i..." You stutter... "shhhhhhhhh... Just say yes..." Jungkook whispers and presses a light kiss on your lips. "I... I can't..." y/n whispers. "I don't think you understand...Y/N.... You don't have a choice..."
To be continued...
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devilsnarl · 1 year
And why is no one choosing to discuss how easily the Omegaverse fits into Newsradio?
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hannaedits · 4 months
Five-Star Reads for May 2024
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bookstattoosandtea · 19 days
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: The Amazing Alpha Tau Reunion Project by Lisa Henry & Sarah Honey
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: The Amazing Alpha Tau Reunion Project By Lisa Henry & Sarah Honey Alpha Tau, Book 5 Catch up with the bros from Alpha Tau with this anthology of the bonus short stories. It contains Bro Jobs, Romancing Dalton Beauregard, Make Up Sex, Pinch Hitter, and the previously unpublished Reunion. The Amazing Alpha Tau Reunion Project is a collection of lighthearted…
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lisashapter · 20 days
About "Planet 42 Beta"
Read my new short story "Planet 42 Beta"!
Throughout this entire arc of 74 stories Resada Gestae is married. The wedding was done on impulse and had no clergy, witnesses, and was done at gunpoint – not valid for any and all of those reasons. When the law catches up with Lt Gestae and sends Mrs. Resada on a years-long mission of reconstructive justice, this marriage becomes a long separation. That said, Resada regards the marriage as…
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At first glance Archer Calloway is your typical frat boy—preppy, pre-law, privileged. But one thing he's not is a jerk. So when a shy guy at a wedding gives Archer his number, Archer is impressed by his courage in putting himself out there. What starts as a courtesy call to the guy turns into friendship. Eli is awesome, and Archer can't understand why he's single. With the help of his fraternity brothers at Alpha Tau, Archer comes up with the perfect project for the semester: Get Eli Fuller the perfect boyfriend or die trying. It's a flawless plan and nothing could possibly go wrong. Uh oh. The Amazing Alpha Tau Boyfriend Project is a lighthearted contemporary m/m romance containing banter, bad dates, and an oblivious frat boy who is about to discover something new about himself. Or something.
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alex-albon23 · 1 year
i feel so bad for nyck, like you know he's probably crying.. 🥺
he was barely given a chance, ended up in the shittiest car and then gets kicked not even halfway through the season?! he literally JUST misses his home race, poor guy.
and i love danny ric, but now he gets to drive said shitty car, what if he doesn't manage to get it places? does that ruin his f1 future too?
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pigeonpeach · 7 months
Little Omega~
Summary: omega female reader goes into heat around the genshin women
Contains: girl c0ck, breeding, dubious maybe? Little degradation, lots of breeding actually,
Arlecchino, Beidou & Ningguang, Yae Miko & Ei, Jean & Lisa
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“Say it.” Her voice grew deep as her hips pounded into you from behind, your uniform shredded as your hips helplessly bucked into hers, her arms wrappex around you, keeping you in place. You never knew your boss had a.. cock but oh god you weren’t complaining now. You didn’t realize your heat would be today as it just suddenly sprung onto you with no warning. You hid from the children asking the other staff to cover for you. You weren’t able to leave safely and you also couldn’t find appropriate hiding spot, in the end your scent ended up setting off Arlecchino’s rut and here you were. Now reduced to a mere toy.
“Breed me! Breed me!” You whined. “Fill my insides! Oh god! I wanna be full! Please! More!” Her lips were right to your making you shudder as she bit your earlobe.
“I’m going to mark you.” She said. You barely has time to process when she bit your scent glands making you spazz. You felt yourself climax on the spot. Hormones pumping through your veins. You were so overwhelmed you went numb for a second as blood dribbled from her bite, her teeth firmly sunk in as her hips continued to pump in, emptying her seed right at your cervix, filling your womb.
“Mmmf!” You moaned as you felt so docile. Your body felt so nice and warm, your cunt full and fucked. Your legs shuddered as you collapsed. “M-my my alpha~” you cooed sweetly. Arlecchino withdrew her teeth as she looked you in the eyes, your dumb and docile expression only fueling her more.
“My perfect little mate.” She kissed the bite mark left as you panted heavily. “We aren’t done.”
Yae Miko & Ei
A shrine maiden is usually not used as courtesan like this. Your cunt stretched around both the Puppet god and the kitsune’s cocks.
“PLEASE! OH! MY ARCHONS!” You whined. They showed no mercy. Yae, behind you, her hands massaging your tits the way a cow would be milked, and Ei who seemed just hyperfixated on watching your pussy convulse around her.
“You are most certainly pleasing your archons… oh I wish I could breed you my love but this body is only a puppet afterall.” Ei pouted.
“Well seeing how fertile this one is, I’ll have no problems knocking her up~” Yae purred right in your ear sending shivers down your spine. “Such a wonderful body, oh I do hope you know that now won’t be the only time you’ll be like this for us~”
“Pliant, docile… fertile..” Ei grumbled. “Oh and to think I deprived myself of this for a thousand years~”
“Please…please!” You wined before squirting suddenly. You convulsed as they stopped temporarily to admire the site.
“Such a wonderful view, I wish It could last for Eternity.” Ei purred.
“What was it you were begging for now little one?~” Yae asked
“D-don…don’t stop…” you whined.
“Truly a top quality slut.” Yae smirked.
“Don’t call her that, she’s clearly a virgin with how addicted she’s become.” Ei brushed your hair out of your face as your dazed eyes met hers. “Don’t worry dear, you will be satisfied.” And with that they resumed.
Beidou and Ningguang
“A excellent mouth you have there.” Ningguang had you bent over as you lapped at her cunt eagerly. While from behind Beidou pounded into you. He hands grabbing the sheets as she grumbled about something. “Such a prime little omega, a true jewel to add to my collection.” The beta purred.
“God… such a good cunt… fuck..” Beidou gasped.
“Its that good huh? It must be if it has you like that~” she teased. You felt squished as the two shared a brief kiss all the while you were struggling to breaths in-between the huge cock pounding into you and eating Ningguang out.
“Fuck… I’m going to… cum… shit!” Beidou barely gave a warning as your womb felt full quickly. Her hips stilled as she thrusted a few more times.
“Don’t worry, I know Captain Beidou is quite the overwhelming Alpha to take, especially considering your inexperience.” Ningguang pried you from her thighs as you panted, mindless and obedient, you looked at her as if she were a deity. And she did from this angle, her skin shined like diamonds. She moved you so you laid on your back, legs spread as you watched cum dribble out. You gawked at how hard Beidou was already. “Allow me to have a taste~” she said, her fingers prying your folds open so more would spill out. Meanwhile Beidou positioned herself behind her.
Jean and Lisa
“Oh… oh sweet Barbados…” you mumbled nonsense as Lisa rubbed something around your cunt making it losen slightly. While Jean was bitting marks and rutting against your behind, you were sat in her lap, in her office. You could faintly hear Kaeya redirecting anyone coming by as you tried to hold back any sounds. “Please please just put it inside.” You whispered. Lisa chuckled.
“You two are too impatient now. Hmm I suppose if you really want it~” she teased you with the sight of her bare cock as she lifted the front of her dress to show it. You eagerly took it in your mouth as she guided it so, Jean’s rubbed right between your folds. You could tell she was far gone from her frantic humping.
“Jean dear.. she wants it inside~” Lisa chuckled.
“Fuck… I can’t contain myself, I’ll end up knocking them up~” she whined. Your mind lit up as your hips grind against her cock, your moans muffled as you tried to encourage her. To your relief she finally complied.
“I wonder which one of us will end up inseminating your womb?” Lisa whispered.
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