#also! to clarify: i was thinking that william would still be dead
bunnyinatree · 2 months
Throwback to that time I drafted a Frankenstein fic where the reanimation process was essentially vampirism, so instead of killing Henry for good, the Creature decided to turn him into a vampire. I wanted the Creature to point at vampire!Henry and say, "See for yourself, Victor, the awful existence to which I am condemned." But Victor would be the ultimate hypocrite and would keep shunning the Creature while sheltering vampire!Henry. It would be the ultimate, "So when your boyfriend requires human blood to survive, he's worthy of love and affection, but when I, your creation—" 💀
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zetsubo-bani · 3 months
Scenes/characters I expect to see after blue revenge arc
Just to clarify, with blue revenge arc I'm referring to this mission arc we currently have. I doubt r!ciel will be defeated after the missions are over so I will probably give it a different name whatever follows after we've seen o!ciel and sebastian at the hotel.
For obvious reasons I will exclude o!ciel and sebastian, they are literally the protagonists, ofc we will see them again. Undertaker and r!ciel will also be excluded since they are the major antagonists right now and will also definitely appear again.
So let's begin:
1. An interrogation scene between layla and the reapers
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Remember that layla got captured by ronald and william? I definitely expect layla to make a return once she arrived in the shinigami corp. I'm not sure if I expect ronald to be there but william definitely will be and I can also see grell and othello watching since we haven't seen the two in quite a while
2. Another interrogation scene in scotland yard headquarters
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Blavat got arrested and was supposed to be put into prison and later appear in court alongsides o!ciel but since he and sebastian already escaped, blavat is the only one in prison. Considering scotland yard just freshly captured blavat, an interrogation about his motives is to be expected
3. Some focus on the midfords
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Lizzy is included as well (but that was the best picture I found). They obviously need to deal with the whole drama themselves and I definitely expect them to reappear and talk to each other about what they think about the twins drama and lizzys depression
4. Sieglinde and wolfram with their research and planning
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Sieglinde still has the blood samples from the sphere music hall and surely must have read what happened in the newspaper. I don't think she will just sit by and do nothing for the rest of the manga, I'm certain they will appear again somehow
5. A reunion between the servants, lau and ran mao
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Sebastian and o!ciel will probably be there too (or not depending on their mission) but I do expect those 5 to see each other again and exchange how their missions went. I think that's where they will find out that snake died
6. The queen and her servants
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Girlie has been awfully quiet since the twin reveal and I wonder when she will appear again. R!ciel mentioned needing to hold a audience with her but being too weak right now so who knows when she will appear again. I do think it will happen somehow
7. The p4 reuniting
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I don't think we will get something too big but I definitely think they will appear again. They were part of the sphere music hall so the police was on the lookout for them anyways. I do expect them to appear again and talk to violet since we haven't seen them reunite after blavat nearly killed violet
8. Soma focus (?)
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Now I wasn't sure if I should include him since I'm pretty certain he will be in the hotel that o!ciel and sebastian will visit next. But if he isn't in the hotel then he will definitely still appear afterwards. That man can not completely dip after agni died and he still falsely believes it was o!ciel
9. Tanaka (maybe with the servants?)
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Tanaka is still with r!ciel and undertaker but we haven't seen him in a good while. I do think we will see him again once yana finally shows r!ciel again. I theorize that maybe we will see some reunion between the servants and tanaka but that's probably something I just really want to see. I doubt tanaka will leave r!ciels side since he did say that he's forever serving the head/heir of phantomhive and o!ciel wasn't supposed to be
10. Some flashback with vincent
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That smug bastard will appear, I know it. I'm pretty sure he must have done something to end up dead so I think we will get a focus on him in a potential flashback from r!ciel. Afterall since r! ciel was raised to be the heir, I'm certain he spent more time with vincent than o!ciel did and probably did catch a few things here and there. Maybe that would explain why r!ciel caught onto the fact that something was off much quicker than o!ciel did
That was my little theory on who/what I think will appear/happen in the next arc after the missions. Hope you liked it!
If you have any corrections, additional thoughts or agree with anything, please let me know!
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
ARC REVIEW: The Lady He Lost by Faye Delacour
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3.5/5. Releases 4/2/2024.
Vibes: back from the dead, sweet guy/card sharp girl, unfinished business
Heat Index: 6/10
For two years, Lieutenant Eli Williams has been presumed dead following a shipwreck. He comes home to find that his money's gone (thanks to his brother), his fiancee married another man, and his former friend Jane... still hates him. Though Eli wants to fix things before returning to sea, Jane has bigger plans in mind. Eli chose her cousin over her, and she's bent on locking in her own future through her ladies' gambling club. As Eli works to regain her affection by bringing in new members, she's determined to resist--but can she?
This is one of those books where I liked the writing style and saw definite potential in the author (and it's important to note, I think, that this is her debut). However, I can't say that I was completely wowed. This is a brisk romance with some solid heat, and I would recommend it for readers who like something on the lighter side, if that makes sense. I just personally would've preferred a bit more done with this concept.
Quick Takes:
--Part of why I may be a little more on the "whelmed" side with this one is that I don't know that the marketing matches this book. This is a great cover--and I do feel like the lighting, the colors, the intimacy suggest something a bit angstier when coupled with the back copy. Despite it being a book about two people coming back together after the hero is presumed dead... It never felt that serious?
And because it didn't feel that serious, I also didn't really get the anger Jane felt towards Eli. Personally, it felt a bit "I had dibs on him!" which I.... don't care for! I enjoy an unlikable heroine, but I just didn't get Jane. I didn't get her beef with Eli. It felt unjustified, but it also felt like the story didn't get that it was unjustified, which made her come off as annoying. For me, at least. I did enjoy her angle as a card sharp.
--I appreciated Delacour's effort to add diversity into the story. Yes, a supporting queer character who doesn't suffer isn't like, smashing windows, but it does matter. Especially in historical romance, which can be more on the conservative side. Casual positive representation makes a difference, and it's the kind of little detail that makes me feel like the author was really thinking carefully as she wrote.
--Eli is a sweetie. The thing is that because he's a sweetie, you kind of have to accept him taking a lot of shit from Jane throughout the story. And if he's taking a lot of shit without really dishing it out, is it? Enemies to lovers? I'd say no. It's not a bad thing, but it's not enemies to lovers.
The Sex:
You get several good scenes, not that are super explicit, but all of which are sexy. I really enjoyed the fact that this is a book wherein the leads begin a "casual" situationship... While also clarifying that he can't put it in. Because historical romance and the heroine caring about whether or not she gets pregnant.
(Do they fully succeed in the whole "not putting it in" thing? Well, perhaps for longer than they would have had this book come out 20 years ago.)
You get some hero masturbation (yes!) some dry humping, and... ladies and gentlemen... we have virgin hero! The sex isn't crazy, but it is hot, in and in large part because of how Delacour writes Eli's mindset. Poor fella. God bless him.
I wish I'd loved this, but I was kind of in the camp of "it didn't thrill me, it didn't make me mad, and I do see promise". I'd like to try something else from Faye Delacour. However, I do think we need to see more drama to back up the hype for the next release.
Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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labratgirlz · 11 months
I have never played fnaf, watched a single video on it, or read anything about it. I have zero background knowledge. Please tell me everything about Michael Afton.
ok so. imagine if you will a man who runs a chuck e cheese style resturaunt robots and all with. some other guy? i do not think its clarified what their relationship is really. now imagine this mans cunt son. and also his son who cries a lot too. the cunt child is named michael and the crying child is called. the crying child. he doesnt have a canon name but some people think its evan because? reasons? i forgor. so the crying child is fucking terrified of these robots his dad makes because reasons and michael thinks this is the funniest shit in the world because hes a cunt and he has this mask of one of the robots so he just torments his brother like constantly. and at somepoint it gets to be the crying childs birthday and hes already scared shitless because its at the chuck e cheese style resturaunt with the robots he hates and michael once again thinks its funny as hell and he and his friends get the really smart and cool and normal idea to put the crying child in one of the robots mouths??? and the crying child fucking dies because the robot bites down. because of course it does its a singing robot thats what it does. crazy that it even breaks skin though let alone bone because that would take like a lot of force and this robot is presumably just like. plastic and metal. so idk why it was made to be so damn strong. anyways michael and crying childs dad william starts killing kids because reasons (he also just fucking?????? leaves the bodies.??????????????? he doesnt dispose of them???????????????????????) and then not much is clear aboug the next stretch of time between that and the time the first game is set (or the second depending on what order you think the games go in i guess) but Somehow michael figures out that these robots are getting possessed by the souls of the dead kids his dad is killing so he starts going around taking apart the robots because he thinks that will like free them or something (also william gets trapped in one of these robots and dies inside it and takes it over as well and that is relevant later). so michael goes to this one spin off slash sister location to the original resturaunt and there he gets all his organs removed by The Scooper which is exactly what it sounds like its basically a giant ice cream scooper. and then for like a week or something this amalgamation of some different robots (including the one possessed by his dead sister so thats fun) called ennard starts living inside of him until he starts rotting and they just kind of peace out into the sewars but michael is somehow still fucking alive so he starts going around and now hes burning the robots? because. reasons. its only a few that he actually burns though. like ten or something. and the robots that he ends up burning to free them are possessed by his sister, his dad, the first kid that his dad killed (who was also williams business partners daughter i dont think i mentioned that) and also some other robots that are possessed but arent important i dont think. and hes like. wow my job here is done. time to die in this fire also. and now hes dead forever and if anyone ever tells you that he lived to be in five nights at freddys security breach you should tell them that they are wrong and also that they should kill themselves thank you this has been a psa. i hate security breach
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ultrahpfan5blog · 2 years
Reflecting on Westworld S1-3
I haven't seen the season 4 premiere yet, but I am looking forward to it. Westworld is a show that hooked me right from the end of the premiere. I remember the exact scene. It was the scene with Dolores' host father and Anthony Hopkins. I think Season 1 of Westworld is right up there with the best season 1 of any show that I have seen. The acting was incredible across the board. Not a weak link in the cast. And I found the central mystery very interesting. The finale of season 1 was incredible and it left me eagerly anticipating season 2. But something happened in season 1, which kind of disrupted the writing of the show. Instead of enjoying the show and learning the answers as the show goes on, the audience became captivated with figuring out answers to the questions before the show aired them. And it seemed that Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan were frustrated by that. So season 2 became a cat and mouse game between the creators and the audience about whether the creators can outsmart the audience and the narrative became too confusing and convoluted.
I still think a vast majority of season 2 is fantastic. Right on par with season 1. The acting was outstanding again and I would say 'Kiksuya' is maybe one of the top 3 episodes of the show, if not the best. Some side characters, like Lee Sizemore, got a lot more depth, and characters like Logan became more sympathetic. But the show's storylines became significantly more convoluted and the whole idea of a 'Robot nirvana' was pretty silly, even within the context of the show. Also, the show kept teetering back and forth with William and Dolores was essentially more an antagonist than a protagonist for majority of the season. To me, season 2 was Thandie Newtons and Jeffrey Wright's season. But I think it just became a bit too confusing to follow by season 2.
With season 3, it seemed like the creators had realized that they maybe went too far with trying to confuse the audience. So instead of juggling with multiple timelines, we got a more streamlined narrative, and almost a reboot with a new setting and a new lead character in Caleb. Unfortunately, season 3 wasn't quite as interesting as previous 2 seasons. Even at its most convoluted, season 2 was always interesting. The loss of Westworld as a primary setting, and a bit of trouble juggling characters, ended with the show feeling a little unbalanced. Jeffrey Wright really only got one scene in the entire season to flex his acting muscles. Ed Harris was largely wasted barring one episode and then his character was seemingly killed off, but I guess season 4 will clarify whether he's actually dead. Even Thandie Newton, who absolutely slayed in season 2, was not used well. ERW, Tessa Thompson, Aaron Paul, and Vincent Cassel essentially carried the season. Season 3 is still solid, with excellent acting and great production values, but it lost the spark that made the show unique. Time will tell if season 4 will regain it or not. Regardless, I am looking forward to it.
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how is cameron dealing
like with everything
like just dealing with his old friends' kids going through something he went through (in terms of the club i mean)
also like how are the poets friendships gonna work w/ each other - like who's gonna be closer i mean pitts and meeks duo is kinda dead like the anderperry and charlie and neil duo so im interested in knowing how their dynamic is gonna be
me: pls ask me the hard questions about dps 2, i need to brainstorm
hal: asks a hard question
me: pikachu face
okay cameron's character: the easy thing to do would be to make him a bitch with a stick up his ass, but he's more complex than mr. nolan
he's more respected by students and he's a lot nicer to them. he abides by parents (and the school board's) wishes to keep Welton conservative and traditional, but he wants it to prosper and progress so the students aren't stuck in the past all the time (hence why he combines Welton and Henley and starts admitting girls into Welton). he runs a tight ship though, tries to keep his students in line
he keeps a close eye on the children of his former friends, he has a soft spot for them
when he finds out about dps, he's more concerned about what they discussed in the meetings than like the non-conformist poetry part of it. i don't want to spoil too much, but he's worried about the kids' well-beings. but since they were sneaking out, skipping extracurriculars, and doing the non-conformist poetry part, he has to play bad cop. kinda like how stealing is illegal, even when you're stealing a loaf of bread for starving children. he understands why, but he still has to bring the hammer down
idk if that actually answered your question lol let me know if i can clarify
per the group's dynamic, a couple of things: i am doing the whole meeks-goes-to-vietnam-and-doesn't-come-back bc i need a kid's parent to be unreasonable and akin to mr. perry, without just Doing mr. perry again. so... no steven meeks :( if mr ruggiero hadn't said that's what would happen, i probably wouldn't do it, but now it's all i think
i'm writing this as though todd hasn't had much connection with the rest of the Crew since they left Welton, just occasional things like weddings and funerals. at the beginning of the story, i'd say he's closest with pitts and checks in with him a lot, but they're not like regularly drinking beer on the back porch or anything. but he's very much in a different world than the rest of the group; doesn't send his kid to Welton, lives near a city, j chillin'
pitts is pretty down in the dumps to say the least, with his bff gone and he's a vietnam veteran so he's sad, to put it mildly. bc of this, all the guys check in with him often, so he's kind of the hub if you will. he knows what's happening with everyone and with their kids (like what sports they do n stuff). he sees knox and cam since all of their kids go to Welton, but they're not besties anymore
cam is in an odd position friend wise, bc he's the headmaster so he sees everyone a lot, but as parents of his students, so he's not buddy-buddy with them necessarily
charlie has just returned to welton so he's getting reacquainted with everyone again. before the story starts, he and cam spend the summer together as he gets ready to start teaching (i know that sounds gay, but it's not, unfortunately), so he and cam are probably the closest. that said, he is the first one of the group todd opens up to , so he and todd become close again.
omg and then mr william meeks. yeah, none of them like him. he's EXACTLY like their parents. pitts is familiar with him since he's the brother of his dead best friend, but he doesn't like him.
ALL OF THAT SAID, they are not best friends anymore. so they don't have a great group dynamic necessarily, which i know was kinda the question so... sorry i'm still figuring it out lol again if i can clarify anything, ask away. this is good for me lol
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Hi Marr! I’m sorry if this ask is troublesome, but I’ve just been thinking about it and wanted to hear someone else’s thoughts. So we can hopefully assume that William and Sherlock are gonna stay in London now. But with everything that happened and their faces being public knowledge by this point, what are your guesses on how they are going to handle the reaction of the people of London. In Sherlock’s case, the return of the great detective who was thought to have died would be something that would be met with joy, but the people of London all know of William as the Lord of Crime, the man who threw the city into chaos. People will be less than pleased if it comes to be known that he’s still alive and back in London. Of course, you wouldn’t know what kind of direction would the story take, but as a writer yourself, what do you think would be the best way to handle this situation?
My suspicion is that this is going to be handled one two ways.
Option One: This is never addressed, ever, much like how "Irene Adler's" return for the dead was never addressed (although he immediately reverted to Bond, so if anyone was looking for Adler...idk, I guess Sherlock gets to be an ass to them? But also Mycroft is the Secretary of State so.) Or how Albert is out of jail (I mean, I guess he was theoretically given a pardon, but also this has never been clarified).
I'd like to say this isn't something I'd do myself, but that's a lie, because I have done this before, in a story in college. I had a character age from 15 to 23 and gave him a giant facial scar and most people didn't recognize him unless he wanted to be. This was silly.
But it's fiction and it served the story best and who cares that it was kind of a silly plot contrivance when it was dramatic? Lots of plot contrivances are silly.
Option Two: How this is handed is explicitly tied to whatever William's "answer" to atonement is. Maybe he will reveal himself (I find this sort of unlikely, given that John's books/the ACD canon exists in this universe, and thus William is very publicly dead). Maybe people will conveniently not really remember the face of someone who was in one newspaper literally years ago (I'm not sure that's even a silly plot contrivance, really). Or maybe he will have to arrange what he does specifically to avoid this fact. But Moran has been wandering around, even if "nameless" even though he's publicly and legally dead, so, I don't think the series cares so much about that kind of thing.
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ascendance - 03
PAIRING: mob!bucky barnes x reader
WARNINGS: abduction, age gap (reader is 23, bucky is 37)
A/N: it’s short and still not as exciting as it is about to become but we gotta build a ✨ foundation✨  first. hope you enjoy xx
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Bucky was standing in the kitchen, back leaned against the counter of the kitchen with his eyes on the girl who was currently sat in his couch with a badly bandaged hand. He was never good at first aid, he hadn’t been good at it with his sister and he definitely hadn’t been good with her, yet he thought it would be best than let her bleed out onto her costume which she still hadn’t taken out and that included her wig. He knew what hair looked like, he could see it in the back of his mind from the dark costume room, her hair pushed back into the same hairstyle most of the girls in the opera house had. Yet he also knew that getting out of her costume was the last thing going in her mind despite him not knowing at all what was going on in her head. She just stood in silence, looking at the wall of the TV but the TV was off, despite the fact the remote was next to her. 
What was he even supposed to do with her? He couldn’t tie her to the bed or hide her in the basement, he didn’t have a basement. Besides, he didn’t know whenever she’d actually be used as a trading chip so he didn’t know how long he would have to babysit her. How was he even supposed to do John’s bidding if he had to keep an eye on her? It wasn’t like he could leave, she would try to escape. Heck, she’d even try to escape when he was in the apartment. This was a mess, a mess he needed to clean, a mess he didn’t know how to clean. 
The door bell was the first sound in that flat for 2 hours and he sighed out of relief he could finally leave and not have to stare at her and her Bambi like stare. Damned Billy. 
     - She’s a runner. - Bucky said as he opened the door, a stunned Billy walking in like a scared little mouse. - I’ll be gone for two hours. Make sure she’s okay, not bleeding and definitely not escaping. 
Billy nodded his head like a bobble doll, standing stiff by the door as Bucky grabbed the keys to his bike and left. Y/N finally looked up, away from the wall and at Billy. He couldn’t be older than her, and if he were, he couldn’t be more than a year or two older than her. He had shaggy hair and eyes which were filled with insecurity and fear yet a facade of strength which he definitely did not have. She should’ve been mad at him, after all he was the one who misunderstood the assignment (whatever it was) and got her hostage. Yet, she merely saw a boy who was scared, perhaps as scared as she was. 
    - I’m Y/N. - she pipped up as if the two of them were co-workers who were just meeting.
    - Billy.
    - Is that a nickname or a name ... you know like Billy Bigelow. 
    - Billy Bigelow’s a wife beater. - he snickered. - My name’s William but they call me Billy.
    - Do you like being called Billy? I can call you William if you want. 
    - Will.
    - Pardon?
    - I like being called Will but John said it sounds childish. - he clarified, slightly kicking the air like a petulant child. 
    - I like Will better. - she moved towards the end of the couch, patting the pillow next to her. - Do you wanna sit?
   - He doesn’t like it when people sit in his couch. 
   - Well .. I’m sat in the couch and he didn’t say anything, besides, how would he even know you were sat in the couch. 
There wasn’t much she knew about the man who had been overseeing her. She didn’t even knew his name other than the “Soldat” nickname she’d heard John call him. It wasn’t like she particularly cared about knowing him, after all he was the one who was keeping her hostage and he was also the one who had kept her alive. Yet, at this point she wondered if being alive was a faith worse than being dead. How bad is death anyway, she pondered. Maybe it hurts to leave, but it doesn’t hurt to stay dead. She wanted to believe in what he had told her, she wanted to believe that all of this was just a big nightmare, it was just a hiccup in her path. She was gonna go back, she was going back, she had to go back. She had no choice but to go back. 
Her eyes lingered on the broken window, covered by a piece of cardboard tapped to the broken glass, a shattering reminder that she had failed at escaping, had failed at leaving. She should’ve fought harder to escape, she should’ve said no when the main soprano asked her for help. She should’ve just ... done what she was hired to do. The mere thought of the opera house made her eyes swell with tears. She had been so close.
    - I’m sorry. - Will blurted out, his words causing her to immediately wipe her eyes before the tears could actually roll down. - I screwed up, didn’t mean to ruin your shot. 
    - That’s ... that’s fine. - she breathed out. - They’re gonna let me go at some point, right? They can’t keep me forever.
    - Yeah, eventually someone else will screw up. - he scratched the back of his neck. - It’s nice he didn’t tie you down or handcuff you to the bed. 
    - It’s a nice ... arrangement, I guess. 
    - Do you wanna watch Carousel? It’s always rerunning on channel 6. 
    - Are we allowed to watch TV? If you’re not allowed on the couch, I doubt the TV is a yes. 
    - He won’t know.
The beginning of the film was bittersweet as it immediately took her back to better days. Back to when she rented her very first flat in New York while a sophomore at Julliard, when she only had her laptop and a few pillows which made the very old studio flat look like a home, she would sit down in the worn out mattress with her laptop and watch old golden age musicals dreaming of the time she would be on stage. The beginning notes of the overture only brought her back to nights when the rain was harshly falling down on the rain and she was sat in her, open books of several opera music theories lightened up by the low blue light of her laptop. She had fought so hard and she was going to fight even harder to get out of this. She was going to be back in those grounds and with heavy, sleep filled eyes, she swore she would get back to the stage. 
Bucky parked the bike by the sidewalk, sighing as he realised he was not going to an empty home, the same empty home he had fought for. He liked peace and quiet, he liked to be surrounded by nothing but him and his thoughts yet now he had to come back to some girl staying in his house who was keen on breaking all off his windows. Just what he needed, someone coming into his home to fix the window. How was he going to achieve that? 
He opened the door and threw the keys somewhere onto the table near the door. Billy was standing up by the couch, Carousel was playing on the TV and she was sleeping on the couch, surrounded by the fabric of the costume she still hadn’t taken off. Not that she had anything to change into.
   - She’s sweet. - Billy rubbed the sole of his shoe against the ground. 
   - You think all girls are sweet. - Bucky walked to his kitchen, making himself a glass of whiskey. - You old enough to drink, kid?
    - I have to drive back home. 
    - She behaved? - he moved the glass in her direction, eyes lingering a bit too long on her sleeping figure. 
    - She fell asleep mid the film. Hm ... I’m gonna go. Thanks for everything, Bucky, specially with John. 
    - You should get going, kid. Your mother and father will worry.
The sound of the closed door left the two of them alone once again. What was he supposed to do with her? How was he even supposed to do his ... his duties if he constantly needed someone to watch her so she doesn’t try to escape? Where is he even supposed to find someone to watch her? Kidnappingvictims babysitting.com? He sighed out of frustration, whipping his head in her direction almost upset she existed; yet, looking at her sleeping form calmed down his features.
He put the glass in the sink, walking to his couch where she was. Somehow he always ended up in tricky situations and this had to be in the top 5 worst decisions. Yet, she didn’t deserve dying, she didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t her fault any of this had happened. She was just at the wrong place, she was just somewhere she shouldn’t have been and Bucky couldn’t blame her for that. He put a hand on the couch and snaked an arm under her figure, lifting her up from the couch and holding her flush against his chest. Her head instinctually fell against his chest, nose nuzzling his black t-shirt.
There was nothing he could do now. In all honesty, he couldn’t think of anyone in his inner circle where she would be at least in safety. The group of people he hanged around weren’t particularly of high moral standards and he wasn’t a saint either, god, he was closer to being the devil than being a saint; yet, he knew things and he knew what awaited her if she had been assigned to anyone else. In his mind all of this would be over soon; either Billy or one of the newbies would screw up and get them in trouble with the police and then John would trade her in so he wouldn’t go to prison. It was only a matter of time. 
He laid her down on his bed, pulling the comforter over her and taking a final look at her before exiting the room and taking to the couch. He pulled at the bottom of the furniture, the pillows unfolding to form a small bed which his feet would inevitably fall off, yet they didn’t make any bigger couches which turned into beds and he had never expected to have any company in his flat anyway. He too eventually fell asleep, lit by the low blue light of the TV. 
The morning was a harsh reminder for Y/N that this whole situation was not a nightmare but her reality. Her hand pushed her torso off the bed, sleepish eyes looking around as she tried to figure out where she was. She didn’t remember falling asleep in a bed but that didn’t matter because she quickly realised she was alone. She couldn’t hear anything but the ambience sounds coming from the window. She was alone. As that thought registered, she kicked the comforter away from her body and settled her feet to the ground, rushing in silent steps to the door which she opened. Her eyes registered a clear path from where she was to the exit door whose chain was down. She bite on her lip before stepping out of the bedroom.
    - Where are you going? - the familiar voice stopped her in her tracks. Y/N considered making a run from it but just as she convinced herself of that idea, he stepped in front of her, standing like a big wall keeping her from freedom. He looked her down, like a small, inoffensive prey. She thought of running once more, but she was smart enough to know he would easily overpower her. - Where are you going? 
    - Hm ... - think, anything, just think of anything. - The bathroom.
He scoffed, walking forward and towards her but she stepped back every time he got closer until her back hit the door. She stood there, small and wondering what to do as the man whose name she still did not know stood close to her, close enough she could almost feel the permeating heat coming from his body. His gloved fingers pinched her chin, pushing it up so her eyes looked into his. They were blue, a shade of blue she couldn’t really say she’d ever seen and maybe if she were in a different situation, she would’ve even said they were hypnotising. Yet, now, they just bore into hers, as if he was digging into her subconscious. He leaned closer, fingers still holding her chin up.
    - Liar. - his voice was deep and husky, deep enough it sounded like a whisper. He let go of her chin, stepping back and returning to the kitchen while she remained against the door. - We had a deal. 
    - I know. 
    - Are you trying to get yourself killed, kid? - he asked in a dry voice. 
    - Don’t call me kid. - she didn’t know what else to say. What could she said after all? - It’s condescending. 
    - You didn’t answer me, Y/N. - he emphasised her name. It sounded almost wrong for him to be calling her that, yet she guessed it was better than kid. Sure, he was definitely older than her but she wasn’t young enough to be called kid. She couldn’t even recall the last time someone called her kid. - Are you trying to get yourself killed?
    - No. 
    - Then what are you doing?
    - I don’t know.
    - You need to trust me. 
    - Why should I? I don’t know you, I don’t even know your name so why should I trust you? For all I know you could be lying to me. 
    - You think I wanna play babysitting with you? I would much rather have a free home than have you run around in costume. - he glared at her. - And you don’t need to know my name, you need to do what I tell you to do if you wanna come out of this alive. 
    - Well what if I don’t want to? - she narrowed her eyes. 
    - You want to fucking die? Is that it? - he sneered. - Because that would’ve saved the fucking headache that you’ve been. 
    - Maybe you should’ve killed me. You had no problem killing Tommy. - her words were mindless yet filled with some sort of anger. She didn’t realise what she had said until she saw his face.
His facade seemed to drop before his jaw clenched, eyes hardened as he raised his head to look her up and down. She held the knob of the door, ready to open it and escape into the bedroom but he didn’t do anything. He just looked at her, angry before he made a move yet he didn’t walk her direction, he merely opened the fridge to take a water bottle yet that look, that look still remained. 
   - What do you want from me? - she pried. - I had a life, you know. I had plans and ...
   - So did I. You don’t wanna be a kid? Stop acting like one. 
   - My parents don’t know where I am. - she followed him into the kitchen. - I am their only child and I call them everyday. At least, let me call them, let me tell them I’m safe.​
   - I can’t, that’s not how things work. 
   - So what? You’re just gonna keep me here? Forever?
   - Trust me, kid, it’s not exactly what I want either. It’s not my choice and it’s definitely not yours. 
   - I am not gonna stop trying to escape.
   - Based on how well you’ve done so far, I wouldn’t hold my breathe. 
TAGLIST: @lookiamtrying @buckyswillows @blossomslibrary @juliesland @iloveshawnieboi​ @unmagically @red-head011
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hello could I please request Soma, Agni, Charles Grey, Dagger, Finny, and Joker falling for Ciels older sister?
It’s been honestly a while since I wrote about Black Butler.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, possessiveness, delusions, paranoia, clinginess
Falling for Ciel’s older sister
First of all I would like to clarify something. Ciel would be really respectful since you’re his older sister. You’re the only family he has left and due to that he would be really protective and possessive over you. If you would have been his twin or younger sister he would most likely lock you away from any potential suitor. But since you’re older, he wouldn’t do that. We’re also going to assume that you know about Sebastian.
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🌻Finny is devoted to his master, loyal and ready to do about everything he can do for Ciel to be safe. Due to that for Finny it would be, despite him being delusional, a shock when he finds himself falling for his lord’s older sister. If we already mentioned the point delusions, I think he would be with his false imaginations pushed in a corner in this scenario. He still believes that you and him love each other and still sees you as weak. But the point that you need his protection would fall in the water since you’re protected by Ciel and Sebastian. And to both Finny looks up so he knows that you’re safe with them.
🌻Ciel on the other hand would be a bit angry at Finny. He trusted that guy as one of his servants and now that idiot pins after his sister. On the other hand Ciel has full control over Finny and will at first most likely try to boss Finny around so he doesn’t get the chance to follow you around anymore. He wouldn’t be really rough to you since I imagine that Ciel’s older sister can be really terrifying if angry, meaning that this boy here is scared of his sister and her horrific outbursts. Would most likely try to talk her into that there are more fitting people, that it would be a scandal if a noble and a gardener come together and all other norms and rules that scream no to this.
🌻But he would never do more than that and if you still insist on continuing to spend time with the blonde, at one point Ciel will give up. At the beginning he would be a bit iffy about all of this, but on the other hand the thing that made him so angry at the beginning will lead him to slowly loosing up after some time. He trusts Finny to a certain extent and he knows him, plus the fact that Finny is under his control which might just be the best thing about all of this.
🌻Normally Finny would kidnap you or isolate you, probably even breaking your legs if you would try to run away. All of this will be crossed out due to younger brother and demon butler watching. Because Finny is aware of the fact that Ciel trusts him with his beloved sister and wouldn’t want to screw it up. He would be dead meat if that should happen.
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🔪We’re going with an AU where those guys survived. In that case Dagger might have known you beforehand since you didn’t miss the chance to spy on your little brother and also watching Sebastian and William performing. Whilst Ciel would never involve her too personally in his cases, I can see Ciel letting his sister help him, letting her read the tasks and allowing her to give her own ideas and suspicions. So Dagger most likely fell for you without even knowing at first who you were. And when he did, he totally panicked, his delusions telling him to save you from that monster there and bring you to your soulmate.
🔪And in this case Ciel would totally lose it for the simple reason that Dagger is in his mind categorized as a thief, liar and murderer, a criminal through and through. And that’s exactly trash Ciel won’t allow anywhere near you. And if you still express interest in him, he might just become a bit more forceful, most likely because he’s worried. That guy is a criminal for the love of god! He kidnapped children and helped directly getting them killed, murdered innocent citizens and is a swindler and you still want to spend time with him?!
🔪The situation is very difficult for Ciel and Dagger. Ciel distrusts Dagger and Dagger sees Ciel as someone bad he has to protect you from. But the fact remains that Dagger knows too well that he can’t beat the servants of the Phantomhive household and just to be near you would most likely leave the circus because they keep moving whilst you would stay in here. A possible way to solve this would be adopting Dagger next to Snake as a new servant of the manor and yes, it was all your decision. Ciel won’t approve at all and similar to with Finny he would boss Dagger around, but a lot more like a slave since he doesn’t like that guy one bit.
🔪Even after years he would never stop being mean and cautious to Dagger, but over time he will at least start accepting him in one way or another, most likely to you. But he makes it very clear that one slip-up will lead to Dagger getting kicked out, meaning that it’ll be your job to help Dagger’s paranoia and delusions. But Dagger’s view on Ciel will change over time due to the fact that he will realize at one point that Ciel allowed him in the first place to be together with you and would for that start showing a lot of gratitude.
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🤡Joker is aware of the consequences which will come after finding out that his darling is no other than Ciel’s older sister. He and Ciel don’t share the best past together, Ciel tried to kill him and he tried to kill Ciel. So both of them are really anything, but on good terms with each other. And Joker also knows that you were involved, helping solving this case. You know his past and due to that he feels a sense of shame which would make it all the more surprising for him when you still seem to care for him.
🤡For Ciel it would be a similar reaction like with Dagger. But Ciel and Joker share a bit more history than he shared with Dagger, adding new spice to this. In a way he holds more respect for the Earl since he’s ashamed of his behavior and doesn’t think of Ciel as danger he has to protect his darling from. I feel like Joker would be a lot more humble in this scenario since he already lost to Ciel and knows that there is nothing he can do.
🤡I think it would be similar to with Dagger, Joker would end up being another servant. Maybe even the whole troupe would start working under Ciel since Joker is the leader which would make Snake very happy. There is this awkwardness and certain tension between those two and it’ll always be there. But Joker would work really hard to gain Ciel’s trust and try to put the dislike he has for him away for your sake. And that will earn Ciel’s respect at one point. But he will still order that man around really badly, pushing him to his limits. But at least he now isn’t as disapproving anymore.
🤡Joker knows that he has to watch his back all the time since he just knows that that red-eyed butler watches him all the freaking time. Due to the fact you’re smart and his master, Joker knows that manipulating you won’t do anything. But it isn’t like he sees the need to do it, he knows it’ll be fruitless. He’s just so thankful that you found it in your heart to give him and his friends a new chance. But Ciel and Joker will never really like each other, all they’ll do is learning how to live with each other’s presence. But I suppose that’s better than nothing.
Prince Soma
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🍛Soma is delusional, that won’t change and he’s still convinced that his darling loves him just as much as he loves her. But here’s the interesting thing, I feel like he would be really apologetic to Ciel. Soma sees Ciel as a really close friend of his and cares for him very much. And he also knows that his friend cares greatly for his sister and that she’s, next to him of course, the only person he trusts. And Soma monopolizes your time a lot, meaning he’ll feel bad and whenever Ciel seems upset about it, he’ll start throwing a drama.
🍛Ciel won’t be mad, he’ll be hella annoyed by this. He doesn’t dislike Soma, seeing him as an acquaintance of his, a too close one for his taste. And he knows too well how Soma tends to be and would feel bad for letting his sister endure all of this by herself. Trying to get his alone time with you is as good as impossible too since Soma is always there and at one point Ciel will simply leave the room since Soma’s doting and all lovey-dovey way is too much to witness for him.
🍛There is really not much he can do since Soma and you are, at least in Soma’s eyes, already a couple and Soma is a prince after all. I can see Soma wanting to spend a lot more time with Ciel too since Ciel is going to be his brother-in-law anyways, putting Ciel through a harsh patience test. The thing is that Soma would totally have mood swings due to falling for his best friend’s sister. On one day he would be all energetic and excited and on the other day he’ll be a whiny and tantrum throwing mess, most likely happening when Ciel snaps at him.
🍛I guess as Ciel’s sister you would already live a pretty noble and good life, but if we throw Soma in be prepared for him being all spoiling and pampering with you. Even Ciel will be gifted quite often as another apology sign from Soma’s side. And at one point Ciel will just have to straightforward tell Soma that he’s fine with him being together with his sister or else that guy will never stop throwing himself around Ciel’s neck and apologizing whenever Ciel’s thread of patience runs thin.
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🤜Whilst his prince would feel moody about this, Agni would feel nothing, but shame. For Agni it would be a more slow fall, but the moment he starts gaining feelings, there is no turn back. And he respects Ciel for putting up with his sometimes difficult prince and also acknowledges the young boy for all the hard work he does daily. He would most likely tell Ciel that he has feelings for his sister the moment he realized that he couldn’t ignore them.
🤜And Ciel would have a difficult time judging here. He’s not pleased to hear that the butler from Soma fell for his older sister. On the other hand Agni did gain a bit respect from him since he managed to make a draw back then when he had a swordfight with Sebastian. Agni’s nature is another thing that would give Ciel a hard time since he did tell him after all the truth and seems ashamed of it himself.
🤜I think due to his debating mindset, Ciel would choose to step back a bit and let you do the decisions for now until he’s observed enough to make a judgement call in here. Soma would for sure be shipper number one the moment he found out, leading to him pushing the rather timid and insecure butler of his to spend more time with you, even giving him in his overeagerness some courting tips.
🤜He is a butler, sure. But he’s highly respectful and adoring towards his darling. And that is all Ciel will have to see from his observations to have a peaceful mind. Of course his overprotectiveness will never fully disappear, but he’ll start trusting Agni over time more and more with you. And for Agni this would be a huge honor considering the fact that normally butlers would never be allowed to even be that close to a noble lady like you are. And it’ll even happen that Ciel has to drag Soma away so his sister and Agni can enjoy some time together.
Charles Grey
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🤺Charles curiosity in you would most likely be sparked due to the fact that you’re Ciel’s sister and he seems so protective over you. And this spark out of curiosity led to a war starting obsession. Charles would be at first a bit surprised at this, but he won’t feel ashamed of it at all. That guy thinks highly of himself and would in the end just like imagining that he’s the perfect guy for you. He is after all charming, good-looking and has the position, he’s the Queen’s butler after all.
🤺Ciel isn’t on best terms with Charles Grey and the first word that would come to his mind when finding out about this would be bastard. Problem here is Charles high position, he’s directly connected to the Queen after all. And as a very sneaky guy he would often set up events, balls for example where Ciel’s and his sister’s presence are expected, putting pressure onto Ciel. The only thing Ciel can do without embarrassing himself too much is tell you very clearly that Charles isn’t the best guy to talk to.
🤺Charles will absolutely do everything to get closer to you and as a very funny and charming guy it won’t be hard for him to form a quick connection to you. And he can and will rub salt into Ciel’s wounded pride the moment you start liking him and wanting to spend more time with him. It’s all about teasing with Charles and Ciel will become a victim of his and all of that without even having to do anything else besides talking to you and getting closer to you.
🤺That does not mean that you’re blind to that fact either and it’ll end in you lecturing him about this like a mother would do with their child. And that’ll cause Charles only to become more obsessed with you. Your power position isn’t all that useful like many would think since Charles is a.) himself in a pretty good situation and b.) is highly smart and will use bribing and blackmailing to his advantage. But he also isn’t blind to the fact that Ciel himself is really smart and has an eye out for him which is why he would go through the normal way of courting you. And your poor brother will have to endure his teasing and mocking all the time when he is forced to spend time with Charles.
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Tough Decisions
A/N: Hey there! I said I was going to write Peter Stone angst, and here it is! This is based on one of the HC’s I wrote; make sure you read the tags!
Tags: implied smut, angst, miscarriage, blood
Words: 2436
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @shroomiehomie @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @prettypyschoinpink @cycat4077 @redlipstickandplaid @joanofarkansass
When the doctor announced that you were pregnant, you and Peter were over the moon. And when she then dropped that you were pregnant with twins, your eyes went wide. You glanced at Peter, whose shock match yours, before a broad grin stretched across his face, and he hugged you excitedly.
“Twins!” he whispered against your shoulder before he kissed your cheek.
Peter was a model husband the entire pregnancy; of course, he still worked, as did you, but he waited on you hand and foot whenever you were together. And once your due date was close, you took maternity leave, Peter taking the copious vacation days he had saved up for this moment. His paternity leave would technically start after you gave birth, but he was there every step of the way.
A few weeks after the twins were born, Peter started going back to work—half days, just to save up vacation time again. You were lucky enough to be able to work from home, not wanting a nanny yet, not when your boys were so young.
One night, Peter came home—one of the first full days he was back at work—and kissed you desperately.
“Are the twins in bed?” he asked hoarsely, hands on your hips.
You giggled at his eagerness. “They are.”
“Good—it’s been too long,” he growled, kissing you again.
He pulled you towards the bedroom, tiptoeing past the nursery. You were both not wanting more kids, and he made sure to pull on a condom. It wasn’t until after he was climbing off you, moving to remove the condom, that you both noticed it broke.
“R-remember how long it took you to get pregnant the first time? There’s no way—”
“I still have extra tests; I’ll take one tomorrow,” you said, cutting him off.
Peter nodded. “For now, let’s go to the bathroom, clean you up.”
As luck would have it, you did get pregnant from that broken condom. After talking it out, both you and Peter decided to keep it—one more little Stone wouldn’t be that big of a deal…right? Even so, Peter called his doctor, making an appointment for a vasectomy.
It took Peter a full 5 months after the twins’ birth to succumb to Sonny’s persistent nagging to meet them. You just chuckled, shaking your head as you got the twins ready and made your way down to the precinct. Peter was already there, working; well, trying to work a deal with a perp, and then threatening him with extended jailtime when he declined.
He came out of the interview room, cocking his head at the commotion he heard by the detective’s desks. He smiled proudly as he saw you, surrounded by his friends and coworkers, all of whom were cooing over your babies.
“God, they both look just like Stone,” Sonny said, wiggling his fingers in front of one of the boy’s faces. Ben, if Peter had to guess.
“They really do; they got that blond hair and the same chin,” you replied, smiling. Your eyes were locked on Ben’s little hand, wrapping around Sonny’s finger.
Peter made his way over with Olivia, and when he stood next to you, he puffed his chest out proudly. “They’re my little mini-me’s,” he beamed. He kissed your cheek, then scooped Billy from your arms.
“Congratulations, you two,” Olivia said, a bright smile on her face as well.
“Wait, Ben and Billy? Can I ask where you got the names?” Amanda asked, looking at you both.
Peter shifted Billy in his arms, bouncing him slightly. “Ben is named after my father. And Billy is named after Billy Williams—”
“The Cubs player?” Amanda questioned, her eyes lighting up.
He huffed; of course she knew him. “Well, yes—”
“Carisi, you owe me $20, and Fin, you owe me $10!” Amanda announced excitedly. You and Peter gave her a look, and she quickly clarified, “I knew you’d name a kid after a ball player!”
Peter’s cheeks grew pink, and you laughed.
The merriment was cut off as the perp Peter and Olivia had been meeting with was dragged through the precinct by an officer. “You and your whore are dead, Stone! And those two little bastards!”
You pulled Ben closer to your chest, suddenly wishing you had Billy in your arms, too. Peter stared the man down, moving to stand between you and the perp, blocking your line of sight. But not before you saw the pure hatred in the man’s eyes. It also didn’t make you feel any better seeing how burly the man was compared to the officer pulling him away; the perp had a full foot on him, not to mention a few hundred pounds.
Peter turned back to you, seeing how shaken you looked. “In other news, my lovely wife is six weeks pregnant,” he announced to the silent precinct.
The detectives exploded with giddiness, congratulating you both. You smiled, thanking them, but you couldn’t get the image of that man’s eyes out of your mind. Peter could still sense you were off, even with your smile, and he kissed the top of your head.
“I think I’m going to take this little lady and my little pebbles home now, get them some rest. Call me if you need me,” he said, turning you towards the exit.
“You’ll have to bring them back in sometime; they’re too damn cute…. And if you ever need an emergency babysitter, you have my number!” Sonny called after you both, making Peter chuckle, thanking him.
You were still carrying Ben, Peter carrying Billy, when there was an animalistic roar from the left. You turned to look and saw that perp from before charging straight for you. You instinctively turned away from him, clutching Ben to you for protection. Peter, with Billy in his arms, could only let out a yell as the man collided with your back. You grunted, falling forward, your legs knocked out from under you. Time seemed to slow as you fell, and you rolled in midair, hoping to land on your back and not on your baby. Though, the movement shifted you to the side slightly, and you hit the back of your head on the corner of a desk. You were unconscious before you hit the floor.
Peter saw the man hit you, and saw you twist in midair. You landed on your back, Ben landing softly on your chest. He started to cry, and then Sonny and Fin were tackling the perp to the ground. Peter was frozen as he looked at your lifeless body, blood starting to pool on the white tile by your head. Olivia and Amanda were there in an instant, trying to stop the bleeding. One of them—Peter couldn’t tell which—handed him Ben. Billy, hearing his twin cry, started to wail, and Peter finally moved, bouncing them both and trying to calm them. But his eyes never left your face, your eyes closed and a halo of dark red around you.
“Wh-what just happened?” he muttered, stunned.
Olivia was talking in her radio and shouting orders while Amanda was pushing towels—Peter missed when she got them—to the back of your head. The paramedics got there after an indescribable amount of time passed, and Peter watched them place you on the gurney.
“Stone? Stone!...Peter!” Olivia said, trying to get his attention. His eyes snapped to her face. “You can’t ride in the ambulance with the twins—I’ll give you a ride, okay?” He nodded dumbly, allowing her to guide him out to her car.
Ben and Billy finally stopped crying—Peter was still holding them while sitting in the backseat, since Olivia didn’t have a baby seat in her squad car—and Peter just stared out the windshield.
“She’ll be fine, Peter; she’s a fighter,” Olivia was saying.
It took him a while to figure out that she was talking about you. It struck him then that he may have just…lost you. Lost you and the child you were carrying. And he had done nothing to protect you. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling over and down his cheeks. It was like he had awoken from a dream, a nightmare really, and he was conscious of his surroundings once more.
“I-I want that bastard to get the needle,” he muttered. He glanced down at his little boys, both of which passed out from crying so much. How the fuck would he be able to raise these beautiful boys without you?
“You won’t be able to prosecute—”
“I can’t lose her, Liv. Either of them. I-I can’t,” Peter choked out. Now that the realization hit him, he couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
Olivia gave him a sympathetic look in the rearview mirror. “I know, Peter. I know.”
By the time they got to the hospital, you were already back in surgery. Peter carried the twins to the lobby, sitting down gently in a chair, and pulling his sleeping babes to his chest. They anchored him, kept him in reality. He stopped crying, needing to stay strong for them, especially once they both awoke. He bounced both knees, gently rocking them as he tried to keep his world—their world—from falling apart. Sonny and Amanda showed up soon after, and then it seemed like the whole precinct was there, to give you and Peter support.
Amanda and Olivia eventually took one twin each, letting Peter rub his face with his hands…and letting him have another good cry. Sonny tried to comfort him, but his words fell flat. There was nothing to say.
Eventually, a doctor came out, glancing at the officers filling the lobby. Peter stood, hurrying to him, hopeful but also terrified.
“Are you Mr. Stone?” he asked.
He nodded. “Y-yes…please, tell me, how is she?”
“I’m sorry; your wife is barely hanging on. But…if we don’t terminate the pregnancy, she may not make it. We need your signature to okay the procedure,” the doctor explained.
Sound ceased and the floor fell away as Peter’s world came to a grinding halt. All eyes were on him, but he couldn’t feel them; all he felt was a deep, reverberating sadness.
“Mr. Stone? Do we have your consent?” the doctor pushed; time was short.
“…yes. Please, save my wife. I’ll sign whatever forms I need to, just save my wife,” Peter pleaded.
The doctor nodded, handing him a clipboard with a form. He didn’t even read it before signing, but he felt as if he was signing away a part of himself. The doctor took the clipboard back, then gave him a look. “I’m so sorry.” And then he was rushing off.
A figure—Sonny, though Peter couldn’t see him—approached, and he collapsed into the detective’s arms, sobbing. Sonny rubbed his back, but there was nothing he could do to lessen the weight in Peter’s heart. He guided him back to a chair, then offered to go grab water and snacks, before leaving.
Everyone gave Peter space, trying to let him cry privately, only Olivia and Amanda staying close, so that his babies were at least close; a reminder that he hadn’t lost everything. As the hours ticked by, the only people who left were the ones that had to go to work.
The doctor finally came back. Peter had just stopped crying and was holding his twins once more when the doctor came up to him.
“Your wife is out of surgery and is stable. She’s still unconscious and weak. I’ll let you know when you may see her,” he announced.
Peter nodded. “Th-thank you. Will she be okay?”
“She’s not out of the woods quite yet, but we’re hopeful for a full recovery.”
He nodded once more, and the doctor left. Peter looked down at Ben and Billy. “You hear that, boys? Your mommy is—she’s still—” he couldn’t continue, having to blink away the tears before his sons could see them.
With the announcement that you were out of surgery and resting in recovery, most of the officers left, giving Peter words of comfort as they made their way out of the hospital. Both Olivia and Amanda had to leave, too, to check on their own children. Only Sonny stayed, claiming he had nowhere to be, and wanting to help at least with the twins.
It wasn’t until much later that Peter was allowed to visit you. Sonny offered to hold onto the boys, but Peter wanted the whole family together. He thanked Sonny, letting him know he could go home if he wanted; Peter didn’t think he’d leave your side. Sonny nodded, offering once more to watch the kids if Peter needed him to.
You were laying in the bed, your head pounding. Your eyes were rimmed red, but not because of the pain. You sat up straighter as Peter entered your room, the twins in his arms, his own eyes red.
“Pete, I’m so sorry, I lost—”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. You were a victim; besides…I had to okay it,” he said.
You closed your eyes in emotional pain. You couldn’t imagine how the decision must’ve torn him up inside. You composed yourself, then looked at your wonderful husband with sad eyes.
“I-I want…I need to hold my boys, babe. But…I’m afraid I can’t,” you whispered. You lifted your arms pathetically, your arms like limp noodles from the drugs and blood loss.
“The doctor said you were going to be weaker for a little bit,” Peter said softly. You gave him big, sad eyes, and he couldn’t take it. “Here, sit up a little straighter—and you can only hold one at a time.”
You nodded, shifting up on the bed. Peter place Billy in your lap, and you smiled down at him while Peter started placing pillows under your elbows. Once your arms were stabilized, he lifted Billy from your lap to your chest. You clutched your baby, holding him close to you while Peter sat in the chair by your bed, holding Ben tightly as well.
“How’re we going to get passed this?” you asked softly, rocking Billy to sleep.
Peter took a moment to respond; his eyes were glued to Ben as he bounced him gently. “One day at a time,” he finally said. “I didn’t lose you, the love of my life. And we have two beautiful baby boys. We’ll get through this…as a family.”
You nodded; he was right, of course. He stood, leaning over you, and kissing your forehead. Then, he held Ben and Billy to your face in turn, letting you kiss your sons. As long as you had your three boys, you’d be okay.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 6*
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Part 5
Part 7
Well look at that I did have enough in me to get a chapter out tonight, despite hateful asshole anons. #HatersGonnaHate.
Yeah so from here on out people, just expect the warning. I really don't want to have to keep repeating myself, and I'll probably get some unrelenting criticism bullshit from people, but here's a general warning.
Bad shit's gonna happen. I don't what exactly because I write these by the seat of my pants with no outline. I do know this one has some...what, unwanted touching and kissing? Do I need to tag that too? Swearing? Rough language against women?
Also, it's William Lewis. Anything he did on SVU, just assume it's going to be in here. And worse, because it's not on network television.
Oh AND, I hope the anon asshole's will note that I have not made Olivia Benson a villain in this one. And I don't intend on making her one. So suck on that.
Alright enough of my ranting, enjoy! Or I mean read it, don't know how much 'joy' you'll get out of it....
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Back at the station, Rafael was walking into the squad room when Olivia met him. She nodded for him to follow her into an interrogation room so they could discuss things in private.
“I don’t like this,” Rafael stated simply.
“Yeah, I don’t think any of us like it, Rafa,” Oliva half laughed.
“No, I don’t like that Y/N isn't here,” He clarified.
“And Y/N is…?” Olivia gave him a curious look.
“...She’s Rita’s intern,” He answered while looking anywhere but her judging eyes.
“The bikini bimbo?” Olivia laughed, but stopped when Rafael shot her a glare. “Sorry, people talk Rafa,”
“Jesus Christ,” He shook his head. “What is this, jr high? Did Rita pass you a note in homeroom?”
“No, of course not, don’t be silly,” Olivia shook her head. “Buchanan did send out an email chain about it though,” She added softly to herself, but Rafael heard it.
“Why the fuck is-- You know what? Doesn’t matter right now, it really doesn’t. Because if she dies it’s not going to matter who she did or did not embarrass herself in front of,” He shook his head and began to pace the room.
“....And why exactly would she be dead? What are you not telling me, Rafael?” Olivia narrowed her eyes.
“I---We--- She was helping me with the Lewis case in my office earlier,” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“After hours?” Olivia raised an eyebrow.
“...Yeah, anyway not important,” He dismissed her insinuations while still pacing.
“Oh I think it’s very important if you’re suddenly worried about the safety of some random girl out of nowhere,” Olivia crossed her arms, getting angrier by the second. “Who exactly is she, Rafael?”
Rafael stopped pacing, he just stood in front of the table while looking down at the floor. He didn’t want to rat you out so fast, but he was worried about you.
“....She’s his wife,” He finally admitted, not looking up from the floor.
“She’s his WHAT?” Olivia tried not to yell, but this information was downright shocking.
“Look it’s not what you think Olivia--”
“Oh and what exactly am I thinking, Rafael?” She scoffed at him. “Maybe that she got a job with Rita on purpose, to get close to her so she could protect Lewis?”
“What? NO, that’s not what--”
“Maybe that’s why she was seducing you, because she wasn’t getting anywhere with Rita,” She kept on accusing you.
“Are you-- Are you serious, Olivia?” He almost had to laugh it was so ridiculous.
“Well? Who knows? She threw off her clothes at a professional party Rafael, maybe she was casting a net to see who she could catch. And you swam right into her trap,” Olivia crossed her arms.
“Alright you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about so you need to stop talking,” Rafael got in her face. “Now,”
“Oh really? No idea?” Olivia smirked. “So you tell me Rafael, what were you and the intern doing at your office? Because I seriously doubt it was ‘working’,”
“For your information we were working,” He stepped back. “How else did you think she figured out who he was?”
“Oh like she didn’t know,” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“She didn’t!!” He slammed his fist on the table. “They got married when she was really young and impressionable and--” Rafael started to explain but a raspberry laugh from Olivia caused him to pause.
“....And then he started to beat and rape the crap out of her, so she just left him without asking for a divorce. Is that a crime?”
“So you’re telling me this girl was married to Lewis--”
“Tommy,” He interrupted.
“Excuse me?”
“She knew him as Tommy Richmond,” Rafael replied. “Which if you’ll check Lewis’s file, checks out,”
“Well of course it will check out Rafael, I’m not doubting she knows him. What I am doubting is the fact that she had zero idea what kind of psychopath he was when she married him!”
“She didn’t!” He started to yell now; how dare Olivia accuse you of aiding and abetting that monster.
“So you’re telling me they dated, got engaged, and got MARRIED, without him so much as even sniffing around another woman inappropriately?”
“She said he took a lot of ‘business trips’,” He explained. He was not buying into Olivia’s conspiracy bullshit.
“Right, of course,” She snorted sarcastically.
“Olivia you know as well as I do that there are plenty of rapists and murderers out there that lead double lives! I mean, why are you even questioning that?” He asked her with an accusatory tone. “Because she got to me?”
“What? Jesus Christ Rafael, could you be any more arrogant?” Oliva rolled her eyes.
“This guy Lewis, he’s smart. He’s very smart. And you should have seen the way he was in here the other day after you left. He tried playing cat and mouse with me, tried getting inside my head. He scares the shit out of me Rafael, I’m scared for my LIFE. For my CHILD’S life. I’m not scared some random chick is trying to ‘steal’ you, if that’s what you're implying. She has nothing to steal,”
“Well as long as you know that,” Rafael muttered, causing another eye roll from Olivia.
“Look all I’m saying is that Lewis doesn’t keep girlfriends, or ‘wives’,” She softened her voice and pulled out Lewis’s file that she brought in with her. “He manipulates women, gets them to do things for him, and then MURDERS them,”
“So you tell me,” She tossed the file at him. “How is she out walking around alive, if Lewis has no use for her anymore?”
“Because she RAN! I said that already!”
“Yeah after what, a couple of years? These cases prove that he dicks around with women for a few months, maybe even just weeks, before he gets bored and ‘disposes’ of them,”
“....Maybe he actually loves her,” He shrugged. He hated thinking about the fact that this man felt things for you he might feel someday. Or was even starting to feel now.
“REALLY?” Olivia let out a very loud sarcastic laugh. “Really. You think this serial rapist and killer, a guy who’s absolutely fucked in the head, has the capacity to love someone other than himself? Maybe not even himself?”
“Look Olivia, none of us really knows him, or what he’s actually truly capable except for Y/N,” Rafael stood up. “So until we hear her side of the story, I’m not going sit here and listen to you throw conspiracy theories about her at me just because you have some kind of personal grudge against her,”
“I have no grudge against her, Barba,” Olivia now resorted to using his last name as she reached her boiling point with his bullshit. “I just don’t trust someone who’s so quick to throw her half naked body at a bunch of wealthy benefactors,”
“That is NOT what--”
“Look it doesn’t matter what I think of her-- you want her to defend herself, fine. Bring her in here,”
“I’ve been trying,” He sighed as he picked his phone from his pocket and dialed your number for the fiftieth time since you had hung up on him.
“And she’s not answering, which makes me think that Lewis already got to her because you let him out of here!” He growled.
“Is THAT why you came in here throwing a temper tantrum at me, Barba?” She shook her head.
“Because you think I just let that beast out of his cage without batting an eye? Because let me tell you I certainly did NOT. I wasn’t even here, I was down at the courthouse trying to fight his bailing post,” She stomped her heel.
“....Alright fine, I’m sorry Liv,” He finally softened his tone and demeanor. “It’s not you I’m mad at, it’s myself. I never should have let her leave my office alone,”
“Probably not,” Olivia shook her head once again causing another seething glare from Rafael.
“Yeah I already feel bad enough, thanks Liv,” He huffed as he opened the door of the interrogation room and started to walk back into the bullpen.
“Rafa I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” She trailed after him. “I’m sure she’s fine,”
“You don’t believe that for a second,” He shook his head with a sarcastic smile.
“Wha-- why would you say that?” She blinked in confusion.
“Liv you’ve been my best friend for years, I can tell when you’re lying,” He genuinely smiled at her.
“So where are you going then?” She kept following him out of the bullpen.
“To find her, obviously,” He continued walking.
“Well then I’m coming with you,”
“Liv, you don’t--” He stopped and turned to face her.
“I may not be in love with you, Rafa,” She half smiled. “But I still care about you,”
“Yeah but he’s-- I mean, you’re right to be scared of him. What about Noah? What if something happens to you?” He put a hand to her face.
“I trust you more than I’m scared of Lewis, Rafa,” She put a hand over the hand that covered her cheek.
“Right, no pressure,” He chuckled as they walked out of the precinct to Liv’s SUV.
Meanwhile, back at your penthouse, you and Lewis were getting ‘reacquainted’. Of course reacquainted meaning he was shoving his tongue down your throat while your cats watched awkwardly.
“Mmmm I missed this, didn’t you babe?” Lewis moaned pleasurably as he nibbled your neck.
“Yeah, absolutely,” You replied reluctantly. You just closed your eyes and pretended it was Rafael who was ravishing you right now, but every time Lewis talked it knocked you out of your fantasy and back into your terrifying reality. Suddenly your phone was vibrating on the table for the millionth time since you had gotten home.
“God dammit is that him AGAIN?!” Lewis grabbed your phone and glared at the flashing words:
He was just about to smash your phone into a million pieces when you grabbed his hand.
“Wait baby!” You cried. “If--If you smash my phone, then it will immediately go to voicemail. Then he’ll know you broke it, or it died, and I’m in trouble,”
“...You’re right, babe,” Lewis took a deep breath as he calmly set the phone back on the table and sat back down. If nothing else, you knew exactly how to soothe him. God knows you had gotten enough practice for it.
“Anyway,” You put an arm around his shoulder, giving him affection so he forgot he was angry. “We don’t have to worry about him anymore anyway, right? Now that you got that you wanted? We can just go back to being us,”
“Ohhhh you know Izzie,” He chuckled, taking a hand and rubbing the back of your neck while it gripped your throat ever so softly. “I really wish it was that simple,”
“W-What do you mean?”
“Well see, we’d totally be able to just get new identities and get outta town, start a new life somewhere clean and fresh. Especially with my little cash cow,” He rubbed the back of your neck harder while smirking at the idea of living off your money.
“But see now we’re both on the NYPD’s radar,” He gripped your neck even tighter.
“And I know, it’s partly my fault for having a little too much fun in the park and getting caught, but--" He paused, his tone turning more sinister.
"...it’s mostly your fault for getting so close to the District Attorney, and playing god damn footsie with the ADA!” He tightened his neck around your throat in anger. The more he pictured seeing you all over Rafael, the angrier he got and the tighter he squeezed.
“No...Tommy...Please,” You squeaked, doing your best to keep calm while also trying desperately to breathe.
“But I guess I can’t do anything about that now, can I?” He released the grip on your throat and you fell against the couch limp, trying to get air back into your lungs.
“I need you alive, if I’m going to get him and that bitch detective,”
“W-What?” You asked while still gasping for air.
“Benson,” Lewis nodded at you. “Red hair, great body, but a huge c*nt,”
“I-I’ve never met her,” You tried remembering anyone with red hair that ever came to Rita's office.
“Well don’t you worry babe, because you’re going to meet her very soon!” Lewis rubbed the top of your head like a dog.
“And you ladies are going to get very, very friendly,” He added with a very evil, very aroused grin.
“Oh God,” you muttered under your breath. “And what about Rafa- the ADA?” You did your best to keep as platonic about Rafael as possible in fear of setting Lewis off again.
“Oh don’t worry babe, he’ll get a turn,” He chuckled even more evilly. “We’re all gonna have a nice little party-- but first, you need to invite them,”
“You should call your little fuckboy back, he seems awfully worried about you,” He tossed your phone into your lap. “Call him back, then invite him and his little spicy ginger up here for a little ‘get together’,”
“DO IT,” He suddenly growled and grabbed at your throat once again, causing you to start dialing.
“Okay!” Your voice trembled, as his demeanor went back to soft and gentle.
“Good girl,” he whispered just as Rafael answered.
“Hey, Rafa,” You put on your best scared voice. “I’m sorry about before, you know-- I think I’d feel a lot safer if you were here with me,”
“Where exactly are you?”
“At my penthouse, with the cats,”
“Right,” He chuckled, happy you seemed okay. “The cats,”
“And um,” You bit your lip nervously while Lewis stared at you eagerly. “D-Do you think you could bring your cop friend? Olivia?”
Unbeknownst to you, you were on speaker in Liv’s car so she could hear you. She gave Rafael a very suspicious look as soon as you said her name.
“...How does she know my name?” She whispered to him.
“I’m sure Rita’s mentioned how close we are,” He shushed her. “Yeah actually, I think that’s a great idea baby,” He said in a louder and more sultry tone.
Lewis did not like that one bit. He was about to rip Rafael a new one over the phone but you put a hand up to his mouth, reminding him to keep cool. He looked at you for a moment, then relaxed and put his hands up in concession.
“Cool,” You replied in a chipper tone trying to fight back tears. “I’ll text you the address, sweetie,” You added with a hesitant tone, hoping Lewis wouldn’t hulk out again. He did not.
“Sounds good,” He smiled at the phone, he loved affectionate nicknames.
“Great,” you said softly as Lewis hit END CALL and dropped the phone on the couch.
“Brilliant job, my beautiful girl,” He kissed the top of your forehead while pulling into his tight, possessive grasp.
What had you just done?
As soon as Rafael ended the call, Olivia spoke up.
“I don’t like this,” she shook her head. “That was too convenient, why did she all of a sudden want to see you?”
“Um maybe because she likes me and I make her feel safe, Olivia,” He said in a "duh" tone.
“Just all of a sudden?” Olivia was still skeptical.
“No!” He dismissed her with a roll of his eyes.
“Maybe the thought of Lewis being out there and her being all alone started getting to her, and she changed her mind. People are allowed to change their mind, Olivia,”
“Maybe,” Olivia stared at the window in unease. “But I don’t like this one bit,”
She was sure they were walking right into a trap that you had just smoothly set for them. And she was right.
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riversofmars · 3 years
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New chapter as I’m on a bit of a roll, yay! Please enjoy more questions and very few answers :)
Chapter 6: When Good People Go To War
Space, 52nd Century
“So the Library…“ Yaz crossed her arms in front of her chest feeling uncomfortable. She didn’t like not knowing what she was in for. “What are we going to find there?“
“A Library is a collection of books.“ Strax retorted matter-of-factly as he set the course. Even with hyper speed travel, it would take them a while to get there.
“It’s a planet.“ Vastra answered as Strax’s response was not very helpful. “A planet that has been turned into the biggest Library in the universe. At its core, the greatest computer and hard drive ever built, to store a copy of every book ever written… and after the Doctor left, also the consciousnesses of those who lost their lives there.“
“That must be really weird, people coming and going, checking out books and they’re there, watching it all?“ Yaz frowned, trying to wrap her head around it.
“Well, not quite like that. The Library isn’t actually being used anymore.“ Vastra smiled, though for a moment, the idea was a pleasant one. It certainly would make the Professor’s fate less lonely. “The Vashta Nerada have taken over the Library so no organic being would be safe to enter.“
“The what?“ Yaz asked, confused.
“The Vashta Nerada, shadows that can kill. Piranhas of the air, people like to call them, nasty things.“ Dorium threw in, shuddering at the thought.
“And Professor Song, her consciousness is in that computer?“ Yaz clarified and there were nods all round. “So, like… can we turn on a computer screen and talk to her?“ She was still struggling to imagine how they would go about this.
“If we can get past the Nashta Nerada first…“ Vastra nodded.
“It will be no matter, I shall take great joy in obliterating them.“ Strax announced.
“You do realise you can’t shoot shadows, Strax.“ Jenny pointed out with a roll of her eyes.
“I have brought UV grenades.“ The Sontaran grinned with excitement.
“We shall assess the situation upon our arrival, Strax.“ Vastra decided to put an end to the conversation before it would turn into a presentation of weapons equipment and engagement strategies.
“You wouldn’t mind… dropping me off somewhere first, would you?“ Dorium piped up. He wasn’t exactly eager to be part of this expedition. “Keep the shuttle as my contribution to the cause but I’d really much rather…“
“No, you played a large part in creating this mess. You can see to it being resolved.“ Vastra retorted curtly.
“It’s just, last time I was made to sign up to one of the Doctor’s causes, I lost a lot of… myself as it were. And all of you were there, too, so I’m not taking this for a good omen.“ Dorium tried to reason but Vastra wouldn’t hear of it.
“None of this is good, Mr. Maldovar.“
“Then, perhaps you wouldn’t mind clarifying something for me…“ He sighed, realising that he wouldn’t be able to get out of this that easily.
“What’s that then?“ Jenny asked.  
“You spoke of a child. Not the Timeless Child, the message I gave to the Professor, but an actual child… the Doctor’s child?“ Dorium said slowly, making sure he had heard them right. It shed a completely different light on things if it were true.
“The Professor was pregnant when she left Darillium chasing after the information you provided.“ Vastra replied pointedly. It didn’t serve to keep him in the dark but she also didn’t feel like sharing the Doctor’s personal affairs with him in great detail.
“The child was kidnapped. That’s why we’re here.“ Jenny explained more patiently than her wife.
“And you believe the same person that had me pass information to Professor Song is also behind the kidnapping.“ Dorium frowned, connecting the dots.
“The Master, yes.“ Yaz put in. That subject, at least, was one on which she could speak with some authority. She had met the Master and he seemed cruel and clever enough to be behind this, should he really have escaped death.
“And you’re sure of that?“ Dorium retorted with a frown.
“You yourself gave the description of the man.“ Yaz retorted. “And it sounded an awful lot like him.“
“It’s just… the last time a child was kidnapped…“ Dorium glanced to Vastra who lowered her gaze, recalling what he was referring to. “Am I the only one who feels like history is repeating itself?“
“How so?“ Yaz asked, looking around the room.
“The day Mr. Maldovar lost his body was the day that Doctor went after another stolen child. The child of their best friends…“ Vastra took it upon herself to explain. It was about time the caught Yaz up on key events of the Doctor’s past.
“She’s not dead, you know, Madame Kovarian.“ Dorium threw in.
“She has no power now. The Order of the Silence has disbanded. The Church stood with the Doctor at Tranzelore.“ Vastra shook her head, refusing to believe what he was inferring. Madame Kovarian’s plan to kill the Doctor had failed and the Order of the Silence hadn’t been heard of in a long time.
“A fanatic like Kovarian doesn’t just go away. Her obsession and anger just festers…“ Dorium carried on. “And what better way to take revenge than by taking the child of River Song herself…“
“I’m afraid you will have to fill me in on this…“ Yaz felt at a loss again. “Does the Doctor really have so many enemies?“ Having enemies seemed to come with the territory for the Doctor but neither the Cybermen nor the Daleks seemed the type to kidnap a child. The Master seemed to fit the brief a lot more but Yaz hadn’t considered that there were any number of past foes of the Doctor’s that could also be involved.
“There are a great many people out there who would do unspeakable things to hurt the Doctor.“ Vastra retorted bitterly.
“But to use a child…“ Yaz shook her head. The Master was without a doubt a lunatic so she could imagine it, but any sane person would surely draw the line at using someone’s child.
“It’s Kovarian’s modus operandi.“ Dorium couldn’t help but point out.
“A long time ago, the Doctor travelled with Amy Pond and Rory Williams. A lovely couple. Kind. Courageous…“ Vastra gave a little smile as she remembered the Ponds fondly. “The Doctor’s greatest weakness have always been the people they love… Amy was pregnant and the Order of the Silence kidnapped her, lead by the fanatic that is Madame Kovarian. The Doctor raised an army to get her back.“
“You were part of that army?“ Yaz looked to Dorium who gave a wary smile.
“We all were.“ Jenny interjected.
“A glorious battle! I very nearly met my demise.“ Strax stated, gratified at the memory. “What a disappointment when I woke up two days later…“ He added grumpily.
“I can see why you feel like history is repeating itself…“ Yaz nodded slowly. “Did you succeed?“
“Amy had her daughter while imprisoned by the Silence. Melody, she called her, Melody Pond.“ Vastra carried on. “And there was a battle: the battle for Demon’s Run.“
“Demons run when a good man goes to war.“ Dorium mumbled, the words still haunting him.
“The Doctor is a good man… woman, I mean…“ Yaz felt the need to point out.
“No doubt about that.“ Vastra nodded but with a bittersweet smile. “But their hubris got the better of them. Kovarian tricked them. We saved Amy but the child remained with Kovarian and they took her away…“
“What happened to her?“ Yaz’s eyes widened in shock. She couldn’t imagine the Doctor failing to save the child.
“She went to prison.“ Strax announced.
“Strax.“ Jenny shot him a glare and he huffed:
“Sorry, I got ahead of myself.“
“She was raised by the Silence and trained to be an assassin, her one purpose was to kill the Doctor.“ Vastra revealed.
“They raised a child to be a weapon?“ Yaz shook her head in disbelief.
“A most effective one.“ Vastra gave a sad smile.
“And did she…? I mean… the Doctor is still alive so… what happened to Melody? In the end?“ Yaz wasn’t sure whether she wanted to know the answer. She so badly wanted there to be a happy ending to the story but it seemed unlikely.
“She grew up and instead of killing the Doctor, she fell in love with them. Melody Pond became River Song.“ Vastra smiled at how wonderful a turn of events it had been. Tragic yes. And it didn’t undo all the pain any of them had been through, but something good had come out of it in the end.
Yaz didn’t know what to say. That was not the answer she had expected but somehow, it seemed to make perfect sense. River was a time traveller, too; and the Doctor had said how their timelines were running in complex patterns. Of course the Doctor’s wife was something extraordinary in herself. They seemed to suit each other just fine and despite everything, Yaz smiled at how extraordinary a tale it was. The lost child, the would be assassin, to become their wife. In many ways, it seemed like a fairy tale.
“She did go to prison though…“ Strax huffed, intent on making his point.
“She took the blame for the Doctor’s supposed death and went to prison but that’s just one of the examples of the length to which they will do for each other.“ Vastra conceded.
“But her parents… did they…“ Yaz couldn’t imagine what the parents must have gone through.
“They didn’t get to raise their child, no. They came to know her well and spent a lot of time with her but at the end of the day, they still lost their child…“ Vastra gave a sad smile.
“We can’t let that happen to the Doctor, we can’t!“ Yaz exclaimed, as she understood. The Doctor had seen the pain at the loss of a child in her best friends, it was no wonder she couldn’t think clearly. She was beginning to understand why the Doctor was acting the way she was. History was repeating itself and they couldn’t allow that to happen.
“I fully agree.“ Vastra nodded, as did the others.
“But you can see why taking their child would be the perfect revenge for someone like Madame Kovarian.“ Dorium mused.
“We can’t discount that possibility…“ Vastra admitted thoughtfully. So far, they had no evidence one way or another. All they could do was follow all possible leads until one paid off.
“I shall make some enquires…“ Dorium decided. He knew she wasn’t going to be let of the hook so he might as well get on with it. “If you wouldn’t mind getting me a neuro transmitter to pair to the shuttles communication equipment, in the drawer to your left…“ Strax followed his instruction and retrieved the item. “So annoying, I was gonna have the chip for instant control of this ship implanted next week…“ Dorium sighed. Dreadful timing.
“I shall leave you to make your enquires, Mr. Maldovar. I fear I may require a lie down, I don’t think I’m quite myself yet…“ Vastra nodded and stood slowly, feeling exhausted.
“This way, Ma’am.“ Jenny looped her arm around her and lead her further into the shuttle.
Strax supplied Dorium with a little chip that he attached to his temple before returning to his apparent favourite activity: searching the shuttle for anything that could be used as a weapon. There was no way of knowing what might come in handy, he’d insisted.
They left Yaz to ponder what she had just learned. She found a seat by the window, stars rushing past so quickly she couldn’t make them out. So she stared into the emptiness of deep space. Learning about the Doctor’s past was painful. She couldn’t even begin to understand what she had been through. It certainly cast her behaviour in a a different light. She could only hope they would succeed where the Doctor had failed in the past.
The TARDIS landed on Gallifrey with it’s usual wheezing and groaning and somewhere in the back of the Doctor’s mind, River scolded her for leaving the breaks on. Thousands of years worth of habit weren’t corrected as easily as that. The memory made her smile, despite herself. She flicked on a monitor and scanned the outsides to see whether the death particle had rendered the planet uninhabitable or if its effects had dispersed. It appeared to be the latter as the TARDIS couldn’t detect anything that would be harmful to her.
She didn’t step outside straight away. She wasn’t quite prepared to face Gallifrey again just yet. It wasn’t just the destruction she had left in her wake, or the prospect of finding the Master - dead or alive. It was the painful memories of both the recent and the very distant past. Stalling for time, the Doctor decided to put on a fresh shirt as she was starting to feel uncomfortable in her sweaty, sticky clothes.
The Doctor hadn’t used her bedroom in over nineteen years, since before her imprisonment by the Juddoon. She hadn’t exactly had time for a lie down whilst fighting the Daleks upon her return. She’d barely had had a moment to breath, let alone sleep. Thankfully, Time Lords didn't require much sleep as she used to point out to River. She corrected herself in her own mind. It wasn’t that Time Lords didn’t require much sleep… whatever species she was didn’t require it… Or should she continue referring to herself as a Time Lord and just adjust her viewpoint that the people of Gallifrey weren’t? Had they just been poor imitations of what a Time Lord should be? She shook her head to herself, clearing her mind. She was distracting herself with things that were entirely inconsequential.
She found her bedroom the way she had left it: A mess. She stepped over books, clothes and empty custard creams packets on her way to the wardrobe. The content of the wardrobe itself was the oddest collection of clothes one could have imagined. There were shirts and jumpers dotted with question marks, various three piece suits, capes, leather jackets and blazers, long coats in all shapes and sizes, scarfs, bow ties, hats, braces… The Doctor stalled her flicking through when she found a green dress. They weren’t just her clothes. The Doctor pushed it aside and carried on, but there was the suit she’d worn on Darillium, the Stetson River had put a hole through, River’s Melody Malone trench coat… Tears blurred the Doctor’s vision. She had kept her emotions concerning River locked away so neatly all that time and everything was boiling to the surface. She missed her so much. She was furious with her for leaving Darillium when she did, particularly keeping the secrets she had, but there was so much love too. So much longing. The had worked through her grief in the years since Darillium. She had locked the painful feelings away, and now, the loss of her love hurt more keenly than ever before.
The Doctor took a deep breath and grabbed a change of clothes. Her emotional state would only get worse if she delayed.
The trousers were a bit long, but she stuffed them into the tops of her boots. The shirt fitted surprisingly well, she had been stick-thin a few regenerations back, all she had to do was turn the sleeves up. Braces were braces, they didn’t get sweaty so she kept them. She contemplated the bow tie but decided against it. Perhaps that would be going a bit far. She took comfort in the familiar clothes. The shirt she’d worn the first time she had met River in the Library, the trousers that still had sand from the beach of Lake Silencio in its pockets… She was just about to grab what River had like to refer to as a magician’s coat when the TARDIS interrupted: It came to life around her, humming and wheezing, demanding her attention. Colour drained from the Doctor’s face as she bolted from her bedroom, down the corridor towards the control deck. She had made a grave mistake.
Sheffield, 2021
“Did we really have to go right now?“ Graham looked to Kate who was driving. She had insisted they pack the essential right away so they could get going.
“Well, it’s a four-and-a-half-hour drive and I would like to sleep in my own bed tonight. Well, I say my own bed… it’s been home for a few months now.“ The former UNIT chief answered as she indicated and pulled onto the motorway. “But we really can’t take the risk of hanging around. We don’t have time to lose.“
“Where are we going?“ Ryan asked looking out of the window, well-lit Meadowhall shrunk away in the distance.
“UNIT officially doesn’t exist anymore so we can’t use their bases or equipment, it would be too easy to find us if activity was detected, but we can’t do completely without resources. There have been other organisations dealing with the extraterrestrial that have closed down as well, there are bases all over the UK if you know where to look.“ Kate explained focusing on the road ahead.
“Four and half hours… London?“ Graham asked, looking outside as well. That wouldn’t be right. They were heading north on the M1.  
“No, other direction, we’re going to Glasgow.“ Kate revealed with a smile.
“Okay, this is not what I expected…“ Graham looked out of the window as they pulled up at their destination. It was the middle of the night but it was a clear one. The moon provided enough light to outline the surrounding area.
“You should know not to judge a book by its cover by now.“ Kate smile, amused, as they got out of the car. They found themselves in a parking lot not far from the River Clyde. The area seemed rough, there weren’t any people around. “This way, gentlemen.“ She called over her shoulder as she marched up to an abandoned warehouse and opened up a rushy looking panel on the wall.
“That’s a bit more like it.“ Ryan mumbled to Graham as he spotted the hand print reader that didn’t look rusty at all.
“Nothing like a good disguise. It’s not a chameleon circuit but it does the trick.“ Kate pressed her hand to the pad and the door slid opened. They stepped into what looked like an empty warehouse and this time, Graham and Ryan knew not to comment until Kate had revealed the next level of security. “Just over there, the elevator.“
“You have to be kidding me.“ Graham shook his head to himself. The elevator, if it could be called that, was a metal cage that looked a good fifty years old. It didn’t exactly look safe.
“I’m sure you’ve experienced worse with the Doctor.“ Kate pointed out as she got inside.
“I suppose that’s true.“ Ryan huffed. The got in the lift and Kate pressed the button to send them down. Wherever down was. The elevator stuttered a little, then it went through what looked like two rings of light and suddenly, the brittle metal around them transformed to sleek carbon alloy. The warehouse disappeared from view as they sped towards their destination.
“Woah…“ Ryan didn't know what else to say as the cart ground to a halt and they found themselves in a sort of air lock. This was not what they had expected to find below a riverside warehouse in a dodgy area of Glasgow.
“Where are we?“ Graham asked as the airlock opened, rolling aside to grant them passage.
“This, gentlemen, is Torchwood Two.“ The stepped into what looked like a vast laboratory. It was like a whole building under ground. There was an entrance area, a corridor with rooms shooting off it, most of the walls were made of glass and allowed them to scan the impressive underground structure. There were stairs going downward too and some more leading up again. It wasn’t unlike stepping out of the TARDIS and finding yourself on an advanced alien planet.
“Torchwood? Isn’t that where what’d-his-face used to…“ Ryan started but was interrupted:
“Welcome home, Chief!“ A voice boomed down the corridor as none other than Jack Harkness stuck his head out of what appeared to be the kitchen. He saluted, as he always did, with great enthusiasm. “Oh, I don’t know which one of you to kiss first, come here you two, I’ve missed you!“ He grinned at Ryan and Graham.
“Steady on, Captain.“ Kate smirked and Jack settled for tight hugs.
“Careful with the wandering hands.“ Another female and distinctly Welsh voice sounded rather amused.
“You obviously know Captain Jack Harkness.“ Kate chuckled. “And this is Agent Gwen Cooper.“ She gestured towards a brunette that made her way towards them. Gwen gave a little wave.
“Nice to meet you.“ She greeted them with a warm smile as she joined them at the entrance. “Glad to have all the help we can get.“
“This is awesome, I had no idea we have places like this on Earth.“ Ryan was still in awe, looking around.
“No-one is supposed to know. UNIT has several places like this but they would be too tightly guarded. The Torchwood Institute disbanded quite a long time ago now.“ Kate explained patiently as they started making their way down the main corridor. “With Torchwood One and Three destroyed and Four missing, Two was our best bet. It had been shut down but we’ve done our best to revive it.“
The Library, 52nd Century
“What are you doing here?“ Anita found her voice and she addressed the woman who had appeared with the child. The woman didn’t respond, she didn’t seem to have heard her at all, she just carried on with her work. “Hello?“ Anita walked around them and waved her arms but no reaction from either her, or the child.
“This is a memory.“ River realised as she looked around. She watched, fascinated and horrified in equal measures as time seemed to skip ahead. The examinations, experimentations and tests continued but the child changed!
“Are they experimenting on children?“ Anita exclaimed in shock but River started to slowly shake her head. As they watched, things were started to make sense to her.
“Not children… child. It’s all the same child, just regenerated…“ Her Time Lord like senses told her as much.
“The Timeless Child?“ Anita felt like she was finally catching on.
“I was wrong, I was so very wrong.“ River mumbled feeling incredibly stupid all of a sudden. “We’re not talking about my child, not at all. This is the long distant past on Gallifrey, this…“
She watched mortified as the woman injected herself with the result of her work and suddenly, she regenerated. She had created the ability to regenerate, using the child!
“River, what is happening?“ Anita stepped closer to River again. Why were they seeing this?
“I saw glimpses of this when I was in the Matrix.“ River realised. “This is a Time Lord’s memory. A very old and most likely very well hidden memory…“
“But what is it doing here?!“ Anita’s voice was turning more anxious and River could feel it too. Something was very wrong. Were they still in the Library computer or had they been transported somewhere? Surely, they had to still be in the computer, they had no bodies in the real world; but something was very wrong indeed. Maybe some sort of virus? But why was it reflecting her own memories. Was she making it happen? “River, what’s going on?“
“I don’t know…“ River admitted weakly, her head spinning.
“River?“ The looked around to see CAL who had suddenly appeared inside the lab with them.
“What is it, CAL? Did something happen to the core, is there a malfunction or…“ River felt better for seeing her. It confirmed that they were still in the Library but the look on the young girl’s face was disconcerting. “Are you creating this?“
“No.“ The girl shook her head. “Are you?“
“I don’t know. I was just thinking about this but… everything that’s happening now, I didn’t see before. It’s new.“ She turned back to find the scene suddenly paused. They seemed to have reached the end of the memory.
“You said the Matrix was similar to this computer…“ Anita seemed to feel a little better when the memory stopped playing. “Maybe that’s why…“
Suddenly, CAL went very pale. She looked around, her eyes staring into nothingness, like she was looking beyond the artificial world they were in.
“Someone is in the Library.“ She said fearful. She had noticed too late, she had let her guard down in the peaceful world she had created.
“Are you sure?“ River didn’t know whether to be unsettled or excited. Who could have come to the Library? Who would have known to come and where to look and how to get in? As curious and disturbing the change to the virtual reality was, she couldn’t help but hope that maybe, the Doctor had come to find her. “Who is it?“ She asked quickly. “Is it the Doctor? Did he do this?“
“Oh no, actually, that would have been me.“
The voice was unfamiliar and yet, somehow, River recognised it. Regeneration could be funny like that.
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halsteadpd · 3 years
The Beginning: Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
So, so sorry this took so long to post! There's been a lot going on in my life and this chapter itself was quite wordy. I definitely wanted to get the "meet" right so hopefully I did justice. I don't have the time or energy to read through this entire chapter again so hopefully I edited correctly lol. Enjoy the penultimate chapter!
This is like nothing she's ever done before.
She's scared but she doesn't want to admit it—her heart beats erratically and sometimes she feels as if it will jump out of her chest. Her friends and family had begged her to not go—it was too dangerous, a suicide mission her father called it. But Erin wanted to prove a point; she wanted to show everyone what the war was about.
When the crew landed on an airstrip near the base they would be stationed at, they were quickly ushered off to the side where a car waited on them. The way everyone was on high alert and held long guns around them added to the anxiety Erin was feeling.
Once on base, they're immediately guided towards a tent filled with multiple maps, radios and phones. The noise of the visitor's arrival gains the attention of the colonel and he places the pile of papers he was looking at down on the desk in front of him. He's old—his hair is salt and pepper coloured and wrinkles dig deep into his skin. It's obvious the military and war has taken its toll on him throughout his life.
When he stands and approaches the small group, he towers over all of them. He clears his throat before speaking; his voice matches his appearance. "Afternoon. I'm Colonel Williams, I oversee everything that goes on in this base." He paces back and forth in front of the group which inadvertently makes Erin stand up taller. "It's my job to ensure we get as many American soldiers back on American soil—that includes you." Colonel Williams turns his back to them and stares off in the distance at the maps on the walls. "You will listen to anything and everything my staff tell you to do. When you're out with a team, you keep ten to fifteen metres between each other. If something blows up I want minimal casualties. Meals are at 0600, 1200, and 1800 hours. Other than that, report on whatever you desire. But stay out of the way of my soldiers. They don't need any distractions right now." He turns to face the group again. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir." Erin replies, her voice strong; she didn't want to show she was intimidated by him.
"Very well then. O'Connor. Show them to their living area."
Erin and her crew have been on base for less than an hour and as they settle in, she can hear explosions from a distance. She's unsure if they're being purposely set off by the army or whether it's the Taliban. She wants to clarify with one of the soldiers on base but after Colonel Williams' speech, she's too scared to approach. They're not there to distract the staff.
A rather large explosion shakes the camp and she can tell it was close by—the fabric of the tent continues to flap around after the dust settles. It also caught the attention of everyone else on the base; there was a pause of all activities before resuming after confirming there was no immediate threat to them.
"That will be your lullaby for the next three months." Erin hears from behind her. When she turns she sees a dark skinned man standing behind her with his arms crossed. "We haven't gotten a break from them for a while now. Good luck sleeping tonight." He says dismissively as he returns to his task, clearly not daunted by the experience.
Later that afternoon, Erin and her crew are going over final details before they embark on their first recon mission the next day. They're all experiencing something new and had the crew not volunteered to come with her, Erin would've felt incredibly guilty bringing people into a warzone. They all knew that there was a chance of not coming home.
For the first day, they want to film what a day looks like in Afghanistan. They've been given permission to interview some soldiers, however their faces need to be blurred in order to comply with the military's rules and to keep the soldier's identities a secret.
In this distance, the sound of concrete exercise equipment being dropped can be heard.
He's really been slacking on his fitness lately. As much as he tries to keep himself busy, reminders of home intrude his brain. Memories of that night still haunt him, often leaving him without an appetite. He's lost some weight and knows he needs to keep as much weight on as he can—it's the one thing that will keep him alive in a bind.
The lack of food mixed with missing workouts is hurting him today. He's taking longer rest periods to compensate for the fatigue.
In the dusty sunlight, he spots the media group sitting at a table. The base was alerted of their presence for approximately three months; they were told to not get sidetracked with the new distractions—it could get them all hurt or killed.
There's two men and a woman sitting, pouring over notes thoroughly. He can't help but notice how small and fragile the woman looks. The war is no place for her. It's people like her that get kidnapped and held for ransom. She shouldn't be here.
He's not a big fan of the media; they often vilify soldiers as the enemy. The thing is Jay never signed up for a war or invading another country; he just wanted to serve his country as a proud American. Sometimes he thinks about how he could've done that on American soil, without blood on his hands.
Feeling eyes on her, Erin looks towards the general workout area and notices a man sitting on a bench behind some dumbbells that rest at his feet. She notices him shake his head in what looked like annoyance before he returns to his bicep curls.
The next morning, Jay is getting ready for patrol with his squad. He's slinging his vest over his shoulders when he sees three new people join in his periphery—the media group. Soon, they are joined by Colonel Williams and all the soldiers straighten up immediately.
"At ease. Today, you'll be escorting our fine visitors during your patrol. Understood?" Colonel Williams asks. "Don't forget to introduce yourselves."
"Yes sir!" One by one, the members of the army introduce themselves to Erin and her two crew members. When Jay stands in front of her, he once again notices how petite she is—he feels even more dread for her as he towers over her.
"I'm Halstead." He says, holding out his rough, calloused hand towards Erin. When she puts her hand in his, Jay can't help but notice how soft it is—how undamaged and unmarred it is.
"Erin Lindsay." She says back, smiling with her dimples in full effect as she takes in his sea green eyes that squint in the harsh sunlight. Summer is ending—thankfully—but the sun is still strong against their skin. There's a moment of anticipation between them—almost like tension before Jay lets go and rubs the back of his neck nervously. They both share a shy laugh before Jay interrupts the awkwardness.
"I'm, uh, going to go finish getting dressed." He points over his shoulder before immediately turning, not waiting for Erin to acknowledge his words. He doesn't know what has gotten into him, he's usually more in control of his emotions and feelings. Of course she's drop dead gorgeous and her smile makes his legs shake—but he had just gotten out of something apparently messy and Afghanistan is the last place he should be looking for fun. Right?
Jay straps on his knee and elbow pads before securing his helmet and sunglasses. He slips his radio into his vest before putting on his gloves. Grabbing his gun, he stands prepared with the rest of the group.
They've decided that Erin and her crew will be located in the middle of the group in case of an ambush from behind. The media is never given military weapons to defend themselves and are given the bare minimum equipment—they'll get helmets and vests.
Once they've confirmed they got everything they need, they set off west. There's not much to see on this side but the last thing the US Army needed was attention for getting journalists killed. Terrorists generally didn't care about laws to protect medical and media personnel. Regardless of the safer path, they are still scoping out any suspicious behaviour and the chance of getting blown up by a landmine is still there.
He doesn't know why, but he's incredibly nervous for her. He's thankful to be a part of the back group so he can see her at all times. The vest is weighing her down—she's drowning in it and he can see her struggling under the weight. One of the squad mates showed her how to rest her hands on the front of the vest to make it more comfortable, it doesn't look like it's helping.
When the group begins to slow down and ultimately comes to a stop, he's on high alert. Jay's eyes skirt the landscape while also keeping an eye on the team. Based on the leader's body language, he knows something is up—it's not a drill.
Quietly, they're all ordered into the ditch on the side of the road and they lay on their stomachs. The media group seems to cower as they wait for their next instructions. They all wait a few minutes before sounds in the distance grow nearer. Jay's heart is beating fast and his respiration rate is up, but during his time overseas he's learned how to control it. When he peers over to his left towards Erin and her crew, he can see the fear and anxiety on their faces.
Unlike soldiers, civilians aren't trained to the extent as they are. They've gone through intense drilling and teachings to prepare for stressful situations in country.
The sounds grow closer and everyone is looking up from the ditch to see who crosses their path. Noticing it is just a couple of civilians with farming equipment, they all move out from the side of the road, some of them confronting the citizens.
Two of the group mates search their person and through the translator ask questions about local terrorists on the hit list. Jay stands back and observes their surroundings and the conversation, not wanting to be surprised by anything. Ambushes happen often and he'd prefer that it didn't happen now—not when she was here.
"This is vile." He hears Erin say to her camera man. "Innocent people being searched for what?" The man raises the camera to shoot the scene but Erin blocks it. "Let's at least give them some semblance of privacy. The rest has already been stripped away."
Jay realizes that Erin is right. Never in the U.S. would something like this happen; they had rights to privacy and unlawful search as citizens. What difference did it make here? Did it really matter whether or not civilians could be in with terrorist groups? Was he really the good guy in this situation?
A lot of the things he's forced to do aren't done by choice. He's there to follow orders. Many of the things he does or has seen being done overseas goes against his personal values; it sometimes makes him think that maybe he should've been a doctor after all.
After a few more minutes, they move forward with their patrol once declaring the two villagers clear.
Later that night at camp, Erin steps in front of the camera to record her segment for her news station. Jay's eating dinner and has a clear view of her—the light shines brightly on her face as she holds up the microphone. She looks focused and determined—Jay can tell that it's definitely her passion.
If only he could find his.
The next day is his off-day, and he doesn't have much to do. The pain of Ava leaving has dissipated and he no longer thinks about her as often as he used to. He continues his routine of working out and cleaning all his equipment throughout the day before scrimmaging with some of the others with a game of soccer.
The sun is setting in the distance meaning soon his day of rest and relaxation will be over. He'll be back to the war soon.
During dinner, Jay sees Erin sitting alone and after a couple of seconds deliberating, he decides to join her. She's surprised by the sudden presence next to her but she welcomes it. She's beginning to feel home sick and being here helps her empathize with what all of those on deployment feel. Jay notices a dejected look on her face and immediately knows what she is feeling—he experienced the same during his first tour.
"Everything alright?" He asks as he digs into his food, clearly ravenous from his day.
"Yeah…" She sighs. "It's just an entirely different world out here. It's not like home."
"Meaning?" Jay questions, not sure what she is referencing to. Of course it's a drastic change compared to what they are used to—he assumed she would have been ready to see that; he assumed she was the only one capable of making it out of here.
"Honestly, I don't even know how to explain it." Erin drops her fork onto the table. "I would love to go home but I need to be here—people should know what you guys go through on a daily basis. You don't have the luxury of calling it quits whenever you want."
"That's fair. But you're not here long right? Just a few months?" Jay offers, hopefully in solace.
"Yeah, I'm allowed to go home early if I want but I don't want to. Not when so many Americans are left behind." She sighs deeply and presses her fingers to her temples, wanting to relieve the built up tension.
"It's not being left behind, Erin. We signed up for this." Did we really sign up for the things asked of us though?
"Why'd you do it? Sign up?" Erin asks, wanting to know how he ended up more than halfway across the world. Surely he had a family that worried about him and his choices.
"Well, I had this whole plan set up for me in my life since I was in high school." He chews and swallows the bite of food in his mouth. "But when I started working towards those goals I realized that it wasn't for me. So I signed up for the army." He shrugs as if it wasn't a difficult choice to make.
"Do you regret it?" When she notices Jay's hesitation, she backtracks and hopefully clears up any fear for repercussions he may have. "This is all in confidence, I won't be submitting any of this. I just wanted to know."
"Sometimes." Jay nods somberly. "Those days where you lose your friends or when firefights go on without any end in sight are the worst. But then you're reminded of everyone else you have left that you need to fight for. And the ones that died for you."
"You're incredibly humble to say that." Erin smiles before reaching out to his free hand and squeezes it in comfort.
He's sure he looks like a deer caught in headlights. The soft skin of her hand rested on the rough and calloused one of his electrified every sense and nerve in his body. His mouth dries and he knows it isn't the type that will be soothed with water; this isn't something he has felt for a long time—this isn't something he expected he'd feel for a long time. I'm in trouble.
"Thank you, I really needed that." Erin says before she grabs her plate from the table and leaves him sitting there, absolutely stunned.
Over the next few days, their dinner "dates" become a routine. They talk about their day and talk about things from back home. For Jay, it feels nice to connect with someone that isn't a soldier—it almost makes him feel like he is home. It brings a sense of security and comfort over him; in a warzone that's more than a blessing.
However, every night he sees that familiar look in her eyes—fear. He's never broached the topic, not wanting to overstep but it tugs at his heart strings a bit. He knows she's there voluntarily, but this life isn't one for a civilian. When he remembers that thought, he immediately feels for those who live in the countries that have been terrorized by soldiers flying in from every country that can afford a war. This isn't a life for anyone.
Their dinner routine slowly transitions more to an evening routine. Instead of exclusively talking at the table while they eat and going their separate ways, they'll talk late into the night—getting to know each other more and more.
Whenever they wake up the next day, the other is on their mind.
When Erin goes out with other groups, he worries. He knows it's dangerous to let his mind sway—distraction on the job could result in death or injury. It's hard to ignore the fact that everyday he falls more and more for her. It's the first time in months he's actually felt something other than anger and hurt and he welcomes it. When she eventually returns to base safe, he breathes out in relief and a metaphoric weight is lifted off his shoulders.
Others have begun to notice how much time they spend together—some tease him about it. They call her "Jay's Girl."
He tries his best to hide the crew's banter from her, not wanting to embarrass himself; he's sure she doesn't feel the same way. Just like him, she's here to do her job before flying back home. Soon they may not even see each other again—she's a New York girl and he's a Chicago native.
What Jay doesn't notice, however, is Erin's behaviour when he's not paying attention. The lingering glances; the soft smile on her lips when she sees him return from a mission; the way her anxiety skyrockets when she hears an explosion and knows he's out. He's been blind to it all.
He's kind and charming and he listens to her, hanging onto every word; she's never met someone like him. Not to mention, he's physically attractive which compliments his incredible personality. But Erin remembers the Colonel's words from her first day—the last thing she wants is to be a reason why he didn't make it home. Even if he didn't have anyone waiting on him, he still deserved to have his life back there.
It's one of the last few warm nights that Jay will experience on his tour. In the mornings it's beginning to get cold, so they all bask in the warmth as much as they can in the afternoons and early evenings. There's a carefree attitude that surrounds the camp—there's a team guarding them while everyone else engages in some sort of recreational activity.
Jay's showing Erin how he cleans and maintains his gun. They're so focused on the task that they slowly melt away from their environment—all that matters to them at that moment is that they are together. Their shoulders lightly brush against each other but neither of them decide to move away to avoid the contact.
He hears it before seeing it, but the sound makes him turn around. In a split second, he's seeing a fiery explosion from the rocket launcher aimed towards their base.
"AMBUSH!" Someone yells out.
The camp is in a frenzy after that. Nobody has their equipment or guns nearby—currently their only defense are those on the border of the base. It's evident those soldiers unfortunately won't last long before succumbing to injuries from bullets and bombs.
Jay pushes Erin to the ground and orders her to hide under the bed—it likely wouldn't do much but it was her best chance at survival. He's glad he was near his gun but the fact that he doesn't have any vest or helmet is concerning.
The explosions continue and Jay moves forward—towards the combat. He can see a few of his friends lying on the ground; they had no chance during the surprise assault. As he fires at the attackers, thinking about how dumb it is to attack a military base. They're in their element—they have all the equipment and ammunition needed. Not to mention all of those deployed in the area were currently on base. They'll easily outnumber their attackers.
Explosions continue and based on how close they're getting to him, he realizes they're likely in the base now—all of the soldiers who were too close to the fire likely didn't have enough equipment or troops to defend their territory.
While Jay continues to move forward—using his gun as his only defense—he notices something dark fly over his head. When he turns his head back to see what it was, his eyes widen in horror as he sees Erin out in the open with her camera crew, filming the fight.
"ERIN! WATCH OUT!" He takes off in her direction but the second he starts running, the bomb explodes. The smoke clouds his vision but nonetheless he continues towards his target. Some of the equipment close to their sleeping quarters had been blown up; their attackers had likely scoped the place out without anyone noticing.
When the dust and dirt settles, Jay can feel himself almost pass out. Lying in a heap are Erin and her two crew men, unmoving.
"ERIN!" He yells out again, keeping an eye out for any movement from her—there isn't any.
By the time he reaches the group, he notices the camera men are okay, they're slowly making their way into seated positions, continuously coughing while trying to rid their lungs of smoke. When Jay flips Erin onto her back, he takes in the blood gushing from a wound in her shoulder and consequently, it begins to leak out of her open mouth and nose when her body is shifted.
"Erin, please say something." He checks for a carotid pulse and when he finds a weak one, he quickly picks her up bridal style and runs her to the medic's tent. Blood continues to come out of her wound at a rapid pace, pressuring Jay to run even faster.
Once he arrives, he places her down softly on the bed; it's here he finally realizes he's crying. He goes to wipe his eyes when he notices blood covering his hands—his knees begin to shake and he thinks he's going to be sick. The medic begins to rip Erin's shirt off of her and begins to place heart rate leads all over her chest. Her right hand hangs off of the bed and not wanting her to be alone through this, Jay takes a few steps towards her.
Before he gets to her, hands wrap around Jay's shoulders and begin to push him backwards, ushering him out of the tent before the flaps are closed, cutting off any sight of her.
I've worked so hard for this, please leave a review!
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partnersatfazbear · 4 years
Midnight Motorist - An Essay
I promised this awhile ago, but my thoughts on Midnight Motorist... This mini-game has literally kept me awake for hours on two separate occasions trying to figure it out, lol! So, reading the Updated Freddy Files *suggests, not confirms* that Toy Chica: The High School Years may be how William lured each child. I made notes on this, of course.
Although I listed who was used as a stand in for each, it has no bearing on the actual child killed.
The first, represented by Foxy, is already dead. I assumed this was a stand in for Norman/CC.
Second, represented by Freddy, was lured away with promises to help with homework.
Third, represented by Wolf. Run over their dog. We all know this is referring to Susie/Chica.
Fourth, represented by Toy Bonnie. It was suggested that their house be set on fire and then Chica uses her body to put out the flames. Best I could settle for this one was perhaps pulling a fire alarm at the restaraunt, or something similar.
Fifth, Funtime Foxy. Live hostages. Presumably luring a child away with promises that their friend / missing friend is in the back room.
Sixth, the Puppet. This one is the most interesting and why I'm including it here. Chica says "I'll come over to their house later, maybe break through a window, or set the house on fire and smoke them out [IIRC, I am paraphrasing a little]" The window, in my honest opinion, has to refer to Midnight Motorist. Scott has made a point of adding things in a following game to clarify the game before (starting at least since Sister Location). With the other one referencing Susie and Fruity Maze, I think this theory holds up, although it doesn't really help solve Midnight Motorist I think it's very important to note. (William has as much of an obsession with fire as Henry, huh?)
Lastly, there is Pigpatch. It's implied William would have knocked out a child and told them he rescued them after being "kidnapped". I really like this one.
The number of victims adds up to the number of children: BV, Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, Golden Freddy, and Puppet.
Now that that's out of the way, I feel this heavily implies the footprints outside the window in MM are William's. The feet match the Glitchtrap suit, which most of us assume is a prototype for Spring Bonnie. Not only that, but obviously the springlock suits wouldn't work in the rain. Second, if you take some logic to it and see Charlotte as the first victim (no suit, no hiding the body, developing MO) then this killing would be the start of his MO--kind of an "in-between" point where he's evolving. Now, as to who the people in the house are...
In my fic, I kept the general idea that it was William as mustard man (thank you MatPat, this is my fav name for our mysterious fellow). Mostly because despite the evidence listed there is still a ton of evidence supporting it:
Later That Night - this is the name of the game file for MM.
Rain - Due to the in-game rain and this title its heavily implied to be just after Charlotte's death.
Grey Text - Michael is the only one to have the grey text and has similarities to Chair Person. (Note: I think Matpat did point out the color is slightly different, but it's still grey.)
Purple Car - William is the only one seen with a Purple Car back in one of the mini-games (FNAF 2, IIRC). To further support this, the car is also seen as an easter egg in the Dreadbear DLC of Help Wanted (with purple headlights). This is probably the most damning evidence that Mustard Man is William, in my opinion... but then how do the footprints make sense?
In my fic, I explained it away as footprints from the evening before (it was the best I could muster at the time) but this is super weak :V So this kind of brings us to alternative theories. If it is William, the supporting evidence is... good evidence of that. So, the other options are:
A Child Victim's Family - This is my second favorite theory because I think it could possibly work for, say, TOYSNHK [The One You Should Not Have Killed, hereby pronounced Toy-Shnuck] (who I made Cassidy). The problem with this is the child's gender is referred to as male. And there's a huge debate on Cassidy being female in game lore and TOYSNHK/GF being male. It IS a gender neutral name and wouldn't be the first time Scott changed a gender (see: Puppet), BUT it's pretty weak since all the info we have on TOYSNHK is recent. It could be another child that isn't Susie, though, but why show some random child as opposed to an important one? PizzaSim's games all revolve around specifics like Puppet (the first to die overall) and Susie (the first to die of the main five).
Henry is Mustard Man - This is the theory my wife likes. I can sort of see it and I even considered it at one point, but there isn't much evidence to go on. Why is the car purple is the biggest wrench for me. I also have problems with Mustard Man's attitude ("This is MY house", "He'll be sorry") Even if Henry was torn up about Charlotte, I can't see him treating his kids this way. This would also heavily imply the missing window kid to be Sammy, which hasn't been referenced in the game lore at all. He was barely mentioned in the novel trilogy, even. This also makes Gray Text either Aunt Jen or Henry's wife. There's just not enough to support this, in my opinion.
UPDATE 5/28/21 - Please see this post analyzing Fazbear Fright’s story “What We Found” for a more detailed look at what I’m about to explain that supports the Henry theory: Also from the books, CC / Norman is now referred to as Evan.
For this to work, we must assume Henry is an alcoholic after Charlotte’s death. I think the “later that night” evidence becomes somewhat irrelevant, because if this was the night of Charlotte’s death it wouldn’t really make sense. Part of me wondered if it took place after FNAF 2′s Springtrap cutscene, but the footprints don’t match. It has to be Spring Bonnie or Glitchtrap. Also, Evan and Elizabeth have also died by this point because neither are seen in the mini-game in this theory. You also must assume, based on the story evidence, that Henry married / stayed with Mrs. Afton after William either “died” or they divorced--they had to have been together for an x amount of time as for Mrs. Afton to be living with Henry but also the fact that Mrs. Afton kept Michael and the purple car. Henry using William’s car wouldn’t be unheard of if Mrs. Afton kept the car and the house, I just don’t feel Henry would use it unless he had been using the vehicle awhile. This also explains the Bonnie-esque footprints outside since William would want to come get / visit his kid he’s [most likely] no longer allowed to see. He may even be taking Michael back to the FNAF 4 house (implying that the house we see in MM is Henry’s). Speaking of, if we assume William’s intentions are [likely] bad, he’s probably taking Michael back to experiment with the Funtime-Nightmares, if you believe this theory. I think this theory is probably true considering the random grave (which, in this context has no answer except a Twisted animatronic aka a Nightmare) AND because the blueprints in Sister Location SHOW the Nightmares on the display during Funtime Freddy’s repair, implying they are real and not imagined. This is also assumed to be punishment for Michael killing Evan. I think Michael goes WITH William because of his tumultuous relationship with a now mentally ill and drunkard Henry. Henry probably knows that William killed Charlotte and a common theme in some works is a parent seeing their child (or a murderer) in a child aka Michael reminds Henry of William, so he neglects him (which in itself wouldn’t be out of place for Henry, since he already wasn’t a very attentive parent).
The main issue with this theory is that it sort of assumes that CC was Michael and not Evan. I don’t think that’s the case, though.
While we're on this version, I also want to discuss evidence for the MM driver being drunk. Not only are you driving on the opposite side of traffic, the Files book explicitly states "crashing" into the secret road for the mini-game. Not that Henry couldn't be drunk, especially if he just found Charlotte dead, but... for me personally it seems a stretch. And I already mentioned the car.
William's Father - This is an interesting idea, but the foot prints kind of rule it out. At least there's an explanation for the car, though, right? Still, it doesn't explain the foot prints unless you assume maybe his father was more alike Afton than we thought. But then why bother showing us background on our killer so late with no pay off? I easily dismiss this theory.
A new theory, at least one I haven't seen posed yet:
Vanny - That's right. Vanny. What if she survived/lived? Some leaks even suggest she may be related to the Aftons. Mustard Man's color is similar to Princess Quest's heroine. It explains the footprints, but doesn't explain the car. This would make for a nice foreshadowing of Vanny, IMO, but it’s weak at best.
You know when Matpat discusses "that one puzzle peice that we're missing"? That's this entire mess of a mini-game. Don't get me wrong, the music is bawlin and it's fun to talk about, otherwise I wouldn't write about it, but it is undoubtedly FRUSTRATING.
What are your opinions?
I also wanted to point out some other interesting things from the Files book I haven't seen discussed: There is confirmation of two sets of gold suits. Not only is there the FNAF 2 phone call, but the text specifies between Spring Bonnie/Springtrap and Fredbear/Golden Freddy. IE: FNAF 4 suit is Springtrap but the one from Stage 01 is Spring Bonnie. This could be oversight, but... I don't think it is. I'm sure most of the fandom does ASSUME this anyway, but I felt it was worth noting. (In my fic, they are the same suit, but the second sets are upgraded after the original failures).
The poster behind Scraptrap. Nothing really interesting here, but there is an image of a building with two gargoyle (lion?) statues behind him. Presumably this would be a police station or Fazbear Fright. I just thought it was cool since I never noticed this in the image. My initial thought was this might be a reference to the hospital in Man in 1280, but that’s a stretch.
Jr's. This is the random building in Midnight Motorist in which Green Man says "gtfo" to our Mustard Man. I should mention I feel that is good evidence to it being William or Henry, depending what the building is. We can 100% say it is NOT a bar (in my fic, that's what I used, even though it doesn't make sense. I don't see a drunk person driving to a second bar so close to their home when they could have gone there initially, BUT then I am a home-drinker when I do drink, so I don't know the night life). The Files refer to it as simply "a restaraunt". Whether this IS a FNAF location (also referred to as restaraunts) or just some random eatery, it's something to contemplate. I am in the camp that it isn't FNAF 2, at least.
I have some other things from Fazbear Frights' Blackbird I wanna discuss, too, but I'll wait until the book is out to help you all avoid spoilers.
Now, this is all just my thoughts on it. Please don't take anything too seriously (as Scott says don't rack your brain on this, it's not worth it). I just think these are some points that haven't been discussed before.
Also, if you wanna read my theory on why Scraptrap is partly the Golden Freddy suit, I have that theory here.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk? <-- is that a dated reference? Probably.
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mcrninqstar · 3 years
discord: it’s you. it’s always been you.
SUMMARY: Lucifer accidently sends Maze the wrong text leading her to believe her best friend is dead. He goes to her to clarify and they end up revealing more to each other than they anticipated.  TRIGGERS: Death Mentions, Daddy Issues, Mommy Issues WRITTEN WITH: @mazikeenofmurders
MAZIKEEN: She'd been in Hell, torturing Will when she got the update from Lucifer. Charlie's dead now. She'd seen a lot of people die in her lifetime. Most of the time it didn't bother her, but Charlie was her best friend. It was heartbreaking. Her chest felt restricted, and her eyes filled with tears. She wiped them away before anyone could see them. If Charlie had ended up in Hell, Maze should've been told, but no one came while she let out her anger on Will, which meant that she'd gone to heaven and that Maze wouldn't be able to see her again. She let Belphegor continue torturing Will on their own while she went back to her own place in Hell. She didn't tell Belphegor the news yet. They'd need to figure out how to break that down to them. They were already upset enough that she'd been hurt. Maze had diverted their sadness to anger, but handling her death would be harder. Maze remained stoic until she got home and saw a picture of Charlie, Lucifer, and herself in a frame on one of the walls. She picked it up and broke down into tears, clutching it to her chest as she laid down on her bed. Now she'd really never get Charlie to sleep with her and Lucifer. That made her cry more.
LUCIFER: "Well, that was bloody awful," Lucifer lamented as he appeared in Maze's home. He needed someone to complain to about this. He'd already tried calling Linda a couple times but she declined the calls on account that it was close to 2am now. "Maze?" he called out to her. She wasn't in the living room, but he could feel her presence about. He figured she must've gone to bed. Surely she wouldn't mind being woken up to some good news. Lucifer helped himself to the bar, pouring two glasses of champagne and placing them on a tray. He carried them into Maze's room like some sort of fancy butler. He expected to find her maybe in some sexy little number or maybe nothing at all. But what he hadn't expected was to find her crying. "Mazikeen..." he lowered the tray onto the nightstand beside her. "Why are you crying? I thought you'd be over the moon, honestly..." Becoming Death was one hell of a promotion, especially for a human reaper. Charlie had essentially ascended to an angelic form of being. It was unheard of for humans to do that. It was historic and spicy and no doubt causing Uriel to panic a little. Lucifer very much liked that idea. But Maze...he'd never seen her like this.
MAZIKEEN: She heard it distantly when someone came into her home. Sometimes the other demons tried to sneak into her place to fight her when she was off guard. She was never really off guard, but she could recognize Lucifer's presence. Archangels like him radiated power that was unmistakable, especially him. She didn't move when he called her name. She didn't want him to see her crying like this, but she couldn't stop. It hurt too much. Charlie had been too important to her. "I'm not crying," she insisted, even as her voice cracked and tears spilled down her face. The picture frame she'd been clutching left imprints on her arms as she sat up. She sniffled as she wiped at her face, but more tears kept coming. She looked at Lucifer with confusion. "Why would I be over the moon about this?" she asked. Why was he? What was good about any of this? "She's gone, Lucifer." She took in a breath trying to push back the tears, but it just distorted her face. Admitting that she was gone was hard. It was possibly one of the hardest things she ever had to do, and she dealt with Cuphegor all the time.
LUCIFER: "Right, of course," he nodded and sat down at her bed side. She was too crying but he wasn't going to call her out on it. He simply pulled out the handkerchief from his pocket square and held it out to her. He had no idea what brought this on. Maze normally loved when he sent people out to be tortured by her specifically. William especially had been a thorn at her side. What he'd done now warranted permanent death so naturally he figured Maze would be happy about that but she wasn't. She was crying about someone being gone. It didn't take long to realize she was talking about Charlie. "She's not gone," he replied, placing his hands on either side of her and rubbing down the length of her arms in a reassuring manner. "I mean, I don't really know where she's at right now specifically. She's kind of hiccupping in and out of afterlives and I'm not allowed entry into some of them because of politics. But she's very much alive...unalive...sort of dead?" he sighed trying to figure out how to explain it. "She's Death now." He didn't see what was so bad about that. Maybe it was because Maze couldn't hug her? "I mean, sure, it would be ill advised to touch her at the moment but you'll be able to give her a hug when she reigns her powers in a bit. Raphael said they'd help."
MAZIKEEN: She took the handkerchief he offered her and wiped the tears off her face, still not admitting that they were tears, not that he was insisting they were or anything. He hadn't argued her lie, and she appreciated it. She leaned against him as he rubbed her arms.  She thought he was giving her some spiel about how their afterlives didn't really mean they were gone or something. That wouldn't have made a difference to Mazikeen if she couldn't see Charlie herself, but that wasn't what he was talking about. She wasn't sure what he was talking about actually. "What do you mean she's alive? You texted me and told me she was dead." Her voice was raising angrily. She'd been so upset. "You made me think my best friend died!" She hit him in the chest as she spoke. "I was crying because I thought I lost her!" She spoke with a mixture of shouting and sobbing.
LUCIFER: "What do you mean? No I didn't," he defended as she shouted that he sent her a text saying Charlie was dead. He pulled out his phone to try to get a look at what he said but she started smacking him. He swatted her away briefly to take a peak and sure enough...he grimaced. Bloody autocorrect. "That was meant to say she's Death, not she's dead," he corrected, not that it mattered in hindsight. "I wouldn't break that kind of news to you over a text message, Maze," he tried to assure her calmly. "That's Levi levels of avoidance. I'd send a carrier pigeon at least." Perhaps it wasn't the best time for jokes but that was really the only way he knew how to work through the kind of day he had. It wasn't exactly easy having to run a death scythe into an old friend and hope for the best.
MAZIKEEN: "Yes, you did!" she snapped. She'd read over the text several times just to make sure she'd read it right because that news was so serious. It didn't make a difference to her now that it was a typo. If anything, she was more furious that he hadn't noticed the typo before he'd sent it, or even that he didn't see that it had changed once he had sent it. He could've corrected it immediately and saved her the heartbreak of thinking she'd lost her friend. "A carrier pigeon?!" she repeated angrily, not finding his jokes as funny as he did in the moment when she was still reeling from thinking her friend had died. She started hitting him. "You're so stupid! I can't believe I fell in love with you, you asshole! Who jokes about that?!"
LUCIFER: "In my defense a lot was going on," he lamented, still wanting to complain about the situation. "I wasn't exactly sipping Bacardi with Raphael up there." He might've put too much faith in his phone to get the message across. "I knew you were worried about Charlie's condition and I wanted to get the news to her ASAP. I had a million and one things I needed to do to secure the veil after everything happened and I wouldn't have had time to come down to hell until well...now. I didn't think it was fair for you to wait that long." He was trying to ease her nerves but thanks to his phone he'd done the opposite. He grimaced as soon as the pigeon joke left his lips and braced himself for another round of smacking. It didn't hurt and he let her carry on. It was best to just let Maze air out her frustrations rather than let them fester. He expected her to insult him. That was par for the course. But he hadn't expected her to say the other thing. He sat up a little straighter and held her firmly so that she would stop hitting him and look at him instead. "You don't...you can't...you don't mean that, do you?" he asked her in all seriousness.
MAZIKEEN: Realistically, she couldn't blame him too much for what had happened. All in all, it was a simple mistake, and anger was the main way she knew to release her emotions. She knew Lucifer  knew that, and there were ways she could make it up to him later when she wasn't emotional. She sighed. "I guess I do appreciate you trying to tell me as soon as possible, even if you did fuck it up." She really did appreciate that, considering how worried she'd been about Charlie. "So I really can't hug her though?" She was one of the people Maze actually liked to hug. Lucifer was also one of them, but him grabbing her took her by surprise. He probably just was getting annoyed with her constantly hitting him, but most of her anger had gotten out now. She sighed. "You are kinda an asshole sometimes, but I like it most of the time."
LUCIFER: "Well, someone will suffer for the ill conceived attempts of autocorrect," he assured her. It wasn't going to be him, but someone would. Surely there was probably a demon to blame for this. "Probably Sam," he offered, hoping that would lift her spirits some with another soul to torture. "Charlie managed to separate him and his evil twin. She dragged the parasitic one here. Not sure which kingdom but when we find him, he's all yours," he replied, still running his hand up and down her arm in a comforting gesture. "No, I'm afraid you can't hug her for now. She's deadly to everything except the Archangels now." Although Charlie was young by comparison, her ranking was up there with Cupid now that she was Death. Love and Death were fundamental forces in the balance of things. "But I'll give her extra hugs on your behalf," he replied. He didn't mind it one bit. Having to stab Charlie wasn't exactly pleasant and he wanted to ensure she was okay every step of the way. His features softened and his grip lightened when she remarked he was an asshole sometimes, but she enjoyed that about him. "That's not what I meant...I meant the other thing you said. The one about falling in love with me..." he clarified so that neither of them could be mistaken this time. "You don't mean that, do you?"
MAZIKEEN: "As they should." She nodded in agreement. She smiled brightly when Lucifer suggested that it would probably be Sam. She'd always wanted to torture him. "Is it my birthday again already?" she asked jokingly. She was a little disappointed that it wasn't both Sams that ended up in Hell, but she guessed that it was good for Charlie's happiness or something. "That's pretty hot," she remarked with a smirk. "It makes me want to try it anyway. I'll tell you what it feels like." She grinned. Lucifer couldn't have all the fun in being the only one of them to be able to hug Charlie. Her smile faltered when he clarified what he'd heard her say. "Ah," so she had actually said that then? She'd thought that part was just in her head, but it was hard to keep a cap on her thoughts when she was that upset. Her chest clenched up. She was trying to gauge his reaction to that before she said anything else, but it was hard to tell how he was feeling about it. The most she could tell was that he was uncertain, but she couldn't decipher if that uncertainty came from disgust at the idea, if he wanted it like she did, if his trauma from the curse just had him scared to trust it, or a combination of a few of those. She sat up straighter, holding herself higher to make sure this confession didn't make her look weaker in any way. If he didn't like it then fuck him anyways. "I do. I've been in love with you for a while now." She let out a breath of air. That was a weird thing she never really thought she'd let out, but it was out there now. She watched Lucifer carefully for his reaction, prepared to backtrack or defend herself if she needed to.
LUCIFER: He was glad to see her smile after the particularly awful news she thought he'd delivered. He knew he'd be paying for that for the next few weeks but for now at least the storm had passed and she knew Charlie was safe. "If your birthday occurred anytime that man nearly dies, you'd be aging at twice the rate," he pointed out. He really did feel for the Winchester's Guardian. That angel had to be doing overtime on most days. "Wear protection," he teased. "Safe hugging to prevent untimely death." Maze wore enough latex that it really shouldn't be a problem. Charlie was careful too. Lucifer had instructed her to go to Val in the meantime for pointers and perhaps a pair of sturdier gloves.
He swallowed back a bit of initial panic when she confirmed that he'd heard her correctly. His automatic thoughts and fears were that his curse was back. Why else would anyone love him? He projected outward confidence because he had to. It was expected of him as King of Hell to know what to do, or at least to look like he knew what he was doing. Maze knew better than most Lucifer had no idea what he was doing. He was a mess just trying his best. Truthfully, the curses had set him back quite a bit. He still struggled, wondering if any of the relationships and connections he'd made in his life were real. Chloe had left him long before the curse was broken and he couldn't blame her. But Maze stuck around. She'd been there before he discovered his curse and she was still there afterward. She'd been there through all of his milestone and all the trials life could've thrown his way. He couldn't have imagined doing any of this without her. In fact, he was certain he couldn't have done it without her. The duties of keeping Hell running and keeping his siblings both happy and alive stretched him thin. He needed a partner and Maze was the best one he could've ever asked for.
If she really did love him, then this was a blessing because as much as the feeling scared him, he loved her too. He hadn't realized how much she did for him until she'd disappeared to the other timeline. He'd been a mess then and so had hell. Since then, he tried to show her that he appreciated her more and more. He tried to do what he could to spend time with her because he didn't know how much time they had left. He realized some time ago if the void was going to take over, she'd be the person he'd want to be with in the end. He thought those feelings were just friendship, but he knew deep down it went deeper than that.
"Okay...." he took a deep breath. "Okay..." he ran his hands up and down her arms as a soothing gesture. "Mazikeen, you are one of the most important people to me. You're the first person I check in with in the mornings and the last one I see before I go to bed. You're..." You're the one person I can see myself spending an eternity with. Just say it Lucifer. Come on. "The last time I felt like this about someone, it turned out to not be real. How do we know any of this is real?" he questioned. It was an unfair question to place on her but he wanted to be upfront with his fears. He'd known Chloe for all of 4 years when she left. And her leaving left a hole in his belief in love. He'd known Maze for much longer. If this turned out to be a curse and if she left too...he wasn't sure where that would leave either of them.
MAZIKEEN: She laughed a little at his comment about Sam's deaths. "Even better. Maybe I can catch up to you, old man." It wasn't like they really aged anyways. Birthdays were an arbitrary thing they made up just for an excuse to celebrate. They were all too old to actually keep up with their ages, and even if they did, it just made them look so much better despite their ages. "Don't worry. My strap-on has a condom and everything." She grinned. She'd be careful enough, but the thought that her best friend could kill her with just a single touch was exciting and she wanted to see what it felt like. Hopefully, she wouldn't kill herself completely in the process. She wasn't actually suicidal like some people.
Her chest ached seeing that look on his face. As a demon, she considered it a skill of hers that she could recognize the fear in her victims, but Lucifer wasn't a victim. He was her closest friend and the person she was in love with. She usually knew him better than she knew herself most of the time, but she couldn't tell where that panic came from in the moment. Was he as scared of rejecting her as she was of being rejected? Or was he just as scared of allowing himself to love as she was. She knew that with his curse, he'd been hesitant of his relationships, romantic or otherwise. It was part of the reason she'd been so hesitant herself recently about talking about it (though it was mainly because of her own fear). The way he held onto her arms, rubbing them to reassure her, convinced her that this was a rejection, so she prepared herself for it.
She had to admit, he was setting up the rejection nicely. She imagined that he was going the route of asking if they could still be friends so they could still do all of those things. The last time I felt like this about someone... So he did feel the same way about her then, and his panic was about the curse. Even so, the doubt of whether this was real or not hurt. She knew his curse was broken. Cupid had confirmed that. Maze wasn't particularly great at dealing with her emotions, so the pain she felt at his doubt turned to anger. It wasn't rational anger, considering how valid his doubts were, but she was angry nevertheless. How dare he doubt her love?!
"I'm not Chloe," she snapped. "What, do you think that just because I was with her when Cupid broke your connection that it somehow transferred from her into me? Well, it didn't because I've been in love with you for a lot longer than that. I didn't fall in love with you because of a curse. I fell in love with you because unlike everyone else you were always there with me and for me from the day I met you. It wasn't some immediate infatuation. I don't do the love at first sight thing." She barely considered the love thing until she realized it was actually a possibility. "I don't just have the feeling that I love you. I know I love you because I consider the day you picked me to be your right hand one of the best moments of my life, and maybe kicking Azazel's ass made that day better too, but that's not the important part. You are. I like working for you. I like your dirty jokes because I have the same sense of humor. And your corny jokes are awful,  but occasionally I'll find myself making them too." She sounded annoyed as she said all of this, only angry that he didn't see it. She shouldn't have been surprised though considering that seemed to run in his family. "I know a lot of people think it's a little extra the way you will do whole musical numbers. I agree, but I fucking love it!"
He looked like he was about to say something, but she cut him off. "I'm not done yet! You wanted to know how I know that this is real, so you're going to hear it all! When I was younger, and practically everyone was doubting me for being your right hand, you didn't. You never doubted my capability to kick their asses and make them shut the fuck up. I fucking love the fact that even though you're an archangel, you trust me to handle myself and fight my own battles. I'd be pissed if you tried to, but I never had to worry about that with you. I never have to worry about most things with you because I trust you. Hell, even your problems I don't mind dealing with. You self-sabotage constantly, and so do I. You've got the the world's biggest daddy issues, and I've got the world's worst mommy issues. But we know how to deal with each other's issues. The drama in your family is exponential, but I don't ever want to stop dealing with it. It's honestly really entertaining, and don't you dare fucking tell them this, or anyone for that matter, but I started to care for them too. Some of them anyways. Just a tiny barely noticeable amount." She probably shouldn't have said that, but she kept going.
"When we came up here together at first and Chloe made you vulnerable, you have no idea how terrified I was. I am your right hand and your bodyguard. I don't usually have to protect you from much because you're an archangel, but there you were getting injured constantly just because you kept going near the thing that was making you vulnerable. I was honestly glad that it was a curse just because it meant that you could be safe again." Sure there were other things that could hurt him but not many. "I was just glad that I didn't have to worry about losing you."
She continued to list off more and more reasons to prove how she knew her love was her own and not from some curse. It spanned from centuries in the past all the way to the present, including the smallest details like the way he laughed when he was scared or  the way his hair looked after sex to more major details and events like the fact that she saw him when she looked at Asmodeus or how jealous she felt when she saw the other universe's Maze seeming to have everything with her Lucifer and how glad she was to come home to her own. It took her hours to get through everything, and it was well into the morning now. "And if that's not enough to convince you that this is real, I don't know what is," she huffed. "Cupid's been trying to get me to tell you for ages now, and she wouldn't do that if she had any doubts about my feelings for you being a curse. She might be a pain in the ass half the time, but I know you at least can count on her being genuine about love."
LUCIFER: "At the rate he dies, you'll likely catch up to Aamon or Michael at this point," he joked although he really hoped Sam would slow down a little for Charlie's sake. He chuckled when she replied that her strap-on had a condom. "A paragon of safe sex. I expect no less. I'm sure Charlie will appreciate the sentiment." If anything, Charlie would at least appreciate the jokes and the company. It had been a rough few hours for her. Those hours spanned days in hell. Days that Maze must've spent feeling anxious about her friend's wellbeing. No wonder she'd reacted so poorly to his faux pas.
He was hoping to make it up to her, but it was clear his hesitation was contributing to her anxiety. Being a demon from Aamon's kingdom, that anxiety naturally expressed itself with rage. He flinched as she snapped at him. He swallowed hard when she replied that she'd been in love with him for a lot longer than he'd been cursed. Maybe they'd looked at the curse all wrong then. Maybe it was there from the beginning. Maybe Chloe wasn't the original victim, but rather Mazikeen. The thought of that ached and hurt more than anything. She was his best advisor and his closest friend. The thought of their closeness potentially being driven by a curse was a hurt that threatened to tear his chest open, but continued to listen. It was best not to interrupt her when she was in one of these passionate rages.
His features softened and his panic started to drop off slightly as she started listing tangible things she liked about him. Love curses couldn't go that deep, could they? Cupid had told him even the strongest curses can only mimic a base and superficial love. What Maze was describing didn't feel superficial. She'd also said that real love felt different. It made you feel complete even when you felt like you were falling apart. Maze made him feel that way. She understood him in ways even those around him didn't seem to get.
She didn't try to change him or insist that he be someone else, someone more mature or someone she felt he needed to be in certain situations. She trusted his judgement even when he didn't trust himself necessarily. Apparently not everyone was the same way though. There were people out there that didn't like his musical numbers? He was about to open his mouth to retort, but she cut him off. He closed his mouth and patiently waited as she continued, a smile growing on his face.
Just as he'd been reminiscing about how she never doubted his abilities, it was clear she felt the same way about him never doubting her. He always knew that she was capable. His siblings might have been more powerful than her, but they always knew that Maze was an extension of Lucifer. She wasn't a subordinate, she was family to them. And it was clear Maze felt that they were her family too. That made Lucifer brighten considerably. He knew Maze didn't have a good relationship with her family and sometimes his own relationship with his family was rocky too. But she found her place among them and that was important to him.
She was as afraid of losing him as he was of losing her which was both terrifying and a relief. When she was off in the other timeline, he'd been a mess just thinking about it. It wasn't just the daunting task of finding another right hand if she never came back. It was the inexplicable pain of losing someone whom you couldn't imagine your life without. There was no one in this world or the next that could replace Maze.
"Mazikeen," he cupped her face as she finished, letting her take a few deep breaths to calm down. She looked like she needed a drink too. "I believe you," his voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. The previous panic that it carried was now gone. He really did believe her. He knew Maze well enough to know cursed or not, love was the last thing she wanted to admit to. It took guts to get this far and now it was time for him to show the same kind of bravery. "And I love you too," he smiled. "You make me a better person without trying to change a single thing about me. You listen to my fears and insecurities and you don't let them be the only voice inside my head. When shit hits the fan you are the only person I know I can count on. It's always been you," he replied as he leaned in and kissed her gently. "It's always going to be you."
MAZIKEEN: "He's really got issues if he's going that far." Maze could see the appeal of getting close to death. She liked pushing things that far all the time. Having sex with archangels who could easily end your existence provided a similar thrill, but Maze didn't actually want to die. "Yeah," Maze agreed. "Hopefully becoming death doesn't autocorrect her sense of humor." She was joking just to pick on Lucifer's mistake, but she was a little worried about how this change would affect Charlie. She didn't know everything about what becoming death entailed. She had always been closer to Charlie than Azrael, and Azrael wasn't very social. She hadn't talked much about what being Death was like either. Maze didn't know how much she could help Charlie, or how much any of them could.
She looked at Lucifer angrily as he cupped her face, waiting for him to make fun of her or say that her explanations weren't enough to prove that this was real even though she knew it was. Her expression softened when he said he believed her. "You do?" She asked, relaxing into him now. He'd gone through so much lately that she really didn't expect him to take her at her word. "You do?" She asked again as he told her he loved her too. She felt warmer, and she was smiling brightly. She didn't think she'd been in love before him, and just getting that confirmation was such a relief. She felt lighter and happier. She looked at him in awe as he explained just what made him love her too. "I don't need to change anything about you," she said in defense of him, but she couldn't counter the rest of it. She deepened the kiss. Her hands moved into his hair, pulling on some of the strands, but this kiss was different than their usual make-out sessions. It wasn't just from lust, though she was feeling hornier now. Adding an emotional extension to kissing someone was . . . Interesting to say the least. She might've loved him before, but loving him and knowing he loved her had the most thrill she'd ever known. Cupid could never be told that. She'd never hear the end of how right Cupid was, but this was something Mazikeen had needed to do on her own anyways. Maze smirked as they pulled out of the kiss. "If it's always going to be me, do we need to discuss anything else, or are you going to get me out of these clothes?"
LUCIFER: "There's minor death kinks and then there's whatever Sam's got," he chuckled. He would pass off Linda's number to Sam and maybe even introduce them. She'd get a kick out of an interdimensional client and Sam could really use the help after all of this. He groaned at the joke Maze made about Charlie's humor getting autocorrected. If course she wasn't going to let him live it down. Despite her ribbing at him, he knew there was some truth hidden in her jokes. She was afraid that this whole transition to becoming Death would change Charlie. "She's a little overwhelmed right now, but still Charlie. It's like the second Frozen movie where Elsa transitions into the fifth natural force," he giggled to himself. "You know, that sort of makes you Anna. I've seen dark before..." he sang through his giggles, ducking away before she could smack him.
"I do," he nodded. "It doesn't mean I'm any less scared about it or that I even know what I'm doing, but I believe you and I love you," he assured her. Admitting it out loud again felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. The more times he said it out loud, the more sure of himself he felt. He did love her. This wasn't the curse talking, this was him. He smiled when she replied that she didn't need to change him. He'd gone a good portion of his life thinking there was something wrong with him. He didn't fit the mold his Father intended for him. He never accepted him for who he was and simply wanted to beat him down until he was a perfect soldier like Michael. But Maze never tried to change him. She never made him feel like he was built wrong or that he was too soft, too hard, or too much for the role placed on his shoulders.
As she deepened the kiss, he pressed her against the wall, wanting to feel every inch of her. Having aired out how he felt, and having her accept it and feel the same was exhilarating and quite frankly more of a turn on than anything else he'd ever experienced before. He could hardly focus as she pulled away. "Well," he smirked, trailing kisses down her neck as his hands explored her body. "I do have some making up to do for my previous faux pas." He gripped her tightly and picked her up before plopping her down onto the bed. "You know what they say, no time line the present," he smirked, dipping down to kiss her again.
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
the one where jj plays intramural football
a/n: this one is dedicated to the homie @sunnypogue​. no warnings just cursing, word count is 1.2k because I got ~carried away~
as spring rolled around, jj finally decided it was time to join beta’s intramural football team. he had been recruited for the past three years but always came up with some lame excuse as to why he couldn’t play. in reality, he knew football well enough, and the athleticism was there, but didn’t want to be compared to some of the guys that were good enough to have played in college but didn’t want the commitment. they took it at little too seriously and the frat was known for winning the league yearly. but he needed a stress reliever and something to get his mind off upcoming job applications, so he signed up. 
charlie was ecstatic, of course. as the first born and being older than her brother by a good ten years, her dad took it upon himself to teach her everything he knew about football. she knew the game like the back of her hand and it showed with the way she complained about south carolina’s current team. 
at the first game of the season, she opted to sit about four feet away from the beta’s team bench, instead of further down the sideline with the other girlfriends that showed up for support. she tried keeping to herself for the majority of the game, but couldn’t help calling out a few directions to the players. 
after her third outcry of “cover your man, dumbass!” and her fifth time shouting at the ref for his shoddy job (the poor sophomore was just trying to work his part-time job), one of jj’s frat brothers and the team captain, thomas, had enough. in the huddle, thomas jerked his thumb over to where charlie was seated and rolled his eyes at jj. “handle your girl, maybank,” he told him, exasperated. jj immediately stepped forward, pointing his finger in thomas’ face. “watch your fucking mouth. she wouldn’t have to keep yelling if you could actually follow the right plays.” thomas shoved him away, shaking his head as a couple brothers stepped in to break it up. “whatever, I’m just sick of a girl backseat coaching.” 
jj was fuming inside but let it slide as the ref blew the whistle to break up the huddle. they barely won the game and as the boys split up post-game, jj walked over to charlie with a grin. “we’re pretty good, huh?” 
charlie spun her keys on her finger, walking to the car. “if you’re going to play receiver you need better hands. you dropped two solid passes and almost fumbled on that 40-yard run. work on your ball handling.” 
jj laughed, not taking her seriously. “yeah, yeah, whatever. you seemed to like my hands just fine last night.” he slid into the passenger seat and charlie did the same, turning to look him dead in the eye. 
“I’m serious. I’m not dating a shitty football player.” she told him, ignoring his innuendo. 
jj laughed again. “it’s intramurals, walker.” 
charlie nodded. “exactly, maybank. and you were more attractive when you caught the pass.” 
he didn’t take her too seriously, but her words were like a glowing reminder in his head every game for the rest of the season. he improved with practice - and her instruction - and she continued to coach from the sideline. while all of her advice was unwarranted, it was mainly appreciated and jj’s frat brothers began to take her more seriously as they saw she knew her shit. 
the final game of the season, the championship versus sigma chi, was an event in of itself in greek life. it was played in williams-brice stadium and since it was spring, it was just another excuse for greek life to tailgate once again. jj had been talking her ear off all week about it, worried he was going to screw up and make a fool of himself in front of everyone. students filled up the first few sections in the stands, rowdy as ever. charlie took her place in the stands right behind the bench, ready to call out plays as needed.  
the first half was pretty evenly matched, sigma chi also having their share of former high school football players on the team. (they even had a guy that had played for kentucky for two years, then transferred and joined the frat - charlie had tried to get him kicked off the team but he was still eligible somehow.) charlie was one of few students that was actually sober in the crowd, watching every play intently. after yelling out a few choice words toward the student refs, she had already received a couple warnings and stayed silent - save for cheering enthusiastically whenever beta made a solid play. 
at halftime, the boys seemed to be arguing back and forth, trying to draw up a  few successful plays. 
finally, jj’s teammate thomas turned to the stands. “walker! get your ass down here,” he yelled out, pushing jj away as he tried to shove him for talking to his girlfriend in that manner. 
charlie paused, surprised. “really?” 
thomas looked annoyed that he had to clarify. “yes, we need a fucking coach.” 
charlie grinned and didn’t hesitate to hop the stands, coming onto the field. “so now that you’re desperate, you finally want to take my advice?” thomas rolled his eyes as the whistle blew, signaling the start of the second half. “whatever. just do your thing, I’m not gonna let us lose the streak.” 
charlie took her job seriously, coaching the boys through the rest of the game. (she ignored jj trying to flirt with her while he sat on the bench - “don’t talk to me,” she scolded, ignoring another lame pickup line.)
 in a desperate attempt at the end of the game, she drew up a trick play, calling the team into a huddle. it involved the quarterback scooping the ball in the backfield to the running back, who would then throw it to the quarterback in the end zone. there were mere seconds on the clock. it was crazy. possibly stupid. 
but it worked. 
jj hollered as they scored, signaling the end of the game. he sprinted to charlie from the field and promptly lifted her up, spinning her in a wide circle. charlie had an ear-splitting grin as jj squeezed her tightly. they finished celebrating on the field, someone yelling that they were moving the party to the beta house.  
jj walked to the car with his arm slung around charlie’s shoulders proudly. “do I get my girlfriend back now?” he asked teasingly, tugging at her hair. she laughed, swatting his hand. “what do you mean?” jj laughed. “you’re kidding, right?” charlie shook her head, confused. “no, what do you mean?” 
“charlie, I love you, but I am so glad you’re never going to be a coach again. if you’re like this for intramural games I don’t even want to think about what you’ll be like at our kids’ games.” she stopped in her tracks, grinning. “you've thought about that before? our kids?” the tips of his ears turned red and he hesitated, not realizing what he had said. “well. I mean. yeah, haven’t you?” charlie nodded, smiling. “yeah, I have. let’s just hope they don’t inherit your skills.” she  giggled as he grabbed her around the waist, whispering in her ear. “let’s hope they don’t inherit your sass.” 
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