wyn-n-tonic · 1 year
if i can give any little piece of advice to baby social workers coming into the field it's this:
the SOCIAL part of social services is caring about and building a rapport with the individuals you serve, learning about their backgrounds and their wants and their needs and genuinely listening to them. the SERVICES part is respecting those people and their wants and their needs and their backgrounds and taking the information that you were given and doing your best to connect them with organizations that fit those needs and fit that background.
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20240830 Series 27 Episode 105
Discovery of the heaviest antimatter hyper-nucleus ever created
Physicists from the STAR Collaboration have for the first time observed a new antimatter hyper-nucleus called anti-hyperhydrogen-4.
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Rocket engine explodes during UK spaceport test A rocket engine exploded spectacularly during a hot fire first stage test at Britain's new SaxaVord spaceport in northern Scotland.
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Why food tastes bad in space
A new study may help explain why astronauts are constantly reporting that their meals taste bland in space.
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The Science Report
Five percent of people are consuming products that are potentially toxic to their livers.
The robotic glove that will help people who need hand rehabilitation.
Your social position – income and job – could be linked to your food preferences.
Skeptics guide to the accuracy of ghost hunts
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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denimbex1986 · 8 days
"I feel great, you know; I'm here with my two sisters and my best friend so that makes it special, you know - when you've got your family here. So yeah, I'm delighted with myself."
"Yeah, this is a bit of - this is custom Vivienne Westwood. I adore her; I just think she's one of our, our greatest ever geniuses so I was really thrilled to be, to be wearing her."
"Oh yeah, oh yeah. Yeah, well you go in and they - you tell them your ideas and they go: "No." No, they don't; that's actually not true - they're incredibly collaborative. I love all that stuff - I've always loved clothes, so part - a part of my job is to dress up, you know, and, you know, for a character, but it's also, I don't know, it's really fun; menswear has got much more, more fun now - you used to just have to wear a black tie the whole time time - so it's nice to have a bit of, you know, a bit of - let your creative juices flow."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's really fun that; it's really lovely because you know, it is a bit weird sometimes when, you know, you don't know who's gonna get nominated and who isn't going to get nominated, and, you know, I suspect that people don't really remember after a ye - two months later; they're like: "Huh? I don't remember." But on the day, it's lovely. And you know, it sounds like maybe a bit of a cliche, but the nomination is really lovely, you know, because you just feel like your, you work has been seen. And so when you have a great time, with Dakota Fanning particularly; I absolutely adored working with her, and so to see her honoured this evening, you know, everybody loves Dakota Fanning. She's an icon. Yeah, she's an icon."
"...Do you know about that photograph; that photograph - every other boy in that photo, photograph was wearing heels. I looked like the small - people said it was like when, when, when the Shire got a Zara; it was one of the best things ever. But I particularly look so tiny because I'm wearing flats, and those boys if you look carefully, they had little - I wouldn't say they had lifts, I wouldn't, I wouldn't - they were, they were, you know - they were heeled. They were heeled boys. But we all did look tiny, but particularly little Scotty here, I was like "Jeez." It was like I'd won a competition. But anyway."
"Yes, we did; we were summoned by Kylie. We were so excited. We were like: "We can't let down the gays - we've gotta go there." So we did. We were, we were so scared that we were going to drop her - you can't drop Kylie Minogue - but we didn't. It was so - it was, it was a real honour. It was so fun. You know, it's kind of crazy all that stuff that happens but no better person than to do it with than Jonny. He's, he's just the best boy; I love him dearly."
"I'm delighted to talk about Knives Out 3, because I had the most fun on Knives Out 3. You know, it's got a cast of real, genuine legends in there; Kerry Washington, Glenn Close, Josh O'Connor, Josh Brolin, Jeremy Renner - oh my God - so many other people; Daniel Craig obviously."
"Yeah - 'You guys don't mess this one up.' But it's so fun, and we all had a real dreamy, dreamy time, and I think it'll be really, really special, so yeah - watch out."
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erasure-picnic · 1 year
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This post examines Erasure's involvement in the Red, Hot & Blue project.
In 1989, Leigh Blake and John Carlin, two figures in the New York creative scene, were finding themselves affected by the AIDS crisis, which was having a devastating impact on so many talented artists, intellectuals and friends. Frustrated by the government’s persistent inaction, they looked to their community to enact change. They had an idea. What if they could put out an album of songs by Cole Porter, covered by some of the hottest musical acts, with the proceeds going to AIDS organizations? And what if they paired those songs with music videos directed by great filmmakers?
Early on, the organizers asked Erasure to take part, and the band agreed–they’d always done AIDS benefits and felt that it was more important than ever to raise awareness about the disease. They contributed a steamy, electrified cover of “Too Darn Hot”, along with a powerful music video, directed by Adelle Lutz and Sandy McLeod. Bell and Clarke play weather forecasters reporting on the crisis, with the “heat” of the song used as a metaphor for the effects of the epidemic. It’s the project’s most political video, blending the “weather” concept with footage of AIDS protests and facts about HIV. The film clip was so incisive that when the Red, Hot + Blue TV special was aired on ABC, some of its more pointed messages were altered or removed by the network. Thankfully, a year later, the uncensored version was played on Bravo, and it was seen in 30 countries around the world.
Bell also did a front-page feature for Record Mirror in 1990 on the initiative. In the article, he explains why he was determined to contribute, shares more facts about AIDS, and poses in Red, Hot + Blue merchandise. His frankness, conviction and optimism make it a bracing, worthwhile read.
In spite of funding struggles and censorship, Red, Hot + Blue was a success, selling over a million copies worldwide and raising millions of dollars for AIDS charities like ACT UP and AmFAR. Its success helped establish the Red Hot nonprofit, which would go on to release over 15 collaboration albums, numerous TV specials and media events. And it’s still going on today: follow the Red Hot Organization on social media to learn more.
General information: the official website of Red Hot Organization; newspaper clippings; books from Internet Archive Magazine cover: Lansure's Music Paraphernalia and Michael Kane (Record Mirror, Oct. 20, 1990) Screen captures of music video: Internet Archive
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sonseulsoleil · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @hmslusitania! Thanks Hayley!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total word count on AO3?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever I am obsessed with at the moment. The last stuff I was working on was Percy Jackson fic, before that Heartstopper (and I WILL get back to those wips eventually). Oh, and Newsies is also currently in the works! Basically I have ADHD and I am all over the place all of the time. I'll go back to wips I started 5 years ago and keep working on them. What I've written vs what I've actually managed to polish and post is a HUGE disparity lol
4. Top five fics by kudos
- All We Do Is Run
- Let the Whole World Melt Away
- never saw you coming (and I'll never be the same)
- sugar, butter, flour (what a mess I'm making)
- stay in my arms if you dare (or must I imagine you there)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, almost always. It takes me awhile sometimes, but I try to respond to every comment. I worry that if I don't respond, people will stop commenting.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've written a couple Major Character Death fics, but they're not on AO3 because they were just drabbles so I only posted them on tumblr (also they're very old and bad)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm maybe All We Do Is Run, just compared to the source material lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have a couple times. Mostly on fics where I've introduced OCs, which sucks.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, sometimes. But I don't post it. I write it for myself and will maybe share it with friends if they're interested.
10. Craziest crossover?
I've never written a proper crossover. I'll write AUs where I take the characters of Property A and put them into the story of Property B, but I've never written a true crossover where characters of two properties interact.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, but I've definitely had fic concepts stolen. Which sounds petty, but I've made posts about fics I'm working on and had people take them and write their own fics with the same details I mentioned and it's like. Not plagiarism exactly and it's impossible to own ideas, really, but it does rub me the wrong way.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple times! It's very cool!
13. Have you ever Co-written a fic?
I tried once a long time ago and it went poorly. Turns out I am not a very good collaborator sometimes.
14. All time favourite ship?
I don't--you want me to pick ONE?! are you kidding lol
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have SO MANY. There's a Star Trek fic I've been working on off and on since Beyond came out. There's my mermaid!Buck 911 fic. There's my current Heartstopper fic. There's my PJO Anastasia fic. There's my angst canon divergence Psych fic. My google drive is a graveyard of partially written stories begging to see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things, clearly.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Depends wildly. I've written this in some Heartstopper fics, because Nick speaks French. And I had a friend who is fluent in French help me get it right. I think when people take the time to find a fluent speaker to help them or are fluent themselves, it's fine and good. And when people are just using google translate, it shows. Also, obviously, being bilingual has to make sense for the character. I also especially have beef with the way people often write latine characters/Spanish specifically. I grew up surrounded by latinos and nobody talks like that. Stop it. You all know what I'm talking about.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
ABC's Castle. Say what you will about Nathan Fillion, but that show shaped me as a person.
20. Fave fics you’ve written?
All We Do Is Run (longest multi-chap I've ever written. this thing was years of my life.)
répète (the only one of my GMW/BMW fics I regularly go back to)
tin can telephones (it's all written in texts and dialogue and that was really fun)
I'm tagging @firstelevens @memequeme @galwithalibrarycard and anyone else who wants to do it!
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calzona-ga · 2 years
Grey’s Anatomy’s revolving door just keeps swinging. On the heels of Ellen Pompeo’s exit as a series regular and showrunner Krista Vernoff’s announcement that this season will be her last (for now, anyway) comes word that Kelly McCreary is also departing.
The Thursday, April 13, episode of ABC’s resurgent drama will mark the actress’ final appearance as a series regular, according to our sister site Deadline. Her character — Meredith Grey’s half sister, Maggie Pierce — will likely leave Seattle rather than stay and work on her foundering marriage to fellow doctor Winston Ndugu, (As of this week’s episode, the couple was still living apart. Read the full recap here.)
“After nine seasons, I am saying goodbye to Maggie and her Grey Sloan family,” read a statement from McCreary, who, like Pompeo, will make return visits later in Season 19. “It has been a tremendous honor to be a part of such a legendary television institution… I will always be grateful to [creator] Shonda Rhimes, Krista Vernoff and ABC for the opportunity, and to the incredible fans for their passionate support.
“To spend nine years exploring a character inside and out, while reaching a global audience with impactful stories, is a rare gift,” she added. “It has afforded me an opportunity to collaborate with, learn from and be inspired by countless brilliant artists both in front of and behind the camera. Playing Pierce has been one of the true joys of my life and I leave with profound gratitude for every step of this journey. I am excited for this next chapter and what the future holds.”
McCreary made her debut as Richard Webber’s surprise daughter with the late Ellis Grey at the tail end of Season 10. The following season, the then-newcomer was bumped up from guest-star to series-regular status.
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We're about a month away from the release of WISH...
Walt Disney Animation Studios, and by extension the whole dang company built on this cartoon bedrock, celebrated their 100th year yesterday... ABC aired ENCANTO, in addition to the world premiere of the short film ONCE UPON A STUDIO (which apparently has now been chopped off of WISH and will debut elsewhere), and an edited version of the WISH trailer... Nothing pertaining to the future was unveiled...
(By the by, I don't have cable, so... I didn't get to see ONCE UPON A STUDIO. Sadface.)
You'd think, for the company's 100th anniversary... That there'd be *some* word on what was coming up next from Walt Disney Animation Studios?
Their new movie is in theaters next month, and we don't know what the November 27, 2024 release from them is...
By now, we usually know what's next... For example:
WISH was first unveiled in September 2022 at the D23 Expo, which was a little over a year before the movie's target release date.
STRANGE WORLD, by contrast, was announced a little under a year before its release. That film was revealed to the public via the trades and Disney themselves on their socials.
ENCANTO was revealed in December 2020 during the company's Investors Day event, that less than a year before it came out.
RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON was another D23 reveal, the August 2019 one to be exact. At the time, RAYA was set to be a Thanksgiving 2020 release until COVID-19 complications pushed it to March 2021.
This, of course, does not count the rumors and scoops. Sometimes, various sites get news on Disney animated movies before Disney themselves say anything. For example, long before Disney announced RAYA in August 2019 to the public, scooper sites were revealing info like "WDAS' next movie is DRAGON EMPIRE". I sometimes heard stuff from the trenches, which was always fun. I remember little snips of what ENCANTO was going to be maybe a year or two before announcement? STRANGE WORLD is interesting because not only were scoopers saying a movie called "Searcher Clade" was coming, but the Venture - the airship the Clade family and the explorers use to reach Avalonia's insides - was Easter Egged in the ENCANTO credits. ENCANTO debuted just a few weeks before the announcement, not even...
So yeah, I thought I'd look at the patterns of their recent releases. We're definitely well beyond the days where you'd hear about things 2-3 years in advance. Remember how ZOOTOPIA, a March 2016 release, was first unveiled at the 2013 D23 Expo? Fun times.
I'm guessing we'll hear about this new WDAS movie, reportedly an original fantasy story set in the Middle East (is this Suzi Yoonessi's film?), either right before WISH comes out... Or maybe a little after. Maybe current world events pertaining to the setting would make an imminent announcement seem a little insensitive?
After this movie, all we know about on the horizon are undated FROZEN and ZOOTOPIA sequels, with next to no info on who's attached.
There's also still the Disney+ shows that are in the works. We got none this year, despite earlier reports indicating otherwise. IWAJU, MOANA: The Series, and TIANA remain without firm release dates, but are all aiming for next year. IWAJU's absence is especially unusual, it's pretty far long as far as I know. Last year's D23, again - in September, gave us an image. Maybe it's been pulled back? Retooled? Maybe because it was outsourced to Cinesite and kinda resembles a Disney Junior show... Maybe it's been dropped as a WDAS project and is now a Disney TV Animation production? It's only speculation on my end, because that show is a collaboration with upstart Nigerian house Kugali, and that would be a partnership squandered if WDAS passed on the show.
Anyways, with Pixar... We got WIN OR LOSE around the corner, and next year ELIO and INSIDE OUT 2 have firm release dates. Both of those, by the way, officially revealed at the September 2022 D23 Expo. Pixar usually rolls 'em well before release, WDAS cuts it a lot closer these days for some reason. Like, are we gonna know what the summer 2025 Pixar movie is *before* the fall 2024 WDAS movie? (I'm being facetious here, haha.)
I'll keep trying to be patient, but I'm like burning to know... What is *this* movie?
Worth noting that a while back, Disney Animation CCO Jennifer Lee stated that Suzi Yoonessi, Josie Trinidad, and Marc Smith had movies in the works. At the time, Carlos Lopez Estrada had a movie in the works as well, but then he was pulled off of it (reportedly called FOSTER) to take over RAYA... and then he left Disney altogether not too long after RAYA came out. He was also set to direct a live-action/CGI ROBIN HOOD remake for the enterprise... So that leaves Yoonessi (whose Instagram bio still says "Director - Disney Animation"), Trinidad (who recently directed episodes of ZOOTOPIA+), and Smith (who was recently revealed to have come up with the idea for FROZEN III, he's probably directing that if Chris Buck is unavailable).
So yeah... This information, along with two sequels...
I said it before, but I don't think either ZOOTOPIA 2 or FROZEN III are next year's movie. If they were, I think we'd know who is directing/writing/etc. FROZEN III, given that Marc Smith came up with the idea, might be closer to us than ZOOTOPIA 2 is. Or not. FROZEN II came out 4 years ago, ZOOTOPIA is over 7 years old, one would think ZOOTOPIA 2 comes first. They're just very mum on who is involved. I'd like to think ZOOTOPIA 2 isn't being directed by Byron Howard, who is likely pursuing another original movie after ENCANTO, but maybe not? ZOOTOPIA 2 might reincorporate the whole movies' worth of ideas that were thrown out during its development (I particularly like that more James Bond-like story set on an island that it could've been), or maybe it'll go for an all-new story and idea. I have no idea where FROZEN III could go, I'm not as invested in those movies.
While WDAS usually does one-a-year, always settling for Thanksgiving, it'd be cool if they take a year where Pixar doesn't have two new movies, and release two movies that year. If they FEASIBLY CAN, that is. We don't want CRUNCH, now... But in the scenario that they could... Pixar has two for 2024, and two for 2026... Who's to say... WDAS can't slot in, maybe, ZOOTOPIA 2 in the spring of 2025, and have an original out for Thanksgiving? Just spitballing, here. ZOOTOPIA and MOANA both came out in 2016, so why the heck not?
Anyways, hope to know more soon about what's up with the studio that's literally why this whole damn company even exists in the first place.
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NITA STRAUSS + ALISSA WHITE-GLUZ: Behind-The-Scenes Footage From Making Of 'The Wolf You Feed' Video
Former Alice Cooper and current Demi Lovato guitarist Nita Strauss has released behind-the-scenes footage from the making of the official music video for her latest single, "The Wolf You Feed". The epic, headbanger of a track features huge, chunky, metallic riffs and the insane vocal talent of Alissa White-Gluz of ARCH ENEMY.
Nita comments: "If you look back at old interviews from the last ten years, any time I was asked about collaborating with a vocalist in the future, Alissa White-Gluz was always the first name out of my mouth. She is truly one of my favorite vocalists and performers in the industry and creating this track together was everything I hoped it would be.
"I'm very proud to release this track, especially now with everything else that's going on. This time in history, whether in politics, music, social media, or our personal lives, has been an eye-opening look into the two wolves of a lot of people out there, and maybe this song will be a reminder that we all have the ability to choose how we respond to things."
The lyrics of this song were inspired by "The Story Of The Two Wolves", a legend widely attributed to Native American storytellers. An old grandfather was teaching his grandson about life: "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil — he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued: "The other is good — he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you–and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf will win?" The grandfather simply replied: "The one you feed."
Alissa adds: "Nita and I finally got to collaborate — something we have both wanted to do for years! 'The Wolf You Feed' is a kickass, catchy metal track with a really cool vibe. I kept the 'two wolves' analogy as a foundation throughout the song while playing up the dichotomy of the two sides of the tug of war we all have inside us. I recorded my parts in my home studio and it was an absolute pleasure to build this song with Nita. I am honored to be a part of it! Can't wait to do this again!"
"The Wolf You Feed" is the second song Nita has released featuring a star guest vocalist, the first being the enormously successful "Dead Inside" which featured guest vocals from DISTURBED's David Draiman and saw Nita become the first ever solo female to have a No. 1 hit at Active Rock radio. She also returned to her instrumental roots earlier this year with the release of single "Summer Storm", a fast-paced, emotive shred-fest. Combined, the two singles have had 3.5 million YouTube views and over 10 million streams on Spotify alone.
Nita made her live debut with Demi on July 14 with a performance of Lovato's single "Substance" on ABC's Emmy Award-winning late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live!".
Strauss had been playing with Cooper since 2014 when she replaced Australian musician and former Michael Jackson player Orianthi. She joined Alice in time for a mammoth MÖTLEY CRÜE tour. She was recommended to Cooper by the legendary rocker's former bass player and WINGER frontman Kip Winger.
Back in February, Nita told SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk" about her upcoming LP: "It's gonna be half and half — six tracks with vocalists and six tracks of instrumental [music]. We've been doing ['Dead Inside'] live on the solo tour and it's been getting a super-good reaction from our crowds."
In early December, Nita told "The Mistress Carrie Podcast" about her decision to make the upcoming LP half vocal songs and half instrumental: "I did feel, and the label and everybody agreed, it's still important for me to keep my identity as a guitar player and not just branch off too much and go, 'Okay, well, now it's just guests.' Let me still have a little of what makes me me, which is the instrumental shred stuff. And the instrumental pieces that I've written on this record are, I think, better than anything I did on the first one — definitely more… I don't know if it could be more emotional but they're very emotional pieces of music and I think a little better crafted this time around. So I think all the songs in general are more well thought out, better put together this time around. And I do have some of my absolute favorite [singers guesting on it]. I have three amazing powerhouse female vocalists on this album so far."
Nita released "Controlled Chaos" to mass acclaim from fans and media alike, with Metal Injection calling it "a great debut that — as its creator intended — leaves no doubt", and Guitar World stating "'Controlled Chaos' is a panoramic view of Nita Strauss's many strengths".
As well as performing with Cooper, Nita has also played with R&B star Jermaine Jackson, early MTV darlings FEMME FATALE, video game supergroup CRITICAL HIT and popular tribute band THE IRON MAIDENS.
In April 2020, Nita launched "Rock Guitar Fundamentals" — a three-module online guitar teaching program suitable for learners of all levels. The course is available at www.iwanttoplayguitar.com.
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selfieignite · 1 year
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Costume Designer Danielle Launzel Talks ABC’s Selfie
ABC’s new comedy, Selfie, premieres tonight at 8/7c. It combines some of our favorite things: fashion, social media, and a touch of rom-com that we’re looking forward to every Tuesday night.
The show follows the slightly self-obsessed and social media savvy fashionista Eliza Dooley (Karen Gillan) who has become slightly detached from reality in light of her insta-stardom. To try to rebrand herself, and get back in touch with actual human beings, she turns to her marketing guru coworker, Henry (John Cho).
Eliza’s path to self-discovery is told on screen through the use of her wardrobe just as much as plot and characters. That story is told by Selfie costume designer Danielle Launzel, who heads up the costume department for the show.
Since Selfie deals so much in public image and how we represent ourselves online, getting Eliza’s look just right was key. It’s clear from the start that Eliza is about to go through a bit of a transformation, something that Launzel wanted to represent in the character’s wardrobe. Eliza starts out trying to make too big of a statement all the time with short hems and loud accessories. Over time, according to Launzel, she learns to tone things down and let the inner Eliza shine through. “Although she sometimes slips back into her old ways after the make-under in the pilot, her look has generally evolved into a more subdued version of her previous self… her accessories are now more delicate and refined too, which helps to give a more classic look–well, as classic a look as you can get when you are talking about Eliza Dooley.”
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As costume designer for Selfie, Launzel’s “be yourself” idea of fashion works perfectly with the theme of the show, and is the perfect lesson that Eliza has to learn in the age of the selfie: “As a teenager, I never had to worry that someone could take a picture and instantly it would be published for the world to see, but somehow I don’t think that would have changed anything for me.  I was always pushing the limits in my sense of style when I was younger and it really helped me develop a certainty in what I wear as an adult and as a Costume Designer.  You have to be proud of who you are presenting and if you are, your own style and personality will shine through with confidence.”
Launzel doesn’t just handle outfitting the style-focused Eliza, though–she’s in charge of dressing the entire cast: “On a show like Selfie, we sometimes have up to 60 costume changes for all of the characters in one episode.  That means there will be a lot of shopping and fittings to do over a five day period.”  Sounds like fun–but also tons of work.
“I start most of my days on the costume trailer or the set with the actors and my crew to make sure all of the outfits I have prepared for the day are ready to go.  If there are any questions on how something should be worn or how a piece of jewelry should be layered for instance, that is the time to get those answers from me.” According to Launzel, that’s just when her day begins. Once every accessory is in place for that day of shooting, she has to start shopping and prepping for the next day’s shoot.
Launzel collaborates with the actors to find the right look for their story that week, making sure that the wardrobe she chooses is an extension of the Selfie story. “By the time an actor has a fitting, I have already read the next episode and figured out how many changes their character has and what they are doing in the scenes that might affect their clothes.  During the fitting the actor and I will work together to decide what they should wear for all of his or her ‘story’ days. ”
Sometimes this requires trying on DOZENS of outfits. But don’t be too jealous, says Launzel. “Of course, we end up having a lot of fun but if you think of how many clothes you have to try on to finally like one thing, imagine what a fitting for 11 changes would be like!”
Despite this ongoing cycle of hard work, there are perks to being on the sidelines of such a fun and funny show. “Some days I get to hang out on the set with the actors and if there are any exciting scenes or ones that affect the clothes, I am always close by and ready to jump in if anyone needs a hand.”
When trying to find clothes to bring to the characters of Selfie, Launzel’s fashion perspective actually doubles as great advice for Eliza Dooley herself: “Personally, I am not a label shopper so I think if you find a style that you feel comfortable in, you should wear it.  Whether it’s the hottest new thing you have just seen online, read about, or something you’ve found in your mom’s closet, if it speaks to you… put it on!”
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snowmaniaph · 2 years
“I don’t want to pretend. I want to always stay as my natural self.”
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“My name is Fukazawa! I look forward to working with you today!” Fukazawa-san greeted us and bowed as he arrived in the studio. The atmosphere in the studio gently softened with his gentleness. He responded to various requests with superb reactions and smiles while standing in front of the camera - greatly livening up the shoot. 
“I really like western clothes, and am always interested in luxury brand items. I especially love items with loud designs. I tend to wear really peculiar clothes, which is why I get told off by the members “How about you try buying normal clothes?” (laughs). Recently, I’m trying to wear casual clothes. Someday, I want to collaborate with a brand and try making clothes.”
He is the oldest member of Snow Man and also the mood-maker. He turned 30 years old last May.
“Yes, I did (turn 30 last May)... but honestly, it hasn’t really sunk in yet. I want to stay young emotionally and physically. I am a little worried because I get tired faster than the other members (laughs). Among the members, I am the designated MC so I think it would be nice if I could bring out the members’ charms through talking. Also, I would like it if I can make the audience feel a little of my adult charms.”
Making use of his outstanding conversational skills, he is now a regular in the infotainment show “Nonstop!” starting this spring.
“ABC-Z’s Fumito Kawai-kun sent me a congratulatory message “You can’t make half-hearted statements as a commentator. Each response is important.”. He kindly taught me that. At first, I was all fired up and enthusiastic like “Okay! I’ll do my best and get background information!”. Luckily, Shitara Osamu-san always kindly follows me up and teases me. And because of that I changed tactics and dared to speak my thoughts as they are without having to prepare beforehand (laughs).”
The person himself is very humble, but the breadth of his outlook on life and enthusiasm is obvious from seeing him in the show. It has been 18 years since he entered his agency, and his time of obscurity as a Johnny’s Jr. was long.
“Oh-, it did turn out like that. I danced as a backup dancer for my senpais before debut and just did my best for 15 years. There were times when I thought “Is it really fine like this?”. It was really hard during that time and I almost gave up, but now that I have debuted I’ve once again realized how valuable those times are. This is something I can say now. It is thanks to everyone that I got to personally witness the group Snow Man becoming well-known to the world.”
He talked about this job being worth doing when his efforts finally bore fruit.
“When our CDs lined up in the storefront or when the stage our members and staff-san collaborated to make is revealed - the moment when I receive something is the best. Of course, the “process”, like the results of our rehearsals piling up is also important. That too is a very fulfilling time. Personally, I want people to say “That person is funny!” (laughs). I don’t want to pretend. I want to always stay my natural self. I always keep that in mind while working. It would make me happy if people thought of me as someone who jokes around and does ridiculous things but is an honest person.”
Finally, when we asked him about featured anime:
“My favorite is “Crayon Shin-chan”. I cry when I watch it. Our anime otaku member Sakuma (Daisuke) says “It seems like you’d like this one, Fukka” and recommends shows to me. I watch everything he recommends. Recently, I’m hooked on “The Rising of the Shield Hero”. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen during the finale!” 
Source: Ginza
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amymedbiller · 3 months
Online Medical Coding
**Title: ⁢Online Medical Coding: Simplifying ‌Healthcare Documentation**
**Introduction:** In the fast-paced world of healthcare, ⁤accurate ⁣and efficient medical coding is essential for ensuring proper reimbursement, ‍maintaining regulatory compliance, and facilitating effective communication among healthcare providers. With​ the rise of online medical coding platforms, healthcare professionals⁤ now have convenient and ‌accessible ⁢tools to streamline the coding process and enhance overall⁢ productivity. In this article, we ​will explore the benefits of online medical coding, ⁣practical ⁤tips for success, and how these innovative platforms ⁢are transforming the healthcare industry.
**Benefits of Online Medical Coding:** 1. **Automation and Efficiency:** ⁤Online medical coding platforms utilize advanced‍ algorithms and technology to​ automate the coding process, reducing manual errors and saving time⁢ for healthcare ⁤providers. 2. **Remote Access:** With online medical coding, healthcare professionals can access coding⁣ tools and resources from anywhere with ​an ‌internet connection, enabling flexible work arrangements and enhancing collaboration ‌within⁣ healthcare teams. 3. ⁤**Real-Time Updates:** Online coding platforms are constantly updated with the⁤ latest coding guidelines and regulations, ensuring that healthcare professionals are⁣ always using the most current coding standards. 4. **Improved Accuracy:** By leveraging online ​medical coding tools, healthcare providers can ensure accurate and consistent coding practices, leading to improved documentation accuracy and​ reduced ​claim denials. 5. **Cost-Effective ​Solutions:** Online medical coding platforms ⁢often offer​ affordable pricing options, making them accessible⁢ to ⁣healthcare organizations of all⁣ sizes and budgets.
**Practical Tips for Online ​Medical Coding Success:** 1. ​**Stay Updated:** Keep up to date‌ with the latest⁣ coding guidelines and regulations to ensure ‌accurate coding practices. 2.‍ **Utilize Resources:** ‌Take advantage of online coding resources such as coding books, software, ‌and training ⁤programs to enhance your coding ‌skills. 3. **Double-Check Your Work:** Always review your coded documentation for accuracy and completeness before submission. 4. **Communicate Effectively:** ⁤Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to clarify ‍coding questions and ensure accurate documentation. 5. **Seek⁤ Feedback:** Request feedback from experienced coders‌ or supervisors to help ​improve your coding ​skills and accuracy.
**Case Study:** Let’s ‌take a look at a⁣ real-life example of how online medical coding transformed a healthcare organization. ABC Hospital implemented an online coding platform, resulting in‌ a 20% increase in coding accuracy and a 15% reduction ‌in claim denials. The hospital also saw a significant ⁢improvement in workflow efficiency and overall revenue ⁣cycle management.
**First-Hand Experience:** As a medical coder ⁣who transitioned‍ to online coding platforms, I have personally experienced the benefits of enhanced efficiency,‌ accuracy, and ⁣flexibility. Online coding has allowed me⁣ to ‌work remotely, ⁣stay updated on coding guidelines, and collaborate effectively with my colleagues to ensure accurate⁤ documentation.
**Conclusion:** Online medical coding ⁢offers a wealth of ⁣benefits for healthcare professionals, from automation and efficiency to improved accuracy and cost-effective solutions. By leveraging online coding platforms and following practical tips for success, healthcare organizations⁣ can streamline their coding ‌processes, enhance documentation accuracy, and ultimately improve patient care. Embrace the power of online medical coding to simplify healthcare​ documentation and ‌drive positive outcomes in⁢ the ever-evolving landscape of ⁣healthcare delivery.
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nk-tech · 6 months
the Best Play School in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
In the bustling city of Ghaziabad, nestled within the vibrant community of Indirapuram, parents are faced with the crucial decision of selecting the best play school for their child. With an abundance of options available, it can be overwhelming to pinpoint the ideal educational institution that will lay the foundation for your child's academic and personal growth. However, fear not, as we delve into the realm of early childhood education to uncover the quintessential qualities of the best play school in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.
Understanding the Importance of Early Education: Before we embark on our quest to find the best play school, it's imperative to recognize the significance of early education. The formative years of a child's life lay the groundwork for future success, shaping their cognitive, social, and emotional development. A high-quality play school not only facilitates academic learning but also fosters creativity, critical thinking, and social skills in a nurturing environment.
Key Attributes of the Best Play School:
Qualified and Caring Faculty: The backbone of any exemplary play school is its faculty. Look for educators who are not only qualified but also compassionate and dedicated to the holistic development of each child.
Child-Centric Curriculum: A dynamic and interactive curriculum tailored to meet the diverse needs and interests of young learners is pivotal. The best play schools prioritize experiential learning, incorporating activities that stimulate curiosity and exploration.
Safe and Stimulating Environment: Safety should always be a top priority. A well-maintained, child-friendly infrastructure coupled with adequate safety measures ensures that children thrive in a secure environment conducive to learning and play.
Emphasis on Play-Based Learning: Play is the language of childhood, and the best play schools recognize its immense value in facilitating learning. Through structured play activities, children develop essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.
Parental Involvement: Effective communication and collaboration between educators and parents are essential for a child's overall development. The best play schools encourage parental involvement through regular updates, parent-teacher meetings, and opportunities for participation in school activities.
Finding the Best Play School in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad: Now that we've outlined the fundamental attributes of an exceptional play school, let's explore some specific recommendations in the Indirapuram area:
ABC Play School: Renowned for its child-centric approach and experienced faculty, ABC Play School offers a stimulating environment where children thrive academically and socially.
Little Explorers Preschool: With a curriculum designed to ignite curiosity and creativity, Little Explorers Preschool prioritizes hands-on learning experiences tailored to each child's unique interests.
Sunshine Kids World: Committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment, Sunshine Kids World emphasizes holistic development through a blend of academic instruction and play-based activities.
In conclusion, selecting the best play school for your child is a decision that requires careful consideration. By prioritizing factors such as qualified faculty, a child-centric curriculum, safety, and parental involvement, you can ensure that your child receives the foundation they need to thrive academically and beyond. In the vibrant community of Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, these qualities are exemplified by esteemed institutions such as ABC Play School, Little Explorers Preschool, and Sunshine Kids World. Choose wisely, and embark on a journey of educational excellence for your child.
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Always Best Care Senior Services
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In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the paradigm is shifting towards personalized and tailored wellness solutions. One significant aspect of this transformation is the emergence of customized in-home care plans that cater to individual needs and preferences.
These bespoke care plans are designed to address the unique requirements of each individual, considering factors such as health conditions, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Unlike traditional one-size-fits-all approaches, these plans prioritize a holistic understanding of the individual, aiming to enhance overall well-being.
One key advantage of customized in-home care plans is the flexibility they offer. Caregivers and healthcare professionals collaborate closely with individuals to create a comprehensive strategy that encompasses medical needs, emotional support, and daily activities. This level of customization ensures that the care provided aligns seamlessly with the individual's lifestyle, promoting a sense of empowerment and autonomy.
Moreover, these plans often incorporate the latest advancements in healthcare technology, such as remote monitoring devices and telehealth services. This integration allows for real-time tracking of health metrics, facilitating timely interventions and minimizing the need for frequent hospital visits.
As the demand for in-home care continues to rise, the emphasis on customization becomes paramount. Tailored wellness not only enhances the quality of care but also fosters a sense of trust and collaboration between individuals and their healthcare providers. Ultimately, the future of healthcare lies in recognizing and embracing the uniqueness of each person, paving the way for a more personalized and effective approach to in-home care.
Contact Us:
Always Best Care Senior Services
Address: 370 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite E-106, Torrance, CA 90503, USA
Phone: 3105036893
Website: https://alwaysbestcare.com/torrance/
External links:
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
Erasing Women From Holland to Oregon
Liberals cannot define what a woman is because according to their ideology, women cannot exist in any meaningful sense. But they do exist. Therefore, they must be erased. That’s why Miss Netherlands is a man:
Rikkie Kolle, a 22-year-old man, beat out nine women to attain the title of “Miss Netherlands” on Saturday, sparking outrage on social media as many users said the win showed we are experiencing a trend of erasing women.
Picking Mr Kolle was a twofer, striking a blow against not only transphobia but also lookism. The guy’s toothy face could break mirrors:
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Second Runner Up:
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In the bad old days, Miss Netherlands would have been the beautiful woman on the right. Now that the people in charge are enlightened, it is the ugly man on the left. Progressives call this progress.
In other news on the erasure of women, a women’s track event has been won not by a man pretending to be a woman (that wouldn’t be news at this point), but by a woman pretending not to be a woman — because with moonbats the absurdity must always escalate:
Athletes converged on Hayward Field at the University of Oregon in Eugene over the weekend for the 2023 USA Outdoor Track and Field Championship in hopes of qualifying for a spot on Team USA at this year’s World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary. Despite biologically being a woman, 28-year-old Nikki Hiltz’s victory in the Women’s 1500M intersected with the inane because of her self-identification as a “transgender non-binary” athlete.
Also from Oregon,
As Portland struggles to manage crime and an increase in homelessness, city staff members are being told to adopt a more “culturally conscious” vocabulary that includes not using words such as “women,” “Caucasian” or “citizen.”
All three concepts are slated for erasure.
The Office of Equity and Human Rights pushed an Inclusive Writing Guide in June as part of a “city-wide collaboration” to alter commonly used terms that they feel have evolved. The guide suggested removing femininity from terms commonly used for women, including replacing “pregnant women” with “pregnant people” to be inclusive of those “who have this experience [pregnancy] but do not identify as women.”
Only when all women have rejected womanhood can this transphobic concept be abolished, thereby opening the gates of utopia.
On tips from The Great Cornholio, Stormfax, ABC of the ANC, and Franco.
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
Updates: 4 Most Anticipated TV Shows of 2023
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TV releases are difficult to anticipate because, unlike films, where release dates can be set years in advance, streamers and networks frequently wait until just before the drop to secure their positions. Having said that, a number of new titles and sequel seasons are officially verified. Here is our updated list of the most expected releases for 2023, with some room for well-informed speculation. The Mandalorian Season 3, Disney+ (March 1) The Mandalorian's heartbreaking Season 2 conclusion seems like a lifetime ago. Although The Book of Boba Fett thankfully brought the family of two back together, it's high time the show returns for Season 3. The third season of The Mandalorian, which premieres on March 1, will transport viewers to Mandalore as Bo-Katan (Katee Sackhoff), who thinks she is the legitimate heir to the weapon and the throne, grapples with what it means to wield the Darksaber. It appears from the previews that Din will run into more Mandalorians than ever before. which will either help or hinder his quest to realize that there is more to life beyond what the Death Watch extremists taught him. Given that Pascal was occupied in Canada while The Mandalorian was shooting due to his The Last of Us filming schedule. It is difficult to predict whether Season 3 will include more helmet-free Din. Regardless, Brendan Wayne and Lateef Crowder's performances are always enjoyable to watch. Especially when they are combined with Pascal's dulcet Mandalorian voice. True Lies: Season 1, CBS (March 1) Based on the 1994 James Cameron film, which was a remake of the French film La Totale!. A spy's wife unwittingly becomes engaged in his covert activity. In reimagined versions of the roles played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis in the film, Steve Howey portrays the spy and Ginger Gonzaga, his wife. TV can't handle action the scale of an Arnold movie, so it will probably focus more on comedy. The depiction of how a housewife can become a secret operative in a television program in 2023 ought to hopefully be a little more feminized. Daisy Jones and the Six, Prime Video (March 3) Daisy Jones and the Six, Which is based on the New York Times best-selling book of the same name. It tells the tale of the legendary band from the 1970s. That was led by the charismatic but feuding lead vocalists Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne. Their complex musical collaboration propelled the band from obscurity to unbelievable renown. They were drawn together by personal and creative chemistry. Then, following a sold-out performance at Soldier Field in Chicago, they abruptly called it quits. After all these years, the band members now consent to tell the truth. This is the tale of how a legendary band broke up at the height of its strength, set to an original Daisy Jones and the Six soundtracks. The novel is classic. However the TV show which had anticipated TV list for so long that some critics and fans find it hard to believe there is actually an official premier date. Due to COVID shutdowns the scheduling of the TV series was delayed. This TV series is the ideal blend of nostalgia and life lesson. The Company You Keep: Season 1, ABC (February 19) The drama stars former This Is Us hot dad Milo Ventimiglia as a con artist from a family of artists who pines for an undercover CIA officer. It is based on the South Korean television series My Fellow Citizens! (Played by Boyfriends of Christmas Past actress Catherine Haena Kim). The cast also includes Sarah Wayne Callies, Tim Chiou, James Saito, and Freda Foh Shen. Observes con artist Charlie and CIA agent Emma covertly. The two fall in love after a night of passion, despite the fact that their work paths are unintentionally converging. Charlie intensifies the "family business" so he can leave permanently, but Emma is closing in on the vengeful criminal holding Charlie's family debts in custody, compelling them to face the lies they have told in order to protect their families from dire repercussions.     Read the full article
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ear-worthy · 2 years
Ten Percent Happier Partners With Dalai Lama on Meditation Training
Several studies on the effectiveness of antidepressants came to a similar conclusion that, no doubt, upset the pharmaceutical industry. Antidepressants were no more effective — and sometimes less so — at treating anxiety and depression than meditation and mindfulness.
Suddenly, meditation and mindfulness were legitimate tools in the treatment of anxiety and depression.
That’s why on January 9th, Ten Percent Happier and The Dalai Lama are launching The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness, a free 10-day meditation challenge featuring practices that have been cultivated and refined for thousands of years, and are now being proven by science.
With wisdom and guidance from both The Dalai Lama and Ten Percent Happier founder + Mindfulness Expert Dan Harris, The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness confronts the question: if the purpose of life is to be happy, how do we go about achieving that? Over the course of 10 daily lessons, Dan + His Holiness employ a suite of meditation skills that will help listeners achieve happiness that goes beyond individual pleasure-seeking to include collective well-being, joy, and meaning.
The 14th Dalai Lama (spiritual name Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso), known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan people, is the current Dalai Lama. He is the highest spiritual leader and former head of the country of Tibet. He is also the leader and a monk of the Gelug school, the newest school of Tibetan Buddhism, formally headed by the Ganden Tripa.
This project is a true collaboration, with Jade Weston, a Ten Percent Happier Meditation Teacher, being heavily involved in developing the lesson content.
If you don’t know, Ten Percent Happier is more than just a podcast or business to founder Dan Harris.
Harris has assembled an impressive career at ABC. He joined ABC News in 2000. He anchored World News Sunday from 2006 to 2011 and frequently anchored World News, ABC World News Tonight weekend editions and Nightline. In August 2021, Harris announced that he would be leaving ABC News to focus on his meditation company, which is Ten Percent Happier.
After having a nationally televised panic attack, Dan Harris knew he had to make some changes. A lifelong nonbeliever, he found himself on a bizarre adventure involving a disgraced pastor, a mysterious self-help guru, and a gaggle of brain scientists.
Eventually, Harris realized that the source of his problems was the very thing he always thought was his greatest asset: the incessant, insatiable voice in his head, which had propelled him through the ranks of a hyper-competitive business, but had also led him to make the profoundly stupid decisions that provoked his on-air freak-out.
Eventually Harris stumbled upon an effective way to rein in that voice, something he always assumed to be either impossible or useless: meditation, a tool that research suggests can do everything from lower your blood pressure to essentially rewire your brain.
Harris’s epiphany was the catalyst to his founding of Ten Percent Happier — the podcast, the app, and the meditation training.
Listeners can join the Dalai Lama meditation challenge here.
For skeptics, Harris may be hawking lifestyle habits for a price. Or, he may be advocating for tools that can help all of us cope more effectively with life. I think that the fact that Harris made drastic and wholesale changes to his life leads me, and possibly you, to the latter conclusion.
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