#also Aria is amazing i love her lots
lulii999 · 2 years
How are you enjoying Mass Effect so far? Also do you play renegade or paragon?
(This reply ended up being a lot longer and gushy than the short witty one i had imagined answering with, but it just goes to show how much I love the game)
Im…on my third back-to-back playthrough. (I bought the trilogy A MONTH AGO)
Absolutely taken the spot of my top game thus far. It made me fall in love with scifi where i was sure i was a hardcore high fantasy girlie. I love the lore and the story.
For Artemis in particular i play mainly paragon but have several choice scenarios where i pick renegade, i love the roleplay aspect so whatever fits the type of character I play. [SPOILERY EXAMPLE BELOW)
(Eg: I always pick the most insulting choices for the Illusive Man, because 1) theyre fun, and 2) character wise Artemis hates Cerberus especially because of Akuze, AND 3) he gives her the BIGGEST ick)
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Decided to share a piece I had written in 2019
Yandere Short Stories:
Heroes and Villains
Yandere lesbian supervillain x Afab Reader x Yandere Superhero x Yandere Heroine
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  A young woman fidgeted in her seat as she sat in a plush red love seat right outside the CEO’s office. The large black doors intimidating her as she began to sweat. The bunny keychain attached to her black purse jingling every time she shifted in her seat.
     The young reported pulled out a compact mirror from her black purse as she checked her appearance again, making sure not a single hair was out of place to not offend the big bad boss of Domino Electric, the largest electricity company in the nation. The powerhouse of every major city’s power. The young woman had heard rumors that the CEO was a cold woman with a hell of a temper. 
    The young reporter was amazed to have this assignment rather than making a newspaper article on the rise of superheroes and the ever so popular super villainess, Electra.
    Creak. The young reporter’s head snapped up as she quickly composed herself and placed her compact mirror back into her bag. A tall, slender woman stood before her as the assistant gave her a reassuring smile.
    “Miss Spark is ready to speak with you now.” The woman raised a hand to the door with a bow as the young reporter shakily stood up and slowly made her way into the office, the door shutting quickly behind her, trapping her in the den of a lion.
    The young reporter gulped as her (eye color) eyes stared at the figure of a tall, voluptuous woman with long, straight silver hair and a black dress suit on. The businesswoman soon turning around, revealing her beautiful, flawless dark skinned face and violet eyes. The reporter whole face flushed red when they made eye contact. She felt like a tiny rabbit in front of a wolf. Her knees shook as her (eye color) eyes glanced at the CEO’s plump lips and slowly trailing her gaze to the violet silk dress shirt the businesswoman had on under her black dress jacket.
    “Sit down, Miss (last name).” The woman’s voice was cold and firm, the young reporter immediately sitting down as the tall woman sat in front of her. “I believe you have some questions for me?”
     “Ah, y-yes...” the reporter reached into her back, pulling out a notebook and pencil as well as a voice recorder. “I’m so happy for this opportunity, Miss Spark-“
    “You may call me Aria Spark since we are alone together.” The reporter nodded as she opened up the notepad and smiled at the businesswoman. “What is your name?”
    “Oh, my name is (your full name).” (Your name) replies as she turned to the recorded. “Let’s start with the basics shall we?”
   “What made you decide to be a businesswoman?”
    “I lived in poverty as a child and wanted a better life for myself. So I climbed to the top by utilizing my skills.” Aria replied as (your name) smiled at her to continue.
    “And what may those skills be?”
    “I am very good with electrical work.” 
    (Your name) jotted Aria’s answers down as (your name) listened attentively to every word Aria replied to her questions. (Your nams) soon learned a lot about Aria’s childhood such as her old neighborhood being in the ghetto and Aria’ friends and family who either were no longer in her life or still very close. About how it was hard being a lesbian CEO without criticism and hate comments. Aria told (your name) she was bullied a lot throughout high school for being gay. Aria also wanted to become a businesswoman and make it to the top to prove that she wasn’t scared of people’s expectations of her. Aria was a very admirable woman.
    And as the interview came to a close, (Your name) turned off her recorder as the reporter gave Aria another warm smile.
    “Thank you so much for this interview, I will publish this in the magazine soon-“ Aria suddenly leaned forward, placing her hands across her desk to stand in front of (your name), caging the young woman in her chair.
    “You should go out to dinner with me sometime. You’re really cute.” Aria then reached into her pocket and handed (your name) a business card with her name and number on it. “Call me whenever and we can go out.”
    “I-I... Oh um, I think I should go-“
  “You’re such a cute little bottom.” Aria chuckled as her violet eyes stared down at the smaller female through long silver eyelashes. “Makes me want to eat you.”
    “I-I’m leaving! Have a good day!” (Your name) quickly scrambled away, accidentally dropping the bunny keychain as Aria picked it up. The violet eyed woman smiling at the cute rabbit.
    “She’s just like a rabbit.” Aria smirked as she gazed out the door in awe. “And I’m going to have that little rabbit.”
    “Miss Spark, I think you scared her away. I’ve never seen someone run so fast-“ the assistant paused as the businesswoman began to chuckle. “Miss Spark? Are you alright?”
    “She’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.” A spark of lavender electricity surrounded Aria as she smirked.
    “Miss Spark, I don’t know if you know her well enough to-“
    “Maybelle, I want all her records and any other personal information you can find about her. I want the little rabbit girl-“
    The assistant sighed as she bowed to her employer. “Right away, Miss Spark.” .
    “So how’d the interview go, (Your name)?” A slender  woman with long, black hair asked as (your name) flushes bright red. The Japanese woman had her jacket off, revealing her various tattoos and ever so prominent piercings, such as her prized septum ring.
    “R-really good, Ryoko. It’s just-“
    “I didn’t think she’d be so attractive!” (Your name) squeaked out loudly as everyone in the break room stared at the two women as (your name) flushes even more red. “S-she was so curvy and had the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen. And s-she asked me to dinner. Oh god I ran away from her, I-I’m so humiliated.” 
    The pale woman laughed at (your name) as the young reporter comically hid her face in her arms. 
    “Well, Miss Spark is clearly interested in you. Probably because you scream ‘bottom’-“
    “Why does everyone keep saying that!”
   “Because you’re like a cute little rabbit. So timid and shy. Easily flustered, you’re just really cute.” Ryoko told the (hair color) haired girl as Ryoko smiled, showing off her frenulum piercing. (Your name) began to fiddle with her fingers as she pressed them together.
    “Do you think I should give her a call?”
   “Well, do what your heart wants but we should leave, the pig is here.”
    (Your name) turned her head to see the boss of their News media company, Metro Media, Jasper Jones. He was handsome for a man. Tall with a large muscle build, pale blue eyes, short wavy, sandy blonde hair, a chiseled jaw, and he had this tough guy vibe with a scar right across his nose. He was very handsome and he was a very driven man but-
     “(Your name), there you are, I need you to see me in my office about your report.” His low voice rung out through the break room as he had his hands on top of the doorway, flexing his muscles through his white dress shirt as the other women swooned. All except (your name). She wasn’t interested in him that much. She didn’t understand what the other women found so great about him...
    “Y-yes, mister Jones.”
     “You can call me Jasper.” The man chuckled as (your name) tried not to cry at how much the male scared her. He constantly gave her compliments and although they were never stepping over boundaries, it was the way he stared at her. She has never met anyone who stared at her with eyes that felt as if they were undressing her. Jasper’s pale blue eyes gazed at her with such a burning intensity that (your name) felt as if she’d light on fire at any moment.
    “Um, I prefer Mister Jones. I’ll talk to you once I’m done eating-“
    “How about we go eat in my office-“ (Your name) gulped as she stared at her lap as she fidgeted with her hands nervously. She was so close to crying.
    “S-sorry. Maybe another time-“
   “Alright how about we go out tomorrow at the cafe next door to the building? My treat?”
   “Um, okay-
    “Hey, Mister Jones, (your name) is uncomfortable. Could you tone it down?” Ryoko stepped in as she stood between the two, her onyx eyes glowing gold for the briefest of moments as Jasper stood up and took a step back.
    “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize I did. Sorry for not noticing (your name).” The girl merely smiled shyly as she stared at her lap. “I’ll see you in my office later.”
   Jasper then turned to leave, flexing his back muscles as he did so, causing (your name) to look away in disgust.
    “I don’t like that guy hanging so close around you.” Ryoko stared as she went back to her seat, her onyx eyes furrowing in worry as she gazed at (your name). “You need to be more assertive with your no’s. Just tell him that you’re not interested. I know you’re bisexual but seriously, it’s obvious you lean more towards women. Just tell him you’re gay or something. I’m sure he’ll get the hint then.”
    “But I don’t want to make him u-upset. The look in his eyes scares m-me.” Ryoko frowned as she got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around her mousy friend, her body slowly heating up slightly as she glared at the door Jasper walked out of.
     “Don’t worry, I’ll always protect you, (your name).” Ryoko stated as she pulled the (body type) girl close to her lean muscled body. Ryoko would always be there for (your name) because she was (your name)’s best and only friend. Ryoko wouldn’t let anything happen to her little bunny.
     Jasper tried not to throw his desk across the room but he really wanted to. He has tried everything to make the timid (Your name) love him. He changed his hair style, started working out more, waxing off his unwanted body hair, and even offered her on dates. But Ryoko was in his way. His grip on his desk tightened as it began to frost over with a thin layer of ice. Jasper exhaled as the air in his office slowly began to drop in temperature. 
    To think his own partner in crime was in an intimate relationship with the cute girl drove him up the wall. (Your name) deserves the absolute best and that’s exactly what he would be. (Your name) could not possibly be gay, she was too cute to be!
    (Your name) was the only one to not see him as a piece of meat and didn’t throw herself at him. She didn’t try anything to make him uncomfortable and respected his space and he absolutely loved it. (Your name) was so attentive to everything he talked about and she was so gentle.
    Jasper remembered the time her hand grazed his hand when he dropped his papers in the elevator as she helped him collect all of his belongings. Her hands were so small and soft compared to his, Jasper swore his heart stopped. Jasper wondered if all of her was soft. He wondered if she thought of him the same way he thought of her. Jasper relaxed as the temperature and ice began to slowly dissipate as his fingers touched his lips as he released a sigh as he began to give into his delusions.
    Did (your name) think of his lips touching her skin so lightly that it felt as if a butterfly landed on each spot his lips would touch? Did she think of Jasper laying beside her at night, holding her close as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear? Did (your name) want to ever date him?
     Jasper clutched his chest as he felt his cheeks flush pink. He loved her so much. He still had so much to learn about her.
   A quiet knock brought Jasper out of his musings as he cleared his throat and opened his office door, revealing his favorite reporter, a few of her (hair color) hairs out of place as she had a somewhat frazzled appearance. Did she run up the stairs to see him? Did she really want to see him that badly? Oh she was just so cute. Would she look like that if he made love to her?
    “Oh, you’re here so quickly (Your name)! I was starting to think you weren’t going to come.” Jasper immediately pulled a chair out for her to sit down as he went over to get her a glass of water from the pitcher. 
    “O-oh. I didn’t want to disappoint you. Shall we go over my article I wrote?”
    “Here drink some water, you look rather frazzled.” Jasper handed her the glass as she shyly took it from him, her fingers brushing his as Jasper tried not to make any inappropriate noises.
    “Oh the elevator took too long so I decided to take the stairs. I am so sorry for my appearance-“
    “It’s okay. I’m just happy to see you.” Just like she was happy to see him, or at least Jasper believed so. Why else would she run up the stairs to get to his office? To get her daily cardio? No, to see him, duh.
    “Shall we begin?” Jasper did not listen to a single word she said, his icy blue eyes were too focused on her plump lips and wondering what they’d feel like against his as he pressed her against the wall and-
     “Mister Jones?” Jasper snapped out of his musings as his blue eyes met (eye color) orbs. “It’s starting to get really cold in here.”
   Jasper immediately realized he accidentally used his powers underneath his desk as his whole face flushed red.
    “W-would you like a jacket? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.”
    “Oh um, thanks.” Jasper pulled his jacket off his chair as he wrapped it around (your name)’s shoulder’s, his breath hitching as her cheeks flushed slightly as she bundled into his warm oversized jacket.
     Jasper didn’t think she could get any cuter but here she was... in his jacket. Oh lord he was trying so hard not to kiss her right there and then. To not bend her over his desk and tear off her clothes and make the whole department know his name-
     “Thank you, Mister Jones.” Jasper placed his hand over his face as his whole face turned a bright red. Oh lord he was going to catch a case at this point. “I’m done with my report, I’ll leave the article here so you can go over it. Thank you for your time, here’s your jacket back-“
    “Thank you, (your name). Have a good one!” As soon as she left his office and shut the thick mahogany doors, he fell to his knees as he grabbed his jacked and inhaled greedily. Oh lord it smelled like her. (Your name) smelled like roses and vanilla. She was just so sweet and he swore he’d make that sweet girl all his. Jasper swore on his life.
    But first, he was going to add this jacket to his collection. Jasper stood up as he opened up his bottom desk drawer with his key, revealing numerous miscellaneous items that wouldn’t mean much to anyone but they meant the world to him. 
    There were numerous photos of his beloved darling sleeping and an old toothbrush. As well as a tissue, a spoon, and a chapstick he swiped off her desk when she was out and about. And although Jasper hates to admit it, he used the chapstick on rough days to satiate his needs.
   He carefully folded up his jacket and placed it in the drawer as he locked his treasure chest. Jasper then reclined back in his desk chair as he smiled. Jasper couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow across a table from him eating. 
   Maybe this time he’ll get an even better Momento of her.
    Jasper was unaware of the drone outside the complex snapping pictures of his entire interaction as the drone quickly took off, to bring the video evidence to its creator.
    (Your name) strolled through the bustling city as she smiled. She was finally off from work so she could have some time to herself. 
     As the reporter walked down the street, she heard the screams of the other civilians as people began to scatter around as dark storm clouds covered the skies. (Your name)’s eyes widened. Electra was here.
    She immediately began to flee until she felt arms wrap around her as she was pulled flush against a soft body.
    “Why are you running, little rabbit?” A familiar voice asked as (you’re name began to shake in fear. “You’re so very cute when you shiver. I wonder if you’d shake like that when I-” (Your name) turned a bright red at all the horribly dirty words that came out of the woman’s mouth behind her.
   (Your name) was quickly whipped around to face her captor as her (eye color) eyes took in a tall villainous with long silver hair and a black eye mask on as well as a tight black and violet jumpsuit with a long black cape. She looked so familiar...
    (Your name) didn’t have time to study the super villain before the villainous pulled her close and surrounded the two of them into an electrical barrier as a flaming hot (literally) heroine stood outside the barrier. 
    A lean heroine stood outside the barrier, her flaming hair standing straight up as a dragon mask covered her face and her red leotard had black plated armor in the form of scales armor all over it. 
    Mistress Dragon. (Your name) thought as the red haired heroine put her hands on her hips and glared at the villainous within the barrier.
    “Electra! Release that civilian!” The woman boomed in an intimidating voice that was more than likely edited with a voice changing device.
     “No chance, Mistress Dragon. Not when your little boy toy is running around as well.”
    And soon enough, a ring of ice formed around the entire barrier as a tall, muscular male with the mask of a white fox stood along side Mistress Dragon. His costume consisted of a tight navy blue jumpsuit with silver armor plating with patches of white fur on the shoulders and around the hands and feet. 
     “Sub-Zero, glad to see you’ve made it.” Electra laughed as she grabbed (your name) and placed her plump lips on her cheek. The barrier dissolved as the two heroes began to circle the villainess, preparing to take action against her. 
   “What is your scheme this time, Electra?” Mistress Dragon growled as smoke came out from the mouth of her mask.
    “I just wanted to warn you that I know both of your identities. All thanks to this cute little rabbit.” Electra cooed as she squished (your name)’s cheeks together. “Isn’t she just precious?”
    “Electra, leave her out of this-“ Sub-Zero tried to coax the silver haired villain as the villain began to laugh darkly. 
   “No.” Electra then grabbed (your name) bridal style as she soared into the air, lavender lightning striking the ground as she rose higher and higher, (Your name) screaming as she held onto Electra tightly out of fear of falling.
    Mistress Dragon immediately shifting into a large black oriental Dragon with a fiery red mane and a peculiar septum ring as she swiftly followed behind. Electra cursing under her breath as the dragon quickly caught up to her. She’d have to ditch her prize and come back another time...
    “Let her go!”
   “Okay.” And before (your name) knew it, she was falling through the sky, plummeting to her death. Her scream piercing the air as tears fell from her eyes. She didn’t want to die, not yet at least.
    Before she could even blink, Mistress Dragon shifted and scooped her into her arms as she quickly brought the reporter into her chest, Sub-Zero making a slide for the two to slide down as they made it back to the ground safely. (Your name)’s face flushing red as she studied the masked face of her savior.
    “Are you Alright-“ (Your name) pulled Mistress Dragon close as she began to cry.
    “Thank you. Thank you so much.” (Your name) sobbed as the heroine pulled her into a hug. “How can I ever repay you-“
    “How about a kiss?” Mistress Dragon asked as Sub-Zero’s hands began to shake on the sidelines.
    “Um s-sorry. I don’t think I can.” (Your name) stayed as she began to twiddle her thumbs together nervously. “I have a crush on someone already.”
   “Oh? Well, I respect that.” Mistress Dragon then pulled away as Sub-Zero stepped in.
    “May I escort you home?” Sub-Zero asked as (your name) gulped.
    “Sub-Zero, I think we both need to leave the little lady alone. We could always send a ride to come get her.”
    “How about you head into your place of work and ask one of your coworkers for a ride?” Sub-Zero asked the girl as he smiled gently at her.
    “I’m sure it’ll be easy to do, you’re quite cute after all.” Miss dragon told the reporter as (your name) nodded and headed back into work. The two heroes immediately leaving the scene before paparazzi could show up.
     “Do you need a ride?” (Your name) smiled as her eyes met familiar onyx orbs of her best friend.
    “Yes please.”
   “(Your name)!” The poor reporter almost cried when Jasper picked her up into a tight hug and twirled her as he sighed dramatically. “I’m so happy you’re okay! You were all over the news! Are you okay-“
    “Oh Jesus, leave the poor girl alone.” Ryoko interrupted as Jasper places (your name) down gently.
   “Sorry Miss Abo.” Jasper replied as Ryoko quickly began to fix (your name)’s hair and set it back into place as the reporter puffed her cheeks out.
    “Please stop touching me you two, I’m okay-“
    “(Your name), you poor little girl.” (Your name) was (height) y’all, but go off Ryoko. “We both just worry about you. Mostly me though-“
    “No I worry more. I was so scared you’d call off and I wouldn’t be able to give you an awesome assignment.”
    “Awesome assignment?”
   “Yes, I’m giving you an assignment to write an article on super heroes. I published your article on Miss Spark in the paper and everyone loved it. So I’m giving you a bigger assignment and this time you will be on the biggest magazine here. How would you like to be the main article in Times magazine?”
  (Your name) smiled as Jasper handed her the assignment. It was information on the cities top two heroes.
    “I need you to write an article on Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon.  And lucky for you, you encountered the two of them recently.”
    “Thank you so much, Mister Jones.” (Your name) grasped Jasper’s hand as his whole face turned pink.As soon as she released his hand, he turned and coughed into his hand. Excusing himself to the restroom as he left Ryoko and (Your name) in (your name)’s tiny office.
    “I’m seriously glad you’re okay. I honestly thought you were going to take some time off. But I’m happy you’re here. It’s good to have you back.” Ryoko smacked her shoulder playfully as (your name) smiled. 
    This day was giving (your name) so much confidence. Maybe she’d finally call Miss Spark and accept her dinner date?
   (Your name) went over to her black bag, frowning as she noticed her bunny key chain was missing. She shrugged it off, she could always purchase another one.
    (Your name) reached into the middle pocket of her bag and pulled out a black card with a domino on the top of it. She released a shaky breath as she slowly dialed the number on the phone. Her (skin color) skin thumb hesitated before she pushed call, sealing her fate.
    (Your name) nervously sat at a table for two at a high end restaurant as she nervously sipped on a glass of bubbly white moscato. She really hoped Aria would show up.
    (Your name) glanced around the restaurant until (eye color) met violet orbs. (Your name)’s mouth hung open as she took in Aria’s elegant outfit. Aria wore a long, elegant violet dress that had diamonds sewn into it. A long, white shawl wrapped around her to hide her cleavage from wandering eyes as the tall curvaceous woman strut her way over to (your name). Her white hair was up in an elegant bun with a few silvery strands loose around her face. If (your name) didn’t know any better than Aria would be the African American Jessica Rabbit.
    “Were you waiting long?” Aria asked as she took a seat in from of the (body type) girl. Aria’s dark chocolate skinned hand touching (your name)’s lightly as the girl almost by turned into a puddle of goo. 
    “N-no.” (Your name) stuttered as her cheeks flushed pink. “I was kind of just scared that you weren’t going to show.”
   “Well of course I would, little bunny. I asked you to dinner and I didn’t expect you to call me.” The woman reached into her silver clutch and pulled out a familiar rabbit keychain. “You remind me of one of these.”
    The two of them laughed as they ordered their food and drank numerous glasses of fancy wine. And before (your name) knew it, she was drunk. Very, very drunk. And Aria was nice enough to help her into her limo.
   “I think we should call it a night, bunny. You can’t even keep your head up straight.” Aria chuckled as (your name) just gave her a goofy grin as (your name) struggled to get into the limo.
    “I really like you, Aria.” (Your name) replied as she began to giggle. “I want to go out again sometime-“
    Aria pulled (your name) in for a steamy kiss as (your name) tried to kiss back to the best of her ability. Their tongue moving in sync as Aria pulled (your name) onto her lap and let her hands grab (your name)’s plump read in her hands.
    “Let’s go back to my place, shall we?” (Your name) could only smile as Aria shut the partition as they continued their steamy make out session. Thank god the windows of the limo were tinted.
    (Your name) woke up with a pounding headache and completely bare in a violet, silk sheeted canopy bed. The bare form of Aria tangled in the sheets with her.
    Aria soon stirred, her violet eyes fluttering open as the silver haired woman pulled (your name) closer to her. Her plump lips kissing the exposed skin on (your name)’s neck.
    “I didn’t take you for a vixen in the sheets. You were so cute last night.” Aria cooed as (your name) flushes red. “But all those cute hickies on your shoulders are marks that you’re mine.
    “(Your name), I want you to be my girlfriend.” (Your name) smiled as she kissed Aria again. 
    “Let’s get to know each other better first and then we can be girlfriends. I need a little more time.” Aria nodded as she kissed (your name) on the forehead. 
    “I understand. I’ll wait for you.”
     A few months had gone by since that night with Aria. And (your name) and Aria were  officially dating. It was such a surprise to everyone. And everyone was happy for her... except Jasper and Ryoko.
    (Your name) could tell Ryoko wasn’t happy about her new relationship status due to how forced her smiles  when she occasionally caught glimpses of the purple marks on her neck she didn’t cover up well enough, but Jasper was a completely different level of upset...
    “(Your name), I brought you a bouquet of red roses!” Jasper proclaimed as the dark bags under his eyes became more prominent as time went on. He didn’t look like he was sleeping well. His skin was paler than normal and his hands were shaky as he held up the bouquet. “They’re almost as beautiful  as you-“
   “Jasper, I’m sorry. I’m in a happy relationship. I cannot accept your gift.” The roses were gently placed into her lap as Jasper’s whole body began to shake as he forced a smile.
     “A woman can’t be with another woman. Y-you’re just confused is all. You’ll come around eventually.” He gave an uneasy laugh before he clutched his hair in his hands. His pale blue eyes widening as a demented smile made its way onto his face. Jasper crouched down on the floor, his hands holding his face while the smile widened even more. The deranged male beginning to ramble to himself. “You have to... you have to love me or I’ll go even more mad...” Jasper whispered to himself while (your name) quickly scurried over to him and wrapped an arm over his shoulders. The young reporter trying to gain his attention.
    “I-I’m sorry, Mister Jones. I just don’t return your feelings and I don’t know if I ever will-“
  “One day...”
   “Excuse me?” (Your name) asked, raising a brow at him. Jasper whipped his head up, revealing his terrifying smile to her, flashing his pearly white teeth at her.
     “You will one day. I swear on it.” Jasper chuckled, pulling her close to him and holding her flush against his chest. He then stood up to his full height, practically picking the girl off the floor while he burrowed his head into (your name)’s hair. Jasper greedily inhaling her scent with the same crazed smile. She still smelled so sweet. Ice began to slowly creep onto (your name)’s jacket as (your name) felt a sudden chill up her spine. Why was she so cold? “You’ll walk down the aisle with me and then you’ll bear my children-“
   “Woah, let the little lady go please.” Ryoko separated the two as her eyes widened in shock as Jasper was basically almost revealed his powers in front of everyone. Ryoko immediately stepping in before Jasper could lose his job. “Let’s go to your office and talk, okay? You’re scaring her.”
    “I-I’m sorry.” Jasper immediately released (your name), the scared look in her eye making his heart clench as he tried not to have a meltdown. “I don’t know what came over me I-“
     (Your name) fled as he tried not to cry out her name as Ryoko led him to his office. Ryoko immediately kicking the door shut behind the two of them as she shoved him roughly into the floor.
    “You’re such an idiot. You almost blew your cover in front of everyone!” Ryoko whisper shouted at him as she kicked him in the leg roughly. “Why can’t you just keep it in your pants?!”
    “I’m in love with her! You should know! You look at her the same way I do when you think no one’s looking-“ Jasper’s head was suddenly thrown to the side as Ryoko struck him. Ryoko’s dark bangs covering her eyes as she scowled in disgust.
    “Don’t ever compare me to you. You’re disgusting-“
    “Why don’t we work together for her affections?!” Jasper shouted as Ryoko’s head snapped up. Her Onyx eyes scanning Jasper’s for any sign of him joking as she began to think. She could tell Jasper was serious for once.
    “Do you think we could do it? I mean I don’t know how I feel about sharing but do you think she’d be okay with it?”
    “What do you mean? We shouldn’t give her a choice, she’d be safe with us. We’re heroes for god’s sake-“
    “I know we are but... I want her to be happy...” Ryoko replied as she rubbed her arm nervously, her dark eyes downcast as she began to fidget under Jasper’s intense gaze. “I don’t want to force her into anything with us. It wouldn’t be the same-“
   “I know but do you really think Electra would let her go? I mean seriously? Miss Spark isn’t that good at keeping her identity hidden. I’m amazed (your name) hasn’t caught on-“
    “(Your name) is oblivious to all of us having powers. I just don’t want to scare her away. She means so much to me. I’m alright with watching her be happy with someone else, unlike you. So long as she doesn’t get hurt.”
    Jasper hummed as he glared at the floor.
    “So I’m taking it as a no until something happens to her?” Jasper asked as his ice colored eyes glazed over with some hidden emotion. 
    “Yes.” Ryoko replied as she opened the door. “Good luck, Jasper.” She then left the room as Jasper stood up headed to his desk, he hunched over his desk as he placed his palms flat on the desk. The room’s temperature dropping in temperature as ice began to cover the entire desk.
  Jasper’s breathing became ragged as he tried to calm down his rage. His fists clenching to the point that his fingernails began to draw blood in their wake. 
   He then screamed in frustration as he slammed his fist into the desk, creating a large crack on the wooden surface as he began to take deep breaths to calm himself down.
    “She’ll be mine... I swear to god.”
    Ryoko sat in her small apartment as she pulled out a cushion and a lighter and carried it to a spare closet in her room.
     She then lit the small vanilla scented candles to illuminate the object of her desires as she smiled. Her onyx eyes never leaving the (eye color) orbs of her love.
     A large portrait of (your name) sat in the center of the wall as well as pictures of the two of them together. Pictures of every single selfie or pose they took while they were out and about. They had been so close for years, and (your name) didn’t even understand the depth of Ryoko’s feelings for (your name). Ryoko should’ve been more assertive and maybe (your name) would’ve become her girlfriend... Ryoko bowed her head as she began to concentrate on her goal.
     “Patience is key... Electra will mess up soon... and then I’ll be there to catch you.” Ryoko face twisted into a smile that seemed unnatural for her petite face as she leaned forward. Ryoko ran her pale hands gently across the portrait as she sighed longingly. “I love you, (your name).”
   “Aria!” (Your name) exclaimed as she entered her lover’s office, the silver haired woman shooting up from her desk as a smile made its way to her face.
  “(Your name)!” Elegant black heels came running towards the other woman as Aria swooped (your name) into her strong arms. “How was work?”
    “It was okay. Jasper was acting strange again and Ryoko has been so distant... I miss my best friend.” Aria’s eyes darkened as she pulled (your name) into her arms and furrowed her brow. Why were those two still bothering her lover)? Did those two imbeciles not understand that (Your name) belonged to her? Maybe she’d have to make her move now before those pesky heroes snatched her up...
    “Aria, what’s wrong? Is something bothering you, baby?” Aria tried her best not to melt into a puddle at (your name)’s cute nickname for her.
    “I think we should have some dinner at my place tonight. Does wine sound good?” Aria asked as (your name) nodded excitedly, unaware of Aria’s true intentions.
    “I’ll eat or drink anything as long as it’s with you!” (Your name) beamed as Aria kisses her forehead tenderly, a frown forming on her face as (your name) buried her face into Aria’s shoulder.
    “I’m so sorry...” Aria whispered almost inaudibly as she kissed (your name)’s forehead again. She hoped to god (your name) would forgive her...
   Drip. Drop. Clink. Clank.
   (Your name) slowly stirred awake as she heard the sound of a faucet dripping. Her (eye color) eyes scanning her unfamiliar surroundings. Where was she? This wasn’t Aria’s house.
    “I’m so sorry, my little rabbit.” Aria replied as (your name) searched around for her lover.
    “Aria? What’s going on? Where am I?” (Your name) tried to stand up to find her lover but was stopped by the chain attached to her ankle. “Why am I chained up-“
    “(Your name), I’m Electra.” Aria’s voice rung out in the dark as (your name) gasped.
    “Y-you’re joking right? There’s no way-“ a burst of violet electricity shot across the room, activating the lights as Aria stood in the entrance of the dark, windowless room.
    “We’re in my secret layer.” Aria replied as her violet eyes began to tear up. “The heroes are after you and I’m just so scared something bad will happen to you. I don’t want you to be caught in the crossfire-“
   “Why would they be after me-“
  “They’re your coworkers (your name). Jasper and Ryoko are Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon.” The gears began to turn in (your name)’s head as she tried it process what Aria as saying. How could she not have noticed the signs? The septum ring on the dragon? The coldness she’d always feel around Jasper? It all made sense...
    “But why me?” (Your name) asked as Aria frowned.
    “You’re too innocent and way too sweet.” Aria replied as her smooth hands grasped (your name)’s face and kisses her forehead. “I have to defeat them and then I’ll let you go.”
    “Aria, please don’t leave me like this! Please-“ The room soon became pitch black as the door was shut to the room. (Your name)’s sobs could be heard throughout the lair as her heart broke at her lover’s betrayal.
   (Your name had no idea how long she was trapped in that room without seeing Aria. Hours? Days? Weeks? She didn’t know at all.
   Creak! Slam!
   (Your name)’s head whipped up from the sound of the doorbell opening. Her smile widening as she gazed expectantly at the door. A figure standing in the center of it as (you’re name) began to sob, tears filling her vision.
    “Aria-“ The figure soon feel to the ground as two figures walked in. (Eye color) eyes widening in horror as she scooted herself close to the wall.
    “W-Who are-“
  “I knew we’d find you. It took us a week to get her to tell us where you were. We were so worried when you didn’t come to work.” A familiar voice rung out at she felt a pair of hands on her cheeks. (Eye color) eyes meeting onyx as she gasped.
    “(Your name)! Don’t forget about me.” Jasper cooed as he grabbed her free hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. “Oh my poor darling, you’re so skinny. I promise we’ll feed you and we’ll both treat you so very well-“
      “What are you talking about?”
    “Oh silly little rabbit.” Jasper chuckled as his icy blue eyes began to glow. “You belong to us now.”
    “We bring to you breaking news, it turns out Aria Spark of Domino Electric was the dastardly villainess who plagued our city for so long! She is finally captured and placed in the new Super Prison the Hero Association has established far away from here. I also bring to you news that Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon have officially retired. Who do you think the next rising hero will be of these five-“
    Tears filled (your name)’s eyes as Jasper and Ryoko sat on either side of her, both of their hands lovingly rubbing her large, swollen tummy as they both smiled.
    “I think our baby will be the next rising superhero. What do you think darling?” Jasper cooed as he kissed (your name)’s cheek as tears fell down her cheek.
    “My baby is next! I can’t wait to see you swollen with my little baby dragon. I was able to get a sperm donation from my brother so we can do invitro-fertilization.” Ryoko fondly cooed as she kisses (your name)’s cheek. 
   In the end, the heroes and villains weren’t so different between each other in her story. While her beloved villain would spend the rest of her life rotting behind bars...
  Or was she?
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chasing-that-jackson · 3 months
Look, I didn't want to be praetor. Or be responsible for people, but here I am!
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Hey, before you ask. Yes, my dad's the famous Percy Jackson, yes, my mother is Annabeth Chase. But I'm not going to live in their shadow! I'm making my own path! But before all the epic monologues, I'm Charlotte Sally Jackson, but you can just call me Charlie. Or anything other than "Da Big C" (I WILL fight you, Cassie). I'm the praetor of New Rome, along with Ambrose Asher! Now here's some stuff about me !
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Name: Charlotte Sally Chase - Jackson.
Alias: Charlie, Char-char , Goldfish (come on, dad.), Praetor Jackson, Jackson, Lottie.
Age: 16 Sexuality: Bisexual :D
Weapons: a trident named "Thalassa" (the sea) given to her by Poseidon. It can change shape at will, as it is made of pure water, her mother's Yankees cap.
Relations: Perseus Jackson (father) , Annabeth Chase-Jackson (mother), Cassandra Hestia Chase (sister), Sally Jackson (Grandmother) , Poseidon, Athena.
Personality: changeable like the sea" and hard to predict — with the important exception that she is extremely loyal to her friends and family. Sarcastic and goody at most times, but works great under pressure. Doubtful in her own skills but she believes a hell of a lot in others. The occasional temper is present, of course, but she wouldn't be a Jackson without it, amirite?
Fatal flaw: Overly giving/overly dedicated. She gives every part of her to a task, to a person. Even if she doesn't have anymore to give. She'll die trying.
Relationship with family: HUGE daddy's girl, but they always just roast each other. Loves her mom too, of course, but sometimes she's just too..overbearing. Too strict. Gets along great with her sister, who is 1 year younger than her. Her relationship with her grandma and grandpa (Sally and Paul) is also pretty good, they spoil her rotten (in a good way!). Vibes with Poseidon, kind of vibes with Athena until..a certain event. Now she's steely towards her. She's fond of Hestia and Apollo as they resonate with her.
Fears: small spaces, loss of loved ones/family, tests, drowning.
Sexuality : Bisexual, demiromantic
Hobbies: playing the guitar, occasional drawing, surfing, listening to audiobooks, joking around and learning new things. My sister, Cassandra is 15!
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"You are too giving. You will give yourself to save others, to make others better, to make others feel better, even if you are great danger. In pain, you smile at those around you because you know they'll hurt if you dont. And in the end, legacy of Poseidon, it will be your downfall."
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Songs that play constantly on my battered headphones (dad, buy me new ones , please :()
Seven nation army - The white stripes
Teenagers - MCR
Run, boy Run - Woodkid
What's up danger? - Blackway and Black Caviar
And many, many more! Feel free to come ask for song recs, because my music taste is as amazing as my fighting skills, haha.
People I know!:
@percy-jackson-xxx - My super amazing cool dad whose kinda stupid .... (I love you please don't throw me into the pool 😔)
@ineedtoescapefromreality - Echo and Rosalyn Mclean! (Rosalyn, teach me how to be as cool as you :[ and Echo just like. High five, dude ✌️), Auntie Piper and Shel's kids!
@daffy-not-a-duck - Daphne (I am not writing your complete name dude it's so long???) Uncle Nico and Will's daughter! (I like your parents, but you?? ew..........)
@iggy-mini-miny-moe - IGGGGGGYYYYY AYYYY (adhd bestie frfr, let's go commit arson) Uncle Leo and Jason's son! (Uncle Leo's tacos are amazing btw) @violent-cinnamonroll - Aria!( i appreciate chu bestie <333) Auntie Clarisse and Silena's kid! (Auntie clarisse scares me. pls dont pummel me to ground :()
@olivernotfound - Ollieeee! (Better than his sister :D) Uncle Nico and Wills second kid! (Who I like a lot more. High five, bro)
@notwillingtobefound - Will Valdez!! (Bros music taste is top tier?? How??) Uncle Leo and Jason's kid! @the-poison-and-the-sky - Belldonna Jackson-Chase! My older sister! (she hears everything/j) @daredevil-larue - Lucine La Rue ! Auntie Clarisse and Auntie Silena's other daughter! (super cool blue hair hehe <33) @praetor-ambrose-asher - Ambrose Asher, My fellow praetor! (muscles. end sentence. thats it. MUSCLE-)
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Ooc notes:
Occasionally, other characters will appear on this blog as I imagine them. This will include Percy , Annabeth, and Cassie! (Any post by them will have their name at the end)
praetor charlie on the chase - Charlotte ic
cassie snoops around - notes from cassie
parents are parenting - notes from Annabeth or Percy
the jackson two - both Cassie and charlie together!
In the praetors- ooc
Duck tales- with the idiotic (and pretty) Daffy Duck
Fireboy and watergirl - w/mah bro Iggy!!! We besties fr (stop burning down my freaking kitchen??)
Deathboy and Skatergirl - w/mah other bro ollie!! (Stop being so oblivious because Iggy clearly l- *gets slapped*) the ultimate cool girls - w/super cool girl, Rosalyn! awkward silence - w/ echo (quiet, but awesome)
Please remember, this is not a multi character blog, but just appearances by others! Thanks for reading. No nsfw . I'm a minor 😎.
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So, that's me! Ever need anything, I'm always up in the praetors office, or around the stables. Till we meet again, this is Charlie signing off!
That was so cheesy, Char. - Cassie
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lxkeee · 8 months
Francis,azrael and [name] is dazzlings coded trio you can't change my mind dude.
I mean cmon azreal and francis are aria and sonato while [name] is adagio.The other two would fight while [name] just watch with bored look on her face..
And what if when they are in their human forms.They sing like the dazzlings just for fun duhhh and don't get me wrong these three would just giggle and shit for the choas/dramas they had made XD
And just imagine thoo feancis is like just don't care about anything what will care if it's serious.While azrael would be exposing that they are angels which [name] just says it's joke:P
I might make drawing of these three thehehe:3
Have amazing day/evening/night<3
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Azrael and Reader met Francis when they were on earth, the poor dude just so happen to bump into them lmao and a very weird friendship happened.
Francis, a lower ranked virtue angel. Same height as Husk. Azrael is literally looming over him. Slightly tanned skin but not enough to be considered like brown, just a little bit. Dark brown hair with hints of black, wolfcut hairstyle. Black eyes. Wears a white t-shirt with a knitted dark brown sweater on top and some black pants. Two pairs of wings, one on his jack and one small ones behind his head. Soft looking facial expression, looks tired 24/7. Very introverted. Dissociates a lot.
Yes, I am basing him off the gorion bird or also known as house sparrow lmao.
Very introverted, accidentally got adopted into the group by Azrael and Reader.
Azrael pissed off Francis as the taller man would mock the other man's height.
The two had this weird love-hate relationship.
Francis after getting added to the friend group, gets dragged to very important seven duties.
The seven virtues ft. Francis.
He's just there offering emotional support.
Azrael and [y/n]: *doing their jobs*
Francis (at the sidelines cuz they dragged him with them): 😐👍
“I love his lack of energy, go boy give us nothing!” —Azrael, maybe
Francis often spends the majority of his free time in his bird form. Often can be found nesting in Azrael's hair.
Azrael won't push him away but will complain.
“I swear to our creator if you shit on my hair I'll fry you and eat you.”
“Don't worry, I'll shit on your shoes instead.”
Man has no fear.
Reader is tired if their banter.
Francis and Reader gets along well as they are depression buddies as what Azrael calls them.
If Francis accidentally trips he won't move because his motivation disappeared the moment he lost control of his body because that means he lost control of his life and therefore don't feel like doing anything anymore.
Literally, he won't move for days.
Azrael had to pick him up like a sack of potatoes to move him.
Francis sleeps a lot, anywhere and anytime.
Azrael is tired of his dry ass humor 😭
Reader likes it though cuz she has the same humor as Francis.
God please help Azrael's poor soul.
All three of them have the humor of a middle school boy.
“Look at how big that clock is in hands.” -someone
*cue the muffled laughter*
Laughs at the sentences "It's very hard" or "I'm coming" even if the context is innocent.
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Trey: *Trying to explain Riddle is that way because of his mom*
Me: Give me a minute as I pull up my ‘Trauma Doesn’t Excuse Sh*t Behavior’ PowerPoint.
Say it with me, everyone: an explanation is not an excuse 😊
You know, the other day I was watching one of Ryan George's Pitch Meetings and when Producer Guy asked Writer Guy how the audience would root for the villain of the franchise and the response was "he's handsome" which basically explains most people's reactions to fictional men.
Prepare for incoming rant that has little to do with the ask
This probably might come as a shock because one of the main appeal of twst would be the whole villainous aspect/Disney Villain fanbase but I don't really like villains that much, at least, not romantically. Like don't get me wrong, I think that they're incredible characters and it would be so fun to sit down with one and have a conversation with one. Villain songs are so fun (I was literally singing ‘This Day Aria’ to myself the other day I haven’t heard that song in like a decade) and you can tell that that characters like Scar or Hades or Shere Khan or Jafar or Maleficent are having so much fun being deliciously evil and even the more serious, complex ones like Loki or Frollo are fun to pick apart so yeah I understand the hype. I just always rooted for the heroes and I guess heroic characters have always been more my type.
My mother absolutely loves Erik Destler and is forever salty that Christine chose Raoul (despite my many many attempts at arguing why Raoulstine is the superior couple - smol primary school me could not understand why my mum liked the chandelier dropper and was deeply concerned), my best friend has been in love with Heathcliffe since we were eleven, and my little sister has literally told me that her type of fictional men are the toxic red flags (not exactly word for word but she did explain why she likes bad boys over good boys when I was complaining about how my type (wholesome soft boys) always get sidelined for the arrogant, snarky bad boys - we're also very diametrically opposed on our views of friends to lovers (my s++ tier all time favourite and her loathing) vs enemies to lovers (I can't really stand it - Pride and Prejudice is the only exception - and that's literally all she consumes) so that might also be a reason).
Like, I understand the appeal of a Byronic hero (Mr Darcy has far too much power) - a closed off, broody man that hates everything but you? And will burn down the world to keep you warm? I can respect that there are people who dig that. But their not really for me.
The mild bout of insanity thirteen year old me had where I spent two months attracted to Edward Rochester is an outlier and should not have been counted (though that was during my wattpad phase so...)
But I can admit that I have yet to shake off my feelings for Dr Henry Jekyll, Victor Frankenstein and Dorian Gray (though to be fair, Mr Gabriel John Utterson the lawyer and cinnamon roll artist boy Basil Hallward do own my heart). And yes, Jeremy Jordan did make me question my morality as he did make my feelings for Light Yagami be too positive to be sane for a brief moment (Touta Matsuda is still my man, don't worry). But apart from them, literally all of my faves are what you'd call your traditional, morally upright heroes.
Basically what I'm saying is that my perception might be skewed because I've never had the whole 'villains are cooler' mindset when it came to stories. Yes, I love the villains as characters but I always liked their heroic foils more (goodness is just so attractive to me). You get lots of amazing heroic protagonists that have horribly tragic backstories and they're the ones I always fall for because the idea of being a kind sweetheart despite the world being anything but is just *chef's kiss* that's a kind of strength that's so swoon-worthy.
I guess that's why it's harder for me to look past the characters' actions in twst is because, well, they chose to do everything they did. They made a conscious choice to be terrible, despite understanding the consequences. Riddle may have been brainwashed into becoming a tyrant by his mother but he still admitted that he knew he was being horrible - he understands the concept of morality, of good and bad, and he willingly and deliberately did everything he did.
I suppose this text post I found on Pinterest would explain my point better:
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ivyial · 1 year
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after my previous reblog, i feel compelled to write a "short" post (love letter) about (to) this game
so for those of you who haven't played it, or never even heard of it, professor layton vs phoenix wright: ace attorney is a crossover game between the two franchises (you'll have guessed it from the title) and it is PAINFULLY underrated :,) (i also hear that it is now hard to get physical copies of this game at a decent price so i'm glad i kept mine)
essentially used to be my favourite game of all time before it got dethroned by the resident evil 4 remake (but i will forever remember it fondly). i remember my parents gifted it to me for easter back in 2014 (so i was around 12 back then) and i don't think they realised how much this would change me. like this is one of the reasons why i started thinking about studying law later LMAOO.
essentially layton and phoenix both end up helping this young girl, espella (i played it in french back then and her name is aria so their english names are a struggle for me) who is being hunted by witches and then put on trial in london for the assault of a ship's crew member. then the wildest thing happens and they get sucked into a book and are sent back to medieval times. yes it sounds insane. but in this small town called labyrinthia, witches are real, and so are witch trials (DOESN'T IT SOUND COOL AS FUCK??).
they've all forgotten who they are, though. phoenix doesn't remember being an attorney and layton doesn't remember anything either. they find espella again, and she's put on trial AGAIN, for witchcraft this time. the game alternates between the usual layton riddles and ace attorney's investigation/trial phases. the odds are high this time around, because those found guilty of witchcraft are shoved into a metal cage and plunged into a pit of fire. they're not messing around.
of course, it wouldn't be layton or ace attorney without a massive plot twist at the end. i'd argue this one is probably the most insane out of all layton games (it's even a bit far fetched tbh, but just saying, you do not see it coming) (okay it's even full of plot holes and i haven't revisited the ending in years but if i did, i think it would be detrimental to my mental health).
the art style is amazing - i'm in love with the later ace attorney art styles, starting from dual destinies and this game, and particularly the latest great ace attorney chronicles. here are a few of my favourite character designs from the game:
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but overall, one of the best things about the game has to be the soundtrack. it is the perfect mix of both franchises' music and it is a CRIME that neither level 5 nor capcom have released this on spotify (capcom i know you have all other AA soundtracks on this app. add this one. i am begging you). if you've never played an ace attorney game before, then you do not know the sheer adrenaline of phoenix shouting OBJECTION and the music speeding up. here's one of my favourite tracks:
tell me this doesn't make you immediately want to confess to 47 crimes you haven't committed.
it's kind of the perfect crossover game if you're into the genre, it's perfectly balanced between riddles and trials. the stakes are also a lot higher and there's actual executions. maybe i shouldn't have played this at the age of 12 actually - at some point (spoilers ahead), maya is wrongly executed and the scene will forever haunt me for some reason:
(go to 18:06 if the youtube timestamp doesn't work) i chose the french version of the cutscene because it's the one i played back then and i find that the french dub is a lot more compelling than the english one (somehow? the french haven't produced a good dub in decades so). also maya's screams are downright heartbreaking and the scene was traumatising asf when i was a kid
ANYWAY. please play this game, it's so much fun. for the AA enthusiasts, there's an edgeworth cameo at the very end. i very much fear that this game will be forgotten eventually, but it warms my heart to see that there are still people talking about it on the internet.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 2 years
Hi love your writing so far! Would you be willing to do relationship HCs for Sol? Have a nice day🌸
Sol is one of my least favorite characters, but it doesn’t say a lot since Guilty Gear has such solid characters. I still like him, not just as much as other characters. This was still fun to write, nonetheless.
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-He is cocky. Always showing off whatever he can. His muscles? Showing off. His weapon? Showing off. His motorcycle? Showing off.
-Speaking off his motorcycles, he likes to take you around town with it. Or, even just for some normal rides. He likes the wind in his hair, only seeing you smile makes those days even better for him.
-He is somewhat afraid of starting a new relationship after Aria’s death. But, your smile reminded him of her, so he decided to take the risk with this relationship.
-Good luck getting him to listen to anything that isn’t Queen. He loves their music, almost religiously. He will listen to something, that isn’t Queen after the tenth time, you’ve asked to listen for something else.
“Fine, we can listen to something else.”
“Wait, I’m pretty sure I’ve got something in my ear.”
“Keep that up, and it’s back to the Queen.”
-He workouts regularly to keep his gains. Which, in turn means that you’re either his gym partner or the motivational speaker to him. He likes it when you’re there with him. He gets to show off to you, and he gets his workout done. Its a win-win situation. 
-You often forget that he isn’t an idiot. If you ask him about a science stuff, or something that requires couple years of academic research, he will explain it to you. You’re having hard times with physics? He will explain it to you. Your taxes are making your head hurt? He will gladly do the math for you. 
-He has a hard time expressing himself verbally. So, instead of telling you that loves you, he hugs you. His hugs are extremely warm, thanks to his experience with fire magic. 
-He is somewhat of a lazy ass. So, if he doesn’t have anything urgent to do he will laze around. This does to an extent include chores. Which you will urge him to do.
“Sol, can you please do the dishes?”
“Is it urgent?”
“Well no, but..”
“It can wait.”
“I’ll give you kisses.” With that, he leaped off the couch, towards the kitchen. It still amazes you how much you can get him to do, just with a promise of a kiss.
-Brush his hair. He barely takes any care of it, just washing it when he hits the shower. He will wince, a little bit as you brush it for the first time. He will tell you that he doesn’t see a difference in his hair. But, after some time you see him brushing his regularly. You feel very smug that day when you see him doing it by himself. He will occasionally ask you to do it for him.
-Sol both smokes and drinks. You do occasionally join him for a drink, which he appreciates. But, also understand if you don’t want to drink. If you smoke he will offer some of his own cigarettes for you to some. If you don’t smoke he will try to keep it to a minimum around you. And, overall as he knows the stench gets stuck on his clothes, so he doesn’t want to give you a headache over it.
-He activates his dragon install form every now and than when he sleeps. The first time it happened, you got hit by his wings, which caused you to fly off the bed. You aren’t really sure what triggers these form changes when he sleeps. But, you have learned how to deal with it. Which, is to hug him. This either calms him down completely turning off dragon install, or just making him stay still. Either way you get to hug him, which is a win in your book.
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penreadstrash · 8 months
Cassmire: The Loyal Sword
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Currently on chapter 67.
Overall Rank: 9/10
This Manhwa is one of my personal favorites, with a story about Cassmire, the lead, risking her life becoming a mercenary to get the medicine her younger sister, Aria, needs to live. Through an accident where she hit her head Cassmire she regains memories of her past life and a story where her sister is the lead character. Though she used to be the villainess in the og story she sticks with her sister and will do anything to help her. Past this point I will be talking about spoilers and specifics of the story so you are warned.
From here I will be breaking down the story in 3 main categorizes and just talking about things I really want to touch on overall.
Firstly the art: 10/10: I dont care that some of the costume choices are interesting, I've heard a lot of people complain about BDSM wear but it honestly isnt that bad. No, the reason this gets a 10/10 is Cassmires design, like she has muscles are scars and looks hot as fuck like look at her.
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I am gay and love muscle women and it is very lacking in this genre so it is really good to see. And she is also very cute on top of it. But overall the art is good to look at and has amazing character design for all of the cast as well.
Story 8/10: This one is hard to quantify as we still haven't really gotten into the meat of the story. There some talk about things that happen later in the story like how in the og story Aria saves the world we haven't gotten into anything that bad yet. Though that might make it seem slow it really isn't, the story has more been focused on character moments and while things go off the rails it doesn't seem to be world ending yet. I have quite enjoyed the most recent aspects of the story, it is good to see both the main characters flaws and her strength all in the couple chapters.
Characters 8/10: This was the hardest one for me to choose a rating for as I love Cassmire she is one of my favorite protags, she has so many good moments and has and sticks to her morals to help people. My only issue is how they weaken her by making her overly reliant on her aura but even that makes sense. And her relationship with her family is just so good to see. I love how ruthless her sister is in defending her and how her brother cares about her and how they fight like real siblings. And how her dad cares about all his kids in his own way and just wants to support and help her and it just so sweet and they all care about each other so much and that's the shit I love to see I love a good family dynamic. The reason this is an 8/10 and not a 10/10 is because of all the ml's. They are all kinda mid it is just the same troupe over and over again and I get it shes kind she saves people but 4 dudes and they are all the ml's from the og story. And I dislike all the hair color changes it doesn't make sense also they are boring. Also none of the leads have good chemistry with Cassmire, they are all cowards who won't talk to her about what they are feeling. I hate them all have open secrets and not talk with each other, but this is a me thing I know I have seen people like these ml she doesn't really seem to have chemistry with any of them. This story would get a 10/10 if she ends up with no one and just lives happily with her family but it probably just me who thanks this.
With all these combined this overall story is a 9/10, a beautiful story with an amazing main character and her family but the weak ml's stop this story from being a true 10/10. Thank you for reading my unedited review have a great day.
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"You are Amethyne..."
I decided to start writing little stories about Ridgeside Village too, because why not? This one is about conversation between Madame Maive and my OC Farmer Julian. ⚠️ Warning: domestic violence and angst
"I must say, I'm very pleased with how you're doing with the farm. You have even exceeded all my expectations, and you never cease to amaze me so far."
Maive and Julian stood on the cliff near the cable car station, watching the horizon as the sun set behind the distant mountains, painting the clouds and the whole land with gold, orange, and bright red colors. In early fall, such a sunset creates a truly stunning and mesmerizing view, a dream for any photographer.
Sonny stood not far from them, also keeping his eyes on the magnificent view, on the beauty that Yoba had bestowed. He dared not interfere with the conversation between the Madame and the young farmer, for he felt it was something very personal. But still he looks at Maive for a moment, like a faithful dog, waiting for her to call him and take orders.
"Thank you, Mai- Madame", Julian quickly corrected himself, remembering how the head of the Amethyne family doesn't tolerate being addressed informally. He was usually shy when he was praised by someone (even though there was much to be praised for), believing that his actions and rich harvest spoke louder than words. And still, Maive's praise was very flattered, for it was hard to surprise noble madame.
Her own offspring can't accomplish that...
"Your hard work has helped in the development of not only Pelican Town, but also Ridgeside Village, and I am deeply happy that you are trying for the benefit of not only yourself, but others as well." The old madam spoke again.
"I want to thank you for that, farmer. On behalf of myself and the entire Amethyne family." Maive looked straight into Julian's multicolored eyes as she said the last phrase, with proud, as if he were her own child for having succeeded in exams.
Julian was slightly taken aback by such a frank admission, and only smiled broadly and sincerely, bowing slightly to Madame. This answer satisfied Maive quite well. "His parents have raised the boy to be a gentleman. Good to know", Maive thought with some relief.
"Between you and me, I'm amazed at how much patience you have with me. A lot of people I talk to usually think I'm callous when I'm not afraid to be honest about them. I thank you for that patience, for all of us."
They were both silent again for a moment, returning to contemplating the beautiful sunset. The rustle of leaves underfoot, the gentle cool breeze, and the smell of mushrooms-Julian loves autumn with all his heart, but after Maive's words, he couldn't concentrate on the scenery any longer. Memories come rushing into his head...
It seemed that Aria's crying was never ending and would soon escalate into a more loud, hysterical cry. "Gra- Grandmother..." "Ariah... You're Amethyne, now act like it!"
"Grandmother, stop! Don't say that about our family!" "How. Dare you?!" A loud slap was heard in the huge hall of the manor, and after a second, a shocked Zayne covered his cheek with his hand, feeling his skin reddening and burning. "So many children and grandchildren, and not a single worthy candidate! You are pathetic, all of you." Compared to Maive's cold words, the slap didn't hurt her grandson that much anymore.
"Don't even think about it, Louie! Your last exams had a score of less than 90%, and that's something I won't encourage. You will stay home to study", Louie shifted his gaze from his older brother to his grandmother, and he tilted his head, saying a little more quietly: "Yes, Grandmother. I'm sorry..."
"Living under constant pressure is unbearable." "I miss my parents and my brother so much..." "Ms. Ariah is very stressed today." "I'm such a coward." "Can we ever break this our family curse?! "Your father is just selfish, arrogant - "Mother, stop it!" *Sniff* *Hic* Grandmother...
"You're an Amethyne, now act like it!"
Julian took a deep inhale and exhale. The picture of the most famous family in the entire Republic was a very contradictory one. And yet it was these people-the ever-cranky Louie, the ever-busy Ariah, the ever-workaholic Irine and Sonny, the ever-impatient Maive, the ever-condemning Zayne, who was always judging himself for being a coward-they were the very people who had become his first friends in Ridgeside Village.
Grandpa and Grandma wouldn't be friends with bad people. And can you call a person exceptionally bad? It's much easier to look at the world as black and white. Except the world is all shades of gray.
Patience. This world need patience.
"Your grandparents were my best friends. They were there for me in joy and in sorrow", Maive once again raised her voice, catching Julian's attention. Her face expressed an unaccustomed sadness, it was rare for anyone to catch her like this, beyond her usual impassive expression, anger or annoyance.
It was as if the noble old lady could read minds, for she guessed what Julian was thinking. Even after everything, he gave her family a chance to get to know them better.
Just like his grandparents gave her a chance when she was young.
"Maive, explain yourself! Our servants saw you in the arms of those two peasants! Do you think that's how a young lady of your status should behave?"
"Mother!", Maeve was surprised at how defiant her voice sounded, "They are my friends!"
"Friends? Your "friends" are always walking around in dirty, filthy clothes like pigs, poking their noses into other people's business and hanging out with those strange men with swords! And you cal them your friends?"
"Don't you DARE say that about them!" Maive immediately regretted her raised tone when her mother quickly walked up to her and gave her a loud and painful slap.
"How dare you speak to me like that?! To your own mother! I put so much effort into protecting you, keeping you safe. I do everything for you. And this is how you thank me?!", Her voice was already breaking into hysterical notes, but she immediately quieted her fervor as her daughter fell to her knees and began to sob quietly, holding her right cheek with her snow-white hand.
"Maive..." The mother's heart clenched at the sight of what she had done to her own blood. But her gaze quickly changed, and she uttered a phrase that had haunted all members of the Amethyne family for generations. Like a curse, like an executioner's axe cleaving the air, making the walls of the old mansion tremble every time:
"Y o u a r e A m e t h y n e, s o a c t l i k e i t !"
Following the young farmer's example, Maive also slowly took a deep breath in and out. Her whole life was a lifetime of service for her family, of striving for excellence and sacrificing so much for success, including her own happiness and mental health. The endless darkness of the golden cage of Amethyne, into which rays of light break through only occasionally, allowing them to feel free for a moment.
That ever-annoying farmer and his girlfriend became the very light in Maive's life. Just like their grandson became a ray of light for her and her descendants.
The Madame carefully, on her high heels, stepped closer to Julian, gently took his face and kissed him on the forehead. Poor Julian was, to say at least, shocked - he did not expect this from someone like Maive, how she looked at him tenderly, as his own mother looked at Julian...
"All the wealth of our family is not enough to thank you for all that you and your family have done for all of us", Julian could have sworn that when Maive pulled away from him, Madame's wrinkled eyes showed sparkling drops, like the purest diamond, that were about to run down her face.
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jemeryas · 8 months
Valentino's 'Le Salon' is a Lesson in Regressive Storytelling
I never know what to expect when it comes to Valentino and this past Haute Couture show titled ‘Le Salon’ proved why I am so critical towards the current state of fashion. The livestream premieres with flashing lights from Place Vendôme in Paris, France as notable guest like Florence Pugh, Kris and Kylie Jenner also featuring Kylie’s daughter Stormi and founding house father Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani decked in a burgundy velvet suit that gives off exactly what Nicki Minaj would say a lot of you people can’t spell. Couth. 
But the second the circus was over and everyone had taken their seats the real show began. Burgundy seems to be a common color scattered throughout shows recently that I am slowly becoming rather fond of. The color reminding me of the Christmas sweater that Mrs. Weasley would make every year for her son Ron Weasley in the films. It is that kind of consistent love that I am beginning to associate with this color. I am sure that nearly every Harry Potter fan will understand what I am trying to describe. Continuing on an Italian aria echos as the models continue walking down the runway. Tombstone grays paired with egg yolk yellows or neon oranges is only something PierPaolo, the current creative director of Valentino, could envision being paired together. Does that mean that all the silhouettes are terrible? Absolutely not! A dress that was worn by Florence Pugh for her Australian Vogue November issue, and that I would have the fortune of featuring on my own tiktok page, would make an appearance; proving the point in my Dior Couture review that certain pieces would look better on a fuller-sized model and Pugh perfectly captures that look. 
Yet as the show continued on there were only a few more pieces that would capture my eye. A turquoise evening gown brought a smile to my face as I watched a dark skinned model sporting a shaved head, a quicker-than-lightening attitude and a walk with so much elegance that you couldn’t help but give a small, “you better go girl,” under your breath. The gown only an added accessory to the model. This is the type of energy, I realize, is missing from the runway scene. A lack of personality. I guess we can blame Prada for that one, but that’s for another essay. 
The show continued on in tulles, sequins and unique pairings that again, some may say is a work of genius, but I would have to disagree. Now, do not mistaken my disdain for Le Salon as disdain for the creative director. The L’Ecole show still holds a special place in my heart and is shelved right in my top two alongside the Pink PP collection. However, coming off the heels of an amazing show like L’Ecole I had high hopes to see what PierPaolo would showcase and was let down in a tremendous way. In terms of music and performance, I loved the traditional Italian Opera, but when you compare that to, what can only be described as a spiritual conversion to the world of FKA Twigs, I don’t think a younger demographic would care too much for this show once they hear the music. The clothes were, at best, in-cohesive; and at worst, a dumpster fire of the worst color combos you could put together. But just as I was about to write the rest of this show off, Black silhouettes made their appearance and I paused to watch. Each look channeling something that was made specifically for the femme fatale. The Black Swan of her family. I was hooked but by that point the show was over and I was left feeling…underwhelmed. 
In terms of artistry and storytelling this was not it Valentino and PierPaolo. I know that I was a fan of the burgundy and the Blacks but the few good  pieces that were in those colors were so far in between that it just wasn’t enough to save them this time around. The ten’s are replaced with the 6’s in my book for color crimes against humanity. But again, don’t crucify me, this is just my opinion. It’s not like I am Anna Wintour…yet.
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fave tracks off Cowboy Carter?
!!!! I haven’t actually finished it yet! I had a 40 minute drive this morning so I only made it through Most Wanted, and I’ve been busy grant writing all evening, and didn’t feel like I could listen while working because it is SO COMPLEX!! I was literally mouth agape shaking my steering wheel while listening to the run of Jolene through Alligator Tears. Like the way that Jolene is such a familiar song and story, but the way she made it her own and layered harmonies upon harmonies and then Duaghter with the fuCKING ITALIAN ARIA?!!?! MA’AM???? AND SHE KILLED IT LIKE SHE WAS OBVIOUSLY MEANT TO SIGN AN ARIA LIKE THAT WITH HER MIND BOGGLING MELISMAS BUT IT WAS SO FUCKING UNEXPECTED and the way she wove it into the rest of the song AHHHHHHHH AND THEN !!BAM!! RAP! I was astounded and awe struck and very nearly in tears from how seamlessly all of these styles flowed together, and like, I live with a bluegrass musician who nerds out alll the time about the history of country and roots music and RnB and how all of these things come from African music and immigrants working alongside each other and that the death of country was in 2001 when patriotism brand country was the only thing played on radio anymore and ANYWAYS! I thought I was prepared for Cowboy Carter because I know a lot of the history of country and how it truly came from Black culture, but the way that this album is just so unapologetically weird and genre-bending and disco and rap and country and gospel and classical all in one… it blew my mind like I have not recovered even a little bit from it!!! And I’m only half way through! Listening to this album feels like time traveling!!!!!!!!!
but! To your question! Blackbird was another stand out so far- hearing Beyoncé sing it completely transformed the song for me, like gave me such a visceral sensory bodily reaction to what the words Meant and were Written To Mean. Also, 16 Carriages is so so so beautiful and makes me really really appreciate the way that she builds her sound scapes. The whip crack in that one is A Lot, and rightfully so. The cyclical nature of the song, and the story spanning generations and years but also being so grounded in the present!!!! Amazing!!! And I don’t remember which one it was (I was driving) but the way that she sings about her children is so complex and profound- I have a hard time putting myself in the shoes of parents because it’s not something I’ve ever actually desired or seriously contemplated, but there was a line about seeing her child’s face for the first time in her husband that just transported me to that experience in a way that I’ve never experienced through music before. Idk man I just LOVE this album so much, and I am grateful to be witness to her expression. Can’t wait to listen to it over and over for the next three weeks 😭
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so! der rosenkavalier!!!
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so first off, the elephant in the room: yes, there are some highly questionable elements of the plot that make me go “hmm! :/“ (to somewhat quote mean girls: “marie therese, step away from the underaged teenagers!”). for the purposes of not driving myself mad, i will try to refrain from discussing these for the remainder of the report.
this music sings. this music delights. still not my fave strauss opera by any means but i would be lying if i wasn’t delighted. the presentation of the rose and the final trio and duet gave me full-body chills. i love the waltzes. so sugary sweet like the gelato i got after the show. there are so many golden little details in the score.
simone young did a great job imo—i’ve seen her get flak online about this run of performances but i don’t get it. she was great. the orchestra and chorus and many comprimarios were all fabulous.
it’s been a while since i’ve seen this production and it holds up really well!!! love the costumes and sets. LOVE them. not a fan of the wwi ending tho—just let octavian and sophie have their moment at long last 🥺 plus it doesn’t fit with the ending musically.
one other thing about the staging: i’m sure this was intentional but goddamn, a lot of the second act was UNCOMFORTABLE to watch, like make your skin crawl uncomfortable (and it did not help that several men in the audience at my theater were full-on laughing when ochs all but assaulted sophie all over that extended act ii sequence when he first shows up at faninal’s). god, baron ochs is such a fucking creep. and while i don’t like him as a person in the slightest, i have to hand it to günther groissböck for making ochs supremely unlikeable while still singing with strong command.
among the comprimarios and non-credited-in-the-intro people, special mention of alexandra lobianco (an excellent marianne) and tony stevenson (an absolute delight as the innkeeper in drag).
speaking of which, gotta say that even with them in new york and me in oklahoma, it was somehow comforting to see people in drag and same-sex kisses in this, given the political climate and the rising sentiments against drag and lgbtqia+ people. i thought about that a lot during the broadcast.
katharine goeldner and thomas ebenstein were HOOTS as annina and valzacchi. love them. rené barbera made the italian singer’s aria sound effortless (and looked GREAT in his white suit). brian mulligan did a great job as herr von faninal—i’d love to hear him in something italian though, his voice sounds made for italian rep.
and now for the three leading ladies, who were all divine both separately and together.
erin morley is one of my fave currently active sopranos right now and this sophie showed exactly why: voice like a dream, great actress, warm, intelligent, full of fire! i love her take on sophie so much. she GETS it. (and i may or may not have cheered when she slapped ochs in act ii.)
lise davidsen is another of my fave currently active sopranos right now (albeit a more recent discovery than erin morley) and her marschallin surprised me in a good way. what i remember most from her ariadne auf naxos hd last year was simply how stunningly powerful and beautiful and BIG her voice was, but this was equally amazing in a totally different way: she can rein it in too, baby! she can be so delicate and tender too and it just mesmerized me totally (and brought tears to my eyes a few times). and she made the part feel and look so natural! great singer and great actress? (and also gorg)—she’s the total package.
i was barely, if at all, familiar with samantha hankey before this but holy FUCK. she won my heart immediately. she is just a total delight and absolutely the real deal. that voice!!! it’s so creamy and beautiful and full of light!!! (and she can alter it at will too—her mariandel voice was SO different and so delightful). and she’s a totally natural actress, INCREDIBLY versatile and moving. octavian is a HUGE role and a VERY VARIED role and she totally fuckin nailed it and i want to see her in basically everything now. mark my words, y’all: she’s sensational. she’s gonna be the next big mezzo superstar.
anyway 10/10 plot weirdness inherent to the opera aside this is a definite recommend
edit: yes i was hoping to NOT have discourse about the plot but rereading this now i realize i may not have been clear about that in my choice of wording in the first few paragraphs. no hate to anyone who DID engage in discourse, that was my bad
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Bracket D thoughts:
"This Day Aria" and "The Devil's Song" are both very good, but I ultimately decided I liked the latter more.
Damn, "The Executioner" goes hard. Although I get why it might not win, considering it's going against everyone's favorite revenge ballad.
Screw Hawk Moth, I'm voting for that Voltaire bop. It makes eating brains sound so fun!
Both of these are so good, but I decided to vote for "The Torture Tango" over "It Has To Be This Way" because I love the polyphonics at the end. Also it's one of those songs you appreciate a lot more with context ;)
Damn, I did not expect "Dentist" to have those vibes. I like it though.
"Ready As I'll Ever Be" has Jeremy Jordan singing about justice and I'm a noted sucker for that.
"Holding Out For A Hero" is an amazing cover and it's so gleefully ironic how she's basically rubbing it in everyone's faces that she's won when her downfall is approaching. Also that white guy rapping makes me cringe, sorry.
Watch the ending of "Our Love Is God" live and you'll get it. This is when the mask falls away and it becomes disturbingly clear who JD is and how much danger everyone--even Veronica--is in from him. As far as he's concerned, he's the asteroid and everyone else are the dinosaurs. That ending when he clutches Veronica and she frantically repeats "Our love is god" because she's terrified of what he'll do if she doesn't--fuck yeah. Macavity is also very good, but "Our Love Is God" is just really good narratively.
...Yeah the DK songs have been fun but not that good, sorry.
"A Professional Pirate" is a very fun jam, and also Monika is legally obliged to lose all the time.
I think my perception of the original has been ruined forever, so I voted for the surprisingly menacing "The Boys Are Back in Town (To Kill You)".
Octavio's beats fucking slap.
...I'm a filthy Homestuck, sue me.
"Cruella De Vil" is so jazzy.
I'm surprised you voted against This Day Aria. That's an MLP classic.
Not the Hawk Moth hate! He needs something after being beat by literal children so many times. I commend the bold move of releasing that song.
I agree that Ready As I'll Ever Be and Dentist are both amazing.
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Let’s see the fic you whip up of Maxie exhibiting her abilities as a technopath to Dahlia and Aria. Also, Aria and Maxie will be teaching Dahlia the word technopath. By the way, it’s gonna be the first time Aria sees Maxie using technopathy since she’s normally seen using her electromagnetism powers against Nightmarens even though she told her she was a technopath.
(Okay, I had to look up technopathy first. Also, this fic may or may not be short. I'm not used to writing fics about Maxie's powers.)
"Maxie, since you've revealed to us about your powers, why not demonstrate them to Dahlia?" Aria asked. "She's curious to see your powers."
"Please, Miss Maxie?" Dahlia asked. "If they're dangerous, I'll stay out of the way."
Maxie nodded in response. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to do so. We will have to go somewhere that has technology though. It's the only way that my powers can work."
"That's understandable, Maxie," Aria replied. "Think you can lead the way?"
Maxie nodded and walked off. Aria and Dahlia followed Maxie to a Nightopia where lots of television screens and computer screens around. "Woah…" Dahlia glanced around in the Nightopia. "You like technology?"
"Like? I love technology," Maxie responded with a small smile. "Now, let me demonstrate my ability." Maxie placed a hand onto one of the screen.
Almost immediately, all of the screen turned on to act as though they were security cameras for each Nightopia.
"Wow!" Aria sounded rather impressed. "That is pretty amazing."
"How are you doing that?" Dahlia asked.
"That's easy; I'm a technopath." Maxie smiled at the young girl.
"A technopath?" Dahlia was curious.
"It's a person that has technopathy," Maxie answered.
"What's technopathy?" Dahlia asked.
"Technopathy is the ability to control technology at your will," Maxie explained. "You'll be able to manipulate TVs, computers, cameras, tablets, radios, phones, you name it."
"That sounds really cool," Dahlia said with a smile.
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laevigataaccept · 1 year
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Night Raid
It's part of the pirates' sleep schedule. Sometimes you have to deal with rude guests that happen on your ship. Captain's got it covered.
Honestly, the freedom I felt when painting this piece was amazing. cameosweet's Aria has such a classic pirate vibe to her that it was almost overwhelming for me to decide what to have her doing! A beautiful woman for sure, who serves in a career she loves- honestly the dream.
Painting this scene, I was inspired by the fun times I had in games like Sea of Thieves, and also strangely enough- boxers. I saw a classic pose of a boxer lining up a hook or cut and realised that the position of the body and limbs was actually pretty sensible for a seasoned naval crew midcombat! Just add a pistol liberated from a british soldier, and a french naval cutlass for some extra flair and she looks ready for anything!
I loved her hair, how majestic and grand it was in silhouette, and getting to play with some kick lights in the background on such a large volume was fun. I'm not the best with that kind of thing and I'm still learning how to render light, but it's been a lot of fun just playing with it under no pressure. Plus, I think the little silhouetteboys in the background are some of my best background characters, with how I got to play with the lights on their bodies.
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Imagine my surprise when I saw a notification and thought ugh, another porn bot following me but gasp! It was you! Another update! I dropped everything and rushed to read the chapter and my God. You've done it again. Heart beating, stomach churning. Loved it. You're amazing.
I do have a question. Considering that R and D kids didn't like OC at first, but slowly the sisters warmed up to her, I wanted to ask are they aware of exactly how sinister Daemon is with her? Like does Jace really know the intensity of her situation? And will they be finding out, whose side will they be on? Considering in the show, when Daemon was absent during the miscarriage and Jace was pissed.
Love you 💗
Happy to provide some relief from the pornbot invasion! And thank you so so much for your wonderfully kind words!!! Imagine me hugging you through the screen!
As for your question, while Rhaena has definitely warmed to Arianwyn, I wouldn't say Baela has at this point. They've reached a tentative truce, thanks to Aria's relationship with Rhaena. But where Rhaena was very much Laena's daughter, Baela is Daemon's. She idolizes her father, the man who taught her how to fight and encouraged her to be the unashamed tomboy that she is. So, she has let her father's opinion of her elder half-sister color her own, and that will be a difficult hurdle for their relationship to overcome.
On how much they know about Daemon and his sinister ways - basically not a lot. Rhaena knows he hates Aria, and is cruel to her on the few occasion when he does interact with her. Baela suspects this as well, but she gives her father the benefit of the doubt. Based on her own experiences, she believes that if Daemon is cruel, it must have been provoked.
Aria knows the pain of being estranged from your father, and knowing the evil he is capable of. She loves Rhaena too much to subject her to the details of his cruelty toward her, and definitely not what he did to Rhea. She wants to protect her little sister from suffering the same pain she endured.
Rhaenyra's boys, on the other hand, don't know a whole lot. They also idolize Daemon. After all, he is everything they want to be: a Targaryen Prince, a formidable warrior, and a fierce dragonrider. Besides, their own mother has never really warmed to Aria, so why should they?
Jace does have some... complicated feelings in regards to Aria, but I'll leave the details of that, and whether they all find out the details of her past, to be revealed as the story goes on!
Thank you so much for your compliments and questions! Feel more than free to reach out if you have any more!
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