#also Bakugou looks like he has an undercut???
jaegerrb0mb · 5 months
Miss all American </3
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Note: this is part two of my hot garbage fic
even if it hurts <3 and this one is just as bad and I also didn’t read over it as well.. 😐
Summary: Visiting her favorite cafe in japan reader runs into her ex bf
Warnings: jokes of being engaged, talks of marriage/having a baby, my horrible grammar, and somewhat fluff?
Pairing: ProHero! katsuki bakugou x ProHero! Fem Reader
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"Hello, H/N, what can I get for you?" The cashier asks with an admiring expression, yet he is trying to play it cool that a top-ranking hero from the US is standing right in front of him. "Can I get a (your coffee or tea order) and one of those pumpkin muffins, please?" You point at the little dessert window and give the cashier a bright smile. "Yes, of course, Miss H/N," he says, moving quickly to make your order.
It’s been awhile since you were in Japan; in fact, you haven’t been here since graduation. You moved to the US quickly after finishing school when you heard there were more villains and not a lot of heroes out there, and you wanted to help in the most possible way, so you went abroad. You're out here visiting; it’s the first time you’ve been back to Japan in 5 years. You’ve been considering moving back, seeing as much as you missed it. Especially the cafe you’re in right now,
Taking a look around, it hasn’t changed one bit and still looks like it did when you were a teenager. Memories quickly flood your mind.
and you can’t help the bittersweet pain of nostalgia that burns through your chest.
"Here ya go!" The cashier hands you your order with a huge grin that pulls you out of your short thoughts. "Oh, thank you. How much will this be?" tilting your head to the side when he gives you a funny look. "Didn’t you hear me earlier? I said it was on the house." He laughs a bit at your confused expression. "Erm.. why?"
He leans over the counter a bit. "My family is from America; my mom told me a story about how you saved her life, so take it as my way of saying thank you." You smile softly at his words when he finishes. 'That explains why he recognizes me; I didn’t think anyone in Japan knew of me.
"Well, t-
"Heeey dynamight! Would you like your usual?" The cashier completely ignores you, focusing his attention fully on the male behind you. 'Dyna, wait, katsuki?' Quickly turning on your heels to face the man, it is in fact him and even more handsome than you remembered from your high school days. He’s wearing his hero uniform without the gauntlets, but it definitely has a lot of new upgrades. He's got a few scars on his arms and neck, some look old and some look more fresh; his hair is no longer the uneven choppy locks you used to love running your hands through; it's now an undercut, but the spikes still remain at the top; he always had a large, broad, and strong body, but now he looks more toned; his muscles are more defined, making him look in better shape than ever; he's a lot taller; and his eyes don’t hold as much hostility as before. He looks mature now. And a lot hotter if that were even possible.
"what’s the matter? never saw the No. 2 up close?" He taunts at you, but he gets no response except your dumbfounded expression. He steps a bit closer taking you in, his own eyes widen before turning to a more softer gaze, "l/n? Ain’t you some american hero now?" his voice is smooth as honey and It takes a second for you to gather your stunned self to try forming words "I am, I’m just visiting." he hums in response. "If you have time, I’d love to chat and catch up with you, Mr. No. 2," you joked before grabbing your stuff and making your way to a nearby table to sit so that you don’t hold up a line by the front.
Sipping from your drink and scrolling through social media on your phone, not really paying attention as you keep glancing up watching katsuki pay for his order until he finally makes his way over to you, now sitting across from you.
"So, what’s it like in America?" He asked, taking a sip of his own coffee and leaning over the table a bit. "It’s nice; I like it a lot, but I was actually thinking about- 
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He catches you off guard almost making you slice your finger as you were about to cut your pumpkin muffin. "Oh, straight to the point huh?" you laugh to play it cool, but your heart has been hammering in your chest since you laid eyes on him. "Just answ-
"no, I don’t.. I haven’t dated anyone cause I’ve been focusing on my hero work and it’s quite hard to find the time for it, you know? How bout you?" Sliding half of a muffin over to him. and taking a bite out of your half. something you always did as teenagers when the two of you came to this cafe in the middle of fall was split a pumpkin muffin. they were always out of them and you could never get your hands on them. and since you got the last one you decided to offer him half. it wasn’t anything special but you hoped it sparked the same nostalgia you’ve been feeling all day onto him. and you know it did when you catch the corners of his mouth quirk up into a small smile.
"I’m engaged."
His sentence throws you into a coughing fit as you look up to see him untuck a chain under his hero uniform from around his neck that holds a sliver ring, but he’s quick to tuck it back before you can even examine it.
he leans back crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk as he watches your coughing die down.  
"Oh, I-wow, congratulations, bakugou." Your smile is forced as you blink back tears from coughing and from pain before leaning down to take another sip of your drink, and he can tell your smile was fake as he begins to laugh. "No need to get jealous now; I’m messing with you." He untucks it again to show it to you.
It’s the promise ring you gave to him when you were 16.
You feel relieved, but your eyes still widen. "You kept it all this time? Why do you still wear it?" You quirk an eyebrow while watching as he takes a bite of his muffin and wait for him to answer.
"I guess to mess around with idiots like you." He finishes his coffee before he continues. "Well, to be honest, I never really could’ve found the heart to throw it, and it’s the only thing I've had from you since you left. Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving? You didn’t tell anyone, and you never called either. I had to find out from damn endeavor out of all people." He toys with the ring around his neck as you frown. "I couldn’t find the heart to say goodbye to you or our classmates. I felt like a jerk, but I knew it was for the better, at least at the time. I don’t know, Kats-Bakugou."
"You don’t have to correct yourself; you can call me by my first name, Miss American." He jokes, trying to make the conversation lighthearted while tucking the ring back once again. "What is your rank there anyway?"
"I’m the No. 2 hero, like you." You stick your tongue out at him before finishing the remains of your muffin. "Wow, with a brain like yours, I figured you’d be at least in the 50s," he smirked, making you lean over the table and hit him lightly. "You’re so mean, Katsuki," you pout playfully. "It’s called honesty, y/n." He laughs when you roll your eyes and slouch back in your chair. "You know you’re lucky you’re handsome, or I’d really be offended right now." You sip your drink. "Oh really? You think I’m handsome?" He rests his arms on the table, leaning forward. you smirk, coping his actions. "Yeah, but it’s too bad you’re engaged." You throw his joke back at him.
"Haha, so funny."
"You’re the one that said it, not me."
"Forget about that. Wanna come back to my place?"
"You shouldn’t cheat on your fiancé."
You smile playfully as he shakes his head, leaning in a bit more.
"The only woman I’d ever be engaged to is sitting right in front of me, but it’s too bad she decided to leave the day after graduation. not even caring to give me a phone call." he playfully clicks his tongue. "Yeah, but the phone works both ways," you shrug.
"doesn’t change the fact that you ruined my plan to take you back after school." He leans back in his chair, now crossing his arms once again. you scoffed. "That’s bullshit, and we both know that."
"Me asking you to be my wife was bullshit? I had the whole thing planned for how I was going to propose, and if you didn’t go Miss all American on me, I bet we’d be married with a baby on the way. That is what you wanted when we were together, right? to have a family young?" He makes a "tch" noise, tilting his head up at the ceiling, causing you to frown. "You shouldn’t joke about that, Katsuki."
He quickly turns his attention back to you.
"I never said I was." His words are followed by silence besides the other people around chatting, but still enough to leave thick tension in the air.
"Katsuki, I-
He suddenly reaches for your drink, taking a sip from it and taking you by surprise. "Hey! I never said you could-
"And it’s still not too late for that." his voice holding a deeper rasp as he clears his throat. "Listen, y/n, I’m going to be straight forward with you because there’s no reason for me to lie. I always loved you, and I never stopped loving you. I don’t care if you live in fuckin’ Guam, Canada, or wherever; I know I can make long-distance work for however long you want it to work. Remember back then when I said I’d take you back in a heartbeat? I still stand by that. So if you still want that future you planned with me, try giving me a call; it’s the same damn number I’ve always had." He places your drink down and gets up to leave, but you catch him by his wrist. "Didn’t you ask if I wanted to go back to your place?" giving him doe eyes while your fingers danced their way up his muscles. He leans down so he’s face-to-face with you. "Gotta finish patrol; don’t worry, babe; promise, as soon as I’m off the clock, I’ll take you there." He gives you a smug smile, turning back around to leave. You call out to him once more before he makes it through the door.
"Katsuki!" He stills but doesn’t turn. "I’m here for two weeks."
"Better be ready; I’ll make it worth your while."
With that, he went.
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Tags: @sofilsword @the-dumpster-fire-of-life
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rewrittenmha · 1 month
Hero Killer Stain Arc
As far as arcs in MHA go, this is the only one I would call almost perfect.
This was the arc that (should have) set the tone for the rest of the series. It was dark enough to show us the severity of being a hero, laid out the flaws of hero society, and tells us why Izuku (our main character) is different and has the power to change things.
I hesitate to change much about it.
I think there's something to be said about Izuku's reaction to Stain. As far as people who call out society, Stain is the only one who gets through Izuku's ideals if only a little bit. No one else- not even Lady Nagant, who had the most valid argument- made him stop and think.
I do have to wonder if this was because of Stain's admiration for All Might. And that... isn't a great look for Izuku in all honesty.
So instead, I want Stain's words to really affect Izuku. I want him- as someone who's studied heroes all his life- to really think on the things he's seen. Thing he might have justified in his head at the time. I want him to reflect on what Todoroki told him about Endeavor and Quirk Marriages. I want his idealization of heroes and the societies heroes protect to be challenged.
This will be the start in deconstructing not only Izuku's blind hero worship, but also the circumstances in which he grew up in. What allowed Bakugou to torment him all those years? What was it that decided that he wasn't equal to his peers?
I mentioned this before on my main, but the one thing I always thought would benefit the Stain arc was also breaking Tenya's idolization of Tensei.
Stain brings up great points in canon, but they're undercut by the fact that Tensei- as far as we know- is a good hero. So Stain targeting him really undermines his actions and goals. Sure, you can make the argument that it's all heroes other than All Might that he sees as the problem, but it just makes Stain look like a hypocrite because we have no proof of that either.
So, Tensei won't be as innocent here.
It happened when he was just starting out as a hero. Tensei Iida had just graduated from UA and became the hero Ingenium. He was dedicated to upholding his family's ideals: noble, honest, and good.
But as a rookie, he came across something he wasn't supposed to see. He was investigating an underground drug ring where he witnessed Lady Nagant- one of the top 10 heroes at the time- kill another hero, albeit one a lot less known.
Tensei panicked and demanded to know what she was doing. But her eyes were so haunted and empty that he couldn't bring himself to move. When she answered him, her voice was hollow. She told him that this was the society they were tasked with upholding as heroes. And that if he had a problem with it, he could take it up with the HPSC. And then she left, like nothing had happened.
She was arrested just a few months later.
Tensei never said a word about it. And the guilt has been haunting him ever since.
He confesses all of this to Tenya after Tenya's confrontation with Stain. Tenya is confused and upset; all his life he has been taught that standing up for what's right is the foundation of the Iida family. He doesn't know how to feel about this information...
But then he remembers how Izuku had rushed in to help him without hesitation. How he always stood up for others, no matter what. How he never gave up.
Izuku... inspired him. Izuku made him want to be a better hero. A hero who always did the right thing, regardless of if it followed all the rules or not.
Shoto has never had friends before. He was never allowed to. He was told he was better than everyone else, including his brothers and sister. But being there for Izuku and Tenya felt... good. Like others relied on him, and he could rely on them too.
He's been sheltered all his life so outside of Endeavor he doesn't really understand what Stain is talking about. Heroes are usually good, like All Might, right?
But what if... more of them were like his father than he had previously believed?
Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu- upon learning that Uraraka is interning with Gunhead- decides to take the invitation from him that was also offered to her. She wants to know how Uraraka held off so well against Tokoyami when she couldn't. Uraraka thrives under Gunhead's tutelage, but Yaoyorozu struggles. She, no matter how hard she tries, can't seem to learn how to think on her feet.
Yaoyorozu comes off as cold at first which intimidates Uraraka, but then she realizes "Oh, this rich kid has never had a normal social interaction in her life." She makes the effort to be kind to Yaoyorozu, who has never had a real friend in her life and doesn't know how to respond to this compassion.
Uraraka helps her to stop overthinking. Tells her to stop thinking about what her opponent will do so much and look at what they're actually doing. It improves Yaoyorozu's already decent combat ability, which she's grateful for. She sincerely thanks Uraraka and confides in how she felt like she failed at the Sports Festival. Uraraka sympathizes; it's hard to be overlooked and cast aside when you know you're capable of doing so much more. For the first time in her life, Yaoyorozu feels understood
(They're besties, your honor)
This one's more of a summary because there really aren't many changes to this arc other than Tensei's flashback. I was thinking of making him an HPSC assassin too, but a) I thought it would be more meaningful if he just happened to be in a place where he made the wrong choice and b) I like to think that the Iida family is descended from some of the first heroes. I feel like the HPSC couldn't sink their claws in them
The "main trio" as of the moment will be Izuku, Tenya, and Shoto as was (presumably) intended. I loved their chemistry in this arc and I feel like the three of them balance each other out really well
I almost forgot to take Momo out of that terrible internship. Having her work with Gunhead along with Uraraka was a great opportunity for Momo to actually connect with another girl. I feel like Horikoshi had all the girls like each other and get along for no other reason than they're all girls. Even MomoJirou and TsuChako are like that to an extent
To add to that, I also felt like Horikoshi focused way too much on Momo becoming an even better planner instead of being able to think on her feet. Her and Izuku are kind of opposites that way and it would have made for some great parallels between them
Do you guys think Best Jeanist would still take an interest in Bakugou? He lost pretty early and didn't have the chance to throw his tantrum at the awards ceremony. He definitely wouldn't get nearly as many offers in canon. I feel like him being mentored by Jeanist or not is an indication of whether or not he'll be redeemed idk it just feels that way
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
Every time Bakugou gets home with a new haircut you start to feel that hot throbbing between your legs, and you just can't hold yourself from jumping on him and riding him until he fills you up.
You call this "new haircut sex".
AHHH YES YES YES I LOVE THIS! also i love the name!! we’ve probably said it so much every time he gets a hair cut that he already expects it when he gets home
he’ll probably be thinking of all the things you’ll do once he gets home while he’s getting it done and it’s so thankful for the cape covering his body so no one at the salon can see the dent forming in his pants
you’re also waiting at home excited for his arrival, just the thought of him with a haircut has you wet. i imagine he gets an undercut so now it’s light brown at the bottom and his usual blonde spikes at the top or maybe he leaves the same spiky hairs but shorter and more organized
as soon as you hear the lock on the door and his keys jiggling, you’re grinning to yourself while you continue to place the cookies you were making into the oven. pushing the oven door closed with your hip just in time to look up and see him turn the corner into the kitchen
greeting him with the biggest smile as your hands immediately lift to touch his soft spikes. pulling you into a kiss before he leans back asking a whispered “you like it, baby?” against your lips to which you give a hard nod, still smiling from how good he looks
the ache between your legs is already hard to ignore but you can’t help but to lower yourself in front of him, fingers reaching to pull on the waist of his joggers, noticing how the bastard didn’t even bother to wear underwear knowing what was waiting for him at home
collecting the precum from his already hard cock and smearing it along his length, giving him a few pumps whilst you lick his tip. swirling your tongue before wrapping your lips around him, rocking your head back and forth slowly while taking more and more of his length each time
katsuki grunting above you as he rests his hand on the kitchen island to stabilize himself, afraid that the pleasure running through his body from your warm mouth wrapped around him and that sinfully skilled tongue dragging against the pulsing veins under his cock might have his knees giving out on him
pulling back just as you feel he’s about to cum, causing a frustrated grunt to leave his throat as he tightens the digits tangled with the hairs on the side of your head, pulling you back to his throbbing cock but you fight against them, not wanting to let him cum just yet
lifting you up before hooking his hands on your rear, hoisting you up as you wrap your legs and arms around him whilst he tells you how big of a tease you are as he makes his way towards the living room
settling down on the couch as you remove your bottoms, a grin spreading across his face as he notices that you also didn’t wear any underwear knowing what would happen when he returned
straddling him as you reach down to drag the tip of his cock through your folds, collecting your slick before aligning him with you. slowly sinking down on him until you’re fully seated on his cock
both of you releasing a content moan before he pulls you in for a fervent kiss, cockwarming him as his fingers tangle with the hairs on your nape while you run yours through the soft brown hairs of his undercut, loving the feel of them against your fingertips
slowly grinding your hips against him while his tongue presses against yours, before starting to lift your hips up and down. the ache becoming to much as you bounce yourself on his cock
his hands gripping and pulling of your cheeks, giving them a few spanks to encourage you to continue riding his cock as he pulls one of your nipples into his mouth, the added stimulation bringing you closer to the edge as you feel the knot inside your stomach get tighter
feeling himself get closer to cumming as well as he presses his thumb on your clit and messily circles it, the action making your burst as you cum all over him, your walls clenching around him sending him over the edge as he fills you up with warm spurts of cum
still grinding your hips against him while you pull him into a kiss before pressing you damped forehead against his equally sweaty one to catch your breath
smiling against his lips at the feeling of his digits squishing your rear again, letting you know that he wants to go another round and who are you to deny him after he looks so hot with his new haircut as you start to ride his cock again
bonus if you went to the salon with him, not wanting to wait until you got home as you suck on his cock while he’s driving, thankful for his tainted windows so that no one could catch a glimpse of your ass in display whilst his fingers pump in and out of your dripping pussy
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
Thank you for the invitation! I've read your posts on Bakuguo's relationship with Izuku, and I agree with almost all of them, but this most recent post is the first time I saw you suggest that it's not just a mistake in writing on the creator's part but *deliberate* writing on the creator's part (forgive me if you've written about the subject before). The only way I could appreciate Izuku's relationship with Bakuguo was as an unfortunate side effect of Izuku's immature ideas of what it means to be a hero, and that as he experienced more of the world and grew into being his own hero, that he would eventually reject this need to tolerate Bakuguo's ... Bakuguo-ness. I also was informed that Bakuguo's behavior is a trope of manga characterization that the audience would expect from this type of writing, so I should just accept it.
But now, from what you've written, this might not be true. I've always suspected that some creators would have preferred to write about characters who couldn't actually carry a story *without* changing, but they didn't want them to change. (For example, Sukuna in Jujutsu Kansen is obviously the creator's favorite, but a story about Sukuna would require change, and the creator likes that monster just the way he is.). Are there clues that Izuku's creator is just using Izuku as a "Caretaker" character to enable the characters he does like to behave terribly and get away with it? (I hope this makes sense.)
I suppose the answer to this relies on how we look at "deliberate."
Do I think Horikoshi is intentionally undercutting Izuku's character to make Bakugou seem better? No. I don't think he has the foresight, skill, or self-awareness to even go about writing like that. I'm sure in his mind he thinks that by giving Bakugou more spotlight, he's making Izuku better written by extension.
And a lot of that has to do with the fandom. Horikoshi is an author whose decisions are very driven by popular opinion, it's why so many of his storylines and characters are all over the place. For example, almost as soon as Bakugou began to become popular (around the Sports Festival), Horikoshi started to give him more exposure. If you pay attention, you'll even notice how characters like Iida and Uraraka begin to fade into the background. This is even supported by the two of them not being very popular (especially Iida) in comparison.
And obviously, BakuDeku is very popular, the most popular ship in the fandom. Horikoshi would never make it canon, but that isn't to say he won't milk that fact for all its worth. By pushing Izuku and Bakugou together, he's feeding into that. Every time they so much as share a panel about it, BakuDeku shippers go crazy here and on Twitter. It keeps attention on MHA, and keeps revenue up.
Horikoshi knows that a large majority of the fandom will consistently read anything he releases as long as he keeps Bakugou and Izuku connected. Both Bakugou and BakuDeku as a relationship are essentially a cash cow that he can exploit.
But for Bakugou to actually improve and become a better person and for Izuku to come into his own as a hero, they need to be separated. They are both detrimental to one another's development, which is why Bakugou's character development sucks and Izuku's character seems so stagnant. They should have had to grow and learn away from each other before reconciliation was ever even thought about.
Does Horikoshi know this? Probably not. I don't think he even has the capacity to think this way. But it doesn't change the fact that he will gladly shove Izuku- and everyone else- to the side if it means Bakugou's stans keep reading
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yellowcabdriver · 2 years
pairing: aged up!bakugou katsuki x f!reader
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wordcount: 1k
genre: (kind of domestic) fluff
a/n: im not a bnha fan, so the character might be a little ooc. this one is an old request that i didn’t have time to commit to. hope it turned out okay :>
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he hates to admit that – teeth grinding and everything – but you got him wrapped around your finger.
bakugou makes a hmph sound at the thought as he shampoos his hair for the second time – like you told him to.
but it’s true, he loves you so much.
he doesn’t like to talk about it, about these overwhelming feelings when he sees you, when he holds you, when he talks to you.
he never once thought he would fall in love like this, crazy, stupid, desperate. on his knees for you, metaphorically and literally. but also how could he not fall in love with you?
you are smart, intelligent, with a hint of a know-it-all. but it’s never snarky, biting type of know-it-all. it’s gentle and fun and ready to share information with someone who’s willing to listen (oh, and bakugou would die to listen to you talk) because, well, you happen to really do know it all.
you are fun. not afraid to laugh at yourself. you would throw an occasional joke at him and he – everyone is shocked – dryly laughs. you are empathetic, kind-hearted, generous.
you are different from him in the best way possible. patient when he is not, impatient when he is patient. bakugou is older now, still a hothead, but he manages his emotions much better (others might disagree, but fuck them, right?) and he owes most of it to you because he subconsciously mimics you, learns from you how to be better. not that you think he’s bad.
you are similar to him in the best way possible. you tend to have very emotional response first and think it over later. you don’t like to talk about your feelings, though you are more open to that than bakugou. your anger is also like an outburst of burning fire. you tend to say things you don’t mean and then end up having regrets eating your insides alive. katsuki usually laughs at your sulking presence when you come to share your grievances with him all while marvelling at how many times he felt exactly the same way as you.
bakugou wants to be the best for you.
you mention something once, remotely, and bakugou makes a mental note of it. whatever food you like, katsuki just happens to make it and has enough to share. whatever show you watch bakugou also (binge)watched it and is reluctantly ready to discuss. hell, he got an undercut because you mentioned that it’s your favourite haircut on men. at first he regretted it a little but after you were gushing over him, with no hint of ridicule and completely serious complimenting the shape of his skull (never has he ever received this type of compliments but it’s you so he is gobbling it up) he found some ease.
at first, he thought it was just a crush. it’d been a while since he had one but after excruciating weeks of mulling over this he finally accepted the fact that he was not having a crush. he was falling in love. and for the first time ever it didn’t scare him.
the lack of fear though kind of terrified him. did he suddenly mature emotionally? ain’t no way.
but in the dissonance of it all, confused and lost and a little angry, as per usual, bakugou finally got the courage to confess to you.
he thought it would be awkward and would end up with something blowing up and catching fire. it fortunately didn’t. he was uncharacteristically calm when he said that he was in love with you, looking down at your astonished face. he bucked the odds and won because after a few seconds of silence you all blushing nodded and said wow well i think i love you too.
katsuki quickly dries himself and leaves the shower in dark blue pyjama pants hanging low on his hips. according to the familiar ritual he drags his feet back to the bedroom where someone on tv was crying rather dramatically.
he enters the room and sees you in your dark blue cotton pyjama pair, bare feet dangling from giant bed, eyes glued to the screen where characters of a korean drama were arguing. katsuki rolls his eyes.
“oi, i went to shower twenty minutes ago and these two are still fighting?”
he says these two as if he doesn’t already know the names of all characters of the show which you’ve been watching every evening for a few weeks now and which he has been watching with his peripheral vision while sitting in bed next to you.
“yeah, but now it’s a different fight,” you argue glancing at katsuki with a smile and returning to the screen. bakugou walks closer to you.
“let me guess, it’s about the fact that she didn’t tell him that she knew his brother.”
you look at katsuki amazed.
“exactly that, how did you guess?”
he kneels down on the carpet in front of you.
“it’s typical shit, you know.”
you laugh, attention now fully on katsuki.
“it’s not typical! you’ve been watching this, haven’t you?”
bakugou makes a hmph sound and plants a kiss on your right foot.
“no, i haven’t. it’s just predictable.”
you yelp and giggle trying to yank your foot away while katsuki takes your other foot and plants a kiss in the middle of your sole.
“ready to go to sleep?” he asks knowing the answer already. you nod.
“i’ll finish the episode tomorrow.”
it’s dark and the lights of the city that never sleeps are barely making their way through heavy drapes covering giant windows of your bedroom. katsuki is nestled in your embrace, warm and content.
“you smell so good,” you tease. katsuki hums not willing to admit that it’s your vanilla shower gel that he used but you already know that. bakugou just holds your body closer to his as he contemplates that he’s way too deep in his feelings for you. he can’t logically deny this, not after four years you’ve been together, not when he knows all the shows you watch, not when he smells like your shower gel, not when you’re wearing matching pyjamas that he bought.
katsuki hates to admit that out loud but you got him wrapped around your finger. and he’s okay with that.
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quidfree · 1 year
hear me out…. todobaku as villains???
im going to disappoint you anon bc i am not a like... dark & twisted fantasy villain au person. as per quidfree canon what keeps me going is good characterisation and so you will find no undercut tattoo-laden bad boys here.
if you want my two cents on what todobaku villain au would most likely look like though it's under the cut
this one is easy right? touya exists. shouto already has his villain backstory: his dad is a bigshot hero uplifted by society and also an abusive bastard in private. his motivations in hero-oriented society are obvious.
i think shouto probably distinguishes himself from touya in a number of ways, one of which being style of villainy. touya was a lot more unstable emotionally (?tied to his quirk self-harm stuff) and undiscerning in his resentment (see: woman hater) even before he ran away. i think shouto would be a more classic anti-hero type villain, less quick to cause chaos and death to unrelated civilians or high schoolers. they would have an uneasy relationship if and when shouto figured out who dabi was- i think he would retain his empathy for his siblings and mother, but he would disagree with touya’s choices.
i see him as a loner villain, not likely to join the league. early UA shouto appeared to have literally never spoken to another person in ten years, so if he around that age veered off the expected path and went MIA, i think the whole ice prince thing would solidify pretty definitely. and that’s the kind of personality he’d have too- icy, controlled superiority over a core of red-hot rage. no quips here. though some dramatics. he hides it but shouto always has flair.
shouto is a practical guy first and foremost. i think he’d just wear something similar to his plumber fit. maybe something akin to a balaklava to mask his identity, but maybe not, if he wants to make his father aware of his actions. i do think touya-style he might go for a hairdye, but in his case it’d probably be bleach, as a sort of obvious reclaiming of rei’s heritage and rejection of enji’s.
overall as villains go if we are keeping to a world close to canon shouto is probably one of the more morally upright people you will encounter. very scary motherfucker but pretty targeted enemies, so unless you’re involved in maintaining the hero justice system at some pivotal level you’re probably safe. if you are though? rip i guess. prepare to have your home frozen, your limbs stuck to the ground, and an icepick summarily driven through your skull by a teenager.
katsuki is tough because for him it very much depends on setting, and at a basic level when you’re looking at. katsuki fundamentally is not a fuck the system guy- he’s a guy the system loves, and he’s interested in winning it, not destroying it, at least until character development kicks his ass. so really if you want to go early canon for both of them, villain bakugou is just hero bakugou. a katsuki from the start of bnha left to continue on his presumed arc uninterrupted, no deku or kidnapping or war to force him to question himself. arrogant and cruel and uncaring of what heroism is meant to be about. saving big numbers, sure, or at least defeating big ones, but when your defeats involve death or as good as, hard to draw the line.
similarly, in a universe where for some reason heroes have lost their relevance and villains reign, teen katsuki would have very easily risen in that direction, with similar traits.
who would his targets be? whoever’s in his way, pretty much. even in a more anti-hero slant, villain’s goons would not be safe. and anyone who tried to recruit / hire / ally him would inevitably face some kind of betrayal bc katsuki simply got sick of orders and believes he can handle the fall-out.
in terms of looks, katsuki is more style conscious than shouto is, but as lord explosion murder doesn’t necessarily look very heroic i think he wouldn’t look that different. maybe more of the black and winter-suit vibes.
for as insufferable as he would be, he would also be horrifying, yes. i mean, the guy is a starter kit terrorist. even if he was in tantrum ego mode he could level a street. collateral would be nasty if katsuki didn’t care to contain himself.
todobaku villain interaction ???
if we’re going with the above sort of setting? would not stand each other. for bakugou it’s obvious stuff (think sports fest and general canon), but todoroki genuinely would not tolerate villain bakugou at all, given the obvious alarm bells of similarity to endeavor. it’s not his focus but if bakugou died he would not be displeased.
as in any universe they could be begrudgingly forced into cooperation and then be privately disgusted by how well they worked together after the initial predictable faux pas. all of their other villain colleagues are like “can’t we just call that guy in for an assist again” and theyre like *breathing exercises* no.
they are both despite appearances and villainy-amplified dramatics fairly pragmatic so theyd probably not actively seek to cross each other unless they seemed to be getting in the way of their respective goals. they can recognise that this would be getting into it w an unnecessarily big distraction/threat. but i can imagine the “keep out of this” warnings would be fairly inventive. todoroki negligently thwarts one of bakugou’s plots and bakugou turns his entire hideout to rubble. a bunch of todoroki’s contacts are collateral during one of bakugou’s attacks and bakugou wakes up to find all of his security died of hypothermia overnight. lest we forget they both have petty streaks.
hero x villain interaction would be. very funny and very bad. hero todoroki would be So Tired of villain bakugou bc of how frustrating it is that hes actually hard to stop and villain bakugou in turn would resent him immensely. hero bakugou dealing w villain todoroki? that would be (psychologically bizarre) fun. i think for some reason that would be the closest we get to a bakugou w ‘doodling hearts against their own volition’ crush energy. but theyd get along a lot better than the reverse, mainly bc hero bakugou is like a decent person and villain todoroki respects moral integrity. in both duos in a lighter setting the villain of the two might start getting a mild kick out of messing w the hero despite their focus on other things just bc 1) it gives villain todoroki the mildest of entertainment to look forward to every blue moon given he doesn’t necessarily wish bakugou any active harm 2) villain bakugou feels he’s owed some todoroki suffering considering how annoying he personally finds him.
that’s my two cents on it anyways. idk what everyone else has in mind!
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 2 months
Traveled to the Past (Time Traveled)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QOXjW83 by myang3llov3r As we fell, there were multiple hole on the walls all around us. One of them had Katsuki at a press conference. But, he looked much older. He also had his hero costume on. I laughed as I saw he had a undercut. I then fell even more. As I kept looking at all of the holes against the wall, they all had like a different type of each of us. like it was either from the past or the future. Looked like there’s also an inverted version of all of us. I chuckled at the thought but yelled out as the falling became rougher and faster. Then, my face was met with the floor. I grunted as I rubbed my face. That really hurt. I looked around and saw the others getting up, stretching their arms, legs, and everything else. Words: 2385, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Family (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Inko, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Bakugo Katsuki & the Bakusquad - Character Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Bakugou Masaru & Bakugou Mitsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki & Class 1-A Additional Tags: Time traveling to the past, Fluff and Angst, Sad, Happy Ending, Character Death, Villain Quirk, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, a lot of swearing, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Angst, One-Sided Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou Has Two Moms, Kirishima Eijirou grieving, Class 1-A Friendship (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A as Family (My Hero Academia), Protective Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Worried Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Past Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Past First year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Second Year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Partially Deaf Second Year Bakugo Katsuki, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Past Pro Hero’s (My Hero Academia), Pro Hero’s (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia) - Freeform read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QOXjW83
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lackyghost · 11 months
Bakugou Katsuki makes his way into his local hardware store as he does multiple times a week. His pale blonde hair fans out around his head in wild spikes, his undercut making his jaw look all the sharper. His nose is refined, eyes angular and fierce, housing ruby red irises.
He’s only 172cm, but he’s strong, with broad shoulders and thick thighs built up over years of working in his parent’s business. They build furniture and upgrade houses, an art he’s grown up in, and his body is long used to heavy lifting and skillfully using his hands.
His boot leg jeans have smears along his knees, and his black t-shirt has a few paint splatters, but he doesn’t care, simply walks through the doors of the hardware store and beelines for the rope. He briefly compares a white with a cream colored before grabbing the 60-meter spool of twisted white nylon.
He tucks it under his arm as he walks over to the counter, not at all surprised to see the store’s latest employee standing there. He has wild white hair similar to Katsuki’s, but his face and ears are full of piercings. His eyes are a stunning turquoise, and as soon as his gaze locks on Katsuki, a smirk curls his lips.
“Hey there, dollface,” Todoroki Touya drawls.
“Metalface,” Katsuki says as he sets the rope down.
This has been their usual method of greeting since the man moved to Musutafu a couple months ago. The silent staring contest that follows is also the usual, and when Touya opens his mouth, Katsuki vaguely knows what to expect.
“You into some kinky shit, doll?”
Katsuki just scoffs. “I wish it was that fuckin’ interesting.”
“Oh?” Touya says, his gaze lidding as he looks to the blonde. “Do you want it to be?”
Katsuki’s apartment door slams open, both he and Touya stumbling inside, their lips locked and their hands wandering as they attempt to shut the door without parting. Touya bites on Katsuki’s lower lip, sucking it into his mouth and the blonde moans.
“Fuck, hurry up,” Touya says, harshly smacking his ass.
Katsuki grabs his hand, using his other to grip the six meters of rope he’d cut from the large spool earlier. He half runs to his bedroom, his cock already hard in his pants. He tosses the rope onto the bed and tugs his shirt off before climbing onto the mattress, lying down with his arms up by his headboard.
Touya licks his lips as he grabs the rope, but he pulls his own shirt off as well, wrapping it around Katsuki’s wrist as a cushion before tying his wrist to the headboard. He trails the rope around the back of the headboard to Katsuki’s other arm, using the blonde’s shirt to pad that wrist before tying it as well.
“Lube and condoms?” Touya questions.
“Nightstand,” Katsuki says.
Touya quickly moves to grab the items, dropping the opened box of condoms and the bottle of silicone lube down beside the blonde before pulling his clothes off. He gives his cock a few slow strokes, loving the way Katsuki licks his lips at the sight of it, obviously wanting to run his tongue along the six rung Jacob’s ladder that decorates Touya’s dick.
Touya chuckles lowly and climbs back onto the bed, tugging Katsuki’s jeans off and tossing them to the side. Katsuki lifts his hips again, like he expects his boxers to be removed as well, but Touya just smirks and leans in to flick his tongue over one of his nipples.
Katsuki squirms lightly at the touch and Touya brings his other hand up to rub his other nipple. He relishes in the small hitches in the blonde’s breath as he sucks and tweaks his little pink buds, switching from one plush pec to the next until his nipples are shiny with his saliva and fully erect.
He slowly moves down from there, looking up at Katsuki as he trails kisses down his sternum, between his impressively defined abdominals, and then he mouths over the shape of Katsuki’s cock. He sucks over the large wet spot where he’s been leaking precum, licking the shape of his head through the cotton material, making Katsuki shudder in anticipation.
He pulls back and licks his lips as he slowly drags the man’s boxers down, letting his cock spring free, and making the blonde hiss as his throbbing member meets the cold air. Touya discards his boxers and leans down to kiss around the base of his cock, shifting down to suck at his balls, and then he pushes Katsuki’s thighs up so he can lick around his hole.
“Ah, fuck,” Katsuki says, tensing up slightly.
“Never been eaten out, hmm?” Touya guesses.
“No,” Katsuki confirms, but doesn’t go into detail.
Touya just hums his understanding as he gathers up spit in his mouth, pushing his tongue out and drooling around his hole. Katsuki shudders at the feeling as Touya licks around his hole before pushing his tongue against the rim. He forces himself to relax against the bizarre feeling, and Touya pushes his tongue in further, twirling it inside him and making him squirm.
Touya purses his lips and sucks and Katsuki gasps, tugging at his wrists, wanting to grasp the man’s hair, but all he can do is lay there and soak in the pleasure.
Touya pulls away from his hole so he can press a finger inside, going slow, his eyes locked on Katsuki’s face as he slowly thrusts, curling his finger until the blonde suddenly jolts, sputtering out a curse. Touya smirks devilishly as he starts rubbing ruthlessly over the man’s prostate, using his other hand to drizzle some lube onto his fingers, making it easier to slide two in.
Katsuki chokes out curses as he tries to rock back against the digits in his ass, panting out pleased sounds. Touya smirks at the sight, loving the way the man starts to tremble, never slowing his pace. He can see that Katsuki is already on the edge, needing just a little more to tip over.
He adds a third finger to his thrusting and leans over, opening his mouth wide, and drops down over Katsuki’s cock, swallowing him down to the root. The shock of the sudden wet heat around him has Katsuki shouting as he cums, his bitter release filling Touya’s throat. He swallows it down loudly, making Katsuki’s face flush, but he just hums a pleased sound as he pulls off, licking his lips appreciatively.
Touya removes his fingers, groaning at the way the man’s hole flutters around nothing, and he grabs a condom, ripping it open and rolling it down his length. He dumps more lube over it and shifts closer, pressing one of Katsuki’s thighs up toward his chest, his other hand lining his cock up.
“Wait, I just came,” Katsuki pants out.
Touya hums, rubbing his tip against the man’s hole as he leans over to kiss him. “I know.”
He thrusts inside, fully sheathing himself in a single movement and Katsuki shouts a sound that’s somewhere between a moan and an overstimulated whine. Touya chuckles darkly at the sound, using his lube slicked hand to grab Katsuki’s cock, stroking him back to hardness.
“Be a good boy for me now,” Touya coos.
Before Katsuki can even attempt to get any words out, Touya starts ruthlessly slamming into him, leaning back to fuck into him harder, making the headboard slam against the wall. Katsuki screams, tugging his wrists as he cums again, squirting out over his abdomen, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his skull.
Touya grins maliciously as he continues drilling into him. “You’re mine now, Katsuki.”
The blonde nods mindlessly, tears pricking his eyes as drool trickles from the corner of his mouth as Touya glides along his prostate with every single movement. He moans out a garbled sound along the lines of “No more.”
“Aw, come on, Katsuki, one more time,” Touya pants out, sweat beading his brow as he keeps up his harsh pace. “Be a good boy and cum on daddy’s cock.”
Katsuki gasps loudly, his toes curling as he cums dry, screaming out, “Fuck! Daddy!”
Touya curses as he cums, slamming into the man as he fills the condom, groaning as he rocks his hips as he steadily slows, until he finally stops altogether. He pulls out slowly, tugging the condom off and tying it before chucking it over to the garbage under the man’s desk.
He hovers over Katsuki, brushing some hair away from his sweaty forehead, out of his eyes. The man blinks up at him, humming tiredly, and Touya smiles as he leans in to kiss him. The lip presses are more languid now, tired and satiated.
“Untie me already, metalface,” Katsuki grumbles.
“Not just yet,” Touya says, giving him another quick peck before moving off the bed.
He doesn’t bother grabbing any clothes as he walks to the bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it with hot water before walking back. He wipes Katsuki’s face, and then trails it down to his abdomen, and gives his cock a nice wipe down before tossing the cloth into the man’s hamper.
He moves back over to the bed and climbs over Katsuki, straddling his hips as he trails his hands over Katsuki’s sides, moving up until he cups his chin. He leans in to press a long kiss to his lips, moving back only far enough to meet his gaze.
“I’ll untie you if you can convince me that you’re a good boy who won’t leave daddy’s side,” Touya murmurs, rubbing his thumb along Katsuki’s lower lip.
Katsuki tilts his head to bite on Touya’s lower lip, tugging it harshly and sucking it into his mouth. Touya groans at the feeling and Katsuki snakes his tongue into his mouth, mapping out his teeth, gliding along his tongue, not pulling away until they’re both desperate for oxygen.
Katsuki pants lightly as he slumps back against his bed, smirking up at Touya. “I’m not goin’ anywhere, daddy.”
Touya and Katsuki follow the host to their table, sitting down and thanking him before he walks off. They’re out celebrating three months together—and the fact that they’ve officially moved in to their first shared apartment.
Katsuki had admittedly been a bit shocked when Touya had suggested it a couple weeks prior, but it was certainly good timing, as Katsuki’s lease was up and he was struggling to find a place that didn’t want his first born child as payment.
He’s excited though, enough to order a strawberry margarita when the waitress comes over. Touya chuckles at that and orders a beer and waters for them both.
“I’m curious to see what you’re like when you’re tipsy,” Touya admits.
“If it’s the same as it was a few years ago, someone is going to get decked,” Katsuki says and Touya laughs.
“Sounds like a good time,” Touya teases.
“Here are your drinks,” the waitress says, setting the glass bottle in front of Touya. She then leans forward, batting her big brown eyes and pressing her elbows together to make her tits nearly pop out of her scoop neck shirt as she sets Katsuki’s drink down. “I’ll be right back with your waters.”
Touya glares at her retreating back, but Katsuki just grimaces. “Do I give off straight vibes?”
“What,” Touya says, spurting out a laugh.
“Nothing,” Katsuki says, shaking his head. “Anyway, the last time I was here, the katsudon was really fucking good.”
“It is,” the waitress agrees, once again placing Touya’s drink down before nearly flashing Katsuki. “So, you want some katsudon, honey?”
“Don’t call me that,” Katsuki says, rolling his eyes. “But yeah, katsudon.”
“I’ll have the same,” Touya says, and the woman just writes that down.
“Got it,” she says, biting her lower lip as she eyes Katsuki for another moment before turning to do her job.
Katsuki kicks his glaring boyfriend under the table. “Oi? The fuck’s your deal?”
“Nothing,” Touya says, shaking his head. He leans over the table to pull Katsuki in for a kiss, his eyes darting across the space to lock with the waitress, who flushes as she turns around.
“Aw, are you jealous?” Katsuki teases, nipping at Touya’s chin.
“No,” Touya says immediately, leaning back in his chair. “Just can’t believe I have such a drop dead gorgeous boyfriend.”
Katsuki snickers. “Sure, sure.”
“So, we still have to decide if we’re keeping your couch or mine,” Touya says.
“Seriously?” Katsuki says, cocking a brow. “We have to decide whether we’re keeping your piece of shit couch or the one that I personally made?”
“But it’s huge,” Touya grumbles.
Katsuki smirks as he leans in closer, dropping his voice. “It’d be a lot easier to fuck on a big sofa.”
Touya’s pupils flex with interest and he hums. “We might need to test that theory, dollface.”
“Alright,” Katsuki agrees easily. “You top on mine, I’ll top on yours.”
“Oh, you’re on,” Touya says.
“Here you go!” The waitress says as she stops next to their table.
Katsuki and Touya both lean away so she can place the bowls in front of them. It smells delicious and Katsuki eyes the meal hungrily, flinching when the waitress places her hand on his shoulder. He looks up at her, eyes narrowed in annoyance.
“Don’t forget, I’m Camie, and I’m here if you need anything.”
Katsuki and Touya are curled up on their sofa—the larger, better one. They’re sitting side by side, just watching something on a local channel, some terrible low budget movie that’s barely worth the laughs.
Bored with it, Katsuki shifts up and turns to throw his leg over Touya’s lap, straddling the taller man as he captures his lips in a hungry kiss. Touya’s large hands go to his hips, sliding around to his ass and squeezing the globes harshly. Katsuki groans, rolling his hips down as he starts kissing along his boyfriend’s neck.
“Katsuki,” Touya says, and the blonde hums to let him know he’s listening. “I want to do something together, but I don’t know if you’d like it.”
Katsuki leans back, eyeing him curiously. “What is it?”
Touya clears his throat. “I’ve, fuck, I’ve always wanted to get branded, and I think it would be so fucking hot if you did it with me.”
A shudder goes down Katsuki’s spine, his cock growing achingly hard at the very idea, and he grinds against Touya, rubbing against the bulge in his boyfriend’s pants. He leans back in and kisses his neck a few times, and then bites down harshly, making Touya gasp.
“What kind of mark were you thinking?” Katsuki asks as he kisses over the red bite mark.
“The kanji for eternity,” Touya says.
The TV program is suddenly interrupted by a loud beep, and Katsuki looks over to see a banner moving along the bottom, which reads Missing Person: Utsushimi Camie, and then shows a small image of a woman. Katsuki frowns, tilting his head.
“Huh, she looks kinda familiar,” Katsuki murmurs.
“No idea who that is,” Touya says, grabbing Katsuki’s chin, pulling him in for another kiss, licking into his mouth and rolling his hips up, making the blonde moan.
Uravity is the newest nightclub in Musutafu, advertising good music and drink prices that aren’t absolutely outrageous. Touya hadn’t been all that interested in going, but Katsuki had said he wanted to go, so, naturally, they walk hand-in-hand into Uravity’s.
They’re both wearing tight tank tops that cling to their muscles and show off the 永 brands on their left shoulders. The marks are healed now, both raised and red, and Touya feels a smug glee in his chest knowing his brand is on the man as they walk to the bar.
“Oi! Four shots of your cheapest tequila!” Katsuki shouts, and the bartender nods as they pour the drinks, setting them up on the counter. “Fuck yeah, to us being the hottest fucking couple here!”
“I’ll drink to that!” Touya says, laughing as he throws back his first shot, grabbing the second before he can focus on the burn.
“Now let’s fucking dance!” Katsuki yells, grabbing his hand and leading the taller man to the dance floor.
Touya clearly doesn’t know what to do, so Katsuki turns around and guides his hands to his hips, dragging his palms up and down his body as he sways sensually to the beat of the music. Touya pauses to squeeze his pecs, pulling him flat against his chest so he can start kissing down his neck and shoulder as he follows the sway of Katsuki’s ass.
Katsuki brings one hand up to wrap around Touya’s neck, tugging him in for a kiss before leaning up to growl into his ear. “That’s right, daddy, follow my lead.”
“Oh, fuck,” Touya hisses, grinding against him. “I’m going to ruin you when we get home, baby.”
Katsuki grins, curling his back to drag his ass along Touya’s front, though the moment is ruined by some massive guy with a brown buzzcut and dark eyes snaking his hand around Katsuki’s waist and tugging him to the side.
“What the fuck!?” Katsuki shouts, spinning around to glare up at the massive man.
“Don’t look so mad, sweetheart,” the man says, smirking as he leans closer to the blonde. “I can promise you a much bigger dick than that scrawny wannabe.”
Katsuki shoves the man harshly, jamming his finger against his chest. “You’d better fucking watch what you say about my boyfriend, or I will break your fucking nose.”
The man blinks and then scowls harshly. “Come find me when you wanna know what a real man’s dick feels like.”
Katsuki grabs his silently seething boyfriend and pulls him in for a rough kiss, glaring at the massive man as he brings Touya’s hands to his ass, grinding against him. Touya growls into the kiss and moves on to sucking marks into his neck, and Katsuki moans, bringing a hand up to grasp Touya’s white hair, using his other to flip the man off.
The guy scoffs loudly and storms away and Touya slaps his ass harshly. Katsuki curses loudly and bites into the side of Touya’s neck, making him growl. Katsuki licks up his boyfriend’s neck and then kisses him harshly.
“Touya, if we don’t leave right now, I am going to shove you to the floor and fuck myself on your cock in front of all these people.”
Touya is outside, nothing but a shovel in his hands and the large body on the ground beside the hole he’s digging.
He is utterly silent as he works, eyeballing the broad, muscular brunette man to ensure he makes the hole wide enough to fit his shoulders in. He knows it’s deep enough already, two meters down, which should be plenty. It’s rare for people to come out here anyway, so he doubts anyone will ever think to dig in this spot.
A twig cracks nearby and he freezes, listening intently, able to just barely make out the soft sounds of bipedal feet. He internally curses and darts over to a tree, holding his shovel tightly, prepared to swing at whoever steps into his latest burial grounds.
A flashlight beam comes into view, landing on the body and the person freezes.
Touya leaps out, bringing his shovel up to attack, only for his arms to lock with the weapon over his head as his eyes blow wide and his jaw drops.
“Katsuki?” Touya says, slowly lowering his shovel, his eyes landing on the thick, rolled-up blanket over his boyfriend’s shoulder. “What are you doing?”
Katsuki drops the blanket, which lands with a heavy thud, unrolling enough to reveal a young woman with curly pink hair. Katsuki ignores her, pointing over at the muscular man behind Touya.
“That’s the guy from the club,” Katsuki says.
“Yeah,” Touya says, and then gestures to the woman beside his boyfriend. “That’s the barista from the other day.”
“She wrote her number on your cup,” Katsuki murmurs, his eyes locking with Touya’s.
“I didn’t notice,” Touya says, but the burning in Katsuki’s eyes has his blood rushing to his cock so fast that he nearly drops the shovel.
They stare at one another in shocked silence for a moment, and then Touya tosses the shovel to the side and Katsuki lunges at him, harshly grabbing handfuls of his hair as he crashes their lips together. Touya kisses back with just as much fervor, gripping the blonde’s hips and grinding against him, both of them groaning, their dicks harder than ever before.
Touya backs Katsuki up against a tree and then harshly spins him around, shoving his chest against it and tugging both of their pants down just past their asses. Touya brings his hand up to his mouth and spits into his palm, using it to weakly lube up his cock.
His other hand grips one of Katsuki’s ass cheeks, pulling it enough to reveal his hole, and Touya eagerly lines himself up, thrusting inside in one hard movement. Katsuki curses loudly, arching his back to take him in deeper, and Touya growls under his breath, roughly gripping his boyfriend’s hips as he pounds into him.
Katsuki pushes back to meet each thrust, both of them feeling their pleasure reaching new levels of euphoria, panting and moaning as the rough slapping of skin fills the night air.
Touya’s grip is hard, painful, undoubtedly adding to the beautiful fingerprint marks he’d left only a few hours ago, and Katsuki screams as he’s tipped over the edge.
Streams of cum squirt out over the tree trunk, and Touya groans as Katsuki clenches down, only needing a few more thrusts before he buries his cock deep inside and fills his boyfriend up.
“Fuck,” Touya moans, shoving Katsuki harder against the tree as he grinds up into him.
Katsuki turns his head to look back at him, and Touya eagerly leans in to kiss him. They both pant heavily into the kiss, not caring that it’s uncoordinated and too wet.
Touya slowly pulls out and quickly tugs Katsuki’s pants up before fixing his own. He squats down then, grabbing a handful of dirt and rubbing it over the cum stains on the tree, which has Katsuki snickering.
“You’re smarter than you look, metalface,” Katsuki says.
Touya smirks smugly at him. “Smart enough to choose the world’s best fucking boyfriend.”
The little beachside town is cozy, the small downtown area full of little tourist traps in the form of gift shops and vendors, all selling a variety of overpriced items.
Katsuki and Touya walk into one of the gift shops, hands clasped as they look around, ignoring the TV up by the front counter as a reporter talks about the rise in murders across the country over the past three years.
“Aw, doll, it’s you!” Touya says, picking up a plushie Pomeranian with an angry expression embroidered on its pale fur.
“Oh, fuck you,” Katsuki says with a laugh, swatting him upside the head.
“I’m getting it,” Touya says, dropping his boyfriend’s hand and giving the plush toy a squeeze. “I’m gonna cuddle it whenever I miss you.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes. “You’re such a fucking idiot.”
Touya snickers, but turns to walk up to the front counter with his find. He sets it down, not paying much attention to the young man behind the counter.
“This is pretty cute,” the guy says.
“Yup,” Touya says as he holds out the cash.
The cashier blushes when their fingers brush as he takes the money, clearing his throat. “So, are you new around here?”
“Just visiting,” Touya says.
“Oh?” The cashier says, a nervous smile curling his lips. “I’m a local, I could show you the best places to… y’know… have a good time.”
Katsuki steps up beside Touya, curling a hand possessively around his boyfriend’s hips as he sneers at the cashier, narrowing his eyes at the man’s limp black hair and red eyes, a small scar above the left.
“No thanks, we’re good,” Katsuki says.
“Oh, sorry,” the man says, his blush darkening as he looks away to grab Touya’s change.
Katsuki taps his boyfriend’s hip twice and Touya tilts his head at the cashier before looking to Katsuki and giving him a subtle nod. The cashier turns around and Katsuki leans over the counter, looking at the man with lidded eyes.
“Actually, if you’d be willing to bring both of us…” Katsuki trails off, his voice a low, seductive purr. “We would love to go somewhere nice and private.”
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I had the thought that Chloe and Bakugou are like inverses of each other.
Chloe is supposed to be a flat character who is a Bad Person (because someone's entire moral compass can be written as 'bad' and can be determined at all as a child) but the writers keep accidentally making her sympathetic while Bakugou is supposed to be going through a character arc but the writer keeps including scenes of him attacking people for no reason all the way up to The Late-Series War Arc (I am disrespectfully looking at you, Chapter 253) leaving both of them with a lot of potential that's undercut by the stories they're in.
Also just occurred to me that they're mirrored in how Bakugou is generally liked in-universe and Chloe very much is not. I'd better stop now before I write a whole essay
Uh anyway I guess my point is, sometimes Death of the Author is a declaration of war and thank goodness for Ao3.
I mean.
Someone somewhere had a good essay re: how it seems like Bakugo is both the same but different and it's weird. I can't remember if it was on here or if it was a tiktok but it was summed up in two points.
1.) Character Development =/= Personality Change. Katsuki is a grumpy motherfucker who will insult people and roughhouse with them. No amount of learning to be better will change that. He can learn to tone it down, to be clear about what he's trying to say, to fix things when he genuinely hurts someone. But he's not going to magically become soft and sweet and smiley.
Is this still an issue? Eh. While Katsuki should learn to be more considerate of other people as a whole, he is under no obligation to change who he is to please others. The trick to this is communication, finding people that are genuinely okay with him being like that, and avoiding people who aren't into it(respectfully, not derogatorially.).
2.) In a fictional medium, comically exaggerated actions, gags and slapstick exist. Katsuki blowing up at someone or causing harm that falls into this category /does not count/. It is not something to be taken seriously. It's. I had this same conversation ages ago in the fma fandom about Winry hitting people with a wrench. It's a comedic thing that does not genuinely matter, the characters are not genuinely harmed.
For example, you mention chapter 253. That has Katsuki throwing the pointy part of his costume at Izuku's head. Everyone panicks for a moment but immediately cuts to them all in costume for the day, Izuku still having the costume piece stuck in his head, and All Might is making cotton candy.
That is a /gag/. It's supposed to be laughed at, not taken seriously. If it was taken seriously, then there'd be more than a panel of panic, and the boys would've dragged Izuku to get medical attention. Not just let him walk around with the piece in his head and go to class.
The character moments that matter are the /serious/ moments, not the gags. The apologizing, the working to be better, the taking Izuku seriously as a fellow Hero. So on and so forth.
This can get.....tricky to balance. That's why Mineta's bullshit doesn't work despite him being a gag character. If it happens often enough/overshadows genuine character moments, it can lead to the audience taking it seriously regardless of intent.
But the general rule on how seriously to take something like that is to see how the characters react to it. Do they take it seriously? Or is it just a few moments of ?!?!??!.
That said! Re; Chloe vs Katsuki
There's a reason I joke about those two and kin drama.
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ao3feed-izch · 2 months
Traveled to the Past (Time Traveled)
by myang3llov3r
As we fell, there were multiple hole on the walls all around us. One of them had Katsuki at a press conference. But, he looked much older. He also had his hero costume on. I laughed as I saw he had a undercut. I then fell even more. As I kept looking at all of the holes against the wall, they all had like a different type of each of us. like it was either from the past or the future. Looked like there’s also an inverted version of all of us. I chuckled at the thought but yelled out as the falling became rougher and faster. Then, my face was met with the floor. I grunted as I rubbed my face. That really hurt. I looked around and saw the others getting up, stretching their arms, legs, and everything else.
Words: 2385, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Family (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Inko, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Bakugo Katsuki & the Bakusquad - Character
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Bakugou Masaru & Bakugou Mitsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki & Class 1-A
Additional Tags: Time traveling to the past, Fluff and Angst, Sad, Happy Ending, Character Death, Villain Quirk, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, a lot of swearing, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Angst, One-Sided Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou Has Two Moms, Kirishima Eijirou grieving, Class 1-A Friendship (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A as Family (My Hero Academia), Protective Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Worried Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Past Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Past First year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Second Year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Partially Deaf Second Year Bakugo Katsuki, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Past Pro Hero’s (My Hero Academia), Pro Hero’s (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia) - Freeform
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57575554
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myherowritings · 5 years
oof pro hero bakugou is just 👌👌👌
yes yes yes 🥳 and sometimes when i’m in a real thirsty mood, i hc pro hero bakugou with an UNDERCUT and i’m just– i… *swoon*
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denkisauce · 3 years
<3 todokiribakudeku headcanons <3
these 4 are my endgame and im stuck inside with covid so here are some headcanons! jfc this got so long
they all do each others hair!
kirishima has to bleach + dye his hair once a month and usually deku and bakugou do it together to get it done faster. its a pretty soothing activity for all three of them. kiri tends to cut his own hair but will ask one of his boyfriends to get the back for him. bakugou is the most trusted with a pair of scissors but kirishima's not picky!
todoroki doesnt care who cuts his hair but bakugou does 😡 says his hair is too pretty to let someone else fuck it up so he's a little possessive when it comes to shouto's hair. he obviously would never admit to that, he just,,,, loves the feel of running his fingers through those silky strands 🥺
now deku's hair? i love pro hero deku with an undercut but here's my concept -- it fucking sucks lmao. todoroki usually does it for him and it's hella uneven and despite being a super famous top ten pro hero, deku just like.... doesn’t care. isn’t even aware. neither of them are. bakugou tries to tell him and deku's just like ‘haha yeah <3’ and just continues to go about his life asfhgsdfkj once every couple months bakugou insists on cleaning it up and making him look presentable. deku honestly cannot tell the difference
kiri can also give a decent undercut! but he doesn't really notice when deku's hair looks bad. deku can simply do no wrong in kiri's book
bakugou? bakugous the only one of these idiots that actually goes to a hair salon zdjfhbldzf
we all know bakugou is The Cook but i don’t think it makes sense that he would be the only one cooking, wouldnt be fair!! so they deff all doing the cooking and baku teaches his boyfriends enough for them to share the work
kiri in the kitchen: he’s prob the best at prep. he helps a lot in terms of prepping food for a bunch of days and then bakugou cooking them, so it’s baku cooking but kiri does all the work. when he's the one making dinner fully he tends to get a little experimental with the spices and stuff without knowing what he’s doing and his boyfriends insist that he keeps things basic lolol
deku prob takes to cooking pretty well but he’s not an improviser. bakugou taught them all a bunch of basic meals they can pull out whenever and he's great at those, and prob does the most cooking after bakugou. he can also get pretty impressive with a recipe! but ask this boy to improvise and suddenly he doesn't know how to boil water. a real recipe binch. he also likes to bake!
todoroki is the least competent. he really doesn't have the patience and he ends up burning things a LOT. Because of this he’s asked to cook the least. He makes up for it by washing dishes and setting the table and stuff. On nights when he’s asked to cook he usually just orders take out and every one is pretty thankful
Ok bakugou!! We know he can cook and his boyfriends rely on him that gooood food like the main event type shit and he loves it. sure he cooks regular food during the week and stuff but i think bakugou has an art when it comes to slow cooking and shit. like starting a ramen broth a week in advanced for a big friday night dinner?? its a practice in patience for him, he finds it meditative
my jewish ass thinks big friday night dinners are the backbone of family so fuck it I guess they’re doing shabbas now -- they make these big dinners on the weekends that they have down to a t. kirishima does most of the prep and deku makes dessert that is sweet and delicious <3 him and kiri make side dishes and todoroki is just like, in the kitchen passing his boyfriends utensils and spices. Bakugou always impresses them with their delicious main courses and todoroki some how fucked up a salad. All is good <3
i just! cooking is a ritual! making a meal together and then sharing it is a love language and these bitches are in love!!!
They have a big ass bed and weird for a couple (quadruple?) but they sleep with their bed against a wall! bc bakugou likes to sleep next to the wall 😷 he has a fairly deep windowsill where he keeps his phone and tea and stuff <3 and!! a lil cactus :3
deku sleeps on the outside! he is the most chaotic sleeper with the worst sleep habits out of the 4 so its good for everyone that he can easily slip in and out of bed like 5 times a night. with easy access to his phone so he can jolt awake and write down notes like 10 times a night too
Kirishima and todoroki sleep in the middle in no particular order. They’re both the cuddliest and usually sleep all tangled in each other.
thank god those two are heavy sleepers because bakudeku are weird in the middle of the night. bakugous a p light sleeper and deku accidentally wakes him up pretty often. this leads to whispered bickering which often leads to them smacking each other over todokiri which often leads to them making out over todokiri which often leads to them shuffling everyone so that deku can come squeeze in next to kacchan. todokiri are very used to waking up in a different order than when they fell asleep
but even besides the night bickering, probably twice a week deku takes a middle spot to sleep next to bakugou because they love each other!! diametrically opposed sleep schedules be damned <3 deku is working on mastering the art of shimmying out of bed silently, and starting to get it lmao -- still working on the not accidentally activating full cowling at 3 am bc he stubbed his toe trying to sneak off to eat graham crackers tho. he's a night klutz!!
kirishima talks in his sleep. gibberish but also that creepy kind of half-lucid seeming conversation that makes no sense and are hilarious. bakudeku love regaling kirishima with stories the next morning and these always crack him up. he loves it. bakugou and deku started a tiktok account dedicated to kirishimas night time ramblings and it got extremely popular asdgdgfcn
todoroki my sweet prince my sweet baby. heavy fucking sleeper who will wake for nothing <3 this boy is dead to the world once hes asleep <3 the kind of sleeper where deku finds himself checking shouto's pulse because he hasnt moved in so long??? doesn't snore either just. a dead fucking rock. todoroki is a regular guest on the kirishima sleep talking tiktok bc bakudeku like to fuck with him seeing what they can get away with. so far its everything sdfhgsakdfhkdhf
yeah 4am bakudeku is just such a flavor to me. especially 4 am bakudeku with chaotically passed out todokiri on their hands asdgdfdhd pure mischief.
deku kirishima and todoroki are mad cuddly sleepers, bakugous the type to cuddle before bed but once he's ready to sleep he kicks the others away from him and smashes his face into the wall <3
ok holy shit that was long but i just love them so much!!! pls feel free to add headcanons <3
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skywalkerstyles · 4 years
Poly Relationship With Bakugou, Todoroki and Deku
Imagine 6: plaything
Warnings: 18+, smut, drinking, sleepy sex, aged up characters
Summary: the boys come back from boys night and you look just too damn adorable
A/N: I write these on my phone so I can’t do the undercut BUT if you are under the age of 18 read at your own risk. This has adult themes and NSFW is not for you. However, I cannot control what you consume. Please be responsible.
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“That was a blast man! Holy shit that was a good time.” Shoto rolls his eyes, following behind Deku and Katsuki as they enter their house. It’s dark, the lights are out and he stays behind the two drunken fools to make sure they don’t fall going up the steps. It sucked having to be the babysitter, but he wasn’t a big drinker, meanwhile Katsuki and Deku, always competitive always fighting, had to see who could take the most shots in thirty seconds. It was stupid but, surprisingly Deku won.
“Where’s our girl?” Katsuki slurred, throwing his arms around Shoto, who was also shouldering Izuku at this point too. “Where’s our pretty girl. Wanna see her. Need ta see her.”
“Then shut up idiot.” Shoto murmured, shushing both Katsuki and Izuku.
You really tried to stay up and wait for them to come home. You loved seeing them after they had a night out. But you were exhausted.
They cracked open the door to the master bedroom and took a collective deep breath.
You were lying on your stomach, legs curled up under you, ass in the air. You wore knee high socks and Katsuki’s skull t shirt, face buried in a pillow that smelled like Shoto, cuddling a stuffed bear Izuku won her.
“God she looks so gorgeous.” Izuku whispered as they inched closer to you. You were snoring softly, snuggling deeper into the pillow. Katsuki lifted the shirt and hissed.
“She’s not wearing panties.” Shoto and Izuku peer over his shoulder to see your wet folds glistening in the darkened room.
“I want....” Izuku whimpered, pulling at his pants. Katsuki nodded, climbing on the bed and nudging her legs open.
“I know.” He whispers, unzipping his pants. “Me first-“
“How come you get to go first?” Izuku whines.
“Be quiet.” Shoto scolds.
“As I said, me first, then Deku and then Icyhot. Cool?” Shoto nodded while Deku grumbled, both boys unzipping their own pants and pulling themselves out. Katsuki positioned himself above you, spreading your legs and licked his hand before pumping his dick a couple times.
You felt the bed shift, but in your sleepy state you weren’t sure if it was real or not. You sighed contentedly until you felt two warm hands on your ass, spreading your cheeks, you gasped.
“She’s awake,” a gruff, low voice, that could only belong to Shoto admonished. You blinked, looking up to see Shoto and Izuku standing over you, pumping themselves in their hands. Katsuki was situated behind you, drawing a long moan from you as he rubbed his dick against your entrance.
“Think you did this on purpose.” He tugs on the t shirt you’re wearing. “Knew it’d get us hot. Bad girl.” He smacks your ass and you Yelp.
“N-no I wasn’t...I was asleep....”
“Not anymore.” Katsuki chuckled before sliding his dick into you to the hilt.
When Katsuki takes you, it’s rough and fast. All bites and sucking on your neck and slapping your ass, gripping your hips. He plays with your clot and pleasure washes over you. But he doesn’t let you cum. Instead, just as you’re about to he pulls out, hopping off the bed. Deku climbs on, flipping you onto your back.
“Wanna see that beautiful fucked out face little dove.” He whispers, nipping on your ear, before sliding in and taking over where Katsuki left off.
Deku is slower, long deep strokes. He’s got one of your legs over his shoulder, one hand grabbing your hips and pulling you towards him as he fucks you. You grab onto his bicep, digging your nails into the muscle as Katsuki’s own orgasm sends you into yours. The bed moves roughly as Katsuki flops down beside you, feeling up your breasts under his shirt and kissing on you while Deku fucks you. He cums in you, pushing himself as deep as he can and stilling, holding his cum inside you. When the daze leaves his eyes he lets your leg down and lays beside you while Shoto climbs onto the bed.
Shoto lays over you, pushing into you slowly and resting up on his elbows. Deku and Katsuki prop themselves up on their elbows to watch as he kisses you softly. He caresses you and touches you with reverence, marking your body and claiming you as he fucks you at a steady pace. Katsuki and Deku sing your praises, telling you how good you are and you melt at the praise. Katsuki turns your head for a moment to kiss you and Deku does the same. Before long you feel as though you’re going to cum again and you do, with him.
Spent the boys flop down on the bed and you all cuddle each other, a mix of limbs and warm bodies.
“We need to clean up.” You whisper as a yawn takes over you.
“Tomorrow.” Shoto whispers. “Tomorrow.”
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xskyll · 3 years
Midoriya & Shinsou & Jirou bandmates tddk AU
I probably won't write a full story but these were my ideas!
Midoriya and Shinsou met at the hero entrance exam, where they both failed. They both got hurt and Midoriya started talking while they were waiting their turn to see Recovery Girl, asking Shinsou about what he plans to do. Of course he's going to gen ed and plans on transferring to the hero course. Midoriya says he's going to try for support and is giving up on the hero course; he realized last year that he never stood a chance anyway. He really just took the exam so he wouldn't dwell on what ifs and maybes. He doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. Making support gear for heroes would be nice but he's not confident in his abilities. He veeery shyly admits that he sings and plays guitar and would love to start a band and make a career out of that but he's sure no one would want to be in a band with a quirkless loser. But using what he learns in support to make special effects for concerts and music videos would be really neat!
Shinsou knows how to play the drums and is a little curious. He knows he'll need support gear to be a hero so making a friend in the support course could be useful. He suggests they get together sometime and play something. He doesn't actually think he'll be friends with Midoriya—the plan is more to make a connection and use him to help himself—but Midoriya ends up being the best friend he's ever had. They become ride or die pretty fast.
After the first couple of weeks of school (so after USJ) there's an event for clubs to recruit members. Aizawa tells his class they can join but they have to be mindful. The hero course is rigorous, so committing to a club that requires a lot of time would be irresponsible. Jirou has no intentions of joining any clubs but the entire class checks out the event, just to snoop. Midoriya and Shinsou have a table but no one seems interested. They're freaking bc you need a minimum of four members to count as a club and get a club room and NO ONE is interested.
Jirou has no plans to join but is curious to hear them play. They aren't allowed to play at the event but they knew this beforehand so they shot a video of them playing. It's nothing fancy—Midoriya just hands her his phone—but Jirou hears them and is blown away. They're good and Midoriya's voice is amazing. Right now I wanna say the song they're playing is Favorite Liar from The Wrecks.
She doesn't commit but agrees to come see one practice. She probably won't join though. She'll bring her bass, bc they don't have a bassist, but she definitely isn't going to join.
One song together and she joins.
They need a fourth person though and the deadline is looming! Jirou ends up asking the rest of 1A if anyone can play an instrument or sing. Bakugou plays drums but he isn't about to do her any favors. But Yaoyorozu plays piano! Jirou begs her to join—she doesn't even have to come to practice. She can just be in the band in name and play a little keyboard at a few club events so the teachers don't realize she doesn't actually participate.
What Jirou doesn't know is Yaoyorozu has a crush on her. So yes she'll join and yes, she will come to practice, actually. Maybe. Probably. She's very nervous bc Jirou is talented and cool and pretty and maybe this was a bad idea after all, oh no.
She agrees to come see them practice and brings her bff Todoroki with her for emotional support. He agrees mostly bc being with the Yaoyorozu's daughter is always an acceptable excuse for not going home.
They go to a practice just to watch and Todoroki feels just a little awkward bc no one told him the lead singer of Jirou's band was the cutest guy Todoroki has or ever will see in his life. The band plays and Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are both in love. Yaoyorozu joins the band immediately. Todoroki doesn't but maybe he could come by just to hang out sometimes? Maybe he can just help out? He can lift heavy equipment. So can Shinsou and Yaoyorozu? Well, he can help with other stuff! Anything! Costumes! Makeup! Anything to support his bff Momo, who is definitely why he's here, not bc of the cute boy, no siree.
As the story progresses, Todoroki is having makeup and nail polish application sessions with Fuyumi. He's watching YouTube makeup tutorials. Midoriya doesn't need to know he spent an hour every day for two weeks practicing eyeliner wings. Whenever they get a chance to play for a crowd or they make a video Todoroki gets to do Midoriya's makeup and help him with his clothes (and also the rest of the band but who cares about them?). It's the most wonderful torture. How is he supposed to check how Midoriya's makeup looks without getting lost in his eyes?
Little does he know, Midoriya is having constant internal meltdowns because the hottest guy he's ever met is touching is face. Whenever he wears a choker or necklace Todoroki gets the clasp for him (he doesn't realize everyone else has to do their own clasps). His fingers touch the back of his neck and it takes every once of his willpower not to run away because it seems so intimate and if he isn't careful he'll start hoping bc Todoroki is so nice to him and sometimes it seems like he gives him special attention but that's probably just his imagination, but maybe...? No! Or...aaahhh, he can't handle it!
At some point Ashido wants to see what Jirou, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki are up to so she stops by. She's super impressed but Midoriya is too stiff! She doesn't officially join but she starts stopping by when she can to teach Midoriya some dance moves and help him with his stage presence and sex appeal. In exchange Midoriya tutors her bc he's basically a genius and she's bad at pretty much all her non-hero classes, like Math and English. Kaminari starts getting curious about what Ashido is doing so he stops by one day and hoo boy is that drummer so super cool! He starts talking to Shinsou and sparks fly (Sparks? Kaminari?? Get it?? Lolol, wow, I am so funny!) Kaminari helps with lighting for videos and shows and also gets tutoring in return (and now Shinsou is also joining these study sessions because...reasons. Certainly not the cute blond guy. He just likes studying...)
Ashido and Kaminari's grades improve! Yay!
And that's all I got. I have no clue how anyone would actually get together, which is why I'll probably never write a proper fic.
As far as the band's genre, they're really all over the place because they want to experiment a lot. So you got some alt rock, grunge, pop, love ballads, power ballads...they definitely do at least one video that is a super upbeat love song with bright 80s clothing and one video where they're all dressed like punks.
So yeah! That's what I got! Midoriya's guitar is probably either red or the same bluish-green his hero costume would have been, in another life. I feel like for the first half his hair is cute and poofy and maybe halfway through the story he gets an undercut. Sometimes he pushes his bangs up with a clip or a band.
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murder0us-0wl · 3 years
Deku headcanons. ( try to stop me, you cant)
- he took the all might posters off his walls in 2nd year but he still has a stupid shit ton of figurines everywhere
- he got an undercut somewhere in the summer and everyone just HAD to touch it
- a patch of his hair is brown bc he helped kiri dye his hair and accidentally got the red in his hair
- he falls asleep on the couch a lot bc he likes watching all might documentaries and everyone who walks by has to do something to him. Usually put on a blanket or turn off the tv. Sometimes bakugou will sneak in a kiss
- deku got rlly tall for some reason out of no where. He wasnt as tall as iida or shouji but bakugou is still mad dekus taller than him
- when shinsou transferred into his class they got so excited they literally couldn’t stop buzzing from happiness for a whole week.
- he carries anyone who asks. Seriously hes lost track of how many times hes carried kaminari and aoyama.
- they have an ongoing joke about how deku loves the hospital bed too much and they spent a week editing deku x hospital bed memes.
- he spam texts bakugou whenever there is new all might merch
- he REALLY doesn’t like endeavor. He finds him interesting, but he REALLY doesnt like him as a person
- he visits his mom every holiday without a doubt
- mirio likes to scare deku a LOT by just popping his head through walls
- deku knows where Kaminari’s two piercings are and he has been sworn to secracy
- he gives exactly 3 cards on fathers day. Masaru, aizawa and all might.
- he hates rosemary. Cant stand the smell of it
- his locker is RIGHT next to Bakugous and he’s constantly opening the wrong one and putting random shit in bakugou’s locker
- he has a shit ton of skin care products bc he has a lot of scars on his body and patches of rough skin thats scarred tissue all over.
- he takes incredibly good care of his nails. Literally no reason other than it looks nice
- him and his friends have sleepovers every weekend
- he adopted a cat into his dorm on accident in 3rd year, but for some reason aizawa let him keep it bc......cats
- he called it kacchan bc it was cream colored and bakugou finds it super fucking annoying when deku calls out “kacchan” but hes talking to the stupid cat and not him
- he has a lot of ear piercings
- he has a really close bond with iida. Like they have a really close and wholesome bond
- one time he wore dangly earrings to a battle and it almost got ripped out of his ear so he promised to never do it again
- hes aoyama’s official cheese taste tester
- he has no hoodies left bc Bakugou keeps stealing them
- he learned a bit of french so he can understand what aoyama is saying, now if hes mad he’ll just curse at u in french and aoyama is in the back looking like a proud mother
- he also knows sign language bc there is a possibility bakugou becomes hard of hearing later in the future and so picked it up and forced Bakugou to learn with him
- he has a habit of just randomly touching Bakugou. Like touching his waist or arms to see how his training is going and bakugou is completely used to it but everyone gets the wrong idea. He swears its not sexual
- up until the second semester in 2nd year he had all might bed sheets until uraraka finally convinced him to change it. Its black now.
- he has an ungodly amount of dynamight merch
- kids love him. They just gravitate towards him.
- he has ONE ring in his little collection of jewelry jirou demanded was necessary when he got his ears pierced and its a metal all might ring Bakugou and him got together
- if anyone hits on him, kaminari , kirishima and shinsou automatically run over and start hitting on him too until the person leaves so Bakugou doesn’t accidentally kill someone
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makeste · 4 years
so let’s talk about the new bak-u-go stuff
hey guys, so long story short, I took all of the bak-u-go stuff out of my weekly liveblog/recap post, and put it into its own separate post so that it didn’t take over the recap completely. so this is my big “all of my thoughts about the second OFA user’s vestige in chapter 304” post, basically.
my opinion going into the chapter
okay so without mincing words, my very controversial stance on this theory going in was more or less, “yes, I do think that maybe that Bakugou-shaped shadow who looks exactly like Bakugou could, in fact, be Bakugou.” not only that, but it strikes me as much more feasible than the alternatives, “Bakugou’s ancestor who looks exactly like him was the second user of OFA for some reason, and Horikoshi keeps hiding his face because... we don’t really know”, or “this is just some random guy with spiky hair, and again his face is being hidden just because.”
like, there is some reason we’re not allowed to know what he looks like, especially at this point. and writing-wise, there are really only three possible explanations for this. (1) it’s a red herring meant to trick us for some reason, (2) his character design hasn’t been completed yet, or (3) something about this character’s appearance is a spoiler, and the reveal is supposed to be a surprise.
regarding (1), I actually think this is the case with the Third. clearly he is not Kirishima as some had speculated. he doesn’t appear to be familiar at all. so if that’s the case, why is his face also being hidden? my theory is that it’s simply to lampshade the fact that the Second is being hidden as well. if Second was the only vestige whose face we couldn’t see, it would be beyond obvious at that point that he was someone familiar to us. having another vestige doing the same weird stuff makes him stand out slightly less.
anyways though, as far as Second himself being a red herring, I guess he could be. but a red herring for what? not to say it isn’t possible, but I don’t really see what the purpose would be.
regarding (2), this is a remote possibility, but imo it would be pretty uncharacteristic of Horikoshi. plus by this point he’s had more than enough time to flesh the design out. all of the other vestige character designs are completed, and we’ve seen all of Second and Third except their fronts and faces by this point. so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this isn’t the reason.
which leaves (3): this character’s identity is important in some way, and is being purposely kept secret. this to me implies that it must be someone we know (because otherwise it wouldn’t be a spoiler). which basically means that no matter what, the possibilities are about to get weird.
my thoughts on the new “evidence” in the chapter
first off, my biggest impression is that there really isn’t much new evidence at all either way lol. but okay, let’s review what we got.
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I’m ignoring Third at this point because I honestly have no idea who he is. he may very well be someone we haven’t met yet, so I don’t think there’s much point in speculating. so let’s focus on Second instead.
the hair
first off, his hair isn’t quite right to be Bakugou’s. it’s darker than Bakugou’s hair usually is, at least in the close-up, and also the hair on the nape of his neck doesn’t quite look right; it’s got more of an undercut vibe than Bakugou’s usually does. Bakugou’s hair is usually more out-of-control dandelion puff from the back.
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so yeah, I’m not sold by this image. though on the other hand, I will say that as far as the argument that his hair is too dark, that’s undermined by the wide angle panel right before the close-up in which his hair isn’t colored in at all.
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so yeah, it could just be something about the lighting in the close-up. also, the RHA scan seems to have upped the contrast a bit more than the original image.
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here it doesn’t seem to be quite as dark compared to the wall he’s standing against. I could be wrong, though; we’ll get a better idea when the official version is released in a couple days.
but overall the style of the hair seems more off to me than the color. on the whole, I’m not really convinced either way here, so I’ll move on.
the rest of him
okay so first off, obviously this is not Bakugou’s current hero costume in any way, shape or form. honestly my first thought was “what is Shippuuden-era Naruto doing here in the OFA Mystical Space Land” lol. so yeah, no idea what that’s all about.
however he does have gauntlets! so this is definitely someone with some sort of arm or hands-related quirk. and Kacchan does have a new gauntlet design that we’ll see in movie 3, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that these could be another new design along those lines. that said, these are clearly not his current big ugly grenade-style gauntlets.
last but not least, this person seems older than Bakugou, which for me makes me considerably less enthused about the possibilities here, since I’m a weirdo who likes the idea of a timeskip even less than most people seem to like the idea of time travel, lol. then again there really isn’t much here to support that “he seems older” statement; that’s just the general vibe I get from him, idk.
I will say though that he has Kacchan’s same triangle-shaped torso with the same broad shoulders and upper back tapering down into a more slender build. that stuck out to me right away when I looked at this image. but he really does give off Naruto vibes as well lol, like I can’t unsee it sob.
anyway, and last but not least,
the hidden faces
because so far most of the attention seems to be on their appearances. but those aside, this chapter introduces a very interesting question that this mystery will have to address one way or the other. namely, why are these two vestiges turned around and not interacting with the others?
“so that we can’t see their faces, duh” -- no, I get that, lol. but let’s talk in-story explanation now. why are they huddled in the time-out corner not moving or speaking? what could possibly be the reason for that. we can see them clearly enough, so we know that they’re “unlocked” and fully formed in that sense. All Might’s vestige is the only one that’s not yet visible, and supposedly that’s because he was quirkless?? and so he didn’t have a quirk factor that could be passed down through OFA initially. though I didn’t quite understand all of that part tbh.
but so then what’s the deal with these two losers? are they just antisocial or what? OFA First says that the vestige souls which were chilling out inside of OFA gradually gained the ability to take a physical form as OFA grew more powerful. and these two clearly have taken a physical form. so then why don’t they talk? there are only a few explanations for this that I can see.
(1) it could be that these guys are still alive, just like All Might (who doesn’t seem to be able to speak either, although the other vestiges can communicate with him in other ways).
(2) or, these guys are purposely hiding from Deku for some reason. (or at least, hiding as best as they can in this weird little rock slab floating in space.)
that’s it. if anyone else can think of more possibilities let me know because I’ve been sitting here racking my brain lol. this is all I can come up with. and honestly, either of these explanations would be suspicious as hell, theory-wise. if these two vestiges are still alive, that almost guarantees time travel right there. and if it’s simply that they’re hiding themselves from Deku, then that begs the question of why. which, again, leads us back to “they’re familiar, and Deku would recognize them.” (though that last bit goes against what I was saying earlier about the Third, doesn’t it. honestly I’m just spitballing here now, I haven’t really thought this all out too thoroughly.)
soooo... yeah. that’s pretty much where I’m at. nothing about this seems to make any more sense than it did a chapter ago tbh. though I will end this post by addressing one more thing, just cuz.
“this theory is dumb and makes no sense”
the correct statement to make here isn’t “this makes no sense”; it’s “we don’t know what’s going on yet.” if and when we finally get an explanation, then we can start making judgments about how much sense it does or doesn’t make. but until then we have nothing to base that verdict on.
same thing with “it’s dumb” -- look, “I hate time travel plots because they rarely work” is a valid opinion. but “rarely” isn’t the same thing as “never.” there are good time travel plots out there. idk why everyone keeps rolling with the assumption that this is going to be some cliche plot hole-filled science fiction bs narrative with a tragic ending. we have literally nothing to base that on. we have no answers and a whole lot of questions, is what we have.
maybe it will be disproven! or maybe it won’t, and it will be exactly as awful as everyone thinks and it will ruin the manga entirely. or maybe it will actually be really cool. we don’t know yet. that’s my one and only conclusion here -- that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. but then again I guess it wouldn’t be BnHA fandom if we didn’t. anyway so thus concludes my post.
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