hitomashi · 1 year
hi, hello, multishipper here
I ship bakudeku, tododeku, todobaku, Kiribaku, kirideku, kiritodo... polyamory.....
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lenniereadsalot · 4 months
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I don’t really see KiriTodo working, so it throws off the whole ship for me😅
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Cuddle Puddle
Adult Alpha!KiriBakuTodoDeku x Omega!reader
Reader is Afro-Arab coded. READER IS AFAB!
Cuddle Puddle is a term that originated within the Polyam community. This is a Polyam friendly FLUFF fic!
Please Like, Reblog and follow if you enjoyed reading <3
Your friends always underestimated you. This all started because they teased you and said you couldn't make a nest for one let alone multiple people! It was an ongoing joke that greatly irritated you. One day you finally had enough and you decided to prove all of them wrong!
You don't start building your nest till the next warm, rainy day. You make it big enough for six people to cuddle or flop in comfortably. They would still be forced to touch each other though. The thought brings a smirk to your eye because who doesn't enjoy messing with an Alpha's mind every so often?  
Once everything is perfect in your den you text each man and let them know you are finished. You weren't gonna demand they show up. They were grown-ass adults with busy lives and jobs. They would show when they showed up. The first one to arrive being the loudest one to brag about being the first in your next, EVER! Naturally.   
Towards the evening you are disturbed from your book reading by your doorbell being rang incessantly and your door being knocked on so hard you think it might split. Dreading such repairs, you hop out of your nest, dart out the den, and down the hall past your living room then into the foyer. "Mooooving!" you yell loud enough as you slip on a Hawks house robe. The little wings make you smile as they bounce.  
A few giggles later and you open the door on your friends. Katsuki is mid-knock when you open the door and Shouto is just staring at you with his finger just above your ringer.  
"Wanna come in?" you ask, noticing that all four of them are here. And they come bearing gifts. Jumping back, you step aside and allow them entry into your home. Eyeballing their offerings as they pass you, remove their shoes and place on their house slippers. The men set their gifts on the table and you zerg rush yourself over and began to pull the items out their bags.   
First up is Izuku Midoriya! He brought you an extra-large bowl of Tendon and seafood pho! You cheer happily and do a lil happy wiggle. Taking the lid off the container you deeply inhale the scent of the contents. The sweet yet savory aroma has you salivating. “Thanks, Izuku!” you say beaming up at him as you move on to Shouto’s offering. Inside was a cute plushie of a D20 that you had been wanting ever since the company announced it. You chuck it at his head playfully, expecting him to catch it. Instead, it bounces off and rolls onto the ground. Your group looks down at the die as it comes to a complete halt.  
“Nat 20” Shouto announces and the rest of you swear.   
“Of course, your head would alter the dice roll. I call interference!” Katsuki barks out angrily as he snatched up the bright red and black official Sorcerers of the Peninsula die. You pop it up into the air a few times then chuck it at the Ashen Blonde’s head. It makes contact and bounces off his nose to roll on the floor. He starts to yell and you shush him pointing to the settled die on the ground. “An 11.” Izuku states as he returns from your kitchen, he had disappeared off to with a spoon and some chopsticks.   
The green-haired man busies himself setting up your pho while you cheese at a ranting Katsuki. “Aye, simma down now! It ain’t that big. You just ain’t shit, that’s all.” you taunt the Sanguine-eyed man and duck behind his best friend. “Not my fault you suck.” you continue to antagonize the ripped man while his equally as shredded, yet taller bestie held him back laughing.  
“Enough you two! Come on Bakubro, you know she is just doing this to get a rise out of you. This isn’t very manly of you. Let it roll off your shoulder.” Eijiro says with mirth as he rests his hands on the blonde's shoulder. Katsuki glares at the both of you then storms away to one of your dining chairs and plops down into it. “Whatever, hurry up and open the gifts. I want to see this amazing nest you supposedly made,” he growls out.   
You flip him off, grab the taller redhead’s basketball shorts waist and pull him with you towards the table. Not failing to miss how the other three alphas stiffen at the action. Eijiro loops an arm around your waist when you stand in front of the black walnut circular table and points to his gift. The only one actually wrapped. You hum and look up at him. The sharp-toothed ginger leans down and nuzzles your neck. Which gets him growls from the others but a happy chirp from you as you return the action and nuzzle into his cheek. “Mine next,” he says motioning with his finger towards the parcel.   
You take your hand off his elastic and bend over to grab the package. This time you failed to see how their eyes roved over your body. Taking in every curve before they would collectively swallow and send each other warning glares. You grab the parcel, none the wiser and bounce on your heels happily.   
“Aiight! Let’s see what’s in this baby! Can I shake it?” You inquire impatiently. “Do whatever you want, gorgeous,” he replies nuzzling into your Jumbo Bantu Knots. You had them done up into a mohawk crown of sorts. Little gold clasps and cowrie shells interlaced into the braids that made up the knots. The decorations were also a gift from Kirishima from a few years back.   
Wiggling your butt to-and-fro you chirp again then tear into the brown parchment paper that wrapped the inner contents. You then shriek which has every alpha in the room standing up and surveying for a threat except for the man holding your waist. “I take it you like them?” He questions rhetorically. Your head nods frantically and you can’t stop wiggling happily against his abdomen. “Yaaas! I love them! Thank you!” your turn in his arms and jump up to give him a neck hug after setting the box down.   
The other agitated alphas in the room lean over the table to see what was in the box that had you so excited. Several groans and facepalms follow. “Should have known it.” Grumbles Katsuki who is now sitting on your table with Shouto. Izuku is watching your interaction with the redhead with a strange look in his eyes. The redhead smirks at each of the other men while your back is turned and brings you in closer. Pressing you tighter against his body.   
You let go of Kirishima’s neck and pry yourself out of his grasp. You are used to tight bear hugs from the man. He releases you with a deep, throaty chuckle and you return to your gift. Several sets of waist beads in various colors. Including a solid leather and cowrie set. You hear the blonde huff and you give him a warning side-eye. Setting the box aside, you thank Eijiro again then motion for the grumpy Bakugou to give you, his gift.   
He glares daggers at you but is forced to relent after a tic. With the most dramatic sigh you have heard from the blonde since you have met him, he shoves a pretty emerald green gift bag into your chest which you barely catch. It slightly crumples with the force of his exertion and he winces. “My bad,” he says in a form of apology. That catches all of you off guard. Your head nods slowly as you reply while reaching into the bag to get at its contents. “Iz all good homie. You jus’ excited right?” You wink at him lightening the mood.   
Your hand touches several cold objects and you stare down into the bag. Vision obstructed by the purple and yellow decorative paper shoved into the bag. Your eyebrow quirks up at him and he blushes. Turning his head to the side. That was new.    
You flip the bag upside down over the table and the contents spill out. You separate each item out into its own pile and gasp. Katsuki had gotten you your favorite brand of henna cones, bangles for your wrists and ankles, armlets, necklaces, new rings for your fingers, ears, and nose as well as a very beautiful and out-of-place tasfift. You pick up the golden headpiece embedded with emeralds and rubies and look over at him. He was looking away from you but you knew he could feel the burning intensity from your stare.   
Which you held until he turned to meet your gaze.   
You were going to question him on if he knew what set this particular piece of jewelry belonged to until you saw his normally tanned skin taking a tinge of red from the blush. All the way down to his neck. Ooooh. He knows. Now that is different.  You opt to tuck your lips inward towards your mouth and bounce your head breaking eye contact whilst humming. “Thank you, Katsuki. Especially for this. I’ll be honored to wear it when time comes.” You say politely with a delicate, slow nod in his direction.  
The other men shrugged not understanding what was going on while you carefully placed each item of jewelry back into the bag and set it off to the side while you went to your noodles that Midoriya has prepared exactly the way you loved them. The men have a silent conversation between themselves while you noisily slurp your noodles. Izuku’s dark emerald eyes glittered with joy. You suspect the man probably made it himself judging his reaction.  
Your bowl is finished off and quickly replenished by the Hunter green-haired man who then exits your dining room to go to your living room. You can hear them talking quietly amongst themselves while you continue to eat and think over the thoughtfulness of each of their gifts. You would need to do something for each of them in return for their kindness. You finished up and cleaned up before you went to go join the men folk.   
Lightly padding into your living room, you sneak up behind Katsuki and poke your head in between his arms and his side. “Whatcha whisperin’ abouts?” you inquire casually. The blonde stares down at you with his eyebrows twitching. The other three are different shades of lightish red and avoid eye contact with you.   
Your throat clears and you snap your fingers to get a response from them. Which was a series of growls as they reminded you of their secondary genders. Standing up and wedging yourself against Katsuki’s side you ignore their bullshit and motion to the group. “Y’all done gossiping like biddies and ready to see my magnum opus?” You try your best to sound blasé but come off instead as mischievous. Not helped by the ass slap you give the Sanguine-eyed man. You know your forwardness would catch them all off guard and that was fine by you. This was your home and you would do whatever the fuck you want.   
Extracting yourself from his body, you skip out the room and down the hall to your den. Bounding in and jumping into your nest. Bundling yourself up into your favorite blankets and waiting for the four alphas to grow a set and venture in after you. Because right now they were staring into the room but not entering it. Looking between themselves and the wiggling mass of blankets with only a set of eyes peering out that was you in the center.   
You see them playing a short game of rock, paper, scissors that ends with Shouto as the winner. The heterochromatic-eyed man steps in cautiously and smoothly approaches your max comfort and cozy nest. He can smell the items he scented somewhere behind you and off to the side. This pleases him. Not so much the odors of the other scented items you got from the other men. He chose to ignore that and present the underside of his wrist to you and lower his head exposing his neck to you in askance to enter your nest.   
You chuck a strawberry shortcake plushie at his head as you accept his request. He chuckles at your unusual way of saying yes and creeps into your space. Stealthing his way to his section of your nest. Well, he assumes it is his since his scent is all over it but it is still your nest and only your nest until you say otherwise.   
Next up is Izuku. His section is in front of Shouto’s. He pokes at the edge and pleads with his eyes for you to let him in. Tapping the tips of his index fingers together. You nod your head and bean him with an All Might Plush he got you several years ago. Apparently, it was a rare one from his Silver Era. Whatever that meant. You weren’t an All Might stan. He cheered, picked up the plush, and went to inspect the section that smelled so strongly of him. Giving an apprehensive nod to Shouto when they made eye contact.  
Ignoring that weirdness, you waited for the next plebian. Eijiro strode up confidently and sat down but back ramrod straight smiling down at you. He winked as he presented his bare, exposed wrist to you then lowered his head so his neck was open to all. You smashed a confetti-colored octopus plush into the top of his head and growled. He grabbed your forearm and pulled you slightly out of your mass of blankets to playfully snap at you. You stick your tongue out at him and he releases you chuckling. He walks off to your side as you reburrow yourself into your warm pile. “This is amazing! You really put your all into it didn’t you?” he beams and speaks to you as he looks at his section of the nest and fawns over everything.   
That leaves one Katsuki Bakugou as the final person to ask entrance to your nest. He doesn’t look very comfortable and you can imagine why. No alpha wants to willingly share a nest with any other alpha if they can help it. You think he is going to leave with the way he is shifting his weight but he surprises you and approaches your nest. You peel the blankets off of your head and sit up to receive his request. The other three alphas also turn to watch.   
Your jaw hits the floor when Bakugou kneels and presses his forehead to the floor with his arms folded in front of him, fingertips touching in a formal submission. The other Alphas bristle and look at each other over your head and make varied gestures that you fail to catch cuz your attention and focus is solely on the man before you. This is the second overt gesture he has made towards you that has caught your attention this day. The first being the tasfift from earlier.   
Not wanting to disrespect his formal and proper ask you lean over and tap his neck with the tips of your index, middle, and ring fingers of one of your hands. Dragging them back up to rest at the top of his head above his brow. Two more taps and you retract your exposed limb and hunker back down in your blankets. Not feeling so bold as to continue that exchange in front of the other alphas in the room.  
Katsuki sits back up, nods to you then walks off to his spot behind Kirishima and across from Izuku. The men busy themselves with the inspection of their respective areas. Saying their "oo’s" and "ahh’s" at the different items you had stashed. Shocked you kept certain things and touched you had others. A few items like old hoodies you had lied about and said you lost were called into question to which you would feign an “I have no idea how that got there. Weeeird.” while they glared at you.  
Eventually, you got bored and turned on the tv that was in the room and began watching a vampire flick. It looked cheesy but that was ok. You enjoyed B movies. You are halfway through by your own assumption when Katsuki’s burnt caramel scent invades your nose and you are pulled back against his chest. Eijiro’s head finds your lap while Shouto and Izuku’s hands claim your own.  
The actions take you by surprise but you opt to not draw attention to the situation. They don’t smell agitated nor are they acting annoyed. They instead seem to be content to relax and just vibe with you while watching your “Shitty and poor taste!” movie. The label courtesy of the broody blonde whose torso was warming your back.   
At some point, you all fell asleep in one mass cuddle puddle. Everyone curled up tightly around everyone else. Arms slung around each other as the alpha men made a warm, comforting and secure circle around you. Protecting you from whatever might dare disturb or threaten y’all. You couldn’t tell who was where but the security that they provided collectively lured you deeper into your sleep and the last coherent thought you had before REM took you was that you were grateful to your alphas and loved them.   
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Playing around with a au where a quirk accident results in a literal love child
EDIT: decided im gonna make another Punnet Square AU for all the couples listed here so vote specifically for the Love Child AU in this poll
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denkisauce · 3 years
<3 todokiribakudeku headcanons <3
these 4 are my endgame and im stuck inside with covid so here are some headcanons! jfc this got so long
they all do each others hair!
kirishima has to bleach + dye his hair once a month and usually deku and bakugou do it together to get it done faster. its a pretty soothing activity for all three of them. kiri tends to cut his own hair but will ask one of his boyfriends to get the back for him. bakugou is the most trusted with a pair of scissors but kirishima's not picky!
todoroki doesnt care who cuts his hair but bakugou does 😡 says his hair is too pretty to let someone else fuck it up so he's a little possessive when it comes to shouto's hair. he obviously would never admit to that, he just,,,, loves the feel of running his fingers through those silky strands 🥺
now deku's hair? i love pro hero deku with an undercut but here's my concept -- it fucking sucks lmao. todoroki usually does it for him and it's hella uneven and despite being a super famous top ten pro hero, deku just like.... doesn’t care. isn’t even aware. neither of them are. bakugou tries to tell him and deku's just like ‘haha yeah <3’ and just continues to go about his life asfhgsdfkj once every couple months bakugou insists on cleaning it up and making him look presentable. deku honestly cannot tell the difference
kiri can also give a decent undercut! but he doesn't really notice when deku's hair looks bad. deku can simply do no wrong in kiri's book
bakugou? bakugous the only one of these idiots that actually goes to a hair salon zdjfhbldzf
we all know bakugou is The Cook but i don’t think it makes sense that he would be the only one cooking, wouldnt be fair!! so they deff all doing the cooking and baku teaches his boyfriends enough for them to share the work
kiri in the kitchen: he’s prob the best at prep. he helps a lot in terms of prepping food for a bunch of days and then bakugou cooking them, so it’s baku cooking but kiri does all the work. when he's the one making dinner fully he tends to get a little experimental with the spices and stuff without knowing what he’s doing and his boyfriends insist that he keeps things basic lolol
deku prob takes to cooking pretty well but he’s not an improviser. bakugou taught them all a bunch of basic meals they can pull out whenever and he's great at those, and prob does the most cooking after bakugou. he can also get pretty impressive with a recipe! but ask this boy to improvise and suddenly he doesn't know how to boil water. a real recipe binch. he also likes to bake!
todoroki is the least competent. he really doesn't have the patience and he ends up burning things a LOT. Because of this he’s asked to cook the least. He makes up for it by washing dishes and setting the table and stuff. On nights when he’s asked to cook he usually just orders take out and every one is pretty thankful
Ok bakugou!! We know he can cook and his boyfriends rely on him that gooood food like the main event type shit and he loves it. sure he cooks regular food during the week and stuff but i think bakugou has an art when it comes to slow cooking and shit. like starting a ramen broth a week in advanced for a big friday night dinner?? its a practice in patience for him, he finds it meditative
my jewish ass thinks big friday night dinners are the backbone of family so fuck it I guess they’re doing shabbas now -- they make these big dinners on the weekends that they have down to a t. kirishima does most of the prep and deku makes dessert that is sweet and delicious <3 him and kiri make side dishes and todoroki is just like, in the kitchen passing his boyfriends utensils and spices. Bakugou always impresses them with their delicious main courses and todoroki some how fucked up a salad. All is good <3
i just! cooking is a ritual! making a meal together and then sharing it is a love language and these bitches are in love!!!
They have a big ass bed and weird for a couple (quadruple?) but they sleep with their bed against a wall! bc bakugou likes to sleep next to the wall 😷 he has a fairly deep windowsill where he keeps his phone and tea and stuff <3 and!! a lil cactus :3
deku sleeps on the outside! he is the most chaotic sleeper with the worst sleep habits out of the 4 so its good for everyone that he can easily slip in and out of bed like 5 times a night. with easy access to his phone so he can jolt awake and write down notes like 10 times a night too
Kirishima and todoroki sleep in the middle in no particular order. They’re both the cuddliest and usually sleep all tangled in each other.
thank god those two are heavy sleepers because bakudeku are weird in the middle of the night. bakugous a p light sleeper and deku accidentally wakes him up pretty often. this leads to whispered bickering which often leads to them smacking each other over todokiri which often leads to them making out over todokiri which often leads to them shuffling everyone so that deku can come squeeze in next to kacchan. todokiri are very used to waking up in a different order than when they fell asleep
but even besides the night bickering, probably twice a week deku takes a middle spot to sleep next to bakugou because they love each other!! diametrically opposed sleep schedules be damned <3 deku is working on mastering the art of shimmying out of bed silently, and starting to get it lmao -- still working on the not accidentally activating full cowling at 3 am bc he stubbed his toe trying to sneak off to eat graham crackers tho. he's a night klutz!!
kirishima talks in his sleep. gibberish but also that creepy kind of half-lucid seeming conversation that makes no sense and are hilarious. bakudeku love regaling kirishima with stories the next morning and these always crack him up. he loves it. bakugou and deku started a tiktok account dedicated to kirishimas night time ramblings and it got extremely popular asdgdgfcn
todoroki my sweet prince my sweet baby. heavy fucking sleeper who will wake for nothing <3 this boy is dead to the world once hes asleep <3 the kind of sleeper where deku finds himself checking shouto's pulse because he hasnt moved in so long??? doesn't snore either just. a dead fucking rock. todoroki is a regular guest on the kirishima sleep talking tiktok bc bakudeku like to fuck with him seeing what they can get away with. so far its everything sdfhgsakdfhkdhf
yeah 4am bakudeku is just such a flavor to me. especially 4 am bakudeku with chaotically passed out todokiri on their hands asdgdfdhd pure mischief.
deku kirishima and todoroki are mad cuddly sleepers, bakugous the type to cuddle before bed but once he's ready to sleep he kicks the others away from him and smashes his face into the wall <3
ok holy shit that was long but i just love them so much!!! pls feel free to add headcanons <3
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thegildedlotus · 3 years
Shoto has a one track mind, even when deposited in a parallel universe
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I have so many thought about omega x omega BakuDeku.
I just like the idea of them being on equal footing you know? Bakugou and Midoryia weren’t on equal footing as kids but by the time they would have presented they’d be in UA and more on equal grounds. Making them both omegas fits with their arcs and their characters.
Plus...imagine them nesting together. Passing blankets back and forth because they are inately comforted by each other’s scents. Entering pre heats and mother henning each other and their friends. Heats hitting them in sync and they’d hold each other close and find comfort in one another.
Both of them absently making their nest big enough for two. Scenting each other causally. I just. I love them your honor.
And don’t even get me started on alpha kirishima and Todoroki being in a big poly ship with them.
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sid471 · 3 years
Polyamorous ships in fandoms that I ship :3
Some with and some without context lol
Poly-STRQ (RWBY) (Summer Rose x Taiyang Xiao Long x Raven Branwen x Qrow Branwen) No I don’t ship Raven and Qrow together >_> I ship weird ships sometimes but that’s a no lol
Poly-SSSN(N) (RWBY) (Sun Wukong x Scarlet David x Sage Ayana x Neptune Vasilias x Nolan Porfirio, if you count him as a member)
Beatrix x Riven x Dane (Fate: The Winx Saga) Even if she IS just using them... still iconic :3
Sunny Bees (RWBY) (Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna x Sun Wukong)
(Kiri)BakuTodoDeku (My Hero Academia)
ShinKamiJirou (My Hero Academia) He deserves both of his purple haired crushes :3
Leodiniles (Fire Emblem Fates) (Leo x Odin x Niles)
Lukadrienette (Miraculous Ladybug) (Luka Couffaine x Adrien Agreste x Marinette Dupain Cheng) You can also throw in Kagami too if y’want, I won’t complain :3
That’s it :3 If there are any wholesome poly ships, or just ships in general, that YOU ship tell me :3 I won’t judge you ^_^.... unless it’s illegal or incest 😶 Y’know... fair lines to draw I think lol
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dekutherealest · 3 years
♡ TodoBakuDeku Fic Recs ♡
▪︎Tricycle by defyaugury
“I’ll fucking kill you, Deku!” Katsuki screamed as Shouto continued to hold him at bay. And that was really all he could say, because his mind was still reeling from the fact that his husband shared a soulmark with Izuku-fucking-Midoriya.
▪︎Powder Keg by Ajaxthegreat
Bakugou really, really, really didn’t want to be trapped in an elevator with Todoroki and a fireproof dildo.
BONUS (KiriBakuTodoDeku)
▪︎Complicated Problems And The People Who Solve Them by chalk
How one bad lap dance, two supportive boyfriends, an awkward first date, a second couch, and a group talk show appearance made the world’s best hero team realize that not only did they want to be four all of the time, they actually could be.
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thrutheprismart · 2 years
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ot4 keychain (on my store )
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0ynes · 3 years
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riotzhye · 3 years
the way i just take any two ships i like and go . ok now ur polyamorous
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a-clowns-words · 3 years
thoughts on kiribakutododeku
i like it personally, the ship art's really cool
though i kinda feel they all have different personalities and such so i think it'd be less of a polycule and more of separate relationships with poly people if you get what I mean
like I think
deku would be with bkg and todo
bkg would be with kiri and deku
kiri would just be with bkg
and todo would just be with deku
but that's just my personal opinion (and also me wanting different poly relationship rep)
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Quick accident love child post but poly version only bc the couples are dominating and you know what i want to write a triad/quad so were polling again
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airisu7425 · 4 years
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Mini Me Boys XD
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fandomprompt · 3 years
Mha prompt: Class 1-A reacts to any fic where izuku is a villain
5 times izuku midoriya took care of his boyfriends and the one time they took care of him ( either bakutododeku or kiribakutododeku are what the prompt is for, but any ship is allowed)
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