#also I got into the theatre group I auditioned for :)
passionartx · 4 months
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A few days ago I got cast as Dorothy in my local theatre company’s production of The Wizard Of Oz and I just know this means I’m gonna be hyperfixating on @whotfletamothhyperfx’s @sonicwizardofozau 10 times harder! So I decided to draw their AU Tails design + T-Pup
!Defo check their au out if you haven’t already cause ahhh it’s so, so good! The world building, the character designs, the art, the everything!✨!
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odessa-2 · 7 months
Titbits and analysis 🖖
As promised, some more titbits from the Con yesterday in Melbourne as well as my interpretations. Prior to attending yesterday, I told myself to keep an open mind and attempt to leave any biases behind (even after having seen the funeral pics). Clean slate. To try and view Sam, the event, questions, and subsequent behaviours objectively.
I'm the sort of person who feels energy and is affected by it and in some ways governed by it. The energy of people, both individually and collectively. The energy of a group. I tend to couple this with objective analysis, which forms the basis of my conclusions about people and situations.
I applied this method yesterday in attempting to understand and view Sam, the OL money 💰 machine and everything else. I also just wanted to go there and bask in the audience and enjoy myself....and....I did like it Jamie.
So first thing I noticed off the cuff was how experienced Sam was in handling questions, and the women, and tailoring his behaviour to suit their desires. He was charming, charismatic, approachable, a skilled professional. I saw the veneer. I felt the veneer. I also saw and felt that he is a pretty decent bloke under that veneer. A man with a solid work ethic, who is mild mannered and working with purpose in his life.
I observed that his handler or Convention agent or whatever he is, Steve, was in full control. He managed Sam's performance in a sense. He asked the questions and even set the directions for some answers. Sam is controlled. I didn't like Steve. I didn't get the best vibe off him. Infact, I got a bad vibe off him. I observed that everything was a performance. Scripted to a large degree. The Single Sam narrative was pushed by Steve. Hard. It was a performance. That much was clear to me.
So Sam chose to mention that he was in Austria skiing 2 weeks ago....blah blah...something about singing a Ronan Keating song. So the script tells everyone nice and early that he is NOT with Caitriona ✅️
Later on in the panel, he mentioned that he "was at the theatre in London the week earlier" watching a play. Huh? Getting his timeline confused? Interesting titbit, I thought. Who would he go to the theatre with whilst in London? Who else likes to go to the theatre? Who have we seen him go to the theatre with before? Ding ding ding!!
One of the first things he spoke about (umprompted) and imo was part of his speaking program, was that Caitriona is back home in Scotland doing prep work and will be directing this season. He said that he spoke to her recently and that she is cold and miserable back home. No one seemed to give a shit. The women were there for their Jamie. Sam read the crowd. He understood.
Sam tried to bring Cait into the conversation again saying something like "Where's Claire?....Caitriona isn't here". Again crickets from the audience.
He said that he auditioned with a lot of Claire's, but they couldn't find the right fit and that nobody was as brilliant as Caitriona.
It sounded like he genuinely missed her.
He spoke of his audition with Cait, saying they were very physical and were almost wrestling each other. He said he was sweating all over her and that his sweat was on her. The crowd still only wanted to hear about their Jamie. I think Sam relished in being cheeky in saying that she wore his sweat that day.
Someone asked about "how do you kiss and make out with a costar and then just carry-on. Isn't it awkward"? Sam responded generally initially, saying that there's lots of checking in with the person and apologising afterwards (in a joking fashion). Then that prompted him to start talking about Cait saying that he has also "snotted" all over Cait and exchanged many body fluids with her (in an acting context presumably)and that there's nothing really left to do together that they haven't already done. I was like "whoooaa wtf Sam?". Shooketh that he said that really. The silence from the crowd was palpable. They really didn't want to hear about Cait and Sam and their shared bodily fluids whilst 'acting'. He is THEIR fantasy man. Not Caitriona's. Silence from the audience. Sam already knew that the crowd were Sam onlies but he loved telling this story. Relished in it imo. He loved the double entendre. It was an unrehearsed, unscripted conversation as it resulted from an audience question. I concluded it was an act of defiance on his behalf. That's what it felt like to me.
Steve the convention agent guy, was always bringing it back to Single Sam. "I worry how are you going to get a date" said Steve. With Sam understanding the prompt ...."I worry too" says Sam. Bachelor narrative secured ✅️
Steve spruked the Bachelor narrative again to Sam's thirsty and adoring fans....."Sam you remind me of that old show where everyone has to guess which bachelor is going to come out of the mystery door". And that's when I knew with 100 percent certainty that the bachelor talk was a ruse. It was so contrived and performative. I smiled to myself. The women in the crowd were eating it up.
Another thing that stood out to me was when Sam was searching for the right terminology when talking about Cait. "My......co star" huge pause.
"I love you Claire" is the line he randomly chose to say when explaining his acting.
When asked how he has time to foster friendships and spend time with his family he talked around it. Avoided the question and kept it about his friendships saying that they are strong friendships that endure. He diverged and started talking about how he still has his core friendships that he had when he was bunking and sharing an apartment/house with them in London when he was younger. The veneer was up. Inpenetrable.
At another point in the panel Sam asked "How many Sheila's are there here"? LOL. I found that amusing.
Now this next part captured my attention the most. It had a weird feeling (energy) around it . Sam gave off a weird energy. Almost hostile. Again that's just what I felt.
Someome from the audience named Toni with an "I" was selected to ask a question. I can't remember what the question was but Sam made a really big deal about her being named Toni. "There's always a Tony have you noticed"? Why is there always a Tony"? He said. He didn't want to drop it. He placed a little too much emphasis on it. I was laughing silently but Sam's double entendre didn't go unnoticed by me. Everyone else was clueless or at least that's how it appeared to me. Was that an Easter egg dropped by Sammy?
Asked about what does he do for self care, he seemed to struggle answering that too. He talked in circles about his way points hike and how he's learning how to live in the moment. There's that wall again.
There were many other things discussed of course but I thought I'd focus on the things that shed light on his situation and that resonated with me.
So my closing Analysis? Sam is controlled. He peforms. He caters. He's intelligent and in tune with people and aims to please but is private. Sunday just reaffirmed and solidified my beliefs. Caitriona snatched up that hard working gem of a man quick smart!
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cherryredlove · 2 months
☆ fair verona ☆
Modern! au Helaena Targaryen x female Reader SMUT
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Spurred by your best friend Cregan, you audtion to be a brave for the role of Romeo. Learning your lines is so much easier when your Juliet is also your longtime crush.
Word Count: 2.8k
Themes: SMUT, 18+, poetic lesbian smex, oral smex, face riding, titty sucking, praise, alcohol consumption, cigarettes, nice fluff tho
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The corridors of Blackwater University echo with the chatter of students bustling between classes. You find yourself standing at the notice board in the main hall, staring at the flyer announcing this year’s play: Romeo and Juliet. It’s tradition for the Drama Department to host an annual production, and this time, they’ve decided on Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy. You long to try out, but the fear of rejection is too strong.
“Thinking of trying out?” A familiar voice breaks your reverie. Cregan Stark, your best friend since forever and classmate in Valyrian History and Linguistics, appears beside you, flashing a teasing grin.
You shrug, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. “I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been on stage.”
“You’d be great,” he insists, nudging you encouragingly. “Besides, imagine being a brave and playing Romeo. You would wow the entire audience!”
Rolling your eyes, you chuckle at his enthusiasm. Despite your reservations, you can’t deny the allure of the stage, the thrill of applause. And there’s another reason you’re considering it—a certain someone whose presence in the hallways never fails to make your heart skip a beat.
Helaena Targaryen, the ethereal beauty with her signature silver-blonde hair and pale eyes. You’ve harboured a quiet admiration for her, watching from afar without the guts to ask her out. You watch as she signs her name on the flyer, her friends cheering.
“Well, if you think so,” you concede finally, feeling a sense of determination. “I’ll give it a shot.” Cregan knocks you with his shoulder as you write out your name before dragging you to class.
The auditions are held in the university’s grand theatre, an antique hall with velvet seats and ornate chandeliers. As you wait for your turn, you catch a glimpse of Helaena. She’s sitting a few rows ahead, surrounded by friends, yet eyes looking ahead, lost in her thoughts.
When your name is called, you step onto the stage with a flutter of nerves. The audition goes smoothly, and the moment you finish, you feel a wave of exhilaration. Whether or not you get the part, you’ve taken the plunge.
A few days later, the cast list is posted. As you scan the names, your breath catches in your throat:
Romeo: [Your Name]
Juliet: Helaena Targaryen
A mix of excitement and nervousness floods your system. Cregan is ecstatic when he hears the news, clapping you on the back with congratulations.
“You’re going to be amazing, I'm getting a front row seat,” he assures you. “And maybe this is the chance you need to finally talk to her. My best gal needs some action, I bet it's got cobwebs down there!" Cregan laughs at his own joke, and then he yowls when you punch his arm in retaliation.
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Rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet are underway before you know it. The director, Professor Harrold Westerling, is known for his passionate and somewhat unconventional methods. He often goes off on ranting tangents about his career as a thespian with the famous theatre group, the Kingsguards.
From the first rehearsal, Helaena proves to be a star. She’s a natural on stage, her performance enchanting and her characterisation of Juliet breathtaking. You can’t help but be drawn to her, and the scenes where your characters interact are charged with an undeniable chemistry.
“Romeo,” she says one afternoon, her voice just as lyrical as Shakespeare intended. “Deny thy father and refuse thy name.” You find yourself caught in her gaze. Her eyes, like amethysts, hold a challenge.
“Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet,” you respond, the words rolling off your tongue with ease.
Helaena smiles, a knowing glint in her eyes. It’s a look that suggests she sees more than you reveal, a look that makes your heart race.
Between scenes, she’s charming and playful, often catching you off guard with her flirtatious banter. “I hope you don’t mind me stealing the spotlight,” she teases one day as you stand outside smoking during a break, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and passing you her energy drink to take a sip from.
You laugh, feeling the warmth of her attention. “I think we can share it.”
Her presence is intoxicating, and each rehearsal leaves you dreaming for the next. Cregan notices your growing attachment and offers his support, often helping you rehearse lines late into the night. He insists on wearing a wig he nicked from his sister to play Juliet, much to your amusement.
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The night of the play arrives, and the theatre buzzes with excitement. Backstage, the cast is a flurry of activity, adjusting costumes and going over last-minute notes. You can feel the energy in the air, a mix of nerves and anticipation.
Helaena stands beside you, radiant in her Juliet costume. She looks every bit the part, ethereal and beautiful. “Ready for tonight?” she asks, her eyes meeting yours.
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. “As ready as I’ll ever be."
Her smile is reassuring, and she reaches out to hold your hand. You squeeze it tightly.
The curtain rises, and the play unfolds seamlessly. Each scene flows into the next, the audience captivated by the tragic tale of star-crossed lovers. Your chemistry with Helaena is unreal, each interaction charged with emotion and intensity.
Finally, the pivotal moment arrives—the kiss. As Romeo and Juliet, your characters share a tender, passionate kiss on stage. The audience holds its breath, and you spy Cregan sniffling into a tissue in the front row.
When your lips meet, time seems to slow. There’s a spark, an electric connection that goes beyond the script. The kiss lingers, and you sense something shift between you, an unspoken understanding.
As the performance comes to a close, the audience erupts into applause, and the theatre is filled with cheers and whistles. You take your bows, Helaena gripping your hand tightly, adrenaline coursing through your veins, the thrill of the performance still fresh in your mind.
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The Targaryen twins, Baela and Rhaena, Helaena's close friends, throw a celebratory party at their house in the centre of King's Landing. The place is alive with music and laughter, students spilling into the garden and onto the balconies.
You arrive with Cregan, who promptly disappears into the crowd to try and see his own crush Jace, leaving you to navigate the throng of partygoers.
You find Helaena in the living room, surrounded by friends yet somehow separate, her presence commanding the room. She’s out of her costume now, dressed in a blue dress and a navy cardigan that accentuates her beauty.
When she sees you, her face lights up with a genuine smile. “There’s the star of the night,” she calls out, her voice carrying over the music. She holds out a bottle of Asshai beer for you to take.
You approach, feeling a rush of warmth at her words. “I think that title belongs to you.”
She laughs. “You were incredible tonight,” she says, her gaze unwavering. She takes your elbow, leading you slightly away from her friends. “That kiss… it felt real.”
You hesitate, the memory of the moment still vivid in your mind. “It did, didn’t it?”
There’s a pause, a charged silence filled with unspoken words. Around you, the party continues, but your focus remains solely on Helaena.
“Do you want to get some air?” she suggests, gesturing towards the garden.
Nodding, you follow her outside, the cool night air a welcome contrast to the heat of the party. The garden is illuminated by strings of fairy lights, casting a warm glow over the scene.
Helaena leads you to a quiet corner, away from the noise and commotion. She takes out a pack of cigarettes, offering you one. You pull out a sparkly lighter, lighting hers and yours. She nods in gratitude. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you,” she admits, her voice softer now.
Your heart races. You exhale shakily. “About the play?”
She shakes her head, a playful smile on her lips. “About us.”
There it is, the moment you’ve both been dancing around for weeks. The admission hangs in the air thickly.
“I’ve liked you for a while,” she confesses, her eyes searching yours. “I’ve always thought there was something special about you.”
Her words leave you breathless, a mix of surprise and elation flooding your senses. “I’ve felt the same way,” you admit, the truth spilling forth. “Ever since I saw you in the hallways during freshers week, I knew there was something about you that drew me in.
Helaena steps closer, her hand reaching for yours, smoke drifitng into the sky from her pink parted lips.
“What do you say we make this more than just a stage romance?” she suggests, her tone sincere.
You nod quickly, lips cracking into a smile. Helaena grins as well, the pair of you standing staring at each other goofily. She ashes out her cig, and you follow.
"Cmon," Helaena tugs your hand. "Let's go back to mine."
Helaena's room is perfectly her. Fairylights everywhere, lace curtains, the rich smell of incense in the air. You see bookshelves crammed with books, crystals, and plants. The walls are covered with posters and photographs of her with her friends.
Your gaze settled on the centrepiece of the room: a large, canopied bed draped in sheer, flowing curtains. The bed was covered in a soft, plush quilt.
Helaena released your hand and moved gracefully across the room, lighting a few candles perched on her windowsill. The warm glow illuminated her face, casting shadows that accentuated her high cheekbones and the lovely quality of her violet eyes.
Helaena reached out, her fingers lightly brushing against your cheek, her touch as gentle as the brush of silk. Slowly, almost as if testing the waters, she leaned in closer, her breath mingling with yours. With a gentle touch, she closed the distance between you, her lips meeting yours in a tender kiss. Her hands slid to the nape of your neck, pulling you deeper into the embrace.
Your hands rested on her hips, pulling her body flush against yours. The softness of her lips, the warmth of her touch, and the sweet scent of her hair all combined to create a heaven of Helaena.
Finally, after what felt like both an instant and a lifetime, you pulled back slightly.
Helaena smiled, her fingers tracing gently along your jawline. "I’ve wanted to do that for a while," she confessed, a playful glint in her eyes.
You laughed softly, a sense of pure relief washing over you. "I’m glad you did."
"Do you know how long I've wanted this? Us?" she whispers, her voice barely audible over the gentle rustle of the curtains in the breeze.
Your heart races. "I think I have an idea," you reply, your voice equally hushed. Your hand finds its way to the back of her neck, fingers tangling in her soft silver hair as you pull her to you once more, your lips meeting hers in a fervent kiss.
This time, there is no hesitation, no lingering questions—only a shared hunger to taste each other, to consume. Helaena's hands slide over your shoulders, her touch light but insistent as she presses herself against you. You feel her fingers tracing a path down your spine, her touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake, and you respond in kind, your hands exploring the curve of her waist, the softness of her skin beneath the fabric of her dress. Helaena gasps into your mouth, adding fuel to the fire that has been burning between your legs.
As the kiss intensifies, Helaena guides you backwards toward the bed, her movements graceful and sure. You lose yourself in her touch, her scent, the sound of her soft gasps as your hands roam her body.
The edge of the bed meets the backs of your legs, and you sit down, drawing her into your lap. She straddles you, her dress flowing around her like liquid, the fabric cool against your heated skin. The sensation of her thighs pressing against yours sends a jolt of pleasure through you.
Helaena breaks the kiss. Her lips are slightly swollen from the intensity of your kisses, and her breath comes in soft, ragged bursts.
"Is this okay?" she asks. You can feel the heat of her pussy through her panties. You shift, desperate to touch her.
You nod, unable to tear your gaze away from her. "More than okay," you murmur, your voice thick.
Her smile is a thing of beauty. "Good," she replies simply, before leaning in to capture your lips once more, her movements fluid, as if she knows exactly how to draw every ounce of pleasure from you. Helaena's hands roam over your shoulders and down your chest, her touch igniting every nerve ending.
You mirror her movements, your fingers trailing along the line of her jaw, down the delicate column of her neck, and across her collarbone. She shivers beneath your touch, moaning as you cup her breasts through her dress. You feel a surge of pride at how you also have an effect on her.
With a gentle tug, Helaena draws the straps of her dress from her shoulders, letting the fabric pool around her waist.
"You are so beautiful," you murmur, the words escaping you.
Helaena's cheeks flush pink, and she ducks her head slightly, clearly pleased by your compliment. To thank you, she places your hands upon her perked tits once more, begging you silently to touch her. She arches against you, her body pliant and eager.
Your hands move, exploring the gentle curves of her body, the dip of her waist, the swell of her hips, all while she responds with a fervour that matches your own. You pull off your own dress, bearing yourself to her. Helaena's eyes speak her approval, and she pushes your shoulders down to lie on top of you.
You can feel the wetness of her pussy seep through her panties, leaving dampness on your hips. You remove the delicate lace, pulling your own off too. The both of you completely nude, Helaena begins grinding her bare pussy against yours. A moan gets caught in her throat as her clit grinds down against yours. Helaena throws her silvery head back, gasping as you lean up to flick your tongue against her tits. You suck lightly, the other one being tweaked by your hands. You feel a hot warmth begin to build in your sex, and a desperation to make Helaena cum.
Helaena gropes your own tits, moaning appreciatively.
You grab her hips, flipping her over onto her back to lie against the bed. She spreads her legs, fingers grazing between her labia to show you her soaked hole. Your eyes darken at the sight, and you lower your mouth onto her sopping pussy. Helaena releases a high keening noise as you suckle her clit, pointing your tongue and flicking against her sensitive nub. You lap up her juices, tongue sliding between her folds as your fingers press into her, gently beckoning against her sweet spot, drawing out a long orgasm from your girl.
Her hips buck wildly and she grasps the pillows tight, one hand squeezing and the other tugging your hair as you relentlessly eat her pussy through her orgasm. She creams against your tongue and your eyes roll back at the sweetness.
Helaena pants, eyes glazed but determined. She yanks your hands up, lying down fully. Her hands go to grab your hips. You raise an eyebrow as you realise what she wants.
"You sure flower?" You tease. Helaena huffs, purple eyes beseeching. She nods desperately and you lower your hips down to sit upon her face.
Her tongue instantly begins suckling your clit and you delight at the feeling. Her lips are wettened with your arousal. You can't help yourself but begin to grind against Helaena's small but expert tongue. Helaena looks to be in heaven as you ride her face, hands digging into your plush hips and ass, leaving fingernail crescents as she worships your swollen clit.
You don't last long, hands gripping the headboard as you throw your head back and cry out for Helaena, cumming right on her face. You fall back, panting, as Helaena reaches for you, drawing herself close and nestling in your arms.
As you both drift off, sleepily kissing and whispering words of promise, you thank the Gods for your beloved Juliet.
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AN: there is a severe lack of (lesbian) Helaena fics and modern au ones aswell, im here to fix this! genuinely loved writing this, i love modern flirty helaena and sassy bestie cregan. phia is such a goddess fr tho. check my masterlist for more modern aus and sexy times, luv ya!
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Thinking again about theater kid Dustin so naturally I had to come to you 💙 Specifically I’m thinking about Dustin auditioning for a community theater production of Jesus Christ Superstar with an eccentric director who convinces Eddie to audition for Judas. He knows his reputation and thinks his notoriety will add an extra meta layer to the role (and get some butts in the seats he’s gotta keep the lights on somehow). Eddie is reluctant to put himself in the spotlight but ultimately does cause Dustin is excited about it. Also he’s really good? He plays it completely sincerely which no one is expecting, really leans into the interpretation that Judas was in love with Jesus and amps up the tragedy. (Afterwards Steve also asks him if that kiss with Jesus is in the script or…?)
i love this so much, thank you for sharing with me! ❤️ theatre kid Dustin is just so incredibly precious & i just love the thought of him having so much fun with it in his future. like i see him as such a little social butterfly, i think everyone in the theatre group would adore him (i’m always so upset when his peers make fun of him at the snow ball, no, that’s my boy!!!)
and oh my god Jesus Christ superstar yes!!! yeah i can see Eddie being so hesitant about it, like the thought of how certain factions of hawkins might still view him makes him nauseous.
but the director—who maybe knows through close-knit community theatre circles that a very young Eddie once played Action in West Side Story (i love your story so much ❤️)—has one last parting shot which convinces him.
“So you never want to have fun ever again?”
… Huh, Eddie thinks.
he still asks for Dustin’s approval, all too concerned with the thought that this is Dustin’s thing and maybe he’s overstepping or something, or—
“Holy shit, that’s some seriously impressive over-thinking,” Dustin says. “You’re my friend, asshole.”
And maybe he says it with a tone, but he means I wanna hang out more with you not less!
so Eddie takes the role and of course he’s brilliant—okay everyone’s got opinions on the auto tune used in Tim Minchin’s rendition but dear god the depths in his eyes, the acting. also maybe the director does a present day take like that version did & Eddie’s jokingly like “I could wear the hellfire tshirt” & the director’s eyes light up & Eddie quickly goes, “No. That was a joke, it wouldn’t even make sense.”—and maybe there’s something empowering in playing this figure when people once said his name and the Devil’s in the same breath.
Maybe, maybe.
and oh we all know who Eddie is thinking about when he’s singing:
I don't know how to love him I don't know why he moves me He's a man, he's just a man He's not a king, he's just the same As anyone I know He scares me so
Does he love, does he love me too? Does he care for me?
And oh on a lighthearted note, Steve asking if the kiss is in the script has me in hysterics, especially if this is pre-them getting together.
just the thought of Steve staring grumpily any time there’s a scene with Jesus & Judas—the guy who plays Jesus is maybe like a couple years older than Eddie, not originally from Hawkins perhaps so he’s kinda not fully aware of Eddie’s history & sure, he’s nice, but he’s just not on Eddie’s radar at all.
So when Steve asks if the kiss was in the script (not that he cares! At all! He doesn’t care! Look at how much he doesn’t care!), Eddie stares at him for a long moment and says, “Steve. Did you think I improvved the Bible?”
Dustin, who is also here—currently doing English homework up on a barstool in Steve’s kitchen while Eddie & Steve lounge on the couch—sighs very loudly and says, “How the fuck am I supposed to know what role dialogue plays in Much Ado About Nothing?”
Eddie waves a hand distractedly at him. “Just make it up.”
“I can’t just because my way through Shakespeare,” Dustin says, adds in a huffy undertone, “this isn’t one of your campaigns.”
Eddie mimes being stabbed in the heart. “Oh, betrayal!”
“So it was in the script?” Steve says.
“Oh for—yes, Steve, it was,” Eddie says. “It’s called acting. Also, it was on the cheek.”
“So—ugh, just—” Eddie tugs on Steve’s wrist impulsively, while another part of his brain is screaming in vain for him to stop. “Come here.”
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m just showing you how fucking little it—”
I’m never finishing this essay, Dustin thinks. My home life is distracting and chaotic.
And Eddie kisses Steve very very chastely on the cheek, just to show it was nothing, that’s all, but Steve can feel Eddie’s breath on his skin, the warmth of his lips, and Eddie doesn’t really think it through until he does it and then oh shit, his heart is pounding—
“Oh, yup cool,” Steve says. “That’s—yeah, wow, that’s it? Huh. I need some air.”
“From your own house?” Dustin says, to the front door already slamming shut.
And Eddie’s eyes are wide and shiny, like, did I fuck up, and it takes all of Dustin’s self control to not roll his eyes and slam his face into his book.
Then he softens a bit, remembers looking out into the audience and seeing Steve silently crying while Eddie sang You have murdered me.
“You’re so dumb,” Dustin tells Eddie as gently as he can. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Uh.” Eddie blinks. “Did I—should I…?”
Dustin sighs wearily, slings his backpack over his shoulder. And he has a parting shot of his own:
“I’m not waiting through another production for you two to get your shit together.”
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superfurytamago · 11 months
Every Japanese comedy reference in Jujutsu Kaisen chapters 240 and 241
EDIT: Added one more reference to Audrey that I completely missed out when I was writing this post. Putting my self-proclaimed Japanese comedy otaku title to shame!
I was a Japanese comedy otaku way before I got into manga and anime, which is why I get way too excited whenever I spot Japanese comedy references in other forms of media. Granted, the plot is totally coherent even without knowing the references, but please indulge me as I find myself a rare opportunity to talk about Japanese comedians. All English panels are sourced from Manga Plus and Japanese panels are my own digital copies.
Preface about Japanese comedians
Japanese comedians usually form duos called "combi" in Japanese. Some may form trios or even quartets, but duos make up the overwhelming majority. Solo comedians are becoming more common, but like Takaba, most if not all of them had started out as a duo that didn't work out over time.
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Nabe Nabe Entertainment and Pony
Reference to Watanabe Entertainment, a major entertainment agency in Japan. The most famous comedian group under Watanabe's management will be the comedic trio Neptune, and the above panels reference them indirectly as well.
Another talent management agency mentioned is Pony, which is a reference to Sony Music Artists Inc (SMA). Yes, they manage comedians as well lol. Agencies have distinct styles of management, which eventually shows in the type of comedians they manage. Kenjaku assumes that Takaba is with Pony because SMA has managed to propel an impressive number of solo comedians to fame despite the comparatively smaller scale of management. They also lean more slapstick than the "cooler" forms like skits and monologues. In fact, Takaba reminds me of Koume Dayū:
Laughing Dog? Vocabula?
Both Laughing Dog (Warau Inu) and Vocabula (Vocabula Tengoku) were incredibly popular variety TV serial programmes that Neptune appeared in during the 1990s and early 2000s. Takaba admires Neptune, which is why he chooses to sign with Nabe Nabe rather than Pony, even if the latter may actually manage him better.
Kenjaku wondered for a second why Takaba didn't cite Vocabula as the reason he admires Neptune, because Vocabula was the one that gave Neptune their shot to fame, and they absolutely reached superstar levels of fame during the time. Laughing Dog came later, when they were already established as household names.
The reason why Kenjaku walked back on it with "I guess that's obvious enough" has to do with the nature of the two programmes. Laughing Dog was a sketch comedy programme like Chappelle's Show, while as the name may suggest, Vocabula focused on wordplays, puns, and parodies. Comedians were voted based on how they performed the jokes. Here's a short clip of Neptune on Vocabula:
While here's a sketch from Laughing Dog (the second, third, and fourth green leaves members are Neptune lol):
Of course Takaba was inspired by Laughing Dog, "I guess that's obvious enough".
Backbone! My backbone!
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An actual short gag (ippatsu gag or lit. one-shot gag) by Haranishi from the duo FUJIWARA:
It's not the first time Akutami has referenced an actual short gag in the series. Perhaps you may remember Itadori's unfortunate reunion scene at the sister school goodwill event:
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This is a gag from Kojima Yoshio:
You have my condolences, Itadori.
Comedians and auditions
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Kenjaku is dressed like a stereotypical TV producer here. This dates back to Japan's asset price bubble; during which, tying a cardigan over the shoulders was a staple look among TV producers and directors. In this scene, Takaba is auditioning like he would for a part in a variety TV show. Struggling comedians like Takaba often audition for variety shows that showcase a series of comedic skits or manzai. Pass the audition and you get a spot to perform on national TV.
Comedians and theatre
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Most comedians who don't get their big breaks on TV spend a large part of their careers in small theatres. A typical comedy show consists of several groups of comedians performing their skits or manzai, and the theatre will hand out feedback forms like the above. It seems like Takaba used to go by the stage name Pinchan.
P-1? C-1?
The fictional C-1 is a reference to an actual long-running competition M-1 Grand Prix, while the fictional P-1 which Takaba mentioned earlier is a reference to another competition R-1 Grand Prix. M-1 is restricted to manzai performed by two people or more, while R-1 is open to solo comedians only. There are several important annual comedy competitions in Japan. Winning these big-name competitions is usually the ticket to fame for many comedians, but even then it may not work out for everyone.
Idol shows
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It has become customary to have established Japanese comedians host Japanese girl groups TV shows, and I pretty much agree with Takaba's take on why. If you're a fan of idol groups like Morning Musume, AKB48, Nogizaka46, or Idoling!!!, then you would be familiar with Japanese comedians like Ninety-Nine, Ariyoshi Hiroiki, Bananaman, and Bakarhythm.
By the way, Takaba was watching TV while eating cup noodles after the above panel. The lines are from a well-known manzai performed by comedy duo Audrey. This particular joke with them going "hehehe" at each other is a staple in their early manzai:
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In fact, take a closer look at the apartment that Takaba lives in. It's based on the actual apartment Kasuga (pink vest guy on the right) used to live in, named Mutsumi-sō. His shabby apartment and extremely thrifty lifestyle had been featured in many variety TV shows in the past. He lived there for more than 20 years, and the apartment was actually quite a tourist spot for fans of Audrey. Kasuga's Japanese Wikipedia article even has a photo of it as seen below, which is what I think Akutami referenced from. The interior is largely based on Kasuga's apartment as well:
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Bonus Japanese comedy!
Akutami has taken inspiration from actual Japanese comedians in the past. In chapter 153, two of the spectators look eerily like comedy duo Sandwichman:
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And how can we forget Ken, the fellow comedian who gave Takaba advice in chapter 146:
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He's based on Kendo Kobayashi, and if you've seen images/clips of Akutami dressed up as Mechamaru, that was when he went on Kenkoba's show:
Wow that was long. Thanks for indulging the squealing Japanese comedy fan in me!
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‼️ aita for looking out for a friend?
(all 17, pronouns provided for everyone included other than me)
so I have a relatively small friend group, including people who I'll call T (they/them, my best friend), G (he/him, the friend the title is referring to), and B (she/her, we don't get along). B and I have been on our high school theater team for 4-ish years together, right from the first show post-quarantine to (hopefully) our last senior show in April next year. Last year, my friends T and G joined for a murder mystery show and G LOVED it. we performed it, went into summer, and came back for our senior year. Now, it's important to note that B, T, and I are also on our school's robotics team and off season events typically fall around the same day of theater competitions (dont ask why there's theatr competitions, we mainly do them for fun). B has already said that theater is more important to her than robotics, so our theater director decided to do a two person show.
Our director had already said she wanted B and G to play the parts in the show, but we all asked for an audition anyway. Auditions come around, all four of us audition. We actually talked about doing a different show in our senior meeting a week before that had 5 roles, but everyone agreed that the two person show would be better. B decided to bring up a year old issue we had where I was venting about only getting minor supporting roles where I either die or spend half the show off stahe. I had said in that conversation that before roles were casted, I wanted B's roles. It was the biggest role in the show with no time off stage and I felt like I was at a point i could handle it, but B got the role and it was fine! I was chilling with my yelling role. Well, B heard this and interpreted it as me saying I could do her role better and stormed out of class after yelling at me about it.
This went unresolved for a YEAR because everytime I tried to talk about it she'd either yell at me or change the topic. And now she was using it as a petty argument to show that I'd be upset if I didn't get a role. This isn't even the worst thing that's happened between us, but let's get back to the aita.
So, as of the time I'm submitting this it's only the first week of rehearsals. B and G are both almost off book, which is impressive for G because this is only his second show. He's absolutely amazing at his role but has a habit of getting the idea of his lines and paraphrasing them (if that makes sense? like if that line is "it'll only be a second, let me check." he'll say "let me look ill only be a second"), but beyond that he's REALLY good at making you feel the proper emotion already. The Main issue with him already is he's missed two days of rehearsal, which wouldn't be bad if we weren't so late starting. He missed one day for a sport meet and one day for his sisters birthday, which was understandable to everyone other than B.
B lives, eats, and BREATHES theater at this point and if you don't take it as seriously as she does, she'll try to get you kicked off the team. Since G missed two days, B thought he wasn't taking it seriously enough and decided to tell our director. G was absolutely devastated, he was already misses an event that'd get him really good contacts for the field he wants to go into because B asked the director to make all of the rehearsals mandatory BECAUSE he wanted to do the event. He came to T and I to talk about it and I decided to go to rehearsal that night to warn the director B was trying to get G kicked off. B's full reasoning for trying to kick him off was that he wasn't prioritizing rehearsal and hadn't memorized his lines yet (again, first week).
Rehearsal went absolutely amazing, they were both almost completely off book for one of the longest scenes and did it so soso SO WELL. Once rehearsal ended after 3 hours and B left the room, I went to go tell the director. The director immediately shut me down and told me if B had something to say I don't have to warn her. G and I left trying to wrap our heads around what to do. I didn't want him to be kicked off and deal with the shame of not feeling good enough and he felt insulted that someone he thought was his friend would go through so many hoops just to pretty much sabotage a hobby of his. We agreed that if the director went through with kicking him off we wouldn't go down without a fight.
But, that was that, and I got home and joined a call with some other friends to decompress from how stressful the entire situation was. I would've been completely de-stressed if it weren't for the fact B texted me an hour after rehearsal ended with just "what happened between us?" Apparently, our director had told her that I was trying to warn her that B was gonna say something. I realized that B still thinks we're on good standing, friends even, when I absolutely do not.
I don't know how to go about telling her that any thread of friendship between was severed a long time ago, but I think me trying to protect G and keep him on the team was the final straw for her. I can't tell if I'm just blinded by my dislike of her or if I really fucked up in this situation.
What are these acronyms?
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musical rant rn go
goodness gracious I wrote an entire novel yesterday and it all got deleted. Whatever.
Frozen: Every six year old girl was obsessed with Frozen, including me. Good soundtrack and nostalgia. I still really want my theatre to do this show, but I’m not sure which role I’d want. Elsa, Anna, Christof, Olaf? I dunno. Too many good options
Hercules: One of my favorite movies since I was little. Insanely good soundtrack and super fun characters. If my theatre did this one I still wouldn’t know which role I’d want. Hercules would be great, but Meg is so fun, but Hades is even more fun!!
The Lorax: I’m considering this a musical so shut up. This has also been one of my favorites since I was little. Fun fact: as student council president I came up with the idea of making a Lorax themed bulletin board and we did it!! 💪 I think my presidency will be remembered as year of the Lorax or something like that. We’d come in every meeting and I’d play the soundtrack while we worked, it was perfect. I ALSO WANT MY THEATRE TO DO THIS BUT ID WANT TO PLAY EVERY ROLE. THEYRE ALL SO PERFECT
Sister Act: Pretty uncommon. The only reason i really listen to the soundtrack or anything was bc I was in it. This is the first musical I ever did (I’ve done 5 now) and in this I played Monsignor O’Hara, which is a pretty great role for a first time actor. I got to dad dance a deliver cheesy lines. The soundtrack is pretty good to me, but that might just be because of the distinct memories I have with each one. Like the time the power went out during a rehearsal so everyone sat in front of the stage with their phone flashlights on. That was super fun. Or all of my friends and I playing flee the facility on Roblox. 🥹 miss all of that
Dear Evan Hansen: or however it’s spelled. I’ve only read the book and occasionally heard the songs. The book was really good and I should really learn more about the musical.
Newsies: Second musical I was in and my first big role. Jacks best friend. It was awesome!! Before auditions I went over to my friend Emma’s house. She’s the one who brought me to theatre and we were watching newsies bc we knew nothing about it. I immediately, from the very first scene, wanted crutchie. Emma really wanted Katherine. I’ll always remember Emma FaceTiming me as soon as the cast list came out and telling me we got our dream roles and we were in the same cast. That was the best summer ever.
Elf: I don’t talk about this one too much bc it’s just trauma. I simply played a background elf because of my big role last show. I had two lines 😭 We did this for some reason and I decided “wouldn’t it be just great to bring my bf (now ex) to theatre!” So I did. What was I thinking. Halfway through rehearsals he broke up with me. I had to see him twice a week and it really sucked. I’m not gonna get too far into it bc my ex literally ruined my life but anyways
Wicked: My theatre didn’t do this play, I got to see it on broadway in November. It was really great. I went in knowing nothing about wicked and I came out obsessed. I was able to get a full cast signed poster and a copy of the novel. I’d definitely want to do this production at my theater someday but I just don’t know who I’d want to be. Elphaba or Glinda? Either way great show and good soundtrack for sure
Sweeney Todd: EEE!! Okay so the show itself is incredible. Great story, good characters, magnificent music, a 10/10 show for my theatre to do. The bad part is that this was just for the older age group, which means our director put a lot of pressure on us. Ever rehearsal someone went home crying (usually me) and nobody was having fun. I actually had an incredible role because I mentioned wanting Sweeney in auditions and I didn’t realize how much work that actually was. Thankfully they gave me an even better role: ANTHONY!! Still not my favorite role, Crutchie will always have that, but it’s awesome!! Being a lovesick sailor is basically me.
Heathers: Another fun musical!! We haven’t done this at my theatre and I don’t think we ever will 😔 I personally love belting these songs when I’m home alone, but that applies to basically all of these. Also if you’ve read this far that’s impressive bro. (Also I might start a secret side blog of me singing) but that’s a secret between you, me, and anyone else who read this far
American Idiot: The Green Day musical!! The music is obviously super good and the story is a bit strange but it’s really fun to watch slime tutorials of it on YouTube. (For any of you who don’t know, slime tutorials are what we call videos filming broadway productions because they’re illegal and a way for YouTube to not take them down is if you title them “slime tutorial.” If you ever want to see a bit of a musical poorly recorded on a trash phone, look up the name of the musical and you’ll usually find some.)
Peter Pan: Honestly a trash musical. The story makes no sense and most of the music is garbage. I played a lost boy, which is basically the only fun role in the whole show. I knew all of my other lost boys well, someone of them were already my best friends, so we were just a gang of rascals. Little Shop of Horrors: I went to a local production knowing very little and I came out of this one obsessed as well!!!! The soundtrack is sooo goood and my friends and I are super close to getting our theatre to do it. I would def want Seymour, Audrey, or Orin (the dentist)
WOW TYSM FOR LETTING ME GO ON A RANT I REALLY NEEDED THAT!!!!! YAYYY!!!! I think this is a complete list but I dunno. I’ll see if I forgot something at some point
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waitingfortheday · 2 months
what do you mean by horribly miscast?
Ooh story time! Sorry, this ended up so long for no reason. I felt like I needed to add context
Let me preface this by saying this was a good production. I'm being silly about it because I love the community theatre group this was done by, and still work with them years later.
I auditioned for a Summer community theatre production of Cats when I was 15 with my friend, because my high school had just done Cats for their Fall musical (I was still in middle school so I was not able to be in it), and became obsessed with the show (watched the 1998 movie 50 times, saw a professional production, memorized the cast recording, discovered fanfiction.net. You know, normal autism stuff).
This was a youth production, so the actors were 12-21. When I saw how many 18-21 year olds were auditioning and actually knew how to dance, I didn't expect to get any of the big roles. I was a very strong singer but pretty middle of the road when it came to dancing, and this is a very dance heavy show. I would have been happy with anything but really wanted Jemima. We just didn't really expect to compete with the older actors.
So imagine my surprise when the cast list came out and my friend and I got Old Deuteronomy and Bombalurina respectively. We weren't the only younger kids in bigger roles, but we were probably the youngest compared to how large the roles were. For example, Demeter was 20, other 15 and 16 year olds got Jemima, Coricopat, and Macavity, and most 12-14 year olds were unnamed ensemble cats.
I was ecstatic but also kind of like "wtf?" Because even at that age I knew this was a weird casting choice. I wasn't much of a dancer which Bombalurina is supposed to be, I was a very high soprano which Bombalurina isn't, and I was a shy kid who didn't know how to act sexy (and still don't).
I figured out pretty quickly that the director wasn't that familiar with the show. He would pronounce every character's name wrong, and had Cassandra sing her line in the opening number up the octave even though it's supposed to be low and the girl playing her was an alto, among other choices that were just weird. He knew the basic idea of what happened in each song but he definitely didn't get into the character descriptions and their personalities or relationships to each other. Which imo is the whole point but .. whatever. I got the role solely because I could sing and not because I suited the character at all. So I decided to play Bomba cute and young instead of trying to be big and flirtatious and failing spectacularly (at one point Demeter and Mistofelees took me aside and gave me new choreography for my solo in Macavity because all the choreographer gave me to work with was walking around and being sultry and like... trying to imitate what pole dancing looks like without a pole and I was super uncomfortable and just wasn't selling it at all.)
I did a good job in the end but the character I was playing was not Bombalurina. Imagine if you took Etcetera and gave her all of Bombalurina's songs. That was basically what I was doing.
Still my favorite show to this day though.
It's even funnier now because I tell people I played Bombalurina and they think I played the Taylor Swift version of the character. And I have to be like no she's actually not like that at all.
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roseandgold137 · 4 months
Hi hi hi
I would love to know about SuperStar if you would like a reason to say literally anything about her. She’s so pretty i wanna know who she is
okay this has been so long waiting but I’ll be totally honest I had no backstory for her when I got this ask but now. I finally have a story for her that will hopefully make sense 💛
Lori Ko-Roz or Laura Rose (her American/stage name) lived the classic American life in Arizona, where she was very involved in the local theatre group with her friends, Sydney, Cali and Madison. Lori and the others are all very excited abt one event in particular, bc there’s going to be an opportunity to get an appearance on a show (haven’t invented that one yet ngl. Would be funny to make it and Wendy the Werewolf Stalker reboot though). Lori and Madison both make it to the final auditions, but Lori beats her out by an incredibly narrow margin.
all seems well for a while but, while Lori is enjoying her newfound fame (mostly due to her unique appearance thanks to her kryptonian genes), Madison is stewing in resentment, and this makes her an easy target for people that want to get to Lori.
so Lori gets a couple of weeks of luxury before things start to seem… off. Something is wrong. Madison is acting weirdly - maybe just because she’s a notoriously sore loser, or maybe, there’s something more going on. Lori tries to talk to her, but Madison reveals her hand and attacks - but she attacks too early, and she’s not prepared to fight a Kryptonian, whether Lori really knows how to use her powers in a fight or not.
Madison runs off - and Lori lets her. The betrayal refuses to really sink in. Lori tries to return to her new life, but it feels hollow. She can’t stop thinking of Madison - where did she go? What happened?
thus, Superstar is born. Lori wouldn’t deny she’s got a bit of an ego, after all. Her search for Madison does little but turn up small clues here and there, but along the way, she starts helping people out. Madison still hangs heavy on her mind, but as she searches, her kryptonian powers quickly and her Superstar moniker quickly lead to her being tied to Superman & co in the media.
Thus continues lori’s obstacles to Madison increasing as Clark tries to find her for a conversation, as her frustration around being mixed up as a supergirl rises, and it all boils over in an outburst that makes Lori fly off again to cool off for a few weeks. There, she makes a decision. She knows Madison doesn’t want to be found. Looking for her has led to nothing. But she can’t lose hope - she could just leave it on her back burner.
Lori returns as Superstar. She eventually finds other heroes her age - Veda, Kelsie, Sinam’n and Nebiri - and together they form the newest Teen Titans. And, maybe, they’ll be able to help her find Madison as well.
Also - the new design for Lori, bc I changed quite a bit lol
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thosedaysthatwill · 1 month
are you starting school soon? I hope it goes well if so. Is there anything that you are looking forward to doing this year? Also, I don't remember if you ever said anything about how your play went. I'm sure it was great but if there's any anecdotes you want to share then I'm all ears!
You are so sweet for asking!
I'm teaching a new grade this year, which is a little intimidating because I was so set with teaching 5th grade, I knew all the curriculum and everything I needed to do. And this year, I'm jumping into 4th grade, which might not seem like a big change, but it is! I have taught 4th before, but it was a long time ago. So that's exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time! But I am looking forward to getting back into it.
I'm also looking forward to getting back to my theatre group, I miss my kids. I'm working on the script for the next show already. And one of my actors came to see my show this summer. We did Hamlet for the spring show, and she was Horatio, and the show I was doing was also Shakespeare and her father took her (rising 5th grader) and her little sister (rising 3rd grader) to see it, not knowing I was in it, just to show them more Shakespeare on stage, and I love that!
And it's funny you ask about my play, because we didn't perform today! Not sure if I gave specifics, but we were on an outdoor stage, and it was... a lot. Very hot and long hours in the sun. But it was fun, and I liked the cast. Then it rained, so we lost a show. Then the lead actor got sick today, so the run ended. So we actually performed half the shows we were supposed to. A little disappointing but overall a good time. I have a couple other auditions that I'm thinking about doing, but I don't know if I want to add that to the pile of work from switching grades and directing my theatre group. Maybe.
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k-n-e-o · 7 months
Nct Dream as high school students
This has been in my drafts for years! I’ve just reread it now and I think it’s pretty decent to post lol.
This is also mildly based off of my own highschool experience (which it’s now been years since I’ve graduated so obviously not current experience lol)
Disclaimer: this doesn’t have mark in it because he wasn’t back in nct dream at the time of writing, so I had it in my head that he already graduated and is in college
[ Renjun ]
This is used a lot but it fits him so well
He’s our little artist
Loved art class
Helps the drama kids make the props and costumes
Made a chair once for an art project, absolutely hated it (this was taken from something a friend of mine had to do once lol)
He was covered in black, red, yellow, and blue wood stain for weeks
He also smelled like saw dust for a while too
I think he’s the only one that would make and bring his lunch just because he doesn’t want to have to deal with the other idiots at the school during lunch
Him and the boys stay in the art room at lunch, it’s quieter
I want to say he’s the only one in the group that actually studies
But knowing this group of boys,
None of them are getting anything done lol
[ Jeno ]
We all know this boy is the jock of the group.
He’s also one of the responsible ones
Being the driver of the dreams carpool to school everyday
He also uses the schools fitness centre (basically a weight room and stuff)
Gets his lunch money stolen by Haechan all the time so he now brings double so he’s not asking Jaemin to steal stuff from the cafeteria
Track and field boy
Probably beats his own records every year
Also probably does football with Jaemin (spoiler?)
A goofball in all his classes, especially the ones he shares with Jaemin
Leaves little smiley faces on his friends work when they aren’t looking.
[ Haechan ]
I’m sorry but he’s a theatre boy
Auditions for all of the plays
Leaves his I.D card on the stage all the damn time
So he can’t sign out a computer when he needs one
Ends up using his phone instead and sometimes gets in trouble for it
He’s known all around the school even if people don’t actually know him they know of him
Every teacher knows him too
And they only roll their eyes when he’s loud and goofy in class
I won’t lie he probably doesn’t know any of the names of people in his class so he has to ask whenever he’s paired up with them for projects even though he’s been going to school with them for years already (how can you tell I was the person who people forgot lol)
But they can’t be mad at him for long when he’s got them bent over in laughter a few seconds later
[ Jaemin ]
In culinary arts, so he gets free food sometimes
Especially when he works in the cafeteria at lunch
Sometimes if jeno doesn’t have lunch money Jaemin will sneak some fries out for him
Also on the football team
(I don’t know why I see him doing this but I do so fight me)
Forgets his water bottle all the damn time so had to do push-ups whenever any of the football coaches catch him
Heart breaker of the century
Has girls (and some guys) staring at him and stalking his social media
Taking bio and chem at the same time
Quickly regrets that choice he made lol
Spends his spares annoying Renjun in art
Ends up painting his arm or hand and gets scolded by the art teacher
Friends with almost all of his teachers
Yes like Haechan he’s also that kid who the teachers know instantly by name and who they tell their other classes funny stories about
Probably almost blew up the chemistry lab with Haechan once
Now Haechan and him aren’t allowed to touch any of the lab equipment
Works out with jeno but sometimes slacks off
Makes jeno stop by the local coffee shop every morning on the dreamies way to school
[ Chenle ]
I don’t know why but I struggled so much with Chenles
It’s weird
He’s probably a band student who uses the piano in the room as often as he can.
He goes into the band room in the morning when jeno and Jaemin have early football practice and he goes when he has a spare
And when he’s still there after the school he plays the piano
I mean, he probably has like three pianos at home
But there’s something about the giant nearly empty room
And just playing the piano just to play
He’s a simple boy with simple desires
You can expect this boy will try out for the basketball team
And if he’s not with his friends or at a piano in the band room
He’ll probably be in the gym shooting hoops
Hate hate hates doing homework
He’s the main reason why Jisung gets nothing done too lol
Also if the dreamies aren’t “studying” at a cafe you can bet they are at Chenles house
And the only reason is because his house is the only one that can fit all six of them comfortably
Sometimes mark joins too, for old times sake
[ Jisung ]
You can fight me on this but this boy would be in the poetry slam club
He’s that quite cute boy who everyone glances at through out the meeting
Never used his locker
Instead he puts all his stuff in Chenles locker because, and I quote
“It’s easier”
Goes to all the sports games cause Chenle drags him there
Attempts to study
But we all not that ain’t happening
Gets really stressed during exam season
Probably eats one to many instant ramen packages
(He found Chenles secret stash)
Probably doesn’t skip class
Although he tried it once with Haechan but decided it wasn’t his thing
Eats lunch with the others at a near by food place every Friday as an end of the week treat
Is late to his afternoon class because they lost track of time
He’s the one always asking for a pencil or a pen
Probably tried out for the soccer team
And obviously got in
Kinda disappointed that the soccer season is short tho
But works hard none the less
Always forgetting his water bottle
Works on his writing when he has a moment of free time in class
Probably the kind to leave little love notes in his crushes locker
I don’t think he’s a huge party person
But he gets invited to a lot of them
Always complains about his student I.D photo 
But it’s not as bad as he says it is
Hands in assignments late because he keeps forgetting to do them
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dorizardthewizard · 4 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 13
13: Moving the callbacks
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Hahahaha look at him all excited, yeah hype yourself up king. Also bi finger guns!
He’s wearing a green baseball top now, I don’t think we’ve seen it before but when he had to be the basketball guy, he’d wear a red baseball tee and when he was more “just a guy” he wore green or blue. Now it’s a mix of both, he’s confident in both sides of himself! (I think I'm so smart pointing out outfit colours in these commentaries)
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Wah they're so cute! Also the first installment in the "Troy checks his non-existent watch" saga
Okay to the “Sharpay is the victim” crowd: if she’s so hard working and great at theatre she shouldn’t have felt threatened by Troy and Gabriella! She should have played it fair and trusted her own skills, not used underhanded tactics to sabotage them. If she can't handle some competition, she's not gonna have a great time pursuing theatre in the future.
And what's with the weird revisionism with Sharpay being a hardworking girlboss while Troy and Gabriella get everything handed to them and don't take theatre seriously? Like are we watching the same movie? They both genuinely wanted to perform, and have been rehearsing a lot with Kelsi - so much so that their friend groups got pissed off about it. I get it, Sharpay is iconic but you don't have to paint her as the real hero just so you can feel morally justified in liking her. You can like characters who are mean, it's okay. Hold my hand. Now lets watch the movie again and pay attention this time.
And don't get me started with the Gabriella hate, the amount of times I've seen people cry sexism for Sharpay's treatment in the films and then turn around to call Gabriella a bitch...
Darbus: I don’t want to hear any more about Troy Bolton and that Montez girl. Darbus: So, if you're telling me as co-presidents of the drama club that changing the callbacks would be what's best for our theatre programme, then I might actually agree with you.
It seems like they convinced Darbus that it’s all just some big trick, but I don’t see why Darbus would agree to changing the callbacks? Why not let them audition and just choose Sharpay and Ryan anyway? I just don’t think she would agree to preventing them from coming at all it’s so underhanded. Unless they convinced her they’re planning a big prank during the callbacks or something??? It’s a bit contrived, I’ll admit.
Aw Kelsi looks so sad :(
I just realised that the game and scholastic decathlon being on the same day means that a hypothetical science-loving basketball player would be having the same predicament already lol
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The way Chad is immediately ready to commit violence so Troy can go to the callbacks LOL it’s sweet, but again I feel like we’re missing a proper resolution between them?
Alright Chad and Taylor I see you holdings hands. But also we needed more development on that, or like even one single moment they can share that isn’t about Troy and Gabriella
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justforbooks · 8 months
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Over the course of a long career, the American singer Marlena Shaw moved from jazz to soul and back again, searching for settings that would best enhance her fine voice. In later decades she commanded the allegiance of the British fans of the rare-groove movement, who rediscovered and particularly cherished her version, released in 1969, of a much recorded song called California Soul.
Shaw, who has died aged 81, made her first stage appearance at the Apollo theatre in Harlem, New York, when she was 10 years old. Billie Holiday was still alive and Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan and Dinah Washington were other inescapable influences on a jazz-inclined teenage singer seemingly destined to work with big bands in dancehalls and smaller groups in nightclubs. In her later years she became familiar with the sound of hip-hop artists basing their hits on samples from her singles and album tracks.
Shaw’s recording of California Soul, a song written by Valerie Simpson and Nickolas Ashford, popped up in Gang Starr’s Check the Technique and Stereo MCs’ Sofisticated. It was also used in American TV commercials for Dockers shoes, KFC fast food and Dodge trucks, and in 2022 it was awarded an official gold record by the British Phonographic Industry.
Born Marlina Burgess in New Rochelle, New York, she showed musical talent from an early age and was given her first opportunity to take the stage in 1952 by her uncle, Jimmy Burgess, a trumpeter and bandleader who was performing at the Apollo. It was through his tuition that she acquired her understanding of jazz phrasing, while her mother encouraged her to study music at New York State Teachers’ College in Potsdam, a small town close to the Canadian border.
But she failed to complete the course, marrying young and bringing up five children before picking up the threads of a performing career that had barely begun. There were more false starts. In 1963 she missed an appearance at the Newport jazz festival with the trumpeter Howard McGhee after an argument with the musicians, and an attack of nerves ruined an audition with the great talent scout John Hammond, who had signed Holiday and Bob Dylan, among many others.
But in 1966, while singing at the Playboy Club in Chicago, she was signed up by the locally based Chess label, the home of many popular soul and R&B performers. Her first single was a vocal version of Joe Zawinul’s gospel-style tune Mercy Mercy Mercy, which had been an instrumental hit for Cannonball Adderley.
In 1968 Shaw toured Europe with Count Basie’s orchestra, involving the bandleader in an amusing routine as she improvised new words to Won’t You Come Home, Bill Bailey? It was while appearing with Basie at the Sands hotel in Las Vegas that she decided to make the gambling capital her home, moving there in 1970.
A contract with the Blue Note label led to a series of albums in a smooth soul-jazz style, including one recorded live at the Montreux jazz festival. The title and content of another album, Who Is This Bitch, Anyway?, indicated a desire to challenge the then-current popularity of the sexually explicit singer Millie Jackson.
A move to the Columbia label in 1977 saw her transforming Carole King and Gerry Goffin’s Go Away Little Girl, originally recorded by Bobby Vee, from a lovelorn ballad into a statement of female independence introduced by a lengthy rap directed at a feckless, workshy lover: “I figure if I’ve got to get up and go to work every day, then every able-bodied in the household is supposed to get up and go … If for some reason you feel that you can no longer be the man you were at the beginning of our relationship, then I’ve got this one thing to lay on you, my sweet. Go away, little boy …” But eventually the attitude softens, and after a seduction scene the song fades out on a note of surrender: “You think you can get a job by Thursday? You promise? Then you might as well stay … Don’t go away … ”
It became one of her most popular songs in live performance, the prefatory rap acquiring extra twists, turns, and layers of sardonic saltiness. At the New Morning club in Paris in 2010, the man in the song had become someone who had picked her up at an airport giftshop, its final scene acted out with elaborately dramatised hand gestures, smiles, laughter and a winning command of her audience.
An elegant presence on the concert stage, she sang with a symphony orchestra in New Zealand and toured for four years with Sammy Davis Jr. There were further recordings for the Verve, Concord and South Bay labels, and in 1989 a duet with Joe Williams, another former Basie singer, on an update of the old Louis Jordan song Is You Is Or Is You Ain’t My Baby earned her a Grammy nomination.
Shaw ceased all professional activity in 2016, retiring to her home in Las Vegas. Her survivors include her daughters April and Marla, a son, Robert, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
🔔 Marlena Shaw (Marlina Burgess), singer, born 22 September 1942; died 19 January 2024
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webslingingslasher · 7 days
okay, so for some context, i'm a freshman in college and he's a sophomore. we're both in band and we were in a play together. i play trombone and he is a field commander (if you don't know what that is, it's basically a person who stands on a podium when we play and conducts, they also lead the band when we march)
-during a rehearsal for the play, we had some downtime and the director let people leave while she worked with some other people. i decided to stick around cause i didn't feel like wasting gas, but he went with one of his friends to go get food. i was sitting at the back of the theatre by myself on my phone, completely oblivious to my surroundings and he walks by and says hi. not a big deal. i felt bad cause he said it in passing and i didn't respond cause by the time i processed it he had already walked away
-i missed a rehearsal and the director wanted to review some blocking and he realized i was confused. im not friends with many people that were in the show and i get uncomfortable asking for help. he said "i got you" and he went over everything with me
-when band camp started, that's when my feelings really started to dig in. i wore sunglasses a lot so i would look at him without turning my head and frequently (especially when we were on the field going through sets) i'd see him looking in my direction. sometimes he had sunglasses on though so i can't tell for sure if he was looking at me
-to back up the last point, during the last game i put on sunglasses and looked at him almost the whole time while we were in the stands. he wasn't wearing his sunglasses because he was down below and the box blocked the sun, and i kept seeing him look at me and at one point we literally made eye contact for a solid 30 seconds (idk if he knew we were making eye contact or not)
-also we're both in orchestra and sometimes i'll glance at him and see him looking at me
-we were walking over to the field to get ready for halftime and he walked right next to me the whole time, but he didn't talk to me
-my section (low brass) has our own shirts, and our names our on the back. we were hanging out before getting ready for a game, and he walked up to my section leader who was wearing the shirt and started to trace our names with his finger. when he got to my name, he stopped and stroked my section leader's back
-during band camp and band rehearsals, we sometimes split off into sectionals (where you go and practice your songs with your section) and he almost always comes and hangs out with us when he's supposed to walk around and check on all of the sections
-one day in sectionals he had this thing he wanted the trombones to add in to our fight song (i don't remember what it was) and he asked to borrow someone's sheet music and i gave him mine. he flipped through my flip folder and complimented me for having all of my music in order. a bit later, he was struggling to find a video of what he wanted us to add and he apologized specifically to me, nobody else
-i was auditioning for the fall play and as i was walking out to wait for my next reading, he walked in and said good luck to me. just me. even though he was friends with the other people that were in my group.
i think it's worth mentioning that there's this one girl who plays clarinet and is a junior that he's close with but idk if they're dating or just friends. this is her first year in band and she said that she joined because of him. may or may not have stalked both of their instagrams to see if they were dating... didn't see any signs of it but that doesn't mean anything
also i'm so sorry for making this so long
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apureniallsource · 1 year
Ahead of new album, The Show, Niall Horan on how he 'lives' for touring, his desire to connect with fans through his songs, and the challenge of going out for chips in his Irish hometown
It’s almost a cliché to call Niall Horan a “super-nice guy”, but really, there’s no getting away from it. He may have named his new album The Show, but Horan feels no need to put one on for a journalist. In fact, the Irish singer-songwriter is so laid-back and likeable when we meet at a smart London hotel – fresh flowers everywhere, bottled water waiting on the table – that I ask how he’s stayed so well-adjusted. “It’s probably a combination of the upbringing I had and the fact I already had enough character at 16 [to deal with it],” he says. “It might have been a different story if I’d started doing this when I was 10.”
Now 29, he has been scarily famous for almost half his life. After auditioning for The X Factor in 2010 as a solo artist, 16-year-old Horan was eliminated at the boot camp stage, then given a spectacular second chance as one fifth of a hastily assembled group called One Direction. He and his new bandmates – Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson – didn’t win that year’s show, but still used it as a springboard to become a chart-topping global phenomenon. By the time One Direction announced an indefinite hiatus in January 2016, they had sold 70 million records and debuted at number one in the US with their first four albums – something not even The Beatles achieved. When asked what he would say to his pre-1D, 16-year-old self, Horan replies: “Get ready. Your life’s about to change on a level that most of the world can’t even quantify.”
Horan says he still speaks to “the lads” on a regular basis, but like all of them, he has worked hard to carve out an identity as a solo artist. If Horan’s individual achievements still feel slightly underrated, that’s probably only because his flashier bandmate Styles is now a stadium-filling superstar. Released in 2017, Horan’s debut album Flicker was a deft blend of soft rock, folk and country that debuted at number one in the US and Ireland. His 2020 follow-up Heartbreak Weather added a dash of swagger to the mix – particularly on the Brit-poppy single ‘Nice to Meet Ya’ – and became his first UK chart-topper. Because it dropped in March 2020, just as Covid-19 was taking hold, Horan never got to take the album on the road. “I haven’t toured since 2018 – that’s wild,” he says. “I love live music and I love touring – I live for it. So, it’s sad that I haven’t done that.”
Happily, a few weeks after this interview, Horan announced The Show: Live on Tour, a 50-date trek across Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand that will keep him busy from February to July of next year. When Horan last toured five years ago, he mainly played large theatres, but now he is aiming to pack out arenas from Birmingham to Brisbane. During our conversation, he hinted that he was ready for the step up. “In my eyes, the bigger the venue, the better, because I fucking love looking out at an ocean of people,” he says. “For me, it feels like the bigger the venue, the better the show is gonna be.”
Horan also makes no bones about wanting The Show to become another UK number one after it drops on 9 June. “There’s nothing better than getting that little statue sent to your house,” he says with an impish grin. At the time of writing, he seems well on course for another express delivery from the Official Charts Company. The album’s breezy lead single ‘Heaven’ cracked the UK Top 20 in February, and its sprightly follow-up ‘Meltdown’ is now climbing the charts. A few hours before this interview, I watch him perform both songs in the Radio 1 Live Lounge. Horan is just as relaxed with his band during rehearsals, but when he spots that his vocals are getting buried in the mix, he quickly and calmly gets it corrected.
Horan began working on ‘The Show’ while holed up at home during the summer of 2020. The album title had come to him earlier in the year, but he “didn’t really know what it meant until the pandemic”. When he sat down at the piano that August, the lyrics that came out seemed to capture the confusion of the Covid era: “If everything was easy, nothing ever broke / If everything was simple, how would we know? / How to fix your tears? How to fake a show?” At this point, Horan says he realised ‘The Show’ was both “a metaphor for life” and an overarching concept he could run with. “When there’s no heartbreak [to write about], you have to come up with a different concept,” he says. “I realised quite quickly that what I wanted to talk about was the ups and downs and good and bad of life. That’s ‘The Show’.”
Having “no heartbreak” is about as much as Horan will say about his personal life. “Keeping that stuff quiet”, he believes, is one reason he remains so grounded. Since 2020, he has been dating Amelia Woolley, a designer shoe buyer who never appears on his work-focused Instagram. But when we discuss ‘You Could Start a Cult’, an idiosyncratic folk ballad from the album, Horan does offer a teasing glimpse into their home life. He says the song’s eye-catching title was inspired by the true-crime series they like watching. “I always try and write weird stuff like that, then see if I can flip it on its head and make the song [itself] not as dark as the title,” he says. In this case, Horan flipped it into a “love song, effectively”, albeit an intense one. “It’s about… not the desperation feeling, but the ‘I think you’re the best fucking thing in the world’ feeling,” he explains. “And if you started a cult, I’d follow you into the fire. You know, that kind of angst, though I don’t know if ‘angst’ is the word I’m looking for!”
Horan spends a lot of time in LA because his record label and producers are based there. His main collaborators on The Show were Joel Little, who he brought in because he liked his work with Taylor Swift, indie artist Noah Kahan, and long-time co-writer John Ryan, a veteran of four One Direction albums. “I think it’s really important first of all to be loyal,” he says of his enduring partnership with Ryan. “And you know, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” Still, working with Little felt just as comfortable, partly because they could pick things up at a moment’s notice. “If I get the green light at the top of my street [in LA], I can be at Joel’s house in less than a minute,” Horan says. “It’s a fucking dream!”
But during the pandemic, Horan was grounded at his main base in southwest London. “I’ve never been fitter in my life because I was cycling 80 or 90 miles around Richmond Park every week – it’s gorgeous out there,” he recalls. Like many of us, Horan has conflicting feelings about the way Covid placed our lives on hold. “I don’t want to say I enjoyed it because I didn’t – it was such a horrible time,” he says. “But I got to a point about two or three months in, where I was like: ‘This is the longest I’ve ever had off.’ He particularly appreciated having to stay in one place for a sustained period of time. “Normally, I’m packing a suitcase every three or four days,” he says. “At Heathrow Airport, the guards at the [security] desk just laugh when they see me coming. They’re like, ‘How do you do this?’”
Having lived in London since he was 16, Horan says “it’s definitely the best city on the planet”. But at the same time, he still regards Mullingar, the Irish market town where he was born and raised, as home. His debut solo single ‘This Town’, a UK top 10 hit in 2016, was incredibly charming because it harnessed his ineffable longing for the place. Horan reckons he returns to Mullingar “seven or eight times a year”, although walking down the high street is pretty tricky. “I can’t just pull up outside the chip shop, run in and get the chips, then run back to the car,” he says. “Everything has to be thought through. Like, where am I going to park? How many streets am I going to have to cross? What am I going to wear?” Horan says all this with no hint of frustration: by now, he knows what is expected of a homecoming hero.
Horan knew he wanted to be a musician from a young age and says he “tried to make this as clear as possible” to his parents. They were “supportive up to a point”, but because the family didn’t have much money and Mullingar wasn’t a creative hub like Dublin, his mother urged him to “get some sort of qualification”. “I still don’t have any,” Horan says with a laugh, “I didn’t do GCSEs or anything like that because I didn’t finish school.” At 16, Horan made the 50-mile journey to Dublin to audition for The X Factor and grabbed hold of the One Direction rocket with both hands.
Did his parents come up with any ideas for a Plan B? “We didn’t get that far. Honestly, I just packed my bag and never came back – that’s the way they look at it,” says Horan. “My father worked in Tesco for 35 years and my mother worked at a pewter genesis company making little bits and pieces – clocks and things like that. They both had very regular jobs.” Horan notes astutely that some kids from a working-class background “like to spread their wings and leave the nest” – as he did, quite spectacularly – whereas others “like to stay in their hometown, or maybe can’t get out”. Horan pauses for a second, perhaps to ponder what might have been. “I don’t know what they would have wanted me to do, but I’m sure it would have been a good life,” he continues. “Like, my parents are having a good time.”
Thirteen years after he left to become a pop star, Horan’s own ambition remains undimmed. “I’ve achieved a lot in my young life, but I’m still fired up to do as much as I can,” he says. “My career has felt so good because it reminds me of everything I thought the music industry would be when I was a kid. I got the good end of the stick [in terms of] travelling the world and playing to millions. And I still want more of that.”
For this reason, the audience is always at the forefront of his mind. “When I’m writing, I ask myself, ‘Have I gone too specific to the point where it only makes sense to me?’” he says. “And then I try and broaden the thought to make it as relatable as possible.” ‘Never Grow Up’ from Horan’s new album was partly inspired by his girlfriend’s parents, who are “still madly in love”, but its lyrics will chime with One Direction fans who, like him, are close to turning 30. “Hope we still drink like we’re back in the pub,” Horan sings. “Hope we grow old, but we never grow up.”
In Horan’s eyes, the songs that fully stand the test of time – from Simon and Garfunkel to Whitney Houston and Adele – are “the ones that really mean a lot to the people”. It’s this kind of universal connection that he is always striving for. “These are the things that go on in my head when I’m writing,” he says. “I don’t want to alienate anyone, and I don’t want to be introspective to the point where I ruin it for everyone. So, if they can connect to it too, then we all get what we want out of this.”
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finisconoratopus · 2 months
Ancient Greek Summer School: III
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So, I woke up at a reasonable time (6:30) and showered. When I went to breakfast, it was still quiet everywhere, and not many people were around, but once the dining hall was open that changed. I had the same breakfast as the day before, and spoke to my friends about their auditioning for the comedy play (they got in as minor roles with no speaking, which was what they wanted).
After breakfast, we had our first lesson of the day, where we took our vocab test, and I got 19/20, which I was happy with because the one that I got wrong was to no fault of my own. (τίς or τί).
At our coffee break, we had a couple of translations to do before the next lesson, and so we worked on those together. I spoke to a girl in the intermediate that I knew from school, she being the year above me, and we caught up about our plans. I always think that she doesn't like me. Then, her friend came over, and our two groups worked alongside each other.
In session two, we went over some more translations and more things, but I'm struggling to remember what happens each day, honestly.
Once again, we sat outside for lunch as it is far, far nicer. I had a pasta salad which I enjoyed. I had to go and buy more flashcards so that I could make my flashcards for the vocab test the next morning. I helped my partner with the definite articles.
At quarter to two, we had a seminar about Herodotus and Persia, which was very interesting and I learned a lot from.
Then, my friends and I went to the library for a few hours to study together some more, where I focused mostly on preparing for our tests coming up tomorrow. We stayed there until tea at 4pm.
Things continued as normal through tea time, really. Can't believe we have scheduled tea time.
At dinner, we talked and ate outside once more. I had a risotto with salad, and it was nice once again to talk to everybody and catch up with people.
With dinner over, we went and sat on the terrace looking over the tennis courts and fountain doing more greek, testing each other on vocab and conjugation orders while chatting in between. We were there until about 9:30. It was warm all evening, as it had been about 31°C in the day. Also, we talked about the things wrong with myth retellings and accessibility. My partner walked around the fountain reciting flashcards of the definite articles. One person left, and so we decided to see if we could find the theatre, which we did! That was a nice adventure.
Then we all went back to our houses. I nearly fell asleep doing my homework, but it did get done, and I went to sleep at about 11:30.
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