#also I hate half the fucking movies 💕💕💕
slommyyyy · 2 years
i love being the most annoyingest little bitch is the whole wide world. roots of social systems and superhero media and literary analysis special interests all intersect to me being a fucking buzzkill. yessss I looove this movie do you want to talk about how upon further analysis it’s military propaganda and how not being critical of the media you consume can be really harmful *twirling my hair and visibly having an adrenaline rush*
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evansbby · 2 years
Question for Poyt Steve.
I know this is nothing like omega, but how would Steve react if she tried to wrestle with him.
Would he react all smug and tell her to knock it off before she regrets her words.
Or play along with her as he knows the outcome of thier little game.
Anywho! I love you and the way you write! Plsass never stop writing!
Why is this the cutest thought ever??? I can’t get enough of these two, I want them in any and every cute scenario ever!! 💕💕😩😩
So, it would be super OOC for omega to want to wrestle Steve. I mean, she’s too shy to even talk to him properly half the time😩 also, she’s not stupid and she knows that she could never beat him at anything physical😌 but let’s say one day, poyt!Steve is watching wrestling on TV and he gets a depraved idea 😏😏😏😏
He calls omega over and of course she comes immediately (she was in the kitchen, baking cookies bc she is trying to perfect her cookie recipe bc she’s compiling a little recipe book secretly except she wants no one to know this bc she’s shy and insecure about her abilities and thinks it’s not good enough😩) ANYWAYS, Steve calls her over and she comes in her little cherry print apron and Steve gets hard immediately😌
Steve’s like, “baby, let’s play a game😈” and omega is like 😕😕 bc she knows Steve’s “games” usually end in him railing tf out of her. And Steve’s like, “let’s play wrestling. If I win, you give me something I want, and if you win… I’ll give you anything you want.” And omega’s like, “b-but I’ll lose😔” and Steve’s like “don’t be so pessimistic baby.”
And of course Steve gets what he wants and he figures this is an easy way to maul her around and mess with her (somehow make her cry bc that gets him hard too). He also likes how weak, docile and submissive she is with him, that makes him hard too. And he easily pins her, laughing all like “c’mon omega, try harder. Isn’t there something you’d really want me to do for you if you win?“
(And omega can’t help but think that if she wins, maybe she’d ask Steve for a bubble bath and a cuddle, maybe a movie and a quiet night in that doesn’t end in sex. Or maybe she’ll ask to be excused from cooking him dinner tonight since she’s already kind of tired from all the baking? She knows she’ll never win and she’s too shy to ask him for all this anyways, but a girl can dream, right?)
Anyways, back to the wrestling. Steve basically commands omega to try harder and she really doesn’t want to bc she’s not violent and she hates the thought of hurting him (as if she ever could). Anyways, the wrestling itself is kind of funny, just them rolling around and omega giggles and Steve even lets out a snort of amused laughter bc his omega is really so fucking cute when she’s play wrestling
BUT ANYWAYS as an omega she’s actually quite quick so she manages to wriggle out of his grasp and dodge him at one point and Steve is like !!!!! And then Steve gets… weirdly competitive and actually grabs her and throws her on the bed really hard and she’s all like ow!! 🤕😣😩 bc her arm twists 😔😔😔 and she’s a baby when it comes to pain so she starts crying bc it hurts!!! And Steve is like… half kind of feeling bad for accidentally twisting her arm and half turned on as fuck bc she looks hot when she’s helplessly crying.
Guess which feeling of his wins out? 😅😅😅
He ends up fucking her hard then and there. But he babies her extra extra extra afterwards. Like, condescending babying and he actually does draw them both a warm bath as a form of ultra rare poyt!Steve aftercare! So omega kind of gets what she wants… 😌😩
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tortoisebore · 1 year
How would wolfstar act during Barbenheimer? Who wants to see what? How are they dressed?
EEEEEEE i am ALWAYS doing these ALWAYS i love them so much 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 ((i have some unanswered ones in my inbox i promise im getting to don’t worry 💕💓💞💖))
okay first off we’ve established that they’re both insufferable wanna-be film critics & everyone hates them for it. so keep that in the background. they’re annoying as hell.
so they get wind of oppenheimer first. the teaser plays at a midnight screening of “nope” ((sirius is a jordan peele stan)) and it’s just a bunch of fire and black and white shots of cillian murphy so they’re both like “🙂 huh okay fun.” but then christopher nolan’s name is on the screen and sirius is nearly flying out of his seat bc he’s potentially the world’s biggest chris nolan stan. and he’s hitting remus on the arm and he’s all “👹 FUC K! !!!” and remus is like “oh good another nolan movie that’ll be fun love that” and enduring sirius’ semi-quiet fangirl moment but then he catches on to what the trailer is actually about and “oppenheimer” comes on the end card and then he’s ALSO having a freakout moment & he’s all “oh fuck 😧😧😧 oh fuck it’s oppenheimer 🫢 oh fuck 😵 oh fuck cheistopher nolan’s doing oppenheimer 😵‍💫😵‍ oh god.”
so for the next couple of months they’re both telling all their friends “yes so we’ve heard the inside scoop about nolan’s new film, very ambitious, word on the street is that it’s all practical & the b*mb isn’t CGI” and “did u know that christopher nolan himself created an atom b*mb on set to 1/36th scale” like they’re just making shit up from these random reddit threads & illegitimate news sites and everyone’s like “yeah great okay sure no one cares 🙄”
but then fall rolls around & remus overhears someone on the actual street talking on the phone about a barbie movie. and he does a little google and there it is, greta gerwig is doing a barbie movie with margot robbie, and holy shit sirius is going to freak ((he’s also a greta gerwig stan, they both are, obvi. sirius’ favorite of hers is ladybird and remus’ fav is little women, also obvi)). remus makes the mistake of sending sirius the article ab the movie in a text instead of in person where he could have done some damage control and he immediately gets a facetime where sirius just screeches at him for a good three and a half minutes before a single coherent word comes out of his mouth. so yes, he���s very excited for barbie, and remus is excited for greta gerwig to make everyone cry over a doll.
so they know about the movies separately and then the barbenheimer phenomenon takes over, and they become aware that not only are both movies coming out in july, they’re coming out on the same fucking day. and when they find this out they’re at home on separate sides of the apartment and marlene texts in the gc like “are we doing barbenheimer weekend orrrr” and they both take a minute to catch up but then they’re meeting in the living room like WHATTTTT😵😵😵😵😵😵
they plan a whole weekend. on saturday morning remus gets up early and makes waffles in the heart-shaped waffle maker sirius found months ago specifically for barbenheimer weekend breakfast and even puts red food coloring in the batter so they’re pink hearts with whipped cream and cherries to top it all off. and they do black coffee to drink because it gives oppenheimer vibes & they couldn’t think of anything else appetizing to go with it in a breakfast scenario.
they’re going comfort over style for the premiere bc they’re ab to be at the theater for like seven or eight hours, but sirius is wearing a hot pink malibu barbie baby tee for the occasion. remus is ✨not✨ wearing hot pink bc he’s a ✨warm autumn✨ & it’s ✨not✨ his color but he made sure sirius took one of his sweaters bc he always gets cold at movies and complains he’s freezing until remus gives him his own & that is “not happening this time, sirius, get your own fucking sweater.”
they’re doing barbie first. they got the tickets the second they went on sale, two seats in the middle of the row ⅔ of the way back into the theater bc that’s where sound designers sit for screenings & it’s a perfect view. they get their giant sodas and a big popcorn to share, plus some m&ms they snuck in to do an m&m/popcorn mix ((god tier movie snack fr)). they’re enraptured from the very first scene. giant barbie on a desert background. barbieland. the dream house. ryan gosling. all of it. it’s a masterpiece. they both cry at the end & they’re caught off guard bc wtf this wasn’t supposed to be about mothers??? what the hell???
they have a forty-five minute break between movies where they recover in the lobby for a while & refill the popcorn, but they’re getting one water bottle to share this time bc bathroom breaks are not an option & oppenheimer has like a three and a half hour fucking runtime. like they’re doing bathroom breaks twenty seconds before the movie starts bc missing part of this film would actually destroy them psychologically
they do it in IMAX, obvi, ⅔ back in the middle of the row. it’s an out of body experience. they don’t speak or move the entire time. they don’t speak or move while the credits play. they leave the theater in silence. they go home and sit on the couch and stare at the wall and remus goes “we……we should have seen barbie last.” and then they both look at each other like 😐👀? and then they’re getting up and rushing back to the theater and seeing barbie again
the next day they’re getting together with all their friends to do barbenheimer day 2 and trying not to spoil it but they’ve already talked to each other about the individual movies too much, like they laid in bed and talked about the fucking movies like idiots for multiple hours, so they need new feedback to talk over & correct everyone’s wrong opinions
and like obviously everyone hates them
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saemi-the-dreamer · 4 months
For the ask meme, Emma /Knightley from Jane Austen's Emma or you'd rather/ if you haven't read Emma, Elinor/Edward from Sense and Sensibility) and Damon Gant/Manfred von Karma from Ace Attorney?
Thanks for asking! 💕
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Emma /Knightley
Ship It? Yes!
What made you ship it?
I admit that I wasn't especially rooting/shipping them while I read the book the first time, even if I didn't hate it! I was re-reading it after watching the 1996 series (that and the 1996 TV movie are the only adaptations I've watched entirely) and the ship seemed more natural years later. It's been a while, so I'm sorry for not being able to go into too much detail. Still, something I really love about how these two are portrayed is how the two can be honest and call each other out when needed (thinking about the "Badly done, Emma!" scene) without having the other overreacting or turning into a huge, unnecessary drama, on the contrary, they stop and think about their own behaviour. It's so important, especially in Emma, the heroine gets a pass for a good half of the story, nobody except Knightley argues with her, so for all this time she doesn't take him as seriously as she should, and is even smug when she sees that Harriet followed her advice whereas Robert didn't listen to Knightley's (which wasn't even the point of Knightley's frustration btw).
I guess that I like the dynamic where an overconfident character gets paired up with another who doesn't hesitate to call them on their bullshit, and who is their equal? xD Plus, I recall that Knightley's confession was very poignant... I need to re-read it!!
What are your favourite things about the ship?
Since Emma is not my favourite Jane Austen story, and I only learnt to really appreciate it later and I require re-read it, I can't say for sure. I'd say that I really like how the two have known each other forever - literally, Knightley held Emma in his arms when she was a baby! Talk about a "slow burn"! It's interesting to imagine how the two went through so many stages of life together, saw each other grow and mature, how the way they looked at one another shifted, and how their feelings changed and they could hardly help it. There's something quite natural in this that I like.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The age gap isn't that bad, especially in context! Or more unpopular I guess: the story didn't need to be "modernised" for today's audience (looking at the 2020 adaptation). For fuck's sake, can't people just accept that things were different back then?! And still be able to say "I'm letting it slide because of context, it's fictional and it works here (❤️) but I wouldn't accept it in real life.". I don't like that they made Knightley younger, and changed the dynamic with Emma that much (from what I've seen), it was unnecessary and just to cater to some holier-than-thous. They could have kept an older Knightley and added some scenes to show his softer, more vulnerable side.
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Ship It? Yes!
What made you ship it?
The fandom made me! 😂
After finishing the first Ace Attorney (the version with "Rise from the Ashes" of course) I went and browsed the internet to find some art and fanfics, and then I discovered the Kink Meme. It's there that I've stumbled upon the pairing. There was also some pretty fanart of them, younger, investigating together. I started to really like the idea of them being both old colleagues (and lovers, having a torrid affair in Gant's office 🤣).
What are your favourite things about the ship?
The potential for two dynamics:
A) an "evil" power couple, with the two just being unapologetic, ambitious, ruthless men. And these two keep bickering like an old couple, and it's a mess of arguments and make-up sex, the two manically laughing as they tempered evidence, etc. (okay, I know I'm going overbroad here, I'm kidding! xD )
B) "We're both disillusioned by a corrupted system, at first we really wanted to make it honestly, then we started getting our hands dirty and now we can't go back or stop. We're colleagues, partners in crime, weird friends... sometimes lovers. We're both messed up, but we don't care anymore, as long as we achieve our goals and have each other."
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Since I mostly low-key ship them and haven't found that many stories about them, I don't think I have one? Otherwise, it's more an unpopular opinion about each one of them, not the pairing?
I'd say that I don't believe either of them ever sexually harassed or "seduced" Miles......................... 😒
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coldabest · 2 years
I'm bored, so I'm gonna talk about Nina, because Nina, and Nina, just Nina.
Headcanons, my universe if you will.
Nina Hopkins, Nina the killer, Nina's the best...anyway, headcanon time!!!
- She was a top student at her school, she is highly intelligent, but can easily be emotionally vunerable.
- Nina has dated a few guys in her life, and hated all of them. One guy is called Brent, another Justin, and the last is West...like the direction...no, they aren't all bad, she just hates them for very specific reasons.
- Closeted Bisexual queen 💕💖💝🫶💞
- I'm not gonna stress this enough...Latina headcanon >>
- She's that kind of person that could easily just speak the languages she knows like everyone else, but she actually has taken classes to perfect all of them because she can.
- She hates her weird Harry Potter phase, and her 2014 Justin Bieber phase.
- If you mention Nina's Justin Bieber phase, she will walk to her room in shame. However, if you mention the Harry Potter phase, she'll start making up hella excuses as to why it didn't exist.
- She is a DC kind of girl, but only for that sweet ship of two powerful bisexual women being badasses...yes, I'm referring to Harlivy.
- She's slowly ascending past the idea of Jeff, because she's been watching every single piece of Harley Quinn related media recently, and now she's trying to be more obsessed with fiction than an ignorant guy.
- Her and RN (Revamped Nina, her twin in this because I love both of them) like to watch fucked up documentaries at any time of the day. Liu is usually the one to watch them with RN, but Nina has joined more recently.
- She finds EJ hella weird for existing, mainly because he acts very demonic in this universe.
- Nobody can top her friendship with Jane the killer.
- Her favorite childhood shows/movies/series were Curious George, SpongeBob, Addams Family, and Nightmare on Elm Street...idk why I put that last one.
- Her skin has slowly started coming back from the entire bright white skin shit she formed during her extreme obsession over Jeff, and she's trying to fix anything she did to look like him, not fixing her beautiful blue eyes of course. 💕
- She has dyed and cut her hair a lot tryna figure out what she wants, and eventually settled for regular black hair with a beautiful pinkish purple inside like one of those satisfying hair transformations you find on the internet. I have to find it and show you guys, it's cool asf.
- Her and RN were and still are friends with Jane, which also connects to their friendship with Liu and Jeff, though they all have lower expectations of Jeff as of the present.
- She has a pet Parrot for shits and giggles, a pet Ferret because she can, and a pet Black Panther for emotional support and as an animal bestie. Yes, Slender somehow allows this in my universe...he doesn't favorite her, but she is up there on the list enough for him to trust her decision. The parrot is Olive, the Ferret is Slinky, and the Black Panther is Alexander.
- She hates the unwanted living disgusting, sexual representation of one I do not wish to name, but I think you can understand at least one character I'm referring to.
- She dislikes Jeff, and Sully.
- She's neutral with EJ, and Zalgo.
- She likes Liu, Slenderman, Trenderman, Splendorman, and Sally.
- She loves RN, Jane, and her pets.
- She is a great chef, but hated cooking, baking, and grilling after one accident where Jeff pour gasoline on the grill because someone put it in the barbecue sauce container...that was EJ...or Eyeless Jack. She now has massive trust issues.
I'll stop typing for now, but that's like half my list I think.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Howl’s Moving Castle Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Wench’s Note: the first half of this was reacting to the original.  About halfway through, we switched to the English dub.  We didn’t mark it though, so… fun ‘lil guessing game :)
Second Wench's Note: Also, the book comes up quite a bit and, while I've read the book before, it was a longggg time ago. If there are any false statements... apologies. Feel free to let me know (politely)!
– – –
Welp… Title already makes sense
Mood lady! I hate hats  *sigh*  I don’t have the right head shape
She just looks so grumpy
How did she not see that guard to begin with?  
Oh shit blobs!  Tf?
Oooo he flies
Ye this is normal… Just walking on air… As one does
No– No one– NO ONE SAW THIS???  Like… THEY WERE JUST FLYING  [He probably has some kind of glamor up tbf.  Or he just… Doesn't care.]   ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [He's a bit of a show-off, tbh]  I would be too tbf if I could just fecking fly
The fucking men just be popping up everywhere
Blobssss  [Blobs]
Wait she’s the old lady right?  [Ma'am, I say nada]
Le gasp
Well… damn
I feel ya, Sophie, I feellll yaaaaa
She is handling this…. Surprisingly well  [Perks of magical realism, tbh; they know wizards exist, and they know abt the witch, and-]  Fair!
Oh noooo!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ A 90 year old … You don’t say
Poor Sophie 🥺🥺🥺
MOOOOD SOPHIE!!!  ISS ME. And my kids are the witch 😭 they made me old
Ma’am… you’re old. Maybe hiking a mountain is not a good idea  [She gotta go on her trademark Studio Ghibli quest]
Le gasp! A scurrrcrow
[Did you see what he's carrying]  Well damn 🥺  [Man Scarecrow brought her a cane]  That’s wholesome
“Can you bring me a house…” And he left… Scarecrow: I gotchu ol lady
[He knows where to find her one… He done brought her a house]  😭😭😭
Oh, or not 🤣
Jumppppp Sophie
[Turnip-Head brought her her shawl :)]  💕💕💕 I love him  [You gonna love the next anthropomorphic being more]
Ooooo I see fire 🙂
[In case this hasn't registered, btw... she just invaded a wizard's home.  His very feared castle.  And sat down.  And stoked the fire.]  ☠️☠️☠️ Fair
Calcifer! (Casifer 🤔😂)
Ooop she ded  [This really is you… She fell asleep mid-conversation]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  MOOOD SOPHIEEEEE!  I feel ya boo! I feel ya
Ooooo that noooseee
A child 
I sat down and cracked like that ☠️☠️☠️ I feel like I’m resonating with this movie in the wrong way 😭☠️🤣  [Then the moral will resonate too]  I even have a shawl like that ☠️ [That... is not the moral]
So they are afraid of him but he’s not bad  [They are afraid of the Wizard Howl, yes.  BUT.  As I think is clear, they're not clear on who, exactly, Howl is]  Ahhh! I see.  Makes sense  [If you saw, Markl just answered messages for both Wizards Jenkins and Pendragon]
Giant house comes creeping down the road… I’d be scurrrd too… but I’m guessing a bit thing is not to judge by appearances
Oh damn
[Pay attention to Calcifer being cute]  I’m a DeMon…
The kids like… shit all I had to do was lay a pan on him
[Calcifer monch on eggshells :)]  THE NOISEEEE  💕💕💕💕😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣  Meh oi eh
Imma eat my steak like that! If I stop responding … Hubby killed me (Kidding)
[Did I mention Sophie is just amazing?  She legit just invaded a scary wizard's house... and told him it was filthy... to his face]  ☠️☠️☠️🤣🤣🤣  Very true
Just know! Now my husband’s gonna expect me to watch anime in… not English… with him. And I full blame you 😤  [GOOD]  My brain be struggling to do it all [Get good]
Ancient sorcery! The worst kind
[Calcifer get bacon :)]  Me meh mi meh
[Dang, Sophie, be nice.  Calcifer told you that you couldn't talk about it alksdfj]  Women! They never listen 🤣
Oh shit! Ok lady strength
["A witch rages within"  Poor Calcifer :(]  Poor Calcifer indeed
He fly again
Markl’s too cute  [Buddy, whatchu hiding?]  Also true
Uh oh.  He ain’t there to not let her get carried away
[He's so cute :)]
SCARECROW  [He's called Turnip, the Turnip-Head actually. According to Sophie.]
BRUH That seems not sturdy  [Ma'am, stop overthinking the magical castle]  Shhhh  [No]
Ahhh I seee
🥺🥺🥺  Wench this better have a happy ending ‘cause, minus the curse, it’s too happy  [Hmph.  I say nothing]  *opens google* try me Wench  [You can't multitask that much and we both know it]  *tells husband to open google* TRY ME — er, US — Wench
[Literally as we speak, you're missing that Howl is a bird]  Oh shit!  Howl is a bird!  [alkdsfjlakdf no shit]
Oh them toes
There is so much 😭😮‍💨  Sooo much happening
[You don't seem to have caught that she was young again]  I– I didn’t 😭  Is she young when she sleeps?  [She was young when he checked on her as she slept, yes.]  Bruh the witch is a biiiiitch! What kinda curse is thatttt  [I didn't say what was going on; I said it was what happened.  Shush and watch]
BLOB  [Blob]  BLOB
“AHHHHH!!!”  [You remember your prediction about Markl not paying attention when she went cleaning?]  YES- OH NOOOOO  [There ya go… I love this lil drama queen]
P- poor ☠️☠️☠️ poor howl  [And btw… when I say drama queen… ]  Buddy  [...I mean DRAMA QUEEN]  Budddy!!!!  [Man's calling on the Spirits of Darkness because of his hair dye]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  ACk
Oooop- she’s looking younger! SO CONFUSING
[Turnip-Head brought her an umbrellaaaaaaa]
BUDDDY  [Did I mention “drama queen”?] 
Ah the rain too
Booty ☠️  [Ma'am, mind out of the gutter]  It wasn’t in the gutter.  It was on the screennnn!  [Bitch-]
[His room be prettyyyyy]  It issss.  It’s a lot though
[btw, this is the English dub for that conversation: (Sophie): "Howl, why is the Witch of the Waste trying to hunt you down?" (Howl): "She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her.  Then I realied she wasn’t, so, as usual, I ran away." For information purposes]
Hmmm, the sigh
[His hair is magical]  *Simultaneously* His hairrrr tho  [I want it]
THE FUCK IS THIS DOG?!?!  [I say nothingggg]  Full Metal Alchemist vibessss
["Thanks to him, I've become a cleaning lady"  Bitch, that was either the Witch's fault or your own decision; you just kinda... announced it to Howl]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Right?!
Blobbbssss  [Blobs go bye-bye]  Blobs blobbed
Poor dog [*simultaneously* Poor pupper]  Is struggling  [SBC]  He’s like halpppp
Tf [Who carries a dog like that tho 😭]
The guardsss
I’m dying.  Well, actually THEY are dying.  Im laughing.  
That’s just not normal
That would be me tho… Im tired for them  *sigh*
[Ma'am be lying to the Witch of the Wastes]
Ooooooof  [Feels bad.  Like... she's awful but also :(]
She is saying she is his mother? …  [Yeah, that's their strategy.  Well, Howl's strategy]  Ackles movie vibessss  [Ma'am, shush]  I can’t think of the name  [Devour.  But also no]  My brain has too many tabs open
Well damn  [:(]
[Sophie is awesome]  YESSS  [The pupper's eyes tho alkdsjf]
She be getting younger  
Ooop- Fangirl  [The Witch is also pathetically adorable alksdjf]
Oooop I might understand the curse now
[Oof- That bluff went badly]  ☠️☠️
WHATS HAPPENING!  [That was the King.  The current plotline is that the King is demanding Howl (as Howl, as Jenkins, and as Pendragon) report for, essentially, a magical draft to fight in the war.  (This is magical realism, so magic is kinda commonplace.)  The first version of the King has been revealed to be Howl trying to bluff his way out of the war without breaking his oath to report when needed.  This got broken because a) she knew who he was already but b) the real King walked in and was like.  Hey.  Good?]  Yes! 🙂 thank you lool!
The dark hair’s nice tho  [I knowwwwww]  Noooo the witch ☠️☠️
This shit is crazyyyyyy  [Welcome to Studio Ghibli]  Fucking animeeeeee  [I'm now making you watch Spirited Away btw]
[Parallels to their first meetinggggg]  True lol
Ooooo scurrryy
They fly  [Many times]
Dog said he's out too
Oooo such a scurry demon... gets summoned with the heart  [OH SHIT THE MEANING TO THAT!!!  I'll explain later]
The fucking witch in the back thooo…  Just smiles
Ma'am, you know she's not his mom... stahp  [You really were scarred by Devour, huh?]  Yes
[They destroying his door :(]
[Markllllll  He’s so cute]
Bruh [Poor Calcifer :(]  The house just ate them.  I’m ded
That’s adorable…  Also, she younger!   Not young, but younger
So, is emotion a factor?
Ooooop-  She very young.  [Yup, even when awake]  She young and he's a bird… Ladyhawke vibes
🥺  [He has a nest]
[BRUH LKDSJF;LAKDSJF THAT WAS BATMAN.  Like, I knew English version was Christian Bale, but that was Batman]  It is loool… except bird man
Wait, Calcifer sounds familiar too  [He's Mike Wazowski, I think.  iirc]  Le gasp!
Double le gasp!  My emojis!  I cannot use them!
The- The house.  Has.  A tongue.
[BRUH THE MEANING!  Okay, I’ll explain shit later.]
So is she just.... good now?  [Her deal with the demon possessing her was broken… So kinda]  Ahhh
Sir!  He's so happy!  [I love him in this scene.  He's pretty :)]
THIS!  I love this scene! 
Well damn
But also like… If the witch that cursed Sophie is now kinda irrelevant, how does the curse get broken?
[He made her her own shop :)]
Ooop- The voice changes are giving me whiplash  [It's helping you keep track of her age tho]
And young again
Kay 😍
His fucking hair length changes as much as her voice.  And appearance  [IT'S ALL MAGIC; JUST SHUSH]
[This be concerning buddy.  It feels like giving away your possessionssss]  😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢  (I found the emojis)  [Did I mention that all of my faves are apparently concerningly risky with themselves]  Maam your type... is concerning  [Shhhh.  I'm sure it doesn't mean anything]  Mhhmmmn
[Howl, buddy.  You won't fight in the war, but you just... fought in the war.]
Tf???  Flying tadpoles  [The entities in these films are awesomely weird okay?  Like These Dudes (below)]  Awwwwww
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Sophie, why are you pedaling, ma’am
[ALSKDJF;LSAKFDJ THE MEANING!!!  Remind me to explain]  Ok lol
She gonna die… She's become too likable.  *Sighhhh*
Oh damn I thought they were sisters 💀  [I thought they were.  I think they were in the book.  It might be a nickname]  They were in the other verison
[She better not have hurt Calcifer :(  I forget if she did but.]
Le gasp  Well DAMN!  The bitch!  [I think her husband was a hostage, ma'am]  Aaaand? hmph
Awwwwwwwwww my heart
Bruh  [Oh shit she does seem to have hurt Calcifer :(]  Her whole personality changed  [She lost the demon, woman, so no wonder]  Yeah, but she was being so nice. What changed?  I thought losing the demon made her nice  [Oh, I see... Just... file it under things to discuss in endpoint if not answered]  Ok lol
[Blobs]  Blobs
Ooooof they are gonna have strange babies  [Ma'am, he's not actually a bird]
["You're alive!"  Shades of Westley/Buttercup: "If you want I could fly!"]
[She just put the cigar out on his handddd  😭]  Right?!?!
Edddieeeeee vibeessssss [*simultaneously* EDDIE-CODED :(  Okay, actually.  Fuckkkkkkkk maybe not SPN fusion.  Maybe ST fusion.]  😭😭😭😭😭😭  [I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes]  Well fuck now that songs stuck in my head  [adslfjaldskfj good]
Oh shit  ["Looks like Howl's in trouble" My dear, when is he not?]
["I preferred him as a coward"  *sigh* Don't we all?  (That's Steve's "Don't be cute")] 😭😭😭 Stapppp I cantttt  [*This* one has a happy ending tho]
I'm soooooooo confused with the witch lady  [I’ll explain (I think)]
Oh shit  [Moving castle go bye bye :(]  😭😭😭😢 Welp  Encanto vibes  [KLJALKDSJFLAKSFDJ HOW DARE]
This movie has fucjing unlocked umpteen fic ideas  [I KNOW]
This girl is gonna get him ded  [I'm saying nothing]  Le Gasp!  (Also gaddamnnnn this tablet)
[Calcifer et her hair to be stronggggg.]  Noooo the pecs!  When he was lifting the wood  [What is it with fictional haircuts being so cool, f'real] I knowwwww
[Poor Howl :(]
Well damn  [There's so much symbolism I'm gonna cry]
Like.... Maybe it's just me but I would have let her burn  [asdflkjaldskfj]  🤷‍♀️
[Pupper still doing stuff]
Um.  “What if I killed Howl?” They BOTH told you it would.  I caught it even in a different language.  Wot do you meannnn?!  [Trueeee]  Also gotta love how she doesn't care she killed Calcifer just that she might have killed Howl  [alskdfj]
[This be Very Important btw]
He’s gotta pee lady
[Oh look it's the Supernatural season 8 finale]  ☠️☠️☠️
Oooop- [He monch the star]  The wheeze tho  [From him or the dog ☠️]  The dog ☠️☠️
["Find me in the future"  Remember how the first thing he said to her was "I've been looking everywhere for you?"  :)]  Yeasssss
[Howl be not looking so good]
Burujhhhhh them feettttt!  That was meant to be spelled bad ‘cause… damn
[These scenes were very different in the book, btw; tell you at endpoint]
That.  That was easier than expected.  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[Honestly, I still feel like SPN would work better, but I could do a ST one-shot from just that other scene]
[No fuckkkkk but the SPN vibes are killing me; explain later]
Awwwww  [Calcifer be so happy :)]
[Turnip saved them!]  Yusssss  [But he not responding :(]  Nooooooo
Ahhhhh… yussssss again!
[Ma'am, it's not the heart that’s so heavy; you're sitting on him ☠️]
Well damn
“Big boy”  [LAJSD;LFKJADF]
[Doggo betrayed evil witch woman :)]
The wheezing
New meaning to the phrase “Hot lips”
[Oh my god my head is killing me with the fic planning... I'ma be ranting later] Yesssss
– – –
Wench: Your typing Has Not Improved 
Jezebel: YOU KJOWBWHAT? 🖕🏼
Wench: You prove my point  (For those not aware of the editing process, btw, I do a cursory spell/punctuation check as we go most times, as much as I can do without falling behind.  The above^ would be a lot more common if I didn’t.  Y’all are welcome!)  ANYWAY.  Endpoint
Jezebel: That was adorable!!! I may just rewatch fully in English ☠️☠️☠️  And by may… I will ☠️🤣🤣  Eventually
Wench: asldkjfalkdsfj
Jezebel: But the fic possibilities are endlessssss omg
Wench: TSCH!  Ma'am, that's reserved for not-endpoint-reaction!! No spoilers!
Jezebel: I knowwwww.  Was just saying!  But omg ok explain the bipolar witch please!  Cause the amount of things that gave me whiplash in this movie… Were a many
Wench: I mean, I think her personality was just… shifting. She'd lost the demon, so she wasn't as corrupted by power, but she was still questing for Howl's heart. I do think that her proximity to power restored her a bit to her earlier self (and when she was smoking the cigar she apparently got from Suliman), which is why you noticed her being a bit more her at times when she was near Howl… but it's all within her normal character
Jezebel: Ok fair!
Wench: As for the things I was saying I'd explain now, btw... They keep foreshadowing the reveal about his heart.  Like, there are blatant bits (e.g. her earlier note saying something along the lines of "You who swallowed a falling star, o' heartless man, your heart shall soon be mine.")  But there were smaller things.  Like the Witch being so focused on Calcifer, talking so regularly about "oh, what a pretty fire."  I'm sure it was partly because the fire *was* pretty, but when you know that she was questing for Howl's heart, it's got a second layer.
Jezebel: Ooooo! I thought it was just her being old and senile ☠️
Wench: Also, the heart reveal renders other things increasingly significant too.  Like the metaphors of the Witch trying to get at his heart, and it burning her when she tried... something something she tried to steal his heart and control it but it didn't work, whereas Sophie had been connecting with it from the very beginning. Or him telling Sophie that the way to get HIS RING to work and lead her home was to call out to Calcifer with her heart... Which was his heart... Connect the dots :)
Jezebel: Oooooooooh 💕💕💕🥺🥺
Wench: Also, an interesting thing... Like I said, the book is quite different.  It's one of the few adaptations, actually, that changes A Bunch about the original story but I just... can't be that mad about it.  Because the story isn't the same, but it's awesome anyway.  
Jezebel: Ooooh? Interesting :)
Wench: Yup!  And one such example is that they explicitly state what's going on with Sophie.  Sophie isn't just this ordinary girl. Or, well... She is, but she isn't.  She was a hatter, like in the film, and she usually talked to the hats.  It's explained that she would tell them what their owners would be like as she made them.  (One example is when she tells a hat that its owner would have a heart of gold and someone would fall in love with them for it)
Jezebel: That’s adorable thoooo
Wench: And whatever she said would come true.  But she was also highly determined to be the Eldest Daughter. Which means she'd stay at home, tend to the business, never ever ever seek any adventure, etc.  So she has this magic... and nonetheless sets about using it to have nothing happen to her ever, quite without knowing it.
Jezebel: Ack!  So the exact thing she doesn’t want is exactly what happens ☠️☠️🤣🤣
Wench: Precisely!  And that magic is the explanation for a lot of what goes on in the story.  It's why the scarecrow comes to life, for example.  And it's also the reason she's able to separate Howl/Calcifer without either dying.  In the book, she asks if she can separate them and Calcifer says that he thinks he'd die if anyone else did it, but he knows she's talked life into things before so, if anyone could do it, she could.  And she outright says "Have another thousand years" before pinching them apart so Calcifer will survive.
Jezebel: So the scarecrow’s not a prince in the book?
Wench: I don’t think so.  The scarecrow and the prince are two separate entities, and the prince has a far more gruesome fate.  I don’t fully remember enough to say more, but I’m pretty sure they’re separate.  She talks them both to life, though, so in that sense, it kinda works.
Jezebel: Ooooop! Well damn! I see!  Oh, and, as for endpoint… Ummmmm I have forgotten how to endpoint.  Halp!
Wench: Give thoughts.  Did you like it?
Jezebel: Ummm I LOVED it.   It was so gooooood!
Wench: Aight… Elaborate on that :) 
Jezebel: And cute and confusing sometimes but also sad and then happy.  Also why was he a bird man?  I think I missed that part
Wench: It was just one of his spells.  It helped him fight the largely air-based battle.  But it was an anthropomorphic spell, and he ran the risk of not recalling how to switch back each time he did it
Jezebel: Ohhhhh.  Ummmm… Did it ever explain Sophie’s cure being broken or was it ever broken?
Wench: Ah, right, so… complicated.  First off: the Witch's deal with the demon thing was basicallyyyyy that she got the power to cast curses but couldn't uncurse them.  Or at least, I think that's it, and that's how I've interpreted it.  So she couldn't change Sophie back.  I thinkkk, in large part, Sophie was eventually talking herself into the curse.  Like I said --- and as she's shown in the movie --- she's very doubtful and not-confident throughout the story… And she also had this magical power that let her control reality, within reason.  So, basically, she was expecting herself to be an old woman, and thus she was.  That's why she was young whenever she wasn't consciously focused on the fact that "oh, yeah, I'm old" (e.g. while she was asleep, when she'd woken up but was more focused on what was going on with Howl and his nest than what he was doing, etc).  And whenever she feels more confident/less like she's not worth much, the spell wanes further.  So, whenever the Markl calls her "family," whenever she's dwelling on love for Howl, etc.  And then, at the end, she's still got the silver hair because technically she's still cursed (or, at least, that's how I interpret it), but she's confident in who she is/where she's going/who she's with, so she's perpetually talking herself out of the curse.
Jezebel: Ahhh! Ok that makes sense! I was like…. Have they forgotten ma’am is cursed ☠️🤣
Wench: Also, bit of fun fact, parallel, etc…  Howl tells her, at the end, that her hair is like starlight.  And Calcifer was a falling star who was holding custody of his heart.  So Sophie at the end of the movie is the new bearer of his heart  😭
Jezebel: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Awwwwww
Wench: I love this movie alskdjflkasjfd
Jezebel: It is veryyyyy goooood
Wench: Any more to say for endpoint?
Jezebel: Honestly not that I can think of! But I did love it!! 💕💕💕💕😭😭😭
Wench: Aight... what's next on our react schedule, you think?
Jezebel: Hmmmmm 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤣🤣
Wench: Bitch, I just sent the excel!  You don’t pick one, I will.  And you likely won’t like it.
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ummmmm… DA?
Wench: Aight, folks, you heard her!  ‘Til then!
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thepixelelf · 2 years
henlo my beloved ursa!! i hope ur doing well 💕 if you still wanna do the first kiss prompt: baby blue and jangjun golcha? he is. admittedly in my thoughts too often nowadays 😳 (get him out of there)
[the antithesis of tranquility] Lee Jangjun is talking.
Lee Jangjun is always talking.
And it's no surprise to you, of course, not after all these years in which you've known him as the guy who never stops talking.
It's weird, though. Seungmin -- after Jangjun introduced you to his friends and then fucked off to do something stupid with Joochan while the rest of you watched -- helpfully informed you that, yes, Jangjun talks a lot...
...but only when you're around.
Sure, he's the life of the party in any social situation -- you can't remember the last time you had to put yourself out there without Jangjun by your side loudly proclaiming every good thing about you to anyone who'd bother to listen. (You hate when he does that, but you also take pride in his sincere compliments. He'd never say them straight to your face, so you've never told him to shut up, even though, in the moment, you often feel like burning yourself at the stake.) Any sort of situation in which he's around people he doesn't know, he'll know them soon enough. You're pretty sure everyone you've met since forcefully osmosis-ing yourself into their friend group has gone, "Oh, Lee Jangjun? I know that guy."
Except the thing is: Seungmin says Jangjun is actually a rather quiet dude.
You think it's bonkers, really, to want to live with nine other guys in the same house. Jangjun says the rent is killer (positive) when they all split it up, but you seriously can't believe the idea of two and a half bathrooms working between all of them. Not to mention the Watermelon Rind Incident of August 2022, in which only you sided with your newly proclaimed favourite of the house, Donghyun.
(Jangjun whined for three whole hours until you told him that, fine, he's tied for first place.)
Anyhow, despite living with a bunch of guys who are shockingly (and yet you're surprisingly unsurprised) capable of keeping up with Jangjun in terms of the volume you've borne witness to, Seungmin assures you that Jangjun tends to zip those lips of his whenever he's alone.
Seungmin actually said whenever he's not around you, but you don't think that makes much sense.
"You make him nervous," Seungmin teased one day, while you watched Jangjun laugh at Jaehyun, who was chasing Jibeom down the street for unknown reasons.
"Nervous about what?" you asked, but Seungmin just shrugged and smiled. He's annoying that way.
But now, while Jangjun rambles on and on in the space just outside of your front door, you think you get it.
He came running to your place on one of the grossest days of the year (it rained but it's also unbearably hot, which is so messed up, by the way) to make sure he caught you before you left for your blind date. He hasn't said a word (aside from hundreds of dumb, unrelated ones) about why he'd try to catch you before leaving, but that's not the problem.
You're not going on a date. You're headed out to watch your favourite guilty-pleasure feel-good movie at the old Selenite theatre, the one with only two showings rooms and unaffordable popcorn. Sure, you might call it a treat-yo-self date, but whatever this blind date shit he's spewing at you is so wrong you don't even know what to say as your brain shifts the puzzle into completion like an all-green rubiks cube.
Jangjun ran to your place through the hell-combination of rainstorm and heatwave because some shit-stirrer in his house (you suspect someone born in 1999...) told him you were bringing a date to your one-person party.
In other words;
Jangjun likes you.
"--and, I'm just saying, what about Saturday crossword competition day! We haven't done that in forever and you promised we could do it this weekend, I, uh-- I'm pretty sure!" He's grasping at straws, straight up gaslighting you into thinking you made plans for today when you know you were planning on kicking his ass at crosswords tomorrow, when the big bad Sunday edition comes out. "I haven't done the past week of crosswords just so we could do them together." You're pretty sure he doesn't do crosswords unless you're there, anyway. "And-- and Sungyoon made his famous cookies last night! You want them to just go to waste? All his hard work? You'd break his little ol' fragile ol' heart, shatter it into a million pieces. You want to ditch Sungyoon's cookies -- ditch our crossword coliseum? Oh! Oh! Jail for you! Jail for you for one thousand--!"
So you do the only thing you can think of to shut him up. You plant your lips on his, and smile at the sweet sweet sensation of utter silence.
(You suppose his lips pressing eagerly back onto yours is nice too. And his hands on your cheeks. And the fact that he's stupid crazy in love with you.)
((Later, when you drag Jangjun to the theatre you assure him you were planning on going to alone, you accidentally glance at his phone, where he's sent twenty or so frantic messages to Sungyoon. He needs him to make some cookies ASAP.))
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maveras-posts · 3 years
EVEN MORE ✨CRACK✨ Michael Headcanons:
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@maryapricc @slasherholic @slasherfxcker @slasherwife @horrorfixxx @michaelmyers-isdaddy @slasherhaven @joelsgeetar
Michael is a HUGE fan of Scooby Doo
He even has the Scooby Fleece Sweatpants from ✨WALMART✨
Legit the only other clothes he wears are those sweatpants & the Scooby Onesie you gifted him (Imagine this MOFO in a SCOOBY DOO ONESIE💀😂)
Only eats Cereal (SUPER SUGARY ONES), Spaghetti, Mac & Cheese and of course ✨CANDY✨
More of a snacker rather than eating full meals
HATES Horror Movies they’re “inaccurate”
Michael DEFINITELY has some sort of ✨Nero-Divergency✨
Many have undermined his intelligence but he is a VERY QUICK learner (Drove a whole ASS CAR within the first 5 MINUTES of the movie I-)
Michael doesn’t care for labels BUT he is definitely ✨Bi Seggsual✨
Had lived his whole life in judgment and scrutiny so he had NO. FUCKS. TO. GIVE. Periodt.💅
Michael refuses to admit it but… HE HAS A CRUSH ON GHOSTFACE—
Michael fears being rejected—SO DAMN BLIND
Everyone around them is scared to say anything tho (Michael will snap them in half)
Michael is quite lonely tho, won’t admit it.
Please someone stay with him. Be his friend. 🥲😭
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AN: OKAY—so Michael has officially become my MOST POPULAR character I write about (Not gonna complain😏😉) so I have decided to dedicate my page mostly to Slashers and Hisoka. BUT I will still take requests if asked, also I was thinking of writing a Michael x Ghostface? Tell me what y’all think and I’ll try my best to make it happen.
💕Love Y’all!💕
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g0ttal0ve101 · 2 years
Tommy x Charlie head canons bc i just reread the hall case 😏
😈 W behavior…
Charlie x Thomas HeadCanons ✨
Despite smoking himself, Charlie would NEVER let Thomas do the same. Like never, never, never, never. No matter how ‘uncool’ he seems because of it, he’s just not gonna let that go by. 💀 “Wanna cigarette? You must be joking. Nothing is more wack than picking up smoking. 🕺”
Thomas really likes to show public affection and Charlie despises it. Man won’t even hold Thomas’s hand because he’s too shy. Eventually, he’ll start to warm up if the people around him don’t really care that he’s. y’know. ✨🍓✨
When Thomas gets wasted, he hugs Charlie for dear life. Boy grabs his waist and he’s not letting go until he passes out. You might be thinking, ‘awww, so cute!!’ but let’s remember that they go to parties to get drunk all the time AND Charlie hates public affection…Charlie is quietly having a mental episode trying to hide the fact they’re gay.
“Why is he holding you like that?”
“Brooo, he is so wasted hahahahahahah oh god oh fuck-“
Charlie is insecure about his hair?? And Thomas loves it??? A LOT????
Thomas is insecure about his voice?? And Charlie loves it??? A LOT????
They both love the corner-store. Enough said. They buy all the junk food they can with the money on them. Also, they share raspberry and cherry slushees together.
You know that one scene in movies where the couple park on a cliff and make out in their car?? Yeah. Thomas and Charlie do that. 😭
Charlie teaches Thomas slang. This has been a thing since they met. Thomas was sheltered asf by Adrien, so he used to speak like he had a stick up his ass. (💀) But Charlie taught him how to speak regularly.
^ Speaking of teaching, Charlie taught Thomas how to skateboard as well. But he still sucks at it. Very. Badly. He has to have Charlie hold him up while they practice, bro. It’s that bad. And it’s not any better with bikes, scooters, roller skating, or driving either. He. Absolutely. Sucks. But at least they have bonding time!!
Both have pet names for each other.
Thomas’s for Charlie are: Sweetheart, honey, and darling.
Charlie’s for Thomas are: Doll/dollface, babe/baby, hot shot, and handsome.
So actually, the roles are kinda switched because you would THINK Charlie would be more ‘lovey-dovey’ rather than Thomas. But no. Thomas is the soft one and Charlie is the baddie. 😈🖤
They joke around calling each other corny ass pet names for fun A LOT. Like
“Hey sugar booger 😫💦”
“Oh my god 😍 hey sexy buns”
If they disappear from the party all of a sudden, don’t look for them. 🌸✨💕🌹🦋 Don’t make the mistake Freddy did.
After the fall (where Thomas gets brain damage), Charlie becomes an extreme worry wart. Like. BAD. He always checks Thomas’s breathing and his heart to make sure everything is okay.
^ This usually ends up with Charlie creating the excuse, “I’m cHeCkInG uP oN yOuUuU!” just so they can cuddle on the couch with Charlie’s head on Thomas’s chest. Half hour in, the boy gives up the act and admits to just wanting to be close to him.
AGGRESSIVE play fighting!! People try to break them up thinking that they were lowkey fighting to the death!! But they both come out completely unharmed.(?!!)
Inside jokes for days. These two will look at a water bottle, nudge each other, then start cackling. Their objectives are unknown.
I don’t know what it is, but caressing Charlie’s face gives Thomas so much joy. Like. SO much joy. He’ll just stare at him with a stupid smile on his face and compliment him. Meanwhile Charlie is just: 😫🦋✨🥺💕🌸😳…th-th-th-th-th-thanks 😖!!
Will smack each other’s asses for no reason. Literally just:
Thomas steals Charlie’s clothes. It started with the jacket…then his shirts…then his pajama pants…and now…they basically share them. 😭
This is the side of them we never see!!
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This is the side we DO see!!
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(But believe me the top one is definitely more accurate when they’re alone. They are not dumbasses all the time.)
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doiefy · 2 years
I forgot to add. You don't even need to follow the original storyline, your oc/story can just take place in that universe. Use your imagination and have fun with it. (It doesn't have to be canon).
Write something you haven't seen others write about or write something that you want to personally read. Do or read something that inspires you, you can even pick a topic for that week and brainstorm ideas or create dot points of the first things you think of at the top of your head (about the topic) and then expand on it, go wild. (This could help if you have writers block.)
For example you can use hogwarts au's & turn it into a death eater au, you don't have to stop it at being students. You can turn camp half-blood au's into just a demi-god au (research greek mythology, they have lots of history/stories, you can base your fic/storyline about or around them). Maybe even base your story around your favourite anime/movie or series 🤷‍♀️. Or maybe even write a cafe/bakery, band, dancer, sports (boxing, volleyball, basketball, etc) or even a manager au (depending on what job you want then to specialize in). You can even write something about a popular kid and nerd or something similar.
You can even use soulmate au's, those are rarely seen these days too. Example the oc's soulmate is a criminal 🤷‍♀️. You can even combine different au's and create new ones. Like the oc can be apart of the mafia & their soulmate is a detective (mafia/detective + soulmate au). They can even be a hacker.
Add horror, thriller, mystery, illnesses (please research it if you want to use it tho & add trigger warnings for readers) or even fantasy elements (fairies, witches, werewolves, vampires, etc). You can make an au with these already. Your oc doesn't even have to be a hero they could be a villain, antihero/femme fatale or protagonist.
You can also use idol au's by making the oc a hairstylist/hairdresser, makeup artist, staff member, photographer, a director or producer. One of my favs is by @bbugyu's dlst & her food vlogger au Classic.
The oc can also be a chef, ceo, youtuber/streamer/gamer and their s/o can be an idol or a cafe worker or it could be the other way around, switch it up 🤷‍♀️. Maybe they're doing the same job & they're rivals or lovers from the beginning of the story.
Basically they can be anything you want them to be. Example Oc & s/o are both gamers and they're lovers from the beginning of the story or they could be in rival teams, maybe enemies to lovers, you can make it slowburn. It depends on which direction you want it to go in. You can even do something like @joyofkinoko's Budget Ghostbusters or @soobnny's Twitch Rivals.
Anyways these are just examples of things I don't see a lot anymore or it's just rarely done. Just for the record I can't write to save my life & this is also a way for me to recommend other blogs 🙃. Sorry for ranting & for how long this was (sorry if there's mistakes/doesn't make sense)!!💕
oO yeah ok these are some pretty interesting ideas 👀 i would be so down to write some of these but alas... my wip list is now taller than johnny on stilts so
also short rant ahead, i just wanted to take this opportunity to express some things 💀
i think the issue with mixing and matching tropes/genres/aus is that it can be time consuming. coming up with something original is hard; i mentioned in a reply way back that it’s hard to be original when a lot of ideas have already been done. originality is, in part, how you write something and how you execute the story, which requires more thorough thought and planning. my fic respice finem was a vampire + crime syndicate memoir-esque story that took me 6 months. at dawn was vampire + crime thriller, and coming up with the plot and then filling in plot holes drove me insane. now i’m writing fight or flight, biopunk + crime syndicate, and i’m at almost 5 months, 50k and i hate it so much i just wANT IT FINISHED.
i enjoy writing longer and more detailed plots (i’m a fucking masochist) but it takes a lot of time, and even after all my hard work on it, i’m not always satisfied with the end result. another thing is reception; i don't want to sound like that bitch who complains about engagement, but writers who write more niche story ideas obviously don't get as much engagement as an nct dream 5k pwp fic. i personally don't care much for numbers, and just want to write hot vampires (yuta 🥵🥵 much sexy mhm) for myself, but i'm sure there are people who feel discouraged and deterred from writing what they want because of the audience.
as for the ideas you mentioned, i can get behind a lot of them and love writing for them! crime, thriller and mystery are some of my go tos. some others i'm maybe less comfortable writing because they're more rooted in romance, and i don't know how to write pure romance to save my life. i have some more commentary/qualms for some of these tropes, but won't include any more unsolicited opinions here lmao.
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royvalentine · 3 years
how about all of 'em!
oh gosh that's kinda a lot but sure! :D and since ur the one who asked i'll do them all for gear (more ppl can send in asks but i'll do those for different hyperfixations)
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📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
spag are you. making me describe the plot of guilty gear. i'm not doing that /lh but uh. for those who would like to know. guilty gear is a fighting game series about a guy named sol badguy (yeah that one) doing uh. kind of a lot? i honest to god do not remember if he has a multi-game overarching plot or not
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
one of my mutuals on twitter (iirc?) retweeted a thing about guilty gear's character designs and i heard of guilty gear i think mostly through skullgirls so i opened the thread and the second i saw zappa and read how a guy described him i went Oh He's Just Like Me FR. and the rest is history :3
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
outside of the fighting game part i really like all of guilty gear's themes and character elements i like how it all comes together n stuff. like each character while being connected to others has their own world that you can look into and see what they like and how they live and what their problems are no matter how important the character might be.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
because i'm insane crazy asylum etc. i need to give the obligatory answer that pretty much every scene with zappa is gonna be up there. but mostly the scenes he gets in the first half/third of xrd where he's allowed to be himself and not just a wikipedia article auto-reader. idk if it counts as a scene but i continue to be obsessed with his drama cd part because as previously stated insane crazy asylum etc etc etc.
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
guilty gear has a lot of ass-throwers but my favorites are probably jack-a-dandy from xrd, trigger from strive, and good manners and customs from xx
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
i'm gonna spare you the autism lasers that will come out of me if i bring up zappa and randy so i'm gonna talk about slayer instead :) honestly i don't even remember why i started liking him so much i just think he's really funny but incredibly interesting at the same time. i think he's a pretty big example of what i said in a previous question about how each character has their own world they're living in. also his relationship (smirk emoji) with faust is really good and his hypothetical relationship with zappa is fucking hilarious to me
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
everything i hate about zato-1 has already been said before by me and jim and also you tbh so i will talk about my other two detesteds instead <:)
with raven he's just so fucking boring to me i cannot find anything about this guy that makes me feel anything other than like boredom and vague contempt. like ok we get it he's bored of everything so the fuck am i dude either do something about it or get out of the plot and farm apples or something. fuck. tsuki no shihai is still an ass-thrower though.
words lack the parameters to accurately describe how much i hate happy chaos i cannot stand this dull color palette dave mustaine sounding blood emoji chain emoji 𝓣𝓗𝓔𝓨 𝓣𝓔𝓛𝓛 𝓜𝓔 𝓘'𝓜 𝓐 𝓖𝓞𝓓 𝓘'𝓜 𝓛𝓞𝓢𝓣 𝓘𝓝 𝓣𝓗𝓔 𝓕𝓐𝓒𝓐𝓓𝓔 bait IT WAS ME AUSTIN IT WAS ME ALL ALONG twist making blight on this world he fucking sucks he sucking fucks he's a piece of shit.
and i don't like him.
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
ok enough hatred :) i think zappa is nonbinary and has ocd (guilt/counting/checking for the most part) also faust is gay and also nonbinary
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
faust and slayer are i think my two biggest comfort characters from gear? and zappa is both a comfort character and like a fucking weird mental illness he just like me fr thing so uh. yeah
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
unlikely anything i can think of hasn't been said before sorry :(
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
i want xrd to have better netcode and for ishiwatari to release the fucking instrumentals of the strive vocal themes already. other than that not much since i can't say to retcon out any of the characters i hate dfjgkldjf,.gdfkhljfh
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would you be able to do headcanons for the reader being in a poly relationship with the boys and just them hanging out at The Cave/Hotel?
Absolute! I hope you like this!💕
There are not many nights where the five of you stay in. Often when it happens is because it's raining, the boardwalk is closed or just because they didn't feel like going out for once.
Sometimes they'd also decide that they'd stay in that night because you'd be sleeping half on top of them and none if them would dare to wake you because you looked so adorable.
There are also nights where they want to return early. Maybe they've had enough of causing trouble, they had already fed or they were bored. Also, if you'd asked when you'd all go back home, they would probably leave immediately. Who could deny such a precious face? (Honestly, you didn't even have to try puppydog eyes. Just ask and you shall receive ;))
So, once you're at the cave - or still at the cave depending on the scenario, one of the first things that would happen was music. Paul would put some record on and most of the time it was fine- just some old classic rock album. Sometimes, however, he'd put on some more modern things... How he got a Britney Spears album none of you knew but it needed to be dealt with.
Queue to all of you yelling at him for putting it on. "I just wanna try something new, come on babe, back me up here!" You'd look at him, then at the others and shook your head. "Yeah. No. Sorry baby."
Paul would look semi shocked. Of course he knew the way you'd react. The album was still on, and Dwayne and Marko tackled him while you quickly changed the record to some other stuff - depending on your mood it would be either classic rock or something the boys hated even more than Spears.
If you'd picked the latter, be prepared for a chase. Paul would be at your side, helping you jumo and run from the others. Dwayne and Marko would actively chase you, while David would just show up in front of you, his eyes staring in yours. He knew it made you weak in the knees and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to us either against you at this point. Because of the distraction David gave, Marko could grab you, throw you on the couch only to start and tickle you.
When the music was finally picked, and no more chases were going on, David would tell one of the others - probably Paul or Marko - to get food. He'd hug you from behind, lifting you on his lap. The four of you that remained in the cave would just chat about whatever - honestly everything could become conversation material.
After food- where you often had to tell the boys that you didn't want to have Chinese for the third time in a row- several things could happen, depending on the night.
Sometimes you'd all play games. It could go from monopoly - David would always win - to Truth or Dare, and everything in between. You'd quickly learned that with the last game you better be prepared for either slightly uncomfortable questions or slightly embarassing dares. Besides that, they'd teach you many new game sig you wanted. You never played poker? They'll teach you and when you'd played a few times be prepared for strip poker.
Other nights you'd all just did your own thing. Dwayne would read, draw or skate. Marko would make art or feed his birds, Paul would fuck around with the rockbox or play guitar and David would either be reading or working on his bike. No matter what they'd be doing, if you didn't want to do your own thing you were always welcome to join them.
When it was cold you'd just curl up on the couch, covered with a blanket. It didn't take long before all of your boys were sitting next to you, all trying to pull you in their lap. You'd watch a movie together or just some random tv-show. Often it was just background noise, and the conversation you'd be having was way more enjoyable. Also, I mean, you're alone with four hot guys. You just have to ask and they'll do whatever they can to make you come undone.
Cuddle piles. Pillow forts. Pillow fights. Very competitive pillow fights, I might say. Honestly, anything and everything can turn into a game, and honestly its the greatest thing.
If the mood was right they'd be dancing with you, or Paul was playing you some songs.
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I'm gonna fill this out bc I'm having a hard time falling asleep and also why the fuck not? :)
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
I love old tea cups and wine glasses. Especially the pastel colored glass ones you find at antique shops.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Has a hard time focusing, sleeps during class, otherwise good behavior I think my teacher said I was sweet once.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Bottles, they're more portable/storable
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Ughhhh I can't choose between pastel and grunge
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
TV shows
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Baseball and basketball
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
It depends on how much time and energy I have in the morning. If Adan is in a good mood, is okay with me putting him down, and I actually feel like cooking I'll make myself egg whites, spinach, tomato, and cheese with half of an English muffin and some coffee. If Adan is cranky and or doesn't want me to put him down or leave him I'll make a bowl of Life cereal with unsweetened vanilla almond Milk and have a Greek yogurt with some iced tea or water, or I'll make microwave oatmeal and have an apple with iced tea or water. I am gonna try to have jasmine green tea in the mornings now though since the mornings are cooler now.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour patch kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
The good earth by pearl buck. I read the whole book in like 2 sittings and got in trouble for it
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
In bed, feet straight out, slightly reclined on my pillows
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Probably my Adidas slides. They're basically my house shoes
18. ideal weather?
How it was today at like 6pm. It was like 70 something and there was a slight breeze
19. sleeping position?
Because of my pregnancy I'm a side sleeper now
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Notebook or on my phones notes
21. obsession from childhood?
Probably my cat
22. role model?
Hmm idk, I used to say Tim Duncan as a kid.
23. strange habits?
Well I've had trichotillomania since I was about 11 and it's been acting up again. I also have a habit of talking to myself while I drive.
24. favorite crystal?
I love rose quartz and smoky quartz and amethyst!
25. first song you remember hearing?
Por un amor by Linda Ronstadt
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Be in the water
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Snuggle on the couch in my pjs and watch movies under a blanket
28. five songs to describe you?
Haunted House by Florence and the Machine
Chicago is so two years ago by Fall Out Boy
No Choir by Florence and the Machine
Nice Guys by Beach Bunny
Loved you Before by Natalie Taylor
29. best way to bond with you?
Probably cooking. I really like to cook, I just don't have a lot of time anymore. That and letting me talk your ear off about my son lol I love him so much 💕😊
30. places that you find sacred?
State parks, beaches, pretty much anywhere in nature. Also my bed.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Lol I hate how I look right now so I really don't feel confident in my appearance like at all. But if I had to choose, I guess it'd be my straight, ripped jeans, black vans, and my plaid shirt.
32. top five favorite vines?
Well when life gives you lemons!
Where's my facking money
Look at all those chickens
What the fuck richard
I love you bitch I ain't never gonna stop loving you biiiitch
33. most used phrase in your phone?
Idk probably "baby is sleeping"
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
When I was a kid there was a radio commercial for a hotline to sign up for bartending school and I still have part of it stuck in my head at any given time. "Learn to make them all on the rocks with a twist. There's a school to attend that I highly recommend just call 1-800-bartend"
35. average time you fall asleep?
Usually around midnight
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Uhhh i think it was the o rlly? One
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
Duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Hmm once when I was a kid there was a guy who was being chased by the police and he ran through the school building and got arrested in our playground. He had a gun too. This was before schools used to lock the doors to buildings.
41. last person you texted?
Gabriel. We're trying to pick our Xmas gifts for Adan
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Pant pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
Rose or citrus
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Leggings and big tshirt
47. favorite type of cheese?
Muenster or gouda
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
The poem by Emily dickinson called "hope is the thing with feathers" and the lyrics from 26 by Paramore "survival will not be the hardest part, it's keeping all your hopes alive when all the rest of you has died. so let it break your heart"
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Once I laughed for what seemed like forever bc I saw something about Japan firing a bullet into an asteroid and it made me think of that "moons haunted" joke
51. current stresses?
Where can I begin lol money, relationships, my parents, Gabriel, my brother, being a good mom, adan is still not talking much so we have speech therapy set up soon, my health, my appearance, living situation, holidays
52. favorite font?
Almost cursive
53. what is the current state of your hands?
Very cold, kinda dry
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Kids are hard
55. favorite fairy tale?
56. favorite tradition?
Tamales for xmas
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Depression, anxiety, and post partum
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can cook pretty well, I have a pretty good memory for the most part, I can soothe scared animals, I have a lot of patience
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
I guess
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
A romance one
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Hmm parks and rec
62. seven characters you relate to?
Leslie Knope
I can't think of more
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Blue hour- txt
Trippin- Ella Mai
Body- Megan thee stallion
Callaita- bad bunny
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Neopets, club penguin, the one learning website with the guy and the robot, Disney Channel, and cartoon network
65. any permanent scars?
Yes, I burned my arm really bad like 5 or 6 years ago and it made an indent in my arm. I have one on my knee when I fell on a toy wooden guitar and the prong things to tighten the strings got lodged in my knee. Another on the other knee from high school bc I sat on my knee, on a chair, that had a screw facing up. I have a scar on my wrist from getting an IV in my wrist when I was pregnant and had to go to the hospital to get fluids.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Peony, roses, jasmine, gardenia, lilac, violets, lavender
67. good luck charms?
My fidget cube
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Omg so Gabriels grandma apparently makes stuffing every year and in 2019 I tried it for the first time. I couldn't even swallow it, it was so disgusting.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
When you're cleaning out the lint from the dryer, if you use the big lint piece you can use it to wipe the rest of it to get the small pieces of lint off
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
Chevron and paisely
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Hot cheetos and chocolate milk/ice cream
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
Probably a 5 or 6
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I had just turned 5
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Mashed potatoes
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Idk I'm basically Timmy turners mom
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
School ID
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Fairy tales
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Oo cupcakes
87. your greatest fear?
Being a bad mother
88. your greatest wish?
For Adan to have a happy life knowing he's incredibly loved
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
Hmm when I was at hobby lobby, I think I was like 6 mos pregnant. I was in the back trying to get some of the metal shelves down to build a wall and I couldn't reach. I jumped and tried to grab one but just tapped it. I turned my back to look for a ladder and my work friend D yells across the warehouse "move!" And I ducked and ran and as I did the whole stack of metal shelves started falling right where I was standing.
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Lamps or fairy lights at night, sunlight during the day
93. nicknames?
94. favorite season?
Spring (Adan was born in spring ❤)
95. favorite app on your phone?
Probably vlive
96. desktop background?
Bts lol
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
My parents, brother's, and gabriels and that's it really
98. favorite historical era?
Victorian and industrial
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