#also I looked absolutely ravishing if I say so myself
Lord Husband (Chapter 2)
AN: Thank you to everyone for all the love for chapter 1. I really wasn't expecting everyone to like it so much!
word count: 1,334 words
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You break your fast with the Queen every morning, but today, you are hesitant to go. For the past few days she has been trying to convince you to set up another meeting with Lord Stark. You show no interest in such an arrangement but you know it is no use avoiding your mother.
You have your handmaiden help you dress for the day in an eye-catching, sapphire gown. It’s low-cut but not in a way that wouldn’t be considered respectable. You may set many trends in fashion with being the only daughter of the Queen but you are still a princess after all. You have your hair done up elaborately and forgo donning your neck with jewels because you enjoy making the courtiers stare. You like tempting the men who will never be your suitors the most. Making your way to your mother’s solar, your gaze falls on a serving boy for perhaps a moment too long. He blushes. You think that you may call on him specially to serve your tea tonight; just because you won’t marry him, doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy him. Ser Erryk holds the door open for you when you get to the Queen’s chambers but an issue arises when you notice her guest.
“Lord Stark.” You attempt to put a smile on your face when you notice your betrothed dining with your mother. It comes out more like a grimace.
“Oh darling, I thought you would much rather break your fast with your betrothed today.” Rhaenyra smiles sweetly but you can see the pointed look in her gaze. She knows how desperately you’ve been trying to avoid Cregan Stark. “I’ll have my meal with the Dowager Queen.”
“Of course, mother. Thank you for the kind gesture.” You say through gritted teeth.
She exits the room, leaving you with only Cregan and a cupbearer. You stand, unmoving, near the door. He stands where he had risen from his chair in light of your presence. He awkwardly waits for you to take your seat so he may also be seated again. You make no signs of moving.
“Perhaps you would like to grant your feet a moment's rest, princess?” He gestures to the chair next to him.
You glare at him. “I do not need to be prompted by you in order to seat myself.” You decide to settle down in the chair across from him instead of the one he invited you to.
“Of course.” Lord Stark tries his best to not roll his eyes at you. “I was pleased when her Grace requested another meeting be set up between the two of us.”
“Were you?” You look at him, amused. You can’t imagine that the man still wishes to court you after your first encounter.
“I am pleased to have any chance to spend more time with my betrothed. Especially when she is as fair as you are, princess.” He says, turning up the charm all the way. “Might I also say that your dress looks absolutely ravishing on you.”
“I know it does. That’s why I selected it.” You say with a roll of your pretty doe eyes.
“A wise selection it was.” Cregan comments, somehow managing to stay courteous.
You fill your plate, taking your pick from the vast variety of fruits and you grab a single lemon tart at the end.
“Do you enjoy lemon tarts?” He says, attempting to keep the conversation flowing.
“No.” You say sarcastically before taking a bite.
“I take it that you still don’t care for conversation?” He speaks, his tone betraying him by revealing a hint of his annoyance.
“Not with any of the men that vied for my hand.” You answer shortly.
“I did not vie for your hand. The Queen gave it to me.” He seems almost offended by your words. You’re sure that a man like him has never had to compete for a woman before.
“Oh good. I’m glad to know that I am not a prize to be won but a gift to be given. What relief that brings me.” He cringes at your words.
“I did not say that and you know it isn’t what I meant.” He says firmly, his patience starting to grow thin.
“I’m sure it isn’t.” You say passively. As if the conversation isn’t worth your time.
“Princess, please help me understand why you seem to despise me so.” Your betrothed is clearly spiteful from the fact that he has been saddled with a woman that has next to no interest in him.
“I don’t despise you, Lord Stark.”
“Then tell me why you act as if marrying me is the worst fate the gods could have bestowed upon you.”
“I value my freedom, my lord.” You say simply.
“I do not intend to keep you prisoner.” He says, like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
He doesn’t understand. They never understand that being kept prisoner doesn’t always mean being held in a cell. Being free isn’t defined by your arms lacking physical shackles.
“I can see that this betrothal is not what you want but unity between the Starks and the Targaryens is what the realm needs.” He adds.
“I know what is good for the realm. My mother is Queen.” You say defensively.
He pauses for a moment and takes a bite of the pastry on his plate, washing it down with a sip of Arbour Red wine. He is clearly thinking about his words, wondering what to say that would upset you the least. “Of course, princess. So you evidently agree that your mother’s wishes, as Queen, must be followed?” You’re not really sure where he is going with this, if he has a point or is just trying to figure something out for his own benefit.
“Do you think I would be sitting here if that wasn’t the case?” you say condescendingly. 
Another pause from your betrothed. It seems that Lord Stark is considering his options. He then gives you a tight smile. “My house is very honour bound. You will have your freedom through Winterfell and I will never hurt a hair on your head, nor let anyone else bring harm to you. You may bring as many of your ladies in waiting as you would like and I will not bother you often if you don’t wish for it.” He lays it out straight for you, the benefits of having him as a husband. At this point, all he wants is for you to not be so bitter towards him.
You stare at him for a moment. You do seem to be a little enticed by the amount of control he is inclined to grant you. You consider being agreeable by simply giving him a nod of your head but that anger still tugs at the back of your mind. The fact that you will be wed to this man with or without your approval makes you sick. “I don’t require your protection. I have a dragon.” He sighs and looks almost disappointed.
“I offer you more than protection.” He says, firm in his beliefs that he would make a fine husband to you.
“Clearly because I get to bring my Ladies in waiting with me to the North. Hurrah.” You say with a straight face. “What shall you offer for me and me alone? Something that isn’t just for the progression of the realm?” You ask inquisitively.
“Well… I would like to make you happy.” He says carefully and you hope he doesn’t catch how you let your face soften for just a moment.
You have no idea how to respond to that. The sentiment seems so intrinsic and shallow and yet… you don’t believe that you’ve heard the words fall from a single suitor's mouth until him. 
“Oh.” The filler word falls stupidly from your mouth. The conversation does not continue on from there. You just pick up your lemon tart and eat with him in silence
taglist (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy
Lord husband: @feyres-fireheart @possiblyafangirl @hb8301 @marihoneywk @youn-jo @velvet-spider @janelongxox @ninastyless @nyctophilic0vitnir @m-a-s-h-k-a @delicious-xx @weepingfashionwritingplaid @happinessinthebeing @betelrus
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echantedtoon · 1 month
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch6 Date Weekend: Saturday
(Warning for some nudity mentioned in the boys part but absolutely nothing rude or nsfw!! Also it's cannon Hinatsuru and Makio can cook like really good in Kimetsu Gauken and Mitsuri.knows ballet from what we saw in s4 with flexibility training. My own headcannons are being slapped into here! AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!)
Taglist: @shadyd3ar @jcrml @tengensangel
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
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The colorful assortment of delightful sweets filled the eyes with childlike wonder. Cream and icing. Glaze and powdered sugar. Milky chocolate and sweet vanilla. All of which melted in the mouth and shook the senses with sweet dreams of sugary delight.
In in Mitsuri's case starting to stock up on food.
You sat down at the table with the other girls after the fun game of push ups. Taking your time to look around at the big but nice looking kitchen. Kyojuro must've had a good paying job if he could afford this. The nicely furnished space had pretty much a top of the line appliance set up complete with a nicely polished giant cherry wood table. Of which was stuffed to the brim with food. Three boxes of extra large pizzas took up the far left right corner, next to it was a box of hot wings, and a few six packs of different sodas and what was left of the canned coffee after Sanemi ravished through Obinai's gift. Two pink boxes filled up with day old sweets like donuts and mini cakes, what was left of the ohagi you made, and a few burgers Giyuu picked up. And a small pot of something you couldn't make out but it smelt like beef broth. Maybe a beef soup or hot pot?
It certainly was a lot of food but considering how many people there and how big Gyomei and Tengen were.
"Let me get you some food," Hinatsuru offered gesturing to the boxes of pizza stacked on the table. "We have pizza, burgers, cake- What would you like?"
A hand held up to her. "Oh no. It's ok. I can get it myself."
"Nonsense. You're our guest so I'll get it for you."
"Well alright then. Some pizza please."
"Sure! Pepperoni, sausage and mushroom, or meatlovers?" Hinatsuru was already shuffling towards the boxes Mitsuri was already rummaging through. 
"Pepperoni is fine. Thank you!'
You only smiled politely as the others say down or most of them grabbed ahold of whatever food was available for them, but you noticed only one of them had a tray instead of a plate. Mitsuri had taken out a large tray, the kind you'd use to carry breakfast in bed to someone, and just started piling on food after food item onto it. There must've been at least two or three slices of every kind of pizza they had, three small cakes you could make out including a fourth one just added to it, a few burgers peeking out from just under the pizza, and right now her main target was the pot.
The smells of beef filled the air with a snack of her lips looking inside excitedly. Producing a bowl from no where she proceeded to just scoop out boiled eggs, mushrooms, chunks of beef- Oh. So someone did bring a hot pot. But she wasn't done yet. She practically pulled two bottles of the soda to herself as a can of coffee got caught up also in her grasp and your poor ohagi was her next victims. Three ending up on top of their fallen pizza brethren. She plopped down right across from you as you continued to stare wide eyed. You didn't even notice Hinatsuru placing down a plate and cup of more soda in front of you.
"Here you go!" She smiled at you but slowly blinked noticing your wide eyed surprised look. "Miss Y/n?" Her face followed your direction and froze as she and everyone else saw the massive pile of food Mitsuri had in front of her and the fact that she was already shoveling a whole mini strawberry shortcake into her mouth. "M-Mitsuri!"
She happily looked up at the half horrified half worried faces around her, cheeks puffed up like a chipmunks. Huh? What was with those looks? She made sure not to take everything this time. It was only when green orbs caught the state of the girl in front of her. It was then that the before mentioned talk about everyone being on their best behavior and ensuring that they made a good first impression for Gyomei punched her brain in the memory bank. She sat there quietly and wide eyed, cheeks puffed up, and some strawberry syrup on her chin. Somewhere to the far right Makio groaned and facepalmed loud enough to a smack sound to be heard.
You blinked and that motion seemed to spur Mitsuri's panic as she quickly swallowed and held up her hands. "Um- Uh- ...HEY! No one touch this food!" She nervously laughed before pushing the tray away from her nervously smiling self to the middle of the table, a few boxes getting pushed aside as she did so. "Y-You know that I-..Uh! I-I always make sure there's a nice healthy serving out aside for the guys! Haha! Hmm!" She tapped her chin in thought glaring at the stacked up tray in pretend scrutiny. "Yep! Th-This will definitely be enough for all of them! Haha!"
She froze as a couple hot wings wobbled and fell lower on the pile of food she had created. Someone mumbled a 'nice save' somewhere as your eyes slowly looked away from her and down at the pile of food in front of everyone... before your face scrunched up into a funny looking face before you opened your mouth and-..
Started to laugh??
A series of giggles enveloped from her mouth and a hand reached out to cover those giggles to no avail as everyone stared at her.
"....Ok. Did we already break her or is she making fun of us?"
Your head shook as a hand waved. "N-No. It's just that-..Well, It's nice you're all going through all this effort to make me comfortable but Gyomei's already mentioned about this." To her surprise the tray was slid back over in front of Mitsuri who looked widely at you. "As I said before I want you all to be yourselves around me since I genuinely want to meet Gyomei's friends, so please don't hesitate to eat."
Mitsuri stared stunned by your smile, looking you up and down.... before just smiling back to her food and a second later she literally bit a burger clean in half as she hummed contently. Her happy face and bloated cheeks made more giggles escape her mouth. 
"That's quite the appetite you have there," you pointed out without being rude, "Do you like sweet, savoury, or spicy things better?"
She swallowed what was left of her first burger quickly before answering. "SWEETS! But I don't mind others things either! Bitter and sour things are good too if you make them right!" As if to hammer home her point, she practically devoured an entire hot sauce covered chicken leg minus the bone. The hotness didn't even seem to bother her because a slice of blueberry cheesecake was next. "Shoo yummy!~" She gushed between snacking.
Despite it you still smiled at her completely unfazed. Her eating was fast and not normal by any normal person's standards but unlike Jake's she wasn't rude about it at all. She wasn't chewing loudly or open mouthed, she didn't try to hog everything, and she DEFINITELY wasn't trying to get anyone's else's foods or getting food anywhere. ..Well except for the traces of said food on her mouth which you handed over a couple napkins she thanked you for. The others seemed completely unfazed by her appetite so this was probably a usual occurrence for them.
"So you aren't like grossed out or anything by..?" Makio gestured towards the pink haired girl like it was obvious.
"Not really. Why would I be?" You shrugged before picking up a piece of your own pizza. "She's not being rude about it so why should I care? Although I am a bit surprised at how much she eats. When Gyomei told she she had a big appetite I wasn't expecting it to be so literally. Not that it's a bad thing of course!"
Surprised looks land silence was what everyone gave you minus Mitsuri still eating the quickly shrinking pile of food. Eventually Shinobu broke the silence with her brows raised high. 
"Holy shit...Gyomei found a dam unicorn!"
"He did.' shinobu rolled her eyes at her sister's scowl. "She said to be ourselves around her right? How is she supposed to know us if we aren't?'
"But the cussing? Really? First Nemi and now you."
"I really don't mind," you smiled at her. "I'm not offended at all. Really."
Kanae blinked but frowned at Shinobu's wide smile. 
"Subject change!" The blue eyed girl, Suma if you remembered right, shot up a hand and waved around her full arm. "This entire thing was to get to know her better! So let's do that instead!"
"Good idea, Suma!" She quickly changed the entire subject probably to avoid any awkwardness. "So. Y/n, how did you meet Gyomei? He told us briefly but I don't think he explained the entire thing." 
You paused a moment staring off into nothing. You smile had turned to a thin line and you turned to her so slowly that she thought she might've said something to offend you. "....Have you ever had a really bad date?"
Her pink eyes blinked. "I-...Well, it did rain once when I was on a double date with Kyo and Makio. We didn't get to do anything we planned."
"Oh. Well trust me. You haven't heard nothing yet. Let me tell you EXACTLY how I met the most kindest man of my life...after meeting the worst most vile human. It all started when this rat's parents paid my Auntie to set him up on a date. She's a REALLY good matchmaker you know and that's why they paid her and she needed the extra money because her car broke down, so she asked me to go out with him. I figured it was just a free dinner so what did I have to lose? BOY was I surprised!"
You told them the entire story. Starting from the very beginning from before you even met Jake the Snake to how he late he was to how Gyomei.actually noticed you first to how he acted and on and on. Most looked on in pity or disgust but Shinobu never lost that small smile. You nearly lost your appetite again remembering that night but the memory of Gyomei's smiling helpful being brightened up your entire outlook. 
"So one thing led to another and we ended up going on a coffee date." You shrugged drinking a little bit of the soda Hinatsuru was nice enough to get you. 
"That's so mean! How could a man be so cruel and rude?!," Mitsuri loudly protested. 
You shrugged again. "Spoiled too much by his parents I guess. But that's all in the past now." You smiled Brightly. "Gyomei is much more better than most of the men I've dated. Tonight is our third date actually."
"How did you guys meet anyways?" You were curious about how these people met and got together especially when they were all polyamourus. You've never heard of twelve people in a relationship before but you guessed there was a first time for everything.
"Most of us are actually childhood friends and we met way back in elementary school!," Suma piped up and bit down into a pizza slice. 
"Yeah..most of them. A few of us didn't meet until like nearly graduated from highschool..." Makio shrugged. "But it is what it is."
"That reminds me. How did you three end up marrying Mr. Uzui? I've heard of having more than one partner but this is the first time I've ever seen someone be married to three people at once before. Um..no offense."
"None taken." Makio waved you off with a bored look to her face. "It was arranged between our parents a long time ago, I don't think Tengen's old man was too happy at the idea of him dating Kyo back in highschool and decided to give him a few beautiful ladies to change his mind."
"Oh that's awful." A hand covered your mouth. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. It all worked out in the end."
"Really? He just agreed to it?"
"Yeah. He figured just going through with it would be easier, and we all got married right out of highschool..." Her gaze looked far away from the table as if gazing of into nothing. "..You know he offered all of us to divorce the day after? Said he wasn't going to force any of us to stay if we didn't want to."
Your brow rose at her. "But..you didn't?"
"No. I could've though. I could've divorced him and then left. Maybe I'd be somewhere studying something like cooking or maybe I'd be married again to a really, really handsome rich guy who's a renowned millionaire complete with little kids and a nice big dog. ...I could've had that, or I could stay with a guy who's 'flamboyant' butt cried when I said I loved him for the first time."
"Aw!" She was lightly surprised when you gushed. "Did he really cry?"
"Oh yes. I remember that." Hinatsuru finally got a cheeky look on her face looking at her other wives. "You two remember that right? He was so worried that Kyo would be mad at him for falling for us and he was so scared that we hated him from the start that he cried for a whole hour."
"Yeah. Besides, where else are we gonna get a free portrait?"
Her joke wasn't lost on you either and a giggle escaped you. So they all grew up together? That's a cute love story! Well you guessed minus Tengan's wives who everyone met in highschool technically but you still were curious about one thing in particular.
"I do hope you don't mind me asking this but I'm curious about something," you slowly spoke catching most everyone's attention other than Mitsuri who was almost done with her giant tray. "If you don't want to answer it's fine, but how did you all.. Y'know. Well-.." You were trying to try to find a way to word it without sounding rude. So you made a half circle motion around the table gesturing to everyone.
"Find out we were all poly?," Kanae asked answering you.
"YYYes. I'm sorry if that's a sensitive topic."
She shook her head, pretty hair swaying. "Not at all. You've been nothing but respectful this entire time and honestly you're one of the few people who didn't make it weird." She shrugged her shoulders holding up her hands. "To be perfectly honest with you, it just sort of happened. Mitsuri used to date my sister back in middle school but they broke up and then she started dating Sanemi-" She gestured to Mitsuri. "-and she dated Obanai for a little bit before we all just shifted to who we wanted to have our main love be!"
"Oh..I see. So how did the whole main partner thing was figured out?"
"Simple. While I love all my partners, Sanemi is the only one I want to officially marry and start a family with." Her head tilted at you with a worried brow. "Do you think that's strange?"
A him escaped her throat as her eyes glanced over in thought. "...Well I can't say no because I guess to someone like me who isn't in a relationship like yours it would be weird. But-" orbs looked directly back to her pink ones. "I can't really judge you. Mostly because your relationship isn't any of my business so I shouldn't stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but also because it's really incredible."
"Hm?" Pink eyes blinked confused. "Incredible how so?"
"You guys have the healthiest relationship I've ever seen!" 
Kanae. Blinked. "What?"
You nodded. "I mean I've seen arguments but if-.. Sanemi, I think was his name, really wanted to punish Tengen I think he would've punched him square in the face. But it just looked like one big couples fight to me..Not the really bad kind but I don't think-" You stopped seeing everyone stared at you again. "Um..Was it something I said?"
"I told you. A dam unicorn."
Kanae shot her sister another glare before sighing. "Well to answer your question, we really just sorta melded together once we realized that there was more than mutual feelings. It took some time for everyone to come to terms with it especially Nemi and Obi but it works out for us."
"And your families?"
You blinked as Hinatsuru suddenly placed her fork down and went quiet, a sad look suddenly found on her face making you blink and then noticed that everyone else had similar looks either looking away uncomfortable or sad. Mitsuri's eating had also ceased leaving her holding up an empty burger wrapper. Eventually Shinobu sighed.
"Some of our families have...Not been very nice hearing about it let's just say. My folks for example were pretty shocked but now they're the most supportive people on the planet. However... People like Tengen's dad or Obinai's family.." A grimace and 'yeesh' sound escaped her. "You'd think a guy who's entire family was mostly women wouldn't care if he dated girls-'
"I think I get the picture." You politely held up your hand and looked around feeling suddenly guilty about the mood dropping. "...You guys said you're studying to become teachers right?" You perked back up and changing the subject to a lighter tone. "What kind of subject do you want to teach, Mitsuri?" You asked the most cheerful person hopefully her bright happy attitude would help the situation.
Like you hoped she immediately lit up in a smile. "DANCE! Specifically ballet!"
"I didn't know you knew ballet!"
She nodded. "Mm hm! I love it!"
"And what about you two?"
"I'm focusing on biology and Shinobu is taking classes for becoming a health teacher," Kanae answered with a new smile. 
"Hina n' I are working through the thought of culinary schooling."
"You'd certainly fit right in."
"Makio! Don't be so mean to me!"
"Guys please."
You couldn't help but giggle at the lot of them in the end and went back to eating your pizza and waiting for Gyomei's return. 
"Hey. We're all going to the beach tomorrow!" You paused mid bite of your pizza before looking at Mitsuri who smiled widely and hopefully at you. "It's one of the few times we can go before it gets too cold. Why don't you come with us?"
"Oh. I'd really like to..but I can't." Your hand was held up. "I have a project to take care of before I can turn it in Monday and I have to clean. But I appreciate the offer. Are you guys going out the entire weekend together?"
"Oh absolutely! Tonight's just a big sleepover with a movie!" Mitsuri started quickly motioning with her hands with excitement. "Then tomorrow we're going to spend all day on the beach together and then Sunday it's just gonna be the boys hanging out with each other and we're all going SHOPPING!~" She sang out that last part throwing up her hands. "And then we're gonna go to the spa and get massages, and have our nails done and a whole bunch of stuff between those things! Then we're all going to meet up with the boys for a sauna and public hot springs!" She then gasped hands smacking her cheeks. "OH MY GOSH!! YOU SHOULD TOTALLY COME WITH US!!"
You blinked leaning back a little bit. "What?"
"I don't want to intrude on your guys' date and besides as much as I would like to, I'd only be a third wheel for the entire thing. On top of that I don't have much money for me to spend."
"Uh.. Didn't Gyomei literally win you three hundred fifty dollars?" 
You paused staring at them blinking.
"THAT'S RIGHT! You can totally still come with us then! Please say you will! You really didn't get a chance to really meet the guys yet and I promise it'll be so much fun!"
"Well I -.." You let out a light sigh. "Well I guess so. It might be fun."
"Oh this is going to be so much fun! I can't wait for you to see my favorite cat cafe! I'm sure the guys are just as excited!"
"You think so?"
"Absolutely! Why I bet they're thinking of fun things to do together right now!"
Warmth spread off the tiles lining up the walls and floors. Most rising to coat their bodies like fog which was probably a good thing considering that most of them were completely in the nu- A loud smack loud disturbed the peaceful sounds of running shower heads and scents of men's brand soap and shampoo. The snack itself stopped Obanai from helping Gyomei get his back and the blind man tilt his head-
Buuuutt the very girly sounding squeal that left Tengen's throat had caused the rest of them to peer over. A stinging sensation throbbed from the side of Tengen's behind from where he was struck by something fast, and instinctively his hand clutched onto the now reddened skin. Magenta eyes narrowed with a snap of his neck and immediately found the culprit with a wet wring up towel in his hands. 
"OW! WHAT THE HELL, SANEMI?!", Tengen's voice angrily echoed off the walls.
The smaller white haired man gave Tengen one of those evil grins he always gave when annoyed and his fists squeezed around the towel harder making it creak in her hands. "Consider it payback for the stunt you pulled! I would've won if you hadn't distracted me!"
"Oh please. I would've won if you hadn't twisted the rules and tricked my wife." Tengen hissed rubbing at his bottom. "Fuck that hurt. Y'know if you wanted to smack my butt that badly-"
"Are those two still going on about that? I thought we all agreed Gyomei won fair and square."
Gyomei only sighed at Giyuu's words deciding not to engage with the argument other than shaking his head and sinking further down into the tub of comforting warm water. Those two would normally fight like cats and dogs if it wasn't with Obinai. He knew the routine of these fights. They'd be angry anywhere between a few hours to a day and then either forget about it or make up somehow. Even if the current cussing at one another over 'distracting him and making him lose' or 'sanemi didn't have to attack him with a towel' was starting to give him a bit of anxiety. He sure hoped they weren't loud enough for the girls to hear them.
"Uh huh. Sure.~"
There was a small silence other than the sounds of the others ignoring their friends' usually arguments and continuing to finish up and then sounds of running water...but after a moment of nothing his head did turn in question towards the nearest person.
"Are they quite finished?"
"Yep. They're hate kissing again."
Even though he couldn't see Obinai, he knew the man was rolling his eyes. "I see. Well at least perhaps now they'll stop clawing at one another's throats." Water rippled in his wake as he moved to stand back up. "And I have to be seeing off Y/n soon. It's very impolite to keep her waiting for me on a date twice on a date."
"Relax, Mei. You brought her here for the sole purpose of meeting us. Let her get to know them. I'm sure Mitsuri's already talking about her cats or Suma's talking her head off. She'll be fine."
"Well..I should at least make sure it's going well."
"*sigh* If you say so. And will you two get a room?!"
Sanemi's answer was to chuck the clean but wet towel he had been holding and expertly nailing Obanai in the face without even looking up from where he was gripping Tengen's head to make him lean down enough to kiss. A loud smack sound again echoed beside him and a moment later Obanai fell into the tub with a splash. ...Gyomei only groaned rubbing his face. 
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enjoythesilentworld · 2 months
Simon's Month - Venezuela
day 16 @youngroyals-events gosh how has it been 16 already
Simon finally gets to take Wille to Venezuela. Or, more Married!Wilmon on Caribbean Beach vacation.
read below or on ao3 (M, 1.9k) (cw: implied sexual content)
Simon is aware of his slight neuroticism about beach vacations. He knows he gets a little too excited about the wildlife and the activities, gets a little too distracted by finally being by the ocean again and having Wille with him at the ocean. He loves Wille, so much, and he loves getting to show him the beauty of the Caribbean. Sometimes, though, he spends so much time showing Wille things that he forgets to look back at Wille, to slow down and enjoy their time there, wanting to bounce from thing to thing, absorbing as much as possible.
Simon is also aware, however, of Wille’s slight neuroticism about Simon on beach vacation. He does not miss the way Wille looks at him, all heated glances over sunglasses and lingering touches under the waves. Oh, does Simon notice. Wille loves Simon at the beach, and Simon is well aware of the effect it has on his husband. It’s much more fun to pretend he doesn’t, though, to see how long Wille will last before inevitably snapping and cancelling their plans for the day to take Simon to bed. That is so much more fun than any excursion could ever be.
Over the years, they’ve found a happy medium, a place to meet each other in between Simon’s urge to do all-of-the-things and Wille’s desire to sit and relax. Before their first ever trip together to Venezuela, Simon told Wille that he’ll probably be very excited and distracted but to not take it personally. Simon just loves his family.
“I mean,” Simon had said, placing both of his hands on Wille’s, “you’re part of my family now, too, which is wonderful. And, of course, I’m going to introduce you to everyone, and I’m not going to, like, ignore you all week. I’m just saying that we won’t be able to sneak off to the bedroom all the time. Keep your hands to yourself. I know how you get when I’m—” he waved his hands around in a general gesture, “—sandy and whatnot.”
Wille chuckled and rolled his eyes. “You know, I can control myself. I promise not to ravish you in front of your family just because you look so good in swim shorts.” He smirked, leaning forward. “Even though, you do look really, really good in swim shorts.”
“Oh, yeah?” Simon purred, tilting his head to rub his nose against Wille’s, a breath of air between their mouths. “Well, we better get it out of your system before we go.”
He cackled when Wille tackled him back into the bed, packing for their trip put off just a little longer.
It is absolutely incredible to have Wille in Venezuela. It almost doesn’t feel real, putting two things together that had always been separate in his mind. 16-year-old Simon would’ve never expected to see Wille standing in his grandparents’ kitchen, helping his aunt prepare dinner. They’ve just arrived and Simon has already fallen more in love with Wille at seeing him get along so well with his family.
What past-Simon hadn’t anticipated — the one who’d told Wille he would need to keep it in his pants this week — was how much it would affect Simon to see Wille in Venezuela, getting along with his family. Simon has seen Wille at the beach plenty of times. Simon has seen Wille chatting quietly on the couch with Linda, has seen him riding horses with Sara. Something about him here, though, in this place that’s always felt like his real home more than Sweden ever did, with his extended family—
Well, Simon should’ve been giving the lecture to himself, because suddenly he can’t seem to keep his hands off of Wille.
He manages to do fine for the first day. They’re pretty exhausted from the flight anyway, so it’s a lot of sitting around and talking, sipping on cool drinks. Wille does an impressive job fielding everyone’s questions, with the grace of a prince but the relaxedness of an ex-prince. His casual confidence, the way he turns to Simon occasionally to ask about his pronunciation of a Spanish word, it all gets Simon a little hot. That evening, though, jet lag hits them, and they practically fall into bed, asleep the moment their heads hit the pillow.
The next day is lovely, but it tests Simon and his resolve. It’s a chill beach day with the whole family, and while Simon is immediately sprinting out to the water the moment they arrive, Wille stays behind to help Simon’s grandpa and uncle set up the tents and chairs. When Simon exits the water a little while later, Wille is sitting with a soda bottle, laughing and exchanging stories with them. He’s already got a few more freckles (Simon knows, he keeps a close count) and he looks so relaxed, and Simon needs to be near him right this second.
He grabs a piece of watermelon from the cooler, thanking his grandma with a kiss on the cheek, and plops himself down in Wille’s lap. Wille smiles distractedly up at him, turning back to his conversation, but, out of second nature, both of his arms wrap around Simon’s waist. Simon sits, happily listening to Wille stumbling through speaking Spanish and watching his little cousins play in the sand.
Halfway through his watermelon slice, he offers it up to Wille and is very pleased when the man leans forward to take a bite. He’s even more pleased when a bit of juice runs down the side of his face, and Simon gets to wipe it up.
When there’s a lull in the conversation, Simon pulls Wille up and takes him out into the water, holding him close in the waves. They swim out and stop just past a sandbar, where the water is a little calmer, and Simon clings to Wille like a starfish. Far enough from his family now they’re probably not watching them too closely, he attaches his mouth to Wille’s neck, hands roaming.
“Simon—” Wille gasps, his grip on Simon’s hips tightening slightly in shock. “You can’t—”
“I can,” Simon quips, biting into the crook where his neck meets his broad shoulder.
“Oh my God,” Wille says, but it’s not breathy or anything like what Simon was aiming to draw out of him. He pulls back and finds Wille staring off into the water. Then, Wille — the heathen — takes a hand off Simon to point at a large school of yellow fish swimming past them. “Look at them! Simon! Do you know what species they are?”
Simon sighs, drawing back. “They’re Grunts.”
Wille doesn’t make a single joke, which feels like a crime. Instead, he smiles cheerily, “We should go get some snorkels. Your grandma said there’s a few in the bag.”
He’s already releasing Simon and beginning to swim back towards the shore.
“I can make you grunt,” Simon mumbles under his breath, then follows after.
They go on a tour around town the following day. Simon holds Wille’s hand, watching Wille as he gazes, wide-eyed and ecstatic, at every single historic building or street market his aunt points out.
The man is being so fucking nice to his family, and it is really getting to Simon. While it is wonderful to have Wille walking down the streets he has vague memories of from his childhood, Simon also wishes this tour would speed up just a little bit so they could maybe steal away to their room before dinner.
“He seems really excited to be here,” his grandma observes quietly, sidling up next to Simon. He tries not to jump, quickly swallowing the heat rising in him. “He’s such a good man. You picked well, mi amor.”
Simon looks up at Wille, squeezing his hand once. Wille glances back and grins at him, squeezing back, then quickly turns to ask another question.
“Yeah,” he breathes, “I did.”
When they stop to duck inside a shop owned by Simon’s uncle, Simon holds Wille back and tugs him into the small alley between buildings, pulling him into a kiss. Wille makes a quiet noise of surprise, then melts into it, hands coming up to grab Simon, just as Simon intended. Too quickly, though, Wille is pulling back.
“Simon, baby,” he whispers, pushing a few loose curls off Simon’s forehead. “As much as I’d love to do this, I don’t think this is really the time or place.”
Simon groans, but steps back. “Fine.”
“I love you,” Wille smiles, kissing his forehead. “Let’s get you a cold treat, yeah?”
A small smile creeps on Simon’s face. “Yeah, okay,” he concedes, giggling as Wille guides them out of their shady hideout.
The fourth day is torture. They spend most of the day at the beach again, and Simon feels like he’s about to lose his mind.
Wille’s hair has already started to look extra bleached from the extra sun, his skin beautifully sun kissed, and — because he must hate Simon — he’s opted to wear the a-little-shorter-than-normal purple swim shorts Simon got him for his birthday last year.
Simon sits in his beach chair with his older cousins and aunties, sipping on a drink and watching Wille through his sunglasses, trying to keep his tongue in his mouth. When Wille exits the ocean, saltwater dripping down his toned chest and stomach, shorts ridden up ever so slightly to reveal strong, muscled thighs, Simon’s cousin whistles lowly from beside him.
“Hey,” Simon glares at her. She chuckles and shrugs.
“You can’t blame her, chico,” his aunt says. “I mean, he’s very sweet but… Look at him.”
“That is my husband.”
“Yeah, well,” says his cousin, “your husband is hot as fuck.”
She yelps when her mom reaches out to smack her, and Simon turns back to look at Wille. The man, the bastard, has settled in the sand with the young kids and is helping build a sand castle. Simon is going to kill him.
Later that evening, a few hours after dinner when everyone has scattered to different areas of the house, Simon finds Wille in the middle of a card game with a few of his relatives.
“Wille,” he says sweetly, “can you come with me really quick?”
“Oh,” Wille glances between Simon’s hand on his arm and the cards in front of him. “Now?”
“Yes, please.”
“Okay,” he says to Simon, then looks back to the table. “Sorry, I’ll be right back.”
No, Simon thinks, you will not.
Wille apologizes to the table again, then lets Simon pull him up the stairs.
“What’s up, love?”
“I—uh, I lost something in my suitcase.”
The angel he is, the moment they enter their bedroom, Wille heads to Simon’s suitcase. “What’d you lose?”
Simon shuts the door behind him and locks it. “Nothing.”
Wille turns around, confused.
Before he can ask further questions, Simon is on him, tackling him back onto the bed and capturing his lips in a rough kiss. He’s pleased when Wille immediately kisses back, tangling his fingers in Simon’s hair.
“You,” Simon breaths between kisses, “are so good to my family,” then starts to nip and lick at Wille’s jaw and neck. “They love you.”
Wille lets out a soft moan when Simon bites that one spot on his neck.
“I love your family. They’re being—uh—so kind to me.”
Simon starts on the buttons of Wille’s shirt, dropping his hips to settle more firmly into to Wille’s lap.
“Okay. Enough about my family,” he snips, kissing down every new inch of Wille that is revealed as his fingers fly across the buttons.
“What happened to keeping our hands to ourselves?” Wille asks, trying and failing to sound innocent, because his words are broken by moans as Simon finally reaches the zipper of his pants.
Simon chuckles. “I made the rule. I’m allowed to break it.”
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messrmoonyy · 1 year
Hi Messr!!
I am the anon who send you some asks a while ago about Tess being tied up while the reader is riding her strap and Tess is angry 'cause she can't touch her.
I was wondering if you would also do a drabble on this idea? No pressure of course! Thought it would be really hot 😝😝😝
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Tess Servopoulos x Fem!reader
Wc- 960 ish | 18+
TLOU masterlist | Navigation
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“ I don’t think this is fair “ Tess spoke as you looped the second half of the FEDRA issued metal cuffs around her wrist, clicking it into place and tugging lightly to make sure they were secure.
“ you don’t? “ you asked with a small smile, standing up from where you’d been kneeling on the bed to get a good look at her “ I think it’s perfectly fair “ she looked a sight laid there in her underwear, strap attached to her body.
You wanted to absolutely ravish her.
And you planned on it. Once you got what you wanted from her first of course. She watched you intently as you stripped out of your clothes, practically drooling as she raked her eyes over your body. She loved touching you. Loved getting her hands on you. So you knew it was killing her not being able to.
“ this is fuckin evil sweetheart “ you shrugged and made a show of unhooking your bra and dropping it to the floor.
“ I think you should watch your language “ you said with a small smile, stealing every word and phrase she usually threw at you “or I’ll just leave you there. I can happily make myself come without you “ Tess narrowed her eyes and pulled at her restraints again.
“ you wouldn’t “
“ oh? I wouldn’t? “ you dragged a chair over from the kitchen table, placing it next to the bed and sitting down “ I wouldn’t touch myself? Right here? Without you? No? “ you ran your hands over your body, trying and failing to suppress the smirk on your face as she tugged at the cuffs again
“ no- fuck you cant “
“ telling me what to do now are you? That’s funny. I thought I was the one in charge here tonight Tess “ she looked livid. And it was exactly what you wanted “ it’s almost like you want me to use you like this, being so disrespectful. Are you trying to push my buttons? Hmm? “ you knew you could get her to admit it if you pushed a little harder, you couldn’t exactly get her into the same submissive role she so often got you into. But you could get… something from her. Some leeway to her power.
Her eyes hadn’t left you once as your hands continued to roam, squeezing at your chest and moaning like some kind of pornstar
“ baby- “
“ is that what you want Tess? You want me to come over there and use you for my own pleasure? Want me to come sit on your cock? Yeah? “ a small noise left her now parted lips, eyes filled with desperation for what you were suggesting “ or are you gonna keep being stubborn. And just stay there whilst I touch myself “
“ come here Jesus come here “ you smiled and rose up from the chair, sauntering over to her and leaning over her face. You trailed your fingers along her jaw and tilted your head lightly to the side
“ I wonder what anyone would say if they could see you now “ you mused, trailing your fingers down between the valley of her chest, down along her stomach “ they’re all scared of you out there. But look at you. At my mercy “ she huffed in annoyance and you smiled again “ my big scary Tess huh? “
“ no one would believe you anyway “
“ you don’t think? “ you grasped the purple silicone of her strap in your fingers, feeling her eyes burning into you as you did “ that you’re here now, being used by me. I’m fucking you because I want to “ her breath stuttered as you spit into your hand, making the silicone slick “ and you begged me for it “
“ I don’t beg sweetheart “ she scoffed
“ we’ll see “ you moved to position yourself above her, straddling her hips and rubbing the tip of her cock against your slick cunt but not sinking down “ so you don’t want me to ride you right now? No? “
“ I do “ she whispered “ you know I fucking do “
“ then beg. Say please “ you were pushing it you knew it. But you didn’t care. You wanted to hear her say please to you for once. It was rare you got her in the current situation, rare she let you take control. So you were gonna milk it for all it was worth.
“ sweetheart I swear to g- “
“ say. Please “ her eyes were glued to where you were still rubbing the toy against yourself, getting wetter by the second. She could hear it. Could hear the crude sound of your wet cunt dripping along the length of her “ one word. One word. Don’t you wanna watch me? Think about how pretty i look. Don’t you want that? “ you could see her beginning to crack, tugging desperately at her restraints and you knew if they weren’t in place she’d have flipped you over and been railing you into the mattress a good 10 minutes ago “ you don’t want me to ride you right now? No? “
“ please “ a shit eating grin found its self onto your face, revelling in the embarrassment on her face
“ see. That was so easy wasn’t it? “
“ stop being a fuckin tease “
You rolled your eyes but sank down, your cunt more than ready for her, wet and taking her with ease. A deep, blissful sigh leaving your parted lips as you did.
Usually she’d have grabbed at your hips, a bruising grip as she guided you at the pace she wanted. But not today. You were in control. You set the pace.
You watched her writhe, pulling against the restraints clearly desperate to touch you and take her power back again. But it was turn for her to have a taste of her own medicine and she would watch and she would lay there. And you would have the control. And you would make it hell for her, rolling your hips and grabbing at your chest.
You would make it difficult for her and you would have fun doing it.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I've gotten KJ Charles recommended to me several times, but never got around to it. What's that about kink shaming?
Just the usual huffy comments about consent and how we should have moved past bodice ripper ravishment by now. Nothing really dire, but I have a zero tolerance policy for romance novelists who pretend they don't understand rape kinks and act like they're the product of clueless people who need to be enlightened.
I find KJ irritating in general despite loving some of her books. She's so terrified of being problematic that her ~diverse~ romances always read like the leads are barely even attracted to each other. The contrast to her two cis white people books is stark, and I'm far from the only one who's noticed. Her autistic character was a complete tool as well as too stupid to live, and the narrative 1000% excused this and never had him apologize to his boyfriend for being the absolute worst. Ugh. And her take on sensation novels was a travesty and an affront to the genre (which is saying a lot considering these things are garbage thrillers). How dare she make the awesome genderfluid trapeze artist shake and cry in a corner uselessly in a genre that's about daring and disguises and fun? And how dare she make the entire plot and happiness of all other important characters hinge on his ability to wear male clothing for six months? (Also how dare she write a historical novel with educated characters in this context and have literally zero characters even think to bring up any Classical ideas of gender. What's this "Woe, for I am alone and know no vocabulary to describe myself!" shit?) The "look how progressive I am" smug vibes just roll off of some of these books despite them being offensive drivel. She's actually capable of writing hot f/f, unlike many m/m writers who turn the heat way own when they attempt f/f, so that's something at least.
Sadly, she's one of the best prose writers out of the established big names, so people will keep giving her chances even if some of her more recent books feel really slapdash compared to the early ones people adore.
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clemblog · 8 months
New Dress - Anne x OC!Farmer | Fanfiction
Creia, a demon who formerly lived in the big city, was now the farmer of Sun Haven. It’d been a big and busy part of their new life, and they were finally starting to make some decent money! Which was all thanks to the last few days they’d spent tending to flowers of different varieties whilst they built up some wooden beehives.
It was rather pretty to look up at the higher part of their farm, now that it was covered in flowers. The humming and buzzing of all the bees was also rather melodious to hear. Especially on the early summer mornings, when the sun was cooler and they could tend to their crops.
It was all a lot of work~
So, with the impending payout they’d be getting each day with the added honey money, they decided to head to the new clothing shop that had just opened up! They’d helped fund it, so they got a small discount at the location~ Creia was also getting rather uncomfortable and tired of wearing their now mud stained, long sleeved pink shirt they’d been wearing when they arrived to Sun Haven.
It was a nice early morning stroll to the shop in time for its opening. They gave Emmett a kind wave, before walking over to the mannequins to see what was on display that day.
Then they saw it.
A silk fluffy dress in pink, their favourite colour. It was sleeve less and light weight, perfect for the hot weather. It went down to their knees, and mixed soft dulcet pinks with their favourite pastel pink. The blue gem on the front was also a treat, adding a unique beauty to the dress.
“Oh- Yes Creia?”
“How much is the dress over here?”
“8000 gold.”
“…I’ll take it-“
Anne would like to say their days had changed slightly ever since she’d befriended Creia, the new farmer. The two had become fast friends which lead to Creia bringing her treats from their farm produce, which Anne was all to welcome for~
It’d been her usual morning of walking down to the general store, Creia waiting for her at the end of the bridge like she always did. The pair were both busy individuals but always tried to catch one another at the start of the day if they could.
Anne could just about see Creia now! Were they wearing something different..?
Anne wasn’t going to lie. Once her brain processed what Creia was wearing, she felt her face flush red. They looked absolutely ravishing, for a farmer- Her a soft smile fell on her face as the pair where finally in talking distance.
“Wow Creia~ You’re looking snazzy this morning.” Cooed Anne.
Creia laughed softly at this, their face a similar colour to their dress.
“Thanks Anne, my profits are getting bigger each day, so I decided it was time to treat myself.” They explained.
“Well, I’d say this is a delectable treat indeed~”
“Oh hush, Annie, don’t be a tease-“
“Only for you Rei-Rei~”
The two resolved into silly chuckles before both having to run off for the day.
They both dreamt in the backs of their mind of a day where they could wake up and fall asleep together each day.
But for now Creia would simply just shower Anne in treats of their labour. As would Anne, with the occasional flirtatious word or touch as the pair passed each other by in town.
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philosopheme · 1 year
[Review] Fortress Festival
I went to Fortress Festival in Scarborough this weekend just gone and had a blast. Here’s a little review of some of the bands I saw.
Friday kicked off at 2pm with English BM band Andracca and what an opener it was.   Crowd was disappointingly light for them and I felt a little bad but it was the very first set of the entire festival. They still earned some new fans, myself included. Great energy and intensity.
Next came another English BM band - Andartar. Heavier than Andracca but similarly great intensity. I knew I'd stumbled upon a brilliant festival already at this point. Another pic. Lighting was great throughout the whole fest.
Slight change of pace next with Devastator, a black thrash band from Derby. First pit of the weekend starts, even if it only consisted of around 6 people. They got a great reception and put on a good show and their set was 30 minutes, same as the two before.
Then we get to our first jaw drop of the festival. The Sun's Journey Through The Night. One man band from England recently nominated for Metalhammer's Song of the Week. Incredible performance and highly recommend them. Nice theatrics with the horned skull mask and just fantastic energy from everyone involved. I also got a drumstick from them, cheers!
Wode come next. 40 minute set this time. Manchester black/death metal. Loved his vocals.
Then we have Finnish pagans Havukruunu. Setting the 'atmospheric' tone for the rest of the evening with a nice intro. Place was looking full now, though it was amazing how spacey the room felt. Should also note the crowd was really chilled and friendly. Great set, loved the bassist's bullet crown.
Time for the headliners. I say headliners because they both played for the same amount of time and both felt like they had the right to finish the first day off. So - an hour's set from the magnificent Can Bardd from Switzerland. Beautiful atmospheric folky black metal, many people said they were their favourite band of the weekend. Great set and, as you can see, the place was really alive. Popped out for a smoke and thought 'what a place'.
To finish off, Saor from Scotland. First time hearing electric bagpipes which was a fun experience. Just like every other one that day it was a brilliant set, the crowd were really into it and I especially enjoyed the flute(?). Frontman Andy engaged spoke with the crowd a few times. Nice view leaving the spa. 
Back  to Scarborough Spa - which was once again looking ravishing - just in time for the post-black metal openers from Birmingham, Lunar Mercia, at 12:30. Really nice sound and lovely vocalist who I'd spoken to the day before.
Next we have Nemorous. Basically Wodensthrone v2 as it's made up of mostly ex-members. Started amazingly, finished amazingly, but suffered a very unfortunate snapped guitar string in the middle that seemed to take an AGE to restring. The crowd was totally sympathetic but you could feel the frustration from the entire band, I can't imagine how disappointed they were. Think they only managed around four songs but they did a great job and I went and bought a t-shirt afterwards. Visceral vocals and first keyboardist of the festival.
My personal highlight of the weekend came at the end of Nemorous' set. Just before they started I checked in at the Panopticon stand and got myself a copy of Kentucky. £80 on Discogs currently but they were selling them for £35. That alone made me very happy, but, whilst watching Nemorous, I noticed a familiar face. There was Austin Lunn from Panopticon, the reason I bought the ticket to this festival, going ham at the barrier (the guy with the hair, obviously). Once the set finished he very kindly signed my copy of Kentucky after I frantically searched for a marker pen and got a photo with him. He stuck around to chat for a few minutes and was one of the nicest musicians I've ever met. So enthusiastic and asking loads of questions.  My weekend was made and absolutely nothing could've ruined it at that point.
After a short break and a few beers I got back in time for Ard. Described as 'Monastic Northumbrian doom', Ard is the project of Mark Deeks from Winterfylleth. As a one man project he was naturally assisted by the rest of Winterfylleth! This was a real change of pace from the black metal we'd been listening to since early Friday afternoon and he did thank everybody for sticking around for him 'even though there were no blast beats'. Really enjoyable set.
Next, Ante-Inferno, from Scarborough itself, with the drummer being the organiser of the festival, Gary. Really been enjoying their most recent album 'Antediluvian Dreamscapes' and they were a class act. In case you haven't caught on, everyone at this festival was fucking great. Really loved the vocals here.
Here we have one of my biggest highlights of the weekend and a band I've not stopped listening to since I left Scarborough.  Afsky, from Denmark. They rendered me absolutely speechless. Sure, the wood and the torches and the industrial fan were a nice touch, but they played with an intensity I hadn't seen to this point. The sound was amazing and the screams were just top drawer. As you can see in this video, it was way busier on the Saturday. Room was packed but, like Friday, far from cramped. I've listened to them every day since Saturday and I finished one of their albums on the drive home.
It was getting real misty at this point. Eldritch powers or smoke machine, who can say?
Penultimate act of the day, English black metal darlings Winterfylleth. Mark Deeks from Ard back behind the keyboard this time. I'm a fan of Winterfylleth and it was my first time seeing them but I wasn't really blown away. They were good, I think I just expected them to be better. Or maybe it was the anticipation of Panopticon around the corner... either way, there was a better pit this time as well as a few corpse-painted balloons floating around. Very kvlt.
Finally, my time had come. I bought my ticket for Fortress the moment I heard Panopticon were there. One of my favourite black metal bands, with Kentucky being one of my favourite albums of all time. At this point, around 21:30, I hadn't had a pint for about 2 hours to avoid needing a piss and losing my spot at the front. I got right to the barrier, which was insanely easy, and waited it out. Soundcheck took a little while and the whole fest was probably running a solid 15/20 mins behind. Think Austin Lunn spent more time trying to balance his 'Commonwealth of Kentucky' flag on his amp than actually doing the soundcheck, not that I was complaining.
And then we were off. They were fucking amazing in every way. I was emotional. So much Kentucky material, including the wonderful little folky bits. Austin wasn't satisfied with the sound at the start and kept asking for more guitar, not that it interrupted his flow at all. Though, the string instrument they were using (fiddle? violin? idk) could've definitely been a bit louder. Austin's vocals were fantastic but I was utterly blown away by their keyboardist, who's name I don't know. Guitar work was fantastic and at times it sounded just like the studio album.
Austin did an impromptu meet and greet afterwards, just jumped down from the stage and started to chatting to people. Really phenomenal set. Sadly it was the end of the road for me, as I couldn't stay for Sunday's lineup due to work, but I had had an incredible time and finishing with Panopticon was a moment I'll never forget.
I heard Sunday was also good, though I think it would be fair to say the lineup was slightly weaker. Heard great things about Abduction and Cenotaphe, though I've heard a few things about Bolzer having a nightmare with soundchecking (as in it took fucking ages and he had a go at the sound engineer - and someone may have heckled him?) but I can't say much more as I wasn't there. A friend did say they were really good once that got out of the way.
Favourite sets: Panopticon, Afsky, The Suns Journey Through The Night. In that order.
Final thoughts
Fortress is one of the best festivals I've ever been to. Not because it was flashy or had the best lineup or anything like that (though Panopticon puts it up there for me), but just because it was so well organised and chilled. Everyone was super friendly, there was zero hassle, the venue was incredible, and all the bands delivered. 
They've already confirmed they're going again for 2024 and they're moving to the bigger room at Scarborough Spa which holds 1800 and looks awesome. It's going from 3 days to 2 days (Saturday and Sunday).  Here's their Facebook page and there's a forum with plenty more pictures and discussion and links to other black metal gigs in the UK, worth joining.
Thanks for reading.
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paristheonewhoreads · 6 months
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Little Bunny | Raider!Joel x F!reader
warnings: 18+ only, Dark!joel, dom!joel, age gap (Joel is 46, reader is 19), non-con, daddy kink, virgin!reader, sub!reader, innocents kink, oral sex (f!receiving), just the tip fucking?, thigh fucking??, indirect creampie???, somnophilia, pet names (sweetheart, bunny, peach, princess, etc.) toxic femininity, misogyny, groping, mentions of death, murder, slight gore and talks of needing to move a body. Joel is very talkative (calls us a bitch but idk if that’s a tw), and kinda filthy so be warned lol.
Synopsis: Your father leaves before you wake and in his place Joel is the man of the house. You try to get to know the mysterious stranger though he seems to want to do much more than just talk to you.
A/n: SMUT. (Finally huh?) Please if you are of any age younger than eighteen, DO NOT READ. Also, quick FYI this story takes place about ten years after the outbreak so things are relatively better than they would be if it were twenty years instead. That being said, enjoy!
P.s In my mind I’m writing about game Joel (because to me he’s just…better. No hate to Pedro I love him) having said that, it’s obviously up to you who you imagine when reading :)
Word count: 9.5k 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 (that was an accident)
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Chapter Two
The soft mellow breeze of spring flutters into your bedroom as you stir awake. Birds chirping outside welcoming you from your slumber. You sit up in bed with a yawn, and stretch your arms and back out after being curled up all night. It’s not as cold as it was during winter now that spring is here and the sun is a much more constant friend again, so sleeping with your window open is always a treat in the early mornings.
You push your soft pink floral bedsheets aside and slip your feet into your fuzzy slippers. The house is quiet. Strange, your father would be up by now either making breakfast or feeding the chickens out back. Either way, you make your way out of your room and into the kitchen. You stop before going in at your fathers door. Pressing your ear up against it to see if you hear him.
With no sound coming from the other side you decide to give a light knock on the wooden door, “Dad? Are you in there?” you ask just loud enough for him to have heard you on the other side.
There’s no response.
At this your brows furrow slightly, and you go to turn and open the bedroom door.
“He’s not here princess.” a honeyed voice calls behind you.
Turning back, you see Mr.Miller is standing at the end of the hallway, cup of coffee in hand.
“Hope you don’t mind, made myself a cup. Been a long time since I’ve had my morning fix.” he raises the mug up slightly.
You shake your head, “not at all, good morning.” you say anxiously. You don’t know why, but everytime-which haven’t been that many considering you’ve only interacted with him a handful of times, you body spikes in nervousness.
He makes you jittery. That being said it’s honestly a little silly, he doesn’t even speak or do much to make you feel this way. So you try to push that feeling deep down. Ignoring it.
With your hand off the doorknob, and being fully turned to him, you’re brought back to why your out in the hall in the first place.
“You said my fathers not here?” you recall, head tilting slightly, hands meeting at your front as they start to nervously fittle.
He doesn’t answer right away, just takes a look at you up and down. He takes in how you look in the mornings. Your hair is down, cascading down over your shoulders, not as neat as it had been last night, but not at all any less winsome. Your wearing a silk pink nightgown, white lace running along the neckline and helm. It had white bows too, two on either side of where the straps met the neckline and one right where the slit on your thigh began. A semi matching silk robe over it, given the slight chill in the morning air.
Your cute little fuzzy slippers on your feet. You look absolutely ravishing.
Fuck. And she’s only in her fucking pajamas? Joel thought to himself.
He clears his through and nods his head before taking a sip from his mug, “He and his men left at dawn, one of ‘em said they saw another group just west of here. I sent some of my men along with them too.” he explains.
You frown at this, pout prominent. He left? Without saying anything? That’s not like your father, he’d have woken you up or..maybe he left a-
“He wrote you a little something before he left.” Joel pipes up before making his way to you, he passes you by making his way into the living room and picking up a letter left on the coffe table.
He hands it to you, and you immediately feel yourself relax a little as you see his writing on the envelope.
A letter.
Is all it says, he’s never been one for writing. You carefully rip open the paper and pull out the letter, unfolding it.
Dear honey,
I’ll be gone by the time you wake up tomorrow and read this. I’ve been told that there is another group of men out west. Not as big as Joel’s, but they were seen with heavy arms and even a couple of horses. Not all of Joel’s men are in condition to go out there again, Joel included. So he and the ones who can’t will be staying behind to keep an eye on things here. Make sure he feels as welcome as he can. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Might take a couple of days, no more than a week. Take care of yourself and remember to feed the chickens when you wake up.
I’ll love you always,
You both ease up and tense as you read your thatchers words. His explanation for why he’s left is brief, but still you understand. His final farewell at the end of his note has you smile slightly. You sigh as you finish, putting the letter back in the envelope.
Looking up, you find Joel is still there, eyeing you almost expectingly.
“He give a good reason for why I stayed back?” he surprises you with a sly smile, and a light chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. As if he was the one who was nervous.
You blink at him for a moment, not saying anything before you snap back into it, “he said you were in no condition to go and help.” The sentence, although not intentionally, comes out with a sharp tone.
Joel’s gaze hardens for a moment, jaw clenching, his hands curl into fists at his side. A look of spite flashes across his face, however, as quickly as it appears it vanishes.
“That how you talk to all your guests?” he nags.
Your eyes drop to the floor at his tone. He sounds as if he was your father scolding you. Looking down at the letter in your hands you recall what your father had told you.
“…Make sure he feels as welcome as he can…”
With a defeated sigh, your shoulders slump slightly.
Once again you meet his gaze with your own, “I’m sorry Mr.Miller, I guess I’m just…he’s never left so often in such little time before. And,well, he’s not exactly at his prime anymore…” you trail off.
Why would you even tell him that? He doesn’t care. Much less need to know why you’re being so rude.
His eyes softened at that, “I’m sure your old man will be just fine sweetheart.”
Him calling you sweetheart makes the nest of butterflies in your stomach flutter slightly.
You clear your throat, and that seems to relieve the tension and awkwardness in the room, “Have you had breakfast yet?” you mellow, slippers flip-flopping with each step you take as you make your way to the kitchen, Joel hot on your trail.
“No.” He says as he leans on the opposite side of the counter, just looking at you, “Not much of a breakfast person. Cup of coffee’s all I really need.”
Trying to be a good hostess you try to persuade him into eating, “well just coffee is no good. Especially since…“ you pause.
Why had Joel stayed behind? He seems perfectly fine. He walks okay, no limp. Doesn’t look bruised or beaten at all. Even looks rather energized from the nights rest he’d gotten.
The unsettling feeling you’d pushed down earlier rises and settles back in you gut as you see he really is in the condition to go out there again.
He gives you a quizzical look, lifting a brow at you. If he had taken it
“um, since you’re not well. My father said you’re not in a good condition.” you try not to let your suspicions glances be obvious as you turn around to rummage through the pantry.
You decide you’ll make eggs with potatoes and sausage. Last harvest the whole town had been quite overwhelmed with how many potatoes were had. So you figured you’d just have to try and sneak them into your meals until the hefty supply in potatoes went down.
“Well I’m starving.” you chirp, trying to change the subject again. Given the ugly look he’d given you in the living room, you didn’t want to grill him for answers just yet.
“How’s about I make us breakfast. Nothing too fancy, but definitely yummy.” You say placing all the ingredients on the counter.
He watches you move around the kitchen pulling out seasonings, pans, plates, all so smoothly. You work your way around, and in Les than thirty minutes you’ve got eggs and sausage cooked and plated. Potatoes still cooking on a pan, the sound of them frying filling the house along with the smell of the sausage.
You place a plate in front of him, handing him a fork and a glass of water.
You yourself sip on a green juice you drink every morning as you stir the potatoes once more.
Joel doesn’t dig in just yet, just observes you as if what you’re doing is so enchanting. Staring at your ass everytime you turn your back to him. He feels himself stiffen in the worn sweats your father had lended him. Trying to distract himself he looks at the clear glass in your hand, “what’s that your drinking?” He asks.
You look from the pan to him, and then to the glass half full in your hand. “Oh, um, this is a green juice I drink in the mornings. It’s supposed to help with digestion and make my skin look healthier.” as you say it, it sounds a little weird.
You’d always taken yourself very seriously in regards to your health. Always making sure you have enough protein and vitamins. Always drinking plenty of water. You suppose it’s because of how you’d lost your mother. She’d given her life to give light to you. Why shouldn’t you take care of yourself?
Maybe a bit dramatic, sure, but really there wasn’t at all anything bad with it. You wouldn’t call yourself high maintenance for your looks, more just your wellbeing.
“Um, you wanna try it?” you ask him after a beat of silence. Offering him the glass he looks at it for a moment, seemingly not really interested in it, but curiosity gets the better of him as he takes the cup from you.
His fingers brush against yours for a split second. You don’t seem to take much notice in it, but fuck if doesn’t feel the spark on his skin when in contact with yours.
You’re just that sweet, aren’t you bunny?
You give him a nod of encouragement to take a sip from the drink. To him you’d just nodded to the question he’d asked you in his head. Christ, if he didn’t want to just pounce on you.
He takes a sip of your mysterious green beverage, it’s not the most delightful think he’s tasted, but also not the most horrible.
“And you say you drink this every..?” he asks you even though he knows what you’d said before. Anything to hear you talk to him.
“Every morning.” You answer with a smile. He takes another sip, tasting it again, before shaking his head, “not for me. Don’t know how you drink that.” He exaggerates.
This makes you laugh, your giggle filling the kitchen. At the sound of your laughter Joel feels his hand twitch. The urge to calm his stuffing cock in his pants. God he needs you. If he doesn’t get his hands on you soon he’ll have to just take you whichever way it fits best.
You move back to the pan, potatoes ready now after one final stir, oblivious of the man across from you’s thoughts. You pick it up and move over to where he’s sitting, giving him two big spoonfuls on his plate before serving yourself some.
“It’s not that bad. Besides they pay off don’t they?” You joke as you gesture to your face, moving your head side to side in order to show off your glowing skin.
Joel admires you as you do so, and even when you go to fork at your food he still doesn’t break his gaze from looking at you.
“Yeah, guess they do.” is all he responds with before he’s digging into his own plate.
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Breakfast goes by quickly as you both eat in silence. Once finished Joel excuses himself and wander to his room. You wash up before heading to your bedroom as well. After a nice shower, you change into a white lace babydoll top, some old light wash jean shorts, and your old white converses.You let your hair down so that it can air dry, and put on your gold heart locket.
After almost forgetting to feed the chickens, you go out into the backyard, grabbing a scoop full of dried corn you pour it into a small woven basket. Placing it on your hip, you begin to toss some of it on the ground, the chicks and their mothers rushing to you to get as much as they can.
Once they’ve been fed, you decide to stay outside and enjoy the warm breeze now that it’s noon. You head inside to get a something to read from the book shelf in the living room. You pick a random one you don’t believe you’ve read yet, and as you’re walking back you notice your fathers letter on the coffe table.
You swiftly pick it up and take it to your room. You’ve just finished stuffing it into your other small stack of journals and papers you’ve saved, when you hear a knock on the front door.
Knowing that it couldn’t have been your dad because of the knock itself, you wonder who it could be. Your halfway to the door when there’s another insistant knock.
You open the door to find another man you’ve never met before.
He’s got a raven mane on top his head, with a just as equally dark mustache and thick scuff growing along his jaw. Beauty marks pepper his face, and as you meet his dark eyes, he’s looking back at you with a gaze so deep you could get lost in them.
“Um,” you look around and behind him but he seems to be alone, “Can I help you…” you trail off.
“Tommy. Tommy Miller, a pleasure.” He introduces himself and extends a hand for you to shake. Tommy Miller?
“You’re Joel’s..” you wait for him to answer you as you shake his hand. Unlike the other Miller he doesn’t squeeze as hard.
“Brother. I actually came here to speak to him. He in by any chance?” His heavy accent rings.
“Oh, um, yes. Yes he is. Come inside and I’ll go get him.” You push the front door open wider as the miller brother passes you and walks into the living room.
You don’t even need to go and get Joel because he’s already walking down the hall to the two of you. He’s changed into a dark green flannel and some worn jeans, boots heavy on his feet.
“Tommy.” He greets his brother.
You look between the two men, both of whom stand taller than yourself. You do see the similarities, their height, their eyes, thick southern accents, but other than that they’re both completely different from one another.
“Joel.” Tommy nods, “Came to talk to you ‘bout something.” he says with a look you can’t quite place your finger on.
Joel seems to know what it is, shakes his head
then looks to you, “mind given us a moment here princess?” he gestures between him and his brother.
At the pet name Tommy smirks, raising a brow at you. That makes your cheeks flare up, and your skin becomes warm. Joel notices, but his expression doesn’t change.
At the attention on both millers you become flustered, “Um,y-yeah. Sure.” You stammer, as you go to pick up your book. With a small smile you give Tommy in goodbye, you make your way out into the backyard again. You walk over to the swing chair that hangs from the big tree out back. It covers you in shade and you swing slightly on it as you read.
You’re only able to focus on your book for so long. Your mind wandering over to the two men inside. His brother just happened to stay too? I’d of thought he’d had sent him too. Tommy didn’t look mal for wear. If enything it seems the two brother would’ve been in perfect shape to go help your father.
Did Joel even answer my question on why he’d stayed?
Joel was a..peculiar man. The first interaction with him had been weird. Borderline creepy. How he’d squeezed your hand. He hasn’t said anything then. It took him until dinner when you were alone to finally talk to you.
You’re rarely put in situations where you need to be introduced yourself in your small town, but surely you’re supposed to say something. Not just stand there with a stoney look on your face.
After a couple moments you try to shake of your thoughts. You wouldn’t need to deal with him alone for long. Dad would be home by dinner tonight and once they’re settled in, he’ll find Joel and his men somewhere else to sleep and he’ll be out of your house. At a distance.
Thirty minutes later, and you’re so engrossed into the book your reading that you don’t notice when Joel steps outside, eyes squinting slightly from the brightness of the suns warmth. He spots you a little ways away and walks on over.
Once at the tree he leans against it, facing you, “Book good?” he asks.
You look up at him, giving him a small smile, “yeah it’s not bad. I’ve never read it before but it’s actually pretty good.” you explain.
“Yeah bet you know plenty about pretty things don’t you? Pretty girl.”
You heat up suddenly at his pet name for you, eyesight immediately moving down to the book in your hands as you become shy, “I-i guess so.” You talk to the book more rather than him.
“Why do you always do that?” his tone serious now.
Looking back up at him, you give him a look, and he straightens up again, his features softening as well as his voice, he shrugs his shoulders, “ I’m just saying. Usually you’d at least say thank you when someone compliments you.” he all but scolds.
Panicked,your eyes widen, “oh- I’m sorry. I didn’t-I don’t-.” you scold yourself in your head.
Was that rude of me?
Taking breath, “I just don’t,” you start,”it’s not often I get told things like that.”
I don’t get told things like this by men like you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. Thank you. It’s very sweet of you.” you say sheepishly with a tight lipped smile.
It’s embarrassing really, him having to tell you it wasn’t polite to not say thank you.
He makes a noise of understanding, nodding his head, “Well now, when I compliment you it’d be nice to here that from you. Let me know you like it.”
Do you like it?
A warmth settles into your tummy, “okay. I will from now on Mr.Miller. I didn't mean to be rude,” you try to reason “I guess I just don’t really talk to any new people really.”
“Well people say things like that all the time,” he pushes himself off the tree and steps in front of you. You crank your neck up to be able to see him, “especially to pretty girls like you.” his hand reaches out to run the back of his fingers down your cheek until he can hold your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
He smiles at you, but there’s something else behind it you just don’t-
Stop it. He’s being kind. He’s trying to be nice.
“Thank you.” you say blink up at him, voice meek, butterflies fluttering in your stomach again as you try to push away the unsettling feeling you’ve been getting since his arrival.
He caresses your jaw lightly with his thumb and takes a step back, letting go, “You’re welcome, princess.”
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The encounter with Joel doesn’t leave your mind as the rest of the day goes by. All you can do is replay the scene over and over and over again in your head. Analyzing everything about it.
From the way he spoke to you once you’d said thank you.
You feel yourself blush and you bit your lip in order to suppress the stupid smile that wants to plaster itself on your face, that insufferable feeling of something bubbling in your stomach intensifying.
To the way he’d touched you. His hands had felt rough when you’d shook them upon your first interaction. You never knew they could be so soft however. When it came to caressing your face they’d been so gentle.
Could a man like Joel miller be gentle?
They had been. So gentle. You couldn’t get over how his eyes had scanned your face as you’d looked up at him. His eyes lingering on your lips.
Did he like your lips? Were they as pretty as he’d said you were?
Would he have kissed you?
You shake your head as you dismiss the thought.
No that’s stupid.
Was it stupid though? So stupid that you’re currently trying to put more effort into your looks for dinner?
You sit at your vanity, starring at the girl looking back at you through the mirror. You’ve done up your hair is half up half down. You’d put in some old hair rollers that had given your hair some soft curls as they cascaded down your back. You’d added some lipstick to your cheeks as blush.
Not having much to work with in terms of makeup seen as most of it was over ten years old and more than likely long since experienced. All you can really do is just add some color to your cheeks,lips, and a little bit to the lid of your eyes.
You’d picked out another dress similar to yesterdays, a white knee length dress. It sits nicely on your body, or so the women of the town had said, whatever that may mean. It feels comfortable, so you go with it.
Dinner wouldn’t be much, just some vegetables, rice and some roasted rabbit your dad had in the slaughterhouse out back. You never went in there. Ever. When you’d been six your father had been working on the garden and you’d been playing and wondered into it.
Never again.
You’d screamed so loud people nearby had run up the hill to your home to see what was wrong.
You shiver and wiggle your body at the thought. Gross.
Joel had gone in there per your request. When you’d explained why you just couldn’t go in there he’d laughed at you.
You’d shoved him slightly with your shoulder, “hey it’s not funny! It was really scared. Left me traumatized even.” you smile as he chuckles.
“Don’t worry pretty girl, don’t gotta go in there anytime soon.” he’d said as he passed you after patting your head.
That’s another reason for you putting more effort into yourself tonight. You’d cooked the rice and chopped up the vegetables already. All that was left was the rabbit but you’d but that to cook about thirsty minutes ago so it’d be done in about fifteen more.
A once over as you fix your hair has you overthinking.
Is it too much? This is stupid. One compliment and your getting ready for…what? Him?
Before you can make up your mind on wether just taking this dress off along with the makeup there’s a knock on your door.
You stumble slightly on your bare feet, as you bad towards the door nervously, cracking it open so that only your head pops out.
Joel stands there still dressed in his same jeans he’d worn earlier only thing that’s different is he’s also bearfoot, and he’s wearing a white t-shirt that looks comfy. It hugs his upper body so…well.
You can see his broad shoulders, toned chest, even the muscles of his arms, which seem to be just about bursting through the seams.
At seeing you poke you’re head out of the door he raises a brow, “Dinners ready. Made sure it was cooked.” He says
“Oh you didn’t have to do that, I was just about to go and check on it.” You frown
“Well then how’s ‘bout you come on out of there then darlin’.”
“Well I would-I mean I will just-um.” you try to make something up to stay in a little longer. “just,I’ll be out in a second.” shutting the door softly you press your forehead to the door, eyes squeezing shut as you take a breath. You hear Joel start walking down the hall, footsteps heavy.
You’re already dressed you might as well just go out. No point in taking it off now that’s it’s on.
After a moment you force yourself to yank the door open and walk to the kitchen, you see Joel there, serving up two portions, table set.
He’s cutting up some of the rabbit. The dim lights in the kitchen cascading him in a low glow. He looks so..nice. Yeah, he looks nice. This is nice. Your nerves start to simmer down.
He looks up once he hears your soft steps along the hardwood floor, faltering once he takes you in.
You’re standing there, looking like an absolute doll. Your hair is done up, he can see there’s more defined coils in your locks as they fall over your shoulders, framing your face.
Your dress isn’t necessarily anything special, but fuck if you don’t look gorgeous. It meets just above your knees, feet bare. You’re beautiful, look more..flushed. You have a tint to your cheeks and lips. He stares more at your lips. He can tell you put more effort in your appearance than you usually do.
You fiddle with your hands as you feel him take you in.
Did he like it?
Did he like you?
He sets the carving knife and meat fork down, not taking his eyes off you as he goes around the counter until he’s standing right infront of you again.
Neither of your gazes leave one another as he approaches you, “Look at you, princess. All dolled up.” He reaches out for you placing a hand on the curve of your waist, pulling you to fun slightly
His other hand goes to cup your face, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“This all for me?” he tilts his head.
You feel yourself becoming warm and bubbly again, giving him a shy nod and small smile, “I thought maybe you’d, um,” you shrug, feeling embarrassed at admitting why you’d tried harder tonight.
“Don’t shy away now baby, tell me.” Joel urges you, hand on your waist sliding back and down to your lower back.
“I thought, maybe you’d..like it. Call me pretty again.” The words make you feel so much more embarrassed it’s practically mortifying.
“I don’t know it was dumb. I know you said I was, and-but I didn’t-“ your nervous rambling is cut short as Joel presses the hand on your lower back, hauling you forward until your pressed up against him.
You hand fly up to his strong chest, ruffling up the white shirt slightly. His touch alone making you feel dizzy.
“Of course I like it darling. I love it. You getting all dressed up for me. You look stunning n’ your lil’ white dress.” He cups your face, giving you a reassuring smile.
He loves it?
You look stunning.
He likes it.
You mirror his smile, feeling like you’d done a good job at making yourself look your best for him.
“I’m glad you like it Mr. Miller.” you giggle.
Joel hum, his yes looking over the features of your face until they land on your lips.
Oh god..
You bit your bottom lip and look up at him, his eyes snapping back to yours as they glimmer in the soft dim lighting of the kitchen.
He moves his face closer to yours, nose brushing against your own as he nudges you head to the side and up.
He’s going to kiss me. You thing dreamily.
He’s going to kiss me. You realize.
Eyes widening in a panic, you pull back, your hand pressing against his chest to halt him.
Joel’s eyebrows knit in confusion, but his hands tighten around you harder as he looks at you.
Frustratingly, his look of concern starts to simmer into one of annoyance and anger, “What’s wrong sweetheart? Thought you said you liked me. Ain’t this why you got all pretty for me?”
Your panic spikes more at his tone, he sounds a bit offended that you didn’t accept his kiss. Like he’d just given you a prize and you’d rejected it.
I didn’t mean to.
“I’ve never kissed anybody.” your nerves have you blurting out, cheeks flaring up.
There’s a beat of silence, but that only makes you feel more ashamed. You’d always felt a sort of shame at your own inexperience with these kind of..things. Although it’d never really matter to you enough to pursue anyone or do anything like kiss someone. It would feel embarrassing when all the older women in town would tease you.
“At this rate you’ll never find yourself a nice man to settle down with.”
“Men don’t take much a liking to girls as shy as you honey.”
“Can’t believe a young girl like you hasn’t been whisked away yet.”
“At your age I was already at least engaged.”
“Now how are you going to get yourself a husband like that, hm?”
That’s all the women would ever agree on when it came to you. They’d all agree when it came to your looks, and polite manners, but god forbid you not have a man yet. You’d tried, once. Really tried, but the boy you’d been talking to just wasn’t very pleasant to be around.
You didn’t exactly know why he hadn’t appealed to you. He was funny, not bad looking, just a year and a half older than you. Perhaps it was the way he’d been too touchy at first, or how he’d make ‘jokes’ about you and your body. Saying all the vulgar things he’d liked to do to you. It’d completely driven you away from ever interacting with anyone like that again.
And now you’ve denied a kiss from the only man besides your father that you’d wanted one from.
You sigh, eyes closing shut, your head drooping forward in shame, as you rest your forehead on his right peck. The urge to apologize for your lack of knowledge is strong. However the weight of embarrassment is stronger as it pulls down on your resolve to say anything.
Joel remains silent, and that only eats at you more. You feel like a complete and utter idiot.
Why did you even put on this stupid dress on for? A dumb compliment?
You’re a joke.
He untangles himself from you, stepping back, “Sit. I’ll serve you dinner.” is all he grunts out. Moving back to where he’d been cutting up the meat.
You feel yourself deflate, shoulders drooping. Not saying anything, you do what you’re told. Sitting there looking at nothing in particular.
Joel comes back with two plates in hand, along with a glass of water. He sets down a plate and the glass of water in front of you, and surprises you when he sits in what would typically be your fathers place.
He doesn’t look at you as he begins to pick food up with his fork, but all you can do is look at him. Silently pleading him to say something.
Did he not like you now that he knows you haven’t even kissed anyone yet?
He probably thinks you’re pathetic. Just like the women said.
You stare at him for a moment more, before deciding you’d rather just get dinner over with and lock yourself in your bedroom. Not really feeling hungry anymore, you just drink your water.
About fall glass in Joel speaks up, “I think it’s cute you haven’t kissed anyone before.” between a mouthful of food.
You bring the glass down from your mouth, setting it down on the table, “you think it’s..cute?” you say, baffled.
He just nods again, “You’re a special girl. A special girl needs her special first.” is all he says, still not looking up from his plate.
“When do you know who’s the special first?” you ask, hoping for an answer to the age long question.
Why can’t i seem to just find someone?
Joel stops chewing, meeting you eyes with his, “y’just do. Start getting all flushed. Your body is first to know. Then your head. Makes you want to talk to them, get to know em’. Then your body starts to get all hot, itching to touch.” He sees you look back down at your plate at that, and smirks.
You don’t look up from the food you’ve barely touched. It feels as if you took into his eyes again after what he’d just said, that he’ll know. He’ll know you feel that way about him.
So you don’t look up, even as he continues, “start to ache between your legs. Getting all tingly, you’re body knows what you want even if your brain doesn’t.”
Is that why you’ve been feeling that way?
Does your body know it wants him?
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, s’just natural. We all react the same way, our bodies..in a sense.” He chuckles the last works.
Nothing is spoken the rest of dinner, it doesn’t even last more than thirty minutes because you suddenly begin to feel your head pounding, mouth dry. You raise you hand up to your forehead to try and somehow calm the ache.
Joel sees this, “y’alright there sugar?” his voice sounds far away.
“Y-yeah. I-i just- need to, go to bed.” is all you can utter. You go to stand up, only for your legs to wobble before they give out beneath you.
Arms grasp yours for support, your vision becoming blurry, sounds muffled.
“J-Joel?” your say, before you go limp, world going dark.
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He’d thought the pills would’ve taken more than a damn half hour to kick in.
You’d practically guzzled the whole glass.
He can’t blame you, poor thing. Nervous beyond belief, all fidgety. You never were very still, always moving, always doing something. He'd had a fantasy about taking you in your bed, in your bedroom, when he’d first glanced into it as your father had taken him to his room.
Walls a light pink, all white furniture that had surprisingly been kept in remarkable condition given the circumstances of the world. Warm pink sheets, white fluffy pillows, white curtains that didn’t do much to obscure the view of inside from the other side of the window.
You had some stuffed animals on your bed too, an old small stuffed bunny.
That’d been how he got your nickname.
His little bunny.
Your bedroom had been the embodiment of you.
He steps into your room, the soft light from your bedside table lamp illuminates the space, fairy lights around the archway of your closet, does the rest. Your vanity still has some of the things you’d used to get yourself ready scattered on top.
Walking to your bed, he lays you down, your hair splaying out around you like a halo.
You’re out cold. Don’t even move as the bed dips, with the weight of his body on it. Joel can’t stop looking at you, more specifically your tits.
He was always more of a tits man over an ass. Though he could appreciate the presence of both.
They’ve been pushing up against the low neckline of the dress all evening. Not bursting out, but definitely needing to be left out. Spreading your legs, he runs his calloused hands from the sides of your knees up your thighs, dress becoming bunched up as they slip under the fabric.
Shit, your so fucking soft everywhere. Your hands, your face, your voice, legs, body, all of you. It makes him want to squeeze you so tight he’s worried he’d break you.
Maybe he will, but certainly not yet. No. He’d have his fun with you. Break you down bit by bit till you yourself collapse with no other option but to have him build you back up.
His hands reach your panties, he feels at them, the texture seeming to be lace, as he imagines the intricate details, they toy with the band, and he pulls at it, stretching it out till it can’t anymore.
He lets it go, and it snaps back into place. Smacking your skin as it does. He glances up at your face, you don’t even flinch.
“Worked like a fuckin charm didn’t they baby?” he coos at you.
As if you’d answer.
He thinks to himself. Grinning like it’s funny. He moves his hand once again, this time up the sides of your stomach up your ribs. Feeling the goosebumps he leaves in the wake of his touch. They stop once they feel the wire of your bra, letting only his thumb feel the smooth material of it, over where your nipples would be.
Sliding them behind you, he expertly unclasps the hooks behind your back, seeing your breasts lose the support of it as they settle naturally on your chest.
“God your so fucking pretty, bunny. Such a good girl, hm? Getting all pretty for me just to catch my attention.” he doesn’t care that you won’t respond, might even prefer it.
Pulling his hands back from under your dress, he gropes your breasts, feeling them up as they fill his palms. Squeezing till he can see, your skin pale at the pressure, then releasing to see the imprints of his fingers begin to redden. His cock strains, begs, to be let out as it presses against his jeans, but he pursues.
Tracing the neckline of your dress up to the thin straps he pulls them down along with your bra, slipping them through your arms and throwing the bra aside on the bed as he pulls the dress completely off of down and off your body.
He could bust in his pants just by looking at you.
Tits bare, in nothing more than some white lace panties, with matching bows. If he had his fucking phone, he’d take so many pictures of you, save them for later use when he needs to blow one and you’re not there.
He relishes in the view. Committing every detail of you to memory. The way your chest rises and falls with each instinctual breath, the way your hair framed your peaceful angelic face. He can’t take it any longer, as he immediately falls on top of you, hands flying to your breasts as he needs them, mouth kissing and sucking lightly at the pillowy flesh.
Can’t mark you just yet baby.
“Have to wait.” He mumbles against your breast, beard a rough, striking, contrast from your softness. Just like him. His mouth connects with your hard nipple, sucking and licking at it like he’d actually get something to come out.
The sounds of him are obscene as the echo through the room. He’s sure your father could hear it from his room if he was still alive to be here.
Joel switches from one nipple to the other, basking in the warmth of your skin. This continues for a while, swirling his touch around your nubs before he’s skimming one hand down the length of your torso, until they meet the fabric of your panties again.
Not wasting any time he slips a hand in, running a finger down to your clit, rubbing lazy circles softly.
This, you do stir at. Your head falling to the side, as your legs twitch inward slightly, breathing patter changing, “feels good doesn’t it sweetheart? Yeah, it does. Pretty pussy hasn’t been touched the way it deserves has it?”
Slipping a finger through your fold he groans against your skin, “fuck your a mess. Little bitch, I haven’t even touched you yet, baby.”. Once he gets his fill from your breasts, he kisses down past the curve of your boob, onto your stomach until his face reaches your panties.
Kneeling in between your legs Joel doesn’t even think twice before he buries his face into your clothed pussy, inhaling your musky sent. You smell perfect, he’s practically itching to rip your underwear off.
He resists however, wanting this to last a little longer before he takes what he wants from you. He won’t fuck you tonight, no. He wants to hear all the noises you’ll make once he’s balls deep in you, tearing you in half as you try to accommodate him in you. Wants to feel you scratch and claw at his back from how hard he’s pounding into your tight hole.
This time when his cock twitches he listens to it, practically ripping his belt off, and pulling at the zipper on his crotch. He gets harder as the cool spring air make contact with his skin.
Leaning back on his knees he spreads your legs more, until he has a perfect view of the wet spot that’s soaked through the thin material of your underwear.
“Need to taste you first bunny.” he grumbles, and hurries to hook his fingers onto the waistband of them before sliding them down your legs, carefully placing them next to you.
Laying down now as he comes to settle between your thighs, hands feeling the skin there too.
“You don’t understand how badly I’ve wanted to touch you like this, bunny. From the moment I saw you I wanted you just like this.” He kisses up the inside of your thigh, alternating between your two legs until he places a single kiss onto your folds, nose nudging your clit.
He languidly flattens his tongue, the puffy walls of your pussy opening up to let him skim your slit with it. He looks up at you for any reaction, all he gets is your eyebrows furrowing and a whimper that doesn’t quite make it out as you once again turn your head to the opposite side.
Joel smiles into your pussy, and dives in completely. He licks at your slit before he’s latched onto your clit. Swirling his tongue round-around and then flattening it again. Trying to get even deeper, he shakes his head as he presses into you.
“Fuck you taste so sweet princess.” He whispers into you, one hand going up to group your left tit while he continues to eat you out. Horrendously filthy noises filling your pretty pink bedroom as he abuses your cunt.
His other hand comes to rub the sensitive nub between your legs as he slips his tounge into you, fucking you with it. It doesn’t take long before your pussy is nice and puffy. Shades of red and pink glistening with your wetness and his saliva.
He feels you clench on his finger and hums, “yeah baby? You like that? Like when daddy fucks you’re tight little hole him?”
You’ve started to whimper in your drug induced sleep, hands subconsciously tightening and bunching up your pillow and sheets. Legs threatening to close around Joel’s head so much he has to use the hand on your breast to keep you open for him.
The one rubbing your clit moves down to your slit, lightly prodding at your hole, “gonna have to be a big girl and take it baby” is all the warning he gives you, before he begins to slip his finger inside.
You’re whole body twitches, he can see your stomach tighten at the intrusion, your breath is heavy now, you’re practically panting. None of that matters however, because you suck in his digit in until he’s knuckle deep.
“Thaats it baby, fuck. Look at you, taking it so well sweetheart.” he begins to move his finger in and out, the mixture of wetness making it slip through with ease.
His mouth latches back onto your clit, and something in him snaps with his desire for you that he bites down on it. Not too hard, but just enough to where you’re moaning out loud in your sleep. Legs kicking lightly as you squirm to try and get away. His free hand holds you in place, once again running his tounch over to soothe the pain.
It doesn’t take long before another finger is joining the first. He feels more resistance than he did with the first one, your walls a bit harder to push by, but he makes it fit. He’s pumping them into you roughly and faster now.
Feels you begin to tighten more and more the longer he goes on, “that’s right bunny, come for me. Come for daddy, baby. That’s it, fuck, that’s it baby yeahh.” you mewl in response to your bodies release as you cream around Joel’s fingers. Legs instinctively clamping shut, squeezing his hand I between.
He lets you ride it out as you feverishly hump up into his hand. Slowly dragging them out, he doesn’t waste time as he sucks at them, savoring the taste of your essence, then dives back into the main source, drinking it up like it’s the sweetest nectar there is.
Once he’s got you all cleaned up, pussy stretched and looking absolutely ready to be fucked, he takes his cock in hand. Using your wetness to lube himself up as he jerks himself a couple of times.
“Maybe we could just put the tip in hm baby? Would you like that? Get a taste of daddy’s cock in your pussy? Yeah, I think you’d like that you little whore.” He grunts out.
He scoots closer to you knees meeting the curve of your as, thighs prest against the back of yours as he lines himself up, “juust the tip honey. Just a little bit.” he reassures himself.
He meets resistance as his engorged, angrily red tip tries to squeeze in, “shit your so fucking tight. Won’t even let me in without having to hurt you sugar. Bet you like it like this, like it to hurt. Dirty girl.”
He hunches forward, using one arm to hold himself up so that he doesn’t crush you, applying more pressure until he pops right in, your pussy squelching.
He groans loudly you can hear it from anywhere in the house, “fuck! That’s it you little bitch, take what I fucking give you baby. Shit you feel so good.”
You moan loudly as he groans, legs once again trying to close, only to be met with his torso between them. Joel only fucks you for a small while, savoring being inside you, before he’s pulling out.
He hears you whimper at the lost of contact and chuckles, “yeah? You miss it baby? Little slut hasn’t even had the whole thing and she wants more. We’ll get there honey don’t you worry.” His cock lays on your pulsing pussy, slapping it on your wet folds.
“Shit I can feel your heart beat from here, I promise I’ll give you more soon baby. S’long as you don’t make it too hard for me.” Even asleep you look so beautiful. A thin layer of sweat sheens your body, making you shine as the light from your bedroom reflects of you.
“Blissfully fucked out already,” he laughs, “and I haven’t even fucked you yet.” He says as he takes both your legs, cock nestled between your thighs.
“How’s ’bout we finish this and go to sleep huh baby? Old man starting to smell over there in the other room. Gonna have to get rid of him once I’m done with you.”. Then he’s fucking your thighs like there is no tomorrow.
The sound of skin on skin fills the room, your bed creaking with each thrust, his balls slapping against your ass, “FUCK! I can’t wait to fuck you, can’t wait to feel your warm pussy squeeze me till I cum in ‘ya. Get you nice and full of me till your dripping.”
Your tits bounce up and down as his manic thrusts don’t stop, the sounds of your slick making his dick slide between your thighs.
It doesn’t take long for Joel to feel his own release creeping up on him, “Fuck I’m gonna come baby, gonna paint you all white and pretty. SHIT! Ohh fuckfuck FUCK! that’s right you bitch take it. Fucking-take it.” His balls tighten as he begins to come, shot after shot landing on your stomach, so much that it fills your belly button up.
Joel allows himself to collapse onto you, breath heavily and hot against your ear as he pants like a damn dog.
He stays like that with you for a little while.
“Y’did so well for me sweetheart. So good for your daddy.” he whispers into your ear, placing a kiss just under it goodbye as he lifts himself back up.
“Can’t have none of it going to waste now can we?” He asks you scooping his cum off your belly with his finger and sliding it down, pushing it into your pussy. He repeats this until he’s got most of himself in you. Smearing the rest onto your puffy outer lips.
Satisfied and sated he tucks his softened cock back into his pants, zipping himself back up. He pats your pussy, before he’s putting your panties back on, along with your dress, not caring much about the bra.
He tucks you into your bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
He’d wait until you were awake to give you a real kiss.
Shutting the door behind him, he goes to the front door of the house. He pulls it open and outside by the tree near the fence that surrounds your home, Tommy stands there, smoking cigarettes as he leans against the tall wood.
Once he sees Joel he makes his way over, “The hell did you get that?” Joel asks, snatching it from his brothers lips.
“Ay, now. Watch it, I got it from one of the old hags husband, had a whole drawer full of ‘em.” Tommy tries to snatch it back.
Joel keeps it out of reach, before bringing it to his lips and taking a couple puffs, then dropping it.
Tommy sighs, stepping on it for him “so, heard you having some fun with the little lady. She as good as you’d wanted her to be?” he smirks.
“Ain’t none of your business now ain’t it little brother.” Joel turns back into the house, Tommy stepping in behind him.
“Just want to know my big brother can still get it up. Y’a Old dog.” he says, chuckling.
Said older brother doesn’t answer, just keeps on walking through the house, down the hall until he reaches your fathers bedroom door.
“Y’know, it’s pretty sick how you can go on and fuck the man’s daughter while he’s rotting not even 20 feet away.” the younger miller says, noticing the small pink flowers painted on the door across the one he’s about to go into
“She in there? Mind if I take a look see?” Hinting towards your door.
“Y’help me move the old fucker outta here and maybe I’ll grace you with a peek. And I ain’t fuck her yet.” Joel opens the door.
Tommy doesn’t get a chance to ask more as the reeking stench of death and decay wafts into his face.
The younger man’s nose wrinkles at the grim smell, “well shit, the fact you can’t smell him from outside is just about any godsend you get these days.” he gets to work on wrapping the body up in the worn quilt it lay on.
Your father had been a foolish man. Gullible. It didn’t take much to have the old man take pity on Joel and his men when he’d found them. Even when the rest of your fathers men were reluctant to help.
He’d invited them into your town, gave Joel of all people a place to stay at his own home. Old man was too trusting for his own good. Now he’d paid the price.
His face hadn’t changed from when Joel had last seen him. It had been the night of Joel’s arrival, after you’d gone to sleep that the two men had talked about leading a party of men out seeing as there had been ‘another group’ spotted.
No doubt the rest of Joel’s crew. Joel had suggested they leave at dawn, before you’d wake up. Then given your father a lame ass excuse on why he couldn’t accompany them but reassured your father he would tell some of his boys to go with them.
Your father had written you the letter and placed it on the living room coffe table. It was only then that Joel struck, swinging the metal baseball bat he’d found tucked away in the closet of his own bedroom.
The grotesque sound of his skull cracking, accompanied by the splat of blood that came from the old man’s head as his body fell face first on his bed was all there was to be heard.
Surprisingly the old fucker hadn’t died, only started moving once Joel had moved his limp body to lay completely on the bed, “y’know I’d really hoped that you’d have made this easier.” as he grabbed the pillow from beside the bleeding man’s head.
He pressed it into his face, and naturally the body beneath him started to thrash and kick. His hands clawing at anything they could grab, trying to fight for the a breath of air as the weight on top of him only increased. Joel suffocated the life out of him, eventually going still.
It didn’t pain Joel to do this, he’d done worst. He will do worst if he needs to.
He’d snuck into your room that night too. Just moments after killing your father in the room right across from yours. You were sound asleep, not a clue in the world that you’d just lost everything.
He’d smiled down at you as he ran his fingers down your cheek, “little bunny, you’ll forgive me one day baby. I promise.” he’d whispered, giving you a small kiss on the corner of your lip.
Now standing here, twenty-four hours later, your father is starting to smell. Opening the window to both your and his room had only done so much. It was time to move the bastard out of the house, dump him a couple miles into the woods.
Both millers carried him out through the front door, down into an old bin, “I’ll make sure to go and drop him off at dawn.” Tommy said.
Nodding, “You do that, little brother.” Joel says. Patting the other on the shoulder, turning back towards the house.
Turning back, to you.
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forest-butch · 2 years
Hello there 💖 For the letter ask
Thank youuu 🌺
B = Brat: How obedient do you like people to be in the bedroom? Is disobeying fun?
Disobeying IS fun. I do love being able to discipline a bratty babe who just won't listen until forced. But also I love obedient pets, so eager to please and do as I say to hopefully get a taste. If you're looking to get to my sadistic side a little more, I suggest bratting.
D = Denial: How long can you edge before it can’t be taken it anymore?
Like how long can I edge myself? Or edge others? Because I am pretty stone mostly and that doesn't really affect me much buttttt I do find it difficult to edge my sexy wife for too long before I just want to send her over the edge. I am much bigger on overstimulation.
O = Orgasm Control: Would you give up your orgasms for somebody? Would you take them from somebody?
YesI would give them up to my queen @daddyslittlelunita and I would also absolutely take them. Along the same lines of denial, I won't do it for too long, no weeks at a time or anything like that but a little control over what's mine sounds delicious to me.
T = Teasing: How much is just the right amount of teasing before somebody gets dicked down? And what are you favorite means of teasing
I think just the right amount of teasing is enough teasing to make me feral and want to ravish you. And vice versa, I want to tease you until you're an incoherent mess for me, bucking your hips, looking for any contact possible to get a little relief. My favorite means of teasing would have to be biting, sucking, scratching at the neck, back, inner thighs, all the fun areas. Playing with a cuties nipples until they're hard and sensitive is always fun. Giving me a little lap dance, pressing up against my bulge. I love all teasing.
Thanks for asking!
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avocadoleaf · 3 years
XYX Fluff Alphabet
Other alphabets should be posted soon.
Content warning: Fem reader, tooth-rotting fluff
A Affection- You probably couldn’t tell just by looking at him, but he may just be the clingiest of the love interests. He is always touching you somehow, and genuinely pouts a bit when you leave your cuddle pile to go get something. His primary love language is quality time, so any extra moment he can squeeze in with you will absolutely be exploited.
B Best friend- He’s a bit of a difficult best friend. He expects you to rely on him but doesn’t offer that same vulnerability to you, which can make you feel a little exposed. He also tends to toe the line between what is appropriate in a purely platonic relationship.
C cuddles- Prefers to cuddle facing each other. His eyes flit across your face, scanning every feature on your face. He laughs out a breath as he traces your cheekbones, leaning in to kiss your face. When he’s ready to fall asleep, he’ll slip his hand in yours, only willing to shut his eyes knowing you’re still with him.
D domestic- He likes cleaning days. Sure, he may moan and groan about you putting him to work, but he gets a sense of fulfillment out of maintaining the loving home you have created for each other. You two will play music as you clean, and he’ll sneak up behind you to pull you away for a dance, abandoning your work. He wraps his arms around you and sways back and forth, telling you how “ravishing” you look in one of his old shirts.
E expression- The way that X likes to express love, rather than receiving it, is through acts of service. He is always trying to meet the needs of the people around him, and that is particularly true when it comes to you. He likes taking care of little things that you need to have done, like filling up your gas or making a meal for you after a long day.
F Favorite- His favorite thing about you is that you allow him to be vulnerable, without pushing his boundaries. He is safe to explore the parts of him that he has repressed but never feels like he is expected to process them or tell you about them in any given moment. You just allow him to grow, and support whatever that looks like.
G gentle- He tends to waffle between gentle and rough. He loves to drag you on his crazy adventures, loves to play fight with you, and throws you around a bit. But he also hugs you tightly and makes sure that there is no real risk to you in any situation he puts you in. He wants to have fun and try new things with you, but also wants to keep you safe and appreciate you the way you deserve.
H hugs- Hugs you from the back and kisses your neck softly. He likes to have simple conversations like this, maybe when you’re cooking something or doing your makeup.
I I love you- You assumed it would be you who would say it first, knowing how much X struggles with vulnerability. You were just sitting on the couch watching a movie one night, cradled into his chest. He looks at you, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“I love this.”
“What is “this”,” you ask, not turning from the screen.
“Being here, with you.” His voice is gentle and soft as he strokes your back.
“Does that mean you love me?” you ask, teasing him softly.
“Yes, doll. I do.” He said it with such uncharacteristic sincerity that you shot up from where you lay on his chest, scrambling to sit in his lap. He pushes himself up with his elbows, but you put your hands on his chest and push him down.
“Love!” he chuckles out, looking at your shocked expression.
“You love me? Like, no bullshit?” Your voice shakes.
“Yes, I love you. Have I ever made you feel that I don’t?” He pauses for a second. “I love you more than I thought myself capable of. You saved my life that night, you know? I love you.” You lean down and kiss him, little giggles escaping from both of you.
“You just never said it out loud! I was never quite sure,” you trail off.
“If I knew that you needed to hear it, I assure you I would have said it sooner.”
You two lie together on the couch, movie forgotten, trading “I love you’s” throughout the night. From that day onward, he aims to say that he loves you every time he is reminded of it. It follows every kiss, every thank you, every time the two of you part and when you are reunited. He says it and means it, every day for the rest of his life.
J jealousy- It had been a brutal day at work, meeting with clients who demanded all too much of him. But it was over now, and he got to come home to you. He opens the front door and calls your name, but hears no answer. He feels a pit of sadness grow in him when he sees you in the bedroom, lavishing love on another. His heart tightened seeing you run your hands through the blonde hair and smile.
“After a long day of work, I catch you in bed with someone else. I knew I didn’t want them in my house,” he looks at you, dropping his bag, slowly approaching the bed.
“I still love you, he was here and you were gone. We just wanted to cuddle.” The other quickly leaves your bed, disappearing with hardly a trace. X sits down on the corner of the bed and you sit up to give him a kiss. He turns from you a bit and you sigh.
“You’re not telling me you’re jealous of Cat, are you?”
K kisses- The most deep, sensual, romantic kisses of your life. He kisses you like he is gasping for air, like he’s trying to knit your souls together in that moment. He leaves you breathless, pulling back to look at your face. He scans your eyes softly. He’ll lean his forehead on yours, whisper I love you, then grab your chin softly to tilt your eyes back towards his. He makes you make eye contact with him before repeating it, diving back towards your lips, pulling away to say it between each kiss.
L little ones- X never thought of himself as the paternal type, more of a big brother to the children he encounters. He’s a very good uncle to his sister’s children, roughhousing with them as toddlers. You remember seeing how gently he held his niece when she was born, letting her hold his finger with his hand. When you told him that you wanted to have children with him, he was a bit wary. Was he serious enough to handle the task of raising a whole human being? He decided that you were the person he wanted to find out with though. When your daughter was born, his whole life changed. You walked in on him putting his bike up for sale, along with his other extreme sport equipment.
“X, honey? What are you doing?”
“I’m selling the bike.” He says, not looking up from the screen.
“But you love that bike, it makes you who you are.”
“It doesn’t. All this shit was to make me feel alive for a second, to make me feel something. The day that little girl was born, my heart was ripped from my chest and now walks the face of the planet in her. There is no more terrifying risk I’ve felt than watching her walk away and no greater joy than seeing her grow. The loves of my life, the two of you. You make me who I am.”
M morning- Mornings are a really peaceful time for the two of you, full of quiet conversations and tender hugs. You’re both very cuddly in the mornings, enjoying coffee and tea together as you talk about the day ahead.
N nights- Nights are much more fun when you can be with each other without the stress of deadlines. He enjoys planning fun activities for the evenings, like concerts or road trips. Be prepared to laugh a lot in the evenings with him, even if ’t's just a night at home. You two will inevitably make a mess in the kitchen on nights you decide to stay in and cook.
O open- He’s pretty closed off. It takes him a bit to start showing you the uglier parts of himself, gathering the courage to tell you because he’s afraid you’ll leave him. He is also closed off in regards to affection for a bit. He is willing to tease you about things he wants to do, but if you tell him to actually back up his talk he’ll freeze about.
P patience- He is very patient, to a point. He shows no signs of real irritation until he just absolutely snaps. There are few things that can really send him over the edge, but there is no turning back when it happens. One of the things he cannot deal with is any threat to your safety, so if you exhibit any of his risk taking tendencies, it will not be met with grace.
Q quizzes- He doesn’t really remember much consciously, but writes down your favorite things to be able to surprise you with them as gifts later.
R remember- His favorite memory within your relationship is seeing you walk out of the airport that first time you met in person. He had spent so long picking out the perfect helmet for you, and was thrilled when you liked it. He could hardly focus on the ride back to his place, his heart racing as you tightened your arms around him. Every turn had you tucking your cheek closer to his back, and he smiled every time he felt it. That evening was so amazing to him, just adoring you and the way he could finally feel you against him.
S security- Will go to the edges of the world if it made you feel safer. Your comfort and safety are paramount to him, above anything else in the world. He loves being someone you can rely in in times of distress, someone you turn to when you’re scared. He is quite protective of you, wary of new people approaching you in most contexts.
T try- XYX puts a lot of energy into special occasions. He genuinely sees them as little checkpoints where he can show how he feels periodically, investing deeply in the moment. He enjoys getting you gifts to, unable to stop himself from buying things that remind him of you.
U usual- Your routine is pretty simple: You wake up in bed 20 minutes before you have to leave for some morning cuddles, then have breakfast together while discussing your schedules for the day. You allow each other space to get ready for the day, but he loves it when you spare a moment to help him slick his hair up. It’s a task he doesn’t enjoy doing, but you running your hands through his hair makes it almost enjoyable. He makes sure to kiss you and tell you how much he loves you before you part to go to work. When you come back, one of you starts working on dinner. Dinner is a sit-down affair where you catch up every day. It’s always followed by this golden period on the couch before he drags you out to do something crazy or pulls you to play a game with him. You settle back after, getting ready for bed with each other and falling asleep peacefully to do it all over again.
V vanity- Pretty normal about his appearance. He does his best to look nice, for you and for himself. He likes his whole vibe, his aesthetic. The piercings tied in with the leather jacket and bike. He enjoys the image he puts on, but also appreciates the fact that he doesn’t have to keep it up when he comes home to you.
W whole- You very obviously complete him. He was a very lost man before you entered his life, constantly trying to be who everyone needed. You gave him a space to explore very repressed sides of him, and he will never let that go.
X xtra- He lets you pick his jewelry for him most days, saying you have a better eye for those things than he does. He really just enjoys seeing stuff you picked out on him when he looks in the mirror; it reminds him to text you when he sees it.
Y yum- He is a pretty simple man; he likes chicken and rice a lot. He enjoys pasta as well, but only homemade. He tends to shy away from overly processed foods but will indulge in some chips here and there. Eats his vegetables. Drinks his “respect women” juice.
Z zzz- Peaceful, doesn’t squirm to mush. Sleeps either on his side facing you or on his back with you on his chest.
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An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Update 2: My laptop restarted when I was in the middle of writing this, and trust me when I say it, I am positively pissed off, and I want to end my days, that's how bad of a day this was.
And I didn't leave the house.
That says a lot about today...
Update 1: But, without further ado, I was half-way writing this story, and I received this ask, and let me tell you...
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I live for it.
Bless you for sending me this, it's the reason I'm still sane right now.
I love you, baby-cakes.
Update 3: I want to kill myself so bad. Just smash my head on a wall until it explodes or sth. I was so happy with how this imagine turned out, only fuck fucking tumblr to just fucking delete EVERYTHING just as I was about to put the last gif and hit POST NOW.
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For the 5th time writing this :
Hell - What was that place, anyway?
Some would describe it as an infinite ocean of flames and lava, where it's eternally melting-hot, and a bunch of hooved, horned, tailed red demons torture you with acid, with their red pitch forks, or boil you alive in their cauldron for soup. Or maybe you just get tortured by Stalin, who knows?
But never would have anyone thought that 'Hell' could look so...Normal. Well, normal in a very demolished, desolate, ravished way, but still...Normal, by human standards. Albeit, the never-ending loop of madness, anguish, agony and desperation of getting killed in different gruesome ways or fleeing for their lives and feeling a myriad of emotions pumping adrenaline through their veins so badly that their anxiety-meter skyrocketed to abnormal levels.
All this darkness, this hatred, this...Everything...It changed all the survivors. They became selfish, stubborn, rude, some even went as far as to sacrifice their fellow survivors in trials, just so they could survive. It was a complete mayhem that defied all kinds of reason, normality, morality or even ethics. Everyone became devoid of any laws that used to bind them to their humane sides, and now, you weren't sure if the killers were saner than the survivors or not.
But even in this abyss where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your very eyes, there was a little star - A beautiful angel radiating brightness and warmth, someone who was somehow able to guide everyone's straying souls with her benevolence.
In reality, she was merely a survivor, not the little lantern from an angler fish's head, but she treated everyone with such an untainted kindness...It was beautiful, and yet, unrequited for most parts. Everyone was still putting their own lives above all - And who could condemn them? - Perhaps their cowardice, for the girl preferred to save her fellow survivors as much as possible, even if that oftentimes assured her place on the hook, to be a sacrificial lamb for the Entity.
On the other hand, she rarely ended up on the hook - Most killers prefer to kill her themselves, instead of letting her become pray for the horrible Entity who tortured so many of them for refusing to cooperate - The Trapper, Evan MacMillan - He knew the best, with those hooks digging into his flesh, impossible to extract. He was the first to protect this girl. It wasn't much, but if he had to, he'd rather give her a swift, painless death, than seeing her without that serene, angelic smile on her face, as the Entity feeds on the last bits of her soul's beauty, the last parts of her humanity.
The other Killers were confused at the Trapper's actions, but little by little, they began to understand why this girl was so precious and special - And this domino effect hit Rin Yamaoka next, with Y/N stopping in the middle of a chase and taking off her jacket, just as Rin was about to butcher her with her katana, and she smiled, extending it to her. 'You must be cold' she said, realising that the Spirit was merely wearing a few bandages, not even her school uniform, or her kimono.
The ghost girl was shaken up by this, and told the others at the killer camp, but they just shrugged it off - Rin was a little girl who faced close to no kindness, they weren't surprised she was so taken aback by such a feat. That is, until Adiris, in a particularly terrible day, when everyone at the camp was staying away from her, as her profane censer wasn't able to cover the stench of rotting flesh - Y/N came over, taking out a small yet elegant glass bottle with pink liquid on it, spraying some on her - And now, The Plague smelled of roses and vanilla - 'You can come to me for perfume whenever you want, I always carry some with me!' she grinned at the Babylonian High Priestess, before leaving back to the survivor's camp site, leaving the ancient God symbol to stare with her mouth agape at the girl.
These words began to spread, and it was no surprise when the killers saw Susie clinging and begging her Legion friends to spare Y/N, for she was there to hug away her worries more than once, to tell her sweet words, to play with her hair and play the guitar whatever songs she wanted to hear, to get reminded of her home - She was so home sick that she freaked out, but now she was better, thanks to Y/N - 'I know you miss home, but sometimes, home is where your best friends are, and all three of them are here!' she tried to encourage the cute pink-haired girl who could only squeal and hug her new friend.
Even Ghostface wasn't exempt from falling to her charms, and they would often take silly selfies and mess around, making fun of the old horror movie tropes and doing lots of puns and pranks - So much that she even got his trust to be told about the Danny/Jed thing, and how he began his killer profession - 'You're a very talented photographer, Danny! You deserved all that recognition you got, both as a journalist, and as a killer!'
And very soon, Y/N found herself in the crushing arms of an overprotective Anna, humming her mother's lullaby together with walking through the forest, Y/N making flower crows for all the female killers at the camp site, and little by little, she somehow managed to worm her way under everyone's skins.
Y/N was the survivor with the highest survivability percentage, and maybe the Entity sometimes got pissed off, but at least she still got killed sometimes, so who cares? Well, that was soon to change as soon as a new Killer was added to this sick game - Pyramid Head, the terror of Silent Hill, as Cheryl, the new Survivor, called him - or The Executioner, as he was known now. He was ruthless, merciless, grotesque - He had his own criteria of killing, his own moral compass, ethics, conscience and understanding of the concept of life and death. Nothing that could compare to the visions of humans, clearly - Everything was gravitating around Divine Retribution and Justice, but the from the outside, he was nothing but a killing machine.
He would kill everyone and anyone that crosses his path, without fail.
Y/N felt like her fortune ended completely the second she found herself in the new, overly cramped map, with Pyramid Head as the killer - She couldn't help but run around like a spazzic meerkat, trying to find and fix as many generators as possible, without having to get face to face with the walking hazard...
Only to run past a stuck Pyramid Head.
Slowly backtracing her steps, she saw the mountain of a man with his metal pyramid stuck in the frames a low window which he tried to walk over. He was trashing like a raged bull trying to attack a matador, but it was clear he was getting nowhere with this.
"H-Hey, u-uhm...Need some help?" she asked in a soft, careful voice, almost like a meek cat trying to test the waters, but in return, he started groaning even louder from the wrath he wanted to unleash upon the whole world. "Okay, uhm...I think I saw a can of vaseline in one of the chests around. I'll go fetch it and I'll come back for you. Don't move." she said, only to then realise how horrible that sounded, considering the situation, and it only seemed to anger the killer. "...I'm sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot." she slapped herself pretty harshly before bolting out of there trying to find the chest.
However, Y/N cursed herself for not having perfectly memorised the whole map by heart already, since she found the vaseline can after the 3rd chest, and then, it took quite a while to find the bloody window that got the killer stuck - And by the time she got there, she was dead tired. "Okay, I'm here, I found the vaseline! Let's try to get you out of here." Y/N muttered as she put her feet on the low window pane to get to his level. "If it's not too much trouble, could you please hold onto me? I can't balance myself with both hands occupied, and I'd rather not fall." she explained as she opened the vaseline can, only to shiver as she felt two big, strong hands getting a firm grip on her hips. It was almost...Endearing, were she not too busy trying to get the killer unstuck. She kept massaging the metal edge, trying to push and pull, also praying to whatever deity that existed in her human world that she had her tetanus shot done on time - Until finally, she was able to get hear a loud screech, like a pop, and the killer got unstuck, and in the process, he stumbled backwards, while Y/N fell down on her butt.
"Ouchie..." she muttered, rubbing her back and sides to take away the pain surging through her body. "Are you okay?" she asked, almost intuitively, without realising it at first, until she heart a low grunt that brought her back to reality. "O-Oh...! You have glass shards stuck in your side! And you're bleeding too! Hold up, let me help." she hurried to his side, while the killer merely stiffened, feeling her delicate, slender fingers tracing his body, while he heaved and slouched his shoulders from the repressed wrath. "It may sting a bit, and I'm really sorry, but I promise it will be better soon." her voice was so motherly and warm, which also resonated in her actions, as she gingerly took a water bottle and imbued some tissues with it, to wipe away the blood smearing down his skin as she extracted the glass shards, and then..."This is grandma's marigold ointment. It's really good, and it smells nice." she explained as she carefully smeared a thick layer of the yellow ointment on the biggest wounds, while the little ones were covered by smiley-flower patterned plasters. They were cute, and colourful, and they never failed to make her smile. "Okay, there we go, all better! I hope you'll feel better very soon!" her voice got a tiny bit more cheerful and upbeat.
It made the Killer think about a trillion things, as he stepped in front of her, towering over her like the Empire states building next to a smiling pomeranian. What was with this girl? Why did she help a killer? And why did he feel so...Warm inside? He could sense a foreign kind of luminosity, a naivite and innocence that he only witnessed in children and animals. This woman in front of him was untainted by the darkness and evil of the world.
It didn't matter how many hardships she's been through, or how much sadness she had to endure - Her soul remained as pure as any snowdrop, as the first snow of winter, as the fleece of a baby lamb who let out its first 'meeeeh' to its mamma sheep.
He couldn't allow this human to be maimed in any way - Not by the world, not by the Entity, and certainly not by him. - Screw the Entity, Pyramind Head kills by his own rules, and now, he was blessed to be faced with a human who bore no real hatred for her peers, or for the world, despite the horrible situation she was thrown into.
He didn't understand, obviously, especially as he remembered the myriad of abominations that lurked through Silent Hill, all of them created by the torment of humans - The very torment that distorted their own reality, which resulted in him needing to solve the purpose as The Executioner - Eradicating the world of all evil.
"Th-This sword is so heavy...H-How can you carry this around like that...?! Your muscles must be so strained and sore...Y-You really need a massage, I'm sure." she stuttered as she tried to lift the much taller and heavier sword from the ground, only for the brute to simply bend and pick it up with extreme ease, putting the girl to shame with her complete lack of strength. "Hehe...You're really strong. I'm embarrassed now." she chuckled softly, scratching the back of her neck.
Before she could leave or do anything else, Pyramid Head picked her up by the throat, careful not to hurt her or restrict her air intake - I mean, how else was he supposed to carry her so he wouldn't hurt her with his metal head or sword? - and it was pretty clear she didn't feel any malevolence from him, as she clinged on his forearm, trying to keep herself up, only to be dumped on top of the hatch, as the killer pointed towards it, so she would leave.
"O-Oh...! Thank you so much! You're really kind! I really appreciate this...I-I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, since you'll be doing this over and over again with all the survivors...But I really appreciate you for your kind gesture, and I appreciate you for being so nice with me. Thank you. Take care!" her dazzling smile lit the whole place up, but he couldn't talk, nor could he tell her how he should be the one thanking her for showing him that, despite the hundreds and thousands of years he had to roam the 'Earth' and execute the injust, miracles still existed.
As soon as she reached the survivor's camp, everyone cheered for her, asking how in the world could she have escaped the wrath of the butcher. "Oh, but he wasn't that bad. In fact, he's much more humane than I anticipated! I think he has a beautiful, blooming heart!" okay, she's lost it - the other survivors thought - but even so, she's always been a bit...Out of it, so who cares?
It took quite a while for the other three survivors to reach the camp, all bloody, in fact, like the new killer, who dragged himself with the same menace to the Killers' camp. "How the hell did you manage to survive?!" they yelled at her in utter shock, seeing that she got out of there unscratched. "Oh, you see...I found the hatch." she shrugged simply, not wanting to give away that the person who massacred those three was a soft one and he basically threw her down the hatch to her safety.
As she took a twig to roast a marshmallows, she noticed how Pyramid Head was standing much farther away from the rest of the killers - She knew that silent killers were bound to stay away from the more obnoxious one, remembering how Michael Myers almost killed Ghostface and The Legion at least a dozen times - But this time...He seemed kinda...Lonely? So Y/N took the matters into her own hands, roasted another marshmallow in another twig, and when it was done, she went to the killer's camp, calling out the lonely one's name - She has no idea why, but he actually followed her, pushing her further deep into the forest, until he was sure nobody was going to hear, see or interrupt them...
"Hey. You seemed pretty lonely out there...I thought you could use a friend. Thank you again for what you did at the trial...Here, this is a marshmallow. I don't think you've had many before...Cheryl told me of that horrible place you had to live in...So I hope this will make your day a bit better!" Y/N extended one of her hands towards him, so he could take the marshmallow - And a long, black tongue erupted from underneath the pyramid, snatching away the fluffy marshmallow and gulping it in one go.
What the hell was he turning into?
A towering man built of pure muscle, wrath and divine justice, with a pyramid representing the evil of humanity burdening his body, and a sword taller and heavier than the average human being constantly dragged in one of his hand...He now was a slave to a cute, innocent girl who was putting flower plasters on his minuscule wounds that would heal in a heartbeat regardless - He saved this girl who was now offering his these soft, squishy things that tasted overly sugarly, just like her upbeat and cheerful personality - If he could eat her, he was sure she would taste even sweeter than this - A sickish kind of sweet, that is.
She was indeed a beautiful angel in this tragic hell. But he didn't wait to snatch the second marshmallow either.
"Ah...! You liked it, didn't you? Well...Next time, I promise I'll give you more!" she grinned at him the same way a princess would to her chivalrous knight who saved her. The since he couldn't talk, silence took over them - It wasn't an uncomfortable one, per se, but it made it feel as if the conversation was over. "W-Well...I'll guess I'll see you around! Take care and I hope to see you again soon!" she waved cutely, trying to turn around back to her camp, only to feel a rough hand on her shoulder, turning her around and urging her to stop and wait for him and he went deep into the forest, leaving her alone and undefended by the potential malevolent forces of the forest.
When he returned, however, he stepped right in front of her, creating the perfect shade as he towered over her - Then he kneeled in front of her, so he would reach her eye sight, then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and put a beautiful pink flower - As pink as the blush that started creeping on her face - He wanted to see her luminous face better, to highlight her dazzling smile and her glimmering eyes as the warm, silver light of the mother moon caressed her face.
Y/N felt her heart picking up the pace - It was beating so much faster than ever before - But this time, it wasn't out of fear or anything negative...It was something good. Something she never felt in her life, especially with her human acquaintances from back home. None was as chivalrous and gentle with her as this butcher of tormented souls - The bringer of justice, the merciless Executioner who was supposed to end the life of every living being that would cross his path.
It was insane how every Yin finds its Yang, even if that comes in the form of a little lamb of a small, frail girl, and a huge abomination of a brute man who knows nothing but death, bloodshed and carnage. It was truly crazy how opposites attract, and here she was, holding the killers large hands and gingerly putting them on her face, leaning into his touch - She felt safer now than ever in her life - Now, in the arms of an ancient killer.
An Angel and A Demon brought together in a perfect union.
As she leaned down, she touched the metal of the pyramid where she anticipated his forehead would be with her own forehead, and closing her eyes, she finally felt herself calming down. There was no need for words, actions spoke louder than anything, and she appreciated it...She appreciated him.
"Thank you." she whispered to him, knowing that yes, even though nobody else would hear it anyway, it was much more intimate than anything she ever experienced.
She was hooked.
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Hope you liked my completely shameless pun, I couldn't stop it, especially after the pain I went through trying to write this...3 freaking times.
1K notes · View notes
hqbbg · 4 years
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
prompt: “guess I'll just have to cum inside you.”
genre: smut
word count: 3.8K
warnings: 18+, masturbation, slight degradation, blowjob, some spanking, fingering, orgasm denial, vaginal s3x, creampie, this is legit just filth so please read at your own discretion
author’s note: this is my contribution to the Haikyuu!! Headquarters server collab! Find the masterlist of a bunch of other great writers here 💖 hope you enjoy!
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A soft hiss slips past Sakusa’s lips as he tightens his grip around the base of his cock. He slides his hand up his girth and uses his thumb to collect some of the beading precum to smear around the bulbous head, biting his lip to not make too much noise.
He knows he shouldn’t be doing this, practically disgusted with himself because of the situation he’s placed himself in, but he couldn’t resist.
You’d asked him to accompany you to visit your parents for one week, which meant it was the first time he would meet them in person. Sure, he’s spoken with them whenever you’d call them, but he wanted to do his best to leave a good impression on them for their first time seeing him in person. It was their idea to let the two of you stay at their home to avoid spending money on finding a hotel and whatnot—not that Sakusa would’ve even considered staying in such a filthy and public place—but that meant that the two of you would be spending practically every hour of the day with your parents during the week-long trip. This also meant that the only true alone time was at night before bed, although your parents’ bedroom was right down the hall, so it wasn’t the amount of privacy that Sakusa would have liked.
It was your last evening with them, so your parents had offered to take the two of you out to a fancy dinner, having made reservations and everything. You were both told to dress appropriately for the upscale restaurant, which was something you must’ve known about beforehand because you had packed a clean, white dress shirt and a pair of black slacks for him and a fiery red dress for yourself that he didn’t recognize.
Sakusa was by no means addicted to sex, but the moment he had seen you slip into the dress, he had wanted to rip it right off. The way it hugged every dip and curve of your body just made you look absolutely ravishing and the heels you’d paired with it were icing on the cake. Had it not been for your parents calling the two of you to hurry to avoid missing your reservation, he might’ve just taken you then and there.
The dress proved to be an issue throughout the rest of the night, starting with the way you’d swayed your hips with every step you’d taken in it. Sakusa found himself having a harder time maintaining his composure as the night progressed, especially when your hand kept brushing his thigh under the table which made it hard for him to focus on whatever story your parents were telling, travelling higher and higher with every couple of laughs shared at the table. He even had to subtly grab your wrist to keep your fingers from grazing dangerously close to his twitching cock.
It was moments like these that he had wished he could wear his face mask; he would be able to cover his face and not look as suspicious as he did now.
He had watched you from his peripherals, the way you were licking your spoon clean of the dessert your family had ordered for the table and the only thing he could think about was wanting your lips around his growing erection. He might’ve imagined it, but he also could’ve sworn that he saw your eyes flicker to him and your lips quirk into a smirk.
You knew exactly what you were doing and were clearly enjoying yourself too much.
He had to excuse himself from the dinner table before the check arrived and practically ran from the table, internally appreciating the fact that the restaurant had a single-use bathroom. He was quick to lock the door and undo his belt and pants, freeing his throbbing cock from its restraints and stood over the toilet.
He’s repulsed by the idea of touching any surface in this bathroom, no matter how nice it seems, but he knows that if he doesn’t take care of this issue now, it’ll only pose a problem later.
Sakusa’s pace is unforgiving as he spits into his own hand to help it move more smoothly up and down his cock. He closes his eyes and thinks of you, what it would be like if you were to be in this bathroom with him.
He thinks about the way you had slowly dragged your tongue along the dip of your spoon and bites his lip, wanting you to do the same to him from the base of his cock to the tip. You’d probably do it to tease him before dragging your tongue along his slit, coating him in your drool. You always like to kiss the red tip before wrapping your lips around it, swirling your tongue around as you pull your head back and release him with a ‘pop!’
He can practically see behind his closed lids the look you’d have on your face, grinning mischievously up at him as you wrap your nimble fingers around him and giving him a few generous pumps before leaning forward again to try and swallow him whole. Your fingers would grip and massage his balls, always earning the same reaction of him wanting to grip your hair and push you further down, relishing in your whines and moans whenever you’d feel him at the back of your throat.
Sakusa’s eyes flutter open and he’s breathing heavily as he watches his own hand squeeze and tug his cock—your cock.
He can feel his orgasm nearing and he continues to hiss and moan your name under his breath. Just as he feels that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel, there’s a knock on the door.
“Hey, Omi? Are you in there?”
He can’t stop, he needs to finish, he needs to finish—
“You’ve been in there for a while. Is everything okay? My parents wanted me to check up on you.”
Sakusa slows himself down, bitterly reminded that he has people waiting on him.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” he says, feeling frustrated that the moment is lost. He had been so close yet so far.
“Are you okay?” you ask once he steps out of the bathroom. His cheeks are flushed, and he looks upset.
He glances around the area for a moment before looking at you and grabbing your hand, guiding it to the pressing matter that is straining against his pants. He can see your eyes widen with realization and feels his lips twitch at the fact that you have the audacity to give him a squeeze through his fabric.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he hisses as he moves your hand away.
“I should be asking you that,” you tease him with a small smirk, indicating that you knew exactly what you’ve been doing all night, much to Sakusa’s frustrated dismay.
“Let’s just get back to your parents,” he grumbles. You do your best to conceal your giggle as the two of you walk back towards the dinner table. Sakusa tries to walk at an angle so his erection is hidden from plain sight behind you and the two of you arrive back at the table.
“Oh, there you are! Is everything alright?”
Sakusa nods, not wanting to be disrespectful, but finds it hard to focus his thoughts on anything but the idea of taking you tonight.
“Kiyoomi’s not feeling very well,” you say.
“Oh, it was probably something in that appetizer. I haven’t been feeling very good myself since we ate that.”
“Let’s hurry home then.”
Music to Sakusa’s ears.
Ever the gentleman, he holds the door open for you and you give him a sickeningly sweet and innocent smile as you slide into the backseat. He follows you in shortly and is relieved that it’s dark in the small compact space as the car begins to move.
He tries to ignore you as you slide yourself snug next to him, pressing yourself against him with every turn the car makes. You have your eyes fixed on the road ahead, but your hand finds its way onto Sakusa’s thigh once again. You feel his muscles tense under your fingers, and you try to resist the small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. He looks as if he’s holding his breath and has one hand gripping the armrest on the door while the other holds your wrist. You glance at him innocently and the look in his eyes is dangerous.
Your attention is averted when your parents ask a question and you casually reply, retracting your hand back to yourself. Sakusa visibly relaxes for a few moments and you try not to laugh.
As your parents continue to converse with the both of you, you take advantage of this time and slide your hand between his legs as he answers a question about his occupation, giving his still very erect cock a squeeze. His voice cracks and he quickly tries to recover by coughing and clearing his throat, both your parents stifling giggles as you yourself try not to burst out laughing.
His fingers are wrapped around your wrist again as he jerks it away. He leans in towards you and you do your best not to shiver upon feeling his hot breath fan against your neck.
“Just wait until we get home,” he all but growls lowly in your ear. You can practically feel the heat radiating off his body before he pulls back and sits up in his seat, keeping his grip firm around your wrist for the rest of the car ride home.
When the car finally arrives in front of the house, Sakusa does his best to remain polite yet feels his patience running thin when you take your time chatting with your parents about something that he had been too distracted to pay attention to earlier. He shifts uncomfortably as everyone gets out of the car and moves to the front door at an achingly slow pace, feeling anxious to hurry and get inside.
Unfortunately, the torture for him doesn’t end there, as you choose to stay in the living room and chat for a little longer about something he knows can be held another time. You do a good job of positioning yourself in front of him, so your parents are still blissfully unaware of the bulge in his pants and keep their focus on you until you finally bid your parents goodnight.
The walk to your shared bedroom is short, but you take your time, knowing that Sakusa is probably ready to snap at any moment. He proceeds to prove you right as you step into your bedroom and he’s quick to follow you in. Before you can even say or do anything, you feel him grip your wrist and pull you back, turning around to push you against the door, causing it to slam shut. Your eyes widen on instinct and you feel his calloused fingers wrap around your neck as he leans in close.
“You think you’re so cute acting like that in front of your parents, huh?”
You resist the whimper bubbling in your throat as you look up at him, his eyes dark as he stares you down.
“If you want to be a slut, then get on your knees and act like one,” he growls and releases your throat. You do little to protest, sliding down the door and getting on your knees as you were told. A familiar heat begins to burn between your legs.
Little time is wasted in unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his slacks as you use nimble fingers to quickly free him of his cloth prison. You feel your mouth water at the strained outline of his bulging cock through the darkness of his boxers and yank the fabric down to let it all pool at his feet. The hardened length practically springs to life and you waste no time in gripping it and giving it a few pumps before wrapping your lips around it.
Sakusa throws his head back at the warmth of your mouth and bites his lip, knowing that if he’s too loud, your parents might hear. He hangs his head back forward and watches as you gingerly suck on him, cheeks hollowing out as you use your hand to grip and squeeze what doesn’t fit in your mouth. He rakes his fingers through your hair, gripping a handful in the back to roughly push you deeper. You try not to gag and choke at the sudden pressure, feeling tears sting your eyes as he holds you there for a few seconds. When his grip loosens, you pull your head back and gasp for air, feeling a thin string of saliva connect your lips to his cock. Your eyes flicker up and you instantly feel another surge of warmth between your legs at the sight of Sakusa’s half-lidded eyes, parted lips, and pink cheeks.
Your fingers make their way to his balls and massage them, and you drag your tongue along the underside of his cock from the base to the tip. The wet muscle drags along the ridges, tracing a particularly thick vein.
“Fuck,” he hisses under his breath. “This is what you wanted all along, huh, you little slut?”
You continue to bob your head, humming in response as he grunts at the vibrations. You can feel that he’s close as he rocks his hips to match your pace, gripping a fistful of your hair again to force more of himself down your throat.
“I’m getting close,” he grits through his teeth as his pace quickens. Tears are once again prickling your eyes, threatening to spill over as he roughly fucks into your mouth. “You’re gonna swallow my cum like the good little cock slut you are, got it?”
You can barely even whimper in response before he holds your head still and you can feel his essence shoot down your throat. You swallow everything you can, swirling your tongue around his length to lick any remnants away until he practically jerks your head away from him. Your lips release him with a ‘pop!’ sound and he hisses at how sensitive he is. You wipe some of the excess that’s dribbled down your chin and look up at him, trying to keep your coughing at a minimum.
“Get on the bed.”
He stands back a little to give you enough room to stand and you quickly shuffle your feet towards the bed, trying to recover while ignoring the subtle soreness developing in your throat. You sit down on the edge and watch him as he begins to unbutton his shirt, your eyes slowly trailing down his broad chest to his cock that’s still standing tall and proud.
He must’ve been really pent up.
You sit in eager anticipation of what he’ll do next, unable to tear your eyes away from his as he finishes unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off. He tosses it aside and leans down so he’s at eye level with you.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight,” he says, “but your parents might hear us, so you have to be quiet, okay?”
You nod.
“Good,” he says, straightening himself. You can’t help but feel slightly disappointed, having hoped that he would at least kiss you. “Turn around on all fours.”
His voice is husky, and you simply do as you’re told, climbing slightly higher up on the bed in the position he wants you in. You feel the bed dip with his added weight and turn your head slightly to see what he’s doing. He admires your backside for a moment before lifting your dress up and hooking his fingers onto the hem of your panties. He roughly pulls them down and nearly rips them in the process, but before you can even say anything in protest, a large palm lands firmly against your exposed flesh. You yelp in surprise and he looks at you with a quirked brow.
“I said to be quiet, didn’t I?”
“Sorry,” you bite your lip as he tugs your panties down your legs. You lift one leg at a time until he’s able to fully remove them, expecting him to simply toss them aside. To your surprise, he reaches forward and shoves your panties into your mouth.
“That’s better,” he grunts with a smirk on his lips. You probably shouldn’t feel as aroused as you are at this commanding side of Sakusa.
You feel a thick finger swipe upwards against your slick folds and you whimper as he examines his glistening fingertip. You want to say something, but feel two digits abruptly insert themselves in and you’re suddenly glad you have something to muffle the moan that’s ripped from you.
His pace is quick and rough, and you bite down harder on the fabric in your mouth as your back arches, your head hanging low. You use one hand to rub at your clit, only finding momentary relief until Sakusa ministers another slap against your ass.
“Did I say you could touch yourself, you fucking whore?”
You shake your head and remove your hand, bringing it back to its original position. You grip the sheets in your fists as you feel his fingers curl and reach a particularly deep spot within you, making it very hard for you to keep quiet. You lean forward onto your elbows and bury your face into the sheets, feeling that you will be too loud otherwise.
Just as you feel your first orgasm approaching, Sakusa removes his fingers and you’re left clenching around nothing. You lift and turn your head to look behind you in frustration, though you’re not left frustrated for long.
Sakusa positions the fat tip of his cock in front of your hole and slides in without warning, warranting an immediate and loud moan from you. Your underwear falls from your mouth and your eyes practically roll to the back of your head as you’re filled to the brim with him. You can feel a rough hand grip your hip while the other finds its way around your throat. He pulls you up so your back is pressed against his chest and you want to turn your head to kiss him, but he quickly attaches his lips to your neck, sucking and nibbling against your sweet spot. You’re quick to tilt your head to give him easier access, one hand reaching behind you to grab Sakusa’s hair, weaving your fingers through his thick curls, while the other grips at his arm as it moves between your legs and finally touches the sensitive bundle of nerves. He rubs rough circles as his hips continue to snap against yours and you’re racing to the finish line that is your orgasm.
He begins to whisper dirty things into your ear, calling you his good little cumslut and you clamp your hand over your mouth to quiet your moans, though you’re sure it’s ineffective. The sound of skin slapping against skin combined with the overwhelming pleasure muddles your senses and the only thing you can think of is how good Sakusa feels inside of you. After a few more rough thrusts, you feel your walls clamp down as your orgasm washes over you.
Sakusa slows down, finding it increasingly harder to maintain his rhythm as your velvet walls tighten around him and he knows he won’t last much longer. He decides to pull out, however, letting you go, and sitting back. Your muscles are shaky as you look at him, confused and fucked out.
“I didn’t cum yet,” he says simply, tilting his head slightly as he leans back against his palms on the bed. You bite your lip, understanding his implications and crawl over to him on your wobbly arms and legs. You throw your leg over him so you’re straddling him, placing one hand on his shoulder to steady yourself while the other grips his throbbing cock to position at your dripping entrance.
You slowly lower yourself down, whimpering at the sensitivity until he’s fully sheathed within you. You place both of your hands on his shoulders and bury your face into his neck as you slowly rock your hips, rotating them every so often. Sakusa lifts his hands to finally unzip your wrinkled dress and you tiredly lift your arms so he can lift the fabric over your head, leaving you completely bare before him. As you continue to rotate your hips lazily, he palms your breasts and looks up at you. You finally take this chance to press your lips against his, having wanted to do this all night and wrap your arms around his neck as you feel his tongue push past your lips. You entangle your fingers through his hair again and moan against his lips as he pinches your pebbling nipples, eventually sliding his hands down the dip and curve of your waist to your hips. He helps guide you as you move up and down, his hips meeting you halfway.
He’s not as rough as he’s been, knowing how overstimulated you already are, though his hips begin to move faster. It eventually gets to a point where you have no choice but to bury your face into his neck to stifle your moans as he holds your hips still and simply thrusts upwards against them. You feel another orgasm quickly approaching and know that this time, Sakusa is right there with you.
“Fuck, baby,” he hisses. “I’m gonna cum.”
“We can’t get my parents’ sheets dirty,” you pant as you lift your head slightly.
“Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you,” he grunts as he begins to pick up the pace. You bite your lip as another wave of pleasure begins to crash over you, consuming you completely. Not too long after, you feel Sakusa begin to shoot ropes cum inside of you, painting your insides white. He finds your lips quickly and kisses you to let you swallow his moans, slowing his movements to an eventual stop.
The two of you sit there, panting heavily in your post-sex glow. You slowly lift yourself off, wincing at the oversensitivity while Sakusa carefully moves to the edge of the bed.
“Where are you going?” You ask as you watch him stand.
“We’re all sweaty, so we have to shower now,” he replies, beginning his trek towards the bathroom. He turns when he realizes you’re still awkwardly positioned on the bed to not let any of his cum spill out of you and onto the sheets. “Well, are you coming?”
“I can’t feel my legs,” you frown slightly.
“If you were good, I wouldn’t have had to be so rough. You can make it up to me in the shower.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
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mermaidfizzy · 3 years
This hot mess is a product of my h*rny brain that had the audacity to not go back to sleep at 5 o'clock this morning.
I've been feeling pretty awful about myself lately. I just can't seem to shake myself out of this critical and condescending fog that my brain has been in.
It sucks but I wrote this in hopes of it helping anyone else who feels like this, even though it's a jumbled mess that belongs in the trash.
If you've been in a depressive episode too, just know you're amazing, and a wonderful human and I hope reading this reminds you of how terrific you truly are. Plus Kakashi thinks you are a literal goddess, I don't make the rules.
Anyway, I hope you get a kick out of my dumpster fire writing and I hope it reminds you of the queen you are.
Mirror s*x with Kakashi
Warnings: Sexy time 18+ content. Way too damn explicit but oh well. Body worship. Female reader. Doggy style. Vaginal fingering. Choking & spanking (kinda). Established relationship. Kakashi being an absolute simp for you. Kakashi is ooc and this is a whole ass mess but I don't care, fight me.
If you're a minor you better skedaddle on out of here or I'll kick your butt.
Kakashi was the one who proposed the idea of wanting to absolutely wreck you in front of a mirror. He loves the idea of being able to strip you down to complete nakedness, getting you on all fours, and aggressively fucking you from behind while you both watch your reflections go at it in earnest.
Just seeing the front or back of you during sexy time isn't enough for him, ok!? And the thought of being visually overstimulated and watching every gorgeous angle of you while he ravishes your body sends him immediately to bonerville.
You express your hesitance, uncomfortable with the idea of being so exposed and having to see so much of yourself in the reflection of the mirror. You dismiss his idea at first, not wanting to put your body in a position that could give you more insecurities about yourself.
He is nothing but respectful and understanding on why you might have some insecurities, he struggles with self-doubt too. But boy oh boy, he is persistent and determined to admire and worship the hell out of every inch of you, mind, body, and soul.
Because in Kakashi's eyes you are the very reason he breathes!? You live rent-free in his brain!? You are an absolute living and breathing angel!? He desperately wants you to see yourself in the way that he thinks of you, as the person he loves with his whole heart. He even loves you more than icha icha but you didn't hear that from me.
And if that means he spends every moment for the rest of his life reminding you of how sexy and downright spectacular you are and how much he loves you, then so be it. It's a task he is ready and willing to take.
He's all in boo, he's a certified simp for you and he wants to see alllll of your beautiful body. Let this man adore you, ok?! And you better not be insecure in front of that mirror because you are a goddess and this man literally kisses the ground you walk on.
After much convincing, you eventually concede with his request to rock your shit in front of a mirror. You don't even understand how much this dude will be ready to go ON THE SPOT once you give him the ok.
When the two of you start getting down and dirty, there will be absolutely no hiding, alright? No love-making in the dark around these parts. All the lights will be on and the window shades will be open, allowing the warm sun to filter in on you both so he can admire every inch of your precious body while he gives you the best dick of your life.
Kakashi is mesmerized by your body when you're on all fours in front of the mirror. The way your mouth opens as moans fall from your lips, how your neck is exposed when you look up at him in the mirror, the curve of your back as you arch into him, and how your breasts hang and sway with every thrust he gives you.
Goodness gracious, it all just gets his blood pumping and makes him feel things that he never thought he would ever be lucky enough to experience.
Having this visual perspective and being able to see every little bit of your perfection brings out Kakashi's possessive and emotional side. He just loves you so damn much and wonders how he was able to get so lucky.
It all overwhelms him as he watches you come undone, knowing he's the one who gets to witness you at your most open & vulnerable. You better prepare yourself because this man will have zero restraint.
If you try to hide your face or put your head down, oh nay nay I say. Your ass will definitely be slapped and you will like it, no questions asked. He'll also grab your neck and make you watch yourself in the mirror. Kakashi wants you to see how gorgeous you look too. He can't be the only one enjoying the view!!!!
With one hand around your neck and another around your waist, he'll pull you up so your back is flush against his chest as he continues to eagerly crash his hips into you from behind.
Pleasepleaseplease don't hold back your moans. Let them all out baby, be loud, let Kakashi know how good he's drilling your ass. Tell him that he's the only one who can make your pussy soaked and quivering like this.
Look directly at his reflection while he's pumping into you. Feed this man's ego and watch him lose his fucking mind as he watches you both in the mirror, letting all your lustful words and moans soak into him. You mean you love and worship him as much as he does for you!?! Oh hell yeah.
Sometimes he just wants all his attention on you though. Instead of taking you on all fours, he'll have you sit completely naked in-between his legs. He'll spread your legs far apart, propping them over his own so you can get a good look at your glistening pussy in the mirror that's right in front of you two.
And don't you dare close your eyes or turn your head away! You know the drill, Kakashi wants you to watch the whole time to see exactly what he's doing to you and how absolutely pretty you look while his fingers are pumping in and out of you.
If you accidentally close your eyes or turn your head away, he's going to pull his wet fingers out of you and give your swollen clit a nice little slap while he whispers in your ear "keep your eyes open for me baby, I want you to see all of this".
But your eyes aren't the only ones open and watching, oh no. Kakashi will stare intensely at your reflection in the mirror while he pleasures you. He won't even think about blinking as his fingers pick up the pace and your breathy moans vibrate next to his face.
He can't help it, he just loves the way you look all spread out for him, taking his fingers so well. He wants to see every single moment of you unraveling. Every bite of your lip and pleasurable inflection on your face drives him crazy.
If your eyes start rolling into the back of your head as the pleasure in-between your legs ramps up, Kakashi will take the hand that isn't deep inside your pussy and grasp your chin tightly so you can watch yourself in the mirror as you get closer to cumming all over his fingers.
All the while Kakashi is whispering into your ear about how much he loves seeing you like this and how badly he wants you to cum. He keeps up the sweet whispers, eventually telling you to touch yourself too. You can't just see your reflection in order to fully appreciate, oh no, you gotta feel yourself as well.
Sliding your fingers down to join Kakashi in pleasuring yourself, you rub your clit vigorously. You'll swear you've ascended into heaven as your orgasm spreads an intense and warm tingling all throughout your naked and sweaty body.
You'll crash back into his chest, breathing heavily as you come down from your blissful high. Kakashi will kiss your cheek while slowly removing his fingers from you, appreciating how glossy they look all covered in your fluids as he brings them to his mouth to suck on them.
Wanna really get him going? As Kakashi pulls his fingers out of you, grab his hand and bring his fingers to your own mouth. Suck on his fingers, tasting yourself while maintaining eye contact with him in the mirror.
100% will absolutely lose his shit. RIP to your pussy because you just unlocked a kink he didn't realize he had.
10/10 would recommend but good luck walking the next day. 😏 I'll pray for the state of your knees after he gets done with you. 🙏🏻
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Ahhh corruption kink with Dabi 👉👈
♡ Calm Down ♡
(A/N: I hope you like thissss 🥺👉👈 I’m not super great at single word NSFW prompts but I did the whole prompt thing to challenge myself!! I hope you like this, I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted or expected 💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: NSFW, Manipulation, Fingering, Dabi thinking about the nasty, corruption kink, virgin!reader, innocence kink, DUBCON
Prompt List ♡
Prompt: Dabi + Corruption Kink (Yan!Dabi x Fem!Reader)
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How could someone be doing something so innocent yet be so sexy? That was a question that Dabi had to ask himself while looking at you. You had to wear the shortest skirt possible, didn’t you? Granted, he had bought it for you. But, damn, the way you looked in that little pleated skirt was making his mind race.
Yet, you had absolutely no idea. You had been kidnapped by Dabi a few months ago. You had been absolutely terrified at first, sobbing and begging him not to hurt you. However it had been about two months since then and you had begin accept it. Doing what he asked and letting him do things such as cuddle you and kiss you.
Although it’s been torture for Dabi just to innocently love on you. Of course he loved having you sit on his lap but it was so painful when you accidentally shuffled while cuddling. You had no idea how hard it is not to ravish you.
You reach up, trying to reach one of the top shelves, wanting a small snack. The already short skirt becoming even shorter as you reach up, your lace panties becoming visible. Dabi can’t take it anymore.
“Princess, c’mere” Dabi calls, sitting casually on the couch. You let out a small ‘huh’, tilting your head at him before padding over to the couch. You stand in front of him, waiting for whatever he wants you to do. Your lashes sweetly batting against your skin. Dabi smirks slightly, patting his thigh, signaling you to sit.
You do as he says, gently sitting down in his lap and laying your head against his chest like you know he likes. “Dabi?” You question, instead of letting you cuddle him, he instead lifts your head to look at him. Before you can question further, Dabi is placing a kiss on your lips.
“You look so pretty for me, bunny, you know that?” Dabi coos, gently caressing your thigh with his thumb. His words are always embarrassing to you, causing you to look away and fiddle with your fingers. “Thank you” you mumble, completely flustered. Yes, Dabi is always complimenting you and sweet talking you, but it still manages to fluster you every time.
Dabi smirks at your reaction, giving you another kiss as he begins to lift your shirt. “He-Hey...” you reach down, trying to pull your shirt back down but Dabi easily over powers you. “S-Stop! That’s inappropriate...” You continue, trying to cover up your now bare chest. “Calm down, sweets, it’s totally normal” he snickers “I just wanna see how pretty you are” Dabi calmly speaks, his voice and attitude so calm it makes you rethink why you feel uncomfortable with this.
You gulp when Dabi also pushes your skirt up above your thighs, revealing your panties. “Shh, calm down, babygirl” Dabi shushes, petting your hair with one hand and pulling down your panties with the other. “I’m making sure my princess feels good” He continues, cupping your cunt with his hand causing you to whimper at the warmth.
“You’re so wet, baby. Do you even know what that means?” Dabi asks, gently rubbing your clit causing you to let out an involuntary mewl. You whimper once again and shake your head from side to side. “Hey, no need to cry, princess” Dabi speaks at your teary eyes. “P-Please stop, feels w-weird” you whisper, bunching up Dabi’s shirt in your fists.
“It’s alright, princess. It’s gonna feel weird at first” Dabi kisses one of your tears away. It’s taking even thing in his body not to pounce on you at this moment. He loves to sweet talk you and be soft with you, but he wishes he could flip you over and fuck you until you can’t speak. However he knows he’ll have the chance to do that with you later.
“O-Ow! Wait, that really hurts” you cry, tears now running down your face when Dabi actually pushes his fingers into you. “Baby, calm down. It’s gonna’ keep hurting if you keep whining” Dabi coos, gently brushing stray hair out of your face. You couldn’t tell him to stop especially when he’s being so understanding and sweet with you.
Dabi begins spreading his fingers inside of you, watching your face scrunch up at the feeling of him stretching you open, the burning not feeling entirely awful but not entirely pleasurable either. You let out small whines and ouches every once and while between the pants and moans.
Dabi could go at this all day, and if everything goes with what he wants, he will be. By the end of the day, Dabi hopes you won’t even be able to walk.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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hlizr50 · 3 years
Gwynriel Week Day 2 - Favorite Headcanon
Bow or Bleed
Read on AO3
Gwyn examined herself in the mirror, turning her hips and looking over her shoulder. She was technically covered, but also decidedly not, navy chiffon so dark it was nearly black waterfalled down her legs, the milky skin of her leg exposed by the hip-high opening. The top of the gown had long sleeves and a deep neckline past her breastbone, but it was also sheer – strategically placed beading and applique crept up her stomach and over her breasts. It was certainly the most scandalous thing she’d ever worn.
Azriel had warned her before the meeting with the High Lord, nearly three weeks before. Times were peaceful – something they were all thankful for – but Rhysand wanted to remind the denizens of the Hewn City of the Night Court’s might, introducing the new division of their defenses. Therefore, the three female leaders of the Valkyries were requested. Her mate had kept her hand firmly gripped in his for the duration of the discussion, and that silent support was just one of the many reasons she loved him. So was his deference to her decision. That was something that had been a little more difficult to achieve, the shadowsinger being as protective as he was, particularly where Gwyn was concerned.
They had discussed in depth what she would find in the Court of Nightmares and the expectations that came along with being in attendance in a position of power. And while, in the three years they had been together, they had explored any number of intimate situations and dynamics in the comfort of their private home, it was Azriel who had suggested that Gwyn be regarded as the dominant one of the two.
The inhabitants of the Hewn City know that I am to be feared. And I want them to see the woman who has tamed the infamous spymaster and cower. Not only from a perspective of your safety, but to be perfectly frank it would be incredibly arousing.
She had laughed at that.
And so Azriel and Gwyn had painstakingly discussed every detail, the two of them valuing preparedness and knowledge above all else. Where would they be expected to stand? How were they expected to interact with the rest of the inner circle and the Valkyries? He came with her to dress fittings, discussing how the fabric would move and working with the Valkyrie and the seamstress to ensure she looked tempting enough to draw attention, but covered enough that she wouldn’t be constantly pulling and tugging. They had even come home with a replica of the skirt so they could train together, for the unfortunate possibility that violence might become a necessity.
So here she was, with her chosen sisters, examining herself one last time before their entrance into the Court of Nightmares. When she looked up she found Nesta at her shoulder.
“Ready, Gwyn?” The redhead could see the faint glimmer of concern in her friend’s eyes.
A reassuring grin crinkled the freckles dotting the former priestess’ nose and the corners of her eyes. She trailed her fingers over the hilt of the dark blade sheathed at her thigh, drawing strength from its weight and the lingering power from the hands that wielded it. Gwyn nodded, the copper waterfall of her high ponytail brushing past her ears and cheeks.
“Let’s give them a show,” Emerie quipped with a smirk.
Gwyn regarded the two females that had been at her side, constant support and friendship and love over the past four years. Nesta was a queen in every sense, beautiful and dangerous, with a neckline that dipped even lower than her own. Her gown fit tight against her, black velvet rich and luxurious. She wore her weapon for everyone to see, the sword Ataraxia hanging from the black leather riding her hips. Her leg was also revealed by a near-indecent slit in the midnight cloth, the tightness of the dress pulling the ends apart and baring it for all to see.
And then there was Emerie, who had opted for pants, tailored just right to show off the strength in her legs. Black silk fell loosely from her honey brown shoulders creating lovely drapes over her front and baring her smooth muscled arms. The back of the garment only met at the small of her back, letting all appreciate the ripples and cords of muscle and the incredible wings that marked her as Illyrian.
Emerie smiled wryly, ready to intimidate, but it was Nesta who pushed open the wooden doors with as much force as she could muster. Gwyn was inwardly satisfied at the sound that cut through the cavern. She lifted her chin and fixed her gaze forward toward the raised dais, where the High Lord and Lady sat enthroned in dark power. She would not turn her gaze toward the shadowsinger as they strode in, footfalls synchronized as if they marched into battle. She kept her head lifted, near-arrogant smirk on her wine-painted lips.
But, Mother, could she feelhim. The flicker of power, the gold thread between them taut with heat and tightly coiled desire. Gwyn didn’t dare a glance, but she could feel the burn of his hazel gaze – likely now closer to molten gold – roaming over her.
The three Valkyries stopped at the foot of the dais, Nesta in front with Gwyn and Emerie at her shoulders. When they each fell to one knee before their High Lord and Lady, the copper-haired warrior could feel the cool, moist air prickling the skin of her now-exposed thigh. But she didn’t feel exposed, even with so much less of her covered than she was accustomed to. She didn’t feel weak, even as she bowed in the midst of this infamous court. She was a wholly different person from the quaking priestess that had been rescued from Sangravah, and it was this court that had helped build her up. She was a warrior, a Valkyrie, one of eight Carynthians to ever exist, and now she was a general. And through all that she had become a sister, friend, lover, and mate, and it was those bonds that truly gave her strength.
They rose and turned to face the court, and Gwyn did her best to observe nonchalantly. So many leering stares, expressions of disgust – so many fragile males opposed to the concept of powerful women.
“The Valkyries were legendary in the Great War, and we are pleased that these three females have resurrected their practice and built new ranks.” Rhysand’s voice was rich and dark, like the velvet that clung to Nesta’s skin. “As their skills have improved and their ranks have deepened, the Valkyries have been inducted as an official division of the Night Court defense. Even in times of peace we all know that it is imperative to remain dedicated and prepared. These three females join the ranks of my Inner Circle as generals, and they will be respected as such.” There was a pregnant pause after his statement, the court regarding the three of them, sizing them up. “Any word or action against them will be counted as a word or action against myself or the High Lady. And while all of the denizens of the Hewn City understand how I manage those slights, let them rest assured that these women will exact their own justice.” After one more glower over the crowd the females split apart, turning toward their respective mates.
That’s when she finally laid her eyes on the Spymaster of the Night Court, clothed in black leather and swathed in shadows. The angles and planes of his face, in this dark place, made him impossibly more beautiful. He was an imposing creature when he needed to be, and in the Court of Nightmares he would only be seen as this man of malice – an angel of death.
With near-glowing eyes fixed on her and her alone.
This plan could have been a grave mistake.
Not because Gwyn wasn’t absolutely breathtaking and fearless, and not because he didn’t believe that any male would think twice before approaching her with the shadowsinger apparently on her leash.
No, this plan was very potentially a mistake because Azriel wasn’t sure he would be able to keep himself from swathing them in shadows and ravishing her in the middle of the damned great hall as soon as she was within arm’s reach.
He’d known what the dress would look like on her tall frame – he had accompanied her to consultations and fittings, ensuring that his mate would feel comfortable and safe during this foray into the sinister underbelly of the Night Court. The inspiration for Amarantha’s domain not-so-long ago.
To say that the idea of Gwyn stepping foot in this place had given him pause would be a grievous understatement. His shadows had twirled around his wings in agitation when Rhys had informed him, but he also knew that his mate was not the same girl he had rescued from Sangravah those years ago. He had agreed to let her hear the request and decide for herself what she would do, and he would be happy to do everything in his power to ensure that she was prepared.
The female that faced him now was nothing short of a queen.
Azriel found himself thinking back through the times that he had been rendered breathless by her astonishing beauty – more times than he could count. The first time he’d seen her in the Valkyrie leathers he thought he might have to leave the room, lest he melt into a heap on the floor before her. Their first Starfall together his shadows had frozen around him as he remembered how to breathe, her dress and eyes outsparkling the heavens. The evening of their mating ceremony, where a simple silk shift had sent tendrils of inky mist dancing and had nearly set his soul on fire.
Before him was a warrior, confident and ferocious. And his. Her skin was moonlight against the darkest blue the seamstress could find, curves barely concealed beneath lace and beading that had been expertly placed to toe the line between demure and deadly. Makeup was not something the former priestess indulged in often, but the wine-red that painted her full lips tempted him to lick his own and the kohl lining her teal pools only seemed to set them ablaze. The high ponytail was somewhat unexpected, but it was the sight of the blade strapped to her thigh – so dark it seemed to absorb any light that dared touch it – that had the breeches of his leathers tightening considerably and his twirling shadows thickening.
Neither of them needed weapons to be deadly, but that didn’t mean they would venture into the Court of Nightmares unarmed. And there would be no better way to send a message to any who dared covet his mate than for her to brandish the deadly blade that was known throughout the continent.
Gwyn strode toward him, head held high. She had schooled her expressive eyes into cool indifference, something she had likely learned from him, but Azriel could spy a glimmer of mischief. She was enjoying this game, and he was more than content to play it with her. He lowered his chin and dropped to one knee as she approached, and his shadows could hear the whispers of stunned onlookers as the spymaster placed himself firmly beneath the Valkyrie in the hierarchy. A wry grin curled his lips as he watched those exquisitely formed legs come to a halt before him and the hand at her right hip present itself. He kept his gaze fixed on the speckled flesh of her knuckles as he raised his own scarred hand, cobalt siphon flickering, and grasped her fingers before leaning in to reverently press his lips to her knuckles. He could feel the golden warmth of her satisfaction in his chest, sparks of desire intermixed.
When he released her hand it moved to his face, two long elegant fingers landing under his chin and pulling it upward. Lifting his gaze, he found her face alight with fierce confidence.
“Shadowsinger,” she purred, applying more pressure to encourage him to rise before her. Their stares were transfixed in the eyes of the other as he did so, her hand only moving far enough to land in a possessive grip toward the back of his neck. He couldn’t hide the smirk that crawled over his lips, enamored as he was with the predatory confidence that she wore.
“My lady,” he murmured, dipping his chin. “You look absolutely exquisite.” The slightest pink blossomed on her cheeks, proving that she was not completely immune to his charm. She circled him and stepped up behind him onto the first stair to the dais, keeping her palm on is neck. He had to stifle a groan, reveling in her possessive touch and the heat of her at his back between his wings. Her breath snaked across his ear and his skin pebbled, her lips like a phantom touch over the shell of it.
“You are beautiful and dark, as always, love,” Gwyn whispered before dipping her chin and pressing those soft painted lips just below where the sharp line of his jaw met his neck. His breath shuddered and his mate gave a soft giggle. “Your shadows are quite… friendly tonight.”
“Well, lovely general, I can hardly be expected to control them when you make it so difficult for me to even manage myself,” Azriel breathed.
“Hmmm. You do make an excellent point.” She gripped his jaw and pulled it to the side to claim his lips with a bruising kiss. When she released him he nearly drowned in the teal pools that captured his gaze. He could see the challenge there, the desire, the pride. He loved when he could glimpse those things in her expression, when he could put those feelings there. Gods, the way it felt to bow before her, to be the one she trusted to submit to her will. It was a distinct possibility he wouldn’t survive the night.
“I know you have duties, Shadowsinger,” the Valkyrie stated softly, dropping her fingers from his jaw. His permission to leave her side, to stride through the shadows and dark corners of this hall to ensure that members of this court still understood the price of disrespect and the power of fear. He turned, tucking his wings tight to avoid striking her. He meant to look back into those piercing, starlit eyes, but his gaze caught on Truth-teller at her thigh. He lifted a mottled hand and settled his palm over the hilt, letting his callused fingers brush delicately over that tempting sliver of porcelain flesh. Leaning down, he brushed his mouth over the peek of skin just above his thumb.
“Wine, my lady?” He straightened and grinned crookedly at her flushed neck and chest. She dipped her chin in confirmation and he turned, striding into the throng of revelers. Hopefully his High Lord didn’t expect him to listen too closely. It was peacetime, after all, and he had to contend with every delicious image of Gwyn flashing through his mind. Hopefully his shadows would pick up on anything glaring and drag his attention out of the gutter.
He had retrieved two goblets and turned back toward the dais when he felt a twinge of anxiety in his chest, tightening the golden thread that connected the Shadowsinger and the Valkyrie. He weaved quickly in and out of the dark swaths in the hall, his shadows carrying to him the echoes of words between her and a yet-unknown male.
“…quite an actress, priestess…”
Azriel quieted the snarl that threatened to push through his lips as he rounded a pillar silently, finding Gwyn’s back pressed against it and the male – one of the darkbringers, he realized – doing his best to tower over her. He stayed silent, tucked into the darkness. He had vowed not to intervene until it became obvious that she couldn’t handle the situation. And while he had felt the moment of uncertainty in their bond, his mate looked calm and nonchalant – if not a small bit annoyed.
“Although I find it difficult to believe that a timid acolyte from the library sanctuary could best the Spymaster. They say the women in the great library have experienced great horrors, but perhaps if you warm the bed of the angel of death, you’re into that kind of thing.”
The male had lifted a hand to Gwyn’s face, making to touch her. And quick as the wind she had Truth-teller in her hand, blade against a particularly sensitive part of the male who thought he could dare to insinuate what he did, much less dare to touch her. Azriel saw the rage sparkling in her gaze, all traces of anxiety and annoyance gone.
“Think very carefully about the next thing you say,” she hissed. When the male tried to smirk and play it off she pushed the blade the slightest bit deeper, the edge biting into the leather of his pants. “I am a general. I won the Illyrian Blood Rite. I have bested far more intimidating creatures than yourself. So do ask yourself if you want to test your luck.”
Azriel’s lips twisted into a sadistic smile, basking in the glow of his mate’s strength. Her eyes darted to him for a split second, and the male’s eyes followed. The color drained from his face when he saw the rippling shadows twisting and rising like flames over his shoulders and wings. But a push against the dagger at his crotch shifted his attention back to Gwyn.
“Hear me now, brute,” she seethed. “I do not always keep my Shadowsinger so tightly leashed. And he does not take kindly to unimpressive, brainless males touching the female that he belongs to.” My Shadowsinger. The female that he belongs to. Mother above, those words went straight to his already-straining cock. “So I hope that little thrill that pulsed through your undoubtedly underwhelming dick when you thought you could intimidate me and bend me to your desires… I do so hope it was worth it.”
The male stepped away with hands raised, but the copper-haired queen kept her blazing stare on him, dagger still ready in her hand.
“Shadowsinger, I hope you have that wine,” she cooed, sheathing the weapon when Azriel stepped to her side. He offered her the goblet and then offered her an arm, muscles and shadows tremoring from barely contained fury. His instincts warred within him, an urge to rip the male limb from limb against the desire to whisk his mate into an alcove and plunge his tongue between her legs until she was screaming his name. He wasn’t sure if he had ever desired her with such a feral male pride, and from the heat blooming across her chest he could tell that she could feel that pulsing need through their bond. But her breathing was slightly more shallow than normal, and he remembered that nervous twinge he’d felt before she’d nearly castrated the man. The spymaster let them to a darkened corner, shadows swallowing them and hiding them from prying eyes and ears.
“Are you alright, songbird?” All pretense and games were gone, leaving only the soft voice of a protective male concerned for the love of his eternity. He took her wine glass and set both of them on the stone floor. When he straightened he pinned her with his gaze and raised callused fingers to trace the freckles on her cheek. Gwyn sighed a calming breath and leaned into his touch.
“Yes, love. I was nervous for a moment, but I think I handled things quite well,” she smiled widely. He released a dark chuckle of his own, stepping into her and pinning her gently against the wall. Azriel tilted his head and leaned down, pressing his lips against the sensitive space under hear ear. Nipping at it, then flicking his tongue over the spot to soothe it, smiling against her soft flesh as he felt her gasp beneath him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more aroused in my life, Gwyneth Berdara,” he uttered into her neck, voice low and guttural. He pressed his hips against her, letting her feel what she had done to him. “When you called me yours, when you said I belong to you… Gods, nothing has ever been truer.”
Azriel dragged his lips wantonly over her jaw toward her mouth, nipping at her bottom lip when he got there. He was on fire for her, every inch of him aflame with want for his warrior queen. He crushed his lips into hers, tongue beseeching. She gave in without pause, and he greedily pulled at her lips and tongue. He wanted to breathe her in, needed to taste her.
“Azriel,” she gasped, but he continued pouring himself into her, only stopping when her hands cupped his face gently. He pulled back and took in her swollen lips and lust-darkened eyes. “We need to behave, remember?” The shadowsinger groaned, earning a musical laugh from the Valkyrie. He leaned his forehead against hers.
“Fine,” he growled. “But as soon as we get home, rest assured, I will have you. And I want you to keep Truth-teller on that pretty thigh.”
Gwyn’s cheeks turned crimson and his throat rumbled with approval. He pressed a quick, hard kiss into her lips before stepping back, giving her some air to cool the heat on her face. Swiftly, he scooped up their wine goblets and offered his elbow to her.
“Ready to terrorize more unsuspecting males, my lady?” Azriel grinned wickedly, and she threw her head back, a cackle erupting from her throat. She tucked her starkissed hand into the crook of his arm.
“Always, Shadowsinger.” Quickly, before he let his shadows disperse, she pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “I love you.”
The bond burned golden fire in his chest, swelling with love and contentment and bliss. “I love you, too, Berdara.” He murmured, and then they were in the throng again, the music and revelry of the Hewn City swallowing them. He let his shadows wander and listen, but his attention was focused on his mate for the remainder of the evening. He marveled at her confidence, her strength, the pride she felt at being able to conquer this moment. Feyre may be his High Lady, but Gwyneth Berdara was his queen. And, if tonight was any indication, he would gladly bow before her for the rest of his immortal life.
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greenshirtimagines · 3 years
Prince!Dazai x Princess!Reader
A/n: Take this little Prince!Dazai scenario that’s very short because I wrote everything around this one sentence in the middle and didn’t know how to maintain the overall tone of the scene while adding more.
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It was finally time for your mysterious suitor to part, needing to return to his kingdom.
To be honest, when you had first met the eccentric prince from the north, you hadn’t expected to feel anything for him.
And if he was being honest, he only came to your land because he needed a queen and had heard that your beauty was like no other. He hadn’t expected to feel anything for you as well, save for maybe a longing for you in all your beauty to strangle him.
Then, when he finally had met you, he realized that you were indeed unbelievably beautiful, and that you were also incredibly shy. It was adorable really, and quite refreshing. Unlike other princesses who threw themselves on him, hoping for his throne, you simply were trying to survive your encounters with him.
At the very least, while he stayed, he could have fun teasing you.
But you weren’t just a timid little thing that turned red in the face whenever he poked fun at you and broke the rules of decorum.
You were a kind, passionate woman, who marched towards her goals with complete determination.
You had even opened an orphanage. Not because you wanted to improve your image, or blow any extra money on a passing whim, but because you truly cared for the orphans. You even took time out of your schedule to see them, and play with them.
It was then that Dazai knew he would be staying longer in your palace.
You also felt a growing interest for the prince. Although he often raved to you about suicide, and took every possible chance at flustering you, there had been a few short moments where you thought you had seen a change in his eyes, a slight shift that indicated there was something beyond his foolish behavior, lying deep in his heart.
You wanted to discover what it was.
And so the two of you spent most your time together, a strange sort of relationship forming between you both. A bond that seemed to know it would one day deepen madly, growing too strong for you to control.
That, however, was waiting in your future. For now, it was time to say goodbye.
You stood at the gate, exchanging a farewell with the prince.
Smiling slightly, he grasped your hand, bending over to place the custom kiss on your knuckles.
Before you knew it, however, you felt yourself being pulled forward, a velvety pair of lips caressing your own.
You stiffened, completely shocked as you felt your entire body heat up and your mind go blank.
Dazai pulled away slowly, a playful smirk on his face as he reveled in the sight of your surprised expression, your face blushing more than it ever had before.
“Ah, my apologies, I must have gotten ahead of myself,” he said. “I meant no offense in ignoring your hands, they really are so beautiful, after all,” he cooed, bringing your hand up to his lips, and pressing a light kiss to your palm.
“Then...why… did you...” you could barely breathe, your brain not being able to process all that was happening.
He smiled, bringing a finger up to your reddened lips, just barely hovering over them as he traced their shape.
“Princess,” he purred, “your lips looked absolutely ravishing. And I was right, they were sweeter than any cream or honey.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. Sure, he had teased you before, but this was beyond anything he had ever said or done!
“You know,” he murmured, staring at your lips once more, “if you keep standing with your lips parted like that, it just makes me want to seal them with mine again.”
As he began leaning towards you though, the intense look in his eyes suddenly disappeared, his face lighting up with a childish grin. “Ah, that’s right!” he said, clapping his hands together. “Now that I’ve taken the Princess’s first kiss, we’ll just have to make our engagement official, won’t we?”
‘Engagement… engagement?!’ Your brain finally caught up to your heart, and you realized fully well that this had been his plan all along.
“You… you’re so sneaky, Your Majesty!” You sputtered, bringing a hand up to your lips.
“Mm, usually, when a lady is kissed by a man she doesn’t like, she will wipe her lips and slap him in anger,” he mused, tapping a finger against his chin. “But you haven’t done either, so I take it you enjoyed it? I’m flattered, really. Tell me, what did my lips taste like? I’ve always wondered that.”
You scoffed, looking away from him. “Well, it was so quick and unexpected, it’s not like I could even register what was happening,” you muttered.
“Then, I’ll make sure the next kiss is longer,” he whispered, brushing his lips gently against your knuckles. “Unfortunately,” he sighed, straightening, “I must be leaving my fair lady now. Don’t go giving your lips to other suitors while I’m gone, it would break my heart,” he lamented, squeezing your hand one last time as he slipped it from his hold.
You stared wordlessly at him as he turned around, sauntering back towards his carriage.
And as he sent one final glance back towards you over his shoulder, his eyes no longer held any mischief. Instead, you were met with his heated gaze, one that promised a definite return where he would claim you as his bride.
“Until we meet again, Princess.”
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