#also I thought seth was supposed to be the younger one?
blog-of-reaction · 11 months
The amount of times Seth said “Shut up, Richard,” in just one episode is hilarious. And yeah, Richie done be crazy. But that doesn’t mean what he sees isn’t potentially real. Also, was the lady at the beginning already a vampire or whatever or was she just a regular human before she was thrown in the pit with the snakes?
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panlight · 2 months
Let's say that Charlie and Renee stay together, for better or worse. They have several children, and let's say that Bella is smack dab in the middle. (Perhaps Bella not being the eldest/only child somehow changes Renee's mind.) Even if everything else is mostly the same--Bella meets Edward, he can't hear her mind, etc.--how do you think she'd fair with a bunch of siblings? Bella is supposed to be uniquely kind and selfless, so having older siblings (to learn from) and younger siblings (to protect) would bring her whole "no one would miss me" thing into doubt. Or do you think she'd still justify leaving/turning--"well, they all have each other?" Would Bella be able to understand the Cullens better if she also came from a big family? Or would she want to leave all the more, to be special in a way a middle child isn't?
My immediate thought was that Bella would suffer from 'middle child syndrome' and believe that no one would miss her because they barely notice her anyway. It's pretty clear that in canon she has low self-esteem even before the comparison to Edward and the Cullens' outrageous, literally inhuman perfection makes her see herself as weak and ugly and unworthy. I could imagine something like that still existing and her feeling lost and overlooked in a big family, whether or not it was actually true. Edward's singular focus on her above all others would be intoxicating. Finally, she's someone's favorite!
All that said, I would like to think it would give her pause. In canon, she has virtually no family. Both her parents are only children so there are no aunts or uncles or cousins. All her grandparents are dead. It's just her dad, mom, and step-dad. She's giving up three people and frankly I never got the sense she was close to Phil at all, so two people. And then she gets to keep Charlie at least anyway.
Written by SM, she'd probably get to keep her siblings in her life somehow. One of them would for sure be imprinted upon by a shifter. You just know that would happen. Probably Seth imprinting on Bella's youngest sister. That just feels like something SM would do. Maybe, maybe, if the stars were aligned just so, SM could have given up Jacob/Renesmee and could have gone for Jacob/Bella's little sister instead, but I don't think the odds are in our favor there. So probably Seth. Maybe she gets to keep her siblings in her life because a few generations ago a Swan married an Ateara so "we're family" or something and they get to know all the shifter secrets because Bella gets a perfect piece of forever.
Watching her little siblings age past her, grow old, and die would be a whole other issue though. And then her nieces and nephews, and great-nieces and nephews . . . assuming she was close to them at all, it might weigh on her, or maybe she becomes like Luca and wants to change some of them. You'd think the other Cullens would overrule that though, they are already too large of a coven, hard to blend in, on the Volturi's hit list, etc. But again: SM lets Bella get the cushiest vampire life imaginable so who knows.
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mischas · 4 months
What do you think were the biggest missed opportunities when it came to the OC?
Lol my favorite topic (this is not at all exhaustive)
Not letting Marissa verbalize and process her trauma 1000% forever and ever amen. The show learns by the end of s1 that they can keep hurting her without much recompense. Oliver holds a gun to her head and bamboozles grown ass adults yet she shoulders all of the blame in the aftermath. Christ. Her father MOVES AWAY TO BE A BETTER PARENT BC HE CANT STOP SLEEPING WITH HIS EX? Please. How anyone came up with that and thought that was good writing I will never know. Marissa's SA'ed and nearly r**** by her boyfriend's brother and never says the words out loud or processes it because the shooting looms larger. Disgusting. Back in s1 Luke is more apologetic of his affair than Marissa's own mother is and HE'S the one who has to leave town? which leads me to
Getting rid of Luke made no sense. Instead of making Luke/Julie happen they should've had Luke/Marissa 2.0 happen. There was so much there to mine. Sometimes the show acts like they were a nothing relationship and other times like 109 we see they have deep-rooted love/fondness. Rushing RM (though they're my loves) after their 101-108 slow burn shot them in the foot since they were so uncreative later on. But then again TPTB were so reliant on the actors' mirrored personal lives that I'm convinced if they'd put RM off to s2 they would've butchered them thanks to the irl breakup. (This is still so insane)
Getting rid of Anna also made no sense. She was liked by the gen pop, she had good chemistry with everyone! What a damn waste
Seth/Marissa friendship!!!! It is so cute to think Seth is the one boy in Marissa's life that isn't falling all over her. They share the same music tastes, they have the same favorite book, they grew up privileged + depressed, they're neighbors, they're dating each other's besties, their families have a storied closeness, they've dated the same person, etc. It is SO insane how little they actually interact.
Not exploring the Jimmy/Kirsten dynamic more. I rewatched the pilot a few months ago and the hints to their history are so compelling. I remember thinking their tension was good enough to last several seasons. Cutting that out to uphold the sanctity of SK in s1 ended up being for nothing since s2 messed with SK even worse! So why!
Never utilizing Alan Dale well enough. Not only do they kill him for no reason, his death literally does nothing but give us an iconic coda and funeral scene. That's literally it. Having Caleb around while Kirsten goes to rehab is so much more compelling than having her go after he's died. And making us watch Caleb/Lindsay/Ryan for what seems like half a season is so unbelievably boring and ridiculous. Why are we supposed to care. This is taking away from Kirsten/Caleb material! which brings me to
Never giving Kelly Rowan much to do. What a goddamn waste. She absolutely kills her late s2 arc but then she leaves rehab two minutes into 301 and the Charlotte storyline mostly revolves around Julie. Jesus. People talk about the favoritism going on on that set with the younger actors (as they 1000% should and we should do it more), but there was some serious shit going on with elevating Melinda constantly and shafting Tate/Peter/Kelly forever. Especially Kelly. At least she was there and not essentially let go like Tate was (and Tate was a ~big name~ regular from the pilot!). But you can tell Kelly's got some feelings about how the show went for her and her screentime/importance.
Not cutting the Johnny storyline two minutes into filming 304. They had to know Mischa/Ryan D had no chemistry. We're supposed to believe Marissa's having some sort of emotional affair but there is absolutely nothing showing that to us. It's everyone telling Marissa she's got feelings for him, and Mischa doing her job well enough to convince us it's sketchy/complicated, but they have one (1) conversation in 306 that's mostly about Johnny's father or uncle that no one cares about. which brings me to
WE DONT CARE ABOUT GUEST STARS. stop spending so much valuable time on them. we just wanna see our s1 babes being cute and supporting one another that's literally it
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erinhime83 · 2 months
Angelus Dei Thoughts
I know I normally do these things the day after I finish a story, but, eh, I sort of wanted to have a few days where I got home from work and didn’t write, so…I’m doing it now.  I mean, I’m still not sure if this is something that’s interesting to people (read: my friends), but considering this was pretty much ten years in the making and I have some Thoughts, I figured I’d go ahead and do it to explain my thought process on the changes in the story.  ^^;
So…the rewrite of Angelus Dei actually started it’s planning as I was editing the first version.  So yes, it’s literally taken me over ten years to go to this, which is sad, lol.  I had noticed a part I had written about Tiana when Buttercup healed her that implied that some outside force had forced her into the form of a horse, and I was like…that’s weird.  See, Tiana had been a not-planned character.  I had the thought while writing that, lol, what if the run down horse they had picked up was actually a unicorn!  And not only that, the unicorn queen!  So I came up with the fact that she had been trapped and then sort of forgot about it.
But during the editing, I saw it and was like what if Aria had the same thing happen to her?  (Bit of an obvious spoiler, but they were cursed by the same person.)  And that lead me to decide that I wanted to rewrite the story.  Eventually.
The rest of the changed occurred over those ten years.  Like changing Raito’s name from Robert to Raito and giving the Lumentians Japanese names to reflect their Asian influence.  I had wanted to give Odessa a more Middle Eastern name, but never came up with one, and honestly, I don’t know what culture she in anymore, lol.  So the Lumentians have Asian name and look Asian, but everyone else has English names, and IDK.  But there was also giving Raito an older brother after finding a description of a version of the story that gave him one, and I thought that would be fun.  I had mentioned in the first version that he was the first surviving child, and I figured hey, why not make him the second?  And then just straight the second child.
One of the things that I didn’t get to, though, was showing how awful Kazuto was by having him attempt to steal Buttercup from Raito.  I ended up having her hide in her room while she was in the castle, which makes a lot of sense, since she’s not really accepted and she doesn’t want to offend anyone.  I do know that Kazuto and the king had personality changes as I was writing the story, because the king was supposed to be more like in the first version – tough and mean and hard on Raito.  But then I made him, well, not.  He loves and respects his younger son, although their ideals clash a lot.  And I sort of like that the king is trying to hold onto traditions that don’t really apply anymore, because he’s the first king to actually have anything to do with his children.
And that’s another thing, that I had been reading a lot of what is known as historical manhwas that are set in not quite medieval times that features royals and nobles and I felt I had a better way to depict the political atmosphere.  Not perfectly, but a better idea.  The whole ‘killing all the siblings until there is only one’ came up on the fly and was definitely manhwa inspired, lol.
I had also decided fairly early on that Buttercup’s family shouldn’t be farmers, but rather that her father was a blacksmith.  Given what she was, it made sense for her to help him I think initially, she was training to be a blacksmith as well, but I sort of nixed that when I decided to make her the second oldest and make her older brother be the one whose a blacksmith as well.  I wasn’t really expecting Seth to have a huge part in the story, but decided as I was writing him that I liked him a lot, and thus, he got to become a major character in the last bit.  I wasn’t planning on him coming with them back to the capital, but there ya go.
Odessa’s background is probably the one that I changed the most, obviously.  She was originally from a band of nomads traveling through Lumentis, and then for the rewrite, I was just going to have them run into her in a random town she’s living in for whatever reason.  But then, as I was considering seriously rewriting the story last year, I came across an idea involving the while princess in a towner guarded by a dragon trope where the dragon and the princess were friends and stuff and I was like…that’s neat, I should write a story like that.  But then started thinking of ways to incorporate it into Angelus Dei, because, hey, I have a girl and a dragon.
Of course, I waffled on the idea, but I wasn’t sure about making Odessa a princess.  She’s always just been a normal girl who happened to Bond with a dragon.  But after a while, I realized it sort of worked well with the story, and decided to go for it.  ^^;
The hard part was trying to think of how to make it work.  One idea I had was that, because of her Bond with Reaglis, Odessa had been in that tower for hundreds of years.  I mean, Raito had never heard about a princess disappearing in his time, so what if it happened a while ago, and Odessa was from the old kingdom and trapped there?  But I didn’t like the idea of Odessa being that old, especially since Clover isn’t.   So then I whittle down the idea until I came up with what I have, that Odessa was originally supposed to be the one Raito is supposed to marry if he’s not by twenty-five, and she was captures by bandits when she was on her way to meet Raito.  The bandits take her to this castle that has a legend about a trapped princess in it, knowing that the legend isn’t true but the locals avoid it.  Lo and behold, there is a dragon in there, and Odessa accidentally Bonds with him upon coming in contact with him, and the bandits abandon her and her nanny once they realize this.  Odessa and the nanny stay because a) they have no idea where they are and b) the Ta’Norian royal family isn’t going to be pleased with Odesa Bonding with a dragon.
Regalis basically raised Odessa, because her nanny fell in love with one of the villagers from the nearby village and left to get married when Odessa was fifteen.  She’s actually the innkeeper’s wife.  But that is why Odessa is a little eccentric, because she does know about etiquette and stuff because she’s a princess, but she’s also been away from people for ten years. 
I didn’t change much about Clover except making her like girls.  Originally, she was supposed to end up with her adopted brother, and Odessa with the leader of the nomad tribe, but I was getting a Vibe from their interactions when editing the original version, and I decided to carry that over into this one by making them a Thing as well. 
One regret I had about this was I had a bunch of characters that I underutilized.  Like, Selene, Fern, and the queen straight disappeared when they returned to the capital.  Hell, Fern was only seen in the beginning! I plan to explain Selene’s absence by the fact that she went home when the angel creatures started to attack, but she was also supposed to interact with Buttercup more so you’d understand that she was a villainess and not a victim of Raito ‘cheating’ on her.  I mean, she spent ten years in Lumentis expecting to become Raito’s wife, and he goes on a journey and comes back with a girl?  So I tried to make her Not A Good Person and Not Right For Raito to counteract that, but…eh. 
I was also kicking myself because I realized that Raito needed an attendant while I was writing the final chapters, since prince of the duke or whoever in manhwas always has an attendant, and I figured he had a generic one because he was the second prince and that I’d give him a proper one in Pater Dei.  But then I realized like two days ago that Fern should be his attendant, and I may go back and fix that, since he really should be in the story more.  >.<
The idea of the perspective shift still being in first person was something I had planned the moment I decided on a rewrite, because the third person POV wasn’t really doing it for me for the first version.  It was interesting because I had to shift some things around because I was using the old outline to write the new outline, but it worked out.  I wanted Raito and Buttercup to meet earlier, and it gave me a couple of (boring) chapters to have them travel around and meet Odessa and Ruby.  But I can tell Raito definitely suffers from woman-writing-a-man.  (In reality, he’s horny af for Buttercup once he realizes he’s in love with her, probably before that, but he doesn’t want to be like his brother and decided to take it slow, or something of that nature, IDK.)
But it was fun writing first person, because that’s what I normally like.  I had an easier time with Buttercup, though.  One thing that annoyed me was that I was expecting to end on Buttercup, not thinking about how half of 30 is an odd number, so I feel like the story is actually Raito’s story because he has more chapters.  But that’s fine.  I like Raito.  And I managed to make it work.
Oh, and one thing I found hilarious is that, at one point halfway through the month, I decided to compare word counts expecting me to have more with this version, and I had less.  I was confused and thinking it was because I had written more of the prologue then, but then I remembered that ten years ago, I had been writing nine page chapters and now I write eight page chapters.  Plus, I added an epilogue, which I didn’t do with this one.  In the end, this version had 160,860 words and the original had 171,812 words.
It weird to think that ten years ago when I had first written it, I had just started going out with my boyfriend that year, but I was still living with my parents because we moved in together the following year.  I think I basically ignored him that November, but I can’t remember, sadly.  I’m still impressed that I was doing nine page chapters back then given I wanted to spend a lot of time with him, lol.  But now I’m married with two kids, and It s weird, because it feels like 2013 was so long ago, but other stories from around the same time feel like I had done them just yesterday. 
I’m sure there’s other things that I wanted to talk about, but I tend to always forgot when I’m writing these things, lol.  I will say that my muse is still on the story at the moment, so I’m contemplating doing Pater Dei for November, since I have no real plan for what I’m going to do, sadly.  Right now, it’s between that and The Hero’s Party, and neither of them have a solid plot, so it could go either way. 
In any case, I did have fun with this.  I could have certainly made it better, but I’m pleased with how it ended up, and how I got to get my ideas out after ten years of waiting.
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didasgomas · 2 months
In Mortality - Holy War characters
Story time! Basically, I had an "invented" tmc au called Holy War, which was basically the idea of "what if Adam and Six sort of switched in various ways and a bunch of made up bitches are also in there?", that I never wrote down publicly because I wanted to fully flesh it out before I did that, but then the allegations and the drama and the problems happened, so like many others, I decided to not delete what I already had and instead rebrand it.
(My other former au, who is going to be called BirdsHeart once it comes out a separate story)
It took an awful long time to decide on the beat way to rebrand it, because I have a problem that most of the imaginary content I make up sort of "needs" to be based off of something already existing, or else, if it's fully originally created from the depths of my brain, I'll hate it and cringe and never actually use it.
So what was my solution? I grabbed two thirds of Holy War and slapped it in the past of my already existing In Mortality au for CDTA, and even though that was 3 months ago, I'm only talking about it now because it took a long while to figure out how to make everything work.
And I know I could have simply jumped to the point without going into that much detail, @missr3n3 was chill when I asked her about it, but still, I thought to compensante you guys in some form for the lack of previous context, hence the explanation above
Anyway, rebranded characters and info! 1990s-2000s -> 1780s-1800s Counties, Wisconsin -> Crystal County, Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Crystal = Iron county) Adam Murray -> Asher Appleford (he's a psycho, don't go near him)(Alice) "Lynn" Murray -> Alice "Linn" Sheppard (unaware mom) Adam's dad -> Abel Appleford (as psycho as his son) Jude Murray -> Jude (he's a loser) Jonah Marshall / Stanley -> Joanna Jonathan Rosethorne (trans friend!) Mervin Marshall -> Mason Rosethorne "Jimberly" Marshall -> Katherine Smith Rosethorne Evelyn Miller -> Eva Rosell-Wellson (Asher's 7th wife) Dave Lee -> Davidson "David" Swan (Hourglass bastard eldest son) Mark Heathcliff -> Marcus "Mark" Hourglass Sarah Heathcliff -> Sarrah Hourglass (tuff girlie) Cesar Torres -> [No one, he doesn't exist here] Ruth Weaver -> [Also doesn't exist] Thatcher Davis -> Tayler Dahvees (has a daughter and is Marcus' father-in-law) Mentality of Six - Originally called Four -> Aila (was previously just her fake human alias) Name of Six - Trevor Murray -> Trevor Atskin (he's a poltergeister who goes by "Seth") (Note: The character(s) with Six's appearance are not part of this au and have been saved to be used in a different one) [These two are just technically, because they were supposed to be Adam's weird twin creations to help him in the unleashing of the Apocalypse]
Joel Hayes -> Dashiell Sheppard Appleford Chloe -> Esthel Sheppard Appleford
[Additional characters for logic's sake and for funzies]
Madelyn ??? (Adam's grandma) -> Madelyn Atskin Owen Murray (Adam's grandpa) -> Owen Cheape
(Madelyn and Owen were originally the bio parents of Trevor and the adoptive parents of Airen Murray, Adam's dad in HW, and are now descendants of Susanna who are the bio parents of Trevor and his little brother Angelo, and the temporary caregivers of "Airen", who is Alice's husband as Abel doesn't want marriage)
"Steven Murray(?)" -> Steven Sheppard
(Originally just Adam's illegitimate cousin who was killed by him when trying to help one of his girlfriends run away, Steven is the bastard son of Alice's older sister, Maria Sheppard, and Jude. He has a wife, Lionel Pelmear, and they are the parents of Esthel and Dashiell who are later adopted by Asher and Eva following Steven's mysterious death and Lionel being sent to a far away convent as she had apparently "gone crazy")
"Paul Marshall(?)" -> Paul Rosethorne
(Jonathan's middle brother, followed by a younger brother named Michael, who dies tragically at only 13 while camping out with friends in the woods) Junia / "Five" -> Junia
(An orphan runaway accused "witch" who is the reason "Airen" (real name Iebc-ora) got from his 'mother' Aila to the Atskin family, instead of to the intended target, George Sheppard, Maria and Alice's older brother, though all of that was a huge unintended mess, and Junia is now dead and a poltergeister because of it)
(the dad) Norman Heathcliff -> Norman Christian David Hourglass
[Stillborn 3rd son] Morgan Heathcliff -> Morgan Hourglass
Juliana "Juno" Heathcliff -> Juliana "Juno" Fox Hourglass
[Davidson's mom] Catherine "Kate" Lee -> Catherine "Kate" Swan
(Tayler's kid and Marcus' wife) Julie Davis -> Julie Dahvees
(Julie's unmarried mom) Wendy Adams -> Abigail Wentz
[Marcus' divorced Catholic mother] - Elizabeth Anne "Nancy" Elizinsnaya (she is half Polish)
[Sarrah's and Morgan's dead mom] - Emma Underwood
[Juliana's dead mother] - Lucy Fox
[Norman's 4th wife] - Hannah Felwick
[Bisexual Sarrah's husbando] - Anthony Milton
I think this is enough info for now, once we get to the Holy War fic of In Mortality (yes the fic will have the same name cause I'm lazy, but it does have some meaning if I apply it correctly) obviously there's gonna be a whole lot more information
But if you guys want to ask some questions about these fuckers (affectionate), I don't mind!
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digsys · 1 year
Fic anon here :) just read your post about making a superman AU! If i may toss in that I love the idea of using Renee and Dean! But if you’re also looking for more ideas I guess Ambreigns, but if you needed the push I like the idea of Dean and Renee :)
Also I have more song recs for you!
you sent this and i instantly started to write it :') i just loved the idea sm too so here is dean and renee in a clarklois au! i didn't completely adopt the superman aspects but i did write dean acting like clark (which is so ooc but kind of funny). this is around 1k words (:
(also also- send those recs in!!)
"Don't tell me you're late again."
Dean winced, biting his lip. "Okay, look, Re—"
"Dean," Renee said, voice testy, "Dean, please tell me you're anything but late again."
To be completely honest, Dean wasn't late. He was actually right on time, right where he needed to be. He just... happened to be in a vigilante costume and hovering above the building that he was supposed to be inside of. Semantics, honestly.
When he took too long to respond, Renee made a frustrated noise. "Okay, it's fine, it's fine— I'll cover for you. But you better get over here soon, Ambrose."
Dean let out an exhale. "Okay, okay, got it, I'll be there."
Renee hung up and Dean slumped against the wall of the roof. He was exhausted. His phone rang while he was still across the city, so he'd run back to their building to catch Renee's call on the last ring. He was still decked out in his Lunatic gear, knuckles sore from where he'd been pummeling into the giant, Rowan, from the villainous Wyatt family. His brothers were busy with their own fights so he hadn't been able to call them in from where they were working, which meant that he totally missed the monthly meeting that he'd promised Renee he would make on time. Their boss had been giving her a lot of shit for it given that she was Dean's editor — not to mention Dean being on thin ice with the guy in general.
“Damn it.” He sighed before changing into his civilian clothes in a flash, and headed back down to ground level to take the elevator up.
Things weren't easy, being one of only three aliens sent to Earth as a baby twenty-some years ago. They were lucky to have been found by a kind Kansas farmer, Mick, who raised them lovingly, but growing up and learning how to be human was obstacle after obstacle for Dean, his big brother Roman, and his younger brother Seth.
But they did it, anyways. Roman's fighting his way through med school, Seth studying to be an architect, and Dean became a journalist.
He was good enough that the renowned paper, the World Wide Exclusive, hired him straight out of his college internship. And though he hadn't quite made a splash like his brothers, that wasn't really Dean's thing anyways. Roman liked helping people, Seth liked creating things. Dean liked to chase. He didn't care for the top as much as he cared for the clawing his way through the mud.
There were just two issues. One, he was stuck in the sports division. And two... He was maybe, kind of, sort of in love with his editor.
He slid his black-framed glasses on just as the elevator dinged, the doors opening.
Renee Paquette was on the other side, arms crossed and foot tapping.
Dean went to jab at the button to go back down but Renee cut him off, “Ambrose.”
It was always strange, switching away from his superpowered persona into the person that his brothers and he had decided would be best for his secret identity. But it was also instinctive now.
He let his shoulders fall a bit and pushed his glasses up his nose. “Hey, Renee.” He stepped out and rubbed the back of his neck. “How'd the meeting go?”
Renee narrowed her eyes at him, then stomped to her office. Dean bit back a groan and followed.
“I'm waiting for an explanation and I hope it's not an excuse,” she said as soon as the door closed. She leaned against her desk, arms still crossed, frustration barely held back.
Was it terrible that Dean's first thought was about how beautiful she looked today?
“It's not,” he assured, sliding into the chair in front of her. “It's—” His mind worked itself over and over, scrambling for a justification. “Well, it's—” What would Renee consider alright? Was there anything? What could he do to—
A realization lit up his brain. There was a perfect excuse. It was the truth, too. The Lunatic was fighting Rowan and it clogged up the roads. It was realistic and explainable and—
And Renee was maybe, kind of, sort of in love with the Lunatic, so she'd likely accept it as it was.
“Well?” she demanded.
Dean slumped even more. “It was the Lunatic.” He tried not to grumble. “He was fighting Erick Rowan again. I was coming back from my brother's place so I was taking the ferry and got stuck in the traffic jam.”
Renee had brightened up as soon as he mentioned that ridiculous name the press had given his alter ego. ”Wait, the Lunatic— Did you get a quote?”
Dean tried not to frown. “Y'know how he is, Renee. Kind of a ticking timebomb, never stops for anything? No one can get a quote from him for anything.” He swallowed. “'Cept for you, of course.”
Renee's cheeks pinkened. “Well— I mean, I don't know— I... That's besides the point. I get how that was out of your control and I'll share it with the boss.” She tapped her fingers against the wood of her desk. “In fact, I'll tell the boss a way for you to make it up to us, too.”
Dean brightened. “Yeah? Anything, Renee, you know I can write it. Basketball season, right?”
Renee shook her head. “Nope. Try this.”
She tossed a file onto his lap. Dean opened it up and skimmed the contents. He blinked.
“This is...” He looked up, lost. “This is for the Rhodes family. I'm covering the obituary?”
Renee was smiling, a satisfied thing. “You're interviewing the family,” she corrected. “You'll be writing the feature article.”
Dean blinked multiple more times. “'Nee, that's front page shit.”
Renee barked out a surprised laugh, then covered her mouth to suppress her giggles. Dean's heart swooped in his chest at the sound.
“Yes, it's front page shit,” she laughed. “And you deserve it. Yeah?”
Dean shook his head, still a little shocked. “I... I mean, if you say so, boss,” he huffed. “I think you should be the one writing this, though.”
Renee tsked. “I've got something more fitting for my tastes,” she hummed, before walking around her desk to grab her coat.
Dean stood as she was sliding her arms into the sleeves, hair falling gently around her shoulders. “Hm? What's that?”
She turned to face him, an excited little smile on her lips. “Lunatic interview,” she burst out. “He agreed the last time he saved me—”
“He did?” asked Dean faintly.
“—yep, right after he pulled me away from the hotel fire which he also said I shouldn't have been anywhere near but when there's a story—”
“Oh, now I remember,” muttered Dean.
“—so I'm headed up now, he said he'd meet me at noon up on the roof.” She opened up her door. “While I'm gone, you get started on that article, Ambrose.” She paused before leaving. “You've got a lot of talent. It's wasted in the sports division. You're great to have around, Dean.”
When Dean weakly replied with, “thanks, boss,” Renee grinned, winked, then left her office.
As Dean was scrambling out her window to beat her to the roof, he felt his cheeks round from a smile.
Renee never told the Lunatic that he was great to have around. One point to Ambrose! Now Dean just had to find out how to make Renee fall in love with him over the Lunatic.
Semantics, really.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
TEEHEE OKAY SO 16 and 7 for allen, 11 for roland, 13 and 14 for minnie, and 18 for angel >:D
THANK YOU SO MUCH SOL!! and yes, i read that ask about seth and i added him too!
16. "if your muse could say one thing to their childhood self, what would they say? would your muse want to meet their childhood self in the first place?"
allen: i doubt that allen would want to see his younger self. thinking about it makes him feel so.. sad, he had to go through a lot when he was a child even though his parents spoiled him. allen wouldn't want to raise his child self's expectations too high, but he also knows that love was his main motivation to keep living for a long time, so if he did meet his child self, then he would tell him to never stop believing that one day he will find someone special.
7. "did your muse have any enemies? playground rivalries? how did that turn out?"
allen: there were some kids who didn't like allen that much and were jealous of him because of how rich he was, so every time he tried to talk to them, they would tell him to go away or they would actually fight him. it's part of the reason why allen is so strong now, he eventually learned to fight back and he got used to dealing with them. also, you can kinda count riley as his enemy, i guess? though allen didn't really hate him back then, he just thought that he was a very weird kid and avoided him.
11. "what expectations were placed on your muse as a child? who had those expectations for your muse? how did your muse feel about them?"
roland: roland's parents are actually kinda similar to riley's parents because they let this guy do anything he wanted and that's why he was such a troublemaker in the past. they never had any expectations for him, they even would be okay with him becoming a bad person because they were just so happy to have a kid. and now roland kinda wishes his parents were at least a bit more strict with him, maybe he wouldn't grow up to become such a cruel and violent person if they tried to stop him. roland is a lot like his parents now, if you think about it, because now he's obsessed with making people like him and he's okay with doing anything they want from him, even if it hurts him and he knows that those people have bad intentions.
13. "what did your muse want to be when they grew up? did they have any childhood dreams, and have they achieved them?"
minnie: little minnie wanted to become a president!! >:D no, when people asked if she wanted to be a princess, she said that it would be too unrealistic because she's obviously not royalty and she's not planning to marry one, she would rather do everything without anyone's help. and about achieving her dreams.. well, uh, at least she becomes seth's vice prefect in the future.
14. "who was a mentor or a hero to your muse as a kid? why did your muse look up to them and what did your muse learn from them? how is that relationship now?"
minnie: the closest thing minnie had to a mentor/hero was her mom and she still respects her a lot. minnie says that her mom was a very admirable and hardworking person before her dad left and that's when her mom lost all hope and motivation. she still loves her mom, however, she's not sure if she wants to go back home, because even though she misses her, she has lost a big part of her life (and it was supposed to be the most fun part of her life, it's her childhood after all) because she was too busy taking care of her and trying to help her get better.. and she's too scared of it happening again. she can't go back home until she's absolutely sure that her mom is doing fine and her brother is okay with taking care of her if something goes wrong.
18. "what's one thing that instantly transports your muse back to their childhood? why?"
angel: it's sugar cookies! angel's older sister liked to bake them often and angel liked to steal them from her when she wasn't looking. also reading outdoors! again, it's because of their older sister, she enjoyed reading in their family's garden more than her room and angel liked to sit next to her while she was reading even though angel found her books boring since there weren't any pictures.
8. "what did your muse do in their free time? How did they entertain themself as a kid?"
seth: oh, he did A LOT of things. he read as many books as he could (mostly fiction and he believed all of it was real), he painted, he played games, he watched movies and videos, he also spent a lot of time online and that's how he learned to do so many things, he just found the info he needed and used it. his sister luna praised him for his work, but she also reminded him not to push himself too hard and she actually found some of his hobbies too dangerous, like there was a time when he accidentally broke his leg when he tried to learn how to dance. he also tried to cut his hair without luna's help once and he ended up injuring himself with scissors and that's why his hair stayed long for so many years, luna refused to let him do it himself and said that she's the only one who's allowed to cut his hair. and whenever seth asked her to help him, she simply said "you look better with long hair, so let's keep it"
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sandalaris · 1 year
oo, yay!Uncle Eddie: There are like no canon characters I ship him with, lmao
My NOTP for them: Him and either Gecko brother. Just not for me. :/
My BROTP for them: Eddie and Jacob! So much potential for a friendship and we were denied even the possibility in canon *cries*
My OTP for them: I like the idea that (had he lived) he would've met he next wife at some point. Some older lady who chain smokes, is kind of ditzy, can handle a hand gun while seeming to not understand/get the kind of work Eddie and the Geckos do, (it's up for debate whether she actually does or not) and calls the boys "sweetie" while always trying, and failing, to make cookies. Possibly played by Jennifer Tilly maybe? I can picture her really well in a role like that.
My second choice pairing for them: I could also see Uncle Eddie in a total opposites attract sort of way. What about him Venganza? I'm writing an AU fic where they're close cousins, for plot for reasons, so I'm kind of stuck on that version of them atm, but in general, I think I could see it.
My fluffy pairing for them: Him and living! Uncle Eddie needs to live! Or I suppose I could get behind background him and Jacob in just the right fic.
My angsty pairing for them: I do headcanon that one of his ex-wives died, probably of cancer or something similar, and he's always kind of thought of her as The One. And yes, she was his ex-wife when she died, but they had this whole on-off thing going and there's a part of him that wonders if they would've kept getting back together their whole lives.
My favorite poly ship for them: Don't have one. It's hard enough to think of general ships for Uncle Eddie, let along him with more than one person. :/
My weirdest pairing for them: I know it's going to sound odd, but I was rewatching season two the other day and I kind of noticed how much Sonja and Eddie seemed to genuinely get along. I haven't explored it, at all, but I'm not opposed to an AU where she never worked for Malvado and therefore didn't go after Seth and her and Uncle Eddie hit it off and... the rest is history.
Meredith Harlow (I've seen limited episodes of season one and none of season two, so these are almost all tentative and subject to change, lol)
My NOTP for them: I don't really have a full on notp for her, but I'm leaning towards her and Katherine.
My BROTP for them: Her and Katherine? The moment I realized they were aunt and niece I really wanted them to bond.
My OTP for them: I'm still rooting for her and Ethan, although I don't know if they are OTP material yet.
My second choice pairing for them: I've seen some Joel/Meredith material out there and it's caught my attention. Maddie has some insane chemistry with older actors. Most things I've seen her in I've ended up shipping her character with a technically-too-old-for-her man.
My fluffy pairing for them: Meredith/Ethan. I know there's some angst potential there, but I really just see them as a fluffy, cute sort of couple.
My angsty pairing for them: I know I'm repeating myself here, but I feel like part of what intrigues me about Joel/Meredith is how it's got this edge to it. Not exactly angsty, but closer than anyone else I ship her with. I also saw a scene between Meredith and another character I don't know the name of that had a kind of angsty, shippy undertone, but I since I haven't seen the episode yet, I'm not going to count it, lol.
My favorite poly ship for them: I don't have one yet, but I feel a potential one brewing so... we'll see.
My weirdest pairing for them: I don't know that I've seen enough of the show to have a weird pairing yet. :'(
Carl Gallagher
My NOTP for them: That crazy chick who died. What was her name? The one who wore a vial of his blood around her neck and camped outside his basic training base. She was just way too insane.
My BROTP for them: For him to actually have a bro. Maybe him and Fiona, in that older-sister, younger-brother sort of way. She just was always so there for him, fighting for him and trying her best to raise him right. And in he truly cares for his family, even if he’s less obvious about it. Oh! And him and Debbie in the first seasons.
My OTP for them: I kind of liked him and that girl he was with just before the show ended. I feel like the last season was a flop, but I liked her.
My second choice pairing for them: Just him and a non-cheaty girlfriend. The ones I liked best for him always cheated on him and that sucks.
My fluffy pairing for them: This is definitely more of a broship than romship, but him and Debbie had so much potential!
My angsty pairing for them: Him and that friend of his that went back to prison. I really don’t see Carl as anything but straight, but two of them were a good angsty pairing.
My favorite poly ship for them: Don’t have one. He doesn’t seem very poly to me.
My weirdest pairing for them: I could see, although I don’t personally ship it, but him and Debbie having something quasi-borderline-thing going on during those early seasons.
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polzkadotz · 3 years
broom-maker Neil/keeper Andrew - an aftg hp au 🪄
In the past, whenever Neil has overheard someone saying how “new brooms are better because old handmade brooms were slower, badly spelt and dangerous,” Neil had badly suppressed the urge of getting one of his handmade brooms to whack the person over the head.
“You capitalistic fuck,” Neil would tell them instead. “That’s a lie created to discredit and destroy the artistry behind broom-making! Their brooms are not faster or safer. Try this one, if you’re not fucking scared of it.”
Then he’d hand over one of his own brooms and let the fucking idiots fly around for a while.
Not all of them had the money to afford Neil’s prices in full, but those always seemed very interested in Neil’s more affordable instalment options. Pay a little every month, and you’d have a greatly made, nicely spelled broom just for you.
If you didn’t pay, well… The brooms had a security feature. It would absolutely fly itself back to Neil, regardless of you being on top of it or not.
It was safe to say then that Neil was a fairly famous broom-maker. Broom-making companies hated him, and he gloated on their resentment. 
“It makes you look younger,” Allison had told him once. “Whenever you know someone openly hates you, it looks like you lose 10 years or something.”
“He already looks like a child,” Seth would add, disgusted as always, and their little gaggle of teammates would promptly shut him up.
With or without the glee over being hated, the fact was that Neil had a pretty good amount of business always coming his way. He was always busy. Often, he had to turn work away.
When he saw Kevin Day outside of his shop though, he wanted to turn the man away not because he was too busy, but because that was basically a walking lawsuit. Neil liked to antagonise broom-making corporations, but not to a point where he would actually get sued over it. 
Neil knew things about Kevin Day. Too many things one might say, if one wasn’t inclined to know a lot about how fan culture worked. Kevin Day was just a fucking great Seeker, which Neil had thought he’d also get to be, once upon a time. Dreams change though, and being a fan was still good.
Or rather, good enough.
Neil’s obsession with Day had started at school (where he’d studied with all of Kevin Day’s current teammates, who still teased him about his “man crush”), but the man himself hadn’t gone to Hogwarts, and didn’t seem happy to talk about his experience at the Durmstrang Institute.
However, Neil’s obsession came in handy right then, because he knew Kevin wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near Neil’s shop. The Nimbus Racing Broom Company heavily sponsored Kevin. If he was thinking about buying Neil’s anything, even if it was just a wood polisher, well…
Kevin Day would have to think again. And then think a third time, for good measure.
Or that was what Neil had been planning to tell Kevin, until the man opened the door to Neil’s shop as if he owned the place and declared, in a way that made it seem like Neil had no right to say no, “I need you to make a broom for one of my teammates.”
Neil didn’t like that. He already made brooms for basically all of Kevin’s teammates. Except for one particular, terrible teammate that Neil dreadfully didn’t want to work with.
One famous for making every single broom develop an anxiety disorder, probably from the terror of working with him.
It was Kevin Day, though.
Sighing, Neil turned to him and said, “Not without seeing this teammate of yours flying.”
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shypandawrites · 3 years
New girl (Twilight au Witch x Edward) Part 5
WARNING: One more part after this and this story is done. hope you like it till the end !
Hope you enjoy!
When I went over the next day I was surprised to find out that Edward was gone to hang out with Bella. At least I’m sure they are a nice couple I thought. I spent the day with Asher as he finished up an assignment that we have. No sooner did he finish than I decided to head home. He walked me to the door and hugged me before I left.
After I ate with my dad I made sure that I had all of my homework done for school, and was satisfied to know I had everything done. With that out of my mind, I headed out the door to explore the forest more.
Grabbing my sweater I put it on as I yelled to my dad that I would be back later. I closed the door as a big gust of wind blew past me, ignoring the cold I walked into the woods, hearing the leaves crunch underneath my feet as I walked.
I listened to the wind and the sound of the forest creatures running around in the trees, I even got a glimpse of a deer before it took off. “How cute” I made it to a stream that separated where I was standing. Hmm, looks interesting. I wonder what was on the other side. The instant I went to turn back I heard a loud whimper from the other side, and without thinking, I easily jumped over the gap, rushing to where I sensed the hurt animal, only when I got there did I realize it wasn’t a small animal that I first thought.
It was a wolf.
I thought wolves were big but this one was bigger still. I froze in front of this sandy-colored wolf until I saw that it was hurt, its paw was stuck in a bear trap. “Hey, it’s ok,” I whispered, as I inched closer to it. The wolf lifted its head at me, it seemed calmer than I would have thought from a wild wolf, aside from the whimper it would let out every so often. As I got close enough to be right next to it I gently ran my hand through its fur. “Good boy,” I said, gently grabbing the bear trap and started to push the sides down to open it.
Hearing the wolf started to growl a little, I stopped to look at it for a moment. “I’m trying to help please don’t be mad.” Getting back to my tack I got it opened and it yanked its paw out, backing up a bit from me to nurse it.
Should I help them?
Standing up I walked over to them slowly. Which got them to stop to watch me. I held my hands out in front of me to show I meant no harm. “Would you mind if I look at your paw?” I asked as I kneeled in front of it. It stared at me with kind brown eyes that got me confused. “C...Can you understand me?” It nodded its head. “Cool.” I smiled at it before reaching for its paw. “Can I look at it, to see if it needs to be wrapped?” It nodded again and I gently took hold of its paw, seeing that there was no more blood or wound.
That’s odd, usually, there would be a wound still, but there’s nothing. Did it heal itself? Sneaking a glance at the wolf I glimpsed into its mind to see that it was a person! I listened to how his thoughts mixed with others. Those others saying that they are on their way to them. So the wolf is a person named Seth? That’s a nice name I thought as I let go of his paw.
“The wound seems to have closed so that’s good.” Patting his paw, me and he both stood up, and I gently brushed my hand against his fur. He dipped his head as I must have got a good spot on him. “You sure are cute,” I commented as I sensed the others coming our way. Well, better go before I get in trouble.
With one last scratch, I backed up. “I better be going but it was nice to meet you mister werewolf!” I smiled, noting that it froze, I waved and walked away, hearing the sound of it slowly following me. Sensing their pack behind them as well, I stopped and turned to see nothing but I knew where they were.
I heard some branches break and turned to glance that way before walking over to where I knew Seth would be. “Can I help you?” I asked, peeking behind the tree to see him freeze a second time.
He came out with his head down, aw he looks cute if a wolf that towers over you can be called ‘cute’. I’m not going to hurt you. I smiled at him and patted his head. “I would like to ask why you are following me, but I don’t think you would want to talk.” He just stared at me, looking more confused. A second later another wolf came into view. This one was bigger than the one I was currently patting on the head still.
“Hello.” I greeted the black wolf with a wave. It eyed me for a moment then looked at the wolf I had stopped petting. I wonder what they could be talking about. Something must have been said, cause then Seth went behind the tree and all I heard was the sound of bones popping and cracking.
That has to hurt, I thought as I waited, for him to come back out from behind the tree. I was not expecting a tall person to come out, thank goodness in shorts, I don’t know how I would handle it if he came out naked. He towered over me as he sheepishly came back over to me. “Hello.” I waved which he reciprocated. “Hi.” He seems to look older but he seems like a younger person, we stood in silence for a bit before I tilted my head.
I wonder what he is scared about. His pack? Or maybe he just doesn’t want others to find out about him. Either way, I want to be friends with him, in the little bit I was in his head I liked how his mind was kind. I held out my hand with a smile. “Nice to meet you, I’m Luna.” His hesitation wasn’t unexpected, but I was glad when he took my hand with a grin.
“Nice to meet you, Seth.”
Looking into his eyes, I glanced through his memories before staying in the present to see him still gazing at me. “So why were you following me?” I took a step back. “Was it to get rid of me?” We both looked horrified before I chuckled, turning my head away. “I’m sorry. It seemed quite tense so I thought to try to make you laugh.” He seemed to relax a bit. “But I guess my joke didn’t go well.” Shaking his head at me, he smiled. “I was told to ask how you knew I was a werewolf.” Pointing to my head I answered. “By your mind, and the fact that your wound was healed by the time I looked at it, that’s not normal.”
He nodded, as he reached up to rub the back of his neck, shifting to one foot and then the next. “And are you going to tell anyone? It’s something that people aren’t supposed to know.” Seeing him getting more nervous, I shook my head. “No, I wasn’t going to tell anyone. I just thought it was nice to see another supernatural being.” I finished with a grin. “Supernatural being?” I felt all eyes turn to me.
With a dip of my head I pointed to Seth, “Yup, you’re a werewolf.” turning my hand to point to myself. “And I’m a witch.” As if to prove it I made a couple of balls of light to swirl alive in my hand before making them disappear by closing my hand.
Seeing his eyes light up in wonder I held back a laugh “Can you do that again?” He asked, standing close to me now, eyeing my hand. “Sure.” Balls of light started to appear surrounding us and started to slowly spin until with a wave of my hand they too disappeared. “Cool huh?” I asked, getting a little excited by how much he was.
The guy is tall but he acts like a child a bit. Holding back another laugh I pinched his cheek. “I have to get going now that it is getting late but would it be ok if I come back tomorrow to chat?” I asked, with a step back to not crowd him.
His eyes went wide before he started to laugh as others started to come up behind him. “You are a weird witch.” One tall guy said, wrapping his arm around Seth’s shoulder to lean on him. Soon I realized just how short I was, even the other woman was taller than me.
“Well, aren’t I a dwarf,” I murmured to myself starting to stare at the ground. That seemed to be funny to them cause they started to laugh but then went silent. With a peek at them, they were all staring at the oldest-looking one but you would still call him a young man.
His stare made me think he was debating on if he can trust me or try to kill me. I am hoping not the latter. I don’t want to cause trouble for people. Keeping my heart calm I simply stared back until he looked away as if he finally decided what he wanted to do.
“That’s fine with me I’m sure Emily would like to have another girl to talk to.” He then glanced at the woman who just stiffened and then walked away. “Stepped on a land mine huh?” A boy joked which got him elbowed, hard. “Ow!” He rubbed his ribs before coming forward and ruffling my head. “You are so short.”
I felt my eyes go hard at the comment, I knew I was maybe shorter than others but I didn’t want to be picked on for it. Without looking at him I looked at the big guy who I assumed to be the leader. “Can I flip him?” I asked, casually, pointing at the guy who soon backed up in defense.
“If you can.”
“Sure” I grinned.
Next thing they knew I rushed at him and quickly grabbed his arm before turning and flipping him over onto his back, knocking the wind out of him.
He laid on the ground in stun silence as the others cracked up over him, before helping him up. It looked like he was going to glare at me but then he started to laugh as well. “I take it, I shouldn’t call you short.” At that, the corner of my mouth lifted a bit. “I would like it if you didn’t . . . Unless you want to go flying again.” I ended with a grin but by his slight nervous look, he knew I wasn’t bluffing.
It was getting darker, so I better be getting home. “I should be going but I’ll see you tomorrow!” I grinned, waving at them, before turning and heading to the stream. Shortly after jumping it, I headed home to go get some rest for school tomorrow. Excited knowing that I maybe have made a few more friends.
Thus began the time I spent with The Cullens and The Wolf Pack. It was fun to learn about them and I also answered questions they had for me. It was nice, Seth was a sweetheart to hang out with. His excitement made me more excited by default. I was eating muffins at Emily’s house. A beautiful native woman who had a scar running down her face. Her reaction to me saying she was beautiful when I first met her made her look flabbergasted.
The others just laughed and went straight for the food she prepared. I munched on the chocolate muffin as the other argued and Seth and I chatted by the counter. “Do witches fly on brooms?” He asked, with a mouth full. I grabbed a napkin and handed it to him, making him blush. “Some do. Others can just fly.” I demonstrated by floating a little off the ground and landing back on the wooded floor.
“But I have met a witch that would need to use a broom to fly,” I added, taking another bite of my muffin, enjoying its chocolate goodness. “Then do witches have mates?” That had me tilting my head. “Like your imprinting thing?” When he nodded, I thought about it. “Well, yeah you can say we do. They are called Chosen.” This time it was him who tilted his head. “Chosen?” I gave a nod as I started to explain. “Yup. They are called Chosen, cause out of all of the universes they were chosen just for you. But some witches chosen aren’t happy to be with a witch, so they reject them.” I added, looking down at the ground.
Seth wrapped his arm around me. “Did you find your Chosen?” He is sweet, I wonder how old he is at times. “No, I knew a witch who found her chosen but they rejected her. I was just remembering how she kind of withered away because of it. But want to know a cool thing about being a witch?” Nodding his eyes widened with excitement again. I held up my finger as I pointed to myself. “If a witch chooses to also reject their chosen, then they can break their bond, and in turn that bond will go to another.” Taking note of the others I was surprised to find them mostly looking at me.
“Then how would a witch find their chosen?” Paul asked, seeming interested in witches’ things as well. “Some find them through touch, others through looking into their eyes, like you guys. And some can even just sense their chosen around.” I explained, throwing my trash away and going back to stand next to Seth, who looked like he wanted to ask more. “Does that mean you might find your chosen then too?”
I shook my head with a small smile. “My case is different since my mother put a spell on me preventing me from finding mine. Cause when a witch finds their chosen, they, in turn, get stronger or gain more power.” But she only put that spell on me cause she didn’t want to get stronger than her.
Got to love mother, quite a cruel woman to her own family but not her lovers. I remembered one time when I was little, she saw me cast a little spell only for it to be stronger than I had intended. Her eyes full of hate only greeted me when I went to tell her about it.
Ignoring those memories I looked up to see them looking worried but I just smiled and waved it off. “I’m gonna go so talk to you later!” I called, already out the door, going home. They shouted their goodbyes and then I easily opened a portal to take me to where the stream was. The moment I went through it the portal closed right behind me. I strolled through the forest on my way home, softly humming to myself. I made it past a downed tree when Edward suddenly appeared right in front of me. Jumping in surprise I quickly learned to calm down my heart fast.
I went to open my mouth to greet him but he picked me up and started walking in the opposite direction I was heading. “I need to talk to you.” Was all he said, as he continued to walk, before hoisting me up higher, so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to hold on as he ran somewhere.
As he ran I thought if I made him mad or something and nothing was coming to mind. Was it something I said? But I hardly spoke with him, since he started to hang out with Bella. Feeling a shiver go down my spine due to the cold wind, I leaned more into him, burying my face into his neck.
Did something happen and he just wanted to talk? My mind kept racing as he ran until we made it to a clearing. No sooner did we make it there than I leaned away to see him staring at me. “Are you ok?” I asked, starting to get worried the more he continued to stare at me.
My heart started to speed up as I debated on flipping out of his arms and walking away since he won’t say anything. His arms tightened on me, pressing me more against him. That got my heartbeat to skyrocket, trying to hide the blush on my face, by turning it away from him. “Mind putting me down? You said you needed to talk to me?” I questioned, slowly kicking my feet in hopes that he does.
He sighed before finally putting me down. “Ok, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” It was quiet then he just started to pace in front of me. “I wanted to talk to you about something but I didn’t want anyone else to hear. Sorry for scaring you.” He apologized as he continued to pace, this time with a smile. Glad he seems to be back to himself.
Watching him pace I waited patiently as he seemed to try to get his thoughts in order. I hid a smile as I thought he looked cute when he is concentrating so much. He looked anxious about whatever he wanted to talk about and didn’t look like he could calm down, his smile went away as well.
What could he be worried about? Melancholy started to fill my heart the more I watched him pace. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help. Taking a breath I got in front of him and softly cupped his cool face, tilting it down to face me. “I don’t know what is causing you to get this scared or something. But I am here if you need someone to listen.” I tried to comfort him, slowly brushing my thumb against his face as our eyes never left the other, even though my bangs covered my eyes.
I waited, contemplating if I did something wrong as he just stared at me, his eyes softening the longer he looked at me. He then placed a hand against my cheek, softly petting my cheek. “I…” He started, looking hopeful and scared.
Nodding my head for him to continue, he looked like he was about to when he jerked his head to the side and glared. I followed his gaze to see Emmett and Jasper, both poking their heads around a tree staring at us. “Never mind,” Edward whispered, backing up from me, turning to leave.
Emmet and Jasper walked over sheepishly, “Sorry about that.” Emmett apologized, eyeing the way Edward had ran. “Didn’t mean to interrupt you guys just wanted to see if he had the guts.” He added, I went to ask what he meant but then Jasper elbowed him.
“Don’t mind Edward. I'm sure he will be back to normal by tomorrow.” They both avoided my eyes when I tried to make eye contact with them. “Ok,” I mumbled in defeat. Without another word from them I waved and teleported back to my house, heading to my bed and flopping on it.
Trying to think if I did do something wrong or not. And why did Emmett and Jasper want to come to see? Was it a prank? I felt a knife in my heart at the thought of it being a joke but shook it away, knowing Edward isn’t like that.
“I’ll just ask him tomorrow,” I whispered to myself.
The next day was a weekend so I walked over to their house, fully ready to ask Edward what happened in the clearing only to find that he wasn’t home. Well, I’ll have to ask him another time. I headed up to Asher’s room and knocked before entering to sit on the bed. “Hey, Luna. What’s up?” He asked, staring as I silently took off my shoes and just laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
Not wanting to lie to him, I tilted my head to face him. “Nothing much, just wondering about something.” “And what’s that?” He posed, coming to sit on the edge of his bed. That Edward seems to hate me and wants me to leave him alone. “Wondering why caring for someone has to be hard.” A weight on the bed had me rolling into the middle to lean against Asher.
We were silent, pondering what can be said. “It does suck huh?” That had me jerking to face him. His sad smile made me want to hug him. “Knowing that you might not be the right person for them, and not wanting to ask them about their feelings in fear that they might reject you.” Yes, it does suck. I reached over and poked his cheek. “Maybe all you need is a little push. And you never know what someone is feeling for you unless you ask them.” I consoled him, continuing to poke his cheek trying to get him to smile.
It worked after a bit. “Maybe. But how would you even get around to talk to them about that?” I shrugged as I sat upon his bed to lean against his wall. “Go right up to them, tell them how you feel, and know that at least you told them!” He jolted up to gawk at me. “Really?” he asked, in disbelief.
Seeing his expression full of hope I let a small smile grace my lips. “Who knows. But I’m sure if you talk to them about it then they will answer you.” I said, confidently knowing that anyone that Asher will like, will be a nice person.
His face turned red as he looked away, burying his face in his knees. “Easy for you to say.” His voice muffled by his knees. Reaching over, I messed with his hair, getting him to look up to glare at me. “It will be ok,” I assured him, to which he nodded, and then our stomachs growled.
We took the moment to look at our stomachs than at each other before bursting into laughter. “Come on let’s get some food.” He rolled out of his bed, while I stood up and walked over to the edge before hopping off. “How did you do on that test we had?” I heard him ask as we headed to the kitchen.
“I got 100 on it. But I told the teacher to take off a point cause I didn’t want to be a top student, cause then I would have to give a speech at graduation and-” I shuddered at the thought “-I would rather not do that.”
Hearing someone laughing as we reached the kitchen I saw that Emmett was still laughing as he sat on the couch. Esme was in the kitchen and went to hand us each a plate that had a sandwich on it.
“Thank you, Esme.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
I took a bite of my sandwich, enjoying the taste as I noticed that Alice was standing by the window, looking outside with a sad expression, and would glance at me every so often. That made me look down at my clothes to see if I passed for her choice of clothing. No, I looked fine, in my jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, with my sweater over it. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I faintly heard the sound of a car's engine stop.
Wonder who it is? Turning back to Asher, I caught a glimpse of Alice looking pained before she walked over to where Jasper was and sat by him. I would have asked who it was only for that to be answered by Edward coming up the stairs with Bella in tow.
She wrapped her arm around his when they reached the top. She giggled as she leaned her head against him. I tried to ignore the feeling of someone grabbing my heart and squeezing it. Asher must have seen my expression but didn’t say anything, he seemed to try to get my mind off of the newest couple and I was thankful for it.
He was able to distract me from looking at them and we got to discussing how the latest movie we watched. How the main character could control people with their minds and that in turn made them want to try to help people.
We talked about the end of the movie where the main character dies to protect the woman he loves. Asher started to tear up remembering it, which got me to pat him on the back. I took out plates away and washed them before putting them on the dish rack. Turning back just in time to see Edward jerk his head to face the tv. I wanted to ask him if he was ok but seeing how Bella seemed glued to him I refrained from it. Don’t want to bother him with his girlfriend.
The feeling of a knife in my heart came back but this time when I looked at them, it twisted as if saying that it will never work out and to give up. I quickly tried to disregard the pain and went to talk to Asher more but noticed the sky getting darker. “I’m gonna get going,” I announced, wanting to leave before the pain got worse.
“See you later!” I called to Asher, heading for the door.
Only I didn’t make it to the door before someone grabbed my hand. Pivoting on the spot to see Asher, staring at me with a blank expression before grinning.
“Go on a date with me!”
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graceslavenderhaze · 3 years
Hear the sirens, {connor stevens}
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synopsis: After the shadow man was defeated their was no new supernatural anomalies in town, then you and your wayward family showed up. 
also this gif is lovethephantoms gif but I still can’t figure out why the handle won’t come up underneath the gif. 
another female requested reader however when referred to in the writing the pronouns are gender neutral.
This is part one of three!
The Midnight Society had finally settled back into life as it normally was. Gabby had passed her PSAT’s and gotten her permit, still working her way to get out of shadow bay. Hanna still heavily involved in her activism and getting more signatures than before hand on her petitions, making the world a better place even if it was one step, by herself, at a time. Luke back to focusing on school and wrestling, he was still benched for weekend meet for disciplinary due to being late to practice which gave him plenty of time to work on the science project he owed . Jai back to being the comic book nerd his friends loved him as, no longer feeling like he had to own up to any sort of standards when his friends loved him the way he was. Then there was Connor. Who found it harder than his friends to move on, it wasn’t that easy for him. His dad didn’t know what happened so he carried on with the fishing trips like usual. Luke and Hanna had started dating after the glow dance so he was adjusting to his best friend not always being available. While he knew that the shadow man was gone, something in him still felt dark. Like a part of him had been permanently darkened by what he’d been through. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up whenever he walked by cemeteries, or historic settlements of shadow bay. He pushed it all down and acted like nothing happened. But he still slept with the lights on. He still had nightmares most nights. 
The Amana family Coven had been around for centuries. It was one of the few that was a female centric coven throughout the dark ages in magic along side the golden ages. The eldest of the coven was Gaia Amana, whose daughter was Leticia Amana, they remain the only two witches in the coven. Leticia married Willow a human woman that had been orphaned in her childhood due to an magical accident claiming her parents. They had two children. Two daughters. One who was a Witch with the gift of clairvoyance. Another who was a Banshee with a generational blood curse. 
That Witch, with the clairvoyance? That was you. Your Sister was the Banshee. This was the story of your family and the magic deeply routed throughout your family and bloodline, biological and adoptive. Growing up with magic isn’t a fairytale. You never stayed in one town longer than four years, where there was witches there was hunters who never strayed far.
So anyone who had magic lived by three commandments for protections.
Thou shall not bear the knowledge of magic,
Thou shall not caress a practitioner of magic,
Thou shall not survive a witches love. 
By those three commandments your family was able to continue to practice their respective magic without worrying about witch hunts in town. But the times had changed from when your grandmother first took over the coven. It was the twenty first century and spirituality and supernatural abilities were somewhat mainstream, not the truth but the refraction of what was going on. It blurred the lines of what was actually going on. So when it was time for the quadrennial move, your mothers had chosen a small town in Canada. Shadow Bay. There was hardly any supernatural occurrence’s there. With the exceptional of a magic shop but witch hunters had standards so they’d never show up there anyways. 
You’d gotten used to the somewhat lonely routine of your life. The moving every four years, the secrets about your magic, while it wasn’t ideal. You loved your magic and you wouldn’t trade your abilities for anything else in the world. But having some solid friends would’ve been a nice start.  
The drive wasn’t the longest you’ve ever taken, it also wasn’t the shortest you’ve every taken either. The only difference was that due to getting your license recently your grandmother let you drive her car. You’d lived in a lot of placed over the years. Apartments, ranch, colonial, victorian. Now you were living in a cottage in the woods by a lighthouse. Pulling into the drive you passed a group of six people. Five teens who looked around your age and one who seemed to be younger possibly in middle school. 
“Keys are in the mail box.” Your grandmother said, you looked over. “That’s harsh.” You said unbuckling and opening the door to retrieve the keys from the mail box. If the group of teens weren’t staring before they definitely were now. “Can i help you ?” You asked turning around at the group of teens who were like you thought, were staring.
A tall blonde in a leather jacket and all black, A red head wearing an army jacket and docs, A brunnette with curly hair who had a denim jacket on, A tanned brunnette boy wearing street clothes, A pale brunette who had a skateboard not far from his grasp, and a little boy wearing a cap and a wand in his hand.
“Did you just move into the haunted house in the woods?” The brunnette in street clothes asked with zero hesitation. Haunted? “Jai!” The red head exclaimed slapping his arm. The blonde still was staring at you. Like there was this connection flowing between the two of you, you felt it too. “Sorry he has the social skills of a second grader. I’m Hanna Romero.” She said extending a hand towards you. “Y/n Amana.” 
“This is Gabby Lewis, that’s Jai Malyas, He’s Luke Mccoy, on the end is Connor Stevens,” So staring boy has a name. “And that’s my little brother Seth.” She said giving a full rollcall for you. “Sorry i just have to ask, the haunted house in the woods?” Jai said not putting his question down. Everyone turned to him and you laughed. 
“So you believe in the other side?” You said crossing your arms and raising your eyebrows. The group fell silent for a minute. “Well I mean is there really another side? Maybe all the funs having here.” Connor said smiling at you, lying. You didn’t need magic to know. You just knew the faces of people who’d experienced the supernatural and didn’t know how to explain it afterwards.
“All right then pretty boy.” You said slightly taken aback Connors eyes widened. “Are you going to shadow bay high once you get settled?” Gabby asked you. You nodded, “Yeah my sister and I are suppose to start next week.” Gabby looked at Connor and then back to you, “We could show you both around, give you the old razzle dazzle.” She said. You smiled, “Yeah i’d really appreciate that!” 
“No problem! Right Connor?” Gabby said, nudging him. You turned your eyes backed to him. “Yeah no problem at all.” He said running a hand through his hair. You nodded. “I should probably go but i’ll see you guys next week.” You said, each of the teens saying a goodbye to you and you got into the car where your grandmother was waiting, dropping the envelopes with the keys on the dash board. 
“Well that looked like a lot more than just getting the keys.” She noted as you started to drive up into the woods. “Just some local kids who offered to show me around when i start and also said our house is the local haunted house in the woods.” You said turning as the road winded. She nodded, “This town is going to be different, you can feel it can’t you?” You could and it gave you butterflies. 
That night after dinner you sat up decorating your room. You’d never had your own room before and now you had free creative decisions. You sister knocked on the door holding two cups of tea, “Tea time?” You nodded. You were older by two years, it wasn’t much but sometimes it still managed to wedge a gap between the two of you for certain subjects. She placed your mug down on your desk were you were placing posters up and she sat on your bed. “So Grams said that you were flirting with some outsiders type beat boy earlier.” 
You turned taking a sip, “I was not flirting. I might’ve called him pretty boy. But that’s the highest form of flattery rather than flirting if anything!” You said to your sister. “What if you date him? What if you fall in love and have cute babies?” She gushed. “I just met him!” You exclaimed to her turning around, “Oh come on, haven’t you ever wanted to date someone?” 
“I don’t date. We move too much besides there’d be too much lying. It would just be heartbreak for me and whoever i’m with.” You said turning your attention back to decorating rather than the conversation. Silence washed over and the question that had been on everyone’s minds was asked once again. “Is it gonna be different here?” 
You stalled, exhaling slowly. “You have the gift of clairvoyance, if anything you can tell out of all of us.” She said with excitement. “No i’m not doing it.” You said shutting her suggestion down. “Oh come on!” She persisted. 
“Astral projecting isn’t meant for figuring out if we’re going to live out our coming of age fantasies, it’s meant for real magic. I’m not doing it. If any clairvoyant dreams come to me, that’s one thing. I’m not chasing them.” You said breaking down the now empty box that once held pictures, posters and other wall hanging knick knacks. Your sister pouted, “Buzzkill.” She muttered under her breath, “Well were either of the girls cute and give gay vibes?” She asked as she finished her mug and placed it on the floor. 
“Ask them yourself. They offered to show us around on our first day. But no powers. If you want a relationship it has to be fully yourself no magic sire ties. Magic sometimes makes it messy.” You said unfortunately speaking from experience. Magic was beautiful but it doesn’t come from nothing, there is a give and a take. Like everything else in the universe. 
That night you found it hard to sleep, you usually had issues sleeping the first night in a new town. It was some sort of internal clock routine. You snuck out of the front door, for a house that had been around for as long as it had been it wasn’t the loudest. The floor boards didn’t creak every time you walked over them, the doors didn’t screech whenever you opened them an inch at a time, and the house didn’t settle several times a day. But for all you knew a spell could’ve been casted to prevent that. 
You found comfort being on your own. Having clairvoyance was overwhelming at times. You had no control over your powers, they never had a specific trigger, so naturally you just steered clear of people in general. You figured there was no way to be given unwanted visions of the future if you just didn’t have anything to do with anyone at all. Your own loneliness was your own fault. Walking through the woods you felt the feeling of dark magic, it was a distinct feeling that you hadn’t felt often but it was unforgettable when you did. It over takes you, like a wave but instead of being able to see through the water its ink. It’s heavy, and dark. It drags you under. 
You hear several snaps of twigs behind you and slightly startled you turn to see the animal or whatever that was behind you. Ready to cast a spell incase whatever followed was a foe and not a friend you gathered your hands in front of your body, “Either you come out or it’s going to be a bad night for you.” You called out into the darkness. Several more twigs snapped under what you assumed where footsteps as a dark shape came out from behind the tree. 
“I surrender!” The figured called out with slight fear in their voice. “My hands are up!” The voice sounded so familiar as they neared towards you. Once they were within eye sight you noticed it was one of the boys from earlier, Connor. “ Take it easy there cobra kai.” He said gesturing to your hands which could be assumed in a fighting position, which they were just not the fighting position he thought it would be. 
You took your hands away from the stance they were place in front of your body, “So, you enjoy taking walks in the dark and startling people pretty boy?” You asked crossing your arms. He lowered his flashlight so he wasn’t practically blinding you anymore. He laughed lowly for a second, “To be fair with the way i was snapping twigs, if you were startled that sounds like a you deal.” 
You smiled at him for second, “I’m Connor Stevens by the way, we met earlier but i don’t know you if remember me.” He said running a hand through his hair, a nervous habit probably. “Oh so you assume that you’re unforgettable. Not a chance pretty boy.” You said taking several steps closer. Slightly taken aback once again by your boldness for the second time in the one day. “I have a name you know.” 
“Oh so you don’t find pretty boy flattering?” You asked coyly, going silence after trying to create an argument. “Thought so.” You said smiling. His eyes stayed glued onto you, his dad has taught him better than to stare. 
“Sorry, i just keep getting this deja vu feeling but i would definitely remember meeting you.” He said unfiltered getting close enough for you to catch a vision, you back up slightly and he’s hurt by this. It’s written all over his face. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized quickly and sincerely.
“Oh no i just have this thing with physical touch, it’s nothing personal. You’d remember meeting me? Are you reading into my character?” You said with a slight cockiness mixed into the tone. He nodded, “No it’s just you’re literally one of the prettiest girls i’ve ever seen.” You dropped the flashlight that you’d brought with you. You rushed forward to pick it up as did Connor, both your fingertips grazed each other.
The images flooded through your head. You saw past images first, not older than a month or so. It was dark, he was in the woods running, then there was a book of spells it looked like ever other witches book, and then he was grabbed into the dark. Inside of something that looked like a lighthouse but rotted on the inside and there was absolutely no light. Then there was present, this moment right here right now. The future was the two of you in front of the high school, you guessed. Then it was just the two of you, your aura’s with a red string connecting them at the pinkies. But then it was him holding your hands as something tried to drag you. Then it was over. 
You blinked a few times before looking back up at Connor, “Are you okay? You looked like you saw a ghost.” He said with a slight laugh dropping the flashlight into your palm like it was burning him to touch. “Something like that.” You muttered lightly and standing back up. Silence washed over, “I should probably get back home before anyone notices i’m gone.” You said. He nodded, “See you around, cobra kai?” 
“See you pretty boy.” You confirmed turning around to walk back to your house for the night. Sneaking back in just as quietly as you left. You managed to fall asleep before the sun rose this time. Once you fell asleep, the visions still lingered on a loop. Despite how much you hated it on a deep level it was comforting compared to the nightmares that had a tendency to plague you from time to time. 
The next morning your family had gotten take out from the local diner for breakfast and during the morning conversation no one mentions anything that gives away your nightly adventure. Throughout the rest of the week you and your family continues to get settled into your house. You hadn’t seen Connor on any of your nightly walks through the woods throughout the rest of the week and as the day of starting school gets closer you just assume you’ll see him along with his friends. 
Your sister and you were sitting in the office after you’d gotten your schedules and other paperwork. “We have two student volunteers who offered to show you around.” The secretary said as she handed the two of you a peppermint, Slightly disappointed, going under the impression you’d get to hang out with Connor and his friends today. The door creeks open and you turn. Gabby and Hanna enter the office, you notice through the glass pane of the door Luke, Jai and Connor standing in the hallway waiting for them. 
“Ah, Hanna Romero and Gabby Lewis. This is Y/n Amana and Ramona Amana.” She said as the two of you stood up. “If you need anything during your next few days don’t hesitate to reach out.” She said sincerely, offering a comforting smile. Your sister and you both exchanged thanks before leaving the office. 
You saw Luke nudge Connor to which he muttered a shut up, you smiled. “Nice to see you again pretty boy.” You said smirkingly, Jai looked up from his phone. “Again, you went into the haunted woods?” He said looking at Connor, who blank faced. “Thanks for ratting me out. Besides, there wasn’t anything out there other than Y/n and their fists of fury almost giving me a black eye.” He said punching you lightly in the shoulder, laughing with you. 
“What’s the deal with those woods anyway? It seems like everyone has some story about them.” Ramona asked no one specific just wanting a general answer after hearing the endless week of comments. The group went silent, “Okay so like did someone get murdered there. Some true crime type beat?” You asked as you leaned against the wall next to Connor. Leaning your head on his shoulder, he leaned his head on yours after a few moments of hesitation. 
“It’s an unbelievable story.” Jai said as he looked at the comic in his hand with a confused look and then closed it, Ramona smirked. “Oh we know a lot about those type of stories.” She said standing next to Gabby. Both were stealing looks when the other wasn’t. “Where are you guy’s from?” Hanna asked with confusion and a slight laugh. “Where aren’t we from.” You said under your breath catching the attraction of the group. 
“We’re military, we move a lot.” Ramona said. The cover story that had been engrained into you both from elementary school. “Damn that must suck.” Luke said getting elbowed by Hanna, “I mean thank you for your service.” He corrected himself. You laughed a little as Luke tried to awkwardly save himself. You saluted him, causing Connor to smile. 
“Nice bracelets.” Gabby said to Ramona, she looked down at them before looking back up. “Thanks.” She said slightly flustered and blushing. “Mo you should see if you and Gabby have any classes together.” You suggested slightly trying to wing woman. “What? Oh yeah!” She said handing over her schedule eagerly to Gabby. Soon enough the two walked off. 
“So, Hanna do you have the list for morning announcements?” Jai said, Hanna met him with a confused look as did Luke. “Announcements? Oh yeah! We’ll see you guys after home room!” As they left Connor and you in the hallway. “Your friends really lack subtly.” You said as you watched them go down the hallway, Hanna arguing with Jai while Luke occasionally looked back.
“Oh you have no idea.” He said turning back to you, “Oh! How do you feel about horror movies?” He asked reaching into his backpack. “Top three movie genre. Why?” You asked, he pulled out a small “slashers rule” pin and handed it you. “A formal apology for scaring you in the woods the other night, and you seemed like you’d like it.” He said gesturing to your backpack decorated with pins and patches, you smiled. “I love it.” His nervousness seemed to fade with those three words. “I’ve never really had friends or anyone give me something like this so, thank you.” 
“That must’ve been lonely.” He said as you shrugged, it was lonely but it was also complicated. “Yeah but i’m not lonely anymore.” You said as you subconsciously ran your thumb over the pin and looked up at him. He blushed, you’d learned he did that a lot and quite easily none the less. 
“So you ready for the shadow bay tour?” He said pushing off the wall, rubbing his hands together. Students had started to clear out of the halls paying absolutely no attention to Connor and yours’ affair in the corner. “Oh definitely. Just so you know i’ve been to four schools over the past eleven years, so you’re competing with that.” 
“Oh it’s a competition?” He said with fake outburst laced onto his voice, you nodded with a sarcastic smile that turned genuine. “I think i can handle that.” He said as you two began descending down the halls of Shadow Bay high. Despite your own personal barriers and everything you’d ever been taught in your life, you were falling for Connor. Your better judgement knew that you’d pay for that at some point in your life. Sooner or later, you always did. 
hello my loves! This is part one of three and i’m currently working on the other parts! 
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oss-crime · 4 years
Chapter 3-Project “Ma” –Adam–; Scene 6
Original Sin Story: Crime, pages 108-115
There were no complaints about Adam becoming the new director from about the ten other researchers there.
Adam’s knowledge and ability from being raised under Horus’ tutelage from a young age was something everyone had already seen for themselves.
Around this point Adam himself had developed an interest in the legacy pieces that were so filled with mystery, and even came to enjoy researching how to better use them.
But at the same time, he was also dejected that these would become tools for political conflict among those with authority.
Did Father feel the same way? Adam thought to himself.
The truth that Horus had told Adam before he left.
I’m…the son of the queen…
It continued to smolder in the corner of his heart.
One day, the man named Gammon who was head of the peacekeeping force visited the institute.
“I’m seeking Sir Horus’ whereabouts,” Gammon informed Adam.
Adam looked at him doubtfully. “I hardly think that’s the job of the chief of the peacekeeping forces. And my father left on his own, looking for a place to die.”
“Are you saying it’s uncouth of me to deliberately seek him out?”
“Yes. And he’s probably already…breathed his last.”
“If he’s dead then at the very least I want to have a proper mourning service for him, so that he might rest easy.”
Gammon’s reason for persisting on the matter with Horus—Adam knew quite well.
He took out the list of names from the drawer in his desk, and then opened up one of its pages to show Gammon.
--And then the other man understood everything.
“So you know. Of the relationship between Horus and I.”
“You were plotting with my father to start some kind of anti-government coup. I imagine it would be quite unfortunate for you if that went public.”
Even moreso considering Gammon was not only the head of the peacekeeping force but also the son of the senate head.
“Are you trying to threaten me?”
Gammon glowered at him, but Adam shook his head with a smirk.
“As-if. The existence of this list isn’t terribly convenient for me either.”
If the senate were to learn of his father’s true nature, it could very likely spell disaster for Adam.
Gammon seemed to grasp this, but he still showed no sign of relaxing the tension on his face.  
“…Then I wonder which side you plan to stand on? Will you take on Sir Horus’ will, or—”
“Frankly, I haven’t decided yet. I did respect my father, but at the same time I also hated him. And there are…several things to consider, for me personally.”
“Well, let’s try to get along, for now. Perhaps this may end up to be mutually agreeable for us both…Ah, would you like some coffee?”
Gammon wordlessly nodded at Adam’s suggestion.
Adam and Gammon would meet up from time to time after that.
As they moved ahead in their interactions, Adam came to learn more and more what kind of man this Gammon Loop Octopus was.
Despite being the eldest born son of the Loop Octopus family, as he was magically impotent he had been shunned by his father, and ultimately cast out of his inheritance.
Even so he tirelessly studied guns and swordsmanship, and managed to rise to the rank of chief of the peacekeeping forces.
However, at present it seemed he couldn’t hope to get any farther than that, after all…
More interestingly, despite being unable to use magic he had been born possessing a strange ability.
“—Every so often I see dreams. Purple dreams,” a red-faced Gammon had blurted out while they were drinking wine together at a bar. “And whatever I see in those dreams will come true a few days later.”
“Wow, so you’ve got prophetic dreams.”
“I guess I have the power of being an ‘Inheritor of Rahab’…To tell the truth, all the people of the Loop Octopus family have it to some degree or another—You know what that means?”
“The queen has her position by hearing the ‘voice of the gods’, and then telling it to people via a prophecy. But my family can predict the future too, though our methods may differ. In other words—”
And there Gammon drank up his wine, and said to Adam with resolve:
“—We don’t need a queen.”
So then, this must have been one of the reasons for Gammon’s anti-authority sentiments.
That there was no reason why a man like himself who has such powers…the same power that is needed for the ruler of this country, to be sputtering away at his current status.
He hadn’t declared it outright, but it sounded as though he was plotting to become the king of the country in place of the queen.
Adam hadn’t revealed to Gammon that he was the queen’s son. If he had known that, he probably wouldn’t have told Adam about his theory of her being unnecessary.
Adam was privately undecided on Gammon’s idea, but on the other hand he could empathize with it.
--The person who became ruler should be someone suited to the role.
All the people who live in this land are the children of god…How long would this country be bound by such a hackneyed doctrine?
What had the gods ever done for them?
Give prophecies through the queen?
But what truly saved this country were the devices born out of research into the legacy pieces…In other words, the efforts of the Royal Research Institute.
Wasn’t it time that Levianta took back the correct definition of “kingdom”?
The foundation of a royal family, and inheritance of the position based on bloodlines…
If that could come to pass there would be no more pointless squabbling within the senate.
--Then, who would be most suitable as the ruler of this country?
It would be someone who had had the blood of the current queen flowing through him, and had the most in-depth knowledge of the old artifacts that were so essential to this country…
It was an outrageously ambitious idea.
There was no way it would go that smoothly, and Adam had no desire to bring about a pointless conflict to get it done.
But if I had the chance—
Gammon clapped Adam on the shoulder as he was lost in thought.
“Oi…You listening?”
“Y-yeah…Sorry. What was it again?”
“’Course you weren’t…This might be a crazy theory, but…” Gammon continued to speak, his tone shaky, “…My family can tell the future too…My Dad, Miroku, is the same. So, even if there were no queen…Even if, say, she’d died a long time ago, then no one would figure it out…”
“The queen hasn’t shown herself in public for close to twenty years.”
“That’s…because only the head of the senate is allowed to meet with her directly—”
“My father was the one who decided on that…after he became head of the senate…”
He could just say it was drunken nonsense and think nothing of it.
But if that were the truth…then that would mean that in essence Miroku was reigning over the country as its ruler.
…No, that’s an absurd notion.
His father had said it himself, hadn’t he?
The queen was being controlled with a drug.
If that were really the case, then Miroku would have no reason to kill his mother.
But…either way, the fact remains that Miroku is the one who holds all the power in this country.
He would need to meet with someone who knew the truth.
But Miroku himself would never confess to any of this.
This man here is his son, so maybe…No—if he could, he probably would have done it long ago.
Adam gave a side-eye to Gammon as he lay passed out on the floor from drink.
“Hmm…I suppose I should call it a night.”
Right as Adam put a hand on Gammon’s shoulder to wake him.
“My my. Are you…the head of the Royal Research Institute, perchance?”
There was someone approaching him, speaking up in a jovial tone.
“Yes, I am…--!?”
Adam caught his breath upon seeing this person’s face.
A man who looked just like Horus, who he had thought dead, stood smiling before him.
…But Adam quickly thought again.
This man appeared much younger than the real Horus.
Yes, he seemed about the same age as when Adam had first met Horus—when he had suddenly appeared there on the beach.
“Is there something on my face?” the bespectacled man asked, head tilting curiously.
“N-no…What business do you have with me?”
“Right. I was planning on going up to the institute tomorrow…What luck to run into you here in a place like this. That blue hair…I could tell it was you right away, you have those same features my mentor told me about.”
The man put his hands on his hips, and began his introduction.
“My name is Seth Twiright. I am the top apprentice of Horus Solntse—And the best scientist in this country.”
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jesussavedevenme · 3 years
Festival of Unity
**For an incredibly kind and polite anon with an amazing prompt!!!
Also real quick warning: Garreth's actions in this are very manipulative and borderline creepy so if that is going to bother you then, please don't make yourself read it**
The Festival of Unity. Also known as the cesspool of rumors and fake smiles
and the bane of Bracken's existence. Honestly he would rather face Ronodin or even Gorgrog instead of attending this gathering. The Festival of Unity took place every twenty years and lasted about three days. As its name suggested the festival was centered around unity. It was a time where all the creatures of light as well as every ally of the fairy realm joined together. The first two days were full of meetings and negotiations such as the discussion of the treaty with the Naga, the newest problems with the river trolls, and even a change in rules pertaining to the Centuars. Something that many of them were not happy about. The last day of the festival was spent finishing up negotiations and preparing for the huge ball that would take place to signify there successful unification. Bracken supposed he could see the logic and even the need for such a festival but that didn't mean he had to like it. This year though it wasn't just the snide remarks and stuck up dignitaries that made it awful, no this year Bracken had other worries. Because this year, Kendra was with him.
Kendra and Bracken had gotten married mere months ago and Bracken had tried everything he could to get her out of this festival. Several of the attempts had been quite comical if he was being honest. However, as she was the now princess, she was expected to attend and participate in the proceedings. Especially since this was the first festival she would be attending as princess. In fact the only other time that she had been before a big group as their princess had been right after they had gotten married. Kendra had been stressing about this festival for weeks, wanting to be absolutely perfect and, in Bracken's opinion, she had been. She handled all negotiations with grace and wisdom. She handled every snide remark and underhanded insult with a smile on her face and a calm but firm voice. She made it clear that she would not be walked on while also preventing an interspecial incident. Bracken felt nothing but pride as he watched her stun the different dignitaries and nobles with her never-ending grace and charm.
The reason for Bracken's stress was not that he thought Kendra wouldn't do well, quite the contrary, he was worried about his ability to protect her. There was a multitude of different species and thousands of creatures in attendance. Bracken couldn't ensure her safety in a crowd of that size especially since he couldn't be by her side all the time. There were times that he, as the prince and the leader of the Astrids, was called to a meeting to discuss tactics and such. Logically, he knew that Kendra was constantly surrounded by Astrid guards and that anyone would be a fool to attack the Princess of the Fairy Realm during the Festival of Unity. However, these things did nothing to settle his unease. The unease was worsened by the fact that he felt he was at a disadvantage.
The Festival of Unity was one of the few gatherings of its kind that were not held in the Fairy Realm. This was because of the few creatures that were not technically considered creatures of light or even those who didn't come often. Holding the festival outside the Fairy Realm symbolized the fact that they were all equal and no one was at an advantage. It made sense in theory but it made his job of protection even harder. The only comfort Bracken had was that he wasn't the only one looking out for Kendra.
Seth had been asked to attend as an ally of the Fairy Realm and a representative of the human Knights of the Dawn. It was the first time in history that a shadow charmer, technically a creature of darkness, had ever been in attendance. Seth was also one of the few people Bracken trusted to keep Kendra safe, even if she was pretty good at doing it herself. Bracken knew that if he wasn't with her Seth was and on the few occasions that neither of them were with her, she was with his mother or sisters. Bracken had planned it that way so it left little to no opportunity for someone to harm her. When Bracken had told Kendra his plan she had rolled her eyes but thankfully didn't protest too much.
Of course Seth wasn't the only one making an unprecedented appearance. For the first time since anyone could remember the Fair Folk had joined the festival. The Fair Folk were still sticking firmly to their neutrality however, they had decided that after the disastrous dragon uprising a few years prior , that it was best to be up to date about the goings on in the world. It was their attendance that added to Bracken's hatred of the festival. Bracken had no problem with the Fair Folk as a whole but, the representative they sent seriously got on his nerves. If Bracken had been the one to choose he would have chosen Eve. The girl was a natural leader and knew more about these things than this buffoon but, Lord Dalgorel had decided that she could not represent because she no longer believed in neutrality. Ironically the representative he had chosen was Eve's brother, Garreth.
Garreth had seemed nice enough in the beginning but as you looked deeper you found a pompous, overconfident man who showed great dislike for Bracken and a even greater liking to Kendra. It had obvious since the first time they ran into one another that Garreth knew Kendra. Bracken had heard the story of course but had never been able to place the face. He was sure that there had probably been a time in the past that he had seen him but seeing and remembering were two very different things. From the moment he laid eyes on her, Garreth had made it a point to seek Kendra out, generally when he wasn't around. Bracken had the utter most faith and trust in Kendra and therefore, that is not where his troubles laid. The problem was Garreth's persistence, it was beginning to get annoying and Bracken could tell that he wasn't the only one getting frustrated.
Seth had agreed with him on the fact that he had about enough of it. Kendra herself was determined to handle the situation as she had handled everything else during this festival. Firmly but gracefully. Unfortunately, Bracken and Seth had no such patience. Both of them were fiercely protective of Kendra and so the behavior bothered them. As the festival reached its end, Bracken had grown tired of the passive approach that obviously wasn't working. When he pointed this out to Kendra, she had chewed at her lip nervously and changed the subject. He knew that she worried about messing up or making the Fairy Realm look bad, but Bracken was not about to let her be a doormat to someone who obviously didn't hold women to the esteem that they should be held to. It enraged him to think that someone viewed Kendra as nothing more than an object instead of the beautiful, brave, and just all around amazing person that she was. Bracken knew that if Garreth pushed hard enough he would find out exactly why more than half of the magical world held a healthy dose of fear towards her. However, Bracken refused to let it get to that point.
Perhaps Kendra was right, and the prince of the Fair Folk would grow tired and quit, it was nearing the end of the festival after all. Though, unfortunately, Bracken's gut told him that it would not be the case.
Bracken listened keenly to the sounds of laughter coming from his sisters room as the women, sans his mother, got ready for the ball. He had opted to do all the preparations by himself and now sat waiting in the main room of their rather elaborate tent. The tent was of course enchanted making it roughly the size of their living quarters in the palace. The decorations were also much the same but on a smaller scale. A door opened towards his left revealing Seth in a Fairy Realm style, pitch black suit, a stark contrast to his own silvery one, and neatly done hair.
“I swear if one more person touches my head, I’m going to snap.” Seth announced, ducking away from one of the palace hairdressers that had joined them at the festival, though he still wasn't entirely sure why. Bracken honestly could blame him. He remembered those dreaded days before he decided to do it himself. The harsh tugging, the scrutinizing looks. Bracken gave a nod of dismissal to the hairdresser who huffed and stomped out of the room.
Bracken smirked and reached up in order to flick the younger boys ear. Seth sent him a deadly glare that would have sent anyone else running but Bracken simply raised his eyebrow. However, he could see the reason people would fear it. Seth was well known as a powerful shadow charmer and the aura he often gave off when annoyed or angry was unsettling to say the least. The effect was enhanced by his height. The young shadow charmer had hit a major growth spurt not long after the Dragon War. Seth towered over most people and seemed to almost grow larger when he was angry. Seth didn’t technically tower over Bracken but he was still taller then him by a fair amount. The effect of his glare was quickly lost when Seth began to tug at the collar of the suffocating jacket and messed with the overly fancy tunic that was underneath. Bracken felt like doing the same but he held off, the setting causing him to fall into the princely habits that had been ingrained into him since childhood. Seth's suit was much less extravagant than his own which held certain details that marked him as royalty from the fairy realm. Seth's suit coat was of course black but it was lined with silver embroidery along the cuffs and edges marking him as a close ally to the fairy realm. Of course that wasn't the only thing that marked him. Draped across Seth's arm was a grey cloak. The cloak wasn't long, just reaching Seth's knees but its served its purpose. The ends of it were meant to be gathered together at his left shoulder and clasped with a crest that belonged to the the Knights of the Dawn. On the crest was a picture of two swords making a peak, almost like a mountain, with the sun rising up from behind them. Surprisingly Seth didn't have a problem with the cloak, in fact it was the one article of clothing he didn't complain about, a fact that Bracken felt the need to bring up.
"So you hate wearing a the fancy clothes of royalty, not that I blame you, but the annoying cloak you're ok with?"
"You call it annoying I call it useful. A cloak like this does more than just keep away the chill," Seth replied and Bracken caught the hidden meaning behind his words. Weapons were technically forbidden at the festival but Bracken knew Seth well enough to know he had at least three knives, one in a holster on his hip which was hidden by his cloak and one tucked away in each of his knee high leather boots, currently on his person. It was something the Knights had pounded into his head and honestly, in their line of work, it was definitely a needed detail. "Plus," Seth continued with a lopsided grin, " It makes me look cooler." Bracken laughed at the response and from there the two easily fell into their normal back and forth banter. About thirty minutes later the girls emerged just as Bracken, for perhaps the tenth time, ran off the persistent hairdresser attempting to sneak up and tame Seth's unruly brown hair.
His four sisters emerged first wearing almost identical dresses. The tops had thin straps and were a shimmering silver color. The dresses were all fitted until the mid waist. The distinguishing trait between these dresses was the color of their flowing skirts, each of the colors matched the personalities of the princess that wore them. Mizelle was a light pastel purple matching her strong personality and the way that she radiated power and royalty without being overwhelmingly so. Next came Odette who was wear a soft pastel blue that matched her calm and gentle aura as well her patient nature. After Odette came Iredessa. Iredessa's dress was brighter than the rest of her sister but could still be called a lighter pastel yellow. The color perfectly corresponded to her bright, bubbly, and almost sunny, personality. Finally came his youngest sister Celeste, wearing a very muted pastel pink. Bracken thought that this fit his youngest sister well seeing as she tended to be very quiet and shy. She tended to keep to herself and when she was in a large group of people, she tended to stick to the people she felt the safest with. That was generally him, Odette, occasionally Mizelle, and surprisingly Kendra. Kendra and Celeste had a but of a rocky start. Bracken had always had a close relationship with her , despite her young age, before he was captured, something he was pleased to see hadn't changed when he returned. It was because of this that Celeste had originally disliked Kendra. Because in her mind, it was someone else trying to steal her brother. Plus her inherent shyness didn't help matters. Thankfully though it hadn't lasted long and Celeste had come to like and trust Kendra almost as much as himself. Not much was thought about Celeste's tendency to cling to her older siblings, mostly because of her age ,but also because people feared facing the wrath of the four oldest children of the Fairy Queen. Celeste still very young by unicorn standards . She had only been a few weeks old when their father was captured and because of the way unicorns aged, she had only just fully developed her first horn when he was captured. At the moment Celeste had yet to lose her second horn, though Bracken was sure it was just around the corner, something that somewhat saddened him. Finally ,as his sister moved away from the doorway, he spotted Kendra and his jaw dropped with how beautiful she looked.
She was wearing a long dress that held the same silver bodice as his siblings except hers had off the shoulder sleeves that puffed out in small ruffles instead of thin straps. The neckline of the dress was lined with light blue flowers made of lace while the rest of the bodice had beautiful leaves and stems embroidered along the sides in golden thread. Once again, like his sisters, her dress was fitted until her waist where it then flowed towards the floor. However, her dress flowed more outwards instead of flowing straight toward the floor. it wasn't so much to be overwhelmingly big but just enough to look nice. The waist line was dotted with a few more of the lacy blue flowers that were on the neckline with a couple dipping below onto the beginnings of the skirt. The skirt was a thing in of its own. The skirt itself was the sane pale pink as Celeste's if not a but lighter but over top if that pink was a deep blue shear covering, giving the illusion that the dress was changing colors as she moved. Her hair was pulled away from her face in a half up hairstyle with the sides in a subtle French braid that lead to an intricate, loopy braid. The rest of her hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back in soft curls. The few escaped pieces of hair perfectly framed her face accentuating the shape drawing attention the her bright green eyes. All and all, Kendra looked gorgeous.
All the outfits were brought together by the circlet crowns that they wore. Mizelle's was a simple silver crown that made indricate loops and patterns of it twisted around her head. The only jewel on her crown was a singular diamond that acted as the center piece of the circlet. Odettes crown was bolder than Mizelle's but not by much. Her circlet dipped down almost between her eyes and had a pure white pearl in the center of the points The points circled around her head in a relatively straight line but they were bedazzled with diamonds that sparked in the light. On either side of the pearl started a thin silver wire that arched up across her forehead and twisted around the rest of the crown forming loops and curls. As per usual, Irredessa's was the boldest and most noticeable. Unlike Odette's, her crown arched upward toward her hairline and into a soft point.From there the crown rose and fell in small waves as it circled her head. What drew attention was the large round diamonds that covered the entirety of the crown. Celeste's circlet was a combination of all three. it dipped low onto her forehead and the middle and had the same pearl and arching silver wires like Odette, she had the same indicate loops as Mizelle, and she had small diamonds that covered everything but the wires curling around the circlet.
To no ones surprise, Bracken's favorite circlet sat on Kendra's head. Unlike the rest of them her criclet was gold, showing her royal status while also separating her from the Fairy Queen's children because she had entered the family by marriage. Her circle was very simple with A bright emerald as a center piece that sat right in the middle of her forehead. There were thin gold wires that formed loops framing the emerald itself and branching off to form lose loops around part of her head. occasionally the loops would be interrupted by small light blue gems that were a bit darked and more silver tented than Odette's dress. The colored jewels of the symbolized the combination or the joining of Kendra and him and maybe that was why he loved it so much. Of course the girl who wore it impacted that as well. Bracken was pulled away from admiring his wife when Seth spoke,
" Does anyone remember where we keep the wrench because, I think Kendra broke Bracken again," Kendra and his sisters laughed causing a silver blush to creep across his cheeks and ears. Looking at the crowns the girls wore made him consciously aware of his own which was very simple and plain, just the way he wanted it. It was made with thin silver wire that came to a sharp point at the center of his forehead. There were two other wires that crossed and formed two large loops at the front of his head before coming together to form a straight line around the rest of his head. Despite its simplicity, Bracken still found it to be uncomfortable and he envied Seth because he didn't have to wear one.
Now that everyone had entered the main room, they began to make their way out the door and to the reception hall where the ball would take place. His mother had gone ahead much earlier as the main leaders were expected to arrive before the rest of the guests. His mother had always liked to be the first one to arrive at any given place as it gave her time to analyze her surroundings. Plus it tended to make the other leaders and nobles somewhat uncomfortable and nervous at the thought that the Fairy Queen had been waiting for an unknown amount of time. Bracken knew his mother found their squirming to be amusing, seeing as their was really nothing to squirm over. He was pretty sure that was as much of her reason for arriving early, if not more so, than analyzing the scene. And she wonders where he gets his mischievousness.
Bracken and Kendra had fallen behind of his sisters as they walked, hand in hand, towards the reception hall. The sky was a mural of pinks, oranges, purples and more as the sun began to dip below the horizon. The walk was fairly quite seeing as it was still early and most people were still getting ready. Bracken gently swung his and Kendra's hands as they walked and he couldn't help but turn his head to admire the way the sunset cast a golden glow on her skin in addition to the brilliant light that radiated from her. She had gotten a lot better at controlling the brightness of the light but it could never be contained completely. Bracken didn't realize how slow they had been walking until he could no longer see his sisters in the front of him. He could hear their laughter and light conversation but even that was getting faint. He had also lost sight of Seth but he was sure the shadow charmer hadn't strayed to far. He was most likely living up to his name and walking amount the shadows.
Bracken was enjoying the slow quiet moment that they were enjoying. It was perhaps the only quiet moment they had enjoyed since arriving at the festival, so it was very welcome. Unfortunately the calm didn't last long as they were stopped by an astrid, probably about twenty feet from the entrance of the reception hall. Bracken narrowed his eyes, getting an uneasy feeling in his stomach that let him know that he probably wasn't going to be pleased with what he was about to hear.
Kendra had been incredibly worried about the Festival of Unity ever since she found out she would be attending, despite Bracken's valiant efforts. Like most things she makes herself sick over, it ended up being nowhere as bad as she thought it was going to be. Sure she would much rather prefer being curled up next to Bracken on their living room couch while watching a movie but this was a good experience. She was able to build credibility among the various nobles, leaders, and magical creatures that had been in attendance. It allowed her to show them that she deserved to be where she is and that she had what it took to handle the responsibilities that came along with her position. So all in all it hadn't been that bad of an experience. Of course having Garreth there complicated things a bit. Especially since he was as persistent as the hairdresser that had tagged along with them. However as annoyed ,and borderline angry, as Bracken was about the whole Garreth situation, Kendra honestly didn't care. Sure it was annoying and at times she wanted to deck him in his perfect jaw but she also knew that it wouldn't help anything. She felt assured in her safety here at the festival and knew that Garreth wouldn't likely try anything here. Especially with Bracken and Seth so close by. Besides it wasn't as if she was helpless, A fact that most people often forgot. Though that lapse in memory had given her an advantage many times over the course of her life.
She had been enjoying the walk to the reception hall with Bracken when the Astrid showed up. The ball was something that Kendra actually looked forward to, despite the nerves she felt. It wasn't so much the party she was excited about but more the fact that the spotlight was off of her. It was easy to fade into the background during a gathering of this size. logically she knew that there would still be people that approached and interacted with them but it would most likely just be typical conversation. She also took comfort in the fact that she would not be doing this alone. Not that she ever had been but this time she would be surrounded by people who were willingly to take the brunt of the conversation. Seth had enough outgoing nature for the both of them and She knew that Bracken's sister Iredessa was likely to talk everybody's ear off.
Kendra loved Bracken's sisters as if they were her own, and they kind of were in a way. She thoroughly enjoyed being able to get to know and experience each of their personalities. Much like her and Seth, they were all vastly different. Mizelle was a born leader, much like Bracken, but she tended to analyze and observe a little more than he did. She was also more graceful in the way she handled certain situations. Kendra loved her husband dearly but he had a tendency to speak before he thought, especially when he was angry. Odette was always calm and collected. Her mere presence calmed Kendra, especially in times of great stress. She was a very gentle soul and also very wise. In a lot of ways, she reminded Kendra of the Fairy Queen. Odette was also a very skilled healer as Kendra had ,unfortunately, witnessed many times. Iredessa was bright, bubbly and loud. she brightened every room she walked into and was always the first person to start a conversation. However, when placed outside of her element she became very timid and quite as she observed. And finally there was Celeste. The two of them had gotten off to a but of a rough start because Celeste had thought that Kendra was with Bracken because of the title or the power. Eventually the two of them had ironed out all of the misunderstandings and actually become quite close. It filled Kendra with joy and pride to know that Celeste felt as comfortable with her and she did with Bracken. Celeste was by far the most timid of the siblings and was uncomfortable in any kind of social setting, not that Kendra could blame her. Kendra originally had been taken aback at how young Celeste was compared to her siblings. And even to some extent how young Odette and Iredessa were. For some.reason Kendra had been under the impression that all of them were similar to Bracken in age even though she knew that they were younger. Being in the midst of a groups such as this ,adding in Bracken, Seth and the Fairy Queen, gave her a deep sense of security that she had carried throughout the entire festival and continued to carry as they made their way to the reception hall.
Unfortunately, that sense of security was shattered when she noticed the Astrid waiting impatiently at the entrance of the hall. She felt Bracken tense up beside her. He squeezed her hand slightly before letting go and walking confidently towards the Astrid, easily falling into his role as leader. The Astrids were here in order to provide added protection to the royal family. They had stayed out of sight, as silent protectors, for most of the trip. Only emerging when she was left alone or they were needed for some sort of task or meeting. So to see one in plain sight, obviously waiting for them- well it was unnerving to say the least. Her stomach churned with anxiety and she bit her lip as she tried to focus on what Bracken was saying and not her own racing thoughts.
"Why was this meeting called? The Festival of Unity is all but over," Bracken said.making Kendra realize that she had missed the beginning of the conversation.
"I am unsure, Your Highness. I was simply asked to deliver the message," The Astrid, Kendra is pretty sure his name is Haldirn, looked nervous. Kendra guessed she understood why. Most of the Astrids were still nervous around the royal family. They had not forgotten their past failures and they did not wish to disappoint them again. Apparently Haldirn felt like this missing information was a failure of his. Kendra could see how tense his shoulders were and the way he avoided Bracken's eyes. He was ready to be scolded and berated but, Bracken was as kind as he was brave. Because of this, though he didn't sound particularly happy, he replied with,
"Its not your fault, you are doing your best with the information you have been given," Bracken shot a look at Kendra, guilt and confliction flashing in his silvery blue eyes. Kendra knew that look all to well and while she hated it, she knew it couldn't be helped. Kendra was about to reassure him when she felt a presence behind her.
"What's going on?" Asked the deep voice of Seth, causing her to relax her shoulders. Seth moved to stand by Bracken, crossing his arms as he stared at the Astrid. Seth was shorter than the Astrid but was no less intimidating. Haldirn, startled by the sudden appearance of the Shadow Charmer, attempted to stutter out an answer.
"Apparently, there has been a last minute meeting called that requires the both of us," Seth raised an eyebrow.
"But isn't the Festival over?"
"It's supposed to be. This kind.of thing isn't completely unheard of hut it certainly is rare," Bracken replied, sounding slightly grumpy. Kendra searched his face, knowing him well enough to be able to see through his infamous poker face. Kendra could see the worry and the skepticism in his gaze. Kendra would be lying if she said that she didn't agree with him. This whole situation seemed off leaving a pit in her stomach. However, it was impossible to know exactly what was going on without investigating. Kendra could also see the war raging in his mind as he weighed his options. Kendra knew that he would not only over think it but, he would also feel guilty with either decision he made. So with that thought in mind she decided to make the decision for him. She squared her shoulders and tried her best to walk confidently up to his side. She placed a gentle hand on his arm, gaining his attention, and pushing all her feelings aside she said,
"Go," The answer was simple but she said it firmly leaving no room for argument. Nevertheless she could see the response building in his mind and she cut him off as he opened his mouth, knowing what was coming next, " Go. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself," She raised an eyebrow, daring him to challenge her on the subject. She didn't want him to leave, quite the contrary but she also knew it was unavoidable. Besides, she had taught and one two wars, she could handle a ball and it wasn't as if she would be alone. She could tell that he still wanted to argue but luckily he simply turned back to the Astrid.
"Fine, take me to the meeting," The relief coming from the Astrid was almost tangible and turned to lead them away. Bracken quickly reached for her hand and linked their pinky fingers. It was a silent form of communication they had established long ago. A quick and quite way to say I love as well as a promise that everything would be alright. The exchange last less then a second and then Bracken was pulling away and following behind Haldirn. Seth had scowl on his face and a look of suspicion in his eyes. Kendra expected him to protest or demand more information but surprisingly, he follow Bracken without a word. He sent her a look over his shoulder and nodded his head in a way as to tell her to call him if she needed him. Kendra couldn't help but roll her eyes at how overprotective the two of them were.
She stood there until she could no longer see them and then turned back towards the entrance of the gathering hall. She resolved to try and find Bracken's sisters amongst the crowds but she had barely made it past the entrance before she was ambushed. Garreth had seemingly come out of nowhere, suddenly emerging in front of her. He sent her a dazzling smile which she returned with a half hearted, fake smile. She was getting tired of pretending this didn't bother and any other time she probably would have snapped. Tonight, however she just reminded herself that the Festival was almost over. A few more hours and she would have to deal with him anymore. For a second she was secretly grateful that Seth and Bracken weren't there, as she was pretty sure one or both of them really would have snapped.
" Good evening Kendra. Might I just say that you look amazing. " Kendra gave him a tight smile and fought the urge to squirm at how uncomfortable his gaze made her feel.
"Thank you," She replied stiffly attempting to turn and move away from him, hoping to get lost in the crowd. Unfortunately, he seemed to have no trouble walking along side her. She could tell he wanted her to return the compliment but, there was no way she was giving him that kind of encouragement. She avoided eye contact, focusing instead on searching the crowd for the Fairy Queen and or one of Bracken's sisters. She hoped that by ignoring him, he would lose interest and leave. Garreth, however, was not deterred by her actions. Instead, Garreth grabbed her arm, none to gently, as she attempted to turn away. He led her off somewhere to the side away from the bustle of the ball. He shattered excitedly the whole way but Kendra couldn't make out the words over her raving thoughts. She wasn't sure what was going on and she wasn't sure how she would be able to gracefully exit the situation. Kendra knew logically, that she was very capable of putting an end to this situation and getting out of it without a scratch. She had done it plenty of times before. People often forgot that , despite her power being centered around light, she was just as dangerous as Seth. She had years of experience and training in her abilities, courtesy of Bracken. And she wasn't bad with a bow either. She had come a long way from relying on a storm of arrows to protect her. In fact her arrows rarely missed their mark. However, right now she didn't have a bow and even if she did, she wouldn't be able to use it. Violence was forrbidden as it would undermine the entire purpose of the Festival of Unity. As well as cause people to question the loyalty of the Fairy Realm. It was definitely not the impression she wanted to leave. Use of her abilities would end and apply much the same way.
Still racing to come with a diplomatic solution, Kendra failed to notice that they had fully exited the ballroom until she was face to face with a large silver door. She could still hear the muffled sounds of the party traveling down the hallway that led to the door. Briefly she wondered if Bracken's sisters noticed her absence, but she quickly.brushed off the thought knowing that there was probably too much going on. She was practically forced into the room which, based on the desk, bookshelf, and scattered documents, seemed to be some kind of study. Garreth had placed himself casually in front of the door and Kendra knew that she would have to figure out a way to trick him into switching their positions. A plan had already began to form in her mind as she said,
" So, have you heard from Eve lately?" Miraculously she was able to keep the shake out of her voice. It was a casual question, one that was technically considered small talk. However, she knew that it would rile him up. Eve had rejected neutrality and joined the Knights of the Dawn with Seth, against the wishes of her family. In normal circumstances, aggravating and goading the enemy was not a good idea but at the moment she really didn't care. She just needed him to move. Not much, just enough so she could casually make her way to the door. This was also a topic that should keep him talking. Meaning it was less likely to realize what she was doing. Garreth played his part well a slight scowl on his face as he replied,
" I have not heard from my sister, since she left home, " There was a short pause before when he talked about her leaving home. Indicating that he had changed his wording at the last minute. He wondered if it had anything to do with Seth.
"Well, from what I gather she is making a very good Knight. I haven't seen her in action, but I know Seth has been rather impressed," The mention of her brother brought another scowl to his face. It was pretty common knowledge, to anyone that knew of the situation, that Lord Dalgorel blamed Seth for quote unquote "corrupting his daughter". She expected him to go off on a rant about the topic, as Lord Dalgorel had many times before, However, this is where her plan began to go wrong.
" I don't really care to know the details of Eve's relationships. I would however like to know about yours," He smiled as he said it but something in his eyes made her squirm.
" Well, Bracken and I got married a few weeks ago. It was the best day of my life and I couldn't be happier," The statement was cheesy, true but cheesy. She could hear Seth complaining in her mind but at least it was something.
" Well, a few weeks is hardly anything to judge next years of your life by. Who knows in a month or so, all of that could change," Kendra flinched as he stepped closer, practically backing her into a corner and halting the slow progress she was making towards the door. She reached her hands behind her fingering the button on her bracelet that would bring Bracken bursting into the room to her rescue. Her fingers hovered over the button but didn’t push it, not yet anyway. She felt bad for bringing Bracken into a problem that she could fix by herself. Besides she couldn’t help but feel a little responsible for this situation. She knew that Bracken and Seth would fiercely refute that statement but, that didn’t stop her from thinking it.
At this point it didn't look as if her plan would work the way she intended. Technically she could do a number of things unfortunately all of those ended in violence. She doubted that, anyone other than her family, would count this as just reason to start a fight. And besides, Garreth would probably be able to explain all of it away. He was close enough now that she could feel his breath on her face. Not liking were this was going and feeling utterly helpless. She reached for her bracelet and smashed to button that would send out a distress signal to Bracken and Seth who had a similar object in the shape of a black ring. Garreth was speaking again but she couldn't here it over the roar of the blood in her ears. She reached inside her gut and felt for the magic she knew pooled there. She gathered it willing it to grow until she felt she would burst with it. She held it the best she could, reading it for use should she need it. She was trying to keep her actions under wraps but she could tell by the way Garreth was squinting his eyes that her aura had brightened as the power built. She readied herself to release it but just before she could give the command, the door slammed open revealing and angry Unicorn and an even angrier Shadow Charmer.
Walking through the abandoned paths where the Festival took place was unnerving. Bracken's senses were on high alert as he scanned the long shadows cast by the flickering lanterns lining the walkways. The pounding of their footsteps against the.cobblestone sounded deafening in the silence. Out of the corner of his eyes Bracken saw Seth. His shoulders were squared, but not tense, his face the picture of calm. The only thing that gave away his nervousness was the way his right arm, covered by his dark cloak, continued to drift and brush against his hip. If Bracken didn't know what was hidden there, he would have overlooked it but the significance of the gesture was not lost on him. Seth was no longer a young boy who randomly swung around a sword, rushing into battle and hoping for the best. While he still held much of the same reckless spontaneity, he now attacked with deadly precision. Years of training had given him close to unmatchable skills. One flick of his wrist would send his chosen projectile thudding home with devastating results. Of course his knowledge and skill with weapons weren't the only thing that made Seth Sorensen dangerous. His mother had once told him that out of all the Shadow Charmers she had come across over her long life, he was by far the most powerful. Bracken wholeheartedly believed that, having seen it first hand many times in the past. Not for the first time, Bracken was thankful that Seth was on their side.
They walked for about another five minutes before Haldirn stopped in an empty courtyard. There was no one else there, not that they could see anyway. The air was silent apart from their breathing and the rustle of the trees in the wind. Occasionally you would also hear the call of an owl but that was it. If anyone was here then they were doing a very good job of hiding. A suspicion that he had been trying to suppress made itself know in his mind. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Bracken asked,
"Who was it that informed you of the last minute meeting?" The question felt sour in his.mouth and the implications, should his suspicions be right, caused his stomach to churn.
" It was prince Garreth of the Fair Folk your Highness " Haldirn replied, not quite grasping the significance of that statement. Bracken and Seth glanced at each other wide eyed and they were already moving when Seth's ring began to beep. Bracken could feel the alert in his own mind alerting him of the danger. He quickly called out a command for Haldirn to start as search as he broke out in a run, beginning to make his way to the ballroom. He could hear the pound if his and Seth's feet against the cobblestone path. It sound deafening compared to the silence left by the people attending the ball. Bracken slowed slightly as he reached the ballroom, not looking to cause a scene, but still kept up a hurried pace. He felt more that saw the concerned glace of his mother as she saw his panic. Bracken, however, didn't have time to think much about it. He closed his eyes, reaching out with his mind and finding the pull of Kendra's engagement ring, which had been fashioned out of his first horn. It didn't take long for it to lead him through a long hallway and to an ornate door.
Bracken threw open the door and stormed into the room. He didn't take long to survey the situation, he simply noted Garreth's position and reacted. His hands found the collar of his fancy silk tunic and he yanked him back with enough force that Garreth stumbled into the wall and slid down to the floor, looking up at them in fear. Bracken felt the room drop in temperature in response to Seth's anger. And by the way the color drained from Garreth's face, he could feel it too. They stood in silence, both of them struggling not to lunge and attack the prince of the Fair Folk. Technically violence had already occurred when Bracken threw him against the wall but he had been just gentle enough so as not to leave a mark. But only just. Garreth stood up clearing his face of the fear and attempting to regain his previous confidence. Bracken had to admit that he had a decent poker face. though the tremble in his hands gave him away. Bracken tried to avoid looking at Kendra, knowing that seeing her upset would only fuel his fury. Though this approach didn't last long as the waves of panic and distress he felt through their connection, made from both the bracelet and her engagement ring, shattered his resolve. He turned towards her, trusting Seth to keep an eye of the ambassador of the Fair Folk.
Bracken searched her face, he could see any obvious injuries but he could see the way her green eyes began to sparkle with tears that she would refuse to let fall. That was enough to make his blood boil and he found himself standing taller as a blush crept up the back of his neck and along the tips of his ears.
"Take a walk with me ambassador," Bracken said attempting to keep the heat out of his voice even if his words still came out sharp. His tone made it clear that this was not a request. He turned and walked around the gathering hall and toward one of the gardens that surrounded it. He heard that ambassador follow him but refused to turn and look at him as it would only cause him to do something rash.. He hadn't missed the scowl Garreth had sent Kendra as they left ,as he obviously blamed her for the results of the situation ,and it made him want to punch him in his smug looking face. Nevertheless, he schooled his features into his perfect poker face and led Garreth farther into the gardens. There were a few people milling around the extravagant gardens but most of them seemed to steer clear of them, most likely sensing the Fairy Prince's anger. Bracken walked to the back of the garden, where he was met with a hedge wall. This spot was quiet, dark, and gave more than enough privacy. He turned to look at the Prince of the Fair Folk, who looked far less cocky than he did a few minutes ago. He let the tense silence hang in the air a moment longer, enjoying the way it made Garreth squirm before he said,
"Allow me to remind you that harming a member of the royal family, physically or otherwise, is a very serious offense," his hand fell to his left hip searching for a sword that wasn't there and wishing that he had thought to bring a cloak like Seth had. " It would be a shame if the neutrality of the Fair Folk ended at the Festival of Unity. "
"Is that a threat your Highness?" Garreth questioned, a sudden burst of confidence entering his voice.
"Only if you choose to make it one," Bracken said off handedly. He turned his back to the other man and pretended to study one of the flowers that was nearby. The action allowed Bracken some time to regain control over himself and the anger that threatened to boil over.
" Now now, it's not good to make hasty decisions you will regret later," And Garreth had the gall to look back towards the direction in which they had come as he said it. Implying that the statement was directed toward Kendra . Bracken felt something inside him snap as the heat of the anger boiling his blood finally became too much. However, Garreth either didn't sense the shift or didn't care, because he continued before Bracken could say anything. " Of course, you always were known to be a bit quick tempered. You often allow your emotions to cloud you judgement. "
" I have been very diplomatic, very patient, but for some reason you seem to want to try that patience. You want to find my limit. Do you want to know what it will take for me to break? What will cause me to loose my temper?" Bracken asked stalking closer, his words close to a growl. Garreth held his gaze as all of his cocky confidence faded into fear. Bracken slowly pointed toward Kendra, " One tear. That's all it will take. If one tear falls from her eyes tonight I will show you exactly why they call me quick tempered. " And with that he turned and walked back through the garden and into the ballroom.
 Bracken smirked as he entered the ballroom and saw Seth eyeing him from where he stood next to Kendra. The young Shadow Charmer must have taken Kendra there after he left with Garreth. Bracken approached the siblings, placed his arm around Kendra and then , looking at Seth, nodded his head toward the gardens. Seth's gaze darkened further and the air around them seemed to drop in temperature once again . The younger man also seemed to grow a little taller and darkness pooled in his chocolate brown eyes, beginning to consume the whites of his eyes. Without a word Seth made his way to the gardens, people parting , giving him a wide berth, as they glanced upon him with fear. Bracken pulled Kendra closer and leaned down to pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. He couldn't help but smirk as a clock struck midnight, letting out a chime an signaling the end to the Festival, even if people would remain until the next morning. The Festival was officially over as were any vows of complete peacefulness. All bets were off now. If Garreth thought he was bad, then he was in for a real surprise when Seth got his hands on him.
And there we go!!!!! This was super fun to write (Though probably not my best work) !!!! I hope it lived up to expectations. I tried really hard but I haven't written in this style for a while so let me know whether or not you like or if you want me to use it more often.
I also want to say a quick thank you to all of you who were patient with me. My personal life is very hectic especially right now so thank you so much for your patience. I love getting to post these and I have a lot of fun doing it but a lot of times life gets in the way of my plans to update.
As always let me know what you think and if their is anything you want to see next!!!!
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linawritesocs · 2 years
☀️twst oc: seth delaney ☀️
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HERE HE IS. MY MC. omg he's so different from mc i had back in 2020 😭😭 that mc was very similar to riley, so i decided to change his personality and design.. also i wanted to make a rapunzel-inspired oc and i had some design ideas for them, so i decided to use those for my mc :] a rapunzel-inspired protag is a cute idea, i think!
also i thought of coming up with a "yuu" name for him, but there are so many twst ocs and not so many names that have "yuu" in them..
name: seth delaney (セス-デラニー) (his first name means "to be placed" and his last name means "from the alder grove". his name isn't supposed to be related to rapunzel in any way, i just thought it sounded cool)
age: 18 y/o
gender: male
species: human
birth date: may 27
zodiac sign: gemini
height: 175 cm
hair color: blond with lavender highlights (his natural hair color is black though)
eye color: light green with dark pink (he actually wears colored lenses and his real eye color is dark purple)
homeland: earth
family: he doesn't talk much about his family, the only thing people know is that seth has an older sister.
school: night raven college, however, he also often visits rsa just for fun.
dorm: ramshackle
school year: he's the same age as most third-years, but it's only his first year in nrc.
occupation: student
club: film studies club
best subject: art
dominant hand: ambidextrous
favorite food: strawberry pocky. you can often find him eating it and he really likes to ask people if they want to "take a bite" right when he has one in his mouth. yeah, that's his way of flirting.
least favorite food: anything that's too sticky or "slimy"
hobby: nail art, making candles, baking AND THAT'S ONLY HIS MAIN ONES. HE HAS A LOT OF THEM.
talent: fashion design, but he prefers to simply come up with ideas and put them on paper. he's very good at sewing, but he finds it a bit boring.
unique magic: none.
dislikes: when something doesn't go his way, documentaries, people who are too negative
personality: seth is quite an interesting person. he's very talkative, a social butterfly who is always glad to meet new people. because he has a lot of different interests, it's easy for him to make friends and he's okay with pretty much any conversation topics. he has so many hobbies and he's good at all of them, he never fails to surprise people with his skills. seth is a bit eccentric and some people think that the way he talks is too childish. other people not only find it weird, but also.. scary. seth has a lot of different skills and interests, but he doesn't know anything about things that are usually obvious to most people: for example, he truly believes that sea water is always blue and he doesn't know how rainbows work. no one knows anything about his past, but those who know him the best, think that seth had a very sheltered childhood. he most likely was isolated from the world for many years. however, it's hard for some people to be worried about him, when this guy is so carefree and it's not only easy for him to make friends, he also tends to flirt with people quite often. his way of flirting is.. a bit awkward, but he sounds so confident, people don't pay much attention to that. seth is also very protective of younger students and he tries to act like a big brother to other ramshackle dorm members and he fails because of how irresponsible he is. sometimes people genuinely find him terrifying because it seems like seth really was isolated for almost his whole life and now that he's finally free.. he wants his life to be like a fairytale. he wants everything to be perfect. he also suffers from a "main character syndrome" and tends to think that it's all about him, so if someone is having trouble with something, he can get mad because it means that they are the center of attention now. so if anyone tries to ruin his new perfect life, especially the overblotted students.. yeah, it's better not to think about it. and what's the saddest part? even when everything goes perfect, just as he planned.. seth finds it too boring. everything is too boring for him. he hates his apathetic side, it doesn't let him enjoy things properly, that's the real reason why he has so many hobbies, he's just trying to find something that will make him happy.
notable relationships:
seth wasn't that surprised when he first met grim, he just went "ah! a raccoon! :D" and then, a minute later, he was like "ah! a kitty! :D". even though seth really likes him, he still treats him more like a toy and he doesn't see him as a pet. sometimes grim even feels like seth forgets about him not being a plushie, because he can hug grim a bit too tight. grim often argues with seth, but he still worries about him and if someone notices it, he just says that "his henchman really can't do anything without him". but yeah, ramshackle gang, if you're reading this, don't leave grim alone with seth. this guy doesn't know anything about taking care of animals. there was a time he told grim about his pet fishies he had as a child and grim was like: "oh, you were a good and caring owner, right?".. and then seth just smiled and went silent. what happened to his pet fishies is still a mystery.
deuce thought of seth as not the most reliable person at first and ace just called him a weirdo, but eventually all of them became closer. seth really wants ace and deuce to get along, to the point that if they start fighting and getting on his nerves, he can threaten them and it always works. they stopped thinking of him as a "naive idiot" when they got into an argument during prologue and seth said: "ding dong! i think i can hear the school bell ringing! oh, but i'm afraid that if you two don't stop fighting this second, you will never hear it ringing again. we're going to get expelled and it will be your fault. so just shut up and do what i say, okay?~" they got TERRIFIED at first, but then ace went: "wait, do we even have a school bell-". deuce also admires seth quite a lot because of how talented he is, meanwhile ace can't stop thinking about seth's possible troubled past, but he's always ready to call him out on his weird behavior.
seth and cater are very good friends and they understand each other well because of their personalities. cater always makes sure seth knows everything about latest trends and he's always glad to tell him more about twisted wonderland, so that he won't feel lost. also he just can't help but worry about him, this guy doesn't know anything not only about this world, but his own world too! just what did he have to go through?..
kalim is one of the few people that can keep up with seth's energy and he finds hanging out with seth really fun. he likes how curious seth is, but surprisingly, he also finds seth not knowing certain things really weird. but if seth doesn't want to talk about his past, then kalim won't ask him about it! but in case he wants to talk, seth can always come to scarabia dorm. oh, what does jamil think of him? well, when jamil saw seth and kalim talking to each other for the first time, his reaction was "OH SEVENS NOW THERE'S TWO OF THEM" and he left.
vil.. it's too difficult for him to understand seth. he actually admires his style quite a lot and he really likes his designs, but seth's personality on the other hand.. just so you know, when vil and seth met for the first time, seth noticed how similar their hair is, ran to vil and went "OMG IT'S YOU.. MY LONG LOST TWIN.. I'M SO HAPPY TO FINALLY MEET YOU.." it was so dramatic, most pomefiore students actually believed it, EVEN EPEL DID BELIEVE IT FOR A SECOND, meanwhile rook just found it hilarious and didn't try to stop seth. so yeah, vil would rather not interact with him.. ah, they're in the same club now. nice.
minnie finds seth really annoying and she hopes that he will be sent to a different dorm, she just can't deal with him. and this guy also keeps insisting on everyone calling him senpai, when all of them are freshmen?? he also wants them to see him as their big brother figure?? however, she has to admit that seth is really talented and if they ask him to do something, he will do it perfectly. and he's a good artist too and he gave minnie some advice to improve her art.. and he also fixed her doll's dress when it got torn.. ugh, fine, maybe he's not that bad.
hayden is scared of him. he doesn't understand how to act around seth. at first he thought that he's the same as allen and he needs his own "prince charming", but.. it didn't work on him?? why?? and then hayden starts to understand that no matter how perfect everything will be, seth will find it boring anyway. so no matter how hard hayden tries, he won't be able to impress him that much. m-maybe hayden just needs more time, he's sure he will be able to come up with a perfect persona to use around seth.. but why does seth like his true self more? hayden accidentally mentioned how tired he's been feeling lately and seth at first looked annoyed, but still offered his help. he also noticed that hayden looks more happy when he's in equestrian club and said that it's cute.. no, he's too weird, hayden must avoid him.
fun facts:
seth refused to wear.. well, the "ramshackle uniform", finding it too boring and he decided to change it, but because of that a lot of students tend to think he's from pomefiore when they first meet him.
if seth was sorted into a "proper dorm", it would be pomefiore (because of his interest in fashion) or scarabia (because of him being fun-loving, but also pretty smart and skilled).
seth has a lot of piercings, including eyebrow, ear and tongue piercing. he also has tattoos and the tattoo on his left arm looks like a night sky full of stars and floating lanterns.
he had very long hair when he was younger and he got a haircut not so long ago. he most likely changed his style (including dyeing his hair, a haircut, piercings, tattoos..) as a way to rebel against the person who isolated him from the world.
he joined the film studies club because he wanted to understand this world (including both his world and twisted wonderland) better through movies, but he hates documentaries because they're too boring and he can't really use imagination when he watches them.
he's scared of frying pans because he accidentally hit himself in the face with it when he was younger.
when he was asked who's better: vil or neige, he simply said "well, they're both pretty, so i can't choose :)" vil totally didn't have a breakdown later that day.
he has fangs, similar to vance, but his fangs are much more noticeable and they look a bit more threatening.
if my main idea for allen was "what if anna never met her true love and became more obsessed with the concept of love because of her loneliness", my idea for seth was "what if rapunzel did eventually become free, but she has already gone mad from her isolation and she has to recover from that first".
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Think Twice Part 12
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“I am going to make sure you never even think of touching my girl ever again. I am going to make sure you wish you never even met her.”
Seth Rollins X OC X Jon Moxley/ Dean Ambrose 
Rated: M
No warnings I think
Tag Team: @sithstatlander @xladyxfatex @awkward-teenaged-girl@steadysuitcasepurseranch @themansbliss@katelynirwinhemmingsclifordhood@strwbrryshrtckexo @bluedragonfly678 @luleelurah @mohawkmama @foreverthenerdprincess @aujenaeblaze @missnena2194 @suicidepanda07 @kelseyann2002 @princessminjikwon @nerdgirlsblog @multi-stan-kpop @REDZ0MBIE @thebornalpha @acon1120 @jonsmoxley @dayasvalkyrie @goddessofhardrock @1dluver13xx @vampirepixi @dietwrestling @ASKTVHEAD @moxslilangel2020 @chynagirl13 @new-zealand-chic @hotyeehawman @lavandernightmares 
A/N: I am such a horrible person and have been forgetting to update tags. Sorry, If you were waiting :(. I also should hopefully either tomorrow or Wednesday have some Mox smut out ;) And another Negan, sorry lol not sorry. 
“You want to explain to me why I saw Jon leaving the apartment,” Alexa asked as we sat down at the table. She raised an eyebrow at me, a small smirk across her lips. 
I shrugged, blushing, “I told you I was going to talk to him.” “Yeah, on his lunch break. I got off early, but I didn’t get off that early.” 
“How did you get off early?” I asked her.
“Don’t change the subject, but I got off early to go check on you. Our boss was worried about you. She knew things had been rough.” 
I groaned softly. I lived in a city that seemed like it would be big, but sometimes it felt the same as a small town. Everyone knew each other's business and wasn’t scared to insert themselves. She must have known that Seth and I broke up again. “I am fine.” 
“Clearly after I saw Jon leaving the house. I was really worried about you going back to Seth.”  
“Why would you be worried about that?” I asked her, raising an eyebrow. 
“Girl,  when you told me that you had slept with Seth again, I thought I was going to die right there. I was for sure you would pick him again and never talk to Jon. You know, I haven’t ever seen you have feelings for anyone else.” She paused. “Besides Dean.” My heart stopped at the mention of his name. My memories of him are still fuzzy. The doctors said that is normal with memory loss. I had regained most of my memory back, but parts still fuzzed here and there. Dean was one of the big things that fuzzed. All I knew is what others had told me about him and why he wasn’t around anymore. “I don’t want to talk about him,” I said as I started to eat the food that had been brought out. 
“You never do. How are you going to remember him if you never talk about him?” Alexa sighed. 
“He doesn’t want me to remember him. He is probably getting plenty of girls wherever he went.” 
“That’s what Seth wants you to think. He told you lies so you wouldn’t go looking for those memories. If you don’t remember what a great guy he was to you, then you won’t remember that you can have better. If it wasn’t for me, Seth might have left out all the cheating too.”
Tears filled my eyes, “I know. I remember little things. Like, when Jon called me a kitten for the first time. I remembered that used to be Dean’s pet name for me. Only me, he would say.” I shook my head. “Someone else is probably his kitten. He is better off where he is. Wherever he is.” 
“He loved you, Aria. He thought he was doing what was best for leaving.” 
“Right after my dad died! I needed him the most. He didn’t even come to the hospital after that car hit me, Alexa. How does that sound like someone who loves them?” 
“Aria,” Alexa started, but I wasn’t having it. I didn’t want to listen to any more of this. I got up from my spot at the table and handed her a twenty. 
“Just take it,” I said before leaving. 
As I walked out of the restaurant, my phone started to buzz. I groaned as I looked at the caller ID. “You are seriously the last person I want to talk to right now.” I said into the phone. I heard movement behind me. I quickly whirled around. “And tell your goons to stop following me.” 
“Aria, I need to talk to you. You have been ignoring my calls and texts all week. I had to make sure that you were okay.” Seth sighed into the phone causing me to roll my eyes. What made him care all of a sudden? 
“So you send people to stalk me if you are so worried.” I snapped.  “Because I told you I needed a break.” I rubbed my face. I was already mad at Alexa for bringing up Dean when I told her I didn’t want to speak about him. I knew there was a reason that Seth didn’t want me to remember him, but maybe it was better I didn’t. 
“And I asked you, why you needed a break and you never told me why. You know I worry about you.” 
“Because,” I sighed. “I think you know why. Come on, Seth, you have people always watching me.” 
“Maybe I stopped them to give you some space as you asked. I am not all bad like you seem to think. I just want to know why we have sex one minute and the next you are pulling away from me? What’s going on, Aria? This isn’t like you. We always fight and then makeup. That was supposed to be the make-up part.  
“So that’s what you listen to. Maybe sex was the reason why. Maybe I realized I am sick of all this stupid back and forth we keep doing. If I took you back, would you even be faithful or would you just go back to your old ways?” I yelled into the phone. I paused taking a deep breath. “Just stop your goons from following me. I wanted a complete break from you.” I shook my head as I hung up the phone only to have him call me back. I turned my phone on silent as I walked back to my apartment. The restaurant wasn’t far from there. Once I got home, I sat down on the couch looking at my phone. I had tons of missed calls and texts from Seth. I rolled my eyes. I almost missed the one from Jon. 
Jon: Hey, sorry I had to catch up on a few things at work. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. 
Aria: Of course. Where? 
“You have to tell her the truth,” Alexa said into the phone. She had called about Aria’s recent outburst. 
“You and I both know how that’s going to go down. I can’t do that. You just told me how she felt about how about...well, me. I don’t think telling her after I just slept with her twice is a good idea. She isn’t going to like any of us. Plus, if she doesn’t run to Seth, who knows what will happen to her. Even if she does run to Seth, we are fucking screwed, because she won’t trust us.” “Did you ever plan on telling her the truth about who you were?”
“I honestly didn’t plan for any of this to happen,” I said running fingers through my hair as I began to pace. “To be honest, I really didn’t think it would get this far. I figured we could regain a friendship, but never ever did I think I would end up fucking her!” 
“Calm yourself and figure out how you are going to tell her the truth.” 
I sighed while hanging up the phone. How could I tell her the truth? It would kill her. She was better off never knowing the truth about who I was. I rubbed the back of my neck as I sent her a couple of texts.  
Jon: Okay, I will meet you outside your apartment and we can go chill at my place. 
Aria: Sounds good. I will go get ready now. :)
I groaned. Now, I had to figure out how to tell her. I walked towards my house. There was no way I could do this. She would hate me forever if she knew that I had lied to her and slept with her. It will look like that’s all I was using her for. When that wasn’t the truth. If that would have been the truth, I would have tried harder when I was still Dean not when I was just  Jon. 
I rummaged through a few things trying to find something. I had it. She wouldn’t believe me off the bat. She would probably think this is some sick joke or something. I had a picture of her that I had taken one day. One day when it was easier. 
“Stop, Dean.” She giggled as she tried to take the camera away from me. I pulled it back. 
“Just one picture. Come on you look great tonight.” I told her as I pointed the camera at her again. Aria wore a tight red dress that hugged her curves with her long blonde hair flowing down her back. Her hair curled at the ends.  I took the picture. She posed for a second before giggling. I caught it just at the right time. She was in between giggling and posing. I could see the light in her eye even in the old polaroid. 
“Where did you even find that thing? It has to be as old as you.” She teased. 
“It was my mom’s. I think it’s actually younger than me. She must have bought it not too long before she..” my speech drifted off. The camera was one of the last few things that I had left of her. When I was traveling from foster home to foster home than group home to group home, things got lost or stolen. Sometimes even the family you would stay with would take things. I was with a strict Catholic family for a bit and they were the worst about taking things if it didn’t fit into their religion. A Muslim girl I was with lost all her belongings when she stayed with her. They burned anything that was part of her religion because to them it was evil. I felt so bad for the poor girl. 
“Do you have any pictures that your mom took with that before she?” Aria asked. I could tell she was being cautious about how she asked things. 
I nodded. “Yeah, a couple from Christmas that year. I think that was the year that she got it. It must have been a present from my father or something.” 
She nodded smiling, “Come on, let’s take a picture together.” A smile grew across my lips and I nodded handing the camera to her. She wrapped her arm around me and did something I never would have thought she would do. She kissed my cheek gently. It took me off guard when she did it. Her lips were soft and gentle against my stubble on my cheek. It had to be rough across her lips. I never thought I would feel something like this. She created a warmth that was inside my soul. Something I thought that had died long ago when I lost my mother in a car accident.  
“Aria,” called Seth. His voice sounded harsh. “We are going to ber late what the hell do you think that you are doing?” Charles must have been breathing down his throat because Seth never sounded this rude with her. Or was there something I didn’t know? The way she flinched and handed me back the camera told me as much as I needed to know. I wished I didn’t have to know what went on between them. 
“Sorry, Seth.” She said as she fixed her dress running towards him. I sighed as I watched her run up to him and give him the same peck on the cheek. He wiped it away as soon as her lips left his cheek. I could see him saying something before pulling her away. 
I looked back down at the picture in my hand from that night. There was a couple more mixed in together. As I looked at more, something fell out from between them. It was a letter. The letter I had meant to give Aria. Just like I didn’t have the balls to tell her the truth about who I was. I didn’t know what it was about Aria, but she had my heart in one hand and my balls in the other. I was never nervous like this with anyone else, but her. I wish I knew what she had done to me. 
I walked towards her apartment still trying to figure out how I was going to say this. Alexa kept texting me telling me that its time to do this. It needs to be done. I never thought this was something that was ever going to need to be done. I don’t think she thought so either, but now it was the time apparently. I didn’t think so, but she was sure that it was. 
I sighed as I ringed her apartment. She answered it by coming down, a smile on her face. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. She wore just a normal tee shirt and jean shorts with flip flops. Even in casual wear, she looked amazing. I held out my hand, “Shall we?” I asked.
She took my hand, “We shall.” Her smile was brighter when my hand touched hers. I could feel the electricity between us as soon as our hands meet. This only made it harder to tell her the truth.
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alexius-fr · 4 years
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Chapter 4 - Decay
Click the link for the AO3 version or read below the cut ^^ 
“How dare he.”
She was furious, raging like a fire. A beautiful, spirited fire, her eyes ablaze.
“He talked down to you like you are not his equal, no- his superior. You are younger, more able, more open minded. More fit to lead.” she spoke with a voice like a crackle of lightning, rough, sharp.
Khadiyah. She stood proud as she faced him, unwilling to back down. Proud, strong. The very embodiment of what a dragon should be. Her muted red hide carried the markings of a warrior, scars, but also her natural markings that made her look ruptured, light red and very dark red mixing in an aggressively striped pattern on her body and wings. Silas had been instantly smitten with her when they met for the first time, only a few months ago. She'd joined the clan and had initially not attracted much attention to herself, but she'd made silent friendships with a lot of the dragons over those few months, asserting herself as a reliable companion, if sometimes harsh. Firm but fair, she was a fearsome fighter, strong willed and stubborn.
“You saw what happened.” Silas said. “I was foolish to think they would betray him. I should have prepared better, but in the heat of the moment I thought I could pull it off.”
“The old bastard's been their leader for a long time, it won't be easy to convince them. We need to talk to them, one on one. Be subtle about it. Bring up the argument, apologize. Win their sympathy. Speak to their imagination. So many of them want to return home, I saw it in their eyes.”
“I know. I saw it too. And I don't want our daughter to grow up here, in this throwaway lair, this land plagued by cutting winds. What if she gets it into her head that she wants to make kites?” Silas shuddered. “No, she deserves to grow up in a territory suited to her needs. If we cannot convince them, I promise you we will leave together, my love.”
“So we shall. But we must try. There is strenght in numbers, and we need those numbers if we are to establish a presence in the Scarred Wasteland.” Khadiyah stated.
“Do you think Seth could make the trip?” Silas wondered. Their firstborn was sleeping on her nest behind them. She was only a month old, but young dragons grew quickly, and she stood to about half of their size already.
“If she cannot, she was never meant to make it.” Khadiyah said. “Such is the way of the Plaguebringer. We must not coddle her.”
“Of course.” Silas agreed. “I would never.” He, in fact, would. But best to not bring that up right now.
“Besides, she shows signs of your blood already. If it persists, she will easily make it.” Khadiyah said, not worried in the slightest, Silas smirking at the compliment.
“But she has your pride and determination.” Silas said, in an attempt to flatter his mate, who smiled coquettishly.
“Of course she does.” Khadiyah stated, matter-of-factly. “She's a combination of the best of us both.”
“You are the best part of me.” Silas said, still as smitten as the day they met. For the smallest moment, Khadiyah's face softened, and she rubbed her head against Silas' neck lovingly. He loved her always, but even more in these very rare moments where she allowed herself to be vulnerable. Silas returned the gesture, but froze when he saw noticed they were being watched.
Seth had woken up and was obviously displeased with her parents' show of affection towards eachother, her nose wrinkled as she stuck out her tongue. Silas smiled at Khadiyah, who rolled her eyes, the last of her smile disappearing. She headed over to the nest to berate Seth for listening in on them, Silas watching them with a feeling of strange melancholy. Once, all that had mattered to him was his brother. He'd looked up to him, did everything for him, forgetting himself in the process. Khadiyah had reminded him of his worth. Supported him as he learned to re-assert himself. She gave him a goal. A family. They were his priority now. And if Sanguine wouldn't accept that.. a part of him hoped he would. But he knew better. No, his course was already set, despite a part of his old self wanting to return to the way things were before. But he had a responsibility now, and he had to rise to it.
It was time to put their plan into motion.
Sanguine did not feel good about leaving the lair unattended for a longer time, especially after that argument. But something pulled him northwards, called him towards the border of his old homeland. Something primal, something mystical that tugged at his very core. He wouldn't call it his heart, but it was something ancient, something that he had always known and yet didn't.
The bamboo forests and cliffs gradually turned more orange and yellow, the domain of the Plaguebringer slowly but surely advancing over the borders. Dead, dried out bamboo lined the very edge where the ground turned to dry, ashy brown sinew. It was on this edge that his calling lay. From the skies, he searched, circling the area. For hours, he skirted the border, drifting on the sickly warm winds that blew into the Wastelands.
He didn't know if it was exhaustion, but it seemed like the very land beneath him was starting to move. He looked closer, seeing that oval puddle he'd seen a few times now shift and boil. The very thin green liquid was hardly as toxic as what you'd find near the wyrmwound, this looked more like water with a flim layer of algae on top.
And then it blinked.
Sanguine nearly fell out of the sky when he saw it, doing a double take to be sure. But yes, it actually had blinked. And it did it again, it's dry fleshy edges pulling shut in an almost cringing motion before opening again, this time releasing it's contents as it did so. He'd never seen a puddle blink before, so he had to quell his curiousity, flying down to investigate. He had forgotten how alive the land itself could feel, the ground groaning as he approached the large puddle. It was boiling hot with pestilence, even this close to the border. Like a miniature wyrmwound, almost.
“You have come at last.”
A bombastic voice shook the ground and Sanguine froze, eyes quickly scanning the environment. There was nobody around, he was certain of it.
“The answers are not always in plain view, Sanguine.”
“Who are you? How do you know my name?” Sanguine said, looking around, ready to defend himself.
“You are known to this land, and the land whispers to me. It's been a very long time, child of the Blood.”
“Reveal yourself. I have no time for games.” Sanguine snapped, impatient. For a long moment, nothing happened, green puffs of poisonous air releasing from a gheyser far away. Sanguine was not concerned, a child of Plague could withstand the lands' natural defenses. He was more concerned about where this voice was coming from, staying alert to signs of danger.
Then, with a great heave, the pool opened, parting to reveal the entrance to an underground lair. The liquid bubbled and spattered, sloshing into an invisible barrier. Powerful magic filled the air, the taste of metal on Sanguine's tongue.
“Enter, friend.”
Sanguine warily looked at the putrid liquid as he passed through the entrance that had just appeared, ready to jump up and fly off if it turned out to be a trap, but nothing happened. He entered a narrow tunnel where the floor squished under his feet as he walked along. The smell of the lair might have put off anyone not of the Blood, but Sanguine found himself nostalgic. It smelled of decay, of damp rotted leaves, and the sickly sweet smell of the pools of acid. The smell of home.
Inside, the lair's walls were covered in sinew, that seemed to breathe and move as he passed. He felt like a hundred eyes were upon him, but he saw none of them when he turned his head to check behind him. Still, he cast a warning frown at whatever was watching him.
“Be welcome, Sanguine.” the voice was closer now, Sanguine focusing his attention on it, ready to strike if need be.
“So you have answered the call at last.” Sanguine looked around to see the source of the voice, stepping onto something warm and soft, which grabbed his attention. He inched back and saw two pale white eyes blink up at him, like they had just woken up. With a groan that shook the lair, a large serpentine body started to unravel from the very floor itself, sinew breaking apart to reveal an imperial dragon, face scarred over, their blood red mane long and unmaintained, their wings and body tattooed with mystical drawings of eyes and bones.
“Were you..merged with the cave?” Sanguine wondered, seeing bits of sinew still stuck in the imperial's wild mane.
“I was. I have been for so long it feels strange to be confined into this body again. But I suppose it would be rude not to face the first guest I have had in years.” the imperials voice was deep, bombastic, but with a rawness to it. This might have been the first time in all those years it had to use it's vocal chords.
“Years?” Sanguine frowned. “Wait, how does that work?”
“I spent years alone, communing with the land. Eventually I became so adept at it I simply.. merged with it. Now I can do it at will, but it takes a lot of concentration. But that's not what is important. You're here.” the imperial spread out their wings, the crudely inscribed magical markings blinking as they watched. The 'eyes' didn't even really look like eyes, more like crudely carved spiked circles with a dot in the middle, but they did send a shiver up Sanguine's spine as they focused on him. The imperials face was not quite directed at him, and Sanguine realized only now that the dragon was blind.
“Yes. I see.” the imperial spoke.”You have suffered great pain.” “Doesn't take a genius to conclude that.” Sanguine frowned. “Was that supposed to impress me?” “You are impressed, Blooded One.” the imperial spoke without a doubt. “You were wary as you entered my lair. Every muscle in your body is tense, ready to fight. Rest assured, I would not be much of a match for the firstborn son of Wretch.” Sanguine froze at her name. There was no way the imperial could have known that without-
“I see not who you have pretended to be all these years. Rather, I see who you are. I see your blood.” the imperial said. “But I suppose it is rude to read your blood without first introducing myself. I am Rowan, seer of the land of the Plaguebringer. Pleased to meet you.”
“Who..what are you?” Sanguine adjusted his question. Rowans blind eyes darted for a moment.
“I am ancient. A wanderer. A seer. A soothsayer. A witch. I am all these things, and more. Only The Plaguebringer knows what I truly am. I no longer remember which of the previous is true.” Rowan said, his wings closing themselves. “You have come because you heard my call. Because the land called you.” “Well, something called me, yes.” Sanguine reluctantly admitted.
“You can not deny the call of your blood, child of Wretch.” “Don't call me that.” Sanguine snapped.
“Why do you deny it? All these years you spent looking for power that was greater than hers, when you already had it inside you in the first place.”
“You see much.” Sanguine said, quietly. He no longer hid the fact that he was impressed, but even if he had, there was probably no point. Whatever this imperial was, he was wise far beyond Sanguine's comprehension. It had been a long time since someone's presence had humbled him, but surprisingly he found the experience refreshing rather than annoying. Rowan was a wild spirit, a hermit, but he felt a strange kind of kinship with him. Rowan intrigued him, the runes engraved in his dull red hide radiated power, even under the mess of his long mane. Sanguine was no longer tense, instead finding a strange comfort in the fact that Rowan would see through any front he put up. A slow smile crept onto larger dragons' face.
“Excellent. You have decided to trust me. Very good.” Rowan rubbed his claws together, Sanguine seeing long, unkempt nails scrape past eachother. “Then let's prepare everything for a proper reading. Please, sit.”
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