#also I use the term grandpa affectionately
kaidatheghostdragon · 3 months
Has anyone put Ida Manson and Alfred together? Do they even have a ship name?
I just want a fic where Ida affectionately blackmails the Waynes to help Team Phantom.
She and Alfred have been in a long-term and long-distance relationship
Ida definitely knows the Waynes are the Bats but has maintained plausible deniability up to this point
I think it would be out of character if Alfred didn't know that she knows, therefore he does
The Bats don't know that Ida knows and might not even know she's anything more than a distant friend of Alfred's
I'm torn on whether Sam's parents know that Ida has a relationship with Alfred
Ot1h, it would be hilarious that she kept it hidden from them. Maybe Sam knows and relishes in the rebellious nature of her grandma
Otoh, there is potential for Alfred being Sam's bio grandpa, either legitimate or scandalous, as well as potential family drama of hiding an affair with a butler
It could also color the Mansons' perception of the Waynes, too. Instead of the cliche of constantly throwing Sam at one of the Wayne kids to "marry up," they despise the Waynes because their butler defiled poor innocent Ida, or potentially dont want media attention digging into family history and finding that one of Sam's parents is the child of a butler, an affair, or a butler-affair.
If the Martha/Yhomas/Alfred threesome is invoked, things could get messy if Ida was actually part of a foursome, and one of the Manson parents is potentially an illigitimate wayne. Bruce's kids would potentially be Sam's cousins.
The cliche that Sam hates the wWaynes because her parents keep throwing her at them? Hilariously reversed. They're constantly telling Sam not to associate with the Waynes but never explain why. Rebellious Sam is gonna do the opposite, do her research, and demand to know why her parents hate the Waynes who run a meticulously clean company and dozens of legitimate charities that do some actual real good. Why can't you be more like Bruce?!
Enter Danny's accident and the sudden influx of ghosts. Ida sees the signs and requests that Alfred sends the Waynes over to appraise the situation. Could be extremely early on, or the team has had several months to establish themselves.
Suddenly, Sam is informed that Uncle (literal, socially adopted, or affectionate, use of the title is still up to interpretation at this point, but Ida is the only one that gives him that title to Sam) Bruce and his family will be visiting. She's delighted to meet *the* Bruce Wayne, may or may not be confused about him having a familial title. ("What do you mean we're possibly related? I've had a crush on Jason Todd since before he faked his death!" "You confessed your undying love for him when you were nine, Sammykins. We figured it was a phase." "I almost ran away to attend his funeral!" "You WHAT?")
Anyways, canonically, Sam is the one most interested in Danny becoming a hero, so she's going to be ecstatic to learn that her uncle/"uncle" is Batman and he's offering to personally train her. It'll be another massive point against her parents for not liking Bruce, regardless of the fact that they don't actually know that he's secretly a superhero.
I got a ton more points to add about how introducing the batfam like this, and so early in the timeline, could deviate the story, but this was initially about Ida and Alfred. So I'll just finish off by mentioning that any such fic is contractually required to have both the Waynes and Team Phantom utterly grossed out by the "old people romance" going on between Ida and Alfred.
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skittikyu · 6 months
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Stiltikyu Relationship Chart ! More info + duo names + a song I think fits said duo under the cut !
Stiltikyu and Caine (Duo Name - Toothpick)
Stiltikyu gets along with Caine surprisingly well considering he’s essentially their warden. She’s a lot more lenient with him than they would have been if he was another human acting the way that he does, though. They still treat him like a person of course- he’s not any less of a personality just because he’s an AI- but the things he says and does, the way he responds to other people’s words and actions, they can at least make some sense of them when they keep it in mind. Is it still a lot? Sometimes. Most times, really. But in this situation, slight knowledge is better than none, and helps when she needs to figure out how to ask or tell him something in a way he’ll actually understand. They’ve found that asking upfront (essentially just telling them they want/need something) is the fastest way to gauge what he is and isn’t willing or capable of doing. She also does genuinely appreciate his attempts at being accommodating everyone’s needs when it’s apparent he doesn’t fully grasp them, which again, makes her more accepting of the times and areas said efforts fall short. A silver lining to this is it also gives them plenty of ways of throwing him off guard for fun, especially when his responses are funny to them in ways he couldn’t have meant them to be.
Caine for his part treats Stiltikyu just as he would any other member of his circus! I could see him appreciating her active engagement in performances and activities- while being a bit confused by her sense of humour at times -but overall he’d like them no matter what as he does for all the humans under his care.
Their Song: Welcome to the Circus by Skittish
Kinger (Duo Name - Stickbug)
Stiltikyu was a bit wary of Kinger when she first arrived; his outbursts startled them and his short term memory combined with his rambling made it difficult to hold a conversation with him. Once she’d had some more time to get used those things and learned more about him, the more they warmed up to him, though. Despite not even being in his 50s yet, he reminds her of an old man with dementia, and they jokingly/affectionately refer to him as “peepaw” sometimes - moreso with others than to his face (they don’t want to confuse him more than he already always is). Similarly to a grandpa though, sometimes he has moments of insight and they learn all kinds of useful facts about this new world and their current situation within it. When it was mentioned to her that Kinger was the tallest before they came along, he became the first in the circus she would offer piggyback rides to. This was somewhat jokingly mind you, but she still lets him on their shoulders when he occasionally does ask for a boost. Maybe looking down on everything makes him feel more regal? That or he’s probably just hoping the higher vantage point will make it easier to find insects.
Kinger’s friendship with Stiltikyu is probably somewhat impacted by his mental state, but I definitely see him being more friendly during moments of lucidity, but a bit more distant when he’s panicked or otherwise having a moment. It’s not like he forgets her or anything, she just hasn’t been around for long enough that their friendship would be a core memory in his fragmented mind.
Their Song: Remember You by Rebecca Sugar (Omnicord Cover)
Gangle (Duo Name - Maypole)
Two weebs enjoyers of anime who happened to find one another in this ridiculous situation. Upon arriving, Stiltikyu would tell Gangle all about new series she’s never seen and new episodes of old ones she never got the chance to see since coming to the circus (after double/triple/etc checking she’s fine with the spoilers on the rare chance they get out and she can go see them for herself). Much to everyone else’s relief, the anime conversations got less frequent with time, but it’s still a comfort topic they occasionally return to, as it helps them refresh their memories a bit and confirm the details they still recall together. Another hobby the two learned they had in common was an interest in drawing. Stiltikyu is unfortunately no longer able to do so in the traditional sense due to their digital world’s avatar’s lack of hands, but they’ve found other ways to make art, and usually hang out with Gangle when doing so. Stiltikyu admires Gangle’s ability to be so open with her emotions and (even if she disagrees) to them, her open crying doesn’t make her weak. To them, she’s the strongest one here. Maybe that’s not saying much, but if they were ever to feel ready to be vulnerable with anyone, it’d probably be her so long as they could figure out how to do so without making her feel responsible for them. It’s safe to say Stiltikyu feels the closest and most comfortable with Gangle, though they’ll be taking those feelings to their grave if they can help it, mostly on account of them being stronger (if not entirely one-sided) on their end.
Gangle probably appreciates being treated kindly and the attention given to her feelings and interests, though she might not be used to receiving that sort of treatment and unsure of how to accept it while the comedy mask is off.
Their Song: Must Have Been the Wind by Alec Benjamin
Ragatha (Duo Name - KnittingNeedle)
Stiltikyu finds Ragatha the one it’s easiest to have the most serious “grown-up” conversations with, likely due to her maturity and more down-to-earth personality. At the same time, she reminds them of a big sister whose undergone parentification, and so they walk a delicate balance while broaching difficult topics; not so little that she bottles up but also not so much that she begins to spiral. While they make sure to express to her how strong she is for being so resilient yet kind despite all odds, they’re also very open with her about how they think she should be putting herself first more: just because she’s somewhat skilled at emotionally supporting others doesn’t mean she’s equipped to do so, and even if it is deep down appreciated by everyone (which they’re sure it would be, if it were ever to become missed), it’s so clearly taken as a given at this point that it’s become a thankless task she almost resents them for not meeting in ways of returned effort. They’re aware that they probably frustrate her by not being more involved when they’re so insistent that they don’t want her to shoulder the burdens of others just because nobody else will, but they’re hoping maybe living by example will eventually prove to her that it’s possible to live with compassion and integrity while still maintaining healthy expectations of boundaries. Therapists and social workers get paid money, much less gratitude. Point is, they’d hug her if they had joints, let alone arms. …okay so they say the same thing as an excuse for not getting rid of centipedes for her too, but the former statement is actually true. Stiltikyu’s small crush on Gangle formed from time spent and closeness formed together over shared hobbies, but their small crush on Ragatha is mostly because they think she’s the prettiest here (aside from the moon, but that’s its own can of worms). Love a woman who can kick their [censorbar]. They keep anything that could be interpreted as flirting to themself, though, as they don’t want her to get the wrong idea, nor feel embarrassed or like they’re making fun of her (it doesn’t take much observation to tell she’s not exactly a beacon of confidence and self worth, after all). Hasn’t stopped them from (somewhat) jokingly referring to her as a MILF in their head, though.
Ragatha likely treats Stiltikyu as she does the rest of the circus, though I can see her having moments where they frustrate or annoy her a bit. It’s never as bad as it is with Jax, but their sense of humour is still a little much for her at times.
Their Song: The Fixer by Brent Morgan
Bubble (Duo Name - BubbleWand)
Admittedly Stiltikyu doesn’t know that much about Bubble - he basically only ever interacts with Caine, and usually that results in him being popped away eventually. Still, they find him cute (as in like a puppy), and has no idea why Caine finds him so annoying. She jokingly refers to him as “that little chainchomp mother [censorbar] er”.
If Bubble’s even capable of strong opinions outside of his function as an AI, I don’t see him having any about them one way or the other.
Their Song: Pop It by Anamanaguchi (Gerald Remix)
Pomni (Duo Name - Marotte)
Stiltikyu hasn’t really had enough time to get a good read on Pomni yet. She only just arrived, and has essentially spent all of the little time she’s been there having a prolonged panic attack. They eventually do want to get to know her better, even if it’s just to get a better idea of who she truly is as a person. Maybe they shouldn’t, because that thought is usually followed by “-while they still have the chance to”, but they can’t help it that they find her interesting. Yes, they say that about basically everyone they’ve ever met here. Yes, it usually bites them in the [censorbar] later. Sucks to suck.  Right now they’re only slightly unsure of her. On one hand, it’s said to believe someone when they show you who they really are, and she abandoned Ragatha twice. On the other, fight/flight/freeze is a thing, and she at least has enough of a conscious to clearly feel guilty. Would she if her escape had succeeded? Who knows. That’s why they need more information. Besides, another member who’d be swearing like a sailor if allowed? LET’S [censorbar] ING GOOOOOO!! Part of them finds her expressions and reactions really funny in a cute way (do you see the way her pupils dilate??), but it’s not like they want her to suffer if it means seeing them. They’re not Jax. Behind Kinger, Pomni is the second most likely to be offered a piggyback ride by them. She’s just..SO small. How is she older than them?? Who knows, maybe if an exit spawns on the ceiling she’ll take them up on the offer for one. Haha, they joke to cope.
I genuinely doubt Pomni is in a headspace to give anyone a second thought right now, but it’s possible that later she and Stiltikyu would become friends. As of now, they probably just unnerve and startle her like the rest of this colourful cast.
Their Song: Karakuri Pierrot by 40meterP (MORE MORE JUMP! cover)
Jax (Duo Name - RabbitSkewer)
Stiltikyu puts up “gets along” with Jax better than anyone would’ve expected. Or maybe it isn’t all that surprising: the execution and results may be entirely different, but the method of coping with humour and by being an overall nuisance are the same. Not all bets are off when it comes to her usual self-restraint, but definitely more of them than everybody else. Jax reminds her of some sort of amalgamation of a school bully and a little brother, and she learnt pretty quickly not only that he isn’t exactly thrilled to take back whatever he dishes out, but that torment loses its entertainment value to him significantly if he considers the reaction- or lacktherof -subpar. Her, response is, of course, to do both, leading to a lot of back and forth banter. She’s picked up on things about them that annoy him and uses those to her advantage, like how tall she is compared to him (digital world memory issues be damned: the appalled, offended look on his face when she called him “shortstack” after he called them “stringbean” will be branded into their mind forever) and how good their balance is (for crying out loud, they have stilts for legs, why would he ever think it’d be easy to trip or push them over? Maybe he can think about that while he’s hopping up and down holding the foot he just kicked their solid wooden leg with). It’s not like it’s impossible, but the ratio of times he’s actually managed to get them to fall down is very much not in his favour, and she enjoys knowing the way that must bruise his ego. Finally, deep down she genuinely doesn’t believe he’s that bad. It’s not like he secretly has a heart of gold or anything, he’s still genuinely an [censorbar] hole. It’s more like his “big secret” is that he has a heart at all. They never call him out during moments where his actions speak louder than his words, though. She just observes the bigger picture from up high. He’s a selfish mean “little man” (they’re definitely gonna deploy that as a nickname at some point) but he’s not entirely cruel or devoid of consideration. In Stiltikyu’s opinion, he’s clever and a quick thinker to have kept up this (semi) facade for as long as he has, but well, he can’t hide everything. For both their sakes she won’t say anything, though. A bunny with an unwounded pride and his guard not up even more than it already is makes him a bit more predictable and thereby easier to manage on a bad mental health day.
I can see Jax’s feelings about Stiltikyu turning on a dime depending on the situation. One second he’s like hey maybe ol’ giraffe legs isn’t so bad and then one (1) thing doesn’t go his way and it’s back to she could abstract right in front of me and I’d laugh! LAUGH, I tell ya! So yeah, they could be anything from a mutual comedy routine to contentiously battling in a war of pranks, to one trying to avoid the other, both avoiding eachother, etc. Lots of joking, laughing, bickering, yelling, threats of bodily harm, bodily harm itself…it’s all very dependant on time and place overall.
Maybe they’ll even out over time. Maybe they’ll get even more volatile. With time, Jax could get better or Stiltikyu could get worse. If they both get worse..
Their Song: Monster by dodie
Zooble (Duo Name - Tinkertoy)
Stiltikyu…doesn’t know much about Zooble, and vice versa. They both tend to keep to themselves (them moreso than her; she at least makes an effort to participate in the shows and activities), so they the instances where they’re actually around one another for more than a passing moment are few and far between. As far as she can tell, the one thing they have in common is that they’re both nonbinary (Stiltikyu uses both they/them and she/her pronouns, and relates to Zooble’s gender identity crisises) so she internally feels solidarity with them, even if it isn’t outright kinship. She wouldn’t mind spending more time with them, but she’s not going to push it if they really do just like their own company. She’s noticed moments of vulnerability and consideration from them, so is at least somewhat aware that their indifferent attitude is likely partially a front, but she respects them enough not to bring it up, and keeps her ribbing humour to a minimum with them; a [censorbar] ed off Zooble isn’t good for anyone.
I feel like there’s a lot of potential for these two! It’s just on them to take initiative, which, neither are doing currently. Zooble probably just can’t be bothered, and Stiltikyu doesn’t want to bother them.
Their Song: People I Don't Like by UPSAHL
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cosmiccanidae · 1 year
Senses and other Specifics:
He has the Grandpa Smell™. You know what I'm talking about.
They're on the colder side and relatively smooth aside from some scars. Kind of boney too.
Depends where he's at. During space travel, food choices are kind of limited with having to eat stuff that can be well-preserved. Because of that when he's on a planet, especially earth, he likes to take advantage of having some fresh food. Like some good red meat or fruit since that's one of the harder things to get in space.
It's nothing that really sticks out as remarkable but he is capable of staying on-key so it's not bad to listen to.
He has a habit of repeatedly adjusting his glasses, especially pushing them back up his nose. Also fidgets with his wedding ring through his glove.
He really embraced the whole 'outlaw' thing with his clothing choices. Dark colors, lots of layers, a literal cloak... I'm pretty sure what I typed into google to find the reference I used for his coat was like "gothic military coat" or something like that if that tells you anything.
The only thing that doesn't quite fit is the shoes because, look, we know everyone likes cool boots, but there comes a point where putting them on is just more trouble than it's worth.
Depends on the situation. With his wife? Very much so. He'd always be getting on his knees and kissing whatever part of her he was standing on and lots of mushy talk between them whenever they were within range of her telepathic abilities.
With other people his default state is more closed off in terms of affection, aside from his habit of patting people on the back. If he likes you enough that can escalate though and you may end up with a surrogate grandfather.
Curled up on his side with his tail curled around in front of him.
Like talking? No, he's not like particularly loud or anything when he talks. You could probably hear him laughing though when he really goes off. He's got a laugh that'll make you wonder if he's part hyena.
tagged: Stole it
tagging: You, yeah you! You with the blog!
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slasher-sweetie · 2 years
hello ! it’s very nice to meet you ! i use they/she pronouns ! and i’d like to request a match up, please :]
let’s see,, my appearance,, (going off a list or else i’ll just start rambling!) i’m 5’3, and slender, i’ve been told my eyes are very doll-like in terms of their roundness and the size of my iris (and they’re super dark!) pfft. my hair is dark brown and styled into a wolfcut which is so fun bc i like to curl the side lengths inward ! my aesthetic varies from wearing an oversized horror movie shirt with some baggy pants w my doc martens) think street style or grunge ! ) but lately i’ve been gravitating more towards earth tones and whatnot ! that comforting grandpa aesthetic if that makes sense? but i still dress very much in corsets and grays and blacks from time to time ! a lot of layered necklaces and rings too !
my hobbies include consuming large amounts of media and just adoring the hell out of it. i adore literature and film, i love dissecting the hell out of them and seeing the layers that make it become one great big thing. no matter how small it is, i’ll find myself completely enamored without the idea of the book or film and get excited over that detail. i also really enjoy writing ! most of my writings are emotional pieces as i use them in order to vent out any emotions that i might be experiencing ! i also enjoy art, though i haven’t had much time for it lately ! i’ve been studying towards a sociology degree of lately and just finished my first year at college ! (yay!) i really enjoy things like eating in the garden, walks in woods, art museums, cafes, movie nights, and just in general very comforting and warm environments like those that these things provide! :]
for my personality, hm. i’ve always really connected with the description of infp and get it every time i get any sort of personality test, so let’s go with that ! i’m a very introverted person as well as sensitive, and i feel as though i feel strongly in tune with my emotions as well as others. i really enjoy doing stuff with my friends that doesn’t involve very large crowds, those make me very anxious, ah. i’d like to say that my humor is a bit on the more on the dry humor, or just me being on my general daily fuckery. if i was a genre i’d be something like The Yellow Wallpaper, Possession (1981), type of thing. unfiltered female emotion has never looked so sexy /j
random fact about me: today i will deny god’s will.
thank you so so much for doing this in advance ! i hope that you’re doing well !
So, just from your ask, I immediately knew who you'd be perfect for, and that is Stu Macher, otherwise known as ½ of the OG Ghost Face. Your brand of chaos matches his to perfection, and the two of you get along like a house on fire.
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You sat snuggled up with your boyfriend, watching the third horror movie of the night, The Thing. Every time a particularly gruesome death took place, the room was filled with Stu's laughter. It was hard not to enjoy the movie when you saw how happy it made him. It was why the two of you spent most of your nights like this, attached at the hip, snacking on popcorn and candy, and watching as many horror movies as possible before you could no longer keep your eyes open.
Just as the two of you were coming to the part of the movie where you knew the guy's chest was going to break open and chomp down on the hands of his unsuspecting coworker, Stu let out a cry of glee, thoroughly enjoying the gory imagery.
He turned to you, the dimples in his cheek popping with his signature grin, "Sorry babe, that's my favorite part."
You rolled your eyes affectionately, "Don't apologize, silly. I love your reactions. You're really cute."
"You're really cute, too," he told you, leaning forward to place a noisy kiss on the tip of your nose, "It's why we're perfect together."
He pulled you back against his chest, laughing as someone else met an untimely demise. In moments like this, you couldn't help but agree with him. The two of you were perfect together.
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Reasons Voyager 6x15 "Tsunkatse" is a good episode
Opens with dynamic fight choreography (and camera work) that we see throughout the rest of the episode (nice to see in trek when a lot of the time, the kirk two-fisted swing seems to qualify as fight choreo)
Wisdom from Grandpa Tuvok: "awkward" silences do not have to be awkward
Jeffrey Combs
Seven is still technically in a catsuit, but so are all the other competitors
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Speaking of other competitors, The Rock, who is showing even more skin skdljflskjf
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The implication that Tuvok, too, would have been in a catsuit were he a competitor (which would have made him too powerful tbh)
Honestly this is the best Seven catsuit, if they had kept her in that one instead of one of her usual ones I don't think I would have even been mad
it's very much superior to the old silver catsuit, the texture is better, and it visually complements her implants better.....and also ..arm
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(old silver catsuit for comparison)
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More Grandpa Tuvok Wisdom: guilt and shame are valid human feelings
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Anyway, this has been a Jeri Ryan simp post, and these have been mostly subjective opinions
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minjeongwinters · 2 years
quick cheat sheet for bisaya words / phrases for your character 😊
do you want to write with a bisaya fc but don't know how to honor their heritage? i have more detailed guides for that ( and you can use google as well, ofc ). but here's some bare minimum words / phrases that your character can use, courtesy of me.
note that the bisaya language does not have e, o, and f as sounds, which explains the variations in spellings for some of the words. if you encounter e or o in the spelling, please assume that's pronounced as a hard i ( for e ) or hard u ( for o ) or p ( for f ).
please like / reblog if reading or if you think this would be helpful for other people. and in case you think, "when would i even use a bisaya fc anyway?" please know that these fcs are of bisaya descent: evan mock, manny jacinto, saweetie, eva noblezada, maris racal, charlotte nicdao, and probs more celebs that you may not have known to be bisaya.
ate ( feminine honorific for anyone older than you, although it more literally means older sister )
kuya ( masculine honorific for anyone older than you, although it more literally means older brother )
note: yes, sadly, these are gendered. however, you can use both interchangeably or find some other way to use honorifics if your character is talking to someone who is non-binary ( just ask the other writer what they'd be comfortable with! ). as a bisaya person, i feel incredibly disrespectful if i don't use honorifics, so please do keep this in mind. as a language, bisaya is very respectful. it makes me more comfortable to use honorifics than not using them, because there's also a connotation of family. so by letting someone address you with the right honorifics, you're essentially letting them see you as family as well.
keep in mind the dynamics of your characters, though. if i'm talking to my relative who is only one year older than me, chances are that i'll use an honorific for them. however, if it's my classmate who is one year older than me, i most likely won't. we're on the same level. ( a classmate who is 2+ years older, though? yes. i'd use an honorific. ) if the age gap is tiny ( 1-2 year/s ), just think: does your character see the slightly older person as "on a higher level" than them? if so, honorific time.
terms for younger people
inday / day ( feminine affectionate term for younger people ) also can be spelled dai
dodong / dong ( masculine affectionate term for younger people )
langga / pangga / other diminutives like lang / gang ( affectionate term often used for younger people meaning "beloved"; not gendered )
note: again, yes, these are gendered. :( however, like with ate/kuya, you could use inday / dodong interchangeably or perhaps use langga and its other forms instead! like with the honorifics, you have to keep in mind their dynamic. a relative calling their younger relative inday / dodong would make sense, but you calling your slightly younger classmate that would be weird.
unlike ate / kuya, the three terms above can also be used romantically. calling someone ate or kuya romantically isn't something that happens, but calling someone inday / dodong / langga romantically is. when you use these three terms romantically, the person does not really need to be younger, though i feel like you'd at least be close to the same age if you use inday / dodong romantically.
also, on the flip side, you can use inday / dodong without any affection whatsoever. total strangers can use it on you if they see that you're younger. it can even be condescending, depending on how it's used. most of the time, though, it's pretty friendly even if the person using it is a stranger.
other family / relationship terms
iyaan / iya ( aunt - we do use tita too but these are the native bisaya terms )
uyuan / uyu ( uncle - we do use tito too but these are the native bisaya terms )
lolo / lola ( grandpa & grandma )
manghod / manghud ( youngest sibling or like youngest in a group )
ig-agaw ( cousin )
pag-umangkon ( niece or nephew, gender-neutral )
uyab ( the person you are dating, i.e. girlfriend / boyfriend / partner )
asawa ( wife )
bana ( husband )
anak ( son / daughter / child )
bai ( friend! feel free to make your bisaya character call their good friends this! )*
migo / miga ( loan words for friend )
higala ( native word for friend )
* example: "let's eat at mcdonald's later, bai," she said to her friend. (very simple.)
common bisaya-isms ( i.e. stuff we say a lot and your character probs should too )
samoka / samuka ( how annoying! ) or samok / samuk
ambot ( literally means "i don't know" )
kapuya ( how tiring. ) or kapoy / kapuy ( tiring )
karon / karun ( right now )
diay? ( really? )
what if your character is diaspora?
from what i can tell, even bisaya people who were raised abroad have some knowledge of these basic terms. however, if you'd rather have it that your character is completely disconnected from bisaya culture... i mean, it happens. but given that our language and culture is suppressed even in the philippines, where schools punish you for speaking bisaya, i'd really recommend making your character curious about their heritage, even if they didn't grow up with it. downright erasure would honestly be upsetting for me.
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andreafmn · 3 years
I'm Not Afraid - Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3,325
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father's sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin's, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others' storyline.
Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Description: (Y/N) finally arrives at Beacon Hills for the funeral of her aunt and meets a certain wolf to which she feels a special connection.
A/N: Second fandom I'm writing for. I love Teen Wolf so much and the trope of hard Derek but only soft for you makes my heart sing. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 1
I hugged the black coat to my body as hard as I could whilst pushing through the sea of press. Our family's last name became quite known after the reports about my aunt, whose burial we were attending. She had allegedly burned down a house with people in it.  She killed them in cold blood. I hugged my grieving uncle and his less grieving wife, then my cousin who had a painful look on her face. I hugged her the longest. She let herself crumble on my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Even though she was a horrible person she was still our aunt, family.
I took my seat behind Allison when my father, my mother, uncle Chris, and aunt Victoria stood up. Allison didn't lift her head and neither did I. I just tried to comfort her.
"It's been such a long time I don't expect you to call me grandpa." We both looked up to see a white-haired man who resembled the Argent features. "Don't worry about it, just call me Gerard." He hugged both of us, an overpowering aura emanating from his being. When we were engulfed, I looked to the side and saw two boys squatting behind a gravestone. If they were hiding, they were doing a horrible job at it.
"But I prefer Grandpa," Gerard said walking to his seat. I sat back down and drifted off during the whole ceremony. Once it was over, I joined my parents and we drove to our new house. I have a feeling that life here will be very interesting.
That weekend I decided that I had been putting working out off for too long. I changed into comfortable workout clothes and gave food to my dog, Brody. I headed out the door, put my earbuds on, and started to jog. I really didn't know where I was going since it was a new place for me, all I know is that I kept running until I reached the woods. The bad thing about this, I had no idea how to get back home. Even though I knew of this sidetrack and I knew I would be late to get back home, I kept running, needing a release from the mundane feeling of being new in town and having to reunite from our estranged family in a funeral.
I had gained a lot of momentum. God knows how fast I was running at this point that is until I hit something, it almost felt like a wall. When I looked up, I saw a very handsome guy. Spiked hair, green eyes, and slight stubble. If it weren't for the fact that I was already sweaty I would have started to sweat showers of how nervous I was. That is until he opened his mouth.
"Watch where you're going." He growled at me.
"How about you fucking move and not be a prick?" He looked at me with big eyes, probably in surprise, but quickly changed to his menacing look. Who was he trying to fool?
"Well, this is private property, which means that you're trespassing, meaning you should pay more attention to your surroundings."
"I'm sorry but a burnt-down house with almost no walls or roof is barely a property. So, how about you stop being an idiot and I can be on my way." I started to jog once again but he gained my attention once more.
"You're new here, aren't you?" I turned around to face him.
"What's it to you?" He raised his eyebrow.
"I'll take that as a yes." The cockiness oozed out of his pores.
"And why the hell should that matter?"
"Because no one would dare talk to me that way."
"Who would be afraid of a little sour wolf?" He tensed up. "Dude, chill. I'm just kidding. But I doubt anyone would be afraid of Mr...."
"Hale. Derek Hale." He said extending his hand to me. Gee, after screaming at me he wants us to be acquaintances. I thought about not shaking his hand, but I didn't want to be rude. Well, more than I have been already.
"(Y/N). Argent." I shook his hand. Strong grip. Suddenly I felt a rush of déjà vu; I had met him the day before. "Wait, aren't you that guy I accidentally hit with my grocery cart yesterday?"
"Yeah, that really hurt. You hit my ankle. You could've had me limping."
"But you're not, so be grateful I didn't break your ankle." He laughed. "Damn, if I had known how cocky you really were, I would've hit you harder."
"So, you admit that you hit me?"
"Oh yeah, of course, I hit you. Accidentally that is."
"Yeah, yeah."
I looked around trying to find where the hell I had come from but there wasn't even the slightest trail as to where I was to go.
"So, miss (Y/N). Do you even know your way home?"
"No, but I'm sure I can find my way back." Then, he took keys out of his pocket and pointed to his car.
"Come on, I'll drive you around and you just tell me when something seems familiar."
"And why should I go with the guy that almost ripped out my throat for bumping into him? For all I know you could be driving me to my death." I crossed my arms over my chest, and he let out a loud sigh.
"Look, I'm sorry for snapping. But I'm trying to be nice. That doesn't happen very often."
"Alright, Mr. Hale. I'll let you take me home just because you are being nice now, after being a prick, and I'm exhausted."
"See, no one can resist me." I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. Seriously does he buy cans of it on eBay?
"Don't get cocky with me. I can punch the living daylights out of you." He chuckled and started to drive.
We drove for about 20 minutes until I finally recognized the curb that led to my house. Upon arriving at my driveway, I got out of the car and walked to the driver’s side.
"Give me your hand” For some reason, I felt compelled to do so. He took a pen and wrote down a number. "Call me if you ever need a tour of the town."
Three weeks later, I walked inside the school to meet up with Allison. I moved here with my family since dad had some business taking float. Being the new kid in town is never fun. I would know. I switch schools almost every year. The pro and con about this would be not being attached to anyone. Usually, I'm the one who doesn't talk to anyone and is called a freak. A derogatory term given to people who are way too different from others, but a title I wore proudly.
"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! How have you been?" Allison wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. It was as if she hadn't seen me just three weeks ago.
"Hi, Allison. I've been good, getting acclimated to the new town. You?" You would think that because we were cousins, I would be more affectionate towards her but honestly, I wouldn't see her again for like three more years, so what's the point?
"I'm good. A little rocky at the start of coming here but good." Then, a boy with a buzz cut and one with great brown hair walked by and smiled at Alli. "Ooh, you should come meet my friends. Stiles, Scott!! Come here." The boys turned around with goofy grins on their faces.
"Hey, Allison. Who's this?" Buzzcut kid said.
"This is my cousin, (Y/N). She just moved here from Virginia."
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Scott." The one with the great hair said.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Stiles." I shook their hands and smiled.
"Nice to meet you, too, buzzcut." Allison and Scott laughed but Stiles only ran his hand through his hair, suddenly becoming hyperaware of his lack of locks.
"Allison. Who might this sexy lady be?" I rolled my eyes. The last thing I need is a narcissist with a god-complex trying to get close.
"Oh, Jackson, this is my cousin, (Y/N)."
"Hi." He extended his hand and looked me up and down.
"Hi." I smiled sarcastically, and when I didn't extend my hand, he dropped his.
Finally, after standing awkwardly behind Allison whilst her friends talked, the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell.
"Hey, (Y/N), what's your first class?" I checked my schedule.
"Um, chemistry."
"Oh, good, then you're coming with us to Mr. Harris' class," Scott said pointing towards him and Stiles. I smiled and walked behind them.
Once we got to the classroom everyone turned to me, the ever-present sign of being new in the class evident in the stare of my classmates.
"Um, hi, my name is (Y/N) Argent and I'm new." The teacher, whom I guess is Mr. Harris, turned around to face me.
"Oh, yes, Miss Argent. Welcome. You will be sitting next to Isaac Lahey. Lahey, raise your hand." Once Isaac raised his hand, I noticed he was sat near Stiles and Scott. Two people I was trying to avoid. As I walked past, I accidentally pushed Stiles' book on his lap, startling him, resulting in an awkward descent from his lab stool onto the floor.
"Hi, again. I guess we are gonna see a lot of each other for the rest of the school year." I nodded and he scratched the back of his neck. "So, um, what school did you come from?"
"Lancaster High," I responded whilst writing down what Mr. Harris was writing on the board. Stiles kept trying to talk to me, but I would only give him short, cold answers or just ignore him. That is until Mr. Harris called our attention, that's when he finally got the memo to shut up.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to introduce myself since we're gonna be seated next to each other all year. I'm Isaac."
"I figured." I tried giving him my best smile. The vibe he was giving off seemed like he needed it. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Well, nice to meet you, (Y/N). Now I'll leave you to the class because if I don't I know I'll be failing even more than I am."
"Oh, well, maybe I can tutor you some time. I'm actually really good at science. My mom was a chemist professor once upon a time so I'm bound to understand all this."
"Really?!" His puppy eyes seemed to light up and I nodded. "That would actually be amazing."
"Sure thing. Now let's get back to class."
After Chemistry finished, I put everything in my bag as quickly as possible and sped to my next class, Math. Thankfully, none of Allison's friends shared this class with me but I did share it with Isaac.  I didn't consider him much a friend but more an acquaintance in desperate need of help.
As the day progressed, I noticed the rest of my classes were shared with one or more of Allison's friends. They all tried to strike up a conversation but were quickly discouraged when met with my one-worded or vague answers. Especially, Stiles. He tried especially hard to get answers out of me, only being met with the occasional laugh or stare at his comical occurrences. He seemed like the kind of person you could just open up to. The same could be said about Scott. His shy nature was alluring, and he portrayed himself as a very trustworthy and loyal being.
But I would not allow myself to let them in. My whole being yearned for a real friendship, someone to share nothing and everything; never again.
At lunch, I sat outside and ate my food quietly, a book in front of my face to shield my eyes from the sun the prevalent stares of my peers. After some minutes of appreciated loneliness, the empty table was filled with conversating teenage bodies. I smiled politely but, in my mind, I was cursing them out.
"So, (Y/N), how's your day been?" Allison asked whilst munching on an apple. I swallowed what was left of my bite and answered.
"Fine, thank you." This time no one pressed on after my short answers, finally getting the hint of my disinterest. In the corner of my eye, I saw Isaac sitting under a tree munching on half a sandwich. I excused myself and went to join him, heavily enjoying his tranquil aura.
"Oh, hi, (Y/N)." He smiled sheepishly.
"Hey, Isaac. Is that all you're eating?"
"Yeah. I'm not very hungry." He looked down as if he were ashamed.
"Nonsense! Here," I gave him the other half of my burger and another bag of chips I had in my bag. "You can't tell me you're not hungry. You're a boy in peak development."
"Thanks." He smiled as he continued munching on his food. I put on some music and we continued eating in silence. No conversation required.
The day went on smoother than it started. Classes flew by fairly quickly and the incessant chit-chat seemed to diminish. During last period I was like every other student, anxiously waiting for the bell to signal the end of the school day. When my pleads were answered, I packed the necessary book into my bag and left the rest in my locker, expertly avoiding any more social encounters. Quickly, I made my way to the waiting open car door of my father's car, ignoring Allison's beckoning me t.wards the small group of friends.
"How was your first day, darling?" My father spoke up breaking my attention from the scenery.
"Like any other first day I've had." I smiled. "The towns might change but school is always the same."
Finally at home, we were greeted with the sight of my mother cooking; people were coming over.
"(Y/N), honey, Chris, Victoria, and Allison are coming over tonight. So, go do a quick workout and come back to get ready." I nodded and ran to my room to change into workout clothes.
My routine would normally consist of waking up, working out, go to school for a dreading eight hours, come back home, workout again, do my homework, eat, and go to sleep. I lead a very monotonous life and it had been this way since I could remember. One of my earliest memories was of my father teaching me archery alongside Allison, a great distraction to our always disrupted home life. As I got older, my father started training me in boxing and knife maneuvering. How would these skills help me in life were still a mystery but I felt safe knowing them.
I got changed and decided to take Brody out with me on a quick jog through the woods. "Hey, boy, ready to go?"
He jumped on me which I took as a yes and started for the woods. We ran down the same trail I had been going on for the past three weeks. Mostly, I went down this track in hopes that Derek would make an appearance, and today was not the exception. As the ruins of his house came to view so did his tall figure.
"Trespassing again?"
"It doesn't count if I know the owner." During our greeting, Brody's leash slipped out of my hand and he ran to jump on Derek, leaving slobbering licks on his cheek. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it." He chuckled and helped me bring him down.
"I guess he likes you, even though he doesn't like anyone but me. Guess you're special."
"Maybe." He grinned.
Out of nowhere, I hit him in the shoulder. "What was that for?!"
"For trying to run me over with your shopping cart two days ago. It was uncalled for."
"No, it was revenge. You hit ME first. In the ankle."
"You're still on with that. Come on, sour wolf. That happened three weeks ago, and it was an accident."
"Whatever. Come on, I'll give you a ride home. It's getting kind of dark." This had also become part of my routine. After "bumping" into Derek he would offer to drop me off at my house, claiming it was for security.
"Okay, we're here. By the way, the offer to show you around town is still up. Just call me whenever." He said as he stopped the car in front of my house.
"Alright, will do, and thanks for the ride, Derek. I'd invite you in, but my family is coming over."
"No worries, maybe another time."
"It's a date. Anyways, thanks again. See you when I see you."
"Okay, goodnight."
"Night." He waited until I entered the house and drove away.
"Munchkin, is that you?" My father screamed from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" I screamed back.
"Okay, well, go take a shower and get ready your uncle will get here soon."
I hurried up the stairs and hopped in the shower letting the hot water stream down my body calming any aching muscle that was palpitating. In my room, I searched through my closet for an acceptable family dinner outfit, deciding a grey sweater and black jeans would be enough. I braided my hair out of my face and went downstairs to help my mother set the table.
After we put the last plate the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I ran to the door and was greeted by my uncle. "Uncle Chris!" I jumped and he hugged me. There was no doubt that he was my favorite family member, his presence was always welcoming. His wife on the other hand was as cold as the winters we spent in New York. She was nice but absolutely scary. "Hi, Aunt Victoria."
"Hello, (Y/N)." I hugged her and said hi to Allison.
"Come in, guys." They walked in and I closed the door behind them.
"So, (Y/N), how have you been?" Uncle Chris asked while stuffing his mouth with mom's famous lasagna.
"I've been good. I mean, moving all the time takes a toll on you at first, but I got used to it. It's easy now to pack it all up once the school year ends."
"Oh, honey, that must be so hard on you," Victoria said. I could not read her tone, her words spoke in sympathetic notes with an underlying melody of sarcasm.  Not knowing what to answer, I bit my lip and nodded.
The whole evening was spent on us catching up and eating, laughing, playing games, but the good times came to an end when the clock hit 9:00 pm. It was stupid to set a curfew, but my mom usually had everyone in bed at this time, 10:30 as of late.
"You better come around the house more often." Uncle Chris demanded and hugged me.
"Yes, sir." I raised my hand to my eyebrow and saluted, as did he.
"Let's go, Chris. And thank you for the lovely dinner, Rebecca," Victoria said linking arms with my uncle and smiling at mom.
"No problem. Come by any time." They talked for a bit more and after they left, I went upstairs to change for bed.
"Momma, I'm gonna go to sleep."
"Okay, honey. Goodnight." I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, and put my hair in a ponytail.
Before bed, I made sure everything I would need for the next day was packed into my bag and made sure my alarm was set. I pulled all the throw pillows from my bed and set them aside, then making my way to the window to draw the curtains. Something caught my attention in the backyard, though. My eyes squinted trying to make out the figure in front of me. Blinking the confusion away, I made a double-take and looked back at an empty yard. I laughed to myself as I crept into bed. Why would Derek be in my backyard?
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Thanks for Watching part 3
Hey everyone! Yesterday, I reached 1000 followers! I’m a little shocked and a little in awe and I certainly never thought I would have this many so thank you for following and listening to my ramblings. I have a couple things planned for this milestone but I don’t have the time to talk about all of them right now, so for now I thought it might be nice to update Thanks for Watching and let our boys finally get together :)
Also on ao3 here
Okay, so he’s known Tony for six months now. It’s not super weird that they’re still not dating right? He knows that Tony thinks he’s attractive—he says it in just about every video that Steve’s in now—and he’s pretty sure that Tony likes the him under the hotness too—or at least, Tony makes sure to reassure him of that after every video—and he definitely thinks Tony’s pretty great.
But they’re still not dating.
He knows it frustrates both Bucky and Rhodey, who ask them about it at least once a week. He’s pretty sure it frustrates Tony’s fans too who always squee about them in the comments. He thinks that’s the term Tony uses.
Squee? Squeezes? Squeegy? No, that can’t be right.
They’re always talking about how cute Steve and Tony are in the comments and wondering when they’re going to start dating. But, hey, Steve’s taking his time, okay? They say the best relationships are those built on a good, solid friendship and that’s what he’s building with Tony right now.
He’s not afraid, no matter what Bucky says.
He’s not.
He might be.
A little.
Maybe a little more than a little.
Okay, so maybe he’s terrified. It’s just that the more he gets to know Tony, the more he gets to see what an incredible, bright, vivacious man he is, the less he feels…worthy, maybe. He’s just Steve Rogers. He can barely keep up with whatever Tony’s chattering about and he wears grandpa pants to go out and he only has followers on any of his social media because of Tony’s shout out. What could he have to offer someone like Tony Stark?
He looks up from where he’s working on his latest commission—a portrait of someone’s wife for their twenty-sixth anniversary since that’s apparently the art one—to where Tony is at the other end of the workshop, doing a Q&A. He does them periodically, usually for subscriber milestones but sometimes for other reasons like an anniversary or a birthday or when he gets enough requests for another one.
“Stuckinmicanopy wants to know how Dum-E got his name,” Tony reads off the screen. In the corner, Dum-E perks up at the sound of his name. “You know, that’s a really good question and it’s one that I don’t think I’ve ever really talked about before. So back at MIT, when Rhodey-bear and I were first working on Dum-E’s programming, he was originally named Laundr because he was supposed to be a laundry bot since we didn’t like doing laundry. And who can blame us? Laundry was created by the devil. Anyway, so Dum-E was supposed to be a laundry bot but then he fell down the stairs like three times in a row and we couldn’t get the bug out of his programming so I called him a dummy and the name just stuck. The spelling thing happened because on Dum-E’s first birthday, we showed him Wall-E and he was infatuated.”
Steve, who has been watching Dum-E steadily trundle closer throughout Tony’s speech, warningly says, “Tony.”
Just in time, Tony turns to stop Dum-E from spraying him with the fire extinguisher. “Nothing’s even on fire, you useless bot,” he exclaims. “Go back to your corner. Go. Shoo. Off you go.”
He gives Steve an exaggeratedly confused look. Steve laughs and shrugs. “He must have heard his name,” he says.
“Must’ve,” Tony agrees. “Okay, next question. Ooh new one just popped up from bellesbagels: is Steve there with me? Yes, he is. Steve likes to come do his art stuff in the workshop because his roommate isn’t there and because I got him a really great easel for his birthday earlier this year. I would tilt the camera so you could all see him but he’s working on a surprise commission and he doesn’t want anyone to see it until it’s finished. Maybe if the next person asks really nicely, he’ll get up and come over here so you guys can say hi.”
“I’ll get up and go over there now,” Steve says, He leaves his brush in the mug and heads over to join Tony by the computer. “Hi Tony, hi viewers.” He drops a quick kiss on the top of Tony’s head—even if he’ll never admit it, Tony craves affection—waves to the camera and meanders back to his easel.
Tony leans back in his chair to give him a fond smile before returning to his questions. “So apparently a lot of you want to know if Steve often gives me kisses and the answer is yes. Steve and I are very affectionate with each other, me because I’m naturally an affectionate person and Steve because I think he feels sorry for me that Howard doesn’t like me.”
“Hey,” Steve protests.
“I’m kidding. Steve and I are affectionate with each other because we both like each other very much and toxic masculinity is ridiculous. And seriously, everyone should take a chance to feel up those biceps at least once. They’re ridiculously huge. So since not everyone gets to see Steve like I do everyday, I will take one for the team and give Steve as many hugs as I can to make up for it.”
See, it’s things like that that make him think Tony is interested in dating him. But then he always adds a “just kidding” or doesn’t follow it up with asking Steve out and he’s just hopelessly confused.
“Shaylabee wants to know when Steve’s birthday is so they can send him a present next year.” He shoots Steve a questioning look. Steve thinks about it and then nods. He’s gotten packages from followers before. They always get sent to Stark Tower where they can be vetted. “Because he is All-American Grade-A beef, Steve’s birthday is ironically on the 4th of July. Next question: lovelyjules asks if Steve and I are aware that we keep acting like we’re dating.”
He pauses and Steve looks up from his easel. Over by the computer, Tony is frowning at the question. Steve gets it. He knows how much Tony hates it when people act like they have to be dating because they give each other hugs and compliments.
“I’ll take this one,” he offers, standing up and joining Tony again.
“Nah, it’s fine.” He presses another kiss to the side of Tony’s head. “You get this question a lot. Let me handle it for once.” He looks at the camera and takes a deep breath. “Tony and I would like to remind you about what he just said regarding toxic masculinity. We’re very close friends who express our friendship in a physical way but that doesn’t mean that we have to be dating. Tony isn’t interested in anything like that and I respect his choices.” And then, belatedly so that Tony doesn’t suspect anything. “And I’m not either.”
It comes off as a little lame even to him and he thinks Tony might have gotten suspicious judging by the way he frowns oddly.
But when Steve doesn’t say anything else about it, Tony just goes back to the video and says, “That’s all we’ve got time for today. Thanks for listening to me jabber at you today, I’ll be back with a new Science Bros video next week, and as always, thanks for watching.”
Steve waves as Tony turns off the camera, smiling awkwardly.
“Tony—” he starts to say as soon as the blinking light stops flashing.
“Wait. What do you mean I’m not interested?”
He shifts uncomfortably. “Well, you know, you’re always making jokes—”
“You mean flirting with you?”
“You always tell me that you’re just kidding afterwards!” he exclaims
“Because you always look so uncomfortable!” Tony says. “Are you telling me that you never once minded me hitting on you?”
“Why would I mind? I’ve had a crush on you for months.”
Tony gapes at him. “But you never said anything. You just—you looked at me so I just figured you didn’t feel the same. We could have been dating for months?”
“I—” Something is stirring in Steve’s heart, something that feels a little bit like hope. “Yes?”
Tony breaks out into a huge grin and he throws his arms around Steve, hugging him tight. “Wow, we’re just as idiotic as Rhodey’s been saying we are.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Steve argues.
“No, no, Honeybear is always right.”
“We got here, didn’t we?” he points out. “Last I heard, Rhodey was betting on us never getting our shit together.”
Tony laughs brightly, nuzzling deeper into Steve’s chest as he does. Slowly, Steve puts his own arms around Tony. They’ve hugged before, many times really, but this feels…different, momentous even.
“Hey, Tony?” he asks hesitantly, wondering if he’s allowed to do this now.
Tony hums happily.
“Can I—may I, I mean—kiss you?”
His answer is to slide his hands up Steve’s chest, hook around his neck, and pull him down for the softest, gentlest kiss Steve thinks he’s ever had. His own hands slide down to fit around Tony’s waist, bringing him up close as he opens his mouth on a content sigh.
Tony pulls away but doesn’t go far, instead resting his forehead against Steve’s. “That was nice,” he whispers.
“Mmhmm,” Steve agrees. “You want to go out with me tonight? Something low key, maybe?”
“Burgers and milkshakes?”
“Share the milkshake?”
“Would we do any less?” Tony asks, mock-indignantly.
Steve chuckles and kisses Tony again, letting his lips linger. He’s allowed to do this, he gets to have this, have Tony. They’re going to be the disgustingly cute couple driving Bucky and Rhodey crazy, he just knows it.
“No,” he says. “Probably not.”
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by nadine07
Three Names You Are Called:
1. Robyn, by virtually everybody. 
2. Byn, by close family members.
3. For some reason I have some friends who call me Bynbyn? even though I never established it as a nickname?? but they use it as an affectionate nickname so ultimately I don’t mind it. It just takes me aback sometimes, lmao.
Three Colors You Are Wearing At the Moment:
1. Red
2. White
3. Pink. Or light purple, depending on how you see it.
The Last Three People To Call You:
1. My mom, though I missed the call because I was at work earlier.
2. I just saw that Ysa, my director, also tried to call me. This story is so fucking stupid...I physically went to the office last Wednesday to pack some groceries, and all day long I had been leaving the door slightly ajar every time I had to go out because I haven’t had my biometrics enrolled yet and I don’t hold the keys to the office (and I was the only one who requested to go there for that day).
Of course, knowing my luck, the door slipped while I was out (I had to very briefly hand a package to a courier), locking me out of the goddamn office with all my shit inside. Even worse, I had a meeting going on with a client – I had speaking parts assigned to me, and I got locked out like 30 seconds before my part would start. I’m guessing Ysa called me during the time I disappeared but I obviously couldn’t have answered the phone. It was infuriating, especially since my manager had to cover for my slides which she didn’t practice for.
I’ll no longer get into how I managed to get back inside since it’s another embarrassing and complicated story altogether, but suffice it to say I was really upset about the whole thing and I still feel uneasy imagining how that meeting could’ve gone down with my disappearance.
3. A courier. They usually call when they’re already arrived where you are, so that they know where exactly to meet up with you.
Three Days You Look Forward To Each Year:
1. My birthday, because it’s kinda cool turning into a different age.
2. Whenever Wrestlemania is scheduled, which is usually late March or early April.
3. ...I don’t have any either favorite days/dates.
Three Jobs You've Had:
1. PR associate.
2. That’s my first job. I’ve had two internships before that, and they were both at PR agencies.
3. -
Three Bands/Singers You Love:
1. Paramore
2. Beyoncé
3. The Japanese House
Three People You've Talked To Today:
1. It’s exactly 7 AM. I could’ve talked to my parents when they headed downstairs earlier but I pretended I was still asleep on the couch so that they couldn’t, hahaha. They’ve since gone out to jog. I don’t think I’ve said a word at all yet this morning, actually.
2. -
3. -
Three Things You Could Grab From Where You're Sitting:
1. My phone.
2. The other end of this table.
3. My vape pen.
The Last Three Things You've Had to Drink:
1. I most recently had a glass of water after I finished my bag of salted egg chips.
2. I finished off the last of my coffee.
3. I also drank soju last night as an impromptu thing because I saw that I still had a peach-flavored one (my favorite) in the fridge.
Three People You Can Always Count On:
1. Angela.
2. Andi.
3. I’m also gonna name Pia even though we aren’t the closest. Girl has been crazy supportive over the last few months.
Three Places You Want to Go:
1. That I haven’t been to yet? Seoul in South Korea.
2. Thailand.
3. Morocco.
The Last Three Places You've Gone:
1. Other than places in the house – the local coffee shop inside my village.
2. The office.
3. The Starbucks beside the office. I had arrived a bit early so I had some time to walk over there and order something.
The Last Three Non-Relatives You've Hung Out With:
1. Angela.
2. Hans.
3. We were 8 in the group the last time we went out lol. But aside from the above, Pia (a different one) was the one who made the most effort to talk to me as well.
Three People To Be Stranded On A Desert Island With:
1. Angela.
2. Kate.
3. Not sure. Maybe Al for some comic relief while we try to survive there?
Three Smells You Love:
1. Cookies being baked.
2. A hotel room.
3. Seafood.
Three People You Look Up To:
1. Angela’s mom.
2. Andi.
3. My manager, Bea. Well she just got promoted, so I guess I’ll call her my director now, hahaha.
Three Places You've Lived:
1. The duplex where I mostly grew up, just a village away from my current one. I got to experience living in either house, as well.
2. Tondo, Manila. With my dad’s family.
3. Sampaloc, Manila. My parents briefly had an apartment and I was there for like a few months as a newborn.
Three Good Teachers You've Had:
1. My music teacher for the entirety of high school.
2. My professor in international relations.
3. My professor in my social history and history of Filipino women electives.
Three Things You're Good At:
1. I gotta say I’m great at parking, hahaha. Backward parking, parallel parking, you name it.
2. Going through my to-do list and finishing off every task by the end of the day.
3. Reflexes, or reacting/responding immediately, especially in games.
The Last Three People You've Kissed:
1. Gabie.
2. -
3. -
The Last Three People You've Dated:
1. Gabie.
2. -
3. -
Three People With Whom You've Shared a Secret:
1. Andi.
2. JM.
3. Jo was the first person I informed about my breakup, and I didn’t even reveal it publicly until like three months after. I didn’t expect to confide in her especially since we aren’t the closest, but I think I was just desperate to tell someone then to finally acknowledge reality.
Three Irresponsible Things You've Done:
1. Vape.
2. Road rage.
3. Leave my laptop in a classroom as I left to go to another class, in another building.
Three Movies You Love:
1. Two for the Road.
2. Revolutionary Road.
3. Room.
The Last Three People You've Gone to the Movies With:
1. Angela.
2. Leigh.
3. Gabie.
The Last Three People You've Ridden in a Car With:
1. Laurice.
2. Kuya Toby.
3. Lui.
Three Facts About Your #1:
1. Can I name my best friends instead? Angela is in her final year of college taking up architecture.
2. She has two shih tzus, Hailey and Kennedy.
3. Her mom is a pediatrician and has her own clinic in their home.
Three Places You've Gone With Your #2:
1. I haven’t been too adventurous with Andi...most recently we’ve gone to a Korean barbecue joint for a one-on-one catch up date.
2. TK.
3. Rita’s house.
Three Things You've Done With Your #3:
1. Kate works for the government.
2. Last time I talked to her, she’s still set on retake a law school exam after not getting admitted to her campus of choice last year.
3. She had a bad habit of dating orgmates.
Three Things You Have in Common With Your #4:
1. Laurice is great at debate.
2. She lives in the south, so I don’t get to see her a lot.
3. She has a cute habit of calling many of our friends by their respective honorifics, even though they’re the same age or even when she’s literally older than some of them.
Three Things That Annoy You:
1. Making the effort to go to a store and seeing they’re closed for the day, even though they didn’t indicate it in their social media accounts.
2. Offices of government agencies and their ever-grumpy staff.
3. Filipinos’ tendency to turn 3 lanes into 6 during a traffic jam.
Three Things That Attract You To The Opposite Sex:
1. Asexual. Pass.
2. - 
3. - 
Three Material Items You'd Save If You're House Was On Fire:
1. My laptop, since all my work files and a whole ton of memories are in here.
2. My phone, so I can update family and friends.
3. My glasses. Realistically, I wouldn’t care about any of these and would jump up to grab my dogs instead.
Three Careers You've Considered:
1. Journalist.
2. Lawyer.
3. Historian.
Three Things You Wish You Knew About Your Future:
1. Whether marriage or kids will be part of mine.
2. When I’m dying, and what from.
3. Where I’ll end up living, and what kind of housing.
The Last Three Songs You Listened To:
1. Wait On - Hayley Williams
2. Good Grief - Hayley Williams
3. Over Those Hills - Hayley Williams. Stream Flowers for Vases, friends.
Three Things You Consider Lucky:
1. I don’t believe in lucky charms.
2. - 
3. - 
Three T.V. Show Characters You Wish Were Real:
1. Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman.
2. Chandler Bing from Friends.
3. Glenn Rhee from The Walking Dead.
Three Issues You Have Strong Opinions On:
1. Racial equality. 
2. Gender equality.
3. Abortion rights.
Three Things You Wish You Could Change About Yourself:
1. That I wasn’t so clumsy at work.
2. That I wasn’t too selfless all the time to just about anyone.
3. That I had a better hold of my finances and keep spending just because I’m still within budget, heheh.
Three People From Your Past You Wish You Could Spend a Day With:
1. My grandpa, who passed away before I could properly grow up and shoot the shit with him over some beer.
2. Nacho.
3. Sofie, so we can properly catch up, just the two of us.
Three Famous People You'd Like to Meet:
1. Beyoncé.
2. Hayley Williams.
3. Leni Robredo.
Three Things You Are Wearing:
1. A t-shirt.
2. A pair of shorts.
3. Underwear.
The Last Three Places You Went That Were More Than 2 Hours Away:
1. Tagaytay.
2. My dad’s family’s home in Laguna.
3. Those are the only places we’ve been to where we had to travel for a while.
The Last Three Reasons You Went to the Hospital:
1. Blood and urine test for my ~mystery illness~ last year.
2. I had to be confined for a couple of days because of low platelet count.
3. ...I was born. I haven’t made many trips to the hospital. 
Three Things You Are Addicted To:
1. I’ve never felt comfortable using the term addicted because it’s an actual condition...but if you mean to ask for what I’m hooked to at the moment, I’d go with coffee.
2. And salted egg chips. I literally bought five bags of chips yesterday and I’m already finished with my third.
3. Anything Korean, tbh. Korean food, shows, music, etc...the Korean Wave is very strong over here and I’ve finally been reeled all the way in.
Three Favorite Colors:
1. Baby pink or pastel pink.
2. Mustard yellow.
3. Maroon.
Three Things You Will Do Now That This Is Over:
1. Find another one to take for later.
2. Finish my breakfast, and maybe heat up some leftover pasta because I’m still hungry.
3. Maybe get my embroidering template so I can make some progress today.
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flightysquip · 4 years
OH SPEAKING OF, when you’re feeling up to it, do you writing little bios of the Idol family and a really loose explanation about the AU (and how it ties to BMC), which I could follow up with some thoughts? I want to have a quick ref to give to people who wanna know more about the family.
I took some creative liberties here, which of course means some details are absolutely up for interpretation and okay to be changed.  
The Idolodulia family as a whole is a broad network of interconnected biological, adopted, and politically tethered clusters of individuals with overlapping goals of power, unity, strength, and efficient domination.  While going into the lore, history, customs, and minutiae of the entirety of this family would frankly take more time than we have here, I’m going to specifically focus on the main branch, the Godhead line itself, the absolute, bordering on monarch head of the branches as a whole.
This is a very loose BMC au, in which the Squip is the human heir to the dynasty.  While much of the dark elements are left up to interpretation and implication within this document, this family has a sordid history at best.  Warning moving forward for elements of: rape, grooming, incest, patricide, abuse (physical, neglect, psychological, sexual), fetishization, forced marriages, and the brutal cycles of continued trauma.  
Some glossaries of terms and abbreviations:
Idol: casual abbreviation of the chosen surname of the family.  Idolodulia sounds like an artificial name, and that’s absolutely because it is.  It was chosen many generations back.  It’s also a serious mouthful and can get tedious to talk.  I use the full last name and the abbreviated Idol interchangeably, there’s no distinct difference between when I choose one over the other.
Godhead: The anglified term used to denote the head of the family.  Some branches use the term for their own house patriarch or matriarch, but it will be used only within that house’s walls, and only in the lowercase.  The capital G Godhead is the actual ruler of the Idols, and is in charge of maintaining order, creating new family laws, keeping track of rituals and customs, and is, of course, expected to produce at least one heir.  It’s not unusual for the Godhead of the family to simply go by this title once they take control of the family and forgo use of their actual given name.  
GH: diminutive abbreviation of Godhead.  Can be used as an affectionate nickname, but generally is considered a sign of disrespect for a subordinate to shorten the title in this way.  Rules have grown more lax about this over generations, however.  In this document, I will use Godhead when speaking about the position in a general sense, and GH when I am referring to The Squip specifically
Bride: the most commonly used vernacular to refer to the Godhead’s primary/heir-producing wife.  Bride is a recognized gender neutral term within family lore.
Heir: the child chosen to carry on the family line and take over the position of power.  Usually the first born, most often male, typically heavily trained up until the time they usurp the outgoing Godhead’s position of power.
Aunts and Uncles: general term for any non-direct adult relative to the main family.  An Uncle is not necessarily a sibling of the patriarchal head
Cousin: general term for any non-direct minor relative to the main family.  
FH: unofficial term referring to the outgoing Godhead of the family.  Stands for Fatherhead.  It’s not his actual name or title, it’s just funny and sort of stuck as unofficial shorthand to refer to GH’s (the Squip’s) father.
MH: unofficial term referring to the outgoing Bride of the family.  Stands for Motherhead.  It’s not her official name or title, it’s just funny and sort of stuck as unofficial shorthand to refer to GH’s mother.
gFH: unofficial term, used to mean “grandfatherhead”.  Basically a fancy way of me saying “this is the grandpa of the current generation of kids”.
gMH: unofficial term, used to mean “grandmotherhead”.  Basically a fancy way of me saying “this is the grandma of the current generation of kids”.
Traditions/Customs within the family:
The traditional path of an heir taking over as Godhead is through patricide (or, in the rare cases of a female Godhead, matricide).  This is known and expected by the current ruler, and it’s a high honor to have trained a child adept enough to best you through homicidal means.  This position requires a cold, calculating, detached sensibilities.  Proving this through bringing death upon one of your lifebringers is a sign of the type of amoral, practical, goal-oriented thinking that is highly valued within this society.  
Ritual incest is not only commonplace, but lauded as a necessary custom within the family as a whole, and the main ruling class in particular.  Entire parties and holidays are centered around the use and defilement of the Idol young.  These holidays often serve as a vehicle to show off the youth of the family who can be married off or bartered for special favor or political intrigue
Speaking of incest, marriage is often kept within the family lines as well.  It is a custom that’s neither highly encouraged nor discouraged, it’s simply one of many options.  It’s not unusual for a Godhead to have many sibling or cousin wives, in addition to a Bride who may or may not be biologically related
The death and physical dismemberment of children is commonplace, especially as a tool to harden an heir through example
Adoption is a common tactic to diversify the family line and add a “flavor of the exotic” for parties, holidays, and intrigue.  The more unique the adoptee, the more impressive the family looks as a result.  Adopted children cannot become heirs or godheads, though they can reach other high levels of prestige and power within the family once they’ve come of age, and of course can become Brides.
It’s not that showing affection is disallowed or even really frowned upon.  It’s just that the concept of family devotion extends beyond the typical moral lines of protection and affection, but rather involves maintaining traditions, showing strength and discipline, and seeing a much broader picture than simply caring for an individual.  You can love your children, you can love your Bride, you can love your siblings.  But to put that love above your devotion to your duty and the rituals of your title is unacceptable and must swiftly be snuffed out.
The main family line of the current ruling class:
gFH: Abram Idolodulia (likely deceased), a cruel and stupid man.  While he had the sadism of a traditional Godhead, he lacked the discipline to truly be considered Great.  Abram sired many children (16 confirmed pregnancies carried to term with his first Bride, Kana, and an additional 7 unrecognized offspring by various lower wives.  He also had two adopted children), though the vast majority would not survive to adulthood due to his careless homicidal inclinations.  He cycled through 8 potential heirs before Archelaus was ultimately selected.   He was usurped as acting Godhead by his son, Archelaus, upon Archelaus’ 17th birthday.
gMH: Kana Idolodulia (deceased), Abram’s first and only officially recognized Bride.  A soft spoken former teacher, she was not born into the Idol bloodline, but was considered desirable and forcibly married by Abram.  She had an extremely close relationship with her child Archelaus (who she cycled through a variety of petnames to refer to, and often called Archie) until her death by Abram’s hands, a death calculated with the intention of removing any softness from this heir.
The Father: Archelaus T. Idolodulia (FH), current acting Godhead, the patriarch of the ruling Idol family.  An extremely intelligent, calculating, and sadistic man, his lack of empathy and eye for detail has lauded him as one of the most well regarded of all Godheads in modern Idol history.  His bounds for cruelty are composed but thorough, a tactic used to control, to train, and to entertain.  His favorite of his children is his youngest, Christopher, and his cruelties towards him are escalated due to his sense of love and genuine affection.  FH’s relationship with his Bride is playful and mutually beneficial, though devoid of any sort of traditional sense of romantic love.
The Mother: Lilith Idolodulia (MH), current acting Bride and the mother of the current Godhead’s offspring.  Cold, bitter, and hateful, her distaste at lack of an acceptable daughter only fuels her annoyance at her lot in life.  Lilith is the first cousin of her husband.  The majority of her direct relatives (including a prior fiance) were slaughtered to prevent a coup and to successfully take her as a Bride.
The Original Spare: Kristophe Idolodulia is Archelaus’ twin brother and one of his few remaining living siblings.  He was kept in isolation for the majority of their shared childhood together.  Archelaus’ affection for his brother manifested in graphic acts of torture in their few moments together.  Upon taking power, Archelaus married Kristophe to a lower level Uncle.  They do not correspond or keep in touch.  Kristophe is likely extremely psychologically warped due to his upbringing and continued torture at the hands of his husband.
The Heir: Christian “GH” Idolodulia, the eldest son and current heir to the Idolodulia family.  Upon announcement of his heir status, he was quick to stop answering to any uses of his given name and already insists (at least upon his siblings and any cousins) on being referred to as Godhead exclusively.  As far as ties to canon, GH is the humanized version of the Squip.  Raised to be cold, his life is a constant battle of suppressing his compassion for his siblings in order to fulfill the duties of his family and title.  A sickly child, medicine and unhealthy levels of personal discipline help him maintain a facade of strength that he knows all too well is easy to fracture.  His main goals in life?  Kill his father, take the throne, and find a suitable Bride to carry on his legacy.  
The Spare: Lucifer “Luci” Idolodulia, the twin (triplet*) brother of GH, who has spent the vast majority of his life in a lonely cage in a dark basement.  A gentle, gender-confused, faith-driven sweetheart, his kindness proved too detrimental to ultimately consider for the heir role, despite his stronger physical health, and thus was banished to try to prevent any continued emotional ties between himself and GH.  
The Disposable: Isaac “Isa” Idolodulia*, the triplet sister of GH and Luci, and an unacceptable female child by Lilith’s standards. Much like Luci, she was kept in solitude for the majority of her childhood, though under less rigid guard, and in an attic rather than a basement.  Nurturing by nature, but ultimately a complete death fetishist and kinkster, she and GH have a strong, albeit dangerous, chemistry, due to his desire for power, and her extreme masochism.  
*Isa is sometimes depicted as deceased at birth or earlier in development, depending on the nature of the narrative being crafted
The Novelty: Moses Idolodulia, the adopted younger sibling of the household, chosen because of his looks, physical strength and health, and gender to appease Lilith’s urge for a daughter.  A trans boy, Moses, likely due to his outsider upbringing in addition to his inherent personality, is a voice of rationale and reason, as well as a source of surprising warmth and compassion despite the cruelties this life brings them.  Often tasked with caretaking for Christopher and, to a lesser extent, GH himself.  Strong contender for a potential Bride, which also played a role in his adoption.  In terms of canonical connection to BMC, Moses is the humanized characterization of Rich’s squip.
The Pet: Christopher Idolodulia, the youngest of the household, and FH’s favorite.  Being the favorite certainly doesn’t give him any sort of leniency in terms of treatment, of course, because the Idol standard of showing love is not a gentle one.  Due to a variety of chronic health conditions, Christopher primarily uses a wheelchair.  Quiet, autistic, and externally stoic in his mannerisms, Christopher idolizes (no pun intended) GH, and is devoted to Moses.  A sweet chronic biter hiding behind a frown and a pile of stuffed animals.
This is just a basic overview.  If anyone actually read this and has any questions or comments, my ask box is always open!  I tried to keep this as toned down as I could, because some of the details are pretty, well, sad and gross and tragic, but if this triggered anyone or caused any distress, I do apologize for that as well!
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donghuanewbsunite · 4 years
This is just a short glossary of words and terms you might run into while watching donghua or reading web novels and manhua. Keep in mind I’m only a casual fan and don’t know chinese myself. This is just the basic of the basics that I’ve picked up from my time reading novels, manhua, and watching donghua.
!!This glossary is under construction!!
Donghua - Chinese animation
Manhua - Chinese comics
Gege / Ge - Affectionate term for ‘elder brother’
Xiong / Xiong-zhang - Respectful term for ‘elder brother’
Jiejie / Jie - Affectionate term for ‘elder sister’
Didi / Di - Affectionate term for ‘younger brother’
Meimei / mei - Affectionate term for ‘younger sister’
Er - Affectionate suffix sometimes given to children or close friends
Salute – When a character in a Chinese novel salutes the author usually means they're putting their fist in their palm rather than a straight hand to their forehead. Depending on if you're reading a modern or martial arts novel, the palm will either be curled over the fist or set straight out.
Coughing blood – There are two meanings to this saying. 1)An expression used to show how angry or emotionally distressed a character is. 2) The character is literally coughing up blood to signify internal injuries. You can generally tell which is which based off of the context of the situation.
Fuck your mom – A phrase that essentially means 'fuck you'. The reasons this is used is to prevent 'fuck' from being censored [1]
Your sister – Short for 'I fuck your sister'. It has essentially the same meaning as 'fuck you' [1]
Gnawing on melon seeds – Watching a good show [2]
Papapa – The sound of skin slapping... because... y'know... 👀
Didn't know whether they should laugh or cry – An expression to show conflicting emotions
Pretend to be a pig to eat the tiger – To hide one's real strength in order to mount a sneak attack
Face – When face is mentioned, other than meaning your actual face, authors actually referring to a characters reputation, dignity, pride, and shame. [3]
When a character thickens their face or has a thick face it means they're getting ready to or are acting shameless.
When a character is humiliated, ashamed, or embarrassed, or doing something inappropriate we say this person is losing face, meaning something like losing dignity. [3]
If you do something in order to not impair someone's fame, we say you are saving face for him, meaning maintaining somebody's dignity/pride.
Face slapping – When someone is humiliated. A face slapping moment is typically reserved for villians or unlikable characters to experience
Drinking vinegar – Used to describe a jealous character
Let's compare notes – Characters in more action based novels may use this term to ask for a friendly match with someone
Tears streamed down his face – Used to either show distress of happiness
To have eyes, but fail to recognize Mt. Tai – To be ignorant or arrogant; to fail to recognize someone or something of great status [4]
The time it takes an incense stick to burn – A poetic way of referring to a short timespan. Depending on the author, generally either 5 minutes or 30 minutes [4].
Gnashing Teeth – Displaying extreme anger or frustration [4]
Sucking in a breath of cold air – A reaction caused by shock or surprise [4]
With a flick of a sleeve – A flourish of a long sleeve; a gesture often done in a moment of passion or simply to add emphasis to a statement [4]
The Seven Orifices / The Seven Apertures – The seven apertures of the human head (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth) [4]
Netizen – Users of the internet
Keyboard 'Hero' – Basically a troll
White Lotus – An innocent, cute, and kind character
Jade-like – Common descriptor for anything refined/elegant/beautiful; an unblemished, creamy white color when referring to skin/women [4]
A frog in a well – To be ignorant/narrow-minded; to have a myopic perspective [4]
Black Belly – Two-faced; outwardly king but inwardly evil or manipulative [4]
A teacher for a day, a father for life – A student should revere and respect someone who was willing to mentor them, even if they could only teach for a short period of time... Similarly, a teacher should nurture and cherish their students as they would their own children. [4]
YY (YiYin / 意淫) Novel – YY novels are your typical Chinese webnovels filled with tropes like arrogant young masters who don't recognize Mt. Tai, old grandpa teacher, alchemy, auctions, tournaments, faceslapping, OP MC, and so on. You can consider YY novels as fast food. They're very fun/delicious and addicting, but not exactly quality stuff [5]. The term was first used as a joke as it is is similar to another word meaning masturbate (手淫), but eventually it just stuck because people couldn't find a better way to describe the genre [6]. Overall the word basically means 'mental masturbation'.
Wuxia - Literally means “Martial Heroes”. Fictional stories about regular humans who can achieve supernatural fighting ability through Chinese martial arts training and internal energy cultivation. Themes of chivalry, tragedy, revenge & romance are common. [7]
Xianxia - Literally means “Immortal Heroes”. Fictional stories featuring magic, demons, ghosts, immortals, and a great deal of Chinese folklore/mythology. Protagonists (usually) attempt to cultivate to Immortality, seeking eternal life and the pinnacle of strength. Heavily inspired by Daoism. [7]
Xuanhuan – Literally means 'Mysterious Fantasy'. A broad genre of fictional stories which remixes Chinese folklore / mythology with foreign elements and settings. [7]
[Xuanhuan and Xianxia novels may sometimes seem similar on the surface. Look for the presence of Daoist elements (the Dao, Tin and Yang, Immortals, ect...) in the novel to easily distinguish the two – if they aren't present, then it's probably a Xuanhuan novel.]
Kehuan – Science fiction
Qihuan – Magical fiction, usually refers to novels that are set in a western culture background. It usually has kings, dragons, knights, magic, ect... [6]
(Sometimes you'll see characters talking about or using apps or sites so I thought's I'd also list them)
QQ Chat – An instant messaging and multimedia service provided by Tencent.
Baidu – Much like Google, Baidu is the name of a company, but when most people talk about it they are actually talking about the search engine and other internet related services it provides.
Lofter – A social media site similar to Tumblr.
Weibo – A social media site similar to Twitter and Facebook.
WeChat – A social media, messaging, and mobile payment app developed by Tencent.
Bilibili – A video sharing website similar to YouTube. It also host comics and games.
JJWXC (JinJiang) - 
Fantasy and Historic Terms:
Gongzi - A honorific used when addressing noble sons
Shixiong - Older disciple brother
Shijie - Older disciple sister
Shidi - Younger disciple brother
Shimei - Younger disciple sister
Laoshi - Teacher
Shizun / Shifu - Teacher/Master
Shishu - Elder martial uncle (Disciples call other male masters ‘uncle’)
Shibo - Younger martial uncle (Same as above)
Qi – The natural energy that exist in all things
[1] https://re-library.com/glossary-of-common-chinese-slangs-gaming-and-acgn-terms/
[2] https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/chinese-slang-words.49990/
[3] https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/thick-skinned-cheeky.3199240/
[4] https://www.wuxiaworld.com/page/chinese-idiom-glossary
[5] http://novelfull.com/the-kings-avatar/chapter-983-happys-fanclub.html
[6] https://www.reddit.com/r/LightNovels/comments/36q51h/as_a_chinese_id_like_to_talk_about_those_chinese/
[7] https://immortalmountain.wordpress.com/glossary/wuxia-xianxia-xuanhuan-terms/
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warmau · 5 years
{Special} College!AU Jungwoo
major: library sciences + information 
minor: entomology (much to ten’s horror)
sports: was invited to the soccer team by yuta, but he’d rather play it for fun not for competition. likes to go to yoga - tries to get a grumpy taeil to go with him
clubs: showed up to chinese culture club so he could see sicheng - who kicked him out after three minutes, him and yuta both go to earth coalition meetings because they like nature, and sometimes jungwoo will pop by the conspiracy club to hear people ramble about aliens (he thinks they’re cool)
jungwoo tends to confuse students who arent his close friends because,,,,,,
he’s really really kind and affectionate - but he also seems like he’s always stuck in some kind of daydream too
like he’ll be in class, and he’ll be able to answer questions and take tests
but his voice is so cushiony soft and fluttery that it seems almost like he’s answering in some soft pink haze
or maybe that’s just his aura
it’s so ?????
but his friends know that ,,,, that’s just how jungwoo is
he’s incredibly open and relaxed - never anxious about anything but also,,,,,never really cautious either
so it’s natural for him to walk into things - or say whatever it is that crosses his mind 
like the amount of times he’s just randomly said “i love you” outloud to taeil? doyoung? jaehyun?
like on public transit or in front of literal professors
everyone getting into a frenzy because wait - wait you love yuta??? and yuta waving his hands around like nO nO he means it like friends like it’s just what he says
there have been many rumors about jungwoo and like,,,,every member of nct on campus
but also it’s not just nct - jungwoo is just naturally touchy - naturally inclined to show his appreciation with little nudges and batting eyelashes
and he was born to flirt really
not in a,,,,,,,, pick you up kind of way or a sleazy ‘let me slide into the dms’ kind of way
just,,,,,,,a kind of enchanting way
that makes people feel all warm and cared for ,,,,, his handsome face and soft voice makes you feel like you’ve just been hugged by the worlds softest teddy bear
his major is library sciences because ,,, everyone agrees ,,, it matches him pretty well
archiving, reading, and helping others all are things jungwoo enjoys doing 
because it’s not dramatic at all - it’s systematic and having a routine soothes jungwoo 
plus his tall, slim figure in a grandpa sweater and some cute big framed glasses librarian-chic circa the 80s,,,,,,,,he’d be so cute c’mon
is that friend who gets books down from the top shelf and hands them to haechan with a smile 
and haechan is clutching the book like “give me your legs. let me be 5′11.”
jungwoo: what
haechan: nothing. long legs. dont look at me.
because he’s also a nature fan - everything from mountain hikes to visiting public gardens 
he’s not afraid of bugs
at all
taeyong has on several occasions texted him to come get a spider out of his dorm 
and everytime, you know jungwoo does the thing where he puts the paper under the spider and then a cup over it and releases it back outside 
saying something like “live free, small one” while taeyong wide eyed beside him is like “don’t. come. back. bitch.” tgkdjflsk
so at first he just took some classes from the entomology minor for fun - until he sorta accidentally completed all the credits for it anyway
so that’s why he just added it on at the end of the sem like look guys i got a minor :)
ten: cool for what?!
jungwoo: bug studies :)
ten, one eye twitching: t-t-t-heres bu-bugs on c-campus
jungwoo got invited to a couple of sports teams - he’s pretty strong and pretty fit, but the whole aggressive competition of it puts jungwoo off
he’d rather just do something for fun, and really dislikes being forced to train or anything like that 
took up yoga after reading one of sicheng’s textbooks and now he goes to student run classes - always trying to bring taeil along
because quote unquote - taeil’s tiny body is riddled with stress and maybe, possibly demonic energy 
you bet he’s also the type to do an hour of yoga or go on a long walk and come back and eat like. everything from the cafeteria
and then steal some of johnny’s hidden snacks
and then on top of that ask lucas to buy him a milkshake 
he’s a bottomless pit when it comes to his stomach,,,,it’s a scientific mystery 
he’s got an ability to befriend anyone, although sometimes his need to cling on can be a bit much,,,,
poor jaehyun’s hand fell asleep when they all went to watch a movie and jungwoo just basically leaned all his weight onto him and jaehyun is too nice to say anything
but he’s also got a little bit of a problem,,,,,,,
he’s oblivious
completely and utterly oblivious 
which is why it’s a headache and much more to have a crush on jungwoo
which you have had since hmmm let’s see oh right 
when you’d arrived late, panicked, with no one to sit with let alone anywhere to sit
since the auditorium was overflowing
till a tall boy with a gentle smile and matching voice took your wrist and asked
“would you like this seat?”
ever since then you’d dreamed of that moment - of the boy who’d sensed your absolute dread and embarrassment
and who let you sit down, while he stood in the aisle - hands in his pockets - barely listening to the whole welcome celebration
you had practically embedded jungwoo’s face into your mind 
because he was in ever aspect - your type
your dreamy, prince with a heart made a gold
the only problem was,,,,,,,,,you were more than ready to confess but any attempt you made
was thwarted
not by rivals or even jungwoos friends - who all were cheering you on 
(all of nct claimed you were basically as transparent as a window with your feelings - hearts swirling your head whenever jungwoo as much as blinked)
it was always jungwoo who just,,,,,could not grasp the situation for the life of him
like that time you had been invited out to the seasonal fair and jaehyun and yuta pulled you aside on the way there
whispering eagerly that they’d hatched a plan to get you and jungwoo alone during one of the firework celebrations
you’d felt your heart race - almost burst from your chest
but you were thankful that his friends seemed just as excited for you 
and when jaehyun had “casually” told everyone - but you and jungwoo - to follow him over to the food stands
you had hesitated, but turned to tell jungwoo there was something you needed to say
he’d looked down, eyes a soft autumn brown
“we’re all alone”
“y-yeah,,,,,,i think this might be my chance to tell you that i like-”
the gigantic bursting noise from the first firework had made it hard for your already shaking and tiny voice to have been heard
jungwoo, distracted by it, had just marveled up at the colors in the night sky
and pointed them out
“you should tell me after the fireworks, i couldnt hear you well”
but that didn’t happen,,,,not when right after the ceremony ended - jungwoo had spotted taeil in the crowd and pulled you along toward him
yuta and jaehyun, when meeting up later, could tell by the dejected look on your face that nothing went as planned
and you just shrugged it off - there would be more times,,,,,,hopefully
and there were
they just always ended up badly
like when you’d tried to give jungwoo valentines chocolates with a hand written love letter but the box - having been in your bag the whole day - had melted all over the letter
making it unreadable and sticky
or when taeyong had offered you to be jungwoo’s tutor for this elective he had to take
and you showed up diligently everyday to the library for a week - till jungwoo announced one day through text that he’d been switched into a much easier class
you had even once written “i like you so much” on his cast when he’d had to wear it after an accident in the library
and jungwoo had read it - in front of you - smiled up and said
“what a nice thing to say to a friend”
at some point you’d just,,,,,,,come to terms with the fact that either jungwoo really couldnt take a hint or that he was trying the nicest ways to reject you
which hurt,,,,,but you tried to cheer yourself up with the sentiment that at least you got to be his friend
and through liking him you’d gotten to make even more friends with the great guys of nct
but everytime you were alone - studying your textbook or working on a project 
and you’d find yourself thinking back to orientation 
jungwoo’s touch on your skin, his voice echoing in your ears, the natural feeling of consideration and sweetness that shone off of him like diamonds 
it made you grip your pen a little to hard, because the memory - instead of filling you to the brim with bliss like it used
now just,,,,,,,left you feeling like something sharp had wedged its way into your chest
whats worse was,,,,,because you’d always been one to wear your emotions on your sleeve
everyone knew you were hurting
even though you put in all the effort to hide it
taeyong had come to calling your smiles forced and even sicheng, who liked to keep his nose out of other peoples emotional businesses, had patted your back whenever jungwoo was around
whispering that you just had to keep strong
yuta and jaehyun, who’d you grown close to, and who also knew jungwoo well
were the most sympathetic
“i just,,,,i dont think he’s rejecting you”
yuta would insist and you’d just slump foreward
“then what? he really doesnt know? i could shout it from the liberal arts building rooftop and he’d still think i was joking,,,”
jaehyun sighs 
“i cant tell, but i dont think you should give up. not until jungwoo either gives you a straight answer or ,,,,,,,, he just starts dating someone else”
at this, yuta perks up, his already mischievous features curling up into a grin
“hey - that’ right! jungwoo hasnt ever expressed interest in anyone else!”
“doesn’t he just,,,,,show love to everyone? i think it’d be hard to tell who he doesnt like ,,,,,”
you mutter, feeling the dark cloud of one-sided feelings cast heavy over your shoulders
“i mean,,,he’s nice and affectionate - but in a puppy kind of way. like he’ll give attention to those around him, but it’s never you know - it’s never romantic.”
you want to tell yuta and jaehyun that it’s fine. you need to sulk and then you’ll really pick yourself up and it’ll be fine
but neither of them look like they’re going to have it - and to be honest neither of them look like they believe you’ll get over it
because your love for jungwoo comes from the most pure place 
and a love like that is hard to come by
maybe they just pity me or maybe they just want jungwoo to get a significant other to focus on 
you think, huffing out a sigh
“hey i think there’s one way we can find out if jungwoo’s interested!”
your eyes dart up to meet yuta’s
jaehyun clasps his hands and gives his friend a look as well
“every semester the college campus votes for superlatives right? and one of them is cutest couple! the prize is like a two hundred dollar shopping coupon too - we should ask jungwoo if he’ll enter with you!”
you shoot up and shake your head - putting your hands out
“yuta we can’t just ask jungwoo to pretend to be my boyfriend!”
“yeah yuta,,,,,,that might not be the best way to find out jungwoo’s true fee-”
but yuta is dead set, he takes his phone out and hums as he scrolls through his contacts
clicking on one his fingers fly across his phone keyboard
and in a matter of seconds there’s a notification
you and jaehyun lean over to see
‘huh i didn’t know jungwoo was dating - but sure, ill put them in as a couple. im going to need their picture though, for the voting.’
‘no worries!! one of our buddies is a film major who will take some and ill send them your way!’
‘ok, so jungwoo and-’
your eyes widen when you see your name
and yuta closes his phone before you can sink back down into your seat
and jaehyun looks worriedly between you two
“no all we have to do is tell jungwoo! ill do that - jaehyun, go get johnny. we need our photographer!”
you feel something between adrenaline and anxiety when jungwoo walks through the door and into johnnys room
yuta jumps up before you can even greet jungwoo
and throws a hand around his friend
“listen - we all really want that coupon and you make the cutest couple so - let’s do our best to win, yeah?!”
jungwoo doesnt really acknowledge him
he more or less fixes his gaze on you
and it makes you feel hot under the collar of your shirt
“are you ok with this? if it makes you uncomfortable, we shouldnt do it.”
he says, calm and gentle
you want to say; are you kidding? couple posing with you? this is my dream,,,,,,,,
but at the same time it feels so weird ,,,, doing this,,,,, for fake
“johnny get your camera, let’s get the two lovebirds ready~”
yuta drags jungwoo off before you can answer
and johnny turns to you with his nikon
“i think you’d be better of just asking jungwoo out than going through all this trouble.”
“ive tried asking him out,,,,it always backfires,,,”
you mumble and johnny shrugs
“well you know i love drama and i can smell it on this situation, c’mon lets go take photos with your boyfriend”
your heart pounds inside your chest at the word
jungwoo? my boyfriend? if only that were true
yuta picks some secluded part of the campus for the photos
there are nicely lined trees in the back and jungwoo looks over at you when you sort of hunch over
“i know they want the coupon, but i would rather you tell me if this is too much-”
he voices his concern again and you shake your head
“no no, im fine. are you?”
he blinks a bit before letting his handsome face glow with a smile
“sure, if you are ok - so am i.”
yuta positions himself beside johnny, proclaiming that he knows what will make you and jungwoo look like a realiistic couple
when jungwoo looks down to fix his shoes, yuta winks your way and mouths
‘this will totally work’
but you,,,,,,,,dont feel so sure
the first poses are pretty innocent and sweet
holdings hands while looking up at the sky, a shot of you and jungwoo sharing a laugh, a pose where jungwoo is reaching out to touch your cheek
but then yuta gets,,,devilish
“back hug them!”
“why don’t you pretend like you’re leaning in for a kiss and then put your hand out to block it!”
“oh oh lets have you sit in jungwoo’s lap!”
the last one almost sets you (quite literally) on fire 
“yuta that’s too mu-”
but jungwoo is sitting down on a bench nearby, motioning that you can join him
you stare down and jungwoo gives another comforting smile
but then he says
“it’s just for the picture, don’t worry”
and suddenly this whole charade, this whole dream moment for you just shatters
this is all fake. he feels nothing toward me.
“i cant”
you cast your eyes down and johnny sets his camera down
yuta looks like he’s desperately trying to think of something to say to ease the sudden tension 
but it’s too late
“youre right, even for a fake photo this is too muc-”
“no,,,i cant do this.”
you look at yuta, but he’s blurry
everything is blurry from the tears that start welling up in your eyes
“i,,im just going to go. im sorry.”
and with that you’re running away, absolutely mortified that you even went through with this whole ploy 
you dont look back
you dont see jungwoo get up, look at yuta and johnny and ask if he should chase after you
you dont see the sudden horror on his face - because the idea of hurting you,,,,,,,,,is something jungwoo would never do
you dont see any of it
you’re stuck in your own thoughts
you’d just wanted jungwoo to know how you felt 
you didn’t want to force him into a weird situation like that, you didn’t want to hear the words
“it’s just for the picture”
because for you it wasnt that - you liked him so much that every touch of his fingers against your skin
ever smile 
every word he spoke
it made you feel like the world around you was bursting with hearts and love
making you weak at the knees, making you absolutely lovestruck
but you think,,,,,if there’s one thing you got out of it
of seeing how easily jungwoo could do all those poses, how he thought so little of you as an interest
that he could even let you sit on his lap with no qualm at all,,,,,,,
you really didn’t mean as much to him as he meant to you
he just saw you as a friend
and your fear of him, all these times, quietly rejecting you - it was true
you could thank yuta for at least helping you see that
you get a couple of texts and missed calls afterwords
all of them are worried and from yuta, jaehyun, and even johnny 
who awkwardly asks the group if they still want to submit what photos they do have
but none are from jungwoo
go figure, he’s probably so annoyed at me now. making him do this stupid photo-shoot, enter this stupid contest, and then having me runaway like some big baby
you’re so embarrassed that you turn your phone off and tell yourself that from now on 
you’re going to do your best to forget kim jungwoo 
no matter what it takes
of course,,,,,life never works the way you want it to 
and so, as if by some cruel joke, the remainder of the semester you end up bumping into jungwoo everywhere
at the library - where you made sure to go on his off day, but it turned out he’d switched shifts recently
in the cafeteria - where for some reason it was jungwoo of all people sitting in your favorite seat by the window
at the bubble tea place around the corner which was usually to packed to even get into
somehow, jungwoo had squeezed in past those students and ended up shoulder to shoulder with you
each time trying to greet you with the usual serene, angelic smile of his
while you made up some bizarre excuse to get away
it was like your life had flipped upside down
instead of jumping on chances to be close to him, you were avoiding him like the plague
until finally - you couldnt do it anymore 
“talk. to. jungwoo.”
yuta says, dropping his backpack down on the table in front of you and leaning over to narrow his eyes 
you try to keep your own gaze on your textbook
but yuta is faster and stronger then you, so when he snatches it from under your nose
you have no choice but to comply
“why? i dont want to keep making a fool of myself. plus im,,,im really getting over him!”
yuta huffs some hair from his face
“i doubt that. i just said his name and your whole body looked like it was going through a shockwave”
you try to grit your teeth, think of some kind of comeback
but yuta is right - your heart’s deadset on jungwoo 
no matter how many other boys youve tried to introduce to it
how youve lied in bed on instagram looking at all the campus cuties and none of them ever even matched up to jungwoo in your opinion
“yuta - it’s my destiny to love him and get rejected by  him. i cant fix it”
“yes you can. just talk to him.”
“what is talking going to do-”
yuta looks at you so intently that you nearly topple out of your chair
“believe me ,,,,,, this time i promise it’s going to change things for you.”
so you agree
not because yuta kind of maybe intimidated you a little back there,,,
but because if anything you feel guilty knowing now that jungwoo does want to talk to you
you’d just assumed you disappearing from his life wouldnt matter,,,,,,
who were you to him anyway? right?
but there you are, standing outside of his dorm 
palms sweaty,,,,,your heart beat so loud you think the RA is going to come over and tell you to keep it down
and it takes you ten whole minutes to even knock on the door
jungwoo opens it, his hair looks a little wet as if he’s just taken a shower
and he’s got simple joggers and a long sleeve shirt on
he looks so natural and relaxed,,,,,yet still so perfectly handsome,,,,,
“yu-yuta said you wanted to talk to me”
you get to it, thinking that you just want to hear whatever it is jungwoo has to say quickly 
so you can curl up under your sheets and bawl your eyes out about it later
“i did, i know we saw each other a couple of times but you were always busy so -”
he shrugs easily and takes a set on his bed
you kind of shift your weight, standing in the middle of the room
feeling like the small walls of the dorm are going to close in on you at any second
“s-so whats up?”
you feign cheeriness to try and get past the butterflies gnawing at your stomach
“i want to apologize,,,,im sorry about the whole photo-shoot thing. but more than that, im sorry that i was so ,,,���
jungwoo seems to struggle to find the word, he scrunches up his nose
and you internally tell cupid to not shoot another arrow at your heart - you knew he was cute
but being this close and seeing him be this cute all ,,,,, domestic and what not,,,,too much
“im sorry that i was so dumb”
the choice of ‘dumb’ makes you a bit confused 
“wh-what do you mean?”
he gets up and suddenly you’re aware again that ontop of being ultra cute,,,,jungwoo is pretty tall
and when he steps closer to you, he looks into your eyes and gosh the whole world is up in those pretty browns ,,,
“i just thought you were being nice, i just thought you were happy to be around all of us i didnt know you felt,,,,,that way about me”
the blood in your veins goes cold
“w-who told you?”
“it came out as an accident,,,you really  cant let jaehyun around too much soju,,”
more than anything you’re surprised it wasnt nakamoto yuta - but beside that 
you take in a deep breath
brace yourself. this is the real rejection
but instead of any “sorry i dont feel the same way”’s you get jungwoo’s soft hand against your cheek
you shut your eyes - don’t be too nice about it kim jungwoo, just tell me straight that you -
“i like you too”
there isnt anyway to describe the emotion that comes over you like a wave
it’s a mix of a million different things
it feels cold and hot, makes you want to cry and laugh
but instead all you do is slip down to the floor, a concerned jungwoo following you down
“a-are you ok?”
he presses his hand to your forehead, but you just try to shake your head
“im just,,,really shocked”
“that i like you back?! why?”
there isn’t really an answer for that, when you think about it, you just assumed jungwoo was going to be untouchable forever
“b-because no matter how many times i tried to tell you,,,,,,it felt like i was being pushed away -”
“because im a fool”
you shoot your eyes up to meet his
“no, you’re not! i just - i just never got it right you know, i never got the moment-”
jungwoo lets his hand come up into your hair and suddenly he’s tugging you close
so that you can rest your head against his chest
“when i think about it,,,,,,i probably just told myself not to believe it. not to fall for all your kindness, because i thought that you treated us all like that. me, yuta, jaehyun - i didnt want to think i was special to you”
you bring a hand up to hold the front of jungwoo’s shirt
“but you are special, kim jungwoo ive loved you since first sight”
he chuckles and the rumble in his chest is comforting 
“since first sight? i think,,,,,,i think you charmed me too”
you’re too shy to kiss jungwoo in the moment,,,,maybe it’s because you think you’ve used up your luck
getting to hear the boy of your dreams say he likes you back
but you do let the fluttering feeling carry you on cloud nine for a long time
so much so that when you return to your dorm - even your roommate thinks you’re sick or even worse - going insane 
jungwoo waits outside of your class to take you on your first date
which is to his favorite bookstore in the city
you knew he was studying to work in the library, but you never knew just how much jungwoo liked books
and just how good he looked among them
like he was just browsing for books and the manager offered him a part time job as a model for the store,,,,
to which jungwoo laughed, squeezing your hand a little and saying
“i dont think im quite the best at photo-shoots”
speaking of which,,,,,johnny does submit a photo he took,,,,,and you and jungwoo do win
but that 200 coupon? yuta “lost it”
jungwoo doesnt fret it too much, holds you back from launching yourself at yuta’s bookbag where you’re sure it is
and whispers against your ear that it’s ok,,,,he’ll take you out to eat and it’ll be his treat
and he’ll get yuta back for the both of you
(and he does. sweet, daydreaming jungwoo has a scheming side. and it comes out when he swaps yuta’s shaving cream with sardine scented hand cream)
jungwoo is a very interesting person,,,,aside from being able to just heal others with his warm presence
he’s also quite into the odd 
any date you go on - jungwoo is sure to make it special
coffee runs? he asks you to play a game with him while you wait for your drinks by picking out strangers and giving them weird background stories
study date? jungwoo always gets you some kind of unique kind of stationary,,,,totally the type to just gift you a notebook with snoopy on it and be like “doesnt it look like your boyfriend?”
movie date? jungwoo has you pick a number he’s thinking of and whatever movie is that number on the showlist board is the one you’ll see
(cut to you clinging to jungwoo for dear life when you guys pick a horrible b-list horror movie)
(jungwoo kisses the top of your head, unphased by it afterwords and says if you’re still scared you can sleep over at his dorm and he’ll protect you from the monsters)
(,,,,,,afterall jungwoo is a natural flirt cough cough,,,,,,)
as he is an affectionate person, light touches and soft intimacies are a MUST with him
at first he tests his boundaries with you,,,,but soon enough it’s obvious that jungwoo could just brush his hands over yours
and it’d make you go completely dizzy with happiness
always has his hand on the small of your back 
- it’s just a habit he has
when you’re talking with the group, he’ll put it there 
when you’re sitting and falling asleep over your books, he’ll put it there and apply a little pressure with his thumb to get your attention back up
he also really enjoys running his lips over any part of you that he sees,,,,
the thing is he does this so absentmindedly
that he’ll do it in front of others
and get you in a flustered flurry
because you’ll just be talking to mark about an upcoming test and feel jungwoo’s lips at the base of your neck 
your face turning firetruck red
while mark ducks his head into his hands and runs off, apologizing for “ruining the moment”
jungwoo: ? is he ok
you, head in your hands: u h idk but,,,i,,,im not
he loves when you wear anything that’s slightly too big because it’ll slip off your shoulder or show the back of your neck
and jungwoo is like : must kiss
you decide to try yoga with him since he keeps saying how much it helps him
but turns out jungwoo is very flexible
and you’re ,,, not there yet
so you tumble over yourself and maybe cant do some of the stretches
but jungwoo thinks you look so damn cute trying your hardest for him
totally the type to invite you over to binge watch a series you both like,,,,,but somehow you both end up on youtube watching a series on aliens,,,,
likes outdoors dates - likes just walking places with you, hand in hand
admiring the changing of the seasons, stealing kisses when the light is red and you cant cross the street just yet
but as much as jungwoo is like “let’s go hiking!”
and you’re like ,,,,,,,, “hahaha how about you hike and ill wait at the base of the mountain in the snack shop”
but if he really asks you, with his fluttering soft voice and those eyes that look up through pretty lashes
like you’ll do it
you’ll be sweating and hating it - but for jungwoo you’re pretty sure you’d do anything
and it’s crazy to know that he’d do anything for you too
because people always assume it’s hard to date someone who seems so,,,,,,unattached and like,,,,,in his own world
but the reality is, jungwoo is very observant when it comes to you
he knows what you like, he knows when to keep you safe and how to protect you
and most of all, he knows how to tell what you’re feeling 
you though after all those oblivious attempts to confess to him, it’d be hard to have him read how you’re doing
but if one thing is wrong - jungwoo senses it
and does his best to cheer you up
totally the boyfriend who takes your phone and changes his name to something cute and childish 
bought you guys matching snoopy keychains
tried to act aloof about it - but you know he really likes it when you clip it onto your bag
jungwoo,,,,,,admits that he might not be the best romantic - even though this is a lie - everything about him screams romantic
especially when he has you come over 
and instead of studying or quizzing him like you both planned
he traces his fingertips up and down your arm, lays down side by side with you and mumbles that he thinks every part of you is perfect
and if you’d let him
he’d like to get to know more of you
and how are you supposed to say no to mr. long fingers, sexy voice, and overall fit body jungwoo?!?!?
like im not kidding, the moment he touches you - it’s like you’re in paradise
because he handles you with care and most importantly, with adoration 
but there are some marks in the morning and yuta jumps on them like hot fire
to which jungwoo just does the ^_^ and is like dont make me leak some of those photos i have nakamoto ^_^
one day, as you’re watching jungwoo play a friendly match of soccer
taeil sits beside you
“can i say something”
he asks and you nod
“i know we all said you were being totally obvious with your feelings about jungwoo,,,,,,but nowadays i think he’s the one who has heart eyes for you”
jungwoo tells you a bit about his minor and you’re like ,,,, bugs ,,,, really
and he’s like it’s not that weird - they’re pretty interesting
and you’re a little iffy about it
but one of your dates is to a butterfly observatory 
in which you watch as jungwoo let’s a butterfly settle on his finger
and you think that even insects can sense the inherit sweetness of jungwoo’s character
you’re a little scared when one lands on your nose, but jungwoo takes a photo
and to this day it’s his home screen on his phone
you tell jungwoo about how you tried to give him chocolates once but they melted all over you
and he feels so bad he buys you one of those gigantic bars with a two pound bag of chocolates
and you’re like jungwoo!!!! it’s fine!!!
and he’s like im sorry for being oblivious and horrible 
and i promise im going to keep my eyes on you forever from now on!!!
yuta: corny
jaehyun: you’re just jealous because they got together and you’re still single
you and jungwoo looking at yuta like o?
yuta: HA AS IF,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jaehyungofindmeadaterightnow
you and jungwoo win cutest couple that semester, and the semester after that
because let’s be real - being with him, taking photos of you two nose to nose - eyes full of love that you can only experience at that age - how could you not win 
kim jungwoo? not only the cutest, but the bestest boyfriend around!!
find all my other college aus here | support the author with a kofi 
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thehouseofthedead · 5 years
                                     ❄️Regarding Names❄️
The Rats In The House Of The Dead are stuck in their ways when it comes to addressing each other, adopting a typically Russian format in doing so. Since there are multiple names and ways in which they speak of and to one another (depending upon who is around them) I thought I’d share a few headcanons! 
I’m not actually Russian so if people do have corrections I’m open to hearing them! (also please note this is headcanon and refers to my interpretation of Fyodor not necessarily other people’s)
Name + Patronymic
This is the most standard way of referring from one to another, and a polite way of address. Since there is respect between the Rats, ideally they should refer to each other this way - in particular younger men/women should address their elders this way out of respect. This is also accompanied by the use of the formal “you” (Вы). 
So we have: 
Fyodor Mikhailovich - And anyone in Fyodor’s presence should refer to him as such. The Rats will address him this way when he is in the room or if they are talking directly to him. The exception is Lev, for reasons to come. 
Lev Nikolayevich - Lev’s extremely traditional and commands respect when being referred to. He is also the oldest of the Rats (canon age for fyodor when) and so there isn’t much excuse for the younger ones to not address him this way. The exception being Fyodor, for reasons to come. 
Aleksandr Isayevich - Actually very rarely gets addressed politely by the other Rats. However he would introduce himself this way when meeting someone new. 
Yevgeny Ivanovich - Insists on being addressed politely (even if he rarely is). But that does mean he’s being allowed to even have contact with people, which is extremely rare.
Dmitri Alexeevich - The youngest of the main Rats and rarely addressed by his full name because of it - unless he is in trouble. Which, to be fair, is quite often. However, he will introduce himself this way to people he is meeting for the first time. 
Vladimir Vladimirovich - Demands to be addressed fully. The other Rats will when he’s around (Mostly to get him to shut up), but non-Russian’s often find it weird that it seems like he’s just repeating his own name for emphasis. 
Name (No Patronymic)
Mostly how non-Russians will refer to the Rats. It can be taken as insulting if someone younger refers to an elder just by first name if they’re not close (So, for example, Dmitri referring to Lev as just “Lev” rather than addressing him as “Lev Nikolayevich”) but they won’t generally be offended. The Rats have mostly adopted a comraderie (okay, more like a marriage of convenience but you get me.) and will refer to each other by first name only unless in formal circumstances.
Nicknames (General, Intimate and Pejorative)
Russian nicknames be wild man. So we’re gonna summarise this. They have differing meanings depending on how close you are to a person, and in some forms they are deliberately teasing/insulting. But There’s a few choice ones that each of my children have used around them. 
Fyodor - Fedya, Fedyenka, Fedyushka, Fed’ka
Fyodor is not a man for nicknames, and the only person who gets a pass in calling him anything other than “Fyodor” or “Fyodor Mikhailovich” is Lev since the two of them are together. Since they are lovers, he is referred to by Lev as “Fedya” and in intimate moments and private he is called both “Fedyenka and “Fedyushka” the more “cute” forms of his name. Other Rats, when certain he isn’t around, will use “Fed’ka” insultingly when referring to him. 
Lev - Lyova, Lyovushka, Lyovochka
Similarly, the only people who gets to be on nickname terms with Lev are Maxim and Fyodor. Who both use “Lyova” “Lyovushka” and “Lyovochka” to be intimate with him. The insult name? The Rats jokingly refer to him as “Mama Lev” because of his fussy hen nature. 
Aleksandr - Sasha, Sanya, Alek/Alik, Sashenka, Sashechka, San’ka, Sanyok
With it being the most popular name in Russia, it’s no wonder Aleksandr’s name has so many different ways in which it’s shortened. Though “Sasha” is the most common nickname, it’s actually an upsetting one for Aleksandr because it is a painful reminder of his wife and family prior to joining the Rats. This, however, is not respected by most of the Rats who still use “Sasha” with him anyways. Other standard variants, “Sanya” and “Alek/Alik” are used by more polite friends of his. Yosano uses “Sanya” and “Sashenka” affectionately once they get together. The pejoratives, rarely used because Aleksandr rarely causes trouble, are “San’ka” and “Sanyok”
Dmitri - Dima, Mitya
Dmitri doesn’t use any intimate nicknames with anyone (he doesn’t have anyone that close) but since he is young he is referred to by his standard nicknames. “Dima” is what his parents would call him, and he’d likely get offended if called that. “Mitya” is what he prefers. 
Yevgeny - Zhenya, Zhen’ka
Yevgeny is mostly referred to negatively, because people fear his ability. So “Zhenya” and the pejorative 
Vladmir - Vladya, Vova, Voloden’ka, Vov’ka
Like Yevgeny, Vladimir is often spoken of mostly negatively, with “Vov’ka and “Voloden’ka” as pejorative names. He, on the other hand, thinks highly of himself. While he wouldn’t use “Vova” as a standard nickname much (It’s quite a grandpa name he feels) he does go by “Vladya”
Ivan - Vanya 
It’s not really like ivan gives a toss what people think of him by this point...
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partyinretrograde · 5 years
Jul 8ph
I threw a party on Saturday and it was successful. I am unsure if i will throw one again cause its a lot of work but maybe people would hire me to do deco cause my deco got a lot of compliments.
Legit sick of people lol. I have some great suitors right now! Throwing a party is attractive i guess. I personally decided i do not like them! Lance is a great but bad at story telling! I need a man who has honored this craft. I cannot stand listening to a very short story for 40 minutes full of confusion and "um"s. I wouldnt be happy with him long term.
Illan is also nice- also someone i slept with 4-5 years ago. Very nice boy who will write me poetry. But he is a recovering addict. He spent 14 hours in travel to come see me-- and well he wanted me to be affectionate which-- i didnt want to be!!! Its been yeaaars!
I felt shitty for not giving him the attention/affection he wanted from me- whole thing was kinda uncomfortable. But he was respectful and our friendship served us well.
Illan left my apartment to do a chore that should have taken 40 minutes. 4 hours later i was very worried. Having loved an addict previously i started to hate myself for him coming out. How dumb was i to invite him to my party?! Its the devils edge!!
Oof! He came back. He walked to Oakland for some of the areas finest Mexican food. It makes sense. But- i dont trust him. He has begged me for money and spent it on drugs in the past. After he had been sober for 5 months. Im glad he is on a new perspective and position to maintaining the sober--- but my heart cant take it.
Honestly its funny. I wanna see Joe my rave grandpa. Seeing him would be cathartic. I would just cry in his arms cause we both miss Brendan. Brendan was the only platonic friend i had who i felt comfortable enough with to cuddle him.
I miss him. Brendan would cook. Brendan would clean. Brendan wasnt expectation city with affection.
I feel like 99% of the male population is maddeningly clueless and treat me like a mom.
I cooked, i cleaned while Illan dropped towels in the bathroom and put empty ice molds back in the freezer.
Its really clear to me that due to gender norms, relationships are always gonna cost me. Its not a good deal unless the relationship actually benefits me instead of giving more work and abuses my notions on the labor of love.
Women's labor of love is always exploited. See 50s housewife for more examples. I dont exploit ppls love for me-- cause its shitty.
My neighbor got fresh with me last night while Illan was on his walk. He massaged me and grabbed my ass. Ugh. Idk how to confront him so im just going to fearfully avoid him.
Id rather just be single with my cat tbh.
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ktaebwi · 6 years
Hello, hope you’re well. I wanted to ask, I’m currently writing a fic for the first time. Do you think it’s ok to add “hyung” when used correctly obviously. Or so you think it’s better to avoid it all together. I want to express the culture in my writing but I don’t know what’s ok and what’s not. I know that using words we already have in English is stupid but there’s really no alternative to “hyung/noona” in English. What do you think?
If I were a writer and I don’t know well about the Korean culture, I would just omit it all. it’s hard to know exactly which one to use and where to put it in if you don’t speak Korean (sometimes I find it disrespectful to use without having knowledge about its usage), and using too many suffixes can be distracting to the eyes. Professional translators leave out Korean formalities when translating to English as well. But if you still want to use it, there’re few things you should keep in mind:
🍅 Hyung = younger male to older male, noona = younger male to older female, unnie = younger female to older female, oppa = younger female to older male. These can stand alone (ex. “Hyung, come here” 🔵 “Hyung loves you” 🔵 (Actually I feel 50/50 about this but if it’s not overly abused then I’m okay)) or added after a name (ex. “Jin-hyung, come here” 🔵)
🍅 Older male/female to younger/same aged male/female = name-ie or name-ah/yah.
🐥 Name-ie can be used as the subject (ex. “Jungkookie is cute” 🔵) but can’t be used when calling directly someone (ex. “Jungkookie, come here"❌ It’s not usually used and sounds rly awkward in Korean)
🐥 Name-ah/yah is the opposite (ex. “Jungkook-ah is cute” ❌, “Jungkook-ah, come here” 🔵”
🐥 Use “ie” when the name ends with a consonant: Jinie, Namjoonie. If not, leave “ie” out. Also, DO NOT!!!! double the last consonant of a name when adding “ie"❌🙅‍♀️🚫 This is not English. Ex. Jeonggukkie, Gukkie, Jinnie, Jiminnie❌ Jeonggukie, Gukie, Jinie, Jiminie 🔵💯
🐥 Use “ah” when the name ends with a consonant: Jin-ah, Namjoon-ah. Use “yah” when the name ends with a vowel: Yoongi-yah.
🐥 Name-ie is not necessarily an affectionate term. It suggests the speaker and the person addressed are close, but it’s not an overly affectionate term that brings back a flustered reaction.
🐥 Name-ie can be used for people older than the speaker, but must be followed by hyung/noona/unnie. Ex. Hoseokie-hyung, Jiminie-hyung 🔵
🐥 “Yah” can only be used for people younger or at the same age as the speaker. Using it for an older person (ex. “Yah, Hoseok-hyung"❌, "Yah, Jungkook-ah” 🔵)
🍅 Name-ssi and name-nim are 2 more formal terms than the above. Use this when the speaker is talking/referring to someone older, of a higher position or just met for the first time.
🐥 Name-ssi and name-nim both only work with full name and/or given name only, full name-ssi suggests a more serious tone. Ex. Jungkook-ssi, Jeon Jungkook-ssi, Jungkook-nim 🔵. DO NOT!!!! use name-ssi and name-nim or any of the above with family name 🚫🙅‍♀️❌ Family names are a respected cultural aspect in Eastern countries’ cultures, including Korea. I see fanfics have normalized using family names as nicknames or to show a spiteful or playful tone to the person addressed (the classic “Fuck you, Jeon” for example). But 1) Family name is not usually used to make nicknames, that’d be the job of the first name (there’re exceptions like when a trait is added to the family names, ex. Min Snail, Kim Clumsy ⭕ In this case that trait’s name replaces the person’s given name) and 2) When you refer to someone with their family name, you’re not exactly referring to that person only but their whole family/clan, which includes family members, relatives, elders, ancestors, etc. basically anyone with the same family name in their clan. So “Jeon-ssi” or “Kim-ssi” will not be understood as “Jungkook-ssi” or “Kim-ssi” but instead “Jeon clan” and “Kim clan”. Same with “Jeon” or “Kim”. If the speaker wants to express the hatred or anger or mocking or sth else to the person addressed, they’d use their full name, ex. “Kim Taehyung you brat!”. In short, “Jeon-ah”, “Fuck you, Jeon”, “What the hell, Jeon”, “Jeon-ssi, nice to meet you” 🚫❌🚫
🐥 “Nim” can be used with family names, ONLY IF there’s a job title between the family name and “nim”. Ex. Kim-gwajangnim (Chief Kim): gwajang = chief/manager/boss. But this kind of things already has an equivalent in English which is “chief (name)”, so using this is not necessary.
🍅 📣 “Hyungie” Doesn’t Exist 📣
🍅 Nicknames are usually taken from first name and when they are, they’re usually in two characters. Normally it’s doubled last/first character of first name (ex. Taetae) or last character of first name + ie (ex. Joonie, Jinie, Kookie). It depends on whatever rolls out of the tongue the most smoothly tbh. Jungjung, Jungie (for Jungkook), Seokseok (for Hoseok) or Minmin (for Jimin) aren’t common (I’ve only seen them used as search-prevention terms). (By the way this is not so much related here but Yoongi doesn’t call Hoseok “Seokseok”.)
🍅 Addressing family members in Korean is pretty much exactly the same as in English, like mom, dad, grandpa, grandma etc. If I see one more “appa” in any fic again I swear I’m gonna jump off a cliff 😧
🍅 “Jagi-yah” or any affectionate term you hear in dramas have English equivalent already, ranging from "darling", "honey" to "sweetie", "baby", etc. "Jagi-yah" = 🚫❌🚫🙅‍♀️
🍅 If Jungkook calls Taehyung with his real name it’d be “Taehyungie-hyung” ⭕ NOT “Tae-hyung” ❌
I think that’s it for now, if I remember something else I’ll edit and add to this list later. Just, don’t be lazy or ignorant enough to bring whatever you heard from videos or dramas to your fics without understand its usage, research before using and you’ll be fine.
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theopentable · 4 years
Turning Towards Our Dinosaur-Feelings
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My affectionate, thoughtful, and playful five-year-old boy has been having a lot of emotional meltdowns lately. It’s been a big year, for the whole world obviously, and for Jobe. We moved house so he’s started school twice this year in two different locations getting to know different sets of classmates and teachers on top of all the normal learning you’re constantly doing as a kid. Towards the end of the term he is even more tired than usual. So things blow up for Jobe. He stomps his feet. Cries out. Sometimes he dramatically throws his body to the ground or storms off. Yesterday he started thumping the back of my car seat because he’d lost his drink bottle from his bag (which I’d put in my bag when we went somewhere together).
Following a breakfast-cereal-related blow up this morning Jobe came for a snuggle (I was lucky enough to still be in bed). After we’d snuggled for a while I asked about what was happening, partly about this morning, but also about the blow-ups that have been happening a fair bit lately. Jobe talked for a bit but started hiding under the covers. We were drawing our attention to those hard-to-have feelings. And they are hard. They’re uncomfortable. None of us like having them, and as Nathanson’s Compass of Shame (1992) helps to illustrate, we have all kinds of strategies for navigating our challenging experiences:
we withdraw (isolating ourselves, running and hiding)
we attack others (turning the tables on someone else, blaming the victim, lashing out),
we attack ourselves (putting ourselves down, self-harm)
We avoid (denial, minimising, self-medicating, distracting)
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All of those are extremely normal attempts to deal with shame and vulnerability but they don’t always get us where we want to go.
So we talked about something that seems counter-intuitive to all of us. We talked about how hard-to-have feelings can be a bit like a dinosaur roaring at us and it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to run away from them. The problem is that the hard-to-have feelings still have a big life in us. They might even roar louder and become bigger and scarier.
Stephen Hayes, the major instigator of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, writes about how he had constant nightmares about dinosaurs when he was a child. They would come to his house. He would hide but they would look through the window with their giant eyes and find him each time. He would then run from his house but he would never get away, despite the enormous effort he was making. In the moment he met his doom he would wake up.
One night he realised he could skip the whole futile chase and instead turn and run right towards the dinosaur on purpose. He leapt into its huge mouth full of sharp and terrifying teeth and then woke up. Eventually the nightmares stopped; the dinosaurs did not like his new game.[1]
This is the surprising, counter-intuitive choice we can all make to flip the script. 
Instead of running or hiding from our experience we can turn towards our inner-dinosaurs – our difficult thought processes and emotions. Then we can do something with them. 
Often just naming our experience goes some way towards taming our thoughts and feelings. Or maybe we’ll learn to sit in our experiences enough that we can use some tools that help to shrink our dinosaur-feelings. But of course it is tricky. Especially when you’re little. You might need an adult to be with you when the dinosaur-feelings come. That helps you to learn to recognise when you’re experiencing the dinosaur-feelings, what they feel like, and maybe even the messages they contain. You can even learn to find the courage to turn towards the dinosaur in a way that can shrink the dinosaur.
The day before we had this chat with Jobe I’d been to a library playgroup with my three-year-old daughter Pearl. One of the songs we learnt was about a crocodile family that we sing to the tune of Frère Jacques. You start with a little pincer movement with your fingers pretending there’s a baby crocodile that tries to eat you. Then the mummy crocodile tries to get you with clap hands. Then a daddy crocodile comes with really big clap hands. In the song you shake your finger at the crocodiles and you tell them not to hurt you and then you run away out of sight. Which is what we often do with our hard-to-have/dinosaur feelings. We shake our fingers. We run. We hide.
In the last part of the song we sing about a toothless grandpa/grandma crocodile that comes to try and get you but they’re harmless so we all laugh while knocking our knuckles together pretending to be a gummy crocodile. We ended up talking with Jobe about how our hard-to-have/dinosaur-feelings are a bit like that toothless crocodile. 
They look scary from afar but if you get close up you learn that your hard-to-have feelings aren’t as dangerous as they appear. You can sit with them. Get curious about them. Get used to them. Do something with them. Notice them come and go. But you don’t have to run away from them. 
So we ended up changing the song we learnt at the library into a song to remind us about what we can do with our feelings:
Toothless dinosaur, toothless dinosaur
You can’t hurt me, you can’t hurt me
I won’t run away from you, I won’t run away from you
Say hello, say hello
Saying “hello” to our hard-to-have feelings can be pretty uncomfortable but it does allow us to change the story. We can pivot. 
We can turn towards the things that make us uncomfortable and in the process discover what might be beyond the various ways we go about avoiding, attacking and withdrawing in our lives and relationships.
Interestingly, later this morning after all these chats during the drive to school Jobe told me about how he had a tummy ache at school yesterday afternoon. He’d told me a little about his day yesterday but I knew there were some parts that he didn’t want to talk to me about. But this morning he decided to tell me about how he and a classmate both got a ‘sit out’ for hitting each other (Jobe hates getting in trouble at school, especially when it includes sit-out!). He’s got a great teacher so I know they would have handled it well but these things still come with dinosaur-feelings. Maybe that was Jobe taking a chance that he could turn towards those hard-to-have/dinosaur-feelings. That’s brave for any of us.
[1] Stephen Hayes, A Liberated Mind: The Essential Guide to ACT, pp.38-39
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