#also I'm with paul on the olive discussion
guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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911 Lone Star 4x01 | Paul Strickland being Iconic
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kimberlyannharts · 6 months
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LAST TIME ON MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE RETURN: Depressed milf Kim just got finished traumadumping onto Trini's relative Selena about all the shit that happened on the Moon 22 years ago, just to find out that this wasn't Trini's relative at all, but some mysterious white-haired witch out for revenge???? I guess it makes sense it would never be the simpler option. MMPR: The Return #3!
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= So here's the reveal of the dialogue that was blacked out in the previews! Selena Repulsa, the daughter of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, is official! There's something very funny about the fact that she didn't even use a fake name for her Kwan family disguise. She heard Sylvia had an S name and was like sweet, I can just play the alliteration card
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= I mentioned before in the first issue that this series was already discussing the topic of secret identities in a more nuanced way than the main series' "Zordon is a tyrant for having rules" strategy so I'm happy that's being continued here. YES public use of the powers can be used for good in society but ALSO it can make it really, really, REALLY easy for your enemies to pick you off the street
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= this is Dungeon Meshi
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= I already made the Paul Dano does he know?.png joke but I can't help it. It's too perfect. Alternatively: Kimberly Hart Dreamworks Face
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= Zedd is noticeably less involved in this story than Rita is (as per the usual with BOOM books, admittedly) but I do like how this plan still uses him in some way. Part of me is still curious as to what Dad Zedd would have been like, though
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= she's meditating, guys she's died
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= he was literally born to be a girl dad and the fact that his "main universe" child is a son makes me fucking sick
= also off-subject but I see the occasional comment about how the civilian forms for these flashbacks look too young and it's like.....guys. They're only 22. If anything, drawing them like how they looked on the show is ACCURATE to their age, considering how old the actors themselves were when they were on the show kjdkfjdkfjd and anyway Dino Thunder lied to you. Tommy would absolutely be wearing tank tops as an adult. Those long sleeves were the devil's work
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= I still say I don't want to get attached to any theory about Tommy and whether or not he'll end up alive but Rita seeming to be aware that he saved her daughter and getting his attention before doing the spell...........that's probably going to be important
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= You guys don't understand how much I need the scene where Tommy and Kim discovered she was pregnant and the conversations they had afterwards. Every "ranger kid" story has been so bad about "what does the parent think about their kids one day inheriting their ranger powers" and The Return is the one closest to understanding this is a very logical and rational conversation to have!!!!!!!
= also Olivia was 100% unplanned this i just the vibe i get. And props to my gender-inclusive king Tommy Oliver
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= "no more Power Rangers.......except my daughter who's COOL as FUCK"
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potterandpromises · 1 month
@ anon stop me if this isn't the footage you were talking about
(Discussion about possible Theo sighting in the leaked spoilery Arconia courtyard video.)
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And at a slightly different angle:
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Yeah this was filmed on a phone several stories up and I can't tell. But let's investigate:
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I think the differentials here are height, hairline, and general build.
Height: According to those sketchy celebrity info websites, James Caverly (Theo) is 5′8″ and Jackie Hoffman (Uma) is 5′4″. That really doesn't look like a four inch height difference, or even a six inch height difference, but I don't know to what extent the angle of the video distorts things.
I think the height difference is why I dismissed this person as Theo when I first saw the video in May.
Hairline: I think it could be and that's all I'm gonna say.
Build: I think it's off but the longer I look at the picture the less I can tell. It also might just be the suit, as it doesn't look form fitting.
Another data point is the wardrobe. At another point in this episode (or at most the episode before it), Mabel is wearing the same exact shade of blue she wore in 2x07. In the OMITB podcast, the wardrobe people have repeatedly said they dress the characters to match the set or each other. It's possible Mabel was dressed for a scene in Theo's apartment.
Possibly-Theo is also matching the children whom I assume to be Will's. Cute!
Let's consider some other suspects:
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Wesley Taylor (Cliff) is 5′9″, I can't imagine why Cliff would be at the wedding (even if he's not in jail,) and the ears look wrong, though I'd need more pixels to say for sure. The hairline, however, is very similar.
Paul Rudd:
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Ben Glenroy is dead, but reviews and casting information indicate Paul Rudd is coming back as a new character (as Paul Rudd, perhaps?) He is 5′10.″ We have no idea, at present, if this character would have a reason to be at Oliver's wedding.
John Hoffman is the one officiating the wedding. With that in mind, it seems likely other behind-the-scene-ers are in the audience. I'm not going to post his picture for obvious reasons, but in this video you can see a makeup artist (?) who could be our guy. (Mostly I'm mentioning this just to like, say I called it if it is him.)
It could also be some other extra. A lot of the audience is not recognizable and we can assume many of them are just friends and relatives of Oliver and Loretta that are unknown to the viewer.
We've reached the end of this post. I think... it's more likely then not that this is Theo. As Mabel's friend/roommate he has a clear reason for being there. But I wouldn't give it super high odds, maybe 60/40. Maybe that's too hopeful, or maybe it's overly cautious. It's really the height that gives me pause.
Let's do a poll:
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thethirdfrogbrother · 4 months
Hey, I'm looking for someone willing to do an RP with! We could do it here on Tumblr or on discord! I'm willing to do aged up characters (like teenagers) and we could do more pg-13 (making out, cussing, ect, boundaries would be discussed if we did agree to start an rp) but no like full on rated r, NSFW, yk 😭 I'm looking for someone preferably from the ages of 12-15 who would reply often and would actually play the characters in character.
ALSO, I'm willing to have more than one ship going on but preferably from the same fandom. I don't do incest or pedophilia, anything like that. If you have other ships you'd wanna ask me abt, let me know.
ALSO I have down who I would be best as role-playing for character wise but I'm totally up for a switch or anything like that!
Message me or reply to this if you're interested!!
The ships I'd be willing to rp:
- Reddie (Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak)
Character I'm best at playing: Richie
- Stenbrough (Stanley Uris and Bill Denbrough)
Character I'm best at playing: Bill
Would include the past with Pennywise and Georgie's death, but I don't really want any super heavy stuff like SH, though mental health struggles are allowed.
The Lost Boys:
- Parko (Paul and Marko)
Character I'm best at playing: Marko but either works
- Edgar and Sam
Character I'm best at playing: Sam
- David and Michael
Character I'm best at playing: David
Carry On/Simon Snow Trilogy:
- Snowbaz (Simon and Baz)
Character I'm best at playing: Either!
If We Were Villains
- James and Oliver
Character I'm best at playing: James
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nicklloydnow · 2 months
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“At first, after all I had just been through, there was something very comforting about the peace and silence of the place, despite the wretched food, and the almoner's trousers, and the lack of freedom, and the harsh exploitation that I was already beginning to suspect . . . I made little attempt to reason things out. I just wanted to pray. Remorse for my past behaviour or, rather, the feeling of exhaustion it had left me with, had aroused a fervent longing for repentance and forgiveness. Several times I made my confession to the almoner, yet though my intentions were quite sincere, when I thought of having to mend his filthy trousers, I couldn't help having the most irreverent and ridiculous ideas... He was a funny character, this almoner, round as a barrel, very red in the face, rather coarse in speech and manners, and smelling like an old sheep. He used to ask me the strangest questions, especially about the kind of books I liked reading.
'Armand Silvestre? Well, yes . . . I suppose so . . . Pretty smutty of course . . . I wouldn't exactly swop him for the Imitation of Christ . . . Still, he's not dangerous . . . What you mustn't read are blasphemous books . . . books against religion . . . Voltaire, for example. Never read Voltaire—that would be a mortal sin—nor Renan, nor Anatole France either . . . They are the kind of writers that are really dangerous.’
‘What about Paul Bourget, Father?’
'Bourget? Well, he's certainly turned over a new leaf . . . I wouldn't say no, I wouldn't say no. But he's not a genuine Catholic, not yet at least . . . He's still very muddled . . . He seems to me, this Bourget, rather like a wash-basin . . . Yes, that's it . . . a wash-basin that all sorts of people have been washing in, where you're apt to find olives from Mount Calvary floating about amongst bits of soap and hair . . . It would be better to wait a bit . . . And Huysmans? Well, he’s a bit steep . . . Still, he’s quite orthodox.’
Another time he said to me: ‘Yes, I see . . . So you commit sins of the flesh. Well, that's certainly not right. Indeed, it's very wicked of you . . . Still, if you've got to sin, it's better you should do so with your employers—provided, of course, they're really religious people—than by yourself or with people of your own station in life. Sins of that kind aren't so serious . . . they don't upset God so much. Besides, people like that may very well have a dispensation . . . they often do, you know."
But directly I mentioned the names of Monsieur Xavier and his father, he cut me short:
‘Oh, no names, no names. I must ask you never to mention anybody by name . . . After all I am not a policeman. Besides, these people you refer to are rich and respectable, and extremely devout. By naming them, it is you who are committing a sin, because it means that you are rebelling against morality and against society.’
These ridiculous discussions, and especially the nagging all too human memory of his trousers, which I simply couldn't get out of my mind, considerably damped down my religious enthusiasm and longing for forgiveness. The work I had to do also got on my nerves. It made me feel a nostalgia for my proper job. I longed to escape from this prison, and to return to the intimacies of the boudoir. I yearned for cupboards full of perfumed underclothes, for wardrobes filled with taffetas and satins, for the soft feel of velvet and the sight of white bodies, relaxing in luxurious baths and half hidden by the soapy water. I missed all the gossip of the servants' hall, all the unexpected adventures that lie in wait in every bedroom, on every staircase . . . It's strange, because, when I am actually in a situation, such things disgust me, yet, as soon as I'm out of work, I miss them . . . And another thing—I was absolutely fed up with the jam we'd been getting for the last week . . . always the same, made of overripe gooseberries, simply because the Sisters had managed to buy a cheap lot at the Levallois market . . . Anything that could be saved from the garbage pail was good enough for us.
But what was really the last straw, was the quite obvious and shameless way they exploited us. It was such a perfectly simple trick that they scarcely bothered to conceal it. The only girls they found places for were those they themselves could no longer make use of. As long as it was possible to make any kind of profit out of them, by taking advantage of their talents, or strength, or lack of experience, they kept them prisoners. As the height of Christian charity, they had discovered a way of getting servants to work for them who would pay for the privilege of doing so, while at the same time robbing them, quite remorselessly and with incredible cynicism, of the modest resources they had managed to put by, having already made a profit out of their work . . .
I complained, feebly at first but later on more emphatically, that I had never once been summoned to the convent parlour. But to all my complaints these holy hypocrites merely replied:
'Have patience, dear child. We have you in mind for a very special situation, and we intend to tind it for you. We know just what would suit you, but so far nothing has turned up . . . not what we would like for you . . . not what you deserve.'
Days and weeks went by, yet still none of the situations were good enough, 'special' enough for me . . . And all the while my debt to them was increasing.
Although there was a nun in charge of the dormitory, the things that went on there night after night were enough to make your hair stand on end. As soon as the sister had finished her rounds, and everybody was pretending to be asleep, white shadows would suddenly appear on all sides, gliding from cubicle to cubicle and disappearing behind curtains, and the whole room would be flled with the sound of stifled kisses, cries, bursts of laughter and whispering. My companions were completely unrestrained. In the dim, flickering light of the lamp that hung from the ceiling in the middle of the dormitory, many a time I witnessed scenes of the wildest, saddest depravity . . . And all these holy nuns did was simply to close their eyes and ears, so that they should neither hear nor see what was going on. Anxious to avoid any scandal—for they would have been obliged to dismiss anyone caught in the act—they put up with these abominations by pretending to ignore them . . . And all the time my debt to them was increasing . . . “ - Octave Mirbeau, ‘The Diary of a Chambermaid’ (1900) [p. 207 - 210]
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muutosarchive · 3 months
if anyone wants affiliated oc's, here's some much desired NPC's for my current oc's / their extensive lore.
richard's main friend group, aka the boys that were saved from the streets by till and grown into the gang & eventually syndicate they become. the idea is to have them have the same fc's as their respective band members in the music video their lore is based off of/and are named after, but that's up for discussion ofc if you're nice enough to pick any up. that video is ICH WILL btw, which i recommend watching if you're interested.
PAUL: individually, the most important of those is PAUL, as he and richard have been an unlabeled relationship (albeit toxic and codependent as HELL) since they met one another, &. paul was still addicted to / detoxing from drugs / richard was fresh of the street. paul came into the house after richard. paul is hopelessly in love with richard, as when richard was young he was a different person to an extent with unchecked anger &. no confidence. something paul helped with. won't go into too many details here, but as he grows he becomes who he is today -- and paul never stopped loving reesh due to their enormous history and developed codependency. richard is in turn obsessed with and possessive over paul. .... aside from that paul is the explosives expert of the group, and is the most light-hearted / fun guy to be around. other than that i'm open to anything the potential writer wants to go with. however he has the most ... development. paul also has heavy burn scars on his face from a bomb incident.
OLIVER: was raised by a woman with post partum &. heavy depression and in turn was not able to form bonds easily. i have spark-notes on him, as i used to rp him myself. he's a 'human shield' of sorts, though much more important than that to the operation. however he's an excellent shot &. very fearless. he's grey in almost every area if you know what i mean, &. his only trusted relationships are with the others. he was addicted to heroin when he joined the housemates. he's six foot seven, and is a man of few words. a good sniper, and an excellent shot in general. very practical.
CHRISTOPH was an alcoholic when he joined. he's the brains of the operations, very smart, and blind in one eye. (you can decide why). very stoic, very practical, and sees things in a logical lens. he's the voice of reason.... did i mention this man is fucking SMART?
and finally CHRISTIAN is a hacker of the group, and i have very little development on him if i'm honest, other than being a knit group within a knit group with ollie &. christoph.
tilly ziegler is named after her godfather till, &. she's a little mini-richard. her mom is @avemaria's oc temperance shaw, but only takes after her in looks. tilly is just like her father, &. a spoiled and entitled nepotism brat because of him. he adores her, and she is his favorite child. her fc was zendaya but again, up to change if you have someone better in mind. (someone has expressed interest in tilly! )
richard 'rj' ziegler junior, or (ii) - his prev. fc (or current) is Rob Raco. he's richard's firstborn son, &. second child. he turned out more like his mother, to richard's chagrin. he was supposed to be richard's heir but as he grew he was entirely a disappointment to that dream. richard then grew despondent towards rj &. generally abusive &. dismissive. this hugely affected rj. he &. tilly have a rocky relationship also, but she protects him from others despite being a bully herself.
jay's sister
ana weber doesn't have a lot of lore with her yet, other than jay being kind of like a third parent (or second since their father worked a lot). she is the one who convinced him to follow his dreams in america. i had it initially that she moved to america to surprise him but ended up getting hooked on drugs &. never ended up calling him due to embarrassment. however, she does call him eventually when she needed a place to go. however, this is perfectly subject to change. i don't mind at all! but she's definitely on the sweet side, like him. she would be german, and know how to speak it. she also had a fc of sophia bush.
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findroleplay · 1 year
I'm on the search for some fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+ to interact!
21+. She/Her. EST (GMT-5). I like to write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I can't guarantee daily replies, but I do try to get them out as soon as I can, which is usually within 2-3 days. I like communicative writing partners who can generally match that reply time.
I'm only looking for canon x canon pairings and am open to MxM, MxF, and FxF (in order of preference). I don't write with people who only write MxF. Please be open to at least two of those because I like to have a max amount of ships to discuss. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. No AUs that are way out there/not set in the canon universe. I lean towards romantic pairings and writing smut. I'm okay with just "fading to black," if that's how you like to do things.
I'm only going to be listing the characters I'm most interested in writing as right now. I have my favorite ships but am open to discussing doing just about anything. I can also write more characters than those listed so feel free to bring others up.
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Fantastic Beasts Franchise: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino
Grand Theft Auto V: Steve Haines
Harry Potter Franchise: Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe: Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Harry Osborn (from the Tobey movies), Helmut Zemo, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Norman Osborn (from the Tobey movies), Peter Parker (Peter 3/Andrew!Peter only), Piotr Rasputin, Quentin Beck, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh
If you'd like to do something, please like this post and I'll get to you ASAP.
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inspiteallthedanger · 2 years
Hi, this is not a very original ask, and I know it must have been discussed a thousand times, but I just got reminded of it again and I got to really really wonder about it. My question is: Who do you think Paul meant with "I'm in love with a friend of mine" line in ''Dear Friend''? My first instinct is to be always a sceptic, and I always want to try a rational and objective explanation first. For those reasons I've always kinda assumed that line was about Linda, something like "Can't you understand/be nicer to me and Linda, she's another friend and I'm in love with her''. Something like what John was often saying about how Yoko was a partner in art, who you can touch (unlike Paul). So Linda was a friend who you can be in love with.
But.. right now I find my sceptic interpretation odd and weak. The word ''friend'' in the title and the orther lyrics of the song is obviously about John and that has been admitted many times. Why whould the other time he uses ''friend'' be suddenly not about John? And when has Paul ever referred to Linda as a friend of his, they never started as friends I think. It just doesn't make much sense that he would use that phrase for her and in a song about another ''dear'' friend. Though, then the ''really truly, young and newly wed'' seems to be about Linda... (but that doesn't mean that the I'm in love with a friend of mine should also be...?...) So confusing, and this is actually a song in which all other lyrics are understandable! For me it's not really one of those occasions when Paul is casual and obscure forever because he never meant the lyrics to make sense. Not to mention how uniquely emotionally he sings it in the home demos. The end of demo 1 especially. Not that the emotion explains the line per se, but if ''I'm in love with a friend of mine'' was a happy victorious statement about the newly wed, then why was he singing the song so sad? So I wondered what you thought, because you're so good at analysis and I think you can think of other sceptic and rational explanations. And if not maybe there's another kind of light in the tunel. Maybe for the first time I can rule out sceptic.
Hello! I do see what you mean about the song being a little confusing, but I think you're right that it's a song to John about Paul being in love with Linda and all the apparent fallout that's created. I think this is explained if you replace 'friend' with their names. For example:
Dear friend, throw the wine I'm in love with a friend of mine
Dear John, throw the wine (I guess this means throw a fit or ruin the party)
I'm in love with Linda
I think it's all in line with Paul being somewhat baffled about why John's being so terrible to him (and Linda especially). The reason it's sad is because he's talking to John and so all of that baggage is bleeding through. He's devastated because he thinks this might be the end of his and John's relationship, if they can't get passed him being with Linda:
Dear friend, what's the time? (is this the end of us?) Is this really the borderline? (are we at the end of all things?) Does it really mean so much to you? (is me being with her really the breaking point?) Are you afraid, or is it true? (are you just scared I don't love you, or are you really being serious and don't want me anymore?)
So I don't think he's exactly saying "Be nicer to her" although I guess that would be the outcome. He's asking John over and over what's going on, why is he being a jerk, when all Paul's done is fall in love with Linda. Obviously, it's weirder from Paul's perspective, because that's exactly what John did a few months before him. Let's not get into why that's weird or we'll be here all day.
I will say, that it's very interesting to me that by giving both John and Linda the same title of 'friend', he's sort of suggesting they're equally important to him. Which is why I think John took it to be an olive branch and calmed down a bit. Overall the song can be seen to say: "Listen, what's happening here? I love her and I'm happy with her, can't you get over that? I care about you both deeply and I cannot bear the thought that you're making me choose."
Side note in crazy tinhat moment 'friend as a term for partner' = 'old estranged fiancé' + 'think of me from time to time, old friend'. I've connected the dots etc etc.
Anyway. That's how I take it. Does that make sense? Let me know what you think!
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
21+. She/Her. Looking for some fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+!
I write on Discord (through DMs or servers) or through Tumblr messages. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 2-4 paragraphs. I can't reply every day. I try not to make anyone wait longer than 3-5 days for replies.
Canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF ; please be open to writing at least two of those ; I don't write with people who only do MxF) are my favorite. I'm okay with doing some canon x OC ones (MxM or FxF only). I like my threads to be set within the universe so no AUs that are way off the beaten path. I do prefer writing romantic ships with NSFW/smut involved but also with a very healthy dose of plot. If you'd rather keep things clean and/or do platonic ships, I'm willing to take that into consideration.
All characters will be 18+!
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships, but I'm willing to try just about any so we can discuss those together. Any character in bold, I'm especially interested in writing as right now.
Doctor Who/Torchwood: Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Ian Chesterton, Jack Harkness, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan
Fantastic Beasts Franchise: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Gerion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Lyn Corbray, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Rodrik Harlaw, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Ghost/Clergy Universe: Cardinal Copia, Dewdrop Ghoul, Papa Emeritus IV
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino
Grand Theft Auto V: Devin Weston, Michael De Santa, Steve Haines
Harry Potter Franchise: Augustus Rookwood, Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape
House of the Dragon: Daemon Targaryen, Otto Hightower
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe: Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Eddie Brock, Harry Osborn, Helmut Zemo, Loki Laufeyson, Matt Murdock, Nathan Summers, Peter Parker, Piotr Rasputin, Tony Masters, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Saw Franchise: Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
Tolkien Legendarium: Bard, Beleg, Bofur, Boromir, Celeborn, Curufin, Elrond, Haldir
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh
If you made it through to the end and would like to work something out, you can like this post and I'll reach out to you, message me on here, or add me on Discord: lindsay7046.
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tocinephile · 3 years
T'was the night before the Oscars...
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Here we are again. The final stab at a decent award show ceremony amidst a global pandemic. I'm not getting my hopes up after the Golden Globes and SAG zoom calls, in fact I've read very little about the upcoming ceremonies since they announced they would not be using zoom... and then promptly reversed that decision.
It would seem no matter how late we delay the Oscars, I still find myself the night before the show scrambling to watch all the Best Picture nominees. It also hasn't slipped my mind all the promises I'd made to discuss my top films of 2020 and the things I would not have seen if not for this global catastrophe. Having had a number of conversations with fellow cinephiles, many have also found themselves very unenthused about award season contenders, dramatic pictures or anything with heavier content so to speak, or even movies in general. The struggle to concentrate is real.
I'm going to get right into my list of predictions with the caveats that I have yet to see Sound of Metal, and I have to watch the second half of Judas and the Black Messiah after I hit 'post' here. You will find as we go through, there's lots more I haven't seen.
Best Picture
“The Father”
“Judas and the Black Messiah”
“Nomadland” - Will win
“Promising Young Woman” - Should win (though I liked Nomadland very much as well)
“Sound of Metal”
“The Trial of the Chicago 7”
Best Director
Thomas Vinterberg (“Another Round”)
David Fincher (“Mank”) - excellent director but I actually don't think he left his mark on Mank as much as he did many of his other films, I've questioned previously whether he should have gotten the nomination
Lee Isaac Chung (“Minari”)
Chloé Zhao (“Nomadland”) - Will win/should win
Emerald Fennell (“Promising Young Woman”)
Best Actor in a Leading Role - very strong contenders all around in this category, every one of them (I'm sure I'll have the same reaction about Riz Ahmed) made me say "holy shit" in amazement out loud
Riz Ahmed (“Sound of Metal”)
Chadwick Boseman (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”) - Will win/should win
Anthony Hopkins (“The Father”)
Gary Oldman (“Mank”)
Steven Yeun (“Minari”)
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Viola Davis (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”) - I think if not Andra Day, then Viola will win it
Andra Day (“The United States v. Billie Holiday”) - Will win?/should win
Vanessa Kirby (“Pieces of a Woman”)
Frances McDormand (“Nomadland”)
Carey Mulligan (“Promising Young Woman”)
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Sacha Baron Cohen (“The Trial of the Chicago 7”) - I think he's also got a decent shot in this category
Daniel Kaluuya (“Judas and the Black Messiah”) - Will win/should win
Leslie Odom Jr. (“One Night in Miami”)
Paul Raci (“Sound of Metal”)
Lakeith Stanfield (“Judas and the Black Messiah”)
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Maria Bakalova (‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm”) - truth be told I didn't think her performance was so great that she should get an Oscar nomination for it
Glenn Close (“Hillbilly Elegy”)
Olivia Colman (“The Father”) - another potentially unpopular comment... while I think Olivia Colman is one of the best actresses and most delightful people in existence, given her range and talent I don't she particularly excelled in The Father to make it an Oscar-worthy performance.
Amanda Seyfried (“Mank”)
Yuh-jung Youn (“Minari”) - Will win/should win
Best Animated Feature Film - I only saw one film so I have no basis for comparison
“Onward” (Pixar)
“Over the Moon” (Netflix)
“A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon” (Netflix)
“Soul” (Pixar) - will win
“Wolfwalkers” (Apple TV Plus/GKIDS)
Best Adapted Screenplay
“Borat Subsequent Moviefilm.” Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Dan Swimer, Peter Baynham, Erica Rivinoja, Dan Mazer, Jena Friedman, Lee Kern; Story by Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Dan Swimer, Nina Pedrad
“The Father,” Christopher Hampton and Florian Zeller - should win...and will win?
“Nomadland,” Chloé Zhao
“One Night in Miami,” Kemp Powers - might also win?
“The White Tiger,” Ramin Bahrani
Best Original Screenplay
“Judas and the Black Messiah.” Screenplay by Will Berson, Shaka King; Story by Will Berson, Shaka King, Kenny Lucas, Keith Lucas
“Minari,” Lee Isaac Chung
“Promising Young Woman,” Emerald Fennell - 50/50 will win/definitely should win tho!
“Sound of Metal.” Screenplay by Darius Marder, Abraham Marder; Story by Darius Marder, Derek Cianfrance
“The Trial of the Chicago 7,” Aaron Sorkin - 50/50 will win... I really didn't get onboard this movie, but I will say the script was the best thing about it
Best Original Song - I'm not even going to venture a guess...
“Fight for You,” (“Judas and the Black Messiah”). Music by H.E.R. and Dernst Emile II; Lyric by H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas
“Hear My Voice,” (“The Trial of the Chicago 7”). Music by Daniel Pemberton; Lyric by Daniel Pemberton and Celeste Waite
“Húsavík,” (“Eurovision Song Contest”). Music and Lyric by Savan Kotecha, Fat Max Gsus and Rickard Göransson
“Io Si (Seen),” (“The Life Ahead”). Music by Diane Warren; Lyric by Diane Warren and Laura Pausini
“Speak Now,” (“One Night in Miami”). Music and Lyric by Leslie Odom, Jr. and Sam Ashworth
Best Original Score - I actually didn't think much of any of the scores in any of the films I've seen in 2020...
“Da 5 Bloods,” Terence Blanchard
“Mank,” Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
“Minari,” Emile Mosseri
“News of the World,” James Newton Howard
“Soul,” Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, Jon Batiste - will win
Best Sound - I suspect it might be Sound of Metal but I haven't watched it yet. I've also not seen Greyhound.
“Greyhound,” Warren Shaw, Michael Minkler, Beau Borders and David Wyman
“Mank,” Ren Klyce, Jeremy Molod, David Parker, Nathan Nance and Drew Kunin
“News of the World,” Oliver Tarney, Mike Prestwood Smith, William Miller and John Pritchett
“Soul,” Ren Klyce, Coya Elliott and David Parker
“Sound of Metal,” Nicolas Becker, Jaime Baksht, Michelle Couttolenc, Carlos Cortés and Phillip Bladh
Best Costume Design
“Emma,” Alexandra Byrne - will win
“Mank,” Trish Summerville
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” Ann Roth - should win
“Mulan,” Bina Daigeler - should also win
“Pinocchio,” Massimo Cantini Parrini
Best Animated Short Film - I didn't watch a single Oscar-nominated short this year
“Burrow” (Disney Plus/Pixar)
“Genius Loci” (Kazak Productions)
“If Anything Happens I Love You” (Netflix)
“Opera” (Beasts and Natives Alike)
“Yes-People” (CAOZ hf. Hólamói)
Best Live-Action Short Film - I didn't watch a single Oscar-nominated short this year
“Feeling Through”
“The Letter Room”
“The Present”
“Two Distant Strangers”
“White Eye”
Best Cinematography
“Judas and the Black Messiah,” Sean Bobbitt
“Mank,” Erik Messerschmidt - will win/should win
“News of the World,” Dariusz Wolski
“Nomadland,” Joshua James Richards
“The Trial of the Chicago 7,” Phedon Papamichael
Best Documentary Feature - I thought I watched a decent number of docs in 2020, but apparently not the right ones because I saw none of these.
“Collective,” Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana
“Crip Camp,” Nicole Newnham, Jim LeBrecht and Sara Bolder
“The Mole Agent,” Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez
“My Octopus Teacher,” Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed and Craig Foster
“Time,” Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino and Kellen Quinn
Best Documentary Short Subject - I didn't watch a single Oscar-nominated short this year
“Colette,” Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard
“A Concerto Is a Conversation,” Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers
“Do Not Split,” Anders Hammer and Charlotte Cook
“Hunger Ward,” Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Scheuerman
“A Love Song for Latasha,” Sophia Nahli Allison and Janice Duncan
Best Film Editing
“The Father,” Yorgos Lamprinos - 50/50 will win/should win
“Nomadland,” Chloé Zhao
“Promising Young Woman,” Frédéric Thoraval
“Sound of Metal,” Mikkel E.G. Nielsen
“The Trial of the Chicago 7,” Alan Baumgarten - 50/50 will win
Best International Feature Film
“Another Round” (Denmark) - will win
“Better Days” (Hong Kong) - should win (yes, because I'm biased, plus it's also the only other film aside from Another Round that I've seen in this category and I liked it a lot better, but also, just because it's very fine film)
“Collective” (Romania)
“The Man Who Sold His Skin” (Tunisia)
“Quo Vadis, Aida?”(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
“Emma,” Marese Langan, Laura Allen, Claudia Stolze - will win
“Hillbilly Elegy,” Eryn Krueger Mekash, Patricia Dehaney, Matthew Mungle
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” Sergio Lopez-Rivera, Mia Neal, Jamika Wilson - should win
“Mank,” Kimberley Spiteri, Gigi Williams, Colleen LaBaff
“Pinocchio,” Mark Coulier, Dalia Colli, Francesco Pegoretti
Best Production Design
“The Father.” Production Design: Peter Francis; Set Decoration: Cathy Featherstone - I don't think this is the best Production Design but I do think it's underrated what they did and that it should be recognized a different kind of creativity went into designing the sets for this film.
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” Production Design: Mark Ricker; Set Decoration: Karen O’Hara and Diana Stoughton
“Mank.” Production Design: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Jan Pascale - will win? I do think the Production Design was spectacular...
“News of the World.” Production Design: David Crank; Set Decoration: Elizabeth Keenan
“Tenet.” Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas - should win
Best Visual Effects
“Love and Monsters,” Matt Sloan, Genevieve Camilleri, Matt Everitt and Brian Cox
“The Midnight Sky,” Matthew Kasmir, Christopher Lawrence, Max Solomon and David Watkins
“Mulan,” Sean Faden, Anders Langlands, Seth Maury and Steve Ingram
“The One and Only Ivan,” Nick Davis, Greg Fisher, Ben Jones and Santiago Colomo Martinez
“Tenet,” Andrew Jackson, David Lee, Andrew Lockley and Scott Fisher - will win/should win... like why would it not win??
Ok, I wasn't very decisive in some of those categories and since I'm taking part in an Oscar pool I will have to make some choices and refine my selections before tomorrow. I will share my final Oscar pool pics, do my part bombarding everyone's twitter tomorrow evening, and review after the awards where it all went right/wrong.
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findroleplay · 1 year
21+. She/Her. Looking for some fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+!
I write on Discord (through DMs or servers) or through Tumblr messages. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 2-4 paragraphs. I can't reply every day. I try not to make anyone wait longer than 3-5 days for replies.
Canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF ; please be open to writing at least two of those ; I don't write with people who only do MxF) are my favorite. I'm okay with doing some canon x OC ones (MxM or FxF only). I like my threads to be set within the universe so no AUs that are way off the beaten path. I do prefer writing romantic ships with NSFW/smut involved but also with a very healthy dose of plot. If you'd rather keep things clean and/or do platonic ships, I'm willing to take that into consideration.
All characters will be 18+!
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships, but I'm willing to try just about any so we can discuss those together. Any character in bold, I'm especially interested in writing as right now.
Doctor Who/Torchwood: Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Ian Chesterton, Jack Harkness, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan
Fantastic Beasts Franchise: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Gerion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Lyn Corbray, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Rodrik Harlaw, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Ghost/Clergy Universe: Cardinal Copia, Dewdrop Ghoul, Papa Emeritus IV
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino
Grand Theft Auto V: Devin Weston, Michael De Santa, Steve Haines
Harry Potter Franchise: Augustus Rookwood, Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape
House of the Dragon: Daemon Targaryen, Otto Hightower
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe: Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Eddie Brock, Harry Osborn, Helmut Zemo, Loki Laufeyson, Matt Murdock, Nathan Summers, Peter Parker, Piotr Rasputin, Tony Masters, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Saw Franchise: Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
Tolkien Legendarium: Bard, Beleg, Bofur, Boromir, Celeborn, Curufin, Elrond, Haldir
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh
If you made it through to the end and would like to work something out, you can like this post and I'll reach out to you, message me on here, or add me on Discord: lindsay7046.
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