#also WYLL just as a general statement
mostly-dead · 9 months
I'm playing Baulder's Gate 3 for the first time cause I got it for Christmas and just beat the goblins and saved the Teiflings. After doing that, you get into the start of the romance and I realized I have 3 types, cocky and over compensating due to trauma, golden retriever as a way to hide trauma, and black cat with religious and/or family trauma. That is to say I'm attracted to everyone and hate that I can't just form a party wide harem.
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meanbossart · 6 months
I've been loving the DU Drow as a companio asks, so I've got my own. I was wondering what kind of interactions he would have with the other companions.
More specifically, we know Astarion flirts with almost anyone (for his own reasons) and even sleeps with Bae'zel at the tiefling party if you turn him down as a player. So, since the Drow is in the group now, what would his interaction with Astarion be? Would Astarion assume him to be the strongest and best chance of survival if manipulated? Would Astarion try to sleep with the Drow the same way he would with Lae'zel?
(Regarding the companions in general) Oh I can easily see him and Shadowheart having some cute party banter, they'd poke light fun at each other and have a similarly "darkly dramatic" reaction to things. He'd easily be the most talkative with her, often initiating mundane conversations about stuff you find. I can see some dialogue between them triggering upon finding one of the many drink-stashes you come across where they discuss what they like best when it comes to wine - or what they think they like, at least, considering the state of their memories.
Gale would be eager to inquire him about drow and the underdark, and where he got his fighting prowess from, which would visibly annoy DU drow since he can't fucking remember anything LOL he'd comment about how he always thought male drow were supposed to be a little… Flimsier, prompting a response along the lines of "I suppose my mother must have fed me well. I do have quite the appetite for loud-mouths."
Gale's like :U my goodness. Point taken.
He might talk to Karlach about Avernus, being fond of the savage nature of it. He'd also ask her if "something's bothering her" and when she asks why he's asking, he comments on how she can never seem to be still for long LOL
If Jaheira joins the party later she takes an interest in him (I WONDER WHY) and they could also share a little friendly banter. DU drow ends up asking her things about Baldur's Gate and herself to fill the gaps in his memory, as well as her children. He expresses how, if he thought himself more fit for a father, he'd have some of his own. Jaheira tells him it's probably better this way.
The banter with Astarion would be pretty par for the course - a mix between being flirtatious in nature and a little passive-aggressive all at once. At some point he says he can't keep quiet about how he stinks of carrion - DU calmly tells him that it can't be helped, due to their circunstances, and that he has a pretty cadaveric perfume himself. Astarion gets offended and tells him he knows for a fact that he smells lovely - DU drow tells him those statements need not be mutually exclusive.
He'd also ask Wyll about Mizora and what it's like to be in her servitute, claiming that he "wouldn't mind doing her a few favors himself" and Wyll tries his darn best to brush that off.
Lae'zel picks on him about his, erm, unreliable state of mind and accuses DU drow of basically being a ticking-time-bomb. DU responds that he feels less like a bomb and more like a vent releasing a steady flow of noxious fumes - if that helps her sleep better at night.
He also snorts at Minthara's "jokes".
(Onto the second part of this already far-too-long reply:)
And I THINK SO, I think Astarion would take him for being more easily manipulated than Lae'zel and try his luck there instead.
Small detour: you know, I always thought it'd be neat if some of the companions formed relationships with each other if you didn't pursue them. We see friendships form but romances would be fun too - like Karlach and Shadowheart could get together if you didn't pair with either of them, and Ascended Astarion and Minthara if you happened to have that party configuration in act 3. I don't really see many of the others having that kind of chemistry, but I wouldn't want the whole camp to be in love with each other anyway lol just 1 or 2 other couples would make the party feel more autonomous.
So, in a world where that's a part of the game, I obviously would say they get together if you don't romance either (from a mechanic standpoint player still gets first dibs LOL) and that unlocks unique party banter and dialogue where you can ask them about it once per act and reveal the "status" of the relationship. In act 2 you get to comment about how they seem to "steal away" together often. Astarion implies they're obviously having sex, and that he's always wanted to "try a little drow - but a big one is even better". If you ask DU drow about it he keeps details and motivations to himself, but acknowledges that they have something going on. You can then tell him that you believe he's being used, and DU drow very nonchalantly says that "he's well aware", but that he isn't worried about it.
In Act 3, when you ask again, Astarion somewhat bashfully reveals that the drow grew on him, and if you press on about the topic he reveals that they haven't even had sex since act 1, they just do a lot of talking, as he sheepishly puts it. If you ask DU drow about it he's much more upfront in saying that they've become an item, and that he's very happy in Astarion's company.
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messiahzzz · 9 months
i do wonder why fandom is so insistent on proving that "gale could eventually change his mind" when it comes to fatherhood.
if children are something you ideally want in your romance - that is completely valid and luckily for you, there are several romance options in the game that can provide just that. wyll, lae'zel, and halsin. even shadowheart briefly mentions that children might be a possibility for her in the future. 4 options total that either already have entire adoption subplots or are open to the idea.
meanwhile, fandom is bending over backwards, bringing up aspects of gale's arc that are completely irrelevant to the topic at hand and claiming that any statement coming from gale or any boundary he sets should forever be questioned because... "he has been known to have inferiority issues"?!
gale is a character who is very likely in his 40s. he isn't some 20-something college boy who is still trying to figure everything out. i personally never felt like there was any point in the context of gale's relationship with tav where he was unsure about his desires. quite the contrary.
gale is also very vocal about what he wants. not wasting any time in proposing to tav after the big bad had been defeated. i am pretty sure there would have been instances where gale expressed his desire to have children (whether that may mean immediate or somewhere down the line) if larian had intended to include this aspect in his romance as well.
...but instead all we have to go on when it comes to the subject of children in general are lines like these:
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player: gale... how would you feel about having another person in our relationship?
gale: what, like a child? i'm not quite sure i'd consider myself father material, plus our current lifestyle isn't exactly what i'd call settled...
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tara: this is why mrs. dekarios and i will be waiting an eternity more for grandchildren.
gale: psst! shoo, tara.
nodecontext: shooing away tara like one would a naughty cat.
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gale, upon spotting oliver during their game of hide and seek: ah, i have you! just a shame i don't want you.
adding for clarification
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fanstuffrantings · 7 months
I follow some people who talk about baldurs gate 3, and the way the fandom almost largely goes out of its way to babygirl everything astarion does while refusing to give the same leniency to the far less evil characters is baffling.
I feel like Gale, Wyll, and Lae'zel are the ones who often make this the most clear. Under the cut.
Whether it's because of the glitch pre console release or just a general refusal to engage with his story, people like to paint this picture of Gale being some Narcissistic abuser who is only ever power hungry. I've seen people try and justify mystra's actions. Now even if Gale was a young adult when Mystra came to him, Mystra is his goddess. She's in charge of the weave. She had so much more power over him, student/teacher and boss/underling relationships are so looked down upon because of that inherent power imbalance. And I think there's also an implication that this is relatively normal for all versions of mystra to do to younger men.
Elminster isn't free of criticism because he actively brought a young Gale to be groomed into becoming a pawn for Mystra. Gale gets discarded by mystra for his seeming ambition and wants to move on, but is also still desperate to please her in anyway he can, and she tells him to kill himself. I don't understand how people go through his plotline and see him believing the only way he's useful is dead and then just assume he's just power hungry. Is he a bit full if himself? Yes. He's a wizard. They're like that. But he's not the worst person in the world, and he's definitely not the one people should claim as the abuser in his relationship with Mystra.
People call Wyll boring, some paint this idea of him being holier than thou/looking down on everyone around him. Since he was 17 Wyll has given his whole life to protecting people and trying to be a hero. He's self sacrificial, thrown out by his father for making a pact he only made to save the city he adores. Wyll talks so much about baldurs gate. He wants to return.
Wyll has his body altered unwillingly for doing the right thing and yet he never once regrets it. He's made into a devil, the creatures so many of the npcs and companions loathe, for his kindness. He's constantly tricked and mocked by Mizora who we know from the game was sent by Zariel to corrupt a good hearted person. Even still, Wyll is a kind and honest man. He's charming and a bit cheesy but that's fine. Wyll can be incredibly self sacrificial and stubborn in his morals, but if you're running around doing mean things to impress Astarion, you can't blame Wyll for not liking your character and judging you. He's a hero of the people, of course he'd stand with them. We also need to remember he got so heavily redone that he has barely 6 hours of in-game content now. Which is abysmal compared to everyone else.
Lae'zel was raised by a cult, a cult that spans all her people where they're taught to bow and serve a lich queen who promises them glory if they're good enough. She can be harsh and unfriendly, but we need to remember she's the one most aware of what the tadpole can do and with that in mind we know she's very desperate to get things done and cure herself. Next to astarion she's the most evil aligned origins companion, and even still so much of that is due to being brainwashed into a certain belief.
Lae'zel in canon is the youngest companion, very early 20s and it often shows. She's a skilled warrior who doesn't see the need for statements that are already obvious. She's been beaten into shape and filled with ideas that unless she's perfect as the creche commands then she is worthless. She's scared and alone in act 1 with people who most likely don't care about it the same way she does. Lae'zel is imperfect like all the other companions, but if you're willing to accept that astarion is soft under all his bluster, why can't you do the same for Lae'zel?
I don't hate Astarion, I liked him a lot my first playthrough, he was my main romance. But the way the fandom ignores that he's definitely evil in act 1 and 2 because "I just don't see him that way", how people act like he's the only character in the cast who was abused when abuse and the cycles of it are the main theme of the game, how people willfully misunderstand his ascension ending and paint it as his good one when the writers state repeatedly it's not, the way the fandom will insult and demean other characters for jabbing at astarion's trauma but applaud him when he does the same exact thing, when they ignored his racism towards gnomes and gur (which is anti Romani racism repackaged). There's also a chance that in his time, Astarion was a corrupt politician, something making his death more complicated but also adding interest to it that a lot of his fans want to ignore to make him pure.
Astarion isn't perfect, none of the companions are. And they're not supposed to be. But his special treatment by fans is becoming so incredibly tiresome to see.
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character? (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
afhiri would be recruited in the crashed nautiloid near the dying mindflayer!! you'd find her looking around at the floor for her flute, they'd be rushing about back and fourth but not actually grabbing at or moving things around to see if it's under anything - just lots of staring and hoping it'll suddenly pop out, they'd also be yelling out "where are you? where did you go?!" "pspspspsp come out!!!" and other various things fdlfdkgdg yes yes there's a mindflayer about but there's more IMPORTANT THINGS .. when recruiting them you can be like "so that mindflayer over there" and afhiri will let you know they hadn't even noticed it <3
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
scene.. afhiri is still obsessively looking for her flute. its almost like u didnt just recruit them
gale: "well they're certainly.. enthusiastic. we best keep an eye on them else we may lose them... hm." accepting he's about to become a babysitter
shadowheart: "are you sure it's wise to bring them along? they'll be more of a hinderance than a help." literally does not want afhiri here
astarion: "wonderful, you've recruited an actual clown! at least we'll have some on road entertainment." completely sarcastic btw... also doesn't want afhiri here
lae'zel: "chk, if nothing else they will be decent cannon fodder in the battles to come." ALSO doesn't want afhiri here.. fuck man
wyll: "what a delight afhiri is, it's good to have someone around who can find the joy in things despite our predicament." happie :)
karlach: also looking around for the flute now. been dragged into it
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
@ gale: "oh my god he came out of a rock!!!!!!!" eyeing him up intensely.. "A CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!" proceeds to lose her shit
@ shadowheart: "she's quite pretty, isn't she? i like her toy! i wonder if she'll let me play with it too" ^_^
@ astarion: eyes him up and down "i think i've seen him before...." never mentions this again and if u ask them about it they're like huh??
@ lae'zel: doesn't really have anything to say.. "lae'zel looks pretty cool" with a big smile :D
@ karlach: "it would have been a crime to kill someone so hot..." nods sagely. misses the literal irony in her statement
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
in general afhiri is super easy-going and befriends people who don't even like them.. ^_^ so losing approval will be harder but that doesn't mean raising is super easy! afhiri is just very nice to people in general!
helping tieflings
helping the poor, the downtrodden and lower class
being disrespectful to authority figures!
making jokes and doing silly things (includes lying)
performing! (you gain a lil bit of approval on performing even if you're bad)
siding with the goblins (this is the largest approval hit)
hurting + killing animals
not taking new opportunities (refusing to do quests, attacking enemies before letting them talk, etc)
being a stick in the mud with a pole up ur ass!! have some fun!!
scolding her for her antics or otherwise talking down to her
you can honestly view afhiri's approval as similiar to sera from dai if you're aware of her general likes and dislikes !!!
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
no, but afhiri really won't like you killing the tieflings. they don't really give a shit about the druids but heavily empathises with the tieflings and this is the literal only time you can make afhiri genuinely angry at you. it's super easy to convince afhiri to calm down and stay however, and you can even gain the lost approval again depending on how you approach her at the party!!! (manipulation goes a long way <3)
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
afhiri doesn't necessarily have secrets, but you CAN learn that the afhiri you know is essentially a persona. it requires maximum approval and very specific dialogue choices - afhiri will reveal to you that they're running from themselves and they don't plan on stopping. if you try to encourage afhiri to accept who they are and stop running, you'll take a large approval hit and afhiri will cut the conversation short and you'll take small approval hits if you ever try to bring it up again ^_^
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
they do but not in a typical sense.
act 1: getting afhiri a flute, once you do this you'll unlock new bardic abilities for gameplay and combat! afhiri will also be seen playing the flute in camp ^_^ you can only pursue afhiri's romance once a flute has been gotten.. other instruments don't work !
act 2: you will get a sweet scene where afhiri tells you she's written a song about you and wants to perform !! afhiri will sing and dance and play their flute for you and the song will be from a selection of pre-made ones based on various decisions made in act 1! at the end of the performance you'll be given options that allow you to continue or end the romance ^_^
act 3: you've forced afhiri to return to where she's running from :) afhiri will, if your approval is high enough, mention her family. you Cannot visit, but if you encourage afhiri to pop in to see them they will Without you. if you ask afhiri how it went they'll be super dismissive and just say it was fine with a smile, afhiri won't say more even if you press the issue. it won't be satisfying and will likely get "i wish they did more with this" "did they cut visiting her family?" "that was pretty shit"
though there is some stuff that kind of counts if you keep reading ^_^
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
stay: the biggest wet eyes and pout you have ever seen. you are going to make the clown cry. their bottom lip is wobbling. oh my god. if you confirm they are indeed staying they snap out of it immediately revealing it was a manipulation and just sulks like FINE
come: THIS PROVOKES PURE JOY!!!! afhiri is bouncing and resisting grabbing you (where their hands instinctively go to grab changes if ur romancing!) biggest smile ever. gonna play their absolute best for you u will NOT regret this!!!!!
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
no but afhiri will have escalating flirts :).....
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
hehe.. yeah <3 candor
candor will appear and if you agree, will join as a camp companion! (ideally they'd both be companions but that isn't what this is ABOUT) you get a scene in each act where afhiri and candor interact with each other and you can chime in with your thoughts!!
act 1: they meet again for the first time since tadpole, afhiri jumps into candors arms and they have .. a moment. that feels invasive to watch. this is a scene that makes you think afhiri is Not available for romance ^_^ afhiri asks you to allow candor to come with you!
act 2: you accidentally walk in on them talking quietly by themselves. afhiri is resting her head on candors arm and it has its hand on her leg... another moment where you think afhiri isn't actually available.. extra drama if you're romancing afhiri !! this is the moment where you can ask about them, you learn about afhiri being poly, you're given the option to end the romance if you're not comfortable.
act 3: takes place after afhiri's act 3 quest, meaning you need that approval to see this! afhiri and candor are having a heart to heart about being back in the city and about afhiri's wild magic!! this is when candor confesses to afhiri that it's been protecting afhiri from wild magic for longer than originally thought. you can chime in, side with afhiri, who is upset specifically because she believes candor could have done more, befriended her sooner, helped her with her loneliness and troubled childhood, or side with candor, who believes it wasn't its place to interfere and only chose to eventually interfere because it felt it had to for afhiri's continued survival - it wasn't required sooner because afhiri wasn't in danger despite the hard life they were living. you also have the opportunity to not get involved, either by not taking a side and seeing BOTH their points, or by walking away.
in order to see afhiri's TRUE FULL QUEST!! u need to bring candor as a camp companion :) fuck everyone who refused candor to join. especially if they did it out of possessive jealousy of afhiri!!!!!!! PUNISHMENT!!!!!!! (yeah. gamers wouldn't like me)
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
the first time you perform ^_^ so it requires you to either be a bard, get the instrument proficiency feat, or just play a random instrument you find very badly! so it's pretty missable!
no matter what, even if you're bad, afhiri gets excited and wants to play with you!! you also gain approval ^_^
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
afhiri has no advice :) it was just a dream man idk. did you eat something funky
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
raphael looks like a rich snob with too much money so afhiri DOES NOT LIKE. so afhiri will, not really getting what's going on, not want you to take the deal on the fact that he looks like a prick they should rob instead
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
afhiri, not knowing or understanding what a vampire is, "did you at least ask for consent"
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
head tilt of curiousity and naivity until there's blood and you're screaming and then they're looking around like what the fu
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
afhiri will think it's kinda icky but won't comment beyond that!
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
they'll stay!
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
performing! afhiri will be playing her flute in her idle animation ^_^
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
i'm gonna say no because i highly doubt afhiri fucking noticed or fucking cares. like if you approach afhiri and you're like HEY.... DID SMTH NASTY LAST NIGHT WITH WHATS ER FACE. yeah afhiri's interested now... but in general afhiri is not shoving nose where nose is not wanted. act 1 too early for afhiri to be a prying bitch
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
probably smth really dumb like. "well that was bright!!!! anyway hi :D"
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
"did it taste good? can i lick it?" you're both dead on the ground
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
this is the best moment of afhiri's life. feels kinda nervous because oh my god, oh my god, it's DRIBBLES!!! this is their moment. their moment to prove themselves. FINALLY! FINALLY THEY CAN SHOW DRIBBLES THEY ARE THE BEST CLOWN!!!!! afhiri is PUMPED. this moment is EVERYTHING. this is the afhiri's nightsong moment, afhiri's ritual.. you get the point
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
afhiri cannot be kidnapped because afhiri would simply dodge orin. u cannot kidnap a circus weirdo. however i could have some insane thoughts about orin ATTEMPTING it and giving up with frustration :)
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
afhiri does not grasp what this means. afhiri cannot visualise 7000 souls as 7000 living breathing people - except they're not they're uh. dead. anyway. afhiri can't do it. so will afhiri react? no. very like "huh?" and no one will take the time to explain . gale might explain later at camp. then its "huh..." and u got nothing else cuz THEY CANNOT VISUALISE IT ......
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
afhiri would give a very chill oh that's cool!! that's pretty sick!!! ohhhhhh !!!! awesome !!!!!! type of reaction. would not offer however because afhiri don't understand what the fuck goin on thinks ur doing it just for funsies. cuz u wanna. ^_^ romance would get no other reaction beyond maybe a line about being curious how u kiss each other now and also what those tentacles do
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
afhiri don't rly know what amnesia is. once u explain its very oh..... okay..... F. reaction. emotionally stunted and unavoidable gamer reaction. murderous thoughts? very haha and then what. afhiri doesn't take this Seriously.
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
see this will make afhiri very sad because ALFIRA BARD FRIEND. WEARING A FUNNY JESTER OUTFIT. ALFIRA :HANDSHAKE: AFHIRI!!!!!! so afhiri would be sad to find out alfira is dead but likely would not believe the durge did it because durge is friend :)
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
i basically just answered this huh. haha and then what :) its so funny how i keep saying afhiri don't take shit srsly. like afhiri would not believe ur actually gonna try and kill them. they're just vibing and think ur being a bit kinky
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
afhiri is romanceable and without the flute from her act 1 quest the romance is locked out entirely. if you enter act 2 without giving the flute, romance is locked for good!
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
afhiri needs to be flirted with at least once for her to see you in that light. if you don't keep flirting, afhiri will approach you!
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
poly!!! if you ask afhiri to be mono it will ONLY work if you didn't recruit candor or you sought to drive a wedge between them, so they never reached a romantic point, however they will STILL be very close and intimate, otherwise afhiri will say no because candor is too important to them.
afhiri will accept poly with every single companion no questions asked ^_^
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
afhiri does!! you approach them and they're all exhausted and tired but immensely happy and in their element because they've been playing and performing the entire party, and you talking to them is giving them a short break. if you ask, afhiri will come to you after the party when they've finished performing and everyone's going to bed!
the scene will be you and afhiri by the water. u sit down and afhiri gives u a private session thats a much more delicate and gentle song just for u . she doesnt sing its just a tune. (note: if u romance her in act 2 she will play this same tune but this time will start singing a song she wrote for u) u then talk a lil bit about the party and everything uve been thru so far. afhiri is pretty useless during it but its used as a way to show the player how disconnected afhiri is. afhiri acts as escapism for the player from the story!
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
it'll have just one path, but micro changes (like small dialogues) based on candor things!
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
hmm.. afhiri would ultimately be very chill about it. theyd be sad about the fact you cant hold hands and cuddle at night and kiss and stuff anymore. and theyd ask if you CAN still do that stuff but as friends (offering a fwb alternative!!!!) if you say no theyll be fine but a tiny bit moopy because they had fun with you and liked being close to u. but ur not gonna get no grand statements or tears from afhiri! and would be happy for you if u found love with someone else c:
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
question one: what kind of performer has afhiri always dreamt of being?
available answers: a bard, a clown, something unique and different
something unique and different is the correct answer! no approval changes.
question two: afhiri has left their life behind on nothing but a whim, what is afhiri running from?
available answers: responsibility, their family, dribbles
dribbles is the correct answer and gains approval! if you select responsibility or their family it will also be considered correct but will gain disapproval.
question three: what does afhiri need the most?
available answers: to grow up and act like an adult, freedom, to become the best clown in the world
to become the best clown in the world and freedom are both correct. no approval changes!
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
down for it. down to be a polycule. down to also date halsin. down for threesomes. down for it all!!!!!!!! afhiri a free spirit baby.
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
GET IT!!!!! GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! afhiri doesn't really have any concept of like. sleeping with a devil or an incubus is like, realistically a bad idea, so its just. DAMN YOU FUCKED THAT HOT PERSON?? NIIIICEEEE!!!! high fives!!!!! with the emperor its just the same thing. you got laid? fuck yeah. high fives!
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFHIRI IS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! u have got the most giddy tiefling right behind you, going 'eeeeee' with excitement, bouncing up and down looking at you with large pleady eyes CAN WE PLEASE? CAN WE PLEEASSE??? I REALLY WANT TO!!!!!!! if tav says no you bet ur ass afhiri is hanging around there like hehe can i anyway
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
afhiri is an independent soul .. doesn't wanna get married ... doesnt rlly wanna move in either.. being with afhiri longterm is accepting uve got a partner whos adventurous and wants to explore and see the world and meet new people!!! now afhiri WILL settle down after years together because afhiri will lowkey become commited with you without labels - if YOU involve labels thats just gonna push afhiri away. so just be patient with her.. like a stray cat who sleeps in ur house and eats ur food. one day they'll just stay if you're patient with them!!!!!! also being with afhiri is accepting her free spirited nature... afhiri is gonna date and sleep with other people, AND YOURE ALLOWED TOO!!, so afhiri long term is not for anyone who wants the domestic monogamous life
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animentality · 7 months
Did they get a postive response from adding those Gortash lines? I thought a bunch of people hateing on it instead? Also what if they removed the lines to change them a go a diffrent direction. I'm sorry. I have a lot of worry they wont do something I agee with.
The overwhelming reaction was positive. Durgetash artists went on Twitter to celebrate, and the small but passionate fans of the ship went nuclear here and on Twitter, and helped BG3 trend, yada yada, tale as old as time.
Most people don't care about Durgetash or Gortash. The majority of people you hear from would be the people who like both of those things. It's also a small ship.
The haters of that ship are even smaller in comparison, because the hand that reaches out will always touch more than the hand clenched into a fist.
And the only "legitimate" complainers, who don't just dislike the ship on principle, are the whiners who keep insisting their durges are lesbians, and how dare Larian "force" them into a relationship with a man - which is literally not what Larian did.
No one bitches about how Gale's ORIGIN completely precludes him from being gay.
I see no reason why you can't similarly have Durge's ORIGIN make them attracted to men. Or, you know. Enver is special.
Oh. And also. It's so fucking platonic, if you want it to be. Stop being stupid and just say you don't like Durgetash. It's as easy as that.
Stop using "lesbophobic" as a handy label for your self righteous soapbox. You just don't like the ship, and that's fine. It's FINE. But acting like Durgetash is lesbophobic - oh, go play a Tav.
And also, Astarion and Gale and Wyll better not flirt with you in game, even though you can tell them to fuck off, or else they're lesbophobic too.
That's the only discourse that gained traction on Twitter. As far as I know.
If Larian had made Gale wear blackface or something, and people got pissed, then yeah. They'd back up on that, and get rid of it pronto.
But Durgetash???
Aside from the general evil antics, they're not that fucking controversial of a ship.
Most people don't even PLAY the Dark Urge.
I don't know how to stress this any other way...
People act like Durgetashers are loud - we're honestly not that loud.
Astarion fans are far louder, and yet, the most romanced companion is SHADOWHEART and then Laezel and KARLACH.
He's not even in the top 3. And yet, he dominates the content on Twitter and Tumblr... he's definitely more popular than Gortash or the Dark Urge or Durgetash together...but his fans are still technically the damn minority.
So Durgetash in comparison to Starries???
And Durgetash haters?
Would be even smaller.
So what I'm saying is...
I'm kind of tired of answering asks about this.
I don't KNOW for certain whether or not this is Larian backing up or walking forward, and while I don't believe they'd walk back on this, and especially not for a handful of people, it kind of annoys me to even think about things outside of my control.
now if Larian makes a big grand statement and says actually we totally rescind something WE WROTE AND ADDED TO THE GAME because some people got mad...then I'll call them cucks, and complain.
But as of right now?
As far as I know personally, and assume in my heart... it's neutral.
The lines are probably just bugged. Also, not ALL of them are bugged either, so.
Please stop freaking out, guys.
I am the world's biggest resident durgetash freak, and I'm shrugging at this, and just saying it's a bug.
Don't let it bother you. It's out of your control, regardless.
(And I stress again - if we find out they're legitimately backing away from something they did...they have the spine of a ham sandwich. But until we know that for sure, I won't condemn them for this, because as far as we know, it is legitimately an accident.)
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blackjackkent · 13 days
Some initial bits of Rivington exploration:
Rakha and company encounter their first brainquake, not that they know that's what it is at the moment. All they know is that the streets suddenly shake for no obvious reason. This unsettles Rakha - who has no memory of the concept of an earthquake - more than a little; she's only marginally reassured by Wyll explaining what an one is, since he also says he doesn't remember one ever hitting Baldur's Gate before.
Some of the Flaming Fist guards explain that there was an attack by cultists at the village's front gate - one that almost succeeded "before the Steel Watch intervened". Rakha remembers Florrick also talking about this "Steel Watch" - and mentioning that Gortash was behind its construction. This detail doesn't make sense to her. Why would Gortash's constructions fight against the Absolutist incursion? Then she remembers something Gortash said to Ketheric just before he disappeared, down in the Moonrise fleshpit: "You’re supposed to be the fearsome general, come to conquer the city. And I am the hero who will save it." And some of the details of the Chosen's overall strategy start clicking into place in her head.
Many of the locals are pretty upset about the presence of the refugees in Rivington as well - but not for the reasons that Wyll and Jaheira and Minthara are. Instead of wanting the refugees let into the city, they instead see them as interlopers and think the Flaming Fist should run them off. One of them tries to pick a fight with Rakha herself as one of these interlopers. Another tells her that he thinks all the refugees are cultists in disguise. It takes Rakha all of her available focus and self control not to break into violence and instead to walk way without answering.
A dark-eyed, goateed fellow nearby, watching these conversations, cuts in abruptly as Rakha walks past him.
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"I took you for one of them for a moment," he says laconically. "The refugees, that is. You're a recent arrival for sure, still bearing dust from the road - but you have something they lack. Dignity."
Rakha stares at him coldly. This is an odd insult - the beast in her head, of course, wants to attack him on principle, but dignity has never really been one of her most significant features and there are a lot of other more direct hits he could have made. She's in the process of turning away rather than engaging with him when he speaks again:
"These wretches have nowhere to call home, nothing to live off but what they carry, and nobody to help them but themselves. And me, of course." He gives her a thin smile.
Rakha hesitates, glancing back. This is the first person she's talked to who claims to be helping the refugees - which is what most of her companions also want to do. "You help them?" she asks cautiously. "How?"
"Me?" he says, conversationally pleasant. "I lighten their load. You'd be shocked by the sort of things they bring with them. Gold and jewels they can't easily exchange. Heirlooms. Rarities. Sentimental items - even cremation urns." He snorts softly. "Alas, you cannot eat grandmother's ashes, nor can you easily trade a golden candelabra for a bowl of soup. That is where I come in - liquidity. Their heirlooms for my gold."
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Rakha has to think over this for a moment to understand exactly what he's describing. "You're taking advantage of the desperate," she finally says slowly.
It's not precisely a judgmental statement - just a factual one, articulating her understanding of what he said - and he grins in response, unashamed. "Your point being?"
Another pause. "And what do you do with all these goods you're acquiring?" Rakha asks slowly.
This does put him on the defensive, and he folds his arms. "There is an enterprise within the city that I help to support," he says flatly. "I know I said I wasn't given to charity, but this place is dear to my heart." Again that thin smile, just for a moment. "I'd tell you more but they value discretion above all. As do I."
Clearly he's just hoping she'll sell him something. Perhaps she should - if there's cause in it. Perhaps he is telling the truth that his actions help the refugees to eat. Perhaps he is telling the truth that the money supports some cause inside the walls. Perhaps. She can see the doubt in Jaheira's eyes where the druid stands at her side, though.
[PERSUASION] "It isn't just about gold for you, is it?" she asks slowly after a long pause to consider. "There is more to this than you're letting on." If he will tell her more about where the money goes, perhaps she will contribute. She has little use for it herself, after all.
He tilts his head. "You're like a dog with a bone, aren't you?" he says with a cool laugh. "Perhaps you are cannier than I first gave you credit to be. I have some very special wares reserved for exclusive clientele - but I think you've earned a peek."
Rakha frowns. This is not an answer to the question she was asking. "That's it?" she asks, equally cool. "You're just a merchant?"
He scoffs. "Just a merchant? At least look at what's on offer before you embarrass yourself."
She's rapidly losing interest in both him and the conversation - but she does take a look at the wares on offer... and notices something odd. "These wares are too exotic to have been purchased from refugees, surely," she says slowly, slowly piecing together the facts around her as she always does. The man was not telling her the whole truth before. He was holding something back. "Who's your supplier?"
"Trade secrets," he says with a casual smile. "But I can guarantee you that nothing I have to offer was stolen. It was all given happily and willingly - every last item."
(A/N: I was waiting through this whole conversation for him to drop some comment about the Sharrans, since when Shadowheart is here this is the entry point into her Act 3 quest, as he tells her to come to the House of Grief. So this was oddly anticlimactic, though it does reinforce Rakha's awareness that lots of people in this city do not have the best interests of those around them in mind.
Perhaps she is not as terrible as she thought, for she, at least, is striving against the terrible impulses of her brain, no matter how dark they might get.)
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agent-jaselin · 11 months
First off I love Wyll. So Calem being mean does not reflect my opinion.
SECOND, when talking to him after that on fire inn we went to and I didn't know was important, he started talking about his dad, and was high enough approval that he was like "You would have been an excellent son to him/he would have liked you."
if anyone could find me the transcript that'd be great because he is unfortunately hard to find videos for all his dialogue on.
Calem killed his own dad by burning him and the entire tribe as revenge. He was abused by the man until he was sixteen and then traded to a Garlean for the tribe's safety. It was "all he was good for"
So anyway when Wyll says that, Calem bursts out laughing for a good minute because he thought Wyll was teasing him like the warlock does Astarion.
He's pretty apologetic when he see's Wyll's face and knows he was not joking. and immediately apologizes. But also is like:
"Wow we've got to work on your self-esteem bud. Cause either that's so tanked you think I'd be a good son in comparison or Your just a completely terrible judge of character"
Completely ignoring that with that statement he's pretty much doing the same, by ignoring all his accomplishments and generally assuming his awful dad was right about him being a worthless runt growing up.
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greyias · 1 year
Farewell Act 2
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After a boss fight that went far smoother and quicker than it should have, it is time to bid a farewell to these lands of darkness, and move on to the final portion of the game. I am only sad because I'm approaching the end and my precious Tadfools' adventure will be coming to a close.
(Shhh. Shhh. Everything Rosymorn Monastery totally counts for this list. Let's call it Act 1.5, because the game kept insisting that I was somehow irrevocably altering things by heading there. So it counts.)
In the spirit of tradition, before we finally reach the big city, let us reflect on the good times in ze middle:
Gale breaking my heart this entire act ♥
Swindling a researcher into taking an owlbear egg instead of a Githyanki egg (that is currently being nursemaided back at camp). Feeling guilty about the consequences of said action and trying to distract her with song while Astarion steals it back. This fails miserably.
Astarion and Ari teaming up to steal from the rudest eagles in Faerun
Ari nearly blowing up Githyanki mountain by impulsively grabbing a mace. For a puzzle she had already solved and had everything needed to do properly
Ari and Astarion splitting the party in the midst of madly fleeing for their lives from angry githyanki in order to grafitti Vlaakith's portrait as revenge for making Lae'zel cry
Alternatively, what happens if you fail a dexterity check on vandalizing Vlaakith's portrait
Gale's awkward attempts at communicating how hot he found it when Ari kicked shadow ass
Honestly? Getting jumped by the five million shadow creatures who nearly one-shotted poor Ari in a single round, because it meant the rest of the party had to get extremely creative in order to save her (including the squishiest Gale misty stepping right into heart of danger as he was the one who could get to her fastest throw a potion on her)
Accidentally breaking Wyll's heart because Ari really wanted to dance
Just poor Wyll in general getting shot down constantly. Poor guy, you'll find love at some point
Me wasting an entire Sunday because I got so offended the game locked me out of a fashionable and useful armor because I looted a chest 48 hours before a patch that fixed it, I decided to temporarily install mods to get it back. Resulting in me accidentally deleting the data folder of the game and having to reinstall the whole game
Everything about their adventure in the House of Healing
Also the entire Waning Moon Experience, including Toilet Skeleton
The most talkative door in the land
Ari shoving her hand into a writhing mass of tentacles, dislocating her shoulder in the process
The most ridiculous series of events leading up to the Gale romance scene. Ari still has a dislocated shoulder this entire time
Ari's lute playing is better than ogre sex. Apparently.
Getting banned from the Emerald Enclave by the two druid jerks because Ari dared to innocently pick up a book owned by literally no one
Gauntlet of Shar Anvil Chorus
The Spider Incident
A patch 3 bug making it so that Ari and Astarion have all of their important conversations while never making eye contact, as if they're crossing their arms and shouting supportive statements over their shoulders. A++ adds to the Frienemy Dynamic they have going on
Accidentally squishing Astarion with an elevator like Wile E Coyote. It really was an accident I swear.
The Shadowfell sequence was so epic and well done. Nothing funny about it, just very well executed all around.
Gortash's creepy collection of brains
Ari being so persuasive, she talked a devil into just going back to the hells rather than deal with her
Ari being so persuasive she made Ketheric Thorm feel bad enough about his actions that he just yeeted himself into a pit of acid
Captain Planet-style summoning The Absolute to get ready for her Bachelorette Party
Aylin and Isobel, my god, they're precious and I love them with my whole heart
Alfira asking Ari to do a duet to cheer up the kids, and just a perfect way to end this darkest of acts
Goodbye Act 2, your mood whiplash threw me for a loop. Somehow despite that, you provided almost as many crazy shenanigans as Act 1. I forgot to document half of them, and probably forgot to list even more. Despite all your gloomdark, you brought much laughter and goodtimes. And now... the Tadfools must head to their final destination.
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bledmagic · 4 years
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**the following is no way indicative of direct rp interactions & is solely referring to the personal canon to idrylla. if your muse wants to refer to the closeness of one of the companions listed here by all means, unless you are holding another rper muse in mind as that connection is different & not based upon these by the interactions idrylla & that muse has had. however if you would like to base interactions on these descriptions with your muse def lemme kno & we can plot on this further !
idrylla is not the only focus of the story, they are one of many that line the cast of our main tale & the interactions between idrylla & these characters drive the story forward or back. as the game still rests within the area of early access & there are hints from datamining of future companions this list is not complete nor is it going to contain anything proper beyond act 1 in terms of connections. with the previous statement said, here is each of our companions & the relationships held with idrylla as per the canon to their character & me. **i will note if i have romanced a npc like this, as the game is in early access n just like in who’s line is it anyway the choices n points dont matter there is no canon romance for idrylla at this moment in time. 
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LAE’ZEL: idrylla has very few memories of the nautilus. their capture, their containment, & the escape itself is somewhat of a blurry mess. what they do remember is lae’zel. they remember her face, her struggling, her escaping that pod. they saw the moment the mind flayer infected lae’zel & the fear held within the githyanki’s features. all of this is unspoken between the two, but for idrylla it’s spurned a lot of emotions that have boiled down to pushing idrylla to get close to lae’zel & be quite defensive of her with strangers( shadowheart can make a few insults as a treat, lae’zel in return can make some serious threats in return as a treat ). it is with the first weeks of travel idrylla can be found hanging out along side lae’zel like a safety net, finding the familiarity of their escape as a bridge to base a friendship upon. despite that link that idrylla has tied between them they find lae’zel absolutely delightful in every way possible & considers lae’zel probably the closest friend idrylla has had in years, the honesty lae’zel shows in the most blunt way a refreshing change from the passive aggressiveness of the wizards guild peers. beyond all this, lae’zel is also the first githyanki has ever known & has prodded the poor warrior with a multitude of questions to absorb the info like a weird elf sponge, even going out of their way to learn on their own & ask lae’zel about later on. idrylla holds lae’zel’s opinon in high regard & often will ask her or look to her for her advice & even if not followed takes it in consideration. anyways they are best friends. ( lae’zel: we are not ‘friends’ / idrylla: you’re right. we are best friends, pal. / lae’zel: tch. ) **lae’zel has been romanced 
SHADOWHEART: while idrylla did try to save shadowheart from her pod, idrylla also has particularly failed at every turn to get shadowheart to even attempt to trust them. traditionally anyway. since the common ground of the parasite & needing to team up & trust each other has failed to get shadowheart to loosen up, idrylla has taken the approach to just be a utter nuisance to shadowheart. often chiding the other with jokes or teases, stirring up trouble between shadowheart & lae’zel, forcing shadowheart to go talk to people at parties( notable example is when idryl forced shadowheart to dance with them at the big fun tiefling celebration party in which shadowheart was so emabrassed she probs would have died on the spot if she wasnt actually having fun the whole time ), etc etc. shadowheart stresses idrylla out, so tightly wounded & clearly bothered by something that is clearly at times more dire than the worm in their brain. it activates idrylla’s older sibling mode near instantly as often the fussing of the other reminds idrylla very warmly of their younger siblings, one being very similar to the uptight cleric. when shadowheart does breakdown some of those walls & reveals her religious beliefs idrylla presents themselves as very accepting. while agnostic themselves, they do make a point to show they hold no ill will to shadowheart & support them, but more importantly wants shadowheart to learn to rely on them from then on to be more honest about anything. it’s after this shadowheart tends to be less antagonistic toward idrylla. but only a little less.
WYLL: idrylla noted early on that the “”””stone”””” that rests in his socket has a heartshaped looking pupil & annoyingly( to everyone except wyll himself ) calls him hearteye. as a baldurian they are very well versed in knowing the various tales & stories of the blade of frontiers. wyll is idrylla’s favorite drinking companion & the two get along like a pair of bros in a budding bromance that will make the fans go crazy. wyll holds a hard sense of justice that idrylla tends to think of a buzzkill at times, but does value the pull of morality his chiding holds considering her own moral standing at current is fuzzy at best. she does truly worry about how skiddish he tends to be about his guarded secrets & once learning upon the truth they promise to aid them in his quest to save his ‘totally not devil girlfriend’ & when wyll protests about such a title idryl simply responses ‘oh no i totally get it, hearteye.’ with a laugh & wink. idrylla also has wyll teach them the use of the blade, taking those teachings & applying them to their learnings of the staff as a weapon vs a channel for magic. often one can see them sparing in camp on down time. wyll is also the only one of the companions who gave idrylla a proper condolence when idrylla’s less than tragic backstory is revealed to the the companions, to which idrylla who was properly touched thanked him with a hand to their heart & a ‘aww, thanks man. you’re a real one.’
ASTARION: idrylla is far softer on astarion than they should be & they will deny it. usually such a judgement of letting astarion getting away with ( in most cases, literally ) murder is preceded by a loud groan or sigh. it’s not that idrylla wants to dull astarion’s sparkle, but more of a general worry. the more idrylla learns of him, the more & more they just feel bad( astarion: i rather be spared of pity, thanks / idryl: it’s not pity. i don’t pity you its just. well hearing that shit that happened to you ? makes me sick, man. horrible things to go through. makes me want to hit something. ). but the primary worry is what will happened to their newfound friend once the parasite is extracted, will astarion burn up in the sun ? prevented from hanging out with them at bars ? will they not be able to find something for him to eat on the journey they set on ? idrylla has no real way to comfort astarion in the face of his past & it makes them uncomfortable. all that can be offered is a arm about his shoulder & a ear to listen.  beyond all this, however, the two get along disturbingly well. idrylla’s current fuzzy moral standing & general pull to do really stupid things setting a stage for the two of them to act in their own chaotic fashion. the two make comments with each other that would make people wonder if they share a braincell. idrylla often pulls lae’zel into their shenanigans much to her dismay. the fact that astarion is a vampire spawn has absolutely zero negative effect or reaction from idrylla. **astarion has been romanced
GALE: i hate these two. considering gale being a wizard busybody i have to do the most divergent shit with this mf. love this catdad, anyways here go. gale & idrylla absolutely know of each other prior to the events of the game & have a loving rivalry friendship thing going on. they have met a few times due to the wizarding guild( take in mind, this wizard guild is something im developing for idrylla & is not canonical to the game ) of which gale would visit, but is not apart of, due to his associations. the two never had a proper moment of conversation prior but are as i said, very aware of each other at least in terms of their talents in magic. so whilst there is a pre-established link between them they are without a doubt strangers. their rivalry comes out at any time magic is spoken about or knowledge thereof. a interesting change in demeanor for idrylla who, for all intents & purposes before & during the events, tended to not have a proper ambitious or know-it-all bone in their body. the two will often agree about magic or purposely disagree. they speak of other wizards & generally are capable of working together to figure out spells or something magical in puzzles. when gale says that idrylla knows nothing about the weave, it took everything in idrylla to not set him on fire. when faced with the truth about gale’s utterly stupid need to consume magic & the reason behind it, idrylla simply just starts smacking him on the arm & calling him an idiot( considering idrylla’s recent expulsion from the wizarding guild spurred on by peers that are  power hungry & would do whatever they could to get ahead, the ordeal of gale sits very heavy on idrylla. while they does apologize later & explains the why. ). over time the two have gotten less antagonistic to each other & more or less bicker for the fun of it, showing that the two have found themselves more or less comfortable with each other & in their aventures found respect in each other’s talents. so far anyway. idrylla has threatened to steal gale’s cat( in jest to make gale wig out. )
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