#also a comic book in that style with stray kids? yes please
candescentkpop · 2 years
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I don't care how they look at me
Stray Kids: 소리꾼(Thunderous)
Stray Kids Part 33 / ∞
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
Duke Thomas Rings The Bells
Ch.1 , synopsis ; Moving to an elite boarding school Duke struggles to find his footing. But he clumsily stumbles his way into some friends, and soon his friends turn into comrades and allies. Duke knows his friends won't fall, and he doesn't plan on falling either. How long can people keep secrets? And what secrets are worth anything at all? Maybe Jason is right, and this is all just some really dramatic Dead Poets Society shit. But Duke liked that movie.
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Duke's locker was articulate in it's decoration. There was the usual magazine cut outs, the stray polaroid, and the magnets he had made from postage labels. The organization of said locker was lacking a bit.
He didn't mean to just throw things into the metal cabinet but he was still adjusting to the ways of his new home. The locker also reeked of marker ink and the alcohol of his hand sanitizer. Duke learned early on in his young artists career that hand sanitizer killed ink.
Duke switched out his math textbook for the book they were currently reading in English, On The Road by Jack Kerouac. The cover was new, no finger printers or stray penned obscenities. Duke hadn't gotten a chance to read most of it yet but he got an extension from Mr.Farlane.
Transferring a week into school meant that Duke had missed most of the "Welcome Back To School" activities, part of him chided himself for being relieved about having avoided such crowds, but the other half dreaded his lack of basic information about the school. He didn't know the whole layout by heart yet, the schedule felt awkward and clunky, and of course he knew no one.
Despite the school's prestige the extra curricular art courses and clubs were lacking. On top of that most kids Duke had deemed assholes were in said clubs. Duke's current list of assholes was growing. In his throw up book, which was what he called his sketchbook, there were doodles of people he thought were noteworthy.
In his classes he tried to match names to makeshift seating charts on his pages. Not wanting to be caught in some embarrassing slip up of not knowing someone's name. Next to these names were things to pin them to a person. Ones who had bumped into him without apologizing, ones who said weird things in class, had been late or walked funny.
In his second period bio med class was a boy named Tim. Next to his name was a brash doodle Duke had done of the boy along with the phrase 'This is bullshit, the woman obviously died because of her diabetes! Look at the blood splatter you absolute fool! ’ which is what he had said to his lab partner.
Tim had been scolded for disturbing the class and Duke was surprised when his own lab partner also scolded Tim instead of finding the situation funny or amusing at least.
Even though they hadn't officially met yet, Tim so far was the only boy on the 'not asshole' list Duke had formulated. Duke wished there were girls around. They were always so much nicer, and they made guys less defensive.
Blue River Academy For Boys was an all boys boarding school that Duke would compare to a hell on a trust funds budget. Not to mention that so far Duke was the only black kid in sight. Beyond that he was the only not white person on campus he had seen so far.
With nothing but rich white boys surrounding him Duke was already feeling out of his element. Top that off with a new school, a new home, and his general positive attitude was taking a beating.
Duke sighed a heavy breath as he prepared to enter his AP English class. Only four days into Mr.Farlane’s dry, boring lectures were enough to have Duke dreading the class, he still had the whole semester ahead of him.
Fortunately Duke had managed to snag a window seat in the back, as it was the only desk left when he had arrived. Outside was the main courtyard, where most boys went during their study period. There was a stone fountain, several garden benches, and rose bushes that littered the grassy yard below.
Duke couldn't decide if it was cliche, pretentious, or both. All the architecture of the place was overly grand like this. Gray stone walls, silver railings, blue and white mosaic tile floor. None of it felt real. It made Duke miss his neighborhood, his home.
"Today we will be covering chapters ten through fifteen,"
Mr.Farlane’s voice was robotic and empty as he spoke to the class. Mr.Farlane had several conversations with himself about the themes of the book, the overarching plot, and how Jack Kerouac was an exemplary writer.
This was when the boy in front of Duke raised his hand. Mr.Farlane didn't notice him at first but the boy slammed his other hand onto the wooden desk to grab the teachers attention.
Mr.Farlane only let out an annoyed huff of air, Duke noticed the other boys in class had perked up as well. It felt like the moments before a great battle in a movie, like two unstoppable armies had come to face each other on a hill.
"Yes Jason,"
Mr.Farlane’s voice at least wasn't terribly dull anymore, Duke thought.
"Kerouac was not a good writer, he drones on and on, he deals in drivel-"
Mr.Farlane cut Jason off with the palm of his hand.
"That's subjective Jason-"
Jason cut him off in return.
"It's not subjective, he was high as shit when he wrote On The Road , and apparently even being intoxicated wasn't enough to get his ass to write anything good"
"I'm Mr.Todd now?"
Jason asked, raising his voice with a snarl.
"Mr.Todd," Mr.Farlane said slowly repeating himself, "Please go to the office if you're going to act like this"
Jason, who was a tall boy with dark hair and icy blue eyes, a streak of white running down his bangs, didn't look handsome as he stormed out of the room, he looked pissed off. The other boys in class also stared at Jason as he moved through the room, knocking or bumping into desks not seeming to care who or what he intruded on.
Mr.Farlane continued speaking once Jason had left like nothing had transpired at all. Duke then deduced that Jason must be one of those moody brooding types who was prone to getting in trouble. A person who sat quietly until they exploded with rage. Which in this case was induced by bad literary opinion.
While Mr.Farlane’s hollow lesson went on, Duke drew. He drew Jason in a loose cartoon style. Putting emphasis on the boy's odd hair color, his angry scrunched up face which Duke only got a few glimpses of because he had been sitting behind him. Duke in scratchy bubble letters drew the words Jason had spoken as well. When it came time to put Jason's name on the asshole list Duke couldn't bring himself to do it.
Because yeah, yelling at the teacher, throwing around curse words, having tantrums in class, that definitely wasn't cool. It made Duke wonder if Jason was putting on some sort of bad boy act. But even this seemed pretty dramatic for something that was just an act. Regardless of the right or wrong of the situation Duke hesitated, because Jason was right. Jack Kerouac couldn't write for shit.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
That night Duke looked at the two boxes that he still had left to unpack. The school had confiscated their phones, so Duke had the radio on low. The radio had been his mothers, and it used to sit on their kitchen window sill, but it hasn't had any CD’s fed to it for years. It had been a long time since he had used the radio at all, and the stations were different out here. Eventually he settled on the ‘Rockin 80’s’ station that was playing that Easy Lover song.
Duke’s room was the same as all the other rooms in the dorms. One bed, one desk, a chair, a closet, and one small window that overlooked the empty fields beyond the school grounds. Duke had almost skipped dinner today like he had yesterday but had forced himself to go to the cafeteria. He didn't want himself to get stuck moping here. Even if he did very badly want to mope about.
His casual clothes were tucked into the back of the closet, while the pieces of his uniform took up most of the closet. The two sweaters vests, one blue with white stripes running along the bottom, the other an inverted version of the first. His black slacks, the gray ones, and the two pairs of khakis. Of course the variety of collared button ups and polos, then the singular school jacket. The crest was embroidered and intricate. The silver string shone even the dim light of his room.
Duke took the jacket off and hung it with the rest of his clothes. He used the key to his dorm to cut the tape off the last boxes. In the first box were posters, photos, pieces of paper he had tacked up on his walls at home, the halloween lights he strung around his room back home and his lava lamp. It took Duke longer than he thought it would to hang all the contents of the box on the walls. But when he was finished and flicked the lava lamp on, he did feel better. Like some sort of normalcy was placed back into his palms.
The second box was one he had been careful to keep from his mother, and one he had made sure to label school supplies. Because Blue River had rules about everything. The length of your pants, scented candles, music, and even books. But more hated than the list of curated books that had been banned from the school curriculum and hence the school grounds, was an even simpler rule and instruction that Duke had not only broken, but disregarded entirely.
In the school handbook, on page ten, was a list of contraband. Underneath the incredibly long list of banned books, was rule 15. No comic books. Duke appreciated his mothers sentiments of good education, he appreciated the scholarship that the school had offered. But Duke, like always, had his own plans.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: These chapters are also up on ao3 if that is your preferred reading space, and of course The Duke Thomas Playlist 
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silentsnow777 · 7 years
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Team Fortress Oc Trapper
Please feel free to give critisism on this and everything just don’t be mean please. I’m saying this because i already had unpleasant experiences before. I’m just having fun, that’s all.
Name: Ana Jade Katich
Age: 29
Date of birth: 15th of February 1946.
Place of birth: Serbia, NS Language spoken: Serbian - Native                              English - Fluently                              German - Beginner                              Russian - Medium knowledge (only because of Katja)
Gender: Female Body Type: Muscular, especially upper body due to the weight she is carrying. As for her breast size, she is almost flat.
Hair Color/Style:
Dirty blonde, medium lenght, messy and usually has her hair set a stray until she is scolded by her teamates to tie it up.
Eye Color: Jade green, that's where the middle name came. :3
Height: 5'9'' or 179.83 cm
Weight: 71 kg
Sexuality: Straight
Team: Red
Class Name:
The Trapper (aaaa idk help me out on this one!) /the point is, her class is related to setting up all sorts of traps, slowing down the enemy wip/
Offensive/Defense/Support or other:
Scars or Birthmarks: In the '
Military Academy' at one of the exercises her right cheek was almost cut open. After that her injury was sewen up badly by an amateur 'Medic' (her c
olleague) and it healed up leaving an 'ugly scar' ,as Ana would explain the patch on her cheek. Other than that, just basic small scars on her body.
Tattoos: None  
Personality: Very curious, asks too much question if i may add. Annoying at times. Ana is o
ptimistic, persistent and adventurous person. But at the same time also sneaky, sarcastic at times, inpatient and self-centered in some of the situations. But she tries to avoid it.
Disabilities: Memory loss caused by a strong hit in the head
Likes: Destruction, action, challange, of course besides loving destruction she enjoys sitting in peaceful surroundings reading a book or something.
Phobias:  Hydrophobia (let's just say she left that out when she was writing her resume, and none of her colleagues know that <-<) /and yes i am aware that maps have ponds in them but that is another story/
Dislikes: Being treated unequally, lying, being wrong, not getting what she wants
For the reason unknown to her, she has a fear of doctors. Also that annoys the shit out of Medic since she never shows up on her checkups and rarely calls him to heal her on the battlefield.           Spiders and anny long legged creature.           Also water, duh.  
Some special items and weapons (i don't know what i tried to do here, i'm trying to be creative :T WIP):  Jar of glue (to slow down the enemies)                Wires connecter to the explosives (yes, i know demoman has similar thing just without wires but this is what i got for now)                Bear traps                More coming when i get inspiration :T
Pets: She used to have a dog. A female Dachshund to be exact called Masha. But the dog is decesed since Ana was 14. (i gave her my beloved dog T-T, i miss you Masha aaaa)
Family: Mother Katarina 52 years old - Status: Alive                                                         Current place of residence: Serbia             Father Fabian 51 years old - Status: Alive                                                       Current place of residence: America
Friends: Katja             Feel free to ask
Bio: Being the only child in the wealthy family, Ana never actually had to take care of anything. Her life was easy, well apart from the argues  she had with her dad who was obsessed with the fact that she wasn't born male. He wanted his child to continue his work as a mercenary but as a woman, that would be really hard if not impossible. But Ana being stubborn , wanted to prove differently. She comfronted her parents about her plan and while mother was being against it, her dad was actually really supportive. He even told her an old friend of his held an 'Military Academy' where she could be send to until she gets enough training. Of course, she was thrilled about it, she could finialy make her father proud and do something with her life. So, when she turned 15, she went there instead of going to the highschool. At the beginnig of a progam everyone was assigned a partner they were sopose to spend all the years at the academy with. Her partner was a girl named Isabella who was an orphan and was taken in by the owner. Over years they became close friends. At the age of 18, Ana's parents divorced for the unknown causes besides their marriage always being at the edge. But Ana never found out what was the reason her parents finally decided to divorce. Her mother flew back to their home town, allowing Ana to stay with her father until she finishes academy. When she was 25 Ana finaly finished her time at the academy and she was ready to be hired by her father or at least somebody else. But right after her first mission, she had a nasty accident where she hit her head and lost her memory. She was sent back to her mother, her hair shaved of do to the fact her head wound needed to be stiched up. Luckily she didn't get any other mental dissorter apart from memory loss. She didn't remember who the employeer who hired her was, what she was doing, not even the last days from the academy. Years passed, her hair grew back and when she turned 29 she decided to try her luck as a merc in Teufort. After 2 times of her resume being declined she finaly got hired. And that's where the comic starts~
Ana is obsessed with cleaning, not to that point where she is a Germophobe but she just likes her stuff clean.
She doesn't know how to swim. (i mean, she is a hydrophobe, what do you expect)
Also she doesn't know how to drive, she never found a reason to.
I didn't add that in the ref sheet, but she is wearing a backpack. I mean, where else would she keep all her traps in. Also that makes her run slower since of the heavy 'luggage'.
She is oftenly mistaken as a guy because of her looks and her behaviour.
Her googles were given to her by her dad and for that reason she wears them most of the time.
Her father is a top surgeon and a very powerful mand.
After killing more then one enemy in 20 seconds: ''Oh wow, i progressed.'' or ''You should've just give up'' Destroying a building: ''They were destroyed as they worked, by being hit.'' Kill assist: ''Hey, we make a pretty good team!'' or ''That was awesome!'' Domination: ''Guess i'm winning then!'' or ''You are pretty weak to be honest.'' Dominating a Scout: ''But i thought you were the fastest one 'ere?!'' or ''I'm sorry kid, better luck next time!'' Dominating a Soldier: ''But you have a granade launcher! Use it!'' or ''And you call yourself a soldier?'' Dominating a Pyro: ''Bruh, you got extinguished.'' or ''Guess i'm to cool for ya, eh?'' Dominating a Demoman: ''Hey, your liver is fallin' out.'' or ''Znas, maybe you could get to my level if you stop drinking.'' Dominating a Heavy: ''Hah! And you call ME small!'' or ''Sasha won't save you now big guy!'' Dominating a Engineer: ''Maybe you should hit your machines harder next time.'' or ''A toaster would show more resistance.'' Dominating a Medic: ''I never even liked doctors.'' or ''Well i guess the one needing healing now is you!'' Dominating a Sniper: ''I don't like Aussies anyways.'' (she honestly has nothing against them, she just likes to annoy the heck outta him) or ''You're skinny as hell, tell me, are you anorexic?'' (<-- that is not me trying to make fun of anorexic people, i'm just trying to get into Ana's personality, she's a douche sometimes) Dominating a Spy: ''But i thought you could get invisible?'' or ''Am good enough now asshole?'' Sudden death: ''Aaah, shit...'' or ''W-what? When?'' Set on fire: ''I'm on fire! Literally!'' or ''I'll rather burn alive then jump into the water!'' Hit by a Jarate, Mad Milk etc: ''Ah! Ewww..." or ''Odvratno!'' /gross/ Teleportation: ''Hey, i didn't know this actually exist!'' or ''Thank you Engie!'' Healed by Medic: ''Thanks, i guess?'' or ''Danke doktore!'' or ''Thanks doctor!'' I'll add more later :T Team Fortress 2 (c) Valve
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