#also aaaaaaaaa thank you!!!
*breathes deeply* new fic? new ongoing fic to read? holy moly there's so much to catch up on, that is a lot of reading. (not speaking about fic only. i mean also asks here, because they can be gold nuggets of fun things. and i have not checked for months for tiredness,, woe)
favourite things about new fic so far: zhongli going down rabbit holes of information of Things he Does Not Know because alternate reality and a most favourite shared disconnect from the rest of the world. very understandable. love to see that. also love to see how he's trying to act according to appropriate power levels and is still overpowered. ... actually, is it a full alternate reality or is it another time travel shenanigans (or both)? because. just because. i have a feeling i'm reading it too fast in haste so i may well be missing things that make that more or less obvious
my confusion of reading in haste too much aside, did i see something about being able to ask for outfit doodles? 👀 if no one else has yet i am here for it (as long as it is not a trouble)
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absolutely no trouble, i just cleaned it up a bit and colored it in. here's the crew so far! god i can't believe i nailed guizhong's hair color and blue-white color scheme in cyanide LMAO literally colorpicked her haircolor from one of my drawings of her hahah
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somegrumpynerd · 2 days
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They’re so so cute and so soft and I love them, thank you @wolfbeestudio!! <3
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
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@baccp a little bac!jerm because hes TRAPPED IN MY BRAIN rearranging my MOLECULES i love him SO MUCH
this ones also for @mountain-dew-tickledpink thank you for being an enabler
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gotchibam · 2 years
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Commissioned piece for Shy Anonymous<3!
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solarisgod · 2 months
i am here with a small question ! (❁´◡`❁) what flower(s) or tree(s) would you associate with beloved micah ? and would micah ever be interested in having a garden, or maybe in growing vegetables and fruits in a tiny field ?
Hello, Bunstar! Thank you so much for this wonderful set of questions! (≧▽≦)ノ彡☆ ( A small question to a large answer, heheh . . . ) The Starwake System holds a special connection with nature because of Micah’s surrogate parent who is Incarnation of Earth who birthed xem through the soil and water, initially the Sun and Moon creating xem as a starseed. Due to this, a lot of the plants are meant to be associated with Micah, but I will list six most prominent flowers and trees that I associate with xem!
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Before I start, though, I'd love to answer the plant association question with the other main Starwakers!
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◜ ⟢ Phoebus ◞ Phoebus is associated with plants that bring vitality and healthy products, such as herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Phoebus is highly nurturing and solicitous in their own quiet and firm ways to their starmates, always wanting only the best of themself and the system since the moment they all existed, so plants that are known as culinary and medicinal applications best aligns with their main role of encouraging growth and providing care. Phoebus is a cooker and healer at heart, using plants for the system's meals, beverages, and natural medicines often, as well as they usually front to take care of themselves when sick. ┊ Figureset : ⁽ ¹ ⁾ Jasmine. ⁽ ² ⁾ Marigold. ⁽ ³ ⁾ Violet. ⁽ ⁴ ⁾ White Pine. ⁽ ⁵ ⁾ Apple Tree. ⁽ ⁶ ⁾ Sugar Maple
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◜ ⟢ Philos ◞ Philos is associated with plants that are known to be distinct and conspicuous, the kind that stands out from their unique shapes and / or features. Philos shares the similar attributes with these sort of plants by her alluring appearance and powerful personality, wanting to make her presence the most striking. However, he holds an essence that often makes him appear as more honourable than dangerous. Be closer to him and he may bring out what are the worst than best from another. They look into plants more based on their aesthetic and aroma appeal, the aspects Philos cares about with their self image the most in the system. ┊ Figureset : ⁽ ¹ ⁾ Rose. ⁽ ² ⁾ Bleeding Heart. ⁽ ³ ⁾ Passionflower. ⁽ ⁴ ⁾ Golden Chain. ⁽ ⁵ ⁾ Okame Cherry. ⁽ ⁶ ⁾ Wisteria.
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◜ ⟢ Phobos ◞ Phobos is associated with plants that are carnivorous and poisonous, what matches with its sharp and stealthy nature. Along with Philos, it is dangerous, although rather than acting out of maliciousness, it exists as a defence or mechanism for itself and the system, harming those that tries to ruin them while giving themselves the resources to continue living. Phobos holds greater fascination in these plants than everyone else within the Starwake System─ some people don't believe this fact because of its harsh and careless attitude, but Phobos also takes wonderful care of them when it can. ┊ Figureset : ⁽ ¹ ⁾ Sun Pitcher. ⁽ ² ⁾ Flame Lily. ⁽ ³ ⁾ Angel's Trumpet. ⁽ ⁴ ⁾ Manchineel. ⁽ ⁵ ⁾ Sandbox Tree. ⁽ ⁶ ⁾ Milky Mangrove.
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In regards to Micah now, xe is associated with the following six most prominent flowers and trees : ⁽ ¹ ⁾ Shooting Star. ⁽ ² ⁾ Firefly Flower. ⁽ ³ ⁾ Dandelion. ⁽ ⁴ ⁾ Ginkgo. ⁽ ⁵ ⁾ Rainbow Eucalyptus. ⁽ ⁶ ⁾ Cherry Blossom. These plants are linked to the concepts of hope, resilience, and love that Micah represents. Xe have memories with them since childhood while they present as personal and symbolic reminders to xem.
`˳⟢˚، ⁽ ¹ ⁾ When Micah as a starseed was brought down to Earth from the Cosmos in the grasp of Ilios and Fengari before xe was buried within Gi's existence and then be birthed, Micah rose from soil and water with Shooting Stars growing around xem. Since then, Solaris Kingdom with the Solar Pantheon considered Shooting Stars as Micah's main sacred flower. While the Shooting Stars flower doesn't have cultural symbolism, the namesake celestial events are generally perceived as a symbol of good luck and positive change, as well as of passion and aspiration; these being what Micah represents when xe always make good changes in everyone and everything around xemself out of love and hope. `˳⟢˚، ⁽ ² ⁾ Firefly Flowers is another Micah's creation when xe was a toddler under Gi's care. Micah's celestial powers were still extremely strong at the time and having to spend excessive time with the plants near a lake, xyr cosmic light eventually bled into them, making changes inside of the flowers that would make them be able to glow in the dark and bloom during nighttime. Fireflies is one of Micah's sacred and favourite animals that symbolize the illumination, teaching that the light within is the power of life, and the heart and soul can always shine even in the time of darkness. `˳⟢˚، ⁽ ³ ⁾ Micah's childhood neighbourhood and elementary school have a lot of dandelions. Xe always loved to play with this plant and blow their seeds, making wishes from them. ( Xe still does in the present. ) Whenever Micah returned home after a long day without xyr adoptive parents, such as being at school, xe would usually bring them dandelions, not realizing the mess of the white seeds scattering everywhere in xyr home from the excitement of seeing xyr family and giving xyr parents flowers. Xe didn't understand the concept of " messiness " until a year later since xe engaged in this tradition when xe was six, but xyr parents only accepted xem and xyr dandelion gifts while they never complained or scolded at xem for mess xe'd make with the dandelion seeds. Dandelions means hope, perseverance, and transformation; being a reminder of strength and freedom. `˳⟢˚، ⁽ ⁴ ⁾ Ginkgo is one of the Everlove family's famous symbols. Over thirty years ago, Micah's parents planted a Ginkgo tree in the middle of their backyard shortly after they moved to their home with a vow that they'd raise a wonderful and happy family together. This Ginkgo tree was the establishing point of the Everlove's existence. Ginkgo is known to be called as the " living fossils " because they have survived for million years. They symbolize longevity and promote rejuvenation, and they are the reminders of one's resiliency, vitality, and endurance; paralleling to Micah's own ever constant perseverance and willpower. `˳⟢˚، ⁽ ⁵ ⁾ Micah doesn't have any direct experiences with the Rainbow Eucalyptus, although xyr parents did when they went to Hawaii to do film some scenes there before they had the time to admire the Rainbow Eucalyptus, sharing photos and videos of them to their kids. Micah dreams of having a Rainbow Eucalyptus in xyr large backyard one day when xe can figure out where to plant it. Rainbow Eucalyptus represents creativity, adaptability, and resilience by its myriad of colours on the barks. `˳⟢˚، ⁽ ⁶ ⁾ Micah went to a park with Adoniram where the cherry blossom trees were blooming in one of their first few dates. Xe always have a deep liking in this sort of trees and finds them quite beautiful. Xe have several pressed cherry blossom petals on xyr journal and plant collection books that xe cherishes them dearly. While many is familiar with cherry blossom being linked to rebirth and new beginnings, because cherry blossoms are quick to die, it is also symbolized as loss and temporariness. Cherry blossoms is the life and death that Micah can associated with, being part of them both since the beginning of xyr existence. Although with everything, this tree is especially the representation of love itself.
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Onto the secondary question re : Micah's gardening, for around ten years before the Antineon Hieraeon canon timeline, Micah had xyr personal garden shared with Adoniram's at the backyard of their home! ( In the present canon timeline, a close friend of Micah's and Adoniram’s, Father Lucas, have been taking care of their home along with the garden. ) The greenhouse, garden of flowers and natural food, and the treehouse were some of the things that xe most forward to having at xyr backyard when xe was house searching. Located at the secluded area where it is void of human related activities and disturbances, Micah's and Adoniram's backyard was as massive as their home, so they had plenty of space available to engage in gardening.
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Micah sometimes donates xyr natural goods to the local food stores or food banks, as well as giving them and flowers to xyr friends and family relatives, also even strangers to make their days a bit more brighter. Phoebus highly enjoys tending to their plants and the garden is usually where they’d stay in more out of all spots at their home. Philos have a more difficult time handling plants, so he’d rather have Phoebus tend to them, but she does enjoy admiring their garden. Phobos had a " secret spot " somewhere in the garden where it could take care of a few carnivorous plants. Micah did discover them and question their existences, but didn't dwell on them for too long when xe also enjoyed carnivorous plants and believed xe did buy them, but forgot.
Micah's interest in gardening was inspired by not only the Ginkgo tree that their parents planted within xyr childhood home's backyard, but xe shared xyr mother's endless passion in the nature and art of gardening. Maria Everlove have always been most careful and precise taking care of their plants, and being able to sense how much the plants love her back, Micah deeply wished that one day, xe could have xyr own garden to love and care as well.
#VULPESSE#///#//#/#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ ANSWERS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ CANONS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ STUDY . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ��⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MICAH . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ PHOEBUS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ PHILOS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ PHOBOS . ›#[ AAAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE LOVELY QUESTIONS BUNSTAR!!!!! ]#[ I love the questions so muchhh omfg it’s always so fun and fascinating thinking about associations / parallels with characters!!!!! ]#[ I’m soooooooo ;^; Micah would certainly be more to happy to gift Ahwi flowers uwu ]#[ also also Phobos + Philos and Ahri bonding respectively poisonous / carnivorous and aesthetic appealing flowers… AAAAA ]#[ we’re giving you all of the flowers heheh thank you again smmm we had so much fun answering this!!! 💖💖💖 🌹✨🌸✨🌷✨🌺✨🌻✨🌼✨ ]
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months
begging all yall twitter artists to post whatever you post on twitter to here as well (so i can properly comment in the tags)
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siribunbun · 1 year
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Had a blast from tabling at my first Wondercon with some friends, and we did a poll each day to see people’s fave character. The final showdown win between Venti and Wanderer was made possible by all of the Scaramouche/Wanderer cosplayers who came by repeatedly to illegally add votes check on the polls lol. The bottom two doodles were the freebie stickies given out at the con as thanks to the attendees for doing their civic duty. XD
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mossywizard · 5 months
Once again so grateful for my AP gov teacher who made us read all of Martin Luther King He’s letter from Birmingham Jail
“I have reached the regrettable conclusion that the [black people’s] great stumbling block in his stride to towards freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klan, but the white moderate, who’s more devoted to “order” than to Justice; who prefers negative peace which is the a sense of tension, to positive peace which is in the presence of Justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your direct action”: who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and constantly advices [black people] to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than abolish the misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”
Emphasis by me
Thank you AP gov teacher you were scary but in the best way
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
AHH the Omori HCS are so cute !!🎵
This got me thinking though ! :)
I feel like it would be a universal challenge to get Sunny to laugh or atleast smile since he doesn't seem to do either that much !
So it sort of became an unspoken challenge to make him laugh !
Ohhhhh I definitely can see that happening! Maybe that was just a silly thing between Sunny and Mari at first, she being the playful older sister who was more than happy to deliver a few scribbled on his neck or a poke on his ribs to get a smol wobbly smile and then, as the group began to expand, the other's began noticing her random tickles and slowly getting into the game as well!
Soon enough you could see Basil making an entire collection of Sunny's giggles or Aubrey and Kel discussing if getting him to snort could be considered a smile anyway and count a point or not. Sometimes Hero would make an entire show of going behind Sunny when he was distracted imagining whatever and wiggle his fingers in the air - maybe even adding a inaudible evil laughter if he is feeling playful enough - before making a quick tickle attack that never fails to colour the younger's neutral face (and if Mari would more often than not use the opportunity and distraction from the other to tickle Hero instead, well, none of the other's would rattle her xD)
Much like The Game, I feel like this would be The Challengue. It doesn't happen all the time, but the moments you remember about it you need to give Sunny a small squeeze or scribble and hope (or not xp) that he is not feeling playful enough to hold his reaction and try to get some payback.
I feel like Sunny would feel a bit embarrassed about this challenge, even if it's not an Oficial thing, but at the same time the fact that his friends care enough to try to fish happy, wobbly and silly reactions from him? He can't deny the warmth that fills his heart at that. So, if he more often than not just lay there and take the surprise tickles, shhhhhh, he is a softie, don't tell anyone
Bshveggwbsvhsjs I may have rambled a bit but gosh!!! I really like this scenario!!!!!!!! It's so joyful and soft, I had a big smile in my face just in thinking about it. Absolutely precious!!!!
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ch1zzie · 4 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 --- mystery mutual
Awe, thank you so much! This made my day so much better!^^ I hope your day is doing great!
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skribblz · 1 year
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I tried💀 perspective is hard and I did this all in a day and went screw canon sengen we doin modern shit and senku with new hair
Based this on the fic u told me bout with them on a train I think? So ye train ride :P I hope u like it sorry if it’s crap💀
WWOWOWOWOWOWWOW you did it in one day AND youre trying perspective??? LETSBFRICKEN GOOOOOO
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zaras22 · 1 year
currently at season 3 ep 9 woohoooo let's go
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Kat it’s so important to me that you see this picture of rhea ripely
she is sooooooo…….😮‍💨
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
💖long mona💖
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myrtaceaae · 1 year
Tagged by @sigaldry-of-thu 💗💗 thanks!! I love tag games
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Ok so this is horrible I struggled to choose, I have agonised (see the tags for my agonising)
1. Poy Veter Poy - Lay of Leithian The Rock Opera, as sung by Mikhail Potekhin & Vilena Sokolova
2. Little Girl Blue - Nina Simone
3. I'd Like To Walk Around In Your Mind - Vashti Bunyan
4. Some Kind of Carthy - Jessica Law (because I really can't choose, honourable mention to Unconventional)
5. The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Tagging @maellor @luciphe-r @bullet-train-4-australia @theoscelosaurus @goodberrywine @quixoticanarchy
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