#also adding one of my playlists here because i love sharing em </3
moebalovesyou · 9 months
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anthonyjlockwood · 3 years
3, 8, 10, 16, 17 💕
3. What inspires you to keep creating fanworks?
I’m not going to lie, the cancellation really emptied my inspiration gumball machine… I love fic writing, and I love JATP and I love the fandom, but I can tell it’s going to be a struggle for a little while. HOWEVER what’s keeping me motivated to write and keep sharing my love for the show is my friends, everyone out there who loves the show as much as I do, who’s just as sad about the cancellation as I am. The thought of writing right now makes me sad. The thought of a future without JATP makes me even sadder. But… eventually, I’ll keep going, because of my friends 💜
8. Who are three fanwork creators (fic writers, gifmakers, artists, meta writers, etc.) that you love seeing on your dash?
Going to try to go outside the realm of fic writing for this… (also going to pick more than three again because fuck it, the JATP fandom is so talented)
MOODBOARDS - @flynn-taylor
GIFSETS - @luke-pattersons, @thereigning-lorelai
META POSTS - (also not going to lie to you I have no idea what “meta” means, but a lot of people post stuff about canon speculation and like expanding on stuff we saw in the show and so that’s the definition I’m going with… so people who have really cool takes on things that I always enjoy reading are: @latinposeidon, @thedeathdeelers, @missmitchieg… and anything that comes out of @futurearchaeologyprof’s brain is always so insightful and heart-wrenching, whether it’s an actual post or just a string of DM’s lol
FAN ART - omg there’s this one person who does CRAZY (/pos) fan art… @jeida-chi! Her paintings are incredible!
10. What’s a fanwork that made you cry?
I answered this here, but… hmm… let me see if I can think of another one. Our Life Is A Playlist (And You’re My Favorite Song) is an older fic, from the beginning of this year, and it wasn’t ALL sad, but some parts of it did make me cry! HONORABLE MENTION for this dream isn’t feeling sweet, because while it didn’t make me shed tears, it was super sad and super well-written!
16. Are there fanworks in [fandom] that you’ve revisited multiple times?
ride until I can’t no more… I live here. On this fic page on ao3. This fic is my godchild and I revisit it often 😂
maybe then i'll fade away / and not have to face the facts - this is another one of my favorite fics by my amazing friend @julies-butterflies. I was probably way more low-key about how much I loved this one (a.k.a. not screaming in her DMs about it on the daily, or sending her random lines from it as I read) but it is one of my favorite fics by her because it's so emotional and so personal.
I Never Really Feel A Thing by @malecacidd - I really loved this one because I love any sort of Luke angst, but this fic specifically hit home because it's so relatable. It's... so relatable lol. And every so often I revisit it and read it again and hope that Em added the other part to the series like they mentioned they might a while ago
17. What’s a favorite comment or tag you’ve gotten on your work?
I love comments that give feedback on my characterization. Comments that say that I got the right emotions across… comments that say people felt something from reading my fics. But all comments are my favorite comments 💜(I also appreciate the yelling ones, but honestly most people expect shit from me by now, so it doesn’t happen too often!)
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theshy1sout · 4 years
Poppy’s extraordinary playlist
You know, it will be a bit longer chapter. I told myself to use three songs per chapter. It definitely won’t be a rule - sometimes there will be more songs than three, sometimes less. I planned this fanfic to be 20 chapters long, but I feel like it can change XD
I also lost my inspiration for writing on the final of this chapter... heh... I hope you won't burn this crap.
Chapter 3
- I'm glad you finally came back - Doctor said, looking at Poppy suggestively.
She tried to smile widely and look like she's really sorry.
- I made many decisions in the heat of the moment and I really regret most of it - Poppy said honestly. - I'm sorry...
- Ok, ok, I get it - Doctor interrupted her. - We really need to talk about the results of your research.
Poppy's smile dropped on the floor with a crash.
- It's not bad - She said and Poppy breathed a sigh of the relief. - You have a little embryo of the tumor in your brain. We can easily cut it in operation. No problem. You'll take some medicines after that for a month and You'll forget about the tumor.
The doctor almost smiled being happy for that easy way to problem-solution. But Poppy was really nervous about the operation. She gulped so loud thinking about it.
- Is it... Hurt? - Poppy asked shyly.
- No, we'll fall you asleep and desensitize you - She said dispassionately, doing something on her computer.
Poppy took a deep breath. She knew she shouldn't have run of her problems and she mustn't have delayed the operation. But she was really scared. She decided to ask Creek if he could company her.
And then she realized that she left Creek yesterday without a word of explanation and didn't see him for a long while. A really long while. She had to find him and apologize.
- So... - Poppy tried to calm herself down during asking this question. - How fast should I go to the operation?
The doctor looked at her thinking.
- Can you go today?
- Today?? - Poppy asked nervously.
- Yes, I think we can do it today evening or only next Saturday - She said splitting her hands. - The sooner the better I think.
Poppy took another big deep breath, preparing herself for this decision.
- Ok - She forced herself to say that. - Let's do it tonight.
The doctor smiled and wrote something on the computer.
- Should I... - Poppy was afraid of answer on this question. - Should I stay in the hospital till the operation?
- No, I think it's not necessary - Doctor said and Poppy was relieved once again. - You have to come here two hours before, we have to prepare you for the operation, but until that you can leave the hospital. You can also bring with you some company to make your spirit up before cutting the tumor.
Poppy was really uplifted. She put her hand on her heart feeling big relief.
- Thank you so much - She said gratefulness.
- Eh, just leave my cabinet right now. There are so many patients sitting on the hall - She answered still looking at the computer and waving a hand toward Poppy.
Poppy laughed and thanked once again leaving the cabinet. She had to find Creek until the operation, but first, she wanted to visit her dad. From yesterday she felt like she wanted to visit him every day. They needed it.
She went into his room. Cause if he was retired King he got his own hospital room, but it made him more lonely. Poppy didn't want to tell the whole Village that their lovely King Peppy was dying in the hospital but maybe if she'd do, he would be less forlorn. Trolls would want to visit him every day, so... Why not? But it'd make him more tired, maybe he really needed rest right now.
Poppy decided to ask him.
- Hi, dad - She greeted him with a tender smile and hugged him as tight as she could.
- Hello, sweetie - Peppy said smiling widely. - How's you going?
- Em, daddy... I've got a tumor too - Poppy said nervously.
Peppy's smile melted.
- No no no, but it's ok - She tried to comfort him. - I have an operation tonight. It's the only embryo so they'll cut it off easily. Don't worry about me. I’m only a bit nervous... about the operation - She added, rubbing her arm.
- Hey, you are the bravest woman in the village - Peppy said squeezing her hang and smiling comfortably. - It will be ok.
Poppy smiled at him a bit sadly.
- There’s something more in your mind - Peppy said trying to catch her look.
- I’m just thinking about... - She hesitated a bit. - Should I tell trolls that you’re in the hospital? Maybe they would visit you and you wouldn’t be so alone.
Peppy stared at her narrowly.
- You know I don’t need it - He answered after a while. - I like peace and silence.
- Are you sure? - She asked uncertainly.
He answered something, but she didn’t hear it. She felt like room filled by slow music. Poppy looked around and then came back her look to her daddy. He started singing:
Say what's on your mind 'Cause I can't read you now My hands can't figure out How to hold you like they don't know you 
She felt as he held her hand a bit tighter. She couldn’t hold his sight. She looked down feeling guilty for some reason.
Wanna dream crazy dreams, be a team like we used to Share a drink, sleeping bag, anything like we used to Wish I could share all doubts with you like I used to, like I used to do
- Okay, there is something on my mind! - Poppy interrupted him sharply, closing her eyes so tight.
Peppy blinked like he didn’t expect she could react that suddenly.
- But please don’t think I’m crazy - She went on. - Perhaps... I am crazy... Dad, I’m... I’m hearing trolls thoughts - Poppy finally looked into his eyes. - I hear them singing their thoughts. To me. Out loud. Trolls sing to me their thoughts. - She gulped. - I feel like a nut.
Peppy stared at her shocked. She hoped he didn’t get her as she was joking. She found her eyes wet as she thought it would be possible. She stayed silent on the edge of her seat.
- I heard the doctor singing a depressing song - She continued trembling. - I heard the whole village singing to me about they need help. My best friend sang that she’s blue and then... I argued with her. - She looked down ones again. - And this gray troll in the forest... Named Branch... - She rubbed her eyes. - Have you ever heard about him?
- Yes - Peppy said, calmly. - I have a memory of him from our escaping from BergensTown. He was the saddest kid I’ve ever met. He wasn’t happy about freedom, he didn’t dance, didn’t sing, didn’t...
- I’ve already heard him singing - Poppy interrupted him once again. - Even twice. And I talked with him. He advised me that maybe you’re the only person who can help me.
Peppy was silent, staring at some point on the blanket and thinking.
- And then, I mean, like minutes ago, I heard you singing - She was finishing the story, feeling a bit better as she saw dad listening to her without interrupting. - You sang about that you couldn’t read my mind like you used to. And it was because I haven’t told you about those things until now.
- I don’t really know what to say to you - He said after a while of silence. - How long is it happening?
- From the MRI - Poppy answered. - I didn’t want to talk about it with anybody, especially the doctor, because it sounds really ridiculous.
- Yes, it does - He agreed with a worried tone. - And... How does it make you feel?
- Firstly, I was terrified and confused - Poppy said. - But then I thought that I could help trolls with that sort of... power. But then again, it’s so overwhelming - She took a deep breath. - I have to hide it so it makes me feel affected and... alone. The good side of it is I don’t feel physically any difference - She tried to joke, but her smile was just crooked.
- You can tell me about anything if it makes you feel better - Peppy said concerned, holding her hand as tight as he could. She felt it and smiled more nervelessly.
- Thanks, Dad - She said, sighing calmly. - To be honest, It makes me feel much better.
Peppy smiled back. He lifted up his other hand.
- Come here - He said and she got down to hug him tightly. - I love you, sweetie
- I love you, Dad - Poppy whispered, hiding nose into his arms.
- I wish I could be with you anytime you need help - He added sadly. She smiled wider as she heard that. But he pushed her away and looked at her seriously. - I was scared to talk to you about it finding this topic really embarrassed, but now I see that I can’t delay a talk about it with you.
Poppy looked at him curiously, feeling his stronghold her arms.
- Poppy, you can’t be alone as a queen, and especially now, when you have this overwhelming power - He spoke really seriously. - I know you’ve got a friend, many of them, but I know you and I know what means to be a leader so I think... I think you need a one really close and trustworthy person in your life, who will company you anywhere you’ll go. Someone who would die for you or our kingdom. You need a King.
Poppy smiled as she heard that word.
- I’ve already got Creek - She answered without hesitation.
Peppy gulped, his holding on her arms tightened.
- That’s why I was scared to talk and with you - He said, looking down. - Poppy... I feel like Creek isn’t that person...
- What - She stood up really shocked. - Why do you think that?
- Poppy...
- He’s a lovely man and caring boyfriend, why he could be wrong?
- Poppy, listen...
- But, why could he fail me? He IS trustful and loyal and
- Poppy! 
She finally fell silent.
- Calm down - Peppy said softly. - Come here - He added giving her his hand.
Poppy came to him with a little hesitation. She let him hold her hand one again.
- Look at me, sweetie - He tried to comfort her. He spoke so slowly - It’s only your decision and it’s only my feels. I am not infallible, yes?
- Yes - She said still a bit outraged.
- I just want you to know it’s really important. Not only for you but for our kingdom too. Am I right?
Poppy sighed heavily.
- Yes
- I want you just to think about it. Make yourself certain. Could I ask you about it?
She took a deep breath again before answer.
- Yes, dad...
- I’m sorry if I make you upset - He finished.
- It’s okay - She said, putting a hand on her forehead and closing her eyes slowly recover. - I’m sorry that I zoomed out.
Peppy smiled at her affectionately.
- It’s a week filled by emotions, am I right?
Poppy chuckled suddenly feeling really tired.
- Yea, It is
- Go rest, you have operation tonight - He reminded her.
- Oh. Yes... Operation - Poppy felt exhausted. Dad was right, she really needed some rest before it. She smiled at him gratefulness thinking how much he cared about her. She got down and hugged him once again before saying goodbye and leaving the room.
Now she felt like she really needed to find Creek and talk with him. Maybe she could just go to her pod with him and rest, it would be nice too.
She went outside the hospital and felt fresh air. She took a one deep breath till she started walking around to find her boyfriend. She wasn’t thinking, just walking onward, feeling emotionally tired. Trolls were greeting her, but she couldn’t force herself to more than only slightly nodding. She wasn’t in the mood to smile at all. But she told herself that she wasn’t sad or blue like Suki, she was just weary. Not more than that. Just weary.
When she finally found Creek, she felt like her mouth formed in the mildly smile.
- Hi, honey - Creek said, kissing her on her cheek. - I didn’t see ya for a while. Are you okay? You look really tired.
- Yea, I’m fine - Poppy sighed, hugging him. - I’m just... Thinking too much... Feeling too much...
Creek put his chin on the top of her head, hugging her back.
- And how is your dad? 
- Good... - She answered, but this question reminded her of the talk with her dad. She sighed heavily and pushed Creek away, but only a bit. - Creek? - She asked grudgingly.
He smiled at her calmly.
- Yes, sweetie?
- Can I ask you a question?
Creek looked at her worriedly.
- I was just thinking... - She started, looking down. - If I’m... dying in the hospital like my dad, would you...
- Shh - He put his finger on her lips. And then he started slowly and calmly: - Stop thinking like that. You’re not dying, even better, your father isn’t dying right now. - He smiled at her so sweetly, moving a strand of hair from her eyes. - You just worry too much right now.
Poppy sighed tiredly once again.
- Maybe you’re right... - She looked at him, smiling back. - You’re right.
He smiled a bit wider and then she heard music started playing. She frowned. “Creek will be singing? - she thought. - Maybe something like “don’t worry, be happy” or some sweetie love song. That would be nice!” But music sounded a bit unsettlingly. Creek stepped back from her and sang:
I put a spell on you
Poppy blinked. She didn’t expect those words.
Because you're mine.
Words echoed through her head when she looked at his ambiguous sight.
You better stop the things you do. I tell you, I ain't lyin', I ain’t lyin’. No.
- Creek? - She tried to stop him, this song was unbearable. But he didn’t react, he came closer making her feeling uncomfortable for some reason. She gulped.
You know I can't stand you're foolin' around. I don't care if you don't want me. 'Cause I'm yours, yours, yours anyhow.
It was super weird! Poppy didn’t know what to say or do. She wanted just escape from him singing. And then she heard another song, a bit muffed by Creek’s. She pushed him away from her and looked around to find Suki.
I put spell on You
She ran through her without thinking. She just didn’t want to hear Creek even one second more
I put spell on you....
When she left him alone, she felt like she ran  squarely into another song. Much more depressed, much more overwhelming. Poppy slowed down to hear what Suki was singing.
I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's only me, and I walk alone
It didn’t feel right, but Poppy joined Suki and started walking by her side and listen to her sad song, trying not to turn around to look at Creek.
I walk this empty street On the boulevard of broken dreams Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one, and I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk alone I walk alone and I walk a
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone
DJ Suki fell silent. They walked in silence for a while. But Poppy just couldn’t stand seeing her best friend sad.
- Suki...
Suki jumped, screaming. She covered her head by her arms.
- What?? You?? Here?? How! - DJ was really shocked. Poppy just forgot that when she heard someone’s singing, they didn’t know about it. It was embarrassing...
- Sorry! I didn’t want to scare you! - Poppy showed her open hands in the calming gesture.
They both froze like that. And then they started chuckling awkwardly, seeing each other’s face.
- You really terrified me, Pops! - DJ smiled, but not so widely. 
Poppy giggled briefly rubbing her neck.
- Suki, I... - She tried to start, but the DJ interrupted her.
- Yea, I know. You apologize for yesterday - Suki waved one hand.
- No, Suki! - Poppy tried to be serious. - I really need to talk with you.
Suki sighed briefly.
- I agree that I don’t spend time with you like I used to - Poppy confessed. - ... Because of Creek. And I’m not that good friend like I thought about myself. There were many things in my life, that changed in the last time and... I lost them. But now I’m sorry. If you forgive me, I promise that I never leave you alone anymore - She held her elbow shyly. smiling. - Can you give me a chance to upturn?
Suki smiled dorkly at her. She rolled her eyes.
- Of course, your Silver Tongue  - She said, bowing for a giggle. Poppy laughed. And their hugtimers lighted on. They both laughed and hugged each other.
- I missed you so much, Pops - Suki said. holding her really tightly.
- You’ll burke me! - Poppy shouted, chuckling. They pushed themselves away. - You know, I also miss Snack Pack. You think we can meet them?
Suki’s smile faded.
- Like.. right now?
- Yes! - Poppy beamed excitedly.
- Oh... You see... - Suki looked down. - I don’t know if there is Snack Pack...
Poppy straightened up and flew right.
- What?
- You see.. - Suki started grudgingly. - When you stopped going to our meetings...Guy Diamond started be busy... Satin and Chenille too... And also I stopped going to the meetings...
- But why??
- I dunno... I just didn’t feel like I wanted to... - Suki twisted her face.
- Well, then... We have to meet tomorrow! - Poppy ordered.
- ....you’ll come to the Snack Pack meeting?
- Oh, yes, I will! - Poppy threw her hands up.
- Oh, gosh... So will I - Suki laughed. But Poppy got a little serious once again.
- Suki... There is one more thing you have to know...
- What’s that? - She asked curiously.
- I’m having an operation tonight... Could you... come there with me? - She asked shyly.
Suki was shocked. She just stood in awe.
- Why are you having an operation? - Suki finally asked.
- You know... - Poppy looked down. She realized that she didn’t tell her anything at all. -  Wanna walk?
I have to mention that sometimes I change the lyrics of songs a bit. But just a bit.
And also thank you @livinginithilien-blog once again for editing this crap.
King Peppy - Used to
Creek - I put a spell on you
Suki -  Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
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ckret2 · 5 years
“You’re so vain” “Give em hell kid” And “I hope you die” I’d love to hear those explanations
Righto! Okay so recap for the people who might have missed it, this is about the radiosnake playlist I mentioned/linked a bit over a week ago, Serpentine & Demonswing. When I posted it I also added an “and if you wanna know why any songs are on the playlist you’re free to ask.” The playlist is a work in progress so some of my answers are gonna be “so here’s the explanation for why it was included but tbh I’m not 100% on keeping it.”
Important things to mention before getting into it: the playlist is build specifically off my headcanons from “Cold Day In Hell,” and so all of the songs act on the assumption that CDIH is “canon.” (tl;dr: they’re exes, because Alastor got scared of emotional intimacy, told Sir Pent he never actually liked him, and ran off after blowing up all his airships.) The first chunk of songs is from Sir Pent’s perspective, the second chunk is from Alastor’s, the third is from them both or about them both, and the last few songs are “I like the vibe but honestly am not sure this fits the playlist.”
Also, y’all are welcome to keep asking me about songs, because this is a lot of fun.
I’m absolutely sure that tumblr is going to delete this read more out of the post but I’m going to put one anyway, maybe it’ll let this one work just to be contrary. If it doesn’t, I apologize for the dash stretcher, that’s just how tumblr do.
So! Explanations:
You’re So Vain (Lyrics)
This one is on the Sir Pentious side, so, although it’s not directly/accurately about Alastor, it is about how Sir Pent sees him in light of their catastrophic breakup.
Verse 1 is less on the nose in its description of Alastor, but you get the impression of someone who is obsessed with how he comes across to other people, and who is far more interested in himself and the image he’s giving off than he is in any of the people he’s trying to impress. A great deal of Alastor’s personality is—or at the very least, comes off as—completely performative. As though to this day he’s still nothing but a radio host performing for a listening audience, even when he’s only talking to one person. The fact that he’s always wearing a fake smile and pointedly providing his own sound effects adds to that impression of a performer who never breaks character.
And the fact that the character in the song is still wholly self-absorbed even when he’s dancing with a partner gives a nice little glimpse into how Sir Pent’s retroactively reinterpreted his last evening with Alastor.
Verse 2 is the stanza that comes closest to completely accurately reflecting what went down between them. First, the alliance between them, the implicit promises that they the were going to conquer Hell and then Heaven as partners in crime—“Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair / And that you would never leave”—and then, the breakup—“But you gave away the things you loved / And one of them was me.” It’s the one line that acknowledges that the character in the song did, indeed, actually love the singer, and wasn’t just performing a role/playing at being in love.
It’s also a line that would ring false to Sir Pentious, because in the aftermath of CDIH, he genuinely doesn’t believe that Alastor ever loved him. He completely buys Alastor’s claim that he was just screwing around with Sir Pent’s emotions for his own entertainment. Words to the effect of “one of [the things you loved] was me” would never come out of Sir Pent’s mouth.
However. Of all the lines in all of the songs in Sir Pent’s portion of the playlist, that one line is the most accurate thing that could be said about Alastor, the blade that would stab into the core of who he is and the role that he played in this story. Because of his vanity—his selfishness, his pride, his obsession with his own independence, his fear of love, his fear of vulnerability, his fear of sharing his life with someone else, etc.—he didn’t just lose what he loved, he did very deliberately and intentionally give it away.
(I’ve always found that line to be the most interesting in the song, for the hint that this vain person did indeed truly feel for someone else, so I’m glad that line fits so well here.)
Verse 3 is just more “what Alastor is like as observed by Sir Pent,” except even more accurately than the first stanza. Constantly running around, constantly moving on from one brief source of entertainment to another (just stuff “threw his support behind the Happy Hotel” somewhere between “gambled on a horse race” and “watched an eclipse”), constantly socializing with dangerous people and people whom he’s going to hurt without caring in the slightest.
Okay so that’s the lyrics.
Making sure the aesthetics/styles/genres of the songs match the character they’re for is one of my high priorities on this fanmix—not to the extent that having the wrong style is an instant dealbreaker, but I’m going to be hesitant to include a song that doesn’t at all match the sound I’m going for. For Sir Pentious, I’m kind of running with two styles.
The first style is “sounds Victorian-ish enough to get a shrug and a nod from anybody who doesn’t actually know/care about Victorian-era music,” so that’s gonna be just about anything orchestral/symphonic that doesn’t clearly fall into a different genre, symphonic metal that sounds symphonic enough to satisfy me, instrumental covers of other songs (string quartets, piano, full orchestra...), things with harpsichords (LISTEN i know that harpsichords are more baroque but they’ve got the right Vibe, you know, they’ve got the Feeling), and things with organ—but like, it’s gotta sound like pipe organ (pipe organ—sounds like a church) and not like Hammond organ (Hammond organ—sounds like a baseball game). Also steampunk, except a lot of “steampunk” genre music sounds swingy/jazzy, so those songs get ruled out because that’s Alastor’s aesthetic. And also, like, actual classical music, but I’m not into a lot of actual classical music, so I don’t think any’s actually made it in yet, lmao.
The second style is based on what the creator herself said about Sir Pent’s music preferences: “Sir Pentious would listen to Blink-182. Pentious would literally listen to stuff like Linkin Park, Green Day, the emo stuff.” So I took "the emo stuff” as “oh okay cool so the stuff I listened to at 15 got it” and ran wild with that. I’ve been most heavily drawing from My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, and Mindless Self Indulgence to represent that half of Sir Pent’s preferences. (MSI because I feel like that fits an in-your-face and morally jaded villain, P!ATD because their newer stuff fits his flamboyance and exuberance and egotism, and MCR because... because I know them best.) I haven’t yet made much time to carefully comb the discographies of the other bands listed or look into other more traditional emo-associated acts.
Carly Simon’s original “You’re So Vain” matches neither of these styles.
I combed through about 60 different versions of “You’re So Vain” on Spotify looking for ones that meet one of these aesthetics. Like 90% of them were, I’m pretty sure, just various singers adding their vocals directly over a karaoke version of Carly Simon’s original.
In the end, the only one that came close was Marilyn Manson’s cover. He’s a bit outside of the bounds I try to stick in for Sir Pent, but like, okay, he’s industrial metal, but in a particularly goth way, that’s close enough to emo. To my mind, “Sir Pent listens to emo” is like... Sir Pentious’s musical preferences are going to be, 1) counterculture, the kind of stuff that causes conservative Christian moms to go into moral panics, but also 2) mainstream counterculture, the kind of bands that produce huge hits & get featured in major blockbuster movies, but also also 3) slightly dated mainstream counterculture, i.e., at the end of the 2010s he’s listening to the bands that may still be popular but that peaked in the mid 2000s, in keeping with the way he’s trying to keep hip and modern but always seems a little bit behind.
So, in the 2010s, he’s listening to 2000s emo acts. In the 2000s, he was listening to the 1990s’ biggest metal acts (like Marilyn Manson) and possibly grunge acts (things like Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins). In the 1990s, he was listening to the 1980s’ biggest post-punk and new wave acts (like The Cure, Joy Division/New Order, Depeche Mode). Always evolving his stylistic preferences, always trying to keep up, but always a little behind. So that’s how I justify putting Marilyn Manson in lmao.
Although that was the only version of “You’re So Vain” I thought fit well enough, I also found a version by Trash Pour 4, a version by Les Reed Orchestra, and a version by Giant Sand that were all very good. Trash Pour 4 is driving me crazy because I can’t quite figure out what genre they are, I just can’t place them—but they’ve got several other good covers that I’d like to take advantage of at some point.
I also found a song called “You’re So Vain (Christian Dior)” by The Energy Commission that’s not a cover of Carly Simon’s song, just a new song with the same name. I’m lowkey considering including on Alastor’s side of the playlist. It’d serve as a very sharp critique of how image obsessed Sir Pent is, there’s some snappy turns of phrase that seem like they’d appeal to Alastor’s sense of humor (my two favorites are “He went off the deep end ‘cause he’s so shallow” and “He’s got a timepiece on his wrist and it says ‘watch me’”), the fact that it’s a critique specifically of high class materialism fits with the fact that I headcanon Sir Pent as coming from British nobility while Alastor’s ancestry is both racially and socially mixed (including at least one close relative who was a slave, I’m thinking a grandparent but haven’t settled on my headcanons yet), and I love when there are parallels like that in playlists about the relationship between lovers/partners/rivals/siblings/any-combo-of-two-people.
The reason I haven’t added it yet is because, by the end of the song, it’s not just a critique of being a rich shallow image-obsessed douche, but specifically of how that culture ties in to exploitative capitalism that’s wrecking human lives and the world—which, in the context of the characters we’re talking about here, would translate into a criticism of Sir Pentious’s very-imperialist-sounding take-over-the-world villain ambitions. Which isn’t something I think Alastor cares about. He probably should, but like, he just doesn’t. He’s a villain himself. I’m sure he’s got his own morals and standards and hard limits but “take over the world” isn’t on his list of dealbreakers. What’s taking over the world include? Mass murder and subjugation? Yeah, he’s cool with that. So that’s why I’m still on the fence about adding it.
Give ‘Em Hell, Kid (Lyrics)
So remember how I said that My Chemical Romance is one of the bands I’ve drawn from most heavily so far in looking for emo Sir Pent songs? Yeah for about a day there were six different MCR songs sitting in Serpentine & Demonswing as I slowly whittled them down to the ones that I thought fit best. “Give ‘Em Hell, Kid” is one of the last three, and actually one that I’m constantly on the verge of cutting.
Lyrically, it’s an Alastor song. There’s mentions of the singer having come from New Orleans (listen... i am a sucker for songs that mention New Orleans, it automatically earns five points on the imaginary “is this an Alastor song?” rubric in my head). The singer is singing about a love interest who’s gone, and he’s making no moves to pursue/reclaim the love interest, wishing them well (“So go on, live your life”), but he’s a wreck and a lesser person without them (“If you were here, I'd never have a fear,” “Well I'm a total wreck and almost every day”), and it’s just getting worse with time, not better (“But I miss you more than I did yesterday”).
The line “Some might say we are made from the sharpest things you say” although directed toward “you,” i.e. the love interest, i.e. Sir Pentious, in my head actually reflects more on the things Alastor said to Sir Pentious: the cruel things he said to Pent—that he’s weak, ineffective, behind the times, a has-been, never going to conquer hell—ended up a self-fulfilling prophecy, because that’s exactly what Alastor’s rampage made happen. Today, as he is now, Sir Pentious is made from the sharpest things Alastor said.
“Your dreams and your hopeless hair” makes me think of Sir Pent’s wild efforts to conquer hell (and, of course, his ridiculous cobra hood), and “We never wanted it to be this way for all our lives” is a perfect expression of Alastor’s regrets/remorse over what his actions have done to both of their lives, but especially to Sir Pent’s life.
And all the references to violence—murder scenes, firing squads, sharpest things—fit with the fact that both of them chose to live lives soaked in blood.
So it’s a perfect Alastor song. The only problem is, it’s an MCR song, which is sooo far outside of my acceptable genres for him. (I’m not gonna get into Alastor’s genres now bc there are better songs to do that on, just know emo ain’t it.) And not only is it outside of his acceptable genres, it’s in the OTHER character’s acceptable genres, which is very messy. I can vibe with “lovers’ songs borrowing from each other’s aesthetic” a LITTLE bit when it’s used to represent, like, emotional synchronicity or the like (ex: both “Roustabout” and Vernian Process’s “Maple Leaf Rag” are on my “Alastor+Sir Pent style fusion songs” list). But MCR is a big departure from Alastor’s acceptable styles.
Plus, the playlist already has two MCR songs, and do I really need three songs from the same band? Unless there’s a really good reason, I try to avoid having repeats from the same band on one playlist—I feel like a good well-rounded fanmix oughta have a diversity of sources. (With “a really good reason” being something like “I’ve got the playlist divided into five sections detailing five phases of the character’s life and each section is introduced with a different track from the same band” or “I’ve got an instrumental version of the song to kick off the playlist to serve as ‘foreshadowing’ for when the version with lyrics shows up at the most dramatic moment” or something like that.)
If I was going to, like, make it a thing, I could. Justify it like “there’s one MCR song that represents them when they’re together, one MCR song from Sir Pent’s perspective, and one MCR song from Alastor’s perspective, like a little triangle,” but like... if I was going to do that I feel like I’d want to do it with a style that’s either representative of both of them or else independent of both of them, and MCR is so heavily a Sir Pent sound. Basically, having three songs from one band would be okay if it was a band that vibes with the overall tone I’m shooting for in the playlist—but it’s not. So I’m very torn on “Give ‘Em Hell, Kid.”
“El Tango De Roxanne” + “Overture” + “I Hope You Die”
Okay before I can talk about “I Hope You Die” by itself, I kind of have to explain its exact position in the playlist and its relationship with the other two songs I just listed.
While MOST of the playlist is chunked up into the four sections I mentioned earlier (Sir Pent, Alastor, both, undecided), within those sections the songs aren’t really in any particular order. The one exception is the very first three songs on the playlist/the very first three songs in Sir Pent’s section.
These three songs, presented in that order, all as Sir Pent songs, serve as Sir “in war, the side remembered is the side with the most style” Pentious the Super Villain making his big entrance like:
“El Tango De Roxanne” starts slow/quiet, and then (with a couple of brief dips) it gradually builds in volume and pain and intensity, getting faster and more emphatic, switching from mournful longing to nearly-angry anguish, until it ends with a pained scream, steampunkish percussion, howling background singers, and a wailing violin.
And then it pauses, for just a moment.
And then “Overture” hammers you with the most dramatic opening chord you will ever hear on an organ in your life, perfectly matching the energy at the end of “El Tango De Roxanne” and maintaining that level of energy throughout the song.
And then it stops so quickly it’s like someone gasped, holding its breath for a split second—and then some dude yells “You must die! I alone am best!” and the guitars kick in for “I Hope You Die,” leading into a depiction of the most intense, vitriolic, disgusting sort of loathing imaginable.
The build-up from “El Tango De Roxanne” and “Overture” really revs up “I Hope You Die,” the intensity of the organ in “Overture” highlights the intensity of the guitar in “I Hope You Die,” and all together it hypes up what could have been just a dark humor song about hating someone into something that sounds like a very genuine demonstration of hatred.
And taken all together, it makes for a fantastic intro for Sir Pent.
It also serves as a perfect intro to the current state of affairs between him and Alastor—sort of expressing his personal emotional journey on the morning Alastor betrayed him, as his reaction transforms over the course of three songs from grief/despair to fathomless fury.
There’s more I could say individually about “El Tango De Roxanne” and “Overture,” but I won’t, because it’s “I Hope You Die” time.
“I Hope You Die” (Lyrics - warning for a whole stanza dedicated to hoping someone gets raped in prison)
A small handful of the songs in my Hazbin playlists were discovered in and added from existing Hazbin character playlists I found on Spotify before I started making my own. “I Hope You Die” was one of them, found here. Which is why it was added even though it doesn’t fit my strict genre standards, it won me over before I narrowed down the styles I’m working with lmao.
(I feel like “El Tango De Roxanne” was one of those too, but I can’t now find a Spotify playlist containing it that added it before I did. Where did I grab it from? It’s not something I would’ve looked up on my own, something must have inspired me. IDK what though. None of the other songs mentioned in this post were found on other playlists.)
So this song is, obviously, just about how much some dude hates somebody else and wants extremely horrible things to happen to them. It’s sorta... *eyes lyrics uneasily* ... sorta tasteless; but, tasteless in a way that I feel like reflects back on the character singing the song. The feeling I come away from after finishing the song isn’t “the band wants you to think the person they’re singing about deserves this to happen to them,” because it doesn’t even give a reason why the singer hopes this person suffers; but rather, “the band wants you to think that this is the kind of hatred that the character/persona the singer is portraying is capable of, this is the kind of vile stuff that character wants to see done to their enemies, this is representative of the depths of that character’s rage.” Which is why I’m like “yeah... okay, sure, that fits” even though I’m real iffy about the last couple stanzas.
Because for a character who’s in Hell surrounded by people who have stomped on the last dredges of their civility and decency, and a character who’s patterned after a super villain (and, because the series creator dropped the idea that there are heroes/villains in the living world, the only super villain in this setting), and a character who gleefully boasts about being evil, and a character who we know demonstrates very rapid/extreme emotions and expressions of hate/outrage... Yes, I can absolutely see this song as the exact sort of hatred Sir Pentious would level at somebody who’s slighted him. And Alastor blew way the hell past “slighting” him. Alastor, without exaggeration, has ruined his life (afterlife?) and over fifty years later Sir Pent is still unsuccessfully struggling to get back up to the level he was at before he even met Alastor. Right now, Sir Pentious really and truly and deeply despises Alastor.
A song like this—sheer, frothing, unrestrained, vengeful contempt—tells you a whole lot about what kind of emotions Sir Pentious is capable; and it tells you a whole lot about the kind of effect Alastor’s actions have had on him, to inspire this level of reaction from someone who was very close to him for fifteen years and increasingly in love with him for probably a good amount of that time.
Plus, the “You must die! I alone am best!” is such a very, very Sir Pentious sentiment.
So that’s those songs! Again, y’all are free to ask me for my thoughts on more. Yes, most of them will probably be like this, lol.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
original, percy jackson, pokemon, avatar, skyrim, fallout ;
I’m AJ! I lost a couple partners in the holiday craze, which is totally fine! Now I’m lookin’ for some RPs to head into the new year. If we had something lined up and things fell off the wagon, no sweat, just message me again and we can get the ball rolling again! :)
  For original settings: apocalyptic (zombie, disease, extinction event, whatever), supernatural (fantasy, urban, sci-fi, literally anything). For fandom universes: Percy Jackson, Pokemon, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Skyrim, and Fallout.
  Gonna run through my basic info and then onto the particulars. 💕
  ⥽ About Me ; ⥼
  • Name/Age ; AJ! 22! Finally!
  • Timezone ; CST! I don’t mind time differences, this is just so you know my general schedule.
  • Length ;  Depends on whether it’s novella or multi-paragraph. If m.para, around 3-5 minimum I guess? Novella would obviously be much longer.
  • Reply rate ; Varies depending on whether we’re doing multi-paragraph or novella. I can respond anywhere from every day to every other day or a few times a week to weekly depending on the writing style of the RP and my schedule.
  • OOC ;  I like getting to know my partners and sharing enthusiasm over our ideas and characters. Nothing hits quite like mutual investment! I like making playlists/pinboards/sending you videos or songs or memes that remind me of our characters!
  • Contact ; Strictly email for OOC and roleplay unless we’re using GDocs for the RP itself. You can find me at [email protected].
  ⥽ On the lookout for ; ⥼
  • Doubling ; Not a deal-breaker!! I just prefer writing a cast of characters, so this is something that’s more of a bonus. Ideally we’ll double, but I’m down for writing just one character each. Let me know how ya feel about it!
  • Will only write MxM or FxF ; MxF’s not my cup of tea (I’m extremely picky with it, fellow gays u know how it is). If we’re writing a cast of characters then I’m fine with having an MxF side couple. And I STRICTLY write OCxOC! Canon characters won't be found anywhere near this stuff, folks!
  • 20+ ; Partner’s gotta be 20+ even if we don’t write anything explicitly adult! I’m outta my teens now and don’t have any interest in writing with them. Same goes for characters. It’s a 20+ zone for both partners and characters ‘round here, folks!
  ⥽ Yes! ; ⥼
  • Smut ;  I enjoy writing it, but it’s not a deal-breaker if you’d rather fade to black.  All characters will obviously be adults. I expect versatile characters in bed by default, that way we’ve got an even route for playing roles in bed. Admittedly this shifts a bit depending on the character I write but for the most part, yeah, I stick to verses.
  • Face claims ; Spent a huge chunk of my roleplaying years on tumblr (it was very over-the-top and flowery and weirdly formatted and grossly difficult to read, I know I know), so having a face for characters stuck with me. If you don’t have any of your own and want good resources to find a face, I’ve got some recommended sites I can throw at ya! Not a deal-breaker, though, and for certain fandoms (Pokemon, Avatar) I actually prefer not to use realistic face claims so we can just opt outta that when writing in these universes.
  • Depth & growth ; Not a fan of one-dimensional characters or characters who act the same from beginning to end! People change with experiences and the people around them, so this is to be expected. ESPECIALLY when doubling with a cast. I loooove complicated characters growing together.
  • Plotting & Worldbuilding ;  *For original settings/worlds! I’m not picky with this if we’re working with a canon setting, so if that’s what you’re looking for, we can skip this section. I run into loooads of folks who say they do this when they really don’t. We’re writing an entire world together, so there’s some degree of effort involved! I need specifics to use as a start-off point for the roleplay and a general outline for where the story’s going. RPs that are just random, spur of the moment with writing as we go on tend to burn out REALLY quickly for me. I know not a lot of people are into this, so I’m sorry about that.
  ⥽ No! ; ⥼
  • Single paragraphs ; I’m not too picky with a lot of length a lot of the time, I just don’t mesh well with people who don’t write more than that. Go ham. I like my responses meaty!
  • Limits ; Abuse, nonconsensual/sexual assault, pedophilia, incest (includes step-relations, adopted relations, and that figurative like if one character essentially raised another or they were raised as family), weird age gaps, BDSM, any kind of master/slave or dom/sub dynamics.
  As for the goods, I’ve laid ‘em all out for you here! Keep in mind that while all of these are fun on their own, I’m definitely the type of writer who’s into mixing and matching. Sci-fi apocalypse? Fantasy apocalypse? Fantasy supernatural stuff? Sci-fi fantasy? Sci-fi supernatural stuff? Supernatural apocalypse? Period settings? Literally whatever you could think of, I’ll give it a whirl. The particulars down below are just to get the ball rolling and catch some interest, some asterisks for current cravings but I’m soooooo honest when I say that I’d love to write anything down below and won’t shoot you down if you come at me with stuff. Hit me up with whatever you’d like!
    APOCALYPSE: My bread and butter! Bro. I’m all about the tense, harrowing, and especially gut-punching when it comes to how close people become to survive together in quiet moments of a world they used to know. I’m a big fan of zombies, so that’s my loose preference. I loved Black Summer on Netflix – the earlier episodes, at least, as well as The Last of Us. That’s the kind of vibe I favor with zombies/zombie-like creatures. But, ofc, an apocalypse can be anything! I love writing different takes on the genre since there’s so much to cover. Extinction event, pandemic, impact event, monsters/beasts, man-made, whatever. The more creative the apocalyptic setting, the better, so I’d love to bounce some ideas back and forth. Not too into a nuclear apocalypse setting, since that overlaps a lot with Fallout down below. I’ve also had some ideas of a futuristic/sci-fi apocalypse that I’d love to tell you all about if you’re interested!
  FANTASY***: High fantasy, low fantasy, medieval fantasy, urban fantasy, whatever. Love dragons, love magic, love weird fantasy flora, definitely love the classic prince/princess x knight or commoner schtick. You want prophecies? I’m game. You want elves? I’m game. You want steampunk? I’m game. You want none of that and wanna do something else? I’m game, baby. The possibilities are endless. I’ve had two particular ideas floatin’ around in my noggin lately: an apocalyptic-fantasy that takes place in a medieval fantasy realm wherein an ancient curse/plague erupts across the land with horrifying zombie-esque symptoms (obv with more fantasy elements than just that) that involves a quest to try and awaken a god or two OR some magic journey to the heart of it all and out and end to it, and a modern fantasy involving a run-down summer camp secluded deep in the woods. Two new counselors (our characters) start working there over the summer and things slowly unravel from there, either with faerie stuff involving replacing campers/staff (definitely aiming for the freaky horror faeries as opposed to like, beautiful or only slightly unnerving faeries) or the camp being run by a secret cult that sacrifices campers/staff.
  SUPERNATURAL/PARANORMAL***: Vampires and werewolves and demons, oh my! Can’t go wrong with horror, especially can’t go wrong with comedy-horror. I’m more of the type to prefer humans and supernatural beings together in a ragtag duo type of way as opposed to two supernatural beings, but anything’s cool in my book. Medieval/fantasy setting for a dark fairytale vibe, urban/modern supernatural beings slinking in the shadows outside of the human eye, supernatural sci-fi stuff, mysteries and danger lurking around every corner? Seriously, it’s a great genre! Any and everything is fantastic. I’ve got a loose concept of demons/the Underworld I’d like to get into revolving around a human accidentally summoning a demon or making a really poor deal with a demon and the eventual threat of the opposite effect (humans who work with angels/angels who clean up demonic stuff) since I’m struggling with the worldbuilding of it, so applying all that to a roleplay to give it a whirl sounds like a great way to work out the kinks. Plus, c’mon. Paranormal romance. End of the world. Flipping the script on angels and demons with the demons being “good” and the angels being “bad” but really there’s more nuance to that since they’re two sides of the same coin. What’s not to love there? I’m a sucker for human/demon relationships and/or human/angel relationships, what can I say!
  PERCY JACKSON*****: I haven’t ever roleplaying this verse before, so this is completely new grounds for me. I’ve seen some fun takes on it, though! Scoured older ads but haven’t reached out to anyone because the posting time’s pretty old, but a couple ideas I’ve skimmed through sound fun. HP got a period take on it, so why not put that spin on PJ with a period setting rather than in modern times? Or just a regular modern setting. Y’know, keep it classy, keep it sexy, keep it fun! I’m definitely interested in life outside of camp since they’d all be adults. Life’s supposed to suck for demigods, so let’s get into that. I’ve only read the first series but I’m game to read more or look over the Wikipedia if it suits your fancy! I’m REALLY looking for a PJ RP, seriously, message me.
  POKEMON: Man, I just… miss Pokemon, dude, what else can I say? :( I miss fun adventures and goofy scenarios and taking a more serious or realistic route with threats. I’ve got a couple of ideas from heists to evil Elite Four members to Poke-Jurassic Park, but I’d love to hear anything you’ve got in mind!
  AVATAR*****: Alright, not gonna beat around the bush, I had a killer post-Korra RP setting like a year ago that died off early on and now I’m kinda itching to put it back into action! Basically this whole thing just revolves around our own Avatar and world/conflicts. Something before Aang could be fun too? Or a couple Avatars past Korra? There’s so many routes we could take this! And so many things we could bring in! I had an Avatar marathon with my brother this weekend and I just miss this universe. I’ve never actually managed to RP it before, so I wanna remedy that!
  FALLOUT***: Played 3, watched various playthroughs of New Vegas, 4, and working on 1+2! I’m a recent fan and I’ve fallen head over heels for it! I’ve got ten prepped OCs for this universe so feel free to take your pic once we get into contact! :D I think it could be fun if we make our own setting for this, but I’m so down for piggybacking off canon settings. I love the Mojave in particular, but everything’s cool in my book. I’ve also got a couple plot ideas, so I can tell you all about ‘em when we get into things!
  SKYRIM***: Well I’m a new Fallout fan so it should come to NO surprise that I’m new to Skyrim too. I recently got into it after someone recommended it to me and I’m having a blast playing the game on the Switch! I don’t have any particular ideas but I’d love to dip into the water here and see what comes of it. I’ve got a couple character ideas already so if I manage to rope anyone into this universe I’ll be one happy camper.
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thesevenseraphs · 6 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 5/17/18
This week at Bungie, we watched Guardians become Legends.
Players have climbed the ranks of competitive Crucible and earned the title of Legend. Clan Redeem earned the title of World First (for the third time in a Destiny game) when overcoming challenges found in the Spire of Stars Raid Lair. Numerous fireteams have completed seven waves in Escalation Protocol, and earned some sweet loot in the process.
This last week has been one to remember. It’s one of the best things about Destiny, really—when memories are forged in the fires of combat. It’s been an absolute pleasure to see these experiences unfold, and we’re excited to see more of these stories shared throughout the community.
That said, Destiny 2 will continue to evolve over the next few months and beyond. Yesterday, we updated the Destiny 2 Development Roadmap to expand on upcoming features and share our next deployment date.
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In the coming weeks, we’ll dive into what’s changing about Faction Rallies and shed a bit more light on what Crucible Labs will bring to the table. This week, our focus is on feedback…
Powerful Progress
Feedback never stops. From the moment Warmind landed, we’ve had our eyes on the chatter surrounding all aspects of Destiny 2. One trending topic is how players reach appropriate Power levels for endgame content.
Senior Investment Designer Daniel Auchenpaugh has some details on what to expect moving forward:
Daniel: Warmind is out! We’re super excited this is in your hands now, as we’re able to get a bunch of excellent input on what we did well and what we still need to work on. One of those areas I’d like to talk about a bit is progression. I spoke a little about this before the Warmind launch, but I think one thing I could have been more clear about was that the Warmind progression system is an improvement over Curse of Osiris, but still not where we ultimately want to end up. It’s a step down the road to make the game more in line with where we want it, but we need to make these iterations one step at a time so we can incorporate feedback and ensure we're heading in the right direction. Heroic strikes are a great example of something we definitely want to keep iterating on. In the May 29 update, you’ll see a small change to help make these better.
Escalation Protocol Key Fragments will become a 100 percent drop chance from each Heroic strike. The goal here is to make getting these fragments more accessible while also preserving the need to go play non-open-world content to get the fragments. 
Heroic strikes will be able to drop better rewards. Every three to five Heroic strikes will drop a Legendary that can carry you up to 360 Power (before mods). This should better align the rewards of Heroic strikes with the difficulty of the activity and help solo players have a more reliable source of upgrades.
We won’t have any time to make changes to what’s coming on the 29th, but please let us know how you feel about these rates; it is good information to inform future updates.
       We’re tracking some additional issues that don’t have immediate solutions, but that I want to bring up as things we’re thinking and talking about. I don’t currently have any potential solutions to talk about, but I want to make sure we’re communicating the kinds of things we’re looking at and considering. In that spirit, here are some of the top progression-related issues we’re thinking about right now:
How to smooth out the transition into the endgame grind once the campaign is over. Currently, there is a brick wall players seem to be running into at 345, where progression goes from fast to super frictioned. This is one of those areas we definitely don’t believe is perfect, so we’re looking at how to smooth this transition out.
Once milestones are complete, there aren't rewards to chase. Exotic Masterworks and seasonal ranks help this problem a little bit (giving some amount of non-Power chase to work on once milestones are done) but these definitely aren’t enough. As highlighted in the roadmap, Weapon Randomization and Records should also help give players more to do once their milestones are done. That doesn’t mean we believe this is a fully solved problem, and we’re talking about other ways to help mitigate this.
Endgame progression needs more tiers. Right now, everything gives similar-sized upgrades without discrete tiers in the progression system for players to climb to (so they can tackle new activities and, in turn, climb to a new tier with new activities). This is something I definitely wouldn’t expect a solution for prior to September, but it is on our radar.
The quality of the rewards don’t always match the difficulty of the activity. We’re seeing a lot of this feedback around raid lair rewards in particular, so talking about how to better align with the quality of reward and the difficulty of activity is something we’re going to be thinking about more going forward.
Huge thanks to everyone who has spent time to type up their thoughts, what they love, and what they don’t love with the progression and reward systems in Warmind. We’re keeping our ear to the ground. P.S.: Send me images of your favorite shader + Escalation Protocol gear combos. This is unrelated to progression—I just wanna see ’em!
Going for Glory
Progression isn’t just achieving new levels of Power, we also look at how players are rising through ranks of Valor and Glory. We’ve gotten some questions on the hows and whys of the ranking system.
PvP Design Lead Derek Carroll has some answers.
Derek: Now that we’ve added a serious ranking system to the Competitive playlist, we’re seeing many more Guardians attempt to climb the ladder to become Legend. On their way to the top, some players have raised questions that we can address here. 
Q: Why would I match against a player with a higher Glory rank than me?
A: For a variety of reasons, we don’t match directly on your Glory number, instead using our per-playlist “Skill” value. It’s quite likely that your opponent is a good match against you, but they’ve been grinding Glory more consistently, so have moved up the ranks faster. Take this as a sign that you’ll likely reach that rank with continued play. Q: Why can I match against pre-formed fireteams when I’m searching as a solo player?
A: After a bit of server-side tuning and investigation, we re-enabled the Crucible Fireteam Matchmaking feature yesterday. This does not directly reduce the chances of matching against pre-made fireteams, but does tweak the “Skill” values of those fireteams to make it more likely that they find evenly-matched opponents.
Q: Why won’t you make a solo-queue-only playlist?
A: We don’t want to do that because it would split the population in an unhealthy way, making it less likely for everyone to find good matches. Furthermore, that would probably mean splitting the Glory rank into “Solo Glory” and “Team Glory” numbers, and we’d much rather there be one single number to represent your prowess in the Crucible.
Q: Why would you place me in a game in progress that you know I’m going to lose, ending my streak?
A: There’s no join-in-progress in Competitive, so this can’t happen for Glory. However, we are working on a fix for Valor in the other playlists, so you won’t lose your Valor streak that way. As always, thanks for the feedback. We are always working to make the Crucible a great place to compete with and against your fellow Guardians. Good hunting!
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Lord Saladin returns—with updated rewards!
BEGINS: Tuesday, May 22
ENDS: Tuesday, May 29
The game is Control!
The ways in which players earn rewards have also been updated for Season 3. Saladin will feature a similar reputation system to Vanguard, where players can climb the ranks by turning in Iron Banner Tokens. Each reputation rank up will lend progress to unlocking desired rewards.
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New Ornaments have also been added, each with specific objectives for players to complete in the Iron Banner playlist when available.
At Your Fingertips
Destiny 2 isn’t the only thing that’s evolving over the course of the Roadmap. The Bungie.net team is also making plans to improve the experience on the website and Destiny Companion App.
Senior UX Designer John Stvan and UX Designer Stosh Steward are here to give a report of what’s to come:
John: Two weeks ago, we started a discussion on Bungie.net and Reddit to get feedback on the Destiny Companion App and Bungie.net. We’ve combed the feedback and created a prioritized list of themes and sentiment that have been trending throughout the community. Priority was based on the volume of specific feedback items, how a feature or change could impact the user base, and if current feature usage data matched up with some of our inferences. We then proceeded to sort them into groups of Features/Experiences and UX/UI Improvements. With Warmind out the door and a few Destiny updates between now and September, we want to be sure to set the right expectations on what’s coming. Each content release comes with a host of changes, updates, and fixes that we as a small team have to make sure don’t break our experiences. We don’t expect there to ever be issues, but sometimes the game makes a simple tweak to some investment, and by the time that gets to Bungie.net or the companion, the effect is magnified. As a recent example, players were unable to interact with characters after Destiny Update 1.2.0 due to issues between the companion and the new emote wheel. With that said, here are our initial goals for what will be coming soon to the Destiny Companion App and Bungie.net: 
Timeframe—Early Summer Stats (Medals): We are actively looking into how we can add medals and other stats incrementally to PGCR’s (post-game carnage reports) and player profiles. We knew ahead of the feedback collection that this would be a widely requested feature, but we were surprised by how many throughout the community wanted more stats surrounding medals acquired in the Crucible.
  LFG: We have recently added the Clans Fireteam feature to the Destiny Companion, but we are looking to give players more ways to form fireteams through the companion and website. 
Vendor Accessibility and Primary User Experience: Vendors are currently available to interact with through the companion app, but a recurring piece of feedback was that players are unable to locate the feature. We think this is due to vendors being in Progress which may be an unexpected location. The numbers also don’t lie—Progress isn’t getting the views we expected. We suspect that’s due to other sections in the app either having similar features or it being hidden. Moving forward, we’ll be working to merge the Explore and Progress tabs to fulfill some of our initial goals. Explore was intended to be, “What’s going on? What don’t I want to miss out on?" However, it’s barely been more than a news feed. Progress was intended for users to know what their progress is towards their goals in Destiny 2. By combining these two sections, we feel we can create an experience that gives you the “What don’t I want to miss out on?” and the “What things do I need to go do?” sentiments.  
Timeframe—Summer Gear User Experience and Sorting: When it comes to gear, third-party apps have provided amazing user experiences paired with Destiny and Destiny 2, and we couldn’t be prouder of them. We can’t tell you how excited we are that third-party apps have found solutions and satisfied that itch for the full screen, multi-character, nobs-and-switches experience. We are actively investigating ways to up our own game and provide better experiences within the Destiny Companion App when it comes to things like transferring, sorting, and equipping gear. 
Timeframe—…and beyond The future is bright and hopeful for Destiny 2 and the Companion. We want to ensure that we have targets to aim at—some big, daunting targets—and you’ve definitely helped provide us with those. We are grateful for the discussion we had, and can’t wait to have more ongoing conversations and feedback about the Companion and Bungie.net. This conversation is far from over. In fact, it should never end. We want to always be listening and responding either with dialogue or action. Post feedback on Bungie.net. Stosh and I will be monitoring closely for your thoughts. It doesn’t go without saying how valuable your contribution to Destiny 2 is, and we want to ensure we’re providing the right tools and features to support your gaming experience.
Would You Like to Know More?
Destiny Hotfix has shipped, but we still have some issues to address. As they say, the only good bug is a dead one.
Destiny Player Support has the information you need to take on the threat.
This is their report.
Destiny 2 Hotfix
This week we deployed Hotfix to players. Among the fixes to game issues, we resolved an issue blocking characters from appearing in the official Destiny Companion App, Bungie.net, and third-party applications that rely on the Destiny API. Full notes for this hotfix can be found here: Destiny 2 Hotfix
Warmind Known Issues
With the launch of Destiny 2: Warmind, Destiny Player Support has continued to monitor player chatter regarding issues players are encountering in the wild. Those who do run into issues in Destiny 2: Warmind should make our Warmind: Vital Information and Known Issues thread their first stop for information on potential workarounds. As always, players who experience issues should report them to the #Help forum. Listed below are a couple of items that we believe require further explanation to assist in mitigating their impact:
Heroic Strike Progress and Boons of the Vanguard
Progress toward the weekly Heroic strikes milestone, as well as toward some endgame quests, will be blocked when players activate a Boon of the Vanguard. Characters who enter this state will be unable to make progress on any pursuit that requires Heroic strike completions until the Boon expires. As we continue to investigate this issue, we recommend that players save their Boons until after they have completed the pursuits mentioned above.
Clan XP Milestones and Powerful Gear
Currently players are not receiving powerful gear from Hawthorne when completing and turning in the weekly Clan XP milestone. Players can work around this issue by completing the Clan XP milestone, then waiting for the next weekly reset to pass. After the new week starts, the previous week’s milestone will autodecrypt and correctly award powerful gear. Additionally, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind players that Power progression from weekly clan engrams has changed with Destiny 2 Update 1.2.0. For details, players should revisit This Week at Bungie – 4/18/2018 for more information.
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queenvh-archive · 5 years
written on a letter, placed on her nightstand:
Good Morning Hot Stuff ;)
I had to head out a little earlier than planned today but you were looking so cute while you were sleeping that I didn’t want to wake you so I thought I’d leave you a little note instead. 
There’s been something I wanted to tell you for a while now. I thought this time saying those words through music would be even more special than just telling you so I made you a playlist. But, in my opinion, that wasn’t enough so I also wrote some of the lyrics down that particularly tell you how I feel about you. I’m gonna send you the link to the playlist via text because it’s on Spotify.
x, Zac
P.S.: Don’t forget that I’m gonna pick you up later for our date. Can’t wait to see you again because I miss you already and I’m looking at you right now.
P. P. S.: I added the last song on the playlist because 1. Celine Dion belongs on a love playlist and 2. I know you really love her so she had to be on it.
Lyrics list: 
In the summer
As the lilacs bloom
Love flows deeper than the river
Every moment that I spend with you
1. Ed Sheeran - How Would You Feel
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can’t help falling in love with you
2. Elvis Presley - Can’t Help Falling In Love
Fill my heart with song
and let me sing forever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
3. Frank Sinatra - Fly Me To The Moon
I swear to God, when I come home, I’ll never let go
Like a river, I flow to the ocean I know
You pull me close, guiding me home
And I need you to know that we’re
Fallin’ so fast, we’re fallin’ like the stars, fallin’ in love
And I’m not scared to say those words
With you I’m safe, we’re fallin’ like the stars, we’re fallin’ in love
4. James Arthur - Falling Like The Stars 
I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
‘Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you’re holding mine
5. Ed Sheeran - Perfect
Baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted
We could do it real big, bigger than you ever done it
You be up on everything, other hoes ain’t never on it
I want this forever, I swear I can spend whatever on it
6. Drake - Best I Ever Had
Wherever you are, it’s never as dark
Whenever I start slipping, you make all the difference
Been there from the start, no matter how hard
Whatever piece is missing, you know how to fix it
7. Jesse McCartney - Better With You
And if you want love we’ll make it
Swim in a deep sea of blankets
I take all your big plans and break ‘em
This is bound to be a while
8. John Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland
I’m so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling your love is more
Than worth its weight in gold
We’ve come so far my dear
Look how we’ve grown
And I wanna stay with you
Until we’re grey and old
9. James Arthur - Say You Won’t Let Go
Well, I found love hidden inside
The arms of the woman I know
She is the lighthouse in the night
That will safely guide me home
And I’m not scared of passing over
Or the thought of growing old
10. Ed Sheeran - Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
There are days
I wake up and I pinch myself
You’re with me, not someone else
And I’m scared, yeah, I’m still scared
That it’s all a dream
‘Cause you still look perfect as days go by
Even the worst ones, you make me smile
I’d stop the world if it gave us time
11. Lukas Graham - Love Someone
My love
There’s only you in my life
The only thing that’s bright
My first love
You’re every breath that I take
You’re every step I make
And I
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love
Two hearts
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
12. Lionel Richie & Diana Ross - Endless Love
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won’t cry, I won’t cry, no I won’t shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
13. Ben E. King - Stand By Me
‘Cause if your love was all I had, in this life
Well, that would be enough until the end of time
So rest your weary heart and relax you mind
'Cause I’m gonna love you, girl, until the end of time
14. Justin Timberlake ft. Beyonce - Until The End Of Time
I’ll make love to you
Like you want me to
And I’ll hold you tight
Baby, all through the night
15. Boyz II Men - I’ll Make Love To You
Love me tender
Love me dear
Tell me you are mine
I’ll be yours through all the years
Till the end of time
16. Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender
So I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I’m sure
There’s no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I’m yours
17. Jason Mraz - I’m Yours
Out of all of the girls
You’re my one and only girl
Ain’t nobody in the world tonight
All of the stars
They don’t shine brighter than you are
Ain’t nobody in the world but you and I
18. John Legend - You And I (Nobody in the World)
Look, every time there’s a new sunrise
I open up my eyes
And I say to myself, “In the whole wide world of guys
I must be the luckiest alive”
19. Justin Timberlake ft. Alicia Keys - Morning Light
When I can’t find the words
You teach my heart to speak
You make it real for me, yeah
20. James Morrison - You Make It Real
Cause I don’t care when I’m with my baby, yeah
All the bad things disappear
And you’re making me feel like maybe I am somebody
I can deal with the bad nights
When I’m with my baby, yeah
21. Ed Sheeran - I Don’t Care (Acoustic)
22. Celine Dion - The Power Of Love
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sweetsuccesssociety · 7 years
Have Your Best Summer Yet: 25 Ideas Under $20
Who else is so excited that summer is HERE?
We get to enjoy sunlit outdoors until 9pm, wear our bright colored dresses, lounge by the water, decorate our homes with flower bunches, and get more involved with community activities and events. Summer evening get-togethers become the new norm, we suddenly eat a lot healthier, and restaurants are chosen for their patio aesthetics. The kids are out of school and everyone’s itching to make the most of this favorite season!
As fantastic, refreshing and exhilarating as summer can be, we also understand it, well, gets expensive. Like, really quickly. If you’re on a budget like me, you may feel a little unmotivated to leave your air conditioned home out of fear of spending money. It’s a yucky feeling that sometimes gets in the way of all that summer fun, so it’s important we stomp out that fear. Let’s start some new habits of budgeting like a boss for all your favorite summer activities.
25 Ideas for a fun-filled summer:
1. Go to a summer concert in the park. Or at the downtown pedestrian mall, town square, amphitheater,  wherever the concert may be. Your local event websites are probably your best bet, and you can also simply search Facebook events or just Google. Especially keep an eye out for the weekly/monthly concerts for future summer outings!
2. Explore nearby towns. Local bloggers can be a great resource of where and what to do for these types of excursions, ask friends who live in the area, and Yelp it up to map out an awesome day trip. Save a little extra money by bringing a homemade meal or lots of snacks (but honestly, I recommend enjoying lunch at a hidden gem cafe with a beautiful patio).
3. Go to the local farmers’ market. ‘Tis the season! Treat yourself to a $5 bundle of fresh-cut flowers, gigantic zebra zucchini, a dozen tamales, handpicked fruit, or local honey. You can find really well-priced local goodies and it’s always great to support your community! Remember: Bring your own bag(s) and cash.
4. Go out for one drink and split dessert or a happy hour appetizer. Who says you have to go all out at a restaurant to enjoy the refreshing ambiance and full experience? Plan ahead to spend just $20 (including tip), and only get one drink and share an inexpensive dish on the menu. Have dinner at home and then go for a romantic evening out-on-the-town to grab dessert. Or go out for happy hour with your girl friend and agree to share an appetizer. Also be on the lookout for restaurant deals on Groupon and Living Social.
5. Shop at garage sales in your area. They pop up everywhere during the summer and there can be such great (cheap) finds! Check Craigslist’s “Garage Sale” form and your local publications’ “Classified” section for upcoming sales. Negotiate, but be polite about it. Create a wish list if you want to give yourself a little more direction when garage sale shopping.
6. Or better yet, have a garage sale yourself to make extra money! It takes a lot of work, but you’ll feel so refreshed afterward with a cleaner home and a few more dollars. I’m in the process of prepping one, so stay tuned for a how-to guide (after all, I learn from the best–my mother). There’s a lot of excellent garage sale guides and this one from Helene in Between is definitely a favorite!
7. Go to a block party. These are particularly popular during holiday weekends and breweries are especially known for throwing these kind of events. Look ’em up on event websites or check local organizations on social media.
8. Enjoy a BBQ with friends and family. Remember it’s totally okay to keep it simple and ask them to bring a contribution, so you don’t feel responsible for all the food and drink. If you have a community grill like at your apartment complex, take advantage of it! If you don’t have a grill, team up with a buddy who does or screw it and use the kitchen. Check grocery listings on Flipp to find good deals, especially on meat.
9. Go on a hike. Yes, it’s the go-to answer for summer activities, but only because hikes are awesome. Even if you have to drive more than an hour or settle for an urban hike (depending on where you live), do your best to go on at least a few this summer! All Trails is a resourceful app to discover local trails and national or state parks (and it’s always useful to read reviews and see photos).
10. Play frisbee golf, ultimate frisbee, soccer, volleyball, flag football, basketball… you get the idea. Get a group together or join one that regularly meets to play (aka a rec league).
11. Seek out the best photography spots in the area and go on a photoshoot adventure with someone you be a goof around. (Shoutout to our amazing Instagram Husbands!) Look up recommendations from local bloggers or Instagram hashtags/locations. Even just go to a cool spot and walk around to see what you can find.
12. Rent a movie, make a dollar store trip for popcorn and candy, and curl up on the couch. This is especially nice for those super hot days you just want to spend inside. But seriously, the dollar store is where it’s at for cheap snacks and treats.
13. Lay out a towel at a park, pool or even your backyard and soak up the sun while reading that book you’ve been meaning to pick up. Or plug your earphones in and listen to audiobooks (if you haven’t already, sign up for Audible and get your first month free!) Oh, and be sure to put on sunscreen out there in the heat.
14. Fill a truck bed or lay on a blanket to go stargazing. I know–super cheesy, right? But last summer, my S.O and I went on a random excursion with new friends and watched a meter shower 50 miles outside the city, in an open meadow. There’s nothing cheesy about being in that moment.
15. Find live music at free events, restaurants, etc. There’s so many live music options wherever you live and there’s always ones with free entry. Whenever you go out, keep your eyes open for flyers or announcements about upcoming music, and there’s always Yelp, social media, and the spots’ websites. So pull up a chair or put on your dancing shoes, and go have some fun!
16. Go wine or beer tasting at a nearby winery or brewery, limiting yourself to one flight to keep the bill low. Instead of drinking, engage in conversation with the bartender–chances are, they’re pretty knowledgeable and passionate about what they do. If you’re nice enough, you may even get an extra free taster or two.
17. Get creative with sidewalk chalk. Even if you don’t personally have a driveway, there surely must be a nearby sidewalk that could use some color. Check out this post for design ideas: “22 Totally Awesome Sidewalk Chalk Ideas.”
18. Do yoga. To stay on a budget, you can take free online yoga classes (Yoga with Adriane is my absolute favorite!), find a good deal on Groupon or figure out when studios offer discounted, free, or trial deals. I’ve created various yoga routine playlists (like morning, bedtime, workout, stress/anxiety), so it’s always easily accessible!
19. Find a new favorite coffee shop or give the one you already love some extra attention. Does it have a nice patio space, free coffee refills, beautiful foam art? Whatever suits you best, discover a coffee shop to truly love and appreciate. And yes, this will probably be a trial-and-error process. Don’t forget to share your findings with your audience!
20. Plant a garden. No matter where you live, it’s possible to have a garden! No dirt ground? Potted plants are a perfect solution (my hanging tomatoes #cantstopwontstop). If you’re unsure of your gardening skills, don’t start with seeds and instead get the plants that you can easily transfer into the ground/pots. I’m personally a big fan of Home Depot’s gardening section.
21. Take a bike ride off the beaten path. Dust off your bike and start using it! Whether it’s riding through a beautiful, quaint, urban neighborhood or through a nearby meadow or to the water’s edge of a lake/river. Don’t have a bike? Seriously consider investing in one and buy from a sales listing website, or see if you can get any good rental deals with a simple Google search.
22. Do a DIY project. Dive down the Pinterest rabbit hole (just remember to actually come back out and do the project). There’s countless options under $20!
23. Find the cheap-but-amazing brunch spot out there. I promise it exists. Cheap mimosas, nice patio, and decent-priced/big portion meals. If the meal is a bit of a price stretch, settle for a delicious side. Yelp is gonna be your best friend here.
24. Go to a local festival with cheap/free entry. Maybe it’s an international/culture festival or the annual chili festival. Whatever kind of festival it is, there’s an opportunity to explore! Remember: Keep an open mind to new experiences
25. Attend a free movie showing. Parks, community centers, even colleges sometimes host a free movie showing. It might even be a monthly community event. If you ask me, the outdoor movies-in-the-park evenings are a summer staple, complete with blankets, wine in plastic cups, and snacks.
Tips for a budget-friendly summer:
Get in the habit of frequently checking at least one website dedicated to events in your city. Check your local publication’ “Events” pages, download a useful app and even pay attention to some of those targeted digital ads. Follow their social media platforms because you know that’ll be one of the first places upcoming events are promoted! (Bonus: Look for hashtags to use that can lead to local exposure.)
Always keep an eye out for deals on Groupon, Living Social, etc. You may find tickets, activities or restaurant discounts that are much more within your budget! (Remember to read the fine print in case of restrictions.)
Can we all agree alcohol is what really racks up costs?
Stay on the alert for great grocery sales, specifically meat and booze, that could inspire you to host a get-together or have a romantic dinner with your S.O.
Utilize your network. You may have more resources than you think! Maybe your friend works somewhere that has free or discounted offers for friends, or they’re halfway through planning out an idea so you can combine forces. Share and talk out ideas with friends that can turn into a memorable experience.
Keep a calendar in a visible spot at home. We already have too many dates and events to remember, so why add even more to our plate? Every time you’re interested in an upcoming event, add it to the calendar that’s positioned in the kitchen or in your bedroom (or wherever else is visible).
Like these summer ideas? Pin it for reference all summer!
Are you looking for more summer ideas for the whole family or a date night? Find even more on our Summer Fun Ideas Pinboard!
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from Have Your Best Summer Yet: 25 Ideas Under $20
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