#also i may or may not have been salty over a close person not wanting to walk with me so i took extra care to take MARVELOUS pictures
moebalovesyou · 9 months
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am-i-interrupting · 5 months
Hi, I was just wondering if you could do fem!reader x Vox, Alastor, Lucyfer (separately) when reader cooks/bakes something for them (since I'm in culinary school). I want so bad to see their reactions on their meal. It can be something sweet or salty - your choice :)
I really like your work, you just do it so well♡
Thank you in advace.
If you like what I’m doing consider tipping me for priority requests & access to characters I don’t usually write for.
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Alastor considers himself a rather good cook. He also has very specific tastes.
It takes a lot to impress him but it is manageable.
He’s never downright mean unless it’s downright awful (like you burnt milk somehow)
However, he is somewhat firm in his opinions.
He gives critiques when you make anything that’s not specifically creole which normally boils down to “not bloody enough” or “measure spice with your heart, not a recipe.”
If you do make him things that originate from creole culture, he is in the kitchen with you.
He’s looking over your shoulder, never saying anything but making small noises of impressed or disapproval.
Those are the dishes where his critique is actually helpful.
The day he actually closes his eyes with a sigh is the day you know you’ve done something right.
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Lucifer dabbles in cooking just a bit. Not a lot. He can cook simple things but he can cook.
He will be easily impressed.
You made homemade brownies? You’re so amazing and great and talented!
You made rolls? On everything unholy, you are the most impressive thing on earth. (Hit me up if you want a copycat Texas Roadhouse roll recipe. I’ve been hit up for it.)
He is just constantly impressed and constantly singing your praises.
He would go to Bee and ask her if she would add any restaurants you may want to have to her BeeEats app options.
Of course Bee says yes.
You get all the funding you want if owning a restaurant or bakery is on your wish list.
You will soon be known as the best chef in Hell.
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Vox’s good palette is very bland.
Yes, he can enjoy some Italian food or French food or fast food or really just white food.
This man can’t handle anything spicy.
He can’t.
At all.
Don’t make him spicy food. He will think he’s dying a second time.
He does know how to cook though. Knows more than Lucifer but less than Alastor.
Because of that, he’s not going to be giving you pointers on how to better cook but he will watch.
He likes to watch you cook. It’s soothing.
If you’re open to it, he might even get you a cooking show spot or at the very least a guest star spot.
He’s impressed by your cooking, certainly but he will try to act like he’s just mildly impressed when in fact he’s more impressed than that.
“Mmm, that’s good, doll.” Meanwhile he’s just vibrating on the inside.
If you like what I’m doing consider commissioning me for canon/canon stories AND personalized canon/reader stories.
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redlittlefoxari · 9 months
An Adventure in making life Chapter 7: Let the water wash you clean
Relationship: Astarion x Tav
Warnings: NSFW 18+, smut, blood, violence, sex, blood drinking, pregnancy. *This chapter contains smut*
Summary: With Hormones are ragging through Tav’s body and morning sickness becoming a regular thing tempers clash, questions are raised and Tav is at her limit.
Master list
Tag list: @lunaredgrave
If you would also like to be added to the tag list just let me know.
Weeks pregnant Ten
It had been three weeks since the ruins, and you and Astarion hadn’t let your guard down for a second. There had been nothing since the ruins other than a few merchant carts making their way to Baldur’s Gate. They had all reported that their trip from Waterdeep had been going swimmingly and that the rest of their journey would probably go much the same. Still, the two of you decided to play it safe and stay on high alert for the remainder of your journey.
It was at this point that Jaheira advised you to start taking the herbs she gave you for the development of your unborn child. They didn’t taste great, but you had been dealing with drinking blood for the last ten weeks, so their grassy flavor didn’t bother you much. Astarion had gotten up before you to find the two of you something to eat, meaning a deer or whatever he could find. You told him you didn’t want to know what it was from just in case it was from an animal that was less than desirable.
While you waited, you chewed on a piece of dried meat that you had bought in the last town you passed through. It was sweet and salty and had been marinated in hot peppers before being dried. It was delicious, which was odd because you never really liked spicy food before the pregnancy, but now it became something you craved alongside sweet treats. You hoped that this didn’t mean your child would have a fiery personality. That was the last thing you needed. A hard-to-tame half-vampire child.
The thought crossed your mind suddenly. Would your child be able to go out in the sun? Or would the sun's fiery rays burn them like they did Astarion? The idea of your child being born unable to walk in the sun made your heart hurt. The child wouldn’t understand and what would happen if they crawled into the sunlight? Would you have to shut all the doors and curtains, never allowing them out during the day?
You shook the thought from your mind. There was still plenty of time to do some research and figure this out. There was no need to worry yourself thinking about something that may not even be a possibility. There was just as high of a chance that they would inherit your ability to walk in the sun.
You finished the dried meat and cleaned your hands of the grease that was left over. It was time to get dressed and get this day of your journey started. You grabbed your pants and put them on each of your legs without any problems. It was when you tried to button them together that you hit your first hurdle. They wouldn’t button.
You began to fight with the pants, trying with all your might to get them to close to no avail. You looked down to see that your stomach, which was once inconspicuous, now had a noticeable bump that was making it impossible to button your armor closed.
You cursed and suddenly felt a wave of nausea hit you as you barely had time to make it out the tent flaps and turn left into the bushes before you were emptying your stomach contents into the shrubbery. It was a long while until your stomach felt satisfied that it had given up all that it needed to, and by that time, the others in the camp had already started to come out and see what was going on.
“Went a little heavy with the wine again, I see.” Shadowheart had a touch of superiority in her voice that usually didn’t bother you, but for some reason, today, it just rubbed you the wrong way.
“I don’t think that's any of your concern.” You straightened your back and sucked in your stomach the best you could to hide your bump.
She looked down at your unbuttoned pants in confusion. “Are you still so drunk that you can’t even button your own pants?”
“Come on, you two, it's too early for this.” Wyll tried to chime in to stop the fight that was surely about to break out, but his efforts were in vain.
“I’m not drunk. I just suddenly got sick in the middle of my changing and needed to run outside, so I didn’t paint the walls of my tent! I don’t appreciate being interrogated every time something happens to me that you disagree with.” You turned your back to her and grabbed your bag of soaps. “I’m going to the river to clean myself. Can I go, or do you need to question me about that, too?”
You didn’t give her the chance to answer as you stormed off in the direction of the river that was just south of your camp. It was about when you were halfway to the shore that you realized you had no idea what the hells just happened or why you just got so mad at your friend.
“You're doing this to me.” You looked down and pointed to your bump. “You're making me do crazy things… I knew I shouldn’t eat spicy food.”
You let out a heavy sigh. Well, there was no sense in worrying about it now. You would just have to make amends when you got back to camp. Say something about how waking up and vomiting your guts out made you less than hospitable in the mornings.
Or maybe it was time to come clean about what was going on with you. You wanted to wait so that your news wouldn’t outshine Gale’s, but it was growing increasingly difficult to keep this hidden from everyone. You couldn’t hide the fact that your armor didn’t fit anymore. You needed to wear it for your own protection. You supposed that you could just say that you thought it was unnecessary because all the merchants you passed over the last three weeks said that their travels were fine. But what if that was just their good fortune and the rest of your travel would spell disaster? There was just no way to tell. If only you were a divination wizard.
You finally made it to the bank of the river and decided that since you were already here, you would do what you told everyone you were going to do. You slowly stripped off your pants and kicked them away for good measure; they were part of the damn problem. Then you took off your undershirt that went between you and your armor, throwing it over to where the pants ended up.
You looked down and saw a body you did not recognize. Breasts almost double the size of what they were before. Hips wider and fuller are also part of the problem as to why the pants didn’t fit and a small round belly protruding out where your baby rested safe and warm in your belly. You cradled that part of you and smiled, the only thing you liked about yourself at the moment.
You walked into the water with your bag of soap and took it out, getting it wet and starting to lather your skin with it. The soap smelled of lilac and blackberries. After you were done washing your arms, legs, and torso, you walked further into the water to wet your hair. The water was cold and caused you to shiver as you submerged yourself in it fully sinking under the water. You stayed under the water for a few seconds, enjoying the calmness you felt. The lack of sound in a world full of it.
When you finally came up for air you heard your name being called out. The voice sounded frantic and scared. You recognized the voice as belonging to Astraion in your haste to get away from the others at camp; you forgot that he wasn’t there. He had no idea where you were or what had happened; he probably showed up to camp, and you simply weren’t there.
“I’m okay! I’m just in the water.” You started to make your way back to the shore. The look of worry on his face was still ever present.
“What were you thinking, leaving without saying a word? You don’t even have any of your weapons; what if someone was out here and attacked you.” He shouted at you, but his voice broke at the end of his words.
“I know. I’m sorry, I just…” You fully step out of the water. Your body is on full display. “I Just needed some air… I needed to get clean.”
Your voice shook as you spoke. Embarrassment filled your every pore as you felt Astarion’s eyes on your body. “I got sick, and my pants don’t fit anymore, and I…” You felt yourself start to cry.
Astarion’s face melted from anger to worry the second your tears sprung free of your eyes. “You’re feeling self-conscious? You?”
“Of course I am! Look at me!” You gestured to your whole self. “My hips are huge, my clothes don’t fit, and I’m picking fights for no reason I can’t stop throwing up, and I’m….”
“Beautiful.” Astarion cut you off.
“Excuse you?”
“The fertility goddess herself couldn’t compare to you, my love.” He moved closer to you and hesitated. “May I touch you?”
You shook your head no, wrapping your arms around your body. Despite his words, you didn’t feel like they were true. Hallow words meant to flatter you and make you feel better. But deep down, you didn’t want to feel better. You wanted to wallow in self-pity and believe that all your fears were genuine. It was easier to believe in yourself than to trust others. Your own body was betraying you; why wouldn’t everyone else?
“Then I won’t touch you. Do you want me to leave?” Astarion stood still, almost as if he was in front of a wild deer, and he didn’t want to scare it away.
“Do you want to sit down and talk?”
“Yes.” You walked to a patch of grass, picking up your shirt on the way and covering yourself with it.
Astarion sat next to you but allowed for some distance between the two of you. “Tell me what you’re thinking. Tell me why my strong, beautiful, caring partner suddenly thinks she’s as ugly as a hag when she is far from it.”
“I don’t know…. I feel like a stranger in my own skin. Every time I wake up, something new about me has changed. I guess I’m just tired.” You hugged your knees to your chest.
“Darling, there is nothing wrong with change. Every day I wake up next to you, I thank the gods that I have you because you helped me change into the man I am today.” Astarion looked off into the distance. “When we first met, I was broken… I trusted no one and only strived for power so that no one could ever take advantage of me, and then there you were. You were everything that I wished I could be; you oozed self-confidence. Everyone listened to you when you spoke and did as you said. That's part of the reason why I seduced you.”
You remember back to his love confession when he confessed to having been using you the whole time for protection. That was until he started to feel the same feelings for you that you did for him. Through you, he had opened up and learned to trust again. Learned to love someone and get back his bodily autonomy.
“I remember. You fell so hard for me.” You smiled.
“Yes, I did. I felt like an idiot that even though I was manipulating you somehow without even trying, I did what I was trying to do, but even better. Truly, you are amazing.” You unwrapped one of your arms from your legs and reached for his hand. He wove his fingers into yours.
“I’m sorry. I just…. I listen to these words in my head, and they make me feel like there’s something wrong with me.”
“There is nothing wrong with you. Your body is changing; for god's sake, you are growing a new person inside of you. And I mean it when I say you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen and have become ten times more beautiful since you’re carrying my child inside you.”
Your cheeks felt hot. “Do you really mean that?”
“Every word.” Astarion paused and then continued. “May I show you?”
This time, you nodded your head yes.
Astarion moved so that he was kneeling before you, pausing to check if you were really okay. You nodded again, confirming you wanted to see what he was going to do.
“Lay down on your back if you would be so kind.” You did as he asked, placing your hands over your stomach. “Hands at your side, please.” You hesitated. “I want to show you just how beautiful I think you are.”
You slowly moved your hands off of your stomach and to your sides. “I’m not sure how this will…”
Astarion placed a light kiss on your tiny baby bump. “This is the best gift you could have given me.” He kissed the same area but in a different spot again. “For so long, I felt alone. I had no family but for the one Cazador made, but that was never truly a family.” He kissed a third time. “You have given me a chance at family again, something that I thought was lost the moment I became a vampire.”
Your eyes met the red of his, and you felt the gravity of his words. “I really am stupid….”
“Not stupid, just hormonal. pregnancy brain is a real thing, darling.” Astarion moved so that he was level with your face. “But it gives me a great excuse to tell you everything I truly feel and wow you with romanticism.”
“I don’t want to feel this way anymore.” You threw your head back. “And I want my damn pants to fit.”
“We can work something out. It’s just two more weeks till we’re in Waterdeep, and we can buy you a whole new wardrobe.” He scrunched his brows together. “This will pass; you are still the strongest person I know and the most beautiful behind me, of course.”
You sat up abruptly and jumped on top of him, pinning him to the ground.
“I don’t think this is going to get the reaction you want. I’m liking the view all too much, and I’m into this kind of thing.” He shot you a devilish smile.
“How do you know that I don’t want what you're thinking? And I know you like this.”
You leaned down and bit him hard on the left side of his neck, puncturing his skin and drawing blood. You sucked greedily at the holes you made in his neck until you heard a moan escape his lips. You pulled your lips away from his neck, where a large purple bruise started to form where you sucked.
“What do you think, Astarion? Is there anywhere else you want me to suck?” Your mouth was close to his ear as you spoke. And it dawned on you that pregnancy really was crazy. Just a few moments ago, you didn’t want anything to do with him, and now here you are craving the feel of him.
“I have some ideas, but for now, let me taste myself on your tongue.” Astarion pulled you to his lips. The taste of his blood was heavy on your tongue. He pushed through your lips quickly, and your tongues danced together.
You broke the kiss, wanting to tease him. It was only fair for all the times he teased you throughout the years. “Only a taste, Astarion, for I am not done tasting you.”
“Fuck.” He had a haze of lust as he watched you plant light kisses down his body, untucking his shirt to touch your lips to his skin.
You made your way to the waistband of his pants, barely looking up at him to meet his eyes. “Take these off.”
“You don’t have to ask twice.” Astarion pulled his waistband down just enough so that his length sprung free.
You grasped it gently at the base, placing your lips so that they just hovered above the head. Astarion waited with bated breath, his anticipation of what you were going to do. There was a question in his gaze.
You licked the tip of him lazily, causing a shudder to go through him that you felt at the base. You continued to lick lazy circles around his head. Every so often, a moan would escape deep in his throat. You did this for a few minutes, never going beyond the tip, teasing him with every stroke of your tongue.
“Are you going to tease me the whole time, or am I going to feel release?” Astarion’s voice shook his arousal plane to see in your hands.
You stopped and appeared to think for a moment. Playing out like you were contemplating something. “Maybe if you beg.”
Astarion let out a huff of air. “Please.”
“You can do better than that.” You accented every word so that a puff of air hit his tip.
“Please, I want to feel myself at the back of your throat.”
You nodded your approval and took him into your mouth, giving into his requests and taking him as far as you dared. His head lulled back as his fingers grasped the grass for some stability. You moved your lips back up his length, stopping just before leaving him entirely before going back down. You picked up the pace, throwing in intermittent twirls of your tongue around his tip to stroke and get him closer to his release.
He wove his fingers through your hair, and along with the gasps of pleasure that existed, his lip let you know that he was close to release. You sucked harder but kept the same pace as you felt Astarion's whole body tense, and as you felt his muscles release, you felt his warm seed hit the back of your throat. You swallowed it all and cleaned his tip before looking up at his face through the stray hairs that now covered your face.
“Gods, you look even more beautiful with me in you.” His voice was laced with pleasure, his eyes looking as if he wished to devour you.
“I know.” You moved from between his legs, grabbing your shirt from where you last placed it. “We should probably get back to the others… I need to apologize to Shadowheart.” You pulled your shirt over your head.
“Not until I return the favor.”
“I don’t think we have time for you to return the favor, but tonight, seek out my bedroll. I might let you in.” You placed a kiss on his lips.
“So I’m to just go about my day thinking about what you just did to me and stew about it?” Astarion pouted.
“Not stew plan. You’ll have all day to think of a way to get back at me.” You reached for your pants and frowned.
“You’re right.” He looked at you, holding your pants. “We can fix them so that they fit. Put them on.”
You did as he said, putting on the pants and trying to button them closed again and failed to do so. “Does the breastplate still fit?” He asked once he saw you try and fail to fasten your pants.
“Barley, but I think it will.” You tree up your hands.
“Let’s go back to camp, and we’ll attach the breastplate to the pants, which should keep them up for today, and then we’ll buy you some new armor at the next town we stop in.”
You nodded your agreement. “That’s the only thing we can do.”
“It will all work out just a few more weeks, and we can tell everyone our dirty little secret, and we won’t have to hide anything anymore.” He grabbed your hand to reassure you. “Everything will be alright. And no one cares that you yelled at Shadowheart; she is far too nosy.”
“I’m still going to apologize.”
You walked back to camp with Astarion to find that the others were waiting at the fire that was now just embers. They had already packed up their tents and seemed to be waiting for you and Astarion to come back and do the same. Shadowheart stood and walked towards the two of you with a look of relief on her face.
“I hope everything is alright…. I shouldn’t have just assumed that you drank too much last night; you've been sick this whole journey, it seems.” She didn’t meet your eyes.
“Yes, we'll, I shouldn't have gotten so angry with you… it’s not like I told you about my… sickness.” You decided to grasp onto the fact that she thought you had something wrong with you that was making you so sick.
“Is it something I can heal?” She asked, finally looking at you.
“No, I don’t think so… it will pass; I just need time.” You gave her a small smile.
“Alright, next time, I’ll hold your hair back so you don’t have to go to the river next time and make us all late to start today.” You knew her words were meant to be playful, not harmful.
“I’m sorry, I just needed to cool off. But I’ll go get ready now.” She gave you a curt nod.
You and Astarion went into the two of your tents and proceeded to fix your pants to your breastplate. With Astarion’s skills with a needle and thread, it looked as if nothing was a miss. Satisfied with his stitch job, the two of you then set to cleaning up and putting away your tent. In twenty minutes, you were packed up and ready to hit the road, no one mentioning the argument from earlier or the purple bruise that had already begun to fade on Astarion’s neck.
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tf2thoughtdump · 9 days
TF2 Thought of the Day
Headcanon? No.
Character(s)? Miss Pauling, most of the mercs.
Long or Short? Long in short snippets.
Not really a thought, more of just some things for you to use.
You're free to use any thoughts of mine in any form of media you make.
So, I have SFM and in my workshop sounds, I have Miss Pauling’s calls to the mercs for contracts. Here are my findings, with quotes.
Miss Pauling has contact with Demo’s mother and possibly makes occasional calls to her. (“Hey Demo, I was on the phone with your mom, she said you didn’t have enough jobs so I got you an extra one. I won’t lie, she sounded angry..”)
She occasionally calls Engineer to help fix her moped. And to help get rid of bodies. (“Engie, it’s Pauling. My mopeds making a funny noise, like a *chhk chhk chhk chhk grrrr chk chk* sorta.. thing?” “Hey Engie, you got anything in your warehouse that could liquify abouut, hold on…. let’s call it eighty bodies? My triple-shredder’s backed up. Anyway, think about it, I’ve got a job.”)
Miss Pauling is very much preschool teacher like with Pyro. (“Hey buddy! It’s Pauling!” “Hi, Pyro! I’ve got something I need you to do, okay buddy?” “Hey Pyro, you wanna do a real big favor for Miss Pauling?”)
She is SO done with Scout. (“Scout, Pauling here. Wrap up whatever you were bragging about and look at this.” “Scout, it’s Pauling. I’m assuming you’re talking right now, please stop..” “Hey, Scout. First, no to whatever you were about to ask.” “Engie, it’s Pauling. Is Scout there? Cough if he’s there. I’ve got a job for you, NOT him.”)
Miss Pauling called Sniper for a rare contract and caught him peeing in a jar.
She plays into Soldier’s over-military personality and his odd imagination. (“Soldier I need you and Pepper-Pot-Pete, and Salty-Pete, and Pete-Pepper-Pants.. hell, all your cardboard friends for this one.” “Soldier, you know who doesn’t want you to take this job? Hippies! Communists! Tom Jones! Show them, Soldier. Show them all.”)
Miss Pauling may have helped Spy get a DNA test to find out of Scout was his son or not. (“Hey Spy, Pauling. I took care of that DNA test for you. […]”) She’s also been close enough to him physically to smell his ski mask. (“Spy, just between you and me? You should really wash that ski mask. Like, once. There’s visible stink lines coming off that thing. Anyway, I need a favor.”)
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lovelystarlightsblog · 3 months
When they get Chickenpox.
This has been on my mind for a ridiculous amount of time and I’m finally here to post it!
Albert James Moriarty
May god bless you with patience… Trust me you’ll need it…
This man is straight up a MANACE. I’m not even kidding. You better prepare yourself like you’re going to war cause taking care of him is the most annoying, challenging, and frustrating thing you’ll ever deal with.
I cannot even stress enough how much of a pain he is when he’s sick. And this man clearly doesn’t enjoy discomfort or any kind of annoyance. And boy! He’s easily irritated. So to make this short… He’s a little b!tch…
He whines and complains nonstop about how itchy he is and how miserable he feels with his fever and red spots all over him. He also gets twice as emotional and gets irritated about the tiniest things, even if it’s as small as how his tea is getting cold.
He just finds everything around him is annoying, and in all honesty… Taking care of him is a great way to test everyone’s patience.
Albert is generally an easily irritated man, so imagine him feeling itchy all over while having a fever to complete it like a cherry on top…. Yeah, it’s not pretty at all. And you know that.
There’s not a single moment where he doesn’t act all grumpy and pouting so much. And he acts all dramatic about everything. He gets annoyed at small things and keeps telling you how uncomfortable he feels. Everytime you enter the room you always see him lay back against the bed frame with a pillow behind him. Crossing his arms and pouting like a child.
Louise is going to have to buy new plates and cups because Albert sometimes break them by pushing them off, either because the food is cold or too salty. Starving him is not an option and never will be. Cause he gets crankier when angry. Louise is almost furious at him.
The bigger problem is that Albert CAN’T keep his hands still. He just can’t handle the itching so he vigorously scratches himself all over. Nagging him that scratching only makes it worse and leave scars only stops him for a few minutes. And after that, he gets back to scratching every spot he could possibly reach. You, William, Louise had no choice but to tie his hands in mittens. And oh boy, Albert has never hated mittens so much in his whole life…
But despite his behavior, he’s actually incredibly clingy! He clings onto you close and holds you tight like his life depends on it, not wanting you to leave him for just a second. It’s adorable, but also annoying cause you have to convince him sometimes to let you leave for a minute. (Including when you need to go to the bathroom)
This would all be amusing and hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s so ANNOYING. Albert who’s usually calm and collective person suddenly turns into a cranky child with chickenpox. It’s definitely funny. You never seen him to be such a mess before, and it’s almost at the point where it’s… Amusing… (still annoying though)
The whole crew is pretty much exhausted. Including William and Louise. Jack even tells you to stop babying him cause Albert had became a lot more spoiled now. And everyone agree that out of all the missions they face. This is the hardest one…
You help him apply lotion and ointment to soothe the itching, and he’s surprisingly quiet the whole time. Only letting out small moans and sighs as you rub the lotion on his reddish skin. The tone where he ISN’T a pain to deal.
There’s also bathing him in oatmeal. And a little heads up, the water has to be just right or he’ll start complaining. But once that settled he’ll just relax as he’s soaked in the warm water. Just make sure to take an eye on him cause there’s a chance he might scratch himself.
And once he’s finally recovered (which usually last 1-2 weeks as an adult making it feels like an eternity for everyone). He’ll pretend that nothing happened. Though he’ll try to make it up for everyone by giving them something in return, cause to be honest. He’s absolutely MORTIFIED to think back how he was acting when he was sick. One more important note, never. And I mean NEVER bring that up again. He’ll give anyone the most intense glare to whoever brings that up that the word “terrifying” would be a huge understatement.
LOL I may have made Albert a bit out of character, but I seriously have no regrets. He’s such an a$$hole I love him….
I love my adult-sized baby~…
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bills-pokedex · 3 months
To whom it may concern (Bebe and Cassius):
I'm sure we'll all well aware of the current event surrounding a certain Unovan(?) entrepreneur who stylizes himself as a genius. It is therefore unnecessary to show me news about his latest "innovative endeavors" for the express purpose of "watching [me], an inventor, age about ten years every time."
So to get it out of the way for the thirteenth and hopefully final time:
Yes, I'm aware.
No, I don't know how he got a stainless steel tank, a rocket cobbled together from spare parts, a self-driving car that occasionally ignites into a ball of flames while trapping its driver in thanks to multiple design flaws, or the brain chip past an ethics committee.
Yes, I am "salty" that I made one mistake with one of my inventions, and now I'm constantly scrutinized by the Pokémon Cutting-Edge Technology Research Institute's ethics committee.
No, I do not want the brain chip.
Yes, I want to study the brain chip.
The fifth point is out of morbid curiosity as to how it got past an ethics committee, not respect.
Hopefully, this clears things up.
Best, Bill
{From the Mun:
I found this in the drafts, and I thought it would be hilarious to bring this out and tack on an update post while I'm at it.
But the biggest thing is, I'm . . . actually leaving Tumblr. Now, the main reason for that is my main got super borked up. I've been told by my followers over there it's not shadowbanning, but I'm pretty sure it's random-ass shadowbanning. I cannot receive asks, I can't tag people, I don't have DMs, and I don't show up in notes. As for why, I can't fathom. For the most part, I've kept my nose pretty clean on that account, other than that one time somebody in the writeblr community kinda lost it and tried to use a bunch of random people as a scapegoat for drama reasons. Yeah, idk.
Anyway, the point is, I've submitted a ticket a few months ago and then . . . never heard back. And honestly, for personal reasons, I'm not really inclined on remaking.
Personal reasons being I'm gunning for writing an actual book, as you might know from my last-ish post? Like, non-Pokémon book. Though I'll admit some bits might be familiar to those of you who've hung around the blog for a while. Here's a hint: take powerverse, gender swap it, role swap it, and then stick it into FFXIV and add more steampunk. It's been cooking for the past year you haven't seen me, and I'm aiming to start pitching it to agents by the end of the year. If you'd like to follow along, if you're also a writer who would like to make more writing friends, or if you just like my writing for some reason and want to keep up with me, you can find me at jaxwolffwrites on both Bluesky and Twitter. Bsky moreso, but you'll get progress on this project on either of those other platforms.
Now, I will say this: just to be fair, I'm doing three things:
Closing the askbox. Admittedly, if you've been sending me asks for the past three months, I haven't seen them anyway. Sooooo I probably should've done that ages ago. Sorry about that.
Answering any ask I've saved to the drafts. Any ask. Please note that I don't know if the borking I've described above extends to this blog as well, so Bill won't be replying to replies or reblogs/tags. Apologies for that in advance. There are 49 posts in the drafts, and these will come out fairly slowly as I continue to keep up with my writing schedule on the other project.
Leaving this blog up as an archive. Assuming Tumblr doesn't nuke the main and the backup account that was created in an effort to avoid total nuking, and assuming Tumblr doesn't nuke this blog itself, I really want to leave this up so you can enjoy this pretty much forever onward. You all are the reason why this blog has gone on for so long, and I want to preserve this blog as a thank you for following me for so long.
So yes, after I clear the drafts, you'll likely see one last farewell from Bill and Lanette, and then that will be that. To everyone who's followed, thank you so much for following and supporting this blog over the years. As many ups and downs as running this had, I still look back on every moment as one fun adventure.
So thank you, and take care.}
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thestitchywitchy · 2 years
Pick a Card Reading : Blessings Coming Your Way
Hello and welcome to my first PAC! My name is Stitchy and I have been practicing Tarot reading for a decade now. I’ve always wanted to do pacs but never got around to it until now. So I’m excited to see how this goes!
Please take a breath, close your eyes, and choose a picture you feel most connected to. This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you feel inclined to choose more than one, please feel free to do so. Feedback would be very much appreciated 😊
To book a reading with me, please DM or send an email to [email protected] with your inquiry 💌
My Links 🔮 <- Please Support Your Witch
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Pictures are from Pinterest, credit to the owners. Editing was done by me.
Group 1 - The Latern | Group 2 - Paper Boat | Group 3 - Pile of Books
Deck Used : Deviant Moon Tarot
One 🕯
2 of Cups rx | 6 of Swords rx | 5 of Wands
Welcome to your reading, group 1! Wow, ok. So you are the group of people who finally said “enough is enough. I’m doing things my way” and I am so proud of you for doing so! You’ve poured so much into this cup, realized you were the only one pouring into it, and decided to knock it over to let it spill and run dry. They don’t get to keep drinking from your cup if they’re not going to help fill it. Good on you for standing firm in your boundaries! You may have had a recent break up, quit your job, told someone off…just basically walking away from a situation that wasn’t doing anything for you. You got tired of the conflict and avoided it rather than continue to feed into it. You chose yourself and your peace first. Go you! Some of you may be currently getting some backlash for this decision though. People may be saying you’re being selfish or you may even start to feel guilty about this decision. Spirit says don’t feel guilty and don’t listen to the haters. You’re not being selfish for putting yourself first, after all, this is your life. It’s better spent on doing things that you enjoy doing. Keep going down this path as you still have some unfinished business to deal with regarding this person or situation, but know that you will be divinely protected when doing so. All right group one, the blessings that are coming your way will be deeply personal and maybe even spiritual for a lot of you! You’re going to receive a lot of personal growth and insight by continuing to avoid the conflict between you and this person or situation. I’m not saying to run away from all of your problems, but knowing when to walk away is a blessing in itself. A lot, if not most, of you will also be getting a chance to be vocal about your wants and needs. Actually, what I’m getting is that you’ll be receiving quite a few situations where you can be vocal about your wants and needs so you can practice enough to be confident in staying firm in your boundaries. The key is to face the conversation/conflict when it happens, be firm in standing in your boundaries every time a situation arises, and knowing when to walk away when the other isn’t respecting or listening to those boundaries. I see a lot of much needed tension release coming your way, group one! You’ve always carried so much on your shoulders. I see you lightening the load by walking away from these situations that no longer serve you. I heard, “it’s about time” lol. Once you get more confident in expressing yourself, the freedom you get from allowing yourself to be unwaveringly yourself is a blessing you can carry with you for a life time.
Other intuitive message for group one - smell after blowing out a candle. Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn placements. Neon green sign. Fly buzzing. 111. 444 or 4:44. Blue tie dye shirt. Yellow flowers blowing in a field. Ocean, but grey and stormy looking. Salty after taste. Red ears from blushing. Red coffee cup. “Lightning in a Bottle” by The Summer Set. “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo.
Wheel of Fortune rx | Strength rx | 7 of Pentacles rx
Hello and welcome, group 2! Your group is a little different from the other two piles in the sense that the blessings that are coming your way have a limited time for you to claim before they go away… So you have to strike while the iron is hot! The blessings that are coming your way will be an opportunity for you to break your current cycles. But in order for you to do so, you have to dig deep and display your inner strength. This may be in the form of standing up for yourself or others, paving your own path, displaying your raw emotions; basically doing anything that you wouldn’t normally do because you were afraid to do so or you were afraid of how others would perceive you. This will allow you to open yourself up to more opportunities that you may have not even realized were in the cards for you (ha, there’s a pun there). For some of you, this opportunity will also be an eye opener for others in how they may view you. Where once they thought you might have been a push over or too nice, they will see that there is actually a bit of fight in you. Hmm, I also see that a lot of people mistake you for being prim and proper, but they’re about to get a different side of you. I see a lot of people second guessing themselves about you. You’re also incredibly hard on yourself that people can see. Some may even want to take advantage of that. Wait… hold please. This is great 😆 I don’t mean to laugh! But how Spirit presented it to me…anyways… quite a bit of you will awaken your inner beast and they’re ready to come out of their cage! You’ve been tired of how people treat you, so you’ll get the opportunity to let someone know that. I also feel for a lot of you that, even though there is a small window of opportunity here, this will jumpstart the desire or need to break out of your norm and start doing things a bit more differently for yourself. I see you heading towards the path of getting what you want, even if that mean getting it by all means necessary. Making the wheels turn in your favor from now on. I honestly love that visceral intensity for you!…I just warn to not get too carried away with it lol but I am proud of you for wanting and doing more for yourself, group 2.
Other intuitive messages for group 2 - “Want Want” by Maggie Rogers. “I love me” by Demi Lovato. Greenish yellow eyes. A prominent nose. Life path number 6 or just the number 66. Also, 606. Pisces, Cancers, Libra, Taurus, 11th house placements. “Marie Laveau” by Merci Raines (a lot of songs for this group). Looking in a mirror. Gold chain but there’s a link broken. Silk.
Three 📚
8 of Swords rx | Page of Swords | 9 of Swords rx
Hello, group 3! Welcome to your reading… this is my creative group, I see! The blessings that are coming your way will be ways to expand your creativity and creative endeavors. I see here that you are or have been working on releasing your negative thoughts and worries surrounding your creative process and vision, and the Universe wants to reward you for your hard work because getting out of a negative mindset isn’t the easiest of tasks. Some of you may still be worrying if people will accept your art, and with that, yourself alone. Spirit urges you to release that self doubt because making art is your purpose. Allow yourself to be open to new perspectives, let your curiosity guide you, and proudly display your thirst for knowledge and you will see something beautiful flourish right before your eyes! Spirit is saying to even get a bit weird with it. Make something purely out of silliness and joy. Something that your inner child would get an absolute kick out of. You will be heavily rewarded with new ideas and inspiration. I’m also getting that for a lot of you, this will help you develop of way of communicating through your art. It won’t just be a hobby, but something you put your soul into. Whether it be writing, painting, music, drawing, what have you…you’ll make people feel something or feel closer to you just by reading, seeing, or hearing your work. That’s beautiful, group 3. I currently feel very moved myself, my eyes got a bit watery there. So I think that’s what you’re going to make a lot of people feel with your work. I feel that some of you may even be Spiritual workers or spiritually inclined and you’re going to be making connections with people in that way as well. I see some readers and mystics second guessing themselves and their abilities. Take a rest to recharge your batteries, meditate, journal, what have you…. Go into yourself for a bit rather than sharing your energy at this time. It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong, you just need a change in flow then hopefully you’ll shift away from this negative mindset. Be open to receiving new ideas and maybe even creating firmer boundaries for yourself. This will allow you to maintain relationships while also prioritizing your creative endeavors. I just see this group working passionately and happily content with themselves. It has taken a lot for you to get to this point and I am so proud of you!!
Other intuitive messages for group 3 - “Finesse” by Bruno Mars and Cardi B. “Dancing in the Dark” by Rihanna. “Everybody wants it” by Zee Machine. Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, 7th, 9th, 12th house placements. Live grand. Bee sting. 50/50. A green stop sign that says START instead. So a starting point. The phrase “again and again” keeps repeating. Amethyst and specifically a foggy rose quarts. A diamond ring.
All rights reserved to @thestitchywitchy. Thank you for participating in this pick a card reading 😊
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kimmiessimmies · 4 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
@anamoon63 tagged me to do this again. Thank you, dear, and thank you for requesting Leona!
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Leona has a very obvious and self-confessed fear of commitment. She told James from the get-go that whatever they may have, it would never be an actual relationship. Since he didn't want that either, it was all good.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Leona is sensitive to noise, so overly present sounds irritate her. Like when people chew their food loudly or breathe heavily or a malfunctioning appliance that keeps clicking or whatever.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Headphones, ballet shoes and hairbands (to quickly tie her hair in a bun when dancing).
What do they notice first in a person?
Sincerity. Or lack thereof. Leona is very perceptive. Cut the bullshit.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
8/9. The girl is made of steel.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Are you kidding me? Leona is an obvious fighter.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Family is a farce as far as Leona is concerned. She comes from a very broken home which she left at 16 and never looked back. Marriage? Kids? Nope, not for her.
What animal represents them best?
Black panther: graceful, always in black and with a mighty roar.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Unwashed clothing, towels, sheets, etc. Ew.
Have they broken any bones?
Yes, she's been hurt as a child. We'll leave it at that.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Closed off, loner.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Definite night owl.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Leona likes savoury and salty things. She prefers that over sweetness.
Do they have any hobbies?
Dancing, but that's not just her hobby. It's her passion, her calling, her drive, her goal. She also loves yoga and meditation.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Nope. No way. Get out. Surprises are not a happy thing in Leona's book. She needs to stay in control, and surprises usually require relinquishing control. So no, she'll pass, thank you.
Do they like to wear jewellery?
Not particularly. She does, sometimes, but jewellery often hinders her movement when she dances.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
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What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Leona blocks emotions, and she knows that's not healthy, which is why she's getting therapy now.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
What kind of accent do they have?
I don't know about accent, but Leona's voice is kind, yet her words can be sharp.
I won't be tagging, but feel free to consider yourself tagged if you wish to do this, too.
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invisi-bill-blog · 2 months
Since I enjoy the theory/headcanon that Invisi-Bill is related to Victoria Best I like to think of him as her uncle! There’s quite a bit I would like to speak about.
Note: This is a lot of headcanons put together!
TW: mentions of homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and child abuse
Invis-Bill’s flaws: He’s generally “flawed”, he’s not seen as a villain even after going to Villain School, and his attempts to rob the jewelry store are quickly shut down by Wordgirl. Some people might find him annoying which is another “flaw” as the Bests most likely look down upon. They speak very precise and to the point with the show’s usual “wow this person is rich and prestigious” voice that we see in other characters like Reginald. Invisi-Bill breaks that and speaks his mind in a happy-go-lucky way. He doesn’t care he’s “flawed” at all, because he is no longer part of that family. He also is boyfriends with BLHG, which can be seen as a “flaw” to close minded people (which Victoria’s parents very much are close-minded) other “flaws” may include: Invisi-Bill having AuDHD, being trans, ect. Which are often looked down upon by close-minded people.
Invisi-Bill’s mediocrity: As stated before, Invisi-Bill isn’t even seen as a villain from his peers. His villain status was completely diminished, but the thing the show did was amazing. Throughout that episode: we see Glen Furlblam and Raul Demiglasse waving and smiling at Invisi-Bill and BLHG when their villain status comes into question. When their status is revoked, they are still met with that same enthusiasm from the two as they were before (even though the other villains looked down upon them!) Even from the lowest rank, the two are met with people who really want to be their friends! They do not care about status at all, and instead get along from their mutual mediocrity in a world of villains trying to be #1. Yes, the two were upset about it of course (the two worked really hard to try and keep their status) but it really doesn’t keep them down as you see them commit other crimes and continue to be themselves. If Victoria fails at ANYTHING her parents immediately chastise her, and you can tell it makes her upset deep down. She has always been taught that she must be the best, and mediocrity is frowned upon.
Victoria Best: Victoria is a multitalented young girl in the Best Family. Her talents are best shown in her debut episode of the same name as she is given all of the awards except for one at the school talent show. The only award she didn’t get was the award for the best reader (which went to Becky Botsford AKA Wordgirl whose main ability is her vocabulary and fast reading skills!) She actually WON all of those awards at that talent show! She only begins stealing awards when her parents begin to chastise her. Her parents are unhappy when Victoria fails at a single thing, even if she won a million other things, and it really gets to her (even if she tries to not show it, or gets shut down from showing her emotions). She’s truly a child prodigy, and yet her parents treat her like winning is expected of her even if it’s something she’s actually not good at or hurts her in the process (like when she ate all those salty crackers and it hurt her throat). She clearly has barriers up to keep herself safe from the amount of verbal abuse she receives from her parents. She continues telling herself that she is in fact the best at everything, and failure to do so means she’s a failure.
The main point: Invisi-Bill grew up in the Best family, but he was estranged after his many flaws. No matter how hard he tried, he still failed, and it was difficult for him to get over. He has a hard time paying attention due to his ADHD, and he can be taken as rude when he says things that come into his head. Yet after all the trauma, all the struggle, he still came out to be such a happy guy. He finally got away from all the expectations from the family and he got to take a step back to fully see the world for what it is. A flawed mess. He takes pride in his flaws, and he loves himself for who he is, not who people want him to be, or the expectations people put on him. He never exactly got to meet Victoria until she was 10-11, and even then he could hardly speak to her. He had to hide the fact he was speaking to her from his brother (her father) so he wouldn’t get mad at him or Victoria. Invisi-Bill is the one to truly understand her turmoil, and he listens to her vent and cry about everything happening. He tells her that he loves her, and it’s the most genuine thing she’s ever heard. He loves her, flaws and all. He wants to support her in doing the things she wants to do, and telling her she doesn’t have to be the best at it right away. Happiness is the most important thing of them all, and Invisi-Bill teaches her that.
Thank you for listening to my rant!
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write-a-circle · 2 years
A pretty strange ask, but... can you write some soft yandere Russia headcanons, please? People mostly imagine him as a very cruel yan, but I think its not close to reality at all. He just wants someone to with him and I highly doubt that he would want to hurt his loved one.
Also, your writing is great! I enjoyed reading everything you wrote, awesome job!
soft yandere russia headcanons
content warning: unhealthy obssessive behaviour, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, violence and mentions of death
thank you for requesting! though this may not be to your expectations, as i'm not the best with yandere content :') also this turned out to be general yandere headcanons for him oops-
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At first, you two were total strangers who only ever saw each other at international conferences and meetings. But you began helping him with small things, giving him the slightest well-meaning attention and he is enamored with you. This desperate need for love stemmed from the fact that everyone he’s ever had left him - his sisters, his fellow Soviet members. Russia is a lonely nation.
Stalking. It’s actually impressive how well he does this without being found out despite his big frame. Russia thinks this is actually an act of love.
Isn’t the type to actively spoil you, but will give you anything that he can afford. Once, he ripped out his own heart and hands it to you, fresh and bloodied. He also rips out his other body parts, though mainly organs, such as his liver, lungs and kidneys. Also nearly ripped his own left eye out to give it to you (was fortunately stopped). Russia thinks that it’s a show of devotion, to sacrifice one’s own flesh and blood for one’s partner. While it’s very sweet and all, you wish he didn’t take it so literally…
And you’re absolutely right about him never wanting to hurt his darling - after all, they’re the love of his life! Why would he ever want to make an angel cry? However, he will hurt others who get in the way.
People notice that Russia stops hovering over his “friends” (i.e. Lithuania, Czechia, Latvia), and they take pity on you - Russia’s latest victim. You don’t believe this, because in your eyes, Russia has been nothing but kind to you, and on some degree you felt like you have to take care of him because Russia’s such a poor soul, isolated from the rest of the world, for the world rejects him, and no one deserves to suffer like that. And yet it’s your own kindness that’s your undoing, as Russia only falls even harder every time you show him the tiniest touch of kindness.
Of course, Belarus, too, notices his sudden interest in you, and begins to get suspicious, as she knows that look in his eyes all too well. It’s the same one that she sees every time she looks into the mirror - of longing, of sickly, twisted passion for her beloved. But you? Her darling brother harboring feels for you out of all people?
Belarus seethes with rage, clutching all the hidden blades she has on her body. She is more than ready to slit your throat right then and there. Honestly, Belarus really doesn’t want to waste her time with someone like you, but obstacles were obstacles. Nothing personal.
You begin to notice the strange salty taste in your water. The feeling that you’re being watched at night. Eyes boring holes in your back in the shower. Your clothes going missing, then returned full of scratches, holes and dripping red. This is another downside to having Russia obsessed with you, because you get a 2-in-1 package. Not only you have to deal with one yandere, you get two after you for two very different reasons.
Russia finds out, and does not ignore her like he usually does, no, he yells at Belarus. His voice thunders through the room, and Belarus flinches, but she doesn’t falter. There are tears streaming down her eyes, as she screams at him. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why?
Russia tries his best to control himself, but before he knew it, his sister’s white, porcelain skin has turned into a violent shade of blue. He looks down. His hands were on Belarus’s throat, pinning her against the wall. She claws on his large hands, choking out his name in disbelief.
His heart stops. Russia lets go of his sister, and she crumples down like a rag doll. His mind races a hundred miles, but nothing registers in his mind, not even Belarus’s violent, hacking coughs as she tries to breathe just any bit of air at all in. The entire world seemed spun, and Russia closes the door behind himself - closing off his sister’s cries from the rest of the world.
At times, Russia doesn’t even notice his own behaviour - intimidating others, promising to do… things to them should they interfere with your relationship. You may notice Estonia giving you the cold shoulder after this, along with your close friends, who blabber half-hearted excuses to get away from you.
Hushed voices hang in the air, whispering about how Russia found himself a new toy to chew on and spit out later. Poor thing. They don’t deserve such misery, they don’t deserve to be with such a monster.
There have been several attempts to, ah, warn you of your current predicament. But you’re always left confused of what they were all about, as before the nation could say anything, Russia will always be there. Always. With his usual bright, angelic smile, pressing a soft kiss to your temple and then disappearing along with a nation to have a little talk. The nation never meets your eyes again.
It’s honestly laughable. You reach out to save him from loneliness, and now you were the one facing ostracization. But you don’t know that, do you? All you saw was everyone in your life leaving you - everyone but Russia, who stays and comforts you, just like how you’d come into his life with open arms.
You find yourself staying inside all the time, because what is there outside? Nothing. No one is there anymore. No one but Russia, who comes home every day, always with a welcoming smile for you no matter what he had to endure outside.
He wipes your tears away. It’s just the two of you against the world now. What’s that? A speck of red on his coat? Oh, he was being clumsy and cut himself earlier, there’s no need to worry about that. Just focus on breathing slowly now, you’ll be safe in his arms.
Safe forever.
Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed. Raindrops banged and crashed against the windows, but they were nowhere near as loud as the sound of your heart pounding noisily inside your chest as you tiptoed down the hallway, the gift well-hidden behind your back. Watering them before plucking seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the backside of your shirt was soaking wet.
Your eyes darted around. Just there on Earth was he? The carpet would be drenched if you couldn’t find him soon. Yet you let out a small giggle. The surprised look on his face when you show him would be glorious…
“Доброе утро⁽¹⁾, (Name).”
You shrieked and turned around to see none other than the light-haired man smiling at you sweetly. “Ivan! Good morning to you, too! The, um, weather today’s very… nice… isn’t it?” Forced laughter left your throat.
Russia giggled. “You do know that there is storm outside, да⁽²⁾?”
“I- yes, I do, I- well…” Cat’s out of the bag. No point in trying to hide it anymore. You showed him the flowers, fresh and teeming with life. The vibrant yellow did not fit the solemn atmosphere, where Victorian-esque walls loomed, suffocating you with the dark of the storm.
Russia’s smile faded. You could see the gears in his head turn as his eyes grew bigger and bigger. “Sunflowers,” he said. “My favourite.”
The bouquet shook in your hands. Your eyes trained on the ground. “I grew some for you,” you admitted. “Of course, that may be the reason why they look kind of sad compared to the ones at the flower shops- Actually, thinking back about it, I should’ve bought the sunflowers instead of growing them myself because while doing it yourself makes the gift feel more special, the recipient doesn’t always necessarily want your lousy handmade gift, so- Mmph!”
Russia practically lunged forward to swipe you into a hug. He didn’t seem to mind the flowers getting crushed. “It is the thought that counts, (Name). Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“I…” Warmth flooded your cheeks, and you buried your face into his touch. “Yeah. Thanks, Rus.”
Water from the flowers soaked into the fronts of your shirts, but you couldn’t care less. All that mattered was you being in Russia’s gentle arms. So warm and kind. If only you could stay this way forever…
Latvia’s voice echoed through the halls. You looked over to see the small man in the doorway, nearly stumbling over because of the enormous stack of papers in his hands.
“Could you come here for a moment? I need you to fill out these docume-” His eyes widened at the sight of your current situation. “Oh! Good morning, Mr. Russia, I see you’re kind of busy hugging (Name)- Wait, no, nevermind, I’ll leave you two alone!” He scrambled out of sight, papers flying everywhere in the halls.
You tried to move, but Russia’s grip on you suddenly tightened. “Russia…?” Your voice faltered. “The flowers are going to get crushed…”
“Stay with me,” he mumbled.
“I’ll give you double the hugs when I finish,” you insisted.
His lips trembled on your neck. “Promise?”
His embrace only got tighter, like a cage closing on around you, yet you still managed to wiggle out, even just by a bit. “Dip them in water, okay? I’ll be right back.” You gave him a small kiss on the cheek and ran after Latvia.
Russia stood with only your sunflowers to keep him company as he watched your form grow smaller and smaller until you were finally gone. He looked at the gift. Some were crushed beyond recognition, but others were completely fine. These flowers carried the color of joy, the color of warmth, the color of sunshine. The color of your love for him.
He pressed a kiss to the bouquet. Latvia was going to regret this later.
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⁽¹⁾Доброе утро: Good morning
⁽²⁾да: yes
Last edited: 4/12/2022
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Clumsy Mouse
(Leona with rodent!Syn won, so here it is! Takes place the same week of Late Night Check In, so Leona is a bit salty about Syn’s disappearance AND finding out that Malleus and them hang out.
Also… yes, I may or may not have actually tripped like this before, but fuck off. I know I’m clumsy, lol. Also, yeah, Syn’s a gerbil but ‘Clumsy Gerbil’ doesn’t sound as good.)
Count: 6865
TW/CW: Soft, safe, nonsexual oral G/t vore and a bit of mouthplay
“Your tail’s twitching,” Ruggie said in mild amusement, glancing over said appendage as it flicked back and forth irritably.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Leona crossed his arms over his chest and looked as casual as can be, though the illusion was broken by an even stronger twitch of his tail that threatened to flick high enough to knock off anything too close to the edge of the table. His ear twitched at Ruggie’s signature snicker.
“Sure ya don’t,” the hyena raised his arms to lace his fingers behind his head, mischievously adding, “I heard Malleus has been less sulky than usual these last few days.”
“RUGGIE.” Leona practically snarled, making the shorter man yelp.
“Aw, what’s that,” Ruggie asked rhetorically, covering his nervousness at Leona’s snap. “I forgot to take your clothes to the cleaners? Lemme take care of that real quick.”
The hyena quickly left the room while Leona glared at his retreating form for a few seconds. Once Ruggie was out of the room, Leona scoffed and growled to himself.
“Tch. That fucking lizard…”
“This is DEFINITELY not the right color,” Syn sighed, putting their hands on their hips as they looked at the far too orange concoction they’d ended up with in the small personal cauldron Professor Crewel had let them borrow for this extra credit assignment.
It was supposed to be red.
Huffing, they pulled their phone out of their pocket before hesitating on who to contact for help. They were getting real tired of having to rely on everyone else for their fucking coursework.
The Octavinelle trio were the first to come to mind, particularly Jade and Azul, but they still hadn’t gathered the nerve to apologize to Azul for snapping at him last week and they didn’t doubt the two eels were more than willing to jump them the second the duo was around them alone.
Both of them had already walked up during lunch at some point and told them to ‘watch their back’ lest they find themself ‘punished for their little stunt’. Probably the only reason they hadn’t yet was because of their duties as Mostro Lounge.
Riddle was good, but he explained things in so much detail that their head would swim instead of just saying 'Put two sprigs of Witch Willow in, then the Newts Breath' and they wanted to actually be able to make it themself rather than him just take over and hand them a final product. They weren't close to Vil and he specialized in poisons, though they didn't doubt he could handle the weak transmutation potion that was just meant to turn lead into aluminum… they mostly just felt awkward talking to him.
Syn growled as they scrolled through their contacts, debating just accepting the fail to bump their score when they turned it in tomorrow.
Coming across Leona's name, they paused and quirked an eyebrow. He'd helped them and Epel before… though, that had been because Epel mentioned Rook. Still, he’d been acting a bit weird the last couple days, almost aggressively helpful.
He still insulted them, sneered at them and called them ‘herbivore’, yet somehow he’d been almost TOO eager to try and offer his assistance despite grumbling the whole time and saying they should ‘cry tears of joy for his kindness’. It was only a bit more annoying than usual and maybe they could take advantage of his current ‘compassion’ to help them figure out where they went wrong.
With the full knowledge that texting seldom ever drew the lion's attention, they steeled themself to call him. As long as it wasn’t on mute, he should, theoretically, answer… maybe.
Syn started to peel off their labcoat and gloves as they waited with their phone on speaker, deciding to take a break from the protective fabric until Leona potentially showed up. After a few rings, the man surprisingly picked up.
“What do ya want, herbivore,” Leona’s voice was thick and a bit huskier from sleep, having obviously been woken up.
Well, now they felt a bit bad about trying to get his help. And suddenly very nervous to continue lest they bring the wrath of a pissed off lion on themself.
“Ack, you know what? It’s fine,” they said, waving their hand dismissively despite him not being able to see them. “Not that important, so sorry for waking you. I’ll let you-.”
“You’ve already woken me with something to say, so spit it out,” he demanded, making them sigh.
“Crewel gave me the chance to bump my grade with an extra credit transmutation potion, but I keep fucking it up somehow, so I was gonna ask for some help with it,” Syn reluctantly replied, fiddling with one of the rubber gloves they placed on the nearest desk. “I can probably figure it out at some point though, so don’t worry about it.”
There was a growl from the other side of the phone and they fully expected to be bitched at for wasting his time. Instead, to their immense surprise, Leona grumbled, “I’ll be there in a bit. Dump what you have so we can start from scratch and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong.”
“Oh, uuuuh, thanks,” they blinked in surprise at his unnaturally amiable behavior, feeling hesitant and a bit suspicious about it.
“Don’t mention it. You owe me though,” they could practically feel the lions smugness from their phone, able to easily picture the smirk usually coupled with it.
“Of course,” they sighed, but it made more sense and was less disconcerting than the man somehow deciding to do something with no strings attached. Pinching the bridge of their nose, they added, “Fine, fine. As long as you can help me, whatever.”
“See you soon, herbivore,” Leona chuckled before the hang up tone sounded from their phone.
Syn huffed, glowering at the now black screen before placing the phone on the desk. As they grabbed the small cauldron by the cast iron handles, grunting a little at the weight, they supposed that it could be a lot worse. They could have Floyd wrapping himself around them to impede their movement or throwing random ingredients to cause something interesting (I.e. explosion) or Azul trying to swindle them for his assistance.
Leona would probably just eat them and pass out for a few hours, too lazy for much taunting and preferring to just get right to the point. Not ideal, but not the worst.
As they walked around a couple desks to the Magical Waste container where it would safely dissipate from a bunch of charms on it, they found themself tripping over nothing. The tip of their shoe just grazed the ground a bit too much as they lifted their leg and caused them to stumble.
They were able to keep themself from falling face first onto the personal cauldron and spilling it, jerking to the side to try and use the shelf beside them to remain upright. But, the force caused the shelf to shake, rattling ingredients against the glass doors for a moment before those same glass doors swung open. Several random ingredients fell on top of them and the cauldron, some loose and some in jars.
A particularly heavy jar struck them on top of their head and startled them with the sudden pain, causing them to bend forward in surprise and reach up to rub the spot… realizing halfway that they let go of one of the cauldron handles.
“Wait, fuck, nooo,” Syn practically wailed in tired exasperation as potion spilled and the cauldrons weight shifted enough for them to have to try and take a step to steady themself, sneaker slipping on the now wet floor. Letting out a startled scream as their foot slipped out from beneath them, they fell back against the ingredient shelf, potion and ingredients alike spilling onto them.
An explosion of multicolored smoke and magic sparkles burst in their vision, overwhelming their senses as they struggled to shake off the daze from their fall.
Head and back aching, they were at least relieved they were alive as they pushed themself to a sitting position, coughing harshly as they waved away tendrils of magic smoke from their face to see. And, coming across a somewhat familiar sight, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
“Okay, okay. I can handle being shrunk at this point,” Syn said, but looked at the mess surrounding them. Letting out a whine, they lamented, “Crewel’s going to kill me for this though… and right after he just told me earlier that he trusted me enough for a solo extra credit potion!”
They couldn’t help but bury their face in their hands for a second, not immune to craving approval. Approval of ‘not being a troublemaker like their Heartlabyul pups’ that was very much going to disappear when the Professor found out about this.
Sighing, they struggled to get to their feet on the potion-slicked floor, yelping when they saw something move in the corner of their vision. They quickly tried to catch a glimpse of it and felt something shift their hair, realizing that there was weight there that hadn’t been there before. Did their goggles not shrink right? They did notice that the plastic was no longer over their eyes.
Syn reached up, recoiling in surprise when they felt something large and round, eyes widening as they exclaimed, “What the-?!”
They forced themself to lift their hands to it again, heart sinking as whatever it was twitched and noticed that large, round ears adorned their head rather than their normal human ones. Which meant that the thing they saw swinging around was their tail, right?
“Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,”  they groaned as they reached back and grabbed a rather lengthy tail that was covered in tufted fur. They let go of the appendage that they could barely control, pressing a hand to their mouth as they struggled to contain their anger at the situation.
This was going to be a bit more difficult to resolve than just being shrunk.
“Oi, herbivore.”
Syn froze at Leona’s voice, something instinctive seizing their limbs. It was so strong and sudden that it had them questioning WHY considering they’d been in several situations like this. What was one more on top of it all?
But, as their heart raced and they felt their new ears twitch in the direction where the lion had spoken from, their eyes widened for a moment before closing them as realization set in. Not only did they give themself rodent ears and a lengthy rodent tail, it also seemed like their ‘prey’ instincts were magnified to an uncomfortable degree.
“Oh, come ON,” they murmured to themself, those same instincts making it difficult to say anything while around a ‘threat’. But Leona wasn’t a threat!... in the typical sense. It’s not like he meant them harm usually.
“Tch, typical Syn behavior,” Leona’s growl rumbled from the laboratory doorway, causing their ears to twitch again.
The sound of footsteps stepping into the room had them moving to the nearest desk leg before they could even realize what they were doing, blinking at suddenly finding themself hidden. Quickly frustrated at what felt like a lack of control, they silently cursed at themself while trying to rein in the startlingly strong instincts that just left every fiber of their being screaming to run and hide from the lion man.
If they wanted to get back to normal, or at least off the floor, they knew they’d have to both get his attention and his help.
“Hmmm,” a contemplative growl caught their attention, the footsteps pausing before getting closer to their desk. They stiffened in fear as the steps became louder, stopping right beside the desk where they were hiding beneath and right beside the mess of ingredients, potion, and discarded cauldron. He’d obviously caught a glimpse of the spill.
Syn felt like their heart was about to burst from their chest, deciding that maybe distancing themself from Leona would allow them the chance to shove their newfound instincts aside enough to get his attention and, hopefully, help.
Quickly and cautiously, they darted to the desk opposite the side where they barely caught a glimpse of Leona kneeling just as they moved. They heard him grumble something beneath his breath, probably something about the mess, but the blood was rushing too much in their ears as they moved to notice. They did notice the sound of shifting fabric as he stood back up and spoke a bit louder as he walked to the door, his boots and swaying tail visible through the legs of the desks.
“You still in here, herbivore?” he asked, the sound of the doors hinges creaking before it clicked shut. His boots turned as he faced the bulk of the room and added, “I didn’t catch a trail of your scent leaving the room, so either you’ve pulled off one hell of a disappearance trick this time, or you’re in here somewhere.”
Why the fuck was their heart picking up the pace?! It wasn’t like he sounded angry, just disgruntled like usual. Fucking, pull it together.
Syn took a deep inhale to try and calm their racing heart, trying to steel their courage past the near blinding fear that permeated their entire being, forcing themself to speak up before they could second guess themself.
“I had a bit of a potion mishap,” they called out, able to see the way his tail stilled for a second, able to picture his ears perking in their direction.
“Yeah, that was obvious. I hope you don’t expect me to just clean this up by myself,” Leona replied, starting to walk back towards where they were hidden, causing them to jolt and skitter back a couple steps as they struggled to maintain some level of composure.
“A-Ah, don’t get closer,” Syn yelped out, wincing at how desperate the exclamation came out. Seeing his boots pause, they quickly added, “I’m struggling a bit right now, and you’ll make it worse.”
“Tch,” he let out a scoff, starting to walk again despite their protest. “I can’t exactly help ya if I can’t see the damage.”
“There’s no damage,” they exclaimed, finding themself darting from the desk they were hidden under as his steps got closer. Under another desk before they could recognize that they’d started running, they panted from the brief sprint. They supposed the only good thing about this was their speed for the time being, but that wasn’t a big bonus when they were inches tall. “I, just… l-look, can you just make a growth potion or something, and I’ll clean everything up?”
Syn expected some kind of retort or snarky remark, maybe even an insult. But, instead, they were met with silence. A VERY unnerving amount of silence that lasted a few seconds and had them peering out to look in the direction where they’d last seen Leona’s boots and tail.
There was nothing there.
“Oooooh, fuuuuck. Where’d he go?” they mumbled to themself, looking around worriedly. They knew he was in the room still since they hadn’t heard the door open, but now they had no clue how they couldn’t notice a six foot tall man and the fact was incredibly worrying. Feeling like they were going to die from suspense after far too many seconds, they nervously called out, “Uh, L-Leona?...”
“There you are.”
Leona’s voice from behind them caused Syn to jolt and whirl around just in time to see a wall of black directly in front of them, yelping as they found themself pinned unceremoniously to the ground by one of his hands. Black leather slid across their body and they found themself picked up by their tail as the man straightened from kneeling beside the desk they were hiding under.
“Leona! Put me down!” Syn shouted, finding themself a bit dizzy from vertigo that was not helped by the fact that the only thing supporting them was a thin tail that was pinched between his two forefingers, arms and legs flailing for a second without their own support.
“Oh, this is priceless,” the lion laughed, making their ears wilt away from the sound. Sharp fangs glinted in the laboratory light and caused a shiver down their spine. “When you mentioned a transmutation potion, I wasn’t expecting this.”
“That’s because this wasn’t supposed to happen,” they snapped, balling up their fists angrily, able to feel the tip of their tail twitching. It was a very weird sensation that didn’t really help with anything. “It was supposed to turn lead into aluminum, not this! Also, how the hell could I not hear you approach?!”
“Well, my squeaking prefect,” Leona said in amusement, deciding to sit on one of the lab stools beside the desk, using his elbow to recline against the desktop. “I’m just better than you. Though, I’m very surprised you’re remotely okay if this was the result of your little mishap by the shelf.”
“I mean, same,” Syn sighed, glancing over in the direction of the spill with a small whine. “Crewel’s gonna kill me for wasting so many ingredients.”
Leona rolled his eyes, replying, “Don’t be so dramatic, herbivore. You’ll be fine. Besides, he’ll probably be impressed that you fucked up in such a way that you somehow produced a high quality animal transmutation potion and didn’t die. Despite all the trouble you get into, you’re one lucky son of a bitch.”
“Ugh, I don’t feel lucky,” they grumbled, rubbing their face with their hands a bit tiredly. Despite their still pounding heart, they were able to hold their panic at bay easier as seconds ticked on. “If you turn me back to normal, I can clean everything up and then we don’t have to worry about it, and-.”
“No can do, herbivore,” Leona practically purred as they jolted at his response.
“Wha- no can do?! What do you mean,” they asked, startled. Frowning in irritation, they added, “Look, if this is about me owing you, you can eat me afterwards.”
“Sounds like a waste of some growth potion,” the lion replied, smirking as their face flushed a bit in further anger. “But, no, that’s not all of it. I can’t exactly turn you normal because I don’t know the extent of your transmutation potion, so here’s how this is gonna go.
“I’m gonna clean up your mess, show you how to make your original transmutation potion, and then you’re spending the night with me as payment for making me go through all of this. In the morning, I’ll grow ya and we can take you to the infirmary to see about reversing your mouse-ness,” Leona used his other hand to gesture at all of them while they huffed.
“I mean, you don’t have to do anything but make me normal size, but I have a feeling there’s something else going on,” Syn sighed, ear twitching. Something crossed Leona’s expression for a moment, but it disappeared before they could gauge what it was.
“There’s nothing else going on,” he denied, voice betraying that there very much was something else going on. But, metaphorically poking Leona while they were normal-sized was already asking for trouble. Poking him at this size was probably akin to a deathwish, and they’d very much like to see the light of day at least a few more times.
“Riiight, sure.” they said slowly in disbelief. They blinked a bit as the grip on their tail shifted so their tail was pinched between his two forefingers and thumb, making their heart drop as they exclaimed, “A-Ah, what’re you doing?”
“I need my hands free to clean up, don’t I,” Leona asked, giving them a cheeky smirk as he lifted them a bit higher, leaning forward a bit to position them closer to his face. “Don’t worry, I won’t eat you. Yet.”
Syn found their heart skip a beat almost painfully as it began to hammer in their chest again, finding that they were struggling to hold their panic at bay again. They couldn’t help but flail uselessly as they exclaimed, “That’s not reassuring, you know! I’m out here with fucking rodent mentality!”
“So you’re a bit more mousey than usual-.”
“Whatever you say, herbivore,” the man chuckled, opening his jaws. Sharp fangs and teeth the size of their head split apart, allowing him to extend his tongue beneath them as he began to lower them closer. They could see a string of saliva just past his teeth, knowing full well that his throat was just out of sight behind the white bone.
“Leona, don’t you fucking dare!” Syn shouted, protest predictably falling on deaf ears as they were lowered further, their struggling only serving to make them sway by their tail.
Their ears twitched as they felt Leona’s warm breath wash over them, grimacing when they were lowered enough that their hands made contact with the somewhat rough surface of his tongue. It shifted beneath their weight and they yelped as they found themself promptly lowered the rest of the way, tongue quickly curling past their legs and drawing them entirely within his maw.
Well, most of them.
While saliva began to soak their clothes, hair, and now a bit of fur from their new ears, they felt their tail released. He made no effort to have it join the rest of them, tongue bucking beneath them to start savoring whatever flavor they had while the tail flicked about outside in irritation and fear.
“Fucking bastard,” Syn hissed to themself, unable to keep from squirming thanks to their rodent instincts. But, thankfully, the lion didn’t seem to mind it as he tasted them, presumably preoccupied with fixing their mess. They could barely gauge that he was moving past the tongue twisting around them or the chuffing that rumbled from the back of his throat, reverberating through their bones.
After what was probably at least a couple minutes of savoring them, leaving their limbs aching and them tired, they found themself pinned to the roof of his mouth and sucked on a bit as he swallowed the excess saliva.
They felt their tail become taut when his jaws opened once more, shivering as they were pulled back out by their tail. Blinking in the comparatively bright light after a few minutes stuck being tasted like some kind of living candy, they saw Leona licking his lips as he held them in front of him.
“Alright, herbivore,” he said, placing them on the desk where they’d left their labwear. He was donned in his own, small cauldron set up and the spill by the ingredient shelves was gone. Placing his hands on his hips, he asked, “You said that your potion was supposed to be transmutating lead into aluminum, right?”
“Yeah,” Syn shuddered, instinctively flicking their hands to try and rid themself of a bit more saliva as it cooled on their skin, leaving them a bit chilly. They ignored it and gestured to their labcoat, saying, “I have a notebook in here somewhere with the extra credit stuff Crewel told me about.”
Leona clicked his tongue a bit in mild annoyance and brushed their labcoat aside, pulling out a small, black notebook and starting to thumb through it.
“Should be the last page I wrote on,” Syn tried to offer helpfully, earning only a grunt of acknowledgement.
After a few seconds, it looked like he’d reached the right page, green eyes flicking over the page with a bored gaze before he quirked an eyebrow. Flipping the notebook around to show them their own scrawled handwriting, he pointed to their ingredients list with a rubber-gloved finger, telling them, “No wonder you were getting the wrong results. You completely mixed up the measurements of the Wormwood and the Knave Leaf.”
Leona turned the book back towards himself, continuing to look the rest of it over for several seconds before closing it shut with a snap. Placing it back on the desk, he turned away and walked over to the ingredients shelf, stating, “Everything else seemed fine.
“I’m not going to hold your hand through the potion-making process. You seem competent enough that you would have gotten it right if you didn’t get the measurements mixed up,” he continued, pulling down extras of ingredients that they didn’t have enough of after three failed attempts on their own. Walking back, he placed them beside the cauldron and started working, “So, I’m just gonna make it for you so that Crewel doesn’t get on your case as much tomorrow.”
“Oh… thanks?” Syn said hesitantly, giving him a suspicious look. “You’re being… surprisingly helpful.”
Their eyes widened and they couldn’t help the actual SQUEAK that they let out when the lion’s head whipped around to shoot them a glare so intense that they practically expected to burst into flames. They quickly tried to backtrack a bit, of course, adding, “A-Ah, c’mon. You can’t just do a bit of a one-eighty and NOT expect me to sense something is up. I won’t pry anymore, just caught off guard!”
Leona continued to glare at them for a second or two before deciding that they likely weren’t worth the energy to snap at over, going back to the potion with a huff and growled, “You’re lucky I’m in a good enough mood to not bite you over testing your boundaries again, herbivore.”
Syn almost asked if he was ever in a good mood, but held their tongue with the way he emphasized the little nickname he called them.
An almost awkward silence fell, watching him eventually scoop out a phial of the transmutation potion, a proper red hue compared to what they’d made earlier. And, as he placed it on the desk and prepared to clean everything up, they spoke up, “ … I do genuinely appreciate this, you know.”
With his back turned to them, they couldn’t gauge his full reaction. But, they knew he heard them with the way an ear swiveled in their direction and the way his tail paused for a moment. They’d almost think he was touched if he didn’t immediately scoff.
“Tch, don’t mention it. Besides, if my favorite snack gets in trouble, how else am I going to enjoy our special naps,” he looked back at them with a smug grin that showed off his pointed fangs, making them sigh as he cleared everything with ease. “That includes you running off without any warning to anyone.”
“Yeah, that tracks,” Syn huffed, crossing their arms over their chest. They watched their tail flick back and forth a bit in mild irritation.
“You should have known what you were getting into when you reached out to me for help,” Leona replied, suddenly back in his dorm uniform as he walked back to the desk they were sitting on top of.
They nodded a bit, saying, “You’re right, but you proceed to exceed my expectations every time. Besides, the amount of people I trust enough to ask for help that aren’t Ace or Deuce AND wouldn’t eat me as payment is small enough to count on my fingers. I should have asked Riddle or Vil or-...”
Syn’s head tilted slightly as they felt like a piece of some puzzle clicked into place, mentally facepalming as they stopped themself from saying the next name. Because while he was still Hornton to them, weirdly eccentric and stoic friend that stalked the grounds of campus at night, he was Malleus to Leona. Malleus Draconia, Spelldrive competitor and someone who Leona apparently hated with a passion.
And he’d taken them to the library earlier this week to help them with Fae history homework where they’d come across him with Leona after going to find the book required.
“Or, who, herbivore?” Emerald green eyes narrowed down at them, the beginning of a snarl on Leona’s face crinkling the side of his nose and corner of his mouth.
Syn had the distinct feeling that whatever they said next would determine their chances of surviving the night under the lions ‘care’.
“Jamil, of course,” they lied, even though the man had never actually crossed their mind just because of how busy he constantly was. They just hoped they were too small for Leona to properly hear their nervous heartbeat or that he would just mistake it for their current rodent propensity. “I heard he’s pretty proficient in a lot of subjects, but Kalim is usually keeping him busy.”
Leona’s eyes narrowed slightly as he let out a contemplative growl, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the desk and propped his chin in his hand. Completely ignoring their response like he hadn’t just given them a death glare, he asked, “Is it just your labwear and notebook you brought with you?”
“Uhhh,” caught off guard by the sudden change of topic, Syn got to their feet and began to walk along the edge of the desk to look beneath the sides, replying, “My backpack’s around here somewhere. We can chuck the stuff inside.”
“Your phone?”
“Already in my bag,” they said, eventually seeing the black fabric and pointing down to where it was hidden behind one of the desk legs, feeling their ears perk up at the sight. “There it is!”
Leona made a noise of acknowledgement and bent down to see where they pointed, picking up the bag that was only a bit bigger than his head and a lot smaller than a normal backpack. Frowning, he glanced at the bundle of labwear and rubber gloves on the desk, and asked, “All this is gonna fit in here?”
“Yeah! Here, place it on the desk,” Syn perked up, watching the man do so. They walked up to it a bit excitedly and explained, “It was expensive as hell, but check it out! Watch the little pin on the front.”
The lion raised an eyebrow but they watched his gaze fall on the currently colorless pin that shined iridescently in the lab light.
Clearing their throat, they spoke clearly, “Labwear.”
Almost immediately the pin began to shift through a multitude of colors on its faceted surface before settling on a white and black color scheme that was almost reminiscent of a chunk of marble. Before Leona could question the pin's color, Syn spoke up.
“Okay, now open it,” they said, almost bouncing on their feet. Leona shot them a look that suggested he didn’t understand their excitement, but they didn’t care, watching him unzip the top of the bag and look inside.
“It’s just another labcoat.”
“Well, duh, but check out the size,” Syn exclaimed, walking over and peering inside when he turned the opening to face them. “That labcoat should be bursting the bag at the seams! But, Vil said this is a Poppin’s brand bag, made specifically to hold more than meets the eye. And it’s voice activated for specific needs! I have pockets for all of you.”
“Here, put my stuff in there and I’ll show you what I mean.”
Leona grumbled something about taking orders from them but still packed their stuff inside, albeit a bit more haphazardly than they’d like, feeling like their notebook was now a bit crinkled. It’d usually just go under their name anyways, but they’d fix it later.
Gesturing for him to rezip the bag, they sat down cross-legged and said, “Leona.”
The pin swirled its plethora of colors before settling on a marigold yellow. When he gave them a questioning look, they gave him an encouraging motion to open it, watching him expectantly.
They felt an almost odd feeling in their chest but ignored it, unable to keep themself from saying, “I got a bunch of snacks for everyone! Yours is a bunch of stuff like beef jerky, and meat sticks. There’s also this stuff called biltong that’s like beef jerky, but it’s more tender apparently.”
Leona’s expression, naturally sour sometimes, was almost unreadable as he reached in and grabbed a bag of aforementioned biltong out of the backpack. A coy smirk made its way onto his face as he commented, “I see you’re taking a leaf out of Ruggie’s book about sucking up to me to get what you want.”
“Wha-? No,” Syn found themself squawking a bit in indignation, placing a hand to their chest. “I literally said I have snacks for everyone!”
“I’m just messing with you, herbivore, no need to get your tail in a twist,” the lion chuckled, placing the bag back in the backpack. “I’ll definitely be trying some of those later. After all, I’m a large lion, and you’re just a little herbivore that wouldn’t provide much sustenance anyways.”
“I’m going to ignore that last comment for my sanity and take the rest as your version of a compliment,” they huffed, crossing their arms over their chest. But, despite their irritation, they couldn’t help but feel pleased with themself that they had picked things that he at least seemed interested in.
That pleased feeling gave way to alarm when they felt a rumble from their trachea that rattled all the way down to their chest.
Syn couldn’t help but jolt at the feeling, instinctively curling in on themself a bit and wrapping their arms around their torso as they let out a bit of a startled noise that had Leona giving them a funny look.
“The hell was that?” he asked, glancing them over.
“I-I don’t know,” they admitted, uncurling cautiously. “It was just… I don’t know, like some sort of vibration throughout my upper torso, it was really weird.”
His brow furrowed a bit in confusion before a look of recognition crossed his face, laughing for a second as he asked, “Are you talking about PURRING?”
“What? No! Rodents can’t purr,” Syn exclaimed, before second-guessing themself, giving him a startled look. “ …Can they?”
“Don’t know. Never had a rodent happy to be in my presence,” Leona said, reaching over and grabbing them off the desk’s surface carefully in his fingers, thankfully not dangling them by their tail this time. Straightening up, he lazily tossed their bag over his shoulder. “When you said you were going to take it as a compliment, I didn’t expect you to think so highly of me that it would cause you to PURR.”
“I swear, rodents don’t purr,” they protested, feeling their face heat up in embarrassment as they shifted in his hold. “I’ve never heard of rodents purring!”
“Then why is your face red, herbivore?”
“Because you’re embarrassing me, asshole,” Syn instinctively tried to hide their face behind their hands but they couldn’t hide their rapidly twitching tail. “I’m fucking flustered!”
He only proceeded to laugh at their misery while they struggled to calm themself enough to not have their face a mottled red, walking towards the lab door as he pocketed the transmutation potion he made for them. Lifting them up to his face, they could feel his breath as he said, “Alright, I’ll give you some protection potion when we get to Savanaclaw, but I’m not carrying you the whole way there.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” they replied with a groan, running their hands across their face as if it would just wipe away their embarrassment. “Just stick me in your mouth so I don’t have to hear you talk.”
“Gladly,” Leona chuffed a bit in amusement at their response, jaws opening in front of them.
Despite their rodent instincts flaring up a little at the sight, they couldn’t bring themself to struggle much as they were popped inside of his mouth, still trying to recover from being flustered and still tired from his tasting earlier. Unlike before, he made sure their tail was carefully tucked inside before his teeth clicked closed behind them.
Probably more because he didn’t want to deal with potential questions on why he had something sticking out of his mouth as he walked rather than any sort of benevolence on his part.
In the half hour or so it probably took him to reach the Hall of Mirrors - and, in turn, Savanaclaw - Leona tossed and turned them in his jaws, tongue easily maneuvering them around to try and get all of their flavor like a living hard candy. A living hard candy that was very much drenched and still stiffened everytime they found themself pressed against his teeth, whether it was intentional or not. Anytime they worried that they would become overwhelmed by pools of saliva, they found themself to his palette as he swallowed any excess.
They also didn’t appreciate the occasional points where he’d open his teeth slightly and give them a light nibble, yelping and cussing him out each time while kicking his tongue. Their only response was a chuckle that mixed in with his pleased chuffs that still rattled their bones.
Syn was pretty sure they heard at least a couple people’s voices outside past the sloshing noise of him tasting them, but if anyone was trying to get his attention they were apparently ignored very easily.
Eventually, they could sense the tasting begin to slow, allowing them a breather that allowed them to hear a familiar muffled voice. They couldn’t discern whatever it was Ruggie asked, but they yelped as they were pressed to the roof of the mouth again as Leona swallowed the saliva buildup before they were pulled out by their tail. Again.
“I was helping herbivore here with some kind of lab work extra credit,” Leona replied while Syn blinked spots from their eyes in time to see Ruggie’s startled expression.
“What kind of extra credit results in this,” the hyena asked, caught off guard at the sight of the prefect dangling in his housewarden’s hand.
“THIS was the result of a lab accident. I’m helping them fix it tomorrow.”
“Hey, Ruggie,” Syn greeted tiredly. As they took in their surroundings, it looked like Leona had walked straight to his room, their bag already tossed haphazardly on the floor.
“Man, you just keep finding yourself in these predicaments, huh,” Ruggie said, initial shock giving way to amusement as he raised his arms up and placed his hands behind his head. Laughing a bit, he added, “I don’t envy your luck! I guess I’ll leave you be for now, Leona, but don’t forget about the Housewarden meeting tomorrow.”
“I won’t. I’m not Draconia,” Leona growled, rolling his eyes.
The hyena left with one last snicker, leaving the two alone as the lion walked over to the desk beside his bed.
Leona placed Syn on a clean spot on the desks surface and began rummaging through the drawers while they still got used to being in the outside world for now. Savanaclaw was warmer than the lab usually, but that still didn’t stop a small shiver.
“You’re quieter than normal,” he commented, closing a drawer as he straightened with a protection potion in hand.
“Yeah, I kind of spent the last half hour feeling like I was going through a spin cycle,” they snapped in response, taking a handful of the stuff after he popped the phial open and offered it to them. “Thanks.”
Leona snorted in amusement, placing the phial back and plucking them back off the desk as they shuddered from the feeling of the protection potion running through them. Licking his lips, he said, “Well, luckily for you, I’m eager to get this over with and go to sleep.”
Syn’s sarcastic reply didn’t phase the lion as he opened his mouth and placed them in once more. He really wasn’t lying about getting it over with because they only found themself lapped at a couple times to slicken them before a powerful swallow pulled them down into his throat.
It was all a lot louder than usual, their ears trying to flatten against their head as his chuffing and heartbeat intensified, everything constricting further as they slipped past his collarbone.
There was a jolt around them that would have jostled them if it wasn’t for the confines of his esophagus, realizing he had flopped back on his bed when they slipped into his stomach and found that there was already a weight on one side of the stomach where his hand was resting. They shifted to get a bit more comfortable as he let out a content sigh, mumbling, “Night, herbivore.”
“Night, Leona,” Syn replied, barely getting the response out before the man started snoring around them. Which was also louder than normal. Sighing a bit at the knowledge that they weren’t going to get much sleep tonight, they grumbled, “Yeah, that seems about right.”
“What do you mean I’m stuck like this until next week?!” Syn exclaimed, appalled as they stared at Professor Crewel.
“I mean just that, my Ramshackle pup,” Crewel continued to call them a pup despite their rodent features. “Since it’s not an emergency, we can’t get a specialist Medical mage with a Transmutation license until the start of next week at the earliest.”
They tried to not let themself seem upset over this, but their newfound ears wilted at the information. At least they were normal sized.
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alohajun · 2 years
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heeseung x gn!reader | wc : 1.3k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, childhood best friends to lovers, high school au, fluff, mild angst, mentions of food, mini argument
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"shooting star! make a wish, y/n!"
heeseung pointed at the night sky, reminding you of the antics you two did when you were little.
lee heeseung was your best friend of many years. in fact, your friendship was guaranteed even before you two were born. your parents were best friends, which resulted in the two of you becoming the best of friends, too.
that's how it had been for the past years — and that's how you wanted it to be, too.
the two of you closed your eyes, folding your hands together as you two gave a silent prayer, wishing for the same thing you wished for always.
may y/n's wishes come true.
may heeseung's wishes come true.
it was something you two had asked for ever since you two were small. you were happy as long as heeseung was, and the same applied to him. you two wished for each other's happiness, wanting nothing but the best for the other.
"so, what's new with you, y/n?" heeseung asked, resting his palms on the grass as he leaned against his arms, looking towards you.
"um, i have a date this saturday." you sat on the ground, going through your phone as you nodded. "yeah, saturday."
"a date? with whom?"
"someone in jay's class. i think his name is minwoo. he's pretty cute, so i couldn't say no."
heeseung nodded slowly, feeling a weird sensation in his stomach at what you told him. "that's in four days. that's good. you have been single for a while. it's good you are going out," he monotonously stated, but you were too immersed in your phone to notice the change.
"jake said the restaurant near the department store is giving bottomless fries for some celebration!" you announced, showing your phone as heeseung looked at the text and attached image. "we should go! but we could also have ramen and kimbap if you aren't feeling like having fries."
just then, your phone pinged, and heeseung squinted his eyes, frowning as he saw a message from the very person you had spoken about earlier; minwoo. heeseung took the phone out of your hands, pretending to zoom in on the picture jake sent.
hey, does 4pm sound good for our date? we can go to the arcade or watch a movie. your pick! the male held back a sigh, archiving the chat without even realising what he was doing.
"who's the text from?"
"no one." heeseung turned to show the phone, surprising himself at the lie because he wasn't sure why he did what he did.
what's wrong with me?
"so? are the bottomless fries a 'yay' or 'nay'?" you asked, smiling as heeseung mimicked it, showing you a thumbs up.
"they are a yay. let's go fill our stomachs with endless fries and cola."
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lee heeseung waited at the lunch table, looking around as he tried to spot you. just as he took out his phone to text you, jay placed his hand over it, pushing down the phone as he shook his head.
"y/n is having lunch with minwoo today. he wanted to talk," he explained, going back to devouring his cup tteokbokki while jake sat on the side, silently observing the conversation the two were having.
"but they are meeting tomorrow anyway for their date. why do they have to meet in school too?" heeseung grumbled, a bit salty about the fact he wasn't able to spend his lunch break with his best friend.
"you know y/n has a date with minwoo-hyung?" jake inquired, eyes widened as he held a hand over his mouth since he was still eating.
"yeah, y/n told me."
jay had the same expression as jake, completely shocked. "you are sitting here like this? even after knowing y/n is going on a date? with some guy you don't know?" he asked.
"yeah, so?" heeseung shrugged casually on his phone. "y/n will tell me all about it the next day. i'll know more about min-whatever then."
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park jay leaned against the doorway, looking at his best friend intently. "are you sure you don't want to come to the internet café with us? it's gonna be boring here," he stated, wondering why the older wasn't tagging along.
"yep. i'll stay at home and play games. don't worry about me." heeseung shrugged, laying on his bed with his phone in his hands. "have fun and stay safe," he called out as the others went out of the dorms.
the tall male simply stared at the time in the corner of his phone, his mind drifting towards you as he remembered it was saturday. today was your date. what time was it? he thought to himself, remembering how you had mentioned it to be around four in the evening.
it's half-past three now. heeseung threw his phone to the side, getting up from his bed as he went towards the kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards to find something to eat. settling on some ramen, the male prepared the kettle, heating the water before making the cup ramen he had chosen.
heeseung sat in the living room, mindlessly going through the channels on the television before enjoying his cup of ramen. sure, two slurps and they were gone, but he enjoyed while it lasted. the male simply sat there, occupied with his thoughts as he blankly stared at the television, not really knowing what was going on.
the doorbell suddenly rang, snapping heeseung out of his daze. jay must've forgotten to take his wallet. the taller male felt annoyed as the doorbell kept ringing, courtesy of the impatient person on the other side.
"jeez, jay! wait, i'm coming!" heeseung yelled, throwing his cup of ramen in the trash before jogging towards the door. "dude, what the heck? why do you have to–" he trailed off, seeing his best friend standing in front of him.
except that best friend wasn't park jay ... it was you, y/n.
"what were you doing?" you inquired, crossing your hands over your chest as heeseung confusedly looked at you. "hm? what were you doing?"
"eating cup ramen and watching tv?" he skeptically answered, turning towards the clock on the wall and back to his best friend. "isn't it time for your date with minwoo? why are you here? do you want me to drop you or something?" heeseung tilted his head, frowning as you didn't make an effort to walk inside.
"are you dumb, heeseung?"
you gave a tight smile, your eyes completely giving away what you were feeling then; sadness. "i asked you if you are dumb!" you repeated, holding up your hand when you saw the male open his mouth to speak. "don't answer, it was a rhetorical question."
"why do you sound so angry?" heeseung asked, genuinely concerned, as he saw you weren't behaving as usual. "what's wrong?"
"what's wrong is how clueless you are, hee!" you whined, covering your face with your hands. "i've been dropping so many hints. i've told you multiple times that i'm going on a date, but you did nothing. heck, i shouldn't have believed jake and jay."
"i don't know what you are saying, y/n. just come inside, let's talk–"
"i like you, lee heeseung! i have liked for a long time! and jay told me you did too," you muttered the last few words, your face going red in embarrassment. "but obviously you feel nothing. i don't even have a date with minwoo, but i might as well go on one." you awkwardly looked away, taking a few steps back as you attempted to leave.
heeseung reached out immediately, grabbing onto your wrist to stop you. "i'm sorry, y/n," he apologised, and you felt your heart drop. "i didn't know you weren't really going on a date. i didn't know my feelings for you were that obvious. and i certainly didn't think jay would tell you about it and not me. i like you a lot, y/n ... and i'm sorry for not telling it earlier."
"yeah. now, since you are dressed all nice, how about we go on a date?"
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taglist — @kflixnet @xiaosimp3 @wccycc @nanasdream @enhacolor @heejojo @jaesvelvet @koishua @nyfwyeonjun @aleinasstuff @mushtato @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @theoskies @yunho-leeknow @candililac @yogurteume @one16core @soobin-chois @wonluvrbot @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @wyynn @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @enhatrejor (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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bloodyquillink-blog · 8 months
David “Hesh” Walker x mermaid!Reader Imagine
A/N🪶: I have work I need to do for my intro to graphic design class but David Walker is taking over my mind so I’m just gonna write a bunch of shit I’ve been thinking about. Use this for fics or art or whatever if you wanna! Let me know if you’d like to see more of this.
Okay, first and foremost, David x mermaid!Reader. There, I said it. You know this man would be so curious and gentle and sweet, wanting to learn more about the underwater life and maybe teach you some (good) things about his life on land like fruits and other foods. If you like salty fish, he’d probably try to bring a can of sardines or something. If you aren’t into fish—which is okay because this is reader and reader needs options— he’d try bringing fermented veggies like pickles with the brine and everything.
I think Hesh would want to see you try sweets and candies, but he’d also want to keep you away from unhealthy foods that might hurt your stomach. Plus, if anything happens to him and he can’t deliver you sweets, how will you get them? You need your snacks!
He’d try to practice holding his breath for long periods of time so he doesn’t have to worry about wasting oxygen tanks— and possibly risk exposing your existence. If you’re a “Little Mermaid” type mer-person or have gills (I say they’re in your neck), maybe you’d kiss him before he breaches the surface so he knows he can keep swimming with you.
Speaking of swimming, this man keeps flippers on him. Hesh wants to try to swim faster and keep up with you, of course, but even he needs a little help sometimes. If he ever forgets the flippers, you just take him by the hand, or better yet, you put your chest to his back and wrap your arms around him as you swim. More comfortable for both of you… plus you can definitely feel how fast his heart is beating being this close to you.
The first other human he introduces you to would def be Logan. I think both brothers are great swimmers and depending on the AU, Logan may need help being comfortable swimming again after almost drowning and getting crushed and hit with sonar with Keegan. Logan would also occasionally bring snacks and may even start fishing. I think he’d want to learn about the kinds of places you stay around and would want to try to help clean up some of the garbage and parts from destroyed ships and planes from the war definitely not because he thinks the parts would look cool as decoration.
Eventually, one of the other Ghosts would get curious and follow David to see where he’s going on all of his breaks. My guess would be Keegan or Kick as Merrick is too busy or doesn’t care as long as Hesh doesn’t get killed or kidnapped. Maybe both of them follow Hesh and see him sitting near the water on the docks. Right when they’re about to approach, you hoist yourself up. The two men can’t believe what they’re seeing. A fucking mermaid. What the hell kinda parallel universe did they stumble into (It’s an alternate universe, boys, get it right)?!
What’s even crazier is when they see Hesh hold your face in his hands and gently kiss your nose. Your smile, with a bunch of sharper-than-a-normal human teeth, shows. You both turn to look at them staring wide-eyed.
“This is what happens when you don’t mind your business.” Hesh says.
He introduces you and you simply wave at them. Later, when they try to explain what happened to Merrick, suddenly they have to get a psych evaluation and drug test. When they try to get Logan to help them explain, Logan just shrugs at Merrick. Hesh simply laughs to himself watching this happen. Though, his clothes are partially soaked. The “what if?” part of Merrick’s mind takes over more than he’d like to admit. It’s not until Hesh shows a photo of the two of you that Merrick decides to see you for himself.
Lo and behold, there you are. Colorful and cheery. No wonder Hesh has been so happy the past couple weeks. While you initially find Merrick to be scary, you warm up to him quickly.
And now Merrick has to apologize to Keegan and Kick for not believing them. All the while, you and Hesh watch the stars as you lay on the beach. Hesh uses every story of the constellations Logan and Elias have ever talked about, only having to discreetly search his phone once or twice.
The End.
I hope you enjoyed my daydreams.
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autismtana · 2 years
santana lopez has adhd (part 2)
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^the adhd/lesbian flags^
(*disclaimer: i have adhd myself and work in education/educational psychology, which is the basis of this post in which i get wayyyyy too analytical about a fictional character; however, i'm not a psychiatrist or doctor and am not qualified to diagnose real people with adhd or anything else ... seriously, our only representation is cis white boys whose adhd is an explanation for them being the class clown and treated as a joke so please don't get salty at me for claiming a fictional character that isn't a cis white boy as part of the adhd gang)
(credit to @dojasrivera on twitter for making the og adhd!santana thread; i unfortunately wasn’t able to see it as i only found out about it after their original twitter account got suspended but there may be some overlap between their thread and this post)
sup homies, as you know, tumblr cut me off so i had to make a part 2. (here's part 1)
ambitious but lacking in direction - noted terrible educator will schuester describes santana as being "unfocused" in 3x16.  she's indecisive about college in the latter half of season 3, initially says she wants to go then flip-flops, and then goes to louisville (fun fact: donovan mitchell also went there) for a short period of time then drops out.  after that she has a bunch of projects and career goals that never really go anywhere. (partially thanks to the lazy writing on the show)
fear of failure - santana wanted to go to new york after graduation but initially wanted to stay behind when she found out brittany wasn't graduating (like immediately), then chose to take the scholarship to louisville despite brittany and quinn both pointing out that she had the cash from her parents to pursue her dreams in new york (brittany was a lot more supportive and less judgy though). she did end up going after unpacking her anxiety around it with britt though.
low self-esteem, anxiety and/or depression - season 2 is what i like to refer to as "santana lopez's sad gay era", however i'd also argue that season 4 until mid season 5 (when she reunites with brittany) is kind of a low period for her as well.  the break-up is painful for both of them.  they're one another's safe people so when they don't have each other in close proximity, both of them experience depression.  i would also consider her demeanour at the beginning of 5x09 as an example of her exhibiting signs of depression. santana also experiences a lot of anxiety around her interpersonal relationships (pretty much all of season 2, 4x16, 5x09-5x13); in 5x18 it's very apparent that she's scarred by the experience with auditioning for rachel's understudy part and doesn't want to intrude on mercedes (thankfully, mercedes is awesome, we love mercedes jones here, themostrandomfandom does a great job of analysing this storyline here). it's also worth noting that despite how clumsily she goes about things, santana lopez is the most loyal, ride-or-die person on this damn show (she's definitely a gryffindor or hufflepuff who thinks she's a slytherin despite my less than positive thoughts on the transphobic lady's book series, or - in the context of the superior book series - a mary anne who thinks she’s a claudia) but the only acknowledgement she gets is shame, so she internalises it to give people an "out" ("I'm numb to people's feelings", "I have no heart").
can be easily distracted (while also hyperfocused on other things) - has a tendency to zone out of conversations (credit to @santanaslawyer on twitter) and couldn't remember her locker combo around brittany (although some of that could have also been santana being in her sad gay era and pining over britt)
narrow window of tolerance - santana was completely done with everyone's shit like all the time
strong sense of justice - homegirl uses her bitch powers to protect the people she cares about (see 2x17, 3x11, 5x18). other people aren't allowed to make fun of her mates, that's her job, dammit! she's also proactive in reporting mr schuester's lack of efficiency as a spanish teacher not because she dislikes him (which she doesn't; she might roll her eyes at him all the time but she does actually like him as a person) but because his teaching promotes offensive stereotypes, harms her and negatively affects everyone's education (and to her credit she is way more patient and charitable to him than he deserves when he literally chastises her in front of everyone for doing it). she will also challenge authority in situations where she is being held to a different standard to others. in 3x07, when figgins is considering suspending santana, she pushes back against it (rightfully so) because she doesn't understand how there isn't a zero-tolerance policy for violence when finn and puck get into it in the middle of school, or when the glee club get slushied, or when kurt is repeatedly physically assaulted by karofsky, but she slaps finn (after he outed her) and this policy suddenly exists. same applies in 3x13 when finn and rachel are allowed to have very graphic PDAs at school with no complaint from the authorities, but santana and brittany have one chaste peck and it's the end of the world, and she rightfully tells figgins that there's a double standard.
(really random) hyperfixations - it's a popular glee headcanon that santana spends a lot of time researching random shit on wikipedia (which she probably did the night before her wedding so she could explain to britt about the superstition around the bride/groom not seeing each other before the wedding) based on the absolute batshit cultural references she comes out with. she makes the most random cultural references (e.g. comparing rory to the great gazoo, which is a really random side-character from the flintstones), and has somewhat of a fascination with lizards (2x04, 2x12).  she also just randomly made an entire voodoo doll of rachel berry just for shits and giggles, like … wtf
lack of spatial awareness - so this one's mostly just naya rivera's physical comedy, but ... in the nicest possible way ... santana's a tad bit unco, isn't she? (see: her very charming wacky inflatable arm-waving tube person dancing in 3x08, the scene where she literally walks headfirst into a balloon in 3x22 and the scene in 5x17 where she gets attacked by pigeons).
hyperactive - santana's abuela put her in ballet classes because she was "such a tomboy and it really pissed [her] dad off"; obviously we know she had a mullet and dressed up as uncle jesse from full house for halloween (and she knows how to tie a tie, thanks again sarah) - those are obviously aesthetic things but "tomboy" can also be code for "hyperactive" in afab people (particularly if santana's grandmother was of the "children should be seen and not heard" generation).
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aeoki · 3 months
Blackjack - Miracles Don't Exist: Chapter 5
Location: Star Fest Stage Characters: Yuzuru & Mika Season: Winter
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few hours later. “Star Fest” Venue No.12 – “Seaside”. >
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Yuzuru: …………
Mika: Ah! Yukkun~♪ Merry Christmas Eve!
Yuzuru: Oh, Kagehira-sama. A Merry Christmas Eve to you, as well ♪
Mika: Ngh~ Yukkun is Yukkun as always ♪
Yuzuru: What do you mean? I’m always undergoing daily training to ensure I remain as a butler at all times.
Therefore, I shall interpret your earlier comment as a compliment.
Mika: Okay ♪
Yuzuru: But did you have business with me?
Mika: Yup~ Anyone would’ve been fine but there’s somethin’ I wanna ask ya.
Yuzuru: Hmm. What would you like to ask? As you can see, I’m spending a rather lonely time all by myself in this practically empty venue.
Mika: The seaside is pretty cold~... No one really wants to come here.
Yuzuru: Yes, the salty sea breeze is poison for the body, after all. The famous idols who are to participate in the “SS” Main Stage are being extra careful of their health and have chosen to avoid this venue.
Mika: The famous idols aren’t here on stage so the fans won’t gather here, either?
In reality, there’s barely any people here so it feels kinda creepy.
Yuzuru: Yes. But that’s also precisely why I think this is my time to shine.
I don’t mean to boast but I’ve trained myself to be able to endure the harshest of environments.
So I will stand firm and hype up the crowd here to the maximum.
I understand that is my duty. In order for all twenty-one venues to be in full swing…
I will provide assistance to obtain that recognition and outcome. By doing so, the reputation of Yumenosaki, ES, Anzu-san and the others – in other words, the ones who planned this event – can be maintained.
I wish for flawless victory and glory for the master I serve and the organisation I’m affiliated with.
Those who will aid in achieving that will be butlers such as myself as it is our duty.
Mika: Oh~... H–Huh, so you’ve given it way more thought than I’d expected. I thought you weren’t motivated for “Star Fest” and was slackin’ off here.
Yuzuru: How pure you are, Kagehira-sama. My words earlier could have simply been excuses and I may actually be slacking off.
Mika: Huh~? There’s way better places for that than here, though?
Yuzuru: I’m no match for someone like you.
Mika: Huh? Whaddya mean by that?
All I did last year was stick close to Oshi-san and did what he did… Even now, I still don’t know what sorta person I am.
Every time there’s a special magazine interview with me, I get surprised like a stranger readin’ it and think, “So that’s what Mika Kagehira is like!?”
Yuzuru: Hehe. I see you harbour worries regarding your identity, Kagehira-sama.
Mika: Nah, it’s not that big of a deal, though.
Yuzuru: I bear similar concerns myself.
This year’s “Star Fest” is individual participation. The Young Master has sternly ordered me to leave him on his own and to not follow closely behind.
I’m currently at a loss.
Mika: Ahaha, you look like a puppy who’s been abandoned by their owner.
Yuzuru: Indeed… As I cannot act as a member of “fine” nor as the Young Master’s butler, I’m not sure what I should be doing.
And after brooding over it for some time, I came to the conclusion that I could lend a hand in livening things up for “Star Fest”, so here I am – trying to do just that for the most deserted venue.
If individual service has been rejected, then I shall direct my services to the entirety of the event. I believe by doing so, good fortune can be bestowed upon the people I love.
Mika: You’re amazin’, Yukkun… I’ve always got my plate full just thinkin’ about myself.
Yuzuru: Yes. But it’s because that’s how the majority of the public are, so they seek people like us.
You scratch my back, I scratch yours, Kagehira-sama.
Mika: I see… Ahh~ I got to hear some good things. I’m satisfied.
Wait, no! I’m not here to listen to something educational!
Yuzuru: Right. Hehe, playing the role of both the funny man and straight man, I see ♪
Mika: Y–You kinda look like you’re in a good mood compared to usual, Yukkun. Aren’t you sad that you were separated from your beloved “Young Master”?
Yuzuru: No, no. In fact, I feel rather at ease seeing as I don’t have to take care of that troublesome brat.
The same goes for you as well, right, Kagehira-sama? You feel better not having to look after that difficult “Oshi-san”, correct?
Mika: Huh? No, I’m–
Yuzuru: –I merely jest.
Mika: Whaaaat!? W–Why are you like this today, Yukkun!?
Oh, geez… Is this what you’re really like on the inside?
Yuzuru: I wonder? It’s not very much so this year, but I’m basically like the extra thing that comes with the Young Master.
So just as I had mentioned before, I don’t really know who I am as a person.
In any case, there is a reason why I’m in such good spirits.
Every year at around this time, I set my wits to work in order to give the Young Master his gift without him finding out.
Perhaps it’s because that brat has begun questioning Santa’s existence, but he is becoming more and more wary every year – It is rather troublesome for the one doing the gifting, you see.
However, mayhaps it’s due to one of the rules of “Star Fest” but the Young Master will be playing the role of Santa.
So the receiver has now become the gifter. I can see how much the Young Master has grown after seeing him play that role…
And although it is embarrassing to say aloud, tears are welling up in my eyes from the happiness.
Mika: I correct myself: You’re not a dog, Yukkun, but his parent.
Yuzuru: Oh, no – I’m undeserving of such a title.
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parkminijiminie · 1 year
This video reminds me of 2019 all over again when jk got caught with that tattoo artist. It was clearly him then and it's clearly him now. His dog is literally in the video for fuck sake. If jm and jk broke up which I suspect due to them living separately and jm literally living with pdogg when working on FACE it makes more sense. I've long suspected that jm wrote face off about jk bc the song is clearly about a break with someone and the time frame matches. Jm and jk seem to be on good terms now (friends) like for the good of the group but I feel bad for jm bc jk constantly has been sending jm mix singles this entire year including when he was supposedly with this girl. Jm has probably saw that damn video and now thinking wtf jk. For jm's sake I hope he's moved on to someone else.
The video does remind me as well of the one in 2019 in a lot of aspects, mainly the fact that both times it was a gross invasion of privacy. As I previously said, yeah, so far I believe it's him in it, but I really hope this situation doesn't play out like 2019, though, and that JK doesn't beat himself over it. Last time, he took an year off lives because of it, so let's hope things will go better now.
"Face-off" , just like all the other songs in "Face", is personal to Jimin and comes from his own experiences but we shouldn't speculate too much on it. More than it being about a singular person, I think it is about Jimin's feelings towards some people in his life in general. He said that it was about friends betraying him, so that for sure was part of the inspiration for it. Whether JK was part of those people, is speculative and unclear. I seriously doubt he is the sole reason for the writing of the song, though. This song is a pretty heavy-hearted one, which came from some deep pain. If JK, whom Jimin have known for years (and maybe had feelings for, at some point) had really hurt him to the point of inspiring this particular song, I really don't think they would be as okay with each other as they seem to be now. Jimin may be an angel, but he is still strong and has boundaries.
I agree on the part about living with Pdogg. To me as well this further proves JM was single at the time. I disagree though about JK sending mix singles. In reality, only they know what signals they've been sending to each other in public and what's their relationship in private, but at least on welive JK has only ever send these type of signals to Jimin:
"I enjoy seeing you. I keep up with what you're doing. I support your work. I want to meet up and spent time with you. I love your company. I am happy when we are communicating"
And no, writing this isn't me being a delulu. This is literally what his actions and words in his lives meant. How that ties to their personal affairs is a question they could only answer.
Lastly, I'd say this. My ultimate bias is Jimin. Eventhough I try to be realistic and know that he too has negative qualities, I think he is a precious person that comes around very rarely in our world. I truly love him and I wish for him to be happy with someone worthy of him, whether that is JK or not. I also trust in his mind and ability to choose for himself. Lets just wait and see. If JM continues to post about JK and they remain as close as they are post-NY , than there's no reason for any of us to be salty.
They don't own us anything.
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