#also all the other projects i have that i want to finish next year ive made plans for
typheus · 1 year
i finished all 300 granny squares!!!
going to focus on finishing the scrap blanket now, then finish the striped blanket, and after that ill put all the granny squares together
#other#t talks#no more arm pain. i am free#i can finally draw regularly again 😭😭😭#also all the other projects i have that i want to finish next year ive made plans for#i have 2 other blankets i havent worked on since like....february ...#you ever notice how fucking up the spelling for february is. that work just looks wrong.#anyways#2 blankets. 2 ponchos. 2 shirts. a tablerunner. a skirt. a scarf. and a cardigan#....i think im forgetting something#anyways!#one of the ponchos is being ripped out and will be a cardigan instead ✌️ (its wool yarn and i hate the stitches on this poncho)#the table runner will just be a like much smaller wall decoration instead cause the table is too big and i dont wanna do all that :/#so its gonna be smaller and can be a nice lil christmas decoration instead idc im tired lol#one of the blankets is already half way done. so ill work on that once i finish these current 3#the poncho i will do and 1 of the skirts are lace. i can do lace knitting p fast so ill do those after the blanket#then the skirt and tablerunner#then ill have to spend like... 2/3 of the year working on The Beast. aka the 5th blanket 💀#but after that i can make the now 2 cardigans (after i rip out the poncho) really fast no problem!#and the second shirt will be a new knitting technique so that will be fun#and the scarf......i literally have no plans to finish the scarf this year ngl#ive had that bitch on the needles since 2018 im fine with it staying on the needles a while longer if it means i actually finish other shit
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rubitheracoon · 22 days
I hope that got your attention :]
Anyway, Hi! My name is Rubi (not really) and I'm a young budding artist of many different flavours (some more developed than others).
I wanted to share a passion project of mine that I've been casually working on for the last year today (21st March 2024).
I've been trying really hard to get it out to more people, advertising it wherever I was allowed to do so. It still hasn't gained many follows. so since I have a larger following on tumblr, I thought this would be my next best option.
This project is a Spotify playlist by the name of "I'm all alone", which is inspired off of liminal spaces and how they make me feel.
From the moment I created the playlist I knew I wanted it to be a 'choose your own story' type deal, where the listener can infer from the songs listed to any capacity (specific or basic) and the playlist is just a base idea. I want to see other people draw their own creativity from my playlist. There is no right or wrong story.
Though, this playlist is far from finished. As of writing this, the furthest I've gotten to it being fully organised in a way I feel sounds right is down to the song "over population at the end of everything..." (I'm not writing the full title). If I continue treating it casually like I Currently am, it will be a long time from being a fully fledged playlist. But there's still information you can take from the unorganised songs!
This is the link to the playlist
I'd also like to add that for the people who want to get to the nitty gritty, I have accommodated titles, album covers and a certain song repeating to act as chapters, keep a look out! (All of these were entirely unintentional but very useful)
Please @ me when you talk about any theories, I want to hear all of it!
Lots of love,
- Rubi 🧡
The amount of likes I have as of when I'm writing this is 3. 2 of them are my other accounts
turns out my other 2 accounts didn't have this playlist liked after all this time so all 3 likes count. I'm now up to 7 as of 23rd May 2024 including those 2 accounts
Please reblog with all tags and if I missed any be sure to add them :)
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duchessonfire · 2 days
Whatever AU you create I live for it, honestly I'm your biggest fan at this point. Feel free to expand! The abo, supernatural twist, the motherfucking reverse sugar that i did not expect 😂 what kinda dynamic do you envision? Are they overall similar to savior except for some key point or is the energy between cegan completely altered? What are the vibes 🤩
Also! What are you thought on Negan's evolution and can you add your twist as to where do you think Carl can fit in it
(ive never watched dead city and stopped twd years ago coincidentaly right after carl died i keep up a bit with spoilers so i got the gist of it. But from what i can see he's become a fundamentaly different person. Swagger still there but dialed down enough to make me sad 😔 wbu do you keep up? id be impressed if you did cause that's some damn comitmment.
Listen i've been trying to recreate your magic by combining ao3 tags lately but nothing seems to fit! Its the age difference, its the slow burn with what started as someone playing meanly and exerting their power on someone else only to be hit with the feelings 🫢, it's the top tier d/s subtext, its the jealousy and the two step forward one step back, its the smut tbh mostly the smut, simply put it's giving.
And absolutely no rush and dont feel obliged to answer but what kinda irl timeline are you predicting for part 3 and 4 and the neganpov? You've been churning out updates lately (22k high quality chapter within a month; we are spoiled god bless🫂).
I'm frothing at the mouth waiting for your next update. You sincerely bring me joy.
Hi again Cegan lovely! ✨
Thank you so much for this sweet message.
The dynamics of the other Cegan project I have planned will be very much similar to the Savior!Carl universe with Carl and Negan going from enemies to lovers. The only one that is truly different is the reverse sugar daddy AU where I'm going for a Carl that is super shy and vulnerable, really a gifted kid who has trouble connecting with people and who clings to his crush for his former PE teacher for dear life. I'm really excited about those projects even though I have no idea when I'll have time to write them 😅
I am still heavily involved in TWD universe and I have watched the main show until the end, as well as the Daryl Dixon, The Ones Who Live and the Dead City spinoffs. I was very unhappy with Negan's characterization in the last season of TWD but Dead City really brought a breath of fresh air and I'm excited to see what lies in store for Negan in season 2.
So funny thing, part 4 of the Savior!Carl universe will cover Rick's arrival and the war between the Saviors and the other communities, but because I want to stick closely to canon, part 5 will deal with the time Negan spends in the cell and the Whisperer War. So I have in fact plans for Carl and Negan's relationship even after Negan loses his empire. (I'm actually very excited about their new dynamics after that happens ❤️‍🔥 While Negan will go softer, Carl will become a lot harder and more ruthless so that will be pretty amazing to explore...).
I'm so happy that you enjoy the Savior!Carl AU 😍 If you're looking for more Cegan content, I recommend looking at my bookmarks. If you enter Carl Grimes or Negan Smith in the "other work tags to include" section, you will be able to see all my Cegan bookmarks. I especially recommend the fics by Gemjam: Wildflowers and Genesis, which are really the main inspiration behind the Savior!Carl universe, but in my bookmarks you will find loads more of amazing works by amazing writers! Happy reading 📖
So for the time-line, part 3 will finish this summer for sure, hopefully by beginning of July. I will post chapter 10 this week (hopefully today or tomorrow), and then it's only two more chapters to go. The time-line for 4 is a lot blurrier because I still have a lot of brainstorming to do. Same for part 5 and for the Negan's pov. Ideally, I would like the Negan's pov to post at the same time as part 5 because Carl will spend a lot of time away from Negan while he's in the cell, so posting Negan's pov at the same time would still giving readers a healthy amount of Cegan next to the plot of part 5.
Thank you again for such a lovely ask and I hope you have an amazing day 💐😘
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iraprince · 1 year
Hey Ira how do you finish stuff? i've been working on a project for months and i just cant find a way to complete it
see, the thing is my first instinctive response to this question was "idk, because i feel like i never finish anything either!"
i mean, obviously i DO, i finish stuff for work etc and if i really never finished anything then there would be nothing on this blog. but from where i'm standing it feels like the amount of stuff i've actually finished is like, a tiny tiny drop in the massive ocean of stuff i've THOUGHT about or WANT to do or maybe have even STARTED but are all collecting dust on the back burner
i think ive had the idea for project catboy since, like, 2017 or something, and i still only have the first draft outline done; i keep thinking i'm not ready to do it justice yet. i think the villains win has existed for a similar amount of time as a concept and i DID finally start it but i've been too busy/occupied w other things to continue. i've been wanting to open an online shop and sell prints + merch for years now, and have done maybe one or two steps in that direction, but then it keeps stalling and getting lost amidst my other more pressing to-dos
basically: i am always working on projects for months (and years!) and never finding ways to complete them, and any personal project i do end up finishing feels like a huge outlier most of the time
so i don't really have solid advice bc i struggle w it so much myself, but i guess i do have a "hey, you're not alone." just keep banging away at things and eventually some of it will pop through, even if most of it doesn't. if i try really hard to skim over the stuff that DOES get done and find a common thread, it's either 1. i literally Had to (work stuff etc,) or 2. i was EXTREMELY passionate/excited about it, and i had a plan/the scope was visible + digestible (i knew how it was going to end or i was kind of aware of all the parts that needed to come together, rather than just kind of writing/drawing endlessly into the abyss without being able to visualize how much progress i was making). if there's no end in sight, maybe the next best step is getting more specific/granular about what the end would actually look like; a lot of times i find that i THINK i know what a project would need to be done, but in reality it's all just a pretty vague concept in my head, and i never actually sat down and hammered out the steps of what i need to do/make! if you have a fixed endpoint, you can ALWAYS be inching toward it, even if it takes forever.
(also, do it shittier. im being so serious. whenever u get really stuck, do a shitty job just to get onto the next step. if you hit the finish line you can always go back and improve/redo things, but a lot of times you might look back and be like "actually the low effort version is fine, in the big picture")
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tumblydovereviews · 1 month
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What Failing NaNoWriMo Taught Me
This is a change in subject from the usual media posts, but I wanted to try and broad out the scope of my writing a bit.
If you are even remotely familiar with the online writing community, you will probably know what NaNoWriMo is. Every November, writers from all around the world scramble to start an all-new story and to finish that very story by the last day of the month. And, did I mention that this novel needs to be 50,000 words at the least?
Being the bored person I am, I decided to take a risk and try the challenge out. And thus, half my October was spent forming a new world with new characters and a unique plot. On November 1st, I gathered up my supplies, booted up my laptop and started the grand journey into the wild west that is NaNo season.
Obviously, if you read the title of this article, you would know how that went.
I wrote only approximately 29,000 words for my novel. That's it. Out of the 50,000 words I was planning on writing, I barely made it half-way through.
But yet, despite my technical failure, I don't think competing in NaNoWriMo was a complete waste. I learned quite a few lessons from the journey, both writing and non-writing related, and I'm here to share them with you.
Hydrate, hydrate, HYDRATE: Like many others, I have trouble keeping a consistent amount of water in my daily diet. Somedays, I'll hardly drink any at all and on others, chugging down is all that I'll do. A few years ago, my lack of hydration actually landed me in the ER on an IV. Most of the time, we are taught only to drink water to keep our bodies going. But, I learned that when I was sufficiently hydrated while writing, I could go on for much longer periods of time compared to when I was thirsty. As it turns out, drinking water and fluids can also have a positive impact on our brain function!
Create goals based off your personal style: I'm not too bad of a chronic procrastinator. Like all of us have, occasionally I'll put projects aside towards the last minute, but for the most part, I'm a pretty good worker. My problem is working consistently- I concentrate much better in controlled bursts of time than in a long session, but at the same time, I don't like leaving work unfinished. If I start a chapter, I'm going to finish it no matter what, for better or for worse. For NaNoWriMo, I decided to aim on finishing at least one chapter of my story per day. That way, I would have a manageable amount of work while still staying productive in the process.
At the same time, life is WAY more important than writing: Throughout November, Thanksgiving, school, and the start of the holidays in general impeded my ability to write as much as I could have. And that's okay! Writing is just one part of my life, not my entire well-being. I try to divide the different aspects of my life into certain 'parts,' from my academic part to my author part for tumblydovereviews. This helps me to throw away any worries I mayhave about another 'part,' and instead focus my whole self onto one part at a time.
Grow a closer bond with your characters: I loved my characters. I thought about them throughout the day and as I wrote. I came up with their favorite activities, movies, and foods, and imagined scenarios for them in my head. In a way, this made writing them easier as I knew more about how they would react and why.
And, if no matter what you try, you still fail NaNoWriMo...: That's okay! Remember, the entire point of this challenge is to have fun while also completing a story in the process. No matter what happens, I'm proud of you for trying. You're doing great!
Will I decide to complete NaNoWriMo again next year? It remains to be seen. But one thing remains clear: even through my failure, I still love to write. I still love to read. I still want to create stories and worlds and essays. And, nothing will stop me from doing that.
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ultrainfinitepit · 11 months
out of curiosity what is your current expected/projected release order for all your pin projects? i know angelology 3 will be starting once eldritch saints fulfilment is done (so around september/october) and pride angels 2023 will be next year but when will other projects like cowboy monsters and film noir angels be available for purchase roughly? do you also still have plans for some of the campaigns you pitched back in february (e.g virtuous sins i think one of them was called?) or have some of them been discarded/scaled back? sorry for asking so many questions! i'm just curious + want to know so i can budget accordingly, no need to answer everything especially if some of these are meant to be secrets rn :3
No need to apologize Anon, here are my plans at the moment.
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Cowboy Monsters and Film Noir Monsters will be self-funded this year and available in my Etsy shop in 2-4 months, depends on when I finish all the designs.
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Angelology III: Wings and Waves is planned for right after Eldritch Saints, I'm hoping to launch it in September or October 2023.
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Angelology IV: Angels of Extinction is planned for after Angelology III, February 2024 at the earliest. I currently have it planned for before Pride Angels because it got more votes in the poll.
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Pride Angels will be the final campaign I run for a while, it's planned for June 2024. After that I'd like to take a break from Kickstarter campaigns, and possibly try out a monthly pin club for funding pins instead.
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For 2024, I'm planning to self-fund the Angelic Hierarchy series. I will also be self-funding the remaining Zodiac and Astrological Putti (I have some in production right now) and more fanart pins. I have Trigun, Diablo, and Ghibli on my fanart list along with a few other ideas. If I do make a monthly pin club they would be available through that.
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Pride Angels won't be the last Kickstarter ever for me, I would like to do one more to fund the plushies I pitched a while ago. Plushies are going to be a lot of work to prototype so I anticipate needing at least a year for it, and for that campaign to be sometime in 2025.
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Archangels, Cowboys of the Apocalypse, and Virtuous Sins are on indefinite hold. Those are collaborative projects and the timing hasn't worked out to finish them. I might refine my ideas for them sometime down the line though. Maybe they can be pin club or self-funded pins for 2025.
Hope that answers all your questions Anon! Everything I just said is subject to change of course but that's all my plans at the moment.
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sirotras · 5 months
2023 crochet round up!
i mentioned making a post like this a few days ago, and true to my nature, i waited until the last minute to get pictures
so here we are, in no particular order, various projects i finished in 2023
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1.) this was technically crocheted last year (i think) but this year i finally assembled and lined it, making it finished! its not quite the size to be a purse, but its perfect for carrying my phone and keys while dog walking
i followed this pattern, and im really happy with the results!
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2.) some little zipper bags. like the bag above, the purple one was crocheted last year, but i finally added the lining and zipper this year (i also used the same pattern as the above bag to make the purple one)
the grey one doesnt have a lining and zipper yet, but since the crochet is finished, it still makes the list
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3.) little squares from this pattern, to have something to clip my stitch markers to, very helpful for travel
4.) a few of the chokers i made during the summer, there are a bunch more, but you get the idea, a couple were made based on this pattern
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4.) this one was hard to get a good shot of, but it's a cat blanket i made for my sister's cats
the pattern was a free one i got from michael's in store, which doesnt seem to be on their site? however its a pretty simple pattern, im pretty sure you could find something nearly identical by searching "star baby blanket" or something like that
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5.) for ages now i've been meaning to make something to keep my tablet pens in, because having them loose in my bag is begging for disaster
i actually had to make this little case twice, the first one was too long and the proportions looked weird, so it isnt pictured here
i hand finished all the seams for the lining, there was no practical need to do this
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6.) pouch to carry headphones i got for my birthday
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7.) pouch to carry Cool Rocks
the bottom of the bag comes from these doily patterns, and the ends of the ties are from this pattern
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8.) a mini dice bag, made to hold a couple sets of mini dice my sister made for me!
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9.) several cord ties made from this pattern, the flower was my own addition (only two ties are pictured because i didnt feel like tracking down the third)
10.) a flower vine to decorate my desk, no actually on my desk because i still need to sort out how i want to attach it
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11.) speaking of flowers, ive probably made dozens of these little guys, they're very quick to make, and a good way to give my hands something to do while watching something
12.) little succulents from this pattern
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13.) oops! another pouch to hold even more Cool Rocks
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14.) while technically i still need to to line these bags, i still wanted to include them, i made them from this pattern, and im very excited for when theyre actually finished so i can use them
next we're getting into some shawls i made, and unfortunately i just dont have a good set up for getting pics of them
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15.) this one was made by doing a little variation from this pattern
16.) this was made from the all shawl pattern by doris chan, its a really great pattern for beginner's, the first shawl i made was from that pattern!
17.) this was made from a variation on the same pattern i used for the cat blanket, i made a couple others from the same sort of pattern late last year, but i decided i needed one in black in october, because it looks just a bit like bat wings
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18.) i made a cowl from this pattern, and i really love the texture of it! i also made one for my mom in a different color, which is not pictured here because i took these picture last minute
other things not pictured include: a dice bag for my sister, flowers for my mom, and a sack for the cats to curl up in (since they love making nests out of my projects)
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bismuthburnsblue · 7 months
pre project write up: the coat!
ill keep this short (for me) because i worked through most the details with the wearable mockup from last year, but i wanted to reintroduce this project & the fabrics ill be using :)
This is the final version of my winter coat project, which i am starting at a great time (ill probably finish this well after its gotten cold!) Ive started with a base of McCalls M6800, because im not super confident in my ability to draft a pattern with the correct ease for this type of garment. Ive made some minor fittings (far too much room in one of the front seams for me, and i took some volume out of the skirt area. the shoulders were. weird. i honestly wouldnt rate this pattern super highly it had some grading issues that should have been caught, but it serves my purposes) and now i should be ready to go! i wont be following the instructions very much but theyre pretty basic anyway, so ill just go my own way and see where i end up!
this is kind of the inspo if you want a visual!
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the main body of the coat will be made out of this gorgeous, velvet like wool (i think its a blend?). In true Nyx fashion, its black and absolutely impossible to photograph. its probably one of the most expensive fabrics ive ever bought but i looked through dozens of options and this was by far the best one i found. im really particular about textures and this one is just, so nice, and its quite thin for a wool (not in a bad way, its just compact rather than fluffy) which is something im going to appreciate with the amount of fabric in this coat.
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Next: the lining! given that i was going to all this effort to make my own coat, i wanted this to be a completely unique garment, in every aspect, including the lining. I knew i wanted something with a design on it, and something that was a dramatic contrast to the outside, so when i saw this gorgeous 'chinese brocade' fabric i knew it was the perfect thing. Its very much. not a lining fabric and was past the budget i had in mind for my lining but i didnt see anything that came even remotely close to this in my mind so i caved and bought it. Even a year on im still enamoured with it and hope i have some left over to use for other things! I did get extra of the slippery black satin i used to line the mock up coat and i plan to use that to line the sleeves just for the extra glide, but ill use this for the main body.
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one last fabric! one of the changes i wanted to make from the red version was to add a fur collar so i tracked down the softest faux fur you have ever touched! again awful to photograph, but its perfect, and it was by weight, so now i have a huge piece of this :D
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i do also want to make note of the buttons i picked! theyre absolutely gorgeous and i, once again, hunted for ages to find the perfect option and here they are! they photograph a lovely colour but irl the gold is a little pink toned so my extra ass has bought some rub n buff to tone them into a better shade. yes. the buttons. for my coat. listen.
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im generally happy with my mock up, but there are a few changes i want to make. the obvious one was one that was in the plans from before i even started the red one, which was changing the collar. i wasnt super sold on it in the first place and the further in i got, the more i wanted a fur collar! since i have so much of my fur, im also planning on adding it around the cuffs and i do keep tossing up doing the whole hem but i think that might be a little much.
The other major change i want to make is to how i finished the coat. im actually pretty happy with the hemming method i chose for the reasons i chose it, but for this version i want to do something different. the plan this time is to do a facing in the outer fabric on the lining pieces and have that completely attached through the inside, removing any opportunities for the lining to show unintentionally.
Theres also a couple of minor fit things i want to change, i want to add more width to the back in case this fabric is tougher than my mockup, i want to rethink how i did my buttons because that made me miserable last time, and i want to add a little length to the hem. oh and better pockets! i need to give it my mega pockets. but overall im pretty much ready to go straight into it! im so nervous
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some mind games ramblings
mg:t is at 114,162 words as of the partially unfinished chapter 6 update that'll be out soon! we've hit over 100k words again, after so many years.... ;-; I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED
and chapter 7!!! has a lot of fun shit in it!!! that im looking forward to jumping into. chapter 6 was FUN to write and i think ch7 will be just as fun!!! I DONT KNOW, IT'S JUST AWESOME WHEN YOU REALLY START LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING SHIT WRITTEN DOWN??? Maybe all I needed was antidepressants to help my brain get to where it needs to be able to kick into writing gear! whatever the case may be, we are blasting through chapters now!
i also have quite the list of edits planned whenever I get to doing earlier chapter edits again, including adding more content to some! im still trying to add more personality choices in, and there's some places i want more choices in general for interactions with characters and the team members, especially. I'll likely be rolling out updates every once in a while, when I feel up to doing edits (which is fairly often, there's times where I ONLY want to edit).
I've also decided to do a lock-in point at the very end of B1, just to make things a bit easier to write as you guys wont be able to import saves and I don't want anyone to get the idea that this isn't a romance game. The lock-in point will give you a suggestion based either on who you have the highest flirt points with OR the highest friendship points. As some characters mainly have friendship points available, (or in Freja's case, is uncomfortable with flirting but is highly receptive to you befriending her) I want to make sure that's an included part to the lock-in. You will be able to choose someone else other than your suggested RO, but some will have warnings attached regardless. (Like Fawn, who will only be romanceable by women or non-binary folks who plan to present either androgenously or femininely. She is locked from masc enbys.)
I dont know how much more customization will be offered in the next chapters, but i know some things we wont get to till b2. i dont really expect much more for now, though.
I'm really hoping to finish Trepidation this year! I think we're really on path to do so, which is so, so exciting!!! To think I'll finally finish my first game, my heart n soul project... <3
I think that's all my ramblings... for now
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 9 months
You have a rainworld x undertale au? Do tell! Super interested!
Hmm i had a whole thing written and i took hours to write it and i was almost done telling you Frisk's life before they fell in my au but tumblr tumblred and deleted all of It 🥴 that's why it took me so long to answer this here lol i was mourning /j
Anyway i'll tell you a bit of it anyway. basically imagine the ancients were humans like two million years after our modern age. REMEMBER THIS. HUMANS = ANCIENTS. I WILL USE THESE WORDS INTERCHANGEABLY FROM THIS POINT. Everything happens as it usually would. The monsters get sealed (😔) time passed, Chara falls, except after they fall and That Entire Fiasco happens, the next humans to fall are spaced very far apart in time from each other. However, the Monsters don't know this because of Time Shenanigans. You know the drill. To them the normal amount of time between Frisk and Chara happens, and they think of humanity like us, not the ancients. The mountain is very conveniently placed in an area between different iterators, so it doesn't rain much there, by Rain world's standards. It does get all the other 'the earth is sinking' issues, but seeing as they quite literally live under a rock the Monsters still don't know this either. So now that ive finished making sure you know how for the monsters everything seems mostly the same except for the occasional odd item in the waterfall dump, let's move on to the ancients :)
They're still a whole hot mess, except they're humans. The whole legend about mount ebbot is forgotten, including what happened with Chara and Asriel, except maybe by the most avid mythology and history nerds. Again everything happens as it would, void fluid is discovered, religion religions everything, the iterators are built, the ancients ascend. Except not all of them want to ascend, and not all of them agreed with the iterator project ;)
I remember a pearl saying something about how some ancients decided to live on the surface despite the worsening conditions. I assumed they meant outside of the retaining wall. Now what if there was a movement about it? All those who disagreed with the iterator project AND all those who disagreed with the current way religious folks ran everything and promoted suffering in order to ascend decided they they were going to leave the iterator grounds when the Mass Ascension was announced. However they didn't come back once It was dome, because a big part of those who left disapproved of the iterators. Since they and the rest of the crowd couldn't afford to split up (they would likely die) and a lot of iterators already resented them for leaving like that and from the sparse communication they still kept, apparently would no longer host them they just decided to all stick together (not the entire population; think tribes and clans) and not go back to any of the iterators, be they willing or not. So they stayed out of the retaining grounds, as wandering tribes. The iterators see this and decide that anyone who helps an ancient will be labeled a traitor, since they (the ancients) wouldn't help them. (These decisions are made over a long period, not immediatly after the Mass Ascension). Of course there are many exceptions and many who disagree, but they mostly keep it a secret to avoid being ostracized.
Over time the ancients forget much of what brought them to live on the surface rather than above the clouds, and it all becomes stories told around the fire, with all the expected distortions of reality. Iterators basically become boogeymen lmao. Except they're very real, and in most tribes people are told to ignore the overseers lest they get taken away or cursed or modified or whatever.
Years and years pass and the whole Five Pebbles Fiasco also happens, Moon collapses (😔) and so on. Now we are paste Monk's time, but before the Rivulet is even born. So pebbsi is Not Doing So Hot but he also retains most of his processes.
Here comes a little child, like 8 years old or so in a tribe a few days' walk away from the outer expanse. They're very curious, always asking questions like 'why are the iterators evil' and 'why are we walking among ruins of cities' and 'what do mean we abandoned society for living in the cycle' and other such questions that aren't very easily answered. They're not very liked amongst the adults. This is also one of the tribes that clung to ascension religion the most (😔) so there's a lot of pressure to not let the natural urges happen without explanation as to why they have to do that. Which Frisk also asks questions about and is promptly told to just Do It and don't ask questions about it. They're a very adventurous child as well, and nobody really keeps much of an eye on them, so they often run off into the wild and come back days later if not found. The only reason they survive is often a scavenger or wandering slugcat (family) found them, went 'voids below that is a CHILD' and helped them not die until they were found or made it back. (Btw they all trade in this. Scavs🤝Slugcats🤝Humans. There is a bit of a feeling of superiority going on from scavs to slugcats and from humans to both scavs and slugcats, but if it came down to it you know none of them would take any shit from any other species. Relations are normal game relations between scavs and slugcats and read the above for humans with everything else, obviously sprinkled with a lot of wariness because oH nO ThEyRe WiLd aNiMaLs We CaNt TrUsT tHeM bLiNdlY. Only the second part of that sentence is completely true (that's just how things work in the wild i guess))
One funny day the tribe has decided to leave the place they're staying in because there's not enough resources to go around anymore. They're departing in a few days. Frisk does not know this and goes on one of their little adventure trips. By the time they come back the tribe is gone. (No one realized they weren't there, or they just didn't care. But either way they're alone now.)
They spend a few days waiting around, hoping someone comes back for them. They're good enough at foraging and hunting small animals (think baby centipedes, batflies) and making small fires that they do pretty well on their own for the time being. (This may sound unreasonable for an 8 year old, but keep in mind this is all they've been taught since birth, considering the nature of the settlements they've lived). When this doesn't work, they try to go looking for their tribe. They are unsuccessful, but they keep trying. For months. (What they don't know is, their clan went the way opposite of the outer expanse, while they went towards it. Although in circles, because they didn't know which way to go. That's why they take so long to get there.) One blessed evening, they find themselves in this lush and warm place (it's warmer as you get closer to the iterators). As they look for somewhere to stay the night they find a huge tree and oH THERES THANGS IN HERE.
The Thangs are Survivor and Monk, Who look at the very malnourished and very human child in front of them and think about it for exactly half a second before deciding to help them to the best of their ability. Frisk, who despite their skill, is still a child in the middle of a hostile wasteland, all but collapses at the promise of safety, even if they don't know yet what Surv and Monk are thinking. They just know slugcats are safe.
Aaand that's all for now! I have. A LOT more to tell before they finally fall in the underground but i aint rewriting all 'at
Extra trivia time!
Frisk isn't their name (yet) here. They have one of those excessively complicated ancient names here, but i haven't quite decided on it yet.
The atmosphere is extremely different from today's atmosphere. Humans didn't really evolve alongside it, so they have to wear masks that process the air for them in order to be able to breathe, under the ornamental masks, or incorporated within them. People are mostly able to scavenge or trade for the materials needed to make and repair them. Those who make masks are like the most important people in a clan, second to those who lead it.
Speaking of, the ornamental masks are still here! Although not as flashy as any you would have seen before the Mass ascension. They're also obviously not made from gold. Or metal usually either. Most are made of wood or bone from the animals they hunt. Occasionally people will have them made of metal, but that's for those leaders who are full of themselves. People will also make the mask prettier by hanging broken or otherwise useless pearls on them, or pretty rocks, plants, painting them, etc. They can be separated from the breathing part of the mask, and often are when hunting or foraging for example, unless they have an intimidation factor. Frisk has a carved and painted vulture mask to go with their breathing mask.
Frisk's breathing mask has been needing new filters for a while. You may understand where we would need to go to change and repair them in the absence of humans. ;)
Frisk is pretty good with spears and knives and weapons for a child. They don't do much damage though, think Gourmand when tired, but they can still lodge spears into walls if they try hard. Their time with slugcats and scavengers in the outer expanse will help them get even better and learn 💥movement tech💥. Or as much of it as they can since their weight center and strength is pretty different from a slugcat's.
When Frisk falls, they are absolutely gobsmacked, bamboozled, flabbergasted, astounded and astonished to see a house that isn't in ruins. They are even more flabbergasted to see a society that is full of stable, warm houses that don't move. They are even more surprised at regular house appliances. The discovery of yet another intelligent species doesn't surprise them as much as it should compared to all this. (Toriel is very worried about their wonder at normal everyday things)
The Mark of Communication allows those who have it to understand every language, but not speak it. Frisk is very quiet in their first few weeks in the underground, while they absorb the vocabulary (Toriel is also worried about this, but less since she has met kids who didn't like to speak before). The Monk and the Survivor can understand Frisk regardless of the language they speak thankfully so they don't have as many problems there even before they could speak fluent slugspeak. Or scavspeak. (Yes they are mostly sign based languages 😌)
Don't ask me how the cycle works in this au pretty please 🥰 all i know for now is Monsters are still bound to it, but in a different way to everything else in the world.
Frisk can speak, but often would rather sign. This won't come up much in the story though, it was mostly only bothering them when they were around other humans. Yes they are autistic no humans do not know what autism is.
Undyne will be Thrilled™ to see their skill in evading and fighting. Especially since they already have a spear. ("Finally a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!" But the opponent is still a very pacifist child. [I'll explain how this happens in another post. Hopefully.])
When i say the ancients are humans i don't mean like us. They're still very much looking like the murals, at least before the Mass ascension. ...Well mostly the wealthy, but the human genetic code has been altered to hell and back so the poor didn't look too different anyway. While lot of it doesn't show after generations of not-human traits not being activated and reactivated and added, Frisk does have features that aren't quite normal for today's human beings. For example, their skin is adapted to the weather, they retain warmth easily, and they can see better in the dark than we do. There's also cosmetic oddities, but i haven't decided on those. There's more traits that are in their DNA that could be activated, but there is no way or reason to in their current situation.
Frisk is no longer eight by the time they fall. They are nine or ten, but if they're nine they're on the older side of it.
I think that's all. If anyone who sees this has any questions, about Rain World or about undertale or about this crossover in particular, feel free to ask in the comments or with a reblog or an ask! I would love to talk about this but i am terribly undermotivated. I have so many ideas and so little patience to say them........
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cinnamon-bunni · 5 months
hm... 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 24! happy new year, bunni!
4. Total number of words you wrote this year That's hard to find tbh....I didn't end up posting a lot of fics, so i dont only have to just check my statistics on ao3, but all of my possible fics ive written this year in my wip docs as well. the total i got was 58,171 words (~35k of it being WIPs and not posted)! so definitely not as much as i wrote last year which was (i think over 100k), and also not including all of my notes ive written. i did not do a lot of writing this year, so hopefully next year i'll wrap up all of my big fics and post them all <3
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year Again, i did not write a lot this year, much less finish them lmao. if you were to ask about uncompleted fics, we would have a different story--but alas, the longest completed one was Once More, With Needles, sitting at 4,414 words!
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year hm....obey me, I suppose. its hard to say really, but enjoyment from writing specifically, i'd have to give it to obey me. what can i say, the cast is just really fun to write (even when levi is impossible to write, like what the hell man i have rewritten your part in my undead fic like 3 separate times and am continuing fixing it, like what the hell man i trusted you and then you dont behave for me). like this year specifically i realized how much i love each and every character--those like lucifer reminded me as to why i love the game and the characters, and people like mephisto and raphael randomly won a spot in my heart. theyre all just so so fun to write <333
12. favorite character to write about this year lucifer!!! even though i only have like, one fic that features him thats out and finished lmao; hes such an interesting and complex character, yet is one whose mind i can easily slip into when i need to write when its his pov. idk, sometimes i find myself struggling to write characters like levi or even asmo sometimes--mainly from my own failures to pay attention to their canon interpretations and making them not out-of-character--but lucifer is surprisingly one i can always rely on to be easy and fun to write!! he is angst galore and so emotionally constipated, hes great <3
17. fics you’ll continue next year Heart Melts for sure!! i originally wanted ch3 to be out before the new year, but ive been drafting and redrafting all of my future chapters (i am trying my best to make it a psychological horror in order to match the tag that i put on the fic, but idk if its going to live up to the hype that people have for this fic ^^;;) so i sadly didnt get time to finish it. maybe by the end of January ill have it out--heres to hoping its done by then! and maybe i might continue Dirty? I didn't even update it this year lol--its def one i dont wanna leave discontinued, as i have all of the chapters planned out, but i just have many other projects that i wanna focus on and also i really wanna rewrite it, so ive been debating doing that first or just to finish then rewrite it. in a perfect world, i'll update that one too lol
21. most memorable comment/review I have two that come to mind!!! in all honesty all comments make me sooo happy, but these ones specifically is just,,,idk man, they just hit a certain way that itches that scratch in my brain that needs validation lmao i love rereading these all the time <3 theres these comments for Messy Makeup:
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(make me go insane from them saying i wrote multiple fics that were their favorites <33) and of course there's this banger of a comment from @/snugglebunnies!!! idk if youre reading this but thank you thank you thank you for inspiring me so much with your fics!!! i love them so much, and this comment was just incredible! from the fic Heart Melts:
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(love when people leave quotes, no matter how long or short!!!! such deep analysis is what i live for!!!!) and of course, sending out so much love to everyone who leaves a comment on any of my fics, no matter how big or small they are <333
22. events you participated in this year i didnt participate in any events this year! i tend not to do events tbh, theyre not really my style, as i dont do well with due dates unless i have months in advance lol;; usually i might do one, maybe two, events a year, but those are usually simple gift exchanges or something. nothing caught my eye this year, and ones that did i just didnt have the time to do, sadly. but! i do plan on doing the sonic big bang next year, which will be my first ever "bigger" event ive been in! exciting, but also really nervewracking as ive never posted sonic content and idk how well i'll do staying on schedule. but its still something i really wanna do (have a great fic planned for it!) so i still wanna give it a shot and do my best on it lol
24. favorite fic you read this year from this year is really hard to say--i think all of my favorite fics were found last year lmao so its a struggle to think of one. @heleentje's BOTW fic Moonlight has been a fantastic read (even though i havent finished it yet;;; i promise will soon!!) and just hits all of the right notes for me!! The batman fic Performance Piece is also definitely up there for me, as it captures so well what i want in my own writing when it comes to writing characters, especially when it comes to inner-dialogue (i might just go back and reread that one again lmao)
as of posting, i have about twenty minutes left before the new year. so happy early 2024!! 🥳🎉💝
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wholemleko · 4 months
updates ig???
(reposted from my deviantart)
so i guess this is like. my plans for the future or at least where i feel like im at when it comes to comics and such.
tl;dr - bird of death is my main project now and everything else is in uncertain limbo
details under the cut:
first thing is just, the state of my projects. bird of death, which im posting now, has completely taken over my brain and its something i enjoy working on much more because its part of a bigger project that im working on with a group of 6 other people and ultimately i think art is a social thing for me. at this point ive also got a 115+ page buffer which ive never even come close to before, so i feel very much at ease about being able to put it out into the world without the months long hiatuses ive gone on with my other comics. plus, it has elements in it that are largely influenced by ideas from my previous projects which i guess leads me to my next point...
which is that im growing burnt out of my older comics. i had for a long time. i occasionally experience moments where i really love my old stories again and give myself the impression that im ready to get back into them, but then it always ends up being temporary and fizzling out again just a week or so later. like venturing. i spent years working on it and theres so much left of the story for me to tell, things that i am still excited to show. but at the same time, its a story i started when i was 16 and i guess this happens to a lot of creators, but my writing style is so different now and when i look back at it i cringe. theres also the factor that felix is almost like an undercooked version of my protagonist in bird of death (for reasons that have only vaguely been revealed). so when i think about writing his story it just feels like. he's the same guy but more poorly put together by a younger me.
this same thing goes for another comic project that ive never shared publicly but which ive been working on for just as long as ive been working on venturing. its actually the story im using for my final project for my degree lmao. the characters in it that im most invested in feel like early drafts for characters from bird of death... the catharsis of writing them has moved to this new story. my old projects just feel like early drafts of this new one but wearing different clothes. they are all born of the same train of thought.
then theres the matter of my fancomics. children of decay is so early on and undercooked that i barely have anything to say about it except that i still love the idea of having a warriors comic, but man i am just not invested in it the way i am with bird of death. (also the fact their titles are so similar... feels silly lol).
my moomin fancomics are a whole other matter... im not the writer for them, and theres still a ton of content that i wanted to cover. im still only in the first chapter of blackthorn tree, and i wanted to adapt 4 more fics afterwards. they are stories that i love, and which continue to be very dear to me, but the inspiration that gave me is, again, now being channeled into my newest project. i guess that makes sense, given that my protagonist was originally made to be a moomin oc. ive also felt increasingly disconnected from the moomin fandom, not because i like the series itself any less, but the fandom landscape is just very different from what it was. another factor is that i did actually have the rest of chapter 1 almost finished, but i lost all those files when my old ipad got fried and this really bummed me out, just a further discouragement.
putting all these things on the backburner feels bad. i dont like saying that i dont know when or even if i will come back to certain projects. i know lots of people enjoyed what i was making, especially venturing and the moomin comics. but i just cant find it in myself to commit to them again now that this new project has pretty much overtaken me, and i dont know if that commitment will ever come back. this isnt to say that i am putting an end to any of them or that im quitting them. just that they are not the thing i am committed to, and i am putting them into uncertain limbo. it feels smarter to concentrate my energy on a project i am much more devoted to now, which is very developed, and which i am making alongside other people who are also very devoted to the greater project.
if u got this far thanks for reading, and thanks to all those who've supported me over the years in my creative endeavors
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t4tkanera · 2 months
i want to rewatch andor but i also want to rewatch ducktales but i also want to watch community but i also want to actually finish watching hannibal but i also havent finished rottmnt and i still have like 3 episodes of parks and rec left but i also havent finished my doctor who rewatch and maybe if i rewatch young justice ill be motivated to work on my au but also i stopped watching youtube for like a year and am in the middle of catching up on all the channels im subscribed to but also im going to a comic con soon and am gonna go to a rebels panel so maybe i should rewatch rebels for preparation but also i havent finished totk yet and stupid raymond animal crossing is making me keep inviting him back to my island before he agrees to live there and i want him to live there for the joke of it all and also i have like 4 weeks left in the semester and im making a comic and i have to read return of the king and i have late work and i procrastinated on a project and its about to bite me in the ass and i have late work and have to make a portfolio website and i need to apply for internships but i dont have a portfolio or linkedin and i need to take six more classes for my major but theyre only offering three of them next semester and ive been trying to take one of these classes for like 2 semesters now but they havent been offering it so how am i supposed to take it and i keep spending money when i really should be saving and one of my roommates is on the constant edge of a mental breakdown and my other roommate is a workaholic which is fine but also part of the reason i havent finished rottmnt or doctor who is cause i watching it with them and theyre always too busy working on stuff to watch which is all fine and good and im glad theyre passionate about their work but i also feel like all our conversations are about their work and i cant talk about my stuff without feeling like im taking over the conversation so i just stay quiet and this post was supposed to be about how theres too many shows to watch
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the-stray-storyteller · 5 months
you asked for a shitty poem istg this is the only poem ive ever written HEY COME BACK *grabs you and pulls you back* NOW YOU HAVE TO TELL ME ABOUT ALL YOUR NEW STUFF AND SHARE SOME OF YOURS >:(
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also literally you don't have to feel pressured to answer this take your time like honestly you don't even have to reply I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR NEW WIP SACRIFICE!1?1?11??1
*offers you tea*
I sent you an ask a few days ago but my tumblr is acting funny so I don't think you got it. Anyways.....
The poem omigod. It's wow! Is it the complexities of human emotion that we hide with beauty. Or is it about romanticizing the dangerous and falling in love with it. The juxtaposition. The rhythm. The contrast. Holy fucking wow. ITS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ITS SO GOOD. *frothing mouth*
Also you new pfp is so cooot. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Okay now to answer your questions. New stuff, nothing much there. I have been writing Rebel and Havenpoint (I should really post the next chapter) really slowly. Writing more chem notes than stories.
Rebel is a part of a series. I still haven't decided if it is going to be a duology or a trilogy. But there will be another book if I have the energy and will to write it.
And I have been concentrating on making two comic strips for my college scholarship. I finished the first one, one more to go.
Long rant below. Like really fucking long. Not joking.
Sacrifice is a placeholder name for my WIP. I haven't decided what its actual name will be. I am really hoping I don't abandon this WIP.
Like I did with Masque, Woven Worlds, Orphic Academy, Timekeepers, Card Thief, Games of the Astute, Mortal Bound, The Playground, After the afterlife (dumb name), Stolen by Silence, etc.
So Sacrifice is an Indian Dark Academia novel.
25 of the best magic users from all over India will be invited to attend a prestigious and mythical academy after they finish 12th grade. So they take this mysterious train ride to another fucking realm where the school is (nobody knows its exact location cause they all faint in the train). Also the academy's architecture will be based off on Indian architecture throughout the ages, so I am currently researching on that when I get time.
The students have a year to conduct a study in the academy. They will have access to all sorts of ancient scriptures and previous alumni's studies. At the end of the year the Dean will see what they worked on. If the dean is impressed by you project they will tell you the secret of life and death magic. The Dean is never impressed. If they fail to impress the Dean they go home with absolutely nothing and they would forget the place.
However, the people who went back home with nothing went mad after a while and killed themselves. Their minds are not able to process the magical place they had just been to. Being at the academy also manages to mess with the minds of a person. It drives them a bit crazy. Some people have suicided there or have killed somebody else. The students don't know this.
Spoilers after this point.
So a group of six students join together and decide to help each other with their projects so they can get the secret. One of the group finds out about the whole madness thing and tells the others about it.
Now each of the six students has a hamartia (tragic flaw). From jealousy to manipulative. This is actually a small experiment from my side because the main characters are not good people, so I am gonna try and make them likable. Its going to be so hard.
Anyways desperate and power hungry the group decides to find the secret themselves and steal the academy's resources and escape before the end of the year.
The others fearful of dying/going mad start to push the limits of their magic. They experiment with things that they are not supposed to experiment with. 
With every experiment their hamartia takes over. They start going mad. They become a fucking cult. They start to sacrifice the other students to ancient gods (in true ancient fashion) and become more powerful. Once all the students are gone they start killing each other and the last one left ends up destroying the academy along with themself trying to become the most powerful being.
*sobbing* I talk too much.
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confessions-official · 6 months
I honestly wish I could live on campus in college for the rest of my life. I’m returning to finish my degree hopefully next year. This sounds so stupid and immature but that’s the only kind of environment where I ever had any social life or felt remotely normal. The last couple of years when I was forced to drop out because of quarantine were pretty boring. Living on campus gave me a sense of purpose and community that working retail and living alone in a tiny apartment in a small subrural midwestern town with only a couple thousand people just can’t match. You can try to find a sense of community and make friends outside of an academic environment all you like but it won’t work because everyone around you either already has kids or is married and after people form pair bonds they don’t want to spend time with other people and Ive long since accepted I won’t ever have anything like that of my own😭. Also, people say that academics are largely pointless, but I felt a sense of purpose on campus that I never felt at my shitty cashier job because I was actually interested in the material I was learning and I got to work on group projects with others my age which was really fulfilling and a positive experience. At work I’m mostly on auto pilot. It’s incredibly boring and repetitive and I hate to say it but I don’t care about my job, it’s just what pays my bills.
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wrishwrosh · 6 months
8, 10, 22, 25! (also would love to know more about the reading journal, I am wanting to start one next year but need a bit of inspiration)
thank u!
8. did you meet any of your reading goals?
i dont usually set reading goals other than “read!!:)” however my project this year was to replace 8-14 Hours Of Phone Per Day at least partially with reading a book. middling success as phone is very strong.
10. what was your favorite new release of this year?
ok going thru i…..dont think i actually read any new releases? i read a handful of 2022 books and the rest were old. newEST release that i loved was earthlings by sayaka murata (book so viscerally unsettling it genuinely almost made me throw up on the train. in a good way!) every other newish release i tried this year i did not end up liking, on a scale from boredom to blood feud with the author
22. what’s the longest book you read?
either barkskins by annie proulx or the name of the rose by umberto eco. i love a giant historical fiction Tome!!
25. what reading goals do you have for next year?
read!!:) tho actually i would like to make a stronger effort to chip away at the pile of random used classics ive collected. im staring down the $2 nabokov paperbacks i bought in a fit of inspiration after finishing lolita and im feeling guilty.
also thank you for asking about my book journal!! my pride and joy, my own child who i love to brag about, probably genuinely the one thing i would try to rescue if my apartment was on fire. it’s a pretty simple setup: blank sketchbook with a page for each book i read in chronological order and a section at the beginning of the year for a list of nonfiction books/rereads (dont get their own pages)
for each book, I write down title, author, month finished, and a summary. then for subjective stuff i include a star rating, a couple of adjectives that convey the tone or feeling of the book as i read, and some bullet points of any thoughts i had about the book (not all GOOD thoughts or cogent analysis, also lots of dumb jokes.) then any left over space is for stickers or thematic collage :)) it’s kind of a bitch to keep up with but i find it a very rewarding way to reflect on what i liked or disliked in a book and kind of hone that critical eye privately. also i now have a complete snapshot of my thoughts on every book ive read since i was 19 which, obviously, i treasure. anyway here are some sample pages from last years section
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