#also also i love her bc she gives off fucked up gender vibes
johnconstantinesdick · 3 months
A series of AAI2 headcanons
(biased towards Sebastian and using the unofficial translation names bc I am not emotionally adjusted to the new ones)
Kay bounces around between jobs for a while—she works under Lang at interpol for some time, and then spends a few years as a detective, and eventually settles into working as a PI. It gives her the free time to pursue her own investigations, and she can work with either the Prosecution or the Defense as she pleases. She does the full Yatagarasu intro every time she’s called in to testify. She adds special effects each time. No one knows how.
Kay also gets fuckoff tall. Just like. Fully over 6ft, and extremely buff to boot. Her vibes are very Gender and I can see her going on testosterone at some point, so maybe she has some scruff. Really emulating Badd.
Sebastian also gets tall. No concrete height but he must get taller than Edgeworth and Edgeworth must have a crisis about it. Full beanpole though, no muscle.
BIG fan of long hair Sebastian. Tied in an elegant little ponytail. He flicks it when he’s smug about making a point. It makes people want to punch him.
Relatedly, everyone on Team Edgeworth is a smug asshole. This is just canon. Edgeworth? Bitch energy off the charts. Franziska? She can and will mock you to your face. Small children hate her. Lang? Fantastic dude but you could NOT get through a conversation without wanting to deck him. Kay? Absolutely insufferable and she’s going to make it everyone’s problem. Sebastian? You may want to make him kind and soft because his dad sucks and he DOES care about doing the right thing and he cries a lot. However once he gets his confidence back he’s going to go back to being an arrogant bitch, except he’ll be right more often. Which is Worse. Ray is the closest to being straight up Nice. But at what cost.
Cape Sebastian. I rest my case.
Sebastian wears blue as his accent color for a long time, and actively avoids wearing red. It’s not until Edgeworth gives him a red cape that matches his suit that Sebastian puts red on again and feels like he earned it. It’s an emotional moment. Sebastian sobs through their entire shared lunch break.
Lang, Franziska, and Kay worked together really well in interpol, and went on some highly classified missions. They may or may not have smuggled political refugees out of Khura’in. Whenever anyone asks if they’ve been there, they give the exact same smile and copy-pasted response about it being a beautiful country and no of course they’ve never been! The Wright Anything lie detectors all blare alarms. Edgeworth doesn’t let them near Prosecutor Sahdmadhi when he’s in the country.
I actually think Franziska slowly leans more and more into her investigative duties for Interpol. Will she one day realize she’s more of a detective than a prosecutor? Who knows, but she fucking loves chasing down criminals. She and Lang are best friends. They will one day make friendship bracelets and cherish them for the rest of time.
Kay and Sebastian get platonic married. Kay arranged it for a case. Sebastian thought they were making a blood pact. They never get it annulled. (aro Kay and demi Sebastian ftw)
They are also SO gender and goofy with it. Kay is Sebastian’s husband. Sebastian is Kay’s wife. If Sebastian ever dates anyone (Blackquill/Sebastian my beloved rarepair), Kay is going to call them her wife’s mistress for the rest of time.
Sebastian and Edgeworth never have a formal conversation about it, but they consider each other family. They refer to each other as father/son only when the other isn’t present. Sebastian is in his will.
Sebastian and Courtney DO have a formal conversation about the same topic. There’s a lot of crying. John exclusively refers to Sebastian as his “weird brother”
Edgeworth and Courtney have a custody agreement. They meet weekly for lunches. They deny they’re friends but they ARE coparenting. Divorce rumors abound.
Conflicts of interest don’t exist in the ace attorney universe but if they did these two would have to declare one. Edgeworth would be like. Sorry I can’t work with one of three entire judges in our district. We’re coparenting a teenager together. And Justine would be like yeah. Also I think he’s a bitch :\
Sebastian goes into child welfare. He specializes in criminal cases with children as the victims or defendants, and often gets called in on cases where kids have to testify. In civil cases he acts as a Guardian Ad Litem (I like to think he was Trucy’s during the adoption proceedings!)
I see the Klavier and Sebastian highschool friends angle and I respect it but I actually think Klavier should have vastly complicated feelings about Sebastian, while Sebastian barely even thinks about him.
To expand: Sebastian is head of the class (Klavier is sporting about it but also jealous. They don’t really interact. Klavier has friends and Sebastian is an asshole.) >> Blaise Debeste’s bribery and other crimes come to light (Klavier feels a little bad for him. He doesn’t say it out loud but there is some very real level of “he should have noticed. What an idiot. I would have known.”) >> Sebastian prosecutes his father because conflicts of interest don’t exist in Ace Attorney. He cries the entire very public trial, and sometimes the court needs to go into recess because the defendant won’t stop hurling abuse at the prosecutor, but he otherwise presents a very solid case. (Klavier watches in stupefied horror. “I could never do that to someone I love,” he thinks, “no matter what they did.” He’s wrong.) >> Sebastian slowly picks himself up and builds his legal career with Edgeworth and Justine’s help. (Klavier still feels a bit of condescending pity, but mainly it’s a “good for him” kind of thing, with a small but lingering amount of distrust.) >> State v. Enigmar (Klavier takes a leave of absence. He shoves down his misgivings about the case. The Dark Age of the Law starts. Sebastian stays behind, and does his best with every case. He doesn’t run. Klavier is desperately bitter.) >> Seven Year Gap (Klavier becomes an international rock star. Sebastian is thrown to the wolves every day he practices law under the Debeste name. They’re both stained, but the difference is that Klavier is from his actions and Sebastian is from others. There’s at least one hit single based around this. Sebastian does not listen to rock music.) >> State v. Wright (2026) (Klavier’s brother can’t be guilty. Klavier knows him. Klavier loves him. Doesn’t he? Did he miss something or was he kidding himself? Klavier begins obsessing over Apollo Justice. He and Sebastian work in the same office again. Sebastian feels no particular way about this. Klavier hovers outside his door when no one else is around and thinks about guilt. Did you know? Did you suspect? Did you care?) >> State V. Tobaye. (Another betrayal. Will all of his loved ones abandon him? Did they think he was that stupid or did they think he loved them enough to look past their crimes? Which is worse? Klavier does not knock on Sebastian’s door.) >> State V. Misham. Sebastian takes Klavier aside and tells him not to hold himself responsible. Says that he can’t be blamed for not noticing, and that he just has to try and build himself up again. Sebastian tells him his door is always open. Klavier says thank you but I’m okay. (Klavier thinks “Maybe you couldn’t have known. But I could have. I should have. I was not supposed to be the fool.”) >> Klavier goes to Edgeworth-mandated therapy. He comes to terms with Kristoph’s betrayal. He realizes he has been obsessing over someone he barely knows from high school for over a decade. He wonders if this is a crush. If he had a friend to tell this to, they would say that this is actually just an externalized form of self-loathing. He does not have any friends. His therapist tells him this instead. >> Klavier knocks on Sebastian’s door. They proceed to have a series of very normal conversations. They become friends. Klavier is too mortified to ever tell Sebastian about any of the above.
The Klavier and Sebastian analysis could have been it’s own post but I got in too deep. I think Klavier should get to be an unfair bitch sometimes, even if he never says it out loud.
Alas, this post is now too long for me to expand on my Blackquill/Sebastian thoughts. Of which I have many. There’s 7k of fic written in my notes app. Blackquill thinks Sebastian is pushy and confident and the hottest person he’s ever seen. Sebastian thinks Blackquill is extremely pretty and kind to small animals and children. No one comprehends their views of each other.
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"gestures at him wildly look at him man " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "Well he's a pirate and that's already very trans coded. He bases his personality and general vibe off people he looks up to which is giving gender envy. The only way Chip could ever be cis to me is if he was the token cishet but he's neither so like… Trans boyy (my words are failing me but you get it)" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "literally the transest guy of all time (loser edition). tits out tuesday. man with tits monday. like. transgender moment real " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "He was picked up by pirates at a young age pre-pueberty. He then spent most of his childhood in a gang. This kid was so malnourished everyone just assumed he was a guy and he went with it since his puberty was so fucked. My transmasc agender king" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "fucking look at him. most transgender motherfucker to ever exist. we'll never know what his actual name was because he was named based on his first home, the black rose pirates ship. his tattoos go over his top surgery scars" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "he’s just . he just kinda is yknow" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag
Jay Ferin
"I mean.. just look at her" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she has a lot of transgirl swag and i love her. jay ferin forever" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "the transest ever. i swear" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she is a TRANS ALLEGORY YOUR HONOUR. LOOK AT HER. TRANSGENDER SWAG." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag "She's so trans coded. I mean, she runs away from her family who expect her to be one thing (navy) and she joins a group where she tests what it's like to be something else (a pirate) but then reverts when her dad shows up. She pretends it meant nothing but then Chip shows her that it's okay to change and to act against her family. So she's living her best trans girl life. Also she has bird imagery which is very trans coded of her. And she was named after her dad so like… Just saying" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "jay jay okg jay. her entire story is so fucking trans coded. i literally can’t oo her wholeee story is so trans coded. like??? she runs away from home and doesn’t tell her family shes joining pirates bc it’s the exact thing they would disapprove of. she first joins them to scope them out and learn their secrets but as time goes longer she realizes these people love her and she loves them and she is a pirate LIKE THEM. and her father appears and literally disowns her for being a pirates like holy shit. and she tries to spare her friends by going back to life where she would be in misery. and and she finds drey, a pirate like her and someone close to her who was also kicked to the curb and she finds comfort in someone like her. and she has to deal with the idea that her dead sister might hate her if Ayva knew jay was a pirate like???? but she’s so dress and happy now and she wouldn’t trade it for the world DO YOU HEAR ME???? becoming a pirate is how jay discovers HERSELF and who she WANTS TO BE!!!! i can’t she is so trans coded i literally can’t. she was so alone but notre she had ppl who UNDERSTAND HER!!!!! also tgirl failgirl swag." - Submitted For Transfem Swag "HER WHOLE STORY COULD BE A ALLEGORY FOR BEING TRANS FR. her father hates pirates, pirating for her has been freedom and helped her seen a new perspective, she gets wings, her journey is og just being a "spy" and then becoming a pirate and sensing the "freedom" in it !! and loving it and being accepeted just as she is her dad even makes a comment abt her being a pirate in 53. shes sooo transcoded ^_^^^^^^^^ to me i love her jay ferin sweep - Submitted For Transfem + Secret Fourth Swag
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rosenbergamot · 6 months
I loved your trans grian fic sososo much!!!! I was wondering what trans headcanons you have for the hermits?
AWWW yay im so happy tysm im glad u liked it!!!! and thanks for asking me this HEHEH i am so happy to talk ab trans headcanons. they are Under The Cut !!!!
- generally i see Scar as being transneutral or sometimes transmasc but i feel like his gender identity is so like. nebulous and impacted by him being a vex hybrid (which is . the main HC for me w scar) and being generally Removed from that culture that it just…. feels so right for him to be transneutral. i feel like he uses all pronouns but is especially fond of he/him primarily bc of like. fictional heroes and people he looks up to?? do u get me?? he is also very audhd to me so this plays into it as well.
- grian is so transmasc to me like. he generally presents masculine but he really does fuck around with the gender binary. he gives me the vibes of someone who wouldn’t change their gender marker so he can get into bars for cheaper
- pearl it/she truther here. i love the idea of pearl with top surgery but she didnt get nipples. that is so special to me. pearl who is generally Alien feeling out of place with any gender perceived to be “”normal”” and so its like “alright guess i’ll have. none of that thanks”
- on my document for trans hcs i just put “joe hills - joe hills, all pronouns” so. thats how i feel about joe hills.
- it/he jevin is all i have written for jev. yeah.
- my fav hc for iskall is they primarily use they/them but will let u use he/him or she/her ONLY if its funny in the moment. if its for the bit its allowed.
- stress is a transwoman to me like generally quite binary but she uses she/her and so many cute neos. Nothing else JUST she/her and neos she finds cute.
- cub is my fav binary trans man. u KNOW he made his own testosterone and was like “this shit goes hard” and shared it with scar. cub the resident ethically ambiguous endocrinologist
- i love the idea of surgeries being like. just code. just change someones code. but i also love going off server to get a surgery or GOD FORBID having one of the hermits do it like can u IMAGINE “i want bottom surgery who do i go to?” “well cub knows about hormones and has many sharp objects laying around?? oh and zedaph put me into a rat maze to see how long i would take to find cheese last week maybe u can try them???” FLDKFJF
i donr want this to be too long but . yes. thank u very much. i have so many thoughts
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
I absolutely sit on my hair all the time 😭 sometimes I'll lean forward to grab something and then get yanked back by my own hair
Tying it back just keeps it from falling into my eyes and obstructing my vision, but the rest of the ponytail will totally fall over my shoulder and smack me in the face. Braiding it helps keep it more uhh, contained? It tangles less that way, because man it's WILD. I miss my friend/coworker at my old location because she used to untangle it for me at the top since I couldn't always tell
I also have a bad habit of running my fingers through it when I'm nervous. Like when I'm with a big group of people I'm not close to, I'll pull it over my shoulder and just start rapidly doing that 💀 Or place my hands behind me back and mess with the ends. It's only frantic when I'm nervous, otherwise I'm chilling trying to genuinely detangle it bc it's kinda soothing, even if it's tedious
That'd be nice if the characters picked up on that. Like a random demon approaches me and at first they wanna be like "she can handle herself, maybe i shouldn't intervene - oh shit she's doing the hair thing, MY TIME TO SHINE".
But I'd also totally do that if Lucifer was scolding me or grilling me for info 😭 IT'S SUCH AN OBVIOUS TELL NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT NOO I'M DOOMED
okay but one funny thing, I've accidentally smacked my brothers in the face when redoing my ponytail. I don't mean to either but it's hilarious. Rip to whoever is near me when that happens
As long as Solomon doesn't change my hair length permanently, we're golden. Glitter hair sounds sick, as long as it doesn't transfer
I don't think I'll ever go back to short hair. Sometimes i get that intrusive thought about chopping it all off, but I like it too much now. Honestly, the silly reason I keep it so long is because it gives princess vibes/makes me feel like one. That's it, LOL.
I feel like Lucifer might chastise me after seeing everything I go through with it and then I meekly admit my reasoning to him and he just sighs. And then immediately sits me down to do my hair.
- ✨ anon
If I may say so, I don't think your reason for keeping it long is silly at all! The only reason I've ever grown my hair out was for the way it made me feel pretty (minus the pandemic situation obvs lol). If keeping it long makes you feel like a princess, that's an excellent reason and you need nothing else. I think that's kinda the whole point of having your hair how you like it!
My reason for having short hair currently is definitely more related to my gender expression... i could get into it, but that's more info than is needed lol! But in the end, it still comes down to, I have it this way because I like the way it feels!
Anyway, I'm so sorry but your description of sitting on it made me laugh. And so did the part about accidentally smacking your brothers in the face with it.
I'm just imagining you doing the same to the brothers - some of them would be annoyed, but I think some of them would secretly like it. *cough* Mammon *cough* Like they'd say hey MC watch where you're flingin your hair! But in their mind their like yes please whack me with it again... sldfksdfjf I just find that so cute lol.
And OKAY I love the nervous tell though! I definitely think all the characters would pick up on it eventually, some faster than others perhaps. Like if Lucifer was scolding you and you started doing it, I think it'd make him feel bad. Like actually seeing you do that would make him realize he was stressing you out and he would probably just hug you instead. Lucifer is a big softie under all that strictness so I think that's how he would react.
I'm definitely imagining most of the brothers being like, oh the hair thing, time to step in! They would do that for sure!
I don't think any of Solomon's hair magic would be permanent lol and if you were like, do whatever you want but don't mess with the length, I think he'd do just as you asked~
Rank 120?? Like in the event??? I was like in the 250 range for a little bit until I got everything I wanted and stopped grinding as hard. I think I ended up like 2,000 something lol.
And yay drawing! I hope it's going well for you still!
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dianaladrislovebot · 1 year
random gone headcanons that have popped into my unhinged little brain, part three (pride edition !)
happy pride month ! i think i’ve touched on my lgbtq+ hcs for the characters a couple of times (one was an edit that the official gone instagram liked 🫦 ) but i’ve never gone into excessive detail for my choices so i thought i’d finally do that here !!
sam: pan, he/him. will genuinely just fuck anything that breathes. first kiss was quinn and refuses to admit he actually liked it
caine: bi, sometimes ftm depending on my mood (ain’t no way he didn’t name himself regardless of the hc the dramatic mf), he/him
astrid: ace lesbian, she/her. she grew up religious so she had no idea what was goin on. sam helped her realise that even if she did like sex, it wouldn’t be w him 😭
diana: bi, she/her. i have no notes she just is
quinn: bi, gender fluid, he/they/she. hasn’t made a single sound decision in her life and refuses to start now. also wears fedoras and that is a very bisexual thing to do. had a crush on edilio at one point i feel it in my bones. also caine. also sanjit. just very bisexual. falls in love VERY easily
drake: pan, ftm, he/him. the misogyny is internalised due to both trauma and yk, the patriarchy and i will die on this hill (totally named himself after his grandfather). i also like hcing angry aggressive violent characters as pan bc pansexuals are stereotyped as the bubbly happy person and i don’t like that
lana: bi, she/they. she gives me mean bisexual vibes.
brianna: aroace, nonbinary, they/them. they said nope to EVERYTHING.
jack: trans ftm, het, he/they. i like the idea of a wimpy trans guy getting the power of super strength. it’s refreshing.
albert: ace, he/him. i feel like he cares more about reinventing capitalism than sex
dahra: demisexual, she/her. was torn between elwood and mary the ENTIRE series i’m sure of it
elwood: trans ftm, het, he/him. i can’t explain this he just like,,, is
mary: lesbian, she/her. nothing to say except my sweet little lesbian deserved better
howard: gay, he/him. in love w orc i can feel it
orc: bi, he/him. once again, howard. but also astrid.
anna: mtf trans, lesbian, she/her. i have no basis for this besides thinking it’d be funny if sam decided he needed to date someone and randomly chose the trans fucking lesbian like they’d probably talk about girls together 😭
sanjit is probably vehemently he/him cishet but has very strong bi wife energy. also ironically flirts w EVERYONE bc he is very secure in his sexuality we stan
i think that’s most of the main characters plus some extras i’ve thought about off handedly but i love hearing other peoples hcs so pls god tell me i want to hear them all
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bc i was inspired by the @june-doe-event here are my thoughts on the rtc queer identities (spoiler: none of them are straight)
ocean: so she’s definitely ace. but like, there is sabm but i choose to believe that was a one-off. i don’t believe she’s attracted to men, but i have a hard time choosing between aromantic ocean and lesbian ocean. to which i go in my little bisexual way, Why Not Both? i think she’s not romance repulsed but doesn’t experience romantic attraction. she’s probably cis, but also i’d believe it if she were actively running from any potential gender crises. her sexuality crisis took enough out of her. give her a breather and come back next pride month.
noel: canonically gay. definitely (hc-wise) uses he with the occasional she because. but i don’t know if that’s in like a bigender way or just a vibes way. he knew he was gay for a long time, and using she probably just sprung up on her. i’m leaning towards bigender tho.
mischa: the bisexualest man of all times. more bisexual than misha collins. i- this isn’t canon, but isn’t it tho? evidence: noel’s lament and talia. i think that kiss Awoke Something In Him and he went “oh fuck i’m not straight uhhhh quick let’s sing about women in a rapper way and a woman in a love way so they can’t tell”. but noel knows. noel gruber fucking knows. also polyamorous because he has two hands for noel and talia. i support transmasc mischa but i also support raging trans ally mischa.
ricky: i normally say bi, but i have many bisexuals, i like omni for ricky. it feels right. i’m honestly considering arospec in some manner but i really don’t know. also:not cis. i respect transmasc ricky, love it’s believers, but i love transfem ricky, pronouns they/she +. you *csn* use he, but you have to use five different sets of neo pronouns in the conversation to earn that. i think i still use just they/them mainly in posts as to not invalidate transmasc ricky believers.
jane doe: depends on how you perceive gender and sexuality.
penny: pan. totally. pan penny until i die. perhaps pansexual homo romantic?? i think she doesn’t wanna label her gender, but it’s not fully cis. does use it/it’s semi-frequently.
constance: *hits her with my bisexualification ray*. i need her to be bi for me and my needs and that’s what she is in this post. i do ship blackrose, no i am not okay. i do also think she has some form of split attraction. like, biromantic no doubt. possibly demisexual?? definitely either demi or ace towards guys. gals and enbies, she could be homosexual or demisexual (or ace if you wanna). i believe she had a lot of motivations for That Thing. i’ve seen a decent amount of demigirl constance, stunning, but also fierce (in this case trans) ally constance. yeah i think they’re a demigirl. i like that flag for her.
karnak: nb achillean
virgil: gay man (male rat)
talia: *hits her with my bisexualification ray*
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Agreed on ava’s vibes
not my main hc for her (tho honestly my main hc for her is just that regardless of gender identity she likes called beatrice’s boyfriend/girlfriend/husband, etc, as long as she’s being called beatrice’s, and she’s well, nonbinary, no other notes beyond that)
but i love hcing ava as a transmasc woman, simply because transmasc women & transfemme men are such underrated genders
and fuck, now i’m getting teary eyed over the thought of beattice getting to just getting to be and experience gender euphoria and/or contentment
beatrice handing out treats on halloween for the trick or treaters, some kid being like “thanks uh-“ and struggling as they try to guess how they’re supposed to gender bea
“thanks ma’am-sir? miss? mister?” beatrice impulsively shrugging for ? reason, the kid taking it as some sort of cue and finally settling on “thanks mister!” or “thanks mister-miss!” and beatrice can’t stop smiling for the rest of the night
also same hat on the autistic bit, will be sure to check out that fic soon, and also please do elaborate on the autistic beatrice thoughts 👀
i love how autistic vibes beatrice is, not just in the show but in many stuff by the fandom as well, my fav fics are the ones where the autistic beatrice vibes are ^1000
Also yeah, lilith is so nd, love how her story can be so easily read as a metaphor for autism
like lilith’s line about her mother “being unable to accept the reality of the woman in front of her”, sounds an awful lot like a convo between an autistic child & their ableist parent
lilith being successful but being rejected bc she isn’t fitting this unobtainable ideal (being the warrior nun/being neurotypical) that she’s literally died for
seeing & experiencing the world differently (being nd/lilith’s wraith vision), being obviously different from others (being nd/lilith being a demon), desperately trying and failing to repress those differences
but then accepting them making you better than ever (no longer trying to be neurotypical/lilith accepting the demon stuff)
and then aside from the obvious ways lilith’s arc can be read as an allegory, lilith’s whole 🧍‍♀️(menacingly) energy she has so often in the show
like girl obviously has absolutely no idea what to do with herself when she’s not being a menace and it shows
also i saw her dragging her nails and doing yhe nail clack thing on the walls of arc tech and then her noticing what she’s doing and being like 😧 as her subconsciously stimming and it bothering her because she’s used to, supposed to repress those behaviors, but then ever since she came back from the dead, she can’t do the repression anymore, in more ways/aspects than one, and stuff like her stimming & neurodivergency is one of em
like yeah ik she was 😧 about the demon claws ig, but no reason it can’t be both
i am kind of drawn to the idea that Ava expresses her gender in relation to things/people. like yes, absolutely - she is with Beatrice in any (every) capacity.
but also that she approaches gender as something nebulous and shifting and as complicated as dressing sometimes in really feminine clothes because for so long she basically wore a hospital gown so dressing up and having that experience of getting dressed up as a teenager, the weird giddiness of girls sharing their clothes and their accessories and going ‘ah shit, this does look better on you’ - *strips the shirt off and flings it across the room unceremoniously* & also sometimes Ava dressing in a shirt and a suit jacket and looking masc and handsome & really just existing as herself, orbiting gender elipitically so sometimes she’s closer or further away or curving dramatically thru space.
picking the male avatar in video games bc she likes the animation better. being just really drawn to long-haired Link in Breath of the Wild. like yeah, Ava’s relation to gender as ‘idk?’ but in a typically Ava way which is also somehow effortlessly compelling & honest & true. 
tearing up at the image of Bea giving out halloween candy with Ava next to her going ‘make them sing a song’ but Beatrice just giving way too much to each person & complimenting their costumes and taking whatever form of address comes her way which - yes - varies wildly bc she’s rocking short hair & half the time comes to the door with the hood of her hoodie pulled up (by Ava, who is doing ‘hood surprise attacks’ in the spirit of halloween). the peacefulness of that image & gender as peaceful…
gender + autism being so good and Beatrice getting to escape from the rigours of social gendered-ness & just exist without being pressed into these various contortions of gender. something about authenticity and being as an act of radical self-love. also defiance. 
oh yeah i def think that Lilith’s whole story is very neurodivergent-coded. it might be another ‘casper can’t write neurotypical’ but my ligaments Lilith is veeeery neurodivergent. doesn’t like touch as a general rule but likes it very much from specific people. the way she is just in general echoing so many autistic experiences.
the way that she occupies space inconsistently and uneasily. the very visible ‘signs of otherness’ in her demonic wings and the scales and i guess i’m thinking about masking and her inability to mask. she is consistently outside looking in, relegated to the borderlands of the narrative.
how i think in s1 she is so wonderfully alternating between this playfulness (lounging on the car outside the orphanage, her laughter when she and Mary are beating each other to hell, the way she interacts with Ava - 'it's a stick') and then her absolute intensity at other times. how revealing that is of the fact that there is a Lilith stacked underneath the mask-version she has so carefully construed to help her and keep her safe. what i am raised to be vs who i am.
how soft she is and how caring with those she loves, & i think how the narrative itself misunderstands her (deliberately) and how we gradually see that NOTHING she does is really selfish, but that she’s let down - so often - by those who are supposed to be her family, and because she masks so well her needs aren’t appreciated. i think ppl take care of Beatrice and Camila and they don’t take care of her in the same way. she ends up alone and isolated. she is tricked by people, used by people (Jillian, Adriel, Duretti)
this is a mess of thoughts but just how she is constructed, and how much it speaks to being an ill-fitting thing. not fully belonging in a world built for others and around their needs. how she clings to the first person to acknowledge her difference “you are something entirely new”. & her energy of i think very badly wanting to reach out and be SEEN but not knowing how, being overshadowed and forgotten and discarded.
how i think in a way she saw Beatrice as the Mary to her Shannon, what it must have been like to see that fall apart in front of her, to watch Beatrice go with Ava after the Vatican. to be finally divested of every hope she had for her life. 
& i am always every day feral about Lilith’s background. i am always tempted to hc her as an only child - last scion of my house & so on - but also thinking that from the very beginning she is not living up to expectations. i do hc her as having some learning disabilities growing up, & her mother making her suffer for it, terribly. the convo they have sounds like an old wound being picked open.
Lilith growing up with not one person in her life ever believing in her, being sent to the slaughterhouse anyway. the expendable one - the one we shall not allow to have children. Lilith with cousins who share her name but not her fate. so she makes everything about the halo. trying to fit into this box (coffin) that has been built for her since birth. dying for it, and even that is not enough. 
i really wish we could have seen Lilith grow to love and accept who she is. like yes, the fact that she is framed as liminal by the narrative, caught between two worlds, two sides of a conflict.
she is neither/or. her scales are spectres of inner difference, but they are also beautiful. Lilith learning that what she sees and feels and what she is - they’re all different but not bad or worse. Lilith using her demon sight to help the OCS. learning that she doesn’t need to be the halo-bearer (but also that she doesn’t need to be valuable. she just needs to exist).
Lilith being permitted to take up space and time and energy, instead of folding herself away to nothing. the teleportion as a metaphor for self-erasure, for masking and making oneself still and silent.
writing Lilith as neurodivergent (probably autistic +) is really beautiful because it opens up all of these possibilities for exploring what is gorgeous about neurodivergent existence, and what it means to unmask after YEARS of suffocating inside of a body that was controlled by the expectations of others. & let’s not forget that when you start stimming after not being allowed to for your entire life it DOES feel scary and it does make you uncomfortable because it sets off alarm bells and there are a million instances of people saying ‘stop it that’s annoying’ or ‘what is wrong with you’ & Lilith’s initial horror being THAT, too, but how eventually it will be okay and good and easy. 
i just LOVE Lilith to pieces bc her whole story just aches but it’s also this incredibly difficult and worthwhile journey towards self-acceptance. & when you start to see HER slip through the cracks of the walls she’s put between herself and all of the things that have the potential to hurt her it’s just searingly beautiful and SHE is searingly beautiful and neurodivergence is poetic and fantastic and good.
anyway tysm for these thoughts. i rlly appreciate them.
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sednonamoris · 10 months
hey.. i saw that post.. about.. thunderstruck.. and that chapter.. literally left me as a pile of dust on my bed.. do you wanna.. talk about it.. because i will listen..
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ohohohhehehee…….. spoilers for ch. 23 of ghost story
starting off strong with the storm/water imagery ⛈️ admittedly ch. 1 starts with a storm bc i had a Vision for a very vibes-based chapter that then ofc spiraled into the ghost story you know and love today. then water and specifically storms became the connecting thread for most of the significant moments in the development of john and ghost’s relationship so OF COURSE i went ham. not only the storm raging when they finally admit their feelings (and fuck lol) but also the town names as they get closer and closer to that resolution. it’s a clean slate, a baptism, a rebirth. a reckoning. something magnetic and powerful and chaotic but also completely natural is exactly what the bond between them is, and the added detail of john being terrified of drowning makes it extra juicy delicious
thennn we have to talk about my close personal friend lottie reed!! 💘 i don’t describe her in too much detail but it was important to me that she shared some physical similarities with john. wiry and slim, dark hair, light eyes. it adds a layer of Insanity to his irrationally jealous response to literally everything she does. i had a blast peppering in vague details about ghost’s past with her, but to lay it all out: they met in tumbleweed when ghost was making their name as the ghost rider of new austin and had a very sweet teenage summer romance. lottie was sheltered by her parents and loved the element of danger ghost brought to her life, and ghost was charmed by how clever and genuine lottie was. when lottie’s parents set up her engagement with melvin reed it was partly bc they’d been working on it for a while and partly bc they wanted to keep her away from ghost. lottie tried to convince ghost to run away with her before the wedding, but her dad got there first and offered a sum of cash that ghost took to cut contact and leave lottie and melvin alone. (when ghost fled new austin with the money, they very quickly found themself in the predicament we see in chapter 1.) what i like about their relationship is that however you read ghost’s gender, there’s an element of forbidden romance there. ghost doesn’t get back in touch with lottie until ch. 23, which gave lottie plenty of time to come to terms with what happened and find joy of her own after melvin’s death. he wasn’t cruel, but they weren’t close. ghost is lucky she’s so kind, though, because they’ve been a pretty shit friend/ex lol
last thing i prommy but the devotion and the deliberate choosing between these two makes me craaaazy 😵‍💫 they love each other!! so much!! aaaaahhhh!! when john asks that rhetorical question - it was always gonna be you and me, wasn’t it? - it comes after being so jealous and then taking that jealousy out in every toxic way he can think of when he and ghost go through those towns and sell the horses but it feels so inevitable bc it is. he isn’t asking ghost he’s being almost self-deprecating, bc everything he’s ever done was always just buying time against feelings held for so long but only fully realized recently. god. anyways,,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for following this story and being so kind and giving me license to ramble abt my fav things there’s like a million more but i promise i’ll shut up now 💞💞💞💞
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crowtrobotx · 2 years
Give us 3 things you like best about your top 3 blorbos plsnthx
I am going to stick to canon/not OC blorbos bc I feel like I talk too much about Lottie and everyone is annoyed by it
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Hector Barbossa - (POTC)
I would be remiss to not first include the OG blorbo. The introductory Old Man. The character that made me realize something was a little Funky™️ about my gender/sexuality.
Okay, first of all, I love how sincerely full of himself this man is. He really thought he could pull Keira Knightley despite being the scrunkliest pirate on earth and you know what - good for him!!! Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars etc etc. We love an unconventionally attractive person who knows they’re hot shit.
The fashion sense/vibes - the fucking ostrich feathers in the hat. The rings. The big ass necklace. The single fang earring. The swagger walk. The matching pet monkey. The bisexuality of it all. In all seriousness, I love the way his outfit and accessories serve to play up his overly dramatic theater kid energy but also are very interesting when you consider that he came from extremely humble beginnings. He’s showing off what he’s fought tooth and nail for and it is working for him, honey.
I really, genuinely love that we got glimpses - in the first movie - of the fact that the character we were seeing wasn’t always like this. Ten years of being a walking corpse had twisted him beyond the recognition of people who knew him (even Jack looks pretty damn horrified a few times despite having been on the receiving end of his bad behavior before) and YET. When he gets resurrected we find out… he still sucks lmao. Like, he’s not outright cruel and isn’t totally insane anymore but he’s still ultimately just a selfish, snarky, conniving geezer who’s only part of the “good guys” because it serves him and his interests. There wasn’t really a redemption arc (the 4th and 5th movies are not canon, fight me) and he, at best, just ended up being the weird unsavory uncle to the main cast. What a king.
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Sandor “The Hound” Clegane - ASOIAF/GoT
If you followed me prior to 2021 you know this was my prior HBIC (head blorbo in charge.) I still love him dearly and I hope he’s enjoying his retirement.
Look at him. No, really, look at him. Help??? Aside from me being a thirsty bitch, I have an extreme soft spot for characters who are visibly different and not in a purple eyes/horns/otherwise “sexy” way. Bodies are lived in and should look as such - and, this might be shocking to some people, disabled and/or disfigured people exist and they’re just as cool and hot and worthy as anyone else (I would know 😎.) I actually think the show should have gone a little harder on his burn scars but oh well. Sheesh, I need a cold shower.
His road trip arc with Arya. Need I say more? Y’all know I am WEAK for father/daughter dynamics and it’s even better when they’re both murderous lunatics. I love that she makes him softer but he doesn’t try to restrict or control her. I love that he tries to show that he cares in the only way that he knows how which is by teaching her how to rip/maim/tear/kill. Like, I know everyone enjoyed this part of the story because there were some genuinely hilarious moments and it was absurd, but I think under the surface we got some really fascinating insight into who he actually is and we were robbed of cranky but proud adoptive dad!Sandor in the show. I’ll be mad forever.
Fuck the city. Fuck the kingsguard. Fuck the king. We stan - I am obsessed with his realization that he doesn’t need or want to do anyone’s bidding anymore. I love that he turns heel but also has no idea who he is once he’s not Cersei’s dog - I love that he initially relies on his warped perception of people and the world to survive and slowly but surely begins to realize that maybe he doesn’t need to focus on revenge and violence all the time. I think it’s pretty obvious that GRRM is kind of going for a “a dog’s behavior will reflect its master’s” thing with him and if we ever get another book (lol) I am excited to see what becomes of him. Because he’s pretty clearly not actually dead.
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Karl Heisenberg - Resident Evil Village
Literally WHERE have you BEEN if you didn’t see this coming lol. The reigning champion. Completely unchallenged for over a year and a half. I am chewing on him as we speak like a squeaky toy.
Okay, like… obviously I’m very fond of his design. I love that he’s fat. I love that he’s got a super unkempt beard. I love that his hair is grey and that his clothes are dirty and he’s covered in scars. I love that he looks like someone who works (in contrast to Alcina, for example) and isn’t concerned with his appearance. This is such a small and shallow thing maybe but with the tendency for media to just make everyone Extremely Conventionally Attractive, I’m enamored by characters like this. Actually, this has been a thing across all three of these guys, hasn’t it? Hmm.
Completely love that he’s an actual genius with the apparent imagination of a little kid who just downed an entire box of sugary cereal. “What if I stuck this propellor engine onto a dude’s torso.” “Drill arms never hurt nobody.” “JET PACKS!!! I need jet packs!!!” He’s such a fucking nerd, too, like his deranged cackle followed by “…ending recording” on that tape you find is so cute and stupid. Karl what the hell is going on I love you so much. It makes me wonder who he would have or could have been if he hadn’t found himself kidnapped into an abusive cult - I’m getting strong “Bill Nye but make him chaotic neutral” vibes. Eccentric raccoon man. Peepaw is feral and I’m going to fuck him.
If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written with him in it, you know I like to play up the fact that it’s pretty clear (to me, at least) that the swagger and showmanship is a mask for… a lot of shit. And that is extremely compelling to me - even if it’s ultimately just my HC. The stutter, the “sorry about that” after Sturm keeps making noise, the diary entries and comments that seem to indicate he hates his body after what Miranda did to him, his pretty heartbreaking last words. I don’t really see the genuinely confident daddy dom that a lot of the fandom sees - and no hate if you do!!! For me, with the canon fact that he never leaves the factory, he reads to me like someone who is incredibly socially inept and inexperienced, someone who is struggling to accept what he is now, and, perhaps most importantly, someone who really believes he’s the hero of the story and is blind to the fact that his rage and pain have turned him into what he hates most. I feel like he says all these things that make him sound like he’s full of himself but then you see him and he’s… just some guy. Living in a dirty factory with clothes that should have been thrown out a long time ago. And he’s lost it, and he’s furious, and yeah on some level he’s a bit of a selfish jackass but I wonder how much of his posturing is him needing to hear himself say it because he doesn’t really believe it and is terrified he won’t be strong enough to free himself. I just love him, y’all. I’m not sure we’ll ever see him again (in RE canon) but I’m going to keep making content for him for a long time, I hope.
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levforfakes · 1 year
ok I'll start with percy, i like it when people have their original names so he'll have the nickname percy but be called like perses or smth more fem. she's got like a wavy sort of shoulder length hair? im thinking of book percy, so like she always puttingn her hair through it and pushing it to one side and shit, yk?
ok annabeth. idfk what kind of name, maybe like asher or smth, though not sure if that fits his vibe, im trying to go with names that start with the same letter so maybe like alexander. he definitely doesn't have like a really neat haircut, its like fluffy and frizzy and and messy and he never cuts it, im thinking sort of like magnus, since yk they're cousins.
next one is grover. her name's grace, her bf juniper calls her gracie. she's got body hair. shes half goat. shes got big fluffy hair, like shoulder blade length, and she'd wear smth like short skirts and long sleeve pretty shirts. and i think she wears it in braids or smth with flowers in it from junipers tree.
luke: luke's name is luka. she's still got short hair, sort of masc and def gels it, idk just feels like her vibe. she likes wearing pretty dresses like prom dresses and switches them off with tuxs and stuff.
ok jason now. i think jasons name would be Jay, like just the nickname, maybe she never learned her name when her mom left her idk. but she has a wolfcut, im obsessed with wolfcut jason either way so yk. (friend told me she prolly couldnt cut her hair during her time in new rome, so she had the most atrocious high pony tails and buns)
piper: i think piper is gender neutral so, it works. leo and jay still call him pipes and beauty queen and stuff. he's got long pretty hair that he always, i mean, always wears down. he likes wearing flowerey shirts and baggy pants. like a small shirt big pants kinda guy.
leo: my fav. leo's name is like león or leóna. but again, still goes by leo. shes got like a chin length cut, curly and shit. she wears her regular shit, dirty fucking clothes, but shes likes it when piper does her makeup (rly well bc piper's dad was hollywood shit). especially red lips and smoky eyes.
hazel: still hazel i think. honestly im so bad with names despite loving to come up with them. i would say hudson maybe? old fashioned and pretty. He's got the same hair, long and pretty, and he likes locks and likes having them with pretty hair rings with crystals on them (not sure if thats what you call them). he puts them up in big braids and ponytails.
frank: frances ig? i dont really like it but cant come up with something else. i think she still has a buzzcut, with her mom being military and all. she wears the same stuff and is still buff and fat and shes got broad shoulders and i love her sm.
reyna: honestly i think ryan would suck for him so like i found reina as a masc name, so... idc if yall dont like it. i do. so. he's got a shorter more military cut, like what that main percy fanart is? love him as well. they're honestly so similar.
clarisse: changed to clarice. with choppy oily and also dry hair at the same time. its like a bit past his shoulders but not very clearly because its so choppy. he always wears a bandanna too.
selena: adding her bc i love her. selenus maybe? going with greek inspired names but you all can give me ideas, so. i think he's got very nice hair, very smooth, very silky. cant decide if its long and he braids it like a pretentious bitch or he has it like a weird little anime boy. like the basic shiny shit, with bangs.
beckendorf: though his name is charlie. i think it would be charlotte obvs. she's got shoulder length braids because working in the forge is better when your hair is short. shes still buff again, still percy's bisexual awakening.
nico: don't know how i forgot him. niccolà. she has pretty short hair, only a little emo, i think she's got a strip of it dyed blonde that switches between bright neon colors and j blonde depending on the mood. will does it for her.
will: willa, or willow. so pretty. she always has it in a bun because she's a medic and you cant get hair in your face when youre doing a surgery. nicco def calls her willoughby. she also has bangs but pins it out of her face with bobby pins or shiny girly hair clips. sanrio hairclips. nicco uses them too. bc theyre girlfriends.
coach hedge: still coach hedge. but maybe hester bc i like it. same hair, basically j hedge but butch
chiron: legally cant sjow boobs but totally would bc centaut things. same name. long ponytail shes got greys and mr d fucking loves them. forced to put it in pigtails with the party ponies. french braids too.
last but least sally: sal. is still aspiring writer, still has a ponytail. he still is a heartthrob at his candy shop. not balding because hes a god jk but not rly. his hair is also greying both in a sexy way, like middleage dilf kinda thing.
i'll reblog with the gods and others i forgot.
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month
OK OK I'll just do both days I missed and today's prompt as wlel
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Day 13 - a headcanon I have about a member of the jomies
I'm not sure what this exactly entails? Do I just go off and start ranting about each of the jomies or only one??? Ermmm idk I'll just do a bit for all of them (I'll save the sexuality and gender hcs for day 30 ofc)
Drew - Filipino (since his VA is as well), gift giving is his love language and others appreciating his money and gifts make him feel needed cuz his parents always showed him love with money but we're neglectful otherwise yada yada ya get the gist. has an expansive watch but not to check the time (he has his phone for that, which he's on 24/7) but just to show off and also appreciate what his parents give him cuz otherwise he doesn't feel wanted or maybe he feels like a drag idk I'm.spouting random shit rn.. had major depressive disorder. and possibly borderline personality disorder? not diagnosed w anything ofc. He loves feeling needed so when Jake found the music club who he obviously got along w better and that maybe appreciated him and accepted him more for who he is and when he realized Zoey's been cheating on him w someone that provided him w money and other stuff... yeah. loves raspberries. And also loves a bit of rap and maybe some video game music. He flexes his money for status and also bc that might make him feel like he needs them and loves them and they love him. ODFKKD FIFKFKKF. IDFK. it's canon in my head. she head on my canon till I uhh I forgot the meme. he loves zoey, jake, henry, liam all so fucking much, whyd they have to lie to him? make him feel like he could trust them only for them to turn their backs on him?
Jake - half french 🥖 🍟. Has ADHD - inattentive type. Is he diagnosed ? Idfk. Also might have some form of depression as well. He wears a star earring on his right ear along w the silver earrings he's shown wearing all the time. before the finale he mostly has a mindset of "oh, if you just don't expose the unwanted truth, the relationship can work out" which is why he lied and stayed w drew and also didn't tell him abt Zoey cheating on him. like yeah ahaha it can all work out it's fine. Sonic fan bc I'm a sonic fan and I want him to be one as well . He listens to Believe In Myself (Tails theme) all the time like shut up. he HATES horror movies and games - he gets so easily startled. Jomies is his fav band.
Lia - She (and Hailey) is an Olivia Rodrigo MEGA-STAN. I'm sorry how do i.explain. her songs are way too relatable for her and are a way she kind of in secret romanticizes her lfie ???? idfk. She has a crush on Jake bc maybe she could sense he was different from the rest of the jomies...?? like that they were maybe similar (whciht they are..). Idk. Doesn't think highly of herself, is actually pretty insecure and in middle school, despite hating Zoey she felt so oddly envious of her. Everything she had. Which is why she slowly started turning herself into her. Adopting a new style. Straightening her hair. Changing her behaviour. She knew it was wrong and at first just watched by the sidelines as Zoey would torture yet another innocent soul but yeah. Hailey and her are such petty exes shut up. That's what I think anyway. also she listens to lana del rey. i have actually only listened to one lana song but is that her vibe??? idk u tell me cuz i dont. her favorite colour is purple. also she has an awesome mom and at one point vents abt hailey to her and how shes messed up so bad and how she feels guilty. and her parents are pretty rich - idk maybe theyre lawyers or smth. ever since she started faking who she is for popularity, it fucking worked. but shes willing to give up on that in s2. also god let her make up w hailey pls.
Zoey - she also got into Olivia rodrigo lately and constantly talk abt how raw,real and girlbossy her music is while also kindaaa missing the point and emotional meaning of some of her songs. her family always make her feel extremely out of control and hopeless and theyre pretty abusive but zoey doesnt have the right language to explain it and she calls herself girlboss, puts herself above everyone else, cares a ton about her status and wants to be both loves and feared and even goes so far as to cheat on her cuz she has a messed up idea of what actual love is - and that is the way she gains control and the feeling of love, which she has a superficial idea of. and she feels Lesser at home but makes up for it at school. shes obviously popular but most people are just genuinely afraid of what shed do if they opposed her or if she didnt like them. though she still upholds a pretty great reputation and has many friends that love her and treat her like a goddess, at least thats what she thinks. might have NPD? but she aint diagnosed w anything. genuinely cares abt people and loves them but doesnt really Know.? She tries impressing the people she cares about so thatd they have a high opinion of her cuz shes SO fucking desparate for that kind of attention and praise, especially from the people shes closer to, cuz she doesnt get that at home. she also puts unrealistic beauty standards on herself. she loves drew. she loves lia. them? being absent from her life in s2 onward? haha what what do you mean she doesnt care. she didnt need them anyway. cuz shes such an independent girlboss an all yknow. haha. totally. she cheats on tests and otherwise doesnt pay attention to anything. she puts others down to feel above them. her favorite season is summer and she loves boba tea. anyway shell def go insane ik it. also for all the reasons ive given she DESPISES being genuinely vulnerable - it makes her feel lesser and weaker and like anyone cuold take adventage of her. but she will ACT cute and vulnerable and hurt to get what she wants, especially outta drew.
Henry - weeb since early childhood, MHA ultimate fan, chronig gamer (bad at it), masks his negative emotions by just playing the role of the "funny guy". i saw someone hc he has a lettuce fetish and that makes me wanna kill m- the world.
Liam - Mom is usamerican, dad is Serbian (why serbian? cuz hes so vampire coded (his fav colour is canoncally blood red and his fav drink is canonically red blood) and the word vampire comes from the serbian word vampir, and also the mythology kinda comes from around here too. idk) only knows a couple swear words in serbian though and thats it. hes horrible at serbian pronounciationn though cuz he grew up in usa his whole life. Aspec w internalized aphobia.aroflux? idk. chronic gamer (not THAT bad at it). actually more intelligent and emotionally mature than others give him credit for (THOUGH dont get mme wrong he still is pretty reckless). might have adhd? idk. but has horrible grades cuz he doesnt really pay attention to school. giant (tall). reddit user.
THERES MORE but I don't have time I gotta catch up !!!
anyway I think I accidentally swallowed a bit of dust + dirt. again. throat.not feel good
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Episode 12: "michael and alex and i are FULLY FUCKING VIBING like can we just get an escape pod to leave the game together"—Kaleigh
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In this round: Michael is considered a traitor for flipping on an alliance where nobody asked for his input; Champ goes all the way in Masochism, earning her a slew of disadvantages, including the reveal of her Hot Giiiirrrlllzzzz alliance with Zee and Jack; Zee gets immunity by proxy; an anesthesia-addled Michael shares the details of his chaos idol with his alliance a half hour before tribal and they manage to decode it, using it to flip the vote onto the majority alliance; eman tries to vote herself but in lieu of that, volunteers to go to Purgatory
Earlier today, I sent the following message to the VL.
"Ugh, the ETHICS of it all!"
I was torn between three votes: Michael, Alex, and Colin.
Michael was the obvious vote - he betrayed EVERYONE (on our side).
Colin was the strategic vote - and also an absolute snake-in-the-grass.
Alex - Alex was the vote causing me angst. I wanted to keep my word to him. I did. Not just because I don't like striking first (which is terribly gendered behavior and I need to get over it) but also because I just do. As I've said before I wanna play a heroes game.
But here's the deal, yo! And I've said it before.
I'm not gonna strike first, but I will strike back. (And this goes double when it's someone I care about)
Now, obvs. I forgave Jack for two reasons. 1) Cuz he's playing to my ego and calling me 'auntie' and I'm a superficial slut and 2) because I truly believe the guy doesn't have a malicious bone in his body and he got played.
I will also add that I obviously would've had an issue voting against (for?? what preposition works here) Kaleigh as well even if she hadn't been immune.
(SIDENOTE - Fuck me with a rusty pocket knife I just read the challenge)
But - Kaleigh and Alex voted against me here . . . and that means all bets are off. I didn't write their name before, and I wouldn't've, but I have no problem doing so now. Probably moreso Kaliegh than Alex as she stole my 1/2 an extra vote (albeit Alex told her about it).
I like when previously difficult ethical dilemmas are rendered easy. So thanks, ya'll.
I am 0 for 3 in trusting my gut this week and if I were even 1 for 3 I would be in such a different spot in this game. So that kind of sucks to think about. Kaleigh has an idol and if I was right with my intuition on Eman MAYBE there's still hope but it doesn't feel like anyone from the other side is gonna try and shake things up (or talk to me today LOL) who knows what will happen. Whatever. The chat between me, Kaleigh, and Michael last night was the most fun I've had in this game so far so I'm glad that happened before one of us potentially goes.
god this game.. zee got a steal a vote and stole michael’s vote and jack lied and said he didn’t have a vote (i think he’s lying cuz tony said he didn’t have a vote and jack claims he found out DURING the vote, which i do not see being something the hosts doing). michael and alex and i are FULLY FUCKING VIBING like can we just get an escape pod to leave the game together LMFAOO i fully would!!! so i’m gonna have to tell the boys that i have a steal a vote, probably tell michael i have an idol… idek this game is giving me brain worms. i dont know who to vote for tn bc A) two people are gonna be immune (probably on their side) and whoever wins immunity is probably going to have some unknown slew of disadvantages, one of which may be losing their vote. SO. i have to be careful about how i play STEAL A VOTE. and i have to try and figure out if i can use my idol in a smart way. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!! maybe i should ask my host chat if i can build a spy shack á la tony in cagayan.
i love alex and michael, i’m saying that straight up so JOT THAT DOWN FOR THE EDGIC. champ i feel uncertain about, i know she has lied to me about multiple things, zee i WISH i could work with again but i don’t think we’ll ever be able to trust each other. but who knows man. we chatted yesterday and she lied to me about some shit and may have been honest about some shit. she said she didn’t know about emans advantage that i stole LMAO but idk idk. eman i don't feel good about at all. god fuck, i do not wanna go home tonight! i need to be able to talk to alex every day or i will die!! i need to be able to talk to michael about tv!!! well we can’t actually scheme until we know who’s immune so. time to let go and let GOD
Things are getting dicier as the game continues on. I’m gonna have to make a choice to flip but tonight is not the night to do it especially with the amount of disadvantages I’ve got going on. Michael has saved me once so I feel like I owe him at least to know if folks are gunning for him.
See, people think I'm not perceptive, or that I don't notice things, but my anxious ass is constantly thinking. I'm pretty sure that I'm the one being left out of the most conversations happening in this game right now. The only (active) alliance chat I'm in right now is Hot Girlz, but it's late in the game, there's definitely more Alliance chats out there, and aside from the fact that I need to step up my game, it's kind of making me think about who's aligning with who. Right now I'm pretty sure Tony and Michael are working together still, it's smart too since nobody would expect them to be working together, and it means Tony would have the power to flip whenever he wants. Eman and Champ and Tony i think are working together closer than she's leading me to believe, but only because nobody but Champ told me about Tony losing a vote, so she had to know somehow. This has got me thinking that I'm gonna have to step up my gameplay and maybe choose my loyalties a bit better. Obviously Kaleigh Michael and Alex are working together still, but everybody kind of knew that already.
I think i need to put in more work with the rest of the tribe, and maybe get some alliances going, since I'm not in a great position right now. I'm honestly not in too many alliances and that's kinda upsetting. Kaleigh and I have a weird Romeo and Juliet thing going on where we're both in opposing alliances but we're still talking tea about past shit or cool stuff the others have done during tribal or just in the game in general. I'm hoping maybe there's the chance for she and I to start working together again, but who knows.
Okay, let's think this through because I have nothing else to do between now and my 9AM flight and I may have had one-too-many cans of wine.
Given: There's no way to win this challenge.
Proposition: I have to get the least worst option.
We are now at 8.
People I am pretty sure are "on my side"™️ - Zee - Champ - Tony
People on "the other side"™️ - Michael - Alex - Kaleigh
Here's where things get interesting. Jack is a free agent though I think he's burned his bridges mostly because he was played and who would like that. BUT at the same time he might be aware he's on the bottom on his alliance.
And Colin is in purgatory and I wouldn't put it past him to send a disadvantage if not to me to my side.
So, what's a human to do.
Option A - fuck immunity, pray you wind up in purgatory where you can either send advantages to your side or fuck up the other side because you sure as shit don't wanna wind up on the jury, but at the same time it's pretty certain you're going to be voted out if somehow "The Other Side"™️ can garner enough votes.
Option B - Fight like hell for immunity and take whatever stacked disadvantages come with it. Even if those stacked disadvantages mean losing your vote. Even if those stacked disadvantages mean potentially fucking yourself over for future rounds.
Now. . . wouldn't it be funny if "The Other Side"™️ knows that you're fighting like fuck for immunity . . . because, after all a) you need it and b) you're the type of person who will fight like hell and c) you're also the type of person who will fight like hell for their people and the prospect of a SECOND immunity is extraordinarily tantalizing.
So, in order to try to rob you of that advantage someone on "The Other Side"™️ also steps up.
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And wouldn't it be funny if I didn't.
And they have, in so doing basically thrown one of their own to the wolves because only one is not immune.
Wouldn't that be funny.
Anyway, I haven't decided what I'm doing yet - because mostly I have to decide where the line between martyr and criminal mastermind lies (somewhere south of "never go up a Sicilian when death is on the line")
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And also because then I'll have to immediately decide to whom I'm giving the immunity - a long time ally or a chaotic choice that also seems rational (perhaps Jack as a reward for sticking with me?)
And whether I'm willing to have potential disadvantages from Colin stacked on top of whatever disadvantages I earn in exchange for immunity.
Holy hell.
I think I may have just calmly and rationally talked myself out of going for this immunity. There may actually be far more to lose than to gain, and a lot of my day job includes trying to convince people to not fall for the trap of short-term-ism, which is what this challenge is.
But it's not scheduled until tomorrow afternoon, so I have more than enough time to try to argue myself into another decision . . .
Again doing confessionals so last minute, anyway LMFAO kinda iconic for 2 immunities right away but yeah I’m for sure Screwed going forward. Hopefully this next vote goes according to plan and there’s not any extra votes or steel votes honestly I would love for a rock draw because I’m safe the end so let’s spice things up. Anyways hope I’m not getting too cocky cause I’m definitely not next.
Tribal Council
Tony: Jack (I hope we get to play again together someday!)
Michael: EMAN (We didn't really get to play together)
Alex: Eman (Again, genuinely a testament to your game that this was the extent we had to go to take you out. I'm glad I got to be a  hero with you for a little while.)
Kaleigh: EMAN (i hope u enjoy ur tripp)
Champ: Eman 
Zee: Eman (as you wish, your sacrifice will not be forgotten)
Eman: Jack (I hope this doesn't work. I wasn't allowed to vote for myself)
Jack: eman
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creampuffqueen · 1 year
Ranking Songs from Taylor Swift's Album 'evermore'
hi guys it's me again ranking more songs bc this is fun haha
anyway let's do my favorite taylor swift album, evermore!!!
'tis the damn season- everything about this song is so fucking good to me. it's like the best christmas song that's not christmasy at all. favorite favorit favorite
2. right where you left me- this deserves to be on the main album tbh. so good. i sat there, dust collected on my pinned up hair- as is going to be a theme with miss swift's albums, the storytelling aspect of this is incredible
3. marjorie- okay gonna be real i had no clue this was about her grandma. for me honestly it gives me older sister vibes. but yeah sure grandma. anyway it's a fantastic song
4. dorothea- i really like this one. i enjoy how it's about how even if you and your friends don't see each other all the time you still love each other, and still support each other. and that's beautiful
5. no body, no crime- this one's gotta be top five. it's so iconic. i love songs about murdering awful husbands. plus very slight country taylor makes a return. her voice plus the voices of HAIM mesh so well
6. champagne problems- almost made top five. but i love this song a lot. what a shame she's fucked in the head
7. gold rush- this one feels like a poem to me. love it
8. evermore- i love what she does with bon iver. but a really good, almost ethereal feeling song about healing and that's iconic
9. ivy- not much to say but i just enjoy this one whenever i listen to it
10. willow- honestly so good but soooo fucking overplayed half the time i can't stand it
11. tolerate it- i used to like this one a lot less but then i saw it live at the eras tour and it totally changed my view on it. also every time i listen to it i think of taylor throwing shit around while singing it and it makes me smile
12. happiness- finding happiness again after heartbreak. what's not to love?
13. long story short- it's fine. no big opinions on it
14. coney island- also fine
15. closure- the banging around in the beginning always throws me off. otherwise a decent song i guess but that part bothers me enough to put it this low
16. cowboy like me- still upset that it has fucking nothing to do with cowboys
17. it's time to go- why does this exist. it's so boring. it does nothing for me. instant skip
and there it is!!! other evermore girlies (gender neutral) feel free to share your own opinions!!
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transurgender · 2 years
havings. thoughts abt shenhe bc someone was playing her in coop <3 my beloved, my bf who is a girl. my wife who could kill me. my most regretted skip. shenhe rerun WHEN
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bardicbird · 2 years
original bad kids gender hcs
- kristin: i think sometime along the line of high school she gets into the part of lesbianism where oftentimes you really feel this Disconnect from femininity. and this makes her a little confused. but she loves doing research on queer labels and such so i think she eventually settles on nonbinary or maybe demigirl ! i think once she had figured that out she’d use she/they pronouns :]
- adaine: idk i think adaine is definitely queer but she comes off as more cis to me. she likes learning about that stuff tho so she can be a better ally to her friends :] i think maybe at some point in her life she might experiment a little with gender expression. get some botched femininity going. idk. 
- gorgug: i think gorgug is simply existing. i don’t think he’s ever given any deep thought into gender and is just kind of like :] yeah whatever works sure. his parents probably taught him about some of that stuff bc they seem like the types to do that . i think gorgug just went oh thats nice okay and kept going. i think he primarily uses he/him bc it’s what he’s most used to but also i think he’d be cool with any pronouns !
- fabian: look. i don’t have much reasoning for this one. i really want to say he’s cis bc that makes the most sense story wise but also this boy just SCREAMS trans for some reason???? so yeah. he’s trans. its why he kind of cared so much about seeming impressive and masculine, and a small part of why he tries to follow in his dads footsteps as much as he can. i think his dad was very supportive in a really weird way where he was like “AYE I KNEW A BABY WITH GRIP THAT STRONG HAD TO BE A STRAPPING LITTLE LAD. AW YER TAKIN AFTER YER OLD DAD ARENT YA IM SO PROUD OF YOU” or something akin to that. i think he has also probably already had top surgery which. would be VERY young in our world but i dont think bill gives a shit and could totally pay someone enough to do that. also surgery is probably safer and maybe even reversible in their magic world so ! 
- riz: honestly i think he’s pretty similar to gorgug except the first time he actually tried to think about it he got super worked up over it and ended up making a whole board trying to connect things together to make sense of his own identity and then after like. hours of hyperfixating on it he was just like “im so tired. i need to not do this anymore.” and went to sleep and never tried touching the subject again. pronoun wise i think he’d be cool with primarily he prounouns but also like? a they every once and a while to spice things up. maybe some neopronouns that just sound nice to him? (i can’t think of any specifically rn if anyone else has opinions on this i’d love to hear your thoughts :])
- fig: she doesnt give a fuck babeyyy. one of those “genders not real so i get to do whatever the fuck i want with it” people. i think that comes out a lot mostly via gender expression more than actual labels? fig is just vibing. i think pronouns would probably be something along the lines of she/he/hy/ze. maybe sometimes fig just wants to go by no pronouns and just goes by her name. it depends !
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rinzis · 4 years
what your favourite genshin impact character says about you: no holding back edition
i’m finally allowed to post again!!! great joy
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aether/lumine: you’re basic as hell sorry . also stop fighting over who the better twin is they’re literally the same person but different genders. you’re pretty fun to be around ig but i feel like you eat food off the floor. 5 second rule not 5 hour rule ok
amber: ok i’ve actually met a bunch of people whose fav is amber and you guys are actually really sweet but pls learn when to stfu you’re so loud . also you guys go feral whenever someone (everyone else in the fandom) says amber sucks like chill bae
kaeya: jesus fucking christ your horny is off the scale. every kaeya stan i’ve ever met cant keep it in their pants. and we know the only reason you like him is bc of his giga bouncer supreme ultra man rack 3000. stop saying you want him to smother you with his tits. get some help.
lisa: YOU GUYS ARE COOL AS HELL!!!!!! as someone who relates to lisa you’re very cool. most chill people to be around and you’re definitely super smart. not lazy but just reserved. 11/10. oh btw do you use her for climbing?
diluc: do you have daddy issues? you guys definitely have a thing for the tsundere archetype and you probably like zhongli too. just admit you want diluc to do the kabedon thing on you and move on. we know what you’re like. also how does it feel being so short? i swear every diluc stan is small as hell
jean: YOU GUYS are so sweet pls whenever i play co op with a jean main it’s just like wow you’re so strong and nice and thanks for healing my entire team wow........ however although you’re so responsible you probably enjoy cancelling people on twitter for fun . sorry
venti: VENTI STANS. I LOVE YOU. is it partially because i myself am a huge venti stan? yeah no. you probably missed out on his first banner and are saving for his rerun..... same......... anyways you guys give off the best vibes n it’s always so fun to be with you. i love you all
razor: i have one question for you guys . did you either like warrior cats or were you a wolf kid?
albedo: you guys are so smart wtf !!!!!!!!! you’re so rational in co op mode too and if you have albedo you probably use him as a sub dps for your teammates bc you’re so good at reading situations........ then again you also have some weird shit going on like cmon it’s milk after cereal you psychopaths
sucrose: you either kin sucrose or are creepy sorry . ok but she’s so underrated like her passive 3........ WOAH.............. you definitely use her in spiral abyss,,, also are you a burnout successful kid who used to kiss teachers’ asses and middle school was a breeze before getting to college/university and realising that professors don’t give a shit anymore? wow who would have guessed
diona: wannabe catgirls assemble! please move on from your warrior cats phase you’re almost as bad as the razor stans but you’re adorable too. you probably want qiqi or klee but don’t have them so you’re settling for diona
barbara: thanks for healing my team in co op barbara stans !!!! you guys are genuinely so nice omg thank you for being so reliable all the time,,, do you highlight your notes so it’s more art than notes? yeah that’s what i thought
mona: ok if no one else is gonna say it i will,,, no one understands shit about your astrology thing going on. i’m a caprisun? great
bennett: YOURE ALL ADORABLE. thanks for helping us out in co op!!!! you definitely advocate for bennett rights and yes pls do,,,, we all love benny deep down!!!! you either don’t have him or have him at like C218372
fischl: jojo stans
just kidding but you all probably act like fischl irl. also did you have an emo phase
klee: ok if your favourite is klee you definitely don’t have her . waiting patiently for klee’s rerun!!!! shes just so adorable and so are you guys,,,,, so fun to be around !!!!! you probably have diluc and hate him
noelle: you guys....... the rarest of the rare. you love trying to convince people that she’s a great healer dps n everything else...... no bae you probably use her because you like geo and claymores like hmm yes i will now hit things hard with my big sword and rock power
ok onto liyue now sweats nervously
childe: you guys are ALL simps. ALL OF YOU. go n touch some grass bro!!!!! you either think he’s super sexy or you bully him and make the ed sheeran jokes (not funny) . you follow griffin burns on tiktok too dont you
zhongli: you either love him for his gentle demeanour or you want him for his fat giga dumptruck 3000. make up your minds!!!!! you guys are so clueless in co op mode but you’re hilarious. you probably have his energy recharge at like 200% so you can use his ult and hear I WILL HAVE ORDER every 4 seconds
xiao: STOP GROWLING AT PEOPLE. every xiao main is so aggressive not joking . yeah the only reason you saved for him is because you want to stare at him all day n listen to him growling . you guys genuinely scare me . no he would not hold ur hand and do cute things with you,,,,,, if given half the chance he’d probably decapitate you
ningguang: alright jeff bezos, hand over the cash. yeah so you’re either rolling in it or want to be her sugar baby. but you guys have such an intimidating aura like playing with ning mains is just .... you always build her so well she’s an absolute tank!!!!!! thanks for scaring the shit out of me but also protecting me
beidou: YOU GUYS. you’re fun to be around but i also feel like you could probably destroy me in 3 seconds flat !!!!!!!! do you hate diluc too? i love playing with you guys because all i hear is TO ASHES every 2 seconds and she’s just cool as hell so yeah i really like beidou stans. i feel like you all have her so congrats
qiqi: you’re so cute,,,,, best healer !!!! you probably love playing qiqi because her skills look so cool and you prefer playing heal/support,, if you don’t have her you just love her bc she’s so tiny . spoiler alert but do you have a thing against xiao for killing her lol
xiangling: you’re so chaotic help,, you definitely pair her with xinyan too because you give off the most uncontrollable vibes,,,,,,, did you level her to use her in the spiral abyss or do you just think polearms are neat and don’t have xiao or zhongli
xinyan: please reread xiangling paragraph but replace polearm with claymore . you like either bring me the horizon or bubblegum pop there’s no in between
chongyun: you’re all the nicest people ever and you’re so chill . you love chongyun with your whole hearts and i adore you !!!!!! the animation of him eating the popsicle melts your hearts (no pun intended) and you just think he’s really cool :( ily all
xingqiu: chongyun vibes but make it kinda unnerved . burnout successful kids 2.0 ,,,,, are you clever too? you also love xingqiu and believe he’s worthy of being a 5 star with his heal and damage reduce !!!!! he’s so helpful wtf and so are you . please stop going on about his legs though it’s highkey weird asf
keqing: COOL PERSON SYNDROME! i main this gal so i love you all . do you get as mad as i do when people say she doesn’t deserve to be a 5 star? yeah . are you a procrastinator and try and take lessons from keqing but are just so lazy? do you use her teleport because you can’t be bothered to climb mountains? yeah that’s what i thought
ganyu: you’re all the nicest people alive and i adore you all . thanks for being so kind in co op mode . every ganyu main i’ve met is so sweet and you’re all so powerful too woah....... you hate the cocogoat jokes too >:( pls mihoyo give her more attention !!!!!
scaramouche: you have rights guys we know you exist. also we know you want him to be playable. we know that you think his hat is neat. we know you love this shawty but please be quiet.
signora: wait you guys exist
hu tao: you prank people for fun like pls stop im so on edge when youre around . plus i feel you laugh at videos of babies falling over n shit,,,,,,, you cant wait for her banner but also please shut the fuck up
dainsleif: please leave me the fuck alone we did 1 (one) quest with him and you’re all obsessed with him . ok second hand dmitri from fire emblem you want a medal for being a fucking simp?
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