#also applies to max mwah
patowrd · 1 year
i love picking problematic favs. hes the devil TO YOU. to me he is a little cat i found in the street
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
the boys on vacation
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includes: the brothers x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .6k | rated t | m.list
a/n: i really want a vacation rn so here's this. i'm exhausted lmao,, my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback, so stop by!!
please reblog mwah
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➳ lucifer takes this time to sleep. seriously. he’s willing to part with his work just this once if it means he doesn't have to be so exhausted when he goes back home. he manages to coax you into bed with him quite a bit, and when he’s not sleeping he’s relaxing, usually kicked back in a pool chair. he’s living his best life, and honestly, you’re there for it. he definitely needs a break (especially one without his brothers)
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➳ mammon wants to do everything, see everything, experience everything. he’s ready to go even if you need a moment. he really enjoys the night activities, which isn’t unexpected, but his enthusiasm is contagious and the two of you are easily getting into trouble. mammon pulls his usual stuff and soon enough he’s a well-known face around the area, even though you’ve only been there for a few days. it’s a good thing lucifer isn't there, otherwise the two of you’d be having way less fun.
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➳ levi is content to hang inside, though he will walk around and explore with you if you’d like. he’s living his best life and is contemplating going places more often, even if he’s not necessarily there to do anything. he will go swimming in a heartbeat, so there’s that, at least. he hacks into the wifi really easily, not wanting to use the bad public one, making you snort. hopefully, you don’t get caught, but levi assures you it’s not going to happen.
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➳ satan finds the library immediately, surveying their options. if he deems it unimpressive, he’ll then drag you to all of the bookstores, hunting for a new read. it’s funny to find the wildest YA books you can and try to slip them into the basket, something that definitely disappoints him. he has a lot of patience with you, but he did go on vacation to get away from nuisances :/. jk, but he’s sick of having to take bodice-rippers out of the basket while old people judge him. of course, whenever that happens you’re suspiciously not in sight.
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➳ asmo is there for the spa. though he does tell you that the products don’t compare to his personal stash. he quickly befriends all of the workers and other patrons, charming them easily. he gets way too into the gossip and you have to practically drag him away, even as he whines. linda was telling him about her delinquent nephew! he had a grand old time exploring, finding all of the boutiques and buying you stuff you barely even express interest in.
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➳ beel wants to try out all of the restaurants, of course, and even does research beforehand to come up with a game plan. he leaves several restaurants out of stock, becoming a local legend. you don’t mind- the moment you get bored he’s willing to do something you want, meaning walk the boardwalk while he samples from all of the stands. it’s cute watching him get excited over all of the fried food and local cuisine, and in his head he’s definitely making a ‘places to come back to’ list.
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➳ belphie would really prefer to lounge around, taking relaxation to the max, which isn't out of the norm for him. he lazes in the sun, soaking it up like a cat, but he’s also mindful of you and notices when you’re about done with relaxing. it’s nice not having any obligations besides having a good time, and he’s definitely going to be taking advantage of all of this free time, even if he is only chilling. you make him wear sunscreen, which makes him laugh, but you don’t budge, not wanting to risk it. at least he gets you to apply it for him.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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daz4i · 2 years
Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah
hello this is I, the art analyzer extraordinaire
about the art with the horns guy - as your russian-speaking follower, the main problem with trying to apply the literary contains of the journal to the art used for advertisement is that it contains several publications by the same author but since it was published in 1906 it's difficult to find the exact titles
Now a bit more about the art I've seen. The piece below was one of the most outstanding to me, simply because it was very different lighting-wise. Namely, it was the only one with the light coming from behind the human figure, so the most of what we see is in shadow, whereas in practically all of the other posters used for advertisements there either is no light/shadow at all or light is very basic and is coming from the front (sorry for the bad photo, it's the best one I have)
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(again, bad photo, sorry) Another thing I want to mention is this poster fit the ceramics exhibition in 1900! It has a very beautiful combination of very ancient greece art with a more renaissance style for the lady in the foreground + strong object outlines and a painterly, almost watercolour pattern on the vases! It mixes so well :D
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Last thing I will mention is this poster, again for the Nicva journal. By the time we reached it, me and my friend were at our max "let's find meaning the artist did not put into their piece" so we were debating whether it was about class oppression or seasonal depression until the exhibition was closed for the day
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and then at the exit a nice volunteer lady caught us and gave us free tickets for a documentary about representation of disabled people in cinematography (made by disabled people, 104 films if you've heard of them) which was starting in like 5 minutes in the same building so we watched that too :]
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narilgc · 4 years
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𝐎𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐎 !! i ramble enough as it is so ... i’m just going to get right into it !! here’s a plot call for nari since phew sis needs some threads and connections ASAP !! like desperately ... so help a girl out and see if any fit your muse ! thank u and i will love u forever ! <33
edit: omg sorry forgot like if one of these catches your interest !! ty mwah !
𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍: * applies to musical theater trainees too !
need one / two more for this one - a stunt mission thread !! nari is a lot more excited than people may expect her to be and is READY to be a baddie !!! would love to be joined by someone who either matches her enthusiasm to do cool stunts or someone who’s terrified and completely out their element !
for chuseok nari is 100% considering making a cute family dinner for anyone missing their family ! this would be after the official legacy dinner, of course, and a lil more intimate for anyone who wants some extra love & more homey food ! so if your muse is down ?? nari’s your girl !
like max nari ALSO will be so down to hype somebody up, especially since she isn’t performing much so she has tons of time to give your muse her love !!
just some general things that i think would work !! pls give my girl some love !! i love her so much and she needs TONS more connections phew !!
more lgc agency friends !! and honestly non-idol route friends ?? not that she’s opposed to those, of course ! she just needs more in the subsidiary labels, and people who she has similar schedules to !
she’s considering getting a puppy in the future, so anybody willing to go to puppy cafes or the shelter to get her used to the idea is welcome !
a sort of bad influence plot ?? nari definitely is on the better side of the scale when it comes to behavior, so it’d be fun for her to switch things up for a bit !
omg let nari have a crush on someone pls !! obviously it’d happen like naturally and all that but .... i’m just projecting my desire for nari to be heart eyes for someone here !!
 i’m sure i’ll think of more but ?? i’m tired lmao !!
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broke2boss · 4 years
Day 2: Passive Income, A way out of the trap
Let me first say that passive income is made very actively. I have seen others have multiple income streams by going crazy on their ventures and working upwards of 80 hours a week to get their money together. So by no means am I here trying to be lazy and become rich at the same time. I am in a hole right now, and I believe that having mechanisms to generate profits while I I sleep will get me out sooner.
In this scary journey, I believe it is important to start of on the right foot. With the amount of debt I have and my unemployed status, I quickly realized that this is the time for me to set things in motion that will help me make money while I sleep or (eventually) work my job(s). Those things are called passive income.
So I went on a Youtube video and blogpost spree to figure out what passive income ideas can work for me. And believe me when I say I am shook. 
I decided to watch max. 20 Youtube videos and read at least 10 blogposts about my options in this area before making my first moves, because I am too broke to risk significant amounts of money on sense. It was a riveting round of discovery that inspired me to stay the course and increased my belief that I can actually do this. I have discovered ... ways that I could make money passively in the next 3-5 years, with the first .... being suitable for the next 12 months! Take a look:
Ryan specifies that niche blogging is where the money can be made. What he seems to mean by that is that you can blog about something you are:
- passionate about (or at least like) - using products in, so you can do reviews - using services in, so you can do reviews
People interested in this niche can then find you and using whatever you recommend, making passive income through affiliate marketing possible.
I don't shop as I used to but getting a reward for bringing in new customers sounds like a possible income stream. I do believe that traffic is an issue. I am slightly more motivated to start a Youtube channel with loads of subscribers as THE goal. Amazon is the giant source for this income stream and some influencers mentioned this.
- Patricia Bright, also mentioned Rewardstyle - Graham has great advice on review videos & affiliate marketing and also mentions WeBull (which he has an affiliate link for) - Ryan explains that Amazon has one of the easiest ways of starting to make passive income through affiliate marketing
Cyclone, Godaddy and Siteground have been recommended. Travel companies, like Booking.com,  are also ways of making money. But it depends on my interests and where my traffic comes from. 
So this is a way of making more money out of blogs and vlogs by comparing products in a review. I consider that to be an element of success in affiliate marketing.
This is literally reviewing apps that you like to use or even don't enjoy. This can be done on blogs and vlogs, with the support of app developers or even without. Ryan shows that this an easy way to bet started in affiliate marketing. I believe him! But it is not very lucrative.
So Fiver and Upwork are places where people offer their services digitally. But the digital produtcs.... mwah I am not sure what I could create. So I need to investigate this more. Plus again, I will need traffic (Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website). Patricia Bright even explains how she created her digital products by popular demand, meaning she already was an influencer (a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media).
Another way of looking at digital services is online courses. Ryan shares how he made over $70k (€62k) in a year from selling these, and grew that to nearly $30k(€26k) in a month ($360k (€317k) a year) by applying increasingly better affiliate marketing. I love teaching and there are people out there who could be my customers, so why not try this? I do believe that being an influencer is necessary for this.
Here we are at the HOLY GRAIL. The king of online video streaming, empire of possible income streams: Youtube. Right now, you can only start monetizing your channel once you have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time, which I don't know how I will reach if I want to remain anonymous... Or maybe I should Batman/Bruce Wayne the situation and keep my online grind separate from my online journaling.
The thing is, once my channel is monetized, I can make money from #1-#6.
This one is very new to me, but now that I know it, I will use it like crazy. Apparently when you do not have the authority and size of a true influencer yet, you can profit from keywords that the "big players", like Ryan calls them, do not go for. When you go to the Youtube search bar and  type in the popular keyword that they do use , you have longer keywords that show up. The longer keywords can be those that aren't as popular but also don't have as much competition in the, And I can use these to create blogging and vlogging content to grow my platform(s). This in turn will lead to more money.
A newsletter is a printed or electronic report containing news concerning of the activities of a business or an organization that is sent to its members, customers, employees or other subscribers.
I did not know this before, but even the newsletter  can make me money. once I have #1-#7 down, my subscribers can "buy me a coffee" buy giving a few bucks, stay connected to my brand and bring in more people. SMART.
This is an automated way of sending emails as responses to customers/followers/subscribers or as part of a marketing campagne. Ryan recommends Aweber (plus link), but I am sure that once #1-#9 are up and running I will be an affiliate to companies as well and will market them right here.
Patreon is mentioned but a membership site that is making people loads of money is of course the infamous OnlyFans. I am not interested in becoming a new member of the adult industry, so I don't see how Only Fans will work for me. So making residual income by having paid members on Patreon seems like a good idea. Youtube now also have a membership option, but only for bigger channels, so I will need to build a great platform for all of this to work. I need to be a true influencer by this point. Ryan recommends Teachable (which he shares another link for).
Making ad revenue through social media, makes sense once #1-#11 are done right and growing my platform(s). In this list, I am realizing that for an old Millennial I have been sleeping on this, nay, I have been in a true deep coma for a , while money was being made left, right and center. OMG. Btw yes #7 already addresses Youtube, but ad revenue can also be made on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and on my blog(s). 
Ryan explains that you can optimise these ads for other companies. It is passive, because you aren't paid per hour but per client.
Ryan mentions Instagram Marketing, which will take some research, but can help me make passive income as well. Once I know how to do #12, building a business like this will be easier. Plus in hiring VA's to do the actual work, this can become a source of passive income.
This is when the affiliate link leads to a subscription instead of a single sale. So you make money every month (or week/year) after the customer subscribes. Ryan recommends Teachable (he's an affiliate).
This is different from Affiliate marketing, because you need to really bring value to the table of a company to become an ambassador or partner of their brand. The pay is good, according to Patricia Bright, you are able to make anywhere from £2000 to £30000 per gig (approx. €2200-€33000 at the moment). So once I have #1-#9 rolling, this can and will drag me out of the hole I am in, like a mother would pull her child out of a terrible situation. Building this platform just went from a possible theoretic situation, to an actual realistic goal.
Once I have #1-#10 down, I believe this point will be easier, and consulting digitally through prepacked courses can offer a great source of income like Udemy, Udacity and Coursera, I am however noticing that visibility is very important in this list, but bare with me. My quest is not over. Patricia Bright says that you should know your work but also put yourself out there as an expert, and package the information in a way that is easily consumed by your customers (I am paraphrasing here) . In this journey, I started off thinking I was a Master of None. But really, I haven't monetized any of the skills I have mastered so far. The world is mine,
This is regarding physical products, but it can generate passive income, via dropshipping ( Dropshipping is an order fulfillment method that does not require a business to keep products in stock. Instead, the store sells the product, and passes on the sales order to a third-party supplier, who then ships the order to the customer). As Patricia Bright says there is nothing passive about this. And I believe that this income stream will start to make sense once I have traffic that will actually buy my products, or when I sell products for a very attractive price compared to my competitors. Because of how much is needed to start with this, I do not consider this to be a good way to start making money as a beginner. But I did add it to the list, because it is a realistic option somewhere down the line.
This a work in progress, so I will update this later
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