#also before anyone gets mad. i am a gay man and im saying this stuff in appreciation of it
nukacourier · 4 months
Conversing with my boyfriend about New Vegas as I play it
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can-of-w0rmz · 7 months
oooh I get it. He speaks the way the guilty speak. The specific way. The one you can be sure of. You know this. He has the vibes, right? The pedo vibes. The clear, evident, quantifiable vibes of a pedophile which are obvious to anyone who has two brain cells. And it's upon vibes that we judge one's guilt and innocence. And also anyone can do it, you don't need to have any kind of training and understanding of law and context. And again, the culture that condemned him was not horrifyingly bigoted to the extent that it invalidates any judgement cast.
Yes, purity culture. You're doing it right now. You're twisting yourself into knots desperately grasping for straws because a gay man gives you weird vibes and you heard a rumor he might have done something. You're playing into every groomer stereotype of LGBTQ people, you're doing republicans' and tories' and nazis' jobs for them. All because you're super-duper for-sure certain the guy was skeevy and weird and gross. And you have to be correct, right? Because you're a good person, as you know, and you wouldn't be doing wrong stuff, right?
So congrats. And I mean... look at these anons who agree with you. For surely it's not just the same one weirdo who has the same ill obsession with purity as you. And before you accuse me of going anon as well - yeah. Because otherwise you'd block me, and then you'd get to entertain and spread these noxious ideas unchallenged.
And fyi, purity culture dipshits are ALWAYS one of two things: either clueless dogshit tweens like you who are desperate to get one over the olds because tiktok has colonized your brains with corporate advert acceptability standards, or actual literal groomer pedophiles taking advantage of the fact that purity circles are full of easily manipulated morons and passing themselves off as "one of the safe, good, antishipper adults".
Fuck right off with all of every one of those things, clownlord. God you terf island fuckers are the abusive, toxic, vile fucking same.
Nahh guys solid proof in a court of law is just a silly rumour guys. Just a silly little rumour guys just a silly little rumour. A man constantly backtracking on everything he says and does and putting up arguments for the sake of trying to sound smart and then immediately getting called out and then backtracking with no solid argument against what he just said is just normal guy things to do when being in trial for touching little boys. Real.
Bro can’t decide whether he’s guilty or not either, is he guilty but not really because we’re only saying he’s wrong bc purity culture, or is he not guilty and we’re only saying he is because he has Evil Gay Man Voice………….. and Evil Gay Man Voice is what’s making us think he’s a nonce……….
@petricharme come here I can’t do this shit I’m logging off I can’t oh my days MY AGE HAS CHANGED AGAIN first I’m in my 20s and now I’m a tween oh my days I’m all over the show that’s crazy AND I’M A TERF that’s crazy I didn’t know I could be a tranny and a terf that’s mad. I mean that’s so real. I hate transgender people……. And the gays………. Fucking faggots…… all of them are pedophiles I can tell bc Evil Gay Man Voice👎👎👎👎
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
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Warnings: language, arguing? A lil violence to your wrist, weave grabbing and bodyguard running! NOT PROOF READ OR BOLD, IM JUST KINDA LAZY TODAY!
A/n: oh god what did I just write?
T.H| You Shouldn’t Go Out Anymore
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We all know he is gonna feel some fuckin way y/n, don’t fight it” your friend said, sipping her cherrie slurpie after you all left the club.
“Well I don’t know what to say, I was fucking around with anyone I was just handlin my own” you let out a ‘tuh’ as you looked out the window.
“This is a man? You have been out since what? 6” your gay best friend stated, handing you your Reese’s as you only rolled your eyes.
“This is your stop, good luck babe, although you can most definitely handle your own” you opened the door as she pulled up, grabbing your stuff and hopped out the door, big ass mistake. You didn’t fall but your knees didn’t agree with you.
As your friends laughed you flipped them off and closed the door, fixing your purse as your heels clanked against the stone, you walked up to the door step, grabbing your keys and putting them in the door, before you could twist it was already opened by you great full.... angry? Boyfriend.
You jerked your head at him and came in the house, taking off your heels and going into your shared room, throwing them in the closet.
“Where’d you go?” He asked from the kitchen, soon angrily coming into the bedroom. “I got caught up in some traffic” “bullshit, where did you go?” “To the club? Why else am I wearing this?” “Why is your hair fucked up?” He asked, looking at your figure. You shrugged “I have no idea” you bit your lip as you walked up to the mirror attached to the closet, trying to unzip yourself. He stood there watching you with his jaw clenched, you could see him but you tried to ignore it your best, it wasn’t happening.
“Thomas what the fuck is your problem?” “My problem? Why are you out so fucking late!?” He raised his voice. “Why? I’m here aren’t I!” You yell back. “Why are you avoiding the fucking question, you fucking cheated didn’t you? Your a fucking slob” “A slob?” You cock your head at him, furrowing your eyebrows. “I AM SOBERRRR!” you yell at him, he only ignores you so you dance around him yelling “soberrrr! I am so soberrrr! What’s 2x2? Fourrrrr”. “Can you be serious for two minutes?” “Not when you don’t know what your fucking talking about, wanna know why I was really late?” You snapped back and he only nodded, you threw the Reese’s at his face “maybe I should’ve cheated on yo dumbass” “fuck you!”
“Haven’t you already? Unzip me” his face all scrunched as he walked up and unzipped you, you turning around and his face so close to your own “I went to the fucking store Thomas, they don’t sell snacks at the club” “did you drink at all?” “No thomas, there was just an achol free club where we all sing Barney, I love you, you love me” you smile, tilting your head to the side. “Well I’ve been sitting in this bed waiting for you” “then wait some more baby, wait some more” he grabbed your wrist pulling you closer, him towering you “look smartass, if you want to go bloody fuck around you can, just stay away from me, you don’t answer your phone, you stay out late, you have the fucking audacity to come home and try to talk to me as if I did something wrong?”
“No I’m actually talking to you like your dumb, because you are, get out of me!” You snatch your wrist back “next time you touch me I swear to god I will punch you square in yo fucking face” you take off your dress and grab your suit case, rubbing your wrist because it hurt, like hell. You know he wouldn’t ever hurt you and maybe he was caught in the moment but you were pissed. You took out all of your clothes and threw them on the side of your bed.
“Where are you going? You don’t have anywhere to go” Tom said, grabbing the clothes on the hangers and putting them back up. “Thomas put my shit down” and one thing you both knew, it is your shit, you bought it because you aren’t one of those types for when the time comes he takes everything that he bought for you.
He hesitated before he put it back on the bed “you aren’t leaving me” “I make my own decisions” you started to fold up your clothes as Thomas left, walking into the livingroom taking in what all happened.
You walked up to the door and slammed it, hissing in pain from the slight sting in your wrist, you only pushed yourself more by folding everything and throwing it in your suit case.
You set it next to the door and sat on the bed “fuck” you whispered to yourself thumbs on your temples and your hands rested on your eyebrows. it isn’t your fucking fault at all and you needed to know that but right now you’ve never ever had these kinds of fights with Tom, it was just about dinner or something petty. You ended up falling asleep.
You woke up and found yourself in the messy bedroom, hangers everywhere and suit case still next to the door. You grabbed your phone from your purse that was also on the floor, calling your friend, Imani.
“Yes” she said, you only bit your lip. “We had a fight” you went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, “I know” “how?” “It’s Thomas, and your sarcastic as hell” “well I’m leaving” “the house or the man?” “havent talked about it yet” “well you should, I got to go, text me the apartment though” you let out a hum and hung up, turning on the shower to a warm feeling.
You got dressed and flat ironed your hair sitting on your fluffy pink chair that matched your marble vanity. Then he walked in “hey” he whispered. “Hi” you said back, taking out the last section. “Are we like... not together anymore?” He asked, sitting on the bed watching you. “A break” you said, turning back to him as he nodded. “Can I ask why your doing your hair” “no Tom” “okay” his lips in a thin line.
You unpacked your stuff, getting comfy in your new but not replaced home. You were gonna move in with one of your friends at first but them you knew you wanted some alone time for yourself, you scrolled through your explore page on Instagram- stacked with zodiac signs and Evan peters, skinny girls in bikinis, generic ones.
As you scrolled through you thought ‘maybe I should- nah’ you looked in the closet looking at the small bikinis and the tight skirts and tube tops. Sooner or later the door opened revealing-
“Tye? What are you doing here?” You asked, your gay best friend entering. “I’m not the only one, and don’t come over here talking to me like I’m the enemy” “shut up” you stood up and gave him a hug, soon revealing Imani also. “You know for a fact that we was comin over, yo hair is poppin” she said “stiff where?” You shook it, silky.
Over the few days that you’ve been alone Toms been doing actually pretty well, he did miss you of course but he also did freak out and get mad that you weren’t accepting his calls, he didn’t know if you were safe until-
“Stop!” You laughed, currently in the Pool with the most smallest bikini EVER- the hot red just making your skin shine, your hair done, sunglasses on, teeth white, feet done nails done, okay? Everything is done, by your wallet to.
Tye and his muscular lil boo, throwing pretzels at you. “Have fun!” Ray said, “we didn’t take you here for no reason” Tye added both of them sitting down in the seats while you were in the pool, leaning your elbows on the brim “I know!” You lift yourself up, little did you know Imani was taking pictures of you, from behind of course, your ass the main course of the picture, everything about you was just so sexy, like you had a magnet on you that everybody needs to be attached to, but luckily that was Thomas. Did I mention it was a public pool? “Look at Jesus, he’s starring at you” everyone grabbed there black tinted sunglasses, making sure nobody could see yours and your friends eyes you looked. “Sexy” ray said, “nice and hairy, it’s time for a grown man y/n” Imani said, basically dissing Tom because it doesn’t look like he has any hair on his body ‘golden beauty’ as he’d call it.
“I don’t know, what if he’s like a hobo or something?” You said, coming up to Tye and laying down between his legs, resting your head on his pec. “Your right, he might be hairy in the business to” ray commented, making everyone laugh as Tye played with your hair. You smacked your lips as ray took out his phone “stoppp!” You said, knowing what he is doing to embarrass you, he made a boomerang of him zooming in on Jesus, but acting like he was recording himself. He labels it “JESUS?” and posted, making everyone else but you repost it on their story. “Y’all do to much” you sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“What the fuck is this? Jesus?” Tom said, sipping his beer. Looking at Harrison who is trying to hold on a laugh “you might have to fuck some since into her if ya know what I mean” a chuckle leaving his lips. “She isn’t fucking around, just leave her be” Harry rolled his eyes, all Tom was doing is looking at him phone, every, single, day. “You think she likes him? Or might have sex with him?” “You are literally so bloody annoying, what do you think?” Haz glares at him. “Well I don’t know! Fuck! She wouldn’t” Tom didn’t even wanna think about it, having another hand on your neck, hearing you moan someone else’s name, opening your legs for someone else.
“Might wanna check her profile” Harrison shrugs, Tom nods and checks it, clicking on your story and finding you say “hallelujah” while your laying on someone, a chest. You soon flip the camera “put your legs down!” You slap them, making whoever it is chuckle, you zoom in on Jesus and end up getting caught, your phone drops as the story ends.
“Your fucked” Harry laughed “shut up!” Tom said, throwing the bottle cap at him.
“No this didn’t happen, I don’t believe it” you hide in tyes chest while everyone laughs at you “stopppppp!” You whine.
You smiled as you got in your tight dress, orange and spaghetti strapped that shows a bit of your side boob, you wore thigh high black boots, your hair flat ironed again, inches inches inches, lace front, lace front, lace front, Self love yeah? You put on your dangle earrings, lipgloss eyelashes just lookin so pretty.
“You ready?” Ray asked, coming in with his loose oversized shirt and jean shorts, converse, he looked good of course but never over top, it isn’t his thing. Tye on the other hand came with a black loose unbuttoned loose shirt and black dress pants, a new pair a j’s wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
Imani didn’t like dressing up so she came with a yellow ripped crop top and black cargos with some combat boots everyone’s hair done.
No drinking and driving, you all had money of course and you were planning on just taking care of yourself, so when you got there you just went to the bar.
Of course a lot of eyes were on you, all races all genders, but you could care less. “One shot of-“ “a Shirley temple, get this fine young lady a Shirley temple” Tye said, “we don’t need you losing your mind in here, y/n” “whatever but yes please”
“Of course gorgeous” the waiter winked at you. “Ooo” Tye said making you slap his arm “where is Imani and ray?” You asked Tye, he only pointed at the dance floor, the shoes helping both of them dance better.
“You should dance” “you and I both know I look like I’m getting electrocuted” he laughed as you got your drink, taking the straw and sipping it. “Can’t we like get a table or something?” You asked, Tye nodding and asking you to step forward, a gentle hand behind your back trying to keep the drunkies away.
About an hour in is when Imani started to party “IMANIS A LESBIAN?” you shouted, only enough for you, ray, and the to hear as they eye her on the dance floor. “Aw shit, here we go again” “private story activated” Imani just making out with the girl non stop.
“Oh fuck- we need to save her!” You say, watching as they giggle and record her. “Let her have her fun, she will just wake up in another girls bed and be happy” “she looks like she has an std” “how?” “She’s way to pretty” you laugh at tye “AH- HAIR PULLING? OH MY” “BAHAHAHA” you all scream laughing, Imani must of pulled to tight because that lace came off, as Imani pulled away and looked at her her eyes got bigger, she slowly lifted the lace compared to her head, “oh my fuckin god she’s gonna do it” “no she isn’t” “yes, yes she is” she ran off.
The lace in the air as she disappeared like a magician “OH MY FUCKING GOD” Tye posted it, you instantly took out your phone, biting your lip and seeing the missed calls, but ignoring it and opening Instagram, finding tyes private story and posting the post on your own.
“That’s sad, I feel bad for the girl” ray said, holding in his laughs as he looked at the and started cracking up. “We should’ve saved her-“ you got caught by heavy breathing “what the hell happened?” “Sis, you drunk forreal” you only shook your head “yo hair is lookin mad frizzy, let’s go sneak somewhere” you say getting up. “Look at y/n, sober but crazy” “shut the fuck up” you leaded them into this little space where the hallway is, not supposed to be there but fuck it. You found an iron “let’s get you back on track” you say, plugging in the iron “girl no” “it’s going to help” “that is hella ghetto” “you hair is lookin hella ghetto” as it got done heating up she took out her phone “look at her” “I’m making your hair look good, the fuck you expect? Hermiones bag so I can pull out a flat iron?” You picked up the iron and took her hair making the part straight first before pressing down. “Why y’all laughing?” You say looking at Tye and ray giggling in the background “you hookin her up that’s- that’s a good friend” and just like that, POW, her lace was lookin fresh.
“Now that we are here should we take some pictures?” Tye asked, everyone nodding as you set up your phone against the wall, everyone posing, you squatting, ray laying across all of you infront, imanis tongue out and Tye throwing up the finger, it went on for a while so the laughs were covered by the bodyguard walking in. “ Oop” “RUN!” Ray yelled, how the hell is you finna run in heels? Ray the fastest, Tye behind, Imani after him and you trying not to roll your ankles. “Get back here!” You don’t even now how but you made it infront of everyone, leaving them eating your dirt as you went to the exit “HURRY UP!” you yell “WE ARE FUCKIN TRYING! HOW THE HELL YOU RUNNIN?” Tye yelled, you opened the door everyone running out and you know behind them, the big ass guard almost catching you but you locked and shut the door, giving blowjobs did give you some extra skills.
You all ran to the car, hot and sweaty “I GOT IT ON RECORDD” Imani yelled making you all laugh. “You a real dumbass” you said, ray starting the car as everyone’s breath was heavy. You pulled out your phone on live, a lot of people entering “bitch we made it out!” “Sure did!” You switched the phone to behind the camera revealing ray and Tye in the front seat. “It was a crazy ass night” “I’m ready to take a fat ass nap” Tye joked. “Shit forreal, my piggies is killin me” you say giving your phone to Imani as you took off your heels. “Hold up- look at this” she said, putting her phone under yours showing your fans all y’all runnin and the big ass bodyguard getting dusted.
You sighed as you laid on your bed, already missing the night and taking off your dress after posting the pictures, which had the bodyguard in the back.
Buzz buzz
You saw the caller ID and huffed, rolling your eyes and leaving you in only your panties.
“She still won’t answer” Tom sighed. “Well did you expect her to? She just ran away from a bloody bodyguard she might be tired” haz said making a point. Tom only nodded his head looking at your recent pictures from the past few days, big pearly whites everywhere, ass boobs everywhere, just you everywhere. “Fuck it, I’ve called her and called her, I’m going over” “go ahead we aren’t stopping you” Harry shrugged “it might just be the best option” Sam nodded.
You turned on Cartoon Network but adult swim was playing, Robot chicken which actually scared the shit out of you. You heard a knock on the door, you mentally screamed and got up, going to your door but covering your boobs before answering the door.
“How did you find me” “I guess you could say your friends miss us together” Tom simply said, now looking down at your figure “is someone in here?!” He asked, voice slightly raised. “No thomas, come in!” You snatch him by his arm, he steps in and you close the door, not holding your boobs anymore you go to your room.
He follows you in your room, watching you as you put almost shirt. “You looked good tonight” “you were watching me huh?” He only walked up behind you taking the back of your neck and bending you over on the bed , pressing his self on you and reaching over to whisper in your ear “I guess” he pressed kisses to your neck, soft delicate ones as the coldness of his ring digging in your colored skin.
“Thomas what do you want?” You ask, clearly annoyed. His movements stuttered as he just sat on the bed, you stood back up straight and put on your shirt to sit next to him. He looks at you then down at the hardwood floor “I miss you” “and that was your way of showing me? You miss me or my body?” “I miss all of it” you put your legs up to your chest. “Really?”
“Yeah” he nods, turning to you “can I?” He asked and you nodded, he pulled you into a hug. “I love you and I was worried about you honestly, I have no idea what happened to me that night, I guess I was trying to hide me being vunrable” he whispered, your head on his shoulder as he speaked to you.
“Well I was just hungry ya know” you chuckle, making him let out a distant laugh. “I-yeah, it was a good chocolate” “you ate it?” “Yes I did” you both laugh. “But I seriously want to apologize, I don’t own you and you don’t deserve to be treated that way, at all. I love you, y/n” he whispered, taking your hand and playing with your fingers.
“I love you too” you look at him and he smiles, kissing your forehead to your nose and down to your lips. “Can we-“ “I’m tired, can we just lay down?” “Of course darling”. He helped you get rid of your makeup and you both laced down, both of you only on your underwear and your tops exposed, skin to skin as you both just admired each other, taking in each other’s scent and pressing kisses randomly as the tv ran in the livingroom.
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waveypedia · 4 years
complete and utter chaos [ducktales group chat fic] - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ao3 Chapter 4
let kids be kids
6:04 am
TheWebbedWonder: hey guess what
adefinitelyrealboy: Isn’t it before the approved technology time set by Mr. Uncle Donald?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule, Boyd!
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: you’re corrupting him, webs.
Lou: eh let her
TheWebbedWonder: whatever
TheWebbedWonder: it’s been a while since we had a sleepover…
lenaonme: oh yeah!!!
ICanDeweyIt: and Boyd’s never been to one!!
adefinitelyrealboy: you’re right!! 
adefinitelyrealboy: what does one do at a sleepover?
TheWebbedWonder: They’re super fun!!!
TheWebbedWonder: we watch movies and have pillow fights and discover family mysteries and summon supernatural creatures and fight said supernatural creatures and eat lots of junk food!!!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Sounds fun!!!
Lou: lmao i love our family
ICanDeweyIt: @Violet-Sabrewing you up? Important convos happening here
Violet-Sabrewing: I am now
lenaonme: vi you’re not fooling anyone
lenaonme: we all know you get up at sunrise
Lou: yeah she’s crazy
Violet-Sabrewing: True, but I was reading.
Junior-Woodchuck74: fair!
lenaonme: omg nerds
TheWebbedWonder: Ok so are we on??
TheWebbedWonder: what about Friday night?
ICanDeweyIt: what’s happening on Friday night?
TheWebbedWonder: it’s the two thousandth anniversary of the Magical Battle of Demogogorna!!!!
Lou: ok hear me out
Lou: can we PLEASE have a sleepover that doesn’t consist of crazy dangerous magical shenanigans for once
Lou: I just wanna sit on the couch and watch scary movies
Junior-Woodchuck74: you do that every day anyways
Lou: yeah but I watch other stuff like Ottoman Empire
Lou: there’s a difference, hubert!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: whatever
Violet-Sabrewing: Thursday night works for Lena and I, but we should check with the adults.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I’ll ask them when it’s okay for us to be texting
Lou: lmao what a rebel
Family Group Chat!!!!
7:00 am
TheWebbedWonder: good morning everyone!!
mutant-krill!!!!: good morning Little Della!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: gm!!!
TheWebbedWonder: exciting things are happening
Adventure-Pilot: ooh like adventure exciting?
Adventure-Pilot: are you planning an adventure?
TheWebbedWonder: no but I am now!!!
green-sharpie: oh boy
TheWebbedWonder: @Tea Time @aw-phooey @Adventure-Pilot @Scrooge-McDuck @Indy_Sabrewing @purpleisforthegays @dr. mad scientist CAN WE HAVE A SLEEPOVER???????????
Tea Time: At McDuck Manor, I presume?
TheWebbedWonder: yes!
Adventure-Pilot: fine by me!
Scrooge-McDuck: aye, as long as you don’t trash my house again.
Tea Time: It’s not like you were the one cleaning up, sir.
green-sharpie: It wasn’t us!! The ghost Webby, Lena, and Violet summoned had no sense of hygiene.
dr. mad scientist: why did you tag me
TheWebbedWonder: Boyd!!
dr. mad scientist: blathering blatherskite
adefinitelyrealboy: <3
aw-phooey: Webster.
TheWebbedWonder: yes, Uncle Donald?
aw-phooey: it’s 7 am.
TheWebbedWonder: actually, it’s 7:03 am now!
aw-phooey: Webby, you and the kids can’t have planned a sleepover in three minutes
aw-phooey: I told you guys no phones before 7 am!!
green-sharpie: you couldn’t have waited ten minutes webs?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule!!
aw-phooey: but it does wait for parental punishments
TheWebbedWonder: Oh I almost forgot
TheWebbedWonder added DosCaballero and blackmagica
aw-phooey: !!!
aw-phooey: THE BOYS
green-sharpie: …
aw-phooey: but Webs you’re still in trouble you can’t distract me with my boys
ICanDeweyIt: i thought we were your boys
aw-phooey: you are
aw-phooey: you’re all my boys
Junior-Woodchuck74: 💖💖
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica NO MAGIC IN MY HOUSE
TheWebbedWonder: …
Violet-Sabrewing: …
lenaonme: …
Scrooge-McDuck: okay point taken
lenaonme: Aww im your niece?
Scrooge-McDuck: yes lass
lenaonme: sldfkdskla;sdlfkhdksl;asldkfhgbfkdl;s
moonlander-general: you worry me.
lenaonme: awww penny you charmer you!!!
moonlander-general: …
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica change. your. name.
green-sharpie: good job using internet speak Uncle Scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: I still only vaguely only know what that means.
Scrooge-McDuck: But I picked up many various languages adventuring. I’m a polyglot!! What’s one more?
TheCrashiestCrash: Good for you Mr. McDee!! Glad you finally found the courage to come out. Love who you love!!!!
Adventure-Pilot: wh
TheCrashiestCrash: okay!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah, his heart’s in the right place.
Scrooge-McDuck: wait, finally???
green-sharpie: yeah i think webby infested launchpad with the scrooge theory bug
TheWebbedWonder: you make it sound like it’s a bad thing
Scrooge-McDuck: oh curse me kilts
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ve never really felt the need you young people need to label things…
TheWebbedWonder: thanks uncle scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah you’re welcome lass?
Lucky-Gander: haha same Uncle McDunkle!!
Scrooge-McDuck: tattle me tartan, I’m like you!!
Lucky-Gander: lucky you! The Gladstone life is pretty sweet if I do say so myself
green-sharpie: eh he’s not wrong
Scrooge-McDuck: I cannot believe a member of my own family would say something so heartless!!
aw-phooey: oh shoot did i miss the scrooge roasting session
Scrooge-McDuck: Please. I can handle a little heckling!!
Adventure-Pilot: where were you Don?
aw-phooey: in PMs with Zé and Chito.
TheWebbedWonder: those nicknames are so cute omg 🥺
DosCaballero: I am very cute, thank you!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Why don’t Donnie’s and José’s nicknames correlate with yours?
green-sharpie: yeah that’s kinda mean Uncle Donald
green-sharpie: abandoning your friends’ beautifully compatible nicknames
lenaonme: huh cold
lenaonme: i didn’t know you had it in you. I’m impressed uncle d
aw-phooey: oh kids
DosCaballero: Do not worry! Donald didn’t abandon us!
aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl
aw-phooey: (you should really change your name, chito)
blackmagica: And I had… other activities that required my attention.
Scrooge-McDuck: You lose more and more of my favor by the minute.
aw-phooey: my friend had your favor?? You’ve gone soft, old man.
blackmagica: Well I have a brilliant idea to appease everyone!!
blackmagica changed their name to TrêsCaballero
aw-phooey changed their name to UnoCaballero
UnoCaballero: how’s that?
DosCaballero: !!!!!! <3
TrêsCaballero: We love you too.
Junior-Woodchuck74: awww!!!
dr. mad scientist: spare me.
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro play nice
Adventure-Pilot: yeah Gyro!!!
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up.
TrêsCaballero: I did not mean to offend you, Dr. Mad Scientist!!
green-sharpie: he really said duckscord user dr. mad scientist
moonlander-general: But we’re not using duckscord?
ICanDeweyIt: it’s a joke Penny
ICanDeweyIt: wait do you have duckscord???
moonlander-general: Della made me set it up
green-sharpie: we know
ihaveahead!!!: we know
lenaonme: we know
Junior-Woodchuck74: we know
Tea Time: we know
ICanDeweyIt: fine :( be like that
TheWebbedWonder: It’s because we love you 💖
ICanDeweyIt: sldkfghdks Webs how dare
ICanDeweyIt: ily2
Blathering-Blatherskite: ...what???
Scrooge-McDuck: leave it, he’s being dramatic
let kids be kids
10:02 am
 ICanDeweyIt: >:(
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey are you done moping
ICanDeweyIt: give me one minute
Junior-Woodchuck74: ...fine.
10:03 am
ICanDeweyIt: okay i’m back
Lou: smh
TheWebbedWonder: what snacks do we want? Granny’s gonna do a grocery run soon
ICanDeweyIt: cheeto puffs
ICanDeweyIt: because SOMEONE ate them all
Lou: hey, don’t look at me! The rats love fake cheese dust!!
ICanDeweyIt: Beakley did her weekly rat clean the day before they went missing
Lou: ugh okay fine they’re good okay????
Lou: shut up
Junior-Woodchuck: also, HEALTHY snacks!
lenaonme: lame
Lou: seconded
ICanDeweyIt: thirded
Junior-Woodchuck74: Viiiii back me up here
Violet-Sabrewing: I look forward to eating an ungodly amount of junk food and having an impressive sugar crash with the rest of you.
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit
Junior-Woodchuck74: webby?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Beakley never let you near anything sugary so fair enough
Lou: I mean that was for good reason
Lou: she’s almost as bad as you hue
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd?
adefinitelyrealboy: Getting ice cream with you in Tokyolk was fun, Huey! Let’s do it again at the sleepover!
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit i’m soft
Junior-Woodchuck74: please put some healthy snacks down there anyway Webby. At least for me.
TheWebbedWonder: already done!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: <3
lenaonme: do Vi and I need to bring anything over aside from the usual?
TheWebbedWonder: idk yet
adefinitelyrealboy: what’s the usual?
Junior-Woodchuck74: we have sleeping bags and pillows but if you want your own you can bring it. Same with plushies and stuffed animals. Toothbrush and hairbrush and that kind of toiletries, but I don’t know how much you use. Your phone, obviously, and anything else you’ll want for the night. But we have a lot of supplies.
adefinitelyrealboy: okay!
adefinitelyrealboy: I don’t have a lot of personal items like that. Most of what I have at the Drakes is just hand-me-downs from Doofus
lenaonme: get in loser we’re going shopping
lenaonme: for personal trinkets for you
ICanDeweyIt: omg <3
ICanDeweyIt: lena you’re my new favorite person
lenaonme: as I should be
adefinitelyrealboy: That’s sweet! Dr. Gearloose and Lil’ Bulb I have been doing that periodically, though. Sometimes Mr. Manny the Headless Manhorse and Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera come along too!!
Lou: I really want to know what’s up with Fenton’s invalid doctorate ngl
Violet-Sabrewing: Me too
Junior-Woodchuck74: 👀 good to know
lenaonme: don’t overanalyze anything hue
TheWebbedWonder: but overanalyzing is the BEST!!
lenaonme: okay you’re the only valid overanalyzer Webs
TheWebbedWonder: 💖💖💖
TheWebbedWonder: Lena and Violet can you come over on Tuesday to help me set up the magical activities?
Lou: oh boy
Violet-Sabrewing: I’ll ask
lenaonme: do you need us to smuggle in anything again?
TheWebbedWonder: no that’s okay! I still have all the books you brought last time, and I think I can get any herbs we need for spells without suspicion as long as it’s not too close to the sleepover date
lenaonme: 👍
Lou: well I staunchly refuse to participate in any more magical adventures than I need to. Tuesday I have a date with some Pep and Ottoman Empire!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh.
TheWebbedWonder: You don’t have to! This is a strictly Team Magic adventure!!
ICanDeweyIt: aw man :(
TheWebbedWonder: uhh that’s okay Dewey you can come if you want!!
ICanDeweyIt: eh it’s all right I just want validation
lenaonme: understandable. see you tuesday!
ICanDeweyIt: 💙💙
Team Uncle McDunkle (les parentals)
10:43 am
Indy_Sabrewing: Violet just asked if she and Lena can go over to McDuck Manor on Tuesday to prepare for the sleepover with Webby
purpleisforthegays: fine w/ me
acepilot: us too
22: so we’re all good with the sleepover at large, correct?
Dadnald: Aside from the fact that the kids were obviously planning it in their own group chat before the agreed tech time minimum
Moneybags: ah let them
Moneybags: they’re just excited
Dadnald: Unca it’s the first day of that rule
22: I agree with Donald. It’s good to lay down a solid foundation for rules. Let the children know we will enforce them.
acepilot: okay but I vote we still let them have their sleepover. It is Boyd’s first sleepover. Excuse me, important life milestones happening here!!
Dadnald: okay fair
Dadnald: It’s been approximately two weeks since we all met Boyd and Della’s already imprinting on him
acepilot: like you’re not
Dadnald: shhhhh
Dadnald: you’re right about the sleepover. I don’t want to take that away, and they all seem so excited.
Dadnald: let me figure out something else though, at least for my kids
Indy_Sabrewing: we’ll do it together
purpleisforthegays: Any adventures between now and the sleepover, Mr. McDuck?
Moneybags: just a small day trip to the Sands of Time on Wednesday. should be an easy one.
Dadnald: I think we should just assign them extra chores until then
22: fine by me.
acepilot: hahah same
Moneybags: Gyro?
worldsgreatestinventor: I don’t think I have that kind of relationship with Boyd yet, to be completely honest.
worldsgreatestinventor: but it’s fine he’s a good kid
acepilot: oh I know
Dadnald: I’m picking up Huey and Boyd from their Junior Woodchuck meeting tomorrow; I can talk to the Drakes then
Moneybags: good thinking Donald!
Moneybags: you’ll get there, Gyro
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
11:47 am
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd says you’ve been shopping with him and Dr. Gearloose!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: yeah!! It was an infallible excuse to get Gyro out of the lab
TotallyNotGizmoduck: He really cares for Boyd.
Junior-Woodchuck74: And Boyd really cares for him!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I can see that! Boyd is a sweet kid.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I just wish Gyro would realize that. For a genius, he can be surprisingly dense.
Junior-Woodchuck74: he’s not the only one
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh cease whatever scheme you’re planning and help me figure out how to make Gyro overcome his anxieties about parenthood!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh I’m down
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m not dropping this, but I’m down
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I expected nothing less. Now, any brilliant ideas? Come on brain, think!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I think Boyd would be overjoyed to receive parental affection from Gyro. He doesn’t need any meddling; it’s just Gyro
TotallyNotGizmoduck: True
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I believe Gyro’s mostly scared, but he’ll never admit it. Least of all to himself.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Also, the Drakes are two experienced parents with a stable, large home and income. They have an unending amount of time to spend with their children, and they easily fit society’s heteronormative mold of the perfect nuclear family. 
TotallyNotGizmoduck: they’re everything Gyro is not, and that intimidates him.
Junior-Woodchuck74: The Drakes spent the majority of their parenthood enslaved in their own home and terrified of their son. They’re not exactly the pinnacle of perfect parenthood.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: ha, nice alliteration.
Junior-Woodchuck74: thanks!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: However, I’m not the one you need to convince here. You’re preaching to the choir.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fair.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Let me ask Webby; she probably has some convoluted scheme to get Dr. Gearloose and Boyd to be a family.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: That makes sense
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t know her very well, but she’s a sweet kid.
Junior-Woodchuck74: she scares you, doesn’t she.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh she totally scares me
Family Group Chat!!!!
2:03 pm
UnoCaballero: @DosCaballero @TrêsCaballero you know what time it is
UnoCaballero: We’re three caballeros
DosCaballero: Three gay caballeros
TrêsCaballero: They say we are birds of a feather!!
UnoCaballero: We’re happy amigos
DosCaballero: No matter where he goes
TrêsCaballero: The one
UnoCaballero: Two
DosCaballero: And three
TrêsCaballero: goes, we’re always together
UnoCaballero: We’re
DosCaballero: Three
TrêsCaballero: Caballeros
ICanDeweyIt: I can’t believe the adults did a songchain before we did
lenaonme: oh shoot we gotta do one now
TheWebbedWonder: what song should we do?
green-sharpie: CREEPER
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: darn it
lenaonme: so we back in the mine
Violet-Sabrewing: swinging our pickaxe from side to side
green-sharpie: side side to side
lenaonme: This task a grueling one,
ICanDeweyIt: Hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night
TheWebbedWonder: diamonds tonight
Blathering-Blatherskite: Heads up, you hear a sound,
Junior-Woodchuck74: FENTON
lenaonme: omg another meme child rises
green-sharpie: not exactly a child skdfhdksla
dr. mad scientist: are we done fangirling yet
Junior-Woodchuck74: not all of us are girls, Dr. Gearloose.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That only perpetuates the ingrained societal mindset that liking something is cringey, and girls are cringey and inferior because they’re tied to that negative connotation
lenaonme: go off
TheWebbedWonder: ^^^^
wreathedingold: Well said!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dang I think that’s the first thing Aunt Goldie’s ever said to me 😳
wreathedingold: I’m not your aunt kid
TheWebbedWonder: just you wait
wreathedingold: well that’s ominous
wreathedingold: time for me to bounce then
TheWebbedWonder: Noooo Aunt Goldie come back!!!
ICanDeweyIt: Don’t worry Webs, we’ll get her soon enough.
Scrooge-McDuck: Should I be worried or…?
TheWebbedWonder: nah everything’ll be just fine Uncle Scrooge!!
dr. mad scientist: RED NEPHEW.
dr. mad scientist: STOP SPAMMING MY PMS.
dr. mad scientist: one more message and I block you, capishe?
UnoCaballero: You can’t block Huey for emergency purposes
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m just making sure you get the message Dr. Gearloose
dr. mad scientist: okay okay
dr. mad scientist: it was more of a drag against Fenton anyway
Blathering-Blatherskite: hey!!
TheCrashiestCrash: nooo, we love you fenton!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: yesss Fenton positivity hours!!
Ihaveahead!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton positivity hours!!
UnoCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
moonlander-general: well that’s creepy.
ghostbutler: it’s best not to question their antics.
Tea Time: Oh dear, Duckworth is making logical sense! He’s been replaced by a fake!
ghostbutler: You wish.
lenaonme: Fenton positivity hours!!
DosCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lucky-Gander: Fenton positivity hours!!
purpleisforthegays: Fenton positivity hours!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lil’ Bulb: Fenton positivity hours!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: betrayed by my own inventions… 
Lil’ Bulb: ily2
dr. mad scientist: which one of you kids taught him that
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey
lenaonme: dewey
green-sharpie: dewey
ICanDeweyIt: oh shut up
ICanDeweyIt: I’m not sorry
Violet-Sabrewing: as you should be
ICanDeweyIt: and I would’ve gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids!!!
Lucky-Gander: haha
Adventure-Pilot: lol
UnoCaballero: sdfghgfds
lenaonme: dewey getting that Adult Validation
ICanDeweyIt: it do be like that 😌
ICanDeweyIt: anyway back to the song chain!!
ICanDeweyIt: yall adults are welcome to join us just don’t mess it up
Lucky-Gander: wouldn’t dream of it
lenaonme: creeper
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s not where we were in the song
ICanDeweyIt: AWW MAN
Violet-Sabrewing: So we back in the mine
TheWebbedWonder: rocking our pickaxe from side to side
UnoCaballero: side side to side
green-sharpie: This task a grueling one
TheCrashiestCrash: Hoping to find some diamonds tonight
DosCaballero: night night
Blathering-Blatherskite: Diamonds tonight
Violet-Sabrewing: heads up
purpleisforthegays: you hear a sound
lenaonme: turn around and look up
Lil’ Bulb: total shock fills your body
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no it’s you again
Junior-Woodchuck74: I could never forget those eyes, eyes
TrêsCaballero: eyes eyes eyes
ihaveahead!!!: cause baby tonight
green-sharpie: The creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey i hate you
ICanDeweyIt: can’t help it i’m a wild child
Junior-Woodchuck74: last week you cried because the supermarket was all out of blue rock candy
lenaonme: ok shut up nerds hash it out later we’re going back to singing
green-sharpie: whatever did we do
dr. mad scientist: is this the hecking mlp song
Adventure-Pilot: hah hecking
dr. mad scientist: DONALD EDITS MY TEXTS
UnoCaballero: as i should 
UnoCaballero: don’t swear around my kids
TheWebbedWonder: Discord, are we your prey alone
TrêsCaballero: or are we just a stepping stone to taking back the throne
Blathering-Blatherskite: Discord
Violet-Sabrewing: We won’t take it anymore
DosCaballero: So take your tyranny away!
purpleisforthegays: discoooooooooord…
Junior-Woodchuck74: discoooooooooord…
green-sharpie: discoooooooooord…
moonlander-general: wha
ICanDeweyIt: shh penny we’re singing
adefinitelyrealboy: this is quite an interesting phenomenon!!
mutant-krill!!!!: agreed, it is quite fascinating!!
lenaonme: 😔😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: I’m adding it to the sleepover agenda now!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Della and Penumbra should join us, since they don’t know either
Junior-Woodchuck74: good idea! but what about Uncle Indy and Uncle Scrooge? And Dr. Gearloose?
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro knows meme songs he’s just not participating out of spite
dr. mad scientist: shut up fenton
Violet-Sabrewing: there’s no hope for them
wreathedingold: HAH
TheWebbedWonder: oh Aunt Goldie!! I thought you left!!
wreathedingold: shush pink niece
TheWebbedWonder: omg she knows who i am 🥺💚❤️🥰
green-sharpie: uhh not quite webs
Scrooge-McDuck: Excuse me!
Scrooge-McDuck: we had this conversation earlier today. I am a polyglot.
TheCrashiestCrash: And I told you Mr. McDee!! Love who you love!!
Scrooge-McDuck: Oh tatter me tartan.
wreathedingold: quite the enthusiastic brood you have there, Scroogey!
Scrooge-McDuck: I can’t believe this.
Indy_Sabrewing: That’s it Violet; no reading for fun.
Violet-Sabrewing: No!
lenaonme: 😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: We should invite Uncle Fethry too, if he can make it
mutant-krill!!!!: my schedule is full of traveling the seas with Mitzy and cataloguing our scientific findings and experiences!!
mutant-krill!!!!: But I will check.
adefinitelyrealboy: I can hardly wait!!
Tea Time: And when is this?
ICanDeweyIt: Well we were planning on showing Boyd at the sleepover, but it seems my dear class has grown… 
Junior-Woodchuck74: @Tea Time Wednesday will work.
Tea Time: Wonderful. I’ll mark it in the family calendar. 
lenaonme: mrs beakley ily
Tea Time: Thank you, Lena.
ICanDeweyIt: P R O F E S S O R   D E W F O R D
green-sharpie: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: you don’t have a Ph.D idiot
ICanDeweyIt: Neither does Fenton but do you see that stopping him?
Blathering-Blatherskite: why must you keep bringing up my lack of a doctorate?
lenaonme: it’s funny
green-sharpie: yeah pretty much
green-sharpie: you know we’re only going to bring it up more now right?
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh blathering blatherskite
Blathering-Blatherskite: What has my life come to? I’m being mercilessly mocked by a bunch of children.
dr. mad scientist: HAH
Tea Time: That’s just what children are like.
lenaonme: mrs beakley says this as if she doesn’t tease everyone mercilessly too
Tea Time: That goes without saying.
Lil’ Bulb: it do be like that 😔👊
dr. mad scientist: OH COME ON
Lucky-Gander: dude you literally just had this conversation
dr. mad scientist: I’LL KILL YOU KIDS
UnoCaballero: NO
Adventure-Pilot: I’LL KILL YOU FIRST
ihaveahead!!!: i dont doubt that
dr. mad scientist: WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON MANNY
ihaveahead!!!: della’s
dr. mad scientist: typical.
lenaonme: nearlythrewhandswitha13yearold.png
Violet-Sabrewing: yes pretty much
TheWebbedWonder: sldkfhdskl;a
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh how the tables have turned
dr. mad scientist: i hate you all
Adventure-Pilot: we love you too mwah <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: ewww
TheWebbedWonder: commence operation: SMOTHER DR. GEARLOOSE IN LOVE AND AFFECTION
Adventure-Pilot: HECK YEAH
Blathering-Blatherskite: Sounds like an interesting scheme with a potentially volatile reaction from the subject, but with likely a desired outcome!!!
TheWebbedWonder: aw thanks Fenton <3
Blathering-Blatherskite: anytime!!
lenaonme: lol get him
dr. mad scientist: I TRUSTED YOU WEBBIGAIL
dr. mad scientist: no
TheCrashiestCrash: I’ll drive!!
dr. mad scientist: NO
dr. mad scientist: FENTON STOP THEM
Blathering-Blatherskite: :3
dr. mad scientist: YOU WILL DIE PAINFULLY
TrêsCaballero: This chat is… interesting
ICanDeweyIt: Get used to it Uncle José!!!
TrêsCaballero: I am… Uncle José?
TrêsCaballero: What an honor!!
ICanDeweyIt: sure you are!! you’re close enough to uncle donald
TheWebbedWonder: and we love you!!!
ICanDeweyIt: yeah and that
UnoCaballero: awww kids
TrêsCaballero: you must meet my biological nephews, Zico and Zeca!!
TheWebbedWonder: NEW FRIENDS!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Uncle Scrooge
Scrooge-McDuck: Yes Huey?
Junior-Woodchuck74: On an unrelated note, can we take an adventure in Brazil?
TrêsCaballero: 🥰🥰
Scrooge-McDuck: ugh 
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll look into it
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll help you Uncle Scrooge!!
Indy_Sabrewing: Is this the adventure you promised Della?
TheWebbedWonder: Nope!! My lips are sealed on that one
lenaonme: huh you’re actually doing that
TheWebbedWonder: Yep!! And it’s gonna be amazing!!
Adventure-Pilot: I bet!!
TheWebbedWonder: 💕💕💕
TheWebbedWonder: I love you!!!
Adventure-Pilot: aww I love you too honey!!
DosCaballero: Not to interrupt this adorable declaration of love but
green-sharpie: you’re an uncle too
DosCaballero: !!!!!
UnoCaballero: I’m proud of you guys
purpleisforthegays: are you talking to your friends or to the kids?
UnoCaballero: up for interpretation
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
4:35 pm
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yes Fenton?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I scrolled up in the major group chat and your uncle said something odd about his nickname
Junior-Woodchuck74: Wait, why were you scrolling up in chat?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Manny and Lil’ Bulb roped me into taking out of context screenshots.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Oh hey Dewey and Lena do that too!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: What did you find?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: screenshot-2020-08-06-4.24-PM
[aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl]
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Why would it be too dangerous for him to keep his Three Caballeros nickname?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yeah that’s definitely weird
Junior-Woodchuck74: Especially since Uncle Donald’s account is private
TotallyNotGizmoduck: this chat service only has basic security. It is easily hacked if someone has the means.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That means they’d have to want to find Uncle Donald
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fenton I’m scared for Uncle Donald now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m sure he’s okay! He knows how to protect himself, if nothing else.
Junior-Woodchuck74: true
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Besides, you have me, a literal superhero, on your side if anything goes wrong!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and your family is exceptionally good at fighting off threats. You’ll be okay, Huey.
Junior-Woodchuck74: i’m not worried for me
Junior-Woodchuck74: but thanks, Fenton
Junior-Woodchuck74: i think i’m gonna sleep on this and then do some DuckDuckGo searches on the Three Caballeros tomorrow, okay?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course, Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: talk tomorrow?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: wouldn’t miss it!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: and you should really change your name
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I will
PM between TheWebbedWonder and TotallyNotGizmoduck
7:43 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Hi Fenton!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hello Webby!!
TheWebbedWonder: I realized I never added your mother to our group chatTheWebbedWonder: Can I have her username?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course! I figured something was up
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not that you can’t contact me casually!!
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll keep that in mind! 💖
TheWebbedWonder: Your mom is really nice but I don’t know her that well
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh you two will definitely get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: There is a 93% chance of it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: The 7% is if she catches wind of the illegal activities Lena drags you into
TheWebbedWonder: It was ONE time and that guy deserved it!! It was justice!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, you set a citizen’s apartment ablaze!!!
TheWebbedWonder: He was being a jerk
TheWebbedWonder: He purposefully misgendered Dewey and Violet
TheWebbedWonder: and he made some really gross comments about Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, I understand that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: M’ma and I have to deal with our fair share of jerks
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And in all honesty, she would probably respect the karma of your actions. I definitely do.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I get it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I became a superhero to help people
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And that person deserved what came to them, but sometimes there are better ways to help people
TheWebbedWonder: sure okay
TheWebbedWonder: I mean you should probably give Lena the lecture
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’ll keep that in mind
TotallyNotGizmoduck: but you’re a good kid webby
TheWebbedWonder: awww thanks 💖💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You and M’ma will get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You’re both kind, powerful, passionate women who scare me
TheWebbedWonder: Aww, I scare you? That’s so sweet!!! Thank you!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Uhhh you’re welcome?
TheWebbedWonder: 🥰🥰
let kids be kids
8:03 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton is lecturing me about when we set that guy’s house on fire
lenaonme: hah that was awesome
Lou: ew lectures
Junior-Woodchuck74: I told you that was a bad idea
Violet-Sabrewing: It worked out, though
TheWebbedWonder: he’s so nice but also I want to set all bigots’ houses on fire
ICanDeweyIt: as you should
Violet-Sabrewing: *as WE should
ICanDeweyIt: you’re right vi!!!
lenaonme: *cracks knuckles* aight i got this
TheWebbedWonder: wait no lena don’t be mean
lenaonme: shhh it’s just a little bit of good-natured teasing
TheWebbedWonder: Lena
Junior-Woodchuck74: Lena
Violet-Sabrewing: Lena
adefinitelyrealboy: Don’t be mean to Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera!! He has to deal with a lot of their comments anyway. And he’s a superhero!! He knows what he’s doing!!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton is a superhero?
lenaonme: khdskalksdf HE’S gizmoduck????
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh no
Violet-Sabrewing: I did think of this hypothesis a couple months ago
adefinitelyrealboy: Oh no!! I didn’t mean to reveal Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera’s secret identity!!
ICanDeweyIt: not much of a secret tbh. he has a whole journal entry for people who know he’s Gizmoduck
TheWebbedWonder: Guess he has two more names to add to that list
Lou: to be fair, his username is TotallyNotGizmoduck. That’s pretty sus
Junior-Woodchuck74: he really needs to change that.
ICanDeweyIt: yeah
PM between lenaonme and TotallyNotGizmoduck
8:24 pm
lenaonme: ay yo
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hi, Lena!
lenaonme: be gay do crime
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Lena no
lenaonme: lena yes
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I suppose Webby talked to you?
lenaonme: yes
lenaonme: also vi and i know your secret identity now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: darn it
lenaonme: seriously change your name that’s kind of pathetic ngl
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I understand you like fitting the image of “rebellious teenager” and all, but are the insults completely necessary?
lenaonme: oh thank webby she convinced me to only lightly tease you
lenaonme: it’s with love~ 💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not quite sure if I buy that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t want to have to apprehend you if you commit crimes, Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and my M’ma wouldn’t either
lenaonme: i don’t even know her
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You will tomorrow!!
lenaonme: i can’t decide if that’s ominous or just overly preppy
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m just a little excited
lenaonme: lmao lame
TotallyNotGizmoduck: :(
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I hate teenagers
lenaonme: blanket statement huh
TotallyNotGizmoduck: sorry
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I wouldn't be forced into negative feelings if you weren't mean to me!
lenaonme: it's because i love you
TotallyNotGizmoduck: you keep saying that, but I'm not so sure I believe it...
Science Gays
8:48 pm
fentonium: why are kids like this
worldsgreatestinventor: agreed, very negative feelings indeed
adefinitelyrealboy: :(
worldsgreatestinventor: except for you Boyd
Junior-Woodchuck74: It’s because we love you
adefinitelyrealboy: what about Huey?
worldsgreatestinventor: ehhhhhhh
Junior-Woodchuck74: disappointed but not surprised
Junior-Woodchuck74: let me guess you talked to Lena?
fentonium: yes
worldsgreatestinvention: she’s cool
worldsgreatestinvention: she taught me memes
worldsgreatestinventor: WHAT
worldsgreatestinventor: red nephew!! your lot told me that was dewey!!
worldsgreatestinvention: just for those specific memes
worldsgreatestinvention: it was a group effort
Headless-Mannyhorse: good for them
worldsgreatestinventor: they will rue the day!!
fentonium: oookaay
fentonium: you know what I prefer Lena to this
Junior-Woodchuck74: she knows
fentonium: oh no
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s one of the reasons she likes it so much
fentonium:  oh no
Family Group Chat!!!!
4:55 am
lenaonme: b͈̻̙͕̲̭ͦͦ̾͛l͉͒a̱̳̠̳͈͎̖̓ͪc̆͒k͎͖͈͓̎̌͒p̝͈̌ͫͥͦi̩͙͙͕ͫ̋͛ň̦̌k̟͐̾ ̟̼̥͎ͣͫ͛̂i̞͓̰̜͇̜̪ͧ͑͌̓s̙ͤ͛ͩ ̩̞̖͖̺̐̈͋͆́̈́ͅt̙̥̄ͨͭ͐h̩͇̮̙̬̉͂ͫe͕͚̳̩̞͚̜ ̞͕̰̇͛̏̍ͨ̄r͉̹̱̬͑̄̾͐ḛ͖̘̇̆v̺̱̇̽͒o̤̮̤l̞̯̪̳͕̿͆͌ͭͅu̮̼̝̤̅̑ͬ̾͑͂̍t͇̲̺̘̀i̘ͦ̿͗o̪ͣ͐̓̇ͦ̎ͬn͙̱͔̩͙͒́̋̽̎̎~
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up
Huey: Junior-Woodchuck74 Dewey: ICanDeweyIt Louie: Lou / green-sharpie* Webby: TheWebbedWonder / Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl* Donald: aw-phooey* / Dadnald / UnoCaballero Scrooge: Scrooge-McDuck* / Moneybags Della: worldsgreatestadventurer* / Adventure-Pilot / universesgreatestadventurer /acepilot Beakley: 22 / Tea Time Launchpad: TheCrashiestCrash Lena: lenaonme Violet: Violet-Sabrewing Duckworth: ghostbutler Gyro: worldsgreatestinventor* / dr mad scientist / wildlymisunderstood Fenton: TotallyNotGizmoduck* / Blathering-Blatherskite Manny: ihaveahead!!! Lil' Bulb: worldsgreatestinvention* / Lil' Bulb Gladstone: Lucky-Gander Fethry: mutant-krill!!!! Indy: Indy_Sabrewing Ty: purpleisforthegays Goldie: Wine-Aunt* / wreathedingold Penny: moonlander-general Boyd: adefinitelyrealboy Panchito: DosCaballero José: blackmagica* / TrêsCaballero
i listened to a bunch of various blackpink while making this (on if it's your last rn) so that's why that ending moment is there lmao. it's just a glimpse into my life i guess. it's also a fitting reference since i wrote a bunch of this during a writing sprint with friends (and i lost :( ) and they introduced me to almost all of the blackpink songs i know!
there's a moment in which dewey called himself a "wild child" which is inspired by another friend calling me a wild child the other day. it just be like that i guess. (tragically, neither this friend nor the blackpink friends are into ducktales so they won't read this. but moon, silv, viper, rose, if you're out there... ily)
peep some sexuality headcanons!! I tried not to make them too overwhelming since I know a lot of people have different hcs, but they slipped in. It didn't make it in, but I hc that in addition to the no-label thing for genders, Scrooge is also demisexual and demiromantic!! I'm aroace so that means something to me. Also re: the bigot Webby and Fenton were talking about, I hc Violet is trans and Dewey is nb (thank the duckfalls server for that one). and lena is gay. but all headcanons are cool n valid and i'd love to hear some of yours!!
i unexpectedly got a really good response to this fic last week and i just want to say thank you!! it means so much to me that people like this fic and that people like my writing in general. i love all of you <3 i haven't responded to comments from last week yet cause energy but i promise i will i just need energy. but i read all of them and they were so sweet!! so thank you!!
in a similar vein, no penny pokemon plot this week cause the week slipped by and i forgot to message ppl about pokemon but i definitely will do that. it'll probably be back for next time. thank you so much to everyone who offered!! i'll probably take you guys up on that.
also thanks to the people on tumblr who gave me scrooge phrases. @just-sinag sent me an amazing video of all of scrooge's catchphrases from dt87 (which i didn't get to use this time unfortunately but definitely next time) which was really helpful, but everyone who replied to my post is really awesome and i appreciate it!!
in other news, my cat just meowed at the door while i'm writing this author's note and then jumped very cartoonishly when the door bumped against the wall. she's a little freaked out right now, poor baby. but i love her.
Chapter 4
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primordialnyx · 4 years
eyo ma lemme rant for a bit
there was this article that talked about an american woman who lived in Bali for an extended amt of time due to teh pandemic (lol its recent relax but if anyone wants the article here it is)
feel free to ignore but i have a rundown here lol
BUT ALSO if you end up reading this, I have a little thing to ask of you at the end:
you dont wanna read the article? lemme give you the rundown:
woman travels to bali for fun for 6 months. pandemic said you sure you wanna come back? *covid bitch* so the indonesian gov. allowed foreigner to extend their stay despite higher and higher cases of covid rising right? okay all good right... except american women decides to LITERALLY SELL A BOOK ON HOW TO GET THAT GOOD LIFE IN BALI.
is getting that good life controversial? whyy ? well im glad you asked! in her book/ebook, she gives ppl tips and tricks on how to bypass government visas and restrictions, quoting that its the most queer-friendly place ever for cheap and all that.
ppl BIG TIME MAD (shuu they should be ok) because the dripping privilege. but like the hilarious thing is... people are getting big mad in like 2 different ways:
 Indonesians are bigmad because being queer in any case is still punishable, encourages gentrification of an already heavy-tourism arae (Bali yall is hEAVY on tourism which is ok until it pushes out locals) and she wasn’t paying taxes in Bali and only in the US (bruhhh how you live in a different countryyyy howww -- also the US and Indonesia have a tax treaty to avoid double taxing).
The rest of the group (ie not indonesian) are mad because they thing its a race thing and this American woman is only targeted because she’s Black. Citing that everyone else is doing it but when she does it, it blows up to bigger proportions
Can I just? I just need to rant because this hits a bit personal for me (I mean.. having identifying as a first gen Indonesian-America, hell fucking yeah it hits different). But I will address said anger based on those two bullets above:
- Indonesians? Getting mad at tourism? In Bali? The most heavily touristy place in Indonesia?
Hell yeah they got every fucking right. Indonesia just made it off the thirdworld country list <10 years ago. There area still places that barely have running water. Which.. you know... US people you understand right? Remember Michigan? So when an American citizen overstays their visa and writes a damn book about it, promoting all BS, you gon feel some type of way.
That BS about the LGBT stuff? It’s so close to being fake news. Indonesia as a country is ranges from anti-gay to homophobic (this is very important because there are literally laws that punish queerness with death and then there are societal situations where its known but often ignored or shunned away-- can’t believe those are the only two options). Bali? Nah son her saying Bali is LGBT friendly is like saying only Brooklyn is LGBT friendly. It doesn’t make sense and frankly, its pretty fucking insulting to those who aren’t able to come out (!!! death !! yall remember!!) or are but are completely shunned from their friends and family.
I... oh god. If you are American and you said this than you’ve failed to consider that not everything is about America. Let me just say that racism obviously is a real thing but ask any Indonesia person about race and they, for the most part, don’t really fucking care. You want them to care though? Flaunt that BLUE passport. Hell pop out a RED if youre British. Watch them start caring. Your passport -- ie a visual representation of your privilege signified by your ability travel to a different country -- is the real mealticket here.
As an Indo-American who has gone back to her country, I can tell you for a fact that this is an unfortunate truth. Your passport carries your privilege. This woman got flaunted that-- she was literally able avoid paying Indonesian taxes. You know what white people do that’s also really fucking annoying and really shouldn’t be legal? Buy up land and push our the natives. Ahh but youre right, the natives should be fighting back. Mmm except... huh recently got off teh thirdworld list, barely enough clean water, little land to shelter .... I suppose they should definitely retaliate.
This American citizen wasn’t making “bank”. Like she’s not a billionaire, she just made enough to buy tix to Bali for 6 months. She wasn’t an entrepreneur of any sorts but a good, decent business woman right? She still broke the law and flaunted that and encouraged others to do so.
And.. That is why I don’t see it as a race thing. It doesn’t even make sense because there’s a whole different culture, environment, society, politics and government at hand. You cannot compare it to American environments  - its a whole different playing field. When its racially induced, its fucking racially induced. South east Asian as a whole has always had this issue - colorism and what not. But..like yall..... someone tried to bring up the Malaysia incident and I’m like yeah you do realize Indonesia =/= Malaysia right? like you do understand that they are two different countries right? wtf you bringing up malaysia when the issue occured in the Indonesia?
ANYWAY UM. Please don’t reblog to add your own two cents on why I was wrong or whatever. If you have additional information that I should be aware of, message me (I’ll have anon off). I’m an adult and you are too and I welcome a civil but informative discussion on views. If you believe XYZ, I will honestly be open to answering back (mark * if you want private and itll continue to be private) without malice. I truly want to understand perspective but as I said before, I am biased as an Indonesian American who’s seen firsthand the power of someone’s passport. I merely offer than rant (lol horrendous man omfg) as an alternative to an American-centric view.
tdlr: don’t be a dick if you wanna have an open discussion with me
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rhydium · 4 years
Info dumbo about the StarFinite story?
aright u asked for it anon GET READY [cracks knuckles] this is gonna be long so obligatory cut in 3, 2........
so the uh, the au! the story!! w/e yall wanna call it! full disclaimer, i only began working on this whole thing a while ago, but it's totally taken over my fukn brain. like, we're talking big hyperfixation hrs. am i cringe for being this invested in my own content? yes? cool i do not Care >:3€
i should also throw it out there real quick that i am kin w/ infinite, n this is actually one of my two canons (both of which are my own aus lmfao wow). i didn't go into it expecting it to be but sfsfsgdfs here we are ig!! for that reason it's got extra importance to me n this definitely contributes to the euphoria i get from it!! it's a lil odd writing ur own canon,,? but i kinda just go w/ the flow!
the au n, the story that i will start Eventually, revolves around infinite n starline (obvi) n it's honestly just ... the tl;dr is big healing momence n, what's this? uh oh sisters !!! they are falling in love 😳😳😳
uhhhh so infinite is an android, made by eggman. that's like, the most notable canon divergence here! super important context to have. i've got a whole big theory on the possibility of sega originally intending infinite to be an artificial being (which i explored in the works for my Other canon too), stemming from not only the scene in forces wherein infinite comments on sonic's "data", but a line of dialogue from tails in one of the last stages of the game where he Literally Says "so this is where eggman built infinite". that ... i mean. that contrasts w/ episode shadow pretty hard don't it?? would explain why that dlc was so rushed, n the comic too. ANYWAY adsfsfs um that's a seperate ramblepost. yeah!!!
they are also agender n use they/them (primarily) as well as he/him!! so i'll be refering to them w/ those pronouns!
after the war, infinite is taken in by the resistance n, instead of being dismantled, they're basically given a chance to rehabilitate themselves. it's agreed that they won't be reprogrammed, as despite the potential risks, it feels wrong to do so; like a violation of their free will, individuality n thinking. if infinite is to be a good person, it's not gonna be bc other ppl recreated their entire personality, it's gonna be bc it's what they themselves truly want. robot ethics idk man!! u can't tell me that sonic n co wouldn't offer this to infinite if they offered it to metal in IDW,,,, i am Standing By This!!!
it's, yknow, a bit rocky, at first. infinite has to really fight the urge to return to eggman (something they already tried once, before the resistance found them; they were cast out). it's a struggle against what they were built to do, against giving into unhealthy familiarity over facing a, while healthier, unfamiliarity. new faces, a new life, turning their back on their mission n creator, it's like, a lot.
they work for/with the sonic crew, rebuilding the world they tore down as deemed fitting justice, being closely monitored for a bit as a natural precaution. as it becomes apparent infinite truly no longer has any ambition to harm others (they don't have much ambition for anything, really), they're then granted more freedom, n start taking on more important missions!! it at least gives them something to do, keeps them occupied. they have issues with dissociation, unreality, whether they're truly a real person bc, well, android. feeling purposeless, n a lack of worth, especially. a need to prove themselves. heavy stuff. i'll kinda go into that a bit more in a sec. their work grounds them, if only temporarily.
n soooooo... IDW comic stuff happens. metal virus time. starline gets kicked out of the empire.
now, as the comics are ongoing, n as this is already an au, there's gonna be divergence, n i must admit i haven't planned out all that yet. there's a lot i have to consider!! infinite being w the resistance/restoration is a big game changer ... tho i Do believe that they were absent, likely on a far out mission during most of the chaos. eggman doesn't know abt them, nor does starline or anyone else other than the sonic crew; n some civilians that recognise them.
i'm not 100% sure of Exactly when it happens, but i think it's just after bad guys, that infinite is sent to locate n bring in starline. it doesn't prove too difficult. there's a whole, starline realising "oh fuck it's you???", some bickering n, the two don't hit it off right away. they're both kinda like. not mentally stable ddgddgdds,,,
so uh. starline ends up essentially going thru the same sorta shit as infinite. careful watch, rebuilding, all that jazz, making sure he can be trusted. he's like... very very lost, quite like infinite is. the world has kinda calmed down, in the meanwhile.
it's at this point i'm gonna go ahead n drop a bit of a ramble i subjected my friends to a while ago, to articulate the way i see the two, n their dynamic together!! i was considering making this it's own post a while ago!
analysing their characters a bit... let's look at starline. Like. so we have this, in bad guys, which SENT ME tbfh;
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i feel like it's the moment that triggers starline onto the path he is rn canonically,,, he's clearly like. rly mad n bitter. the core of this?? he wants his work n his efforts to be acknowledged.
he's big angry. still kind of in denial at this stage. he has himself obsessed w/ the idea of making eggman see him as Worthy, that if he just tries hard enough, that'll happen. he's dependent on eggman's validation, n i mean, it's no surprise; he's followed him a Long Time by the sounds of it.
then in the recent issue, hold the fuck up, bc we got, This;
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god. my god it's all comin together now homies. this???? this right here??? it is the CLASSIC "i have to do this to prove i'm strong n powerful n smart n worthy n should be respected please Give Me Acknowledgement" ..... n who else is Like That? can u see where im going w/ this?
i think most ppl are aware of infinite's character being extremely indicative of self worth/esteem issues n the need to prove themself, right?? the extreme adversity, repulsion, perhaps even fear toward the idea of being weak. the compulsion to prove otherwise, to show their strength, to become powerful, to conquer to make a point. their theme exudes this same energy as their behaviour in-game; an aggressive attitude, trying to assert themself, while if u rly listen...? the lyrics are actually really sad in places. it reeks of cover up, although composition wise, a v interesting thing to note is a lot of the more telling lyrics are prominent while some of the affirming ones are in the background. indicative of a desire to have their true feelings be heard but caught in a vicious loop?
okay okay that's yet Another different analysis. AHEM.
not to get deep on main (oh who the hell am i kidding that's the point of this entire thing) but i think starline has issues w/ his worth in a similar way to infinite. they both seem to have this need to Prove something, whether it's to others or themselves, n get caught in a toxic spiral of doing worse n worse things for Some kind of validation or acknowledgement. they'll go to really big lengths chasing that, n both of them ultimately sought validation in the wrong place n wrong way.
this is a big part of my starfinite dynamic,, n so, what happens, as they get closer n open up??? we have them BOTH realising together that they don't have to do fuck all to prove anything to anyone. they don't need to do all this to show they're strong n smart n worth something, not to anyone else OR themselves. they're enough as they are. they bond over that shared feeling that they have to do xyz, to prove themselves, n that desire to just finally be acknowledged n appreciated n help each other thru it. to help each other understand that other ppls approval, or lack thereof, doesn't define them, their strength, intelligence, and worthiness.
i feel like they have an interesting parallel between them in like... the above could be taken as a general analysis, but to go more in depth on this au specifically?? ...
starline followed eggman for presumably a long time n it no doubt left him feeling a heavy and deep regret for all that time wasted n spent on an unhealthy path. infinite kinda teaches him that what matters is what he's doing Now n also reminds him that if none of it happened, starline wouldn't have learnt a lot of the serious skills he has. n while starline still feels bad, he also realises himself that, he likely never would have crossed infinite's path if none of it happened. for that reason, he wouldn't take it back.
infinite has only been recently made, on the other hand. they haven't really existed long, yet, but so far their experiences haven't been very positive n it can be .... discouraging. starline sorta, shows infinite their limited experiences w/ the world are a very tiny fraction of what's out there, n things can absolutely change, yes, including for the better; that's the essence of life, a neverending, constant flow of change.
it's a big tale of moving on n letting go, honestly; made easier as they're doing it together. n as they heal n grow, well... these bitches gay. sfshshdgds like, ig that's putting it p bluntly but!! they start to trust each other, understand each other more. as they get to truly know who the other is, they both start developing The Feelings. they're both pretty oblivious n the reveal is totally unknown so far!! yeah, i know, bummer. i suck. boo. adafsfsds however i can say there will be lots of content in the making!! if that soothes the soul! i've got of ideas i hope to bring to life.
ofc there's still a lot of more specific things i haven't covered here so! if y'all want more juice hmu w/ more focused questions but !! this is the overview n i hope it was a decent read now that gave some uhhh! Cool Insight! yea!!! ✌
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rontra · 5 years
i really like mwot and was wondering, do you wanna talk/loredump/etc about mwot during this blessed month of pride? (if not that's totally cool!!! i really like the au and am curious about it!)
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umineko spoilers below and LONG POST KSDJDKSKD i really went infodumping......you got me right in an infodumping mood....
also im being very casual in this post so if something is like weird or vague its probably because i got tired of thinking about it and skipped ahead. SKJDSJD
mwot is an umi au and its very gay and very trans because i, a gay trans, decided it was TIME to INDULGE
LIKE A MOUNTAIN WIND FALLING ON OAK TREES also known as MWOT, MW/OT, Mountain Wind + Oak Trees, MW+OT, or literally any combination of its parts, is an eva/natsuhi au, set in a vague modern big city setting
it’s a comedy, mostly? it has elements of backstory transphobia and  stuff like that but that’s not really the story i want to tell with it, so  i don’t go too deeply into it in the main fic. it’s mostly comedy and Self Care: The  Story (once these nerds get around to acknowledging that self care is  good, anyway!!!!)  
Eva is 20, nb lesbian (though she doesnt know half of it to begin with). generally a bitchard at the beginning but also deeply craving that Validation. Invested in making the fic harder to write due to pronoun shenanigans (shoutout to the lengthy section of intimate emotional scenes that uses no pronouns at all for eva but is narrated by them in 3rd person)
Natsuhi is like 21 i guess because im a sucker for her having like an annoying 1-3 years on eva bc eva would get mad about it. Also she’s trans, gray-ace, hopeless romantic, generally full of “quickly raising your eyebrows and looking away while sipping your drink and thinking Yikes” energy. weaponizes indifference but is no stranger to harder means. she’s a smart cookie
Sayo is also 20, gender clown car living her best life. Presents differently depending on mood and whim
krauss is like 22 or whatever. for housekeeping’s sake, rosa and rudolf are too young to matter (8 and 10, or something like that). dont even worry about it
honestly the weirdest part of the au is eva and sayo being the same age
also this au is the origin point of me & my friends using akikaze as nat’s maiden name. the more you know!
USHIROMIYA GOLD dishes up that yellow metal like you wouldn’t believe. led by kinzo whos so fuckin good at sniffing out that sweet sweet gold people are half convinced the man has psychic powers. Any piece of land he’s got his eyes on, he WILL get his hands on, no matter who owns it right now.
the land kinzo wants At The Moment is owned by the AKIKAZE FAMILY who have been notably on the decline recently. they’re in the economic shithole so this land is basically all they’ve got right now, so when kinzo wants it and it suddenly Has Value, they’re like “oh, shit,
anyway the deal basically shakes out that like, he gets the land and all the gold that may or may not be in it. he offers his eldest son in exchange for this land, to marry their daughter: in the bonds of marriage graciously ensuring a part of the winnings will spill over on them, while keeping them under his control without money coming into the picture.
Everything’s working out great and coming up kinzo. the deal is closed and everyone’s happy (i guess). until ONE DAY, just a few narrow weeks before the akikaze girl is set to move in with the ushiromiyas,
Krauss dislikes being told what to do, and his father’s ideals never lined up with his own. He thinks this entire thing is sort of fucked up and can’t live under his dad’s thumb anymore. That's why, immediately following Kinzo’s agreement with the Akikaze family, Krauss disappears. He’s just kinda left for greener pastures, to unfold his own life and pursue his own interests independent of the Ushiromiya name. He leaves behind a letter explaining it & basically he forfeits both name and inheritance, and Kinzo’s incredible deal is suddenly in jeopardy.....
obviously this is kinzo though, and all of his solutions are like, 20 times more complicated than they have to be? he’s DETERMINED to have this land so he’s like “i need an eldest son. shit rudolf is only like 9. fuck. well okay i have an eldest daughter with a deeply complicated need for validation and success entirely driven by her overall neglect at my hands“ and the rest. as they say. is history (???)
Ushiromiya Eva always saw Krauss as unworthy of the inheritance, and to her, his disappearance confirms this. She grew up always being made to feel inferior to her older brother, usually being ignored in favor of him, and it's bred a complex need for validation in her. Her values and strengths are more like Kinzo’s than her brother’s, and Kinzo recognizes this in the wake of Krauss’ disappearance.
basically he concocts this really wild scheme where eva has to pretend to be his oldest son and marry this girl or whatever so he can seal this stupid gold deal and she’s like “well lol if i get to be family heir” and hes like “yes that’s what im saying” and shes like “awesome let’s do it”
all of the servants are in on it too of course. specifically kinzo enlists SAYO who works there as normal staff and isn’t otherwise tangled into this family’s mess in any way whatsoever. she’s just here to serve tea and looks. anyway he’s like “you work on this with eva--i mean evan, my son, you must have misheard--and eva you have to listen to whatever yasuda says” and eva is like “that last part will not be frustrating for me at all”.
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Yasuda as reigning Household Gender Presentation Expert is like “i think i just got orders from the master to bully eva?” and eva is like “i wish i could fire you but my dad just banned me from doing that” and then gradually...over the course of the project......they become....friends.........
(the au is tagged eva & sayo for a reason. they become FRIENDS!!)
mostly its just various combinations of shkanon dunking on eva and its all VERY good.
during all these shenanigans we make some startling realizations like “gender euphoria is a hell of a drug” and stuff, which is extremely harrowing for everyone (note: not for everyone. just for eva, who makes 10,000 realizations every day, and should not have been counted.)
(ok sidenote did anyone else put on their first binder & go like “hmmm. i live here now” because. mood. im projecting entirely into this fic)
Gender Clown Car yasuda (currently as lion) is like “you know there’s like more than 2 genders” and eva’s like “you fucking wehat”.
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(i would like to see it. also kinzo owes beatrice castiglioni $20 and she’s never let him forget it.)
now wrapped up in this stupid impostor scheme AND full of big wild nonbinary energy AND!! WITH AN INFURIATING NEW FRIEND!! IN THE STAFF!!! this one funky ushiromiya is all ready to get in on an arranged marriage or whatever. provided NO ONE EVER FINDS OUT that they’re faking it and replacing the Actual Heir, which would no doubt ruin the scheme AND bring kinzo’s wrath on everybody involved, of course.
AKIKAZE NATSUHI IS READY TO PUNCH HER FIANCE IN THE THROAT IF HE EVEN LOOKS AT HER but she understands what’s happening here. she knows she didn’t have a say in this from the very beginning. that the deal was sealed for her as soon as the name “ushiromiya” was said. she knows her family married her off quick in a bid to get rid of her. if she’s humiliated by this ordeal, she is far too proud to show it. she packs her bags and walks into the mansion with her head held high........and immediately has this exchange with her fiance
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and this one
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so that’s kind of the energy we’re going for with these two.
(natsuhi’s line in the second cap was going to be removed for being Way Too Intense, but everyone i talked to said it was too hot to cut, so i decided to indulge us all. blame the lesbians)
they IMMEDIATELY don’t get along but they kinda agree to like, mind their business, since neither of them are interested in playing house here. if they can get the wedding to go off without a hitch they can basically go back to never talking to each other again.
natsuhi’s entire angle here is essentially: her family was not that good, and this family likely won’t be better, BUT here she has a chance to build something new for herself. she’ll be out of her parents’ house. She needs this deal to stay for her own sake, but she has to get out ahead of her husband and set up a dynamic that favors her. when she meets evan she essentially gauges the kind of person she’s dealing with and picks her approach accordingly: this is not a soft man, and she has to be hard in turn to avoid being steamrolled.
and its VERY hot
anyway some stuff happens and it eventually they both sorta get each other’s secrets. eva is not the firstborn son and natsuhi is not the card kinzo thought he was pulling from her family’s hand and theyre both toast if word hits the public. directly after the wedding they establish a tense alliance of keeping each others’ secrets....
and then they.....fall...in l
there’s some fun tensions and realizations. eva is like “so im quickly catching on that no praise i ever received from dad was on my own merit and he’s kind of a dirtbag all around and his validation is kind of not worth it” and nat is like “word our parents are chains” & they run kinzo over with the down w cis bus. it’s fine. they get postcards from krauss sometimes. he has a motorbike now.
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and thats mwot i guess. it’s my au where natsuhi’s accent color is red and some other stuff happens too. happy pride month
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
OC Interview Meme
Tagged by @tarberrymentats and @wastelandwandererstuff​ B)
SORRY IT TOOK ME A WHILE TO GET TO THIS GUYS spring break kept me busy xD But I AM BACK NOW AND READY TO ANSWER THESE TAGS THANK U ALL <33 It’s been a blast getting to read about everyone’s Fallout characters ;w; I’m trying to get braver about leaving comments/reblogs but in the meantime just know I SEE YOUR AWESOME CHARACTERS and I APPRECIATE THEM.
This was actually a challenge answering from Nate’s POV xD There’s stuff that I KNOW ABOUT HIM AND WANT TO SHARE but he wouldn’t volunteer or he wouldn’t view the same way so… take it for what it is! And feel free to ask questions! ;w;
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It is long. Long long long. Not sorry. 16, 19, 28, and 33 are my favorites c;
1. What is your name?
Oh. Wow. We’re starting this interview off with some tough ones, hunh? Uhh… hm. My name. My name… Let me think. (overly dramatic pause) Nathaniel Christian Ronan? Yeah. That sounds right.
2. Do you know why are you named that?
I was told my name means “God has given,” because my parents didn’t actually think they’d be able to have a second kid. That and Pops was an army chaplain - wanted me to have a name reflecting the faith. He was very literal in his approach. Ronan is an Irish surname, which seemed a lot more important 200 years ago than it does today. It means… uh, oh, shoot, I used to know… Don’t worry, it’ll come to me.
3. Are you single or taken?
(chuckles) Sorry folks, my roving days are over. Got a nosy reporter waiting for me back in Diamond City... whatever time I’ve got left I’m giving it to her.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Powers? What, like, superpowers? That’d be awesome but, hah, no. Though I’ve been told my ability to talk myself out of trouble is uncanny. My martinis were legendary, and still would be if I find the ingredients for them in this apocalyptic wasteland. Friends say I’ve got a good ear for music… Oh, and ventriloquism. That’s always fun.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
I know you are but what am I?
6. What’s your eye color?
Blue, like my grandmother. (blinks dramatically several times for emphasis)
7. How about your hair color?
Coal back. (runs a hand through it almost nervously) And holding up better than the rest of me, considering the complete lack of well-deserved grey hair.
8. Have any family members?
I have a son, Shaun. Piper gave me roots, and Nat’s pretty much my little sister, too, at this point. The Railroad’s been more family to me than most of my own blood ever was.
9. Oh? How about pets?
Legs Washington, an orphaned radstag I brought to the Castle. He’s a bit of a mascot for the men, follows Shaun everywhere. Yeah, it’s adorable.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
You guess? Look, after this interview, I’m taking you to the Castle to meet them yourself. Your life will be changed. There’s plenty to dislike about the Commonwealth, enough to go mad over. It’s not exactly the charming old homestead of days gone by. But we’re making it better one day at a time.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Hah! “Duck and Cover” is a big one. Got me suspended from Railroad HQ once, though. I still say that was Deacon’s fault. I like long walks through the woods, playing baseball with Shaun, and a General’s work is never done but it does bring fulfillment. I like all those activities infinitely better when Piper’s around. Is that mushy? God, that sounds mushy. (smiles shamelessly)
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Yeah. Some deserved it… some I’m still trying to make up for.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
(stops smiling) Yeah. I have. You want a kill count? Six-word soundbites about all the blood and screams and the way men look when they realize they’re about to die? It’s not a fun fact. It’s not fun. Next question.
14. Name your worst habits?
I’m afraid that information’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. OH! LITTLE SEAL. That’s what Ronan means! Yeah, you know, like, selkie babies.
15. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Aha… seriously? I’m Pipersexual, end of story. Unless you count the undying affection between my best mate Deacon, and me, which I’ve been told occasionally inspires jealousy. Honestly, I never gave putting a name to my romantic inclinations much thought. It’s always been women, but maybe I just never met the right man.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Piper, for sure. She’s - the way she sees the world? It gives me hope. She’s brave, brave enough to fight for what she believes in. No matter how bad it gets she always finds a light to hold onto, somehow, and keep going. And she’s genuine. I didn’t know what courage really was until I met her. Scribbles’ friendship is… a hell of a lot more than I deserve. I wouldn’t be the same without it. And, God, she’s funny. Sweet, and - a-ha, hm… we’d be here all day if I tried to list all the reasons why I love her.
I also have immense respect for Nick Valentine. He’s a good guy. Without ‘im, I might still be chasing my tail out in the woods somewhere. Or worse. Nick was a friend to me when I needed it most, put everything on the line to help me find my son - didn’t even hesitate. I’ll never be able to repay him for that.
17. What kind of animal are you?
One of a kind. (winks)
18. Do you go to school?
The Commonwealth has a way of schooling everyone, doesn’t it? I’m a bit too old for arithmetic and hall passes, but I never stop learning, if that’s what you mean.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I’-ve… been down that road before. (breaks eye contact abruptly) Times were uncertain enough when Shaun was born. Now? Scribbles and I roll the dice every day of our lives. Asking her to marry me – starting over – was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. A baby would be, uh, a really big change. (smiles briefly, uncertain) Maybe if – no, I don’t know. Piper’s never shown any desire for something like that. If she did – even if she did... (sighs) I – look. Let’s just move on, okay?
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Oh yeah, I have an ensemble of groupies that follow me around the wasteland with a pack brahmin and an eyebot.They pitch my tent for me and cook all my meals. I pay for services with my autograph instead of caps. (rolls eyes, but keeps a smile)
21. What are you most afraid of?
Losing someone I love. I know we don’t get any guarantees out here in the wasteland, but… loss never gets any easier. It makes it hard to open up, y’know? I spent a long time keeping folks who cared about me at arm’s length, and some days it’s still a challenge.
22. What do you usually wear?
What you see is what you get! Derbys, slacks, a shirt as white as I can get it in these conditions, and a black vest, because that never goes out of style. My favorite hat is - take a look at this. It’s a bicorne. Has anyone worn that since the French Revolution? It’s great. I love it. Piper doesn’t.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
You know what I miss? Chocolate. I’d kill for chocolate. … kidding.
24. Am I annoying to you?
Hah! I married a journalist. This is just another Tuesday.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Look, if I’m not back by seven…
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I mean… it’s not like anyone’s ‘wealth’ compares to what it was like before the war. I’m not living off charred molerat, but I certainly won’t be moving into the Upper Stands anytime soon. Most of what I have, I made myself.
27. How many friends do you have?
More than I deserve. Piper and Deacon are probably my two best friends though. Nick, Preston, and Kent oughta be mentioned, too.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
You mean those damn perfectly preserved slices stuck in the Port-A-Diners? God, I’ve tried everything. I spent an entire afternoon trying to break in. What is the glass even made of? I couldn’t put a scratch on it. You have to just keep pushing the button. Over and over. I’m convinced it’s all some Vault-Tec conspiracy. There is no pie. The pie is a lie. Piper says she managed it once, but I don’t believe her.
29. Favorite drink?
Nuka cherry! No question.
30. What’s your favorite place?
There’s a spot up at the top of Diamond City. I mean the top top, even higher than the Stands. Clear night with a full moon? You can see for miles. Can’t be beat.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
You’ve - been listening, right? Aha, was I unclear about being madly in love?
32. That was a stupid question…
You’d be surprised how often it gets asked. (chuckles)
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Lake. Definitely. I’m marginally less likely to get eaten there. That being said, I was up in Maine once, went out to pick lure weed. You know, those radioactive yellow flowers that grow in muddy ponds? Bad idea.Terrible idea. Maine is a terrible place and I will not be building a summer home there e-ver.
34. What’s your type?
Kickass reporters with the brightest hazel eyes you’ve ever seen, hair like Aphrodite, and a smile to make you melt.
35. Any fetishes?
Look, you’re very nice. Really. And I appreciate the interest, but ah, this isn’t any of your business. Only one person gets to ask me about those and - you aren’t her.
36. Camping or outdoors?
Camping? Oh man, those were the days. An RV trip would be the bomb. It’s not much of an option these days. But I’m used to sleeping rough, and I gotta admit, it has its charm.
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
Hey do all of the greek god asks
Long post alert
Aphrodite: what you find attractive in a person
Lots of stuff really. But in mostly personality and interests over looks. U can be not really the most good lookin but be the most wonderful person. But u could also be the most beautiful thing ive ever laid eyes on but you're trash of a person. So looks dont matter much to me. But in a person i like if we share interests like art, music, books, and if youre really nice and stuff too
Apollo: favourite piece of music
Ooooo thats hardddd. Just ONE?? Howwww?! Ughhhh. Ok hm idk abt a FAVORITE but i really love heavy by johnnie guilbert and uhh i love ghost and heroin by badflower along with a bazillion others
Ares: opinion on war
Artemis: favourite animal and why
Snakesssss. I just really love snakes. I love the creepiness abt the lil beans. I love how they look. AND I LOVE WHEN THEY WEAR LIL HATS
Athena: share a piece of wisdom
Dont eat Oreos with hotsauce kids. It wont taste good
Dionysus: red, white, or rosé?
I do not drinketh wine but i like the color white over the other 2 so let's go with white
Eros: describe your crush
Nsnsnxndnsnsm damn. Ok uh well he likes hp as well. Hes a tumblr user. Annnddd hes nice :) thats all u lil munchkins get. And only 3 ppl know who this is so ha
Hades: do you believe in life after death?
Like heaven/hell? Idk. Sorta. But i don't really believe it as an afterlife. I think of it as u dead, thats where u go. Over with. But the thought of living like a 100 yrs then being gone for the rest of time sounds stupid like cmon those dudes in the bible can live for thousands of years and we get an average of like 75? Nah. But idk yet
Helios: opinion on tanning
I am already tan. I get more pale in winter n stuff but in summer my skin turns a golden brown color more. Kinda like the color of a cooked hotdog?
Hephaestus: do you think disability can ruin a relationship?
Oof hmm. What kind of disability? Like depression? (wait does it count as one?) I say it can yea maybe but if your partner is loving and supportive and is trying to help then i say you'll be okay
Hera: opinion on feminism
Idk i feel like im sort of a feminist myself. Like i hate that women don't have the same rights as men. Dude hear this. Me and my bro were arguing with our grampa about Hillary clinton or having a woman President and so my bro said to my grampa "so if tam (me) ran for President u wouldn't vote for her? Just cause she's a girl?" And my grampa said "*laughs* yeah i mean i love ya hun but women dont need to be president. Its a mans job. Men are supposed to be the leaders not women. Tge bible says so. No i wouldn't vote for u" and i got pissed cause wtf man??? What's wrong with u?? And then we kept arguing and then he was like *fake laughs* nah i was jk hun u know id vote for u youre my granddaughter. And i called him a liar and that he was lying because i know when hes lying. Then he started being racist abt smtn and then my mom got fed up and we left. I wouldn't talk to my grampa and he got mad so he said I was the one being stupid. Yeah sure ok believe that
Hermes: last text you sent
Uh it was to my best friend and it was "Not a big fan of hp huh?" But before that it was "That's not fai!r everyone has that one book they dont finish when they start on another. And when they dont finish it it usually means they weren't that interested in it. Or they really wanna read this new book cause its hard to focus on the old book when u have the new book and can read it whenever instead"
Persephone: is climate change really a thing or is everyone just overreacting?
I say its a thing!! Everythings changing and i dont think its for the better
Poseidon: list three fears
1. Momo coming to life and chasing after me and finally catching me then making me stare closely into her eyes while killing me slowly
2. Spiders ( @cristal-kyd1280 including jarvis)
3. Dying/dying by me being stupid like skydiving or eating a cup of apple seeds for no reason
Zeus: three places you want to travel to
@dirtysocke in georgia
@mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye in the Netherlands
@cristal-kyd1280 a few hrs away from me
Demeter: favourite season and why
Pan: opinion on gay rights
I fucking WHOLEHEARTEDLY support gay rights!!! I feel fucking ashamed cause i haven't always......(thanks mom, dad) but over the years ive gotten a bit more supportive and stuff but especially in summer last year one day after our shift at the library whenever my friend cadence came out as pan/bi/gay to me while she waited with me for my parents to pick me up. Also especially since i got tumblr and saw how amazing the lgbtq are. Like dude most of my friends are gay um and its fucking awesome?? Like for example dude my friend lucas is bi and i could talk to him abt boys n stuff and how cute different dude celebrities are xD Also i learned alot abt what pansexual and bisexual and stuff was exactly (my mom fuckin told me pan was when a person likes anyone. Even ANIMALS. She fuckin disgusted me like wtf who says that??) But now I'm ready to fight whenever any one even my fam starts being homophobic. Also i want to start reading more about the lgbtq. (I loved svthsa) But yea i say gay rights should be supported by fuckin EVERYONE and NO ONE should be homophobic and if u are like bitch keep that shit to yourself before i slug u
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Hestia: describe your ideal house
Idk? Like i want an apartment for a while before an actual house yknow? But when/if i do get one eventually idk id like....just a house? Not a big one but not tiny either. Uhhh i wsnt a room just for my books and one for like an art room. Besides that? I cant think of anything lol
Dude it took like an hr and a half to answer all these holy shit
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abnormalpsychology · 6 years
The Bully (the thrilling conclusion)
[aHhHhHhhHhhHh] [im deceased and I’m scheduling these posts] [imagine the anxiety when I post them] [its 11:30 my phone is on 5% and I haven’t done my homework yet] [TYRUS HAS DESTROYED MY LIFE THANKS JOSHUA]
The kind lady had explained to T.J. what had happened and led him away. Buffy was there now, sitting next to Cyrus on the park bench. Someone had given him a water bottle. Everyone had been kind and understanding.
“Happens to the best of us, kid,” the lady had said, grinning, although not unkindly.
“Thanks,” he’d mumbled, closing his mouth.
“What the hell happened?” Buffy asked for what was probably the twentieth time.
“I told you, nothing happened, Buff. I just... fell off the swings like the clumsy idiot I am.”
“You couldn’t hang on to the swings? You really expect me to believe that?” She crosses her arms, and huffed quietly. “You don’t have to lie about it.”
“I’m sorry, I—“
“I know, you didn’t want me to get mad. It’s fine, Cyrus. We don’t pick our… soulmates. Although I’d like to think that maybe the universe made a mistake this time.”
“Because… he has weird hair?”
“Because it’s T.J.!” Buffy shouted, then threw her head into her hands and groaned for a long time. “My mortal enemy! The bane of my existence! Your future husband!”
“Oh.” That was certainly… a thought.
“I don’t care who you like, Cyrus. I’m happy as long as you’re happy. This… this will just take me a little while. But I will… think about it. And try very hard to be happy for you.”
“I’m sorry for lying.”
“Yeah, you should be. But I get it. I can be difficult.”
“Understatement of the century.”
“Oh, shut up! Just because you hit a life milestone doesn’t mean you get an automatic noogie pass, Goodman!”
He gulped, tears returning quick to his eyes as he stared at Buffy. Gently, like a person handling a baby animal, she took his shaking hand.
“Hey. What’s wrong?”
“I’m going to have to talk to him. He’ll… he’s gonna think I’m a lame little nerd! He’ll never like me. This is really bad timing; I just got used to the whole Jonah thing, and now—“
He went quiet. She smiled reassuringly in that way that always made Cyrus want to cry from how good a friend she was.
“Cyrus. Again. Because you seem to keep needing to hear this— you’ve always been weird, but you’re no different. And I won’t treat you that way because of T.J. Maybe you’re right, about… about soulmates getting better. About changing. One thing I know for sure? This day is going to pass, and it’ll all be okay.”
He smiled tearfully and hugged his best friend as hard as he could, not wanting to let go.
“I love you.”
“Awww, stop being all mushy on me,” she laughed. “It’s what any friend would do.”
“Also that was two things.”
“Stop ruining your moment... I love you too.”
They stayed like that for a while, both processing everything that had just occurred. Cyrus was okay. If he had Andi and Buffy to get him through this, it was going to be okay. He had a whole future ahead of him. It was inevitable, yes, but it was also all going to be just fine. He was going to be so happy.
“Thanks, Buff,” he said, pulling away. “I think I have some explaining I have to do.”
“You aren’t the only one,” Buffy sighed, looking past over his shoulder to the park.
And there was T.J., sitting alone on the bench opposite the playground, keeping the same cautious distance he’d held at the beginning. The smile was gone. Cyrus and Buffy watched him for a second, thinking about how differently they both saw the same kid. How different he must feel, too.
“I’m gonna tell I’m secretly Spider-Man,” Cyrus whispered, breaking the tense silence. “That’s why I glow; the radiation. Not because we’re destined to be together or anything.”
Buffy broke off her laughter to shoot him a toothy grin. “I’ll kill that boy if he messes with you.”
“I thought you already had plans to kill off T.J.”
“That would be why this right here is so difficult, yep. Exactly that.”
He smiled. “He really isn’t so bad. You should sing him the Swing Song. That’s how he ended up touching me— an underdog.”
“But you hate heights?”
“But… T.J. doesn’t. I was trying something. He made feel a little less afraid.”
Buffy stared at him.
“You’ve just… never said that before.”
“Because I never tried.” Cyrus shrugged.
“Go get him, then.”
“Buffy!” His face promptly turned into a raspberry. “Stop that!”
She smiled as she got up from the bench. “Text me if he tries anything shifty. I love you, C.G.”
“What, so I tell you a secret and get a cool nickname now?”
“Nope, just this once. It’s a special occasion. Your parents are gonna throw a party.”
“Ugh,” he groaned. They probably were going to make a huge fuss when he told all four of them, which is why most kids didn’t tell their parents when their marks glowed. That was a decision he didn’t want to consider right now. “Bye, Slayer. Thank you.”
She disappeared down the path, past the swingset, heading in the direction of the Spoon. Now Cyrus had another fun conversation he had to have, he thought as he proceeded in the opposite direction.
T.J. looked up, eyes wide and expression of concern stretched across his face. The kind woman must have not told him everything— he still seemed to think he was injured terribly. This was going to be fun.
“Cyrus, hi. You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m totally fine. Actually, I know why that whole weird thing happened over there. I’m not actually hurt.”
“Oh, good. I… I thought I might have done something on accident there for a little bit.” He smiled faintly. “You scared me, Underdog.”
“Two nicknames in one day, wow,” Cyrus muttered to himself. “You really get some cool stuff when you meet your soulm—“
And now T.J. was watching him frantically try to stammer his way out, to take back the words not at all presented in the careful, all-feelings-considered manner he was going to say them with. It had all gone wrong.
“I’m so sorry.”
“No, no, no! It’s okay! It’s fine! I knew already!”
“W-when you, uh, fell and I was trying to keep you from dying or whatever, that was kinda stupid of me—“
“Keeping me from dying is not a stupid thing, T.J.!” Cyrus laughed. “I would much prefer that to the alternative!”
“Well, um. Not. Sorry then.”
“It’s fine, you don’t need to apologize for anything.”
They stared at each other for a second, both shell-shocked by all of the weird bonding rituals they’d been forced through today. If anyone had told Cyrus that this was how his day was going to go, he would have never believed it.
“Just when… you pushed me off, because you were fine—“
“I’m sorry—“
“No, no, you’re-you’re good. You just touched my hand… and it lit up too.”
“Oh.” They both looked at the intricately lined handprint on T.J.’s palm, now thankfully just tinted darker then normal skin instead of the bright, toxic-waste color the glowing had been earlier. It really wasn’t that bad, actually— it was a green that reminded Cyrus of tea, plants, and calm things. It reminded him of relief from worries, moments when he felt like things really weren’t so bad. Moments like now.
“So, yeah. I didn’t know I was gay, actually,” T.J. told him, rubbing his neck. “I… just thought I’d eventually like girls. Like a phase… that had lasted my whole childhood and life. But it never happened. I guess it never will.”
“I actually have a crush on another guy,” Cyrus blurted, scratching his neck nervously. “I know that’s probably awful to say right now, but I do.”
“That’s not a problem, Cyrus.”
“Nah, no way. I’m not gonna, like, propose on the first day we meet.” T.J. laughed, face red. “This is so weird. Not you, just… all this.”
“I can definitely get how finding out this way would be weird.”
“I hope you don’t… hate me now.”
“Why would I hate you?”
“Well, there’s Buffy and I’s whole thing. And then this on top of it? Not exactly a recipe for the best friendship.”
“True,” Cyrus said, nodding professionally. “But don’t forget that you got me a muffin. Don’t underestimate the muffin, T.J.”
The two boys smiled at one another, the bully and the nerd. Soulmates. Swinging buddies. Friends.
Maybe this was a terrible way to meet. Maybe it was the most uncomfortable way ever. But, sitting there, something profound and epiphany-like occurred to Cyrus Goldman for the first time in his life; maybe the Universe knew what it was doing.
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I wanna talk about the emptiness inside me that I tired to swallow, the black hole that started my downfall into the pits of eating and mood disorders.
1- My dad isn’t my father.
2-I don’t know if god exists.
These are the two things that are the bane of all the shit in my life.
My parents divorced when I was 3 and my mom and I and my sister lived with my grandparents and my messed up uncle. We were dirt poor (now we’re just poor thank god lol) so my childhood was sad mostly with an absent father who would show up once every many months to abuse me emotionally and give me abandonment issues. I’m sad to say I will never know what it’s like to have a father. He is trying to make it up to me now but only mildly. But I’m 22. His presence and support were needed when I was little and my teachers were telling him that I was very bright and that I should go to a better school, or when people told him I am a great artist and that he should buy me art supplies to hone my skills. He never even got me A4 papers. Now I’m burned out and bitter. I know I had insane potential but he only ever gave me issues and made my life more difficult that surviving was more important that any imaginary “potential”. And now I see people who were not as half as good as I was and they got the support and attention of their parents and have got far in life. My mother was a good parent growing up but the poor woman could not be blamed for not signing me up in fancy schools or drawing classes or whatnot because she was too busy being a single parent of two children working all sorts of jobs because the alimony is worth 250 dollars. What a joke. I’m broke now and I got through 250 in a week if I’m careful. What man would let his children go through poverty when he’s very wealthy. I love him and I understand that he has his issues to but I will never forgive him for what I had to go through. At 15 no one wanted me thats when my ED started. My mom was working in another city and she didn’t want me to live with her anymore. She send me back to my grandparents house where my uncle pulled a butchers knife on me. Who pulls a butchers knife on a 15 year old child ? My aunt instead of defending me gave me a talking to and told me to not tell my mom. I couldn’t believe my ears but I still didn’t tell my mom. Then I moved in with that aunt because I couldn’t stay in that house. But because my mother had body shamed me so much ( I was going through puberty and started to grow the tiniest little boobs and the tiniest little hips) and my other aunt who was pregnant the year before and had to also live with my grandmother as well as her husband and children would shame for whatever I ate. Soon her children followed suit. I was the tiniest boniest little thing but she shamed me nonetheless because food costs money I guess. At that time the only thing I snacked on were apples because I loved them so much and we again we were poor so we didn’t have delicious snacks lying around so apples were the only sweet thing there. How much were 1-3 apples a day gonna cost you ? Cheap yellow apples.. I could never do that to a 13 year old or anyone for that matter .
Does god exist ?
Are you there ?
Do you see me ?
Why am I here ?
Am I doing good ?
Am I not doing good ?
What’s the point of it all ?
If you’re god and you control everything did I do something to you to offend you ? Cause my life feels like a maze and I’m a rat and the maze is also a wheel and I’m just running but I’m still in my place. Im not even moving in the maze. If you wrote my life why isn’t it making any lyrical sense ?
Can you talk to me ?
Can you lend me a hand ?
Because I haven’t felt like the main character in my life for four years now… that’s a lot for someone to not fell like the MC in their OWN life.
So I was raised Muslim and questioning the existence of god in the Muslim community is a big no no. When I was a kid at least I knew for was there and if someone bullied me or did me wrong they were gonna get what’s coming for them sooner or later. But people who have wronged me so badly are thriving so what if this is it ? Also all the injustice in the world the racism sexism sex trafficking slavery that still exists countries that bully other counties and leaders that sell their own people. Sadly third world countries are enough to make you doubt gods existence. I just don’t want to be duped. Also what is up with the homophobia ? Religion to me seems like a big pretext for sick people to beat kill rape others. And this whole holier than thou attitude religious people have is such a peeve. So god, are you there ? Do you love me ? Or are you mad that my faith is weak and this depression and eating disorders are your way of getting back at me ? Because which are you ? Are you living and merciful ? Or are you scary and dishonoring sub-doing ? Because if someone told me they love me and were kind to me but at the same time messed my life behind the scenes and when I confronted them they said oh I’m punishing you because I live you and I want you to get closer to me I would just call them toxic and be like why the f ??? I’m not gonna lie the idea of being an atheist is so tempting but my brain can’t Handle the possibility of a god not existing because whenever I’m in trouble I go inwards and I talk to him god allah the universe u know I just know someone is listening and you wanna tell me it’s just me talking to myself ? Ouch And what is up with everyone assigning god the male gender ? That’s some sexist stuff right there. Also aren’t divinities supposed to transcend the concept of gender and genitalia ?? The religious inside me is freaking out right now over everything I wrote and I’m scared god would strike me or something over what I’m saying but I’m also tempted by the possibility of god just up there like good girl don’t trust what those misogynistic men have twisted religion into. Good on you for using the brain I GAVE you ! And he’s be like of course I love you I love the women I live the in between I love the gays I made you ! Of course I love you even the most broken ones are so beautiful to me. So If you were real how do I not make you mad at me cause I don’t want to piss off the all encompassing all knowing obviously do you see gif how so much of religion is fear. I don’t get it. So how do I do it without going crazy ? Also I’d you didn’t know us Muslims aren’t a allowed to leave the religion then go back etc like I see a lot of white people try everything out there and it’s just like isn’t that what we should do not be raised in a certain religious but like sample everything then decide based on how we are like some exchange program or as simple as a buzzfeed quiz. Because I didn’t choose this so It’s not an informed decision. Wondering if god exists probably stems from my fear of dying. Like everyone on this planet I don’t know when or where that’ll be so I have some unexplained anxieties. So I wonder what’s gonna happen after I bite the dust. It’s like sitting in the waiting room of a dentist you’re scared shitless you see people go in and you try to distract yourself you read some magazines or mess around in your phone etc. You know you avoided the call to the dentists office as much as you could but it was inevitable. Idk what I’m saying. Anyways so I’m sad because I’m unfocused in life school career like the driven overachieved millionaires Elon musks Angelina Jolies and Oprah’s out there so I’m not successful but when I try to focus I can’t because I’m reminded it’s only a few years and blinks until it’s my turn to go into the dentist office so what’s the point and a big majority of my life had been shot so far so..
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langstexmachina · 7 years
so im planning on writing a chaptered fic and i went to go make an account on ao3 bc what self respecting vld fic writer doesnt publish on ao3? but guess what i learned
Y O U   C A N T   J U S T   M A K E   A N   A O 3   A C C O U N T
so now im going to have to wait until the twenty-seventh so i can receive an invite to join kms but im not mad im actually super psyched.
im doing that orchestra headcannon that i had the other day so theres that
also this is going to be my first long fic that hopefully doesnt crash and burn like my other ones have mostly because im excited to write this one. i think thats the difference. like yeah when i was writing mcr i was excited bc who doesnt love gerard way? but this is the first fic that ive tried to write that im able to relate to completely. with my other long ones i only tried to write something that i thought i would enjoy reading which could have been divided into a few very distinct categories back in the day:
suicidal teen fem boy in distress
mental illness (mostly but not limited to depression and schizophrenia)
abuse (parental or relationship)
questioning gender identity/ gay in an intolerant household etc
or that shit where two people just couldnt communicate and they ended up going round and round through the same tedious problems and its the same plot told over and over and it literally never ended (looking at you amanda todd. After literally was my middle school everything but rereading it is literal torture. i hope your editor straightened that out when you published it oops)
SO thats what i had been working with and like dont get me wrong- it literally was what i was hella into when i was a kid. i loved reading about the fem boy who wanted to kill himself but met the boy of his dreams and flushed all of his blades. those fics about schizophrenia and stuff got me into psychology- something that i am now genuinely interested in majoring in. i still live for that gay shit. and number five was actual shit that i cant stand anymore but thats fine because we all grow up and change and are less problematic pieces of shit who no longer romanticize depression and suicide
(((side bar))) 
there is a difference between romanticizing depression, suicide etc. and using it in character development. i am a firm believer in the idea that we can and most definitely should talk about mental disorders in our writing. you dont need to be a medical professional to make a statement on depression, bpd, did, or any other disorder out there. you dont have to be experiencing a disorder to talk about it. hell i dont want anyone to go through that kind of pain man. but its totally important to integrate it into our media. especially today when everyone with a mental disorder suddenly has a thirst for blood and should be detained in mental asylums so they never hurt anyone in our perfect society!!!1!
i believe that society, today especially, has this innate need to separate themselves from anything  that isnt conventionally “normal”. they do this by dehumanizing anyone that they dont understand. then pinning them as the scapegoat in many situations
ie recently with mass shootings. instead of focusing on the obvious, literal weapon that is the genuine issue- the news turns focus and immediately- before anything was even verified- states that the shooter was a teen with a mental illness which sparked talk of opening homes to detain and keep “troubled teens” instead of focusing on the problem of the actual weapon that is actually killing actual people.
(((side-er bar)))
no i dont think we should take guns away completely. that would be stupid. in america? that shit would never get passed. but i do think other countries have it right. give people guns and regulate ammunition. anytime somebody wants to buy more ammo, they have to return the old magazine. this keeps people from stockpiling- drastically cutting down on mass shootings like the tragedy in florida
(which by the way i am totally urging everyone in school to participate in the walk out on the fourteenth. im not allowed to because my school will suspend me and i cant do that (mom’s words not mine) but if your school is in support of it or you dont mind taking the risk please please participate in the walk for our lives)
like i was saying- yeah that stuff was fun to read but it was hard for me to write because i was either dealing with that shit and it hurt to talk about, or i totally couldnt relate to it enough to write about it.
but with this? oh babe orchestra is my everything. ive been playing in orchestras for nine years and the violin for sixteen. if theres anything that i know, its orchestra. and i love it. i want to write my own musical- including writing out all of the music. i fucking adore everything about string instruments (band we have to TALK)
so this is something i enjoy with characters that i love so its going to be good and im super excited and i really hope you guys will enjoy it.
- day
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meepface · 7 years
boyyyyy am i sad please ignore this while i try n distract myself 
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
i’d say thank u i appreciate being complimented
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
no but i told my first boyfriend that guess who’s cringin
5: Are you interested in anyone right now? 
yeah my gf
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
idk i kind of want to take an entire week off but i have classes n stuff. i hope i get to see my friends some time next weekend i really miss hanging out with my friend Kate
7: Do you want to be single?
nah i love my gf a lot
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?
i stayed in and watched that stanford prison experiment movie w my family which was really cool
9: How late did you stay up last night?
1 am 
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot? 
i realized i like my gf a lot like senior year of hs and look at us now
11: Last three things you had to drink?
water x 3 im boring
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
did you mean: my straight phase
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
absolutely not
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
uhh i think i move on kinda quick but also no relationship or crush i had before my current gf were very serious so idk
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon? 
i was in the backseat of my car w my gf parked at this park and my mom drove by us and she didn’t see us or realize it was my car but man was that awkward
18: Hold hands with anyone this week? 
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? 
20: What would you name your future daughter?
uhhh idk i like the name grace a lot
21: Do you miss anyone?
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed
not my last one but i did kiss my gf on her bed today
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
yes that’s why i get scared to tell people when i’m mad at them bc i always cry about it
26: Who did you last see in person?
my brother, we were watching videos from the weird side of youtube just a min ago
27: Are you listening to music right now?
no i’m in a weird mood where even listening to music seems overwhelming rn. it’s been a day
28: What is something you currently want right now?
to go to sleep. i finally get a day to sleep in tomorrow and i’m takin the whole damn day off i’m tired
29: What is the last thing you said out loud?
“why did peppa pig’s parents murder their kids”, in reference to a very weird youtube video my brother and i watched
30: How is your heart lately?
not to be edgy but it’s been so sad sometimes i get chest pain just from bein sad
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? 
sometimes ya
32: Are you wearing socks?
33: What do people call you?
elyse, mom, dad, elly, that one ginger, my gay friend
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? 
she just texted me
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
a whooooole lot of em
36: Who did you last share a bed with?
my gf and i laid in her bed for a while today
37: Did you do something good today?
tried to
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
i hugged my dad this morning
39: Do you get stressed out easily?
40: Did you sing today?
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
yeah all the time
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
my gf or my friend stein or my friend joe or my friend elissa sometimes my brother or my mom or i just vent here or on my sideblog
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
44: What are you listening to right now?
my brother playing his new batman game in the other room
45: What is wrong with you right now?
got my hopes up again
46: What is on your wrists right now?
my tattoos
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing
forever 21 probably
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
hot chocolate
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
50: Are you a good artist?
nah i’m alright
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
can be
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
idk things were just as bad then i’m pretty sure. make it 7 and then yeah
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
54: Do you have trust issues?
i’ve sorta started to develop them. used to trust too easily and now all that does to me is make me wanna die
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?
i stayed up until like 3:30 AM skyping some girl i liked a long time ago, i don’t talk on the phone tbh
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?
i have some angsty band shirts and some chokers my emo friend bought me
57: Do you use chapstick?
every day. gotta love that burt’s bees
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
59: Do you have a little sister?
no a lil brother
60: Have you ever been to New York?
yes i was just there for my second time before Christmas last year !! it was nice but v cold. also i was a lot more hyped about it the first time i went, bc the second time i was a lil :/ the whole time. maybe i was just bein moody
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? 
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
tonight i’m in a Mood and i wanna be alone but sleepin by my gf is nice
69: Will next Friday be a good one?
i have the day off so i am hoping so
70: Are you happy?
honestly not to sound emo again but i’ve been the least happy i have ever been the last six or so months
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How does one even date?
(its a long one oh boy) 
Dating has always been hard for me, growing up I never really had an interest with girls because I mean, Im gay. But I didn't know that growing up so I never really thought twice about it. I had so many friends that were girls and what in my mind were crushes on them but nothing ever happened, it was elementary school. 
The only real crush I can said I confidently had on a girl is my best friend i’ll call SH. I met SH when I was in middle school, I’ll never forget the day she sat with me on the bus ride home. The first sort of interaction I had with her, we just talked and talked and talked the whole ride, before she got off the bus she gave me her cell phone number. Not because she was hitting on me but because we were becoming friends. She and Jo actually dated for the longest time, thats more of how I met her, Jo introduced me. But me and her just hit it off. Once we started high school we just never stopped talking, always I was with her and just we were the best of friends. It was also during this time when I started high school that I developed what i now know was depression, I didn't know it at the time but I would just fall into these periods of time that would sometimes last for a few days where I just wouldn't want to do anything. Nothing that usually brought me enjoyment helped. Like I said though it would last a few days then disappear until about a month later. But anyways it was in the end of my sophomore year I actually dated this other girl I’ll call Cry, I had only really known Cry for about a year, I had met her in our freshman year. She was pretty cool, had some similar interests in bands and movies and art, she also ran cross country and track with me. But she had a major crush on me I guess and so Im like sure why not. But by that point I had began to question my sexuality. It was the beginning of that whole thing so I just pushed it to the back of my head like nah Im not gay pshh. But so I agreed to date Cry, but I had no idea what I was doing. Nothing felt any different, I didn't feel like obligated to be with her all the time, to hold her hand or kiss her or anything really. Nothing inside me changed. People had asked me like, why aren’t you with your girlfriend? The don't you wait for her after class or walk with her anywhere. How was I supposed to know? She was the first girlfriend I ever had, I had no idea what I was and waste supposed to do. So after a week I broke up with her, now Im also god awful at confrontation when it comes to important stuff so I wrote her a note and left it with her stuff after school and left. I felt bad but I knew that what I was doing wasn’t right, being in a relationship should feel more than that.
So after Cry I had began to turn my attention to Sh, because by that point I was beginning to understand what being in a relationship was supposed to be like. What it was to like someone and want to be with them. When I try to think about the time frame in which everything happen it all blurs a bit now. Now that I think about it, I think the whole ordeal with Cry happened the end of freshman year. I think it was the beginning of sophomore year Sh and Jo had broken up because surprise surprise Jo was gay. It made me laugh because right after they broke up he said to her Hey you should date him, talking about me. By this time I was like halfway understanding that I was gay. So junior year me and Sh hung out all the time, like I mean all the time, we texted so much, hung out after school when we could, went to each others houses all the time, we told each other everything. She truly is my best friend. But we had decided to try and “date” as we said, most people thought we were dating anyway which made both of us laugh. I remember one night, my mom and brothers were going to see Monsters University and Man of Steel in a drive in theatre and I invited Sh along because me and her are giant fucking nerds and really wanted to see Man of Steel. Mom still laughs this day because the moment we picked Sh up till we got to the movie me and Sh did not stop talking the whole car ride. But on the drive back it was late maybe about midnight or 1 and me and Sh were sharing headphones. I let her pick the songs off my phone but she had placed my phone on my thigh but left her hand on it. In my mind I was thinking “do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. Lay your hand on hers, do it. Its what she wants you to do and you know it.” I never did. Me and her had talked about it later, like yeah I was entirely aware of it but I was still unsure. She confirmed my thoughts.
 It was that summer between sophomore and junior year that I told her I was gay. I told her on my 15th birthday actually. We were texting and having a serious conversation about our relationship, I had texted her Im gay then I immediately dropped my phone and took a half hour shower and didn't respond. I was terrified of her response. Of course she was mad at me. Now in my mind my thought process from the beginning was, alright, I’ll see where it’l go with Sh. If it doesn't work out and I don't feel anything for her then I must be gay because if I was straight me and her would be living together at this moment and would have been dating for over 3 years now. She was my fail safe, if I wasn’t attracted to her then it was a surefire sign I was gay. And she called me out on it, she said I had used her. And she was right, I felt awful I cried so much that night. I may not be sexually attracted to her but god damn it I do love her like family. She is my absolute best friend and I would do anything for her, me may have butted heads and not agreed on everything but we still are best friends to this day. I really hope she feels the same way. 
My nest summer between my junior and senior year I had my first boyfriend. I’ll call him Z. Now Im not sure if it was just because he was my first chance at a boyfriend or what but I'm not sure why I dated him to begin with. He was a year older than me, a giant theater kid, had to be the center of attention for every conversation, will talk over you in conversations, just very loud in general and energetic. But he was so sweet, he really cared about how I felt and respected my boundaries. He truly cared about my well being, but he was also a little controlling with who I talked to and hung out with. To this day he has been my longest relationship at 4 months. Towards the end of the relationship I had began to just lose this spark I had, he began to feel overbearing and too much for me. I had just wanted to calm down and relax, he was also much more sexual than me. I have still to this day never had sex or anything. He had done so much more than me but respected my boundaries and moved at my pace which I respect him for so much. But I had broken up with him just after 4 months because I had lost the spark. I broke up with him through text because as I said I am horrible at confrontation, I knew he would cry and that would make me feel terrible and probably cry and just I knew it would not end well if I did it in person. I said though I would still like to be friends and he agreed. I still talk to him every now and again. He's a good person still
A few months after me and Z he had got another boyfriend ill call H. A few weeks after that I had began talking to another guy I’ll call T. T had actually messaged me first through instagram. I had never seen or talked to him before. He had gone to one of Z’s performances and that was the one time I had ever seen him. Turns out he began talking to C just to talk to me, so he used C to get closer to me which I felt bad for. But T and I had dated for about a month? Im not sure really it wasnt a long time. He was kind of rude really, constantly insulting me in someway or teasing me but not in a playful way. I had called him out on it and he had gotten better at least. In my opinion he was much more attractive than Z, at least in the face. T was really sweet as well, so calm and kind, smart, thoughtful, but still kind of a dick somehow. He had began to get pretty clingy asking for me to hangout every weekend. During that time I was in swim season so literally every weekend I had a meet all day and Sundays I worked and I had just gotten my license so I couldn't be out late plus my curfew. It was just a hard time, plus I had also lost the spark pretty fast as well. Eventually he called me at a swim meet and we had broke up. Said we should take a break and see other people. We didn't talk for a few weeks but then he texted me a few times but I still wasn't feeling anything for him and that was that really. I do miss him at least, he was a cool person but dating just didn't work out for us. That doesn't mean I never wanted to see him again. He never talks to me anymore, I hope he’s doing well. He’s got a new boyfriend now, he didn't date or talk to anyone since me I don't think but at least he seems happy now. That Im glad for at least. 
After T I didn't talk to anyone for almost over 2 years. Going into dating T, I was aware that it probably wouldn't last long because I was going to college in Portland, OR and long distance would be impossible. So I started something I knew that had an expiration date on which I felt bad about but part of me was like no you never know it may work out! But of course it didn't. That summer between Junior and Senior year was a very lonely one, my depression hit me pretty hard. At the time I still wasn’t really aware of what it was but part of me was like nah you can't be depressed. You’re such a happy person thats stupid. It was a hard time. Once I got out to Portland, that winter I had met and talked to a new guy, my most recent boyfriend i’ll call A. At first I wasn’t sure how to take A, he was very straightforward which was nice. I think the first interaction I had with him was at an art museum and he just turns to me and says “has anyone told you how attractive you are?” and just I'm an awkward person in general, I have no idea how to react to compliments I am still terrible with them. Idk what to say because I don't want to sound conceited and full of myself but what do you say just thank you? Idk but after that he had my attention and we slowly began to start talking. That winter before Christmas break we had made it official and started dating. He honestly is the sweetest person i’ve dating so far, he was so incredibly caring, he helped me through so much, so many panic attacks and random things of anxiety. I stayed at his dorm so many nights in a row, I saw him just about every day for about a month I think. He respected my boundaries but also challenged me and what I was into. Now I myself have and will never give a blowjob, I just don't understand them, why would I want to put my mouth down there I already don't like my own body hair I'm not gonna stick my mouth in all that. Dicks are weird, but he has given me a few blowjobs. Im indifferent with them, they just feel weird. Not bad but not like pleasurable either really. He was the first boyfriend, or other person in general for that matter that I have let seen me naked. He had also brought up the idea to take a bath or shower together as well but I never did. Every night I saw him he wanted to do something though and just after a while I wanted to do something else. I felt like he was only with me for my dick. I hate talking about myself but I guess I am well endowed down there. But it means nothing to me, like whoopdeedoo. I don't understand why so many guys are just so invested in dick, like it seems like thats all they want I don't understand. But A was always groping me when he got a chance or playing with it. He would always make a note about when I was aroused whether just laying with him chilling in bed or before he would leave or I would leave. It was always about my dick it seemed, and I brought this up to him and he told me that my dick was the last thing he cared about and that it was me as a person that he was attracted to. My looks were just an added bonus. We almost broke up a few weeks before school had let out but I wasn't ready to let the relationship die. He felt like I wasn’t interested anymore. I liked him but wasnt attracted to him and thats where I think we differed. Im just not a sexual person, I started to think around that time that I was asexual because just none of that stuff is even remotely interesting to me, Id just rather not. But A had began to feel like I wasn't interested anymore, that I wasnt as invested in him as I was at the start. Part of me was, the other half of me wasnt. He was right, but I wasnt ready for that yet. I needed his support, I was so alone and scared at the time. The first time we almost broke up I was on the verge of tears which I had never done with someone before. It was also the first time that I was being broken up with plus it was in person. But in the moment I wasnt going to let it happen. We turned the situation around and I did try, I tried to be more interested in him, I tried to pleasure him in the only way I was comfortable with i.e. a hand job. I had gotten him off quite a few times but he had never gotten me off. Not once, and he was so hung up about it. He was bound and determined to get me off, but it never happened. Idk why really, I can get myself off but its just different when someone else does it. Im very sensitive to touch, especially down there, around my stomach and inner thighs when other people touch me so Idk whats going on there. But we had made it through the end of the school year and tried to do long distance. It only lasted a few weeks. I had gotten busy seeing my friends, family, getting work set up I was really busy. Me and A didn't text a whole lot or FaceTime. So after a few weeks I was actually hanging out with Sh, Jo and C at Sh’s apartment when A called me. I knew what it was from the text he had sent me an hour earlier. It was calm and we both agreed that we should see other people. We’re still friends though and I text him every now and again. Its been these late cold nights though that I do miss him. Im going back out to Portland this December to see all my friends I made out there. I hope I get to see him again. I do miss him now. I miss his company and him as a person. But there were reasons we broke up and whats done is done now. 
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asksansweredpdf · 5 years
1:  Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie. i don’t have one particular favourite movie per se. but  star wars: i binge watched them at my friend’s house just before the ast jedi came out. i knew nothing about star wars and watched everything within 2/3 days. then, about a week later i watched the force awakens. and that was purely because we decided to watch the last jedi (which had just come out in cinemas) the next day. honestly, i didn’t care for star wars much skdjfhdjk but the force awakens really got me into it. and the last jedi fully sold me. then i went back and rewatched and i loooove the empire strikes back. now they’re my favourite movies. marvel: again, i hadn’t seen any marvel. but i had pretty much every friend i had yelling at me to catch up before end game came out. i loosely planned on watching them, but didn’t really get around to it until i got baked at a friends house and we had nothing to do. so we watched age of ultron and iron man and some others (i was too stoned to remember). i was sold i loved every second. and the fact that i was very high and rdj was very cute didn’t hurt. i went home the next day and watched ragnarok which happened to be probably the best movie i’d ever seen at that point. the next day, we got stoned again and watched infinity war. it was so fucked but amazing. i booked tickets for me and my dad to watch end game this saturday. 
2:  Talk about your first kiss. oh god. i was 15 and there was this guy who i thought was cool. he was a friend of my very gay crush at the time. me and the crush had a falling out later on. and a lot of other fucked up shit happened around that time period. i moved to his (the friend's) neighbourhood as it happened. we got talking because we had the same taste in music. and my best friend at the time put in a good word for me. i didn’t think of him as much more than a friend tbh, but my life was going to shit and i wanted to get out of the house ad have fun. so we organised to meet up at our town’s centre shopping place. i told my parents i was going with [insert random female names here] to hang out since we moved into a new place. they bought it and offered to drive me. i honestly thought we were just going to chill out and eat food. i was also nervous that this was a set up from his friend who was my crush, since the crush hated me and probably would have plotted to do something fucked. however, it turned out not to be a set up. we ended up walking around the suburb. this was much to my disapproval, because i was not very fit and had a strong dislike for exercise. he could tell i was tired and we decided to stop and sit down on this brick wall thing at the corner of a street. there was some terrible flirting on my part, and the next thing i know i was kissing this guy. i was pretty excited because every 15 year old girl wants their first kiss. and especially edgy ones who needed a distraction. i came home with no lipstick and chapped lips. lucky my parents were too busy to notice. 
3:  Talk about the person you've had the most intense romantic feelings for.  most intense? i could list best friends, but in terms of intensity i think it would be this guy that i moved out with for the first time. i know this sounds terrible, but he was my best friend’s boyfriend at the time. i was pretty sure i was a lesbian at the time and i’m also not fucked up. so i wasn’t expecting this at all. because of the whole gay thing, and me being a flirty shit with anyone, i ended up very shamelessly flirting with him. he was sooo pretty, and im not just saying this. objectively, he is still probably one of the best looking people i’ve ever seen. and i own mirrors. anywayyyy, i took my sister to this lana del rey concert one day. not a lana fan personally, but borns was opening and i like him. turns out i like borns a lot. a hell of a lot. next day, i found myself talking to my best friend and her boyfriend and being like “hey i think i might be bi”. their reaction can be quoted as “oh cool okay.” the night after the concert, we got drunk. not a great idea, because i love to flirt when sober. so when i’m drunk and have literally 0 shame it’s a lot of fun but also an entire disaster. my friend bought her friend over and they were talking, which left me and the bf. the boys started teaching me self defence and were doing the whole smooth thing where they stand pressed up behind you and move your arms for you. they put me into headlocks and taught me how to get out and stuff. i was so drunk the ground kept spinning. a lot of terrible outrageous flirting ensued, like choking, touching adams apples, arm tickles, hugs that lasted 10 minutes while he had a knife in his pocket for whatever reason? more hugs like that but now featuring grinding. we slept in the same bed (just slept. nothing else. don’t get too excited). cuddling while in the same bed. laying on his chest and falling asleep. him playing with my hair. one time he played with my tiddies. this was over the course of like 9 months. whenever we werent 2 seconds away from like ..... jumping each other, we were just flirting in the most unsubtle way. obviously nothing happened, because he had a gf and everything. and as much as i didnt want to, i started to get some reeeeeal feelings. turns out the guy was a dick who only flirted with me whenever his gf wasnt paying attention to me. i later cut the whole thing off, and he started to act like a real dick to me. but yeaaahh. that was some intense shit. 
4:  Talk about the thing you regret most so far. probably not getting a license for any vehicle. that’s held me back so much the last 5 years. i wouldn’t have had to go through half the shit i did, if i could just drive
5:  Talk about the best birthday you've had. my 15th birthday! i had raspberry chocolate bullets, watched movies in class because it was end of term, my friends bought me presents to school. the guy i had a crush on came to where i was sitting and sung a song to me in front of everyone. i think my friend bought me a club penguin membership? i ate pide and played league with crush and crush’s crush.
6:  Talk about the worst birthday you've had. my 18th. i don’t want to talk too much about it because im very drunk atm but basically, i was suuuper depressed already that year. my mum was doing cocaine every spare second she could, and screwing men for it so she could get it for free (of course, none of us knew this at the time). whenever she wasn’t doing coke she was screaming at everyone for like, not taking pictures of her enough, or for eating dinner without asking her, etc. she and my dad were constantly either yelling at each other, or were 2 seconds away from yelling at each other. we went to a clothes shopping outlet. which i very outwardly expressed my hatred for, btw. my mum got mad because my dad told her not to look at clothes, because it was my 18th. my mum didn’t talk for the rest of the time we were in the shopping centre. i could feel the tension rising because they were in the 2 seconds away from having a fight period. i came home and watched sailor moon in my room alone. later my parents brought a cake and lit the candles. dad said to me “my god i am so sorry. this has been the most amazing birthday, hasnt it? you should thank your mother. she’s just the best. i’m so sorry! i never wanted this for you”. and, you know, my coke fuelled mother just screamed her lungs off and gave it right back to him. and my aries dad just yelled right back. and the candles were lit in the dark room and wax was dripping onto my chocolate birthday cake. and i hated chocolate flavoured cake. and i just wanted to run away all day because i knew this was going to happen. and they couldn’t even hold it together for me? or for my 18th? so i just sat there and cried as they screamed at eachother. i blew out the candles and ran into my bedroom and watched vines in my room. the end! :D
7:  Talk about your biggest insecurity. honestly, i don’t have a lot of insecurities. i have a lot of fears, but not insecurities. i guess i’m insecure about my body in certain places. i have a scar from an operation i had when i was 9 and it makes my stomach look chubby, but only on one side? it’s out of proportion and weird. and i have violin hips. 
8:  Talk about the thing you are most proud of. honestly, it’s so simple, but i’m really proud of still being alive. i thought for sure i’d be dead by now
9:  Talk about little things on your body that you like the most. i love my back! it sounds weird, but i have a rly nice waist and my back is sooo soft and smooth and it goes in at the waist and its so nice to touch and look at. and i have really nice and toned legs. and my arms are getting toned now too because my work makes me carry a lot of heavy stuff. and my baby sister is getting bigger and i’m usually the one to hold her. and i have nice hands too. but my favourite thing is my face and hair.
10:  Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had. oh god. not going into much detail about this at all because i spend like 3 or 4 years crying about this. it featured: 2 best friends of mine who i had been friends with for 10 years; my crush at the time; random people off the internet i’d never met before. like i said before, i was a 15 year old with a lot going on. maybe that didn’t make it okay for me to be as annoying as i was, but it’s done now. they all got into a skype group chat together without me. and call it paranoia, but i call it intuition. i knew they were all shit talking me. i could tell there was something up for a while now. they all started changing their online profiles to something that very clearly mocked me, they started making posts about me, and posts that were clearly parodies of my posts. and i sort of went along with it because i dont like to stir up much trouble. but the posts just got worse and worse to where it was like ‘you were so weird and creepy’ and calling me names and stuff. honestly, i can’t even remember anymore because i spend a while blocking it out. but it was pretty mean. but it hurt more because there were all the people i was closest to, all saying fucked up shit about me. and then random people who lived in my city who i didnt know. after the fight ended, we never spoke again. but i spend the next 2 years afraid that i would bump into somebody from online in person and they would recognise me, and the whole thing would happen again
11:  Talk about the best dream you've ever had. tbh i dont remember a lot of my dreams. i usually have nightmares anyway? i think i had a dream i could fly and had like magic powers and stuff. i was 8 or something and it was fun. 
12:  Talk about the worst dream you've ever had. after i moved out of my parents house, i had a lot of nightmares about my mum. again, i don’t remember specifics because i tried to block out the memory, but i remember feeling terrified, and then waking up relieved to remember i was out of there. after that, i started smoking weed which meant no dreaming which was good
13:  Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time. i haven’t had like..... sex sex yet. i’ve been almost raped a few times? skfsdkjfl that sounds so cringey. but yeah! i dont know though, i imagine i’ll probably be super drunk for my first time. or maybe high. they make me more confident than usual. and for some reason i dont really like the idea of sex when im sober. i don’t think i’d be willing to be vulnerable with someone unless it was in a circumstance like that, maybe. and i’d be sure i wouldn’t have to see them again later on unless i wanted to. that way if i embarrassed myself, it wouldn’t matter. it would just be a terrible memory no one else would ever have to know about. 
14:  Talk about a vacation. i want one of these answers to not be about a fucked up memory of mine but i ...... truly can’t recall something? i guess there was a christmas i had when i was a kid (maybe around 8 or 10) and i’ll leave out the fucked up bits. but i stayed with my mother’s family and my grandmother owned a holiday apartment thing which had a pool and my uncles had horses and i got to see everyone and my uncles were super funny and let me play video games with them.
15:  Talk about the time you were most content in life. there was this period for about ..... 3 months in my last year of high school just before i graduated. all my assignments were over, and my major works were all finished. i was just putting the finishing touches on them. and all i had to do was study for exams. i got into the swing of school. and my friend got her license so she used to drive us places after school and we would hang out and do dumb shit together. i didn’t care what anyone thought of me because i knew i wouldn’t have to see them again in 6 months unless i wanted to. the next time was this few months after i’d just moved out of my parent’s house. probably 4 or 5 months. i had been dreaming of having my own place for like, my entire childhood. and i finally did! and it was with my best friend and this guy i really liked. and all i did was go to uni for a few hours a day. and then that was it! my time was all my own to do whatever i wanted with. i didn’t have a lot of money but i was so so so happy. i used to take myself to the movies. i was in walking distance of a train station and uni. so i could go wherever i wanted, whenever i wanted. i just felt so free
16:  Talk about the best party you've ever been to. the first part of my house-warming party was probably the best. i got really drunk, and someone’s mum brought weed so i was reeeeeally drunk and then reeeeeally high. i was dressed in the cutest outfit and a few people were flirting with me. actually, i think i made out with like 3 different people that night. and my friend bought me flowers! which i loved because no one had ever bought me flowers before. and we went to the park and i was so high and drunk and the little swing ride i was on felt like a rollercoaster. 
17:  Talk about someone you want to be friends with. hmmmmm to be honest, i’m trying not to make friends at the moment. i have a lot of other stuff i need to focus on. and having friends only leads to disappointment and heartbreak. i have a few friends i’ve accidentally made, but i’m trying to keep my distance from them so that we’re just ‘friends’ and not ‘good friends’ or anything like that. but secretly, i do love them a lot. 
18:  Talk about something that happened in elementary school. me and my best friend at the time were doing a school play about mary the saint (i went to catholic school). there were 3 of us: me, my best friend, and some guy who didnt have friends so we let him in our group. anyway, i wanted to play mary, but for whatever reason, this dude reeeeeeally fucking wanted to be mary. he started like yelling and stomping and being like “NO! i want to be mary!” and then just as he stomped his foot, a branch from a tree fell right on his head. and, without missing a beat, my friend goes “well, that branch hit you on the head so now you can’t be mary” and i laughed my ass off and he cried 19:  Talk about something that happened in middle school. omg these are all going to be funny stories because why not. so this one time in like 6th grade, we had to use calculators to do some complex maths work. and there was this one calculator that kept fucking up and giving the wrong answers. i  knew enough basic maths at that point to know that the calculator was faulty. anyway so me and my friends gave it to this other kid just to punk him a little right. turns out he didn’t realise it was a broken calculator and he finished his work and handed it in to the teacher, and proceeded to get in trouble sjlfsorerjlksjr
20:  Talk about something that happened in high school. omg so in high school i did this multimedia class. so we would film events like chapels (i went to a christian high school) and assembly, etc. and what we filmed would go on the big screens for everyone to see. kinda like a concert. and anyway, one time this kid got in trouble in front of everyone, and my classmate did this dramatic zoom on our multimedia teacher as he stormed out of the auditorium, dramatically walking out to get the kid in trouble
21:  Talk about a time you had to turn someone down. oh so this one time after i finished school i started going through rough patch #2 and i just needed a friend to talk to. and this guy from school was sort of the only friend who kept checking up on me and inviting me out places. and i liked that. i didn’t always have enough energy to do stuff or talk, because, depression. but i appreciated the fact that he cared. never thought much about it. until one day, we hadn’t spoken for like a month and he tells me suddenly that he has feelings for me. and of course, that’s so sweet and i did love the guy. but i wasn’t in the headspace for a relationship at all. i really just needed a friend. and i felt so terrible
22:  Talk about your worst fear. my worst fear ever? it used to be dying. but i think now it’s just having to go through what i went through again. my worst fear would be being a child again and being at the mercy of others and having to rely on them. my worst fear is trusting people and having them completely fuck you up. again and again. and not being able to do anything about it because you need them. 
23:  Talk about a time someone turned you down. hoo boy. i was 15 and made friends with someone on the internet who turned out to go to my school. developed a crush on him, but he was very gay. i ended up telling him for whatever reason. and that went just about the way you’d think
24:  Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
i don’t know. most people don’t know what they’re talking about when they give me advice. and i’m not saying that to be arrogant, but just most people haven’t been through much and not to sound self-pitying but i’ve been through a lot in a short amount of time. these are just facts here. so i don’t really believe what people say. i used to have this friend who was and will probably always be the only person who could ever make me laugh. genuinely. it felt like soulmates, but i was like a kid. but we had exactly the same sense of humour, and she was so witty and quick and would always have the best comedic timing. i really admired her and still do. anyway, one time she called me effortlessly funny. and that meant a lot then and still does now. 
25:  Talk about an ex-best friend. i just did, but sure. i’ll keep talking about her because i’m already thinkig of her. i’m pretty sure she was a capricorn rising. she had this really deadpan humour and it was always hilarious. we were friends since we were 4 years old. and i dont think i appreciated it as much as i should have at the time, but we really did grow up together and in each others arms. she was very cool and closed off and serious. and i got to see her funny and silly side. but what was even cooler than that was that i got to know her emotionally. she had a twin, and looking back, i don’t think her twin even saw as much of that as i got to. we used to have talks about anything and everything. you know those people who you can stay up all night laughing with and talking to and it doesn’t even feel like it’s been 10 minutes and all of a sudden the sun is coming up? but it was so effortless and fun and. yeah. it was like that. i still haven’t met anyone like that since. we later had a falling out and i met her again after like a year but we both had our walls up and that’s sort of when i realised how much we really trusted each other. you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone kinda thing. 
26:  Talk about things you do when you're sick. complain. bitch. complain some more. i usually buy nasal spray because having a blocked nose is SO ANNOYING. and otherwise, i don’t mind being sick too much. like obviously it’s not ideal but you do what you can. if i’m truly annoyed with being sick, i just sleep so i don’t have to be awake to deal with it
27:  Talk about your favorite part of someone else's body. i love girls tummys and waists
28:  Talk about your fetishes. idk i like some light bondage, light choking, a biiiiit very much maybe potentially kinda into rapeplay, and spanking is fun
29:  Talk about what turns you on. most of what turns me on is like dom/sub power dynamics. im into scanarios that have a looooot of sexual build up and tension. it’s pretty much foreplay for me personally. especially if it’s like flirty banter or implications, and dirty talk can be fun if done right. 
30:  Talk about what turns you off. absolutely not into anal at all. complete turn off. not at all into the thing where people get off on girls acting like kids, or people who think fucking someone who is asleep is hot. idk i like most normal shit tbh. anything else is probably weird for a reason
31:  Talk about what you think death is like. i think it’s probably the most painful experience you’ll ever have physically. and then everything goes black and that’s it
32:  Talk about a place you remember from your childhood. i remember my childhood house’s backyard. it was massive and had like a step in the middle where the grass changed levels. there was a swingset with a slide. and for the majority of my childhood my parents were doing renovations, so there were lots of holes in the backyard that we used to dodge. we used to catch lizards and i used to collect bird feathers. and at the very back, right in front of the back fence, my parents planted little trees and chillis
33:  Talk about what you do when you are sad. i immediately find the fastest way to be alone. i immediately listen to music. i drink or smoke or get high on something. or i try to make myself laugh if i’m at work and can’t do either of those things. if i can’t make myself laugh, i try to talk to a customer and pretend to be happy hoping that whatever they have to say will distract me from whatever i’m sad about. 
34:  Talk about the worst physical pain you've endured. eugh. every year i somehow get sent to the hospital because i can’t stop vomiting. i dont know how because its always for different reasons. but i always end up puking an excessive amount on an annual basis. the worst pain is when you can’t stop vomiting, so your stomach just cramps and cramps and cramps and you vomit but nothing happens and it just cramps again. it’s literally worse than period cramps. and mine are so bad.
35:  Talk about things you wish you could stop doing. having anxiety. i overthink a lot which doesnt help either. the thing is that i studied psychology, and i still don’t know how to stop myself from being so anxious. like i know how much it affects my work and stuff but i just can’t stop feeling like i’m about to die at any given second.
36:  Talk about your guilty pleasures. drinking, drugs, smoking, im not even guilty about those. idk. to quote niall hora- i mean pink, i’m not guilty about any of my pleasures
37:  Talk about someone you thought you were in love with. an old best friend. different to aforementioned best friend. we were friends for 6 years. not as close as the other one, but close as i’ve been to someone since. we were both depressed and going through stuff and both flirted with each other just for shits and gigs. idk. i think we really only bonded because we were both depressed and suicidal and having someone else around who is going through the same stuff makes everything so much more bearable. once i stopped being depressed i stopped being as close and as in love. but at the time, it was really nice and beautiful, we truly could talk about anything together. i could have opened with “i love being dominated in bed” instead of “hello” and she would have just rolled with it. we used to dream about the future together and hold hands and hug. idk. we used to just hang out together and there was never any pressure to do anything or be anyone. it was just us being our dorky selves.
38:  Talk about songs that remind you of certain people. goodbye stranger by supertramp reminds me of above mentioned friend, two of us by the beatles reminds me of first mentioned best friend, and i love her by the beatles reminds me of this friend group i had for 10 years. princess by shortstack reminds me of this friend i had for a few years who i almost had a thing with because i knew she liked me but neither of us ever said anything. 
39:  Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier. i wish i’d have known that it’s not a good or admirable trait to be so open with people so quickly. you shouldn’t immediately show people that you trust them or like them, and you definitely shouldn’t get so excited about things for them. it makes you look naive and they will definitely just use you.  i wish i’d known to get my license earlier i wish i’d have known what weed was like earlier. it really would have helped me out a lot.
40:  Talk about the end of something in your life. the end of high school was really hard. i know a lot of people hated high school. and i did. but once i got to my final 2 years, i had this confidence that comes with being older in school and it was really nice. i love the routine we had and the forced structure school made you have in your life. i enjoyed mucking around with teachers and that feeling of starting assignments before they’re due. being at school was nice because i mostly kept to myself and was generally well-liked. so i had this big support system that got me through a lot. and school ending meant that the support i had also ended. and then i had nothing and nobody and went through so much and had to be alone for it all. the end of school coincided with the worst period of my life #2, probably because i was at home to experience a lot more. 
0 notes
an9el · 7 years
do all the valentine’s day asks (!!!!!)
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? 
Did ya’ll know that the actual definition for having a crush is: ‘a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate.’ With that definition I do not. I don’t get crushes on people often, but tbh whenever I meet someone new I often consider what it would be like if I did date them. What it would be like to talk to them, hold them, support them, love them. I’m just always dreamin’ of havin a healthy and committed relationship with someone because I just love lovin’ people and gettin loved back. 
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
Listen baby, I’m a pieces moon. Any emotion I feel I’m feelin it to the most extreme at all times. Which is why I’m glad anger is not an emotion I can capture well. But to answer the question yes it was with someone who used to mean a great deal to me. I was so in love with them that it became toxic for myself and them. I was willing to do anything for them, at whatever cost. It’s the loyalty of my Leo sun ill say.  But now I’m deeply in love with myself, all my current relationships with the people around me, and the sun. 
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?
The one I’m currently in now is gonna hit 2 months soon and I think that is the longest I have been with someone in an romantic relationship. All my other ones we’re fast, unhealthy, and honestly I was only in them because I felt it was my only chance at someone loving me. But the one I’m in now is vvv good and I’m vv happy with it. Other relationship wise, @greenteajuice is someone I care for very deeply as she has been in my life the longest platonically and has always supported me. I’ve known @teasquid since kindergarden tho! but we just recently became friends a couple years back, and im thankful to have them with me. 
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
Yeah! I used to change what I liked and didn’t like based off of the people who I surrounded myself with in order to get them to like me. I used to agree with what they wanted or said! and that is  why I have a little trouble making my own opinions or assertions on stuff because I’m so used to just going along with whatever my friends or partners say! But no more! I am living for me and only me now. But change isn’t all bad! someone can show you the good in something you hate, and the bad in something you loved. its life. 5: How is your relationship with your ex?
My ex was a really nice fellow, she was very funny and kind and caring. But I think she rushed into a relationship with me mainly based on my physical appearances and I went along with it because I was bad with rejecting someone so kind, and again, I was just in it to be in it honestly. It was the first relationship I had with dealings of polyamory and I considered myself a mono person before hand. I like to think me and her other partner were held on the same levels but, in reality we were not. She was very much in love with them, more than she was with me. But not without reason, she just had more of a connection and history with them. Also me and her partner didn’t talk at all, which didn’t help either. I often felt, not actually apart of the loop, i like connecting with people, especially if its someone who is dear to my s/o’s, so it hurt that we did’t really communicate often. BUT my ex is still someone who is in my life and i care for her as a friend and nothing more. I’m happy with where we are now. and I learned a lot from being with her. I actually forget we dated lol. 
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
No! But that would surely break my heart I know. 7: Have you ever cheated?
Nope! I would rather like, literally die, than betray someones trust like that. 8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?
Depends! I’d have to get to know them and build up a level of trust and such. 
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?
COMMUNICATION! TALK TO ME! U HAVIN PROBLEMS! LET ME KNOW! U WANT SOMETHING THAT IM NOT GIVING YOU! TELL ME AND WE CAN WORK ON IT! TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE AND CARE ABOUT ME! GIVE ME REASSURANCE! just fuckin communicate about any and all things I promise that will lead to such a healthy and strong relationship! 10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
I mentally cannot handle flings or short term relationships. It really fucks me up emotionally and makes me wanna d*e!!! I just get really involved and wanna spend my life with that person 4eva and shit so when they’re not with that or dont want it im like!! whats the point theN! also i low low key have abandonment issues so yeah ahha. 11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?
Breaks! I mean yeah sometimes you need to get away from a person ! WHICH is why you should not spend 24/7 with ur partner, that much time with anyone would drive someone mad! no matter how much u love them. but meaning like, semi-breaking up? i mean if your realtionship has gotten to that point, i’d rather just talk about whats causing it to get like this, and work it out. but  a breather is never bad i suppose. 12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
One and it made me feel real bad. I only will ever be involved in sexual conduct with someone if I trust them enough to be that vulnerable and if I find them sexually attractive, which isn’t common since my grey ass only gets a boner for commitment and compliments. 13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
I regret going into the relationships for the wrong reasons. 14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
If you’re still considered a ‘kid’ I think you should hold off, but it’s impossible to stop them from doing what they want, and as so, we should educate them so when they do do it, they are being safe. 15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?
In what context? As in I’m 76 but I can still wear pink pencil shirts, a crop top, boa scarf and 6 inches heels cause “age is just a number” or “if she’s 16 than im 16″ cause the later is gross but the former i rock with 
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?
I believe in infatuation at first sight. The idea of someone that you have created in your mind at first physical glance. 17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
Yeah of course what. the internet is just other tool that we use to connect and make bonds with people we normally couldn’t have done otherwise  
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
UM! probably if they exhibited signs of being a manipulative and/or abusive person yeah19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?
UH honestly I have no idea, im a ride or die type person as long as ur aren’t a complete shit bag! im willing to work on anything and talk through any issues as long as you are. but i suppose if we both understand that the relationship just isn’t working anymore and the connection just is and never will be there! 
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
yeah ! I am ! with my self, my friends, and my sweet sweet angel of a bf sam! 21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?, 
Yeah of course! As long as its healthy I would encourage it! 22: Do you think people should date their friends?
YEAHHHHHH! thats some good shit! 23: How many relationships have you had?
UM including the one im in now i think 3 24: Do you think love can last forever?
Depends on how strong and committed the love is, it would be hard to get to that stage of forever but nothing is impossible! 25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
Not institutionalized racism if that is what you mean26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?
Nah man my parents suck, if anything they should break up w/ someone if I don’t approve of them lmfao would probably fix a lot of things. 27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
Love yourself before you begin to love someone else. It’ll help. 
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
Yes! you just need to be willing to put in the time, effort,trust, energy, and commitment that comes with it29: What do you notice first about another person?
TBH this is such a leo thing but the clothes their wearing, and then their face! 
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
the only 4 sexualities yes. im queer and thats all i’ll say. i hate anything else tbh. if you like me im gay and if i like you im gay. thats it. 31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
nah man thats some wack shit right there if i did32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
nope! been in some unhealthy ones tho! 33: Do you want to get married one day?
possibly. for tax benefits mainly. also if me and my partner mutually agreed to wanting that yeah.34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?
nah thats wild bro 35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
baby, baby, i could live my whole life without sex. that shit doesn’t mean a lot to me personally. But if my partner was a someone who liked sex I would def be down36: Are you still a virgin?
nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i mean, kinda, idk how that works. 37: What’s more important: Looks or personality?
personality easy.38: Do you enjoy love films?
as long as they aren’t yt cis het ones yeAH!! 39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
my grandfather has given me some! and Thao gave me some on my birthday! but i dont like getting flowers ! they just die and its so sad! 40: Have you ever had a valentine?
nope! but thats okay because I am loved and cherised by my friends every single day! and thats better! 41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?
just spending time with the person I love in any setting is nice. 
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?
yeah, I played one of the main charters when reading it freshman year in English. 
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?
both?? equally?? no gross hierarchy?? 
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?
YEAH MAN YEAH MAN I love romance i love sappy shit i love doin gay stuff yes yes!!! 
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
OFC! I’d date any one of my friends cause their all cute and gay and great 46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?
that, like gender, is not real 47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?
Ian and Jaden! 48: What’s your favorite love song?
L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I do not think so?50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?
I’m not! but if i was hopefully its just because I understood that being in a relationship isn’t everything and it will come when it needs too
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy? 
I do not like this question
52: Are you good at giving other people advice’s regarding dating/ relationships?
I don’t like giving advice for other peoples relationships because its not mine to get involved with ! but if someone came for me asking i would try my best!53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single?
no??? thats so toxic ew54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?
i mean? if your partner is afraid of saying that they are with u to other people thats some issues but its cool if yall both wanna just like keep it to yourselves if thats ur jazz ya dig! But I love being shown off and appreciated! Really gets my dick hard
55:Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”?
im like a little overly attached but not in a toxic way, i just care a lot alot alot! but i know how to handle it and not let it get unhealthy! 56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship?
i do not think so :0! 57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
Don’t become so emotionally dependant on someone that without them, you think you’re life isn’t worth living anymore. thats like, super unhealthy for you and them. but people have died from a ‘broken heart’ before because their partner died, or was lost, etc. thats valid! but don’t take ur own life because of someone else! 
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?
this what yall really want huh, you want me to say if im a top or bottom! i’ll have you know that I can equally enjoy both parts! mainly a sub though i’ll admit. im a ba-by ok. 59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?
no, i write them in my calendar so ill remember! because my memory is awful!! 60: What’s your opinion on open relationships?
if it works for ya’ll then it works. be happy. thats all. 61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?
why,,, why is this a question!! love both?!! this is silly lmfao62: How do you define “cheating”?
engaging in any form of like romantic or sexual manner with another person w/o the consent or knowledge of your partner. 63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
nah??? treat yourself. make yourself feel good baby, no body knows how to pleasure yourself better than you 64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?
its capitalistic is what it is65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
Big time. Ask sam, I  wrap my body so tightly around that boy when we sleep together. 
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