#also can I just say: poking my head into this event and seeing Gamora in possession of all the infinity stones does put a smile on my face
age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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Infinity Wars (Vol. 1/2018), #3.
Writer: Gerry Duggan; Penciler and Inker: Mike Deodato Jr.; Colorist: Frank Martin Jr.; Letterer: Cory Petit
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
As We Can
Thor Odinson X Immortal!Reader
A/N: Am I doing another self-projection fic? Yes. Do I want to get the point across that I love you, no matter what you look like, and I will help you take care of yourself? Hell yes. Some of my closest companions are on the chunky side. I would kill for them. - Nemo
Warning(s): Idk but there’s a hell of a lot of talk about self-worth, and hence self-love. So talk about Insecurities, character Death (very brief - Loki hoes might cry), Angst, but also a buttload of f l u f f ! 
Summary: We all need to give ourselves some care sometimes. Thor is one of those people, so you give him a little help - and sometimes that comes in a many few different ways; words, music, flower crowns. 
[Gif was a Google find since Tumblr tags don’t have the representation. Creds to the maker, we love your work!] 
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Saying you’d lived for a long time was the understatement of the century. 
You’d lived through too many natural disasters to count - Mount Vesuvius one of the more memorable of such disasters - plus hundreds of wars, and as many ‘collenizations’ of ‘new worlds’ to poke a stick at - not to mention the sicknesses that passed by as well. 
By now you were pretty damn tired of it all. 
But then, on top of everything, you could add something that had never happened before. In much more recent years, Earth had taken to being invaded by aliens. The first and most obvious was that of the Chitauri in New York. The most recent was Thanos and his Army in Upstate New York. 
By this point in your life, you’d started to become ‘exposed’. As most immortals do, over time you showed up in different photographs and paintings over the years, and with access to anything from one place - a.k.a the internet - some started to put things together. 
You even had your own online conspiracy club. You were proud of that. 
While it didn’t exactly bother you, you could see it causing some problems in the future - especially if you showed up in more places more often. So you made a decision. You needed to get off Earth. 
Luckily, timing then had you neatly close to Tønsberg, having watched the events of Thanos’ newest attack on the news in your hotel room in Oslo, you fast-tracked your journey there - to ‘New Asgard' - forward a week. 
There you sought out Thor, and through him a passage off into space. 
Days, if not weeks passed - honest to god by now you couldn’t tell the difference - and while he was in no way the worst person to hang around, Thor was acting off. 
You’d never met him before your of-hand trip to space, but you had seen him on the news, online, and in papers. He was nothing like he was then, now. 
If you’d learn one thing in your age-less life it was that everyone needs a cause, a purpose. You’d spent the last three-hundred years - at least - devoting yourself to different causes, including the two World Wars, and it was clear to you that Thor currently did not have one.
So you decided to help him find it. 
Naturally you started with the subtle things. Being on a ship full of delinquents, also known as ex-space criminals, subtlety wasn’t always the best bet if you wanted something. Especially when it came to Drax. Hints went over his head like a frisbee in a hurricane - but you figured Thor wouldn’t be that… Unwittingly ignorant. 
By the time a couple days passed you had your answer. 
He was that unwittingly ignorant.
You didn't know how anyone else felt, but you knew it went a bit deeper than what others might’ve thought.  __________
“Thor, may I pull you aside for a moment?” you asked, appearing behind the Asgardian as the ship floated lazily through space outside. 
He jumped slightly, completely unaware of his surroundings, but nodded in agreement once he saw it was ‘just you’. Luckily no one else was around this part of the ship, either opting to rest or oversee Peter up in the cockpit. 
You fiddled with your sleeve, eyeing Thor as he settled in one of the seats across the room. You decided then and there to not beat around.
“Are you okay?” His eyes snapped up to yours, being me with your ever-so-slight scowl. 
“Am I okay?” he asked, scoffing out a laugh, “I am fine, why? Why wouldn’t I be?” 
You turned your head, taking a couple steps forward. 
“I can tell if you are, or if you aren’t.” He rolled his eyes at that, crossing his arms and pulling up his guard. “Do you remember what I told you, back on earth when I asked to come with you here?” you asked softer, gesturing to the ship and the stars outside.
He grumbled, rubbing at his eye and ruffling his hair before staring at you expectantly.
“I promised I could help.” 
“Look at you, how the hell could you help?”
“I am almost two thousand years old, Thor Odinson. If I know anything it’s how to help you.” He kept his eyes on you, watching as you dragged a chair out and sat in front of him. You took in a deep breath, searching his body language for any signs that meant he didn’t want you to continue.
“Are you really that old?” he asked, leaning towards you slightly.
“Aye, that I am,” you nodded, “Was born in Ancient Rome. The first notable event I lived though was when I was about ten, word spread around about that volcano erupting - not that we knew what it was back then.” you smiled little at the memory, looking down at your hands sadly. 
Apparently he wasn’t too bad a reading body language either. 
“No one else was like you, though - being able to live forever. Were they?” You shook your head no, and he hummed. “Maybe then we could help each other?” 
“Sure thing Sparky.”  ___________
You’d been working together with Thor for a good couple months, and in between searching for Gamora with the Guardians, and - in your opinion - hopelessly looking for Loki too, you thought Thor was doing much better.
He was less recluse, took care of himself a little more, and backed off Peter’s leadership a little (the latter may have been barely noticeable). Even if those things all came under your urging, you still counted them as steps forward. 
Anything positive, no matter how small, was still positive.
“(y/n)!” Thor boomed, rattling you from your bunk in the ship, “Are you ‘Holding out for a Hero’?” 
Nebula and Mantis poked their heads out from the bunk above you, ceasing their game of Paper Football to watch for your reply. You rolled your eyes, sliding off your comfy spot to lumber out to Thor.
“Pardon?” Thor cleared his throat as he held out Peter’s Zune. 
“This song speaks of a hero. Do you need one?” You took the player from Thor, scrunching up your nose at the 80’s song. 
“Not currently, but if I do you’d be the first person I’d call for, you can count on that.” you said, scrolling through the song list, looking for a song you preferred more. You missed the proud grin that reached Thor’s face. 
“There,” you pressed ‘Hold the Line’, and tried shooing him off so you could get back to your cozy corner, “Try that one Sparky.” 
“Much thanks.” He said, turning off with the device in his hands. You made it back to the doorway and watched him go.
Thank goodness Peter wasn’t here, otherwise he would’ve snatched that thing from Thor even before he got hold of it. __________
The planet you’d stopped on to replenish supplies was one of the most Earth-Like ones you’d seen since you left Earth. The only major difference was the inhabitant’s fashion choices, and the large array of flowers - they were literally everywhere.
If Rocket hadn’t  latched onto Groot’s shoulder the moment they stepped off-ship, you’d probably have lost the humanoid among the greenery.
“Great Zeus.” You breathed, slight disbelief at the sheer amount of flowers. 
“Who is ‘Great Zeus’?” Mantis asked, you cast a glance back at her.
“Um, basically him,” you pointed at Thor, “But much older, and more horny.” 
“You are going to be more horny when you are older,” Drax said, clapping Thor on the shoulder, “Congratulations!” 
“I meant a -” you stopped yourself, snickering, “- Nevermind.” You step off into the crowds and mazes of flowers, not waiting for Thor - your ‘Supply Buddy’ - to catch up. It never took him long anyway.
“Is Zeus one of your ‘Roman Gods’?” Thor asked, sidling up beside you as you maneuvered around the crowds.
“Nope. Zeus is Greek. In Roman his name is Jupiter.” 
“And in Norse he is Thor.” he said. You looked up at him, cracking a smile. 
“Mhm, I think I prefer Thor over Jupiter or Zeus though.” you said, eyeing a patch of flowers that was inhabited by a small crowd - and they were making flower crowns. 
Thor had no choice but to follow you as you made yourself comfortable among the multi coloured blooms - distracted and off task as ever. But he made no effort to join you, standing off to the side instead. 
You eyed him as you pulled a few flowers into your hand, weaving them together in the same way you remember your mother doing a hundred lifetimes ago. Patting the spot next to you, you grinned.
“Come over here Sparky.” you said, flicking your eyes down to the flower patch to pick a few more. “I need to make sure this fits.” 
You weren’t taking a no. The nickname you gave him in itself spoke volumes. 
He came over, slumping down beside you in the sunlight. You made quick work of the flowers, tying them together neatly before laying it atop Thor’s half pulled-away hair. It fit perfectly. 
“A crown fit for a king, I’d say.” 
“Pity I’m not much of a king.” he said, reaching a hand up to play with some of the petals.
“‘Ζώμεν γαρ ού ως θέλομεν, αλλ’ ως δυνάμεθα’.” you blurted, not once breaking your stare at Thor. His eyes widened, then moved to looking very confused, so you translated. “‘We live, not as we wish to, but as we can’. A Greek Dramatist said that. It was one of the few phrases we knew it greek, and our father taught it to us. He always implored us to do our own best, not the best anyone else can do.” 
All the while you explained, you weaved together another crown, one slightly smaller than the first, yet still almost identical. Tying it off, you sat it on your own head.
“Our best can sometimes be a lot, or a little even if we wish it to be a lot. But it doesn’t matter. Our best is still our best.” Thor looked between your crown, and your eyes. 
“I don’t think it’s that easy.” 
“Because it takes practice.” you plucked another flower, this time sticking it in his beard. “No one gets everything right the first time. Yet everyone does do their best at the time of their first time. Accepting that they did their best - that’s what they struggle with.” 
You poked in more flowers into his beard - your words seemed to plunge him into deep thought - he made no effort  to stop you, if he even noticed. 
After a time, he looked down at your hands, still piling flowers into his flower-filled beard, and smiled lightly.
“How about you make some for the other Asguardians of the Galaxy.” 
“Flower crowns?”
“Yes,” he grinned, “Your best ones.”
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marvelmadam08 · 4 years
Girls Night In
Part of 100 Days of Marvel
Prompt 23: Chocolate and alcohol are a girl’s best friends, fuck diamonds.
Summary: What happens when the ladies of The Avengers get together and kick the boys out of the common room for the night? (Featuring Jennifer Fury from Uncle Fury)
Warnings: swearing, mature content (i.e. grown women conversation), mentions of sex, death, anger and grief.
A/N: I do not recognize the events of Endgame. 
“Out!” Everyone in the room commanded
“But-” Bucky starts to protest
“You can’t just-” Scott argued
“Begone!” Hope cut him off
“This is my building!” Tony argues, Pepper cleared her throat “Our building, but you can’t just kick us all out.”
The guys started talking over each other, agreeing with Tony.
“Yeah, we can. The first rule of girls’ night is: no guys allowed.” Natasha threw an arm around your shoulder “Right (Y/N)?”
“Right.” you smirked
The elevator dings, drawing everyone’s attention. Gamora, Nebula, and Shuri strut into the room, Nebula thanking Shuri for her repairs and the upgrades. Behind them a slim black cat zoomed through the room before its mystifying green eyes land on you. It hopped in your lap, purring.
“The cat gets an invite?” Tony asked, offended 
“Relax Metal Mouth, Sir is my emotional support cat.” you cooed and scooped the cat into your arms “Aren’t you, silly kitty.”
“But he’s a boy cat.”
Jennifer fell back onto the couch with a large bowl of pretzel sticks in one hand, and a margarita secured in her other.
"Face it boys, you aren't gonna win this fight." She smiled "And don't you have like ninety-nine more floors to run around on?"
"But this floor has everything on it." Scott pouts, eyeing the pool table in front of the fully stocked bar. Thor's drinking buddy, and newly appointed Queen of Asgard, Brunnhilde, was already on her sixth drink, and showing no signs of slowing down.
"Which is exactly why, we're taking over for the night." Carol said from Tony's designated armchair
Tony opened his mouth to speak again when he was cut off by the super solider formerly known as Nomad.
"Guys, I say we let the ladies have the space for the night. Like Jen said we can use a different floor." The look he gave to his best friend didn't go unnoticed "Besides I think I'm gonna turn in a bit early tonight."
The dark haired soldier locked eyes with Steve for a brief moment on his way to the elevator. You looked to Natasha, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Fine, I'll let you ladies have your fun tonight." Tony gave in "Besides it's no fun if we can't poke fun at Steve. Let's go gents, there's a bar on twenty-fifth with my name on it."
Accepting defeat, the guys filed into the elevator, Bucky volunteering to take the stairs.
Shuri, Mantis, and Jennifer took over the TV, surprisingly agreeing on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Brunnhilde (a.k.a Valkyrie), Carol, Gamora and Nebula had all started a drinking game, and honestly you didn’t think the bar would have anything left after they got through with it. Nat, Hope, and Pepper drifted over to the pool table, Okoyke standing not too far away, mainly for Shuri’s protection, but still involving herself in light conversation. You caught Wanda up on everything that happened in the last five years, Sir curled up on your lap.
“So do you think Steve will finally come clean to Bucky tonight?” You asked her
“Fifty bucks says he’ll chicken out- again.” Natasha called out from across the room “It’s Steve, even with the beard and that ‘Your daughter calls me Daddy’ attitude, he’s still the king of waiting too long.”
“But he was gonna tell him before the snap.” Wanda pointed out “Fifty says he will.”
“Please, if anything Barnes will make the first move.” Pepper chuckled “Hundred says he does.”
“Do I hear a betting poll happening?” Jennifer turned her attention away from the TV “If so I’m in. A hundred on Barnes making the first move. It’s always the quiet ones you have to keep any eye out for.”
“She makes a good point.” Wanda agreed “It’s the quiet ones that always surprise you.”
“Which is exactly why my next boyfriend will be a mime.” Jennifer declared
“A mime?” several voices asked
“Yup, bright side he won’t mansplain everything. Downside is he won’t be able to say those four little words I long to hear.”
“Aw, is it will ‘you marry me’?” Mantis chewed on a pretzel stick
“No, it’s ‘Can I cum, Mistress’?”
Pepper nearly spit out her drink laughing, Wanda was red in the face but still smiling behind her own drink.
Sir purred approvingly.
The later it got, and the more everyone drank, the funnier and raunchier the conversations got. Okoyke eventually escorted Shuri out and up to her own room, even though Shuri assured her that there were worse things on the internet. Everyone gathered back towards the couch, having one conversation with five sidebars.
“Is it just pineapple that makes it taste good or is it fruit in general?” Hope asked the others
“It’s pineapple, papayas, citrus fruits, surprisingly bananas.” You listed the foods, Sir mewled “Yeah, you like bananas, don’t you Sir.”
“Why did you name him Sir?” Wanda reached over to pet him and he flinched away
“I dunno, I just called him that one day and it stuck.”
“Peppermint also helps.” Hope added to the previous topic “Scott swears by it.”
“Really?” Pepper raised an eyebrow
“I’m confused, why would you want it to taste better?” Nebula’s nose scrunched
“For the same reason you wait for the yaro root to ripen.” Gamora explained “But it’s the juice you get from it instead.”
“I see. Is that why you told Quill to drink the yaro root shake?”
“I love yaro root.” Carol drizzled chocolate sauce onto a marshmallow before shoving it in her mouth “And chocolate!”
She received several cheers in agreement.
“I don’t care what anyone says, chocolate and alcohol are a girl’s best friend, fuck diamonds.” Jennifer drank the last of her fourth margarita “Nat, is there more?”
“We’re not gonna have a repeat of Halloween are we?” Nat brushed Jennifer’s hair back
“No, I’m still co...here...clog.... I can still talk.”
“Water it is.” Nat stood to go grab a few water bottles
“So, Pepper, I heard that Tony is finally retiring.” Wanda spoke up
“Yeah, well sort of, he’s still gonna be around the tower. Possibly help rebuild the compound, but as for fighting.” she shook her head “I know he’s gonna miss it though, especially the post-battle sex.”
“The what?” Mantis gasped softly
“Post-battle sex, it’s basically when you’re adrenaline is still high, or you get closer to death than normal.” Hope explained “You come home and celebrate that you aren’t permanently, severely injured or dead.”
“Oh, and is this a normal human custom?”
“No, I think we’re the only nut jobs that get close to dying on a regular basis.” Natasha forced Jennifer to drink her water
“I remember, I had some amazing post-fight sex with Loki.” You admitted, you half notice when Sir’s ears twitch.
“You and Loki?” Brunnhilde nearly gagged “What the hell would possess you to do that?”
“Emotions run high, thoughts get thrown out the window. And you jump in bed with the closest demigod.” you shrug “I just can’t believe he’s been gone for five years.”
Wanda wrapped a reassuring arm around your shoulders.
“You haven’t been with anybody in five years?” Gamora asked
“I didn’t say that. Don’t get me wrong, Loki was great in bed, but an actual relationship was never the plan. He was too...”
“Sneaky? Underhanded? Murderous?” Pepper listed 
“And emotionally constipated, besides I actually met someone a few months ago.” you state proudly, Sir was now on his hind legs and pressing his paws to your face. “Stop that.”
 You moved Sir to the floor, and he did not like that. He clawed at your legs, begging for your attention. “Ow, what has gotten into you?”
“You might to get him spayed.” Carol suggested, Sir hissed before he ran behind the couch “And you never told us that you met someone.”
“I didn’t take it seriously at first, he doesn’t even know I’m and Avenger, but now that everything is back to normal I might go for it.” 
A green light emits from behind you. Mantis screams, several people scream actually. Natasha swore in Russian, and backed away from you. The vengeful voice that followed sent a chill down your spine.
“Over my dead body.” Loki seethed
“Loki? What the hell?” you jumped up from your seat “You’re alive?”
“You know what, I’ve fucking had it with cats!” Jennifer cried “It’s always something with them. Throwing up tesseracts, being aliens, changing into once dead demigods. I’m fucking over it.”
“But you died on the ship.” Brunnhilde stated
“Clearly I didn’t.” Loki looked to you “How could you say that stuff about me? What do you mean I’m not meant for a relationship?”
“You pretend to be dead for five years, and I’m the one in the wrong for calling you sneaky?” you jabbed an accusing finger at him “I can’t believe you were sitting here, listening to our private conversations and letting me go on about-”
“How fantastic I am in bed?” he smirked “I’m flattered, and no mortal will be able to replace me.”
“You jealous prick, I’m gonna kill you myself.”
“You’ve got help.” Natasha stood to her feet
The others followed and marched towards the retreating trickster.
“I’m sure we can come to some type of agreement here, ladies.”
“Get him.”
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amandajoyce118 · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame Easter Eggs And References
Okay, Avengers: Endgame has been out for over a week now, so I’m actually getting my Easter eggs up on time this time around instead of waiting nearly a month. That being said, if you haven’t seen the movie, there are spoilers here. So. Many. Spoilers. Do not read this if you haven’t seen the movie.
Got it? Good.
I did not include general pop culture references or, “hey, we last saw this character in this movie,” moments. Easter eggs, comic book references, and things you might have missed are what you’ll find below.
The Opening Credits
When MCU movies roll their opening Marvel logo, they’ve slowly been adding the characters they’ve added to the franchise. You see images of Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel in the last few flips, for example. This one devotes most of the images to the core six of the Infinity Saga. Most of the images you see belong to Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man Captain America, and Thor.
Tony And Nebula
A lot of people like the opening dynamic between Tony and Nebula because it’s something different for us to watch, but there are a couple of callbacks there. While Nebula getting to win a game of “football” is cute, it’s also important because, growing up, Thanos always pit Nebula and Gamora against one another. He made them compete for everything, and despite all of her “enhancements,” Nebula always lost. In fact, those “enhancements” are a result of each time she lost at a competition, prompting Thanos to find a way to “improve” her. Also, the last of the food they have? Tony tries to share it with Nebula, but she lets him have it. Tony sharing his food is a THING in the MCU. In the first Avengers movie, Robert Downey Jr. would actually tuck bags of candy, chips, nuts, etc. into drawers on set so that he could eat between takes. Eventually, Tony just started eating snacks on camera as well. This scene is a callback to him offering food to Chris Evans on camera and it staying in the movie as Tony offering Steve a snack.
The Garden
The planet where Thanos decides to retire is called 0259-S, but Nebula calls it The Garden. That alpha numeric sequence doesn’t appear as a designation in the comics, but The Garden does exist. In the comics, a Celestial known only as The Gardener lives in the blue area of the moon where he literally tends The Garden. That’s what he’s chosen to do with his life. The power of the Time Gem is what keeps his garden thriving while he’s meant to care for it. Thanos, of course, is the one to take it from him in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline. The name for the movie is likely a nod to that aspect of the comic book story, while him “retiring” to a farm is also right out of the comics. So is the scarecrow made from his armor.
“I went for the head.”
Thor says this as a nod to Thanos telling him what he should have done when he didn’t defeat him in Infinity War. There’s also another callback to their fight later in the movie. During the huge battle sequence at the end of the movie, Thanos presses Stormbreaker into Thor’s chest just as Thor did to him in Infinity War.
Creator Cameos
During the sequence for Cap leading the support group (a nod to a piece of advice Falcon gave him in Captain America: The Winter Soldier), there are a couple of cameos. Joe Russo, one of the writers and directors, appears as the member of the group talking about his date. The man who asks him about it? That’s comic book heavyweight Jim Starlin. Starlin also gets a special thank you in the credits at the end of the film. He’s the man who created Thanos. (Sidenote: Joe Russo’s kids all have roles in the film as well. His daughter Ava even plays Hawkeye’s daughter Lila.)
5 Years Later
Not an Easter egg, but some timeline clarification here. With the five year time jump, the big confrontation takes place in 2023 as the start of the movie is very close to the events of Avengers: Infinity War, which started in 2018.
An Underwater Earthquake
When Natasha has her conference call with Rocket, Rhoadey, Carol, and Okoye, they briefly discuss an underwater earthquake near Wakanda. Okoye brushes it off, but there is an underwater nation that doesn’t particularly get along with Wakanda in the comics. Atlantis. Their leader, Namor, is not T’Challa’s biggest fan. I like to think this is a hint that he’s coming. (When Steve visits following this scene, you can also spot Natasha’s ballet slippers on a chair. Looks like she was feeling nostalgic in more ways than one.)
New Hair
Steve and Tony go back to their trimmed looks for this movie, but someone else gets a new haircut. After the five year time jump, Carol’s haircut is closer to her modern comic book look than what we’ve seen in the movies before.
The storage unit where all of Scott Lang’s belongings are, including the van and the rat that helps him escape the Quantum Realm, is marked as unit 616. That’s a nod to the 616 universe in the comics, the one that features the main continuity.
“...Only to make conversation.”
So, when Scott asks Steve and Natasha is they known anything about physics, Natasha gives this response, which on first blush, might sound like her being a smartass. It’s not. As a spy, she literally learned enough about subjects to sound like she understood them when meeting a target. The first target she took on in the comics? Iron Man, whom she needed a working knowledge of physics to banter with.
“...regular size man.”
Rhoadey calls Scott this as a reference to the last time they saw each other in Captain America: Civil War. Rhoadey was the one to proclaim, “tiny man is giant now.” It’s a nice call back
The Necklace
If you look closely at Natasha’s neck when they start recruiting Avengers for the time travel idea, you’ll notice she’s wearing a familiar necklace. It’s the same arrow she wore in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a nod to Hawkeye.
Howard Stark
Tony gets to see his father in the flesh during the time travel segment of the movie, but we get a teaser for him earlier in the movie. When Tony picks up the photo of himself and Peter in his kitchen? There’s a photo of his father on the shelf as well. (Side note: when Tony asks how far along Howard’s wife is in the 70s? It’s because he’s born in May and they arrive in April.)
Looks like Tony went ahead and named his kid Morgan just like the dream he had in Infinity War. Morgan was also Tony’s cousin in the comics. (Also, how great is Morgan playing with what becomes Pepper’s helmet? Pepper’s armor, though it isn’t named, is a recreation of her Rescue look from the comics.)
Though the name isn’t used in the movies, the name Hawkeye goes by in the comics when he decides to start cutting down all the bad guys in his path, is Ronin. The name comes from the word to describe a samurai without a master. It literally means “wandering man,” and is portrayed in artwork by the bones of a warrior inside their samurai gear. That depiction is exactly what you’ll find in Hawkeye’s tattoo sleeve, and it’s why Black Widow finally tracks him down in Japan. It’s also fitting that his sword doesn’t look like a traditional samurai sword to me. It looks more like a bow fashioned into a sword.
The guy that Clint fights in Japan is based on a comic book character of the same name. In the comics, he worked for a SHIELD rival that was also a branch of the Yakuza.
Recruiting Thor
Thor only comes out once a month for supplies? Sounds like Aquaman only coming in on the King Tide to provide for the people, but I’m hoping that’s just a coincidence and not them poking fun at one of DC’s good on screen characters. The whole thing with Thor yelling at the mean kid Korg is gaming with though? Did that feel like them shouting at the guy’s living in their mom’s basement who claim to be comic book purists to anyone else? Just me?
Also, I appreciate that New Asgard is supposed to be in a Scandinavian country. I do. Tonsberg is supposedly where Odin led his people to war against the Frost Giants thousands of years ago. And it’s where the Red Skull found the Tesseract. However, this is clearly the part of the movie filmed in Scotland. Why? There’s a half empty bottle of Irn Bru (Scotland’s national soft drink, and my personal favorite) sitting on a table behind Thor through most of that sequence. I’m glad someone on set has good taste in soda.
New Asgard also existed in the comics, but as a merging of New York and Asgard when realities collided, and also as Asgard floating above Oklahoma when it fell from the sky.
Ben And Jerry’s
Does anyone remember Dr. Strange and Wong discussing the Avengers ice cream flavors in Infinity War? Looks like Bruce finally got to try some as he’s eating a Hulk-sized container of Ben and Jerry’s during the brainstorming sessions.
Just what was the mission in Budapest? Will we ever know? It clearly made an impression on Natasha and Clint since it’s been referenced by them twice before. We also know Fury spent time there thanks to his listing of the B countries in Captain Marvel.
“That’s America’s ass.”
Someone on set knows the internet has an appreciation for Chris Evans’ ass. Who? Who knows? But someone has clearly seen the gif sets.
The Elevator
When we see Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, and Ant-Man return to 2012, not only do we get to see another point of view for The Avengers, but we get some nice callbacks. Cap in the elevator with a bunch of menacing SHIELD agents (hey, Sitwell and Rumlow who are off to give the scepter to Liszt, the same guy that got Wanda her powers!) who are actually Hydra evoked that amazing fight scene in Captain America: Winter Soldier. This time, he doesn’t knock them all out though. Instead, he gives a “hail hydra” to avoid the fight. That in itself also evokes the recent comic book storyline that featured a rewritten reality where Captain America was hydra all along.
“Lunch, then Asgard.”
Back in 2012, Thor tells Secretary Pierce they’re going to lunch before he goes home.That lunch is the Avengers shawarma post credit scene.
“I can do this all day.”
As the most iconic Captain America line at this point, I don’t have to tell you how often he’s said it. I’m sure there’s a gif set on tumblr for it.
Stan Lee
Stan gets a posthumous cameo driving a muscle car with a license plate that includes the numbers 420 while he spouts on about making love, not war. He’s clearly a hippie, and it’s not a subtle cameo. You’d only miss it if you left the theater to run to the bathroom here. You might have missed his “Nuff said” bumper sticker, which was a phrase he often used in his responses to letters to the editor.
Community Cameos
The Russo brothers like to feature actors from their other projects. In the MCU, they’ve included at least one actor from Community in all of the movies they’ve been involved in. This time, there’s two. Ken Jeong plays a security guard at the storage facility while Yvette Nicole Brown plays a SHIELD agent in the 70s.
The Terminal Beach
When Ken Jeong’s security guard pops up early in the movie, he’s reading a book instead of watching the cameras. The book he’s reading is The Terminal Beach. It’s a collection of short stories. One of those in the book had a familiar title. It’s called “End-Game.” It’s not about superheroes, but instead about a man waiting his execution.
The 70s Eggs
Speaking of the 70s, let’s get a few of the Easter eggs and references in this sequence out of the way. The military base is the same one where Steve initially trained and was chosen for the super soldier program. The name on Steve’s uniform? That’s Roscoe for Roscoe Simons, a man who took over for him in the comics, and then was promptly defeated by the Red Skull. When Steve calls Hank about a package? We see the original Ant-Man helmet on his table. It’s pretty impossible to miss. The photo of Steve on Peggy’s desk is one of the images used for the first Captain America movie, and I believe one from the file she had in Agent Carter, if I’m not mistaken. When Tony encounters his father, he’s looking for Arnim Zola, the man who programs his mind into the computers at that same military base and appears in Captain America: The Winter Soldier there. When Howard leaves, that’s James D’Arcy still playing Jarvis and acting as his driver. Jarvis appearing in the movie is the first time a character originated on an MCU TV show to cross over to the movies. It’s a small step, but one in the right direction that might mean characters from Agents of SHIELD, Runaways, or Cloak And Dagger could eventually do the same.
“Get the rabbit.”
The Asgardian guards share Thor’s belief that Rocket is a rabbit because they say this while following him when he gets the aether.
“Daughter of Ivan, son of Edith”
Edith was in fact Hawkeye’s mother in the comics. She died when he was young, leaving Clint and his brother as orphans. Ivan, on the other hand, was not exactly Natasha’s father in the comics. Instead, one story sees Ivan Petrovich as a benevolent stranger who raises Natasha as his own when a woman gives him baby Natalia Romanova from a burning building. Retconning sees that as a fabrication as Ivan was actually a soldier and agent of the Red Room who got Natasha into the program. Still another sees him as her “uncle Ivan” whom she cared for so much that she gave up her freedom, joined the Red Room, and got them both the super soldier serum to save his life. Just how that will play into the MCU remains to be seen in the upcoming Black Widow movie.
The Big Three
When Thanos lets his weapons loose on the Avengers compound, the three that go out to meet him while everyone else is scrambling are Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. These are the three tentpole franchises of the MCU. While Hulk had a solo movie, it was distributed though Universal and starred another actor. It’s a nice full circle moment for the MCU.
Captain America Is Worthy
When it seems like Thor is headed for certain doom, his hammer finds a new target - and a new person to wield it. Cap is one of the many heroes who wielded it in the comics, but the moment he catches Mjolnir is a callback to Avengers: Age of Ultron. In the movie, the Avengers take turns trying to lift the hammer, but only Cap seems to shift it, though he’s still unable to pick it up. The implication, of course, is that by the time this movie rolled around, the things he’d been through made him worthy.
Also? That shot of him all alone, ready to take on everyone? That’s an homage to the Avengers taking on Thanos in the comics. At one point, everyone else was down and out, and Cap was the only one left standing.
Captain America’s Shield
As Thanos shatters Cap’s shield during the fight, it echoes Tony’s talk of his vision earlier in the movie. There’s talk about how Tony wanted to build a suit of armor around the world, and that wish was a result of the vision Scarlet Witch put in his head in Age of Ultron. That same vision showed Cap’s shield broken in the same way it ends up broken here.
“On your left.”
We all know that this is one of the first things Sam said to Steve in The Winter Soldier, right? It’s a cute callback.
“Is that everyone?” “You wanted more?”
Dr. Strange and Wong have this exchange as the wizards stop opening portals all over the battlefield. Not only is this a nod to the sheer number of characters in the battle sequence, but likely a nod to their being more heroes out there that aren’t in the scene. After all, none of the TV heroes are visibly present.
“Avengers, assemble!”
Is this the first time Steve actually gets to say this on the big screen? He’s been cut off while saying it in the past, so I think it is, even if he gets to say it all the time in comic books.
Where exactly did Valkyrie get her flying horse? We saw it in the story of her past in Thor: Ragnarok, but we’ve not seen one used in the MCU lately, so while it’s a nice callback to her past, it’s an odd one.
“We’re on it, Cap.”
Wasp gets this line when Steve needs a new quantum tunnel up and running. After, she and Ant-Man share a look because he once told her only Steve’s friends call him Cap.
Instant Kill Mode
When Peter learned his suit had this in Spider-Man: Homecoming, it freaked him out, but here? Not so much. He uses it when he gets desperate.
The Ladies Of Marvel
There is a moment during the fight with Thanos where all of the female heroes on the ground manage to congregate around Peter Parker and Captain Marvel. Their aim? Protect Carol from Thanos’ army. Some cynics have called it pandering, but it makes sense. The woman, half of whom have the power to fly, have been following the glove around the field, trying to keep it out of Thanos’ hands. While the guys are still fighting, they form a team. It looks an awful lot like an A-Force team up in the comics, but it also echoes a moment in Infinity War. When Wanda is told she’s going to die alone in battle, Natasha and Okoye step up to protect her, with Natasha saying, “but she’s not alone.” At this point in the movie, Natasha is gone, but Wanda is still following her lead, protecting the other women on their team.
“If I tell you what happens, it won’t happen.”
The first time I saw the movie, I saw this as the opposite of a self fulfilling prophecy. But seeing it again, I actually think Dr. Strange was unsure if Tony would do what needed to be done if he told him the truth about their one shot. He knew to end the Thanos problem, Tony would have to snap his fingers. It makes me think Dr. Strange underestimated Tony’s commitment to saving the planet.
“I am Iron Man.”
This is Tony’s big response to Thanos, but it’s also the most iconic movie from the first Iron Man film. Why? It wasn’t even scripted. The original script had Tony keeping his Iron Man identity under wraps. During filming, Robert Downey Jr. ad libbed the admission that he was Iron Man and it stayed, changing the route of the films.
Also, Tony wielding the gauntlet he made is a nice homage to the comics, where he was actually the first human to successfully create and use one.
Captain America’s Suits
So, we see Steve wear his first Avengers suit. But, at the beginning of the movie, he’s also wearing his Winter Soldier suit. Later, he gets a brand new suit, probably courtesy of Tony. That one combines the look of his Civil War and Winter Soldier suits. But, it also adds the chain mail look that’s prevalent in the comics. So, he gets the chance to be pretty much every version of Cap we’ve seen on screen in this movie.
Harley Keener
The Avengers, their family, and Tony’s family are all present at his memorial, but so is someone else who wasn’t in the movie. The tall teenager at the back? That’s Harley from Iron Man 3, and he’s still played by Ty Simpkins. The kid had a real growth spurt that fits the timeline.
Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart
We all remember this was a gift set on display for the Iron Man movies, yes?
Morgan Wants A Cheeseburger
Like father, like daughter. When Tony got away from the Ten Rings, he had Happy stop at Burger King on the way to his press conference because he wanted “American cheeseburgers.”
Asgardians Of The Galaxy
I know this is just Thor being Thor, but… there is a comic book team called the Asgardians of the Galaxy. Like the guardians, they travel around in a spaceship and do good deeds, but they’re all from Asgard.
“You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
In the first Captain America movie, Bucky Barnes went to war without his best friend. He told Steve not to do anything stupid until he got back. The above line was Steve’s response. Their roles (and lines) are reversed when Steve travels through time to return some Infinity Stones and Mjolnir to their rightful points in history.
Captain Sam
When the elder Steve Rogers returns to his departure point in the timeline, he does it with a new shield, and passes it on to Sam Wilson. In the comics, an older Captain America who had the super soldier serum removed from his blood did the same thing. Sam even had his own Captain America comic series for a while. (Other heroes who have been Captain America in the comics include Bucky Barnes, Sharon Carter, and Peggy Carter, in case you’re wondering.)
“It’s been a long, long time.”
Could the song title be more fitting for Steve and Peggy? And yes, this is a branched timeline. And yes, the song has been used in the MCU before, in The Winter Soldier.
The Clang
Post credit scenes are an MCU tradition, but this movie doesn’t have one. Instead, it has a clang. That noise is the sound of hammer hitting metal. Specifically, the sound of Tony’s hammer hitting metal when he created his very first Iron Man suit in the 2008 film, signalling the end of an era here instead of the beginning of one.
That’s it. That’s all I’ve got! Tell me if I managed to miss anything.
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Royal Wedding *Future Fic* - WebClaws
I should have uploaded this ages ago, whoops.
T’Challa knocked on Peter’s door, sensing the nervousness and apprehension radiating from the younger male from within his room. Tony had been sceptical and asked T’Challa to talk with Tony while he went to go talk with Shuri—who also was freaking out.
Well, T’Challa couldn’t blame either of them.
It isn’t just a wedding, a royal wedding between the two of them.
The whole world would be watching.
Especially since it isn’t just a royal wedding, but a wedding between a princess and an Avenger.
“Peter, can I come in?” T’Challa asked, after getting no response earlier.
The king pushed the door open and stared at Peter who was just staring out the window. His tuxedo’s jacket was thrown haphazardly over the back of a chair, and thankfully his stylised hair was ruffled but, in a way, that it still worked.
T’Challa could tell that the hair stylists would’ve thrown a fit if Peter messed up their hard work.
T’Challa merely raised an eyebrow, letting his amusement roll off him for Peter to identify.
“Okay, a little bit.” A pause as the younger shifted. “A lot, actually. I’m not just getting married, it’s a public event—to a degree.”
T’Challa chuckled. “Thankfully, Tony, Nakia, Pepper, and my mother are aware about public weddings.”
“Tony and Pepper had a private wedding.” Peter argued, turning to look at T’Challa. “I understand, but seriously, I’m just afraid of stuffing up.”
Placing a hand on Peter’s shoulder, T’Challa rested his forehead against his future brother-in-law’s. Peter stiffened before he relaxed and sighed heavily.
“You’ll be fine, Pete. You and Shuri will breeze through this wedding, and it will be a blink and you’ll miss it moment.”
“I am worried about you and Ned talking with speeches.” Peter laughed.
T’Challa smiled and resisted the urge to ruffle Peter’s hair. “I don’t even have a speech prepared.”
Peter’s eyes sparkled. “So, no speech on you scaring me into submission when you first found out that Shuri even liked me?”
The elder huffed. “I only did that because you were being cheeky and showing off to my dear baby sister. I hear that Nakia has a great speech for Shuri, which is probably going to get Shuri planning revenge.”
“Well, I can keep Shuri distracted from that, until she forgets about it at least.” Peter teased, and T’Challa almost hissed at the younger for his statement.
“While I certainly appreciate it, I do not want to even hear you talking about having sex with Shuri.” T’Challa grumbled.
Peter lowered his head and mumbled. “Is there anything I should be made aware of?”
T’Challa blinked at looked at Spiderman before tilted his head and humming. “Well, nothing that you don’t already know.”
“I’m guessing, dancing and music to begin it.” Peter raised his eyes. “Get the atmosphere started, after all.”
“Well, who is very aware of our culture. I’m not surprised that you and Shuri are having a mix of Wakandan and American weddings, I just hope it goes well.” T’Challa said, guiding Peter out of the room and grabbing the jacket before pulling it over Peter. “First of all, put this on. We need a good presence.”
Peter could hear the loud music from outside the palace and saw huge crowds of Wakandans dancing to the beat. Already there were already some news reporters. Peter felt dread creep through his body and blood, and unease ticked at the back of his mind.
Oh, this is going to be great, as long as he didn’t screw it up.
Peter touched the Wakandan necklace, a spider with silver webs curling around the chain. Shuri had designed and created it for him. It was not for any of his suits, but merely for appearance.
Peter had gifted Shuri with her own necklace as well. It was a necklace that contained rubies in a paw print shape on the side of a panther with diamond eyes. The chain on her necklace was gold, and light weight as Shuri often complained about heavy jewellery.
“You’ll do fine, come. I think Tony has finished talking with my sister.” T’Challa nudged him further down the hallway.
Peter took a deep breath.
It won’t be long now until he and Shuri tied the knot.
Shuri shifted, causing Ramonda to tsk her and forced her to sit still as her make-up was being adjusted.
“I still don’t know why I have to have a huge wedding. Neither Peter nor I wanted one.” Shuri muttered, still annoyed by her wedding plans.
Ramonda watched as one of the Dora Milaje smiled at the princess’ complaints before sighing. “My dear, you are royalty, and so will he by the end of the day. We compromised and allowed for it to be a mixed of both African and American.”
Shuri looked down and almost scowled as her hair was tugged back harshly to properly stylise it.
A knock at the door caused all of the females to look up.
There was soft talking before Nakia, Tony and Pepper poked their heads in. Tony looked around at them.
“I will not stay if this is an all-female meeting. I just wanted to say, I can offer Shuri some advice, as much as I can give any way.” Tony explained, carefully backing out of the room.
Shuri looked confused. “What advice can you give me that I don’t already know?”
Tony shrugged. “Words of confidence.” He leaned slightly against the door frame, obviously getting the hint that he was allowed to be there under Shuri’s orders. “Look, you’re smart and capable. However, the wedding is actually a breeze to go through. It may seem long when leading up to it but believe me. After the whole ‘I proclaim you husband and wife’ you will definitely tune out everything going around you.”
Pepper and Nakia looked at him, prompting him to continue. Shuri could see that Tony was trying to figure out his words.
“It’s not daunting, and it seems so extravagant for something that can be done in private, or just between you and your partner. I can see why you would complain about it, especially since it’s only done to tie you together for legal reasons.” Tony’s eyes were soft. “You are going to look back on this day as one of the best days of your life. Maybe not the best, but definitely up there in the top ten.”
Pepper lightly shoved her husband. “Shouldn’t you be talking to Peter?”
“T’Challa beat me to it.” Tony said but walked away. “Well, I might as well assist him in trying to keep Peter calm.”
Shuri tugged at her hands. “Aw man, I’m beginning to get nervous all over again.”
Ramonda kissed her daughter’s forehead. “You’ll be fine.”
Peter stared at the crowd from where he stood, panic rising up inside him. Ned nudged his best friend and leaned over to whisper to him.
“Hey man, calm down. It’s just a wedding.”
Peter’s eyes widened. “Bro, it’s JUST a wedding? Be thankful yours is gonna be a hell of a lot quieter than this.”
Ned shrugged, eyes gleaming in his usual mischief. “Relax. Sure, you are just getting married in Wakanda with a royal wedding, being watched by millions of eyes. Nothing too big.”
Peter almost whined but caught himself as Tony and T’Challa walked up to them.
“Is Peter freaking out again?” Tony asked, chuckling, watching as Nakia and Pepper stood with Ramonda discussing something to the side.
“Is it that obvious?” Peter murmured, eyes fluttering across and noticing a few news reporters.
He knew that the wedding had been shown for a while now, at least two hours. The actual ceremony was starting relatively soon, and his bit the inside of his cheek to avoid expressing any further panic.
The media would eat it up and claim he was rethinking his choice to marry Shuri, and there was no way in hell that he would allow the media to claim that idiotic statement as fact.
Ned rubbed his hands together. “Just wait until the speech.”
“Oh god.” Peter rolled his eyes, becoming distracted from the venue. “Please, tell you didn’t make it that embarrassing.”
“Aren’t the reception speeches meant to be really embarrassing?” Ned asked, glancing at the two married men behind them. “Regardless, I decided you should have some fun for your wedding. Why do you think Michelle and I decided to help make the soundtrack, it’s the reason why there is pop culture songs, but more will be played later.”
Peter smiled, body relaxing. “Thank you, Ned. You really are the best friend.”
Ned laughed. “Why do you think I’m your best man?”
Peter had to agree with Ned on that front. There was no-one else he wanted as his best man.
The wait was long and tiring, and Peter had to stop himself from shifting out of anticipation. The pastor spoke some Wakandan marriage phrases that Peter had learnt and recognised from T’Challa’s own wedding. He took a deep breath and nodded to Tony who only smiled at him which gave Peter to extra confidence he needed.
He glanced at their major guests. May and Ramonda were seated beside each other, looking disbelieving at the whole wedding actually happening. After all, Ramonda was very expressive around May as both lost their husbands and had to raise children on their own.
Scott and Hope were seated in the front with Cassie beside Clint and his family. Natasha and Bruce were seated on the other side of the Barton family, with Steve, Bucky and Sam (the latter two were thankfully being very civil during the whole event). Thor, Loki and Valkyrie were standing to the side. Heimdall was nowhere to be found but was most likely watching from outside as an over all protector. The Dora Milaje were scattered across the venue.
Peter prayed he wasn’t missing any important words, but everything seemed the usual wedding speeches before the bride was meant to appear. The wedding’s customs had been altered to Shuri and Peter’s taste (they both wanted hints of American culture to it).
A smile twitched on his lips as he saw Nebula, Gamora, Peter Quill, Drax, Mantis, Groot and Rocket seated to the side. He had missed the Guardians, and he should go and see them once it was over. Politeness and all that.
Peter heard a dress brushing against the ground, his heart beat picking up in it’s pace, body almost freezing before he forced himself to relax. No-one else had heard the fabric, obviously, and Peter could only have one thought running through his mind.
In just a few more moments he’ll be a married man to the best person in the world. He still didn’t know how he managed to win Shuri over, especially since she deserved better in his opinion. Now that they are here, he shrugged that thought off.
Shuri was stunning, and his breath caught in his throat. Normally, Shuri hated wearing any kind of head gear, but she wore a crown that held a veil that fell around the sides of her face. Her hair was tied up but was not its normal braids with two strands of curls framing her face. The dress was not pure white, more of a lilac (that she must’ve chosen because of Spider-man’s red and blue colour scheme) and Peter was thankful his suit appeared deep purple in certain light.
The necklace he picked out for her stood out on the dress, and Peter heard whispers of the pendant that he had specifically made for her. His heart leapt, and pride rushed over him. This was his wife, not yet but very soon, and of course Peter would take the time to show her off.
She looked embarrassed but smiled upon meeting Peter’s gaze, her eyes twinkling when Peter realised he had begun to cry. He didn’t even bother trying to wipe the tears away, almost laughing at the incredulity of it all at the moment. Of course, he was going to cry. He is a fucking sap when it came to Shuri.
The speeches went by too slowly and too quickly for Peter’s liking, soon their vows were said, and he could finally feel his bride’s lips on his own.
Her lips twitched upwards, her voice spoken softly. “My big dork.”
“My intelligent princess.” Peter murmured back, eyes closing as he brought their lips back together.
He pulled her closer but had to step away. He whispered directly to her.
“Later, my amore.”
Shuri smirked, keeping her head away from the cameras. “I wonder if I can get you to crack.”
“Good luck.”
Shuri never got to test her ability to crack Peter, as soon enough they were being whisked away to the after party.
Ned chatted with Michelle before standing up to begin to best man speech.
This was still being recorded, because of course it was. However, all of the major guests (the Avengers and Guardians) were seated at one huge table near the family table that housed T’Challa, Nakia, May, Ramonda, Peter and Shuri themselves.
Ned began. “You know. If you told me years ago that I’d be the best man at my best friend’s wedding as he married a princess. I’d never believe you. Heck I thought it would be more likely I’d be at Peter’s wedding with a frog for how incompetent he was at talking to females when he was younger.” That earned laughs and twin smirks from Bucky and Sam. Peter almost shied away but only ducked his head in embarrassment.
“However, I must admit, I had actually never met Shuri straight away and only heard of her in stories and tales Peter would tell me about her grandeur.” Shuri blushed softly at those words. “Except, I realised my best friend’s impulsiveness when he says stuff. This moment was the highlight of everything. You see, Tony had told us teenagers, Shuri was not part of this, that he had some tickets for Coachella that he wanted to give to us. A graduation present of sorts.”
Peter groaned, realising where this story was going. Why of all stories did Ned have to pick this one?
Ned smirked at his best friend, having no intent on stopping. “However, one of our group couldn’t make it. We were debating who to ask to tag along with us when Peter had the smart idea to ask Princess Shuri. Look, when I asked him if he had a death wish I didn’t mean actually plan your death by inviting a princess to Coachella with no adult supervision for a full week in California. I swear that day Peter realised that T’Challa must really respect and trust him to allow Shuri to go with us.”
T’Challa nodded and shot the newly-weds a grin.
“And all this before they got together, if you ask me, T’Challa was planning for them to get together for the longest time. Why else do you think he let Shuri and Peter hang out.” Ned winked. “That or Shuri pleaded with T’Challa who we all know is a sucker for his baby sister.”
T’Challa leaned over Ramonda to muse with Shuri’s hair, only causing her to screech at him. Loud laughter echoed around the dining room.
Ned shrugged. “One final thing though. I could tell immediately that Peter’s crush on Shuri was completely different to all others, and I had a feeling this is the one that either makes Peter or breaks him. Thankfully it was the former, even though I have to admit I don’t know fully what I would’ve done if it was the latter.” He waved his hand. “You aren’t best friends with someone since you are kids and not expect to know when they fall in love.”
Shuri leaned into Peter’s side and he smiled warmly at her.
Soon when the first dance came on, Shuri rested her head on Peter’s shoulder, their fingers interlacing. Their wedding bands stood out against their skin.
Both were made of Vibranium, but Shuri’s were more silver to match a spider’s web while Peter’s was darker to match to fur on a panther. They glinted purple in the light, and even seemed to glow softly when the lights darkened. Peter pressed a kiss to Shuri’s lips.
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
Their foreheads rested against each other as Quill cheered. “Time for dancing!”
Peter and Shuri could only laugh as they watched their friends and family dance to the pop playlist Michelle and Ned put together, also observing the general populace of Wakanda enjoying the festivities in the streets below.
They both sighed and rested their foreheads together.
Nothing could ruin this.
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tony-luvv · 7 years
I Did It
SMUT BELOW, y’all know I only write bottom Tony. So know that Gamora is an alien and not all aliens are like us. You’ve been warned.
tagging @fangirlangela and @yourstateofdreaming
Gamora sat across from Tony in the common area of the compound. The Guardians have been Earth side for some time now, lazying about as they built relations with the people of Earth.
Currently it seemed as if “relations” were building between the warrior-assassin alien and billionaire genius earthling. In the past months the two had gotten closer and closer by each passing day. Although Tony got along with all the Guardians he found that he rather enjoyed the company of Gamora.
When Tony wasn’t fighting with Peter over music, or trading insults with Rocket over some technological thing he was with Gamora. She was open in her curiosity, asking questions here and there about one thing or another. Although most of the time it was hinted with some sort of suspicion, she would openly admire new things.
Often enough Gamora would tag along with Tony, almost acting as a deadly body guard while observing their surroundings.
It was during a walk through Central Park that Tony said something. They were walking arm in arm, Gamora watching the people, Tony fiddling with his phone.
“Tony.” She still watched the people, eyes locked on a golden retriever running laps around its owner.
“Do you like me?”
“Yes, I do.” Tony smiled, Gamora was so forward, and it was refreshing.
“How much?”
“Enough to call you mine.” Tony was smiling, watching Gamora’s dark hair with purple tips move with the breeze until she turned to face him. “Do you like me Tony?”
Tony leaned forward, placing a kiss to the markings on her cheek bone before leaning back, “Very much.”
Gamora smiles back at him, her free hand grabs his chin to pull him into a kiss on the lips, “Then you are mine and I am yours.”
Things didn’t change much from there. Of course Drax now referred to him as “the bitch of the green whore” but it was out of love so Tony let it slide. Quill was a little shit about it but Gamora shut him up with a very painful punch. Groot was very approving and Rocket couldn’t care less, too busy trying to make things go boom with his new buddy.
If anything Gamora took the lead, setting the pace while trying to get to know Tony better. With the help of FRIDAY she would work herself into his schedule. Attending events with him, sharing a morning cup of coffee with him. Sitting close by while he worked in the lab, even got him to joy her in the gym where she taught him how to handle a sword.
It was perfect and Tony just trailed along like a puppy to its master. That was until they moved it to the bedroom. Long nights cuddled on the couch were nice but a bed would be better. As soon as Tony thought it Gamora spoke up, “Maybe we could sleep in the same bed tonight?” Honestly it amazed Tony every time his alien girlfriend did that. Either she was able to read every micro feature on his face or could straight up read his mind. Either way she was always able to say what he was thinking when he thought it.
“I’d like that.” Standing up from the couch, the green alien offered him a hand. Pulling him up from the couch, they made their way hand in hand to the bedroom.
Casually, Gamora began undressing. “I prefer to sleep without clothing.”
“Same, I get too hot.” Feeling like he got the green light Tony began to undress, focusing on his task he didn’t notice watching eyes until he was naked and reaching for the covers of the bed.
When he was moving Gamora made a sound that caught his attention. Looking up at her he first noticed she still wore pants and was looking at him with curiosity.
“Where are your folds?”
“Folds?” Tony quickly looked over Gamora’s naked upper body. Aside from green skin and the occasional etching/marking that she also had on her face, she looked just like a human woman. Soft looking neck and collarbone, rounded boobs. Tony just noticed another difference, Gamora had the shape and mounds of flesh that made breast but unlike humans, she didn’t have an areola. With no nipple it was just smooth skin that had the carved etchings of her species on the sides.
Tony looked down at himself, trying to visualize where these “folds” would be on his body.
“Yes,” Gamora continued to undress as Tony looked himself over, suddenly becoming self-conscious, “The men of my planet had folds where your shaft lies.” Tony’s head snapped up, eyes zoning in on Gamora’s now exposed nether regions. Where he was assuming a vagina to be was instead a penis. Green and etched like the rest of her, but also long and full. “The women have shafts, it’s seems we are opposite in this matter.”
Suddenly Tony felt very aware of this difference, was Gamora disappointed? Did she prefer the human equivalent of transgender people? Was this going to ruin the good thing they’ve become?
“I’m sorry.” Tony didn’t see it but green features dipped into a frown. She analyzed the situation quickly picking up on the mood change.
Not letting the genius-sometimes idiot- overthink the situation, she grabbed his arm, tugging him onto the bed to hover above him.
“Tony,” her face was serious, leaving no room for misunderstanding, “your body in no way is undesirable to me, in fact, I am intrigued by this difference.” At the end of her sentence she rolled her hardening length against him, causing a gasp from the man under her.
Again the mood change was fast, Tony shivered at the heated look Gamora gave him as her eyes and hands trailed down his body. Her one hand trailed low down his body until she was able to firmly grasp his cock. He gave a full body twitch, a squeak escaping when she grabbed him and tugged.
“How odd to hold another like this, it’s so different.” She jerked him, working his length into hardness. Her face hovered above his, watching every facial expression, making sure he thoroughly enjoyed everything she’s doing and planning to do to him.
He bit his lip, cheeks flaming at all the little sounds she was able to draw out of him. He liked it, her curiosity, her touches, her shaft poking at him, her. He wanted more. 
As if reading his mind, which Tony was really starting to believe was happening, she moved. Moving further down she brought her free hand to his chest. “This is different.” Fingers ran across his left nipple, making goose pumps rise all over his body. “My people don’t have these on our chests, they remain bare.” She continued, the hand that has been on his dick sliding away as she got distracted. Running along his side and curling to rest on his ribs, the other still playing at his nipple. Playing it until she scratches blunt nails over his areola. His breath hitched and the skin hardened under her ministrations.
“Ga-Gamora!” Tony was so turned on. They’ve barely begun but Gamora’s little explorations we’re getting to him.
She was watching him, fingers no longer teasing his sensitive areas but still touching him. “It’s such a shame, with your reactions I would have loved to get inside you. To thrust myself as deep as possible between your folds.” If Tony were a lesser man (or maybe a pubescent teen) he would have come right then.
“We-we still can.” Why the fuck was he stuttering!
“Well, with lube you can put it....ah-you can-um...put it..” Unable to say the word he grabbed her hand and pushed it between his legs. His hole twitching at the contact.
Her finger circled the area, “Where is this lube?”
Quickly moving away to the side table Tony started digging around for a bottle of lube he knew was in there. He was grateful for the moment, time to calm himself.
Once he got a hold of the bottle he settled back into the pillows. Careful not to stutter, he explained how Earth males came across the same ‘issue’ and used supplies and other “means” to have sex. After his quick explanation he coated his fingers, planning to get himself ready for his lover.
She was entranced, eyes locked on to where his fingers were disappearing inside himself. He carried on a little longer but the angle was all wrong and he would need more if he didn’t want it to hurt taking her dick.
“Help me?” He didn’t mean for his request to sound so meek but he didn’t miss how it made Gamora’s cock twitch and a light blue substance dribble out.
She got closer, reaching for the discarded bottle of lube and copied his earlier movements. Getting fingers good and slick she positioned on finger at his hole. Slowly and carefully working the digit inside him.
Tony moaned as Gamora got to work, fingering him open until she could easily move around three fingers.
“Oh-Okay. I’m ready.” She twisted her fingers once more before pulling them free. She knee crawled closer, putting herself in position to thrust inside him. When the blunt head of her cock brushed his hole his hand shot out, gripping her arm. “Go-go slow.”
She was careful to lean in and kiss him, slow, soft and gentle. Her lips warm against his, “I will.” And then she eased her hips forward. Her dick met some resistance but it soon gave way, the head of her cock sliding inside him.
Tony gasped, body shivering as he willed it to stay relaxed. His alien warrior was careful with him slowly moving further inside him, working inch after inch into him. It took a couple minutes but soon she was fully seated.
They both panted, sweat gathering on their bodies, hair sticking to their foreheads. Tony was a shivering mess, although he’s been with a few men in his life he’s never been this far. Never taken a dick like he was taking Gamora’s. It hurt, a little bit but it also felt good.
“Can I move?” Her head was resting on his shoulder, warm breath tickling his collarbone.
“Ye-yes. Please. Move.” And she did. Easing a little bit out and then snapping back in. He looked at her, the way she clenched her teeth, no doubt holding back on him.
“You feel amazing. Squeezing around me like that.” It felt good, and her words made him keen. His hands were gripping the sheets below him, desperate to hold on to something as he tried to move up into her thrusts. They were gaining speed, working him over as she started nailing into him.
“So. Tight.” She gave two particularly hard thrusts to drive the point of her words home. Tony shouted, Gamora was pounding away at his hole chasing her pleasure while turning his world upside down. He never knew it could feel this good. Full, stretched, and weak as her thrusts started nailing his prostate. Tony couldn’t hold back, he moaned, screamed as she brutally fucked his asshole.
Blindly he reached for his own dick, quickly jerking himself to the pace Gamora had set. It didn’t take much after that, that tingling sensation building until he saw stars, painting stripes across his hand and stomach.
His hole squeezed down on Gamora, throwing her off rhythm. But she quickly recovered. Gripping his hip she lifted him higher off the bed, her strength easily handling his weight as she positioned him. With the better angle she drove herself into him, thrusting hard and fast, chasing her own orgasm.
Tony twitched, coming down from his orgasm to Gamora pounding into him still. His one hand snaked up, going to her neck and up into her hair. When she slammed into his overstimulated prostate he screamed and yanked her hair. Pulling her head back as she moaned, her release filling him to the brim.
They stayed in that position both coming down from their highs. Gamora thrust one last time, pushing more come into Tony. Both of them twitched and whined through the sensations until Gamora had finished coming inside him.
She eased out of him, careful as he moaned at the drag of her dick. Once free she laid down next to him, both laid on their back. Staring at the ceiling they attempted to catch their breath, chests rising and falling rapidly.
Gamora was the first to somewhat catch her breath, “Amazing...” 
“I never knew it would feel that good.”
Gamora turned to look at him, “You’ve never coupled before?”
“What?” He looked at her and then realized what he said and how it sounded, “No, I’ve had sex before, just never-“ he swallowed, glancing away, “been on the receiving end.” He stared down the bed, seeing her open hand he reached for it, “But I liked it.”
She smiled curling across the bed to plant a kiss on his cheek. They remained that way, laying on the bed basking in the afterglow and each other’s company until Tony shifted and felt something leak out of him.
It wasn’t unpleasant or uncomfortable, but it’s something he’d probably want to clean now rather than later. He gently squeezed the hand in his before climbing from the bed. His lover didn’t even open her eyes which she must have closed at some point.
He was two steps from the bed when she spoke up, “Where are you going?”
“Was thinking a shower, it would seem you’ve made a mess of me.” Gamora moved to look at him, rolling to her side and rising up on an elbow. His back was to her and so he showed her. Spreading his legs a little and using a hand to grab his ass cheek, he revealed his hole. Leaking her light blue cum down his thighs.
Tony would regret showing off the next morning because one second Gamora was relaxed and sated lounging on the bed. The next she was the deadly assassin the galaxy feared. She moved, off the bed and towards Tony who’s backed up a little to give her room. Standing in the middle of the room Gamora stalked up to him like a predator bought to close in on her prey.
She stepped into his space, arms going around his waist and hands grabbing his ass, “Gamor-AAHH!” With a little dip she gripped the back of his thighs and lifted him into the air. Instincts had him scrambling to grab her shoulders and hold on.
While he was arranging himself Gamora was positioning him. Lining him up with her cock that was hard and standing at attention. Tony didn’t even realize she was hard until she started lowering him down onto her dick. He moaned long and loud as she slid home again. But this time he wasn’t given a break. As soon as she got inside his slick hole she started a brisk pace. Bouncing him in the air on her dick.
Embarrassed and sensitive he clung to her. Arms wrapped around her shoulders and neck, face hidden in her neck and hair he held on. Letting her chase after a second orgasm.
She thrust, in and out, in and out all while holding him in the air. Using him. He loved it. He squeezed down on her, making her wild with pleasure until she was coming a second time. Although this time she pushed through the sensations, continuing to fuck him as she came.
Somehow through all of this she had shifted her hold on him, hands under his thighs.
One second she was as deep as her dick could go and then next he was thrown in the air. He screamed and his hands flew to find purchase. One hand connecting with the ceiling and the other in Gamora’s hair.
“WhaAAHH!” He screamed, suspended in the air above her face as she shoved her tongue inside his sloppy hole. Licking the cum from his ass, she feasted on him, all while holding in the air. Tony screamed, shivered and came. Cum flying through the air onto the carpet.
Tony pants through it, body shaking and eyes wide as Gamora walks over to the bed and gently lays him down. Once he’s safely back on a solid, flat, surface he rolls over and buries his face in a pillow.
He’s absolutely mortified and somehow still slightly turned on. He knows his face is inflamed, embarrassment coloring his face cherry red. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to face Gamora again. Every time he looks at her he’ll think of this moment and so much blood with rush to his cheeks he’ll be at risk of passing out.
Gamora, like the evil assassin she is, chuckled. Grinning and tickling the back of his neck, “Tony.”
“Look at me Tony, please?” Tony just shook his head in the pillow.
It takes a lot of convincing and one threat that Gamora would go again because his ass looked so tempting before Tony finally looked at her.
They stare at each other, Gamora analyzing her flustered lover before a devilish grin takes over her face, she hums, licking her lips “Delicious.”
Tony turns an alarming shade of red and Gamora laughs as she blocks his attempts to hide again. When she calms down she takes to kissing his exposed face until he’s laughing as well.
So quick disclaimer, the second round were Gamora throws Tony in the air, I saw a porn gif that did that and I’ve wanted to write something for it since then.
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Finally watched the first episode of Loki and it was AMAZING. It’s just the first episode but about a third into it it was already getting into the meta questions of “does Loki’s story belong to Loki” and “Loki is supposed to be the villain of other heroes’ stories,” and Loki not having any of that because he refuses to fit into a box is quintessential Loki right there!!! This show GETS IT. Amazing, wonderful, fantastic; I want to go reread Agent of Asgard right this minute. Tom Hiddleston has an executive producer credit on this show and I can tell. (He gave the crew a multi-hour-long lecture on Loki continuity with a whiteboard and everything and I think that’s awesome.)
Literally my only gripe is the DB Cooper scene because aside from the whole scene just being absurd (to quote Loki), Loki says he did it “because he was young,” but it was in 1971! That’s 50 years ago.
Thor is canonically 1500 years old (might be an estimate imo, but those are his own words from Infinity War) and we know for a fact Loki is a smidge over 1000 from the Thor prologue and then Odin’s story of adopting him from the same movie. Fifty years ago for Loki is probably something like 3 weeks ago for a human being. Maybe even less!
However, he does follow it up by saying he only did it because he lost a bet to Thor, which makes a lot more sense, and it’s clearly a sequence that’s meant to be ridiculous anyway, so I’m going to just ignore the timeline issue. And given that that scene is in so many of the trailers I wonder if someone insisted on putting it in the show for trailer footage.
Random thoughts on the episode:
I’m pretty sure I called the villain of the piece in abstract speculation way before the show started, but I just want it on record that as I was watching the show, literally the first whiff we got of a villain, the scene of Mobius investigating and asking the kid who did it and the kid pointing to a picture of the devil that had very prominent horns, I immediately went, “the bad guy is an evil Loki isn’t it.” It only makes sense, because Loki’s greatest enemy has always been himself (from both a narrative perspective and from a “who has Loki gone up against in comics” perspective), but still. I’m kinda proud of myself for that immediate reaction.
In fairness, it should also go on record that the Mephisto theory memeing from WandaVision clearly got to me, because my second thought was “or it’s Mephisto.” 😂 Admittedly, based on that picture of the devil the kid pointed to, the thought wasn’t completely out of nowhere!
Speaking of villains, the Time Keepers seem MASSIVELY shady to me. Three beings deciding the fates of everyone across possibly infinite universes isn’t right. I hope this show does what Legends of Tomorrow did with the Time Masters and has them go away somehow. Would love to see Loki taking them down as the finale. Actually, now that I said it I wonder if that’s where the show is heading...
The Miss Minutes commercial that gave the background of the TVA reminded me very much of Secret Wars only a step to the left. Plot twist, the Time Keepers are actually Doctor Doom! Jk. (Now I’m thinking about that time Doom froze Loki in time and turned him into a sculpture...)
The TVA looks like a giant subway station filled with the most red tape-y police ever and I hate it. I’m pretty sure Loki does too. I’m pretty sure both of those things are on purpose, major props to whoever came up with that aesthetic. It’s basically the exact opposite of Asgard and an excellent counterpoint to anywhere Loki’s likely to have ever been.
The giant heads behind the judge (the Time Keepers I assume?) look VERY Kirby-esque and also very familiar, but I can’t figure out if they look familiar because of the Kirby style or because I’ve actually seen them in a comic. Will have to poke around and see if I can dig anything up. (My first thought is Celestials? My second is those gods the Asgardians worship whom Loki encounters in the final AoA issue. Though a quick google tells me the latter is majorly wrong. It’s been a hot minute since I read AoA.)
Mobius saying there’s no magic where the TVA is made me sad. The idea of there absolutely being magic in the universe and a place being completely without it makes me sad.
The Soul Stone being in that drawer hurt me. Sure Marvel, just rub in how pointless Gamora and Natasha’s deaths were some more, why don’t you.
I just had an epiphany- MOBIUS IS LIKE THE TVA’S VERSION OF PHIL COULSON. No I will not elaborate currently; it just feels true!
I miss Coulson. :( And his team. I know there’s all that corporate infighting between Marvel Studios and TV but the show I am by far the most salty about them refusing to acknowledge is Agents of SHIELD. Feige can say whatever he wants but I refuse to stop referring to any of the shows as MCU. He can pry them from my cold dead hands.
Getting off-topic so final thought is that all the multiverse theories about a single correct timeline (and especially all the stuff about Steve and his going back to the past 🙄) seem premature. We’re one episode into the show and the whole idea of one “correct” timeline/universe with benevolent Time Keepers watching over it seems extremely counterproductive to both actual good things- free will is important!- and to everything Loki’s story was ever likely to be about. Because Loki’s story is very much one of him asserting his free will and choice over the boxes everyone and everything else try to put him in.
...I lied, last one now: Speaking of the multiverse- I caught that Multiverse of Madness almost-namedrop in the Miss Minutes short, and I would love it if we got a surprise Loki team up in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Give me a Stephen/Wanda/Loki team up, Marvel! And a real one this time, not one where Loki and Wanda are actually demonic hallucinations. So close but yet so far, Damnation event. So close.
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