#also coincidentally first something of 2023 lol
padfootastic · 2 years
hello! here’s a lil drabble/ficlet situation about sirius being super invested in baby harry’s life, to the point he gets annoyed and jealous when he’s not immediately caught up on every little thing.
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me.”
Lily entered the dining room to an unusually confrontational scene. On one end of the table was her husband, hands held up, palms facing outward in a gesture matched by the pleading look on his face. Right across from him was Sirius, arms crossed across his chest and a severe frown on his face. In the middle, Harry was sitting with a thumb in mouth, watching his father and godfather intently. Lily was a bit surprised at how quiet he was being—usually the presence of his favorite people meant an overload of squeals and shouts and giggles.
“Padfoot—“ James began only to be cut off by Sirius’ hand swiping through the air.
“No, James, I didn’t expect this from you of all people,” he took a deep breath and Lily was startled to see the emotions play out on his face. “How could you?”
Lily decided to enter the conversation then before things could devolve any further.
“Er, what’s going on here?” In any other situation, the way in which both their heads swivelled to look at her, coupled with the surprise on their face, would’ve been comical but Lily was too distracted to care about that right now. She couldn’t even remember the last time James and Sirius had had a disagreement. Those two just didn’t do that.
Which was another issue all in itself and if she focused too long on it, it made her head hurt (how can two people who spend as much time as they do together never have any tension?? she didn’t get it, didn’t think she ever would). But for now, she had more important things to tend to.
“Well?” She asked again, seeing the expressions change on their face. James was making a face, not unlike a child who’d been caught with their hand in a biscuit jar whereas Sirius had doubled down. His brows were furrowed, lips pressed into a straight line, and the most stubborn expression Lily had ever seen on his face.
“We, er, that is—“ James tried, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “It’s nothing, hon.”
Lily snorted in response. She could see Sirius staring incredulously at James and really, this was just getting weirder by the second.
“Evans,” Sirius said, curtly. She didn’t even bother correcting him knowing it was a lost cause at this point. “Will you please remind your husband that we had an understanding and I won’t stand for him breaking it as he pleases?”
Lily doesn’t let James finish his groan before cutting in. “What understanding?”
“Did you and your husband not name me Harry’s godfather for a reason?”
“And does that not entail certain responsibilities and obligations on my part—“
“—as well as yours?” Sirius finished, speaking over her uncertain agreement. Now she was a bit stumped.
“Ours?” She blinked at him, wondering what he was on about. A quick glance in James’ direction showed no help from that side. Her husband had the most resigned expression of exasperation on his face, which was really saying something, considering how often he looked like that.
“But of course!” Sirius said, “You are aware that James has the mirrors, yes?” This time he didn’t even bother waiting for her to nod before continuing. “Which means instantaneous communication.” He stressed the last two words, eyes squinting and a stern wrinkle appearing on his brow.
“Si, stop being so dramatic,” James cut in. “You’re confusing the dragonshite out of Lily.”
She grimaced lightly. “Very elegantly put, darling.” Her dear, dear husband only sent her a cheeky wink in return.
“Fine,” Sirius sneered. “Let me ask you this, then.” He pointed one long, pale finger in her direction, her eyebrows raising at the attempt at intimidation.
“Is it or is it not true that Harry, my godson, crawled on his bum across the living room exactly eight days and three hours ago as of right now?”
She opened her mouth to say—not sure what, exactly, but something. Before she could, though, Sirius had already cut in with an overemphasised, “And. Is it or is it not true that James, once my dearest friend—“
“Once?” James yelped.
“—and you, fellow co-wife—“
“You can’t be serious right now,” James groaned, clearly distressed if he wasn’t considering his egregious word choice.
“—did not even bother to use aforementioned mirror to inform me, post-haste?” Sirius finished dramatically, with the air of someone throwing down the gauntlet. He stared at them with a ridiculous air of triumph around him, daring them to disagree.
Lily could only stare in bemused disbelief at her husband’s best friend, nay, brother. One of her closest friends in his own right. Someone who, by all accounts, was incredibly smart and articulate.
Perhaps his bloodline was making more of an appearance here?
“He really has gone off his rocker, hasn’t he, Lils?” James’ spoke what she dared not say out loud. “Should’ve considered this before putting him in charge of the sprog.”
The words had the intended effect. In front of her wide eyes, Sirius basically puffed up in outrage, reminding her terribly of a charm-dried duck. He leaned forward to wrap a possessive arm around Harry, as if James could’ve been anything but joking and they’d take his precious godchild away from him, keeping him plastered to his chest. Harry, for his part, was as overjoyed as ever. He happily wrapped his chubby fingers around two of Sirius’ and prompt tried to insert the whole thing in his mouth, drooling and chewing gummily.
And Sirius, who was notorious for not even deigning to shake hands with strangers (and on one unavoidable occasion, had actually cast a cleaning charm on his palm the moment they’d stepped back from the handshake), someone who applied three different kinds of purifying charms on anything before using it, barely even spared a glance in his direction beyond pressing a kiss to his crown.
“Well, nothing for it then,” Sirius sniffed, nose slightly in the air in a way that reminded Lily entirely too much of Narcissa Black—not that Sirius would appreciate the comparison, of course. “I’m afraid I must take my godson out and away from this dishonourable institution then.”
And in front of both the Potters’ disbelieving eyes, Sirius actually swept out of the room with their child happily lounging in his arms, neither of them looking back even once.
He made an answering squeak, still looking at the doorway through which Harry had basically been kidnapped by an over zealous godfather.
“What just happened?”
Her only response was the sound of his head landing on the table with a thunk.
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peachjagiya · 6 months
i just watched a reaction video to tkk moments from 2023 and it was so interesting to see someone who doesn’t ship them and only sees them as close friends react to it. the girl said she didn’t realize at first that the video she chose to react to was a ship video but she just decided to keep watching it anyways from a friendship pov. like i don’t think the girl had any ill intent and wasn’t trying to disregard them being close. but it was interesting seeing her explain all of the moments as “broey”. she said something to the effect of “ik some ppl like to ship them romantically but i personally rlly just think they have a big brother/little brother/best friend vibe and i think they just got super close in 2023 bc their schedules were similar too”. which tbh their schedules did NOT align so idk where she got that from. ig bc they were seen out together so much she just assumed oh it’s bc they just had coincidentally aligning schedules when in reality, no, they just clearly made a priority of still spending time together even when they were both super busy.
the video she was reacting to broke down almost all of the taekook moments from 2023 and a lot of them i could kinda understand how some can just see as best friend love but then along came the kappa tshirts moment and she was like “oh i didn’t know this happened wow maybe that was a coincidence but if it was planned that shows how close friends they are ig”. LOL like to me since it was so obviously NOT a coincidence (how could it be? it’s such a niche/specific shirt to be wearing at the same time) i don’t get how ppl can see it as brotherly or best friend vibes…like it literally says “kappa sweetheart” in a heart and they’re wearing it at the same time when they’re apart, how is that possibly a friend thing ? and then also along came the moment where taehyung said jk sings “to find you” to him and it played the video of jk singing the song and tae singing along and she once again was just like “oh that’s cute, see how close friends they are”. and i rlly don’t get that ??? how is that even a little bit friendly, let alone jk singing that TO tae ??? like these two things are so clearly romantic to me and unless you’re someone who subscribes to the “taehyung is a liar and jk clout chaser” narrative then i don’t understand how singing a love song to ur supposed friend is not indicative of a romantic relationship ?
it was so interesting seeing someone who is clearly an ot7 just brush over some of these moments between tkk and have essentially nothing to say. like she just kind of stayed quiet during those two moments and didn’t say much other than “see they’re besties” and “they’ve always been like that”. bc to me HOW are these things friendly ? i understand skinship and affection is normal in sk but these two things cannot possibly be friendly…even the dream premiere she said gave her big brother and lost little brother vibes, which like okay SURE ig u could argue that in some way, but why would jk be THAT shy ? and the matching sweetheart tshirts and jk serenading tae w a love song completely unphased her (or she was sitting there in denial internally idk). like r these ot7s just SO opposed to the possibility of the boys being anything other than brothers and straight that even when u see some shit as obvious as THAT they just brush over it ??
i’m not saying everyone needs to hardcore believe in tkk but when ur presented w some of these moments i just don’t understand how it can be brushed off SO easily as brotherly/friendly. never in my life have i serenaded my friend w a LOVE song (or any song period lol) nor have i worn matching sweetheart tshirts on the same day when we are apart. sorry ik this got super long but her lack of reaction just kind of irked me.
here’s the link to the reaction vid if u wanna watch it:
(the kappa sweetheart shirt reaction is at 20:17 and the “to find you” reaction is at 34:25)
There's times in that video where she looks like she's surprised by what she's seeing but doesn't say anything.
Other times it feels a little defensive to me. Like here's her thought and it's going to be bro behaviour regardless of what she's actually seeing.
I think it's fine if that's her reading of it. We all look at it through our own specific set of ideas and experiences.
I also don't want to be reductive about men being close and assuming that all men who hug and spend time together are secretly a couple. That feels like the kind of thing that reinforces toxic masculinity.
But the sharing of love songs spanning years and the way they talk to each other and look at each other just feels different.
Jimin and Hobi don't give me the same vibes, for example. And we know they're super close.
Thanks anon! 💜
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
172. The Delicious Death by Kayla Cottingham--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
THIS DELICIOUS DEATH fell more prominently into my TBR list because of a friend who read it and made it look like a really good and bloody time. She wasn't wrong!
I was so surprised by this one (mainly because I took a bite out of it without reading the synopsis first), so I was thoroughly entertained. I didn't know how normalized the horrors of this book were, so that was a unique and fun reveal. I think it was such a good exploration of how the world treats people that don't fit into the "typical" human category. The fear and the exclusionary actions of some of the characters were very on the nose when we think about today's society.
I enjoyed the twists and turns and how these girls fought to save each other and others like them. They didn't depend on men to help them--they were total bad asses. They were just a little hungrier than most badasses, and you know what? That's perfectly fine.
I also find it strangely timely (for when I read it) that these catastrophic events take place during a huge musical festival when the events of Burning Man were happening. It was an interesting and totally coincidental line up of events.
Also, love, LOVE the romance in this and how diverse it was. And the flashbacks, although sometimes a pet peeve for me, really helped me understand why some of the characters were the way they were.
Finally, this book really made me think of GIRLS SAVE THE WORLD IN THIS ONE by Ash Parsons. If you enjoy this one as much as I did, I think you'll enjoy that one!
173. Stiff by Mary Roach--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was really excited to read this one because I've heard really good things about Mary Roach. And while I DID enjoy this for the most part, it got to a certain point where I kind of just wanted it to end.
The first half was really interesting. It was morbid, but I've never been too squeamish when it comes to the topic. We are all temporarily in these bodies and when we leave, our bodies are left behind. So, learning what we can learn from those bodies and how they're treated was fascinating. There was humour thrown in there to break up the dark tension and I really appreciated it. There was also a lot of historical research about grave digging and how certain practices have been adopted over the years.
But then the second half started and I just...I'll admit, my attention started to turn away from Roach's words and my interest started to wane. Just goes to show that even though these topics have always made me wish I had more aptitude for the sciences, my attention would never linger long enough to fulfill such fanciful futures LOL.
Anyway, this was good overall--even with that latter half (for me). I think this is a great Autumn read. You get to learn some neat stuff and get the sometimes creepy forthrightness of science.
174. Fall of Ruin & Wrath by Jennifer L. Armentrout--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I received a copy of this book from the publisher because I interviewed the author for Indigo on Instagram. This did not affect my review in any way.
I usually read books like this one as audiobooks because my attention strays so much now that I'm older. So, I was a little wary because I had to read this by a deadline AND I had to read the physical copy. I was so happy to see how easily the story pulled me in and how addicted I was to the story.
I loved the main character and her energy--it gave me huge flashbacks to when I read Armentrout's books in the past and how addicted I was to them. There's just something always so compelling and addicting about her writing. I especially loved how the MC spoke her mind and was honest with herself about what she wanted and needed to survive.
When the love interest came in, I was even more hooked. I LOVED the sexual tension and how he was so unapologetically himself. Listen, I have acknowledged that what would normally be red flags in real life are very green flags (sometimes) in books like this one because, sigh. This love interest can get it.
There were other pretty cool things about this book, like how we learn about why the world is the way it is and the power of the natural world around the characters. I also felt like the story, even though it's mainly set in one place, was so compellingly written that it didn't need too much complication settings-wise.
My one complaint is the over-use of the ellipsis punctuation. The story was great, but some pages had at least two instances of...the character...talking...like...this...or describing...describing something...something like this. For me, it ruined the flow of writing and even if the scene happening was a serious or emotionally-charged one, I was taken right out and found myself giggling at yet another ellipsis.
My biggest way of recommending this book for reluctant readers is that it very much gave me SJM vibes, so if you're a fan of her fantasy romance books, then you might like this. I had a lot of fun and the spicy moments were very, very fun.
175. The Stranger by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️
While I found this instalment to be one of my least favourites, I DO see the importance of it.
THE STRANGER is a perfect example of how these are just kids who are fighting a nearly impossible war. They are given the opportunity to either stop what they're doing, or keep going and honestly, what do you think you'd do if given that opportunity?
As the story progresses and the stakes rise, we are constantly being reminded that these are kids.
I'm still incredibly excited to keep seeing where this series takes me. The books are short, but they pack some pretty great messages.
176. Go Down Hard by Ali Seay--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My friends have read and loved this book and I can completely see why.
This book was so much fun. I know that this is horror, but I was so entertained by the one-liners and the comedic timing. Also, what are the chances of a woman serial killer moving in next door to a men who is also a serial killer?
I also loved how he eventually showcases why she is the way she is and that despite all the stoicism and the mask some people wear, people like him are all the same in the end. The cat and mouse game between the two characters really emphasized this point and made it even more entertaining to me, as a woman.
I highly recommend this one for those who want to read horror novellas, but are wary of gory horror. Yes, there is murder, but the social commentary and icky factor of this man makes this book more than worthy enough for the horror category!
Also, not to mention how ADDICTING this book was. I had to put the book down because I had to get up early the next day. So worth the sleepless night, though.
Never have I rooted for a serial killer before. Oop.
177. Landbridge by Y-Dang Troeung--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was one of the more creative memoirs I've had the pleasure of reading. The text was full of photography and was cut into, as the title describes, fragments. It was incredibly readable and I enjoyed learning more about the heartbreaking history of Cambodia, and the reality of life as an immigrant in Canada in the '80s.
I think, however, that my absolute favourite part of this text (as heartbreaking as it is) were the letters Troeung wrote for her son. They were moments and thoughts captured in time that he can one day look back on whenever he thinks of his mother. While the rest of the text had really important experiences and histories retold, even personal experiences, it was these snippets that capture my heart.
The author's story is heartbreaking and that dedication at the end broke me, especially knowing just how important those letters will now be to her son.
I highly recommend "Landbridge" for anyone who enjoys reading immigrant memoirs and for those who want to open their world up a little more. Not only does this explore the grief one might experience over a country your family had to leave, but you will be a part of the living grief the author shared with the reader in the letters for her son. Gorgeous and heart shattering.
178. The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I LOVED this one. The writing, off the bat, was incredibly compelling and addicting. It felt beautiful and full of so many things I wanted to highlight. The story idea is so unique and had some genuinely terrifying moments.
What would you do if your blood was enough to create clones of you almost instantly--murderous clones that hated you?
There were searing moments of sadness where I grieved with the mc, and moments where I laughed until tears came to my eyes because she's so socially awkward.
This being a novella also made this a super quick and addicting read.
Immediately ordered the next two books and will hopefully read them soon!
179. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read in September 2023-
Oh Eric, the things that happen to you. I was a little wary going back into this one because I vaguely remembered what happened with Eric, but I was happily surprised and thoroughly entertained. For once, Sookie got to have a hot girl summer moment with the vampire. Screw Bill.
We get to meet a character in this one who will also change Sookie's life forever and I'm exciting to re-explore that world with her. This is where the story starts to truly get more and more fun!
Also, I was hella looking forward to that conclusion. Iykyk.
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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HI MIKEY busting in here to say 1, 3, 7, 37
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I know I always mention Lighthopping, but I really do think it's very representative of me as a writer. It's also long enough to show my writing in a few different lights/scenarios. Coincidentally, it's got 50 kudos to go before it becomes my second fanfic to hit 1k kudos!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I said "mikey-brand cuddles" once and now it's a thing, so obviously the cuddles. I am incapable of writing fic without cuddles.
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I've written like 50k words of cuddles.
Also whump. Big thing for me in whump is specifically emotional whump and emotional hurt/comfort. I write a lot about mental health, which is something that's been a theme since I started writing way back in like 2007. Obviously, 5 year old Mikey had a limited vocabulary to talk about it, but I wrote a LOT about anxiety and PTSD and now that I think about it, I was very fixated on this one OC and her coping with an event that was eerily like something that wouldn't happen to me until almost five years after I came up with her story.
I tend to focus on sleep a lot, too. I have absolutely no clue why, but this is also something I can trace back to my 2007-2012 era notebooks.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Funny you should ask this, because I consider worldbuilding to be a weak spot of mine, and one of my 2023 resolutions is to get better at it! I don’t have any great examples of worldbuilding up on ao3, but I’m actually pretty proud of the way my Transformers/Pacific Rim fusion is going right now. Lots of worldbuilding in that one when it comes to meshing the technologies and politics, and I’m having a lot of fun on the bus and between classes lol.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Okay I’m actually going to do two because I couldn’t choose. First one is my beloved 3x1 (Netflix Iron Fist), which is my lowest-kudos fic at 10. I understand that it’s only 200 words. It’s not the kudos that bother me. It’s the fact that there are only two works in the whole ship tag. Where are the Ward/Danny/Colleen fans!!!!! Did we not watch the same show???????
And now here’s my serious answer, the fic I’m actually proud of despite its unfinished state: In Case of Emergency. I’m gonna be honest with you guys I thought cyborg au would be more of a hit. This is the fandom that hyped me up for 40k words of hockey au and yet there were crickets for cyborgs. Horrible. I love it, though.
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wakgaes · 5 months
YouTube @ joeblack7326
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1 Page of IRENE : Prologue - YouTube 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUm-Z5X28nY
💭 Did I possibly find the troll? If you go to Irene's recent video and sort comments by "new", this person has commented under a "finally the Irene era", about an hour ago. Very active in spamming the channel with troll comments. Male wakgae who went to the concert in Manila
'https://www.youtube.com/@joeblack7326/videos /post/33539/
💭 If you look at 🫅 recent Youtube comments, the troll started being active the same time like here in the forum (4 hours ago) lmfao. It should be noted that Joe is not his real name, that's a movie character (Joe Black). But I am already onto it. For someone who has terrorized 🫅 forums as a straight guy. Wow. Don't think you can apologize. Wait and see /post/33652/
💭 That Filipino troll is still clearly here. He likes this song. 0:27 It says "ako ay pangit at hindi kaakit akit" which means he's ugly and unattractive. The rest of the lyrics also sounds just like how his brain works it's full of slutshaming to make himself better. www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCNqtVyRPV4 | He hates himself, why did he decide to be a fan of Wendy when he has dark skin? /post/33826/
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'https://www.youtube.com/@joeblack7326/videos [⧉]
050723 R to V Manila - Wendy (ment) Joe Black 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbN8Qib5H4Y [⧉]
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China Eyes - Alamid
@joeblack7326 3 years ago When I heard this song the 1st time, I was in 2nd grade. I thought it was the greatest song ever. Still catchy to this day 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMbQx3K2BIk
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Girls' Generation 소녀시대 '소녀시대 (Girls' Generation)' MV
@ joeblack7326 3 years ago (edited) Taeyeon's voice Jessica's english Tiffany's eye smile Yoona's beautiful face Sunny's Aegyo Seohyun's innocence Yuri's sexy curves Sooyoung's long legs Hyoyeon's dance skills
*There will never ever be another Girls' Generation. 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbLh4i40I4E 'https://sonichits.com/video/Sonyeoshidae소녀시대(Shojojidai少女時代)_a.k.a_Girls'_Generation걸스제네레이션/LOVE%26GIRLS
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CNBlue (씨엔블루) - I'm A Loner (외톨이야) | Color Coded
@ joeblack7326 4 years ago This is just so good. Remembering my kpop phase circa 2010-2012. 'https://sonichits.com/video/C.N.Blue/I'm_a_Loner
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Cueshé - Borrowed Time
@ joeblack7326 7 years ago (edited) You never appreciate something until it's gone. More than a decade after this song is released, you'll realize that this band actually had good and meaningful songs with heartfelt and honest lyrics. I'd listen to this any day than the music we are hearing today.
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@ joeblack7326 hace 3 años (editado) Mindblowing fact: This is actually NOT their original song. This is just a revival. This song is actually an old song by Lee Seung Chul in the year 1989 titled "Girls' Generation". Coincidentally, it is the year when most of SNSD's members were born and that song is actually where they got their group name "Girls' Generation" if ever you're 'https://girls-generation-girls-generation-mv.mp3cielo.co/v4
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Senju Outlaw Gaming September 21, 2023 at 1:02 pm @joeblack7326 Chill out bro. Lol. 'http://videoblogsterpro.com/israel-adesanya-breaks-his-silence-after-loss-to-sean-strickland-at-ufc-293/ [Archive]
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The Secrets to Karina's fit body are revealed‍️ l The Manager Ep207 [ENG SUB] - смотреть и скачать видео
@joeblack7326 - 23.03.2023 12:52 God she has insane body proportions. Super freakin' sexy! What a great body https://invideo.cc/view/f21nduBGkLsnzktpxYLYdg
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KOREA SOLO TRAVEL 🇰🇷 first time flying alone to seoul | EP1 solo travel vlog - YouTube 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeZUEMVn7rU
Highlighted comment
@ joeblack7326 11 months ago [Archive] Man, I've been planning a solo trip to Korea all year. That is the goal. Hopefully makarating late this year or next year. Thanks for the vid, and animo Lasalle! Taga lasalle Lipa ako :) https://videofoot.xyz/observe/XeZUEMVn7rU/korea-solo-travel-first-time-flying-alone-to-seoul-ep1-solo-travel-vlog/
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Korean Actors Who Smoke In Real Life - YouTube
@ joeblack7326 8 months ago @ malathisunderraman5982 I'm 36 and is a smoker since I'm 16. I'm still right here. My male cousin, same age as me, nevevr smoked once, was into sports, bikes a lot and hikes a lot. Has way better physique than me and better hair. Never had any bad vice. He passed away in 2021 coz it turns out he had COPD for 4 years. My point is we only have one life. Let people do what they want. 'https://sonichits.com/video/Kim_Joon_Seok/Ssang-hwa-jeom
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song lyrics @0:27 "ako ay pangit at hindi kaakit akit" translation: I am ugly and unattractive *his comment means he likes the song or the lyrics @ joeblack7326 3 years ago Sobrang ganda
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Channel details www.youtube.com/@joeblack7326 734 subscribers 12 videos 441,009 views Joined Jun 3, 2013
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