#also do you just imagine Danny getting kidnapped by the GIW and the last thing he screamed was Damian's name
medusas-graveyard · 4 months
Damian's...a big brother?
He's been babied by the rest of the Waynes so what'll happen if Danny suddenly show up in the family being ± 2/3 years younger than him... Traumatized kid who thinks Damien's pretty cool yk.... The rest of the Waynes are pretty damn impressed that he hasn't killed Danny yet for being curious about him...Damian doesn't know why he's letting the newest stowaway follow him around either?
Eventually being Danny's favorite sibling (Totally not because he could go all out sparring with Dami. What? Psshh, no...) And the first name he screams when he's in trouble.
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kotalefanzu · 4 years
Pitch Pearl  ATUS AU- Part 3
ahahaha. i finally came back to wite the finale. WOOOO. im still sorry about waiting so long oof.
where we last left off, danny had a dream about phantom, in which he tells him about the creation of the natural portals. he leaves danny, saying that he’ll come running back soon enough. when he wakes up, jazz tells him that sam and tucker have gone missing.
danny takes a second to process that information along with the dream and his brain just shuts down. he goes on autopilot, acting like he didn’t hear a word she just said. jazz tries to snap him out of it to get some sort of reaction but when she actually looks him in the eyes, filled with exhaustion, fear, and helplessness, she realizes that he doesn’t need any more things to worry about and goes to tell their parents not to bother him. 
when she leaves, he blankly goes through the motions as he normally would. just like before this all happened. he checks his phone with slight hope that they may have tried to contact him, but after realizing he spent ten minutes just staring at it, he puts it away and doesn’t check it again. the walk to school is nothing but a stream of consciousness and he doesn’t even really feel awake anymore. everyone is just a blur while his brain refuses to process anything around him. 
he gets to class, looks at his friends’ desks, and notices two cleanly carved DP symbols on them. it makes him start giggling a little, then laughing loudly, before he sinks to the ground crying out of frustration and overload.
a town meeting is called in the middle of school. the missing children line up with the new influx of ghost sightings and they want to check to see if any more kids have gone missing. someone points out the danny got taken last and the two missing children were his friends. others bring up the lunchroom incident and start pestering him with questions, seeking answers. danny waits for his family to quiet everything down before explaining everything from his first day in captivity all the way to last night’s dream. many people want to push the blame onto danny for painting a target on their heads and force him to deal with it on his own while others want to use danny as a bargaining tool to save their lives.
the fentons reject every suggestion and say that the most important thing here to do if to protect the children and find a way to defeat the ghosts now that blocking their way into the human realm is no longer an option. they explain that giving danny up might be a trap if phantom was able to kidnap sam and tucker but didn’t head straight for danny. he is told to safe and not try anything.
the GIW are called in to work on locating one of the portals and storming the ghost zone to rescue the missing children. danny is desperate to help and spends most of his time reliving unwanted memories just to give any form of information that might be helpful. after a while they send him away to try getting back to normal life as he needs a form of distraction. 
at lunch, he is cornered by the other teens who ask if he is really just going to sit there and do nothing. danny is hesitant to lead more children into the ghost zone where they could be hurt, but they are determined and at this point, he is willing to risk it. after stealing a bunch of weapons from his parent's old weaponry vault, he finds a natural portal and opens it. they get sucked into it and arrive in the courtyards of phantom’s keep.
the ectoplasm flooding his system is mildly overwhelming but he pushes through it and begins guiding everyone to the dungeons where they would probably be kept. he notices while navigating that strangely everything is the same as it ws before he left, from to the decor to the guard rotations. when they reach the dungeons, sam and tucker aren’t there. it confuses him. he tries to think about where else phantom could have put them and a small voice whispers, ‘check your old wing’. its actually easier to sneak back to his old wing due to all the times he has snuck in and out of it. while the rest of the group aren’t so used to the routes, following him makes it a lot easier. waiting in the common room of the wing are sam and tucker, posed like lifeless dolls and dressed in clothing uncomfortably similar to what danny once wore, though less extravagant. their skin is pale and lifeless and their eyes are glowing
perched on their heads are silvery circlets. danny motions for the rest of the group to stand behind him. sam and tucker slowly turn to look at them and another battle breaks out.
its obvious from how they are fighting that while they wont strike to kill danny, they dont care about sparing the rest. the group slowly works out a system of one half distracting sam while the other go to hold down tucker and remove the circlet. as soon as it comes off, the glow from his eyes fades and he stills like they pushed his power button. with one less person constantly firing at them, its a lot easier to do the same for sam as she can’t fight them all off. dash and kwan take up carrying the limp, unconscious people and they make off with their battle spoils to the portal. 
danny reopens the portal and makes sure everyone gets through, doing a headcount. when he is sure everyone is accounted for and out of the ghost zone. he thanks them and seals it, locking them in the human realm with him on the other side.  
it takes a while for the group to finally tell someone what happened and they start fearing how to explain to the two dead to the world people who still haven’t woken up yet. they finally fess up when jazz drives by and asks where danny is. they silently just show her sam and tucker and watch the emotions flicker rapidly on he face. in the end she settles on heartache and gives a weak smile, telling them that she’s glad they are back but wishes they could have brought her brother back as well. she is more forgiving when they explain that it was his decision and they didnt have time to stop him before it was too late.
back in the ghost zone, danny stares blankly at the sealed portal, wondering if he should just step through now before its too late. just as he reaches out his hand, he gets pulled in a tight embrace as phantom laughs in his ear. 
“What did I tell you, Starlight. You would come running back into my arms soon enough. Let’s go back home. You’ll find I didn’t change anything when you left. We can go right back to how it used to be before. Like you never ran away from me.”
he stays huddled up in his room for most of the time, only coming out when phantom wants him to accompany him on an errand or when he has to attend meetings with phantom. the faces are familiar. he made a few friends during his captivity and while the circumstances are grim, its pleasant to see them again. 
for starters, clockwork was a common face when danny began getting incredibly homesick. phantom had requested danny be allowed to view the present of his ‘loved ones’ lives and he had spent every moment he could watching them throughout the day and making sure they were fine. clockwork also had hilariously awful puns, though they werent allowed to actually say them anymore after phantom got jealous and forbade them from speaking to danny. danny still carried the one-sided conversations and it seemed to cheer clockwork up from the decree. princess dora, now queen dora, was also a good friend of his, often discussing with him the pain of living with overbearing nobility. she had done a double-take when he approached her and sat him down to calmly ask what happened, though he could see the tension laced through her. after recounting she took a long sip of her tea and looked him in the eyes. she told a seemly random story of her exploring her kingdom and hearing a bard singing about how the mighty dragon princess stole the dragon king’s crown and the mighty dragon queen took her dear brother down. the piercing look in her eyes before she moved to a new topic told him more than enough.
the few moments of reprieve they offered was not enough to outdo the lappet treatment of phantom that allowed for no rejection, but it was something and it was all he could ask for.
sam and tucker wake up finally after being in a coma for two days. after scanning the room filled with their classmates, parents, and the fenton family, they quickly realize the only one not there that should be is danny. sam is the first one to speak, immediately yelling at them for trading them for danny and going off about how they need to go back for him as soon as possible. dash defends them by telling her that its not their fault danny closed the portal before any one of them could drag his skinny self sacrificing ass through it. they cant reopen it without him.
sam quiets down after that and tucker takes out asking all the questions he can think of to find a way to fix this. there has to be a way to reopen the portal.
(a cut back scene to danny interacting with phantom. im not good with writing abuse mixed with love very well so go ahead and use your imaginations okay uwu)
sam and tucker also end up secluding themselves and working nonstop on trying to figure out how to save danny. jazz stops by every day to check on them and pass on homework and anything she hears about the ghosts to them. while they start cleaning up the room to take a break and finish schoolwork, sam trips on a piece of paper and is about to fall. only she is caught in mid-air and surrounded by a neon lime green aura, one similar to danny’s though his is a bluish mint. the aura dissipates and she hits the ground with a soft thud but everything stops as tucker and her look at each other in shock. 
“That was you!”
“That was me!”
homework gets pushed aside again for experimentation and documenting. they might be able to reopen the portal after all.
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 18/4/18
There is a lot today because I stayed home sick from work and I started getting a headache whenever my eyes were open for too long so I ended up just lying on my bed binging podcasts. Mostly Bright Sessions. I want to catch up with Bright Sessions since that actually seems like, in reach lol unlike MBMBAM. Underneath the cut because there is a LOT (although I chipped away at that monster too)
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode :)
The Adventure Zone | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2| My Brother, My Brother, and Me | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wonderful!
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 128: Y Tu Hermano Tambien
Time: 1hr 3 min, 140% of goal
Petition to replace statues of racists with bronze statues of Travis McElroy reclining like Cleopatra
Episode: 129: Krumping Across America
Time: 48 min, 107% of goal
That first question about the Craiglist girlfriend, the one who wanted to have sex with a virgin man, that was just... that was so much, man, you can’t start with that, there’s nowhere to go from there.
Episode: 130: Holy Terror
Time: 49 min, 109% of goal
My ex boyfriend actually did have some kind of olfactory issue - it wasn’t that he couldn’t smell ANYTHING, I don’t think, I’m pretty sure his nose was just like extremely desensitized. The only time it had any kind of consequence was when another friend of ours accidentally forgot some boxed restaurant leftovers in his car and he didn’t notice for like two weeks until someone else got in the car and noticed the stench.
Podcast: The Flop House
Episode: #31 - Swing Vote
Time: 59 min, 131% of goal
That Mystery Team thing actually sounds like a fun concept, although why did they say “they have to solve a murder” like that’s not a thing that Nancy Drew/The Hardy Boys ever did like there wasn’t a ton of guts and gore but there were very much dead people in those stories
Episode: Movie Minute #20 - Pool Cleaning
Time: 3 min, 7% of goal
You know I meant to watch Benjamin Button and just never got around to it
Podcast: Shmanners
Episode: Travel: Boats and Planes
Time: 49 min, 109% of goal
I have been on too many planes I find nothing magical about it anymore. I’m sorry, Travis, I appreciate your optimism and the joy you find in life but I’ve flown a minimum of once every six months since I was three months old and I really can’t summon up awe for it anymore.
I really thought they weren’t going to talk about going through security and I was ready to riot because I could do an entire forty-minute episode of my own just ranting about the IDIOTS I’ve encountered who have no idea how to go through security and take like five years figuring it out
Episode: Travel: Trains and Automobiles
Time: 47 min, 104% of goal
Shmanners: drivers ed edition
“There’s no c [in Shmanners]” but there SHOULD BE THOUGH Lemony Snicket taught me this in The Wide Window when I was seven the prefix is “schm” and it honestly really bothers me that they got this wrong
Podcast: The Bright Sessions
Episode: S3E4: Patient #13-A-3 (Chloe)
Time: 25 min, 56% of goal
We finally meet Frank! His voice is not what I was expecting - I think I imagined him sounding older? - but I like it! And Saaaaaaaam I was wondering why Chloe ran out of the room like that
Episode: S3E5: Sam, September 13th
Time: 26 min, 58% of goal
Sam lists all of the questions I want to know the answers to. Also I really enjoy that we get Sam and Joan more as equals and friends now, I really like this dynamic between them.
Episode: S3E6: Caleb, 9/16
Time: 4 min, 9% of goal
That was TOOTH ROTTING I love it
Episode: S3E7: Friday, 9/23/16
Time: 24 min, 53% of goal
So we can agree that the entire AM should be burnt to the ground except Officer Decker, yes? Yes.
Ooooooh new character, “Rose”
There should definitely be a Danny Phantom crossover where we fuse the AM and the GIW. I do really appreciate that we get to SEE the “evil scary government agent that does experiments on people” from the perspective of some of the people who work there who AREN’T mad scientists, see how they justify it and willingly blind themselves to the moral issues
Shoutout to Sarah for being the real MVP
Episode: S3E8: friday, studio time w/ the gang
Time: 23 min, 51% of goal
Me this entire episode: PROTECT THEM
Hmm so they’ve brought up the Intrusion episode twice, I thought it was like a non-canonical crossover thing but it seem like maybe they’re actually making a thing of it?
Episode: S3E9: Damien, September
Time: 20 min, 44% of goal
Mark yelling at Damien was WILDLY cathartic
Episode: S3E10: September 24th, 2016
Time: 37 min, 82% of goal
Also lol @ Caleb just trying to handle his sex life while everything else is turning into a Bournian government conspiracy around him
Episode: S3E11: Frank
Time: 38 min, 84% of goal
That was... a lot. I sort of guessed at most of it but it was... a lot.
Episode: S3E12: September 30th, 2016
Time: 10 min, 22% of goal
I suppose I ought to feel a little bad for Damien, but I REALLY don’t. Careful what you fucking wish for, you hypocritical douchebag
Episode: S3E13: Patient #13-A-3 (Chloe)
Time: 22 min, 49% of goal
Mark is such a sweet innocent bean and any attempt to make the AM morally grey is belied by the fact that they, without any cause, kidnapped him, locked him in a basement, and experimented on him for years
Episode: S3E14: sunday, after my session
Time: 5 min, 11% of goal
“You’re the struggling artist and I’m the wealthy old lady patron.” Chloe still isn’t my favorite character but I LOVE her and Sam’s friendship so much
Episode: S3E15: Patient #11-A-7 (Caleb)
Time: 26 min, 58% of goal
Caleb: Okay can we stop talking about my sex life and CONCENTRATE ON THE EVIL GOVERNMENT AGENCY THAT KIDNAPS PEOPLE
What is going to happen to him though because I do NOT like where this foreshadowing is going
Episode: S3E16: Patient #14-A-8 (Rose)
Time: 30 min, 67% of goal
Rose is super cute! Also, oh man, Mark, I just want to give Mark a hug, man.
Episode: S3E17: Telephone 2
Time: 22 min, 49% of goal
Oh yes hearing Wadsworth get her comeuppance by having Adam confront her was AWESOME
Episode: S3E18: Safe House Part I
Time: 24 min, 53% of goal
“I beat you once in 1998″ peak sibling right there
Frank WHY
Episode: S3E19: Safe House Part II
Time: 55 min, 122% of goal
Caleb, oh honey, oh, no
I just want all of them to be safe and okay GOD. I mean, Damien can die in a hole, but I don’t want Caleb to have KILLED him, he can die in a hole of natural causes. Chloe is not my favorite character but oh hell yes her last bit in this episode was EVERYTHING to me
Total Listening: 11hr 49 min, 1576% of goal
Ahahahaha like I said, literally all I did today was zone out and listen to podcasts
Ah well, no one on this website has a right to judge me for binging anything
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