#also fyi the limit is 10 blogs
animalsandskyyy · 1 year
apparently there’s a daily limit on how many blogs you can create?!?!?? whyyyyy
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notcaycepollard · 11 months
I just saw your Barbie jacket and fell in love, such beautiful work!
I want to get into sewing but have no idea where to start, do you have any tips?
Yes! FYI, I had the privilege of learning to sew at a really young age, around 10-12, thanks to 1) learning the basics from my mum 2) having a second-hand sewing machine I could futz around on as I pleased. But I truly think anyone can learn to sew, it does not have to be a childhood skill.
If you want to try it out before committing to buying anything except fabric, there are almost always community or adult education classes or courses that can teach you basics on their machines. Depends where you live but you might find them through your local community college or high school night class, library, YMCA/community centre, or even by asking at a fabric/craft store.
I highly recommend taking a couple of classes if you're a complete beginner - they can teach things like laying out and cutting patterns, threading a machine, the basic stitch and finishing options, etc. Often they can also teach you how to use your own machine, if you've bought one but you're a beginner.
If you want to try at home, at minimum you will need:
A basic sewing machine - you can very often find good second-hand machines online (ebay, craigslist, local buy/sell Facebook pages). Mine is a Janome and I've had it for almost 20 years, but the old 70s steel Singer machines are fantastic in terms of longevity.
A pair of reasonably sharp fabric scissors. You do not need to pay a million dollars for the best scissors, but going up a level from basic craft scissors, and keeping them only for cutting fabric (no paper) will make your cutting-out experience a lot easier.
A packet of sewing pins. For pinning down patterns and seams. I like the glass-head pins since they don't melt if you iron over them.
A tape measure for measuring yourself and checking your seam width, hems, etc.
An iron and ironing board (or table with a thick towel laid down, if space is a real problem).
A flat surface to lay out and cut your fabric - dining table or floor both work fine.
A needle for hand-sewing - to sew on things like buttons.
A box of empty bobbins to wind your bobbin thread onto.
In terms of patterns - there are a huge range of indie pattern companies online now (meaning they're not the big commercial patternmakers like Butterick). Most often, you can buy their patterns as a PDF and print it out on your home computer. In all honesty I much prefer indie patterns to commercial - they're often a lot more up to date with style, and usually not as expensive - but they can also be limited in terms of sizing, the range of style options, and some people really like a printed paper pattern instead of having to print your own. I recommend Papercut Patterns as an indie option that's great for beginners.
Indie instructions can also sometimes be a bit confusing (I find Etsy patterns the worst for this) although often you can email them and ask - or Google "[name of pattern] sew along" for a video tutorial. You can also find step by step video or blog post tutorials for pretty much every sewing technique, including things like putting in a zip, sewing buttonholes, etc.
Once you've picked your pattern, you'll obviously need fabric. There are a million people online who espouse the virtue of sewing with old bedsheets from thrift stores; in all honesty I don't love doing this because 1) I get a huge amount of joy from beautiful fabrics 2) if you want to make things that look 'professional'/store-bought, bedsheet cotton is not always your best friend. BUT it is probably the cheapest option for fabric, and a very good way to start or to test that a pattern fits and you know how to make it before you cut it out in the nice linen that cost $30 a yard. Using thrifted fabric is also obviously really eco-conscious, although a lot of fabric stores (especially independent ones vs chain stores like Spotlight or Joann) make a point of selling 'deadstock' fabric - fabric leftover from a clothing designer's run.
That's probably enough to start, honestly just fuck around and have fun with it, screw up a few times, lean into the imperfection. I still regularly scrap projects that aren't working for me, no shame in doing so as long as you're enjoying yourself!
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alhilton · 1 year
hi! i just finished distraction in the hunters universe and just started arcove’s bright side - i’m super enjoying them so far! i did have a bit of a question when it comes to the worldbuilding if that’s all right to ask? do the creasia have a taboo against incest, or does it not matter after a certain point of relation? i’m curious if only because carmine and wisteria are both related through arcove (arcove being his son and wisteria his granddaughter) and attention is drawn to that in the narrative, in terms of how much they both look like and take after arcove. is this sort of thing generally accepted in creasia society, or is it given a pass since they’re both higher-ranking? i’m not asking to be a weird freak or anything, it just kind of hit me as a “oh right that’s a little odd” when i realized fully, haha. genuinely just curious - but also feel 100% free to delete this if that’s not something you’d want to discuss on your tumblr blog, i get that it’s kind of A Bummer by nature. again, super genuinely enjoying the books, i really love your prose and how the world feels so deeply lived in and real and how textured every character is, even the minor ones. wisteria is also an absolute icon with her two boyfriends, god bless her lmao
Hi, there. Thank you for your kind words! I'll answer your question, but I've done so in even more detail here - https://shop.abigailhilton.com/b/1HLeF (it's a free download) These are essays I wrote while researching lions for Distraction and Bright Side. I examine the potential for inbreeding depression, not just in creasia, but also in ferryshaft and other species on Lidian. I talk about the (highly bisexual) biology of real lions, the ways in which I modeled creasia on them, and the ways in which I made creasia different. In answer to your question, real lions have no inbreeding taboo. Ruling males don't usually hold a pride long enough to mate with their adult daughters. Teenaged males have a strong instinct to roam once they hit puberty. They travel far from their natal prides and seek to take over a distant pride. Females stay with their natal pride. That's how real lions avoid inbreeding. If young males are prevented from roaming (by habitat fragmentation), they may end up taking over a pride with relatives and will mate with them. I have given my creasia some degree of incest taboo, partially because I think it's too difficult for humans to relate to them otherwise and partially because I think it's a useful trait to have evolved, what with their limited range and food supply. They have an incest taboo that applies to siblings and parents, possibly great-grand parents. Those would be the most generically dangerous pairings. However, their are many other types of relatedness that humans recognize that creasia do not. In addition, creasia generations run into each other in ways that could not happen in human beings. Human women enter menopause right about the time that their daughters hit puberty. In creasia, mothers and daughters will have babies at the same time, perhaps for decades. Creasia are teenagers capable of reproduction at 4, young adults at 6, and fully adult by 8-10. Historically, most alpha males have died in fights by their 20's or 30's, while females and unambitious clutter males have sometimes lived into their 60's. This allows plenty of time for generations to run into each other. Now they're living even longer because they're becoming less violent. In this milieu, you would see generational pairings that would seem strange and impossible to human beings. Carmine is Wisteria's half uncle on her father's side and her great-half uncle on his mother's side. It really is a pretty twisty family tree. FYI, Wisteria has 2 kings in her ancestry. Ketch was Caraca's father. Creasia would not regard this as a close familial relationship or any form of incest. Indeed, it's unlikely to cause their cubs any problems. Arcove has been a very successful male creasia, which means his genes are going to be dominant in the population for quite a while. Halvery even more so (lol). In real lions, nearly all the females will contribute genetically to the population, but not so the males. A tiny percentage of the most successful males will sire all the cubs. So you have this same effect. Any deleterious genes lurking in those successful males could have outsized effects on the population, unfortunately. But real lions seems to weather this just fine.
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
So here's the thing. The URLs of the bots I'm getting are now more and more terrifyingly fandom-looking. Some of them even have profiles, likes and even reblogs (seemingly focused on Stranger Things posts), all done within one day. I cannot stress enough how BAD this is.
How do I know they are bots? Well, for one, they all have the exact same follow pattern. Literally dozens of new accounts, following me, as well as a bunch more of the same fandom people in rapid succession, sometimes even in the same order of following. I actually managed to open one of the accounts when it only followed me, and refreshed the page to see the same names start appearing above, one by one, all within about 10 seconds. Could one freak be behaving like that? Sure. Two? Maybe. Dozens of them? Probability theory says no.
Two, some of them also follow actual explicit pornbot blogs (presumably to boost each other's posts in tags).
I've posted 9 screenshots here. I could post another 50 if tumblr limit allowed that.
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@skymadness @deadfruity @drangues @ninazeniksloveinterest @verdiris @mollymurakami @lemanzanabizarra @halosketches Just wanted to say hi y'all because I've become intimately familiar with your guys' URLs and userpics even though I don't follow you. Honestly, it would have been hilarious under different circumstances. Sorry if this was irrelevant to you guys, maybe you don't care about being followed by bots, but I'll tag you anyway FYI. Feel free to ignore. Hope you have a good day/evening :)
And here's another thing. Changing my URL today didn't break the bots' pattern. Not for a second. Which means somewhere out there, there's literally a bot patient zero. Either a hacked fandom account, or a very human-looking bot creator's account whose Following list is used as a canvas for the other bots to follow (it's very easy to get a Following list via tumblr's API). Bc if the list of URLs was somehow imported as a text file, for instance, my URL change would have stopped this.
Well, keep at it, asshole. I'm gonna keep reporting every single one of these for spam even if there's 1000 a day on principle, so if you wanna keep me on your dumb script, go on. Shoot yourself in the foot.
@staff (although why do I even bother...)
I'm honestly sorry if I'm annoying someone with my bot investigations but I'm crawling up the wall over here. Over 150 bot follows just TODAY. Feel free to block the "tumblr bots" tag, I'm using that for these posts.
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1968bullittmustang · 2 years
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Online I don’t care which pronouns you use for me, I will answer to all of them.
I am old enough to have kids. I have a number of them. I’m old enough to be a grand, but I’m not telling whether I am or not.
Artists of every shape and flavor, I will love you forever if you tag your posts with your blog name, so that I can more easily credit you in the tags.
I support ao3.
Fiction is NOT reality, no matter how hard you cry about it.
I do not condone censorship for any reason. Censorship is Fascism 101.
There are a million things I will never read, and yet they all have a right to be written. Even if it’s so that it can be dissected for it’s bigotry, racism and hatred. Hiding it underground will not make it go away, but it will make it harder to weed out.
Critical analysis and critical thinking are your friend, try them out, you might learn something.
No one has the right to dictate how someone else handles their own trauma.
Tag your shit properly, so that people trying to avoid triggers don’t accidentally stumble onto something that could hurt them.
The Block Button is your best friend, use it liberally and often, it will keep the toxicity of this place to a minimum.
I tag for my personal use.
I will absolutely add a tag if you need it.
I almost exclusively reblog, unless something comes across my news feed that I feel compelled to keep a copy for myself.
I reblog mainly -
- MCU and Marvel Comics fan artwork (#fanart #fanfic)
- Anything affecting transgender people, and often a lot of other LGBTQIA+ information (#lgbtqia #transgender)
- Recently a shit ton of politics and world news (#politics #fuckwads of the gop)
Checking out my archive ( https://1968bullittmustang.tumblr.com/archive ) will also give you the character and shipping tags I use most often, in case there is anything more specific you want to blacklist.
FYI I use the #unclad tag for myself personally on any questionably dressed and or sexual situation regardless of how it is tagged by anyone in the reblog chain.
If your blog is empty, I will assume you are a bot and block you. If your blog looks like a porn bot, I will assume you are a bot and block you. If you’re a racist, sexist, fascist, bigot, terf, fake feminist, or basically any variation of these I’ll figure it out eventually and block you. My block list is about ten times longer than my follow list.
I do not allow anonymous comments because I don’t have time for anyone else’s bullshit, I have plenty of my own.
Yes, I am an asshole, but the very specific kind that would gladly let my tax dollars go to support anyone in need of housing, food, health care, mental health, disability aids, education, immigration, civil rights, voting rights, etc., but  fucking hate when instead my taxes are used to subsidize big business, banks, rich fucks, blocking voting rights, banning books, removing bodily autonomy from 50% of the population, and basically trying to remove any rights that don’t specifically benefit a hetero cis white man.
If you see anything 
I’ve tagged with the wrong artist
I’ve forgotten to tag any artist at all
improperly tagged for any reason
that Is clearly AI art, but tagged with an artist
I want to know so I can correct the problem. I am human and I will make mistakes. But I always want a chance to correct them whenever I can. I am not an artist in any way shape or form, so my understanding of it is limited to ‘Wow I like that!’. But I will never knowingly reblog AI art, as I don’t believe it supports artists.
Thanks and have a great day!
(Unless you’re a fascist fuckwad, then I hope a sinkhole opens beneath your feet and you go straight to where you belong.)
Things I’ve learned the last 5 years and keep forgetting to write down - 
Only the TAGS on the original post count towards monthly yearly talleys (so no matter how many times I reblog clint barton he’s not going to make the year end top 100)
Only the first 5 TAGS are searchable (so if you want someone else to be able to find your post use the most important 5 first)
Only the first 20 TAGS are searchable inside your blog (so when you’re tagging 50 avengers from the comics make sure the first 20 are the ones you’re going to be looking for the most)
Even if you follow all these rules the TAGS are so broken most of the time, it won’t always work
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silversoulstardust · 2 years
Tagged by @mygeekcorner thanks boo 😘
Name (as far as Tumblr will ever be concerned): Chromie, or Eevee. there's another nickname I frequently use but it would be right on the nose if anyone irl ever found this blog so I'm just gonna leave it out lol
Sign: scorpio-sagittarius cusp, but I lean more towards sagittarius traits
Height: 1.64m
Time: 3.38pm (GMT+8)
Birthday: November 22. shared it with mark ruffalo, scarlet johanson, jamie campbell bower and jamie lee curtis!
Favourite Artist/Band: plenty depending on mood but my chemical romance has been a constant since I was 14
Last Movie: do revenge. amazing film, 10/10 loved it when girls are unhinged. also maya hawke finally kissed a girl? like hello? why would you miss that?
Last Show: stranger things. just rewatch my favourite bits whenever I'm having a meal until I finish eating (can you guess which part(s)? lol)
When I Created This Blog: mid 2014 I think. ditched the old one I made circa 2009 because the followers were getting too many (close to 4k) and it kinda overwhelmed me because of the pressure. people followed me for japanese comic translation and I don't do that anymore after I started working (also because my proficiency is in decline due to lack of practice)
What I Post: fandom stuff and general shitposting, really. sometimes I write for my blorbos
Other Blogs: already deleted but its url was monochromefujoshi. that's where the chromie nickname came about fyi
Do I Get Asks: very rarely lol. but I'm not good at responding to asks so this is actually a blessing?
Average Hours Of Sleep: I try to get at least 6 hours of sleep every day. (emphasis on the try. it all depends on the lord of hyperfixation)
What I’m Wearing: a red and white stripes crop top with pajama pants cuz it's 32c out there. it's a weekend baby, it's time to wear jammies all day
Dream Job: marine biologist. I started scuba diving this year and god I wish I had known that being a marine biologist is a career option. bc coming from asian household, your options are limited to doctor, engineer and lawyer smh
Dream Trip: goshhhh there's just plenty of places I haven't been, but my top picks are Italy, Switzerland and Turkey <3
Favourite Songs: recently I've created a millenial middle school jam playlist specific to me and my experience and on loop these days are Goo Goo Dolls' iris and The Calling's wherever you will go
tagging @olyollyoxenfree , @aringofsalt , @edgynotice , @mitzwinchester , @abitofboth and everyone else who are interested to tell me about themselves! <3
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irxnmaiden · 2 years
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier!
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name. ivy is the name i use on tumblr! and for most of my creative projects, including my music (though that’s stylized as “IV”).
pronouns. she/they. i prefer and usually go by she/her pronouns, but am not opposed to they/them either.
preference of communication. discord gets to me quickest, but tumblr ims are valid also. my dissociative adhd-having headass is sometimes slow to respond tho, fyi ;;;
name of muse. jasmine rosanella daniels-de luca. really just an italian sailor girl who likes sharp/intimidating looking pokemon and british men. 
rp experience / how long. 15+ years, on and off tumblr for 10. mostly in the pokemon fandom, though i’ve experience in a couple others as well!
best experience. i think just having the experience to write with other people so freely? like, getting to craft these wild narratives and intense plot arcs and interconnections, it’s been a blast. i’m always impressed by the work i see others do.
fluff, angst, or smut. i love fluff and angst so much. i think my favorite genre can only be described as ‘cinematic’ tho: i like a combination of all the elements, with a healthy dose of chaos/adventure. smut, not so much with jasmine and certainly not to be present on this blog. things might get suggestive from time to time, but that’s about the limit there lmao
long or short replies. boy do i love long replies. the real meat and the potatoes. seriously, u can never write enough with me! short replies are also valid, and sometimes the only way to get the plot moving for sure.
best time to write. for me? morning to noon. my brain turns to complete mush past 6pm, though that is primarily when i’m down for musing/plotting!
are you like your muse. not entirely, but there are some things here and there that connect us together. my original characterization started from something unlike myself, so its kinda grown in that opposite direction ever since. but, that isn’t to say that pieces of myself aren’t present - i can be just as nice or just as brutal as jasmine, depending on the situation c’: but all jokes aside, she really is her own creation and i don’t find myself that alike to her all that much!
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We’re doing music on this blog too now. Todays album:
Let Her Burn
By Rebecca Black
Rating 4/10. Maybe 3. TLDR: Overall the songs are mostly very short and all blend in just a little too much, I could play the entire album and almost not know when one songs ends and another begins. The lyrics are truly nothing to write home about. The production was very basic (assuming professional producers were hired), like there was no pushing the limits or actually trying to find something unique apart from some poorly executed tempo variations. Doe Eyed is probably the most well done, the production is tight, the lyrics are ok, vocals fine. I’d give this album a skip. If you’re really into keeping up with celebrities and want to know all about RB then I reckon just read the lyrics and you’ll be fine? FYI this mini review is only focussing on the tracks, I’m not sending any negativity toward RB the person.
1. “Erase You” - This one might grow on me? It’s very basic though. Terribly basic. I totally get the appeal some gays might have to it, it’s very “typical long bass with higher freq synth arpeggiations”, which I think is the reason ‘Into You’ (Ariana grande) was so popular with the white American gays. The vocals are lacking for the style she’s apparently trying to go for. But she definitely can sing, if there’s any pitch correction it’s hardly noticeable (except for where they intentionally went for an auto-tuney effect).
2. “Destroy Me” - not a big fan of this one. Sounds like something grimes would’ve written/produced back in the mid 2010’s. Actually song 1 also sounds like something from the producers of Grimes earlier songs. The lyrics are honestly.. they sound like something a very young musician would’ve written. The (Amen Break?) is not doing anything for this track, it’s a great rhythm dgmw, but I would’ve gone for something else because it’s clashing too much and not helping achieve whatever serious vibe I think they were going for?? Again her vocals are ok, in the times there’s less background sounds that take away from them.
3. “Misery Loves Company” - overproduced, but somehow underproduced at the same time. Way too many conflicting layers. The descending drone thing is really clashing with those fat juicy chords, and other elements sound like they’re just being added to account for an emptiness that would’ve been better left alone. Again the lyrics… “I got a graveyard of all the failed loves that I’ve paid in blood” :\ it sounds like the only effort put into this song was spent on the chorus.
4. “Crumbs” - catchy actually. So far this is the only song with time synced lyrics. There’s a high pitched static noise that comes frequently (again when you’re just trying to add little pieces you end up with way too much noise) and it’s physically painful, it doesn’t serve the track, the way it’s currently being used. I would’ve used it maybe during just certain sections of the song, novelty is also nice. The “bad bad bad bad bad” (refrain?) is just.. man I don’t even know. It sounds like a first year arts major was experimenting in a new DAW. It’s so jarring, it comes out of nowhere and then we just go back into the normal bop vibe.
5. “Doe Eyed” - oh I like the way this one was done. Oh yes. Someone fucked up though. From around 13 seconds in, “maybe you (weird fast forward) feel the same”, I thought it was the connection to my headphones but nah. Ignoring who RB is as a person (as far as I know, which isn’t a lot), this track is tight, and consistent. The lyrics are mostly pretty good, the production is nice and simple, there are less ‘beat experiments’, whatever they add (in terms of layering etc) fits well and really helps pace the track and give it a direction. Not a fan, but this track is pretty well done.
6. “Sick To My Stomach” - oh yay more time synced lyrics. *sigh*. It’s just safe. Some of the previous songs at least tried something (even though it probably could’ve been implemented better), but this just… some “ooh ooh” background vocals, simple synths and bass. It feels like I’m drinking room temperature water that’s been left out for a few days.
7. “What Am I Gonna Do With You” - weak lyrics. Things like “why don’t you slip inside .. my mind .. if you can find your way out I promise there’ll be a prize” it comes off as if she’s singing for a carnival but she doesn’t know it. Ok production though, mostly. But again it’s just the standard drums, guitar, some vocal stacking. This song could not exist and it wouldn’t do anything to the album.
8. “Cry Hard Enough” - interesting vox. Ok.. ok…. I swear to god that’s the Amen Break again.. or modified at least. Yea this is nicely done I like this track I’ll probably give it another listen. When they repeat the chorus though there’s too much occupying the same frequency range as her vocals though it kinda takes away. I think filling out maybe the bass a bit more would’ve served it better. Ugh but then again the lyrics bring it down it sounds like parts of it were written by a wannabe YA author “the thought of myself FEELING broken makes my heart sink and I FEEL small. As though I’m stranded in an airport (?????) I really thought that you should know”. Um.
9. “Look At You” - More TSL. Sounds like the previous songs. Actually all of them sound the same.. Nice vocals in this one though. Oh nice synths, very Stranger Things. It sounds like this was produced by whoever did that flash in the pan girl “I got my drivers license yesterday, just like you said we would” etc. It seems like that’s the vibe they’re trying to go for, but there’s elements which pull it in other directions completely. Very nice outro piano.
10. “Performer” - “I’m a performer (guitar strumming) got myself cornered”. Girl what. Oh hey Lauren Aquilina helped with this too, you should check out some of her songs they’re really neat. Oh no this song is really not it. I completely understand that many songwriters use this medium to relay what they’d write in their personal diaries, but a truly talented and skilled artist is able to transform their diary entries into powerful songs. This is not that. This is like someone giving a powerpoint presentation and reading every single word off the slide behind them. God it ends so abruptly, there was no variation (mainly vocally), it felt like the same one line being sung for 3 minutes.
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frosted-clouds · 2 years
before things broke bad, did... you get an opportunity to meet Amaryllis?
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I almost got an audience with her before things got bad, but King Alto was there with his grandchildren and I didn’t want interrupt. As for requesting an audience with her now...
I can’t bring myself to. I would protect myself by being around her, yes, but only if she choses to prioritize me over the well-being of the nation, which I think is highly unlikely. Even if she did, the people would probably resent me more, and all it would be is another hiding spot. If I’m going to hide, I might as well do it where where I’m not causing any more trouble than I already have.
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Absolutely not.
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Thought about it, but it’s just another form of hiding. Like I’ve said, it’s safe and easier here until this M!A runs out.
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Great idea. Other than the fact that I don’t have the resources, nor do I care for living in a cage.
All sarcasm aside though, not a bad idea, perhaps I can find a way to rearrange my ice crystal structures such that they work similarly.
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Force of habit. It takes time and much concentration to set this kind of magic up, and would actually be more effort to restart if I were suddenly attacked than it is to continually use it. I will admit it is taxing at times though.
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If I err on the side of more sleep than less... I’d guess around 21 hours total, likely less though.
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I’m not sure what this means, but sure I suppose? I feel like I’m missing something here...
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I’ll be wary, but given that they have lightning scars as well, the two of us might have more in common than one would think.
(( M!A: The Blog Prince 6/10 ))
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sungtaro · 2 years
hello! i want to start making gifs, but i don't really know where to start. what are some programs you use and any tips?
hello hello ! ah amazing we can always use more content creators <3 i'll try to point you in the right direction to get started ! under the cut bc it's long:
⏤ my first app recommendation is 4k video downloader which will let you download videos in their highest quality from youtube. i recommend starting with content like music videos as they are usually available in 1080p (the minimum high quality you want - anything less and it can be really tough to get your gifs looking smooth) and up to 4k (pretty much the best quality you'll get), and it's easy to pick out shots you like to start messing around.
⏤ when i was first learning to gif, the only other app i used was photoshop. i started with a free trial to see if i would get the hang of it and now i pay for a monthly adobe subscription, but there are definitely cracked versions out there for download - you just have to find them (check the links at the bottom of this post) 👀 i honestly don't remember what tutorial specifically i followed to get the steps down, but here is one and here is another i found with a quick search that i think are good for a beginner. if those don't work for you, you can google "how to make gifs in photoshop" and you'll be able to find a ton and choose one that suits your learning style (i prefer written step-by-step, but if videos are easier for you, there are a lot of choices out there).
⏤ as far as coloring goes, it'll take time to figure out using adjustment layers and your own style. i really like this tutorial on how selective color works and remember using it when i was first starting. that same blog has a lot of other giffing resources you can look through, too: all ps tutorials
⏤ once i had the hang of just using ps, i learned how to use vapoursynth which is a python script program that will help you resize your gifs and keep them looping smoothly. it also can denoise and sharpen your gifs if you want. the reason i don't recommend starting with it is because i think it looks overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's simple to use and makes a big difference especially when it comes to cropping. ultimately it's totally up to you if you want to try and learn it all up front or not. this guide has all the information you'll need to install it depending on operating system, and also has guides for how to use it. it is MUCH harder to set up on a mac than windows, especially new macs, just fyi. if you are planning to gif ts files (for stage performance sets) you will need vapoursynth imo, but otherwise it's not at all a necessity, just a recommendation. i also used this tutorial to help me learn to use it.
general tumblr tips i wish i knew starting out:
⏤ the appropriate sizing for gifs on tumblr is as follows: your width should be 540px for one gif in a row, 268-268px for 2 gifs in a row, and 177-178-177px for a row of 3 (middle has to be 178 or it'll be blurry. i have no idea why. this site is insane). your length can be whatever you want but certain things just look better & if you aren't resizing in VS, then you're at the mercy of your videos dimensions when it comes to cropping them down.
⏤ the mb limit for gifs is 10 but if you're using beta post editor it's actually 9.5, and tumblr will compress the heck out of your gifs that are larger than 5mb, so just keep that in mind, i recommend only make bigger gifs with SUPER high quality videos.
other helpful resources:
⏤ this awesome post compiled by another wonderful cc friend here has links to programs and specific resources for hq kpop files
⏤ a helpful open network tag list to use for getting your gifs seen
i think that about covers it ... sorry this is a LOT of info but i hope it makes it easier to narrow down where to start. if there's anything else i can help you with, just let me know and i'll do my best !
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Tagged by @pose4photoml and why not, it's still summer break.
Name: Francis
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5'11
Time: 10:51 am (almost Unforgotten Night time!!!!)
Birthday: January 27th
Favorite Bands/Favorite Solo Artists:  Uh. Dan the Bard? lol sorry y'all my music is eclectic, random and very sporadic. I pretty much... don't listen to music unless I'm on public transit?
Last Movie: No goddamn idea. No clue. I don't watch movies much at this point and don't really plan to? OH! I think I rewatched the two Seven Days movies because @absolutebl talks about them so much and summer break means I am doing nothing.
Last Show: Minato Shouji Coin Laundry
When did I create this blog: 2011 or so. I was originally a Homestuck blog, just FYI. Yes, that's why I originally joined tumblr.
What I post: . BL stuff. Gifs, analysis, meta, criticism, responses to ask, deeper meta depending on the time and the occasional 'what weird food am I eating now!' which reminds me to do a post about the pickled strawberries and cherries I bought...
Last thing I googled: photopea not accepting video
Other Blogs: Nah. I have some sideblogs but they're all dead and mostly Homestuck.
Do I Get Asks?: Oddly regularly, yes.
Why I chose my url: I am dork and I am here and I like Shakespeare a lot this... weird phrasing is kinda my thing?
Following: 56 (look, I get a lot of anxiety about my dash moving too fast, so I limit my following and have a list of people that I just occasionally go look at. I'm working on being better about it but it's rough, especially considering my absolute urge to avoid all KP posts at this point...)
Followers: 3228
Average hours of sleep: 6-7, typically, less when I'm not keeping to a schedule because I stay up later but still automatically wake up early in the morning.
Instruments: none. None, none, none. I have no rhythm and I'm tone deaf and I tried to play music and all those poor teachers... suffered.
What am I wearing: boxers. It's summer in Chicago, even my AC isn't enough to convince me to wear a shirt I don't need to
Dream job(s): Pretty much what I do? I'm good at it and I love it.
Favorite Food: Sushi definitely at the tops but I also have a very special place in my heart for several Thai dishes, anything chocolate, really good deep dish pizza and butter chicken
Nationality: American
Favorite Song(s):  People can choose?
Currently playing on repeat:  Uh. Again. Music? Not my thing. Currently... JAX's "I Know Victoria's Secret" because it's been caught in my head for a while.
Last book I read: Animorphs Graphic Novel #2
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: lol I'd be so bad in any fictional universe... Discworld because frankly I'd probably just lead the same life there only with magic, Elfquest on the basis of being an Elf, Animorphs (which is just the real world but also with aliens and shapeshifting, let's be honest)
I'm not going to tag anyone to do this but I'll tag @absolutebl and @iguessitsjustme because I saw both of them do it and wanna make them read my answers. :P
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timetobeaghost · 2 years
Thank you for being brave enough to share your opinion on all of this drama even though it goes against the vocal majority (?). I wish I could like your posts, but I don't want to get cancelled in the midst of this. I understand the fear about sexualizing minors and huge age gaps being an issue, but some of the logic on here is crazy. There are people saying being 21 and liking a 20-year-old makes you a pedophile. I'm honestly so confused.
Thank you guys for the asks! I'm doing a roundup to reply.
I don't feel I have anything really to lose here. I understand other people posted valuable creative content and are serious about their blogs... Still I gained, not lost followers over this, people keep liking my Byler posts, probably without a clue who I am, so in general I don't really see the downside. (And I'm getting asks, who doesn't like that? Ask me anything!)
Also I'm not getting silenced by a mob of hysterical teens. Like you gotta say "No, stop, you're being dumb" or we are really lost as a society.
LOL, to the discussion if it's fine to be 23, 22 or at least 21 to be attracted to a 20 year old... There is no limit to the idiocy of what people will accept as a reasonable mindset in an echo chamber.
Anonymous asked:
It baffles me that everyone is attacking you and people aren’t defending you and instead, rushing to block you when everything you said was completely reasonable. They’re acting like you’re a “pedo defender” when that’s literally not what you’re doing at all. All you said was that there’s nothing wrong with a 29 year old acknowledging than a 19 year old actor is attractive. In any other context, that’d be an accurate statement. And that people should touch grass and stop freaking out. But of course people keep blowing things out of proportion and no one wants to stand up to people with literal pitchforks who will hear no nuance and call you a predator for calling bull
Yes, thanks! Same points: Group think insanity. A pedophile who is attracted to 19 year olds. 😂 A predator who looks at PR pics of a young adult actor. If that scares someone, they need to grow the actual fuck up.
Anonymous asked:
Hey, I am in complete agreement with you and just wanted to share something I submitted in another user's asks:
Is the irony lost on you? People cannot choose who they're attracted to. That is literally the same principle behind gay rights.
Is it wrong for adults to be attracted to children? Yes. Those people are mentally ill. If they act on those feelings in any way, including harboring pictures of children, that is very wrong (and illegal).
But to say that a 29 year-old is disgusting for finding a 19 year-old attractive is incredibly ignorant and intolerant and belies your own immaturity. You will find as you get older that the beauty of youthfulness does not go away just because you are getting older. Frankly, it wouldn't be weird for a 59 year-old to find a 19 year-old attractive. That's human nature. That's just biology and psychology.
Of course acting on it would be a different story. And I agree that it's a little weird to have photos on your phone. And maybe people should just keep it to themselves. But can we at least separate the attraction and appreciation of an adult celebrity's beauty from actual pedophilic and predatory behavior?
And FYI, my grandparents are 10 years apart and got married at 22/32. They have been married for 65 years and have the sweetest and most wholesome and beautiful relationship. Do you really want to pass judgment on them too? Love is love.
Btw, not that it matters, but I am in my twenties but younger than 29. And I also find adult Finn attractive.
Oh, yes. What struck me first is the irony of ST fans getting together a Jason like lynch mob to go after someone arbitrarily defined as a freak, because apparently they are too far out of the narrow norm to be acceptable, so they just accuse them of horrible crimes out of thin air. Like. But of course your gay rights point is even better. And I don't know if anyone here actually knows any adult gay guys, but try to find a gay guy born in 1971 who doesn't laugh in your face and then backs away slowly if you tell them you are scandalized by a 29-year-old being attracted to a ten year younger person. This is so beyond absurd, and I can guarantee the mob that Eddie Munson, Will Byers and Mike Wheeler would think you are the worst.
Finn is too young for me tbh. I just have a "cute kid" attitude towards him and also no interest seeing pics of him out of character or his other movies. Might be different if I was still in my mid-twenties. But most importantly, it does not matter. If a bunch of senior citizens want to look at him all day, good for them. Good for Finn if many find him attractive and do want to see his other movies tbh.
And then there is also the fact that 10 years is not even a huge age gap for an actual relationship among adults. Yeah, many wouldn't want it, less the younger they are, but who even cares if other people do it, really. But this isn't even about a relationship. Absurd from so many angles.
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yesdramas · 3 years
vapoursynth versus photoshop
Hello! It’s me again with another long text post. Yesterday I spent over 4 hours experimenting with both vapoursynth and photoshop to make gifs and here I am going to show you my results.
For the purpose of this I will be using:
PotPlayer to make a split video in mov and open in photoshop;
Photoshop CC21;
Vapoursynth for windows (the newest version, links provided on my blog in /tagged/links);
A sharpen action I created with the setting shared by @kamalaskhans​
Netflix’s Vincenzo episode 1 in 1080p and Sell Your Haunted House’s episode 11 in 1080p (but they are different in quality)
Without further due, click on read more to see what I am talking about.
I have been using vapoursynth to make gifs in this blog since I created it last year in May, however I already used the late avisynth when I used to run my kpop blog from 2012 to late 2016. I think that this program just made a HUGE change on how kpop tumblr’s make content and how we, drama tumblr’s make ours too.
We already know that vapoursynth keeps the maximum quality of our files and I don’t doubt that, HOWEVER since I don’t really use any denoise filter in VS and it just helps me to crop faster and import faster into photoshop, I always wondered why none of my old sharpen actions work... I mean, we see a lot of famous tumblrs sharing their settings but whenever we open up our files we can’t get the same result even if we have HD content. With that said, I made 3 gifs from 2 different HD videos and I’ll be showing you how different they are.
1. the gif below is made only with Photoshop’s resize. I made the video cut in PotPlayer using the alt+c command — saved as MOV — imported in PS. Sharpen: 500% - 0,4 + 10% - 0,10. 70 frames. basic coloring. link
Tumblr media
NOTE: this is what I can call perfect sharpening. It stays clear but not oversharpened.
2. the gif below is cropped using vapoursynth with preprocessors: none & debilinear. no denoise and no sharpening. Once imported on PS: Sharpen: 500% - 0,4 + 10% - 0,10. 70 frames. basic coloring. (I tried to crop in the same position) link
Tumblr media
NOTE: it looks extremely sharpened and it’s not on my likes. Please ignore that these are really fast I don’t really bother changing the frames’ delay for the sake of this post.
3. the gif below is made with everything stated above but the preprocessors on vapoursynth are DESPLINE and none. link
Tumblr media
NOTE: this looks OK for me, but it’s still a bit oversharpened (you can notice on her fingers and hair) You can also notice that vapoursynth slightly change the color of the file and I have used the same edition layers on PS.
Result: I prefer the first one made with poptplayer and photoshop (even though I’d use the 3rd setting depending on the source file). What do you think? Feel free to answer this post with your thoughts.
Now we will be moving to another file: Netflix’s Vincenzo. This one has way more quality even though they are both 1080p.
1. the gif below is made only with Photoshop’s resize. I made the video cut in PotPlayer using the alt+c command — saved as MOV — imported in PS. Sharpen: 500% - 0,4 (80%) + 10% - 0,10. 97 frames. basic coloring. link
Tumblr media
NOTE: this is perfect for my liking. It’s HD and not oversharpened.
2. the gif below is cropped using vapoursynth with preprocessors: none & debilinear. no denoise and no sharpening. Once imported on PS: Sharpen: 500% - 0,4 (80%) + 10% - 0,10. 87 frames. basic coloring. (I tried to crop in the same position) link
Tumblr media
NOTE: this is so overshapened that I had to cut down 10 frames to fit the 10mb. also, it hurts my eyes a lot.
3. the gif below is made with everything stated above but the preprocessors on vapoursynth are DESPLINE and none. link
Tumblr media
NOTE: it may look ok, but I don’t like this one. Still, I had to take down 10 frames in order to fit the 10mb limit (while the first gif fits just fine in that)
Result: I’m still on the side of photoshop’s reziser. But of course, these are my opinions, comment this post to tell me yours :)
FYI: As I previously mentioned, I don’t really use any denoise filters on VS so it’s only purpose to me is crop faster to import in photoshop. However, these results may not be worth if some of you actually use the denoise filters in VS. With that being said, I think VS is a really amazing tool that helps our gifs to be amazing and works beautifully keeping the quality of the source file. This post was made just to show you how the same sharpen setting can work differently in many ways with many kinds of 1080p source files.
(if you can’t read more on your dashboard I’ve provided links with the full size gifs for you)
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ot3tropetober · 4 years
let’s go steal an AU: FAQ
"Dammit, Hardison, what is going on here,” and other Frequently Asked Questions below the read more
01. What is this?  This is a Leverage OT3 fanworks AU Trope Festival! Fanworks in the festival are focusing specifically on a) some combination of Leverage OT3 ships (Hardison/Parker/Eliot; Hardison/Parker; Hardison/Eliot; Parker/Eliot; Parker/Hardison) and b) AU’s. (Basically, the idea here is, Hardison thinks up all these cool AU’s for the various alias set-ups he constructs, and sometimes Parker and Eliot come up with their own.) 
02. Why is this?  Y’all are really out here asking the real questions, which we really respect. There’s no deep philosophical meaning here, this isn’t Star Trek. What happened was, we traded some tumblr posts back and forth with friends about all the silly/fantastic AU’s Hardison constructs for everyone’s aliases in his spare time, and it sounded fun to make it a Thing? So we made this tumblr for it, et voilà! 
03. What kind of fanworks are eligible? Pretty much anything (fic, art, moodboards, gifsets, vids etc) as long as it’s a) some combo of Leverage OT3 ships and b) an AU.
04. Can I put other tropes in my stuff?  Sure! You want to make a thing about Eliot the Christmas tree farmer and Hardison the big shot lawyer from the city who gets snowed in at Eliot’s Christmas tree farm and there’s only one bed oh no what will they do? Neat. You want to make a thing about how they’re all on a spaceship and oh my god they were roommates? Legit. Bring on the other tropes. 
05. Can I write/create NSFW content for this?  Yes. FYI, this tumblr is run by two cranky old people and you should assume all content (whether NSFW or not) is 18+. If you are not 18+, we kindly ask that you chill somewhere else until your 18th birthday. 
06. This seems legit, how do I play in this sandbox?  a) Go here to this Google sheet and check out the prompt list. There is NO limit to how many people can claim a prompt, the more the merrier! There is also NO limit to how many prompts you can take!  b) Sign up in the Google sheet with your tumblr handle for whatever you want to make! c) Not vibing with the existing prompts? No problem! Add your own AU to the spreadsheet and sign up with your tumblr handle, just remember, other folks may claim your prompt too.  d) Go create and have fun! (There is NO min/max on word count for fic. Do what feels right to you. Same for any other art form.)  e) Some time during October, come over here and submit your finished work to the OT3Tropetober tumblr! 
07. How do I submit a post-- should I submit a link to the finished work? The work itself? What happens if I have errors submitting my work? Totally up to you! It may be easier to submit the finished work itself, but if you’d rather upload it somewhere else (like AO3) and submit a link here that’s fine too. If tumblr is being tumblr and you have problems submitting stuff, you can either send us a message OR you can just follow the backup plan: post it to your tumblr but tag our blog in your post, and we’ll reblog it directly from you. (There is no Plan M, aka, the worst plan.) 
08. Are there important dates?  Yes! This OT3 AU tropefest is only going to be active for the month of October (1-31st!) in the year 2020, so if you want to participate, jump in any time during those 31 days!  
09. I signed up for a prompt and I’m not actually going to be able to fill it :( What do I do?  First of all, be kind to yourself. Things are hard. It’s okay. We’re cool. We know you’re doing your best. Second of all, there’s not really anything you need to do specifically! Why don’t you hang on to that prompt? Maybe you’ll feel like working on it in a few weeks or months or whenever. Just because October’s over doesn’t mean people won’t still enjoy what you made, even if you make it outside this challenge. 
10. Who are you?  This is a great existential question. Who can really say? Just kidding. We can say. We are definitely not Alec Hardison running this blog for his own amusement and/or the torment/delight of his partners, that’s for sure. We are @coffeesuperhero and @aimlessglee, and not Alec Hardison, at all, we promise. 
Do you have a question that isn’t answered here? Send us an ask! We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. 
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aro-culture-is · 4 years
How this blog works
hi! we're a submission based blog. this blog is run by two mods (mods kee and elprup). we're frequently very busy and might take a while to respond. That said, you can send us questions about being aro, though I would like to suggest checking out our #advice and #am-i-aro first.
Submission rules are here. If you do not follow these, your submission will be deleted.
final note: we typically have no less than 90 submissions in the inbox and recently hit queue limit. we currently post 10 times a day. we have too many posts to handle ones that do not follow submission guidelines on anon. if you send it with an account, we will attempt to contact you first.
fyi: the aro is also meant to include aro-spec individuals!!! you're 100% welcome to submit or comment :)
12/19/20: our inbox is so bad. the queue is worse. have extra posts per day until it’s better.
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xanthippe74 · 3 years
Get to know me tag game
Tagged by @drarryruinedme7 and @shealwaysreads --thank you!
1. why did you choose your url? It’s one of my original usernames from back in Ancient Times when the internet was only Usenet chat rooms and ascii pictures. Xanthippe was Socrates’ wife, and I was taking a lot of philosophy classes in college.
2. sideblogs? Nope!
3. how long have you been on tumblr? A little over three years.
4. do you have a queue tag? I don’t queue posts, just immediately reblog things I like with reckless abandon. 😁
5. why did you start your blog? To see more fan art!
6. why did you choose your icon? It’s a head canon for a tattoo for Harry: a raven (his new Patronus/Animagus form after the war), the Deathly Hallows symbol in the style of a dreamcatcher (to protect him from nightmares), and four Phoenix feathers for his parents, Sirius, and Remus. (The feathers are currently rainbow colors for Pride 🌈)
7. why did you choose your header? The British Museum scanned and uploaded hundreds of thousands of images from their collections to a flickr account, to make them available for free. I’ve had fun browsing through some of them--everything from pulp novel covers to bizarre fauna drawings (but there’s also a lot of racist colonial-era stuff there, FYI). The one in my header struck my fancy.
8. post with most notes? My “Bonfire” microfic, I think.
9. how many mutuals do you have? No idea. But hi! 👋
10. how many followers do you have? I don’t feel comfortable saying, but a lot more than when I first started writing and had about 10 followers. 😂 I’m so glad you all are here!
11. how many people do you follow? Only about 100, because I have to limit the amount of time I spend here somehow!
12. ever made a shitpost? If I did, it was unknowingly. 🤷‍♀️
13. how often do you use Tumblr each day? Don’t know and I don’t want to think about that too much, LOL.
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? Never. No one has ever picked a fight with me, and I’m much too old to get involved in internet drama. If I don’t like what someone is saying, I’ll just unfollow/block them.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? If you tell me I have to do something, chances are that I won’t, just to be contrary. Ask nicely, and I’ll think about it.
16. do you like tag games? Yes, as long as they don’t involve personal info!
17. do you like ask games? Absolutely! I don’t reblog them often, but I like the fandom and writing ones!
18. which of your tumblr friends/mutuals do you think is famous? I don’t think any of them are famous in real life. Are any of you guys secretly celebrities??? 🤣
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? Of course, but I’ll never, ever tell.
Tagging @fw00shy, @practicefortheheart, @tasteofshapes, and @april-thelightfury115, if they haven’t done this yet and want to share!
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