#also get setsuka
77ngiez · 2 years
actually i think once they all wake up in the real world shinji just fucken. adopts everybody.
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Foreboding Changes on the Horizon.
[Zetsubou Factory Remains: An Hour Later...]
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You really think she'll be alright?
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Hibiki Otonokoji's condition is perfectly stable. So long as she doesn't overexert herself, she'll be fine. Besides, Ms Akamatsu and Mrs and Mrs Kabuya are there to keep her company.
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Assuming she intends on following up on what she was saying, I imagine she also plans on staying at the Future Foundation hereafter.
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That's fine with me. I can visit when I can. Keep her company whenever she needs me.
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Although, while I think TsunTsun would be fine with that, I think he called you here because he wants to have a real chat with you about your future.
???: Then I suppose that means we are here for the same reason.
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Oh...Well look who it is!
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Hope we didn't keep you guys waiting for too long. A lot of things came up back at the Foundation.
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No, it's fine. I just got here myself. There were countless injured people at the Tower too.
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*Hikaru and Kanata stare silently at one another, neither quite sure how to make the first move.
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I heard you...I heard you got kidnapped and brainwashed by Zetsubou...Are you...feeling well?
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Well...I know who to go to if something feels wrong...
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I have some...advice...Rest when you feel tired...It may help to not lie flat...After lying down, bring your head up slowly...
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Try to walk each day...Avoid...h-heavy lifting until your doctor says it is okay...! Do not drive until your doctor says it is okay...! Ask your doctor if it is safe for you to...travel by plane...!
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Oh...just get in there already!
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*Setsuka gently shoves Kanata towards her father. She stumbles a little until she's right in front of her.
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I don't know...what to say...About everything that's happened...I...I'm sorry you got...so caught up in this...!
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It's not your fault...None of it ever was...You were always dealt the worst hand...
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...I was in despair for weeks after I lost you...It's been 15 years...!
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*Ando quickly holds her head.
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But no matter what pain I was subjected to...the thought that I might be able to see you again kept me going...But now that you're here...
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Well, I'm not sure what to say either...You're so...t-tall...
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accirax · 9 months
DRDT New Character Talent Analysis
As likely everyone has now seen at this point, DRDTdev made a very exciting announcement on Twitter– namely, that he’s been working on another fangan alongside DRDT! (Very relatable, once you make one fangan it’s kinda hard to stop.) Understandably, assuming this fangan is ever developed in full, it will be several years down the road, given that it would only be published after DRDT is complete.
However, we have these designs now, and I wanna know what their talents are, dammit! The blurb says that they are students trapped in a killing game, so I assume that they have been given Ultimate abilities. Thus, here’s my best shot and first look analysis. I tried not to look at anyone else’s work too much before presenting my opinions in order to get them out as fast as possible, so, sorry if I missed any major details that people have uncovered!
Notably, when I downloaded the images to my computer (so I could look at them without waiting for the website’s load time), all of them saved with weird number/letter codes. These probably mean nothing, although they do all end with “_o”, which could indicate that they were put through a code scramble of some kind. At the very least, the codes are a kind of convenient way to refer to the characters, so I’ll use the first three letters as a name. Also, I’ll be using they/them pronouns for all characters, since we don’t know how they identify.
We’ll start with the Protagonist, and go alphabetically by code from there. I’m so excited!!! Here we go:
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I’m glad that this guy is basically confirmed as the Ultimate Teacher, because I honestly have no clue what I’d call them otherwise.
The main thing I noticed throughout their design was the repetition of red undertones everywhere. You can see them in two places: on the jacket, and in their hair. We know from the July 31st Q&A that characters in the Despair Time Fanganronpa Universe (DTFU) see blood as red, and that Monokuma’s color palette is black, white, and red. It’s kind of a suspicious color– the children’s hospital color theory of it all. O-or, maybe it’s just their favorite color…!
The bows in n9Z’s hair kind of remind me of the one on Peko’s sword case (sorry I didn’t put in a picture), although I doubt there’s a connection there. The gloves make me think of something fancy, the trenchcoat makes me think of a detective, the ID makes me think it’s something top secret… dude, what are you doing?
I guess there is the question of what exactly this person teaches. If we assume they’re the teacher Min mentions in A History of Hope’s Peak, it seems like the answer would be, “Ultimates.” If you want to teach Ultimates, you need to know and be able to do a lot of stuff, so that could explain the utilitarian design. They could have also initially had a background as something else, such as a government agent or employee of XF-ture Tech, before winding up as a teacher.
The fact that their eyes are always closed is also notable. Given DRDTdev’s penchant for putting important stuff in the eye designs, it’s possible there’s some important info in there that he's not ready to release yet. Like, if n9Z had black/red heterochromia or something, that would send us spinning. (Personally, I’m kinda hoping there’s an apple in there…) I also had the thought that n9Z might just permanently have both of their eyes closed, kind of like how Setsuka Chiebukuro of SDRA2 always keeps one eye closed. That would be a cute parallel to Min, whose eyes are always obstructed.
So, yeah. Ultimate Teacher, probably. Despite the fact that we more or less have their Ulimate talent, I somehow feel like we know the least about them…
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My first impression of this person is that they’re definitely athletic in some regard. The ponytail that ends in a braid would be keeping the hair out of their eyes, and the athletic shoes would be helpful for running around.
About the marks under the eyes... While the comparison to my superhero design for Arturo is still a lighthearted jest, the reason for them being there may be fueled by the same reasoning. The superpower that @1moreff-creator gave Arturo was a skill that involved his vision, so I put those marks under his eyes as a natural mark that would mimic eye black. If you don’t want to read the entire link, eye black is those lines of paint (or sometimes stickers) that baseball or American football players wear under their eyes. While it’s not entirely scientifically proven, the point of the marks is supposed to be absorbing the rays of sun around the eyes to reduce the glare you would see. Thus, 0a6 may have these marks under their eyes to make it easier to see in a fast-paced situation (even though they're not particularly dark in color).
Additionally, if we didn’t already know who the protagonist was, I would guess it was 0a6. They have an ahoge in very much the same way that Teruko does, and they share an eye design with Hajime Hinata. The styling of their belt buckle also reminded me of how truth bullets are designed. However, 0a6 is NOT the protagonist, which must mean that these things mean something else. I don’t have much to say about the ahoge, but the eye design might instead imply that this person’s talent has to do with rejecting, opposing, or ending something. The bullet could be a regular bullet, and therefore imply that this person’s talent has something to do with guns.
For whatever reason, the hairstyle already made me think Ultimate Archer at first glance, so with the gun thing, I’m going to submit my guess as Ultimate Sharpshooter. This talent (and other slight variations of it) shows up pretty commonly in fangans (Kiyoka Maki of DRA, Desmond Hall of P:EG), and for good reason. It’s a talent that gives off a cool vibe, a potentially level headed yet aggressive personality, and can obviously be involved in many cool murder tricks.
My other guesses besides Ultimate Sharpshooter are in a similar ballpark– aforementioned Archer, Ultimate Bounty Hunter, Ultimate Spy, etc– but I could be way off track. I don’t see any weapons on 0a6, which would be weird for any of those talents. It could be more of a Debater type talent (with the eye symbol and truth bullet), or the blue gloves could hint at something more scientific (a la Charles and Arturo), although I don’t see the benefit to the sporty under-eye mark in either of those cases.
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3Km is interesting, because they’ve got a lot going on. Hexagons, fire, zebra print– put it all together, and what does it mean? One interpretation is that their personality, too, is a lot.
I was immediately drawn to the markings on the left side of 3Km’s face, because I don’t know what they are. They could be angry veins, but… I don’t think veins really work like that in the shoulder. It’s far more than the typical anime stylization, not in the same place, and they don’t look particularly angry, so that's probably wrong. In that case, it’s probably a scar. But, what kind? Acid? An animal? Fire, like the symbol on their shirt?
Let’s move on for now and take a look at their pants. There’s a zebra pattern, which could imply a connection to animals/zoos or travel/Africa. The kind of pants they’re wearing are called chaps, which, hey, are typically ridden by horse riders! They’re meant to protect the rider’s legs from “thorny vegetation, extreme temperatures, and the animals they work with.” That definitely makes it seem like the zebra is important, as an equine animal.
Thus, my guess for this character is Ultimate Wild Animal Tamer. They wear chaps and gloves to protect them from the untamed animals they work with, yet they may have gotten a scar from a taming gone wrong. They’re strong so that they can get the upper hand, and the fire and piercings could speak to their rebellious, similarly wild personality. @venus-is-thinking also suggested that, as a Wild Animal Tamer, this character could work in the circus, which could further explain the flamboyant clothing and fire motif. They definitely seem like a character who could be putting on a show.
As for the other character pictured… that person is almost certainly 3Km’s sibling, likely a twin. However, as a fellow member of the killing game cast, we’ll get to them later! For now, let’s check out somebody else.
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This character is one of the ones that I’m the most baffled about. They don’t wear a lot of symbols or field-specific clothing, so, it’s kind of a shot in the dark.
They definitely seem kind of fancy, what with the super swirly hair. Square scarves also typically seem to be worn in professional circumstances for stylish people. They’re wearing a lot of layers (including said scarf and a sweater), so it’s possible they work in a cold environment? Or maybe they just naturally run cold. There’s a lot of draping elements in their clothing, between the folded jacket and two-layered skirt, but that doesn’t really correlate to a specific location or profession.
The eyes patterns are also weird. They’re very spiky and not perfectly circular. What they reminded me of first were either an explosion, a loud noise, or a circular blade distorted while spinning quickly. Glasses are typically associated with nerdy or smart characters (like Eden and Charles), but anyone can wear glasses, so I wouldn’t use that as a huge selling point.
Anyways, the combination of fanciness, loudness, and potential nerdiness made me think some kind of talent incorporating a voice and art. I had ideas ranging from Ultimate Opera Singer to Ultimate Art Critic. In the end, I settled on Ultimate Stage Director, mostly as a vibe check. I could imagine this character ordering writers, actors, and set designers around with the goal of following their vision. A person like that who’s used to being in charge could be an interesting figure in a killing game. Again, though, I don’t have super strong feelings about this, so I’m extra looking forward to learning more.
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I was going to slam dunk this one as the Ultimate Shepherd until @fuji-iri pointed out to me that there’s actually a sewing needle pattern in their eye! I’m kind of glad, because it gives me more to talk about and might explain some of the weird things I noticed if this character were the Ultimate Shepherd.
Besides the sewing needle, the eyes are definitely reminiscent of a sheep. Same with the braids in their hair– they’re arranged in a spiral reminiscent of a sheep’s horns. The cloud-like pattern on their cloak, as well as the soft-looking trim, seem fluffy and wool-like. 9lt definitely has a sheep motif, but that doesn’t mean it’s the talent exactly.
9lt’s bell hints at that concept. Although sheep often wear bells, according to google images, they’re more often regular bells than the circular bell depicted in their outfit. It seems like sheep can wear these bells, but they’re more commonly seen on cats.
There’s also a strong focus on pastel colors in the design, particularly pink. The design is very fun and childlike, it’s silhouette appearing smaller due to the large bow and lack of visible arms. (They’re also just pretty short.) The cloak, which obscures most of their body, kind of reminds me of Toshiko Kayura of P:EG. Small, cute, and childish, yet kind of mysterious and strange: that’s the vibes this design is giving me.
Given the sewing needle, it’s tempting to give this character a talent in fashion design. They do have a very specific style, which could play into their designs. However, with the strong connections to animals and fluffiness makes me think that they actually might be something along the lines of the Ultimate Plush Maker. It’s cozy and cuddly while also involving the sharp eye (of the needle) that a creator needs to have.
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Now, this is a character with a lot going on. They’ve got symbols all over and a really fun hairstyle, so, let’s see how it could all fit together.
One of the aspects that first caught my eye was the flower in hwR’s hair. I’m pretty sure it’s a dandelion, which could be read in a couple of ways. The first is that a dandelion is a weed. hwR could be a character who often isn’t wanted, but manages to persist regardless. Secondly, dandelions have a lot of medicinal benefits if you consume them. So, hwR could be a character focused on health, especially in alternative ways. Thirdly, there’s the superstition that blowing on a dandelion will grant you a wish. I’d lean against this one because the dandelion isn’t… ripe(???) enough to be blown on yet, but the interpretation is still there.
The bunny symbol also has a lot of interpretations. As I listed out in the image, some options are good luck, longevity, opportunity, and adventure. The white rabbit is also a main character in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, which DRDTdev is clearly familiar with if the LGI MV is anything to go by. Generally, rabbits are also fast, cute, and known for multiplying. White rabbits seem to have generally positive connotations, which is a good sign for this character.
Other symbols include the crescent moon and sparkle type shapes, which seem to indicate nighttime or mystery. The symbol in hwR’s eyes is a spiral, which is also mysterious and could have to do with hypnosis. Apparently they also represent the circle of life, which could be suspicious…? Dying and living, killing games, and the like.
Anyways, with all this supernatural and superstitious imagery, I feel like the talent has to deal with something similar. I’m not exactly sure what to call it, or what the specific niche is. The one I wrote down in my notes was the Ultimate Alternative Medicine Practicioner, tying in the medicinal uses of dandelions and therapeutic uses of hypnotism. However, that title is a mouthful, and there are definitely other options. I sort of wanted the talent to just be someone who believes in spiritual practices, but given that a spiritualist is apparently someone who believes in talking to ghosts, the best name I could come up with for that was Ultimate Believer. hwR could also be something like an Ultimate Fortune Teller or a straight up Hypnotist, or a Lucky Student who really leans into the title. There are plenty of options, but I think it’s something in this genre.
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This guy is fun! The fashion is pretty plain so there’s not a lot to work with, but I’ll give it my best shot.
As compared to 8CT (the one with the curly hair), Jfl at least has the very obvious symbol on their shirt to point us in the right direction. I’m pretty sure those are audio levels, which means that their talent probably combines something with sound with something with technology. I don’t know why they would need a lot of pockets or a hat with a visor for that, but hey, always good to be prepared.
The hat is pretty plain, but there is that green square on it. It may just be a large tab, as appears on many baseball caps to show off a logo. This one is blank, though, so it could be something else. It kind of looks like the press marker that appears on stereotypical reporter hats in, like, the 1920s, but those weren’t typically lime green, either (unless the black and white movies are fooling me hard).
The overall color scheme plus the fingerless gloves sort of make this character look like an Ultimate Hacker to me, but then I’m not sure what the connection to the audio levels are. They could also be something more like an Ultimate DJ, but the hat, jacket, and cargo pants make me feel like it’s something a little more active/outdoorsy. Thus, I’m going to go with the kinda-compromise that this character is the Ultimate Podcaster. In my mind, they would do some field reporting first (hence something that looks kind of like a reporter hat), and then come back to their home office and talk about it to publish in a podcast.
With my argument about the clothes feeling more outdoorsy, I have a few ideas for what the podcast could be about. The first is something along the lines of hunting cryptids. Jfl goes into the woods, looks around, and then reports their findings in, like, a ghost log. A little more in the realm of realism, Jfl could tail important figures around, either as a paparazzi-type person or someone who’s unraveling a conspiracy, and then release a report on them. That could also get Jfl involved in some kind of scuffle with XF-ture tech, which makes me lean more in that direction.
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With the fish scales, knA is pretty obviously nautically coded. Their talent probably has something to do with water, but, in what way? Let’s look at the other details.
Just like Nico, knA has slit eyes. In Nico’s design, it was meant to make them look catlike, due to their profession as the Ultimate Pet Therapist. Similarly, 9lt has horizontal slit eyes, which are meant to make them look like a sheep. It seems like these elongated pupils are meant to make us think of animals, so knA’s talent probably heads in that direction. They also have a catlike mouth ( :3 ) and wear a collar, which (like Nico) makes them lean feline. Maybe it’s a catfish? Or maybe that’s more of a personality beat.
On the other hand, knA’s eye pattern has two circles in it, a larger one that goes around the long pupil and a smaller one that’s sort of hidden behind it. In context, this most reminded me of a sonar/radar system, which sailors use at sea to make sure they aren’t running into anything. Through that lens, the belt(?) that wraps around their leg reminded me of an anchor wrapped around a post. That’s kinda confirmation bias with the water thing, but it may have been intentional.
To be honest, I was really back and forth on whether to call this character the Ultimate Angler or the Ultimate Diver, but by the bolding, you can tell I settled on the former. I liked Ultimate Diver because it would place the character more among the fish (why they’re coded as an animal) as opposed to someone who catches them. But also, cats are known for catching fish, right? Plus, my interpretations of a sonar and an anchor would connect the character to a boat, which is less important for diving and more important for fishing.
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Now this is the character that seems to be the talk of the town! And for good reason, too: they have a lot more recognizable imagery that specifically ties them to DRDT than anybody else.
First off, there’s the obvious XF-ture Tech logo, shaped like a hexagon, which appears on u1l’s jacket. That certainly connects them to the company in some way, whether they’re an employee or just someone who received some merch. This is extra interesting given that u1l wears the same pin that Min has on her design. In A History of Hope’s Peak, Min says she was sponsored by XF-Ture Tech, so maybe this guy was, too? It could be a kind of alternate company logo. Or it could have some kind of bug to listen in with. That’d be fun.
Otherwise, it’s pretty nondescript. They have regular eyes, a regular shirt, and a regular ol’ pink tie (other than the connection it may have to the Sleepy MV). The jacket is tied really weirdly at the bottom, kind of looking like a fish tail, but I think it’s a normal jacket. The boot design kind of reminded me of Xander’s, which could indicate that this character has to be prepared to run around.
Pinning down u1l’s talent is kinda hard because… honestly, I kinda feel like they’re just “Ultimate XF-Ture Tech Guy.” Like, they’re clearly connected to the company, and may be here as their representative. Thus, in my notes, I called this guy the Ultimate Technician.
A technician is “a worker in a field of technology who is proficient in the relevant field and technique, with a relatively practical understanding of the theoretical principles.” Is that vaguely tech-ish as hell? Yeah. Is XF-Ture a tech company that also does vague other things? Yeah. Ultimate Technician lets this u1l have a lot of skills yet not have to elaborate on it at all, which is something that I feel like they would enjoy. Just like how they might enjoy how all of us are chomping at the bit to learn more about them, and yet, we probably won’t hear anything for a while…
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A very pretty addition to the cast! I love their vibes. Time to figure out what they mean.
There’s a lot here that signifies wealth. The crown hairpin is very obvious in that regard, as is the cape. Purple is often thought of as a color of royalty, and uBg is wearing a lot of it. Same with the cape– it’s an article of clothing often worn by kings. Their eye pattern contains a diamond within a circle. Diamonds are a jewel; wealth, royalty, etc.
This character also has some elements of promiscuity to them. Garter socks (which is what I think is what they’re wearing on their left leg?) are typically thought of as a sexually-charged thing to wear, and their other leg is fully exposed (oh my!). You can also see their bra peeking out from under their shirt, as well as some cleavage. Is this related to talent, or just to personality? I’m not sure.
While it’s tempting to go with something more along the lines of Ultimate Celebrity or Ultimate Heiress, I’m actually kind of partial to my interpretation of Ultimate Treasure Hunter. They wear a crown because it’s the treasure they’ve won, and there are diamonds in their eyes because that’s what they’re looking for! The cape could read as more of a heroic/adventurer thing, and the gloves also feel like ones belonging to someone more active. I’m aware this has nothing to do with the promiscuous aspects, but… like I said, that could just relate to personality! Plus, if you’re traveling the world searching for treasure, you might want a chance to tour the people, too.
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Finally, we’ve returned to the probable sibling of 3Km, the potential Ultimate Wild Animal Tamer! If the similar color schemes and eye designs weren’t enough, the fact that their little chibis were obviously paired together makes it pretty obvious that they’re related. Assuming that everyone in this cast is the same age (18+), they would be twins.
However, I also want to propose that 3Km isn’t the only character XWu is “related” to. Remember how I mentioned that the XF-Ture logo was a hexagon? Well, the pattern in 3Km and XWu’s eyes is a hexagon. Could they also have a connection to XF-Ture tech, and thus, u1l? Maybe they’re part of the family who founded the company. It’s a big stretch, but it’s possible. Just wanted to bring it up.
Back to XWu, it’s interesting that they’re probably the twin of 3Km, ‘cause their designs are pretty opposite. While 3Km seems wild, XWu is very fancy. They have a chain, much like uBg; some boots that look sort of princely; and a very fancily-patterned vest. I didn’t notice while I was making my visual, but I think that the vest has snowflakes on it to mirror 3Km’s fire. Honestly, I don’t know if that means it’s more likely that it has something to do with their talents, or less…
I feel like XWu might have some kind of managerial talent. It could be something more business-y, related to XF-Ture Tech, or if 3Km is part of the circus, XWu could be, like, the Ultimate Ringleader. Leaning on the former, I settled for the Ultimate Business Consultant. I was thinking about 3Km going around the world taming animals or whatever, and XWu tagging along, making business connections and deals along the way. The “X” in their bangs makes me think that they might have a talent or personality that revolves around rejecting things. That could lean business leadership, so… yay?
And that’s that! To summarize, the cast of talents as I determined them were Ultimate Teacher, Ultimate Sharpshooter, Ultimate Wild Animal Tamer, Ultimate Stage Director, Ultimate Plush Maker, Ultimate Alternative Medicine Practicioner, Ultimate Podcaster, Ultimate Angler, Ultimate Technician, Ultimate Treasure Hunter, and Ultimate Business Consultant.
Obviously none of this is concrete, and I’m speculating based on very few details. I won’t be disappointed no matter what the talents are because, hey! We get more fangan content from DRDTdev either way! I feel like the Ultimate Winner with that fact.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and, if you have alternate interpretations or design elements I missed, I'd love to hear about them! I might make an update if we get any additional information any time soon.
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danganronpafan777 · 10 months
Request—-> SDRA2 girlies with a basically “perfect” S/o. (Gen-neutral) Like they can learn ANYTHING in a span of a week, and are also very kind. But they have very neglectful parents who don’t care about them. Like S/o could win an Olympic medal/solve world hunger/cure cancer.. but the parents won’t care no matter what S/o does. So the gals see reader trying to make their parents proud but the Parents. Just. Don’t. Care. Also, I can imagine S/o making up excuses for them like “Nah my parents love me. They’re just busy is all! :D” (S/o is in delulu land. Bonus point if reader is getting bunt out too)
“Delulu land” lol
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
Perfect, huh? Would you mind if she put it to the test? 
Every week, Setsuka would give you another skill to master, and every week you beat her in her own game. Even with her robotic eye, she lost a round of billiards to you! 
She would tease you a bit, and ruffle your hair, but made sure that you weren't overworking yourself just to prove her wrong. After only a few weeks, Setsuka developed feelings for you 
Despite how 'perfect' you were, she loved catching you off guard. The moment you accepted her confession, she dipped you for a kiss.
She wasn't too worried about meeting your parents, planning to just be herself and work her charm. When your parents told the two of you to leave, as they were too busy, Setsuka immediately disliked them. 
"That was a bit rude, eh, N/n?"
"Don't mind them! They're glad to meet you, they’re just busy right now!"
She didn't buy it, but she calmly held your hand and led you away from them. The two of you spent the rest of the day together, and Setsuka never hesitated to congratulate you or tell you how proud she was of you after you aced her challenges from then on. 
She wasn't upfront, but would drop small hints about your parents, maybe even asking a few questions about your past with them. You didn't see the harm in it, but she was slowly making you realize the truth. It wasn't until a few weeks later, when she was walking you home from school that it all seemed to dawn on you. 
"Setsuka...my parents... Do you think they...?"
She gave your hand a squeeze, and patted your head,
"It doesn't matter what they think, N/n. You are perfect the way you are, and you shouldn't push yourself just to get their attention."
"Then what should I do..?"
Setsuka smiled back at you, 
"Nothing, just be yourself. I love you for you, N/n."
Your eyes felt watery as she pulled you into a hug, kissing you on the forehead. The two of you began to walk to her place, hand in hand, Setsuka whispering you words of reassurance every step of the way. 
When burnout hit, she set up an array of snacks and the two of you layed on her bed, the TV playing absentmindedly in the background. She played with your hair as you laid your head on her chest
Even if you didn't have your parents support, you had hers all the way. And you always will.
Yoruko Kabuya:
Yoruko didn't believe you were perfect in the slightest. It was impossible for someone the be perfect at everything, right?
She was glad you didn't take offense to her skepticism, even taking it as a challenge. She had to hide how impressed she was every time you mastered a skill she had never even heard of, not noticing how she was already falling for you 
She was a tsundere around you for months, but you patiently waited for her to confess on her own, accepting her confession with a smug grin on your face. Yoruko couldn't decide if she wanted to lightly smack your face away or kiss that grin off your face
She was fairly nervous about meeting your parents, wearing casual clothing that didn't reveal too much, and little makeup for a change. You and Sora advised her to just be herself, so that was what she planned to do. 
But when your parents paid neither of you any state of mind, she was immediately annoyed. She didn't want to complain since they were still your parents, but she put a lot of effort into looking good in front of them! The least they can do is look at the two of you
Yoruko felt... disturbed at how unbothered about it you were. Did they always ignore you like this? She couldn't let you lie to yourself like this,
"Y/n, no... it's wrong for them to ignore you like this. You're...amazing. You deserve better parents than them."
You were a bit caught off guard by her praise, and Yoruko tried to hide her blush. 
"W-What!? Hey, I can compliment my S/o!"
You laughed a bit. It was a while before her words really started to sink in, but she didn't leave your side. She was fairly mad when she realized that you were burning yourself out for those people, so she sat you down on the couch and made you a drink. 
Yoruko didn't complain when you snuggled up to her, hiding her red face in your shoulder. 
Emma Magorobi:
She was skeptical of your ability to be perfect at everything you did, but she never told you 
However, as you skillfully did her makeup, acted out a skit with her, and happily commented on her movies with a critic's detail, she couldn't help but be impressed. You definitely had a unique charm to you, and dare she say, you were quite good at making puns
You and Emma became close friends fast, but it was months before the two of you officially got together. By that time, you already had a fan base and became a popular ship with Emma among her fans
She was slightly nervous about meeting your parents, but as the ultimate actress, she hid it well. Emma put on her best casual clothes and spent an hour on her makeup, just for your parents to not bat an eye towards either of you
She was confused, slightly offended on both of your parts, and hurt for your sake. She asked if you were alright, but you brushed it off, saying they were just busy
You were lying to yourself. Not only that, but you were acting. 
It was like her own father all over again, only talking to her to demand money or use her as an ashtray. Emma started to shake a bit. She needed to get both of you away from here.
"Emma? Where are you taking me?"
"Y/n...those people... They don't care. They don't care about... anything."
You asked her what she was talking about. When the two of you were in the privacy of your own home, she slowly became undone. Emma told you of her past, and her biological father,
"They're liars, Y/n...They make you lie to yourself...they make you act...like everything's fine."
Slowly, she showed you her arms, wincing when you grimaced. As tears rolled down both of your cheeks, staining her makeup, the two of you held each other and made a promise,
That no matter what, the two of you would love each other just the way you were
Hibiki Otonokoji:
Perfect? Yeah, right! 
She didn't believe it, and no matter how good you sang, she insisted that she was better
With a smile, you agreed, and complimented her on her voice, making a strawberry blush spread across her face. 
The two of you performed duets together, and as much as she denied it, she felt herself falling for you. As much as she tried to hide her feelings, you could easily tell. 
She'll never admit how happy she was when you accepted her confession, and she bragged about you every chance she got.
Hibiki acted like she didn't mind meeting your parents, as she was a famous singer! What could they not like about her? 
She was terrified, but did everything she could to hide it. You smiled, putting your arm around her and introduced her.
Only to be met with annoyance, as your parents asked you to leave them alone. Hibiki was appalled and offended, 
"Hey! Don't ignore Y/n! She's your daughter!"
She scoffed when you told her that they loved you, but we're just busy. Hibiki was blunt about what she thought of your parents, and how rude they were,
"What a bunch of lowlifes! They don't deserve you, N/n!"
She was stubborn, and denied any excuse you came up with. She wouldn't let up, and it became a full blown argument between the two of you. Out of anger, you remarked that she treated Kanade worse, but still claimed to love her. 
Hibiki told you off, saying your parents never even claimed to love you in the first place. It wasn't until you were crying that she felt terrible, and realized she may have went too far...
"W-Wait..! I-I'm sorry...! I didn't mean..-"
"No...you're right. I was stupid not to see it..."
"Th-That's not true! You didn't do anything wrong, N/n!"
With tears in her own eyes, she tried to comfort you, and offered to leave or give you space. Hibiki wouldn't stop apologizing, and as much as she wanted to beg you to forgive her, you weren't in a state of mind to make a choice like that. Right now, you just needed someone. 
She held you as you cried, letting you sob into her shoulder. Hibiki cried to muffle the sounds of her own cries, but it didn't work, and the two of you just held each other, trying to comfort the other
The realization was difficult, but Hibiki no longer hesitated to tell you how much she loved you. Even if you didn't have your parents' support, she was rooting for you
Kokoro Mitsume:
Perfect? That's not possible, no human being is perfect.
Even when you mastered every ability and skill she could think of in a span of a few months, she didn't believe it. You definitely interested her.
She evaluated your emotions and your movements. Your mind was quick and calculated.. with a need to prove yourself. Kokoro couldn't bring herself away, not even noticing her own feelings towards you.
You had no idea how Kokoro felt about you, given how distant she usually was, so it was a while before the two of you got together, and even then, no one noticed you were dating until you told them. 
She wasn't worried about meeting your parents, as she was skilled at knowing what people wanted her to say. Your mind always showed a positive view of your parents, so she wasn't expecting for them to be so neglectful.
Perhaps that's where your drive to prove yourself had started... how long had they been this way?
You were in complete denial, so Kokoro had to ask you for herself. You didn't know why she looked so concerned. They were just busy, like she usually was!
She felt a stab of an unknown emotion at those words. 
"I...I don't mean to be like them. I'm proud of you, Y/n." Kokoro had a small, comforting smile on her face. You didn't really understand what she said, but you were happy she was showing more emotion! 
Slowly, Kokoro would help you realize the truth. She recognizes the symptoms of burnout easily, so the two of you watch movies on her IPad together. She slowly places her hand on top of yours, a rare display of affection from her. 
"Y/n... you don't have to lie to yourself anymore. I'm here. I'll always make time for you."
You held her hand, laying your head on her shoulder as the tears started to flow. Kokoro didn't judge, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
Kanade Otonokoji:
It disturbed her a bit that just like her, you were perfect. It was her first time meeting someone that even held a match to her raw talent.
She wouldn't drop her facade, but that didn't stop her from slowly falling to you, losing her obsession over her sister.
Someone just like her... so you had to feel the same way as she did, right? 
When you accepted her confession, the two of you were the perfect lovebirds of your class. There was just no way your parents wouldn't like you two!
Your parent's indifference towards you definitely caught her off guard. She could understand if they treated you normally, since she was treated the same as Hibiki despite being better in every way, but they're seriously ignoring you?? Ha...well, perhaps she could make use out of it.
She could tell you were in denial about it before you even said anything, so slowly but surely, she asked you about your relationship with your parents, picking apart your arguments one by one. Kanade had to give your parents some credit, they manipulated you pretty damn well, as tearing down their lies took way longer than she expected, but in less than a month, you were faced with the cold, hard, truth.
"Kanade...you really think...my parents..."
"Y/n, darling... I'm proud of you, and I love you with all of my heart. I wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't concerned."
Her words kept you up at night, making you restless, wanting to do better... and where did that land you? Right back into Kanade's arms. 
She gently ran her fingers through your hair, sweetly pampering you for the day, as you were too burnt out to do anything. Too burnt out to even see the news report about the gruesome death of both of your parents.
As you snuggled up to her, Kanade's smile grew wider, and she softly whispered in your ear,
"Y/n... you really are perfect to me...fufufu~"
Iroha Nijue:
She didn't really believe it at first, but when you painted a picture even better than her, she was completely dumbfounded.
How were you so good at everything!? Were you born like that?
She was jealous at first, but couldn't resist falling for your kindness and genuine desire to help her, her heart beating out of her chest when you guided her brush along the canvas.
When you accepted her shy confession, she was over the moon. Iroha was extremely clingy, and would happily brag about you whenever she could, but nearly fainted at the idea of meeting your parents. 
She thought about creating a painting for them, but nothing she made ever seemed good enough to give them, especially compared to your art skills. The best she could do was take a deep breath and put on her neatest outfit.
Iroha expected the same from your parents, or at least something similar, but neither of them paid her any mind. Not just her, but they acted like you didn't exist!
"Y-Y/n...why are your parents ignoring us!?"
She thought it was something she did, but you kept assuring her that they loved you and were glad to see her, they were just busy. Iroha may be stupid, but she recognized those thoughts.
She spent many nights drawing, beat up in her basement, alone with nothing but those thoughts. Thoughts of being the best just so your parents would finally be proud of you...
You freaked out when you realized your girlfriend was crying, and you immediately took her to your room and held her.
"Hey...Iroha, it's okay..."
"...No...Y/n..." Iroha wiped her eyes, shaking her head, "G-Get away from them...please..."
"Them? You mean my parents?"
Iroha didn't talk about her life before Utsuro very often, but this was an exception. She told you everything, and how she recognized that pattern of behavior and the thoughts that followed. Everything she said...was so vivid to you... She knew exactly how you felt...
After all those years, it finally occurred to you that your parents truly didn't care. And it hurt.
It hurt so bad that you could only sob with your girlfriend, the two of you clinging to each other for dear life. Everything felt like a lie, but there was one thing you knew for certain.
You were never letting Iroha go.
She was thoroughly impressed by your ability to be perfect in nearly everything you did
It felt....vaguely familiar...
Still, Sora fell for you pretty quickly, after all, what was there not to like? You were the shining star of the class, helping everyone in need and looking out for her
She was expecting you to reject her, since she didn't even know her own talent, but you accepted with a smile that made her heart pound. As the relationship went on, she was getting more impressed by you, and your ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to!
She was pretty curious about you, and she couldn't be happier as your girlfriend! Sora appreciated how the two of you tried different hobbies, searching for Sora's potential talent, and while the results proved nothing, the two of you only got closer
She was definitely nervous and worried about meeting your parents, given how ordinary she was compared to you, but she still decided to give it her best shot
What she didn't expect was for your own parents to brush you off, and completely ignore the two of you. Sora can't remember anything about her own parents, or even people she grew up with, but something about this struck a cord...
"Hey. HEY!" She tried to yell, but you calmly shushed her, reassuring her that your parents were glad she met you and that you had a girlfriend. 
It felt like you were reassuring yourself the most. That didn't stop her from scolding your parents the moment you were out of sight. She didn't want to push her boundaries, but couldn't you see what they were like!?
Sora kept you away from your parents as much as possible, reminding you how proud she was of you. The moment she noticed that you were burning yourself out, she pulled you in for a hug.
"Y/n... your parents... They aren't good people. You shouldn't work so hard just to impress them. Come with me, we'll take a break."
As you drifted to sleep in her arms, you couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. No matter how many times you told her that your parents really did love you, you'd only be met with a sad look.
Could she have been right...?
You held her tighter. No matter what your parents thought, you knew that you'd always have her.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hallo! Could i kindly request for headcannon with separately Sora, Setsuka, Nikei, Yuki, Mikado, and Syobai, with a gender neutral S/O that likes to randomly hug them from behind and also like to follow them around. How do they react and how does the participate/the people close by react to that? Hope u have a nice day lovely writer
Thanks! It's been a while since I've written for these characters!
The first time this happened, she thought somebody was trying to jump her until she realizes it's only you.
Eventually she gets used to it, recognizing your footstep patterns moments beforehand.
Your affections are often the distraction she needs whenever investigating places/murders gets overwhelming or she's struggling with her amnesia.
She doesn't mind you following her around while exploring the ship or islands. It gives you a chance to talk about what you found, or just have casual chats to take your minds off of this dreadful "trip".
Whenever the others see you together, they usually mind their business. You both keep tightly-knit alibis, so you're rarely suspected of any murders.
But Monocrow can be quite annoying with his constant "no excessive PDA" reminders.
Ever since you've known her, the ol' "hugging from behind" greeting was something you two have exchanged for years. She's absolutely all for it.
It helps on days where she gets self-conscious of her cybernetic eye and stares into the mirror too long. You'd embrace her and reassure her it looks beautiful, giving her a kiss that cheers her up right away.
Fastforward to the killing game, you'd always stay by each other's side, helping the other students feel better about this grim situation and find ways to lift everyone's spirits.
You're impressed with how quickly Setsuka became the "mom friend" among them.
When they all see you being a sweet and supportive couple, it's hard for them to believe either of you could be potential murderers or Voids.
You might possibly have a friendly rival with Hibiki--just to see who can hug your gf the most in a single day.
If he's hyperfocused on writing articles or making observations for scoops, he's easy to startle.
It just takes him out of the zone™ and he may get a little annoyed, so it's best to make your presence known beforehand. Only then he doesn't mind it.
He finds it endearing if you wanna follow him around, as he'd love to ramble about his latest scoop to a listening ear.
Alternatively, he could be venting about Mikado being a total bitch (assuming you're part of Void or don't mind the fact he's in Void), but you'll let him.
Before the killing game, the rest of the Void gang sees your interactions as cute!
Though they're surprised at how he can yell at them one moment, and then smile and hug you the next.
During the game, however, Nikei easily gets flustered by your affections if others are around to witness them--especially if Mikado points them out.
But if you're both alone together he'll let you hug him.
Tbh if anyone appreciates your hugs the most, it's this guy.
They definitely help bring him back to reality whenever he starts getting upset or disassociates.
Somehow you just know when he needs you the most.
With his fear of losing people he cares about, he'd rather have you stick by him as you venture through the ship or islands. It gets harder to trust anyone besides his s/o as the murders continue.
But he refuses to think you'll ever be a killer. Just straight-up denies it.
Most of the students see you together and notice he's not as pessimistic anymore, which is great!
As for others, well...they may just see you as "interference" and might try to do something to change that /j
Usually, he wouldn't allow anyone to sneak up on the mastermind so easily.
But he can sense whenever it's you and so he just plays along, feigning being "captured" once he feels your arms around him.
His mask is all smiles (or half smiles, in this case).
He'll try to reciprocate the gestures when you least expect it, sometimes sweeping you off your feet.
Honestly when not dealing with Void-related stuff, he likes following you around just as much as you like following him!
But only bc he thinks this is what couples normally do.
The others (esp Sora and Teruya) think you've gone crazy for dating the freaking mastermind, and Nikei fully believes you've been brainwashed/hypnotized into loving him.
Imagine how flabbergasted the journalist is when Mikado explains that's not the case whatsoever.
Like Sora and Mikado, he can anticipate if you're coming up behind him.
You two got an inside joke that he'll "charge" you for every second you spend hugging him, with you gladly saying you'll go broke.
What made the Ultimate Broker fall for you hard is knowing his dry humor. You get it.
He does feel a bit relaxed with his back against you, so he may be tempted to let you carry most of his weight while he smokes.
If you tend to follow him around like a lost puppy, he won't make much of a comment on it, though he'll ask if you needed something or if you had info to share.
Don't take it to heart. He's just used to being a loner.
Should anyone else notice, they simply marvel at how you can tolerate him.
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oraclesami · 3 days
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Full Name: Setsuka Inoue
Nickname: Arcelia (NEFAS Laboratory), Flower (Yoshio)
Age: 18 / 28 (TYL)
Birthday: Oct 31st
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: [ REDACTED ]
Ethnicity: Mixed Heritage (Spanish Father, Japanese Mother)
Height: 144.78cm
Flame type: Mist, secondary Sun
Weapon of Choice: Carries two daggers on her thighs.
Affiliation: Vongola - Varia
Position: Under Vongola Family's protection.
Languages: Spanish (+sl), Japanese (+sl), English (+sl), Italian (+sl)
Strengths: Fast Learner, Gun Specialist (sniper - pistol - gun), herbal medicine, first aid, singing.
Weaknesses: Melee Combat (can hold her own, but doesn't have a good stamina for long fights), anemic, can't swim, no fashion sense
Character Summary:
Setsuka is a quiet girl at first glance. Polite and patient, she tends to keep to herself and tries not to bother anyone. Getting to know her will reveal a short tempered, sassy queen. Though her bark is bigger than her bite, she still can hold her own in a fight, whether it is physical or mental. She tends to keep her guard up because of her upbringing.
She is a girl who cares and loves hard for the people who bless this world. Though naive to a fault, she is still kind beneath all that bluster.
Before she was 'Setsuka', she was Arcelia, the witch or the Blood Parent Subject. From age 5 to 15, she was the personal lab rat for making superhuman soldiers for the military. Unlike her father, her blood was successful in making soldiers out of children of any blood type, granting them power. She was under strict lock and key until Yoshio, then known as Dmitri, broke her out when she was 15, with the help of her father.
On the run from the military, they forged papers and landed in Italy. Setsuka and Yoshio Inoue, two siblings traveling across Europe. It was hard, but they managed. Working their way to Italy, Yoshio begged audience with the don of the Vongola. In exchange for military secrets, Yoshio would receive a recommendation to Varia and work under them as a Cloud guardian and Setsuka would be allowed to hide in their ranks as a grunt.
When she turned 18, Setsuka would end up going to school in Japan as a third year in Namimori High School, along with the tenth candidate, Tsunayoshi Sawada.
Fighting Style:
Setsuka doesn't really like fighting, but over the three years she spent with Varia in Italy, she's learned melee combat and gun handling of an assorted type. She prefers to stay on the defensive, so a lot of her combat is self defense. When she is on the offensive, however, she aims for pressure points to subdue her opponent since she can't do a prolonged fight.
Setsuka learned how to fight during her time in Italy, with Yoshio pounding every single type of combat in order for her to be able to protect herself. He refused to be gentle to her in training, so she is technically an even match to Yoshio.
Setsuka has heightened empathy, which morphed into clairvoyance as a result of the time they spent hiding from sight. She can sense living and dead beings within a 5 mile range. Can't exorcise anything, though, just speak to them.
Setsuka was technically homeschooled, as the laboratory workers rarely allowed her to interact with children her age, the only exception being Yoshio, who was her guard dog for the military base.
Setsuka was given art materials, video games and anime, with permission requested from her father to the military leader, so she had an outlet in her room due to the constant isolation. She also drew on the walls when she didn't have paper
Setsuka and her father were kept separated, but he was allowed to meet with her once a month. She used to look forward to those days because it meant she didn't have to go to the blood transference room and she gets to have quality time with him.
Setsuka's singing is very sweet and clear. Her singing voice claim is Lizz Robinett. They have a healing touch to it due to her empathy ability.
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shslguitarist · 1 month
I come for the lore
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Oh boy, this is gonna be a long post, grab some popcorn and let me tell you the story of how your parents met. Somehow, it wasn't in a nuthouse but you'd think that huh?
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Alright, let's get to it then!
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Karma and Kanade didn't meet formally technically until the Utsuroshima Killing Game. But Karma was a fan of Melody Rhythm during his years at Hope's Peak before the Tragedy happened. The twins are a bit older than Karma, but not by much. TLDR; they're all essentially adults by the end anyways.
Karma was thrown into the Utsuroshima game because of Mikado wanting to revive Junko in some form. Consider it something like him wanting to revive Utsuro through Yuki. At this point, it was hard to not know who the Remnants of Despair are. And Karma hasn't exactly healed from the Jabberwock game. He hasn't even healed from losing Chiaki two times, it's an open wound that often leads to arguments between Kanade and Karma later on.
At first, Karma avoided contact with anyone in the game, when Yuri dies - that's when things really start to get his attention. He didn't care much for the victim or blackened, he was looking forward to the executions. Although Mikado erased his memories of the Jabberwock game, Karma was always twisted in liking death. Considering his whole upbringing was spent running for the most part. And observing Kanade in the trials made Karma want to get to know her even more. Fearing that he was going to get attached, he didn't say much to her at first but the more he started spending time with her and Hibiki, the closer he felt to them. It had been years since he's fallen in love with anyone, especially after Chiaki died. And she was the first person that Karma was in love with, so falling for Kanade was kind of scary to him.
Chapter 2 is when they really bonded, over Kokoro's death. Plus teaming up on Emma, you could say that Karma fell in love with her smarts. And the ability to be a smartass at the same time. But it's funny how...they start getting closer to being in a relationship within the game also by not even knowing that they've met before cause Karma went to one of their concerts back in the day by the time they arrive on the third island.
And that's when everything went wrong; Setsuka dying, Karma witnessing the twins kill her, being the fall guy for their plan. Before their execution, Karma wasn't able to tell Kanade that he loved her. Kanade didn't want to leave Karma in the dark about everything but she still went ahead and burned the note, internally apologizing to Karma about leaving him stuck with the imbeciles. Insult to injury that she sends him off with a kiss before she's dragged off to the execution. Shinji has to hold Karma back from jumping into the execution to save the twins, but after they die, he goes emotionless. Not fully but it starts declining after Shinji's death. Initially wanting to just end it all so he doesn't have to deal with the killing game anymore, he starts having hallucinations about Kanade.
He does survive the game and when he manages to get out of the pod, he does indeed wait by Kanade's pod. Realizing and remembering how she really looked like (i.e. her adult look, y'know, the jean jacket style.) and remembered that he once went to a concert of theirs with a sign asking if she'd marry him (she said yes). Karma's just waiting....waiting for Kanade to wake up. tragic when this isn't dr2 huh
I am open for follow up asks.
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comfortabletogether · 2 months
Hello hope your having a good day idk if your still active on this given that no one is 💀 but can you write a Sdra2 x reader scenario were the girls suspect their S/O of cheating only to realize that that was their cousin the whole time
Thank you for request! It means a lot to get this kind of stuff. I only write for 6 characters at a time btw. You can rerequest if you wanted Setsuka or Kokoro. Anywho, this was a fun request and like last time it was almost no spoilers. Actually that’s a lie, I can’t write without spoilers whatsoever. And yeah I’m still active. I need to rewatch a play through of DRA though.
That was or maybe not be the reason I’m trying to hold off on DRA request because I’ll definitely fuck them up.
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Emma Magorobi
🎬 Emma would probably be tagged many many times in some popular paparazzi page. And that post was a picture of a person who looked just like you holding hands with some other person.
🎬 She’d probably feel heartbroken and would definitely be extremely upset about it. But then she’d see that the person who looked like you didn’t look all that like you. Sure, you looked similar but not exactly the same.
🎬 But unfortunately her anxieties got the best of her and just assumed it was a weird lighting. And Emma probably wouldn’t confront you in person instead opting for doing it via text.
🎬 When Emma finds out the truth, she’ll expect you to also have some proof to back it up.  But when she finally is convinced of it not being you, she’d apologize immediately.
Yoruko Kabuya 
🍷Yoruko would see a girl who looked shockingly like you from across the bar. And you were with someone else. Yoruko didn’t think much of it at first, just a little mad you didn’t say hello. Or that was until you had kissed this person.
🍷 She tried to get over there to go yell at you and about how you had betrayed her trust. But unfortunately Minako had kept her behind the counter serving people as it was an extremely busy day.
🍷 Then the real you had come in and taken a seat on a bar stoll. And Yoruko immediately got confused because how could you be on two different places at once.
🍷 As she was serving you, she’d ask about what was going on and once you have explained. Yoruko be so thankful for Minako putting her behind the counter. That would’ve been an embarrassing first meeting with your family members.
❔ You were the only person who recognized Sora and you were the only person she recognized. Although not remembering much about what you did, she remembered that she loved you.
❔ For a motive, Mikado or well Monocrow handed out pictures. And in those pictures it was of a person who looked suspiciously like you and another person kissing, and many more the you look-alike and them going on a date.
❔ Sora is put off with this motive at first, questioning in her mind if it was actually you or not, but instead of confronting you on it, she slept on it.
❔ In the morning she went to go ask you about it, and she had come to the conclusion that you were the one in the picture and she was mad and questioned you over it.
❔ Sora was very embarrassed to find out that she got worked up over her S/O’s cousin making out with their boyfriend. She did apologize 
Kanade Otonokoji
🎵 Another one to hear about this via social media. One thing she hated about your public relationship was that you lacked privacy when you went out in public. Kanade kind of knew once she saw the picture.
🎵 Kanade understood almost immediately that the person in that photo wasn’t you. But she wanted to play up her innocent girl persona with you. So she faked crying and showed up at your place.
🎵 She would intentionally try and make you feel bad for her. Kanade would start up an argument showing pictures that were on social media. But that argument did dissolve quickly.
🎵 Once formally told by you, Kanade would try and guilt trip you for not introducing her to your family beforehand. And she would only then cuddle you as a make up for the argument.
Iroha Nijiue
🎨 Iroha would see a picture taken by one of her older siblings of you and another person. They had multiple pictures of dates and kisses as if her sibling had been stalking you. Which that made her upset.
🎨 She was straight up in denial as she assumed that they were doing this to get her much more focused on her masterpieces. Until Iroha was told by either Emma or Hajime that they had seen you going around with another person.
🎨 Iroha would feel so hurt by this, and would just lock herself in her room and cry for hours. She would draw her ocs getting trauma to cope with the feelings of hurt.
🎨 She would also probably make someone else go and confront you about it, record the situation and send it to her. And which in this case she made Emma do it. After knowing that it was just your cousin she would pretend like none of that ever happened whatsoever.
Hibiki Otonokoji 
🎶 Hibiki would hear about this through Kanade, who would also show proof of a video of you and the other person kissing. Intentionally Hibiki would lash out at Kanade for ever assuming that would’ve been you before breaking down crying for her sister to comfort her.
🎶 She wouldn’t confront you for a while, she would just ghost and ignore you. Avoiding places that you could’ve seen one another in public. Hibiki just felt so betrayed, so many people had left her. Why you too?
🎶 Eventually you two would see each other somehow again, and Hibiki would start crying demanding for an explanation. It created a whole scene but you loved Hibiki so why did it matter?
🎶 Once you told Hibiki that it wasn’t you in those pictures and that it was your cousin, going as far as to FaceTime them to prove it. Hibiki’s blind trust in Kanade’s words would begin to dwindle.
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Hello~ I hope you're doing well~ Can I get kanade otonokoji and Setsuka chiebukuro dating headcanons~
Just like with the other general dating headcanons, this takes place in a non despair au. My rules dictate that Kanade is always a yandere no matter how peaceful the rest of the world is so this falls under yandere danganronpa for her.
For the sake of those who don't want to read yandere content I'll flip the order so Setsuka is on top and Kanade is on the bottom.
TW: Kanade Otonokoji
Setsuka Chiebukuro and Kanade Otonokoji dating headcanons
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Considering Setsuka is her class' big sis who promotes unity in the class, they would be the first people she informs about her getting into a relationship which will earn a wave of congratulations from the class with all of them being happy for their defacto leader getting together with someone.
Get ready to be a frequent subject of Setsuka's jokes and pranks, she doesn't pull anything on you with malicious intent nor are her pranks with you anything like what she did with the girls in A Woman's Fantasy, they're all good light-hearted fun which at most will spook you a little. She readily encourages you to try and get back at her as she enjoys the challenge and little prank wars are great ways to have quality time together which is her love language.
For dates, Setsuka doesn't have any particular preference so long as you two get some quality one on one time together. She loves being the big sis of her class, she was the one who assigned herself the role afterall, but for dates she would rather they not be around. She would love to have Sora, Shinji and Hibiki help her prepare for a date but during the date itself it's just you and her. If she did have to list a preference she prefers dates that have you two actively doing something together like playing a game or going hiking together over movie dates or generally more passive dates.
Prior to you two dating, Setsuka definitely showed you her Devil's Eye. It's a major sore spot for her and she would never date someone prior to informing them about the true nature of her right eye as not only would there be the risk of you reacting poorly much like the kids at her school did but also if she can't trust you with her right eye then how could she ever date you? Romantic relationships are built on love and trust and if she didn't tell you about her childhood operation by a quack doctor then that means she didn't trust you enough.
There is no need to worry about jealousy from Setsuka, out of all the SDRA2 cast she's the one who will never get jealous. She is an extremely physically affectionate person and her extroverted personality makes her want to spend time with loads of different people so she won't take any issue to you doing similar. At most she would tease you about showing affection to other people, jokingly asking things like "No affection for your girlfriend?" but it's always playful and never serious.
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Your confession where you professed your feelings for her was the happiest day of her life. Kanade had meticulously planned the past few months for you to reciprocate her feelings, she had held off on doing anything traumatizing to you yet as she couldn't risk you seeking another for comfort so stuck to more minor sabotage to prop up her image in your eyes while using her shy persona to still be approachable to you. When you two finally start dating, no one is made aware of it for a day as Kanade wants to savor her victory for herself but she eventually tells Hibiki who spreads the news to everyone that you and her are an item now.
To you, Kanade is the perfect girlfriend. She's cute, she's popular, she's talented, she's open-minded to activities outside of her band, she's a caring sister who is always by her sister's side even when they disagree, she comforts you after a student you were close to mysteriously disappears- Now that you have made the decision to date her, Kanade can go about ensuring your relationship is permanent.
Dates with Kanade are pretty much your wish is her command. She is gifted at essentially everything so if you want to have a karaoke date? She'll sing with you and let you pick every song. Date at the movies? She'll pick out the best seats for you two and get your favorite popcorn and soda. It may be a bit concerning to you how much Kanade is willing to let you be the decider for everything but Kanade honestly doesn't mind, if you do mind and want her to pick something based on her preferences she'll be overjoyed though may not be entirely honest about what she actually likes depending on how squeamish or sensitive to loud sounds you are.
Your relationship with Hibiki is a bit of a doozy. Kanade wants you to be friends with Hibiki but she doesn't let you get too close. Whenever you question it, she spouts excuses about how jealous she is that Hibiki gets more attention again, essentially guilt tripping you to back off.
Unlike with Hibiki and a childhood friend reader, Kanade wouldn't always want you to be in a puppet state like Hibiki. The idea is appealing to her but the puppet state is essentially her way of having her loved one to herself without any fear of someone taking them away so if the mysterious disappearances and deaths she cause leave you emotionally vulnerable enough that you solely rely on her, she may let you keep your sanity depending on how accepting you are of what she's done to Hibiki. If you lash out, even just out of shock, you can kiss your sanity goodbye. If you remain composed and don't do anything to provoke her, she'll let you keep your mind if only because she enjoys seeing you emote as her sister's expression is quite dull in the puppet state.
Kanade's jealousy is 10 to the power of 1000, she gets jealous over you spending time with anyone and everyone save for Hibiki and as stated earlier, she doesn't appreciate you getting too close to her either. Kanade is someone willing to torture and kill over you smiling at another person so unless you actively isolate yourself from people outside of the Otonokoji twins, expect to set off her jealousy during your relationship at even the most innocent of interactions. The only real bright side to her jealousy is that due to the image she needs to maintain, she won't ever actually truly express the full extent of her jealousy in your presence, she's usually only appearing mildly upset though can get extremely scary if you have a close friend.
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laikaflash · 24 days
Last night, I did another practice recording. As weird as it feels to say, listening to my own voice has taken some getting used to. I also realized way too late that I was too close to the microphone, which is just as well because I need to read the whole thing in one sitting. The top two audios put together would be about 18 and a half minutes long. The first excerpt here is the intro of "Snow Flower" right up to the point where Shugen finds Setsuka; the second one is the rest of the fic.
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The one at the bottom reads in full: "Test Recording - Vocal Fry & Traffic" for reasons. The latter is what happens when I record in my room. The vocal fry really came out in the second "Snow Flower" recording (particuarly in Shugen's lines) because I was tired. Time really got away from me.
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Question, where's Kanade now? Is she here with you guys cuz i feel like it's not very safe to leave her at the apartment
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She's still in my apartment. The video didn't mention me, but I should still be going. We can get Umeko-san and Setsuka-san up to speed as well.
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But...are any of us under arrest for all this?
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No. Once again, you are allowed to blame someone else for this.
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You really shouldn't have trusted Matsuda. At all.
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I didn't. But I also didn't trust what he was going to do with her once her mind was wiped. And even if I didn't agree with the idea...I couldn't leave her on her own.
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*Sigh* You're so charitable, Nakamura. Too charitable, frankly.
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But if you come with us, we can ensure she returns to police custody.
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I need to decide how I'm going to explain all this to her.
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laugtherhyena · 1 month
Playlist listened to while writing; https://spotify.link/WzxvdTKBCJb
Holy shit dude, the ceo of rei angst wrote some rei angst what the HELL!! We have to kill her guys she cant keep getting away with this.
Anyways im gonna be writing about a lot of these nerds. I just love rei. This is really rushed and I am really sleepy so it is not my best writing.
Also i cannot write teruya so you will habe to ppppUT UP WITH IT.
Warnings for like. Violence and my attempt at writing a breakdown.
Rei held the rusty pipe like a baseball bat, swinging for a homerun as she smacked off the head of someone she once knew. Someone who had abandoned her long ago.
The rotting head of what used to be her mother rolled on the ground, sickly green skin squishing against the ground and stared up at her with lifeless eyes.
“I didn’t want to see you again like this,” Rei hissed as her chest heaved, “i wanted to see you staring with regret as you saw your daughter on top of the world. I didn’t want to kill you or see you dead.”
That had been the second time she had run into her zombified mother. The first, she had been a coward, unable to kill her and her father– the two people she hated most, the two people who had abandoned her and left her on the streets.
Where had all her rage gone that time. When had she become soft.
Midori clung to Ryutaro with all the strength in her frail body. “My brother,” she whispered, “i saw my brother’s corpse down there. Kakeru… he… they got Kakeru… they killed Kakeu…”
He didn’t say much in return, but he did pat her hand briefly– the only comforting action he could manage while carrying her.
“I see a store up ahead. Let’s stop by there for supplies.” Keisuke pointed out to the leader of the bunch.
Setsuka patted the clown on the back and gave him a smile. “Sounds good, lead the way. Maki, do you need me to carry Yamaguchi for a bit?”
Midori wrapped her arms and legs around Ryutaro a bit tighter at the suggestion, very much attached to the guy who had found her and saved her from zombies.
“I’ll be fine until we reach the stop.” The blonde nodded his acknowledgement to the bluenette, forcing a smile as he struggled to catch up.
The group walked in silence for a bit, the only sounds being the orchestra of distant zombie groans.
“Miss Yamaguchi,” Hikaru said after bit, his tone fatherly like usual, “may I check your pulse soon? And may I check if the swelling on your ankles has gone down?”
“Yeah, that… sounds good. Thank you, Uncle.”
Kanata removed the bandages from Ayame’s arm gradually.
“There isn’t any sign of infection, Hatano. Kinjo and Maki are still out, so… uhm… can I get you something to eat?” The surgeon spoke softly as she stared at the sprinter.
“I’m not hungry…” Ayame mumbled.
“Inori!” Tomori slammed the door open, her eyes sunken from lack of sleep, “i think i got bit. Check! Check, please!!”
Kanata bit back a sigh of exasperation and forced out her cheerful smile. “Of course. Where do you think you were bit this time?”
“My ankle. They went after my ankle so I couldn’t run! They’re going to eat me. I’m going to die, aren’t I? Oh, god, I’m going to die!” The cheerleader’s words were jumbled together and practically nonsensical. She grabbed onto Kanata’s shoulders as she spoke, her nails digging into the other’s lab coat and pressing her skin uncomfortably.
“Miss Tomori,” Kanata winced, “please let go of me. I will check your ankle, but I am sure you are fine.”
“I’m not fine!” Kizuna wailed before glaring accusatory daggers at Ayame. “If you… if you hadn't gotten yourself bitten! If you had just seen that bitch for what she is! We wouldnt be doomed! You’ve doomed us all!”
Ayame took the words without fighting back. What had been the point in fighting anymore? Kizuna was right. She had doomed them all.
“Miss Tomori, please… Taira had us all fooled… if Miss Hatano is to blame, then so are the rest of us…” the blonde murmured. “Please sit down so I can check your ankle…”
Mindless. Kinji was mindless. His faith had only been able to spare him for so long.
His teeth were decayed now. His skin was green and purple and yellow. His eyes were dull. His cheeks were sunken.
It was incredible that his mind stayed intact long enough for him to bury as many as he did. The only bodies he didn’t put 6 feet under, the only bodies he couldn’t handle burying, were those of the people he knew.
But what was the point?
Yuki held his stomach as he choked up and spat out the last meal he had, beans that had barelt even begun to digest.
“Urgh… gross…” he mumbled to himself.
Shinji was away at the moment, scouting out for the next safe place for them to go and likely trying to find his family in the process.
The lucky student fought back envious tears. At least they knew there was a chance that Shinji’s family was alive– they found his mother, Aiko, brutally murdered in the Maeda household. Her corpse was bloated and rotted when they found it.
The sight still haunted his dreams. He couldn’t even keep.meals down since he saw it.
Mikako peered into her brother’s lab. He hadn’t eaten in quite some time, nor had he slept.
“Yamato…” she whispered hesitantly.
He spun around with a dart ready in his hand. He only lowered it after he registered it was her.
“Mikako, I’ve told you to leave me alone. I need to find a cure, or no one will be safe.” The inventor turned back to his work and threw a crumpled up piece of paper to the side.
“I’m sure someone else is searching for a cure, Yamato. Why not try to make a vaccine? Some sort of immunity would help while someone else finds a cure.” The exorcist suggested.
Her brother didn’t seem to have heard. That, or he was ignoring her.
“Ah… nevermind.” She straightened her back and spun on her heel to hunt down their other classmates.
For the newcomers, Satsuki was putting on a performance– juggling empty bottles and broken gadgets whilst telling jokes. That could not be safe, but Haruhiko seemed to have his eyes on her.
The bunker door heaved open, and Teruya’s team came in, carrying boxes full of food and other supplies.
“We’re back with dinner!” The merchant shouted.
Mikako rushed over to take the box from him.
“Thank you, Otori, this should be good for at least a week. You and your scavenger team did good.”
He grinned at her and handed his box over. “Thanks! We uh…” he hesitated, “We saw Taira and Maeda… err… Utsuro? On our flight back… they looked like they were heading somewhere… dunno where…”
She bit her tongue and nodded thankfully at him. “Thank you for telling me.”
Thats it. Im hungry good bye.
Aw yeah infection Au moment! I do remember you saying a while back that you wanted to write something about Rei in this Au and MAN her part has gotta be my favorite out of these little snippets.
I really like taking a look at how a bunch of the cast is doing, seeing the way you wrote them in those situations was pretty fun! It reminded me how much i like the idea of Setsuka's like group with the 6.5 cast and how Kanata probably wishes she has a degree in psychology to properly deal with Ayame and Kizuna (she may feel as if she's not doing enough for them seing as her kindness can only bring her so far when dealing with their turmoil)
#i really like thinking about the voids + hibiki in this au too#i never explained this before because i wanted to draw something for it but oh well#basically at one point the voids (as in Nikei Hajime and Emma since Iroha has been zombified and ran away by now) steal some suplies from#Syobai's apocalypse mob. so he sends Kanade and Hibiki to “take care of them” for him#because Kanade has deal with Syobai where she's essentially works as his executor whenever he needs it#and in exchange he lets her take things rom his stocks when she pleases (she mainly takes weapons. the crazier the better)#and you know. Hibiki i in her puppet stage so she goes along#so the twins go after the voids in their mad max-esc apocalypse car and after a while Kanade manages to corner them#and Hibiki takes this opportunity to stab her in the back :) literally#because turns out Hibiki snapped out of her puppet stage at some point a while back. and seeing Kanades terrifying true nature#she wanted to put an end to her madness but for the time being she kept pretending to be under her control. because she wa looking for the#right opportunity to deal a killing blow without because Kanade is a better fighter than her#this opportunity turned out to be the voids! she explains the whole story to them and offers to do something for them to make up#for the hell Kanade and her put them through (chasing them around for several days and getting into fights)#so Hajime asks for her to hand over all of her supplies. Emma asks for the car. and Nikei asks her if she has any information about#a possible cure for the virus (because he feels somewhat guilty for what happened to Iroha) and Hibiki tells her she knows of a scientist#that's working on one and recives chemicals suplies from Syobai (because he wants this capitalize on this cure whenever it gets done)#So by Nikei's orders Hibiki tricks Mikado into giving her a stash of Kokoro's solution and goes with the voids in a search for Iroha#so that they can give her the prototype cure (which works just as a virus suppressant so far) before she reaches a stage where her mind is#too far gone. so overtime Hibiki essentially becomes a void member and she has friends again for the first time since forever#i like infection au Hibiki a lot. i had a sketch of her and Kanade somewhere i think#super danganronpa another 2#danganronpa another#dra#sdra2#zombie au#infection au#hyena ramblings
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l0vemenormally · 11 months
I wrote analyses on hibiki and kanade otonokoji!! HUGE SDRA2 CH3 SPOILERS!! you've been warned
hibiki is very snappy at others in a sort of bullying manner, this is due to the fact from a young age hibiki was conditened to think that doing such was okay as there was never reprecussions for her actions; hibiki is also very friendly and has a habit of getting attached to people easily, to the point where she is co-dependent on them, though hibiki is normally co-dependent on kanade that can change (ex. setsuka), though in the end due to kanades efforts hibiki will always run back to her, the reason shes like is is due to kanade condioning her from a young age to be so, kanade only intended for hibiki to be dependent of her, hibiki becomes co-dependent on anyone she becomes very close with, though she becomes less co-dependent when the person she co-depends on discourages that behavoir (we see this as hibiki becomes more strong and indenpent fter ch1, due to being close with setsuka), and so kanade gets rid of them that so hibiki will only depend on her and thus will not heal, only worseing her co-dependecy. kanade impacted hibikis personality A LOT if she didnt exist then hibiki probably wouldve just been a normal girl, still having some of her personality now but she would be much stronger and independent. i think of hibiki as sort of half of a person, she has her own personality yeah but her personality was sort of scripted my kanade to be how SHE wanted hibiki to be.
kanade is a perfectionist, since shes always been "perfect" she doesnt know how to react when things dont go "perfect" (shown when her plan in discoverd in the trial), kanade views everyone other than herself as useless nobodies, except hibiki; who she views as a toy or a puppet of some kind, just a thing for her to use, in kanades mind shes the only one whose "human". deep down i belivie that kanade truly wants hibiki to love her, humans are sociable creatures that require love; its impossbile that kanade doesnt want to be loved, i just think that kanade doesnt know how to express that she wants to be loved; thinking the only way that she would be loved is through manipluating someone TO love her. since im pretty sure?? that their parents favored hibiki over kanade that would be why kanade doesnt know how to express wanting to be loved or even understand what love is, she has a warped view on love becasue of how she views herself and others, thats why she considers manipulating hibiki "love", because she thinks of herself as complety perfect, giving hibiki her time and attention would be what she thinks it is to love someone, this would be the same if it were romantic partner or friend or something else, kanade doesnt think theres any other type of expressing love than that even though love for a family member is different than love for a friend or partner. the reason kanade maniplutes hibiki to be a "puppet" is because deep down shes afraid of losing hibki even though she herself doesnt realize it, this is also why she gets jelous when hibiki likes anyone besides her.
also another thought to add onto the last part
since kanade is a perfctionist she would think of manipulating her to be a puppet of some kind just to make sure hibiki would never leave her, she thinks with her head instead of her heart basically, so insted of just being normal and getting hibiki to like how any other person would, she devised a plan to make sure that hibiki would lover her, not even taking emotions into consdieration
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
SDRA Boys reaction to finding out Kanade killed there Fem S/O because she is best friend with Hibiki which resulted in Kanade cutting up S/O gruesomely like she did to Setsuka in the canon Game
Damn, fellow angst fan! 
You didn't specify if Hibiki committed the murder too, so I included how they would interact with her after the trial knowing what her sister did-
Yuki Maeda: 
When he sees your body at first, he's in complete shock
He wants to look away, but his eyes won't budge
It isn't until Shinji and Sora say his name a few times when the dam breaks
He's horrified, sad, angry, and full of grief all at once
He throws up during the investigation, and can't go near the body
There's no point, since it's already burned into his mind
He's quiet and crying during the trial, barely even blinking and ignoring anyone who tried to help
Sora tells him if he wants to get justice for you, then he must work with everyone
"...huh...What the hell do you know? About me? About Y/n? She's dead. I don't care anymore."
Yuki goes blank. Even void is a little worried, isn't it a bit soon for Utsuro to come out?
Anytime he sees Hibiki, he feels his stomach drop, the image of your body appearing fresh in his mind
He doesn't want to hate her, as she's just as much of a victim as you were, but her resemblance to Kanade makes him mistake her sometimes
Teruya Otori:
He slams his fist down on the podium in grief and anger, his eyes beginning to swirl in despair.
Why was this happening to him again? It was really all because you befriended the wrong person? Why did you have to die? Why couldn't it have been him!? 
He thinks back to all the moments he had with you. Sun gazing, cuddling, your first kiss... he'd never see you again, he promised he would protect you and he failed again. Why was he such a failure?
He didn't want to give into despair, he really didn't, but sitting idly while everyone you loved died a horrible death made him wonder if hope really did exist 
He stays in your dorm for a while, but definitely keeps a closer eye on everyone
If Hibiki didn't die, he couldn't bring himself to resent her, just her criminal scum of a sister
He has to keep the others safe and put an end to the killing game. He's well aware that he's not smart, if he was, he would have been able to save you
But he's strong. He's pushed himself past his limits before and he's not afraid to do it now. 
He’ll protect everyone because it's what you would have wanted
That's the only thought keeping him sane
Shinji Kasai: 
Also in shock when he sees your body
You were....there...(and there, and there-)
He’s seen a lot of gruesome sights of people who had terrible burns (Including himself, which you always reassured him over) but this was…
He starts to cry right there, as Yuki and Sora rush to comfort him
He can’t bring himself to investigate your corpse or your room, instead talking to everyone about their alibis
This whole time, he was saying that the people in void were friends and probably had some kind of reason for doing this, but…
He’s not sure anymore.
What kind of monster would put you through something so horrid?
When he finds out that it’s Kanade, he nearly breaks his podium
He’d never hit a girl, even if she is a literal demon spawn, but he’ll still yell at her for what she did to you
He can’t forgive her, turning his back on her and not even bothering to watch the execution
He stayed in his room for a few days, barely opening the door to anyone except Yuki
He is actually nicer to Hibiki, and even helps train and comfort her with all she’s been through
but there’s there a part of him that can’t help but think about what would’ve happen if he done this sooner, if he would have met your fate
The thought makes his stomach churn
Hajime Makunouchi:
Falls to his knees upon seeing the body 
He nearly vomits at the way the face on your decapitated head was twisted in terror and your limbs were contorted as if you were nothing more than a doll
Hajime doesn’t feel angry, he just feels… sad.
Abandoned…once again.
He finds himself sobbing, unable to stop
He just felt so alone, but he told himself not to blame you, you hadn’t left him, not on purpose
He can’t investigate… he just can’t…
Ironic, that the strongest person in the class never felt so weak
Another part of him feels guilty, of all those times he talked you into training, into eating healthier foods… what was the point of all that when you were going to die so young?
He can’t say anything to Kanade, he can just glare at her through his sunglasses, his void eyes coming to life
He watches her execution, but he can’t bring himself to smile or feel happy
It just makes him feel….empty
He actively avoids Hibiki, but he’ll try not to treat her any differently
He confronts Nikei about turning against Mikado
Syobai Hashimoto:
Syobai wasn't attached to a lot and he rarely let anyone get close to him 
But he made an exception for you
That's what you were, the exception
He was never loved by anyone in his life
Except you
He never cared about anything other than money and his own survival
Except you
He never fell in love with someone before
Except you
He never felt such sadness and grief when seeing a corpse
Except you.
The moment he saw your corpse, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, a pain unlike any he had felt before
Followed by a tsunami of emotions that were running wild
He forced them all down, much harder to do than ever and investigated your body
He found the culprit easily, charging Kanade with his knife almost immediately
She was quick but not quick enough, he left her within an inch of her life while Hibiki screamed and cried
He used his own medical knowledge to keep her alive for the trial, no matter how hard he wanted to end her right there 
He smiled when she was voted, everyone understanding Syobai's actions
He doesn’t care about Kanade's backstory, he hates her for killing you, that's it
He won't hurt Hibiki, knowing Kanade would probably like that, but he glares at her anytime she's in the room with him 
Yuri Kagarin:
He claimed it was a male the whole trial, only a male would be capable of doing this to you
When he found out it was sweet Kanade, his views shattered
"W-Why...?"  That’s all he can ask, and when she explains, he wishes he kept quiet
You were gruesomely murdered because of your kindness, and how you befriended and comforted a scared and paranoid girl
Kanade was a demon through and through who took pleasure causing pain in others
Only then did he realize what you were always trying to say, about all males not always being bad, funny how the message only got through when he learned the opposite
If Hibiki isn't executed alongside her, he wouldn't ever directly blame her for the person her sister was
But he'll never be able to look at her without thinking of the monster who killed you
Mikado Sannoji: 
This wasn't supposed to happen.
That's the first thought that crosses his mind, out of everyone here, you were supposed to make it to the end
He'd think it was Nikei, being the only void who would dare to do this, but even Nikei is not that psychotic
This was someone that made him look like a saint
He contributes everything during the trial, ignoring when people tell him to be quiet
They don't get to tell him that, not after his S/o was dead
When he learns of Kanade, he feels angry, at both her and himself
He could have figured Kanade's past out if he had just dug a little deeper...
He lightly avoids Hibiki, but doesn't make much of an effort to push her away, 
Not like anyone else besides you would ever willingly talk to him
Nikei Yomiuri:
God damn it... 
Rage. He can only feel raw unhindered rage when he sees your mutilated corpse
The whole trial, he thought Mikado was the only bastard messed up enough to do this, there's no way anyone in void would do this to him
To kill the one thing he had left
His leadership, his power, his luck (the whole reason he was pressured into creating this messed up game) 
And now he lost you, the one thing he achieved without the use of his remaining luck
And now you were gone in one of the most messed up ways possible
He demands Kanade's reasons for doing this to you, and only feels more disgusted when he finds out
He hopes she burns in hell
He can't look at Hibiki without his void eyes flaring and his face being consumed by undeniable rage
He lashes out at her a few times, but he doesn't care
He uses the rest of the space in his notepad to write about you
He's not sure if your dead in the real world, but if you were, then he wanted some way for the world to know the kind of person you are
Because he knows for a fact that he's not making it out of here alive
He just hopes he can bring Mikado down with him
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rekino2114 · 2 months
can u do emma and iroha (sdra2) x child!reader whose also in void/children of utsuro? platonic obvi lmao.thanks if you do this req,btw!
Emma magorobi and iroha nijiue with a child reader who is in void
A/n:I didn't plan on doing child readers or platonic stuff in general but I had some ideas so why not
Emma magorobi
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She takes it upon herself to be kind of a big sister figure to you(sorry setsuka) she knows that since you're in a void, there's a good chance you didn't have a good family or childhood like almost all of the members,herself included, so she wants you to know that there are people who love and support you.
Whenever you're sad, she'll always cheer you up first by buying you a plushie and some snacks, but most of all, by telling you a lot of puns until you laugh again(much to Hajime's dismay)
She likes to wrap you up in her fur coat when it's cold,it's too big for you but you just look so cute all bundled up(she only does it when she's wearing long sleeved clothes underneath though)
She sometimes brings you on her movie sets so you can see her act. Everyone wonders why there's a random child there, but Emma reassure them and she even sometimes lies telling them that you're her sibling.
Iroha nijiue
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You two instantly become best friends,she's pretty childish herself and is pretty easy to get along with, so prepare to spend a lot of time with her.
She always shows you her new paintings/ manga strips,even if you don't know know anything about art,even you can tell it's beautiful,please compliment her on her drawings this girl desperately needs praise in her life.
Iroha loves it when you give her ideas for art,she just thinks your child imagination is so cute, and no matter how weird or unrealistic, your random ideas are she will try and draw it,maybe even make a short manga.
The rest of void basically has to babysit the two of you, Hajime and Emma had to look for you multiple times when you got lost and had to take you away from Nikei and Mikado while they were arguing.
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Maxi is one of those characters that I didn't think I'd enjoy much, but the more I learn about him and his story and the more I write about him in my fic, the more I adored this guy all over again.
His partnership with the Conduit in Libra of Soul, even if it's for a short while, reminded me so much of him being one of the characters to partner up with the custom character in their story in Soul Calibur 4, along with Talim, Cassandra, Rock, and Setsuka.
It's such a nice call back in a way, whether Project Soul did that on purpose or not, like he's predestined to be there for you, the player, in some capacity.
It's easy to poke fun at him for the hair and his corny lines, but it's also hard at the same time because he gets bullied by the narrative enough.
Plus, his energy is contagious! I can't help but feel happy for him whenever he's happy and feel angry whenever he's angry. Plus it always warms my heart to see him around his crew and him having a family bond with them.
One thing I do get kind of an ick from is when he decides to team up with Tira, of all people, to work for Soul Edge. But if I could read between the lines (and something I learned is my favourite tactic playing as a Rogue to infiltrate enemy bases in Baldur's Gate 3) I like to think he's just keeping her AND the cursed sword at arms length because he knows for a fact that as long as Soul Edge is around, Astaroth wouldn't be too far behind, while also not painting a target on himself as he is also Malfested and among his "fellows."
And I think it's a similar trick he pulled in his Soul Chronicle in 6, keeping Lyla - who also isn't to be trusted - close in order to use her connections to get good materials for Yagaji to make Fatibul for him, a plan that also made his crew doubt him at first until said plan succeeded.
Like yeah, take out the fact that his plans could and did put others close to him in danger (maybe that's where I get the ick), and you would almost call it a galaxy-brained move.
And I do fuck with the fact that he's a pirate and an unconventional one at that (or maybe he's just unconventional to me as whenever I think pirates, I think of Cervantes) and why I'm a big fan of the "one size doesn't fit all" mentality.
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