#also ginger rich truthing always and forever
cowboycomics · 1 year
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personal little ref sheet for how i draw richie
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himboskywalker · 2 years
Um, LOVED that answer for their drink choices in RoY. Just wondering, you talked about your reasons for choosing anakin’s scent... what about Obi-wan’s??? 😏
I always feel extremely self inflated talking about scents in my a/b/o stuff because I so overthink it and prescribe too much meaning and metaphor but whatever,here is the embarrassingly convoluted reasoning for Obi-Wan’s scent lol
Pine sap is associated with healing,protection,and wisdom. But most importantly it’s an evergreen,always full of life and steadfast. Pitch is a resin and a more solidified form of pine sap. Like frankincense it’s purity is found in flame. It is used to bind,to hold things together,to seal and protect and waterproof,and yet pitch is not a solid,it is in fact liquid,slow to movement but flowing all the same.
Honey is associated with the divine and like frankincense it’s antiseptic and used for healing. It’s also an incredible preservative and lasts near forever,beyond long lasting. It is seemingly simple but in actuality incredibly complex and built of thousands of hours of labor and community and love. It is rich,sweet, symbolic of diligence and wisdom,truth and knowledge.
And together,pine and frankincense,ginger and cloves and honey,it is purifying,healing,protecting and long lasting. Symbology interwoven it is precious beyond measure,built of divine flame and archetypes of humanity’s best virtues. It is all of wild nature,of life itself,long lasting and ever present,like the force. Andddddd my god does it all smell fucking good together haha
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random excerpts from black girl time travel kny au
Pairing: rengoku / oc
note: lots of angst mostly. forgive me for this not being y/n format i have to work up the chops to be graceful enough to write that
tagging @dudeandduchess and @adoriable and @tengens-bunny bc they sparked the greatest muse i’ve ever had to write fictions since i was like 14 literally wtf you are my queens???!?!
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even with her mind working double overtime to secure her discomfort, the serenity if the rengoku estate could not be diminished. imene tried her hardest to remember any time prior to her time shift where she saw the moon so brilliantly illuminating the earth below it. each blade of grass, every stone in the garden reflected its glow; the whole of her surroundings were accented with such a pure silvery lining, giving a beauty distinctive to the night alone. it was tranquil enough for her to eventually draw a cleansing breath through her lungs, which finally released some of the staleness of doubt and second guessing that had filled her self image lately.
“you are awake still, imene-chan?”
that voice struck her in her chest, shooting sparks of heat and flutters in her stomach. and the fact that she was hearing it meant he was home. safe. and home.
“imene,” she softly insisted, making him smile as though he were being teased.
“imene.” his voice was warmer when he said her name, she would swear to it. and it stirred in her heart almost painfully with the need to hold him forever.
“i couldn’t sleep,” she shrugged off her dilemma, far more preoccupied in the happiness of seeing him, falling into those gorgeously untamed eyes and sweet smile again… “i’m happy to see you!”
when the depth of his rich tone interjected his name, it caught her by surprise. and, true to form, he hadn’t needed her to say a word before reading her thoughts and emotions with complete accuracy.
he lessened the distance between them, tucking his chin to sustain her eye contact where she sat, “imene… would you say it for me?”
the shadow of pessimism in her brain was shouting. he was easing the lines of formality as a kindness—-it was his vibrant character and nothing more. why was she so dense as to not even understand that? why did a simple name make her world feel brighter, and have her smiling to him, lovestruck?
he smiled. with utter bliss, he smiled at her, exhaling like she’d lifted a weight from him. “ah… i prefer that, i think… don’t you?" 
just like that, the playfulness was back in his voice and eyes. though, another element felt as though it had been added unto it. one she was far too daunted to even hope to name. so she changed the subject. 
"how’re you feeling..?” she asked, lifting herself to stand, “you’re not hurt anywhere, are you? did you get any sleep or did you come right–”
she’d closed the remaining space between them as she fretted over him. ginger, worrying hands grazed butterfly touches up his chest, and the moment she’d made the mistake of tenderly cupping his face, his grin vanished… along with the delusion of pleasant standing she had dared hoped for with anyone there. it took so very little, but reality struck her like frozen lead. 
the subtlest way she could, imene lowered her touch away from him, even as she felt stony ice fill her stomach at his reaction. she could feel how he’d stiffened just before she took her hands away. so then, at that very second with how clear things had become, finality settled into her. still, she wished he would have just lunged his blade through her gut instead; the pain would have been so much less. 
“i–” kyojuro tried his best to play off the disgust, to turn the awkwardness in any other emotional direction. the poor thing even had the courtesy to look remorseful—-very convincingly, at that. god, how noble could one man be to still be kind and gentlemanly even now, trying to play off repulsion as he so obviously was? “no, i am not injured, i am feeling well! but i wished to return home as quickly as i could once i’d fulfilled my assignment. so, yes, i made the decision to return directly. i hope you haven’t been up out of worry for me.”
he was even back to beaming a smile by then, close-eyed and cheerful. she could only give half the heart in her attempt to smile back, barely nodding to acknowledge his answer. the bolt of dejection was still scalding in her chest, trying its best to well tears into her eyes.
“what is it?”
he asked after she’d broken eye contact with him for a time. imene had needed the privacy to blink down the urge to cry. 
“i’m …ready to go back to oyakata-sama’s estate. but i was kind of worried of how much trouble it would be to ask if he would take me in a second time… i didn’t know if it would be rude to him,” she tried to sound as casual as she possibly could, asking softly, like it were nothing more than a passing thought over an inevitable eventuality instead of a conscious decision of hers. but from the look on kyojuro’s face, she may as well has torn a hole through him.
“has something happened?”
he was so concerned. kyojuro sounded so hurt and concerned that the prickling of tears threatened her lashes again. even with his aversion to her, she could not stand to see someone so sweet and kind be hurt. “no…”
“please, imene, if you were upset by anything that happened while i was away–”
“i wasn’t, kyojuro,” she insisted, pleading.
“are you unhappy?” he asked. and it broke her heart to hear just how willing he was to remedy whatever issue she may have experienced just by the tone of his voice, especially after just returning from a mission, “you don’t have to hesitate to tell me if I have failed to host you well.”
“you haven’t failed anything. i’m not unhappy. but I can–” dread made the words catch in her throat, but it was too late for her to retract anything now, “feel that I’m making everyone uncomfortable." 
she waited for him to say something, but the flame hashira only looked at her in pained confusion, stunned and churning his brain to unravel her meaning.
"your father does not want me in your home, kyojuro. i’m a stranger to him—-in fact, I’m pretty sure he can sense that i don’t belong here,” she explained. he was faintly shaking his head, but even with the urge to protest, kyojuro could not deny that truth. “and senjuro–”
“he adores you,” kyojuro desperately interjected. her lips parted to negate it, but he continued before she could. and suddenly, there was a visible glimmering in his sunborn eyes, “he’s told me. many times, everyday we spend together. you…” his face softened from the accosted state she’d frozen it into earlier, and he paused his hurried explanations, “ease him. from our father. even though it is nowhere in your responsibility, you comfort him.”
“him liking me is just going to strain things between the two of them even more,” she shook her head, trying physically to mash the stress out of her temples, “that can’t be worth it, i don’t know how long I’ll even be in this time!”
“you would be surprised at its worth, imene." 
her conscience screamed at her to look at him, and she refused for as long as she could… just for knowing how gutting it would be to do. decency prevailed over her to finally grant him enough to at least meet his eyes, though. and the way his soul cried out to her through them left her destroyed. 
"i’m so sorry to have made you uncomfortable in my home. you needn’t worry about speaking with oyakata-sama, that is my responsibility, i will take care of it.”
he was resigned and sullen. It was almost impossible to tell with how genuinely he retained a positive outlook despite anything, but imene could see the sadness shining in his fiery stare, even with how radiant his grin was. she could also note how the sure grip of his sword had lessened to self-soothing strokes with his thumb at its hilt. “In the morning, I’ll make the arrangements for you. …I hope you believe me, imene, about senjuro. It’s been some time since he’s had …a loving woman around him. he isn’t likely to remember our mother well. what you’ve given with your presence is precious to him. priceless, I would say.”
he gave her an elegiac curve of his lips, and the water blurring her sight conquered her at last, dripping tears so heavy they fell straight to the ground, without a trace left on her cheeks.
“as for our father… he has been this way for a while. it is him. or, it’s what he has become, not a result of your being here. his callousness falls onto senjuro and myself normally, but I suppose you provided a new outlet for it …” he sighed, “it doesn’t excuse my negligence, but i will speak to him, you have my word.”
when she swept her eyes free of more accumulating tears, she felt kyojuro’s palms encircling her arms. it was a touch she had been desiring from the moment these feelings for him had begun to surface, yet when she felt it, she recoiled as if she were burned.
“imene,” he begged quietly. she still tried to keep her tone even.
“but you, kyojuro.”
confusion seeped into the misery soaking his expression, and his brow curled again to search for some hidden meaning in her words. his hands were away from her, though, the instant she showed discomfort.
“you’re the most uncomfortable around me of the three of you. you’re disgusted when i come close to touching you, you can’t even stand to be near me, in the same room, you’re always double checking to see if i’m up to something down every hall and in every room, and around your brother—-i can’t stay here and make you feel like that in your own home! especially when you’re out saving people and risking your life constantly! why would you even want me here if i make you so ill at ease—why would you want to come home to that kind of feeling after all you do!”
she hated how much heat she could feel under her skin–behind her eyes, in her cheeks and nose, at her ears. even more, she hated the pinched and congested whine her emotive state rendered her voice to, like some indignant child. it was humiliating to say aloud to him—-to verbalize just how awfully her self-regard had been eaten away, and to at last face it herself. now her cheeks and chin lay adorned with sheening wet streaks. she couldn’t hide any of it any longer. stillness followed after. not a word spoken, only the amplification of her breaths rattling and struggling to calm against rengoku’s measured silence. 
when she could bear to raise her head again, imene could see him in what looked to be a deep epiphany. a terrible one. like his actions had only know processed into awareness for him, and had left him reflecting in horror. 
he lifted his eyes enough for her to come into view, and his own lashes were starry now, blacker with the moisture accumulating at their base, in spite of the soft grin he wore, “i’m afraid i have to correct you. you said i haven’t failed in caring for you well. but i have done exactly that.
"would you come and sit with me,” he propositioned when she said no more. he’d expected nothing less when she could only look away from him with clenched, leaking eyes, so clearly pained that it ripped his heart to shreds. kyojuro was patient to await her answer, and held out his arm for her when she surprisingly accepted. imene had assumed that they would both share the space on the engawa she’d taken before his return. instead, he lead them to a more secluded area of the estate’s garden, on a stone bench that provided ample view of the night time, and allowed an unstifled breeze to cool them both that she greatly appreciated. 
“i must apologize.”
“you did already.”
kyojuro glanced over his shoulder, hearing her delicate assurance. it surged through him, littering his skin in goosebumps. 
out of consideration of how small their shared seat would be, he had crowded himself at the corner by her side. it allowed them both room for their legs, considering how widely his sat apart, but he could admit there there was a high element of shame that made it more difficult to face her. “yes, and it is not at all adequate for how i’ve hurt you.”
every time he spoke, sounding like he cared, she could do nothing but weep more. somehow, in spite of everything, his sympathy hurt more than anything else. and made her feel horrible for not being acceptable. “you can’t help how you feel, rengoku-s–”
his eyes met hers with stone solid conviction that she couldn’t understand. for someone who disliked her so palpably, he was intent on establishing friendly casualness between them that gave her a migraine trying to comprehend. his next words went far enough to bring a knot to her brow. "you’re right, i can’t. but to have acted on those feelings so poorly is shameful." 
"acted on them poorly?”
“you were manifested in oyakata-sama’s estate. a refugee he deemed to have been brought here for divine reason. he is our leader in this fight we have undertaken against evil. he is the head of our organization, to be honored and respected.”
“it seemed that way,” her faint voice commented.
“yes. for that reason, and more i can’t explain now. understand, if my master says to me that you are precious, to be cared for, i wouldn’t ever dishonor that, nor you.”
now he’d given her her own shocking epiphany. it was slow to unravel itself with how meticulously he explained, frustratingly peeling away with the more he revealed to her in this less than receptive state that her mortification left her in.
“i wished to fulfill the role of your caretaker as best as i could. but as a hashira, i am frequently called away for extensive periods,” he gradually began to turn himself round, now diagonally beside her rather than perpendicular, “you are out of my direct sight for so long that i force you to tolerate my overcompensating once i return. i want you adjusted well, to not be overwhelmed or confused, or grieved with being alone. i wished to watch over you closely in case you were to need me.”
“and your nearness…” he began again, “imene, you were brought here under my protection. not only for me to oversee your healing wounds, but for your safe keeping all together. you are my charge. but i took this upon myself before knowing you—-i was not prepared for you to be so gentle and loving, and to possess warmth that i have not felt in so many years. you emanate affection–your spirit could even bring out playfulness in tokito-san. and your strength is one i have only seen in one other in my life." 
she wanted to cry again, now. and was well on her way, hearing this perfect man speak of her so glowingly. out of nowhere. 
"your peculiar beauty was something i was prepared to disregard. i am from a family of uncommon features; i willed myself to overlook the uniqueness of your eyes as many do mine, and to not be stricken with the comeliness of your hair, or with the beauty of your delicate complexion—-one i have never seen, and that i now will never forget. i convinced myself of it only being the allure of one sent from the heavens. i was mistaken, and then overcome." 
"you—-” her voice broke, weighted with the sobs fighting to bubble out of her chest, “i don’t understand…”
“you are the most beautiful woman i have ever set eyes on, imene. my dreams could not even create anyone nearly as bewitching. and i swore to ignore it, until you showed yourself equally as beautiful in your soul.”
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▷▷ part 2
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commander-orca · 3 years
Wait for me  —  children of the whales fanfiction
Tags: Rochalizo x Suoh, Suoh x Rochalizo, Parrot Soul, Princeshipping, fluff, a teaspoon of angst, jealousy, repressed desires, forbidden relationship, healthy dynamics, look at them they love each other so much, mention of friends to lovers, lovers to established
Walking away from the plight of the heavy sun to go through the dark, pleasantly quiet corridor felt, as Suoh went down the plainly carved stone stairs, much like a tranquil descent to a new, underground world. A world which for a few moments did not belong to the Mud Whale and made who he was slip his mind, freed of roles and of everything. Almost an indistinguishable relief alongside the long passageway of adjacent dwellings, the door to their little house had been left ajar. Only this door invoked in him feelings of calmness; which was new, as it had not always been the case with his coming home late at night, his muscles sore, head still full of the daily tasks and no joyous inconvenience to come and stop those thoughts from running. He was glad that had come to change. No, he thought to himself, eyes catching the loveliest sight of the day, he felt beyond grateful. Peeking through the small gap, he could see the small silhouette of a boy who sat on the one-sized bed, his back turned. He lay there quietly, slightly bent forwar and so focused, Suoh imagined fondly he was reading.
His hair hung forward loose, nonchalantly and his tight black long-sleeved shirt had lifted up to his backbone, baring his lumbars. This was also hard to spot but he could make out, in the dim bistre light of the bedroom which reflected the muffled clarity escaping the window through the thin brown curtains, the streak of sand which stuck to the upper half of his high baggy pants. Suoh kept watching for a little while more, almost upset that he would have to disturb this scene of utter domestical delight. He wanted to stay forever and watch him just be, breathing unawarely and enjoying his peace, his defensive walls low and no one to impress nor to fight against. He couldn’t figure exactly what it was about this monotonous sight which was so touching and made his heart throb a little in his chest, but it was at times like these where he acknowledged his luck the most and contemplated how the past hardships and terrors had in the end been worth paying the price. Trailing eyes a last time on Rochalizo’s precious back, he announced himself by pushing the door open and uttering a single:
Before he even talked, Rochalizo turned around swiftly, mildly panicked. It seemed Suoh had assumed wrong as a pen dropped from his hand and he rushed to cover a piece of paper.
“You- You’re back already!”, he blurted out in embarrassement, cheeks red.
Suoh, who had already moved to the entrance’s cupboard and was hanging his apron on a hanger, stopped in track, returning a curious look.
“Were you busy...? Do you want me to come back later?”
“No no, I wasn’t, I wasn’t”, protested the other, a bit awkwardly as he shoved the piece of paper and pen in his large pants’ pockets.
Rochalizo looped around on the bed until he was facing him. Suoh noticed he had little ink spots on his face, just under the two loveable moles.
“Are you dumb?”, said the other, still a bit bewildered, “This is your house, I can’t throw you out. Nonsense, Suoh!”
The young chief chuckled, removing his coat on hanging it on another hanger. The door craked as he closed it and creaked again as he locked it, so that it wouldn’t reopen on itself.
“I know! I just think it’s nice to enjoy some intimacy alone. From time to time, even our own spaces don’t feel like the ideal place and there are too few in my opinion to only allow people to be themselves in those same spaces”.
Rochalizo didn’t reply immediately, reflecting on the words. Then, he sighed, shrugging as he lay back on the bed headboard. Cracking a match, he lit up a few candles.
“You don’t have to give a deep meaning to everything, y’know. Anyway, how was it? We didn’t meet at all today”.
Smiling all the while, Suoh arranged the flower pots he had brought back from the infirmary, kneeled to pick up the water can stocked in the corner of the room and proceeded to water the plants. The heat had been barely tolerable for humans, as it had been for them; the plants drank the entirety of the container until their thirst reached satietion. He was finding it hard to reply; the words were snarling in his mind and his limp mouth hardly followed.
“I am exhausted”, Suoh admitted, gratting his fingers on the desk, his back facing Rochalizo. 
He felt often uneasy avowing to his tiredness. His efforts didn’t have much of an impact and he systematically came back with the feeling he could have done more.
“What about you? I thought you were helping with the festivities tonight?”
“Yes, I was supposed to, however...”
His face took on another few shades of red and he struggled a moment to find his words, in vain, which led him to renounce.
“Although you say you are exhausted, you’re still up on your feet”, bluntly remarked Rochalizo, but he added then, in a softer tone, patting the empty space on the bed besides him, “Come here. Let me take care of you”.
The moment these words were uttered, the young chief felt a wave of relief and relaxation travel through his body. He turned around and smiled. He didn’t need much to wind down and ease his hurting body and mind. And despite his personal motto which consisted of enjoying the present moment as much as possible, he had found himself awaiting for this moment all day. Carefully settling on the bed, Suoh watched as he started putting weight on the mattress and caused Rochalizo to slip a little closer to him. Comfortably sat, he peered at the short distance between them. 
The thought of placing his head on his shoulder crossed his mind, and as they had often done so these days, it wasn’t much of a bold thing anymore. The candlelights flickered, illuminating the nearest objects in a halo and left all other places in the almost darkness. Being still in the dark made Suoh feel like he wanted to be closer and so, he was about to act on his wish, but Rochalizo was faster. He suddenly felt this warm and most welcomed load on his shoulder. It wasn’t him uniquely pressing his cheek, it was him falling back with his cheek and jawline and upper neck and with such good faith, trusting Suoh enough to bear the heaviness. 
Suoh’s heart jumped happily and kept pounding fast nonetheless a long while afterwards. In this position, he earned a closeup of the Prince’s thick blond and ginger eyelashes which tremulated faintly as he breathed. Suoh’s head fell on top of Rochalizo’s, his nose buried in the thin mass of hair. His scalp felt warm and soft and seemed like an inevitable invitation to sound sleep. Grasping gently Rochalizo’s opposite hand in his, he brought it about a few inches down his own opposite shoulder, making the Prince turn from the side until the top of his chest was touching half of his. Rochalizo warpped his arms around him tightly and emitted a small sound. In this atmosphere, the troubles of the day melted away. It was only them, entangled into each other’s embrace and breathing the soft scent of their hairs.
These displays of affection were in no way inherently romantic, as they were merely relying on each other to regain the lost energy throughtout the day. But somehow, Suoh wished that they were and were that only. Romantic. Rochalizo’s friendship was eternally precious to him and in no way he desired risking altering it in any fashion. He would not bear to lose it for the sake of love and attraction. But that was straying far from the point, for there was little need to worry about this; that love was reciprocated.
He had known from the day they were, just them two, studying maps in the deserted meeting room, which ambiance that night, felt close to the one they were in right now; candles on desks, tables and on the floor surrounding them, an almost complete obscurity. But what made tonight different was the special guest which had added on this special night: wine. A full jar of wine disposed between the two as they faced each other. Suoh’s first time drinking it. The first sips had tasted bitter and too rich, but despite being in good company, the matters at hand could get tiresome as well as convoluted and so, he had drank more each passing minute, accompanying the Prince in the premices of drunken eloquence and joy. Spread out on the pavement, the space between them had grown thinr and thiner, until even the wine jar had been tossed aside and they were chatting about everything but maps, in drunken silliness.
Those were the days Suoh remembered thinking highly of the Prince, admitting easily that he was a really pretty person and whose odd temper quick to anger, his straightforward words and kindness he hid behind pretend-mercy were traits he actually appreciated or found amusing. And amusing Rochalizo was too, which had led them to get closer, regardless of their numerous interactions due to both their political positions. Because they simply liked being around each other and because Suoh lacked opportunities to laugh and that meant he had felt good in his presence.
And so, from then, everything had speeded up. The wine, the jokes and how they leaned in into each other to laugh, the playful teasings, the brave compliments which made you feel warm in your body and that physical promiscuity which had you gazing at their lips or noticing eyes looking a little too low on your face, everything had guided to the foreseeable unfolding of them kissing. The important percentage of alcohol they were under had prevented things from going any further and had certainly collapsed at some point since it was how they had woken up. 
But Suoh had had to tell the cruel truth; he couldn’t be Rochalizo’s lover. The law which conducted the leader of the Mud Whale’s personal life were strict. The dire incidents which had occured in the distant past had been caused by a few determined factors: a lack of monitoring of the chief’s powers and left unchecked, their strong temper and arrogance, bonds too close with their family and finally, the disturbance of a lover who had come between the leader and its responsabilities.
The kiss they had shared had not meant nothing and Suoh had been made well aware of that as he had looked into Rochalizo’s eyes, accidentally - according to the Prince - filled with tears. The view had brought Suoh close to crying too. This, as he had realised had been the first time he had wished something deeply for himself and the more he had looked, the more he had felt his previous convictions on the verge of crumbling down. He had never really questioned the laws, thinking the perennity of their people came first. Each reconsidering of the laws hurt. For a moment, he had forgotten who he was and to whom his loyalty went. His desire to go against the rules had clashed so hard with his desire to protect his people his mind hurt as if both feelings fought with nails and teeth. 
Rochalizo’s pride hadn’t allowed him to be shedding tears, therefore anger had taken over. He had shouted at Suoh, bared his fists at him, insulted him. In those terrible words, he had said Suoh had been playing him and ultimately had fulfilled his desire to mock and ridicule him, along with the rest of that cursed ship. Suoh had seen through his anger; it was obvious, they were both in pain and striving to find a way to cope with the sadness. They had calmed down and apologised but the emptiness remained. Eventually, Suoh had told him:
“We are not a cursed boat. We are only wary of the mistakes of our kin. But since the Empire’s attacks, our rules have softened or have changed. A new era has come for the Mud Whale and when we’ll settle in new lands, I will pass the title of leader to Ohni. I don’t think I’ll be suited anymore”.
“I thought you weren’t serious”, had replied Rochalizo, afraid to hope.
Suoh hadn’t answered that question but the look in his eyes was so solemn, the Prince understood it was futile to mistrust those words. He had shaken and Suoh had reached out to take both his hands in his.
“Wait for me”, he had said.
And that had been the last of their talk.
Had they not been on the brink of finding a new home, lands which would reshape the whole system they had adhered to until now, the young leader would have yielded to despair. However, they were moving at a fast space, navigating towards unhabited islands. This was why he was wiling to wait. This was how he was able to wake up in the morning and hope and greet Rochalizo naturally. Of course, he got excited, imagining the life of his people in the new lands and prayed that for their sake, they would all arrive very soon. But he had never had a personal hope to look forward to and the perspective was exhilarating. 
Frank with himself, because at some point of another you needed to be, Suoh felt at times like he wasn’t in position to complain about his situation. His people loved him and he loved them and asking for more could be seen as borderline selfish and greedy, at least, how he saw it. Also, Rochalizo and him and known each other for several months, a period of time which was little compared to the separation or impossibilties for certain lovers to be together.
It was surely only puppy love, and teenagers’ hearts changed so fast and yearned for many others in a short timeframe. And yet to dismiss it so rationaly and harshly would have bee wrong; Suoh couldn’t help advocating in favour of this idea. The idea that, in spite of this love being “puppy love”, as some liked to call it, it couldn’t be reduced to to this only. It could never encompass the variety of feelings and affections he felt. And even so, if it really was just that, - because who knows, there too few chances of this being last and true love (considering the right and true kind of love could be found in only one person) - couldn’t he also get the chance to experience love, as silly and as immature as it could turn out to be?
He deemed this as a just judgement. However if the day they landed never came, there was no knowing as to how he would act... He preferred to avoid that thought for the time being. 
And as for now... They were still waiting.
Rochalizo’s faint voice crept up to his ear, warm and meek.
“Your skin smells good...”
Suoh’s grin lightened up his entire face and he positioned more comfortably against the pillows, laying down a little more backwards, bringing the Prince along.
“You too... You smell like clementines and honey”.
He could feel him smile against his skin which made Suoh even happier. Silence fell back on the room again and they stayed in each other’s arms, eyes closed, content. After some time, his neck a bit sore from the position, Suoh lowered his head away from the Prince and crashed on the pillow. Rochalizo shifted and replaced his head on Suoh’s chest as Suoh’s arms wrapped gently but narrowly around his middle. A few minutes later, they shifted again, Rochalizo climbing up the other’s body and as he moved, Suoh stared at him longingly.
To be this beautiful... That couldn’t possibly be a human sight.
Next thing, he was leaning in and peppering a few kisses on his cheeks. Rochalizo jumped a bit, but did not retreat; his cheeks aflamed, lowered down his face, allowing a wider access. The Prince bit his lips, probably thinking that if “this” felt pleasurable, so much more could feel heavenly. Could... A snarky smile carved his lips.
“Say Suoh, kissing like this, that’s a weird way to be friends, don’t you think?”
That comment earned a giggle from the young chief. His fingers brushed against a strand of a ginger strand of hair behind his ear.
“That would be okay, since I already do those things with a lot of other friends”, he said, half teasing, half stating, leaving his remark open for interpretation.
“Take that back!”, vociferated Rochalizo, obviously taking this as teasing and he rushed to give him kicks in the stomach with his knee. 
Wailing in pain, Suoh raised his own as well as his hands in an attempt to protect his assailed stomach.
“Ouch... Ah... Please stop, I take it back... I take it back!”
Rochalizo grined and, making sure he hadn’t really hurt Suoh - he was right to check in, he could be pretty sensitive - he lay down again to give him a hug. Suoh’s hand found his way to his hair and began stroking it slowly. Curling the hair through his fingers, he was reminded of the times he thought his hair was naturally this curly. Arosing again, Rochalizo’s voice sounded suddenly a lot more troubled.
“I know you already do all this with the others but... There’s a difference... Isn’t it? We do those things with another kind of intent... Don’t we?”
“Undeniably”, assured Suoh, holding him a bit more tighter.
He knew that was a topic that had often been brought on the table, for they had different perspectives on what it meant to be friends and where to draw the line between those and lovers. Suoh’s upfront affections resulted in his borders being looser than Rochalizo’s whereas the latter preferably saved most of his gentle touches for lovers, enforcing a clear division. This rarely manifested in fights, but rather in the form of jealousy. Not much could be done to counteract it, except giving reassurance and affection.
“It IS different. I am crazy about you. And tired of waiting too for the simple joy of kissing you in public”, he confessed.
The covers were clenched around them as Rochalizo hid his face under them, overwhelmed by embarrassement. A muffled sound emerged which sounded much like “how can you say things like that that easily”. Suoh smiled, but he rapidly added, more gravely.
“I’m sorry, it would’ve been best for you if I had been born in Amonlogia”.
Emerging from the sheets, the scarlet red face of the Prince, crushed between his cerulean fingers looked as though he was about to go a little bonkers. The long soft groan he was uttering was enough proof. Moving his head up to the ceiling as his fingers squashed their way down his face, he sighed, trying to regain his composure, stil trying to recover from the tenderness of this small speech.
“L-Look, I think you should be just a tiny bit ashamed of what you gab about sometimes, alright? In- In any case, I... What are you saying? I wouldn’t want you to be from Amonlogia! At all!”
Kneeling next to Suoh’s head and forcing their eye contact, he grasped the tip of the other’s chin and locked eyes with him. The threat in his gaze was subtle, it blended together with strong feelings of love, fear and sadness. Suoh’s breath hitched.
“It is because you are not from this damned place that I like you”
They had uttered those words before, but never as passionately as the context in this moment implied they were. Suoh’s gaze filled with immediate steadfast affection. Rochalizo’s voice trembled.
“Who knows who you could have turned out to be, in this country of mine? Your morals, your kindness, I... Everything... You must not wish to be someone else or to have been from elsewhere. This island and you... You and this island, you feed on each other’s benevolence, blossom when you can exchange acts of charity. I understand that both of you are tied to each other and that I can’t enjoy the sight of one without thanking the other. It is because you are from here, that you have lived peacefully here... That you are... Well... I think you are fine that way”.
Suoh did not know when he had began to smile but he could not stop. Rochalizo was right. The character of unfairness that was of the rules was a heavy burden to bear, but if it meant they had found each other and lived according to healthy values, it could not be so bad. However, he didn’t quite understand anymore if the point of his rhetoric was to alleviate the pain of the Mud Whale’s regulation or if he was simply praising him. He was too tired to ponder either way and not able to keep the conversation going but, went through the care of signifying how powerfully he felt the same with a look.
As the young chief was gradually dozing off, Rochalizo’s voice filled the silence once again at some point.
“You know I believe in what I just said, but on the other hand... Isn’t it hilarious how I’m the biggest danger to your people now?”
The mention of danger combined with the topic of his people was enough to get Suoh to focus a little more.
“I’m a bit proud of that, if I must say”, carried on Rochalizo’s voice, helding palavers arrogantly, “I’m immensely powerful. Just us walking as lovers could apparently turn you mad and, done in a snap, you’d mess up the whole political system and forget your people even exist! Just because of me!”
The other shook his head, a small laugh coming out of his sigh. Such senselessness and a joke a bit too dark for his taste. But nonetheless, he didn’t reproached it to the other. And how it had been described was a bit entertaining.
“I know... That rule isn’t right, it’s only bound to make leaders transgress it... But...”, he added, “I’m glad you’re my little chaos enabler!”
Rochalizo’s expression turned even more presumptuous.
“Chaos enabler will suffice”.
“But you still are a bit small”.
The Prince growled, offended. His hands slipped to Suoh’s belly in order to tickle him to death.
“Not as small as your monkey-brain!”, he exclaimed, as an evilly satisfied smile stretched his lips, hearing Suoh begging for him to stop between bits of laughter.
Getting his steady breathing back, the young chief hid his face an instant behind the back of his hand, relaxing a moment, burrowed into the thick pillow up to his ears. Through the fabric, he heard Rochalizo’s voice keep the conversation. 
“Don’t you think it’s strange though, this sort of abstinence they make you and made the previous mayors go through?”
While Suoh loved Rochalizo’s talks and thought he often made very good points, he still hoped to get some rest somehow. Perhaps a few more chats and he would ask for him to let him sleep, albeit he could not pretend not to be interested. Especially since those matters affected them as a pair. Furthermore, yes, undoubtedly most of these were jokes, however he knew the Prince find it difficult to speak plainly and instead, was far likelier to turn to backdoor policies.
“It is similar to those stories of people being restrained by forbidden love... The issue about this is that they are made total strangers to themselves by society and hate what they are supposed to love while also fearing it. And they can’t talk about it. It becomes a taboo and it kills them from the inside. They even get scared touching others, as if they’d become incontrollable”.
Suoh nodded, approving with virulence.
“I don’t like those stories. Keeping things silent doesn’t solve anything - if it doesn’t exacerbate the issue in the first place. Don’t fret, we are still going to talk about it. And we can still touch. I’m not afraid of any of us...”
Rochalizo simply smiled, although he now looked all the most embarrassed after spending just a few seconds deep in thoughts.
“B-by abstinence what I meant was... U-um, not just... Intercourse. I was including many other things! I’d just like to kiss and... Have others know”.
“Of course, but that would be okay, we are teenagers after all,”, Suoh replied, chuckling.
-Do you think they know?
-It’s hard to keep a secret here, but...
-Oh I know, you all are filthy town-gossipers...
-They possibly have light suspicions, but I don’t suppose so”, mumbled the other, as he couldn’t refrain a huge yawn.
They spent another few minutes not talking. Rochalizo now lay back on top of Suoh’s chest. Apart from the candles, whose flames had devoured a fairly good portion of the wax, there wasn’t a single other light outside. Nightime encompassed the Mud Whale, pitch black and not a single star visible through the mass of dark clouds. But most shocking was this silence, so defeaningly profound. To Rochalizo’s heart, it felt quite lonely and unconsciously omnious, accustomed as he was to the noise and the traffic flow of his urban hometown. But it was also in a sense, soothingly liberating, as this worry of avoiding intrusive eyes dissipated. In this moment, they could have been the only citizens of this island. The only people in the world.
“I don’t think I’ll ever grow used to this place”, he said, in a low voice, nostalgic for something he couldn’t understand, “We would usually hear people. Tonight, they’re all on the opposite side on the ship, busy with party preparations. Wanna go, Suoh?”
Getting no answer, the Prince shifted until his eyes fell on the sight of Suoh sleeping soundly. Feeling tenderly amused, he extended his arm to brush away the little strands of hair fallen of the beautiful face.
“Look at us! I talk inapropriately too much, and you couldn’t tell me you’d soon collapse...”
He carefully got out of bed, landing on his tiptoes. Getting close again, on the white, momentarily non-frowning forehead, he lay a soft hand. Only displays of affection which could also be those of friends for the time being, they had said and agreed to. As time moved slowly, it also grew short on his patience, but, gazing at the sight of his lovely flame, all thoughts of frustration evaporated into thin air and all he could feel was pride. Love. And the hopeful certitude that waiting was, in spite of his disastrous existence being filled with lifelong ruinous choices, the best choice he had ever made.
When Suoh woke up, the calm he had come home to could no longer be found. Rubbing his eyes lazily and wiping up the little drool on his lip, he approached the window and pulled the dusty curtains open. A cold breeze blowed in his face and he breathed in long and slow, charging his lungs in fresh air again. Having leaned onto both his elbows on the edge of the window, he could hear and see more of the gleeful turmoil which was bubbling in the streets. The alleys overflowed with flower ornaments and white ivy, golden sparkles and confettis had been scattered on the ground, stomped by children who ran by, laughing. If he squinted, he could make out the hot lights of a huge bonfire, he assumed, as the rest was hidden by another few houses, trailing rays of lights along some facades. Screams of joy and general excitement stirred up from that peculiar spot of the island. But, as a smile crept up to Suoh’s mouth, a loud boom made him jump and almost had him falling out the window. Grasping the ledge fearfully, his eyes followed a trail of red light rise high in the sky and explode. Upon that sight, Suoh automatically crouched under the window, securing himself behind the wall. As no immediate threat nor any screams followed, he got up on his feet again to look outside, searching for the bits of whatever had just blown up before his eyes.
“What the hell?!?!?!”, exclaimed a loud, authoritative voice below him.
A voice he only knew too well. Suoh bent forward at the window, looking for him, his heart compressed in his chest. If he had been hurt, if even the slightiest thing had happened to him he-
“What the hell, seriously! I told them to wait! The bastards!”
The young chief’s eyes finally found Rochalizo. He stood in a nearby garden discussing vehemently with Kuchiba. He did not seem hurt, nor did Kuchiba and the scenery around them did not show signs of damage. Another trail of light rose up in a sizzling sound this time, and Suoh followed it, less afraid now but nonetheless crouching a bit, only keeping his eye at the right level to witness the explosion. As it did, the trail parted in several other golden petals, looking much like a rose. The remains silently fell back on the village, fading out into the air.
“I’m gonna kill them! I’m gonna kill them!”
Suoh repositioned on the edge, looking down at him, not comprehending in the least what was going on. The Prince finally took notice of him and covered his mouth in shocked guilt.
“I’m so sorry Suoh”, he cried from afar, “Did I wake you up? Well, I guess you can’t sleep with all this racket!”
The other nodded awkwardly, waving his hand vaguely.
“What was that?!”, he shouted in response.
Rochalizo looked angry again. He swelled his cheeks, as if trying his best not to start cursing.
“That was... Well... I... I told them to wait until you woke up to light them up. But hopefully or not, you woke up just in time!”
Kuchiba shook his head in major disaprovement and folded his arms. Rochalizo smiled pretentiously at him, then redirected his attention on Suoh:
“I was coming to wake you up and bring you along, but it seems”, he winced through another smile, “I was outstripped and I no longer have to deal with the moral dilemma about letting you sleep or not.
-But what are them?
-Come down quickly! I’m meeting with you halfway from here! If we don’t hurry those idiots will run through the last of my stock!”
They ran through the sparkly streets, shining of the hot lights of torches on wood staffs. Rochalizo’s hair fluttered before his eyes in a fiery haze and his hand which held Suoh’s tightly, not letting go, was warm and spongy. The young chief’s breath ran short, despite them having ran just a few dozens of meters, but he didn’t want to stop running, ever. In this instant, his heart beat fast and running through the night with the one he wished most to be with made him ecstatic, the lights bordering the path as though they were casting their blessing upon their wild adventure.
“Look Suoh!”, screamed Rochalizo, as they were reaching the central place in which gathered the general crowd. 
He pointed at something Suoh missed but he then caught sight of the shimmering explosion of another of those sparkly fires, An emerald one, shaped in the form of a palm tree.
“I don’t understand, but that’s beautiful”, Suoh said, huddling against Rochalizo’s arm.
“They’re fireworks. I found them in my stuff and your people went mad with excitement. And... I wanted you to see them...”
Rochalizo gazed at him silently, his tender eyes expressing a childlike excitement as well as admirative affection, lots of it. Suoh returned the gaze. They walked together hand in hand to the central place, tacking between the people who drank festive beverages, ate, sang along with those playing local instruments, talked with spice and joy. Pointing at a spot lifted up above the crowd, Suoh guided towards the edge of an old passageway which stairs had broke. They sat there, nestling against each other, watching the festivities for a moment. To the left, a group of people danced to a contry dance song, some on their own or with friends, bouncing their heads and arms to the rythm, some of them, much closer to where they had settled, danced in pairs with lovers, exchanging when the tempo slowed down, a few hugs and kisses. Rochalizo’s eyes were fixed on them, insistant. When the other asked him what he was thinking of, he gave that answer:
“Oh... Sorry, I’ve spaced out”, he said, seeking to look more cheerful, but Suoh had grasped the envy and jealousy in his eyes and those feelings somewhat stuck to his face, even as he put in some good-will.
Suoh gave him a little nudge, not buying that excuse. He knew him too well.
“Do you want to dance?”, he inquired, offering his hand.
Uneasy, the Prince shifted a bit awkwardly. But it didn’t take long for him to make up his mind and he accepted timidly. Walking through the crowd anew, they took place for the following dance, one of Rochalizo’s hand on Suoh’s shoulder and one of Suoh’s around his waist. Starting to dance, the young chief realised his partner wouldn’t know how to follow the rythm of this one and because it was swift and vigorous, they were rapidly lost and were giggling at each other’s bad synchronisation and clumsiness, trying many times but ending up failing and shouting a few “we suck!” and “this is so hard!” at each other through the loud music. The next dance played slower than the previous ones, calmer, which in consequence had many single people leaving. Rochalizo’s hands had come to rest around Suoh’s neck up to his elbows and Suoh’s hands had slipped around his hips. They stood so close to each other it had become hard to breathe and to even pay attention to the music. And how could they?, when the other’s face reflected the lights of the bonfire and was flushed from the exercise and stamina.
However, as he looked outside of their carefree bubble, Suoh could feel his stomach form knots, being under the most unpleasant impression that all eyes were upon them, silently judging or wondering. And he noticed that Rochalizo felt it too, as his hands clutched slightly at his white tunic. Their bodies seemed suddenly heavy and not much moveable to keep up with the music, as relaxed as it was.
“Rochalizo, I...
-Do you want to go get a drink instead? I’m sorry.
-No, no, of course. Don’t apologise”, the Prince shrugged, wincing awkwardly but with resignation.
But even hearing those words hurt Suoh. It was sad that they couldn’t dance and have a good time like the others did, but he feared on top of that Rochalizo’s feelings. He never wanted him to believe he was ashamed of him, he thought, as the other dragged him to the drinks stalls. They bought fizzy drinks and moved to a place more hidden from the public eye. Suoh opened his mouth to apologise again, but Rochalizo silenced him with a look.
“Don’t, it’s not necessary. Can I... Can I show you something?”
Suoh blinked a few times and nodded, smiling in wait. The Prince searched for something in his pockets, going through both of them. His face took on a scary air when he thought he had lost whatever he was looking for, but he found it, as he checked twice. His entire face blushed, even his ears - and Suoh didn’t know that was possible - as he handed him a small piece of paper. The paper he had been writing on earlier. Suoh unfolded it slowly, watching Rochalizo as he turned his head away. On the sheet, there were only few small words, but reading them, it made his heart burst with joy. A joy so strong he did not know how to exteriorise it.
Suoh’s hands gave small wrinkles to it, trembling in excitement, but took care as not to tear it. Biting his lips, he closed the piece of paper, replaying the moment he had read it for the first time again and again. Those words, “I love you”. Rochalizo hid his head in his palms, still looking away, talking fast and a lot as if trying to fill the silence which overwhelmed him with uneasiness.
“I’m so sorry, this isn’t fancy of anything and I... I could’ve done something much better. I didn’t want to leave behind something big that could expose you and... I just... I just wanted to say it now and not wait a long time again, but I couldn’t make myself say it... I...-
He was suddenly cut by the weight of someone throwing himself in his arms. Arms strongly wrapping around him and a small face, buried into his shoulder, and then, he felt something wet rolling down his shoulder. Suoh moved back, eyelashes filled with tears and his cheeks wet. The glee in his eyes was so dizzying Rochalizo got almost knocked down. It was an otherwordly vision.
“I love you! I love you”, exclaimed Suoh, sniffing and pressing his hands to his beloved’s upper arms.
Suoh smiled through the tears. In this situation, he felt the need to touch him and he did, cupping his cheeks into his hands and pressing their foreheads together. He wanted to kiss him. He wanted to kiss him for hours and cherish him, maybe even biting those lips. Rochalizo’s eyes were also on his mouth. 
Suoh sighed, this could not go on like this. It hurt both of them. An end must be put to this, but yet, there were still no close in landing to new lands... On a whim, Suoh, took hold of Rochalizo’s hand and dragged him back to the crowd, where people still danced and partied and sang. 
“What are you doing?”, the other said, squeezing his hand, puzzled.
“I told you to wait for me and you have...”, he began, searching for his words in the middle of a sea of people and lights, feeling strongly unrational.
“But I’m afraid”, Suoh continued, shaking his head slowly, “I’ve come to realise it is cruel of me to ask you that and by the way... I cannot wait for you any longer...”
Rochalizo’s eyes flickered, unsure of what this meant and if he should be bracing himself for a heartache too great for him to handle. Suoh’s eyes were still sad and gave away some clues, he had made a decision and he didn’t like what he had just decided on, his hair flapping around him miserably. 
“What are you trying to say...?”
His chest tightened all the more and suddenly he didn’t want an answer although he had just asked. He wanted to stay in the miserable state of doubt because nothing would hurt more if Suoh chose to leave him.
But once again, unexpectedly, Suoh crashed into his arms, scooting closer and they made eyecontact in a fuzzy mess of feelings of love mixed with excrutiating uncertainty. Suoh’s face leaned towards Rochalizo until they were a few inches apart of each other, their noses brushing and they breathed the same air. Rochalizo’s rested both his hands on the other’s cheeks. Suoh could feel them this time, more than a sole impression, he was certain everyone had stopped to watch them, because he was hearing every sound of the island slowly fade away into inaudibleness, one by one, until he could not hear anything else but the buzzing sound in his own ears. The stress was building in his chest but mightier was the adrenaline he experienced for being this close to Rochalizo and on top of that, where everyone could see them, proudly unhidden. He had had enough and he had enough. They had showed many times they cared about each other, but at the same time, had never really dared. It was high time he caught up with time and that they loved, loved each other in any way they could imagine and put to into acts. 
Rochalizo’s lips came closer tentatively, glinting in saliva and swollen, as his hands clutched at Suoh’s hair, almost desperate for affection. Suoh looked at them, probing how much he had desired to kiss him and have everyone know and how many times he had resisted. No more of that. Closing the gap between them, he met with Rochalizo’s mouth and kissed his lips passionately, pouring all his love into the ways he moved against him. And almost simultaneously, the other kissed back with an unmatched urgence and fever. Their mouths were sealed for a long time and for the Gods knew how long, they could not part from each other. It was when the sound of a glass shattering to the ground reached their ears that they both came to stop, both looking in the same direction, meeting the crowd’s eyes.
From the many people which composed it, every face expressed either shock, disapprouval or happiness. They endured the silence, not moving, waiting for whatever punishment would be ordered. But then a voice rose up from the crowd, loud and clear, overjoyed.
“Hell yeah! You go, Suoh!”
Followed by one, then ten, fifty and finally, perhaps half the crowd, hundreds of cries of joy elevated, cheering for them. People clapped, shouted in support, jumped in excitement for them, threw fists in the air, looked all “I knew it”. Some just stood where they were, smiling warmly at them in silent approbation. Oh, there were others, way less supportive but it did not matter now. It was truly something to be acclaimed by hundreds of souls, almost an entire island for what you were, to be declared defensible and worthy of acceptance. Suoh found himself lost in the cries of the crowd, submerged by overall what you could call love, the love of a family who didn’t delude itself and embraced what he chose at core and made him feel alive. Turning to Rochalizo, he gave him a long loving look which the prince reciprocated, grabbing and holding his hand in his. It would be fine in the end.
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Marichat May Day 1: Witch AU
Marinette was mixing potions when she was pushed and somehow, she ended summoning a black hell cat that flirts with her and does a bit of mischief.
The day started as any other day in Marinette’s life. Her brother woke her up, they had breakfast, picked their brooms and went off to school. She said hello to her classmates, avoided getting cursed by Lila or Chloe and even tripped a few times like she always did. Seriously, the day was as normal as any other, there was nothing unusual. The only thing that stood out on that day? She summoned Chat Noir, the prince of darkness and all hell cats. And it turned out that said cat had a thing for cute petite witches like Marinette.
Of course, at a later date and with much more calm, one could perfectly see when did everything went south. It all had started when their teacher of Enchanting gave them summoning scrolls to analyse and enchant as homework, with the purpose of making a summoning scroll that was functional and only could summon peaceful creatures that were under no means, dangerous. But the scrolls weren’t even active, so it couldn’t have fired off by itself.
The next problem that let to that outcome was Lila, who tampered with Marinette belongings in order to make everything on her bag go crazy at the exact time that Marinette were to take a single step out of school. Obviously, she had meticulously erased all traces of her magic so that she could not get framed when Marinette’s bag self-exploded. That had corrupted the summoning scroll and left it active, but one would still need some materials and some magic in order to summon anything.
So we have a summoning scroll, that has been corrupted and readied to be used at any moment, but useless without magic and materials to actually be used. What happened in the final part of this whole mess of a day, it was simply the mischief of a selfish rich girl and her always loyal assistant.
They were in Potions’ lesson when everything happened, they simply had to make a laughing potion. Ms. Mendeleiev had left notes on the board for the students to follow and had left to talk for a brief time to talk about something with the principal. As always, Mariette made her potion in no time, since being already used to cook at home made everything easier when making potions. She was almost finished when she went over Alya’s cauldron to give her a hand, unaware that that exact action would later cause her own demise and change her life forever.
As Marinette was distracted with Alya, Sabrina added acidic poison and black powder of misfortune on Marinette’s cauldron. She quickly mixed it so no one would notice the change until it was too late. Soon after, Marinette returned to her cauldron and began to pour magic into it to finish the potion. But Chloe, still not satisfied with just ruining Marinette’s potion, decided to pull a horrid prank on Marinette. She cast a spell that made Marinette slip and fall, which led to Mari accidentally knocking over the cauldron and the cauldron pouring all his contents on Marinette’s bag, that begun to disintegrate.
When the tampered potion filled with materials and magic met with the tampered scroll that was ready to use, the summoning scroll created a summoning circle and a black light emerged from it, covering the classroom in darkness. Which leads us to the present, when Marinette is recovering from the fall and meets eye to eye with the infamous Chat Noir. Her first thoughts? “What a cute green” Instead of being afraid or confused, Marinette chooses to focus on how cute is the green of the eyes that are in front of her.
The moment is short lived though, as she finally notices the whole figure in front of her and jumps backwards letting out a squeal. The figure is that of a young boy, probably seventeen years old, with blond hair, green cat-like eyes, a leather suit and cat ears. But then she sees the fluffy tail behind him, twirling in amusement and with some excitement. The boy shots a smile at her and she involuntarily blushes, too confused to think straight.
“Hello Princess” says the boy. “What would a cute young lady like you want from a cat like me?”
“I- I don’t know what’s going on…” answers Marinette awkwardly. “Wh-Who are you?”
“Me? Oh, just your average hellcat, no need to be afraid Princess” says the boy smirking as he winks at her.
“Girl, do not panic and slowly come towards me” says Alya with fear. “Get away from the summoning circle…”
“Careful Mari” says Nina. “Don’t fret, but advance. Slowly but not stopping”.
“What’s going on Alya? Nina?” says Marinette turning around nervous. “Alix? Rose? Jules? Does anybody know what’s happening?”
“I’m not sure of what happened” says Alix with fear on her eyes. “But that is undoubtedly Chat Noir”.
“A pleasure to meet you ladies” says Chat Noir bowing. “Do not fear, I have no ill intentions towards any of you. Rather, I’m quite grateful for being summoned, especially since my summoner is such a gorgeous girl”.
“Y-Y-You’re the prince of hellcats?” stutters Marinette, fear slowly entering her body.
“The Prince of Darkness, the Destructor of Worlds, the Boy that Brings Demise, … yeah, people has a lot of names for me, not that they actually know me personally” says Chat as he sits on a chair and plays with the tail of a lizard. “Honestly, all of those titles fit my father rather than me. The same goes for my sister, her titles aren’t accurate either”.
“Marinette!” says Mme. Mendeleiev barging into the room with panic on her eyes as she readies her wand. “Get away from him!”
“Meowch. You hurt me miss teacher” says Chat Noir rolling out of the chair and evading by millimetres Mendeleiev’s spell. “This cat isn’t that bad”.
“What are you doing in here?! How have you been summoned here?” asks Mme. Mendeleiev firing spells at Chat Noir.
Chat gracefully evades each spell and swiftly picks up Marinette’s cauldron, sniffing it and then throwing it in front of the teacher. “Smell that and you’ll have your answers. Wait, you can’t” says Chat as he facepalms. “There was a laughing potion in there, but someone added a few extra ingredients. Namely acidic poison and, oh my, is that black powder of misfortune I smell?”
“What? Those weren’t supposed to be used for today’s potions!” says Ms. Mendeleiev ceasing fire.
“I didn’t add those” says Marinette worried.
“And she’s telling the truth” says Chat Noir twirling around his tail. “The ones who have the scent of those specific ingredients are those ladies over there, the blonde brat and the ginger lapdog. Oh, what a coincidence, the blonde brat fired recently a tripping spell that affected my summoner”.
“What did you call me?” says Chloe furious.
“Chloe Bourgeoise, shut your mouth this instant or I’m expelling you from this academy. You tampered the potion of one of your classmates, used magic against her and caused this to happen” says Mendeleiev enraged. “You’re lucky that your father is the mayor, because I would send you straight to court for causing this mess”.
“Oh, but it’s not only her fault. The summoning circle was also tampered” says Chat Noir as he jumps off the circle to prove it. “I never was bound by my summoner or the summoning circle. As I said, I’m not here to cause harm, that’s why I still haven’t done anything. Well, apart from putting a little surprise in the bag of one of your students. Namely, the student who tampered with this bag and its contents” says as he holds up Marinette’s bag. “It’s such a pity, this bag had good quality”.
“My bag!” says Marinette distressed as she sees her bag and its contents corroded and unusable.
“Marinette, that is not the point! Get up and bring your ass here!” says Alya distressed.
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” asks Chat rising a brow. Then he turns to Marinette and offers a hand. “Come on Princess, let’s get you up, the floor is not the place for a cute lady like you”.
“Thank you” says Marinette taking his hand with a faint blush dusting her cheeks.
“MARINETTE NO!” screams Mendeleiev in sheer horror, expecting her sweet student to suddenly turn to ashes.
But instead of turning to ashes, Marinette is lifted up by Chat Noir, who then kneels and kisses her hand, shooting her a wink filled with amusement. The classroom goes silent, some expecting Marinette to disappear or turn to ashes any instant, others sighing in relief since she’s still alive and uninjured. But they are surprised by Chat Noir, who is engulfed by a pink light.
Once the light has fade away, everything remains unchanged and there is nothing out of place. But the teacher knows better and readies her wand, pointing it at Chat Noir. The students are confused by that, but Chat Noir begins to laugh and the students get even more confused.
“As expected of Miss Teacher” says Chat twirling his tail. “Fear not dear teach, my intentions are pure. To prove it, I’ll even reveal who tampered with the summoning circle”.
“What you’re going to do is undo the contract, reveal who tampered the scroll and disappear” says Mme. Mendeleiev holding her wand firmly.
“The girl who tampered the circle and the whole bag of my so cute summoner is that one” says Chat pointing at Lila. “The smell of her magic is all over my summoner’s bag. By the way, your bag is going to turn into rotten cheese in about thirty minutes”.
“WHAT!” says Lila furious.
“SHUT UP ROSSI” says Mendeleiev firmly. “We’ll be having a long talk later. Now demon spawn, undo the contract and disappear”.
“I can’t undo the contract, I already gave up my own life, so I don’t even own myself” says Chat shrugging. “But I’ll be disappearing as you want. I wouldn’t like to cause any problems for my summoner”.
Chat Noir shots a last wink and smile to Marinette and disappears, barely evading Ms. Mendeleiev’s spells. Marinette, who is confused and too tired to even process the situation, is held and inspected by her potions and alchemy teacher. When that finishes, her friends hug her, all worried about her and crying after all the stress they had suffered in such a short period. Coincidentally, Lila’s bag turns to mushy cheese and collapses, dirtying all of her things, just at the exact moment that Mendeleiev takes Lila and Chloe out of the classroom to inform the principal.
An hour and a half later, four teachers come into the room and take Marinette away, reassuring the students that nothing wrong is going to happen to her. They lead her to a room where her brother and her parents are. As they see her, they hug her tightly and repeatedly tell her that everything is going to be fine. Worried, Marinette looks at the teachers, but the Principal goes in and she doesn’t get the opportunity to ask what is wrong. Everyone sits down and the Principal looks seriously at Marinette, trying to figure out how can he break the information.
“Ok, let’s get to the point” says the Principal when he doesn’t come up with anything. “Do you know what happened today miss Dupain-Cheng?”
“No sir” says timidly Marinette, being uncomfortable because all of the attention she was getting.
“Today, due to certain unforeseeable coincidences and the interferences of your classmates, you summoned Chat Noir” says the Principal seriously and Marinette curls up a bit. “Now, don’t be afraid, I know it wasn’t your intention and everyone knows that you did nothing wrong”.
“Then why are all of us here?” asks Sabine worried.
“The thing is, that Chat Noir wasn’t under the effects of a normal summoning and acted as he wanted” says Mendeleiev.
“As my colleague well said, Chat Noir wasn’t bound to anything when he was summoned, so his actions are no one’s to blame” agrees the Principal. “It was unforeseeable and completely one-sided, but Chat Noir made a contract with Marinette”.
“What?!” say the Dupain-Cheng at unison.
“Oh sparks, this can’t be happening” says Marinette in denial.
“Can she undo the contract? Is there something that we can do?” asks Marin really worried about his sister.
“We’re afraid not. Since we don’t know the details of the contract, we can’t possibly counter it in any way” says the Principal.
“Because the only one who knows the details of the contract is Chat Noir himself, the only possibility to remove it would be for him to explain what terms were stipulated on the contract” explains Mme. Bustier. “Therefore, until Chat Noir doesn’t come back and he talks, we have our hands tied”.
“But is Marinette going to be okay? There is not going to be any side effect?” asks Tom worried.
“Is she okay after summoning him? That must have taken quite a lot of magic from her” says Sabine.
“About the summoning, we’ve discovered that your daughters magic has quite a high quality, so the little bit she used while making the potion sufficed” says Mme. Mendeleiev. “We were thinking on testing Marin to see if he has the same quality of magic given that they are twins”.
“And regarding to Marinette’s state, we would like to do an exhaustive check up to make sure that there were no side effects” says the Principal. “Only if you give us the permission necessary to do so”.
“Please do so” says Sabine.
“It’s the only way to make sure that she’s completely okay” agrees Tom.
“Thank you” says the Principal respectfully. “Now, before Marinette goes to the infirmary, we would like to ask you to continue your normal lives as the were, it will probably be the best at long term”.
“For sure, we don’t want to stress Marin and Marinette, they have enough on their plate with their studies and their hobbies” says Sabine.
“Perfect” says Ms. Bustier. “Now, Marin, Marinette, if you would please come with me”.
Both twins follow their teacher still somewhat nervous, looking at the other as they silently have a conversation. They arrive to the infirmary and Marinette enter to take the check-up. Marin follows Bustier to an empty classroom instead and performs several tests to analyse the quality of his magic. As Marinette is doing one of the essential parts of her check-up, the nurse strikes a conversation out of nowhere, worried that Marinette would develop some sort of trauma because of the events. However, Marinette was perfectly normal. After processing everything a bit more calmly, she understood what had happened and she calmly thinks of what to do now.
That same night, the results of Marinette’s check-up and Marin tests came out. Apparently, both Marinette and Marin had some high-quality magic that was ideal for enhancement and transfiguration. Aside from that, Marinette results were all clear, that hellcat hadn’t done a single thing to her as he had said many times. The Dupain-Cheng family decided to go to sleep and rest for the uncertain next day.
When Marinette wakes up, the first thing she sees is a lot of yarn all over the place. She thinks that she must be dreaming, but after pinching her cheek discovers that she’s fully awake. Then she notices a little card on her desk and gets confused. Did she put that on her desk last night? Or could have someone of her family and left the card while she was asleep? But when she picks it up, she sees that rather than a card, it was a note from the one and only Chat Noir.
“Hello Princess, sorry for the mess with the yarn. I swear I didn’t intend to play with it or entangle myself, but my instincts got the best of my and I ended up leaving a mess on your room. As an apology, I will soon be going out to pull a bunch of pranks to your enemies. I hope you won’t mind that I read your mind a bit to do so. Anyway, I’ll appear next to you whenever you need me. Just say Chat and I’ll be there in a flash. P.S.: You make some cute faces while you sleep” says the note.
Marinette first reaction was to frown, offended that the cat had gone through her stuff, messed everything up and didn’t even clear the disorder he had made. Then she notices the fact that he had read her mind and fear assaults her. How much had he seen? What was he planning to do with her? But when she sees the part where he mentions her sleeping face… Let’s just say that when she went downstairs to have breakfast, her face was as red as the strawberry juice she drank.
Luckily for her, her tutor had contacted her parents last night and told them to let her rest for a day to calm down. Thanks to that, when Chloe came to school in a banana outfit no one blamed Marinette. Neither they blamed her when Sabrina came to school with her face all scribbled with accusations, nor when Lila appeared in the classroom with her head transformed on a snake. Furthermore, she take advantage that she could remain at home for the whole day and called Chat as soon as she was alone.
“Did you call for me Princess?” asks Chat bowing as he appears from the shadows.
Marinette slaps him. “That is for the mess you caused”.
“Fair enough” admits Chat.
“This is for reading through my mind” says  Marinette slapping him again.
“Meowch, you pack quite the punch Princess” says Chat rubbing his cheek.
“And this is for watching me sleep you creep!” says Marinette kicking him in a dangerous spot, making Chat fold down.
“I-I’m sorry Princess” says Chat Noir struggling to take a breath. “Would you please pardon this fool of a cat?”
“Why are you still calling me Princess you- You- You shameless flirt!” says Marinette stuttering.
“What am I supposed to call a fair lady like you then? Because you are the Princess of my heart” says Chat.
“Stop flirting like that! Why are you doing this? Why did you make a contract with me?” asks Marinette trying not to blush at the constant praises.
“Can’t a cat make a contract with a cute girl out of the bottom of his heart?” asks Chat standing up.
“Of course not! Why would you do that?” says Marinette. “I’m just a normal girl, it’s not like I’m a super powerful witch you could leech off or use in whatever you are planning”.
“Oh but you are not normal at all” says Chat twirling his tail. “Cute face? Checked. High-quality magic? Checked. Smart enough to figure out that I made a contract with you for a reason? Oh boy, definitely checked”.
“Stop trying to evade my question” says Marinette serious crossing her arms. “You better explain yourself or… Or I’ll… Or I’ll destroy the contract!”
“You don’t even know how to do that” points Chat Noir.
“What do you even know! You don’t know me!” says Marinette defensive.
“Okay, okay. I’ll talk” says Chat giving up. “I just wanted some freedom, my father is rather a controlling man, so when I was summoned to this world without summoning restrictions I took my chance”.
“But couldn’t you have simply escaped? You said it, you weren’t bound by anything, so you could have simply run off” points Marinette.
“That would be the case if my father wasn’t so controlling that put a tracker on me to call me back anytime” says Chat. “But since I gave you my life, his magic lost effect. I’m sure he thinks I’m dead by now”.
“So you made a contract with me to run away from home? Why did I have to be the one closer to you” laments Marinette.
“It’s not like that Princess” says Chat. “Even if you were on the other side of the room, I’d still have chosen you”.
“Then stop beating around the bush ad tell me why you chose me!” says Marinette annoyed. “Because you caused quite the ruckus”.
“Sorry about that, it wasn’t my intention to cause you problems” says Chat Noir.
“Just like it wasn’t your intention to mess with my yarn, which you didn’t clean up by the way?” asks Marinette.
“I tried to! I swear!” says Chat Noir blushing. “But every time I tried to put it back, I ended up messing everything!”
“How did you- Stop messing with me and answer my question!” says Marinette realizing that Cat still hadn’t told her why did he make a contract with her.
“Are you really going to make me say it?” asks Chat Noir blushing more.
“YES! SAY IT ALREADY!” says Marinette exasperated.
“W-What?” asks Marinette taken aback.
“When I was summoned and I opened my eyes, you were there in the floor in front of my, with your cute face and your cute big bluebell eyes that I caneasily get lostinto andmyheart stopped fora secondandwhenIheardyoursweettendervoiceIfeltasifIwasmelting!” says Chat Noir, beet red due to his embarrassement.
“S-S-Stop sa-saying swet-t-t-t thi-things a-a-and t-tell-ll m-me the t-tr-truth!” tries to say Marinette, but her nervousness makes her stutter like a gatling.
“That was the truth you adorable idiot!” says Chat noir blushing.
“A-As if th-the P-Prince of Da-Da-Darkness w-would be infa-fa-fatuade with a-a-a norm-m-mal girl li-like me!” stutters Marinette in denial. “I-I’m sure y-you have lo-lo-lots of devilishly be-beautiful mistresses!”
“Excuse me?! I’m not even allowed to get out of my house! I don’t know any other hellcat apart from my own family!” says Chat indignant. “And you’re not a normal girl!”
“I am!” replies Marinette. “What’s so different and special about me?”
“Everything! From the cute freckles on your face to the way you talk when you’re angry! Your beautiful hair that is hold in your adorable pigtails, your fierce character paired with your petite body, that enthralling smell of cookies and strawberry and that fiery blush that dusts your cheeks as if you had been out in the cold for hours!” says Chat, no longer filtering his words or caring about manners as he gets closer to Marinette.
“Fine! I get your point! I’m pretty, so what?!” says Marinette, her character all over the place as it has been destroyed by Chat continuous praise attacks. “You made a contract with me just by my looks!”
“And what was I supposed to do? I wanted to know you, but I would have never been able to stay long enough to do so!” replies Chat Noir. “Look, if you hate me that much without even giving me a chance, I’ll tell you how to break the contract and you’ll never see me again!”
“It’s not that I hate you! I don’t even know you! You didn’t ask for my opinions and certainly you didn’t care about my feelings” retorts Marinette. “I even know nothing about what’s the contract supposed to do!”
“That- That is true… I- I’m sorry about it” says Chat Noir with his ears down, backing away from Marinette. “I made the contract in the spur of the moment and never told you…”
“That’s right, you never told me anything or asked for permission” says Marinette, calming down a bit. Neither of them speak for some time and just look at each other.
“The contract is a one-sided deal” says Chat breaking the ice. “I gave you my all, my soul, my heart, my powers and my body. I became yours; I didn’t even care if you used me as a bodyguard or as a pawn. Right now I’m something similar to a slave, you could order me anything and I would oblige even if it’s the last thing I have to do. The best is that you have to do nothing, you won’t have to pay any price”.
“Chat Noir… You’re an idiot” says Marinette. “WHY DID YOU EVEN THOUGHT THAT DOING SUCH A CONTRACT WAS A GOOD IDEA?!”
“Because if I didn’t my father would have undone any other contract via torture!” says Chat Noir. “First, he would have forced me to come back, then he would have tortured you to undo the contract and then he’d have locked me for all eternity! Which is quite a lot for immortal demons like us, but now I’ve given up my immortality and my life in order to be free!”
“And how do you know I’m not a bad person! I could abuse you and lock you down! You know nothing of me!” says Marinette. “Why won’t you see that you’ve messed up you damn stupid hellcat!”
“I know I’ve messed up and that I’m stupid, but you can’t be such a bad person! You’re worrying about me right now!” points Chat Noir.
“No I’m not!” says Marinette defensive as she blushes. “You must be imagining things right now”.
“Seriously? Who was the one who repeatedly admonished me by making a contract with a pretty girl I don’t know a single thing about her?” asks Chat crossing his arms.
“That doesn’t mean anything! Not at all!” says Marinette.
“Is that so? Then how about explaining me why you still haven’t asked how to reverse this contract?” asks Chat Noir. “Because normally one would insist on breaking the contract and not about the contents of it”.
“My teachers said that I couldn’t undo it unless I had the details!” replies Marinette pettily.
“Then why haven’t you undone the contract yet? Because your magic doesn’t lack any kind of quality to be unable to do so” says Chat eyeing Marinette, curious about how would she retort that.
“I don’t know how to do so; it was my teacher who was going to break the contract” answers quickly Marinette. “We still haven’t studied how to make contracts or have familiars”.
“You’re teacher will never break this contract, only you can do it, I already told you” says Chat Noir. “I guess you’ll be stuck with me until you learn how to undo contracts. But do not fret, I know when I’m not required, so I’ll disappear from your sight and never contact you again by myself”.
“Stop right there young man!” says Marinette before Chat can disappear.
“I’m pretty sure I’m way older than you” says Chat Noir looking at her eyes.
“The age equivalent to human years is of a hellcat like you is 15 years, so you’re only older by a few months” says Marinette staring at him defiantly.
“And how do you know my age?” asks Chat Noir smirking.
“I did my research” says Marinette sticking out her tongue.
“So you are telling me that after being in the oh so traumatizing experience of meeting me, you researched about me and then summoned me the following day?” asks Chat now with a full idiotic grin on his face. “Normally one would pray not to meet me ever again you know.”
“Stop distracting me!” says Marinette turning her face.
“You’re the one who ordered me to stay when I was leaving” says Chat shrugging.
“Because I wanted to make a deal with you, isn’t that what demons are known for?” says Marinette matter-of-factly.
“Oh? You have my full attention the Princess, even if you already had it anyway” says Chat Noir.
“We’re having a match. If I win you tell me how to undo the contract here and now” says Marinette. “And since you’re so eager to leave I’m sure you won’t mind telling me”.
“It’s on Princess, but if I win, you’re going to owe me a favour of any sorts, because I can’t think of anything right now” says Chat Noir.
“Deal. We’re playing videogames, the fighting ones, but we’ll be playing the best out of three” says Marinette.
“Sounds fair” agrees Chat Noir.
Marinette sets her console and invites Chat Noir into her room to play without anyone interrupting them, since they had spent most of the morning discussing. Their match starts and they are both playing amazingly, but Marinette manage to make a sneak attack on Chat’s character and unleashes a powerful combo right after that, winning the first round. The second round fairs similarly and everything points tat Marinette will be the one winning, but as she is making a chained attack, Chat Noir manages to successfully counter her and beat her, tying with Marinette. In the decisive final round, both players are aggressively attacking the other, defending from each other’s attack and trying to link as many attacks as they can. Then chat Noir knocks Marinette character and paralyzes it, pushing the buttons of his controller in a determined pattern to unleash his character’s most powerful attack. Just as he’s finishing the buttons combo, Marin enters in the room and both gamers accidentally let their controllers slip out of their hands, making Chat Noir fail but still unleashing an attack powerful enough to deliver the KO.
“A-Are you playing videogames with THE Chat Noir?” asks Marin extremely confused with his wand on his hand.
“We were having a bet, but seems like Chat Noir won…” explains Marinette.
“What are you talking about Princess? This round can’t count, you were distracted, it’s not fair” says Chat.
“Even if my brother wouldn’t have entered, I was about to lose already” says Marinette.
“You still could have avoided my attack and parried it” says Chat Noir.
“Chat Noir, it was a fair win. Stop making this more difficult that it is” says Marinette. “I’ll be owing you a favour, that’s final”.
“You bet doing him a favour if he won?!” asks Marin alarmed.
“Yes, but I refuse to ask for anything like this” says Chat noir. “This will be a stalemate”.
“If you don’t ask me a favour I’m making you go through the most embarrassing things you can think about in a loop for a year” threatens Marinette.
“No” says Marin, beginning to realize what he has caused. “Since I was the one who interrupted this bet of yours, the bet is nullified and I’ll be doing the favour to Chat Noir”.
“That, boy-who-I-don’t-know-the-name, is a good idea but I doubt Princess here will agree” says Chat Noir.
“She has to agree, after all she owes me a favour for covering her while she went out with her friends” declares Marin.
“You can’t do that Marin! It’s my problem, my loss and my responsibility” says Marinette.
“And it’s my responsibility as your brother to stop you and help you” says Marin. “So Chat, make your request- Why are you crying?”
“Uh?” says Chat and notices a bunch of tears on his face, which he quickly clean. “Sorry, I was thinking about what a great relationship you had and I remembered my sister”.
“Are you okay?” asks Marinette patting his back.
“Marinette, I think I have to talk with Chat for a bit” say Marin suddenly serious. “Can you please go downstairs and talk with Alen, Nino, Alya and Nina? They had come to see you”
“Marin, what are you going to do?” asks Marinette, half worried about her brother’s attitude and half expecting a new problem to arise.
“I just want to talk with Chat. Please, go to see our friends or they’ll come here worried, they almost barged into the house before I arrived here and stopped them, they must be at their limit” says Marin and doesn’t looks at Marinette as she leaves the room.
“So… What does Prince Charming want from an alley cat like me?” says Chat trying to lift the mood as he dries his tears.
“Please, stop with the joking. I can see that you’re hurting, and you definitely aren’t faking it” says Marin with a serious look. “Why did you made a contract with my sister? And spare me the lies.
“I wanted freedom. My father had locked my sister and my in our manor and we weren’t allowed to have any contact with the outside world” begins Chat. “But when I was summoned, I thought I finally had an opportunity to be free at last. I only had to make a contract with someone offering my life in order to deactivate my father’s tracking magic”.
“And you chose Marinette?” asks Marin cautiously.
“Not exactly, what happened right after opening my eyes was that I got speechless. My breath was taken away when I opened my eyes and saw Marinette, lying there on the floor with those eyes of hers” says Chat noir with a bit of affection on his voice.
“I see…” says Marin thinking about something. “Then why were you crying when remembering your sister? You have a contract with a girl you fancy and it’s not like you will never see her again… Or is it?”
“Most likely I will never se her again, but also she will have to suffer the consequences of my escapade and deal with my father’s paranoia” says Chat with his ears low and his tail lying on the floor.
“… Okay. I accept you.” Says Marin out of nowhere.
“What?” asks Chat confused.
“I’m accepting you as Marinette’s familiar. I know your motives and your intentions; and none of them are remotely evil, so I accept you and I recognise that I owe you a favour in exchange for forgiving me” says Marin.
“But I have nothing I desire. Being free from my father’s clutches was my ultimate wish, there’s nothing else I want” says Chat Noir. “What can you possibly offer me?”
“I can offer you three things” says Marin. “First, a way of staying without causing problems for Marinette”.
“Then do that. I wouldn’t want to cause problems to the one I owe my freedom” says Chat Noir.
“I would be doing that either way, so I won’t count that as a favour” says Marin. “Second, I can offer you redemption”.
“What do you mean by redemption?” asks the catboy confused.
“You regret leaving behind your sister, making her suffer because of something she didn’t do” says Marin. “Don’t you?”
“That I do, but what about it?” asks Chat.
“How could your sister not suffer?” asks Marin.
“It’s impossible father won’t let her alone as long as she lives” says Chat. “There’s nothing to do about it”.
“What if your sister wasn’t under his influence?” says Marin. “While I’m still not sure about doing it, I could summon your sister with your help and make a contract with her similar to the one you have with my sister”.
“Why would you do that? That’s too much to be a favour” says Chat Noir.
“To be honest, I don’t think that being locked in a manor without making contact with reality is good for anybody, let alone immortal demons who could potentially destroy existence if they ever went mad” says Marin. “So, as a favour to you, I would summon Kitty Noire. But I would make a contract with her not because of the favour, but out of sympathy”.
Chat is left speechless. For a solid minute he simply stands there looking at Marin with a surprised expression. But then he suddenly hugs Marin and let’s a few tears escape from his eyes, which turns into a downpour when Marin hugs him back to comfort him. Once Chat has stopped crying and is more serene, he looks at Marin seriously and kneels down.
“Please. The only thing I could ever ask you is to do that” says Chat Noir with a sincere smile on his face, offering Marin a handshake. “The name is Chat Noir, and it’s truly a pleasure to meet you”.
Marin gives him a determined handshake, creating a connection between them as fellow men and brothers. “I’m Marin, and the pleasure is mine Chat Noir, I know you will take care of my sister”.
Someone knocks on the door. “Marin, bro, you there?” asks Alen from outside, completely ruining the mood.
“Quickly, hide on the wardrobe!” says Marin in a panic. Chat hides and Marin opens the door. “What happens Alen?”
“Not too much man, we were just wondering where were you and I slipped past Mari after going to the bathroom” explains Alen. “Everything in order in here?”
“Yes! Of course!” says Marin trying to think of an excuse. “I was just checking on Mari’s bedroom to make sure that everything was normal”.
“I understand bro, must be unnerving to know that your sister has been forced into a contract without her consent” says Alen nodding. “I mean, we’re all worried for Mari, I can’t even imagine how must you feeling man”.
“Hey, I’m already finished over here and I’m fine right now so, why don’t we go downstairs? I’m sure I can slip you a croissant or two” says Marin clapping Alen’s back.
“Man, you know how to make me happy” says Alen as he heads downstairs. “I’ll head downstairs first to distract everyone”.
“Sure thing bro” says Marin. Then he turns around and uses a spell to write on the air in front of the wardrobe. “Come meet me at the room next to this one when everyone is gone”.
Marin had almost forgotten that he was meeting Chat Noir in his room, almost. Nevertheless, Chat scared him completely by appearing next to him, materializing out of thin air by his side as if it were the most common thing to do. Obviously, Marin’s heart almost went out of his mouth and Marin himself bounced five feet apart, which made Chat Noir chuckle in amusement. The temptation to hit Chat almost made Marin rethink what he was about to do. Finally, both of them calm down and sit in front of each other.
“So, what are we doing now?” asks Chat Noir.
“Right now, we plan. Then I’ll call Marinette and we’ll have to convince her, but I think she won’t need much info to convince her. Finally, we summon your sister, make the pact and that would be all” says Marin.
“Sounds pretty logic to me” says Chat nodding.
“Great then. First, can you use illusions?” asks Marin all serious.
“I’m afraid that I’m nothing more than a beginner at illusionism, but I do have a contact who’s a master of illusions” says Chat. “He was the only one who ever managed to get into the castle and talk with me or with my sister”.
“Then we will be needing his help. My plan basically revolves about faking that we break the contract with you. Then, when we will be summoning a familiar next week, you and your sister will come out as cats, your everyday magical cat. That way you’ll be able to stay with us, even if you’ll have to fake being cats in public” explains Marin.
“Okay, I get the gist of it. I think that we can do that easily, we’re already used to stay as cats in our manor as a form of protest again father” says Chat Noir. “There is just a slight problem. Well actually there are two. Where will we sleep and the little fact that I’m not a familiar precisely, more like an obedient slave”.
“Say what?” says Marin alarmed.
“I thought the same when he told me” says Marinette, leaning on the door.
“Mari? How much have you listened?” asks Marin sweating bullets.
“Oh, ever since the beginning. It’s good to know that I’m easy to convince” says Marinette.
“I said that because I know how kind and selfless you are sis. Or don’t you want to help someone who is suffering by herself?” asks Marin looking right at her.
“Okay, you’re right. I do want to help; nobody should be isolated like that” says Marinette giving in. “I have a doubt though, why are you and Chat so friendly?”
“We respect each other” says Chat Noir and Marin nods in agreement.
“Anyway, now that we know that Mari’s on board, we can begin the preparations. We need a story to back up the fake break of the contract, materials to summon Kitty Noir and a master illusionist…” says Marin.
“I can come up with the backstory” says Marinette. “But I’d suggest you to think what will you explain to Kitty Noire when you summon her”.
“I think it would be better if I begin by contacting my acquaintance while Princess creates the story, and then we’ll brainstorm on the rest” says Chat Noir.
“Fair enough. I’ll be preparing the summoning materials… Any suggestions?” asks Marin.
“Laughing potion, acidic poison, black powder of misfortune and silver” says Chat Noir. “You’ll need those to summon her. Basically the same as me but using silver instead of gold”.
“But I didn’t add gold” says Marinette.
“Well, you summoned me quite randomly” says Chat. “There was the chance for you to summon my sister or our teachers”.
“I’ll be getting those ingredients then” says Marin. “I can distil the acidic poison from rat-killing bleach and there should still be left some powder from those Russian Roulette macarons we made”.
“Then I’ll be leaving for a bit” says Chat before merging with the floor.
That same night, they already had everything prepared. Chat’s acquaintance made a perfect illusion that fooled Tom and Sabine, who quickly communicated to the school how had Marinette and Marin managed to pump the information about the contract from Chat Noir and then broke it. In order to be more realistic, Chat faked being absorbed by a portal and left claw marks in the floor as he ‘tried to stay’.
Instead of carrying on with the summoning that same night, they waited a couple of days to make sure that no one would suspect them. Once they were one hundred percent sure that no one was onto them, they went to an abandoned factory. As they arrive, they are greeted by Chat’s acquaintance, Trixx; Trixx’s sister Truxxy; and Chat’s masters, Plagg and Plaggue, who accompanied Trixx to make sure their beloved students were fine. They help them settle the summoning circle, not taking too much time. Finally, Marin initiates the summoning and a black light bathes the factory.
“WHO DARES SUMMON ME WHILE I’M MOURNING MY BROTHER’S DEATH?!” says Kitty Noire as soon as she opens her eyes.
“Nice to see you too kitten” says Plaggue with her arms crossed, standing behind Marin.
“M-Master?” asks Kitty confused. “Did you help this boy to summon me?”
“Actually, it was Chat Noir himself who helped him” says Plaggue. “If you would look behind you, you’d see that you’re not alone and that your idiotic brother is perfectly alive”.
“Hey!” complains Chat Noir.
“Shush Chat, you are idiotic!” says Marinette.
“W-What is going on?” says Kitty confused as she turns around continuously to look at everyone.
“I’ll try it to explain it as well as I can” says Marin taking a step closer.
“Look Pretty Face, you better explain me everything quickly or I’ll turn you to ashes” threatens Kitty.
“Don’t turn him to ashes! He’s your ticket to freedom!” says Chat Noir.
“Wait… What?” asks Kitty more confused.
“I love you too Chat” says Marin rolling his eyes. “So, basically. Your stupid brother was accidentally summoned by my sister, who’s over there, and forced a contract on her to escape from your fathers clutches, giving his own life and soul to my sister”.
“As I said, he’s an idiot” comments Plaggue.
“Don’t get me started… If I told you what things he did as my student…” says Plagg.
“Anyway, due to a bet, some heart-to-heart talk and other stuff, we decided to summon you and offer you something similar to what your brother did, but not as idiotic as what he did” says Marin.
“Okay, I get it, I’m an idiot” says Chat pouting.
“Yep, that’s my idiotic brother” says Kitty facepalming. “I guess everything you said it was true, so tell me about that contract and who’ll be my contractor”.
“I’ll be the contractor, it’s kind of a secret that we’re making a contract, so our options were non-existant, sorry if it disgust you or anything” says Marin.
“As if, it would be a whole lot worse if my contractor was an old man or something like that, having a cutie like you is definitely a bonus” says Kitty eyeing Marin.
“Kid, mind your manners, what would a perfectly healthy boy think if a girl like you eyed him that much?” teases Trixx.
“You’re right, I apologize for that” says Kitty backing.
“Don’t worry, at least you haven’t scared the hell out of me” says Marin.
“I told you I was sorry!” says Chat.
“Did he only caused problems since he came or what?” asks Kitty bluntly.
“Just a few” answers Marin ignoring Chat’s protests in the background.
“I’m sorry that you had to deal with it” says Kitty bowing.
“Don’t sweat it, it was nothing” says Marin. “Anyway. The contract. In his contract, your brother gave his everything to Marinette without taking anything in exchange. In you contract says that, if you were to accept: you’d become my familiar, you’d be transformed into a cat when in public to hide your identity and you’d give your life to me as long as I’m alive, not your soul. Aside from that, I’ll give you food, clothes, a place to live, my life and, as a suggestion from Chat, I’d help you to find a boyfriend. Finally, the contract will last until one of both breaks it or dies. So, when I die, you will be free forever”.
“If I agree to the contract, could I skin my brother alive?” asks Kitty. “Like, right now”.
“Be my guest” says Marinette.
“I like her, at least my brother found a decent master, unlike himself” says Kitty rolling her eyes. “Well, jokes aside, I have a doubt about the contract. Can it be modified at a later date?”
“Oh, good idea” says Marin noting it down. “Why not? It was just a tool to help you get freedom anyway. It’ll be better if you like the conditions”.
“Aww, you’re such a sweetheart Pretty Face. I’ll be pleased to work with you” says Kitty Noire booping his nose.
“Well, that went great! We just need to wait for them to make the contract and that would be it” says Chat happily.
“Next time try not to abandon your sister with your heartless father and maybe this won’t have to happen” says Marinette.
“Exactly! How dared you to even escape without me?!” says Kitty furious.
“It wasn’t planned! I’m sorry!” says Chat defensively.
“Spare him a bit, he was worried about you” says Marin. “He did feel a lot of remorse for leaving you behind. Even tears were shed”.
“That was supposed to be a secret!” says Chat annoyed.
“Hm… Is that so?” says Kitty Noire calming down a bit. “I guess I could forgive him”.
“Kids, not to pressure you or anything, but you might want to seal the contract soon and scatter, Hawk Moth is coming” says Plagg.
“What?! Father’s coming?!” says Adrien and hides behind Marinette.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” says Kitty Noire. “Hey Pretty Face, let’s seal this deal like, right now!”
“Alright” says Marin as he and Kitty make the contract. A red light engulfs Kitty Noire and as soon as the light’s gone, everyone scatters.
Later, Marin and Marinette meet with their respective familiars and head home. Once they are at home, Chat Noir and Kitty Noire have to enter from the balcony because of Tom and Sabine, who are unaware that their children have already familiars. As Chat and Marin had planned, Kitty Noire had a bed ready on Marin’s room with a set of curtains and room dividers, which made it look as if it was some sort of hidden project from the outside, but from the inside looked as one of those royal beds but with a more narrow bed.
Happy, Kitty Noire slipped onto her bed, instantly approving the comfy sensation it gave. However, she lacked the amount of plushies she was used to sleep with back in the manor and that didn’t let her sleep peacefully as she intended, so she decided to explore Marin’s room instead, curiously looking at his sketchbooks filled with designs, sitting in all of his chairs and playing with his things. But she saw his bed and couldn’t resist to lie on it, revolving a bit as she tried to find a good position, but the bed was so hard that she couldn’t feel comfortable at all.
“Ugh. How can he sleep in here?” asks out loud Kitty.
Marin, who had just entered the room to find Kitty lying on his bed, chuckled a bit. “It’s because I prefer a hard mattress for my back” says Marin amused. “It’s your own bed so bad you had to try mine?”
“Of course not!” says Kitty blushing because she had been caught red-handed. “I just was curious”.
“Alright, as long as you don’t cause a mess, be my guest” says Marin sitting on his chair. “I’ll be working for a bit on a project of mine”.
“Is it one of those outfits on your sketchbooks?” asks Kitty curious.
“So you’ve seen them” says Marin amused. “Don’t you know that curiosity killed the cat?”
“Oh, but satisfaction brought it back” replies nonchalantly Kitty.
“Careful then. I heard that satisfaction can lead you to disaster” says Marin smiling at Kitty. “Anyway, I’m going to work on something different”.
“Can I see it?” asks Kitty.
“Sure. I mean, when I’ve actually started and everything, I don’t see why you couldn’t see it” says Marin shrugging. “You can also go out if you prefer, don’t feel forced to stay inside or be next to me all the time”.
“You’re quite considerate for a human, aren’t you?” says Kitty without meaning anything bad. “Father used to say that humans were heartless greedy bastards who only think about themselves”.
“Oh, there are humans like that, definitely” says Marin thinking about Chloe and Cleón. “But there are also kind people”.
“So, basically like demons, there are assholes and then there are nice demons” says Kitty Noire.
“Exactly, just like that” says Marin as he sketches. “Your brother has met both kind of humans. In fact, he pranked a couple of assholes that pester Marinette”.
“Oh god, what has he done to them?” asks Kitty mildly concerned.
“Not much. One of them got her face all scribbled, one got all of her outfits turn into banana suits and another one got her head transformed into a snake” says Marin.
“Pffft, I can’t believe he used the banana’s suits spell, he said he’d never ever use it again” says Kitty giggling.
“I don’t see why; it was hilarious to see that bully on a banana suit” says Marin chuckling. “But I think I prefer when he transformed the bag of the snake girl into rotten cheese, that was savage”.
“God, what has he been doing all this time?” asks Kitty laughing. “He had all the fun for himself!”
“Yeah, but he also spent three days having to wear a cone on his head because he read Marinette’s mind and caused a mess” says Marin laughing. “You should have seen him, it was hilarious. But he said that it was worth it if he got to prank Mari’s bullies”.
“Hm… Should I do the same?” asks Kitty pensive. “Maybe I could read your mind and prank some people~”.
“As long as you don’t cause any big problems, feel free to do whatever you want” says Marin ignoring the teasing. “At least I’ll be aware of it”.
“Is that so?” teases Kitty. “What if I discovered your darkest secrets? I could tell them to whoever is your girlfriend”.
“I highly doubt it. I’d need a girlfriend first” replies Marin smirking at Kitty. “And I don’t even have such an embarrassing secret or anything along those lines”.
“You don’t have a girlfriend? How comes that Mr. Pretty Face doesn’t have a beloved?” asks Kitty surprised. “Are you gay per chance?”
“No, I’m not. And my name is Marin by the way” answers Marin rolling his eyes smiling. “I simply don’t have one. I already have enough handling bullies at school, if I had a girlfriend, I would have to worry about her being bullied too”.
“But that’s so sad! How can you say those sad things as if it were something normal?” asks Kitty indignant. “I’m definitely reading your mind and pranking those idiots”.
“Don’t worry too much about it. You’re supposed to be free now, so try to be a bit more selfish” says Marin as he finishes the sketch and begins to add details to it.
“Excuse me? I am being selfish. You’re my contractor and your life is mine, I get to be annoyed by things like this” protests Kitty.
“You know that when you say it like that you make it sound as if we were married, right?” points Marin.
“Don’t change the topic” says Kitty slightly blushing. “Let me read your mind to teach those bullies a lesson!”
“As I told you before, you can do whatever you want, don’t ask for permission” says Marin. “I simply think that maybe you should do something more personal rather than pranking people in my defence”.
“Then I’m reading your mind” says Kitty as she enters Marin’s mind.
“Must be a siblings’ thing” says Marin rolling his eyes.
Minutes later, Kitty comes back with the information she wanted, but nothing more out of respect to Marin’s privacy. “Okay, I have the names and the directions. This night I’ll be having some fun” says Kitty. “How is your project going?”
“Great. I’ll only need your measurements and I’ll start sewing” says Marin.
“Wait, my measurements?” asks Kitty taken aback. “Why do you need my measurements?”
“Because this project is an outfit for you” explains Marin. “Just in case you actually want the boyfriend part of the contract or if you want to go around the city without being a cat”.
“Just for the record. I’m dating no one until you get a girlfriend” says Kitty. “And how will you be taking my measurements?”
“I was going to ask Marinette to do so with your permission” says Marin. “I’m not an excuse of a man to be touching any good-looking girls”.
“So you think I’m good-looking?” says Kitty posing and batting her eyelids.
“Anyone with a pair of eyes can tell that you’re beautiful” says Marin. “You could even be a model or an actress with your looks”.
“Well thank you Pretty Face, I too think that you are very handsome” says Kitty. “But are you sure you won’t take my measurements yourself? You’d be losing a golden opportunity”.
“Stop it with the teasing already or I’m also putting a cone on your head” says Marin rolling his eyes. “I’ll be going to ask Marinette to come and measure you. Do you want something to eat when I come back?”
“I’m fine for now. Thank you for your concerns Marin” says Kitty pouting without looking at Marin so he can’t see her pout.
“Then I’ll be going” says before he leaves. “Don’t mess my room too much”.
“I wonder what kind of outfit he has designed…” says Kitty looking in Marin’s sketchbook.
When she found the design, she instantly recognized it because Marin had drawn her in perfect detail. He had accurately drawn her body with some amazing clothes on. For the top, he had designed a dark purple shirt without sleeves paired with a white knitted sweater that fell from one of her shoulders and was long and saggy enough to hide her tail in. Then, he had complimented it with a lilac hat with a complex knitting pattern and black aviator sunglasses. For the bottom, he had drawn black jeans worn down, with a few scratches on the legs to appear fashionable and a hidden hole for her tail to go in. He had paired those with red shoes with high ankles and white details.
Kitty Noire was totally absorbed by the design. Not only had Marin created something that totally was aligned with her style, but he also had drawn it several times in several postures to make sure that it would fit her. She was loving his drawings of her in various poses. The one where she was drinking a smoothie had a very cute expression that made Kitty Noire feel a bit embarrassed, then there was one of her sitting on a chair and talking with someone that made her laugh a bit; but her favourite one was the one where she was hugging a big teddy bear. When she finished looking Marin’s sketch book, she realized that Marinette was leaning in the door with a tender smile on her lips, which mad Kitty blush and fall from the chair.
“Oh! Are you okay Kitty? I didn’t mean to scare you” says Marinette worried.
“No, no. You simply surprised me” says Kitty a bit nervous, as if she had been caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. “You’re here to take my measurements, right?”
“Yeah, thought it will just be things like your height, the width of your arms and torso, the length of your legs and the perimeter of your torso” explains Marinette. “Marin could have perfectly done it, but he insisted that it would be indecent for a boy to do so”.
“Oh, perfect.” says Kitty relaxing. “I wasn’t sure about giving my bra cup to him”.
“Oh no, I’ll take care of your underwear, don’t worry” says Marinette.
“Thank you for doing so much for me. I hope I’m not imposing right now” says Kitty.
“Don’t worry, I was simply making you a plushie. Chat told me that you sleep with a lot of them and I thought that maybe you’d feel uneasy without them” says Marinette smiling tenderly, which made Kitty feel emotional.
Kitty tears down a bit. “Can I- Can I hug you?” asks Kitty feeling a bit insecure.
“Of course you can! Come here” says Marinette and hugs Kitty Noire. “It must have been quite an emotional day, hasn’t it?”
Kitty nods and hugs Marinette. “Thank you, I needed that” says Kitty without letting Marinette go.
“It’s fine, don’t worry” says Marinette. “I love giving hugs, so come and hug me whenever you feel like it”.
“I will” says Kitty letting Marinette go and drying her tears. “Come on, let’s finish this”.
“Okay” says Marinette smiling.
Little did any of them know that this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Neither they knew that later on Marinette would end up for Chat and marry him, nor that Marin and Kitty would also marry. But all of that, it’s a story for another day, isn’t it, Plagg?
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Sandwiches and charming little huts 
Walking the trails of Charm Villa is like stepping into a bright, colorful, and cute notepad. Rolling hills with vibrant green grass and colorful flowers scattered all over. On the tops of the hills are rustic and whimsical little cottages and huts, as well as shops, cafes, and a library. Take a picture and you’d think it was from a stationery set!
After sleeping in until around eleven we met up with Gutsy and Livvy at Coffee Studios for a tour of Charm Villa. Gutsy’s a college friend of Daisy Jane who just moved to the village a few months ago. Livvy’s her niece - first cousin once removed - and she and Jack - her dad/Gutsy’s cousin - own Coffee Studios. The cafe was founded by Gutsy and Jack’s grandma, then it was passed down to Jack’s mom, and after she retired her son and granddaughter now run the place.
The cafe’s best known for their sandwiches and every few months they set up a contest for a new sandwich to add to the menu. Livvy was the one who started that tradition and it got popular so it stuck. Guess what today happened to be? While Lolly, Pancetti, Biskit, and Lyman prepped for the contest, the rest of us hung around the village before meeting back around 3 for the contest.
I’ve only met Gutsy a handful of times over the years and she always leaves an impression. The name Gutsy - short for Augusta - fits her to a T. She said that she never thought her impulsiveness and wild imagination would make her a good detective and yet there she was solving crimes and saving the day. Gutsy really does remind me a lot about Jamie, except a lot more extroverted and bold. Honestly, I’m surprised that they haven’t crossed paths yet.
So far Gutsy’s enjoying the peaceful village life. It’s a huge change of pace compared to her old life. Gutsy grew up in a boarding house that also ran a stable so her life revolved around horses since forever. Her father died when she was seventeen, opening up a can of worms that led to her getting tangled up with an embezzling scheme that he was involved in and indirectly caused his death. After exposing the crime, Gutsy joined a task force dedicated to investigating crimes relating to shady underground practices involving horses like racing and such. 
Daisy Jane and Gutsy met in college when they became roommates. At the time Gutsy was considering studying to be a veterinarian but ended up dropping out a year later because the task force was starting to take over her life. In retrospect, the whole being a vet thing wasn’t meant to be for her.
Being a detective was an unexpected turn for Gutsy, one that no one saw coming - and yet, at the time, it made sense. For a while, she felt that she found her calling, especially after being betrayed by what her dad and his friends had done. Maybe, in a way, she was trying to absolve him of his misdeeds. Solving mysteries and working with horses, what else can she ask for?
But then around last year things went sour. Investigating crimes has its dangers, which Gutsy knows all too well. She can handle being a target, but when loved ones are in the line of fire, that’s where she draws the line. The birth of her daughter Lulu led to Gutsy reevaluating her life choices. Eventually she decided that it was time to move on and give Lulu a stable childhood.
That’s why she decided to settle in Charm Villa. Other than her cousins and a small handful of relatives, Gutsy doesn’t have much family. With Lulu to take care of, a journey of self discovery was out of the question so she opted to stick close to family for practical reasons. With Livvy in college and only coming home every other weekend and Jack having experience as a young single parent as well as needing help with the cafe, Gutsy knew she and Lulu would be in good hands. 
While she finds herself much happier and less stressed in Charm Villa, Gutsy does miss being around horses. As far as she knows, the nearest stable is about two hours away so she hasn’t had a chance to visit yet. Maybe when Lulu’s a little older, she says. For now, Gutsy and horses are taking a long break. 
The way she describes it is like a close relationship that has gone a bit too codependent. All her life she grew up surrounded by horses so she related to them more than people. Her views on the family she grew up with, especially her dad, have been clouded in recent years. When she put together the pieces, she didn’t want to believe it, but at the same time, it all made sense. While being a detective gave her a sense of purpose, it also showed Gutsy how deceiving people can be. She always - and still - find horses more trusting than people, so in a way she relied on them as a crutch. Do it for the horses - that was her mantra whenever she tackled a case that would push her limits. Then that led to her letting the task force take over her life to the point that she had nothing outside of that. 
Eventually it got to the point where all she cared about was getting the truth out. Right and wrong, black and white, collateral damage was unfortunate but it didn’t matter as long as what’s done is done. As a result, Gutsy ended up burning a lot of bridges, which in turn made her question if she did more harm than good.
Lulu was her wake up call, the one who turned Gutsy’s life upside down and forced her to reevaluate her future. Being a parent wasn’t in the cards for her but in the end she made her choice. While the idea of raising a kid is still terrifying for her, so far it seems to be the best thing to happen to her. After spending most of her life jumping headfirst into danger and chasing thrills, Gusty realized the weight of her actions and how one can’t always jump to conclusions or make poor judgements just to get ahead of everyone else.
Maybe it’s another attempt to right her dad’s wrongs - that’s still something she struggles with - but Charm Villa, the cafe, Lulu, her cousins, it’s been doing her a lot of good. There’s still a lot that Gutsy’s uncertain about, but getting herself out of a bad place is a good first step. After everything she’s been through, I hope she finds that peace of mind she deserves. From the looks of it, I think she’s finding her way.
Around 1:30 we headed back to the cafe to help set up for the sandwich contest. When we were done, we had time to kill so Jack and Livvy gave us a tour of the kitchen. Then we made lattes and bread, which was a lot of fun. By the time we were able to master latte art, it was time for the contest to begin!
Candy Fruit Sando by Lolly A super sweet take on the cute Japanese fruit sandwiches! To kick things up a notch, the fruits are coated with a sugary syrup for an extra crunch! Fresh ripe fruit candied to perfection, freshly whipped cream that feels like eating a cloud and a soft and pillowy brioche to tie it all together - it’s the perfect addition to any bento box! Rod - Candied fruit?! Genius! 9/10 Snooty - I just wanna take pictures of it and make my friends jealous over how pretty it looks! 10/10 Sylvana - Strawberries and cream are a winning combo! 8/10 Audie - Aesthetic and yummy - that’s a win for me! 9/10
Spa Day Sandwich by Pancetti In need of shaking up your skin care routine? No need to swap out your face mask or moisturizer when you can have a sandwich instead! All the freshest veggies guaranteed to give you a healthy glow like cucumbers and seaweed seasoned with a zesty citrus glaze on a slice of lightly toasted pumpernickel. Snooty - My skin’s already feeling great! 7/10 Sylvana - This kinda reminds me of a salad, but in sandwich form! 6/10 Audie - This was definitely inspired by a spa! 6/10 Rod - Skip the moisturizer, go for the sandwich! 7/10
The Ultimate Dessert Sandwich! by Biskit What happens when you mash a pie, cake, and pudding into one? Well, we’re about to find out with this sandwich! The bread’s kinda like a pie crust/brioche hybrid and the sauce is a rich caramel custard. In between are thin slices of red velvet cake, blueberry-ginger pie filling, and slices of yellow cake. Sylvana - If this doesn’t satisfy your sweet tooth, I don’t know what will! 8/10 Audie - Talk about indulgent! 6/10 Rod - Perfect for a cheat day after an intense workout - but only in moderation! 7/10 Snooty - Are you sure this is a sandwich? 5/10
Take a Bite of Nature! by Lyman Need a palate cleanser after having too many sweets or processed foods? Nothing like fresh organic veggies to put your body back in balance! Green, leafy veggies, rustic roots, and crisp, sweet fruit on sprouted bread - all the flavors of nature in one tasty package! Audie - Crunch, crunch, crunch! 7/10 Rod - I wonder if this will make a good post-workout shake… 7/10 Snooty - Turn the bread into croutons and add some dressing and it’s a rustic salad! 8/10 Sylvana - This is probably better than some of the stuff they sell at health food stores 7/10
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antiquecompass · 5 years
Untamed Winter Fest Day Five: Ribbon
Wherein there are ribbons and rings, among other things.
(Also on Ao3)
Jiang Cheng knew it was stupid. They’d already gotten married. His husband had, apparently, been proposing to him since weeks into their relationship. He had his own Lan ribbon now, as a spouse, as the partner of the head of the family and the clan. He’d proposed with his own purple hair ribbon that day in Lan Xichen’s office partly as a joke, partly because it was either that or a rubber band, and partly to match the Lan’s traditions as much as he could in the moment. The purple hair ribbon was something Xichen could understand and hold on to and keep with him. And he did. He’d often found the ribbon wrapped around Xichen’s wrist after he returned from a business trip or a week in Boston. He knew if it wasn’t wrapped around Xichen’s wrist or tucked away in his pocket, it was reverently kept with his Lan forehead ribbon and hair ornaments, as something precious. Something scared.
But that hair ribbon wasn’t made of the same strong material as the Lan ribbons. Eventually it would fade and fray. So Jiang Cheng wanted to give him something more. And perhaps it was more traditional, in being that it was ring. And perhaps it was pointless, being in that they both already wore wedding bands, but it still killed Jiang Cheng a little bit to realize his husband had been wanting this for so long, and had said nothing, because he thought Jiang Cheng didn’t want that level of final commitment. Never mind that in all other legal senses they were already basically married then, never mind that they were in each other’s wills, were their medical contacts, shared bills and checking and savings accounts. His husband had wanted a wedding, and had held off, and never asked for it, because he thought asking for it might be the one time Jiang Cheng refused him.
That precious, stupid, wonderful fucking idiot he loved with every last part of his heart and soul.
“Isn’t it a little late for the ring shopping?” Nie Huaisang asked.
Jiang Cheng probably should have brought anyone but his best friend. However, Huaisang really did have the best taste out of everyone he knew and would be honest in his opinions.
“It’s a gesture,” he said.
“You’re going to make him cry,” Huaisang said. “Niagara Falls cry.”
“He’s not going to cry,” Jiang Cheng said, knowing there was a good chance Xichen was absolutely going to cry. “Who knows? He might throw it back in my face and ask where it was nine years ago.”
Huaisang laughed behind his fan. A pastel and holographic one that somehow still looked classy. Xuanyu’s work then.
“It’s not funny,” he said.
“It is if you really think Lan Xichen would refuse any gift you ever gave him. You could probably give him pencil shards and he’d find some way to encase them in resin and make a paperweight.”
Jiang Cheng was offended on behalf of his husband, even if he could recognize some truth in those words. There was a reason though that Xichen clung on to anything that resembled love and affection, and that reason, because of that fuck-up that was his biological father, would always make Jiang Cheng’s blood boil.
“He is not that sentimental,” he said.
“Cinnamon has her own scrapbook,” Huaisang said.
She did and it was a marvelous piece of artistic work that Jiang Cheng would not hear a single word against. Wei Ying had helped Xichen make that scrapbook. It was a family tradition now.
“He’d never raised a pet before,” he said. “He wanted to keep track of everything in case there was a next time. And there was with Honey, Clove, and Ginger.”
“You two and your animals,” Huaisang said.
“You have your own pig,” Jiang Cheng said.
“And she’s glorious,” Huaisang said as he pulled him into the jewelry store.
There were too many choices and yet not enough.
Some were too plain. Some far too gaudy. Others were nice, but wouldn’t match with their platinum wedding bands. Huasiang was intrigued by one that essentially looked like a watch band, but they both dismissed it for Xichen.
Xichen was elegant, not flashy. He didn’t want, wouldn’t want, a cluster of diamonds or something so obvious. He’d cherish a plain band, of course, but Jiang Cheng needed this to be special. Needed to show that he’d thought about it, and he had, even if it was after the fact.
Huaisang then paused in that way that always reminded Jiang Cheng of a hunting dog who had found its prey.
“How predictable do you want to be?” he asked.
Jiang Cheng walked over to see what he found.
“I mean, it is very on brand for the both of you sentimental fools,” Huaisang said. “And I’m sure we can talk to one of their designers about possible different stones. You’ll have to pay out of the nose for natural purple diamonds, but I doubt you’d settle for amethyst.”
“Not this time,” he agreed.
“We can get this one for you too, if you’re okay with just plain old sapphires, though we might be able to get blue diamonds,” Huaisang said. “Unless you’re not--”
“Just call the designer over here,” Jiang Cheng said.
“If he ever finds out how much you’re about to drop on this,” Huaisang said.
“He won’t,” Jiang Cheng said. And he found that comment rich from a man who had built Xuanyu his own backyard skating rink as a pre-engagement present . “Besides, unlike some people I don’t drop my disposable income on Gucci Crocs.”
“They were Balenciaga,” Huaisang said. “And they almost made me as tall as you.”
“Almost,” Jiang Cheng said and reached over to pat the top of Huaisang’s head. “But not quite, Baby Spice.”
Honestly the harsh slap he got from the fan? Worth it.
Jiang Cheng was out on the encased part of the back patio. Their three dogs were with him. Sugar, still the queen, even as age had finally started to slow her down. Honey, the middle child, and far more Xichen’s dog than his. She loved Jiang Cheng too, but she followed Xichen around the house at all times and sat at the door for hours after he left. Ginger, their new puppy and the youngest of all their pets, slept in his lap.
He knew Xichen was home before his car even pulled into the drive. Honey had a habit of darting off from wherever she was resting and running to the door as soon as his car turned onto their street, and she’d just shot up from her place and plopped down in the foyer.
He carefully shifted Ginger off his lap and placed her down next to Sugar.
“Keep an eye on her,” he said, scratching the top of her head.
He found Xichen in the foyer, crouched down and hugging Honey. He leaned on the kitchen counter and watched them, his heart so full it almost stole his breath.
How did he ever get this lucky?
“So the PTA didn’t destroy you this time,” he said.
“A near thing,” Xichen said as he stood, Honey in his arms. He walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss. “Good evening, my love.”
“Hi,” Jiang Cheng said. He tilted his head towards the patio. “The rest of the canine brood is out there, but someone had to be the first to greet you.”
“Jealous?” Xichen teased.
He shrugged. “Honey can get first cuddle dibs. I always win in the end.”
Xichen kissed him again before walking out to the patio, the sweet words he used to greet the other dogs drifting back into the kitchen.
Jiang Cheng took the box he had hidden in the drawer with some of the loose kitchen utensils and joined the others on the patio. Xichen had taken over his spot, Honey on one side and Ginger in his lap.
“She’s sleeping so much more these days,” Xichen said, eyes on Sugar.
“She’s an old dame,” Jiang Cheng said. “She gets to do whatever she wants now.”
He cradled Xichen’s face in his palms, tilted his chin up for a deep, searching kiss, smiling as he tasted traces of chocolate and mint. He then slid down to his knees.
“What are you--”
He pulled out the ring box.
“--doing,” Xichen said, words ending in a hush.
“I need you to know that I didn’t propose to you that first time just because I’d been faced with the reality that you’d been proposing to me since months into our relationship. I need you to know that I didn’t agree to our wedding just because it was something you wanted. I need you to know that I’ve considered us forever since the first time I left the pets here, in your care, trusting you with all the things I love and hold dear. I need you to know that if you had asked me, at any point, to marry you in words and gestures I understood, I would have always said yes. Without hesitation. That you are the only one--will ever be the only one--for me.”
He opened the box. A platinum band with five purple diamonds spaced throughout the ring. His own had five sapphires. Combined for the ten years they’d been together.
“So this is late, and I’m forever an asshole because of it--because I didn’t see it when you needed it--and even though we already are, will you marry me?”
“Get up here right now,” Xichen ordered.
“The rings.”
“Right now.”
There were tears in his eyes and his hand did tremble just like it had on their wedding day, but he was laughing too, just like he had then. And Jiang Cheng knew he wasn’t much better, held tight in Xichen’s arms as soft kisses were placed over and over again along his hairline, his ear, his cheek.
“Yes,” Xichen finally said. “Forever yes.”
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seouledbysisi · 4 years
Something New
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Chapter 21
Jae pulled up into a large apartment complex. He killed the engine and grabbed Sasha’s hand to kissit gently.
She looked around her surroundings. She felt a bit on edge. It had been a silent drive & he insisted on surprising her with something. Surprises gave her anxiety.
“Who lives here?” She raised an eyebrow. “I’m not really in the mood for company.” Sasha sighed.
Jae chuckled lightly. “Well get in the mood.” He opened the drivers side & hurried around to catch the door for her. “Stop pouting and come on!”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s just amazing to me that you’ve been hella busy for two weeks straight. We’ve barely seen each other yet you want to bring me to some random person’s house to hang out. Shouldn’t this day be about me since you finally have the time?”
Jae cleared his throat. He wasn’t in the mood for arguing. “Can you just please get out? I promise this will be a good day.”
She pulled the lipstick out of her purse to refresh her lips. “You owe me.”
She pushed past him as she stepped out the vehicle & walked ahead of him.
He jogged behind to catch up with her. “I can’t hold your hand?”
“You could have if you had have made this day about me. Oh well.” She crossed her arms. Sure she was being a brat but she really had missed him. He would have early mornings and late nights. By the time he’d make it to his mom’s house, they’d both be tired. And that was when he paid his mom’s house a visit.
They took the elevator up to the ninth floor.
“Let me guess this is one of your rich childhood friend’s home?” She asked with a attitude.
Jae shrugged. “I wouldn’t say rich.”
Sasha smirked. “Look at you being modest.”
The elevator dinged. Jaehyun led the way to the correct apartment.
He keyed a code in which unlocked the door.
“And why do you have the code to someone else’s apartment?” This whole day was getting weirder and weirder.
Jae simply laughed and pulled her into the apartment.
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She was amazed at the decor. Whoever lived there had great taste or paid someone else who had great taste.
“Wow!” She spinned slowly to get a good view of the entire front room. “Who lives here, Jae?”
“We do.” A familiar voice sounded from the far left near the steps.
Sasha whipped around fast to see Ivy and Johnny leaning against the stairs. “Well done Johnny!” She clapped.
Ivy giggled. “I don’t think you understand. . .”
Sasha raised an eyebrow. “How hard is it to understand that Johnny got y’all a nicer place?”
Jaehyun grabbed her hands. “Babe, this is all of our place.” He had the biggest grin on his face.
Sasha looked around the living room once again. “Huh?” She was dumbfounded.
“Me and Johnny decided that we’d invest in a home that would be big enough for all of us. There’s four bedrooms plus a den.” Jae couldn’t stop smiling. Although part of him was scared she was going to shoot this idea down.
“Our bedrooms are down here. Ours on this side and yours across there.” Ivy pointed across the living room.” “And two extra bedrooms upstairs. One for Hendrix and-“
Sasha cleared her throat. “Don’t finish that sentence because I know where you’re going with it. I’ve come to the realization that I’m not having kids and I’m finally at peace with it.”
“I just have hope for you, sis.” Ivy pulled her into a hug.
Sasha forced a smile out. “Let that dream go. Plus you’ll have more that I can love on all the time.”
Johnny began to choke. “Oh God no. Not any time soon. Henny is enough!”
Ivy slapped his chest. “We’ll have more right now if I say so!” She yelled at him.
Johnny’s eyes widened. “Yes ma’am.” He answered with sarcasm.
“So are you in?” Jae asked with hesitation.
Sasha thought for a moment. “Do I really have a choice? This ring sort of bounds me to you. I go where you go.” She giggled. “Plus this apartment is Bomb!”
Ivy squealed. “Isn’t it?! They did so good with picking it out. I was shocked.”
“Who decorated?” Sasha asked as she eyed the two men.
“Us!” Johnny & Jae both answered at the same time.
Ivy burst into laughter. “Now the truth!”
“Well we hired someone but we gave her the vision and she brought it to life.” Johnny finally admitted.
Jae smirked. “So therefore we did it.”
Sasha rubbed his face. “Sure you did, babe.”
Brianne walked the streets of Seoul, just to familiarize herself with the surroundings. She hadn’t fully decided to move there yet but she did have a couple of interviews lined up there. She figured it couldn’t hurt to check things out. She had missed her friends and maybe being closer to them would make her life better.
The sun was finally starting to set. She could smell the strong aura of fresh coffee beans being grounded. She squinted her eyes to see if she could find where the scent was coming from.
Bella Café
“Perfect!” She ran across the street to get to the entrance. It was winter so a hot cup of coffee was the perfect pair to this cold weather. As she stepped inside it wasn’t many patrons. She didn’t mind though. She just wanted to sip her coffee in peace.
“What can I get for you?” The guy at the register asked.
Brianne scanned over the menu. “I know I want some of that lemon cake, and maybe a vanilla latte?”
The guy smiled. “Cold or hot?”
“Definitely hot.” She inhaled the scent some more. She loved the way coffee made her feel. It put her in her happy place.
He gave her the total and waited for her to fetch her money out of her purse.
A male’s voiced spoke in korean from behind her as she noticed him hand the cashier a credit card.
Brianne turned around slowly. She knew the voice but thought maybe she was simply dreaming. “Taeil?” She whispered almost praying that he didn’t hear it.
He gave her his pure smile. “In the flesh.”
She was stunned. He looked the same. Nothing had changed. Still as handsome as she remembered. Still as sweet and humble as she remembered. Emotions began to crash into her like a bowling ball searching for pins.
“Shall we sit? Or are you leaving?” He asked with that same smile.
She wondered how in the world could he smile at her the way he was when she had shattered his heart years ago. “S-sure.” She grabbed her cake and drink and took a seat in a far corner.
“You must be visiting the girls?” He asked.
Bri took a deep breath. “Sort of. I also have interviews here. I’m contemplating on moving here.”
Taeil nodded and looked away. “It’s funny. I wanted you to come here with me and nothing worked. Now years later you’re here. It’s just funny.” His voice trembled a bit.
Brianne sipped her coffee. “I’m not the same girl I was back then. I was selfish.” She admitted.
He shrugged her statement off. “I get it. You wanted to live your life. . .without me.”
“I needed to live my life without you.” She voiced. “I know that sounds cruel but I needed to know who I was without anyone. I went from being in love with my best friend to realizing he would never love me the way I needed him to. Then he fell for my close friend and then you came along and pieced me partially back together but it wasn’t enough. I needed to find myself, and love me before I could let anyone else do it.”
Taeil seemed a bit taken back. “You were in love with Jaehyun? I never knew.”
“We grew up together and he always protected me so I guess over time I grew emotionally attached so when he left out of nowhere it was hard for me to cope; and when he came back it was even harder because he giving Sasha all the attention & I felt like he’d left me in his past.” Bri admitted. “Senior year was hard for me. I know I never said it but I felt it.”
Taeil stared at her for a moment. “Well every year after that has been hard for me. I’m glad you found yourself though.” He stood to leave.
Bri caught his arm. “I don’t want you to leave like this.” She wiped the tears from her face.
“You don’t need me. It’s time that I accept it.”
She shook her head. “I didn’t tell you all of that for you to feel neglected or useless in my life. I told you that because you needed to know the truth. If I hadn’t have experienced life without you, I wouldn’t understand how precious life is with you, Taeil.”
His eyes were glistening from years threatening to escape. He covered his face.
She pulled him into a hug. “Believe me I’ve missed you, Taeil.”
“For what it’s worth, I am glad you’re doing well for yourself.” He rubbed her shoulder softly.
She gave him a small smile. “Thank you. Let’s not go years without speaking again.”
He simply nodded.
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She tossed and turned all night. She had broke out in a cold sweat. Her stomach felt sick all of a sudden. Had to have been that takeout from earlier. She ran to the bathroom and sat in front of the toilet. Her stomach was turning flips.
Jaehyun rolled over & noticed that the bed was empty on her side. “Babe?” He called out in a groggy tone.
She whined a bit. “Jae do you have anything for an upset stomach?”
He jumped out of bed quickly. “Ginger ale?” He sang thru the closed door.
She pulled herself off the floor and opened the bathroom door. “Will you fix me some?”
“Of course!” He rushed out the room.
Her phone pinged. It was a notification from her period tracker app.
Did you forget to input your period?
Your period is seven days late.
She stared at the screen for what seemed like forever.
Jae stood over her reaching the glass out to her. “Babe, you good?” The expression on her face was as if she’d seen a ghost.
She simply nodded in silence.
The end
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Here I Go Again! (Group Fic) - Epilogue - pureCAMP
A/N - important notice!! there is some smutty smutty smut smut in this, but i didnt write it!! plz send ur love to citrus aka @pianowired bc she wrote it and its absolutely excellent. plz enjoy! (and let me know if a part 2 is needed! <3)
Raja had seen a lot of action, in her time, both for her friends and for herself. She remembered her first was skinny and scrawny as most fifteen year olds are, and he hadn’t impressed her.  He was too excited to actually be inside a girl, and barely lasted two minutes. Of course, she’d told her girls all about it, how it wasn’t really worth the hype, but still worth trying.
  Then was her second, around her sixteenth birthday, and if she remembered correctly, Jinkx had gotten laid that night too. Her ginger friend had admitted that she could barely look the nameless girl in the eye when she awoke, but had enjoyed it nevertheless. In the meantime, they teased Sharon about her chastity, despite it not being her choice. The poor girl was convinced her religious mother had eyes everywhere, and she wasn’t too far from the truth. Whenever the three got up to no good, there always seemed to be someone to report back to Sharon’s mother and get her into trouble.
  For the next two years, Raja lived her life as a hoe and was thoroughly enjoying it. Her experiences ranged from poor to… satisfactory, at best, and she detailed each one to her girls, occasionally expressing her sympathy for Sharon. It wasn’t from lack of interest or trying, bless her, but her mother’s insistence on wearing that damn cross around her neck every day tended to keep boys away. Which was, of course, what the religious old trout wanted it to do.
  Both herself and Jinkx applauded Sharon when she dropped out of high school, all three of them knowing she’d fail regardless, and started to rebel a little more. Their music group was the perfect opportunity to do that - to dress up fashionably, ditch all religious memorabilia and dance away from her mother’s prying eyes. The island a little way off the mainland was their solace, and a great place to pick up boys.
  Around the summer, things changed. Their performances began to bring in more customers to the little tavern, resulting in more ‘fans’ and more guys and girls for Raja and Jinkx to have fun with. One night, she remembered seeing a young guy in the crowd, around their age, watching the show. Normally, Raja would’ve jumped him as soon as the set was over, but his eyes were on Sharon, and Sharon’s eyes were on him, and if this was her friend’s chance to get laid before she turned eighteen, then she’d have to let it happen.
  It was so much more than that in the end. Sharon, now glowing with this new life, detailed all of her experiences to them with her eyes shining. She didn’t retell the stories like Raja did, mentioning the rough movements and emotional detachment from the whole thing. It seemed as though she loved him. Of course, she told them all about going rough and hard and fast, but it always seemed to end with cuddling, with kisses, with romantic walks on the beach as the sun set around them.
  So now all three of them were living the hoe life. It was fun, but it didn’t last.
  After Justin left, Sharon became solitary. She was never around in the daytime like she normally would be, to laugh with Raja and Jinkx and listen to stories and just have fun. Raja shared with Jinkx and Jinkx shared with Raja, and they only saw her when they were performing and a few times in between. She seemed distant.
  Looking back, Raja knew now that it was because her sly dog of a once religious virgin friend had in fact been sneaking off to have rebound flings with two other guys in order to cope with her heartbreak. Back then, they’d just assumed she wanted to be alone.
  So, to cut a long story short, the last of their group to lose her virginity, and the first of the group to ever be in love with someone she’d had sex with, had fallen pregnant. For a good year after the news was revealed to them - through a skin-tight costume that wouldn’t zip up and a tummy that seemed just a little too round to be puppy fat - the hoe life died down. Raja didn’t feel like she could just run off to find a guy and fuck him when her best friend was miserable, heartbroken, hormonal and alone. Call her selfish, but she also didn’t want to be caught in the same predicament.
  With one of her best friends then busy with a newborn, Raja got back out into the dating pool, so to speak. At twenty one, she met her first husband. He was okay-looking, really, tanned with black hair and piercing eyes. Her father paid for the wedding, and he paid for Raja’s surgeries to enhance her bust, and he didn’t fuck too badly, but his lips were larger and faker than her own, and it started to put her off a little. One and a half years later, she divorced him.
  “You paying him back for those?” Sharon had joked, tickling her then-five-year-old Trixie with one hand as she gestured at Raja’s chest with the other.
  “Oh, please.” Raja had responded. “He paid for these and they’re still not as big as yours.”
  Husband number two was a little better, but not much. He owned an international cruise line, so combining Raja’s family wealth with his was pretty luxurious. For a couple of years, she hardly saw her friends, communicating mostly through letters from wherever the cruise ship took them. It was a time of expensive face creams that contained flakes of gold, designer shoes, and world tours to places she’d never even dreamed of seeing.
  But he was boring. Rich, handsome, and oh-so-boring. His every word was a drag, he was a complete drip, and he had the personality of wet toilet paper. He had to go, and two years later he was gone.
  “Gold flakes…” Jinkx had mocked. “And what else? Donkey testicles? Mashed up goats liver? None of my girlfriends have ever cared if I look a little strange.”
  Raja had shrugged and laughed. “If I want to day drink all year round, it’s the price I have to pay.”
  “God, I haven’t day drank in forever. I haven’t night drank in forever. I’m busy being an adult whilst you guys go off and single-handedly date the entire planet.”
  Husband three had taken a while to propose, which was getting on Raja’s nerves, but other than that minor flaw he was perfect. Handsome, well-off, and just the right amount of emotionally involved. He wouldn’t cling, he wouldn’t ignore her, it was just as close to perfect as she could get. That was her happiest wedding day, even if her father had drawn the line and refused to pay for it.
  It really seemed like this one would stand the tests of time and Raja’s ever-changing nature.
  “So you’ve finally found the one?” Sharon had asked, flipping through Raja’s years of wedding photos. In each picture from each wedding, Raja had a different husband and Jinkx had a different lady-friend (she wasn’t very into commitment), but Sharon had the same plus one - her daughter. It was no secret that her days of dating and sex seemed to be over already. She never expressed the feeling, but Raja could tell that it hurt her a little.
  “I hope so. You think your man is waiting for you somewhere?” Raja had replied.
  Sharon laughed mirthlessly. “Yeah, he’s out there.” She’d said bitterly. “With someone else, telling her she’s his soulmate.”
  It really did last. Eleven years they were married, and Raja was pretty content. But it seemed that all good things came to an end, whether she wanted them to or not.
  Truthfully, it was her fault. He was kind and sweet and he wanted to be a father. Raja, having intimately witnessed a pregnancy, the birth and watched the child grow up, didn’t want to be a mother. Of course it was magical for Sharon, and she’d never bash her friend for her decision - not after so fiercely defending her to people, even all these years later. Besides, she knew it would be different for her than it had been for Sharon, considering she was thirty six, twice the age that Sharon had been, but she was still put off. She’d never wanted children anyway, and the whole process freaked her out. For others, she was supportive. For herself, she was an inch away from disgusted.
  It was just one of those differences that tears people apart. Their arrangement was no longer working, not really.
  The divorce was a painful one. As she sobbed into Sharon’s chest, Jinkx awkwardly rubbing her back, it seemed to hit her at once that her friend was something of a superhero. Now that she was experiencing heartbreak, she finally understood what Sharon had been through and how hard it must’ve been to carry on. Yet the way she so expertly comforted her showed just how incredible of a mother she’d been, and how she’d relaxed into the role and learned exactly what to do.
  Last time Raja had checked, even though she swore she wasn’t going to, his new wife - blonde, pretty, the works - was six months pregnant. Fine, that was fine. He’d moved on. Raja moved on too.
  Her tricks were getting younger, truth be told. In recent years, the younger men had become even more open about their admiration for older ladies, and whilst Raja was in no way old, she appreciated the attention. With a little bit of Botox, she was pretty much the young man’s dream.
  Still, hooking up with one of Sharon’s hotel slaves, as she so affectionately had nicknamed them, felt a little strange. Karl had told her that he was twenty one, so at the very least he was older than Trixie.
  Admittedly, he was one of the better ones. He wasn’t disgustingly hairy, like some men who tried to approach her, but he also wasn’t pre-pubescent and hairless. Clean shaven, the way she liked it. He was fairly muscular, Filipino, and had a strange streak of blonde in his dark hair. Whether that was a fashion of the youth or not, she didn’t care. Raja still tugged on it in bed with him after the hen party had been infiltrated by the stag do.
  He was skilled enough that, the next morning when Raja crept away so that she didn’t have to sleep besides him any longer, she simply went to beach and lay out in the sun to relax. Her energy was somewhat spent and she needed the ache to subside before she got ready for the wedding.
  “Hey, babe.”
  Raja didn’t even bother opening her eyes. “Babe?”
  Karl lay down next to her, getting sand on the beach towel. “You heard me. I called you babe.”
  “Oh, lord.” Raja scoffed. “Babe indeed. I could be your mother, near enough. Speaking of, where is she? Does she know you’re out?”
  Karl rolled his eyes. “You can’t ignore the chemistry between us, Raj. I know you feel it. I know you felt it last night.”
  He smiled, blindingly white teeth flashing in her direction. Raja hadn’t seen teeth that white since she’d flown out to the clinic to pay for a whitening herself.
  “You’re so cute,” She teased, watching how he tried and failed to compose himself. “I know what you want, sweetcheeks. But you’re playing with fire, and your fingers are gonna get burnt.”
  Karl seemed unfazed. “What if I’d walk through fire for you? What if I’m fireproof?”
  Raja laughed, surprised at his persistence. “I like your style, kid. Just make sure you let your mother know that you’re out, honey.”
  In one smooth motion, Karl rolled over so he was positioned above Raja, kissing along the marked spots on her neck and collarbone. He might’ve been young, but he smelled like sea-salt and he tasted like honey and he sent waves of fire rolling through her body. In all honesty, he was the first to actually make Raja feel young again. Like any minute now she’d be caught, messing around in the sand with a guy she knew almost nothing about. It was thrilling, but she couldn’t exactly let him win.
  “Nice try,” Raja breathed, flipping him over. “Take it easy, slow down. That’s no way to go, now is it?”
  Pinned underneath her, Karl smiled wickedly. “I don’t suppose you wanna show me how it should be done, then?”
  Raja considered it. She could teach him a few new tricks, that would be fun. Combining the young man’s stamina with the older woman’s expertise would definitely, definitely be fun. But on the other hand, they had all the time in the world. It wasn’t like Raja had a stuffy old husband to go home to anymore - she didn’t have anyone waiting for her. Right now, the only person who wanted her attention was Karl, and he seemed happy to wait.
  Besides; she had a wedding to get ready for. She’d wasted enough precious time fooling around in the sand. If she was going to look suitable for this wedding, she needed to start getting ready early. Plus, Sharon would throw an absolute fit if she knew that Raja was distracting one of her hotel slaves.
  “Meet me after the wedding reception.” Raja told him, extending a long, tan leg close to his face. “Maybe then I’ll dance with you.”
  Night had fallen by the time Trixie was changed, packed, and down at the docks ready to leave. Sharon had been rushing around in a flurry to ensure her daughter had everything she’d need, and then some. Call her over-protective and paranoid, but her little girl was leaving home for the first time, going out into the world to find adventures and experiences. It would be nerve-wracking for any mother.
  Around the four of them, a chilly sea breeze blew. The sky was inky, the sea like molten silver as the moonlight glittered off the surface. Everything was still and silent, besides the bobbing of the little boat that would be taking Trixie and Brian to the mainland. Stars twinkled high above.
  “You sure you’ve got everything?” Sharon worried, shivering on the deck. She rubbed her arms to try and warm them, and only moments later, Justin’s suit jacket had been placed over her shoulders.
  Trixie smiled, humouring her. “Yes, mom. I was sure the first time, long before you triple-checked it all.”
  Brian and Justin shared a laugh, their matching grins widening as Sharon playfully shoved them both.
  “Alright, alright. Sorry. It’s a mom thing, I guess. Worrying so much.”
  Shaking his head, Brian smiled. “Sharon, I’ll take good care of her, not that she needs it.”
  Justin chuckled. “I’m sure after being raised by you, she could take on anything.”
  “You’re probably right.” Sharon grinned. “Well. Don’t let me keep you waiting.”
  Her tone changed; quieter, a little more forlorn. It had been the most perfect day ever, and there was no denying that, but goodbyes were always difficult. Sharon’s last goodbye had been tinged with heartbreak, and this one just felt like letting go. She’d always known, really, that the tiny baby who was lulled to sleep by her heartbeat and the gentle rocking of the chair would one day have to leave home. She herself had done it, albeit under different circumstances. Even so, as a mom, she wanted to keep Trixie wrapped up in swaddling blankets forever.
  Trixie threw her arms around her in a hug, squeezing tight the way she always did. Sharon blinked back her tears when she pulled away, offering a weak smile and leaning forwards to hug Brian, too. Her heart skipped a few beats when she noticed Trixie hugging Justin, planting a kiss on his cheek and whispering her goodbyes.
  It was like they were a real family.
  “Go, go on already!” Sharon half-joked, pushing the two lovers towards their boat and trying to ignore how choked up she felt. “God, you kids… Driving me crazy, I tell you. Go on, go and see the world.”
  Justin kissed the top of Sharon’s head and began to help Trixie and Brian loading their bags onto the boat. Before long they were waving goodbye, growing smaller and smaller in the horizon. Sharon didn’t stop waving until they were a mere dot in the distance, not visible against the night sky nor with Sharon’s rapidly-blurring vision.
  “Hey, hey… It’s okay. I’m here.” Justin’s voice was gentle, calming. He pulled Sharon against his chest, sparing her the embarrassment of crying in front of him, and soothingly rubbed her back.
  “My daughter just left home.” Sharon sniffed, muffled against his shirt. “I feel like the definition of not okay.”
  He leant down and kissed the tip of her nose, making her giggle. “I know. But she said she’ll write, and she’s so excited for this. She’s like how we used to be.”
  Justin began to walk away from the docks, one hand in Sharon’s, heading towards the taverna. “Remember? Life was so exciting. The world was this brand new place and we’d get to discover it all.”
  Sharon snorted in spite of herself. “Of course I do. But don’t you think we’re a little old for that now?”
  “Old? You make us sound like pensioners.” Justin laughed. “Babe, we’re both thirty eight. Not even forty yet. That’s not old. Some people call it the prime years.”
  He nudged his wife suggestively, to which she burst out laughing. “Uh huh, sure. You really think we’re better now than we were twenty years ago? I’m saggier, fatter, wrinklier… the list goes on.”
  “You’re so stupid. I don’t see any of that.” Justin defended her, squeezing her hand. “You’re curvy, you’re beautiful… you still have those slutty lips that I love.”
  Sharon gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, acting scandalized. “Slutty lips?! And you call yourself a gentleman?!”
  Justin shrugged. “So you’re saying that when we fuck, it won’t be as good as it used to be? You’re not slutty anymore?”
  “No! I’m not saying that!”
  “You sure?”
  “I don’t know, it sounds like that’s what you’re saying.”
  “It won’t be worse! It’ll be better!”
  “Prove it.”
  The challenging gleam in Justin’s eyes sent waves of heat rolling through Sharon’s body. Fuck, she’d missed him. The taunts, the teasing, the dirty talk and the mischievous behaviour. It was ridiculous that she could still feel like she was eighteen even now, just being in his presence. He hadn’t changed a bit, and he was making her run wild.
  “We’re not going to make it to my house, are we?” Sharon asked, half-joking, half-sultry and narrow-eyed.
  Justin’s face was a picture of bliss. “Mmm… I don’t think so. But hey, I see our cabin is still standing. Maybe we should re-acquaint ourselves.”
  Sharon shook her head, laughing. “You… you’re the reason I’m so bad. Cabin it is, before I fucking explode.”
The two of them all but ran to the cabin, Justin’s arms flying to Sharon’s waist as she kicked the door closed. As soon as they were alone he kissed her, and it was everything and nothing like she remembered. It was the same passion, the same fire, but his soft lips were accompanied by scratchy stubble and his arms were stronger and more defined than they’d been twenty years ago.
  “Bed,” Sharon demanded as she broke the kiss, pulling Justin across the cabin and into the small, doorless bedroom. The bed was decently sized, fitted with clean white sheets that told Justin that Sharon had been taking care of the cabin even after all this time. He kissed her again, laying her down on the bed and slotting a leg between her thighs as her tongue dipped into his mouth.
  “Told you I love these slutty lips,” he mumbled against her mouth, hands pushing her skirt up her hips. Sharon chuckled, unbuttoning Justin’s shirt and shoving it off his shoulders before trailing a hand down his chest. He was softer than he’d been before, no longer skinny and gangly, and he shivered under her touch after twenty years of deprivation.
  “You’ve certainly aged better than I have,” Sharon grinned as he tossed his hair in mock vanity.
  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe, you don’t look a day over twenty-five.”
  Sharon scoffed. “Sure.”
  “I mean it,” he insisted, moving the top of her dress down too so that the garment was bunched around her waist. “You’re gorgeous no matter how you look. Also, no bra? Really? It’s like you planned this.”
  Sharon laughed and shrugged, her giggle turning into a low moan as Justin rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. “You’ll be happy to know I decided against going commando while we sent our daughter and her boyfriend off to travel the world.”
  Justin smiled, snapping the elastic of her underwear against her hip and grinning wider when she yelped in surprise. “You’re so beautiful.”
  Sharon rolled her eyes, pulling him in for another kiss.
  “Can you cut the crap and fuck me already?” she mumbled against his lips, pulling his hands down to rest on her thighs and placing her own hands on his hips. He laughed as she cupped his growing erection through his trousers, squeezing lightly and making him groan.
  “So needy, always so needy,” he teased, shucking off his trousers while Sharon freed herself completely from her dress. She let out a low moan as his long, slender fingers teased her through the fabric of her panties, feeling her beginning to get wet from his touch. “Shh, patience, love. I’m gonna make you feel so good. Just like old times, eh?”
  “I’d say a bit different. I’m not the skinny little slip of a thing I used to be.”
  “Sharon Needles, can you stop putting yourself down for a moment and let me worship you the way you deserve? God, you’re still so stubborn.” Sharon nearly protested, but then Justin’s fingers were pushing her underwear aside and grazing over her folds, and she could only let out a soft moan. “That shut you up, huh?”
  “Shut up and fuck me,” Sharon demanded, pushing his hand away and her panties down with it. Justin shot her one of those stupidly adorable grins of his as he slid out of his own underwear and kissed at her jaw and neck again. “Jesus, babe, age made you slow.”
  “If you want to get fucked, you’ll stop complaining,” Justin growled softly, one hand squeezing lightly at the sides of her throat. Sharon felt another rush of heat pass through her body; she’d always been a sucker for Justin showing dominance, and it seemed as though nothing much had changed in the two decades they’d been apart. His hand moved to rest at the base of her throat, barely even touching her, and she raised an eyebrow.
  “You’ve still got it,” she said appreciatively. “Thought you might.”
  “Course I do,” Justin replied, sliding his hand down her body to spread her open and press a finger into her, making her whine. “You drive me crazy, Sharon.”
  “More, Justin,” she complained, arching up into his touch as he added a second finger and his thumb found her sensitive bud. “Christ, fuck me. I’ve waited long enough.”
  “We both have,” Justin agreed as he drew his fingers out of her and lined up with her entrance. “You sure you don’t wanna change positions?”
  “It’s not gonna do my back any favors,” she answered. “Told you I wasn’t the kid I used to be.”
  “Shush,” Justin bade her, running his thumb across her lower lip and gazing into her eyes with so much love she thought she might melt. She hadn’t seen him look at her like that in all their years apart, and if she was telling the truth, no one could ever fill the gap Justin had left in her life. But he was here now, his hands on her thighs, his lips on her lips, and oh, how Sharon had missed him. He was hot and hard against her, and when he pressed just past her entrance she sighed.
  “More, baby,” she encouraged, pulling him down by the shoulders to kiss the corner of his mouth.
  “You sure, love? It’s been a long time and I-”
  “I’m sure,” Sharon promised, all but a whisper against his skin. He pushed a little further, and Sharon’s back arched to take him deeper into her warmth, kissing him deep and hard. She didn’t stop until his hips were flush against hers and he was buried inside her completely, and he panted against her neck as they both adjusted to the sensations wracking their bodies.
  “You… oh, Sharon, you feel so good,” Justin groaned, gasping when she clenched around him with a smirk. When he rolled his hips, she whimpered loudly, kissing him desperately.
  “I’ve been desperate to have your cock inside me for the last twenty years,” she mumbled roughly, “Memories are never as good as the real thing. I’ve never- fuck– I’ve never been this full.”
  “No one else,” Justin promised as he withdrew a few inches before pushing back in, making Sharon gasp. “No one else can do it like you, babe. No one else can take it like you.”
  “Please, baby,” she begged as he began to increase the pace and depth of his thrusts, his grip on her hips so tight she was sure there would be bruises later. “Fuck, J-Justin…” Justin was perfection, he always had been; he filled her so completely and took her apart effortlessly, making her feel like she was coming apart at the seams and melting into the mattress. She didn’t know his history after he’d left the island– there would be time for that later –but there was no doubt that he’d only grown more skilled with age. It was like he could see right through her and into the place where she kept her deepest desires; every single thrust was perfect, his steady rhythm sending waves of pleasure through her body unlike anything she’d experienced since their last time together. He knew exactly what she wanted, what she needed, and he kissed her with all the passion and sweetness of a first love that had never really faded.
  Desire coursed through Sharon like a wildfire, igniting every nerve in her body and setting her alight with pleasure. She could tell Justin was nearing the edge from the way that his hips began to stutter slightly, but he was doing an astounding job of keeping his steady pace. Sharon pulled her legs to her chest, changing the angle and allowing him to move even deeper inside her, speeding up and fucking her harder and faster. The bed rocked against the wall of the cabin as Justin lost his controlled rhythm and gave into his body, letting Sharon pull him down for a kiss as his hips slammed against her soft thighs.
  Sharon came first, a hoarse shout of ecstasy leaving her lips as every single thrust of Justin’s hips allowed him to ram against the spot deep inside her that made her see stars. Her nails raked down his back as she threw her head back and sobbed with the sheer pleasure of it all, drawing a hiss from Justin and resulting in him planting sloppy kisses all over her mouth like a teenager with poor aim. He finished with a rough cry of “Sharon,” and a final snap of his hips, coming deep and hard inside her and all but collapsing on her chest. The two of them lay like that for several moments, completely spent and trying to catch their breath, and Sharon’s lips lingered against Justin’s cheek, her fingers running over the angry red marks she’d created on his skin.
  “I’m sorry about that,” she chuckled, “I guess you really do make me feel young again.” Justin let out a breathless laugh at that, carefully pulling out of her and moving to collapse on the bed beside her. She nestled herself into his arms, slotting her thigh between his legs.
  “Just like old times, mm?”
  “Just like the good old days,” Sharon agreed teasingly. “I have to admit, I didn’t think you’d be able to do better than we used to. I’m impressed.”
  Justin smiled lazily, shifting slightly and kissing Sharon’s cheek. “Wanna know what pushed me over the edge?”
  “Sure,” she laughed, “But proceed with caution.”
  “I was thinking about how beautiful you looked under me, and then I just had the thought pop into my head that wow, that’s my wife. You’re my wife.”
  Sharon let out an airy laugh, snuggling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. “Mhmm,” she hummed contentedly, “Never thought I’d see the day.”
  “I love you.”
  “I love you too, baby.”
  Justin wasn’t an idiot.
  For his first move after the wedding, he’d told Sharon in no uncertain terms that she needed a break. After all, he’d witnessed how frantic she was for the few days that he’d been on the island. He could’ve sworn that she didn’t sleep, eat or relax at any point, just work work work. She needed a break, some time off.
  Of course, time had slightly altered his memories of just how stubborn she was. There was no way she was going to be leaving her hotel, not a chance in Heaven or Hell. She’d put her foot down and that was it, decision made.
  Only Justin wasn’t that much of a pushover, and so began their at-home honeymoon. The young men, guided by Raja and Jinkx, were in charge of the hotel for a while, whilst Sharon and Justin roamed around the island, enjoying their time together.
  It was nice to watch her relax, really. In the sunlight, with her hair cascading down her back rather than tied up, and her face smooth rather than pinched with stress, she could’ve passed for eighteen again. He’d forgotten just how captivating her eyes were, a deeper blue than any expanse of ocean they could see. He’d forgotten how funny her laugh was, the utter cackle that came out of her. He’d forgotten the beauty in her smile.
  Really, he could spend all day listing off the beautiful things that he started to remember during their at-home honeymoon, but Sharon wouldn’t give him the chance. She was as needy and desperate as the day they’d met, and he certainly wasn’t complaining.
  It wasn’t all sex, though. Sometimes they both needed a break, and they had twenty one years of talking to do.
  “Jinkx took this, about two hours after I gave birth. Look at her tiny little fist around my finger.” Sharon held up the photo so Justin could see. Heart squeezing, he wrapped his arms around his wife even tighter.
  “I can’t believe I never knew about all this.” He replied, refusing to take his eyes off his then-newborn daughter. “She looks so much like you.”
  Sharon chuckled. “She always did. I miss her so much.”
  That day, Sharon had taken Justin on her proper tour of her tiny home. He already knew what the rooms looked like, having stayed there since the wedding, but she took him around to the lumps and bumps and chips and cracks, naming each one as incidents that had happened when Trixie was little - all the parts of their lives that he’d missed. Now, he saw the house in a whole new light, full of life and memories and little remnants of the past.
  “This one is sweet.” Justin picked up another of the photos spread across Sharon’s - their - bed. “How old is she here?”
  The photo showed Trixie, cheesing at the camera from her perch on Sharon’s shoulders. Her blonde hair was in two plaits, with a pink cowboy hat on her head and a blue princess dress. Sharon was giggling up at her daughter, seemingly unaware that the photo was being taken, in a summer dress that matched Trixie’s.
  Sharon studied it, smiling faintly, then flipped it over. On the back, almost illegible writing read ‘Princess Trixabelle Parton (3) and Mama Sharon (21) go on an adventure to the marketplace to find some lunch (MS) and defeat some evil (PTP).’
  “Those were the days.” She murmured, biting her lip. “I used to wonder how different my life would be without having Trixie, but she made everything better. I’m sure drinking at twenty one is fun, but playing with Princess Trixabelle Parton was fun too. There’s no comparison.”
  Justin kissed her forehead. “God, you’re fucking magical, you know that?”
  Sharon’s eyes were bright with unshed tears, which she dabbed at in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent them from falling. In spite of herself, she giggled a little.
  “I can’t believe she’s all gr-grown up, I still worry about her so much. She better send me another letter soon.” She paused. “I really miss these days.”
  Unable to stand the sight of her tears, Justin pulled Sharon closer and closer until her face was buried in his chest yet again. Once he could feel her sobs gently deteriorating into laughter, he pulled her away and tucked the photo into his pocket.
  “I’ll tell you what. We should go on our own market adventure today. Let’s buy something weird and make a day of it. We could even take a boat to the mainland and see if Trixie’s sent anything for us. I asked the guy on the boat when he gave you the letter last week, and he said that he’s happy to pass on letters but we’ll have to collect any parcels for ourselves.”
  Sharon considered him. “You know what… that sounds nice! I’ll get dressed, hold on.”
  In a matter of moments, she’d removed her pyjama top with an extravagant flourish, causing Justin to burst into laughter.
  “I swear I’ve put weight on, this is your fault.” She balled the shirt up and threw it at Justin’s head, childishly blowing raspberries at him when he ducked and missed it. “Look at me!”
  She poked her stomach, puffing her cheeks out. Rolling his eyes, Justin threw her shirt back.
  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Put some clothes on, nympho.”
  Sharon laughed appreciatively. “Fair, fair. Do you think we could skip the market, though? Recently the smell of all the fish has been making me really nauseous, and I don’t wanna throw up on you in that shirt. You look good in that shirt.”
  It wasn’t long after their day out that Justin started to suspect. Of course, he’d never blindly say a thing out loud, for fear of castration via kitchen knives, but he was definitely beginning to notice a few telling changes, even if Sharon wasn’t. The nausea, for example. The breath-taking way she’d started to fill her clothes.
  In fact, he tried to mention it to her once. She was having none of it.
  “Nope. Where did you get that from?”
  “I just thought maybe-”
  “You’re crazy, Justin. I love you, but you’re crazy.”
  “I mean, we have been-”
  “It’s just not realistic, babe!”
  “It’s possible, I guess I just-”
  “Possible? At my age?”
  “You’re not old! In fact, you’re perfectly-”
  “You’re off your head, babe. I think the sea salt is getting to your brain.”
  “But don’t you think-”
  “Nah, it can’t be. Justin, I’m not pregnant.”
  So they dropped the subject. She wasn’t, because Justin was clearly crazy and seeing things that weren’t there. She continued to deny it even when he hadn’t brought it up, which made him laugh. Justin knew Sharon wasn’t exactly… bright. Eventually she’d catch on.
  ‘Eventually’ turned out to be a week from their debate. Justin was sprawled across the bed, half-asleep in sweatpants and a face-mask that she’d insisted they both try. He was forced awake as the bathroom door slammed open, revealing a distressed Sharon with a mouthful of toothpaste foam, a toothbrush in one hand and a pregnancy test in the other.
  “‘Ow did thi’ ‘appen?” She managed to say, leaning into the sink to spit and then returning. “How?!”
  Justin shrugged. “I guess someone decided that the best way to clean your teeth is with a little brush on the end of a stick, so you can really get in there and scrub.”
  Sharon dropped the toothbrush. “Not that, doofus. This!”
  “Did… Did you forget that we’ve been having like… a lot of sex?” Justin tried.
  She shook her head. “Well, of course not.”
  “And the fact that we ran out of condoms within a week?”
  “And that when I told you, you said it didn’t matter and we didn’t need any more?”
  “Well… that’ll be why.”
  Justin watched Sharon’s face, trying to gauge her feelings. She was almost impossible to read sometimes, what with years of hiding her feelings under her belt. He decided to tread carefully, pushing down the rising excitement that he felt inside him.
  “But… we’re old!” She protested. “I really didn’t think this could happen, if I’m honest.”
  Smiling gently, Justin beckoned her to come and lay on the bed with him. The sun was just starting to set, and as she nestled into his arms, golden sunlight filtered through the window and made patterns on the wall. Sharon kept staring at the test in her hand, encompassed by Justin’s warmth.
  “How do you feel about this?” He whispered.
  Sharon swallowed. “It’s… unexpected. How… how do you feel?”
  “I feel amazing.” He admitted quietly, his heart softening as Sharon smiled. “I can be here for you this time, every step of the way.”
  He placed his hand on top of Sharon’s, both of them on her stomach. For a few, peaceful moments, they lay there in silence.
  Sharon was first to break it. “God, I can’t believe those bitches were right. It’s like Raja and Jinkx can predict the fucking future.”
  Justin laughed. “Well. As I’m sure you’ll remember, I’m in if you’re in.”
  The nostalgia registered on Sharon’s face instantly. The first time they’d met - all those years ago - the two of them said it a lot. When faced with a freezing cold plunge pool and no clothes, Justin simply shrugged “I’m in if you’re in.” When coming up with a plan to cause some minor havoc, the two of them in pain from laughing so hard, Sharon managed “I’m in if you’re in!”
  It had been years since either of them had said or even heard those words.
  “I’m in.”
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
/ first love / things of first love / looking on my parents as my first love / who looked on me as her first love / (but) "My Greatest Love' / commitment to truth about love / minjung theology / "total christology" - / returning love to the first love and greatest love (john 3:16) / "The Roommate" - Westfield (NJ) Snow - the Kim brothers - Trader Joe's - Zegna shirtmaker(?) - Tracy Espiritu - "The Faces on the Heights" (2008) - from social media, my governor's school friends, Mona (Monna?) Yao I never met, who made Chingwen stop hating Shanghainese, ECE girl from RU GSE (Graduate School of Education not Governor's School of Environment) - very black eyes - She wanted to buy the Minnie Mouse dress from the Disney Store - Jessie Lee, he drinks a diet coke then goes running - "California" is a frisbee play I thought only I know - Jessie wanted to be my friend or so b/c my brother is excellent - "That play is called California [dumb----] - Always California is a Law School Discussion person whose essay I told her what she meant / where she was going with her past-future but nowadays Millennials etc. can actually form a face-intent without finding themselves first and go forward forever instead of "whatever shrapnel in my back pocket could afford" or people who try to base their plans on available resources instead of aiming then looking for resources / materials.  Jessie told Lydia Han "Take care of yourself" - She was playing DDR at Fusion Ti and not talking to me - I don't remember her last words to me - They were making noodles in Edison - / what did i ever do that was not writing about my friends / alden's vanilla bean ice cream (maria / change mind), 2 everything bagels davidovich, earlier a few ginger coconut candies from h-mart but made in china, coconut oil for brain, MiO energy thing Acai Berry and Ginseng, earlier 8th continent soy milk thing, almond silk, spanish mixed nuts, 7 almonds (obama?) - i had more - avocado butter - drinking canola oil - californian olive oil burns - i have a cold sore - i can't have canned tomatoes anymore - 183 pounds AHC "All His Children" / my password used to be for tassadaromega... canisexmachina... then I changed to impluveam impluveam11 impluveam11et - jaeyoung's son "fullness" - a glass of white wine at centraal the full measure of god's spirit (sauvignon) - mushroom soup i didn't touch - Why did I not follow through on what was demanded not to talk a word with him - the beginning of "Stepfather" - It is clean at the Food Court at Mayfair Mall  - I feel powerless and pure - I will read the paper with you and explain why you should not take "Parasite" as a Gospel message about what has to happen, or... but it is easy for me to promise 'strong benevolence' is better than immediate economic justice or - In my first dream of "Searching For Towards the Eastern Empire" "lily Sarah" moved with her baby wrapped swaddled in light dove gray right to left through the woods to the field / meadow, in a cool spring or so, now past a frozen lake through the colors of "Elizabeth's Nightgown" or the summer colors of 2012 2021 left to right, the whole procession, carrying lanterns too, a bit like Caspar David Friedrich colors and a bit like that frozen lake out in the suburbs of Madison where Nikki called me and the phone vibrated on my heart to tell me Chi Hye tried to call me on Valentine's Day night - I called her - I forget - someone's phone ran out of batteries - the next day we got (?) at (?) Japanese "I really want to eat rice" - and a bit like "Fantasia Night on Bald Mountain" - the procession of the Saints with the lanterns, "we all of us."  The rainy cliff, the Korean refugees(?).  The image from "The Admiral" where the civilians flag Yi Sunshin from the cliffside shore.  In my 645 rendition they are walking, the notes are like babies on their heads.  But the image of the peasants signalling to YSS in another vision are chained together and being gatling gunned which is why I say some people want to kill all Koreans.  Maybe it is because of that short from Apocalypse Now or maybe it is because of and why I named Segalchik "Danilov" from "Enemy at the Gates" the Commissar who wants to build a new world and man and whose dying words are "There will always be rich in love and poor in love," then allowed Koenig to shoot him in the head to draw him out for his "teacher only friend" because I guess enemies are enemies and friends are friends and Russians are loyal, even in failure, like how Nabokov synaesthete said "loyal is like a gold fork," and Putin doesn't forgive traitors.  Putin reminds me of Houellebecq's voice from the end of Particulaires "This book is dedicated to the human race who saw beyond themselves" - as and with the poem from the beginning, "Now that we dwell in the eternal afternoon we can revisit the end of the old world order" - and in the end "the medieval grace and sin" - "ontology of states not space" - I still remember the bruised skin on the cover, which would come from limited beatings or a certain kind of holding sex - My favorite Houellecq poem is "Liquid Birth" from "Art of Struggle" - "This world has never been written of" - It makes me cry like thinking about Kendi's beauty - "It's there, at least possible." - What's Macron up to - He married his teacher(?) - "My thoughts are too complicated" - Putin's too - Russian elementary piano teachers hold the student's hand and split the fingers for toward cantabile - I learned the Goldbergs and the only book I'll touch anymore is Kempff's organ transcriptions with his precise description of pedaling like a certain kind of chapel organ - "Kempff played better than he could (Liszt's Saint Francis preaching to the birds) - and when he played "Berceuse" in 1946 it's like saying to Germany "Dream for a while" defeated in WW2 - He lived to be 95 - father-like.  Wilhelm Kempff is "saenggi(?)" - "Oh [Dave]."  He doesn't try to give, or make.  He just "says."  Like "the wave said what the sea broken once laboriously spoken."  That's why I say he's the best; he's one of the best pianists ever.  "Sospiro" final fioritura - I wrote "sospira" where the piano-teacher is mandatorily retired and euthanised after his best student - Arrau said relax use your soul - I drove through Indiana corn fields listening to his "Emperor Concerto" 1st movement - "Beethoven America power" - but Kempff does'nt rely on his own soul, he "waits for the Spirit of God" or "waits on the Lord' - "asks the sky."  This is why I like Stritch University Francis statue with the birds as well and Francis PP.  St Francis of Assisi from whom Michelangeli claimed to be descended and I bought Michelangeli's op 111 DVD at Seoul Arts Center at the Liszt Society concert actually married his secretary in secret or something and "loaded" pieces whereas Kempff loaded nothing, ABM offered to teach Martha Argerich who is my favorite Andante Spianato like Josephine Park but I don't think she took him up on it, he smoked, he practiced at night, his head exploded(?), he died in Lugano.  A pianist is a pianist (not a brand, franchise, go into teaching).  Jenny / Jaein said I want to be a pianist.  My first "Lullaby" was Idil Biret, IDK if the clock motif left hand is 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 1 2 3 4 5 ().  A steady lake lapping, not a clock.  In "Being Kim Poor" Krystal Jung fell asleep in the rowboat on the lake in Switzerland after the wedding in the chateau and trying to eat / hang out with the caterers.  KP is an ex-soldier, her bodyguard, his friend is a Southerner like those Blackwater / Academi types who got rich quitting SF gov't to do contracting but Paul / Poor won't really.  I thought about Sunny something something cyber stalkers in Whitefish Bay walking up the hill where I also listened to Fifth Season SSWFL later and in the neighborhood of the Obergefell blackout.  "Free firewood" a chopped-up desk - am I an "afterburner" for having a desk and "free."  
The original love-truth-faith-promise.  The Minjung Theology book is "whiteness-words," holiness.  
I feel like I almost arrived all in one piece for a while.  I put on my white shirt.  I weighed 160(?).  The caseworker said she couldn't imagine me another weight.  Pop was writing letters to the caseworker.  I recommended "Whisper of the Heart" to for her son.  
Now I feel like Hananim / God will let 300 saints die young so one sinner can be saved.  "I was born in 1970" - I thought she meant "I became an angel in 1970" maybe.  
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deadmen-tell-tales · 5 years
The Devil’s Proposal
I spent my nights singing at a seedy lounge near the shore. It wasn’t the nicest establishment, and the pay wasn’t the greatest, but it was near the sea. I would show up early to work and sit in the parking lot with the windows of my old, beat-up Mustang rolled down. I’d bask in the sounds of the waves lapping at the sand – trying to swallow up the continent. There would be the murmurs of people as the passed by – strolling along the beach – enjoying the last remaining rays of light. It wouldn’t be long until the sun was swallowed up by the sea – sending the world into darkness. Gulls would squawk as they fought over scraps and crumbs left by careless beachgoers. Even their shrill cries stirred my soul as they were signs that I was close – close to the water’s edge.
My mother always told me that I had always been like a fish out of water – always trying to return to the ocean. Even when it was far out of reach, my heart would be soothed by being submerged in a tub or a pool. I’ve heard the countless childhood stories on how my mother would have to draw me a bath to calm my frequent fits of sorrow or rage. Even as I got older, she and my father wound up splurging on a proper pool for the backyard since I loved to swim so much. She would tease me, saying that if I was born with red hair, I could easily be mistaken for the little mermaid, Ariel.
Swimming wasn’t the only thing I had in common with the princess. I had the voice of an angel, or so I was often told – usually by family and friends. There seemed to be some truth in that. I was given numerous solos throughout my choir and ensemble career. My voice had a knack for drawing people in and leaving them speechless. With a voice like this, I’ve been told to join the entertainment industry. It was an intriguing idea and not without its merits – but my heart could never leave this quiet little seaside town. Just as my voice draws people in, so does the see to my heart. It’s that same feeling that keeps me here.
However, this hidden town is not without its rewards. This hidden gem of a place is a resting stop for tourists and travelers. It’s brought many men my way enthralled by my voice. Some were scouts who wanted to whisk me away with the promises of untold fame and fortune in L.A., while others swore to me their hearts and their livelihood. Tall men, short men, rich men, poor men. Blonds, brunets, gingers, and more. However, despite their desperate attempts at wooing me and trying to win my heart, none of them could understand me. They loved my voice but ignored my heart’s greatest desire – the sea – so one by one they left, dejected.
As I walked onto the stage and pulled my lips to microphone to spend yet another night singing my heart out for the melancholy, the drunk, and the lonely, a shiver ran up my spine. My words got caught in my throat as the music began to play. A half-beat played before I caught back up. My eyes were now scanning the room as my song began. It didn’t take long to garner the attention of the patrons, both regulars and new, unfamiliar faces. Eyes locked on me as they became entranced by my lovely siren’s call.
Throughout the night, the prickling feeling didn’t fade. People came and went, yet I couldn’t identify the source of unease. Everything seemed to be the same as any other night, so why had that feeling overwhelmed me? The thought consumed me as I made my somber amble back to my car. My feet dragged as I crossed the disheveled tarmac. My feet slowed to a stop as reached the driver's door to my car. My eyes looked out to the pitch-black sea for the last time that night. A melancholy sigh heaved out of my lungs as my hand moved with the key gripped tight to unlock my car.  
Before I could unlock it, a chilling and almost bewitching voice whispered in my ear. "Why the melancholy face, my dear." Filled with shock and fear, I spun around, eyes wide to meet a tall and mysterious stranger. He noticed my hands tremble in fear and took a silent step back. A coy smile seemed to be plastered across his face, and his eyes – his golden eyes – sparkled playfully in the moonlight. "My apologies. I didn't mean to scare you."
"Then what did you want?" My voice squeaked as the words nearly caught in my throat. An attempt to intimidate him failed which caused fear's grip to strengthen. My eyes began to dart around the parking lot in hopes of finding someone. Unfortunately, the parking lot was now empty. My car stood alone under the night sky.
"Please don't be afraid." He had to fight off a chuckle as his hand moved to push some stray strands of raven black hair back in place. "I only want to talk."
"About," I prompted quietly. I had wanted to bolster my voice, but I could only shrink away.
"Hmm..." A finger moved to hover gently above his lips as he pondered my question. Taken somewhat aback, he repositioned himself. His back hunched and one of his feet began to tap as his eyes tore away from me and locked onto the broken and craggily blacktop. As his eyes drifted away, my body relaxed – but only for a moment. His eyes lept back up to meet mine. They seemed to bore into me as a friendly smile returned to his face and his posture righted itself. "I suppose I would like to talk about you. This is how courting works, no?"
The man nodded as his hands slid into his black suit's pants' pockets. "That's right. I had heard plenty of rumors from my – let's call them employees. Quite a number have stopped by here and have been bewitched by you. Not only is your voice one that can cause a man to give his everything, but it's also enough to stir the souls of demons." His lips curled into a devilish smile at the word demons. His golden eyes flickered, and fear once again enraptured my body. Too scared to even tremble, I stood there and waited for him to continue. "I have encountered many of your kind before, but never have I met one with a voice quite as gracious and moving as yours. Even I felt swayed – albeit momentarily."
"D-demons?" The man's words had begun to sound like those of a madman. "One of my kind!?" Fear had all but swallowed me whole as I braced myself. My eyes began to dart around once again. Was there anyone around? Was there anyone that could save me?
The man took a half-step towards me and moved his hand to grab a hold of my waist. He pulled me closer to him – our faces were only inches apart. My eyes were locked with his. It felt as if I was swimming in a pool of gold. As I stared, my body began to relax, and the fear began to subside. A strange sense of peace had washed over me.
"I'm surprised you haven't realized it yourself. From what I hear, you refuse to leave this small little town. Your heart is drawn to the sea, and you can't bring yourself to leave it behind." He chuckled as his lips inched closer until I could feel his surprisingly warm breath on my ear. "You also have one of the most heavenly voices around. You could easily top the charts and rival even the most famous of artists." His lips brushed against my ears before he pulled away – just far enough for him to look deep into my eyes – the windows to my soul. "You, my dear, are a siren."
"A... a siren?" Confused and baffled, I tried to tear my eyes away from his. However hard I tried, I couldn't pull myself away from him. He was too... too what? Too frightening? No. He was too charming.
He nodded – his other hand moving to cradle the back of my head. His fingers intermingled with my golden locks. "A siren that has managed to steal my heart." His eyes were alit with what seemed like mischief. "Now, it's my turn to steal yours." His lips moved in to touch mine. They gently pressed upon mine as he held me tight. It slowly turned passionate and quickly took my breath away. Time passed painfully slow and surprisingly quick, and his lips released mine. Muddle-headed, I nearly missed what he said next. "Will you please grant me the name of the woman I love?"
My lips pursed as I tried to resist. He was a stranger, and not only that, he had forced a kiss on me. Despite that and the many other reasons I had to deny him, I couldn't stop the words from flowing free. "Marilla. My name is Marilla."
The sweetest smile graced the man's face as my name reached his ears. "Marilla," he cooed. "Shining sea." His gentle smile grew into an ecstatic grin. "What a wonderful name!" His grip on me tightened, but it still felt as gentle as the ocean breeze. "Marilla, will you do me the honor of letting me spend the rest of my life by your side?" His grip on my hips and my head loosed as his hands moved to hold mine. He brought them up between us as his lips graced the backs of my hands. "I would become the happiest being in the entire world. No! The entire universe." His shimmering eyes peeked over my hands and met mine.
"I..." My heart yearned to say yes, but I could never forget the sea. I didn't want to leave. "I can't. This is – this is my home."
His grip on my hands tightened. "I know. I would never ask you to leave this place. Just let me stay by your side. Forever and always."
My heart swelled with joy. My cheeks began to turn red as I managed to break my gaze away and stare down at the ground. "I don't even know your name. I don't know a single thing about you, and yet."
"Lucifer. My name is Lucifer." My eyes immediately shot back up at the sound of his name. "But feel free to call me Lucy." His eyes were once again sparkling playfully as he watched astonishment wash over me. Then from his back came two giant black wings. They unfurled and stretched out wide as two horns appeared atop his head. "I Lucifer, King of Hell, have fallen for you, Marilla, Daughter of the Sea. Your voice was enough to stir my otherwise cold, unfeeling heart. I wish to spend day after day getting to know you, learning more things to love about you. I also would love for you to do the same. So, I ask you once again. Will you allow me to remain by your side for the rest of my days?"
For the first time in my life, words failed me. My mind had gone blank. I could only do one thing. I nodded my head. Lucifer's eyes grew wide in excitement, and his arms wrapped around me. They held on tight as he spun us around in circles. He laughed giddily as we spun, and I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with joy.
Some might call me a fool for falling for the devil, but the heart is oftentimes more mysterious than even the deepest depths of the ocean. Rhyme and reason are often thrown to the wayside when it comes to matters such as these. The devil was swayed by his heart enough to propose to a small-town girl that spent her time staring out at the sea, and that girl's heart was swayed by his to love him back. However, that's just only the beginning of our story. We have the rest of eternity to craft more verses to our love song.
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a7med-09 · 5 years
If a person could develop an immunity
It would be nice if a person could develop an immunity to nausea while pregnant so it wouldn't normally occur again in subsequent pregnancies. If morning sickness were a condition, that may be possible, yet it's not. It's a condition brought on by physical and hormonal alterations in a woman's body in reply to her pregnant condition. It does appear, however, the body's a reaction to these pregnancy induced changes is less severe in second and subsequent pregnancies. Why this is actually the case is not yet totally understood, but statistical and anecdotal evidence indicates that the signs of morning sickness occur more infrequently along with the nausea events are less severe compared to what they were through the first pregnancy.
There's probably no panacea, so I doubt we'll discover the something the works for many people. But with a little effort, I'm confident your answer is out there. Sometimes, having a baby nausea remedies merely ask you to perform some fine tuning. For instance, have you ever yet tried having a little serving of carbohydrates when you are getting to feeling sick? There's a reason girls have, forever, nibbled on some crackers if the symptoms emerge. I suggest keeping some next to your bed, so you can even pop a few before getting up. Take them together with you in the vehicle. Crackers can be one of the top pregnancy nausea remedies. They're cheap and possess no negative effects.
Raw honey even offers medicinal properties which is chock full of nutrients. It coats the throat to help relieve throat pain. Honey is antibacterial and also fights infections during the entire whole body. It is rich in vitamins B, C, D, and E and strengthens the immune system. Honey loves water, while you infuse an herb in honey, it'll remove all the medicinal compounds of the herb.
There are a variety of benefits for that moms that breastfeed their baby. The menstruation cycle stops for that fresh that the mother is breastfeeding. This enables the mom to carry to the iron that she accustomed to lose each month through her monthly cycle. Mothers are unlikely to be affected by anemia. The woman do not possess to buy pads or tampons until she actually is completely finished breastfeeding.
The ingredient in ginger is the gingerol oils which give ginger the spicy taste along with the warming effect. These oils help your abdominals to relax and block the vomit reflex. It does not matter your reason for feeling nauseous, whether because of pregnancy, fever, flu, or motion sickness, ginger can help you to decrease the sick feeling which will help prevent vomiting. Nausea is probably the many symptoms of IBS (also known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome,) which is that a feeling of queasiness or planning to be sick, provide or vomit. Finding the exact cause of nausea in IBS sufferers could be a very struggle because what triggers the nausea in person A is probably not what triggers the symptom in person B.
Morning sickness begins around a month into pregnancy and lasts approximately ninety days. If your nausea and vomiting continues past now, you're all green to call the doctor. Take note that morning sickness can increase in severity whenever. Simply inform your doctor if your symptoms are worsening - and if your medications provided to you do not work. After a full day that you just keep vomiting everything that you simply're looking to take in, call the doctor once you can.
Perhaps the easiest coming from all natural nausea cures is merely to be sure that you retain something within your stomach all the time. Eat little meals at frequent intervals don't forget that the more carbs meals contain, greater effective this diet regime will be in offsetting morning sickness. Use dry toast or crackers between meals and upon awakening each morning. You may also find that preparing a concoction of honey combined with apple cider vinegar treatment may help you cope with morning sickness symptoms.
A very interesting fact in regards to the pregnancy nausea week is always that, while there is staunch disagreement regarding the cause, most informed researchers believe the morning sickness play a vital role inside pregnancy. More pointedly, they think that the event could help safeguard the fetus. For instance, note that various plants use a chemical compound included which is toxic and prevents that plant from getting eaten. People have safeguards available against these poisons, such as the liver's capacity to detoxify. But, the reality is that these capabilities never have yet fully created in a fetus. So, while a parent may be exposed to such harmful material and still have her body manage it, the fetus can't afford to be encountered with it. The nausea, and heightened feeling of offense, at food items keeps the mother from ingesting, or otherwise not causes her to vomit, these noxious items. Why being pregnant nausea week would fluctuate over time just isn't clearly known, although it is possible who's appears if needed. This could also explain why some women never feel it, in spite of the beneficial effects. In truth, it could basically be "beneficial" when danger is encountered.
For some pregnant women, nausea is triggered by adjustments to the inside the ear (one of the functions with the ear would be to control our balance and stability). Of course, if you experience severe nausea attacks, it's a good plan to talk an ENT specialist. Other popular nausea cures that are natural for pregnant women are warm showers that help to promote blood circulation, including in your stomach, propping in the head of your respective bed when you are nausea, piling pillows below your knees to take them closer to the stomach and drinking lots of fluids.
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magnvs · 7 years
About Sagittarians
Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for these folks, either. Sagittarians are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key to these folks, since it fuels their broad-minded approach to life. The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion, and they find that these disciplines aid their internal quest. At the end of the day, what Sagittarius wants most is to know the meaning of life, and to accomplish this while feeling free and easy.
It's the Archer that represents Sagittarians, although in this case it's a Centaur (half man, half beast) that is flinging the arrows. Centaurs were the intellectuals of ancient Roman mythology, and Sagittarians are quick to consider themselves their modern-day counterparts. Those born under this sign are clear thinkers, and choose to look at the big picture most of the time. They also like it when others agree with their well-thought-out point of view. The alternative to this, for better or for worse, is a Sag who can become argumentative and blunt. That's not to say that these folks are intransigent -- Archers will listen to what others have to say, in keeping with the Mutable Quality assigned to them. Indeed, Sagittarians are enthusiastic consumers of information (and enthusiastic in general), the better to get the answers they need. It's also a good idea to give Sags lots of room to explore their world. Once these folks start to feel hemmed in, they'll become impatient and difficult.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. In ancient Roman times, Jupiter was the King of the Gods, and most Sagittarians would say that the royal pedigree has been passed on to them. The Sag-born are generous and just -- much like a noble leader. These folks are also expansive in their thoughts, as well as in their approach. Sags are forever reaching for knowledge, understanding and answers. They are outspoken in their beliefs, at times to the point of exaggeration. This may be due to their unflinching optimism. Sags are also a lucky bunch, thanks to Jupiter's golden glow. They're quick to take a gamble on things, feeling both lucky and smart. While the process of exploration is what fuels Sagittarians (and translating that to others as a teacher and philosopher), they need to be aware of their tendency to procrastinate. Those born under this sign can be quite self-indulgent since things come so easily to them (thanks to their charming and sociable natures). Smart Archers, however, will catch themselves in time, the better to continue their good work.
The Element associated with Sagittarius is Fire. Just as a fire can move quickly and uncontrollably, so can Sagittarius as they flit from one thing to the next, never looking back. For the Sag-born, it's all about action and adventure (and, hopefully, conclusions). These folks love their physicality and are often athletic, and certainly full of stamina. Life for these folks is played full-on, which is why it's chock-full of experiences. Archers are outgoing, enthusiastic and tend to overstep their bounds as a result, falling prey to the likes of foot-in-mouth disease. They can talk so fast (and so much) that they don't process the full weight of what they're saying, leading to the occasional hurt feeling. Often, however, their words serve to inspire others and to get things going. Yes, Sagittarians are straight-ahead folks who are curious, spiritual and true believers. The fact that they attract others with ease should be no surprise, since they have a great sense of fun and enjoy a good time. They don't lack for confidence, either, not a whit! High-spirited Sags love to socialize -- with an ever-changing crew.
The athleticism of Sags lends itself to challenging sports, and they definitely know they're up to the task. That's why you're likely to find them in an around-the-world solo boat race or climbing up the highest peaks (where they should be mindful of their legs and hips). No stretch is too big for a Sag, if only because these folks know they're ready (and lucky to boot). Mental games such as chess or debate also fuel the Sag's mood. Moody colors they'll wear, since they favor rich maroon and navy hues. When it comes to love games, the Archer is playful, flirtatious and always on top.
The great strength of the Sagittarius-born is their philosophical, wide-open and curious nature. These folks seek both knowledge and truth, and they are eager to share their explorations with others. Their optimistic and generous spirit makes them a pleasure to have around.
from x.
December 4th Personality
People born on December 4th show a great ability to innovate and are also very unhesitating to achieve their objectives. They appear to others as poised and malleable beings (which they usually are), but they also work very hard to keep everything in place. They hate being dragged down and try to avoid interacting with people that don't have the same potential as they do. They are dignified and have a certain grace about them, a fact shown in the social groups that they take part in.
Positive traits: Convivial but frank, these natives have a great sense of ethic and justice. Sagittarius people are usually caring, conscientious and altruistic with most people they know, unless someone disappoints them. That's when they turn the cold shoulder and move further. Those born under this sign are also ingenious, funny and youthful, they never seem to get any time off and are the spirit of every social gathering.
Negative traits: Impulsive and conceit these natives often display some farfetched reactions in settings that would otherwise be deemed normal, even when they are losing at something or their plans don't go the way they would want them to go. They are idealists in their demands about other people and often accommodating. When they want something, they want it on the spot. 
Lucky colour
Purple is the colour of preference for Sagittarius natives, especially those born on December 4th.
Purple, as a hue, combines peaceful and cool blue with fiery heated red in a mysterious hue. 
People having purple as sign colour need emotional balance more than anything because their attentive and critical personality coupled with their efforts for perfection can sometimes be overwhelming. Most children prefer purple to other colours. It is a good colour to surround yourself with when you need to meditate and have some peace of mind.
Other colours for Sagittarius people are pink and blue.
Representative birthstone
Turquoise is the representative birthstone for those born in December. Turquoise is a precious material that denotes achievement and celebrity. The zodiac birthstone can be used in accessories and jewellery items.
This is one of the birthstones openly recognised for its healing properties. It helps treat respiratory infections, asthma and even depression. Ancient Egyptians considered this a stone of life. This is one of the gemstones that is quite plentiful and available in a wide range of sizes.
Another birthstone considered beneficial for Sagittarius natives is Quartz. It symbolises purity and openness.
Characteristic flower
Narcissus is the flower of preference for Sagittarius natives, especially those born under the December 4. Narcissus is a known symbol of honesty, respect and loyalty. This zodiac flower could be used in gifts and accessories.
It is the flower of the wise and of those who love to learn and evolve. This flower can be enjoyed during early spring time.
Other flowers representative for Sagittarius are Geranium and Ginger.
Symbolic metal
Tin is the metal of preference for Sagittarius natives, especially those born under the December 4. Tin is known to represent evolution, knowledge and innovation. This zodiac metal is advised to be used in pendants and earrings.
Tin is said to influence way people react to external stimuli and enhances investigation and observation. This is called the metal of sages and scholars.
Another metal considered lucky for Sagittarius natives is Silver.
Characteristics of December 4th
Those born on December 4th are great at setting extremely high goals and then persistently following them to completion. Love is fun and cheerful, love is not demanding and love is pure for these natives and this seems to sum their attitude in relationships. No shortage of ideas for them in business and no shortcuts they don't know about at work. 
December 4 Zodiac belongs to the second decan of SAGITTARIUS (December 3-December 12). This decan is under the supervision of the planet Mars. Those born in this period are ambitious and resourceful just like a true Sagittarius and courageous warriors just as Mars makes them be. This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of the Sagittarius zodiac sign with a great accent on the positive ones.
Being born on the 4th day of the month shows these people are hard working, meticulous and self disciplined. The numerology for December 4 is 4. This number reveals creation combined with logic and a bit of stubbornness. Those associated with the number four are imaginative, but also hard working and critical.
December is the last month of the year, bringing the Christmas celebrations. Those born in December are proud, attractive, outgoing, and trustworthy.
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laurenakramer · 7 years
Pretentious Pet Parents
I felt my face begin to flush.  My hands clenched into fits at my sides.  I tried closing my eyes and quickly counting to ten.  This proved to be ineffective.  My mouth opened and nothing but pure anger poured forth.
What could spark such outrage?  Had I stepped in a warm, brown present from one of my dogs?  Was it a sports game going horribly awry?  Did my husband forget to take the trash out yet again?  No, I was watching “My Cat From Hell.”
This particular episode featured a woman who had adopted a beautiful Bengal cat.  Her reasons?  She had always wanted a “designer cat.”  This breed attracted her because they “look cool.”  I could tell that I was not going to like this woman.
The cat basically wanted nothing to do with her.  If the woman approached, the cat threw out a quick paw and drew a scratch.  This sent the owner into a fit for the rest of the show.  She would ignore the cat, even refusing to look in its’ direction.
Jackson Galaxy did his best to be polite, but I could tell he was thinking exactly what I was:  She does not deserve to have this cat (or any animal for that matter)!  He asked if she ever interacted with the boisterous Bengal.  The woman’s response?  “I buy her toys.”
I watched in horror as she grabbed a feather stick and simply plopped the feather into the cat’s face.  Within seconds, the cat became bored and walked away.  Jackson told her that she was not engaging the cat at all.  “Be the bird,” he said.
The woman then admitted that she was still mad about the cat scratching her.  Jackson and I were blown away.  She showed no love to the cat at all, yet expected her furry friend to adore her at all times.
My initial reaction is that this woman should not be a pet owner.  She seemed more concerned about her looks than gaining the trust and love of her cat.  I fear that too many pet owners act the same way.
A former co-worker of mine had adopted a dog named Ginger.  At first, he/she gushed about how amazing and sweet the pup was.  Ginger seemed to fit into the family perfectly.
One day, the co-worker asked me for some advice.  He/she said that Ginger had begun to urinate, but only when he/she looked at her.  This immediately threw up a red flag to me.  There had to be something that this person was doing to make Ginger fearful enough to urinate just from eye contact.
I delicately probed and asked if there had been any recent changes in their daily routines.  In a moment of honesty, he/she said, “Well, Ginger wouldn’t go outside the other day, so I kick—scooted her out the door with my foot.”
I knew exactly what this meant.  He/she had kicked Ginger.  I kept my suspicions to myself because I did not want to ruin an opportunity to perhaps find the dog a better home.  Instead, I provided several suggestions and informed the co-worker to call or text me at any time.
Two weeks later, while shopping in Target, I received a text:   “Would you be interested in keeping Ginger?”  My heart dropped into my stomach.  As my husband will attest, I would love to keep every animal that is on this planet.  Sadly, our town has a strict limit on the number of dogs and cats that we are allowed to have.
I asked if there was any way that I could foster Ginger instead.  This way, she would be out of the harmful situation she was in with my co-worker and I could begin the search for a perfect forever home for her.  He/she wavered for a moment, but soon agreed.
As luck would have it, my mother and father-in-law came over for a visit and fell in love with Ginger.  She even won the heart of their established Min Pin, Kallee.  It was only after they officially adopted her did they find out that not only was Ginger heartworm positive, but she also had a cracked tooth and ear mites!
I cannot even begin to fathom allowing any of my fur babies to reach such a decline.  I would (and have) gone without in order for them to have the necessary care that they need.  They deserve nothing less.
Why do people adopt pets that they clearly have no intention of taking care of?  Many of the animals in local shelters and rescue groups have already had a horrible start to their lives.  They have been used for breeding over and over again for sheer profit.  Some have been physically abused for “fun.”  Still, others suffer from psychological traumas.
Adopting an animal is not something to be taken lightly.  To me, it should be taken as seriously as planning to have a human child.  There are numerous items that need to be considered before following through with an adoption.  The most important items being:
1.      Do you have enough time to devote to your new furry friend?
2.      Can you afford to care for your new companion, even when he/she gets sick?
I never knew that doggy dermatologists actually existed.  That is until our Chihuahua, Adriel, began losing her fur after having a skin infection.  We spent over $500 on skin biopsies, medications and appointments.  Similarly, when our 14 year old Chihuahua, Theo, developed glaucoma, we spent a pretty penny taking him to a veterinary ophthalmologist.  He had several eye tests and has been placed on $60 eye drops for life.  My husband and I are not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but we are willing to do whatever it takes to keep our furry family members happy and healthy.
But adopting animals is about more than just money.  There is also the time factor.  We, as humans, seem to be perpetually getting busier and busier.  Our weekends are filled with events and making preparations for the upcoming week.  Where does Fido fit into the hurricane that is life?
Simply buying food and toys for our pets is not enough.  They need to be showed that they are loved and treasured every day.  Dogs and cats need exercise, otherwise their boredom can come out in very destructive ways.  Our cats (and three-legged dog) go crazy for the laser pointer.  They will chase that little red dot all around the room.
Several of our dogs prefer to play with their toys solo.  Still, others love to play tug-of-war with their plush squeakies.  No matter how they choose to play, we always make time for individual tubby rubs and cuddles.  I want to make sure that all of our pets know just how much they mean to us.
These wonderful animals enrich our lives in so many ways.  They are a fantastic support system that can cheer me up on the most horrible of days.  Their kisses bring an instant smile to my face and a warmth to my heart.  Watching them interact with the world around them reminds me to take joy in the small things.
Potential pet parents also need to realize that every pet has an occasional bad day.  There will be accidents on the freshly vacuumed carpet.  Cats will have their moody days and adorn your leg with a fresh scratch.  In truth, they are just like us.  This does not make them any less deserving of unconditional love.
Thankfully, the woman on “My Cat From Hell” finally saw the light.  She stopped treating her designer cat as a fashion statement and actually began to take a genuine interest in its well being.  Play time became a flurry of interaction ending with snuggles on the couch.
Being a true pet parent means going beyond simply signing adoption papers.  It means truly committing to your new family member every day.  Pets are not meant to be status symbols, fashion statements or fighting machines.  They are meant to be loved unconditionally, which is exactly the kind of love that they give in return.
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from Pretentious Pet Parents
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Social Identity 
Social identity is the way in which individuals present/express themselves to the public, predominantly via social media. A person’s social identity is usually warped in some way to appear more acceptable to society. This is due to the standardised factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, nationality and fear of judgement from others. Below I have collated several entries from individuals via social media and asked them to describe themselves briefly based on what they believe to be their social identity. I gave minimal guidelines and asked for a small about of information to pressure individuals to be concise. The results are evidently varied, and represent the varying identities people can present on social media. 
Lachlan Baker: Male, 20 white Australian,  party animal, friends and family means everything, adventuring, life is a beach ride the wave of life, stay positive go forward never go back. 
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Jean Cameron: Almost 50 years old (April 3) Carer  One beautiful son ☺ Married 2 cheeky dogs Favorite movie is Labyrinth with David Bowie  Favorite musician is Bruce Springsteen  Favorite colour is orange 
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Dylan sky:18 years old, male, Australian, the wheres wally books
Angela Callaghan: 50 years old, Love my kids unconditionally, I commit to what i feel is important, And My priorities are family first then work, I love the honest relationship I have with my kids and cherish them every day. 
Jennifer Dias: 44 | female | Australian / Brasilian heritage | Employed as a youth events development worker. I am passionate about all art forms, cultural diversity and in developing networks and providing opportunities for young people & 50+ers | in MyTime I'm a volunteer/an artist/a photographer/ a tone deaf singer/ songwriter and an off key guitarist/ an interpretive dancer/ an observer/ a mother/a grandmother aka Vovo / and a friend | I absolutely love love love my family unit in all its complexities and moments of joy and appreciate the lessons I learn along the way that assist me in my own personal growth. 
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Stacey Harrell: The Indispensable Man (by Saxon White Kessinger) Sometime when you're feeling important; Sometime when your ego 's in bloom; Sometime when you take it for granted, You're the best qualified in the room: Sometime when you feel that your going, Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow these simple instructions, And see how they humble your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to the wrist, Pull it out and the hole that's remaining, Is a measure of how much you'll be missed. You can splash all you wish when you enter, You may stir up the water galore, But stop, and you'll find that in no time, It looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example, Is to do just the best that you can, Be proud of yourself but remember, There's no indispensable man.
Britney:  20yrs, female, Australian. Favourite bible verse: Philippians 4:13 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. I like to take photos of stuff, im a 3rd Year Nursing Student and I like spongebob memes.Also, I am super normal and quiet when people first meet me and then when I get comfortable  i get real weird.
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Caley Cameron:19 Years Old, Male, Australian 
Nicola Turner: I'm 18 going on 81  my favourite food is toast, I love my pet rabbit and second hand clothes. I can't add up in my head, I'm more of an english person. I like to think I'm independent but I'm a sucker for other people's company.
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May Louise Bouchet: 28 Australian Profession- teacher Heritage- French/Mauritian, Italian and Polish Favourite music- anything popular I enjoy cooking, renovating, shopping, travelling, eating and playing sport. I like to be busy but also enjoy downtime and most days I feel mentally drained. If I could start my life over I would become a historian and work in a museum. I value family, friends, history and a good education. I'm also a feminist.
Denham Callanan: artist, friend, dreamer, romantic, procrastinator. 19 Male Love, family, philosophy, history, comedy, sarcasm, animals, nature. "He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt" -Joseph Heller, Catch 22 "Everyone you meet you start to fall in love with, what separates your enemies from your friends, and your lovers from your soul mate is at which point you stop"  -Me 
Sarah Bloggs: 35 your cousin from England :-) xx
Holly Schwebel: Female, 17, and I attached a picture of a poem that has resonated with me for as long as I've known of it. Let me know if you need anything more.
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Sophia Blackwell: 19, and gender: female :--) I like the words captivate, kind, lovely, brilliant and fun. And those are things I'd like to surround myself with. I'd describe myself as a pretty easy going person and I care a lot. I'm pretty sensitive but not in all areas, definitely not when it comes to romance hahaha. Uhm, when it comes to an occupation I'd love to pursue something creative like cinematography. I'm learning Danish at the moment. I'd like to become stronger when it comes to speaking with confidence especially when I don't agree with something. I love doggos, well all animals and wholesome healthy foods and most certainly taking photos of both. I really like the outdoors because it makes me feel good inside and alongside that taking photos on old cameras.
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Elizabeth, Renae, Anderson, Wisely: age- 18 gender: dinosaur (jk) I'm female nationality: Australian I like cats a lot and food. I'm obsessed with Alice in wonderland.  um I really love history and wish to pursue a career in it. I'm an introvert. I like to read and rarely watch movies or tv.
Hayley Watt: Age:18 Gender: Female "A rose grows best in a pile of shit" Music: welcome to your life by Grouplove I think of myself as a positive person and I believe everything happens for a reason, or at least I tell myself that to prevent deeper questioning about the meaning of life.
Anonymous: Age: 24, Male Came from a rough family background that leaves me drifting through experiences. I socialise while holding up endless walls. Everyone likes me, but no one gets close. Song that best describes me would be Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. There's a constant nagging in my mind that I'm being judged severely for whatever reason. It's maddening. My interaction with the real world is to deal with people without them ever figuring out that I'm a 'fraud', whatever that means. I feel dishonest, even when I explicitly don't mean to be. I am sustained by my Catholic faith, and its instrumental to my being and keeps my cynicism in check. I wish it could be socially acceptable to talk openly about it, it feels limiting otherwise. My favourite quote is "Sometimes you have to walk past the good to get to the best." - Susan Calloway
Coby Borg: Well im me. Im half maltese. Born in straya. Lover of music. Pretty much any genre. Struggling to keep on top of work as we all are... 
Katie Hall: Gender: female Age: 19 Nationality: let's say I'm a "bitzer", no clue on where my parents come from, so I'm just a bit of everything A hole bunch of random stuff: Live by Disney's world famous Nanny's quote, "Anything can happen if you let it". I love dancing but not as much as I love my sister and I'm deadly afraid of elephant seals. Here is a picture of an adorable puppy!
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Tahlia Gill: 18, Australian My fav quote is Shakespeare (I'm original I know ) “Cut him out into little stars And he shall make the face of heaven so fine That all would be in love with the night And none would worship the garish sun.” My fav songs are zombie by the cranberries, american pie by don McLean and anything by Hudson Taylor Another quote by William Blake: a truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent Love Harry Potter, lotr, avatar and soppy rom coms haha
Amber Walker: 18, British Adventures, outdoors, camping, hiking, explorer, Hippie, coffee, animals, love a bit of ed sheeran and Adele I'd live out of a backpack if it meant i got to truly see the world.
Genevieve Blenkin: 19, female, ginger, "you always miss the shots you don't take". The picture is of the country because its such a big part of my identity.
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Stefano Rankin:20, Male, Australian, quote: victory stands on the back of sacrifice.
Mat Percival: 20, Aussie. Love a good beer and laugh with my mates and love any fiddly past times I can afford. Creative design and cars play a big role in my life, and I guess my goal is to produce works/products and a service (whatever it be) that people are amazed by and are impressed enough to tell their friends. Love a good burger as well and Hotwheels are my fav.
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Allie Cook: 21, American, favourite quote: "And in this moment I swear we are infinite." -- Charlie, Perks of Being a Wallflower. This is my life outlook to always live life like I am infinite. 
Stephanie Hirsh: I like ball park music and I make cakes
Cameron Raymond Rawstron: Age 20, Quote: “That’s a bit how ya going”, I love Amity Affliction (anchors, Don’t lean on me), What do I do: Learn about computers, occasionally exercise, try to be socially accepted, hide my pan behind a smile, am brutally honest/too real. What I wanna do: re rich, be happy, be meaningful, listen to Amity Affliction, achieve happiness. Such memes, very wow. 
Taylah Zanardi: 18, female, chronic sick kid, "there is no magic to achievement. It's really about hard work, choices and persistence", I like to present myself as someone very put together and who knows where they're going in life, citity
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laurenakramer · 7 years
Pretentious Pet Parents
I felt my face begin to flush.  My hands clenched into fits at my sides.  I tried closing my eyes and quickly counting to ten.  This proved to be ineffective.  My mouth opened and nothing but pure anger poured forth.
What could spark such outrage?  Had I stepped in a warm, brown present from one of my dogs?  Was it a sports game going horribly awry?  Did my husband forget to take the trash out yet again?  No, I was watching “My Cat From Hell.”
This particular episode featured a woman who had adopted a beautiful Bengal cat.  Her reasons?  She had always wanted a “designer cat.”  This breed attracted her because they “look cool.”  I could tell that I was not going to like this woman.
The cat basically wanted nothing to do with her.  If the woman approached, the cat threw out a quick paw and drew a scratch.  This sent the owner into a fit for the rest of the show.  She would ignore the cat, even refusing to look in its’ direction.
Jackson Galaxy did his best to be polite, but I could tell he was thinking exactly what I was:  She does not deserve to have this cat (or any animal for that matter)!  He asked if she ever interacted with the boisterous Bengal.  The woman’s response?  “I buy her toys.”
I watched in horror as she grabbed a feather stick and simply plopped the feather into the cat’s face.  Within seconds, the cat became bored and walked away.  Jackson told her that she was not engaging the cat at all.  “Be the bird,” he said.
The woman then admitted that she was still mad about the cat scratching her.  Jackson and I were blown away.  She showed no love to the cat at all, yet expected her furry friend to adore her at all times.
My initial reaction is that this woman should not be a pet owner.  She seemed more concerned about her looks than gaining the trust and love of her cat.  I fear that too many pet owners act the same way.
A former co-worker of mine had adopted a dog named Ginger.  At first, he/she gushed about how amazing and sweet the pup was.  Ginger seemed to fit into the family perfectly.
One day, the co-worker asked me for some advice.  He/she said that Ginger had begun to urinate, but only when he/she looked at her.  This immediately threw up a red flag to me.  There had to be something that this person was doing to make Ginger fearful enough to urinate just from eye contact.
I delicately probed and asked if there had been any recent changes in their daily routines.  In a moment of honesty, he/she said, “Well, Ginger wouldn’t go outside the other day, so I kick---scooted her out the door with my foot.”
I knew exactly what this meant.  He/she had kicked Ginger.  I kept my suspicions to myself because I did not want to ruin an opportunity to perhaps find the dog a better home.  Instead, I provided several suggestions and informed the co-worker to call or text me at any time.
Two weeks later, while shopping in Target, I received a text:   “Would you be interested in keeping Ginger?”  My heart dropped into my stomach.  As my husband will attest, I would love to keep every animal that is on this planet.  Sadly, our town has a strict limit on the number of dogs and cats that we are allowed to have.
I asked if there was any way that I could foster Ginger instead.  This way, she would be out of the harmful situation she was in with my co-worker and I could begin the search for a perfect forever home for her.  He/she wavered for a moment, but soon agreed.
As luck would have it, my mother and father-in-law came over for a visit and fell in love with Ginger.  She even won the heart of their established Min Pin, Kallee.  It was only after they officially adopted her did they find out that not only was Ginger heartworm positive, but she also had a cracked tooth and ear mites!
I cannot even begin to fathom allowing any of my fur babies to reach such a decline.  I would (and have) gone without in order for them to have the necessary care that they need.  They deserve nothing less.
Why do people adopt pets that they clearly have no intention of taking care of?  Many of the animals in local shelters and rescue groups have already had a horrible start to their lives.  They have been used for breeding over and over again for sheer profit.  Some have been physically abused for “fun.”  Still, others suffer from psychological traumas.
Adopting an animal is not something to be taken lightly.  To me, it should be taken as seriously as planning to have a human child.  There are numerous items that need to be considered before following through with an adoption.  The most important items being:
1.      Do you have enough time to devote to your new furry friend?
2.      Can you afford to care for your new companion, even when he/she gets sick?
I never knew that doggy dermatologists actually existed.  That is until our Chihuahua, Adriel, began losing her fur after having a skin infection.  We spent over $500 on skin biopsies, medications and appointments.  Similarly, when our 14 year old Chihuahua, Theo, developed glaucoma, we spent a pretty penny taking him to a veterinary ophthalmologist.  He had several eye tests and has been placed on $60 eye drops for life.  My husband and I are not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but we are willing to do whatever it takes to keep our furry family members happy and healthy.
But adopting animals is about more than just money.  There is also the time factor.  We, as humans, seem to be perpetually getting busier and busier.  Our weekends are filled with events and making preparations for the upcoming week.  Where does Fido fit into the hurricane that is life?
Simply buying food and toys for our pets is not enough.  They need to be showed that they are loved and treasured every day.  Dogs and cats need exercise, otherwise their boredom can come out in very destructive ways.  Our cats (and three-legged dog) go crazy for the laser pointer.  They will chase that little red dot all around the room.
Several of our dogs prefer to play with their toys solo.  Still, others love to play tug-of-war with their plush squeakies.  No matter how they choose to play, we always make time for individual tubby rubs and cuddles.  I want to make sure that all of our pets know just how much they mean to us.
These wonderful animals enrich our lives in so many ways.  They are a fantastic support system that can cheer me up on the most horrible of days.  Their kisses bring an instant smile to my face and a warmth to my heart.  Watching them interact with the world around them reminds me to take joy in the small things.
Potential pet parents also need to realize that every pet has an occasional bad day.  There will be accidents on the freshly vacuumed carpet.  Cats will have their moody days and adorn your leg with a fresh scratch.  In truth, they are just like us.  This does not make them any less deserving of unconditional love.
Thankfully, the woman on “My Cat From Hell” finally saw the light.  She stopped treating her designer cat as a fashion statement and actually began to take a genuine interest in its well being.  Play time became a flurry of interaction ending with snuggles on the couch.
Being a true pet parent means going beyond simply signing adoption papers.  It means truly committing to your new family member every day.  Pets are not meant to be status symbols, fashion statements or fighting machines.  They are meant to be loved unconditionally, which is exactly the kind of love that they give in return.
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