#also he gets his wings back
muzzleroars · 1 year
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in the tomb of saint gabriel
(may your woes be many)
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obikindred · 13 days
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I hit chilchuck with harpyfication beam for 500 mana and blow him into one million pieces. Drivel below vv
I think chilchuck is some kind of likeeee wren? Chickadee maybe? Maybe even a cardinal? Some kind of small songbird, i just wanted him to have some kind of warm-colored wing with white speckles (my lazy ass did NOT use a reference for these shitty little doodles but if I ever end up making solid refs for them I’ll do more research), I thought about maybe hummingbird wings butttt idk I couldnt get the shape right and I wanted him to have more of a traditional harpy look. I combined elements from my harpies (wings and arms, jewelry/piercings, feathered tails) and canon harpies (FEATHER TIT WINDOW‼️ kind of feral, sharp teeth, etc) and kind of mashed them up. I TOTALLY FORGOT to give him jewelry on his arms and stuff but maybe I’ll go back to that laterrr idk like i said these r quick shitty doodles. So i guess hes kind of half harpy. I was like MANNNN wouldnt it be funny if he got his soul fucked up and had to navigate the rest of his life as a chimera. Lol. What if he had to relearn how to be human. What if laios had to teach him. Haha would that be fucked up or what. He could have also just been like that when they first met him and that would be cool too i think. What about the Implications??? Are his wings sensitive? What abt his tail? Are his senses even sharper?? Does this change his diet? Are his taloned hands still clever enough to pick locks? THEN i started thinking about the others…. Laios n Falin r some kind of owl. Snowy owl probably their northern asses but I also like the idea of them being some kind of seabird. Big ole albatross Touden sibs. Senshi is probably also sone kind of owl, maybe even some kind of chicken? Vulture might also be cool. Marcille is definitely a duck or swan tho (GASP unless SHES the hummingbird!! I will come back to this later). Izutsumi is already a cat, but if she had wings too shed be a corvid of some sort fo sho. Idk about yhe others because I cannot lie to u idgaf about them. ANYWAYS i love to talk about wings and harpies and how that affects team and overall social dynamics so if anyone has anything to add please do‼️
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 299
Hear me out- Ghosts have wings. They have wings, which are affected by their cores, and can make them disappear from sight if they want or need to. You got that? Good. 
Ecto-contaminated people? Don’t have wings. Liminals and Halfas, who have developed cores? Do have wings, and they can’t hide said wings, because unlike ghosts? Their bodies are physical living flesh. 
Now Gotham? Ecto-contaminated, there’s no doubt about it. The amount of portals that have been opened there and death pits and death cults… yeah it’d be surprising if it wasn’t. But again, no one really notices, because at most? Most just get a bit of eyeshine. 
The Bats however? Oh man are they freaking out when they wake up with aches in their back and feathers starting to poke through their skin. Curse? Nope! Welcome to Liminality, enjoy the second puberty of wings, emotion-sharing, fangs, claws, and whatever else you might develop- also enjoy the whole eating fear thing. (Wait, the what-)
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no i am not over how one of the first things kris does of their own accord without our input is to lay down their life for this weird ipad kid they met five hours ago no i am not over "hell yeah i am here to humiliate you fucker" no i am not over "did you miss me? because i missed you!" no i am not over how much not only susie but also kris (and ralsei) genuinely care about their new adopted little cousin guy and the fact that he went from having no friends at all to 3 ride or die bffs who were willing to do what every adult in his life failed to do which is stand up for him i-
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nnayomaise · 1 month
i think the thing that really gets me about all the "we've got to kill this guy kabru" meme redraws with mithrun is that in the very first conversation mithrun has with laios, he trusts him with, essentially the fate of the world and his life long revenge quest against the demon
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somewhat satisfied with this... pretty butterfly man...
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aspiringnexu · 6 months
Star Trek but Starfleet HQ has portraits of every Admiral and/or historically important person and they act like the portraits in Harry Potter.
Jim is forever leaving his portrait and snuggling up in Spock’s. They're most often seen napping together in a frame nearest one of the windows (because Vulcans are basically cats) but, due to their fame, they have many portraits around the Academy campus so really it's a toss up where exactly they'll be. They're always together, though.
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bobosbillionsknives · 7 months
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this kids got issues
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astral-schools · 3 months
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enjoy your stay!
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gomzdrawfr · 5 months
when instinct takes over
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Raven's placed in timeout afterwards(temporary, she gets to do it again but just gotto tell him beforehand)
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and also you can tell when their inner bird/dragon are activated by their eyes
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willyhoos · 1 month
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bro has been in the timeloop for so long he has begun to view his friends deaths as obstacles instead of tragedies😭😭😭💀
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milf-harrington · 1 year
canon-divergence: max survives and vecna does not but the rifts still open for plot reasons, eddie does not exist as a hawkins citizen and is instead an upside down creature that comes through after the earthquake + steve's just kind of like "i guess"
Steve wondered when he'd stopped being phased by these things.
There was a time when all of the Upside Down shit had affected him normally. Had him flipping out in a panic, had him running.
Now, after four years of it, it was starting to feel like just another weekday.
There was something hanging out by his pool, but it was 7 in the morning and hadn't made a move to attack him, so, until he made coffee: it was none of his business.
He drank it in the sun room, blinds open for a clear view of the pool yard and the thing wandering around it. It was kind of human shaped, except for the wings and the tail and the claws that Steve could see from where he was sitting.
Maybe he should call Robin. She still had normal reactions to this stuff.
He paused, watching the creature tentatively reach down to touch the water before startling away, wings flapping. Actually, from the start, Robin hadn't reacted normally to any of it.
(He hadn't forgotten the time she'd told him about spitting in the Russian's face when she thought they'd killed him. Or the way she laughed when she thought they were going to kill her.)
The creature danced further around the pool, still peering curiously into the water. It lowered itself right down until its chest was brushing the cement, reaching for the water again, wings poised like it was ready to flee. It flinched when it's fingers brushed the surface, but didn't pull away and Steve watched as it plunged its whole hand in with a splash before pulling it back out to watch the water drip from its claws.
Steve put his empty cup down on a side table and stood up, nodding to himself before jogging upstairs to grab his bat from his room.
The pool yard was empty.
Steve yanked the sliding door open anyway, stepping outside like it would magically cause the creature to appear. Nothing.
Fingers curled tight around the handle of his bat, he circled the pool from a safe distance, scanning the surrounding woods as he went. The only evidence that he hadn't been imagining shit were the dark patches of water splashed across the cement.
Facing the deafening quiet of an empty backyard, armed with a monster-slaying weapon, Steve felt the first whispers of unease curl beneath his ribs. It was kind of like finding a spider in your room, always worse when you lost track of where it had gone.
Cautiously, Steve headed back inside, locking the door behind him with another glance across the backyard. He really should call the others, let them know the rifts had spat something new out.
He thought about the way it had played with the water, and wondered if maybe not every creature from the Upside Down was bad. If maybe, now that Vecna was gone, they were changing.
He was broken out of his thoughts when he kicked something, sending it skittering towards the hallway, under the indoor balcony. Steve frowned, confused, as he looked from the mug laying on the floor to the side table he thought he'd put it on.
Must have knocked it off, he realised as he walked over to pick it up.
As he did, he noticed the ceramic was oddly wet, and he quickly scanned the carpet to see if there'd been any coffee left in the cup that had spilled over the floor. Everything was as clean as he'd left it, so-
Something cold dripped on the back of his hand and he blinked, staring at the droplet in surprise. Another landed on his wrist, and a third hit the back of his neck and rolled down his shirt. He flinched in surprise, dropping the bat to slap a hand to the back of his neck as he looked up.
He came face-to-face with large, dark eyes, and an inky mop of dripping hair, two leathery wings flared slightly for balance.
Alarmed, he threw the cup at it.
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sesamenom · 2 months
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Ar-Pharazon from the Reverse Gondolin AU and as Witch-King of Numenor - thanks to @who-needs-words for helping develop this idea!
#silm#silmarillion#second age#ar pharazon#reverse gondolin au#(well more like the aftermath of gondolin reversal)#this au has consumed my life#on the plus side inspiration for feanor is finally reemerging from under the metaphorical couch so i might get something finwion-y done soo#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so much to draw so little time#seriously though golden nazgul is such a cool idea#whatever the mordor equivalent for the angband trio is (sauron pharazon and shelob maybe?) is going to look so cool in black and gold#black/gold black hole shelob!!#and prince elrond is super finwiony looking#also he has his wings & glowiness out a lot more so that'll be fun#but yeah basically in the au Prince Elrond realized via foresight what was happening/going to happen in numenor#so he went there and disowned ar pharazon (by extension removing him from the throne) and crowned tar miriel rightful Ruling Queen#then later when sauron showed up he came back kicked sauron out and outlawed the death cult#but between that time sauron secretly recruited ar pharazon by promising him kingship in exchange for his support#and anyways ar pharazon survived all the way to the TA as the Witch King#(mr. angmar here gets to be second in command of the nazgul sorry)#-imagine this guy showing up to be all 'bagginssss' though#the witch king of numenor is somehow even more dramatic#also the whole 'no living man can kill me' is. a bit different coming from a guy who has many enemies in the form of#a) his cousin the Ruling Queen of Numenor#b) his uncle the choice-of-elves-peredhel#c) a bunch of Faithful in the Halls#the dead guys aren't too much of a problem#but i wonder if he heard that prophecy and worried a whole lot more about the Ruling Queens#or Prince Elrond who in the au has very definitely embraced his maia-ness#and then imagine his surprise hearing 'but no living man am i' and it coming from. a random human lady.
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sysig · 8 months
Gosh, it's almost october already? Time flies! For a Vargas request: its quite a fluffy one for the spooky times (and the source material haha), but I've always found the idea of Edgar from And Also With You sleeping on his wings quite endearing. They're built in blankets! Great for some rest (which this man desperately needs lmao).
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Day 5 - Heavenly rest
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simcardiac-arrested · 8 months
ns has the burnt part of his wings plucked or cut off every time he falls. ends up with less and less wing.
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you people come up with such evil ideas i think
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artofloof · 9 months
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wahoo I made a design for him :))
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