#as usual canada is present but not noticeably
willyhoos · 4 months
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bro has been in the timeloop for so long he has begun to view his friends deaths as obstacles instead of tragedies😭😭😭💀
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srbachchan · 7 days
DAY 6058
Jalsa, Mumbai Sept 18, 2024/Sept 19 Wed/Thu 8:52 am
🪔 ..
September 19 .. birthday greetings to Ef Vandana Joshi Bhat from Toronto - Canada 🇨🇦 .. and .. Ef Dharmesh Trivedi from USA 🇺🇸 .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
September 18 .. birthday greetings to the Californians clan of the Ef .. Ef Viral .. Ef Sandeep Khurana .. and Ef Anisha Datta .. our love and wishes .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
September 17 .. birthday greetings to Ef Jags .. and Ef Tasnima Khan from UK 🇬🇧 .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
our wishes and greetings .. from the Ef ..
At times many wonder at the content that appears on this most communicative page .. as also on the minimal expresses of the X and the FB .. and I often smile and laugh at the manner in which , they that profess to be the 'masters' of the communicative 'business', pick up words expressions and create content headlines , in the garb of sensationalised information, for, that is what catches the eye of the visitor ..
The shop keeper that 'SELLS' his product - clothes, eats etc.,- shall ever put the very attractive 'content' at the doors of the window , in order to attract a prospective buyer , in order to get him or her into the store to BUY .. There is no difference in the presentation of CONTENT ..
Sensation works the sale ..
How to create it , is no longer a challenge .. the freshness of the earlier communicative days has been deeply diluted by the billions of visuals and cameras and individual information and communication devices, now at the hands of 7.6 billion humans ..
How to survive this onslaught is what the writing on the wall is :
अपने पदार्थ को कैसे बेचा जाए, ये उनकी समस्या का विषय बन गया है ।
तो क्या किया जाये ? चलो कुछ नया, मन चाहा, रेत का महल बना देते हैं । है तो रेत का, ज़्यादा देर टिके गा नहीं, जल्दी गिर जाएगा, फिर और कुछ बना देंगे - 'बना' देंगे - बनी बनी कहानी है, सच्चाई से बहुत दूर , क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ता है, हमारे बारे में तो नहीं है न !!!? वो जिनके बारे में जो असत्य लिखा है , छपा है, वो भोगें , हमारा काम तो हो गया - बिक गया, बेच दिया , माल अंदर - खेल ख़तम पैसा हज़म !!!
जी हाँ !!! आपका खेल क़तम, और आपके पैसे हज़म - दूसरे तड़पें, कष्ट में पड़ें, हमको क्या, हमारी तो बिक्री हो गई !
बेच दिया - बेच दिया अपने संस्कार, अपना धर्म, अपनी आत्मा को !!
अब देखियेगा, इस लेखन को किस तरह तोड़ मरोड़ कर, बेचने का प्रयास किया जायेगा
ट्विटर पे जो मेरा परिचय मैंने दिया है, वो बाबूजी के शब्द, और मेरा परिचय देते हैं :
"तुमने हमें पूज पूज कर पत्थर कर डाला ; वे जो हमपर जुमले कसते हैं हमें ज़िंदा तो समझते हैं "~ हरिवंश राय बच्चन
Immersed completely in the words deeds and thoughts of Babuji .. his mind and learnings from it .. his words and the reasons for portraying them .. the deeper meanings, and the essence of life .. all in such vividity ..
One does not have the desire to leave them, and stride away to the usual normal daily chores ..
And as I desire the close of today - toDAY .. I come across the words of my Father - I often in normal days called him Dad, but in his reference to the World it shall ever be the respectful BABUJI - बाबूजी ..
.. and his words from one of his works :
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join your body with mine , so that you speak from my throat too, from my vocals too ; what is there that is special about me , I need to explain to you or bring to your notice .. what is special is that I want to refuse all kinds of speciality that is upon me !!!
I worked late .. I awoke early and wished to write the Blog .. but immersed in the words and books of Babuji lying open beside me and could not resist the temptation of being with them ..
May there be love and bearings of grace and harmony about
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Amitabh Bachchan ❤️
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Book Review 39 – Lying for Money: How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Workings of the World
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This is one of those books I’d heard mentioned in a dozen different places before I finally decided to read it. I think it was the review in Thing of Things that finally pushed me over the edge and convinced me to read it myself? Very happy I did, even if I had a severe case of deja vu reading a few particular passages (and even if it does suffer from a few of the usual pop nonfiction issues at times).
The title gets across the substance of the book clearly enough; this is, to paraphrase the author, a work of counter-economics. That is, an attempt to illuminate the workings of an advanced capitalist economy by showcasing the sorts of crimes that take advantage of its complexity and parsitize it. It’s nowhere near as dry or academic as all that, of course (Davies keeps up a chatty, conversational sort of tone throughout, and takes every chance to dunk on academic economics as a discipline that presents itself); most of the meat of the book is case studies and anecdotes of particularly famous or illuminating frauds, which are all great reading. Honestly reading about con artists is so fun I should really feel guiltier about how hypocritical my disdain for more traditional true crime is.
The books, if not central thesis, then definitely on of the main things it keeps coming back to, is that the optimal level of fraud in an economy is higher than zero. Fraud is fundamentally an abuse of trust, after all, and if no one’s trust is getting abused, then that probably means that an unjustifiable amount of resources are being spent checking up on every possible thing, and a great deal of productive work isn’t getting done because people are too paranoid to work with each other.
The term Davies uses is the Canadian Paradox. Which is the fact (anecdote, popular wisdom, whatever) that Canada, with its mostly trustworthy institutions and rule of law and developed financial system, has vastly more fraud than, say, Greek shipping (I don’t know why specifically Greek and specifically shipping. Specifically Canada because in the ‘90s the Vancouver Stock Exchange was apparently the most full of scams and fakes in the world). The reason for this being that Canadian investors more or less assume that anyone with a stock listing is probably on the level, because they’re usually right; Greek shipowners, by contrast, absolutely expect to get screwed over if they leave themselves vulnerable, and so do business exclusively with people who they have strong relationships and embedded social ties with. The overwhelmingly intended takeaway being that the Canadian equilibrium is the one to aspire to.
The book’s organized around Davies’ own taxonomy of fraud – he divides the broader category into four distinct (if overlapping) types based on the trust they abuse and so (in a broad sense) are crimes against. Those types being: 1) the Long Firm (neither of the words mean what you think they do here), which is just lying and defrauding someone, buying on credit, reselling and skipping town before the first bill comes due, etc 2) Counterfeiting, of currency yes, but also legal documentation, audited account books, hell even mining samples, providing forged documentation that people trust so they accept your lies 3) Control Frauds, when employees or trustees take advantage of their control over assets to juice the books and manipulate returns in ways that maximize ‘legitimate’ profits for themselves (distinct from embezzlement, which is just taking advantage of control over assets to, well, take them) and 4) Market Crimes, which intuitively might not seem like crimes at all, at least in a moral sense, but are regulated or criminalized or made taboo because people engaging in them damages the wider structure society or the market or capitalism or whatever relies upon.
The types of fraud, you’ll notice, get steadily more abstract and conceptual as you go on – the only thing that distinguishes most control fraud from managerial incompetence and over-optimism is a paper trail showing they knew what they were doing. The only thing that distinguishes a market crime form just, being good at business, is the opinion of whatever jurisdiction your in’s regulatory authorities. One gets the sense that these sorts of tricky conceptual crimes interest Davies more than more straightforward sorts of fraud, and his discussions of them certainly get more philosophical than the mostly technical descriptions of long firms and counterfeiting.
Of course, you don’t really read a book like this for the theorizing – I mean, I didn’t, anyway – but for the interesting and absurd case studies of historical frauds. Of which the book delivers in spades; everything from the ‘salad oil king’ of New Jersey with with his vats of water with a layer of oil floating on top, to Ponzi and his original scheme, to the counterfeiter who destabilized the Portuguese economy sufficiently to pave the way for a reactionary military coup, to the first actually comprehensible explanation of the whole Savings&Loans crisis in ‘80s America that I’ve ever read to, of course, the 2008 Mortgage Crisis.
One trait of historical frauds that gets more salient the more of them you read is that, because many of them involve taking advantage of some since-patched loophole in law or regulation, in retrospect it seems positively absurd that they could ever have worked. The book cautions against this point of view – given how bewilderingly complex the modern economy is, there are doubtless more absurd loopholes and abuses of what people will take on trust now than there have ever been. People just haven't written books about them yet.
Anyways, speaking of 2008 - the financial crisis was a generation-defining event for the people who got fucked over by it, but it clearly did a number on the paradigms of guys like Davies too. It gets a chapter to itself as an ‘innocent’ control fraud. That is, an institutional setup and incentive set that inevitably causes massive amounts of crime even though the people at the top actually profiting from it all are, technically speaking, innocent (and most of the low-level employees doing the crimes are mostly just trying to meet aggressive sales targets and keep their jobs. Which, hardly justifies a lot of the conduct, but they weren't profiting from the enterprise like the managers and executives.) The term Davies uses is ‘crimogenic’ – as in, an environment that incentivizes and will almost inevitably lead to the commission of crimes.
A note on the author – Davies was a regulator and then a market analyst in the UK for much of the early 21st century, and whatever the specifics is clearly someone with an insider’s view of financial markets and investment banking. Not really an apologist – or I mean, he is, to the extent that he clearly considers them useful institutions that do more good than harm for the world at large, and considers the present regulatory setup governing the markets if not just, then at least pragmatically useful. But about the culture and foibles of the financial services industry itself he’s pretty cynical. In any event, as the book goes on he starts peppering in personal anecdotes about how he was personally involved with some event on the periphery of the frauds he’s discussing or saw them happen live, which I mostly found charming but I can see how it would grate.
In any event, it’s a very chatty, casually written book, by a centre-left pro-regulation but incredibly finance-brained guy. So, you know, caveat lector if you’re going to find that totally insufferable. For myself I found it a fun, casual read, and a more educational one that I really expected.
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Lock-up ~ Chapter 2
{Charles Leclerc x Reader}
chapter 1 ^
Present - Club in Spain
A few drivers had decided to go clubbing after the Grand Prix, you included. It was a well known place in Barcelona with deafening music that left a ring in your ears.
You were having fun dancing, drinking, and talking with Carlos and Lando on the dance floor when somebody caught your eye.
It was Leclerc, but he had brought along a girl with him. The girl he was rumoured to be dating after breaking up with Charlotte last year.
You shrugged it off and continued to have fun with your friends. The shots were quickly taking over your body, and suddenly everything was funny. Was Lando always this silly?
You barely noticed when Leclerc and the girl joined you guys on the dance floor. You introduced yourself to the girl and felt the urge to hug her. You embraced her and she laughed at your drunken state before dancing with you.
You asked Carlos to pour you another shot when a hand stopped him.
" Mate I think she's had enough yeah?" Charles quickly interrupted, obviously annoyed at you and Carlos' behaviour.
You roll your eyes, very much annoyed with his words. Did he think you couldn't handle more or something?
" I can manage for myself, Leclerc. You're not my fucking dad." you fumed.
" Nah if he were your dad he'd probably be giving you drills right now. And he'd be an asshole." Lando giggled, drinks kicking in for him too.
You gasp at Lando's words before giving in to the drinks.
" Well Leclerc's got the asshole part perfected."
Charles gave you the biggest unamused face, which made you and Lando giggle even more.
" If I really was your dad I wouldn't even be near you, and you'd be scared to confront me like that." he scoffed.
" Fuck off Leclerc." you annoyingly replied. What a way to ruin your mood.
He rolled his eyes and left with the girl who gave you a quick smile. You soon lost them in the crowd.
Poor her, you thought. She must be so done with him. You let out an exasperated sigh and said your goodbyes to Lando and Carlos.
" Why so soon?" Lando complained.
" Blame Leclerc, I can't stand him. Does he think I can't handle myself or something?"
" I don't know what's up with him." Carlos admitted, looking in the distance intensely.
When making your way to the exit, you spotted Charles and the girl again. Smiling and laughing. Seeing him happy low-key made you even more annoyed and pissed.
You left the club and headed back to your hotel by taxi.
I was now staring at the ceiling above my bed, wondering why Leclerc seemed on good terms with everyone but me. He had to have a reason.
Monaco and Canada were of course the biggest turning points, but I genuinely thought we could maybe overcome it. I was wrong.
Charles was still an asshole and I was more than happy to return the favour.
A part of me of course wished that our friendship had survived, but I started to think it was for the best. Charles and I had both drastically changed since our debut year in F1. In addition, it only meant less distractions. That was the last thing my thirst for winning needed.
He was with Ferrari, the team Max and I had to beat. It only made sense to dislike him. But then there was Carlos... I guess it was okay to be friends with Carlos because he was less of a threat. It only made sense.
I woke up in the middle of the night because of a recurring nightmare I had. It always had to do with either my dad or a severe crash. It always left me with headaches and freezing.
When it happened I usually got up to grab a drink and a blanket then went back to sleep, without the promise of not waking up a second time in the night. Most times I was lucky and slept rather well after.
For the upcoming Italian Grand Prix in Monza, Max and I had to film a quick video where we had to answer questions about each other while cooking Italian national dish; Ragu alla Bolognese.
The video was hilarious because we had trouble with questions like favourite colour or middle name, but then we knew the other's worst memory as a child without blinking.
Our dishes were far from perfect, but we decided to eat them anyways. While I thought the cameras weren't turning, I spoke.
" You know, Max, I'm really greatful to have you in my life. I mean, I don't think anybody else knows me this well- not even my dad... Well obviously." I say, awkwardly giggling.
" Well I think Charles must know you better than I do, no?" Max questioned.
" Ha, I don't think so. We've both changed so much, I don't even recognize him sometimes."
I truthfully say.
" I think Charles can also be stressed since he's got a lot of pressure from Ferrari," tried to empathy Max.
" It's no reason to be a total jackass to me, especially since I'm the only one he's acting this way with". I argued.
" Well I-"
" No but seriously. He's way nicer with you and you're a RedBull driver like me..." I continue annoyingly. " I can't stand when people dislike me, I have enough hate through media alone. Way more than enough." I confess sadly.
Max considered my words.
" I find you really brave to still perform under all that pressure and all those pricks trying to get in your head," Max avowed.
A rare compliment from Verstappen which I accepted with open arms, literally.
I hugged him tightly and thanked him for his words. It was short but meaningful, and soon we were both staring at your plates.
" This pasta tastes like ass not gonna lie." Max admited, looking at his dish.
I laughed loudly, and offered him some of my better Bolognese.
We ate and laughed, and I had a genuine smile plastered on my face the whole time.
Shiii Charles is wrong for that ngl
hope yall enjoyed 💞
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universestreasures · 3 months
Homesickness (Drabble)
Requested by: @shachou DO NOT REBLOG.
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“…and that’s how the pitch meeting went, Nii-sama! Between all these fresh ideas, it should make Kaiba Land Canada another successful destination!”
Another successful day in his new position, it would seem. In all honestly, Mokuba's never felt more at home in a work position. While it certainly was very demanding and did not allow him the flexibility he had before, the actual work itself was actually fun and exciting. Perhaps that's because he has not attended a financiers meeting and has mainly been overseeing the creative side. Regardless, he just had to share his escapades with his brother via video chat, making sure to schedule times when they would both be available for chats like this. They had a sixteen-hour time difference now, something he had been made painfully aware of throughout his first few days here when he tried to call his brother, only to wake him up by mistake. There have been some growing pains for sure during this transition, but so far, he's been doing alright. A lot better than he thought he'd be. Little did he know that was all about to change.
"So, what have you been up to? Anything exciting you wanna-" That's when his brother informs him that his next appointment was already in the virtual waiting room. Was their time together really over already? It felt like they just started talking! Guess time does fly by when you're having fun, huh?
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"Oh...Okay." There is a noticeable dip in his spirit, but even so, he forces a smile. He can't have his brother worrying about him. "I don't want to hold your next meeting up. Thanks for chatting with me, Nii-sama! I'll text you before I go to bed, okay? Have a good day at work, and don't forget to eat!"
Mokuba then presses a button on his keyboard, ending the meeting right then and there. It was unlike him to stop talking to his brother so abruptly. The action could be taken as rude, quite frankly. The younger Kaiba just didn't want to take up more of his brother's time than was allotted. It's not like he was a kid anymore where that might have been possible.
As he leaned back into his sofa, and Mochi taking her usual seat on his lap, his mind wandered as to what to do now. His schedule was completely empty for the rest of the day, with no obligations to anything or anyone. Normally he'd use this chance to go do something, either go out to do something fun with friends or enjoy his brother's company at home. Such options were not present to him now; he had to remind himself.
While it was true that his close friend and now right-hand Akatsuki was here in America with him, having his own space that was located a floor below Mokuba's, he had gotten a nasty cold the other day. The ninja was insistent that the CEO now stay away from him until he's healed to prevent transmission of the illness, meaning spending the night with him was off limits. Even trying to hang out with his friends remotely was also not an option, for it was the early morning over in Japan, and they all had duties to do just like his brother did.
He truly had no human he could talk to. No one he could spend time with or play games with. He knew such a truth came with his relocation. It was the biggest thing, other than his brother's well-being, that made him hesitant to go through with this. So far he'd be fine with things, for he always had someone or something to distract him. Mochi's presence certainly helped; his hands kept busy stroking her fur, but she could only do so much.
His heart is suddenly struck with a deep pain as the reality of the current situation hits him like a truck. A hand moves from his feline companion's back to sit it over the now beating organ. He wasn't having a PTSD or anxiety attack. He knows those feelings are different and come with additional symptoms. This was different, a negative feeling he hadn't ever felt before, but once he thought about it for a few moments, he came to be able to determine what it was, a feeling people warned him would probably come sometime after his arrival.
"I...I'm homesick...That's what I'm feeling right now...isn't it?" He talks aloud, not expecting an answer since no other humans occupied the current space. The somberness in his tone causes Mochi to nuzzle her head into his palms, which is an attempt at comfort. Her actions, while certainly appreciated, do little to quell the feeling in his heart that seemingly started to seep out in the form of tears from his eyes.
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"I miss...I miss spending time with Nii-sama, even if it was just sitting in his office together...I miss Isono driving me around and helping me with things...I miss working on Spherium with Yugi...I miss those ice cream outings with Ki, where she'd tell me all about her recent tours and upcoming songs...I miss spending time with my friends, playing games and going to Kaiba Land together...I miss everyone back home...so much..."
No noise but that of his sobs escape his lips for the next while, Mokuba unable to do anything but follow the wave of his emotions. Eventually following them leads him to one of his bookshelves, specifically the one that housed all his photo albums and scrapbooks. He grabs the most recent ones, both the vacation album he made for himself and his brother and the one from this past year. He flips through their pages, hands gently over each picture as he takes them in.
Seeing his loved ones, especially his brother, instead of providing relief, only made him feel worse. As always, it seems the past has a profound nostalgic effect on the young CEO, to the point where his heart yearned to return to the past, which would prevent him from enjoying the present. It was a complex he's had since he was young, and one that didn't seem to go away even with age, it seemed.
"Now that I'm here...Will they all...forget about me?" Mokuba's hand finds itself over his graduation photos, ones that featured just about everyone close to him in one way or another. "Move on...Like I was never a part of their lives at all...?"
He then moves to find the locket around his neck, opening up to reveal the original picture of his brother inside and the graduation photo of them both, which he had put inside it not too long after the event. This object, ever since its creation, had always served as a comfort to him, but just like everything else, it only made him miss his brother more. He brings the object to his chest, holding it there protectively in a movement that one almost could say looked like a hug.
The rest of his evening is spent in his depressed state, the younger Kaiba barely eating his dinner before going to sob into his pillow in his bedroom. He purposely turns his phone off to prevent himself from accessing any photos, not realizing by doing so he cut off contact from the people he was missing. That evening was the first one he didn't text his brother before he went to bed; Mokuba ended up crying himself to sleep as he continued to feel the agonizing feeling known as Homesickness.
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sharks-sharks-sharks · 5 months
A fun fact about me is that I love loaded fries, so of course I am hyperfixating on trying/rating as many different restaurant/fast food place's poutine while I'm in Canada visiting family.
These are the reviews I've done so far !!
Wimpy's Diner (Guelph)
C tier
Fries - 6/10
Gravy - 4.5/10
Curds - 6/10
Ratios - 4/10
Total rating: 20.5/40 or 5.125/10
Notes: Fries were thick and remained intact a bit too much if that makes sense, they barely soaked up the gravy, speaking of the gravy it was thick and there was far too much meaning the ratios were off (75:25 gravy/curds ratio instead of the the preferred 60:40, 50:50 or 40:60), curds were small and barely noticeable on presentation
Was it worth the price ($8.50 CAD)? Ehh, I mean we almost finished it, I wouldn't get it again though.
Summery: Very average poutine, wouldn't get again, if you enjoy gravy this is for you
B tier
Fries - 7/10
Gravy - 8/10
Curds - 8/10
Ratios - 9/10
Total rating: 32/40 or 8/10
Notes: Curds were all clumped together but melt well, they are smaller than usual, fries are kinda chewy, gravy is good
Was it worth the price ($6 CAD)? I'd say so, this is good poutine, especially cause it's fast food and quite filling
Summery: Good food, filling.
Burger King
D tier
Fries - 7/10
Gravy - 0/10
Curds - 1/10
Ratios - 4/10
Total rating: 12/40 or 3/10
Notes: Gravy was literally slime and uneatible (the family trash disposals couldn't even stomach it), curds were disgusting, fries were the only okay bit
Was it worth the price (+$1.99 CAD add on to fries)? No.
Summery: Disgusting.
Mary Brown's
B tier
Fries - 7/10
Gravy - 8/10
Curds - 8/10
Ratios - 7/10
Total rating: 30/40 or 7.5/10
Notes: A little bit too much gravy, "fries" were wedges.
Was it worth the price ($8.49 CAD)? Yes, it was very filling esp considering I shared it with someone.
Summery: Good rebound from Burger King (went to both on same day).
This is the grading system:
A+ 9.1-10/10
A 9/10
B+ 8.1-8.9/10
B 7-8/10
C+ 6.1-6.9/10
C 4.5-6/10
D+ 3.5-4.4/10
D 3-3.4/10
E+ 2-2.9
E 0-1.9/10
I hope somebody finds this interesting cause my family doesn't care about it 😭
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kohakhearts · 8 months
15 questions
i was tagged by @gaycey-sketchit thanks andrew!!!! <3
1. are you named after anyone?
not as far as i know!
2. when was the last time you cried?
like last week LMAO. no funny story attached to that unfortunately i was just going through it </3
3. do you have kids?
i like to joke that i have a hundred plus or minus a few dozen, depending, but no. i do not. also jokes aside i do not consider my students my actual children, but i do tend to refer to them as "my kids" lol
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
i did competitive lifesaving which is my favourite fun fact to pull out because most people don't believe it's a thing but it very much is (and it's a lot of fun!). otherwise i did just regular competitive swimming for many years as well and it's the only sport i still keep up with casually (or try to, anyway). i'm trying to earn back my gym bro status too lmao
5. do you use sarcasm?
honestly not as much as i used to? but i'm a psychologist-diagnosed cynic so it comes with the territory i guess
5. what is the first thing you notice about people?
usually what they're wearing, which isn't really like...something i care about necessarily. i just like fashion
7. what's your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
i am fascinated by this question because i've never considered these things even remotely close to mutually exclusive but shjdfghjdk i guess happy endings. scary movies are fine, i just don't really have much interest in them
9. any talents?
writing has kind of always been my thing but i consider that more of a skill than a talent per se. not sure i'd consider myself particularly talented at anything lol. i've always been pretty good at public speaking and giving presentations, i guess?
10. where were you born?
western canada that's all ur getting out of me
11. what are your hobbies?
writing, reading, drawing, cooking, gaming, language-learning, wikipedia surfing, downloading and uploading, you know how it is
12. do you have any pets?
oh oui cachemire my sweet little cotton ball of a cat (she is very white and a little overweight shjdfhgjdk). haven't lived with my parents in 5 years but i still consider the dog my dog and the cat my cat as well. i just don't see them much these days sadly
13. how tall are you?
5'9"/175cm, though a few years ago i learned i'm actually more like 5'8-and-a-bit" which was pretty devastating to me. but 9" with shoes on so i still claim that
14. favorite subject in school?
i went on to become an english language arts teacher, so yeah. but physics and chemistry in high school were probably the classes that were actually the most interesting to me
15. dream job?
i'm living it!! i always wanted to be a teacher, except for a few brief periods of my life when i doubted the reasons behind my career choices, etc. but generally speaking, the work i do makes me very happy and other people have told me they can tell from the way i talk about it, which is nice :) just need to hope that i can actually find a good contract for next year so i don't stay stuck in the sub vortex forever lol
i don't know what has/hasn't been tagged in this, so i'm sorry but...i'm gonna be that guy and say if you see this, consider yourself tagged! (or not! only do it if you want to ahjsdfghjdk but feel free to say i tagged you if you do!)
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Royal Red Bros Week 2023: Day 4
Prompt:  Lullabies/Music/Singing || Blankets
Rating: T
Relationship: England + Canada
Word Count: 
Read on AO3
Author's Note: I forgot to put this in but. This was supposed to come out yesterday, but then I got busy. But I'd still like to dedicate this fic to @maryeve-the-bitch as a birthday present. Because I know she loves these two as much as me 🥰. Happy birthday!!!
The sound of staticy cries in the middle of the night was becoming Arthur's new normal. Once more, the shrieks of one of his sons were seeping into his restless sleep, forcing him up.
4:00 AM in blocky numbers met him when he woke. 4 AM? That was a new record. Normally, Alfred always had something to say by 2 AM. But these weren't Alfred's cries. No. These were far softer and raspier. Matthew.
Matthew was a well-behaved 6-month-old, sleeping through the night for the most part. If he was awake before 6 AM that usually meant something was seriously wrong.
Arthur threw off his quilt, not even bothering with a T-shirt or slippers. He quietly rushed into the room, praying Alfred hadn't been woken up too. 
Luckily, in the rays of the boys' night light, Arthur could make out the still form of Alfred, still fast asleep. One concern down. Now for the biggest one. 
Matthew quieted slightly as if he knew that help was here and there was no more need for loud cries. Arthur caressed the already thick layer of hair on Matthew's head. His hand rested on the boy’s forehead, finding it hot to the touch. 
“Always coming down with something, aren't you lad?” Arthur sighed tiredly. He scooped up Matthew into his arms. It was then he noticed that the boy was shivering. “Now we can’t have that,” Arthur muttered. Wrapping the boy in a blanket, he was mindful to not make it too tight or heavy and spike the fever. 
Arthur sifted through his tired brain for something about fevers in babies. ‘Keep them hydrated.’ He could do that. 
Heading downstairs with Matthew cradled carefully in his arms, Arthur started to prepare a bottle. Matthew was fairly limp in his arms, but the noises of discomfort notified Arthur that he was still awake. “Just a few more minutes, love.”
But Matthew had always been a patient baby, so he just nuzzled into Arthur’s shoulder. Arthur couldn’t help but grin.
After a few minutes, Arthur checked to see if the milk was lukewarm. Awkwardly, he maneuvered Matthew and dabbed a bit of milk to make sure it was not too hot or cold. With it just right, he headed to the living room.
Matthew’s lazy eyes snapped open wide when he spotted the bottle. “Patience dear,” Arthur chuckled as he positioned them on the couch. “It’s a virtue for a reason.”
Matthew seemed to pout slightly but did as he was told. Hopefully, Matthew would always be this easy to deal with. 
Finally comfortable, Arthur gave Matthew the bottle. Matthew happily took it, sucking eagerly. At least his appetite was still there.
“I think we’ll have to call the doctor tomorrow,” Arthur thought aloud, “Just to be sure.”
Matthew only sucked in reply. 
Arthur never liked the silence of night. Not when it made the thoughts in his head louder than they already were, to the point where he couldn’t ignore them. So as Matthew drank, Arthur hummed while keeping a close eye on his sickly son. 
Matthew looked up at him with bright blue eyes, completely enthralled.
“Oh?” Arthur grinned, “Are you a Beatles fan like your old man?”
Matthew gave a happy squeak before latching onto the bottle once more. 
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.”
When Matthew finished the bottle, he stared up at Arthur and began to babble along with the lyrics. 
“That’s right Mattie.
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.”
Matthew reached for Arthur’s finger, gripping it tightly. Arthur smiled and swung his hand slightly in time to their music. Oh, how he couldn’t wait for Matthew to be older when they could sing out fully. Though, right now, these improved noises were more than enough. 
But the fun had to come to an end. Matthew, despite how happy he seemed, was still feverish, and it looked like it was starting to catch up with him. His noises quieted, and his eyelids grew heavy once more. Arthur went back to humming until Matthew was fast asleep.
“Time to break out the playpen,” Arthur exhaled, rising to his feet. He wouldn’t let Matthew out of his sight until that fever went down. 
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netherzon · 2 years
Timbits Disappearing Act
Whelp, recently I mentioned an old fanfiction I read awhile ago that had an idea I liked, but a plot that I didn’t really, so here’s my take on it I guess?
Inspired by this post, although it ended up more like Canada is still just invisible. Its in the tags on that post that I mentioned the other fic
Also sorry about the ending, I couldn’t think of anything more satisfying than whatever people imagine Alfred had to do to earn the timbit’s forgiveness.
Very few nations knew this about him, but Canada loved donuts. Almost as much as he loved maple syrup. If he had to choose, he’d probably rank donuts in third place. First place would be maple syrup, obviously. Second place would be maple donuts.
He never tried to hide this fact, but almost nobody knew because most of the nations couldn’t really see him. 
He had theorized before about why that is. He used to think maybe it was because he wasn’t likable enough, but he’s pretty much as likable as a nation can be, and nothing changed. Then he thought maybe he wasn’t exciting enough, but even inventing a sport where people tied knives to their feet and tackled each other on purpose hadn’t changed anything. That’s when he started thinking: maybe it wasn’t him exactly, maybe it was circumstance.
There were so many nations. Very few of them ever actually got to talk during a world meeting. Dialogue was not split evenly. It was a competitive environment, and while Canada wasn’t bothered by competition per se, having a say during the global meetings wasn’t usually something he was motivated to do.
He was cozy where he was. He used to be a bit resentful of his brother, how people just seemed to pay attention to him naturally. Alfred just always seemed to have the spotlight. Over time though...
he learned to appreciate the benefits of near invisibility.
Alfred’s attention moves back to the front of the room, where Austria had been giving his presentation. Matthew takes the opportunity to lean over and grab another timbit from the box his brother stole from him.
Austria was glaring up at Alfred from his spot by the podium, “How many times do we have to tell you not to bring food to meetings?”
“Well, it worked after four, but this is the nineteenth time your askin me that, so my bet is on a number higher than nineteen,” Alfred says with a winning smile. 
Multiple sighs and groans echoed around the room.
“Huh,” Matthew mutters around a mouthful of donut, “even Austria is getting on your ass about it now. You really should stop eating at meetings, Alfred.”
Alfred’s smile doesn’t slip an inch as he spins in his chair to flip Matthew the bird, and Matthew laughs in response.
Across the room, England frowned, “what kind of maths is that supposed to be? If it's the nineteenth time, then it didn’t work after the fourth.”
Alfred continues his chair spin till he’s gone 360 degrees around to point back at Arthur, “Yeah, except for it did! I haven’t brought any food to a meeting since the fourth time y’all told me not to!”
“America, you have two boxes of…,” Germany frowned, “What do you call those again?”
“Munchkins,” Alfred answers automatically, glancing innocently over at Matthew, “they’re from Dunkin.”
Matthew sucks in a breath and almost chokes. Alfred scoots over to pat him hard on the back, but keeps his eyes on Germany. Matthew tries to glare at his brother anyway. Hopefully he got his point across without words. If my windpipe wasn’t full of delicious TIMBITS right now, you’d be in so much pain. 
“Right,” Germany says, clearly confused to see Alfred waving his hand in the air strangely, “whatever they are, you have two boxes of them. Sitting right in front of you.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t bring those,” Alfred replies simply.
Matthew, recovered from what would have been one of his most embarrassing deaths yet (even if it was only Alfred who noticed), decides to enact his revenge. First though, he’ll grab another handful of timbits.
“Then who did?” Arthur asks.
Alfred points directly at Matthew, his finger almost poking his brother’s nose. His brother, who is frozen with one hand deep in the box of timbits, right in front of everyone at the meeting. 
“Canada,” Alfred says.
There was a moment of silence, and the whole room seemed to pause. Everyone was looking in Matthew’s direction. He could feel himself starting to blush with embarrassment. Alfred looks pleasantly surprised; he hadn’t been expecting that to work either, but it would be nice to not be the only one in trouble for once. Figures the first time Alfred rats me out suddenly everyone can see-
“Who?” he hears.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” Alfred cries, throwing up his hands.
Matthew releases a breath, half relief and half disappointment. He grabs both boxes of timbits and slides them back towards his seat.
“Canada!” Alfred says again, still pointing, “Right there! The nation of Canada? My brother?”
Everyone just looked confused. 
“The one covered in donut crumbs!” Alfred continues. This makes Matthew glance down at his suit. There were a couple pieces of glaze sticking to his tie, but it wasn’t that bad.
“He brings donuts to every meeting! Every time I get yelled at for having donuts, Canada is the one who brought them. He’s practically addicted!”
Austria is rubbing his temples, “None of this is even important,” he snaps, “I do not care where the doughnuts originally came from. The problem is I can’t even hear myself think over the sound of you chewing.”
Alfred sighs, exasperated, and reaches towards Matthew and the two boxes of timbits, “It's not my fault you have super hearing, Beethoven.” Matthew scoots away, clutching the boxes close to his chest.
Austria’s face flushes, “Beethoven was deaf,” he scoffs, “and German.”
Alfred is looking solely at Matthew though, “bro, you cannot be serious.”
Matthew shakes his head solemnly, “you disrespected my timbits, bro. Disrespect the timbits, and you lose timbits privileges.”
“Wha-, so you’re really not gonna share anymore?” Alfred asks, incredulously.
“You know why it has to be this way,” Matthew says in the most serious voice he has.
“Aw c’mon, Matt, they’re not that different.”
Matthew narrows his eyes with actual irritation. “Go on, dig the hole deeper, I’ll wait.”
Alfred does the smart thing and pauses to consider the options. Insist on being right (because he is) but also end up arguing with Matthew and no donuts, or talk him into sharing...
Alfred puts on what he calls his ‘straight-talkin face’. “Alright, what do ya want for ‘em?”
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scentedchildnacho · 1 month
So I called the police because the staff kept threatening me and other patients at this telehealth place with camps in heat waves
Then they wanted drug money in heat waves
So I had the police finally drop me off at an emergency room and they would finally do some heart tests and the police showed me they are God based in the apostolic sense and I could ask them to re orient my energy field and make known the possession
Anyway I suppose I had the telehealth experience so I could forgive Natalie and Theresa Tennessee Williams they were domestically abused no one likes people who push drugs or are pushy in anyway so
Natalie and Theresa have very undesirable personalities and men in their lives tried to really kill or hurt them
Ya know when ya see the ghetto or slummish Paris condition that has produced people really really predatory and so I just don't have to be hurt by that
Anyway they kept trying to place me in the mental hospital I went to after the emergency room......in a telehealth location and I told someone they make those lady places really aggressive and I don't like going to lady places unless the ladies are cool and just pauperish
I believe that people have to like me to decide to stop killing my people and those lady places are not well liked or comforting characters
Henry Crow dog it's white just one of my people
Many white trails up a large black rock
Anyway all I had to do was voice that concern and the mental hospital let me out
I told the mental hospital staff to my face is all red an I alright I said yes color is normal for me if I paled like that youth seizure disorder I would be very ill also like around too many dogs in vampiric trailers
I am a free white person tried to do it masterly and my colors are beautiful too
They were putting out anti psychotics so I think it is the meds causing aggressive problems
The patients didn't provoke hostility in anyway they were bums in character but that's not anger provoking that's done to provoke protection
I noticed on a zyprexa generics that suddenly the little things people do would annoy me when I usually like colorful extroverted new people to meet
But when the psychiatrist tried to cause me a seizure with a rapid dosage increase and I stopped taking the pill that immediately they were new interesting people to observe
The mental hospital wasn't too bad but they only care about money
Its just as a woman to dull your feminine extra sensory capabilities and philosophies to try to force the schizo to buy men
People like me though tend to be bipolar enough to be even self aggrandized I am a golden goddess and I can play that game sure I'm amazing and you can't afford me
Ever sense I voluntarily put on the weight I know people make interesting meetings possible and people like me
They care about rubber and money only and I think it's funny when rioters finally show people how to burn tire stashes
I'm pretty to talk to
That was a huge financial loss...ahaha hahaha
No burning down houses is just sad for me....
I didn't get into telehealth because I told them charges were dropped against me because no coherent charge was placed only trespassing
Hopi prophecy the states is not Canada and Canada does not view human rights as we do they have to actually present a civil law suit alleging I did something
So I was told I am indigenous to the states and they are guilty of civil harassment
If it's them they are only interested in getting done the Catholic sense of education of basic now facts and don't want to deal with more erudite then necessary
So I found out at the mental hospital the amount of quiet days I require for shock to leave my body and actually be able to cry
I haven't cried in a very long time
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citynewsglobe · 3 months
[ad_1] Introduction In recent times, the development of “staycations” the place people or households select to trip inside their dwelling nation and even their very own metropolis has gained vital momentum. This phenomenon has been notably noticeable in Canada, the place extra Canadians are opting to discover native sights and locations somewhat than touring overseas. This text delves into the assorted causes behind the rising recognition of staycations in Canada, inspecting financial components, cultural shifts, environmental issues and the distinctive alternatives that home journey affords. Financial Issues Some of the compelling causes why Canadians are selecting staycations is financial. The price of worldwide journey could be prohibitively excessive, particularly with fluctuating alternate charges and rising airfare costs. By choosing a staycation, Canadians can save on flights, lodging and different travel-related bills. That is notably interesting to households and people seeking to handle their budgets extra successfully. The COVID-19 pandemic has additionally performed a major position on this shift. With journey restrictions and uncertainties surrounding worldwide journey, many Canadians have turned to native locations as a safer and extra dependable choice. Moreover, the financial impression of the pandemic has led to monetary constraints for a lot of households, making staycations a extra possible alternative. Supporting Native Economies Staycations supply a singular alternative for Canadians to assist their native economies. By spending their trip dollars inside Canada, they contribute to the expansion and sustainability of native companies, resembling lodges, eating places and vacationer sights. This has grow to be more and more essential within the wake of the pandemic, as many small companies have struggled to outlive. The idea of “shopping for native” has prolonged past meals and retail to the tourism sector. Canadians have gotten extra acutely aware of the impression their spending has on their communities and are selecting to spend money on their native economic system. This not solely helps to protect jobs but in addition fosters a way of group and satisfaction in native tradition and heritage. Environmental Considerations Environmental consciousness is one other vital issue driving the staycation development. Air journey is a significant contributor to carbon emissions and as local weather change turns into a extra urgent world situation, many Canadians are in search of methods to cut back their carbon footprint. Staycations present a extra sustainable different to worldwide journey, as they usually contain much less transportation and a decrease total environmental impression. Eco-tourism inside Canada has seen an increase in recognition, with Canadians exploring nationwide parks, nature reserves and eco-friendly lodging. This not solely helps conservation efforts but in addition permits people to reconnect with nature and recognize the pure great thing about their very own nation. Discovering Native Wonders Canada is famend for its various landscapes and wealthy cultural heritage, providing a plethora of locations that cater to all pursuits and preferences. From the rugged coastlines of British Columbia to the serene great thing about the Rocky Mountains, the colourful cities of Toronto and Montreal and the historic websites of the Maritime provinces, there is no such thing as a scarcity of locations to discover. Staycations present Canadians with the chance to find hidden gems and lesser-known sights inside their very own borders. This could result in a deeper appreciation of their very own nation and a way of satisfaction in its pure and cultural wealth. Native tourism boards have capitalized on this development by selling distinctive and off-the-beaten-path experiences that entice residents to discover their very own backyards. Comfort and Flexibility The comfort and suppleness of staycations are additionally vital benefits.
With out the necessity for intensive planning and preparation that worldwide journey usually requires, Canadians can take pleasure in extra spontaneous and stress-free holidays. Shorter journey occasions imply extra time spent stress-free and exploring somewhat than coping with the hassles of airports and customs. Furthermore, staycations permit for extra versatile scheduling. Canadians can reap the benefits of lengthy weekends or brief breaks with out having to take prolonged day off work. This makes it simpler for households, particularly, to plan holidays that match round faculty and work commitments. Well being and Security Well being and security issues, notably within the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, have made staycations a extra enticing choice. Staying inside Canada reduces the dangers related to worldwide journey, resembling publicity to totally different well being rules and potential outbreaks in international locations. Canadians really feel safer understanding they're nearer to dwelling and inside attain of their healthcare system. The familiarity of native locations additionally contributes to a way of security. Canadians are extra possible to concentrate on the well being and security measures in place inside their very own nation and really feel extra snug navigating these environments. Cultural and Leisure Alternatives Canada boasts a wealthy tapestry of cultural and leisure alternatives that make staycations interesting. From world-class museums and galleries to music festivals and culinary excursions, there's something for everybody. Cities like Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal are famend for his or her vibrant arts scenes and various culinary choices. For these in search of outside adventures, Canada affords an abundance of leisure actions. Mountaineering, snowboarding, kayaking and tenting are just some of the numerous choices accessible. The nation’s huge and different landscapes present the right backdrop for each leisure and journey. Conclusion The rise of staycations in Canada is a multifaceted development pushed by financial concerns, a need to assist native economies, environmental issues and the distinctive benefits of home journey. As Canadians proceed to discover their very own nation, they're discovering the wealthy cultural and pure heritage that lies inside their borders. This development not solely advantages people and households by offering inexpensive and handy trip choices but in addition helps the expansion and sustainability of native communities. In a world the place journey is commonly related to far-flung locations, staycations supply a refreshing and rewarding different. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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tatumeyecare5 · 5 months
Your Eye Health
Learning about your eye health can be complicated – and might even seem overwhelming at first. To simplify things for our patients, we present our Eye Health Library, a comprehensive library of vision-related information. We invite you to browse through our library to find information that will help you better understand how your vision works, common eye conditions, surgeries and how your vision changes as you age.
Contact Lens Basics
Glossary of Eye Care Terms
While certainly not a complete eye care dictionary, the EyeGlass Guide Glossary covers many of the common eye care conditions, terms and technology you’ll commonly discuss with your eye care professional.
Healthy Sight
While certainly not a complete eye care dictionary, the EyeGlass Guide Glossary covers many of the common eye care conditions, terms and technology you’ll commonly discuss with your eye care professional.
How the Eye Works
The human eye is a marvel of built-in engineering, combining reflected light, lens imaging capability, multiple lighting adjustments and information processing—all in the space of your eyeball. When working properly, the human eye converts light into impulses that are conveyed to the brain and interpreted as images.
Protecting Your Eyes
If you work in a hazardous environment like a construction zone or workshop, or participate in ball sports or extreme sports—sturdy, shatter-and-impact-resistant eyewear is a must. This is particularly important when considering eye protection for both children and adults.
Eye Exams
Seeing clearly is just one part of your overall eye health. It’s important to have regular eye exams whether or not you wear glasses or contacts, and even if your vision is sharp. The articles below explain what problems can be spotted with an eye exam, what’s involved in a comprehensive exam, and special considerations for kids and contacts.
Computer Eyestrain
Digital eye strain, eye fatigue and computer vision syndrome (CVS) are conditions that result from extended exposure to digital screens.
Children's Vision
Use these articles to proactively care for your child's eyes, spot potential trouble, and maximize the opportunity for crisp, convenient and healthy vision.
Vision Surgery
Tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses? Today, several surgical methods can correct your eyesight and, in most cases, give you the freedom of seeing well without corrective lenses.
Eye Diseases
Read more about some of the most common eye diseases including cataracts, diabetes, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Eye Conditions
Eye problems can range from mild to severe; some are chronic, while others may resolve on their own, never to appear again. The articles below will give you a basic understanding of some of these problems and their implications. The cardinal rule is if your eyes don't look good, feel good or see well, you should visit your doctor.
Vision Over 40
If you are among the 85 million Baby Boomers in the United States and Canada (born between 1946 and 1964), you've probably noticed your eyes have changed. Most notably, presbyopia - the normal, age-related loss of near focusing ability - usually becomes a problem in our 40's, requiring new vision correction solutions. Learn about measures you can take to keep seeing clearly for years to come.
Vision Over 60
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biblenewsprophecy · 5 months
CEI Deleted Matthew 18:11 about Jesus coming to save the lost. Why?
A reader in Italy sent me the following link, https://www.marcotosatti.com/2024/04/09/bibbia-2008-cancellato-un-versetto-in-matteo-1811-perche-investigatore-biblico/ which I machine-translated into English. Here are excerpts:
Bible 2008, Deleted a Verse in Matthew 18,11. Why? Biblical Investigator.
9 April 2024 Published by Marco Tosatti
Bible CEI 2008: “Sensatory: an entire verse deleted: Matthew 18,11. Who has the right to such changes?” by BIBLICAL INVESTIGATOR
Starting from the healthy question ‘has anyone else noticed?’, I searched for bibliography on the subject, even online, but no response.
The sensational thing is another deletion of a verse of the Word of God in the CEI 2008 Bible . …
In the case in question the verse in Mt 18.11 has been magically crossed out.
We therefore present the usual comparison with the previous edition.
Cei 74 in Mt 18.11 reports:
“ For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost ” ( Mt 18:11 )
CEI 2008 , however, completely skips the v. 11, placing a footnote, where it is written:
“ the verse (…) is missing in many manuscripts; a similar phrase occurs in Luke 19:10 “.
It is not known which are the ‘many manuscripts’ in which the verse is missing, and the matter is approved without any mention.
Reading, however, the text of the Gospel of Matthew in Greek, here is what I find in verse 11:
“ Elthen gar o uios tou anthropou sosai to apolosos ” which, translated, precisely, is:
“ For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost ”.
Now, there are 2 cases:
– I am the only biblical scholar in the world to have a Greek text where verse 11 appears (therefore the new translators must demonstrate and present in which manuscripts this verse does not appear)
– they are doing some prank or experiment
Having said this, the verse of Matthew 18.11 appears in the Vulgate of Saint Jerome, is present in the Martini Bible (18th century) and in the Ricciotti Bible (1940s), just to give a few examples.
But, be careful!, it was also canceled in the New Vulgate. …
Do new translators claim the right to decide what is the Word of God and what is not?
Is the verse not to our liking and therefore we proceed to delete it without mincing words?
I’ll go further.
If in 2024 it is decided arbitrarily, with censorship, what is the Word of God and what is not, who will prevent, for example, that in 10 years the new edition of the Bible avoids containing Romans 1 to be more politically correct?
Other than a basic bias against the Bible, the ‘Bible Investigator’ did not give a specific reason why he feels that the CEI translators left the verse out.
But he is correct that some do not care for Romans 1. For example, we already know that governments, particularly in Canada, do not like Romans 1 (watch Canadian censoring of the Bible).
What is the CEI? Well that stands for the CONFERENZA EPISCOPALE ITALIANA (CEI). That group has been headed up by the Roman Catholic Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna. Their Bible is an Italian translation and according to Bible Gateway, that Bible is in the public domain in the United States.
That said, the fact that Jesus came to save the lost is an important doctrine.
But, while it was taught by early Christians, and seemingly also once understood by people who became part of the Greco-Roman church alliance (see the free online book: Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession?), that alliance changed the meaning of that (though the Eastern Orthodox still have some conception of it). Most modern Protestants do not know what early Christians believed related to several aspects of God’s plan of salvation (see also the free online book: Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism).
Here is some information about that verse (and a similar one in Luke 19) as well as more on the lost and God’s plan of salvation from the free online book: Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation:
The Bible shows that it is appointed for all to die once, and after this will come the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Yet, the Bible also shows that those judged can attain mercy upon repentance (cf. James 2:13) and even those lost can be found (cf. Matthew 10:6-13).
Perhaps it should be pointed out that babies who die are not lost for sinning against God. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that those who never heard the truth of the gospel message will be lost.
It should be noted that Roman Catholic theology, while normally allowing for a higher percentage of people receiving salvation than what many Protestant and Baptist groups seem to teach, also tends to condemn most who ever lived to eternal torment and torturing.
Since Protestants have often claimed sola scriptura as their doctrinal source, and Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox point to scripture as a doctrinal source, it is to the Bible that Greco-Roman-Protestants should go to in order to see God’s plans for all.
Sadly, despite claiming “sola Scriptura,” Protestant scholars have tended to reason around various biblical passages regarding God’s plan of salvation. Notice one such mis-reasoning example related to Luke 3:6 (bolding in the version cited):
And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. The writer makes plain at the outset of Jesus’ ministry that He had a universal message. (from The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1962 by Moody Press).
Contrary to the interpretation above, Luke 3:6 DOES NOT state that the message is universal–it teaches that all flesh SHALL SEE the salvation of God. ALL will have an opportunity for salvation. That will be now for the elect and later for the rest.
Plus the message is not universal if most in the universe never properly hear it.
Luke 2:10, states:
10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.
There is to be good tidings for ALL PEOPLE. All will have an opportunity for salvation (cf. Luke 3:6).
Jesus will be joy to all people who will accept Him. …
The Gospels show that Jesus came to save the lost:
9 And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:9-10)
11 For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. (Matthew 18:11)
11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. (Matthew 18:11, DRB)
Notice that Jesus came to save the lost, not just a small amount of elect people. If the lost could not be saved, why would Jesus then have come?
Saving those who are currently lost is part of God’s plan as Ezekiel 34:11-16 shows:
11 ‘For thus says the Lord God: “Indeed I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out. 12 As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his scattered sheep, so will I seek out My sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day. 13 And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land; I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, in the valleys and in all the inhabited places of the country. 14 I will feed them in good pasture, and their fold shall be on the high mountains of Israel. There they shall lie down in a good fold and feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. 15 I will feed My flock, and I will make them lie down,” says the Lord God. 16 “I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick; but I will destroy the fat and the strong, and feed them in judgment.”
Notice that the lost were driven away (by false teachings and their own issues) but God will bring them back and FEED THEM IN JUDGMENT. Ezekiel did not say condemning them to everlasting torment in that judgment. While Jesus sought to reach various ones who were lost (Matthew 18:11), God did not gather the people from the countries then, hence this prophecy in Ezekiel is for a future time.
Furthermore, doesn’t “feed them in judgment” sound fairly positive? …
Satan has basically held the world captive through deceit. Notice also what Revelation 12:9 teaches:
9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;
Notice that the whole world has been allowed to be deceived. They have not intentionally chosen the wrong.
2 Corinthians 4:3 teaches:
3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost (KJV).
While Calvinists and others misunderstand this verse, consider that just because someone is lost does NOT mean that they cannot be found!
2 Corinthians 4:4 teaches about those:
4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.
So, right now the gospel is hid—during this age—and some now are lost as they have been blinded by Satan—the god of this age—from knowing the truth (to learn more about the gospel, check out our free book, available online at www.ccog.org, The Gospel of the Kingdom of God). Paul also calls our time “this present evil age” (Galatians 1:4), which implies a better age to come (which will happen per Revelation 21:1-7).
Would a just God who allowed Satan to blind the world so that it could not see the truth of the Gospel not have a plan to later call those who are now lost?
The Bible clearly teaches that two ages will be coming where Satan will NOT be around (Revelation 20:1-3, 10), hence people will have an opportunity for salvation without being under the sway of Satan.
Anyway, yes, the lost can be found.
The Vatican, which has strong connections to the CEI,  has declared that God does not have a plan to offer salvation later. Notice something that Joseph Ratzinger wrote in a paper titled The Theology of History in St. Bonaventure prior to becoming Pope Benedict XVI:
“…both Chiliasm [the teaching of the Millennium] and Montanism were declared heretical and were excluded from the universal church; for they both denied this vision [the “Christ is the end of the ages” vision] and awaited still another period of more definitive salvation to follow after the age of Christ” (as cited in Birch, pp. 515-516; note the comments within [] were from the Roman Catholic writer Birch).
This was an odd statement for several reasons. It was the leaders in Asia Minor who stood for the Millennium and were the first to oppose Montanism–whom the Roman Catholics originally tolerated (please see the article Location of the Early Church)–hence the belief in one is NOT necessarily related to the other.
The other reason this condemnation is odd, is that even though Origen of the 3rd century was opposed to the millennium, Origen also taught that there was definitive salvation after what then Cardinal Ratzinger calls “the age of Christ” (please see the article Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism). Yet the late Pope Benedict XVI  publicly praised Origen as a “true teacher” (for documentation, see What is the Appropriate Form of Biblical Interpretation?).
Perhaps Satan influenced those who took Matthew 18:11 out as Satan does not want people to realize that God is love, has a broader plan of salvation than many understand, and is actually fair.
The fact is that God does have a fantastic plan, and it includes reaching those who are now lost.
Notice and consider how our free book, Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation, starts off:
Does God have a plan of salvation that makes sense?
The Bible teaches that “God is love” (1 John 4:8), “God is the God of salvation” (Psalm 68:20), God is good (Mark 10:18), and God is all-powerful, all-knowing (Isaiah 46:9-11).
Would not such a God be wise enough to come up with a plan of salvation that works, and does not doom the overwhelming majority of humans that ever lived to punishing that never ends?
Could that be a major part of why He sent His Son (John 3:16-17; 10:10)?
Will God offer salvation to all human beings who ever lived?
Is the view that God plans to offer salvation to all human beings biblical?
Has such a view had at least a degree of historical support, even among certain religious leaders still praised by the Greco-Roman-Protestant churches?
The answer to these questions is, yes, absolutely!
God’s plan makes sense.
More on God’s loving plan of salvation can be found in our free online book: Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation.
Related Items:
Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation Will all get a fair chance at salvation? This free book is packed with scriptures showing that God does intend to offer salvation to all who ever lived–the elect in this age, and the rest in the age to come. Here is a link to a related sermon series: Universal Offer of Salvation 1: Apocatastasis, Universal Offer of Salvation 2: Jesus Desires All to be Saved, Mysteries of the Great White Throne Judgment (Universal Offer of Salvation part 3), Is God Fair?, Will God Pardon the Ignorant?, Can God Save Your Relatives?, Babies, Limbo, Purgatory and God’s Plan, and ‘By the Mouth of All His Holy Prophets’.
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The CCOG is NOT Protestant. This free online book explains how the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants. Several sermons related to the free book are also available: Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History; The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character; The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon; Eucharist, Passover, and Easter; Views of Jews, Lost Tribes, Warfare, & Baptism; Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday; Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan; Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?; Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation; Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats; The Godhead and the Trinity; Fleeing or Rapture?; and Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences.
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection; here is a message in Spanish: Me Está Llamando Dios Hoy? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.
About Baptism Should you be baptized? Could baptism be necessary for salvation? Who should baptize and how should it be done? Here is a link to a related sermon: Let’s Talk About Baptism and Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death.
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miniaturetalecrown · 7 months
Hetalia Character Profiles - New Zealand
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Character's Name: New Zealand, Zee (by Alfred and Matthew), Kiwi (by Jake), Kiwi-Fruit (also by Jake), Rachel Victoria Kirkland (1840-1945), Rachel Victoria Mhairi Smith (1945-1990), and Rachel Victoria Mhairi Smith-Beilschmidt (1990-present), Rach (by Ludwig, Alfred, Matthew, and Jake), Darling (by Arthur).
Age: Human - Baby, toddler and child (1840-1880), Teenager (1880-1918), Appears 18 after 1919. Nation - 184.
Height: 5”11 (180cm).
Physical Description: Tall, joint tallest female nation with Laura (Belgium) and Natalya (Belarus), Rachel has a strong hourglass figure and has superhuman strength like her older brothers, Alfred (America) and Jake (Australia). Rachel takes after both her Aunt Shannon (Ireland) and Aunt Mhairi (Scotland) in appearance.
Eye Colour: Emerald green like Arthur (England), Uncle Dylan (Wales), Aunt Shannon, and Aunt Mhairi.
Hair Colour/Style: Long light brown curls, which is super thick and reaches down to the middle of her back. Rachel usually has her hair tied up into a ponytail when she’s working out with Ludwig (Germany) or doing business. Rachel leaves her hair down the rest of the time. Ludwig often complains about how much hair Rachel leaves everywhere.
Other Physical Traits: Freckles across her nose which she inherited from Arthur . Rachel also has her ears pierced, her septum pierced, a bird tattoo on her left shoulder, and a tattoo on her right leg. Like Shannon and Mhairi, Rachel didn’t inherit the infamous Kirkland eyebrows.
Personal Appearance/Style: Rachel wears mostly black, reds, blues, and purples. Rachel grew up wearing long dresses with corsets in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Rachel was relieved to stop wearing corsets in the 1910s/1920s. Now, Rachel’s wardrobe is full of comfy t-shirts, blue and black jeans, short dresses, and short skirts. Rachel also wears Ludwig’s clothes, especially his t-shirts.
Verbal Style: Rachel mostly speaks with her New Zealand accent; she can also speak in a posh English accent (which she used when she was in upper class company as she was growing up). Rachel also speaks fluent German, and her New Zealand accent is only slightly noticeable.
Education: Rachel was educated by Mhairi as a child/teenager along with Jake. Mhairi taught both the same despite the pressures to educate Rachel differently based on gender. Rachel also went to University, unlike Alfred and Jake and her cousin, Matthew (Canada). Rachel gained her degree in English Literature from Edinburgh University in 1925.
Occupation: Diplomat. Rachel also helps out at bird sanctuaries in her spare time.
Past Occupations: A military nurse during both world wars, a fighter pilot during the Second World War, and a nurse.
Skills, Abilities or Talents: Rachel is a talented artist and even painted Arthur’s portrait in the 1920s, Arthur still has the portrait over his fireplace. Rachel also has the ability to understand birds. Rachel has also written a romance novel, which she wrote in the 1950s. Rachel enjoys knitting and still knits sweaters for herself.
Positive Personality Treats: Friendly, compassionate, good sense of humour, and animal lover.
Negative Personality Traits: Stubborn like Arthur, can be judgemental and too sharp-tongued.
Sense of Humour: Sarcastic, sharp, and witty.
Physical/Mental Illnesses or Afflictions: The most mentally stable of her siblings/cousins. The world wars didn’t affect Rachel as much as other family members or Ludwig. Jake tries to avoid Rachel when she’s on her period, as she used to lose her temper with him when they were teenagers, Jake even warned Ludwig to not go near Rachel when she’s on her period without chocolates and flowers.
Hobbies/Interests: Playing Rugby with Jake, painting, drawing, yoga, bird watching, cooking, snowboarding, skiing, and swimming.
Favourite Foods: Fish and chips, Ludwig’s homemade chocolate cake, and pavlova.
Most Important Personal Items: Her diamond engagement ring, her silver fern necklace that Ludwig gave her, and her photo album.
Person/Friend Close to Character: Rachel is closest to her husband and best friend, Ludwig. They’ve been together since 1895 and have known each other since the 1850s when they met as toddlers. In 1987, after Rachel’s independence from the British Empire, Ludwig proposed to Rachel on a beach in New Zealand, and in 1990 the couple would get married with both their families and friends present. Ludwig is protective of Rachel and won’t let anything happen to her. Rachel worries about Ludwig when he works too much and his lack of sleep.
Background: Rachel was born on the 6th of February 1840 and was raised by Arthur. Rachel is Arthur’s youngest child and only daughter. Arthur spoiled Rachel as a young child and was/is protective of her. Rachel has two older brothers, Alfred was about 18 when she was born, and Jake was about three. There’s also Rachel’s older cousin Matthew who was about 14. Matthew also helped Mhairi and Shannon look after Rachel. Both Mhairi and Shannon acted as governesses to Jake and Rachel. Dylan also helped with Jake and Rachel. Rachel used to help Dylan with his sheep.
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 8 months
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter 29 - Alek
"They're here."  
A few howls from a distance rang through the pack grounds.
I could feel heart pound with excitement as the white and off-white wolves made their way in the direction of the pack house.
The summer sun reflected off their coats, making each one shine bright.
The epsilons, protectors of the grounds, gave them space to pass so that they were able to walk by.    
I've been talking to Adrian for the past month through the phone, making sure he and the other wolves didn't get lost on their way here.
I wasn't even sure how I had made the journey from Russia to Canada and I was glad that they had taken such a heavy risk for me and now they were here, just a little distance away from the front of the main building.    
The wolves took a while to make it into the center and when they did, they bowed their heads low in acknowledgment of the high-ranking wolves that were sitting on stools at the patio.  
The high-ranking wolves and elders who were present greeted them, before Halian, the Alpha of the pack turned to gesture at me.    
"Come greet your brothers," he said, making the Omegas that were watching through the window to stare at me.  
Impatient, I slipped through the other park members so that I was now standing on the first stair of the patio.
I locked eyes with Adrian's yellow years.
After all these years I could still recognize his wolf form.
"You made it," I said, stepping down the stairs.    
'I did,' Adrian said to me through his thoughts before letting out an excited bark as he wagged his tail.
I couldn't recognize most of the other wolves but I noticed two of the smaller off-white ones shared a similarity to Adrian.    
'My sister's step kids,' he said.
'Mine aren't here. Still too young to travel. I'll show you pictures.'
I nodded, walking up to this alive before squatting and giving him a hug.    
"You must be Adrian."
Adrian and I both looked up to see Ahote towering over us.
He was cradling is stomach as usual.
A sweet smile was plastered on his face and I could see his curious eyes dart from us to the other Siberian wolves and then back to us.    
"It's great to meet you," he said, staring down at Adrian.
The appropriate thing would have been to get on Adrian's level but Ahote was physically unable to do so.    
'Ah, you must be Ahote,' Adrian said, standing to sniff his legs.
'Alek told me about the pup on the way. Congratulations.'    
Ahote's smile widened.
"Thank you," he said as his hand found mine and squeezed it.
Adrian gave us one last look before approaching the high-ranking wolves, probably to ask questions about their stay for the week.    
My bonding ceremony with Ahote was this evening and I'm glad Adrian and the rest made it on time.
The crowd that had formed filtered away since a handful of them had to prepare things at the riverside.
Ahote and I, as well as Zeke and Kaya, were going to get bonded together there.
Something about Rivers and flowing spirts. I'm not too sure.
I had been too excited to listen to Ahote explain the religious significance behind doing it at that exact spot last night.    
"We should head inside with the others," Ahote said, taking a hold of my hand before pulling me in direction of the pack house.
I blinked.
Somehow, I had blanked out in the middle of the crowd thinking about our bonding.
I smiled, nodding at him before following him back into the pack house to prepare for the evening.  
"Should we begin?" one of the elders asked.
I looked over at Ahote who was standing next to me.
He nodded, giving me a smile before reaching out to take my hand.
"Yes," he said, looking over at the elder who was holding a wooden tray.
On it sat bonding bands and red string we were going to use to recite our vows to each other.
I hadn't said anything since the small procession of Peace River wolves had moved to the edge of the river for the bonding ceremony.
I thought that if I spoke up something might go wrong.
The wolves from my pack were now in their human forms.
Their blonde heads and out of place clothes dotted the crowd of first nations wolves.
Zeke and Kaya were standing beside us, both in the heavy traditional attire, Ahote and I had been dressed in as well... off-white pleated tops and pants made of goat fleece and lined with blue thread.
Ahote looked great in it.
I liked how heavily beaded his and Kaya's hairs were.    
The elder smiled at the four of us, stepping back a few times so that he was under the shade of the trees.
Ahote approached him and I followed suit, still holding on to his hand.
A lot of memories flashed through my mind as an Elder from the crowd started the long recitation of marriage advice from his script in their native tongue.
I thought of when I first meet Ahote.
I thought about leaving my pack at thirty.
I thought about how fearful I was that Honon would take all this away from me.
I was at the finish line and my mind was so much of a blur that I wasn't hearing words, just waiting for the elder's lips to stop moving so that Ahote and I could be bond.    
I looked over at Zeke to see if he was just as impatient.
He was. He caught my eyes and smiled and just at that moment, the elder called them up first.
I watched as Kaya and Zeke's right hands were tied together.
They had to hold their hands in a clasp and I watched as the Elder prayed over it before undoing the string and giving both bands.
Zeke had to take an extra oath of initiation and I assumed I had to do the same when it was our turn.  
"Ahote, Alek?"
I took in a deep breath, going forward with Ahote and the same was done with us.
I didn't breathe until the bands were fastened tight on each of us.
I took the separate oath that made me officially a member of the Peace River pack.
When I said the last words of the pledge, I had practiced yesterday with Lapu, cheers broke from the crowd.    
Ahote turned, still holding on to his stomach as the other wolves in attendance started moving forward to congratulate us.
I got a hug from Lapu who pulled me aside for a bit as Aponi approached Ahote with smiles and flowers.
Lapu soon left me for Kaya and Zeke and I was approached by wolves from my former pack.
"It's sad to see you go," Adrian muttered while he hugged me.
He was in washed jeans and a long sleeve red top.
His yellow eyes searched my blue eyes as he pulled away.    
He spoke...
"I always hoped you would come back someday but it seems like you're happier here."
I didn't miss the look he threw at Ahote before looking back at me.    
"Yes," I admitted, squeezing the hand he still had on my shoulder.
I wasn't going to see them in years after they left to go back to Russia but I was happy here and I was happy with the new path I was building for myself.
I could see in his eyes that he was happy for me but also sad that his hopes of my return would have to end.    
"Don't be sad," I said, hugging him again.
He laughed, patting my back before walking away.
I watched him disappear into the crowd before turning my attention to other people approaching me.
As talked to others and along the way, I noticed Len in the far corners of the crowd.
His eyes were fixated on Ahote and suddenly realized that all this must be hard for him.    
"Excuse me," I said to Hakan who was talking to me before slipping away to reach Len.  
The teenager turned, his eyes going wide when he noticed it was me.
"How are you doing?" I asked when he didn't say anything and looked away again before turning to look at me with a deep frown.
His expression said a lot of things.
That he was sad, confused and a little angry.    
"How do you think I'm doing?" he asked and I shrugged, folding my hands over my chest.
"I know it's hard but you'll find someone someday."
"That someone won't be Ahote."    
The hurt in his voice caught me off guard.
I didn't have anything to say in response to that, so I ruffled his hair.
The sound of the river flowing mixed with sound of traditional flute and drums being played made things less awkward.
I wanted to ask Len if he would like to search the crowd and dance with someone but he seemed in too much of a fowl mood even for that.
So I just stood next to him, watching the other werewolves soak their bare feet in the river as the younger wolves chased each other and picked at the food left in open coolers. 
"Don't be so against them before you even meet them."
Was all I could come up with to say to Len.
He didn't respond and I decided to leave him alone.
I went to meet up with Ahote and Aponi.
They were both talking to Kaya now, whose face makeup stood out from the distance.
Elan was being held by Zeke and I could see he looked a bit horrified to have a child in his hands.
The child would sometimes stare at Zeke before turning his attention back to the toy he was swinging via its stuffed limb.   
"This is good practice for when you get your own," I heard Aponi say to Zeke when I got closer.
She tapped Kaya's stomach, probably as a response to Zeke's uneasiness.    
I moved to hug Ahote from behind, not interested in the parenthood preparation speech Aponi was giving Zeke and Kaya.  
"Alek?" Ahote muttered, surprised.
He looked over at me with wide eyes, before his expression turned to that of warmth... of love.
He reached out to hold my hand and spotting the band on his wrist made my chest grow even warmer.
I kissed his wrist and I watched his eyelashes flutter as a deep blush flushed over his face.    
At that moment, during the buzz of the celebration, I got to appreciate everything.
I got to dwell on the fact that Ahote was officially mine and that Peace River was now my pack.
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canadasgiftsca · 1 year
Two Reasons Why Gifts Make People Feel Special
If we look around us, we can notice many people struggling to live their best life.
It is possible that even your loved ones may be going through stressful days. Little care and love in such days are enough to refresh an individual and make him or her feel special.
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To conclude 
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