#also her calling Quinn babe ugh
lilbitdepressed27 · 1 year
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Summary: You get kidnapped by ghost face
Warnings: torture but it doesn’t really go into detail, angst
WC; 5.1k
Author note: not proofread, English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes in advanced. hope you enjoy:)
"Tara I'll only be gone for the weekend. I'll be back Monday morning."
"But why can't I go with you."
"You have that exam tomorrow and you can't miss it. I'll be back before you know it." You zipped up your bag and turned around to see the adorable pouty of face of your best friend. You smiled and walked towards her.
"You won't even notice I'm gone. Plus didn't Mindy say she set you up on a date with someone?" You tried to hid the sadness in your voice at the mere thought of Tara going on a date with someone. You spent most of your friendship with Tara hiding your feelings from her. And you had to give your self credit. You were great at hiding your feelings.
"Ugh yes. She's setting me up with this guy from one of her classes." She rolled her eyes as she helped you with your bag. Packing the spare of glasses you had, she knew how you'd always tended to misplace them. "But I don't have to go. I haven't said yes. And I'd also rather spend my time with you. Your parents love me"
"I would like for you come with but Sam would probably kill me if you miss that final tomorrow. You can come with me next time." You offered ignoring the way your heart thumped in your ears at mention of her rather spending her time with you.
"I called you an Uber so you didn't have to take a taxi. And it's five minutes away." Quinn said as she stood next your open door. Leaning on the door as she smiled at you.
"Thanks Quinn. You didn't have t-Don't worry about it babe. You know you got a special place in my heart." You took a glance at Tara only to see her smile no longer there, replaced with a scowl as she looked at your guys roommate.
"Okay well thanks Quinn. I'll be down in a bit."
She smiled and winked at you, "It's a black SUV Cadillac." Then she walked away. Leaving you and Tara in what felt like awkward silence.
"Come on. Walk me out?"
"You sure you don't want Quinn to do that. You two have grown close." She spoke in an annoyed tone. Her eyes still starting at the spot where Quinn once stood.
"Tara." You sighed gently taking the your bag that Tara still held and slinging it over your shoulder. "Come on. I want you to walk me out." You held out your hand for her to take. You watched as her annoyance melted away, she took your hand and led you out of your room with a huff.
"Bye guys. I'll see on Monday. Where's Ethan?" You waved only to stop when your best friend wasn't in the room. You had met Ethan at the very start of the year and grew close, having the same hobbies. You two bonded for your shared love over video games.
"He said he had a study group he couldn't miss. He told me to tell you he'll miss you and to bring him something." Quinn spoke from her spot on the couch where she sat in between Chad and Anika. Sam and Mindy were in the kitchen making dinner.
"Bye Y/nn have a safe trip." Sam smiled sharing quick hug. She had known you for quite a while. She also cared deeply about you, seeing as she knew you from such a young age. She also knew how you were in love with her younger sister. She had promised not to say anything but she had tried to push you into telling her. Even going as far as trying to get her sister to tell you about her feelings. After the murders of Woodsboro 2022 not only had she become protective of her family. But so did you. Especially over Tara. She had watched how you watched over Tara after she was attacked. Going as far as staying at the hospital. She watched how you did everything in your power to make sure Tara was safe.
The rest of your friends said their goodbyes and you made your way out of the apartment with Tara. The short brunette kept your hand in hers as she lead you down the steps on to the side walk in front the of apartment complex. You saw the black SUV a man wearing a black yankee hat and a black face mask was in the driver seat with the passenger seat window down.
"For Y/n?"
"Yea that's me. Can I get a second?" You asked the man, he nodded and shot you a thumbs up.
"I don't want you to go." You heard Tara mumble as she leaned into the arm she was still holding.
"Tar it's only three days." You pulled her into a hug, she buried her face into your chest her arms wrapping tightly around your waist. You both stayed there for what felt like forever. Before pulling away. She looked up at you through her eyelashes.
"I'll always notice when you're gone." She said in a soft voice.
"I'll be back first thing Monday morning. I have to go. I'll be back before you know it." Without thinking you leaned down kissed the top of her head. You watched as her eyes widen and her cheeks turn pink. Yours for sure doing the same.
"Uh bye Tar."
You sat in the back of suv with your cheeks still feeling warm. You leaned back in the seat and looked down at your phone. The lock screen being of Tara and you at Disney land, Tara had the Mickey Mouse ears and you had your Goofy hat. Both of you smiling at the camera as Sam took the picture. The ping coming your phone notifying you of a new message
Tara: I miss you already :(
A smiled made its way on to your face. You opened the message and typed out response but before you can hit send. The driver spoke up.
"So Y/n, what's your favorite scary movie?"
You were snapped out of your thoughts, your head almost getting whiplash at how fast you looked at the driver.
"E-Excuse me? What did-Mmh!!" You were cut off by someone emerging from the back seat. You tried to fight him off only for you freeze momentarily when you saw who it was.
He jumped over the seat making you unfreeze as you tried to fight him off. Your glasses flying off your face with punches you were receiving, making your vision impaired. The blurry figure of ghost face moved fast. The driver continued to drive like like nothing was wrong. You noticed that the ghostface didn't have his knife which had you confused but you didn't stop fighting. He punched you repeatedly. You were growing weaker by the second. With a final punch to your face you were knocked out.
As you came to, you felt the throb of pain shooting through out your skull. Your blurry vision in no way helping the pain in your head. The panic settled in when you remembered what happened. Ghostface was back.
"Wakey. Wakey Y/n. You don't want to miss all the fun. Do you?"
You registered that you were tied to chair and tape was covering your mouth. There were two ghost faces standing in front of you. You breathing became quicker as your eyes filled with tears.
You pulled on the restraints that held your wrists the handles of the chair. But the rope that had you tied down only tighten the more you moved. One of the figures moved towards, you tried to move away from the knife he held but it was no use.
You couldn't do anything but cry in pain when the knife was brought down.
I miss you already :(
Read 5:39pm
Three hours passed since you left and Tara kept looking at her phone. You had yet to respond to her message, you clearly read it she had seen the bubbles appear. Meaning you were going to respond but the message never came. It wasn't like you to not respond. She sat back in her seat, her friends and herself had a movie night and she couldn't take her mind off you.
"I'm sure she'll answer once she gets off the plane. You know how paranoid she gets when she's on a plane. Phone is in airplane mode and her headphones on full blast. Swear that girl says hates planes cause of final destination but still gets on them." Chad joked as he ate the popcorn Sam had made.
"Oh my god remember when there was turbulence on flight here?" Mindy laughed at the thought of how scared you were. Tara couldn't help but giggle.
"Man who knew she had such a strong grip. Swear my hand hasn't been the same since." Chad shook his hand that you once had in a death grip. He remembered how much it hurt. But you had been so scared, and he wanted to comfort his best friend.
"Chad you literally had tears in your eyes." Mindy laughed even harder. "That's what you get for stealing Tara's seat."
Tara finally relaxed in her seat, she knew exactly how you get when you'd go on a plane. By the time she wakes up Friday morning she'd have a text from you.
When she woke the first thing she did was reach for her phone. Expecting a text from you but when she saw that she had no notification from you she sat up. Her concern coming in ten fold. She pressed on your contact and waited for you to pick up your phone.
"Hey this is Y/n sorry I can't get to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the-Hey just wanted to know if you got home safe. Call me when you get a chance."
It has been approximately 15 hours since you left. The flight was only going to be a six hour flight. You had more than enough time to text her back.
"Still no response?"
Tara looked up from her phone to see her sister standing at the door way of her room. Tara went to respond when her phone binged. Her eyes snapping to the phone in her hand.
Y/nn<3: hey sorry I didn't call. I crashed as soon as I got home and my phone was dead when I got home. My parents say hi but I can't really talk right now. I'll call as soon as I can. Good luck on the exam today. I know you'll do great :) ps I miss you more <3
Tara smiled letting her shoulders drop and the concern she felt before wash away.
Okay call me when you get a chance and tell your parents I said hi as well. Ps not possible I miss you way more
"Great she responded, now get ready for school. You have an exam today." With that Tara got ready for the day. The day would be a long one since you weren't there with her.
After the fight with her sister Tara had dropped in her bed with a deep sigh. She hated fighting with her sister. But sometimes Sam was just a bit over protective. It was something that she understood but if annoyed her just the same.
She wanted nothing more than to have you here. You were not even gone for a day and she missed you way too much already.
You had felt pain before. You were stabbed the year before by Sam's crazy boyfriend. He only got to stab you once before you got the upper hand and kicked his knee in. But this pain. It was a type of pain that had your vision go dark, but then it felt like lights in this old place seem way too bright.
"You will the same pain you made him feel."
The voice behind the mask said. You didn't have the slightest clue on what he was talking about. From the lights you could see you noticed that one of figures was shorter than the other two. It's exactly what you needed, there were three of them.
"-Okay. You're alibis check out. You're friends as well. You have another roommate correct? Y/n Y/ln." Detective Bailey said as he sorted out his paperwork that was in front of him.
"Yea but she left to visit family for the weekend." Tara said leaning forward. Not understanding why the detective was bringing you up. You were no where near New York to be brought up and she was grateful. That she knew you were safe and nowhere ear this again.
"A flight to California is that right?"
"Yes, why are you bringing her up. She's not even in the same state right now?" Sam stared down the detective.
"How well do you know Ms.Y/ln?"
"Since grade school. Now tell us what does Y/n have to do with this." Tara demanded to know.
"Her dna was found in the bodega. Y/n never arrived at the airport, she wasn't on flight Thursday afternoon. So I ask again. How well do you know her?"
"W-What? No no she texted me said that she was already in California. She wouldn't lie to me." The young Carpenter rejected the mere thought of you wanting to kill Sam, your friends, her. No you wouldn't.
"Well then where is she Sam. I just got off the phone with her mom. They haven't seen her. She wasn't on the plane heading back home." Tara paced in the safety of her living room. After being attacked they settled in their apartment. They searched your room for any sign of where you could be but came up empty handed. Everyone had tried to call you but you never answered your phone. It would go straight to voicemail.
With all blame for the murders not only falling on Sam's shoulders but yours as well. The situation was becoming even more stressful.
"I don't know Tara. I don't know."
The five in the room jumped at the sound of Tara's phone ringing. They looked at her phone and saw the contact picture of you popping up. Tara wasted no time to answer the phone.
"Y/n! Where the hell are you-Oh Tara, you dumb little thing. Y/n isn't here or maybe she is and she's been stringing you along. Or maybe I'm Y/n. It wouldn't be the first time someone you love tries to kill you, now would it."
"Y/n wouldn't do this."
"You sure about that."
Tara looked down at the phone when ghostface hung up. Everything in her was telling her that you would never do this to her. You wouldn't. But there was little part of her that was telling her that it was true.
"Hey we've known Y/n since we were babies. She loves you too much to do this. No, there has to be a different explanation for why ghostface has her phone." Chad said in not believing for one second you could be part of this deranged persons team.
"Wait doesn't-Guys, what the hell."
The four walked out of the kitchen, towards the living room where Anika turned up the volume. The five watched how the blame for the murders where placed on Sam and Y/n. And how Sam almost attacked a girl the night before. How the murders of Woodsboro 2022 were also blamed on Sam. They watched how the reporter not only victimized Richie but dragged Sam's and Y/n's name as well.
Sam took the control away from Anika and turned off the tv. She stormed away and sat the kitchen table.
The three teens watched how Tara tried her best to comfort her sister. Trying to push the worry she felt for you aside.
The five in room not aware of the danger lurking in the room across the hall.
The throbbing pain coming from your knee was becoming worse. One of the ghost faces had broken your knee. They had the cut you and beat you but the worst pain of it all was the knee.
"Are you ready Y/n. You won't believe it but your group of friends has become unfortunately small."
"Leave them alone you bitch! I'll kill you. I'll-You won't do anything. Want to know why. Cause when they find you. You will be dead. Just another name added to my list. But don't worry. They'll see your final moments after all."
You didn't know they had been recording, but all you cared for was your friends. Tara. You felt your eyes fill with tears. You hated not being there for her or Sam. You only hoped that they were okay.
You could only hope.
The group watched how all the ghost face costumes were on display. They had made it an abandoned movie theater. All the evidence collected from past attacks.
"What's in the box? It's huge." Ethan walked up towards the wooden large box. "You think we could get it open?" He looked around trying to find something to open the box with. "I mean we don't know where Y/n is. She could be behind th-Don't you fucking dare." Tara stared daggers at the taller boy.
"I'm just saying Tara. Has anyone seen or heard from her? She's gone completely M.I.A. I love her but it's weird. The cops can't find her, her parents don't know where she's at. And to top it all off she goes missing the day the killings start. The knifes go missing from the kitchen, a kitchen Y/n used frequently. It's-Stop talking Ethan." This time it was Sam that cut him off. Sam loved you dearly, she had known you since you were a kid. You were too sweet of a kid to do something like this.
But the question still stood. Where were you.
"You know you always had a special spot in my heart."
The words rang through your head. Your blurry vision became cleared when the figure put something on your face. Your eyes widen in disbelief at who was standing in front of you. They had taken off their mask and were now just standing there.
She swung the pipe hitting you in the head before you could actually say anything.
You weren't sure how much time passed. When you woke up you were somewhere dark. You couldn't see anything. You could still feel the cloth tide over your mouth, the pain coming from the side of your head. But now you could also feel something covering your whole face. You could barely feel the your leg and you were afraid on what that could mean.
You could faintly hear muffled voices. And then gunshots. Making you flinch at the loud noise. You heard noises around you and then suddenly, light that you were able to see through the bag since it wasn't that thick.
"We have a few more surprises for you both actually. It was so easy. Having the blame not only on Sam but also her."
You felt someone touch your shoulder making you flinch harder than before. The bag than lifted from your head making squint your eyes a bit at the bright lights. You wheezed out, when they roughly grabbed you by the hair making you look up.
At the sudden voice your eyes connected to the deep brown eyes that you loved so much. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to get to you.
"Q-Qui-Now Now don't spoil the surprise." You watched as Sam and Tara's eyes widen at the site of you. They looked at the person behind you gasped when you only assumed that they took off their mask.
"Mindy was right." You looked up only to a person you considered a best friend. Heart breaking when Ethan ranted about killing Chad. "I mean it was fun. But it was more fun torturing you." You hissed when he pulled your hair harder, head tilted back as he taunted you with the knife.
"Get away from her." Tara lunged forward but was stopped by Sam. She cried at the sight of you. You were covered in blood, cuts, bruises. And she could see how bad you leg looked.
"Speaking of Families. My name isn't Ethan Landry. Is it dad?"
"Hey roomies. You didn't see that one coming " Quinn smiled evilly. A chuckle escaped her mouth at the shocked expressions on the Carpenters sister's face.
You watched as they argued, Ethan..or what ever his name was no longer behind you. While they did their monologue, you tried to use this time to escape the ropes. The little fight you had left growing just a bit, when the three insane killers circled the two sisters. You had known that they were going to avenge their dead brother. You didn't know that it was Richie they were talking about. You looked to your side to faintly see a blonde woman crawling towards you.
She slowly and quietly cut the ropes tying your legs. Careful not to touch your bad leg. She then moved to your wrists. Slipping something medal in your hands.
"Hide it. I'm gonna try to distract them. Oh and here figured these could help. They're broken but it'll have to do." Kirby put the glasses on your face. She had found them laying around. She knew they belonged to you the moment she saw them. She has seen the pictures of you and your friends. The frames being way too similar for them not to be yours. The glass was cracked and scratched.
You tried to move but you had to stop at the pain coming from your leg. Your head snapping up when you heard gun shots. You watched as the detective was shot, Quinn was hit in the face with a brick by Tara. Who then tried to run towards you but was tripped when a hand grabbed her ankles.
"Tara! Sam!" Sam looked up from stabbing Ethan, towards you. She then moved to you. Stopping when you shook your head, "Help Tara, I can't move. Here." You threw her the gun Kirby gave you. She looked uncertain of leaving you but with a yelp coming from her sister she turned and ran towards her.
You attempted once again to move. Using the arm rests of the chair to pull yourself up. Biting your lip at the pain coursing through your body. From the corner of your eye you saw the detective get up, picking up his gun and then aiming at Tara and Sam. You had failed to notice that they had made it on the top balcony. You could only watch as Tara dangled from the top, Sam trying her best to pull her back up. Ethan was just below Tara swiping his knife at her. You limped your way to him. Using anything to to put your weight on. Picking up the a pipe on the way. Once you were right behind him you swung it as hard you can, Tara falling at the same moment. With the force of the swing causing you fall. Tara used the knife Sam gave her to stab Ethan through the mouth.
"Now die a fucking virgin."
"Baby." She quickly shifted toward you. Cupping your cheeks as she cried. Looking over your body at the damage done by people she trusted. "Oh y/n. You're going to be okay. Just-just keep your eyes open."
"Tara...y-you're bleeding."
Letting a tearful chuckle the brunette wiped your tears away. "So are you dumbass."
With a painful laugh you reached up wiping her tears away. "I m-missed you." You mumbled, your eyes growing heavy by the second. The energy you once had fading away. The exhaustion from the passed days coming to in waves.
"No no keep your eyes open. Come on baby. Look at me. Please."
Both of you flinching at the sound of glass and wood breaking. You moved your head slightly to see Sam and Quinn's dad on the floor.
"Go-go help her."
"You keep your fucking eyes open. You hear me. Please keep them open. I'll be right back." She leaned down kissing you the lips. Even in this light when she pulled away from you, you saw the blush on her cheeks. You cracked a smile at the sight.
"Yes ma'am."
Tara had been pissed when she returned to you to find you unconscious. Worried but pissed. So angry that she bursted into tears. Sam had to pull her away from your body letting the paramedics help you. Sam had watched as they rushed you away. Sam held Tara tighter as her sister tried to get to you. Her arm burning as she held her younger sister.
Now they sat in the waiting room. Waiting for any news on you and Chad. They both had gotten stitches on their wounds. Mindy and Danny sat with them. Sidney had called them to make sure they were alright. At the news that they were alright Sidney was on the next flight to New York. The older woman wanted to be there but she also had her own family to look after.
"Family of Y/n Y/ln and Chad Meeks Martin?"
The four shot up from their seats. "Please tell me they're okay." Tara begged, tears streaming down her cheeks
"Yes. They'll pull through."
The group of friends cheered tears of joy and pure relief. Danny pulled the three girls in a big bear hug. The three woman cried in the mans chest.
"The good news for Mr.Meeks is that the knife missed all the vital organs. He'll make a speedy recovery once all the stitches are out." The group nodded taking every word in. Thankful that Chad would be alright.
"Ms.Y/ln on the other hand and multiple cuts and bruises. She has minor concussion as well. But that's not what we were worried about. When Ms.Y/ln was brought her left leg was in horrible shape. Her knee was broken for at least two days. When she was brought in it was deeply infected due to the lack of treatment. Due to the infection, it had stopped blood flow to the that leg. Which caused what we call tissue death..requiring an amputation."
The bright lights form the ceiling were the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes. You felt nauseous, dizzy and numb all around. It felt like you couldn't move. The pain you once felt, you barely feel now. The more you came to, the more you realized that you were on a hospital. You also now felt a hand holding yours. It was warm and small. You recognized the hand instantly. Looking towards the direction of the hand, a small smile made its way to your face at what you saw. She was bit blurry due to you not having your glasses, but nevertheless she was still beautiful. You could tell that she was sleeping and not knowing what she's been through, you didn't want to wake her.
"Hey, you're awake." You heard the older Carpenter's voice. You turned to the sound of her voice and saw her figure standing by the bed. You saw her dig in her bag, pulling out a black box.
You smiled when she put on your spare glasses. "Thanks Sammy."
She chuckled and shook her head. "You're welcome. Now how are you feeling?" She realized that you haven't noticed that your leg wasn't, well there. And she didn't know how to tell you. She looked at her sister who was still asleep. For the past 24 hours that you've been unconscious Tara did not want to leave your side. Sam didn't want to leave her sister so she had Danny go to her place and pack them a change of clothes and other things they could possibly need. She knew she could trust him. He had tried so hard to make sure they were all okay.
"I'm feel a little sore and loopy but other than that I feel okay." You whispered back. "What about you guys. Are you guys okay?"
"Everyone is okay. Chad is a floor down with Mindy. Hell pull through. Tara and I are fine just a few stitches and bruises. You just focus on yourself. I'm going go get a doctor. I'll be right back. I'm so glad you're okay." She leaned down and kissed the top of your head. You offered a small smile. Your mind hazy from the drugs pumping into your blood stream.
"Hey you're awake." At the sound of the sudden voice. You looked at Tara who was now wide awake. She looked at you with tears in her eyes. The relief shown in her face at sight of you awake. "Thank god you're awake. I was so scared." She held your hand tightly as she brought it up to her lips.
"I'm-Ms.Y/ln you're awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor came in with a smile as he looked at you. Sam was close behind him as she moved to stand behind Tara.
"Sore, a little loopy. My leg kinda hurts but it's more of a sting." Your hand moved to touch your left leg but was stopped by Tara. You furrowed your eyebrows at her and she didn't meet your eyes.
"Y/n, you had a broken knee from what we saw the broken bone was left untreated for quite awhile. It was left unclean which led to an infection, this caused blood flow to stop traveling to your knee. Ms.Y/ln we had to amputate your left leg due to the dead tissue-"
You sat up ignoring the pain at the movement. The stitches on your stomach pulling. The three in front of you tried to stop you but couldn't. The doctor called for a nurse to get a sedative. Your eyes widen in shock and horror when you pulled back the blanket to see the leg stump. You could faintly hear the heart monitor connected to you pick up. Then followed a tiny sting coming from your arm. You looked to your side to see a nurse, you looked back at Tara who looked at you with so much guilt and sadness. Your world faded once again.
Tara stood as she watched as you fall in to unconsciousness. She knew things wouldn't be the same for you. She knew that it'd take time for you to heal mentally and physically.
She planned to be by your side throughout the journey.
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hughesmedicine · 1 year
“besties” | c. mcward
cole mcward x !hughes sister
a/n: sorry that the ending is rushed! I’ve had this in the drafts for months but here it is also got a jack insta edit coming soon!
made this for @starsandhughes 🫶🏻
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liked by _quinnhughes, colemcward, _eliaspettersson and others.
ynhughes trip to van was a need🤟❤️
tagged: _quinnhughes, colemcward, _eliaspettersson
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colemcward please come back you left me with these lunatics!
ynhughes omw! one test is okay to miss
jackhughes don’t skip the test stay home and wait till summer.
ynhughes ugh sorry cole I’m being forced to stay!
colemcward boo you stink jack.
ynhughes ^
jackhughes don’t agree with him!
ynhughes sorry but it’s in my contract that I have to agree with him when it comes to you
jackhughes what contract??
ynhughes canucks contract! guess who signed 🤭
jackhughes don’t play with my feelings.
lhughes_06 why are you guys posing with a dog? who’s dog is that?😭
ynhughes erm found her on the side of the road!
colemcward yep that’s totally how we found her!
lhughes_06 you guys kidnapped the dog didn’t you?.
ynhughes not exactly!
lhughes_06 not exactly? do tell
ynhughes erm sorry I’ll die in those trenches.
colemcward yeah me too.
_quinnhughes please come back
ynhughes dude I literally left 30 minutes ago, you’ll be fine
_quinnhughes no I won’t!
ynhughes fine I’ll come back
elblue6 y/f/n y/m/n hughes you better not go back and get on that plane, you have a game tomorrow.
ynhughes yes mom! I’ll send you picture updates of the view out the window so you know.
_quinnhughes she can skip it.
elblue6 quintin jerome hughes she can’t and stop trying to convince her she can.
_quinnhughes alright got it sorry mom!
tylerduke so anybody find it weird that it’s all cole on the top?
ynhughes what?? no it’s not all cole on the top, there’s also me!
lhughes_06 stop that is pretty weird, anything you need to tell us y/n.
jackhughes yeah is there??
_quinnhughes guys stop there’s nothing going on with them
ynhughes yeah what quinn said, cole and I are just certified besties🤟
colecaulfield yeah “besties”
ynhughes shut up cole!
jackhughes COLE WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!
colecaulfield nothing!
jackhughes expect Luke and I at your door tomorrow, already bought flight tickets.
ynhughes better change your locks. (cause of my brothers but also me.)
colecaulfield if anybody needs me I’ll be on a flight to disclosed location where y/n can’t find me and where the three brothers can’t either.
ynhughes bold of you to assume I can’t find you, you’re currently booking a flight for Japan
colecaulfield I’m terrified of you.
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liked by ynhughes, tykerduke, _quinnhughes and others.
colemcward finally can post my favorite photos of my girl, I love you so much thank you for the visit and the dates (I beat her at hockey and she won’t admit it!)
tagged ynhughes
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ynhughes he’s lying nobody beats me at hockey(just ask matthew or brady! they’ll tell you the truth )
matthew.tkachuk she’s right nobody beats her
colemcward lame you could’ve taken my side!
matthew.tkachuk and get hit with her hockey stick during games? I’m good you’re on your own during this one kid
jackhughes ahem @/_quinnhughes quoting you “guys stop there’s nothing going on with them” how stupid do you feel right now!
lhughes_06 gonna need to hear him actually say “I’m so stupid for thinking there’s nothing going on between them”
ynhughes actually I need to hear this too
colemcward same so babe come here quickly
ynhughes don’t rush me but coming
_quinnhughes YOURE STILL IN VANCOUVER?! You better come see me right now.
titobeavui91 sorry but she’s currently visiting me with Cole so you’ll have to wait your turn.
_quinnhughes I know where you live so I’ll be there soon
trevorzegras ew you guys are sick (cute but sick)
ynhughes call it sick again and that hockey stick you gave me will be finding a new home and it’s not appropriate enough to say online!
trevorzegras I’m sorry you guys aren’t sick! I love your relationship so much and it’s so cute, best nhl couple ever!
ynhughes thanks bestie love you!
colecaulfield FINALLY now I can post all the cute sick pictures I took of you guys when you came to visit me!
ynhughes thanks cole! (send them to me!)
trevorzegras he can call you sick cute but I can’t??
ynhughes actually he called the pictures sick cute not us! Think you getting bashed into the boards is messing up your reading , do I need to help you with that again?
trevorzegras oh I’m so cross checking you.
ynhughes try it you won’t be able to!
jamiedrysdale and you hit him in the spot, love it💀
ynhughes me too! If he hugs a stick and cry again send it to me!
tylerduke now you guys should come see me! I miss our trio
ynhughes booking a ticket right now sorry @/_quinnhughes skipping our dinner tonight and captain cole won’t be at practice tomorrow!
colemcward we’ll be there soon Ty!
tylerduke thank god I need y/n to keep me sane around the umich boys.
markestapa all of us are offended, we are not that bad!
ynhughes you are.
lhughes_06 she’s right sorry guys
markestapa don’t come back now.
ynhughes too late tickets are bought!
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Twenty-Five)
previous: twenty-four
next: twenty-six
corresponding quinn post
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liked by trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and 10,662 others
yourusername welcome to my pregame sin bin update show: ethan bet against everybody edition! quinny currently resides at one game sense his last penalty, and trevy stands at zero!
tonight is the second to last game for both the ducks and canucks, and is the last time they will play against one another until next season!
i’ll keep this short and sweet: best of luck to both of my boys, and please, create some chaos for me ;)
i love you both! don’t die!
tagged trevorzegras and _quinnhughes
view all 118 comments
trevorzegras what would you do if i died?
yourusername revive you to kick your ass
trevorzegras aw babe! you’re so sweet <3 i love you, forever!
_quinnhughes your son is just like his father
yourusername don’t say that it’s rude
jackhughes i think i’m offended?
edwards.73 i’m 80% sure i’m not offended
yourusername @/jackhughes @/edwards.73 <3
user1 aw ethan and cole are in the bet gc now🥹
_alexturcotte you two better give us something entertaining
_quinnhughes no promises
trevorzegras i might just read a book on the bench
jamie.drysdale go team go!
yourusername take a lap that was embarrassing
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, and 11,369 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update show: sexy boyfriend edition! tonight, he got his second penalty in a row with a tripping call against driesy. driesy is my friend so trevor deserved to go to jail!! shame on you, zegras!!
z also attempted to get into a shoving match with millsy, but that was quickly stopped, and then him and quinn just stood back and watched as their besties stepped in to defend which is honestly the most (new) z and quinn thing to do. and we’re counting this as the “trevor tries to fight” category in the bets! so thanks for running him over millsy <3
special shoutout to drew helleson for getting his forst nhl goal! and dad for have 22:11 minutes of ice time which also gets me money! you’re def my second favorite dad for this <3
sorry about your loss, my love :( but you got some assists tonight! get those stats baby! i love you, always🧡
p.s. z-baby held his coffee like a normal person and it was very off putting. never do that again you heathen
tagged trevorzegras
view all 226 comments
trevorzegras i love you, forever🧡 i’m happy at least you get us some money this game!
yourusername idk who “us” is but it is not me and you
trevorzegras u (you) + s (sexy boyfriend) = us
yourusername if i cave will you stop being cringe
trevorzegras probably
yourusername i got US some money, babe!!
user1 what in the name of FUCK was happening in pregame with z and fowler😭
yourusername masochistic rituals
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras sorry about your life
trevorzegras i hope you get hit in the face thursday
yourusername if you’re going to fight why couldn’t you do it ON THE ICE
_quinnhughes @/yourusername so i wouldn’t get a penalty
yourusername @_quinnhughes traitor
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes clearly you don’t love her enough
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i will take back my blessing right now
user2 ugh z was so precious this game
tterry19 why am i your second favorite dad?
yourusername jim is first
tterry19 i’ll accept that. you’re welcome for the money, daughter!
yourusername thanks, dad!
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras i hate you
trevorzegras I TRIED
jamie.drysdale I DON’T BELIEVE YOU
edwards.73 you tell him, step dad!!
yourusername i need everyone to know jamie tackled trevor to the floor when he came in because he hates owing jack money
jamie.drysdale and *I* need everyone to know that y/n told me to do it
trevorzegras @/yourusername @/jamie.drysdale traitors! (i think)
jackhughes @/trevorzegras i think they’re traitors to me?
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes yes
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes it’s definitely one of the above
user3 “shame on you, zegras” it’s like she’s reprimanding a puppy
jackhughes 🤑💸🎰 (emoji for suck it, soulmate)
_quinnhughes so help me if you set her off
yourusername @/jackhughes careful now. i spend the summers with you.
jackhughes @_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 you guys will save me, right?
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes not a chance i’ve missed sissy going wild
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes i suggest you wear a helmet
trevorzegras @/jackhughes just sleep in full hockey gear
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i believed in you
trevorzegras it is my deepest regret that i let you down
yourusername @/trevorzegras ahem
trevorzegras @/colecaufield it is my second deepest regret that i let you down
colecaufield @/trevorzegras nice one
user4 CHAIN! I REPEAT: C H A I N !!!!!!
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras thanks for the money
trevorzegras you went under $175?
_alexturcotte and it would’ve been worse if you didn’t get a penalty!
jamie.drysdale he has a point
yourusername not a very good one
_alexturcotte aw, i love you guys, too!
yourusername @_alexturcotte fine i love you, too
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
Hi CJ, how would you rank the Ghostfaces?
Hey, Anon.
My ranking varies day to day so I’ll just tell you what it happens to be atm.
1: Mickey Altieri. Are you surprised? No, probably not. He’s been my number one ever since I can remember. He’s strong, brutal fast and GOD, he’s so fucking fine my heart cannot take it. Plus, he’s the first Ghostface to have an unmasking reveal and a bitch LOVES the unmasking reveals. He’s my baby girl and I love him forever. Also, I’m in love with Timothy Olyphant.
2: Stu Macher. He’s also my baby girl. I just love him so much he’s so funny and cute and brutal. Invented the iconic knife swipe GOD. I just adore every single thing about him.
3: Billy Loomis. Babe. Babe, babe, BABE. He’s so pretty I want to burst into flames. Complex baby girl fr my heart goes out to him. Again, brutal! “We all go a little mad sometimes.” RAIL. ME.
4: Amber Freeman. Best female Ghostface hands down. Her kills style is so chaotic and messy I LOVE it. She killed Dewey which aches my fragile little heart but you gotta give her props for doing it. She’s so hot. SO. HOT. She’s also literally insane and I like em crazy.
5: Ethan Landry. Although he doesn’t have a “hIgH KiLl cOuNt” I couldn’t give a flying cunt on a donut. He’s baby. His Anika kill was absolutely insane and his whole attitude in Act 3 was so fucking enjoyable. Just running around having a grand old time. Mood.
6: Charlie Walker. I’ve been experiencing some insane Charlie brain rot lately so he’s sky rocketed on my list, he may go higher who knows. Most brutal kill in the franchise, the phone call with Sidney, “I’m going to slit your eyelids in half so you don’t blink when I stab you in the face.” OKAY!!!! he’s fucking adorable I want to sit on his fucking face.
7: Quinn Bailey. She’s fast. Fuck she’s fast. She’s hot. Fuck she’s hot. She had so many feelings I honestly felt for her. Gale’s attack scene was so fucking cool. Her fake out death had me tbh. I love her, just not as much as others. Also, “Heyyyy roomies.” She can HIT.
8: Richie Kirsch. I don’t like him, I don’t hate him. He’s just pretty meh to me. His kills are cool I guess? I like that he goes for the throat. Jack Quaid’s acting was fucking phenomenal. He was funny and I really would’ve preferred him as a final boy.
9: Jason Carvey. Wasted. Potential. His Laura kill was so fucking brutal oh my GOD. I would have loved to see him more as a Ghostface because he would’ve been so cool.
Now to those I hate. Fuckers.
10: Nancy Loomis. Ugh. Nancy. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. Fuck off. Bitch. You think you can kill my guy Randy? Fuck you. You think you can hire my baby girl Mickey and just betray him like that? Fuck you, you didn’t even succeed in killing him. Fuck off with your one kill. I like her motive though although like… Why did you just leave Billy? Make it make sense.
11: Wayne Bailey. God. I actually used to like him a lot but after rewatching I was like ew. No. NO. I get Sam killed your precious baby boy but like… You have two other children and you had to ruin their lives because of your sons obsession with Stab? Fuck you. His kills were amazing though I have to hand it to him. The bodega scene is top tier.
12: Roman Bridger. Okay. I adore Scott Foley. I cannot stand Roman. Imagine getting a whole teenager to kill your fucking mom because you’re too much of a little bitch to do it yourself. Grow up. Also, he’s so fucking whiny like oh my GOD just shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you have to say. His whole character and backstory was just horrible in my opinion.
13: Jill Roberts. Not a surprise to anyone. I hate her. I hate her and her boring ass character. Her two kills were boring and shitty and also I despise Emma Roberts. I will say nothing more about it.
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red-hood-redemption · 3 years
SO I know I’m like, super late to the party, but I finally got my hands on Robin 2021 and there is literally no one for me to talk to about it so now I’m just screaming my thoughts into the void ✌
First off, before i even bought the first two issues, I read through a lot of other people’s opinions on it to kinda get an idea of where it was going characterization-wise for Damian, and because of all the mixed reactions, I figured I should just read it myself and find out. Now I am the FURTHEST thing from a comic book authority, so like, this is truly just an opinion piece but if it convinces anyone to give the run a chance, then yay!!! Honestly, I’m really glad I gave it a shot because I’m genuinely hooked! I’m actually excited about this series (and it scares me lol)!!!
I'm gonna separate my thoughts into two sections: characters, and story, mainly for my own ease, but also if anyone cares more about one thing or the other it's easier to distinguish. But,  the line is a little blurry so if I end up getting a little too much into the characterization in the story section, just bear with me lmao. OH and I'm going to try and keep this as un-spoilery as possible but we'll just have to see. SOOOOOOOO
I think it goes without saying that Melnikov's art is absolutely gorgeous, and really does show how much Damian has grown up. It makes me want to sob its so beautiful, everyone is so pretty, even the guy that looks like a washed up, high as fuck Tony Stark lmao. But moving on to the actual characters,
Rose Wilson
I honestly don't know too much about Rose, I haven't read enough about her to say anything about her characterization and how it compares to her other appearances, or whether or not she is OOC, but so far, I'm enjoying her taking up the "big sis" role, like, immediately lmao.
I don't know how much I trust her yet, but I definitely get the vibe that even if she does betray Dami in any way, she's probably gonna stick her neck out for Dami again and he's probably gonna do the same.
I'm really intrigued about her motivations for being here. Obviously, Respawn has something to do with it, but I want to know what's up with that. I've seen a lot of theories and I'm so excited. Also side note, that Black Swan chick is hot, and I can't wait to see more of her in action!!!
I feel like Ravager knows a WHOLE lot more than Dami does about the interesting things going on on the island, mainly because she's been doing a lot more sitting and waiting than he has as of yet, but I'm hoping to see more of the two of them doing detective-y sleuthing together. We love a mysteryyyy
Okay but real talk, why does she look like a character straight out of Monster High
Honestly tho, I dig it. It's cute! She's cute! She isn't annoying (yet) but I don't know if I care too much about her other than she would make a cute friend for Dami.
I think the problem with DC is that they know people LOVE Harley Quinn and they try so hard to make characters just like her but it always falls short, so honestly I am a little wary of her character development in this run, but I'm willing to give her a shot since her little coffin purse on the cover of the second issue is so damn cute. I'm a slut for character design, okay?
Oh speaking of Flatline and Dami, I don't ship it and I don't want them to force a romantic relationship into Damian's "coming of age"/"soul-searching" moment okay? Because that's what this run is about, at least to me! More on that in the story section!
They're literally 13/14 years old. That's 8th-9th grade, babes lets think about that for a minute
Also let's stop the whole "lets introduce a female character just to make her a love interest!" bullshit okay?
Basically, Flatline is interesting, or at least has the potential to be, but I don't want to get my hopes up because DC is notorious for disservicing their female characters 😕
I think the mixed reaction to her is valid, I don't think she's had much time to make a solid impression yet, so I guess you'd have to read it for yourself. Personally, I don't understand why people immediately hate her, especially because she's like, 14, and what kid that age isn't annoying? like at least a little bit lmao! But, yeah. I don't trust her either but literally everyone on this island is sketchy at least and a murderer at best, so hey 🤷‍♀️
His new outfit lmaoooo at first I was like "WHaT is this child wearing? You'd think Dick would have rubbed off on him and taught him what good taste looks like" but then I saw the later outfit, with the gold patterning and those sleeeevessssss ugh and I take it all back. A Fashion Icon TM. Truly stunning. A sight to behold. So proud, look at him go 😪
I think there's a lot of different opinions on Damian's characterization in this run, and I can definitely see where its coming from, but I disagree with the notion that Damian has been done dirty and reverted to a blood-thirsty, feral child.  And I have a LOT of opinions on the whole "feral" thing regarding Damian period (but that's for another time).
I don't think of Dami's rampage as a regression for his character. He's letting of emotions right then and I think its very similar to him venting. Its just not verbal, its physical and he knows he's not going to have to grapple with the consequences of his actions on the first kill. He knows he's technically not doing anything wrong.
He is clearly upset at Bruce and his failure to protect Alfred, and while Dami and Bruce are really often described as being very similar personality-wise, they are still distinctly different individuals who came to their current moral codes in vastly different ways. Bruce came to his "no killing" rule on his own; he made that decision for himself. It wasn't taught to him, it was a moment-of-truth kind of situation. Damian, on the other hand is in a vastly different situation.
Dami is, I think, at the beginning of the climb to his own moment-of-truth. He is in his rebellious phase like Dick, where he's gone off to spread his wings. It's not his conscious intention (at least that's not the vibe I got from reading the first two issues), but its directly underlying his "mission".
Damian is growing out of the expectations of his parents and into his own person. We all know he's been thrown from one moral code to another, both drastically different from each other. I don't think its a regression for him to lose his way a little, because realistically, he's going to have to in order to find it, specifically a moral compass that he forged on his own. He's just what? 14? Like hell a kid his age wants to listen to any form of authority. He's as stubborn as it comes. Damian needs to come to his decision regarding the path he takes in life on his own. It can't be made for him. He's seen and lived both sides of the coin, and I don't think he should be forced just yet to choose a side or pave a middle ground, but I do think that he should get the opportunity to see and experience all the gray areas on his own.
I think I'll transition from characterization to story here, because let's face it, this story is about Damian dealing with his confused emotions right now, in the wake of losing Alfred, a man that kind of acted like a grounding presence, a voice of reason, or a moral compass for him (and honestly Bruce and the rest of the bat crew if we're honest).
So there's a lottttt going on in the story that is really enticing and exciting, and I'm really interested to see how it all plays out.
All the rules to the tournament are so, sketchy? Like they don't sound like they are meant to be sketchy, its basic safety and guidelines or whatever but with all the glowy green shit and the stakes of the tournament? Yeah, you can bet your ass its the "no fighting at night" and other shit is gonna be broken, and that's likely when the fun begins *insert evil laughter*😈
I was slightly put off by the whole "let me teach you to have fun" thing with Rose, because it's not like Dick, Steph, Jon, and like the Titans haven't done that with him too, but eh, not something I'm too concerned about. It's definitely just a segway to get us introduced to more characters that might become Damian's friends which will be interesting considering what Mother Soul said about fraternizing.
And that's another thing! I want Damian to make some friends! I know he already has some, but here's the thing: I think he's already been struggling with belonging, and he's definitely been feeling the disconnect between his life and other kids', whether they're supers/vigilantes or not. I think it'd be nice to see Dami have the experience of meeting people who he at first thinks are just like him!! and then realizing that maybe he doesn't really fit in here either, and that it's okay to feel like you don't belong, as isolating as it may feel at times. It just means you have a set of values. I want him to realize that its not always a bad thing, and you learn more about yourself and your own heart this way.
And from there,,, lets talk about the thing that stuck out to me the most in these two issues! GUILT!! It's mentioned SOO many times already, and I think its going to be a really fun, heartbreaking, and interesting aspect to explore about Damian. Is it guilt about his actions? Leaving behind family? Not being able to save Alfred? Not being a perfect example of Robin? He may call himself Robin but he doesn't sport the OG look or symbol like before. I love that his guilt takes on the form of Alfred though, or at least his conscious. I think it'd be really interesting to see this conscious disappear when Dami strays too far from his center, and when he finds it again, it reappears.
I really think that seeing Damian's actions in this run as a failure of character development is an unfair assessment, though. You can't do everything right in order to grow! You have to screw up, lose your way, experiment with life to find your fit, right?
Something tells me he doesn’t care for the tournament itself, but the end result, and the people behind it and more about WHY it was hidden from him. I mean he finds out the tournament TRULY begins once everyone has died once and tHEN he kill everyone? Felt to me less like a “killing spree” as everyone put it to a calculated decision to get the tournament going. He literally cuts Mother Soul off in the middle of her speaking to start fighting at the beginning
Anyway, just my thoughts lol. I do have some issues with the past two issues, and I might make a separate post about that, but honestly not enough for me to dislike Robin 2021 so far. I mean, besides the very obvious white-washing in the second issue, because DC can absolutely do better. And they should. It’s like they thought we wouldn’t notice???? But besides that, story and characterization-wise I’m looking forward to more. Here’s to hoping it stays that way, just with a better colorist!
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savoies · 4 years
Baby blurb with Quinn please and thank you
word count: 493.
-can i just say quinn + a baby = the softest thing ever.
-ya’ll are still pretty young but mature enough to have it under control.
-when you have a craving he’ll literally go to get it no matter the time of day because that's how quinn is.
-also when you have mood swings he tries to stay as far away as possible cause yeah he's scared.
-but if you want cuddles he’ll give you cuddles.
-oh gosh when the baby arrives quinn turns into mush.
-he's scared to hold it.
-if its a boy “hi buddy”
-if its a girl “hi princess”
-if he were to have a girl he would dress up in dresses and let her do his makeup, cause of course she has him wrapped around her little finger.
-but I feel as though quinn would be more of  a boy dad.
-but whenever he's home and he’ll want to hold the baby “like this babe”
-Ugh, I'm soft.
-jerseys + hockey are a must because have you seen the hughes family.
-when he's much older around 4 or 5 he will have him start playing hockey.
-take him to the hughes house and all of the brothers would play street hockey with him.
-also when he's away he’ll always call you guys. “hi buddy, watch daddy score a goal for you.”
-ugh sweetest thing ever.
-or when you guys go to an actual game your son would wear his jersey and quinn will literally go around the locker room saying that's my son because he's a proud dad.
-everyone's awwing.
-your son of course is super affectionate with everyone.
-i feel as though quinn would have unique gender neutral names, (luca, spencer, morgan, dylan - y'all get the idea)
-would love to go do outdoorsy activities but also love to just stay home and read books.
-i feel like quinn would be one of those dads that would wake up super early with their kids and just go out to see the sunrise or make mommy breakfast.
-he thinks ya’ll should take advantage of the whole day when he's home.
-when his kid is much older and has hard homework he will try and come to the rescue.
-“the distributive property, what the hell is that” he would whisper under his breath.
-“babe you got any idea how to do this” both of yall are clueless so you would have to ask one of his teammates or brothers for help.
-just overall an amazing dad and would love his kid so much.
-wouldn't be too strict.
-would try to make you the enemy to be honest.
-after your son reaches middle school he’s all like “don't you think he's lonely maybe we should try for another.” with a smirk on his face.
-you of course wouldn't want your son to grow up in the spotlight but every so often you would post a picture of him and the fans would go crazy.
@patty-cake-nolan thanks for giving me ideas. also im sorry it took me forever to write. this just turned into quinn with a boy im sorry lol. quinn deserves more love.
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queenofgotham800 · 4 years
Could you do a victor x reader where she is his wife and gets kidnapped by Harley and the birds of prey ?
(Victor Zsasz x Reader)
Warnings: Gramatical Errors, Swearing, Kidnapping, Fighting, Mentions of Death
Summary: One day, when your husband Victor came from his work, you weren't home. Birds of prey and Harley Quinn kidnapped you and Victor is running to save you.
(A/n): I'm sorry this took me so long to write. I hope you will enjoy this 💚
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"Hey babe, I'm home!" Victor shouted through your shared little apartment. He put his keys on shelf and went to empty living room.
"Babe?" Victor shouted your name, looking for you everywhere. You usually answered.. Something was wrong and Victor knew it.
"(Y/n) this is not funny, where are you?" he knocked even at the bathroom, but nobody answered.
Maybe you were shopping.. Victor thought and checked his phone. He typed your number fastly, his hands were shaking in fear. What if something happened to you?
"C'mon... Pick it up.." Victor mumbled and heard familiar beeping in bedroom. You would never leave your phone home, you always carried it with yourself anywhere.
Apartment looked untouched, so it wasn't robbery.
Victor knew that this was not a good sign and he decided to go to Black Mask club, to ask for some useful informations.
Entering his workplace, he still thought about you. Worrying every second, he walked furiously through the club, to the last couch on which was sitting Roman Sionis.
"Boss, have you seen (Y/n) recently?" Victor asked Roman, who was surrounded by his guests. He seemed to be comfrontable about them sitting so close to him. Victor couldn't imagine that, he wasn't much of an social person.
"Ehm.. No?" said Roman.
"Wait Victor, what happened?" Roman managed to shake off from him two girls and ran to Victor.
"It's just.. (Y/n) is gone. I have no idea where is she. Everything in our apartment was untouched and she left her phone home. Boss, I have no idea where is she now. She could be.." Victor couldn't find the right words. He couldn't say it, becouse you were surely somewhere safe and alright. At least he wanted to believe in that.
"Oh, she is alright. She probably went outside for a walk," Roman took a drink from the table, "Just a moment ladies," he winked at them and Victor rolled his eyes, "Boss, she left home her phone and also her keys."
"Maybe she.." Roman started but Victor, first time in his life interrupted him, "She is in danger."
Roman didn't liked you much and he was not amused by the fact that he has to help Victor with looking for you. It was just pure jealousy, becouse Victor used to spend more time with Roman when you weren't Victor's wife back then.
"So what should I do with that? Maybe she left you, did you though about that?" Roman yelled at Victor.
"I have no idea, maybe call your goons for help with seraching," mumbled Victor. He couldn't believe what did just Roman said.
"She wouldn't leave me," he said and Roman, who was already leaving turned at him with raised eyebrows.
"Well, you never know.." Roman sang quietly and went back to his guests.
Victor just stood there in disbelief. You were his wife. You meant everything for him.
With little hopes that you are still alright.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Gotham City
You woke up in collorful place, tied with fluffy pink handcuffs, sitting on very uncomfrontable iron chair.
"What the Fuck?" you sweared, moving with hands up and down.
Your last memories were at the weird post woman, who brought you the box, which you didn't ordered. At first you thought that maybe Victor ordered something and then... Nothing...
"Okay, but we have to be extra careful with this one," somebody said from behind the door, which lead to the next room.
"Okay.. So 3..2..2 and half.."
"Damn! Harley, just open the freaking doors already," another voice said and doors opened.
Harley Quinn and Birds of prey entered the room.
"No, no Cass, you will stay outside," Harley said and closed the doors, leaving someone behind.
"What is this circus?" you asked 4 ladies, who were standing with all of their confidence before you.
"We wanted to.. Set you free," said Harley and others looked on her in disagreement.
"So, you are going to kill me?" you asked, scared about your life. What if you never see Victor again?
"No! No! I'm sorry, I didn't meaned it like that," Harley facepalmed and made a funny expresion.
"We freed you from that motherfucker," Renee Montoya came to you, checking the handcuffs which were hurting your wrists.
"What? No, I'm alright!" you laughed and looked on girls. Harley was surprised, but kind of confused. Renee looked annoyed, The huntress was not impressed by your answer and Dinah Lance was totally angry.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous is that man. He killed my...Ugh.." Helena kicked off the table in anger, meanwhile Dinah was handling her anger very well.
"Well, I am sorry but I have nothing to do with it. Can I go home?" you asked, looking on Harley, who tried to calm down Helena from broking another stuff from the weird room.
"Why does this room look like a circus? I mean.. It's filled with clowns too..." you smirked, "He will come for me and you know that. He will turn every building and every stone in Gotham untill he doesn't find me."
"Ohh..Wanna bet?" Dinah lifted her eyebrows and you accepted the bet straight away with wide grin, "Yes."
"Please don't insult this pretty place, I build it," Harley laughed and fixed the table, which was laying on ground. You rolled your eyes and tapped with feet.
"Are you nervous?" Dinah asked.
"Oh.. We have here master detective. How could you deduced this thing mrs. Lance?" you smiled and then looked over to Montoya, "No offence, Renee. I have to tell you, you are the most sane of them all."
Renee tightened the handcuffs, which were now literally cutting in your flash.
"Ouch, am I hostage or what?" you asked.
"Well, we thought you need to save, but it turnes out you enjoy being with your terrible husband!" yelled Helena and you smirked, letting out little laugh.
"Yes, I enjoy being with my terrible husband! Do you have some problems with that?" you yelled back.
She made few steps closer to you, ready to hit you, but Dinah stopped her.
"Go out, I want to speak with her in private," Dinah said and on big surprise ladies left, leaving you with her alone. She dragged a chair closer to you.
"What happened to you (Y/n)?" Dinah asked you, slowly touching your cheek. You used to be friends, but then you met Victor.
"I met Victor and you didn't aproved our relationship. I see that it still didn't changed and you are still not aproving our relationship. I bet this operation, this kidnapping was your idea," you would point at her if you weren't handcuffed.
"No (Y/n). But I was right! He changed you! So much!" Dinah pulled away from you.
"You changed also. You left the club.. Betrayed Roman Sionis. Not like I like that guy, but it's Victor's boss, so in some way you betrayed Victor too and who betrays Victor, betrays me," you said, looking in her eyes. She was without words. Dinah just got up from her chair and left with shutting the doors loudly.
Victor exited the club after finding no help there. He found nothing helpfull. Where could you be?
He decided to go back to your apartment to look for clues. He couldn't call police, becouse this was clearly out of their division. They wouldn't help him, they would either arrest or shoot him in place and that wouldn't help you.
When Victor opened doors, he noticed weird note laying on ground. How it's possible that he didn't noticed before?
There was written on a pink paper:
Say bye to your wife (Y/n), she is with us now.
Nobody was signed, but due to pink collor and font, it was obvious who kiddnaped you.
You were waiting in the weird room for Victor. Since Dinah left, your head was flooded with thoughts. Where is Victor? Is he looking for you?
Your heartbeat fastened when somebody opened doors. But it was just Harley Quinn.
"What?" you yelled at her. She sat on couch, with pile of collorfull clothes.
"We kidnapped you, so you would be away from him," she said.
"But I don't want to be away from my husband. I love him!"
Harley examinated your face and continued, "And he? Does Victor truly love you?"
"Of course he does. I wouldn't be his wife otherwise. I would be dead," you smirked and Harley frowned.
"I brought you some clothes, if you really wanted to join us," Harley pointed at big pile.
"So.. You think I change my husband for your super sassy awesome colorful clothes, which I always admired? It's tempting, but I love Victor."
"You know what to do, when you change your mind right?" Harley turned to doors and you got the best idea. Well, hopefully.
"Wait," she turned back to you, "I think.. I.. I'll take that offer," you smiled, trying to cover your lie.
Harley smiled back, but shaked her head, "You are lying," she said and left you alone in room again.
"But I want to join!!!" you screamed, so she could hear you through the doors, "You can't keep me away from him!"
Doors opened again. This time Huntress was standing in them, frowning at you angrily.
"Can I leave?" you asked and she made her way to you, slapping your face painfully.
"Do you know why are you here?" she screamed in your face, pulling your hair to back.
"Becouse I am his wife and I am a threat to you somehow?"
"NO!" Huntress pulled your hair, and you hissed.
"Becouse you are my ticket to him," she smiled and stepped away from you.
"Are we playing here at good cop and bad cop?" you laughed silently, "I am no ticket. I'm the final destination."
"He killed my family," she started, but you interupted her.
"I don't even know you," you said and she gave you another slap.
After that, you saw tears forming in her eyes.
"You are perfect match for him. Now I know why did he married you."
You kept the pokerface, looking somewhere behind her.
"Heartless bitch," she mumbled and left.
This was just a trap. They didn't wanted you in their team, they just wanted to kill Victor. You didn't knew if you should laugh or cry. You missed Victor. And at this point, you didn't wanted to be saved. Becouse if he saved you, they would kill him instantly.
"Hey," somebody was behind you. You nearly screamed, but some hands covered your mouth, "shhh."
"Who are you?" you whispered.
"I'm Cass," she sat on couch. You were surprised, she was just a child, "Who are you?"
"I'm.. (Y/n). Kiddo what are you doing here?" you asked her. As you could see, she was offended be the nickname 'kiddo'.
"I know who you are. You are his wife," Cassandra said and you rolled eyes, "Besides that I'm great hairdresser, but okay."
"How you can be with him?" Cassandra asked you.
"Becouse I love him? What's so weird about it?" you asked her. She stayed quiet.
"Cassandra? Do you know the real reason why am I here?" you asked her.
"Dinah said it's becouse your relationship with him makes you bad and it changed you somehow," she said and you frowned.
"She is just jealous," you rolled eyes, "but that's not the real reason and you know it. They want to kill him and I have to get out before he get's here."
Cassandra was thinking what to do. She wasn't just some child and she hated that Harley and Birds of prey rarely took her in action. She was learning from them, but most of time she was alone becouse they had to deal with 'dangerous evil people'.
But the woman, tied to chair wasn't dangerous nor evil. Her husband was...
But why would they hurt her like this if she was innocent? Cassandra could see the red prints of hand on your cheeks.
"Who did you that?" she asked.
"Crossbow killer."
"She uses the name Huntress."
"I don't care," you mumbled and watched as Cassandra observed the handcuffs on chouch.
"How? How did you?" you looked back on you hands, which were bleeding. Through the pain, you probably didn't felt how she took them away.
"Just get out," Cassandra said and you gave her little smile.
"Thank you."
She smiled back and opened window which was covered with yellow paint.
You climbed through it and jumped down. It was just a first floor in some weirdly looking house and your legs were okay with that. After the jump you decided to run away as fast as you could.
You bumped into some hooded figure, which was running too.
"I'm sorry," you said, and continued to run away. But then you heard a voice of your husband.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright? I was so afraid," Victor spoke and put down his hood.
"Yes, Victor. Just keep this on your head," you pulled the hood back at his head, bit concerned about surroundings. This was not safe territory.
Victor listened and hugged you.
"We have to get out," you said, giving him little kiss.
Victor just nodded and caught your hand. You both run away into safety of your apartment. Victor later installed cameras and alarms on doors and gave you few weapons.
Harley's House
"So? Who did it?" Renee asked.
"I think we all know it," Huntress said, looking on Dinah.
"I would never," Dinah said, looking on Harley.
"Girls, can we stop blaming eachothers?" Harley said to broke the wheel of blame.
"But we need to know who did it. So who is the traitor?" Renee asked, that was when Cassandra walked into room.
"Cass, we are talking about serious things right now," said Huntress.
"I did it," Cassandra said, and everyone was looking at her in disbelief.
"But why would you?" Dinah asked.
"Becouse it was wrong. You lied to her, you were her friend!" Cassandra pointed at Dinah, "And you, you were beating her," she yelled at Huntress.
"Cass, I think you see it from wrong point of view," Harley said and hugged her.
"No Harley. I know that these things what we do are epic as fuck, but.. This was wrong. We can't do this to good people which are in love with wrong people," Cassandra said and pulled away from Harley.
"Cass.. I.." Harley started, but she was cut off by Dinah, "She is right. We can't judge good people just becouse they love wrong person."
"But Zsasz is.. He is a monster! You were saying he changed her," Huntress said.
"Is she a monster tho?" asked Cass.
"No.. It didn't changed her that much," Dinah said and thought about the times when you took her into shopping centre and bought her some clothes, when you went in cinema to watch movies. She missed you a lot, but you were with Victor and things changed. You didn't changed. Only things changed.
"You know who would suffer the most if your plan actually worked?" Cass asked Huntress.
"(Y/n), becouse Zsasz would be dead," Renee said, looking at the empty table.
"She seemed like a nice person to me and believe me, I have eyes for that," Harley smiled, but then her smile dissapeared.
"She would suffer the most, becouse she would be the reason of his death. Becouse she loves him," said Cass and left the room.
Harley and Birds of prey had to think about new ways of getting Victor and Roman away from the Gotham City. Plus there were many other villains in this city that were in standing in their way.
Your apartment
"Babe, I just wish I was faster," Victor said and kissed you forhead. You were both sitting in front of Tv, watching horror movies, cuddling under the blankets.
"No, It was a trap. I'm glad I was faster then you," you smiled, but deep inside, you were scared that they will look for you and Victor again.
"Wow, so you got kidnapped and saved my life in one day," Victor smiled, "Mrs. Zsasz, you are my hero," he gave you kisses on neck, and finished it with a slight bite.
"Ouch, Victor," you laughed and threw a pillow at him.
He laughed too and pulled you closer, "What are you going to do with that pillows?"
"I'll use them as a barricade to block your bites," you laughed and threw the pillow away.
"Awww... You are so cute," he said, pulling you closer to him, giving you bowl with popcorn.
"No, you are cute," you said to him and laid on his shoulder. This day was awfull, but everything bad was forgotten, ugly memories of being kidnapped were replaced by happy ones with your husband Victor.
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Sal Pregnant 9 & 10 (i forgot that I have been posting it on here lol)
Chapter 9 32 weeks Dec. 19, 2006 7 months
It was a week before Christmas. Sal loves Christmas, Brian not so much. Although he had good ones with Sal and will have better ones in the future with the twins. Brian didn’t get Sal anything yet. They had gotten baby things like two cribs, changing table and clothes. Sal and Brian was sitting down in the living room as they watched Netflix shows. Brian looked over at Sal and smiled. He put his hand on Sal’s stomach and his arm around his shoulder. Sal smiled and put his head on Brian’s shoulder. Brian rubbed Sal’s stomach as Sal put a hand over his. Suddenly one of the babies kicked. “Whoa…she kicked or was that Michael?” Brian asked. Sal looked down at his stomach. “Um…probably her. You know I think I have a good name for her,” He said. Brian looked at him. “What is it?” He asked. Sal looked back at Brian. “Dakota,” He replied. “Hmm,” Brian said and thought about it. Sal tilted his head. He hoped that Brian liked the name. "Michael and Dakota Quinn,“ Brian said. Sal nodded. Brian pursed his lips as he thought more. Finally he licked his lips. "I love it. Now we need middle names for them,” He said. “Yeah,” Sal said and nodded. Brian rubbed Sal’s stomach and kissed his lips. “Love you,” He said. “Love you more,” Sal said and kissed him back. He put his head on Brian’s shoulder and he smiled. “Hey I was thinking. We need to go to a birthing class,” He said. “Hmm. We do,” Sal said. “We need to sign up. Not sure if we are late to do that. Ugh…maybe we can watch on youtube,” Brian said. Sal nodded. “We can do that. It would be easier to do at home anyway,” He said. Brian smiled and kissed his forehead. “When do you want to do it?” He asked as he rubbed Sal’s stomach. Sal smiled. “We can do it tomorrow,” He replied. “Alright. Tomorrow it is,” Brian said. Sal smiled then kissed Brian’s lips and he kissed him back.
The next day, Brian looked for the birthing videos. He found some videos of women giving birth. “Whoa…not what I was looking for,” He said and went back to the main page. He glanced around his office while Sal was in the nursery. The cribs was set up already and Q had to put them together. Brian sighed and looked at his laptop then got up and went to the nursery. He saw Sal at one of the cribs looking inside of it. Sal rubbed his stomach unaware that Brian was behind him. Brian smiled and crossed his arms then leaned against the doorframe. Sal wasn’t wearing a shirt because he felt uncomfortable in them also he didn’t have pants just boxers on with his socks on his feet. Brian smirked and looked down at his own clothes, he was in a shirt and shorts. Brian wondered if he can still have sex with Sal. He bit his lip then walked up behind Sal and put both his hands on either side of his stomach. Sal was startled then saw it was Brian. He relaxed and put his head back against his shoulder. “Hey,” He whispered and put one hand on top and the other on the bottom of his stomach. "Hey,“ Brian whispered back. He looked at the crib. It had Dakota’s baby blanket inside of it. He smiled then kissed Sal’s cheek. He smiled and looked at Brian. "Are you ready for the twins?” He asked. “Yes and no. Yes cause I am excited to see and hold them and no cause I’m nervous that I won’t be a great father. That I’ll mess up,” Brian replied. Sal frowned then turned around in Brian’s arms. He put his hand on either side of Brian’s cheek and he looked into Sal’s eyes. “Babe you won’t mess up. I even have the same feelings, but I am sure we will be great parents. Take this new parenting step by step, day by day,” Sal said and stroked his thumb across Brian’s cheek. He smiled a little and kissed Sal’s lips. “Love you,” He said against Sal’s lips. “Love you more,” Sal said and kissed him back. Brian smiled and rubbed Sal’s stomach who took a deep breath and exhaled. Brian licked his lips and bit his bottom lip. “Hey, I was wondering if we still can have sex,” He said. Sal cocked an eyebrow. Brian looked at him. “Um…not sure if we can do that with my stomach in the way,” Sal said. Brian looked down at his stomach and nodded. “Right, but we…or I can just suck you off,” He said. Sal’s eyes got big and he laughed. “What? Seriously?” He asked. Brian cocked an eyebrow and Sal stared at him. “Oh my God, Brian. You are,” He said. “Yes I am. Come on babe. We haven’t had sex for a while now,” Brian said. Sal bit his lip and looked down at his stomach then back at Brian. “You know we can’t. My stomach will be in the way,” He said and scratched his head. “Plus, I have not been in the mood to do that. The only feelings I am having are back, ankles and feet aches. Being horny is far from my mind.” Brian sighed and glanced around the nursery then nodded. “Okay. It’s fine,” He said and looked back at Sal who smiled. “Oh, did you find any birth classes videos?” He asked. Brian shook his head. “Just women giving birth,” He replied. “Oh. Okay. Hmmm. Maybe I can ask my sister to help me,” Sal said. Brian nodded then kissed Sal’s lips. He smiled and kissed Brian back. “Let me go call her now,” Sal said and Brian let him go then followed Sal down to the living room.
Two days later, Brian went out to get Sal’s and the babies’ Christmas gifts. Jenna had came over to help Sal with the breathing exercise. Sal didn’t want Brian to go because he wanted him to be there to help him when Jenna isn’t there. So he stayed for a while until Jenna left then he told Sal that he needed to get something from the store. Sal asked him to get some dinner which Brian said he will do. He kissed Sal’s lips then his stomach. “Love you guys,” he said then left. Sal watched him leave then looked at his stomach and smiled. Brian went to Target to get Sal and the twins their Christmas presents. He could get the twins clothes or toys. But, what can he get Sal though? He sighed as he went to the men’s department and looked around. He saw some shirts that Sal would wear, but wasn’t sure which one he would like. Soon he found a shirt that he knows that Sal would wear then went to the baby department. Brian scan the shelves and sighed. He saw a Winnie The Pooh plush and took it in his hand. “Little Michael will probably like him. Now for Little Dakota,” he said and glanced around. He saw a blue bunny plush and picked it up. “I’m sure she will love this,” he said and smiled. Brian went to get dinner then went to pay before going home.
On Saturday the 23, Brian woke up around 7 AM. He yawned and stretched his arms out then looked at Sal who was laying next to him with his back towards him. Brian saw that he had the pregnancy pillow under his stomach that he had gotten for him at Target yesterday. Sal needed it to help him sleep and it was helping him. Brian smiled and leaned over and kissed Sal’s temple. “Love you,” he whispered into his ear. He glanced at Sal’s swollen naked stomach. Sal had a hand on it. Brian licked his lips and just stare at Sal’s stomach for a moment. It’s getting bigger day by day and he can’t wait for the day the twins comes into this world and for him and Sal to be fathers. Brian put his hand on Sal’s stomach and slowly rubbed it. Then he got up carefully and slowly walked in front of Sal. He got down on his knees and watch Sal sleep for a bit then put his head carefully on his stomach with his cheek and ear pressed up against it. He couldn’t hear the heart beats without the machine, but he can feel a bit of movement under him. He smiled and kissed Sal’s stomach then closed his eyes. Soon Sal stirred and opened his eyes. He looked around then down at his stomach and saw Brian’s head on his stomach. He smiled and put his hand in Brian’s hair and stoked it. He looked up and saw Sal looking at him. “Hey babe,” he said and smiled. “Hi,” Sal said. Brian got back up on his feet and leaned over and kissed Sal’s lips. “How are you?” he asked. “Did the pillow helped you?” Sal nodded and sat up. “It did. Thanks for getting it for me,” he said and kissed Brian back. Brian smiled. “Welcome babe,” he said. Sal got up and went to the bathroom. Brian watched him then made up the bed. Once he was done he sat on the bed and waited for Sal. Soon he came out and looked at Brian. “Hey, I was thinking that we should workout for me and the babies,” he said and held his stomach. Brian looked at Sal and smiled. “Sure. I can look for one on Youtube,” he replied. Sal smiled and went over to him. Brian put his hands on Sal’s stomach and the twins kicked. "Oh my God. They kicked,“ he said. Sal nodded. "Yeah they did. Must want out,” he replied. Brian chuckled. Sal stroked Brian’s hair. “I really am shocked that we are going to have two babies,” he said. Brian smiled and glanced up at him then looked at Sal’s stomach. “Same here. And I didn’t even want kids, but you changed that for me and I am glad you did,” he replied. "Also you didn't want to get married, but I changed that, too, right?" Sal asked. Brian smiled as he nodded. "You did babe. Thanks for that," he said. Sal smiled and ruffled Brian’s hair. “Hey now,” Brian said and chuckled then he kissed Sal’s stomach. “I am hungry now so I am going to cook food,” he said. “Okay. I am going to take a shower,” Brian said. Sal nodded and moved back as Brian got up. They kissed then Brian went to the bathroom as Sal went to the kitchen.
Brian got into the shower and let the water rain down on him for a while then washed his hair. After that, he washed his body. He looked at his dick and bit his lip. They haven’t had sex cause Sal was pregnant, but he can still jerk off which he will do. Brian took his dick in his hand and jerked off. “Oh God. Fuck,” he moaned and put a hand on the wall. He thrust his hips forward. “Fuck Fuck,” he repeated. He hung his head and continued to thrust and jerk. After a few minutes he yelled out Sal’s name and came. He was breathing heavy and he watched as the cum gone down the drain. After all was down, he shut the water off and got out. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair then went to get dress before going downstairs.
Brian walked into the kitchen and smelled the food that Sal was cooking. He smiled when he saw Sal in front of the stove. He had a hand on his lower back. He walked up behind him and put his hands on Sal’s hips. Sal looked over at Brian and smiled. “Almost ready babe,” he said. “Can’t wait,” Brian said and kissed Sal’s shoulder. He got out two glasses then got out the orange juice. He poured some out in the glasses then put it back in the fridge. He looked over at Sal and just watched him cook. Sal rubbed his lower back a bit and Brian nodded his head. “Hey, is your back hurting?” he asked. “Yeah it is. Just carrying the twins is killing me, but I know it will be worth it,” Sal replied. “Yeah. Well I can give you a back massage. Maybe that will help the pain,” Brian said. Sal nodded and put the food on the plates once it was done. “Sure. I just need to find a good position for you to do that since I can not be on my stomach,” he said. “I know that. Maybe you can sit on the chair backwards and I can do it that way,” Brian said. Sal smiled and put their plates down. “Sure babe. Thanks,” he said as he sat down. They ate their breakfast and talked for a bit. After eating. Sal sat on the chair backwards and Brian sat down on the sofa. He had pushed the table back so that he could put the chair in front of the sofa. Sal got comfy then Brian put his hands on the lower back and massaged it. Sal smiled and closed his eyes. “Feels good babe?” Brian asked. “Yeah it does babe. Thank you so much. I needed this so badly,” Sal said and chuckled. Brian smiled. “Welcome babe. I don’t want you to be in pain because of the twins. Can’t wait to see and hold them,” he said. “Same here,” Sal said. Brian smiled and continued to massage Sal until he was feeling better. He put his hands on either side of Sal’s stomach. “You look so sexy even if you are getting big,” he said and kissed Sal’s back. Sal looked down at his stomach then at Brian’s hands. “Thanks. Still feel fat and unattractive though. I got stretch marks from my swollen stomach,” he said. Brian smiled. “I love your stretch marks. I love everything about you babe,” he said. Sal smiled and felt Brian rubbing his cheek on his back. His beard was scratching his back. After a while Brian picked up his head and leaned back on the sofa. Sal got up and sat down facing Brian. He put his hands on his stomach and rubbed it as Brian watched him. He smiled and put his hands on Sal’s knees. “We should go out and walk,” he said. Sal raised an eyebrow. “Where? At a park?” he asked. “Yeah. Or by the water,” Brian replied. Sal thought about it as he rubbed his stomach. Brian put his hand over Sal’s and smiled. Sal smiled back. “Okay babe. Lets go walk,” he said.
Brian parked the jeep at Father Capodano Blvd & Lincoln Ave parking lot. He looked over at Sal. “You ready to walk babe?” he asked. Sal glanced around the area and saw some people walking. He licked his lips then looked over at Brian. “Yeah. I am,” he replied. They left the jeep, closed the doors and Brian went over to Sal’s side. Sal smiled and took Brian’s hand then they went towards Franklin D. Roosevelt Boardwalk and walked down it. They walked in silence for a while as they looked around at the other people. Sal had a hand on his stomach as his other was in Brian's hand. He keep his head down a bit because he didn't want anybody coming over and crowd him. Brian glanced over at Sal and saw he had his head down. He squeezed his hand and Sal looked over at Sal. "You okay babe? Twins kicking?" he asked. Sal shook his head. "Not much. I am just thinking and don't want people to come over and crowd me. Us," he said. Brian frowned and wrapped his arm around Sal’s shoulder. “Awe babe. Don’t worry. I am sure no one will come over and if they do, I will get rid of them,” he said. Sal smiled and thanked him. As they walked, Brian had excuse them from people that have came up to them after noticing who they were. One of them had asked why Sal's stomach was big. Brian glanced at Sal then looked over at the guy. "It's not your problem. Sal does not want to talk about it and it's personal," he had said. The fan accepted it and went on his way. After a while, Sal needed to sit down for a while because of his feet hurting. Brian held Sal's hand as they looked around at other people walking by. Sal put his head on Brian's shoulder and closed his eyes for a minute. Brian glanced at him and put his hand on Sal's cheek. "He is so cute. Love him so much. I can't wait to have our twins. I know that Sal can't wait," he thought and laughed a little. Sal opened his eyes and looked up at Brian. "What's funny?" he asked. "Nothing. Just thinking," Brian replied. Sal lifted his head up and looked at Brian. "About what?" he asked. Brian shrugged. "About you being pregnant and wanted to have the babies soon because you are tired carrying them around," he replied. Sal nodded. "I am. I can't wait to see them and hold them," he said. Brian nodded and kissed Sal's lips and he kissed him back. They continued to sit there thinking about their future together as a family of four. ---------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10; 33 weeks Dec. 24, 2006 7 months Christmas Eve
Brian and Sal went to visit Brian's family that morning. They decided to go to Sal's parents on Christmas Day. They left in the morning. It was cold and snow was on the ground. No doubt ice. So Brian would need to slow down on the road since he got 3 precious cargo on board. Half way to the house, Sal needed to use the bathroom so Brian turned into a gas station. "Ugh. Gas station. I do hate public bathroom, but I really need to pee," Sal said. Brian grinned. "I know babe. Just wash you hands a lot and use hand sanitizer when you get back," he said. Sal smiled as he nodded then got out of the jeep when Brian parked. "Oh babe, can you get snacks and drinks?" he asked. "Yeah I can," Brian replied and shut the engine off then got out. Sal thanked him then went to the bathroom as Brian went inside the gas station. He looked around for some snacks to get. Brian got some snacks that Sal liked and some for himself then went to get drinks. When Brian got to the counter, Sal came in and went over to him. He looked over at Sal. "Hey, you okay?" he asked. Sal nodded. "I am good now. What did you get?" he asked. Brian showed him and Sal nodded again. "I'll be out in the car," he said. Brian gave him the keys and Sal went out to the car. Brian watched him then paid for the things and left the gas station.
Once they got to Brian's parents' house, he looked over at Sal who was sleeping. He had fallen asleep soon after they left the gas station. He smiled as he watched Sal sleep for a while. He was so cute. Brian looked at Sal's stomach and widen his smile then put his hand over it. Sal opened his eyes and looked over at Brian. "Hey sleepy head. We are here," he said. Sal smiled then yawned. "Finally. Maybe I can take a nap in the guest room," he said and put his over Brian's. He nodded and kissed his lips. "Come on. Lets see our parents then I'll tuck you in," he said and smirked. Sal giggled and kissed him back. Brian got out and helped Sal out then got their bags. Sal watched Brian then they went to the front door.
After saying hi to the family and having them rub Sal's stomach, Sal went to take a nap. Brian helped him to bed. Before he left, Sal grabbed his hand. "They are kicking," he said. Brian looked at him then at his stomach. "Feel it," Sal said and place Brian's hand on his stomach. Brian smiled when he felt the twins kicked. He loved the feeling of the kicks from his twins. "Feels like they are fighting," he said and laughed. "Oh god. I hope not. I don't want to deal with the twins fighting. I'll be so stress out about that," Sal said. Brian smirked. "Don't worry, we can deal with them together," he said. "Thanks," Sal said. Brian nodded and kissed him then left the room. Sal watched him leave then closed his eyes as he drift to sleep.
As Brian set the presents down under the tree for Sal and the twins, Brian's mother went over to him and told him that Sal should have a baby shower. Brian thought about it then nodded. "Yeah we talked about it," he said and looked at his mother. She nodded then went to the kitchen. Brian looked at the Christmas tree and smiled. He looked down at the presents and saw some with his name plus Sal's. Brian smiled then went to talk to Danny, his younger brother.
Sal dreamed about the twins. They were around two years old and running around as he and Brian watched them. He was smiling and if Brian was there with him in the room he could see him smiling, too. He glanced at Brian and smiled as he takes his hand. The image changed and Sal saw a gravestone with Brian's name on it. He frowned as he shook his head. “No. No!” Sal yelled which he mumbled in his sleep. He was crying now. Tears soaked the pillow.
Outside the room, Brian's niece heard Sal crying as she walked past the room and went to go tell her uncle. He was outside talking to his brothers. "Uncle Brian," she said and Brian looked over at him. "It's Sal. I heard him crying." Brian was smiling before but frowned when his niece told him about Sal. "Oh damn. Let me go check up on him. Thanks Bri," he said as he got up, put his drink down then went to the room. He opened the door and looked at Sal. He heard him crying and frowned more. That sound just hits him like a punch in the stomach. He shut the door and went to the bed and put his hand on Sal’s back. “Baby,” he whispered. Up close he can see the tears on Sal’s face. He gently wiped them away and Sal opened his eyes and saw Brian. “Bri,” he whispered in a sad voice. Brian frowned and got in bed with Sal who moved to make room. Brian put his arms around Sal as he put his head on Brian’s chest. Brian stroked Sal’s hair to calm him down. Sal put his hand on his stomach and rubbed it. He felt the twins kicking in respond to Sal's nightmare. Brian looked at Sal. "Twins okay?" he asked. "Kicking," Sal said as he rubbed his stomach. "Must know that you had a nightmare," Brian said. Sal nodded and closed his eyes. Brian watched Sal for a moment as he stroked his hair more. After a moment, Brian asked, "What did you dream about?" Sal looked down at his stomach. He didn’t want to relive that nightmare. “It was a dream that turned into a nightmare,” he slowly said and took a shuddering breath. It rocked his body that Brian felt. He moved down to lay down. Sal made room then pressed against him laying his stomach on Brian’s stomach. Brian put his hand on Sal’s stomach and rubbed it. “You can tell me about it babe,” he said and kissed the top of Sal’s head. Sal took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Um...you and me...were watching our kids and grandkids playing," he said slowly. Brian smiled as he nodded and rubbed Sal's back. "Then it turned into a nightmare. I was in a cemetery and I saw a...gravestone with...your name on it," Sal said. Brian frowned and looked down at Sal who rubbed his stomach as the twins kicked for a bit. Brian hugged Sal to him. "I don't want you to die. I can't take care of them by myself," Sal said and looked at Brian. "Babe that will never happen. I am not going anywhere. I am definitely not dying anytime soon. We are both taking care of our babies together," he said. They laid there for a few minutes then Sal moved so he can sit up in bed. Brian kept his arm around him. Sal looked around then down at his stomach. It was moving as the kids moved around. Brian put his hand on his Sal's stomach. "Can't wait to see them move out of your womb," he said. Sal felt the same. He just wanted to have the twins out of him ASAP.
Later that night, they ate dinner with Brian's family. "We can open presents when everyone wakes up tomorrow," Q's mom said. Brian nodded and looked at Sal. "You okay babe?" he asked. Sal looked over at him and smiled. "I am fine. Thanks for asking," he replied. Brian nodded then ate some of his food. Sal put his hand on top of his stomach and rubbed it. "What are you guys going to name the twins?" Danny asked. Sal nodded and looked at Danny. "The boy will be named Michael Salvatore and the girl will be named Dakota Piper," he replied. "Awe. Very nice names for them," Q's mom said. Sal and Brian nodded. They talked for a bit more then Q's brother Jimmy said, "Are you guys getting a new car? Can't put  the kids in the two door jeep." He looked over at Brian who smirked and nodded. "We are going to get one soon," he replied. Jimmy nodded.
After dinner, Sal sat down in the living room by the fireplace. Brian helped his mom with the dishes. Q's father was sitting in the living room along with Jimmy. Sal looked over at Jimmy and smiled. He looked over at Sal. "It's good to see Brian happy with someone that he loves. You guys make a great couple and will be terrific dads," he said. Sal smiled and thanked him as he rubbed his stomach. Brian's nieces and nephews were playing around. One of his nieces was taking photos of her family. Soon Brian came in and sat next to Sal. "You alright?" he asked and looked over at him. Sal nodded. "I am fine. Full and bloated," he said as he rubbed his stomach and smiled. Brian put his hand over top of Sal's. Soon Brian's niece wanted to take a photo in front of the fireplace with everyone. So they all set up in front of the fireplace. Brian had his arm around Sal who had his hand on his stomach. Brian put his hand on top of Sal's hand. Q's niece set up the camera for it to take the picture then got in her place before the camera took the picture. They took a couple with silly faces and poses. "Alright. Thank you guys," Q's niece said. Sal and Brian went to sit back down. They talked a bit more before Brian's nieces, nephews and two brothers with their spouse left. Soon afterwards, Sal went to the guest room and got ready for bed. Brian sat in the living room and talked to his mom and dad for a while.
Sal laid down after changing into his PJs. He pull his shirt up and put his hands on his stomach. It was bit and he couldn't see his feet. He smirked and fetl a tear come to his eyes. He can't wait to see and hold them. He rubbed his stomach with both his hands as they kicked a little bit. He smiled and sighed. "I love you guys so much even though you are giving me all these aches, but it is worth it for you two," he said and laughed. He glanced at the door and wonder when Brian will come in. He sighed and closed his eyes for a while.
Brian glanced at the tree with the lights on and the presents under the tree then looked back at his parents. "I am going to head to bed. In the morning, we open presents?" he asked. "Yes," his mom said. "Alright," Brian said as he got up. His mom and dad got up, too. Brian hugged them both. "Love you guys," he said. "Love you, too," both said as they hugged him back. Brian used the bathroom before going to the guest room. He saw Sal lying down on the bed with his eyes closed. He took his sneakers, pants and shirt off before getting in next to Sal. He put his hand on Sal's stomach and rubbed it. Sal opened his eyes and looked over to see Brian. "Hey. I am here now," Brian said. Sal smiled and put his head on Brian's shoulder. "That is good. Let's sleep," he said. Brian nodded and he kept his hand on Sal's stomach.
(if you want to check the other chapters, it’s under the tag “fanfiction” on my blog.)
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sp00kymulderr · 4 years
get to know me game
Tagged once again by lovely @longitud-de-onda - thanks for always tagging me, you’re so sweet.
Rule is to tag 21 people you wanna get to know better. 
Nickname: Tank Girl or Tanky according to my close friends. All because the dvd selection I took to uni with me back in the day included Tank Girl (one of my favourite movies), and they had never heard of it before so just started calling me that and it never, ever stopped (it’s been over 10 years now). I love it. I always wanted to be Tank Girl
Real name: Jessica
Zodiac: Taurus but apparently there are like other signs but idk what those are?
Favorite musicians or bands: I am a Bowie and Springsteen girl first and foremost. Their music changed my life. Also Led Zeppelin, ACDC, The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Ian Dury, Jim Steinman, Cream, The Who. Basically, I love classic rock a lot. Plus, all kinds of musical theatre.
Favorite sports team: All Blacks. I don’t like sport in general but really like watching rugby for the men
Other blogs: Back when this used to be a strict one-fandom blog, I had a multi fandom sideblog @draper-bobbie but I don’t use that now I left that old fandom and turned this main in to a multi-fandom mess. I may turn my side in to an Expanse blog at some point though.
Do I get asks: Very occasionally. I love getting them but I understand why I don’t often, I’m shit at interacting bc I’m awkward af sorry all.
Tumblr crushes: Sometimes I worry I’m TOO soppy about my love for @allthefandomstogether but honestly I adore her. She has been with me pretty much since the beginnings of what was my Henry/Mission Impossible blog and has stuck with me through hiatuses and changes galore, we have very similar tastes (honestly the moment we discovered we both loved Narcos/Javi? ICONIC) and she’s the sweetest most supportive babe. 
Basically I LOVE YOU @allthefandomstogether. My actual tumblr ride or die, definitely my main tumblr crush.
Lucky numbers: I don’t have one. I feel like I should. 
What am I wearing: Ofc I am wearing my Harley Quinn pjs bc I was watching Birds of Prey this evening
Dream vacation: Fuck, I just want to go back to New Zealand. At the moment, even though I want to see every single country and travel as much as possible in my life, I feel like I would give up all other travel just to be able to go back to the place that owns my heart.
Dream car: I’m not really interested in cars tbh. My initials are JAG so we always used to joke I should have a Jaguar but I really don’t care.
Favorite food: Very in to barbecue or jerk jackfruit at the moment. My local vegan restaurant does THE MOST AMAZING jerk jackfruit dish and I am craving it so bad rn.
Drink of choice: A good Argentinean malbec is always my go to. That or a viognier now the weather is warmer. Also getting real in to Islay whisky these days.
Instruments: Played violin during most of secondary school, played acoustic guitar during my wizard rock days, played drums in a band v briefly. Want to learn bass now.
Languages: English. I was so good at French in school (like A* student, really promising future with it ugh), but when I went to college I decided to take up Spanish instead and sucked at it. Then at uni, like an absolute fucking idiot I choose Finnish as one of my first year electives and ended up almost failing the module
Celebrity crushes: Pedro Pascal, Tom Hiddleston (the longest ongoing celeb crush I’ve ever had. God damn I love him), Frankie Adams, Oscar Isaac. Plenty more I’m sure but my mind is very ‘Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro’ at the moment
Random facts: Uhhh. I am a Shakespeare nerd and currently working on planning out the rest of my Shakespeare themed sleeve (I already have a large ish Much Ado piece that I am centring most of it around). Also have decided I want to do a sci-fi themed leg sleeve even though my mother would be v disappointed in me (it’s cool I’m nearly 30 I’ve had much practice disappointing her). OH I became an auntie for the first time yesterday, and I can’t meet my nephew yet but I know I love him SO MUCH already.
21 tags of people who I’d like to see play along:
@allthefandomstogether @petrichor-ds @ghostofthebarricade @shydragonrider
Look I’m not gonna tag many people because I know some don’t like being tagged in these but if we’re mutuals and you wanna do it consider yourself tagged k?
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axelsagewrites · 5 years
Mike Chang*Let Me Try
Summary: (Y/N) had two best friends and a boyfriend in the New Directions but loses Mike and Tina to cheating. What will (Y/N)’s reaction to the cheating be and will Mike ever get them back?
Ship(s): Mike X Reader, Mike X Tina, Mercedes X Sam
Request: (Wattpad) A few months earlier, Mike cheated on me with Tina. He realized his mistake and came to see me in the middle of the night, in the rain. He apologizes and we get back together.
Warnings: Cheating
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Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
I was never in New Directions, but I always seemed to be there. Whether it was to see my friends Tina and Mercedes or to try to talk to Mr. Shue about Spanish. A glee club wasn't a strange concept to me, and I never made fun of it. combine that with my friendship with Tina and Mercedes meant that I kinda just joined their group. The first year of glee they didn't hang out that much during school but by the second year, they were quite a close-knit group. Honestly, it was good fun. They were for the most part really chill apart from Rachel, Santana, and Quinn but I somehow managed to avoid that whole situation. Within a few weeks of regularly hanging out with New Directions and watching their practises I liked someone. Like really liked. Like the cliché high school musical like like. And it was Mike Chang. It wasn't just because he was hot (which who could deny?) but he was nice, not a sleaze or flirt (like Puck), funny, and we shared a lot in common. Add on the fact that he could dance, was on the football team, and was an A student he seemed like the perfect boyfriend. Of course, as it goes Mercedes and Tina found out and kept pestering me about it. they'd make jokes, wiggle their eyebrows, and try convincing me to ask him out. I would do the same to them with their crushes as well though so I couldn't complain. And as friendship codes all go, they never told him. Eventually, I did ask him to hang out, just us, that then turned into a date. It was fun. We got food, played arcade machines, talked about TV shows and just had fun. He whooped my butt on the dance arcade machines but won me a unicorn keychain so I couldn't complain. And our relationship was good. We hung out in school, went on walks afterwards, got coffee on the weekends, went to the arcade too often, and tried to study together that always led to making out. My friends fake complained about us, but I knew they didn't mind. But over time I became more distant with Tina. It was really slow, and I didn't even notice at first. She hung out with Mike more than before but why should I care when they were friends first and she was the one who convinced me to ask him out. She was the one I went to for advice because Mike was my first somewhat serious relationship. I brought it up to Mercedes and she said she noticed her drifting away. it's kind of made sense though. Mercedes and I hung around with Kurt and Rachel more and Tina had told us how she wasn't that fond of either. She was also hanging out with Artie just as much as with my boyfriend and she did like Artie, so I honestly wasn't worried. Mercedes backed me up saying Tina would never do that. Till she did. New Directions had decided to all go out to breadsticks before school wrapped up for two weeks and I tagged along. I wasn't officially invited but Mercedes said there was no reason for me to come and was surprised Mike hadn't said anything. When Mercedes and I walked in, we were the last ones there, everyone said hey, but Mike and Tina were quiet. I walked over to my boyfriend and noticed there was no seat beside him. I said hi to him and he gave me a quick kiss on the check. Normally Tina would let me sit by my boyfriend, but it was Sam that moved. I thanked him and sat down, a little weirded out but didn't say anything. Sam also got to sit next to Mercedes which I know pleased her. Nothing seemed out of place, but Tina was a little quiet, so I text her asking if she was alright. She replied saying she was just a little sick. Checks out. Why wouldn't it? "I'm going to the bathroom," I quietly excused myself. Mike nodded and turned to Tina to talk. Not weird at all. I was washing my hands when the door opened and walked in Santana and Quinn. That's weird I thought due to they're on and off again rivalry. I smiled at them and went to dry my hands. They shared a look before fixing their makeup. When I was about to leave though Quinn stopped me, "Wait (Y/N). we um need to tell you something," "What?" Santana glanced at a nervous Quinn and sighed, "Mike's cheating on you," "What? No, he's not," I instantly denied. That boy wouldn't even cheat on a homework assignment let alone me. "He is (Y/N)," Quinn said, clearly more caring than Santana. "It's him and Tina," "That is ridiculous," I put my hands on my hips, "Tina was the one telling me to go for it, she's not about to do that to me," "Look (Y/N) they are. Trust me, we both know it sucks," Santana said, "But it sucks less when you don't let them break it off. We all know it," "But why?" oh God I was starting to believe them, "When would they even, ugh?" Quinn sighed, "It's in Glee. Mercedes is always late or out with Sam. Or they'll rush out together. Its been going on for a couple weeks," "No. I don't believe you," I said, walking out. They followed behind me and I just sat back and my seat and turned to Mike, "Hey babe," he just nodded in reply. I'm just gonna ask, "So I was talking to Quinn and Santana," this caught his attention. "They were saying you were cheating on me. but it's a lie of course. Isn't it?" I couldn't tell if his silence or the tables sudden silence was worse. No one would look at me. "It is a lie isn't it?" I pressed. He finally looked at me and I knew, "(Y/N), it's-" "What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask, "And you?" I turn to Tina. She said nothing but they both looked down. I looked to the table who all avoided my eyes. Mercedes looked just as confused as I did, "And you lot, you knew? And no one told me?" "(Y/N)), we didn't realise-" Sam started. "Bullshit," I cut him off. "All of you are fucking snakes. Try being nice for once and maybe then you won't get slushied so much," I fumed before getting up and leaving. Mercedes followed after me. "(Y/N) wait up," she called. We were outside the restaurant and I was leaning against a brick wall holding back tears, "I had no idea. I swear," "I believe you," I said, my voice wobbling. And I started to cry. Mercedes hugged me and walked us away from Breadsticks, calling her dad to pick us up. Mercedes and I did the movie classic of ice cream and sad movies that night, bitching about Mike and Tina the whole time. Halfway through the night, we called Sam. "Are you sure you wanna ask?" Mercedes asked me before calling him. "I'd rather know," I mumbled. She nodded and pressed call. He answered after a couple of rings, "Sam?" "Yeah," he said. "How are you holding up?" "How'd you think?" I asked before eating more ice-cream, "What happened?" he sighed, "Tell me," I insisted. "Okay," Sam said, "They've not actually been doing much. They've been I don't know closer in glee for a couple weeks. Last week a couple football guys saw them making out. In practice they, well, are clingy. Sorry, this feels weird," "It is okay," but it wasn't. He told me about it all. How they'd rush out of class to make out behind school or how she'd go to the library with him when he always asked me not to go so he could concentrate. Yeah right. After that, I stopped hanging out with new directions. Expect from Mercedes's I didn't want to be friends with any of them. Santana and Quinn were the only ones willing to speak up. Sam's alright but I still was mad at even him. I returned to my old friendship group and the amount of drama calmed down. A few weeks past and I had moved on. I still avoided him in school, and I had blocked him and Tina on everything. Mercedes told me about him and Tina though. How they dated for a couple weeks but broke up. It didn't help. Weeks turned into months then it was summer. We were a couple weeks into a vacation when Mike texted me. I had changed his name in my contacts to 'he who shall not be answered' but I checked the text anyway. 'How are u?' I ignored it. and I ignored the next text and the next. Eventually, I just had to put my phone one silent. It was all too tempting so I did the thing people advise you don't do; go for a walk randomly without your phone. All I took was a jacket and off I went. It was half 7 at night but relatively light outside. As I was walking I was able to just breath and think. I thought about Mike and I. we'd never talked after the breakup and all I could go off of was what Sam said. It just didn't make sense. Why would Tina go for Mike? Why would Mike go for Tina? Why wouldn't Mike have tried to talk to me sooner? I was glad not too many people were out as the tears slipped down. I'd always avoiding thinking about it. I didn't think it would hurt as much. Soon I began to feel wetness on my head as well. I looked up to see the clouds had gone grew. Oh crap. The sky began to let down. The coat I'd grabbed had a hood, but I still rushed into the nearest shop. Without my phone, I had no option but to walk back. Luckily I had a few dollars in my pocket, so I figured I'd grab a drink before starting my walk, more likely run, home. When I turned into the drink section I froze. There stood trying to decide between two drinks was Mike. For whatever reason he looked up, "(Y/N)?" He mumbled, putting the drinks back, "What are you doing here?" I said nothing, just grabbed my drink and rushed to pay. Mike was close behind me, but I just left as soon as I handed over the money, not waiting for the change. I flung my hood up and ran outside. Mike ran after me and I heard a sigh when the door opened. I'd hoped he would've retreated inside since he was only wearing flannel and jeans, but he didn't. "Wait, please!" he called. I regretted it but I looked over my shoulder. Long enough for his face to convince me to listen. Damn emotions, "What?" I asked, venom dripping off my voice, He winced, "Can I talk to you?" Mike asked, already drenched. I nodded. He looked around for shelter, but I crossed my arms. "Look I'm sorry. I-I fucked up," For a teenage boy Mike hardly ever swore, "Majorly fucked up. When I was younger I used to really like Tina. I got over it, but she kept hanging out with me and she kissed me and I-I just really really – fucked up. And no amount of I'm sorry is gonna fix that," It was Tina. Tina kissed him. "Why should I believe you? Tina was my best friend?" Mikes face screwed up, "What? Tina said your parents forced you to be friends," Ouch. It made sense though. It had been our parents so determined to make us friends when I moved to her neighbourhood. We didn't get on that well at first. But I thought we got over it. "So, why'd you do it?" I asked. Mike shook his head, "I don't know," by this point, he was soaked, water dripping off him but more hitting him. The rain was louder so he had to speak up and I could feel the dampness through my jacket, "I guess I just went back to middle school? But I shouldn't of. I hated myself afterward. I only dated Tina afterwards because I missed you and I know you deserve better. I know you could make anyone happy, but I need you. Please, let me try to make it up to you." He begged, walking closer. "How am I meant to trust you?" "I don't expect you too. Please just, lets at least start as friends. Let me work from there. I'm falling apart," he was. There were dark circles around his eyes, and he was shivering by this point. A gust of wind blew by and I shivered, "Okay," I said, and his face lit up, "You can try but no promises. Let's just get inside somewhere," He was smiling despite the rain, "Of course. And (Y/N), I'll do anything to try make it up to you,"
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ninavantastisch · 5 years
For the "soft asks" - everything you didn't answer already. 🖤❤🖤
cherry - what is your sexuality?
I am Pansexual 😊 I like humans. I don’t care about gender or genderidentity
lollipop - favorite makeup products?
Eyeliner, Mascara and Lipstick! Those are the essentials!
october - what month were you born in?
Funnily not in october 😄 I was born in august.
caress - do you like to snuggle?
I loooooove snuggles! 😍
ivory - describe your pajamas?
Weeeell, my PJ’s are basically an oversized shirt and panties 😅
golden - favorite stationary product?
Defnitely my leopard print pocket planner! Can’t survive without planners and notebooks!
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
My leatherjacket! 🖤
silk - do you like k-pop?
Nah. Not my cup of tea
poppy - favorite pastel color?
peach and pastel green.
dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face?
Eyes, lips and smile!
sunkissed - autumn or spring?
Autumn! Cozy sweaters, colourful leafs, hot chocolate and all the snuggles!
buttery - favorite snack?
Salt & Vinegar Chips 🖤
whisper - how much sleep do you get?
Never enough 😅 
pencil - do you own a journal?
Nope. I got a notebook where I write everything down that comes to my mind.
cupcake - are you a good cook?
Not to brag but… yeah I’m a pretty good cook.
honey - favorite term of endearment?
A lot actually 😄
Darling, Babe, Honey, Sweetheart, Cutie, Love, Lovely, Honey Bunny (but only for you! 💛)
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams?
I hugged my best friend from my childhood and teenage years! When I woke up I could still physically feel her embrace which made me cry. She has been comatose for more than a year after being in a serious car crash. Two years ago her life support was turned off. I miss her dearly and everyday but I’m thankful for the time we had together. 💔 J.S., you’re still with us and we love you so much. Gone too soon.
velvet - who was your first crush?
Oh Boy 😅 I had a HUGE crush on a guy named Lucas who lived in the village next to mine. He was a little older than me and PUNK AF! I was 13 at the time and he was 16. We talked once, while we were waiting for the bus together and he noticed my “Die Ärzte” (german Punk band) Shirt and just said “Cool Shirt.” And I was in heaven hahaha 😄 after he graduated, he moved away and I never saw him again. I wonder what he’s doing now and if he’s still that cute punk he was 15 years ago.
paper - favorite children’s book?
When I was a child my favourites were The Trip to Panama by Janosch and The Little Ghost by Otfried Preussler
peaches - do you have a skincare routine?
Uhm not really. I wash my face and apply moisturizer. Once a week I use a face mask but that’s about it.
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film?
Ugh that’s not fair. They’re all cool! But I guess My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away are probably my favs
strawberry - favorite fruit?
Cherries and Pears 🍒🍐
kiss - have you ever kissed a friend?
One of my best buddies and I were drinking one night and it got pretty late and we were both SUPER wasted and all of a sudden I was like:
Me: “Dude… we’ve known eachother for 8 years now but we never kissed”
Him: “Yeah… right. Do you think we should?”
Me: “I don’t know… I think it would be good to know if we are really just good friends or if anyone is interested in the other, you know what I mean? Let’s see if sparks will fly” (drunk logic)
Him: “You’re probably right…. fuck it! Let’s do this!”
So we kissed for about 1 minute and after we broke away from the kiss we both looked at eachother for I don’t know 10 seconds and then we both shook our heads, laughed our asses off and were like “Nope” 😂
nightlight - do you read before bed?
I used to but now I don’t. Sometime I listen to audiobooks before bed
shampoo - favorite scent?
Probably coconut and fresh laundry!
skin - what distant relative are you closest to?
The only relatives I’m close to are my mom and my grandma. The rest of my so called “family” can go fuck themselves.
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor?
I looove Keanu Reeves (who doesn’t, right?)! Also a huge fan of Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Robert Downey Jr.
cuddles - do you have any pets?
Yes! I have two cute cats. Click HERE for pictures
lace - if you own any dresses, which is your favorite?
I guess my long black summerdress. I love it! It’s so light and comfy.
sheets - sanrio or san-x characters?
Sanrio! But only because of Aggretsuko!
cream - frozen yogurt flavor?
No froyo for this girl! Thank you. Next.
watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
Disney Movies make me cry like a bitch! But I’m a very emotional person in general. Sometimes even songs or books make me cry. The last movie that made me cry was Coco! 😭😭😭
sapphos - favorite poet?
Definitely Edgar Allan Poe and William Shakespeare
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own?
More than I like to admit let’s put it that way 😅
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful?
Roses of course! 🌹
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup?
My Harley Quinn Coffee Mug and my Black Craft Cult travelmug
sunset - what are your pronouns?
She/her 😊
Thanks for sending the ask, Honey Bunny! Love ya!  ❤️❤️❤️
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redhairedwolfwitch · 6 years
Blue Canary and Batgirl - Lance!Reader x Earth 1! Team Arrow - Blue Canary Part 2
Request: Maybe the reader can visit her family’s doppelgängers and you could also show her life on her earth. Like maybe she has a girlfriend or something.
Due to alternate earths and doppelgängers this means that events that occur in the canon Batman series do not always occur on Earth 30 such as Barbara Gordon being shot in the spine by the Joker, becoming paralysed. 
You let out a ragged breath, pacing the circle of the mat with your eyes not leaving your sparring partner before the next round began. Barbara smirked as she threw punches and kicks as you ducked and dodged leaving yourself open as she lunged at you. Barbara pinned you to the mat with a smirk, your wrists above your head as she straddled you, noses inches apart.
“Gotcha babe.” Barbara joked as you stared up at her, cheeks bright red.
“Alright, Gordon you win... we have to go to lunch anyway before I go visit Earth 1.” You stated as Barbara let you up, catching your lips at the end of your sentence.
“Oh no just go ahead, don’t let me stop you.” Dick joked as he entered in his Nightwing attire. “Hey Dick, we’re gonna go to lunch, have fun training Damian.” You joked, sarcastically gaining a playful glare from your adoptive brother.
“So, Earth 1, what’s it like?” Barbara questioned as you and her began to eat your lunch in a off-street Subway which due to its off-street nature kept the two of you hidden from paparazzi with you being the adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne and Barbara being the commissioner's daughter.
“Its weird, my family is alive, Green Arrow and The Flash are dudes, they don’t know about the Green Lanterns or Atlantis but they have time travel oh and there are aliens on Earth 38 so that’s interesting.” You explained, playing with the straw to your drink.
A hand grasped yours causing you to look up as Barbara smiled. “Do you think I could come with you next time to meet them?” She questioned, the nervousness obvious on her face.
“Of course, I don’t think they’ll mind...we’ve been together for 3 years anyway...” You replied before Barbara’s phone began to ring. 
“Oh shoot, I have to go meet my dad, I’ll see you later babe, have a nice trip and I hope everyone’s well.” Barbara explained, pecking you on the lips before leaving the Subway.
---Time Skip---
You smiled as you arrived on Earth 1, entering what was Earth 1 Oliver Queen’s campaign office to enter the elevator leading to the Bunker as they called it. The Arrow Bunker.
“Hey its that Blue Canary person. I mean obviously your a person-uh.” Felicity spoke as you walked over. “Yeah... Blue Canary is my codename but my real name is Y/n, Y/n M/n Lance.” You replied, waving awkwardly at everyone.
“Hey, its been a while, how’s Gotham?” Earth 1 Laurel questioned. You’d mainly been visiting both Laurel’s and Quentin on separate occasions whenever you had spare time with Sara being back on the Waverider timetravelling.
“Gotham’s Gotham, Joker’s up to stuff, the Sirens are causing chaos and all the other villains keep ransacking the place so the Bat-Fam has a lot to do.” You replied, smiling at Laurel in response.
“Sirens?” Black Siren questioned with a smirk.
“Gotham City Sirens, Poison Ivy, Cat-Woman and Harley Quinn...” You replied, flicking through your phone for photos as both Laurels walked over to you.
“Wait who’s that kissing...is that you kissing someone? Wait who’s that? It looks like an anniversary.” Laurel questioned as Black Siren raised an eyebrow at you.
“That is the 3rd anniversary of my girlfriend and I’s relationship, Dick, my adoptive brother took those photos on my phone....” You replied, going bright red as both Laurel’s looked through the photos.
“She’s cute, is she a vigilante too?”
“Batgirl.” You replied, bluntly, trying to take your phone back from Black Siren who literally raised an eyebrow at you causing you to back off.
“Barbara huh... wait what’s this photo?” Laurel questioned, zooming in on certain points. “Ugh, her name is Barbara Gordon, she’s Batgirl, my girlfriend of 3 years, best friend for way longer and her father is the police commissioner in Gotham.” You explained, sneakily getting your phone back before your watch flickered with blue light gaining everyone’s attention.
You paused as you watched your watch display the Blue Canary symbol causing you to smile sadly.
“The Blue Canary is needed in Gotham back on my Earth...I’ll see you later.” You replied hugging both Laurel’s before using the interdimensional extrapolator to return to your Earth and suit up.
“She’s amazing, I wonder what she would have been like if she’d grown up with us...” Laurel stated, gaining a shrug from Black Siren.
“Better with you than with me.” Siren stated in response gaining a sad smile from Laurel.
Laurel just smiled as she thought back to the photos in your phone, she was looking forward to finally meeting that girlfriend of yours either way.
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