#also hi [bonks you]. hi [bonks you]. hi [bonks you]
gamblersdoll · 2 days
can you do class 1-A making todoroki realize he likes Y/N and helping him plan his confession please??? 💗
him being separated from the whole world when he was a child caused him to not properly process his emotions and feelings. he cursed his abusive shit father, not knowing how to feel about you.
you gave him life though, him being able to smile more and be able to laugh just a bit.
everyone could see it, they can see how he bounces his knee in anticipation for you to come out of your room and see him.
they see the way he picks at his nails when he can finally smell your shampoo when you walk past, or your lotion. (he adores your smell, it makes him get a dopamine boost.)
he loves when he can just randomly find a nail of yours that probably popped off and he just shoves it in his pocket, keeping it for some kind of good luck.
everyone can see it, and they know what he feels. (not everyone, because it does look borderline creepy.)
yet, it took izuku and bakugou to scold him for letting you get away.
“that means you like her!” izuku shouts in excitement, going off in some ramble about how opposites do sometimes attract, but katsuki bonks him in the head.
“the fact that you lettin’ her run around single is crazy.” he shakes his head, ignoring izukus’ rambles about how heavy handed katsuki is and hes too rough with his hair. (katsuki knowing that izuku tries to take care of his fro at times.)
todoroki only thinks to himself, then eventually asking. “so, how am i supposed to ask her out? you both know im not too fond of being outside the dorms.” he makes a point, him being a home body and not being a social butterfly.
“well, see if she is too! and then offer like a snack and movie date!” izuku suggested, getting bonked again for being too loud.
they both are idiots.
yet, he takes their advice, walking away as they both claw at each other’s throats and heading to his dorm.
“hey, can i ask a question?” he types to you, turning on his ringer and bouncing his knees. he feel’s nervous, sick even.
“yeah, wsp?” you text back, watching the three dots appear and disappear. his heart was racing, what the hell were you doing to him? did you have some other quirk?
“can i take you for a snack and movie date?” “ we dont have to go outside if you dont want to.” “you also dont have to say yes.” he triple texts, biting at his thumbnail and eyes darting around.
his heart lurches when you reply back, relieved and feeling like he is going to puke and have anxiety shits.
“yeah, we can. and im more of a homebody so..”
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angelxd-3303 · 11 months
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I promise I have more Mario stuff in the works, I just need to get the mouse in my brain to stop squealing about Nimona for five minutes.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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fatedroses · 28 days
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Don't mess with the guy who's favorite spell is summoning his friends.
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stygianoaths · 1 year
There are times where I wonder if Luke asked Dionysus to cure his mother, you know, what with Dionysus being the god of madness.
I like to believe that Luke had offered to steal the best bottle of wine there is to be stolen in the world, a solemn promise from the son of Hermes.
"No one would know," he whispered earnestly.
Not even the gods.
And maybe Dionysus had laughed at the idea, no matter how intriguing it was, because of course a demigod of mere fifteen would be so bold yet naive to strike deals with gods so much bigger than he. He shut the child down on the spot. He wouldn't fall for such nonsense.
"And risk my father's wrath? You mock me," he drawled. He had made it a point to omit the fact he was not going to tamper with his uncle's curse either. It was off-limits after all, just like that troublesome nymph. He flicked the dirt from his nails, ignoring the way Luke shook on the spot.
"Well? If that's all you better get going, Lucius," he had said.
And Luke's wrath bubbled over in return.
"What good are you gods for, if you won't help us? You're so useless," he scoffed.
Dionysus's eyes lit up in purple at the jab and he got up from his chair. The ground shook as vines broke through the earth. Something felt off yet familiar with the way Luke did not cower at the display of power. Tch, heroes and their bravado.
"We gods do not owe you mortals anything."
"Yes, you do?" Luke retorted with incredulity, dragging a chair to the side as he inched on Dionysus, uncaring of the purple flames that had begun to circle them, the vines that were dangerously close to tugging him by the ankle.
"You owe your entire existence to humanity! We wrote your stories and remembered you! We fought your battles and we died for you!"
"And?" Dionysus laughed, though there was no humor behind it, "I don't care. You can come up with a thousand sob stories, Luis, and I still won't care. I've seen it all and it's all the same. You demigods are nothing but mayflies, destined to die early since the day you were born."
That seemed to silence the boy.
"Of course, I'll make sure to tell all of that to Castor and Pollux. I'll tell them Pops doesn't give a damn if they die now or later, because apparently it doesn't matter anyways. Tell them how he knew what demigod life would be like for them and still went ahead and brought them into this world anyways."
Or not.
"Take their names out of your mouth, boy," Dionysus warned, vines seizing at Luke's wrists and knees.
"Or what? You're gonna drive me insane just like Mom?"
Dionysus wanted to tell him that he was pretty much halfway there, with the way Luke wore that look of hysteria that bordered on madness. It was so faint yet tangible all the same. Dionysus wanted to push the kid to the limit, see him snap.
"Oh, but that would be too easy!" he sneers, "no, I was thinking more of that little sister of yours you so adore, Annie Bell, her name was? Yes, yes I think madness would look absolutely delicious on a daughter of Athena."
There was absolutely nothing to back up that threat, but it seemed to hit the mark.
Luke had crumpled completely, like something hit him hard in the stomach. Dionysus's lips twitched up in victory. If the boy wanted to play dirty and mention family, then it was only fair he would too.
"Fuck you," Luke whispered, tears cornering in his eyes.
Before the god could act on his threat, however, the sound of trotting hooves nearing towards the Big House made their way through the windows.
Dionysus sighed, raising a hand to release the vines' hold on Luke. He did not want to listen to Chiron's lecture on how threatening the lives of demigods isn't "Camp Director" like.
Luke, on the other hand, slammed the door behind him, scaring off the harpies perched on the roof of the Big House. Dionysus had half a mind to choke the kid with grapevines for the act of insolence.
Chiron came through that same door, placing a hand on the side of it while he looked backwards.
"With that anger, he will get himself killed too early," he murmured with concern. Dionysus snorted, letting the vines return to the soil, the flames around him dying down.
"They all do."
Oh, how he would eat those words, watching Castor's shroud burn.
He was too young. Too young.
A nagging voice reminds him that so was Luke. So was Thalia. So was Annabeth. So was Percy. So was Nico. So was nearly everyone that huddled around the pyres, holding each other and sobbing. Gods, they were crying. War was never kind.
Even that daughter of Ares, who would rather be caught dead than vulnerable, let slip a few tears, and her hissed out "are you happy now?" as she shoved herself past the god of wine will haunt him for millenias to come.
If only he had tried to save May Castellan, given her back to Hermes the way he was supposed to, maybe his son would be standing here with him and watching the pyres light up the night.
Instead, all he could do was listen to Pollux's hysterical screams while Hermes pulls Castor up by the hand, taking the newly deceased to a place where Dionysus can no longer follow.
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feluka · 5 months
every time i put the plate of food down for shams and noor they stand around it looking up at me expectantly like "🥺 🥺" until i lean down and then they both mrrp and then bonk their heads with mine and then they start eating. if i leave immediately after putting the food down they follow me until i lean down for them 😭 gotta say thank you before eating!!
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fortifice · 1 month
still on the agenda that earthwork is heavy and that Gepard is 100000 strong so he could absolutely lift your muse with one arm that is all.
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allmyandroids · 3 months
bonk (bratty babygirl behaviour ✨️)
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tsuchinokoroyale · 3 months
More like rad-b-gone lol
#I love that you can see me back off to dodge his grab before I’m like oh wait I can just bonk him lol#thank you radagon for being the only boss I could see myself doing hitless#except my dodge rate for his stomp/poke combo is like 5%#so it’s only feasible if he doesn’t do that move…#oh and the “nothing personnel kid” teleport and fast smash can also suck it#him the crucible knights and the bell bearing hunter are the only enemies I’ve learned to consistently parry in ER 😮‍💨#I tried learning malenia’s parries but her damage is so overtuned it str8 up was not worth the risk and effort 🥴#radagon definitely isn’t the most fun boss in Elden ring but I think he’s like the most fair out of every single one#which is why it’s gr8 that all my goodwill gets toss out the window with Elden beast 🥴#I had one moment where he did Elden stars chase attack the triple closing rings and then sword swipes#and got absolutely annihilated bc I could not dodge all 3 attacks at once#like attack RNG has always been part of the difficulty in these games but with my limited knowledge this is the first one where#(( outside of gank fights ))#the RNG difficulty slider goes from manageable all the way to full health to death#had one round with malenia where she used waterfowl blade SIX TIMES and I only managed to survive bc I was playing around with a mage build#and was letting bby tiche do most of the damage while I pulled aggro from far away enough that I could dodge WFB comfortably#can you tell I’ve only ever done double godskins with both NPC summons and tears#I’ve heard enough about that fights bullshit that I straight up trivialize it every time I get it to it#Elden ring truly is the most difficult and easiest fromsoft game to date… dialectic 🥳#excited to see how they balance things in the DLC bc honestly outside of WFB malenia really is a fun boss#I don’t mind that her normal attacks are so punishing bc dodging around them or knocking her out of certain attacks feels gr8#so if bosses are malenia level TUNED without WFB level BULLSHIT I can see myself getting really into it 🥳#tsuchi plays games
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tiger-balm · 3 months
@ londonknights : all love for the 100 point man
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tiiish · 2 years
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I think he likes you (From drawing w my pal @vilz !!!!! )
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Every boy king painting is just like: hey guys fo you wanna see the same idea rehashed over and over again?
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sysig · 2 years
I wasn't going to request anything this year, but I saw the drawing of Edgar and Scriabin hugging and now I cannot help but request a second hug drawing, if that's okay? I love your art, it brings me so much joy! <3
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Day 11 - So strong!
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jacqcrisis · 4 months
Sometimes the dialogue for Ronan is just *chef's kiss* exactly what he would say
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Precisely. PRECISELY what this quiet bloodthirsty dragon man would say to someone he just spent a day in a swamp looking for an excuse to murder
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feluka · 2 months
i said "bye!" to shams before leaving today and i swear to god he meowed "bye!" back in the same exact tone 😭
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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