#also his voice is so softttt
oh god oh fuck im turning into a shalem simp
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rares-posts · 1 year
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ja3hwa · 3 days
HIll i absolutely love love love ur writing!!i know u write a lot more darker fics but would love to see how u write this!!!
hear me out ok, soft soft softttt sanx (if u feel comfy, chubby) virgin reader, where reader is feeling very bad about herself that she is still a virgin in her 20s. her boyfriend san doesn't know this and is just waiting for her like the good of he is (we all know san would be so soft and precious waiting for his gf). once she voices her worries of being bad (cause she is a virgin) or not pretty because she is chubby (if u write that off) san shows her that there is nothing to be scared of and it will be extremely enjoyable if she lets it be.
PLEASEP.LEASSP.LEASS im begging for so much praise and also aftercare where he is just telling hee sweet nothing and is just so inlove and entranced by her and her beauty!!!!
also please i’m begging for pet names like, baby, lovely, sweetheart, good girl, beautiful, stunning girl, stuff like that
i hope this makes sense and isnt too messy :333
Hi there, my darling! I have finally gotten to your request. I'm so sorry it's taken so long. I honestly had a lot of fun with this. I tried to make it as light-hearted and realistic as possible. So I hope you enjoy ♡♡
Click -> Here
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popponn · 6 months
hehe popon !!! i'm like trying my best to keep my eyes open bc i am v tired 😞 so i am apologising in advance if there are any grammatical mistakes in this chunk of text 🤞🏻😸 but hi lovely:
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WISHING U A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, POPON !!!! i not sure whether it's like ur birth date where u live yet, but it is for me, so i hope this mssg is on time ! but happy birthday to one of the cutest, cleverest and sweetest yoichi kissers in the world 🫶🏻😽 isagi loves u sm and giggles and kicks his legs when u post him on ur blog (real. bro told me and i was "damn yoichi 🤨")
on my friends' birthdays, i usually write a letter and give them my thanks for a number of things. and i think the number one thing i wanna say "thank u" to u for is definitely our interactions <3 u have always been friendly to everyone who interacts w u, including me, and i reckon i'm rly lucky to met u this year !!! u're a kind soul w a lot of love to give, and i think that's why we all love u sm !!! and i'm super thankful for all the times u've visited my inbox/mssges 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it makes me happy hehe
i must also mention that i am so thankful that i was able to find "coincidences and flickers" one fateful day,, like that series has the potential to forever change me as a person and even make me become a temporary isagi kisser (never forgetting who i am 😤) <33 it was that series that helped me find ur blog and realise the insane amount of talent u have for writing !! my favourite writers on this platform often changes (sometimes it's a, or sometimes it's b), but i think u have a fixed position up there <3 i truly adore u and the way u write, so thank u for all the works u post 🫂 it's such an honour to be mutuals w a v skilled writer
i also wanna thank u for all the reblogs u make on everyone's works <3 when u reblog my fics w a bunch of tags, it truly makes me feel like that the effort i have put in didn't go to waste bc there was someone who appreciated what i wrote. also like,, the quality of my writing often fluctuates (😞💔), but u reblog them anyways, and i will ALWAYS thank u for that !! i love uuu (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ🫂💞
oh, and, thank u for constantly feeding my reo delusions 😸😸 not sure if i'd love him the same without u telling me that reo loves me too lol 😽🧎🏻‍♀️
i do hope that everything will treat u nicely today !!! and every other day bc u deserve it <33 eat cake, laugh w friends and mb be silly for a little while—u're not a grandma yet, so have fun being in ur twenties, popon !!!!
love u always 🫶🏻☹️
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(i hope u like words bc this was a bit of a read lmao)
SAKI IM SOBBINGGG???????? WHATT????? D: JESUS I WILL BE WORDY TOO!! HOW DARE U MAKE ME ALL SOFTTTT thank u so much for typing all this despite being very tired omg ;;;; im gonna bawl mom im so glad i meet saki the sweetest adgudk (also...my grammar is also a mess i hope this shall be forgiven as i am sincere ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡))
it already is!! :">> thank u for remembering it bae :""" and omg yoichi did all that? i get even more in love :(( pls tell yoichi i also kick and giggle when he breathes :(( AND HEY YOU ARE OVERPRAISING ME WHAT IF MY HEAD GET BIG [ahjussi voice]
saki :(((( im also very thankful i get to meet you this year ue ue ue ;;; i never thought i will ever talk to you (or anyone here at all tbh sksk) like i was very shy and hesitate a lot, but then you are there?? being so sweet friendly and welcoming ;;; like you are one of the reasons i'm here and i mean it??? like you are one of the person who gave me courage to be more friendly here too hehe <3 im so glad i meet someone as kind you saki <3
im gonna start blushing and bawling fr now. IM SO GLAD I MAKE THAT SERIESS ;;;;; (CHAPTER WILL COME SOON TRUST!!) hdfkdj idk what to say here before sounding like a madman so uh ;;;; pls know that i was so happy too when u commented and reblogged so positively ;;;;;;; ghjk saki your praises i think i read them over and over girly u r too sweet for me sometimes ;;;;;; ♡( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
okay channeling my coolness energy a bit, saki 🫵i like your writing GENUINELY!!! okay! so im glad you like the madman ramblings in the tags :>> and come on buddy fic writer to fic writer, it would be impossible to like everything we write SKSKSK remember that one time i immediately lose it after posting that rin studying fic. sigh. stupid ass me. BUT YOU AND EVERYONE WERE THERE AND IT SERVED ITS PURPOSE HOHOHO SO I TOO FEEL IT WASNT A WASTE HEHEHEHE
and i will keep feeding ur delusion get ready (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ also quick mention real quick your cats are cool sunglasses or not
THANK YOU FOR THE WISHES SAKIII!!! omg :((( thank you so much for?? writing all these gosh uhuhuu i will reread this over and over again a lot of times today hehe (no matter how busy and hard it is to open tumblr today!!!) this make my day so much ;;;;;; uhuhuhu and aw <3 i will!!! i wanna make a grandma joke again but for today i will spare saki uwu
i love you always too!!!! 🫶🏻😤
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auroracalisto · 4 years
she will be loved, part two
requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt​: Omggg would it be okay if I send in a request for a part two for “She will be loved”?🥰 It’s soooo cute and I love rereading it because it makes me so happy!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🥰💜💜It’s so softttt
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pairing(s): adoptive! dad! elijah x child! female! reader, family! mikaelsons x reader
word count: 1.3k words
warnings: reader has nightmares, written in third person, child reader
author’s notes: okok so i loved writing this, first of all.  considering turning this into a series because i could do so much with this.  that’s kind of why it’s an open ended sort of thing (if you read, it makes sense, i promise).  also writing children is so fun.  like.  i have always been around children bc i’m the oldest grandchild and i also have like,,, five younger siblings.  i just,,, it’s fun to put what i know into writing and it’s really easy for me to describe how a child could act because of how familiar i am with them.  i feel like that’s another reason i like writing this so much is because i am familiar with how they act omg,,, anway enough rambling and if you read all of this, kudos to you, because i probably wouldn’t have.  thanks for the request and be sure to look out for more!!!
part one
"That little," Kol took in a deep breath, closing his eyes.  He sat down on the couch, composing himself.  
Elijah looked over at him, smirking.  "What's wrong, this time?"
"Nothing is wrong," Kol cleared his throat.  "I just... cannot find her, for the life of me."
Elijah's eyes narrowed.  
"Hide-and-seek," he quickly spoke, standing back up.  
"Yes.  And you're a vampire.  You should easily be able to find her."
"Unless," Rebekah said, walking through the room with a laugh.  "Klaus found her first and took her to a better hiding spot."
"Is that really what happened?"
Rebekah shrugged, watching Kol groan and vampire speed off to find little [Your name] and his pain in the ass brother.  
REbekah sat down across from Elijah and she smiled at him as she did.  "How are you?"
Elijah looked at her and rose an eyebrow.  
"With [Your name].  I know how much of a handful children can be."
"Right," Elijah sighed softly.  He sat down the book that he had been reading and he began to frown.  "Her dreams are getting worse."
"Her dreams?  Did you not use compulsion on her?"
"We did.  Klaus and I both did.  Kol tried, as well.  But  it just wears off after a couple of days and the dreams are worse than before."
"Has she been able to tell you what they were about?"
"You've been around [Your name], yes?  She does not often wish to speak much of her dreams.  She'll talk about everything else," he chuckled softly.  He quickly moved to sit up as he heard [Your name] laugh and run through the hallway.  
At this point, Kol wasn't using his vampire speed.  In fact, he was taking his time, taunting that he was going to catch her.  
[Your name] ran into the sitting room, rushing over to Elijah, giggling the entire time.  "Daddy's base!" she quickly exclaimed, climbing onto Elijah's lap.  
Elijah let out a soft laugh and he wrapped his arms around the small girl as Kol came over, his eyes narrowed at [Your name].  He points to his eyes, before pointing right at her.  
"I'm watching you.  As soon as you get up, I'll get you."
"No!" she yelped, laughing as she hugged onto Elijah.  
Kol rolled his eyes before he left the room, leaving Rebekah and Elijah there with [Your name].  Elijah was quiet as he listened to [Your name]'s soft breathing.  
"[Your name]," he softly said, gently shaking her awake.  "Don't go to sleep yet, it's only seven—"
His wishes were drowned out by [Your name] getting comfortable in Elijah's arms.  She was sound asleep in the matter of minutes.  The nightmares of that evening had yet to plague her little mind.  
Elijah looked over at Rebekah with a frown.  "I hate to say this.  But I wonder if we will have to have a witch's help with her dreams."
Rebekah pursed her lips.  "That Bennett witch owes me a favor.  Do you think she will help?"
"And have more people know about [Your name]?  No.  They will not be using her against me or any of us."
"Then I guess we will have to see what else would work."
Elijah frowned but he nodded.  He knew that she was right.  Elijah looked down at the little girl asleep in his arms.  
"I'm going to go put her in bed.  Hopefully, she doesn't sleep too long.  Klaus's last fiasco completely wrecked her schedule."
Rebekah couldn't help but laugh.  "Maybe Klaus should be in charge of fixing it for you since he's the one who ruined it."
Elijah shrugged and stood up, cradling [Your name] in his arms.  He carried her into her bedroom and laid her down in her full sized bed.  [Your name]'s little eyes quickly opened and she looked up at Elijah with wide eyes.  
"Stay," she quickly said, her little voice was barely louder than the clock that ticked away on her wall.  
Elijah frowned softly and he nodded, laying down beside his daughter.  He pulled her into his chest and listened to her once again fall asleep.  
Elijah didn't know when he fell asleep, but he knew it had to have been shortly after [Your name] did.  She was out of bed when he woke.  Her clothes from the day before were tossed in her little clothes hamper, but she had made a mess picking out her new outfit for the day.  
Elijah left his daughter's room, searching for her.  
He heard laughter coming from the kitchen and he followed the noise, seeing Klaus literally throwing pancake batter in [Your name]'s direction.  
"—stay out of this, brother," Klaus said, glaring in the child's direction.  "She is the one who started this—"
"—started what?"
"She told me I was ugly."
Elijah pursed his lips for a moment, clearly holding back a laugh.  "What?"
"She looked at me and said, Klaus, you're ugly."
"I did not!" [Your name] exclaimed from where she hid behind the island.  
Klaus looked at Elijah, and then placed his hands on his hips like an angry Karen.  
Elijah rolled his eyes and he sighed, walking over to where the little girl sat. "[Your name], did you tell Klaus he was ugly?"
[Your name] quickly shook her head.  
"Don't lie to me."
Her eyes widened and she looked up at Elijah.  Her breathing picked up and the tears immediately began to form.  "What?  I am not lying, daddy..."
Elijah continued to frown at her, prompting the child to cry.  She quickly hugged onto Elijah, shaking her head.  
"I'm sorry, daddy, I didn't—"
Elijah gently rubbed her back.  "If you did, I just need you to be honest, [Your name].  Calling someone names isn't a nice thing to do.  You're a good girl, aren't you?  So why would you call your uncle something bad?"
"I'm sorry," [Your name] cried, looking up at Elijah with tearful eyes.  
"You don't need to tell me sorry.  You need to say sorry to Klaus."
Her eyes widened a bit and she quickly nodded, coming out from behind the island.  She looked up at Klaus, her little face covered with tears.  If she continued to cry, there's no doubt that snot would cover her face as well.  
Klaus frowned as he watched her.  
"I'm sorry..."
Klaus's features softened and he bent down in front of her.  
"Sorry for what?" Elijah asked from behind them.  
"Sorry for calling you names..."
"It's alright, [Your name].  Just... don't do it again, okay?"
[Your name] nodded and quickly calmed herself down, going to hug Klaus.  Klaus sighed and hugged her back, lifting her as he did so.  He sat her down on the counter by the sink.  He grabbed a kitchen towel and gently cleaned up her messy face.  
"These pancakes aren't going to cook themselves, now are they?"
[Your name] watched Klaus with big eyes as she shook her head.  
Klaus smiled.  
Elijah watched as Klaus helped [Your name] carefully stir the rest of the batter before Klaus made the pancakes his daughter so desperately wanted (according to [Your name], not to Elijah).  
Elijah didn't realize how much would go in to being a parent.  However, he knew that she was learning.  Her little heart and her little head was figuring out how to do things as she went.  It reminded him of his family when they were all young.  
Elijah sat down on a stool as he watched his daughter.  
The nightmares that plagued her were truly something for concern.  But she didn't wake up crying the night before.  He was hoping that it was simply because of a traumatic past that he had yet to figure out.  But until then, he would be keeping a watchful eye over her, and he knew his family, Klaus included, would keep their own eyes on the little girl.  
part three
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taegularities · 3 years
hello rid you beautiful, tropical fish, i'd like to request situation 12, sentence 22, and the maknae please :3
your nicknames make me softttt!!
Finally home after a hard day + “I can make you some tea or something? Read you a story. Lie down in bed.” - Jungkook x female reader
Wc: around 690
wrapping up the drabble game! if you’d still like to send me requests, you can, but i will probably post them delayed/when i find the time! <3
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Your feet hurt. And by hurt you meant that they felt like someone had grabbed them and twisted and turned until your skin was sore, leaving only the delicate bones intact. Coming home and knocking yourself out was the only thing you had in mind - you didn’t even feel that hungry right now.
As you opened the door to your house, throwing your heels into a corner almost aggressively, you heard Jungkook call your name from the living room. You followed his voice, a smile appearing on your face when you saw him enjoying his evening on the couch in a baggy shirt and grey sweatpants.
He looked so clean, showered, refreshed, content - whereas you felt as if your skin had absorbed all the dirt that floated in the air outside. You sat down next to him, pressing a chaste kiss on his cheek before you leaned back, your eyes closing as you felt relaxation flood through your body.
Jungkook knew how hard it was to walk around all day - after all, that was all the job of a real estate agent contained. He was also aware of the fact that sometimes, people took their sweet, long time when viewing a house or apartment. They practically pondered on what to do for hours, inspecting every corner of the place until they eventually agreed - or in worse cases, did not agree - to sign a contract.
“Do your feet hurt a lot?” he asked you, grabbing your legs as he brought them up to his lap and consequently making you lay down on your back. He first rubbed your skin delicately, starting at your calves before his fingers moved down.
“You don’t have to massage my dirty feet, baby,” you muttered, enjoying him pressing your muscles nevertheless.
You saw him roll his eyes, and he laughed lightly before he answered. “I’ve done more hardcore things to you. Relieving my precious girl from pain isn’t something that’ll scare me off.”
You giggled, not just at his words, but also because his touch was tickling your feet here and there. “I wouldn’t call them hardcore, but definitely better.” You hummed in content when he reached a spot that hurt particularly bad. “Are the kids asleep?”
“Yeah, just tugged them in before you came home.” Okay. Good. One less worry to think about. You nodded at him thankfully, listening to the distant sound of the TV and whatever show was playing right now. 
After some time, you could clearly feel how much his wonderful, skilled massage helped you, and you wondered how his fingers didn’t get tired. Sitting up again, you looked at him, bringing your hand up to his curly, dark hair to brush through it gently. “You can stop, if you want.”
“Do you feel better?” he asked, grazing the skin of your legs lightly.
“I do. Thank you, Kookie,” you said before you brought your face forward, kissing his pink lips affectionately.
As you pulled away, he met your gaze with a smile, but obviously not less worried than before. “Anything that you want? I can make you some tea or something? Read you a story,” he suggested, bringing a wide grin to your face. He never failed to show just how much he cared, how much his heart was ready to do anything for you; be it small or big things. “Maybe we should go up. Lie down in bed.”
You nodded eagerly - you couldn’t wait for your pillowy, perfect mattress to meet your body, pulling you into a deep sleep that you definitely needed right now. “I should shower first, though.”
At your words, Jungkook stood, and to your surprise, he put his large hands under you, pulling you up to carry you to your bedroom bridal style. You chuckled at the sudden action, wrapping your arms around his neck as you looked at his handsome, proud face. He treated you like a princess, and he knew it. “Let’s shower then.”
“Wha-? Didn’t you alrea-”
“So what?” he asked, licking his lips suggestively as he started to move towards your room.
Yep. You definitely had the best damn husband ever.
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If you liked the drabble, leave a like, reblog or send me an ask! I love hearing from you!
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plutowrites · 3 years
erwin gives me such classy vibes. like he would give you hand written letters along with gifts for anniversaries, slow dancing in dimly lit rooms, opening every door for you, holding every bag for you, having you hold his arm as you guys walk together, and a date every saturday night and coffee every saturday morning kinda classy vibes. i have hoarded this brain rot for far too long and i needed to share.
I really couldn’t agree more omg everything you said was just perfect!!! *chefs kiss* TYSM FOR SHARING LUV🖤 🖤 🖤
Here are some of my dating Erwin headcanons
totally the type to never forget or miss a birthday or anniversary
if you mention liking something once he’ll make sure to surprise you with it!!
very very busy person but will take time out of his day to call you up just to hear your voice and check up on you
loves calling you cute little nicknames
Also loves being called a nickname too he literally melts
constantly surprising you with how thoughtful and romantic he is
remembers all sorts of details about you, even the smallest ones
also in the process of writing up something for the levi prompt u sent me cuz it’s so adorable and softttt 
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
okay but what about you being upset bc maybe soft daddy dom!harry hasn’t been paying attention to u at all and instead of telling him u just act up and ur being snappy/bitchy and harry’s not exactly one to raise his voice so he kind of just scolds u or let’s u get away with it each time but u ignore it until he decides it’s enough and snaps at u very sternly and maybe ur still kind of talking back as he like tosses u around and punishes u but u slowly start to obey him and slip into subspace and finally when everything’s done and ur both coming down he makes u look at him and is like “next time when u feel like this you need to tell me instead of acting out” and ur all “yes daddy🥺i’m sorry😔” with a few tears that are lingering from the intense pleasure u just went thru and also from disappointing him and he kisses all over ur face before loving on u and making u feel better with like a warm bath and some cuddles bc even tho u were bad he’s just a lil softie for u. feeling: hurt
I’m softttt!!! I loveeeee thisss🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺 angsty and softttt...perfectttt!!!
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cheesy09 · 3 years
Whats your favorite ASMR + phone call with Kiro?
Hello, nony! Hope you're having a great day/evening! And akhznsjv!!! Thank you for this ask! You know what, let me do you one better and tell you my views on all his ASMRs and I'll pick my top three favourite phone calls (BECAUSE I HONESTLY CANNOT PICK JUST ONE)
Read a Poem: THIS WAS SO SO ROMANTIC!!!! SO ROMANTIC AND SO CUTE, MY HEARTTTTT!!! If I had to pick just one as my favourite, this would be it. Him just holding her in his arms and whispering PASSIONATE confessions of love to her in the form of poetry is just... E V E R Y T H I N G.  The two of them holding each other and listening to each other’s heartbeats is just. SO WHOLESOME. and I just 🥺🥺 It made me feel warm, and fuzzy and AT PEACE. Plus, the way Kiro speaks is like... words just aren’t enough to express just HOW MUCH he LOVES her *clutches heart*. And I absolutely a d o r e the fact that the poem can very much apply to Kiro as well (He doesn’t realise it, but it’s probably more applicable to him. He’s just... so sweet?? Tooo sweet 💕) Kiro can just breathe, and he’d still make me want to melt.   
Exclusive Care: Okay, let’s be real. I just L O V E how in every one of his ASMRs, it actually feels like you’re interacting with him and I actually feel like I’m right there, lying on his lap and he’s giving me a massage. Ajdvdfag ALSO. Kiro constantly repeating how beautiful MC is when she smiles, how soft her hair felt, and MC telling him back how much she loved listening to his voice and him expressing his delight on hearing her say that made. me. SOFTTTT. So very soft. Plus Kiro being flirtatious and teasing her towards the end made this one ten times better 😩👌
Exclusive Interview: I’ll be honest. The first time I listened to this was at night when I was lying down on my bed to go to sleep so when I realised Kiro was reciting a ghost story, I almost had a HEART ATTACK!!! Okay, to be fair, it was his personal experience. But I just. never expected him to do something like that??? This boy’s knees start shaking just thinking about a haunted house so him narrating something so spooky wasn’t something I was expecting. That being said, the fluff and cuteness by the end of it did make up for the scare, and if you actually think about it, Kiro is a great storyteller. His words and his tone of voice paint such a vivid picture, it’s like you’re watching a thriller movie.
Warm Palms: This was so  C O M F O R T I N G!!!💕💕 Listening to Kiro’s ASMRs is what I call self-care (minus Exclusive Interview 🙃) and this was a perfect example of it. Kiro taking care of her and making sure she’s as comfortable as possible, treating her so delicately -- making her tea, holding her hand, making her lay down on his lap... AGAIN. ALSO KIRO SINGING MC A LULLABYE IS JUST SO PRECIOUS AND I JUST. 😭😭   
Midnight Crime: I love this one for TOOO many reasons. It felt like... staying over at my boyfriend’s before he goes of on a trip (and I know that that’s what’s happening but it still made me soft). THE DOMESTICITY T^T Them both trying to cook together (and failing miserably), Kiro feeding her, MC teasing him about his cooking, HIM CARRYING HER TO BED?! Please, I’m screaming just thinking about it.
Measure Warmth: This one. OOOH THIS ONE. PHEW! WHERE DO I BEGIN?? It starts out pretty normal. But then MC decides she wants to take Kiro’s measurements??? 👀 (Definitely one of her bolder moves so far) AND THE T E N S I O N. OH GOD, THE TENSION AHDGSYD You could actually feel the temperature rising between the two asghkf. Things were getting steamy, and Kiro’s words and his voice were NOT AT ALL HELPING. Safe to say this one was a 💯🔥
Anyway, I’ll get to phone calls now...
Definition of an Idol: This one was just super cute. Kiro getting all jealous and flustered because he thought MC was loosing interest in him was funny, and can I just say that I love it when MC teases him back? 🤣
Warm Confession: The name says it all. This entire phone call was just so pure and wholesome and asasfd THE FLYING KISS HE GIVES AT THE END MADE ME SQUEAL MY HEARTTT 💕💕
This listing will probably change in the future, but I’d say this is good.
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ukyo for the asks? i've seen a lot of him on your blog:)
Ahhh, I love him so much owo >///< also i can't believe i got hyoga and ukyo one after another they come in pairs do not seperate
OTP for them: Hyokyo supremacy ToT
BROTP for them: Yo Uei and Ukyo! They are around the same age i think, and I think as "one of the Four Emperors" Yo Uei tried to convince Ukyo his plan and they became good bros
Other ships: not really...
What kind of fic I’d write about them: lots of fluffy fics for this fluffy boy. Also fic where Ukyo snaps. I want my villain Ukyo back.
A favorite canon moment: all the villain ukyo moments!! also "however there is no vibration of your voice after singing enthusiastically which is hard for you to imitate gen",,,, also "RUN EVERYONE!!"
Color that reminds me of them: i know he is canonically yellow but i think pastel leaf green suits him <3
Song that reminds me of them: Snow Light by Kensho Ono (that's literally his voice,,, and the lyrics remind me of Hyokyo)
A headcanon about them: Ukyo is not actually a cinnamon roll but a little gremlin baby. Also he slept on trees in school
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: Medieval AU! where Ukyo is the top hunter everyone is scared of 
Anything else: Ukyo is not the “uwu cinamon roll baby who needs to be protected” He is brave and strong enough and i,,, lov him so much he is so softttt
Thank you so much <3
Headcannon ask
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deaddovecoterie · 4 years
HSMTMTS Holiday Special Soundtrack Review
1. This Christmas by Sofia Wylie
SHE REALLY POPPED OFF WITH THIS!!!!!! i’m so glad they gave her a song with lots of spicy jazzy stuff which totally reflects both her and gina, and i love that. her vocals were amazing and even all the extra stuff in the background was so good. like a 9/10 for this one
2. The Perfect Gift by Joshua Bassett
SO !!!!! SOFT !!!!!! MAJFGNGIFNFJSJSJ I LOST MY MIND WHEN I HEARD THIS ONE😭 everything about this song just screams domestic rini and the lyrics are so perfect and fitting for their dynamic. he communicated how ricky feels so well and i could genuinely picture everything that he was signing. joshua bassett never misses and i stand by that. 9/10 only because we didn’t get like some backup vocals from liv or something 😳
3. Feliz Navidad by Frankie Rodriguez and Joe Serafini
FIRST OF ALL, THIS DUOOO PLSSSSS I LOVEEEE THEM SO MUCHHH JOE COMING THROUGH WITH THE VOCALS, HIS VOICE IS EVERYTHING I CANTTTTT. their voices are so pretty and they NEEEEEEED more solos or duet in season two or i will be throwing hands. joes voice is so powerful and just yesssss. that’s all i have to say. tbh the sirens in the first part just did not do it for me💀🤚🤚 so like a 7/10
4. Hanukkah Medley by Julia Lester
julia babe they did you so dirty with this 😭😭😭😭 julia’s vocals are INSANEEE THE TALENT THAT THIS WOMAN HASSSS but the song itself are just so bad i’m so sorry, this song was just not it. 2/10 for the song itself but 10/10 for julia’s vocals
5. Last Christmas by Matt Cornett
YES MATT CAME THROUGH WITH THOSE VOALS, IM SO GLAD THEY GAVE HIM SOMETHING IN HIS VOCAL RANGE!!! he truly does have a really nice voice and so i’m happy they gave him something that was just smooth and fit his voice. i genuinely really like it, like if definitely listen to it even if it wasn’t on the soundtrack so yeah, like a 8/10
6. White Christmas by Larry Saperstein
7. Little Saint Nick by Joshua Bassett and Matt Cornett
STOPPPP THIS DUO IS SO GOOD, I LOVE THIS ONE CAUSE ITS JUST SO SOFTTTT these boys together warm my heart, and joshs voice in this makes me smile so much skdmfigmgjd pls i’m gonna cry🥺🥺🥺 like a 9/10 cause it’s actually a bop
8. Believe by Dara Renee
i normally don’t like slow christmas songs BUT LIKE THEN IT RAMPED UP AND I WAS LIKE OH SHIT THIS IS INSANE SKDMGKYMGIFMSJFIGMHJS DARA FUCKING RENEE RUN ME OVER. i just- *dies* she’s so talented and her belting and vocal range and her voice????? LIKE THE RUNSSSSS AHHHHHHHH ALSO ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT WHEN SHE SAID “childrenNNNN” WAS THAT TIKTOK TREND WHERE- never mind😳 anyway, i’m dead. i’m alive but i’m dead. 10/10
9. What Are You Doing New Years Eves? by Kate Reinders and Mark St. Cyr
meh, this one didn’t really do it for me to honest. i found they used way too much auto tune on marks voice (also kates but not as much i don’t think). i don’t really have any thoughts on this one, it didn’t really thrill me. but kate sounded great :D i’d say only a 4/10 to be honest
10. River by Olivia Rodrigo
OLIVIA PLEASEEEEEEE LET ME BREATHE U CRIED SO HARD LISTENING TO THIS, OLIVIAS VOICE IS SO ANGELIC I LITERALLY CANT GET ENOUGH IF IT😭😭😭😭😭 shes so fucking flawless, her voice is like honey. to be honest this kind of sounded a bit like drivers license??? i said i’m not a fan of slow songs but for livs vocals i’m gonna give this a 9/10 cause goddamn
11. Something in the Air by HSMTMTS Cast
12. That’s Christmas to Me by Julia Lester, Joe Serafini, Frankie Rodriguez and Kate Reinders
also a meh. not a wower in my opinion. their harmonizations are great and so are the vocals, but the song itself just isn’t my fave. 5/10
13. Christmas by Dara Renee, Joshua Bassett and Matt Cornett
DARA REALLY SAID MAIN CHARACTER🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 her voice is just so powerful, smooth and ughhhhhh i can’t get enough of her. and may and josh with the back up vocals? yes pls😌😌 the saxophone and everything? ugh everything is just so good. 8/10
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yournameoverandover · 4 years
FOLKLORE: 1st Listen
1. The 1 - “I’m on some new shit” Love the production ooooo..... “If you never bleed then you’re never gonna grow.” Why does this remind me of HAYLOR?!?!!? Omg my heart. “It woulda been fun if you woulda been the one” Wow!!!!!! “And if my wishes came true it woulda been you” Wowowowowow!!!!!! WHAT AN OPENER
2. Cardigan - High heels on cobblestones what an IMAGE. I love her range here omg. “Baby kiss it better, Iiiiiiiii” I LOVE the breathiness of it. A friend to all is a friend to none, you tell em girl!!!! This song is so COZY I just feel like war, and soft listening to it. So much piano. “You drew stars around my scars but now I’m bleeding.” So softttt “Leaving like a father” 🥺🥺🥺 “These hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me// I knew you’d come back to me”
3. The last great American dynasty - Ok I was not excited for this one. The initial synth is interesting. Rebecca who tf is Rebecca? Saint Louis and Bill? This is specific.... Hmmmm okay I see a trend of blaming women. THE RHODE ISLAND SET HOLLA!!!! Dali?! Hmmm maddest, shameless now... What’s the twist in the bridge tell me? OMG IS THAT HER HOUSE!!! AHHHHHHH YES OMG!!!!! Loudest yessss! LITERALLY A SOMG ABOUT HER HOUSE I CANT. I like this chorus so much
4. Exile - I’m stoked for this one. Mucho piano. Omgggggg the vocals well done Bon Iver!!!!! “You’re not my homeland anymore” BROKEN HEART. “Now I’m in exile seeing you out.” There’s the title... Balancing on breaking branches :( “I’m not your problem anymore, so who am I offending now.” Awww “you were my crown” proceeds the exile line, that’s so sad and beautiful like THEY WERE ROYALTY IN LOVE. I love this interplay of perspectives holy shit this bridge. Her voice is so delicate and his is so strong they are just CHEFS KISS together!!!!! Like sneaking out a movie theater? This album is PERFECT for midnight release. I am obsessed with the ending of this song OMG. J’adore.
5. My tears ricochet - Ok time for track five I am not ready. Ooo floaty vocals me gusta. Omg it’s like a wake?? I love how she says loved you, cause I loved you. It’s almost British. Oooo SAVING FACE BURN GIRL. “You know I didn’t want to have to haunt you.” This is so prettyyyyyyyyy. It’s like Clean gets a whole album! “Just not home”. “Miss me in your bones.” “Stolen lullabies” THESE IMAGES LIKE WHAT. Not sure where the title fits in with the other story like if she’s dead how is she crying? Does he just not really care? Is he a robot? Hm. Much to think about
6. Mirrorball - TRACK 6 mirrorball. PLEASE be about the outfit to end all outfits! Kidding. Definitely not lol. This sounds like a middle school slow dance song.... shining just for you 😍 definitely a middle school slow dance song. “I can change everything about me to fit in.” Ouch Taylor. This is like the softest thing and also the saddest thing how she feels she has to try to keep his attention the whole time. I wasn’t expecting it to be sad?!
7. Seven - Aptly named seven. Ok we’re not waiting here let’s go. This has a little strummy country vibe? “Are there still beautiful things” powerful question. “Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long”. This feels like a song about her childhood. I really like this melody. It’s so gentle and pretty 😍
8. August - {WOW APPLE MUSIC WAY TO CATCH UP WITH THE FUCKING WORLD I HATE YOU. Okay we’re back!!!} Salt air?! I already love it. And rusty doors. Yes. Okay my birthday feels safe. “August sipped away like a bottle of wine cause you were never mine”🥺. Wait this is like happy retrospective WHEN WE WERE STILL CHANGING FOR THE BETTER, FOR ME IT WAS ENOUGH TO LIVE FOR THE HOPE OF IT ALL. “I can see us lost in a memory, august slipped away in a memory, cause it was never mine” this is so freaking ethereal and pretty. And she is repeating the hope of it all?! Inject this directly into my veins ughhhhh
9. This is me trying - “I didn’t know if you’d care if I came back” I love how she has all these images of bumbling and fumbling and puts it next to her saying she is trying, working on that communication. “I got wasted like all my potential. My words shoot to kill when I’m bad” Wait I have so many amazing lyrics I can’t even keep up with it what is happening. “It’s hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you”
10. Illicit affairs - curious about this title???? What’s going to happen. Oooo a sneaky love thing going on. “Clandestine meetings and longing stares”. LITTLE DEATH TAYLOR SWIFT I SEE YOU LE PETIT MORT. “Dwindling mercurial high”?! Damn girl!!! Ooo okay no more orgasm things, just about lies now. Death to lies. “You showed me colors I can’t see with anyone else” “you taught me secret language I can’t speak with anyone else” Wait is it over?! The sudden endings WOW.
11. Invisible string - I keep hearing all these colors and all I can thing is RED. “Invisible string tying you to me”. I just LOVE all these pretty floating songs! “She said I look like an American singer” Omg I wonder if this is about her meeting joe IT IS IT IS THE DIVE BAR IS BACK. “One single thread of gold” ugh I love the running themes this woman uses! “Now I send their babies presents 😍” “hell was the journey but it brought me heaven” I LOVE THIS SONG OMG
12. Mad woman - I’ve been so curious about this OKAY!!!!!! TAYLOR SWIFT SAID FUCK IT HAPPENED. “Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy what about that?” “No one likes a mad woman YOU MADE HER LIKE THAT” OH MY GODDDDDD YES TELL THEM TAYLOR. “Doing your dirtiest work for you” holy SHIT Taylor this is scooter’s call out song and I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS. “I’m taking my time because you took everything from me, watching you climb over people like me” I CANT KEEP UP TAYLOR THIS IS SO SHARP OMG and the dRUMS MY SOUL LEFT MY BODY
13. Epiphany - WHEW okay lots I’m still processing so epiphany whatcha got?! “Something med school did not cover, someone’s daughter, someone’s mother.” Omg aNOTHER HOSPITAL SONG SERIOUSLY Taylor baby no :((((( “you dream of some epiphany, just one single glimpse of relief to make some sense of what you’ve seen” I wonder if this is for nurses and caregivers?
14. Betty - oh HELLO harmonica!!!!! Is this one of the love triangle songs? TAYLOR SAID FUCK AGAIN TWICE IN ONE ALBUM! I WAS NOT EMOTIONALLY PREPARED FOR THIS!!!!! I like the melody in this though, it’s so pretty and it reminds me of her older stuff! WAIT FUCK IS IN THE CHORUS SO SHE’S SAYING IT A LOT AHHHHH. “A figment of my worst intentions” omgggggg what a great line?! Okay wait this has SO MANY CARDIGAN PARALLELS AT THE END THIS IS ONE OF THE THREE. SO IS CARDIGAN what is #3?!
15. Peace - interesting starting song hmmmmmmmm. Sounds more bluesy! “Our coming of age is come and gone.” So she can’t give peace- “I would die for you in secret, the devil’s in the details but you got a friend in me.” This song is really hitting a lot tbh. “It’s like I’m wasting your honor.” Taylor this is sad 🥺 “the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me”
16. Hoax - hOW are we already at the end?! I like the super gentle piano in the back. “Your faithless love’s the only hoax I believe in. Don’t want no other shade of blue but you.” She’s so vulnerable and this is really hard to listen to. Love was just as hard as when they pulled you apart?
Physical Album Update on (TBD)
1. The lakes
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soft-pentagon · 5 years
191019 Prism concert in Lisbon
Hello it's tumblr user soft-pentagon and I'mma tell you guys how my prism concert experience in Lisbon was!!!
Since I'm on my phone idk how to put this under a read more :( it's gonna be a long post so if you're not interested pls just scroll through it!
ANYWAYS SO!!! they're amazing.... Absolute legendary.... Guys I love them so much it's crazy 🤧🤧 I had a blast from the beginning to the end 😖😖
I got into the venue and I went alone :') so I was like "ahahah what am I supposed to do now" but I got friends with this girl who also went alone so we stick together until the end of everything :') new uni friend: achievement unlocked ✓ sdhksjms she was really cute :(( well all unis are in general I love you all 🤧🤧
ABOUT THE CONCERT: they're so good it should be illegal... Like you literally can see they love what they're doing and it's such a good vibe... Chills literal CHILLS 😖
God yuto... I'm absolutely whipped sdgjkkghk I'm not kidding he's unreal... He's so fine... And he cut his hair and it suits him so much... I'm absolutely in love with him after this sfhklldgj I'm no longer Hong biassed it's yuto era now 🤟🥺 AND SHINWON AAAA HE'S SO FLUFFY!!!! i love him so much he's seriously so cute with this hair :(( truly baby, I wanted to hug him and hold hands because how soft he looks :( hui is the true intellectual on this, now ik WHY 🤧 AND ALSO special mention to changgu and his silver hair... Guys he's crazy, he's no longer the cute soft boy we knew, well at least out of Korea, he goes hard af... His body rolls and expressions....... He knows we're thirsty and he makes sure to deliver, a demon 😔
During beautiful we had these banners saying "pentagon & universe together we shine" and we had to rise them during the song. And lemme tell you it was so beautiful.... Here's a vid. All the banners, unibongs and flashlights... it's was really really pretty :( and the boys got emotional, you could see... They're so genuine and they love us unis so much it's crazy... The ones that were more emo were kino and shinwon imo,, pretty sure kino teared up a lil bit sdhksjms he was trying so hard no to :(( baby must protect 🤧🤧
PT unis did an amazing job tho... It was crazy, we sang along to every song, screamed like crazy and the boys felt it sdhjnvss they got so excited lololol I lost my voice sdgjkkkkfdf but worth it hope you guys are proud :')
They made us sing a lil bit of round 2 and fantasystic acapella cause they know we'd nail it and we did sdgjkkkgh shinwon also did his part on round 2 lololol we stan the best rock star out there 🤟🤟
The boys were throwing water at us and at themselves idk sdgjkkghj go stupid go crazy I guess 👏👏 and in the encore when they were already leaving, kino poured a whole water bottle on himself, and did that thing with your hair when it's wet, you throw it back you know.... Hot sexy indeed 👌👌 and then shinwon came wildling but he saw karma instantly sfhklldgj,, here a vid.
Also bad boy and best song ever........ Unis who are going to future shows: good luck surviving pls don't die adgjkdsd
ABOUT HI TOUCH: It's so fast sdgjkkfdf my initial plan was saying ily to everyone and go but it failed sfhklldgj 1) I lost my voice she no longer exists in this world adgjkdsd; 2) I got super nervous idk sdgjkkfdf I was like "omg it's happening bitch is happening" :') but it's okay 😔
So the first was hui and omg he's so CUTE sfhklldgj he has such a cute face I wanna kiss him in the cheeks sdfghjdjjddkd baby energy radiating from him, tiny cute hand ✊✊ I told him ily in tiny txt sdgjkkfdf the best I could and he was like "thank you :D" I'm also taller than him and I'm 175cm so 👀👀,, then yuto!!! I don't remember how it went with him I'm sorry :(( but I remember him the most from the concert so it's okay 😔 after all I'm yuto biased now,, then wooseok! He had his lil glasses on and my heart was crushed for how cute he is like sdhjnvss he has such cute and shinning eyes, he looks at you in such a cute caring way like we already friends you know :(( thinking about this is making me feel soft inside :(( he looks like a cute puppy ugh softttt babie I wanna protect!!!! I told him ily~ Then kino! He an angel in person, the girl before me was like "kinooo" and he pouted and grabbed her hand :(( truly so cute, I think I said hi cause after him my system broke sdhksjms, then I think it was shinwon but I'm not sure about the order I don't remember if he was before kino or after, but I do remember that when I went to h5 I scratched him a bit with my nail adfhhjjkkjh I was like "UPS" asfhjklllj nothing serious ofc,, THEN MY NO LONGER MAIN BITCH HONGSEOK: guys he's so beautiful I almost had an heart attack sdhksjms I could look at him all day cause he truly so pretty it's crazy.... I don't remember if I said ily or his but I remember I stayed some good 3 secs looking him in the eye and smiling like I'm some crazy person adfhhjjkkjh I made it in life with these 3 secs lmao 👌✊😔 then!!! Yeo one! I don't remember much about from him either :(( just that I said hi and that his silver hair blinded me sdgjlkgd and finally jinho!!! He got such cute tiny hands :(( he's so cute overall, soft hyung we love 🤧🤧 he was wearing a ring 👀 fashion king even during hi touch, kino is shaking sdhksjms
I had this big ass smile during this whole thing sdfhkjkgfd like I couldn't help myself I love them so much :(( 🤧🥺🥺 I cry
And yeah I think that's pretty much it!! I took pics and vids but my phone quality is shit and I was kinda far from the stage sfhklldgj everything looks extremely low quality :') so idk if i'mma post anything... But if I see something good enough I will!!!
Truly an amazing day, I love my boys so much I had so much fun, I lost my voice, I jumped like crazy I got wet sdhksjms I loveeee being in this fandom :(( I love pentagon 🤧💞
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peachi-puff · 6 years
Hiiiii! I was wondering if you could please do a sev snape X Hufflepuff wife where she gets in a bit of an accident and when she wakes up she has temporary memory loss and when she sees sev, she starts telling him how nice his face and voice is and starts playing with his hair and then asks if he's got a gf or something and then is completely amazed when he tells her that he's her husband and it's just all cute and silly and fluffyyyyyy. Thanks!!! Xxxx
Aaaaaa I love snape so much!!! This is such a cute scenario. I hope you enjoy, I’m just now getting back into the groove of writing! Also, as the two are married, both of you are called Professor snape hahahaha
Fall was fast approaching at Hogwarts, and you and your husband sat together in the staff lounge planning your lessons. You were the head of hufflepuff and took turns teaching charms with Professor flitwick, while Severus was the head of Slytherin. An unlikely pairing, some might say, but nethertheless there was nothing but love between the two.
“Hmmm.. darling, do you remember that one Professor? The one who lied about all the things he did.. lockhart, wasn’t it?” You asked your husband, looking down at the lesson planning sheet in front of you. Severus scoffed, shooting a sideways glance at you. “Don’t remind me. Why are you thinking about that idiot?” He questioned. “Well, he did use the Forgetfulness charm and the more I think about it, maybe I should teach my fourth years that! I mean, it’d make for great practice! But maybe I should tweak it a bit? So it just erases small memories?”
Severus looked at you, this time with concern. “Y/N, no. I love you and all of your ideas, but not that one. Fourth years with a memory charm? And not to mention, you’ve never even tweaked a charm!” He said, becoming increasingly worried by the second. “Actually, sev, I have tweaked a charm.” You said proudly, raising your nose in the air. “It was my 6th year and I tweaked the light charm to give off green light with little sparkles!” Of course, you left out the part where it exploded soon afterwards and gave you second degree burns that took madam pomfrey 4 hours to completely heal. You weren’t a kid anymore though, and you were convinced you’d be able to succeed this time.
Just before your husband could reply, Professor flitwick entered the room. “Oho! Well if it isn’t Professor snape and Professor snape!” You giggled, still getting excited over the fact that the two of you shared the same last name. “Hello, Filius! Is the classroom ready for me to use now?” You asked. “Yes, indeed!” You leaned over and gave your husband a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you soon, love!” You said, right before talking with flitwick about possibly taking over one more class for him as he was getting older.
It took you half a class period to attempt to tweak the charm before you realized that the students were still waiting for you to begin. You stood up and began to explain your charm, even though it still wasn’t finished. “Umm... you! Come to the front please!” You pointed at one of your students. “As an example, this boy here... what’s your name? Hootyhoo? Got it. Hootyhoo will perform this charm on me to show you the effects.” You sat down in front of him, trying to ignore a growing panic as he slowly lifted his arm, pointed it at your head, and said the magic words.
Everything went black.
“Uuugh...” you groaned, rubbing your head. You slowly sat up, taking in the sight around you. “Where am I..?” You asked, slightly nervous. Just then, a tall man with shoulder length black hair walked into the room. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. You had never seen such a handsome man before.
“Are you alright?” He asked. “I-I yeah” you stuttered. The man took a seat next to you. “What happened? Poppy told me you were in here. I told you it was a bad ide-“ you immediately cut him off. “I’m sorry, but can I please have your name??” You whispered, almost choking on air. “Y-you have a really nice voice...” this time it was severus’s turn to choke on air. He stood up and tried to find the nurse. “Why can’t she/he remember me?” He said sternly. Madame Pomfrey gave an agitated sigh. “Professor, it was the work of some terribly put together charm. Her/his memories will be restored in 12 hours as long as she/he drinks this tea.” She handed him a steaming cup filled with a strange teal colored liquid.
He returned, disappointment etched on his face. “Your name?” You asked again. “Severus.” He replied shorty, feeling a bit sorry for his wife/husband. “Handsome name for a handsome man,” you winked, becoming more flirty. Severus gave a small smile and tried to make you take a sip of your drink. As he bent over, you just couldn’t help it. You quickly ruffled his hair. “It’s soooooo softttt oh my goodness!” You gushed, not noticing he was slightly blushing. You did this in the privacy of your own home of course, but there was something really sweet about not remembering him at all and still falling for him.
“Also, Severus,” you turned slowly to him. “Tell me, do you have a... you know... significant other?” He saw the glint of hope in your eyes and almost let out a chuckle. “I’m afraid I do.” He said. “Oh.. that’s a shame..” you whispered, disappointment in your face. “But you do too.” He said. “Oh.. really? Now I feel terrible.. why can’t I remember?” You asked. “Well, you tried to change up the forgetfulness charm. Your husband tried to warn you but...” he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, trying not to smirk. “Oh... well I suppose I better talk to him. Severus, can you do me a favor and fetch my husband?” Still pretty disappointed that this beautiful man wasn’t yours. “Sure thing.” He said, amused, not moving an inch. It took you about 3 minutes to realize. “Oh. OH!” You gasped, feeling overjoyed. “YOU!!! YOURE MY HUSBAND?? OH GOODNESS!!!!! I AM THE LUCKIEST PERSON ALIVE!!!”
Severus actually began to laugh now and gently hug you. “No, no. That would be me.”
(Sorry for naming a random kid hootyhoo lmao)
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dongsooks · 6 years
Pentagon as uni-students
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Admin: Asa Type: AU Warnings: I do not know Pentagon personally! A/N: I go to school in Germany and I’m only familiar with the German and the Kazakh scholar system. But then again I think university is always the same experience with it being a mix of pain but also ~maKinG MEmoriEs~ and getting to know the real meaning of capitalism. Asa out.
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Major: Music Education, maybe later on Music Therapy
Just wanted to make his passion into his career
Probably the type that has a long term relationship throughout college to avoid STD’s
really enjoys what he is doing
whenever he holds presentations he has this genuine passion in his eyes like wow???
Teacher’s pet but just because he is the best and is so interested in learning
always asks for extra material to ~expand his horizon~ 
I could also see him starting Music Therapy after he gets his bachelor in Music ed??
because he realises music makes him happy, he sees how music actually makes others happier and he just wants to spread!!! happiness!!! and his love for music!!!
originally started working in a grad-school but then quit to work in an elementary school
less income but he loves seeing the kids all excited and eager to learn it reminds him of himself, sob
Just please imagine him, his calm voice, his patient character and his love for music teaching and helping people?? I’M??
dreams of opening his own music school/music therapy center
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Major: Music Theory and Composition; Performance
fight me, do it, but:
I mean you can lie to yourself, but in the end we can all see him on that stage being the phantom of that opera 
brags about interships he gets, contacts he makes
works at the local theatre on weekends where he does all the dirty work but in exchange he can view all plays for free
takes girls to said plays to impress them
“Oh the main? Yeah sure we’re like basically friends”
The overly hype one at campus parties
always ends up in a drunk vocal battle with Jinho at the end of the night oh the cringe
Hates the theory parts and always would prefer actually singing, performing, playing than just??reading how?? jesus what he got them vocals for y’all
the type who starts studying for finals the week before and eventually just laughs the lack of sleep away
tries to get the teachers to like him
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Major: Physical Activity, Nutrition & Health Promotion
honestly for the other’s I did research on what majors there are and read into them t make sure they fit but for him I just looked for the English equivalent of what I meant Sport- und Ernährungswissenschaften my german folks will know
okay back to it
campus heartthrob but also campus mom
cooks healthy soup when his friends get sick :’)
and then tells them about all the nutritions inside and what vegetable helps for what 
the typical jock with enough brains to actually study something 
“do you even lift bro?”
“I had to broken legs and sprained all my toes and still got an A in my PE” everytime someone mentions physical pain
will recommend moves for when your back hurts though :’)
Asks girls if they need help with their workouts as a pickup line 
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Major: Fashion
Fashion queen
always well dressed
how he affords to keep his style that good is worth a buzzfeed unsolved episode tbh
comes to 8 am courses in Balenciaga
may or may not have a slight shopping addiction
never seen making money, studying, putting any effort into anything
good grades, good looks, style so good Karl Lagerfeld unnies was found shaking in his boots
lures photography majors into taking his portfolio pictures
and his Instagram pictures
probably gets offered one or two modeling contracts eventually
you could swear you saw him in the Vogue the other day
The one who suggest Strip Poker EVERYTIME
but that’s for an au coming soon which’s title rhymes with ptg as fucktroys ;)
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Major: Fine arts
has a Kranken, listens to real music and likes to judge people who wear skinny jeans watch out
seems unapproachable but honestly, genuinely is nice when you get to know him
part of the dance group
actually very interested in his courses but always seems like he is about to pass tf out
the guy who’s health you’re just really concerned about but he’s holding up, doing well
really good at art though
like they get displayed in the local museum good 
always a little disturbing but so, so interesting and deep??
Probably smokes them trees to widen his horizon man
was seen having a whole funeral for one of them once
the type of person where everyone who knows them says they’re so nice and great but you’re on the low intimidated by them
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Major: Classic literature
so involved in acting but also writing
writes poems 
goes to poetry slams with Hyojong 
the type of person who you could talk to for hours and hours
writes poems for his s/o’s
cries during emotional plays, novels etc
everyone loves him tbh 
the soft one who is ALL OVER THE PLACE during finals
S T RES S ED OUT so much Tyler Joseph knows NOTHING 
worries so much but ends up with great grades!!!
needs lots of encouragement 
Yan An:
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Major: International Studies
to be very honest I just had no idea what else to give him? 
I mean he said he’d be a flight attendant if he wasn’t an idol and you don’t have to go to Uni for that
but I guess this come close enough? 
gets the cultural aspect and everything
seems lost all the time
like in his last year first-years will show him around 
all the teachers are in love with him
he always gets dicounts because eeeveeeryyyonneee loooooves hiiimmm he is sooooo softttt omg
once had a phucboy phase but psshhhh
knows everything before finals but still stresses out
sometimes asks for help because he didn’t understand something and just smiles even though he still didn’t get it bby
generally smiles a lot for no reason
a puppy, a whole pup
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Major: Sport and Fitness Administration Management
probably has a scholarship 
wanted something “easy” but “safe”
honestly puts a lot more effort into his sports than school but always makes it
is the best player of the team
his coach probably always on the other teacher’s diccs about him
so he always gets to hand things in later/retake tests 
is unapproachable but nice #2
leaves parties before it gets dark so he only has a small time frame to GET LIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT
gets drunk and does that “EY EY EY EY” deep, manly, TESTOOOOSTERONE scream thing men do y’all feel me???
I think no one gets what I mean but I feel so passionately that he’d do that I’ll leave it in
forgets to bring his pencil, his notebook, his motivation and HIS DAMN BAG LIKE BOY IS YOU_::;.,:_
but always ready to help and share as much knowledge as he has we’re all just here to make it and leave
Kino <3:
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Major: Dance 
whooooo saw THAT coming wow what
yeah but maybe an education minor too?
has his SHIT TOGETHER! WOW !??
the epitome of a teachers pet
but tbh everyone just loves him it’s as simple as that
much like Jinho to be honest so I’m afraid to just repeat myself but shortly:
in love with what he is doing
wants to share this
is so genuinely happy to do what he does even when it’s hard it’s so?? inspirational?
dreams about opening his own dance studio 
but same as with Jinho I could see him into teaching especially younger kids
not much to say, he’s great and on top of the game 
Tumblr media
Major: Music Theory and Composition; Music Management
wanted to chase his dream but also chase that shmoney
soundcloud rapper
once hacked the university facebook page to post a video of himself recreating the 
“it’s ya boy, uhhh, skinny penis”-vine
gets delusional from the lack of sleep during exam season tbh
“can I borrow your calculator? what’s 4+5?” 
always drunk at parties but a funny, bearable kind of drunk
also seen hungover and full of regret ™ the next morning lmfao 
hungover in class
also brings snacks to class 
but makes it and so will you!!
Requests and Ships are open my children
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blood-red-lion · 6 years
Not that anyone really needs more of thissss BUUUUT it’s my blog so I’m’a do what I want. Read more for what is basically my “live blogging” season five starting with episode 2.
What the fuck is he using What the fuck is he— That looks like a BAYARD bro—
Ooooh my goooood he’s using his fathers weapon. How the fuck did we see Lotor use it before we saw Shiro use it lmaooooo
Yoooo ya’ll fuckers I love my space Legolas okay he’s a babe and he did his best and look at what he managed to do saving your asses THANKS.
Allura trying to make him feel better oMg
“Look, Prince Lotor, just hanging out on the bridge.” “That’s a thing that happens.”
“Lance this is not your call.” OUCH. Shush up. YOOOO SHIRO BACK THE FUCK UP.
And omg they’re trying to kill her fuck fuck nah she’s waking up guys let the crazy witch chill.
Ahhhhh my beautiful lovely lady generals. I love all of them. The little traitors... Is Haggar taking them in— yes she is ohhhhh my gosh. Also can we talk about how Acxa was sitting causeeeee.... lol.
Iron will to match his iron fist.... -stares at Haggar- WHAT THE FUCK IS KURON STAGE FOUR MOTHER FUCKERS.
I mean Allura is being generally nice and tolerant of Lotor like... it’s cute she’s grown so much. She’s apprehensive, fair, but she’s trying. I love her.
I’m LAUGHING that line was said by A GENERIC GENERAL?!?? Lmaoooooo. Ya’ll fuckers.
LANCE BABY ITS GONNA BE UP TO YOU ahhhh my heart guys my heart
YOOOO HE PUNCHED THAT THING INTO NONEXISTENCE ahhh my baby I can’t. Give him his boyfriend /someone/ should cuddle him.
If I don’t see Keith soon I’m gonna flip a table tho ngl.
Also yooooo Earth finally being in on the loop.
And UHM. Yeh no Lance knows. He deeeeefinitely knows. He HAS to know.
okay yeah the iron fist thing makes sense now lmao.
Fucken stupid.
-dead- WHERE IS MY SON THO?!???
OH LOOK THERE HE IS. Tiny child with his off color fanny pack.
LOTORS LITTLE SURPRISED FACE “oh-! May I, princess???” Like this babe— ahhh I love him. Soft eyes lotor is my FAVORITE thing.
Pidge: “he definitely color codes.” Omg.
Also... does lotor not realize Haggar is honerva...??? ......babies......
LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO SOFT??! I mean that was WEIRD but ahhhhhhh
Yooo Sen looks like he’s been through some SHIT.
Also that one hacker galra like “we should /not/ let them do the thing.” Clearly speaking sense I mean they’re all shitty but /clearly/ speaking sense.
YOOOO SAM JUST SAID THAT. Sam JUSTTTTT said that. Punk is such a funny thing.
Yo did Shiro like. Take a joy ride with Lotor what is this. This is not the ship I wanted. Get away from me.
Bet. He fucking did.
Keith’s fucken concern.  Jesus.
Ya know by the rules of succession, lotor killed his dad, he was next in line, like— why should he have to fight for this, he literally has both and only legitimate claims.
“I return the black lion to the galra.” Yo what.
Yo Keith almost sounded concerned for Lo too like ngl I’m gonna cling to that.
Keith trying to turn off all the bombs baby honestly just go tell them to skedaddle or something shit lmao Ya’ll bombed sacred ground. Annnnnnd Lotor is alone. Fack. Please protect my purple space Legolas.
Also. Seriously. Like. How are they supposed to pick a new ruler now? The point is for lotor to take the throne and ya know— stabilize the galra guys. Ahhhh...
More Keith plz.
Look at lotor. Still fucken finishing it. Looks so annoyed. My boy.
Archivist don’t give a fuck that his emperor is a half breed fuck all y’all.
Is that the end tho is that the end of his time in the castle ship cause I really enjoyed how he and Allura talked like please—
OH messages for their families. Yo that’s important. Lance’s—-FAMILY HAS NAMES. MARCO. LUIS. VERONICA. NAMESSSSSS.
“There is a lot of space dust in here.” “ITS FILTHY.”
LOTOR oNGHGG “Thank you for coming my friends!” BABY. Changing banners and looking all— Ahhhhhhhh I love him. Soft baby. SOFTTTT baby. Just letting them do what they want. Lil smiles. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! “Come princess.”
WHAT IS FUN. Omg. Okay this makes sense now.
I want lotor to walk in and for pidge to have to explain they broke one of his sentries for shits and giggles
Blending too much keith. Tooooo much blending. (Also I’m still pissed about the last time you were in one of those WHAT the fuck.)
SHE HAS HIS BANGS. THIS IS NO JOKE WTF. Who the hell is Acxa then...?
Yoooo is Allura only figuring that out now?? Also can we talk about how proud Lotor is of his mama? Yeh he definitely doesn’t know Haggar is his mama well shit.
These three literally being chased by galra like its a sitcom guys poor things. Th—EY KIDNAPPED THEM AND ARE JOUSTING THEM WTF GUYS— At least they made them popsicles... Omg.
KROLIA FUCKINg— She’s also got Zethrid style hair and it’s cuteeeee af.
I like Lotor being obvious enough that allura can see him get annoyed— Allura just tried that ahhhh baby no he hates haggar.
“Wait a tick!” HIS FACE. MY SON. Hessocuteomg. And soooo into his Altean heritage that’s fucking adorable.
HE RECOGNI—- “I left you once, I’ll never leave you again.” BABY. FUCKING. BABIES.
The fucking droid. Oh my god. “Later paladudes. Weeeeeeeeeee.” This is bullshit.
“You compromised the mission!” “Keith! Shut up and listen to me!”
“I handed them over to it.” WELL. Alrighty then.
Keith gonna have a conversation with her now??? Yup there we go. Keith did you really not get it? Baby is more dense than we thought guys. Everyone go home.
“Perfect place to hide a magical world.” “Perfect place to crash and die.”
“We’re navigating by cave poetry now?”
“Lotor is sending you to your doom!”
“You need to zip it!”
Lotor stands by just :)))))))
Where is Lotor anyway?
OH GOD if he keeps those the galra are nooooot gonna be happy... also white lion legit just /chose/ Lotor guys. He’s so PROUD of himself tho look at him. Ahhh and she looks so cute too.
I don’t think kuron knows he’s kuron. I mean I never did but I’m just gonna voice that now.
Yoooo Acxa still seems loyal to lotor wtf.
LOTOR TALKING ABOUT HIS CHILDHOOD. BABY. BAAAAAAAABY. Look at his pouty face ahhhh omg they’re bonding FACK guys so ngl this was kinda my original ship when I first saw Lotor like I’m dying lmao they’re fucking adorable.
His hair floof <3
I want his markings back yo like I know they’d screw him but they looked /lovely/ on his faaaaace.
Lotor private spiritual journey.
Lotor’s approach is so funny lmao... “We come seeking knowledge!” “I /will/ know your secrets!”
Ahhhhh baby you fucked up. I hope he isn’t too upset about that. I mean that was his conditioning it’s not fair. He even /said it/. Victory or death. Poor baby.
Yeah he’s looking kinda pissy. But he seems to be trying to handle it okay. Still soft. Good soft.
—OH NO. Oh shit and that’s it.
Well. Fuck. :(
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