#for her own amusement
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day 20 - party
version without the red speech bubbles below
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i had a lot of issues exporting this gif, so it doesn’t have a background like i would’ve liked, but i’m happy with how it turned out :)
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hey-hey-j · 2 months
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part ??? of the "John Dory gets glasses" saga
(★ my Kofi)
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isagrimorie · 1 month
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In season 2 Hotch is suspicious and worried that ‘Is that Legal’ Emily Prentiss is a pawn Strauss placed in the BAU.
Prentiss is the last person troubled by Elle Greenaway's 'questionable' shooting. Spies are built with moral ambiguities. But Hotch didn't know that.
(Pre-London Emily tried to reset her life. And succeeded before Ian Doyle re-entered her life. Post-London!Emily realized and learned she could 'live' with her moral ambiguities.)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
As so many of you are filling my inbox asking about salad and why I found the fact they had two types of salad for dinner in the Buck and Tommy dinner scene so funny, I'm guessing you're new to the 911 fandom - Welcome if so! I am going to give you a very brief rundown of salad and Buck and Eddies various relationships, but @clusterbuck is actually the keeper of salad theory and you can find far more detailed analysis over on her blog than you’re getting from me here!!
I can't find gif of the actual salad moments so have pictures!!
Chris smashed salad bowl that he is making a salad in with his dad in season 4 (in Breaking point) - when he finds out about Ana being the person Eddie is dating.
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We have Ana turn up at the firehouse with Chris during the black out in 5x02 with 5 - yes 5 - types of salad When Eddie has his second on screen panic about Ana - when Ravi mistakes her for his wife.
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Then in 5x03 just before they break up - Eddie, Chris, and Ana are at the dining table in the Diaz house and they are eating fruit salad
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Then in 5x05 we have Taylor with her prepackaged fruit salad breakfast the she has 'made' for Buck when he gets home
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she is making a bean salad in 5x09 during the most awkward I love you scene in the history of television!
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Then we have a caprese salad in front of Natalia during the Dinner Buck cooked for her in 5x17 - when she finds out about various aspects of Bucks past and present - Taylor on the tv and Kameron turns up
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Then in 7x07 - when Eddie is daydreaming of a do over with Shannon during his lunch with Marisol they are eating a salad
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then we now have Buck and Tommy eating two different types of salad (a pasta salad and a salad salad) on their dinner date
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so basically it's become a bit of a running joke that if salad is involved with Buck or Eddie and one of their dates (especially in their own homes) , the relationship is doomed!
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elvisqueso · 9 months
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Character Parallels: Diving off of an absurd height immediately after introduction.
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edwinisms · 2 months
david the demon is clearly a horrible and abusive entity don’t get me wrong but. if you stop and think about him for a second his whole existence is kinda. really fucking funny. like. he’s a demon. he doesn’t wanna go back to hell, probably cause it’s more fun to fuck around with people on earth unsupervised. he goes after a teenage medium because he can tell she’s powerful, probably can assume her emotional vulnerability by her child-star-like status and the way she acts out, and she happens to be kind of a bitch which makes it way easier for him to bond with her. his whole goal is to possess her and gain her power. what does he do with this power when he gets it? apparently go a bit feral and eat rotten fish out of dumpsters and listen to heavy metal on the tube. how her power has anything to do with that? I have no idea. was he just like. well I have control over her now. dunno what to do with these psychic powers but I have em now. guess i’ll just fuck around and call attention to myself until I get bored or something. honestly he couldve had some kind of grander scheme but i kind of like the idea that he’s powerful and manipulative and thrives on chaos. but he’s really not that smart and he’s kinda just doing whatever comes to mind. for funsies
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khawlat · 6 months
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Look, truth is, there are 24 dukes in this country. This seems to be the only one who can navigate both the upper echelons of high society and shoot someone in the head without worrying about it.
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“We’ve been looking for you for 12 years” 12 years ago she was an infant, what criteria was Alden even using to look and narrow it down that’s a baby. was Alden sending Alvar to snoop around literal babies. he’s standing awkwardly invisible in the maternity ward looking at newborns waiting for them to talk instinctually and then they don’t and he just leaves like welp, maybe next time. watching a toddler from across the street like nope, that kid’s shit at walking can’t be an elf, next. baby failure
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Here's a very important piece of Fusionsprunt lore:
Hunter nicknamed B2 "Bee"
That's it. That's the lore. Thanks for reading.
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🎤 day 200.5 🎵
➥ kamiyama students in smash bros!
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gwenene · 13 days
I love the idea of Furina purposely feeding the Fontanian public’s conspiracy theories about Neuvillette over 500 years. It’s said in Neuvillette’s character stories that the public never actually knew what he was, so they just guessed he was either blessed with a long lifespan, or some inhuman creature (not completely far off).
Anyways I love the idea of Furina throwing her own guesses in for nothing more than her own entertainment, and forcing the public to reconsider what Neuvillette is multiple times. She was singlehandedly the biggest contributor to the theories, despite already knowing his sovereign identity.
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starleska · 2 months
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"Well, well, well...!" looks like Maxime's been keeping tabs on all the flattering art and edits you've been making 😉🐜 you know a bug as vain as he is would be delighted...!!
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thatonebirdwrites · 9 months
Some of Lena's Handmade Spells
Going with the Flow: Happiness Spell (Attempt 4)
Majoram for Luck and Happiness.
Masterwort (Hog Fennel) mixed with Yarrow for Courage
Huckleberry crushed with Wintergreen for Hex-breaking
Lavender for Peace and Harmony
Crush all of the above and mix. If not pregnant nor have dermatitis, boil the above and strain. Bathe in the resulting tea or drink (Note to self: experiments did not determine which method improves spell. Perhaps more data points are needed? Four tries seems far too small a sample.). If pregnant and/or have dermatitis either avoid Yarrow or mix into a satchel to wear (Note to self: does satchel wearing actually work? What is the best way to test this hypothesis?)
Recite in language appropriate for magic:
"Release all burdens and negativity. Alleviate all pain and anxiety. Break all hexes that sunder. Restore one's youthful wonder. Amplify all joy and peace. After one day, the spell will cease."
(Note to self: translate into Irish or Latin? Why is Latin used for magic when my people come from an Irish heritage and Rome was a colonizer? Didn't pagan magic exist prior to the existence of Latin? More Research is needed.)
Necessary disclaimer: Kara and anyone reading this, please tread carefully with yarrow as it can impact dermatitis and shouldn't be used if pregnant. (Seriously, Kara, don't you dare touch my herb and berry supply again. I am not liable for your ridiculous prank teas. I'm watching you.)
Note to Lena: I only did the prank teas twice! And in my defense, I had no idea that herb caused diarrhea! You don't really label them with warnings. What if I helped by adding a disclaimer to all your labels to mark which ones are safe to ingest and/or drink?
Note to Kara: If it keeps you busy, then fine, but my notes are specifically for humans since I am a human. I do not have the data to determine what is safe for you to ingest.
Note to Lena: I'm pretty impervious and invulnerable to most things and have an iron stomach. I can even handle poisons that you definitely can't.
Note to Kara: Are you serious?? Did you ingest POISONS?? Please don't do that. I don't care how invulnerable you are. I'd like to not tempt fate. My heart simply cannot take that. Also, these notes defeat the purpose of the spell. I'm trying to restore my youthful wonder and joy and not faint from worry by you testing whether you can poison yourself with my herbs. Thanks.
Note to Lena: That's valid. I'll stop tempting fate.
Spent one day in a state of joy and wonder. Everything I did felt like I was trying it new, and it brought such happiness. I felt no anxiety or fear the entire twenty-three hours and forty-eight minutes. I discovered, however, that I was incapable of long-term planning. It seems the youthful wonder translated into being caught in the present moment, where I went with the flow. I also discovered a deep eagerness to share my joy with anyone within my vicinity.
Physical affection came much easier and without fear or anxiety or worries about people's perceptions of me. I was able to express my emotions freely in a way I've never done before, which was very mind-opening. Perhaps I need to discern ways to express my emotions more readily in safe settings without magic?
Perhaps an adjustment to spell to allow for planning?
Breaking the Hex of the Luthor Name (Attempt 2)
Note to self: This is probably nonsense. It's not like I can magic away people's memories of how awful and abusive my family was. But maybe I can somehow break any hexes placed on the name that somehow impact me unknowingly? This is my second attempt as I accidentally exploded the mixture the first time. I am unsure as to how that happened. If it happens again, then will adjust ingredients.
Shred the above herbs and pound them into a mixture. Burn the mixture and recite the following:
Break all hexes upon the Luthor Name. Sunder all evil eyes upon the Luthor Name. Exorcise all evil cast upon the Luthor Name.
Note to Self: This mixture did not explode! I adjusted the verbiage and verified the pronunciation of all translations into Irish. Latin caused the explosion the first time, and I believe it is because it is a dead language and I cannot locate proper pronunciation guides. Irish is not a dead language and pronunciation guides exist. Irish has also worked well with prior spells I've attempted so why not this one? Also, side note, that spell made me feel a lot lighter and less burdened. Is that wishful thinking on my part or did the spell actually work?
Four days and twenty minutes since I cast this spell: Donations to my foundation have increased by 120% starting within eight hours of casting my spell. Is this a correlation or causation?
Two months, three days, and sixteen hours since I cast this spell: Donations increased by 202% since last entry in this results column. We've been able to fund so many green energy projects and a ton of medical research! Surely these increases in donations wasn't all due to the spell? Had there been so much hexes on my last name that it impacted my ability to make headway with the foundation? I'm not sure what to think if so. I also am unsure how I would even discern the truth of this or test it in a way that proved causation.
Note from Kara: Lena!!! I totally think this is the spell that broke your stream of bad luck. You probably needed a good hex breaking. I'm so glad you did it!
Note to Kara: Avoid writing in my grimorie -- But Lena, you need outside perspective too for your experiments! I can totally help! -- and stop pouting when I steal my pen back to finish my notes. I will not fall for it. No matter how adorable you look.
Note to Self: Perhaps purchase separate notebook so Kara can write up her reflections on the results of my magic experiments. See if this alleviates her tendency to write in my grimorie.
To Be continued... May write more eventually.
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x09
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froizetta · 10 days
Superbat Week Day 7: Free Day!!!
Rating: Explicit (eventually) Fandom: DCU Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Length: 4k Chapters: 1/7 Summary:
Hal makes a dumb bet and sees something he's not supposed to. This somehow leads to him becoming Bruce and Clark's unofficial relationship counselor.
He probably wouldn't mind it so much if he weren't slowly but surely falling in love with both of them.
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bladesmitten · 1 year
do u ever think if wyll never got much into romantic relationships bc he thinks it's selfish?
he might put it under the guise of wanting a fairy tale romance but im sure he's read a lot of heroes' stories, most of them ending in tragedy... and to make his beloved go through that? to endanger them when enemies inevitably use them as leverage against him?
he might've also had a relationship too at one point... until he learned a very valuable lesson on balancing his love/personal life and his duty as the blade
he thinks it's a selfish thing; to love someone is to possibly endanger them, to risk their life, to have them be second best because his duty will always come first.
it's a lonely life for the blade of frontiers.
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