#also hunter heterochromia real
squids-and-waffles7 · 2 years
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am living for this harpy hunter idea actually
[ ID: A digital illustration of Hunter from the Owl House. He is in his season three design with a wolf shirt on. He looks similar to Eda when she is in harpy mode, with some exceptions. Cardinal wings resembling flapjack’s are on his back outstretched, and similar red feathers are on his ears, face, and stomach. He also has a red bird tail that sits behind him, along with his hands that now look like bird talons. He is smiling while saying, “Hello.” End ID]
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solifelessblog · 1 year
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Hunter freckles/heterochromia is real to me, also here's the template if anybody wants to try it <3
Please reblog, don’t repost :)
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there! Can i request Stellaron Hunters (Kafka, Silver Wolf, and Blade) x Neopolitan s/o from RWBY?
If you dont know who Neo is, She is a short mute gurl who can and will beat you up elegantly with her beautiful parasol like the QUEEN she is. She has powers to make illusions that is so real, it fools literally everyone and she has beautiful heterochromia eyes (different color eyes). Here are some vids that will show you how amazing she is:
Uhhh so i might have gone on a bit off of a rant. Neo is my favourite character in RWBY and the only reason why i watch the show, so sorry for the rant. Hope you have a great day though!
- Flower Anon 🌸
A/N: Hello, Flower Anon! I unfortunately can't look at the links for some reason, but I looked her up and she seems super cute! Thank you for the request!<33
Content: Fluff, established relationship, mentions of hsr typical violence/battle, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Silverwolf is impressed by everything about you, even if she comes off as disinterested at times. She therefore shows her affections for you, by either speaking for you when needed or spending most of her time with you. Your muteness is no issue for her, as she isn't too keen on talking herself most of the time.
She doesn't care for your looks much, but still finds you very cute. She especially likes your eyes, which she comments on often. Your height is also perfect for her, as she isn't very tall either and can steal kisses better this way.
Silverwolf loves watching you fight with your parasol. Your abilities surrounding it and your illusions always leave in her in a near trance. She's just so proud of having an s/o like you and feels flattered, when you protect her whilst she works.
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Kafka adores absolutely everything about you. She doesn't mind that you're mute and often helps you out by either talking to you or giving you a notebook to write on, so you can tell her things. She enjoys talking more anyways, so you listening to her intently is always great for her.
She finds how short you are super cute and often teases you for it. She also compliments your eyes alot and likes to therefore stare into them as much as she can. That usually turns into a friendly staring match, that she finds quite adorable.
Kafka also loves watching you on the battlefield. She finds your abilities beautiful and enjoys seeing you plow through your enemies with ease. She also likes playing around with your illusions, wondering just what else you could do with them.
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He doesn't treat you any differently for your muteness and just somehow knows what you want to tell him at all times. He doesn't mind the silence anyways, as he is a man of few words and doesn't like talking much.
He never comments on your looks much either, but he secretly finds your height difference quite adorable. It takes alot in him to not just pat the top of your head all the time. And your eyes are also something he admittedly loved about you. The different colours fascinated him, making him wonder how they were even possible to exist.
He underestimated your skills on the battlefield at first, until he saw you truly fight. After that, he became even more impressed by you. He enjoys fighting alongside you and can admit to himself, that you're a good team together. But he'll still attempt to protect you anyways, even if you don't need it.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request, Flower Anon!<33
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monthofsick · 2 years
Thanks, I hate it
Nov(emeto)ber 2022, Day 7: Enemy to Caretaker
OCs: Tiago, Hunter
This is my first time writing an actual asshole caretaker who doubles as a very biased narrator. I feel a tad guilty for picking Tiago again, but it all came together so naturally. Even though this is written from a very subjective point of view, I also simply love to make seemingly perfect people sick.
TW: Vomit, mild scat/both ends, mean caretaker
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Hunter Calaway was perfect.
He had the face of an ancient demigod – big, expressive eyes, sensual lips and cheekbones you could cut paper with. His curls were naturally defined, he was tall and athletic (kind of a given, considering he was the college’s basketball MVP) and he had flawless caramel skin. He also had heterochromia, because of course he had. A real life Gary Stu like him needed his special eyes. It was like people from all around the globe had come together to create an ultimate winner in the genetic lottery.
Tiago hated him with a passion.
Maybe he was a tiny bit biased because of the whole Diamond issue. Diamond was the campus goddess, head cheerleader and pride of the debate club. Tiago had a crush on her since junior high, but who did she end up with? The Great Hunter himself. Because he was such a kind‑hearted gentleman who loved to spend his free time doing voluntary work.
As if it couldn’t get any worse, both Hunter and Tiago had been assigned to represent the basketball team at New Student’s Day. They had to conceptualize a banner, create a flyer and come up with fun activities to attract new talents. Tiago had felt honored to be picked for the job… until he realized that a) he had to work together with his personal nemesis and b) they had only been chosen because no one else had volunteered for the task. Now he had to invest his free time while constantly fighting the urge to display his aversion.
Today was especially frustrating. They hadn’t agreed on how to translate the team’s logo into a banner yet. Tiago wanted to focus on the colors for a more clean and modern look, Hunter wanted their Rottweiler mascot front and center. It didn’t help that Mr. Perfect wasn’t his usual upbeat and diplomatic self this afternoon.
„See, they’re basically kids“, he explained in a disgustingly patient tone. „We need something to stand out from the crowd and catch their eyes.“
„Okay, but we don’t want them to think they took the wrong turn to elementary school.“
„But everyone loves our Rottie! Go, Rotties, go!“ Hunter’s face lit up for a moment. „Wait, I just had the best idea ever. You know that I help out in an animal shelter? We could bring an actual Rottweiler, they have a total sweetheart right now. It would be an audience magnet and bring awareness to adopting pets.“
„Everyone and their grandma knows that you volunteer for any good cause known to mankind.“ Tiago exhaled audibly. „That’s because you’re bringing it up like every ten seconds.“
„That is so not true.“ The smile on Hunter’s lips faded as quickly as it had appeared. „Can we just stick to the topic, please? I made a suggestion, you can give your opinion on it. This is not about me.“
„Isn’t it always about you?“, Tiago growled. He knew perfectly well that it was immature and irrelevant, but this entire conversation was oh so typical. Of course, Hunter never had bad intentions. How dare he accuse him of such profanity?
„Look, I know you have a problem with me. I don’t know why because I don’t have a problem with you, but can we still try to make this work?“
„Stop being such a fucking saint.“ Tiago rolled his eyes. „You know what? Just bring the dog. If it tears out some kid’s throat, at least we get all the attention. Can we go back to the actual issue now and sketch a draft of the design each of us has in mind? Because that might actually help with the decision.“
„Fine. At least it means we don’t have to talk for a while.“ That was probably the most hostile thing Hunter had ever said. Tiago was genuinely surprised. Maybe he had hurt Mr. Perfect’s feelings by insinuating that he could be anything but altruistic.
Without wasting further thoughts, Tiago grabbed some pens from the art supplies they had been given. He focused on bringing his vision alive – something not even Hunter could top. Every once in a while, he heard a low rumble, but didn’t pay much attention to it. Only when it grew louder he realized that the source of the noise was his unwanted teammate. Tiago couldn’t hide a broad grin.
„Wait, are you so on edge today because you are hangry?“
„No, I’m not.“ Upon closer inspection, Hunter’s unfamiliar grumpiness wasn’t the only thing that seemed off about him. His complexion was oddly dull and there was a frown line between his eyebrows. Plus he had barely started with his drawing. „Can we just… not talk about this right now?“
„About what? Your bowel sounds?“ Tiago chuckled. „Yeah, I bet that wouldn’t make the girls as wet as you normally do.“
„I don’t care, I’m taken.“ Hunter placed a hand on his abdomen as if that would help to reduce the noise pollution.
„Oh, guess what, I noticed.“ If Tiago hadn’t known better, he could have sworn that Hunter had said that on purpose, just to rub a little more salt into the open wound. „But hey, with that impressive growls, you could do a pretty decent Rottweiler impersonation yourself.“
„That’s not even funny.“ Hunter turned his head, but Tiago still saw his throat bobbing rapidly. Then there was the sickly skin tone and tiny drops of sweat forming on Hunter’s forehead. His stomach rumbles now resembled rolling thunder and Hunter’s hand on his belly skipped like the muscles below were convulsing spasmodically.
Suddenly, Tiago had a terrible suspicion.
„Don’t tell me you’re about to puke.“
„Why did you have to – huuuarrck – say that?“ Something between a very sickly burp and a jerky retch escaped Hunter’s mouth. He immediately pressed it shut again, swallowing audibly several times.
„I swear to God, if you barf on our documents, I shove the stuff right back down your throat.“
„Can you please shut up about it?“ Hunter’s lips curled into a nauseated frown while his broad shoulders abruptly hitched with a hiccup. „I… I think something was off with the chicken breast I had this morning.“
„Who eats chicken breast for breakfast?“ Tiago let out an irritated sigh. „Wait, why are you staring at me like this? You’re a grown ass man, can’t you just go to the fucking toilet all by yourself?“
„See, I know you can’t stand me, but… I really don’t feel good right now and I don’t think I would make it.“
Under any other circumstances, Tiago would have probably enjoyed the miserable expression on Hunter’s face. Desperately trying to keep his stomach contents down wasn’t a good look on him. Too bad the idiot had decided to project some kind of imaginary duty of care on Tiago.
„And how exactly is that my problem?“ Tiago became increasingly annoyed by the entire situation. „Do you want me to carry you to the restroom bridal style or what?“
„You could at least lend me a hand!“
„This is a joke, right?“ The almost pleading expression in Hunter’s sad puppy dog eyes was enough of an answer. Tiago huffed, but he eventually decided that helping his teammate up was the lesser evil compared to him hurling all over the table. Begrudgingly, he put his arm around Hunter’s upper body and pulled a disgusted face as the guy leaned on him while they walked. „You better hold it in until we get there.“
„Mhm.“ It wasn’t exactly reassuring that Hunter didn’t even dare to open his mouth for an answer. His body spoke a pretty clear language anyways. Tiago felt Hunter’s shirt sticking to his sweaty back, which was nasty enough. Being way too close to Hunter for Tiago’s own comfort, he noticed every contraction of his muscles, every subdued retch and cramp. Hunter’s stomach sounded like water that was about to boil over – no wonder he was still clutching it tightly. His trained body heaved with a sloppy burp. „Oh God… that tasted like chicken.“
„Pretty sure everything tastes like chicken“, Tiago grinned. Hunter didn’t seem to share his sense of humor, because the very next second, his hand flew up to his lips and his cheeks bulged out. Tiago instantly withdrew his arm and scrambled backwards. “Swallow it down! Or puke on the floor and clean up later, I don’t even care as long as you don’t get it on me.“
Hunter frantically shook his head, then turned around and dashed towards the next trashcan. He hit the ground, hugged the bin like a lifeline and spewed a majestic cascade of milky vomit into the container. Hunter’s assumption had probably been correct – the white flood he barfed up so generously definitely contained chunks of white meat.
„Woah, that smells horrendous!“ Tiago imitated a productive retch, only to be answered with the exact same sound bubbling out of Hunter’s throat, followed by a surge of liquid hitting the plastic trashbag. If only Diamond could see her adored boyfriend like that. She probably wouldn’t feel like kissing him after watching lumpy chicken hash gushing from his mouth.
„G-guess how it tastes“, Hunter coughed, then lurched towards the trashcan again, curdled gruel bursting from his lips. Tiago rolled his eyes and turned away. Why, of all people, was he cursed to be surrounded by morons with pathetically weak stomachs? He wasn’t even a caring person. Was it really too much to ask for to enjoy his life without random jackasses losing their lunch left and right? It was bad enough when it happened to his lightweight friends, but infinitely worse when it was Hunter who was puking up his guts right in front of him. And ew, the stench!
„I suppose you don’t need a trip to the bathroom anymore?“ Tiago turned to leave. „Because I’m really not keen on watching you blowing chunks any longer.“
„Still… need to go“, Hunter croaked, then arched his back as a garbled retch forced a rather pathetic drizzle of sick out of him. He wiped his luscious lips and stumbled back on his feet. Tiago raised both hands in defense as the aesthetically pleasing puke machine tried to approach him again.
„Stay away from me, you fucking reek.“ Tiago scrunched his nose. „If it’s absolutely necessary, I’ll catch you if you fall. But there’s no way you’re gonna get your barf slime hand on me right now.“
„Do you have to be such an asshole about it?“, Hunter moaned. „I didn’t ask for this, you know?“
„Neither did I“, Tiago replied unmoved. Hunter pouted and wrapped both arms around his belly. His hunched over gait gave an insight into the turmoil troubling his intestines. The greenish hue on his face made him look almost comically sick. Had he really expected Tiago to affectionally rub his muscular back and whisper soothing words into his ear? Was it so hard to understand that Tiago didn’t want to be anywhere near the guy when he still looked like the rest of his spoiled breakfast would erupt from his mouth any second?
Miraculously, Hunter made it to the restroom without spilling his insides again. He shambled into one of the stalls, door closing behind him.
„Okay, I paid my due, now I’m out.“ Tiago’s daily requirement of revolting sounds and odors was easily covered. „Enjoy yourself!“
„W-wait!“ Hunter’s raspy voice sounded begging. „I… I need a bucket, like, ASAP.“
„Are you fucking serious?“ Tiago stopped in the doorway. „You’re in front of a toilet, what the hell do you need a bucket for?“
„I’m sitting on the toilet!“, Hunter groaned. „Dude, I’m dead serious, I can feel it coming up - huuuarrrg.“
„Don’t tell me you’re doing a number two as well.“ Torn between repulsion and a nagging sense of obligation, Tiago rushed towards the sinks. The trash bin was mounted at the wall, so he just removed the bag inside. Tiago returned hastily and squinted as he opened the bathroom stall door. For the sake of his own sanity, he tried hard not to take in the cursed image of Hunter sitting on the porcelaine throne with his pants down, cheeks puffed behind the fingers sealing his lips. „Take this, it’s all you’re gonna get.“
Hunter frantically opened up the trash bag, then writhed as he brought up watery chicken fricassee. It didn’t help that the plastic was translucent, granting Tiago a great view of the vomit fountain shooting out of Hunter’s mouth, drowning the crumpled paper towels at the bottom. The spasmodic pulses of Hunter‘s stomach muscles were enough to set the purging process in full motion. Hunter curled up while his body forcefully emptied itself from both ends.
„Oh my God, that is disgusting“, Tiago pressed out with a muffled gag. He sure had an iron stomach, but the unbearable stench and the sopping wet gargles were getting to him. Just as he was about to leave, a diabolical idea crossed his mind. Innocent enough, he glanced back over his shoulder. „Do you want me to call Diamond? I’m sure she would give you some tender loving care.“
Hunter looked up, gooey sick dripping from his lips. He nodded feebly.
„You… would actually do that for me? That… that would be great… thanks.“
Thanks? The guy was so naive. Did Hunter really think a classy woman like Diamond would lust after him ever again once she saw him in such a pathetic state, spraying stinking slurry from his back and front?
„Sure thing. Don’t worry about it, just get it all out!“
„Thank you, really… I appreciate it“, Hunter groaned unsuspectingly before he was struck by another retch.
Tiago strove to keep his composure while he finally left the fetid cesspool that had been a college restroom not so long ago. Just like he had promised, he immediately called Diamond and informed her about her lover’s predicament. He really hammed it up and emphazised how desperately sick Hunter was and how urgently he needed the solace of her presence. After Tiago hung up, he strolled down the hallway in a much brighter mood. Diamond was in for a major disenchantment when it came to her gorgeous, sexy and charming boyfriend.
Unless she wouldn’t mind.
Unless she would actually take care of him. Hug him tight, rub his cramping belly, hold the bag for him while he threw up. Pat his back, wipe his mouth, kiss his sweaty forehead and reassure him that he would be alright. Guide him home once he had emptied himself and snuggle up on the couch to make him feel safe and loved. But that wasn’t very likely, was it?
Tiago brushed the thought aside and spent the rest of the day distracting himself from these dreadful mental images. At least now he knew for sure that Hunter Calaway was anything but perfect.
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Archive of our own: Up all night to get Bucky
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angsty-prompt-hole · 2 years
i saw you mention some ocs in that tag-the-oc that’s always on your mind. i’d love to hear a little bit about them!
Oooo yes I believe I mentioned Haven in that one. She is one of my favorite OCs and she lives rent free in my head constantly.
There's an old ask where i rambled about her on my blog somewhere but I'm banished to mobile and can't search for it right now, so I'll just ramble away again lmao. One day she'll get a proper character introduction, but I'm waiting to do that for Reasons.
The short version is that she got involved in some crazy stuff when she was in her mid-20's because her dad had gone missing, and when his body was found, there was a bunch of weird stuff with him. It all ended with Haven being tormented by an eldritch monstrosity that turned her into something less than human, an immortal being with black scleras and fractured sanity.
After that, she became a bit of an interdimensional bounty hunter and started hunting down people associated with the entity. She didn't want them to continue to harm people.
Along the way, she ended up accidentally adopting two different children (moreso she tried to get them to someone who could actually take care of them but they got extremely attached to her and refused to leave) and she befriended a phoenix named Fenris. She also had a significant other named Liam at one point, but tragic circumstances left him permanently incapacitated, which really did not help her fragile mental state.
Haven isn't her real name and is just one in a long line of aliases she's used over the centuries, and by the time she started using that name she'd almost completely forgotten her real name.
She's a very grumpy and sarcastic person and tends to come off as excessively violent, aggressive, and hard to work with, but she does have a softer side. It's hard to get to, but it's there.
She appears in a lot of my WIPs (Rot and Ruin and Kiriska's Story being the main ones, but she cameos in a lot of other places) and she does have her own thing I'm planning that isn't really a writing thing so it's never really talked about here, but it goes through her backstory and what happened to her that led to her being turned.
This is what she looks like (art by @birdy-the-artist ):
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Her metal hand is a prosthetic, and the heterochromia was also a physical side effect of being turned. Originally, both of her eyes were hazel. The dog tags she's wearing belonged to Liam.
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Random Moxie HCs [Part One]
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Mox has a few tattoos; a large raven in flight with void trailing behind its feathers, a rowan branch clutched in its talons on her back. An ace of spades on the inside of her left wrist in honor of her mother and grandfather.
She possesses a large mark that most people assume is yet another tattoo, appearing as a void-stricken vein branching off into smaller veins on the side of their neck and crawling down the top of their right shoulder. Upon closer inspection though, you can see that this is actually more similar to a scar. It was from the first time she died and was brought back by the vault itself.
On the inside of her right wrist, she has a lone freckle in the shape of a heart. At some point she was teased about- it was like she truly had her heart on her sleeve. She hated that.
The scar along the bridge of her nose and her cheeks isn’t actually a complete scar, it is disconnected on one side and earned through one of the many fights she got into in her past. That one being she she decided that just because she was being held back…she wasn’t giving up. Going literally headfirst into her attacker and the weapon they had. It was stupid and painful- but it did stagger them and shock the people holding her. Enough so that with the adrenaline, she was able to simply grin, face already covered with fresh blood from the new gaping wound, her nose broken- the attackers backed off. Claiming that it wasn’t worth it when Moxie was clearly crazy and had no sense of self-preservation. Both things were only partially true.
Scars litter her body from any number of things; fights, accidents, random events- she has so many that some of them she doesn’t even remember the story behind.
Her eyes are reminiscent of her father’s and grandfather’s save for the sectorial heterochromia she possesses in her right eye. The top right silver is the same rich brown as her mother’s. The rest is a hyacinth blue color with a golden bloom around the pupil which makes her eyes occasionally appear grey and hunter-green instead of gold and blue depending on the lighting.
Has always had oddly sharp teeth, inheriting them from the Rowan side of her blood. Her hair has also always been that unnaturally bright crimson, despite the fact that her mother’s was a much more natural auburn sort of ginger. [This is namely due to traits being amplified by Rowan blood.]
In addition to marathoning movies with her mother and researching the origins of the monsters within them, Acelynn also had a unique taste in literature to read to her daughter. Stoker, Wilde, Poe, Shelley- any and all of the greats and could be betters if gothic literature. And Moxie loved it. In some ways it was to desensitize Mox early to the idea of things that go numb in the night, often telling the small child that sometimes humans, could be much more violent and cruel than any monsters you found in movies and books.
Mox has a soft spot in particular for Edgar Allen Poe, for a time before Reel-to-Real she even carried around a brick that she nicknamed Amontillado as both a companion and a ‘creative use’ tool/weapon. She still has Amontillado. It’s under the counter in Reel-to-Real.
Her first crush was, to the surprise of no one, Merletta McDaniels. The leader of the eventual misfit gang she would join in her adolescence.
She learned how to play some instruments during her time in the group just for fun, the members [at least, under Merletta’s rule] often taught each other new skills. Moxie has a fondness of the electric bass guitar, she enjoys feeling the deep vibration in her bones.
Smoking was something that she picked up from that group too- though she had been around it before. Both Leigh and Acelynn had been known to smoke on occasion. Her favorite brand is hard to find and called, ‘Odds-and-Ends.’ Mostly composed of tobacco and cloves/other herbs. It is highly fragrant when smoked but pretty good at taking the edge off. Though because of how hard it is to find, she doesn’t often smoke unless really needs one or finds an occasion where she feels like it.
Because of the events of her past, she has convinced herself that she is complacent on indulging in small acts of things she wants. Keeping people at arms length or from knowing too much about her in every other aspect to protect them and herself. She can be happy enough with other people’s happiness, with helping, with seeing them live. She can survive with the small flirtations and nothing more. Its what she’s always told herself after awhile.
It’s not really a secret that Moxie has trouble backing down. Ever the type to fuck around and find out and keep going until she gets through something if she gets herself into trouble, owning her mistakes and holding her responsibilities. She will refuse or decline things if she doesn’t want to do them or can’t- but if she is challenged and feels she can handle it; there’s no going back.
Has a love of cards thanks to her mom and Leigh. Though that extends to more than just playing cards. She holds a fondness for divining tarot cards too; having procured a set through a visitor once upon a time and studying it for a long while thereafter. She keeps that deck under the counter next to Amontillado and the playing card deck, that used to be Leigh's, on her person whenever she can.
One of the things she regrets losing the most from burning down the cabin she grew up in is the box of Floriography notes composed by her and her mother. One of the random jobs Acelynn had picked up had been a florist and with their shared love of movies and media, floriography became a point of interest. Eventually, they made a collection so that they could use the flowers to speak to one another or convey messages when one or the other wasn't around- or even if it was something that they were struggling to say. Leaving flowers behind. When Acelynn eventually switched to a new job or when flowers weren't available, drawings or even the flower names were left around as a substitute. Moxie memorized most of them, but...she misses having that box. They poured hours into researching and conferring the different messages and meaning, debating which ones fit and how to incorporate them. Plotting on if the meaning changed depending on the other flowers it was paired with, dedicating an entire chunk to combinations and bouquets. Mostly...she misses seeing her mother's handwriting and the memory of coming home from school or staying up waiting for her to come home so that they could work on it together in between replaying their favorite slasher flicks.
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qbdream · 2 years
you're talking to a boy who said your song is muffin by badboyhalo?
OKAY TALKING TO IS A STRONG PHRASE.. we are simply good friends and i also might be a little bit in love with him LOL
yea tho!! we work together!! our friendship started with him teasing me for being a dream fan (i don't talk about it pretty much at all, but he pointed at my pokemon tattoo that has a smiley face on it and said it looked like dream, and then i told him i got the tattoo months before i was a dream fan which is TRUE) and like.
so he'd seen some manhunts, and his sister is a fan, so he was familiar enough to be able to like. try and rile me up by getting facts wrong? ("what about goodboyhalo? are you gonna call me cupcake?") and it turns out he'd also seen a few skeppy videos, so he would joke a lot about bad and skeppy! and so i asked him if he'd ever heard muffin, because i think i had listened to it for the first time like. earlier that week. and then he went home and listened to it and sang it to me the next day and from then on in its become our song and it's the first song on our playlist and we make other people listen to it when we're in the car together and stuff
#he's like. ok he knows Nothing about like. fandom and all that right#like bits and pieces i think from his sister but he is really generally clueless in that regard#but he's a bit of a s.keph.alo truther which i think is the funniest thing about him#like he doesn't even know what truthing is!! but he does think they are in love#which is so fucking funny#he also admitted to me the other day that mask makes him a little emotional because he can really relate#OH THIS IS ALSO THE SAME BOY WHO COMPARED US (early on) TO D&G#like NOW he's a fan for sure- he ran up to me the other day and asked me if i'd seen george's new video and it was very cute#but at the time he'd only seen a few of the manhunts and he was asking me when we were gonna host a manhunt#where our friends & coworkers would be the hunters#and we would be the runners#and i initially thought he meant that he'd be the runner and i said 'oh would you be dream in this? are we hunting you?'#and he said 'no they're hunting US! we're like dream and george! you even kind of look like george!'#(disclaimer: i do not look like george. we have the same hair and eye color and that is All)#(tbf he has the same hair and eye color as dream. except he has heterochromia blue/green/hazel and his hair is like. GOLD)#(mostly green and blonde tho)#but yeah that was. certainly one of the things he has said.#he also thinks s.kephalo is real but initially thought d.nf were just friends#his tune has been changing on that as he watches more videos though#this is literally a novel in the tags sorry#read at ur own risk or whatever#el.txt
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emialawliet · 4 years
Mr. Sawaki is fascinated by Ai..
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He finds Ai truly beautiful such that he is willing to ditch his career being a teacher and make a living as a painter by winning the exhibition.. and with what?  
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With his painting of AI. 
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He must be very confident that this painting of his is beautiful enough to win. And he thinks of Ai as the perfect subject for that.
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All of a sudden, my mind just took a sudden turn and thought that maybe the one Mr. Sawaki truly “likes” is Ai. Not Koito.
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He sure is captivated by her. Don’t you think?
Mr. Sawaki finds Ai’s heterochromia beautiful.. and this eye condition occurs in cats too.. and according to our beautiful baby Momoe..
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Could he be stalking Ai?
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Are these visits his way of trying to get close and win the trust of the mother of the person he is interested in?
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Now, I might be staining Koito’s good bestfriend image here, but what if she isn’t really that pure like what we think she is?
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Despite Koito’s looks, Mr. Sawaki didn’t choose to paint her. To me, Mr. Sawaki looks like he’s getting information about Ai through Koito.
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Now, I do not know which of these came first but my take here on this is that Koito likes Mr. Sawaki and Mr. Sawaki likes Ai.
These are things I consider to be possible:
1. Koito has an ulterior move of befriending Ai. She noticed Mr. Sawaki’s feelings for Ai, tried to befriend her and pretends to like her eyes like Mr. Sawaki does to get noticed by him. Despite the fact that she might also get bullied by being close to Ai, she did it for Mr. Sawaki’s attention. The girls got jealous to her as a result and bullied her. But in the end, her feelings wasn’t returned. And that is what drove her to commit suicide.
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2. Koito is a true friend to Ai, the only one. Mr. Sawaki noticed that and used Koito to get close to Ai. He talked to Koito, probably trying to get close to her or get some info about Ai. But Koito fell for Mr. Sawaki and he wasn’t able to return her feelings.
Rika’s theory is different though..
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Not that I’m pro for this but I wish I was wrong. Because Koito faking it would have been more painful for Ai..
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And that “proof” is because he knows that Ai saw them together..
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Or is he worried about how Ai felt about them together?
And with that, this question of Mr. Sawaki now hits different.
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Before, I had a different opinion on this. But to me now it seems that he is so concerned about Ai’s feelings towards him.. Is it because of this?
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Is that really a question you’d ask the bestfriend of whom you got pregnant? Would that be really the first thing you’d be worried about? I mean he is clearly aware of something he did for him to ask Ai such a question, there must be a reason why he must think that Ai hates him. But Ai said she does not know the real reason why Koito chose to die. Ai is not pointing her fingers to him. He doesn’t really know if Ai is blaming him for Koito’s death or not. What he does know is that Ai saw them together..
AAAAAAHHHH gosh I don’t know... :(
Anyway, this is Neiru’s sister. Her dreamworld is set on a bridge in the center of a city.
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“My sister stabbed me. Then she ran away and jumped off a bridge. That’s what they told me when I woke up in the ICU.”
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That doesn’t look like a stab wound to me though. It makes me think that Neiru is lying or those who told her what happened didn’t really tell her all about the truth.
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Dang her weapon is so cool! It’s a compass. That drawing tool they use in architecture I think.
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And it transforms from a gun, to a sniper, to a huge sword. How cool is that?
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It’s also the first time we see a wonder killer as the victim herself. Her aging is what drove her to commit suicide. :( Kudos to Neiru for being such a skilled and intelligent hunter.
The case about Koito’s suicide is getting deeper by each episode. I sure hope to find more clues in the next!
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Tags via @koro-is-caffeinated
Well, since you're asking!
Okay starting with Gloria: she is one of my latest OCs, even if she quickly gained a place of honour among them. Which is ironic, because I created her with the explicit purpose of clashing with me. So. In order.
As I already mentioned, Gloria Hirsch (no relation to the cartoonist, maybe some relation to the clockmaker that built my grandma's barometer) is an amateur cryptid-hunter, trying to get Tiktok famous but spectacularly failing at it. Not because of lack of cryptids, nay. There is a lot of weird stuff going on. Weird stuff that would love to not end up on Tiktok, thank you very much.
(I've also already said that I would love to introduce her properly with a Tiktok version of that meme that goes "About to catch Bigfoot I'll post the video later" "Bruh I've had my ass handed to me I ain’t posting that shit")
She is, for lack of a better word, a bastard. Completely insufferable. Arrogant, cocky and stubborn, and not good kind of stubborness. Has gremlin energy. Cusses like a sailor. Brutally honest. 50% sass 50% bisexuality. A temper shorter than the fur of a sphinx cat, and explosive tendencies. (Metaphorically, thank goodness). The most likely to start a bar fight, so to speak.
But all of this is has its bright sides too. Does not back down, especially if she has to fight for her friends. Loyal. Caring. Does not forget a thing if it has to do with the people she cares about. The kind of friend that would slap away the bad thoughts. Or slap you if you try to think them.
I would have the best kind of frenemies who would fight in a Denny's parking lot relationship with her. Even if 99% of our time together would be spent cursing each other's bloodline.
Gloria is a petite jewish girl, around 5'4'' tall, with pale skin and dark green curly hair that reaches the jawline. Has heterochromia (the right eye is grey, the left one is half brown half grey) and a few freckles on her cheeks. Fights using a spiked baseball bat, later e enchanted to sprout thorny vines and ice spikes on command, for ✨extra damage✨. Has a thing for denim clothing, and always wear a denim jacket covered by hand-made patches, featuring a bisexuality one, various cryptid-themed ones and a Plupple one.
Because, I forgot to add, she is a BIG Buzzfeed Unsolved fan, the show being what gave her the push to start cryptid-hunting. Boogara, starts all mighty and though and ends up panicking. (I also have a shaniac character btw, William. I created a world where the supernatural is proven and I still have a shaniac character. Like a boss)
She is quite new to town, her older brother and his joyfriend (is that the neutral for boyfriend/girlfriend? I read it once and I liked it but I never found it again) are university students renting a student apartament amd they took her in after she fought with her parents and ran away from home. But she is quick to clash with other people.
A few fun facts about Gloria: her favourite cryptid is the Jersey Devil, her pizza order is the same as my brother (wurstel and french fries with no tomato), when she listens to "When he died" by Lemon Demon she can't help but singing along and has an annoying allergy to bunny fur.
Then, Plum! His real name is actually Maurice. Idk why he goes by Plum. I am the author, and I don't know. Oh well. His name is Plum. I think that only his grandma would call him Maurice. Let's go on.
He is a faun. A mythologic, classic faun. Goat hooves, goat horns, goat ears, all the jazz. Rarely uses pants and shoes, only does so when he has to pass or is doing something that requires armour. Has a quite dark tan skin, with hair the colour of Coca-Cola, black but turns warm brown when the sun hits it, and pink-reddish eyes. Likes to have Milo, his fiancé, and his friends braid his hair and beard with small flowers. He is a bit shorter than 6'0", but the horns make up for it. Ripped as a classical dancer (have you ever seen Roberto Bolle?). He is on the asexual spectrum, but prefers being unlabeled. Gay as hell for Milo, tho.
A quiet person, but not because he is shy. He just doesn't talk much and observes a lot. Incredibly skilled at finding details, quick-witted and with a tremendous memory. He would make for a great detective, but is too pacific for this. Instead, he and his fiancé opened a B&B and shelter for other travellers, supernatural and not. As long as they need help, everyone is welcome here. They also adopted a small dog called Mr. Pudding Puddle.
He likes to play his guitar (I posted a picture of what it looks like a while ago) that can turn in any kind of guitar-related instrument: electric guitar, ukulele, banjo etc. He is very, very good at it. Fights a bit like a DnD Bard.
Plum has a soft spot for ice-cream, especially cookie-flavoured ice-cream. Loves the smell of honeysuckle.
Bonus OC, because he and Plum are a package deal, DO NOT SEPARATE, Milo Seo. (@spaceconfusion, they're the OC I mentioned to you)
For starters, he is a trans nonbinary witch (he/they) of korean descent, specialized in herboristery, potion brewing, healing through concoctions and spirit summoning. If the latter seems out of place, it's because it is. They have a magpie familiar called Magpie, they were 3 when they named her, show a bit of mercy.
He is 5'10", with a fair skin, floaty black hair with light blue bangs, and black eyes with silver irises so light that they seem white. Has a lot of thin scars. Loves acting, is an actor and children drama teacher at the local theatre. Their powers as spirit witch comprehend summoning giant ghosts in the shape of koi fish, and controlling them. Can get overwhelmed easily though.
Light-hearted and sweet, he is often described as "someone with the breeze for the soul". They are not sure of what does this mean, but they try their best to refresh people around them. He is a tad shy tho.
When he was little, he was trained to be a potion maker. But soon it became clear that spirits often made their entrance in his life, so his training became even stricter. This gave them the scars, and PTSD from spirit intrusions outside their control. However, they kept on honing their herborist skills, wanting to preserve the family tradition.
Deeply in love with Plum, those two are by far my favourite pairing. Plum proposed, and now we'll see how it goes :). Full time herborist, part-time spirit expert, part-time B&B owner. He is the one who named Mr. Pudding Puddle. It's a name with a story. I'll let you guess what it is.
His hobbies are baking and retro videogames, they are quite good at both of them.
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numbertale · 3 years
Real name: Octo (Changed to Tooc)
Nickname: The Mad Bounty Hunter
Age: 31
Date of birth: August 8
Sign: Leo
Gender: Male
O.S: To be discovered (Straight)
Height: 1.78 (skeleton) 1.88 (human)
Blood Group: Ab+
Species: Monster/Human
Hair color: White (human)
Eye color: heterochromia, red (left) sky blue (right)
Affiliation: Bounty Hunter/Temporary Worker at Moon Lake City Bars
Favorite food: Sushi and any spicy food.
Favorite dessert: cucumber jelly
Hobbies: Practicing combat, sharpening their weapons, helping control drunks in bars, and lounging all day at Nairlson's house.
From: NumberFell (Missing Universe)
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Known as Eight Fell or Revers Eight, it is the parallel version of Eight from NumberFell, a parallel universe of the disappeared Numbertale.
This universe disappeared at the same time as Numbertale since both universes were connected.
Tooc is similar to Eight, differing in personality, clothing, and ideals. While Eight is reserved, with a sense of responsibility and justice. Tooc is loud, not at all responsible and doesn't care about other people's affairs since he lost his sense of justice long ago.
Eight has a more neat dress, little worn, with cold and somewhat bright colors, blue and lemon yellow is the color that represents him, Tooc has a more careless and very worn dress, with warm and opaque colors, red and yellow is the color that represents it.
Like his parallel counterpart, he has two human souls apart from his monster soul, unlike Eight he can control his transformation into a human at will, although he still feels the pain in his right eye, he tolerates pain more.
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The characteristic that differentiates him from his original counterpart is his strong personality.
He is sarcastic, charismatic and carefree, he only cares about his own safety, he used to have a spirit of Justice in his childhood but lost it because of his father and a betrayal.
He is also quite proud and suspicious of those around him, despite his rude attitude he is someone sensitive, but he never shows it as it would make him feel vulnerable.
He has a chaotic nature, due to the way his father raised him, he acts brusque and violent, showing to be defensive at all times.
The only one who lowers his rude boy barrier is with Nairlson, his only friend, although it was difficult for him to understand why Nairlson did not kill him and preferred to help him, it felt good to be able to be honest for the first time with someone who is willing to understand him
While Eight is unsure of himself, Tooc is shown to be more self-assured, showing enormous determination in his decisions and no regrets for his actions.
Possessing the same abilities as his parallel counterpart, he is quite skilled in close combat, as well as deception and creating dangerous traps. They don't call him "the crazy bounty hunter" for nothing.
He uses the same weapon as his original counterpart, what makes them different is their more menacing design and they are shown to be quite worn, their backs are called Wairudosāji Swords (ワイルドサージ) and Spears Nigai kiiro (苦い黄色).
He can control his transformation into a human at will thanks to Nairlson teaching him how to do it. He only uses his magic if he thinks it's necessary, as he thinks a battle would be less exciting and wouldn't last.
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He was the only survivor of the disappearance of his universe, unlike Eight he didn't lose his memory so he knows the truth behind the disappearance of his universe like Eight's.
He was never in the Omega Line as after his universe collapsed he unconsciously traveled to another AU to be Safe where he discovered his new powers as well as his ability to open portals to other AUs in the multiverse, he also experienced for the first time his transformation into human. Trying to survive and not having the slightest idea what to do caused several problems in the AUs, Ink tried several times to catch him but every time he wanted to find him and catch him, he always left before Ink arrived and stopped him.
Reison, realizing that Tooc was causing unrest in the multiverse, sent Nairlson to stop him and if he resisted, he would kill him. He did so and they both fought ending in Nairlson as the winner, at first he was surprised that Tooc had the same ability to transform into a human just like him, he saw that he had potential so he decided not to kill him and better helped him to have better control his new powers, where he managed to stabilize them by having greater control, managed to control his transformation into a human at will.
In the time that Nairlson taught Tooc to control his powers, both became friends as they both admired each other's abilities, as well as showing good chemistry despite their differences, Tooc promised not to make disturbances in the universes again but he himself became a multiverse bounty hunter as a way to make easy money, Nairlson was upset by his decision, but if it made him happy and prevented him from messing with powerful beings in the multiverse that was fine, he just warned him not to dare to intervene in the main universe, damage timelines that are in a delicate state, avoid making deals with any evil Sans, and not meddle with fate.
He accepted and then tried to find his original counterpart to finally talk to him, finding him he tried to talk to him, but was violently rejected where he ended up fighting to the death, annoyed and tired he retired so as not to die for what he considered a stupid fight .
Since then he is the only bounty hunter in the multiverse, and he also works sometimes in the bars of the Nairlson universe since it was another of his conditions, he promised himself that when the time came he would tell Eight the whole truth and kill the witch (Reison) with his own hands.
Tooc's real name is Octo, but he changed it to Tooc because he didn't like his old name. Changing his name he saw as a new beginning, where he could let go of his father's shadow and fulfill a friend's promise.
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magmahurricane · 3 years
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Carey’s dad, Bernard! I gave him heterochromia based on my URL namesake, a childhood dog of mine named Pidgeon, who had one blue eye and one brown. 
Bio under cut! CW for descriptions of death, illness, and mentioned suicide! 
Name: Bernard Jess (Birth name: Ralph Ellis) Playlist: Here! (Spotify)
Age: 48 Occupation: Con artist Location: Varies; travels around Northamer in his RV Birthplace: Sand Blast City  Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
Species: Dog (Based on tricolor Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: +Positives: Charismatic; Clever; Exuberant; Jolly; Optimistic; -Negatives: Conniving; Fraudulent; Cowardly; Selfish; Opportunistic A real “people person” at his core, Bernard knows exactly what to say to get people to drop their guard around him. Armed with his wit and a silver tongue, he picks his marks and runs his scams, playing his short cons and booking it at the first sign of trouble. While he isn’t shy about his lifestyle of lying, cheating and bullshitting his way through life, he does truly love his wife, and holds the memories of his mother and father close to his heart. Likes: Bluegrass; Country music; Whiskey; Swindling people; Dislikes: The law; working; his hometown; dwelling on the past; violence; hospitals  Hobbies: Acoustic guitar, fishing, storytelling, people-watching
Backstory (remember to heed the content warnings above!): 
 Born to Shirley and Maverick Ellis in the smog-filled, dome-covered rogues gallery known as Sand Blast City, Ralph had a fairly average childhood. While he attended school, his mother Shirly worked as a waitress in a dingy but well-known diner and his father, Maverick, worked the nearby mines. The Ellis family were very poor, and young Ralph often wore hand-me-downs and frequently struggled to keep up with his peers, making him a target for bullying. 
When Ralph was 9 years old, Maverick perished as the mine collapsed. Shirley took a second job in a desperate effort to both pay for his funeral, and provide for their son. Ralph found himself targeted by bullies even more, though found support from other children who lost family in the mines. Life went on, the Ellis’ struggling to make ends meet and cope with the death of Maverick. 
With no one to babysit, Ralph began heading into the diner after school, sitting at a booth and doing his homework. Over the years, he came to know its patrons, became familiar with its regulars and staff, and slowly began to master the art of people-watching. Ralph would sit, and listen, and watch these people - and got an earful of all the latest gossip. He learned that the man living in the apartment across had a nasty divorce and was a recovering alcoholic. The mother of one of his bullies was working the streets to keep food on the table. The stories of the neighborhood gambler, the old woman who also lost her son in the mines, the local politicians, of the baker who was having an affair, of the rich tourists who would make yearly stops in town - Ralph knew everyone. 
And just like that, school life had become easier. No one would dare cross Ralph Ellis, because Ralph had all the dirty laundry on everyone - kids were less keen on bullying him when he threatened to expose their families as drug addicts or whores, or when he could tear their family apart with news of an affair. It wasn’t long until Ralph realized the power he held over his peers, and began blackmailing them into doing favors, such as carrying his stuff, doing his homework, and buying him clothes -- for the first time in his life, Ralph was able to wear more than hand-me-downs from the local thrift store.  Life was starting to look up, and things were good.
Then it wasn’t. When Ralph was 15, his mother discovered she had cancer. They couldn’t afford treatment, and Shirley certainly couldn’t stop working her two jobs. Ralph took up a part-time job as a delivery boy, then a full-time job as Shirley’s condition worsened, dropping out of school to help. Within a year, she passed away. 
And suddenly, at the tender age of 16, Ralph found himself orphaned, and within a few months, homeless. Despite everything - his father working his whole life and dying in those rotten mines, his mother taking two jobs, and Ralph himself giving up his education and taking up work - the Ellis family just couldn’t get ahead. Honest work didn’t pay. But he remembered coasting along in school, being able to pull peoples strings and manipulate others into working for him. He remembered the woes and weaknesses of the people around him. In a dog-eat-dog world, Ralph was determined to make his mark and make the most of the lemons life gave him. 
Then, when Ralph was 19, a great plague swept over Sand Blast City. People were dying in the streets, and even more were panicking, desperate for a way to save themselves. Ralph saw an opportunity - his customers already trusted him, and he’d made it this far. It was time for his biggest, and riskiest, con yet. With a few local herbs, clean water, and a bit of cheap cold medicine, Ralph began marketing his miracle potion, promising immunity from the plague. With help from his silver tongue and the trust of the locals, the potions flew off the shelves. Ralph made more money than ever, and was, briefly, toted as a local hero. He knew he should have packed up shop and gotten the hell outta dodge, but he wanted to milk this operation for all it was worth. He stayed, intending to make and sell more of his miracle tonics… 
And then, the plague got him. 
 The virus wracked Ralph’s body. For days, he lay by his wagon, delirious with high fever, struggling for breath, believing this would surely be his end -- and it almost was. Family of his customers tracked him down, furious that their loved ones weren’t protected as advertised. They beat the sickly con artist, and left him at death's door.
Ralph survived by the skin of his teeth, although not unscathed; as if a reminder of his treachery and what he’d done, his lungs were ruined, leaving him athsmatic, with a persistent cough and physically frail. But Ralph was nothing if not determined - as soon as he was well enough, he high-tailed it out of Sand Blast City.
Ralph would spend the next 5 years as a vagabond con-artist, selling cheap or bootlegged wares, which he either stole from yard sales or breaking and entering homes, pulling cat-in-a-bag cons and change raising, and continuing with his snake-oil salesman act. He often found himself being chased out of town, or on the run from local bounty hunters for crossing the wrong people. He also began using different names, switching his alias every few months or every year. 
Then his life was changed when he stumbled into the Southern Baronies; an uppity, bountiful region famous for its large chao gardens and wine exports. It was then he met Margaret Blanche, one of Josiah Blanche’s daughters.
The Blanche’s were a prestigious family, renowned for their famous vineyard and exports, as well as owning the land upon which the Chao Garden was located. They were filthy rich, and acted the part -- which may be precisely why when Ralph, under the name ‘Bernard Jess’ - showed up, Margaret was smitten. ‘Bernard’ was exciting; he was handsome, charismatic, entertaining, funny, and judging by the stories he told the Blanche family, he led quite an adventurous life. Margaret had grown so bored of her life and wanted what Bernard had. Likewise, Bernard wanted what the Blanche’s had - their lavish lifestyle and money. He had come to them with the intention of robbing them blind, but found himself enamored with Margaret.
Josiah, of course, didn’t approve. He forbade the young couple from seeing one another, and had Bernard escorted from the property, deciding the young man wasn’t good enough for his daughter. Bernard knew he couldn’t really do anything about it, and focused on his cons with the other families in the Baronies. He and Margaret occasionally crossed paths during this time, and the two would spend time together in secret. Margaret fell more and more in love with the whimsy and rebellious attitude Bernard had towards life, and when it came time for Bernard to leave the Baronies, Margaret ran away with him
Life on the run together was golden. The two of them staged robberies, worked cons, and had made a small name for themselves. However, within a year, things suddenly took a turn when Margaret realized she had become pregnant. Fearing for her future, she pleaded with Bernard to take her back to the Baronies -- this had been great fun, but she was already tired of living off meager meals and on the run, and the pregnancy scared her. She wasn’t cut out for Bernard’s lifestyle, but promised him that upon returning, they would marry and he would join the Blanche family proper, and be able to leave this life behind.
And so they returned to the Baronies… Only to be humiliated by Josiah and the rest of the Blanches as they sneered and mocked and chastised Margaret for her stupid naivete and revealed that during her year-long romp with Bernard, they’d completely disowned her. Margaret, Bernard, nor their unborn child would see a penny of the Blanche fortune, nor were they even allowed on the property. Margaret was disgraced, disowned and suddenly, for the first time in her life, left with absolutely nothing. She was terrified and heartbroken, and all Bernard could do was be a shoulder to cry on - while knowing all too well this was his fault. 
Bernard managed to make a very small arrangement with Josiah to make things just a little easier; on the very edge of the Baronies, hidden out of sight so as to not tarnish the view of the Chao Gardens and beautiful manors, was a small trailer park known as Barrow Creek. Bernard convinced Josiah to at the very least buy them a small plot of land, allow them to set up a RV to live in so Margaret could, at the very least, have a roof over her head. Josiah agreed, and the young couple moved into their new home.
Carey was born that year.
Margaret hadn’t wanted the child; as far as she was concerned, this was more Carey’s fault than Bernard’s. It didn’t help that Carey had been born with a defect - her left arm hadn’t formed past the shoulder. The baby was weak, requiring constant care and attention, and oh, how Margaret wished to smother the life from it and be done with this burden.
It was only on Bernard’s insistence that Carey was kept alive and fed; already, he was scheming how to make the most out of the situation. He felt nothing towards his daughter but inspiration -- he could make this work to his advantage. A disabled child would bring out the sympathy in people, making his cons go a lot smoother. People would give money out of pity or adoration for the disadvantaged family, he could spin a thousand sob stories about how she lost her arm, open donations to go towards putting her in school or getting her a prosthetic - in reality keeping the money for himself - and the possibilities for profit were endless.
For much of her infancy and childhood, Carey was toted around during Bernard’s many schemes, helping rake in donations from charitable and kind people. As she got older, Bernard got Carey more and more involved in his cons, reciting lines with her and having her partake in more elaborate schemes. He also taught her the art of picking pockets, breaking locks, lying, and stealing. By age 7, Carey was doing all this and more, being made to cook and clean and was expected to earn her keep for living with them, with Bernard making sure she understood that she was a financial burden unto her parents, all while using his charisma and manipulation to keep her adoring him.
However, during all of this, Margaret’s mental health was declining. 
Gone was the bright, sheltered woman who wanted a life of risk and adventure - Margaret was bitter, angry, and jealous… but never directed any of it towards her husband, instead taking it out on their daughter and anyone else unfortunate enough to cross her path. She spent most of the day drunk and unhappy, or waiting for Bernard to return when he’d drive with Carey out of town to run a con. 
Bernard was oblivious, for a time - and when he did become aware, he tried to ignore the problem. The rising tension between Margaret and Carey, Margaret’s drinking problem, and their growing debt were all things he tried to brush off, even as Margaret attempted to drown Carey out of jealousy for her spending so much time with Bernard.
By the time Carey was 10, the Baronies were no longer safe for the Jess family. People had wisened up to their act, the bounty hunters were closing in, as was the law. Desperate to get some cash for the road ahead, Bernard conspired to rob the Blanche’s estate. It would be a final sendoff, the last big gig before the Jess family laid low for a long time. Margaret was eager to reclaim what she’d left behind, but Carey had grown ill from neglect. She was sick with pneumonia, and thus sluggish and of little help - and so Bernard put her on guard duty, to keep an eye out if the cops or other signs of trouble appeared. 
The heist didn’t quite go as planned.
In the end, the cops were called, and Bernard had shot and killed Josiah in an altercation. As Bernard and Margaret fled the scene, they left behind Carey purposefully, knowing the cops would stop for the small, sickly child. This allowed the couple to make a clean getaway, while ridding themselves of Carey’s burden. 
It has now been 13 years since that day. 
Bernard’s working alone now, with Margaret having taken her own life a few years ago. He carries that weight with him, knowing full well he ruined her life and that his neglect led to her deteriorating mental health. He still wears their wedding band, and insists on remaining loyal to her memory, though he does oftentimes feel lonely. 
It’s difficult to pin where Bernard is at any given moment, as his cons often see him travelling all over Northamer. He’s still running his cons, hoping for that one big break and dodging bounty hunters and cops at every corner, keeping his past and his regrets close to his heart and hidden under lock and key.
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skylar102 · 4 years
Soulmate prompt: Everyone has heterochromia, one eye is your natural color, the other is your soulmate’s natural color. Once you meet all eyes return to natural color. How is the life of a Shadowhunter with one hazel eye and one golden eye? ~
Well I tell you this took weeks to figure out, I really mean I had no idea how I wanted them to meet so I came up with this canon divergence. I hope you enjoy! ^_^
When you are born, you have two separate eye colors. One that is yours and one that is of your soulmate. Your eyes will stay that way until you meet your soulmate and your eyes return to their natural color. You don’t know what eye is your true color which makes the moment you meet your soulmate even more exciting.
Alec stares at his reflection in his bathroom at the Institute. His hair is neatly styled and he’s wearing one of his better formal attire. 
Alec sighs as he looks at his one cat eye in the mirror. Twenty-four years of living with his soulmate’s eye and he still has a difficult time seeing his reflection. It’s not his soulmate’s fault, Alec would never blame him for what he was naturally born with.  It’s the Clave’s fault that downworlder’s are viewed in such a harsh light. If this is how Alec is treated as a Shadowhunter for having a cat eye, he can hardly imagine the discrimination that his soulmate had to go through. That’s why he’s started the Downworld Cabinet, to let the downworlder’s of New York know that the Institute has their back. 
He adjusts the collar of his button-up for the tenth time. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous about this first meeting. He’s been in correspondence with the leaders of the New York Downworld for weeks now making sure that everything is ready to go for this gathering. 
He’s known Maia for as long as he can remember. She’s been his friend ever since his siblings have been dragging him to Hunter’s Moon to “let loose” and he sat at the bar chatting her up every night. Her saying yes to this was a given, knowing how much he wants to make the downworld feel safe in this city they call home. 
Raphael was a bit more difficult getting him to agree to come to the meeting. Of course, Alec mentioned that the meeting would take place after dark or if Raphael had requested it, in a windowless room and hire a warlock to portal him there. He didn’t know why the vampire had such issues with him. 
At first, he thought it was because of his eye from the few times they worked together taking down illegal dens. Alec would sometimes catch him staring at the eye with a blank expression. He eventually agreed because of Izzy. The vampire had taken a liking to his sister more than him but he wasn’t going to look too closely into why that was.
The seelies were a struggle to get an answer out of. Their queen loved to create trouble and inconveniences out of nothing so getting them to agree was tiring and took longer than necessary. He will forever thank Raziel that they are sending Meliorn to be their representative for this meeting. He and Alec have a respectable relationship if you could call it that.
Last but not least the mysterious High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane. Since becoming Head a year ago, Alec has not once interacted with the man. All of their correspondence has been through either fire message, texting, or calling. Alec had tried to suggest email once and Magnus had gagged on the line over the phone. Alec thought it was a tad dramatic but the noise had gotten a laugh out of him. Alec also saw this as the perfect reason to have Magnus look over the Institute’s wards. Two birds, one stone kind of situation. Thankfully Magnus agreed.
He’s taken out of his thoughts but a loud knock on his door.
“Hurry up, Hermano!” Izzy’s muffled voice says. “They’re going to be here any minute!”
“I’ll be right out.” One last look in the mirror, a slight adjustment to the cuffs on his suit and he opens the door. Izzy looks him up and down, clearly judging his appearance as if she wasn’t the one to pick the outfit.
“You look great, Alec,” she settles on. She steps forward to adjust his lapels before making her way out of the room with Alec in tow. 
“Thanks,” he mutters, easily catching up to her strides. “Has the room been prepared?”
“Yes, for the millionth time, everything is ready.” Izzy rolls of her eyes. “You didn’t spend the last week locked away in your office planning out everything just for it to go wrong.”
“I know, I know,” he sighs. “I just want this to go right.”
“And it will. Alec, they wouldn’t have shown up if they didn’t believe this cabinet meeting could lead to something better,” she reasons as they turn the corner leading to the meeting room. 
“There’s no one else who could pull this off but you, Alec,” Izzy praises. “I guarantee that none of these leaders would be here if it was our mother.”
That picture gets a laugh out of him. He can barely imagine any of them being in the same room as their mother. Though he does know that Magnus would gladly go toe to toe with Maryse. He’s witnessed that first hand when Magnus came by the institute when he was younger. He wasn’t able to see the man, but his words were loud enough that a ten-year-old Alec heard them from his room late one night. It’s how he’s been able to stand up to his mother now.
Of course, he hasn’t told Magnus that. The High Warlock would never let him hear the end of it if it was discovered that it was thanks to him that Alec was able to take the Institute from his parents and create this cabinet.
Alec steps into the meeting room and is blown away by the decor. Banners of each faction hang on the wall behind the round table. Each chair looks the same, no difference in material or texture. It looks equal.
“Izzy this is beautiful,” he compliments, wrapping his sister in a hug. “This is really happening.”
“It is,” she laughs. 
Footsteps approach behind them. Jace is standing at the entryway with a big grin on his face.
“They’ve arrived,” he announces.
“Thank you, Jace.” Alec nods his head towards his brother. Izzy helps adjust his suit for one last time before they both approach the door. 
Maia is the first one to enter. Her matched eyes widen at the sight of the room. 
“Ms. Roberts,” Alec announces. “Thank you for coming.”
Maia snorts at the introduction. “I bet you rehearsed that in your bathroom.”
“Of course not,” Alec denies, he nods towards his sister. “I rehearsed it with Izzy.”
Maia and Izzy laugh at the joke. Izzy loops her arm around her soulmate’s, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She leads Maia to the table while Alec remains at the door. He might as well let the two have a few minutes alone before this meeting begins.
Meliorn is the next to arrive. He is escorted by a single guard which strikes him odd since Meliorn is the leader of the Seelie Queens Royal Guardsmen. His confusion must be visible by the smirk he receives.
“Meliorn,” Alec greets. “Thank you for agreeing to come and represent your people.”
“Of course, Mr. Lightwood,” Meliorn bows his head, “and apologies for the plus one. They will be staying out in the hall while the meeting is going on, but my Queen requested that I bring company in case this was a rouse.”
“That’s alright, though I would have hoped the queen had more confidence in me.”
“Oh she most certainly does,” Meliorn cryptically says. “She’s very interested in the Nephilim who’s fighting against his own people.”
“Of course, she is,” Alec chuckles. “Always the curious one.”
That gets a real smile out of the Seelie, both knowing what Alec truly meant by the words. The Seelie Queen always liked to shove her nose where it didn’t belong and this was only the start. Alec wonders, as time passes, if the Queen herself will show up to one of these meetings. The thought along makes his body shiver with dread at the thought of her mind games and cryptic answer during a meeting that not only has Maia and Raphael but Magnus as well.
Meliorn nods to his guard and they go to stand against the wall opposite of the double doors leading to the meeting room.
“If there is anything you would like while you wait for the meeting to adjourn, please let my sister, Isabelle know,” he says. The guard looks at him with curious eyes before a smile appears, acknowledging his words.
“I will keep that in mind,” they say. “Thank you, Mr. Lightwood.”
Alec smiles back and turns towards the next guest to arrive. 
Raphael has a scowl on his face as he approaches Alec. It took a while for Alec not to be offended by that look as it seemed to be the man’s permanent expression, but it is looking particularly more loathsome tonight.
“Raphael,” Alec greets, holding out his hand. “It’s good to see you. Thank you for agreeing to this meeting.”
“It’s not like I had a choice,” Raphael states, rolling his eyes. “Our mutual friend was very adamant that I go to this and show appreciation for the effort you are putting forth.”
“I see,” Alec says, there’s a smirk on his face. “Magnus must have some good dirt on you to get you to come then.”
Raphael’s scowl turns into a small smile, the kind of smile that Alec knows will make his life hell during this meeting. He’s only seen that smile twice before in the times that he’s interacted with the vampire. Once when they were about to go into an illegal den and the second time when he asked Alec about Izzy. 
Though as much as they give each other flak, Alec likes to think there is a mutual respect between them the people they lead. Since Camille was taken out of the picture, meaning arrested and locked away in the Gard, the tension between the werewolves and vampires has decreased immensely. 
“I’d be careful what you say at this meeting, Lightwood,” Raphael warns. “We wouldn’t want anyone to think the Head of the Institute has favorites.”
Alec feels his cheeks red but keeps his face neutral. While it is not well known that Alec has developed a small crush on the High Warlock. It’s kind of hard to keep it a secret from the man Magnus practically raised like a son. Especially when Alec has not so subtly asked about the man when he visited the DuMort not too long ago. 
Raphael gives him a once over and heads towards the table. Three down, one more to go.
Alec looks down at his watch and sees that the meeting is supposed to start in five minutes and the High Warlock has yet to arrive. He taps his foot on the tiled floor deciding if he should wait for Magnus or get the meeting started. He looks back at the table and sees that everyone is already seated and looking at him. He lets out a sigh and makes his way towards the round table.
“Magnus running late?” Maia snickers as Alec sits down.
“It would seem so,” Alec sighs. “I would wait for him, but knowing him. He’s probably going to be as he states ‘fashionably late’.”
Maia snorts at the comment while Raphael rolls is eyes. Meliorn just smiles at them for their reactions. It warms his soul that they all feel comfortable inside the Institute. It took a lot of work this past year to get the Institute to get used to seeing downworlder’s inside its walls and make sure that everyone felt welcome.
It was a mess of people requesting transfers and patrol changes, but Alec took it all. What surprised him was the number of people requesting to come here. Alec was sure that he would lose a lot of shadowhunters with the changes he was making, that it would be a while before those numbers rose again. At first, a few people requested a transfer to New York and by the end of the first month, he had more people coming in than out. Jace and Izzy made fun of him because of the smug look he had that entire week. 
Alec starts the meeting with a discussion about any issues the others were having in the past months. Any issues with shadowhunters or downworlders alike. Though Alec doesn’t want to intervene in downworld issues, he still wants them to know that if its a situation the shadowhunters could help with, he was willing to send his best people to assist.
About 20 minutes later the doors to the room burst open and a man wearing the most beautiful outfit storms in. Alec pauses mid-sentence to take in the man.
“Dios mio,” sighs Raphael.
“Sorry I’m late everyone or should I say I’m not late you are all early?” Magnus jokes as he approaches the table. His head is still down looking at his outfit, fixing it up where he can.
“You do know how to make an entrance Magnus,” Meliorn comments, looking back and forth between Alec and Magnus like he’s waiting for something. Raphael does the same but more subtly.
“Yes, well what can I say? I love being fashionably late,” Magnus trails off as he lifts his head and makes eye contact with Alec.
Alec feels his voice gets stuck in his throat as he takes in Magnus’ eyes.
One cat eye and one hazel.
Alec feels the change and sees it at the same time. His left eye shifts to a normal pupil shape while he watches Magnus’ hazel eye disappear into another cat eye. Something in Alec’s chest fills and he finally feels whole. Like the missing piece of a puzzle was found and locked into place.
Silence fills the room, everyone holding their breaths as they watch the Head of the New York Institute and the High Warlock of Brooklyn stare at each other in wonder.
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sapphic-scylla · 4 years
@the-one-and-only-blake-llewell so this is that OC I was talking about. It’s fairly detailed because I’m a writer but there may be inconsistencies. TW for blood, horror, and mentions of abuse.
Name: Petra Naverrian
Real Name: Anezi Diasea
Nickname: The Heretic
Race: Protector Aasimar
Class: Cleric
Subclass: Blood Domain
Proficiencies: Medicine, Insight
Patron: Nytoria, Goddess of Judgment and Free Will
Alignment: True Neutral
Domain: Life, Balance
Symbol: Four hexagons, top and bottom two with arrows pointing up and down respectively, the other two with stars
Story: A goddess whose power is used to protect or take away mortality’s privilege to control one’s own fate and make choices while punishing those who seek to undermine others and subjugate or mislead the population. The power she grants her chosen are the abilities to elevate and protect others and manipulate, control, and punish the deserving. Believes in balance and that neither good nor evil should rule a generation and that each is required to fuel the destinies and desires of each individual, but those seeking power through greed or control or subjugation will be dealt with in the same manner and will suffer the loss of their own free will. Encourages her followers to protect the weaknesses of those you are loyal to and exploit the weaknesses of those they defy.
Age: 21
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 100 lbs.
Hair: Blonde with a blood red streak, tied in a ponytail
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Heterochromia, one green eye (L), one blood red eye (R)
Fashion: Trench Duster with one sleeve torn above the wrist on the right side, leather armor over a gauze wrap across the breasts and tight black pants, a belt across the waist and a three corner hat
Appearance: Right hand is wrapped in gauze with a blood red tattooed sigil on her wrist, which marks her as a follower of Nytoria and channels her abilities. Under the gauze is a massive slash through her hand that, while she can heal herself, doesn’t go away due to the amount of times she’s used it to fuel her blood magic.
Weapons of Choice: A Saber and her divine gifts
The most brutal show-off in the world. Actively loves dueling and can have a bit of an ego. Enjoys her work as a bounty hunter and is a thrill seeker to the bitter end. Has a sense of honor and will always respect a disciplined combatant, but is more than capable of fighting dirty if her enemies don’t fight fair. Has spilled more than her fair share of blood and has no qualms in taking a life unless it's with her blood magic, which invokes her PTSD. Prefers to carefully assess a situation before killing someone and will exhaust every avenue before slitting someone’s throat. Learned from a young age to study and deconstruct people physically and emotionally, so has a very good eye for reading people and emotions as well as knowing the human body very well. Tries to act civil and mature, but has a hard time concealing the childlike persona she carries.
Backstory: Petra was gifted from a young age, blessed with the favor of Nytoria. Nytoria, as the protector goddess of free will, presented her with a small fraction of her divine power in the hopes that Petra would one day protect her friends, loved ones, and perhaps herself from disaster, knowing that this child’s life would not be a happy one.
From the second she could walk, Petra experienced trauma and hate. Her village worshipped Helm, god of protection, believing that he would shield them from suffering. Mistaking Nytoria’s act of patronage and blood red brand on Petra as mistrust and lack of respect from the deity, her parents and the town, stirred up by the High Priest, Morvarian, ordered her death. Petra, being only 5, was defended solely by her older sister, Neraia, who grabbed her and managed to barely escape with their lives into the wilderness.
Neraia, 17 at the time, being a combat specialist due to her time as a soldier taught her how to wield a sword and, as time went on, Petra became an extremely adept duelist. Neraia also was a combat medic, so she also taught Petra about the important parts of the human body and where to heal as well as where to strike. She and Petra came to rely on each other very heavily while continuing to avoid and dodge mercenaries and followers and acolytes sent by the High Priest, mad with this ideal that killing them would lead to favor from Helm.
During her 15th year, Petra and Neraia were separated in a surprise attack by an assassin’s guild. After days of searching, Petra found her sister being held as bait. With a knife to her throat, the main leader slashed Neraia’s throat. Feeling the divine magic well up inside her from seeing her sister’s blood, she channeled Mystra’s gift into puppeting all 3 assassin’s into killing each other through their own blood, her brand glowing a malevolent red. Able to barely save her sister from an agonizing death, Petra healed her and took her to the nearest town, making sure the infirmary nursed her back to health.
Feeling unbelievable remorse and terror at her own power, she ran before her sister came to consciousness. Running into the forest, she took her knife and tried to carve it her own brand only to have it perfectly healed. Trying several times as she cried and blood continued to spill from her arm only to have it healed, Nytoria appeared to her in her usual way, appearing to be a traveler of unknown origin.
“Child, why do you deny your gifts? I have given you strength.”
“I never wanted this. I almost got my sister killed. I killed those people. I put people in danger with this magic. I will pay any price to make this stop, even if it’s with my own blood.”
“My dearest Petra, there is a reason I entrusted you with this magic and why I became your patron. Your path was never meant to be easy. Helm knew of your fate and chose to let it be, so I stepped in. You are capable of great things. Blood is not a product of violence, it symbolizes life and passion. So instead of spilling your own blood, use it to make this world better than you found it.”
Instilled with an odd sense of peace, she returned to the infirmary to find her sister had left in search of her. After looking for days, neither Neraia or Petra could find each other. Using her instincts, Petra started to craft a persona as a mercenary, donning the name that hounded her as a child, the Heretic. Embarking on a quest to come to terms with and become comfortable with her abilities before being able to face her sister again.
After several years and continued harrying by the same High Priest, she continues on her journey, still harrowed by the horror her divine gifts can inflict, but slowly becoming accustomed to it, she continues to gather reputation among the continent while searching for her sister.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
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Sayori is the fusion between Fumikage Tokoyami and Ashlen Kyanse
As Amy goes a bit fusion-happy with her new spell, she proposes to Ashlen to try it out with another person she has a fairly decent relationship with, and recruits Tokoyami to see if he could fuse with Ashlen. Naturally, the two of them are uncertain since the spell worked twice, but that doesn’t mean it will work all the time. And then Shinsou was hesitant for Ashlen to fuse with someone else other than him, or at least, another GUY that isn’t him, but Amy and Ashlen reassure him that it’s fine.
Madison gave him false hope and claimed that it ‘might not work’ since Ashlen and Tokoyami are fairly awkward, especially around each other. However, she was well aware that they had capability to fuse as Ashlen and Tokoyami’s dance starts off slow but steady and sweet and the two of them go for a twirl that instantly allows their bodies and powers to blend into a fusion.
When the fusion is born, she is confused, startled even as she contemplates her new existence while Amy, Shinsou and Madison are stunned, and Amy has to tell the two of them that they successfully fused. The fusion becomes a bit excited although Shinsou and Amy can’t tell, and Shinsou was too busy being mildly horrified to see Ashlen fused with Tokoyami rather than him. As Tokoyami and Ashlen contemplate their fusion, they both decide to name their fusion ‘Sayori’ as the fusion gives a smile that Shinsou can tell is Ashlen’s but can’t feel any kind of tenderness since he sees Tokoyami in the fusion.
Sayori goes by ‘she/her’ pronouns as Tokoyami had no issue taking on a more feminine approach if it made Ashlen comfortable. She has very long, straight hair that’s partially also feathers from Tokoyami, and while she styles it up spiky, the ties the rest of it in a long, thin ponytail akin to Ashlen’s own ponytail. She’s also quite lithe and slender from Ashlen’s physique but has feminine curves as well while retaining some muscle from Tokoyami’s physique, and has central heterochromia as her eyes have both a mix of Ashlen’s brown eyes and Tokoyami’s red eyes.  Sayori is one of the shorter fusions, standing only at 5’7 while the other fusions were at least 5’10 or even 6 feet, which may stem from both Ashlen and Tokoyami’s shorter than average heights for a girl and boy respectively. She has a somewhat androgynous appearance, but Amy and the rest of 2-A remark that this makes her very visually appealing and attractive to both genders. 
Because Ashlen and Tokoyami are both calm, collected introverts, Sayori is a stoic, poised and even elegant individual who is also an introvert as she has shown to be somewhat shy and reserved but is still nonetheless a very docile mix of Ashlen’s affable nature and Tokoyami’s dark, brooding one. She’s got a very level head and generally is above petty matters and the immaturity of Ashlen and Tokoyami’s classmates and has no issue telling them that they’re acting like children. This shows that she isn’t nearly as tolerant of crude jokes as either of her components, as she doesn’t even give Amy or Kaminari a smirk when they act childish, which may stem from Tokoyami’s dry sense of humor outweighing Ashlen’s. That doesn’t mean Sayori doesn’t have a sense of humor though, as she burst into laughter when Amy reminded her of how Shinsou imitated Brendon Urie’s rump shaking gif much to the latter’s annoyance and embarrassment.
She has a strong sense of justice and is extremely honorable to the point of living by a moral code that she absolutely refuses to break and is devoted to fulfilling her responsibilities as a hero in training. Showing that Sayori is a right-minded and chaste hero with the goal of keeping peace and staving away the real evils of the world, but she doesn’t have a problem delivering ‘divine justice’ by making a corrupt individual pay a price should they commit an ugly sin.
Sayori isn’t all serious however, as she was heard muttering Tokoyami’s catchphrase ‘revelry in the dark’ as she stared at the sun setting and expressed both delight and a melodramatic soliloquy about how much she enjoys the beauty of night which shows that she’s capable of being theatrical like Tokoyami and cracking an amusing statement like Ashlen. She’s not above some pranks though, as she was heard giggling when she used her quirks to scare both Kaminari and Ashido. Sayori is also capable of being snarky as she cracked a sarcastic remark towards Shinsou, and also threw some shade at both Bakugo and Madison when the three of them made fun of her which may come from Tokoyami and Ashlen both being able to defend themselves through wit alone. Also, Sayori can humor people, as she was able to sing a little song for Amy because of Ashlen’s friendship with her and Tokoyami’s neutral but friendly terms with her.
While she’s shown to be unflappable, Sayori can be easily flustered and somewhat sensitive to certain remarks (especially from friends) as she gets embarrassed when someone says something vulgar, especially when Kaminari asked them how does their body work. And her feelings are also somewhat easily hurt when Shinsou gets annoyed and calls them ‘the goody goody fusion’ and she calls him a jerk in return, much to the latter’s dismay. Sayori cares about what people think of her despite her somewhat aloof and dark demeanor, as she tries to assert that she can have fun and be funny too, something that comes from both Ashlen and Tokoyami’s insecurities. However, Sayori gets embarrassed when asked to make a spectacle of herself as when Amy asked them to ‘make a funny face’, all Sayori could do was stick her tongue out and immediately got embarrassed afterwards. But Sayori still has pride as she tells Amy not to pity her when she tells them ‘A for Effort’.
Also, much like her two components, Sayori is a very kind-hearted and noble person, as she does whatever she can to help her friends out, and is generally pleasant and polite to nearly everyone (except for Bakugo and Madison). While not outwardly affectionate or very outgiong, Sayori is still a very nice girl and has no meanness or sin in her heart and still can express her care by giving her loved ones soft smiles and pats on the head. Sayori is also something of a bully hunter however, as she stops both Amy and Shinsou from being mean to Ojiro and Uraraka, and scolds them for being jerks, which is partially why Shinsou called her a ‘goody goody’ fusion. 
She’s also very sympathetic and retains some of Ashlen’s emotional nature as Sayori can shed tears when overwhelmed or if she feels bad for someone. Sayori can hold back her feelings because of Tokoyami’s tendency to keep his emotions in check, but Ashlen’s emotional side can encourage Sayori to express more feelings. That being said, Sayori is a very tender person who just wants everyone to be safe, happy and healthy, albeit at the cost of herself since both Ashlen and Tokoyami are self-sacrficing, as a result Sayori is also selfless to a fault to the point of neglecting herself.
But despite being so kind-hearted and moral, Sayori is the last person anyone should anger as when she loses her temper she is much more intimidating and can get somewhat violent due to Ashlen and Tokoyami’s limited control over Dark Manifest and Dark Shadow respectively. Sayori becomes colder and much more menacing when angered and shows almost no mercy to her opponents when in this state. However, because Tokoyami has Ashlen to also keep him in check, Dark Shadow can freely go berserk without causing too much collateral damage to others, but it becomes an issue if Ashlen loses control over Dark Manifest as Tokoyami has to keep her in check when her control begins to slip. 
What keeps Sayori together though is Ashlen and Tokoyami’s close friendship as the two of them can comfort and reassure each other because the two of them are devoted to making sure the other feels secure and happy. As a result, Sayori is one of the more stable fusions as neither of her components have any lingering bitterness and full trust in one another, without their insecurities to hold each other back and most likely due to the deep understanding of each other. Something that makes Shinsou even more jealous as Amy laughs at him. Sayori is so stable that she can unfuse willingly without anything stopping her from doing so as Ashlen and Tokoyami can come to a mutual agreement and give each other enough space without being dependent on one another.
When it came to ability, Sayori was a very powerful individual and a hard opponent, while not as dangerous as Adrianna, was still not one to be taken lightly at all due to having both Ashlen’s Cancel and Dark Manifest quirk along with Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow. Because Ashlen and Tokoyami both have a darkness related quirk, Sayori has full control of darkness and is a master at Umbrakinesis, which allows her to control, manipulate, construct and even conjure up all darkness as Sayori can power up her sword and conjure up 10 other swords all made of darkness in a move she calls ‘Dance of Darkness’. Dark Shadow, who can communicate with both Ashlen and Tokoyami, also has a much wider range and can even separate from Sayori freely for about 10 minutes until he’s forced back into her. However, this makes Sayori extremely versatile and powerful as Dark Shadow acts as a battle partner with less to hold him back as everything Dark Shadow sees and senses, Sayori can also see and sense. and because of Ashlen’s quirk, Dark Shadow can also cancel out opponents’ quirks. Sayori also has an ability she calls ‘Dark Paradise’ in which she can enable Dark Shadow to grow large and drag her opponents into a dimension of dark energy to either horrify them, trap them, cancel out their powers or beat them while they are trapped. Every time the opponents are freed however, they emerge from the darkness frozen with both fear and Ashlen’s ability to paralyze her enemies. A master of the darkness, Sayori is a serious threat in battle and hard to beat because she has the power of swords and darkness at her side, and the ability to literally make her opponents freeze in fear. Amy and Shinsou, two strong students on their own, had a hard time battling her as did Bakugo and Kaminari, students who had the quirk advantage still lost to her.
So with that, Sayori is a lovely and stable fusion, but hella powerful and the last person you’d want to fight in battle because she’s the queen of darkness but also a true knight with a sense of honor.
She has the voice of Amy Lee~.
Ashlen is my girl @ashleigh-luvs-14cats‘s OC~!!! :D :3 
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 years
Finally, I finish The Sniper OC- Im actually super proud of this one go figure-
Name/Title: Hunter F Redding and his title well, it should be obvious- he is The Sniper (the F in his name stands for Flanagan ...listen man its the best fitting name I liked for middle names so shh) | Nicknames: Hunt/Redd | Gender: Male | Age: 40s/50s | Height: 7'8" | Hair Color: Dark Brown (he's usually wearing a black cowboy-ish looking hat so you won't see the top of his hair too much, its a m e s s anyways, if he takes the hat off- well, it'd take him AGES to actually even fix his hair and get his hat back on p much) | Eye Color: Pitch Black and Gray (oh yeah this bab got heterochromia! also its mostly bc of the meaning behind the colors/shades of Black n Gray ya know) | Appearance: He usually wears some dark colored clothing to work along with either a dark brown or black vest (both have got a buncha pockets n places for the bullets ya know oh and both have like one prominent design on it and that would be the sniper patch located on the right side of the vest over the breast n such ya know, its on the same side as the dark brown one as well), he has those things on his back that he keeps two of his kukris in (listen im too tired to be descriptive, you know what im talking about anyways- wow I can be descriptive for the vest tho sjkdfks), his pants are mostly like punk pants that have chains hanging down and of course he has combat boots as well, when he's NOT on duty, his clothing mostly consists of dark colored tank tops, crop-tops, etc- and he usually wears some loose pants as well, the combat. boots. s t a y. b i t c h. (he also wears a black glove on his right hand that has some spikes on the knuckle area both to work n just casually) He has a BUNCH of scars, cuts, bruises usually, and lots of bullet wounds as well although he doesn't care bout hiding them, its just scars, he's not ashamed of them- if anything- to him its just proof he's still here despite all that's happened, he also has a short boxed beard oh and instead of JUST f a n g s- ALL of his teeth are s h a r p. | Personality: Tired 24/7, SOMETIMES- okay 99% of the time- just- s t r e s s e d, he's a bitch bastard by nature but he isn't evil or malicious, aside from his snark and salt he can be suuper chill, like a stoner even sometimes dsjkdfs, if your the enemy then he won't hesitate to slaughter you of course BUT if your just getting on his nerves he'll probs just threaten you with a bullet or worse, piss- he's threatened to throw the Jarate at Amour for n o apparent reason even (there's that bastard part), he loves to mess with Amour the most out of anyone because he gives the b e s t reactions, he won't mess with Hedwig TOO much though and for... m a n y reasons, can be a p lazy bastard when he's not actually working, will literally be like a cat in lay around and if you even t h i n k about disturbing him while he's lazing about he WILL destroy you, can be p cat like in general actually- May or may not be gay you'll n e v e r know with this man, he's a mystery in some of the things he says and does, he d o e s know a certain s o m e o n e though is definitely gay, I'll let'cha guess on that one h e h- and to wrap this up, truth be told- he DOES care for his teammates deep down and would absolutely defend them when need be, he might mess with them a LOT more than need be and might cross a boundary or two sometimes but he does care, and they know it ....they just don't bring it up so he doesn't bring out the jars or the kukri. (tl;dr: Tired 24/7, does this man sleep? We may never know... 99% stress, bitch bastard by nature but not evil or malicious, salty n snarky but can be chill- almost stoner-like sometimes, d o  n o t pester him- he WILL throw piss at you, loves to mess with Amour the most bc of his reactions and for ahem- multitudes of reasons, kinda cat-like? Lazy when not working, he does take his job seriously tho and certain situations of course, might be gay? might not... you figure it out and he'll have to kill you, deep down he cares for his teammates for sure, can be p harsh n cold to the enemies- that's when his REAL snark/sass/salt kicks in for sure and its easy to tell) | Side Facts: Okay even when he's not working- I know I said he lazes around a lot BUT, he DOES do plenty of things in his spare times, he loves to try and make n e w weapons- its mostly knives n things like that but its one of his favorite hobbies truth be told, he takes p r i d e in his weapons and he's made 99% of them himself as well, he has absolutely made Amour a few knives here and there, Amour definitely uses them on the battlefield as well, Hunter can confirm this bc he's seen him using the weapons through his rifle's scope. Other than making weapons, he'll listen to some music, his tastes in music is VERY various- it always depends on the mood he's in, if he's angry then its hard rock sounding songs or anything like that, when he's sad- its mostly sad sounding songs, etc ya know- when he's just fine n stuff its just all kinds of music mixed into one- he doesn't have a specific genre in general n such- He mostly hangs out with Amour which is obvious by now, when he's not working you better believe he's at l e a s t lurking near by Amour- he always likes to strike when its least expected- or well, he TRIES to- given Amour IS a Spy- he's not very easy to sneak up on, but Hunter has managed to do so a FEW times ...he never lets Amour live those times down either much to the poor Spy's annoyance- He finds it hilarious how bent out of shape Amour can get when threatened with one of the jars, he has absolutely chased the poor Spy around their ENTIRE base until Hedwig got irritated and sat the both of them down, despite Hunter being a good bit taller than Hedwig- somehow, that Medic managed to pick the BOTH of them up n sit them down forcefully- he also made Hunter apologize ...o r  e l s e for threatening to throw that d i s g u s t i n g jar at the other, after all- Amour's clothing isn't EXACTLY very cheap- but also that's just, disgusting in general- he doesn't want near that gross mess. Oh yeah btw the reason he's so tired all the time is bc his sleeping schedule is SUPER poor like yes, he DOES lay around a lot but he stays up almost all night, sleep isn't a thing that comes easy for him- somehow though he manages to keep himself up and completely focused when it comes to work or making knives, he really has no choice- he's GOT to keep on his toes even if it can be difficult a l o t- he can't let himself fall asleep during the job or making knives though, its not safe ya know- and his stress can ALSO come from being that tired n stuff as well.
Bonus Fact: Do you think this man knows what soap, baths, ANYTHING hygienic is? Hahahaha b i t c h n ah, he is a very stinky dirty mans-  absolutely DISGUSTANG- like jfc dude take a s ho we r or s o m e shit ...jUST BRUSHING YOUR TEETH DOES N O T COUNT-
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dormienschas · 5 years
A New Legend Begins Chapter 2
A/N: We finally get to one of the good turning points of the story!!! Currently working on Chapter 3 as I post this chapter! Constructive Criticism is acceptable here! I know these first two chapters don't really have much going on, but chapter 3 is where the story starts to take its turn! So please, enjoy chapter 2 of A New Legend Begins for right now! Feedback and questions are welcomed!!!
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Word Count: 2,890
Chapter Title: The Lowly Farmer Meets the Legend
           The doors to the throne room were slammed open as the King marched through the line of guards up to his throne, the fire emitting from him burning hotter than usual. He looked around the room at the nervous guards and tapped his heavy boot on the floor in irritation. “So, where is he?” There was silence for a few seconds too long and he started to tap his finger on the arm of the throne. “I said, where is he?!” The fire surrounding Enji Todoroki grew bigger with his anger.
           A guard hesitantly threw his hand up and stepped up before properly kneeling. “We don’t know sir. All we know is that he is nowhere in the capitol.”
           The fire blew from the king’s body with anger. “He left!?” He rose from his throne to stand in at the edge of the stairs. “You let him leave the capitol?!”
           The guard coward down in fear and brought the other knee down. “S-sir, Prince Todoroki must have waited until the shift change at night and left. None of us would have known during that time.”
           King Todoroki growled in humiliation and irritation and maybe a bit proud of how smart his own son has become. “Find me the Hunters and make it quick. I have a job for them.” He watched as the guards all saluted him and left the throne room. King Todoroki sighed and began to wait patiently. “Shouto. You will be punished for leaving.” The ruler sat back in his throne and began to tap his finger as he waited for the Hunters to arrive.
           Back into the village just outside the walls of the Capitol of Endeavor, Izuku, Ochako, and Tenya were all getting the punishment of their life in the forms of Inko and Toshinori.
           “What do you think you children are doing not going to school?” Inko pointed her finger in Izuku’s face and he couldn’t help the nervous swallow.
           “And what about bringing a hooded stranger into your home Midoriya? Who knows what this guy’s intentions are! You’re being careless again!” Toshinori also pointed his finger in his face and Izuku couldn’t help the nervous shiver going down his spine as the two towered over him with a threatening gleam in their eyes.
           “That’s not it, Miss. Midoriya! This guy is not a stranger.” Ochako went up to Todoroki and pulled the hood down. “It’s the prince.”
           Inko and Toshinori paused and stared at the heterochromia prince with wide eyes before quickly getting down on a knee in respect. “Oh my gosh. I am so sorry your highness.”
           Todoroki held up a hand to stop the further apologies. “No need for that. I’m trying to stay hidden from the guards. They were only trying to help me out by covering me and please, just call me Todoroki. I’m not much for formalities.”
           Inko was the first to stand up and quickly pull his hand into hers. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Todoroki! I will be happy to have you stay here for as long as you need! Are you hungry? You probably haven’t had breakfast yet. But, it’s a little late for breakfast now. Maybe brunch? What would you like to eat?”
           “Please mom. Calm down.” Izuku quickly pulled his mom back from the prince to give the man some room to breathe.
           Toshinori was next to properly greet him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Todoroki. I’m Toshin…”
           “I already know who you are. I’m actually surprised that I am able meet you again after all this time All Might.” Todoroki grabbed his hand and shook it. The whole room was quiet and Toshinori’s face was surprised and shocked, but quickly turned into a grimace when he looked around the room. Everybody was staring at the lanky man.
           “W-wait. Did you just say All Might? As in the legend of the most powerful knight that ever existed, All Might?” Izuku was shaking now. He could not believe that Todoroki just called his master All Might. The very knight that he looked up to his whole life.
           “Yes. This is All Might. He’s not a legend. He’s real and standing right there.” Todoroki pointed at Toshinori, confirming Izuku’s thoughts. “His real name is Toshinori Yagi. He was a very powerful knight back in the day. I was only a child at the time, but I remember him very clearly.”
           “But the legend said he disappeared!” Tenya gestured to the man with wide eyes.
           “Yeah. He disappeared into this village because of the wound he received. He asked the King to leave because of the severity of the injury and retired to this village, leaving his name, All Might, behind and keeping his identity a secret to live peacefully after defeating the Underworld Demon.” Todoroki looked back to Toshinori. “I’m glad to see you’re living well.”
           “Master. Is this true?” Izuku was shaking. This man that has been living with them for years was the All Might. The man he looked up to for so long. The man who has been training him.
           Toshinori cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. “I didn’t think you would recognize me Todoroki. But I’m glad you did. I’m glad the people in the castle can still recognize me, never mind the prince himself. You’ve grown up quite a bit.” He turned towards a freaking out Izuku. “Young Midoriya, what Todoroki says is true. I am All Might, your master and motivator.”
           Izuku couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t believe it, but the whole idea of his master being All Might could be plausible. There were many instances, now that he thinks about it, that has him partly believing the unbelievable. Izuku felt himself losing it before the room blacked out and Izuku laid on the floor, passed out from shock.
           “Midoriya?” Izuku groaned and tried to open his eyes a little. His head hurt from the shock of All Might. The thought jostled him awake and he quickly sat up. “Oh. You’re awake.”
           The green haired boy looked over to the lanky blonde man, who could possibly be All Might, and Izuku’s eye widened. “A-All Might. You’re All Might.” Toshinori sighed heavily and scratched the back of his neck and looked out the window. Izuku then noticed that the sun was starting to set.
           “You want to go train before we lose sunlight?” Toshinori was looking at him now with a serious expression. “We should talk too.” He stood up and walked out of his room, leaving a chill down his spine. This might not be a good training session. Izuku sighed and put on his red boots and grabbed his sword to head out into the field.
Toshinori was sitting on the stump like usual, the yellow rays turned into a pale orange as the sun touched the tree line afar. He cleared his throat to gain his master’s attention. “Do you know about the legend of All Might Midoriya?”
           “Yeah. You saved Musutania by yourself and was the Kings’ most trusted knight. You held a power that no other could dream to have. The power itself could also rival that of the Kings’ but you would never use it to overthrow the throne which made you admirable and loyal. But as the legend says, you disappeared after you fought the Underworld Demon, the most powerful Demon from the Kingdom of Demon Leagues. You gained a major injury and after defeating the Underworld Demon back into his own kingdom, before conquering Musutania, you disappeared without a trace. At least, that’s the gist of the story.” Izuku walk onto the large dirt patch in front of Toshinori and got into his basic stance to start warming up.
           “That’s right. My power is extraordinary and helped me push the Underworld Demon back into his own territory. Straighten your right leg. You missed that rule twice already,” he pointed out. “Do you know the name of this power?”
           Izuku stopped moving and gawked at Toshinori. “Your power has a name?”
           The man nodded his confirmation. “The name of the power is One for All and I was not born with it. This power has a unique ability to be passed on from one user to the other to continue growing and to hold the peace of the Kingdom of Musutania.”
           Izuku sucked in a breath and stared at the lanky blonde man before him. “You mean, your power was given to you?”
           “Do you want to know why I’ve been training you Young Midoriya?” Toshinori was now standing up and Izuku watched as the lanky blonde man started to change form, into the familiar sketches in his book. The lanky blonde man before him was no more. All Might stood in front of him, the power radiating from him and making Izuku feel the wall of strength coming at him in waves. “I’ve been training you, so that I could pass this power onto you. You, Young Midoriya, should be the next greatest knight of the Kingdom of Musutania.”
           Izuku’s heart skipped many beats. “You mean, you want me to be the next holder of One for All?”
           “Indeed. You have the heart of a pure knight.” All Might smiled down at the crying boy.
           “B-but what about you?” Izuku remembered a part of the story that he never put thought into. “So, do you really have an injury that was so severe to where you had to retire?”
           Suddenly, there was a blast of air and Toshinori was back to his small self. He sat back on the stump and started to unbutton his white top to reveal a nasty slash on his left side. The wound looked like it was trying to heal but could open at any minute. The skin around it was jagged and scarred. “I missed a step and the Underworld Demon took the opening to attack me. I still pushed through, which probably was another reason as to why the wound won’t heal properly. But as you just witnessed, I’m only able to stay in that form for about five to ten minutes before I revert back.”
           “So, you’re losing your power,” Izuku finished Toshinori’s thoughts.
           “Indeed. So, Young Midoriya, are you willing to take on One for All and train to use this power for the greater good of this kingdom? Will you be the next knight that will defeat all evil and protect the people? Will you be the next All Might?” Toshinori held his hand out towards the young, trembling boy.
           Izuku had to take a few seconds to wipe his tears away and properly face the man. He took the hand that reached out to him and stared into Toshinori’s intimidating teal eyes. “I will.”
           Toshinori smirked grabbed Izuku’s sword and transformed back into All Might. “Now, I need you to hold onto the hilt of this sword with me and the power of One for All will transfer into you.”
           The freckled boy watched as a yellow fire-like glow starting to surround All Might like an aura. His eyes widened as he saw the sword start to shift and grow into a larger blade. “Now, witness the full power of One for All, and take it as yours Young Midoriya.” The yellow glow around All Might was being sucked away by the sword until the glow left the powerful knight and the sword embodied the power before the glow licked at Izuku’s hand and grabbing onto him. The power crept up his arm then, his torso, all the way down to his legs and head. Midoriya himself was now surrounded by this power and Midoriya had to breathe deeply as his heart rate speed up. The yellow suddenly changed color, a seafoam green covered the green haired boy and the fire-like aura began to shift and disappear before coming back as green lightning surrounding him. The aura crackled around him before collecting all at his chest and entering his body. The sword slowly changed back into its original form and so did All Might.
           “Now, Young Midoriya, you have the power of One for All. You will be the next savior of this kingdom.” Toshinori smiled down at the boy and let the sword go.
           However, the sword suddenly came crashing down into the ground along with Izuku’s body, creating cracks into the dirt “What the hell? The sword is heavier!” Izuku had to grab the hilt with both hands to properly hold the sword. “What’s going on?”
           “The sword is heavier because the sword also holds the power of One for All along with its holder. The heavier the blade is, the more power you hold. You must be strong if you can barely hold the blade. You need to train more to properly hold and wield it now that the power infused with the blade.” Toshinori stared at his soon-to-be successor and sighed in relief. “I’m glad I chose you Izuku Midoriya.”
           Izuku looked up at his role model, a gleam of motivation and determination glimmered in his eyes and smiled up at him and held a fist against his heart. “I will not let you down All Might.”
           “Good. Now, we should head back in, the sun is beginning to go below the horizon. We shouldn’t worry Inko.” Toshinori would not want the end of that spoon in his face again, or have the woman yell something about keeping her baby out too late.
           Izuku heaved the sword back into the sheath and was surprised that the sacred blade felt lighter. “That’s odd.”
           “The sheath helps hide and compress the power the sword holds. Makes the blade easier to carry when travelling,” Toshinori looked behind him to see Izuku examining the sheath and smiled to himself. “Always needing to know how everything works huh?”
           Izuku hooked the sheath back on his belt. “Of course! I like to know how magic works and how birthed powers work. But now…” Izuku held up his own have and made a fist, imagining that green lightning surrounding him but shook his head of thoughts that could keep him up all night.
           Toshinori opened the door and gave his trainee one last look for the day before bed. “Goodnight Midoriya.”
           “Goodnight Master Toshinori.”
           Todoroki was in the sitting area of the home, reading a book that Midoriya knew came from the shelf in the far corner of the room. “I see you’re still up. You can sleep in my room. Do you want the bed or?”
           “I can deal with whatever you lay out.” He watched the prince close the book and placed the old text into its proper place on the shelf and followed Izuku into the room. Luckily, Inko already placed the rest of their blankets by his door for him to use and the extra mattress she made a year ago with the small pillows to accompany it. Izuku tried to make the makeshift bed look comfortable. He was still housing the prince and would like to make sure he was comfortable.
           Todoroki sat down and was satisfied. He took off his vest and shoes and shoved himself into the top few blankets. Izuku couldn’t help but stare at the heterochromia prince before he decided to ask the question that’s been bothering him since their run in. “Todoroki.”
           “You want to know my real reason for running away right?” Todoroki looked over at him and Izuku made a sound of confirmation to his question. The prince sighed and placed his hands behind his head. His red and white hair flared across his forehead and puffed air out to moved stray hairs out of his eyes. “I’m not worthy yet.”
           “What? Not worthy?” Izuku sat up a little and placed his arm under his head to roll onto his side.
           “Yes. I’m not worthy to be king yet. There’s still so much to learn and I feel like I know nothing about the kingdom itself, the people I mean, and I’m not strong enough to rule this kingdom yet. I left the capitol to find my worth. I’m not returning until I do.” The prince looked over to the freckled boy. “All Might was training you right?”
           Izuku nodded in confirmation. “Yeah. He’s been training me for a year and a half so far.”
           “Hm. It’s been awhile. He has been weakened majorly since I last saw him. Can I ask a personal question?” Todoroki turned onto his side to fully acknowledge him. “Are you going to be his successor?”
           Izuku swallowed and stared wide eyed at the prince before calming back down. “Yeah.”
           “Did he already give you that power of his? One for All I mean.” Todoroki was looking into his eyes now and Izuku was starting to think that Todoroki was asking him for help in some way.
           “Yeah. Today actually.”
           “I figured that’s what you two were doing.” Todoroki turned onto his back again. “I’m glad.” Izuku stared at Todoroki. “I’m glad he chose someone he trusts. I’m glad he chose someone that I can trust.”
           Todoroki turned away and Izuku could see his breathing slow down into a steady rhythm. Izuku couldn’t help the smile that graced his features and turned towards the ceiling of his room. “Goodnight Prince Todoroki.”
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