#also i don’t remember how her lightsaber looks like and i didn’t go check so…
dawnsing · 6 months
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jedi padawan leia organa
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
Imagine you and Anakin have to cover Obi-Wan everytime he is with Satine… What happens then?
Warnings 1: it’s fluff with smut; very light story. It's meant to be something fun and silly because I need that too hahaha, (still not recommended to minors though)
Warnings 2: no Padmé here, sorry. No dark side either.
Recommendations: "Buttons" by Pussycat Dolls. 👀
You have asked Rex to help you train that day. So when Anakin comes after you because Obi-Wan requests your presence, his eyebrows are epically raised when he sees you using your lightsaber as Rex unwillingly uses the blaster on you.
“Are you out of your mind, Y/N?”
He purposely says so to startle you, which he succeeds because you are so focused in trying to improve your maneuvers that you jump and are nearly hit by the blaster.
“Skywalker!” You yell at him as you fall on the floor and he bursts into laughters. Rex comes right into you, making sure you are not harmed. You instantly soften to him. “You are a great friend. Thank you, but I’m all right.”
Anakin is still laughing as you march to where he is and punches his arm.
“Ouch”, he complains while laughing. “Why do you need to be so aggressive?”
“You are lucky I didn’t do worse. You could get me harmed, you fool.”
Anakin is catching his breath.
“Did you get harmed? Come on now… But it was funny, though. Pranking you tends to amuse me a lot.” He gives you a devilish smirk.
“Did I tell you I hate you today?” You roll your eyes, but eventually you give a smile.
“I know no one who is unable to hate somebody like you, Y/nickname.” Anakin pinches your cheek, earning you a blush. A very adorable sight, he comes to think so naturally that he doesn’t realize what he is thinking. “So anyway, Obi-Wan is waiting for us. We have been assigned to some mission in Mandalore.”
“Mandalore again?” You ask him with your eyebrows furrowed. “Didn’t we go there twice last week?”
“Well, now that you are saying…” He strokes his chin, thoughtful. “Do you care to investigate with me?”
You give your best friend a mischievous look.
“Of course.”
“Awesome. Now you go shower and I’ll wait for you on the ship because frankly you are smelling…” Anakin roars in laughters as you punch his arm again.
You come back wearing your black cropped matching your black pants. Your y/c hair has been recently cut in your shoulders and there’s some light make up on your face because, despite Anakin’s teasing you about your vanity, you don’t think there’s anything wrong in going adequately beautiful for the mission. And you always used the Senators to prove your point.
Anakin detests how good you look in your robes. Even more so to be the one to notice it. Luck for him you are distracted checking if you brought your saber with you—once you forgot your lightsaber and only remembered it when you were on a mission. When you came to rescue Obi-Wan from the hands of the enemy, he was exasperated because you forgot your weapon.
“Y/N!!” He yelled at you, eyes widen at your relapse. “You can be worst than Anakin!! By the maker, how many times must I tell you that you should never forget your lightsaber…?”
And all the while he was lecturing you, the enemy thought it was so funny that a Jedi obliterated her weapon that he forgot to knock you down. In Obi-Wan’s opinion, that victory was far from a fair one. To Anakin, that event was the most hilarious experience he’d seen and everytime the two of you drink, he is always reminding you of your embarrassment.
So to prevent the tantrum demonstration of your Master again, you always check twice before going to any mission. You’ve also learnt from Anakin to tie it in your back so it doesn’t fly out of your hands if an unpredictable battle in the middle of the traffic of flying cars happens.
In other words, you are better prepared.
“Are you double checking again?” Anakin teases you, smirking when he gets another playful slap from you. “What? I’m concerned about your safety as usual. Don’t know why you are hitting me again.”
You chuckle.
“You’re such an annoyance, Skywalker.”
The thread is interrupted by a very serious Obi-Wan as he enters the ship with you both.
“We are having a formality to attend in Mandalore. I need you two to behave.” He narrows his eyes and points his finger to you and Anakin.
“Master, it offends me that you might actually think I’m capable of misbehaving…”
Anakin snorts at you.
“Really? What about when you put your foot to Master Windu to fall?”
You could tell he is about to burst into laughters. Because you are almost laughing yourself.
“It was unintentional!”
“Even Master Plo Koon laughed.” Anakin states. “And Obi-Wan grounded you…”
“I don’t ground anyone, Anakin.” Obi-Wan heavily sighs. “But I did tell Y/N to be more careful next time.”
But you see Obi-Wan’s lips twisting into a small smirk. And when you turn to Anakin, you know he knows. You and him exchange glances filled with complicity.
As you land in Mandalore, right at its capital, Obi-Wan instructs you two to be mindful of your task all the while he has some matters to attend. But before he knows, he’s being followed by his knights Jedis. You and Anakin want to know if this event is so important why the you were not included. Besides, you’ve never been to the same planet twice a week.
“I have a feeling about this.” You say after a while.
“Good or bad?” Anakin asks you as he takes the lead.
“I don’t know. But I am guessing he’s seeing his old flame.”
Anakin scoffs.
“He doesn’t have an old flame.”
“Anakin, you never cease to surprise me. Are you dumb? Didn’t you ever notice how he and Satine look at each other?”
He looks at you in confusion for your statement and bewilderment for the same reason.
“Now that you are saying… They do bicker at one another like a married old couple.”
You smirk at Anakin.
“Sometimes you are so damn slow, Skyguy.”
He narrows his eyes at you and playfully pushes you behind. Had you not been so concentrated in the secretive mission you are with him, you’d might, eh, have responded him a little aggressively. Because he knows you well, Anakin smirks at you.
“Try saying that next time.”
“Oh shut up.”
After going inside here and there, using Jedi tricks to remain unseen, you eventually find out the real reason why Obi-Wan is taking you and Anakin to Mandalore under the excuse of missions that requested the presence of Jedis: he’s besotted with Duchess Satine.
“Hmm. I told you.” You poke Anakin as you hid behind a window. Obi-Wan is holding her close, eyes filled with love as they enjoy their privacy. Feeling like you are intruding, you look away. “Now we should go back knowing we are here to cover their love affair.”
Anakin agrees, rather shocked for not realizing this before. As the two of you return to your posts, he says:
“So what are we doing now? Apparently it’s all very quiet and I’m bored.”
“What we did last time, except without the part of getting ourselves in trouble.”
“I have a better idea”, Anakin smiles at you. And you can tell it’s far from a good one because he has that look in his eye. “We are playing truth and dare.”
You roll your eyes.
“Don’t come with that nonsense. Last time we did that, which was, what, about three weeks ago, you got in trouble.”
“Uh? Remind me what I did again?”
You slap his arm playfully. But Anakin can tell you are amused when you tell him:
“You made the mistake of calling Master Windu after you overindulged yourself in alcohol. Thankfully I prevented he heard your voice because I stole the hologram from you.”
Anakin smirks at you.
“Oh that’s right. But you did have some fun, right? We can do it again.”
“Anakin, don’t. We are on a mission here.”
But why do you never succeed in ignoring his bad influence over you? There you are in a hotel room because Obi-Wan disappeared for some hours and is out of your reach. So he spins an empty wine bottle as you sit on the floor.
“All right.” Anakin smiles at you. “So what’s gonna be? Truth or dare?”
You narrow your eyes at him, almost regretting accepting his suggestion. But have you ever refused him anything though?
“Truth.” You say, unsure why he looks disappointed.
“All right. Is it true you had a crush on Rex and that you kissed him?” Anakin asks you with a sly smirk on his lips, though in his eyes you don’t know what there is that makes you blush.
“Anakin! What kind of question is that?!” Your eyes go wide before you start to giggle nervously.
Anakin doesn’t seem content with the answer you give him. In fact, he frowns at you.
“It’s a game. We’ve played before, you know how I roll.”
“No.” You laugh. “You’ve never played like this but if it’s so important to you, no, I’ve never had any crush on him.”
You blush. Anakin smirks. The bottle spins again and it stops at him.
“Your turn. Truth or dare?” You ask.
“Truth.” Anakin is serving himself and you some wine.
“Is it true you slept with that Jedi Master who’s always going on missions with you?” You inquire in a nonchalant manner, but when you down the first sip of the red wine you don’t think it’s going well on you. “What’s her name again? Pauline?”
“It’s Sabine.” Anakin corrects you. “And… Well, I can’t say I’m proud of what I’ve done, but it was a moment of weakness and…”
You feel like a dagger moves right into your heart. You take a very long sip of the red wine he got you both. Anakin is surprised.
“For someone who doesn’t drink, you surely are drinking too much. Let’s not forget we can’t overindulge ourselves… in case Obi-Wan comes back home tonight.” Anakin smirks maliciously, but he notices you are suddenly grumpy. “What? I’m joking about you, silly head.”
You smirk back at him, but you avoid eye contact.
“Come. Turn this bottle.”
“You’re acting strange…” Anakin points, beginning to get concerned. “Are you all right?”
You ignore his question.
“Truth or dare, Anakin?”
Anakin narrows his eyes, but because you are so obstinate, he decides to save this moment for later.
“I dare you to scream out the window that Obi-Wan loves Satine.” You decide this is the only start. But part of you remains mad at him. What for? Why do you care?
Anakin raises an eyebrow at you.
“Really now, Y/N?”
“Are you a coward or what?” You tease him. “Go on, brave Skywalker.”
“I’ll get my revenge at you. You’ll see.” Anakin promises.
You burst into the giggles as you watch him clear his throat, put his head out of the window and scream it out as you dared him to. To a general surprise there is an answer:
Anakin and you exchange a look before laughing yourselves off.
“That was unexpected.” He takes a seat after grabbing another bottle of wine even though the first bottle isn’t even on the half yet.
“Indeed.” You chuckle. “And the poor man thinks he’s being discreet.”
You share another laughter before Anakin spins the object to you.
“Your turn.”
You have a feeling you’ll regret what’s to come but here you go:
“I choose dare.”
Anakin smirks at you.
“You must drink the rest of this bottle in one sip.”
“Are you trying to get me drunk, you fool?”
“Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?” Anakin chuckles. “I’ll be here. Don’t you trust in me?”
“Ugh. Fiiine.”
It surely can’t be that bad. You take the bottle, locking eyes with Anakin as you sip.
“I dare you to tell me your dirty little secrets.” You pretend you have not been affected by alcohol, but you may be giving away you are tipsy by giggling at anything Anakin says.
He too is very amused by your condition, though after you made him drink all of the second bottle he is not that different.
“What? Why?!”
“No more secrets, Anakin. Come on! We are friends for a while now.” You protest. “Or should I presume you are not trusting in me anymore?”
Anakin rolls his eyes. He runs a hand over his curls, which you find adorable how they fall each time he messes up.
“Fine.” He blushes. “When I took Sabine to my bed, I did so thinking of you.”
Are you suddenly sober? You know you are as red as the wine you drank.
“Say it again?”
“Nope. Don’t make me say it.” Then he says. “Is it true you’ve dated Fives? Did he take you to bed?”
You sigh. When looking at Anakin, you can tell he’s not enjoying this at all.
“I did kiss the guy.” You flush. As you see him standing—and nearly collapsing on the floor because he’s clearly disastrous, you rush to help him. “But hey I’ve never, uh, been his girlfriend. The only attachment I have is to you, silly head.”
“So you are…?”
“An untouched damsel?” You remark sarcastically, which makes him laugh. “Maybe.”
Anakin presses you against the wall.
“I don’t like the answer.”
You giggle at him, eyeing him and his lips. Your hands rest on the back of his neck as his rests his in your hips.
“I’m not here to please you.” You respond him, shivering as he begins to unbutton your pants. Anakin’s eyes are filled with lust that you cannot deny.
“Are you sure about that?” And without a question he pins his body against you as he inserts a finger right there. You gasp, surprised. “Oh. This wet for me, uh?”
You moan softly, spreading your legs lightly so he pushes his fingers deeper. Eyes closed, the warmth that rises from your thighs to your chest burns you. Anakin smirks at your reactions.
“Has the cat gotten your tongue?”
“I hate you. I really do.”
You bring him close to your lips, kissing him deeply. He is willingly pulled down to you, his tongue seeking to dominate yours in a fervent dance.
It’s when he parts the kiss to see you. He wants you to come undone. Anakin makes sure you look at him as you finally reach the climax.
“Hmm. So good, so damn good…” Anakin groans. “For fuck sake, Y/N…”
You lose the little control you have. As you clash your lips against him once more, you lead Anakin to the couch. You are now on his lap, burying your hands in his shoulders, his skin, helping him remove his shirt.
Anakin ruins your hair, helping toss away your blouse and you blush as you are contemplated under his gaze.
“You are beautiful, Y/N.” His touch is cold and it makes your warm skin shiver before he rests his hands over your breasts, gently cupping each as his eyes look for yours. “I want you. I mean that. I always did.”
You move your hips against his, sensuality in your face as you sense him reacting to the friction that results from it.
“I want you too, Anakin.” And you lean forward to kiss his lips again. “I’m drunkenly in love with you.”
“As I am with you.”
The next thing you know is that you are freeing his stiffed manhood and you slide on top of it. A painful feeling giving you great discomfort, but you enjoy it, don’t you?
“Oh!” You exclaim as you finally adjust yourself.
“Babe? You sure you want to do it?” Anakin helps you adjust, his hands holding you so tender, so caring.
“Yes.” You say breathlessly. “It’s so good to have you inside me, by the Maker.”
It turns him on to know how you desire him. He holds you closer, giving you small bites around your neck, pulling down your hair as you start to move together.
“I love you, Y/N.” Anakin whispers against your ear all the while he thrusts into you. He groans at the synchrony there is in your moves. “So damn much.”
You smile at him, eyes closed as you enjoy the kisses he plants in your skin. Darkness surrounds you, except by the moonlight that enters uninvited in the living room.
“I love you too, Ani.” You open your eyes and blush when meeting his eyes so full of devotion. “So damn much.” You repeat his words, making him smile.
The knock on the door is heard, waking Anakin first. You remain asleep in bed, completely bare, deaf to the growing intensity of the knocks.
“Anakin?! Y/N?!”
Anakin’s eyes go open wide as he hears Obi-Wan. Shit. He rushes to get his clothes and dress all the while he wakes you up in the process. He doesn’t seem to remember how the hell he ended up in bed and by the looks that are in your semblance neither do you.
“Wake up, Y/N. Obi-Wan is knocking at the door. Get dressed.”
He doesn’t wait for you to get panicked and drop on the floor in the middle of your awakening. Once he’s dressed, Anakin needs to distract Obi-Wan.
“Hello there.” He smirks at his Master, pretending he’s not having a hangover. “You took so long, Master. Did you get lost at your mission?”
Obi-Wan blushes and is about to retort when he’s baffled by the mess he finds in the living room of the hotel’s suite.
“What the hell happened here?” He frowns at Anakin pointing to three—is that a fourth?!—empty wine bottles on the floor and the mess that is the couch.
“Uh…” Anakin is slow to find an excuse as Obi-Wan is lecturing him about his misbehavior. “Please speak in a lower tune, for Maker’s sake.”
“Ah, you are hangover, Anakin Skywalker?!”
It’s when you come, finding difficult to walk because your womanhood is aching—and you refuse to think about it. Nope. Not now. But you manage to disguise the discomfort with the grace that is so characteristically part of you.
“Morning, Master. Sorry that you seem to find this a mess. There was an invasion yesterday. We were, uh, about to be robbed.”
Anakin’s eyes are glinting with amusement as you lie blatantly right at your master’s face. Obi-Wan folds his arms, not entirely believing in what you are saying.
“Really, Y/N? How come there are four empty bottles of wine on the floor? And why do I see the couch a mess? Is that… is that blood?”
Oh shit.
You try not to panic.
“When we got over here, there was a party.” You rush at Obi-Wan preventing him to inspect the couch. “We will clean here. You may wait outside for us and tell us how was the encounter with the duchess later.”
And that is how you expel Obi-Wan Kenobi from the suite of the hotel. Anakin looks at you amused.
“What the heck did you just do, Y/N?”
You don’t talk for a while until you get back to Coruscant. In the mean time, Obi-Wan is whistling in a good mood, ignoring what happened between you and Anakin. But as you prepare to go back to your quarters, he prevents you to.
“Uh… I want to talk about what happened.” Anakin says awkwardly. “Why are you running from me?”
Your cheeks burn. You are still processing what happened the day before and you are scared Anakin would run from you. Like he did from Sabine.
Before you answer, Anakin is aware of your thoughts. He holds your hand in his and leads you to the gardens where the two of you might get some privacy without raising everyone’s eyebrows.
“I remember what happened yesterday. Do you?” He asks you gently.
You can tell he’s tense, but you don’t know why. Still avoiding his gaze, you say:
“I… Yes. I do.”
Anakin carefully lifts your chin and turns your face at him.
“How are you feeling?”
He smiles quietly as you blush. But because he doesn’t let you part the gaze, you can’t help yourself.
“Still aching.”
“I promise you’ll get better soon.” He rubs your shoulder all the while he rests a hand in your waist. You lean towards him. “I wish we had done it sober though.”
You blink.
“Yeah. I mean it was fun playing games, but I wish…” Anakin clears his throat and you smile brightly when spotting the heat giving some color to his cheeks. “I want to make you feel special, Y/N.”
“Did you mean what you said yesterday?” You whisper, resting your head in his shoulder.
“Yes, I did.” He says, before looking down at you. “Did you?”
He rocks you in his arms. You stay like this in silence for a while before Anakin says:
“Next time we go to Mandalore, we should thank the Duchess for providing us the opportunity to get together.”
You look up at him, eyeing him passionately. Anakin likes the view, it warms his heart.
“I don’t think Obi-Wan will like to know.”
“Does he have a choice?” Anakin chuckles and so do you.
And here you stay for the rest of the afternoon, contemplating in each other’s eyes the start of something new.
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darthkruge · 4 years
Okay okay okay so imagine Reader is abducted by the separatists because she ( or nb reader ) is a very well loved member of the senate. So obviously Anakin goes to save her, but his idiot plan gets him captured as well so then it's up to Reader to talk her way out of this mess, get to her idiot boyfriend, free him and then both of them try to make it out alive. Bonus points for Obi-Wan looking very tired and sick of Anakin's ideas in the background. What do you think?
Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader ~ Rescue Operations?
Summary: After the Reader is captured by the Separatists, Anakin rushes to save her. When this doesn’t work out, the Reader has to get her and her boyfriend out of this mess. 
Warnings: Language, whump, one scene where the Reader gets beat up, Reader is a badass, Anakin is completely in love with his badass girlfriend and we love that for him
Words: 3.8k
A/N: Catherine, my love!! I’m sorry this took me so long, I have nothing to say for myself other than my poor organization skills. But I’m obsessed with this request, I hope I did it justice <3
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You groaned as you opened your eyes and attempted to shake the drowsiness that seemed to cling to your very bones. You blinked, trying to get your bearings and remember what had happened. You were preparing for your speech at the Senate, trying to pass a peace treaty between the Republic and some smaller territories that were debating joining the fight against the Separatists. You’d been fighting for support for the treaty for months and you finally had the chance to give one last speech before the vote. 
You’d been pacing in your Coruscant apartment, practicing the speech for your boyfriend a million times. After you finished your recitation, you exited the room, needing to get your notes that you’d seemed to misplace. So you went into your office and… nothing.
Why couldn’t you remember after that?! You opened the door to your office, walked inside, and… 
You sighed as you came back to the present, leaning against the wall behind you and looking around. You were clearly in a cell of some sort and the Separatists were almost certainly behind this. You were still in your Senate attire, although it had been thoroughly scuffed up, and they’d taken your datapad and other communication devices. You felt around your boot and smiled. Your knife was still there. They must have assumed you wouldn’t be carrying a weapon to your speech and not done a thorough enough check. Whatever the reason, you were thanking the Maker it was still there. 
Back in Coruscant, Anakin was walking the Temple halls in a crazed state. When you didn’t show up for your speech, he immediately panicked. He knew how important this treaty was for you and the entire Republic; you’d been going over it for forever and there is no way you’d just blow it off without telling anyone. The rest of the Senate was also concerned. You’d grown up in one of the poorer districts and, thus, had a sense of relatability and humility that most were drawn to. Whether or not they agreed with your policies, almost everyone could understand that you always kept the interest of the people at the forefront of your mind. 
When Obi-Wan walked up to him with a ripped piece of your clothes and your scattered and crumpled notes, Anakin felt his heart drop. 
“It was the Separatists. They must have knocked her out in her office and escaped through the vents.”
Upon seeing his absolutely heartbroken expression, Obi-Wan added, “We’ll get her back, Anakin. I promise.”
Anakin could only nod, ideas for a plan to save you already running round his head. 
You’d been in this kriffing cell for four days now. Or maybe it was five? You were desperately trying to keep your wits about you but it was so hard; they brought you a tiny ration of food and water once a day and it was not near enough to keep your strength up. You’d spent your time trying to carve your way through the bars but your knife was no match and you quickly gave up, not wanting to dull the blade. You’d found a loose brick hidden around the floor and used the knife to cut it out, allowing you to hide your weapon under it on the off chance they searched you again. 
You tried to think of a plan to escape but they hadn’t even opened your door yet. There was no way you could get out by yourself and, until someone came in that you could attack, it was pointless to even try. They kept you in complete darkness and silence, no way to tell how much time had passed aside from the daily rations. You assumed you were on a Separatist base but that proved unhelpful; they were widespread and the cell held no defining features of climate or location. You had tried calling out to see if anyone else was around. Each time, you were met with your own echo. 
You stilled, hearing footsteps approach you. A Separatist guard opened your cell door, roughly pulling you out. You yelped, legs not cooperating after so long of sitting in the cramped cell. He led you into another room that was barely brighter than your own. Sizing up the guard, you felt fear creep in. No matter how hard you tried to banish your anxieties, knowing they’d only serve to lessen your already shaken focus, it was sometimes impossible. 
“Tell us which planets are deserting.” He commanded.
You met his stare evenly, refusing to let your fear betray you. There was absolutely no chance you’d tell him anything. As soon as the Separatists learned which planets were thinking about joining the Republic, they’d send armies to wipe them out immediately. You refused to let that happen.
“Fine. Be that way.” The man pulled his fist back and sent it into your cheek, the impact sending sparks of pain throughout your entire body. He brought his foot up, kicking you in the gut and you fell harshly onto the floor. He grabbed you by your hair, hoisting up your body as if it were a ragdoll. You gathered your strength and spit in his face, enjoying the way his smug look disappeared. In retaliation, he slammed you into the wall, the impact making stars cloud your vision. 
The man released you and you fell, your consciousness already starting to detach from your body. You tried to reason with yourself, hoping logic would aid you. This is a trauma response. I’m not going to die. My body can take this. I will black out, but I will wake up again. They’re not going to kill me. They need me alive. I’m not going to die. I’m not going to die. Somehow, the hardest part is this was banishing the thoughts of that beautiful boy from your head. You knew that if you allowed yourself to think of him, to fathom how he would blame himself should this be your end, you would give in. 
Instead, you focussed on the physical pain you felt, on the rage you channeled to this guard. You hated how weak you felt, how exhausted you were. You allowed your mind to hone in on all the ways you could hurt this man, given you had your full strength. You let yourself hate yourself, appalled at how you couldn’t even fight back. With every punch he threw at you, you went further into your head, into the one place this man couldn’t touch. Eventually, your mind started spinning from dehydration, pain, and overexertion. All you could do was curl into a fetal position and hope it somehow stopped. 
“What do you mean you’re going to find her?” Obi-Wan said, running after Anakin.
“It’s been days, Obi-Wan, days. There are only so many Separatist bases in the galaxy and Y/N’s on one of them.”
“Anakin, don’t you think they’ve planned for a rescue mission?! This is Senator L/N we’re talking about! And they took her right before the vote, this was clearly a thought-out attack, stop acting like it’s simple!”
“It is simple! Those Separatist assholes have Y/N. And it’s been days. What if she thinks we forgot about her? What if she thinks we’ve given up? They could be doing fucking anything to her and I’m not going to let her stay there for another minute!”
“Anakin-” Obi-Wan began but Anakin waved him off.
“I’m sorry, Master. But if the Council won’t do anything, I will.”
“Anakin, the Council is trying! They just don’t have enough troops right now to send a full rescue mission after one Senator. They just want a few more days, then some troops should be back from their missions and you can have your full battalion.” Obi-Wan took a breath and lowered his voice, empathy for his friend clear in his words. “I know you love her. I want her back, too, you know. I’ve grown quite fond of her; her friendship is quite dear to me. All I’m asking is you be careful and think this through.”
“Believe me, I have thought this through. I wouldn’t do anything to put her in danger, we both know that. And while a few days doesn’t seem like much to the Council, we’ve seen the harm these Separatists can inflict in far less. Listen, it might not be the strongest plan I’ve ever made but, if it’s between a semi-formed plan and none at all, the choice is already made.”
With that, Anakin jumped into his ship and took off into the night. Obi-Wan sighed, leaning his head into his palm. He knew how much you meant to him and he knew of Anakin’s frustration with the Council. They moved slowly, wanting to figure out every angle before jumping into a decision. While Anakin was a brilliant strategist, he tended to act impulsively when someone he loved was in danger. As Anakin traveled further and further from Coruscant, the older Jedi could only hope that the both of you returned home quickly and safely. 
Anakin looked at his ship’s display and cursed when he realized he was low on fuel. He’d been piloting for hours and there was still no sign of you. He was searching out for you with the Force and, still, nothing. Finally, he felt a faint energy pulse through the Force. He followed it to what was supposed to be an old abandoned Separatist base, concerned by how weak your lifeforce felt. 
He parked the ship and got out carefully, trying not to alert anyone to his presence. He pulled out his lightsaber but was careful not to ignite it. He saw an open door and ran through it, relief blinding him as he felt your energy grow stronger with each step he took. He turned the corner and saw a crumpled body on the floor of a tiny cell.
No, Anakin thought, it can’t be her. 
Without thinking, Anakin ignited his lightsaber, wanting to use the light to discern if the figure was truly you. The noise bounced off the walls and startled you awake. He mentally cursed himself and instinctively turned off the saber, not missing the even louder noise it made with it turned off. He inwardly facepalmed, realizing if he hadn’t alerted the guards before, they sure as hell knew now. 
You blinked groggily, wincing at your immense injuries and bruises. You remembered passing out while that asshole beat you and now you-
Wait, You thought, is that a fucking lightsaber?
You knew you must have heard it wrong, there’s no way the Council would have approved a relief mission this quickly. Further, there is no way it would consist of just one Jedi. 
Suddenly, the lightsaber re-lit, illuminating your boyfriend’s face. His determined expression grew stronger as he noticed the 10 guards surrounding him and pointing their blasters directly at his head. You smiled. He could take out ten guards with his eyes closed. You called to him in shock, hardly believing your eyes. He looked at you and immediately widened his eyes as he saw a guard come up behind you and point a blaster directly at you from outside your cell. 
“Lightsaber on the floor, Jedi, or the girl dies.” The guard growled. 
He looked at you in anguish and you could tell he was already beating himself up for “messing up” your escape plan. You shook your head, hoping he understood your message: this isn’t your fault. 
“Anakin don’t-” You couldn’t even finish the sentence before his weapon was on the floor. He put his hands on his head. As they grabbed him, you stood in helpless silence as they threw him in the cell beside you. They locked the doors and, once again, you were in darkness. 
You desperately crawled to the edge of your cell, trying to reach out to him. He was doing the same and when you felt his fingertips against yours, you almost started sobbing. You weren’t alone anymore.
“You came for me.” Your voice was soft, disbelief lacing your words. 
“Of course I did, my love.”
Then, as if everything finally registered in your brain, you reached out and tried to slap his arm. “Anakin, what about the Council? They’ll kill you when they realize you went on a rescue mission, alone, and without approval! Ani, the only thing keeping me going in here was knowing that you were safe! And now you’ve gotten yourself thrown right next to me, no weapons, no light, no food, no water, no escape! What the fuck are we going to do?!”
Anakin had opened and closed his mouth multiple times throughout your speech, trying to find a way to plead his case but was left without one. 
“I just wanted to save you.” The grief in his voice made you sigh and take a step back. This was your Anakin you were talking about. Your safety was his priority, always. Besides, doing all this because he was afraid for you? You couldn’t possibly stay mad. You smiled, despite yourself. Anakin. You thought, slightly shaking your head. 
“Fuck, I love you. Is it selfish that there’s a small part of me that’s glad you’re here with me?” You said, breaking the silence. 
Anakin breathed out a sigh of relief, glad you weren’t upset with him anymore. “Not at all, my love. So long as it isn’t bad that my least favorite part of this is not being able to see or kiss you properly because of this damn darkness.”
You chuckled, lacing your fingers with his once again. “You wouldn’t want to see me right now.”
Anakin froze. “Y/N? What are you talking about?” His voice was serious, clipped. He knew you would try and make it seem less than it was. You winced, realizing there was no way to lie your way out of this one.
“Just what the Separatists would call aggressive negotiations, I presume.”
“How bad?”
“It’s fine, Ani, I promise. Let’s just focus on getting out of here, okay?”
Anakin took a deep breath, collecting himself. “Alright. But as soon as we get back you’re going to a medical droid.”
You groaned. “Anakin I hate-”
“I know you hate the medical droids. But that’s only because they always rat you out when you try and lie to me about the extensiveness of your injuries.”
“You lie about how bad your injuries are, too! Remember that one time you came back from Kamino?!”
Anakin laughed, despite himself. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“You were literally bleeding from the head! And you said, and I quote, ‘it’s just a scratch’” Every time you thought back to that day, you were incredulous. 
“Alright, alright! Let’s just focus on getting out of here.”
“That’s my line!”
“Y/N,” He warned.
You smiled. Maker, you missed him. You honestly didn’t think that anyone else would have you laughing while you were beaten and captured. 
“Okay. What’s the plan?” Anakin said, back to the matter at hand.
You lowered your voice, leaning toward his cell so you could talk without being heard. “I snuck a knife in with me and I’ve been able to keep it a secret. Now that you’re here, it might actually come in handy. The problem was that I couldn’t stab anyone because no one would come into the cell. I need you to get them here. Push them against the side of your cell, the one closest to me, and I’ll stab them. Then while they’re hurt, you run out, unlatch my cell, and we’ll go.”
“I’m dating a fucking genius!” You could just about hear the smile in his voice. 
You smirked. All things considered, you were pretty proud of yourself. 
“When do you want to do this?”
“They bring daily food and water rations in the morning, I think? I can’t exactly tell what time it is, they’ve kept it so dark and isolated. Regardless, the next time they come by I need you to get them in here. They normally just leave the food outside and push it under the door.”
Anakin could hear the disorientation in your words and wanted nothing more than to be able to see you, to be able to hold you and reassure you that it would all be alright. 
“Okay, angel. Got it.”
“Thank you for coming to get me. It’s really good to hear your voice.”
“Always, my love.”
Both of you silenced when you heard those footsteps. You smiled for the first time as you heard them. We’re going to get out of here.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea, Y/N! This brick in here is loose!” Anakin announced loudly. You bit your cheek to suppress a smile as you watched Anakin catch the guard’s attention.
“What did you say, Jedi?!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Anakin responded, dramatically feigning innocence. 
The guard huffed and you internally cheered as he roughly opened the door. He walked over to your boyfriend, keeping the blaster pointed at him. As soon as the guard’s attention shifted to the “loose” brick, Anakin used the force to knock the blaster out of his hand and push him against the wall of the cell where you slashed his Achilles tendons. 
The guard howled in pain and you knew you had to work quickly if you were to get out of here before the rest of the Separatists found you. Anakin fumbled with the latch on your cell, the immense darkness making it difficult. Finally, he got it open and ushered you out. The both of you took off in a run and he gripped your hand with his metal one as you did so. 
You immediately stopped as you felt his hand roughly pulled from yours. 
“We’ve got you now, Skywalker” The guard said.
“Y/N, you ready?”
You blinked, unsure what he was referring to. Then, you heard an object whipping through the air and on instinct shot your hand out, catching it. You ignited Anakin’s lightsaber that he had summoned to you with the Force, it’s signature buzz making you feel powerful beyond words. 
The light caught you off guard and you squinted until your eyes adjusted. You saw Anakin held back by two guards. Hearing faint footsteps, you took off in a run. Anakin ducked as you swung wildly, hitting and taking out both guards.
“You done holding us up?” You said, extending your hand toward him once more and passing him his lightsaber. 
Anakin smiled, accepting it. “My sincerest apologies.” 
You both ran, hand-in-hand, until you finally made it to the exit.
“What?” You said, as Anakin stopped abruptly and looked at you, panicked. 
“The ship! It’s out of fuel!”
“It’s what?!”
“I-” Anakin and you stared at each other, flickers of doubt coming into your gaze. You can’t believe that you’d been able to escape for nothing. 
“Anakin! Y/N!”
You whipped your head around at the sound and were met with another ship a few meters down, Obi-Wan piloting it.
“Well? Are you coming, or what?” You and Anakin looked at each other in shock before taking off in a sprint, one guard now close behind you. 
He started shooting and Anakin pulled out his lightsaber, deflecting some of the shots. As he focused on that, you pulled your knife back out of your boot and sent it flying into the guard’s chest, effectively stopping his pursuit. 
Anakin smirked at you, awestruck. You shrugged before jumping into the ship, extending your arm to Anakin and helping to pull him up with you. You entered and immediately leaned against the wall of the ship, relief coursing through you. You laughed and Anakin joined in. He immediately pulled you into him, kissing you hard. 
He broke away from the kiss, looking at you with adoration. “You are a fucking badass!! You’ve never even held a lightsaber and between that and your fucking tiny knife you took out four guards!! I didn’t even get any! I’m not going to lie, Y/N, I’m a bit jealous.”
You laughed, leaning into him but wincing. As the adrenaline wore off, your pain was suddenly quite palpable. He noticed and pulled back, scanning your face and body. 
His smile fell as the extent of your injuries sunk in. Your busted cheek, scratched face, and ripped clothing that exposed some of your many bruises across your torso and limbs were overwhelming. 
“You kids alright in there?” Obi-Wan said, walking in from the cockpit. His smile died on his face as well as he took in your form.
“I’m alright, guys. It’s not as bad as it looks.” You said dismissively.
“That doesn’t look like nothing!” Anakin shot back. 
Obi-Wan looked at you apologetically. “Anakin’s right, Y/N. Please, rest. We’ll be back to Coruscant soon.” 
Coruscant! The Senate! “My speech!! Fuck, I had to present my speech! I’ve been gone, what, a week? They’ve probably already voted, Kriff.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “They decided to suspend the vote until you were back, Senator. They truly care for you and your policies.”
Your heart swelled at Obi-Wan’s words. You looked into Anakin’s eyes and saw that he agreed with the statement full heartedly. He took your hand and gently ran his thumb up and down its back. 
“Rest, my love.” He whispered to you, coaxing you to lie down on the coach and pulling off his Jedi cloak. He wrapped it around you as a makeshift blanket, smiling as you pulled it closer to you and drifted off. 
Obi-Wan walked up to Anakin and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Let’s leave her be, okay?”
“I don’t want her to wake up when I’m not here.”
The elder Jedi nodded in understanding. “She’s exhausted, she won’t awaken until we get back to the temple, I assure you. And if she does, you’ll just be in the other room.”
Anakin looked at you once more before smoothing the hair back from your face and gently placing a kiss on your forehead. He let his palm run down your cheek before he finally pulled himself away and walked into the cockpit with Obi-Wan. 
“So, how did you plan pan out?”
Anakin looked at his former Master, unamused. “I think you already know. How’d you know to come get us, anyway?”
“Well, when you didn’t come back or even attempt to contact the Council for over a day I assumed something had happened. I tracked your ship.”
Anakin nodded. “If not for Y/N, we’d probably both be dead.”
Obi-Wan laughed. “I heard! Four guards?! You’ve found yourself a good one.”
Anakin smiled. No words were needed, everyone knew that was completely and utterly true.
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dindjarins04 · 3 years
Still curled up on the small chair in Padme's living area, Anakin paces back and forth. He sighs and stops in the middle of the room while you calmly respond to the onslaught of Qui-Gon's messages.
"It's too quiet,"
"That's a good thing," You reply. "I'd rather not have to deal with blasters," You look and see him looking down at you. "Perhaps if you sat down, you wouldn't be so anxious,"
"Can you at least pay some attention to me rather than your holopad?" He asks with a huff. You roll your eyes and place it down.
"You're such a child,"
"Maybe I just need a distraction,"
"Oh and I'm the perfect fit for your distraction?" You tease as he sits down in the chair opposite you.
"Yes," He says. "So...why do you think we weren't allowed to see each other for 10 years?"
"Well, those 10 years were the most vital part of our training, maybe we were just too busy with training to make friends," You shrug as you stand to pour yourself a glass of water. Anakin stays silent as he thinks of different reasons for the Jedi keeping you separate. "Enough about us...what's your story with Padme?" You cringe at yourself. Smooth, (Y/N), that was real smooth.
"We met on Tatooine, I saved her planet and that's it," You quirk a brow and turn around, leaning against the table you got your water from.
"Really? I thought you two had something more, considering the way you talk to her," You say, sipping your water.
"Heh, jealous?" You choke on the water at the question.
"That's absurd," Anakin chuckles and shakes his head.
"Whatever you say, princess,"
"Quiet, mudscuffer," Then, Obi-Wan strolls in.
"Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. No assassin will try that way. Any activity up here?" He asks as you move back to your holopad to send your last couple of messages to your master.
"Quiet as a tomb. I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her," Anakin complains as Obi-Wan checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of R2 by the door, but no sign of Padme on the bed.
"What's going on?" Obi-Wan asks.
"She covered that camera. I don't think she liked us watching her," You roll your eyes.
"What is she thinking?"
"Actually, all of this was (Y/N)'s idea," You look to see the men staring at you.
"I programmed R2 to warn us if there's an intruder,"
"It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator,"
"I know, but we also want to catch this assassin. Don't we, master Jedi?" You respond with a smirk.
"You're using her as bait??"
"It was her idea... No harm will come to her,"
"I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me," Anakin adds on as you finish your last message and put down your holopad.
"It's too risky... and your senses aren't that attuned, young apprentice,"
"And yours are?"
"Possibly," You roll your eyes at the duo.
"You know, I can sense everything too, Qui-Gon has been teaching me well,"
"I do not disagree, I was his padawan as well," Obi-Wan says as he moves to look out of the window.
"The water is empty, I'll get some more, comm me if anything happens," Obi-Wan nods as Anakin walks beside him.
"You look tired," Obi-Wan states as he examines Anakin.
"I don't sleep well, anymore," He responds truthfully.
"Because of your mother?"
"I don't know why I keep dreaming about her now. I haven't seen her since I was little,"
"Dreams pass in time,"
"I'd rather dream of (Y/N). Just being around her again is...intoxicating," He smiles to himself but Obi-Wan gives him a look of disapproval.
"Mind your thoughts, Anakin, they betray you. You and (Y/N) have made a commitment to the Jedi order... a commitment not easily broken...and remember she is also a Jedi,"
"I understand Master...but there's just something about her. Being around her again...it brings a forgotten but familiar feeling back," Anakin grins, gently touching his chest.
"Anakin, (Y/N) is already on thin ice with the Jedi Council, please don't try and ruin this for her," Anakin looks up at his master.
"I...I won't," You return with a sigh.
"I couldn't get any water!" You exclaim. "Too many procedures to fill up one jug of water," You sigh placing it down. "Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" Anakin and Obi-Wan share a discreet glance.
"No, it's been very quiet," Obi-Wan answers to Anakin's relief. But then, you all stop and look at each other.
"Is it just me?"
"No, I can sense it too," All three of you run and burst into Padme's room. Two creatures stand on their hind legs as Padme lays deadly still. Anakin springs onto the bed and slices the creatures in half with his lightsaber. You see a droid outside and race after it, crashing through the blinds and window. Okay. Bad idea. You did NOT think that through.
You fly through the glass window and fling yourself at the probe droid, grabbing onto the deadly machine before it can flee. The droid sinks under the weight of you but manages to stay afloat and fly away, with you hanging on for dear life, a hundred stories above the city. The droid sends several protective electrical shocks across its surface, causing you to almost lose your grip. As you dart in and out of the speeder traffic, you disconnect a wire on the back of the droid. Its power shuts off. Shit! You and the droid drop like rocks. You realise the error of your ways and quickly puts the wire back. The droid's systems light up again and it takes off.
Sweat begins to build on your forehead. You did not think this through what so ever and you have no idea where Anakin or Obi-Wan is. The last thing you remember is Padme's deadly still body. Is she dead? That sudden thought sends a pang of regret in your gut. Did you allow your best and only friend to die?
The droid bumps against a wall, hoping to knock you loose. It moves behind a speeder afterburner to scorch you. It takes you wildly between buildings and finally skims across a rooftop and you are forced to lift your legs, tenaciously hanging onto the droid.
"Would you stop?!" You growl as the droid heads for a dirty, beat-up speeder hidden in an alcove of a building about twenty stories up. When the pilot of the speeder, a scruffy looking person who is most likely a bounty hunter, sees the droid approach with you hanging on, she pulls a long rifle out of the speeder and starts to fire at you. Explosions burst all around you. "I have a bad feeling about this," You say.
Finally, the droid suffers a direct hit and blows up and you fall fifty stories until a speeder drops down next to you, and you manage to grab onto the back end of the speeder and haul yourself toward the cockpit. You struggle to climb into the seat and you sigh in relief when seeing Anakin driver and Obi-Wan in the passenger seat.
"That was wacky! I almost lost you in the traffic," Anakin said.
"What took you so long?" You ask as you finally sit correctly in the seat you tumbled into.
"Oh, you know, princess, I couldn't find a speeder I really liked, with an open cockpit... and with the right speed capabilities...and then you know I had to get a really gonzo colour..."
"Qui-Gon will not be happy about your recklessness," Obi-Wan chimes in.
"Well, I know who to follow now," Anakin zooms upward in hot pursuit of the bounty hunter as she fires out the open window at you with her laser pistol.
"And Anakin, if you'd spend as much time working on your saber skills as you do on your wit, young Padawan, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman," Obi-Wan says, scolding both of you.
"I thought I already did," Anakin replies smugly.
"Only in your mind, my very young apprentice. Careful!! Hey, easy!!" Obi-Wan says as he grips the sides of the speeder as Anakin deftly moves in and out of the oncoming traffic, across lanes, between buildings, and miraculously through a construction site, the bounty hunter still firing at you.
"Sorry, I forgot you don't like flying, Master," You watch with a small smile at the way these two communicate. It reminds you of how you and Lumarina shared a lot of jokes and banter just like these two.
"I don't mind flying... but what you're doing is suicide!" You barely miss a commuter train.
"I agree with Obi-Wan on that account," You say as you duck.
"Master, you know I've been flying since before I could walk. I'm very good at this and (Y/N)...just trust me," You roll your eyes as he laughs and Obi-Wan gasps as Anakin makes another narrow turn.
"Just slow down!" The bounty hunter and Anakin race through a line of cross-traffic made up of giant trucks. The speeders bank sideways as they slide around right-angle turns between buildings. The bounty hunter races into a tram tunnel. "Wait! Don't go in there!" Obi-Wan says but Anakin zooms into the tunnel after the hunter. You see a tram coming at you. Anakin brakes, turns around, and race out, barely ahead of the charging commuter transport."You know I don't like it when you do that!" Obi-Wan growls. "We also have another person with us, try not to kill three Jedi!"
"Sorry, Master. Don't worry, this guy's gonna kill himself any minute now!"
"No, you're going to kill us!" You scold, slapping his head. The hunter turns into oncoming traffic, deliberately trying to throw Anakin off. Oncoming speeders swerve, trying to avoid the hunter and three Jedi. The hunter does a quick, tight loop-over and ends up behind all of you. She is now in a much better position to fire at you all with her laser pistol. To avoid being hit by the laser bolts, Anakin slams on the brakes and moves alongside her. She now fires point-blank at Obi-Wan.
"What are you doing? He's gonna blast me!"
"Right, not a good idea," Anakin quickly turns and swerves away. Suddenly, the hunter throws a bunch of explosives in your direction. You stand and use the force to hold them away from your speeder as they explode. Out of a cloud of smoke and ball of flames Anakin tears after the hunter.
"(Y/N), that didn't do much help!" Obi-Wan slaps out the small fire on the dashboard.
"At least we're not dead!" You exclaim, sitting back down. The hunter goes up and down, through cross-traffic. There is a near miss as a speeder almost hits you. The hunter turns down and left between two buildings. Anakin pulls up and to the right
"Where are you going?! He went down there, the other way,"
"This is a shortcut... I think,"
"What do you mean, 'You think?' What kind of shortcut?! He went completely the other way! You've lost him!" You exclaim from behind him.
"Guys, if we keep this chase going, that creep's gonna end up deep-fried personally, I'd very much like to find out who in the hell he is and who he's working for..."
"Oh, so that's why we're going in the wrong direction," Obi-Wan says sarcastically. Anakin turns up a side street, zooming up several small passageways, then stops, hovering about fifty stories up. Obi-Wan folds his arms. "Well, you lost him,"
"I'm deeply sorry, Master,"
"Great job Anakin, he went completely the other way," You groan, unhappy for losing the bounty hunter. Anakin looks around front and back. He spots something. He seems to start counting to himself as he watches something below approach.
"Excuse me for a moment," Anakin then jumps out of the speeder. You and Obi-Wan watch as he jumps on the hunter's speeder about five stories below you. You quickly jump into the driver's seat and follow after them. You deftly gain on the rogue speeder. The two speeders dive through oncoming traffic and then through cross traffic. You then see Anakin drop something and you quickly catch it. You then notice it's his lightsaber. You sigh and hand it to Obi-Wan.
"I'm going to have to admit, this has been the most fun I've had since Naboo," You say as you follow the speeder as it crashes onto the ground.
"Naboo? You mean with Maul?"
"Well, everything leading up to that," You say as you talently spin around oncoming vehicles.
"Spinning is not flying!" Obi-Wan groans. "This is the first time I've ridden with you and your already matching Anakin's recklessness," You chuckle as you land. You grin as you land and wipe the sweat from your head. Obi-Wan looks at you before chuckling. You also laugh as he gets out and helps you out. "I will have to admit, that was something different,"
"Probably something the council will frown upon," You joke before seeing him. "Anakin!"
"She went into that club," Anakin said, pointing to the bright sign.
"Patience," Obi-Wa reminds as he hands Anakin his lightsaber. "Here. Next time try not to lose it,"
"Sorry, Master," Anakin reaches for the lightsaber, but Obi-Wan holds it back. "A Jedi's saber is his most precious possession,"
"Yes, Master," He reaches for his lightsaber again, but Obi-Wan pulls it back.
"He must keep it with him at all times,"
"I know, Master,"
"This weapon is your life!"
"I've heard this lesson before..." You and Anakin say at the same time. Obi-Wan finally holds out his lightsaber and Anakin grabs it.
"But unlike (Y/N), you haven't learned anything, Anakin,"
"I try, Master,"
"However, you should thank (Y/N) for catching it for you," Obi-Wan says before stepping away.
"Thank you...you've lost your lightsaber?" He teases as you follow Obi-Wan.
"Yeah, but I found it," You defend.
"How long did it take you?"
"3 lectures from my master and one full rotation,"
"Really? Where was it?" You look down. "(Y/N)," He says in a sing-song voice.
"It was under my bed," Anakin laughs loudly and you also chuckle as all three of you enter the nightclub.
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triptuckers · 3 years
Drained - Anakin Skywalker
Request: nope Pairing:  Anakin Skywalker x reader Summary:  The war is taking a toll on everyone, and you’re tired of it. Warnings: mentions of minor injuries (not reader) Word count:  1.3K A/N: I’m 2 followers away from 600 🥺 have this Anakin x reader because I love him so much, enjoy reading! 
Weeks. Months. Years. Time didn’t even feel real anymore. The war is still raging on, despite the Jedi’s best efforts to end it. You can tell everyone is growing tired of it. Though no one’s said it out loud, you can tell at least half of the smiles people give you are fake. 
You can’t help but to think it must be easy for the clones. Most of the times, you can’t even see their faces because of their helmets. They don’t have to smile reassuringly at everyone they see. 
But you’re a Jedi. You’ve got a handful of clones under your command. And they need to see there’s an end to this war, that they can win it, that there’s still hope. You can’t show the signs that are so obviously there. 
The only one who ever sees them is Anakin, and you even try to hide them from him. He has enough to worry about. The last thing you’d want, is for him to worry about you as well. You’re a grown woman, you can handle yourself.
You stretch your arms above your head as you walk through the halls of the Temple. Most Jedi used their time at the Temple to get some rest in between missions. You tried to do the same, but most of the times you were at the Temple, either Obi-Wan or Anakin and Ahsoka were on a mission. Resting was not easy when you are worrying about them.
Right now, you’re merely waiting for Master Yoda to tell you he’s got another mission for you. Anakin and Ahsoka are on their way back from a mission, and Obi-Wan got a nasty blaster hit on his last mission, so it was only logical you would be assigned to the next mission.
You’re on your way to the gardens. Your mind is often restless, and meditation is the best solution to it. Though you like your quarters, there’s something about the gardens that you can’t find anywhere else. 
You’ve almost reached the gardens, when you see a familiar figure in the distance, also heading for the gardens. You jog to catch up with them.
‘Ahsoka!’ you say, and she turns around. ‘When did you come back?’
‘Hello Master Y/L/N- I mean, hello Y/N.’ she says, correcting herself. You didn’t like to be called “Master Y/L/N” by your friends. ‘We only just got here.’ she looks at you, and answers your question before you’ve asked it. ‘Anakin is in his quarters. His robes got ripped he needed to change.’ 
‘Thanks!’ you say, and you turn and walk the other way, leaving the gardens behind you. 
You and Anakin had developed a habit of checking up on each other when one of you came back from a mission. It had started years ago, back when you were still Padawans. Somehow, it became a second nature to you. 
Everyone knew you and Anakin were close. Always checking up on each other, inside jokes, being able to communicate without words. Everyone also had the very strong feeling you and Anakin are a lot more than close friends, but because they couldn’t prove any of it, and nothing ever went wrong, no one would act on their suspicions.
You knock on the door of Anakin’s quarters and wait. A few moments later, it opens, revealing a very tired looking Anakin. He smiles at you and steps aside so you can enter. 
‘You look like hell.’ you say. ‘Good to see you too, Y/N/N.’ he says.
You walk up to him and raise your hand to his cheek, where a cut stretches from his temple almost to the corner of his lips. 
‘I’m fine.’ he says. ‘It’s nothing, just a little cut.’ ‘Hmm.’ you hum, and Anakin slightly rolls his eyes. ‘I know what hmm means.’ he says. ‘I was careful. No unnecessary risks. Sometimes stuff like this happens, you know that.’ ‘Yeah, I know it does.’ you say, dropping your hand from his cheek.
‘Thought you’d be on a mission when we got back.’ he says, moving to sit on his bed. ‘That makes two of us.’ you say. ‘I’m only waiting for Master Yoda to tell me where I’m going. I was on my way to the gardens to meditate, actually. But then I ran into Ahsoka who told me you were here.’
‘I think a nap would suit you more than meditation right now.’ chuckles Anakin. His eyes travel over your tired eyes and the heavy bags under them. ‘No offence, but you also look like hell.’ he says.
‘I’m fine.’ you say. Anakin raises his eyebrows in doubt. ‘Really.’ you say with a smile. 
Anakin looks at you. ‘I can see you’re smiling, but I can sense you’re not fine.’ he says. ‘How can I help?’
You look at him for a while. He’s waiting for your answer as you look at him. And then it’s like everything hits you at once, like a huge wave. Tears fall from your eyes and you feel your knees give out. Anakin catches you before you can hit the ground.
‘Hey, hey, hey, what are all those tears about?’ he says as he pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you. You try to say something, but only sobs escape your lips. 
‘Shh.’ says Anakin softly. ‘It’s alright, I’m here, I’ve got you. Let it all out.’ 
You don’t know how long you sat there, until you finally pull back a bit from Anakin’s embrace to wipe the tears off your cheeks. You move to stand up, but Anakin doesn’t let go of you. You look at him and he smiles at you.
‘Let’s stay like this for a while.’ he says. ‘Tell me what’s wrong.’
You sigh and let your head fall to his chest. ‘I’m just so tired.’ you say. ‘Of this war, of fighting, all of it. I just want it to be over. I want to walk around the temple and annoy Obi-Wan like we used to do when we were younger. Use my free time to improve my lightsaber skills or just walk around Coruscant and go for a drink. Feels like all I know is war. It used to be different.’
‘I understand.’ says Anakin. ‘These days it feels like this war might never end. But it will. We’ll just have to hold on a little longer. At least we’ve got each other. And it’s alright if it gets too much sometimes. We’re all tired, you’re certainly not alone in this, Y/N.’ says Anakin. 
You sigh and lift your head from his chest. ‘How do you do it, Anakin? How do you hold on?’ you say.
‘Well, mostly because of you. I hold on for you.’ says Anakin. ‘Artoo!’
You look up when you hear Artoo approaching you, beeping happily.
‘Show her, buddy.’ says Anakin. 
Artoo beeps again before showing a holo. It’s an old picture of you and Anakin that Ahsoka took years ago. You look at it and smile. It was taken before the war, and both you and Anakin are smiling brightly. You two look so young. Unaware of the war that would start, sending you all across the galaxy.
‘They once reset Artoo’s memory, and I was scared to death that had gotten erased as well.’ says Anakin. ‘Thanks Artoo.’ The blue and white droid beeps once and takes off. 
You turn back to look at Anakin and smile. 
‘Now, that’s a real smile.’ says Anakin and he stands up, pulling you up with him. ‘You didn’t have to show me that, you know.’ you say. ‘Hey, you asked me how I hold on, that’s how.’ says Anakin. ‘Remember years ago, you made me promise to come back to you? I care about you, Y/N, and if it’s up to me, I’m never going to break that promise.’
‘You’re really amazing, you know that right?’ you say. ‘Eh, I try to be.’ says Anakin, making you chuckle. You move closer and wrap your arms around his torso. Anakin rests his chin on your head.
‘Can I stay here tonight?’ you ask. ‘I’ll leave early in the morning. It’s just that your presence is soothing.’ ‘Of course.’ says Anakin. ‘We could both use a good night’s sleep.’
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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ddaeng-danvers · 4 years
pairing: anakin skywalker x reader
genre: fluff
summary: in which you and anakin are padawans, and a night of braiding each other’s hair leads to something more
warnings: the absolute briefest mention of smut, mentions of anxiety
word count: 2258
a/n: i’ve never written for star wars so i apologize for any inconsistencies, and i’m newly back to writng in general so this is kind of a mess (and unedited btw) also!! this was inspired by @passable-talent​ ‘s anakin padawan headcannon!! go check out their works they are all so fantastic!!
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You open your eyes when you hear the sound of a lightsaber retracting. The blue of Anakin’s saber is gone, and you turn to your side and switch your green one off as well. Anakin is practically laying on top of you, having just pinned you while training. His knees are on either side of your hips, and his face only inches from yours. 
“Gotcha,” Anakin smirks. You laugh from underneath him, before playfully pushing him off. 
“I let you win, y’know. I don’t think your ego could take another defeat.” You chuckled back as you stood from the floor. Anakin stands up a moment later, laughing at your commentary. The two of you spent almost all of your free time together, as you were almost the same age, although you had joined the order far before Anakin. 
Your parents were told you were force sensitive at a young age and were quite willing to send you for training when you were of age. You met Anakin when you were eight. He suddenly joined your group of younglings and was a bit old to begin training. You and your peers helped catch him up to speed, and the two of you became the best of friends, despite your differences. Anakin is rash, quick-thinking, and sometimes quite the show-off. You, on the other hand, have always been the rule follower. You also exceed far more in technique, while Anakin’s power with the force is unprecedented. You were thirteen when you finally passed the initiate trials and were assigned a master, Shaak Ti. Anakin was assigned to a master two years earlier due to his gifts; Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. You didn’t see him much when he left, so you were elated to train with him again when you became a padawan. 
One of your favorite memories as a young padawan was your journey to Ilum with Shaak Ti to obtain your lightsaber crystal. It was one of the things that fascinated you most as a youngling. Shaak Ti had told you that during the ritual it was likely you would see visions, hallucinations, while you mediated. Still confident, you practically dove into the ritual to assemble your lightsaber. One of the lasting memories you have of the experience is a vision of you and Anakin on Naboo. The vision has become blurry with time, but all you can remember is Anakin in a black cloak standing in the doorway watching the sunset. Faintly at the end of the vision, a child seemed to start crying, and Anakin quickly turned around to resolve the crying child. You’ve treasured this vision in secret for seven years. 
“Hey, you okay?” Anakin lays his hand softly on your shoulder, you must’ve been lost in thought. 
“Yeah, I’m alright, just thinking,” Anakin observes your expression, puzzled. 
“Want to tell me what you’re thinking about?” He asks. He squeezes your shoulder lightly before rubbing his thumb against your skin. It is then that you realize how sweaty you are from training. You smile up at him again. 
“I promise I’m alright, Ani.” You saved his nickname for sincere moments. Moments where the conversation is devoid of sarcasm and joking. The first time you used the nickname was the first time you returned from a mission seriously injured. Anakin panicked, almost sliced the medical droid in half until you reassured him, “I’m alright Ani, it’s just a broken arm, I’ll be fine.” You could practically feel his Force signature release and uncoil. 
The sweat and exhaustion from training seem to seep into your skin and bones. The light tunic you are wearing is practically soaked through. Anakin doesn’t seem to be faring much better. You reach to comb your hands through your hair and feel a light tug at the top of your braid. It must be time to rebraid it. 
About once a year, a padawan’s braid must be rebraided and tightened. This is done until a padawan graduates to the role of Knight when it is cut off with a lightsaber in a ritual ceremony. You and Anakin have made a small tradition out of braiding each other’s hair. You always do it together in one of your quarters, just the two of you. You both make an effort to meditate after, but you are both (Anakin at the very least) generally unsuccessful. 
“I need to tighten my braid.” Anakin looks up at you as you pinch the braid between your fingers. You can see the loose top of his braid because of his short hair. His needs to be rebraided too. 
“And it seems I do as well.” He looks at you again with a smile. Everything about him seems to be smiling. “Do you want to do it tonight?” He asks eagerly. You smile back and nod. 
“Sure, but we both need to hit the refresher first.” You laugh. Anakin lets out a light scoff at your observation. “I’ll meet you in your quarters in an hour, Skywalker.”
Your time in the refresher gives you time to think. When you first met Anakin, you were peers. That relationship eventually developed into an everlasting friendship. You were inseparable through your training and all of your padawan-ship thus far. Obi-Wan was practically your master as well. But weren’t attachments discouraged by the order? Wouldn’t they have separated you if they thought you weren’t following the Code? These questions nagged at you as you undressed and stepped into the shower. 
You’d felt differently towards Anakin ever since your journey to Ilum. Like something was pulling you towards him as if the Force willed it. It wasn’t until around age sixteen you noticed something had changed. Anakin had gotten taller, his face filled out, and his training bulked him up just the right amount. You’d catch yourself staring at him for as long as possible during debriefs with the Council, and after missions. But you willed these feelings away. You couldn’t form an attachment with Anakin, your friendship was already on the fence. It was forbidden. 
You drowned these thoughts away as you finished washing your hair. After finishing in the shower, you dried your hair and dressed in a loose shirt and night pants. As you stepped out of the refresher into the main room of your quarters, you glanced at the holo to see an hour had flown by. You quickly slipped on shoes and made your way to Anakin’s quarters. 
When you arrived, you let yourself in, assuming he would already be changed. Anakin, 
who always seems to prove you otherwise, was wearing nothing but a pair of loose-fitting pants. His back (his toned and muscular back) was turned to you. You cleared your throat loudly to alert him of your presence. He turned around to face you.
“Oh, I already knew you were in here.” He smirks. Another one of Anakin’s hobbies; teasing you. He slipped a black tunic of his own on, and moved to sit on the bed. Before sitting next to him, you grabbed a comb and a few pieces of twine to retie along with your braids. You set them out lightly in front of him, before motioning for him to sit in front of you. 
“I’ll do yours first.” Anakin settles at the foot of the bed, and you begin to untie his braid. Nothing about these nights were sexual. You were simply braiding his hair. But anyone who walked in could cut the tension with a knife. Your hands moved swiftly through his hair, occasionally brushing against his neck and collarbone. Every time you did, you felt Anakin inhale slightly. You’d always finish Anakin’s braid quickly, likely due to your skill of elaborately braiding your own hair for missions and other events. (Also because Senator Amidala made it her mission to do your hair at any chance she received.) You tied sections off with light-colored twine and weaved the new braid through your fingers. “Good as new.” 
Anakin silently begins to work on your braid, but something in his eyes looks different. He looks at you with a new fondness. Softness even. He pulls the rest of your hair back with an elastic and begins to undo your loose braid. He combs his fingers through the unbraided hair. “Your hair is soft.” He mumbles, shyly. You never thought you would see the Anakin Skywalker acting shy.
“I washed it earlier, after training.” Anakin nods, thoughtfully. He begins to braid the hair, his fingers grazing your neck every once in a while. It took Anakin a bit of practice when he first learned to braid, you remember fondly. It seemed to be the only thing that stumped him as a young padawan. So much so that Obi-Wan had to help him for the first few years without you. He finished the braid silently and tied new pieces of twine around the braid. He left his hand to rest on your shoulder, before slowly moving it to your cheek. You looked up at him in shock. Anakin was always quite touchy, likely a result of his childhood, but he’s never been this upfront. 
“Ani, what are you-” He combs his hand through the rest of your hair, before putting it back down in his lap. He looks confused, anxious. Your thoughts from the refresher seem to come back. Seeing Anakin like this seemed to awaken something in you. You knew you have always cared for Anakin. You’d been there through all his injuries, through the passing of his mother. He held you when you’d missed your parents when you agonized over the future. But you’d never assumed you could be more than what you were. It was forbidden. You’d been taught to avoid forming attachments, as they always led to suffering. 
But tonight, on the soft sheets of Anakin’s bed, having just rebraided each other’s hair, sitting in your nightclothes, you said to hell with it. You believed in the Code, truly and wholeheartedly. When you were with Anakin, you felt nothing but peace and serenity. Anakin made you a better person, a better Jedi. You balanced each other out more than you could alone.
You reached for his hands, fidgeting in his lap. As you intertwined your fingers, Anakin looked up from his hands. “Credit for your thoughts?”
Anakin seemed to gather himself for a moment. He tightened his grip around your hands, before releasing them and placing his hands on your cheeks. He glanced at your lips for less than a second. He leaned in suddenly and brought his lips to yours. 
The kiss was brief, but Anakin’s smile as he pulled away from you shined brighter than any sun in the galaxy. “I never thought you’d feel the same way. You were raised here, and I just assumed you wouldn’t agree with forming-” You cut him off by kissing him again. You leaned your foreheads against one another, catching your breath as the tension in the room floated away. 
As you told Anakin of your vision on Ilum, he told you of his dreams, the ones of you dying the same way as his mother. He told you he was petrified of losing you. “We should tell the Council Anakin, it may be serious.” He looked at you in agreement. 
“I agree, my love, but can’t it wait until morning.” The sun had set completely since you came back into his room, the Coruscant skyline lit up by speeders and homes. You sighed and looked back up at Anakin. 
“Fine, but you must tell them, this is serious, Ani.” Anakin nods again, before placing a chast kiss on your lips. You spend the rest of the evening under his sheets, celebrating the love you have finally accepted. The attachment you have finally pursued. 
Obi-Wan opens the doors to Anakin’s quarters, expecting him to be awake by now. It is not until he senses another familiar presence in the room, that he realizes what he has walked in on. His padawan and his dear friend, sleeping peacefully in Anakin’s bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms. As Obi-Wan closes the door silently, he makes his way to Master Shaak Ti’s quarters to collect twenty credits. 
After collecting his bet, Obi-Wan makes his way to the Council to discuss an upcoming mission. “I sense, seen something, you have, Obi-Wan.” Obi-Wan's expression turned surprised. How had Master Yoda known? “No fear, gift from the force, this is. Prevented a dire fate from your padawan, it has.” Obi-Wan sighed, his padawan’s secret is safe. “The Force works in mysterious ways, Obi-Wan. Sometimes a gift from the force, attachments are.”
You wake up before Anakin. It seems sometime through the night, he removed his shirt. You knew he ran hot at night, which is the likely explanation. You press a soft kiss to his jaw and he begins to stir. “Good morning, Ani.” 
“Good morning, my love. Sleep well?” You nod and continue to pepper kisses along his jaw. A bout of silence goes by until he begins to speak again. “I dreamt of you, actually.”
You smile, “Tell me about it.” Anakin dives into describing his dream, which sounds eerily similar to your vision on Ilum. You let his story evelop you, and imagine a future with Anakin. A peaceful one, free of conflict or war. Maybe you’d settle on Naboo, or stay on Coruscant. Maybe you would have children, how many can be decided later. All you know now is that any future with Anakin is one living for.
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Thirty
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Chapter Thirty: Party on Pasaana
Plot: Poe, Y/n, Finn, Rey and the rest of the gang journey to Pasaana to try and find the Wayfinder.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none really
Word Count: 6.8k
A/N: I’M BACK! This is by no means my best or favorite chapter but it moves the story along and boy, is there a lot coming...Hopefully you’ve stuck around this long and if not, I’m not offended. Hope you enjoy!
Despite the fact that I’d spent my day fixing the Falcon, me and Chewie still ran every diagnostic possible on it before even thinking about taking her up. She was too temperamental to be treated any differently.
“You know I love flying with you, but don’t feel like you’re obligated to come with, Chew,” I said, closing up the last panel on the underside of the ship, “This one isn’t going to be a simple supply run.”
Chewie groaned in protest at my offer to let him stay on base, reminding me of the promise he’d made to Dad. That he’d protect me and he didn’t intend to stop doing that anytime soon.
I conceded to the Wookiee and emerged from underneath the Falcon. I found Rey finishing her repairs as Poe stood nearby, patting her on the arm, “We’re going with you. Chewie, you get that compressor fixed?” “No, I did,” I answered, dusting off my hands on my pants. The two of us still hadn’t spoken since our fight earlier in the day. “What do you mean you’re coming with us?” Poe separated from Rey, revealing Finn and the droids behind him, and led me to the side of the Falcon. He kept space between us, probably because he didn’t know where we stood after our fight.
“Do you honestly think we’d let you guys take this on by yourselves?” he asked.  
“Poe,” I shook my head, “Rey and I don’t even know what we’re walking into, I don’t want to throw you guys in the line of danger.” “So it’s too dangerous for me to risk my life but not you?” he asked with raised brows, wedging me between a metaphorical rock and a hard place, “Y/n, we’re a team. If one of us goes, we all go.” I hung my head in frustration, these were the type of situations that I hated the most. I couldn’t protect everyone, that had been made clear, and I certainly couldn’t justify to Poe why it was okay for me to charge headfirst into a fight but not him. Though I’d try every time, even if it was bound to end in failure.
“Fine,” I relented, shrugging and letting my hands fall against my legs, “But I’m flying us there.”
“Understood,” Poe agreed, pulling a corner of his lip up in an almost smile, “I am sorry about today, y’know…It was stupid of me not to think about how much the Falcon means to you.” “Me too,” I sighed, remembering all the harsh words we had flung at one another in contrast to the white flags me were now waving. This wasn’t the first makeup we’d had lately. Not by a long shot. Poe and I had been fighting more than usual, tensions were high with all that was going on and our relationship wasn’t escaping un-scorched. There was never any doubt as to whether or not we still loved each other, but we needed to find better ways of dealing with our stress rather than taking it out on each other. “Chewie told me there was only one escape route and you took it. You guys coming back alive is more important than anything else.”
Where there should have been a kiss or intertwined fingers, there was only silence and our best attempts to smile. There was so much lying underneath the surface that we didn’t ever have time to deal with.
“I wish you’d tell me.” I tried my hardest not to look phased, “Tell you what?” Poe swallowed as he stared into my eyes, “Whatever it is you’re keeping from me.” Every hair on my body stood to attention and fear shot through my veins. I knew he’d become suspicious of me but we hadn’t addressed it out loud before. Once the words of distrust hit the air, it became a true issue. The bottom line of it all was if Poe knew I had been in contact with Ren, he would never trust me with anything ever again.
My tongue peeked out to wet my lips as I nervously shifted my weight to my other foot, “I need you to trust me that what I’m doing, I’m doing for the good of the Resistance.” “We don’t keep secrets from each other, Y/n,” he shook his head and placed his hands on his hips, “That’s not us.” “You wouldn’t understand it, it’s Jedi stuff.” He bit his lip and nodded sarcastically, “Oh, so because I’m not a Jedi, my little average brain couldn’t possibly understand whatever problem you’ve got? Thanks for clearing that up.” “Poe,” I took a step and reached out to grab his forearm, “I didn’t mean it like that. Just please trust me. Everything I do, I do it to keep us safe.” I watched the emotions flicker in his eyes, changing from confusion to anger to desperation to hurt. The thought of confessing to him came through my mind at least ten times a day, but it wasn’t possible. Selfishly, I didn’t want to watch him learn of my betrayal. He would never look at me the same way and I wasn’t ready to lose that.
“I trust you more than anyone,” he finally said, stiffening his voice to hide his emotions, “I just wish you felt the same way about me.” He shrugged out of my hand’s hold and made his way up the ship’s ramp. I chewed on my bottom lip and leaned my forehead against one of the Falcon’s legs. There was nobody on any planet in any galaxy who I trusted more than Poe. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the fact that he was beginning to doubt my trust in him was a sucker punch. This time he wasn’t at fault, he only wanted to help me shoulder the burden. But there was nothing he could do to aid in the mental torture I was inflicting on myself.
I turned on my heels to go find my mother but froze at the sight of her and Rey locked in an embrace. I could sense the sadness in Rey that came with leaving her, the only mother figure she could remember having. Watching as she turned away, clipping Uncle Luke’s lightsaber to her belt, I took my cue to say my farewell.
“We’ll check in when we can, if we can,” I stated, partially as a commander but also a daughter to her worried mom, “Who knows, maybe we’ll be back in time for dinner.” A lame attempt at humor, yes, but there was nothing I wouldn’t do to try and make her smile in the most concerning of hours. “Look out for each other, don’t take too many risks,” she instructed, taking my hand in hers, “And come back in one piece.” There was some feeling in the air that I couldn’t put a name to, but it was there nonetheless. I never liked leaving Mom but with the stakes as high as they were, I felt a new sense of dread. I wasn’t immune to fear of losing my life and the reality of something happening to me and leaving her on her own caused a new urgency inside me to come back alive.
“I love you,” I whispered, squeezing her hands tight as tears began to fill my eyes, “So much.” “My darling,” I could hear the emotion in her voice that she was pushing down, “You are the greatest love I could have ever asked for.”
There wasn’t much more that could be said as I bent down to hug her, there was so much meaning inside our few words. We’d survived for a year as a family of two, something we were never meant to do, but we’d somehow done it. Mom’s health had begun to worsen with her age, but the incident on the Raddus had forced what was natural to happen prematurely. She got tired quicker, she required a cane sometimes and needed my help more often, though she always tried to avoid asking. I didn’t think it possible but we’d somehow grown closer in the last year, which made it all the more important that the mission go right and I return safely.
She whispered against my ear, “May the force be with you.” I pulled back with a watery smile, “We’re gonna need it.” With a kiss to her cheek, I forced myself to head back to the ship with a deep pain in my chest. It felt like I was tied to both the Falcon and Mom, the more distance I put between her and I, the more I began to hurt. It lit yet another flame of determination inside me to come back victorious.
Rey had waited for me outside the Falcon, attempting to act like she hadn’t witnessed the tender moment. The two of us shared a hopeful smile before we walked up the ramp together. When we arrived in the cockpit, it was apparent that it was going to be a tight fit. Rey moved to take the empty co-pilot’s chair with Chewie standing in the back, waiting to be called to action. Poe and I didn’t bother to make eye contact choosing instead to bury our pain for a later date. I gave Finn a good natured slap on the shoulder before sinking into the captain’s chair. I’d flown the Falcon hundreds of times by now and yet each time I took the controls, I felt like a child way out of their depth. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, there was no time to waste on fear. All that mattered was the mission.
“Next stop,” I narrated as I readied myself to lift the ship off the ground, “Pasaana…” ————
“You sure this is it?” Poe asked from the front of our group.
“I followed the coordinates perfectly,” I panted, already missing the jungle heat as opposed to Pasaana’s dry kind, “Right, 3PO?”
“Mistress Y/n is correct, these are the exact coordinates that Master Luke left behind.” We rounded the bend of the hill we’d climbed to find the least likely scenario on a planet we’d thought remote; a party.
“What is this?”
“The Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors,” 3PO explained, “This celebration occurs only once every 42 years.” “Well, that’s lucky,” Finn commented from beside me.
“Lucky indeed, this festival is known for both its colorful kites and its delectable sweets.” Under normal circumstances, I have had all the patience in the world with the droid I’d spent my whole life around. But now, overlooking the obstacle that would make it harder to find the Wayfinder and ultimately save the galaxy, I joined my friends in staring him down. “3PO, read the room.” “Let’s get down there,” Poe directed with a thumb tucked into his holster, “This is gonna take way longer than it should.” Having spent the better part of my life traveling, I loved getting to immerse myself in different planet’s cultures. It was one of the reasons my diplomatic skills were so highly tuned, I knew how to connect with all different types of people. So there was a small part of me, though stressed, that made a note to take in the sounds of the Aki-Aki’s chants and the array of colors in the crowd. I wasn’t the only one interested in the details either…
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” a wide eyed Rey commented as Finn and Poe passed us by.
“I’ve never seen so few Wayfinders,” Finn retorted.
“Take in what you can, we won’t be back for another 42 years,” I bumped Rey with my hip before following our group.
“There’s always random First Order patrols in crowds like these, so, keep your heads down,” Poe turned to look back at us, zeroing in on the only one tall enough to stick out, “Chewie. Let’s split up, see what the locals know.”
Rey was too taken by her surroundings to fully register what Poe was saying and Finn had gone with my boyfriend, leaving me to follow along with them. As soon as I did, Poe turned to me, “What are you doing?” “…Coming with you?” “We’ve gotta cover as much ground as possible,” he gestured over towards a grouping of tents, “Try talking to some of the traders, see if they know anything.” Thinning my eyes at him in shock that we were on a mission and Poe didn’t want me with him, I decided that now wasn’t the time to fight back. “Fine, Bee,” I called to my boyfriend’s droid hovering near Rey, “You’re with me.” The two of us made our way through a couple vendor’s booths, unsuccessful in getting any information about the location of the Wayfinder. I didn’t even have to do much talking with them, my senses could tell me whether or not my question brought up any memories. Which was good for me because I wasn’t in the mood to do a lot of chit chatting. Bee must have picked up on my silent frustration because he nudged me in my calf, urging me to talk. “He could have said it about ten other ways,” I vented, “But instead he had to make it sound like I was doing something wrong by going with them.” You know how he can be when he’s stressed. “I’m stressed too,” I cried, gesturing to my chest, “And maybe I wanted to go with him because I feel a little less worried when I’m with him. It’s never mattered what’s going on, we’ve always partnered together on missions. Clearly he doesn’t need me this time.” Didn’t you two have a fight before we left? Do you think it has something to do with that? I sighed defeatedly, “Probably…Or the fight we had earlier today, or the one we had just before he left a few days ago…” There was no shortage of examples I could have given as to why Poe didn’t want to be around me. “Things aren’t great between us right now.”
Maybe you should talk to him about it.
“Not right now, Bee. There’s bigger things at hand then Poe and I fighting. Nobody here knows anything, let’s go find the others.” When we made it back, Finn and Poe were engrossed in a conversation with an Aki-Aki. He turned his focus to me, “Got anything?” “I’d probably be a little more enthusiastic if I did, Dameron,” I remarked, taking a spot across from him instead of next to.
He looked between me and Finn, who was trying to remain focused on the Aki-Aki in question, “Whoa, what’s going on?”
The saddest part of why I was angry was the heart of the matter, Poe and I weren’t functioning like the inseparable couple we’d been for the last year. We were functioning like soldiers, ones who bickered at any chance we were given. And while I wanted nothing more than to talk to him about how I felt and ask him when things had gotten like this, not even love could come before war. I looked up at him, the frustration and hurt clearly painted clearly across my face, “Nothing that matters right now, I’m gonna go question some others but don’t worry, I’ll do it by myself.”
Just as Poe was opening his mouth to reply and I was ready to turn away, Rey came running in our direction. “We have to go. Back to the Falcon, now,” she ordered.
“Why?” Finn asked. “It’s Ren.”
Despite the anxiety running through my veins, I took a contradictory step forward. “He’s here?”
“He’s on his way,” Rey answered, her eyes wide and locked with mine.
“Then let’s get the hell out of here,” Poe began tracing our path back to the Falcon with his eyes, “It’s back this way.”
We ran through the festival with our heads on a swivel, until Poe shot his arm out as a barrier when we came face to face with a stormtrooper. “Freeze! Hold it right there. I’ve located the Resistance fugitives, all units report-“ A dart whizzed past us and landed perfectly in the trooper’s eye. We turned to see a figure holding a crossbow standing behind one of the tents, dressed in robes and his face covered with a helmet. “Follow me.”
With no other options in sight, we trusted in our mysterious savior and followed him. We climbed into his vehicle slowly rolling through the festival. “Leia sent me a transmission,” his modulated voice said before speaking in an alien language to the driver. “Okay, how’d you find us?” Finn asked what we were all thinking. The man reached to take his helmet off and I was greeted by a face I hadn’t seen in years. He grinned, “Wookiees stand out in a crowd.” “Lando!”
Chewie moaned his excitement at seeing his old friend and shoved his way past us all to hug him. “It’s good to see you too, old buddy,” he laughed before turning to me, “Look at you, the princess is all grown up.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed for the first time all day, “I can’t believe you’re here.” “This is General Lando Calrissian,” 3PO said from behind us.
“We know who he is, 3PO,” Rey gently admonished.
“It is an honor, General,” Finn said, a big smile gracing his face. “General Calrissian,” Poe spoke up, “We’re looking for Exegol.”
Lando looked between our crew before centering on me, “Of course she’d send you.” I scrunched up my nose and tilted my head, “I didn’t give her much of a choice.” He shook his head with laughter, “You’re her daughter alright…” he flicked his wristlet on and a holo of a Wayfinder appeared, “Only two were made.” “A Sith Wayfinder,” Rey said, “Luke Skywalker came here to find one.” “I know,” Lando chuckled, “I was with him, Luke and I were tailing an old Jedi hunter,” he changed the image on his holo to a creature, “Ochi of Bestoon. He was carrying a clue that could lead to a Wayfinder. We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here. When we got to his ship, it was abandoned. No clue, no Wayfinder.” “Is the ship still here?” I asked.
“It’s out in the desert where he left it.” “We need to get there, search it again,” Rey suggested.
My posture straightened as the sound of ship engines filled my ears. I peered out a window to see a small bunch of First Order ships flying towards the festival grounds.
“I got a bad feeling about this,” Lando muttered before turning to us, “Ochi’s ship is out past Lurch Canyon. Go!” “Thank you, General,” Poe said before beginning to help each of us out of the crawler.
Chewie moaned his happiness at seeing Lando again, something he reciprocated. Before taking Poe’s extended hand, I quickly embraced my non-biological uncle. “We’re on Ajan Kloss, come join us. We need pilots.” “My flying days are long gone,” he gently declined before taking my hands into his, “But do me a favor, give your mother my love.”
“I will, as long as you consider coming,” I said before kissing his cheek and allowing Poe to help me out. My heart ached to walk away from another member of my family…
“Can’t believe I never put it together that you’re a princess.” Poe said from beside me as we sprinted through the desert. I was hoping no one had noticed Lando’s long standing nickname for me.
“Of a planet that ceased to exist long before I was born,” I panted, “I don’t think that counts for much.” “Doesn’t matter, I’m still going to call you Your Highness,” Finn called from ahead. “There,” Poe pointed, “Those speeders,” he tossed his gloves off, slid beneath the vehicles and began hot-wiring the vehicles. The yelling of a group of Aki-Aki, presumably the owners of the speeders, made him hurry through his work. “We gotta go!”
Finn, Poe and 3PO hopped into one while Rey, Bee, Chewie and I crowded into the other. I didn’t have time to look back as I began steering but I could sense that Poe was surprised that I didn’t come with him. The urge to turn around and yell at him for the exact same thing that had happened moments before was strong, but once again not our highest priority. What was important was the stormtroopers tailing us. Rey took over on offense while I piloted us, it wasn’t until her cry of my name that I turned around. The troopers were flying through the air using jetpacks, something none of us had ever seen. 
“I can’t get a clear shot!” Rey yelled.
“Switch with me!” 
She continued firing her blaster as she moved to the front of the speeder where I let her take the wheel. I ducked down next to Bee and calculated what angle I needed them to be at for my plan to work.
I’ve got an idea. “Bee, not now,” I shouted over the engine, turning back to the problem at hand. Ignoring my ignoring him, Bee began tapping away at a stray canister in front of us until it shot up into the air. A yellow explosion burst from the canister in front of the stormtroopers. When one emerged from the cloud, his disoriented driving sent him off a ramp like cluster of rocks. Rey turned and took a perfect shot, the trooper’s speeder exploding in the air.
“Never underestimate a droid,” she grinned.
“He’s doing my work for me!” I replied, standing back up and nudging Bee, “Now where’s Poe and Finn?” “Y/n, look,” I joined Rey at the front of the speeder, “Ochi’s ship.”
Parked atop a large structure of rocks was a modest craft that hopefully contained the answers we needed. 
Rey’s face turned serious, “I’ve seen that ship before.”
“Y/n! Rey!” 
I whipped around to see Poe and Finn’s speeder flying up behind us, “You get all of them?”
As I inhaled to answer triumphantly, the speeder was thrown forward and us with it. We flew through the air before landing roughly in a pile of dark sand, the screams of the rest of our group following directly after. I rolled over with a groan and looked up to see one last trooper whizzing through the air. Finally getting to go through with my original plan, I got to my knees and raised one of my hands, force pushing him into one of the cliffs.
“So they fly now,” I exhaled, falling back on my heels. As soon as my full weight landed in the sand, it began collapsing into itself.
“What the hell is this?” Poe exclaimed, I looked over to see the same sensation happening to him.
“Sinking field,” Rey cried, “Try to grab something!”
I struggled against the pull of the field to try and reach a piece of our smoking speeder, but my torso was already below the surface making it nearly impossible. I had landed somewhat near Poe and tried to wriggle my way to where he was, him already doing the same. I stretched my arm out as far as it could and barely brushed his fingers when his head dipped down below the surface. “Y/n!” he called out just as I lost sight of him. “No!” I yelled, throwing my arm into the pit and fishing around to try and grab him. “Rey, Y/n,” Finn said frantically, “I never told you tha-“ he disappeared into the black sand, lost to us. “What? Finn!” Rey called, it was the last thing I heard below my body was pulled under fully. 
What followed was pure darkness, I kept my eyes squeezed shut as to not get anything in my eyes. In a flash of panic, I flailed about and tried to swim upwards back to the surface for a breath of air. All I could do was struggle and pray that I met the bottom, I didn’t want to die in a pit of sand. After a few seconds, I crashed through something hard and my back hit open air. I fell to the ground with a groan, Bee’s beeps and squeals a homing beacon in the dark. “Poe,” I sat up, feeling around the dimly lit cave for him, “Poe…” “I’m here,” he replied, I could barely make out his silhouette as he crawled on his knees to me. His gloved hand wrapped around my arm, making his close presence known, “Are you okay?” In a rare moment of tenderness, something we hadn’t felt in a long time, I reached up and laced my hand through his curls bringing his forehead down to meet mine. “Where’s everybody else?” Poe pulled me to my feet and unsheathed his flashlight, “Rey! Finn!” 
“You didn’t say my name, sir, but I’m alright,” 3PO said, coming in from the other side of the cave.
The sand seeping out of the ceiling of the cave followed by loud grunts sent Poe and I bolting towards it just in time for him to catch Rey and ease her down to the ground. “You all right?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she mumbled, “Where’s Finn?” “Where’s Chewie?” I asked, rotating my head rapidly to try and get a full scope of the cave. On cue, Chewie dropped harshly from the ceiling with a moan, I ran over to him and helped him sit up.
Finn climbed out of a hole behind us, “I’m good. What is this place?” He stumbled towards us, the four of us huddled together for a relieved reunion. 
Poe had one hand on Finn’s shoulder and one clutching my waist, he pressed a quick peck to my temple. “I thought we were goners,” he panted, I savored the feeling of being close to him even if it had taken thinking we were going to die to get there.
“Which way out?” Finn asked.
I squinted as I looked at our surroundings, “Can’t see a thing.” One step ahead of me, Rey unclipped her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it, lighting our path. Poe stepped forward as well, clicking his inferior flashlight on as if it would make a difference next to the luminous weapon. Shaking my head at my boyfriend, I ignited my own saber and followed Rey, “We need to hurry if Ren’s on his way. “So what was it?” Rey asked as Finn joined us.
“What?” he replied confusedly.
“What you were gonna tell Y/n and I?” A beat passed, “When?” “When you were sinking in the sand, you said ‘I never told you…’” Rey spelled it out for him.
He inched closer to the two of us and lowered his voice, “I’ll tell you later.” “You mean when Poe’s not here?” the man in question asked from behind us, staring Finn down as he squeezed between the three of us.
“Yeah,” Finn replied confidently.
“We’re gonna die in sand burrows and we’re all keeping secrets?” Poe deliberately turned his head to look at me when he hit the word ‘secrets,’ a wave of guilt washing over me. 
“I’ll tell you when you tell us about all that shifty stuff you do,” Finn fired back, referring to to hot-wiring of the speeders and no doubt something else he’d seen Poe do recently.
“I do not wanna know what made these tunnels,” Poe commented as he took the lead at the front of our group. 
Ever the helper, 3PO jumped in to give an answer. “Judging by the circumference of the tunnel walls…” Poe turned to the droid, “I said I do not wanna know. Not,” he realigned his focus ahead of us, spotting something in the shadows, “What’s that?” “Is that a speeder?” Finn asked. “An old one,” Rey answered as she got a closer look. “Wonder if it still runs,” I said, running a hand over the dusty vehicle, “We’re gonna need a way out of here.” “Perhaps we will find the driver,” 3PO said hopefully. I think they’d be dead by now.
“Yep, BB-8, I think dead too,” Poe responded to his droid’s astute observation.
“Oh, my,” 3PO pointed towards the symbol on the front of the speeder, “A hex charm.”
“What’s a hex charm?” I asked, shining my saber over the detail and getting a look at it myself.
“A common emblem of Sith loyalists,” 3PO answered. “The Sith…” I mumbled under my breath, running a finger over it and catching the dust in my hand.
“This was Ochi’s?” Finn asked. “Luke sensed it,” Rey stepped forward, “Ochi never left this place.” “And he ended up down here,” Finn continued the train of thought.
“He was headed for his ship,” Poe completed the sentence, “Same thing happened to us, happened to him.” I followed Rey who was hot on the scent of something, the two of us spotting the skeleton at the same time. “So how did Ochi get out?” I took a breath, “He didn’t.” The four of us moved as one to examine the carcass, mangled and broken into pieces but clearly bearing resemblance to a creature. “No he didn’t…” Finn muttered.
“Bones,” Poe said from beside me, turning away for a second to stifle a gag, “I don’t like bones.” “Bones? Never a good sign,” 3PO commented.
My eyes flitted over the scene while Rey searched deeper, spotting a bump in the sand with Bee and helping him to unearth it. She pulled out a unique carved dagger, I could sense the same thing upon seeing it that she could. “Horrible things…have happened with this,” she trembled. “The writing…” I crouched down next to her, running a finger over the weapon and trying to figure out what language the script was written in, “I don’t recognize it, 3PO?”
The loyal droid came forward and took the dagger from my outstretched palm. “The location of the Wayfinder has been inscribed upon this dagger,” he announced, “It’s the clue that Master Luke was looking for.” “And? What does it say?” I asked with a hopeful smile.
3PO turned to our group, “I am afraid I cannot tell you.” “20.3 fazillion languages and you can’t read that?” Poe asked in confusion.
“I have read it, sir, I know exactly where the wayfinder is,” the droid responded, “Unfortunately, it is written in the runic language of the Sith.” “And?” I asked, inklings of impatience seeping out of my voice.
“My programming forbids me from translating it.” “So you’re telling us the one time we need you to talk,” Poe shook his head, “You can’t?”
“Irony, sir,” the droid answered, backing up to face us head on, “I am mechanically incapable of speaking translations from Sith. I believe the rule was passed by the Senate of the Old Republic.” I wasn’t listening, none of us were listening as he went on, instead focusing on the large serpent that had appeared behind 3PO with a growing growl. The four of us took a startled step back and held out our various weapons. It let out a meaning roar followed by a loud hiss, alerting 3PO to its presence. “Serpent! Serpent! Serpent!” Surprisingly, Rey placed a hand on top of Poe’s blaster and lowered it as the serpent showed off its razor sharp teeth once again. Keeping her eye trained on the beast, she blindly handed her lightsaber out for Finn to take. “Rey…” he cautioned, gripping the weapon tight in his grip. I could sense what she was sensing as I watched her approach, the serpent was crying out in pain more than anything else
“I’m gonna blast it,” Poe said quietly, his blaster once again aimed at the snake.
“Don’t,” I whispered, contradicting my words as I kept my saber activated in my hand, ready to fight if necessary. Rey kneeled down next to the snake, her eyes still locked with it as she laid her hand over its body. It snarled at her but she didn’t flinch, shutting her eyes and doing what I suspected she would do. She healed whatever wound the serpent had, receiving a small non-threatening moan in thanks. It snaked away down another pathway of the cave, revealing an exit that lit the cave up with the sunlight of Pasaana.
Bee rolled forward to ask Rey what she had done as she rubbed her hand, “I just transferred a bit of life. Force energy from me to him. You would’ve done the same.” “Luckily, we won’t have that problem again,” I said as I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it back onto my belt, helping Rey up after, “Nice job.” Our group climbed out of the hole and we got a good look at the rock structure that displayed Ochi’s ship we’d seen during our speeder chase. “Looks like we’ve got our ride,” Poe commented as we walked up the rocks.
“We cannot possibly fly in that old wreck,” 3PO interjected. 
“We gotta keep moving, find someone who can translate that dagger,” Poe replied, “Like a helpful droid.” “I suggest we return to the Millennium Falcon at once,” the droid said as forcefully as he was capable of being. “Troopers’ll be waiting at the Falcon,” I said, pausing my steps to try and shove aside the pain I felt at the thought of leaving my beloved ship behind, “We’ll find a way to get it back.”
Not more than two seconds after I spoke did each hair on my body stand up straight and a cold wave run through my body. I twisted to look out upon the miles of sand and rock, sensing the familiar presence of Ren yet not being able to see him. Rey and I shared a look, concern mixed with understanding that someone had to deal with it. I could feel that it was her that needed to confront him, I wasn’t the only one that shared a complicated history with the Supreme Leader. I nodded understandingly to her, the two of us not needing to speak a single word.
“What is it?” Finn asked, approaching the two of us. “I’ll be right behind you,” she said, handing Finn her staff and bag, “It’s okay.”
She passed by both of us, heading back down the way we’d come to go deal with our problem. “Let’s go,” I directed, turning back towards our new ride, “She’s got this.” The rest of us climbed the rest of the rocks until we hit Ochi’s ship, opening the ramp and heading into the heart of it. “Let’s see what we’ve got,” Poe said, switching on the flickering lights, “Let’s get those converters fired up.”
Finn, Poe and I marched to the cockpit, swiping at dusty cobwebs that adorned the ship. Poe flipped open the shutters and started her up proudly while Finn and I were more focused on looking out the windows for Rey. “Where is she?” he asked me.
Poe interrupted before I could form an answer, “Guys, help me out over here.” “Chewie, tell Rey we gotta go,” Finn ordered the Wookiee, who looked to me for confirmation. I gave a short nod and ran off the assist Poe in getting the ship up and running.
“What is she doing?” he grumbled as he sat down in the captain’s chair. “She’s helping us out,” I sat down in the seat next to him, “Trust me.” “That’s all I get?” he asked annoyedly as he flipped various switches, “Another Jedi thing I wouldn’t understand?”
“Are we really doing this right now?” I snapped, pressing a few buttons to help prep the ship.
“We wouldn’t have to if you would just tell me what’s going on,” Poe shot back, his voice raising to match mine. “It’s Ren,” Finn interrupted our fight, anxiety creeping into his tone. He bolted out of the cockpit leaving Poe and I to ourselves. “Finn, wait!” I yelled, taking off after him before he tried to intervene. I caught up to him outside of the ship, “Finn, you’ve gotta let her do th-“ My feet stopped as I spotted what Finn saw as well, Chewie was being loaded into a First order transport along with the dagger. Finn and I dropped to the rocks, crouching down and watching the scene unfold as the Wookiee pushed forward into the ship, hunched over and handcuffed. My natural instinct was to run and free him, but I knew that spelled too much potential danger for us all. And with Finn’s hand tightly gripping my arm, there was no way he’d let me go. It was one of the worst tortures I had to endure.
“We need to find a way to stop the ship,” I said quietly through my unshed tears, “If Poe could get that thing in the air…” “If we fire, the whole thing goes down,” Finn ended the idea as soon as it had been born.
I buried my face in my hands and rubbed furiously, my mind spinning with adrenaline and worry. The sounds on an approaching ship caught my attention, I rose to my feet and followed the noise across the rocks. Yards away from us stood Rey, lightsaber ignited with her back turned to the ship that undoubtably belonged to Ren. She took a running start as the craft advanced toward her and what happened next even I could hardly believe as I watched it. Rey flipped up in the air, letting her arm hang down and slicing off one of the ship’s wings. While she landed gracefully in a cloud of dust, Ren’s ship split violently until it was just the round cockpit rolling across the field of sand before exploding against one of the rocks. My breath caught as the flames engulfed what was left of his ship, I searched for any life left in the wreckage, sensing that he wasn’t dead yet. With my focus momentarily on Ren, I hadn’t noticed Finn had climbed down the rocks and was calling out for Rey.
“They got Chewie! They got him!” he pointed to the skies, I looked up to see the transport containing him had taken off.
“No,” I mumbled to myself, sticking my hand out to stop the ship using the Force. Rey had the same idea and aided me in my efforts. At that moment, a familiar cloaked figure emerged from the flaming wreckage, slowly making his way towards us. I could feel his stony, emotionless stare even with the great gap between us. Even so, I kept my focus on trying to pull the ship out of the sky. Ren extended his hand as well, creating resistance for Rey and I that only made us try harder. The three of us stood locked in our stances, throwing the ship from side to side as we battled for the life inside. 
Then suddenly, the fight was over. From Rey’s outstretched hand came thick strands of lightning that wrapped around the ship. It took mere seconds until an explosion ripped the ship apart.
“Chewie!” Rey shrieked in horror. “No!” Finn cried.
I dropped to my knees in shock, watching as the wreckage floated to the ground, Chewie buried somewhere inside. One loud guttural sob escaped my lips and I clutched my stomach, crying out for the loss of another part of my family. 
“Guys!” Poe’s voice broke through my grief, “We gotta go! They’re coming!”
Through my tears, I looked above to see Poe standing above me next to the ship and heard the noise of incoming fighters. I had to summon the strength to rise to my feet, my eyes drifting back to Chewie’s fiery grave one last time. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. I spared a final look to Ren, who I could sense was just as shocked at what had happened as I was. I sensed something in him, the same thing I had sensed when Mom had been thrown out of the Raddus. Sorrow. I wished I could have said I cared, but all I felt towards him was anger. He had contributed to Chewie’s death.
As Rey and Finn approached, I snapped back into action and climbed the rocks, Poe helping me and pulling me up the final foot. We bolted for the ship, racing to the cockpit and taking our assigned seats. He had gotten the thing in flying shape and as soon as we had everybody on board, Poe lifted it off the ground and shot us into the sky and away from the fighters. It was only when I knew he could manage without me that I slipped out of my chair and out of the cockpit.
A distraught Rey was waiting in the hold for me, she stood as I entered, “Y/n, I’m so-“ I breezed past her and Finn, I ignored the droids, I didn’t even think to go to Poe for comfort. Instead, I locked myself in the refresher and let my tears freely fall, mourning the loss of my life long friend.
A/N: I promise the next chapter will have little more going on...Let me know what you thought or if you’d like to be tagged ☺️
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
dream clouds, ghost ground (real friends, dead hometown)
an accidental jangobi au 
that is now specially for @mandalorianbrainweasel | @ironhoshi | @obikakenobi | @mageofcole | @quitebizarre | @bureau-pinery | @atelier-dayz |  @legendaryjarcollection | @pretzel-log1c | @adiduck | @koyacyi-vode | @satan-incarnate-666 | @theclonewarsbrokeme | because i’ve genuinely loved and revelled in our conversations this past year, and am pretty sure(??) you all ship jangobi
( and also @batsutousai and @the-mandalorian-clone-lover but it won’t let me tag you :(
i uhhhhhh plotted this from my prompt roster without rereading the actual ask, so this is completely out of timeline for the anon’s prompt? and i didn’t realise until i was halfway through?? so here’s this??? i already have ideas for a sequel???? (and it’s 3157 words gl)
some context: there’s no age-out, but obi-wan is still sent to the agricorp and stays there. yarael poof inspects the facility 7 years later, and obi has visions of korda 6/galidraan and finagles themself onto the rescue mission of the true mandalorians. cue chaotic, still-has-the-impulsivity-that-got-them-kicked-out obi-wan. who is also nb just for funsies.
title from start//end by eden
  Obi-Wan Kenobi is not as Yarael had expected, but then, he had never met them while they lived in the Temple.
  The young Jedi breaks away from their group of friends on the other side of Bandomeer’s main greenhouse as soon as they catch sight of Yarael, the other novitiates trying and failing to hold Obi-Wan back from running through the dark green garden beds right up to him. They don’t seem to care that they’ve interrupted Master Fodvam’s tour of the facility, and ignores her to glare at Yarael with a fire in their eyes that he vaguely remembers as being the cause for their failing the initiate program. Stocky and toned with dark freckles on every bit of exposed skin from working the desert Enrichment Zones, Obi-Wan glares up at Yarael with a set to their lips so very like Master Yoda (and Qui-Gon Jinn, for that matter) that Yarael raises a placating hand to the Kubaz master at his side and smiles back down at Obi-Wan. 
  At first flush, he might have thought Obi-Wan approached him to beg to be allowed to return to the Temple and become a knight —it would not be the first time an old initiate had done so, though they usually attempted such an action much sooner after their reassignment— but instead, Obi-Wan wastes no time in demanding, “You have to go Korda 6, the lives of thousands depend on it.”
  “And why is that, young one?” Yarael returns calmly, though Obi-Wan must be pushing seventeen standard; everyone is young to him these days.
  Master Fodvam sighs, reaching out to put a hand on Obi-Wan’s arm, but they shake her off. “Obi-Wan,” she admonishes softly, for all the good that does.
  “There’s going to be a genocide,” Obi-Wan insists over the sound of their friends trying to call them back across the greenhouse, “Death Watch is going to kill the Mand’alor and slaughter the True Mandalorians, and no one here will listen to me.”
  Curious about their absolute certainty, Yarael gently pushes against their mind, but has to jerk away when the Jedi shoves him right back out, Yarael’s second brain fizzling like it had been shocked by a bad power coupling. Perhaps Master Yoda had been too hasty in handing this one over to the Council of Reassignment, when even though Yarael can sense their fear and hurt, their lingering doubt in the Jedi Order, Obi-Wan has not a single crack in their shields. Not a single doubt in themselves.
  Master Fodvam shakes her head, but it appears more out of a helplessness than disappointment. “Master Poof,” she says, “Novitiate Kenobi has spoken of this premonition for the last standard tenday, and I’m afraid none of the masters here are versed in the Unifying Force.”
  “At all,” they stress.
  Interesting indeed, that Master Yoda would nominate Obi-Wan for the Agricorp over the other branches, then, for surely they would have shown precognition as a crècheling. “Novitiate Kenobi, you clearly have complete faith in such a vision.” Yarael doesn’t try to enter their mind again, but does open his senses between them, benignly inviting Obi-Wan into his own instead. “Show me.”
  Obi-Wan is bewildered for all of a moment, eyebrows pinched, but then they blink in understanding and snap their eyes closed. A flurry of images is all but shoved into Yarael’s lower brain, a confusing mash of forests and armor and blasterfire, but, yes, there is Vizsla, and there is Mereel, and there is a Mandalorian in blue armor leaving Mereel to die on the battlefield.
  “How are you sure this is Korda 6?” Yarael asks, opening his eyes to Obi-Wan’s mentally-drained expression, tanned skin sallow under the freckles.
  “I’ve heard some of the mission report,” they say, and let Master Fodvam gently support them where they had pushed her away before; Yarael will certainly have to teach Obi-Wan to strengthen their mental stamina. “Every night for the last tenday I’ve seen this battle, I’ve seen ten different ways it could go, and all of them end with the True Mandalorians’ slaughter, unless we do something.”
  The Quermian looks Obi-Wan up and down once more, reaching as far into the Force as he can manage, and he doesn’t have a lifetime seat on the High Council for nothing.
  “Then we’ve not a moment to lose, do we?”
  If Obi-Wan is surprised Yarael insists on taking them to his ship to join him for his update to the Council, they don’t show it, and don’t appear nervous at all as the holocall connects. In fact, they stand off to the side with their arms behind their back and a serene expression on their face, right until Master Rancisis admits a contingent of Jedi had just left to help a planet deal with a violent insurgence of Mandalorian commandos, led by Jango Fett.
  And then Obi-Wan only blinks before turning his gaze up to Yarael. “Then we are too late for Korda 6. We must make for Galidraan.”
  The holo of Master Rancisis flickers as he winds and unwinds his appendages until he finally says, “We did not tell you the planet’s name.”
  On Rancisis’ left, Master Yoda taps his cane against the floor. “Clear it is, that truth in Novitiate Kenobi’s visions there is. To what extent, we do not know, but great pain I sense if act quickly we do not.”
  After meeting each of the other coucilmember’s eyes, Master Rancisis leans forward in his seat and points one undulating finger at Obi-Wan. ”You will go with Master Poof to Galidraan, Novitiate Kenobi; if you leave now, you may make it in time to prevent the Jedi from having a hand in this massacre.”
  Obi-Wan checks with Yarael first, their deference almost endearing as they look up at him for confirmation; Yarael cannot help a small smile, and if the Council has not guessed his intentions by now, then they are as blind as a naked womp-rat.  “Well, Novitiate Kenobi?” he prompts, “Are you prepared to see this through properly?”
  Obi-Wan drops their shoulders to raise their chin instead. “To be truthful, Master Poof, I would have been disappointed to be left behind.”
  Obi-Wan is already at the hatch of Master Poof’s cruiser when they finally land as close to the coordinates the Council had given them as they dare, and Obi-Wan sorely wishes they had asked Master Fodvam for a blaster before leaving Bandomeer. Nothing can be done for that now, and there is the more pressing matter that Master Poof had been unable to contact the Jedi already planetside, but perhaps they shouldn’t have expected the Force to make it easy on them.
  As soon as the cruiser is settled, Obi-Wan elbows the control panel for the landing hatch and drops right down into the snow; they’re not quite dressed for this weather, not coming straight from the desert Enrichment Zone, but they can hardly feel the cold over the cloying, suffocating fear that saturates the air until even the trees tremble with it. And they might be stronger in the Unifying Force than anyone else in the Agricorp, but Obi-Wan hasn’t been wrist-deep in soil for seven years to come out of it without feeling the Living Force just as strongly.
  Run, the trees tell them, and they do, pushing themself up onto more compact snow and taking off for the True Mandalorian camp. Master Poof calls after them, but they don’t slow until they reach the top of the nearest ridge, a sheer drop on the other side right into the camp, and Obi-Wan is forced to look out over their worst vision come to life.
    The Mandalorians stand as one facing the opening to the ravine on Obi-Wan’s right, where the Jedi spread out among the tents as Master Dooku reads them a list of false wrongs, and Obi-Wan knows the Mandalorians will not surrender. Mand’alor Mereel’s son stands before Dooku in newly-painted blue and red armor, raising his blaster as Dooku ignites his ’saber, and Master Poof halts abruptly at Obi-Wan’s side and lifts a four-fingered hand, but he won’t be able to Force-suggest anyone in beskar, and—
  And he has a lightsaber hanging from his belt.
  Obi-Wan had not failed their Jedi training, they were bright and talented and wanted absolutely nothing more than to become a Jedi Knight, but their temper had seen Bruck to the Halls of Healing, and their impulsivity had seen them to the Agricorp despite the potential they had shown in their seven years in the crèche.
  Their temper, they have control over that now, Obi-Wan is rarely even angry these days, but their impulsivity has been the, ah... cause for many of the Bandomeer masters’ grey hairs, so to speak.
  So Obi-Wan does not think before grabbing Master Poof’s ’saber, barely able to even lift the hilt almost as long as their arm, and leaps from the crumbling snowbank with as much Force behind their feet as they can muster. Sound snaps to silence in their ears, vision narrowing on the scant yard between Jango Fett and his death, as Obi-Wan yanks the Living Force around themself and hauls it up right from the ground, grabs it by the roots of the nearest tree until it sings.
  By a miracle of the Force, Obi-Wan lands perfectly between the new Mand’alor and the Jedi, igniting Master Poof’s unusually-yellow lightsaber just in time to deflect Jango’s first blaster bolt right into the ground — the ground that shakes and splits, exploding snow into the air to make way for the evergreen roots that surge through the cracks and grab Dooku’s entire arm, sending his ’saber flying. 
  Obi-Wan inhales once, twice, before allowing their other senses to flood back to them, and the Force sees fit to immediately make them aware of Master Poof stumbling down the bank after them with his upper hands raised in surrender. 
  “Peace, Jedi!” he shouts, successfully pulling the gaze of everyone in the ravine away from Dooku’s limb held aloft by mud-slick roots and to himself instead. “We have been misled,” he presses on, almost seeming to glide over the packed snow to stand at Obi-Wan’s back and place a palm between their shoulders, “These Mandalorians know nothing of what you speak, Master Dooku, we are both being played by the Governor of Galidraan.”
  Jango Fett growls over his external comms, close enough to make Obi-Wan shiver. “What the kriffing fuck is going on?” he snaps, not bothering to drop his blaster as Obi-Wan glances at him and can just see the shadow of his eyes behind his visor.
  “Death Watch had the governor call the Jedi here under false pretences, your grace,” Obi-Wan says, and doesn’t know what to make of the way the Mand’alor twitches at their voice. They can feel their shoulder weakening from hefting such a massive hilt, unwieldy even gripped at the balance point, but Obi-Wan refuses to let their arm shake, not with both sides holding them under such scrutiny; Maker, maybe they should have changed into Jedi robes instead of their dark tunics and kama? It gives them a silhouette neither wholly Mandalorian nor wholly Jedi, and certainly only adds to the confusion.
  Nothing to be done about it now.
  “The governor lied to the Mandalorians about their targets, to perfectly set them up for a Jedi arbitration,” Master Poof explains. “And of course knew that the Mandalorians would never surrender to the Jedi.” He looks slowly around at both parties, letting his words sink in until the Jedi are shutting their lightsabers off in disgust.
  The Mandalorians don’t put away their blasters, obviously, but they do lower them enough to be an act of good faith; only when Jango lowers his own does Obi-Wan power down Master Poof’s ’saber, and is all too happy to hand the weighty thing back to him with a shallow bow.
  Master Poof smiles in amusement, clipping the hilt back in its rightful place on his belt, before calmly nodding to Dooku. “Novitiate, you may release Master Dooku now.”
  Startled, Obi-Wan immediately calls on the Living Force to pull the roots away from the man and coax them back into the ground, hoping they hadn’t damaged anything enough for the evergreen just up the ridge to suffer. 
  Dooku massages his red wrist and eyes Obi-Wan carefully, the clouds of breath before his lips casting strange shadows over his face in the dying sunlight. “I was not aware the Agricorp was still teaching Consitor Sato to its novitiates. Nor so... successfully.”
  “... Master Fodvam would appreciate it if you didn’t mention that to the High Council.”
  “I am on the Council, Novitiate Kenobi,” Master Poof chortles, but turns back to the Mandalorians still effusing bewilderment before the new Mand’alor can decide they really are all better off dead. “Mand’alor Fett, I presume?”
  Jango shifts subtly, still close enough for Obi-Wan to watch his eyes dart to the Quermian. “For all of a week, jetii; how you are aware of this already does nothing to convince me to trust you. Any of you.”
  Master Poof just smiles serenely. “There is little one cannot gather from the Force upon first meeting, your grace. However, you are correct, and I would not be aware of Jaster Mereel's death if my companion had not told me of it.”
  Jango doesn't get the chance to ask him to clarify just what that means, the girl padawan at Dooku's side cutting in rudely, 
  “And Master Poof, just who is your companion?” as if she can’t tell from Obi-Wan’s attire that they were a Jedi Knight washout. 
  So maybe Obi-Wan doesn’t have complete mastery of their temper just yet, but they don’t get to snarl back before Master Poof answers cheerfully, "They are my new apprentice!"
  “Master Poof...?”
  “I cannot very well leave a novitiate so strong in the Unifying Force untrained, can I?” Master Poof shakes his head. "As the matter stands, our duty to Galidraan is not yet complete: the governor has pulled both the Jedi and the Senate into his personal affairs, and has allied with a known terrorist group. Master Dooku, might I suggest we make to arrest the actual perpetrator of these crimes?”
  “Vizsla will be there,” Jango interrupts. “And he must know his plan has failed by now, you'll be walking right into a trap.”
  Obi-Wan raises a brow. “A trap meant for you, your grace. When we engage Governor Martinet, it would be unwise for the True Mandalorians to still be on planet.”
  “Why do you keep calling us that?" he snaps, the blue-armoured Mandalorian at his side grabbing his shoulder to hold him back from... striking Obi-Wan? From removing his helmet? Obi-Wan isn't sure. 
  They are sure that, if the Jedi succeed in apprehending Vizsla, the New Mandalorians will make themselves known much earlier. “One day, soon, you will need to make the distinction between yourselves, and those that will use ‘Mandalorian’ as a ploy for cultural reform, as claim to an identity that is not theirs,” Obi-Wan says, finding Jango’s eyes behind his visor once more. “The Children of the Watch will choose ‘True’ as that distinction of your people in retrospect, some fifty years from now.”
  The Mandalorian holding Jango’s shoulder tenses. “Are you some sort of prophet, kih’jetii?”
  “Hardly,” they smile, because the Force promises to back off a little after this mess is all said and done, whenever that may be. “But the Force decided I was the most likely candidate to make it here in time to stop a genocide, though I’m not sure if it knew how much information I actually needed. Irregardless, everything from today is now changed from any visions I had seen of it, I’m no more a prophet than you are.”
  Jango twitches again strangely, and his companion tightens their grip on their blaster. 
  “Novitiate Kenobi is right,” Poof interjects gently. “You should take your people to regroup and recover, your grace, you will be of no use to the galaxy dead.”
  “Wait,” Jango grits through clenched teeth. “It would... be unfair for us not to aid you in this, not when this was our disaster, too.”
  “There is no need for that,” Dooku says regally, Force-calling his ’saber back to his hand. “This has become a Senate matter, and to involve yourselves further would be an unnecessary risk.”
  “So you... want us to just leave?”
  Dooku raises a single eyebrow, expression blank otherwise, but Obi-Wan still shudders at the dark anger in the man, the rage that had hit its boiling point upon first meeting Jango and believing he had slaughtered almost two hundred innocent activists. The Force warns Obi-Wan about that darkness, the way Dooku has not yet released it; it also gives them hope, though, that the master can be pulled back into the light, with a little persuasion and lots of tea. 
  The conversation has moved on without them when Obi-Wan tries to focus back on the crisis at hand, Jango’s commandos already starting to pack up the camp while Dooku and Master Poof quietly discuss the Jedi’s next moves. Neither seem to have realised Obi-Wan hadn’t been paying attention, which is just fine by them: Master Fodvam is already at wit’s end trying to keep them focused on anything but plants, somedays. 
  A heavy gaze pulls their own to look up, across the camp to where Jango oversees his people’s retreat, but Obi-Wan knows the Mand’alor’s attention is on them alone. Obi-Wan gazes right back, refusing to the first to look away, and is somehow thrilled rather than disappointed when Jango does just that. 
  He does not say goodbye, but that’s alright, Obi-Wan knows they’ll be meeting again soon. 
  Following a stomping Jango up into Jaster’s old ship, Myles won’t stop laughing at him.
  “‘The one who will speak of the truth,’” he quotes gleefully, just as jovial in his punching of Jango’s sides as he attempts to unbuckle his helmet, and he doesn’t back down even when his Mand’alor growls at him. “Kriff, who knew that witch would end up being so literal?”
  “I told you I don’t believe in that osik,” Jango snaps, trying to shove his best friend off of him. “I don't believe in that old hag's ‘prophecy’ any more than I believe in Jedi competence.”
  “Ah ah, Jang’alor, you shouldn’t speak of your ba’buir like that, what would Jaster say?”
  Jango finally gets his helmet off and yanks his hood down so he can get right in Myles’ face to snarl, “That adiik is not the future of Mandalore, kriff whatever the fuck Jaster’s buir says! One dream and one crazy old enby witch spouting oracle nonsense does not make Obi-Wan Kenobi my destiny.”
  Jango doesn’t need to see Myles’ face to know it lights up in victory. “Nobody said their full name, Jang’alor.”
  “Finish that thought and I’ll throw you out the airlock.”
Mand’alor — “Sole ruler”, contended ruler of Mandalore.
jetii — “Jedi” sing, pl. jetiise
kih'jetii — “Little Jedi”, highly offensive
osik — impolite form of “dung”, shit
ba'buir/e —  “grandparent/s”, gender neutral
adiik — a child aged from 3 to 13, used here as an insult
Cansitor Sato — Traditional High Galactic for “Plant Surge”, a Living Force-related technique of controlling plants (usually vines) to ensnare or slow an enemy; in legends, this was taught to Agricorp members as well, headcanoned here to be usually only taught to master/older members. 
Novitiate — personal headcanon for the form of address for non-master members of the Jedi Corps.
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justalitlecreacher · 4 years
Anakin Skywalker Deserved Better
Ive made this post before but it was really rough and i meant to edit it later and its later now but its been so long that i don’t feel like finding the og post so here we are. If it’s not obvious i care more than a normal amount about Anakin Skywalker.
Tl;Dr: I firmly believe that there are so many points in the prequel series, the clone wars, and even the comics that some level of intervention could have steered Anakin away from falling in Revenge of the Sith.
The Phantom Menace 
This is our first encounter with Anakin, and it does a decent job at introducing us to him. This movie sets up his tragic backstory™️ and gives us a good look at his personality; Anakin appears selfless and eager to help complete strangers in return for nothin when he first brings Qui-Gon and crew to his home to give them shelter, and then risks his life in the podrace to help them afford the part they need to fix their ship. Aside from introducing and developing Anakin not much else happens until Qui-Gon brings Anakin before the Jedi Council where they decide he is too old and there is already too much anger in him to be trained as a Jedi. Qui-Gon disagress, but we move on to Naboo where 9-year old Anakin blows up a very large ship all; by himslef w/ autopilot ( they grow up so fast), Qui-Gon dies, and we get our first look at Palpatine being creepy in hindsight, “And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.” not all that weird out of context but uncomfy when you remember who Palpatine is.
Before we move on i actually want to flashback to Anakin’s first encounter with the Jedi Council. For a group of people who constantly take in and raise children, the Jedi seem to do a poor job interacting with them. A kind of infuriating thing about this scene is that the Jedi seem to shame Anakin for being afraid (no matter how much Anakin himself denies that fear). This scene does a really good job at setting up how the Jedi consistently fail to take into account that Anakin is fundamentally incapable of being a “normal” Jedi. Anakin has had a fundamentally different childhood than any other Jedi and absolutely needed more help and support than the average Padawan from the very beginning. Granted it is possible that the Jedi tried to get him the help and support he needed, but if they did we can infer they failed from Dooku’s line in Revenge of the Sith, “I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate, you have anger, but you don’t use them.”
Obi-Wan And Anakin Comic
The Obi-Wan and Anakin comics take place sometime between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. The story focuses on Anakin and Obi-Wan investigating a distress signal on a planet that has been destroyed by war. The comic also flashes back to reveal that Anakin is thinking of leaving the Jedi Order after Palpatine shows him the dark side of Coruscant, and tells him that neither the Jedi nor the Senate will be able to do anything about it. We get more creepy (not just in hindsight this time) moments out of Palpatine here. The first one is when he uses his position as Chancellor to gain access to Anakin under the guise of “helping” him.  “Why young Skywalker is a Jedi, is he not? The Jedi are under the Senate’s jurisdiction. And as I am the Chancellor of the Senate...”. Palpatine proceeds to take Anakin to a club of some kind where they see a corrupt senator gambling; Palpatine also mentions how “Lives are bought and sold here everyday” he then makes a show of apologizing for bringing it up considering Anakin’s past.Without context this would seem harmless enough, but with the context of Palpatine’s true identity it is more likely a ploy to subelty remind Anakin of how the Jedi and Senate are unable or unwilling to intervene on Tatooine or the rest of the Outer Rim. Palpatine reminding Anakin of the Senate and Jedi’s inability to help everyone seems to be a running theme in their meeting as the series continues. 
Aside from Palpatine being a creep; we see that Anakin is still just as willing and eager to help as he was in The Phantom Menace. His skills in mechanics result in him being briefly kidnapped so that he can fix weapons that will help one side to win the war that has destroyed the planet. Seriously Anakin is just so ernest in these comics that i shed tears because i know how his story ends. 
One character that Obi-Wan and Anakin team up with to reach the distress signal first mistakes Anakin for Obi-Wan’s son, and then tells Obi-Wan, “He [Anakin] doesn’t think so. Kid idolizes you. You can see it” when Obi-Wan admits that he’s not sure he is the best suited to teach Anakin, and fears he has failed him in some way. As the story progresses, it is revealed in a flashback that after Anakin told Obi-Wan he wanted to leave the Order, Yoda sent the two of them on the mission they are currently on to give Anakin a chance to reconsider his decision, and Obi-Wan tells Yoda that if Anakin returned from the mission still wanting to leave the Order, Obi-Wan would leave with him to continue his training and keep his promise to Qui-Gon. 
Attack of the Clones
Back to the movies. Attack of the Clones reunites Obi-Wan and Anakin with Padmé Amidala when they are assigned to protect her from an assassin. One of ( if not the) most important elements to this movie are Anakin’s dreams/visions of his mother. Towards the beginning of the movie Anakin doesn’t explicitly say what the dreams are about, but it can be assumed that the dreams are unpleasant as he says, “I don't sleep well anymore.” in response to Obi-Wan commenting on him looking tired; going on to claim that he cannot sleep because of his dreams. Anakin later admits to Padmé that he worries about his mother. This is one of the key moments in Anakin’s life that set him up to fall in Revenge of the Sith. There is no reason i can think of that Anakin should not have been allowed to check on his mother if he was having dreams about her that prevented him from sleeping properly and made him worry for her safety. As Anakin says, “Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love.”. If compassion truly is central to a Jedi’s life, then surely they could at the very least send one of their 10,000 Jedi to check on Anakin’s mother if he could not? Is it compassion to deny someone the help they need? I find it hard to believe that Anakin would not have told Obi-Wan that he was worried about his mother going off of how close they appear to be in the previous comic. Especially after Anakin responds to Obi-Wan joking about Anakin being the death of him one day with, “Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain.” 
Anakin and Padmé arrive too late to save Shmi, and she dies in Anakin’s arms. This is a crucial moment leading up to Anakin’s fall as it shows Anakin that his dreams have a very real potential of coming true and likely results in him blaming himself at least partially for not insisting on checking on his mother or getting there sooner or doing anything different that may have allowed her to survive; it’s also the first time we see Anakin really lose control. There have been instances of him lashing out in anger before (turning a pair of padawans’ lightsabers against them when he hears them making fun of him behind his back), but nothing like what happens in the wake of Shmi’s death. Anakin wipes out the entire village of Tusken Raiders; children included. And while Anakin does express genuine remorse for his actions, he never faces consequences for them. It’s not even clear if anyone but Padmé ever finds out; Yoda claims to feel Anakin’s pain in the wake of his mother’s death, but does not appear to see Anakin’s actions, and is not shown to discuss what happened on Tatooine with Anakin at all.
Some light googling on my part revealed that in the novelization of Attack of the Clone, while Anakin did tell Obi-Wan about his mother’s death it was Padmé who told Obi-Wan how she had died, but Obi-Wan is unaware of what happened afterwards. “Anakin had told him of Shmi’s death; that was why he and Padmé had gone to Tatooine, he said. Obi-Wan had talked to Padmé later, and she had explained that Shmi had been kidnapped and killed by Tusken Raiders. Neither of them had been willing to go into much detail, and from what Obi-Wan knew of the Tusken Raiders, he didn’t blame them. It was no wonder Anakin seemed shaken, if his mother had been tortured and killed. One day, perhaps, Anakin would be willing to tell him the whole story.” Obi-Wan appears to know that there is more to the story than he has been told, but it content to wait until Anakin is ready to talk about it. I wonder if they ever had that conversation.
Anakin’s inability to save his mother even after the warnings he receives in his dreams likely leads to his desperation to save Padmé form the danger he believes her to be in later in Revenge of the Sith. He has been shown once before that his dreams can easily come true, and he is desperate to prevent this dream from coming true no matter what the cost may be. 
The Clone Wars
This is gonna be a long one; it’s gonna have to cover the most relevant episodes of The Clone Wars and oh boy that’s not a small amount. Im gonna try to go chronologically but bear with me (if you actually read this far you know what you got yourself into)
Assassin s3ep7
In this episode Ahsoka begins having visions of Padmé being assassinated similarly to how Anakin dreamed of his mother’s and later Padmé’s deaths. The difference with Ahsoka is that she is able to prevent the visions from becoming reality.  What i want to focus on in this episode is the reaction Ahsoka gets when she tells Yoda about her dreams. Yoda explains to her that her dream may be telling her something and provides her with the means to act on her visions to prevent them from becoming true.
When Anakin approaches Yoda about his dreams in Revenge of the Sith, Yoda simply tells him that death is natural and he must train himself to let go of everything he fears to lose. We could chalk this up to just a writing inconsistency, but i dont think i will. I would instead like to wonder why Yoda treats Ahsoka’s visions like they are something that can be changed but then treats Anakin’s like they are set in stone. Anakin has already proven himself capable of having true visions, and is more force sensitive than any other living Jedi. It makes no sense to dismiss Anakin’s feelings like this. All this to say looking into and helping Anakin to examine his dreams instead of telling him to let go when he has proven over and over to be incapable of doing so would likely have been significantly more helpful in the long run.
The Mortis Arc S3 Ep15-17
Honestly i dont have a lot to say on this arc aside how much psychic damage it dealt to see Anakin briefly turn to the dark side because he was so desperate o avoid the future The Son had shown him ( really hope everyone had the common sense not to bring that up to Anakin after the fact though).
 The Deception Arc S4 Ep15+18
In this arc Obi-Wan fakes his death in order to go undercover as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen and uncover a plot to kidnap the Chancellor. This wouldn’t be a problem if they had brought Anakin in on the plan; instead they use Anakin’s reaction to Obi-Wan’s “death” to better sell the illusion. Obi-Wan even says, “Keeping Anakin on the outside was critical. Everyone knows how close we are. It was his reaction that sold the sniper. I'm sure of it.” Obi-Wan and the Council are fully aware of how much Obi-Wan means to Anakin, yet they all decide to use those feelings to their own advantage with little regard for the consequences.
On top of betraying Anakin’s trust; this move leads Anakin to doubt the Jedi Council and wonder what else they may be keeping from him if they  were willing to let him believe that Obi-Wan was dead as long as it suited their interests. “How many other lies have I been told by the Council? And how do you know that you even have the whole truth?”. 
I just cannot imagine why they thought they even had to use Obi-Wan for this plan. In the Obi-Wan and Anakin comic, Obi-Wan claims that there are 10,000 Jedi; surely there is someone less connected or with less attention on them who would be more suited to go undercover without the element of faking their death. Or if faking their death was necessary, surely they could have picked a Jedi who was not closely attached to arguably the most emotionally unstable Jedi in the Order. Anyone else would have been better. I don’t doubt that Anakin was telling the truth when he said, “If it was up to me I would kill you right here! But lucky for you, the man you murdered would rather see you rot in jail.”.
The Deception Arc just really grinds my gears because it really is almost like the Council wants Anakin to fall. There really is no excuse for how they use his bond with Obi-Wan against him for their own gain. The Council and Obi-Wan know full well how much Anakin loves Obi-Wan (see Anakin referring to Obi-Wan as the closest thing he has to a father in Attack of the Clones), and chose to use this vulnerability against Anakin in the worst way possible. 
This arc really sets Anakin to later doubt Obi-Wan and the Council in Revenge of the Sith, and make it easier for Palpatine to convince Anakin that no Jedi would understand him and that they would likely kick him out of the order and not help him. ( heck he even has a recent memory of the Jedi expelling a 14 year old from the Order for the sake of not looking bad in the eyes of the Senate. “I understand your sentiment, Obi-Wan, but if the Council does as you suggest, it could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. I'm afraid we have little choice.” i might go more in depth on this one later but this doesn’t feel like the right place as this is a post about Anakin and i don’t want to make and Ahsoka centric arc all about him).  
That wraps up the Clone Wars! Finally!
Revenge of the Sith
Ok big finale. Revenge of the Sith; so close to being my favorite Star Wars movie, but it almost made me cry in the library so its my second favorite (Attack of the Clones is my favorite). 
I’ve already touched on the dreams Anakin has of Padmé’s death in the Clone Wars segment, but it bears repeating and i have more to touch on. Im not 100% if im misremembering or not but i cannot recall Anakin ever explicitly telling Palpatine about his dreams, but Palpatine knows that Anakin fears for Padmé’s life anyway. It’s possible that Anakin just told him off screen but a fic i read recently ( It’s called give me one more night by Spongyllama on AO3 and it is so worth the read) introduced me to the theory that it had been Palpatine sending Anakin the dreams to begin with.
This theory has a good amount of legs to stand on honestly. As mentioned previously, Anakin never tells Palpatine about his dreams, but Palpatine still knows exactly what to tell Anakin to best manipulate him. Furthermore; Anakin’s dreams very likely would never have come true if Anakin hadn’t fallen; Padmé reportedly dies of heartbreak, something that could not have happened had Anakin not fallen. All signs point to Palpatine being behind the dreams (and we know that Anakin and Palpatine are close by the time Attack of the Clones occurs so it’s not out of question that Anakin may have told Palpatine about the dreams about his mother, giving Palpatine the idea to use those dreams against him later)
Honestly the biggest thing i think the Jedi could have improved on was just trying to understand Anakin better. The average age for entering the order is 2 to 3 compared to Anakin’s 9. Anakin entered the order years after any other Jedi, and because of that was able to remember his mother and had formed attachments (or attachment but i digress) before he had even reached the order. It should have been obvious from the start that if Anakin were to ever become a successful Jedi he would need significantly more help than the usual padawan.
We frequently see Anakin scolded for forming attachments or being too emotional (see Clone Wars s1e6-7 where R2-D2 goes missing and Anakin suggests taking a squad out to look for him “Anakin, it's only a droid. You know attachment is not acceptable for a Jedi.”(Obi-Wan) “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”(Yoda). etc etc)  But, to the best of my knowledge, we never really see anyone showing Anakin how to let go. Anakin lacks the tools he needs to properly deal with his emotions, so the best he can do is shove them down and pretend they don’t exist because to him that’s what a proper Jedi does. No one has ever told him otherwise. The explosion was inevitable.
Anakin Skywalker was a traumatized child who was most likely never taken to therapy or told how to deal with/ healthily show his emotions in any way other than to ignore them or push them aside on top of being manipulated by Sith Lord from a young age. With all these factors is it really a surprise that Palpatine was able to turn him?
ok im done; see yall next time ig
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
I doubt Ahsoka ever had the chance to meet Alpha-17, but I have no doubts whatsoever that she's been subjected to a shocking (to other people) number of stories about him from both Anakin and Obi-Wan. He'd be an honorary member of the family to her, by the time they ever did meet.
Anakin would no doubt stroll through the halls of Kamino like he'd commissioned the army himself, dragging her along in his wake, laughing at him to Slow down, Skyguy, my legs aren't that long! Not yet!
And he'd chuckle and tell her to keep up, c'mon, Snips, we can't let him get away, not this time and if anything he'd speed up.
She'd roll her eyes and grin and wave at all the clones they'd pass in the halls. When Anakin would finally slow down, double-check the data-pad in his pocket, smooth down his tabard in an uncharacteristic show of nerves, Ahsoka would know that whoever she's about to meet, they'd be important.
One of the masters, maybe? Stopping over just like them?
She wouldn't be able to recall any Jedi Master who could inspire such a reaction in Anakin, though. Only Master Obi-Wan. Even Yoda didn't garner that much respect and, if she had to name it, desire to impress from him.
So she'd straighten her own skirt, adjust her headdress, give the hilts of her lightsabers a quick buff, and nod encouragingly at Skyguy when he looked back at her. He'd take a reassuring breath, plaster on that cocky grin and wink, then stroll through the doors like he hadn't practically sprinted across half of Tipoca City.
Ahsoka would be nearly disappointed that the room held only clones.
She'd reprimand herself immediately, of course, then look around curiously.
The clones would be older than most of the ones she'd met at that point, maybe even older than Commander Cody. It would make her feel just as intimidated as a room full of Jedi Masters.
They'd probably be sparring with each other.
Not the same kind of sparring that the 501st, or even 212th, usually dealt in. There was rather a lot more heckling and puppy-scuffling and sometimes even betting going on in those. No, they'd be all ferocity and single-minded determination, unafraid of really injuring each other. A true test of their skills.
She and Anakin would wait politely by a wall and she wouldn't see a single clone pull a single punch. She'd probably revise her opinion and label it even more intimidating than a room full of Jedi Masters.
Standing there, watching them, she might start to suspect the identity of who, precisely, could have this kind of effect on Anakin.
Maybe a flash of blue—a very familiar shade—would catch her attention. And watching one of the clones ruthlessly take down his opponent, she'd understand.
The match would end and Anakin would step forward, puffing up his chest like an Alderaani peacock.
He'd congratulate the victor with a smirk that'd say exactly how unsurprised he is by the outcome. Maybe the clone would say something like What kind of trouble did you get into this time? or maybe he'd just raise an unimpressed eyebrow, content to wait Anakin out.
Either way, Anakin would flush, duck his head, then remember his pride and go right back to being all smiles.
He'd turn and gesture—flourish, really—to Ahsoka and say I thought it was long past time to introduce you to my padawan, Ahsoka Tano. The pride rolling off of him in waves would probably have her blushing down to her toes but she'd meet the clone's gaze head-on.
And the clone would cast a critical eye up and down her person, lingering on the strength in her arms and the lankiness of her legs and the two 'saber hilts on her belt. He might say nothing, again, but he might also turn a devastating smirk on Skyguy and say They let you of all people get your hands on a cadet? The G.A.R.'s doomed.
Rather than get defensive and lash out, though, Anakin might smile tentatively, bracing himself. And maybe he'd reply I was hoping you might put her through some paces. Get a feel for what kind of training she might need.
The words would send Ahsoka's head spinning but she'd be grateful, later, when she learned that Anakin had never seen the clone laugh until right then.
Sure thing, kid he'd say when he was done and then turn to back her. Call me Alpha.
And she'd know, have figured it out before the spar had even finished, but it'd still be a shock. Alpha-17 had trained every Commander in the Army, he'd trained Rex. And Skyguy wanted his advice on how to train her, as well.
Swallowing, she'd push her shoulders back and say It's an honor to meet you, sir and he'd shoot another look at Anakin.
It wouldn't be a very nice look but Anakin wouldn't be rattled at all even when he says What the hell kind of stories have you been telling the cadet about me, Skywalker?
Maybe Ahsoka would be able to hold in the reflexive giggle at his offense, maybe not.
Don't know what you're talking about, Alpha Skyguy would say, unapologetic, and Ahsoka would think back to every story she'd heard from either of her Masters (at least twice each) and would know that they were completely true.
Alpha-17 may or may not roll his eyes, depending on how comfortable he felt flouting Anakin's authority as a Jedi. Then he'd face Ahsoka fully, blocking Anakin out of the conversation, and narrow his eyes.
Hope you haven't taken every one of this particular general's lessons to heart yet, cadet he might say. Or something close to it.
And Ahsoka would probably resist the urge to dart a glance at Anakin before admitting Only the useful ones with a bravado she didn't feel.
He'd smile then, shark-like and full of teeth, and say Good answer, cadet. Now let's what those lessons are.
A shiver would probably work its way down her spine and she'd be sore and aching and frazzled by the time Alpha-17 was done testing her skills.
Just before they leave, Alpha-17 might shoot Anakin a deeply suspicious look and tell him Not bad, kid and Ahsoka would marvel at how Anakin would probably light up at that little piece of almost-validation.
And I have no doubt that he'd treat her to the same expression and say I think I'm gonna like you, cadet with all the resignation that came from knowing the Kenobi lineage at the source.
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xmalereader · 4 years
The Mandalorian X Dark Fey! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
After S2 EP 5, I couldn’t help but come up with an idea! After finding out the child’s name and having Ashokas appearance, I couldn’t help myself but write some more Dark fey reader!! Also the inspiration comes from @fanficsforheartandsoul Please read their writing it is amazing and follow them!!
Summary: Din and reader have found the child a teacher, Ashoka, and learn a few new things about the Jedi order. But, Ashoka finds out a bit more about the readers kind and tells him her stories of when she once met a planet full of dark fey, creatures that the reader thought have gone extinct making him think that he is the last of his kind.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, the child being all cute, backstory, Ashoka learning, just more angst.
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“I don’t think this is a good idea.” Said the Fey who walked next to the Mandalorian. The two were walking through the dead forest, jumping over fallen logs and going under trees in order to continue following the path that lead them to the Jedi. Back in town they have met with the Matriarch, a women that was in charge of the town and had offered them a spear of beskar in exchange to take down the Jedi. At first, y/n thought that din was going to refuse the offer, knowing that they needed the Jedi alive due to the child needing a proper teacher. But of course, Din being a Mandalorian, couldn’t refuse the offer. Which lead them to tracking down the jedi thorugh the dead forest.
“I already told you—“ Din turns to face the Fey. “I’m not going to kill her, I’m going to get her attention and make sure that she helps us with the kid. I just need to find her, that’s all.” He repeats. He’s already explained Y/n his plan, telling him that he woulnd’t do anything to hurt the Jedi and to only ask for their help and hand the kid over to them.
Y/n sighs deeply as he gives the child a glimpse, who sat inside the bag that Din had found for the kid. “I know but I can’t help but get a bad feeling about this.” He mumbles out as Din stops in his tracks and removes the kid from the bag, setting him down with a sigh. “Will be fine.” Din tells him and nods towards the kid. “Stay with him, I’m going to check out the area and see if I can find anything.” Y/n nods at the Mandalorian and adjusts his cape, using it to hide his wings from prying eyes. He’s never liked it when others took notice of his wings, they were precious to him and being a Dark fey was risky, he was the last of his kind and he couldn’t allow anyone to know who he was.
The fey can’t help but pout as he stands next to the child and reaches out to stroke one of its long ears. Keeping him distracted with a small smile. Before he could even say anything he hears the sound of sabers and beskar clashing against eachother.
The dark feys eyes widen as he sees the Jedi and Din fighting with each other, stepping in front of the child to protect him he bares his fangs at the Jedi until Din calls out her name. Causing the two to stop fighting with each other. Din Is quick to tell her that they were sent by bo-Katan and how they have searching for her.
The Jedi, known as Ahsoka, gives the couple a look before she eyes the dark fey that stood over the child. She’s quick to drop her guard and puts away her lightsabers. “I hope it’s about him.” She says as din turns around to see y/n glaring at the Jedi, he gives him a small nod as of saying that everything was okay.
Y/n’s wings slowly drop behind him as he too drops his guard and exposes the child to the Jedi. The two approach him as ahsoka smiles a little, “Hello.” She coos out to the child who returns her greeting with a squeak.
Y/n watches Din pace back and forth as the Mandalorian eyes the Jedi and the child from a distance. He was becoming nervous and anxious, not knowing what to expect from Ahsoka. The fey was standing by a tree, leaning back against it as he sighs. “Din, stop it.”
“I can’t help it.” Din snaps back at his partner of four years. The two have known each other for awhile now and it wasn’t strange for y/n to see Din acting this way, he knows that he’s grown attached to the kid and how much he loves him. But things change and they were tasked to bring him to a Jedi.
Y/n slowly gets irritated by Dins pacing, he knows that he’s acting like a worried father but he can’t help but get a little annoyed. “Din.” He approaches the Mandalorian and reaches out to touch his hand, finally getting Dins attention as he stops pacing.
“It’s going to be okay, whatever Ahsoka is doing she’ll tell us.” He whispers to Din, hearing the other sigh deeply as he looks away. Y/n grows upset as he gently places a hand on one side of the helmet and pulls him back to face him. Without saying a word he leans forward to press their foreheads together. A small tradition that both mandalorians and Dark fey have in common. “It’s okay.” He croaks out this time as Din relaxes under his touch and nods.
As the two pull away, they don’t notice Ahsoka approaching them with the child in her arms. She gives the two a small smile as she sets the lamp down between them and the child in a rock. She sits next to him and sighs.
Din is the first to break the silence. “Can you—Can you understand him?” He asks.
Ahsoka sits up straight and nods. “In a way,” she turns to face the child. “Grogu and I can communicate through the force, giving us the ability to speak with eachother.”
“Grogu?” Both Din and y/n say.
The sudden name call causes the child to perk up, looking over at his parents as he coos out.
Y/n noticed the kids reaction and smirks. “Grogu.” He repeats and again the child’s ears perk up and his eyes widen with joy.
Ahsoka watches the Dark fey kneel down at the child’s level and stroke his long ears as Din sits across from her. She takes this time to explain to him about Grogu; where he’s from and how the Jedi order had fallen during the clone wars. She also tells him about the previous master that was the same species as Grogu that she once knew. Once she’s done explaining the notices the child falling asleep which makes her smile a little. “I’ll train him in the morning, for now we rest.”
Din can only nod as he stands up and takes the kid with him, wrapping him up in his cloak as he heads towards a spot that was comfortable for them to sleep. As y/n rises from the ground he hears Ahsoka ask. “You’re a Dark fey.”
Y/n turns around to see her approach him. “I once met a fey, back when I was still in training.” She says. The feys eyes can only widen in relazation. “You’ve met a fey before?” He asks.
Ahsoka nods her head. “Of course, back when I still training with my masters we once crashed into their home planet. We’ve never heard about their species or where they came from, they were unknown to the rest of the worlds.” She explains. “The ones I met were Aster; the chief of his people and Neela the chiefs wife. She too was a force sensitive but their people didn’t know much about the force so they simply called her, ‘the special one’.”
Y/n is shocked by her words. Have their been Fey around this whole time? Was he not the only one? Could it be possible for him to visit this planet? He had so many questions to ask.
“What—what were they like?” He stutters out, licking his lips as he grips his cloak.
Ahsoka smiles as she nods towards the stump, offering him to sit as she continues to talk about this planet that she once knew.
“The Dark fey were very traditional people and kind. They welcomed us very quickly and taught us their traditions.” She continues on as y/n sits down to listen. “Aster, the chief, had a son who became very close to one of my masters.” She chuckles at the fond memory of her Master Obi-wan.
“Dark fey have this traditions when it comes to finding loved ones,” she says. “Theirs was a dance a very special dance—“ she glanced over at the Mandalorian who was sleeping against a tree with Grogu tucked underneath his arm. “By any chance are you and the Mandalorian together?”
Y/n’s face flushes red as he clears his throat, reaching up to run the back of his neck nervously. “We’ve been bonded together for awhile now.” He shyly looks away from her piercing blue eyes. “Why do you ask?”
Ahsoka hums. “While I was speaking to the child, he told me about you both and how much of a strong connection you have with the Mandalorian.” She adjusts her own cape. “Grogu really cares about you both, he sees you as his family. As parents.” Her eyes sadden at the realization.
Y/n is quick to notice the change of mood, sitting up straight he feels his wings twitch again. “Is that a good thing?” He suddenly grows anxious.
“In your way, yes. But in the Jedi way, it is forbidden.” She sighs out. “In order to become a Jedi you have to avoid attachments. My old Master...he could’ve easily fallen away from the order the day the Chiefs son proposed to him. My master was oblivious during that time and had no idea that the fey was proposing, I could sense his happiness of just being around your people and around him too but—“ she frowns. “He was a selfish fool who only thought about putting his order first before him.” This was the first time that she actually spoke ill about her master. She knew how much Obi-Wan cared and loved the man, she remembers the presents Obi-wan would receive from the fey and how happy he was to just have a small stone given to him. She knew he was happy and she wanted him to stay on that planet with him. But, she can only watch as her master broke the feys heart and telling him that he couldn’t have these attachments. For the first time she felt upset towards her master, upset that he wouldn’t put his own happiness first.
“But, Grogu needs your help.” Y/n whispers out.
“I know he does, but I can’t train him. I can’t lead him down a dark path.” Ahsoka’ voice grows into a small whisper. She knows how much the child means to them and separating him from his family can only upset Grogu and the fear that he holds can easily take him down a dark path, something she can’t bare to see again.
Y/n bites his lip, looking over his shoulder to see his partner and Grogu resting with each other. “Their is another way.” He turns his attention back to Ahsoka. “I can try and train him in the morning but if the child refuses to listen then your second option will be to take him to a Jedi temple. There he will decide his path.”
Y/n heaves out a deep sigh and nods. “Okay.” He says softly as Ahsoka places her hand on his shoulder and gives it a soft squeeze. “Get some rest.” She adds and stands from her spot.
Before she could find her own place to sleep she is stopped by y/n. “The Dark fey, you said their was a planet full of them—do you know where?” He asks desperate to know.
Ahsoka gives him a confused look. “I thought you were from there.”
Y/n shakes his head. “I don’t remember my parents or their names.” He was still a child when he found out that he was the only fey. “I was sold into slavery, passed down by many different masters. I was treated like any other; punished, neglected, sometimes they would tear my feathers away.”
Ahsoka gasps. “A feys wings are considered precious to them and no one is to touch them unless given permission too.” She is shocked to know about this.
“A feys wings are senstive as a child that was my punishment. I didn’t learn how to fly until I got older, but before anything else the mandalorians saved me—“ he looks towards Din and smiles. “Din and I were kids. He was my first friend, my first everything.” He blushes. “We grew up together, I didn’t take the creed due to me being a fey. I wanted to know more about my kind and see if I could find anyone that knew about us but, I never succeed.” He remembers spending his years doing research about the fey, only finding few books and holos about his kind. He remembers annoying the Armorer to let him go search around the area and see if could find just one hint of information about his own people. But in the end he found nothing and accept his fate of being the last one.
But now, now he’s found someone that has met, not just one, but a whole planet full of them and he’s desperate to know where this planet is located.
“I want to see more fey, I want to see my people.” He pleads out. “Please, anything you have can help me.” He looks into her blue eyes, giving her a pleading look.
Ahsoka Can sense his emotions; anger, sadness, joy, relief. She gives off a sad sigh, reaching under her cloak she pulls out a holo. Showing it to y/n. “Before we left I made sure to gather as much information as I could about the Dark fey. Their elders trusted me with this information and allowed me to add their coordinates if we were to ever visit again.” Her fingers graze over the holo before giving it a soft squeeze and handing it over to y/n.
“Take it and go find yourself a place that you can call home.”
Y/ns heart beats loudly as he eyes the holo in Ahsokas hand. Nervously he takes it into his own and bites his lip, holding back tears of joy. “Thank you.”
Ahsoka nods. “You’re welcome.” Smiling at the fey she nudges him towards the Mandalorian. “Best for you to rest, tomorrow we train Grogu.” Y/n sniff and clears his throat. “Right.” He agrees with her and puts away the holo into his own pocket. Turning around he heads towards Din and Grogu, quietly removing his own cape as he drapes it over the two. He sits down next to him and leans his head against Dins shoulder, his wings stretching out and wrapping themselves around his small family and smiles.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
3265 words
Summary/warnings: Not proofread. Sleep deprived writing. Mentions of injury and fighting and sadness and all that jazz. Post-Order 66, baby.
A/n: This one is definitely a ride. If not good, I hope it is at least entertaining. It was entertaining to write. Kinda sad. As always, please let me know if there’s anything I can edit to make the story more inclusive. Thank you for reading!
The annoyance you felt as you trudged out of the marketplace was… unmatched. This was certainly not the deal. You would help Sar’pah clean up the mess he had made, and in return he would get you off of Abafar. Of course, when you had said ‘off of Abafar’, you had meant somewhere with some semblance of civilization; something to blend into. Not another Maker-forsaken desert planet.
You should have known that a ‘pit-stop’ on Tatooine meant kicking the dangerous fugitive offboard, but seeing as how Sar’pah himself was a wanted man, you had hoped he would be a little more forgiving. He had landed in Bestine, asked you to go get a few items from the market, and flew off the moment you stepped off the walkway.
Kriffing fool doesn’t even know what kind of fugitive I am. Your trusting nature may have lost you a ride, but it certainly didn’t extend far enough that you told people why you were on the run. You simply told them that working with you could be dangerous. It was up to them to decide if they wanted to take that risk.
Too many would love the reward a Jedi would bring them. And dammit, if you were going to be brought down by the Empire, it certainly wasn’t going to be for anyone else’s gain. So, here you were, stuck on another desert planet. One ruled by the Hutts, no less. A few too many brushes with them, before and during the Clone Wars, had you very wary to make your presence known to them. So, you figured that at least until you had a ride offplanet, you should try your best to avoid bigger settlements. (Well, as big as settlements on Tatooine could get.)
Which brought you back to the current moment. Republic Credits had never meant much in the Outer Rim, but you had just enough to buy some water and an admittedly sickly looking Eopie. You hadn’t really bothered to check what direction you were setting off on, just picking the horizon that looked the least difficult to navigate with a large animal. It was also in the opposite direction of Mos Eisley, where you were quite sure a few old enemies resided. 
You refused to acknowledge it, but you could feel the Force pulling you west. You were sure many Jedi had taken solace in the Force after all they had lost, but all you felt was… betrayal. You were well aware the Order itself was corrupt, you didn’t deny that- but mass murder? The will of the Force was to kill some of its most loyal followers? You had witnessed its power. You couldn’t deny its existence. But you could deny its benevolence.
So you kept going with the suns in your eyes and told yourself it was logical to go west.
“Hey!” You ignored it. You didn’t know anyone here, surely they were calling for someone else. “Hello? Excuse me?”
You finally turned to see a blue Twi’lek jogging to catch up with your Eopie. Three years of being hunted had your instincts screaming at you to reach for your lightsaber, but the friendly (if panicked) smile on her face put you at ease enough to let her get close enough to explain herself.
“Can I help you, ma’am?”
“Oh you don’t have to be so formal! I’m Sasrula, just Sas if it’s easier, and if you’re willing, I could really really use some help right now.” You stopped your mount entirely, turning so the suns were at your back and the stranger couldn’t see your face. You examined her more closely, which you could tell was making her more nervous. “I just need to get out of here, somewhere a little more sparsely populated, and quickly, or else I wouldn’t be bothering you, but just since I’m pretty light and your Eopie could probably carry both-”
“You were enslaved?”
She looked down at herself, seemingly only now noticing the small bits of fabric she had been given as clothing. Before she could go on another rant, you gestured to the space behind you. 
“Hop on.” Before she could get any closer you help up your hand, stopping her in her tracks. “There’s a cloak and some water in the bag.”
 The animal beneath you protested, already struggling with your weight, but when you calmed it down enough, it began its slow progress. The first minute or so was silent, but Sasrula’s chatty entrance was an omen of the hours to come.
“Whatcha doin’ on Tatooine?”
“Passing through.”
You could sense the doubt that washed over her, and the suspicion that your lie brought onto you.
“Most people ‘passing through’ Tatooine don’t ride off into the desert.”
“I have never killed anyone that wasn’t about to kill me.” It didn’t… soothe her, but the blunt statement seemed to ease her enough into another topic of conversation. 
“...did you have a job before Tatooine?”
“Few years ago.”
“No.” It was too late, though. You had stiffened, and due to her close proximity, Sasrula easily picked up that there was more to that story than you were letting on. “He and I were never married.”
“Already have a wife then, did he?” You let out a puff through your nose.
“Something like that.”
There was a time you had resented Obi-Wan for inevitably choosing the Order over you. For leaving your quarters early in the morning, whispering empty promises of love and a happy future. Nowadays you would go to the ends of a universe just for one more moment with him. But you would never get that. Because even if Cody hadn’t been the one to kill him, and he had survived the initial execution, Obi-Wan was too courageous and too selfless and too reckless to have made it three years on the run. 
And if maybe you didn’t want to consider the idea that he hadn’t come looking for you like you had spent the first two years looking for him, you would never admit it to yourself. You weren’t sure you could survive that notion.
“Was he handsome?”
This was the most Sas had seen you emote in the little while you had now been together- she wasn’t letting your mystery man get away that easily.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Rich?” You laughed, and Sas felt just a bit of pride that she had eased you up.
“Hardly! The man never remembered to bring whatever money he did have, and I would constantly have to apologize to Dex-” You stopped yourself. No names. Don’t get familiar. “Dex was the owner of a greasy little diner.”
There was something… pleasant, about pretending that your relationship with Obi-Wan had been a normal one. There was no Jedi Council to answer to, no status to keep safe, nothing. Just you, a few memories, and an escaped Twi’lek full of questions and eager to fill the silence.
“...then, the kriffing bastard, he pushed me into his closet! Like whoever was coming in wasn’t gonna figure out something was amiss!” The giggle coming from behind you was loud, and you were glad to finally be sharing these stories with someone. 
“Oh no I entirely relate, there was a guy who- why’d you stop?”
You all but fell off of the Eopie, stumbling when you landed but quickly steady on your feet. Something felt very wrong, and you were quite sure that something was moving towards you very fast. While your hand first landed on your lightsaber, you made the decision to grab the blaster you had stolen from Sar’pah instead.
A distant cloud of dust, coming from the direction of Bestine, was moving… fast.
“How fast do sandstorms usually move?”
“Well, it depends on the pre-existing weather and geographical conditions, but they can go hundreds of miles an hour, it’s not pleasant-“ she finally turned to look at what was causing you to panic “dank farrik! That is not a dust storm!”
“Well what is it then?!”
“A lot of trouble!”
As you tried to pick out details of the approaching figures, a reflection of light let you know they were on speeders. A brief glance at the struggling eoipe let you know you wouldn’t be riding away from this, and the miles of flat desert around you hardly made for any good hiding spots.
“Are we sure it’s trouble?” You knew it was- another whisper from the Force that you were trying to keep unacknowledged. 
“Yeah. I had hoped he wouldn't notice I was missing till tomorrow.”
Now that’s just… great.
“Who is ‘he’?!”
“My previous captor. He’s, uh, not very forgiving.” Sas moved to get off of the animal, but you stopped her. “Listen, I appreciate your entrepreneurial spirit, but you’re not gonna get any money from him for my return, he’s just gonna kill you.”
“I’m not trying to get any money, you’re not going back.” The Twi’lek’s surprise was almost palpable. “At least, not while I’m standing.”
The cause of the dust cloud had gotten close enough that you could see four speeders drawing near. Three had large, intimidating riders, and the front one, the fanciest one, had a severe looking older man.
They slowed when they drew close enough, and the cold look in the man’s eyes told you everything you needed to know about him.
“I believe you’ve made off with something of mine.”
“You’ll have to enlighten me, sir.”
He paused for a moment, taking your protective stance and hood-covered face in.
“I’m not so sure I do, partner.”
“I haven’t stolen anything since I landed on your dustball of a planet.”
He snorted, still looking down on you from his position on his speeder.
“That,” he pointed at Sasrula, “is mine.”
“She is traveling with me. Has been for a while.”
“You can’t fool me, traveler. I know my own property. Don’t try to lie.”
You held your hands up in mock defeat.
“Hey, I never said exactly how long she had been with me. No lies have been told.”
“How long is this gonna go?”
“Till you either let us go, or are crushed under my boot.”
“Now, we both know that’s not gonna happen.”
In an instant you dropped to the ground, dodging blaster fire from four different directions. Even in the heat of the moment you were wary to reveal your past, so you pulled out your own blaster, desperately trying to get back on your feet whilst dodging dozens of blasts every moment. Once you finally had the chance to stand, you were able to get two of the larger men down.
It was a stressful situation, and once again you hated to admit it, but fighting felt… good. Not the chaos or death or injury of it, but the feeling of letting the Force guide your movements, feeling it flow around you and tell your limbs where to go.
Unfortunately, the method didn’t work when you were surprised out of your focus. And a cloaked figure coming out of seemingly nowhere and kicking the leader off of his speeder was enough to startle you.
You cursed as pain shot from your right shoulder, and it took everything in you not to drop to the ground. You shot the last of the body guards, and aimed at Sas’s captor, who laid in the cloaked man’s shadow. You paused when you felt a hand on your arm. You looked up to see Sasrula, who was looking at you with an unspoken request in her eyes.
You handed her the blaster and let her take the shot. You understood the desire.
Once he was dead on the ground, you turned towards the other presence, who had taken to watching your interaction with Sas. You couldn’t see his face under the hood of his cloak, and some part of you felt better knowing your face was likely just as concealed as his. 
“Thank you for the help!” Sasrula’s bright voice poked through the suspicious silence.
“It was no trouble at all.”
Your blood froze. You were almost certain you knew that voice.
“Take down your hood.”
“Excuse me? I-“
“Please just do it.”
You could see his shoulders stiffen, and you knew he recognized your voice. He lowered his hood. 
His eyes were the first thing you noticed. They were sad. The saddest they had ever been. And so tired. But there was a burning hope, a burning question, that you knew you needed to answer for him.
So you copied him, and dropped your hood.
“Hey, Obi.”
That was all it took for you both to take off in a sprint, clearing the few meters between you in less than seconds. You jumped and landed in his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.
You buried your face in his neck, sobbing as you tried to get as close to him as you possibly could. He let out a disbelieving laugh, and you pulled back to get another look at his face. You placed your hands on his cheeks, brushing the stray tears that had fallen from his eyes.
“I thought you were dead, Obi.”
“I thought you were dead, little one.”
There was a part of you that expected him to push you away when you leaned in to kiss him. A part of you that still felt it needed to hide your relationship. 
Instead, you kissed him and all of your grief and anger and sadness and deep adoration and love were on display for him, and his for you.
You finally pulled back and stepped back down on the ground when someone cleared their throat from behind you.
“I’m assuming this is the handsome man from before?”
You blushed and looked at Obi-Wan, who raised an eyebrow at you.
“Yes, it is.” You reluctantly pulled out of Obi-Wan’s arms, taking a step back to look him over for injuries. “How long have you been here? How did you survive all of the slaughter? I heard you had killed Grievous but then there was so much chaos, and I made my way to Utapau just to be sure you weren’t there and-”
“You went to Utapau?! Darling, that was foolhardy and-” 
You took another step back.
“And dangerous! I can only imagine that place is crawling with Imperials!”
“What was I supposed to do, Obi? Yours was the only face I cared to see, so I figured I’d start from the beginning.” Conflicting and powerful emotions caused more tears to fall from your eyes despite your best efforts. “What was I supposed to do?” It came out as a whisper, and you hated how broken you sounded. Suddenly you felt very tired, and the previously forgotten blaster wound on your shoulder was beginning to burn with pain.
“I had hoped that you would let me go.”
“Could you have?”
“Could you have let me go?”
Obi-Wan didn’t answer immediately, and you had your answer. Suddenly all of the heartbreak and quiet crying in your quarters at the temple were worth it. The three years of not knowing if you were searching for a ghost, the sneaking suspicion that he hadn’t done the same for you.
Worth it.
“Can I stay with you?” You sounded like a child and you hated it, but now that you had him you weren’t sure you could let him go.
His continued silence turned your heart to ice. Perhaps he hadn’t looked for you because he was tired of you. Perhaps you misread the situation. Perhaps he could have let you go. 
“Have you had any run-ins with the Empire?”
“Nothing beyond what any other Jedi has encountered.” You heard Sasrula gasp, and you felt just a little bad that you had entirely forgotten she was there. “I’m sneaky, Kenobi. Surely you remember that.” The curious turn of conversation had you feeling just a little more stable. He did not, however, smile.
“I’m staying here. On Tatooine. For a long time.”
“You’re saying I can stay?”
“It’s not like I can kick you off the planet.”
The rush of relief was sudden, and altogether too much for you. That, combined with the rather serious wound you had yet to take care of; the exhaustion of the past few hours; and the hot sun, it’s really no surprise that you passed out.
“Oh dear.”
When you woke, you felt blessedly cooler. The bandage around your shoulder was soft, and the blankets you were wrapped in smelled like the desert and Obi-Wan, which calmed your initial alarm at waking in a foreign place. There were no windows in whatever room you were in, but the general darkness around you suggested it was nighttime. There was a doorway with just a curtain across it, from which you could hear quiet murmurs. Your sleep muddled brain told you to lay back down and close your eyes for just a little longer, but you were too curious to sleep any longer.
When you stood you realized you weren’t in your own shirt. It was much larger than your own, and a slightly different color. You were, however, still in your own pants. Which was very appreciated. You took a few steps before stumbling, still rather weak from the past few hours.
You weren’t noticed when you first stepped into (what you could only assume to be) the main room of Obi-wan’s home. Said man was currently bickering with Sasrula over how to prepare dinner, and if they should wake you up to eat. You were glad to see that the Twi’lek hadn’t run off, and you were even gladder to see Obi-Wan in a lighter mood.
You finally caught his eye when you moved further into the room, and he quickly moved to your side in order to help you to a make-shift dining room chair, kneeling in front of you. You sheepishly smiled at your two companions, who both returned your look with concern.
“I see you two have become pals.”
“I see why you spent three years without him. Your man is insufferable.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, and you both tried to pretend like Sasrula calling him ‘your man’ didn’t affect you.
“You gave us a bit of a fright, my darling. I hadn’t even realized you had been hit.” He kissed you on the forehead. “I do hope you don’t mind that I took your shirt off in order to treat your wound.”
You shrugged.
“Nothing you haven’t seen before.”
If he wasn’t red from Sasrula’s earlier comment, he certainly was now.
The Twi’lek snorted and made her way to the kitchenette on the other side of the small space, taking her chance to prepare dinner her way.
“How long did I sleep for?”
“About two days. You left me alone with a stranger for two days.”
“That explains why you’re so chummy with Sas.”
He grimaced.
“Yes. I… don’t know that I’ve ever met such a talkative woman.”
“Giving Ahsoka a run for her money, hm?”
“Don’t remind me.”
You chuckled, and felt a warmth in your heart that you hadn’t felt since you and Obi-Wan were both Padawan’s and had the galaxy ahead of you. Except… this was different. You weren’t sure you could call it better. There was too much bloodshed and trauma for it to be better. But it was undoubtedly freer. 
“Does it make you uncomfortable to say that I love you?”
Obi-Wan smiled softly.
“Never.” He pressed his forehead to yours. “I love you deeply, little one.”
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swtorramblings · 3 years
I Shall Save Myself-2: We Save Who We Can
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Arcann comforting Senya by @fleeting-sanity​. Finally using it for what I got it for.
I Shall Save Myself Second Draft Chapter List
Empress Vaylin has fallen, her forces in disarray, but she may have dragged the Alliance Commander down with her. The Force wielders within the Alliance have mostly been incapacitated by an unknown event, a massive burst of power that occurred during the battle. Koth and Theron arrive on the scene to investigate.
Theron and Koth were the first on the scene during the surrender of Vaylin’s forces. The Eternal Fleet was still. Most of the Alliance’s Force sensitives were incapacitated, unconscious or at least suffering severe pain. Sana-Rae had stayed in the Enclave, and was somewhat protected there. She reported that there had been a massive release of energy where the Commander had confronted the Empress. No one was moving when they arrived. Vaylin and the Commander were side-by-side on the ground. She had been defeated, finally, but at heavy cost. Theron did not trust Koth with Senya or Arcann, but didn’t care much about Vaylin’s well-being, so said, “Koth, check the Commander. I’ll check the others.” Koth hesitated, looking at Vaylin, but still went to the Richerd’s side. Theron saw the damage to the wall, and passed a section of the ground that had been so heated that the stone melted. What in the world had happened here? A pained voice came over the com system. It was Lana. “Koth, Theron, report? What is happening out there?” Koth answered first. “The Commander is badly hurt, light saber wound, at least as bad as what the Prince did.” He still refused to call Arcann by name. “We need a medical team.” The other two were already stirring as Theron reached them. “Senya and Arcann look like they took a beating, but they’re already waking up.” He reached Senya and offered his hand, but she waved him off and stood, though not without effort. Arcann stood slowly, taking in the battlefield. “Mother?” “I’m all right, Son. It’s over.” Lana broke in again. “Has anyone checked Vaylin?” Other forces were arriving, a medical team first. They were preparing the Commander to be moved to facilities in the base. The healing that Valkorian had provided last time seemed to be absent. It was going to be touch and go for a while. Koth was helping the medical team. “She’s down, Lana, and looks badly hurt. I don’t think she survived whatever Richerd did, whatever it was you felt. No way to know for sure.” He looked at the mother and son. They both shook their heads. They had been out, also. “Our royals were both unconscious. We had no eyes on the fight.” Lana responded, “You’re assuming it was the Commander, it chould have been the Emperor or Vaylin. Until we know, we have to be careful. At this point, she raised her voice, ending each word sharply for emphasis. “Again: Has anyone checked Vaylin?” Senya nodded to Theron, knowing that no one else should have to risk it. Arcann walked with her. “Sorry, Lana, this is all a lot to take in. Senya is checking. We’ll keep our forces at a distance, just in case.” Senya knelt down next to her daughter, hesitant. She was not sure she wanted to know, to verify her fears. Vaylin had several minor saber wounds (they were never really minor), some of which her mother had inflicted. Nothing like what it seemed she had done to the Commander, but still potentially lethal. Arcann put his hands on her shoulders, and said to her, “It’s all right, Mother. We did what we had to.” Then she saw it. Her daughter was breathing, shallowly, raggedly. Senya put her hands to her mouth. She did not know for a moment what to do. But only for a moment. “She’s alive!” she shouted. She took one of her son’s hands, and whispered, “She’s alive.” Koth glanced over, a scowl on his face. “So? We’re not going to do anything to help her.” Theron didn’t care for the idea of not tending to a defeated enemy, but in this case, he found himself agreeing. However, he knew that the Commander would not approve. She was beaten. One of the rules was, we save who we can. “Koth, you know we have to.” “No! I had friends in the military, with the Knights! Do you know how many of them aren’t here now? Because of her? How does she get to live when they’re dead?” Before Theron or Lana could respond, to agree or otherwise, a deep, quiet voice ended the argument. “I’m afraid”, it said, “we must insist.” Arcann had taken a position between his sister and the armed troops, hand on his lightsaber. Their mother got to her feet and joined him. Koth glared at them, but eventually threw up his hands. “Fine, you want to save that monster, that’s your business. Not in our base. We don’t want her anywhere near the Commander. Or any of us.” He hadn’t asked, but no one voiced disagreement. “Get a ship, take her away from here, hopefully you’ll crash in the wild. I’m done here.” He followed the medical team inside. “Thank you, Son.” Theron walked to them. “He has a point, though. I know this is hard, but our wounds are too fresh.” He glanced at Arcann. “And a lot of our allies already have complaints. She won’t be safe here.” Senya had gone back to tending her daughter, so Arcann responded. “Understood. Give us a shuttle and a single medical droid. Kolto if you can spare it. We will take her into the surrounding wilderness while we plan for more permanent arrangements.” Theron nodded. “Good, we’ll do what we can here.” He looked over to Torian, added him to the tally of the dead she had caused, but also remembered the reports from Nathema. “We’ll find you your kolto. If the Commander dies, though, and she’s still alive, make sure you are off-world as soon as possible.” Arcann nodded. After the shuttle arrived, he checked it over (he trusted some members of the Alliance, but not all, especially now) while Senya tenderly carried the former Empress and placed her in the bed in the back and activated the medical droid. While she watched over Vaylin, Arcann flew the ship out until it was no longer in sight of the base. Theron stood on the platform, watching them go, making sure they were not easily followed. He sighed deeply. “Commander, I hope your rules aren’t the death of us. Or of you.” He turned and went back inside, deciding to walk to the war room. He needed time.
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katierosefun · 4 years
well, even though literally no one asked, am i going to do a whole analysis on how the red album is also lowkey about tcw? sure. sh, let me indulge 12/13 year old me.
state of grace:
our wonderful opening track. the lyrics “just twin fire signs / four blue eyes”—from this line alone, i think a lot about anakin and ahsoka and obi-wan, just because what color are their eyes? blue. check and mate.
but on a more serious level: “and i never saw you coming / and i’ll never be the same” speaks to how each of these characters’ lives were interrupted by the presence of the other. obi-wan certainly didn’t expect anakin to come into his life, and i doubted anakin ever expected ahsoka to come into his life.
“love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right” and “these are the hands of fate / you’re my Achilles heel” speaks to how this whole theme of love and how both raw and burning and ruthless love can shine in this specific universe. specifically anakin’s kind of love. additionally, the idea of Achilles heel...i’ve already discussed the parallels between Achilles and anakin and don’t feel like rehashing, but it’s def. worth noting.
“this is the golden age of something good and right and real”...golden age. the war was messy and terrible and shouldn’t have ever happened, but also, i think for that brief moment, disaster lineage was at least together.
look me in the eye and lie to me about how this song doesn’t sum up the exhilarating rush that must have been being around someone like anakin skywalker.
“losing him was blue like i’ve ever known / missing him was dark grey all alone / forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met / but loving him was red”: this entire refrain is about that kind of ruthless, very fiery-seeing-red-everywhere kind of sensation that comes with love. (or, as the song alludes, a kind of dangerous love.)
and if we’re talking about dangerous kind of love—“fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there’s no right answer / regretting him was like wishing you never found out love could be that strong”...thinking thoughts about how there must have been all these times for the people around anakin to clash heads. bro. what even is that.
“remembering him comes in flashbacks, in echoes / told myself it’s time now, gotta let go”. ha ha. you ever think about the people who live after order 66 and wonder what the hell happened to the person they loved. ha.
alright, time to put on the anidala hat. this song is supposed to be all about loving someone and constantly feeling like you’re sliding down a slippery slope. a treacherous path—a reckless path—and yet, and yet, “i like it”.
the whole concept of these two being put in a whirlwind romance matches perfectly with these lyrics: “i can’t decide if it’s a choice / getting swept away / i hear the sound of my own voice / asking you to stay”. this mess of a relationship that probably shouldn’t have happened, but it happened, and now the only choice for these two is to hold on...bro.
i knew you were trouble.
ohhhh god, do i need to explain how this is an anidala song or—
“i was in your sights / you got me alone / you found me”,,,the fact that anakin skywalker really looked at padmé amidala after ten years and automatically went “i love her”. a part of me will always sigh and want to pat anakin’s head that please, please, please control yourself, but what am i supposed to do anyways—
but also, the way this song also addresses all the dangerous things that come with a love that probably shouldn’t have started / shouldn’t have been born with so many secrets. the damning / basically self-loathing lyrics like “the joke is on me” and “shame on me now” is honestly kind of sad, and while i don’t think padmé ever regretted loving anakin (and i’ve covered this so many times, but i think anakin and padmé genuinely loved each other), there was def. a sense of constant danger and fear that one day, all the secrets will come tumbling out / something’s going to happen. and all that ultimately bubbles over in revenge of the sith, right when padmé looks at anakin and just doesn’t see him anymore.
all too well
tbh, this song deserves a whole long post on its own, but i’ll try to be concise. i genuinely think this could be about any of the tcw characters / tcw pairings, but because it’s my post and my obsession, i’ll discuss the disaster lineage. there’s something so quietly sad about the line “but you still got [my scarf] in your drawer, even now” and how that speaks to how obi-wan has anakin’s lightsaber / how anakin has ahsoka’s lightsaber both as himself and as ahsoka after ahsoka left the order / after order 66. the fact that you still have a piece of someone you love(d), long after they’re gone...
the fact that this song is so full of memories and longing and aching and grief over a loved relationship. thinking about the lyrics “you tell me about your past, thinking your future was me” is especially sad because while i don’t think anakin was ever completely open about his childhood / past, i like to think he must have told some stories to obi-wan and padmé and ahsoka about happier moments—and you have to wonder what kind of future anakin saw for himself with his loved ones.
“maybe this thing was a masterpiece until you tore it all up” speaks to how for a rare, rare moment, we see anakin skywalker as the hero we’re all supposed to like—and we see how it all crumbles apart so fast.
“but you keep my old scarf from that very first week / because it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me” hits especially hard when you think about how vader still has ahsoka’s lightsabers, or the fact that everything goes “back to when i loved you so / back before you lost the one real thing you’ve ever known”...thinking. a lot about anakin and how the love he felt / received from his friends were real, realer than anything that palpacreep could ever give him. it was all real, and now they’re all memories.
okay, this is just a fun song so i can’t really apply it anywhere, but i like to think there must have been a birthday somewhere along the line / some kind of happy event where there’s some chaotic tcw fam shenanigans. ditching the whole scene and “end[ing] up dreaming instead of sleeping”...i like to think they must have had some kind of happy moment like that.
i almost do
this song honestly reminds me the most of anakin and ahsoka. do you ever think that ahsoka might have wanted to reach out to anakin at some point? how “it takes everything in me not to call you”—how she might wish that she could talk to him again but every time she doesn’t, she almost does. (and ha. this makes their S7 reunion even more painful.)
the whole “i bet you think i either moved on or hate you” and “i bet it never ever occurred to you that i can’t say hello to you and risk another goodbye” speaks mostly to that very same reunion. the fact that ahsoka and anakin leave so many things unsaid—the fact that ahsoka restrains herself, cites that reason for the fact that they’ll just catch up another time...when that another time never happens.
we are never ever getting back together
hahaa, i can’t quite laugh about this but also i can because i kinda made a crack edit of disaster lineage + this song over the summer, and it really is just a joke but also...lol vader + ahsoka + obi-wan, but more specifically ahsoka and vader in their reunion in rebels lol. they’re never getting back together, geddit? they “used to think [they] were forever” and “[sigh] he calls me up again and is like i still love you and like,,,this is exhausting, you know?” yeah, me too sis. 🙄
stay stay stay
okay, okay, okay, maybe going a little bit into crack-y happy tcw feelings, but all i’m saying is that i love the image of these dorks staying for each other, you know? the whole “you took the time to memorize me” and “all those times that you didn’t leave / it’s been occurring to me i’d like to hang out with you for my whole life” and “no one else is gonna love me when i get mad” makes me kinda soft but also sad knowing that one of the tragedies of tcw fam is that no one really stays.
the last time
highkey the whole clovis arc in season 6. but anyways, especially the lines about “this is the last time i’m asking you this / put my name at the top of your list” speaks a lot to me about this hunger (yeah, this is @ anakin) to be someone’s first choice. it’s about the anger and jealousy and dull pain of knowing that everyone else’s priorities are elsewhere (and that’s not their fault, but you still feel like it is).
but if we’re thinking about the clovis arc especially, i think a whole lot about anakin + padmé, as well as anakin and obi-wan, esp. in these lyrics: “you wear your best apology / but i was there to watch you leave” and “all those times i let you in / just for you to go again”. we know anakin and padmé were...going through it in this arc, but specially anakin and obi-wan’s conversation—the one where obi-wan’s trying to reach anakin? we see obi-wan briefly open up (ie. about satine!) and anakin quickly shuts it down, and when obi-wan leaves, we see the pain on both of their faces because this wasn’t how the conversation was supposed to go.
but also, if we’re circling back to anakin and padmé’s relationship in this arc especially: the really, really painful lyrics about “this is the last time you tell me i’ve got it wrong” and “this is the last time i say it’s been you all along” and “this is the last time i let you in my door” and “this is the last time / i won’t hurt you anymore”...this arc truly explores just how deep the hurt can run when you have a secret relationship. how quickly love can blur into possession and jealousy and anger, and we see that in how anakin and padmé just...both crumble apart, especially in that one bit when padmé basically says she doesn’t want to see anakin for a little while. like. idk. it’s just sad, because this arc really showed just all the issues and problems within a relationship built on lies.
holy ground
oh god, what a fun song. but anyways, just to kick things off: “and darling, it was good / never looking down / and right there where we stood / was holy ground” speaks to a relationship that was good, even if it was wild and brief. which. disaster lineage.
the whole “i guess we fall apart in the usual way / and the story’s got dust on every page” and “i see your face in every crowd” vibe too—these idiots miss each other, and they probably see each other where they’re not supposed to. there was nothing unusual about their falling apart, of course, but something about this song compels me to think about how even in the grief and pain that ultimately drags ahsoka and obi-wan down especially, i think they still are fond of their happier memories with anakin.
also, “tonight i’m gonna dance for all we’ve been through” and “but i don’t wanna dance if i’m not dancing you” makes me a little sad because i think a lot about the fall of the empire and how the whole galaxy is out celebrating, but there’s a certain togruta woman who can’t completely celebrate because now she knows that. her whole family. really is gone.
sad beautiful tragic
this whole song is so tragic, but. anyways. more tragic disaster lineage vibes. the words “words, how little they mean / when you’re a little too late” makes me want to scream because i think a lot about how in rebels, ahsoka tells vader that she won’t leave him—not this time—and obi-wan crying that he loved anakin—the real tragedy here is that these were all words that anakin should have known deep down, but he didn’t, and they all felt late. their timing is terrible.
and “in dreams, i meet you in warm conversation” screams to me this one passage about how obi-wan dreams about anakin, although those dreams are anything but warm. but the idea of how obi-wan still dreams and how “time is taking its sweet time erasing you”—because in the kenobi novel especially, obi-wan explicitly struggles...a lot with anakin’s loss. he definitely gets...sad and tries to remember how the hell it all happened. he keeps pulling out anakin’s lightsaber and just. forcibly puts it away because he knows looking at it would cause just more grief and oh yikes.
the lucky one
ngl i forgot how fuckign good this song is,,,bro. anyways, i think this def. speaks to the og prequel trilogy trio especially, because i think they were all seriously going through with the whole...reputation thing. thinking mostly about how anakin, padmé, and obi-wan are all supposed to be these heroic / cool / beautiful figures who everyone’s supposed to look up to when in reality, they were all struggling with something. also lol the fact that obi-wan and anakin were both propped up as war propaganda figures in-universe because of palpacreep def. speaks to that whole “they’ll tell you now you’re the lucky one”.
and “they tell you that you’re lucky / but you’re so confused because you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used” and “you wonder if you’ll make it out alive” hurts the most, i think, just because how they apply to all those in prequel trilogy. anakin, obi-wan, and padmé—not to mention all the other jedi and the clones, oh god, the clones—were all fighting a war that ultimately didn’t matter, and they were all fighting a war that didn’t leave them as heroes. it just left them as pawns.
but i think if there’s any hope—any hope at all in this song, i think it’s in the last lyrics: “and they still tell the legend of how you disappeared / how you took the money and your dignity and got the hell out” reminds me the most of probably ahsoka and rex, or the people who survived the mess that was the clone wars. granted, rex didn’t exactly have the choice that ahsoka had, because she was the one who really made the big decision to look around herself and say “nope, i can’t be a part of this order”. she got the hell out.
everything has changed
hear me out, but i just think this makes for a cute anakin and ahsoka song, esp. their very cute beginnings. just like. as soon as they meet each other, both of them are ultimately changed. the fact that ahsoka has been noted to be the key to understanding who anakin is—the fact that it’s ahsoka’s relationship / interactions with anakin that ultimately makes him a better person because they’re siblings, your honor—yeah. very much the cute “all i know is we said hello”...the lyrics going on about “i just wanna know you better” and “your eyes look like coming home” makes me soft because. i think that while yes, they had their own rocky beginning, the difference between anakin and ahsoka’s relationship vs. anakin and obi-wan’s (rip i love anakin and obi-wan and i genuinely believe that obi-wan was the best teacher for anakin, and i think their bond is incredibly special, but.......boys please communicate better) is that i think anakin makes a really explicit effort to make sure ahsoka knows that like. he wants her around.
idk—i’m not saying obi-wan didn’t want anakin around! but i think one of the greatest tragedies of their relationship is that anakin always seemed to just. not click with obi-wan’s own demonstrations of love / i want you to be here messages. (the gambit duology goes a little more into this—only in those books, anakin and obi-wan actually talk a little about their feelings! which is nice!) but anyways, point being: anakin and ahsoka really looked at each other and were like “oh yeah. you’re my idiot now.” and i think that’s really cool of them.
oh god, this is kind of an anidala song but i also am tempted to say obitine song just because of that one line about “pretending to be a duchess and a prince” because,,,lol duchess geddit? and overall just think it’s really cute because. summer love!!!
but also, i do see this as an anidala song because “he was trying to skip rocks on the ocean, saying to me / don’t you dream impossible things?” because i see anakin as most certainly that dreamy-eyed boy who looks at padmé and is just. like that. (and we see a whole ton of that, esp. in aotc and how padmé initially is like “this is a terrible idea” and eventually winds up falling in love anyways, as one does.)
begin again
this song is odd because it doesn’t really give me overwhelming star wars feelings, but it does remind me a little bit of how ahsoka must have felt getting with the rebels crew. because i think ahsoka must have “watched it begin again” when she noted kanan and ezra’s interactions with each other, and i feel like when she’s with ezra, she sees a lot of the young padawan she used to be, and i think there must have been a point where she recognizes that “what’s past is past”. she’s watching everything begin again.
the moment i knew
this is another one of those songs that makes me sad about anidala because it seems like they’re always getting interrupted? the idea of being told that someone’s going to show but it might not happen because life (ie. war! there’s a war!),,,and still not being able to be really that sad about it in public makes me sad. just. i’m reminded of this one moment in tcw where anakin has to leave early because of something and just. the lyrics “what do you do when the one who means the most to you is the one who didn’t show”—like, of course, we see anakin sneaking off, but i def. think in that one tcw episode, we get a glimpse of. how lonely life might be if you’re just. waiting for someone to come home, only to realize that they might not show.
come back...be here
ha....hahahahaa weirdly both anakin and ahsoka and obitine feelings? give me a second.
okay, so as for anakin and ahsoka first: “i can’t help but wish you took me with you” hits hard just because of the time anakin tells ahsoka that he knows what it feels like to want to leave the order. just. oh god.
and then there’s this bit of “this is when the feeling sinks in / i don’t wanna miss you like this” hits hard, esp. considering the whole utapau arc where anakin accidentally slips in ahsoka’s name. he misses her, and i don’t think he really wanted to show that—but it sinks in so hard and fast for him, and it hurts so much oh god
also, the “right when i was just about to fall”: i know that in this context, fall is supposed to mean falling in love, but. the fact that anakin is literally about to fall like,,,a few days after his reunion with ahsoka. i cry now!
as for obitine: ahahahaha. pain, esp. considering how they probably separated after their year on the run? thinking about how that goodbye must have been like—mostly thinking about how there’s so much history between the two. how strange it is that they “didn’t know each other at all”, and how they might have had “the feeling they could know so much without knowing anything at all”, and now i think about how both of them could have “stumbled through the long goodbye”. i think a lot about those years of separation and how satine confesses how she had been in love with obi-wan for a long time—and how that in itself...wondering how or when satine knew for certain that she had fallen in love with the young jedi who came to her aid. thinking about how her “falling in love in the cruelest way” is how that whole falling in love—and realizing just how in love she was—is so cruel, because like. you know. when you’ve been in love / are loving someone for like...ten years....that’s kinda intense ngl
girl at home
lol this song doesn’t really fit with anything star wars related because i don’t think anyone in tcw would actually cheat on their loved ones? still 100000/10 a bop of a song though, and i still think it’s one of swift’s more mature songs, 10000/10 recommend.
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years
She Who Walks the Line Between Part 3
Maul x GreyJedi!Reader
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Word Count: 2682
WARNINGS: blood, fluffy fluff starts picking up
       The few hours of sleep he was able to achieve were filled with nightmares that consisted of his memories returning. His life played out behind his eyelids charging his sadness, terror and his fury. Yet before his mind could plummet to unreachable depths, he sensed a calming presence in the back of his mind. A hand that reached out for him to hold onto. He had no idea that during his rest he became quite vocal and Y/N stood in his doorway using the force to ease him back into a relaxed state. Pulling him further away from the unseen dangers that threatened to pull him down and drown him.
    He woke with a start, not remembering where he was. His first thought was why it didn’t smell like fire and burning fuels mixed with humid gasses. When he felt his legs shift under the blankets the events that took place yesterday flooded back to the forefront of his memory. He smelled the sweet sugary aroma of a plate towering with baked apples and honeyed meat sitting on his night stand but before he indulged his groaning stomach, movement from outside the window caught his eye. It was his savior.
    Not covered in the same make of dress she wore yesterday. Today she adorned a fitted white cloth binding across her chest and beige trousers that bagged around her thighs but were tight just below her knees. Barefooted, she dual wielded white lightsabers in the Ataru style. Dodging quickly and lunging aggressively toward an invisible attacker. Gracefully she connected the two sabers so they appeared to be a single double sided weapon. Twirling them so quickly and dancing on her feet so lightly his eyes had trouble keeping up. She was working through forms he both recognized and ones he had never seen before. He could see a light glimmer of sweat slicked across her form catching in the early morning sunlight. She must have been training for hours already. Strands of hair falling out of the bun she had tied up to keep the majority of her locks out of her eyeline.
    He took and ate the breakfast she prepared slowly, studying her through the glass with admiration. Obviously satisfied with her efforts she hung her now sheathed sabers from the gate and tended the goats and chickens within the pen. Despite her hostile training they were calm and trotted up to her as she passed through the gate. He watched her feed the animals and her mouth form words he couldn't hear, assuming they were praises as they danced around her.
      The next two weeks were more of the same every day. You meditated and trained in the mornings before tending to your animals. You knew his eyes were on you while he ate the food you always left for him, always watching. You feigned ignorance and never mentioned that you caught him staring, surprising yourself with the fact that you kind of liked the attention. When you had finished your morning routine you would find him dressed in his room practicing the basic movements and exercises you assigned to him for his physical therapy. Satisfied he was actually doing them you would go shower and dressing in your usual slitted dresses that you preferred.
    You would eat again together and continue helping him work his legs. After the first few days he joined you in your afternoon meditation followed by more exercises or flipping through one of your many books, light music always on in the background. The longer he was in your care the softer his eyes looked, the stronger his legs got and he came to be more comfortable in your proximity. You had both gotten used to one another's company. You had spent so much time alone on this planet you had forgotten what it was like to have a companion. A rather agreeable one at that. It was nice.
      Now able to walk on his own with only the help from a cane he joined Y/N outside every morning. Still unable to train as she did, he practiced walking around the pen surrounded by the animals. He could see a smile grace her lips when he interacted gently with them. When she had finished, she strode over to him leaning up against the fence with her arms crossed and her brows furrowed.
"What is it?" He asked, honey eyes filled with concern that he had upset her somehow. He tended to revert back to the frightened apprentice she realized he had been at one point in his life if she wasn’t careful. Despite the fact that he had never one been the cause of even a slight frustration within her.
"I have to leave for a day or two, stock up on some things this planet doesn't have. I need you to stay here, I fear a storm is coming and I don't want to leave the animals unattended. Would you be alright with that?”
Sighing with relief he agreed and watched as she boarded her ship and took off.
      The next day after she had left, he must have looked up to the sky every hour impatiently waiting for her to return. He ate much less without her, swearing to himself that it didn't taste as good if it didn't come from her hands. He did however keep up with his exercises and spent much of his free time with the goats and chickens. That night he had even more trouble falling asleep than he usually did; missing her company. After tossing and turning until daybreak he made a daring move, striding toward Y/N's room without his cane for the first time.
    He had never been inside of it but he had caught glances after noticing she had been sleeping with her door open, starting a few days after his arrival. Sheer white curtains hung in front of the transparasteel panes that overlooked the garden. Like the rest of the house, not a single chronometer in sight. The need to keep time didn't really exist in this place, he enjoyed that small detail over the past few weeks. It was starkly different from how he was raised, every moment of every day planned down to the second. Even a slight deviation always resulting with a beating. He had to keep reminding himself that she was not his master. When he did forget she would always lend a kind reminder she was master of nothing and no one.
    The pine-colored rug under foot was exceptionally plush and extended across most of the floor, the polished dark wooden flooring peeking out only around the edges of the room. A long desk was situated beneath the large viewport. Atop it lay several data-tapes and empty books. She must be copying the information by hand he assessed. Actual paper writing was extremely rare and her home was filled with paper sheeted books bound in various leathers. One of the books sat open with a pen resting on it, the entry was short but he loved seeing her handwriting nonetheless. Without lifting the journal, he stood and read the page entry, curiosity getting the better of him.
Maul- Day 17:
‘He is recovering faster than I had originally anticipated but I am also not surprised. He has to be strong to have survived as long as he did on his own in the condition he came to me in. Already walking on his own supported only by a cane by day 10. He is gaining weight slowly but is starting to look healthier. He will snap back quickly once he can walk on his own again, unaided by a crutch. His eyes aren’t nearly as blood shot and the lighter shade of color in his horns and nails indicates he is getting proper nutrients and that his hormones have balanced out.
His mind seems to be healing as well, I haven't asked about his memories but I know they come in the form of nightmares. He responds well to my attempts to calm him in his sleep. They still come every night but he has gone from an excessive number of fits to only two or three a night. He is still wildly unbalanced but the scale is starting to tip in the right direction. I have come to realize that I enjoy his presence. He seems to be more comfortable with small talk. I like his voice, alas my mind wanders.’
    Maul hobbled over to her bed and hesitantly laid down on top of it not daring to mess up the bedding too much. Several realizations crossing his mind. One, she had actually come to care for him as he was starting to care for her. Two, he learned why she slept with her door open now. His hearts raced at the thought of her standing in his doorway calming him while he slept. Three, she liked his voice. He had always been scolded if he spoke unnecessarily, taught to be silent as shadows. But she liked his voice. He could smell her on her pillows, a sweet earthy scent that lingered in his nose. Very quickly sleep took him.
    He awoke that evening as the sun was starting to set to the sound of thunder ripping through the sky. His belly growled, he had grown accustomed to several meals a day and his hunger had caught up to him. Being sure to straighten out the blankets on her bed he stood and made his way to the kitchen. Opening the cooler for the first time, he found a plate with a large cooked steak and a note.
‘You had better eat this before I return. You have to eat even if I'm not there. -Y/N’
    He smiled at her sentiment. As usual with everything she made, it was like ambrosia in his mouth. The moment he finished eating he sensed the animals were distressed. Not bringing his cane he made his way slowly outside to the barn. The rain came down almost violently, lightning streaking across the now black sky while thunder crashed angrily.
    He was soaking wet by the time he got inside to check the animals who were immediately calmed when they saw him. Sighing he sat in the middle of the floor and began his meditation to stave away his and their anxiety of the storm. He had hoped she wasn't flying in this but she was already away longer than she said she'd be. That didn't help the knot of worry growing in his belly.
      When you came out of hyperspace and entered the atmosphere you realized you must have put the coordinates in a digit off. You were on the wrong side of the planet, jungle stretched out as far as you could see. This wouldn’t be the first time you had accidently come home in the wrong hemisphere. You sighed at your own antics. It was too dangerous to fly back out to space so you had to navigate through the storm down here. Your ship seemed to attract the lightning but you managed to sense it a split second before it struck, narrowly dodging the persistent bolts. Before long you could just make out the break that gave way to the grasslands. You started lowering out of the sky but were distracted to see Maul coming out of the barn. It was just a moment of distraction but an important moment, you didn't sense the lightning. You were struck and it killed the power sending you nose first straight into the soil with a loud crash. Your vision blacked out after hitting your head on impact knocking you unconscious.
 No...NO... fuck.
Maul watched as the bolt hit her ship and she crashed out in the field. Eyes wide with panic he ran as fast as his new legs would carry, almost giving out several times before he reached the fallen ship. He raised his arms, using the force for the first time in weeks he opened the door and lowering the ramp. It didn't reach the ground due to the crafts hazardous angle. Force jumping inside he landed on his feet with a shocking pain that radiated through his torso. Snarling he made his way to the cockpit where he found her starting to wake up.
 You felt strong hands on your arms gently squeezing, you sighed into the touch rubbing your head and your eyes. When they finally opened the first thing you saw were two brightly glowing golden orbs. Rubbing your eyes again, your vision fully returning, you realized they belonged to a very worried looking Zabrack. Who was covered in...straw?
    Remembering what distracted you in the first place you burst into laughter. Hard, rolling laughter.
    The worry on his face shifted into confusion. He slowly wiped the blood off your temple from where you hit your head. Then he lifted you bridal style and started walking out of the ship. Finding a new reserve of strength and determination he carried you all the way to your home. Although you stopped laughing you still giggled, picking pieces of straw off the back of his tunic. Finally realizing what you found so amusing he smiled, "the storm scared the goats so I meditated with them. I ended up falling asleep out there."
    He now stood in the living room, still in his arms you replied, "I kind figured as much." You pressed your forehead to his for a moment, butterflies dancing in both of your stomachs. He set you down on the couch slowly and fetched a cool wet cloth. Tenderly, he dabbed at the cut. You watched him closely, a slight blush fanning across your cheeks. He was so soft, so careful in this moment, so near you, a stark comparison to the man who had first landed in your field not long ago.
    He heard your heartbeat quicken and saw your blush, causing his face to deepen slightly along with yours. Quickly he stood, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck looking anywhere but at you. "I think you'll be alright," he stammered. "It's just a shallow laceration."
    You also stood, inches from him. He was taller than you were, not by much, but it was noticeable when you were this close to his body. "I could've told you that but noooo you had to cast aside your cane and come to the rescue... Thank you." You batted your long eyelashes at him and he gulped, gaze not leaving your own this time.
"I have a present for you."
"You do?" He asked now distracted from your devilishly plump lips.
"Yeah, quick stop on Naboo, few broken necks, spines and bribes later aaaaaaand.." you reached behind your back unclipping a third lightsaber from your belt. Still rough where it had been sliced in half you presented it to him. "Tada!"
"You did this for me?" He asked slowly taking it in his hands. It seemed.. heavier than he remembered. But it was his.
"Yes I did,” you stated matter-o-factly. Now that your obviously strong enough not only to walk but to carry me across the field, like the damsel in distress that I was, covered in straw no less. We will start training together. But for now, I'm exhausted. It's the middle of the night and I've had a maker damned day." You took a chance and leaned up into him, pressing your lips against his cheekbone with your hands on his chest, holding them there for a few seconds you felt him go ridged.
    Turning on the ball of your foot you wandered back into your bedroom. "Goodnight Maul." You called without turning to see his reaction.
    He held the place on his cheek where your kiss landed just before, mind reeling and melting at the same time. "Goodnight Y/N," he murmured. Not leaving his spot.
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zelenacat · 3 years
When We Were Young- Chapter 29- An Obitine Story
Satine was shaken awake by Obi-Wan at three-thirty, he was dressed and cleaning up. The Duchess whined for him.
“I wanted to let you sleep,” the Jedi confessed, “but I’ll help you get ready.”
“Ben,” Satine whispered harshly, “I can’t get ready in half an hour!”
“Hurry then.”
The Duchess dressed as quickly as she could with her corset, trying to be patient with Obi-Wan as he fumbled.
“I swear I did it this morning.”
“I know!”
“Stop pressuring me!”
Satine sighed.
“Remember when we were young?” she asked.
“This would happen all the time.”
“Only now,” Obi-Wan tugged, “we’re grown adults with children ourselves, and no Master Qui-Gon.”
“Very true.”
Satine’s hair took longer than it should have, but fortunately, she hadn’t unpacked much. 
“Now I wish Parna had come,” the Duchess whined, “Ben, carry my bags.”
The Jedi sighed, but did as he asked. Jaym met them in the hallway.
“Everyone is worried,” he smiled, “we thought you were dead.”
“Not dead,” Satine assured, “just tired.”
Jaym took the bags from Obi-Wan and headed down the hall. Satine pressed a quick peck on Obi-Wan’s cheek.
“Love you, Darling.”
“I love you too.”
The Duchess ran to catch up with Jaym.
“So-” he began
“No comments,” Satine interrupted, “we’re late.”
They weren’t that late, maybe because Korkie, Tristan, and Mara were goofing off with Ahsoka, but Satine saw Padme’s face.
“Very fashionable entrance,” the Senator smiled as they hugged, “we should’ve known.”
“Time slips away from us.” Satine shrugged.
“Duchess,” Anakin kissed her hand, “I hope you enjoyed your visit.”
“Don’t act so smug, Anakin,” Satine scolded, “and make sure Tyra doesn’t get into too much trouble.”
“I’ll try.”
Satine approached Ahsoka.
“Keep an eye on my twins, will you?”
“Of course.” Ahsoka nodded
Satine turned, “Children, we don’t want to be late.”
It wasn’t till they were sitting down sipping tea that Korkie asked his mother how their father was doing.
“Fine,” Satine raised an eyebrow, “he seemed in a good mood when I left.”
“Honestly, Lady Mother,” Mara sighed, “try to be more subtle.”
“I hid you all from the Jedi Council for your entire lives,” Satine countered, “I would say I’m quite subtle.”
Tristan laughed, “Maybe you’re losing your touch.”
Satine gasped, “Never.”
  There was a small group of reporters waiting for their landing, eager to see the reunion. Tristan hugged his foster parents and put on quite a good show, thanking the Jedi for their rescue. Parna received her niece, though their reception was much less ostentatious.
“And you, Duke, is it good to be home?”
Korkie smiled, “Most certainly, and I would also like to thank our saviors, we really appreciate their kindness and hospitality.”
“Thank you for all the kind wishes we’ve received as well,” the Duchess added,placing a hand on Korkie’s shoulder, “our family is reunited again.”
The press could likely spin that comment, but Satine didn’t mind. She strode past them and into the palace, her children behind her.
“Lady Mother,” Korkie whispered as they climbed the stairs, “am I really just supposed to go back to school?”
Satine frowned, “What do you mean?”
“I want to learn more about what I can do,” he confessed, “and I think I need therapy.”
“So do I,” Mara agreed, “on both counts.”
Tristan also wanted to see a professional, he claimed that the Sith did strange things to your mind, and he definitely needed a break.
“Lady Mother?” “I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance,” she frowned, “I hate what they did to you.”
“The Sith Lord is in custody now,” Korkie smiled sadly, “Maul and Dooku won’t be able to do much.”
“They can still try.” Satine countered.
The Duchess didn’t know how right she was, that night, after Tristan went home to his foster family and Mara to her mentor, Satine and Korkie sat having dinner with her ladies. 
“Let me get some more tea, Your Grace,” Khaami stood, picking up a tray, “I’ll be back.”
Conversation continued until Parna noticed that it had been twenty minutes and Khaami had not returned.
“Why don’t you go check on her,” Satine suggested, “and bring the desert course.”
Parna grinned, “Gladly.”
Korkie was in the middle of complaining about how much schoolwork he’d have to catch up on when the glass doors to the balcony shattered. Both the Duchess and her son jumped up.
“Stay where you are,” Dooku growled, “and this will go a lot easier.”
Maul held both Khaami and Parna behind a lightsaber, and Korkie raised his hands.
“Don’t try anything, boy,” the Count snarled, “we’re here for your mother.”
In spite of what Dooku had just said, Satine stepped in front of Korkie.
“We won’t hurt him, Satine, if you come with us.” the Count added, eyes blazing.
Maul growled and the Duchess squeezed her son’s hand.
“Alright,” she exhaled, “but my ladies must be freed as well.”
“No,” the Zabrak snarled, “they come with us.”
“Then why-”
Dooku picked up Satine using the force, clenching her waist with his mind.
“And for good measure,” the Count smiled, “this.”
Korkie flew back and hit his head on the wall, Satine wailed.
“Come on.”
They were prodded onto a ship, and Satine and her ladies had their wrists bound. Huddling the corner of a hull, Parna whispered that her brother could help.
“He’s dead,” Darth Maul called.
“No, Satine,” Dooku frowned, reading the Duchess' thoughts, “Mara wasn’t there.”
“Don’t you dare use her name.” Khaami spat.
“I killed Ursa Wren too,” Maul smiled, “it was great fun.”
Tears welled in Satine’s eyes, Ursa had raised her son for her, and now she was dead because of it.
“You monster!” Parna growled, voice breaking.
“Oh, right, he was your brother,” Maul laughed, “what an interesting family you made.”
Silence filled the ship.
“Where are we going, Kal?”
The Count smiled, “To your enemies.”
“I don’t have enemies.” Satine replied without thinking.
Maul snorted, “If you believe that, Duchess, you’re more naive than we thought.”
Satine retreated inwards? Who could be considered her enemy besides the Sith and the Separatists?
“Pre Vizsla.” the Duchess frowned.
Dooku and Maul didn’t acknowledge her, instead, they maneuvered the ship into the lower levels of Sundari. Satine swallowed, corruption on her planet was fueled by the Vizslas and their desire for war, them and all who followed them. No good would come of this.
“Do you have the prize?” a voice croaked over the radio.
“Yes,” Dooku smiled, “and the ladies.”
“Did you hear that, son,” the voice asked, “they even got the ladies too?”
Raucous laughter burst out from the radio and Satine shrank back. So many voices, so many people.
When they landed, Maul used the force to carry the ladies by their necks and bring them off the ship. The Duchess was greeted by Tarrei Vizsla, grinning maliciously as he shoved a gun to her back.
“Walk,” he ordered.
Satine followed Count Dooku as he made his way through a series of tunnels, bribing guards and telling passers by to spread the word. The Duchess had been caught.
“Ah, Duchess,” Pre Vizsla smiled when Satine arrived, “so good to see you’re looking well.”
The criminals around Vizsla laughed, like a pack of hyenas about to eat.
“Shame on you,” Satine growled, “all of you.”
“The poor Duchess,” Pre Vizsla gave a mock frown, “she thinks she hasn’t been ruining Mandalore.”
“You all should be ashamed of yourselves,” Khaami spat, “treating the Duchess like this, she’s saving Mandalore.”
“Ha,” Tarrei Vizsla laughed, “she degrades our very purpose.”
“And what purpose is that, Tarrei?” Satine asked.
“Restoring Mandalore to her former glory!”
The criminals cheered.
“War will get you nowhere,” Parna disagreed, “and many people will die that would’ve been saved by our Duchess.”
“Your Duchess,” Pre Vizsla growled, “is a Jedi-sympathizing b-”
“If you continue with this,” Satine warned, “know that none of you will survive.”
“On the contrary, Satine,” Count Dooku spoke up, “it is you who won’t survive.”
The Duchess had almost forgotten her ex-fiance was there, so she turned to him.
“What do you plan to do once I am rescued?”
“Bold assumption,” the Count smiled, “though I suppose you have faith in your Jedi lover.”
Satine pretended to be horrified, she had no idea if it worked.
“So it’s true?”
“Most definitely,” Count Dooku nodded, “and they most definitely have children.”
“Who do you think you are,” Parna spat, “making up these lies?”
Count Dooku ignored Satine’s lady and announced that he had a plan to set in motion. The Duchess growled at him as he left. Pre Vizsla turned to face Satine.
“First things first.”
The pain in her cheek appeared out of nowhere and throbbed. Laughter echoed in Satine’s ears.
“How dare you,” Khaami thundered, “how dare you strike the Duchess!”
“Oh no,” a criminal whined, “what are you gonna do about it?”
They were led to a cell and locked in with such flair Satine wondered if there was a camera. Suddenly, Parna burst into tears.
“He’s dead,” she wailed, “dead, dead, dead.”
Satine gripped the cell bars tight.
“I’m sorry, Parna,” Khaami whispered, “I’m so, so sorry.”
”Awful,” Satine shook her head, “these demons deserve hell.”
“Careful, Duchess,” Tarrei Vizsla appeared, “now you sound like one of us.”
Satine growled at him.
“Why are you here?” Khaami spat, holding tight to Parna.
“To guard you, torment you,” the former Count shrugged, “it’s all the same to me.”
Satine glared at the Mandalorian, how dare he identify with her people. Her good people.
“But I do have one question, Duchess,” Vizsla smiled, “are the rumors true.”
Angry, Satine stood and spat in Tarrei’s face.
“You know, I much prefer words.”
“You’re vile, Tarrei,” she barked, “you will regret working with Mandalore’s enemies.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Vizsla raised his hand, “your enemies are my friends.”
“Go away.” Parna sniffed.
The former Count laughed and Satine’s rage fueled. The bars of the cell began to shake.
Tarrei’s eyes went wide, “What-”
Satine glowered at her former ally and the bars shook harder.
“Are you doing this?”
The Duchess let go of the bars and stepped back, but they still wiggled uncomfortably. The eldar Vizsla ran in the opposite direction. The bars stopped shaking as he turned round a corner.
“Satine?” Parna questioned, eyes still red.
“That wasn’t me,” the Duchess shook her head, “honestly, it might’ve been the force.”
Parna snorted.
“You and the force,” Khaami laughed, “allies, who would’ve thought?”
They sat in silence until Tarrei Vizsla returned with his son and three other guards.
“She made the bars shake, it was like,” he gasped, “it was like-”
“Are you a Jedi?”
Satine burst into laughter, completely astonished at the unexpected comment. Parna stared dumbfounded at the criminal who asked while Khaami mocked him.
Pre Vizsla turned to the man, “A Royal Mandalorian Jedi?”
“There’s no other explanation.” Tarrei agreed.
Pre Vizsla looked back at Satine.
“Make the bars shake.”
Satine stared at the man as if he were crazy.
“I can’t.”
“She’s lying.” Tarrei frowned.
Satine gestured, “It wasn’t me!” 
“Son,” the former Count was firm, “it was her.”
Pre Vizsla stared at Satine for a long time.
“What possible explanation is there?” he concluded at last.
The Duchess could think of quite a few reasons, fortunately, no one in front of her was a mind reader.
“Leave them, what can they do?”
Tarrei Vizsla wouldn’t speak to the prisoners for the next three days. When Satine awoke on the fourth day, her neck stiff from sleeping awkwardly, she sat up to the opening of the cell door.
“Come on!”
The Duchess wasn’t expecting to be yanked by her hair, and gave a little yelp when her scalp was pulled.
“Hurry up!” Pre Vizsla barked.
Something must’ve been wrong, and this filled Satine with joy.
“Stop smiling,” Tarrei slapped her, “you’ll regret it.”
Angry, the Duchess growled, but no one seemed to hear her. She and her ladies were being tugged along a back hallway that seemed to have hardly been used. Trash littered the floor and more than once Satine stumbled.
“Hurry!” someone barked.
An explosion boomed in the background, and it rattled the Duchess so much that even when they were in a ship flying away, her teeth still chattered. In the pack, Khaami and Parna huddled together, shoved between boxes of illegal substances. Satine was tied in the back by the fresher, and it smelled awful.
“Oh, suck it up.” Pre Vizsla spat.
There were two other criminals besides the Vizslas, which seemed to be a small group for precious cargo.
“What happened?” Satine asked.
Tarrei Vizsla snorted.
“Like we’d tell you.” a criminal answered.
They had no problem getting off of Mandalore, the Vizslas had too many friends, what shocked Satine was when their ship was shot down while they went to refuel on a desert planet she’d never heard of. It wasn’t a bad crash, seeing as they were caught by a ray and lowered to the ground.
The ship door burst open and Khaami screamed. Gruffy looking soldiers with giant weapons entered the ship.
“Ah,” a man, their leader smiled, “fellow criminals I see.”
“What do you want?” Pre Vizsla asked, tone sharp.
“You came to our planet,” the leader gestured wildly, “it’s us who should be asking that question, friends.”
“We’re not our friends.”
Parna gasped, “You’re Hondo Ohnaka?”
The man turned, a smile on his face.
“A prisoner with sensibilities? That’s rare.”
“I’m Parna Supreis,” Satine’s lady began, “and-”
Satine gasped as Parna was gagged.
“Are you,” Hondo grinned, “then you must be the Duchess of Mandalore, no?”
The Duchess watched as he came close, then spat in his face.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Hondo snapped, “men, take them.”
”Now hold on-”
“Who’s in charge here?”
Khaami pointed at the Vizslas, “They are.”
“Then take them too,” the pirate ordered, “the government will likely want them.”
Satine watched in horror as the other two criminals were shot. Only this time, she didn’t feel quite as bad, and that scared her.
“Come on, ladies,” a pirate tugged on their new bonds, “it’s time to go.”
A couple men snickered and dread settled in Satine’s stomach, this was much worse than she had anticipated.
They were forced onto speeders and taken to the pirate hideout, which was much grander on the inside than out.
“Are those Zygerrian rugs?” Satine frowned.
Hondo laughed, “They most certainly are.”
Zygerrian rugs were made by slave labor and very expensive.
“You’re disgusting.” Khaami growled.
“Now, now, that won’t earn you any favors.”
Satine and her ladies were placed in a cell, all tied together at the hip with some glowing contraption. Fortunately, their cell was actually nice. There was nothing to aid in an escape of course, but there were pillows and couches.
“This is for our most distinguished guests.” Hondo smiled proudly.
The Vizslas were put across from them, in a sour smelling hold that reflected on their true nature.
“You’ll regret this, Satine.” Pre Vizsla growled.
“What did I do,” the Duchess asked angrily, “wasn’t this all your fault?”
Hondo laughed, “Enjoy yourselves, friends.”
Satine, Parna, and Khaami all decided that one person should keep watch. Satine had the first slot.
Satine jumped backward, “When did you get here?”
“I’ve just had a very interesting call with your sister,” Hondo smiled, “she has captured Count Dooku and is willing to trade him.”
Satine grinned, “You must enjoy having the Count in your custody.”
“Oh, I do,” Hondo nodded, “almost as much as I enjoy having you and your ladies.”
Satine frowned, “When is the trade happening?”
“First,” the pirate held up his hand, “you must choose the two prisoners the Count will replace.”
Satine fumbled for words, “May I conference with my ladies?”
“You may.”
Gently, the Duchess woke her ladies and explained the situation.
“We can’t let the Vizslas go alone,” Khaami whispered, “they could escape.”
“But you both deserve safety.” Satine stated.
“We should definitely send Pre,” Parna decided, “and one of us should accompany him.”
“Oh, Duchess!”
Satine turned.
“If you chose to go, you will be the only one released.” Hondo advised.
The Duchess frowned.
“Parna should go,” Khaami whispered, “guard Pre and give testimony.”
“It will give you time to mourn.” Khaami added.
The Duchess announced her decision, and the next day, Parna and Pre were taken outside and Count Dooku was thrown in the cell across from Satine.
They did not speak for two days, a stalemate occurring when both sides of the battle were prisoners, but finally, Hondo spoke for them.
“I have to ask,” he began, “how was the engagement party?”
“We never threw one.” Count Dooku answered.
“What, but surely-”
“I throw garden parties all the time, Hondo,” Satiine smiled bitterly, “it’s a natural part of being in charge.” “That I can understand,” the pirate nodded, “I throw parties as well.”
“Do you?” the Duchess asked.
“I do, for instance,” the pirate smiled, “I’m currently throwing a party to celebrate your capture.”
Dooku snorted.
“It’s true,” Hondo opened her cell, “and you’re going to be paraded around.”
Satine ground her teeth as the count laughed.
“Her Grace is royalty,” Khaami gasped, “you will not treat her as some peasant!”
“I shall,” Hondo grinned, “and if you don’t cooperate, your lady will suffer.”
Satine growled, “She has a family.”
“Then you appreciate what you must do.”
Satine swallowed, standing on shaky legs.
“You will regret this.” the Duchess warned.
Hondo rolled his eyes and tugged Satine by her hair into a room that stank of pirates. They laughed at her.
“So this is the Duchess of Mandalore?” one asked.
Satine balled her fists and stared at the voice.
“Angry, aren’t you?”
Suddenly, tremors attacked the ground.
“I am Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, Second of my Name, and Lady Krewella,” the ground shifted, “and you will treat me with respect.”
A pirate snorted and Satine turned her fury on him.
“What is it, peasant,” she asked, “can’t stand being reminded of your place?”
The man would’ve lunged at her had he not fallen on the uneven ground.
Hondo frowned, “Duchess, is that-”
Shaking with fury, Satine shouted, “Silence!” 
Rocks began to fall from the roof. Then it went black. 
The Duchess groaned Khaami’s name.
“It’s alright, you’re back in the cell.”
It hurt to open her eyes, but Satine managed.
“They think you caused an earthquake.”
Dooku groaned.
“Honestly, Satine, you heard what your lady said.”
Khaami helped Satine over to a lounging couch so she could lie down.
“I knew it,” Tarrei shouted, “you are a Jed!”
Satine sighed, Dooku gave the Mandalorians a strange look.
“It’s true,” Vizsla continued, talking to Dooku, “she made the prison bars shake back in Sundari.”
Dooku raised an eyebrow, “Did she?”
“She did.”
“That wasn’t her,” Khaami shook her head, “it was-”
“There’s no other explanation!” Tarrei gestured.
“It sounds like your Jedi-Spawn are helping you from miles away,” Dooku snarled, “the blood of your force-sensitive bastards is within you, and their midichlorians have fused into your body.”
Satine gaped.
“That can’t be true.” Khaami whispered.
“Either that or you’re expecting a force-sensitive child.”
Khaami turned to Satine.
“It’s too early to tell.” she mumbled back.
Vizsla’s eyes went wide, “Kenobi is the father of your children!”
“Oh, please-”
“It is true,” Dooku added, “their force signature is a mix of yours, his, and their own attitudes.”
Satine glanced at Khaami.
“You,” Tarrei pointed, “you’ve been working for the Duchess longer than the Duke of Sundari has been alive, you would know!”
Khaami held up her hands, horrified, “No, no, that’s not true.”
“Is it not?”
No one had noticed Hondo in the corner.
“Because I just did an image search of the Duke of Sundari, and he looks a lot like Kenobi.”
Satine opened her mouth and closed it.
“Why would you care?” she eventually asked, quiet.
“Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is a dear friend of mine,” Hondo bowed, “it’s an honor to meet the mother of his children.”
Satine swallowed, “Will you tell him I’m here,” Satine asked, “will you let me go?”
“Not cheaply,” Hondo answered, “but he knows you're here, he and Skywalker might come to collect Dooku.”
Khaami walked right up to the bars, “You must let her see him.”
“I’ll think about it,” Hondo hesitated, “I am very interested in this story if you must know.”
“Please,” Satine begged, “please.”
The pirate looked at her once more before leaving.
“Please,” the Duchess yelled, “please!”
It took two months for the Republic to decide what needed to happen, and by then, Satine knew she was pregnant again. Prime Minister Jaru was coming for Tarrei Vizsla, Pre had already been sentenced for life, and it was likely his father would face the same charge. Anakin and Obi-Wan were coming for Dooku, Satine knew lots of money had been exchanged. For some reason, no one had a plan for the Duchess. Korkie had been staunchly advocating for her return, being forced to take on many of her duties and claiming it wasn’t his place to do so. However, the asking price for the Duchess was so high, that Mandalore couldn’t pay it without suffering financially.
“You’re cruel.” Satine decided, speaking to Hondo.
“I might be,” the pirate shrugged, “but business is business.”
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