#also i don't have any ideas for the neutral faction
yanderes-galore · 9 months
Based on an idea I thought of, I just had to get something down since I have to wait a bit. Sorry the banner is bad, I wasn't sure how to make it for this AU? This is mostly just me throwing out ideas so I have some down.
Yandere! Night Fury Hybrid! Hiccup Haddock Concept/Thoughts
(HTTYD Hybrid AU)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Animalistic yandere, Possessive behavior, Human/Hybrid, Manipulation, Biting, Dubious cuddling, Forced relationship implied, Mentions of mates, Guilt tripping, Violence, Mentioned murder, Kidnapping.
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I feel at first we should be discussing how he'd look and act.
In terms of how he'd look it can very depending on your preference.
Personally I'd imagine he'd have the "ear horns" like Night Furies.
Then he'd have the wings, claws, and tail.
Maybe he even has the sharp teeth, retractable or not.
He could also have the eyes of a Night Fury, making him look relatively cat-like.
Probably also sleeps upside down.
Maybe you can place some black scales around his body but he still has human skin in some places?
That's a very general idea on what Hiccup could look like as a Night Fury hybrid.
In terms of behavior I'd imagine he'd act similarly to a Night Fury (shocker, I know).
He's stealthy, fast, and can use plasma bolts.
He probably purrs and growls when content.
Something I'm debating on is how he'd communicate with you.
There's three routes you could take with it.
The first one is he doesn't know any human language and communicates through actions or growls.
The second one is he knows limited language to communicate.
For the second one it could start with no language learned and you teach him it, or he knew it by observation of other humans.
The third is he knows fluent language, maybe not yours or maybe it is, but he can talk.
Don't get me wrong, regardless on how he communicates, he's still just as intelligent as your usual human.
Another thing that's dubious about the AU is if there is actual regular dragons.
There could be three separate factions (Humans, Hybrids, Dragons).
Naturally hybrids would be more attuned to dragons due to similarities.
It's that or there's only two factions (Humans and Hybrids), which have been at war for decades.
This is still a very new AU so "AU canon" is still unclear.
Honestly, the most exciting part of this is Night Furies in canon mate for life.
The same most likely goes for hybrids.
So I imagine once Hiccup is attached he plans to never leave you.
Plus, hybrids are most likely possessive similar to dragons.
Now, I feel you could meet Hiccup in many ways.
My favorite though? Maybe you even mirror how he meets Toothless in canon.
Maybe when you two are young (Hiccup's age in HTTYD 1), you help him with an injury.
Then you two slowly bond until you're both in your 20's.
Ever since you saved him he has been a companion by your side.
I imagine you could fly with hybrids but due to their humanoid form, they'd just carry you-
So instead of Hiccup finding a Light Fury hybrid to have a relationship with, he chooses you.
Hybrids would be compatible with humans most likely.
The first hybrid's origins are unknown, but it is implied they take human partners at times.
I can imagine when you're both 21 you try to find him a compatible mate or encourage it.
Meanwhile he doesn't want anyone but you.
Even since you were young, the hybrid knew you were the one for him.
He has never parted from you and your own father wonders what his intentions are.
I imagine when you were young it took awhile to warm up to each other, just like in HTTYD 1.
Hiccup starts off wary of you, wondering if you're safe to trust.
Then by the end of it he vows to protect and cherish you.
You'd both be teens then but your relationship between each other would start off as just companions.
However, this would be the first little seeds of his crush.
It's when you start getting older, reaching 18 and your 20's that he starts inching closer.
He often purrs around you and tries his best to understand your culture.
He craves your touch, often putting your hand on his cheek for comfort.
When you're both adults he probably starts showing behavior akin to wanting a mate.
He may try ro manipulate you into it, claiming you're the closest one to him.
He tries to make it sound like he'd be lonely forever if you don't accept his courting.
He claims he wants to hold you close and cuddle you for warmth since his kind hate the cold.
Yet you can tell by the way he wraps his tail around your waist that isn't quite it.
I imagine he'd bite you to mark you and often gets aggressive towards other humans and hybrids around you.
Hiccup may even share Toothless traits, like being the last Night Fury Hybrid in the world... right now.
Maybe you can help with that, hm? (If you're able)
In terms of if he'd murder, maybe.
He doesn't want to ruin your trust and any form of murder would be accidental.
Like if something blinded him with rage or he allowed his possessive behavior to take over.
Even then he personally may not feel bad for it, but acts remorseful to have your forgiveness.
Kidnapping? Again, a maybe.
For a Night Fury he's rather soft personality wise.
He'd be willing to live with you if you wished, then he could be more attuned to human culture.
Yet if someone tried to steal you from him then he's feel unsafe.
Feeling unsafe may lead to a stray plasma blast striking someone down or burning your home.
Which means he'll have to carry you to somewhere he can properly provide for you.
As a hybrid his diet is mostly fish or whatever Night Furies eat.
However, he could have human food too due to being partially human.
Hiccup would try to keep track of what humans need to provide for you.
When he wants affection he'll nuzzle into you, lay his larger body on top of you, and purr.
Like actual Night Furies, he acts like cats and bats.
Which means it's a bit strange to see him sleeping upside down at first.
Overall, Hiccup as a hybrid would retain his usual persona and a bit of Toothless.
He's a hunter... and your companion for life.
You may not like what he has in store for you, but he promises he does it out of love.
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scoutisnthome · 3 months
Can you ramble a bit about the mianite/hermitcraft au?
Oh absolutely I can. I'm still conceptualizing so bear with me (I'm also rewatching the series as we speak so I might correct some lore bits as time goes on.)
(ramble under read more)
An important thing to establish is that these versions of the god trio are specifically the personalities and deific domains of s2.
It's also important to establish that Mianite and Ianite are still dead. They are being teleported from the aftermath of s2. Dianite is technically the only one fully alive but as shown throughout various seasons when gods die their spirits persist, their physical forms and some of their power is what's destroyed. Through being teleported Mianite and Ianite have been given semi physical forms and minimal power as a part of their "respawn" but not full resurrection as at the end of the day they aren't players.
These deities arrive on the hermitcraft server seemingly on accident. Random portals and reality warping are well documented phenomena in both mianite and hermitcraft so there could be a direct cause for their teleportation, or it could be completely random. On their arrival no one is sure.
Xisuma is very keen to get them off his server as soon as humanly possible but the other hermits take to them quickly. The more troublemaking hermits find Dianite's exploits amusing and the economic minded hermits like his trade aspect. Since he still has his powers he is able to assist them in those senses. Those who don't immediately take to dianite take interest in the other gods or just sit back and watch the chaos.
Mianite approaches Xisuma with an offer. If Xisuma helps resurrect him fully, he will be able to use his full power to return him and his siblings to their original world. Xisuma is very keen on this plan and becomes Mianite's first champion on the server. (If it wasn't obvious Mianite is a hundred percent lying about this he is going to attempt a full take over.)
This plan eventually leaks to the other hermits and as both ianite and dianite understand how bad of an idea this is, factions start forming based on the god they side with.
This is a tentative list of how those factions shake out at the start (these do change over time)
(note: the dianite and ianite factions aren't strictly seperate here, they work together a lot. This is just differentiating who is the champion of who)
neutral (for now):
(let me know if I'm forgetting any hermits lol)
But yes that's the base concept for the au and it's conflict. I'll expand upon it more when I get the chance.
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ratlivesonblog · 28 days
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Finished the circle of sans! Do what you wish with it :3
okok the first one is like the factions and their own ideas and the little diamonds are if they're friends/like Sans and Core frisk (also doesnt care and doesnt give afuck are different cause of vibes)
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The second is positive prevalent relationships
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The third is negative prevalent relationships
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The fourth is the closest thing i can like to a ship with sanses, i don't necessarily like them as together romantically but yeah, those are the ones i may like the most
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If they're not marked on any relationship positive or negative then they're probably neutral or have never met and/or wasn't too important
It's really funny that the only one black is dream and Nightmare cause, dream still cares about him yk, he's his BROTHER (or that's what he thinks at least) but at the same time Nightmare hates him, and is doing all these horrible things and Dream has to deal with it and fight his brother. Dream had to go on a multiversal war cause of that fucker. But at the same time it's his brother. There has to be the nightmare he knows somewhere in there.
Also most of them hate/dislike nightmare, fresh and error even if i didn't put it down
Other lots disliked are Fell and Dust
Most liked are Swap, Dream and then Ccino
If Geno was out he's be chill with most aus but he'd despise fresh, Ink, Nightmare and killer specifically cause they don't care about aus suffering, he'd also think Core frisk and Dream would be full of bullshit but he'd still try to help them and be by their side. Cause ✨hope✨
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mychlapci · 27 days
So just going to drop in with my last non-horny ask to talk about my fan continuity again. The factions are only semi at war with each other at the start, which I didn't mention before.
(Mostly because I just came up with the idea.)
MegOP went missing awhile back, interestingly not long before Damus was born, and he was born, not built and awakened by the Matrix or forged in a Hot Spot. The Decepticons and Autobots were dealing with some political issues as Optimus had been making secret overtures to talk peace, and Megatron had been considering. 
Straxus led a coup against Megatron working with Strika, a shock to everyone, to overthrow him. This was during a tentative talk MegOP were having on a Neutral planet. 
The Decepticons were split and SoundShock were firmly fuck you guys but the Straxus/Strika made a good name for themselves (or were feared) and took quite a bit of land. Skyquake closed the borders of his mini empire to keep everyone out and protect the civilians and non-combatants. He also worked with Starscream to find Megatron. Starscream was outwardly supportive, having been recently undermined in his position because Straxus had Flyhigh as a hostage.
The Autobots, meanwhile, were dealing with Optimus and Prowl being missing and Ultra Magnus being heavily injured and unable to lead. Fortress Maximus (more the Japanese Cartoon who I maintain is shady than the comic) takes command of the Autobots seemingly out of nowhere. He blames the Decepticons for what happens and quickly escalates the war. Jazz is thoroughly distracted trying to find everyone (he is taking care of Strongarm during this time) and figure out what is happening within the Decepticons (and if anyone in the Autobots helped) and Fort Max has his own command squad that is icing out Optimus's former leads.
MegOP eventually returns, rescued by Starscream's efforts, to settle their respective factions. Optimus with a new brightly-colored addition peeking out behind him. Prowl, meanwhile, comes back kicking and fighting with a bunch of heart eyed Decepticons he'd been sold with and then saved to help himself escape. He is the one who confirms he was sabotaged within and separated to make Optimus an easier target with Megatron’s guards.
The fighting has mostly died down now, peaking during the final clean up which lead to Scorponok acting up and a would be warlord Gigatron out where Thunderclash fought while Megatron tried to clear out all the traitors.
It was a bonding experience for Decepticon High Command. They actually are getting along better and the crisis settled any issues or questions on loyalty. Starscream and Megatron haven't gotten along so well in centuries.
Part of the “nepotism” in the mission sending the Autobot kids away to the edges for easy missions is that Autobot High Command finally has enough proof to make a move against those who helped kidnap Prowl and attempted to kill Optimus. They don't want any potential hostages having learned from Starscream's example.
oh lord, normally i would say "let us not tell anyone when this ask arrived" but this one is dated to the end of our no-horny week, so hello everyone, please look at my shame...
i fucking looove the politics in this, I love it when people do that. Makes the AU feel so alive.
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quetzalpapalotl · 9 months
Tell me about Arcee and Prowl. Do they put up with each other for any reason beyond pure pragmatism?
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Omg thanks guys. But also, Ruin, this will spoil parts of exRID that you just started, I know you don't really care but be warned.
I'd said that when it comes down to it, their relationship is mostly pragmatism, but I don't want to simplify or dimish it by calling it that.
Arcee at that start of exRID, that is, when she starts to work for Prowl, is someone who has decided she wants to work for a better world, problem is that she's never had any real friends and the only thing she knows how to do is kill. This doesn't seem like a profile fit to bring about Bee's idea of peace between the 3 factions that, to be clear, Arcee claims to support and admire. So because she's not too proud to admit when she's out of her depth, she gets someone who can at least direct her skills to further the cause of peace.
Now, I don't want to make it sound like Arcee is just mindlessly following Prowl because she can't think for herself. It's just that, again, this is all new to her and furthermore, Prowl is someone that makes sense to her. While Prowl is ruthless, Arcee is straightforward. Prowl shows something that's a clear hindrance for their plans, Arcee deals with it. While Prowl understands that killing Ratbat in secret with no trial is morally dubious and his fellow Autobots wouldn't approve of it, Arcee genuinely doesn't understand what the big deal is when the guys was such a problem. Nevertheless she reminds Prowl that she's not just his assassin, and when Prowl get's mind controlled by Bombshell not only is she the only person to figure it out, she's completely capable of rolling with it to give the Autobots and edge when they'll need it.
The other thing is that, despite what she says and even what she thinks, Arcee is deeply lonely and craves connection. This is most obvious in her relationship with Sideswipe, but I think she believed she and Prowl had an understanding. Again, he makes sense to her when most people don't, she's choosing to work for him when she has no reason to, after revealing Prowl has her kill Ratbat she apologizes to him and confesses how cofusing this all is for her, looking more vulnerable than what she usually allows.
Problem is that this is kind one-sided. Arcee does understand Prowl to some degree, sees right through him and Prowl doesn't like that. Prowl doesn't like being told his truths and because Arcee has nothing to hide, doesn't need Prowl to make herself better, she's not easy to diminish. Arcee is an amazing asset, she's sneaky, she's efficient, she can beat virtually anyone and Prowl at the start of exRID is short on assets. But he also has no way of controling her, he has nothing over her, Arcee is not even a proper Autobot at the beginning and Prowl doesn't like lacking control.
Prowl would find the idea that Arcee and himself are similar. As mentioned, Prowl has a better understanding of what is wrong with his methods, but he does it anyway. He sees it as a sacrifice on his part, he wants to think that despite everything he's above it. Arcee's apparent lack of remorse if pretty useful, but Prowl doesn't want to be compared to that. He never told Arcee to kill Ratbat, he just pointed her on his direction, the death is on Arcee. Even if he also seems to get Arcee to some degree, this need to detach himself for her prevents him from fully granting her interiority. I never get the impression that he really sees her as much more than a weapon, not different from how everyone else sees Arcee.
He does have some manner of respect for her, like when Arcee says that she doesn't feel anything seeing Windblade and co. despite all the time he longed to meet someone like her, Prowl tells her to not let it get to her. The newcomers aren't really like Arcee and don't belong on Cybertron. Although I think this is more than anything the same kind of disregard Prowl has for neutrals, for people didn't had to fight, he's at least putting Arcee in the camp he likes.
As their partnership was kind of informal, their falling out is quiet. Arcee keeps on flexing her moral muscles and gets better at thinking by herself what she should do. She joins the Autobots proper because their goal of peace is what she strives for. When they go to Earth after Dark Cybertron Prowl's actions give him a bad look in her eyes. It becomes more aparent that Prowl is far more petty and less rational than he claims to. The way he regards humans and how he puts them in danger doesn't sit well with Arcee, who, despite everything, does have some morals.
In general, we never really see Arcee using violence in people outside the Cybertronian conflict. She's not someone that enjoys hurting the weak. We will later hear her tell Kup directly that she's not comfortable using lethal force against humans, even when they're attacking her. And even later we will find out that she was there when the Cybertronians first invaded an alien planet and overwhelmed the population with the vast difference in power, which she hadn't forgiven herself for. She doesn't like Decepticons. Prowl endagering humans does not sit well with her.
At this point she has her own idea of how things should go. Optimus and Prowl leave for Cybertron and she's lef in charge of the Autobots on Earth. This would be the end of it, except we get Sins of the Wreckers, where Arcee is far more vocal on her displeasure with Prowl. I see this attitude as an extension of how Roche writer Prowl in contrast to Barber, but how I choose to interpret it is a consequence of having time and distance to think of everything.
A think to note about SOTW is that Arcee is hurt and jealous when Prowl says Springer is the one Autobot good enough to come rescue him, especially when Springer's personality is not one that meshes well with Prowl's, unlike hers. She doesn't know about Prowl's especial disposition towards Spinger. But this server to her as final proof that Prowl never regarded her or trusted her the same way Arcee did him.
Point is, I definitively think Arcee put more stock on this relationship than Prowl did. All it takes to undo is Arcee deciding is not worth it.
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ryuuka-balaen · 9 months
I'd dug it up earlier to send to someone as it had been relevant in conversation recently, so may as well post it here too; a lil bit of CatLore(tm) for my main Warhammer Army; the Knights of Noble House Valere.
When I decided that it would be healthy for me to try to partake in physical hobbies more often rather than spending all my free time online and having almost exclusively online friendships, the first thing I went to try was Warhammer. I'd been trying to get into it for nearly a decade and I've always loved my funny little minis and models so it was the most obvious choice to me, especially being that I'd just been given a new 3d printer I could make terrain and models with. However, this came with a small issue; I didn't like the style of the models I already had as much as I used to. Which meant I needed to browse through which factions 40k had to choose from, and find something with an aesthetic I did enjoy.
What I found that i liked was the Imperial Knights and Grey Knights.
First, some official lore as Context;
Imperial Knights are huge mechs owned by influential families called Noble Houses. Before the founding of The Imperium of Man wherein the God-Emperor took the Golden Throne, the Noble Houses were some of the first humans to leave Terra and colonize the galaxy in an event referred to as The Long March. For the purpose of this colonization, they built huge agricultural mechs with chainsaws that could reave forests for lumber, explosives that could level mountains for construction, etc. Of course, these tools were repurposed into weapons of war. The mechs were equipped with armour that can withstand a nuke and autocannons that shoot shells wider than a man is tall. The planets colonized by these Noble Houses are referred to as Feudal Worlds. When the Age of Strife began and humanity lost a significant portion of the knowledge required to create and upkeep their most advanced technologies, contact between distant worlds was also lost. Many Feudal Worlds that were isolated from this regression have yet to be rediscovered by The Imperium.
Grey Knights are the God-Emperor's Special Boys who live on Saturn's moon Titan in a Grand Fortress-Monestary. unlike other chapters of space marines, there are only every 800 Grey Knights at any one time, and every single one of them is a psyker and has mad wizard powers. They also all wear ~Special Boy~ armour that's been sanctified and blessed with Mystical Rituals that makes them harder to kill than your average Space Marine. They exist only to fight invasions of the Daemon forces of Chaos, and will take any measure to do so. The whole thing is very edgy and they try very hard to be cool.
Unfortunately, the rules of warhammer40k don't normally allow one person to use models from two different factions in their army at the same time, and doing so is referred to as a "Soup Army" which is generally very frowned upon by the gaming community. Regardless, I happen to be and continue to be a fool of a kitty that likes my funny little Knights, and what I wanted to do was run an army that's made half and half of the two factions I like.
That begs the question though; Why would these two factions be fighting together? the Grey Knights are Daemon Hunters, and as such only fight against those corrupted by Chaos, and while the Noble Houses of the Feudal Worlds which have been rediscovered by The Imperium do fight alongside The Imperium, they don't do so Often or Consistently. (And, by game rules, while any imperium army is permitted to field either one large or up to three small Imperial Knights models, that isnt enough for me)
While I do like the Imperial Knights official lore, I'm pretty neutral on that of the Grey Knights (as much as I do like to make fun of them, the idea of an order of paladins that'll show up anywhere, anytime to lay the smackdown on some demons is pretty cool). So, my solution to that question was; What if they aren't Grey Knights? Any military that's fielding gigantic irreplaceable Death Mechs is also going to employ footsoldiers, aren't they?
The Knights I paint and play are of the Noble House Valere, one of the many to take part in The Long March and the many to still be isolated following the Age of Strife. The House, however, has not been idle in it's isolation. From the time contact was lost in the 25th millennium House Valere has continued to make technological progress, re-engineering the systems utilized in their great Knights to smaller and more compact forms, to create Exosuits in which even an untrained wearer could rival a Space Marine in combat. While this is surely impressive, the real feat of innovation achieved by Valere's researchers is undoubtedly their progress in harnessing The Warp. Normally only Psykers would be able to utilize the reality-bending power of The Warp, however the continued study and research between the 25th to the 41st millennium has seen these researchers engineer methods for machines to make use of The Warp, and integrating this into the Exosuits of House Valere's Knights allows every one of their footsoldiers to wield the power of a Psyker.
The current Standing Army of House Valere, which is to say the models I currently have (though many are currently unpainted), numbers at six Knight Mechs, one Armoured Troop Transport, and seventeen Exosuit Soldiers.
In Game Terms that's;
one Knight Preceptor, two Armiger Helverins, and two Armiger Warglaives for 1,000points of Imperial Knights,
one Nemesis DreadKnight, one Brother-Captain, one Brotherhood Champion, one Razorback, five Terminators, five Grey Knights, and five Purifiers for 1,000points of Grey Knights,
which all together makes a happy Tournament-Standard sized army roster of 2,000points.
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House Valere's age of peace is not to last much longer, as the universe permits none to escape it's wrath and there are a great many who, whether for Tech-Heresy, claims of territory, or simply Hunger, would see The House's citizens dead.
As a footnote; I do want to clarify that when i wrote this i felt like an absolute madwoman and it seemed very Chuuni / "9th-grader's Overpowered Self-Insert OC" but fuck it cringe is dead, I'm having fun, and others have said its neat so im keeping it.
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bots-and-cons · 5 months
*Not a request. Just a chaotic ramble*
I saw the TFP x Pokemon Trainer asked and I couldn't help but share this with you. The amount of shenanigans to occur as neither faction has no experience when to comes to these magical creatures nor Trainer!Reader's profession.
I will go for Rescue Worker example since mundane occupations feel more interesting plus chaotic neutral who doesn't side with either faction. They rescue those in need, not join or have their Pokemon fight an actual war. Any combat based training is to deter and restrain rampaging 'mons so they won't hurt themselves.
Megatron is most likely to encounter Trainer!Reader first with obvious hostile attentions. Optimus follows close behind as his rival is too much for his Autobots. The amount of surprise from both as Reader just shrugs Buckethead off and sick a Trevenant on him.
(I chose this Pokemon for an example cause the Pokedex entry will cause concern for the Autobots but interest from the Decepticons since it says to lethally attack those who harm the forest aka is very dangerous. Plus it's a ghost type so there are questions on how it's even alive and can force someone like Megatron to retreat. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trevenant_(Pok%C3%A9mon). )
Trainer!Reader comes and goes as they please there's always a Pokemon who can Teleport them away if needed. Questions don't really bother em nor any requests for a spar with their team. Once trust(or relationship) is set then my favorite shenanigan is asking a bot to look after a Pokemon Egg.
A simple task that immediately goes awry when the item hatches and the newborn thinks their bot caretaker is their parent. The image of a little Pokemon following Predaking, Soundwave, Bulkhead, Starscream, Ratchet or Optimus like a lost duckling is hilarious to me. TFP Sounders would be over the moon about it though while Ratty pretends he's annoyed but spoils the little 'mon rotten.
It's what I think anyways.
Good thoughts in my opinion. Megs definitely needs to learn to be kinder to the trees or he's gonna get the reader's Trevenant on his aft, and I feel like that might not end very well for Megs. I'm not saying he would die, but he'd get what he deserves. I also like the idea of the reader being neutral and just sort of saving Pokemon, keeping them safe from the fighting that's going on and not really involving themself in the war.
Bee would be absolutely terrified to look after a pokemon egg, since he's seen how fragile chicken eggs are. Of course pokemon eggs are much sturdier, but he doesn't know that, so he's incredibly careful with it. When the pokemon hatches, Bee is over the moon and relieved that he doesn't have to care for the egg anymore. Now he has a pokemon to look after, and he finds it to be a lot of fun.
I feel like Soundwave would definitely also spoil the Pokemon he comes across or the ones that take a liking to him. He's always got some treats on him. I imagine him just sitting in the middle of the woods and some Pokemon approaching him cautiously, and he gives them treats and just lets them climb all over him.
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Vampire Seeks Familiar
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This is Elle DeVampiro. I grabbed her from the NOBLE VAMPIRES household, deleted the other two because one Vlad is enough aaaand we already have a couple of Inna Cent types flapping around. The other occults seem to be balanced between having one "Good" (Simeon Silversweater, the Collective), one "Neutral" (Morgyn, the Wildfangs) and one "Bad" faction (L. Faba, Greg) - so I figured that she would be the Vampiric Neutral representative this playthrough.
Elle's traits are MATERIALISTIC, SNOB and MUSIC LOVER, with the MUSICAL GENIUS aspiration. I cheated her up to PRIME VAMPIRE because Forgotten Hollow will have a couple of newborns running around, plus the Vatores and Vlad who are at a high Occult level. Again, balance. She doesn't hate humans per se but tends to kind of see them affectionately as lower life forms, like dumb puppies whooo she sometimes needs to snack on. And not being a daywalker like Caleb, she will need a familiar.
Since I'm using entirely premades with this save, I'm not really sure how to handle it? I'm thinking either a teen who sticks it to their parents and can't quite swallow their pride enough to return home and thus accepts free room and board in exchange for their labour, or a young adult who's broke and lives with her for the same reason. She wouldn't be a cruel mistress per se but sometimes she forgets that humans need to sleep and eat, aaaaand lower life form, as above.
So I guess this teal dear is me wondering which premades y'all think would fit the bill? The obvious ones to me are any of the GET TOGETHER kiddos due to their vibes but I can also see Jeb Harris having enough of his family (also the idea of Paper Bag Boy living in an attic and dreaming his dreams just amuses me, particularly with how run down the attic is). And yeah, I know that Cassandra Goth is just crying out to be made either a vampire or a spellcaster so I can see why she'd be drawn to one, but I just don't see her having an unhappy enough home life to fly the coop.
(As far as Young Adults, I don't know. Lilith Pleasant is staring me in the face but I'd like to avoid her due to first name confusion.)
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findmeinshattrath · 8 months
Not sure how likely or how practical it would be, but if they continue making neutral playable races in the future, I think it would be cool if they implemented Half-Orcs and Half-Elves some day.
If anyone is curious about why I think Half-Elves should be neutral too, I firmly believe that there would be at least some with the Blood Elves in Quel'thalas proper. Ones who were raised there, or ones from outside that maybe identified more with their elven heritage or made their way there after the Scourge's attack; something along those lines.
Plus there is Dalaran to consider, as well as the possibility of undead ones in the Forsaken. There was at least one officially in the old RPG books: Oni'jus, second in command of the Royal Apothecary Society and a master of mundane poisons whose idea it was to add "Royal" to the Society's name. She is sadly no longer canon (for now). There might even be some in the Trade Cartels, same for Half-Orcs too.
I don't know if any from the Night Elves and Nightborne would be likely, there would have to be a big time-skip to justify it. Though, Night Elves have had contact with the factions for about two decades or so as of Dragonflight, so it isn't impossible. Nightborne aren't happening without a time-skip though.
Mok'nathal would also be an amazing option for a Half-Orc origin, naturally, but they would probably only be Horde.
I don't know, this thought just occurred to me the other day and I'm just kind of spitting out my train of thought.
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 1 year
If Yvonne or the demon never came what do you think Derrick would have done to og penelope.
Like would he have left her alone. Would the Duke have married her off. Would derrick have stopped it. Would og penelope kill herself from the abuse by then.
Or would derrick finally act on his feelings after he became the Duke.
If Yvonne had not appeared in the midst of Penelope's debutante ball, her family probably would have finally come to terms with her death. A month after Penelope's acceptance into society, after she had finally taken Yvonne's place in front of all the high-ranking aristocrats and become completely part of the Eckart family, the Eckarts would have held a funeral where they would've buried an empty coffin instead of Yvonne's body. I would say that Penelope could then regain hope, maybe for the first time since the day she took the Duke's hand, because now there would be a chance that they could become a real family, now that her father had accepted the death of his beloved daughter and no one could show up to dispute her position and the affections associated with it.
I don't think it had ever occurred to the Duke to marry Penelope to someone, unless a nobleman approached him to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage. He would not propose an engagement on his own accord and if it would occur to gentleman to court his daughter, then this someone would have to be very persistent in his endeavour and be without a single flaw. The Duke would be rather averse to the idea of marriage and would do a background check on the potential husband thoroughly. In addition, he would very likely also consult Derrick's opinion on this matter, who definitately would have objections against it. If he'd be unable to find fault with the man in question, Derrick would object that it would be better to wait with an engagement, with the arguments that Penelope was still too emotionally immature, they are unable to pay for her dowry at the moment, because the treasury is still exhausted because of the war and it'd be too cruel to tax the peasants heavily during a time of crisis, they should first observe how the situation between Callisto and the faction of the second prince plays out and wait with a commitment to a non-neutral faction as not to risk sending a declaration of war to the opposite faction and so on.
Derrick would be able to dissuade the Duke from this decision with ease, especially since I have the impression that the Duke would prefer to keep Penelope with him forever, even if it was only to find comfort in her image after Yvonne's death. Derrick might also reveal how the other nobles had tormented Penelope up to that point, causing the Duke to become overprotective of Penelope and taking her less and less with him to events with people outside the duchy and to view any suitor with suspicion. It is even possible that Penelope herself would reject a betrothal, interpreting it as her family trying to find a way to get rid of her. She would have lost this battle of wills and saying yes would be tantamount to defeat. Penelope stayed with the Eckarts up to this point partly because she saw no other way to survive, but I think stubborness and defiance also played a part. I can also imagine that Penelope has developed some sort of paranoia or anxiety disorder due to her negative experience with nobles and could not comprehend why anyone would approach her and exchange a friendly word with her unless that someone had evil in mind and was trying to befriend her in order to make her let her guard down and set a trap for her. Derrick's subtle remarks might reinforce her in this conviction that she is a rotten girl and no one on his right mind could ever love her. That's why I believe if someone appeared who was kind to her, she'd be confused, scared even and answer this kindness with violence thus ruining her own chances at a normal life. Better the evil that one already knows.
It is hard for me to imagine that Derrick would ever leave Penelope alone. His obsession with her would only end if one of them were dead. I can't just imagine it any other way. Nor can I imagine them ever being happy together. Derrick's love for Penelope would be like a poison that would slowly kill her. Even if Derrick were to finally hold her in his arms, he wouldn't know what to do with her. He doesn't know how to make her happy and he is too used to making her suffer. Breaking her is something at which he could do nearly effortlessly but he's clueless for what comes afterwards, he is incapable of inserting himself as a source of familial affection (or otherwise) in Penelope's life and building her up again just like how he wants her to be. The only kind of gentleness he'd allow her to experience would be during sex, the only kind of comfort he could give her would be in form of expensive presents. Giving her a minimum of affection just to maintain her and punishing her excessively for any kind of misdeed be it still so small would be torture. Should Penelope not have killed herself by then she'd be completely mentally broken.
Yes, I think after Derrick's father retires and Derrick becomes the new Duke, he'd finally make a move. The Eckarts have many enemies and Penelope seems tobe their weakest point. Convincing Penelope that it's safer to go into hiding after she caused another scandal (because she is always standing at the center of something whether as the victim or perpetrator) until it's all water under the bridge is one way to isolate her from everyone and have his way with her. Alternatively he could wait until Penelope is accused of something and then he would sweep in and save her by making her plead not guilty by reasons of insanity (she'd have to give up all her rights and let him act as the guardian for her) or convince the law enforcement to change the punishment to a lighter sentence (lifelong house arrest in the Eckart duchy, exile from the capital where he could keep her confined in a separate mansion away from the eyes of his worried father and inquisitive maids.) This would allow Derrick to cut her off from everyone and even acting as her savior instead of the source of her misery. By allowing him to save her she'd have agreed to resign herself to him. Penelope would be forever in his debt and unable to pay him back. Saying no to him would be beyond ungrateful.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Romantic/Platonic Chol 'Von (Halo) with a human trader darling, who lives on one of the colonies that does unsavory business with pirates like her. Don't care which format, whichever is easiest to write.
I'm going to be honest, I've never read Mortal Dictata or any of the Kilo-Five books yet. However, I did do my research on the character so I hope I get her character right. Sorry for any inaccuracies! As a result this may be short. When I find time to read the book maybe I'll rewrite this, I'm happy to take feedback!
Yandere! Chol 'Von with Human Trader! Darling
(Halo: Mortal Dictata)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Violence, Threats, Dubious companionship.
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I wouldn't doubt Chol comes in contact with human traders.
With her ambitious goals and fondness towards human phrases and ideologies it isn't too far off to think she'd buy from you.
She needs supplies for her Kig-Yar navy and Kig-Yar have been known to ally with humans if it benefits them.
To you, Chol is merely a client when she visits your colony to discuss affairs.
She feels like an egotistical shipmistress T'vaoan Kig-Yar who enjoys intimidation.
Chol is also easily impatient and temperamental, very quick to be stressed when things don't go her way.
She's been known to be persistent in her goals and is stubborn.
To make some money you trade with her.
It isn't too new to you, you've traded with Kig-Yar and Sangheili in the past.
Yet this one is important... she's a feared shipmistress and knows it.
You've heard vaguely in Kig-Yar culture that females of the species tend to have a lot of power.
As a result you are always very respectful in your deals.
You supply fuel, weapons, all sorts of cargo.
In return you're given other valuable items or some sort of currency in return.
You're just in it for the connections and money.
Kig-Yar are pirates... but you feel they can be good allies if you provide them what they like.
Which is what Chol likes about you.
She likes your human ideologies and picks up certain phrases and info about you.
You aren't part of any major faction... just a human trying to get by.
In a way she relates due to her species culture.
Chol sees you as the key to seeing her goals through.
With your wares she can make that navy she wanted and maybe even convince the other Kig-Yar to listen to her.
Chol is more likely to be a platonic yandere to her new favorite trader.
However... toying with the romantic idea is a bit interesting albeit not plausible.
After all... she sees her current mate as a coward who fled from her and her chicks.
Maybe a human will provide much better... even if nothing can happen between you.
Chol is demanding towards you at times due to her egotistical nature.
It's an honor to help her as a human.
She respects you and is a fearsome T'vaoan shipmistress.
Can't you see you're special if she's interacting with you?
Having her as your ally will make you strong and protected.
So you better keep providing for her, yeah?
In fact... you only need her as your customer... she'll give you much better equipment in return for your services.
Her ego is definitely what makes her try to control you.
She promises you good things in return if you just make her your primary client.
If you don't do so willingly... she can threaten you.
Do you doubt her? She could cause so much trouble for you if you refuse her.
Chol feels she can control you.
After all she often boasts that she can get whatever she wants.
Any mate, any valuable, anything.
If not... she doesn't mind the ensuing bloodshed.
So when she makes an offer with you... one that makes you loyal to her on one of her ships by her side and under her protection as her primary merchant/negotiater...
She expects you to accept when she tells you.
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quietbluejay · 1 month
Finished Ghost Warrior. There were some okay moments at the ending at least.
The good: -I'm going to legitimately give Thorpe a point for not being weird about writing women, and actually handling them relatively well. Look, the bar is so low, here, I'll take what I can get. Certain authors who know who they are have put my expectations below the floor. -the whole bit with Iyanna getting tempted by the thought of having a family again was pretty nice
The neutral: -I think literally everyone has trouble writing Harlequins, so I'm not gonna give him too much crap for this one. That being said, you're not Tolkien, stop trying to be Tolkien -dude really likes doing his background scenery descriptions, especially the interior decorating -hoarder and tomb-raider Eldrad was hilarious, I still think my idea of an AU where he's actually a dragon would be sick. -I came out of Dark Imperium being mostly cold on the idea of Guillivraine. This book completely killed it for me. I'll get more into when I post my detailed thoughts.
The bad:
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-Where do I start -Diversity win! Women and men written equally with the personalities of rocks. Not cool rocks, but the ground up rocks they put in containers and used as walls in Sudbury -90% of the book was the bleakest thing I've read for warhammer so far. And I'm counting Betrayer, three full books of Ahriman just getting worse, and The Buried Dagger which is about suicide and despair. "Don't forget that everything sucks and you're all doomed to lose!" absolutely kills any emotional engagement with your work -also, the Eldar and especially the Ynnari should be the LAST faction to think about losing huge percentages of their forces with a shrug and "oh well, we'll get more" -the writing was just like aggressively badly put together -SO MUCH telling not showing. -there were barely even flickers of "this could have been great". No. Aggressive mediocrity!
Anyways, watch this space for Iyanna and Yvraine's Field Trip of Friendship and Death.
And if anyone has any recs for literally anything decent with Yvraine in it please drop them, I need to figure out if I'm completely off-base with "grimdark Windblade" or not, this gave me barely anything, and TV Tropes is just giving me fighting stat stuff.
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silver-wield · 4 months
In all my experience in this fandom, I never really cared about what c//erifs think. But I am more disappointed sometimes at the conclusions some "clotis" have.
There is a sense of superiority when you follow canon, and feel the need to wave a hand and entertain what c//erifs think. "both girls" faction is in this too. Concepts such as "star crossed lovers" "fleeting love" etc, to a forced pair that obviously looks so platonic, one sided, and sibling coded is crazy. It is also weird to want another person be meddling between the pair for "helping them out". Clotis who try their best to be "good" is ironically being unjust to the characters they so called love. Where does your loyalty lie? We criticize tifa for not having boundaries but let ourselves imagine she needs this treatment to "improve"? Even if it means hurting her in the long run and expect she'll handle it because we take her maturity and strength for granted? No wonder people think she's pitiful if her fans are like this. What's with aerith that you believe in so much more than the one who's been holding everything in like tifa? We deliberately celebrated aerith OG self got "lost" but the deal is Square is getting you caught up on their trap/ manipulation. They're using aerti to get you to have to adjust to the problematic aspects of aerith's character. At least in OG, the friendship is more obviously one sided. But in remake, they tried to make it "genuine". They want you the audience to cry later because they can't rely on the gimmick they did in the past. And by emphasizing tifa being her friend and her crying later, we tifa fans are called upon to see aerith in a halo effect due to this and her death. If she ends up being a "wingman" that makes others sympathize the idea of "she was there sacrificing her feelings for her friend to help them out and now she died, it's thanks to her this became possible, thank her clotis don't be assholes after all what would tifa do? People make mistakes, let us forgive them, I'm sure they had good intentions" completely ignoring that cloti would still work without interference just like in OG.
Square wants to have their cake (flirt with soldier cloud despite tifa's pain and cloud's discomfort) and eat it too (the party will be sad later and completely ignore her actions).
Tbh, I'd rather she act like a snake like in OG than this if they're going to be half hearted at being a friend just to manipulate the fans to feel shame instead of criticizing her direction.
such a dooms day post even though the game hasn't come out yet. Sigh.
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Couldn't put it better myself, only I ain't buying their bullshit and refuse to let that two faced behaviour slide because "oh no she ded *cries*"
And thankfully a lotta clotis feel the same way, as well as the so called neutrals because we all have this lil thing called morals and refuse to tolerate rancid behaviour for any reason.
If Aerith's a real friend then she should act like one instead of a back stabbing hypocritical two faced bitch.
Marle had it nailed when she said Tifa needs a real friend. Specifically a female friend who doesn't try and fuck her bf the moment her back is turned.
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aecho-again · 1 year
Ok I know this is usually for one character at the time but 🎫 for Helios, Ironwing and Nightjet? They look like such a wholesome squad together!
Aw, thank you!
There are no set rules for ask games so you and everyone else is free to send whatever you want!
When he listens to music, he prefers to find a secluded space, lay down on the ground and close his optics to fully concentrate on the melodies and texts that drown out his thoughts.
He prefers energetic songs over slow, calming ones. Often times he can be seen headbanging or tapping to the powerful beat of whatever he's listening to. I listenend to one too many viking metal songs and made him a metalhead - my boy has to suffer for it.
I am so. Tempted. To make him listen to elevator music on his shift. But I will not. He likes certain tracks from all genres and he will listen to a myriad of soundtracks while working.
Extra: How the trio met
When the Stellar Observatory landed on Earth, they were wise enough to cloak themselves from human detection systems but any Cybertronian could see that there was a neutral ship on the planet and they used this to lure in other Transformers that were stranded.
They did this on almost every planet they went to and on rare occasions it worked. Sometimes, they picked up mechs from either faction and let them stay until they reached the nearest space port where every mech could leave if they wanted to.
That's also how Helios finds them and they give him shelter in return for his service as their new pilot. No one on their ship has experience with the controls and most of the time the autopilot has been in control, but since Helios has picked up some useful skills a while ago, he is qualified enough to do it on his own.
Now, since Nightjet is the head of security, he has to keep an optic on the new arrivals and make sure they don't cause any trouble. Being the only one with the patience to observe the small heliformer shift for shift, he starts to notice things.
Helios' forced positivity that scares off most mechs on the ship is just a mask he wears in public and it is there to cover the hurt that has accumulalted over the years, as well as a desparate attempt to communicate with the outside world that he still has no idea how it works.
Nightjet takes one look at the frail figure underneath his persona and decides that this guy needs a friend - so he will be his friend.
He looks after him and makes sure he is well fueled and rested for the cycle (by singing him to sleep). Whenever Helios takes a break, Nightjet comes by to chat with him. Because NJ is well liked with the crew, more people start talking to Helios as well, but they still keep their distance.
Helios brings his new friend his daily rations when NJ's shift starts and ends, since their shifts overlap at times. This goes on until they receive a distress signal from an approaching ship.
Firecry's team has disguised itself as Decepticons to retrieve equipment from a Con base in the vicinity, but Carbonlight had betrayed them and kept the acquired materials for himself with which he intends to build something that controls other mechs' minds.
The remaining five team members escape from the Cons and seek refuge from it all, unknowingly attracting the Stellar Observatory whose crew takes them in.
Railjet welcomes them with caution. Five mechs were much more difficult to keep track of and he knows his brother will have a lot of work to do.
A couple of days after their arrival, the ship hosts a dinner party for them. Nightjet is still watching them from afar, but Ironwing has had enough and confronts him about it (politely). Helios just happens to stand right behind NJ when they strike up a conversation and that's when he introduces himself to Ironwing.
The flier is not impressed by his docile behavior and immediately labels him a coward in his mind. But they meet a couple of times in the hallways over the next few weeks and when Ironwing catches NJ and Helios chatting one day, he can't help but be curious.
When Nightjet notices the renewed interest in the two of them, he talks to Ironwing about it and tells him as much as he needs to hear in order to drop the matter - but he doesn't. He's still suffering from Carbonlight's, his best friend's betrayal. His emotions are unstable and therefore he latches onto the first two strangers who talk with him.
A brittle kind of friendship ties them together and they swear in silence that they will always be there for each other.
And then Helios dies during the final fight against Carbonlight's reanimated starformers and Ironwing and Nightjet go separate ways because they think they need to cope on their own with the loss of yet another friend.
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spacelizzbian · 10 months
S1 ep1
Not to immedeately well actually, but Ahsoka never officially practised as a jedi knight, she was offered the role but declined
(Not that this matters to anyone but nerds like me who have way too much investement in this)
Idk what people think of the dark side girl's design but I love that she just looks like an emo girl. Like yes, that is exactly every darksider's thing lmao
Ok Ahsoka's theme over the opening credits did make my heart swell a bit ngl
Ahsoka, former jedi, but mostly tomb raider
Pivoting star wars back to having more of a samourai feel is a good idea actually
Hah, that hole thing the jedi do never gets old
Ok if the combat keeps it fun like this I might warm up to this being live action ...maybe
Love that Huyang's neutral expression makes him look like's always annoyed and exhausted
Ahsoka demonstrating that she was absoultely Anakin's apprentice by implying she used some non kocher ways to make someone talk
Please tell me the music is what she's listening to the whole time in universe
Why does she need to be there, let her brood on the anniversary of her friend dying? 😒
Uh oh, that's strike one of lore that didnt feel like it needed to be there (at least it doesn't feel like that, yet)
If they dont explore Ahsoka's feelings towards the jedi order in this, idk what the point is. Everyone sees her as a Jedi and calls her as such but she made such a point of it in rebels that she's not one? But in tcw s7 she was considering rejoining after the war?? And now she doesnt seem to correct anyone on it anymore and even taught an apprentice???
I don't wanna know for semantic reasons, but Ahsoka seems like a prime figure to explore the jedi of new and old since she is one of the only characters to have lived through both Yoda's and Luke's Jedi Orders. And she has so much juicy bagage to boot, it would feel like a waste if they didnt explore this
Lmao, Ahsoka knowing exactly what to say to get Sabine on board instantly
Girl, admitting that there hasn't been a place you'd consider home since the jedi order is deeply depressing and not the normal answer you think it is 😭
Sabine giving Ahsoka the same attitude Ahsoka gave Anakin, mmm delicious
Deadbeat mom Ahsoka and good mom Hera is not a thing I was expecting but I'm here for it
I give it a 40% chance that Sabine follows that order, she is after all officially part of the disaster lineage now lmao
"Formidable adversaries" bitch please
She has survived and beaten some of the best fighters in her lifetime so I'll never feel any tension with any foe she faces
Ok aight, setting something thematic up about Ahsoka and loneliness, good good good
"She's just as stubborn and bullish as ever"
Gurl, glass houses 💀
How tf are you holding that pencil?!?
Ok I do like that the nightsisters also had holocrons, makes them feel more like an actual faction of the force
Why do the lightsabers look so bad? They barely glow anymore💀
Not the emo dark side girl using her cape in combat 😂😭
Now that ending did make me gasp, before I immedeately remembered lightsaber wounds don't mean shit anymore if you're a main character
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alicent-apologist · 7 months
I’m so conflicted over whether or not I want to watch season 2. On one hand, Daeron the Daring is my favorite Targaryen and one of my favorite characters of all time in Martin’s works. I was so upset that he wasn’t it season 1 and I’d love to see him leading the army in Oldtown in season 2. On the other, just the thought of Blood & Cheese makes me sick and I don’t think I could stomach watching it. ASOIAF, Fire and Blood, and GOT all have lots of gruesome scenes but besides what happened to Elia Martell and her children, I honestly think that Blood & Cheese is one of the most horrific things to happen.
I see the arguments for both sides ( green and black) and why both sides feel they have a claim to the throne but I feel like the writer’s bias for the black faction is kinda obvious. I’d like a more neutral depiction show casing how both sides made decisions that almost destroyed a dynasty and made innocents all over the realm suffer for generations. I’m also not sure how they’re going to pace it and if there’ll be a lot of confusing time skips like season 1.
What are your thoughts?
Blood and Cheese is so viscerally repulsive and horrifying, I hope it's almost impossible to watch. If it isn't, it's a huge disservice to one of the most awful, depraved acts of the Dance. That being said, I'm what people would tactfully call 'sensitive' and I'm not sure that I'll be able to watch that scene without sobbing and I'll probably only ever be able to watch it the once, if at all. There's nothing wrong with skipping the scene and watching the rest of season 2 though, if you'd like to watch it! I am also very much looking forward to seeing Best Boy Daeron and I will be cheering like an excited chimpanzee when he first comes on screen!
I do think the show is quite biased towards the blacks and it's a source of frustratiom for me. I came into House of the Dragon hating House Targaryen and not a Dany fan. I am still both of those things but now I know more about House Targaryen than I ever thought I would. My point is that I'd never read Fire and Blood and had no idea what happened in the Dance. And I saw how Alicent was treated so so unfairly by the narrative and the general public almost from the get go. And I felt like I was going insane because she was an exploited teenager??? And the vitriol she was receiving was staggering. All this to say, the bias towards team black is very obvious, even to someone like me who didn't even know anything about how the story was going to go for the vast majority of season 1.
The pacing is a worry for me, because GRRM packed so much into 2 years (while the Anarchy lasted around 18 years if I remember correctly) and I don't know how they're going to fit all of it into what, two seasons? However, seeing as the Dance does take place over two years, I'd be very surprised if they had any big time jumps!
Sorry, this got quite long!
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