#also i dont really mind if pearl wins or not
imorphemi · 2 years
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anemonet · 11 months
*looks at your reverse iterator’s au*
do tell :)
*looks at you, quickly ripping off and hiding the nerd alert sign on my wall*
ahem hi :DD reverse iterator au! Wellcome to the bit where i talk about some background info, for a more general answer go (here)
but a quick rundown is that its a mild role reversal not a personality swap or anything, everyones still basicly the same but with the difference being moon is still up and running (more or less) while pebbles got screwed over by accident and is now haning up above the clouds waiting to crumble down!
The point of this post is to answer question how did moon accidentaly kill pebbles? Seeing as moon really isnt intrested in the whole sliverist thing (yellow pearl, shoreline) like pebbles she wouldnt be trying to rewrite her genome to win at death, leading to the watersupply issue, so we need a different reason and we need to get a bit creative:D
Im actully gonna blame it on moons standing on the sucky crumbeling "large canyon" that is mentioned whos waterbed is lowering because of iterators and how that led semi directly to pebbles being built (purple pearl, waterfront facility) which in this au instead of not being much of an issue leads to her structure being unstable and needing fixes, because of the dry waterbed - worth mentioning i dont belive she has the modern living blocks that fixes themself, and instead older "traditional" building materials (orange pearl, metropolis) so she needs to find a way to fix herself - which i turns, and here im just using canon for my own gain and saying this known danger activates her gotta live hardware, the whole iterators cant off themself because of 1. being built so and 2. the " self destruction taboo" (gold pearl, chimney canopy), im gonna go on a limb and say that knowingly letting yourself break down counts as self destruction and would mean moon would try to fix herself.
Which gets us kinda to where moon and pebbles ends up actual game, one having to do intense (and water draining) calculations that isnt gonna end well.
But there is also a shift in how to stop this, as moon used her "seniority privligies" to try to stop pebbles (sky islands 4), seeing as pebbles wouldnt have this, he would need to stop moon whos totally focused on finding the solution for her water problem in some other way. And because i think pebbles is a bastard (affectionalty) i think he after messages and pleading dosent work, would just send her a shit ton of viruses to disturb her focus and get her to stop draining the water, this of course leads to the same as canon with moon getting a mold problem, but also being to late like moon and partly collapsing, im saying partly, because i dont wanna do the shaded citadel murder map, i would rather have it collapse on the chimney sky bridge and then be an upwards climb, but im gonna talk map and mechanics changes in this ask
ok so thats basicly the set up, moon needs to fix her stucture from crumebling, uses lots of water, pebbles is like hey wait a minute!, moons like lalalal and then pebbles sends 3 trillion viruses
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sidenote is of course that with pebbles going down, he wouldnt be using as much if any water anymore, water which would then go to moon instead, so she did kinda fix her problem and will continue running for along time, similar to canon pebbles ^-^
Moon being the one alive would also have some other effects! one being that i asume that contact between iterators would still be up and running afterwards, as there is no mad pebbles who cuts of communication access for the other ierators after getting mad at suns, which of course would mean more iterator overseers just haning around, which would later be seen by the slugcats, how the different slugcat campaigns would be effected im not gonna get into because this is already getting long so uh yes!!!
there would also be different achivements and such!!
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wooosh ok done with words! you got the backstory part of the whole story so i hope you dont mind that, in general i think its a very silly au as pebbles and moon can still communicate, and my own interpetation of them is very silly, but meh, anyhow! thank you so much for asking i did not except as many people to do that as was done :D
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bumblebeerror · 1 year
I want to talk about how Techno fights I’ve decided.
So everyone who’s ever watched the guy knows he’s great at PVP, but they don’t seem to necessarily understand why. And Techno’s fighting style is actually really interesting compared to others, especially compared to what I’ve seen from other top PVPrs, like Dream.
So first, let’s talk about Dream, because Dream is well known for being a great pvper and I love remembering my boy beat him. Dream is smart and straightforward. He stays mobile but has mastered axe crits and the shield mechanics. Dream fights like a classic tank, steamrolling through hits. It’s simple, it’s effective, and it’s overwhelming - he just rolls through you like you aren’t there. Add on pearls and crossbows and you’re able to tank from a distance as well.
It’s a really popular tactic! Combined with enchanted netherite, using this tactic you become both the unrelenting force and the immovable object. Even I use this tactic to some extent. It’s easy, it’s effective, it utilizes a lot of the game’s mechanics, it’s arguably what most people expect from Minecraft PVP now, post 1.16.
Now let’s talk Techno - playing Minecraft and specifically PVP games starting with 1.8 pvp! I have actually been playing that long too, so I recognize a lot of tactics he uses from my own experience on faction servers. 1.8 focused heavily on attention, accuracy, click speed, and not getting hit in the first place because armour was way less enchantable, way less protective, and way easier to break. Obviously skywars’ games don’t require you to care about armour durability, but it’s just to keep it in mind.
But anyway, 1.8 pvp necessitates movement. You HAVE to be mobile, you have to get out the way because as soon as you stand still in front of someone, you’ve been spam-clicked by someone with a diamond sword and you’re dead, bro. You’re dead as dicks. You're deader than dead. You died before your ping even caught up to you dyin, man. 1.8 pvp is all offense and movement.
And especially in Factions PVP, something Techno mentions doing a lot on his own, the other biggest way to win a fight in 1.8 is to lag the other person out and/or make it even harder for someone to touch you with mobs. When I played factions I had a decent laptop, and the main way I defended myself was chickens. They move a lot, they update a lot, and its Really easy to get a lot of them. Similarly, you can use just about any other mob, but chickens are easiest to put wherever you want them to be. Coincidentally, you can also do this with wolves, if you've got a good enough computer to keep them all stood up around you, with the added benefit that if someone decides to fight you, you now have a swarm of mobs between you and them.
So, to break it down for you bc thats a lot of info! I'm gonna split this into two categories: Hypixel PVP and SMP PVP.
In Hypixel PVP, Techno's main strengths were experience, general skill at the game, speed, good ping, and focus. Simply put, the guy's just really fuckin Built to do 1.8 PVP and he exploits a lot of classic mistakes that players make post 1.9 - they stand still, they dont spam click, they expect armour to do more. Techno is fuckin SPEEDY, both in game and when it comes to accessing what's going on around him and sorting thru items. Its a strong combo, and hes a strong opponent.
in SMP PVP, theres a LOT more factors to think about and also to exploit. The players are there, in call with him, to be taunted. Almost everyone he plays with isn't skilled at 1.8 pvp, as well - and that leads to a few key advantages. The main one is that unlike players used to 1.16 pvp, Techno has evolved a style that keeps the spirit of 1.8’s necessary movement while compounding how much damage he’s able to do by using things like fireworks, crossbows, slowness and harming arrows, fully enchanted netherite with full prot4 and thorns3. Thorns3 is a stacking enchantment; if you have ONE item that is thorns3, there is a chance when you are hit it will do 1/2 heart of damage per hit. If you have all four pieces enchanted, you can do up to 2 hearts per time someone hits you. That’s huge, especially because Techno doesn’t use a shield regularly, hence why he never really takes his armour off.
Techno’s mixed style is something that comes as a surprise - a lot of people keep up with versions and change their fighting style as the versions change - but Techno only adapted his. He didn’t need to relearn things, just add to them. His movement is unpredictable and he uses pots like it’s second nature. Those sorts of things are what makes Techno fucking DEVASTATING as an opponent. 1.16 is a lot of standing still and holding your shield up but that shit doesn’t work when your opponent runs around like a hyperactive toddler the whole time. And technos ability to negate the usefulness of a shield - something that is absolutely OP in game - is one of his biggest strengths.
Techno’s style is a unique mix of 1.8 and all the versions following it, focused on building on skills he already had and bolstering the things he was weak with like sheildwork or axe crits. It’s absolutely fantastic and fucking genius.
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galaxyofender · 2 years
HELLO i ended up listening to hadestown with your au in mind and!!!!!!!! there is so much in there im loosing my mind its so good
all the seasons stuff! jimmy being the one wanting to bring spring to a martyn who only knows winter... too fitting
there were so many bird metaphors for both of them? absolutely an au in which both of them are winged
!!! you are so correct abt the fates being watchers that fits too well
just yeah the casting was perfect. jimmy being naivly optimistic, having such a huge heart and so much love to give. going to such great lengths for the one he cares about. meanwhile martyn being cynical and cold, used to being alone, one for jimmy to be the one to melt him. yeah. yeah its really good
who are everyone else now? orpheus, eurydice and the fates have their roles taken, but im not sure about hades, persephone and hermes
i have yet to finish evo (i started it in february and absolutely forgot about it the second the treebarkweek event started oops) but one bit i remember hearing from someone else was that pearl, netty and jimmy were the last three members to end their series? jimmy is already orpheus, so maybe netty or pearl is hermes?
leaning towards it being pearl. it makes sense to me that one of the last people to end the series would be the narrator? (also i know basically nothing about netty)
i want to say grian is hades? mostly because if the fates are the watchers and they're underworld deities, it makes sense that grian, who owns the server, would be not a bad fit the king of the underworld by that logic, at least to me
but i'm not sure who that makes to be persephone?? literally only watched like half way through martyn's evo pov and dont remember much of it, so i basically don't know what the fuck was up with grian other than vaguely that he was very close with taurtis???
that and that apparently grian put up taurtis to be mayor like he did for mumbo in hc (so. apparently that is something grian does sometimes? good to know??)
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meloswifeyyy · 3 years
Relationship Alphabet
A - Attitude
Who often has the worst Attitude ?
Well, you obviously. Most of the time because you are hungry or you and Melo just got out of an argument. Melo usually fucks the attitude out of you anywhere, anytime tho.
B - Baby
Who wants Babies the most - first ?
Melo. He often jokes about having kids or when you are having sex he would whisper in your ear  “You trynna have my babies?” or  “You boutta have my babies ” when he nuts in you. He says that he wants 3 or more. You only want 2. You arent rushing into it.
C - Crying 
Who Cries the most in the relationship ?
You. You often cry alone when you miss Melo when he is at away games for so long. Or when your BP triggers, Melo would comfort you. When watching sad movies, or when someone you love dies. Tears of joys appear here and there. Or when you get into arguments and Melo says something wrong or disrespectful out of madness.
D - Dates 
Who has the best Date spots ?
Melo. He would often take you to fancy restaurants in L.A or Miami, or wherever you guys went. Or take you shopping at an expensive place. He would do dates at home like watching movies, have you cook dinner because he cant cook for shit, or he would have a bath waiting on you. 
E - Eat 
Who Eats the most ?   
You. You know damn well you cant survive without food. Its the 2nd best thing that has ever happened to you besides life and Melo. Cant even survive a night. If you would wake up in the middle of the night and get hungry and go to kitchen and try to sneak some food without waking Melo up, he would hear it and go to the kitchen and scare you, picking you up over his shoulder with one arm, and with the other putting the food away carrying you back to the bed because its a little to early in the morning to be eating. 
F - Freak 
Who is the Freakiest ?  
Both of you. You being the only girl that can fuck Melo like you do, and being the only girl Melo is sexually, physically, and mentally attracted to no other girl can do it like you.10/10 in bed. Now Melo on the other hand is a demon in bed. His strokes, hitting your G - Spot constantly with you feeling it in your guts. His 9 inch is almost  always on hard when he is around you. And his tongue is crazy, going in and out and on the pearl AT THE SAME TIME. Crazy right. Spelling his name out on you. He loves when you scratch his back up or give him hickeys everywhere. 10000/10. Makeup sex is the best. 
G - Games 
Who wins the most games ?  
Melo. He would always dare you to a game of Call of Duty or Fortnite to see who would win first. And he would always win. When you would play a game of Uno you would often win and he would be mad the rest of the day due to his competitiveness. But any other game he would win.
H - Happy
Who is the Happiest in the relationship ?  
Both of you. You are always happy when you guys are around each other. Even when you guys just got done arguing you are still happy that he is in your presence. Melo on the other hand is always happy with you around him, he loves to cuddle with you. Its one of his favorite thing to do. He just loves that you are in his presence. You are his other half.
I - Irreplaceable
Who is the most Irreplaceable ?  
You would say Melo but Melo would say you. Melo knows how to deal with you more than anyone else does. He knows all your spots and what you like and dont like. He notices all of your flaws and sees the good and beautiful in them. He knows your body, mind, and soul. No man has a better or brighter or bigger smile than him. He always brightens the mood. You on the other hand are different. A big beautiful smile. You know how to deal with Melo when he is sad, looses a game. You can tell when he is lying or telling the truth just by looking through his eyes. You know how to make him happy. You are the best he has ever had.
J - Jaded 
Who gets the most Jaded after doing something ?
Melo. He usually gets really bored after sitting in the house all day. He really wants to leave the house and do something fun but usually its night time and you would be taking a nap or would be sleep. 
K - Kisses
Who gives the most kisses?
Melo. He is always so clingy and that comes with all the kisses in the world. He kisses you all over your face in your sleep, even when you are sleep he gives you kisses. He loves to kiss all over your body.
L - Love
Who fell in love the fastest?
Melo. He had always had a crush on you and everyone knew you were the one for him. You just didn’t know it until you two started dating. He’s always making sure you are good. He loves your hugs. He was the first one to say “I love you”. He want kids you to have all 10 of his kids.
M - Motivation
Who gives the most motivation?
You. When melo is going to a game and is not having a good feeling about it you motivate him to push through it and win for you. 9/10 he will win or get a lot of points for you.
N - Night Owl
Who is more of a Night Owl?
Both of you. Sometimes when his ADHD is on 10 you guys stay up and listen to music, play games, go on ig live, or just fuck for 7 hours straight. Sometimes you have to tell him to got to sleep or put him to sleep (😏) because he has a game tomorrow and needs all the rest and energy he can get. It also the same for you.
O - Oral Sex
Who gives Oral Sex the most?
Melo. Trust me, you give him head a lot and it’s amazing, 10/10. But melo loves giving you head. He loves to spell his name out on you. Loves to see the faces to make you scream and shout. Loves sharing your cream with you (🥲). He loves to climb under the blanket while you are sleep for some breakfast in bed. Maybe even dinner. His lips make it even better. So glad he don’t got them white genes in his lips (😋😭).
P - Perfect
Whos perfect?
Obviously, no ones perfect but God (🙏🏾). But in your eyes no one else is better for you except melo. You couldnt imagine living life without him. Cant imagine what anyones elses kids would look like with you but. No relationship is perfect. Melo sees you as perfect. Your body. Your style. Your personality. He absolutely loves your touch. He loves touch but for you loving your touch is an understatement. He couldnt imagine his kids with anyone else but you. Cant imagine getting married with anyone else. When you guys get into arguments and sleep in seperate rooms. You barely get sleep because all you can think about is each other. How perfect you guys are for one another.
Q - Q? (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
R - Relate
What traits do you guys have a like each other?
A lot. Both of your favorite food is Chicken tacos. You both love a good game of Uno. You both love sex. Duhh. Both of you guy’s love language is touch. Love playing fortnite together. Love listening to music and taking drives together. Both love lil uzi (we pretending yall💀). Just in general you guys are very alike.
S - Sex
(No question for this one lol. Y’all already know how we is round hea nahhmeannn😭)
The sex. Omgggg. The first time you and melo had sex was. So amazing. Can’t ever forget that moment. Melo is always so horny. Morning sex is the best. Sometimes a little top at the red light can turn into a few rounds in back of the McDonalds parking lot. Lucky enough all his windows tinted as hell. Or in the Victoria’s Secret fitting rooms. You guys could be listening to Chris Brown and he would really take you down, fuck you back to sleep, switch up the tempo, or make you wet the bed (i’m laughing hard ash). The hickeys. The high sex. Drunk sex (drunnnnkkk in lovvveee). Car sex. Balcony sex. All over the house sex ( i got bars.) Mad sex and Make up sex. I could go on. Sex with me so amazinggggg. (i was listening to this song while writing this one💀😫😫😫)
T - Trips
Who likes taking trips internationally?
Melo. He love to take you and a yearly or even monthly vacay. Just you and him. Turks and Caicos. Bora Bora. Jamaica. Iceland. Japan. Africa. Anywhere where you can get away from the world. The different places. The hotels. Being able to fuck anywhere and everywhere. The pools. The different air. (united states ait is so boring). The new food. The animals. You guys love the new places. He loves to see you happy and with a smile on your face.
U - U (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
V - V (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it again.)
W - Right the Wrongs
Who rights their wrongs after an argument?
Usually it would be you first. If you said something that was out of pocket or melo didnt like you woukd quickly apologize. He would forgive you and still cuddle and kiss you and stuff because thats what he does. Tease you. But he would ignore you until he actually forgave you in his head. Melo would apologize and give you some bomb ass d for and apology. Or make that cute face that you can’t resist.
X - (Can’t find a word for X. Give me a suggestion and i will edit it)
Y - Young
Who acts like a Young ass child?
Both of you actually. That’s what makes you love each other the most. The laughs and jokes, the tv shows, everything you could think of. It’s nothing wrong with it at all. Y’all are always gonna bust a joke out at the right time. Maybe sometimes even the wrong time. (damn, double homicide). You guys love laughing with each other.
Who has the worst sleeping habits?
Probably Melo. If you scooted over him even a little bit, he would probably scoot back closer to you or pull you back over to him. And the only con of that is he snores a lot. (Why this nigga snore with his mouth open?🤨💀). Sometimes if he was awake and you werent he would kiss all over you. He loves to lay on your 🍒.
Y’all welcome. I haven’t pose the one of these in a minute. This took me a whole month and a half. I’m tired as hell. 💀
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outpost-31 · 2 years
Atlas' Diamond is Unbreakable Music Post
Hi mutuals. Here's that post of songs that remind me of the jojo cast. Diamond is Unbreakable for this one
* it's important to note this is NOT what I think they'd listen to by the way. this is songs from my playlists that remind me of them!! keep that in mind. if that was the case this would be drastically different
anyways under the cut this is very long.
[In order from the wiki, missing a few characters I could not possibly come up with songs for]
also some of these I'm explaining because I dont know if they're stretches or not but they make sense to ME ok. ok
Josuke Higashikata
Diamonds and Pearls - Prince
I Want You - Savage Garden
[First ending song, etc etc. Just makes me think of him. Also this song was about a gay dream and.. Fits]
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Surprise of Summer - ANRI
[Self-Explanatory. Good song]
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
Notes: I'm a Josuke enjoyer but for some reason I'm awful at assigning him songs im sorry
Koichi Hirose
Harvey - Her's
[Self-Explanatory. Yukako]
Can't Sleep Love - Pentatonix
Under Pressure - Queen
[Self-Explanatory. Also, Echoes.]
Buttercup - Jack Stauber
[no comment]
Chinese New Year - SALES
[I.. Cannot explain]
Notes: In a bit of a rush typing this one up. I have literally no idea im so sorry Koichi. love you though, man
Okuyasu Nijimura
Harness Your Hopes - Pavement
[Fairly self-explanatory.]
Second Hand News - Fleetwood Mac
[. yeah]
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
I Can't Handle Change - Roar
[ Backstory. Keicho. Hurts really bad but still makes me think of him]
This Year - The Mountain Goats
[Fairly Self-Explanatory but don't think too hard into this one. Definitely not a perfect fit]
Notes: For some reason this was actually really difficult??
Rohan Kishibe
Vincent - Car Seat Headrest
papercut - Liana Flores
Radio Ga Ga - Queen
[. yeah sure]
[sniff. i dont know what do i say. take it with a grain of salt.]
Dead Weight - Jack Stauber
[are we gonna talk about how depressing some parts of his character and backstory are..]
Notes: Rohan winning the title of morioh's miss crazy bitch of 1999. i've never hated relating to a character more
Jotaro Kujo
Swimming Pool - Marie Madeleine
[..Mostly Self-Explanatory.]
I'll Never Smile Again - Tommy Dorsey
[ :( ]
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
[Self-Explanatory. Upsets me, but self-explanatory]
Sea, Swallow Me - Cocteau Twins and Harold Budd
And The Tide Rushes In - The Moody Blues
Notes: Surprises me how few songs I had to compare to him. Something about him in Part 4 makes me sad, though. He's matured, obviously, but the difference between 3 and 4.. I don't know it's depressing. Hope I captured that
Joseph Joestar
Super Freak - Rick James
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
[Just makes me think of him. Tomoko?]
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
The Bidding - Tally Hall
[I sighed really hard through my nose when I typed that one.]
Bye Bye Bye - NSYNC
[Sir fix your messy-ass love life. ]
Notes: Very difficult to think of songs specifically that fit him in only in Part 4, so this is just general for his character. I refuse to ignore what he did so.. whoops
Hayato Kawajiri
Lifeline - Jack Stauber
[mm. Self-Explanatory. Also, bites the dust.]
Turn the Lights Off - Tally Hall
[Just reminds me of him. Self-Explanatory.]
Exit Music (For a Film) - Radiohead
Childhood's End - Pink Floyd
Another One Bites the Dust - Queen
[A really obvious choice, but..]
Notes: I wonder if the Speedwagon Foundation offers coverage for therapy costs
Reimi Sugimoto
Oblivion - Grimes
[Self-Explanatory I think? But if not. Several of the lines just remind me of the way she described the night of her death. There's several other things too but]
Old Friend - The Walters
[Uhhhh I genuinely don't know. Rohan ig? it's just sweet to think about (SHOULDN'T HAVE TO STATE I DONT MEAN THIS IN A SHIPPING WAY BUT IM SPECIFYING ANYWAYS JUST IN CASE.) ]
Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
[Cannot explain. Just reminds me of her]
Pet Sematary - Ramones
rises the moon - Liana Flores
Notes: A bit difficult for me to figure out, but I think these work well enough. She herself is quite upbeat but everything surrounding her is incredibly tragic and I want that to get across
Mikitaka Hazekura
Space Oddity - David Bowie
[Very obvious pick, but reminds me of him. Also just a fantastic song]
Subterranean Homesick Alien - Radiohead
Pools - Glass Animals
[CANNOT explain. Just makes me think of him.]
Video Killed The Radio Star - The Buggles
[I have no clue how this reminds me of him. Just go with it. The vibe of the song I suppose]
Spring and a Storm - Tally Hall
[Mostly Self-Explanatory]
Notes: There are actually alot more songs I wanted to include for him so these may not be the best picks but. Tried to stick with 5
Yuya Fungami
Speed King - Deep Purple
[Deep Purple song. Referenced in his design. 500 other things. Good song]
Bulls on Parade - Rage Against the Machine
[Not self-explanatory but I will not explain]
Rattlesnake Shake - Fleetwood Mac
You Really Got Me - The Kinks
[ " My three girlfriends. And yes, they smoke weed " ]
Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne
Notes: He just has a.. Very specific. Energy.
Yukako Yamagishi
好き好き大好き(Suki Suki Daisuki) - Jun Togawa
[Ok listen to me. LISTEN. Not because this song has become associated with anything ' yandere. ' But because Jun described it as completely earnest, raw, intentionally over-the-top expression of her actual feelings about being truly in love. There you go. The intensity and sincerity of it remind me of her (though specifically her first appearance, not later on). Cool? Cool.]
Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart - Mitski
[Fairly Self-Explanatory. Post her first appearance, Koichi avoiding her out of fear and her distress over that because of this person she's put on a pedestal ignoring her, etc etc]
Sports - Beach Bunny
the daughter of the fish and the ram - The Scary Jokes
[Self-Explanatory. Reminds me of the Cinderella arc and particular.]
I Just Threw Out the Love of My Dreams - Weezer
[Ok even though I've heard this song so many times over the years it still baffles me it's Weezer. Anyways self-explanatory]
Notes: Honestly I didn't want all the songs I picked to revolve around romance or something because that's not all of her but considering that's what her motivations end up being. slightly difficult, really.
Toshikazu Hazamada
Burnout - Green Day
[Self-explanatory for 15 different reasons]
Caroline, Please Kill Me - Coma Cinema
[Something something the meaning of the song. Self-explanatory]
all i want is you - Rebzyyx
[fucking. yeah]
どう考えても私は悪くない! (Dō Kangaete mo Watashi wa Warukunai!) - Koshiro Fukumoto (?)
[what am i supposed to say. I dont know. don't look at me. yeah its the watamote ending what do you want me to say]
Rock Bottom - Modern Baseball
Notes: I genuinely despise this guy I want to push him into oncoming traffic (and I dont mean that affectionately) and I'm sure you can tell. It's mostly this specific genre of music bc it reminds me of him sorry
Tonio Trussardi
Good Day - Tally Hall
[I cannot explain.]
Who You Are - Tally Hall
[Something something PHF being disowned by his father going off on his own to do his dream. Being his own person separate from his family]
That's Amore - Dean Martin
[I don't know, it's cute and silly. He's Italian. I wonder how many times his restaurant has been used for cute dinner dates]
Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega, DNA
Just Breathe - Pearl Jam
[Pearl Jam song. mostly self-explanatory maybe? Just the light tone of it.]
Notes: This man has the most comforting smile I've ever seen. Love him. It's genuinely a shame he was part of a one-off episode, it's nice to have a character who only wants to help people. Hard to find songs for, though
Aya Tsuji
Crimson and Clover - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
She's A Rainbow - Rolling Stones
Beauty School Dropout - Frankie Avalon
Beauty Is Empty - Mars Argo
[The entire EVERYTHING with Yukako]
When a Woman Is Around - Unloved
[.. I cannot explain]
Notes: Mara your help is greatly appreciated, I wanted to give this woman the lovely songs she deserves
Yoshikage Kira
Ruler of Everything - Tally Hall
[Fairly self-explanatory]
Fitter Happier - Radiohead
[The eerie unsettling tone. The lyrics remind me of his speech.]
I Hold Your Hand In Mine - Tom Lehrer
[Everybody who has ever heard this song ever compared it to him for obvious reasons so this isn't a unique choice by any means but.. It's commonly compared for a reason. Self-explanatory]
Terrible Things - April Smith
A Well Respected Man - The Kinks
[Self-Explanatory but... Ironic, really]
Notes: I hate this guy but hell do alot of songs fit
Akira Otoishi
It's Electric - Metallica
Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy - Bad Company
[Self-Explanatory. Also this song UGHH I LOVE IT]
Punk Rock Classic - RHCP
[RHCP song. that whole ' desire for recognition/fame through his musical talent ' thing. How INCREDIBLY hard this song goes. Very him]
High Voltage - AC/DC
[sighing deeply and taking a sip of my soda. self-explanatory. trying not to put songs specifically because they mention electricity or rock but some are so nice it's inevitable yknow]
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
[cannot explain. just think about it with him and get back to me ty]
Notes: THANKYOU BASIL FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE WITH THIS ONE I WAS CLUELESS. Love this guy but I have no idea what works
Keicho Nijimura
Blue Monday - New Order
[Self-Explanatory. Backstory]
Bullet With Butterfly Wings - The Smashing Pumpkins
Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier
[I can't exactly explain. Just how he's been dedicated to his mission for so long and done so much it would be impossible for him to turn back. That it's all his cause and whatnot. ]
Little Guns - Oingo Boingo
[I think it's.. Fairly obvious.]
Chop Suey! - System Of A Down
[Honestly any song that sounds like this I could compare to him. Also uh. several reasons.]
Notes: I haven't been able to forgive him ever since the " you always held me back " thing but.. Still a very interesting character. I won't insult him.
Toyohiro Kanedaichi
Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
[*crushes my soda can on my forehead* i have no clue man]
I Am a Rock - Simon & Garfunkel
Island in the Sun - Weezer
[yeah sure why not
Superfly - Curtis Mayfield
[A very blatant choice because it's the name of his stand but there really isn't alot else to put. Plus, kindof fits.
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
Notes: I have no idea what songs to pick for him I'm sorry.
Terunosuke Miyamoto
Goldfinch Nocturne - ROAR
[The gentle, mournful tone. Something something the lyrics about loneliness. Just the first character I think of when I hear this song. Definitely a bit of a stretch but hey.]
Icicles - The Scary Jokes
[Feels fairly self-explanatory]
New Normal - Jack Stauber
[mmmm. also, the khalid song by the same name]
Just Another Day - Oingo Boingo
My Time - Bo En
[Self-Explanatory, mostly. Also something about it matches his general vibe I don't know how to explain it]
Notes: Free him. Thankyou dearly allay (? im so sorry I don't know what to call you, lmk) for sending me your playlist to help with this.
Tomoko Higashikata
The Other Woman - Lana Del Rey
[… Unfortunately, self-explanatory. Her story really does upset me if I'm being honest]
Hidden in the Sand - Tally Hall
He's Mine - MoKenStef
[A bit ironic but, hey. Also this song.. God]
Kisses of Fire - ABBA
I Will Always Love You - Dolly Parton
[ Self-Explanatory ]
Notes: Deserved so much better. Also that first song I almost didn't wanna put because it plagues my heart but. Fits
Shinobu Kawajiri
Jobless Monday - Mitski
[Self-explanatory. Fits her very well.]
Oh to Be in Love - Kate Bush
Me and My Husband - Mitski
[More Mitski. Self-explanatory though, again. A bit sad and ironic because the song really isn't about anything close to a happy relationship and.. Mm]
Sentimental Lady - Fleetwood Mac
This Charming Man - The Smiths
[I don't have anything to say]
Notes: Shinobu you break my heart into pieces. My stomach hurts when I imagine the mourning she'd have to go through.
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heyyy i was hoping for a marvel matchup?
i’m sapphic with a preference for men and i use she/they pronouns!
i’m very spiritual and mainly practice green witch craft, i just love nature, moss and mushrooms are just so pretty to me! my favourite crystals are carnelian and moss agate, and my big three and venus sign are Aquarius sun, Libra rising, Scorpio moon and Capricorn venus.
im a huge huge HUGE Taylor Swift fan, my favourite songs right now are Haunted, last great american dynasty, Wonderland and my tears ricochet. my favourite movie (aside from anything marvel related) is Dead Poets Society!
i study english literature and history, i absolutely ace those classes and i also do a lot of public speaking. i also do higher level science :)
i mainly prefer contemporary literature, although Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare is an all time favourite of mine! my favourite romance trope (i love romantic tragedy) is ‘right person not enough time’.
i’d consider myself to be pretty nurturing, although im really sensitive and reclusive at times? i’m sarcastic and easily annoyed sometimes but i really try to control it because i know it can be a little bit of a mood killer. aside from that i’m really imaginative and a great communicator, i’d like to think of myself as being decently well spoken and charismatic.
i’m an ISFJ as well! my main love languages are touch and quality time, although words of affirmation are cool too!
i’m extremely hyper feminine, i love lacey dresses and camisoles, gold and pearl jewellery, designer, vintage clothes, vanilla perfume, lip gloss and blush. i think its all so cute and it makes me feel so pretty.
i’d also like a theme song too if u dont mind <3
sorry if this is too much info! <3
Hello welcome of course we have another ship today:
I ship you with
Captain America🇺🇸
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- so the reason I did this was because I felt as though you would have a strong connection with Loki meanwhile dating the famous captain America.
- the love triangle was when after Steve tried to ask you out on a mission to which later down the track Loki took an attraction to you.
- you are a secret goddess living amongst humans. Goddess of nature gaining the nickname "mother nature's daughter".
- your power is nature so in a way you can make trees or plants listen to your every need. If you get hurt the forest will try to protect you.
- Steve loves your calming energy almost as if you have a strange effect on him meanwhile Loki loves your looks and discovers the fact your a secret goddess.
- you were discovered by Loki first as he proposed to you as his queen. However you left not liking his ways of mischief and killing.
- you believed in kindness so you and Steve developed a natural relationship. He fell in love with you.
Steve: so sapphic I was wondering if you would go out with me sometime
Sapphic: oh dear Steve of- *hears someone behind them*
Loki: sapphic my dear are you truly yearning him, end up with me I have power and you as my queen
Sapphic: no Loki stop trying to manipulate me
Loki: *appears* very well my dear however I will keep fighting for yoy
Steve: wait Loki?!? How did you
Loki: oh foolish Quim don't you know who she is
Steve: uh...my girlfriend *holds you protectively*
Sapphic: stop it Loki don't frighten the poor man *begs him and holds his hand*
Loki: foolish mortal she is my queen...a goddess like me
Sapphic: Loki why?!?
Loki: because dear I value you as my bride
Steve: yeah goddess or not I still love her
- the two would try to fight while you would basically try to turn down Loki as Steve would be trying to win you over.
- Loki and your bond are quite strong meaning your both soulmates essentially.
- depending on who you choose per say Steve would marry you in front of the helecarrier with the avengers. Your child would be a demi god with your hair and his blue eyes. They become the next captain America.
- Loki's wedding would be in his dimension where you rule his side. He adores you to bits. Your child would be a god of foxes a mix of nature and mischief. With his hair and your eyes.
- sapphic and Steve's theme song:
- sapphic and Loki's theme song:
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta💫
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sukirichi · 3 years
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
y/n becomes a real baddie when she’s pissed off 😫
hmm y/n wasn’t really working hard for her dad’s attention, it was more like she felt so left out and unwanted (she feels unwanted wherever she goes) that she just decided to pack up and support them from afar bcos to her, she’s so alienated in her dad’s family that she felt like she had to work hard to earn a spot in their table. she knows she’s the outsider but she wants to feel like she can be part of them, that she is also a child deserving of love and care, but becos her stepmom focused more on her actual kids and her own dad was too busy with his new family now, it made y/n feel that she had to do something to be worthy of that.
that’s why most of the money she made working in tokyo was still wired to her family; she put her brothers in school and supported them, all because she hoped it would make them accept her more. now, things are different because she finally found her biological family, but even if valeria and co. still don’t want her, y/n is now more focusing on building something that’s truly hers that no one can take away. yes yes, she did become greedy, but more for power than of acceptance. she got to a point she doesn’t care as much vying for her parents’ approval and now thinks her luxury gives her comfort; only because at least she has that much. like she said in the latest chapter, happiness was not what she needed, it was stability and money - all things she lacked before.
and yea she did go back to her roots! all of her issues started with her dad anyway but that part is slowly patching up 🩹💔 oooh actually your theory is right bestie 🧐 gojo found y/n interesting bcos she reminded him of mia, so the more she pushed him away, the more he’s like wait, i’ve been here before, let’s not repeat past mistakes but i can do better now. on the part where gojo talked to mia while she was asleep, notice how he said he’s given a second chance to do better now, all because he couldn’t do them with mia but he could with y/n.
ohhh actually y/n was the one who established that ‘fulfilling mutual need and settling for familiarity instead of being lonely’ type of relationship. gojo avoided her for weeks and he’s pretty settled in keeping his distance, but she was the one who sought him out. deep down, y/n is afraid if she doesn’t at least use him as an anchor to her more humble roots, then she might spiral out of control and end up like valeria, thus using him as a ‘distraction’ but in reality, she needs his comfort to be grounded.
SECOND LEAD AGENDA OMG LETS GOOO 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ geto the fine fine option.
NO BESTIE MOMENT U MENTIONED LAWYER NAOYA I JUST KNEW I WAS GONNA SCREAM. okay but lawyer! naoya is so fine, i love his character so much bcos he’s a pure bean. originally, i was gonna make him an antagonist but i found he had more potential as a good, supportive character. HIS PEN SPIN HELPPP WHY COULDN’T HE JUST BEEN OUR BABY DADDY 😫 he pulls them fast spins bcos he’s nervous btw HAHAHAHA y/n can be quite intimidating and lawyer! naoya is sometimes too precious.
celebrity chef! sukuna is MEAN! he was pictured after gordon ramsay so lmao. omgggg sukuna being famous not only for his food but also his handsomeness 😳 he gets so cocky over how no one can get in his level while popping a battle of champagne, listening to ‘careless whisper’ while dancing to his reflection in the mirror 😤
also yoo supermodel! choso is THE hot shit 🥵 he’s so famous his schedule is packed for an entire year and a half and those are just for very selected brands and designers! ugh imagine going to work on the subway when you see supermodel! choso with rbf posing sexily and you swoon because he’s so sexy. plot twist that choso doesn’t know how to drive bcos as a kamo family member, they grew up with drivers taking them to and fro, so when his driver got sick and everyone else was busy, supermodel choso takes the subway himself and hides behind a face mask and cap while still wearing extravagant clothes that makes him stand out more. he does not have ‘subtle’ on his book at all.
and yeah people say he’s intimidating but its more his height and build + rbf! in reality, he’s just as soft and sweet as naoya, but both of them go into protective mode when someone they care about is being crapped on. and boy when they DO get into “what did you just say?” mode, better run away 🏃🏻‍♀️ supermodel! choso is also an heir to the kamo empire though not after the business, but he still has enough power to take you down in a second.
meanwhile, lawyer! naoya didn’t become this successful without being so savage yet composed he makes you question your entire existence before he drags you to court. lawyer! naoya is so scarily convincing that he can make you plead guilty even tho you did nothing wrong 💀
aaaah omg supermodel! choso LOVES babies actually! as the eldest child who looked after his brothers bcos the kamo parents are always away for work, being a father figure is so natural to him. i can picture him being the one who cries harder than gojo if the baby is born bcos he’s so excited, then reads poems to the baby before sighing that childbirth is such a beautiful thing 🥺
omg i know sweet n sour, the actresses are one of my faves tho i haven’t watched it yet! oooh they’re a nurse? i didn’t know that 🧐 i actually finish my short training in a week so i’ll be heading on to heavy majoring in psychology! wait bestie are YOU also a psych major 😳💕 oh and i see i see, sky castle *jots that down for future references* reckless actually has lots of significance in terms of the parents’ roles so i’m excited to see that! and aww thank you so much, can’t believe i made it in someone’s top three 🥺💕
HELP AHSKWKW i’m gonna call the best chiropractor in the world and send them gege’s way, i’ll cry a river if that’s what it takes to bring my boo back to life 😭 and noo baby the support already means a lot to me, i’m just happy to indulge in my hobbies and share it wih you all so thank you very much for everything 🥺 please take care of yourself too n have a nice day!! kith MWAH 💕
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thefivecalls · 4 years
Things I associate with each of the sides for no reason
I understand he's supposed to be dark blue or indigo. Regardless, he will always be teal. This teal:
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For some reason when I got detention that one time I got a Logan vibe so yeah theres that
"Space... The final frontier..." But uhhh just the opening has his vibes
Why is he always whereing a neck tie and not a bow tie? If anyone has necktie vibes its Janus not Logan
Logan also has chaos incarnate vibes that are only in check because of his last shreds of humanity one of these days he'll break and when he does thomas can and will set something on fire using bill nye the science guy tactics
He is waking up early and going to bed late
He is framing posters
He is dancing in your bedroom to awesome music that has never been such a vibe before that moment and will never be again.
Broken clocks
Beaker from the muppets? I don't quite get it but yeah
Rock of ages
Getting a pitcher of soda or tea or whatever and setting it on his desk, then getting 23 straws and taping them together so he can lay in bed on his phone and safely drink it without spilling
Grilled cheese
Kahoot music
Death waltz. Not the synthesia no the one that takes 14 people to play.
Obviously he has close combat weapons but have you thought about giving him a bow and arrow? I have and yes thats a vibe because he is one of three people I've ever met with those vibes ok
Portable speakers
He is bonfires and fireworks.
He is hyperfixating on something and writing a story until 4 in the morning.
The fact that witches ingredients are actually just named strange things but are edible somethings? Like mustard seeds being newts eyes and the like
In my human anatomy class we dissected deer hearts and when we found the blood clots we called them the Forbidden Jellies.
The county fair
The circus that comes around at fall festival time
Homecoming game in football/rugby
I feel like if he played an instrument he'd be a baritone
The lime green smoke Disney villians have
Zootopia the movie
Hopping. Or bouncing in place.
My family's crest?? I think its because of his crest but he had those vibes before the outift upgrade???? Idk
The ponytail thing that give you a unicorn horn when you've got short hair but bangs that are beginning to grow out
He is picnics at the park
He is also going shopping
He is also dancing in the rain at four in the morning with the outside lights on and the music blaring but its ok the neigbors are four acres away and they sleep like the dead.
When I went to my first metal concert and I saw the mosh pit? The exhilaration that comes with wanting to join but not wanting to get crushed is a Roman thing.
Cold pizza at midnight
Fire and cane whiskey
The warm smiles that the bearer never gets to see because they don't get the chance to see it in a reflection
Springtime showers that makes snowmelt rivers
Prom. Dont ask this is just a him vibe ok
He seems like the guy that would make a blanket cacoon/nest when his bedsheets are in the wash and can I say mood
Looking off my back porch and seeing the feilds of corn beginning to dry out in late fall every three years.
Pumpkin soup
Apple cider
Not only is he snowmelt rivers he is also the first thunderstorm of summertime
Sun tea. Not the brand the stuff that you make via harnessing the suns power
Cucumber facemasks
Wildflower honey
The person who youd never guess goes to comic con but is actually the one who wins first place in the costume contest every year
Oversized sweaters
German Sheppards and yellow labs sunbathing after playing for hours
Antique mirrors
Burlap canvas bags
Oil paint
Espressos at ten at night
Late night chinese food runs
Spice. Not the average spice either I'm talking could eat a carolina reaper and yes he'll be more red but he could still talk and thats more than I can say for myself
The red rubber balls from kick ball in elementary. By god I can smell the plastic just thinking about it
Flappy stims! Almost every time I flap he comes to mind I never really questioned it
The weighted blanket my dad got that I steal from him all the time
'He's a Mary poppins in a world of hasselhoffs" my friend once said that not even talking about Virgil but like. Come on.
Basically all of Star Lord's vibes are Virgils
Jack Skellington (kinda obvs)
Sample perfumes that are like the size of a pinky
Not writing an essay but instead learning all about world history or astronomy or psychology
Earings. Specifically hoops
Black pearls
Boardwalks that have tiny shops along them with a bunch of food.
Going to a club or a party with flashing lights and even though you're kinda nervous you have fun and live like tomorrow is still a dream away.
Ripped movie posters that the theater is selling
Tying ropes together to make nets.
Fairy lights
Taping movie theater tickets to your wall after you've gone and seen it
Scarecrows sitting on bales of hay at sunset next to my willow tree and the cicadas are on their 13th year so they're the loudest they'll ve until another 13 years have passed
The glint in someone's eye when they think of something mischievous
Bang by AJR
The corpse bride's tale/song
The lazer eye meme. This one
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Graham Crackers. Not smores, not candy crack-just the cracker ok
Pep rallies
The pet store??
Sugar sculptures
Corn pits (strictly midwestern thing)
Driving for hours upon hours and seeing the strange statues some towns have as you pass them by
Silver sparkles
Art herpes glitter
Photo booths
Riding in the back of a pickup truck on the county's main road
Wedding crystals cabinet where you put the fancy china you're going to give to your children that never gets used once but is probably worth half your house
The chubby bunny challenge
The moment when you tip your chair back too far and you know it but you can't do anything because you'll be on the floor in a second anyway
The thing maya did from Girl Meets World when she slammed lockers closed and caused the chalkboard to let its dust fly
That moment when everything is going by so quickly so you step back and watch the world go by for only a few seconds but then you're back in the present laughing with your friends
Snow cones melting and getting the syrup all over your hands
Orange Side:
All things citrus but especially lemons no not oranges lemons
Men in black 1 not the rest just the first
Pineapple too hes got a lot of pineapple vibes
Combat boots but with spikes
Also lace?
And tea. Like, all kinds of tea but especially the really expensive stuff that I've only tasted like twice thats imported from Ireland
Himalayan salt lamps.
Sensies. the wax melting things
Candles too
Once we meet him I'll have more but this is it for him for now
Thats it! If this gets notes I might do emile remy and thomas but I think I'll leave this be for the moment. Have a great day y'all!
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feminarrie · 6 years
Niall, a bottle of whiskey, and a drill. use that and write what you will. I want to see what you come up with!! (also you can take your time with this)
kate! once again, thank you for challenging me with this! it was fun to figure out just how i wanted to go about this, but i’m happy with what i’ve come up with!
i’m putting it below a cut bc it’s just 3k+ of smut (it is also unedited sorry!)
As she looks out at Niall, Y/N can’t help but think how utterly domestic the scene is.
It’s midsummer and the California heat was approaching a dry 100 degrees. She had ditched her shirt in favor of a bikini top and a pair of light wash shorts atop her bottoms. She’d even spent the better half of the morning in the pool with Niall. But, as it neared one in the afternoon and the peak temperature of the day, she had gone back inside to cool down and to prepare lunch for the both of them. While Niall had slipped out of the pool and wandered to the patio, where a new patio set is still sat in pieces.
She looks outside at him now, through the kitchen window, as she washes and peels a carrot. His back glistens with sweat as he attempts to line up a metal pole with another piece of the bar that they had bought just a few days ago. They’d offered to assemble it upon delivery, but Niall had insisted that he would be able to put it together. She hadn’t argued it, either. Especially considering that they were on their way out for a scheduled date night.
She’s glad Niall had decided to put the furniture together. Especially when she see the way his broad back tenses when he moves this way or that. Droplets of sweat drip down it and highlight every movement.
The way his arms look now, as he uses a drill to join to pieces together, surpass sinful. With every movement, his biceps flex and Y/N can’t help, but think about how they feel when he’s fucking up into her. Like they had this morning, in the comfort of their air conditioned bedroom. When her back was pressed to his chest and the backs of her thighs and ass bounced in his lap. His arm had wrapped around her middle while his other hand was wound around her throat. Hitting her at angles that she didn’t think were possible.
There’s a different heat that’s building, now. An internal heat that still has sweat developing on the back of her neck and at her hairline despite the heavily air conditioned kitchen. It settles into the apples of her cheeks as continues to prepare their lunch. 
Which, it really is a miracle that she’s capable of finishing all the preparation and plating it by the time Niall walks in. She’s even managed to grab the bottle of whiskey from the top of the fridge without asking Niall to retrieve it for her. She pours it over the ice in a short glass, watching as it melts the cubes just slightly. She hopes he’ll like all of it, too. Niall is usually one to drink beer or water in this kind of heat, but she figures that a small glass of whiskey is a treat for all the hard work he’s doing. Plus, it forces him to slow down enough to enjoy the liquor and cool off for awhile. 
Y/N can see the sunburn that has begun its assault on his shoulders. The already tan skin has turned a shade of pink that holds a future of promise of blossoming into a shade of red if he’s outside for any longer. “Whatever you’ve made smells delicious, love.” Niall hums, pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head as rounds the corner of the island.
“Thank you.” She grins, leaning upward to receive the peck that Niall has stopped to give her. “Go clean up and I’ll have the table all set when you come back.”
Niall nods and leaves after another peck to her lips.
Y/N busies herself with setting up the table. She places a smaller bowl of salad between two plates of greek wraps. It’s nothing too fancy, but she hardly thinks that Niall is keen on having a hot meal after he’s come inside. Even if he was, she absolutely did not want to be overheating while cooking up a warm meal for him. So, she figures it is more likely a win/win situation for the both of them. Niall returns shortly after she’s set herself down to eat. He’s in a pair of deep blue gym shorts and nothing on top. As he comes to sit down next to her, she can see the freckles that have begun to develop along the expanse of his shoulder and back. Unlike his sunburn, they will likely fade within the next few days. 
“Thanks for lunch, Y/N.” Niall says before his eyes land on the chilled glass of whiskey. “And for this. How’d ya know I was cravin’ something stronger?”
“Figured you would after being outside for most of the day.” Y/N shrugs as she answers. Their conversation dies down after that, both of them being too busy with eating to speak. Especially Niall, who goes back in for a second helping of salad. And Y/N lets him because she knows he’s probably built up an appetite.
“I’ve just got to put a few more pieces together and then I’ll be done.” Niall says after Y/N asks him how much longer he’ll be.
“We’ll stay inside after that then, yeah?” She suggests, hopeful that Niall will want to stay in for the remainder of the evening. “I’ll order takeout for us, if you’d like.”
Niall nods, drying off his hands after having finished washing his dish. Y/N lets the rest sit in the sink for now, her mind having drifted to the idea of having a cool shower while Niall finishes up outside.
He kisses her once more on the cheek before stepping out into the yard once again. Y/N paces herself in heading upstairs into the master bathroom. Grabbing her phone from the coffee table so that she can listen to music while she’s showering. She’s even more eager because she’s got a killer playlist that she’d been adding to for the past few weeks.
But, she’s also got other things on her mind as she makes her way upstairs after turning the temperature down just a little bit more. 
The images of Niall were shoved aside as they ate. She was starving and in that moment, her appetite had far outweighed her desire for Niall. But, now that she had a clearer head and a shower awaiting her, she couldn’t help but to conjure up those images again. 
She’s sure he would be too tired to do much of anything anyway. So, she sees no harm in getting herself off while he put the final touches on their patio furniture. Especially seeing as she doesn’t know how long he will be and Y/N has never been one to be patient about these types of things. 
Before long, she’s come to stand in their shared master bathroom. The heated floors don’t feel quite so warm beneath her feet, but she is still aware of the heat that they exude. Their toothbrushes occupy one marbled cup set between two sinks and white, plush hand towel hangs just slightly over the edge of the dark countertop. Two more navy blue towels hang over separate bars that sit next to the shower. There’s still droplets of condensation against the glass, likely from Niall’s shower earlier that morning. 
Y/N strips after she’s turned the shower on and found a happy medium between too warm and too cold. She kicks her shorts and bottoms to the corner of the room, closer to the laundry basket. Her top is flung in the same direction moments later. All the while, the sounds of her playlist bounce off the walls of the spacious bathroom. 
A soft sigh leaves her lips when the water hits her front. It’s enough of a temperature difference that her nipples pearl and to give her some relief from the high temperatures outside. Her sun kissed skin drinks the moisture as she allows it to wash over her for a prolonged period of time before she turns around. 
She reaches for the bottle of cherry blossom and citrus scented soap that lives on the middle left shelf of the tiled shower. Her other hand reaches for her own loofa that hangs from the shower handle. Once she’s put more than enough of the soap on it, it’s only a matter of seconds before it has begun to lather. Y/N hums along to Postpone by Catfish and the Bottlemen and she nods her head along with the beat. And she’s fully enraptured by the song until she’s reached between her thighs, the soap leaving a soapy lather that drips down her thighs as the water drips down from her back. Where she simply can’t help herself from switching the loofa from her dominant hand to the other.
The pads of her fingers dance over her already slick folds, gliding with ease as she teases herself. She reaches down to slide her middle finger from her entrance to her clit, letting it stay there and adding just a slight amount of pressure. Enough to heighten the stirring in her tummy, but that’s it. She teases herself for awhile. Eventually letting the loofa fall to the floor so that her other hand is free to roam her body. It eventually settles at the base of her throat and she applies just a slight amount of pressure. Her small hands aren’t as good as Niall’s, but they’ll do in the moment. Especially when she’s pushed two fingers inside herself after the images of Niall and her own teasing had become too much to bear.
Y/N is chasing her orgasm when Niall enters the bathroom after having called out for her just a few minutes before. He doesn’t need to see her form to know that either. Instead, her whimpers and occasional pants of his name can be heard loud and clear with the acoustics of the space. When he does look at her, though, it has his cock hardening in his shorts. Enough so that if she looked now, she could see the outline of it with only so much as a glance. But, she doesn’t. Her eyes are squeezed shut as one hand drops to cup her breast, a sure sign that she is close to the edge. Niall watches her as she continues to chase it, too. Her shoulders slouching forward slightly and his name like a mantra as it falls from her lips. She falls apart right before his eyes, unraveling at the seams as she cums. A final yelp of his name as her body quakes with her orgasm and her head lulls backward.
He allows her a moment to recoup and steady herself before he clears his throat. It still makes her jump, though. Which, Niall knew it would but it still pulls a strained chuckle from him.
“Fuck,” she mumbles, “You scared the shit out of me.”
It’s muffled by the sound of the shower and music, but Niall can still (just barely) make out what she is saying. “Sorry, love.” He replies, genuinely sorry that he had scared her so much.
Y/N takes in his half naked form from where she stands. Even with steam rising from the shower and blurring her vision slightly, she can see the outline of his cock. It only serves to make her even wetter. Something that she didn’t think was possible considering she can feel herself dripping down her thigh before it’s washed away by the water. “Got off thinking of you.” Y/N begins and she hopes Niall had been in the room to see what an absolute mess she was at the mere thought of him. A groan sounds from deep within Niall’s chest. Because even after all this time, the idea of her getting off to the thought of him was a nice ego boost. Plus, that thought alone was enough to have him muffling his own cries as he cums in the bunk of his tour bus when he’s been away from her for too long. Again, Y/N has hardly ever been good at being patient. So, when Niall is taking too long and absentmindedly palming at himself, she lets out a huff. She’d like to get her mouth around him, if he’d let her. Swallow all that he had to offer before they toweled off and settled in for the night. (Although, Y/N wouldn’t be opposed to another round once they’ve received their takeout). “Niall,” she whines, a pout setting on her lower lip.
“What is it that you want, love?” Niall raises a brow, his hand stroking across the length of himself as he looks at her.
And normally, Y/N is all about niceties. Even when Niall is nipping and sucking at her clit with three fingers buried inside her. Bringing her closer and closer to her climax, but not allowing her to cum just yet. When she’s frustrated to the point of tears because he could be so cruel and dominating when he wanted to be. She still repeats a series of thank you’s as she comes down from her orgasm. Too blissed and utterly fucked out to form any other words. “For you to let me suck you off.”
The statement is so simple and abrupt that it surprises Niall. His eyebrows shoot toward his hairline and he’s becoming almost painfully hard now. After that, he is quick to peel his only item of clothing off and step into the shower. The water alone could have him close to his own orgasm because it feels so damn good against his sunburnt skin. He can feel the heat radiate from his shoulders as he steps closer to Y/N, effectively putting them both beneath the large shower head.
Y/N glances up at him before trailing her eyes down to where the head of Niall’s cock is tinged pink and a light shade of purple. She bites her lip at the sight of him, eager to get her hands and mouth on him. So, she tears her eyes away to lock her gaze with him once again. He’s smirking at her when she does and takes a step closer until she can feel him pressing into her tummy. She isn’t sure if it’s the precum that has dribbled out of the slightly exposed tip or the moisture that has trapezed down both of their bodies to join together. It only takes a moment after that, that she is lowering herself to the ground. The tiles feel cool and hard against her knees, but she doesn’t mind. Not when she is eye level to Niall’s cock. From here, she can see the vein that travels up the side of it and just how much precum as bubbled up at the head. She looks up at Niall with a question and desperate look in her eyes. The doe-eyed expression makes her look too innocent to be doing such a thing, but it only excites Niall more. Especially knowing that she is more than capable of taking him in until he’s bottoming out and she’s gagging around him. “Go ahead.” Niall nods alongside his affirmation.
Y/N relinquishes her lip from the space between her teeth before parting them. He notices that it is plump and slick before it’s gone from his vision as she wraps her lips around him. His head falls back and his jaw slackens as she swirls her tongue over the tip before taking more of him into her mouth. Her small hand makes up for what her mouth can’t currently cover. And between her mouth on him and how her hand glides so easily across him, Niall can’t help but to let out a long fuck.
His eyes have fallen shut, so Y/N takes it as an opportunity to peek up at him from behind her lashes. And she’s glad she does because Niall looks like an absolute dream above her. Chocolate brown hair matted to his forehead, lashes just barely touching the apples of his cheeks, and body glistening with the water that is running down his body. She keeps watching him as she pulls off of him with a wet pop, allowing herself a moment to breathe. Her hand continues to pump up and down his length, twisting her wrist at the tip like she know he likes. He has one fist clenched at his side while his other hand is pressed to the wall beside her. His tongue darts out to lick over his lower lip and his chest has started to rise and fall with his quickening breaths.
With slight reluctance, she tears her gaze away from him. But, the feeling doesn’t stick once her lips are around him and she can feel the heavy weight of him on her tongue. Her hand holds him at the base, this time, as she slowly begins to build up a rhythm. She allows herself time to enjoy the taste of Niall on her tongue. It’s heady and salty, a familiar and somewhat pleasant taste to her. She alternates between self indulgent licks when she needs a moment to breathe and taking all of him until the tip of him touches the spongey back of her throat.
And it’s not long until Niall is ready to cum. The hand at his side is clenching and unclenching as if searching for purchase. Y/N notices it after Niall’s bucking his hips forward slightly, although he’s trying to control himself. And she knows he is teetering off the edge and into oblivion. So, she wraps her fingers around his wrist and brings it to the back of her head before placing them on his hips. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Niall repeats, each reiteration gaining volume. “I’m gonna cum, Y/N. I’m gonna cum.”
Y/N tightens her grip on his hips, keeping him in place as she takes him as deep as she can go. And that’s all Niall needed before he’s painting the back of her throat with his cum. Y/N swallows all of it with ease and pulls off of him. Though, she’s sure to run her tongue along his slit to collect any remaining cum before she glances up at Niall. Who, like her this morning, looks entirely fucked out. And she prides herself with being the reason that he looks as fucked out as he does. It’s from her position on the floor, as she drinks in his form, that she decides Niall doesn’t just look like an absolute dream. Because a dream isn’t accurate enough to describe the vision above her. She thinks fantasy might be a better way to describe him, but she can’t be sure. Because nothing seems accurate enough.
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jojofurkmelifu · 6 years
Steven and the Diamonds
White Diamond: Yes I will look at the memory data on this Pearl *looks at it* Steven:So anything? White Diamond:Quite the adventure you have been on Pink Diamond, no Rose Quartz Steven:Rose Quartz? White Diamond:Oh sorry I meant STEVEN UNVIERSE *Steven shits his pants* Steven:Um I can explain White Diamond:No need you thing I understand exactly what you are, but the fact something of your existence has set foot in my presence really bothers me Steven:I guess I'll just be going now heh heh White Diamond:No stay Blue Diamond:Huh shes not Pink? Yellow Diamond:Where is PInk? Tell us Rose! White Diamond:Thats not Rose you idiots, Rose is just one of Pink's many alter egos she tricked us for thousands of years Blue Diamond:So she never died? Yellow Diamond:What? What? Then what is that thing down there? White Diamond:Some sort of combination of gem and organic from Earth identified as the sound "Steven Universe" Blue Diamond:So thats what you meant by Steven you little! Steven:Diamonds please I can explain White Diamond:Calm down you two dont make noise in my court *Blue and Yellow shit their pants* White Diamond:Pink my dear Pink perhaps its time I give you a reality check Steven:Huh White Diamond:Millions of years ago I decided to create three constructs to follow my grand creation the gem empire that would one day conquer the entire universe in time. I didnt have to create you three I could have ruled it by myself, GEMS ARE MY CREATIONS NOT YOURS I JUST LOAN THEM TO YOU REMEMBER THAT. It also means you are also mine you do what I say, i gave you life and I can take it away anytime I wish. So the least you ungrateful children can do is MAKE ME HAPPY! Blue and Yellow are wonderful daughters but you you you you ohhhhhh. Im so disgusted I cant even think straight *breathes in* Pink I gave you a colony 900,000 years ago and you messed up big time so I decided to held off giving you one until after you matured. I thought you matured but I was wrong
White Diamond:It seems as though you are unfit for running a colony or commanding gems meaning you have no purpose as a diamond. It means I was wrong I HATE BEING WRONG I HATE IT! Me a perfect being wrong its unfathomable! Three perfect creations that all I asked for! ALL I ASKED FOR! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The failure of gems dont matter to me but you are my personal creations you must never fail you have to be perfect like me why arent you like me! *she breaks down into tears* Blue:Pink you made White cry Yellow:Steven I know Pink is there I can sense her in you, what do you have to say for yourself Steven:Look I dont know whats really going on here Im just a human from Earth, and Pink Diamond is my mom Im just doing this because I dont want the Earth to be seen as an enemy to the Diamond Authority so could you please leave Earth alone? White Diamond:Leave it alone! That planet is now a reminder of my imperfection it must be eviscerated. Blue:I agree Yellow:Absolutely Steven:Oh no :( White Diamond:So Steven Universe return to your rock and enjoy your last days with your species until their extinction at our hands, and blame no one but your stupid "mother" Pink Diamond for your suffering. Steven:Wait please dont do this, kill me instead leave the people of Earth alone! Blue:Never Yellow:We never let any species that disrespects us live at all its just protocol Steven Universe White Diamond:As for you Pink I can believe Im doing this, you are clearly banned from the Diamond Authority forever. You will be seen as a nongem to all gems form this moment, you will have no diamond privileges, you will not be allowed on any gem controlled territory either. Your court will be split and shared among your sisters, and your planet will be given to either Blue or Yellow but it seems they want to destroy it so Ill just give the entire star system to one of them no need to waste all of that matter.
*Steven breaks down in tears* Steven:Please Ill do anything to make you not destroy Earth Blue:What part of Never can you not understant SteVON Universe? Yellow:Hmphf we are done here now get of this planet White Diamond:Remember you thing this is all Pink Diamond's fault, gather up this worthless Pearl, those "crystal gems" and your pet leave this planet. Never come back or you will be sorry Pink Ill do something far worse than killing you stupid girl. *Blue begins crying* Blue:You went too far this time! It breaks my heart that I cant even consider my sister one of my own anymore but I'll still love you no matter what Pink we just wont see each other anymore forever Yellow:Stupid runt this is goodbye it was fun I guess little sister *Yellow Diamond shows slight signs of sniffling* White Diamond:If you are gonna make that noise do it outside my court! *Blue and Yellow leave* *Steven gets the gang and they take a ship back to earth, the ship self destructs after it leaves them on Earth to ensure they can never get back to Homeworld* *Steven falls to the ground in utter defeat unable to even talk* *Connie begins freaking out about the upcoming gem invasion* *The crystal gems begin crying as well*
*weeks past and Steven is suffering from intense despair and depression over the ordeal* *Greg is sad as well his Stewball is a sad sack* *Back at the temple* Garnet:So its war then a second gem war but we have no forces we need some sort of rebel army Bismuth:We only survived because it was staged by Rose I mean Pink Diamond in real war we cant beat the Diamonds Garnet:So what do we do? Bismuth:Look I know Rose sorry Pink Diamond loved this planet but if it means Im going to be killed for it then Im out Lapis:I agree its just one planet out of many that has water on it Peridot:A logical assertion but Steven really likes this planet so I cant give up on it because hes my friend Lapis:Steven will be really happy with me and him just alone somewhere out there in the cosmos just us two hehehehehe *Bismuth gives a wtf expression* Garnet:Steven cant be reasoned with right now hes pretty down so all we can do is try to make him happish by giving him hope he can stand on Bismuth:Yellow can instantly end us this is not a fight at all its a massacre its like a star fighting an asteroid there just is no chance at victory. Peridot:Maybe the cluster can help? Garnet:Huh? Peridot:Its friends with Steven but the cluster should be able to match the diamonds in power Garnet:Its a gem fusion meaning one hit from Yellow and its over Bismuth:In my fight with the diamonds they are pretty indestructable nothing we used even scratched them and that White Diamond is said to be even more powerful than those two combined and shes coming here too Garnet:Right White Diamond how do we stop her? Lapis:Lets just run away and take Steven with us! Hes gonna outlive all the creatures on this planet anyway but we can live forever with him. Bismuth:I made an oath to Steven Lazuli I cant just betray him Im not his mother Pearl:Uhhh well are there any bright ideas?
Peridot:The only way to beat a diamond is to use a diamond, a diamond has more power than all gem armies put together non fusion wise I mean if we had one we could destroy every army Homeworld throws at us Bismuth:We do? Garnet:Steven isnt Pink Diamond Pearl:Actually the gem on Steven's belly is Pink Diamond so we could bring her back if Steven were dead? But I would never do something like that even if the planet Pink wasted her life on was threatened. Bismuth:Right.... Garnet: If only there was a way to summon Pink without killing Steven, Steven even if he could use Pink's power doesnt have the mindset to really fight the Diamonds we need her Pearl:Well Im not supposed to tell you this but you could talk to her you know *every gem looks at her dumbfounded* Garnet:Pearl why? Why?! Bismuth:You have got to be kidding me I think Im gonna drown my face in some magma again this time for 400 years Peridot:What a revelation! hahaha Lapis:What? Pearl:Im sorry I couldnt really tell you Garnet:Talk to Pink Diamond I dont know Ruby and Sapphire wont like that Bismuth:Its the only way Pearl:Very Well then Ill show you.
*They are in some sort of dimensional space for minds or something* *They see Steven playing in field* Garnet:Steven why are you so cheerful? "Steven":Im always cheerful Garnet I love being human and happy ahahahaha Garnet:Rose Steven:Oh no you found out *Steven morphs into Pink Diamond* PD:So you found out huh? What did you think was it funny? Garnet:Funny? Do you have any idea how many gems died because of you? PD:Oh man you should have seen Blue crying it was hilarious Garnet:Pink why did you start the rebellion? You told me as Rose it was the protect the Earth was that true? PD:This again Garnet I already told you no more questions, but if you wanna know yes I did start the rebellion because all attempts at the Earth being ran my style failed Garnet:Was it worth it? PD:Earth is still here right so yes Ameythst:Uh hey Rose I mean Pink Diamond you are my diamond right so like Im supposed to follow you. PD:No I dont care what you do I dont really care if gems grovel to me Ameythst:Wow you are so much cooler than those duds back on Homeworld PD:My Ameythsts understand me so well Bismuth:You told me that the diamonds are the enemy and that our reward for winning the rebellion was freedom, and yet you bubbled me PD:Bismuth how are you doing, it been thousands of years still making weapons I see Bismuth:Dont change the subject PD:Sigh you have freedom no diamond is telling you what to do right? Theres your freedom embrace it Pearl:My diamond because of your actions planet Earth is at risk PD:What but the faking of my death? Pearl:Unfortunately thanks to your son the diamonds found out about it PD:Oh Steven Pearl:So I ask you what we your orders for the upcoming invasion? PD:I dunno why are you asking me I dont anything about tactics, Rose Quartz was really me thinking up stuff on the fly Im not military person you see Bismuth:Um..... Pearl:My diamond I understand you can be quite whimsical but this is serious
PD:Well nobody told him to talk to my sisters did they? Pearl:My diamond hes only a child he felt guilty over the things you did and he felt it was the best way to save Earth PD:A child ignores what mom and dad keeps hidden from them, I guess Steven's just a bad kid reminds me of myself sometimes Im so proud of him Garnet:Ahem, your sisters are gonna invade this planet what are you plans? PD:I just told you I got no plans Pearl:What if Earth is destroyed? PD:Oh well at least do me a favor stuff my sweet Greg into a pocket space so I can play with him for the rest of time will you Pearl Pearl:You remember the human PD:Oh Greg I miss you so much how I loved your organic tentacles inside of my body! Pearl:Too much information my diamond
(courtesy of /sug/ we need this as you do)
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motherdayrush · 5 years
Mother Day
Mothers Day Messages in English
Mothers Day Messages in English
God couldn’t be all over and along these lines he made moms.
Glad Mother’s Day!!
“M” is for the million things she gave me,
“O” signifies just that she’s developing old,
“T” is for the tears she shed to spare me,
“H” is for her heart of most perfect gold,
“E” is for her eyes, with affection light sparkling,
“R” signifies right, and right she’ll generally be.
Once upon a memory
Somebody cleaned away a tear
Held me close and adored me,
Much thanks to you, Mother dear.
The Miracle of Life sustained by a lady who gave us cherishes and sacrifice…MOTHER
Glad Mothers Day!!
Mothers Day Messages in English
For the best mother
who dependably had a grin for me
I realize we might be far separated at the present time
So here’s an extraordinary enormous embrace and kiss
Upbeat Mother’s Day
When you believe you are distant from everyone else in the group,
When you think No.1 can get you,
At the point when your adoration is dismissed by others,
and when you abhor your Life,
Happy Mother Day
Simply close your eyes, and see, her face who adores you
more than any 1 else,
who care for you in depression,
and bites the dust when you cry.
She is no 1, yet your sweet cherishing mother.
Love your mother first and dependably.
I accept this open door to thank you for your unlimited commitment to my life.
Much obliged to you Mom! Furthermore, wish you a Very Happy Mother’s Day!
You’ve seen me snicker
You’ve seen me cry
What’s more, dependably you were there with me
Mothers Day Messages in English
I might not have dependably said it
Be that as it may, thanks and I adore you
Glad Mother’s Day.
A child will unquestionably exceed his mom’s lap. Be that as it may, he will never exceed his place in her heart.
My reality would be so empty and hopeless without you. You’re the greatest help and most intense team promoter of my life. Adore you mother. Cheerful Mother’s Day.
A debt of gratitude is in order for enduring all my inclination variances, a debt of gratitude is in order for cleaning all the chaos I make. Cherish you! Upbeat Mother’s Day!
You are a holy messenger sent from up above. Loads of much love for my first historically speaking sweetheart. Cherish you a great deal mother. Glad Mother’s Day!!
Home will be homMothers Day Messages in Englishe as a result of you. Miss you a ton, mother. Return soon. Glad Mother’s Day!
May your first Mother’s Day be as extraordinary as you for you as the majority of mine have been a result of YOU! Glad First Mother’s Day To My Daughter!
My mom is an exceptional piece Of such’s appreciated in my heart, She is my pearl, my spirit, my mate; She is the one to make life incredible. She is a heavenly attendant without the wings!
I need to reveal to you that I am glad for you on the grounds that other than being a decent girl, you are likewise a great mother. I adore you definitely and I wish all of you the joy on the planet on this present Mother’s Day and dependably.
Mothers Day Messages in English
You might be dealt with like the house keeper,
You might be dealt with like the nursery worker,
You might be dealt with like the childcare,
You might be dealt with like the chauffer,
You might be dealt with like numerous things.
Yet, one thing is without a doubt,
You will dependably be adored.
For a dads work might be from sun up till twilight,
Be that as it may, a moms work is never down.
And all that I have, am, and want to be, I owe to you,
So this is for every one of the occasions I neglected to state THANK YOU!!
Mothers Day Messages in English
A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing your recuperating heart to repair my broken bones, fix my broken heart and lift my broken soul. You’re much the same as a supernatural unicorn, mother.
Of the considerable number of mothers in all the world, nothing conveys me more bliss than to realize you’re mine.
From my shrewd great looks to my sharp comical inclination, when asked where I get everything, I’m respected to state it’s from my mother.
I may not know everything, except one thing, ‘s without a doubt, you’re a really great mother a person would ever request.
When you believe you are distant from everyone else in the group,
When you think No.1 can get you,
At the point when your affection is dismissed by others,
and when you loathe your Life,
Simply close your eyes, and see, her face who adores you
more than any 1 else,
who care for you in dejection,
and kicks the bucket when you cry.
She is no 1, however your sweet cherishing mother.
Love your mother first and dependably.
thank you, mother, for everything that you have done,
what’s more,
continuing accomplishing for me.
Much obliged to you God for having you as a feature of my life,
you have shown me numerous beneficial things,
today what I have turned into this is a result of you.
Wishing you Happy Mother’s Day
Mothers Day Messages in English
“Dear little girl, this present Mother’s Day, I earnestly trust that we share a wonderful day, recollecting tales from my first days as a Mom, and discussion about your short involvement as a Mother. Cheerful Mother’s Day”.
Individuals travel every which way however you’re generally there through my highs and lows. You’re really amazing mother one could have. Cheerful Mother’s Day.
Bringing up children takes a great deal of solidarity and enthusiasm. You’re my saint. Have an awesome time on this Sunday. Upbeat Mother’s Day.
You are a blessing from God… a companion that I can rely on and a magnificent model of a mother! I trust that you have an incredible Mother’s Day!
My reality would be so empty and hopeless without you. You’re the greatest help and most intense team promoter of my life. Cherish your mother. Glad Mother’s Day.
We may not generally be in great terms
We may contend, we may have some squabble
Be that as it may, toward the day’s end, your affection will eradicate all the hurt and torment
You’re really amazing and unique.
I adore you so much and Happy Mother’s Day
I can’t start to bless your heart
For all that you have accomplished for me.
Glad Mother’s Day!
Mothers Day Messages in English
Mother, you have constantly energized and bolstered me for my entire life. Much appreciated and Happy Mother’s Day!
Glad Mother’s Day to the best mother I could request.
I am glad to the point that God gave me such an extraordinary mother like you.
Glad Mother’s Day!
Mother, I realize that you are not immaculate, however, nor am I.
A debt of gratitude is in order for continually attempting.
I adore you!
Glad Mother’s Day!
You have dependably shown me, ensured me, energized me,
what’s more, acknowledged me for my identity!
I will dependably be thankful.
You are something other than a mother to me,
You are my closest companion!
Cheerful Mother’s Day!
Just a mother could do what you do and that is exposing up with me all year!
Have an extraordinary Mother’s Day!
Numerous embraces
Just love never outrage
Educating me
Helping me
Each grin when I was tragic
Raising me to be solid
It spells Mother. A debt of gratitude is in order for being u.
To the best educator.
Best counsel.
Best cook.
You are simply marvelous!
Cheerful Mother’s Day Mom!
Mother is a piece of God.
Mother is a piece of Love.
Mother is a piece of our Strength.
Mother is a piece of our Winning.
Mother is a piece of who directs us to the right way to continue.
and . and so on.
Mothers Day Messages in English
I Love my Mother without question.
Dont let ur Mother make tracks in an opposite direction from u.
Cheerful Mothers Day.
For the best mother
who dependably had a grin for me
I realize we might be far separated at this moment
So here’s an incredible enormous embrace and kiss
Glad Mother’s Day
Once upon a memory
Somebody cleaned away a tear
Held me close and cherished me,
Much thanks to you, Mother dear.
Mother, dear mother, the years have been since a long time ago I last listened to your cradlesong melody: Sing, at that point, and unto my spirit, it will appear Womanhood’s years have been just a fantasy.
Much thanks to your mother for everything that you have done
continuing accomplishing for me.
Much thanks to you God for having you as a component of my life,
you have shown me numerous beneficial things,
today what I have turned into this is a result of you.
Wishing you Happy Mother’s Day
My mom is an uncommon part
Of such’s loved in my heart,
She is my pearl, my spirit, my mate;
She is the one to make life incredible.
She is a holy messenger without the wings!
Mother was my most prominent instructor,
an instructor of sympathy, love, and courage.
On the off chance that affection is sweet as a blossom,
at that point, my mom is that sweet bloom of affection.
“Mother Is Great Blessing Of God Respect Her”
I accept this open door to thank you for your tremendous commitment to my life.
Much obliged to you Mom! Also, wish you a Very Happy Mother’s Day!
It’s my time tô knôw yôu thât hôw fôrtunâte ând speciâl I âm tô be honored with â môther âs câring, lôving âs yôu. Wish yôu â hâppy Môther’s Dây Môm.
Much obliged to you mother for everything that you have done
what’s more,
Mothers Day Messages in English
continuing accomplishing for me.
Much obliged to you God for having you as a feature of my life,
you have shown me numerous beneficial things,
today what I have turned into this is a direct result of you.
Wishing you Happy Mother’s Day
I wake up and call her in the first part of the day,
She is dependably there for the replying,
Continuously raced to help me when I fell,
Furthermore, kiss that spot to make it well,
She is a mind-blowing fortune,
Who let me know never to lie,
Best voice God has given,
It is just the sound of paradise,
Satisfy my desires these and others,
Goodness! she can be just my mother. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
M – For the MILLION things she gave me,
O – For she’s developing OLD,
T – For the TEARS she shed to spare me,
H – For her HEART of most perfect gold,
E – For her EYES, with affection light sparkling,
R – For she is in every case RIGHT and dependably be.
Such a large number of brilliant minutes we have spent together,
such a large number of brilliant years in a wide range of climate,
considering u mother conveys recollections to mind,
superb minutes I ‘ll treasure,
these u gave me earnestly that is the reason, my mother,
I cherish u so sincerely. Cheerful Mothers Day My dear Mom
Mother, I cherish you,
For all that you do.
I’ll kiss you and embrace you,
Since you adore me, as well.
You feed me and need me,
To instruct you to play,
So grin since I adore you,
On this current Mother’s Day.
Mother U are brilliant,
Mothers Day Messages in English
A Mother is somebody,
who’s unique and dear,
somebody who’s cherished,
significantly increasingly consistently,
She’s never excessively rushed,
to grin and to mind,
she generally requires some serious energy,
to offer and to share
A Sad mother was sitting with her child.
Child: you are the second most delightful lady
I have ever known!
Mother: Who’s first?
Child: Its additionally U however
at the point when u grin..
I wake up and call her in the first part of the day,
She is dependably there for the replying,
Continuously raced to help me when I fell,
What’s a more, kiss that spots to make it well,
She is an amazing fortune,
Visit our website : Mother Day Rush
Who let me know never to lie,
Best voice God has given,
It is essentially the sound of paradise,
Satisfy my desires these and others,
Goodness! she can be just my mom.
Arms of everlasting love
Contact of sweet ro.s.
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lattetimes · 7 years
So How About Them New Episodes, Ammirite Ladies??
here’s what i thought of the new episodes via live reactions as i watching them!
overall, it was kinda underwhelming but there were parts that i really did like! and if you liked these episodes, that’s awesome!
was this title a reference to the movie/book John Dies at the End, cause if so then i’m shocked i caught that
apparently it is, would you look at that. btw i kinda liked the movie.
damn, Sadie took this hard. and Steven never told Lars’ parents. so i guess Sadie has to do that herself.
why tf does Steven care if Dewey wins?!
ok wow, there’s only 24 people in Beach City and he never noticed that Lars was gone!?
“is that why the donut shop was closed?”
“we’ll hire a new donut boy!” DEWEY. DUDE. ARE YOU FOR REAL?!
“high school mayor” lmao
how did he run unopposed for 10 years!?
i don’t like that Steven is so adamant on Dewey winning.
jesus, Steven, let Nanefua win. she’s obviously the better person for the job
“i’m done pointing my finger at you, and now i direct all my fingers on both my hands to the citizens” top 10 anime deaths
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, but i need to get a new job” 2018 mood tbh
episode rating: 2 tomatoes out of 5. i can’t stand Steven in this episode at all. but hey, NANEFUA WON!!!!!!
....was Lapis’ main concern that Steven dropped his phone on Homeworld? not the fact that he was... idk... ON HOMEWORLD?!
ok Lapis is ready to bail immediately and tbh i dont blame her
did she just uproot the entire bard wtf?! 
episode rating: 1.5 barns out of 5. BARN THE DIAMONDS, BARN THE DIAMONDS, BARN THE DIAMONDS!
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^ mfw Amethyst basically spat an egg out her mouth (it was kinda gross)
well. Greg got some kinda house.... still don’t get why the crew is so against having Greg get a house
also, where’s Peridot?
“remove all shoes before entering” Pearl fucking THROWS A RANDOM ASS PAIR OF SHOES
“Steven, you should join me. become a raisin” ok Garnet
did. did Steven completely cut Garnet off as she was talking about Pink Diamond and the Gem War with the whole, “yeah, yeah, i get it, Mom. i already heard this story” kinda thing? B R U H that ain’t okay
AND GARNET JUST SHUTS UP AND WAS LIKE “good, you understand”
i love Greg Universe
how would you not notice if you aren’t getting any service on your phone? your phone tells you when you’re getting service or not
bruh you almost made your dad drive off a cliff for you to get phone service
Greg Universe is a ride or die kinda guy
this ending shot is cute, i’ll give you that. 
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episode rating: 2 party guys out of 5. Party Guy should’ve bitten Steven’s phone and his shit attitude. also PEARL WTF ARE YOU TELL US ALREADY
Connie i miss you
“of the three things i have to do in the sink now, this is the one i least mind you seeing” B R U H
 Peridot listens to country music, this is disgusting
“can i bring my music?” “NO.” damn Amethyst you already threw Peri around like she ain’t nothin’, let her bring her music if it’ll help her
aaaay, they’re in the train again!
dang, Peri really loved the barn.
i kinda like that Amethyst is going around trying to figure out which member of the Famethyst came out of which part of the Kindergarten. kinda cute. 
so everything is seriously determined by the nutrition, right down to the style of a Gem’s hair? ...huh. iron deposits determine hair styles.
damn, Peri went with a sucker punch to the gut with her little speech about how Kindergartens kill off life and are just “lifeless husks” once all the Gems are done being formed. and Amethyst feels awful about it, dang.
ok. there’s a flower growin’ in the Kindergarten, and that should technically be impossible due to all of the nutrients in this one area being used up. this could be interesting.
ok, so now the trio is gonna farm & see what happens. ok, ok, i can roll with this i guess.
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look at them flowers
they proud
don’t make Peri live here
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why the flamingo thingy taller than both of them
gods i didn’t need to see Steven happily showering
they’re talking about how the flowers are probs gonna look beautiful i bet they all died, they’re too positive about this. $5 them flowers are dead.
them flowers are dead,
...now they’re arguing, cause Peri blew up on them. alright. this ain’t good.
aaaaaaaaaaaand Peri crushed the original flower that grew here. both Steven & Amethyst made pained whimpers. ok. this ain’t good.
oh it’s a Gem creature- haven’t seen one of those in a while!
ngl i like Smokey’s theme music
btw there’s no dialogue from Smokey, just a quick 2 second thing
Peri doesn’t reform with a star on her
ok, that was kinda cute. and having a technician that also likes gardening is cute too
episode rating: 3.5 dead sunflowers outta 5. it was an okay episode & i did like it. 
heh, i get it. cause lady killer.
oh god, that looks bad
instead of reading off a long-ass list to the overly worked employee, just hand Sadie the list so she won’t fuck up?
“and a coffee. hold the coffee.” same tbh
oh. he’s in a band with the Cool Kids. WE GET TO SEE THE COOL KIDS!
“...i hope he [Lars] is safe and all, but working all these shifts by myself has been a huge drag” GIRL, LARS DIED IN SPACE AND IS STILL THERE
Steven stealing all the napkins is something i’d do tbh
man, i love the Cool Kids
is my girl Jenny rockin’ the bass? aaaaaaaaaaay!
Sour Cream, what the HECK IS RAP-A-BILLY?
“Doo-doo. Butt. The government corrupts” Buck is the voice of this generation
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welcome to EB Games
they... they admitted to following her home from work....
“doo-doo. i think i broke your bed” Buck wtf
also, i guess them watching all of Sadie’s horror movies gave them inspiration to do that weird donut-brain-eating song. weird.
“we are the working dead, and we lurch for minimum wage” same Sadie
......ok, she’s freaking everyone out. and they look uncomfortable. Sadie, seriously stop. they’re concerned.
...she. put lipstick on her eyes.
see, if she wasn’t freakin’ everyone out with this, i’d say this song is a bop. 
ok they’re fine now & thought it was lit ok cool cool cool. i ain’t a big fan of the lyrics tbh, but i do like the song.
 “aww, doo-doo”
ok so Steven’s askin’ for advice on how to write horror-themed songs from Sadie. how about LARS DIED ON HOMEWORLD
Steven puttin’ Sadie on blast, good lord he just sang an accidental roast tryin’ to sing shit like she does
“you can’t help being cute no more than i can help being cool” Buck, you’re a blessing
“yoooooo, what if this is all a dream?” Buck, wtf?
oh. Sadie’s goin’ with them. okay. 
episode rating: 3 funky riffs out of 5. Buck Dewey is great.
let’s just get this over with...
why’d Steven wait this long to track down Lion?!
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siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, here he is......
gods, i still hate him
stop being gross to kids, leave Steven and Connie alone ya freak
at least he knows they use they/them pronouns. 
how did he find out where Connie is? doesn’t she live far away from Beach City? did he track down these two kids just to “invite” Stevonnie?!
“no one turns down an invitation to a Kevin party” i sure as fuck would
lmao Kevin has an old phone
“your name’s Steven? weird, i thought your name was Clarence” OI, DON’T INSULT CLARENCE LIKE THAT
rude, Steven brought snacks and ya just toss ‘em into the void?
ok. he’s creepily obsessed with Stevonnie cause apparently they make parties and shit like that hella fun. um. stop? being obsessed with kids??
Connie actually showed up. and had Lion the entire time. that’s. super fucked up. Lion is the ONLY way to get to Lars directly!
Kevin’s gonna try to get them to talk to each other... so they can form Stevonnie... so his party won’t suck...
also, he keeps calling them 7-year-olds........ siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, ok Kevin.
“i need those old people to whisper my name when they die” tbh goals
“who’s Sabina?” Kevin got all red in the face and almost lost his cool
so Kevin’s gonna try to make Steven look like he’s moved on from Connie or some shit. this won’t end well.
now we get a montage of 2 kids being uncomfortable surrounded by older people at a party they should’t be at, ok.
at least Connie looks cute. and she got a haircut! so cute!
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Steven, what are you doing?
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ok, quick recap cause i didn’t mention this: Kevin thought Steven & Connie were dating, so, Connie only went to the party to see if Steven’s okay and if they could talk. Steven decided to follow Kevin’s advice for some reason, and Connie thinks Steve’s new BFF is Kevin, and Kevin has no concept of what friends are.
so. Connie didn’t text Steven cause she preferred talking face to face about this, and that texting him wasn’t good enough to work out these issues. very fair point. still don’t get why you legit stole Lion from him, but the not texting back thing makes complete sense.
ok, she rode Lion to his house while Steven, Greg & the Gems were away (the episode Gemcation). and that’s when she bumped into Kevin and got the invite. ok. now Kevin is slightly less creepy, but still disgusting nonetheless.
oh, yay! they’re talking it out! and Steven isn’t disregarding Connie’s anger!
yay! they’re friends again!
don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie.
episode rating: 1 Lion out of 5. least fave episode, tbh. but hey, we got Connie back!
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elvesofnoldor · 7 years
lmao ok its like almost 1am and i gotta sleep but um ok maybe i shouldnt say the bombings “isn’t entirely justified”, cause it isn’t justified. at all. have to say i didnt make that clear, my fault, but at the same time, lol it isnt the point of my posts. anyways, i dont know their trauma, and i make no attempts talking about their trauma. but ive seen documentaries. ghost of people casted on broken radiated stones cause they are pulverized at the centre of a nuclear explosion, horrific scars on survivors’ bodies, the trauma materializing in popular culture in the form of monster--trauma thats probably never gonna be healed. Japanese folks sure arent silent about their trauma and the horrific aftermath of the bombings, and the world listened. you all sure are passionated abt talking abt their trauma, for some reason. that post about gozilla got like 100k notes lmao. ive seen multiple posts about how unjustified the bombings are during my time here.  is it bc u all are into anime and watched grave of fireflies? lol? 
u know i know large size national traumas caused by war...are not comparable, i dont wanna talk abt what happened to nanking, or other places or regions during sino japanese war. its not comparable. but u all think i dont know and i dont care what happened to hiroshima and nagasaki? i know and i cared! for the longest time i didnt know how to feel abt it, any of it. but also im tired of seeing japanese folks using their own trauma to play the victim mentality, positioning themselves as victims of WWII when they 100% aren’t lol. I’m tired of nobody caring about that, since while they are playing victim mentality, Japanese war criminals are being honoured as heroes, the Japanese government still refuses to make a apology about the invasion they wouldn’t retract afterwards, and japanese imperalism is still alive in Japan! japanese history textbooks are imbedded with worrying messages, and dude! i didnt came up with these, people whos gone to Japan and studied Japanese history curriculum did! They are documentaries (in Chinese tho) about how Japanese history textbook refuses to call their invasion of China (and probably other asian countries like korea etc), an “invasion”. There are questions asking the kids if Japan would win against China when the country engage China in a 100 years from now. Not IF there would be an engagement. the premise of the question is that there will be another conflict! 
i said my great grandpa died in nanking massacre. he most likely did. (u know they spread news abt the massacre after it happened, in America. it probably just helped Americans to justify their ultimate engagement with imperial Japan’s military after pearl harbour happened) idk how long, probably two years ago, my mom told me about grandma. she told me that my great grandpa went to Nanking to run some errands, right after he went, grandma and her sisters lost contact with him and the city’s gate shuts down--the massacre begins. My grandpa was never heard of again. My mom said, “we couldn’t even find his body”. There are too many mass graves in nanking, no one could find anybody’s bodies, esp an insignificant person like my great grandpa who isnt a permanent residence of the city. i asked my mom, “so he got killed by the japanese?”. my mom said “well yeah, probably.” so no, im not sure abt it, but i dont have to have a great grandfather dying in the massacre to justify my anger abt the massacre and japan’s continuous denial of the massacre. It’s national pain, it’s national trauma too. However, for a while i actually like to think that he didnt died at the hands of japanese. I thought that, its entirely possible he just abandoned my grandma and his sisters and run away in the middle of chaos. even now, i thought that, maybe i misheard what my mom said. maybe my mom misheard from grandma. a while ago, folks in China were being foolish and boycotting Japanese products. Irrational and unproductive hate tbh, and boycotting Japanese brands only wreck Chinese economy cause none of these products being sold in China are produced in Japan lol. I didn’t wanna be one of these people giving to unproductive hate and irrational anger. but seems like, thats really above me. Anyways, theres a lot of speculations, but what i do know is that grandma had a hard life without the main financial support (my great grandpa) in her life. she lived in poverty all her life, travelled from shanghai all the way to beijing for work. never get the education she deserves, was a factory worker her whole life.  
i thought abt grandma a lot these days. my grandma died on 4th of july, 2006. its been 11 years today (or rather, yesterday, in my time zone). i realize i couldnt even remember much of her voice or face, and that makes me incredibly sad. i was gonna talk abt missing her and about the whole legacy of 2nd sino japanese war during WWII, at one point. But i guess its gonna be today at 1am lol--seems like an awkward time to do that since i just went the fuck off on tumblr dot com lmao. i wanted to go off abt this whole thing for at least a year now tho lmao. hope grandma wouldn’t mind i start thinking about all these after my mom revealed bits of info about her life. i miss her a lot and i wished i could have known her better, but there wasn’t enough time. 
this is a mass of disorganized rambling and i dont even know where to begin to tag triggers for this post.....idk maybe dont read idk 
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Lets talk HAREMS
So my boyfriend told me to read a manga called "Girls of the Wild's"(?) and its basically a harem ok. Guy goes to an all girl schoooool he gets stuck in a love triangle....the girls are really tough but BECAUSE he is there the girls are encouraged to be more femmenine and dainty in order to win him over and even one character just dreams about being his stay at home wife and catering to his every whim ya know standard stuff. Well straight away i dont like it because i cant relate to the protagonist. I do not wish to have girls fighting over me and to have a stay at home wife who's only dreams and desires are to make me a happy spouse but guess what im not the target demographic, HE is and he just can't proccess in that tiny mind of his thats why he loves it so much and cant understand why i dont like it. And because i am not the target demographic its easier to point out clichés and bothersome things like a girl that had a bright future ahead of her as a fighter reduced to be a "love zombie" for THIS particular guy and her ONLY desires are now to be his stay at home wife and have his kids. Like thats the equivalent of a little girls fantasy of having a handsome Prince sweep her off her feet and live happily ever after. And in my boyfriends defense the story isnt JUST about that its also about the guy trying to become stronger cuz the girls will train him or whatever. Well it just personally bothered me because PHYSICAL strength is NOT for everyone and that's ok there is no shame in that and Steven Universe had a great episode about that i think it was "Coach Steven" because pearl wasn't "strong" but she meant physically but strenght doesn't have to be physical like in the ep she was "strong in the real way" her will power and brains got her through THAT was her strenght and it means alot because of how pearls are treated in homeworld very similar to how girls were treated in the past centuries and for just the history of women fighting through so much repression and being told they were only good for a few things and were inferior to the male gender all those years of fighting to be where we are at now maybe thats why it bothered me so much that this female character abandoned her former aspirations to become just a simple housewife to only please this guy. Idk i just hope he actually isnt stupid enought to NOT realize this and i mean im not saying he shouldn't like what he likes he can do whatever and like whatever he wants im just trying to explain why i personally could not get into it
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mite75 · 8 years
all the ocean asks!!!!!!!!!! or if that's too many, any five? ^-^
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
right now japan or france to study animation techniques if i could. 
sails: describe your perfect partner.
someone who is really forward with me no big secrets, and is sweet and kind and gentle. someone who will sit with me at the beach and make sand castles or go on roller coasters with me. Someone who genuinely loves to spend time with me but will tell me when they need space. OH also if they would cuddle me a lot and give me cute kisses and lots of hugs tbh i would not mind one bit. literally the most important thing is i want someone who wants to be with me. I don’t want someone who isn’t really interested in me romantically. 
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
haha ^^;; no? i dont wear any i wish i did but I’m lazy. sometimes eyeliner or mascara or lipstick but thats rare, only if i wanna look strong or I’m dressing up for something i care about like a movie or a date or something.
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
mmm once i turned to the popular girl in my grade thinking she was my friend and i poked the vein in my arm and said “wow it pops out!!” i was on the bench at my own basketball game. i noticed who i said this to so i stood up from the bench and walked out of the gym. i was so mad at myself 0_0;;; i was also like 10??
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
i honestly dont remember the weirdest but
well last night this was my dream: a monster was attacking a little kid on the road. I was driving a boat on the road like a car so i turned around and hit the monster with my boat, then drove away towards school. (in the dream its like midnight btw) I’m at school and its so dark, we get on these computers and it’s all gibberish but apparently I’m understanding it?? then my tooth starts to fall out and i can’t stop it. it falls out then the rest just instantly fall with it. this dream was so vivid i remember thinking in the dream “this can’t be real it’s gotta be a dream” but then instantly going shit i remember the whole day it can’t be a dream!!! i look in the mirror and my teeth are gone but a 3rd set is growing in so I’m like hh thank goodness. then i woke up
waves: favourite season and why?
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
YEs i wanna get married i dont have to but the thought of having a wife sounds so good. but tbh if my partner doesn’t like the idea of getting married I’m chill with that.
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
umm either a bear tiger or moose. they’re all animals that if i could have them completely tame i would have a big cute baby that loves me. and thats just adorable. OH!!! OR A BARN OWL BECAUSE I LOVE THEM!!
sunlight: least favourite song?
mm idk a lot of country songs. OH i really hate i saw mommy kissing santa clause. idk why i just hate it.
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
only if it was going to help my health or if i had something really wrong in plain sight. 
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
my freckles
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?
i like modern ^^; especially glass things and black and white schemes with splashes of vivid color.
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
warrior i need that defense stat or I’m ded. or an archer  but i can’t pick that.
tempest: your favourite Pokemon?
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?
my freckles
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
amusement park we talk and joke in line and ride roller coasters and spinny rides all day!! we pack lunch but still end up buying fries to share ^^; because that always happens with me. if we’re going really dream here we both win each other a nice prize ;u; 
brine: gold or silver?
idk i’ve never been a huge fan of gold it’s soft and expensive ;_; silver is still expensive but it’s a cooler color and it’s tough.
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
watch happy shows, or talk with friends
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
hopefully with a starting job in animation with a stable relationship and good friends. bad case scenario would be dead
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
violets or forget me nots
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
i dont ^^; I’m not a coffee drinker
voyage: what are your favourite names?
lila, nicole, max, river, rose, and liz
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
yea!! i have tons but my main is cae. she’s immortal in a sense she could live forever if she is not harmed badly enough to die. umm she’s really strong willed and stubborn, she barley ever changes her mind. she has a strong heart for her friends and would not back down from protecting them. idk she’s awesome but she’s gotta see that there is more than one side to things.
cerulean: do you believe in true love?
yea not at first sight but i believe that people can truly love each other.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
AWW MAN okay that flower dress thats poofy and has flowers in the skirt with ripped tights and platform shoes with flowers in them. then a flower crown with branches in it.
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
introverted and no
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
 i like to sit on my legs not my butt.
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