#also i gotta use young tights icons but ITS FINE
taitsuu-blog · 6 years
@fyu-ture / cont.
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    ❛ A demon, you say? ❜
She claps her hands together in absolute delight, seemingly, she couldn’t be further away from unnerved.
    ❛ So you’re from, like? The netherworld or something? Whoa, I can’t say I’ve met anything within the likes of your kind before! Heck, I’ve been seeing aliens since I was a teenager, but a mutant, demon, or whatever, opens up a whole new realm of possibilities! ❜
Hands place themselves upon her hips, and Tights gives herself a once-over on her outfit.
    ❛ -- Yeah! You’re right! All the pockets on it hold all my pencils and research materials. God knows what’s hiding in here. ❜
... A part of her finds herself tempted to start rummaging through her pockets. Resist. Resist. Tights reaches her hand out instead.
    ❛ Well! Mister Demon guy, I’m Tights. ❜
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alolowrites · 4 years
The Helpful Elf
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Summary: The Hippity Hop Cat toy is the toy on every kid’s wish list this year, including Eri’s. With the toy flying off the shelves, you desperately ask Mirio, the Helper Elf at Hazuki’s ToyLand, for help. And Mirio doesn’t give up, especially when it comes to you.
Author’s Note: Hello everyone!!! Real life is being a pain right now, but I’m so glad I managed to finish this story right on time! It’s pretty long (for me lol) and it’s my first with Mirio so yay!! I also wrote it for the BNHASanctuary discord server’s winter collab (first time I ever participated in any collab), so I’m very excited about this. I’ll link and share the masterlist once it’s up. I can’t wait to read everyone else’s stories :D 
Please enjoy!
Word Count: 2.5K+
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With October long gone and December in full swing, it meant one thing—the official start of the jubilant holiday season. Every year, Japan’s most iconic department store in Tokyo, Hazuki’s, transformed its ten floors into a magical winter wonderland. Around the country and around the globe, customers ushered through the doors to catch a glimpse of the glamorous store glittering with festive decor. 
Dazzling lights twinkled around the window displays that stretched around the block. Vibrant ornaments hung high above the ceilings like luxurious bubbles. And pine garlands peppered with red berries wrapped themselves along any rails that ran off forever. 
Hazuki’s was the place to kick start the holiday season and the one place to find everything and anything on one’s holiday shopping list. Especially the highly coveted toy of the year—the Hippity Hop Cat. 
Or so you thought. 
“Huh?” Said man’s elf hat jingled when he looked away from his display. His blue eyes beamed at the sight of you. Mirio chirped out your name as you rushed forward, nearly knocking him over. “Whoa, you alright?” 
“I need your help,” you blurted out, catching your breath at the same time; those pesky escalators were no use at all. Mirio offered to get water, but you waved him off. “No, no…no time for water. I need your help. It’s urgent!” 
“Uh, sure, what can I do?” 
“I need a toy, but not just any toy.” Mirio blinked when you suddenly inched closer to him. You scanned the area as though someone was lurking around to eavesdrop on your top-secret conversation. “It’s the Hippity Hop Cat, you know—” 
“The cat whose hops are out of this world?” 
“Yes, that one!” You clung to his shoulders like a desperate parent trying to find some shred of sanity in this chaotic store. Shaking the blonde man, you begged, “Please tell me you have one in stock?”
“Oh man,” Mirio scratched his forehead as he recalled the inventory from this morning. He glanced at your hopeless eyes and tight fists curling on his work uniform. There was no way Mirio could leave you hanging like this; it didn’t feel right. So he flashed you his famous smile that outshone the star twirling above you both. “Come with me. I’ll check in our system.”
“Gosh, you’re a lifesaver.” 
Mirio humbly rubbed his neck as he led the way to the backroom. You eyed the uproarious floor covered with thousands of toys that rivaled Santa’s Workshop in the North Pole. It was like walking through a child’s dream. Every toy imaginable—dolls, electric cars, robots, board games, you name it—was here. Hopefully, that stayed true with the Hippity Hop Cat. 
The door closed, muffling the sounds of frantic parents buzzing through the aisle. Mirio typed away on the keyboard as you paced behind him. You cursed yourself for procrastinating this long to buy the prized toy. Christmas was in less than two weeks!
“So who’s the gift for?” 
“Oh!” His deep voice pulled you back to the present. You walked forward with folded arms, anxiously hugging yourself. “It’s for Eri, a sweet little girl my next-door neighbor, Shouta, adopted earlier this year. She had a rough upbringing, but fortunately, she’s living with someone who cares for her deeply.” 
“I’m glad to hear that.” 
“Yeah,” you smiled softly at Mirio, making his fingers freeze above the keyboard. That smile of yours took his breath away; he nodded but secretly tried controlling his heart that beat like a bass drum. It was difficult since you were so close to him. “This will be Eri’s first Christmas, and she wants the Hippity Hop Cat; I told Shouta I would buy it for her, helping ease some pressure off his shoulders.”
“That’s really thoughtful of you.” Mirio admired everything about you. He was absolutely smitten with you ever since you started working in the perfume department. Mirio sometimes strolled through the floor during his breaks just to catch a glimpse of you. After scrolling through the computer, the blonde man frowned. “Hmm…looks like we’re out of stock. And the next shipment won’t come until the twenty-first.” 
You groaned. “Man, that’s cutting it close; you think you can hold one for me? I can buy it during my break or after work.” 
“I’ll try my best.”
“Thanks, Mirio.” You squeezed his shoulder, and he shuddered at the touch. Glancing at your watch, you said, “I gotta go before Nemuri wonders where I am. But thanks for helping out!” 
“Sure!” He saw you slip out the door in a hurry; you throw an apologetic smile for good measure. Pushing the elf hat further up, Mirio chuckled, “No problem.”
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
Okay, so maybe there was a slight problem.
Santa Claus was still around town, and Mirio was placed on “elf duty” to help out with the pictures. Don’t get him wrong, the sunshine man adored children as much as the jolly old man who lived in the North Pole. However, Mirio realized he couldn’t guard the Hippity Hop Cat for you. All he could do was pray that one miraculously stayed on the shelf until you bought it. 
A flash went off, snapping Mirio back to his job. He smiled brightly, guiding the kid off Santa’s lap and ushering the next one to the chair. Nearly every parent in Japan was here today, the line looping around the store. Other customers, not visiting Santa, shopped as well, making the place extra crowded today. Yet, none of them were you, and that worried Mirio. 
“Ho, ho, ho, it was nice meeting you, sweetie!” 
Oh right! Mirio needed to focus, but it was hard knowing you weren’t here yet. All Mirio wanted to do was make people happy, especially you. After the sweet story you shared with him, he was more determined than ever to get you that toy. His blue eyes glanced at the bearded man in the red coat—could he help? Who knows. 
As Mirio waved goodbye to each kid, you stumbled off the escalator, face flushed as though you ran fifty flights of stairs. You glanced around the packed floor, dodging an airplane that whizzed by and brushing against the sea of customers to find Mirio. The blonde elf locked eyes with you and flashed a relieved grin; the grueling wait was over. 
And so was his duty with Santa Claus, what luck! Mirio marched over to you, placing a gentle hand on your back and guiding you to the aisle. “I was worried you wouldn’t come.” 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a robot’s arm. “The perfume department was swamped with tourists and other people. I practically had to beg Nemuri to let me slip away for a few minutes so I could buy—” Turning the corner, you gasped in disbelief at the empty shelves before choking out, “—the toy.”
Mirio blew a low whistle; people were snatching these toys off the shelves like no tomorrow. Still, he wouldn’t give up just yet. “C’mon, maybe there’s some left in stock.” 
“You sure?” 
“Can’t hurt to try, right?” Mirio flashed you a boyish smile, blue eyes brimming with determination. You nodded and followed him through the elaborate maze of this chaotic toy store. 
However, just as you both passed by the cash register, someone bellowed out: “That’s the last Hippity Hop Cat, sir. Thank you for shopping at Toyland; have a nice day!” 
No! You screeched to a halt. Your eyes watched as the man grabbed his bag and left the store with an exhausted but relieved face. Without thinking, you slammed against the counter, scaring the young green-haired employee who clutched his uniform. Leaning forward, you desperately half-whispered, “Please tell me what you said wasn’t true!” 
“I-I’m sorry?”
“The toy!” You frantically gestured to the exit, the man now long gone. “Please tell me you have another Hippity Hop Cat for sale!” 
“U-Um, I, uhh, well,” Midoriya stammered until his eyes spotted a familiar face behind you. The nervous man sighed in relief, knowing he was saved. “Mirio!”
“Hey, Izuku, sorry about that,” Mirio bashfully chuckled and clasped your shoulder to calm you down. The blonde man quickly introduced you to his co-worker, adding, “They’re trying to buy the Hippity Hop Cat, but are you sure that was the last one in stock?” 
“Yeah, it was. I’m sorry.” 
“Oh…oh, okay…” Your shoulders drooped like a sad puppy; you were too late. After saying a quick apology, you numbly dragged your feet toward the exit as a gray cloud formed over your head. A warm hand stopped you from going any further, and you blinked up. “Huh, Mirio, what’s wrong?”
“You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” you dismissed his concerns, but he wasn’t convinced; your eyes told a different story. Still, you mustered a brave face with a faint smile. “Listen, I appreciate everything you did. I knew it was a longshot getting the toy, so don’t sweat it, really.”  
“I know, I just,” he sucked in a breath, “I just wished I could have helped you out more. Especially since you wanted to make Eri happy.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll get her something else.” You squeezed his bicep when Mirio opened his mouth to interject; he faltered slightly at the brief touch. “It’s fine, really. I’m sure Eri will love any toy for her gift; I promise.” 
Mirio nodded, watching you leave the store and disappearing within the crowd. You said everything was fine, but he knew that wasn’t true. That fake smile of yours spoke volumes. There has to be a way to get that toy, Mirio pondered, rubbing his chin and staring at the floor with furrowed eyes. 
Suddenly, an idea popped inside his head just as a jingle bell chimed behind him. A white smile stretched across Mirio’s face. The idea was crazy, maybe a longshot, too, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Mirio whipped out his phone and searched through his contacts until he landed on a specific name. 
The line started ringing...and ringing...and ringing when—
“H-Hi, Mirio.”
“Hey, Tamaki!” The blonde man beamed like the sun. He lowered his voice, cupping the phone for secrecy while walking away. “Listen, buddy. I know you’re busy and all, but I got a huge favor to ask…” 
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
“…you think you can do it?” A small puff of breath floated out of your lips as you stepped away from the revolving doors. You stood beside a colorful window display of tiny elves grinning from ear to ear, their eager hands holding toys for the good boys and girls. One elf balanced himself at the tippy top of Santa’s mountainous red bag, his green gloves clutching the pointy hat for dear life. 
You smiled, appreciating the creative design before saying, “I can close the following week...yeah...okay, awesome, thanks again!”
Crisis one averted. Crisis two was up for debate, mainly because you held a shopping bag with Eri’s gift. It wasn’t the Hippity Hop Cat, but a nice small plushy cat toy instead. You bought it just a few minutes ago after wandering through the aisles at Toyland. The plushy cat toy wasn’t a bad second choice; it was adorable and incredibly soft to the touch. But it wasn’t the toy you wanted to give for Eri’s first Christmas. 
Oh, well, you sadly thought, biting the inside of your cheek. You stared at the elves again, realizing that their costumes matched Mirio’s work uniform in Toyland, down to the funny little hat. Mirio somehow pulled it off well thanks to his bubbly personality and warm heart that could melt the North Pole's snow. 
At one point, you wondered if Mirio was even there since you didn’t see him at the store today. You assumed he was doing inventory, but Midoriya said Mirio took the day off after a last-minute “personal obligation” came up, and it was too important to ignore. Must have been serious, you sighed as the shopping bag rustled against the wind. 
You braced your coat, hissing as the cold air sliced across your cheeks. Yup, it was time to go unless you wanted to freeze out here. Shuffling away from the window display, you stopped when someone screamed your name. Glancing over, you saw Mirio running toward you with one arm waving high in the air. 
“Hey!” Mirio finally caught up to you, his face flushed and nose redder than Rudolph’s, yet he kept on smiling. “So glad I found you!” 
“Whoa, you alright?” Now it was your turn to be concerned, just like he was when you rushed into the store to ask about the Hippity Hop Cat toy. Mirio nodded enthusiastically, squashing your worries away. “Midoriya said you were busy with a ‘personal obligation’ today. Is everything okay?” 
“Oh yeah, everything is great!”
“Well, that’s, um, great.”
“So, listen, about the Hippity Hop Cat toy—” 
“Mirio, I told you not to worry about it,” you butted in, shaking your shopping bag with the plushy cat. “I went ahead and bought something else for Eri and—”
You went radio silent, staring in disbelief at the surprise. Sitting in Mirio’s hands was the one and only Hippity Hop Cat toy. The number one toy that was on every kid’s wish list, yet rarer to get than Willy Wonka’s Golden ticket. That toy was now only a few inches away from you. 
“B-But how?!” The words finally fumbled through your lips, flickering your gaze between the toy and Mirio while stumbling forward a bit. “It’s sold out everywhere!” 
“Let’s just say I pulled some strings with Santa’s workshop,” Mirio cheekily grinned like one of the elves from the window display. You choked out a laugh, dropping the shopping bag so you could hold the boxed toy; it felt wonderful in your hands.
You looked up with eyes softer than freshly fallen snow. Mirio continued talking up a storm, his arms flailing wildly like an excited kid who discovered something new. The delicate holiday lights flickered around you both, casting a lovely glow that was as bright as the joy twinkling inside Mirio’s eyes. 
They were always so welcoming that, without thinking, you gave him a crushing hug. Mirio froze, his arms hanging mid-air as he slowly processed what was happening. After a few seconds, his shoulders relaxed, and his strong arms eagerly wrapped around you, holding you in place. Even with that thick coat of yours, you felt very soft that his heart soared to new heights. 
“Thank you, Mirio,” you whispered near his ear, giving him another squeeze. But you didn’t stop there. A sudden urge came over you, and in a bold move, you planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. Pulling away, you bit back a laugh at his flustered face. “You really are the best Helpful Elf I know.” 
“Well, you know me,” he shot you a grin, “I’m always here to help.” 
“Is that so?” You tapped your cheek with your gloved finger. “Think you can help me gift wrap this toy, say tonight at my place?” 
“Luckily for you, I’m a whiz with wrapping paper.” 
Mirio’s hand wormed its way into yours, giving you a loving squeeze before joining you on your long walk home. The Hippity Hop Cat toy was the toy on every kid’s wish list this year, including Eri’s, whose first Christmas was officially saved. And it was all thanks to Mirio, the one and only Helpful Elf at Hazuki’s Toyland.
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Thank you for reading!!
FicMas Fest 2020 Masterlist
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lovelyshawnn · 6 years
Nervous: CEO! Reader x Intern! Shawn Part 2
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After the steamy interaction between me and Shawn and his abrupt disappearance, I was left in a flurry of emotions. I felt sad and angry and embarrassed and disappointed all at the same time. But was I just in over my head? Did I really think anything good could’ve come from this ‘relationship’? Not knowing what else to do, I decided to brush the whole encounter off and act like it didn’t happen. However, I had to admit that it did dampen my mood for the rest of the week.
Maybe I should just give up on men all together, I thought as a I huffed a breath of frustration as the elevator doors opened to my office floor. Arlene was quick to greet me at the entrance, immediately going over today’s schedule. My mind was preoccupied, recalling that event with Shawn, which caused me to space out. Arlene’s voice sounded muffled as I continued to space out completely, until I heard a specific name that snapped me back to reality.
“Stella should be sending you reports at 10am, I’ll print out all your copies by 11am, and you have a lunch meeting with Harry Styles here at 2pm. Should I get bagels or sandwiches? Or both? You’re right, I should get both,” Arlene rambled.
I immediately stopped dead in my tracks, stopping right in front of my office as I turned to Arlene and grabbed her shoulders. My eyes were widened as I spoke, “Wait, what? Did you say Harry Styles? As in, CEO of Styles & Co?”
Arlene’s grin widened ear to ear, “Yup.”
“Shut up. No way! How did you do that?” I fangirled like a hormonal teenage girl. Harry Styles was one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the world. He was also insanely hot and charming, so it was understandable that I was totally geeking out about him right now. Harry was one of my biggest icons ever as I was starting my career off, and to actually meet him in person was a dream come true.
“I have some connections with his assistant,” Arlene smirked. Holy shit, I gotta give this girl a raise, I thought before engulfing her in a bear hug.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” I repeated. She laughed before releasing me from her tight embrace, “Its no problem, love. You’ve been lookin’ a little down lately, so I thought this might cheer ya up! I gotta get back to work, but I’ll have Shawn send in your iced coffee soon alright?”
I nodded eagerly, excitement still coursing through my bloodstream. If it wasn’t for the meeting with Harry today, the mention of Shawn would probably bring my mood down, but I couldn’t even care about that right now. I chewed my lip nervously as I tried to bite back my happy smile while entering my office. I’ve never really felt this way before, being excited and nervous to meet one of my icons. I was always used to being the icon, being the one people get nervous to meet, so this was an entirely new feeling to me.
I couldn’t help but do a tiny little victory dance,waving my arms and legs in the middle of the room. A cough interupted my dance as I halted my movements.
Shawn stood by the door, iced coffee in hand as he was noticeably trying to contain his laughter from my terrible dancing. A crimson red blushed appeared on my cheeks as the embarrassment hit. But just as fast as embarrassment hit, so did irritation.
I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you ever knock?” I sassed him in an annoyed tone.
His smile instantly disentigrated once he heard my harsh tone. “Oh, uh, your door was open and I just- I-I’m sorry,” he babbled before taking long strides to place the coffee cup in my outstretched hand.
“Its fine,” I waved my hand at him dismissively, “Just don’t do that again.”
He nodded frantically. “So whats got you dancing by yourself in your office?” Shawn asked teasingly.
I groaned, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. This only added on to Shawn’s amusement as he chuckled in response.
“I have a lunch meeting with Harry Styles today,” I said confidently with a bashful smile.
“Oh?” Shawn’s eyebrows raised.
“Yeah,” I giggled slightly, “I can’t believe I’m meeting a 24 year old self-made millionaire!”
“Wow,” Shawn muttered, “I’m really happy for you.” He lied through his teeth with this statement, he wasn’t feeling happy at all.
Seeing you meet Harry, someone with a lot more in common with you than Shawn, only confirmed his doubts. Shawn didn’t feel good enough for you. You were a smoking hot CEO that knew everything there was to know about running a business, and he was just... your intern. Thats why he left in such a hurry last night. Watching you make important business phone calls in the middle of your intimate moment made him overthink...what if he couldn’t give you everything that you deserved? But maybe Harry could.
I was fidgeting the entire day, excitement bubbling throughout my body as the clock clicked closer to 2pm. I adjusted and readjusted every piece of furniture in my office almost a dozen times in hopes that it’ll impress Mr. Styles.
Shawn peered through my offices wide open door every once in awhile, watching my electrified state. He thought it was adorable how thrilled you were, but he just wished you would feel that way about him.
Once the clock striked exactly 2pm, there was a ding by the elevators that signalled a person’s arrival. There was Harry Styles, black suit and all, strutting through the premises. His curly hair was perfectly styled and there was not a single crease in his suit. His clean shaven face flaunted his chiseled jawline that was sharp enough to cut. The whole floor fell quiet, he had the same effect on the office as Y/N did. Arlene introduced herself politely before escorting him to Y/N’s room, where the door was shut closed and the workers went back to their usual chatter.
But Shawn didn’t go back to his usual talkative self. He sat there, typing out his assigned paperwork as his mind tried to imagine what you two were doing in there and what you two were talking about. His couldn’t keep his mind off of you, couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if it was him in Harry’s position. Couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d like to do if it was just you and him in that same office that you were alone in with Harry right this moment.
Shawn’s jaw clenched as he heard the sound of your laughter coming from your office. The same laughter he heard when you two were at the pier, looking through many of the gift shops. The same laughter that he grew infatuated with. But this laughter was different. This laughter was caused by another man.
It was odd, really. Shawn had never felt this captivated by a woman before he had met Y/N. And he only met Y/N just last week, so he had no idea what overcome him. Shawn was never really the jealous type either, but the thought of Y/N with Harry irritated him to no end.
After a few minutes of silently fuming by his desk, curiousity got the best of him. He wanted to get inside that office and see what you two were doing, what was causing your angelic laughter.
As if on cue, Arlene walked through the elevator doors, juggling a box full of assorted bagels, sandwiches, and drinks in her arms. Shawn shot up out of his seat.
“Let me help you with that! Here, I can take it in for you,” Shawn insisted as he took the boxes out of Arlene’s arms and into his big strong ones. Arlene thanked him before returning to her cubicle. Shawn made his way to your office with your 20 different types of catered food and drink, knocking briefly before swinging the door open.
Harry and Y/N were sat across the desk from each other, both leaning towards each other with their elbows planted firmly on the table. Y/N’s hand was placed on Harry’s bicep flirtaciously before she quickly ripped it away at the sound of Shawn’s knock.
Shawn walked in smugly, pleased with himself for interupting their friendly meeting. “Foods here!” he chirped happily while walking over to my side of the desk.
I thanked him while helping him unpack all the to go containers and placing them on my desk. Shawn eyed my bare thigh that was exposed when my grey pencil skirt started to ride up. My tight skirt did a great job at distracting Shawn, which caused him to clumsily grab onto a mini cream cheese cup and accidentally spill a small amount on to my thigh.
I gasped at the feeling of the cold cream hitting my leg while Shawn gasped in absolute horror. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Y/L/N, let me clean it for you.”
He grabbed a napkin before leaning down under my desk, kneeling eye-to-eye with my lap. Suddenly, a lightbulb flickered on inside his head. He dragged his thumb along the cream that rested on my inner thigh, scooping it up and sucking the white cream into his mouth all while maintaining eye contact with me the entire time.
I watched as he brutally teased me. I could feel my panties grow wetter as I took in the sight in front of me. Shawn was on his knees, under my desk, licking off cream while looking up at me daringly with his big eyes. I bit my lip to contain my moan. Oh how I wanted so badly for him to have his mouth on me at the moment.
Shawn quickly got up on his feet again, not wanting Harry to get suspicious over their little moment. I coughed awkwardly before tearing my eyes off of Shawn and back to Harry, who was completely oblivious to us while he stuffed his face with one of the sandwiches.
“Go.” I said sternly and waved Shawn out of my office. He saw through my hard exterior, smirking as he walked out, knowing damn well how wet he was getting me.
Harry and I continued our casual conversation and even mentioned a possible collaboration. We talked for hours, much to Shawn’s dismay. However, he didn’t feel the need to barge in again after he saw the way my eyes trained on him as he sat between my legs. He knew I wanted him just as badly as he wanted me.
I escorted Harry out around 6, which meant the office was nearly empty at that point of time. We shook hands before leaning in for kisses on the cheek and speaking promises to keep in touch. I had a huge childish grin on my face as I watched the elevator doors close on him, completely esctatic to know what one of my life goals to meet him was finally accomplished. I waltzed back into my office happily when I walked past my trashcan that held the mini cream cheese cups. Those reminded me of that little incident that occured earlier.
“Shawn,” I stated urgently and assertively, “In my office. Now.”
Shawn rose from his seat in his cubicle with a smug smile, anticipating the same kind of treatment he received when we were last in my office alone. He was thinking about your body pressed up against his the entire day today, and he was ready to continue what you two started a few nights ago. But boy, was he wrong.
You didn’t push him up against the wall and plant your lips onto his. You didn’t flirt with him or trail kiss along his jawline. You didn’t even smile at him once.
You stood there angrily, “What you did today was highly unprofessional. I expect you not to partake in such behaviors for the rest of your internship, or you will be terminated.”
a/n: cliffhangeeer!! KEKEKEK stay tuned for part 3 (: pls leave feedback
taglist: @vxidnik @justjustyncase @onemorekissisallittakes @kindadefinitely-fucked @hollandechart @imfreefallinall @ashwarren32
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lizartgurl · 6 years
I wish you would write a fic where Emma’s celebrates her first birthday at the manor
And this…this got way too long.
Mary and John Grayson were murdered on April 1, 2006. A little over a month later, on May fifteenth, Emma Mary Grasyon, her mother’s namesake, was supposed to celebrate her twelfth birthday in a place that was still strange, where the only family to celebrate with her was her little brother. Neither of them were in a mood for celebrating.
Emma woke up that morning with eight-year-old Richard snuggled against her, squeezing the life from his plush elephant, Zitka, named for their elephant friend from the Circus. She had been a “Welcome Home” gift from Mister Bruce, an attempt to make the vast and empty Wayne Manor feel more alive. 
Emma had lion of her own, named Simba. The circus had tigers, but not lions, so her little friend was named after the Lion King who also had to witness his father falling to his death. 
Emma tossed Simba across the room, he softly hit the door and fell to the floor as Alfred the Butler opened it.
“I assume Master Richard had another nightmare?” He asked quietly.
Emma nodded, slowly sitting up. Being called “master” or “miss” was still something she was getting used to.
“Then I will bring his uniform in here and make sure to keep the pancakes warm. I believe it would be best to let him sleep for now.”
“Yeah,” Emma agreed, and made her way over to the wide expanse of a vanity, brushing her back into a ponytail, just as she always did.
Alfred didn’t leave, dusting off Emma’s school uniform that had been pressed and set out on her desk chair the night before.
“Did you sleep quite well last night, Miss Emma?” He asked.
Emma snapped the elastic into place, “Just fine,” She assured him.
“If I may,” Alfred pulled a burgundy red ribbon from his pocket, carefully tying a bow around her ponytail.
“Happy Birthday, Miss Emma,” He gave the young girl a soft smile beneath his perfectly groomed mustache.
Emma made the effort to smile up at the old butler. “Thanks, Alfred.”
Thirty minutes later, Richard was running down the stairs, struggling to straighten out his school uniform as he sprinted to join Emma, Bruce, and little ‘Bella at the breakfast table.
“Morning, Champ,” Bruce said, not looking up from his paper. Emma noted that he was reading an article by Clark Kent, one of his friends, about the ridiculousness of the argument of “Batman versus Superman.”
“What’s he say?” Emma asked. Richard punctuated her question by piling tons of whipped cream onto his stack of pancakes, already drenched with syrup. Five-year-old Annabella watched Rick’s experiment of how high he could pile the cream before it fell over with wide brown eyes.
Mister Bruce grunted, “That Batman and Superman would work better together than fighting.”
Emma gave a “huh,” slowly chewing her strawberries and pancakes.
“I bet Superman would win.” She said, taking another bite. Bruce raised an eyebrow in her direction.
“No way!” Rick declared, already standing on his chair. “Batman has all those gadgets and stuff! And he’s smart! He’d find a way to stop Superman!”
“But why would they be fighting?” Annabella asked, forgoing the fork and eating her pancake with her bare hands. Alfred rushed forward with a damp cloth to stave off the syrup.
“That’s a good question, sweetheart,” Bruce leaned forward to kiss his daughter’s forehead, “But you are right, Richard, I bet Batman could take Superman down if he really had to.”
“Well,” Alfred interjected, “I happen to think that Superman could whip Batman’s tush if he so desired.”
Emma, Richard, and Annabella burst into laughter. As if Alfred’s accent weren’t already perfect, the way he said “tush” was still hilarious to a couple of kids.
“Okay, okay, I guess they probably wouldn’t be fighting in the first place,” Bruce stood up to help Alfred clear the dishes, “In fact, there’s been talk that they’re going to start a team with some of the other heroes.”
“Like Wonder Woman?” Emma gasped.
“And Flash?” Richard asked through a mouth of whipped cream.
“And the other heroes who helped them with that alien invasion a couple months ago. Now chew with your mouth closed, champ, and hurry up, we gotta get you two to school.
Middle School would have been absolute Tartarus for “charity project” Emma Grayson if it weren’t for Bette Kane, Bruce’s cousin and heir to her own fortune. Emma giggled as Bette stood up in the middle of social studies to give a five-minute rant about how the myth of Medusa was just a bunch of Greek men with their togas on too tight projecting all their fears onto a woman and how that was still evident in today’s society. The teacher was stone-faced for ten minutes while the class applauded her.
“Alfred told me it was your birthday, today, so I brought cupcakes!” Bette said at lunchtime. They were huddled in their own corner of the courtyard, no one was going to bother them here. There weren’t any candles allowed on school grounds, but Bette sang her the “happy birthday” rendition from Emperor’s New Groove, and Emma had another reason to laugh, though she regretted that the chocolate cupcakes Bette brought tasted nothing like Aunt Kayla’s birthday cakes.
Not even Rick had wished her a happy birthday, she sighed as the three Wayne children arrived home from school to an empty manor. Bella, still in kindergarten, ignored her homework in favor of the gardens, and since Rick was still in elementary school and summer break was fast approaching, he followed. Alfred went with them to supervise after making sure that Emma was content in the Manor’s library with a plate of milk and cookies. 
Emma soon abandoned her boring few assignments, scouring the shelves for anything interesting to read. Her eyes fell on a copy of “The Mask of Zorro,” novelization. It sounded only slightly more interesting than “Pride and Prejudice”, but it seemed that it didn’t want to come off the shelf. 
With a yank, she managed to pull the book forward, but not completely off the shelf. The floor beneath her feet shook, and that section of the shelf crawled forward, just enough that it could slide in front of another section.
Right behind the shelf was a cool, dark staircase, illuminated with tiny blue lights, curving down and out of sight.
She jumped back, unable to process this discovery, and a few minutes, the shelf returned to its proper position with a loud cranking noise.
She turned and ran from the library. 
Alfred was in the kitchen, patching Annabella’s knee, so Emma ran straight for Rick, lining up sticks and pebbles to create his own version of Gotham city.
“Richard! You gotta come see this, now!” It only took minimal dragging to get Rick all the way to the library, but a lot of cajoling to get him to stand right there and be patient while she found the right book. Then, he was the one dragging her down the stairs to see what was hidden at the bottom. Emma was the only one of them who noticed when the door shut behind them. With no apparent way out, she followed Rick to the bottom.
“Woah,” Rick gasped as the stairway opened up into a cavern. Stalactites still hung from the top, interspersed with small groups of annoyed, fluffy bats, but the stalagmites on the floor had been cleared for catwalks, computers, suits in display cases, a giant playing card, and a giant mechanical dinosaur, of all things.
“This is awesome!” Rick shouted to make his voice echo with the dripping water.
Emma had a sneaking suspicion that they shouldn’t be there, and tried to back up, only to run into a wall. But it wasn’t a wall. She turned, and it was Bruce, glaring down at the both of them, arms crossed over a giant, black, Batman symbol on his chest.
“You’re him,” she squeaked. 
“Batman!” Rick gasped. 
Bruce just sighed, “I didn’t think you would be home from school yet. Get back upstairs, both of you.”
“What? Why?” Rick whined.
“Because I’m Batman, and I said so.” Bruce growled.
Richard glared at Batman’s cape as he sashayed away, confident that was enough to make them obey.
“You can’t make me, you’re not my dad!” He ducked under Bruce’s arm and swung from one catwalk to the next, deftly balancing on the rails as he rain, taking shortcuts a grown man like Bruce couldn’t hope to achieve, even if he was Batman.
As out-of-place as she felt, Emma was curious, about the cave, and about her foster father being Batman. He had been there the night that her family died. Why didn’t he save them? Batman was supposed to be a detective, wasn’t he? So why didn’t he stop Mister Zucco? 
Inflamed by a sudden bout of anger, Emma leaped up onto the railing, copying Richard as she ran after Bruce. She landed on his cape for a moment, enough to distract him from grabbing Rick, and then leave him confused over which child to catch first. That gave her enough of a lead to make it to his giant computer.
Bruce caught Richard fairly quickly, a firm hand on the boy’s shoulder as he steered him to where his sister was waiting, but not quite hiding. He was a little ticked to find Emma sitting in his favorite chair- the only chair in his hideout, as a matter of fact- in front of the computer, eyes narrowed and arms folded tightly.
“You know where Zucco is,” She accused coldly, the GPS on display for all to see on the screen behind her.
Bruce couldn’t find an answer as Richard looked up to him, shocked and hurt.
“You were there that night,” Emma stood up, rigid and shaking, “You could have stopped him, and you didn’t. And now Mami, Tati, Aunt Kayla, and Jonny are dead, and Uncle Joseph is paralyzed for life.”
“You’re right,” Bruce admitted, which surprised both Graysons, “I could have stopped Zucco and his men, and I didn’t. I doubted that Zucco would do something so bold in plain sight, and it cost your family their lives.”
Emma’s eyes stung and Bruce released his grip on Richard and took her by the shoulders, kneeling in front of her. “That’s why I took you two in, because I know what it’s like to lose your family, and because I promised myself that I was going to stop Zucco from ever doing something like this again.
Richard sniffed loudly, and Emma wiped her own tears with the hem of her school jacket. “Let us help you,” She begged.
“No,” Bruce said with finality. He stood up, pulling Batman’s familiar cowl over his face. “You two stay here. I’ll take down Zucco and be back in time to tuck the two of you and Annabella into bed.”
Still, Emma and Richard persisted, following him down to the “Bat-Mobile, waiting on a rotating platform to shoot off in any direction at a moment’s notice. 
“You two can’t get involved with this,” Bruce insisted, “It’s too dangerous.”
“So was the acrobatics we did at Haly’s.” Emma huffed.
“No. Now get upstairs before I call Alfred,” the top of the Bat-mobile slammed shut, and shot off through the waterfall that concealed the cave’s entrance from the rest of Gotham.
Emma’s hands shook. She didn’t care if Bruce was really batman or Wonder Woman or whatever. Tony Zucco had killed her parents, and she wasn’t going to stand by and let him hurt anyone else, either.
“Emma,” Richard said quietly, “Do you know where Alfred put our old costumes?”
Emma knew her little brother was thinking what she was, and as she grinned at him, her eyes landed on a couple spare masks and sheets of kevlar, just big enough to be called a cape.
Batman caught Zucco and his men breaking into the Graysons belonging left in storage under Joseph Grayson’s name. When he woke up, he was strapped to a spinning target on the grounds previously occupied by Haly’s circus. You could still see some of the darkened dirt where the Graysons had fallen. Zucco was throwing knives at him with reckless abandon, while his men watched and laughed. 
“Look out, Batman!” Zucco cackled. Another knife flew through the air, aimed for his heart, but something knocked it to the ground. A dull batarang, one he’d left behind at the cave for Alfred to sharpen.
“Excellent shot, Miss Grayson,” Alfred’s voice manifested over his comms a moment later, as one of Zucco’s thugs had his feet yanked out from beneath him, and another was struck with a batarang to the shoulder.
“Alfred,” Bruce growled so that Zucco couldn’t heard over the sudden commotion.
“I’m afraid that they insisted, as you typically do,” Alfred quipped. “And I can’t very well quarantine all three children in the house at once.”
Bruce rolled his eyes as Emma Grayson, golden wings splayed across her red tunic top, eyes hidden behind a mask, and protected by a yellow skein of kevlar, sliced away the rope holding back his hands.
“Thank you,” He grunted, crouching to the ground. His belt had been stolen, but he grabbed a knife from the target board. With a flick of his wrist, it knocked the fedora clean off Zucco’s head.
Out of Batarangs, Richard and Emma each grabbed a couple knives that had nearly killed Batman to fend off the thugs that were now running at them.
Then Emma saw the gold dangling from Zucco’s pocket. Her mother’s necklace, a robin on a branch, made from solid gold. A Wedding present from John to Mary. She screamed with fury, using her knife to slice the hand Zucco was using to reach inside his coat for another knife. She went for his face next, but it was Batman who grabbed her wrist, blocking her from Zucco, who lay whimpering on the ground.
“He deserves it!” She spat, “He killed them!” 
Bruce kicked Zucco in the face with his heavy boots, down for the count as he gripped Emma’s arms tightly.
“It isn’t up to us to decide who lives and who dies. That’s how they think,” He nodded to Zucco, then to his men, who had been casually taken out by a few easy flips from junior acrobat Rick.
“Emma,” Bruce tried again when she refused to look him in the eyes. “Would your parents want you yo give in to your anger, to go down a path that’s very hard to return from, just for them?”
Lip trembling, Emma shook her head, and threw her arms around Bruce, sobbing. Rick joined them a moment later, also crying. 
They watched from a distance a few minutes later, as Commissioner Gordon arrived to arrest Zucco’s gang for murder, and thievery. Emma absently traced a heart in the dirt with her toe, holding Richard’s hand.
“I’m proud of you,” Bruce said as the police caravan drove away, “Both of you.”
He drew something from the pouch of his retrieved utility belt. “I believe that this belongs to you,” He held out Mary Grayson’s robin necklace to Emma, securing it around her neck.
“Happy Birthday, Emma.”
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