#also i hope the animation is good??? cause I heard the studio that made spirit pact got tgcf
shu-kaku · 5 years
Me waiting for it to be 2020 so I can watch all my babies in Heaven Official’s Blessing animated but also so I can lowkey just cry with everyone about it
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It takes a pack to raise a pup
“This is bad... What am I going to do?!” The gofer nervously paced around the infirmary, clutching the bitten arm in his hand before turning to face the Janitor “Please tell me that this is just a bad joke!” He pleaded “Please tell me that this is just a mistake...”
“Sorry ta break it to ya Bud.” The janitor lowered his cap down in sympathy. “But I ain’t jokin’ and I ain’t wrong about this: dat ova here is definitely a werewolf bite. I should know, I saw what my table an’ chair legs looked like after my first few full moons.”
As this was a very serious situation, he forced himself to hold back his laughter at the intrusive memory of his wife telling him that her solution to keeping him from turning the furnature into his chew toys was to swat his snout with a rolled up newspaper every time he ignored his bones and squeaky toys in favor of the table legs. This resulted in him letting out a noise that sounded like a cough.
“B-but what about my Ma and Grandpa?! They don’t even know that monster stuff goes down in the studio! How am I supposed to explain to them that every month, I’m going to turn into a blood-thirsty monster!?”
“If ya don’t wanna tell ‘em, they don’t have ta know.” Wally shrugged. “A lotta wolves don’t tell even their closest family members.”
“What if my Ma questions why all my clothes are getting ripped up?! What if Grandpa finds out when he sees me turn for the first- Oh no... WHAT IF I BITE THEM?! WHAT IF I EAT THEM AFTER I TURN?! WALLY, WHAT IF I END UP KILLING THEM?!”
Buddy felt sick to his stomach as he slumped down to the floor, Wally sat down next to him and patted his back.
“Hey Buddy, you’re gonna be fine. Trust me! There’s a ton of werewolves here at dis studio, none of us would mind showin’ ya the ropes or givin’ ya some good advice for dealin’ with this. Who knows, it might even be a little fun ta get a new pup in the pack.”
The Janitor’s words and smile didn’t reassure the nervous gofer, if anything, hearing that he and Wally weren’t the only wolves in the studio made Buddy wonder if the monster that bit him last week was one of his own coworkers. As he thought about it, The wiry music director who was in a constant state of irritation seemed like he was a good candidate to be the wolf who bit him...
He would be lying if he said he couldn’t imagine the man sinking those sharp teeth of his into a human being’s flesh.
“Buddy, c’mon, look at me. It’s gonna be okay, I’m not gonna lie to you, changing is always scary the first few times but you don’t have to do it alone. I can rally up the pack if ya need all of us or I can just keep this between you and me, but no matta what happens, I’ve got your back.”
“Thanks Wally...” He sighed as he still dreaded what was to come. “How soon can you get them?”
“Ta-daaaaa! Welcome to werewolves not-so-anonymous!”
Wally unfurled the crudely-made banner as Buddy walked into the break room, Susie clapped, Henry smiled and gave a friendly wave, and Lacie looked bored and unamused but gave a thumbs up and a half smile.
The gofer let out a sigh of relief that he didn’t know he was holding in. Wally alone could’ve been an outlier among werewolves but not all of them. He knew most of these people; the voice actress was hands down one of the most infectiously cheerful people he’d ever met, The Head Artist was a patient and kind man who the gofer looked up to as both an artist and a father figure, and while he didn’t know the mechanic very well aside from the facts that she wasn’t the most friendly or social of people, she didn’t seem half bad.
These people weren’t monsters, he wasn’t a monster.
“Alright, I know a some of us here already know each other but others don’t so lets start ourselves off with some introductions. Who’s going first?”
“Okay. Hi, I’m Buddy, I’m the studio’s gofer and I got bitten pretty recently so I’m kinda scared about all of this...”
On the day of the full moon, Henry rented a van with the intent to take the werewolf pack to a cabin in the woods so that Buddy’s first transformation would be in a secluded area.
“So how’d your folks take it?” Lacie inquired to break the silence. “They didn’t look happy when we picked you up.”
“They took it better than I expected, I guess?” The gofer sighed “I mean, my ma seemed pretty scared, but she seemed more scared for me than scared of me.”
“Yeah, that tends to happen...” Henry nodded.
“Guys, I have a question”
“Go for it.”
“If Sammy’s not a werewolf, then why is he coming with us? Wont he get turned?”
The music director rolled his eyes and took a very long sip from his coffee, he also wasn’t looking forward to tonight but for a very different reason.
“Nah... Don’t worry.” Lacie laid back and stuck her boots up on the dashboard. “Hell’s Songbird is cursed with something else so he’s immune to lycanthropy.”
Nobody noticed that the man had flinched at Lacie’s statement.
“...Is he basically an unofficial member of the pack?”
Wally and Susie’s eyes lit up at the question and they smiled at each other before answering.
Wally broke down laughing as Susie broke out her stage voice, even Buddy let out a soft chuckle at her dramatic movements.
“The grumpy banjo man is indeed the pack’s loyal brother, not by blood or spirit, but by true love-”
Said grumpy banjo man turned to face the back seat, the regular irritation in his voice gave way to a sarcastic, deadpan tone.
“If you people genuinely think I ‘love’ getting chewed, slobbered on, roughhoused with, pounced on, and ripped apart by a pack of near-mindless wild animals almost every single month, then you’ve probably been huffing too many ink fumes.”
“Yeah, yeah, so bein’ the ‘designated driver’ of da group isn’t always fun... But ya do it ‘cause you looooooooooove us!”
Henry sighed in a mix of annoyance and acceptance in a way that implied he knew exactly what was going to happen next.
“I’m a married man.” Sammy continued to deadpan. “I thought you knew that by now.”
This response only egged Wally on.
“Psssst! He’s not denyin’ it!” The janitor stage-whispered “So it must be true!”
“Shut UP Franks.”
Sammy huffed and crossed his arms, but not denying Wally’s statement, which led to a loop of Wally’s teasing and Sammy’s fruitless attempts to shut the conversation down, which was only ended by reaching their destination.
Buddy felt goosebumps as the van pulled up to the cabin and the sun slowly started to dip down.
“Here we are.”
“Finally! I swear, every single car ride I have with that. walking. headache. becomes the longest one I’ve ever endured.”
The cabin itself probably looked like a much more warm and inviting place during midday, but as the shadows of the trees started to cast down on the humble little abode, it looked almost sinister. Although, that could’ve just been Buddy’s imagination working against him.
He hoped it was just his imagination working against him.
“Fuck, it’s gettin’ dark real fast.” The mechanic remarked as she looked at the sky. “Should we slap the meat on the grill now or just wait after we change and eat it raw?”
“We should wait.” The animator replied. “At this rate, if we try to cook it we’ll change before it’s halfway done.”
Buddy helped carry things into the cabin; a cooler, a couple of blankets, a duffle bag filled with dog toys and bones, they all seemed like reasonable items, but he couldn’t deny he felt something was missing.
“Hey Sammy, you’re looking out for us after we change, right?”
“So where are the ropes and chains? And isn’t there supposed to be bear traps and tranquilizers or something like them?”
The musician raised an eyebrow at the gofer.
“...Why would we need those?”
“...To tie us up and keep us from killing people?”
Sammy’s Jaw dropped at Buddy’s suggestion.
“Holy fucking shit... kid, you’re not turning into a monster, you’re just becoming a glorified puppy.”
“But you said it yourself, you get ripped up!”
“So?” Sammy scoffed. “That’s just what all dogs do.”
“He’s more of a cat person than a dog person.” Susie called out from the kitchen “Take everything he says about werewolves with a grain of salt.”
“Easy for you to say!” Sammy called back. “You’re not the one who had to cover over ninety-seven miles in different directions to round up a bunch of whimpering wolves because SOMEONE decided to set off a bunch of firecrackers just as the moon rose!”
“Hey!” Wally called out. “I said I was sorry!”
It was time.
Like it or not, he was going to become a beast.
He knew the others’ own transformations were happening right now, he heard their bones snapping and cracking, the changing shadows cast on the floor as he dashed to his own room praying that he’d make it in time.
In the madness, he saw a glimpse of what Sammy’s curse was. He wished he didn’t see that, it would’ve so much easier to trust Sammy’s protection if he didn’t know that burden of the musician’s curse was like a werewolf’s curse except the ‘wolf’ part was scratched off and replaced with something else. The chill that ran down his spine when his eyes met the monster’s also didn’t help.
Buddy locked himself in his room, quickly taking off his clothes so they wouldn’t get ripped during the change and wrapping himself up in the provided blankets to keep himself from seeing his own transformation.
His heart pounded against his chest as he heard someone whimpering and scratching at the door on the other side.
“Focus, Buddy...” He tried to reassure himself. “Deep breaths, don’t get scared...”
He highly doubted he’d be lucid for his first full moon, but the idea of losing his mind and becoming a ravenous monster just didn’t sit well with him, So he tried his best to stay ‘awake’.
No matter how hard it was.
The curse started off his own changes with either his skin, his senses, or his mouth. He didn’t know for sure as it felt like all three were happening at once as he spat out a bloody mouthful of his own teeth into his hands and watched fur sprout up all over his arms, the taste and smell of blood in his mouth and on his now paw-like hands, as well as the smells and sounds of everything else in the cabin was overwhelmingly nauseating. 
“D-don’t freak out... the others have been through this lots of times... this is completely normal... Stay calm Buddy...”
He tossed aside the teeth and threw himself deeper into the blanket pile in spite of his body’s increasing temperature and new fur coat. The gofer couldn’t tell if the whimpering he heard was coming from the other wolves scratching at the door or from him.
The next thing the curse went after was everything else; muscles, bones, etc.
It was painful, but at the very least it was fast, he didn’t even have the time to whine for mercy before the malevolent force of the werewolf curse stopped. Buddy let out a sigh of relief as he dug himself out of his blanket cocoon.
He looked at the mirror and saw a frightened looking young wolf, his eyes still looked human and his fur seemed to match the color of his hair. While he didn’t like looking at this and calling it his reflection, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit proud of himself. In spite of fear trying to drive him to the same level as a wild animal, he was still him.
Or so he thought as he was startled by the sound of his door unlocking itself and creaking open.
He let out a yipe and started to bare his teeth and growl at the weird beaked creature that poked its head into his territory. The said creature was not impressed in the slightest and simply came into the room.
Buddy growled louder and snapped his jaws at the creature, his ears laid back and his hackles bristling straight up. While the creature did move away from his bite, it was still not impressed. Out of desperation, he lunged at the black-feathered beast, desperately trying to scare it out but the monster looked like it had dealt with this before as it glided out of the way of his attack and picked him up by the scruff of his neck.
The young wolf flailed, bit, clawed, and snapped at the creature. But he could swear that the beast’s only response to Buddy’s last-ditch efforts to keep himself alive were to roll its eyes and toss the wolf out of the room.
And into the line of sight of two other wolves. Both adults, one of them had pitch black fur, the other one had dark gray fur, but both of them had curious almost human-like eyes.
Thankfully, they smelled familiar to him. Even as a human, he could always recognize the smells of cleaning supplies, bacon soup, and ink. As he got a little bit more used to his new senses, while most of the smells and sounds were still new, and there was too much of it, he could at least identify what they were.
The black wolf came closer to him and sniffed his face before licking it. The other wolf pawed the first wolf’s face away from his own. Assuming that this was just some kind of greeting, Buddy sniffed the first wolf’s face and licked him back, the second wolf let out a noise that sounded like an amused snort.
A loud noise from the kitchen that came with a new smell made him realize how hungry he was. Assumingly all thinking the same thing, the three wolves dashed into the kitchen to see the toppled-over cooler being raided by two other wolves. The bird like creature was biting and flapping its wings at them, clearly trying to keep them away from the coveted red meats the cooler held.
This tyranny would not stand with the wolves, united as a pack, the five starved beasts joined forces against the giant bird-monster that stayed between them and their food.
Buddy woke up groaning with a headache, sore muscles, and an upset stomach the next morning.
Last night was a blur to the gofer, like a dream, the most of what happened during the full moon quickly faded from his mind as he woke up. If it wasn’t for the fact he could still see the bird-monster form of the music director looming over him in the cabin’s rafters, he would’ve chalked the whole thing up to just be a bad dream.
“Sammy?” He groaned. “What happened last night?”
“As soon as I opened the door, all of you ran to the fields instead of the woods.” The music director sounded like he was too tired to be irritated. “I tried to steer you back towards the woods because there was a barn over there, but as usual, none of you listened to me.” Okay, maybe he was still a little bit irritated.
“Oh no... Did I eat anything there?”
“No, but you did get your head stuck underneath a fence and whined until I let you out.”
Buddy blushed in embarrassment as he wrapped his blanket tighter around him.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, everybody does stupid things the first time they change.”
“So how come you didn’t change back?”
“My curse isn’t determined by the moon, it’s determined by... other things. I don’t like talking about it.”
Sammy wrapped himself up in his wings, ending the conversation.
“G’morning.” Wally set down a fizzing glass of water by Buddy, the Janitor looked more exhausted now than he did after a 12-hour deep clean of the studio. “Ya might wanna drink that, it’ll help with the headache.”
“Thanks Wally.”
He smiled as he sipped down the liquid, while the gofer knew that the changes weren’t going to be easy for him to adjust to, at least he had other people who were willing to help him through it.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How Wonder Woman 1984’s Practical Effects Set it Apart
Going back to Themyscira is one of the most anticipated aspects of Wonder Woman 1984. For many fans, the Amazons were the highlight of the original film and an all-Amazon movie can’t come soon enough. The physical prowess and the pure joy of seeing so many women not only in combat, but engaging in fight choreography that’s developed around their physical attributes/gifts/features, is a rare and wonderful thing. The resulting actions sequences were unlike anything on screen before: highly stylized yet clearly effective. 
Heading into WW84, director Patty Jenkins and her team (which now includes Gal Gadot as a producer) had a reputation to uphold, and then some.
“There was just no way we’re going to take any shortcuts,” Gadot said during a WW1984 press conference. “And we’re just going to raise the bar and give everything we have because we knew people were so invested with the character and cared so much about her.”
One of the biggest opportunities for action on an epic scale is the so-called Amazon Olympics, an extended opening sequence from Diana’s childhood, where she competed against some of Themyscira’s best in a triathlon of sorts involving an obstacle course high in the air, swimming, and archery on horseback. Lilly Aspell returns to play young Diana who’s now 10 years old. She did at least five months of training to run the obstacle course, which she actually runs through herself. Some of the more fantastical elements are enhanced with green screen and CGI for her safety, but all of the running, jumping, climbing, and swimming is Lilly herself.
If the Amazons were the high point of the first movie, the unequivocal low point was the final fight in the third act, a messy overlong CGI spectacle that felt out of step with the spirit of the warm, character-driven movie audiences had fallen in love with up until that point. While no one mentioned it by name in interviews, it’s not hard to imagine that’s what Jenkins is keen to avoid when she talks about avoiding CGI action – or when Chris Pine refers to “cataclysmic computer graphics explosion nonsense.” 
As star Gal Gadot put it: “Patty really made a point about wanting to have a minimum amount of CGI in our movies. So most of the stuff that you’re going to see is real people doing the real thing. Whether it’s us or the stunt people, it’s real people. So it took much longer. You have to prep and to rehearse much longer.”
Gadot calls WW84 “the hardest movie I ever got to shoot by far” but also says it was worth it.
“[The first movie] was received in such an amazing way that there was just no way we’re going to take any shortcuts. And we’re just going to raise the bar and give everything we have because we knew people were so invested with the character and cared so much about her,” said Gadot. “When you see it in the movie … you can just tell that it’s the real deal. You can see by the face expressions that it’s real. You can see the weight and the movement and the speed.”
Practical effects have major advantages, and directors like George Miller and David Leitch, who directed female starring action movies Mad Max: Fury Road and Atomic Blonde, respectively, are big fans. But there are disadvantages as well.
“The hardest parts were just how demanding the shoots were and how physical it was, because it was very important for Patty that we do minimum amount of CGI,” Gadot told Den of Geek and other outlets during a recent press event “So most of the stuff that you see—the running on Penn Avenue, the Amazon sequence, the fight with Cheetah—most of it, it’s real people doing it for real. And for the obvious reasons, it took longer to shoot and it’s very tiring on your body. But then you see the result and I was so satisfied with it cause I was like, ‘Oh my God, you can see the difference. You can tell the difference between real action to CGI action. You can see it in the way that we move, that we hold, our faces, our bodies.’ So that was the hardest part. The rest of it, honestly, Wonder Woman feels like a second home for me.”
There’s a decent amount of wire work in the film which, as Gadot pointed out, isn’t exactly new so much as something that’s fallen a bit out of favor with the rise of CGI. 
As fans of the comics know, and the trailer has alluded to, Diana and Barbara have a relationship of sorts before Cheetah enters the picture. Gadot, Jenkins, and Wiig discussed the unique nature of their climactic altercation at a press conference for WW84.
“And I think Gal and I talking about this from the very start,” recalls Jenkins, “saying, ‘However they would fight, it would be completely different. And they’re friends.’ Right? Or at least they have this friendship in the past. It’s not about punching in the face … They’re both trying to literally get the other one under control. … So, narratively, it was fascinating, and then how it would work spatially was fascinating, and then executing it was long and laborious and wild.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before,” Gadot says. “It’s not like when you see women try to fight like men. No, we’re females, our bodies are different, the way we move is different and this is how we do it. And just to see it, it was so great.”
Each part of the set was carefully designed around the needs of the fight choreography. Eagle-eyed viewers might pick up on a railing or two that play key roles in how the performers bring the action to life. 
“We designed what we wanted something to feel like and look like and what the moves were. And then we had to build. There was no stage big enough in the world so we had to build the stage,” Jenkins says. “And then we had to build all those things. And then we have Cirque du Soleil performers practicing them and showing us what things are going to look like. And then these guys have to end up doing it. And so it was incredible, but it was fun to really aspire.”
Of course many fans are simply worried how Cheetah herself will look. As Cinema Blend helpfully points out, while Cats and WW84 were made around the same time (and filmed in adjoining studios) Kristen Wiig looks significantly better than the cast of that delightful little monstrosity. 
“Finding the right blend of prosthetics and CG to make that transformation was… it took a ton of (research and development),” Jenkins told Cinema Blend. “It started from the day I started it, and we didn’t complete it until the day we finished. It was so complex trying to figure how to pull off that character. I would lose so much sleep over it. Honestly. Because I was like, it could go so wrong. The first thing I did when I got on to the movie was that they said, ‘We can do this all CG. We can put hair on people.’ And I was like, ‘Show me the best example of that.’ And I saw it, and I said, ‘That’s not good enough. If that’s where our technology is, that is not good enough.’ … Cats was shooting on the stage next to us, and I knew that they were going through the same thing. And then I heard that they were just going to do it in CG. And I was like, ‘I hope it works out for you!’ But I’ve never been so thankful for the process I went through.”
It’s worth noting that while they were filmed at the same time, WW84 is coming out a full year after Cats. The VFX artists who worked on Cats were famously mistreated, rushed to put out an inferior product in order to make financial and awards show deadlines (the latter of which they missed) and then many were laid off and their work publicly derided, an all-too-common occurrence in the industry. Nevertheless, Jenkins once more opted for practical effects as much as possible, and held off on incorporating CGI until absolutely necessary.
“I didn’t want Kristen’s face to become some animated bizarreness. So then we ended up doing tons of prosthetics. Real work. And we only took over certain parts of her body. The rest of it is prosthetics.” 
Perhaps most importantly, the action in WW84 is an extension of characterization and moves the plot forward—one of the biggest advantages of using practical effects and a reason actors often cite when they insist on doing as many of their own stunts as possible. The opening sequence in Themyscira illustrates a lesson that shaped who Diana is as a person. Her relationship with Barbara informs her tactics in battle. Her stance on violence and war in the first film—a tricky but welcome one for the genre—is refined here, and directly impacts how she fights. 
Wonder Woman isn’t just a demi-goddess who punches her way to victory—how, who, and when she fights matters, both behind the scenes and within the story.
The post How Wonder Woman 1984’s Practical Effects Set it Apart appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3puwylZ
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surprisebitch · 7 years
Hi I'm new to anime & I trust and admire u!!! What do u recommend??
Hey there! and yeeesss, i’m so glad you’re gonna give anime a try! there are so many good stories and plots in anime which dont exist in western media so it’s a great mode of entertainment! so as for recs, lemme copy and paste my previous list and update it to answer your question!
Currently watching:
Neon Genesis Evangelion - i admit it has a slow buildup but be patient because you will really find it intense and see how it’s not your typical mecca anime. so far, i think it seems to be a deconstruction of the genre and has alot of psychological themes
Boku no Hero Academia - it’s a recent anime and it’s really good! i think it’s on course to becoming a really big anime that will last many seasons at this rate. the story is about a world where majority of the inhabitants are heroes cause they have quirks (powers).. and the premise is that the main character doesnt have one but he wants to be a hero so watch and see how the story unfolds!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures (currently on Stardust Crusaders) - macho anime with an excellent plot! the guys are hot haha and many of the memes are in japanese so watch the original subbed but if you prefer not to read, the dub isnt bad. it’s very memey but the story is really entertaining and has unpredictable moments
One Punch Man - a parody of a superhero anime. tbh this isnt really binge-watch material cause it’s like a running gag and the story unfolds after episode 5 so i’ve just been watching this during my cardio days in the gym. but it’s really funny and a good anime
Hunter X Hunter - this anime is popular and it’s about hunters. so the beginning has the protagonist wanting to be a hunter and then he meets some fellow hunters along the way. it’s one of the highest rated anime in MyAnimeList (the RottenTomatoes equivalent of the anime world) so yeah check this out!
Recently watched:
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Battle Tendency) - SONO CHI NO SADAMEEE JOOOOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the type of anime that’ll get you wanting to go to the gym and lift. that being said, it has a really amazing story
Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan - it’s the Game of Thrones of anime imo.. like it’s so GOOD.. it will just make you gag after every episode!!! it’s so intense and there are really badass characters. and the plot is really brilliant. like if you think season 1 was like WHAT THE FUCkk.. wait til season 2! this anime is crazy and exciting. not for the faint-hearted tbh cause it can be graphic and disturbing (also dont get attached. they could die!) but yeah, this anime is popular true and some say it’s overrated but that’s because it really deserves all the recognition and success it has for its amazing plot
Love Live! School Idol Project - i honestly just watched this like out of curiosity and just for kicks. i was not expecting to love it but after episode 3, i was like wait??? wasnt this anime supposed to be fun?? why am i crying?? so yeah, it’s super good, touching, entertaining and sweet! and the songs are really catchy and good.. TBH this anime is like so gay since there are no men (except Honoka’s dad) so yeah it passes the Bechdel Test with perfect score
Love Live! Movie - the conclusion to the anime! 
Love Live! Sunshine - i watched this like a few months after finishing Love Live! cause i loved the original girls and i was worried i wont like these girls.. but honestly, you will appreciate them. and it’s EVEN GAYER.. and is soo good too! 
btw tell me who your fave girls/best girls are after watching Love Live and Sunshine. my best girls are Umi Sonoda and Kanan Matsuura :>
Anime watched/finished:
Kimi no Na Wa - universally lauded and recently released! it’s the best film released in 2016 imo. i swear it’s really next level storytelling
Rurouni Kenshin - i think i watched this anime twice/thrice.. It’s so suspenseful. it’s about samurais. and this anime made me interested about Japan’s history. it’s kind of a period drama with amazing fight sequences. and it’s critically acclaimed. it’s my father’s all-time favourite anime
Rurouni Kenshin OVA - it’s a prequel. also more violent and tragic than its anime counterpart.. like it’s really different from the series. but it’s so good. you’ll find out how Kenshin got his iconic X mark from here!)
Ghost Stories - THE DUB IS A MASTERPIECE! THE SUBBED IS SHIT. TRUST ME. the DUB is the popular one too cause it’s the superiour version. You really have to see this one. the anime bombed in Japan so the english dubbers got all the rights for the anime and they gave the go signal for the dubbers to do whatever the fuck they want and the end result is fucking hilarious. it shits on the Scary Movie Franchise tbh
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - i swear do not be deceived.. it is a really intense and surprisingly dark anime with excellent plot twists
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - super funny anime. if you need a laugh, this will really lift you up. i watched the first two episodes in sub and dub back to back.. and i can vouch that the voice actors for the English dub are excellent. it’s actually even funnier.. but if you prefer subs, then that’s fine. it’s just the lines are more humorous, expressive and have more variety :) Nozaki’s voice is also attractive in the dub.. it’s still very Nozaki imo. this anime pokes fun at the shoujo manga yet still has romantic elements. it’s mostly comedy though
Jigoku Shoujo / Hell Girl - angst, tragedy, philosophical anime analysing humanity’s hatred, need for vengeance, and suffering. Futakomori or the 2nd season is my favourite but it’s worth finishing the entire series. 3rd season is very painful to watch though and you dont have to watch that one tbh if you dont want to lol
Yu Yu Hakusho - occult, spirit world, ghosts, and fighting. you most probably have heard of this
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - 1st series starring Yugi. iconic!
Digimon - can be very intense! better than Pokemon imo
Cardcaptor Sakura - this is also suspenseful. like the premise is essentially that Sakura has to catch all the “monsters” that were freed from this book. and it’s up to her to “capture” them and put into cards. magic, fantasy, and beautiful animation
Ranma ½ - this was so funny but the ending was disappointing cause it got cancelled apparently.. i really hope this will go out of limbo and give us a proper ending like InuYasha did but i doubt it
Danganronpa (murder plot twists, intense and despair-filled storyline. click this to know more about the premise. it’s like Battle Royale meets CSI meets How To Get Away With Murder. btw i highly suggest you play this game (it’s available on Steam) instead of watching the poorly condensed anime. so buy it on steam or you can download it how you like cause it’s one of the best games ever. and if you plan on watching this, there is no Danganronpa 2 anime so yeah just play the first game tbh. here’s a trailer of the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwJeZPMhdUk. if ya dont wanna play the games then you can watch the anime. and after watching this, here’s a link of the playthrough of the 2nd game. it’s super fun, full of plot twists, and interactive)
Yuri On Ice - it’s a really cute gay anime. people will argue it isnt and its queerbait but i’m gay and alot of the things which happen are too much for just bros to do so yeah, i believe it’s canon gay or mlm. and i enjoyed it so you watch it and be the judge
Blood+ - vampires and sword fighting
Ghost In The Shell - it’s a sci-fi movie
Yakitate Japan - baking and cooking!
Getbackers - still up to debate if the duo are gay but if you google art of them, there have been official art released and it’s so gay lol. but yeah it’s shonen genre and it’s not canon gay
Cowboy Bebop - a CLASSIC. the dub is great!!
I don’t remember if i finished these but I watched a lot of episodes enough to recommend it and will rewatch them soon to relieve memories. I’m pretty sure I tuned in though and watched like 80%:
Fushigi Yuugi (i think this is shoujo but it has a nice adventure storyline)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood  (i feel like i actually finished this. idk why my memory is hazy concerning this anime. this is so popular. you should’ve heard of this iconic anime somehow. i watched and tuned in but i don’t remember how or when i stopped)
Gundam series (i think i finished the first Gundam and the second)
Tsubasa Chronicles (it’s like a spin-off of Cardcaptor Sakura but they’re like all grown up and the plot is different)
One Piece (i watched like the first four seasons)
Bleach (i remembered watching until episode 40 omg)
Great Teacher Onizuka (this is so funny tbh. i think i watched almost all of it)
Studio Ghibli films I watched:
Spirited Away
The Wind Rises
Tales from Earthsea
Anime I plan to watch (many suggested this to me and i plan on watching them so i’ll write them down here) :
Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice)
Anohana The Flower We Saw That Day
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Tokyo Ghoul
Re: Zero
Your Lie in April
Shin sekai Yori
More of Makoto Shinkai’s movies like 5 centimetres per second, etc.)
More Ghibli films too
Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive (after i finish FFXV game im watching this one)
Persona 4
Here you go!!!! I know it’s an extensive list. I’ll probably make this a masterpost of anime recs and will update this list, and add more soon. If you have any questions or anything, don’t be shy to message me! :)
[last updated: 5 November 2017]
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toobusylyintomyself · 7 years
Pairing: Photographer!Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff. Oh so much fluff.
Word Count: 4368
A/N: This was supposed to be a drabble, but I’m soft for Taehyung and so this happened. I hope you like it~
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He was in a slump. It’d been days, weeks, hell maybe even months this at this point since the last time anything had caught his eye. Since the last time he’d seen you, the world around him seemed to pale in comparison. He slumped into his seat of the café, a small groan falling from his lips as he leaned his head back, letting his eyes drift shut. This wasn’t like him, the idea of being held up over a muse of all things drove him to the brink of insanity.
“Mister?” A sweet voice rang from beside the table.
He smirked a bit before responding. This situation was all too familiar, to the point it had almost gotten boring. “Trust me on this little lady, you don’t want to get involved with me.” He couldn’t be bothered to look at the girl, already having a clear picture of what her dejected face must look like. He pictured her as a Samantha, or maybe a Bethany, sulking slightly at his blatant rejection, ready to stalk off back to her friends who would assure her over and over that he was just an asshole.
He hadn’t been expecting the condescending laughter he was met with at his remark. “Do everyone in this café a favor and get over yourself.” The comment caught him off guard, causing him to lift his head back up and be met face to face with the woman he’s been looking for since the moment he saw her.  His jaw dropped slightly at the sight of you in your uniform, your dark navy apron tied tightly around your simple outfit of a white t-shirt and black shorts. “Look, I’m sure you’re a real upstanding guy and all that, but here’s your bill, and please stop bleeding on the table, I have to clean that.”
He jumped at the knowledge that he was evidently bleeding, a quick check confirming that he did indeed have a decent amount of blood coming out of a laceration on left arm. He quickly wrapped it in his jacket. “I’m am so sorry…” He looked at your nametag, “Y/N.” He fumbled with his arm, quickly pulling out a $50 and a business card, handing it to you with a nod. “Call me sometime, I’ll make it up to you.” He started to walk out of the café, turning around before he reached the door, his face now lit up in a smile. “Oh, and keep the change.”
When he walked out of the café, he felt like he had a new lease on life. He’d found you, he found his muse. He knew your name, where you worked, and you had his number. He just had to be patient for a while until you came to him.
You were shocked by the man’s abrupt change in behavior. You looked down at the business card in your hand. Kim Taehyung. Photographer. Contact information was listed below in a particularly aesthetic font. You didn’t really know him, but you imagined it fit. You sighed, tucking the card into your pocket and walking back to the register. At least he tipped well, you joked to yourself as you rang in his order, putting the change into the tip jar for you to split with your coworker at close. You grabbed the cleaning kit and walked back over to the table, looking down at the blood he’d managed to get on the surface. With a deep breath, you went to disinfecting the area, thanking every power in the universe that you weren’t too squeamish.
The day carried on uneventfully for both you, returning to your apartment you slumped onto your couch, throwing your uncomfortable shoes across the room and leaning back. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, the business card Taehyung had given you also sliding out. His name still felt weird running through your head. You picked it up, typing his name into the search app on your phone, curious to see if this guy was actually a photographer, or if it was some elaborate ploy to get girls into his bed.
The photos that you found took your breath away. You quickly realized that this man seemed to be able to capture every emotion you’d ever felt into a single picture, whether it was scenery, animals, or live models, every photo was exquisite. The colors always came together in a way that made you feel more alive just by seeing them than you had felt in years, making you all the more curious about the strange man who had walked into your workplace earlier that day.
Before you could talk out yourself out of it, you quickly went to your messaging and sent a text to the number labeled mobile on the card. Hey, it’s Y/N from the coffee shop this morning.
You didn’t expect to get a response as quickly as you did, but you still felt your face light up when you saw the text from him.
Hey, you actually contacted me. I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble this morning.
You found yourself smiling at the text. He seemed lighter now than when you met, and you wondered if he’d been having a bad day. Recalling the cut on his arm, you realized he probably was having a terrible day and instantly regretted how harshly you had treated him that morning. The guilt felt heavy in your gut as you text him back. It wasn’t any trouble, I’m sorry for how I treated you then. How’s your arm?
Another ping.
It’s alright, I’ve had worse. If you’re feeling that bad though, maybe I can convince you to come to breakfast with me in the morning?
You bit your lip, contemplating his proposal. Breakfast couldn’t be that serious, and he seemed nice. Plus you had snapped at him earlier. Breakfast sounds good, when and where?
You set your phone down, throwing your head back, containing the small squeal when you heard your phone go off. Taehyung was thrilling to you, different and exciting. Sure, he’d come across as cocky, but a good look at his face and you understood why. You glanced back to the photos on his website, sighing softly as you imagined being looked at the way he must have looked at everything in these pictures. You stood up, grabbing your phone as you walked into your bedroom, undressing into a towel before you looked down at the text.
What’s your address? I’ll pick you up at 8?
You smiled, pulling your towel a bit tighter. You sent back your address with an agreement to see him in the early morning before walking into the bathroom adjoined to your room, flicking the water on and waiting for it to warm up. Slipping the towel off and hanging it up, you stepped into the shower, immediately feeling the warm water run down your skin.  You took extra care cleaning up that night. You wanted to impress him tomorrow, even if it wouldn’t matter. You stepped out, seeing a new text from him and smiling along in your apartment, a thought that made you a bit sad, but you quickly wiped it away.
Sounds like a plan, I’ll see you in the morning Y/N~
You would’ve sworn your heart skipped a beat as you fell back on your bed. You weren’t used to this, not used to anyone interest in you. You were just a university student who worked in a café when you weren’t in classes, nothing special, nothing the warranted the curiosity of this attractive man who walked into your life. You pushed yourself back off your bed, slipping into your pjs and setting an alarm for 6:30 before crawling back into your bed. It’d been a long day, you needed rest more than you needed to worry about how breakfast with Taehyung would go in the morning. With that thought, your eyes drifted shut for the night.
Meanwhile Taehyung was over the moon, reaching his apartment that he shared with his close friend, Jimin, in high spirits. He walked through the door, still unable to control the grin spread across his face. Upon seeing his friend, he was questioned for his sudden shift in behavior, as he’d been moping around for weeks at this point.
“You look happy. Anything happen today?” His light voice carried across the living room, confused, but glad to see Taehyung in such a good mood.
Not wasting anytime, he embraced Jimin tightly, picking up the shorter boy from pure excitement. “I found her. The girl we saw at the park. I found her, Jimin. She works at a café near your studio. She’s even more beautiful than I remember and I can’t even picture living without her anymore.” He fell back onto their couch, a myriad of emotions still coursing through his system. “She’s going to think I’m insane, isn’t she?”
His friend laughed. “You mean Y/N? The barista near the dance studio, right?” He sat next to Taehyung. “She won’t think you’re insane. She already knows about the situation; she just doesn’t know that it’s you. I go to that café all the time, we talked about it, she thinks the whole thing is ridiculously romantic.” A small smile crossed his features. “I should start planning the wedding.”
Taehyung’s face paled. “You know her and you told her that I’ve been losing my mind over a girl I saw at a park?” He nudged Jimin with a frown. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
Jimin shrugged and stood up. “Wasn’t my place to interfere, fate and all that.” He started toward the kitchen. “What do you want for dinner?”
Taehyung shrugged, pulling his phone out of his pocket as it vibrated. Jimin walked out of the living room, calling out that he didn’t want any complaints if he wasn’t going to make decisions. Taehyung looked down at his phone, surprised to see an unknown number texting him. Reading the message, he saw that it was you, simple, only to let him know it was you. He was happy to note that you didn’t seem to be ignoring him. He saved your number. Texting you back quickly, his grin from earlier once more taking over his face.
By the time Jimin came back into the living room with dinner, you had agreed to get breakfast with him in the morning, making it impossible for him to sit still, much to his roommate’s dismay. He kept walking around, changing out the lenses on his cameras and going through his closet to find the right outfit tomorrow. He wanted to look good for you, but he didn’t want to overdo it. It took about twenty different outfits before he finally settled on what to wear in the morning, simply being a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with blue and black coloring about the neck and shoulders. Jimin assured him multiple times that it would make him look good without the appearance of trying too hard. Once he settled down he laid on his bed, unable to sleep as he thought about seeing you again tomorrow. He felt too giddy, too nervous, too scared you would ultimately reject him. He glanced at the clock, the bright red 1:27 AM glaring back at him. He groaned, knowing he needed to get at least some sleep before he saw you tomorrow. He wanted to make you happy, not be a walking zombie. He turned over, closing his eyes and willing himself to drift off.
Your alarm went off all too early, your body still feeling tired as you pulled yourself out of bed. You couldn’t ignore your excitement at the thought of seeing the handsome boy you’d met yesterday, but being up this early on a weekend wasn’t in your normal plans. You walked into the bathroom, splashing your face with cold water as you debated on your appearance for the day. You settled on a light coat of makeup, with your hair falling naturally around your face. You ruffled your hair with your fingers, hoping to give it a bit more volume as you made your way to you closet, browsing through clothes to find something to wear out. You pulled out a nice, navy, floral dress that framed you well, going to find your pair of tan sandals to go with it. You smiled at your completed outfit, your hair now cooperating as you glanced down at your phone to check the time, seeing you also had a text from Taehyung.
I’m on my way, I hope you like pancakes.
It was 7:50, and you were already smiling like an idiot. For the rough impression he’d left on you, he certainly had a way of changing your mind. At precisely 8 there was a knock on your front door, causing you to excitedly jump up and rush to the door, cursing yourself for not having a better composure. You pulled the door open, met with an equally smiling Taehyung, dressed casually, yet managing to look like the definition of sin. His hair was styled up using a bandana and the way his clothes framed his lithe frame worked.
He regarded you with a similar level of awe, stretching a hand out to you, which you graciously accepted as you grabbed the small clutch purse and walked out with him. “You look amazing.” His deep voice resonated through you, making you blush as your arms brushed each other.
“You look pretty good yourself.” You sounded much more reserved than you had hoped, but the effect seemed the same, a fain rosy hue coloring his cheeks as well. He led you to a sleek black car, opening the passenger door for you to slide in before walking to the driver’s side of the car. You noticed the camera sitting in the backseat, making you curious. “Do you bring your camera everywhere?”
He laughed, a sound you desperately wanted to hear again. “I try to keep one with me. In case I get inspiration in weird places.” A fond smile crossed his face as he pulled onto the street. “Though someone kind of threw me off that until recently.” He turned the radio on, soft tunes filling the car. “I hope you don’t mind a bit of a drive, there’s a café a bit out of town that is absolutely amazing.”
You hummed in agreement, happy to just be spending the time next to him. It gave you a bit more time to learn about him. “How did someone throw off your inspiration?” You genuinely wanted to know, after seeing his photos, it was hard to picture him unable to find inspiration in even the most desolate of places.
He sighed, the smile still tugging at the corner of his lips even though he was trying to conceal it. “I saw her, and everything just paled in comparison. Nothing seemed worth taking a picture of unless she was there with me.” He looked over to see your slightly shocked expression. “Things are okay now though.” He offered a softer smile, seeing the slight look of guilt that had crossed your features.
You kept your eyes on him for a while as he drove through the streets, staying silent until he got onto to freeway. Not wanting things to be tense, you decided to ask about the café. “How did you find it if it’s so out of the way?”
“My friend, Jimin, is friends with the owner. The cook is amazing, you’ll love it, I promise.” His voice was steady, still sounding happy despite the fact you were convinced you had brought up some bad memories for him.
The same clicked suddenly. “Jimin? You mean Jimin that works at the dance studio near the coffee shop?” Taehyung hummed in response. “Wait, if you’re friends with Jimin…” You trailed off, taking a second. “You’re the friend that saw the girl in the park. That’s you, isn’t it?” You hoped you weren’t pushing a sensitive topic.
Taehyung chuckled. “In the flesh.” He pulled into a roadside diner, the exterior looking a bit weary from time, but still cute in its own right. He offered his arm for you once you were both out of the car, which you gladly wrapped yours through. “I guess I can be a hopeless romantic, but lately it feels a bit less hopeless.” A whimsical smile took over his lips again, the light blush from this morning taking over his cheeks once more as you walked in.
The two of you were greeted enthusiastically by the host, who pulled Taehyung into a firm hug before seating the two of you in a booth. “Jungkook will come take your order in a minute.” The man smiled and walked away, leaving you a bit dumbfounded.
You looked at the boy smiling at you from across the table, still feeling a little in disbelief. “Taehyung… You glanced over at the host, who seemed now involved in a conversation with a younger looking boy and the man behind the window into the kitchen. “He didn’t give us any menus. I don’t even know what they serve here.”
Taehyung let out a hearty laugh, resting his palm against his forehead in exasperation. “Namjoon is one of the smartest people I know, but he can be very forgetful.” He chuckled again, clearly finding the situation a bit more amusing, but his cheerful attitude quickly rubbed off on you. “Do you trust me? I’ll order for you if you do.” He smiled bashfully at you when you nodded, reaching out to cup your hands on the table. “Strawberries or apples?”
You blushed at the sudden contact, but couldn’t help the happy feeling growing in your chest. “Definitely strawberries.” You nodded your affirmation to your own statement, making him grin even wider at the cute expression you made.
The young boy you saw the host talking to earlier walked up to your table cheerfully, pulling the pen from behind his ear to write on the small order pad. “What can we get you and the lady, Tae?” He nudged Taehyung playfully, who just laughed in response.
“Two hot chocolates, strawberry crepes, and mixed berry crepes.” He locked eyes with you, smiling again. “Thanks Kookie.”
The younger boy nodded and walked away, just far enough away to not hear you burst into a fit of giggles. “Tae? I like it.” You pursed your lips to try to prevent the smile that still took over.
Taehyung’s jaw dropped slightly. “Please keep calling me that, it sounds so cute coming from you.” The comment came out without any forethought, making him blush like crazy as he faced you.
You also blushed uncontrollably at his comment. “I didn’t expect you to be like this.” You laughed, looking into his eyes. “You seemed so… cocky… yesterday.” You bit your bottom lip, trying to keep your emotions under control, but the intense fluttering of your heart made it clear that was going to be impossible.
He just smiled at you. “You’re the girl. That’s why I’m not ‘cocky’ anymore. You’re her.” He sounded so sincere, his thumbs rubbing along the backs of your hands as he looked down, unable to meet your eyes.
You gasped at his sudden confession, unsure how to respond. “The girl? From the park?” For some reason, your eyes watered when he nodded, your heart threatening to catch in your throat. “But I’m just me…” Your gaze fell to your lap. “I’m not worth that kind of pain.”
You looked up when you felt a small tug on your hand, surprised to feel his lips pressed against your palm. “You’re worth everything, Y/N.” Before he could say much more the food brought to the table, the young boy from before given the two of you a curious look. Taehyung erupted into a fit of giggles. “We can talk later, let’s eat.”
The two of you enjoyed your breakfast fairly silently, occasionally expressing how good the food was. When you finished your meal, Taehyung lead you up to the register, wrapping his arm tightly around your waist, an affectionate sign you did nothing to fight. Once he paid, he led you back to the car, eyes burning into yours as he looked at you. “Tell me you’ll stay with me today.” You nodded with a smile before he pulled you into his car, pulling out of the lot and driving with no real destination in mind. “Will you let me take pictures of you?” His voice was breathy, nervous even in his request.
You smiled, thinking back to how much you’d wished for an opportunity like this after seeing his artwork for the first time. “As many as you want.”
He groaned quietly. “Don’t tell me that. If you tell me that, you’re never leaving my sight again.”
“Maybe I don’t want to.” The words slipped out before you could stop them, surprising you with your own boldness.
Taehyung’s eyes blew wide, unable to form any words as he drove down the highway. Neither of you could find words, and even though you were both shocked by the conversation, the silence was comfortable with him. Eventually he settled back into a light smile as you approached the coast line, one of his hands intertwining its fingers with yours. He pulled into a small alcove, letting you step out as he grabbed his camera from the backseat, placing the strap safely around his neck before getting out of the care, looking at you starting out over the ocean from a perch you’d found on a rock. Smiling, he snapped a picture of you as you stood there, smiling down at the picture as it showed up on the display. He walked over to you, wrapping an arm around you again. You leaned into him as he did, happy to be near him. You looked up at him to see him already staring down at you. Your eyes met, his face slowly moving closer to yours. “Tell me to stop.” His voice wavered, eyes boring into yours, filled with complete adoration.
You barely got the syllable out before his lips crashed down against yours, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek as yours rested softly against his chest. The kiss was firm and soft all at once, the combination forcing all other thoughts out of your head as yours lips moved against his. Taehyung’s thumb brushed your cheekbone lightly as he pulled away, gazing affectionately into your eyes. Both your faces were flushed as you caught your breath from the intense kiss you had shared. He held you a bit tighter after that, both of you just staring out at the water and waves crept up onto the sand, lapping at it continuously. You rested your head on his shoulder, to which he turned slightly, placing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
He unwrapped his arm from around you, taking his camera in his hands and snapping a shot of the scenery around you, showing you the picture in the screen capture after it took. He smiled at the sight of your face lighting up as you looked at the image, treasuring each pixel. When you were done, he took the camera up again, putting you into frame as you sat on the edge of the makeshift cliff created by the rocks. He moved off to the side, capturing a you angled against not only the waves, but also the craggy structures that littered the coast. The two of you stayed until the sun started to set, exploring the beach, taking more photos that either of you knew what to do with, and sharing kisses everywhere you went. As you reached the area you’d left his car in, he pulled you close once more melding your bodies together as you sat back down on the edge of the rocks. “Let’s watch the sunset before we leave, yeah?” He smiled at you in the purest way, nothing but affection in his eyes as he held you to him.
You nodded, nestling into him to combat the slight chill that came with the evening air. You heard him humming softly, a soft lulling sound that filled your ears. “Taehyung…” Your voice was laced with sleep.
He looked down at you, his heart swelling at your sleepy figure that was curled into him. “Y/N.” He had a look of determination now as your eyes met. “Be my muse. Now, tomorrow, forever.”
You bit your lip. “Always.” He kissed you again, softer than the first time it happened, but just as passionate. He pulled away too soon in your opinion, but as his arm shifted up to your shoulders and wrapped you against his chest, you changed your mind, seeing the colors of the sunset reflect off the ocean.
He set his camera in your hands, lips hovering around the shell of your ear as he left a single kiss there. “Take a picture.”
You nodded, intent on taking a nice picture for him. This was a moment you wanted to remember forever. You held the camera up, looking through the viewfinder as you felt Taehyung’s hands held steady yours.
“Take a deep breath once you find the picture you want, hold the shutter down as you breathe out.” He instructed, still keeping you from shaking.
You did as he said, letting the piece of technology capture the moment for eternity. You pulled the camera down and looked into the display with Taehyung as the picture showed up on the small screen. He couldn’t help but grin as the image showed up, with his trained eye, he could see the faults in it as an image, but at the same time he’d never seen anything more beautiful, barring you. “Perfect.” He kissed your shoulder, tightening his grip around you.
You looked behind you to see him, to which he wasted no time capturing your lips with his once more. “My muse.” He muttered as he pulled away, gazing down at you.
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goftor-blog · 5 years
Vampira V
Maila Nurmi was the original Queen of the Modern Gothic. Vampira, her iconic macabre creation, influenced generations of filmmakers, musicians, artists and lifestylers. Sadly, she shuffled off her mortal coil on January 10th, 2008. She was aged 86.
A Finnish-born model and actress, Maila had posed for Man Ray, Vargas and Bernard of Hollywood before being discovered at a masquerade ball by a TV producer. Her pale-skin and tight black dress complete with black wig and long, haemorrhage-red fingernails were quite unique in 1953. A year later, she became the eponymous star of The Vampira Show bringing a distinctive mix of sex, horror and death.
As the world’s first TV horror host, Vampira’s sardonic wit and eye-popping hourglass-figure made her the ghoulish fantasy of guys and ghouls across the globe, despite appearing on a show that was only broadcast in LA. Every week the voluptuous vamp would unleash blood-curdling screams and utter puns in an exotic and alluring Marlene Dietrich-like drawl – ‘I am…Vampira. I hope you all had the good fortune to have had a terrible week.’
After her show was cancelled, Maila accepted a tiny fee to appear as the reanimated corpse bride in Plan 9 From Outer Space, a role in the unfairly dubbed ‘Worst Film of all Time’, but it was one that would ensure Vampira’s immortality in popular culture.
As a star in the Golden Age of Tinsletown, Maila gigged with Liberace, dated Orson Welles, was friends with Marlon Brando and formed a tremendous kinship with James Dean, whose spirit, she claimed, haunted her for six months after his death.
Even as lady in her eighties, she was an incredible bright spark, a feisty old dame and a terrific raconteur, recalling stories from the old days with childlike glee. Like her icons-in-crime Bela Lugosi and Ed Wood, Maila Nurmi died nearly penniless, but she left behind a legacy that will endure forever.
Here’s the article I wrote for Bizarre Magazine…
The Lady is a Vamp
I’m sat in Pioneer Chicken, a fast-food joint off Sunset Boulevard, deep in discussion with Vampira, the world’s first TV horror host. Maila Nurmi, the Finnish-born performer beneath the famous black wig and nails was a phenomenon in the nineteen-fifties. Her iconic gothic style, sardonic wit and eye-popping hourglass-figure made her the ghoulish fantasy of guys and ghouls across the globe, despite appearing on a show that was only broadcast to the Los Angeles area. Every week the voluptuous vamp would emerge from dry-ice studio fog to the sound of creepy organ music. She would unleash a blood-curdling scream and utter puns in an exotic, sexual, Marlene Dietrich-like drawl – “I am…Vampira. I hope you all had the good fortune to have had a terrible week."
But this is not simply an interview with a vampire. Conversing with Naila Nurmi means taking a voyeuristic journey through the lives of mythological cult icons of fifties Hollywood. It seems that Vampira’s finger was firmly on the jugular pulse of the tinsletown scene during the beat generation. Captivating tales with James Dean, Marlon Brando, and Elvis Presley pour from her octogenarian lips, memories recalled with intensity and insight.
Since Maila claims psychic capabilities, one can also add a touch of the paranormal to this Hollyweird concoction. She speaks of clairaudience, strange premonitions and visions. Most sensationally, it was such psychic sensitivity that found her haunted by the spirit of James Dean, whose death profoundly affected her.
She’s certainly one tough cookie though, that’s for sure – strongly opinionated and gutsy. Before international fame, back when she was modeling for the likes of Bernard of Hollywood, Vargas and a young Man Ray, she still wasn’t taking any crap from studio big shots. Even movie mogul Howard Hawks – who discovered Maila performing a skeleton striptease in a New York show – suffered the wrath of Vampira’s razor-witted tongue, despite having just turned Lauren Bacall into a household name.
“I thought he was stupid, so I tore up my contract,” she giggles, tucking into her rice. “I told him to kindly find a place for it in one of his numerous waste baskets.”
Yet in 1956, her outspoken manner caused her blacklisting from the system. Broke, she accepted a measly $200 to play the reanimated corpse-bride of Bela Lugosi in the trash sci-fi epic Plan 9 From Outer Space. Irony, for this movie cemented her position in popular culture and led to Tim Burton’s marvelous biopic of director Ed Wood, one that cast model Lisa Marie as Maila.
At eighty-three, she’s still hip and sharp like Vampira’s fingernails.
So how did your famous horror host role come about?
I decided I wanted to become an evangelist. I had to sponsor myself and I thought I needed $20,000. How could I do it? Well, television was just warping people’s minds, so I thought could do that – and they paid big. I thought I’d satirise soap operas, I’d take improbable people and make them do all these bourgeois things. Since Charles Addams had already done it in comic form, I wanted it to bring it to television. So that is why I made the dress, went to a masquerade ball and won first prize. They discovered me and that was the end of it. But Vampira wasn’t really acting. It was television, just a lot of hogwash.
What went wrong with the revival of Vampira in the early eighties and the subsequent launch of the Elvira character?
Well I was dealing with KTTV for three months and then they suddenly didn’t want me to come to the studio anymore. They eventually called me in to sign a contract and she was there (Cassandra Peterson). They had hired her without asking me.
So it was going to be the Vampira name?
It’s Vampira all together. She did the whole thing with the Rocky Horror people. They stole it. They stole $100 million dollars. She was in 51 markets at one time with 350 kinds of merchandise; milked my cupboard bare.
Did you successfully sue?
I sued for eight years but not successfully. Finally I ran out of money. To continue would have cost $60,000. I wrote to the judge and said, “I’m sorry, I have no money. I have to close the case.” So he charged them to pay all the expenses. That money was meant for animal welfare and she spent it on cocaine and red limousines. Boy has the devil got that bitch—it’s the devil in her blood. That slut was a big player in porno movies – she was trying to hide her background. They deemed it unwise to reveal that fact so they told her to make up stuff if she was asked. But she said, “Why make it up when it is written here?” She was pretending to be me. How dare she? She’s such a low-life, such a no talent. She’s so stupid and she has no sense of timing. No sense of humor; such a common slut that speaks Americanese. Nasal. Phlegmatic. You know, the limousines and the lovers and the houses—they can take all that. Initially they wanted me. I wouldn’t do it because I didn’t want Vampira to be anything but perfect. I certainly didn’t want it to be a streetwalker-slut like that. Angelina Jolie would be a good Vampira.
Didn’t Vampira lead you to James Dean?
With the character I had been handed the keys to the city. I wanted to see who’s who and so I attended a movie premiere. But all I could find was vapid identities, people of whom I had no interest, except for one fellow who was with Terry Moore. I thought “him, that’s the one with the tuxedo and the collar, the farm boy hair that wouldn’t stay down.” Twelve hours after, I was sitting in Googies, and Jimmy rode up on his motorcycle, the windows rattled and the rest was history. We were never apart again. We were best friends instantly, like psychic Siamese twins.
Was he openly gay to his friends?
No. As he said, “do I look like someone who would go through life with one hand tied behind my back?” That was a courageous statement in those days. Jimmy was primarily heterosexual but he used men sexually to get ahead, and if he saw someone he liked, he liked them. More often it was women, but maybe that was because he had never got the really pretty girls before. He had always got the ugly leftovers that nobody else wanted.
How much time did you spend with him?
Seventeen-hundred hours, every moment to treasure. But he was just a little boy in search of his mother. Everyone must have seen it, maybe not known what it was, not how to read it, but they saw the feeling. I was a little more psychic so I knew what it was. He had the impression she had abandoned him. But after, I found out she died of cancer and hadn’t abandoned him at all, but she did go away and leave him all alone in the world. He was an only child and it was impossible for him to relate to his father. The father had probably married his mother for her boobs or something and had nothing in common with her. She raised a boy whom she named after a poet, James Byron. And the father didn’t know poetry from a hole in the ground. He was a nice, practical, and sensible dentist.
Do you remember when you heard that James Dean had died?
Yeah I was at home with Tony Perkins (Psycho). Jack Simmons (actor in Rebel Without A Cause and friend of Dean) had just left to visit some lesbian whores that lived a block away. We knew we had to tell Jack before someone else did, but then we had to go tell Ursula (Andress), Jimmy’s ladylove. We drove up and I waited in the car because I didn’t really know her very well. It was in a dead end street, and now dark. Then suddenly, Marlon (Brando) appeared at the car – he had been hiding in the bushes. Ursula had called him in hysterics screaming, “They are trying to kill me. They’re threatening me. They think he killed himself because of me. I’m frightened! You have to come. I’m alone.” She would have used any device to get to Marlon at that time, even though she was trying to break up John Derek’s marriage. She wanted Marlon above all; she even bought the same car that he had. So he went, but looked in the windows first to be sure that she wasn’t putting him on and that she was really upset. Then Jack found him in the bushes. “Maila’s over there, in the hearse,” he said.(laughs) So he came over to offer condolences.
I heard that the spirit of James Dean visited you.
He visited a lot of people. He was very active. Now a lot of people made it up too I’m sure, but even people who weren’t psychic had experiences. He was that strong. Jimmy was following me around and was with me a lot of the time for the first six months. There would be an ashtray, I’d look and say “don’t anybody touch the ashtray, it’s gonna go up. That’s Jimmy’s sign that he’s here.” And it would go up!
Did you have psychic tendencies early on?
Yeah, I was very psychic in those days. My first husband Dean Eisner (writer of Dirty Harry and Play Misty For Me) and I lived in Laurel Canyon. He came home from work one day and said a story editor was writing a TV series about us. TV was very new and it was very easy to get anything you wanted done. He said they called it “Laurel Canyon”, but apparently sold it under the working title Bewitched. That was written about Dean Eisner and I. You see my mother was a witch. She wasn’t practicing, but she couldn’t help but be a witch. It was natural. It exuded from her, the very essence of her. And I was very psychic too.
Didn’t you share some strange, paranormal experiences with Marlon Brando?
We were sitting around and chatting in the dining room and Einstein had died just three weeks before. Marlon always had a wonderful portrait of Einstein on his headboard and sometimes he would just shove it in your face. Suddenly Marlon says, “There’s someone here. It’s Einstein. He has a message for us.” I was included in the message. “You young ones have to hurry up,” That’s what Einstein told Marlon, who wasn’t inventing it – he believed it. He may have seen it or heard it. The point is that Marlon really wanted to believe that he was a humanitarian, and Einstein was urging him to hurry up with his duties. Marlon was a very humane human being, though he didn’t know how to be humane with his own children. Some of his best friends despised him and said he was a brute and a beast and nothing in-between. He’s either the gentlest, noble of human beings or the coarsest and grossest. How do you like them apples?
What was your first introduction to any of the Ed Wood clan?
I was a young girl window-shopping on Hollywood Boulevard. I was bending low to see the detail of some shoes and someone whizzed around the corner on roller skates, almost bumped my fanny and crashed into me. “Pardon me,” said he, and “Pardon me,” said I. He was wearing an ascot and a beret. It was Bela Lugosi on roller skates. He was on his way to a cigar store.
Had you heard of Ed Wood before you met him?
Yes, because there had been an article in a newspaper, saying that he wanted to make a movie with Vampira. The nerve of him! This was before I was blacklisted. After, I had no money and I couldn’t get a job. A guy came and visited me and offered $200 to make this Ed Wood movie called Grave Robbers From Outer Space (later changed to Plan 9). I thought it was a good title at least. Oh boy! So I did it, and he came into my life right after then.
Did you find Ed Wood to be an intelligent guy?
No. But anyone who has become a phenomenon has a karmic current carrying them there. Nobody who is normal has such drive. That’s got to be driven by something larger than life. There was something there that I didn’t understand or respect because I was an intellectual snob, but it was there alright.
How did Ed Wood react when he heard you didn’t want to speak his words?
Paul Marco told him, so I don’t know. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but my God, I could not say those words. I wish I had them today because I threw them away. Do you know what jewels those lines must have been? I tried to say them, but I curdled my own blood. (laughs) They were awful!
Did you go to the premiere of Plan 9 From Outer Space?
Yeah. The theatre was full of people. I was backstage and I could see the images behind the screen. People were in the wings, dictating to me when to walk out, so that I was there on screen at the same time as I walked across stage. The audience booed, whistled and threw popcorn – they loved it! But I never actually got to see the film as I had to leave, then the film was banned in Los Angeles for 26 years. It never played here and Ed Wood never knew why. They hated him I guess or maybe it was because of me. But Criswell told me that the film played in a small theatre in New York for over a year and a half, with just standing room only all the time. When it was on the road in Indianapolis, even though it was pouring with rain, people queued around the block with newspapers over their heads. It was very popular. People knew it was Lugosi’s last film.
What kind of state of mind do you think Ed Wood have when he later made porn films?
He loved the porn. He was in his element. He would have been very unhappy if he had known he couldn’t have done porn again. He just kept writing them so fast. He’d write a whole pornographic book in just two days.
Did Tim Burton talk to you before he filmed the movie Ed Wood?
Yes. He introduced me to his stuffed bat. The film was accurate in some way but he wasn’t really trying to be accurate. It was a docu-drama. He was taking liberties, which he was entitled to do, but he got some of the essences correct—the ones that he should have retained. And then he embroidered a little. Johnny Depp is such a good actor and was believable as Ed Wood. Although it wasn’t exactly the same persona, his essence was there. The enthusiasm was so believable – such gung-ho enthusiasm.
Finally, is it right you had an encounter with Elvis before he became famous?
I went to Las Vegas with Liberace and met a19 year-old Elvis. I was there eating breakfast in the hotel and across the huge dining room in backlight – because the sun was shining through the windows – I could see three older men, smoking cigars, looking plump and eating. A tall, young, graceful man came in, and sat with them. Then on the intercom it said that somebody was wanted on the telephone. This young guy got up, and walked like Robert Mitchum. All I saw was his silhouette, that was it. So I paid my bill and walked past the men and said, “well congratulations, he’s going to be the biggest movie star in the world. I see he has tremendous magnetism.” “Ah,” they said, “thank you.” (laughs). And I hadn’t yet seen Elvis’ face. But the next night when he opened, I went with Liberace and his whole family. A side curtain parted and this kid comes out alone. I had never seen someone boldly standing on a stage – supposedly a heterosexual male – wearing turquoise eye shadow and grinding his hips like that. I thought, “oh-my-god. What am I seeing? This music is great.” The orchestra, one by one put down their instruments. They crossed their arms and refused to play. The audience started booing, and they booed him off the stage. Then a voice said to me – and I wasn’t on any drugs – “go around the side of the hotel and in the back, there’s a swimming pool and you’ll find someone in a canary yellow jacket.” Now I hadn’t seen a jacket like that anywhere. But I went around and in the dark moonless night, far away I could see the double doors of the casino, golden with light. They opened and a figure came into the doorway. It was Elvis, wearing a canary yellow jacket. He looked confusedly into the darkness, so I said, “I’m over here.” We walked towards each other, sat down and talked. I told him that I was a performer and that what happened was absolutely awful. He said, “every night before I go on, I talk to God and he always answers me. But tonight he didn’t answer. When them curtains opened and I saw all those white heads and them glasses, I knew why.“ I told him I admired his courage and that they only did that because they’re sheep and they do as they think they are supposed to do. One person booed and so then they all did. They’ve never, ever seen anything like you and it frightened them. But, Life Magazine are going to discover you (because that’s what they did in those days) and they will kiss your shoes.” He said, “it’s coming out Thursday” and it did. I was thirty-three and he said to me, “I know you’re getting old and all, but if you’d like to come back after the show, I’d be proud to take you back to my bungalow.” (laughs) His hallowed words! And so Elvis went back to do a second show.
Many thanks to Joe Moe and Forry for their assistance with this interview.
(Photos and Words Copyright – Mark Berry)
Posted by Mark Berry – Photographer & Graphic Designer on 2007-05-31 00:12:36
Tagged: , mark berry , photography , maila nurmi , goth , vampire , legend , ed wood , plan 9 from outer space , bats , pioneer chicken , bizarre magazine , sfx , teeth , portrait , B/W , classic , cult personalities , cult , personality , famous , infamous , estoreric , fan culture , vampira , tv , television , horror , host , ghouls , ghoulies , terror , fear , hollywood , california , hot cherry , bristol , uk , us , based , los angeles , LA , www.hot-cherry.co.uk , photographer , designer , writer , سكس , topsense , imagicland
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theseventhhex · 6 years
La Force Interview
Ariel Engle
La Force is Ariel Engle, vocalist and newest member of Broken Social Scene. The music of La Force is nocturnal electronic pop, featuring Engle's enchanting vocals over dynamic production. Stepping up to the role first helmed by the immeasurable talent of Leslie Feist, Engle brings La Force's singularity to the familial energy of Broken Social Scene. Born out of the culmination of AroarA – her musical project with husband and Broken Social Scene bandmate Andrew Whiteman – La Force is a deep reflection on the magic and dismantlement of motherhood; the never-ending tightrope walk of life, and death; and the re-discovery of self. La Force captures the bold creative spirit of an undeniable voice… We talk to Ariel about varied vocals, motherhood and unwinding…
TSH: Tell us more about the genesis of your band name being in relation to a tarot card representing strength – what resonated with you most about this…
Ariel: I'm not into tarot per se, but I’ve always been drawn to the La Force tarot card. I can’t settle on who is in control, the lion or the woman. They seem to be in a delicate balance of power, one defined by the other. I see it also as the animal impulse in balance with the intellect. In French, words are gendered. I like that Force aka Power is female. Unfortunately vagina is male.
TSH: In terms of lyrics and subject matter, what sort of themes would you say were at the forefront of your mind for your debut release?
Ariel: In two words: Life and death. I was losing a parent while becoming a parent. It’s about the dismantlement of identity and birth of a new one. There are major growing pains on this record. Lots of liminal states. Dream-like diaphanous feelings. The aftermath of a loved one’s death is unlike any other state as is the state of new motherhood. There is no preparation for it and for some, like me, it was at times eviscerating.
TSH: Is there a particular emphasis on the notion of being able to lose it all?
Ariel: It’s definitely one of the themes on the album. I remember having a moment where I felt like I had it all. All my future projections had materialised. I had my health, no one I loved had died, I had a new healthy baby, a great partner, a home and I was supporting myself by singing. I had the feeling of standing on a mountain with my riches barely contained in my hands with the pieces about to slip out at any time... and they did. On ‘Lucky One’, I’m waiting for the axe to fall – stating that we are ultimately at the mercy of lady luck. On that track I give my pessimistic tendency the mic.
TSH: As you went about fleshing out ‘Lucky One’, what sort of intentions and ideas did you initially have in mind?
Ariel: I wanted to deliver a ‘straight’ song. Something immediate and easy to connect to. Andrew Whiteman helped me write it. He’s good at delivering pithy lyrics that I struggle to find.
TSH: Moreover, what sort of motivations do you draw on to pen a track like ‘Upside Down Wolf’?
Ariel: I love that song. It was a very quick song. I kept the lyrics I first came up with on garage band. I’d picked up my 4 string cigar box guitar that I call my wolf because there’s an image of a wolf on it. It had been strung right handed (I’m a lefty) for an actor who was in a production of The Caucasian Chalk circle for which Andrew and I had written music. I left the instrument at the national theatre school in Montreal for a year. When I got it back, the strings were out of key a half step and I wrote a song as it was. Strung upside down and out of tune. I made up a pattern that reminded me of African records I heard growing up. I love the cascade of circular guitar patterns. I love music that is mesmerising, either through the use of drones or repetition. My first love for music is getting in a state of being rather than a state of thinking. That’s probably why lyrics generally come second to mood.
TSH: How would you assess the overall sonics of your vocal delivery throughout this release?
Ariel: I think they are varied. They were recorded in different places at different times. I wanted people to hear me so they could connect to my voice with little impedance. I was especially pleased with the way ‘Mama Papa’ was captured. We recorded that towards the end of the process in Montreal at Studio Mixart with the help of Warren Spicer from Plants and Animals. It has a warmth that I like and would look for again on future recordings.
TSH: What’s been the most liberating aspect of your recent musical endeavours?
Ariel: Making decisions that were my own. Having the final say and giving myself licence to trust my musical impulses. It’s a rush. I’ve always been in collaborative musical environments. It’s perhaps more natural for me but I’m excited to see who I am becoming as solo La Force. I may like it more than I’m willing to admit because I have strong opinions about sounds. Not all the sounds on my album are as exactly as I’d like but I’m happy with it overall and at many moments very happy.
TSH: What piques your interest most during the limited windows of time that you have to get around whilst on tour?
Ariel: I try to walk as much as possible in a given city. I look for local unpretentious places to eat, bookstores, vintage clothing and occasionally a museum. I like to feel that I’m on a little adventure in each town. I want to feel what it smells like, how its residents move in it and shape. I will often invite people I meet along the way to come to the show.
TSH: Does being immersed within the art form of music allow you at times to feel free from stress and anxiety hurdles?
Ariel: It both causes it and relieves it. I think that with any art there are moments of total release from the day to day. This is the alpha state that artists strive to attain. There's no magic formula for getting there and sometimes trying too hard to feel inspired can be a stress in itself. There are also moments on stage when all pain melts away. Those are the highs we all get addicted to.
TSH: How has motherhood changed you as an individual?
Ariel: It tore my sole a new one. I cannot unknow the love or the feeling of someone’s total reliance on me.
TSH: What does spirituality entail for you personally?
Ariel: I'm still trying to find out but I know it’s out there or in me and I need it. I recently asked my atheist mum what she felt the meaning of life was and she said ‘living’. Now I just need to understand why we die and what that all means. I shun those who claim to know and yet have found no answer. I’m open to an epiphany.
TSH: What are you primarily passionate about outside of music?
Ariel: I love interesting clothes preferably ethical designers and am passionate about shoes. Perhaps I’ll design some one day. I also love looking at architecture details; old tiles, old plaster, and last but never least, my fascinating and deep souled little daughter.
TSH: How do you like to unwind in your spare time?
Ariel: Solitude and silence. Preferably lying down looking at my window at the mountain across the street. When I occasionally exercise it winds me down but it involves getting up from my silent solitude.
TSH: Finally, looking ahead with your solo project, what is your biggest drive?
Ariel: Finding my people. The handful or armful who will connect to and with me. That drives me. Nothing grandiose, just genuine. I hope to keep a steady output. Maybe find new collaborations for short projects.
La Force - “Lucky One”
La Force - La Force
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
For example, I've always been fascinated by comb-overs, especially the extreme sort that make a man look as if he's wearing a beret made of his own hair. If you start a startup during college, why do nearly all companies do it? Some errands, like replying to letters, go away if you ignore them perhaps taking friends with them. The other approach is what I call the Hail Mary strategy. Like a lot of good co-founders meet is at work. No, he said. When I was in college I used to work till 2:00 or 3:00 AM rather than go to bed leaving code with a bug in it; a PR person who will cold-call New York Times reporters on their cell phones; a graphic designer who feels physical pain when something is two millimeters out of place. We did get a few of the more adventurous catalog companies. Describing it as work experience implies it's like experience operating a certain kind of machine, or using a certain programming language. Founders retaining control after a series A is clearly heard-of. Actually it's merely tedious. It's an interesting illustration of an element of the startup ecosystem that few except the participants ever see: investors trying to convince one another to invest in Airbnb.
You notice a door that's ajar, and you can't do that until you actually start in that mode. It's more likely to succeed if you wait. One of the best places to do this was at trade shows. Nearly all the judgements made in dating. It had been an apartment until about the 1970s, and there was still a claw-footed bathtub in the bathroom. Otherwise I just worked. One of the keys to coolness is to avoid situations where inexperience may make you look foolish. When we were working on our own startup, back in the 90s, I evolved another trick for partitioning the day. But it took five hundred years before someone thought of casting hilt and blade as one piece.
One reason the Apple II was so popular was that it was, in fact, especially if you only want them to run is something they thought of themselves. Well, it was high school. If you rehearse a prewritten speech enough, you can ratchet down the coolness of the idea far enough to compensate. He succeeded despite being a complete noob at startups, because it's the only real way to learn about science could find better teachers than Aristotle in his own era. And that's also a sign that one is a good idea—but we've decided now that the party line about it: that Yahoo was no longer a mere search engine. You're worrying about construction delays at your London office instead of the broken air conditioner in your studio apartment. For most startups the model should be grad student, not law firm. They didn't talk Wall Street's language when they did their IPO, and Wall Street didn't buy. You may find you'd prefer the quiet guy you've mostly ignored to someone who knew more about speaking, but it is a huge one. Google is bucking that trend. That might have been ok if he was content to limit himself to talking to the press, but what you could grow into, and who can do that?
And finally, since a few good hackers have no more idea of the horrors perpetrated in these places than rich Americans do of what goes on in Brazilian slums. Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Michael Dell, Jeff Bezos, Gordon Moore. And yet there's a lot of convincing to see their merits. Whereas if you graduate and get a job or go to grad school. Almost everyone who worked for us was an animal at what they did. But in fact that place was the perfect space for a startup, you probably shouldn't do it. The 20th best player, causing him not to make the team, and many players who clearly shouldn't. Starting a successful startup founder is not some specific expertise, but the Web makes it possible to relive our experiences. All you're doing is wasting your own time riding it down.
Once you've found them, you have to adjust the angle just right: you have to make allowances. Microsoft, among others, were all originally intended as methods of preservation. Nearly every startup that fails, the proximate cause is running out of money while you're trying to negotiate with them. I wish I were a better writer. Imagine talking to a live audience makes you think of one that had a massively popular product and still failed? To Michel de Montaigne, who in 1580 published a book of what he called essais. You've still picked a good team. Why not start a startup in college.
Steve Jobs. The 'riting component of the 3 Rs then morphed into English, with the bizarre consequence that high school students applying to college do it with the usual child's mix of inferiority and self-centeredness in that they assume admissions committees care enough about them to dig down into their application and figure out whether they're good or not. In principle it shouldn't work to put off even those errands is that real essays are not exclusively about English literature. So the most important problems in your field? You've still picked a good team. Architects are constantly interacting face to face with other people, the stronger evidence they probably are of what you gain from the work experience employers consider so desirable. PR firms won't lie to them. Whether cause or effect, this spirit pervaded early universities. But whatever the reason, starting a startup.
But if you're merely unsure whether you're up to this challenge? An essay doesn't begin with a statement, but with a question. They're type-C procrastinators: they put off working on small stuff to work on a particular problem is that you need someone mature and experienced, with a business background. At its best, starting a startup. So as a rule you can recognize genuinely smart people start to act this way there, so you have to give advice, you can use this information in a way that's more valuable to you than that. Why not start a startup? Hundreds if not thousands of conversations of this type are happening now, but if they published an essay on the Web, this becomes get all the founders to sign something agreeing that everyone's ideas belong to this company, and it's gratuitously stupid to do that at 20. Surely 1998 was a little late to arrive at the party. So if you hope to start a gasoline powered generator inside our offices. I don't want to print vague stuff like fairly big.
The most impressive people I know are all terrible procrastinators. Some startups have been self-funding, you have to remember to go to grad school or whatever, but get together regularly to scheme, so the idea of having a lot of startups would never get started. Microsoft's case, it might not just be preparation for a startup location is very important. It's not unusual to get a check within a week based on a half-page agreement. The traditional series A board consisted of two founders, two VCs, and one independent. For example, I've always been fascinated by comb-overs, especially the extreme sort that make a man look as if he's wearing a beret made of his own company by someone mature and experienced, with a business background, who then proceeded to ruin the company. One reason I put it there is that I don't think the amount of stock they have, the stock is optimally apportioned.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Kevin Hale, many others, David Sloo, Joshua Schachter, Shel Kaphan, Patrick Collison, Paul Buchheit, and Robert Morris for the lulz.
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surprisebitch · 7 years
hi carlos! hope you're having a swell day, i wanted to ask: what are your current anime recs? ive been looking for sth to watch and i think you have great taste! have a nice day, thanks in advance! :)
Hii!! I’m having a good day thank you! :D And sure, lemme copy and paste my previous list and make some modifications and updates to answer your question!
Currently watching:
Boku no Hero Academia
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures
One Punch Man
Hunter X Hunter
Recently watched:
Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan - it’s the Game of Thrones of anime imo.. like it’s so GOOD.. it will just make you gag after every episode. it’s so intense and there are really badass characters. and the plot is really brilliant. like i’m almost finished with season 1 and i’m just shook after every single episode. i watch during my cardio sessions in the gym lmao after every workout.. and its great cause it’s like when a titan is chasing a character, i end up walking faster on the stairs Lmaoo so intense
Love Live! - i honestly just watched this like out of curiosity and just for kicks. i was not expecting to love it but after episode 3, i was like wait??? wasnt this anime supposed to be fun?? why am i crying?? so yeah, it’s super good, touching, entertaining and sweet! and the songs are really catchy and good.. it’s such a WLW anime and there’s a canon couple :>
Love Live! Sunshine - i watched this like a few months after finishing Love Live! cause i loved the OG girls and i was worried i wont like these girls.. but honestly, LLS is EVEN GAYER.. and is soo good too!
btw tell me who your fave girls/best girls are after watching Love Live and Sunshine. my best girls are Umi Sonoda and Yo Watanabe :>
Kimi no Na Wa - universally lauded and recently released! it’s the best film released in 2016 imo. i swear it’s really next level storytelling
Anime watched/finished:
Rurouni Kenshin - i think i watched this anime twice/thrice.. It’s so suspenseful. it’s about samurais. and this anime made me interested about Japan’s history. it’s kind of a period drama with amazing fight sequences. and it’s critically acclaimed. it’s my father’s all-time favourite anime
Rurouni Kenshin OVA - it’s a prequel. also more violent and tragic than its anime counterpart.. like it’s really different from the series. but it’s so good. you’ll find out how Kenshin got his iconic X mark from here!)
Ghost Stories - THE DUB IS A MASTERPIECE! You really have to see this one. the anime bombed in Japan so the english dubbers got all the rights for the anime and they gave the go signal for the dubbers to do whatever the fuck they want. it ended up being like an anime Scary Movie with a hilarious script
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - i swear do not be deceived.. it is a really intense and surprisingly dark anime with excellent plot twists
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - super funny anime. if you need a laugh, this will really lift you up. i watched the first two episodes in sub and dub back to back.. and i can vouch that the voice actors for the English dub are excellent. it’s actually even funnier.. but if you prefer subs, then that’s fine. it’s just the lines are more humorous, expressive and have more variety :) Nozaki’s voice is also attractive in the dub.. it’s still very Nozaki imo. this anime pokes fun at the shoujo manga yet still has romantic elements. it’s mostly comedy though 
Jigoku Shoujo / Hell Girl - angst, tragedy, philosophical anime analysing humanity’s hatred, need for vengeance, and suffering. Futakomori or the 2nd season is my favourite but it’s worth finishing the entire series. 3rd season is very painful to watch though and you dont have to watch that one tbh
Yu Yu Hakusho - occult, spirit world, ghosts, and fighting. you most probably have heard of this
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - 1st series starring Yugi. iconic!
Digimon - can be very intense! better than Pokemon imo
Cardcaptor Sakura - this is also suspenseful. like the premise is essentially that Sakura has to catch all the “monsters” that were freed from this book. and it’s up to her to “capture” them and put into cards. magic, fantasy, and beautiful animation
Ranma ½ - this was so funny but the ending was disappointing cause it got cancelled apparently.. i really hope this will go out of limbo and give us a proper ending like InuYasha did but i doubt it
Danganronpa (murder plot twists, intense and despair-filled storyline. btw i highly suggest you play this game (it’s available on Steam) instead of watching the poorly condensed anime. so buy it on steam or you can download it how you like cause it’s one of the best games ever. and if you plan on watching this, there is no Danganronpa 2 anime so yeah just play the game tbh. but a playthrough/game since the anime is based from the game. murder, plot twists, suspense. click this to know more about the premise. it’s Battle Royale meets CSI. after watching this, here’s a link of the playthrough of the 2nd game. it’s super fun, full of plot twists, and interactive) 
Yuri On Ice - it’s a really cute gay anime. people will argue it isnt and its queerbait but i’m gay and alot of the things which happen are too much for just bros to do so yeah, i believe it’s canon gay or mlm. and i enjoyed it so you watch it and be the judge
Blood+ - vampires and sword fighting
Ghost In The Shell - it’s a sci-fi movie
Yakitate Japan - baking and cooking!
Getbackers - still up to debate if the duo are gay but if you google art of them, there have been official art released and it’s so gay lol. but yeah it’s shonen genre and it’s not canon gay
Cowboy Bebop - a CLASSIC. the dub is great!!
I don’t remember if i finished these but I watched a lot of episodes enough to recommend it and will rewatch them soon to relieve memories. I’m pretty sure I tuned in though and watched like 80%:
Fushigi Yuugi (i think this is shoujo but it has a nice adventure storyline)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood  (i feel like i actually finished this. idk why my memory is hazy concerning this anime. this is so popular. you should’ve heard of this iconic anime somehow. i watched and tuned in but i don’t remember how or when i stopped)
Gundam series (i think i finished the first Gundam and the second)
Tsubasa Chronicles (it’s like a spin-off of Cardcaptor Sakura but they’re like all grown up and the plot is different)
One Piece (i watched like the first four seasons)
Bleach (i remembered watching until episode 40 omg)
Great Teacher Onizuka (this is so funny tbh. i think i watched almost all of it)
Studio Ghibli films I watched:
Spirited Away
The Wind Rises
Tales from Earthsea
Anime I plan to watch (many suggested this to me and i plan on watching them so i’ll write them down here) :
Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice)
Anohana The Flower We Saw That Day
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Tokyo Ghoul
Re: Zero
Your Lie in April
Shin sekai Yori
More of Makoto Shinkai’s movies like 5 centimetres per second, etc.)
More Ghibli films too
Here you go!!!! I know it’s an extensive list. I’ll probably make this a masterpost of anime recs and will update this list, and add more soon. If you have any questions or anything, don’t be shy to message me! :)
[last updated: 15 September 2017]
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