#also i just followed u from my main so if you see a notif from @ pruzan that is me!!!!!
canongf · 11 months
You don't know me but I follow you and I casually lurk but I found something that made me think of you and Eddie so please take it
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— @tilheavensfalldown (it's my self ship, I always ask from my main)
PLEASE, THIS IS SO CUTE!!! thank you for thinking of me and eddie and thank you for sending it to me, this is absolutely precious and i ADORE IT!!! thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! 🖤
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asordinaryppl · 1 month
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 2: Portrait / Keiku Karashina
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— Anything will do. I’m just lookin’ for something that’s easy to understand.
Everything in my life is boring and tasteless. Then one day, I realized I wasn’t as sensitive as other people.
If something’s sweet, I need it to be so sweet you’d puke. I don’t care for wasabi, but I do like karashi. (1) I like everything to the extreme, whether we're talking sweet or spicy.
I have a hard time feeling anything at all. Not only taste, but everything.
I’m not good at this non-verbal communication thing, I always have to think… either about how I can communicate what I think to others… Or about figuring out what everyone means but doesn’t say. It’s a hassle, it doesn’t make sense, it pisses me off.
In your teens, you’re packed in with others your age whether you like it or not, and you’re forced to do everything in groups. It makes me feel like there’s nothing fulfilling in life.
Life’s full of things that are hard to understand.
I don’t get how people can just go on with their lives in this incomprehensible world like it’s nothing.
That’s why, I started lookin’ for easy to understand tastes… And easy to understand communication.
For example, something like–
Rough-looking guy: –gh
Keiku: … Comm’s done and over with.
[Phone notification blip]
Keiku: …
momo: “log in as soon as u see this!”
Keiku: ?
Iv has joined the chat Kar has joined the chat Kar: suuup shiki has joined the chat shiki: did something happen? momo: you won’t believe it, something crazy just happened! momo: idk how, but i got a famous influencer to join my troupe! shiki: that’s great news! congratulations! Iv: oooo grats Kar: who’s the influencer? momo: have you heard of ibukichi? shiki: my friends follow them Kar: i think i’ve heard of em momo: i never thought someone this famous would join! i’m shook! shiki: do you know what made them join? momo: just like me, they watched mankai company’s play and wanted to start acting! it’s like fate! momo: mankai company's tsuzuru-san also promised to write us a script if we get two more members! we’re THIS close!
Keiku: … Seriously?
momo: so, how about now? will you guys give joining the troupe another thought? Kar: naaah shiki: i’m fine with watching, but participating is another thing entirely, sorry momo: that’s what i thoughttt… momo: will you come watch if we manage to form a proper troupe and start performing then? momo: i want to meet you guys irl! Kar: nop shiki: i’m interested, but idk about meeting in person… i’ll definitely be supporting you from behind the scenes Iv: ^ thiiis Kar: gl tho
Keiku: Welp, we can't meet anyways.
Keiku: (If he ends up being too persistent, I’ll get pissed off and cut him off… Actually, I should just do that now.)
Keiku: (Texting is a chill and easy to understand communication method. It’s straightforward, with no hidden meanings.)
Keiku: (Doesn't hafta be with these guys though…)
Keiku: …
Keiku: (Well, whatever.)
[Phone ringing]
Friend A: “Wassuuup?”
Keiku: Lemme stay the night.
Friend A: “Sure thing, but are you not gonna go home again?”
Keiku: Ain’t ever goin’ back.
Friend A: “Quit lyin’.”
Keiku: (This meaningless back and forth is easy too but…)
Keiku: (... I don’t know what he’s thinkin’ from the other end of the phone, and I don’t get why he always lets me stay over, but it’s whatever.)
Keiku: (Well, I’ve found a place to crash for tonight, that’s good enough. No probs here.)
Rough-looking guy: Wait…
Keiku: ?
Rough-looking guy: Tell me your damn name…
Keiku: Oops, totally slipped my mind. TY.
Keiku: I’m… Nachi Komada of “Wolf”~!
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
(1) karashi (japanese mustard) is made from crushed mustard seeds mixed with horseradish and is much, much spicier than western mustard
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trulybetty · 1 year
Sunday | Week In Review VIII
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This week's Sunday in review is sponsored by your local Farmer's Market sugared doughnuts, proudly provided by @secretelephanttattoo IYKYK 🍩
Hope everyone had a good week this week! 🙌 Tumblr is still doing it's thing with it's notifications in my activity tab. It's mostly just full of likes and some mentions (I still come across a couple on my dash I wasn't notified of), but mostly it's affecting reblogs. Anyway, if you have something you think I'd be interested in seeing or want to share - feel free to send me an Ask/DM or tag me!
Light reading week again, but it's not to say it wasn't filled with some gems!
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T R U L Y U P D A T E S . . .
Happy Birthday (Joel)
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W H A T I R E A D . . .
Grocery List (Frankie) by @frenchiereading I'm a sucker for domestic fluff and even more so when it stems from the Shared Breaths universe 💕 - not going to spoil this one if you haven't read the main series (which I will always shout out) - but there's a broccoli recipe here that still makes my mouth water when I think about it and I really want to try making it (if only I could conjure Frankie just as easily)
You’re Perfect for Me (Marcus P.) by @boliv-jenta The Marcus Pike thots were out in full effect this week and it started for me with this little one shot. Marcus needing some help unwinding from a tough day? Sign me up!
machine wash warm (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie some more domesticity, this time from our boy Marcus (he's made for it really) and while short, it doesn't skimp on the feelings and a man who will wash your bedding and deal with the fitted sheet? Yes please!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 6: Jeeps, Texts, and Sliders (Triple Frontier) by @rhoorl This series has be in a permanent choke hold and I'll eat up anything Jess puts out (have you checked out her Dieter series and her Frankie one shot, because you should!) and this series is the gift that keeps on giving and helps satisfy my Will Miller thots. This weeks installment is no different - we've got tensions building with Will and Katie, Benny and his big brother relationship with Connor, Santiago being Santiago and David living his best life (I want to be his bestie). Hands down one of the best things to come from thots over the Delta boys clearing Reader's garden in @goodwithcheese's 'Layover Series' (which you should read too)
The House (Jack) by @gemmahale I was so happy to get started on this series this week! The week took a left turn and I couldn't devour the rest of it as I wanted, but this is on the docket to catch with this week! It's full of intrigue and mystery and that's just the first chapter! I can't wait to see how this plays out with Andrea getting reacquainted with her grandfathers property and the history it holds.
glass (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie I could be bias because this was written based on the prompts I sent over for Bea's fifty follower celebration, but it doesn't need that, because it's so good all in on it's own! We've got fluff, we've got Marcus (did I mention it's Marcus?), we've got some spice and we've got action! I'm never one to pressure authors to write fanfics, but if Bea were ever to expand on this I'd be all over it.
Butter (Joel) by fuckyeahdindjardin A happy birthday celebration for our main man Joel Miller was more of a gift to us I think. This is so incredibly sweet (pun fully intended) and was just a delight to read that had me squealing all the way through with it's toe curling pure fluff at it's best. In need of a birthday cake to bring home Joel comes across Reader closing up for the night and in exchange for fixing her shutter, she bakes him a cake. Don't sleep on this one!
What Do We Have Here (Javier P.) by @secretelephanttattoo El treated us twice this week! Now I'm still behind on Narcos (hey, I managed an extra episode this week, now a staggering five and a half episodes in!), but even if you didn't have a clue who Elisa was, the spiciness of this fic would soon make up for it! I also learnt a new word, epaulettes. Smut and education in one fanfic? What more can you ask for?
Headshots (Marcus P.) by @secretelephanttattoo Okay, the second of El's offerings this week? Not only has she been bringing the Marcus thots this week, but the fluff too! Imagine showing up to the FBI headquarters to take head shots for the agents and running into Marcus Pike multiple times over the course of a week? Wait, you don't have to! El has crafted it for us and I hear there may be a second part (series?) in the works!
Hypothermia (Joel) by @morallyinept I am the worst camper, so much so Joel Miller would probably leave my sorry ass for the clickers after the grief he'd have with me. But I hope that would be after I get to snuggle up to him for just warmth...
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M E M O R A B L E P O S T S . . .
I had some interesting confessions in my Ask Inbox: Joel Thots + Oscar's Cupcakes
All of @penaonthestreets-javiinthesheets's mood boards, because they are all a mooood and a delicious delight for the eyes
The Gif™️ thots were out in full force
Maggie getting the Marcus Pike Puddles going with pancakes and cuddles visuals
Will Miller visual thots, I don't need an excuse to enjoy this over and over again.
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B R O U G H T T H E J O Y . . .
How well and truly this community is so lovely - I had a really shitty day at work yesterday and by time I logged in later that night I had some wonderful messages, tags and mentions from absolutely amazing people. I can't even remember how I stumbled back onto Tumblr, but I'm so glad I did. This space really can feel like you're shouting into the abyss sometimes, but sometimes you get a response back with a 'my thots too' and you start to build your own little community.
I think I mentioned it the other day, but likes and numbers really won't hold their value. It's the reblogs with the comments, the thousand gifs/emojis or the back and forth discussions of WIP's in DM's that really make this all the worthwhile.
And also a Costco sized container of pico de gallo... it's about balance friends. But seriously, I've pushed the limits of what I can put it on this week.
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T H I S W E E K ' S J A M . . .
This week's song is brought to us by my Chiffon feels as I got back into writing for Dieter x Bryony and this song is very them coded...
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday, whatever it is you're doing and I wish you all a great week ahead! 💕
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s1ut4adamstanheight · 10 months
Adam Stanheight / enemies to lovers 💕 part 2
(ALSOOO if u can’t tell this is kinda based on that one song ‘Scotty doesn’t know’ by Lustra so if you don’t know ur listen to it RIGHT NOW)
Fiona’s POV:
I put on a tiny black dress and do my makeup the way Scott likes and check my phone too see if i got text from him, he's picking me up to drive me to his next show at some underground club.
I've been going out with Scott for a few weeks now, mostly because at first i wanted to get into music too but lately i don't know what I've wanted.
"here" My phone buzzes at his notification and i quickly put on some heels and head out the door with my purse.
I open the passenger door and hop in beside Scott, his idiot friends in the back.
"Hey babe" he smirks and leans over to kiss me.
"hey" i smile back, i notice him looking me up and down.
"you look fucking hot tonight" He nods as he stares at my revealing chest before he starts driving.
We get to the club and get out of the van.
"Adam i need you to be the driver tonight since we're all gonna be drinking" Scott looks at Adam and pats him hard on the back, I don't understand how he can let Scott push him around like that it's pathetic.
"I can't i need to get home-"
"i don't care." Scott blurts back immediately.
"do your fucking job and do what your told." Scott doesn't wait for Adam to reply he just starts walking into the club letting everyone else get the instruments from the van and leaving Adam standing alone and annoyed. Like i said, pathetic.
We get inside and go to the backroom and wait for the rest of the band to set up on stage and more people to show up.
"Fiona follow me"
Scott takes my hand and drags me to some private room down the hallway, the room is colored pink from the lights and there's couches surrounding the corners of the room. Soft music plays through the walls from the band playing on stage in the next few rooms.
"we can hangout here until i have to go on" he turns to face me and moves his hands around my waist pulling me in. I like Scott, he's definitely an interesting guy to be around but he scares me sometimes with his temper and impulsiveness.
"it's really nice back here" I let him kiss down my neck and walk me over to a couch.
The bright pink lights are nauseating so i close my eyes, also ignoring how Scott is laying me down on top of him on the couch.
He puts his hands behind his head as he lays down.
"how about you help me relax before i have to go on...help me calm my nerves" he says so convincingly but i hesitate and he notices.
"C'mon, you know i can help you with your music, i can even get you in my band, you just...haven't proved yourself yet." he moves his hand to me and strokes my hair.
I grit my teeth and eventually nod and smile.
"Sorry, i'm just nervous.." I sigh and look at him as he holds my face moving it down.
"don't be nervous babe" that nickname makes my body stiff.
"you'll do great."
I undo his belt, everything after that is nothing but a blur.
"that's the good girl i know." he smiles and zips up his pants and stands up.
"I think the music stopped you better get going." I say as I wipe my mouth.
"Yeah yeah, thanks for this Fiona." He rushes off without a kiss or goodbye. I feel like an idiot but if I ever want a chance to be in a band it's this one. He's the only band member I know and he's giving me a chance.
I go to the bathroom and wash my mouth before walking back out to the main room where Scott is onstage singing while his stupid fans yell and excitedly sing along.
I see Adam at the bar drinking water. I guess Scott has him off duty right now. I walk up to him.
"No orders from Scott I guess" I say as I walk up to him and look at the bartender.
"What?" He looks over at me not expecting me to come out of no where.
I scoff.
"You haven't been ordered around yet." The Bartender comes up to me and I order two vodka shots.
Adam scrunches his eyebrows.
"Shut up he doesn't order me around." He starts getting all defensive now. It's embarrassing.
"He totally does. You follow him around like a little puppy doing everything your told." I swallow down a shot and stare at his face, very obviously mad.
"You act like I'm the only one, at least he doesn't get me on my knees with my mouth wide open before every show."
My smug grin fades away. Fuck
He scoffs when he sees my expression.
"Yeah you better keep your mouth shut because your no better."
He raises his eyebrows and chuckles. I hate seeing him all cocky thinking he's won.
"I-" I go quiet trying to think of something to say but Adams right.
"What was that?" He stares at me and smiles.
"That's what I fucking thought" he takes his drink and walks away, camera in hand.
Fuck him, fuck Scott, fuck this fucking club.
"Five vodka shots please."
Before I know it I'm infront of the crowd and I'm looking up at Scott as he sings. Laughing, singing and cheering him on.
The crowd is heavy and loud, my body is perfectly numb and my mind is worry free and happy.
"This is my girlfriend!" Scott screams into the mic and goes to grab my hand. He's trying to bring me on stage.
I grab his hand as the crowd cheers, Scott pulls me close and I get to see the huge packed club.
I look at Scott as he says something into the mic then turns to me, he kisses me on the lips while grabbing my waist then my ass. I can see Adam, way in the corner with his camera. When he realizes what's going on on stage he puts his camera down and stares. I bet he's jealous Scott's giving me attention while the only attention he gets from his friend is orders.
Scott moves back and ends the show.
"That was amazing! You where amazing!" I drunkenly tell Scott.
"What can I say? You bring out the best in me." He says charmingly.
"How about you Go wait in the car, I don't want any of the guys here to take advantage of you while I'm in the back getting my stuff."
I nod and kiss him on the cheek before getting off stage and walking outside. Honestly I'm no better than Adam.
I get in the van and see Adam, beside me at the wheel.
"Ugh." I groan when we make eye contact.
Adam rolls his eyes at me.
"You put on a good show letting Scott stick his tongue down your throat on stage."
Why does he have to bring that up making it sound so bad.
"Your just mad he was giving me attention."
"The fuck is that supposed to mean." Adam scrunches his eyebrows and leans forward.
"He only gives you attention when he orders you around" I try to act all smug even though he's right. On stage was a bit embarrassing and I didn't like being shown off like that.
"Well he gives all of his hoes attention like that so don't think your special."
"I am not his hoe!" I turn to him and look at him upset now.
"Right right." He smirks "your not just a hoe, your a main hoe, only difference is that he remembers your name."
"Fuck you Adam." I lean back in my seat looking away from him.
"Yeah? Fuck you too Fiona."
"Heyo!." Scott, Roman, Korey and Charlie burst the back of the van open and start putting their instruments in.
"Let's roll bitches! After party at my house!" Roman yells up to me and Adam.
"Jesus Christ." Adam whispers under his breath as he starts the van.
The whole ride there Scott and his band mates are singing and drinking in the back. Adams eyes are focused on the road. I guess he only hangs out with Scott because he pays him the most for his lazy free lance photographing.
"Oh Adam," Roman pops his head in the front from the back, the smell of alcohol lingers on his breath. "We are going to my parents country house so make a little detour."
Of course a country house, I forgot Roman comes from old money. His country house is huge and not just a house, it's a fucking mansion in the country. Big forests surround it.
We get to the place and go up the long driveway.
"Jesus this place is nice." Scott says staring out the window.
The guys drunkenly stumble out of the van laughing.
"C'mon babe." Scott takes my waist in his.
"This really is the perfect after party house." I say as more cars pull up, music blasting.
Dozens of people fill the old rich place making the bottom floor hot and loud.
I'm standing with Scott while he talks to some fans, getting all the attention.
"Hey I'm gonna go find the bathroom." I tell Scott before walking off.
I decide to go upstairs to avoid a crowd, up here is quiet except for the muffled sound of moaning through the locked bedrooms.
I definitely feel the vodka from the club and everything else I've been drinking since I got here, I stumble around the halls looking for the bathroom. I hear Scott's voice down the next hallway- maybe he's looking for me.
I turn the corner and see Scott with some blonde chick and belly button piercing. What the fuck?! I thought to myself.
My mouth slowly opens in shock, fuck me...Adam was right.
"I told you"
The voice from behind me makes me jump around and gasp.
"Jesus Christ Adam!" Adam was standing behind me and he too saw Scott taking some other girl into a bedroom.
"What the fuck.." I catch my breath.
"I told you your not special, you believe me now?"
I don't look at him and just look away frustrated.
"What does it matter.."
"I told you, your not special and your no better than me." He stares down at me.
"I fucking know, what do I do." I shouldn't have drank as much as I did now I'm emotional and I can feel tears pooling in my eyes. I Look down.
"Find a better boyfriend I guess." Adam shrugs and keeps walking down the hall. Leaving me feeling stupid for thinking Scott could really like me and not just think of me as a good fuck. Truthfully I did like him a little more than just wanting a good music opportunity.
Fuck, I'm such an idiot. But Scott's an Asshole anyway I've always knows I've deserved betters. Fuck him.
I finally find a bathroom in a bedroom. I wipe a few tears away not knowing what to do now, Scott is the only person I'm here for so what else do I do?
I walk out of the bedroom and stumble my way down the halls to the living room where a shit load of people are drinking and dancing with music blasting. Scott is no where to be seen.
I walk into the darkness outside for some fresh air. The cold night air is freezing making me rub my hands over my arms. I sit down on the front step and put my head into my hands.
"Ughh" I groan to myself, I'm a mess.
"Hey need a ride." It's Adam from inside the van.
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shigaeru · 2 years
I always get so excited when I see a notification from you, I love the comic and the way u draw these two moron, really, amazing job!!! I wanted to ask, if its not a problem, how do you design the panels of a comic? I'm new in that field and it's honestly a black magic to me and I love yours, they're easy to read and also interesting to look at!
Hi!! Thank you!! <3 and sorry I took so long to answer but I wanted to do it Right for your question. SO HERE GOES, MY TIPS FOR PANELING:
First thing's first: I basically visualize stories as film/anime and it helps a lot. The main rule I follow is that 1 shot = 1 panel. I found this edit super interesting because this is basically it, but in reverse. See how each panel becomes a shot?
It'll depend on how much of the action from one animated shot you'll want to show too. Do you have a shot with your character changing expression? While there's only one shot, the expression at the beginning and at the end are both important so that'll be 2 panels, or 3, or even 4, depending on how many key frames you want to show). Is the character traversing the screen from left to right? Is it important to see them at the beginning of their run, in the middle or at the end? Or all three?
Now, there's a big rule in comic :
The bigger the panel, the longer the action will feel. Your eye will take more time to pan over the picture and it'll trick your brain into thinking time has passed in the story. See how different these feel?
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After this one, I'll personally follow a few other rules, but many artists don't, or have their own, so feel free to try these out if you want, or not! The goal is to have fun first and foremost.
Each page makes sense on its own. It has a beginning and an end, and no speech/shot is cut in the middle at the bottom of the page.
I try to at least have one panel per page that has a physical, tangible background, it helps ground the reader in what's happening in the scene.
I mainly use 2/3/4 rows of panels (which is specific to manga, other genres often have more) and I try to mix the shapes of the panels on the rows so no rows look the same, and no pages look the same within the chapter.
Every space in the panel is used for something, no "empty" spaces (I put bubbles in those to fill in the gaps lmao)
Slanted panel borders are for action scenes.
(now that’s kind of a director’s take but) when changing shot/panel, changing the angle always make things more interesting!
When depicting action, I found it the most clear when showing the anticipation, the action and the aftermath. Like with a punch, you'll see the run-up, the contact, and then the guy's on the ground in 3 panels, you know?
(this one's super specific to my brain but) bordered panels are for static camera and "open" panels are for camera movement within the shot
HAVE FUN! most of the time I'm improvising with what feels right, and what READS right. So many times I finished my chapter and went "oh the pacing is so wrong" and changed the paneling just before posting after everything was supposedly already done. So yeah, don't hesitate to have a beta-reader that can tell when the paneling is interfering with comprehension, it always helps improve!!
These work for me, but I’ve accumulated most of these after trial and error, so if some don’t work for you that’s fine, and I hope you find the rules you’re comfortable with!!
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ohh-fiddlesticks · 2 months
pinned post thingo… pt 3 !
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hiii my name is 💥 micah 💥 and this is my selfship sideblog! i use he/him and im a certified transsexual 🔥 aroace and gay as well. its a complex and wondrous thing yk how it is ‼️ i’m also australian 🎉
i tend to see my selfships as more on the fictional side; i like to explore the relationships like any other relationship in fiction, meaning that it wont always be the healthiest, so… keep that in mind i guess 👍
i dont like to associate this blog too closely with my main but if you get notifs from a blog with a url starting with d and a rainbow pfp of castiel, thats almost definitely me! if u wanna know the exact url feel free to ask and i’ll let you know 👍
you can also check out my strawpage for some general info about me and an f/o list, etc. :^)
i draw sometimes ‼️ i tag all my art with “#my art”
my main f/os are dave s.trider & c.handler bing but ive also got a couple more in the bag!
proship and closely associated please kindly don’t follow 🙏 strictly nsfw or 18+ blogs preferably dni too closely also . generally tho i’ll just block people i don’t want interacting
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f/o list, sharing boundaries, etc. below the cut!
for romantic f/os, my general policy is that i’m not particularly comfortable with sharing and while you’re free to follow or interact if we share f/os, keep in mind i’m less likely to follow back— this ofc does not apply if i follow first. platonic, familial, etc. f/os im totally fine with sharing, in fact i think thats awesome
also! i have no tagging system— that being said, if you want me to tag a certain ship for filtering purposes or similar, i’d be happy to do so
characters i talk about in a romantic manner (some are f/os, some not, it’s complicated):
dave strider (homestuck) — f/o. thats my boyf riend . basically my first proper f/o i heart him lots 💗
chandler bing (friends) — f/o. thats also my boyf riend. my beloved sarcastic repressed boring yet not boring guy. this may come as a surprise but i also love him lots
hitch (ruby redfort) — f/o. i dont talk about him as much but i do love him. middle aged secret agent who’s afraid of crocodiles and is secretly silly :-)
prismo (adventure time) — f/o. also dont talk about him as much but i love him i prommy. idc that he’s 2D i will find a way to give him a kiss 🫡
jonny goodman (friday night dinner) — fictional crush or something i dont even know. i was briefly obsessed with him during my fnd interest period and i still hold him dearly and sometimes rewatch some fnd episodes and think of him
bernard black (black books) — i truly dont know tbh i just love black books and am a little obsessed with him. manny & fran too but i dont have gay little crushes on them so
jeremy usbourne (peep show) — practically an f/o atp but im in denial. side effect of my recent peep show obsession was developing a secondary obsession with this freak
characters i have some sort of weird little qpr situation with
foxy (fnaf) — idk how to explain it he was one of the first characters i started selfshipping with in some variety and i like him :-)
the nice cream guy (deltarune) — he’s a developed character 2 meeee. we’re gayass boy best friends
red guy (dhmis) — who knows but it’s not a normal friendship folks
characters that are my friendssss my familyyy etc. you get the idea
toriel & asgore dreemurr (deltarune) — my parents:)
kris & asriel dreemurr (deltarune) — my siblings:)
basically the entire rest of the main characters from the other medias ive already mentioned — my friends:)
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kylermalloy · 1 year
Hi hello sorry for spamming ur notifs sndndnd i have a question for you! Are you just into elijah and klaus (and rebekah too??) or do u go crazy for all the mikaelsons? If u dont whats the main appeal of elijah and klaus for you! Im very glad to have found ppl who are also Insane™ about the mikaelsons in the year of our lord 2023 and its really fun seeing ur takes on things and reading ur work! Hope u have a good day/night uwu
Hi hi hi never apologize for spamming! How else would we express our passion for the things we love? ❤️
Klaus and Elijah are definitely my favorites out of all the Mikaelsons, but I do love Rebekah a lot too! Freya, Finn, and Kol are further down the list, in that order. I love my murder children, but I’m not their mother—I’m not obligated to love them all equally!
I think the main appeal of Klaus and Elijah for me is simply their intensity. They’re the first originals we meet in tvd, and before we even see them together onscreen we can tell they have a fraught, complicated history—yet there’s love there too.
The flashbacks to the 15th century as they prepare to sacrifice Katherine? Klaus laughing about their silly ploys throughout history, while Elijah gazes lovingly over his shoulder? Bliss. I swoon. And the scene in present day, after Klaus has broken the curse and has just transformed back into a human? Elijah, the previous night (or however long ago) was prepared to kill him. Had his hand in his heart and everything. Yet now here he is, helping Klaus dress like some kind of butler—someone who’s been there for him like this time and again.
I go similarly insane about the flashbacks to the 1920s, in which Klaus has to explicitly tell the audience that Rebekah is his sister and not, you know, his girlfriend. But they do undercut this slightly with Rebekah immediately jumping on Stefan and, while I approve, climb that ripper tree, it does take away from her psychotic, erotic bond with Klaus.
And that’s just in tvd! That’s only setting the stage for TO! In TO, Klaus and Elijah’s bond is ramped up to main character status. Elijah is simultaneously Klaus’s brother-associate, his overbearing, cautioning father figure, and the lover with whom he has frequent spats and reconciliations. Klaus is having a baby? No, Elijah says, we’re having a baby! And inserts himself into this pregnancy situation with Hayley, and no one questions it.
(Klaus and Rebekah’s relationship also gets some amazing moments in s1 of TO, and for the first time Rebekah and Elijah’s relationship gets to shine too! But alas, after some of the best episodes of the entire show—episodes 1x14-16—Rebekah departs, so we get to see less of her with her siblings, and Klelijah continues to take center stage.)
I could detail every single thing I love about Klelijah’s relationship, their ups and downs, their tragedy and their comedy—and I might come back later and add on, if I feel like it!—but yeah, that’s my draw to these two. Canon is so generous with them, and I simply go crazy for it!
Not to mention—the actors’ chemistry had a huge hand in all this. They bounce off each other so well, and their mannerisms are so different yet both so old at the same time. You really believe they’ve known each other for a thousand years, and any fight that they have is mere window dressing to the centuries they’ve stood shoulder to shoulder.
And not only that! But! (⚠️Spoilers for the end of TO, if anyone still cares about that⚠️) The show rewards me and lets them die together. Klaus makes the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter, and Elijah’s like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess I’ll die too, and follows him into oblivion for no other reason than he wanted to. Ah yes, a very normal brotherly relationship. (I’m going FERAL just thinking about it again!)
Truly I have not been normal about them since 2018, and that doesn’t look to be changing anytime soon. I will keep repeating myself in posts like these until…either the whole world understands the brilliance of TO, or until I die. Whichever comes first.
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years
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My blog may be only like 5 months old, but I managed to hit a pretty big milestone for followers anyway! Wanted to say thank you to all of you who follow me and subscribe to the cult of Katherine. Even if we don't interact or write I really do appreciate your follow and support. I adore all the random anons I get, you guys make being here so much fun and Im so glad that you chose to follow me.
While I love all of you there are a few people I would like to escpecially thank for my rpc family wouldn't be the same without them!
@baby-royalty - You were my first follow on this site, we were DRAWN to each other. It has been a pleasure and a privilege helping Lizzy develop more into her own person. As far as OC Dathrine children are concerned you will always be my one and only, I love you endlessly. Obiche tem Zvezdichke.
@multi-royalty - Dat my bes fran, she a rl bad bitch. The Caroline to my Elena. Seeing you grow and improve as a writer while you explore your wide range of characters has been so heart warming to see. You have a knack for being able to pick up just about any character youre asked to and do them proficiently, which is a skill not everyone posesses! But no matter who youre writing, you will always be my favourite Caroline. xoxo
@hybrid-royalty-main - U R A SCRUB. But despite that I have to admit I am impressed with how fully you have dedicated yourself to the RPC and become such a large part of my affilliates circle. You play all of my boys and then also my tormenter and you do them all so well. Red string Stefrine is what the world DESERVED in tvd, and I am so pleased to give you the chance to write it with me <3 muwah muwah.
@sonofmikael/@bunnyblooded - I WAITED THREE WHOLE MONTHS from the moment I joined and found your blog I waited with baited breath to see if you would EVER come back. Then I was alerted and worked my way into your notifications and then BOOM. Follow back. I was so excited, and then YOU HAD A STEFAN BLOG TOO??? I mean, mostly built for a klefan AU which i mean i guess I forgive you Stefrien supremacy but really where its AT?? Our Stelena is something special. Idk how or why, but I write my favourite Stelena stuff with you, it just flows so beautifully. NOW IF ONLY YOU WOULD DO YOUR DRAFTS- jk. I love you. But really.
@faiththesinfulslayer - GIRL????? GIRL???? When we first started interacting I did NOT expect their relationship to evolve into what it has. Faith and Katherine are just one of my fave pairings because they GET each other in a way not many other's can. Its so important to them and FOR THEM you know? I adore seeing you on my dash and even tho she will deny it to the end of time Katherine and I DO notice when youre gone and we DO miss you both. We are always waiting to see our girls active and killin it on the dash <3 know that you are very loved.
A few other mentions that make my dash amazing. I love seeing all of you pop up in my notifications and my feed. All of you are amazing writers with wonderful grasps on your characters and you all have made my experience here on this blog more amazing than I could have asked for. From banter to deep dive angst and character development, writing with you guys has made my experience amazing. I am very happy to be mutuals and write with all of you.
@tobeblamed @touchedbydestiny @ladamedemartel @lordofthestrix @deceptivemorals @witch3d @townwxtch @siiinfultemptation @jeremydied @wonkrugona @tricursed @viikingwitch @seesgood @langdhon @tormentias @demone-volpe @sindicate @hcpemikaelscn @roshale @ofwaywardsunshine @salvatoraes @klaeus
And just a quick shout out to a few more special people-
The OC hall of fame, the love and devotion you have for your characters is inspiring and I am heavily invested in them on my dash.
@unbearablyindifferent @ravenskeeper @demonstigma
Katherine ESPECIALLY adores bothering Sarah and Alice. &lt;3
Thank you all again for your love and support! If you weren't mentioned don't worry! It's nothing personal, these are just the blogs that have been my faves for a large part of my 5 or so months in this RPC. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me as a writer and on this blog, but I hope you all are a part of it <;3
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daybreakrising · 6 months
NAME: lauri
PRONOUNS : he / him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord absolutely over anything else, IMs next. people i write with are always allowed to ask for my discord, and i recommend that you do bc it's easier for me than IMs as the notifs are 1000x more reliable. and i find it easier to share stuff / ramble about our muses/dynamics there
NAME OF MUSE(s) : i... have many. main ones at the moment are wrio, vautrin, baizhu & blade, bc they're the loudest at rattling their cages rn.
BEST EXPERIENCE : honestly? joining this rpc. it's the first one that (so far, please don't change-) i haven't had any issues with regarding shitty behaviour or shittier people.
- vague-posting. i cannot tell you how fucking irritating i find this. it's a shitty & unnecessary thing to do and i will call you out on it if we're friendly and i see you doing it. being vague about something is just inviting drama, and given that so many of us have anxieties, you have no idea who you're subsequently stressing out with your passive aggression.
- plotting, even loosely, with someone & then taking that plot to another version of the same muse. thankfully i don't see too much of this happening these days but, man, it infuriates me.
- hating on someone's headcanons simply bc they don't align with yours. everyone writes a muse differently - that's the beauty of rp. you are allowed to disagree with a headcanon, sure, but if you think your opinion is the only correct one... get out. take your insecurities elsewhere thank u.
MUSE PREFERENCES: morally grey characters, characters who have several layers to wade through and delve into, characters that provide a good challenge for me to write, dogboys.
PLOTS OR MEMES : both. i love plots but i can & will create plots from memes too - and memes are a great way to get things going, to prompt dynamic development & can also just... be fun.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : listen. LISTEN. if you've followed me for any length of time you know i love long replies. LIVE FOR THEM. being able to freely write several paragraphs without feeling guilty for dumping essays on my writing partner is delicious. but i'm not opposed to short replies either - they're good for when muse is low, or my energy levels are limited.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : literally the middle of the night. my most productive hours are between 10pm and 4am.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i have enough muses to be able to say: probably. i do tend to pick muses that resonate with me in some way, whether that's something in their personality or their background that i identify with, or some other aspect of the character that is familiar. that doesn't apply to all of them, necessarily, but certainly the majority.
tagged by: @ruinare (thank u!)
tagging: idk who hasn't already been tagged so feel free to yoink this from me & say i tagged you !
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lowkeychenle · 7 months
see my sea is my comfort fic fr like i love the trope of mc being anti romance due to prior experiences and love interest changes the fact ,, i enjoy them cos i relate to it n then the other reason is bc its chenle ?? theres a lack of GOOOOD written works for him (or any written works for that matter) (i mean like aside from like 7drm headcanons n reactions, theres not tew many chenle x reader in comparison to the other dreamies)
so the fact that your blog is enriched w chenle works = immediate follow
+ oh and ur chenle smut is so good too?? = post notifs on! literally digging thru the chenle smut tag is sooo 😐😐 so i can only rely on u my friend 😔 thank u 4 ur service<3
i would like to reiterate how much i love ur jaemle series as a fellow jaemle stan..... pretty sure i sent u an ask about it and your guidelines surrounding it but idk if i ever sent it bc i was half asleep (no like actually frl lmao) or if tumblr ate my ask
i also was the anon who asked ab emoji anons n oh i def would love to (/gen) but idk how much i'd be interacting cos im in a bit of a mental rut atm so my social interaction is looowww. still supporting my fav blogs tho no worries, w rbs opposed to asks :<
all that being said , i was js curious ab ur current wips if u have any or if ur main focus is on 'is it over now' ? was wondering what we could expect from u is all, no pressure whatsoever!
HIIII <3 omg thank you for reading my work and loving it and also following me that's so cute :')
I've received a couple asks about the Jaemle series and I do plan on continuing it, I'm just not sure when lollll. I have a bunch of misc. smut ideas I'll be writing at some point. These next few months are super busy for me as I'm hoping to graduate in August this year, but that means I, unfortunately, do not have much writing time.
I hope you feel better soon for real :( mental ruts are the WORST I was just in one myself so make sure you take care of yourself <3 if you ever just want to chat, you're more than welcome to send me a message :)
Some of my current wips include:
Is It Over Now? - Chenle x Reader / Jisung x Reader! Based off of the song of the same name by Taylor Swift. This one is crazy and I'm still kinda questioning myself on how to end it (because I'm a chenle slut but how do you like...pivot on bad behavior idk)
Somewhere Else - ??? x Reader; lol I'm thinking Mark or Jaemin for this one. They seem to fit the picture in my head more than Chenle for this one unfortunately. Basically just an achingly fluffy piece with some smut in it lol
Stars Aligned - Chenle x Reader; basically Mastermind by Taylor Swift but he for sure knows the whole time and when the relationship becomes public (ex. gets exposed), things start to switch up
Several miscellaneous smuts that just pop into my head randomly. I have like 10 docs of just random smut scenes I haven't completed yet LOL
And then, of course, I have some text au reqs in my inbox I'm working on and my new smau titled Musically Inclined. That one is fun lol.
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sinisterlyliv · 2 years
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I posted 125 times in 2022
That's 125 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (5%)
119 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 44 of my posts in 2022
#stephen strange - 5 posts
#sinister strange - 4 posts
#agents of shield - 3 posts
#supreme strange - 3 posts
#doctor strange in the multiverse of madness - 2 posts
#doctor strange - 2 posts
#doctor strange: in the multiverse of madness - 2 posts
#defender strange - 2 posts
#leopold fitz - 2 posts
#no need to call me out like that - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#& also stuff about fitz...now that i'm really liking the idea of sinister using the darkhold to find out that fitz knows how to travel betw
My Top Posts in 2022:
*sighs* will i ever be satisfied with the picrew i make for my pfp?
0 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Oh my heavens, I'm flattered. And I'm sorry it took me forever to respond! I was out of town and seeing family so I tried not to be on Tumblr that much. But I saw I got an ask and didn't have time to read it. I've had a sucky couple days (really fun to drive to another state to see family just to get horribly sick & then be nervous about spreading it when you go to a reception you know lots of elderly people will be at), and seeing this and reading what it actually says really made my day.
Here's a random selection of songs I listen to frequently.
Dvorak's "New World Symphony Movement Three"
Basil Poledouris' "Nuclear Scam" from The Hunt for Red October
Hesham Nazih's "Constellation" from Moon Knight
Panic! At the Disco's "Roaring 20s"
Don McLean's "American Pie"
Again thank you so much for this!
I don't think I even have 10 followers honestly, so if you aren't following me and see this for some reason, you're welcome to do it!
1 note - Posted November 20, 2022
Pass the happy! When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications 😙✨
This ask blog thing we've got going for characters. I only use this for rp. And I used to rp before on another site but it...wasn't that great? People took it way too seriously. Like, they were more worried about a word count than the story and characters and having fun. And personally I find word counts to be the least important in rp (I do understand wanting to have long paragraphs in some rps but I would never get mad at someone for having 230 words instead of 250). So I stopped because that sucked. But if I can send an ask to you or another blog like yours, I get a little taste of rp in a way that doesn't suck. And I've had WAY more fun than I thought I would and it's become way more of a thing for me. It started out as just anon asks since I don't use my main blog, I only use a side blog. I went and made a whole new account for this because I was having fun.
Family. Had a family get together this week so I've been having fun with them. They're family I haven't seen in forever too (they live on the East Coast and I live in a Western state) so it's great. And I've been seeing family a lot more lately since I'm going to live out of the country temporarily and I have a few cousins doing similar things, so we've been seeing each other more often to make up for the time we won't see each other. But I just love my family. My relationships aren't perfect by any means. But I know they won't abandon me because of something big or small.
So, I'll be living in Brazil temporarily, and I know no Portuguese. So I've been using Duolingo to learn some basics. And I took five years of Spanish between middle and high school, but that was pre-covid and I've lost a lot of it since then. But it's almost like I'm relearning Spanish as I'm learning Portuguese. Because in some ways Portuguese feels like Spanish that is written completely differently and has a very different accent. So far with the most basic of the basics, I can understand Portuguese if spoken and I can kind of speak it (still trying to get the handle of Portuguese pronunciation instead of Spanish pronunciation), but reading and writing is so much harder because there's different characters and everything is spelled way different (yo vs. eu). But then there's words that look like they might be exactly the same (como and bebo) but so far Duolingo has only shown me the one conjugation so I don't know what's going on with anything else or what the infinitive is. But it's actually so much fun. I'm relearning one language while learning another. And I have a knack for languages in general and enjoying learning languages, so this is really fun for me.
Writing. Writing fanfiction is just so fun and therapeutic and makes my brain go insane with happiness. All of my fics are linked on my other account, and to be honest I don't know if they'd appeal to any of the people I've interacted with here (you wouldn't guess that I don't have any Doctor Strange fics, would you? Stephen is a big deal in one of my Loki fics though, and I'm planning out some fics for Stephen and variants, but from this blog you'd think Stephen is my favorite when he actually isn't! He is in my top 4 though! Loki, Bucky, Coulson, Stephen, order can vary. Now that I got that tangent out of the way...).
Food. I love food. And I love cooking. I don't normally talk religiously (yes, I am Christian, a minority in Christianity too, I was harassed on a side blog on my other account by someone saying that Christians can't be queer and they called me terrible things so I don't feel comfortable talking about it that often any more), but the fact that we have both the ability to taste and so many ingredients that can be cooked and combined in delicious ways, at least to me, is very strong evidence that God loves us. Currently in a big nutella thing. Also, since I'm going to Brazil, people having been giving me Guaraná Soda, this Brazilian pop that tastes amazing, and I may have been looking up where I can buy it in the States by my house. Sushi is also extremely delicious. And I could go on and on but I'll stop now to save you all time.
1 note - Posted August 20, 2022
*screams in agents of shield fan*
4 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
love how the fandom had sinister strange, defender strange, and strange supreme for maybe ten minutes (that's combining all of their screentime) and yet we're all obsessed with them
116 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hollyhorseheads · 6 months
hi hollyhorseheads all 3 of us. i want a sideblog just for them... fair warning this blog will probably not be used for very long but if you stumble across it like wayyy into the future u are welcome to send me an ask or a message or whatever because this is just a sideblog of my main & i still check sideblog notifs cause it bugs me if i dont make the notification symbol go away LOL
main blog if u follow me on here thats where ill follow back from!!! also where i like posts from (duh) and if you wanna see me yap abt / rb stuff ur free 2 follow
art blog if i post art of these guys it will probably be on my art blog (but ill rb it to here)!! i also post art from other stuff i like but be prepared for long hiatuses 💔💔💔 i tend to go through phases of drawing multiple times a day every day to not drawing for months on end LOL
writing / playlists tumblr this one was SUPPOSED to be my blog for posting fandom spotify playlists i made and then also fanfics i wrote but um. well i do just end up rambling on there occasionally. IF UR LEGALLY A MINOR (or just dont wanna see that shit) PLEASE FILTER OUT MY 18+ POSTS ON THERE THANK U!!!! anyway if i write anything / make a playlist for them (or just want to post abt music and them in general) itll be on there but i will of course rb it here :3
yeah ur free to follow any of my blogs idm!!! and ur absolutely free to unfollow at any time too no hard feelings <3 my final warning is that i do fixate on stuff and change interests sometimes (not, like, often, but a few times a year usually) so youre welcome to follow when im into one thing and unfollow when im into another! my point is that ur always getting a mixed bag with me LOL... the only constant is my love of nonbinary yuri headcanons. hashtag proud himejoshi for LIFE!
thats it i think. oh you can call me mona or ramona i think thats my most used name atm... idm about pronouns or masc/fem/neu terms. use whatevers funniest for the bit. ok? awesome :]
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savventeen · 1 year
Hi! This is really random but I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE break the curse, break my heart. It’s just one of those fics that has been FUSED INTO MY BRAIN. I just randomly remember it and have the urge to reread it - I must’ve read it upwards of 10 times now. I’ve lost it a couple times and just remembered the main beats of the story and spent HOURS trying to find it. All this to say, thank you SO MUCH for writing the fic!! It’s honestly so good!! One thing I’ve always wondered is how the boys would figure out something was wrong, how they would react, how they got Mingyu and the MC out of there etc - did you have any thoughts on this when writing the fic or have you ever considered doing a follow up? Thanks!
when i first got the notif for this i smiled so hard my face hurt and then had to just. lie facedown on the floor sldkjflsdkjf this fic ended up becoming so special to me like, i had to stop myself from creating an entire dnd-esque character sheet for mingyu when originally it was just supposed to be a little drabble prompt fill lmao
it makes me so so happy to hear that you love this fic too <333333
[putting my answer to your question under the cut bc it got just a lil long oops. and for anyone curious, you can read the fic we're talking about here!]
and now for your questions!!! let me start this off and say that i have def considered expanding this universe in some way before, mostly because i just love the universe but also bc someone a while ago asked about how mingyu and reader got together, i think? (it's been awhile, so i don't remember what the exact question/'what if' was oops) but basically that made me think it would be fun to write something about their training days or something similar.
having said that, though, you asking about how the other boys would react and how they'd get MC/Mingyu out has me REALLY tempted to write a follow-up for that... like. i now really really want to write it and will most likely work on it between other wip obligations slkjdflk
also bc i feel bad not giving you any real answers, as for the how they figured out something was wrong, it has to do with the magic in their weapons!
so in this universe, a lot of the magic is done through runework and enchanted items. their weapons specifically are crafted for fighting magical creatures as well as channeling/detecting magic through the runes embedded in them. the weapons are also magically connected via runes to what would be considered the guild headquarters.
without going too in-depth about everything, the part we see in the story is when the glow goes from teal to red. you can think of the different glowing colors as kinda like a magical geiger counter, where different colors mean different things, and in this instance we learn that red means the presence of a curse.
since curses are a Big Fucking Deal and Very Bad, the moment a guild weapon detects a curse, an alert is sent to the guild headquarters. this is why mingyu and mc are able to get helped in time, bc their weapons basically sent out a distress signal via magical means lol. as for how the rest of the boys specifically found out, whoever was on duty at the time would have gotten the alert, and the rest would have been told by the others at some point.
i hope this is a satisfactory answer for now and know that when another fic in this universe is posted (bc it is a when now, not an if lol) you will be a big part in having made it happen <3333
out of curiosity, is there a specific member you'd like to see in this au? like, is there anyone's POV that you'd really want to read?
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97-liners · 1 year
(hi it's @lovelyhan 💐)
i didn't know we were moots for a while either until i saw you rb one of the things i rb-ed in the past and the notif indicator was a shade darker than usual (since that's how it usually looks in dark mode when mutuals interact w ur posts AHSJJA) i just thought "oh !!! neat 🥰"
and dw absolutely no pressure to go through my mlist bc i'm perfectly happy seeing your words of wisdom everyday 😽 promptly Lost it when you talked ab svt x pkmn bc you essentially combined two hyperfixations from two different phases of my life nd i gotta thank you for that 🤝🤝
totally understand the confusion w the sideblogs bc 👹 even i don't usually find out sideblogs follow me from their main until several months have passed lol
this got a little long AHSJAJA but i'll conclude this little jackie love letter by asking if i could have the 🐇 emoji and if not, the 💐 emoji 🫡🫡
hiii!!!! so happy to see u in my inbox <3
omg my beloved svt pokémon au….. i wanna write a THING based on fighting type gym leader coups he’s so cute <3
also i wish i had the fortitude and dedication to make my main 97-liners-main or smth like that but i’ll never let go of @naptimed …… i love that url so much and also ive had it since 2015 at least !!
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chyoatas · 2 years
what u have to understand is i dont. check my notifications rhgbhrbg i like check it weekly </3 anyway i was tagged by @eggsordium like 2 days ago!! ty :)
1. three ships
canach/commander <333 also if i follow you you will have seen my mains URL, which is twic0rd, which is twilight sparkle/discord from mlp. normal behaviour. also when i was a teenager i was really super into destiel thats not like a current ship i just think its funny.
2. last song
babylon, by dirt poor robins! its kind of a banger tbh!
3. last movie
i think the last movie i watched was actually interstellar! its a very good movie and i like it a lot. im really into the robots in the movie especially TARS.
4. currently reading
i recently finished the imperial radch series which was very good. i want to read the locked tomb series but i havent gotten to it yet. the murderbot diaries is another one i read recently and it is VERY good!
5. currently watching
leverage! its really fun i like it. ive only watched like the first season but thats okay.
6. current consuming
im eating reeses cups and i have offbrand coke rn. ive also got salted soft caramels but i think the salt is burning my tongue tbh
7. currently craving
chocolate cake, specifically the other half of the chocolate cake i bought myself yesterday. its in my fridge!
i follow too many people and am followed by too many people to really know who to tag so: if you see this, tag you're it!!!
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gayopinion · 5 years
HEY jus wanted to say that i love ur tags on things ur opinions are GOOD and im glad we're mutuals have a good day babe
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JEHFIEJFJSKS yeah i was like uhh who gonna tell brooke over here i hit that follow button a while back!
my main is @frogscult but truly no one knows that jdhdjsjfjs…….. usually they find out when i start reblogging stuff only to this acct since i’m not gonna, like, discourse on a frog blog hsfnjsjf. also i think ppl are used to personal blogs being mains and specific interest blogs being side but i made this one a couple months after so like lol….. oops! ps ur not a menace i see three messages im like ok 3x the attention 😌😌
and honestly tysm!!!! it’s nice knowing ppl read my tags cause even tho i just write them as a way to put my thoughts down i love reading others tags and i love that the feeling is reciprocated!!!! i be reading ur tags too……. brooke said y'all hear sumn ??? it’s me brewing my hot cup of tea sippy sip
also side note non-mutuals are always welcome to say hello!!!!! i have lots of fun talking to ppl i don’t necessarily follow if i just don’t have much in common with their interests!!!
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