#also i like his redesign guys ehe
luwqa · 2 years
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keeps-ache · 1 year
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remembering something
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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But what is if Island was made today?
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The A. Plot Trio redesigned. Personalities largely the same, although (Le)Sha(u)na trades some of her trademark slang to make room for an even more snarky attitude.
Emphasis on “some”. Her calling Harry a tadpole will never not be funny.
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Heather’s a little less impulsive here. Where the canon one would read Gwen’s dialogue to the world, this one would hide it and use it as blackmail. Harold’s about the same, but even more of a theatre kid.
I like to think that the writing on his shirt will change every episode.
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Justin starts off as his Action self: not a complete jerk, but still very vain and petty. Katie and Sadie, however, get a complete overhaul, going the “odd friendship” route by playing up Katie’s energetic tendencies and Sadie’s relative intelligence.
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Now I kinda regret ditching the hat. Eh. Anyway, they’re about the same.
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Owen, Tyler, and DJ are mostly unchanged. Cody plays up his geeky traits and whatever flirting skills he had in canon are completely gone here, since Gwen doesn’t even realize he likes her throughout the season.
Also step aside, Beth. Cody’s the new shortest guy in the camp.
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Speaking of which, Beth’s artistic talents are a more active part of her characterization, hence the stickers and paint splatters. Ezekiel’s more of a basket case. Turns out his canon counterpart hates going outside. Of course I started to run with it and I made him a typical “quiet kid”. He’s slightly more socially aware, but he’s probably still going home first (not that he’s complaining).
Lindsay’s the same, but lookit her cool jacket!
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Courtney’s bossiness is gone almost entirely; she’s a pure teacher’s (read: host’s) pet. The only one she’s trying to push around is a canon compliant Duncan.
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Noah’s part of Heather’s alliance as her spy, just as the rumors say. Eva’s more social, generally more boisterous, but no less temperamental. I may have ripped off TD Reunion’s look for her.
Izzy is a universal constant. She changes for nobody.
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I could’ve added Sierra and Alejandro. But I didn’t, because where’s the fun in that?
BTW, these are very rough designs. TD’s art style, despite being the inspiration for my own, is deceptively hard to emulate.
Jeremy (Killer Bass) is a mischievous prankster who the rest of his team quickly deems an annoyance but keeps around for his unorthodox thinking. He almost immediately forms a kinship with Harold and Tyler as the team’s outcasts, meaning Courtney and Bridgette have to deal with two warring trios as whoever hasn’t been eliminated by this point watches in amusement.
Addison (Not Killer Bass) is a fast talking hustler who’s smuggled a ton of sweets into camp and barters them off to the other Gophers, mostly Owen, Izzy, and Cody, in exchange for assistance. She’s a member of Heather’s alliance, bringing their numbers up to five, but she’s clearly a wildcard who’ll flip on her if it’s convenient. Heather can’t trust so easily, but Addison’s ironically one of the few who doesn’t hate her.
I have a whole elimination order planned out, but I don’t have the time to write a full fanfic, so I’ll just keep it shelved for now. Maybe I’ll just make a broad outline.
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songwolfwildblogs · 2 months
@toffeebrew so I finished it.
(One-shot under the cut)
Y/n had left the utmv Fandom a while ago, they had entered THAT side of the Fandom. The side that every Fandom had. The side that made Y/n feel horrible, the constant worry of being judged had ruined the fun but that was years and years ago. They had grown a lot in that time, lost the friends they thought would judge them and over time they forgot about their time in the Fandom but then… they came across a TikTok of the silly guys they fell in love with and it all came flooding back… they remembered how these little guys were what got them into art, but they also remembered the toxicity.
Y/n approached the Fandom cautiously at first only going through their old art and reminiscing about Their aus. They started scrolling through TikTok and started seeing utmv content then when they got sick of TikTok they went to Tumblr and there the hyperfixation was reignited. They fell in love with the characters all over again absorbing all the info they could but they also remembered something… ink.
Would he be mad? What would he think about Y/n abandoning him? ….
What the hell is Y/n thinking? Ink isn't real! Well… ink and everyone still felt real in Y/n's heart.
The doodlesphere was less active than the early years but it still was buzzing with activity, Ink as usual was bouncing around while reading the newest au list, it was from a new creator! It wasn't exactly the best, but that doesn't matter!
Ink has the philosophy that: an au always means something to someone even if it's one person it has a place in the doodlesphere!
Ink couldn’t help but smile and put the au up in the doodlesphere. He moved back into the center of the doodlesphere and took in the aus surrounding him. Suddenly Ink heard a voice, ink has always heard creators while they work but this was a voice he had missed… Y/n! He was practically jumping up and down while skipping around
Ink immediately went towards the au that was being worked on, a theatrical Tale, ya the name was a mouthful but eh. Ink appeared in what appeared to be clip studio paint, which wasn't the art medium Y/n used to use but it has been years so they must have improved a ton! They were redesigning the sans and papyrus of the universe First, the sans was wearing black sweatpants, and a black hoodie as well as a pair of gloves. Papyrus was a completely different story, dramatic carvings laced his now much more armor like battle body, a lance laid on his hip and there was a note pointing to the get up saying “Not real, would be a risk to actors.”
Y/n was mumbling along to a random song, ink couldn’t really hear it but he assumed it was either an emo song, mitski, a musical, or MARINA since most creators seem to like those.
Ink couldn’t contain himself anymore, he used broomie to draw in the reference window. “Y/N!!!!!!! Hiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! It's ink!!! I'm so so so so so so so happy to see you again!!!!” it took a minute For Y/n to notice, of course, while drinking some coffee which made them cough, which made Ink chuckle. Y/n seemed nervous as they spoke “ink?! Holy fuck. I… uh… I… fuck. Hi?” Y/n's nervousness was barely picked up by ink but Y/n was one of the few people he could read slightly, he didn't know why but he oddly got Y/n somewhat they just kind of clicked. Ink erased what he wrote then began writing “what's wrong your seem nervous” Y/n sighed before continuing as they placed down their cup and continued to draw “It's nothing really, it's just… are you not mad? I left for so long… I basically Abandoned you and my aus.”
Ink was mildly surprised but shook his head not like Y/n could see him, yet again he used broomie again, writing “I'm not mad! I'm so happy you're back! I missed you a lot! Also I love these designs so far!”
Y/n smiled softly and shook their head even after all these years… ink never changes.
And that's a good thing in a way… because in the end he'll always be there to help. Always be there to info dump too. Always just… excited to help with the creative process. Even if Y/n knew he couldn't technically feel emotions It didn't mean his emotions were less valid.
Ink was a friend in a sense even if he wasn't in Y/n's reality… he was still a friend
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Mysteries Running Deeper...
[Future Foundation Branch 14 Head Office - Several Hours Later]
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This feels...strange...This was basically my home for so long, but...having not been here in a year, it feels...weird coming back.
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Yeah. Same is true for me. I haven't been here in a long time either.
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And recently, I was worried that I might never be able to come back.
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Why not?
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Kyoko loves me dearly, but she knows to make tough calls. If I hadn't gotten out of that twisted headspace when I did, I...Well, you get the picture.
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Makoto...I know this didn't work out so well the last time but...maybe it would be best if you sought consultation with Miaya.
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I know...Maybe that would be best...still...
*He reaches out and takes her hand.
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I don't think I would have been comfy spending time in this office if you weren't here in it. Shortly after you...left...every time someone came in through the door I'd raise my head hoping it'd be you but...it was never going to be.
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I...I know I can't stop you from doing your duty, but...Please...Never do any of that again. For me, or for anyone else.
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That's not a promise I can keep...
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Well, you had fuckin' bettah...
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Ah!? K-Kuripa!?
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You're...WHAT!? You're ok!?
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*Kuripa is wheeled into the room on a chair by Uchui. His face is patched up, but his broken legs and arms are thoroughly bandaged. Uchui also has smaller bandages around his face.
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Jeez...You got that face issue fixed FAST!
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I told you guys, Uchui's tech is like magic.
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I've done operations like this on Kuripa at least a dozen times already, but I actually had surgical help from Tsumiki and Inori this time. They insisted he take pain medicine and lie down for a few hours...not sure why since he doesn't feel pain anyway...but he insisted on coming to talk to you guys.
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This is the first time he's thoroughly damaged his face, but it should be equally as persuadable. Still, it's gonna leave a nasty scar.
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I don't see a scar.
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Yeah, well, it'll take a while to form, but it'll pop up eventually. I might have to get stitches to prevent half my face falling off in the future.
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Is...that...really how that...works?
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Nah, I don't think so, but Mod Creeper was too lazy to go and add a scar to all my sprites. So hopefully it'll be on my redesign in Phase 3.
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I don't know what any of those words mean, but I'm glad you're doing better.
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So...is it really true? You really can't feel pain?
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Pfft...Check the medical records if you don't believe me. They only now just got updated to include my condition.
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Is that why you avoided getting medical help for so long? You didn't want anyone else knowing about your CIPA's?
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Pretty much...It's...pretty personal to me. I didn't tell you guys, not because I don't trust you, but because I just don't like talking about how fucked up I am in basically every way...
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How many people knew before you and Kibin told us?
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theunmotivatedparable · 10 months
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hi. i 'm alive
Hey! Sorry for disappearing on you guys.... does anyone ever read the read-mores actually? Anyways! I'm back! I'm aiming to post everyday for December (at least a sketch or linework) as an "advent calendar" type of thing! So you can look out for that and see if the plan falls through haha
And if you were wondering where I've been the past, um... scrolls through tumblr month?! over a month?!... I kinda got a little bit very not well and wasn't able to work on much. I apologize greatly for that but hey. New Narry, eh? I plan to draw a lot more of him soon to get myself going now and also draw a full reference. Also fyi these aren't his normal clothes I just can't think of an outfit right now
I redesigned him because my old desgin just felt... mehgh. It didn't feel original and it didn't encapsulate the Narrator like I wanted it to anymore, and I just plain didn't like it. so BOOM, new narry design! Has elements of my old design still in it, but I edited him and added more stuffs. He looks so crusty I love him. He's normal he swears. (the text on the paper says "427 ways I'm normal I swear" hehe)
Anyways this moron made me make a whole new brush just for him like. So inconsiderate. Cancel him on Twitter dot com.
And Stanley hath not changed. No worries he's thriving (dying) as always.
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bearmemesreviews · 6 months
FotW: SDMI - In Fear of the Phantom
Welcome back to Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated, and now we're getting into a problem many reboots and adaptions face - what happens when you try something different. Today's episode isn't really that special, serving as a bridging point between the next stint of episodes focused on the gang's love lives.
Except for featuring the Hex Girls of course.
Not to overshadow the main villain, which would be extra funny considering their backstory, but come on that's what y'all are here for.
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Yeah, they got a bit of a redesign since their last few appearances in the two billion direct to DVD films. Fans DID NOT like this, and in a later episode they had to actually address the backlash while also scrapping these outfits for the original ones. They also steal Luna and Dusk's hair dye and gave Thorn's highlights a diminished role.
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My personal opinion? Eh, I would've preferred a middle ground between the two, but for reboots I encourage designers to go all out since it's their own thing. So for Mystery Incorporated I would've either kept the redesigns or gave them completely brand new looks a second time. The OGs have a more cohesive aesthetic, but I like how MI experiments by giving each girl their own Alt style. It's probably Dusk who could probably use a new outfit though, since her Tank Girl getup doesn't mesh as well as Thorn's "Pagan School Girl" and Luna's "Lesbian Thespian" outfits do. Actually, maybe one of those Scene Kid reconstructions of School Uniforms would've worked better?
Oh yeah, this nerd.
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Backstory: Like most lesbians Velma is a massive fan of The Hex Girls, snagging front row tickets for the Scooby Gang just in time for them to witness a "Phantom" try to murder Thorn on stage. As with every mystery the gang decide to take it upon themselves to do the cop's job to keep the concert going while protecting the band.
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This leads to an exploration of the show's two main ships, Fredphe and Shoob - again, yes really.
This show is really good trust me on this.
Scooby outright calls Shaggy a cheater for going to prom with Velma instead of hanging out with him like they always do, and replaces Mathew Lillard with a wooden dummy much to Shaggy's chagrin.
Fred meanwhile comes out as nonbinary a teenage boy with emotions as he finally grasps Daphne's romantic interest in him. All thanks to an entire song written by Daphne where she uses Fred's special interest to get through to him.
Behold, one of the best songs made for a television show in history.
Before this spectacular moment of audio interposed with occasional Zelda CDI-level animation (to be fair are you even looking at the animation in the first place) we got some Phantom shenanigans. Mostly him responding to Scoob and Shag's ability to warp time and space by just setting them on fire, probably the most effective thing one these guys have attempted so far.
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Design: Obviously a homage to The Phantom of the Opera, and as we go through the series, you'll start to notice a lot more homages that Wikipedia will kindly point out for you. Though you can also see a bit of Comic Supervillain in his design, so much so that he doesn't seem to fit with the show's own aesthetic. He wears a black full body suit with a gigantic, taller than his own head, Dracula collar and grim reaper-esque hood. He has a fabricated piece of his outfit that goes over his shoulders like Football Pads, but with a sleeker design as it attaches his cape to the main costume. His cape is black but its interior is lined with a sparkling holographic material.
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His mask, belt, boots, and glovers are all made of golden mechanical pieces, as they actually allow him to charge up bolts of electricity to fire at the teens in our show. This tech is never explained, and he really only uses it a few times before forgetting he has these weapons at his disposal.
His mask is the best part of the outfit, legitimately cool while evoking a gas mask. It's almost like it was made out of several pieces asymmetrically stuck to each other with large bolts, like if C3PO was mangled in an accident and put back together with recolored bits of R2-D2. There are several short, cylindrical ports on his gauntlets, boots, belt, and mask that occasionally glow green.
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Reveal: Shaggy, with an extensive knowledge of obscure musical groups as we'll be shown time and time again, recognized the shiny material of The Phantom's cape as belonging to a One-Hit Wonder named Fantzee Pantz. And once that's discovered it's pretty obvious that the other suspect, The Hex Girl's manager, is not the culprit as he was just as responsible for Fantzee's obscurity as THG.
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No, the true culprit is the girl's songwriter, who first attempted to sabotage them through badly written songs but was thwarted by the girl's talent and popularity - So he then turned to just trying to kill them, and Daphne. He ends up taking Scoob's dummy to jail with him, but the original duo patch things up by then - letting us look back at Velma who got sidelined so badly this episode.
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2/5 Goofy as hell design for a goofy character, probably the most "Villain of The Week" we've encountered so far. In fact, he'd probably fit in better in Miraculous Ladybug than this show. Not that bad otherwise, just not as impressive.
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mossy-paws · 1 year
Doc. Blue ringed Ock (design)
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I wasn’t really planning on posting any of the villains until I finished redesigning fishing spider, but eh, I couldn’t resist!
a small note, I’m still trying to work out his lore, so most of the stuff here is just a Wip!
anyways! Here’s Doctor Octavius J. Lawrence
he’s a top scientist in Alchemax, and became a villain after he got his robo-arms and fishing spider (unintentionally), destroyed his prized experiment, he was also already sort of falling into a villainous role by then thanks to Mysterio sort of pointing him in the wrong direction
He’s the closest with his worlds Electro and Shocker, and him in electro are sort of(???) in a relationship, they deny that they are, but it’s pretty obvious they like eachother either way
He’s a nervous wreck and has some major anxiety issues but can still easily do quite a lot of harm if the situation calls for it, like a blue ringed octopus!
Also, by technicality blue ringed octopuses aren’t a native species to florida, but don’t tell him that
where these guys are set, all of the villains + fishing spider are based off of floridan native wildlife (E. Vulture is based off of an Osprey, electro is based off of a Portuguese man-o-war, etc etc!). Since all of them are located in an alternative near-completely flooded florida, land is pretty rare and almost everyone lives in underwater domes/cities.
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thefuchsianeko · 1 year
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As a "fun" design exercise I decided to mess with the Hazbin characters' designs... Not really "redesigns," but more so "refined-designs"-- Keeping their overall look or "essence" while trying to simplify them and clean up their colour palettes, as well as making sure they all look distinct from one another.
I tried to stick close to the original's style but I couldn't help using thick lines, lol. Along with the simplified shapes, it gives them an early 2000s cartoon vibe I think.
For the colours I tried giving them more unique palettes, as well as making sure that they had enough contrast (the colour value of this show tends to be... not great). Also the lineup at the bottom isn't my final selection, it's just a selection to get a better idea of how they all might look together side-by-side.
Eh, tell me what you think. I could keep editing these but like, I'm tired of looking at them lol. More info on each design (plus a speedpaint) under the cut. It gets wordy, sorry.
Charlie: Not much to say besides she needs more contrast in her colours. I changed her shirt to the same colour as her corneas (yellow) so it doesn't blend in with her skin. I wish her eyes were still black (not only does it bring better attention to her face, but it works better with the idea that she's a doll-- yknow, painted on eyes? Does that make sense lol). In retrospect, maybe it would've been good to try some browns with her colours? Idk. I kept her red since she's the princess of Hell, and Hell's main colour seems to be red. Oh also, I gave her some lines on her face and hands just to make her look more like a puppet/doll. The rest of her body would have the same kind of joints/segments.
Vaggie: Ok I know her hair technically looks more moth-like in her og redesign but... it just seems like too much? Yknow? It's kind of outrageous. Idk how well my solution works but I tried simplifying it. I simplified her bow as well and made her stockings more like leggings. Her X-eye now hides behind her hair. Her gloves are shorter. Also I took away that thing around her waist that.... seems to be a different colour than everything else??? Idk what's up with that. Sorry I took away her feet. I tried out some blue and purple with her, I think it looks nice. Only thought about keeping the red bow because I thought maybe it'll match her with Charlie. Also sorry I took away her boobs 💀💀💀
Angel Dust: So unsure about how I drew him... Specifically, his 2nd set of arms looks so floppy and tacked on, and his legs... Idk I'm not great at digitigrade legs but I'm pretty sure that's officially what kind of legs he has. His head is weird. I think I got the idea of giving him big feet from Meppity's redesign video (her redesigns are some of my faves). I took away his bowtie because... too many of these guys have bowties, and he already has a choker too. Also I had the funny idea of all the Hotel employees wearing bowties/bows of some sort, and Angel is a patron but not an employee... Anyway. Kept his gold tooth to link him to Val (who also has a gold tooth), and kept the dots under his eyes since I THINK they're supposed to be representative of his spider eyes? They can be taken away if need be, though. His gloves don't go all the way up and kind of look like dish-washing gloves again but, the way his gloves go all the way up and his sleeves go into them... it just looks so weird to me. Idk, maybe I should've just given him shorter sleeves, or even no sleeves at all 🤔 And honestly I still have no idea what's going on with his pants. Are they short-shorts? Underwear? Didn't change them anyway. For the colours, I made sure all his gloves were the same colour (still don't know WHY they decided to make his 2nd set not only a different colour, but the SAME colour as his skin/fur????). Turned down the saturation on his hot-pink, and gave his right eye the light pink instead of that almost-black colour (still kept his eyes different colours because I remember seeing a really old sketch page of Angel that insinuated that there was a reason for his eye being black). Made some of the darker parts straight-black just because I've been using that in all the other character's palettes, but this can be changed to his almost-black colour. Also tried a more purple palette to get away from all the pink, kinda really like it.
Alastor: I originally tried his coat with coattails, but wasn't sure about it and made it the original shape. Took away his monocle because fuck that it's unnecessary and clutters his face. Made his antlers bigger. Swapped out his shirt collar to be like the one Charlie's og redesign has, because the way it goes all the way up like that gets on my nerves? Idk maybe I just don't know anything about fashion design but it doesn't scream 30's-suit to me. You could probably take away the collar, though. I wanted to try a lot of darker colours for his palette since he's like... kinda the bad guy. Dark colours would work well for him. I'm worried about his arms getting lost in the black of his coat, but that's why his cuffs and hands are a different colour. Really wanted to give him more than just red so I spread out the yellow of his teeth; I like how it looks for his shirt, it also works well with his eyes to draw you towards his face. I also tried to (again) lessen the saturation of his reds and pushed them more towards orange to better match the yellow. Kept all the brighter colours to his upper body to keep your eyes there, too.
Husk: I think Husk was one of my least favorite designs when the pilot came out because he's a real mess of detail. His wings are the worst. His redesign isn't much better (like dawg why's he got these random-ass hearts everywhere). Simplified his wings to just have some circles and rounded shapes. Kept some heart shapes (like his nose, bowtie, and paws) but added a couple diamond shapes, too (mainly his suspender buttons and the shape of his white chest-fur). Really wanted to have more blatant club and spade shapes too (to add to the poker theme), but didn't want it to get crowed and decided the rest of the rounded and heart shapes worked well enough. Made his eyebrows shorter and more square-shaped. Didn't have many ideas for colours but knew that I wanted to try some oranges and yellows. Made his eyebrows a darker colour, and changed his eyes to yellow corneas with black pupils. Stands out more that way, I think.
Niffty: Did you know her name is spelled with two Fs? I didn't. I don't like it... Anywayyyy. Swirled her hair a little more, and took the yellow streak out. Added some fluff under her dress just to match her apron. Kept the dots on her shirt (though there are only two now instead of three) because I'm assuming it'll make sense later (like idk maybe she was shot to death and that's what they represent), but I wonder if you can take those away for a cleaner design? Gave her more rounded shapes. I said before that all the Hotel employees would have bows/bowties of some sort for these designs: Niffty's would be her handkerchief (yknow, it's tied into a bow in the back? That works right...? Eh.) I took away her cheekmarks 1) to clear up her face and 2) to make Charlie's cheek marks seem more unique and doll-like. For Niffty's colours, I (again) turned down the saturation on her pink. I wanted to try using some green and purple on her, since her inspirations include B-movie aliens and the song One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater. Tried using different colours for her skin, since a lot of characters in Hazbin have white skin, and for Niffty specifically I think the white skin along with her white apron dries-out her look (if that makes sense?) Though I do agree her having yellow skin is NOT good if she really does end up being Japanese. I think pink skin works well for her, though. Oh! And again, it helps make Charlie's design more unique with her white skin, making her seem more porcelain. I made Niffty's eyes yellow like her teeth, and then used the same colour for her apron to unify the palette.
Cherri: Ok Cherri's design was my ABSOLUTE least favorite from the pilot, too many senseless details I HATE her ripped pants. So hard to look at. Idk if you noticed in the time lapse but I had to re-sketch Cherri because 1) her pose was too similar to Niffty's (I was making their poses similar to their official art) and 2) her hair was giving me trouble... I kinda hate how her hair hovers to the side like that? Tried re-shaping her hair and now it looks like she uses a TON of hairspray or something, lol. Took away her tattoo but kept her freckles. Took away the skirt thing(?) she's got on her pants. Took the symbol off her shirt, but added an X to her pants (can be taken away, though). Simplified the rips on her pants to just be ripped knees. put a heel on her left shoe so she doesn't look unbalanced/uncomfortable. Made her gloves shorter. For colours, I again took away her white skin for the same reason I took away Niffty's white skin (less "dried out" palette and makes Charlie look more unique/porcelain). Afaik Cherri's not Asian so yellow skin could work for her, though I also tried green skin. Since one of her themes is cherries I wanted to use reds, pinks, greens, and blacks. I tried some green for her clothes (and again her skin), and also turned some of her pinks more red. Made her hair darker for more contrast, and tried using some red for her hair instead of pink (I like the pink hair, but again... red like cherries). In general her colour palette was the hardest to figure out but I think I found some interesting things.
Sir Pentious: Sir Pent was my 2nd least-favorite pilot design by only a little 🤏. It's all his eyes. He's very hard to look at. I took away all the eyes on his tail, and turned down the saturation on the rest of the eyes EXCEPT the ones on his face (maybe I should have just made those reds much different colours, but it still looks a lot better with just the saturation down). Took away his stupid-ass goggles and made the face on his hat a lot simpler (combined the mouth with the hat band; it can still emote btw). Replaced his bowtie with... *quick google search* A jabot? It's supposed to be a jabot I think. I think that's what it's called. More 1700s than 1800s, but eh. Maybe I should've given him *quick google search* a cravat maybe??? Eh, eh, not a fashion expert but anyway. I thickened his mid-section so it eases into his tail better because, the way it is in the official design it always made him look like a slug to me? I looks too... squishy. Banana-slug-lookin' ass Also took away his red-tipped claws and made them straight black. For his colours, I think the grey and yellow works for him already, though I do wanna see how he'd look with more green or blue. Most of what I did colour-wise was the eyes, but also his suit; still grey, but trying both darker colours and pushing it more towards blue and purple. I wonder if I made his skin a little too dark? Is it kinda hard to see his features? Idk. Idk how I feel about these colours. Bleh.
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helluva-dump · 1 year
Hey guys… so I wanna take a break from critiquing Viv and just want to share some art for fun.
Though, I’m actually nervous to. Because part of it is mainly gonna be oc x canon stuff as well as ummm… writing dark headcanons of stories of certain characters….
So I had want to tackle the serious topic oc co*rcion similar to blitzo and Stolas, but it involves one of my ocs. But I also wanna talk about purity culture, it’s harm, and I’m basically wanting to do my take of Heaven and headcanons I have for it.
And ummm these dark headcanons I have involve Adam… yes admittly I thought the idea of Adam being the leader of the executioners was extremely stupid and the leaks I’ve seen were eh… But let’s just say he somehow warmed up to me and I found a way to make him slightly intimidating.
Actually my friend @samiliy4me has been doing headcanons and ideas of Adam and we’ve done a lot of roleplays and omg… the way she writes him is so sinister yet fun. We’ve done roleplays of him with our Angel ocs and it’s been giving me content to do things with my Angel oc
She also did amazing headcanons for Mammon and keeps him an asshole in our roleplays which also gives me content for my hellhound oc.
Now that being said with things concerning Adam, my main thing with him is to criticize toxic masculinity within Christianity and all the Republican Christins that use religion to harm others. While my Angel girl and others badly want to help restore heaven with the New Testament. I’ve been watching history of Christianity and how is slowly because something republicans used for evil (when it wasn’t always like that )
So yeah… I may touch on a sensitive topic with Adam and one of my ocs… but here’s the thing, I am NO WAY gonna romanticize this relationship. Some of this is based on personal experience to help me cope with trauma.
And I know how many antis in the critical blog tend to act like babies over things like this.🙄 Thing is I get it, Viv doesn’t know how to properly discuss this topic without separating her n*nc*n kink. Besides, he’s not even the oc I’m gonna have my Angel end up with.
But I’m also scared shitless of the fandom taking mine and a friend’s take on Adam super personal because me and her refuse to sugarcoat him or do draco in leatherpants. Like the idea of him fascinates us and I rather actually write him being A villain Same with Mammon since we refuse to woobify them.
Now don’t get angry fandom…. I actually may redesign Adam…. BECAUSE GOOD LORD HE IS A PAIN TO DRAW. THIS IS WHY FANS REDESIGN. ITS NOT ALWAYS IF MALICE ITS JUST HARD TO DRAW SOME DESIGNS. I’m gonna do the same for Lute since she also looks tedious.
I won’t change to much of his design but I may change his horns and give him some skull mask.
Also I’m gonna make Bee into a bug/canine hybrid and make her be a princess while her mom is the actual queen since I love that idea Lovearts made.
And possibly do shippy stuff with her, Tex, and Loona… I’m mainly an oc x canon and self shipped but idk I feel like this OT3 can help me develop Loona as a character.
Do you guys care to see these ideas I have? I really don’t want this fandom to get the wrong idea of me as well as the critical community.
I don’t always agree with critical takes and I try not to jump the gun with every allegation if the evidence is flimsy. BUT this doesn’t mean I like Viv as a creator and the spindlehorse as a company since I do believe there’s mistreatment and Viv is kind of toxic.
But hey, I love Ren and Stimpy and hate John K. Been a Catscratch and earthworm Jim fan and hate Doug TenNapel so separating art from the artist is not gonna he that hard for me.
I’m still a fan at the end of the idea and these roleplays and such I’ve done with friends gave me fun art ideas.
But yeah would you guys care if I share this stuff?
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termagax · 1 year
thots on roadhogs redesign?
net zero. i like the jacket i like the new harness (even if it means loosing the one that goes over his ass) i LOVE the new mask (THE BULLRINGGGGG) but im not fond of the mohawk. i like that the new model has more neck fat.
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i think the upside down sunburn on his arm trips me up and like in general his skintone is. less consistent somehow. and like junkrat hes a lot pinker than before which again conceptually i think the idea of them cleaning up and getting less Irradiated is cute and i think hogs sells it better? in both of the new junker outfits i dont love the red i miss the yellow :( but like my main issue with the junkrat one is he doesnt look like himself, like, resculpting his face to be slimmer and cuter and changing his hair to be less messy and polishing up his outfit and his prosthetics kind of strips away the visual indicators of his personality as kind of a ruffian and a troublemaker and his general scatterbrained-ness. it looks like sexified fanart of him done by someone who wants him but doesnt like that hes ugly :( but with roadhog it all looks like yeah he would do that. i believe in my heart hes a guy who would invest in a nice leather jacket and take care of it and he would bother keeping clean and cutting his hair regularly. he didnt lose his visual identity the way (imo) the rat did.
but i digress. another complaint i kind of loathe the new hook its very sexless and unfortunate
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like its so overcomplicated like come on man its a fucking hook why is it like that. and it looks so bulky and awkward to throw around and the serated edge looks so dumb like youre overcomplicated what was the perfect design. less is more.
i dont like that his hands are cleaner like i get it. but come on man. also because they covered his arms we dont get to see his sunspots as much. and also now that im looking at it this is a plus, i like the structure of the new armor on his offhand it looks a lot like. sturdier while still obviously being worn in and scrappy.
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the old design for ref ^ sorry its a cosplay guide this thing is the bible to me.
overall its kind of like eh. i could take it or leave it. i do go look at it sometimes to admire how gorgeous he is and i think he got a better deal than like, most of the rest of the cast. he still looks like himself and his design portrays a lot of personality its very much giving practical, stern older dude who uses what he has until it absolutely breaks while still letting his sillier side shine through, like they kept his stupid rings and his spikes and the bandages and shit. it looks, very convincingly, like what he would do if you gave him the money and resources to put together whatever outfit he wanted. he would get a nose piercing for his silly pig mask. he would get practical gear upgrades. he would wear a very hot biker jacket. its good all around even if there are details i dont love.
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sillytallguyette · 1 year
anyone wanna see darth plagueis book fanart i did in 2019? no? well me neither! horrid anime eyes, no bodily proportions, facial expressions WHACK but eh to save the eyeballs of you mindless, innocent scrollers, they are under the cut :)
so, in no particular order and with white scribbles covering my old signature, here we go!
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first off, plagueis, i think sidious was originally next to him but it must have turned out terribly so i tore him out lmao. what are those eyes. and my horrendous spelling, but in my defense, until friday i only ever had the audiobook version (i now have the novel and am annotating it for fun?) btw the audiobook slays??? the voices are so good!
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yippee! 11-4D! honestly this gets a solid 10/10 i have no idea what 4D looks like but for my 2019 art this is very good!! also i swear 11-4D is referred to with it/he pronouns!! so cool :)) my guy has more personality than all those 'other muuns' that just follow plagueis and hill around lmao
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plagueis is so cool here! yeah ik he's killing someone idc he's my favourite guy. fun fact i had a crush on him at the same time these drawings were made (and you can see when the drawings were bc i actually put the date on this one!). also what the hell is that veruna monstrosity. ew.
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palpatine!! look at his ugly-ly drawn face, and tell me he's not a natural born schemer. i love him so much now. dude i didn't do him justice :(( but yeah he's so cool!!
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but here!! here i did him more justice!! yeah yeah he's got the typical anime emo over-eye shadow but look at him and tell me he's not about to murder his entire family and call a guy he barely knows for help. yeah? you can't. i even quite like the hair ngl!!
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and last, but certainly not least, larsh hill!! HE'S SO UGLY WHAT?? ehmm anyway, apparently 2019 me didn't dismiss him as irrelevant, like i did until recently, and drew him <33 i love him now btw, plagueis' partner in crime, or just partner?? or father figure??? don't they kinda co parent san?? huh?? anyways im about 100 pages into annotating my copy of plagueis and so far only 3 people have called hego 'hego' - his parents, and larsh (twice!!). thats gotta mean something man...
ermm now i've gotta do some proper fanart so people don't doubt my artistic abilities. I'll probably redraw some of these and redesign characters, now that i have the time to do it!!
if you've gotten this far without pissing yourself laughing at my art thank you <3 /lh (it's not that bad, right?!! RIGHT?!! oh well who actually cares. i love most of it)
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erinhime83 · 1 year
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Edit: lol, I thought I had posted these designs before, but couldn’t find them…until now. >.<
With the realization that we had a twenty year collab anniversary coming up (hold up, hold up, twenty years?  Shiittt) and deciding to use the current designs for the characters rather than use the actual characters due to some…dislike of the story they came from, I discovered that I had recently redesigned all these characters, although I had forgotten how recent that had been.  From what I recall, I had seen a twitter/tumblr post about Viking dresses, and saw one that just blew my mind so much that I had to design Buttercups’ dress around it.  Just wish I had kept the link to the post, lol.
But as I looked at the designs, I realized I really really like them, but I have a new template for designs, and the older ones, although very nice, didn’t ‘look’ right anymore.  So I made it my mission for the past couple of days to redo all the designs using the new template.  (It wasn’t as challenging as you might thing, since I basically reused a lot of my lines.  It was a lot of copying and pasting and fixing lines.)  So I figured I’d make a stupidly long post and show off all the designs I did.
The biggest difference in this version is that I have designed to age up the characters.  Sure, their story really doesn’t need it, but eh, I sort of like writing not-teen characters now.  Besides, it makes the whole thing with people worrying about Buttercup not being engaged/not have any prospects a little more understandable, since she’s older.  Rereading it, it was weird how everyone was so worried although she was seventeen.
Buttercup Angelia:  Age 20.  Buttercup is one of the voice characters, and she’s the daughter of a blacksmith.  She helps her father with his job since she’s a Fire Mage.  She’s one of the very few Fire Mages what wasn’t brought to the Temple when she was younger, since her parents decided they wanted to raise her.  She is the second oldest of nine, and people consider her a bit odd because, well, technically she is.  Her father educated her and she has a weird obsession with the written word, she doesn’t think the Lumentians are as evil as everyone makes them out to be, and she helps out at a forge.  It’s really no wonder that none of the guys in the village have shown little interest in her, but she doesn’t really care.  She’s a skilled archer, since every Alterian is required to know how to fight.  She chose archery because she doesn’t like being up close and personal, and she’s really good at it.
I really love her dress, and how it’s sort of a call back to her first dress a bit.  She really looks like a Viking! 
Raito Akira:  Age 22.  Ratio is the other voice character, and he’s the second prince of Lumentis.  His people don’t think too much about him, mostly because, well, he’s the second prince, not the heir.  He’s more of a scholar than anything else, preferring to hide away in the library reading than attending his lessons.  He’s a skeptic when it comes to religion, which hasn’t endeared him to the capitals’ priests at all, and they basically go around slandering him whenever they can.  Raito is bothered by it because he does want to help his people out, but most of the people who live in the capital think he’s worthless.  He goes on the journey to find out what happened to the Angelus Dei partially to prove himself and mostly because he was tricked by his older brother.
His outfit isn’t really anything new or original.  Its sort of like his 2013 outfit, tweeked a little, but damn, making his sash longer worked wonders.  I also redid his hair (ignore the fact that it’s Connor’s hair), and...wow.  He looks awesome!
Clover Gunvald:  Age 23.  Clover is Raito’s bodyguard and best friend.  Clover’s parents are royal guards as well, so she grew up in the palace and around Raito since they were close in age.  Despite the fact that they were basically polar opposites, the two of them got along very well as they got older, such that Clover declared that she was going to protect Raito no matter what.  She is a very skilled warrior, although she herself is an Earth Elf.  She tags along with Raito on his journey because she knows he wouldn’t be able to survive on his own, and because, you know, she’s his bodyguard.  And while Raito is annoyed that a girl knows how to fight better than he does, he doesn’t hold it against Clover because, well, she’s an elf.  She’s a little distrustful of Buttercup at first, since she’s from Altere and a Fire Mage, but she warms up to her quickly once she realizes Raito’s interest in her.
Her outfit is ridiculously simple, but also awesome.  It suits her very well, even if she lost her awesome jacket in the process.  This looks better on her, in my opinion.  Makes her look like a medieval badass.
Odessa Wilson:  Age 21.  Odessa is a Dragon Tamer that the group comes upon when they visit with a traveling merchant troupe.  She’s from Tara Nora, being the only child of a poor farmer.  She started traveling with the troupe about three years ago because she was always longer for adventure, and the advantage of the troupe is that they stop in her hometown several times a year, so she still gets to see her family.  She Bonded with her dragon Regalis by accident when she was about ten, although it was more of his part than hers since he took an interest in her.  (She didn’t find him as an egg, but rather when he was fully grown.  He’s a good thousand years old or so).  She ends up joining the group just for the hell of it and not at all because she develops a crush on Clover.
Odessa was always the hardest one for me to come up with a design for, for whatever reason.  I wanted her to be tomboyish, but not overly so, and honestly, what I landed on here is perfect.  I love her dark skin and light hair, and I love her outfit and I love everything about her.  It just all works so well together.
Ruby Starleaf:  Age 24.  Ruby is pretty much the only one I don’t have much on, mostly because I keep forgetting that she exists, whoops.  But Ruby is/was the sacred fairy before the Angelus Dei disappeared.  The old one recently passed and she had just gained the position a few years ago, so she’s never really been in contact with the Angelus Dei.  But thanks to that connection, she’s the only fairy who isn’t effected by her disappearance.  She sort of randomly stumbles across the group and decides to join them, which Buttercup casting a communication spell on her so they could hear her like they would any normal person.
I can’t really say much about her outfit.  It’s cute, obviously, and I love the wings.  Another benefit of being the Sacred Fairy is that she gets an actual dress rather than the leaves and the like normal fairies wear, lol.
Ignatius:  Age ???.  He’s the Diabolus Dei, at least according to the Five Kingdom’s religion.  His real title is the Younger God of Fire, and he’s considered the evil one of the four gods, which annoys him to no end.  He’s the only one of them who actually interacts in the world and the people and he’s not quite sure why no one but the Alterians dislike him so much.  He’s the one everyone is blaming for his sister’s disappearance, which he doesn’t understand.  Why would he kidnap his sister?  He ends up being summoned by Raito, mostly because he is confounded by the fact that a Lumentian prince is trying to summon him.  He and the rest of his family started pulling away from the world about a thousand years ago, with his final appearance being about five hundred years ago, which is why there are skeptics like Raito out there.
I like how I ended up designing him.  I’ve been trying to add a ‘flair’ to the gods’ outfits for a while, but doing something simple like this works very well as well.  He’s the only one whose continued to pay attention, which is why he’s up on the current fashion.
The next group is the villain characters.
Selene Deangelo:  Age 21.  Selene is the second princess of Silverstine and Raito’s betrothed….sort of.  (I actually forgot about this detail until I was rereading the story.)  Basically, should Raito not be married by the time he turns twenty-five, he’ll be married to Selene.  She is absolutely obsessed with this idea, despite the fact that Raito clearly doesn’t like her very much.  He’s probably be fine with it if she wasn’t obsessed and annoying.  She basically just recently moved herself into the palace right before the story starts, which annoys Raito to no end.  Obviously, she views Buttercup as the enemy since Raito picked her over Selene.  She doesn’t have much of a role in the first book beyond being an annoyance, but she’d be more of a villain in the later stories.
Her design…I really like it.  I like the dress I came up with.  It’s elegant and pretty and suits her extremely well.  She’s pretty.
Dante Eld:  Age ???.  I really don’t have much on Dante, at least nothing that’s not spoilery.  I remember I included him the first go around because he was a randomass character I had created, and I felt like I needed to use him, but he had no real purpose, and that’s sort of true now, at least for the first book.  He’s supposed to show up and have no point, and then he shows up in later books as a villain and people’ll be like…oh, hey, I remember him!  But anyway, Dante is a Dark Elf, and I switched him back to his original appearance (he was a traditional Dark Elf for a while) mostly because I already have a dark skinned elf.  Plus, I always thought it was fun to have a Dark Elf that wasn’t a traditional Dark Elf, you know?
And eh, I didn’t change much about his outfit.  It works, it’s dark, and it looks better in my current version, so I like it.  I like how he turned out.
Aria:  Age ???.  Aria is the titular Angelus Dei whose disappearance at the beginning of the book sparks the adventure.  What no one knows is that she chose to severe herself off from the world because she had been corrupted, and that she ends up being the main antagonist of the first book. 
One thing I like about designing Aria is the idea that the other gods are not paying attention to the world around them after they start disassociating with the world, so their clothes are outdated.  Way outdated, which is why she’s wearing a Roman inspired dress.  Also, with Aria, I liked the idea of her looking like a storm cloud while she’s corrupted, since she’s the Younger God of Air.  Which is why she’s in all greys there.  She actually turned out looking pretty damn cute!
The next set is the ‘extra’ ones I did, and sort of what I consider the Lumentian designs, I guess.  I mean, the first two designs are what the main three wear in Lumentis – Buttercup in the dress she’s given when she arrives at the palace (her ‘princess dress’, if you would), Raito in his prince attire, and then Clover in her royal guard uniform.  I was going to give Raito the extra sleeve things I had given him in his previous prince design, but I sort of liked how this looked without them, so kept them off.  Also, Buttercup sort of tries to de-Alterian herself so the Lumenian people might accept her more, but, uh, girl.  You a Fire Mage.  Can’t work yourself out of that, but that’s why she doesn’t have the braids around her face, or the eyeliner.
The other three, though, are Raito and Clover’s siblings.
Yukino Akira:  Age 18.  Yuki is Raito’s little sister, the only princess of Lumentis, and both her bothers are overly protective of her.  She and Raito are closer, though, and she’s always sneaking off to hang out with him.  She’s the first in the palace to accept Buttercup, since Raito trusts her.  Raito hates the fact that she’s technically an adult now, and guys are starting to court her.
Her design is really cute, and her dress is something different but still medieval looking. 
Fern Gunvald: Age 23.  Fern is Clover’s twin brother and polar opposite.  Where she’s a warrior, he’s a scholar, and was actually the first one to meet Raito when they met in the library when they were younger.  He is Raito’s other best friend, although Raito and Clover are closer.  Despite the fact that they are so opposite, the twins are extremely close and supportive of one another.
I love hos nerdy he looks, lol.  He did have spiky hair, but that didn’t suit him (or look right), so standard boy hair it is, and it works perfectly for him.
Kazuto Akira:  Age 24.  Kazuto is Raito’s older brother and Crown Prince of Lumentis.  He is, in a word, a womanizer, and has been seducing any girl who has shown any sort of interest in Raito for as long as he’s been able to.  Not like Raito has really cared about any of those girls, of course.  Naturally, he attempts to sway Buttercup as well, much to Raito’s annoyance.  The brother do not get along at all, with Kazuto constantly having to prove that he’s better than Raito at everything.
His design isn’t anything exciting, but I like how I managed to make him look like a playboy prince somehow.
The next set, I suppose is the Alterian design, which are Buttercup’s friends as well as two of her siblings.  Her friends aren’t featured that much, but I had wanted to design out their dresses, so…here we are.  Buttercup had more friends in the original, but I whittled it down to three.
Lilac: Age 21.  Lilac is the brunt one of the group, as well as being the oldest.  She’s not engaged because all the guys their age are terrified of her, but no one’s really worried about her, despite her age, because she does have a guy she’s talking with.  Also, she’s very independent.  She’s trained in melee fighting.
Rosemary:  Age 20:  Rosemary is technically Buttercup’s best friend who also happens to have just recently become engaged to her older brother.  She is sweet and gentle and perfect, and pretty much beloved throughout the village.  (Given that she has the more complicated dress, I think you can tell which of the three is my favorite, lol).  She’s trained in sword fighting.
Lavender:  Age 20.  Lavender is sort of shy and withdrawn, although not to the point where she’s soft spoken.  She’s the one closest to actually getting married thanks to an arrangement her parents made with another family, although neither party minds since they’d been close since childhood.  Thanks to her glasses, she’s trained in using a staff so she doesn’t have to get close to her enemies.
Seth Angelia:  Age 22.  Seth is Buttercup’s older brother and he’s highly protective of her thanks to being the only one older than her.  He’s also the only Angelia son who’s training to following in his father’s footsteps – the others work on the family farm which is run by their father’s cousin.  He and Buttercup are close and he’s unsure what to think about Raito’s interest in her.  He was a little unsure about asking Rosemary to marry him, seeing as she had a lot of other options, but considering all the time she spent with him growing up, it was really no completion.  He’s a trained swordsman.
It was hard to come up with a male Viking design, especially after seeing how plain they tended to be, but I think I did really good!  I mean, he is really plain, and then you have Rosemary looking all gorgeous over there, and it’s sort of funny knowing they’re a pair.  But I like how he turned out!  He’s just as adorable as everyone else.
Lily Angelia:  Age 12.  Lily is Buttercup’s younger sister, and the second Angelia daughter.  (With everyone aged up, I decided to give the Angelia’s two more children, and the last one is another daughter.)  She is pretty much the opposite of Buttercup, believing herself above her own status and that she’s somehow going to catch the eye of some nobleman in the future, despite there being none in her life.  As such, she’s a bit lazy since she doesn’t see the point in learning homemaking, although she’s forced to learn.  She is obsessed with Lumentian culture, which irks everyone due to the fact that, well, Alterians hate Lumentians for the most part.  Buttercup loves her little sister and all, but the two do not get along.
Lily ends up looking simple as well, but I amused myself with the idea that she’s wearing a Lumentian inspired dress that turned out extremely pretty!  I wasn’t going to give her a braid at first, because at some point, she absolutely refuses to participate in any of the Alterian cultural attire, but figured she'd find a way to make it work where she was still pretty.  I also like the soft pink on her.
I know the three girls look similar, but that’s because I found a design I love and wanted to run with it.  I liked the idea that, since their village is a border village, their clothes would have some Lumentian elements to it anyway, and I just…I don’t know.  I really like how everyone turned out.
I think my biggest problem with this story is realizing that I wrote the original ten years ago, thus making it a prospective story to write for NaNo,  *dies*  I mean, I still want to do Division, and it’s still, you know, two months away, so anything can happen, and knowing me, I’ll probably lose interest in this once it goes out, but there you go. I had to do these because my muse was bugging me, and I figured I’d write out this long ass description for my future self, lol.  And because I wanted to put these designs out into the world.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
Ok, so little Unpopular Opinion to say the least, but I actually do like The Super Mario Bros Movie with Bob Hoskins (even though most of the Movie's Plots were indeed Shitty and that some of the Character Designs look absolutely nothing like the Original Characters) but what I do like about it is how it takes up a little FairyTale Aestheic Realistic development but on how that despite most of the designs being inaccurate, I like other people's takes on Designs that are Quite Different for their own personal interpretations despite the New Mario Movie coming up which I am exicited to see. As far as I am indeed one of the Few Fans who actually liked the 90s Movie, I decided to put up a little spin around the SMG4 characters if they were in the 90s Movie Universe. Inspired by a Few Out there who have done their own personal takes on what Characters in a Different Media based on the Said Franchise would look like in a Different Style. Considering that the 90s Movie made its own versions on some of the Mario Characters different, I figure why not do the same with some of the SMG4 Characters if their own LA Movie Counterparts were to be different than the Originals.
Some Info About My Own Personal Takes:
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Meggy - While not looking alike at all with the Cephalopod Humanoid Creatures that we are all familiar with, I wanted to make an attemption of Inklings and Octolings by making them more Merfolk-like with a little spit of some Alien features as if Merfolk Cephalopods look something like Water-themed Aliens that still resembles most Cephalopods in Marine Life (kinda like the Amphibian Man from "The Shape of Water" and other Sea Monsters). Granted, I wanted to make Meggy's Inkling form something like an Actual Cephalopod Mermaid with more Squid/Octo-Like features (she still has the ability to transform into a Squid whenever she can) and as for her Human form, I know it's not very Athlete-like, but just imagine that she's still the same Meggy who can kick ass like a total badass but can still go through her Mer-Squid form whenever she want too. Also, Yeah, the Inklings and Octolings in this AU (while being Merfolk instead of looking more Humanoid) have the ability to transform into Humans for disguises whenever they go on land (so techincally think of it as in AU where if Meggy never lost her Inkling form).
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SMG4 and SMG3 - Eh, not much about these designs. Let's just say I sorta redesign the New Designs of them by making them look close to how Mario and Luigi are depicited in the '93 film but I used accepts of more of their Real-Life Counterparts considering those Guys are indeed their Main Avatars to their own Fictional Mario World. I also gave SMG3 a sockhead instead of a Plumber Hat.
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Melony - Considering that the Zelda franchise has Fantasy aspects, I wanted to make Melony look more like those Elf/Fairy-types of Creatures considering that she was turned as a Human by the Fierce Deity Mask. Say that she's sorta of a Fairy type inspired by the Nymphs of Greco-Roman Mythology, I also wanted to add in some Pink Flowers in her Hair while making her Wear a Forest-Fairy themed dress like most Fairies in Folklore (minus the Wings). As for the Real Inspiration for the Ears and even the Eyes, I mainly went with one of the Cult 80s Classics, "The Dark Crystal" by making Melony be inspired by the Gelfling characters in that Franchise; https://darkcrystal.fandom.com/wiki/Gelfling Axol - As far as Artists go throughout the Years, I wanted to make Axol look like some 90s Artist who can still draw Characters and Comics. Despite being born in Inkopolis in SMG4 Canon, in the 90s Movieverse, I can imagine him being born from a Sailor Family who had a passion for Art and even moves to Japan just like how did in the Original Series (so needless to say I did kept the Japan part of his life but for his Birthplace since Inklings and Octolings are Merfolk in this AU, Axol would have to be born in a Family of his near the Ocean at his own Beachouse where Inklings and Octolings still roam around the Seas). I also gave him one piercing in one of his earrings and let's just say that the badges that he wears are Buttons of Classic Anime Icons (like Goku from Dragon Ball or Sailor Moon).
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Boopkins - Considering that most of the Mushroom Kingdom residents in the 90s version look nothing like their own actual counterparts from the Game, I had to make Boopkins a Human just like how the '93 Movie went. I know that Fishy Boopkins is based off of Spike (considering that he does appear in the Movie) but I actually wanted to make Boopkins look different from Spike like he's his own Actual Character. I went with the Blonde Hair and Green Eyes to resemble how he looks, I also gave him a Shirt that has a Fish on it considering that he's a Sea Creature but he's still the Guy who bonds with Sea Creatures and Anime. Bob - Like the Original, he is a Garo but I tend to take some inspirations off of the Garo Master from the Zelda Franchise. So like how that the Movie Goombas are, I wanted to make Bob's species look even more different by having them look something like the Skeksis from "The Dark Crystal" (hint by that Bird face which looks something like a Plague Mask and even the Reptellien-like tail), I also took one accept from his New Design by having him wear a Bandana around his Neck. I also gave Bob some pupils that would make it look extra Creepy.
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Tari - I wanted to make her look something like a 90s Gamer by the tell of the Gloves and even that Outfit (which has the Rubber Duck on it), I also gave her Brown Hair and Blue Eyes with some little Blue diet on her Short Hair to still resemble on how she actually looked. In an addition, I also gave her a Heart necklace to resemble her own kindness. Saiko - Since she's a Bad Girl judging by her own name which translates to "Psycho Bitch", I wanted to make her look more Punk-like with a Few More Spikes to resemble her own Style and even have a Skull wearing a Bowtie on her own Top Shirt. I also gave her a Pink Eyeshadow since Pink is her Main Color but has for her Hair diets, I cut them off and made most of her Hair more Pink and even replace the Bowties for the Pigtails with a Headband that has a Bow on her head (I also gave her a piercing on her Nose). Imagine her living on the Streets like she's part of some Punk Gang who's got a Weapon of a Baseball Bat instead of a Giant Hammer.
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Swag and Chris - Ok so much like how that the Mario Bros are depicited in the Film to resemble their Original Counterparts, I wanted to do the same for both Swagmaster and Chris, only instead, they work as Police Offiers working at a Police Department but are still are Security Guards like how they are in the Original Series. Swag almost looks like the same as his OG Self but for Chris, I added an Eyepatch on his own Scared Eye cause I thought it would be cool and I also gave him a little Tattoo that's meant to resemble Black Fire if you can at least spot the Other Addition that I added in. Shroomy - Easy as peasy, I made him wear a Different Scout Outfit to resemble his OG Self, though for the Hair color, he's still a Redhead like Meggy but I also gave him some Freckles as a relfection to some of his Spots from his own Mushroom head but even the Hair Bangs is mainly the real reflection behind his Actual Mushroom head.
SMG4 (c) Luke and Kevin Lerdwichagul Super Mario Bros. Movie 1993 Film (c) Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel Mario (c) Nintendo
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landofmemoriesig · 1 year
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Oh boy, I found some really old art. From my Mac Book days. I only chose a few of them that would result in some quite deep cuts.
The first image is of Carbuncle Cookie and Tune Cookie. I think I based Carbuncle Cookie off of the Ruby Beast Carbuncle card I had for a long time. It's gone now, fml. ;w;
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This was based off a comic series of Cookie Run?? And she was named after a sheep from a slightly dark Sanrio movie?
...Thank god she was salvaged into Sugarsnap Cookie.
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Man, I doubt most people remember that AU. Apparently it was a Demon AU for Cookie Run, but it starred mostly children characters. If it's still going on, you guys can let me know.
But yeah, he and his older design (Monk Cookie) were scrapped because we already have a Monk Cookie.
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Apparently the one on the right is supposed to be a dragon? I dunno. I'm running out of things to talk about.
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So apparently these two are Pearl Cookie (left) and Blue Raspberry Cookie (right).
I think I based Blue Raspberry Cookie off of Snap from Chalk Zone? I recall that being a bit of an influence in their design.
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Eh, could use a redesign. She's fine, just not that unique.
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This was back when I went by Yurei-San. It's the kitsune that got scrapped! Rip in pepperonis to her.
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I will say, I do like the dress.
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So this is Cutie B, a NNefarious OC. Why do I bring them up?
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Apparently these characters are Clarity, Miragi, Dizzy and Manta, in that order. Geez, I forgot how plain Manta used to look.
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Kairo-Bot OC's? And two of them are decently dressed??
...I actually wanna put an OC in Von Prin (the one in the middle)'s dress now.
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...I have no words, other than WHAT THE FUCK-
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So, fun fact: I have two (three if you count Edge!Inanimate Insanity and Edge!BFB as separate AUs) on my Photos application on the Macbook side. All characters archived, and safe.
I bring this up because I think the original creator deleted their old art? So now nobody can find the old AUs. At least, on Tumblr that is. I might prove myself wrong later though.
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Old art of someone else's OC! And also old OC's in general. The ones on the right, that is.
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Before I show off a random photo I found in the Photos app, I found the best of my old art.
And it's Cookie Run related! Shocker. But it's pretty good, all things considered. Even if it a little small..
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And now I leave you guys on.. a wall of Salt Water Taffy flavors.
Have a nice rest of your day/evening!
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✨Oh who is she~?✨
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Wild theory: this girl will appear in episode 11 because we never see her with the popular girls outside of the music video, implying she might've realised they were toxic and left which is similar to Jake and his current friend group. I hope we get her name...for now I want to call her Charlotte.
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Also I do have a theory that Drew and Elliot are secretly friends or will become friends, here's some potential evidence:
In the music video, it honestly looks more like he's scolding Elliot. The other bullying victims are all on the ground whilst Elliot's just standing there. Also it might be nothing but Drew has a face shadow, the only other character in this segment of the song with a face shadow is Milly who is angry and hurt. I know other characters have face shadows later but they also have mouths and some devil horns so it could just be a style change.
I'm pretty sure the characters getting bullied cut off at the left hand side of the screenshots are the same as those boys with speaking lines at the beginning of the episode who are shown to be friends.
In Drew's character export he has bows on his socks. I'm pretty sure this is canon for numerous reasons, which must mean it's in character for him to wear them(with our current understanding of him it really isn't). Now, much like flowers, bows have a soft/feminine connotation. Perhaps he has a softer, more compassionate side which we haven't seen, allowing him to be friends with someone like Elliot?
Also he has rolled up sleeves in his redesign(and short sleeves in GL). It could just be to show off his watch but I noticed that Elliot has one of his sleeves rolled up as well, presumably for gardening. It wouldn't surprise me if it gets revealed that Drew has helped him with gardening stuff before.
Oh and lastly Rosy made a "Drelliot" edit on discord with them playing genshin impact together, which could've been completely non-canon but maybe it does foreshadow them having an at least somewhat positive relationship. Idk the context behind why she made it but eh. This is all just a theory.
Lastly, I have noticed that when Drew insults Hailey he never picks on her for her stage fright. He always vilifies her, calling her "uptight" or a "cow" which could honestly describe him sometimes lol. And Jake seemingly didn't know about her stage fright prior to getting told, which means Drew can't have told him. So would he really pick on Elliot when he's just some guy with seemingly no other friends? Maybe at first but I doubt he'd be able to justify it to himself for long. I have crafted so many theories about why drew picks on the club but as I think about it again the most likely answer is that he's insecure in some way(it could just be a red herring but he's been accused of it enough times) and that old friend of his found the club weird which sparked him to project onto them and bully them, but then he felt guilty after seeing Hailey freeze up on stage or smth idk. I could probably write an entire separate post about my predictions/headcanons for Drew and Zoey's backstories, if we even get them in ep 11 that is.
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