#also i used my nickname and real name
sapphicsoie · 1 year
tagged by @silkscream
search your name + core + aesthetic into pinterest
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no pressure tags: @slutmio @cutetomholland @thatgirlfromhotelcalifornia @scarleart
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starrysharks · 9 months
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"everything's connected, you know! all those unsolved deaths in this town - it was ghosts, i'm sure of it!"
onion, the tritagonist of reassassination. a nerdy and somewhat naiive teen with a deep obsession for everything paranormal, they run the blog 'surREAL investigations' to tell the world - or their 6 followers, at least - the truth about the supernatural.
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aroaceleovaldez · 7 days
do you think they borrow each other’s rogue names after they die
also as a rogue name for thalia, blue bolt? (blue eyes, ‘bolt from the blue’ being an idiom for unexpected and important news, and also meaning a lighting bolt far from the parent storm (this being because a charge of electricity was so strong that it wandered away from the parent storm)
blue bolt felt so deviantart oc-coded but hell yeah that’s the fun part
oh absolutely i think rogues would name themselves after each other. Even besides just adopting each other's names when one of them dies, but also like trading names. Best friend rogue duo whose rogue names are just each other's real names.
tbh Thalia and Luke would have deviantart oc-coded rogue names lol. Blue Bolt is definitely a cool fitting one! I was joking in the TA discord yesterday that Luke might lightheartedly call Thalia "Green Day" or "Hot Topic" just to tease her.
Still dunno what Thalia might call Luke though 🤔 Cause he's already a little jaded of the gods to begin with so he'd probably try to lean away from directly Hermes-related nicknames? But he's super emo so he'd probably try for something dramatic and edgy. And Thalia would probably tease him about it as much as he teases her.
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
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currently on the motorway but finally getting to work on the request thats been sitting in my ask box for a week ‼️‼️‼️
#hardworker😍😍 #trabajadora😍‼️ #shouldvestartedthisaweekago😔✊
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Criminally Underused Bird Nicknames for Jaskier
I love "Lark" as much as the next Witcher fic reader, but there are so many more options we could explore! Here are a few:
Jay / Bluejay This one has excellent potential because 1) jays are incredibly beautiful, colorful, intelligent, and social and 2) their songs are terrible. (Examples here, here, and here.) As such, it'd be perfect for a fond-yet-teasing nickname for Jaskier. Plus, it sounds like the first letter of his name!
Magpie Magpies are corvids like jays, so they're similar in many ways. This one has the extra connotations of collecting shiny things for bonus fun teasing <3
Sparrow Sparrows have lovely songs! They tend not to be very colorful, but they're very cute and the name sounds endearing. I've seen this one used in fic occasionally and I like it!
Sanderling Sanderling is an adorable name for an adorable bird -- they're little sandpipers that run around on beaches! It works perfectly as a reference to Jaskier's role as the Sandpiper and I think it's really sweet.
Peep Peep is a general term for the smallest few species of sandpipers (they're hard to identify at the species level, so calling them peeps is most convenient). It's similar to Sanderling in that it references Jaskier's role as the Sandpiper and sounds adorable!
Bonus: Songbird I have seen this one used in a few fics and I love it every time! It's vague enough to let you imagine whichever bird you want while also sounding very sweet.
Extra options include, but are not limited to: warbler, finch/goldfinch, nightengale, robin, kinglet, titmouse, mockingbird, and starling.
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hyper-cryptic · 2 years
I enjoy the idea of Werehog sonic getting stuck in dumb dog situations.
Doghog Sonic: *chewing on one of tails (possibly dangerous) gadgets
Tails: Whats in your mouth!?
Sonic: *continues chewing*
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He is a very Silly doggo!!!
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arcanegalaxy · 8 months
my ‘main’ scarlet hollow mc (in my head none of them are truly canon but i play this one first) is a self-insert but also romancing wayne and i’ve been trying to work out what would lead mc kitty scarlet to do this when irl i’d be very scared of him
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tracybirds · 1 year
Been playing with some headcanons for funsies :D Trans Virgil is one I have been enjoying playing with sooo here he is <3 coming out to Gords
big thanks to @tanushakyrano for reading it through and egging me on lol
“Gordon,” he said, eyes wide. “Gordon, I think I’m straight.”
Gordon blinked, before a smile cracked on his face and he flung himself onto the bed howling with laughter.
“Gordon, I’m serious,” called Virgil, but Gordon only laughed harder and the words fell aside.
“Sorry, V,” he said, exaggerating the wiping away of tears in his eyes. “For a second there I thought you said you were straight.”
Virgil opened his mouth, only to feel the strange choking chill filling his lungs again, stealing his air.
“I mean, you and I have spent far too much time sighing over girls for that, remember Hannah Kim from the year between us?”
“I remember,” said Virgil.
He felt distant and removed from his own words, like the conversation was being whispered into a thick, grey fog that lay between them rather than shared across thousands of miles with modern holotech.
His heart thudded in his chest, and his hands twitched.
Just say it, screamed his mind.
It wasn’t judgment he feared, not from Gordon, not from any of his family.
He’d simply held the truth so close for so long it had become an intimate layering beneath his skin and the only way to begin to show it would be to expose himself again and again and again.
He needed Gordon to be the first one to help him shed his old self.
He didn’t know if he could do it alone.
Gordon’s laughter died away.
“Hey, V? You’re not looking so good.”
“I think I need to sit down.”
He stumbled backwards and exhaled slowly and carefully, the slow count he’d been taught ringing in his ears. His hands fluttered against his breast, mirroring his pounding heart within.
“Do you need me to call someone?” asked Gordon anxiously, hovering helplessly above him. “I can get out to you tomorrow; Dad’ll organise it now if you need me there.”
“No,” said Virgil sharply. “It’s fine, I’m just… he doesn’t need… I mean…”
The words were taking too much effort to say.
He wasn’t scared.
It was just so real.
Always before it had been this nebulous thing, humming quietly at the back of his mind, slowly growing into an itch that he couldn’t ignore.
The strained smile when someone cheerfully acknowledged him and their descriptors fell like heavy rocks he couldn’t escape from. The momentary panic when someone introduced him and “call me V” broke out of him before another word could be said. Even the light touches of girls flirting with him made him clam up, knowing they were only falling for the lie he’d presented to everyone over and over as the years passed.
Gordon was still watching him carefully.
“I assume you weren’t kidding then?”
Not trusting himself to speak, Virgil shook his head.
“I think… No. I know that I’m not Valentina.”
The name sounded strange on his tongue, like a foreign memory of the long, lost past.
“Okay, not Valentina,” said Gordon. “I can work with that. You need some time? Want to try out some different names then? Some pronouns?”
“He/him,” said Virgil, thanking the heavens that Gordon seemed to know exactly how to move forward, peeling back the layers of his past in an instant. “And I’m taking my middle name.”
Gordon snorted.
“Which one? I swear Mom and Dad found out you were a girl and panicked about you ruining their whole theme.”
He faltered for a second.
“Uh, I mean…”
Virgil laughed.
“I’ll just shorten it, I think. Take out the “Valentina Ivanka” part.” His eyes softened. “After all, Mom still gave me that name. I don’t want to lose it entirely.”
“Virgil Grissom Tracy,” said Gordon, trying it out. “It suits you.”
Virgil flushed.
“So, are you telling anyone yet? Or taking your time.”
“I think I’ll tell the others in person,” he said. “Just give myself a few weeks first.”
“It’s going to be fine – you know that right?”
Virgil smiled.
“Yeah, I know. They’ll still love me and all that sappy stuff.”
“Well, you’re the one that’s always gone in for that sappy stuff.”
“I can’t help it,” he said. “The goop just makes me so happy.”
“Yeah, yeah. Hey, just imagine how buff you’re gonna get on T,” said Gordon, eyes lighting up.
“That’s not why I’m doing this.”
“Yeah, but just imagine anyway. All the girls are gonna be falling at your feet.”
“They already do,” retorted Virgil. “Just because you’ve got no game.”
“I’ve got game!” exclaimed Gordon. “It just… takes longer.”
“Sadly staring at people and hoping they’ll take to you like some lost puppy isn’t game, Gordon,” said Virgil chuckling.
Gordon laughed easily with him. The dense grey fog that had dogged Virgil’s footsteps over the past several months had lifted and he couldn’t believe how light the way forward now seemed.
Bright and clear and so very possible, two brothers just laughing and joking side by side.
The world finally felt as though it had clicked into place.
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forcebookish · 8 months
god do not trust queers who hate gay men
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astr-hal · 10 months
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hits him with the transgender beam
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sugaroto · 1 year
If someone tells you their name is [name], then that's their fucking name. Stop trying to find out what "their actual name" is
I'm having a birthday party this Saturday, (it's also a friend's nameday and we decided to celebrate it together) So we made a group chat with everyone to invite them.
We mostly have common friends so like, approximately 10 of the kids are our common friends, 5 are mine and 5 are hers
But it's cool cause we all go to the same school so yknow, not everyone is that close but we'll manage
Except one person, I invited someone that my classmates don't know, actually 2 of them know this person and have been friends for years (I met this person through them) and my best friend has also met this person one or twice
So we're gonna name this person Bob, so, Bob is not a greek name.
Today one of my friends was like who is this "usernameman guy?"
And she was talking with my friend who's met the guy and my friend was like his name is Bob
But she was like "There's no way his name is bob" so that's why they called me and asked me what usernameman's name actually was and I'm like "it's bob"
"But how can it be bob? His parents named him that?"
"That's what he introduced himself to me as. I guess it may be a nickname but that's how people call him so"
"Well I'm gonna call him Mpampi then"(or something very greek starting with the letter of the guy's actual name)
"His name is Bob"
Like. Ok. I know- I can tell, Bob is not the name he was given by his parents, I know his very greek last name. I've overheard people calling him by a different Greek name.
Still. He introduced himself as Bob. Their Instagram bio has "Call me Bob, they/she/he" and fanart with the non binary flag as a photo profile
In greek you can't really refer to someone with they/them so they're always referred with he/him pronouns (tho I've noticed sometimes they use feminine words for themselves like καλή) honestly I've been meaning to ask if they would also like to be called η Bob instead of ο Bob etc
My friend dropped the subject assuming I just don't know "his actual name"
But later as we were waiting for the bus one of their friends (I mentioned above I met this person through 2 other people) was there so my friend was like "oh he must know! [Dude] do you know what is usernameman's name?"
And all 3 of us(me, dude and my best friend) replied together that it's Bob
"That can't be his name! Dude whats his name?"
Dude: "it's... Bob"
"Are you kidding me how can it be Bob?!"
At that point my best friend snapped like "What's gotten into you my[girl]? Can you just drop it? The human is named bob" (Μπομπ τον λένε τον άνθρωπο, sounds more friendly in greek)
At that time Dude's parents arrived so he left but I saw his face. He didn't want to have that conversation
I'm sure he knows "his actual name" since they've been friends for years
But if the person introduces themselves as fucking Bob then call them Bob, why you gotta ask everyone
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@reigensmistress it doesnt let me @ you wahwah anyway i cant reply to posts from this account so! here’s my fragrantica ^_^ https://www.fragrantica.com/member/1664289
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sexynetra · 1 year
idk if anyone's mentioned it yet but marsh and neech as pet names are ADORABLE
I’m on a mission to popularize those nicknames!!! I almost exclusively refer to them using those names at this point honestly and I agree I think it’s so precious 🥺
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random thoughts don’t mind me
#just been thinking abt my name a lot lately and how i sometimes just really don’t feel like i have any real attachment to it anymore like#idk it started w me hating my full first name and my childhood nickname so i started going by kat in high school and it’s stuck which is#cool and nice and much better than the two alternatives. however the further i go into my trans journey the more im like hmmmmmm don’t think#i enjoy this name anymore either ! but i cannot think of any other alternatives so i just keep using it#i just wish my name had something more masc i could turn it into but idk anything and i can’t do my middle names either bc i fucking hate#both of those names so bad bc they’re my aunts names and she’s turned out to be a shitty shit person so i don’t want to even acknowledge em#also the like. two names ive thought of that are Close to kat are like. ehhhh bc one is literally my little cousins name so….weird. and then#the other one is the name of my ex that i met on here and she turned out to be a very not great person so idk if i want that one either#but it’s a nice lil name and i am a better person (meaning i don’t be weird and try talking to MINORS) so maybe i deserve the name more—#and also i literally can’t even think of any other names that aren’t close to my name already bc i don’t think i look like anything else#that i can come up with ????? so that’s hard. idk i’m just thinking out loud#this stuff weird bc i’ve never had to think about names for myself before bc i was always fine w my name but now it just feels like an old#version of myself i don’t match up with anymore and so im like ok well wtf do i do now!!!!!!!!!!#also if anyone reads this and has advice???? answers???? suggestions???? idk just words….??? about anything said i wouldn’t mind !!!
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westywallowing · 2 years
bruhhh asking people who've called u one name for a while to call u something else is so weird ???
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barnbridges · 8 months
representation for people who have so many names we went by across the years because of our loose sense of identity that i literally dont respond to names anymore i just guess you mean me by intonation.
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