#also i'm sorry if you don't want non mutuals reblogging this ;; ;;
This crab day thing has gotten so frustrating so fast. The person who suggested it is an anti-abortion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobe. Many of the people spreading additional posts and info are ALSO anti-abortion right wing christian transphobes. Seriously. Start clicking their blogs when you see these posts. Search "abortion" and "feminism" and "trans" and "gender" and "groomer." This is really easy to confirm. But people don't give a shit because "crabs fun." okay.
And its not like people aren't aware of it at this point. Search "crab day" on tumblr and a good chunk of the results are asks saying "hey btw crab day was started by a transphobe/right wing christian." and most of those people have responded with something along the lines of "Um okay but like its a good idea though??? You guys can't even collaborate with conservatives for like a second to achieve a political goal? UGH this is why nothing ever gets done 🙄." or "Um okay but like that post had nothing to do with their political beliefs. so like its fine lol. Crab fun." Or "oh no omg im so sorry thats so gross i deleted the post but im still gonna keep reblogging all the other posts by the conservative transphobic anti abortion right wing christians whos blogs i wont check because we need to save tumblr!!!!"
Let me make this really fucking clear for those who don't get it: it doesn't matter if the post is not about their political beliefs. You and all your mutuals are reblogging them. You are making it easier for them to network and find each other. You are bringing them new followers, a bigger audience, a bigger platform and a bigger pool of people who will spread their oh so relatable non-political posts. Which will bring in more followers. And some of those new followers are going to be young dumbasses who are going to see all their posts about "groomers" and "mutilation" and the evils of porn and the horrors of abortion and how feminism actually harms women and do i need to tell you how that story ends?
You are showing that "crab fun" is way more important to you than the safety of trans tumblr users. You are giving them a bigger platform and a wider net with which to potentially harm trans people. By saying that you're not going to let their political beliefs ruin your fun, you're making it very clear that trans people are less important than your fun. And you're making it VERY fucking clear that you'd RATHER tumblr become a safe and welcoming place for anti-feminist anti-abortion right wing transphobes than give up fun crab.
You are showing that your need to throw money at a corporation is more important to you than trans tumblr users. I get where you are coming from. I do. You want tumblr to keep existing. I want tumblr to keep existing. I also want the other trans people who use this fucking platform to keep existing because frankly, they are the only reason i'm here. and if they aren't safe here and if you will throw us away just to keep tumblr shambling along a little longer then I have no fucking interest in tumblr.
"Okay but we need to save tumblr uwu!!!!" Look I'm just some dumbass and I don't know shit (and to be PERFECTLY honest, so are you), but I think this is a little more complicated than "if we raise enough money we can save the school/family farm/community centre/(insert cozy heartwarming thing that needs to be saved)!" As other smarter people have said, tumblr is operating at a yearly $30 million deficit. Thats $30 million just to break even. For one year. not become profitable. Its not a bail them out once and its all good forever situation. Tumblr is not a small message board run by volunteers who actually use donations to stay afloat. They are not a non-profit. They are not running a pledge drive. Throwing money at a corporation does not a nonprofit make. It makes you a consumer.
Your response to "tumblr making bad changes" is "give them money for making the bad changes to show that we don't like bad changes!! A reverse boycott'll show 'em!!" You sure about that??? (And some of you are calling this """""unionizing?"""" Put that word back on the shelf.) You don't know what you're doing and you're not listening to the smarter people who have tried to explain it to you. And once again, you're showing that this half baked scheme is more important to you than trans tumblr users. because crab fun.
And @everyone whos clambering over each other to "collaborate with conservatives for a good cause," we already fucking know that you love to do this shit. You are the same people who will say "yeah but theres bad people on both sides!!!" and who wont give up your Harry Potter or your Chick-Fil-A. You will throw us under the bus the SECOND it gets you something you want. Even something as stupid and small as pickle brine or a shitty videogame or fucking "crab day." And guess what. The second all your "shared goals" are accomplished and the conservatives get what they want FROM YOU??? You're going straight under that bus too.
And also, isn't it maybe a little hmmmm. SUSPICIOUS that CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS want to throw money at the site that we've been bitching and screaming at for how unfairly it censors any display of queer sexuality????? They don't have the same problems with tumblr that you do. You think that collaborating with THEM is gonna stop that? Gonna get the porn ban reversed? Gonna turn tumblr into a co-op? Gonna "unionize this bitch?" Hello????
If you must. MUST participate in this because crab oh so fun and tumblr is oh so in need of saving then for the LOVE of FUCK make your OWN POST and STOP PLATFORMING THESE PEOPLE. i don't want to hear "Oh but its a good idea it doesn't matter if a bad person came up with it separate art from the artist lol" if you're not MAKING AN ACTUAL EFFORT TO EXCLUDE THEM FROM THIS. BLOCK THEM. CHECK THEIR BLOGS. BLACKLIST THEIR URLS. ITS EASY.
and then maybe go give your $3 to an actual non-profit. or to an actual leftist independent organization. Or wikipedia. Or inaturalist. Or to one of the many hyperspecific message boards out there who are struggling along on donations from like 5 people. Or maybe, maybe, give your fucking $3 to an abortion fund or to a trans person's go fund me so they can buy food. Or to a womens shelter or a fucking homeless person or to any of the other people who anti-abotion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobes want to stop existing.
My partner is afraid to leave the house alone because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are getting their HRT ripped away from them because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are being forced to give birth because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. Every day I'm ready to get the news that the state my partner is in is no longer safe and we have to figure out an escape plan. These people do REAL HARM in the REAL WORLD and their beliefs are, tbh, way more fucking insidious and mainstream and tolerated than those of TERFs.
But fun crabs are more important. okay.
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midnights-dragon · 6 months
Pinned post 📌
Feel free to skip over if you're just stalking my blog! (Here's a song for you to listen to.) -> 
Hi, I’m Tristen! I’m transmasc and use he/him pronouns, bisexual, and religious-adjacent; a believer, not a follower. I am neurodivergent (ADHD specifically) and identify as a silly guy.
Important, first of all:
This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in "don't like, don't read"
This user believes in "ship and let ship"
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
ALSO very important:
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So feel free to block me if you disagree. (ESPECIALLY do block me if you are an antisemite, or along that area of hatred towards people, if you're at all racist, homo/transphobic, etc). 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🎗️
Additionally, I do not usually post political things; this is first and foremost a fandom and personal blog. However, if I ever do, and you disagree, DO NOT attack me over it. Like, seriously. Just unfollow and move on! Block if you have to. I frankly could not care less.
Though, if you are transphobic, I ask that you don't follow me at all, as I do happen to be trans myself, as I said. And don't even try to send hate; anon asks are off, and I will freely blast & report you. I don’t have any “DNI” criteria except for obviously if you have any hatred or bigotry towards ANY group of people. Trans people, POC, Jews, ANYONE. And/or if you think one group’s suffering negates another’s. Period. Get off my blog if you hate someone for who they are.
Now that all of that is out of the way; onto the good stuff! ->
Things that I love/am hyperfixated on:
Good Omens
Hozier & Queen (average Good Omens fan)
Warrior Cats (cringe is DEAD)
Snakes, sharks, and birds (and dinosaurs)
My cat and bearded dragon (you will see pictures of them you have no choice)
Cliche old movies (The Parent Trap 1998, my beloved)
Bojack Horseman (run far away)
Hannibal (run further away)
Sometimes just random fucking shit that Tumblr puts on my For You, and that I will then reblog like 20 posts of in rapid succession, very unescapable, not sorry about that
ASKS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, AS ARE DMS!!! Nothing weird obviously, keep in mind that I am a minor (though I do enjoy smutfics, as any teenager does), but I LOVE random people saying random things, it makes me feel like a friend. Which you are to me! I love making mutuals as well, and if you want to be on a tag list for games like picrew chains, just let me know, I do those a lot. They're fun!
Now, writing requests & my Ao3! ->
I do accept writing requests, feel free to ask for anything for fandoms I'm in (if it's something topic-heavy, CWs are appreciated in advance), but obviously I'm not going to write anything like underage content or proship; I AM ANTI-CENSORSHIP, as said, I just am not a writer of pro-ship content, myself.
My favorite tropes:
Angst, specifically Hurt/Comfort
Human AUs
Trauma Recovery
Anything involving domestic & non-sexual nudity
Religious Trauma Messages
Panic Attacks/PTSD (and being helped through that)
Generally, just. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Happy Ending, though. I sometimes write fluff one-shots I sweat it just does not happen Often
Mostly anything goes; obviously I'm at full liberty to delete any messages I get or not do them, but I LOVE requests and I usually more often than not do end up doing them! Just send it my way (ask box or DMs is fine) and I'll let you know. I write currently for almost exclusively Good Omens content, which can be found under the AO3 link below. Specifically, here is my Good Omens Masterlist!
A little intro to me as a writer can be found here from a recent ask game I participated in, if that is of interest to you. Also here from my 2023 Ao3 wrapped. My current writing 'order of things' (i.e., what I'm working on right now), can be found here.
I'm on a lot of other socials under a similar url! You can find my Twitter here, and my Instagram here, and then my Ao3. I mainly post similar content on all my socials, just reposting memes, art, and fandom stuff and sometimes posting stuff of my own! I'm a young artist, but proud of whatever work I muster up the courage to post. Which is not a lot, but nonetheless
If you’d like to support me and my work in any way, feel free to support me on my GoFundMe for my future top surgery/transition/therapy in relating to gender dysphoria if you are able and wanting! I am trans FTM, and use he/him pronouns, as it says in my bio. However, this is in no way an attempt to pressure anyone to do anything. Please think of yourself before a random stranger on the internet.
Link is also here for the post.
And here is also a link to a post you can reblog for my friend’s uni tuition, please reblog or share if you can with that as well!
Anyways, thank you for all of the love I've ever gotten across any platform, I love how kind people can be. And if you're mean, then, well, I prefer if you didn't interact, because this is what I try to make a safe space. Unless I was mean to you first (with disregard to transhomophobes and the like), then it's free game, and also, my bad. <3 Enjoy my blog!
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8turning · 9 months
HII can u do a 8turn headcannon abt how they r like crushing on the reader and what they do to show the reader their love for them ?
thank you for this request!! apologies that it took me so long 💔
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☆⠀⠀8TURN — when they're pining for you !
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hyung line + jangshinz (separately) x gn ! reader ★ fluff. mutual pining. ★ headcannon
warnings: swearing. physical affection. let me know if i missed anything!
n. i have a similar headcannon here about how they'd show their love; this fic will focus more on how they pine for reader since a lot of my thoughts are already shared on that post!! ♡ also this derailed a bit,,, there's implied confessions HELP sorry 🤒
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⁰⁰¹ : JAEYUN.
wouldn't realize he liked you until someone pointed it out to him 1/2 🤕
^ he would regret thinking deeper about what yoonsung had told him: "are you sure you don't feel anything for them?" . . . queue a montage of every single memory he has with you where his stomach did a "weird flip" that he never chose to acknowledge.
basically. jaeyun was fucked LOL
BUT despite his revelation, he managed to keep himself composed pretty well. he was never overly affectionate with the members so him suddenly getting lost in his thoughts a lot wasn't exactly foreign.
what was foreign, though, was his very apparent distance.
to be fair, he wasn't fully aware he was doing it. it was more so "when i'm around them i get this Feeling. i cant handle that Feeling right now," then he kinda just. goes somewhere else for the time being.
you'd realize it, overthink it all, and text him on a whim that you needed to talk to him.
he'd get so nervous and only then would he really think about his behavior and . . . yeah you deserved an explanation, even if it resulted in rejection for him :(
he wouldn't speak first. he'd want you to feel welcomed to let out any emotion you were feeling; you were the one who wanted to talk, it wouldn't be right of him to take over.
he'd know that no matter his reason, him suddenly avoiding you and saying "i didn't realize" wasn't going to cut it, so swallowing whatever anxiety he had, he confessed then and there. it wasn't too in depth, of course, but it didn't feel right for him to hide it any longer - especially after everything.
but, the silence that followed his confession made all the anxiety bubble up again, only for you to speak about your reciprocated feelings.
in an unknown way, him pulling back from you is what brought you two together in the end; strange how that works.
⁰⁰² : MYUNGHO.
he's not shy in the slightest LMFAOO 💀 it'd be more shocking if you didn't know he liked you.
it doesn't even matter if you two were hanging out with other people either, he'd make a point to sit by you during a movie. even if it wasn't a horror movie, he'd still tell you that if you're scared, you can cling to him (as if he is any better with scary movies . . . his arm ends up around your shoulder anyways).
he's not usually one for talking during a movie, but he cant help but crack jokes here and there, using that as an excuse to lean in closer to you and watch as you try to hold your laughter in, his eyes watching you adoringly.
myungho would pull you into your own little world when you're with one another,,, he'd literally be so obvious about his feelings for you i'm crying.
openly flirting and complimenting you non-stop,,, holding eye contact if you ever caught him looking at you,,,
myungho would literally tell you how much he liked you straight up 🤭 "i like you a lot, y'know that?" "i'm so glad i met you." "you'll let me stay with you, right?"
the only time EVER he'd get shy if it was you who initiated something. he'd actually lose his mind.
it'd be such a stark contrast to the myungho you knew previously that you couldn't help but laugh a bit whenever you caught him like that.
holding his hand out of nowhere or leaning your head on his shoulder is a surefire way to make heat rise along his neck and make him go speechless.
he's so open about it and talks about you so much. his members are SICK OF HIM!!!! /j
minho probably threatened that if he doesn't make a move soon that he'll ask you out himself . . . you'd get a message from myungho the next morning ♡
⁰⁰³ : MINHO.
bye he's so so playful and he'd be able to cover up how he truly felt pretty well, which was both a positive and a negative for him.
positive: he'd be able to hug you nonchalantly or tap his cheek asking for a kiss and you'd think nothing of it.
negative: you'd think nothing of it.
since minho often acts this way with his friends as well, he slowly becomes self-conscious of his actions, worrying that that's all you saw him as - a friend.
he'd probably slowly try to either a: be more forward with you, or b: reserve certain actions for you only.
minho would stop blowing kisses to myungho and asking seungheon to kiss his cheek. he might even go as far as to not be as physically affectionate with his members anymore.
slowly letting you come to the conclusion yourself that the way he treats you is different from his members.
if you weren't the type to fight against him when he acted this way, if you suddenly started reciprocating the same actions towards him, his head would start spinning.
if it was a normal occurrence for you to return his energy, he'd start to wonder if you treated your friends like this as well.
but . . . he never saw you cling onto jaeyun's arms like you do with him . . . and you don't look at haemin the same way you look at him . . . hm . . .
minho crushing on you would be hard to detect until he made more of an effort to let his guard down about it.
you'd pick up on his behavior change pretty quickly which only opened the conversation of "why are you suddenly treating me like i'm special?"
(hint: its because you are special to him).
he is taking this to his GRAVE!!! he'd try to be so so so secretive and discreet.
yoonsung falls hard and doesn't want to overwhelm you with how he feels and everything :( wants to try and soak in the feeling of crushing on you but every time he sees you he just gets so overjoyed and just wants to confess right then and there.
which is why he feels he needs to take this to his grave 😭 he's not sure if he will ever be able to fully "calm down" around you enough to properly confess to you the way you deserve to be confessed (he thinks you deserve the world).
tries to act as Normal as he can around you, but most of the time i think he'd fall kind of silent.
whether you're with a group of friends or just talking one-on-one, he'd get so wrapped up in his thoughts and become uncharacteristically quiet.
it was a constant internal battle for yoonsung. he wanted to be near you but also knew he likely couldn't hide how he felt for much longer.
unlike minho, yoonsung wasn't going to hug you or hold your hand out of no where. he did this with his friends, sure, but he didn't see you as just a friend, which made physical affection towards you that much harder.
the lines would get blurred in his brain and he feared if you reciprocated, even if it was platonic, he'd make an assumption that could end up hurting him.
of course, yoonsung was unaware of your feelings towards him as well, and seeing him seemingly pulling away from you, you subconsciously do the same :(
he doesn't realize just how different he was acting towards you until that moment, and as if his heart took control over his brain, he'd spill all of his feelings for you, doing his best to explain away his behavior.
and it worked - who could stay mad at him for too long?
⁰⁰⁵ : HAEMIN.
wouldn't realize he liked you until someone pointed it out to him 2/2 💔
everything would be going perfectly fine for haemin,,, until minho jokingly commented about how much he liked you. then that became all he thought about.
begin haemin's internal debate of if he liked you romantically or not! and if it was true (it was), how long? upon actually giving it a lot of thought . . . he's liked you for a while without really processing his feelings effectively.
and now,,, he cannot properly face you!! at least, not in the beginning.
everything hits him so fast and he's forced to process his emotions at a rapid pace now. he does a decent job at hiding his inner turmoil about the topic, but he eventually confides in kyungmin about it (though it wasn't on purpose),, kyungmin just caught him while he was dazed!! totally not like he went to kyungmin stressing about possibly ruining your friendship hahaha . . .
once he was able to fully "recover" and process everything, he's a goner. heart eyes are permanent.
just so absolutely infatuated with everything you do and say. comes around more often and always manages to take the spot next to you if you're with a group of people.
always always always joking around with you because he loves the sound of your laugher and how happy you seem when you smile, especially when you smile because of him.
in a twisted ending, haemin is grateful that minho made him fall into a crisis. if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been able to have these moments with you.
once you end up together, minho rightfully takes full credits for the relationship starting, kyungmin taking credit for helping haemin get over his fear of ruining everything between you two.
so - albeit his disagreement - haemin accepts that they should get some credit for their help.
but how it all came to be doesn't matter much, as long as in the end, he ended up with you.
i'm not usually fond of the trope of someone who brings up the person they like every time they can but,,,, kyungmin does exactly that. his members get so tired of him for it too HELP (he's gotten into the practice of just,, thinking of you instead of verbally bringing you up so often).
his members' anger (/j) doesn't stop him though!! every chance he gets he talks about you,, the only time that stops is when you're around 🧍‍♂️
you BET the members are gonna poke fun at him for that too LMFAO
when you're around, he'd be much more into listening rather than speaking himself.
"platonic" kisses on the backs of your hands. "platonic" hand holding. (nothing about it is platonic).
kyungmin would love love love to rest his head on your shoulder!! whether he's standing behind you while talking with a group of friends or sitting next to each other watching a movie, he just likes the feeling (bonus points if his arm is looped under yours to play with your fingers).
he'd be in his own head a lot,,, daydreaming and such,,, even though you're right next to him 🧍‍♂️
if you were to nudge him while he was like this, he'd look at you with the most love-filled gaze.
he didn't have to say anything to you, just from the way he looked at you and the light blush forming on his cheeks, you knew. the way your stomach filled with butterflies as you held his gaze was also a great indicator that his look meant something more.
it was then when he saw how your gaze changed too - it changed to one that matched his own. with a deep breath, he'd squeeze your hand before a smile spread across his face.
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© 8turning 2023.
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itsclydebitches · 3 months
Have you seen the posts going around saying shit like "If a mutual likes Hazbin Hotel I will block them"?? It's genuinely upsetting me tbh, not just the idea that people don't like the show, but that they despise it so much they can't even stand the thought of someone they know liking the show. It reminds me of the Steven Universe hate train only worse. They also say shit like "the show is just someone saying swear words and expecting you to laugh", and if for a second we put aside the fact that that is blatantly not true, what's wrong with that? I'm allowed to like something that's a bit trash, right? I've already seen two different people I follow reblog posts to that effect (and worse, someone saying all a character boils down to is "i love being sexually abused <3" and i don't know how they ever came to that conclusion) and it's driving me mad. And somehow I just know that they don't actually give a shit about any "controversies" surrounding vivziepop, that's just a convenient excuse for most of them. I don't even care if Vivzie is a bad person, that's none of my business. just live and let live, you know?
Sorry for ranting, you're literally the only blog i follow who posts Hazbin fan content
Rant away, friend! Luckily for me I haven't come across any of those posts yet. Plenty of discourse surrounding whether fans are allowed to make romantic and/or sexual content for Alastor, the expected shipping wars, and - as you say - vague references to Vivzie controversies (which I'm too new a fan to even be aware of yet)... but nothing that's a complete rejection of the show itself. That's probably because I've only engaged with blogs posting a lot of Hazbin content though.
I'm a big fan of old school Internet rules which includes an emphasis on cultivating your own online space. You know, the thing tumblr is explicitly designed for. So in theory I applaud anyone blocking users/tags for a show they're not a fan of. Performatively posting about it more as a way to guilt others for liking Hazbin at all... not so much. If you want to block something just block it. If you're mutuals with someone you both presumably like each others' content. Not all of it necessarily, but enough to have followed in the first place, and often being mutuals for long enough leads to friendship because you're both getting interacting with one another a lot. All of which isn't to say that people don't unfollow mutuals, or that you can't drop a mutual because they've started posting something you dislike. Obviously both situations do happen, but it feels like an extreme enough response that these posters probably aren't actually doing this very often. Most people will wait the mutual out until their interest gets hooked on something new, or block the Hazbin tag and keep the friend, or just block without making a big announcement about it. So posts like that feel more like a way to show off how much you dislike the show and guilt others for their enjoyment which yeah, can be upsetting to see. Especially when, as you say, it costs nothing to just let people like things.
Which might sound hypocritical on my part given my RWBY interests, but I think there's a big difference between critically examining a show while supporting others who genuinely love it, and simplistically blasting it. I COMPLETELY get why Hazbin wouldn't be to everyone's tastes and, like with the SU example, anything that gets popular enough is going to develop its haters (especially cartoons trying to tackle non-childish subjects. That's always going to be a fandom landmine). But if you're going to make claims about a show, at least watch it to ensure you can back up your stance? And if your takeaway is still, "This is the worst fucking thing I've ever watched"... cool. Go forth and write about that on your own, personal blog. But no one should be surprised when they're also blocked for bragging about how many Hazbin fans they've blocked.
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You must be 18+ to interact with Alastor or any of my muses for that matter. Hazbin Hotel is a cartoon for adults and this blog will contain content not suitable for children. I am 21+ and I don't feel comfortable roleplaying with minors. Trust me, I will be checking.
That being said, please have your age/age range somewhere on your blog that is visible to mobile users. I am always on my phone and if I can't see your age, I'm going to assume you're a minor and block you. You can message me privately if you don't feel comfortable stating your age/age range publicly but if I suspect that you're a minor and/or you're lying about your age, I'm blocking you.
No non-RP blogs beyond this point if you please! If you're a hub for RP blogs, that's fine but otherwise, no personal blogs please. Also not blank or porn blogs. Personals (unless connected to an RP blog (s)), Blank and Porn blogs will be blocked on sight.
If your personal blog is connected to an RP blog at all, please have that stated somewhere or message me to let me know. I don't want to block a potential writing partner by accident
Don't harass me about responding. I will block you. I have ADHD and depression so muse is a fickle thing for me as is motivation. I may drop threads by accident because I lost muse or forgot to respond. So, if there's a thread you want to continue and it's been more than a week, send it to me!
If we're writing together, please please please please please please please please please give me something to work with! If I can't work with what you sent me, I can't respond. If I can't work with whatever it is you sent me, I'm going to ask you ONCE to fix it. If I still can't work with it, I'm going to ignore it. If it continues, I'm blocking you.
That being said, PLOT WITH ME!! I do so much better with a thread if we've plotted it out beforehand. This is especially true with starters and memes, think carefully before you send me something. If there's a specific context for that meme or that starter, TELL ME! I'm not a mind reader, guys!
As I said, I prefer plotting in general but plotting is 100000% REQUIRED if your muse is an OC. If I don't know your character, Alastor doesn't either.
Do not reblog shit you're not involved with. This is the single most annoying thing in my opinion and I will block you SO FAST if you do this. If it doesn't concern you, leave it alone. I don't care if y'all interact with my OOC posts/Discussion posts but please don't reblog shit that doesn't concern you. Headcanons can be reblogged by MUTUALS ONLY.
Don't Godmod. This portrayal of Alastor is MINE and I am more than capable of writing him. If you think you can do better, make your own Alastor but let me write mine, ok? Ok.
Please, for the love of everything unholy, do NOT write in first person, chat speak, chat style or script style if you're interested in writing with me. I can't work with it and it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. No offense to those who enjoy it, I just can't do it. If this is the only way you plan on writing, move along.
This Alastor is Demisexual/Demi romantic. I feel like he has a more masculine lean in terms of attraction but that doesn't mean ladies are completely out of the question.
Ships you can expect to see are RadioDust, RadioHusk, RadioHuskerDust, RadioStatic (Alastor x Vox). Don't like? Don't interact. I'm not a fan of Charlastor, sorry! I'm open to other ships though!
Keep One-Liners to a minimum please!
There will be blood, gore and other disturbing content. If any of that bothers you, Alastor may not be the muse you want to play with. I am not changing my character for you, sorry about it.
If you disrespect me, my muse (This doesn't count if it's IC) or my rules on my blog, I'm blocking you.
Feel free to message me OOC!
If I Block you, DNI WITH MY BLOGS! Don't bloghop and harass me about it. LEAVE ME ALONE!
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a-face-made-for-radio · 5 months
🎙️So, Do We Have A Deal~?
You must be 18+ to interact with Alastor or any of my muses for that matter. Hazbin Hotel is a cartoon for adults and this blog will contain content not suitable for children. I am 21+ and I don't feel comfortable roleplaying with minors. Trust me, I will be checking.
That being said, please have your age/age range somewhere on your blog that is visible to mobile users. I am always on my phone and if I can't see your age, I'm going to assume you're a minor and block you. You can message me privately if you don't feel comfortable stating your age/age range publicly but if I suspect that you're a minor and/or you're lying about your age, I'm blocking you.
No non-RP blogs beyond this point if you please! If you're a hub for RP blogs, that's fine but otherwise, no personal blogs please. Also not blank or porn blogs. Personals (unless connected to an RP blog (s)), Blank and Porn blogs will be blocked on sight.
If your personal blog is connected to an RP blog at all, please have that stated somewhere or message me to let me know. I don't want to block a potential writing partner by accident
Don't harass me about responding. I will block you. I have ADHD and depression so muse is a fickle thing for me as is motivation. I may drop threads by accident because I lost muse or forgot to respond. So, if there's a thread you want to continue and it's been more than a week, send it to me!
If we're writing together, please please please please please please please please please give me something to work with! If I can't work with what you sent me, I can't respond. If I can't work with whatever it is you sent me, I'm going to ask you ONCE to fix it. If I still can't work with it, I'm going to ignore it. If it continues, I'm blocking you.
That being said, PLOT WITH ME!! I do so much better with a thread if we've plotted it out beforehand. This is especially true with starters and memes, think carefully before you send me something. If there's a specific context for that meme or that starter, TELL ME! I'm not a mind reader, guys!
As I said, I prefer plotting in general but plotting is 100000% REQUIRED if your muse is an OC. If I don't know your character, Alastor doesn't either.
Do not reblog shit you're not involved with. This is the single most annoying thing in my opinion and I will block you SO FAST if you do this. If it doesn't concern you, leave it alone. I don't care if y'all interact with my OOC posts/Discussion posts but please don't reblog shit that doesn't concern you. Headcanons can be reblogged by MUTUALS ONLY.
Don't Godmod. This portrayal of Alastor is MINE and I am more than capable of writing him. If you think you can do better, make your own Alastor but let me write mine, ok? Ok.
Please, for the love of everything unholy, do NOT write in first person, chat speak, chat style or script style if you're interested in writing with me. I can't work with it and it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. No offense to those who enjoy it, I just can't do it. If this is the only way you plan on writing, move along.
Alastor is AroAce but shipping is still an option. I will have a Canon Divergent Alastor that's easier to ship with as well. Don't force ships though. I ship based of Canon, Chemistry and my own personal ships.
Ships you can expect to see are RadioDust, RadioHusk, RadioHuskerDust, RadioStatic (Alastor x Vox). Don't like? Don't interact. I'm not a fan of Charlastor, sorry! I'm open to other ships though!
Keep One-Liners to a minimum please!
There will be blood, gore and other disturbing content. If any of that bothers you, Alastor may not be the muse you want to play with. I am not changing my character for you, sorry about it.
Feel free to message me OOC!
If you disrespect me, my muse (This doesn't count if it's IC) or my rules on my blog, I'm blocking you.
If I Block you, DNI WITH MY BLOGS! Don't bloghop and harass me about it. LEAVE ME ALONE!
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sunieepo · 4 months
honestly, if i may, all of this talk about the way people treat trans women has reminded me of an experience i still remember vividly back when i was peripherally part of the tumblr / twitter mfrp community. which please note i was never a very active participant, i personally found mfrp very boring and so i was never really fully integrated into these communities - but while i was in them i did befriend a few trans women and i noticed a very persistent pattern in these supposed LGBT-friendly spaces regarding the moderation of trans women.
there was a persistent issue in multiple different mfrp communities i was peripherally involved in, in which trans women would always be regarded as "abrasive" or "aggressive", for making the same kinds of comments and jokes that tme people were making. and the (majority tme) moderation teams would almost always rule against trans women, silencing them or labeling them as deviants / weirdos for behaviors that they would be much more forgiving towards tme people for.
as a sort of bystander i didn't really have a leg in to comment on the actions of moderation teams, i could only offer being a friend to trans women as i watched them be ostracized from these spaces by the very same people who would plaster "terfs dni" all over their bios. i'm not saying this to pat myself on the back, there is definitely more i could have done in those situations, but i do want to call out why all these "fuck terf" type posts just never really resonate with me, seeing them be rbed by people who i know would just jump at the opportunity to demonize a trans woman again (and i just saw it happen earlier with that stupid shit slinging post falsely accusing a trans woman of something she didn't even do regarding cohost...) (i'm aware op of that post apologized for their behavior but what occurred is what occurred)
it's not enough to say "fuck terfs" and i hate that people always center on the buffoonery of terf behavior instead of centering and caring for and supporting the trans women in their lives. it's really frustrating for me to watch as a staunch feminist to continually see the way the lgbt community has let down trans women. the recent wave of discourse regarding "transandrophobia" is also extremely worrying to me - i have seen a non-insignificant number of posts made by certain people in that community that claim that the lgbt community is Too centered on trans women: as if it's a competition, and as if the visibility of trans women is somehow a boon to them rather than a consequence of people using their cause to simply be performative instead of genuinely uplifting and loving.
sorry this isn't the most well thought-out post, i'm just rambling and i have a lot of complicated feelings on this. i don't want to derail what's happening right now too much by bringing up other topics, but i will say i do think it's inevitable that at some point we do need to confront some of the "transandrophobia truther" type sentiments i've seen lately, because they absolutely are damaging to trans women and lead to situations exactly like this.
please, if nothing else, i really hope everyone takes this as an opportunity to be kind to the trans women in their lives. the least you could do is offer them your support. reblogging posts dunking on transmisogynists is not enough. we need to make our communities safer for trans women, and that doesn't end with car hammer explosion memes.
rbs off because i'm not interested in centering my voice as a tme person and this post isn't really something polished i want escaping from my social circle. if you're a mutual of mine and you're feeling unsure about my stance on some of the topics mentioned above, my DMs are open and i am happy to discuss, but at the very least all i ask is for us to be better to trans women. that's all.
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yooniesim · 1 year
OK so I agree completely with what Rheall said in that post that no one is above anyone in this community and I get the clique is an illusion sentiment. But you have to admit that when the smaller simblrs watch “Bruce the Dolphin” go round and round the same 30 people what are they supposed to think? Or when they watch simblrs with higher notes re-blog only from other simblrs with the same amount of notes.
We tell them to reblog and interact because you know the more popular simblrs are the same as us but I just think maybe sometimes all of us can do better at cultivating this community. It is nice to reblog posts saying everyone here is valid but how many put that sentiment really into practice?
Well except for the black simblr community. Y’all already do this. Whether someone in large or small, young or old, vanilla or alpha (and everything in between) they are welcomed. Replies and asks are answered and smaller simblrs are reblogged and shouted out. The rest of the community could really take some notes.
Sorry I have been in this community for a long time and just had to to get this off my chest. You don’t even need to reply if you don’t want to. Hopefully you are having a great day even with my word vomit!
Yeah, I do agree with this too nonny (which is why I added some additional tags on that post).
I'm not gonna put words in her mouth or anything cos I can't say, but it felt like maybe she was describing some of the better parts of this community? When you don't interact with or just block certain blogs, your time here gets exponentially better in my experience, it becomes a lot closer to the ideal. But that also goes along with what she said about trying your best not to focus on the notes. Because the fact of the matter is, a lot of the really bigger blogs are kind of assholish, and if you really want a lot of notes regularly you gotta kiss tip to stay in their circle (or somewhat adjacent) and not ostracized/hit with the chain block. And the people that really care about notes will stay walking on eggshells to stay there no matter what happens which creates that toxic, clique-like environment imo. This goes for both of the bigger chunks of the community which I tend to separate between cc makers and non-cc makers in my head. That's just how it is and I don't think that's going to change.
In reality, I think making your experience here better is a mix of the two ideas. Following Rheall's advice is a really good idea and I highly encourage it. But also, you do have to be a little picky about who you interact with in the first place. This is why I'd actually encourage talking a lot to people that are smaller rather than trying to aim for people with huge followings. They're more likely to be friendly and willing to encourage you and spread your posts, and you can gain awesome friends that way. They're less likely to be focused on popularity and more likely to say what they really think. Yes, no one here on simblr is better than anyone else, we're all the same- but some people do think they are better than everyone else, sadly. There's some big egos and nasty souls in this community that simply aren't worth getting wrapped up in, even if they treat you nice for a minute or get you some extra notes. I'm not going to say notes don't matter, we all know they do; but what I'm saying is, I'd rather some real genuine comments from my mutuals than a thousand silent reblogs from people that don't give 1 shit about me, you know? Or a reblog from someone that would turn around and blast me with waves of anon hate cos I disagreed with them. It's not worth it.
Instead, you have no choice but to work hard to cultivate your community for yourself. That includes a) what Rheall mentioned, reaching out to others and being kind, and b) blocking those that display the behaviors you mentioned above. Because you can't make the mistake of expecting them to change- they won't. If I see someone only reblogging from the same people & the same 500+ note posts over and over again, ignoring people in the comments and only speaking to the same people, and constantly circlejerking to nauseating amounts, I just block them. If I see a huge creator that only posts their paywalled cc, never interacts, and ignores the people using & gushing over their content, I block them. And what seems like closing a door is actually opening another. Even now, simblr is a big place, and blocking those blogs won't shut you off from the best part of it. It just blocks that behavior from your view and allows other simblrs and subsets of our community to shine.
I think why black simblr is so good at this is the fact that we are a smaller section of the community, relatively. It's more niche and tight-knit, and there's also a variety of tags you can use to find more. And while some of this section is fairly large (I would say more medium size follower wise), you will notice that most of the super big simblrs are not black simblrs. Or at least, don't interact as much with that subset of the community. You also notice this with most of the big cc creators being non-black as well. (I actually think black simblr is often used as a talking point for more notes at best or punching bag at worst for a lot of big simblr, but that's another discussion entirely.) Common niches will always stick together and promote better in simblr, whether that's based on race or by common interests, such as royal simblrs, simblrs that like kpop, etc. Find simblrs that are similar to you, and that can very well be a launching point to being part of a community you didn't even know was there.
I feel like I'm repeating myself a bit, but what I take away from the discussion as a whole, is not that notes don't matter. Not caring about them can be really hard, that's valid and makes perfect sense for all of us. But more that, what you have to do to get them quickly and consistently, what you have to do to stay there, and the toll on your mental health because of it is not worth it. I have interacted with all kinds of simblrs here in my time, big and small, and a lot of what you see at the perceived "top of the top" is just ugly. There's a lot of jealously, resentment, contempt, and burn-out brewing up there, usually built up from sitting in that same place for years. There's a sense of bitter cynicism that leaves a bad taste in your mouth just from being around it. And it's very easy to get sucked into that and the negativity too, I know that myself. Even though some may joke or mock anyone for talking about it and brush it off as being not that deep or whatever, it's true. It's really not a place or mindset you want to be in.
Apologies for word vomiting back at you so badly lol, but I'll try to wrap it up now. I just really think that, while I wish the dynamics of simblr would change as a whole, that just isn't going to happen. The Reblog Debate comes up every half a year and every time everyone says the same thing and the bigger simblrs cat fight with the smaller simblrs and the vague posts fly out by the thousands and nothing changes either way. The only solution is, honestly, to just aim low and find a few good mutuals here and that's it. Anything more, well, that's a pleasant surprise- right?
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cinna-bunnie · 28 days
I saw your post about wanting to torture someone with tickles. Hope I'm not stepping over the line to say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii about it
you're not but i was talking about irl 🫡
also bc i don't really talk about it ig, the secret to whether I'm receptive/flirty/etc with you (generally, not you specifically, this is a turn and talk at the audience moment) is i will leave you little earnest love notes in the tags of your selfies when i reblog them.
don't post face? ❌ not interested
do but i never interact? ❌ not interested
like... a girl just likes to be open about what she's thinking and i love giving compliments just bc and do it all the time both on and offline, so there's def not any expectations w my tags, but they can also be taken as a tiny bow of courtship u can choose to act on or not 🙇🏾‍♀️
i know other ppl are very into anons or just hitting it off with anybody or whatever but i think that like. For Me, the ideal interaction is we both rb each other with some nice tags - showing and reciprocating in a very non-committal/no expectations kinda way, and after seeing that it's mutual then sure go for it 👍🏾
i love sharing audio sometimes and tbh might start moving nudes/lewds back to more private channels bc i forgot How Many People you have to block after posting them lmaoo.
🫵🏾 but i do appreciate tags being left for me and tbh sometimes i miss that accounts that usually post their body also Do share their face and they're very hot and i feel very silly for missing it ಠ⁠ᴥ⁠ಠ ♡⁠ hi oomfies sorry for being late to the party but it's good to be here.
anyways. i like this more subtle/non-committal kind of acknowledgement first, bc if i get asks or DMs i either have to ignore it or tell people I'm not attracted to them which is always really awkward 😶‍🌫️ especially for people I've never even talked to before, or people who take the tiniest bit of very simple acknowledgement and flood my DMs over everything.
which again, compliments are fine, but like.. a Talk To Me mindset bundled with it is imposing u guys 👉🏾👈🏾 just bc someone is cute doesn't mean they have to talk to u, just bc they say thank u to an unsolicited DM doesn't mean they want u to send a dozen more. without even getting a response to any of them too.... 🥸
I'm just kinda here to have fun and i like sharing myself and my thoughts to different degrees but none of it is rly an open invitation or a request. just keep it in the tags pls. tags r what usually pique my interest anyhow!! i like people who got something to say 🙇🏾‍♀️
i want to reemphasize this is a very general message and not at u specifically, there r other asks in my inbox and other persistent ppl who have been blocked over spamming my DMs, and this feels too nuanced and specific to add to my already long and kind of annoyed sounding (bc it is 💀) pinned. so yeah!!!!! i did get a lot of new followers recently so it's a good time for a periodic reminder
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pareidoliaonthemove · 9 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people however many you want who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3
@astranite Sorry this took so long to get to, but this required an actual keyboard to answer, and some thought.
So here, in no particular order, is five things that make me happy:
1 Coffee. I'll put my hand up and admit that, yes, it is an addiction, but it also, genuinely makes me happy. One of my favourite things in the world is spending a morning curled up on the lounge in my pjs and blankets, reading with a coffee, or two, or three ...
2 Reading. I love the written word. I'm not terribly fussy, and read fiction and non fiction equally. I am known at the local library, and book stores. Ebooks are practical, but paper is better. If you get it, you get it, don't ask me explain why it is. Also: All Hail FanFiction Writers! You're saving both my sanity and my bank account!
3 Learning. Probably sounds lame, but I love learning new things, and again, I'm not all that fussy. It's rarely formal education. I favour reading on a subject, and have been known to randomly email strangers to ask questions. Sometimes I even get an answer. At the moment, it's 'human factors' and railway engineering, because I've been going through the reports on train crashes for work, and want to make sure I'm understanding what they're saying. Who knows what it'll be next?
4 Making things. Embroidery, jewellery, knitting, woodwork, sewing, whatever it is that takes my fancy. Busy hands is happy hands. Being good isn't required. Doing is. (Housework isn't making things. Housework does not make me happy.)
5 And this one was hard, but: My Job. Don't get me wrong, most days I'll bitch and whine and moan and complain. Too hot, too cold, too wet, too much dust, flies, stupid hours, long hours, stupid people, creepy gunzels. But ... I drive TRAINS. And that is cool. And every so often, I get a reminder of that fact. People waving at you, the sheer delight when you blow the whistle for them. The way total strangers eyes light up when you're talking and they ask what your job is. Yeah, I love my job.
Thanks for the opportunity to talk about these things!
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keyboardinpain · 9 months
news flash: "racism is bad!!!" Doesn't work against a racist. They don't give a single fuck 💀
if you're trying to change a fandom by attaching yourself to every drama and complaining about the racism and putting everyone who doesn't draw a certain character in the same category, I'm sorry to tell you, you ain't doing shit for representation!!! You want to change the fandom? You want to see more poc countries being depicted? Do it yourself!! Post!! Talk about whatever!!
"oh but people don't pay attention to poc countries :(( my account won't grow if I do that.. is because everyone is so racist"
1- that's the same reasoning big companies have for never depicting minorities, so let's immediately start this by saying, bullshit. People who care WILL find your account and isn't that what matters? The people who care? Not 20000 people that look at your posts in annoyance because they don't actually care and were guilt tripped into following you
2- who....who are you posting for?? Yourself to have fun and interact with people who have similar interests or to get famous?? Who cares if somebody posting Twink Italy gets more followers, post about Nigeria with passion and peace and have fun!!!
3- not everyone who doesn't pay attention to your account or poc countries is fucking racist omg. Yes, ofc, racism in geopolitics and history has caused lots of people to not have access to a full picture of the world and this will show in the interests but also .. maybe they haven't found your account? Most poc countries have to be ocs and finding hetalia ocs is hard. Even harder finding them interesting when they're barely posted about or if they are drowned with drama. It's not racism, it's not knowing it could even exist! And still, if they don't care that's ok. It's still not racist. And same thing if they are canon. Not everyone has to care
Shit I have a bunch of mutuals who don't reblog my Venezuela art, does that make them racist?? No! They don't care and that's fine!!! It's ok!!! I don't care about the Nordics they don't care about Venezuela, it's chill! Not everyone has to have your same interests in the same way
And also, constantly posting about drama instead of actually working on your goddam OC's makes people immediately be turned off by your account.
People don't need extra negativity "it's not fair white people get to ignore this while we suffer constantly" MF you were the one that posted that!!!! You can block people!!! Fucking Tumblr makes bubbles specifically to create echo chambers of yes man, you don't have to deal with the negativity either!!! And also the whole point of wanting equality is so nobody has to suffer, not so everyone suffer the same!!! There are multiple ways to keep yourself safe that I myself use because my own country gets treated like shit 💀 this is a fandom, you don't have to interact with everyone you don't like or correct them nobody out there will stop dying if you do.
You are fighting a random person behind the screen not actually dismantling centuries of racism. This just makes it stressful for poc people or non poc people who want to draw poc characters, you know why? Because it feels like we constantly need to interact with drama and we can't look at tags that aren't filled with it. I hope nobody in this fandom has anxiety or OCD cause the way so many posts are formatted is nauseating!
Its the same bullshit as "if you listen to this song you're a bigot" 🍅
You are drowning in a drop of water. Racists exist everywhere but if you constantly go looking for them and interact with them, guess what? More racists will find you. The algorithms will literally bring them to you 💀💀
I am not saying racists don't deserve criticism, obviously they do. It's important to hold people accountable (especially in this fucking fandom) but once you see they won't start changing... block them. Don't base your content around calling racists out cause every racist who has been called out is still posting and being racist. Your time would be much better spent doing the content you like and creating a safe place for others who wish to do the same, even if it's only 5 people.
I know I sound very angry in this post, frankly I am. It's not targeted at anyone specifically tho. There is a lot of imbalance in this fandom but making huge rants (like this one lol) won't make up for the lack of a certain country, only making content with them will, and guilt tripping other people into making it will give you shitty results.
This rant was all over the place and if you read it that's great, it's probably nonsense. I am not expecting anyone to change their mind, I do not care, I just needed to get this off my chest. Once again, this is not targetted at anyone and if you feel targetted, talk about it with yourself cause I'm not going against you. Have a great day/night and remember to have fun
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buggyandthebartoclub · 9 months
Intro & Navigation
Hi I'm Venus! Any pronouns are fine, 21+, adhd & autistic, indigenous. (About me below the cut)
This blog is a SELF SHIP blog run by a 21+ user. I post 18+ nsfw content at random. You should not be following if you’re under 18.
My SFW content is very welcome to all, just be mindful of being on my blog page due to the warnings above, thank you.
Writing and Drawing requests are CLOSED!! Thank you so much I will catch up on these and publish them soon!! After this requests are limited to mutuals only!!! Sorry I realize I really enjoy creating for my friends the most 💕
You can check the rules before requesting here and check my ship list here if you don't see it listed below. I do not write or draw non con and/or dead dove esque type stuff. Please do not request these types of content from me, thank you.
Spicy tag for original content is Bartos Burlesque Hours
Art Tag will be Unhinged Scribbles, Writing Tag will be Unhinged Writing - I will make a master list next week (Feb 18)
Non anon requests will be honored first bc I wanna make friends with other people here in the op fandom!
Commissions are OPEN: kofi is here - commission sheet here - if you get scammed trying to buy fanart pls dm me I will do it for free any fandom
About Venus! Some of my favorite characters I love drawing/writing for include: SHACHI & PENGUIN 💕 Jinbe, Bepo, Law, Corazon, Bartolomeo, Buggy, Franky, Sanji + every animal ever in the series! I just love goofy lil guys ya know? Multishipper, also love OC and Reader ships/inserts.
Fave canon x canon ships include: Penguin/Shachi, Luffy/Zoro, Usopp/Nami, Buggy/Shanks and many more you can view on the ship list linked above I don’t take shipping too seriously I don’t care what ships you tag my posts as or enjoy as long as you’re not a minor interacting w my 18+ posts thank you!
I have not seen the live action or plan to anytime soon just due to lack of access to netflx and other life stuff asks and DMs are always open to chat!!
Link to OP birthday list post so I can find it easily
Side blogs:
Reblogs/anything not one piece: @bartos-reblogs
Fairytail sideblog (mostly rb at the moment): @lucyandthecelestiallovers
Art ref/inspo/ things in general don’t want to lose or I want to come back to for art/writing purposes: @buggys-secret-stash
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Howdy all!! Welcome to my DR sideblog <3 I hope you enjoy your stay here!
You'll be able to find all my art under [#pluto's creations], and keep an eye on my pinned post for when I have requests open! I would love if I could draw constantly, but unfortunately I am a full time uni student in a STEM major u_u
I do take commissions! If you're interested in one, send me a DM and I can send you my price sheet.
I'm super talkative in the tags, I love gushing about the amazing ideas the fandom makes!! I also have lots of categorization tags:
Game tags:
DRTHH -> #dr1
SDR2 -> #dr2
NDRV3 -> #drv3
I also sporadically tag Ultra Despair Girls as #udg, but if its just nagito or Izuru it might only be tagged as #dr2
Character tags: Most characters are written how their names are spelt in the official english localization (EX: #kaito momota) but there are a few exceptions:
Kokichi Oma -> #kokichi ouma
Keebo -> #kiibo
Ultimate Imposter -> #byakuya twogami
Genocide Jill -> #genocider
None of the UDG-only characters are tagged except for Komaru as I don't know any of their names
Special tags: I have a few more DR specific tags for things I love!
Gonta and Gundham interacting -> #bugs & beasts
Gonta + Kaito (qpp, romantic, besties, idc) -> #bugs blast off!
Pregame V3 stuff -> #pregamev3
V3 Survivors trio -> #ourrealitytrio
Gonta serious/angsty posts -> #gontangst
In general, I don't tag any ships as it's very difficult for me to remember all the ship names. If we're mutuals, feel free to ask me to tag a ship/trope either for filtering or later searching purposes!
Other tags:
#shut up me -> Personal thoughts and ramblings by me! Usually about DR or DR related things but no promises
#pluto answers -> Asks tag
#ask games -> Responses to ask memes
#reblog games -> Any of those "reblog and say in the tags..." posts
#fav -> Posts that I love so much I want to be able to find later
#ultimate fav -> above but EVEN MORE!!
#pluto's creations -> My art tag!
#pluto's doodles -> Doodle tag to keep my art tag less cluttered
#misc -> Any non-DR posts I reblog
#txt -> Silly textposts I tag as DR characters
#bugs -> I occasionally reblog pictures of bugs on here cause they remind me of Gonta <3
Likes, replies, and follows are all from my main blog @bare1ythere! I post everything non-dr related on there (which isn't a lot, these days)
My non-DR art blog is @bare1yart, although again, these days I'm mainly only drawing DR stuff
I'm the main mod over at @drv3giftexchange! Keep an eye out there for future/current events and the amazing works of everyone who's participated!
I have a twitter, although it's only for retweeting artwork that is sent to me from there. Follow [Autistic_G0nta] if you're interested in that!
You can also find me on Instagram at [G0nta.G0kuhara] if you want to follow my art there as well
I love getting and responding to asks/messages so please send me as many as you'd like! I also love getting sent/tagged in posts, especially one's related to my favs <3 I'm sorry if you ever send me a message and I never reply. Sometimes tumblr doesn't send me notifications or I'm just overwhelmed by the amount I get. Thank you for your patience ;u;
Just a heads up! I use she/he/they pronouns for Chihiro, though with a bias towards she/they, and will occasionally reblog things using he/him for Chihiro. Most Chihiro headcanons are welcome here. Feel free to block the tag [#masc chihiro] for blacklist
Please do not tag my original works with Gonta and Kokichi interacting as ougoku! Just a personal squick of mine. Feel free to tag any of my reblogs here as that ship, as I occasionally do reblog some ougoku stuff.
•DR1 -> Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sakura Ogami, & Chihiro Fujisaki
•DR2 -> Gundham Tanaka, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, & Nagito Komaeda
•DRV3 -> Gonta Gokuhara, Kaito Momota, & Tsumugi Shirogane
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feralattentionwhore · 2 years
Get to know the blog:
So apparently my horny posts are something worth following for so I guess I'll do a bio and about me thing that definitely won't turn into a random ADHD ramble about shit
About me
I'm Feral, 19 and I never learnt how to read ✌️
^^ I'm leaving this up because I think it's hilarious but I'm 20 now
Living in the UK but not white
demisexual as fuck, preference for women but honestly I'm more interested in how we vibe than any gender. I tend to identify most with lesbian/sapphic labels because I feel most comfortable in this community.
fuck knows my gender either, I mostly present femme atm but I just identify as *all* I'd say I'm more nb/w or nb/nb & t4t but just in love with queer people in general. I am a girl but I'm also a boy, I'm not cis. You aren't straight if you're attracted to me
Owned, completely and utterly in love, technically poly. I'd rather start off as friends and see how it goes (benefits available if we vibe)
-Dni and more under than the cut-
I'm saying this now, I love y'all but minors please get off my page *respectfully*. This includes blank blogs without your age/ age range
Cis men-Age regressors-People who fetishise trans people, s*ssies and cross dressers-Gender/sexuality correction-terfs/homophobes etc-
Oh and PSA this fucking includes people who gatekeep LGBT labels, including but not limited to hating on butch lesbians who transition, nb&he/him lesbians. Just honestly if you aren't accepting of the ✨ENTIRE✨ LGBT+ community and how people choose to identify please leave. No buts no ifs no maybes
How to give attention:
Asks are completely okay, if you want to talk through anon regularly pick an emote and I'll be sure to tag it so they're easy to find. Flirt with me or ask questions, just keep it within my limits please.
Requests are also totally okay along with reblogs of any of my posts. They're always appreciated!
Unless we've interacted before please don't randomly DM me. Mutuals are obviously always welcome to chat, for non moots I prefer asks as I get a lot of anxiety
I tend to check out profiles that reblog/follow so if you want to be moots then that's the way to go
I can't believe I have to say this, but if you're only messaging me to sext or roleplay or whatever you call it you can leave. It makes me uncomfortable, and will most likely make me feel weird about talking to you again in the future. I'm happy to flirt but unless we've talked about it nothing more.
Safe words and talks about boundaries and limits are non negotiable in kink. If you're not respectful of that you're not a dom, if you don't have complete understanding of how this works and expect to engage in anything sexual with someone without doing proper preparation you're practicing unsafe and frankly dangerous kink. Kink is something serious and you need to know what you're doing
I'm demisexual, with a partner and require actual communication before I engage in anything other than flirting. If you're literally only talking to me bc I'm hot or for sex n stuff you're going to be disappointed
I also have a shit tonne of anxiety, so I will disappear if something makes me feel unsafe. If I don't reply, don't make it worse by getting upset. I'm sorry but I really just don't have the energy to deal with things, especially when we don't really vibe.
About ✨whore✨me:
I'm a sub mostly, total bottom and complete mess irl. thought I was ace until this year and basically innocent af (I mean significantly less as of v recently but still fairly shy). Also kinda a hermit so I'm very touch starved.
Short long summary of my kinks.. To be continued..
- Praise and nicknames, specifically cute ones that start with "my"
- Exhibitionism Mostly being uh, fucked in front of people and stuff
- hands and fingersJust god, everything to do with them. In my mouth? Yes, Pulling my hair? Yesss, choking me?? Yesssssssss, hurting tf out of me?? Please
- being manhandled, strength, just be stronger than me and throw me around pls&ty
- being a simp for me and letting me get away with pretty much anything?? Yes
- being controlled and posessiveness Like a lot, like probably more than a healthy amount
- being teased, constantly
- marks.. Just fucking marks feeling owned and having proof of it with collars and stuff
- and also pain, pain and more pain all the hard kinks
- voices, dirty talk, the way they beg, and moan, and call me a good girl, the way their voice drops when they tease me. Everything about voices
- corruption.. 👀 😤
- being free use, letting friends fuuck me, being a whore for everyone. Them sharing my nudes with their friends, them letting their friends fuck me? Yes please
- affectionate domination / soft doms but rough sex
- most of this is just the long way of saying I have a massive kink for my pretty ass girlfriend though.. Just everything about them.. Mostly their hands, and their voice and uh.. Yeah just them
-degradation, any way shape or form,I'll most definitely cry. Acting like you don't like me, hurt me because you love me not because you think I'm worthless
- pet play, Ddlg and that kind of vibe aren't for me
- I don't quite know how to explain it but the strict af, black suit and tie, academy / high protocol/training style/straight people bdsm. It's just way too nonpersonal for me and not fun. I prefer messing around and stuff plus my gf looks way better in a skirt
- discipline, punishments and other things that make me think you hate me (see: I'm a big ass baby and sensitive af)
- refering to my uhh *anatomy* just uh it gives me dysphoria like a lot so please don't
- body fluid shit, incest, feet, tickling, hypnosis
- other things that I'm not perticularly comfortable talking about here, you don't need to know unless we're talking
Tags I use:
Yes I'm insanely bad at tagging things, yes I'm trying, no it's not working. If I forget to, just get mad at me in asks or something. I'm sorry ADHD just kind of does that
#feral asks - all asks that I've answered
#feral music - music recommendations because I have a god complex about music
#feral in love - direct posts about my gf/wife/partner/Dom/love of my life
#feral tmi - random personal shit about myself and figuring out my body
#feral reblogs - stuff I reblog, I have a separate account where I keep most of my reblogs but sometimes I can't help it
#needy feral - me begging for attention on Tumblr
#feral exposed - photos of me
#tw feral - depressing shit, mute the tag if you don't want to see that shit
#dark feral - hard kink shit, mute if you'd rather not see it
#feral complaints - shit that bothers me
#feral blogs - thoughts, updates and questions for you all about the blog
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leafyztar · 4 months
🍃 My introduction!! 🍃
Tumblr media
🌿 She/They/It [🍂 She/It]
🌿 we start at presplit bfb
🌿 bfdi, bfdia are canon; idfb is semi-canon
🌿 ask box is always open
🌿 Leafy ships that are canon:
• Fireafy (romantic at some point in the past; bitter exes)
• Leafpin (main: unknown and presumed exes by everyone else. nc2: actually mutual crush; eventual romantic -> @heroicleader2763 )
• Evie x Pin (one-sided, Evie passionately hates Pin's guts but Pin ended up falling in love with Evie because Evie (reluctantly) kissed Pin in order to get Leafy back from the innerworld, it's complicated but yuhhhh evil yuri -> @heroicleader2763)
• 4leaf (Leafy x Four) (qpp at some point) (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEREADMYCOMICPLEASEPLEASE)
• Leafy and Ruby (best friends in nc1)
🌿 other ships that are important:
• Coinpin (romantic in main; qpp in nc2)
• Flowerpop (qpp) [Flower and Leafy are sisters]
• astrobiology (romantic) [Tree and Leafy are siblings]
🌿 any and all asks are allowed; avoid abusing anonymity (or, more eloquently, the AAAAAAAA rule)
🌿 sometimes I meow. Don't worry that's normal. I also have a cat named Pin Jr @wanderingstraycat /nc1
🌿 Leafy and Evie are a system, just like mod! Keep in mind when Evie is present, that she is basically the opposite of Leafy, so she'll be a lot more rude and may say things that don't align with mod's worldview. Don't think any less of mod because of it, please! They're just trying to make it more realistic. It's based on the relationship we have between our Leafy and Fanny alters, so there's quite a bit of background. DM us if you're curious!
🌿 However, mod is new to plurality culture, at least to the online community, so please let them know if they're using the wrong terms! They only recently (a few years ago) found out they're a system, and only a few weeks ago joined the online plural community, so there's a lot they still don't know. Please politely correct them!
🌿 Also remember that all systems are different -- something that's true for your system may not be true for mod's (aka Leafy's) and vice versa. If there are any differences you notice, ask about it and we'd be happy to answer any confusion!
🌿 On the flip side of that, mod has had plenty of panic attacks and knows how to write them (well enough to trigger a panic attack in readers, anectodally), so...
🌿 frequent panic attacks, especially after a shift, when seeing Firey, or when accused of not being nice! Please keep this in mind when reading my posts.
🌿 I sometimes try to draw my responses to asks, so sorry if they end up taking a while! I'm doing my best to make the experience more fun for all of us!
🌿 your ask may also be taking a while if:
It's complex (e.g biology or system stuff; i usually have to plan those, and they usually take a while to write out)
It doesn't make sense (e.g a language i don't understand or some cryptic nonsense)
I don't like it (e.g "Skibidi! Skibidi! Skibidi!")
There's another ask I want to answer first
You're asking for someone who isn't there (e.g Evie asks when Leafy is present, or Leafy asks when Evie is present)
I'm asleep (I have a life, too)
🌿 nothing I do in discord roleplay is canon to this blog! Blog rp and discord rp are in different universes that neither know about the other nor do they overlap.
🌿 somewhat canon non-compliant because it's mostly run by our Leafy alter, but sometimes we let Fanny take control when Evie shows up, since Leafy is afraid to be rude :)
🌿 make sure you check back every so often! Things will change :)
ask away 🩶
(Psst, this is one of my -- @lemonxlimee -- many roleplay blogs. The rest are linked in my profile. Go check them out! -🪐)
#leafy answers -- Leafy answering an ask in character
#evie answers -- Evie answering an ask in character
#leafy rambles -- posting in character
#leafy lore -- things regarding Evil Leafy, The EXIT, or anything else in canon
#red -- Evie-specific posts/reblogs/answers
#red and green -- things regarding their system, or anything that involves both of them at the same time
#main, #main rp or /main -- the main roleplay; only canon and established main lore applies, not live rp (currently at bfb 5). I don't use this unless it's not clear which rp I'm referring to in a post
#nc1 or /nc1 -- the non-canon roleplay with my friends' AU; any lore applies. I don't use this often unless it's not clear which rp I'm referring to in a post
#nc2 or /nc2 -- the other non-canon roleplay, where some canon lore applies, and some of their lore applies, but it's mostly just about leafpin. They're stupid lesbians <3. I don't use this unless it's not clear which rp I'm referring to in a post.
#favourite student or /fs -- the tag for my fancomic, which is linked on my profile. Only established FS lore applies. If you ask about it, specify with "/fs" first! That way Mod can answer properly :)
#ooc -- posting out of character
#/ooc in tags -- the post is in character, but the tags are being used to communic8 with the other roleplayer/s, and thus are out of character
#mod answers - answering an ask out of character (you can say "mod:" at the beginning to specify you want me to answer and not c!Leafy, or just say anything to specify lol)
Green: Regular Leafy text
Orange: switching to Evie
Red: Evie
Black/White: Mod talking
[small words]: thinking
[small, red words]: Evie makes a comment
[small, crossed-out words]: unclear or unwanted thoughts
(small words): talking quietly
-action or narration-
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✨️intro post✨️
I edit this over time so please check it kinda often for updates esp the last part with some posts I really like/ that I used real life braincells on, and the beginning for if I add more sideblogs. If you have LITERALLY ANY other questions not answered here, shoot me an ask in my inbox and I will probably answer. If I think it's in good faith but poor taste I'll just say that, so if you're being nice I won't be mad or at least I'll like the attention :3
I'm thatonesongyouretryingtoremember. Song for short and OneSong for long. Or Remy??? I use all pronouns or it/it's. My other blogs are @aroasexualboypussy which is a regular sideblog where I keep fandom rbs besides my own fandoms and spam rbs and @jupiter-jayfield-official which is a Mikhailgate blog/El appreciation blog kinda.I also made a blog called @twasagraveyardsmash and that's my "music blog" aka rambling, keysmashing, and reblogging about music I like, someone likes, or my other music- related posts. I have another ST rp blog as Max- @madmaxmayfield71 , and at some point I started a blog called @byler-freeze-book with the intention of it being a byler tag positivity blog but it kinda flopped. You can still send asks there tho <2 @angelbymadonna is my art blog. I also have a Miraculous roleplay blog as Zoe's superhero form, Vesperia @the-real-bee-holder-vesperia
Tumblr-spouse to @exhausted-enby-vibes <2, coparent of Mikhail Max
My blog used to have this glitch where it was hidden, but I didn't do anything to cause that, so if you see smthng lemme know. I also am still confused by tags on here, so lemme know if I tag something wrong. I also reblog most of the art I see, but I don't always know who's in it, so if I end up reblogging a problematic fanart on accident (which I haven't done yet) lemme know as well.
Hashtags I use
#song spouts bullshit, shitposts/non-ST posts
#song says a smart thing, new tag I'm gonna put on longer posts
#songs textpost bullshit, or #song's textpost bullshit, original textpost memes and meme formats
#artist song, my original art [find it on my art blog as well, linked above] [includes ficlets and visual art, the latter with image description]
#song's st rewatch, details and commentary while I watch the show!
#angela is jane, #angela ives, a theory I elaborate on further down in this post
Blog type/ content (I say content, what I mean is it's what my blog contains. It's for me, not you.)
I'll talk about my ST stuff first since that's what I'm primarily posting rn. I'm a fandom blog and will be for the foreseeable future. As far as ST, I have alot of ship content, but in my other fandoms I don't care as much about shipping. You can ask me about fandoms/media I like maybe :)
I ship elmax, byler, Lumax, hopclair, elumax, jargyle, jancy, Boyce, jopper, boycer, duzie, and a few other things. I also reblog some ronance, steddie, byclair etc content as well. My favorite ST character is Kali. Occasionally you'll see my blog possessed by the soul of a Kali disciple or elmax fangirl. I also some fandom posts besides my own if I'm reblogging art from my mutuals' reblogs ofc.
I post a bunch of shitposts about Stranger Things, and longposts related to theories or analysis I'm into at the time.
I am still not over Mikhailgate, btw. Even though I personally think Mikhail ships byler, alot of my mikhailgate content is willhail.
I also read KotLC, riordanverse (I've read 1-14 of chb chronicles and most of 15 and obv not Chalice yet, 1-2 Kane Chronicles, 1-3 mcga, and none of the spinoffs so far. Can't wait for the show!), and I watch The Owl House, Dragon Prince, and She-Ra 2018. I'm not as avidly in fandom for these but I like them. If there's something else you think I might like or don't know if I've seen/read, lemme know! At the time I'm writing this update, I'm sorry into Miraculous Ladybug! but I haven't seen the second half of S5 yet.
Stuff I want you to know
I have a detailed post about the history of mikhailgate.
My Spotify has tons of character playlists!
I have a theory about Kali's time at the lab which is actually a thinly disguised rant about her halfway finished arc.The theory is ass and I no longer believe it, but the rant still stands and I still believe she has more to offer.
^^pretty obviously not gonna happen but I like to keep it up :) it's an old theory that I no longer believe but I still think she should be in the next szn!!!
I wrote a thing about the Material Girl shopping sequence aka about El my beloved nobody else understands her <2.
Nancy and Steve are aromantic. (Check the respective tags as well, I have more)
Byler Week 2022
I'm right about El, nobody else. Jk but here's my super smart ST5 prediction! Aka thinly disguised El Hopper fangirl rant😅😅
Once again I'm the only correct person (/nsrs) so here's the official list my take of the party's riordanverse godly parents
Check out this post and this one and this one to start learning about the theory that Angela is the real Jane Ives!
There are tags for it too, #angela is jane, and #angela ives, make sure to check them out because there is always new input! This is related to the theories that El is actually not Terry's daughter, that El *is* Edward Creel's daughter (I'm not the guy to ask about those, shoot me an ask and I'll tell you who tho!) And that multiple timelines exist within what we see of Stranger Things!
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